New look at Learner Wellbeing The changing nature of our Learners’ needs, prior to, and throughout the Covid-19 pandemic, has led ACT to rethink its priorities in relation to Learner Wellbeing. Many Learners across the ACT Network are dealing with personal challenges, such as mental-health issues, chaotic home lives, poor general health and poor diets. As such, ACT are committed to a shift in our focus regarding Wellbeing, providing greater clarity in our approach. This means an emphasis on developing learners’ life skills – and particularly their capacity for health, wellbeing and happiness.
Learners feel safe and protected and know where to go/what to do if they need support.
Access to support for social and emotional wellbeing is prioritised.
Learners are included and valued as individuals.
Learners are involved in making decisions about their future.
What we currently offer:
ACT believes that everyone has the right to participate in a programme that supports positive psychological, social and physical wellbeing. As such, our Learner Health and Wellbeing Manager (Adelle Taylor) is working with delivery teams to develop a clear and easy to digest Learner Wellbeing Strategy, that will outline our aims in relation to this area. ACT’s approach to learner wellbeing is underpinned by the following key beliefs: •
Positive relationships founded on mutual respect and dignity whereby Learners feel a deep sense of belonging.
Provide Learners with individualised one-to-one support in relation to their ongoing wellbeing and personal needs/ development.
Provide Learners with access to a dedicated counselling team, offering free, confidential counselling and wellbeing support throughout their time on programme with ACT.
Access to monthly Safeguarding/Prevent and Wellbeing topics, which are stored centrally on the ACT Curriculum Library.