November 2018 Navigator
Vol. 53 No 11
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November Navigator
Vol. 52 No 11
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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council Twitter: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066
“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God
Inside this edition Grand Knights Message
3 Habitat for Humanity Veteran's Build
Adoration and Prayers
4 Knights Respond with Manpower
Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries
5 Legion of Mary Solicitation for Help
First Degree Anniversaries
5 Carmelite Auxiliary Luncheon Success!
New Recorder Needed!
5 Clara’s House
Council & Community
6 Sunday Kick-Off Youth Ministry
Airshow Donation result
6 St. Mel Harvest Festival
Council & Community
Family and Knight of the Month
7 In Memoriam
Ryan O’Brien
Membership Drive
10 Event Calendar
Officers GK Michael Ochoa
916730-3178 DGK
Pat Miles
Program Director
Patrick J Miles
Faith Director
Chuck E Friedrich
Cursillo Round Table Chair Chuck E Friedrich
Recorder Vacant
916849-8698 Chaplin Trustee 1-Year Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916- Bruce 916Basarte 967-1229 Fairchild 769-6300 Chancellor Trustee 2-Year Frank 916- James 916Abi-Nader 337-9171 Carlson 801-9373 Warden Trustee 3-Year Trevor 916- Dave 916Harris 396-5775 Murray 716-5187 Lecturer Advocate Bill 916- Walt 916Heilmann 802-5271 Schaff 961-4698 Inside Guard Treasurer Vince 916- Rod 916Negrete 698-2243 Tarrer 961-6167 Outside Guard Financial Secretary Ben 916- Patrick 916Hanneman 586-1661 Wagner 961-8652
Community Director
Christopher J Ward
Habitat for Humanity Chair Michael Ochoa Life Director
Douglas A Crumley Jr
Pro Life Couple
Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr
Health Service
Public Relations
Andrew J Cunha
Navigator Publisher
Andrew J Cunha
Family Director
Mark A Montalvo
Membership Director
Francis J Abi-Nader
Recruitment Committee 1
Howard W Tank
Recruitment Committee 2
John P Brennan
Recruitment Committee 3
Martin T Burgermyer
Retention Chairman
Patrick J Miles
Insurance Promotion
Howard W Tank
Vocations Round Table Chair
David R Murray
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Knights are called to serve others. With our first principle Charity – we are called to serve at home with our families and in our communities. When Knights of Columbus members come together as one through our council and parish, we accomplish great things. Since July our council has done just that! This first quarter of our Columbian year was packed with community based, faith in action activities! Thank you to all the brothers that made it happen! Many of our brothers and parishioners have ask me as we traverse our very active council event calendar how do we find the energy to spearhead the council on so many fronts, often with the same “crew” of core volunteers. Their point is very noticeable when you look at the photo history we’re recording in this publication. It’s true, often you’ll see many of the same faces appear among the pages of the Navigator. However, I remind our brothers that there are many Knights working in our community that you don’t see at Knights events. But, you do see at them across parish community performing good works. For example, did you realize more than half of our brother Knights teach CFF? Or do you realize that several of our Knights are actively involved in St. Vincent DePaul, Scouts, RCIA, Bible Study, the Legion of Mary, the Carmelite monastery, parish liturgy and parish councils? I can go on and on how many of our Knight are active in our community and answer the call to service to our church community on a very personal level every day. With that said, if you’re a brother knight and your reading this message and are NOT active in our community my question to you is why not? Were you not answering the call to service when you became a Knight? Did you lose that fire or drive to serve because the Diocese asked you to comply with the Diocesan Safe Environment program if you volunteer on Parish property? Do you not see where you can join in and help? Whatever the reason, remember the reason you became a Knight and rekindle that fire. As I said last month, get involved because none of us is as good as all of us – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. Finally, many of our council have served the greater community and our country, as peace officers, fire fighters, military veterans, first-responders and more. We are blessed to have you in our community. With November comes a very important day to remember our brother knights that have gone to see our Lord with our Memorial Mass the morning of November 10th. Also in November our parish celebrates Veteran’s day with a special veteran’s mass on November 12th. That same day the parish will recognize our council’s very own, Brother Knight Ryan O’Neil. Brother Ryan is a WWII hero with an incredible story, please plan on attending, I promise Brother Ryan’s story is incredible. For our 11/1 General meeting, for all our veterans, please wear your branch of service insignias in honor of your service so that we in our council can thank you for the service you devoted to our county. /s GK Mike Ochoa November 2018 Navigator
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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM
Phone #
Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson
916-730-3178 916-966-3911 916-967-1738 916-801-9373
6 13 20 27
4 11 18 25
PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adoration of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adoration Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rotation schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.
Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi-Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, Diane Castonguay (wife of Knight Pat Castonguay), Jerome Centabar, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson), Dwight McCormack, Paul Parker and
First Wednesday every month!
wife Gerrie, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Joe Van Zant, Tony DiNapoli Brother in law of Vic Warnerdam, and Chris Matthews brother in-law of Trevor Harris. Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: James Chronley, Grandfather of Andrew Cunha, QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, SK Jerome Centabar and Mel Recacho. To add or remove names in this section please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew @
Third Wednesday every month
No better way to start the month! Spend time with men The Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our desire in front of Jesus. It’s like is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives a mini-retreat! Adoraand to especially model our fatherhood after tion and a brew. Meet at the example of God the Father and His goodSt. Mel Chapel. at 7PM. ness. There is a trust, friendship that is fosWe pray together to The tered in Christ. Real men- real talk! “You learn Lord then grab a quick to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that God brew with friends at has entrusted His children to your fatherly Fair Oaks brew pub. care”! Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 -12/16/11) Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916- 8346226 “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Congratulations to the following couples celebrating their blessed date this month:
November Birthday Rick Cervetti
1 Mark Wittkopp
David and Cecilia Mary La Branch
John Petzold
4 Roderick Tarrer
James and Vicki Monk
Richard Chang
5 William Fallai
Michael and Alison Fox James and Yolanda Carlson
Frank Gastelum
7 Felicity Cunha
David Murray
7 Rex Dinneny
Doreen Gastelum
7 Joseph Parilo
Marcus Munoz Juan Godoy
8 Bobbie Heilmann 10 Joseph Ang
25 28
Benjamin Condon 11 Andres Pena
David La Branch
11 Frank Mammano
Tristan Tank
11 Susan Petzold
Karen Juten
11 Diane Buzzard
Elmar Hoffman
14 Carla Pelka
Help Wanted Nominations will be sought during our October General Business meeting for a new recorder after our Worthy Recorder Mark Swink stepped down from the position. The recorder is responsible for:
Keeping and maintaining a true and permanent record of all actions of the council, using a Recorder’s Minute Book (#1403)
Maintains all correspondence of the council
Reads the bills entered into the minutes for discussion
Performs such other duties as the grand knight may direct
November 2018 Navigator
Years 49 41 17 9
First Degree Anniversaries Micha l Emmerich Michael Hummer John Pippig Carl Reed Alden Crow C Dinneny Manuel Duenas Carlos Lopez Vincent Mammano Joseph Sunquist John Murphy Joshua Beigel Thomas Simon Joseph Ang
Day 1 1 1 3 8 8 8 8 8 9 11 18 19 21
Years 12 33 30 13 8 8 8 3 8 29 48 12 7 33
CHRISTMAS IS COMING LET'S CELEBRATE! Where did this year go? As we close in on the end of the year, it's time to come together and celebrate. The Council Christmas Party will be Saturday, December 1st at 5:30 PM in the Parish Center. The whole family is invited to come have an evening of dinner, fun, and caroling. We will also have a raffle for a $100 gift card. If you'd like to donate any additional raffle prizes for the evening, please bring the item to the dinner. The dinner will be a potluck, so bring a side dish or dessert to share. Ham will be provided as a main course. Since it is a time of sharing, as in past years, we are asking that you bring a non-perishable food item for the food closet and an unwrapped toy to be donated to a child who would otherwise not have a merry Christmas. Please RSVP to Deputy Grand Knight Pat Miles at 916-849-8698 or Vol. 53 No 11
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Council & Our Community
Our Council budget line for the Capitol Air Show, (44C) estimated the council would earn $1200 from the proceeds of the event this year however, we actually earned, $1,599.05, nearly double (99.54%) what the council made from the Airshow in 2017. There was zero budget line in our council budget for this event and all proceeds are for St. Mel School. Thank you to the volunteers from our council and St. Mel School parent volunteers for the many hours selling over 1000 hotdog and two pallets of soda to make this happen!
