March Navigator

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March 2019 Navigator

Vol. 54 No 3

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March 2019 Navigator

Vol. 54 No 3

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God

Inside this edition Grand Knights Message



Adoration and Prayers

4 It’s More than a Tootsie Roll


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries

5 Family and Knight of the Month


First Degree Anniversaries

5 District Deputy Message



5 Insurance agent message


Help Wanted New inside guard needed

5 Membership drive


Council & Community

6-7 St. Patrick’s Day Dinner



7 K of C Council #6066 2019 Scholarships


Fish Fry

8 California Knights


St. Patrick's Day dinner Flyer

9 Calendar


Service at Mass and in the Faith


Officers GK

Michael Ochoa

916-730-3178 DGK

Pat Miles


Chaplin Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916-967-1229 Basarte Chancellor Frank 916-337-9171 Abi-Nader Warden Trevor 916-396-5775 Harris Lecturer Bill 916-802-5271 Heilmann Inside Guard vacant Outside Guard Ben 916-586-1661 Hanneman

Recorder David 916-508-5216 Wagner Trustee 1-Year Bruce 916-769-6300 Fairchild Trustee 2-Year James 916-801-9373 Carlson Trustee 3-Year Dave 916-716-5187 Murray Advocate Walt 916-961-4698 Schaff Treasurer Rod 916-961-6167 Tarrer Financial Secretary Patrick 916-961-8652 Wagner

Program Director

Patrick J Miles

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich

Cursillo Round Table Chair

Chuck E Friedrich

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service


Public Relations

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher

Andrew J Cunha

Family Director

Mark A Montalvo

Membership Director

Francis J Abi-Nader

Recruitment Committee 1

Howard W Tank

Recruitment Committee 2

John P Brennan

Recruitment Committee 3

Martin T Burgermyer

Retention Chairman

Patrick J Miles

Insurance Promotion

Howard W Tank

Vocations Round Table Chair David R Murray

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

The months of January and February blew right past and now as we head into the Lenten Season our council is about to embark on a journey like no time before. This March I’m asking each of you to invest some of your time, talents and treasure to support our parish community, even more than ever before. Since we’re starting Lent, this is an excellent time of year to give back and make a sacrifice in the name of Charity, Unity and Fraternity. Are you up to it? Will you give your time and talents during Lent for service to our parish? With the support of our parish priest, Father Aldrin and the many parish ministries including St. Vincent DePaul, the Knights of Columbus has taken the lead to provide a Lenten meal on Fridays after Stations of the Cross. In our last parish bulletin, I told the parish we have two goals in doing this: • First to encourage our parish to attend Stations of the Cross during Lent. • Second, to build community between the Knights of Columbus and the many parish ministries in our parish to serve the people of St. Mel together. I would argue our council has a third goal for doing the fish fry. A goal that is very personal for this council. Our goal is to stop making excuses and make serving the community a priority during Lent. I ask each of our Knights, even the ones constantly helping at council events, to examine what Lent is all about and make the time to avoid the many distractions we all face throughout the year and volunteer. Volunteering for the fish fry is simple. When you visit our council identified many shifts for the 6 weeks of Lent. Put your name on the list where you can help. So far, 48 of the 230 shifts are filled, that’s 21% of what we need. If every knight in our council took just one or two shifts, we could fill every spot! Now, in-between the fish frys' we’re still hosting two other events, the annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner on March 16th after 4:30 mass and the Annual Wheel Chair Breakfast on April 7th! Both of those events will need Knights to make them happen and our event chairs need you to let them know you can help. Now, with all volunteering I’m asking for our brother knights to do, please don’t think we’re forgetting about our families. All of these events are family events. Please encourage your wives and families to join in! Sure, both Knight and wife would need to be Safe Environment compliant, both by taking the diocesan training and fingerprinting, realize volunteering for a Knights event is not just for you. Make it a family affair. Bring the little ones, the teens and extended March 2019 Navigator

family! We are a community; we are a family. Finally, during Lent this year, our Council is implementing the Faith in Action program, the Consecration to the Holy Family. This program has a higher purpose: to help strengthen families and revitalize our parishes. The weekend of March 3 & 4, our council invited each family in the parish to consecrate themselves to the Holy Family and to devote themselves to the ideal model of familial love set by Jesus, Mary and Joseph. We made the announcement during mass and invited families make a commitment and sign up in the Church vestibule. We also distributed prayer cards, encouraged families to attend Stations of the

