Alberta Adventist News December 2022

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Do You Hear What I Hear? Out Of The Mire What Might Christmas Look Like In The Years To Come?
DEC 16, 17 & 18 @ 7 pm Tickets may be purchased at EDMONTON SOUTH ADVENTIST CHURCH 5108 - 106 AVE, EDMONTON, AB $5/ticket All proceeds will be donated to the Edmonton Food Bank

It hurts to be turned away. It hurts MANS’ dedicated principal and teachers, too. With the Grade 10 class filled within days, there was no room for the 15 hopeful Grade 10s on the Fall 2022 waiting list. But MANS’ history of waiting lists for a complete high school education doesn’t have to repeat itself yet again. We can invest in a filled-to-capacity, self-sustaining high school starting in Fall 2023 by raising money now to hire an additional teacher. With a second section of Grade 10s eager for a MANS diploma and the doors it can open at Burman University or trade school, we can help ensure more smiles and hope for a whole lot more kids.

Contact Lynn McDowell (587)
Record Enrollment at MANS High School . . . but a whole new Grade 10 class left out MANS “Add a Teacher” Appeal to cover the cost of another high school teacher and ensure more kids’ futures MATCHING Available: $50,000 *Mail cheque to Alberta Conference, 5816 Hwy 2A, Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5 to donate before December 31 for 2022 tax receipt. MAMAWI ATOSKETAN NATIVE SCHOOL To donate go to, scan QR code, mail* or call

Highlights 14

Putting Christ Back in Christmas

Since I’ve migrated some 2,600 kms from my hometown of Red Deer, Alberta to sunny Southern California, Christmas tunes have become my mental Christmas cue. I no longer rely on the first snow fall to shift gears from summer and fall mentality over to the season of lights, of winter activities, and of course the season of Christmas.

DAY ADVENTIST CHURCH: Address: 5816 Highway 2A,

T4L2G5. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Phone: (403) 342-5044, Fax: (403) 775-4482 E ABAdventist, Website:

Alberta Adventist News is a print and digital media publication of the Alberta Conference of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. Editor Troy McQueen; Co-Editor Nanette Quine Submission Guidelines:; Submissions: ELECTED OFFICIALS: President Gary Hodder; Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Treasurer/Chief Financial Officer Keith Richter; Board Members/EXCOM: Gary Hodder—chair, Letniak, Proscovia Nabafu, Tyler Rosengren, Melanie Semchuk, Deborah Silva, Middin Galve-Sumiller, Sheldon Trenchuk, Griffin Webster, Jennifer Williams. Departmental Directo R. Wilton; Planned Giving & Trust Services/Philanthropy Director Lynn McDowell; Foothills Camp Director (TBA); Youth Director Lyle Notice; Communication/IT/Media Dire Lacombe, AB,
Keith Richter, Miguel Brown, Isaac Darko, Massiel Davila-Ferrer, Bruce Fillier, Rayette Hetland, Curtis
& Evangelism Director George Ali; Human Resources Officer Jennifer Williams; Education Superintendent Gail
k Management/Project Development Director Llew Werner ALBERTA CONFERENCE OF THE SEVENTHmail:
SOCIAL MEDIA Twitter: ABAdventist, Facebook: ABAdventist, Instagram: ABAdventist, LinkedIn: 06 Message from the President 08 From the Associate Editor 10 Devotionals 14 Feature 16 Department News 20 Church News 21 Tear-out Sunset Calendar '23 30 School News 34 Philanthropy News 36 MAC/Community Bridge Campaign News 39 Maskwacis News 40 In Memory 41 Announcements 42 Means & Meaning 12 06 DECEMBER 2022 EDITION 06 Do you hear what I hear? Jesus came to bring Joy and Hope to all people. He asks that His church people remember the many who need to have a friend at this time of year." 12 Dead Plants “Stop watering dead plants.” This phrase has been floating around the internet for a while now and it essentially means that if a relationship is costing us something and failing to bring any value to our life, the logical solution is to neglect it. It assumes that all of our relationships should be reciprocal in nature and if things are starting to feel
you are immediately free to cast off the responsibility of maintenance and let the inevitable happen.
Graphic Design Mishell Raedeke/; Photo attribution: Alberta Adventist Communication unless otherwise noted. Hodder—chair, Wayne Williams,
McQueen; Ris
info@ albertaadventist. ca

Do You Hear What I Hear?

Ilove the sounds of Christ mas. Every year I listen to Christmas music on my car radio as I travel. I especially enjoy the sacred hymns such as, "O Holy Night," "Silent Night," and "Do you Hear what I Hear."

The sounds of Christmas can also be heard at Church. Beginning early in December and extending until late in the month, we make good use of the Christmas section in our hymnals. Almyra and I love to attend both the church school concerts and our college, Burman Uni versity, Christmas concerts.

The sounds of Christmas

began some 2000 years ago when Mary heard the sound of the voice of the Angel an nounce to her that she would be the mother of the Messiah.

A few months later the shep herds would be serenaded by the angel choirs announcing Jesus’ birth. The shepherds would then travel to the Inn and hear the sounds of the animals feeding in the stable. Besides these sounds that we remember with fondness and joy, there are also sounds of sadness. The recogni tion of Jesus coming as a newborn King and Saviour brought about undesirable consequences. King Herod in an attempt to maintain his leadership and authority, commanded the death of all children under the age of two.

There could be heard

6 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
Jesus came to bring Joy and Hope to all people. He asks that His church people remember the many who need to have a friend at this time of year."

throughout the land unimag inable anguish and a flood of tears as parents would have to stand by as their children were taken from them. There would be the tears of Joseph and Mary as they would be forced from their homes to flee to Egypt.

This reminds me that Christmas is both a time of joy and a time of sadness. Christ mas is a time of sorrow for those who have lost loved ones and they are no longer with them during the festive season. Others spend this season alone because of living by them selves or away from home. Some are newly divorced and hear only the sounds of silence.

The Bible always shares the full story. While there is sorrow in this world during the Christmas season, we are told that God shares our sorrow. Jesus came to bring joy and hope to all people. He asks that His church people remember the many who need to have a friend at this time of year. We are to reach out and remind them that God cares, and we care. Who knows, perhaps the sounds they hear this Christmas will turn their sorrow into rejoicing.

Gary Hodder President Alberta Conference

Out of the Mire

in a time of post-pandemic, and while the walls that support

the call of

God to carry forward in His path, and yet waver.

The Bible mentions several instances when someone or something was sinking. When David was sinking into the “deep mire” of trials and discouragement, he called to God for help. When Peter was sinking in the waves of the sea, he cried out, “Lord, save me!” When their boat was sinking, the disciples turned to Jesus for help. They obviously looked to the right Deliverer because He rescued them all.

There are times in every believer’s life when they feel as if they are “sinking,” and it will cause one to face every doubt imaginable. Just because you feel like you’re sinking, howev er, doesn’t mean you have sunk. During these moments, your focus makes all the difference. If you find yourself sinking in the spiritual quicksand of sin, trouble, or discouragement, no

matter how deep, God is wait ing to lift you up. Don’t sink, take His outstretched hand!

I sink in deep mire, where there is no standing; I have come into deep waters, where the floods overflow

me. Psalms 69:2 NKJV

But as for me, my prayer is to You, O Lord, in the acceptable time; O God, in the multitude of Your mercy, hear me in the truth of Your salvation. Deliver me out of the mire and let me not sink; let me be delivered from those

that hate me, and out of the deep waters. Psalms 69:13-14 NKJV

True believers are sometimes in deep mire, and in fear of being swallowed up. This was the state and condition of the Psalmist when he wrote this psalm. He felt that he was sinking and could not deliver himself, and therefore he cries unto the Lord for strength in the words of the text, “Deliver me out of the mire and let me not sink.” If a man finds that his own strength fails, he can look up to Him who is an ever-pres ent help in time of trouble and cry unto Him, “Deliver me out of the mire and let me not sink.”

What do you need to see restored or delivered? Is it your job, your family, your health, your finances? Keep your attention on Him and what He promised us in His Word. Boldly claim RESTORATION

us feel increasingly insufficient and even flawed, we, like Peter and David, may know and trust
8 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
As we commemorate the birth of Jesus and as we brace ourselves for another wave of post-pandemic for the new year, let us all look unto Jesus."

because when something is restored, it is put back BETTER than it was before. God is in the business of giving grace to sinners. God is in the business of restoring the fallen. God is in the business of picking up the person who has even denied Him, who has shown himself to be weak, and putting him in a place of strength.

