All material appearing in Australian Automotive Aftermarket magazine is copyright. Reproduction in whole or in part is strictly forbidden without prior written consent. Contribution: Freelance contribution and submissions are welcomed by this magazine. No responsibility is accepted for unsolicited manuscripts, photographs and transparencies. The opinions expressed by contributors are not necessarily those of the AAAA. All statements made, although based on information believed to be reliable and accurate, cannot be guaranteed and no fault or liability can be accepted for error or omission. The publisher reserves the right to omit or alter any advertisement and the advertiser agrees to indemnify the publisher for all damages or liabilities arising from the published material. ABOUT THE COVER The Penrite Oil Company was born out of humble beginnings some 96 years ago in St Kilda, Melbourne. Today, it is the oldest Australian lubricant company servicing Australia and New Zealand whilst exporting product to Europe, Asia and the USA. 1029622 Publisher Cameron McLachlan for The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association ABN 23 002 271 454 7 – 8 Bastow Place, Mulgrave VIC 3170, Australia Phone: 03 9545 3333 Fax: 03 9545 3355 Email: Website: Official publication of the AAAA EDITORIAL Tel 61 3 9372 9125 PRODUCTION MANAGER Brigid Fraser, Tel 61 3 9505 0121 ADVERTISING Tel 61 3 9545 3333 CAB Audited CameronPUBLISHERMcLachlanAllanEDITOREdwards Calendar ................................................... 4 New Members 4 AAAA Report ............................................ 5 News 6 Industry Movements 18 Products ................................................. 26 Consumer Law ........................................ 98 HR Matters 99 Shopfront ............................................. 100 Services 101 PRTC 103 4WD ..................................................... 106 REGULAR DEPARTMENTS Your automotive future at Autocare 2023 6 AAAA looks forward to consultation on national Electric Vehicle strategy 7 4WD Industry Council welcomes Ryco expert ...................................................................... 9 Automechanika Frankfurt enters into agreement with the ADS 10 Capricorn Rising Star crowned 12 Pedders awarded Victorian Family Business Excellence Award .......................................... 14 New talent inbound 15 Vehicle usage through the pandemic ................................................................................. 17 Cover Story: Penrite - Aussie spirit driving success .............................................................. 20 Product R&D: Hayman Reese - Intelligent towing solutions 22 AAAA Most Innovative New Aftermarket Products: Electrical 64 Member Feature: VCM Performance - Tuned to perform 66 Towing Systems & Vehicle Protection: All the latest in towbar & bullbar components 68 Oils & Lubes: Keeping your customers’ vehicles running smoothly ..................................... 86 Trade Talk: Bradley Gannon - Better, together 96 Members in Motorsport: Pedders springs to new level of motorsport success 102 KEEPING YOU INFORMED FEATURES

498 North East Road KLEMZIG SA 5087
22 – 24 November 2022
National Exhibition & Convention Center Shanghai
36 Collingwood Street ALBION QLD 4010 Ph: 07 3262 2422 E:
9 – 10 June 2023
Adam Pay (NSW), mycar Tyre & Auto Service Ph: 02 9680 6500
Podium Level 22/376-390 Collins St MELBOURNE VIC 3000 Ph: 0422 238 273 E:
Ph: 08 8327 2013 E:
Ph: 02 6332 5551 E:
Edan Cassell Edge Automotive 1263C Howitt Street WENDOUREE VIC 3355 Ph: 0413 600 911 E:
Robert Street Automotive
10 Kirkcaldy Street BATHURST NSW 2795
Janelle Gonzalez (NSW), Blue Toro Pty Ltd Ph: 1300 258 386
5253 E Crown Park Lane MISSOURI MO 65809 Ph: 24 8633 5067 E:
17 Staple Street SEVENTEEN MILE ROCKS QLD 4073 Ph: 07 3376 6344 E:
Rod Bowen’s Prestige Smash
Autocare 2023
Repco Authorised Service Dandenong (Kian Auto Services)
Craig Baills (QLD), Highfields Mechanical Ph: 07 4696 7116
Graham Scudamore-Smith (QLD)
PRI 2022
Wayne Bryant (VIC), Repco Pty Ltd Ph: 03 9566 5444
Tumut Auto Electrics Pty Ltd
Ph: 03 9706 4177 E:
Ph: 08 8261 4004 E:
Repco Authorised Service Donnybrook (Donnybrook Auto Service)
Repco Authorised Service Windsor Gardens (Car Service Windsor Gardens)
Mark Pedder (VIC)
Ph: 0411 807 255 E:
Pedders Suspension Pty Ltd Ph: 03 9706 3500
Repco Authorised Service Ph: 0428 896 597
Fulcrum Suspensions Pty Ltd Ph: 07 3892 9000
Craig Magill (VIC), Burson Automotive Pty Ltd Ph: 03 9914 5555

The Garage Brunswick
17 Wright Street SUNSHINE VIC 3020 Ph: 03 9310 2347 E:
Repco Authorised Service Truganina (Western Tyre & Auto) 2/8 Integration Court TRUGANINA VIC 3029 Ph: 1300 102 203 E:
Vardon Industries
Michael Carnemolla (NSW)
Ph: 0437 349 887 E:
Bellbowrie Mechanical
1 - 4 November 2022
Adam Cope Mechanical
Ph: 03 9381 2433 E:
Repco Authorised Service Cranbourne West (Maxx Autos & Tyres) 39A Whitfield Boulevard CRANBOURNE WEST VIC 3977 Ph: 03 9702 7980 E:
Don Cormack (SA) ADRAD Pty Ltd Ph: 08 8243 9888
CALENDAR 2022-23
Peter Rogers (VIC)
14 Malduf Street CHINCHILLA QLD 4413 Ph: 07 4668 9289 E:
8 – 10 December 2022
Gianni’s Motor Mechanic
Las Vegas Convention Center, Las Vegas, Nevada
19 Cheltenham Road DANDENONG VIC 3175 Ph: 0413 662 337 E:
Cima International
Darren Robinson (VIC), HELLA Australia Pty Ltd Ph: 1800 061 729
16 Vale Road BATHURST NSW 2795
AAAA NEWS 4 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
AMS Mechanical Solutions
Austo One Seaford Shop 3/9 Seaford Road MOANA SA 5169
Ph: 02 6947 2805 E:
Repco Authorised Service Bordertown (All AG & Auto) 230 Cannawigara Road BORDERTOWN SA 5268 Ph: 0459 603 395 E:
MJR Motors
4 Boyce Street BUNDAMBA QLD 4304 E:
57-59 Fallon Street BRUNSWICK VIC 3056
Ph: 02 9810 2232 E:
Dubai World Trade Centre
313 Automotive Pty Ltd Ph: 02 9713 9476
Bundamba Auto Electrical & Air Conditioning
Repco Authorised Service Maddingley (CMS Complete Maintenance Service)
22 Robert Street ROZELLE NSW 2039
1 - 3 November 2022
Automechanika Dubai
11 Kennedy Place MADDINGLEY VIC 3340 Ph: 03 5370 1775 E:
Repco Authorised Service Southport (SNJ Tyres and Mechanical) 191A Southport Nerang Rd SOUTHPORT QLD 4215 Ph: 07 5528 8503 E:
JJ Service Centre 254 Inkerman Street ST KILDA EAST VIC 3183 Ph: 03 9527 4718 E:
1 – 4 December 2022
Repco Authorised Service Huonville (Total Automotive and 4WD) 45 Wilmot Road HUONVILLE TAS 7109 Ph: 03 6264 1783 E:
DMW Manufacturing Pty Ltd
32 - 34 Boothby Street DRAYTON QLD 4350 Ph: 07 4630 2369 E:
6 118-130 Queens Road FIVE DOCK NSW 2046 Ph: 02 9701 0092 E:
Automechanika Shanghai
Indianapolis, Indiana, USA
Brisbane Convention & Exhibition Centre
4 Kitchen Road DANDENONG SOUTH VIC 3175
Comet Automotive Pty Ltd
Lot 14 Jarrah Road TUMUT NSW 2720
100 Sunnyholt Road BLACKTOWN NSW 2148
The Venetian Expo, Las Vegas, Nevada
Repco Authorised Service Chinchilla (ETS Equipment & Transport Specialists)
19 Ramsay Terrace DONNYBROOK WA 6239 Ph: 08 9731 0370 E:
Repco Authorised Service Landsborough (D & F Auto Care) 1/11 Dyer Street LANDSBOROUGH QLD 4550 Ph: 07 5494 1222 E:
I welcome your thoughts on the ZLEV transition and how we can best serve and protect your business through this exciting time for the industry, so I invite you to please email and use the subject: ZLEV Transition.
Interest and application numbers to join the AASRA portal for the MVIS remain extremely high. We have deployed additional resources to reduce response times and increase speed of application approvals. The portal continues to be improved, and we appreciate your understanding and feedback during this initial rollout phase of what is an unprecedented scheme. To learn more about AASRA and register, visit Autocare 2023
We welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to consult with the aftermarket on the establishment of a national electric vehicle strategy because the aftermarket industry, which comprises more than 50,000 businesses and 300,000 workers, has a huge role to play in the role out of this strategy, and we need to get it right. Independent workshops and technicians will be at the forefront of servicing and repairing ZLEVs. Consultation will ensure our businesses are heard, informed and ready to capitalise on this industry evolution. Lesley Yates (our Director of Advocacy and Government Relations) and I recently appeared at a Senate Enquiry in Canberra on this very topic. We are proactively engaged on behalf of the industry.
If you are wanting to exhibit or become a sponsor, please contact and to keep up to date on everything Autocare, visit
Electric vehicles will undoubtedly be central to this new strategy, however hydrogen powered, hybrid and sustainably fuelled efficient internal combustion vehicles should also be considered part of the solution.
There is a great deal of focus at present on the transition to Zero and Low Emission Vehicles (ZLEV) –in fact, this subject is currently dominating discussion across the industry
With the environment a key factor driving the national ZLEV strategy, independent workshops will have a very important role to play in reducing emissions and maximising efficiency for our existing ICE powered vehicles. Access to manufacturer information via the AASRA portal further supports our ability to make a positive impact by reducing emissions, increasing fuel efficiency and maintaining the health of these vehicles for years to come.
It is important to remember that the new Motor Vehicle Information Scheme (MVIS) will future proof your ability to obtain the manufacturer information you need to service and repair your customers’ ZLEVs. With an increased reliance on technology and software these cars require, the MVIS, via the AASRA portal will further prove itself to be an invaluable workshop tool. It really has changed the game for workshops.
Our industry is increasingly becoming EV ready, but we must not lose sight of the projected timelines involved. The government has previously set a target of 50 percent of new car sales being ZLEV by 2030. Even if this 50 percent figure is reached, the volume of ICE vehicles currently on our roads and the 10-year average age of the car-parc, means ICE vehicles will remain the predominate vehicles in our car-parc for many years to come. That is why we are advocating for a balanced and realistic transition, and our government consultation will remain a priority moving forward.
Stuart Charity Chief Executive Officer

Encouragingly, our industry has already shown its willingness to embrace the future with long waiting lists for technicians wanting to complete the basic EV safety training courses across the country. We are working with governments, training organisations and other industry bodies on expanding training opportunities to meet this Itdemand.isnatural that change can create apprehension, but with a good plan, the correct advice, ongoing open communication and the right training, change can also bring growth and new business opportunities to the aftermarket industry. I look forward to supporting our members and the industry through this change.
AASRA Resourcing
Our Autocare speaker program is shaping up and I’m excited to soon be in a position to share the industry leading talent lined up to impart wisdom and practical advice to prepare you for future success. Whether you are a technician or workshop owner, Autocare 2023 is not to be missed. Registrations will also open soon so keep an eye on our communication channels.
Education is going to be absolutely crucial to a successful, well-supported transition. With our critical skills shortage, providing new training pathways will need support on all fronts. Workshop technicians and owners must have access to ZLEV training courses, while consumers must feel confident that you can service and repair their ZLEV vehicles safely and professionally, just as they trust you currently to service their ICE vehicles. As more customers consider purchasing ZLEV vehicles, you need to be armed with the information and materials to provide sound advice to support their decision making.
AAAA NEWS 55Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
While the AAAA fully backs this important technological evolution and will support the aftermarket industry throughout the journey, we must make sure we don’t lose focus on ICE vehicles which for the foreseeable future will remain the daily bread and butter for our workshops and I’vetechnicians.heardfrom many AAAA members over the last few weeks, particularly off the back of our media release confirming we will be consulted as part of the government’s strategy for the EV transition, and this was a hot topic of discussion at our recent Automotive Repairers Council Australia (ARCA) Theremeeting.are three key messages I’ve heard loud and clear. Firstly, you understand the ZLEV future is coming, and want support with advice, education and training to allay concerns and prepare your customers. Secondly, and equally as important, is that the AAAA should maintain its focus and effort on supporting the service and repair of ICE vehicles, and thirdly, that the government should factor ICE vehicles into the overall national transition strategy.

We discuss this idea in more depth in State of the Nation, along with many other fascinating topics, so have a read of it when you get the chance. We’re going to be launching the full report in the October edition of Ignition and it will also be available through our website, so keep an eye out.
The incredibly valuable education program will be complimented by an exciting free Trade Show, with one hundred top automotive companies to exhibit the latest and greatest products and
have turned to apprentices as a way to fill this gap, with more than half (52 percent) saying the reason they took one on was the lack of qualified tradespeople.
David CapricornGroupFraserCEO,Society Ltd

This year’s State of the ReportNationprovides a fascinating insight into an Manyskillsbattlingindustryautomotivethatisaseriousshortage.ofourMembers
Yes, automotive is not for everyone. Yes, it has traditionally been a male-dominated environment. But it doesn’t have to be.
The Business Management stream is for business leaders wanting to understand emerging trends, how the car-parc will change and how they should prepare their team and workshop for the future.
But what more can we do? One idea is to widen the range of homegrown talent we are able to attract. Why, for example, don’t more women work in our industry? Just six percent of workshops we surveyed have a female mechanic and only 12 percent employ a female apprentice.
Capricorn’s State of the Nation report offers insights into tackling the skills shortage, explains Group DavidExecutiveChiefOfficer,Fraser
Yours in cooperation, David Fraser Group CEO – Capricorn Society Ltd
For more on Capricorn Society membership, visit
“Autocare is a must attend event for any workshop owner, manager or technician wanting to take their career or business to the next level,” AAAA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity, “Autocaresaid. was built by the industry, for the industry and the training program is designed to provide the answers the industry needs.
“Vehicle technology is changing at break-neck speed and technicians need to be trained and ready to efficiently service and repair the latest generation vehicles.
The two-day show will be held in June 2023
“For workshop owners and managers, they need to know how best to invest in the equipment, technology and business practices to plan and adapt for future success.
The show is expected to host thousands of automotive technicians and business owners at the Brisbane Convention and Exhibition Centre (BCEC) over its two days.

a dedicated demonstration stage, tools, equipment and services will come to life via interactive displays that yield further hands-on and educational opportunities for visitors.
In the hunt for qualified technicians, some Capricorn Members have even begun searching overseas, looking to sponsor experienced mechanics and other tradespeople to fill long-term vacancies.

Exhibitor places are limited, so the AAAA encourages you to act quickly if you would like to secure exhibition space for your company.
training streams for Autocare 2023 are designed to maximise learning across intensive, practical sessions.
The Technical Training stream targets technicians and apprentices and focuses on advanced comprehensive hands-on training for the latest generation vehicles, scan tool, software and diagnostic requirements.
Autocare 2023 is Australia’s largest educationled automotive convention, offering an unprecedented training and networking opportunity to take automotive career development, skills and business growth to the next the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA), Autocare will be held across the 9th and the 10th of June in 2023.

“In addition, with the unprecedented skills shortage, finding practical methods to attract and retain great staff is more important than Specialisedever.”
Sponsorship opportunities are also available for Autocare 2023.
The challenge is to make automotive careers more attractive to a more diverse range of people. We need to create opportunities and challenge perceptions that automotive is only for the blokes. It’s not the only solution, and it’s not a quick fix. But providing opportunities and encouraging a more diverse workforce will make our industry a much better, happier place to be.
Networking will be another huge component of Autocare 2023, with a happy hour networking event on the show floor.
6 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS
International guest speakers will share the latest global trends, and join a group of Australia’s leading experts for a comprehensive education program tailored specifically for automotive parts, service and repair professionals.
“If you are involved in the automotive parts, service and repair sector save the date, you won’t want to miss this unique opportunity to learn, uplift your team and grow your business,” Stuart Registrationssaid. for Autocare 2023 will open shortly.
For both sponsorship and exhibitor enquiries, please email
on choice of parts is also important because it reveals to the customer that we know, and we care, that some families are facing some tough decisions and we are here to help where we Thecan.high community trust levels that independent technicians enjoy is not simply a function of mechanical knowledge – we are in a unique position to do what we can to listen and offer understanding and support.
The aftermarket industry has an important role to play in this strategy
The consultation process will allow the AAAA to ensure the aftermarket industry, which comprises more than 50,000 businesses and 300,000 workers, is geared up to support this transition. sector often sails through the storm of economic upheaval. Whilst no sector can be immune to global or domestic recession, we often fare better than most: people delay new vehicle purchases and hang on to vehicles longer and that trend leads to more maintenance services, more repair and replacement parts.
Being aware that there are difficult conversations to come and that bookings may be delayed because there is stress and worry has now become an important way to support customers, as is taking some time to listen carefully to the reticence about investing more in a vehicle when the family is struggling to manage all of the outgoings.
If you want to rely on the car to get you from A to B and to do so safely, it has to be maintained and serviced. But conveying this imperative to car owners is not going to be enough and there is more that we can do.
“We’d like to congratulate Chris Bowen, Minister for Climate Change and Energy, for this positive announcement that will ensure the automotive industry, and ultimately consumers, are supported through this important transitional phase.
and additional time taken during the call about what work is required on the vehicle. Can the work be broken into smaller components? Can we give the customer the option to authorise the urgent repairs and come back next month for the other
Strategies on how to manage the delayed or missed scheduled service should be developed
The news of stressed households will increase, and we need to respond accordingly. We shouldn’t continue a business-as-usual operation when so many households are feeling the stress of increased interest rates that are now passed on, in full and with remarkable speed.
Now nobody delivering auto service and repair would argue that maintaining a vehicle to ensure that it is safe and reliable should be considered
We should be concerned and deliberately aware that, despite the current backlog of auto service that is still occurring, we are about to enter a period in which car owners start to delay scheduled services and become reticent about additional purchases or repair work that is not absolutely Supportingcritical.long term customers with some empathy here and supporting the scheduling process has now become more important.
‘discretionary’ – it is certainly not a luxury or an optional purchase when you rely on the car to get you to and from work and to meet family and community commitments.
Loyal long-term customers know that you are technically adept and that you know what you are doing. The challenge for all of us over the next six to 12 months is to show that we also care, and we are here to support them.
NEWS 77Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Lesley Yates, AAAA Director of Government Relations and
It doesn’t matter how families came to be in mortgage stress – what matters now is how we support people in difficult times.
industry on what is a critical matter for Australia to get right,” AAAA Chief Executive Officer, Stuart Charity, said.
The household budget is under pressure, and we know from past economic events that in these conditions, families and households quickly reduce spending on discretionary services before going on to reduce spending on discretionary
The Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association (AAAA) has welcomed the Federal Government’s announcement to consult with the aftermarket on the establishment of a national electric vehicle strategy.

There isn’t a sector in our economy that will not feel the affect of increasing interest rates. The Reserve Bank efforts to curb inflation growth with interest rate hikes is now disturbingly regular.
The aftermarket is critical to giving consumer confidence that they will be able to have their vehicles serviced, repaired and modified as their popularity increases.
“The forthcoming ZLEV transition will also yield growth and new business opportunities in the aftermarket industry. Consultation will ensure
business is heard, informed and ready to capitalise on this industry evolution.
This Damon Richards quote rings very true in the Aftermarket right now
But we’re in an unusual place right now. Interest rate increases combined with a worrying inflation rate means the fortnightly or monthly mortgage payment will leave less cash for expenditures on discretionary items.
“The aftermarket industry has an important role to play in this strategy. Independent workshops and technicians will be at the forefront of servicing and repairing Zero and Low Emissions Vehicles (ZLEV).
For more from the AAAA, visit
“The AAAA looks forward to an ongoing dialogue with government on behalf of the aftermarket
“Electric vehicles will undoubtedly be central to this new strategy, however hydrogen powered, and sustainably fuelled efficient internal combustion vehicles should also be considered to be part of the solution.”

• Innovation Award – presented to an innovative individual or business that is supporting or implementing emerging technologies in the automotive or mobility industry.
“Over the last 12 months, we have experienced extreme weather events, impacts from COVID19, shortages in both skilled labour and parts and supplies, and ongoing disruption at the hands of technological advancements. However, the ingenuity, dedication, and excellence displayed by this year’s finalists in leading us through these challenges and continuing to prosper gives me comfort knowing our industry is in safe hands, and they truly deserve the recognition,” MTA Queensland Chief Executive Officer, Rod Camm, said. MTA Queensland thanks platinum event supporters BUSY At Work, Spirit Super, and Capricorn for their ongoing support of the Industry Awards Gala. For more information, visit
The Green Repair area will see new energy vehicle automakers, battery companies and training institutes offer vital knowledge transfer to cultivate talent in the maintenance of batteries and electric power control units, as well as learn about insulated workshop environments.
The Innovation4Mobility Mainstage will champion the advancing technologies and innovations in the value chain, while Parts and Components is a key sector highlighting how digitalisation
The show draws attention to the fundamental changes in the supply chain and consumer market by leveraging Innovation4Mobility in four specialised areas: the Innovation4Mobility Mainstage (Hall 2.1), A New Era of Commercial Vehicles (North Hall), Green Repair (Hall 7.2) and Motorsport and High Performance (Hall 8.2).
For more information, visit or email
the Month winners from the preceding 12-months and will be announced shortly.
and electrification enable higher efficiency and Elsewhere,connectivity. Tomorrow’s Service and Mobility prepares to cover opportunities that extend to both the alternative drive technologies and the e-mobility Additionally,chain.ANew
The Motor Trades Association of Queensland (MTA Queensland) says it is elated to announce the finalists for its 2022 Industry Awards, recognising some truly outstanding individuals and businesses for their contributions to the automotive and mobility industries.

Finalists for the Community Award include Jeeepart Recyclers (Hervey Bay), Southeast Auto Mechanical (Beenleigh), and The Garage Miami.
The finalists for the Apprentice of the Year Award are made up of the 12 MTA Institute Apprentice of
The winners will be announced in November at a gala event
To be announced at the 2022 MTA Queensland Industry Awards Gala on Saturday the 19th of November 2022 at the Emporium Hotel, Southbank, the awards are a celebration of the incredible contributions MTA Queensland member businesses and individuals continue to make in driving the forward progress of the automotive industry.
2022 Women in Industry Award nominee, Tania Meli
The award categories to be celebrated at the Industry Awards Gala include:
2022 Innovation Award Finalist Wolfgang Roffmann and Harry Proskefalas, E-Motion Concepts
• Apprentice of the Year Award – presented to an MTA Institute apprentice who demonstrates a dedication to learning and performs above and beyond expectations and their peers.
Finalists for the Innovation Award include Benzina Zero, E-Motion Concepts, and Sarfraz Ali Kyani.
The influence of future mobility, new energy solutions, a resilient consumer market and an evolving regulatory environment are sending ripples of innovation around the automotive ecosystem.
Era of Commercial Vehicles will go even further to address the role of commercial vehicles in the logistics industry with a scenariobased display of the hydrogen energy supply chain.
owners; while Accessories and Customising sectors will also feature new energy vehicle lubricants and car Thetuning. Motorsport and High Performance area will showcase leading brands and motorsport displays, as well as offer technical seminars, and experience Othersharing. value-added services will include AMS Live, Match Up, skills training, and visits to new energy vehicle industrial parks and institutions. At the show, more than 50 fringe events will touch upon advancements in mobility, environmental protection and more.
8 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS
The show will host 3,500 exhibitors from 21 countries and regions from 1 to 4 December at the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai)
• Community Award – presented to an individual or member business who is a role model in their community.
Exhibitors in the Services and Supply Chain zone will become leading examples of companies developing new business models around connectivity, digitalisation, data sharing and tech-savvy vehicle

Finalists for the Women in Industry Award include Hatice Hutchinson (All Car Engine Reconditioning Services, Yatala), Skid Control (Brendale), and Tania Meli (Frizelle Sunshine Automotive, Southport).

• Women in Industry Award – presented to an outstanding female leader or business achieving success through their commitment to driving change in the automotive or mobility industry.
The 17th edition of Automechanika Shanghai will adopt a theme of Innovation4Mobility to play into a unique way of presenting China’s transformational direction in the automotive industry to a global Themesaudience.under this concept will echo the country’s ‘four new modernisations’ (electrification, intelligence, connectivity and sharing) and ‘dual carbon goals.’
Innovation is also sweeping across the Diagnostics and Repair / Body and Paint sector with exhibitors to present their latest after-sales solutions.
For more information on the project, and
Emma says the supply chain redesign project has been transformative, both for its obvious efficiency
Emma also liaises with supply chain decision makers to improve and scale up sales of the Ryco branded product range.
Leveraging my experience to help the 4WD council make better-informed decisions, and improve 4x4 for the community, while bringing learnings back to Ryco is an exciting opportunity.”
“We look forward to seeing the results of the trial from Intellihub and hope to see it rolled out right across Australia.”
Recognised by Ryco as an eager learner with upward trajectory in the organisation, Emma is wellregarded internally for taking on new, difficult tasks, with a string of wins in her relatively short career.
“Power poles line most of our public streets and that presents an opportunity for the EV charging market. They’re an accessible, safe, and practical option for EV charging.”
As a Business Development Manager and former Territory Manager for Ryco, Emma Laukens stands out as a natural fit for membership with the 4WD Shecouncil.joins

NEWS 99Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
a new trial is successful, a wider rollout of chargers on a commercial basis could be in the works
Emma has spent the majority of her career growing Ryco’s relationships with strategic partners around the company’s core range of products.
Origin Energy will supply 100 percent GreenPower for the project, meaning all of the energy required to charge the vehicles will be matched with the equivalent amount of certified renewable energy added to the grid.
More recently, Emma’s success within Ryco led to her taking responsibility for their large-scale overhaul of 4WD parts distribution channels.
at the regulator level can flow on to hobbyists, sporting groups, vehicle manufacturers, parts suppliers, and affect the larger automotive industry.
the council to provide informed guidance and opinions on automotive supply chain logistics as both an industry expert and longtime 4x4 enthusiast. Emma says she believes that her “industry credentials and longtime personal
If the trial is successful, then Intellihub aims to pursue a wider rollout of chargers to more local councils on a commercial basis.
“Because the environment we work in is so reactive, the dynamics can shift very quickly.
The nine local councils taking part in the project include Waverley, Woollahra, Randwick,
“Not all electric vehicle owners have the ability to charge their vehicle at home, which is why we’re excited to partner with Intellihub on this trial that utilises street side power poles, providing a great opportunity to pair with EV charging,” Darren said.
Emma Laukens brings automotive supply chain expertise to the Australian 4WD Industry Council
On behalf of the Australian Government, the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) recently announced $871,000 in funding to Intellihub for an Australian first deployment of 50 electric vehicle (EV) chargers installed on street side power poles for EV owners without offstreet parking across New South Wales.
The Australian 4WD Industry Council is best known for its advocacy of the non-competitive 4WD lifestyle, boosting the 4x4 industry and consulting with governments on their strategic approach to issues that affect the 4WD community.
The council is a vital link between community, industry, and regulators, helping all parties have a voice in the process of making 4WDing safer, more accessible, and enjoyable.
Lake Macquarie, Ryde, Singleton, Parramatta, Northern Beaches and Inner West local councils.
For more from Ryco, visit
vehicles by 2025,” Intellihub Chief Executive “ThatOfficer, Wes Ballantine, said.equatestoanextra120,000 new EVs on our local streets each year. It is likely that many of these car owners may be unable to charge their EVs from home.
“It is expected that as many as 10 percent of new car sales in Australia will be electric
Intellihub will install EV chargers on power poles across nine local government areas in New South Wales to cater for EV owners who live in apartments, townhouses or units that do not have access to EV charging on-site.

She brings to the Australian 4WD council an extensive, hands-on knowledge of automotive supply chain logistics and years of experience successfully managing the broader business interests of Ryco and other automotive brands.
In Australia, the interests of recreational off-road enthusiasts sometimes require mediation to find fair, sustainable and commonsense solutions in shared Decisionsspaces.made
gains, and enhancing her own automotive supply chain knowledge through hands-on experience.
“Optimising 4WD supply chain distribution channels has improved how we ensure responsive supply of parts to dealers and end users across the country,” Emma said.
interest make [her] an ideal partner to help steer discussion and policy alongside the council.”
The trial aims to highlight that there are currently no regulatory barriers to using existing infrastructure that already has power running to it, such as street power poles, and will also help to understand the impact of EV chargers on the electricity network.
Intellihub’s $2.04 million project is supported by Schneider Electric who will provide the EV charging infrastructure, and EVSE who will be managing the charging service. Schneider Electric’s EV chargers will allow for convenient top ups, as well as overnight charging.
For more on the Australian 4WD Industry Council, visit
Emma works directly with business owners and distributors to improve processes and standards across the industry as a whole, while also helping to grow the Ryco brand.
ARENA Chief Executive Officer, Darren Miller, said power pole charging provided the perfect solution to increasing public EV chargers.
Around 1,000 exhibitors and brands are expected to be on show, and it’s anticipated that about 80,000 professionals will be in attendance. About 35 percent of the exhibitors will be participating for the first time, and 25 percent of the participants are from outside of France.
“This further underscores Automechanika Frankfurt’s significance as an international industry meeting place, and it is especially important for us as it helps us achieve our goal of expanding our network in the growing US market.”
Paris had to devise a rich, comprehensive programme of content that would be conducive to the business of its professional “Today,audiences.there is no doubt that this programme has hit the mark, given the presence of historic players and new market entrants, thus confirming Equip Auto Paris’ status as a 100 percent business exhibition and contributing to making it a structural pillar of Paris Automotive Week.” For more information, visit
“The Education Program is one of the SEMA Show’s key pillars, and it’s always been highly rated by participants,” SEMA Director of Education, Pamela Brown-Matthis, said.
“The feedback from exhibitors on the programme is very encouraging and confirms the choices we have made with a view to bringing together a wide range of players, representative of what our automotive and mobility industry is today and will be “Equiptomorrow.Auto
Many of the association’s members were exhibitors at Automechanika Frankfurt, the leading international trade fair for the automotive Theaftermarket.association took advantage of this to get all of its members together in the same place following an extended break caused by the pandemic, and to establish new contacts in the European market. For more information, visit
Showgoers may choose individual sessions across different tracks, mixing and matching the offerings to create a personalised agenda that meets one’s individual needs.
“Celebrity Insights,” moderated by African American Racers Association Cofounder Chris Harris, features automotive celebrities, legends, and luminaries with diverse backgrounds and experiences.
The Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS) says it is the world’s leading trade association in the diesel industry
“We are delighted with the way this 26th edition of EQUIP AUTO Paris has been received,” Equip Auto Chairman, Philippe Baudin, said.
The event will be held at Paris Expo Porte de Versailles and feature major European forums, an experiential demonstrator, theme villages, awards and other highlights.
Returning by popular demand is the Leadership Essentials Track, presented by Dale Carnegie.
The 2022 edition of Equip Auto Paris will be held from the 18th to the 22nd of October.
Also continuing in 2022 are comprehensive programs from partners, including the Society of Collision Repairers (SCRS), the Inter-Industry Conference on Auto Collision Repair (I-CAR), and the Tire Industry Association (TIA).
“We are delighted to have gained a new international partner from the traditional automotive aftermarket,” Automechanika Frankfurt Director, Olaf Mußhoff, said.

10 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS
development to take centre stage EQUIP AUTO tradeAAPPROACHESPARISfullprogrammeforthe26theditionoftheeventhasbeenreleased
Dozens of industry leaders and experts will take the stage at the 2022 SEMA Show Education Program, where attendees will have the opportunity to learn about current and future trends, proven business strategies, and new opportunities while at the annual event taking place in Las Vegas, in November.
“We challenged ourselves and pushed to make the program better than ever. We focused heavily on bringing in elite subject matter experts and high-profile industry leaders. SEMA Show attendees are encouraged to take advantage of the opportunity to hear from industry experts while at the Show.”
Based in the USA, the Association of Diesel Specialists represents companies worldwide that specialise in providing service for injection systems in the diesel industry.
Equip Auto Paris is a reference trade event for innovation in automotive aftersales and services for connected mobility.
New this year are four sessions focused on challenges and opportunities associated with Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in the workplace.

