2014 april

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

APRIL 2014

2014 年四月号 总第 354 期

影帝廖凡 平凡亦精彩

Liao Fan: In Real Life

A World of Hospitality l The Count and Castello l Interior Tailoring l California Dreamin’ l Relaxing with Wine



Better with Time

好酒店 都有好设计 A World of Hospitality 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The April cover is a shot of the 64th Berlin International Film Festival awarded actor Liao Fan by Wang Longwei

Hotels as Modern Imperial Palaces

给酒店添点皇家气派 尽管北京的现代化进程在不断推进,过往的荣耀与今日 不变的统治地位让古都仍自有一派天家威仪。宽阔大气的林 荫路,高耸林立的高楼大厦,一眼看不到头的走道,真可谓 气势迫人。这样的京城需要一家与之匹配的皇家酒店。 紫禁城无疑占据着京城的轴心位置,昔日门禁森严的皇 家私宅如今每天被乌泱乌泱的游客充斥着。当代新贵们当然 不会涉足,但他们必须找一个地方摆自己盛大隆重的排场—— 奢华酒店是个不错的选择。皇家酒店当然要从紫禁城那汲取 点灵感才说得过去。 正如午门旁必须备着给官员行方便的轿子一样,黑色轿 车也要静候酒店门外,而雅致的大堂就像是太和殿广场,中 阶官员、太监和妃嫔们或四处走动或静立。不过,与仅此一 把龙椅不同的是,这里放置了许多宽敞舒适的椅子,上面坐 着商界精英们,他们正与自己的部属或同僚畅谈。大厅的天 花板挑得高高的,座位隔得远远的,整个空间给人的感觉是 宏伟堂皇。 酒店的中餐厅是更让人放松的地方,这里的装潢更精致, 气氛更华丽,一排排私密包厢满足精英间的高端会晤与交流, 所以中餐厅好比紫禁城的保和殿,皇帝在此举行正式宴会。 乾清门是连接内廷与外朝往来的重要通道,如同酒店里 坐电梯用的钥匙卡——非客不能入,有效隔绝来观光的游人。 供客人和会员使用的健身俱乐部、水疗及其他康乐设施就是 让人放松的私室。行政酒廊与内宫养心殿类似,是严肃处理“政 事”的地方,更多如延禧宫、钟粹宫这样的地方就是客房了。 最后,为了突出特权的优越性,皇家酒店也必须像紫禁 城那样——大门只向少数人敞开。



Beijing is an Imperial City and it needs an imperial hotel, a space that matches its regal past and current dominance. Beijing’s urban plan is expansive with long approaches past vast edifices on wide avenues. The effect is overpowering and lets visitors know the direction in which they should be kowtowing. The centerpiece of the boundless capital is the Imperial Palace or Forbidden City. Then, it was accessible only for the emperor and his family. Now, it is overrun with tourists. Not suitable for contemporary aristocrats, they must look to the luxury hotels for their hours spent in pomp and circumstance. A suitable Imperial Hotel for Beijing borrows the spirit of the Forbidden City. The black sedans pull up outside much as palanquins must have assembled nearby Wumen gate, allowing officials to disembark. The gracious lobby is like the square outside the Hall of Supreme Harmony with medium-rank officials, eunuchs and concubines milling about or standing at attention. There is not just one Dragon Throne in the new palace but many roomy, comfortable chairs on which the business elite drape themselves, discussing transaction with minions or partners. The ceiling of the lobby lounge soars, the seats spaced far apart. The feeling of the guests and the space is grandiose. A more relaxed space, still more rarefied in decor and luxuriant in atmosphere can be found in the Chinese restaurant with its rows of private rooms for the elites to meet. This is the Forbidden City’s Hall of Preserved Harmony, where the Emperor held official banquets. His successors value this symbolic meal no less. The Gate of Heavenly Purity that blocks off the northern quadrants - the inner court - are like the key card in the elevator that should prevent less privileged visitors from experiencing the oasis in the city, the carefree sanctums which are the health club, spa and other amenities offered to guests and members. Also in the inner palace is a place for deep study and the most critical meetings resembling the Hall of Mental Cultivation, the Executive Lounge. Guest Rooms, like the countless halls to the east and west, have names like the Palace of Prolonged Happiness and Palace of Gathering Essence. The best Imperial Hotels must be nearly as forbidden as the Imperial Palace was. This approach suits Beijing.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5




