September 2019 Navigator

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

Tee it up for Charity 2019

September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

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September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Web Site: Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Love one another as I have loved you”

Inside this edition Grand Knights Message

3 A new fundraiser, the Football Raffle


Adoration and Prayers

4 Amazing Blood Drive


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries

5 Meeting Minutes


First Degree Anniversaries

5 Habitat for Humanity


Why should I consider attending a Cursillo Weekend?

6 Carmelite Auxiliary lunch in


FUN in the Sun

7 Insurance


8-9 Oktoberfest


Council & Our Community Membership

10 Doheny Fund


A Note from District Deputy

10 Calendar


Officers GK Michael Ochoa

916-730-3178 DGK


Mike 916-606-6471 Karelius Chaplin Trustee 1-Year Rev. Fr. Aldrin Frank 916-967-1229 916-337-9171 Basarte Abi-Nader Chancellor Trustee 2-Year Robert (Tony) Andrew 209-200-5273 916-225-1087 Martin Cunha Warden Trustee 3-Year Bruce David Wagner 916-508-5216 916-769-6300 Fairchild Lecturer Advocate Bill 916-802-5271 Bill Quiroz 916-870-4236 Heilmann Inside Guard Treasurer Rex Patrick 916-724-9645 916-849-8698 Dinneny Miles Outside Guard Financial Secretary Patrick Troy Olsen 916-719-8094 916-961-8652 Wagner Danny Styer 916-849-8698

Program Director

Danny Styer

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich

Cursillo Round Table Chair

Chuck E Friedrich

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service

Richard Westerfeld

Public Relations

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher

Andrew J Cunha

Family Director

Sergio Perera

Membership Director

Robert “Tony” Martin

Recruitment Committee 1

Carlos Lopez

Recruitment Committee 2

Trevor Harris

Recruitment Committee 3

Rick Terry

Retention Chairman

Danny Styer

Insurance Promotion


Vocations Round Table Chair David R Murray

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45


“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

aith in Action. The Knights of Columbus offers us a place to lead our families and communities in faith and service and put our Faith into Action. Last year Supreme introduced the “Faith in Action” program after 50 years of “Surge in Service”. I know there are many reasons why Supreme kept the same program for those many years, but I am happy to see change. For organizations as mature as ours, it is good to mix things up. That said I understand everyone handles change differently. Trust me! I work for the government, I know this first hand. Supreme was smart. When they put together the 32 programs for Faith in Action, they gave us 32 recipes for success. I am not sure each you know this, but I am certain you might suspect Supreme has a policy, form, or handbook for just about anything a Knights of Columbus council needs to know. They do that so we can apply the guidance or “recipes” to have consistency across our organization. They also created programs so we can make a difference in the lives of many. The “Faith in Action” program is not just a slogan; it is a paradigm shift, especially for many of us that have been around a long time. That is where the change I lead off comes into play.

award for the “Faith” category at the State Convention, in August Supreme awarded us the Columbian Award. This award recognizes excellence in proColumbian gramming and charitable Award outreach. To be eligible we had to complete four categories and the required program for each: Faith- Spiritual Reflection Family- Consecration to the Holy Family Community- Helping Hands Life- Novena for Life With all that said, we could only achieve these awards if we followed the guidance from Supreme and the “ recipes” they developed. But, applying those formulas took effort, a lot of effort. That is where you come in. Our Program Director DGK Danny Styer and the Directors of Faith, Community, Family and Life need your support. Next time you see a “SignUp” email or get a text to help with something. I ask you, as a brother Knight and friend, please help, don’t think, “they have it covered” because often we don’t, we need help. I promise, when you help at any of our activities or events you will be rewarded. In fact, you might just enjoy putting your “Faith in Action”. God Bless you!

