“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
The Wagner Family, 201819 Family of the Year.
Trevor Harris, 2018-19 Knight Of The Year
July 2019 Navigator
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July 2019 Navigator
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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council http://www.KofC6066.org Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066
“Love one another as I have loved you”
Inside this edition Grand Knights Message
3 Meeting Minutes
Adoration and Prayers
4 A new fundraiser, the Football Raffle
Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries
5 Vacation Bible School
First Degree Anniversaries
5 Pro-Life Prayer
Blood Drive
Habitat for Humanity
6 Budget
Why should I consider attending a Cursillo Weekend?
7 Calendar
Council & Our Community
Local Artist Makes A Donation to the Council, St. Mel
GK 916-730-3178 DGK
Mike 916-606-6471 Karelius Chaplin Trustee 1-Year Rev. Fr. Aldrin Frank 916-967-1229 916-337-9171 Basarte Abi-Nader Chancellor Trustee 2-Year Robert (Tony) Andrew 209-200-5273 916-225-1087 Martin Cunha Warden Trustee 3-Year Bruce David Wagner 916-508-5216 916-769-6300 Fairchild Lecturer Advocate Bill 916-802-5271 Bill Quiroz 916-870-4236 Heilmann Inside Guard Treasurer Rex Patrick 916-724-9645 916-849-8698 Dinneny Miles Outside Guard Financial Secretary Patrick Troy Olsen 916-719-8094 916-961-8652 Wagner Danny Styer 916-849-8698
14-15 16
Michael Ochoa
Program Director
Danny Styer
Faith Director
Chuck E Friedrich
Cursillo Round Table Chair
Chuck E Friedrich
Community Director
Christopher J Ward
Habitat for Humanity Chair
Michael Ochoa
Life Director
Douglas A Crumley Jr
Pro Life Couple
Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr
Health Service
Richard Westerfeld
Public Relations
Andrew J Cunha
Navigator Publisher
Andrew J Cunha
Family Director
Sergio Perera
Membership Director
Robert “Tony” Martin
Recruitment Committee 1
Carlos Lopez
Recruitment Committee 2
Trevor Harris
Recruitment Committee 3
Rick Terry
Retention Chairman
Danny Styer
Insurance Promotion
Vocations Round Table Chair David R Murray
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Welcome to the Month of August! Wow. We certainly started this Columbian year off with a bang! I’d like to thank those Knights and their wives who pitched in to help feed the inaugural Vacation Bible School (VBS) volunteers on “clean-up” day, Friday July 26th! It was amazing to see our youth in action and a pleasure to serve them hamburgers and hotdogs as a small reward for all their work! I would also like to thank our Worthy Trustee Andrew Cunha for stepping up to Chair his first event, the “Pre-School Carwash”. That was a scorching weekend with temperatures in triple digits! This too was an inaugural event, but for our council. Like the Capitol Air Show, our council solicited participation from the St. Mel School and Pre-School parents to help. We welcomed a decent number that showed up to wash a bunch of cars! Earlier in the month, we had our General Business Meeting a week late because of the Holiday so our attendance at the marathon 2-hour meeting was not the greatest. Maybe that’s okay because it was a marathon meeting and I’m certain like many of you, I never like those long meetings. You’ll see in the pages of this edition of the Navigator we reprinted a excerpt from the Officer’s Desk Reference Manual and provided a reference from the Columbia about an update to the amended supreme bylaws for options to make the council minutes available. I hope that we can help speed up the meeting using some of the recommendations (more on that in September). In the July meeting we reviewed the budget and event calendar. They are included again in the pages of this month’s Navigator for your review. We have an officer consensus on both, and we seek council agreement at our August 1 meeting. If you can make it to our August meeting this month, we would love to see you! On Sunday, July 14, at the 4:30 PM Mass, our council was able to recognize all the families of the month for 2018/19 and honor the selection for Family of the Year, the Wagner Family. Congratulations to Financial Secretary Pat Wagner, Dorothy and all the Wagner family. You are a role model family in our community! Also, on Sunday the 14th, we held our 2019/20 Officer Installation and dinner. It was wonderful to see so many there. We enjoyed yummy Chando’s tacos too! That same evening we remembered the wife of Mel Buzzard, Diane. Several of the council leadership attended her rosary prior to eating. Our prayers went out to Mel, Diane and all of the Buzzard family that night. My remarks to the council families at the July 2019 Navigator
installation dinner emphasized we are more than a brotherhood. We are a family! And, boy was that made evident by the response of our council and Parish Community when we discovered the jeopardy our beloved PGK Jim Carlson’s wife, Yolanda, was in just a few days prior. On July 12 our council exercised the Call-Em-All system to its fullest extent. Just one day 1 day after our general meeting where the council voted to suspend the council Policyies and Procedures in order to pay for a full 200 person license for this communication tool, our council was able to broadcast to every council member Br. Jim and Yolanda’s dire condition. In just a 2 day period our council completed 4 broadcasts, making 375 calls, sent 236 texts and held 7 unique conversations within the Call-Em-All app, for a total of 618 messages. With the aid of the Supreme emailing system, we were able to reach brothers by phone, text and email. We were able to quickly ask for prayers and help. We even reached brother Knights as far as Syracuse, New York and all the way to our brothers on the “Camino” in Spain! Because