Cross each week of Lent, attend the Penance Service on March 29 as a family, and listen to a talk by one of deacons about the importance of the consecrating your family to the Holy Family on April 5. Families will obtain the consecration on April 7th at each mass. Sure, I’m asking for each of use to make a sacrifice both in time and treasure, but I’m also asking each of us to begin a Lenten journey of service to our community. Will you join me? Will you join us?! Together let us revitalize our community, work side by side, and make a difference this Lenten season. May our Lord bless you and your family this Lent - GK Mike

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373

5 12 19 26

2 / 30 9 16 23

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adoration Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rotation schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi -Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Tony DiNapoli Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam.


First Friday this month ONLY!

No better way to start the month! Spend time with men in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini-retreat! Adoration and a brew. Meet at St. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. We pray together to The Lord then grab a quick brew with friends at Fair Oaks brew pub.

Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, SK Jerome Centabar, Mel Recacho and Dennis Reibold

To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew @


Third Wednesday every month

The Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our desire is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to especially model our fatherhood after the example of God the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friendship that is fostered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 834-6226

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17


Wedding Anniversary



3 Eric





5 Bernard

Hanneman 22



5 Craig





6 Sean





8 Theodore





9 Marrine





14 Dean





14 Don





16 John




Freindenfelt 16 Cecilia Mary

La Branch




17 Patrick




O Brien


FR. DOHENY FUND DIRECTOR POSITION A member on the Board of Directors for The Fr. Doheny Fund has resigned. According to the By-Laws of The Fund and the council, the 13 elected officers of the council and its Financial Secretary will elect a member from Council #6066 to fill the position. Any council member interested in serving on the Board is welcomed and should inform Grand Knight Michael Ochoa or Fund President John Brennan of his interest on or before the council’s March 7th General Business Meeting. The election will be held at the conclusion of the Meeting.


Chuck and Mary Hager


First Degree Anniversaries Day Dale Joseph William Patrick Kevin Curt Long Robert Bruce Elmar Richard William John Nickolas Joel Martin Andrew Gregory Chuck Anthony John William Emil Michael Ruben

Russell Van Zant Heilmann Povey Williams Cleary Vu Ahern Fairchild Hoffman Hoisington Jones Ledna Oakes Obayashi Burgermyer Cunha Cunningham Hager Pescetti Petzold Savage Alisangco Kashuba De Anda Padilla

Years 1 25 1 36 7 14 7 23 7 23 10 5 10 21 11 62 11 20 11 43 11 34 11 41 11 7 11 20 11 20 13 1 13 1 13 16 13 16 13 16 13 16 13 16 14 14 17 21 22 2

Help Wanted Nominations will be sought during our March General Business meeting for a inside guard after our Worthy inside guard Vince Negrete stepped down from the position. The inside guard is responsible for: Attend the doors of the council chamber, checking for current membership cards and allowing entrance

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Council & Our Community

PGK,PFS Dennis Reibold with wife Arlene at the Parish Volunteer Thank you Dinner.

GK Mike with wife Karen, FS Pat and Dorothy Wagner, DGK Pat Miles and Chancellor Frank AbiNader at the St. Mel School Auction.

