December Navigator

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December 2018 Navigator

Vol. 53 No 12

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December Navigator

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council h p:// Twi er: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God

Inside this edi on Grand Knights Message

3 Youth Ministry Support


Adora on, Adora on & Brew, Prayers

4 ID Drive Success!


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries

5 Bishop Garcia Rosary


Minutes & Policy and Procedure

5 Wildfires in Paradise California


Council & Community

6 Council Family Christmas Party


Family and Knight of the Month

7 Super Bowl BBQ


Knights who Served in the Military

7 Veteran’s Day & Memorial Mass


Membership Drive

8 Deceased Knights


Support Legion of Mary

8 District Deputy Message


Campfire Relieve Efforts

8 Golf Charites


Clara’s House & Faith Forma on

9 KofC Insurance


Officers GK Michael Ochoa

916‐730‐3178 DGK

Pat Miles



Chaplin Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916‐967‐1229 Basarte Chancellor Frank 916‐337‐9171 Abi‐Nader Warden Trevor 916‐396‐5775 Harris Lecturer Bill 916‐802‐5271 Heilmann Inside Guard Vince 916‐698‐2243 Negrete Outside Guard Ben 916‐586‐1661 Hanneman

David Wagner Trustee 1‐Year Bruce 916‐769‐6300 Fairchild Trustee 2‐Year James 916‐801‐9373 Carlson Trustee 3‐Year Dave 916‐716‐5187 Murray Advocate Walt 916‐961‐4698 Schaff Treasurer Rod 916‐961‐6167 Tarrer Financial Secretary Patrick 916‐961‐8652 Wagner

Program Director

Patrick J Miles

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich

Cursillo Round Table Chair

Chuck E Friedrich

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service


Public Rela ons

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher

Andrew J Cunha

Family Director

Mark A Montalvo

Membership Director

Francis J Abi‐Nader

Recruitment Commi ee 1

Howard W Tank

Recruitment Commi ee 2

John P Brennan

Recruitment Commi ee 3

Mar n T Burgermyer

Reten on Chairman

Patrick J Miles

Insurance Promo on

Howard W Tank

Voca ons Round Table Chair David R Murray

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Supreme Knight Carl Anderson is quoted at the KofC website, what-we-do that, “Whether at home or abroad, charity is our Order’s first principle and the basis for all we do as brother Knights. It is the tangible way that we live out that spirit of fraternity and “missionary discipleship” to which Pope Francis has called us.” I’ve shared this quote with the parish in the bulletin a couple of times because I want our brothers and sisters in the parish to know the attitude we have as a fraternal order in our community. I feel as we contemplate the second coming of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is more than fitting that our council officers recommended we disburse some of the funds our coffers have accumulated for many charities our budget has allotted to support. You’ll see in this month’s Navigator several articles explaining the outlay we will be recommending for disbursement in December, including a special check for victims of the Campfire fire in Paradise and the many charities we’re able to support based on the proceeds from the Golf Tournament. I have also submitted the request for the distribution to own Parish St. Mel. The time for charity is most evident during times of need, and our parish needs help, those that suffered tragedy need help, and of course the holiday season I’m certain the many charities we support could use help as well. At our council Christmas Party we also displayed charity by filing our table with gifts to give to the needy, items to bolster the food baskets, and the love we showed one another. As scripture depicts in Proverbs 27:17, “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” The charity and fraternity we show each other, especially during Advent and Christmas is essential for the health of our council. I’m hopeful you have seen many of us working closely together these past months. We are making strides to bring us together in the parish community and within the council. We strive to reach the same goal of Unity that I spoke about when I became Grand Knight. And that my brothers is my Christmas wish. Please pray for the unity of our council, especially during this holy season. May the Lord Bless you and your family. Merry Christmas. GK Mike December 2018 Navigator

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916‐730‐3178 916‐966‐3911 916‐967‐1738 916‐801‐9373

4 11 18 25

1 / 29 8 15 22

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adora on of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adora on Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rota on schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Joe Van Zant, Tony DiNapoli Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam. Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: James Chronley, Grandfather of An‐ drew Cunha, QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho and Dwight McCormack.

Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi‐Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, Jerome Centabar, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Dwight McCor‐ mack, Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Kim

ADORATION & BREW First Wednesday every month!

To add or remove names in this secƟon please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew @

FRATERNITY OF FATHERHOOD Third Wednesday every month

No better way to start the month! Spend time with men The Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our desire in front of Jesus. It’s like is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives a mini‐retreat! Adora‐ and to especially model our fatherhood after tion and a brew. Meet at the example of God the Father and His good‐ St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. ness. There is a trust, friendship that is fos‐ We pray together to The tered in Christ. Real men‐ real talk! “You learn Lord then grab a quick to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God brew with friends at has entrusted His children to your fatherly Fair Oaks brew pub. care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 ‐12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916‐ 834‐ 6226

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Congratula ons to the following couples celebra ng their blessed date this month:

December Birthday Chuck Hager


Albert Dennis


Ronald Eason

12/13 Mark Swink


Paul Simon

12/14 Dale Russell


Fernando Amador 12/15 Jack Roland


Brian Condon

12/17 Francis Abi-Nader


Eric Tilson

12/17 Joseph Van Zant


Ferryanto Tjhin

12/19 Michael Emmerich


David Katague

12/20 Patrick Castonguay 12/6

Antonio Luza


Gerald Young

12/21 Catherine Rozanski 12/19

Maria Theresa Corpuz

Brenda Mc Collum 12/14 Jean Disessa Vicki Monk


William & Joyce Savage Paul & Marti Gohring Guillermo & Alice Quiroz Christopher & Karen Juten Steven & Mary Denise Kramer Ronald & Frances Sheppard Jose & Tessie Punsalan John & Rosalie Atilano




18 18 26 35 47 37 44 50

First Degree Anniversaries Patrick Castonguay Jim Ellis George Chillemi Leonard Mcmanus Christopher Ward Patrick Wagner Douglas Crumley Richard Proaps Thomas Moore Gary Anderson Walter Schaff



12/9 12/14 12/10 12/19 12/11 12/4 12/9 12/4 12/5 12/11 12/11

19 9 15 4 27 4 11 4 32 39 36

Please check your email for the revised P&Ps: If you want a copy emailed or mailed to you please contact DGK Pat Miles via email at or WA SK Walt Schaff They will also like any comments or feedback by 12/24/18

Meeting Minutes Please go here to view council minutes to request for access:

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December Navigator

Vol. 52 No 12

Council & Our Community

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

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Knights of the month

Family of the month October

By: Brother Mike Allison

Knights who have served our country

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a week, such as visitation to convalescent hospitals and homes to pray the Rosary and bring Holy Comby PGK Frank Abi-Nader munion to the sick.. Our Brother Knights, especially those whom are reWhat Mass will you be attending at St. Mel on the tired and can make time during the work week are enweekend of December 1-2, 2018? Your help is needed couraged to volunteer for this ministry. Please confor about 5-10 minutes after the Mass that you attend tact Brother Bill Savage or his wife Joyce, joycto invite men to join the Knights of Columbus. We if you can help. need a minimum 14 new members this Columbian ________________________________ year ending in June 2019. We have only 1 to date?! We can reach and exceed our goal if everyone asks Camp Fire Relief Effort someone to join them in the largest lay Catholic Men’s charitable organization in the Church. The benefits to My Brothers, From our State Deputy and Chapter President: men and their families are limited only by the members desire and ability to participate with their brother To support the Camp Fire Relief Efforts please donate Knights in charitable and self fulfilling faith builiding to: Diocese of Sacramento Fire Assistance Fund (which activities. Take an active part in your council by attending the General Meeting at 7pm, preceded by din- supports actions by Catholic Charities, St Vincent DePaul and Knights of Columbus) at https:// ner at 6pm, held the first Thursday of every month. Select the activities and programs that interest you and enjoy the brotherhood of being a Knight of Columbus To support efforts in the whole state please donate to California State Council Columbian Charities, https:// in Fair Oaks Council 6066. Please let Grand Knight Ochoa or me know what Mass you will be columbian-charities-365club/. The 365 Club (a penny attending. One of us will be present after each Mass a day) is Brother Helping Brother. As of Nov 17th, with recruitment materials. There are 7, yes seven Columbian Charities has already given $66,000 to doors to the church. Which one will you man up to. brother Knights and their families in the Paradise arThank you all and God Bless you and your families. ea. HAPPY THANKSGIVING TO ALL! To support all our efforts worldwide please donate to