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17
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Knights of the month September
GK Mike and GK and Trustee David Murray
GK Mike and GK and Trustee Bruce Fairchild
Family of the month September By: Brother Mike Allison
Brother Ken, Kathy and the Knutson family recognized during Oktoberfest 2018 by GK Mike
November 2018 Navigator
Vol. 53 No 11
Support the Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is a worldwide Catholic Organization that seeks to serve God and his Church through prayer, especially the Rosary and good works. Our mission is to foster holiness in our members and evangelize the Catholic faith under the Holy Spirit and in union with Mary. We meet weekly to pray the Rosary and receive an assignment of 2 hours a week, such as visitation to convalescent hospitals and homes to pray the Rosary and bring Holy Communion to the sick.. Our Brother Knights, especially those whom are retired and can make time during the work week are encouraged to volunteer for this ministry. Please contact Brother Bill Savage or his wife Joyce, if you can help. Page 7
November Navigator
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Ryan O’Brien By: Brother Pat Miles
We plan to have a special guest in attendance at the November 1st general membership meeting. Brother Ryan O’Brian, a member of our council, flew 35 combat missions as a B-24 navigator in Europe during World War II. His military decorations include: The French Legion of Honor (an award established by Na-
poleon Bonaparte), The Distinguished Flying Cross, four Air Medals, the Purple Heart, the Africa Mediterranean & European campaign Medal with three Battle Stars, and the Presidential Unit Citation. Ryan was born on March 19, 1922, and grew up in Los Angeles. He graduated from Mount Carmel High School in the San Fernando Valley in 1941. He was offered a scholarship to play football for Loyola University, but turned it down because he wanted to join the Army-Air Corps Cadet Program. Air Corps recruiters told him he would have to wait to be drafted before he could apply; so he became an apprentice brick layer and got married. He was finally drafted in February 1943, and was accepted into the Cadet Program. He attended basic training at Keesler Field, Mississippi, then entered the Cadet Program at the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville, where he obtained the equivalent of a 2-year degree in six months. There, he became fascinated with astronomy and asked to be
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trained as a navigator, but decided to switch to Bombardier because they allowed you to bring your family with you to the training course conducted at Ellington Field in Houston, Texas. There were 600 students in his class at Ellington, but after two months they sent 250 of them, including Ryan, to the Pan American Navigator Training School at the University of Miami in Coral Gables, Florida. The course was six months long; they trained in sea planes. Upon graduation he received, his navigator wings and second lieutenant bars. Next, he went to March Field, near Riverside, CA to be trained in the four-engine B-24 Liberator. That’s where he was joined up with his other crewmembers. Ryan (age 22) was the oldest officer, the Pilot (age 20) was also from Los Angeles, the Copilot (age 21) and Bombardier (age 19) were both from Seattle, WA. The six enlisted crewmembers ranged in age from 33 to 19. The 33-year old was nicknamed “Pops.” After a dozen training flights at March, they were sent to Hamilton Field, near San Rafael, CA. There, they picked up a new B-24 and were issued side arms, then headed for Europe, via Newfoundland, the Azores, and Northern Africa. Their final destination was Terretta Field.