of our enhanced council communications, we were able to solicit enough volunteers to feed the extended Carlson family of 25 to 30 people in July for over 2 weeks! We used this same process for help between 8/6 and 8/11 as the family continues to stay by Yolanda’s side. What an incredible response! What a powerful tool. Our Brother Jim cannot say enough about the outpouring of support he and Yolanda has gotten. Thank you for stepping up to help! More than 17 Knights families have stepped up! Finally, I’d like to acknowledge of very special Knight, SK Trevor Harris. At the Installation Dinner I also had an opportunity to recognize Trevor as the 2018/19 Knight of the Year. As you know, as active as this council was last year, Trevor was nearly always there, often by my side as we chaired or supported the many events. Thank you, Trevor, for your unwavering support and loyalty to the Knights of Columbus. I look forward to our August 3rd Golf Tournament! If you haven’t brought in a raffle gift, bring one to our 8/1 general meeting and you’ll get a free meal! If you would like to make a cash contribution as your gift, see SK John Brennan to donate! Here’s to fun in August!! -GK Mike
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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM
Phone #
Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson
916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373
6 13 20 27
3 10 17 24
PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adoration Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rotation schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.
Please Pray For
Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: Yolanda Carlson (Wife of Br Jim Carlson), David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, George Chillemi, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Tony DiNapoli (Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam), Father Joshy Mathew, Anthony Cunha (Br Andrew Cunha’s Father, and Tony Quezada.
First Wednesday of every month
Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, Al Dennis, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Brother Carl Lang, and Diane Buzzard (Br Melvin Buzzards wife),
To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor, at AndrewJCunha@gmail.com
No better way to start the month! Spend time with Third Wednesday every month men in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini-retreat! AdoThe Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our ration and a brew. Meet at St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. We desire is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to pray together to The Lord then grab a quick brew with especially model our fatherhood after the example of friends at Fair Oaks brew pub. God the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friendship that is fostered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 834-6226 Meallison5@gmail.com
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Wedding Anniversary
Birthdays Terry E Hansen
2 Leo J Harrity
Thomas G Moore Julie Kashuba
3 Kevin C Ward
13 Kathy & Kenneth Knutson 14 Richard & Kelly Phelps
5 David A Wagner
15 Richard & Patrica Chang
7 Ronald E Sheppard 15 Robert & Dorothy Ahern Edward & Cynthia Orgon Michael A Hummer 7 Carl E Reed 16 George & Ann Chillemi Michael A Fox 8 Michelle Lehman 17 David & Michelle Lehman Rick & Miriam Cervetti Carl T Lang 9 Richard A Proaps 17 Carlos & Teresita Lopez Jim E Phillips 10 Jose L Punsalan Jr 19 Edmundo & Maria Corpuz Patrica Chang 10 Paul F Parker 19 Don and Mary Pat Jones Ross & Barbara Broadley Rev Patrick O Con10 Kathy Knutson 28 Joseph & Jeri Parilo nor Jackie Tarrer 12 Roderick & Jackie Tarrer Gary R Anderson
First Degree Anniversaries Francis Abi-Nader Ryan O’Brien Daniel Styer Raymond Drake Mark Wittkopp Leo Harrity David Lehman James Monk Dominick Anton Richard Terry Ricardo Pardell James Carroll David Wagner Troy Olsen July 2019 Navigator
1 1 1 4 6 11 11 11 12 13 16 21 21 23
63 73 30 8 6 36 37 37 6 1 24 3 3 13 Vol. 55 No 1
38 64 34 64 42 51 16 40 42 14 48 49
Dear all Knight Wives, If we have missed your anniversary we want to express our deepest apologies. We know our system is not up to date. Please notify FS Pat Wagner if we have missed you. Thank you
http://www.donateforcharity.com/charitycar-donationform/?charity=The%20Father%20Richar d%20Doheny%20Religious%20Educatio n%20Fund Page 5
July 2019 Navigator
Vol. 55 No 1
Summer Parish Drive, August 4th By Br. Chris Ward
How long have you been a Knight? Do you remember brothers Al Dennis or Lloyd Bousilman? How about Joe Fernandez or Earl Grass? Before your time? Maybe brothers Dennis Reibold and Dwight McCormick. What do they all have in common? They were there every Sunday Blood Drive and Pancake Breakfast when they were around. Why? Because they knew that their selfless act of a lifesaving blood donation was going to change the lives of people in their community all over northern California. Gentlemen (and families), we have a legacy to perpetuate. Many patients suffer from life threatening illnesses that need Blood. Summer is a particularly tough time- regular blood donors are on vacation and mass blood drives at the mall or schools just don't draw as many donors. The need for donations is constant and you can make a difference on Sunday, August 4th here at St. Mel. DONATE BLOOD between 8:15AM and 11:30AM in Doheny Hall. This is a work of charity and love that doesn't require more than an hour of your time. Breakfast is free to all donors. Can't donate or just want to help at the Breakfast, I can use a few, good volunteers to help. Call me, Chris Ward at 916-834-1772 or e-mail me at wardchrisj@hotmail.com. Continue our legacy this summer-DONATE BLOOD!
