February 2019 Navigator
Vol. 54 No 2
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February 2019 Navigator
Vol. 54 No 2
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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council http://www.kc6066.org Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066
“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God
Inside this edition Grand Knights Message
3 St. Mel Free Throw Contest
Adoration and Prayers
Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries
5 District Deputy Message
First Degree Anniversaries
5 Insurance agent message
5 Membership drive
Help Wanted New inside guard needed
5 Landing Page
Council & Community
6-7 Men's Day of Faith
March for life
8-9 Calendar
Family and Knight of the Month
GK Michael Ochoa
916-730-3178 DGK
Pat Miles
Chaplin Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916-967-1229 Basarte Chancellor Frank 916-337-9171 Abi-Nader Warden Trevor 916-396-5775 Harris Lecturer Bill 916-802-5271 Heilmann Inside Guard vacant Outside Guard Ben 916-586-1661 Hanneman
Recorder David 916-508-5216 Wagner Trustee 1-Year Bruce 916-769-6300 Fairchild Trustee 2-Year James 916-801-9373 Carlson Trustee 3-Year Dave 916-716-5187 Murray Advocate Walt 916-961-4698 Schaff Treasurer Rod 916-961-6167 Tarrer Financial Secretary Patrick 916-961-8652 Wagner
Program Director
Patrick J Miles
Faith Director
Chuck E Friedrich
Cursillo Round Table Chair
Chuck E Friedrich
Community Director
Christopher J Ward
Habitat for Humanity Chair
Michael Ochoa
Life Director
Douglas A Crumley Jr
Pro Life Couple
Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr
Health Service
Public Relations
Andrew J Cunha
Navigator Publisher
Andrew J Cunha
Family Director
Mark A Montalvo
Membership Director
Francis J Abi-Nader
Recruitment Committee 1
Howard W Tank
Recruitment Committee 2
John P Brennan
Recruitment Committee 3
Martin T Burgermyer
Retention Chairman
Patrick J Miles
Insurance Promotion
Howard W Tank
Vocations Round Table Chair David R Murray
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
I had the honor to represent our council on January 17th at our Parish ministry, “Reflections for a Vibrant Church” seminar. I joined many parish ministry leaders from St. Mel, St. John the Evangelist and Our Lady of Assumption. The presenter was from the publisher of our parish bulletin, LPi. The seminar illustrated the value of creating community and a unique parish Identity, fostering a welcoming environment for everyone, (especially for visitors), and emphasized the importance of embracing a digital footprint that is current and relevant. The seminar challenged us to ask ourselves, “Are we helping the seekers find us? And find Christ?.” We learned a vibrant church is one that is full of energy and enthusiasm.
Our council officers elected Brother Andrew Cunha to fill the vacant position of the Father Dohney Fund Board of Directors. I congratulate Brother Andrew and thank him for committing to this new 5 year term. I also thank Worthy Advocate, SK Walt Schaff for his several terms as a Director on the fund’s Board. On that same note, within the pages of this edition of the Navigator you will see another Dohney Fund Director position is seeking someone to fill another director seat after former Financial Secretary and beloved SK Dennis Reibold resigned from his position due to health reasons. Many thanks to SK Dennis for his service and our prayers are with you! Finally, as we ramp up for the last of the Columbian year, if you have not done so already, please consider finishing your Safe Environment Training and finger printing. Our Council is about to embark on 6 weeks of Lenten Fish Fry’s and we can use all the volunteers we can get to make it a success. Remember to volunteer on parish/diocese property all we all must be Safe Environment compliant. Contact me if you need guidance or have questions I remember thinking how much this council on the steps to get this done. May God bless has grown in the area of communications in you and your family in this New Year! just in the last couple of years. GK Mike In 2017 our council stood up our first ever smartphone app. In 2018 our council began using the Call-em-All application, placed an advertisement in the bulletin, and began a weekly Knight of Columbus Corner in the Sunday bulletin. Now, with the assistanc of Supremes’ new lead, “Landing Page”, (see article later inside this edition), our council is now using technology to connect to potential knights to our council. February 2019 Navigator
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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM
Phone #
Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson
916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373
5 12 19 26
5 12 19 26
PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adoration Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rotation schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.
Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Joe Van
First Wednesday every month!
No better way to start the month! Spend time with men in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini-retreat! Adoration and a brew. Meet at St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. We pray together to The Lord then grab a quick brew with friends at Fair Oaks brew pub.
Zant, Tony DiNapoli Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam. Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho.
To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew @ AndrewJCunha@gmail.com.
Third Wednesday every month
The Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our desire is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to especially model our fatherhood after the example of God the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friendship that is fostered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 834-6226 Meallison5@gmail.com
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Wedding Anniversary
Curt Cleary
4 David Abi-Nader
Maria Alisango
5 Michael Povey
Mary Denise Kramer
5 Jim Ellis
Emil and Maria Alisangco
Carol Warmerdam
7 Andrew Cunha
Patrick and Maryanne Povey
Vince Negrete
12 Aaron Knutson
Erlinda Oakes
12 George Chillemi
Robert Ahern
13 Andrew Pugno
Timothy O'Connors
14 Michael Nader
Bruce Fairchild Alice Quiroz
16 16
FR. DOHENY FUND DIRECTOR POSITION A member on the Board of Directors for The Fr. Doheny Fund has resigned. According to the By-Laws of The Fund and the council, the 13 elected officers of the council and its Financial Secretary will elect a member from Council #6066 to fill the position. Any council member interested in serving on the Board is welcomed and should inform Grand Knight Michael Ochoa or Fund President Walt Schaff of his interest on or before the council’s Feb 7th General Business Meeting. The election will be held at the conclusion of the Meeting.
First Degree Anniversaries Day
Guillermo Jose Dino Timothy Patrick Ronald Vincent Gary Michael
Quiroz Punsalan Petrella O'Connors O'Connors Eason Brown Mc Collum Nader
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 3
18 27 65 42 60 41 31 13 8
David Peter William Aaron Albert Don Donald Kenneth Matthew Melvin Jim
Abi-Nader Abi-Nader Waka Knutson Dennis Jones Wagner Knutson Perkins Rose Jackson
3 3 6 6 6 7 11 11 13 21 22
8 8 16 16 16 17 40 38 14 13 4
Help Wanted Nominations will be sought during our February General Business meeting for a inside guard after our Worthy Recorder Vince Negrete stepped down from the position. The inside guard is responsible for: Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance
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Council & Our Community
Most recent Knights pose with GK Mike after completing their Formation and Knighthood degrees today in Vacaville. Congratulations Brs Andrew, Sean, Ben and Malcolm! #Unity #Fraternity
Grand Knight and Habit for Humanity Chairman Michael Ochoa and his wife Karen at the @sachabitat #HammyAwards getting ready for the show to start!
DGK Pat Miles speaking at the “Celebrate Nation” about his background during his time of service to our nation. While studying to be a teacher, to follow in his dads foot steps, he was drafted. He also spoke about the value of listen to teachers.
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Br. Carlos Lopez talking to the St Mel’s school student body at the “Celebrate Nation” event during the Catholic school week. He talked about his background in the arm forces and gave advise about the value of a Catholic education.
Br. Ryan O’Brian gave his talk about the B24 aircraft he flew in.
SK. Jim Carlson gave a wonderful talk about his devotion to the “Novena to the infant Jesus of Prague” during the war. He gave credit to his safety and wellbeing during the war to this devotion. He still has the prayer book.