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
(near Cerignola), on February 4, the Adriatic (eastern) 2016, he side of Italy (at about was inductthe same latitude as ed into the Naples), home of the Masonry 484th Bomb Group. Contractors Their first combat mission was flown Association on August 15, 1944; of America supporting General (MCAA) George Patton’s Hall of Third Army, fighting Fame. Ryan to dislodge German forces occupying the will be the southern coast of France. Ryan says that feature speaker at the St Mel’s Veterans Day ceremotheir most memorable combat missions nies following 8:30 a.m. Mass on Monday, were the bombing runs they made on the th Ploesti oil refineries in Romania, and the November 12 . day a lone German ME 109 fighter plane made a kamikaze attack on them that missed their B-24 by only a few feet – Ryan watched it happen looking out from an overhead hatch – he had gone up there to try to see a dogfight between a P-38 and an ME-109. Ryan earned his Purple Heart on their 25th combat mission he was injured in a crash landing that occurred about 15 minutes after takeoff, when they had to feather (shut down) both engines on the right side of the plane because they were on fire. Their final combat mission was flown on March 15, 1945 – four days later he celebrated his 23rd birthday. Ryan left Italy on April 12, 1945 – the same day that President Franklin D. Roosevelt died. He went back to Los Angeles and resumed his career in the masonry profession. In 1963, he established the California Conference of Mason Contractors Association, Inc. On November 2018 Navigator
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Membership Drive By: PGK Frank Abi-Nader. Membership Director
Young Man why aren't you a member of the Knights of Columbus? I said Young Man!!! We should invite to join the Knights of Columbus any practicing Catholic man age 18 or older. Invite your sons, nephews, co-employees and their friends to join. The younger a man becomes a Knight the more benefits he can take advantage of for himself and his family or family in his future.. My dad, my uncle and my older, brother brought me into the Knights over 60 years ago. Although as I entered the military and then relocated to California I lost some special years as a Knight. Almost 20 years ago when I joined our Council 6066 I began to enjoy the fraternal and spiritual benefits of being a Knight of Columbus. Recently I viewed a KofC Fraternal Training Webinar:: Recruiting Younger Members. The speakers emphasized the importance of recruiting younger members to keep the council vibrant and alive. To recruit and keep younger members the recommendations were to present activities and programs more relevant to todays youth. Council 6066 under the able leadership of our current Worthy Grand Knight Michael Ochoa has moved in the right direction to make our council more relevant to today's young men. Projects such as Habitat for Humanity offer young men a physical activity in which they can join with their brothers in a charitable endeavor and build fraternal relationships.
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The ID Drive to raise funds to send children with intellectual disabilities to camp is another activity which may be attractive to youth. The bbq for the Youth Ministry is another as well as most projects hosted by our council. Another suggestion presented in the webinar that our council is already into is using social media. A new member can sign up and join on -line on our website Our council is on Facebook and Twitter. Links to relevant websites and information for our council is all available on the our website. Now don't think that since this article emphasises the recruitment of young men that we may be forgetting the more mature members or potential members. Nothing could be further from the truth. As one of the oldest members of our council I welcome and enjoy the fraternal relationships, as all of our more mature members do, with all our council members and the younger members bring a refreshing energy to the council. The opportunity to benefit from being an active member of the Knights of Columbus can be very beneficial in fraternal and spiritual ways to the older members. Our more mature members and prospective members may have more time having retired from their life occupation. More mature members who no longer have the companionship of co-workers or associates will benefit from the friendly relations with men who share their common goal of being closer to Christ through community prayer and performing charitable service.
Habitat for Humanity Veteran's Build The Home Build Dedication for the Wirth Family is scheduled for Saturday 11/10 from 10 AM to 11 AM at 2174 Verano St, Sacramento, CA 95838-4658. Our council has assisted with this build and for our brother Knights that volunteered, and any those that have thought about it but haven't made the time to help, this is a great opportunity to see the impact volunteering Habitat for Humanity has in our community. Please consider joining GK Mike in attending. “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17
Brooklyn Knights Deliver Hope to Florence Victims Reprinted with permission of “The Tablet” the official newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn and Queens by Melissa Enaje Before the day ended Oct. 2, a caravan of men traveled more than 500 miles south of the Brooklyn border to drop-off thousands of pounds of relief and recovery supplies for those affected by tropical storm Florence in North Carolina. Except instead of representing the organization with the familiar logo of a red cross, these men will represent a different crest: the red, gold and blue Knights of Columbus councils from both St. Finbar and Most Precious Blood in Bath Beach. “One of our major functions as Knights of Columbus is charity,” said St. Finbar’s Grand Knight, Charles Shelley, who was also one of the designated drivers. “It’s one of our major principles, so whenever we can help our brothers, we go and help our brothers.” The grand knight from Council 15728 said that the crew, including the parish’s pastor and K. of C. Chaplain Father Michael Gelfant, were driving down to meet with knights from Council 3303 in New Bern, N.C., which lies southeast of Raleigh. Once there, they gave the items directly to the New Bern knights who will then distribute the supplies according to their community’s needs. He said that most of the fraternity’s members in New Bern were displaced after Florence. “We’re going down with roughly 15 guys from here to unload and then turn around and come right back home again,” Shelley added. “We’re going to unload the water and all the material we have. The paper towels and the disinfectants that they need, the bleach, rags, you name it, we have it.” Combining the efforts between St. Finbar and Most Precious Blood, the two Brooklyn parishes asked parishioners to donate cleaning supplies, tools or monetary funds to help in what was deemed “Phase 2” of recovery which involved the mucking and gutting of homes that were impacted by the flood waters. “We have a lot of people who gave money just to go buy stuff,” said Most Precious Blood Grand Knight Louis Stuto. “As gloomy as the world looks, all of a sudden you see how people give, it’s a great thing.” He said looks forward to seeing the faces of the people they will help, a full circle of strangers helping strangers. “They lost their ambulances, they lost their medical supplies, they lost everything,” said Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance Service emergency technician Michael Marquez. The military veteran headed to North Carolina with the Brooklyn knights.”