Here's a story illustration about how our lives can be changed or restored when we anchor our eyes to Jesus. A rich businessman died, and when he died, he had no heir. He auctioned everything that he had. There was one old lady who came into that auction, and she looked at a picture of that old man's son who had died at a young age. She bought the picture; she was the only person who showed interest in this picture. She went over, she hardly had clothes worthy to wear yet she went over and paid

the money for that picture. She took it home… that woman had been the nanny for that child. Day after day she would look at that picture, she would ponder it, she would think about not the picture, but the person in the picture, she would think about him. One day as she was gazing on the face in the picture she saw a bulge, like a bubble. She took a razor blade, and she went over. There was something behind the canvas. She put a little cut, a nick, in the paper. Behind it there was a letter, she pulled the letter out and it was the man's missing will. It read that ev erything in his possession was to be given to the person who took time to ponder his son.

As we commemorate the birth of Jesus and as we brace ourselves for another wave of post-pandemic for the new year, let us all look unto Jesus. Let us ponder on the Author

and Finisher of our faith and believe that He can restore us. He can deliver us out of the mire, and we will not sink.

Lord, we praise You for the many ways You comfort and guide us. In our moments of fear, You speak to us with words of reassurance. In our moments of doubt, You reach out Your hand to save us. In our moments of turmoil, You bring calm to the storm.

We place our trust in You today and every day, and wor ship You in the name of Jesus, our Redeemer, our Saviour, our Lord, and our Friend. Amen.

If you would like to help with this endeavor please
For other donations go to Donate to Christmas Food Hampers at Mamawi Atosketan Native School 9 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
contact our school at (403) 783-4362 or

What Might Christmas Look Like In The Years To Come?

As political correct ness is in everyone’s lookout, I wonder how long we can mention about, or greet someone on, or celebrate Christmas openly without fear of being repri manded or harshly criticized publicly. More so, I wonder how we can bring about the “Christ” of Christmas readily.

Also, as political unrests continue to deliver its sound of war to the world, and as financial uncertainty causes survival alarm to the nations, can Christmas be merry still as it used to be? Will not the rise of heinous crimes and vulgarity distract our reverent observance of Christmas?

Christmas Truce

Have you heard about the Christmas Truce on December 24–25, 1914 during World War I?

On July 28, the major countries of Europe engaged in a war. The British, Bel gians, and French were allies against the Germans. They expected the conflict to be over by Christmas of that year.

In December, some 100,000 soldiers scattered in Flan ders, Belgium, bordering France. They saw themselves in trenches 150 feet away from enemy lines. It was several weeks of mild but soaking rain, creating sudden snow and hard frost ice.

As Christmas day ap proached, German Emperor William II, intending to bolster the morale of his soldiers, sent Christmas trees to them. On December 23, these German soldiers began placing the trees outside their trenches while singing, “Silent Night.” Like how Christmas naturally brings in the hearts,

the Allies complimented it by singing “The First Noel” and “O Come, All Ye Faith ful.” The Germans immedi ately joined with the Latin version, “Adeste Fidelis.”

The story reads, “By Christ mas Eve, some lower-ranking British officers had begun ordering their men not to fire unless fired upon.

As morning broke on Christmas Day, German soldiers emerged from their trenches, waving their arms to demonstrate that they had no ill intent. When it became clear that they were not carrying weapons, British soldiers soon joined them, meeting in No Man’s Land to socialize and exchange gifts.” (Christmas Truce, Michael Ray, Encyclopedia Britannica, accessed 14 October 2022, event/The-Christmas-Truce)

DEVOTIONAL 10 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
When circumstances go worst in the coming years, we can still be at best if the Christ of Christmas would be present there. Those circumstances will only make us crave for an eternal, concrete peace in heaven."

Aside from sharing car ols, food, and comradeship, they played soccer against each other in the No Man’s Land. They played soccer on New Year’s Day, also. It is so wonderful to imagine what peace the spirit of Christmas had brought in a real war!

Sadly, that sweet blessing of Christmas was disapproved by the commanders of both camps. “As the Great War resumed, it wreaked such destruction and devastation that soldiers became hardened to the brutality of the war. While there were occasional moments of peace through out the rest of World War I, they never again came on the scale of the Christmas Truce in 1914.” (Silent Night: The Story of the World War I Christmas Truce of 1914, Bajekal, Naina 2014, Time, accessed 14 October 2022, christmas-truce-1914/)

When the war ended in 1918, 25 million people were killed or wounded.

Christmas Blessings Jesus Christ of Christmas will come again on earth, not in

a time when things here are pleasant and better. Not at all! 2 Timothy 3:1–5 lists the wickedness of people in the “perilous times” of the “last days.” The practice of sin listed in Romans 1:21–31 justifies the “righteous judgment of God.” He needs to come back to redeem His oppressed children. Likewise, it is so wonderful to imagine the blessing of inner peace the spirit of Christmas can bring.

Imagine what the presence of Christ brought to the lack of material resource when He made water into wine in the Cana wedding (John 2:1–12); healing of physical and mental ailment to the mother-in-law of Peter and the demoniac (Matthew 8:14–16); comfort and assurance to the disciples when He calmed the storm while they were sailing in a boat (Mark 4:35–39); hope to the condemned adulterer (John 8:1–11) and to the thief on the cross (Luke 23:39–43); offer of friendship to a greedy tax collector, Zacchaeus (Luke 19:5–10); and even resurrection to Lazarus (John 11:41–44) and to others who die in Him (1 Thessalonians

4:16, 17). Those blessings came when Christ was with them physically. Yet, the Apostle Paul had also experienced blessings when “Christ lives in” him (Galatians 2:20) by faith.

Christmas Wish

When circumstances go worst in the coming years, we can still be at best if the Christ of Christmas would be present there. Those circumstances will only make us crave for an eternal, concrete peace in heaven. Situations may be unpleasant, but our intentional choice to still have a “Merry Christmas,” one year at a time, could bring us earthly peace while sojourning here on earth. “Christ will make His home in your hearts as you trust in Him.” (Ephesians 3:17, NLT).

Abel Cordero
11 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Pastor of Moreno Hills Adventist Church Southeastern California Conference

Dead Plants


top watering dead plants.” This phrase has been floating around the internet for a while now and it essentially means that if a relationship is costing us something and failing to bring any value to our life, the logical solution is to neglect it. It assumes that all of our relationships should be reciprocal in nature and if things are starting to feel onesided, you are immediately free to cast off the responsibility of maintenance and let the inevitable happen. Another related quote is circulating that plays on the same theme: “Stop texting first and see how many dead plants you’ve been watering.” From a selfish, worldly perspective, this makes perfect sense. If we are living exclusively for self, then a relationship that doesn’t

benefit us or at least maintain equity is just a waste of time and energy and it makes sense to pack up your watering can and say good riddance.

I got to thinking about a Christian’s response to this sentiment. I’ve noticed a lot of emphasis lately on self-care in our high-stress, modern society. This practice, defined as taking an active role in protecting one’s own wellbeing and happiness, most definitely has its place. There’s nothing wrong with infusing our days with things that bring joy or enhance mental health and there are absolutely situations where toxic people need to be cut from our lives. But the danger is that we can become so focused

on our own needs that we miss opportunities to serve others. The gospel is often at odds with the world and our primary focus should be servanthood, not selfishness. Jesus said, “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give His life as a ransom for many.” (Mark 10:45) God places people in our orbit because they need Him, and He lets us take part in the joy of being a conduit of resources and blessing to them. Another consideration is that we never truly know what is going on in someone’s life. It’s easy to take things personally when we’re putting effort in, and the other person has gone quiet. But maybe they’re struggling with undisclosed health problems. It could be that their marriage is going south, or depression

DEVOTIONAL 12 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022

is clouding their days. Or perhaps the trauma they’ve endured in the past is tainting their life in the present. Is perfect relational reciprocity a necessity or are we called to keep pouring energy into unpromising vessels?

Growing up as a pastor’s kid, I watched my dad water a lot of dead plants. He spent hours listening to and counseling the obvious hopeless cases. You know, the people that you see coming toward you or who’s number comes up on your phone and you immediately cringe and start planning your escape. These were people who required a lot of energy and could offer very little in return, mostly made up of the mentally challenged, the traumatized, the lonely, or even just disgruntled church members who were never happy no matter what he did. From my youthful perspective, my dad poured himself into the least profitable relationships. I couldn’t understand why he didn’t devote more effort to tending those who could bring him prestige, power and popularity or at least balance his time out less disproportionately. It just seemed like he gave so much and gained so little in return.