The 2018-2019 Columbian Year was the inaugural year for the Faith in Action program and by several measures, our Council answered the challenge! Not only did we win the first ever September 2019 Navigator

GK Mike

Faith Award Vol. 55 No 3

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September 2019 Navigator

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373

3 10 17 24

1/29 8 15 22

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adoration Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rotation schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Please Pray For

Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: Yolanda Carlson (Wife of Br Jim Carlson), David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, George Chillemi, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Tony DiNapoli (Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam), Father Joshy Mathew, Anthony Cunha (Br Andrew Cunha’s Father), Tony Quezada, Claude Jones, and Mrs. Sabral (Mother of Br. Michael #4970)

ADORATION & BREW First Wednesday of every month

Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, Al Dennis, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Brother Carl Lang, Diane Buzzard (Br Melvin Buzzards wife), Sixto Basarte (Father Basarte father), Al Dennis and Joseph Obayashi (Br. Joels Father).

To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor,


No better way to start the month! Spend time with Third Wednesday every month men in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini-retreat! AdoThe Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our ration and a brew. Meet at St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. We desire is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to pray together to The Lord then grab a quick brew with especially model our fatherhood after the example of friends at Fair Oaks brew pub. God the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friendship that is fostered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 834-6226

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

Wedding Anniversary

Birthdays John Freidenfelt Cynthia Orgon James Carroll Aldrin Basarte

2 3 5 8

Nickolas Oakes


Martin Burgermyer Michael Ochoa David Lehman John Atilano

17 17 18 19

Michael & Ellen Allison


Howard & Kim Tank


Carl & Angela Reed


9 Robert Laywell


Michael & Julie Kashuba


Donald Ward Marilyn Schaff Joy Schindler Richard Jones

10 10 11 12

Miriam Cervetti Johnathan Burke Martha Styer Jeremy Youngers

21 24 25 27

Fernando & Diana Amador


John & Carol Hallissy


Matthew & Catherine Helgeson


John Pippig

12 Matthew Perkins


William & Deborah Waka


Ricardo Pardell 14 Walter Schaff Matthew Brennan 16 Patricia O Donahue Martin Burgermyer 17 Kelly Phelps

29 29 29

First Degree Anniversaries Day

Donald Purdy John Atilano Ronald Sheppard John Hallissy Michael Allison Alex Estrella Matthew Davis Henry Luckie Kevin Ward Victor Warmerdam John Freidenfelt Aldrin Basarte David Condon Brian Condon Rafael Dufficy Eric Tilson Carl Lang Frank Mammano Marcus Munoz Andres Pena David Stein September 2019 Navigator

1 1 1 11 4 6 30 4 4 4 10 9 9 9 9 9 17 17 17 13 13

Years 53 48 43 35 22 17 13 10 10 10 6 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 3 2 2 Vol. 55 No 3

Dear all Knight Wives, If we have missed your anniversary we want to express our deepest apologies. We know our system is not up to date. Please notify FS Pat Wagner if we have missed you. Thank you d%20Doheny%20Religious%20Educatio n%20Fund Page 5

September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

Why should I consider attending a Cursillo Weekend? Do you want a deeper, more intimate relationship with Christ? Do you feel like something missing in your life? • Do you want to get in touch with your spirituality and get the most out of your faith? • Do you really want “to want" to go to Church? • Do you know someone who has attended a Cursillo weekend and you are wondering if you should too? • Do you attend Church regularly but feel you want a greater support network of like-minded Catholics? • Do you want to be more involved in your Catholic Christian community? If you answer Yes to any of these questions, then Cursillo could be for you. Making a Cursillo weekend is a great way to deepen your relationship with Christ. It is transformational… most participants (laity AND clergy) feel renewed and refreshed after the weekend and they feel connected to other participants and to God. Cursillo IS: Cursillo is an encounter with oneself, Christ, and others. Millions of Catholics worldwide have refreshed their faith through Cursillo. Cursillo is a proven method for finding solutions to the issues faced in our Catholic lives. Call it a spiritual recharge… Cursillo is a proven method for growing and staying in a closer relationship with Christ for the rest on •