November 2018 Navigator
Helping Others Brings Joy “It brings great joy to me and my council to help these people,” added Stuto. “When Sandy hit, we got hit hard and to give back to people who gave to us – there’s nothing better in the whole world.” Generous donations poured in, including the transportation vehicles themselves, from the
community that was all-too-familiar with the devastation that a hurricane can bring to a neighborhood and its families. Father Michael Gelfant, pastor at St. Finbar parish, said the church became an impromptu headquarter for relief assistance when Superstorm Sandy hit the Northeast in late 2012. “This was a central point for Hurricane Sandy, so all the supplies came to St. Finbar and then from here we were opening up the food banks and sending supplies to the other areas so we’re used to it, we know what to do,” said Father Gelfant. Tropical storm Florence was downgraded from a hurricane to a Category 1 tropical storm and made landfall in the Carolinas From St. Finbar parish to the areas mid-September. Yet, it still caused extensive devastated by Tropical storm Flordamage and North Carence along the eastern coast of olina residents are still North Carolina, two Brooklyn dealing with the afterKnights of Columbus councils and a math of massive volunteer ambulance, will embark amounts of water from on a two-day delivery service with the storm and flooding thousands of pounds of relief and from the state’s rivers. The Carolinas’ emerrecovery supplies collected by the gency services also local Bath Beach community. took a hit, according to (Photos: Melissa Enaje) Bensonhurst Volunteer Ambulance Service emergency medical technician Michael Marquez. The military veteran said he was joining the caravan down to the Carolinas with the Brooklyn Knights and will drive one of the ambulances filled with medical equipment and firefighter turnout gear. He and his team will head further south to Pollocksville, N.C. where he said only one ambulance exists for the whole county. “Pollicksville Volunteer Ambulance, which is in that section of North Carolina that we’re going to, was completely flooded, completely destroyed,” said Marquez. “They lost their ambulances, they lost their medical supplies, they lost everything. So at their request, we’re going to be going down to provide assistance.” Days leading up to the team’s departure, as most of the trip’s logistics became solidified, the men organized and loaded the donations and supplies from the parish’s garage onto the vehicle using a forklift that required all hands on deck. For those gathered in St. Finbar’s parking lot doing the heavy lifting, the task was met with serious, but playful dialogue, like a brotherhood working to get the job done. Just in case any of the crew might suffer from a stomach pang or snack attack, Father Gelfant’s van was designated as the go-to destination, as it was where the team’s 3 a.m. meal would come from, since most stores won’t be open, unlike the city that never sleeps. Once the clock struck 11 p.m. Oct. 1, the trucks and vans labeled with the K. of C. emblem on the side would take a long drive down 1-95 south and re-encounter the memory of a scene that once shut down the eastern seaboard, beyond Broadway in Manhattan and Breezy Point in Queens.