Jesus also had a habit of watering dead plants: lepers, tax collectors, demoniacs, prostitutes, all with futility written all over them. But I think the one that stands out the most to me is Judas. He was never called

to discipleship, but rather insinuated himself into the group at the urging of the other men who were dazzled by his charisma and business acumen. Jesus could’ve spurned him and denied entry to his band of brothers. He knew Judas’ heart and could no doubt see the betrayal looming ahead. But instead, Judas was placed where he couldn’t help but see the contrast of his own perfidy and worldly ambition with the selflessness of Christ. Day after day, Jesus poured Himself into a relationship

that brought Him nothing but heartache and disappointment. Judas, by allowing Satan access to parts of his character, gave rise to confusion and dissension in the ranks of the other disciples as they earnestly tried to comprehend the mission of Christ. It must have felt like having an enemy in the camp who was constantly confounding the work. In the end, he firmly planted his allegiance with the other side and sold his Master for the price of a slave. Why did Jesus water this necrotic plant? Because there was always the chance, as infinitesimal as it was, that Judas would surrender his selfish heart to the One who saw what he could become if he embraced redemption and allowed himself to be transformed.

Do you have a dead plant or two in your life? Jesus’ example calls us to keep watering. Not because we want to or even because we have hope of change, but because we are called to by the One who never stops watering us.

Bethanne Nichols, an alumna of both PAA and Burman, is currently living in Salmon Arm with her husband and two daughters.

Stop texting first and see how many dead plants you’ve been watering.” From a selfish, worldly perspective, this makes perfect sense. If we are living exclusively for self, then a relationship that doesn’t benefit us or at least maintain equity is just a waste of time and energy and it makes sense to pack up your watering can and say good riddance."
13 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Bethanne Nichols

Putting Christ Back in Christmas

Since I’ve migrated some 2,600 kms from my hometown of Red Deer, Alberta to sunny Southern Cal ifornia, Christmas tunes have become my mental Christmas cue. I no longer rely on the first snow fall to shift gears from summer and fall mentality over to the season of lights, of winter activities, and of course the season of Christmas. Now it’s the familiar Christmas clas sics on the radio that do the job: that and the stress of shop ping, spending, and keeping up with credit card payments.

Stress can show up in many different ways for different people in different times of the year. But for some reason the time of the year that is

supposed to be the season of peace, joy and giving is often the most stressful time of the year. Why is that?

I won’t pretend to have the solution for everyone, but I can try to practice some self-reflec tion and maybe share a little of what I learned about myself.

I can’t say I’m the biggest giver, but I remember being excited at an early age to use my own money from my own savings to purchase Christmas gifts for my dad, mom, and brother. Just really simple gifts of no more than $5 or $10. And I remember the joy I had seeing them open their pres

ents. Plus, I don’t recall stress being in the picture back then. Fast forward over three de cades later. I still enjoy giving gifts to my loved ones, but now there is so much more noise. There are the bills, the end less shopping, the decorating and cleaning, the Christmas programs, and the to do lists just seem to keep piling up. And in the midst of the chaos, I find myself thinking, when do I have any time for me?

Sound familiar? Burnout is a very real thing. Self-care is the talking point whenever stress management is men tioned. And I agree, self-care is such an important practice when striving for that healthy balance in this often chaotic


life. But I would argue that for some, self-care is sim ply a means of treating the symptoms of the underlying problem. For me, that under lying problem lies in perspec tive. Where am I focusing. Or who am I focusing on? Remember the story of Mar tha and Mary? It’s a short sto ry found in Luke 10:38-42. But it drives home an important point. As they are often found, Jesus and His disciples are noted to be traveling from one village to the next, and Jesus is invited to Martha and Mary’s home. Martha is noted to be bothered that Mary seems to be preoccupied by Jesus’ words. So much so that she has left all the work for Martha to accomplish alone. And Martha ends up asking Jesus to have Mary help her with all that had to be done. The NIV, verse 40 says, “But Martha was distracted by all the prepara tions that had to be made.”

Distracted. I think that one word sums up the problem for a lot of us. Somehow, we went from a 9-year-old, focused on bringing joy to our father, our mother and our siblings to a distracted child of God focused on things other than Him. We have too often become dis tracted from all the preparations that have to be made and lost focus on Jesus.

Listen to what Jesus says to Martha,

“you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

How many things are needed? Only one, and Mary was where she needed to be, sitting at the Lord’s feet, listening to what He said.

I’ve heard some sympathize with Martha, likely identi fying with all the important tasks that needed to be done. But that is really the point Jesus wanted to make. The distractions don’t have to necessarily be bad things in and of themselves. They can actually be important things. And maybe even necessary things. But Jesus implies that if these “important things” get in the way of a relationship with Him, they are no longer necessary.

Because Jesus is all about relationships. In fact, the very act of giving is meant to en hance a relationship, between the giver and the receiver.

True giving is really a social interaction. It is not just making a donation to a cause. It is relaying the message: “I care about you, because you are important to me.”

Didn’t God demonstrate this perfectly? “For God so loved the world, that He gave His only son.”

True giving is also most beneficial to the giver when the act has nothing to do with themselves. In His very act of giving His life on the cross, Je sus was still focused on those He was dying for, “Father,

forgive them for they don’t know what they are doing.”

Sure, Christmas is a busy time of the year. I would even agree with those who feel like it can be the most hectic time of the year. Someone once told me Christmas is not fun anymore, it’s real ly just for children. But in Matthew 19:14 Jesus said, “let the children come to me.”

So maybe it’s time to be a kid again. Maybe the noise in your life needs to be reexamined. The Marthas will point out that those distractions are still important, and Jesus will say, but not at the expense of Me.

So, enjoy the season of giving. And by all means get done what needs to get done. But while you navi gate through the tasks of the holiday season, don’t forget to carve out some time for Him. And as you sit at His feet and listen to His words maybe the feelings you had when you were nine years old, watching your parents and brother open their presents will return.

Dr. Michael Quines is an alumnus of PAA in high school, and Burman University in College. He works as a psy chiatrist and sees patients within Kaiser Permanente. He’s part of the Southern California Permanente Medical Group.

Dr. Michael Quines MD, General Psychiatry
15 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Elevate X “Pop Up”

Church – The REMIX

Within music culture, there is the term called the “Remix.”

A remix is when the producer or beat maker takes the existing original song and improves upon the song by changing a variety of things, either the pitch, the tempo, the melody, or the entire musical arrangement. Sometimes a new artist can be asked to sing a verse on the new track. Or perhaps the producer samples new sounds and adds to the new composition.

Often, the remixed songs sound way better than the original. The concept of the remix came about when a producer who was listening to a DJ play music and was unhappy with the DJ’s inability to keep the music playing continuously.

Because of the listener’s frustration with the musical situation, he decided to go home and create something completely new.

The remix in a spiritual context can be applied, we

have God the master producer and sound engineer. He takes each of our lives and is constantly remixing them by improving on the older original work.

Elevate X “Pop UP” Church was an alternative church gathering for young adults. It took place on October 20-22 at the Social Eyez Lounge on the Campus of Burman University.

The theme was The Remix. The guest praise and worship leader was Audrey French from Edmonton. She had an

16 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
Audrey French and praise team.

amazing praise team with high skilled and talented musicians. Audrey and the team ushered in a spirit of worship with contemporary gospel songs that spoke to the heart.

The guest speaker was Pastor Ron Sydney, who currently pastors in Ventura, California.

Pastor Ron is a gifted speaker who was able to use his uncanny ability to connect with all people. He shared personal stories and messages from the Bible to reinforce the theme that, God is able to remix our lives and create a newness of life within us.

An interesting portion of the weekend was the DJ. Pastor Mathew Feeley, who

is currently pastoring in Oshawa, ON. Feeley has a powerful story. He grew up in the streets of Toronto, with drugs and alcohol, but he had passion for creatively spinning records on the turntable. One day he walked off the streets of Scarborough into the Scarborough Adventist Church to hear preaching from an evangelistic crusade. That fateful day changed his life forever. He felt the calling of God on his life and became a pastor. Not only did God remix his life for good, but now he is using his turntables as a ministry to reach the unreached.

The weekend was a true blessing with the evidence of God pushing the needle on change in our lives. Perhaps in our day with constant change, God is looking for new and creative ways to express his love and create community. Although we know “God is the same yesterday, today and forever,” perhaps he doesn’t want us to always continue to do the same things in the context of faith gatherings. Perhaps he wants to change, enhance or improve what we already have. Perhaps he is looking for a REMIX!

Pastor Ron Sydney sharing a powerful message. Lunch at Indian Flame, Red Deer. Pastor Lyle Notice with pastor JP Deximo.
17 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Pastors Ron, Lyle, and Matt – evidence of God remixing our lives.

Let’s Move Day Calgary

On September 11, 2022, over 400 people came out on a beautiful sunny day to the Glenmore Athletic Park in Calgary to participate in the first Let’s Move Day. This event was organized as a 5kms walk/ run that encourages people to make healthy lifestyle changes and to keep active.

The day began with event registration, then t-shirt and number distribution,

and a few warmup exercises. Then before the run, Pastor Paul Antunes had a short devotional, and a speech was given by the Canadian Mental Health Society, which was supported at the event.