Beginning on Monday, October 31 – the day before the official opening of the four-day SEMA Show – the 2022 SEMA Show Education Program will include more than 70 free and premium sessions within 14 tracks.

The new cooperation with the US-American Association of Diesel Specialists (ADS) further expands Automechanika Frankfurt’s international network of associations.
The SEMA Show (November 1-4, 2022) is the world’s premier automotive trade show, featuring new products and trends in vehicle customisation. For more information, visit
Recently, a mid-year press conference was held to announce the event’s agenda and other details. It was announced that nearly all of the available exhibition space has been reserved with about 95 percent of its 80,000 sqm surface area reserved for the event.
In anticipation of this transformation, exhibitors displayed the latest products, technologies and services across themed zones like Parts and Components, Accessories and Customising, and Repair / Supply Chain and Chain Stores, to name a
• Visitors: 10,269
The programme attracted 34,850 views, extending the onsite experience to the online community.
The Chengdu International Trade Fair for Automotive Parts and Aftermarket Services (CAPAS) concluded on the 20th of August 2022 at the Chengdu Century City New International Exhibition and Convention Center.

Key figures from CAPAS 2022:
For more information, please visit or email
“The show successfully gathered industry resources in the surrounding areas, as well as from
Once again, participants appreciated that the organisers facilitated effective business conversations for suppliers and buyers. The VIP Buyers Programme offered a targeted approach to sourcing, as players leveraged the show’s networks within the market.
1111Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS
Canstar Blue rankings sees Australian motorists who have purchased tyres in the past two years rate their experience, with more than 900 consumers taking part this year.
“We’re honoured to have Canstar Blue award us with the title of Most Satisfied Customers for a second year, and we congratulate our stores throughout Australia on their contribution and success in this award. Without our valued and committed network of stores, we would not be able to deliver outstanding service.”
“Receiving five stars for overall satisfaction, quality of tyres and staff advice, Bridgestone is in pole position for those looking to take care of their ride,” Dean said.
• Space: 35,000 sqms
• 14 fringe events
Elsewhere, the China New Energy Vehicle International Cooperation Conference 2022 examined Sichuan’s auto industry and its new energy vehicle sector.
Players are eyeing up opportunities in Southwest China’s automotive industry following the conclusion of CAPAS
The national network of Bridgestone Select and Bridgestone Service Centres was the standout performer in the 2022 rankings, as the only retailer to be awarded a perfect five-stars in Overall Satisfaction, as well as in Customer Service, Quality of Tyres on Offer, Advice by Staff, and Range of Tyres on Offer.
Leading consumer comparison website, Canstar Blue, has named Bridgestone as the winner of its annual ‘Most Satisfied Customers’ accolade in the Tyre Retailer category for the second consecutive Theyear.
The three-day show saw an array of innovative product showcases and customised services. A collection of fringe events not only helped fairgoers achieve results that were more valuable but also spotlighted unique characteristics of the growing Southwest China auto industry.
• Exhibitors: 407
Other informative events included the Southwest Automotive Aftermarket Summit 2022, Commercial Vehicle (Southwest) Maintenance Enterprise Transformation and Upgrading Forum, and the China (Chengdu) Commercial Vehicle Aftermarket Summit 2022.
“The region is on track to become a worldclass car manufacturing cluster with a rising auto consumer market owing to the ChengduChongqing Economic Rim.
Canstar Blue editor, Dean Heckscher, said the result showcases Bridgestone’s position as trusted, local experts.
In addition, the show collaborated with Magic Cube Auto College to stage a number of live events for remote audiences. The renowned local media partner spoke to guests with product presentations and talked to suppliers and buyers about the prosperities of the Southwest market.
• 34,850 views on live broadcasted events
the robust automotive supply chain, the Chengdu-Chongqing Dual-city Economic Rim zone hosted pavilions from Chongqing, Guangzhou, Hubei and Hunan, with another 14 city pavilions from Sichuan like Guangan, Mianyang, Nanchong and Neijiang.
network, and highlights the confidence customers have in our service, experience and tyres,” Bridgestone Australia and New Zealand Managing Director, Heath Barclay, said.

“Pulling into a tyre retailer can seem daunting for some, with the inner workings of a car and the tread levels of a tyre sounding like a different
“This is an outstanding result for our Bridgestone
CAPAS is jointly organised by CCPIT-Auto, Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd and CCPIT-Sichuan. The ninth edition of CAPAS will take place from the 18th to the 20th of May, 2023.
The result highlighted that Bridgestone is exceeding its promise of customer service with five-stars in five of the seven criteria – an improvement on last year’s result.
further afield to meet demands in manufacturing and the aftermarket. Themes also spotlighted regional initiatives that promote new energy vehicles and car connectivity.”
“CAPAS 2022 portrayed Southwest China’s dynamically developing automotive industry,” Messe Frankfurt (Shanghai) Co Ltd Deputy General Manager, James Yu, said.
language. By comparing tyre retailers, consumers can potentially find a retailer that helps them understand how to take better care of their vehicle and tyres, while also doing so at a competitive Theprice.”Canstar award is the third accolade Bridgestone has won in the past 12 months, complementing its Reader’s Digest Quality Service Award, and its ninth straight awarding as ‘Australia’s Most Trusted Tyre Brand.’ For more information, visit
The tyre retailer has again claimed the ‘Most Satisfied Customers’ award
For more information, visit
Viva Energy says these are critical first steps in its vision to establish Australia’s most ambitious hydrogen mobility project, which is expected to be the catalyst for a network of hydrogen refuelling
“My greatest accomplishment so far is being on the tools under the hood, working on cars. I have great support from my boss who is always there if ever I need help. I am still learning and I’m enjoying learning something new every day.
“Encouraging and acknowledging future leaders is an important part of growing and supporting the automotive industry,” Capricorn CEO Automotive, Brad Gannon, said.
Together, this equipment will provide Viva Energy with the capacity to generate and deliver more than 1,000 kilograms of green hydrogen per day, powering a fleet of at least 15 hydrogen fuel cell heavy vehicles.
The containerised electrolyser is being provided by Nel Hydrogen US, a subsidiary of Nel ASA in Norway, together with its local partner ENGV, and is expected to be the largest in Australia by a considerable margin. Once installed, it will be at least twice the size of any other electrolyser producing green hydrogen in the country.
The Capricorn Rising Stars competition will return in 2023.
Viva Energy’s hydrogen mobility project was made possible through $22.8 million funding from the Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA) and $1 million from the Victorian Government’s Renewable Hydrogen Commercialisation Pathways Fund.
Marama Thompson has won a $5,000 cash prize from Capricorn Rising Stars Apprentice of the Year competition major sponsor Castrol, while Auto Super Shoppe Hamilton has received a 12month Repco Autopedia subscription along with enrolment in the Workshop Whisperer’s Service Advisor Pro online program.

“One of my biggest accomplishments was being nominated for this award, let alone now having won the Capricorn Rising Stars competition. I guess I’m just living my dream, with great support behind me.”
“My drive is trying to figure out the whys of vehicle issues and sorting a solution to the problem, then to see it leave the workshop with a customer driving it, as opposed to seeing it arrive on a tow truck. The joy of another car fixed and roadworthy and a real happy customer makes me very proud of what I do.
stations reaching from Geelong and Melbourne to Sydney and Brisbane.
This leading-edge system will be the largest in Australia and will be capable of dispensing 300kg of hydrogen in under two hours, providing Viva Energy’s hydrogen customers with a similar refuelling experience to today’s traditional service station.

Viva Energy recently announced further significant steps towards delivery of its industry-leading hydrogen refuelling station.
This is the second consecutive year that an automotive apprentice from New Zealand has taken the top honour.
“She is a superstar! Marama has only been with me for one and a half years and has now become my second in charge. She can fix cars and run the front of house, while also dictating workflow to the rest of the technicians,” Nik said.
This competition serves to highlight the importance
According to the owner of Super Shoppe Eurotech Hamilton, Nik Fowlie, from the moment Marama joined, she became the missing piece of their business puzzle.
The 2022 Capricorn Rising Stars Apprentice of the Year was selected from an impressive 341 apprentices nominated by Capricorn Member businesses located across Australia and New Zealand from the entire spectrum of repair and service disciplines.
The Geelong project has passed several significant milestones and is on track for delivery in late 2023
Viva Energy has placed orders for a 2.5MW electrolyser for the creation of green hydrogen as well as a fast-fuelling hydrogen dispensing system capable of refuelling multiple vehicles at once. This equipment will be the first of its kind in the Australian market and is expected to be delivered in the third quarter of 2023.
“I had always dreamed of becoming an automotive technician, working on cars and owning my own workshop since I was young,” Marama said.
12 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS
Marama Thompson is the 2022 Capricorn Rising Star Australasia’s largest automotive cooperative, Capricorn, says it is proud to announce the new winner of its apprentice of the year award, Marama TheThompson.prestigious achievement award recognises talented apprentices who show initiative, thirst for knowledge and commitment to the automotive Maramaindustry.
of apprentices to the Australian and New Zealand automotive aftermarket industries. The competition also seeks to encourage new talent to join the industry, ultimately generating more qualified automotive repairers to ensure the industry’s continued future growth and strength.
Thompson, from Auto Super Shoppe Eurotech in Hamilton, New Zealand, has consistently demonstrated these qualities across all aspects of her work.
In addition, Viva Energy is partnering with Air Liquide for the provision of a ‘fast fill’ hydrogen refuelling package designed to refuel at least 10 trucks or busses consecutively.
“She always shows up early and is usually one of the last to leave. Her mechanical aptitude is the best that I have seen in my 16 years of the trade. She will become an amazing technician or service manager one day.
“We at Capricorn want to help our Members strengthen their teams and believe that recognition and reward will help businesses attract and retain the best Capricorntalent.”thanks all of its Members who nominated their apprentices along with award sponsors Castrol, Repco and The Workshop Whisperer for taking part in this most valuable of automotive aftermarket industry recognition programs.
For more information, visit
“Her customer service is second to none and I can feel confident that she has a handle with the customers and preparing their invoices, despite her short amount of time in the trade. She is always willing to learn and to better herself.”

Shirley is survived by her children John and Jennie and her six grandchildren Tim, Adelyn, Jack, Harry, Simon and Sam.
The aftermarket business not only covered these parts but included such products as Selby’s Suspension Products (sway bars, coil springs and shock absorbers). Over the years the company was servicing a large range of customers such as the Australian Army, Albion Reid quarries and many
“Dougothers. arrived amid a period of rapid expansion in the company and was a great asset from day
14 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS PEDDERS AssociationprestigiousTheEXCELLENCEFAMILYVICTORIANAWARDEDBUSINESSAWARDbusinesshasbeenrecognisedwithaaccoladefromtheFamilyBusiness
Head Mod Engineering at that time was located at 833 Doncaster Road, Doncaster and the factory was divided into three separate units with admin and sales, a lube bay and a small cylinder head repair and manufacturing area at the rear.
Much to his sorrow, due to COVID, Danny was unable to be there on the occasion to shake Doug’s hand and look him in the eye to say thank you
A proud Australian family-owned and operated business for over 70 years, Pedders Suspension and Brakes recently joined the Family Business Association as a logical step to enhance the Family aspect of the Pedders business – one of the four pillars that drives its business philosophy.
The2023.Distinguished Family Business of the Year Award (‘DFBA’) is bestowed on an Australian or New Zealand family-owned company which best demonstrates the successful blend of family and business interests by adopting the Family Business Association’s family business bestThepractice.DFBA is a prestigious award which is proudly promoted by winners and serves as a reference point for the future development of the business. For more information, visit
At a special dinner in his honour, well known and highly respected HM GEM Sales Manager Doug McKenzie was celebrated amongst friends and colleagues to mark the occasion of having notched up 50 years of service with HM GEM Engines of the HeadMod Group recently.
Bruce Parker, and General Manager, Dean Taylor, conveyed their personal thanks and the thanks of all personnel in the company to Doug for his dedication and exceptional service.
For more information, visit
A true trailblazer, Shirley was an incredibly well-respected figure within the automotive aftermarket industry and her love for and support
Pedders Suspension and Brakes says it is extremely proud to have recently been awarded the Victorian Family Business Excellence Award 2022: Large Business Category.

Doug commenced with his new employer in 1972 and as a young married man with their first child and he commented “I needed a job!”
The business was initially based at home, with Senior doing deliveries from the garage, which also doubled as a storage unit, while Shirley worked from the kitchen table taking orders, and conducting all the invoicing, banking, payroll and Withadministration. Senior’s attention to detail and entrepreneurial spirit, combined with Shirley’s business sense and organisational skills, the CoolDrive business grew exponentially, setting the scene for future generations of Blanchards.
With 50 years of experience behind him Doug is continuing to work on reduced hours passing on the knowledge gained to a younger team of equally dedicated people.

The Large Business Category award recognises the achievements of a family who is managing a respected and successful large family business and the significant contribution they make to the Australian community and economy. The prestigious award was accepted by Caroline Pedder on behalf of the business.
of Senior and their family helped shape the CoolDrive business to where it is today.
Shirley Blanchard, co-founder of CoolDrive Auto Parts, has passed away in Melbourne
Doug McKenzie recently celebrated 50 years of service with HM GEM Engines
Having won the Victorian award, Pedders is now eligible for the Distinguished Family Business of the Year Award – to be announced in February
Together with her husband W.J Blanchard, “Senior” – who passed away in December 2021 – Shirley established Melbourne Auto Air in the late 1970s, with the duo being amongst the first people to import automotive air conditioning systems into Australia.

The team at the AAAA and Aftermarket Magazine extends its deepest sympathies to the Blanchard family and all at CoolDrive Auto Parts at this sad time.
one with his great interpersonal skills of service in every aspect of the day-to-day business handling unit and parts sales, the procurement of parts, warranty issues plus many other tasks in a friendly and professional way,” Doug’s first boss, Danny Williams, said.
The centre included tuning and repairs with around 10 motor mechanics, and it also included a wheel alignment section. The rear section was devoted to engine reconditioning, cylinder head and crankshaft repairs and this also contained a fully equipped dynamometer and chassis dynamometer.
Bapcor’sINBOUNDTALENTGraduateprogramis bringing exciting new talent to Australia’s automotive aftermarket industry
“This links in strongly with the core Bapcor Value of ‘We give a Damn…’ which of course includes caring for our people. We aspire to ensure that each graduate feels valued and supported in each of their roles.”
“This is my first professional job, and I am learning more about myself as well as developing my skills as it progresses. The program structure has made the transition from university to full time work relatively easy because we are supported by so many peers.”
“I worked at an Opposite Lock store, so I was able to go from the retail side of the Bapcor business while pursuing my university degree, to now find myself working with the people who run the company. This enables me to bring my automotive aftermarket shop floor experience and university training to Bapcor managerial and support roles,” graduate Will said.
“We are very fluid and adaptive in our approach to our graduate program, ensuring that our
“The Bapcor Graduate Program is an opportunity for us to give back to the Australian automotive aftermarket industry, while also building our company’s skills and talent pool,” Glenn said.
“My first design job placement was with a tyre dealer, so I was aware of the industry more from a performance accessories perspective as opposed to general automotive parts. The thing about this program is that you are not just doing a job, you are experiencing personal and professional growth,” graduate Cindy said.
“I was so surprised at the number of smaller companies that Bapcor owns. While I had heard of the larger companies like Autobarn, Midas and Burson Auto Parts, the sheer number of businesses in the group truly surprised me, along with how they all complement each other so well,” graduate Ella said.
“The best parts of the program so far have been meeting like-minded people and being on this journey with this same group of people since day one, while also being under the guidance of caring supervisors and mentors. It is also a great privilege to work with and learn from some of the most experienced and knowledgeable people in the industry,” graduate Sonny said.
The university graduates selected to join Bapcor have come from a variety of degree specialisations including design, finance, engineering, digital media, human resources, and psychology, bringing a diverse level of skill sets to each of their Bapcor business division placements.
“I first came across this program on Grad-Connect and I had never heard of Bapcor before. What appealed to me was the true flexibility that the company offered with its graduate program and its support. Bapcor has designed the program to suit the graduate, which is different to how many other companies do it. Once I started working there, I was very surprised with the size of the company and the fact that I had never heard of it before,” graduate Aish said.
To find out more, visit
The Bapcor Graduate Program is currently recruiting new graduates to join the country’s largest automotive aftermarket specialised company in February 2023.

1515Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 NEWS NEW
The graduates themselves report that the Bapcor Graduate Program is exceeding their expectations, even for those who weren’t aware of the automotive aftermarket industry as a potential long term career path.
The Bapcor 2022 Graduate Program cohort of ten candidates represents an encouraging level of automotive aftermarket industry interest and is made up of six female and four male graduates. Bapcor Talent and Capability Manager, Glenn McDermott, is the person responsible for the successful introduction and actioning of this inaugural Bapcor Graduate Program. It generated a strong level of interest from national university graduates, despite the number of other companies and industries that were also vying to attract these talented newcomers to their industries.
“The scale of the Bapcor business just floored me, I started my rotations with Burson Auto Parts in Purchasing and the volume of parts we were buying was just extraordinary. Even after half a year I am still in awe of the size and efficiency of the business. Now when friends ask about the company I work with, I list the companies that make up Bapcor and this always surprises them,” graduate James said.
The Asia Pacific’s largest automotive aftermarket specialised company, Bapcor Limited, has established a successful graduate vocational program that has introduced ten young and talented individuals to a professional career in the ever-growing Australian automotive aftermarket Thisindustry.program provides Bapcor, owners of a number of the country’s best known and most trusted automotive aftermarket trade and retail brands, the opportunity to invest in the automotive aftermarket industry’s future along with the company’s own future, by attracting, supporting, and developing new talent across all of its business Thedivisions.two-year
“This program also provides long term career opportunities for talented and driven young people with a company that has outstanding career ascension opportunities given our size and constant business growth.
Bapcor Graduate Program provides each of the ten candidates with hands-on experience across four business division rotations, providing each graduate with broad company exposure and experience. This also builds on their university training with real-life industry experience, coupled with senior management guidance and support.
candidates are working within their fields of business interest, which has proven to be very “Thesuccessful.relatively small number of our graduate program cohort compared to the size of the company ensures that we can provide a strong level of personal and emotional support that our graduates may also need along the journey.
2022 Bapcor Graduate Program members with CEO Noel Meehan

A HOA has been signed for CoolDrive Auto Parts to acquire the leading suspension company
looking at usage by state, it is much more variable than might be assumed. It is no surprise that passenger vehicle usage was well down in most states and territories, but this was less pronounced in Western Australia and South Australia.
recorded in 2016 – one can assume a by-product of vast increases to last mile delivery services. Ultimately, this again reminds us of the importance of digging deeper into statistics such as these. While the national numbers are interesting, they hide the nuance in the data.
In this article, ACA Research takes a look at how vehicle usage has changed in the last two years
CalOffroad is an Australian importer for a number of high-end offroad suspension brands and is a direct importer of leading suspension brand Fox Shocks as well as a major distributor for Bilstein, all of which will soon be available from CoolDrive.

“The opportunities are fantastic and we can’t wait for what is to come.”
For more information, visit
Bus usage also significantly fell off the back of the reduced movement of people. This was however clearly not the case for heavier commercial vehicles, with trucks travelling largely similar distances in 2020 as in 2016.
This digital platform provides insights around the car parc, households and businesses down to an LGA level. This tool is also in line for a significant upgrade in 2022 – watch this space.
to the full story, we therefore needed to go deeper. We had a look at how average distances travelled by each type of vehicle changed versus 2016, finding that while passenger vehicles were sitting at home, usage of utes and vans remained slightly higher (given industries like construction were in many cases exempt from movement restrictions).

NEWS 1717Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“This acquisition of CalOffroad will strengthen our existing offroad and four-wheel-drive program,” CoolDrive Auto Parts Chief Executive Officer, John Blanchard, said.
has even more quality products to offer to Ownerconsumers.”ofCalOffroad, Cal Goodman, is excited for the future of the business once the acquisition is “Weofficial.are really looking forward to becoming an official part of the CoolDrive Auto Parts family,” Cal “Likesaid.CalOffroad, the team at CoolDrive truly understand what consumers want and need from their offroad products, and they have the knowledge and industry presence to take the business to the next level across Australia and New Zealand.
significant, the flipside is that some vehicles were doing large mileage through the heart of the pandemic. In fact, Australian vehicles travelled almost 240m kilometres in To2020.get
That isn’t however to say that passenger and light commercial vehicles weren’t being used in some Inplaces.fact,
Vehicle usage used to be incredibly consistent. While there were changes, they tended to happen over extended periods of time. This was disrupted through 2020 and 2021, with many vehicles sitting idle for long periods. That created issues for any business working on the basis of distance travelled (for example, servicing, insurance, finance, and so on), forcing them to review all their underlying assumptions and Toprocesses.whatextent did usage really decline though?
A business in Victoria supporting commercial vehicles can tell a much more positive story than one in Queensland, despite the vastly different experiences in those states during the pandemic.
As a reminder here, a key resource that is available to help AAAA members understand their local environment is the car parc data.
This column was prepared for AAAA Magazine by ACA Research, the AAAA’s partners in the AAAA Aftermarket Dashboard which is delivered to AAAA members each quarter. For more information, visit or contact Ben Selwyn on
Available from CalOffroad – and shortly from CoolDrive – is a full range of offroad suspension products including lift kits and accessories for
Looking at data from the ABS, we can see that the average distance any individual vehicle travelled in 2020 dropped by around 10 percent (13,617km to While12,085km).that’squite
four-wheel-drives including the Ford Ranger, Holden Colorado, Isuzu D-MAX and MUX, Jeep Wrangler, Mazda BT-50, Mitsubishi Triton, Nissan Navara and Patrol, Toyota HiLux and LandCruiser and the Volkswagen Amarok.
A highlight of the CalOffroad product range is “the only true three-inch suspension system built to their design by the Fox factory and Bilstein in Germany.”
Also, light commercial vehicles in the key lockdown states of NSW and Victoria were on the road significantly more than their counterparts in Queensland, South Australia, or Western Australia. Alongside this, despite restrictions in Victoria, truck traffic through the state was actually higher than
“As a business, we already have a strong footprint in this market with our own Hulk 4x4 brand, and taking CalOffroad into the CoolDrive fold will definitely strengthen our presence and allow us to continue to deliver on our customers’ wants and “CalOffroadneeds. has long been considered to be at the forefront of offroad product development locally and with the four-wheel drive market continuing to grow popularity in Australia, CoolDrive now
“I remain fully committed to my responsibilities in Human Resources, with a focus on culture, the employer brand and more.”
“Over the past five years, Marc Siemssen has demonstrated an in-depth understanding of our company, the people here, our culture and our market, which is all the more remarkable considering the unique circumstances of the pandemic. We look forward to shaping the future of our company with his input,” Meyle AG Executive Board Chairman, Dr Gaertner, said.
Meyle products are now available in Australia with Sparesbox recently becoming the first supplier of the Meyle range to Australia and New Zealand, with more than 2,500 Meyle products available. For more information, visit
“Watching the growth of the King Springs brand and customer base has been extremely fulfilling.”
King Springs Director, Mark King, acknowledges Michael’s contribution to establish King Springs as a leading force in the Aftermarket Spring Replacement industry.
In fact, in keeping with this pioneering spirit and to mark the 20th anniversary of the HD product line, Meyle began to produce its Meyle HD steering and suspension solutions carbon-neutrally for the first time this year.
“We at King Springs would like to acknowledge and thank Michael for his outstanding contribution to the company, his dedication, enthusiasm and loyalty and wish him and his family much enjoyment in his retirement.”
Meyle AG, the spare parts manufacturer based in Hamburg, appointed Marc Siemssen to the Executive Board on the 1st of July 2022.
In addition to Human Resources, Marc will also be responsible for Marketing, Sales and Product Management in his new role. He has many years of experience in leadership positions in the automotive and other industries.
“The advancements in technology that King Springs have ushered in over the years including high stress steels and progressive rate advancements have allowed King Springs to be the market leaders. The business continues to go from strength to strength.
King Springs was established in 1956 on Queensland’s Gold Coast and services all sectors of the automotive market including passenger, commercial and Four-Wheel Drive vehicles, and various motorsport categories.
For more information, go to
Marc sees huge potential in the global spare parts market for the manufacturer and developer of technically refined parts to establish an even stronger position internationally and generally increase brand awareness among those unfamiliar with the sector.
For the benefit of business partners, customers and employees, Marc plans to pursue the company’s long-term aim of developing durable, innovative solutions, establishing a sustainable position and leading the company to the future alongside Dr Gaertner and Dirk Damaschke.
Meyle says it has proven its manufacturing and engineering expertise over the past 20 years with its flagship product range, Meyle HD.
Working closely with his colleagues in Marketing, Sales and Product Management, Marc is also eager to help promote growth and success.
The long-standing company employs its own engineers and Meyle says they take poorly constructed original spare parts and make them more reliable, durable and sustainable.
With sustainability and a pioneering spirit deeply rooted in its DNA, Meyle says it also further optimises its HD solutions to overcome future market challenges for electric vehicles and anticipates solutions for tomorrow.
18 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 INDUSTRY MOVEMENTS
Michael’s 32-year reign as Sales and Marketing Manager with Kings has been an outstanding “Kingcareer.Springs is recognised as a world leader for aftermarket replacement, spring design and development. I am very proud to have been part of the journey for 32 years,” Michael said.
Meyle says it is already considered to be one of the leading spare parts specialists and manufacturers of premium parts in the independent aftermarket Nonetheless,(IAM).
Marc Siemssen is highly motivated to perform his new role at the company.
Marc’s appointment completes the Meyle Executive Board, which currently comprises Dr Karl J. Gaertner, Chairman, and Dirk Damaschke, Chief Financial Officer.
“I would like to thank you for placing your trust in me, and look forward to overcoming current challenges such as the pandemic and identifying new development opportunities for the manufacturer,” Marc said.
brand and growth. He has achieved a very good reputation and is highly respected in the industry,” Mark said.
King Springs specialises in the design, development and manufacture of aftermarket coil springs, and distributes to both private brand clients and authorised distributors within Australia and worldwide.
“Michael’s passion and drive in the industry has allowed him to achieve results for the King Springs
The King Springs Sales Manager has announced his retirement
After beginning his career with Lovell Springs, Michael and his wife Ann made the move to Queensland in 1990 and he joined Mark King and the team at King Springs shortly afterwards.

Marc, 50, has been Meyle’s Chief Human Resources Officer for five years now

success has been built on a simple philosophy – understanding our customers’ needs and providing timely, cost-effective engineered “Mackaysolutions. is a proudly 100 percent Australian family-owned business and looks forward to a bright future continuing to service the Automotive Aftermarket for another 90 years.”

With the introduction of GST in 2000, Brian’s wife Jane came to offer her expertise in the company with the introduction of a computerised system.
As the years progressed Brian took up residence in what people call ‘the igloo’ next to the old L&A Hotel in Brisbane Street and in 1996 he purchased his first mandrel tube bender.
The business now manufactures exhaust systems for most 4WD vehicles and also keeps a vast range of mandrel tube bends in various sizes and
September 2022 marks the 40th anniversary for Beaudesert Exhaust
Mackay Consolidated Industries is a 100 percent Australian family-owned company, with 2022 marking its 90th anniversary of manufacturing in FromAustralia.humble beginnings in a small Carlton site in 1932, Mackay says it has grown to become Australia’s largest and most trusted designer, manufacturer, and distributor of a diverse range of engineered rubber and rubber metal/composite Theseproducts.products service the Automotive, Defence, Transport, Rail, Marine, Mining, Construction, and Industrial markets globally.
In September 1982, Brian Parker began his dream of opening his own business after taking leave from his job at Tancred Meatworks. Beaudesert was really humming during this period with many locals and families from out of the region heading there for employment. It was in a little shed out the back of Wards Driveway in Telemon Street that Brian began learning to weld and to do exhausts and radiators.
After extending as much as they could in the town centre the only other way was to find a bigger premises. So, in 2010 the business was relocated to its existing Enterprise Drive location.
a proud history of supplying Automotive OEMs such as GM Holden, Ford, Chrysler, Nissan, Toyota, and Mitsubishi and continues to manufacture Original Equipment (OE) rubber products for manufacturers globally including Kenworth, Iveco, Isuzu, Volvo Trucks, Sea Electric, GM AUS, Ford AUS, AMG, and
years Mackay’s Automotive range has expanded to include ball joints, blanking caps, bulk coolant/heater hose, bulk fuel/ oil hose, centre bearings / drive shaft support, control arms, moulded coolant, fuel and steering system
Since 1932 Mackay says it has been a cornerstone of Australian Automotive Manufacturing, and has had many achievements, such as being the first company in Australia to bond Rubber to Metal and supplying parts on the first Australian made vehicle (FX Holden - 1948) through to the last (VF Holden Mackay2017).has
hoses, drive shaft couplings, engine mounts, exhaust hangers/isolators, heater valves/taps, hose clamps, link rods, mackayflex flexible coolant hoses, pedal pads, power steering hoses, PVC air and water hose, radiator caps, rubber suspension bushes and kits, steering rack ends, steering tie rod ends, strut mounts, and sway bar link rods.
“With an unparalleled range of over 5000 hoses, from the latest models to historic models dating back to the 1940s, if Mackay doesn’t have it, chances are no one does,” Mackay Consolidated Industries Chief Executive Officer, Graham Scull,
This included a new dump mill, strip mill, cooling conveyor and skip conveyor; each critical pieces of equipment to provide a new level of reliability and control within the company’s compound mixing operations.
In 2020 Mackay expanded into a new facility in Dandenong South (Melbourne) investing millions into new equipment and capabilities to continue supporting local and international markets.

The business was growing then with many staff being employed and many more machines and trucks, boats, bikes and so on being looked after.
It also customises bending solutions for customers who require something more specific, with this custom bending able to include headboards, handrails, snorkels and sliders.
Brian was one of the first to bring a CNC Automatic mandrel tube bending machine to Australia, and thus revolutionised the 4WD aftermarket exhaust industry. Beaudesert Exhaust is now home to eight of these machines and employs a highly qualified team to operate them.

1919Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 MILESTONES
For more information,
Over the years the company has developed to a much larger portfolio and its knowledge of exhaust systems and fabrication has expanded extensively.
Now with a beautiful Mt Lindsay Hwy frontage – the first large building you see when you are entering the town from Brisbane – Beaudesert Exhaust says it is very proud to be locally owned and bred.
Since 1932 Mackay says it has been a cornerstone of Australian Automotive Manufacturing
material in stock ready to ship within a prompt time frame.
Beaudesert Exhaust and Radiator was established and initially provided the local shire with basic exhaust and radiator repairs.
Mackay also introduced additional strategically aligned pieces of equipment targeting enhanced capability, such as a dedicated silicone mill (increasing in-house silicone mixing capability and capacity), a silicone stuffer on injection moulding (improving its silicone product production), one 500-tonne compression moulding machine (increasing production capacity within its clean room), another 200-tonne compression moulding machine (its second lab production machine), and finally a larger 1,000-tonne compression moulding machine with vacuum and ejector systems.
For more information, visit
Penrite product ranges such as Enviro+ were the first introduced to Australia for modern fuel efficient, low emission engines that met international OEM approvals and standards.
Whilst many other companies and industries have chosen to move manufacturing overseas, Penrite Oil has continued to invest in local manufacturing and production, employing Australians to produce its products right here in Australia – something it has been doing since 1926.
The local advantage
Innovation inside and out
In 2016, Penrite built an entirely new blending and distribution facility at its Dandenong South Head Quarters in Melbourne, installing state of the art blending machinery and packaging facilities to streamline the production process for its Thelubricants.increasing demands for product have led to increases in raw material and finished goods inventory, which have increased by over 400 percent in the last five years.
Aussie manufacturing meeting increasing demand
20 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 COVER STORY
Penrite’s success is partly due to the fact that apart from producing the highest quality, world class products, it remains Australian owned and operated.
The Dandenong South facility is about to be expanded even further in size and will be enhanced with the introduction of new and advanced machinery to improve product quality and volume to meet the ever-rising demands of its customers.
The Penrite Oil Company was born out of humble beginnings some 96 years ago in St Kilda, was the brainchild of Les Mecoles who owned and operated the company until 1979, when it was purchased by John and Margaret TheDymond.Dymond family still own and are actively involved in the business now as it heads towards its 100th birthday in 2026.
Time and time again, Penrite has been able to introduce the newest and latest specifications of products to the trade and retail sectors, sometimes years ahead of its competition.
Penrite the first manufacturer in Australia to offer both standard six litre and then seven litre engine oils to satisfy the requirements for modern vehicle sump capacities.