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our lives. Cursillo is a proven method to help bring a relationship with Christ to others around you. Evangelize our brothers and sisters who may be drifting! Cursillo is a proven method of sharing with others about your daily struggles and triumphs in living out God's plan for your life. Cursillo is rooted in Catholicism; everything is directly based on the teaching of the Catholic Church and Scripture. It is recognized and encouraged by the magisterium of the church including the past several Popes. Cursillo IS NOT: Cursillo is not an organization; it is a powerful, worldwide lay movement of the Catholic Church. It is an official CHARISM of our faith. Cursillo is not just a retreat. Although the first step is a 3-day weekend encounter, the real value begins after attending a weekend. It is not meant to fix individual problems such a drug or alcohol abuse, difficult personal relationships, etc.

Father Tom O'Neil

Brother Michael Faber Brothers Bill Quiroz, Denis Shunta, Pat Miles

GK. Mike, Br. Pat, Br. Carlos, Br. Dave, Br. Andrew, Br. Trevor

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

FUN in the Sun

Jones, Brud Dufficy, and Bill and Joyce Savage.

Another Golf Classic By: DD John Brennan

We knew it would be difficult to exceed the recordbreaking tournament of 2018, but through the efforts of all involved, we managed to do it again! With 71 golfers signed up to play, and the 100+ temperature, Rancho Murieta was once again the place to be for a great afternoon of golf and fellowship. The Friedrichs came in force again, leading the way to a 14 under par winning team. Other golf skill challenges included the traditional putting contest, which after multiple attempts, SK Don Wagner was finally announced the winner.

And don’t forget about our fantastic sponsors: Fair Oaks Psychiatric Associates, Law Offices of Andrew Pungo, National Labs, Nugget Casino, Don Wagner Family, Arden Home Health Care, Leisure Weeks, Ameriprise Financial, Crumley and Associates, Elevon Wealth Management, Sierra View Country Club, Fr. Neil Seidl Council # 13672, Sun Oaks Dental, Fabian’s Italian Bistro, and Centennial Assembly # 1903.

After the round and a delicious banquet, we had many more winners of all the donated raffle prizes and the live auction. But the biggest winner of the tournament was the Veteran’s Center in Citrus Heights. This year, Fair Oaks Council 6066 is donating 30% of the proceeds from the tournament to the Veteran Center, which is a local, nonprofit organization, dedicated to providing veterans and their families free and comprehensive access to services and programs. We are so happy to be able to support such a worthy organization.

“AND THE WINNERS Are: Everyone who played, sponsored, volunteered and especially all those organizations we continue to support through this tournament including: St. Vincent de Paul, Catholic Radio, Boy and Girl Scouts and many others including our featured charity for 2019, the Citrus Heights Veterans Community Center! Hard to say a proper thanks, but like I said at the end of the day, ‘Thanks for the Memories’” - SK Don Wagner

We couldn’t have done it without all the volunteers: John Brennan, Joey Brennan, Chuck Friedrich, Patrick Wagner, Dorothy Wagner, Michael Ochoa, Karen Ochoa, Mikey Ochoa, Michael Karelius, Tony Luza, Don Wagner, Tony Martin, Frank Abi-Nader, David Wagner, Marcus Munoz Andrew Cunha, Claude September 2019 Navigator

“It was an amazing tournament and I want to thank Mike Ochoa and his family. They did an amazing job filling in the areas that we needed. My thanks to everyone for all the support. Everyone will be talking about this tournament for years to come.” -Tony Luza

“Another great event, our Council can be very proud! I don’t know how we can top this, but I know we will try again next year!”