Hundreds of excited runners were ready as the siren blew, and for just over an hour, young and old went around the track together. Some people intently ran for the prize, and others

simply walked, laughing, and sharing together.

After the run, many participants stayed at the park, where tents were set up for people to purchase food and bouncy Castles were available for children to play.

A very big thank you to the Calgary Ministerium and all the support staff who helped organize the event.

Pastor Paul Antunes speaking to the crowd.
DEPARTMENT NEWS 18 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
Organizers of the event.

“Rewriting Your Leadership Story”

Uniform Ministries Leadership Training Weekend

Janeth Vasquez, the Alberta Conference uniform ministries coordinator, planned and organized a wonderful training weekend with the uniform ministries executive team at Foothills Camp, October 28-30, 2022.

The theme of the weekend was entitled, “Rewriting Your Leadership Story.”

We were blessed to have three dynamic guest speakers for the weekend, Pastor Fidel Soto from Florida, Pastor Rudy Alvir from Nevada/Utah Conference and Nwamiko Madden from Lacombe.

Pastor Soto, who focused on communication, deep listen ing and emotional health, helped listeners understand how we are impacted by our past hurt and trauma.

Pastor Rudy captivated the

audience with his message and preaching style.

And Nwamiko, whose practi cal and creative illustrations and personal stories, made the entire weekend inter esting and entertaining.

Also present were seminar presenters, Dr. Sania Dookie, Uzzie and Divina Buhia, Chris Ohlmann and others. We had an amazing attendance of over 100 participants who commented about the powerful presentations and well organized program. We had some delicious food

prepared by Heather Har rington and her team at Foot hills Camp. As the weekend ended, the group paused to pray for several families and to thank God for such an impact ful and informative weekend.

The last thing on the agenda was first aid and CPR training lead by Violet Lewis, that 13 people completed on Sunday.

Thank you to everyone who helped with this event. We look forward to seeing you all again next year.

— By Dr. Lyle Notice, Youth Director, Alberta Conference

Uniform Ministries Leadership Team.
DEPARTMENT NEWS 19 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Dr. Sania Dookie presenting about Youth Development.

Tabitha Phiri Honoured for Serving Newcomers

Tabitha Phiri serves as an elder at the College Heights Church, where she also leads the Prayer Ministry Team. Recently I had the privilege of attending an awards ceremony at which Tabitha was honoured for serving others. Queen Elizabeth II’s Platinum Jubilee Medals are awarded to Alber tans in recognition of significant contributions to the province. The medal was created to mark the 70th anniversary of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s accession to the throne.

Tabitha works at Central Alberta Immigrant Women’s Association, CAIWA, helping new immigrants get settled. At the award ceremony held at the Wolf Creek Golf Resort near Ponoka, eighteen Central Albertans were recognized

for their contributions. As Tabitha went forward to receive her medal from Lacombe-Ponoka MLA, Ron Orr, Minister of Culture, the following write up was read… Tabitha’s passion for the community goes back 24 years ago when she migrated to Canada with her two sons. Civil war forced her to leave her country and everything she owned. She studied at Canadian University College, which is now known as Burman Uni versity. Life in Canada was not easy, but it was through those struggles that Tabitha’s passion for social justice was born.

Today she helps newcomers to Alberta in many different aspects. Many who arrive to Canada are affected by domes tic violence, face immigration

hurdles, are unemployed, have housing issues, and need legal assistance. Tabitha is there to assist with all these needs. She helps to make Alberta feel like home where they can live in peace and freedom.

In Tabitha’s words, “I do what I do not just because it’s a job, but to give women, girls and children hope, and to help them achieve their dreams by putting a smile on the faces of struggling women and children.”

Thank you, Tabitha, for making the transition to Canada a little easier for these families.

I’m so proud of this godly woman! Tabitha lives her life to bless others. It was won derful to see her honoured by the Government of Alberta!