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Habitat for Humanity By: GK Michael Ochoa, Coordinator
Our council is now soliciting interest from any parish member, 16 years old and older who would like to assist with the Habitat for Humanity “Build for Unity” construction of homes. Now that fundraising for Build for Unity 2019 is 60% of their $220K goal construction will begin in September. If you would like to be added to the list of volunteers, please contact GK Mike Ochoa at 916-730-3178 / MNKOchoa@pacbell.net. To help financially either download a pledge form here http:// www.norcalknights.org/2019-kofc-habitat-forhumanity-pledge-sheets.pdf and return to GK Mike or donate directly to this 501(c)3 online at https:// www.classy.org/give/197769/#!/donation/checkout. This is an inter-faith build to provide a home to two deserving families in our greater community. Learn more at https://habitatgreatersac.org/get-involved/ buildforunity/ Join our Council, It’s fun and rewarding to help our community!!!
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
Why should I consider attending a Cursillo Weekend? Do you want a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ? Do you feel like something missing in your life? • Do you want to get in touch with your spirituality and get the most out of your faith? • Do you really want “to want" to go to Church? • Do you know someone who has attended a Cursillo weekend and you are wondering if you should too? • Do you attend Church regularly but feel you want a greater support network of like-minded Catholics? • Do you want to be more involved in your Catholic Christian community? If you answer Yes to any of these questions, then Cursillo could be for you. Making a Cursillo weekend is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. It is transformational… most participants (laity AND clergy) feel renewed and refreshed after the weekend and they feel connected to other participants and to God. Cursillo IS: Cursillo is an encounter with oneself, Christ, and others. Millions of Catholics worldwide have refreshed their faith through Cursillo. Cursillo is a proven method for finding solutions to the issues faced in our Catholic lives. Call it a spiritual recharge… Cursillo is a proven method for growing and staying in a closer relationship with Christ for the rest on •
our lives. Cursillo is a proven method to help bring a relationship with Christ to others around you. Evangelize our brothers and sisters who may be drifting! Cursillo is a proven method of sharing with others about your daily struggles and triumphs in living out God's plan for your life. Cursillo is rooted in Catholicism; everything is directly based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and Scripture. It is recognized and encouraged by the magisterium of the church including the past several Popes. Cursillo IS NOT: Cursillo is not an organization; it is a powerful, worldwide lay movement of the Catholic Church. It is an official CHARISM of our faith. Cursillo is not just a retreat. Although the first step is a 3-day weekend encounter, the real value begins after attending a weekend. It is not meant to fix individual problems such a drug or alcohol abuse, difficult personal relationships, etc.
Father Tom O'Neil
Brother Michael Faber Brothers Bill Quiroz, Denis Shunta, Pat Miles
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Here’s an update on our Councils golf tournament. Lots to do to pull it all together. As always, our success will be directly related to your involvement as a Brother Knight.
We have a growing list of sponsors but need more knights to consider this as one way to support this event. In addition, you may know someone, friend, family member who would like to do a little advertising to a community in the Fair Oaks area by becoming a sponsor…ASK THEM Signups are taking place with many of last years players returning. We have room for everyone. Ask a friend or neighbor or just sign up as a single and we will put you together in a foursome…Its a scramble with a dinner, awards, live auction and raffle…that’s why we call it a FUNraiser plus its for our community.