Penrite has been Australian owned and operated for 96 years

Penrite’s innovation has not just revolved around the actual products and specifications – it has also led the way in packaging development to suit both consumer and trade requirements.
Today, Penrite is the oldest Australian lubricant company servicing Australia and New Zealand whilst exporting product to Europe, Asia and the ItUSA.manufactures and markets engine oils, automatic transmission fluids, gear and differential oils, coolants, greases, heavy duty oils, hydraulic and industrial oils, farm and construction products, two and four stroke and garden equipment oils, fuel treatments and additives, car care, motorcycle and marine products, veteran vintage and classic products, brake fluids and power steering and suspension fluids.
Being an Australian owned and operated manufacturer, Penrite can blend products for local supply and not have to wait years for products to catch up and arrive from an overseas parent
Penritecompany.has always continued to innovate and is an established leader in being first in getting products to market in this country.
It was also the first manufacturer to introduce included pouring funnels as part of its packaging, IML labels that do not peel off even when wet, and the ENVIRO BOX – a 20 litre bag in a cardboard box that reduces packaging waste by 85 percent and features recyclable plastic and cardboard
Penrite also owns and markets the iconic Lightning Cleans Brand that was established in 1962.
The list of innovations continues with OEM approved coolants, specialised power steering and suspension fluids, ATFs, gear oils, greases and Penriteadditives.has also been able to supply the trade and retail sectors with products that meet and exceed manufacturer requirements.
During its last century of business, Penrite has lived through the birth and death of the Australian car industry, a world war, depressions and recessions, pandemics, boom periods, 24 Prime Ministers, 49 Bathurst 1000s, the birth of computers and the internet as well as many other world-wide events.
Delivering the highest quality products and service Penrite also continues to innovate to bring a better class of lubricant to its customers.
The same Penrite products purchased by customers are used by Penrite Ambassadors and Sponsorship recipients in all forms of motorsports throughout Australia and New Zealand in areas such as Supercars, V8 Jetboats, PRO MX Series, Australian Superbikes, Drag Racing, Sprint Cars, Historic Racing and Go-Karts, as well as many other racing types.

To find out more about Penrite and its Australian Made products visit
The Penrite team is passionate about providing the highest quality service to customers, which is another of the reasons the company “has been the standard setter in the automotive lubricants business for so long.”
Environmentally friendly
Reaching out
Fast approaching 100 years of Australian production, Penrite continues to lead the way in lubricant manufacturing in Australia.
In response, Penrite has been a pioneer in bringing 21st century technology to automotive businesses with applications for finding and recommending the correct products for each application, with the introduction of instore touchscreens to help consumers identify the correct lubricants for their Thevehicles.Penrite
2121Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Into the future
As well as providing a “Better Class of Oil”, Penrite has always prided itself on providing a better class of Theservice.Penrite customer service team is based in the Melbourne headquarters, as is the Technical Assistance team to make sure customer needs are fully met, whether it be an order, product or technical enquiry.
packaging that complies with APCO (Australian Packaging Covenant) tertiary primary and secondary packaging requirements.
Penrite strives to minimise any environmental impact by reducing emissions and developing safe and sustainable, production, packaging, storage and distribution methodologies.
Penrite is also actively involved with its customers via social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram; with the Penrite Facebook page alone boasting more than 120,000 followers with active engagement from all walks of life including racing through to off-roading and general servicing.
Penrite were also the first to offer on-line apps for both desktop and mobile devices as well as providing a registration checking service via these apps to assist store staff and consumers.
keeping with the Penrite company values, which have set the foundation for almost 100 years of growth and success with a range of high quality products made in Australia and made for Australian conditions.

The Penrite Touchscreen was soon copied by other oil companies and other industries, and is now the established standard in finding the correct products for vehicles.
In total, Penrite supports more than 150 grass roots ambassadors across a wide range of categories to encourage the growth of the next generation of motorsport athletes and to build meaningful relationships with drivers and their Thisfamilies.isin
Penrite also values investing back into the market in Australia, with the company supporting Australian people through its Brand Ambassador program and sponsorship arrangements.
Whether it be the latest specification product, packaging innovation or what product to use, Penrite says it is proud to be the innovator that other companies follow.
Touchscreens replaced the traditional printed books in stores that could no longer maintain the increased range and specifications required by modern vehicles.
Of course, nothing stands still for very long, so Penrite says it is already looking ahead at the future technologies, products and services that will be required in the years to come, to make sure it will still be around for many more years in the future.
It recently installed a 140KW solar panel system on its Dandenong South factory to reduce power consumption and reliance on fossil fuel generated electricity.
The 21st century has seen the lubricant market become more complex than ever with manufacturers demanding products that suit and meet their needs.
Technology for modern day requirements
OEM approvals and Industry specifications have become common in maintaining manufacturer warranties, so finding the correct products for your vehicle has become more complex than ever.
• A Hayman Reese towbar – engineered and ADR compliant.
In addition to the towbar, vehicle specific wiring and an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), smart vehicles need to be programmed to allow full integration into the vehicle’s operating system, a process referred to as coding.

• The Hayman Reese SmartCODE – the coding solution that ensures your vehicle will

Hayman Reese has released standard and recovery rated X-BAR towbar solutions to suit both the Cab-Chassis and Pick-Up variants of the new Ranger and in doing so, is providing a first to market complete solution.
Hayman Reese says it has continued to innovate and revolutionise the way we tow, and this ingenuity has led to market first products like its Smartclick Wiring Solutions for quick wiring installation, SmartPin for reduced rattle from the towbar, and now, SmartCODE – an intelligent towing solution.
Raising the technology bar for the all-new Ford Ranger

With the arrival of the all-new Ford Ranger MY22 in showrooms across the country there are expectations that it will be more popular than ever, setting new standards in many aspects.
Functions such as power train and engine management complement driver aid functions such as reverse Park Assist, Blind Spot Detection, Adaptive Cruise Control Deactivation, and Sway Mitigation Systems – all are examples of vehicle functions that may change when a vehicle is Activatingtowing.
than can be traced back to the 1950s when vehicles were only just starting to tow trailers and caravans, Hayman Reese is now an industry leader in providing leading technology to support the very latest generation of vehicles.
The products have been engineered, designed and tested to AS/NZS4177 in a NATA accredited facility.
• An Electronic Control Unit – with embedded software designed to integrate seamlessly into your vehicle’s operating system.
Hayman Reese says it is the smart choice for those looking for solutions to common towing problems
all of the manufacturer’s preprogrammed changes is a complex process, requiring advanced technology as each vehicle has a specific solution.
With increasingly sophisticated technology being added to new vehicles, manufacturers are enabling system changes to occur on some vehicles when towing.
PRODUCT R&D 22 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
With over 70 years of experience, Hayman Reese occupies a unique place in the automotive Withaftermarket.ahistory
SmartCODE – for smart cars
• A Hayman Reese vehicle specific wiring loom – this transfers power for lighting and signals from your vehicle.
A Hayman Reese SmartCODE solution involves multiple elements:
deliver the manufacturer’s designed changes when towing.
Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine Publisher, Cameron McLachlan, takes a look at the products driving the automotive

PRODUCT R&D 2323Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Ranger which allows a trailer profile to be added to the vehicle SYNC system.

For more information, visit
Check function is also delivered by the SYNC system, offering a safe and easy way to check all trailer light functions before towing. These are now in addition to the standard changes engaged when towing such as variations in engine and drive-train functions.
With a complete Hayman Reese SmartCODE solution, Hayman Reese says the New Ranger Next-Gen capability is fully supported delivering a market leading solution.
It delivers blind spot detection features (on vehicles where equipped), even with a trailer
This coding process is supported by The Hayman Reese SmartCODE handset which can quickly and correctly program the new Ranger as offered during OEM dealer installation.
Hayman Reese also states that it always ensures its towbars are set apart in the market and compatible with its Weight Distribution Systems
Making sure the towbar solution enables all of the Ranger features requires the wiring and trailer ECU module to be a vehicle specific design and feature the correct CANbus software programme.
The new Ranger delivers ‘Next-Gen’ Ford technology focusing on driver assist aids in many areas, including adaptive cruise control, lane keeping aid and evasive steer assist to name a few.
ensuring the vehicle recognises the towbar installation is vehicle coding, ensuring that all individual modules in the vehicle that interact with the trailer module are programmed to recognise that the correct trailer module (and towbar) are now fitted.
Seamless vehicle integration with Hayman Reese SmartCODE
While(WDH).the physical nature of the towbar is essential, the technology which enables it to interact with the vehicle is critical – and this is where SmartCODE comes in.
An improved towing technology offered by a ‘trailer coverage’ feature is a safety feature of the
Hayman Reese explains that a critical part to

Constructed from bar and plate heavy duty cores and cast aluminium ends tanks, TIG welded together, the Cateran Intercoolers are said to be significantly more durable than the original parts they
KYB explains that it is well regarded for its vehicle specificity, making each part ideal for its corresponding make and model.
“These components are crucial parts of a vehicle’s steering and suspension system and must be in excellent working condition, as they have great influence over a driver’s ability to maintain vehicle control and comfort,” KYB Group Product Manager, Larry Coulthard, said. Steering and suspension components have a longstanding partnership given both product groups
KYB has released a range of replacement steering
are generally integrated to work cohesively with each other.
All American Auto Parts says it has the parts you need to keep your classic on the road
poor road conditions result in the OEM Intercooler plastic end tanks, crimp attached to tube and fin cores, to deteriorate, crack and leak, displaying oil vapour seepage and risking consequential turbocharger overspeed failure. Featuring OE-like fitment and a comprehensive set of hardware, Cateran says assembly is trouble-free.
In addition, it is also embracing the changing marketplace and has recently introduced Australian made reusable air filtration products to its range.
Amidst world supply chain disruptions, All American Auto Parts is maintaining close communication with local and international suppliers, expanding its product lines and warehousing capability to ensure it can offer its customers access to quality products at competitive prices, fast.
“Just as it is with our suspension components, our process rings true with KYB steering components. Perfect fit first time, every time. KYB has been steering you in the right direction for over 50 years!” Larry said.
and industry parts suppliers, such as Chevrolet, Cadillac, Buick, GMC, Oldsmobile, AMC, Ford, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep, Plymouth, Lincoln and AmongstMercury.
To view the full listing of products, visit
also offers complimentary product and technical support on pre-installation, installation and post-installation via its national Technical Support Hotline, 1300 176 071. For more information, visit
All American Auto Parts’ speciality areas include all steering suspension, brakes, electrical, and engine rebuilds from the 1950s to the 1980s.
All new Cateran Intercoolers, Turbochargers, Gaskets, Fasteners, Oil Supply Lines and Intercooler Hoses are available from Repco and Napa stores and through Sparesbox online and are covered by Cateran’s “industry leading threeyear/100,000km warranty for complete peace of Cateranmind.”
Rated to 5 BAR continuous operating pressure (10 BAR Burst), Cateran says its intercoolers are designed and engineered to replace and outperform the original intercoolers by a minimum of 20 percent.

Supported by KYB’s 50+ years of designing and manufacturing steering components for OE customers, this extensive experience has enhanced the development and quality of the KYB aftermarket range.
Allcustomers.American Auto Parts says it can work closely with you on part selection, brand and fitting applications that suit your vehicle requirements – and with access to global markets, it can offer personalised service covering everything from everyday car needs to specialty parts sourcing services for those ‘hard to get’ items.
OE suspension manufacturer KYB has commenced the global release of ‘in-demand’ replacement steering components to the automotive aftermarket industry.
KYB says it is the brand of choice for suspension products within the Australian aftermarket, stating that as such, it goes without saying that using the manufacturer and designer premium steering components is a smart approach.
Its product offering is supported by long-term employees with extensive knowledge and experience, as well as a passion for their work as car devotees who are always eager to support
All American Auto Parts has been Australian owned and operated for 40 years and is located at 2 Daveyduke Drive, Mitchell Park, Victoria.
PRODUCTS 26 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
its range are steering components, ball joints, brake parts, coil springs, bushes, wheel bearings, bearings, spark plugs, ignition components, fuel tank senders, filters, suspension, engine, shock absorbers and seatbelts.
The company states that it proudly sells quality classic American car and truck parts and warranty parts for manufacturing defects.

All American Auto Parts stocks thousands of parts for all United States made vehicles, from the classic to the modern SUVs for car enthusiasts
For more information, call 03 5339 6533 or 03 5339 6788 or visit
The new Cateran Intercoolers, designed and developed in Australia, cover the most popular turbo diesel 4x4 and SUV applications including Toyota Landcruiser and Hilux, Nissan Patrol and Navara, Mitsubishi Pajero and Triton, Holden Colorado, Mazda BT50 and Ford Ranger.
Cateran recently launched a range of premium replacement intercoolers to add to its line of premium turbo diesel Turbochargers, Turbocharger Gasket Kits, Fastener Kits, Oil Supply Lines and Intercooler Hose Kits.
Within the Australian aftermarket, five KYB Steering product groups will be initially stocked by NGK Australia which include: Ball Joints; Tie Rod Ends; Steering Rack Ends; Stabilizer Links and Control Arms

ACS says this focus on providing the most comprehensive range doesn’t just stop at flywheels.
offer dual-mass flywheels as well as a comprehensive range of replacement single-mass flywheels and conversion flywheels for those wanting to convert the dual-mass to single-mass.
For more information, visit
possible and can support our distributors around the country with the products they need, when they need Simonit.”explains that ACS is continuing on a strong growth phase in the Australian market and is heavily invested in the future.
The ClutchPro range also extends to master cylinders, slave cylinders, clutch lines, clutch forks, pivot balls, fork boots, guide tubes, flywheel dowels, replacement bolts, alignment tools, bearings and specialist tools.
“We are constantly adding new products to our range to ensure we have the best vehicle coverage

“We look for more than just the basics,” Simon said.
Available through an extensive nationwide distribution network, ACS says it has developed the ClutchPro brand to offer the highest quality whilst providing value to workshops by incorporating the most comprehensive clutch kits possible.
PRODUCTS 2929Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“These flywheels are designed and engineered to offer exceptional quality and can help workshops to save time by not having to resurface the existing flywheel after removing the old clutch.”
“We are continuing to grow in Australia and also overseas and are always pushing the evolution for new product development,” Simon said.
ClutchPro clutch kits are available in four different series types including standard, 400, 500, and 600 series kits, with different inclusions in each. In all 500 and 600 series clutch kits, ClutchPro includes a flywheel to make the installation process as smooth as possible.

ClutchPro is Australian Clutch Services’ standard replacement brand
replacement flywheels for over 10 years and it has been a major contributor to the popularity of our ClutchPro standard replacement range with workshops,” ACS General Manager, Simon Acton,
Australian Clutch Services (ACS) explains that ClutchPro specialises in complete clutch kits, flywheels, hydraulics and accessories for passenger car Developedapplications.toprovide the Complete Clutch Solution to workshops around Australia and New Zealand, ACS says the ClutchPro brand has continually evolved with the times to offer the latest clutch technology as well as the technical support and service to support workshops with fast supply and installation support.
“With this emphasis on product development and expansion into other associated components, we are focused on offering our distributors the products and service they require into the future.”
“We have been providing clutch kits with
development centers – in Reutlingen and Dresden – at a combined cost of over 170 million euros.
By 2026, Bosch plans to invest another three billion euros in its semiconductor division as part of the IPCEI funding program on microelectronics and communications “Microelectronicstechnology.isthefuture and is vital to the success of all areas of Bosch business. With it, we hold a master key to tomorrow’s mobility, the internet of things, and to what we at Bosch call technology that is ‘Invented for life’,” Bosch Board of Management Chairman, Dr Stefan Hartung, said at the Bosch Tech Day 2022 in OneDresden. ofthe projects Bosch plans to fund with this investment is the construction of two new
“We’re gearing up for continued growth in demand for semiconductors – also for the benefit of our customers. For us, these miniature components mean big business.” Dr Hartung said.
At the company’s Dresden plant, manufacture of chips on the basis of 300-millimeter wafers commenced in 2021.
Among the semiconductors manufactured in Reutlingen and Dresden are applicationspecific integrated circuits (ASICs), microelectromechanical systems (MEMS) sensors, and power semiconductors.
Bosch is investing further billions in the chip business, stating that Microelectronics is vital to the success of all areas of Bosch’s business
In addition, the company will spend 250 million euros over the coming year on the creation of an extra 3,000 square meters of clean-room space at its wafer fab in Dresden.

From cars and e-bikes to household appliances and wearables – semiconductors are an integral part of all electronic systems. They are the motor that drives the modern world of technology.
Bosch is also building a new test center for semiconductors in Penang, Malaysia. As of 2023, this center will be used to test finished semiconductor chips and sensors. For more information, visit
Bosch says it recognised their growing significance early on and has now announced investment of further billions of euros in order to strengthen its own semiconductor business.
Bosch says it is the automotive industry’s leading company for the development and manufacture of Thesesemiconductors.chipsare used not only in automotive applications but also in the consumer goods Boschindustry.has been active in this field for over 60 years. The Bosch semiconductor plant in Reutlingen, for example, has been producing chips based on 150- and 200-millimeter wafers for the past 50 years.
PRODUCTS 30 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

select the best Nulon product suitable for their vehicle at any Auto One store, where Auto One team members can provide professional advice on what Nulon product will work best for their vehicle.
Established in 1988, Auto One is a champion of the independent network in Australia.
Nulon’s most innovative and highest-performing engine oil and featuring advanced fluid dynamics, the APEX+ range flows faster at low temperatures and resists extreme pressure, heat and wear of contacting metal surfaces to promote ultimate Itperformance.alsohasfuel
“Auto One is honoured to be working with Nulon to deliver this innovative range of products to the Australian Market,” Auto One Head of Merchandise, Sean Hegarty, said.
promoting engine cleanliness and engine Customersperformance.can
It has been formulated with additive technology to protect against sludge formation and corrosion,
efficiency and protection in both everyday stop/start and demanding driving Developedconditions.
A leading new range has been added to the Auto One product portfolio
Since its conception in 1980, Nulon has continued to create and push boundaries in the industry. Whether it is a European sports car or high-tech Japanese cars, Nulon create some of the highest performance and most sought-after oils in the world. Auto One will stock the following new ranges from Nulon.
to exceed the latest oil industry standards and promote increased fuel efficiency is the X-PRO range, with performance and longlife thermal stability over extended drain intervals.
Providing excellent everyday protection for a wide range of turbo and non-turbo passenger, 4x4, light commercial petrol and heavy-duty diesel vehicles is the X-PROTECT range.
Already home to over 110 industry brands, Auto One says it is thrilled to announce the release of the latest Nulon range to its online and instore offerings, including APEX+, X-PRO and X-PROTECT products.
Hosting two banner groups, Auto One and A1 Autoparts, the Auto One group has more than 80 stores Australia wide and remains the only independently owned national chain in the automotive parts industry.

For more information and store locations, please visit

It is suitable for a range of modern and highperformance naturally aspirated, turbocharged, multivalve, diesel and petrol vehicles.
3131Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

Suitable for charging batteries from 3Ah up to 240Ah, the Century charger range includes features such as a nine-stage charging process, selectable output current, reverse polarity protection, and an eco power mode to reduce energy consumption.
The range consists of three new models which can charge and maintain a wide range of battery types across many different usage applications.
In the event that a battery has been heavily discharged for an extended period of time, the Century CC1212-XLi and CC1206 are capable of activating on batteries reading as low as two-volts, and initiating the charging process.
“battery maintainer” mode, which automatically engages once the battery has reached full charge.
In this mode, the charger can be left connected 24/7 to periodically trickle charge batteries from 3Ah up to 360Ah to ensure they remain fully Thischarged.isideal
for lead-acid batteries which see occasional or infrequent usage, such as boat, motorcycle and ride-on mower starting batteries, or deep cycle battery systems installed in caravans or camper trailers.

The Century charger range caters to AGM, GEL, EFB flooded and Calcium SMF lead-acid batteries – with the flagship CC1212-XLi also gaining compatibility with the latest Lithium (LFP) batteries.
Further information is also available at
The CC1212-XLi can also be used on Lithium (LFP) batteries where the Battery Monitoring System (BMS) has entered “sleep mode” because the cell voltage dropped below the minimum threshold.
For more information on Century’s Battery Charger range and to understand how your business can benefit from becoming a stockist, contact your local Century Yuasa representative on 1300 362 287.
PRODUCTS 3333Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Backed by a comprehensive five-year warranty, the Century charger range also has a built-in
In addition, all chargers feature a patented rejuvenation feature built-in which uses peak pulse reconditioning to repair heavily discharged lead-acid batteries.
Century has launched a new range of battery chargers and maintainers
In this situation, the Century CC1212-XLi has a Lithium LFP Wake Up mode, specifically designed to wake up the BMS and commence charging.
The new range of battery chargers and maintainers from Century have been developed to make maintaining batteries simpler and easier than ever before, says Century.

Bilstein says this is because simple van suspensions often fail to meet upmarket requirements in terms of driving safety and Incomfort.addition
“If that is not simple enough, Remote King has added YouTube training videos, universal remotes/transponders and chip cloners to now simplify even the more advanced key cloning
PRODUCTS 34 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The Bilstein B6 Camper Advanced has a soft
“The customer may say: my remote doesn’t work, the key shell is broken or please don’t lose it as I don’t have a spare,” Remote King Managing Director, Ian Wood, said. thing that could make this even better would be a shock absorber that could change its characteristic curve depending on the situation. In answer to this, Bilstein presents the B6 Camper Advanced with amplitude-selective shock absorption based on the DampMatic principle.
“With the evolution of fully automatic key cutting machines with built in touch screens or smart phone pairing, it is now as simple as pushing two buttons, duplicate and cut.
It states that is because the shock-absorbing properties have been tailored on the parameters of demanding van applications based on thousands of hours of road tests.
In the “soft setting”, the shock absorber oil flows through both the main piston and a special DampMatic bypass. If the vibration amplitude becomes greater due to the driving situation, the control piston moves to its stop due to the sudden Thisexcitation.closes the bypass, and the complete volume flow is handled by the main piston. Since the flow is thus reduced, the shock absorber behaves “tighter”.
characteristic setting when cruising and a tight setting during evasive manoeuvres.
Bilstein says its new B6 Camper high-performance shock absorbers already dramatically improve driving performance.
Remote King says the answer is “now they do, or if they don’t, they should be” as making keys is now easier than ever before.
The special set-up provides added safety in crosswinds and on bends thanks to optimum grip and a more intense driving experience thanks to high traction and precise handling.
In defence of van suspensions, from a technical perspective, it must be said that they are simply not designed for use in an ambulance or VIP shuttle, for example, which meets completely different requirements and parameters.
Although motorhomes based on these vans are rare Down Under, this platform is popular as an ambulance or VIP shuttle, and for other purposes.
When a customer walks into your shop, the first thing that they hand you is the keys to their car and this is generally where the first problem begins, says Remote King.
Benefits of Bilstein B6 Camper and Camper Advanced
mechanics or tyre stores do replacement keys?

For workshops as well as customers, this ultimately means that the installation effort is no greater than for any other shock absorber.
Bilstein says the purely mechanical DampMatic technology it has developed and patented thus ensures that the shock absorbers, which are actually passive, can adapt to changing driving conditions at lightning speed.
The shock absorber selects one of two characteristic curves completely automatically based on a mechanical process using the vibrations transmitted by the road.
It explains this is otherwise only possible with complex active suspension systems with additional components, cables, or control units.
Bilstein has high-performance shock absorbers for ambulances, VIP shuttles and many more The Bilstein B6 Camper and B6 Camper Advanced high-performance shock absorbers were launched in the European motorhome market in 2022.

For these special and other applications, the damper’s strengths really shine through, as standard delivery van suspensions are not the optimal choice here with Bilstein stating they lack ride comfort, offer poor cornering stability and annoying driving noise.
For more information, visit
Photos: Copyright Bilstein 2022
Bilstein states this saves money and makes a switch even more attractive – showing that Bilstein B6 Camping and B6 Camper Advanced are not only a good choice for motorhomes, but also wherever particularly high demands are placed on driving safety and comfort.
training and support for more than 15 years, supplying a range of keys, remotes, replacement key shells and programming equipment.
For more information, visit
THE KEY WhySUCCESSTOdon’tautoelectricians,
At the same time, Bilstein says drivers and passengers can look forward to a more comfortable driving experience: thanks to the reduction of driving noise through better shock absorption as well as the increase in comfort due to the optimised rolling behaviour on uneven
No cables, no connections, no additional installation effort
“Itsystems.isnot very often a new and unique service can be offered within your workshop without the requirement for additional training or staff. It is a job business owners are often giving to the apprentice to complete.”
“My job is to see where or if a product fits in a marketplace,” Ian said.
“Here’s your first service driven up sell of the day!” With changes to technology, cutting your keys takes just a push of a button and Remote King
“More recently we’ve seen an influx of mechanics and auto electricians providing this service to their customers, with some now becoming big players in the key/remote space.
to the Fiat Ducato, Citroën Jumper, and Peugeot Boxer, the two high-performance shock absorber lines are now also available for the Mercedes Sprinter.

This automatic recovery and charging station offers a unique hybrid functionality that supports electronic driven compressors and includes the option to pressure test with forming gas or dry nitrogen.
Sold and configured in your selected refrigerant formant of either HFO-1234yf or R134a, these units are among the most modern air-conditioning service and re-gassing units on the market, says Snap-on, with both units designed to make the job quicker, easier, and more profitable.
With summer only just around the corner, workshops are getting ready for “air-con” season.
Snap-on Tools says its Breeze IV and Blizzard QTech IV take the hard work out of AC service and repair as truly powerful tools for any workshop. For more information, talk to your local franchisee representative or visit

Breeze IV
The Blizzard QTech IV is Snap-on Tools’ most advanced air-conditioning service unit, available in either R134a or HFO-1234yf models.
Features include Wi-Fi connectivity, a 7.0-inch colour touchscreen, 3.0m hoses, and a 12-litre refillable refrigerant tank.
Both are fully automatic air-conditioning service units; and with a growing database of vehicles on our roads, the Breeze and Blizzard units are
In the world of refrigerants, there has been a continuing transition from R134a to 1234yf in new vehicles.
Blizzard QTech IV
PRODUCTS 36 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Having said that, for modern vehicles running climate-controlled HVAC systems, the air-con system is actually running consistently, seeing air conditioning services spread more evenly across the,
those 40-degree days which can’t be too far away will surely test the growing number of vehicles on our road. Snap-on says now is the time to make sure you have the correct equipment to tackle the season.
As the new gas becomes more common, it is time to consider an auto-station designed and set up for the 1234yf refrigerant: this season, Snap-on Tools offers the Breeze IV and Blizzard QTECH IV.
said to be perfect for any level of expertise in the workshop. Indeed, Snap-on states that from the apprentice to the Master Tech, completing an air-con service will be a breeze.
Snap-on Tools says the Breeze IV is its best value for money air-conditioning recovery and recharge unit, with the option of R134a or HFO-1234yf

IV also includes the latest Australian vehicle database, including agricultural machinery and trucks, with the option to manually enter specifications.
Snap-on says it makes Air Conditioning service and repair a ‘breeze’
All chargers in REDARC’s BCDC range are lithium ready and feature an in-built MPPT solar regulator. This allows for your customers to have an extended getaway without the daily drive, by utilising energy from the sun through fixed or portable solar.
Featuring fully sealed electronics, the BCDC Classic is the same rugged, everything-proof charger you’re familiar with, just with a new name. It is perfect for engine bay installations, water
You can hide it under seats, behind a side panel or tuck it away in an unused section of the canopy.
REDARC explains that the BCDC Core is the next evolution of the proven REDARC BCDC platform that has been powering off-grid adventure for over 10 years.
For more information, visit
BCDCs will take power from solar as a priority before using supplementary power from the vehicle’s alternator when available.
The company’s DC-to-DC charging range just got a whole lot bigger
REDARC says for a unit that can handle anything your customer can throw at it; you should choose the BCDC Classic.
With Green Power Priority as standard, REDARC’s
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crossings, desert heat, mud pits and wild weather. If your customers can encounter it on the road, REDARC says the BCDC Classic will get them through it, all while keeping the battery charged and fridge Alternatively,cold.they can power up for less with the new BCDC Core range.

As an Auto Electrician, you will understand that if a customer wants to power off-grid adventures, having a reliable DC to DC charger to keep the battery charged is critical. Because, without charge going back into the battery, not only is your customer’s time off-grid limited, but they also run the risk of draining their start battery and impacting its lifespan.
REDARC says what you may not know, however, is that its DC-to-DC battery charging range just got a whole lot Featuringbigger.REDARC’s trusted battery charging technology, the BCDC range now comes in two models: the BCDC Classic which you know and love, and the brand-new BCDC Core.
The Core is ideal for canopy, battery box or cabin installations and REDRAC states it offers exceptional value.
Built to be compact, quiet, and reliable, the BCDC range is designed, tested, and manufactured in Australia and REDARC explains that like its entire product range, they are backed by its market-leading technical support and national REDNetwork certified installer network.

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Ashley added the 210, 211, and 212 Bulletproof series are purpose-built and manufactured to the highest standards, and said you can rest assured they are up to any task.
“If you want to provide your customers something unique in design and unparalleled quality that will give you the wow factor you are after, then check out our website or give us a call,” Ashley said.
For more information, visit for your local distributor or call 1800 815 000.
The 211 and the 212 are available in a twin retail blister pack with left and right-hand side lamps and single bulk for OEM manufacturers.
LED Autolamps says it is proud to offer its latest series of trailer lamps, with three universal sizes all featuring a new design, look and appeal, along with superior durability.
The Bulletproof range consists of three sizes. The 210 series boat trailer lamps are 210mm x 96mm x 28mm and are the perfect size to suit most boat trailers. The small square 211 series has an overall size of 100mm x 100mm x 20mm, and the Rectangular shaped 212 Series measures 160mm x 90mm x 20mm, which is a perfect size to suit most small to medium trailers.
“We have included super-tough polycarbonate construction but, more importantly, sealed the LEDs and circuitry using a specially formulated flexible black resin,” LED Autolamps National Sales Manager, Ashley Piper, said.
LED Autolamps says its Bulletproof range of trailer lamps has built-in durabilty
LED Autolamps says its brand name has been known and trusted for over 20 years and states the first thing you will notice about the Bulletproof series is its sleek, uniquely styled blackened no lens design, offering all required functions.
“The high-impact plastics with solid-state circuitry ensure shock and vibration resistance,” Ashley “Thesaid. lamps deliver on a super bright even spread output that not only looks distinctive but is also UV, acidic/alkaline and saltwater resistant and exceeds all required Australian Road standards with ECE approvals.
“We are so confident in these lamps with their specially formulated resin coupled with a no lens design and extreme testing to IP68 rating, that we offer a 10-year warranty for peace of mind.”
The 210 Boat trailer lamps include Stop/Tail/ Indicator and a handy inbuilt Reflex Reflector with a concealed licence plate lamp. The 211 and the 212 series trailer lamps offer Stop/Tail/ Indicator and an inbuilt Reflex Reflector.
Autolamps has also made available a 10-metre lamp and cable kit (Part Number 210BARLP2-10M) which contains the left and right-hand side lamps and enough hardwire cable for trailers up to 10 metres in length.
LED Autolamps explains that its entire operation is certified to ISO9001:2015, the internationally recognised Quality Management Standard, and its main production facility is certified to IATF16949:2016 standards. LED Autolamps says this is your guarantee of conformity of production, exceptional service, technical expertise, supply reliability and dedicated after-sales care.
The 210 series is available in a twin retail blister pack with left and right-hand side lamps (Part Number 210BARLP2) and single bulk for OEM Inmanufacturers.addition,LED

Stainless steel fittings with tinned copper wiring encased in sheathing are included for extra protection from constant environmental exposure and long-term durability. Electrically they run at 12 Volt and have been made to ECE R10 EMC standards for electrical interference.
Extreme environments demand a product to be manufactured to withstand extreme conditions. As such, LED Autolamps says it specifically designed the Bulletproof series with this in mind.
Which is easier to maintain and repair?
Electronic handbrakes work in the same way, the main difference though is that instead of using the driver’s physical force through the lever, a button is pressed which actuates an electric motor which in turn pulls the cables.
For more information, visit

What’s best, electronic or traditional handbrake?
As functional as these benefits are, we can probably safely say that the driving force towards the wider adoption of electronic park brakes has simply been because it’s easier to press a button than to pull a lever.
How do handbrakes work?
By pulling on the back-up handbrake, the lever tensions a cable that applies the rear brake pads/ shoes on the rotors or drums, to help bring the vehicle safely to a halt.
Many electronic park brakes will also disengage when the car begins to move, so releasing the handbrake is one less thing to do.
While the purists may not like the change –especially those who grew up watching rallying – there are several benefits to having an electronic Aesthetically,handbrake.
There is also an alternative electronic handbrake design that sees a stepper motor at the back of the caliper at each wheel that directly actuates the system.
By virtue of their simple design, traditional handbrakes are normally easier and more cost effective to repair.
The main purpose of a hand brake is to have a secondary braking option in the unlikely event that the primary brakes – which are hydraulic – fail.
For older drivers who have spent many years behind the wheel, their preference might be for a traditional handbrake, as it’s what they’ve always Forknown.many,
Insights from Bendix
Some will also automatically apply themselves
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when the car is stopped, so for forgetful types, this could be a bonus.
the act of manually pulling the handbrake may also be reassuring and the effect is immediate, as opposed to engaging an electronic handbrake at speed, which typically will bring the vehicle to a standstill more gradually.
Ease-of-use and convenience is a strong trend in the world of automotive design.
though, modern cars are making the switch from using a traditional handbrake that’s engaged via a lever, to having a push button electronic park brake.