014 法隆口袋雪茄盒

柏林擒“熊”归来的廖凡在人生的舞 台上用心演绎着平凡中的精彩

这些雪茄盒不仅外观精致独特,还可 起到防潮作用

070 公文包越旧越有范儿 每个男人都需要一个公文包,人生的 全部内容似乎都能包在里面

空间 026 意式田园牧歌

076 方寸之间的星月交辉

16 个高级腕表品牌让第 24 届日内瓦国 际高级钟表展完美收官

意大利翁布里亚乡间农舍全新升级, 诠释集乡野拙雅与现代时尚为一体的 贵族新生活

080 来自一个焦躁灵魂的供品

036 室内设计好比量体裁衣

光从卢卡斯·萨马拉斯的作品就能看出 这位怪诞主义大师确实不安分

在萨德·海耶斯看来,室内设计不是混 乱的填充,一个能够经受时间考验的 作品就应该功能齐备、个性突出又优 雅严密

享乐 084 第四届 CHA 中国酒店大奖揭晓


本届评选活动从参评酒店中评出奢华 类、豪华类、高端类年度最佳酒店等 多项大奖

042 好酒店都有好设计 都说顶级酒店深谙待客之道,殊不知 这些世界顶级酒店及零售商场的设计 者可能更胜一筹

107 明星都爱火辣辣 三位火辣辣的影视大腕任泉、李冰冰、 黄晓明合伙投资火辣辣的火锅业




066 廖凡:平凡亦精彩

LifeStyle 7



014 Falloncuir Pocket Humidor


Elegantly whimsical cases protect your cigars form humidity

The best products from the 24th Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie

080 Lucas Samaras: Offerings from a Restless Soul

026 The Count and Castello

An estate for the future renovated by an Italian aristocrat

Progressive artist Lucas Samaras’ was one of the first artists to work with Polaroid cameras

036 Interior Tailoring

Thad Hayes’ interiors are “the opposite of chaos”



084 CHA Winner’s List 2014

LifeStyle chooses the best Deluxe, Luxury and Ultra-Luxury hotels from candidates in the 4th CHA China Hotel Awards

042 A World of Hospitality

Five of the top international firms for hospitality and retail design

066 Liao Fan: In Real Life

The first ever Chinese winner of a Silver Bear award for Best Actor, Liao Fan describes his life and career

107 Celebrity Hot Pot

Columns 108 WineClub 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous



Our briefing on briefcases: why they are essential for every man’s wardrobe.

076 A Lange & Sohne Reveals the Moon at the SIHH 2014



070 Better with Time

The newly opened Hot No.1 hot pot will sate appetites of both fashionistas and spice-seekers alike


LifeStyle 9

APRIL 2014

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14


Luminaries / P20

法国顶级水晶巴卡拉经典之作 Baccarat: Les 250 Ans

LifeStyle 13




Falloncuir Pocket Humidor 曾效力于爱马仕的帕特里克·法隆一直对雪 茄有着浓厚的热情,却苦恼于雪茄干枯后的糟 糕口感。为此,他的工作室采用短吻鳄、巨蟒、 水牛、黄貂鱼、鸵鸟、青蛙和法国长毛兔等动 物身上的特殊材质,专为法隆的至爱雪茄打造 了一系列口袋雪茄盒。非洲精选系列的设计灵 感来源于一次非洲旅行,这些用水牛皮和法国 长毛兔皮制造的口袋雪茄盒集结了三种他喜欢 的动物元素:长颈鹿、斑马和狮子。法隆口袋 雪茄盒不仅外观精致独特,还可起到防潮作用。 有了它,雪茄客们去丛林待上五到七天,雪茄 口感都丝毫不减。 Patrick Fallon, a former craftsman at Hermes, puts the knowledge and virtuosity of his workshop’s craftsmen into the service of one of his passions: cigars. Tired of dried out cigars, Fallon started his brand out of this simple need. Falloncuir pocket humidors are manufactured with the finest skins: Alligator, Crocodile, Python, Buffalo, Stingray, Ostrich, Ostrich leg, Frog and Orylag. The special African Test collection was inspired by a trip to Africa and comprises the likenesses of three animals, the Giraffe, Zebra and Lion. The cases were created out of buffalo leather and orylag fur. Not only are these cases elegantly whimsical, they are also designed to protect your precious cigars from humidity and jungle exposure for 5 to 7 days. www.falloncuir.com