PGK, FS Pat received the Columbian Award on behalf of our council for 2018 from District 6 DD SK John Brennan

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

Super Bowl 2019


For those brother Knights that did not make it to the 50th Anniversary, don’t worry we have a cross for you. But, to get one, you need to come to our General Business Meetings the first Thursday of each month—6:00 PM dinner, 7:00 PM meeting start! Bro. Andrew Cunha March 2019 Navigator

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7:30 until 9 PM

————————————— $10.00 - Adults $8.00 - Carry out $8.00 - Seniors $5.00 - Kids 6-12 Free - Kids 5 and under


Beer battered deep fried cod or Oven roasted tilapia French Fries or Baked Potatoes and toppings Mixed Salad Desserts Assorted condiments and rolls Soda, Coffee, Milk

Buy your ticket in advance after Mass

Brought to you by the Fair Oaks Knights of Columbus Council 6066 and several parish ministries .

Join us in the Small Hall, 4745 Pennsylvania Avenue “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Join us in the Parish Center!

Come for the delicious corned beef and cabbage, Celtic Music, Irish Dancers, raffle prizes and more!

Help support this annual fundraiser of the Fair Oaks Knights of Columbus and the many charities we support.

$25 Adults, $15 for Children 12 and under $90 for a family March 2019 Navigator

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Service at Mass and in the Faith By: Dave Murray PGK

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tional prayer in private or public such as the Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, or various litanies are doing something and prayer. Liturgical prayers such as Benedictions and Stations of the Cross are steps up and forward. Liturgy is the work of the people and the work of the church. What difference does it make? As if the approach to sanctity and piety were not enough, this time and effort is part of the report I make in the yearly Fraternal Survey we are asked to submit being in the Knights of Columbus. Let Supreme know so that the message can go out to the world. We have in life ranks and files, orders and degrees. We seek greater excellence in progress from one to another. What do I mean? Look to the sacraments: Baptism is an initiation. As a Catholic, in the interest of approaching Holy Eucharist in a state of sanctifying grace a believer may need to be absolved of falling short in Reconciliation. Confirmation is an increase and strengthening of the graces granted in Baptism. Matrimony is conferred by the spouses on one another before a witnessing congregation with a validly ordained clergyman presiding. Speaking of validly ordained clergymen, the sacrament of Holy Orders has three degrees each with its own charisms in ascending levels, the Diaconate (deacons, transitional and permanent) the Presbyterate (priests) and the Episcopate (bishops). In peril we call upon clergy for the Anointing of the Sick. All this is written by a layman without the use of a dictionary, thesaurus, footnotes, bibliography, citation or search engine. That’s a big difference for me. I am thankful to have been recruited to train altar servers. I am grateful to have seen their consistent reaction, reverence and cooperation with the spirit. I am joyful to see the support given the children by their parents in transportation, presence and participation. Bring your voices to the choir, bring your gravitas to proclaiming the Scripture as a Lector, lead others as an Usher, guard the sacrament as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Eucharist. Those things count and are integral to your life as a practical Catholic as are many other categories listed in the Fraternal Survey. So, Brother Knights, come do and see.

Picture four vested altar servers kneeling in the sanctuary during the Liturgy of the Eucharist, two new and two mentors. Suppose the photo was taken at the elevation of the precious blood during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. This would be the final Mass the new servers assisted before accepting assignments for vigil and Sunday Masses. It is understood that servers will accept instruction, develop it for themselves and then pass it on to others. What has it meant for me? Training altar servers has made the Mass more concrete for me. How can I tell that my perception of the Mass has changed over time. I can tell a change has taken place over time with effort, study and instruction. What is the evidence? My vocabulary has changed. I can tell you what the epiclesis is. I can define the difference between expressions of reverence in postures; genuflection and solemn bow. In standing, kneeling and in gesturing and being seated. I possess a set of flash cards about the Mass that name sacred vessels, liturgical vestments and the order of the Mass. I make myself available for training of new servers. I attend meetings about the liturgy. Training includes demonstration of postures and gestures, seasons and reasons, vessels and ____________________________________________________ vestments. BECOME A MEMBER OF THE FOURTH Blah, blah, blah, Holy Joe, what’s that got to do with the price (PATRIOTIC) DEGREE of eggs? For me here it is: OF THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS to amend my life, to do the Lord’s will. The result of amendBy SK Walt Schaff ment, the change in outlook and attitude have produced in me The next Exemplification into the Fourth comfort and consolation. These actions have borne fruit in the reactions and behaviors of others that I have seen and have Degree Knights of Columbus, the highest heard good feedback for. I could go on for quite some time degree of the Order, will be Saturday, about how life for me has changed for the better. April 27, 2019 at the DoubleTree Hotel in What about you? Here it is: approach greater participation in Sacramento. Any current Third Degree the practice of our Catholic faith. Allow the Holy Spirit to member of the Order, in-good-standing, lead you. Find out that St. James is right when he wrote that is eligible for Fourth Degree membership faith without works is dead. Simply making that decision, to and worthy of being called a “Sir Knight.” more nearly approach the faith, is work. Work has a product Contact SK Rod Tarrer at 916-203-3600 like a tree produces fruit. If the work is virtuous the fruit is good. Conversely, we know that if a habit is bad its results ( or SK Walt Schaff are also undesirable. at 916-436-6383 ( Find out that this kind of work can be a form of prayer. It is with questions or a copy of the applicaespecially a prayer when you offer it up to the Lord. Devotion form. “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