PGK SK Frank Abi-Nader, Chancellor, Membership Director, Fair Oaks Council 6066 ___________________________________________

Support the Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is a worldwide Catholic Organization that seeks to serve God and his Church through prayer, especially the Rosary and good works. Our mission is to foster holiness in our members and evangelize the Catholic faith under the Holy Spirit and in union with Mary. We meet weekly to pray the Rosary and receive an assignment of 2 hours

Knights of Columbus Charities at https:// Every penny helps NOTE: St Thomas More Parish (Paradise) web site has pictures of the damage to the parish. There is also information about volunteering to help with the relief efforts. It will be updated as further details become available. Council 1137 and Council 13765 in Chico are helping Paradise Council 7773 with their recovery efforts. The Chapter has already donated funds to the Council to support our Brother Knights. Other councils in our Chapter are also donating funds directly to the council. Also, St Vincent DePaul Society has boots on the ground in Chico for support. They are looking for volunteers to a help with their relief efforts. Contact PCP Jim Currlin at for additional information. More information will be posted on the Chapter web site at as it becomes available.

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Clara’s House By GK Mike Ochoa After the 9/29 move of Clara’s house and right before our November General Meeting I had the honor to meet with Sister Kathy Wood and St. Mel core volunteer Marth (Marti) Rusnak. I visited them to see how their transition was going after their recent relocation from their previous mid-town location to now the second floor of Pioneer Church at 27th and L streets. I got to discover how the clinic is run and the impact it has on the people they see. As I’m certain you understand the cost of doing business in the medical industry is very expensive. And Sister Kathy and her pool of volunteers are surviving on a shoestring budget to serve the marginalized who fall between the healthcare cracks, such as homeless, undocumented workers and others. I found the Holy Spirit has provided the clinic ways to say afloat. I also found this ministry does need some help. Unlike the Carmelite Auxiliary whom our council provided assistance for their primary luncheon fundraiser this year, Clara’s house does not have a standing “fundraiser” to raise money for their ministry. I’m hopeful next year our event calendar can include an event to help this wonderful ministry more formally. But, at the same time, I am very thankful our Council was able to support the moving costs for Clara’s house using funds allotted for our health service ministry.

issue to our council technology committee. They need some help with an intercom system because the one they have now is kinda old school. _______________________________________________

Helping our Parish in their Faith Formation Faith Director Chuck Friedrich

To help the parish offset the cost purchasing for our fellow St. Mel parishioners the Matthew Kelly book titled "The Biggest Lie in Christianity” our Council Faith Director may submit a request for reimbursement for the funds available in our Faith Director Activities Budget of $100 (Budget Line 61B), plus an additional $400 available in the "Director Activities Miscellaneous Funds" (Budget Line 61G). Currently our Council Brother Knight Dan Styer made over $1500 investment of his own money for enough books for our parish. Knowing in previous years the council directors budget is hardly spent a reimbursement request for $500 may be submitted at our next Council meeting on 12/8 for consideration when bills are paid. Faith Director, Brother Chuck Friedrich at 916-635-7791 or