14 LifeStyle

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巴卡拉,走过 250 年

Baccarat: Les 250 Ans 法国顶级水晶品牌巴卡拉正在巴黎巴卡拉 博物馆举办 250 周年回顾展。展览以“巴卡拉: 走过 250 年”为主题,分五部分展出了 250 年 以来的杰作,彰显出品牌的悠久历史。展品中 不乏巴卡拉的经典之作,其中诞生于 1841 年的 哈科特高脚杯是巴卡拉的视觉标志。这只圣杯 应时任国王路易·菲利普的要求制造而成,上面 刻有其姓名首字母组成的精美图案。 Baccarat is celebrating its 250th anniversary with a retrospective exhibition in Paris, showcasing 250 of the brand’s masterpieces over the centuries. “Baccarat: Les 250 ans” takes place in the brand’s Museum-Gallery space and the exhibit will be split into five main themes telling the story of the group’s heritage. The themes include the story of the famous “Harcourt” stem glass, born in 1841 when King Louis Philippe ordered a ceremonial chalice engraved with his monogram.

16 LifeStyle


On Cloud 9 这些锃亮的限量版黄铜咖啡桌出自锦田工作室,外形 可爱像甜点,又像是一团一团绵软的云朵。20 世纪 70 年 代成立于香港的锦田工作室擅于用珍贵不凡的材质打造各 种家具。自从被一家法国公司收购后,这家工作室开始瞄 准收藏市场。 These brass coffee tables are in the shape of a friendly cloud, and are a limited edition from Kam Tin. Kam Tin whose furniture is made out of unusual or precious materials, was founded in Hong Kong in the 1970s. Later it was bought out by a French firm and is now marketed towards a collector market. www.kamtin-furniture.com

LifeStyle 17


Ball & Chain 巴黎知名皮货品牌科尔宾就算打造一个钥 匙扣也不忘自己的老本行,链子上的绒毛球由 法国长毛兔的皮毛制成,看成色就知道在选色 和染色方面花了不少功夫。绒毛球钥匙扣还可 以当钱包挂饰哦。 This furry ball and chain is actually a key chain made out of orylag fur, a type of rabbit only farmed in France. There is quite a bit of skill involved in matching and dying these skins. Created by specialist furrier Corbin Paris, the keychain is a whimsical pouf and can be dangled as a purse accessory as well. www.corbinparis.com

18 LifeStyle


Upping Asia’s Design Class

香港著名设计师傅厚民精选其 12 个最著名的项目集 结成册,由香港精品图书出版商 The Antithesis 出版了《定 制之旅(第 1 卷)》。该书以香港奕居酒店为封面,通过 丰富的照片和大量素描手稿带领读者来一趟“定制之旅”, 探寻当代亚洲美学新定义。屡获殊荣的傅厚民被称为“设 计大师”(《Monocle》)、“香港设计界的中坚力量” (《Wallpaper》)、 “亚洲设计界的风云人物” (美国版《Conde Nast Traveler》),其创办的 AFSO 设计事务所作品包括 香港奕居酒店、新加坡浮尔顿海湾酒店、伦敦柏凯丽酒店 Opus 套房、广州 W 酒店稻菊日餐厅以及连卡佛鞋履库。 Featuring Hong Kong’s Upper House on the cover, A Bespoke Journey (Volume 1) includes lush photos and hand sketches of twelve of the most outstanding projects by celebrated Hong Kong architect Andre Fu. Proclaimed a ‘Design Master’ by Monocle magazine, ‘Hong Kong’s Design Stalwart’ by Wallpaper*, and an ‘Asian Design Sensation’ by Conde Nast Traveler US, Fu’s AFSO (Andre Fu StudiO) is behind the Upper House, Singapore’s Fullerton Bay, The Opus Suite in the Berkeley Hotel, I by Inagiku Japanese restaurant at the W Hotel in Guangzhou, and several other hospitality projects as well as Lane Crawford Store’s Shoe Library. Published by The Antithesis, a Hong Kong based boutique publisher, A Bespoke Journey is a great way to gain an understanding of one of the most important definers of a new Asian Aesthetic for this Century.

LifeStyle 19


Luminaries What originally prompted you to sell air filters? When my wife and I first started out in Beijing we went from selling Christmas trees to barbeques and mosquito killers – all seasonal products, so we had low seasons in the spring and fall. I went to talk to one of my business mentors and he recommended that we find a new product, something that would carry us through those seasons. The idea of air purifyers came up, and through research I discovered IQAir was the number one rated air purifyer. The idea was to sell air cleansers to our expat clients and round out cash flow, but in the end the idea proved to be far more successful than I could have imagined.