Not too many years ago, if you got into a car and couldn’t see a handbrake lever sitting in the console between the front driver and passenger seats, you’d probably be left scratching your Increasinglyhead.
As touched on earlier, an electronic park brake can offer some extra in-cabin space and is easy to engage at a simple push of a button.
With electronic handbrakes, more components make up the system adding to complexity, they’re also reliant on electric power, so if the battery goes flat or there is another issue with the vehicle’s electrics, they can be more difficult to move (some cars do offer a manual release).
With many of these electronic handbrakes, an appropriate scan tool and relevant software will also be needed to perform maintenance.
removing the handbrake lever creates additional space in the cabin and in the case of light commercial vehicles such as vans, it also provides the driver with easier access to the cargo space through the cabin, or to exit the vehicle on the passenger side if they’re parked on a busy street.

So, appearance aside, how do electronic park brakes work and how different are they to traditional park brakes in how they operate? Well, aside from how each is engaged, they both work in a very similar way.
The handbrake of course also keeps the vehicle stationary when parked.
Both systems essentially do the same task but in a slightly different way.

Brake hoses are the latest addition to Disc Brakes Australia’s range of Street Series hydraulic brake products

Meyle parts become available to Australian motorists for the first time
As part of DBA’s commitment to maintaining its leadership in braking technology, the company is further expanding its range of OE-replacement and upgrade brake components under its Street Series label.

So, whilst intended as OE replacement products, DBA brake hoses come with a range of technological and quality features that DBA says sets them apart from other brands.
Brake hoses are a critical component within a vehicle’s braking system, responsible for carrying
For further information please visit, email or call DBA Customer Service on 1800 730 039.
For aspirational drivers the world over, Sparesbox says the name Meyle brings with it an assurance of quality and performance.
Lower volumetric expansion aids the speed of fluid
transfer when braking, hence reducing braking
Sparesbox has more than 2,500 Meyle products available. The Meyle-Original line is there for the
It explains that Meyle-HD parts are there when simply replacing an OE part will not do. Rocking a four-year manufacturers’ guarantee, Meyle-HD parts are said to be made from more durable materials and with highly optimised designs.
the hose volumetric expansion is approximately 60 percent lower than SAE International requirements (DBA 0.36 - 0.54cc/m vs. 1.08 - 1.38cc/m at equal test pressures).
The latest release consists of a series of brake hoses as part of DBA’s recently launched Hydraulics range. Initially featuring nearly 500 part numbers covering multiple applications, DBA is continuing to roll out additional items over the coming months and into the future.
That has now changed though, says Sparesbox, which reports it has struck a deal with the German masters of steering and suspension parts to become the first supplier of the range to Australia and New SparesboxZealand.saysitis going all in on Meyle, stocking the full selection of products that have made it one of the most popular and sought-after brands around the world.
Meyle-PD gear fits just like OE parts, but Meyle says “their advanced design ethos allows for higher performance and higher reliability than nearly anything you can find on the market today. The end result is a ride that sets new standards in comfort, function and performance.”
driver looking to replace their OE parts to exact spec with no compromise on quality or safety, but Sparesbox says it is Meyle’s additional lines that will get hearts pumping and motors running across both the lucky country and the land of the long white cloud.
DBA brake hoses are made from extra durable EPDM rubber. All end fittings are made from highgrade steel and electroplated with a zinc coating, which DBA says delivers superior corrosion and rust resistance. Banjo end fittings are also supplied with copper washers for better sealing
Known for accurate and comprehensive parts cataloguing, DBA says it has applied the same stringent approach to its new brake hose range by linking it to all major Australian and international industry database formats.
the fluid pressure from the brake pedal to the brake cylinder.
All DBA brake hoses come in easy-to-store, straight plastic sleeves, to eliminate material fatigue from rubber being bent inside the packaging. All hoses also feature the DBA logo imprinted on the rubber part for easy identification.
For Australians though, it says it has also long been a name that is synonymous with unavailability; a range of world-leading aftermarket parts that they cannot get their hands on.
DBA believes there must be no compromise in quality and performance when it comes to safety relevant vehicle components.
Sparesbox says simply put, they are a cut above a simple replacement part and are designed to go further than the original parts installed in your Thenvehicle.there’s Meyle-PD, Meyle’s line of advanced performance and design parts that are said to “go further than all the rest.”

manufacturing process culminates in extensive quality and durability testing. DBA says it is interesting to note that its “test criteria by far exceeds those of other brands in the market.”
DBA says that having led the market in rotor technology for many decades, its transition to a premium ‘one stop shop’ for anything wheel end is on full display this year, resulting in complete braking solution offers for the customer.
Each DBA brake hose, where applicable, is supplied with brackets, moulded plastic guards, and wire clips for ease of installation.
Further, DBA states that its products surpass SAE International standards for durability by up to 400 percent (nominally up to 200 hours), explaining that they are tested to ensure a burst pressure rating of 10,000psi (against most competitor products at 4,000psi), and a tensile strength of
PRODUCTS 4343Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
And Sparesbox says while Meyle has raised the bar for steering and suspension aftermarket parts, it is not their only area of expertise. It states that with the help of Sparesbox, it is aiming to change the way Australian drivers look at replacement parts, and how they go about getting their hands on them. For more information, visit
Asdistance.aresult of DBA’s advanced manufacturing processes and its product quality, DBA says the hoses far exceed standards set by the Department of Transport (DOT), the Federal Motor Vehicle Safety Standards (FMVSS 106) and SAE J1401 standards as well as those of many competitors, giving the customer the extra peace of mind at a competitive cost.
With the Tradeflame 12W Soldering Iron
mAh, 4.2V lithium-ion battery which recharges in two hours with the provided USB-C cable, this little power iron reaches the maximum temperature of 480°C in a record time of three minutes and provides continuous use for up to 50 minutes per charge.
PRODUCTS 44 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

Not only is this soldering iron a fast-charging powerhouse, Tradeflame says it has included the
“We’ve also taken into consideration that certain portable areas can be quite dark to work in, so we’ve added an LED working light so you can always see what you’re soldering no matter how small or dark the space.
Portable Soldering options are the way to go for many tradies and caravanners, and the 4.2V 12W Rechargeable Lithium-Ion Soldering Iron is a new firm Poweredfavourite.bya2900
varies from 8W to 100W, fully portable to 240V, and has an iron to suit any level of user, project, or location.
Tradeflame says it is home to an extensive range of soldering irons which have stood as an industry benchmark for many years.
It says its products are designed in-house and loaded with the innovative features required as times change to demand products which are more versatile, ergonomic and easy to use while improving Tradeflamefunction.saysitsrange
“We learned that many users worked for extended amounts of time on certain projects, and with a bad grip design comes tiredness and soreness in the hand,” Tradeflame National Key Account Manager – Peter Kernke, said.
“With this in mind, we gave it an ergonomic design for maximum comfort in every way, including safe anti-roll wings to stop it rolling off surfaces when placed down.
best features that every soldering enthusiast has always asked for.
“Some copper soldering iron tips can deteriorate quite quickly, but with our long-life conical tip, the tip is iron plated for anti-corrosion, the inner core is copper for good conduction of heat resulting in a longer lifetime for the tip if properly maintained, you’ll also get great value for money and a more cost effective option for serious users.”
Recently, Tradeflame sent the Lithium-Ion Soldering Iron on a road-test with some avid caravanners on a trip around Australia. Upon their return, they were incredibly happy with their new iron, reportedly telling Tradeflame: “no longer do we need an inverter and extension lead specifically for using the soldering iron. The LED illuminated the soldering tip for the times when we were working in dark areas such as under a vehicle’s dashboard, and the unit heats up in minimal time.”
Whether you’re on the go or just like the freedom of soldering without a cord, Tradeflame says its Lithium-Ion is ideal for any job faced by an electrician, mechanic, DIY enthusiast or 4WD/ Caravanner.
For more information, visit

dermatologically tested and clinically proven to be kind and safe to skin.
Cleaning products that work on grease, grime and dirt tend to be very harsh on the hands. Most industrial cleaners contain ingredients that can be skin sensitising, hazardous to our health and/ or the environment.
The newly launched De-Solv-it Heavy-Duty Hand Scrub is formulated with natural actives and free from any hazardous ingredients, mineral oil, petroleum solvent, parabens, fragrance.
And while according to De-Solv-it, most cleaning products can have up to 80 percent water, De-Solv-it has 100 percent active ingredients. Performance, efficacy and safety are their top criteria in its research and development of their product range, De-Solv-it says.
If your hands are exposed to a degreasing surfactant or solvent frequently, the cleaning chemicals may strip your skin of its natural oil and damage the barrier of your skin. As a result, your skin may become very dry and could eventually develop sensitive skin conditions such as eczema or dermatitis.
Further, De-Solv-it says the amazing thing about this new De-Solv-it Heavy-Duty Hand Scrub is the unexpected feel of the hands after washing with it.
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De-Solv-it Heavy Duty Hand Scrub is available in 500mL and 5L. Trade enquiries on products and larger industrial sizes are welcomed. For more information, please visit

is tough on oil, but not on your hands
It states the hands feel very soft and moisturised, not something one would expect of an industrial strength cleaner that is robust enough to wash off tough grime and dirt.
The product is made in Australia, using sustainable and organic exfoliant from Australian Perlite Ore. De-Solv-it says the fine perlite works well as exfoliants to gently remove grime and dirt without being harsh or abrasive to your hands.
De-Solv-it says its products are very effective in removing oils, grease, grime, tar, paint, printers’ ink, soil and other tough stains from your hands and yet leaving the hands feeling soft and Itmoisturised.isalsopHbalanced,
The product is also biodegradable and does not contain any synthetic exfoliant or microbeads that are environment hazards. The bottle chosen is made from 100 percent recycled PET material from Australia.
For 40 years, De-Solv-it says it has solved the toughest cleaning jobs and quickly become the “go-to-cleaner” for tradies, professionals and Havinghouseholds.been voted as the number one Multipurpose Cleaner by CHOICE, the De-Solv-it Multi-purpose Cleaners can be seen in all the big hardware stores in Australia and New Zealand.
Europe’s largest aftermarket manufacturer of steering and suspension is now in Australia
PRODUCTS 48 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

Teknorot says it provides a major contribution to Turkey’s economy and is among Turkey’s top 500
In line with the growth in the aftermarket and increase in demand of its production, Teknorot launched a new, “world class” facility in Düzce, Turkey in 2008.
industrial companies, boasting global support with local flexibility to supply both existing and new business partners.The company says it has proven that customer satisfaction is its priority by having a strong reputation for ‘on time delivery’ of its exports to Europe, Asia, North America, South America, Middle East, Africa, Oceania and now Australasia. With its production and distribution facilities in four different countries and a “Always Ahead” motto, Teknorot says it can support its local Australian distributor, Teknorot Australia Pty Ltd, with 95 percent of the Australian automotive market demand.
A large selection of components are now in stock and available via popular automotive platforms (Autoinfo’s OSCAR, Peach and TechDoc) as well as leading retailers. In addition, au will soon launch and feature a Rego search. All products carry a 24-month /40,000km Australian

journey in 1992, Teknorot’s production area spans a total of 190,000m2 with more than 2,700 employees globally.
Teknorot Australia Pty Ltd – distributors of Teknorot’s steering and suspension components for passenger cars and light commercial vehicles – recently joined the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association as a new member.
“one of the leading automotive production companies in the world,” Teknorot says it prioritises advanced technology and customer satisfaction.
Teknorot Australia says it carries a wide range of products distributed nationally utilising 3PL partners to ensure high standards of delivery times.
and new production methods, guaranteeing high quality parts. Ninety percent of the production is exported to more than 90 countries worldwide and every year, more than 900 new products are added to the product portfolio which currently has over 12,000 references.
Today Teknorot produces more than 130,000 pieces per day where ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 3834 and ISO/TS 1949 quality standards are maintained by Bureau Veritas. It is accredited to supply various OEM and OES components too.
For more information or to open a trade account, contact Warren Wolman at
Teknorot produces sheet metal wishbones, aluminium, forged and cast-iron control arms, ball joints, tie rods, tie rod ends, link stabilizers and other rubber/metal parts and delivers them to countries worldwide through its production and distribution centres in Turkey, Spain, India and BeingChina.
It says the production plant uses latest technologies

Roadsafe says its STR range emulates OEM designs, and the range is manufactured from the same or better materials as a minimum.
There are three main automotive suspension systems which function in a similar manner, these being Independent Front Suspension (IFS), Solid Front Axle, and I-Beam suspension Whilesystems.Independent Front Suspension (IFS) systems are known to provide good handling and comfort, more robust live axle front suspension designs such as Solid Front Axle and I-Beam designs provide sheer Dragstrength.Links, which are also known as Relay Rods, are specific to Solid Front Axle and I-Beam suspension systems.
Roadsafe has been manufacturing Drag Links, Tie Rod ends, Pitman arms and what it calls Australia’s widest range of automotive suspension components for over 40 years. Its products are available from Burson Auto Parts and other quality independent auto parts resellers nationwide. For more information, call Roadsafe on 03 8687 1700 or visit
Drag Links transfer the steering wheel input to the wheels, with one end being attached to the Pitman arm via the steering box, while the other end of the Drag Link is mounted to the wheel hub assembly.
Roadsafe says it specialises in these suspension systems and their specific component requirements, offering premium quality product ranges that include Drag Links and Tie Rod Ends as an affordable alternative to OEM parts, supported by an industry leading warranty.

The team at Roadsafe has reportedly ensured that the articulation of the Tie Rod end directly matches the OEM component, as does the steering damper fitment and other components, providing guaranteed fitment for normal road going Roadsafevehicles.hasalso developed a range of heavy duty offroad options that it says in most cases exceed OEM specifications, including 4WD vehicles operating in harsh off-road conditions.
OEM tie rod ends are mainly manufactured in an encapsulate design, making them a non-greaseable, no maintenance component.
In most cases, Roadsafe says standard replacement parts cannot meet the movement requirements of aftermarket raised suspension which is above two inches of Whereverlift.possible the company says Roadsafe 4WD has improved or updated the OE design to provide increased arm strength and articulation of the Tie Rod End to prevent it binding or bottoming out.
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On each end of the Drag Link is a Tie Rod End, which articulates as the suspension moves up and down and rotates in the housing by steering lock input.
Typically, offroad 4WDs will have raised suspension that increases the amount of angle the Tie Rod ends need to operate in.
Roadsafe explains it has upgraded some of these products with a revised internal design that makes them greaseable.
With Roadsafe Drag Links
“Finally, thanks to NRS Brakes’ unmatched commitment to the environment, you can always expect NRS to deliver the longest lasting, safest and most environmentally friendly brake pad for electric, hybrid and autonomous vehicles.”
Goss says its genuine alternative parts ensure vehicle repairers can rely on its range
metallic and copper-free materials in its brake friction ensure long life and stopping power.
“These premium materials also dissipate heat and cool efficiently, while producing less brake dust. And in addition, the pads are also quiet with the NRS Piston Cushion Insert designed to help reduce noise by up to 90 percent by acting as a barrier to minimise heat transfer to brake fluids.
It is now 9:30am on Monday morning and the worst is over. You know this because the next job is ordering replacement parts for this motley collection of vehicles, and you also know all these parts can come from the one supplier.
“NRS Galvanised Brake Pads prevent corrosion using zinc-plating technology, compared to many traditional brake pads that utilise painted parts – paint can chip and flake, inviting rust-causing corrosion to degrade the brake pad,” Montu Khokhar from NRS Brakes said.
Goss explains it is a leading provider of Genuine Alternative aftermarket and Original Equipment Supplier (OES) parts.
For more information and stockist details, visit
Internally, the systems of Electric Vehicles bear only a nominal resemblance to conventional internal combustion engine vehicles. So, it comes as no surprise that electric vehicle braking is different too.
Scanning to the left and you spot the Audi Q5 that is booked for a possible DPF pressure sensor – you probably need to confirm that diagnosis quickly. And number three is a Toyota Prado that was diagnosed by another workshop with a faulty wastegate actuator.
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When it comes to the rail pressure sensor, Goss explains there is no longer a requirement to replace the entire fuel rail assembly as required
The first problem child is a Mazda CX5 with a misfire and lean running DTCs. It will more than likely be a failed injector on that vehicle.
At a quarter past nine the headache has not materialised. The CX5 has a blocked fuel injector – easy find – and the lean code turned out to be a faulty rail pressure sensor. Your senior tech has confirmed the Prado wastegate actuator needs replacement and has also given the thumbs up to order a DPF pressure sensor for the Q5.
With your parts orders placed and the repairs well underway, Goss says “you can slide into the rest of the week knowing that the Genuine Alternative from Goss will be there to support you.”

“Don’tadhesives.waste money on brake pads that are going to fight your EV’s braking system. Instead, invest in a set of NRS galvanised brake pads which have been specifically designed for use in these cars,” Circo Group Sales Director, Marty Beckton, said.
With over 75 years of sourcing and developing the world’s leading OES and aftermarket parts, Goss says it prides itself on offering workshops “the Genuine Alternative.”
by most OE manufacturers, with the Goss alternative meaning you can purchase the FRPS as a standalone component.
As a vehicle repairer, it is all part of the job, demanding workshops manage the time it takes to diagnose, order parts, and complete the repairs, all while working within a busy schedule.
NRS Brakes explains that when used in EV applications, traditional aftermarket brakes are susceptible to issues such as moisture build-up, corrosion and premature failure because they’re made using painted metal and traditional
Meanwhile, Goss aftermarket D40 EGR coolers have been fitted with an upgraded collar providing additional strength resisting metal fatigue and breakage and are supplied with fitment gaskets where necessary, offering substantial cost efficiencies to the aftermarket.
The mix of service work and repair ahead is looking busy, and your technicians haven’t yet uncovered the mysteries this mix of vehicles is sure to present before 10am.
“The NRS-patented mechanical brake pad attachment ensures that the engineered layers of the brake pad do not separate over time or crumble from corrosion, while the premium semi-
Goss says workshops choose to work with its team because it pursues high-quality alternatives, putting its products through rigorous test cycles in the lab for long-lasting products and a warranty you can rely on.
When it comes to braking, Electric Vehicles are a whole different beast compared to ICE vehicles

Hybrid and electric cars brake differently than gasoline powered vehicles – whereas a gasoline vehicle uses brakes frequently, causing them to heat and dissipate moisture, hybrid and electric cars use their electric motor to slow the vehicle, resulting in less frequent use of your brakes.
Goss says its range of new aftermarket (OES) petrol fuel injectors meet or exceed OEM standards and are the ultimate direct replacement injector solution. Goss supplies both GDI and CRD injectors including any consumable seal kits required during replacement.
For more information, contact Circo Group Global on 07 3412 3643 or
But then, walking towards the D40 you can feel the shakes coming on. “Please don’t be timing chains” is the mantra you adopt with each step that brings you closer to the Nissan. Lifting the bonnet, you can smell that familiar coolant odour and see the tell-tale stain oozing from a leaking EGR cooler – “winner!”
NRS-EV brake pads have been specifically engineered for hybrid and electric vehicles, using rust-resistant galvanised steel and were recently recognised by as the Best Brake Pad for the third consecutive year (2022, 2021 and These2020).brakes have been designed to work well with regenerative braking and are corrosion and delamination resistant.
Imagine this – the workshop doors open first thing Monday, you see a broken D40 Navara that was towed in the evening before. Stepping past this challenge to your sanity, the day’s scheduled work rolls into focus.
In addition, they contain no lead, no copper, and no paint, which makes them 100 percent recyclable, unlike traditional brakes.

Auto Lock / Auto Rewind enables the user to extend the hose to the required length, lock it into place and set it down without the hose automatically retracting; whereas auto rewind allows the user to retract from anywhere
With the understanding that all hose users have their preference of features, the new Pro Series Controlled Return Hose range consists of five models displaying different functions such as Air or Water, varied lengths from 15m to 32m and hose material options of Reinforced Braided PVC or the Extreme Ultraflex Reinforced Hose.
“The Extreme Ultraflex Reinforced Hose is our most premium hose which provides flexibility and full air flow all year round, even in extreme hot or cold weather conditions,” Peter said.
Other features of the Pro Series Hose Reels are the unique Helix Ultra-Coil hose layering system, which neatly retracts and layers the hose into the case without tangling.
“The new Pro Series Hose Reel features the improved safety element of controlled return which allows the user to safely retract the hose from anywhere within the workshop.
PRODUCTS 5555Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

The newest product launch from Jamec Pem combines the perfect balance of safety and functionality within the workshop.
including injuries and damage to tools, vehicles or material which may be present along the retraction pathway.”
“With this in mind, we reviewed the features of our best-selling Hose Reel and developed a solution to reduce these risks.
“We considered some workplace complications regarding hose retraction and uncovered a common theme from other hose reels in the market which is a fast-retracting hose that can cause damage to people, equipment, and general surroundings,” Jamec Pem National Key Account Manager – Peter Kernke, said.
Jamec Pem says it is home to an extensive range of air hose and tyre inflation solutions and have been trusted and renowned specialists in this space for over 90 years.

For more information, visit
“With a smooth, reduced retraction speed and soft settling, this helps eliminate workplace incidents
without having to manually wind the hose or walk it Theback.wall mount bracket with a 180° pivot provides multi-angle use, and the 2m leader hose allows for optimal hose placement from the air compressor. The internal spindle and leader hose are fitted with top quality brass, to ensure longevity of your hose and reel, and keep your connections solid and reliable. The outside casing is made from a UV stabilized polypropylene.
These pro series reels offer the improved safety of controlled return
For more information, visit
For more from GUD, visit
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PRODUCTS 56 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
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Trojan says it can provide your business with a large range of genuine quality trailer and caravan components and spare parts. Trojan has been supplying quality products into the Australian and New Zealand market for over 30 years, providing a one stop solution for everything you need to

As showcased at this year’s AAAExpo, the GUD Group now controls one of the widest range of brands and products in the Australian automotive Followingaftermarket.the

East Coast Bullbars has been manufacturing Alloy Bullbars in Australia since 1971. Credited as being the first Bullbar Manufacturer in Australia, ECB has built a reputation as Australia’s leading Frontal Protection experts.
Rola says its mission is to help your customers on their next adventure – providing you with the right products to let them get out there and enjoy their Whetherpassion.
Since 2002, CSM Service Bodies has produced well-designed, functional and capable aluminium tray bodies and fit outs, with a focus on providing a complete solution that can be customised to meet your needs. CSM says its in-house design team is dedicated to making sure its products are not only capable and hard wearing but also functional assets that help get your job done.
East Coast Bullbars - ECB
formation of GUD’s Towing and 4WD Accessories Division at the start of 2022, with Hayman Reese at its core, GUD says customers now have access to an unmatched range of towing, trailering and off-road equipment.

For more information, visit
build a quality trailer. Products include axles and suspensions, braking, couplings, hardware and security, hubs and drums, jockey wheels and stands, lighting and electrical, tow balls and towing aids.
it’s surfing, cycling, camping, or trade applications, the Rola range of roof racks and related accessories have been designed to provide years of enjoyable use.
For more information, visit
For more than 30 years, Kaymar has been designing and manufacturing rear bars and carriers for outback travellers throughout Australia and across the world. Kaymar says its bars have been proven and tested in the harsh Australian environment and states it is the preferred choice for 4WD and long-range touring enthusiasts.
CSM Service Bodies
Cruisemaster says the DO35 (Drop-On All-Terrain 3.5T Coupling) has quickly become the preferred option for both the off-road adventurer and safety conscious travellers.
The GUD Group has it all covered
Featured as part of the GUD Towing and 4WD Accessories Division are the following brands.
For more information, visit
Founded in 2013, Uneek 4x4 manufactures and supplies a wide variety of 4WD bull bars, rock sliders and accessories to suit many different vehicles and applications. Uneek designs and manufactures most of its range locally.
Cruisemaster offers premium caravan and camper trailer independent arm suspension systems. While caravan and camper trailer suspensions are undeniably the cornerstone of the Cruisemaster business, the DO35 off-road coupling has been creating the most buzz in recent times.

Other benefits include a built-in safety switch (RCD) which provides protection for the user as well as the device being powered, while voltage temperature, fault and overload protections also provide peace of mind for owners.
the IP3000 succeeds the IP2000 as Projecta’s new range topper, capable of handling the most power-hungry equipment including induction cooktops, air conditioning, air compressors and large power tools.
For fast installation, the IP1500 is sold with preterminated wiring kit, while the IP3000 benefits from a market-leading AC transfer switch that provides seamless transition between AC and DC power sources, meaning you don’t have to turn your appliances off when swapping over.
This provides enough ‘kick’ to switch on many common appliances that require more power to start than they do to run. For the 3000W IP3000, Projecta explains this represents an “incredible” 6000W of peak power for up to three seconds, and 4200W for up to three minutes.
The recent launch of new Projecta INTELLIWave IP1500 and IP3000 Pure Sinewave Inverter models provide users with additional choice, ensuring there’s likely to be a suitable INTELLI-Wave inverter variant no matter what the Bridgingapplication.the gap between the existing IP1000 and IP2000 models, the new IP1500 is designed to provide 1500W of ultra-clean power to effortlessly run a wide range of appliances including coffee
models are providing additional options to consumers
This larger unit also includes a power saving ECO mode that reduces current draw to just 10mA when not in use.

PRODUCTS 5959Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

to both units is extruded aluminium construction that’s dust proof and shock resistant, ensuring these inverters are ready for a tough life on the road or on the worksite.

Both the IP1500W and IP3000W are backed by a two-year warranty, with these additions bringing the number of inverters available in Projecta’s INTELLI-Wave range to eight.
The range is available for purchase from leading automotive, camping and trade outlets Australiawide.
For more information, visit
Both units are easy to use with a front-face LCD display, as well as a wired LCD remote/ monitor which allows for convenient out-of-sight
Projecta says common to both models – and unlike other inverters on the Australian market – the INTELLI-Wave range offers 200 percent startup power for up to three seconds.
There are two types of UFI Blow-By-Filters: static panels which filter gases according to a coalescence principle and rotating and selfcleaning which have very compact dimensions, low pressure drop and high filtration efficiency.
UFI Filters says it boasts over twenty years’ experience in the development and production of filter media. FormulaUFI is the brand name of six different formulations that encompasses all of the company’s filtration expertise and the name given to the filter material that have been selected and developed in the UFI Innovation Centres
UFI Filters says an excellent example of this can be found in the UFI Filters blow-by filter which both filters and recovers the oil aerosol from gas and vapours that leak from the combustion chamber to the oil pan. This includes the oil droplets generated by the crankshaft during operation (oil shaking).
The gases are recovered and highly filtered, which avoids the discharge of contaminants such as CO, NOx and PM into the atmosphere and the formation of nucleation centres by ashes as well as particulate matter at the tailpipe which is caused by burned oil.
“We focus our R&D on innovative technologies that allow the creation of more sustainable products from an environmental point of view, in the design, construction, distribution, use and end-of-life phases,” UFI FILTERS (Group) Chief Executive Officer, Rinaldo Facchini, said.
UFI Filters says it is constantly engaged in research and implementing solutions that guarantee maximum respect for the environment – providing technologically advanced systems which are able to reduce energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
PRODUCTS 60 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

They are mounted directly on the hollow camshaft or on a high-pressure pump shaft. The rotating blow-by consists of a filter media made of synthetic material and glass fibre and is able to resist acid ambient particular to blow-by gas.
filters are produced according to FormulaUFI.Micron, combining synthetic and glass fibres material, a specific chemical recipe that maximise filter life, efficiency and reduce pressure drop.
For more information, visit or

emissions, due to burning of oil droplets recirculated in the combustion chamber.
It has a filtration capacity of 95 percent according to ISO 17536 and works at an operating pressure of between two to 25 mbar for 3/4 of the mapping of the motor and maintains its performance for up to 3,000 working hours.
It has a fundamental role in reducing polluting
Oil must be removed before blow-by gas is recirculated into the combustion chamber mixed with intake air.
From UFI Filters
Since 2009, Smart Start Australia has partnered with a network of professional Automotive Technicians to provide installation and servicing of alcohol interlocks to the offender, commercial and voluntary markets across Australia.
PRODUCTS 6161Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
An alcohol interlock is an electronic breath testing device wired into the ignition of a vehicle which requires the driver to blow an alcohol-free breath sample into the device allowing the vehicle to start.

Smart Start Australia reports the following feedback from agents: “we have doubled our turnover and moved to a bigger, brighter factory. In winter when our workload drops off, we still have our stream of interlock customers to keep things turning over” and “installing and servicing interlock customers is a fantastic way to educate apprentices on basic wiring testing and removal of plastic panels.”
In addition to keeping roads safe, Smart Start Australia says for some of its participants having
an interlock can be a life changing experience assisting them with their rehabilitation. Feedback from some participants include comments of gratitude associated with monetary savings, health benefits and social benefits, all by reducing their alcohol intake.
Smart Start Australia and the automotive industry are keeping Australian roads safer, together

The primary purpose of the interlock program is to reduce the road safety risk posed by drink drivers to themselves and other road users.
onsite training with ongoing online/telephone technical support.
Interlocks can be installed in any type of vehicle including push button, key ignition, EV, hybrid, petrol, heavy vehicles, and motorbikes – Smart Start Australia says it has even installed one in a Installationtractor. requires a certain level of knowledge with 12-volt electrical systems and the appropriate tools. All equipment to install and service the device, including vehicle specifics and wire colour reference manuals are provided as part of Smart Start Australia’s Agent support which includes
With several thousand alcohol interlocks installed at 130 points of service across six states and one territory, Smart Start Australia says it takes pride in providing innovative and industry leading products and services which have gained industry recognition from customers, monitoring authorities and Eachpartners.serviceagent can install, service and maintain the device with a focus on quality and consistency of service being the number one priority.
Smart Start Australia has more than 20 staff located at two locations to the north of the Melbourne CBD who support its day-to-day operations for those participating in a program, its Agent network and governing bodies administering the program.
For more information,
includes all the aforementioned items, as well as a throttle depressor, 36 multi-function fuel treatment bottles and five diesel EGR adapters of the customer’s choice.
TerraClean additives are also available for vehicle owners to add to the fuel tank as an added layer of preventative maintenance. For more information, visit or visit your local branch.
A number of TerraClean kits are available from
Included within the Master Full Kit is a TerraClean decarbonising machine, a diesel EGR and DPF cleaning tool, a 4000 Diesel injector service machine, a throttle depressor, s-tool adapters as well as 36 premium tune-up kits, EGR cleaner 945ml bottles, multi-function fuel treatment 12 Fl Oz bottles, diesel tune 16 Fl Oz bottles, and 48 concentrated fuel treatment 2 Fl Oz bottles.