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Tiny Heartbeats Thunder at January 26 Walk for Life West Coast!
fering from cancer, Chastidy told the story of how she came to Alpha as a young mother and went on to volunteer and eventually became the Center’s Executive Director. In what will surely go down as the most memorable moThe ‘little fundraisers’ that Ms. Meehan recalled are now ment in the 15 year history of the Walk for Life West held in the event center of San Francisco’s St. Mary’s CaCoast, seven pregnant women and their unborn children thedral. ascended the stage, put microphones to their bellies, and Other speakers included Fr. Shenan Bouqet of Human Life filled San Francisco’s Civic Center Plaza with the sounds International, who gave an overview of the present state of of tiny heartbeats. the pro-life movement, the challenges faced, and urged the The heartbeats, tiny though they were, were a thundering Walk for Life West Coast to try and grow at least as large repudiation of the Culture of Death, so recently and tragias its big sister, the March for Life in Washington DC. cally exemplified by the state of New York’s legalization The final speaker was the Reverend Walter Hoye of Oakof the murder of such children right up to the moment of land who gave the Rally a powerful sendoff, recounting the birth. words that earned him a 30-day sentence in Santa Rita jail, The heartbeats brought an unprecedented response from the later overturned as a violation of the First Amendment to tens of thousands of pro-lifers who overflowed the plaza, the Constitution: “God loves you and your baby. Let us and even shook the organizers. “I had tears in my eyes,” help you.” He asked the crowd to respond to his quessaid Walk for Life co-chair Eva Muntean “and it literally tions: “Does God love you?” YES! “Does God Love Your sent a shiver down my spine. So beautiful, so fragile, so baby?” YES! “Will we help you?” YES!
vulnerable.” Attendees were equally moved, with photographs showing some women wiping their eyes, while others were moved to elation. The online comments about the experience included “amazing”…”awesome”… “beautiful”…”fantastic,” and “Fue el sonido más hermoso que escuche” (“The most beautiful sound I ever heard”). Two of the pregnant mothers were also speakers at the rally: former Planned Parenthood employees Abby Johnson and Patricia Sandoval. Both women walked away from their jobs at Planned Parenthood in disgust, both are now among the most effective and articulate pro-life advocates in the country, both are now published authors, and Mrs. Johnson’s first book Unplanned has been made into a motion picture, which will be released this March. Walk co-chair Dolores Meehan presented the St. Gianna Molla award to pro-life heroism to Mrs. Chastidy Ronan, the beloved former Executive Director of San Francisco’s Alpha Pregnancy Center. She recalled how she had first met Chastidy at a little fundraiser years ago in a Church basement and how she was immediately won over by her genuine warmth, humor, and commitment. Currently suf-
At 1:30 Walkers left the Civic Center Plaza to head down Market Street to the Ferry Building. CBS Local affiliate KPIX estimated the crowd at 50,000. As always, there were a small group of anti-life protesters—this year the smallest ever, numbering between 25-30 people. Walkers came from all over the western United States and as far away as Wyoming, Nebraska, and even the island of Fiji. Colleges were well represented, with Students For Life groups from UC Berkeley, UC Davis, San Jose State, and Stanford (among others) in attendance. Catholic Colleges were well represented, including Wyoming Catholic College and Thomas Aquinas College, who sent over 200 students. Catholic High School representation was the highest yet, and the enormous number of young people lent the day its characteristic joy-filled and hopeful tone. But great though the speakers and Walkers were, the 15th Annual Walk for Life West Coast will always be remembered for the tiny heartbeats of the babies. https://www.walkforlifewc.com/
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
In the picture right to left, BR. Daniel Styer, BR. Ben Pelka, and BR. James Carroll helping at the walk for life.