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September 2019 Navigator

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Council & Our Community

Our council finally caught up to two families selected as family of the month for May and June. Congratulations to Br. Dave and Jenni Murray, and Richard and Melanie Dunn. Two fantastic Catholic families and outstanding members of our parish community

Sunday our Fair Oaks Knights of Columbus Co Chris Ward presented St. Mel School's Principa $1000 our council recieved for fulfilling our contr reaching 100 qualifying donation

District 7 Deputy John presented Worthy Trustee Andrew Cunha with the Shining Armor award he earned in 2018/19. Learn about this award here https:// …

Last night GK Mike welc John joined the Knights joinus and selected 606 Our council held a Celebration of Life reception for two Council families one just had their first son and the other are expecting number 4! It was a good day!

Grand with C Sacram

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

Tee it up for Charity 2019

ommunity Director al Janet Nagel with ract with Vitalant by ns.

Tee it up for Charity 2019

comed Br John to our order. s at 66 as his council of choice. Br. Ben and new Br. John

Tee it up for Charity 2019

d Knight and Habitat for Humanity Chairman Michael Ochoa Committee Chairman, Akram Keval of the Interfaith Council of mento - Muslim Community. They share a smile at last night's

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hate to admit that my faith was inaction. I attended Mass every Sunday and I was kind to the people I met, By: Br Tony Martin but I was not sharing my faith. Beyond my immediate We would like to welcome the following new Brother family, I rarely even mentioned my faith to my siblings who were not practicing their faith. Knights into our council: My life slowly began to change as I became more active with the Knights. One of my Brother Knights had Richard Westerfield been encouraging me for several years to attend a CurJohn Irwin sillo Weekend (one is coming up in mid-September We have a goal of 14 new members during this year. and you should consider it!) and I finally accepted the If you have a prospective member please contact Tony invite. Life changing! Martin at or 209-200- I realized that I had a desire to do more with my faith 5273 . and to learn more about my faith. The Rosary became There are many benefits and reasons to join the a bigger part of my life. Around this time, I received Knights. Why did you become a Brother Knight? the news that my sister Lisa was diagnosed with stage Were you looking for a Catholic organization, a frater- 4 cancer and the prognosis did not look good. I nal organization, did you want to volunteer in our thought of getting her a Catholic book to help ease her church and community? Were you interested in our mind of what she was going through, but a good friend phenomenal insurance programs? Expect a link to be suggested that I send her something that was meaningsent to you in the next few weeks for a very short sur- ful to me. I realized that I had the perfect gift. My vey of just a few questions. Share your thoughts to son had given me a Rosary, which I had blessed by help us better focus our recruiting efforts. Thank you my Pastor. I wanted Lisa to know how much she all in advance for your time and effort. meant to me so I sent her my Rosary and explained to her it’s significance to me. Craig Anderson

A couple weeks later, I received a package in the mail from Lisa. Inside, I found a rosewood Rosary. She told me that she bought it years ago, not really sure why she wanted to buy it at the time, but now she knew she wanted me to have it. What a blessing from By: Br Andrew Cunha sharing our faith! I was able to pray the Rosary with With the preschool renovating the old convent, the her before she passed away. It was the most spiritual Knights knew the school could use some extra fundRosary I’ve ever experienced. ing. With the help of multiple Knights and a few St Mel Families, we were able to raise just over $700. We all have our own “Rosary Story” and it’s best to Parents and kids helped wash the car. I truly want to share it with others. thank everyone who helped. It was a very hot day. We plan on doing another car wash in 2020 but this time it What else can you do to put your Faith into Action? Your Council has a very active schedule of events and will not be as hot. volunteers are always needed. And it’s a great opportunity to get to know your Brothers better. Share your talents as you share your faith.

Pre-school Car Wash

Vivat Jesus!