It’s More than a Tootsie Roll 2/21/2019 By Andrew Fowler

When you see Knights in yellow vests that read “Helping People with Intellectual Disabilities,” you should smile. When these Knights are holding their bright cans and collecting donations around town, they are helping to recognize the dignity of every person. For every donation, each donor is offered a piece of candy by the Knight present, most commonly a Tootsie Roll. Because of these little gifts of appreciation, the “Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities” has frequently referred to as the “Tootsie Roll Drive.” It is a popular and successful fundraisers conducted by Knights of Columbus councils. Supreme Council’s headquarters in New Haven, Conn. is often referred to as the “Tootsie Roll building” by locals because of its round columns and brown color, but the Knights actually have no official ties to Tootsie Roll Industries. And of course, the campaign, which stretches back decades, is about more than just candy — it is about serving those with intellectual and physical disabilities. Councils’ participation in this campaign as well as many other fundraising endeavors last year contributed to the $185 million and volunteered over 75 million hours last year helping various causes. Through their “Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities” drives, Knights from Maine raised over $95,000, Fr. Maurice R. Daly Council 6076 from Spartanburg, S.C. donated $12,000 raised and Wally Kullman Council 14479 from Conifer, Colo. brought $10,000. These are just a few of the many councils that hold drives. The Knights of Columbus not only conducts the “Tootsie Roll Drives” in their efforts to help people with intellectual and physical disabilities, but has also partnered with the Special Olympics since its founding along with other programs. This month, Mary Help of Christians Council 11804 donated over $5,000 to the Hope Services Day Programs in Watsonville, Ca., completing a six-week effort at five local churches. Hope Services’ manager, March 2019 Navigator

Mauna Loa Morris, said the funds the Knights provided “means that we can do more activities in the community,” in an article published by the Register Pajaronian. Earlier this year, Knights from St. George Council 3934 raised more than $6,000 for the Fulton County Rehabilitation Center in Canton, IL. Meanwhile, Fr. Harold M. Wren Council 3963 from Billerica, Mass. presented a $17,000 check to the Massachusetts Knights of Columbus Tootsie Roll Charities Fund, becoming the top fundraiser in the state for the ninth consecutive year. St. Frances Cabrini Council 9679 helped the Yupcaipa -Calimesa Joint Unified School District, raising $3,200 for children with special needs. As one school teacher told the News Mirror, “This will help them learn those skills to help them become independent at one point.” After receiving a donation from Holyoke Council 3519, directors at the Dragon’s Wagon Preschool in Holyoke, Colo. told the Holyoke Enterprise, “The Knights of Columbus are so generous every year… This donation will benefit all of the preschool, including special needs students.” Some councils conduct the drives annually, including Annunciata Council 8759 from Devil Hills, N.C. On Jan. 21, the Knights distributed checks worth $24,100 in total to special education teachers in the area and the Special Olympics to be used for classrooms and events, respectively. In the past 30 years, the council has raised over $400,000 through their “Tootsie Roll Drives.” “We are answering needs for those who are often treated harshly by society and often ignored or worse,” said Dennis Zegan, grand knight of Council 8759. “In many schools, Special Needs Programs are often low on school districts' budgets and local Special Olympics are always looking for funds to meet the financial needs to participate in their many programs.” So the next time you see a Knight in a yellow vest asking for donations outside a grocery store, and you receive a Tootsie Roll, remember it’s more than a “Tootsie Roll Drive.” It’s a chance to provide people with intellectual and physical disabilities more resources to live a happy life.