For Australia authorised dealers, please visit
The Ultra takes intelligent diagnostics to the next level with diagnostic trouble code symptom-based repair assistance with Technical Service Bulletins from OEM manufacturers for common vehicle
For diesel workshops, there is the Diesel EGR Service Kit for cleaning induction, EGR and DPF systems in vehicles, which includes the TerraDiesel EGR cleaning tool, EGR s-tool and 36 EGR cleaners.
Then technicians can see which modules are linked directly, giving them a better understanding of how faults are related, and which faults are a priority.
For those workshops only catering to petrol vehicles, the Deluxe Fuel Service Kit would be the solution, consisting of a TerraClean de-carbonising machine, a throttle depressor, s-tool adapter, 36 premium tune-up kits, 36 induction system cleaners and 48 concentrated fuel treatments.
It features a 12.9-inch touchscreen tablet with Android 7.0 OS powered by an octa-core processor (2.3GHz Quad + 1.7GHz Quad), and 256GB built-in memory, all powering the new split-screen multi-application navigation to provide diagnostic guidance and test components to confirm vehicle Combinedrepairs. with dynamic topology module mapping, enhanced Autoscan features, and Intelligent
The convenient docking station both charges and houses the Ultra allowing you to operate it from the comfort of an office through a 100M Wi-Fi connection, ensuring you always have the ability to diagnose vehicles without limitations.
A decarbonising solution for diesel and petrol vehicles, TerraClean uses patented technologies and eco-friendly solutions when developing its products to ensure the highest quality results for workshops performing vehicle maintenance “Weservices. arereally pleased to now offer TerraClean to our workshop customers, enabling them to take their vehicle maintenance work to the next level,” CoolDrive Auto Parts Category Manager – Tools and Equipment, Matthew Douglass, said. “TerraClean is an advanced and effective decarbonising solution which works to remove carbon deposits from engines and associated systems. Present in every engine, these carbon deposits are a by-product of unburnt fuel, with a build-up having the potential to negatively affect the engine’s “TerraCleanefficiency. products and equipment can be classed as the difference between doing basic maintenance and preventative maintenance, working to restore fuel economy, engine response and engine performance – and we’re confident they will be well-received by our customers.”
Autel says all of these features, and more, make diagnostics simpler and more in-depth at the same time, providing industry-leading professionalism when it comes to vehicle repairs.

For more information, visit
The Ultra’s accurate DTC analysis provides suggestions for most fault codes, guiding technicians to repair the vehicle step-by-step according to the most relevant issues. The content is displayed in text or video format for convenience.
CoolDrive, headlined by the TerraClean Master Full Kit for diesel and petrol vehicles, which is ideal for busy workshops servicing both kinds of vehicles.
technicians to compare TSBs with current issues, eliminating unnecessary stripping of components and improving efficiency.
62 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The MaxiSys Ultra is Autel’s most ambitious diagnostics tablet.
Capping off the TerraClean kits is the Diesel Fuel Injection System and Injector Cleaning Kit which includes the TerraDiesel 400 service machine, throttle depressor, and 36 each of the TerraDiesel engine tune and multi-function fuel treatment Individualbottles.
The new MaxiFlash VCMI functions as a fourchannel oscilloscope, waveform generator, multimeter, and CAN BUS tester.
The topology module tree is a new, exclusive feature from Autel in which the tool automatically displays all the modules on a single page and highlights the modules that have faults.
CoolDrive Auto Parts continues to expand its Tools and Equipment range, recently welcoming TerraClean professional grade maintenance products and equipment.
Designed to maximise technician intelligence
Now available at CoolDrive PRODUCTS
Further building upon that kit is the TerraClean Diesel EGR and Fuel Additive Service Kit, which
There’s also the Petrol Throttle Body and Fuel Additive Kit which includes the TerraClean pressurised induction tool, throttle depressor and 36 bottles each of the TerraClean Optima fuel system cleaner (tank additive) and induction system cleaner.
Diagnostics options, the Ultra offers technicians step-by-step repair guidance.

The Jaylec Black Series has been developed locally for the four wheel drive and performance-orientated markets, which typically have higher electrical loads for their vehicles. The Jaylec Black Series alternator units are designed to provide a higher charge rate at lower RPM, rather than a higher charge rate at a higher RPM. Each product provides customers with both a hot and cold amperage charge rating, rather than trying to mislead with the highest charge rate. Jaylec Black Series alternators are designed to run high-demand components at idle or low RPM, all while maintaining the battery at the desired levels.

Narva’s Aerotech strobe features a unique tribulor shape like nothing else available in the market and is characterised by a greater front surface which gives the light a high level of visibility from all angles. Tapering from front to back dramatically improves aerodynamics while reducing wind resistance and in-cabin noise. A further benefit of the shape is an ultra-modern appearance that complements the look of late model vehicles. Also featured are ultrasonic welds that seal the lamp from water and dust to IP67 standards, and solid-state circuitry which removes moving parts to eliminate mechanical failures.
IM Group, Hybrid Battery Remanufacturing Program – WINNER
JAS Oceania, LV Alternator Sensing Ignition Relay 12/24V (LV4505)
The new Projecta Intelli-Start IS920 and IS1220 jump starters do away with the need for regular mains recharging. Instead, once the vehicle is running, the user simply leaves the jump starter connected to the running vehicle for 40 seconds to fully replenish the charge used to start it. Using the patented Rapid Recharge Technology (RRT), the IS jump starters recharge in very little time, meaning they’ll be ready for the next jump start without needing to be recharged from mains power. Projecta says they also offer up to four times more cycles than Lithium Cobalt batteries.

CoolDrive Auto Parts, Jaylec Black Series

For more information, visit
IM Group’s hybrid battery remanufacturing exchange project enables the scalable component re-use and resource recovery of retired battery packs from hybrid-electric vehicles. The remanufacture of HEV batteries is done via a process of testing and grading individual cells in a battery pack, re-assembling ‘like’ functional cells into a new pack and rebalancing the cells in the pack so that they can ‘work together.’ This puts to an end the single use nature of hybrid batteries, will save hybrid vehicle owners a considerable sum, and prevents batteries, plus their toxic materials, from being discarded into landfill. For more information, visit
Projecta, Intelli-Start IS920/IS1220 Jump Starters
For more information, visit
For more information about the Australian Auto Aftermarket Awards, please visit
The competition for AAAA Most Innovative New Aftermarket Product – Electrical award was exceptionally close with 12 entries in total. In this issue, we take a look at the entrants who vied for this award including the winning Hybrid Battery Remanufacturing Program from IM Group.
For more information, visit
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Narva, Aerotech Strobe

JAS Oceania says its LV Alternator Sensing Ignition Relay 12/24V is a game-changer, providing an ignition source anywhere while being practically Plug ‘n’ Play and not affecting vehicle ECUs. The LV4505 provides a vehicle ignition source quickly, easily and safely, and with a compact design it has the same footprint as a five-pin mini relay. It is unique from Voltage Sensing Relays as its input trigger is sourced by the frequency of the alternator, overcoming the issue presented by smart alternators, where the charge voltage drops below 12.8 (cut-out voltage of VSR) when the battery is fully charged.

Sensium Labs, Integrated Electric Vehicle (EV) Telematics
Sensium Labs says its vehicle telematics hardware, the locally designed and manufactured TB2-20, has achieved a ground-breaking industry first integration with Electric Vehicles. Sensium Labs has specifically developed a way to decode and feed proprietary vehicle manufacturer data to the cloud. The Sensium Connect dashboard then enables organisations to live-manage EV fleet vehicles alongside traditional petrol-powered vehicles. The Sensium Connect Vehicle Status dashboard displays information such as Odometer, Battery State of Charge, Battery Temperature, Battery State of Health, Driver and Passenger Seatbelts, Tyre Pressures, Tyre Temperatures, DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes), 12v battery Condition, and EV Charging State.

AAAA Most Innovative New Aftermarket Product - Electrical

64 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

For more information, visit
REDARC explains that GoBlock is the world’s first off-road ready Portable Dual Battery System. It was designed rugged enough to suit the needs of the off-road enthusiast and simple enough to suit the average weekend warrior without the need for installation. The chassis has been designed using a cast-aluminium process to ensure that the Lithium cells are well protected from the harsh conditions which exist during off-road use. The GoBlock features stainless steel sliders and contoured nylon handles, designed to give a quality feel and a strong structure, even if carrying the unit with only one handle. For more information, visit

The Valeo 48V Belt Starter Generator replaces the alternator to recover energy while braking and electrically boost the engine. It is composed of a DC/DC Converter to bridge and balance 12 and 48V networks. A 48V battery pack is added to store more energy, and a Valeo Electric Rear Axle Drive allows full electric drive and all-wheel drive mode. DC-DC converters convert HV to 48V, HV to 12V, and 48V to 12V in the various configurations of electric vehicles. Valeo says the features of this product are many, including stop and start, regenerative braking and torque assistance. For more information, visit
LED Autolamps, 385X Range
For more information, visit
Invision Sales, JW Speaker Model 210 Solar Warning Light

In conjunction with JW Speaker design engineers, Invision Sales have developed a warning light for long-haul trains by utilising a combination of flashing red or amber LEDs with high output for maximum visibility. Additionally, red or amber reflectors have been included into the design as an added backup when LEDs are not in operation. Mounting is quick and simple with no drilling involved and the lamp is rechargeable thanks to an inbuilt and highly efficient solar panel. Outstanding performance is delivered in both light output (1.5 kilometer visibility) and low power consumption.
The new 385X range of dynamically lit rear combination lighting offers eight distinctive designs. These lamps include specially designed integrated circuitry with the latest LED lighting technology while the standardised size of 387mm x 105mm x 30.5mm matched to a specially designed surface mounted plate allows the lamp to clip securely and neatly in place. The lamps exceed the required standards, and the 9-32 Voltage range provides coverage across 12/24V applications with low operational current draw. Vibration and impact resistance with no moving parts ensures these lights are made fit for purpose and are up to any challenge. For more information, visit
6565Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022

CTEK says its CS FREE is the world’s first truly portable battery charging solution featuring four cutting edge products in one portable unit – Adaptive Booster, battery charger, smart maintainer and hi-tech powerbank. The Adaptive Boost technology carefully works out the best way to safely give any 12V lead acid or lithium battery the right amount of power so you can get going from a flat battery within 15 minutes. It can be used with mains power or hooked up to a solar panel kit or 12V battery. It can hold charge for a year and has built-in vehicle protections.
The Mechanical Products Series 53 is an automotive branch disconnect switch with a manual reset circuit breaker feature. The device’s purpose is to bring two traditional products (battery disconnect rotary switch and a manual reset circuit breaker) into one, reducing the number of components within the electrical distribution circuit and therefore providing more space, reduced weight, improved aesthetics, faster installation and saved labour costs while providing form, function, style and meeting stringent electrical safety approvals. The product is suitable for low voltage battery powered equipment. The Series 53 can be panel mounted in a dashboard or switch panel.

Swe-Check, The Mechanical Products Series 53

For more information, visit
Valeo, 48V Integrated Belt Starter Generator
“We were just building some cars for a bit of fun, going to stacks of car shows, and having a blast with it. And if I can be honest, they were probably the best times of my life,” Mario said.
But as we all know, things can quickly change in the automotive aftermarket. In 2000, GST was rolled out, it was the start of a new millennium, and it was also the tipping point where the Chevrolet LS engine started to overrun the much-loved Aussie five-litre V8 on which Mario and his team had cut their teeth.

The brainchild of Mario Pancione, VCM is a business that has been built on a passion for performance, quality and innovation.
“These were a lot different to the show cars you see today, but at the time, some of our Commodore builds became pretty famous, and it wasn’t long before the workshop was flat out keeping up with Mariodemand.”took
his builds to shows all over Australia, growing his reputation as a gun builder and tuner.
been a car guy. I was born and raised on a farm. We just didn’t have enough money to pay other people, so growing up, I was always working on farm equipment, and I must admit, I loved every minute I found myself with a spanner in my hand,” Mario said.
“2000 was a massive year, and it was honestly a case of sink or swim,” Mario said.
Mario admitted that by age 10, he already knew he was going to leave the farm and do something mechanical, and in 1991 he opened Auto Technique and has never looked back.
“Chris just walked into the workshop one day and said, hey, I’ve purchased one of these new Monaros, and I was thinking about tuning it. Are you able to help us out,” Mario said.
“And I’m like, yeah, I can put it on the dyno and give you some power figures and see if it’s running rich or lean, or if it’s pinging or what have you. But in terms of tuning, I don’t have any software.”
“It breathed new life into the performance and tuning market, and we were there riding the crest of that wave.”
“We started out specialising in Brock Commodores, and we built some pretty stout show cars back in the day that lifted our profile,” Mario said.
Of course, change breeds opportunity, and in 2001 Mario had a chance meeting with Chris Piastri, who today owns HP Tuners.
“The VY was such a good vehicle to modify,” Mario “Holdensaid. had left so much power on that table, and even with just a new intake and a tune, the increase in performance was impressive.”
For years, VCM Performance has been at the forefront of everything LS

In 2004 Mario changed the name of the business to VCM Performance and launched the new tuning software, branded as VCM Suite in Australasia and as HP Tuners for the rest of the world.
When the VY Commodore was released, Holden approximated 10,000 LS-powered variants, many of which ended up in the hands of tuners using the VCM Suite.
“There was a lot to deal with as a business owner, and I remember that at the time, the only computer in the building was the one on the dyno.”
This was the point at which Mario and Chris started using LS One edit, but together they found it pretty basic, and the seed for developing their own software tuning platform was planted.
From designing an OTR that became the yardstick against which air intake excellence is measured, to developing one of the most comprehensive tuning software programs on the market with HP Tuners, Mario and his talented team have proven that with a bit of Aussie ingenuity, a healthy dose of elbow grease and a never say die attitude, that anything is “I’vepossible.always
Of course, VCM Performance was not the only one with a workshop full of new Commodores.
Harrop, PWR and the likes were all busy adding their own demon tweaks to LS-powered vehicles, but no matter which workshop you visited during that period, Mario says you were sure to find a tuner using VCM Suite to unlock the engine’s potential.
“The launch of the LS engine in the Holden Commodore was a watershed moment for the industry,” Mario said.
MEMBER FEATURE 66 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“There was a bunch of people modifying and tuning LS Engines around that time, but they all needed our software,” Mario said.
“I’m proud to say that we were instrumental in changing the face of the performance industry, not just locally but around the globe,” Mario said.
“We live and breathe it, and when it comes down to it, that’s really what’s at the heart of our success.”
Always looking ahead of the game, VCM has its sights set on the Euro market and, more specifically, BMW, Mercedes and Audi.
Mario remembers turning to Chris at the time and saying, “is this really happening? We’re just a couple of schmucks, and now we’re at the proving ground tuning a prototype for GM. That’s unheard of.”
“There is no doubt that it was a steep learning curve, but working alongside our talented engineer, Ken Nunn, we made it happen.”
“It was a crazy time. Guys like Martin Donnan started selling LS twin turbo kits, Harrop Engineering were releasing new intakes and superchargers, PWR was involved with Magnuson, and a whole range of businesses were developing camshafts and other performance components to keep up with the demand for LS upgrades,” Mario “Oursaid.
“We jumped on 3D printing technology very early in the game, embracing what was at the time a very new technology. Adopting this technology early has paid dividends. It streamlines the development process, allowing us to bring new products to market quickly and cost-effectively.”
MEMBER FEATURE 6767Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“I was starting to miss getting my hands dirty. After all, many of our team members at VCM Performance started as mechanics, myself included, so I started investigating the potential to manufacture our own range of performance products,” Mario said.
Starting with an OTR intake, the VCM Performance range grew quickly, and today it includes induction, valve train and supercharger products.
To find out more about VCM Performance, visit
“You could say that we had the key to the kingdom in terms of people needing to tune these vehicles, so it was a right place, right time type of thing.”
Following the VCM Suite’s success, Mario realised it was time to shift gears again and take on the big boys at their own game by manufacturing a range of performance parts.
Together they identified the opportunity to manufacture a range of quality products people needed to get the most out of tuning their car using VCM Suite.

“I’d come up with the concepts, and then Ken would develop a prototype,” Mario said.
VCM is now the official distributor of Magnuson Superchargers in Australia, providing the team at VCM with products for Jeep and Mercedes Benz –two brands which have proved highly successful in the Australian new car market.
Ken cut his teeth at Harrop Engineering and was Ron Harrop’s right-hand man for 14 years before joining the VCM Performance Team.
In addition, VCM also stocks a wide variety of quality performance products from iconic brands such as K&N, DeatschWerks, Improved Racing, PSI Performance and PWR.
“We’ll always have a soft spot for the Holden Commodore and the LS engine, but I believe that if you’re standing still, you’re going backwards, so we are broadening our horizons,” Mario said.
To which Chris responded, “just shut up. Just fake it till we make it, right?”
“We have a passion for the industry. We’ve been in the car game a long time, and I reckon we know what our customers want,” Mario said.
Not long after, one of the GM engineers said to Mario, “boys, we love what you’re doing because it gives people a reason to buy our cars,” at which point the duo realised just how much impact they’d had on the industry.
software was a real catalyst for change as it gave people a reason to buy hard parts.”
To put the success of VCM Suite into perspective, Chris and Mario were invited to the GM proving ground to help the engineering department tune the iconic EFFIGY concept car because it was running HP Tuners.
Before the launch of VCM Suite and HP Tuners, it was the engine builder who tuned the car. But from about 2006 onwards, a new job title – Tuner – was added to the organisational structures of many of the larger workshops around the world and today, well-respected Tuners can earn more than $150,000pa.
and Clip and D-Shackles to ensure top quality performance and reliability across the whole
It says this is why a clear understanding of the load being towed and how often this will occur, will assist in putting the best towing package together.
The tough Next-Gen Ford Ranger has only just hit the market, and TAG Towbars has already designed a standard Heavy-Duty Towbar and Extreme Recovery Towbar to suit the tray-back and style-side options.
Raw 4x4 states it has a full range of coil and leaf springs designed with multi stage or progressive rate spring rates at various weight ratings to improve the weight carrying ability of the tow Tovehicle.further complement the suspension range, a tiered offering of shock absorbers and struts are matched to the suspension components to improve the ride and handling of the vehicle.
strength and pulling power, TAG explains the XR features an 89mm x 89mm Extreme Duty Reinforced Crossbar, finished in a textured powder-coat for style and durability.
Better yet, says TAG, the bars have a three-piece bolt-on design for ease of fitment, only requiring one person to install.
By sealing the surface Herculiner prevents rust, and is also resistant to petrol, oils, solvents and other chemicals. When cured Herculiner provides a textured tough, durable, skid resistant protective coating that won’t chip, flake or peel.
For more information, visit or call Ben Leonard on 07 3722 1111.
The Trailer and Anderson Plug Mounts are protected from ground impacts as they are both mounted on top of the bar, providing peace of mind and ease of access – a small detail that makes a big difference when hitting some sketchy terrain, says TAG.
The right suspension set-up can make all the difference when it comes to towing
Raw 4x4 explains that a clever selection of spring type and damper technology can significantly improve vehicle handling and ride comfort for both loaded and unloaded conditions.
TAG also has SUV variants for the Suzuki Jimny, Toyota Prado, Isuzu MU-X and more, with TAG regularly adding new models to the range.
Setting up a vehicle for the occasional towing of a boat or caravan can result in a harsh and uncomfortable ride, and lead to the vehicle sitting too high.
Now available for the Next-Gen Ford Ranger
The TAG Extreme Recovery Towbar is available across most current 4x4 Cab Chassis vehicles such as the Isuzu D-MAX, Mitsubishi Triton, Volkswagen Amarok, Toyota Hilux and Landcruiser.

PuttingHERCULINERyourloadtobedeasily and safely
Raw 4x4 invites you to contact its team for assistance in putting together a suspension package specifically for your customers’ requirements. For more information, visit
Herculiner is the only polyurethane and rubber granule coating able to be applied in just three easy steps to ute trays, truck beds and other
SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 68 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
For more information, visit
Raw 4x4 says its team knows that towing changes the dynamic performance of a vehicle in terms of handling and braking performance. It explains this means that compromises need to be made to balance the load carrying ability of the vehicle when towing, versus the comfort levels for everyday driving.
Rated at 3500kg towing capacity / 350kg ball weight, the kit also comes with high quality Pin
Thesystem.bars are engineered using state-of-the-art 3D scanning technology, which helps to ensure precise fitment to vehicle OEM mounting points.
While other coatings when damaged need to be removed or gouged, Herculiner adheres to itself and so can easily be repaired with additional Herculinerapplications.can be painted using a polyurethanebased paint – other types of paints will not have the same pliability and so they are more likely to crack and peel off. The best time to apply paint is within 24 hours of Herculiner becoming dry to the Herculinertouch.
The XR bar includes an Extreme Duty Drop Hitch in a matching powder-coat finish and a TAG Zinc Tow Ball to reduce corrosion and wear.
The TAG XR Towbar suited to the Ford Ranger is a Class 4 Towbar featuring a 50mm Square Hitch Receiver, including two WLL 4500kg load-rated recovery points integrated into their three-piece design side-arms, with bevelled edges to suit softForshackles.unrivalled

JB Weld – which states it is a leader in developing adhesives, bonds, epoxies, threadlockers and coatings – has added Herculiner to its product

It says off-roaders will appreciate the flush chassismounted profile, providing maximum offroad clearance for improved departure angles.
says its proprietary solvent-based formula allows Herculiner to adhere better to surfaces than water-based products, and it can bond to virtually any surface or material including wood, metal, concrete, aluminium, asphalt, rubber, fibreglass and plastics including PVC, making it suitable for the automotive, hardware and industrial markets.
For towing, the Powerdown engineering team highly recommends the Raw Nitro Max shock absorber range, that is based on Powerdown’s innovative truck shock absorber technology. It says this design has proven itself over millions of kilometres and with a precision tuned speed sensitive disc valve design, it delivers the ultimate amount of control for towing, without sacrificing a comfortable ride.
is available in a Bed Liner Kit complete with rollers, a brush and abrasive pad; in 946ml and 3.78l tins and also in an aerosol spray.

In many cases when confronted with this requirement, Milford says aftermarket retailers and installers shy away from what they expect is a complicated, technically sophisticated and perhaps even risky activity.
• Maximum approach angle
• Super lightweight (compared to a steel bar)
replacement bar which features all new aluminium construction and tips the scales under 20kgs (without brackets or under plates).
Wrong, says Milford. It states you too can prosper from this modern necessity thanks to “the sheer brilliance and simplicity of Milford’s Ult1Mate Electronic Coding system.”
For more information, contact Milford via
• Unique five diode array LED FOG with DRL Surround light system
This fully alloy constructed bar is built to be lightweight, allowing your car to travel further while its steel bracket and side wing braces still gives the driver full protection and optimal approach angle. For the final touch, the bar’s modern light system is beautifully hidden within its body.
• Optional stealth low loop with integrated LED light bar For more information, visit
It also features a state-of-the-art ADR approved steel winch bed, and is capable of housing up to a 13,000lbs winch, which MCC4x4 says makes the Pegasus “probably the most versatile bumper replacement bar ever made.” Optional Recovery Points are also available.

Milford says they include Powertrain Control Module (PCM) and Body Control Module (BCM) settings, such as Engine, Transmission mapping and cooling adjustments, ABS and Air Suspension alterations, and the latest trailer enabled safety systems including Sway Mitigation and Trailer Stability programs.
• Twin aerial mounts
The Ult1Mate Electronic Coding tool is a portable, handheld unit designed with the workshop or mobile installer in mind.

• Fully winch compatible
Are you making the most of every towbar fitment opportunity? Well, Milford says now you can with the Milford Ult1Mate Electronic Coding system.
In an increasing number of instances, towbar installations are simply incomplete without some degree of vehicle coding or re-coding. This can be viewed as a problem and as an opportunity.
• Bespoke design to each vehicle
Byanymore.subscribing to Milford’s annual vehicle coding plan with unlimited downloads and by backing up these applications to the hand-held unit, Milford says you will be able to offer vehicle Towbar coding with confidence from now on.
Milford has introduced “the most up-to-date vehicle towbar electronic coding tool available”
Key features:
For the more advanced user, there’s even a manual mode for bespoke adjustments and indeed, and
Milford states it has a brilliantly clear and ultrabright LCD screen and an easy to navigate user menu that needs no WIFI or internet connection to operate.
It says this sleek bar seamlessly embraces your vehicle, enhancing the aesthetics and overall look of your vehicle.
As a Special Introductory offer, Milford is offering a free first 12 month’s subscription plan with the purchase of the coding tool - for a limited time only.
7171Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
• ADR approved
many other non-towing related vehicle re-coding services are also included such as the 12V battery registration/enabling program (included free of Oncecharge).you download the easy to use and intuitive PC based Application/User interface to a PC or Laptop to access the more than 400 available vehicle applications, Milford explains you needn’t worry about vehicle towbar programming
• Enlarged grille for optimum airflow
Other advanced driver assistance systems include Cross Traffic Alert, Blind spot Detection, Adaptive Cruise Control, Lane Change Warnings and disabling Rear Parking (RPA) Sensors. Milford says you can also clear those troublesome vehicle instrument cluster alarms and alerts too.

The MCC Pegasus 909 Bar is a full bumper
It is also made from sturdy, workshop grade materials and is IP rated for outdoors use if Viarequired.connection to the vehicle’s OBDII port (with the supplied cable) and with the assistance of the very important and completely automated stepby-step on-screen user guide, users are navigated through the process of implementing the vehicle’s specifically required electronic changes.
So, what are these electronic alterations that are so jealously guarded by the OEMs?
The latest bar from MCC4x4
Rather, Milford says they defer to the misguided belief that vehicle re-coding as part of a towbar installation is something that can only be done by a vehicle dealership: after all, that’s what the ‘Buy Genuine – Original Equipment’ campaign has instilled in consumers, right?
• Factory sand black powder coat finished
The Pegasus Bar 909 has been specially designed for the new generation of 4x4 vehicles. These bars have been designed to hug the contours of the vehicle, minimising protrusions and adding less length to the vehicle compared to traditionally designed bullbars.
array of ARB accessories and parts exclusively designed and engineered for the Next-Generation Ford Everest, you can personalise your Ford Everest to suit your lifestyle whether you are camping, touring or working.

Adrad says it has a wealth of experience in this area (along with what it says is Australia’s largest selection of radiators) and can provide you with great advice.
For details of your nearest stockist, please contact Adrad on 1800 882 043 or enquire at
The StealthBar bull bar provides unparalleled vehicle protection and a tough aesthetic appearance, at approximately 30 percent less weight than an ARB SpartanBar. Designed using the same cutting-edge polyethylene material and manufacturing process, these bars are now the only bull bar approved for use in Europe. For more information, visit
If you do some heavy towing from time to time, frequently carry around a load of tools or gear, or regularly pull a trailer, your engine and transmission are often working harder than normal.
Under normal driving conditions, your factory radiator and oil cooler will cope with the heat, but if your temperature gauge reads high, it means your regular cooling components aren’t up to the task.
Depending on the age and service history of the vehicle, a new OE quality radiator or intercooler may

The ARB Summit MKII Bar muscles up with the most innovative and advanced technology yet, all while fully integrating with Ford’s suite of advanced driver assist safety technology that are specific to the Everest. The state-of-the-art Summit MKII Bar takes key components of its flagship namesake and kicks it up a notch with an ultra-modern design that is sure to turn heads.
Using an impact absorbing, resilient and incredibly durable polyethylene material, the SpartanBar leads with cutting-edge design and engineering which creates a bull bar that offers unsurpassed levels of safety for both driver and pedestrian.
Adrad has a range of products to help you tow or haul with confidence
The collaboration between Ford and ARB began in early 2019, with ARB and Ford engineers joining forces to design, test, and validate before ultimately manufacturing over 160 Everestspecific Spanningparts.alarge
this oil cooler will improve performance. Adrad offers the Dana Tru-Cool range of universal oil coolers which feature several sizes and performance options.
More air flow means better cooling. Adrad offers a selection of high-performance fans from Spal and Maradyne that are designed for long life, durability and harsh environments. The fan motor is encased in a fully-sealed housing that is 100 percent dust and waterproof.

You can now find the full range of ARB NextGeneration Ford Everest accessories at your local Ford dealerships, or ARB dealer, including the following bullbars.
Incorporating many of the strength related features of the Summit MKII Bar, the ARB Commercial Bar provides considerable frontal protection, while leaving out some of the more premium characteristics to create a cost-effective alternative.
Transmission cooler
Hard working engines and transmissions need extra cooling to help prevent against overheating and avoid accelerated wear.
ARB says its strategic collaboration with Ford has resulted in “the best range of accessories available,” so you can take your new Ford Everest to the next level.
Adrad says investing in a cooling upgrade will allow you to haul or tow with extra confidence.
Two iconic brands have joined forces to bring a best-in-class personalisation of the Next-Gen Ford Everest
An auxiliary transmission oil cooler may often be fitted as part of a “towing pack.” This indicates that the standard oil cooler is unlikely to cope with heavy Upgradingwork.
The exclusive partnership offers a wide range of accessories that have undergone a rigorous evaluation process by both Ford and ARB engineers to ensure they are fully compatible with the Next-Generation Ford Everest, delivering optimal integration and performance.
Boasting many of the features of the Summit MKII Bar, the ARB Summit Sahara MKII Bar offers a sleek yet rigid styling without sacrificing practicality. The Sahara rendition also features either a polished alloy tube or a textured black tube kit with an LED light bar recessed into the top hoop further underlining ARB’s commitment to fabrication excellence.
72 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Radiators and intercoolers
be enough to manage infrequent or light towing Upgradesduties. can range from heavy-duty radiators with extra rows up to custom high performance alloy radiators and intercoolers for optimum cooling.
These products are all available across Australia and are supported by Adrad’s national warranty and distribution network.
Adrad says the high-quality engineering and construction deliver proven performance to exceptional levels on the road, the race track and even in extreme off-road conditions.

“We are also committed to new product development to meet customers’ evolving needs, priding ourselves on providing customers with top-grade products that give them more enjoyable
You have to factor in how many pins, male or female connectors and it comes in a variety of “Thecombinations.bestthing you can is take a picture of the trailer plug and car connector on your phone. We have a large range of these and can easily sort you out with what you need.
“With hundreds of five-star reviews, we have built an excellent reputation and gained credibility in the industry that sees us align with the aforementioned reputable brands.”
As we head into spring and summer, thoughts of heading out to enjoy a weekend away are at the forefront of people’s minds – and this is especially so in the southern states where the winter has been long and cold.
“My favourite piece of ‘trailianna’ (if that is a word) is the adaptor plug that joins the trailer wiring connector to the car wiring connector.
“Allin is much more than just towbars – we also supply and install a wide range of 4x4 accessories from some of the biggest brands in the business, such as ARB, Redarc and SmartBar.

Allin Towbars is a family owned and operated business which has been in operation in South Australia for more than three quarters of a century.

“There is a range of jockey wheels to suit all types of trailers – my personal preference is to get one that is permanently mounted onto the trailer. It swivels up out of the way when towing which means you can’t accidentally leave it behind or lose it!
design, the rear step is powder coated with a tuff Endurakote process, including a zinc primer to inhibit corrosion.
“We also offer a large range of accessories including extension mirrors, tow bar tongues and tow balls, trailer locks, pins and shackles.”
All of these things require towing, and Repco says it is ready to help sort out all your towing needs.
Now available from Allin Towbars
TOWING SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 7777Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Featuring a 2500kg towing capacity and a 100kg tow ball mass rating, the Hyundai Staria Heavy Duty Towbar is ADR tested and rated to manufacturer
technicians on-site ready to install or offer technical installation advice, servicing retail, wholesale, and trade customers.
“We can help with a towbar to suit your vehicle to rewiring the lights on the trailer with new, brighter LEDs,” Repco 4x4 Adventure and Escape Merchandise Manager, Dion Cachia, said.
As an authorised ADR testing facility accredited by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Allin also offer in-house testing and engineering services.
“ and satisfaction are our top priority, which is why we always go the extra mile to ensure high quality and stand by our towbars with a lifetime warranty,” Allin Towbars Managing Director, Penni Donato, said.
Those behind the company says it is a one-stop shop which can meet all of your towing and 4WD needs, with all of its products proudly Australian made, and made with Australian steel wherever possible.