There are some things we can still do for sister Kathy and Clara’s house. For example you can volunteer. They need people that can assist with nursing, office personnel type duties, marketing, grant writing and more. If you or any of our family members are able to donate time and talents to this health ministry please contact Marti Rusnak at 916-2062856 or technology which I am going to refer an December 2018 Navigator

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New Youth Ministry Support By: GK Mike Ochoa

Father Aldrin has begun the steps to build a new youth ministry in our parish. This means if you attend Sunday evening mass you will see more young adults, teens and youth to begin to participate at mass by holding roles as lecture, participating in the choir, altar servers and more. In October our council was asked to prepare hamburgers and hotdogs for their inaugural meeting and you may recall seeing the article in our November edition of the Navigator. To support this important up and coming ministry, which will assembles the 3rd Sunday of each month after the 4:30 mass, I

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and we fed nearly 100 people. These events don’t just happen without the support behind the scenes. Many helping hands joined in to help decorate, prepare the food, run the event, and clean-up when it was over. I’d like to thank those who pitched in, including Frank Abi-Nader, Joey Brennan, Matt Brennan, Chris Ward (decorations), Bruce Fairchild (bar), Pat Wagner, David Wagner and most of the Wagner family, Chuck Friedrich, Paul Gohring, Trevor Harris, GK Mike, Karen, and Mikey Ochoa. I’d like to give special thanks to my wife, Christine, who took charge in the kitchen preparing the food and for the outstanding kitchen help from Sean O’Grady and Doug Crumley. I apologize if I missed anyone, but please accept my thanks. PGK Peter Mendenhall from Council 4970, ArdenCarmichael, the Chapter liaison for Camp ReCreation, spoke briefly of the joy all the campers experience during their week at the camp and he thanked everyone for their support. The evening concluded with the traditional raffle of wonderful donated prizes, with Mikey Ochoa winning two of the three VISA gift cards. In addition to the raffle, a few donated desserts were auctioned off to the highest bidder. I reluctantly relinquished the microphone to Vince Mammano so I could officially bid and win a “24-carrot cake” made by Mary Kay Rose. I have since informed Mel Rose that his offer to reimburse me the bid price if I didn’t enjoy the dessert was not necessary. I enjoyed every bite! ____________________________________________

Bishop Garcia Rosary Donation Request have two requests to consider for January 2019:

By GK Mike Ochoa

In October and again in November our council was approached by Jackie Whittle and Easter’s Book store, Denise Easter-Kramer to help promote the “Pro-Life Rosary for Peace” that was recorded by Bishop Garcia. As you may recall Bishop Garcia was once Auxiliary bishop of our Diocese before being appointed as Bishop in Monterey. Bishop Garcia passed away this earlier this year in July. Their request is for $800 to produce 500 CDs to distribute this recording and promote the “Pro-Life Rosary for Peace”. I humbly request to modify our council budget to include a new budget Line for the amount of $800 to assist their effort. This request falls in line with the new KofC “Faith In Action Program” and I believe is a worthy cause to assist. Your support is requested for modifying our budget at the January council meeting to allow for a $800 donation to be made. In addition to this action, our Council leadership by John Brennan presented this request at our November district meeting to Our 3rd annual Spaghetti Dinner for the benefit of the see if other councils in our district would consider partnerintellectually disables was another successful event. ing with our council to provide Sister Patricia and Denise After a slow start for ticket sales, the diners showed up with the funds they are seeking.