Nothing is Impossible 从停车场卖圣诞树到当上高端空气净化器品牌 IQAir 中国区 CEO, 迈克·墨菲与 LifeStyle 聊起他成功的秘诀。 Mike Murphy, CEO of IQAir China, went from selling Christmas trees in a parking lot to running a wildly successful business in air purifyers. We chat with Mike about what it takes to succeed. Text: Audrey Hammonds

你是怎么干上空气净化器这行的? 最初我们在北京卖过圣诞树、户外烧 烤用具和灭蚊器,都是些季节性很强的产 品,所以夏秋两季是淡季。一位年长的良 师益友建议我选一款四季皆宜的新产品, 刚好有个瑞士朋友,是以前做景观美化时 的生意伙伴,帮我跟 IQAir 搭上线,就干上 这行了。 什么时候突然意识到自己成功了? 有很多时候,尤其是赚钱的时候,但 我最看重的还是人。我们刚来北京发展的 时候,有一位姓王的雇员,他呆的时间很长, 天天学英语,后来成了一名很出色的销售。 他生平第一次出差还是我送他去机场的, 那也是他第一次坐飞机,他当时很感谢我, 其实我也非常触动能让一个人为我去跑生 意。我一直记得这个事。 在北京和上海之外,IQAir 的业务发展如何? 我们现在已经遍布全中国,在北京、 上海、广州和成都四大主要城市设立了办 公室,其他很多城市也陆续开了小一点的

20 LifeStyle

专卖店。下一步规划,也是未来的目标, 就是争取中国市场渗透率达到 100%。在中 国市场,总是存在着巨大的发展空间和尝 试空间。万事皆有可能,只要你肯下功夫。 IQAir 和酒店是怎样合作的?跟公司合作与 跟个人合作有什么不同? 我们一直跟酒店有合作。人们现在越 来越注重健康问题,但酒店考虑的当然是 守住自己的底线,也就是入住率。外地和 外国客人都很看重空气质量,北京雾霾又 这么严重,所以很多酒店在贵宾区、行政 楼层和总统套房都使用 IQAir 的产品,以此 来吸引客人。 是什么促使你成为创业者? 我在美国一个小城长大,我母亲独自 抚养我们 5 个孩子。我很小的时候就要开 始为自己想要的东西(比如衣服)努力工作, 只有钱能带给我安全感。我也发现赢得别 人的尊重和重视非常重要。我相信,种瓜 得瓜,种豆得豆,只要你舍得付出,就一 定会有回报。

When was the exact moment that you realized you had succeeded? There are many moments that I can site, the typical including some monetary achievement, but people are the most important to me. I had hired a man named Mr. Wang when we first started our business and he had been with us for a long time – he studied English every day and moved up to be a great sales person. One day I took him to the airport for his first business trip, which was also his first plane ride. His appreciation for that moment, as well as my feeling that I had someone who was able to go do business for me, were very proud and touching moments I’ll always remember. How far has IQ Air extended outside of Beijing and Shanghai? We are now China-wide! We have offices in the four top key cities – Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Chengdu, and are opening smaller outlets in many other cities now. Our next step and my goal for the future is to reach 100% market penetration. In China there is always room to grow and experiment. Many things in China are difficult, but nothing is impossible! When did IQ Air begin working with hotels? How is working with businesses different from working with individuals? We’ve always worked with hotels. While individuals are more concerned about personal health, hotels are of course thinking about the bottom line, which means occupancy rates and happy customers. We do a lot of business with hotels who use the IQAir machines in the VIP areas, executive floors and presidential suites. Clients from out of town and out of the country really appreciate the clean air and it helps hotels attract clients to their rooms in smoggy Beijing. What inspires you as an entrepreneur? I grew up in a small town in the US, and my mother had to struggle to take care of five kids by herself. I started working to buy the things I wanted – clothes, for instance, at a young age and have always been driven by the need for financial security. This need taught me early on to be hard working and to think my way to a better life for myself and my family. In addition to finding personal success, I’m driven to better the lives of my employees and the people we serve.