Raffle tickets are a big item when tasing money so…we need donations…gift cards, gifts baskets, something new including golf items…or give us some cash and we will make up the raffle prizes We need help in setting up, checking in, the putting contest, with the raffle, on several holes and even driving around. You can work the morning stay for lunch and/or work the afternoon and stay for dinner and the raffle….just let us know when you are available and we will contact you. Just contact any golf committee member Chairman:Tony Luza (916) 794-6092 or pa.tonyluza@yahoo.com SK Don Wagner, SK John Brennan, SK Chuck Friedrich and SK Jim Carlson or our GK Mike OChoa to be a part of our Council’s annual golf FUNdraiser and continue to make a difference in the community where we live.
CHECK OUT OUR FLIER FOR ALL THE INFORMATION AND “Help OUR Council Make a Difference”! By: SK Don Wagner
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Council & Our Community
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
Pat Sleeping on the job
District 6 and 7 Meeting
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Building Together as ONE Our pilot Sacramento Build for Unity Project in 2016/2017 began a national movement which has now spread to over 30 communities across the United States. Over the next 12 months, faith teams will work side by side through Build for Unity to raise funds and build unity, interfaith awareness, and two homes for low-income families with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento. Construction will begin in the Fall of 2019 through Spring 2020. Volunteers from all faiths, backgrounds, and experience levels welcome! Build for Unity is a truly unique and exciting opportunity to come together and roll up your sleeves to promote positive, interfaith impact and unity in our greater Sacramento community. Teams and individuals welcome! Questions? Contact KBathke@HabitatGreaterSac.org
HabitatGreaterSac.org/BuildforUnity BuildforUnity@HabitatGreaterSac.org
July 2019 Navigator
Meeting Minutes From the Officer’s Desk Reference Manual, Rev. June 2017 Council leaders should ensure that membership information and financial information is not improperly disclosed when recording and distributing meeting minutes. Distributed meeting minutes should not contain personal identifying information of members, information that would cause scandal (discussion of a man’s candidacy, disciplinary actions, etc.), or financial information. Council officers should consider implementing the following best practices: Publish minutes on a secure website with complex password protection, or, alternatively, distribute minutes in an encrypted and/or password protected document. •
Maintain hard copies of minutes at the council’s principal place of business using a binder or book. •
Instruct council members to destroy hard copies and delete electronic copies of meeting minutes after they have been approved.
Vol. 55 No 1 Update on Amended Bylaws
Page 10 8. Reading of Minutes of Previous
DELEGATES to the 136th SuMeeting(s)*. preme,Convention in Baltimore 9. Grand Knight’s Report. approved several amendments to the Order’s bylaws. They are sum- 10. Report of Standing Committees marized here: Including but not limited to:* Section 119 was repealed, as these a. Admissions Committees, Readprocedures no longer serve ing a useful purpose. of Applications, and Balloting of Paragraph 1 of Section 124 was Membership amended to read: Each subordinate council shall hold at least two regular meetings each
b. Board of Trustees Report 11. Report of Special Committees.
12. Initiations. month, one of which is an officer’s business meeting open to all mem- 13. Unfinished Business. bers, 14. New Business.* (When elections and one shall be designated as a regular membership meeting. are in order, this is the first Section 125 was amended to read: item under New Business.) The following shall form a part of 15. Insurance Agent’s Report. the order of business and proce(If present) dure at regular membership meetings of 16. District Deputy’s Report. every subordinate council: (If present) 1. Call to Order. 17. Good of the Order. 2. Warden’s Report on 18. Chaplain’s Summation. Membership Card. 19. Closing Prayer. 3. Prayer. *Parts of the order of business 4. Pledge of Allegiance to Flag or marked with an asterisk may be some other suitable patriotic disomitted. At regular membership play meetings, minutes of all meetings of loyalty. 5. Opening Ode.*
to and including the last regular
6. Roll Call of Officers.
membership meeting shall be read
7. Chaplain’s Message.
if not previously published.