1. A new budget line item of $500 to formally support the procurement of food to feed up to 30 to 50 of our parish youth each month 2. For an event Chair and a core of 2 to 3 Knights that are Safe Environment Compliant to serve food for their monthly meetings. Helping this ministry falls in line with our council, “Faith In Action” program and is worthy cause for our council to support the youth in our community. If you’re interested in helping please contact our Community Director, PGK Chris Ward,, 916-834-1772, or GK Mike Ochoa,, 916-730-3178. ____________________________________________

Spaghetti Success for ID Drive

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Wildfires in Paradise California By GK Mike Ochoa

the United States have donated money and gift cards and they are eternally grateful for the charity provided to his community. Because of GK Jim’s background in fundraising, he is assisting St. Thomas More parish to establish a special 501C(3) status to accept large contributions and has done an exemplary job managing the distribution of monies and items to his council. Providentially because of GK Jims past experience he joked he is a new knight, serving in just his second year in our order he was elected Grand Knight this past July. Talk about having the right man for the job at the right time! He said at this time, sending money or gift cards is still vitally important since the first wave of contributions is about to end. He said a second wave of money is

Council 7773 and our neighbors at St. Thomas More in Paradise experienced firsthand a devastating wildfire that destroyed their community. Sixty-Nine families from the council either lost their homes or have been displaced by the fire, including GK Jim Collins who said they have not been allowed back in their homes since the fires swept through their community in late November. They can only check damage with the aid of relief organization drones. GK Jim did say, the first wave of financial support has come to his council already. Checks for individual council members approved for relief through California Columbian Charities have been filtering in. Some amounting to $3000 per family. He also said relief was provided by several bay area councils that sent over $10,000 in gift cards and back packs directly to the council. As those in our council might empathize with GK Jim who said when I spoke to him the contributions of gift cards have been his greatest blessing simply because the process for distributing cash, even if received from California Columbian Charities is difficult to perform quickly. Image our process for gaining trustee and council approvals before we write a check. Then think about the financial secretary and treasurer Council 7773 GK: Jim Collins, Fr. Godwin, Lauren Gregorio & Plant Manager Greg in his council, whom also were impacted by the Kidder fires, to find time to administer the cash disbursement process for knights and their families in need. GK Jim and his officer team have gone be- needed to help with big ticket items, such as helping yond the call of duty. GK Jim did say the process for knights with down payments for cars destroyed by the getting the California Columbian Charities checks to fire and other large purchases. I did inquire if he needhis members was getting easier, but he still fields calls ed our council to physically make the journey to Parafrom knight every day seeking status of assistance dise to help clean up yet. He said, for now, no. But checks. he’s certain they will need some help once they are GK Jim also said councils and assemblies from across allowed to go back to their homes. I asked him to keep us in the loop and promised to check back again to see how things are going. As you may or may not know, Council 7773 has a special Fair Oaks connection GK Jim Collins was once neighbors to Father McSweeny and they are great friends. As the media attention wans from this dire situation please keep our brothers and sisters, their families, emergency responders and all those effected by this disaster in your prayers. Please visit http:// for more information. We will be voting this coming meeting on 12/8 to send $2500 to Council 7773. Your support for this worthy cause is Status in front of More House appreciated. December 2018 Navigator

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Council Family Christmas Party Please add some photos from here: set=a.210549869832962&type=1&l=c98873e5eb

Feb 3rd the ul mate BBQ Show down and football extravaganza! By GK Mike Ochoa

GK Mike and Warden Trevor have been mee ng with Malcom the Youth Director for St. Mel Parish, St. John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Assump on to plan an event that literally kicks off a er the Scout Sunday breakfast on February 3rd, 2019. We are working with Malcom to not only solicit the youth to a end the event, but also to include them in hos ng and run‐ ning it too. As you may recall, each year the Scouts put on an excellent breakfast on Super Bowl Sunday. This year in our council added to the day by including in our event calendar and budget a “Super Bowl Sunday Tail Gate” type of event. We have decided to promote the event as,

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This excitement was in the air especially at our Council Christmas Party on Saturday, 12/1. Thanks to the organizers, Worthy Chancellor Frank and Worthy Deputy Grand Knight Pat and all our Council family who brought food to share and unwrapped gift for those in need. Also, a special thank you to our Council Faith Director and Cursillo Round Table Chair, Brother Chuck Friedman. Brother Chuck not only led the Christmas Story Nativity Scene, he arranged for St. Nick.