CHURCH NEWS 20 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
Tabitha with her son Crux Phiri.
OFFERING SCHEDULE * Special Materials Provided + Special Project Development SEPTEMBER 02 Church Family Budget 09 World Budget (Emphasis: Radio Ministries) (GC)* 16 Church Family Budget 23 Canadian Indigenous Ministries* 30 Church Family Budget DECEMBER 02 Local Family Budget 09 Adventist Ministries of Compassion Canada* 16 Local Family Budget 23 Alberta Advance 30 Canadian French Ministries* THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERINGS East-Central Africa Division (ECD) April 1 + Inter-European Division (EUD) July 1 + Trans-European Division (TED) September 30 + West-Central Africa Division (WAD) December 30 + MISSION INVESTMENT PROJECTS Lake Union + Columbia Union + Hanna Lacombe Lethbridge Medicine Hat Yellowknife 9:45 9:57 9:39 9:32 11:26 9:40 9:51 9:34 9:27 11:12 9:32 9:43 9:27 9:20 10:56 9:22 9:33 9:18 9:11 10:37 9:11 9:21 9:08 9:00 10:16 8:58 9:08 8:56 8:48 9:55 8:44 8:53 8:43 8:35 9:33 8:29 8:38 8:29 8:21 9:10 8:14 8:22 8:14 8:06 8:47 7:58 8:06 8:00 7:51 8:24 7:42 7:50 7:44 7:36 8:01 7:26 7:33 7:29 7:20 7:37 7:09 7:16 7:14 7:05 7:14 6:53 7:00 6:59 6:50 6:51 6:38 6:44 6:44 6:35 6:28 6:23 6:29 6:30 6:21 6:06 6:09 6:14 6:17 6:08 5:44 5:56 6:01 6:05 5:56 5:23 4:45 4:49 4:55 4:45 4:04 4:35 4:39 4:45 4:36 3:46 4:27 4:30 4:38 4:28 3:30 4:21 4:24 4:33 4:23 3:17 4:18 4:21 4:31 4:20 3:07 4:17 4:20 4:31 4:20 3:03 4:20 4:23 4:33 4:23 3:04 4:25 4:28 4:38 4:28 3:11
2023 OFFERING DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS SUNDAY, MARCH 12 AND ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 This is a publication of the Alberta Conference Communication Department 5816 Highway 2A Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5 Phone: (403) 342-5044 Fax : (403) 775-4482 ABAdventist ABAdventist ABAdventist ABAdventist JANUARY 07 Church Family Budget 14 Religious Liberty* 21 Church Family Budget 28 Alberta Advance APRIL 01 Church Family Budget 08 Hope Channel International, Inc.*(GC) 15 Church Family Budget 22 Alberta Advance 29 Church Family Budget MAY 06 Church Family Budget 13 Disaster & Famine ADRA Canada* 20 Church Family Budget 27 Alberta Advance FEBRUARY 04 Church Family Budget 11 It Is Written Canada* 18 Church Family Budget 25 Alberta Advance Friday Sunsets Beauvallon Calgary Canmore Edmonton Fort McMurray Grande Prairie JANUARY 06 4:22 4:45 4:50 4:31 4:03 4:43 13 4:32 4:55 5:00 4:41 4:15 4:54 20 4:44 5:06 5:11 4:53 4:29 5:07 27 4:57 5:18 5:23 5:06 4:44 5:21 FEBRUARY 03 5:11 5:30 5:35 5:20 4:59 5:35 10 5:25 5:43 5:48 5:34 5:15 5:50 17 5:39 5:55 6:00 5:48 5:31 6:05 24 5:53 6:08 6:13 6:01 5:47 6:20 MARCH 03 6:06 6:20 6:25 6:15 6:02 6:34 10 6:20 6:32 6:37 6:28 6:18 6:48 17 7:33 7:44 7:49 7:41 7:32 8:02 24 7:46 7:55 8:01 7:54 7:47 8:16 31 7:59 8:07 8:12 8:07 8:02 8:30 APRIL 07 8:11 8:18 8:24 8:20 8:13 8:44 14 8:24 8:30 8:35 8:33 8:32 8:57 21 8:37 8:41 8:47 8:45 8:46 9:11 28 8:50 8:53 8:58 8:58 9:01 9:25 MAY 05 9:03 9:04 9:09 9:11 9:16 9:38 12 9:15 9:15 9:20 9:23 9:30 9:52 19 9:26 9:25 9:30 9:34 9:43 10:04 26 9:37 9:34 9:40 9:45 9:56 10:15 JUNE 02 9:46 9:42 9:48 9:54 10:06 10:25 09 9:53 9:48 9:54 10:00 10:14 10:32 16 9:57 9:53 9:58 10:05 10:19 10:37 23 9:59 9:55 10:00 10:07 10:21 10:39 30 9:58 9:54 9:59 10:06 10:20 10:38 TEAR-OUT SUNSET CALENDAR SUNSET CALENDAR 2023 "Hey Siri, what time is sunset"
OFFERING SCHEDULE * Special Materials Provided + Special Project Development THIRTEENTH SABBATH OFFERINGS East-Central Africa Division (ECD) April 1 + Inter-European Division (EUD) July 1 + Trans-European Division (TED) September 30 + West-Central Africa Division (WAD) December 30 + MISSION INVESTMENT PROJECTS Lake Union + Columbia Union + MARCH 04 Church Family Budget 11 World Budget - Adventist World Radio* (GC) 18 Church Family Budget 25 Alberta Advance JUNE 03 Church Family Budget 10 Women’s Ministries* (NAD) 17 Church Family Budget 24 Alberta Advance Hanna Lacombe Lethbridge Medicine Hat Yellowknife 4:34 4:37 4:47 4:36 3:26 4:44 4:47 4:56 4:46 3:42 4:55 4:59 5:06 4:56 4:01 5:07 5:11 5:18 5:08 4:22 5:20 5:25 5:29 5:20 4:43 5:33 5:38 5:41 5:32 5:04 5:46 5:51 5:53 5:44 5:24 5:58 6:04 6:05 5:56 5:45 6:11 6:17 6:17 6:08 6:05 6:23 6:30 6:28 6:19 6:24 7:35 7:42 7:39 7:30 7:44 7:47 7:55 7:50 7:41 8:03 7:59 8:07 8:01 7:52 8:22 8:11 8:19 8:12 8:03 8:41 8:22 8:31 8:23 8:14 9:01 8:34 8:44 8:33 8:25 9:21 8:46 8:56 8:44 8:36 9:41 8:57 9:08 8:55 8:47 10:01 9:08 9:19 9:05 8:57 10:21 9:19 9:30 9:15 9:07 10:40 9:28 9:40 9:23 9:16 10:59 9:37 9:48 9:31 9:24 11:15 9:43 9:55 9:37 9:30 11:28 9:47 9:59 9:41 9:34 11:36 9:49 10:01 9:43 9:36 11:39 9:48 10:01 9:42 9:35 11:35
2023 OFFERING DAYLIGHT SAVING TIME BEGINS SUNDAY, MARCH 12 AND ENDS SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 5 This is a publication of the Alberta Conference Communication Department 5816 Highway 2A Lacombe, AB T4L 2G5 Phone: (403) 342-5044 Fax : (403) 775-4482 ABAdventist ABAdventist ABAdventist ABAdventist JULY 01 Church Family Budget 08 World Budget* (GC) 15 Church Family Budget 22 Alberta Advance 29 Church Family Budget OCTOBER 07 Local Family Budget 14 Alberta Advance 21 Local Family Budget 28 Burman University* AUGUST 05 Church Family Budget 12 Christian Record Services* 19 Church Family Budget 26 Alberta Advance NOVEMBER 04 Local Family Budget 11 Annual Sacrifice for Global Mission* 18 Local Family Budget 25 Alberta Advance Friday Sunsets Beauvallon Calgary Canmore Edmonton Fort McMurray Grande Prairie JULY 07 9:54 9:51 9:56 10:02 10:15 10:34 14 9:48 9:45 9:51 9:56 10:07 10:27 21 9:39 9:38 9:43 9:47 9:57 10:17 28 9:29 9:28 9:33 9:37 9:44 10:06 AUGUST 04 9:16 9:17 9:22 9:24 9:30 9:52 11 9:02 9:05 9:10 9:10 9:14 9:37 18 8:47 8:51 8:56 8:55 8:57 9:22 25 8:31 8:36 8:42 8:40 8:39 9:05 SEPTEMBER 01 8:15 8:21 8:27 8:23 8:21 8:47 08 7:58 8:06 8:11 8:06 8:02 8:30 15 7:41 7:50 7:55 7:49 7:43 8:12 22 7:24 7:34 7:39 7:32 7:24 7:54 29 7:06 7:18 7:23 7:15 7:05 7:36 OCTOBER 06 6:50 7:03 7:08 6:58 6:46 7:18 13 6:33 6:47 6:52 6:42 6:28 7:00 20 6:17 6:33 6:38 6:26 6:10 6:44 27 6:02 6:19 6:24 6:11 5:53 6:28 NOVEMBER 03 5:48 6:06 6:11 5:57 5:37 6:13 10 4:35 4:55 5:00 4:44 4:23 4:59 17 4:24 4:45 4:50 4:33 4:10 4:47 24 4:15 4:38 4:43 4:24 3:59 4:38 DECEMBER 01 4:09 4:32 4:37 4:18 3:51 4:30 08 4:05 4:29 4:34 4:14 3:46 4:26 15 4:04 4:29 4:34 4:14 3:45 4:25 22 4:07 4:32 4:36 4:16 3:47 4:27 29 4:12 4:37 4:42 4:21 3:53 4:33 SUNSET CALENDAR 2023 "Hey Siri, what time is sunset" TEAR-OUT SUNSET CALENDAR


02 Church Family Budget 09 World Budget

(Emphasis: Radio Ministries) (GC)* 16 Church Family Budget 23 Canadian Indigenous Ministries* 30 Church Family Budget DECEMBER 02 Local Family Budget 09 Adventist Ministries of Compassion Canada* 16 Local Family Budget 23 Alberta Advance 30 Canadian French Ministries*


East-Central Africa Division (ECD) April 1 +

Youth Share Messages of Hope in Red Deer

Inter-European Division (EUD) July 1 +

As people of God, it makes us happy and excited whenever we get to listen and hear about the coming return of our Lord Jesus Christ. This is the good news that makes the followers of Christ keep going forward and encouraged. It becomes even more exciting when we see young people share the good news of Jesus Christ in their own tender way. Their young faith exudes innocence and pureness that can inspire many to hold on to their faith.

Trans-European Division (TED) September 30 + West-Central Africa Division (WAD) December 30 +


Lake Union + Columbia Union +

been swallowed up in victory, death has lost its sting! What good news for all of us, our Saviour Jesus Christ who died and rose again have won the victory over death forever. Jesus’ death and resurrection gives meaning to our Christian life and journey and provides us with hope that one day soon we will be together with Jesus forever.

* Special Materials Provided + Special Project Development

Hanna Lacombe Lethbridge Medicine Hat Yellowknife

On October 29, 2022, Red Deer Adventist Church had the privilege to witness a wonderful homily presented by not only one or two, but three of its talented young people in the persons of Bryan Sending (11), Jaeden Muthiah (11) and London Quines (12). This is the outcome when three avenues joined together in training a child: Loved at home, nurtured at Red Deer Adventist church, and taught at South Side Christian School.

The three youth speakers, Bryan, Jaeden and London, with their mentor, Pastor Moises Ruiz.

Bryan with his clear tone, opened with a sermon topic that talked about the Second Coming of Jesus Christ and the fullness of His glory when He returns. He encouraged us to be ready and invited people to accept Jesus’ invitation to know Him more and to not only accept Him as Saviour but also as a Friend.

London concluded the series with a talk fo cusing on “What is Jesus doing Now?” Naturally eloquent and charismatic, his excitement of shar ing what he believes Jesus is doing now was very inspiring. He reminded us that Jesus is preparing a wonderful place and a home for His people who will remain faithful to Him until the end. He enthusi astically encouraged us to have a strong and powerful rela tionship with Jesus. What a day that will be when our Jesus we shall see. What a wonderful day it will be when the trumpet calls and those who have faith in Christ will remain. This was what I have imagined after listening to their messages.

Jaeden who appeared very confident and composed followed with a topic entitled “When Jesus Comes Back.” His message gave a strong impression when he emphasized on what had been told in 1 Corinthians 15:54-55. Death had

—By Marjorie Landicho, Red Deer Adventist Church

9:45 9:57 9:39 9:32 11:26 9:40 9:51 9:34 9:27 11:12 9:32 9:43 9:27 9:20 10:56 9:22 9:33 9:18 9:11 10:37 9:11 9:21 9:08 9:00 10:16 8:58 9:08 8:56 8:48 9:55 8:44 8:53 8:43 8:35 9:33 8:29 8:38 8:29 8:21 9:10 8:14 8:22 8:14 8:06 8:47 7:58 8:06 8:00 7:51 8:24 7:42 7:50 7:44 7:36 8:01 7:26 7:33 7:29 7:20 7:37 7:09 7:16 7:14 7:05 7:14 6:53 7:00 6:59 6:50 6:51 6:38 6:44 6:44 6:35 6:28 6:23 6:29 6:30 6:21 6:06 6:09 6:14 6:17 6:08 5:44 5:56 6:01 6:05 5:56 5:23 4:45 4:49 4:55 4:45 4:04 4:35 4:39 4:45 4:36 3:46 4:27 4:30 4:38 4:28 3:30 4:21 4:24 4:33 4:23 3:17 4:18 4:21 4:31 4:20 3:07 4:17 4:20 4:31 4:20 3:03 4:20 4:23 4:33 4:23 3:04 4:25 4:28 4:38 4:28 3:11

I want to personally thank Bryan, Jaeden, and London for touching my heart with the message that God sent through them on that Sabbath day. I believe that a lot of other people will share my sentiment. I encourage all of us to continue to pray for our youth and their families as they also continue with their Christian journeys. I believe that we can neither be too young nor too old to share the gospel. ‘Therefore, encour age each other and strengthen one another as you are doing”, 1 Thessalonians 15:11.