A Note from District Deputy

John Brennan

District Deputy FAITH IN ACTION! What a great mantra for the Knights of Columbus! The Knights are doers, visibly District 7 making things happen. For many years, though, I’d “For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

Help Support Knights of Columbus charities by picking your numbers for our 2nd Annual Ultimate football extravaganza raffle! The tickets cost $20 and are good for the whole season! The winning raffle ticket numbers come from the final score of the Sunday night game. Schedule below $50 winner a week

Br. Ben & wife Mary, Br. Frank and wife Judy, and Br. Vic enjoy breakfast during the blood drive

Amazing Blood Drive

By. Community Director PGK Chris Ward

On Sunday, August 4th, we held our Summer Parish Blood Drive/ Pancake Breakfast in Doheny Hall and the Small Hall. Unlike last year when most of our potential donors came early, we had the opposite experience this year. Things were going along quietly and we thought we would end up with a small total of donors. However, God had other plans- we picked up 12 to 13 donors in the last hour of the drive. That pushed our total number of donors to 25, one more than last year's outstanding total. We might have had even more, as 5 potential donors were deferred throughout the morning. Our breakfast went well, as 7 Knights pitched in to keep me on an even keel during the drive and we managed to break even financially. Grand Knight Mike Ochoa got us started by bringing over the extra equipment and supplies we needed from the Parish Center, even after spending all the day at the Golf Tournament the previous day. Brother Bill Quiroz did a great job doing most of the cooking throughout the morning as we fed him the pancake batter and eggs to work with. Mike Karelius kept the tables set and collected the money for breakfast, plus donations we received. Trevor Harris and Dan Styer were everywhere September 2019 Navigator

Br. Vic, Br. Chris, and GK Mike at the blood drive

doing what need to be done (ex. cracking eggs, coffee) and were especially helpful with cleanup at the end. John Ledna and John Atilano served the food and covered where needed as well. A big thank you to you all, the Blood Drive would not have been successful without you. Part of our success with donations can be laid on the shoulders of the ten new donors that came forward and were noted by Vitalent at this event. Some of them, perhaps, were convinced to come down and donate after Mass. This might have been to our announcements at the end of each Mass or perhaps the 2nd announcement I placed in the Parish bulletin encouraging the 18 to 30 year old crowd to step up to the plate and donate blood. Our only challenge on this day seemed to be the temperature of Doheny Hall. By the end of the morning, despite the fans we had on hand and the cooling system in the hall, we were up to 86 degrees. That's the maximum temperature that blood can be donated and processed at, so we need to cast our eyes on a better way to keep the temperature reasonable. Special thanks to all of our donors, Knights (and there were several), and other parishioners for coming forward to donate and save lives. You are all special people. Let's continue our success with they drive next year!

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September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

THE NEW WAY WE WILL BE DISTRIBUTING MINUTES AND SAVE TIME DURING OUR MEETING. YOU’RE WELCOME! From the Officer’s Desk Reference Manual, Rev. June 2017 Council leaders should ensure that membership information and financial information is not improperly disclosed when recording and distributing meeting minutes. Distributed meeting minutes should not contain personal identifying information of members, information that would cause scandal (discussion of a man’s candidacy, disciplinary actions, etc.), or financial information. Council officers should consider implementing the following best practices: • Publish minutes on a secure website with complex password protection, or, alternatively, distribute minutes in an encrypted and/or password protected document. • Maintain hard copies of minutes at the council’s principal place of business using a binder or book. Instruct council members to destroy hard copies and delete electronic copies of meeting minutes after they have been approved.

Updating our policies to be in compliance with supreme requirements The annual review of the Council Policy and Procedures will result in a motion during new business to amend our Policy and Procedures for the disposition of council minutes • As read on page 8 of current P&P revised in 2018/19 CY • Read the General Business meeting minutes at the subsequent General Business Meeting of the Council and provide a copy of meeting minutes to any member requesting a copy.