Over 75 years of history
“Quality and innovation are always at the Allin team’s heart. Over the years, we have invested hugely in our staff, plant, equipment, and engineering software to help improve efficiencies and accuracy in the products,” Penni said.
Allin Towbars has a team of highly qualified
what you need, be it standardised or customised products, we have a perfect solution for you.”
“Loading ramps are handy when loading large or heavy wheeled items onto a trailer – always make sure the ramp load ratings are higher than the weight of the object you are loading.
“Without it, you have no trailer lights or electric brakes if fitted. It is the most complex piece of equipment you will ever have to buy for a trailer.
A lot of us have caravans and campers or a boat or jet ski we can take away, or perhaps a 6x4 trailer to load up with camping gear while ensuring you and the kids have room to move in the car.
Allin Towbars says its new Towbar and Step for the Hyundai Staria is already highly rated by customers.
Repco has your towing needs covered
For more information, contact the Allin team on 08 8352 5155.
“You can get rid of that old leaky hydraulic brake set up and upgrade to electric brakes which are more reliable, and you can dial up how hard you want your trailer or caravan to brake.
“We can provide straps and nets to hold down the load, so you arrive with what you had when you started out.
Allin Towbars says the contoured bumper design ensures a perfect matching with the OEM Bumper profile and will not interfere with rear side radar sensors.

The Towbar and Rear Step can be sold separately and also comes with a sensor relocation kit, allowing the maximum flexibility for your needs.
For more information, visit your local Repco store. For locations, go to
Designed and manufactured on-site, Allin Towbars says its products are strictly tested to meet, if not exceed, the ADR62 (Australian Design Rules) and AS4177
Weighing less than 15kg, the ECB Nudge Bar offers protection to the most vulnerable parts of the vehicle while allowing the mounting of accessories such as driving lights or an aerial.
Amongst the range is the Summit MKII Rear Step Tow Bar, which has been developed to work with the original equipment lower tub step, whilst providing valuable rear protection.

Features include heavy duty spotlight mounting tabs, forward facing camera mount, sensor relocation tabs, and lower cross bar.
Also available in the ARB rear protection and towing range are the following products:
Nudge Bar is available for a wide range of Ranger models from the single cab low-rider to the dual cab 4X4 and trim levels from XL, XLS, XLT, and Sport models.
For more information, please visit
The recently launched nudge bar suits the all-new Ford Ranger XL, XLS, XLT and Sport
It says every ECB product is ADR compliant, airbag compatible, and covered by ECB’s exclusive lifetime warranty.
• Towing accessories – hitch receivers, tow balls, braking systems, mirrors and many other accessories are also available through ARB. For more information, visit
Available now from East Coast Bullbars is its ‘first to market’ Nudge Bar to suit the new Ford TheRanger.76mm
• Summit Raw Rear Step Tow Bar – a ‘stripped down’ version of the Summit Rear Step Tow
ECB is celebrating 50 years of manufacturing alloy bullbars and nudge bars in Australia. It says its alloy bullbars are built to suit Australia’s harshest conditions, providing premium strength over steel bullbars while being 50 percent lighter in weight.
• Tow bars – whether you are towing a caravan, camper trailer or trailer full of work tools, a quality tow bar gives you the flexibility to take your life out on the road.
• Rear Step Tow Bar – ARB’s Rear Step Tow Bar combines an integrated, heavy duty towing system with a “massive” amount of protection for utility vehicles.
All ECB Nudge Bars are manufactured with high-
with those wanting to add accessories such as Driving Lights or an aerial without having to add a “NudgeBullbar.bars for this vehicle have always been one of our top sellers here in Australia with fleets and in the New Zealand market.”
• Rear bars and wheel carriers – ARB’s rear bars, incorporating wheel carriers and jerry can holders, provide functionality and high-quality vehicle protection.
“The incentive for the quick release to this product was feedback received from our customers who need solutions for a Nudge Bar upon release of the vehicle,” ECB Operations Director, Jim Griffin,
The Ranger is one of the most technological and feature packed utes of 2022 and ECB says its Nudge Bar works seamlessly with the tech pack options including Autonomous Emergency Braking, Intelligent Adaptive Cruiser Control, Lane Centering, 360-degree camera, Traffic Sign Recognition, Evasive Steer Assist, Matrix LED Headlights, and Active Park Assist 2.0.
Optional lower tub protection and rear 8t-rated recovery points have been developed to ensure the Summit MKII Rear Step Tow Bar offers the ultimate protection and practicality without compromising style, says ARB.

tensile alloy tubes. This allows the Nudge Bars to maintain maximum strength whilst adding minimal weight, says ECB.
popularity of a Nudge Bar to suit the new Ford Ranger allows us to keep competitive

It states that the addition of an ECB Nudge Bar will only enhance the safety of your vehicle and not impede on any OEM safety features.
ECB says its Nudge Bar is a smart choice for those not needing the full protection of a Bullbar.
ARB says that like all of its products, its rear protection equipment is manufactured to extremely high standards for maximum strength and is designed specifically to suit each vehicle for the optimum fit.
TOWING SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 78 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The structure has been manufactured from laser cut and folded sheet metal, with a 350 grade cross member and chassis plate.
• Summit Rear Step Tow Bar – combining design, ARB engineering and a no compromise approach to protection and performance.
Reinforcing ECB’s commitment to Australian Manufacturing, the new products will be manufactured in its facility in Clontarf, Queensland and are available to order now.
ARB has a large range of accessories for your 4x4 Due to the long rear overhang on many modern 4x4 wagons and dual cab utes, rear quarter panels and factory bumper bars are very susceptible to damage, particularly when traversing steep, rocky ARBterrain.says
ARB says the Summit MKII Rear Step Tow Bar is “the latest addition to ARB’s unparalleled rear protection range.”
there is no better way to protect the back of your vehicle than with ARB’s range of rear protection equipment.
Metaprep primer has been applied for additional corrosion resistance, with the bar finished in matt black powder coat.
They can be ordered with a choice of powder coat finishes from Black Ripple, Textura Black and Silver Hammer-tone to ECB’s signature mirror polished finish.
Bar, designed to provide protection for the lower sections of the vehicle.

The first sign that your clutch might be struggling while towing is higher engine revs but no noticeable increase in vehicle speed or, as some like to put it, a ‘flaring tacho.’
If you plan on towing, Mark says Exedy’s Safari Tuff is an excellent upgrade guaranteed to give you peace of mind and outstanding performance.
when you head off towing a load, we know the clutch is going to get a work-out. Especially if the plan is to do a bit of off-roading at the same time,” Mark said.
As a result of the COVID-19 global pandemic, the popularity of domestic tourism has spiked.
“Clutch failure can spell the end of an enjoyable trip and leave you stranded miles from help, so it is important not to skim on quality for this vital component,” Mark said.
TOWING SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 8181Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“The Exedy Safari Tuff clutch range has been purposely engineered to meet the extra demands that towing and four-wheel driving place on the drivetrain,” Mark said.
A recent Caravan Industry Association Report revealed that the number of caravans registered in Australia had exceeded 698,000.
To date, Exedy has released Safari Tuff Heavy duty clutch kits for Toyota Landcruiser, Hilux and Prado applications as well as Nissan Patrol, Mitsubishi Triton and Holden Colorado. More applications are being developed continuously.
4. Ability to absorb noise and vibration from the engine and to stop it from reaching the gearbox that can cause harmonic noise and/ or gearbox rattle (rollover noise) –however, it is worth noting that the ability to damper noise and vibration will be influenced by clutch and flywheel selection.
Whether it’s a caravan, boat or trailer, towing places additional demands on a clutch system.
5. WithDurabilitymoreand
“This is exaggerated when you are towing and can generate extreme heat causing clutch fade, similar to brake fade, to the point where clutch disc linings start burning to dust in the bell housing. This results in a smoky smell that can often signal the start of a problem, which has the potential to bring a trip to an early end.”
The engineered cover assembly boasts a minimum 25 percent increase in clamp load compared to standard fitments.
Mark generously shares the following as his ‘Top Tips’ for extending clutch life and avoiding clutch
Since the 1960s, Aussies have loved packing up the caravan and hitting the open road to explore our great country
1. Smooth engagement (no shudder)
EXEDY Senior Product Manager, Mark Davis, says it is vitally important to set up the vehicle to ensure it is ready to cope with the load that towing places on a vehicle’s drivetrain.
The Exedy Safari Tuff Clutch Kit also features an anodised cover pressing to limit corrosion, spheroidal graphite anti burst pressure plate casting and, in most cases, additional drive straps.

•failure:Ensure the dust boots and seals are in good condition to prevent water and mud ingress, which may cause clutch issues.
3. Efficient gear changes (no grating gears)
“Our Safari Tuff Kit features a high-quality clutch disc with premium grade friction materials and in most cases upgraded damper springs.”
2. Positive drive (no slip)
For more information, visit
advantage instead of slipping the clutch. Use low range wherever possible.
“Towing is very tough on clutch materials,” Mark said.
A quality clutch with organic friction material that is working correctly should provide:
“Clutches take a heap of abuse in the bush. Frequently, we find that during 4WD trips, clutches are held for long periods in the partially engaged position. For example, when holding the vehicle on hills using the clutch or by trying to rock the vehicle, as is sometimes the case when 4WD driving on rough terrain.
Importantly, all Safari Extra Tuff clutch kits also come with an alignment tool, spigot bearing and grease satchel, so you have all the tools you need to do the job.
“Designed and assembled in Exedy’s Australian facility using quality components from our Japanese factories, the Safari Extra Tuff clutch kit includes a clutch disc with improved damper springs and high coefficient friction material; coupled with an upgraded Safari Tuff clutch cover resulting in the highest clamping force in the Exedy range,” Mark said.
“If you smell sweet, burning odour during your trip, that is more than likely your clutch disc letting you know it’s time to consider an upgrade.”
more off-road capable caravan and camper trailers available from manufacturers today, there is also an increasing number of 4WDs hitting the tracks with something hitched to their tow
• Save the clutch in extreme conditions and use the winch.
“A standard clutch will withstand some punishment, but once you add the additional load that towing places on the drive train, it is worth considering upgrading this vital component to ensure you don’t get stranded on your next trip,” Mark said.
Starting with the basics, the function of the clutch is to transmit torque from the engine to the wheels via the transmission and to disconnect the power to allow gear shifting and the vehicle to stop.
Theadjustment.adapters have been designed and tested in Australia to meet the testing requirements of ADR62/02 & AS4177-1.
• Two x 16mm hitch pins and clips (Double shear rated at 10,000kg).

For more information, visit
From controlled bounce to improved control under braking, responsive and stable steering, improved towing performance and so much more, XGS Suspension will reportedly ensure your Ranger can handle absolutely anything.
TheADAPTERMIXMULTI-HITCH‘N’MATCHSYSTEMsystemmeansyoucansimplyandeasily mix and match your adapter to a compatible shank
The Mister Hitches Australia team have developed its Multi-Hitch Mix ‘N’ Match system to give the user a quick fit adapter towing hitch system. This allows for matching a variety of adapters to a compatible shank to give greater height
Backed by a press formed steel construction for maximum impact strength, TJM’s Underbody Guards are equipped to take some serious brunt from rigid obstacles such as tree stumps, piercing rocks or loose logs with absolutely no fuss.
“Building on the same premium quality and reliability our customers expect from us, we’ve pushed the boundaries, made new discoveries, unlocked new innovations and pioneered market
Both sporting integrated 8000kg rated recovery points as standard and an all-steel construction, the TJM Outback Bull Bar and the TJM Venturer Bar are equipped with everything you need.
For more information, email or visit
They feature provisions for spotlights and off-road work lights to dual aerial mounting positions, winch compatibility and recovery jack points, all wrapped up in a one-of-one head-turning, tapered, angular
All Adapter kits come with:
Mister Hitches says it was the first to develop an adjustable Clevis mount hitch and an adjustable Poly Block adapter.
Adventurers shopping for a Bull Bar for their 2022 Ford Ranger will be able to choose between the trusted Outback Bull Bar or the sleek Venturer Bar from TJM 4x4.

It says having designed high quality Underbody Guards for Aussies exploring the Outback for over 15 years, you can trust TJM to equip your Ranger
TJM 4x4 Equipped has unveiled a range of premium off-road accessories for the all-new, nextgen Ford “CreatingRanger.the4x4 accessories for the new Ranger has been nothing short of incredible,” TJM Head of Engineering, Peter Sparkes, said.
TOWING SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 82 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
TJM has developed the Airtec Snorkel to suit the Ranger’s unique body shape, while the design itself reportedly offers incredible impact resistance and durability in extreme temperatures.
All Adapter kits are rated at GTW 3500kg TW 350kg, when used with any of the five Mister Hitches compatible shanks.
Constructed from heavy-duty 63mmØ steel tubing and finished in a black satin powder coating to maximise durability, TJM Side Bars are chassis mounted for increased strength and protection. Further, the unique modular design gives you the freedom to have Side Steps fitted and the option of adding Side Bars later.
TJM says it knows that everyone’s off-roading journeys, or their suspension requirements for that matter, are never going to be the same.
Thetool.MHMHBM ball mount adapter and the shank can be inverted without loss of rating integrity.
TJM says keeping your new Ranger dent and scratch-free when heading off-road is also easy, with its precision engineered Side Steps and Side Bars protecting your Ranger’s sides off-road.
with the best underbody protection on the market. airbag compatibility, ADR compliance and optimal approach angle, and TJM says you have everything you need to thrive in the Australian Outback in one bull bar.
TJM says its engineers have worked tirelessly to build upon their market-leading suspension systems, and their hard work has led to the development of an all-new, ground-breaking suspension range.
It states that is why it has designed three different premium suspension kits to cater to any 4x4 enthusiast: XGS Roamer, XGS Remote and XGS
Mister Hitches Australia explains that most brands of couplings are compatible with the MHMHBM, such as the Do35 and Stone Stomper etc.
Aeroklas’ new, full central locking Stylish Canopy (available at all TJM stores) is a feature-packed canopy that is now convenient and highly functional; boasting a sleeker roof profile and larger side and rear windows that are centrally locked and operated by push switch button.
Note: Adapter kits have been tested with the genuine Mister Hitches 4.5t shanks. Warranty is void if adapter is used with a non-genuine Mister Hitches shank.
next few months, we’re excited to be able to fit out these incredible vehicles and give new owners the accessories they need to be truly 4x4 equipped, no matter where they end up.”
GVM Plus upgrades, TJM says new Ranger owners will have all their suspension, ground clearance and load-carrying needs well and truly covered to handle anything the Outback throws at Roundingthem.offthe
For the 2023 Ford Ranger
• Two x 16mm to 19mm shank sleeves to reduce the excessive movement of the hitch on the shank.
TJM says the superior electro coating ensures up to 500 hours of corrosion resistance, while the unique design assists with ventilation and provides additional strength where it’s needed.
• One x Anti-Rattle grub screw and one Allen key
ensemble of premium Ranger 4X4 accessories is the Airtec Snorkel. The Snorkel allows you to off-road in confidence knowing you’ve got the best level of protection possible.
An upgraded Ranger means even further upgrades to one of Aeroklas’ most popular Canopy ranges.
TJM invites you to head to your local TJM store to register your interest to be the first in line for its Ford Ranger accessories range and go into the running to win one of five $200 TJM gift cards to spend in the TJM online store.

Brake Signal Pickup
Unsecure/Loose Mounting
Dashboard too thick
After significant testing and development, Pedders says it has raised the bar by offering one of the largest ranges of suspension lift kits available to suit the new 300 Series.

Pedders has already listed over 24 part numbers to suit the 300 Series, with more to arrive before the end of the year.
however there are still more products on the way from Pedders, including the brand’s eXtreme Upper Control Arms, a range of replacement and upgrade brake rotors and brake pads, plus a GVM+ Upgrade kit.
REDARC shares the most common installation mistakes it encounters with Electric Brake Controllers
REDARC says good ECBs, like its Tow-Pro range, can be mounted in any orientation.
The REDARC Tow-Pro range
Power Supplied Via Relay
Pedders Suspension and Brakes recently launched an extensive range of suspension upgrade parts to suit the new Toyota LandCruiser 300 Series. It says the LandCruiser 300 Series sets the benchmark for 4x4 passenger vehicles when it comes to towing, off-road performance, and general touring capabilities.
Pedders aims to enhance these characteristics through its new range of upgrade parts which are now available Australia-wide via Pedders outlets.
Pedders says the range of parts currently available will satisfy the needs of many 300 Series owners,
REDARC explains that there are a few things that often catch out installers of modern electric brake controllers (EBC).
Pedders invites you to check in with your local Pedders outlet to be notified when more LandCruiser 300 Series parts are added to the range.
Inadequate Wiring or Connectors
Those 300 Series LandCruisers that are used for towing duties can also benefit from a range of Pedders AirAssist air bag suspension kits which are now Peddersavailable.AirAssist comes in three height levels to suit standard, 30mm raised and 50mm raised vehicles – and each kit is available in Heavy Duty form for those carrying heavy loads.
The REDARC Tow-Pro range has a controller to suit every towing need. The REDARC Tow-Pro Elite V3 features both inertia-sensing and usercontrolled modes, communicated through the illuminated LED dial.
The requirements for a suitable connection of an EBC trigger wire are quite specific.
TOWING SYSTEMS & VEHICLE PROTECTION 8585Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
EBCs should be powered directly from the battery via a circuit breaker. This is because you want to retain trailer brakes even if the ignition cuts out unexpectedly, also removing power clears the unit’s calibration which results in rough braking until recalibration.

When choosing a suitable mounting location, it is important to consider the thickness of material the controller will be installed on, as well as what’s hidden underneath. For REDARC’s Tow-Pro range the remote head must be installed in material between 1.25 – 3.75mm thick so that the override button can be depressed correctly.
For more information, visit
Theconsole.Tow-Pro range is also compatible with both electric and electric/hydraulic trailer brakes. For more information, visit
REDARC state that for customers to have the best, and safest user experience, they always recommend referring to the product manual, which provides specific installation instructions.
600kg. Regular height levelling springs are also available to suit vehicles equipped with bull bars and heavy accessories.
It must also accept battery voltage when the brake controller manual override is operated and illuminate at least the trailer’s brake lights.
synonymous with EBC and towing safety, with REDARC continuing to set the benchmark for easy-to-use, safe trailer and towing braking.
Both the Tow-Pro Elite and Tow-Pro Classic are simple to install and can be seamlessly mounted in a blank switch panel, on the dashboard or centre
If you use your Landcruiser 300 for heavy or regular towing, Pedders has a range of upgrades to suit
The Pedders range also features three types of shock absorber to meet all customer Therequirements.rangestarts with Pedders 4x4 Gas Shock Absorbers, then steps up to the premium Foam Cell Shock Absorber.
As with all Pedders products, the LandCruiser 300 Series range is backed by a two-year, 40,000km nationwide warranty.
The 300 Series range starts with 30mm and 50mm raised height coil springs, available in regular, or heavy-duty form for those vehicles equipped with heavy Peddersaccessories.isalsooffering three levels of constant load raised rear springs at 200kg, 400kg and
REDARC says the word Tow-Pro has become
It is important that the EBC is mounted securely as its internal components rely on a solid mount to know how hard the vehicles brakes are applied, so it can vary its output accordingly.
It must provide battery voltage output while the vehicle brakes are applied / 0 volts output while the vehicle brakes are not applied.
Under full braking force, a trailer can draw as much as 25 amps, and as a result poor wiring gauge and/or poor connecters can cause issues. REDARC warns that cheaper components such as blade fuses and crimp terminals are often not up to the task of currents of this magnitude and can deteriorate over time.
The Pedders Heavy Duty Gas Shock Absorber is also available to match the Heavy Duty coil spring options – designed for vehicles that regularly tow or carry heavy loads.
It contains additives to lubricate components during the cleaning process and does not contain any chlorine, phosphates, nitrates or heavy Indicationsmetals.
Today, Prestone’s Original Equipment formulation is fitted at factories globally as first fill by leading manufacturers.
to use TUNAP 957 include where oil sludge deposits are present, in the case of loss of compression from the piston rings and where hydraulic valve lifters are knocking. TUNAP
Unlike other alternatives being used at the time, it did not boil away and kept engines from freezing in winter conditions, serving its purpose of keeping drivers on the road.
Burg Design has powerful
With superior protection
Prestone established its brand with the first nonflammable Ethylene Glycol in 1927 in the United States, when the industry was searching for answers to keep engines at an optimal operating temperature.
Filpro goes on to explain that Prestone is the only coolant that can be used in every passenger and light commercial vehicle on the market. For further information, contact Filpro Automotive, on 08 8193 9675 or or explore the Prestone range at
Also on offer from Burg Design is the X-1R Diesel Fuel Treatment and the X-1R Engine Oil Based TheFlush.X-1R
Now 95 years on, its antifreeze/coolant, with patented Cor-Guard inhibitors, is formulated to prevent corrosion, to help cooling systems run more efficiently, and extend engine life.

For more information, contact
TUNAP Australia’s bestselling TUNAP 957 Interior Engine Clean with microflex technology is a TÜV-approved, solvent-free cleaner based on a high-quality, low-viscosity oil with highperformance cleaning agents.
Prestone has continuously established long standing relationships with Original Equipment vehicle manufacturers over its 95-year history. In 1962, “Big Three” automakers tuned in Prestone and installed ethylene glycol antifreeze solution in all new cars, making it a standard year-round performance fluid.

The X-1R Engine Oil Based Flush contains controlled-released detergents to dissolve sludge, gum, varnish, grit and other deposits that, even with regular maintenance, slowly build up inside the engine. Burg Design says usually, you need only pour it into your crankcase and let the engine run for 15 minutes before draining it.

The X-1R Octane Booster has been proven as “the world’s number one Octane Booster,” says Burg Design – the exclusive Australian distributors of X-1R products.

TUNAP 957 removes oil sludge deposits from the engine oil system and protects the engine from being damaged as a result of blocked oil channels and bore holes.
For more information, visit
86 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 OILS & LUBES
X-1R is a Certified Space Technology and is an inductee in the NASA Space Technology Hall of Fame.
additives on offer
The X-1R range is available to purchase online at and
also recommends a preventative maintenance TUNAPapproach.957 are available in 200, 400 and 950ml bottles which are recyclable. The application is simple: allow the engine to run at idle speed for a maximum of 20 minutes with the vehicle at a standstill. Then change the oil and filter immediately afterwards.
Filpro Automotive explains that since Prestone’s establishment in 1927, Prestone has become a world leader in the protection of cars in extreme Forconditions.thepast 95 years, Prestone’s mission to provide the finest automotive fluids in the world has reportedly been at the core of its business; keeping its technologies ahead of the rest with its industry leading innovations.
Further, Burg Design says the product is an excellent Lead Substitute and can extend the life of stored fuel while coming in a compact size at a low cost.
Filpro tells more of Prestone’s early years, where in 1930 Prestone began making the first inhibitor powerful enough to protect cooling systems from rust formation, which gave them a leading edge within their product range.

Protecting the health and wellbeing of the workshop team is a high priority for most businesses
Its formula, which Burg Design says has been developed by NASA, contains MMT, Nitromethane and POWR-XTM, increases RON by 30 Points Plus and contains Synthetic Detergency.
Diesel Fuel Treatment is a powerful yet low-cost concentrate which thoroughly cleans the entire fuel system to eliminate knocking and pinging, increase the octane rating, reduce exhaust smoke, increase performance and restore lost horsepower for a much smoother running engine. It can also extend the life of stored diesel fuel, says Burg Design.
Burg Design states the X-1R Octane Booster concentrate eliminates knocking, increases performance and restores lost horsepower, while also being “excellent” as a racing formula.
The cleaner protects the new engine oil against contamination from used oil residues. It has no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and contains low-viscosity detergents to deliver outstanding cleaning results.

“As the extensive Permatex range continues to grow, we recognised the value of developing a tool that would allow our customers to make more informed purchase decisions and quickly identify the product most suitable to their requirements,” Daniel said.
Although Penrite has been around for nearly a century, it continues to provide both the trade and retail users with the latest generation engine oils for today’s modern fleet.
“I’m happy to report that our new, online Product Selector sets a new benchmark for user experience and makes selecting the right gasket maker quick and easy.”
OILS & LUBES 8989Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The Penrite’s Enviro+ range is perfect for modern fuel efficient, low emission engines
• Meets the latest industry specifications
Penrite states this latest offering meets the tough new VW Standard 508 00 / 509 00 and Porsche C20 specifications and is fully licensed and warranty approved by VAG group for use in vehicles such as Volkswagen, Audi, Skoda, Porsche and Cupra requiring this specification.
“Our leak-proof, elastomeric formed-in-place material is more reliable and lasts longer than pre-cut gaskets,” Permatex Australia Marketing Manager, Daniel O’Brien, said.
The Right Stuff Black One Minute Gasket Maker is designed for high flexibility and high oil resistance applications, including Oil Pans, Timing Covers, Transmission Pans and Differential Covers.

For more information, visit
Since 1909, Permatex says it has been an acknowledged leader in the development of innovative new products and services for the automotive aftermarket.
“While we had high expectations, The Right Stuff Gasket Maker exceeded these, recording a zero percent failure rate during these rigorous tests –reinforcing that it outperforms OE gaskets,” Daniel said.
• Provides fuel saving technologies
• Meets and exceeds manufacturer long drain
Formulated to seal instantly, allowing you to finish even the most challenging job quickly, The Right Stuff Black Gasket Maker reportedly makes leakproof gaskets in 60 seconds.
Penrite says its Enviro+ range offers the following features and benefit:
“It is blowout resistant and protects against leaks and seepage caused by vibration and thermal expansion and is two and a half times more flexible than a regular cut gasket.”
Starting off with three engine oils, this range has now expanded to 14 products covering the latest specifications and viscosities used in modern low emission, fuel efficient vehicles.

TheintervalsEnviro+ range is available in a range of sizes suitable for both retail and trade customers.
• Compatibility with alternate fuels, such as E85
• Highest quality additive packs
Today, it explains that standard is still being set with Penrite’s latest release: Enviro+ G4FE 0W-20.
Save time and money and avoid the frustration of waiting for a gasket to be delivered with Permatex’s ‘The Right Stuff Black’ Gasket Maker.
“Our Right Stuff Black leads the world in instant gasket maker technology,” Daniel said.
“Products like our Right Stuff Black proves our commitment to pushing the envelope for new product development and innovation,” Daniel said.
“Our goal is to be a one-stop shop for doit-yourselfers and professional automotive Totechnicians.”helpcustomers choose the right gasket maker for their specific application, Permatex recently launched its innovative online Product Selector.
Further, Penrite explains it provides the latest improvements in engine wear protection, LSPI
The Penrite “Enviro+” range of engine oils were introduced back in 2008 to cater for vehicles equipped with emission control devices, such as WhenDPFs. introduced, the products in the range were some of the first aftermarket engine oils to carry OEM approvals from manufacturers for warranty service throughout the country.
It is also available in Penrite’s award-winning “Envirobox” packaging for trade that reduces packaging waste by 85 percent compared to standard product packaging.
• Designed to maximise DPF and exhaust catalyst life
prevention, Stop/Start and fuel economy benefits, is suitable for Petrol, Hybrid and Diesel engines, and provides superior cold start and thermal breakdown protection.
The Penrite Enviro+ Oil range is available throughout Australia and New Zealand and covers the majority of Mid and Low Saps engine oil specifications required for modern vehicles.
• Features manufacturer and industry approvals on selected products
Penrite says its Enviro+ range set the new standard when it was launched and provided the market with products that were not previously available.
Permatex’s ‘The Right Stuff Black’ Gasket Maker is designed for high oil resistance applications
“It is formulated to meet or exceed performance standards for long-term sealability, durability and “Testinghandling. has proven that The Right Stuff Black
delivers performance superior to conventional OE Danielgaskets.”explains that The Right Stuff has been used in vehicle fleets globally across a range of operating conditions and has demonstrated leakfree performance over several million kilometres of heavy commercial testing.
In addition to the Black Gasket Maker, specifically designed for high flex applications, Permatex’s Right Stuff range also includes the Grey Gasket Maker for high torque applications and a Red Gasket Maker for high-temperature applications, which will be available in the Australian market over the coming months.
• Full synthetic base oils
To find out more about the Enviro+ range, visit
Always remove the old ring from the flange and don’t forget to coat the new sealing rings with clean motor oil every time before fitting them.
At the same time, its CoolTech+TM technology, with its enhanced ability to control heat generated by friction, maximises a car’s efficiency to reduce emissions and fuel consumption by up to three percent* for cleaner, more cost-effective and efficient Constantlymotoring.switching between ICE and an electrical power unit places greater demands on the engine of a hybrid car – and its oil. By reducing heat generated by frequent stop/start friction, PETRONAS Syntium with CoolTech+TM technology provides up to 38 percent better bearing wear protection††, to deliver optimal performance, better fuel economy and less Thanksemissions.toits strong molecular chains, PETRONAS Syntium with CoolTechTM technology more effectively removes heat generated by friction and combustion to offer outstanding oxidation resistance – 68 percent better than industry Itsbenchmarks†.superiorability to withstand engine-damaging heat and stay cool also means PETRONAS Syntium with CoolTechTM technology delivers up to 37.8 percent better protection of critical parts against harmful deposits and wear**, and outstanding cleanliness, for longer engine life and lower maintenance costs.
†† Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: VIII, against the API SP limit
A non-return flow valve prevents the draining of the filter when the engine is switched off and ensures adequate oil supply when the engine is started.
PETRONAS is the official technology partner to the eight-times FIA Formula One World Championshipwinning Mercedes-AMG PETRONAS Formula One Team, engineering high performance, bespoke engine oil, race fuel and other lubricants, greases and PETRONASfluids.
Itwisely.isexactly the same under the hood of a car – the engine needs to stay cool in the face of aggressive heat and maintain optimal temperature to avoid wasting energy and perform at its best.
OILS & LUBES 90 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
MAHLE says its oil filters reliably prevent contaminants from entering the lubrication system and maintain oil quality as well as the performance and efficiency of the engine. Thanks to stable pleat geometry, it says cold start stability is assured.
In short, controlling the heat is the key to more efficient, sustainable motoring.
PETRONAS says its Syntium product helps your car make the most of every drop of available energy, maximising its efficiency by controlling engine-damaging heat.
Tip number one
Tip number two
Patience is a virtue when changing the oil filter
** Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: IVB, measured against the API SP limit.
With downsized, more compact engines running at incredible heats, and congested stop/start traffic increasing operating temperatures further, the conditions couldn’t be more challenging and hostile for an oil.
Load peaks up to 20 bar are compensated due to
Modern engines are operating at higher temperatures than ever
The remaining energy is not converted into useful work, but instead wasted and dissipated mainly as heat. This doesn’t just damage a car’s engine; wasting energy in this way is unsustainable for our
PETRONAS Syntium features CoolTechTM technology which controls the heat, reducing wear and deposits, extending parts life and delivering efficient performance for longer.
the high pressure resistance of the housing and a pressure relief valve guarantees the oil supply under all conditions.
MAHLE oil filters
Excessive heat is the enemy, causing deposit formation, oxidation and thermal breakdown – all of which reduce the efficiency of the engine.
PETRONAS says its technicians are world leaders when it comes to maximising the potential of every drop of energy – and they pour all their experience working with the world’s fastest, most efficient hybrid car, into developing advanced fluids for drivers all over the world.
For more information about MAHLE range of oil filters, visit or email
Further, MAHLE says high-grade sealing materials and custom-fit connecting pieces assure reliable separation of contaminated and filtered oil.

Most internal combustion engines (ICE) only convert around 35 percent of fuel into power.
The drain only opens when the filter is loosened during an oil change: the remaining engine oil then flows into the oil pan and can be disposed of. But keep your eyes peeled: the old sealing ring can stick to the flange, and because the used oil is black, the ring can be hard to see.
Never use a removal tool to tighten the filter. This tool should only be used to remove the filter. Overtightening can damage the surface and cause the filter to leak.
it’s our own or the planet’s, energy is a precious resource. In order to make the most of it and reach maximum efficiency, you need to control the heat, stay cool and focus your energy
As a result, leaks can occur and the oil pressure indicator can light up when the engine is running, even though the new filter is properly screwed on.
† Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: IIIH, measured against the API SP limit
For more information about PETRONAS Lubricants, please visit or call 1800 841 566.
technology enables the MercedesAMG PETRONAS Formula One car to achieve more than 50 percent thermal efficiency – making it the most efficient racing engine ever created.
So, it is time to change the oil filter. As easy as it may seem, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. MAHLE suggests you follow its two tips below to be sure to avoid any post-oil change whining.