25 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News

Spanish Churches Merge in Edmonton


service was held in Edmonton on November 5, 2022, where the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha and the Edmonton Spanish Renacer churches merged to become the Edmonton Spanish Eben-Ezer Seventhday Adventist Church*.

The unification service was held at the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha Church location and began at 10:30 am. Conducted under the direction of the Alberta Conference, those present included Pastor Wayne Williams, Executive Secretary/ VP for Administration; Keith Richter, Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer; Pastor George Ali, Ministerial

Director/Evangelism and Church Planting; Troy McQueen, Communications/ IT Director and Pastor Gardner Bermudez, Coordinator of Hispanic Ministry in Canada. Those present representing the Spanish churches included Pastor Jose Eric Saldana, Laura Rodas (representing the Edmonton Spanish Maranatha Church) and Rosa Cruz (representing the Edmonton Spanish Renacer Church).

Someone once said that to remember is to live again, and I would like to tell you a little about both churches. In 2004, approximately ten Hispanic families formed the Edmonton Maranatha

Company and then with the dedication of its members became an organized church in 2009. Renacer began to form in late 2006 and early 2007 where a small group of Hispanic brothers studied the Bible on a small terrace of a building located in the city of Edmonton. Not long after, this Bible study group grew to become the Edmonton Spanish Renacer Company. On June 4, 2011, they became an organized church.

Next, I will share how the unification initiative between both churches began. For approximately 18 months I have been pastoring the Hispanic district and have worked closely with both churches. I have witnessed

26 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022

how these churches faced and handled the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic that included a decrease in attendance, leadership and finances. These challenges greatly affected the progress of God's work in many ways. After much prayer and discussion, it was decided by both churches that the best plan of action was to merge, to join forces to advance the kingdom of heaven on earth together.

Thanks, to our Lord Jesus, the Alberta Conference and the Hispanic coordination of Canada for guiding and supporting a strengthening solution during these challenging days. The unification proposal brought hope and strengthened the ties of love and cooperation between both churches and members; it has also unified their desire to fulfill

the mission, organization, administration and pastoring for both churches.

The merge brings significant benefits to both churches such as the gifts and talents for the fulfillment of Jesus' mission are duplicated, stronger together to

face trials and challenges, increased financial resources for the progress of God's work, decrease in operating expenses, and finally the merge strengthens the search for a church building project.

*Formalities of the new name are in process with CRA


Clockwise: (from left to right) Noemi Quintero, Rosa Cruz and Irma Reyes counting the votes for new church name; Henry Rodriguez speaking to the audience; youth special music; (back row) Pastor Jose Saldana, Wayne Williams, George Ali, (front row) Keith Richter and Pastor Gardner Bermudez.
Photos by Troy McQueen

Ten Commandments, Still Relevant Today

The pastors of the Edmonton Central Church, pastors Dorelus and Hamstra, recently shared a series on the Ten Command ments, alternating nightly presentations. Church member, Ina Martin, shares some thoughts on what the presenta tions meant to her.

As I reflect on the Ten Commandments series held at the Edmonton Central Church, I am re minded that God’s words still stand true today and will remain relevant throughout eternity. What I have rediscovered is the importance of God’s law written with His own fingers on tablets of stone.

What an incredible journey for Moses. Standing in front of the burning bush, moving slowly closer despite some hesitancy, and then repeatedly turning all his insecurities and fears over to

God. As a result, God was able to use him to lead Israel out of captivity from Egypt. I have learned from this story of Moses that you and I must be willing to continually say yes to God even if we have insecurities and fear. The scripture tells us that God had greater things in store for Moses, but his persistent doubts put a limit on

how far he could go.

I am certain the Isra elites were humbled and learned many valuable spiritual lessons when God allowed them to endure such hard ships, homelessness, and uncertainty. They learned that God would provide for their needs despite challenging times and blessed them. Similarly, when we

encounter desperate times, we too can look for spiritual lessons even in difficulties. (Deu teronomy 8:1-18)

Pastor Roberson Dorelus reviewed God's first command ment (No other Gods before me) in Exodus 20: 1-3. He empha sized the importance for God to establish an exclusive relation ship with His people just has He intended with the children of Israel. God wants to take first place in our lives. The framework of God's first commandment is wrapped in love. Referring to the third command in Exodus 20:7, Dorelus stated that we need to be careful how we carry God’s name and live in such a way that will honour God’s name. Next, Dorelus passionately emphasized the importance of honouring your par ents as stated in the fifth command found in Exodus 20:12. The question was asked

Pastor Roberson Dorelus
28 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
Pastor David Hamstra

by Dorelus, “how do we honour some one?” He responded by stating, “When we honour someone, we will not disre spect them.” Dorelus reminded us that the fifth command ment is the bridge that leads to human connections in the commandments that follow. Dorelus’ presentation on the seventh command ment (Exodus 20:14), was very touching dealing with relation ships from a Biblical perspective. He directed the audience to Matthew 19:4-5 and Luke16:18 to set the boundaries and guidelines for a healthy relationship.

Dorelus took time to expound on the beauty and grati tude of a healthy relationship and how to avoid pitfalls in marital relationships.

Focusing on the fourth command ment to “Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy,” Pastor David Hams tra shared about his Sabbath experience growing up as a child. This presentation was one that resonated with me the most as it brought back my

own memories as a child about Sabbath observance. Hamstra directed the audience to Isaiah 58: 13-14, then said, “God wants us to delight in Him on the Sabbath day.” Hamstra closed the fourth command ment presentation by stating, “Sabbath is a day that puts us in a right relationship with each other and with God.” Referring to the sixth com mandment to not murder, Hamstra reminded the audi ence that the first

Precious in His Sight

On Saturday, October 15, 2022, Pastor Teddy Joseph conducted his first baby dedication at Sedgewick Adventist Church for Rhett Cody Anderson, son of Cody and Sarah Anderson. Many family members and friends were in attendance to encourage the Anderson family and to offer support. Praise God, "You are a child of God, you are wonderfully made, dearly loved, and precious in His sight.” Psalm 139

murder recorded in the bible (Genesis 4:910), was the murder of a brother. Hamstra stated how Jesus made it clear in God’s eyes the emotion of hate, rage and the act of murder are on the same page as our thoughts, our words, and our actions.

(Matthew 5:21-22)

As the pastors wrapped up the Ten Commandments series, I thought about the fact that as followers of Jesus, we are not exempt from difficult challenges. In addition, we are loved by a God who died on our behalf to save us.

—By Ina Martin, Edmonton Central Adventist Church

— By Debi Anderson, Communications Secretary Sedgewick Adventist Church
29 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Sabbath is a day that puts us in a right relationship with each other and with God.”

Mamawi Fall 2022

Whenever a new school year begins, Mamawi can always count on three things: full classrooms, new field trip opportunities and exciting sporting events. The 2022-2023 school year is no different.

Classrooms are indeed full this year, with our highest ever enrollment. The Junior/Senior High School that was built five years ago is being put to good use and is currently at about

80% capacity. We had waiting lists on many grades this year and we are hoping to begin thinking about staff expansion for the 2023-2024 school year.

Field trips in the last few years have been fleeting at best and we are excited to begin our normal program of getting students off campus. Our fall is always full of outdoor learning from grade 7-12 at Foothills Camp, Camp Yowochas,

and a guided fishing tour of Central Alberta! Elementary school also had the chance to explore Kraay Family Farm in Lacombe County.

Finally, we are excited to be participating in sports this year with the opportunities for basketball skills training, a girls volleyball team, and several tournaments later this fall. By Michael Willing, Principal of Mamawi Atosketan Native School

Clockwise: Grade 7 and 8 students making sure the director of education's vehicle was decorated for autumn; High School Students pensive about the next big catch; Elementary Students enjoying time at Kraay Family Farm.

