Glimpses of Magic
Adam Lou Age 8
Lulu’s Big Adventure Introduction Lulu is a kangaroo, and he is five years old (in kangaroo years). Lulu has a friend, Turtle. Turtle is twenty six years old (in turtle years). Some hobbies Lulu has are: 1. Camping 2. Ice fishing 3. Going on adventures 4. Having a rock collection 5. Making new friends 6. Eating pizza 7. Biking long distances 8. Reading books 9. Playing kangaroo video games Lulu’s favorite colors are gold and silver. Lulu’s favorite food is sushi. Lulu’s favorite hobby is playing video games (especially kangaroo-themed video games). Lulu’s favorite contest is Math Kangaroo. Chapter 1: A Normal Day 1/30/2013, 10:05AM One cold, winter day, Lulu the kangaroo was walking outside in his small town. Everything was normal. Or almost normal. “It’s so cold out here,” Lulu said. So, he went home for a cup of hot chocolate. That was better. Suddenly, his hot chocolate cup fell on the floor! So, he swept the glass away with a broom.