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Knight of the month

By: Brother Mike Allison

Congratulations to one of our newest brother knights, Br. Rick Terry for receiving our Knight of the Month Award for his help with the Super Bowl and Free Throw Competition.

Family of the month

GK Mike had the honor to present Family of the Month to Chancellor Frank Abi-Nader. “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

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A Note from District Deputy John Brennan New Year’s Resolutions and Lenten Commitments

Knights of Columbus have developed the Faith in Action programs to be sure we don’t become stagnant in our faith. We need to keep growing in our belief and understanding of our faith so we can be closer to God and so we can bring others closer to God. If you haven’t visited Supreme’s website recently,, it’s time for you to browse it. The Knights of Columbus are promoting 32 programs in Faith, Community, Family, and Life that your Councils should be incorporating into the remainder of the calendar for this Columbian year and definitely into the planning of next years events. The next 40 Days for Life also begins on March 6th, Ash Wednesday, and goes to April 14th. During this time would be a great opportunity to conduct the Faith in Action program Novena for Life. From the Supreme website:

How’s that New Year’s Resolution going? Did you complete it? Are you still working on it? Or, did you set it aside for another time? Well, we’re at another crossroad on Mach 6th, Ash Wednesday, the beginning of Lent. Resolutions made on January 1st each year are usually done for yourself, changing your habits, lose weight, exercise more, etc. How would your success rate change if you said you weren’t making the change for yourself, but for God. Here we are with Lent about to begin. What change are you going to make for these next 40 days (and maybe Novena for Life - A Higher Purpose beyond) for God? I love sweets and desserts. If sugar is one of the Lead your community in the spiritual fight to esmain ingredients (cookies, candy, cake, ice tablish a culture of life in our nations. Knights

cream), it’s my favorite for that moment! My willpower to forego dessert is very weak, except during Lent. Again this year, I will be giving up sweets and desserts for Lent. Knowing that I’m making this commitment to God helps ease the temptation, but only a little.

and their families will come together in both public and private acts of prayer to promote the protection of life. Novena for Life - Overview The protection of life is a sustained prayer intention of the Church, and in particular of the Knights of Columbus. Knights remain firmly committed to defending the right to life of every human being – from the moment of conception to natural death. To commemorate and bolster this important cause, councils will promote a novena, nine days of sustained prayer, to build up a culture of life in our parishes, homes and wider community.

If you’re tired of giving something up for Lent, Lent is a great time to add something good to your life, such as increasing your prayer time with God. There are many smart phone apps that can assist you, like Laudate, where you can find the Daily Mass Readings, Liturgy of the Hours, Saint of the Day, and many other links for inspiration and prayer. A few years ago, I downloaded the Rosary Army Podcast to help me pray a daily Rosary. Some Lenten commitments can This is how we put our Faith in Action. extend beyond the 40 days and last the rest of Vivat Jesus, your life. John Brennan Faith in Action is all around us. Be sure that District Deputy you are becoming a part of Faith in Action. The District 7 March 2019 Navigator