30 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
SCHOOL NEWS ALBERTA CONFERENCE UNIFORM MINISTRIES Date: January 21, 2023 Venue: Radisson Hotel 6500 67 Street Red Deer, AB Registration fee: $20 (includes lunch) Join us for a Master Guides Sabbath intended to rest, fellowship and worship together. All Invested Master Guides, Master Guides in Training, and Uniform Ministries Leaders in general are welcome! Keynote Speaker Pastor E. L. Natufe Life Coach, Pastor and Leadership Consultant Registration open until January 17, 2023 To register go to Psalm37:5

Walking Worthy

This school year, our theme at South Side Christian School is “Walking Worthy.” When I first came across this idea, I couldn’t have imagined a better phrase that captured Jesus’ essence and ministry while He was on earth. I have been digging deeper into what this phrase means to me, and I always come back to Jesus. Looking at His life from a young boy studying Scripture, to His final steps with a cross on His back, ready to sacrifice Himself for our sins. His words, thoughts, and

actions all displayed perfectly what it truly means to walk in a way that is pleasing to God.

To emphasis our school theme, we’ve integrated "Walking Worthy" into our worships, activities, and outreach projects. In September we had A Terry Fox run, where students were “running worthy,” bringing awareness towards such a deserving cause. In October, we had a wonderful outreach fundraiser, collecting socks for Safe Harbour, a homeless shelter serving Red Deer. For

our “Sock-tober” fundraiser, we beat our goal of 500, and were able to donate a total of 1,326 pairs of socks. We firmly believe that walking worthy doesn’t just mean walking worthy on our own, but also sharing Jesus, and following in His footsteps to warm the feet and hearts of others.

Even though we’re only a quarter into the school year, I can already see students and staff beginning to put this theme into practice. The staff at SSCS have gone above and

Victoria helping with Outdoor Classroom.
SCHOOL NEWS 32 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
“Walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing to Him: bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.” Colossians 1:10 ESV

beyond and are truly leading by example. Mr. Densmore started putting together an outdoor school over the summer months, for students to enjoy. Ms. Chokka has a listening ear and is quick to help others when needed. Ms. Heroux’s strong desire to update our kitchen by organizing hot lunches for the students to enjoy is encouraging. Ms. Natalia has such a gentle spirit working with children. Mrs. Holly continually gives her all, helping wherever she is needed. Mr. J is always willing to share Jesus with the students in his conversation and by his actions. Mrs. Polishuk demonstrates her passion for the Lord

through music and a caring heart. Mr. Caponpon dedicates time to keep our school clean, which in turn helps to keep us healthy. Our students are praying for each other, leading by example to the younger students, helping without being asked, and encouraging their classmates. This is only the beginning of what I know will be a great school year.

Even those outside of school, who may not know our theme, we notice your acts of "Walking Worthy." Church members who have been able to give financially, we greatly appreciate your support. Volunteers and parents who give their time and

energy to grow and assist our school, even with other family, health, and financial issues going on behind the scenes, keep our school functioning. As a school, we are so blessed to have our community and church family sustaining us, as we continue to grow.

I’m encouraged everyday looking at how Jesus, my colleagues, students, our church family, and volunteers are being used by God, and boldly walking a life that is truly worthy. It is my prayer and goal that each of us will reflect on the idea of walking worthy and choose the same path each and every day.

Mr. Densmore Outdoor Classroom. Mrs. Polishuk performing for Assembly with grades 2-3 class.
33 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Mrs. Bellerive volunteering with K-1 Class. Mrs. Natalia and Lexie.

New Introductory Mechanics Class Offered Thanks to Estate Gift

The CTS/Industrial Arts offerings expanded this November to include the first auto mechanics class, thanks to a gift from the Dave and Waneeta Trenchuck estate that enabled the equipment purchase.

Dave and Waneeta's children suggested the use of their parents unrestricted gift. Dave and

Wannetta had ensured that Bernadene and her sibblings Bob Trenchuk and Rhoda Kanna attended CUC high school. Providing students at MANS with vocational skill options not only matched who Dave and Waneeta were but also their values and lives of faith.

As the engraver at All Sports Cresting, which

Bernadene and Isaac own, Bernadene found real satisfaction in personally engraving her parent’s names on equipment purchased by the estate gift, and reflecting on how God would use and multiply what her parents had given back to Him.

Read more in Means & Meaning (inside back cover of this issue).

Bernadene and Isaac Zayachkowsky are happy that engraving MANS auto mechanics equipment with Dave and Wanetta’s names will be one of the first jobs Bernadene does with their new engraving technology at All Sports Cresting.
34 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022

Alberta Conference


If you’re 65+ and have $15,000+ you’d like to eventually invest in any aspect of God’s work in Alberta, you could receive income equivalent to better than market rates.

The Alberta Conference is one of a few organizations licensed to offer charitable gift annuities in Canada. It is the only organization offering Adventist- controlled annuities that is recognized by Canada Revenue Agency.

*Donors can choose the ultimate use of the gift in Alberta. During the Community Bridge Campaign for Mamawi Atosketan Centre in Maskwacis, the amount of the CRA-recognized tax receipt can be counted as a contribution toward the MAC and Community Bridge Campaign.

CSPG Director
(587) 815-8785 In Times of Economic Uncertainty
Lynn McDowell, JD,
of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference
Guaranteed Stable Income for Life
Immediate Charitable Tax Receipt
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• Donor Wall Recognition in Mamawi Atosketan Centre* •
Effect Option to Increase Monthly Income

Chiefs Attend with MAC Building Committee at Eagle Builders Meeting

With $511,000 raised during the Community Bridge Campaign launch and matching challenge, plans for the new Mamawi Atosketan Centre are moving ahead. On November 1, Chief Vernon Saddleback (Samson Cree Nation), whose office overlooks the land on which MAC will be constructed, and Chief Randy Ermineskin (Ermineskin Cree Nation), who spoke at the camp meeting launch in July 2022, joined the MAC Building Committee in a discussion of next steps with Eagle Builders.

Eagle Builders is a precast concrete builder based in Blackfalds, Alberta. Eagle is the contractor responsible for Burman University’s new library and the construction of Parkview Adventist Academy in Lacombe.

Photos by Nwamiko Madden November 1, 2022 meeting of Eagle Builders, Chiefs, MAC Building Committee and Officers (L to R) Eagle Builders project manager Werner Brouwer; Samson Cree Nation Chief Vernon Saddleback; Campaign Manager Lynn McDowell; Conference Chief Financial Officer/Treasurer Keith Richter; Building Committee Chair Ken Wiebe; Conference Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; MANS Principal Michael Willing; Project Manager Llew Werner; MANS Counselor Kelly Stickle. Not pictured: Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela and Chief Randy Ermineskin.
36 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022
MAC/COMMUNITY BRIDGE CAMPAIGN NEWS Thank you, Pathfinders! You helped "Leveling the Playing Field" for kids in Maskwacis by raising $1,200 for a safe place for outdoor athletics at MANS. Thank you, Pathfinder Supporters! You helped the Pathfinders who raised $1,200 learn the value of looking out for the good of their neighbours. & 37 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Top Brass Tour: (L to R) Samson Cree Nation Chief Vernon Saddleback; Ermineskin Cree Nation Chief Randy Ermineskin; Conference Executive Secretary/VP for Administration Wayne Williams; Maskwacis Pastor Tsholo Sebetlela and Eagle Builders project manager Werner Brouwer gear up to tour Eagle’s Blackfalds precast concrete production plant. Stream on Facebook and Youtube Join the Pathfinders as they lead a Week of Prayer! DEC 4 - 10 2022 ALBERTA CONFERENCE PATHFINDER’S WEEK OF PRAYER
What must
do to

Leveling The Playing Field and more

The drive to build an athletic field at MANS headlined and supported by alumnus Joshua Saddleback and Dakotah Pratt, parents of Kiya (Grade  3), raised more than $84,000.

“That is amazing news!” wrote Dakotah Pratt. “The athletic field really is a dream come true!”

But the story doesn’t end there. Kiya’s parents are so excited about the project and what it represents that they’re

Highest-Ever High School Enrollment

The 55 high school students enrolled this fall were the lucky ones. A whole second classroom of Grade 10 students on a waiting list had to seek other alternatives because the available Grade 10 seats were the first to fill.

getting personally involved.

Dakotah plays on the first all-Indigenous women’s slow pitch team, Squad, which qualified to compete in the Softball Canada national finals this summer. Working along with MANS athletic director Tessa Willing, Dakotah will be spearheading a softball camp for students this spring, putting her extensive experience in coaching kids to work along with three of her teammates who hail from Maskwacis.

