Mondays and Magic
Eloise Combs Age 8
The Great Lynx Chapter 1: The World A lynx named Fireflight sat on a rock and listened to the Wise Baboon tell a story: A long time ago there was a Great Lynx that created the world. She had a son whose kittens went on to become all the lynxes in all the forests in the whole world. (What a strange thing to have a son who then had all the babies!) Over the years, the Great Lynx’s descendents fought and quarreled with each other, severing their connection to the Great Lynx. These estranged Lynxes lived in fear of the fiery-eyed Basilisk, who was the mortal enemy of the Great Lynx. Only the special few whose hearts beat at the same rhythm of the Great Lynx herself need not fear the serpentine King of Beasts. When the Great Lynx was at a ripe old age, she retreated into the temple that she and the other lynxes had built for each other. It had an arch made out of emeralds, which glinted in the sun. In the place where she died, her blood was absorbed into the walls of pyrite, marble, and amber. Her magical blood nourished a liverwort plant that still grows there to this day and gives powers to descendents of the Great Lynx. As the Old Baboon finished, a wombat named Eniachia said, “If the liverwort plant gives powers to only the kin of the Great Lynx, how do we find out who is the kin of the Great Lynx? How do we ever find out? It even might be Fireflight here.” Everyone looked at each other thinking the same thing. “Now everyone, the story is finished. Now go home. Stop staring at me like that,” said the Wise Baboon. Chapter 2: The Flood Fireflight thought about the Wise Baboon’s story as she walked home. She settled down and started reading a book called The Story of the Mad Lynx. Mad Lynx went to the mall and broke everything in his path . . . She read on . . . Then, the minister of the mall walked right in front of him. “Mister,” the minister said, “you have caused trouble in this mall, you have to go . . .”