the UlƟmate BBQ Showdown and Football Extravaganza! The team has also solicit‐ ed the help of the KofC councils from each of the parishes; Carmichael Council 16612 and the Arden/Carmichael Council 2970 to see if they would like to assist with the event planning or field a team for the BBQ showdown. Finally, to feed a endees and to gain interest of the greater commu‐ nity to a end, we're also planning a BBQ showdown! We with a small entry fee the winner of the show‐ down would win a Green Egg BBQ provided at cost from local BBQ shop in Fair Oaks called, “The BBQ Pro”. If you would like to assist in planning for this event we are mee ng weekly at the Parish Center. Please contact GK Mike 916‐730‐3178 or Warden Tre‐ vor 916‐916‐396‐5775, if you want to help. Event promo ons will start this month!

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Veteran’s Day and Brother Knight Ryan O’Brien Special thanks to DGK Pat Miles for assisting in the organization of the Veteran’s Day mass, the guest of honor at the breakfast, Brother Ryan O’Brien, and all the knights that attended this special event. With Patriotism as a pillar of our order, we were proud to honor those that served and continue to

DGK Pat Miles emcee'd the event.

Remembering our Council at the November Memorial Mass Special thank you to DD John Brennan for organizing the Council 6066 Deceased Knights Memorial Mass

Thank you for all our council who a ended the memorial mass and especially God bless all the widows of our brothers. DD John Brennan and FS Pat Wagner Reading the names of our council deceased

This year, our Council celebrated our 50th Anniversary. Our lives can be so busy with the here and now that reflecting on the past, and how we arrived at today, can bring reassurance for the future. Our Council did not service without the countless hours of service of those members who came before us. On November 10, 2018, our Council remembered 105 deceased Knights with a Memorial Mass, preceded by a Rosary. December 2018 Navigator

Assisting with praying the rosary were John Brennan, Michael Ochoa, Bruce Fairchild, Pat Wagner, and Frank Abi-Nader. At the end of the Mass, GK Mike Ochoa handed out roses to the widows of our Knights who attended. A reception followed and was well attended.

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A Note From the District Deputy A Pilgrimage I recently had the opportunity to visit some rela ves on the East Coast, namely in Connec cut. My wife and I had a wonderful visit with family, but in planning the trip, I set aside some me for another visit. Being only an hour away, we set out for St. Mary’s in New Haven, CT, to see the place the Knights of Colum‐ bus was established by Venerable Father Michael J. McGivney. Just on the edge of Yale University, in what I would call, an unas‐ suming neighborhood, we found the birthplace of our Order. The doors were unlocked and we ventured inside. Although it did not seem to be a very large church, possibly no more than 20 rows of pews on either side of the main aisle, with addi onal aisles on either side, the building is truly a treasure. The building had been renovated in the early 1980’s, climaxing with the re‐ entombment of the remains of our founder inside the church on Founder’s Day, March 29, 1982. My wife and I also visited the Knights of Columbus Museum a few blocks away. Our Order has such a wonderful, rich history. As stated in some of the literature, “Through the years, a close and enduring rela onship between the Holy See and the Knights of Columbus has developed.” Some examples include messages from several Popes: Pope Pius X: Pon ficate 1903‐1914 – “The Knights of Columbus has, by its ac ons, contributed to the diffusion and preserva on of the faith by all those works of which the religion of Christ is a frui ul source. We rejoice with you in the good which you have wrought.” Pope Benedict XV: Pon ficate 1914 – 1922 – “We remember the