BR. Dave Murray Michael Faber, Tony Quezada and GK. Michael Ochoa
Tony Quezada
Tony Quezada and BR. Malcolm MacDonald
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February 2019 Navigator
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Knights of the month
Congratulations to Brother Emil Alisangco for receiving our December Knight of the Month Award for @KofCCouncil6066 Br. Emil not only teaches CFF, he is constantly seeking ways to help at events and council meetings! By: Brother Mike Allison
Family of the month
GK Mike had the honor to present the Crumleys with Family of the Month for December 2018. Br. Doug and his wife Monica are a profound example of a faith-filled Catholic family to our council and parish community. “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17
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St. Mel Free Throw Contest by Chris Ward
Sunday morning, with the rain back in town after a short break, we held our annual Free Throw Championship and Three Point Shootout in Doheny Hall. We had a little bit of a challenge getting started between the rain and having the incorrect key to open up the school gym. Fortunately, our music minister, Aaron, came to the rescue, and we were in business. We thought having coffee and donuts sponsored by Boy Scout Troop 217 in the Small Hall next door would draw more competitors. However, we only ended up with 7 challengers for their age titles. Four of them will go on to compete at the District level in Folsom on February 10th. All of them were 14 and under (no one 15 or over competed in the three point shootout), and there were no girls this year. Special thanks to brothers David Wagner and Ric Terry for helping me run this event. David will follow -up further with our boys going onto the District. He will follow up with our age group winners and attend the District competition at St. John's in Folsom on the 10th. ___________________________________________
By WA SK Walt Schaff DGK Pat Miles
The following changes are further recommended to the draft P&P Manual previously distributed to council membership in December. The council will consider and vote on the complete draft revision of the manual as recommended by the Review Committee, including the changes below. 1. Page 5, second paragraph: “This manual should be reviewed annually by Council’s Grand Knight, Deputy Grand Knight, and Advocate, in August of each year to determine whether the manual reflects the most current practices, procedures, and policies of the Council. If a further review is recommended by the three officers, the matter will be presented to the Council and, upon approval by the Council, the Grand Knight and Advocate will form a review committee to be chaired by the Advocate. The results of the review should be presented to the Council in a timely manner.” 2. Page 8, item 3, replace “Recorder’s Book” with February 2019 Navigator
“Recorder’s Minute Book (#1403).” 3. Page 24, item iv, add “the Parish Young Adult and Youth Ministries.” 4. Page 25, add item “Recruiting for volunteers could be made in many facets, including the use of the SignUp.com, application to allow for council members to sign up on-line, via email, or by contacting the event chair directly.” 5. Page 27, make the following change” If liquor is to be sold, obtain a liquor license from the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department (SSD) and the State Dept of Alcohol & Beverage Control (ABC) by contacting the council’s SSD/ ABC liaison at least 4 to 6 weeks prior to the event or follow the steps below: A. Complete the ABC-221 form (available online). NOTE: If 100 or more people are estimated to attend the event, SSD may require the hiring of security guards. B. Make arrangements with the parish’s Director of Operations to sign the form as the property owner. C. Attach the parish’s IRS 501(3c) approval letter, conditions, and parish center schematic drawing to the ABC-221 form and take the packet to front counter at Sheriff’s building, 5510 Garfield Ave, north of Madison Ave. NOTE: SSD will not process the form immediately but will call the responsible party when available for pick up. D. Take the SSD’s signed ABC-221 along with a $25 check (payable to ABC) to ABC at 2400 Del Paso Rd., STE 155, Sac 95834 (Ph: 916-4191319.) or mail it with a self-addressed stamped envelope. ABC requires at least 10 days to do a mail turn-around. NOTE: No matter when ABC receives the form, the form will not be returned in the mail until a couple of days before the event. The form may be hand-carried to ABC and requested to process the form immediately, but ABC will probably not process it at that time. NOTE: ABC does not need the schematic or 501 (3c) letter so keep the form it is after return from SSD. 6. Page 27-28, item c, add council dues to the list of activities that use electronic transfer. 7. Page 40-41, “Retention Committee”—Refer to KofC Membership, Recruitment, and Retention Manual, publication #10237 8. Page 46-47, item 1.a, add “Signup.com” to the list of accounts/applications.
