Just Add a Speck of Magic
Anna Stearns Age 10
Raya and the Missing Raspberries Chapter 1 Tweet tweet. “Coming, Blissey.” Hi, I am Raya, and I am a fairy without wings. I didn’t lose them, I was just born without them. For a fairy, this is very bad because wings are how a fairy gets around, so on top of having no wings, getting around is harder for me. This really bums me out. But I still have ways of getting around, even without wings. Now, you probably wonder who Blissey is, and why she was tweeting at me. Don’t worry. I am about to get to that. First of all, Blissey is my friend bluebird, my best friend bluebird to be exact. You see, when Blissey was a young bluebird, she crashed into a tree. I found her and took care of her until she got better. Since then, we have been the best of friends. I give her the food, water, shelter, and grooming she needs to stay alive. But back to the story. I am sleeping, and Blissey is trying to wake me up, so I wake up and open the shutters of my acorn house and say hello. Then, I close the shutters and get dressed. Most fairies wear classic leaves and petal dresses, but I wear a crop top with skinny jeans. After that, I go to the window and say, “Ready?” Then, I jumped out the window. Chapter 2 It might seem really strange and dangerous to jump out a window. And it is! Unless you have been doing it for a few years like me. So I jumped out the window and landed on Blissey’s back. Then, she flies me down to the ground, and I start to take off running. I see a river up ahead, but I still keep running. I take this path every day, so I know that it’s very deep water. But I also know how to get by it without stopping. When I am a few centimeters away from the river, I jump into the air and swing from a blade of grass across the river. When I hit the ground, I just keep running. Finally, after a while, I got to my destination. My destination is the big kitchen that was built in the middle of the great raspberry bush. The great raspberry bush is the fairies’ main source of food! There are a lot of baking fairies, so you always see activity. But when I step inside, I see a bunch of fairies freaking out! I go up to one and ask, “What is going on?”