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Accessorizing the East 在前不久举行的香港 The Hub 展上,LifeStyle 执行主编费志远 与奢华衬衫配件品牌 Penrose London 创始人、前雅格狮丹国际批发 部经理迈克尔·惠特比 - 格拉布不期而遇。这位品位男士总忘不了 Penrose 口袋方巾。 Michael Whitby-Grubb, founder of luxury shirting and accessories brand, Penrose London, and former Aquascutum international wholesale manager, was just in Hong Kong to attend fashion trade show, The HUB. LifeStyle Editor-in-Chief Nels Frye caught up with this dapper fellow who wouldn’t be caught dead without a vibrant Penrose pocket square. Text: Nels Frye

潘洛斯的产品都是如何制造的? 潘洛斯的每件产品都是独一无二的。 设计方案确定后,我们会在英国或意大利的 合约制造商那里制作成品,这类小规模加工 厂往往是家庭式经营,能充分迎合我们追求 极致完美的产品理念。 你怎么看中国市场? 中国市场对于像我们这样的小众品牌 来说,既有吸引力又充满了挑战。我们与世 界六大洲 22 个市场的高端百货都有合作, 比如伦敦哈罗德、纽约巴尼、东京伊势丹、 香港连卡佛、伊斯坦布尔 Beymen,还包括 其他一些精品专门店。通过从全球零售商那 里搜集信息,我们了解到中国富裕消费者的 强大购买力,在世界任何地方都能看到他们 的身影。所以,我们也决定要进一步拓宽中 国市场,而此次参加香港 The Hub 展便是 一个绝好的契机。 你有什么特别规划吗? 在亚洲市场,我们与连卡佛有着不错 的合作关系(目前仅限于香港)。我们计划 在其它地区复制这一模式,争取在已建立合 作关系的经销商和综合性品牌零售商的实 体店都能取得成功。不过我们不会考虑在中 国授权特许生产商。 为什么会参加这次的 The Hub 展? 这是我们第二次参加香港 The Hub 展。 在我看来,这里可能会成为我们进军亚太市 场的一个平台。目前在全球 22 个市场都可 以买到潘洛斯的产品。对于像潘洛斯这种小 众品牌来说,我们可以获得英国时装及纺织 协会资助参加各种国际性展会。 你对 The Hub 展的印象如何? 这是一个高度专业、组织有序的展会。 只是活动选址可能是个问题,我原本期待这

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一届展会到处人头攒动,摩肩接踵。即便如 此,我还是和许多中国的专业机构代表有不 错的交流。就参展商来说,质量重于数量。 作为一个新的展会,香港 The Hub 展对所 有参展商和参与者来说都是一个很好的机 会。从活动安排来看,The Hub 展项目团 队建起了广泛且密集的社交网络,把志趣相 投的人聚在一起。这次我还认识了湾仔多品 牌精品店 Kapok 的店主阿尔诺·卡斯特尔, 我们的很多观点不谋而合,还约好第二天接 着聊。我想我们应该会一起合作 2014 秋冬 系列。 How are your products made? All Penrose London products are unique, designed in our London showroom and produced in either Great Britain or Italy using small often family-run businesses that fully embrace our mission of being one of the finest companies of its genre. Did you get any new ideas or thoughts about the China market? China. This is an interesting yet challenging situation for a niche brand like ours. We work globally with some of the finest multi-brand stores, covering 6 continents in 22 international markets; we include prestigious partners such as Harrods London, Barneys New York, Isetan Tokyo, Lane Crawford Hong Kong, Beymen Istanbul, and many other specialty premium stores in key global locations. We understand from some key retail partners that wealthy Chinese consumers purchase our goods in a number of international retail stores, hence our interest in exploring the market further and the HUB would seem to be the key here.

What are your plans for this market? For Asia we work very successfully with Lane Crawford (at this stage only in HK). Our strategy would be to mirror our successful model from elsewhere, and we expect this to be through either working with an established partner such as a distributor or working directly with select brick and mortar multi-branded retailers. We do not envisage licensing or manufacturing products in China. Why did you decide to attend “The HUB” this time? This was our second showing at The HUB and although still in its infancy, we feel that this could be a potential launch pad into the Asia-Pacific arena. For small specialist brands such as Penrose London, we are able to obtain grants through the UKFT which is of great help in financing the costs associated with international exhibitions. What are your impressions of the The HUB? I continue to be impressed with the professionalism and organizational skills that are evident. The venue may be an issue as I was hoping to have seen an increased foot flow from last season. That said, I met a number of quite serious organizations from China and I believe in quality over quantity. As a very new concept The HUB will continue to cultivate both their exhibitors and visitors with equal measure. Socially, The HUB team ensures there are events in Hong Kong that include networking and meeting like-minded souls. At just such an event I was introduced to Arnault Castel of Kapok, the multi-brand boutique, and we exchanged views on things with a common ethos. We arranged to meet the next day and I believe we will be working together for AW14.

