Mondays and Magic
Kay Tian Age 10
The Six Petsketeers In the year 123456789 (the number order is a coincidence supposedly), everyone is rich, so nobody is rich except for Puggzy. Puggzy is so rich that he uses trillion dollar bills (invented in the year 1234, but once again the year number order is a coincidence) as chew toys. On the day our story begins, it just so happens to be the best day ever: May 5! The day that the amazing Kay was born (she was the alpha of all animals and can turn into any extinct or “fake” animal). What! YOU DON’T KNOW WHO THE AMAZING KAY IS? SHE
IS ONLY THE MOST AMAZING PERSON IN THE HISTORY OF THE WORLD AND WAY BEYOND! (Nevermind that, let’s get back to Puggzy). Puggzy was, as you
can see, very spoiled. Boberina, his owner, sadly died, which may not have been a natural death. Detectives are trying to find out who killed Boberina. Most clues are pointed to, ahem, Puggzy. At that time, he was reported to be holding a ball (ahem bomb) in his mouth and dropping it by his owner’s feet. Then, a passerby heard a loud boom and saw a man with a puppy by his side. The passerby thought the dog was being sweet. (He wasn’t exactly the smartest person in the world). Anyways, that’s how Puggzy became the richest “anything” in the world. He thought his life was perfect. Little did he know his life was going to change, permanently. Some of Puggzy’s “friends” (he paid them to be his friends because he was mean, old, and bossy) were over to celebrate the interstellar: Kay Day! They were (kinda) having fun in Puggzy’s mansion, exploring his different rooms and having separate parties in each. Their favorite room by far was the mansion in the mansion room. Puggzy’s favorite room was the “reasons to be grumpy room” and the “ways to grow old room.” His friends didn’t like those rooms very much though. Puggzy owes his “friends” ten years of their lives now. That will be hard to solve considering he can’t just pay back ten years with money. When they partied in all the rooms, they went to the giant swimming pool #9876543210 (coincidental again). It was #9876543210 from the attic. Each room has at least 10,000 swimming pools (just to prove how rich he is). Anyhow, they were diving into pool #9876543210 when suddenly they saw a little “toy kitchen.” The toy kitchen appeared to have the letters