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Carmelite Auxiliary Luncheon Success! By GK Mike Ochoa
The Council support of the Our Lady of Mount Carmel Auxiliary Luncheon on October 6th was a success!. The billable costs to our council was $546.77, just a few dollars over our budgeted $500. But the actual cost for the event could have been much higher if not for the some in-kind contributions. Acosta Foods, our Council’s Marty Burgermyer’s employer provided the over 200 dinner rolls and salad dressing. And Chef and Brother Craig Witte donated over $100 worth of items, such as plastic bowls, tongs and other miscellaneous cooking ingredients. And the council also received some very favorable pricing from Sysco Foods. In total, we planned on feeding 150 people,
the actual number of plates was over that mark. If I had to times for the budget for this meal again, with zero in-kind donations, my delicious recommendation would be $1000. spaghetti Thank you to Brother Marty, and Brother Craig, whose ex- dinner and pertise in food planning help deconstruct the menu to cre- appetizer Unate a bill of material to procure the food for the event. plate. Additionally on the day of the event thank you to Worthy fortunately Trustee Bruce Fairchild, Chancellor Frank Abi-Nader, War- our council not den Trevor Harris and Christine Brennan, wife of Worthy could PGK and DD John Brennan who assisted with the event supply buffet and clean-up. GK Mike and Brother Craig worked all enough volto day Friday to prepare much of unteers the food, and by the time the bus tables, event started they were joined which fell on event by the others to manage the the buffet lines and expedite food Auxiliary to refresh. In total the man hours supplement. to support this event was over If we do this next year I’m hopeful we’ll some more volunteers to help with this worthy cause. 100 hours. The Auxiliary event organizers included the wife of Brother Ben Pelka, Carla, Patricia MacEagan from the Sacramento Cursillo and Brenda McCollum, wife of Brother Gary Mc Collumn. The Auxiliary was very grateful for our council’s assistance and those that attended the event complimented our us several
The Auxiliary Luncheon is held annually to raise funds for the support of the Carmelite Monastery. Since the Carmelites exist on donations from friends this event was extremely important to their fundraising efforts. All proceeds go toward the general maintenance costs for the Monastery, as well as toward special projects.
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Clara’s House By GK Mike Ochoa
On September 29th, with thanks to our Brother Chuck Friedrich who helped organize a moving company, Clara’s House Clinic relocated to their new home on the 2nd floor of the Pioneer Church facility, 2700 L Street, Sacramento, CA 95816. The phone number remains 916-448-3976. As you might recall in the middle of August of this year Sister Kathy Wood, founder of Clara’s House,, was informed the lease for the property used to provide her ministry was not extended. Within 30 days Sister Wood was told she had to leave the premise and find a new location. Through the Grace of God, Sister Kathy was able to find her new location and by the help of Brother Chuck they were able to move lab equipment, medical supplies, office furniture and various miscellaneous items to the new location. Unfortunately because the move date was on 9/29 the same date as the Council Ok-
toberfest our council was unable to assist directly. However the council does have a health services budget line 61C1-that could be used to assist with the expenses. According to Martha (Marti) Rusnak the clinic is now seeing patients again, largely because of the assistance of Brother Chuck and others. However, this ministry is still seeking assistance. Clara’s house is actively soliciting volunteers that can assist with nursing, office personnel type duties, marketing, grant writing and more. If you or any of our family members are able to donate time and talents to this health ministry please contact Marti Rusnak at 916-206-2856 or
Knights support Youth Ministry Service Club On Sunday evening, 10/21, our council cooked burgers and hotdogs for the first Youth Ministry kick-off Service Club meeting of 2018. It was a great to see our parish community children learning benefits of service to others! We were happy to be there.
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St. Mel Harvest Festival On October 6th our Council helped run the beer garden St. Mel School. Image all those families we were able to interact with, including potential Knights! Please consider taking the Recruiting Younger Member Training Webinar to learn how we, as council, can entice young fathers of families into our order. As you can see to solicit new members we need to be where they are. We were there in October and
we’re going to continue to be there when we can. I am striving to change our culture and engage, recruit and keep younger members. Remember, when father McGivney started the KofC he was just 30 years old!
Young men are part of the KofC history and we need to remember we need to involve and motivate young men to our order. I join our Membership Director Frank Abi-Nader in his call for all of us seek new members to our council, especially young adult Catholic men from our School, parish and community!
Memorial Rosary and Reading of all council 6066 fallen names November 10th, 8:30 AM Mass.