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伊瑚鲁悦椿度假村再迎 24 小时潜水活动

Angsana Ihuru Celebrates the Return of Its 24 Hour Diving 马尔代夫伊瑚鲁悦椿度假村将于 4 月 25 日迎来第二届 24 小时潜水活动,即“芮娜玛丽号探索之旅”。当天从黎明到黄 昏将进行 6 次下潜,并通过摄像机镜头呈现热带海洋世界昼夜 间变幻纷呈的美妙景象。船体四周会特别安置水下摄像机,于 度假村内和悦椿官方网站实时转播活动盛况,提供 360 度全景 体验。伊瑚鲁悦椿度假村旨在通过潜水活动,在芮娜玛丽号沉 船 15 周年之际,揭开印度洋的神秘面纱,展现独特的海底世界。 2014 年恰逢悦榕集团成立 20 周年,集团希望通过“芮娜玛丽 号探索之旅”传达保护珊瑚礁和海洋生物的重要信息。 The boutique spa resort Angsana Ihuru in the Maldives will host its sensational dive event for the second year running on 25th April 2014. This 24-hour diving experience – The ‘10 to 10 Rannamaari wreck’ event – will bring its house shipwreck to life. Six dives will take place over one day from dawn to dusk giving a glimpse into the daily, changing patterns of the tropical marine world of the Indian Ocean. Special underwater cameras will be strategically placed around the resort’s shipwreck streaming live footage to Angsana Ihuru and www.angsana.com. The event will showcase the beauty of the Indian Ocean on the 15th anniversary of when ‘Rannamaari’ was sunk off the house reef of Angsana Ihuru. To highlight the importance of protecting coral and marine life, the event also coincides with the 20th anniversary of Angsana Hotels as part of the world-renowned, Banyan Tree Group.


Karl Lagerfeld to Design Hotel in Macau “时装界的凯撒大帝”卡尔·拉格菲尔德向来兴趣广泛。前不久 这位香奈儿艺术总监与澳门赌场巨头澳门博彩股份(SJM)共同宣布, 他设计的第一家大型酒店将于 2017 年在澳门开业。据悉,这座高 20 层、共有 270 间客房的酒店将成为 SJM 旗下澳门豪华度假村上葡 京的一部分,此外意大利奢侈品公司范思哲打造的范思哲皇宫酒店也 在其中。 Karl Lagerfeld, along with Macau casino operator Sociedade de Jogos de Macau, or S.J.M, recently announced that the man behind Chanel will design his very own hotel for the first time in China’s gambling Mecca. Expected to comprise 270 rooms and reach 20 storeys, hotel will be part of the Lisboa Palace complex, also including a Versace-themed hotel designed by the Italian fashion label. The complex is expected to open sometime in 2017.

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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.26 设计师

Designer / P.36

纽约设计师萨德·海耶斯室内设计作品 Interior design by Thad Hayes

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Structure 建筑


The Count and Castello 意大利翁布里亚乡间农舍全新升级, 诠释集乡野拙雅与现代时尚为一体的贵族新生活。 An Italian aristocrat renovates an estate for the future. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Castello di Reschio

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有着田园诗般的乡村和山野,风景如 画的翁布里亚被誉为意大利的“绿色心脏”。 这里美丽神秘的中世纪山村小镇也是其闻 名遐迩的原因之一。许多古老的修道院、 农舍、教堂和城堡被改建成乡间别墅,让 人置身于浓厚的中世纪氛围里,真正感受 到古朴情思。占地 3000 英亩的经典农舍 Castello di Reschio 便是这样一个迷人之 地。起伏的山丘上此处是葡萄园,彼处是 古老的多瘤橄榄树,还有不少栗树和橡树, 不远处是整齐的田地与层峦叠嶂的山脉, 而矗立其中的一座中世纪古堡和 50 处星罗 棋布的农舍是这幅风景画中接地气的人间 烟火。 今日的桃源之地得益于主人安东尼奥·博 尔察伯爵的努力。博尔察家族原本是意大利 的银行家,18 世纪时移居匈牙利,博尔察伯 爵就出生在那里。前苏联占领匈牙利后,父

