October 2018 Navigator

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Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628 October 2018 Navigator

Vol. 53 No 10

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October Navigator

Vol. 52 No 10

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Fair Oaks Council #6066 Division 5/District 7 Council h p://www.kc6066.org Twi er: @KofCCouncil6066 Facebook: @FairoaksCouncil6066

“Fear Not” For Nothing is impossible with God

Inside this edi on Grand Knights Message

3 Shining Star—Br. Burgermyer


Adora on and Prayers

4 Capital Airshow


Priesthood Sunday

4 Membership Drive


Birthdays and Wedding Anniversaries

5 Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabili es


First Degree Anniversaries

5 Faith in Ac on—DD John Brennan


New Recorder Needed!

5 Legion of Mary Solicita on for Help


Honorary Life me—Br Knutson

5 Oktoberfest 2018 Pictures


Council & Community

6 Fraternity of Fatherhood


Family and Knight of the Month

7 Cursillo Retreat


Event Calendar


Officers GK 916‐ Michael Ochoa 730‐3178 DGK 916‐ Pat Miles 849‐8698 Chaplin Rev. Fr. Aldrin 916‐ Basarte 967‐1229 Chancellor Frank Abi‐ 916‐ Nader 337‐9171 Warden 916‐ Trevor Harris 396‐5775 Lecturer 916‐ Bill Heilmann 802‐5271 Inside Guard 916‐ Vince Negrete 698‐2243 Outside Guard 916‐ Ben Hanneman 586‐1661

Program Director

Patrick J Miles

Faith Director

Chuck E Friedrich

Cursillo Round Table Chair Chuck E Friedrich Recorder Vacant Trustee 1‐Year 916‐ Bruce Fairchild 769‐6300 Trustee 2‐Year 916‐ James Carlson 801‐9373 Trustee 3‐Year 916‐ Dave Murray 716‐5187 Advocate 916‐ Walt Schaff 961‐4698 Treasurer 916‐ Rod Tarrer 961‐6167 Financial Secretary 916‐ Patrick Wagner 961‐8652

Community Director

Christopher J Ward

Habitat for Humanity Chair

Michael Ochoa

Life Director

Douglas A Crumley Jr

Pro Life Couple

Monica and Douglas A Crumley Jr

Health Service


Public Rela ons

Andrew J Cunha

Navigator Publisher

Andrew J Cunha

Family Director

Mark A Montalvo

Membership Director

Francis J Abi‐Nader

Recruitment Commi ee 1 Howard W Tank Recruitment Commi ee 2 John P Brennan Recruitment Commi ee 3 Mar n T Burgermyer Reten on Chairman

