What tempts you to skip out on times when Christians meet together?
Possible answers: Tiredness, lack of commitment, too many commitments, personal conflicts with other members. ...as some are in the habit of doing... What could you do to challenge someone who didn't regard participation in church or a community group as being very important? Possible answers: Share what you've learned about the church through this study; point out scriptural truths that touch on the importance of meeting together. ...but let us encourage one another...
Why is encouraging one another sometimes a hard thing to do?
We are inclined toward self-centeredness; we also allow fears, resistance from others, and fatigue to get in the way. ...and all the more as you see the Day approaching.
What is meant by "the Day"?
It is the return of Christ, the end of history as we know it. Application: Because Christ may return to this earth in the near future, it is important for every believer to be an active participant in the life of the church. We must constantly ready ourselves for this great event. Ministering Purpose and Prayer.
According to Hebrews 10:24-25, in what ways can we stir others to action?
By loving God, loving each other, doing good deeds, not forsaking assembly, and encouraging one another. Go around the group. List practical ways group members could apply this verse. If possible, have members share what they need from each other, as well as what they would like to provide for each other. Prayer focus: Have members pray for one another in the areas that they need help. Bottom Line: Each of us needs to contribute thoughtfully, deliberately, actively, intentionally, and prayerfully to each other's lives.