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A Note from District Deputy John Brennan What are you looking for? The first weekend in January, I attended the midyear District Deputy Meeting with nearly all the other District Deputies in the State of California. We were told the top two answers to the following survey question: What do you think of when you think of the Knights of Columbus? Top answer – Pancake Breakfast. Second answer – The men with the funny feather hats. With all the good works we do, from helping the intellectually disabled, sponsoring scholarships, conducting the Coats for Kids and Food for Families programs, supporting the March for Life and purchasing ultrasound machines providing support for our Seminarians, Priests, and Bishops, and the list goes on, I feel the Knights are like Rodney Dangerfield, the man who famously said, “I don’t get no respect!”
I know as Knights, we are not looking for accolades. Our reward is the service to all. Faith in Action. The first half of this Columbian Year is over and it’s time to take hold of this new Faith in Action program and change the perception of the Knights of Columbus from pancakes and funny feather hats to men of Faith in Action! From the mid-year meeting, the two most important initiatives are to: Grow the Order – if we don’t continue to welcome new members into our Order, the Knights will become irrelevant in the near future. Increase our Charitable Footprint – I’ll say it again, Faith in Action. It’s not all about raising money, although that helps, but it’s about helping those in need in any charitable manner. We also are looking to you to take part in this transformation. As we were reminded, a man did not choose to become a Knight and join the Order to do NOTHING! There are so many oppor-
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tunities to get involved with your Brother Knights. What are you looking for in the Knights? If you have a great idea for the Council to show its Faith in Action that it’s not already doing, bring it up! Another hot topic at the mid-year meeting was Safe Environment. As a reminder, there is a Safe Environment program for the Knights of Columbus and a separate Safe Environment program for the Diocese of Sacramento. Volunteers at Knights events on Parish property must comply with the Diocesan program while four members of the Council must be compliant with the Knights program: the Grand Knight, the Program Director, the Family Director, and the Community Director. Any Knight can go to the Supreme website, www.KofC.org, and take the Safe Environment course and become compliant. Remember, the Safe Environment program is for the safety of you and the children. All Knights events where children might be present are to have at least two Knights compliant with the
Knights of Columbus Safe Environment training present at the event. Finally, Member Retention was discussed at the mid-year meeting. Are Councils doing enough to communicate with their members? Are you engaging the members with relevant activities, encouraging them to participate with their Brothers? Are you finding what you are looking for in the Knights? If not, help us help you by telling the Council Officers your ideas to improve the Council. You know, you will get more out of becoming the Knight you were called to be than the effort you put into it. Vivat Jesus, John Brennan District Deputy District 7
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Recently I lost a dear friend of mine. He had a small life policy with another company under $100k in value. A small retirement fund that he was putting money into. My friend a lifelong Catholic, a Brother Knight passed away at the age of 58. Most of us would consider this too early for our Lord to call someone home but unfortunately we have no control over his plan for any of us. A lot of the Brother Knights I visit feel they are set. This week I had an appointment with a Brother Knight who knew about our appointment but wasn't there. He left the entire meeting up to his wife because he had to plan out some cooking event! My time is valuable is so is yours. I set time aside from my work and family to help families plan so they do not end up in the same predicament as my friend did. The Brother finally showed up as his wife and I concluded our meeting. She had told me that he took the 50% pension option at his job. I asked her what she was planning on doing when her income drops off by 50% when he passes. There was the deer in the headlights look. He remained silent. I informed them that there are two options, one is life insurance to create a pension to replace the one from his job and the other is a settlement option on his retirement funds which will provide guaranteed income with no market risk. Keep in mind that we take on market risk when we are trying to grow our money prior to retirement. Once we are in retirement mode we want guaranteed payouts and limited or no risk as we will need those funds to get us through retirement in case the good lord doesn't call us home early. In closing my friend has four kids, two adults and two minors. His wife will reach the "blackout period" with social security survivor benefits on three of the four kids. She will receive no survivor benefits until she is 60(7 years) and only benefits on one of the four kids. How do you prevent this from occurring with your family? You take 30 minutes out of your valuable time to sit down with me and learn how the Knights will protect you in a Catholic way, a way our founder would be proud of. And not leave your family destitute.