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
A new fundraiser, the Football Raffle By: Br. August Caryl
This is about football, specifically a football raffle the Knights of Columbus is about to bring to St. Mel’s. But first let me tell you about the field upon which the Knights play; that field where we may be washing cars for profit in 103 degrees, or that dark field in the late of night when we are cleaning pots and sweeping floors after the last person left the Fish Fry. It’s also the field we arrive at four o’clock morning when the alarm goes off so we can mix batter for the Pancake Breakfast. That is our turf, the turf we love. We feel a deep responsibility to bring events that promote community within our parish. events that educate, and events that pour monies into our schools and charities. Unlike a football team that gets 4 downs or move the ball, the knights only get one chance for the success or failure of an event. Planning is long, hard, and exhaustive; the coordination must be quick and precise, the time exact. This is the field
July 2019 Navigator
upon which we play, the field we have chosen and love. What this all means is the Knights of Columbus is about to start its 1st annual football raffle; soon we will ask you to solicit and sell to all those you closely know; your friends, your family, coworkers, neighbors. Then the next week these tickets will be delivered to you after Mass and the stubs collected with the monies two weeks later. The tickets cost $20 each and for each game a maximum payout of $1000 over the entire season. As always, every penny of the Knights proceeds goes into our general fund for charities we support throughout the year. Including; our Parish School, the Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home, Scouts, Loaves and Fishes and more. We need each of our brothers to please set up and support this effort. Help us sell tickets, especially at the start of football season. This is a great opportunity for our council to make monies from an event that spans beyond our parish community.
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Vacation Bible School By GK Michael Ochoa
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When Sonja asked me if the Knights could provide a meal to the youth volunteers, I jumped at the chance. After all, our own children reaped the benefit of all the hard work of her cadre of moms, dads, scouts, the parish office and many more. It was amazing to see so many excellent stewards at St. Mel volunteering time and talent to improve the youth ministry and children’s programs at the Parish.
Vacation Bible School (VBS) was a great success! Our council congratulates and thanks Sonja Herne, Jaden Herne and Michael D’Incecco for spearheading VBS and giving it life. Several of our knights’ grandchildren, children, nieces and nephews participated in VBS, we can’t thank them enough for making this happen. It’s one thing to have a great idea, but it Many thanks to Br. Chuck Friedrich, Br. Deni Shunta, something much more when that idea is turned into an SK John and Rosalie Atilano, SK Chris Ward, SK Michael Karelius, and my wife Karen Ochoa for joining tangible event! me in serving BBQ Hot Dogs and Hamburgers to a As some of you might know, my son Mikey is an 8th hungry crew! They needed a good meal before they grader at St. Mel School this year. VBS was also a started disassembling the many decorations they had perfect opportunity for him, and several of his current inside the large Doheny Hall, lunch room and play and former classmates, to pitch in and make a differ- areas. It was remarkable to see the transformation ence to the young children attending the camp. Youth they did to these typically drab “gym” like spaces! volunteers totaled 27. Compare that to the 41 young Even more remarkable was the joy I witnessed in the children that went through the program and you get an eyes of so many children excited to learn about our awesome student to volunteer ratio! Lord in a welcoming, safe and fun environment.
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
Pro-Life Prayer
Local Artist Makes A Donation to the Council, St. Mel
Heavenly Father, origin and source of life, we have turned our backs on You and the life -giving principles in Your Word. We have .allo111ed man to usurp your role as God over life and death. We cry out for your merc.y, and ask you to remove the scourge of abortion, artificial contra-ception, and euthanasia from our land.
Use us as your instruments, Lord, to bring the light of Your Truth to our natio.n. Inspire our political leaders to take seriously the call to defend all human life, from conception to natural death. We beg that they never compromise the lives of the unborn, the handicapped, the sick, the elderly, or the sanctity of marriage, for the sake of political gain. Make us firm believers and courageous witnesses of the Gospel of Life. We ask this through Christ, our Lord, Amen.
July 2019 Navigator
By GK Mike
If you attended the Vocations dinner in May you may have had a chance to bid on some artwork by local artist Joseph Oliveri. Joseph Oliveri, now a Citrus Heights resident and St. Mel Parishioner moved here from the Bay area just a few years ago. He was born in Sicily, Italy in 1940. He developed his passion for classical art at young age. He is selftaught and his paintings are well known for its innocent and fresh characteristics. He has had several success exhibits, including the a series called the Apocalisse that depicted scenes from Revelations that has show very successfully in Italy. This past month I had the opportunity to receive 3 painting from Joseph as an in-kind contribution to the Knights of Columbus. He gave us these paintings with hope they can be used for the Church, either displayed or sold. In talking with our Parish Director, they will help us find a proper use for these generous gifts.
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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45
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July 2019 Navigator
Vol. 55 No 1
August 1st
Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting
Golf Tournament (Veterans Fundraiser and General Fund)
Blood drive and breakfast
Admissions Degree
Officer Planning Meeting
24th—25th NFL Football Raffle Tickets Sales 31th NFL Football Raffle Tickets Sales
September After every NFL Football Raffle Tickets Sales weekend mass 5th
Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting
World Day of Prayer
District 7 Admission Degree
Officer Planning Meeting
Cursillo Retreat
Prep for Carmelite Lunch
Cook for Carmelite Lunch
Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45
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