This takes time. If you rush this step in the process, you’ll get ahead of the residual oil, so to speak. This can cause used oil to spill over the flange, resulting in contamination.
From the team behind the world’s most efficient racing engine
Take it slow. When you remove the used filter, the remaining oil in the filter and flange flows back into the oil pan through the antidrain back plate.
* Based on industry standard test SEQUENCE: VIE, against the API SP limit
The new range is the most performance-focused range ever developed by the Aussie manufacturer
CRC 808 Silicone Spray is a multi-purpose silicone spray which resists moisture, reduces friction, reduces wear and reduces noise.
CRC Industries’ Sta-Lube Extreme Pressure AntiSeize Engine Assembly Lube has been specially formulated for sliding or rotational contact surfaces, for initial start-ups and break-ins of
After 24 months of development, Nulon says it is excited to launch its most advanced and comprehensive range of engine oils to date featuring new technology platforms, the latest oil industry specifications and a wide range of OEM approvals and recommendations.
For the everyday performance enthusiast and suitable for a wide range of modern vehicles, Nulon has also developed the X-PRO range.
to driving inputs, Nulon APEX+ flows faster at low temperatures and resists extreme pressure, heat, and wear of contacting metal surfaces to promote ultimate performance, fuel efficiency and protection in everyday stop/start and the most demanding driving conditions.
It is recommended for lubricating for waterproofing, and to protect rubber, plastic, metal, nylon and wood; for restoring, protecting and preserving rubber mats, mountings, seals, vinyl tops, weather stripping, dashboards, door mouldings and plastic parts; and for protecting and lubricating tools, hoists, jacks, locks, latches, switches, controls, zippers and pulleys and as a mould release for plastics and composites.
a range of products useful to the automotive trade, including but not limited to the following.
eliminator for wet equipment
Engineered with Advanced Additive Technology, the X-PRO range promotes higher levels of engine
The new range is available for purchase now in Nulon’s new fourth generation EZY-2-POUR pack design.
CRC Automotive Silicone is a multi-purpose silicone spray with a non-corrosive formula which lubricates, protects and eliminates squeaking and binding caused by friction.

ensures a moisture barrier to prevent trouble before it starts, with a protective film sealing out moisture. Lubricant 25 to 50µ will give lubrication equivalent to a 10-weight motor oil.

CRC Automotive Silicone
The all-new X-PROTECT engine oils is Nulon’s everyday offer, formulated with additive technology and premium detergents to promote engine cleanliness and increased protection for older vehicles.
With many modern vehicles featuring stop/start technology, higher operating temperatures, extreme cylinder pressures, direct injection technology, turbocharging and increased oil drain intervals, there is significantly more demand placed upon engine oils to clean, cool and protect.
CRC 808 Silicone
It displaces water and moisture, seals hard surfaces with a continuous molecular film and never becomes dry, hard or brittle.
Nulon’s top tier APEX+ featuring Advanced Fluid Dynamics technology represents the pinnacle of lubricant technology from Nulon.
This product contains Lithium 12 Hydroxy Sterate Base with Molybdenum and Graphite.
Recommended uses include lubricating, waterproofing and protecting rubber, plastic, metal, nylon and wood. It is clear, non-staining and odourless, resisting moisture and reducing friction, noise and wear.
CRC 2.26 Electrical Multi-Purpose
CRC is a recognised supplier of professional quality aerosol and bulk lubricants, cleaners, anticorrosion and maintenance and repair operation
scuffing, scoring, galling and seizing, adhering to metal surfaces and remaining active over long storage periods to prevent rust and corrosion and the cushioning of close-fitting parts.
The company offers a number of products useful for the automotive trade
CRC Extreme Pressure Anti-Seize Assembly Lube
It features a non-corrosive formula that provides a thin, durable, clear, odourless film that lubricates,
It can be used for restoring, protecting and preserving rubber mats, mountings and seals, vinyl tops, weather stripping, dashboards, door mouldings and plastic parts and for protecting and lubricating tools, hoists, jacks, locks, latches, switches, controls, zippers and pulleys.
performance through resistance to friction, heat and wear
The all-new range incorporates a new ‘Good, Better, Best’ approach to lubricant recommendations with the introduction of the X-PROTECT, X-PRO and APEX+ brands.
This range is formulated to meet and exceed the latest oil industry specifications and draw upon Nulon’s 40 years of engine additive know-how.
For more information, visit
Nulon explains that Advanced Fluid Dynamic technology combats these demands, improving engine oil flow efficiency to reduce power-robbing friction and maximise engine performance when you need Respondingit.
For more information, visit
protects and eliminates squeaking and binding caused by friction. CRC 808 Silicone Spray is also an excellent mould release.
OILS & LUBES 9191Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
CRC 2.26 is a stable, inert organic formula, especially prepared to prevent malfunction and deterioration due to the effect of moisture and corrosion, extend operational life, reduce down time and maintenance.
CRC Industries explains that this product is recommended for preventative maintenance programs; eliminating breakdowns due to poor environmental exposure, stopping leaking and arcing, and providing corrosion protection of all electrical equipment during storage and transport while also providing lubrication of
This product contains no silicone.
• TRW DOT 3 is designed for vehicles with front and rear drum brakes, as well as hydraulic clutch systems. Some Japanese car manufacturers recommend DOT 3 for their vehicles with ABS and ESP.
Whenever a vehicle’s brakes are used, the brake fluid heats up and, as brake hoses get older, the amount of moisture that gets into the system increases, resulting in a lowering of the brake fluid’s boiling point.
ZF electrifies different kinds of vehicles. With its products, the company says it contributes to reducing emissions and protecting the climate.
Wynn’s 10,000km+ Engine Treatment has been formulated with chemical polymers and viscosity index improvers to increase the thermal stability of the oil over a broad range of operating temperatures. This improves sealing between the piston ring and cylinder wall as well as taking up slight wear between valves and guides, the most common oil loss areas.

Key features and benefits:
a leading global manufacturer of innovative automotive products designed to clean, protect and lubricate – regardless of whether your car is brand new or decades old. Its comprehensive global distribution network covers all seven continents.
For more information, visit
• TRW DOT 4 is recommended for vehicles with disc brakes on the front and drum brakes on the rear. It is also suited for vehicles with disc brakes all round, and those fitted with ABS. The DOT 4 ESP is suited for vehicles fitted with ABS and ESP, while the DOT 4 GT is for highperformance vehicles.
• Compatible with all mineral and synthetic oils
• TRW DOT 5.1 is designed to complement the very latest ESP and is ideal for heavy, highperformance car with its low viscosity.
If the brake fluid reaches boiling point, ‘vapour lock’ can occur, potentially resulting in brake failure.

ZF is a global technology company and supplies systems for passenger cars, commercial vehicles and industrial technology, enabling the next generation of mobility.
ZF says safety is at the forefront for its activities with its team conducting rigorous testing of all items, giving vehicle manufacturers, aftermarket suppliers, workshops, and ultimately consumers, the confidence to trust the wide array of products available from its brands.
OILS & LUBES 92 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
ZF, which acquired WABCO Holdings Inc. on May 29, 2020, now has 160,000 employees worldwide with approximately 260 locations in 41 countries.
For more information, visit
ZF Aftermarket recommends workshops regularly check a vehicle’s brake fluid, with annual changes Availableadvised.
Reduce exhaust smoke and oil consumption; restore compression and engine performance
Due to the feature of high temperature viscosity improvement, oil loss around the main oil seals is also reduced.
from ZF in Oceania is the TRW brake fluid range, which caters for a wide range of vehicles, including those with drum brakes through to highperformance vehicles with ABS and ESPs.
With TRW Brake Fluids
ZF explains that it allows vehicles to see, think and act. In the four technology domains of Vehicle Motion Control, Integrated Safety, Automated Driving, and Electric Mobility, ZF offers comprehensive solutions for established vehicle manufacturers and newly emerging transport and mobility service providers.
• Restores compression and engine performance
• Neutralises acids formed by combustion blow-by
TRW designs braking systems for over half the world’s vehicles, building much of the original equipment they are fitted with when they roll out of the factory.
The local TRW brake program includes over 9,000 part numbers covering brake pads, discs, drums, shoes, electric park brake (EPB), master and wheel cylinders, hoses, boosters and calipers. Consumable products such as brake fluid, brake grease and brake cleaner are also available.
For more than 100 years, the TRW brand has earned a reputation as an expert in automotive braking and safety systems.
TRW: backed by ZF
• Recommended for Petrol, Diesel and LPG engines
• Safe for Catalytic Converters, DPFs and other emission controls.
Worn piston rings can cause oil by-pass to the combustion chamber where it will burn, causing exhaust smoke and increased oil consumption.
• Reduces exhaust smoke, oil consumption, engine noise and wear
For over 80 years, Wynn’s says it has been
Wynn’s 10,000km+ Engine Treatment can be used at or between oil changes, with one bottle treating up to six litres of engine oil.
As the kilometres increase on your car, wear and tear on engine components is a common theme.
Driven by safety, all TRW brake fluids are tested to the extreme and exceed international DOT ZFspecifications.Aftermarket says the range incorporates the latest technology to make vehicles safer, with a blend of advanced lubricants, stabilisers, antioxidants and corrosion inhibitors to help minimise wear and maximise performance:

Many of today’s vehicles feature advanced technologies including anti-lock braking systems (ABS) and electronic stability programmes (ESP). As these technologies develop, complementary products such as brake fluid need to act quickly to maximise safety and performance.
To use, bring the engine to operating temperature and then switch it off. Add the entire contents of the bottle to the engine oil.

Shell states that its global portfolio of naturebased carbon credits will compensate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions (in carbon dioxide equivalent – otherwise known as CO2e) from all stages of the lifecycle of these products, which includes the raw material acquisitions, packaging, production, distribution and customer use and product end of
The Refrigerant Oil Company says that by using PAOIL you can buy in bulk (PAOIL is available in 1L, 5L, 10L and 20L container sizes) and with its five-year shelf life, not worry about the oil being unusable a couple of hours after opening.
For further information,
• The special packaging and equipment needed with other oils to ensure moisture does not enter the refrigeration circuit along with the oil is not necessary with PAOIL.
“We know our customers choose Shell Helix Ultra 0W because it is designed for ultimate engine performance and higher fuel economy,” Shell Premium Marketing Manager, Macro Distributors Asia Pacific, Yew Shihui, said.
Thevehicles.PAOIL PL series offers the same positive properties as the PAOIL AA series, meaning it can be used as a complete oil replacement for A/C systems.
Providing a carbon neutral option for workshops and car owners
The company users of PAO-based oils are recognising the advantages of the stability, purity and lubricity of polyalphaolefins (PAOs) for the industry; stating that the electrical properties of PAO make it suitable for high voltage electrical Thesystems.Refrigerant Oil Company says there are many reasons you should consider using PAOIL in your workshop, including:
Shell explains that it is one of the most established investors of carbon credits in the world, stating
OILS & LUBES 9595Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
For more information, go to or or call 03 9338 7522.
Workshops do not need to stock multiple types of oil when using PAOIL, since PAOIL is suitable for use with a wide variety of automotive compressors and refrigerants. As such, The Refrigerant Oil Company says PAOIL helps you to save money.
• Safe to use: PAOIL is a non-hazardous, nontoxic product which is safe to have around the workshop. It is safe on painted surfaces, so there are no worries if it is accidentally spilt on
• PAOIL has a high Viscosity Index meaning the oil maintains its viscosity and lubricating properties at high operating temperatures.
carbon credit represents the avoidance or removal of greenhouse gases equivalent to one tonne of CO2. Nature-based solutions are projects which protect, transform or restore land. In this way, nature absorbs more CO2 emissions from the, or redevelopment, of natural ecosystems – such as forests, grasslands, peatlands and wetlands – leads to lower concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Such activities can also result in the creation, marketing, trading and sale of carbon credits. They also help deliver many other benefits, including improvements in biodiversity, water quality, flood protection and livelihoods.
• Unlike other lubricants, PAO is nonhygroscopic: it does not readily absorb moisture.
Customers and consumers are increasingly expecting brands to offer sustainable products and services as a table-stake, with 74 percent globally citing environmental concerns. Consumers want brands to make it easier for them to make sustainable choices (43 percent), Project Maximus, Shell Insights + Kantar, Nov 2019
The Refrigerant Oil Company says that it pioneered the use of PAO-based oils in refrigeration 20 years ago and is now driving the use of PAO-based lubricants for thermal management in hybrid and electric vehicles.
Shell explains that its carbon neutral Shell Helix Ultra 0W lubricant options provide mechanics and consumers with a more sustainable choice of motor oil without compromising the high performance and engine protection that has made Shell Helix Ultra renowned around the world.

• Due to the inertness and inherent stability of PAO, PAOIL has a five-year shelf life.
• PAOIL is suitable for use in hybrid and electric vehicles (AA series is preferred but PL series may be used).
• PAO is also compatible with R134a and the new R1234yf refrigerant, meaning you only need one oil for most auto A/C applications.
Ariazone and The Refrigerant Oil Company are fully Australian-owned companies based in Melbourne at the Global Headquarters, and part of the ROC Ariazone/PAOILGroup.products are currently used in workshops in more than 40 counties worldwide.

“But we are also aware that three in four car owners across the globe are concerned about the air pollution from their cars, and 43 percent of consumers want brands to make it easier for them to make sustainable choices.
“That is why I am pleased that our customers have the option to enjoy the benefits they have come to expect from Shell Helix Ultra 0W in a carbon neutral way.”
that its growing portfolio of verified projects helps its customers meet the environmental and sustainability commitments that they have made to their employees, customers and shareholders.
Due to the increasing global importance of energy efficiency driving the use of lower viscosity lubricants, a new series of oils has been released: VG 46 (PAOIL AA4) and VG 32 (PAOIL AA2). The Refrigerant Oil Company states VG 68 (PAOIL AA1) and (PAOIL PL68) will also still be available.
• PAOIL is also available with an added UV dye to help with leak tracing.
• PAOIL is useable with all automotive compressor types including hybrid vehicle compressors.
A new product has been added to The Refrigerant Oil Company’s line of PAO-based oils
“As the world’s leading lubricants supplier, Shell has an important role to play. We recognise that motorists want to enjoy the drive but in a responsible way, and we are here to support workshops and OEMs meet the evolving needs of customers.
The Capricorn Society was established in 1974 by a small group of Western Australian Golden Fleece service station owners who wanted to improve their businesses, have more time for themselves and their families and offer a better service to their customers. That “strength in numbers” and “coming together for the greater good” attitude has stuck with Capricorn for almost five decades.
“My first job was part time while I was studying. I did a double degree at Uni, a Bachelor of Commerce and a Bachelor of Law. I never felt my Bachelor of Law was truly complete until I did my articles with a law firm and was admitted. I was then recognised as a Barrister and Solicitor for the Supreme Court of Western Australia and the High Court of Australia.
was ready for a change, and he took on a role as the in-house company lawyer as Company Secretary/General Counsel with Capricorn where he established the legal function within Capricorn and applicable legal frameworks.
“My first job was as a car park attendant. It was a great job, there were so many different aspects to it, including a mechanical one. I cannot tell you the number of cars I helped get re-started after flat batteries. I was pretty good at the old push start too…that is showing my age!” Bradley said.
The original concept struck a chord with the industry: a cooperative business that the Members own, whose sole purpose is to make running your automotive business easier and much more rewarding. While it started out in Western Australia, it has since expanded across all of Australia and New Zealand.
Today, Capricorn has over 25,000 Members and more than 2,000 Preferred Suppliers in Australia and New Zealand across the automotive and allied industries. All Members are the owners and the “,thevoice of the customer or in our case, the Members, is absolutely critical to any business and its ongoing success. We certainly try to embed that voice in absolutely everything that we do, every decision we make and how we represent ourselves to the outside world,” Bradley said.
“With the right determination, attitude and growth mindset, I still believe that people can get anywhere they want and achieve whatever they want. This is the great thing about the automotive aftermarket industry and its continual growth.”
“I worked in a law firm for ten years and went from articled clerk all the way to partner in that time. Every day was very different, and I learned so much about people, business, commercial acumen, how to influence, how to present and the ability to identify problems and solutions.
“At Capricorn, we have a strong focus on giving back to our Members. Their membership is the other business that they also own, and it helps them each and every day,” Bradley said.
“Everything Capricorn does and everything it earns is all about returning value and promoting an ongoing vibrant and sustainable automotive industry. We truly believe that all Members, Preferred Suppliers and partners are stronger with Capricorn. In fact, in 2021 alone Capricorn returned $92 million in pre-tax value to Members.”
Bradley Gannon is immensely proud of the work of Australasia’s largest automotive cooperative
“Believe in yourself. Seek feedback and advice along the way and learn from everyone. Literally everyone has something to teach you to help you improve both personally and professionally.
The Perth born and raised executive started thinking about his career direction at the age of 15 as a process of elimination.
Capricorn’s Members have successful businesses located in Australia and New Zealand across all automotive and allied industries including mechanical, panel, commercial, tyre, auto
After a decade working in a law firm, Bradley
He was interested in business and the law, while also loving the engineering aspect of cars and the freedom that comes with them.
TRADE TALK 96 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“From there I moved onto broader business roles within Capricorn including risk advisory, internal audit, operational functions and group marketing, before in 2019 I was appointed to my current role of Chief Executive Officer, Automotive – leading sales, supply, customer service and product development across Australia and New Zealand.”
Looking back over his career so far, Bradley summarises his main attributes as being the four Cs: Creativity, Critical thinking and problem solving, Collaboration and Communication.
“It gave me readily transferable skills to other roles and occupations which I could apply broadly.”
“Attitude is just so important. It comes out in literally everything you do,” Bradley said.
Bradley Gannon became the Chief Executive Officer, Automotive of Capricorn in 2019, continuing a stellar 14-year career with Australasia’s largest automotive aftermarket and business essentials buying group.

“I am really proud of all the work that we have done on our Rewards Program over the journey and the decisions that we have made which have increased the earn rate for our Members and the options they have to spend those Rewards points. In FY21 we paid out over $50 million in Reward points to our Members.”

“We are extremely proud that just by making the decision to join Capricorn and use our services, our Members are better off.
“The biggest regret we hear from Members is that they did not join Capricorn earlier, so a big part of my role is getting out the word about Capricorn to save this regret. It would be great to think that reading this article helped another automotive business make the fantastic decision to join CapricornCapricorn.”has been a member of the Australian Automotive Aftermarket Association for many “ is a member of the AAAA for a range of reasons. Being a part of the industry’s peak body shows our support and commitment to the industry at large and the great work that the AAAA does in supporting our industry,” Bradley
A Capricorn membership has to be valuable for all involved. This is what drives us forward, what we measure and what we consistently work on,” he
“I had a great childhood with loving parents and two older brothers, and we always pushed each other on to be successful.”
“We understand to have a great Member experience we need to have a great employee experience. So, in everything we do, we strive to provide our teams with the right tools, equipment and support so they can do their jobs effectively and efficiently,” Bradley said.
“We are looking for long term mutually sustainable benefit for everyone and firmly believe that by working together we can achieve so much more than by acting alone.”
“In everything we do we are looking to meet that challenge and make sure what we do and how we spend our limited resources is making a difference.
“We want to continue to expand our Member base in those automotive and allied industries for the benefit of individual Members, the collective Membership, our Preferred Supplier partners and Capricorn as a whole.
electrical and other industry specialisations. Capricorn is continuing to grow and last financial year it welcomed over 2,600 new Members.
Bradley says Capricorn’s biggest challenges relate to delivering on the company’s promise and commitment to improve the lives of Members by supporting them in building stronger businesses.

the future we want to continue to build on our existing pillars of convenience, simplicity, ease of use and reward so that membership of Capricorn is compelling for both Members and our Preferred Supplier partners.

Away from work, Bradley is keen on ball sports, especially football, tennis and, basketball. He points out that being active in sports helps with his next passion of eating too much! Bradley is also keen on truly relaxing by watching good movies and spending time with family and friends.
TRADE TALK 9797Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“Above all, family means everything to me. My beautiful wife, Linda, my son, Brendan, and my daughter, Jessica. We are very tight-knit and enjoy each other’s company. We have a lot of laughs, and we are very supportive of one another,” Bradley said.
To learn more about Capricorn, visit
“Being based on the principles of cooperation and having been established as a cooperative, this is in our DNA. It impacts every part of our business, the way we operate, our culture, the people we recruit, retain and reward – even how we approach our Members and our Preferred Supplier partners.
“We always talk about doing the right thing, working hard and helping others. These were the values passed down to my wife and myself from our parents and something we want to pay forward to help make the world a better place.
“We genuinely believe that we can continue to add value and truly mean it when we say everyone is ‘Stronger with Capricorn’ as we continue to execute our current plans.
like the AAAA, Capricorn was born from the industry to support the industry and both organisations want to make a difference to their “ AAAA member also gives us the opportunity to collaborate and support each other to ensure every business in our industry and every Capricorn Member is getting the best possible benefit of the blood, sweat and tears that they put into their businesses each and every day.”
“Members and Preferred Suppliers are at the very core of what we do, and we have a strong focus on understanding their needs, while being as efficient and effective as possible in our operations. We also have an eye to the future so we can continue to adapt and make a difference.
Industry Legal provides advice to members on commercial law matters. If you have any questions relating to the above information, please contact Industry Legal on 1300 369 703 or
• If the amount of the proceeds of sale remaining after the charges of the business are deducted cannot be returned to the customer, it must be deposited with the authority specified in the legislative regime.
• Some legislative regimes have other specific requirements, for example, Queensland requires businesses to display a sign in respect of the uncollected goods regime at the place of business.
Generally, the process of each legislative regime commences when the business providing notice to the customer that the vehicle is ready for collection (together with other specified information). This notice generally requires the inclusion of specific information.
After notice is provided
Other considerations
The next topic in this series based on Emma Dalley’s AAAA Expo presentation on the top five most common legal enquiries Industry Legal receives
Special requirements for vehicles
• If there is a dispute regarding the charges in respect of the vehicle, or the customer is refusing to pay the business for other reasons, then it is very likely the uncollected goods legislative regime will not be appropriate to address the circumstance (please contact Industry Legal for further information).
Usually, the starting point is to assess the value of the vehicle, as the legislative regimes (other than Queensland) contain different processes depending on the value of the vehicle. For this reason, the first step is to obtain, or make, an independent assessment of the value of the vehicle before starting the process to dispose of the uncollected vehicle. It is a good idea to keep the information and process used to value the vehicle on file.
• In the majority of circumstances, the vehicle may only be disposed of by public auction.
If you have any questions regarding the uncollected goods regime in your State or Territory, please contact Industry Legal. Alternatively, if you have previously received an uncollected goods information sheet from Industry Legal and wish to refer to the information sheet to dispose of another uncollected vehicle left at the premises of your business, please contact Industry Legal first to see if there have been any legislative changes. If there are legislative changes, Industry Legal can provide you with an updated information sheet.
Modernising Legislation
The lawful way to dispose of the vehicle (and recoup unpaid charges) is through the process set out in the disposal of uncollected goods legislative regime of the State or Territory in which the business is Itlocated.isimportant to follow each of the required steps of the relevant uncollected goods regime to ensure the vehicle is lawfully disposed of. Further, beware that if the vehicle is uncollected due to a dispute between the customer and the business in relation to the vehicle, or the business is otherwise preventing the collection of the vehicle, it is unlikely the uncollected goods legislative regime is Importantly,appropriate.
recommends the business keep detailed records of the disposal of the vehicle.
This document is intended for general information purposes only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Please contact Industry Legal if you require legal advice
this article provides general information and a general overview only, of disposing of uncollected vehicles. If your business has an uncollected vehicle at its premises, contact Industry Legal for information on the process applying to the State or Territory in which the business with the uncollected vehicle is located.
How to dispose of uncollected vehicles
Value of the vehicle
CONSUMER LAW 98 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Often businesses find it difficult to commence the process as they do not have the home address of the customer. This is because, with some exceptions, most current legislative regimes require notice to be posted to, or left at the address of, the customer. Consequently, obtaining the home address, email address and contact phone number of each customer receiving services from the business, assists to dispose of uncollected vehicles.
The failure of a customer to collect a vehicle after an assessment or service can hamper the conduct of business, take up valuable space and parts used in the service may be unpaid.

Some uncollected goods legislative regimes have been modernised or are undergoing review to create efficiencies in the disposal of uncollected goods process. For example, in 2020, New South Wales and Tasmania updated their legislative regime. It is hoped that some of the more complex uncollected goods legislative regimes will similarly be reviewed and modernised to assist businesses to operate with efficiency.
Information and legislative changes
• Generally, the business will be able to retain outstanding amounts, reasonable storage (from the date the notice is sent) and the expenses of the business in relation to the sale of the vehicle. It is important to check the relevant legislative regime to ensure the business is only retaining amounts allowed under the relevant legislation.

AAAA Member Benefits
Most legislative regimes also require additional steps to be taken for all vehicles or vehicles of a particular value. Such steps may include seeking a certificate that a vehicle is not stolen from, and/ or providing notice to the Commissioner of Police, and/or obtaining a written search of the Personal Property Security Register. It is important to ensure that the requirements of the State or Territory in which the vehicle is located are complied with.
The process after notice is provided varies between the State and Territory regimes and can depend on the value of the vehicle. In some legislative regimes, low value vehicles need only be retained for a short time (as specified in the legislation) before disposal (generally by way of public auction), other regimes and processes require further notices, newspaper advertising, Government Gazette advertising and/or tribunal or court applications to be made before the vehicle is disposed of.
• Generally, record keeping of particular information is required under the legislative regimes. Additionally Industry Legal
Liability limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.
• Remuneration including rates of pay and when and how payment is to be made, including whether payment is inclusive of allowances, annual leave loading, overtime rates, penalty rates and shift loadings etc (and offset clause if applicable).
• Termination including resignation, redundancy, abandonment and other obligations on termination.
• Compliance with policies and procedures.
Liability limited by a scheme approved under the professional services legislation.
AAAA Member Benefits
• Easier to enforce than verbal agreements.
• Can be drafted to be “pro-employer.”
Without employment contracts, businesses expose themselves to unnecessary and avoidable risk.
• Provides certainty.
• Arrangements for superannuation.
• Any restraint of trade during or postemployment.
Employment contracts should address the
If you do not have existing employment contracts, Employer Assist recommends implementing them for all employees. Employer Assist can provide members with template employment contracts tailored to suit any individual requirements and provide advice on rolling these contracts out to new and existing employees.
This document is intended for general information purposes only and should not be regarded as legal advice. Please contact Industry Legal if you require advice.
• Type of engagement (such as, casual, part time, full time, fixed term).
contracts must comply with the Fair Work Act 2009 (Cth) and the applicable award or enterprise agreement. Employment contracts must not provide less than the employee’s minimum legal entitlement or unlawfully restrict the employee from benefitting from those entitlements regardless of whether the employee is paid at or above the award rate.
• Reference to the applicable modern award or enterprise agreement (but do not incorporate the award or enterprise agreement into the contract).
• Protects the interests of both parties.
• Can be drafted to ensure the commercial interests of the business are protected. For example, restraint of trade, non-solicitation, intellectual property, and confidentiality clauses.
• Position title, duties and responsibilities of the employee.
An employment contract is a legally binding agreement between an employer and employee which sets out the terms and conditions of employment. Employment contracts can be in writing or verbal. However, written employment contracts are preferable to verbal agreements because verbal agreements can be difficult to enforce or rely upon, especially when disputes
• Employee warranties, including in relation to information provided, qualifications and authorisations.
Offset or set-off clause
There is a common misconception by employers that paying a salary, or an above award rate circumvents the need for a written employment contract or to pay any additional entitlements such as overtime, allowances, penalties, loadings etc. However, this is not the case.
• Leave entitlements.
• Hours of work.
compensate the employee for the minimum entitlements under the legislation and award (or enterprise agreement). Also, and importantly, the payment should be set off against those minimum Offsetentitlements.orset off clauses are commonly used in employment contracts for employees who are paid a salary, an “all-inclusive rate” or earn more than minimum entitlements under an award or enterprise agreement. It is important for employers to review and, where necessary, revise their offsetting arrangements regularly to minimise risks and ensure all arrangements are clearly and appropriately documented in writing.
Employees should agree to be bound by all policies and procedures of the employer as a condition of their employment but should not be incorporated into the employment contract. However, policies and procedures must be consistent with any legal obligations under the legislation and award or enterprise agreement. Employees should be inducted into policies and procedures when they commence work and when any new policies or procedures are introduced.
HR 9999Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
Employment contracts are essential to any business and employers should use them as a tool to protect the interests of the business and to effectively manage staff
The benefits of a written employment contract include the following:
• Confidentiality obligations and the protection of intellectual property.
• Reporting lines.
If paying an employee a salary or an above award rate, the payment must be sufficient to
Employer Assist provides advice on all aspects of employment law including employment contracts. Employer Assist can assist members with template employment contracts at member rates.
Without written employment contracts, employers will find it difficult to protect their interests and enforce employment obligations (for example, post-employment restraints, confidentiality etc).
Verbal agreements are ineffective and unreliable. It is difficult to rely on what someone said (sometimes many years earlier) based on memory if it is not written down. Courts may not be able to enforce the terms of a verbal contract if the existence of the contract or its terms are uncertain. Further, misunderstandings could arise regarding important aspects of the agreement, such as payment details or the position. Such misunderstandings could lead to disputes between the employer and the employee and a breakdown in the employment relationship. While not all disputes can be avoided, there is a better chance that a dispute will be resolved quickly and
Please contact Employer Assist on 1300 735 306 or if you have any questions relating to this article or to discuss any employment issues that arise in your business.

•following:Identity of employer.
• Location of where work is to be performed.
• Can be used to clearly set out the terms and conditions of employment including employee’s position, duties, rights, responsibilities, pay, and other benefits avoiding unnecessary miscommunication.
reasonably if the parties can refer to the terms of a written employment contract.
• Identity of employee.
• Commencement date.
Policies and procedures
Employers also run the risk of expensive and avoidable claims by employees.
The new flagship store which Rare Spares bills as “Australia’s largest resto store” has a footprint of over 1,000 square metres and over 7,000 SKUs on the shelf which will continue to be added to over time.

Chris McHale, owner of Quinlan’s Auto Spares in Albury and passionate Parts4 Automotive member, has witnessed significant changes in the automotive aftermarket, having spent more than 20 years in the industry.

The new store is located in the New South Wales restoration heartland of western Sydney. The blueprint for the Sydney store builds on the company’s successful launch of its Brisbane store in early 2021 and replicates a similar store layout, just on a grander scale.
“But I believe joining the Parts4 community alone is more than worth the price of admission.
100 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 SHOPFRONT
“The new store seizes on the growth opportunity that the Sydney restoration enthusiast market have been craving,” Rare Spares General Manager, Lance Corby, said.
In partnership with two colleagues, Chris’s father, Colin, opened Quinlan’s Auto Spares in September of 1972.
“I’m the second generation to run the family business and wow, haven’t things changed in that time,” Chris said.
That ‘few days’ became a six-week casual job offer, and 22 years later, Chris and his wife Amanda now own the business and in 2006, they joined Parts4.
“It is empowering to know that there’s a whole group of people in the industry who have your back.”
“The store opened its doors to the public in late July and slowly but surely the word is getting around,” Lance said.
“You can feel pretty isolated as an independent business owner, and I think that feeling is
Further, when Chris accepted a role on the committee, he says it really opened his eyes to just how much value Parts4 can add to an independent business.
For more information, visit
“Now I have a community of people to talk to about the problems we all share, including freight and access to certain products in regional Australia,” Chris said.
Over the next 20 years, the three partners built a robust business until the sad day when Alby Quinlan passed in 1992.
To find out more about the benefits Parts4 Automotive delivers to members, contact Kim Mamouney on 0418 532 307 or
“Customers who have come in are blown away by the range on offer. It is quickly becoming the destination store for all car restoration enthusiast.”
“I had just finished high school when Dad called and asked me if I could run the delivery van for a few days,” Chris said.
“It can be overwhelming, especially when the big chains roll into town. It makes you feel like the problems are very much your problems and that you’re truly on your own.”
RSP Automotive and Industrial, trading as Rare Spares, has recently expanded its company owned store network to five, with the recent opening of its new flagship mega store in Blacktown, Sydney.