unfailing help that the Knights of Columbus give both to the bish‐ ops and the parish priests for the carrying out of their pastoral ministry. Nor can we possibly pass over in silence the provident and charitable ac vity of the Knights of Columbus.” And the praise and thanks con nued from each successive Pope, including Pope Francis. There was a special exhibit honoring the Service Centers, or “huts”, the Order established during World War I. These huts were created near major military bases in the U.S. Canada, and rest and recovery hostels in England and Ireland. Under the ban‐ ner ”Everybody Welcome, Everything Free,” more than 1000 Knight leaders organized programs at the huts, including sports, music, and other social ac vi es. K of C Chaplains were available to tend to the spiritual needs of those who came. Soon a er the war, in 1922, the Supreme Board ins tuted a Commi ee of Boy Movement, focusing on youth ac vi es. Bishop Thomas J. Walsh of Trenton, NJ declared, “If the Knights of Columbus will take care of the growing boy… then the boy grown into manhood will take care not only of the Knights of Columbus, but of the Church and the na on as well.” And there is so much more! What part of this tremendous lega‐ cy to you want to play? There are so many opportuni es to par‐ cipate and every li le bit helps. Besides, the best part is work‐ ing alongside your Brother. Vivat Jesus! John Brennan District Deputy District 7

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17


Recently I lost a dear friend of mine. He had a small life policy with another company under $100k in value. A small retirement fund that he was putting money into. My friend a lifelong Catholic, a Brother Knight passed away at the age of 58. Most of us would consider this too early for our Lord to call someone home but unfortunately we have no control over his plan for any of us. A lot of the Brother Knights I visit feel they are set. This week I had an appointment with a Brother Knight who knew about our appointment but wasn't there. He left the entire meeting up to his wife because he had to plan out some cooking event! My time is valuable is so is yours. I set time aside from my work and family to help families plan so they do not end up in the same predicament as my friend did. The Brother finally showed up as his wife and I concluded our meeting. She had told me that he took the 50% pension option at his job. I asked her what she was planning on doing when her income drops off by 50% when he passes. There was the deer in the headlights look. He remained silent. I informed them that there are two options, one is life insurance to create a penion to replace the one from his job and the other is a settlement option on his retirement funds which will provide guaranteed income with no market risk. Keep in mind that we take on market risk when we are trying to grow our money prior to retirement. Once we are in retirement mode we want guaranteed payouts and limited or no risk as we will need those funds to get us through retirement in case the good lord doesn't call us home early. In closing my friend has four kids, two adults and two minors. His wife will reach the "blackout period" with social security survivor benefits on three of the four kids. She will receive no survivor benefits until she is 60(7 years) and only benefits on one of the four kids. How do you prevent this from occurring with your family? You take 30 minutes out of your valuable time to sit down with me and learn how the Knights will protect you in a Catholic way, a way our founder would be proud of. And not leave your family destitute. December 2018 Navigator

Golf Tournament and Charity Contributions By: GK Mike Ochoa With the success of the golf tournament this past summer our council netted $8,500, just over $2500 more than expected. The monies collected from the golf tournament went into our general fund and enable our council to send donations to many of the charities the council has planned in our budget before Christmas. At the December 8 meeting reimbursement requests will be processed for the 9


Budgeted Donation Amount

WheelChair Fund


Budget Code/ Letter 56

Special Olympics



Boy Scouts



Girl Scouts



Pro Life (Sacramento Life Center and Bishop Gallego’s Maternity Home) Seminarians (Ben Condon and Dean Marshall) Relevant Radio









Unanticipated Charitable Donations (California Columbian Charities / Campfire Fire)

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December 2018 1st Knights Family Christmas Part (Parish Center) 2nd Membership Drive 5th Adoration and brew 6th Pre‐Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 8th‐9th Holiday Breakfast / Parish Ministries Day 18th First Degree 19th Fraternity of Fatherhood (Denny’s in Orangevale) 25th Christmas

January 2018 3rd Membership Drive 8th First Degree 19th NorCal Chapter Meeting 20th Free Throw 26th Walk for Life 27th Catholic School Week Begins 31st Annual Fraternity Survey

Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

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