February 2019 Navigator
When someone asks you, "What do the Knights do?" Share with them your experience with your brother Knights in fundraising activities and other events put on by our council. If you don't have anything to share you haven't been an active Knight. Saturday January 26, 2019, I joined over 80 fellow parishioners and many Knights from St. Mel parish on two busses for a trip, organized by our Council 6066, to San Francisco for the 2019 West Coast Walk for Life. I was impressed by the large presence of Knights from all over Northern California and beyond taking part in the March. Many councils carried their banners and many more like myself wore our badges or other Knights gear. It was a good fraternal experience to be grated by Knights from other parts of the state with "Hello Brother Knight" and a warm smile. Knights acted as security by keeping an eye on the crowed and ready to notify law enforcement if needed. I am grateful that though there were protestors along the route I heard of no incidents of violence.
OK the walk is once a year. What else do we do? We raise funds to support our parish, our community charitable organizations such as the Life Center and Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home, Loaves and Fishes and many more benefit. The funds come not from the members dues, which in our council are only $40. a year but from the fund raising events we hold such as the golf tournament and special event dinners such as St. Patrick's Day and Oktoberfest. Members volunteer to help in putting on the events and enjoy fellowship with their brother Knights. How much time you spend in Knights activities is up to you. Remember family first and then enjoy your brotherhood with the Knights. Graces will flow. God Bless! By Chancellor Frank Abi-Nader
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and his family may want to attend. He'll get information about the Knights, even if he's not ready to commit at that moment. He enters his email address — and right away, he gets a message thanking him The technology in our pockets can help us keep the for his interest and giving him the council’s contact conversation going and recruit new members of the information. Order Have you ever had a conversation with a man Meanwhile, the grand knight receives an alert that who would make a great addition to your council — this man is a prospect for the council to recruit. but he hesitates to commit? “I need to think about Our custom Prospecting Landing Page extends the it,” he says. Or, “I could use some more infor- conversation with potential members beyond a few mation.” minutes. Now, you can keep them in the loop about
A New Tool for Recruitment in the Digital Age
That’s when you take out your smartphone and pull council events and reasons to join. Meanwhile, these up our council’s custom Prospecting Landing Page. men will also receive weekly emails about the Knights The website is, http://bit.ly/Council6066. The from the marketing team at the Home Office. future Knight can simply type in his name and email address to learn about upcoming council events he
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
SATURDAY, MAY 4, 2019 IT’S TIME FOR MEN TO STEP UP TO THE PLATE Come to St. Mel Parish in Fair Oaks and spend the day with Chicago Cubs Chaplain, Fr. Burke Masters - our spiritual coach for the day. Learn the “inside baseball” scoop on the challenges Pro Athletes face. Hear how Father trains men to overcome daily battles and to love and serve God. SATURDAY ONE DAY MEN’S CONFERENCE SCHEDULE:
Rosary at 8:00 am Holy Mass 8:30 am Continental breakfast Inspirational talks by Fr. Masters with Q&A A hearty catered B.B.Q. Lunch Opportunities for confession Event concludes at 3:45 pm
FRIDAY, MAY 3rd- 7pm SPECIAL EVENT -NO CHARGE Fr. Burke Masters- Talk for the entire family, followed by a FREE ice cream social !
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February 2019 Navigator
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February 2018 2nd State Resolution Deadline 3rd Scout Sunday Breakfast 3rd Membership drive 3rd Ultimate BBQ Show down 7th General meeting 10th District Free Throw 12th First degree 21st Officers Meeting
March 2018 2nd Chapter Free Throw 3th Founders day Membership drive 7th General meeting 8th Lent and Fish Fry 12th First degree 15th Lent and Fish Fry 21st Officers Meeting 22nd Lent and Fish Fry 23rd State Free Throw 29th Lent and Fish Fry 30th Chapter Meeting
Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
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