Alby’s passing, Colin and his remaining partner rolled up their sleeves and shouldered the load, but in 1999 things changed again when Colin’s remaining business partner fell ill.
Chris explains that Parts4 provided the business with access to a more extensive range and competitive pricing.
Parts4 Automotive Pty Ltd group was formed to bring together a group of independent automotive businesses throughout Australia. Today, Parts4 has more than 80 members across Australia.
“As we celebrate our 50th anniversary, we’re proud to continue not only his legacy, but Dad’s as Followingwell.”
“The population of Albury-Wodonga is approximately 100,000 people, and they are spoilt for choice when it comes to automotive stores,” Chris said.
amplified if you’re located in a regional area,” Chris said.
As soon as Chris joined the committee, he was introduced to several Parts4 members who shared similar experiences.
“For many years, it was just us, a couple of other independents and a Repco store in town, but over the last decade, competition has increased Chrisexponentially.”hasbeen an active Parts4 committee member for more than five years. During that time, he said he has discovered the real benefits that tapping into a community of like-minded and engaged independent automotive business owners delivers.
“It affords us the opportunity to better engage with our core demographic and really showcase the massive breadth of our product range.”
Rare Spares Sydney is located at the Blacktown Mega Centre at 14 St Martins Crescent, Blacktown and trades Monday through to Saturday. To contact the new store, call 02 9769 0655. For more information, visit
Long-time business owner says Parts4 membership can really add value for independent businesses RARE
“The access to suppliers is exceptional, the rebate structure is fantastic, and membership is extremely cost-effective,” Chris said.
“He needed a hand because his remaining business partner, Rob, had fallen ill, and he was run off his feet.”
“Alby was a great bloke, and of course, he lent his name to the business,” Chris said.
It also goes so far as to offer a lifetime replacement warranty guarantee on all new aftermarket parts (T&Cs apply).
SERVICES 101101Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
With competition between recycled and aftermarket suppliers driving down costs, this is a benefit to repairers in terms of margin, and speed of Forservice.insurers and the vehicle owner, service is also much improved, with CollisionLink Broker proven to reduce job times and enhancing customer “Withsatisfaction.CollisionLink Broker, repairers can realise new benefits in the parts quoting and sourcing process,” OEC Collision International Product Director, Damon Milne, said.
“This is why so many of the biggest names in the industry rely on OEC. In the past year alone, we’ve facilitated over $10B in North American e-commerce and over $30B in global trade.”
Every year, thousands of damaged vehicles are deemed unsalvageable by insurance companies as their repair is deemed too expensive in relation to the vehicle’s market value. This is an inconvenience to vehicle owners and deprives the repair sector of business.
recyclers, transport companies and owner drivers as well as many more business types within the trucking industry.
Total Loss Avoidance
MTP supplies to a range of businesses including collision/smash repairers, auto wreckers/
OEC’s CollisionLink Broker is making sure more cars avoid premature scrappage
MTP mainly supplies parts for Japanese and European trucks such as Hino, Isuzu, Mitsubishi, DAF, Scania, Volvo and many more.
MTP continues to support those industries large and small, that call on it for assistance in supplying parts for damaged trucks.
it has proudly been able to keep the supply of its truck parts coming in throughout the COVID-19 pandemic, implementing a strategic ordering process throughout these challenging times in order to keep up with supply and demand.
For more information, email or visit
“I’d urge anyone who hasn’t tried the system to get in touch with us at OEC, so our team can show them what they’ve been missing – plus the system is free-of-charge to repairers, so there’s nothing to “Today,lose.
driven approach to propose economical repairs to Thevehicles.result is a win for service workshops, bodyshops, vehicle owners, and insurers –keeping a professionally-repaired vehicle on the road, rather than the wastage of sending it to scrap.
It is also now looking at expanding its range by supplying parts for American trucks such as Kenworth, Mack and Freightliner – just to name a MTPfew.says
truck back on the road as quickly and cost effectively as possible.
By using CollisionLink Broker, OEC says repairers can generate an automatic quote within minutes of inspection with the correct part number, at the repairer’s agreed trade terms.
Both Peter and Luke are qualified panel beaters and have extensive knowledge of truck parts. Having been in the industry for over 30 years, both Peter and Luke know the Australian trucking industry inside and out.
MTP says it does not compete with OEM dealers, rather it offers an alternative for the truck repairer and/or truck owner, to enable them to get their
OEC is involved in all areas of the vehicle parts and repair ecosystem. OEC works with 45+ vehicle manufacturers around the globe, enabling those manufacturers and their dealers to sell more parts.
This write-off avoidance was made possible by OEC’s digital sales channel, CollisionLink Broker, which provides integrated connections between service workshops and crash repairers to ensure the seamless and cohesive sale of parts. Furthermore, the system helps save time and provides more work for the repair industry.
Further, the team at MTP have built strong relationships with overseas suppliers and MTP says it imports nothing but the best quality new aftermarket panels, lights, mirrors and more.
MTP says it is always worth contacting MTP on 1800 044 909 or to see how the team can help you find that right part.

OEC’s technology has directly helped to save more than 17,000 vehicles from premature scrappage in the last seven years, and 6,000 in the last two years alone.
Using a secure data feed, CollisionLink Broker works alongside existing estimating systems and uses parts catalogues to validate the fit-forpurpose replacement parts required.
OEC technologies provide cost & time efficiencies to everyone involved in the vehicle parts & repair lifecycle. Suppliers, repairers, manufacturers, insurers, and fleets all use our technology and data services to connect with each other and get vehicles back on the road safely.

Moore Truck Parts (MTP) is 100 percent Australian owned and was established in 1980.
Benefits to sales, productivity and partnerships
Moore Truck Parts says it is ready to help as “Australia’s leading aftermarket truck parts supplier”
OEC says CollisionLink Broker is the only system on the market using such an advanced, data-
“The system has been proven to save both time and money in an increasingly hard-pressed sector. The depth of OEC’s data from the world’s leading manufacturers contributes hugely to a safe and
efficient repair, with the right parts sourced both quickly and efficiently.
The Company is run by father and son, Peter and Luke Moore – Peter is the Proprietor; his son Luke is the Manager.
MTP says its friendly team are always happy to supply you with quality aftermarket parts and if it does not stock the parts you are after, its team will do their best to find, order in or point you in the right direction to get the part you need.
For more information, visit
“This exciting announcement will mean Pedders Official Control Springs and the Pedders by Supashock Control Damper will make up the
complete Supercars Gen3 control suspension package, which is something we are very proud of.”
The brand’s involvement in Supercars doesn’t end there either. Pedders also shares a technical and commercial partnership with Erebus Motorsport, where Pedders supplies motorsport-grade springs to the team while the brand’s logo is visible across the team’s two Holden Commodores.

With such a long-ranging, wide and varied footprint, it is clear that motorsport has to have been extremely beneficial for the Pedders brand over the years.
“We believe any automotive aftermarket business can benefit from the learnings and processes implemented across motorsport teams.
“A great example of this is our new Supercars Gen3 Official Control Spring which has been designed by Pedders in partnership with the Supercars technical team, and manufactured by Pedders at our spring plant in Melbourne.

Heading into 2023, Pedders maintains an extremely positive outlook on the motorsport environment as the Supercars Championship heads into the new Gen3 era, headlined by the new Camaro and Mustang Supercars.
“Pedders and Supercars have been working closely together during the development of the new Gen3 Camaro and Mustang race cars,” Pedders Suspension and Brakes Managing Director, Scott Pedder, said.
“It is no secret that our family has always maintained a passion and enthusiasm for motorsport, while understanding the commercial benefits that it can have for automotive businesses,” Scott said.
“Motorsport teams require highly innovative solutions in short timeframes to overcome problems and remain competitive,” Scott said.
Pedders Suspension and Brakes is a family-owned and operated automotive business that has a rich history in motorsport, both in Australia and Asinternationally.anautomotive business that constantly strives for innovation, quality and performance, there is an obvious synergy between the Pedders values and the pursuit of achievement in motorsport.
“This is a unique project that requires a highly specialised spring design, testing and evaluation of multiple spring rates, and all in a relatively short timeframe to meet a set deadline.
“The experience of creating motorsport-specific parts like this one over the years has strengthened our innovation qualities and has lead to product improvement – and this benefits all of our end Inconsumers.”addition, Pedders is able to leverage its motorsport sponsorships in a variety of ways to provide experiences and engagement for the benefit of various business stakeholders.
The relationship between Pedders and the Supercars Championship was stepped up even further recently, with a new extended partnership announced at the Sandown SuperSprint which will see Pedders become the Official Control Spring supplier to the entire category from 2023.
Pedders first made a name for itself in rallying, where Ron, Mark and Scott Pedder were all highly competitive. In fact, Scott Pedder claimed the 2014 Australian Rally Championship and even competed in the World Rally Championship in 2015 and 2016 in the WRC2 category.

Pedders has also been a long-time supporter of the Supercars Championship – Australia’s top tier touring car category.
For more information, visit
While the brand’s Supercars sponsorship is the hero of its motorsport program, Pedders also supports young up and coming drivers such as 18-year-old Australian Trans Am racer, Jackson Rice, and franchisees also support local grassroots motorsport at all different levels around the country – including across Hyundai Excel racing, HQ Holdens, karting, and more.
“We run social media competitions and share motorsport content through our channels while accessing motorsport personalities as brand ambassadors. Our motorsport sponsorships also benefit Pedders’ staff, franchisees and customers via a range of leveraging strategies currently in place,” Scott said.
While the family no longer competes at the top level, Pedders is still actively involved in rallying –recently unveiling a new sponsorship of Australian Rally Champion, Harry Bates, as he prepared to make his debut in the World Rally Championship at Rally New Zealand in the Pedders-backed Skoda Fabia WRC2 car.
The company has been the Official Suspension Partner of the Supercars Championship with a commercial and technical partnership since 2020, and the Pedders Damper By Supashock is also the Official Control Damper of the category – meaning all teams and drivers race on the same Pedders By Supashock shock absorber.
102 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The company and its products are thriving across a wide range of racing disciplines
“For instance, motorsport team members have strong team relationships, adapt quickly to change and develop products quickly and to a high standard to keep up with the competition – these are all processes and lessons that can be adapted to any automotive business to gain a competitive advantage, and this is why Pedders maintains close relationships with its motorsport partners.”
“Motorsport has been extremely beneficial for the Pedders brand over the years – not only increasing brand awareness across multiple market segments, but also giving the brand credibility.
“Motorsport remains an aspirational and engaging sport that will continue to be an important part of the Pedders marketing mix into the future,” Scott said.
The benefits are clear when it comes to product development also, adds Scott.
perpetual cup, which has been created by none other than Stan’s son, Terry Sainty.
For more information,
The vessel is crafted from titanium sheet and is argon tig welded. The shape is inspired by the rear wing struts on the dragster and set at an angle of 63 Thedegrees.starsof
The successful drivers, aged between 14 and 17 years old, were selected from a pool of more than 60 applicants and will now head to Malaysia where they will be evaluated on their driving, fitness and media
For a full list of drivers nominated visit
Top Fuel Australia wants to race for a purpose and with meaning. They see Stan as an Ambassador and pioneer for Top Fuel and could think of no one better to bestow this glory upon.
The Stan Sainty Cup has been 100 percent proudly made in Riverstone Australia in the Sainty Engineering workshop. Terry and his tradesman, Billy Foster, have spent more than 200 hours designing, machining, fabricating, welding, and polishing a truly unique trophy with meaning to capture the essence of both Stan Sainty and Top
“We are thrilled with the huge amount of interest shown in the application process and I feel there is very little in it with all 24 drivers a good chance of progressing through to the next phase.
The fastest drag racing series in the country, the Burson Auto Parts Australian Top Fuel Championship, demands an award as spectacular as the racing it serves up each round.
When Top Fuel Australia’s Nathan Prendergast reached out to the Sainty Family late last season to ask if they could name the championship in Stan’s honour, the wheels quickly began turning.
The Stan Sainty Cup has been unveiled
A smaller version of the trophy has also been made and will be presented to the Top Fuel Championship winner each year for them to keep.
Makingpool. upthe field are drivers from Australia, New Zealand, India, Singapore, Thailand, Indonesia and WithJapan.all 24 finalists capable of being selected for the Ferrari Driver Academy’s Scouting World Finals,
from the intense testing program, up to two drivers may be selected to attend the FDA’s Scouting World Finals in Maranello, where they will go up against drivers from other regions in a bid for a potential place in the FDA for 2023.
The participants for the 2022 Ferrari Driver Academy (FDA) – Asia Pacific and Oceania regional selection program have been chosen with 24 drivers to attend Sepang International Circuit for the three-day event (26-28 September).
“The three-day intensive program will certainly challenge these young drivers in all aspects, and we look forward to seeing them in action at the magnificent Sepang International Circuit.”
With Motorsport Australia running the Asia Pacific and Oceania regional selection program in 2022, the 24 selected teenagers hail from seven different countries highlighting the diversity of this year’s talent

Motorsport Australia’s Director of Motorsport and Commercial Operations, Michael Smith, was looking forward to the event.
“Stan was a master machinist who had an incredible talent for engine design,” Nathan said.
and the constellation of stars that can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.
“And what an honour it is that we most graciously accepted,” Stan’s wife, Margaret Sainty, said.
The Championship Trophy will be known as the Stan Sainty Cup, and the winner of the Australian Top Fuel Championship will be presented with the
“A big congratulations to all 24 drivers for being selected for this year’s FDA Asia Pacific and Oceania regional selection program, which is a massive achievement in itself,” Michael said.
of the trophy is made from a solid block of billet aluminium, just like a Top Fuel engine. It is CNC-machined with facets and engraved on the oval face and underneath as well.

“The Ferrari Driver Academy is an incredible opportunity for the aspiring youngsters, and to have a number of drivers selected from outside Australia is fantastic as it represents the strong diversity of this year’s competition.
“In life, Stan Sainty seemed unconquerable. He was big and strong, with the hands of a man who made his living by hard work. He was quiet, generous, uncomplicated; a humble figure who was just doing what he loved.”
&PERFORMANCERACING 103103Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The Burson Auto Parts Australian Top Fuel Championship congratulates Peter Xiberras on being the inaugural winner of the Stan Sainty Cup. The Cup was presented to Peter at round one of the 2022 Burson Auto Parts Australian Top Fuel Championship, held at Alice Springs Inland Dragway on September 2.
Lincoln Taylor (pictured right) is one of 24 drivers to be selected for the regional selection program.
the Southern Cross have been cut out of the titanium cup creating a shadow and is a proud representation of the Australian culture
Motorsport Australia has announced 24 racers for the prestigious program
A collaboration between Castrol, Tickford Racing, and the Randle family, the fundraising initiative was a particularly personal one for the 26-year-old DiagnosedVictorian.

While landing a pair of Top 10 finishes at the Sandown SuperSprint last month was a highlight for Castrol Racing’s Thomas Randle, the biggest achievement of his weekend was realised offtrack, with Thomas and Castrol teaming up to raise over $47,000 for the Peter MacCallum Cancer DrivingFoundation.apurple-tinged #55 Castrol Racing Ford Mustang, the weekend served as a major fundraising initiative for ONTrac at the Peter Mac Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Cancer Service.
“Whether it’s raising awareness, funds, or simply providing unique opportunities for those involved with Peter Mac programs, we’re thrilled Castrol could play a small role.”
In addition to driving donations, Castrol worked to create lasting experiences for young people in the Peter Mac program by providing 100 passes to the Sandown SuperSprint to young patients.
with testicular cancer in early 2020, Thomas sought support from the service throughout his treatment, and now serves as a member of the Victorian Youth Cancer Action Board, helping to improve services and support for young cancer patients and their families.
ONTrac at Peter Mac is a multidisciplinary service providing care for adolescents and young adults affected by cancer.
Several fundraising opportunities were rolled out across the Sandown race event, allowing fans to directly support young people with cancer.
Dr Jeremy Lewin, Medical Director of the ONTrac at Peter Mac Victorian Adolescent and Young Adult Service, welcomed the support from both Castrol and Thomas, which will help drive attention and donations to the service that aims to improve outcomes for young people with cancer.
“We are thrilled to have such fantastic support from Thomas and the team at Castrol Racing through their program across the Sandown weekend,” Dr Lewin said.
“The service provides a range of supports aimed at improving outcomes and experiences of young people with cancer. We have worked closely with Thomas since his own cancer diagnosis in 2020, and are delighted to see him doing so well today, and also by his work in support of our service.”
Supports provided by ONTrac at Peter Mac are designed to sit alongside a young person’s cancer treatment and cover everything from exercise and nutrition to mental health, and help to navigate education, employment or family challenges that can arise.
Vital funds for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation were raised at Sandown Raceway
“I know that the most enjoyable laps Thomas Randle has driven this year in the Castrol Racing Mustang were those with passengers from Peter Mac,” Jan said.

Now 18 months cancer-free and in the midst of his first full season in the Supercars Championship, Thomas was excited to give back to the service that supported him on his journey.
“We felt privileged to auction the number 55 supercar bonnet to raise funds for a much-needed cause,” Lloyds Auctions Chief Operations Officer, Lee Hames, said.
Notably, one race fan walked away with the raceused bonnet of the No. 55 Castrol Racing Ford Mustang, with Lloyds Auctions managing an online auction across the weekend, from which all proceeds went directly to the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation.
&PERFORMANCERACING 104 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
The auction of the bonnet alone raised $3100 for the Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation.
and Product Marketing Manager Jan Willink, expressed his delight in supporting the ONTrac at Peter Mac service through Tickford’s rising star, Thomas Randle.
“Our service exists to help young people with cancer navigate the extra challenges we know they face. The years 15-25 are a critical period for a person’s development and trajectory in life, and facing a cancer diagnosis and its treatment during that time can be particularly disruptive.
For more from Castrol, visit
“Castrol is extremely proud to support the work done by Peter Mac through their adolescent and young adult cancer service,” Jan said.
Over a dozen young people also got the ride of their life with Thomas at the team’s Ride Day, riding shotgun aboard the Castrol Racing Mustang.
“It was an honour to represent Peter Mac on the grid at the 2022 Sandown SuperSprint,” Thomas said. “Peter Mac was instrumental in treating me during my period with testicular cancer, while also providing me with further assistance from the ONTrac at Peter Mac service, which provides support to adolescents and young adults affected by Withcancer.”Castrol Australia kicking off the fundraising drive with a contribution of $10,000, Castrol Brand
Earlier this year, Summernats announced a partnership with Media Scrum (www.mediascrum. to provide traders and sponsors with an increased level of service, and this relationship is reportedly already bearing fruit.
Following the success of its partnership with the Australian Top Fuel Championship, Burson Auto Parts has just inked a deal to secure the naming rights to Motorvation 37.
It has been a massive year for Burson Auto Parts
“To say we are excited to have Burson Auto Parts on board for Motorvation 37 is an understatement,” Motorvation Co-Promoter, Andy Lopez, said. “We’ve worked with them across many of our events, and most recently, we’ve helped them to engage with the large and hugely passionate drag racing community as the naming rights sponsor of the Australian Top Fuel Championship.”
“Our fan base is engaged and committed,” Andy
For more about Burson Auto Parts, visit
Andy reported that product sales by traders at their events have already exceeded $30 million.
“In addition to Motorvation, we also own Summernats and Motorex and partner with the Northern Territory Government and Rockhampton Council on Red CentreNats and RockyNats, respectively,” Andy said.

Motorvation is Australia’s longest-running car festival, and Western Australia’s wildest horsepower extravaganza and the team at Burson Auto Parts are already putting plans in place to ‘go big’ at this iconic event that will run from the 3rd to the 5th of February 2023 at the Perth Motorplex.
not afraid to open up the wallet and support those brands, like Burson Auto Parts, who partner with us to deliver the events they love.”
are up, punters are voting with their feet, and we expect that trend to continue in 2023.”
“While the dust is still settling on Summernats, February at the Perth Motorplex will be the place to be for everyone who lives cars and breathes horsepower,” Burson Automotive Pty Ltd State Sales Manager – WA, Louis Sanders, said.

“They are smashing our trade sales targets and are setting a new benchmark for sponsor collaboration. They work hand-in-hand with our events team to develop unique activations for traders and sponsors that drive ROI, improve customer engagement, and ultimately increase sales.”
“Media Scrum is kicking goals,” Andy said.
For more about Motorvation, visit
Motorvation attracts more than 20,000 people and 500-plus entrants and is just one of the motoring lifestyle events promoted by Andy and his hard-working Summernats team.
“The combined annual attendance at these five unique events exceeds 220,000. As Australia reawakens after a couple of tough years, numbers
&PERFORMANCERACING 105105Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
“I can’t give too much away just yet, but I can assure you that we’ve got some cool ideas in the pipeline that we know punters will appreciate.”
• Comes with everything needed for fitting including a bonus six-in-one multi-tool.
performance and consistent pedal feel. The rotor design also offers improved self-cleaning qualities.
Another important component of the front kit is the Bendix 6-Piston calipers – with additional pistons compared to OEM calipers, greater pressure is applied to the brake pads, resulting in shorter stopping distances.

• No need for drill holes inside or outside your ute, which also means, no rust
• Patented adjustable tonneau support bar design allows the cover to maintain a tight fit and great looks in extreme temperatures and all weather conditions.
For more information, visit
With over 25 years’ experience in the industry, Tuff Tonneaus says it has mastered the design of its tonneau covers, so it can guarantee with confidence that its covers are a perfect fit for your ute.
New ADR-compliant Ultimate 4WD Big Brake Upgrade Kits from Bendix are said to deliver vastly improved braking performance for owners of dual cab utes and their wagon derivatives, in the convenience of two comprehensive kits (front and rear).
Also available for those looking for extra tub protection and to stop items rolling around, is Tuff Tonneau’s new ribbed heavy duty 10mm matting cut to suit the Next-Gen Ranger, with and without the factory tub liner installed.
• Unlimited five-year warranty.
The rear Ultimate 4WD Big Brake Upgrade Kit is a full drum to disc conversion kit, which removes all OE drum assembly and replaces it with the Bendix Ultimate 4WD disc rotors and hydraulic calipers. The kit comes complete with replacement bearings and seals (ABS rings and collars depending on vehicle model).

“Our professionally created, easy to read fitting instructions means you can finish the job in under 15 minutes, even with no experience. You will feel like it was installed by an expert!” Tuff Tonneaus Managing Director, David Wilson, said.
The front kit includes larger diameter Ultimate 4WD Disc Brake Rotors, Bendix 6-Piston monoblock calipers with bracket mounting kit, as well as Ultimate 4WD Brake Pads and Ultimate 4WD Braided Brake Hoses.
15 minutes to install even with no experience following the supplied, easy to read instructions.
With sleek lines and soft curves, the cover goes on and comes off in seconds thanks to a new no drill clamping system.
• Stretch cord, clip on system attached to the underside of the cover, enabling you to secure your cover and handle over size loads with ease.
New products are now available to suit the Next-Gen Ford Ranger
Other key features include:
The kit also includes a replacement park brake mechanism that’s actuated using the OE park brake cable, Bendix Brake Hoses, Ultimate 4WD Brake Pads and all the ancillary components and accessories mentioned for the front kits.
Tuff Tonneaus says its Clip On 2.0 Tonneau Cover has reinvigorated the Clip On cover with a host of new features, and it is now even easier to install and simple to use.

Trade Pricing is available for Business Customers. For more information, visit or email or call 03 8720 0700.
106 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022
No Drill 2.0 Clip On Tonneau Cover
Tuff Tonneaus has introduced a range of tonneau covers and rubber mats to suit the recently released Next-Gen Ford Ranger.
Bendix says the new kits offer huge braking gains
Also included are SAEj1401-approved Ultimate 4WD Brake Hoses which comply to international design standards and offer the added protection of a braided line with sleeve, leading to firm and consistent brake feel. Rounding-out this exciting
offering is a litre of Bendix Heavy Duty Brake Fluid, a can of Bendix Clean-up, a tube of Ceramasil brake parts lubricant and a 60 litre Bendix branded icebox.
It has been designed, manufactured and assembled in Melbourne, Australia, and takes
Complementing the Ultimate 4WD Disc Brake Rotors are the proven Ultimate 4WD Brake Pads which have been specially designed for use with slotted rotors. Also included is a Mechanical Retention System (MRS) backing plate.
• Comes complete with a bottle of 303 Aerospace Protectant.
All covers are made to order and dispatched in less than 24 hours. Tuff Tonneaus says its extensive tonneau cover range provides excellent value and premium quality to both customers and retailers, while offering “a simple install at the right price –and one that is made and backed by Australia’s leading tonneau cover manufacturer.”
The larger Ultimate 4WD Disc Brake Rotors are a generous 365mm in diameter and feature a ‘Diamond Tip Slot’ that allows gases to escape in demanding driving situations, maintaining braking
Amongst the new products released is Tuff Tonneaus No Drill 2.0 Clip On Tonneau Cover, which is now available for all tub configurations including sports bars, headboard and standard.
Other benefits of the rotors include High Carbon Metallurgy which improves noise dampening while lowering thermal conductivity – together this results in improved durability and stopping power, while robust pillar construction aids thermal stability. Additionally, the Ultimate 4WD Disc Brake Rotors come with SwiftFit surface protection allowing the rotors to be fitted immediately and without the need to clean or treat them with anti-rust oil.
If workshop employees are already familiar with a product, it is tempting to simply get started without finding out about any special features during installation.
If there are any special features that need to be taken into account, Bilstein says it always encloses appropriate installation information.
As a result of the incorrect installation described above, the spring plate of the shock absorber is now in a raised position. This results in significantly increased ground clearance on the front axle.
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For further information on the new Hulk 4x4 Switch Panels and the entire Hulk 4x4 product range available through CoolDrive, visit
Mustafa Yavuz from Bilstein Technical Support explains this using the example of the first generation of the Honda CR-V, which was produced from 1996 to 2001.
“In the case described to us by a workshop, the odd situation occurred in which the SUV suddenly stood higher than before after Bilstein B6 shock absorbers had been installed,” Mustafa said.

Photos: Copyright Bilstein 2022
This does not remain permanently on the Honda, but merely serves as a mounting aid to fasten the brake hose holder.
However, it says the vehicle should by no means stand higher after installation. So, what went wrong with the damper installation in the example case? After all, longer springs are normally required to lift the body, and these were definitely not used.
The Hulk 4x4 product range at CoolDrive Auto Parts continues to grow, with a range of switch panels now available.
First of all, Bilstein notes a few details about the product. It states the Bilstein B6 is an improved OE replacement shock absorber which is ideal for SUVs in particular, as it compensates for the disadvantage of the high centre of gravity in terms of handling by providing more damping force. Additional lowering is not necessary.
However, this is often not the case if the shock absorbers are the same model, but the vehicle type is different.
The HU7060B Four Way and HU7065B Six Way Switch Panels come with four or six rocker switches with blue LEDs (20 amps at 12V) respectively, including two 50A Anderson style connectors with covers, an accessory power socket (20 amps at 12V) and a Quickcharge dual USB socket.
The Bilstein Academy answers: why is the CR-V higher after replacing shock absorbers?
Bilstein says workshops that have experienced similar oddities themselves or need help with suspension installation or component selection can contact Bilstein’s Technical Support by e-mail on for assistance For more information, visit
Designed specifically for Hulk 4x4, these switch panels are said to be unique from others in the market, with the inclusion of the dual Anderson style plugs in the middle of the panel.
The HU7070B Switch Panel features eight rocker switches with blue LEDs (20 amps at 12V), including two 50A Anderson style connectors with covers, two accessory power sockets, one Quickcharge dual USB socket and one 12-24V DC voltmeter.

attached permanently above the snap ring. However, this is actually intended to accommodate the spring plate.
All three of the Hulk 4x4 Switch Panels are 12-24V and come housed in a nylon panel with M4 stainless screws.
The 12-24V DC Four, Six and Eight Way Switch Panels are supplied prewired to simplify installation, and come with switch sticker sets for easy identification.
12-24V DC Four, Six and Eight Way Switch Panels are now available
Bilstein says the answer to this problem is interesting and instructive: as a special feature of the first-generation CR-V, a special tube is included in the scope of delivery of the vehiclespecific Bilstein B6.
After all, this saves time, and the steps are always the same anyway – aren’t they?
In this case, the mounting tube was mistakenly
“Our products are high quality and fit for the demands of the adventurer at heart. We are certain you’ll find the right gear to suit you.”
Terrain Tamer explains that this bigger braking surface provides improved performance and more stopping power, stating that Australian engineering tests have shown an average of 14 percent improvement in braking distance for vehicles fitted with the Front Brake Upgrade only, and up to 21 percent when fitted along with a Terrain Tamer Rear Disc Conversion Kit.
When purchasing any of Repco’s 4x4 or touring products, consumers can take advantage of Repco’s click and collect feature.
When shopping the entire collection of off-road equipment, Repco says you can enjoy browsing products such as recovery equipment, 4x4 accessories, load carrying equipment, winches, compressors and much more.
For this reason, Raw offers tailor made, built-forpurpose solutions, with a wide range of multiple leaf, coil springs and shock absorber options.
Raw Nitro Max
Based on Powerdown’s proven 45mm bore, truck shock technology, it is designed, developed and manufactured for an ultra-reliable, long service life and tuned for off-road performance.
Terrain Tamer says its new Front Brake Upgrade Kits provide improved brake performance for selected vehicles, combining large six and eight pot caliper designs and Kevlar ceramic brake pads and a larger slotted and dimpled rotor.

Also included are stainless steel abutments and braided brake hoses, which offer reduced swelling and an extended lifespan.
For more information, visit
“With over 400 stores countrywide, Repco is ready to serve your needs,” Melissa said. For more information, visit
For more information, visit to check out the online kit builder.
Powerdown says that its Raw 4x4 brand understands that Australia’s terrain is some of the most diverse and demanding in the world; and that every 4WDriver has a unique purpose for their vehicle, and they do not believe in a “one size fits all” approach.
Repco says it has an ever-expanding range of high-quality off-road equipment and gear to provide security and peace of mind to the adventure-driven 4x4 driver.
we also offer a whole lot of other off-road equipment that’s meant to ease the demands of your off-road adventures.”
Raw Nitro Max is developed specifically for vehicles operating under heavy loads over long distances, on demanding terrain.
108 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Magazine September 2022 4WD TAKE
These calipers join with the 356mm 10-slot and dimpled Geomet-coated rotors, reportedly providing a 40 percent increase in swept area in comparison with OE rotors, as well as a set of Kevlar ceramic low dust brake pads and highgrade alloy steel brake pad insulators.
When it comes to shock absorbers, Raw explains that each of its designs are built for purpose.
Each caliper features either six or eight forged Aluminium pistons.
Suspension to meet your on and/or off-road needs

Included in the kits are enlarged two-piece Aluminium forged brake calipers, along with matching caliper brackets and bolts.
“We believe in purchasing the essentials which is why at Repco our range includes communication devices, navigation tools, recovery tracks and straps to ensure you can dig or lift yourself out of any pit you might encounter in your off-road
Available now from Terrain Tamer MILD TO WILD
The Raw 4x4 online kit builder is specifically designed to ensure that the correct combination of suspension components are chosen, to best suit your load carrying and ride handling needs.
For those that prefer some comforts from home, Repco also offers a range of solar or gas-powered appliances such as stoves, fridge-freezers, and other travel accessories.
“We stock a wide range of 4x4 equipment from trusted brands such as GME, Safari, Runva, Rhino Rack and Drivetech 4x4,” Repco 4x4 Adventure and Escape Assistant Merchandise Manager, Melissa Holford, said.

Fully engineered and ADR approved, Terrain Tamer says the kits should only be installed by a qualified mechanic and must be checked and signed off by an engineer after installation to meet state regulations.
A fast acting monotube design gives consistent performance on and off road. Its single wall construction efficiently dissipates heat; resulting in sharper steering response, less body roll and improved traction.
Front Brake Upgrade Kits are currently available for a range of Toyota 79 Series and Hilux, Ford Ranger, Holden Colorado, Isuzu DMax and Mazda BT50 models.
A gas shock absorber that will improve ride quality through reducing body roll and increasing vehicle stability; it combines an expanded body for extra oil capacity and nitrogen gas for additional cooling Rawpurposes.Nitro shock absorbers are recommended for the recreational 4WDriver looking to lift their vehicle and improve overall suspension performance.
Raw Nitro
Raw Predator
The Raw Predator series is Australian made and designed specifically for 4x4 owners looking for that, sometimes elusive, combination of comfort and control, with a 50/50 balance of off-road and on-road use.
“We also provide battery systems, solar panels and electrical accessories manufactured by the most trusted brands in the automotive industry,” Melissa said.