Patrick J Miles

Insurance Promo on

Howard W Tank

Voca ons Round Table Chair

David R Murray

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

It’s time. Yes, now is the time, not tomorrow, not next month. The time is now to join our council in building community. The National Directory for Catechesis calls each of us to, “..[L]ive in community and to participate actively in the life and mission of the church.” But what is the “community”? Is this community our local parish? Our town, city or state? I liken this call as big “C” and little “c” community. We, as Knights of Columbus, enjoy [c]ommunity at every meeting and every event we participate. We live in [c] ommunity with our parish and actively support our diocese when called upon. But we are also a part of the [C]ommunity of the Chapter, State, National and even International [C] ommunity of the Knights of Columbus. Because we are part of our faith [c]ommunity, and our local [C]ommunity of Fair Oak, getting involved in big “C” and little “c” community is a perfect opportunity to put into action the four core principles of our order: Charity, Unity, Fraternity, and Patriotism. For example, this past month and in early October our council interacted with the [c]ommunity and [C]ommunity where at least one or more of our core principles were emphasized by: Partnering with St. Mel School [c]ommunity to run a hot dog booth at Capitol Airshow to reach out to our greater [C]ommunity. ►Together with school parents our council united as one team to raise money for St. Mel School. (Unity and Charity) ►We saluted our nation’s Airforce, both past and present by participating in the 100th anniversary of Mather Field.. (Patriotism) ►We promoted the Knights of Columbus to thousands of airshow attendees and our school parents to see the value of our (Fraternal) Order. ►All proceeds from the event will go to St. Mel School (Charity) Dedicating Oktoberfest 2018 to our parish [c]ommunity. ►We solicited and received help from all the parish ministries to provide raffle prizes (Unity and Charity) ►We involved the new Young Adult Ministry to serve and bus tables for Oktoberfrest 2018 (Unity) ►We dedicated all proceeds ~$3400 net from the event will go to St. Mel Parish (Charity) Helping the Carmelite Nun Luncheon ►Our council committed to provide and prepare the luncheon food (Charity) Staffing the St. Mel School Harvest Festival Beer Garden to help our school [c]ommunity ►Our council committed run the beer garden (Unity and Charity) Getting involved with our council can help turn the big [C]ommunity into a little [c] ommunity and that is our reward. And to do that, none of us is as good as all of us – together – we can accomplish far more than any of us could individually. If you haven’t lately, make your commitment and get involved today. Our council needs you, our community needs you. Together let’s show the positive influence of the Knights of Columbus into a world that really needs more Christian men to step up. - GK Mike Ochoa October 2018 Navigator

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ADORATION CHAPEL SCHEDULE Tuesday Morning 6:00 AM to 7:00 AM


Phone #



Mike Ochoa Bill Jones John Brennan Jim Carlson

916‐730‐3178 916‐966‐3911 916‐967‐1738 916‐801‐9373

2 / 30 9 16 23

6 13 20 27

PERPETUAL EUCHARISTIC ADORATION Our Church offers perpetual adora on of Jesus Christ truly present in the Most Blessed Sacrament. We invite you to come adore our Lord in our Chapel of the Holy Eucharist. The Council has reserved an Adora on Hour between 6:00 AM and 7:00 AM each Tuesday. If you want to be added to the rota on schedule, contact The Navigator’s publisher.

Please Pray For Please keep the following Knights and their families in your Prayers: David Abi‐Nader, Delores Bousliman, (wife of deceased Knight Lloyd Bousliman), Brian Condon, Diane Castonguay (wife of Knight Pat Castonguay), Jerome Centabar, George Chillemi, Al Dennis, Joe DiSessa, Fidelis Eke, Miguel Escobar, Diana Fischer (wife of deceased Knight Warren Fischer), Michael Fox, Dan Heisler, Kathy Knutson (wife of Knight Ken Knutson),

Dwight McCormack, Paul Parker and wife Gerrie, Mel Recacho, Dennis Reibold, Kim Tank (wife of Knight Howard Tank), Joe Van Zant, Tony DiNapoli Brother in law of Vic Warn‐ erdam, and Chris Ma hews brother in‐law of Trevor Harris. Also, please pray for the souls of all our deceased Brother Knights including: James Chronley, Grandfather of Andrew Cunha, QC Miles, father of DGK Pat Miles, SK Jerome Centabar and Mel Recacho. To add or remove names in this secƟon please contact, Navigator Editor, Andrew @ AndrewJCunha@gmail.com. By: Jenni Murray

Priesthood Sunday is the last Sunday in October. Its meant to celebrate the priesthood in the United States and is a day to reflect upon and affirm the role of the priesthood in the life of the Church. In light of the abuse crisis and inves ga ons surrounding the Church this year, it’s even more important to offer our POSI‐ TIVE words of encouragement, love and support. We encourage you to make your apprecia on to our priests known. There are two opportuni es to do this. 1. FOR OUR PASTOR: Offer a short note of apprecia on and encouragement, or offer a spiritual bouquet to our pastor, Father Aldrin. 2. FOR OUR RETIRED PRIESTS: Again, a short note of apprecia on/encouragement or spiritual bouquet to our re red priests. BEFORE or AFTER Mass on the weekend of 10/27 and 10/28 please drop off your “gi s” in the desig‐ nated basket in the ves bule. A member of the Voca ons Ministry team will be present to gently remind you . These will be presented to Father some me during Mass. For reƟred priests please do not address the envelope or note to a specific priest. We will divide the cards up and mail them to all our reƟred priests. “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