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Recently I lost a dear friend of mine. He had a small life policy with another company under $100k in value. A small retirement fund that he was putting money into. My friend a lifelong Catholic, a Brother Knight passed away at the age of 58. Most of us would consider this too early for our Lord to call someone home but unfortunately we have no control over his plan for any of us. A lot of the Brother Knights I visit feel they are set. This week I had an appointment with a Brother Knight who knew about our appointment but wasn't there. He left the entire meeting up to his wife because he had to plan out some cooking event! My time is valuable is so is yours. I set time aside from my work and family to help families plan so they do not end up in the same predicament as my friend did. The Brother finally showed up as his wife and I concluded our meeting. She had told me that he took the 50% pension option at his job. I asked her what she was planning on doing when her income drops off by 50% when he passes. There was the deer in the headlights look. He remained silent. I informed them that there are two options, one is life insurance to create a pension to replace the one from his job and the other is a settlement option on his retirement funds which will provide guaranteed income with no market risk. Keep in mind that we take on market risk when we are trying to grow our money prior to retirement. Once we are in retirement mode we want guaranteed payouts and limited or no risk as we will need those funds to get us through retirement in case the good lord doesn't call us home early. In closing my friend has four kids, two adults and two minors. His wife will reach the "blackout period" with social security survivor benefits on three of the four kids. She will receive no survivor benefits until she is 60(7 years) and only benefits on one of the four kids. How do you prevent this from occurring with your family? You take 30 minutes out of your valuable time to sit down with me and learn how the Knights will protect you in a Catholic way, a way our founder would be proud of. And not leave your family destitute.

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Membership When someone asks you, "What do the Knights do?" Share with them your experience with your brother Knights in fundraising activities and other events put on by our council. If you don't have anything to share you haven't been an active Knight. Saturday January 26, 2019, I joined over 80 fellow parishioners and many Knights from St. Mel parish on two busses for a trip, organized by our Council 6066, to San Francisco for the 2019 West Coast Walk for Life. I was impressed by the large presence of Knights from all over Northern California and beyond taking part in the March. Many councils carried their banners and many more like myself wore our badges or other Knights gear. It was a good fraternal experience to be grated by Knights from other parts of the state with "Hello Brother Knight" and a warm smile. Knights acted as security by keeping an eye on the crowed and ready to notify law enforcement if needed. I am grateful that though there were protestors along the route I heard of no incidents of violence.

OK the walk is once a year. What else do we do? We raise funds to support our parish, our community charitable organizations such as the Life Center and Bishop Gallegos Maternity Home, Loaves and Fishes and many more benefit. The funds come not from the members dues, which in our council are only $40. a year but from the fund raising events we hold such as the golf tournament and special event dinners such as St. Patrick's Day and Oktoberfest. Members volunteer to help in putting on the events and enjoy fellowship with their brother Knights. How much time you spend in Knights activities is up to you. Remember family first and then enjoy your brotherhood with the Knights. Graces will flow. God Bless! By Chancellor Frank Abi-Nader

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

Saturday, March 16th Set the date!

Council #6066 will hold its annual St. Patrick’s Day Dinner at the Parish Center. The event has been a great success, annually raising over $2,000 for charity in recent years. This year, PGK Joel Obayashi returns as our Master Chef, and his team, to provide us a delicious traditional (mostly) Irish feast: specially seasoned corned beef, potatoes, carrots, rigatoni with meat sauce, and split pea & ham soup. There will be plenty of Irish/Celtic music. Our favorite award-winning Celtic Dancers from Kennelly School of Irish Dance return. The Knights always come thru with outstanding help. We ask everyone again for their help and support in making this another great celebration. Raffle prizes have always been a big finish to our fundraising goals. Just think of baked goodies, wine baskets, gifts or assorted contributed items or those things you’re talented in preparing. Nothing will be turned away. If you bring your raffle prizes to the next General Meeting, your dinner is free! Or, call PGK Jim Carlson (916 801-9373) to arrange drop-off.

demonstrate unity with the local faith community. During the pilot Build for Unity in 2016 and 2017, more than 180 churches, temples, mosques, synagogues and some KofC councils came together to raise $176,000 and build two homes side by side. The Build for Unity movement has since spread to 30 Habitat affiliates nationwide, resulting in dozens of homes built for families in need of housing and thousands of interfaith relationships. We are now launching Build for Unity 2018- 2019 with the goal of building two homes again, with the support of faith communities all across Sacramento. I would like to invite all the Knights of Columbus councils to be a part of joining arms with others in the faith community to demonstrate unity through giving a hand up to local low-income families.