Joshua, Dakotah, Kiya and Zuya. Top photo by Dean Ward, Highview Photo
39 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News


Guilhermina Silva

February 24, 1943 - December 22, 2021

Guilhermina Silva (née Gaspar), was born on February 24, 1943, in Vermoil, Portugal and died on December 22, 2021. Her burial service was held at Mount Hamilton Cemetery in Hamilton, ON and her memorial service at College Heights Adventist Church, Lacombe, AB. Guilher mina, at an early age loved Jesus and served her local Catholic Church every week as lead chorister, inviting through song, the neighbouring village to attend. Af ter marrying Herminio, they immigrated to Canada and settled in Hamilton, and later Ancaster, ON. As an immigrant unable to speak the language, she began to seek for God in every church. After two years of searching, she read an Adventist magazine that came to the house and upon calling the number for prayer she was directed to the Hamilton Mountain Adventist Church where she studied with Gloria Lawson and was baptized. Lat er, her children and husband, followed. She lovingly served her church through special music, cooking classes, floral arrangements and most importantly as deaconess all the while witnessing for Jesus everywhere she went. She moved to Lacombe to be closer to her daughter, son in-law and grandchildren and attended the College Heights church before her passing. She was predeceased by her spouse, Herminio da Silva. Surviving: daughter, Annabelle of Ancaster, ON; daughter, Sandra (Tederick) of Lacombe, AB; sister, Gracinda of Bordeira, São Braz d’Alportel, Portugal; two grand children, Stephen, and Bethel; and many nieces and nephews in Europe. — By Sandra Deer

December 6, 1982 - October 23, 2022

Scott Lyle Martin of Red Deer, Alberta passed away in Red Deer on Sunday, October 23, 2022, at the age of 39 years. Scott was blessed with many friends that he man aged to remain close with over the years. He enjoyed an active lifestyle, and was an avid participant in sports, always a fan cheering on his favorite teams. Scott was tall and strong, always ready to help and protect anyone in need. His heart was gentle, kind, and caring. He loved people, social events and would always go the extra mile for anyone.

His life was impacted in a spiritual way by his relationship with Janeth, the love of his life, and many good memories were made while they planned a lifetime together. His family and friends have been left a void that can never be filled. Scott will be lovingly remem bered by his fiancé, Janeth Vasquez, his precious daughters, Loranna and Alandra, his parents, Dennis and Susan, his sister, Lisa (Derek) Nadeau, his nephew, Morris, his niece, Aspen and numerous family members. —By Janeth Vasquez

40 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022


Our 51 Years of Marriage!

We have been blessed and are still being blessed by God for 51 years of happy marriage. We were both born and raised in Cape Town, South Africa. We met and got to know each other, can you believe it, at my brother-in-law’s father’s funeral. A courtship of love blossomed, and we got married.

Our first son Stevlin was born in 1972. Now because I was a Methodist and Belinda a Seventh-day Adventist, she had him blessed in the Adventist church because that is what she believed. She was also determined not to change her faith.

I was in the world and did things that she was not happy with, but her faith remained strong. Our second son Brent was born in 1974. About 1975 one of the churches had an evangelistic meeting for two weeks. Three days before the conclusion of these meet ings, Belinda asked if I wanted to accom pany her to the meeting. I agreed, I think she took the chance, and I am glad she did because that was the turn in my life. At the end of the meeting, I accepted the altar call and with the leading and help of the Holy Spirit, I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. Our daughter Kim was born in 1977.

Unfortunately, the political situation in South Africa and the danger we were living in made things very unsafe, so we decided to immi grate to Canada in 1988. We arrived in Toron to in the summer and of course the winter was a shock as we were not used to the snow and cold conditions of Canada. The children attended school and did well. We attended Immanuel Adventist Church in Willowdale, To ronto. We met and enjoyed the membership.

Our family has since grown, and God has continued to bless us daily and has kept us safe in His arms.  — By

41 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Half of Lebanese families and nearly all the refugees hosted in Lebanon worry about having enough food. You can make a lifesaving difference. It’s time to dethrone hunger and set a place for Justice at the Table. Join the campaign today

Family and Values: The Gift of Certainty

It’s Christmas!

Some years seem more lighthearted than others, but the gift God gave us in Bethle hem the foundation of our faith and hope re mains. It’s untouchable. Whatever our circum stances, we want to pass that hope on, want our children to feel it and remember the joy that gives life meaning. So we give with special joy. Which makes me wonder: Is that unshak able hope and faith the reason end of life gifts to God’s cause have persisted? Gifts to the Church in wills are as

old as will documents, maybe as old as Earth’s turbulent history. I was recently struck by the positive impact of three end of life gifts—not just on God’s work, but on the families involved.

As I deal with the children of donors, I see these parting gifts rein force values and rekindle positive memories. Be cause the Alberta Con ference wants to work with families to ensure the use of unrestricted gifts suits the family’s memories of the donor, it’s been a positive oppor tunity for families and Church to work together.

George & Evelyn Widdicombe’s Will & the Mamawi Atosketan Centre

As noted in the October Means & Meaning, George and Evelyn made several gifts to the Church during their lifetimes. The “unrestricted” gift was their choice for the gift in their wills. They never dreamed that part of that gift would become the first and founding gift of the Community Bridge Campaign to build the Mamawi Atosketan Centre (MAC).

“My dad would be thrilled beyond words at how this has gone,” says

Keeping “The Tentmaker Ministry” Alive "My parents were people of the soil,” reflects Bernadene Zayachkowski, “they worked with their hands.” Bernadene, who like her parents subscribes to Paul’s example of practical work as a segue to sharing the gospel, works as an engraver. Bernadene, her brother Bob Trenchuk and sister Rhoda Kanna (R to L) have reflected many times on the example of Dave and Wanetta in their practicality, faith, and setting aside money in their wills to advance their values.

42 Alberta Adventist News DECEMBER 2022

George and Evelyn’s daughter Leslie Price.

The journey was indeed one of faith for Leslie as well as her parents; when her parents made their wills, there was no hint that a church in Maskwacis was even a possibility. But as Leslie talked about her parents’ concern for Indigenous people, she remembered her father had actually helped Maskwacis pio neer Ed Desjarlais dis tribute literature there!

“This Centre shows the people [of Maskwacis] that our heart is with them,” says Leslie. “We can see the connection between [my parents’] giving and blessing.”

Dave and Wanetta Trenchuk Will & MANS' New Mechanics Centre

This November, MANS offered its first auto me chanics class, thanks to an unrestricted gift from Dave and Wanetta Trenchuk in their wills, and their children’s input on its use.

Their daughter Berna dene Zayachkowski and her sibblings Bob Trenchuk and Rhoda Kanna thought long and hard about a use that would match


The $700,000+ in Charitable Gift Annuities invested by the Alberta Conference continues to exceed average investment returns. That means that most of the donated funds will be available for use in ministries named by the donor or, if not restricted, they may be used for ministries and needs arising in the future

the Trenchuk’s lives and values. There was a bay at MANS for mechanics, but no tools. Bernadene and her husband Isaac approached the Con ference with a plan.

“My parents were people of the soil,” said Bernadene, who grew up doing farm chores. “They worked with their hands.”

The tenderness in Bernadene’s voice is unmistakeable. “Dad was mechanically inclined, a jack of all trades and a firm believer in Paul’s tentmaker ministry. Ev ery person is blessed with the ability to learn a trade or have a way to provide their way through life so they would not need to depend on other people’s charity so one would have some skills to lend a helping hand, and a segue to share the gospel.”

Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA) to Benefit MANS and MAC

While it remains to be seen how their gift will be used, a retired Alberta couple is already excited about what God will do with their gift.

They’re getting monthly payments from the CGA they recently established with the Alberta Confer ence. They had the option of choosing one or more ministries to benefit when their payments cease at end of life. They were united in their choice of the Maskwa cis Outreach as one of the beneficiaries. The Outreach includes MANS and the Mamawi Atosketan Centre, which they highly value.

They are secure with their guaranteed income for life, and confident that God will ultimately direct their Maskwacis gift to its highest and best use.

43 DECEMBER 2022 Alberta Adventist News
Lynn McDowell, JD, CSPG Director of Planned Giving | Philanthropy Alberta Conference (587) 815-8785

“God, if you’re real, you’ll have to show me,” prayed a young Cree man. And God did.

That was the beginning of the Adventist vision for Maskwacis. Years later, Mamawi Atosketan Native School was built.

In 2009, Pastor Peter Ford brought MANS teachers to the site just purchased to build a community outreach and worship centre. “Let’s form a prayer circle,” he said. So they joined hands and consecrated the land.

It’s 2022, and the time has come. The Church in Canada as well as Alberta is committed to building the Mamawi Atosketan Centre on that ground.

“This is a good project,” smiled Chief Saddleback. “I want it to happen as soon as possible.”

God’s timing is always perfect.

Contact Lynn McDowell, Campaign Manager (587)
started in 1955 with a still, small voice and an Adventist tract. Donate by December 31st for 2022 Tax Receipt Building Connections That Affirm
815 - 8785

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