Brother James Faulk 11/23/1937—3/4/2018 1st Degree– 2/1/1954 3rd Degree– 2/2/1954
Brother Stanley Devereux 4/1/1931 —6/1/2018 1st Degree– 10/1/1990
Brother Leo Garcia 4/1/1931 —4/6/2018 1st Degree– 10/10/1996 3rd Degree– 11/1/1996 4th Degree- 11/6/1999
Brother Jerome Centabar 10/20/1938—8/3/2018 1st Degree– 4/22/1999 3rd Degree- 6/13/1999
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
Brother Melwynn Recacho 6/23/1960- 8/31/2018 1st Degree– 1/21/2018
Faith in Action – Life
Recently I lost a dear friend of mine. He had a small life policy with another company under $100k in value. A small retirement fund that he was putting money into. My friend a lifelong Catholic, a Brother Knight passed away at the age of 58. Most of us would consider this too early for our Lord to call someone home but unfortunately we have no control over his plan for any of us. A lot of the Brother Knights I visit feel they are set. This week I had an appointment with a Brother Knight who knew about our appointment but wasn't there. He left the entire meeting up to his wife because he had to plan out some cooking event! My time is valuable is so is yours. I set time aside from my work and family to help families plan so they do not end up in the same predicament as my friend did. The Brother finally showed up as his wife and I concluded our meeting. She had told me that he took the 50% pension option at his job. I asked her what she was planning on doing when her income drops off by 50% when he passes. There was the deer in the headlights look. He remained silent. I informed them that there are two options, one is life insurance to create a pension to replace the one from his job and the other is a settlement option on his retirement funds which will provide guaranteed income with no market risk. Keep in mind that we take on market risk when we are trying to grow our money prior to retirement. Once we are in retirement mode we want guaranteed payouts and limited or no risk as we will need those funds to get us through retirement in case the good lord doesn't call us home early. In closing my friend has four kids, two adults and two minors. His wife will reach the "blackout period" with social security survivor benefits on three of the four kids. She will receive no survivor benefits until she is 60(7 years) and only benefits on one of the four kids. How do you prevent this from occurring with your family? You take 30 minutes out of your valuable time to sit down with me and learn how the Knights will protect you in a Catholic way, a way our founder would be proud of. And not leave your family destitute. November 2018 Navigator
As we continue to focus our efforts to fully implement the Knights of Columbus Faith In Action programs, let us now delve into the meaning of LIFE. To quote St. John Paul II, “Catholics must be committed to the defense of life in all its stages and in every condition.” Although it would be nice to have Roe vs. Wade overturned, my personal belief is that we need to do our best to educate everyone about the value, the dignity, and the love for all life. The suggested activities within the Life category are not fully encompassing, this list provides a great start. A few of these March for Life Special Olym- programs do pics require monetary support, Intellectually Disa- Ultrasound such as Special bled Drive Program Olympics. Christian Refugee Silver Rose Support can Relief come in the Mass for people Pregnancy way of Feed with special needs Center Supthe Athletes campaign. For Novena for Life a minimal donation, meals can be prepared to feed the Special Olympic athletes when the travel to compete. Also, the Ultrasound Program requires financial support as these machines are quite expensive. The benefit of these machines cannot be understated as many pregnant women considering abortion have changed their minds once they have seen the ultrasound image of their baby. Other programs in the Life category require much less financial support, but they do require something else just as valuable: your time and your fortitude. As Catholics, we share the belief of the value and dignity for every life and we are called to defend life. As Knights, we have the opportunity to stand together with like-minded men and their families to show our support for life during a March for Life event, praying the Rosary near an abortion center, and coming together to celebrate a Novena for Life. We all live very busy lives, but please remember that “giving” does not always mean money. Our new Faith in Action program drives this point home with every step we take to implement it. Vivat Jesus! John Brennan District Deputy District 7
Vol. 53 No 11
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November Navigator
Vol. 52 No 11
November 2018 4th Membership Drive 7th Adoration and brew 8th Pre-Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 10th Memorial Mass 10th Intellectual Disabilities (ID Drive) Dinner 12th Veteran’s Day Mass and Salute to Br. O’Brien 13th First Degree 17th Northern California Chapter Meeting 21st Fraternity of Fatherhood (Denny’s in Orangevale)
December 2018 1st Knights Family Christmas Part (Parish Center) 2nd Membership Drive 5th Adoration and brew 6th Pre-Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 8th-9th Holiday Breakfast / Parish Ministries Day 18th First Degree 19th Fraternity of Fatherhood (Denny’s in Orangevale) 25th Christmas
Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628
“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17
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