Build for Unity supporters are invited to join in for a volunteer build day on the project site of the two homes and will be featured in a Sacramento News & Review publication which highlights the project and the multitude of generous communities who make it possible. The publication will be inserted into the local paper in the summer. We are seeking formal pledges for support by May 1st for your faith community to be listed in the publication. These pledges can be fulfilled in the next Columbian year to allow for ____________________________________________________ budgeting. Register here: event/build-for-unity-2018-19/e197769.

Announcing the Knights of Columbus Council #6066 2019 Scholarships

The Knights of Columbus, Fair Oaks Council #6066, have established two scholarships for graduating eighth grade students who will be attending a Catholic high school in the fall. The first provides $4,500 over four years and the second is $1,000 for one year. The scholarships are available to eighth grade students whose families are registered members of St. Mel Parish or whose father is a member in-good-standing of Council #6066.

For more information on the project and a video highlighting the historic first Build for Unity, please visit With questions, please contact Kaitlyn Bathke at or {916) 440-1215 x1112. It our greatest hope that the Build for Unity project will serve as a convener for healing, celebration, and unity in our Sacramento community. Regardless of the division that so often dominates our world's narrative, we believe that for a community to be whole and healthy it must be based on people's love and concern for one another. We are committed to building bridges and breaking down barriers together as we Build for Unity.

Interested students and families may pick up application forms, including more detailed information, from either the St. Mel School or the St. Mel Parish Office. Completed applications must be postmarked no later than May 1, 2019. Sincerely, _______________________________________________

Dear California Knights of Columbus Councils I am writing to invite you to join me and an Interfaith Partner Coalition with Habitat for Humanity of Greater Sacramento for a special Build for Unity project - a massive interfaith effort to build two homes alongside families in need of affordable stable shelter and March 2019 Navigator

Vol. 54 No 3

SK Michael Ochoa California State Council Habitat for Humanity Chairman Grand Knight, Fair Oaks Council 6066 mnkochoa@pacbellnet 916-730-3178

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March 2019 Navigator

Vol. 54 No 3

March 2019 3th Founders day , Membership drive, and Coffee and donuts 7th General meeting 8th Lent and Fish Fry 12th First Degree 15th Lent and Fish Fry 16th St. Patrick's Day Dinner 21st Officers Meeting 22nd Lent and Fish Fry 29th Penance Service 29th Lent and Fish Fry 30th Chapter Meeting

April 2019 4th General meeting and Nomination of New Officers 5th Lent and Fish Fry 5th Talk about Consecration to Holy Family 7th Wheel Chair Breakfast and Membership drive 7th The Consecration to Holy Family ALL MASSES 9th First Degree 12th Lent and Fish Fry 18th Officers Meeting 21st Easter

Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

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Friends & Family Night



Friday, May 3, 2019

St. Mel Parish - Fair Oaks - 7:00 P.M. FREE event for the entire community. Men, women & children are all welcome. You won’t want to miss this very special evening of fun and faith! Followed by FREE Leatherby’s Ice Cream Social! Aaron Thompson proves to be an inspiration to those

around him, expressing his Catholic spirituality through song & personal relationships. Hope-filled themes, driving rhythms and dramatic yet sing-able melodies... We’re in for a musical treat.

St. Mel Music Director & Recording Artist

Fr. Burke Masters - Chicago Cubs Chaplain-

Aaron Thompson VISIT:

Featured Guest Speaker

Fr. Burke Masters

Chicago Cubs Chaplain



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men’s DAY OF



In Christ

Serves as the Vocations Director for the Diocese of Joliet. After a stellar baseball career in high school, Fr. Burke went on to play baseball at Miss. State, where he played in the College World Series. Father now travels around the diocese encouraging men and women to lay down their lives for Christ.


Saturday, May 4, 2019

One Day Men’s Retreat featuring Fr. Burke Masters Mass, Talks, Famous Catered BBQ Lunch.


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