October Birthday Alison Fox

Congratula ons to the following couples celebra ng their blessed date this month:

1 Cindy Cunningham 13

Rosalie Duenas

3 William Savage


Randy Catherine Rozanski


Ferryanto Rohja Tjhin



Teresita Ramos Valdez

3 Henry Medina


John Lubecki

4 Tom Sweeney


Richard Welsh

4 Candy Ward


Ruben De Anda Pa‐ dilla

Clement 5 Dougherty


Judy Abi‐Nade

6 Troy Olsen


Paul Gohring

6 Denis Shunta


Henry Luckie

7 Manuel Duenas


Rodd Tu o

7 Daniel Styer


Gloria Sunquist

9 Mary Hager


Patrick Povey

9 Robert Mayer


Donald Wagner

Nickolas Erlinda Oakes

First Degree Anniversaries James Carlson Bernard Hanneman Michael Fox Trevor Harris Rick Cerve John Lubecki Daniel O Donahue Patrick Povey Ross Broadley Brendan O Neill Ferryanto Tjhin Edward Orgon

Day 1 1 9 9 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 23

Years 33 5 10 10 11 35 50 2 18 18 18 18

Honorary Lifetime


Help Wanted Nomina ons will be sought during our Octo‐ ber General Business mee ng for a new re‐ corder a er our Worthy Recorder Mark Swink stepped down from the posi on. The recorder is responsible for:  Keeping and maintaining a true and per‐ manent record of all ac ons of the council, using a Recorder’s Minute Book (#1403)  Maintains all correspondence of the council  Reads the bills entered into the minutes for discussion  Performs such other du es as the grand knight may direct October 2018 Navigator

Congratula ons to Brother Ken Knutson who received his honorary life me membership card during Oktoberfest 2018.

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Council & Our Community

hank you Kathy!

GK Mike recognized Joan Waldron and Kathy Knutson for their 10 years of suppor ng the council Oktober‐ fest and preparing Kathy’s renowned menu!

ADORATION & BREW First Wednesday every month!

Our Council recognized 2018‐19 Father Richard Dohney Scholarship Winner, Caitrin Joaquin and family, The Phil F. Duffy Scholarship winner Charles Diaz and family. school parent James Corfee of CCC Remodel and his work on the council storage container, and St. Mel Principal Janet Nagel.

FRATERNITY OF FATHERHOOD Third Wednesday every month

No better way to start the month! Spend time with men The Fraternity of Fatherhood is for all men. Our desire in front of Jesus. It’s like a mini‐retreat! Adoration and a is to serve the Lord in all areas of our lives and to espe‐ brew. Meet at St. cially model our fatherhood after the example of God Mel Chapel. the Father and His goodness. There is a trust, friend‐ at 7PM. We pray ship that is fostered in Christ. Real men‐ real talk! together to The “You learn to serve as St. Joseph did and realize that Lord then grab a God has entrusted His children to your fatherly care”! quick brew with Fr. Santan Pinto, SOLT (9/13/47 ‐12/16/11) friends at Fair Meet at Denny’s in Orangevale 7:30 pm – 9:00 pm. Oaks brew pub. Contact: Mike Allison text: 916‐ 834‐6226 Meallison5@gmail.com

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Family of the Knight of the month August month August

SK and FS Pat Wagner and Family with GK Mike

GK Mike and Brother Victor Warmerdam

By: Brother Mike Allison

Family of the month September

Brother Ken, Kathy and the Knutson family recognized during Oktoberfest 2018 by GK Mike

October 2018 Navigator

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Shining Star Award

Brother Marty Burgermyer’s accomplishment acknowledged during Oktoberfest 2018!