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• Amended to Strike • Read the General Business meeting minutes at the subsequent General Business Meeting of the Council and provide a copy of meeting minutes to any member requesting a copy. • Amended to Add • The Worthy Recorder will email the minutes from the previous General Meeting to the council communications director by the 15th of each month. • The Worthy Recorder will insure best practices are followed for the recording of the minutes including: • Membership information and financial information is not improperly disclosed when recording and distributing meeting minutes. • Distributed meeting minutes should not contain personal identifying information of members, information that would cause scandal (discussion of a man’s candidacy, disciplinary actions, etc.), or financial information. • The Communications Director shall provide a secured website in the Monthly publication of the Navigator. • He will provide a new unique password and URL to the Financial Secretary (FS) when requesting to distribute by email. • The Worthy FS will provide the minutes URL and password no later than the Friday before each general meeting in separate communications. • Once the minutes are approved • The Communications Director will destroy the protected link until the next month’s distribution. • The Worthy Recorder will • Enter into the current month meeting Instruction to council members to, “destroy hard copies and delete electronic copies of meeting minutes previously distributed”. • Maintain the hard copy of the approved minutes in KofC publication entitled, “Recorder’s Minute Book (#1403)” and destroy previous copies.

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.” Mark 10:45

Habitat for Humanity KofC Rock the Block 2019! By: GK Mike

Rock the Block, is a 2-day Habitat for Humanity (on Friday 9/6 & Saturday 9/7) led coalition of residents, nonprofits, and volunteers coming together to help repair homes and revitalize the community of South Oak Park. The entire event lasts for 48 hours and concludes with a big Health & Wellness Fair and Celebration and BBQ. This year’s Rock the Block hopes to bring together 400 volunteers who will repair 24 homes in South Oak Park and do 2 different community projects at the Fruit Ridge Community Collaborative. Our council has been asked to provide host site volunteers. The host site volunteers don’t need to be construction savvy, just responsible, dependable, and personable. It’s more of making sure the volunteers get led to the right site, sharing a family story, etc. Habitat will do 2 different training days, attendance is only mandatory for 1, for site host volunteers prior to the actual event to make sure everyone is prepped and comfortable. SignUp here: false#/invitation Safe Environment compliance is NOT required since this activity is not on parish property. Note: does not share your email address with anyone. If you prefer not to use your email address, please contact GK Mike and he can sign you up manually.

Some questions and answers about Knights of Columbus insurance as found in the FAQ https:// insurance/faq.html Todd Cabral, MDRT, FICF,

What if I already have inCabral Agency surance coverage with my 2941 Sunrise Blvd. #240 Rancho Cordova, CA 95742 employer? 916-350-4390

Keep in mind that even if you already have life insurance coverage with your employer, your coverage may not be enough, your employee benefits are not guaranteed, and if you leave your company, you cannot take your life insurance with you. It’s important to review your insurance policy periodically to make sure it still meets your financial needs. What if I already have insurance coverage with my employer? Keep in mind that even if you already have life insurance coverage with your employer, your coverage may not be enough, your employee benefits are not guaranteed, and if you leave your company, you cannot take your life insurance with you. It’s important to review your insurance policy periodically to make sure it still meets your financial needs.

Save the Date The Carmelite Auxiliary invites you to a spaghetti Luncheon

Cost is $25.00 per person

September 28, 2019 — 11:30 am to 3:00 PM

Tickets available three ways / / Brenda @ 916.502.6693

St. Mel Parish Center, Fair Oaks

Silent Auction ~ Ticket Raffle Handmade Quilt Raffle (Made by our Auxiliary) The Luncheon supports our Carmelite Monastery in Georgetown, CA Limited seating, so plan early to attend!!! September 2019 Navigator

We need 10 Volunteers to help run the kitchen!!!

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September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

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“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

September 2019 Navigator

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September 2019 Navigator

Vol. 55 No 3

September After every weekend NFL Football Raffle Tickets Sales mass 5th Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting 18th

District 7 Admission Degree


Officer Planning Meeting


Cursillo Retreat


Prep for Carmelite Lunch


Cook for Carmelite Lunch

October 3rd

Pre-Meeting Meal and General Business Meeting


Capital Air Show


Oktoberfest (Parish Fund Fundraiser)


Officer Planning Meeting


Tootsie Roll ID Drive Begins

23rd 25th-27th

District 7 Admission Degree Tootsie Roll ID Drive Begins

Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

“For the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many.� Mark 10:45

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