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Our Fair Oaks Council and St. Mel Sch earn money for our parish school at the 1

at the Capital Airshow. 21 Volu and 9 council Knights, (some knights are (9/22-23) on the hot tarmac selling hot d Mel School. The food booth alone sold n pallets of water and soda!

GK Mike and DGK Pat

St. Mel Parent Nicole Marshall “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

hool parents teamed together to 00th Anniversary of Mather Field

unteers consisting of 14 parents e also parents), worked 2 days dogs and novelties to benefit St. nearly 1000 hot dogs and over 2 OrientaĆ&#x;on with Airshow Concession Manager "Twitch"

St. Mel parent Spencer Davis and our cooking crew! PGK Bruce, newest Brother Knight Rick Terry, Brother John Pretzel and Brother Aaron Knutson

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Membership Drive By: PGK Frank Abi‐Nader. Membership Director

Brothers there are always opportunities to invite men to join the Knights of Columbus. We are all recruiters for Christ. Invite your friends, relatives and acquaintances to join our council, even your neighbor and your coworkers! Octoberfest just happened, did you go? Did you In‐ vite a friend to join the party and to join the Knights? Are you active in another parish minis‐ try? If so, ask the men in your group if they enjoy the bene its and security for their family provided by Knights of Columbus bene its. The Carmelite Luncheon is on 10/6 and will held in our parish center. This is another activity where

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future Knights will be in attendance. If you go, ask someone there to join our order. How about the School Harvest Festival on the same day? Are you going? Why not? This is an excellent event held by the school to bring families together. The Knights need to be there to represent our order. These are just a few ideas of where you can ind potential new members. We have a Parish Membership Drive Scheduled for Sunday, 10/7. Join in and help after Masses to grow our membership. If you would like member‐ ship materials please contact me at 916‐337‐ 9171. I will have membership materials that ex‐ plain the bene its of Knighthood available at all council general meetings. Thank you for all you do!

CAMPAIGN FOR PEOPLE WITH INTELLECTUAL DISABILITIES The Knights of Columbus are sponsoring a Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities with Br. Paul Gohring passing out Tootsie Rolls after each Mass on Sun‐ day, 10/7.. The council will also solicit in front of local Safeway on 10/20‐21 and Walmart stores two weekends of 10/14 and 10/21‐22. This is a great opportunity volunteer for those who have not obtained Safe Environment training or ingerprinting. The moneys collected by the council are ear‐marked to support Camp ReCreation at Camp Ronald McDonald at Eagle Lake.


Mark your calendars! The Campaign for People with Intellectual Disabilities Spaghetti Dinner Fundraiser on November 10th, 5:30 PM at the Parish Center. Tickets are available after all Masses in October and available at the Parish Of‐ ice (916 967‐1229). To RSVPs please call or text Jim Carlson at 916 801‐9373, or email him at carlsonjimyoly@comcast.net. The proceeds from the toot‐ sie roll and ID dinner are ear‐ marked for Camp ReCreation whose mission is to provide a residential summer camp program and related events for fun, social interaction, and spiritual growth while creating valuable respite for parents and caregivers. Through its programs and development of volunteer staff, Camp ReCreation strives to increase the awareness and acceptance of persons with special needs in the larger community. Learn more at FaceBook page @CampReCreation.Sacramento. This is Brother Paul’s last

year as chair, please help him and sign up for a shift at our next general meeting or call him at 916-709-0576 to offer your time for this worthy cause! “Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

By: District Deputy John Brennan

The Knights of Columbus has always been a men’s fraternal organization with the focus on family. Protection of our family is vital to the health and well‐being for all of us. Besides protecting our family inancially with insurance, it is important to protect our family spiritually by being strong leader in our faith to those closest to us. Setting the example by practicing our faith with others helps make each of us stronger and closer to God. Our new Faith in Action program wants us to cel‐ ebrate the family unit in many ways. First of all, we can renew the Keep Christ in Christmas pro‐ gram by promoting the example set by the Holy Family and the Nativity of Our Lord. Your Council can work on creating community events to re‐ member the reason for the season, moving away from the prevalent materialism to the spirit of giving. Possible activities could include:  Journey to the Inn – a re lection on the travels of Mary and Joseph, up to the birth of Jesus  Conduct an Advent Wreath Blessing event  Have a Christmas Poster Contest As in the other categories of the Faith in Action program, there is a required program in the Fami‐ ly category if your Council wants to be eligible for

the Columbian Award. The required program in the category is the Consecration to the Holy Fami‐ ly. As with all programs, this one requires some planning. Review this program with your Pastor and select a date to hold a Consecration to the Ho‐ ly Family event. Order (or print off Supreme’s website) the prayer Holy Family Prayer Cards. Promote the event at least a month and a week before the date. The consecration is to occur at all Masses for the weekend. Additional details can be found on Supreme’s website, www.KofC.org. Don’t wait to begin planning this event. As you know, the Columbian Year seems to slip away faster and faster as the months go by. More programs to consider designated for fami‐ lies include:  Family Fully Alive  Family of the Month / Year  Family Prayer Night  Family Week  Food for Families  Good Friday Family Promotion The family is the Domestic Church. It is vital that we do everything we can to develop and maintain a strong family unit in order that our Parish com‐ munity grows and remains vibrant.

Support the Legion of Mary The Legion of Mary is a worldwide Catholic Organization that seeks to serve God and his Church through prayer, especially the Rosary and good works. Our mission is to foster holiness in our members and evan‐ gelize the Catholic faith under the Holy Spirit and in union with Mary. We meet weekly to pray the Rosary and receive an assignment of 2 hours a week, such as visitation to convalescent hospitals and homes to pray the Rosary and bring Holy Communion to the sick.. Our Brother Knights, especially those whom are retired and can make time during the work week are encouraged to volunteer for this minis‐ try. Please contact Brother Bill Savage or his wife Joyce, joyc‐ esav@sbcglobal.net if you can help.

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“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.� Proverbs 27:17

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pray the Rosary, we link our wills with the will of the Blessed Virgin Mary, and all of us saying to God, A Spiritual Fraternity for All Men “Thy Will be Done.” It is an indispensable weapon in the hands of intercessors, and those who actively By Miguel Lizzaraga, Michael Hummer & Mike Allison resist the workings of the devil. As St. Peter tells us, “Your opponent, the devil, is prowling around like a Recently, I began to take early morning walks for my health. I found myself with a perfect opportuni‐ roaring lion looking for someone to devour” (1 Pe‐ ty to say the rosary but was puzzled to experience ter 5:8). Through the centuries, the Rosary has that, try though I might, I was unable to say it, not proven a powerful weapon against the forces of even a decade. Thanks be to God, I was able to do evil. The root cause of today’s ills is spiritual. That is why the Mother of God is calling for spiritual so on subsequent days, but I later thought to my‐ weapons such as the Rosary. The evil enemy is su‐ self, “Am I the only one with this problem? perhuman, both in strength and I am certainly not as diligent as I intelligence, against whom only need and want to be in saying the The Rosary is a weapon spiritual weapons will prevail Rosary. I know that, as a sacra‐ from heaven, a vibrant (Eph. 6:12). In this materialistic mental, it is spiritually powerful; and powerful intercesso‐ culture, so many rely on material that it has been credited with means, and ignore God with his winning great military battles ry tool in the hands of laws. Scripture testi ies (Psalm during Medieval times, for Godly 81:12) God leaves man to his causes, and that it constantly valiant spiritual warriors. own devices and self‐destruction. keeps the devil in check. The power of the Rosary. The We all experience distractions. They are a part of celebration on October 7 of Our Lady of the Rosary, our fallen nature, but by God’s grace, He permits also known as Our Lady of Victories, is a feast that them. How do we deal with them? What can we do commemorates the 1571 victory of Christian ar‐ when we suddenly realize we went missing in ac‐ mies against the Turks at the Battle of Lepanto. It is tion on the last two decades thinking of everything a tremendous example of spiritual warfare. except the mystery we are praying? It seems that Through tireless efforts of Pope Pious V, buttressed we lose our singlemindedness. If when praying a by the spiritual sustenance of thousands who inces‐ rosary, we offer the mysteries for a speci ic singu‐ santly prayed the Rosary, the Holy League’s victory lar intention—just one thing; when we catch our‐ at the Battle of Lepanto was not only a miraculous selves being drawn “off‐course”, we can pause, military victory, but a moral and spiritual victory. share the distractions When we pray the with the Lord (He Rosary, a kind of cares what is on our spiritual chain is es‐ mind and heart, and tablished, involving even our distractions millions of Catholics, have a purpose so the angels and the don’t beat yourself saints all joined to‐ up), then use our gether in prayer. This GPS, “God Positioning corporate act of the Satellite” to re‐route. will establishes a Ask God to direct us back to our prayer intention powerful presence in the world and acts as a spir‐ destination and return to the mystery and the spe‐ itual buffer and antidote to the poison of evil. ci ic intention for which we are praying. Pray the Rosary each day, pray with your family, The Rosary is a weapon from heaven, a vibrant pray with the men in the Fraternity of Fatherhood. and powerful intercessory tool in the hands of val‐ God bless you. iant spiritual warriors. The Blessed Virgin Mary joined her will perfectly to God’s will when she agreed to be the mother of His Son. So, when we

Fraternity of Fatherhood

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

Four council Knights a end Cursillo Retreat, even more on team!

By: Br. Andrew Cunha

Cursillo is a movement near and dear to my heart. Cursillo teaches you 3 things all Catholic need to do. Piety, Study and Action. Piety is the time you spend with God; mass, prayers, rosery, etc... Study will help you grow in your faith and give you the tools to defend it. Action is where the Knights of Columbus come into play. We always have events to help our community. This past weekend was amazing. The candidates start the retreat as Apos‐ tles. After growing within their faith, the candidates are now sent as Disciples. I witnessed 15 men who were quiet, nervous, and re‐

served become open, joyful, and full of sprit. If you want to grow in your faith and need help to keep the ire going, please consider Cursillo. A Cursillo Leader, is a dedicated apostle; a person who puts all of their abilities in the ser‐ vice of Christ. As Pope Pius the 10th said: “They must be a mature Catholic, con‐ vinced of their faith, solid‐ ly versed in the ways of reli‐ gion, sincerely devoted to the Church, and in particu‐ lar to this Supreme Apostolic See and the Vicar of Christ on earth; persons of genuine piety, of manly virtues, of clean habits, of a life so blameless that they may serve as an effective example to all.”. Congratulations to Brothers Manuel Duenas, Jim Phillips, Carlos Lopez and Tony Quezada and thank you to our Cursillo Round Table for serving on the team! De Colores !

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October 2018 4th Pre‐Mtg. Dinner @ 6:00 PM & General Business Mtg @7:00 PM 6th Carmelite Lunch 6th School Harvest Festival Beer Garden 7th Coffee, Donuts and Membership Drive 9th First Degree 14th Tootsie Roll‐ ID Drive (Walmart—Orangevale) 18th Of icers’ Planning Meeting @ 7:00 PM 20th‐21st Tootsie Roll‐ ID Drive (Safeway & Walmart—Orangevale) 27th Christmas Card Sales Begin 27th & 28th Priesthood Sunday 27th & 28th Food Baskets

November 2018 4th Membership Drive 10th Memorial Mass 10th Intellectual Disabilities (ID Drive) Dinner 13th First Degree 17th Northern California Chapter Meeting

Fair Oaks Council # 6066 P.O. Box 1180 Fair Oaks, Ca 95628

“Iron is sharpened by iron; one person sharpens another.” Proverbs 27:17

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