亲背着 5 岁的伯爵逃往奥地利(1949 年)。 几十年后,博尔察伯爵与妻子安捷莉卡在慕 尼黑的出版事业小有声色,开始在意大利租 住度假屋,可房屋的实际状况不尽如人意, 要不卫生欠佳,要不设施不齐,夫妇俩觉得 还不如把时间和心思用在自己的房子上。 1985 年,他们买下翁布里亚一个古老的教 堂并做了翻修,随着对翁布里亚热爱程度的 加深,后来竟买下了整个片区和 50 处古旧 农舍。 博尔察伯爵的儿子本尼迪克现在是首 席建筑师,他包揽规划、灯光、环境景观、 室内装潢、家具设计,甚至包括门把手的 选购,摒弃了一切意式翻修惯有的单调乏 味和官僚做派。拥有 5 间卧室的“宫殿” 是其中最壮观的别墅之一,它看起来似乎 已矗立了好几个世纪,其实 2009 年才在 500 年的遗址上建起来的。 上世纪 40 年代建立的烟厂原本是个拥 有 50 名雇工的加工厂,专门加工当地农民 种植的烟草。一楼用来脱干烟草,然后升 至楼上,由女工们拣选、分级,最后打包 派送。由于推进产业机械化,工厂运营到 60 年代便关闭了。 此外,本尼迪克将古玩市场淘来的宝 贝和现代材料很巧妙地联系在一起,亲自 为这些房子设计精美的家具。他刚刚推出 了自己的照明和家具精品,都是由“老烟厂” 里的工作坊生产的。他的妻子娜西亚是佛 罗伦萨贵族,在“老烟厂”也有一个工作 坊。娜西亚是一名受过正规训练的艺术家, 她创作的错视画和壁画是墙壁和地板最好 的艺术装饰,连灯罩等家居用品都被注入 了艺术的灵性。

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ucked away in the beautiful hills of Umbria is Castello di Reschio, a magnificent 3,000 acre estate of ancient gnarled olive trees, oak and chestnut woodlands and vineyards. A medieval castle and 50 hilltop farmhouses scattered around this tranquil countryside complete the idyllic picture. The aim to preserve this vision comes from the estate owner, Conte Antonio Bolza and his interesting story. The Bolzas were originally bankers in Italy but had moved to large estates in Hungary in the 18th century. Conte Bolza was born there but as a young boy of five years old had to flee the country on his father’s back in 1949 after the Soviet occupation, traveling to Austria with nothing. Decades later having a successful publishing career based in Munich, Conte Bolza and his wife Contessa Angelika started

to rent holiday homes in Italy. Frequently finding them unclean and lacking in supplies they decided it was better to spend time on their own place so in 1985 they brought San Martino, an old church property in Umbria and restored it. Falling in love with the area they end up buying the whole estate and 50 ruins! Conte Antonio’s son, Count Benedikt is now chief architect and masterminds all the architectural planning and design, lighting, landscaping, interiors and furnishings right down to the door handles and removes all the tedium and bureaucracy usually associated with Italian restoration. The Palazzo, a grand 5-bedroom villa and one of the grandest houses on the estate, looks as if it has been there for centuries but was built within the historic footprint of the 500 year old property, in 2009. The Tabaccaia was built in the 1940s as a processing factory for the tobacco grown by local farmers and where 50 people were employed. The tobacco was dried on the ground floor and sent upstairs by lift where a team of women standing at tables, sorted, graded, then packaged and dispatched the crop. The factory closed during the 1960s as the industry became mechanised. Benedikt also designs his own exquisite furniture for the houses combining finds from antique markets with modern materials and he has just launched his own boutique collection of lighting and furniture, BB for Reschio that is made in the workshops of the Tabaccaia. Benedikt’s wife, Donna Nencia, a Corsini princess, also has a workshop in the Tabaccaia. She is a classically trained artist and she mixes her own paints to create wonderful trompe l’oeil and fresco paintings on the walls and floors, as well as original colours for the parchment of the new lighting and furniture.

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In the Mists of Time 苏格兰卡玛斯达拉海滩上的半埋式木屋,日出日落之美尽收眼底。 A house located in the rural Scottish Highlands.

Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: David Barbour

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两千多年前,在苏格兰奥克尼群岛的 最大岛屿 斯卡拉·布雷岛上,人们利用本地 物料建造了遮风挡雨的栖息之所。这些用 石头搭砌而成的居所半掩于地下,不仅隔 热,而且可以抵御风暴侵袭。千百年来, 这里的气候环境依旧恶劣,而这座新石器 时代村落里的建筑却多半完好如初。 参照斯卡拉·布雷村落的建筑原理,伦 敦 Raw 事务所在苏格兰高地设计了一幢半 埋式木质住宅。设计师选在地势陡峭、曾 是荒蛮牧场的卡玛斯达拉海滩建造这座私 人住屋。小屋的主人是一对年轻夫妇,他 们已经在这个偏僻荒凉的地方生活工作一 段时间。根据他们的要求,最好在屋内就 能看到壮观的山顶日出,同时又能欣赏到 群岛背面的优美日落。考虑到当地的地形 状况,最后小屋选址于此。整个建筑的上 半部分设计为生活起居空间,而住宿设施 和小屋的入口都安排在下半部分。

该建筑采用低技术设计理念建造,混 凝土地基和上部木质构造均裸露在外,而 室内三层空间和各功能分区则通过不同光 照强度、空间面积、挑高设计及用材区隔 开来。从底层入口进入小屋,首先看到用 水泥修建的阴暗储藏间;拾级而上,空间 随桦木板楼梯的延伸而逐步扩展开来,光 照渐强,地板到天花板的距离也逐渐增加, 涂料色彩也由深转浅。在屋内黑色雪松门 把手和胶合板楼梯栏杆的映衬下,这幢多 折角建筑的每一条折线都显得分外清晰。 建筑师很明了,对于一幢乡村住宅来 说,连接花园的小径非常重要。只有合理 的空间布局设计才能确保主人从这座建筑 里走出来就直接走进风景里。所以,既要 有效提升顶楼高度,以方便主人远眺群岛 美景,又要确保进出小屋便捷性,只需几 步就可来到花园最好。 这幢建筑的外部色彩曾颇受争议。设 计者最终选择了黑色,以使这座背景氤氲 的乡村小屋更好地融入当地环境,因为只 有纯黑才能驾驭这泥炭色的阴沉。

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ver 2000 years ago the occupants of Skara Brae, Orkney in Scotland used locally sourced materials to build partially submerged dwellings providing thermal insulation and protection from the storm battered climate. The weather definitely hasn’t improved, but for the most part the buildings remain intact. Incorporating these principles, Raw Architecture Workshop has completed a new build house on steeply sloping former rough grazing land at Camusdarach Sands which is in the Scottish Highlands. The clients, a young couple already living and working in this isolated location, were keen to capture the spectacular sunrise views over the mountains and sunsets behind the islands. Given the topography of the site the response was to locate the living spaces on the upper portion of the plot, with sleeping accommodations and entry levels stacked below.

The construction was low tech consisting of an exposed concrete base sitting beneath the more expressive timber frame superstructure. There is a clear distinction in internal arrangement of space and function across three levels denoted by changes in light levels, scale of spaces, floor to ceiling heights and materials. The entrance is at the lower level that leads into a darker, utilitarian concrete bunker. As you progress up through the building, via the birch ply staircase, spaces enlarge, daylight levels and ceiling heights soar, and materials are characterized by a lighter finish. The angular form of the building is reflected in the black painted cedar internal door handles and handrail detail of the plywood balustrade. The architects were conscious that a connection to the garden would be critical for a rural house and felt it important that you were able to step out of the main living spaces directly onto the landscape. This factor controlled the balance between elevating the top floor sufficiently to see the islands and keeping it low enough so that you were only three steps from the garden. The final external color was much debated and in the end black was chosen to tune into the characteristics of the peat, gorse and stormy skies.

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Interior Tailoring

在萨德·海耶斯看来,室内设计不是混乱的填充, 一个能够经受时间考验的作品就应该功能齐备、 个性突出又优雅严密。 Thad Hayes’ thoughtful, tailored interiors Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Thad Hayes Inc

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纽 约 室 内 设 计 师 萨 德· 海 耶 斯 的 作 品 就像定制的西服一般考究经典,无怪乎他 2009 年出版的咖啡桌书会取名为《量体裁 衣的室内设计》。不管是现代的还是传统 复古的,抑或是古今兼并的,他都能凭借 柔和的背景、收放有度的色彩和材料,以 及少量雕塑般的饰品屏蔽混乱的设计累赘。 有时候你必须承认,让伊芙琳和雷纳德·兰 黛棕榈滩(佛罗里达州)的新古典主义豪 宅和马克·雅可布曼哈顿最时髦的联排别墅 同样和谐宁静实在是一项高难度的活儿, 得是天赋异禀之人,而海耶斯就是深谙此 道的佼佼者。 海耶斯在路易斯安那出生并长大,很 小的时候他的艺术天分就被父母发掘培养, 他们会开车去一一参观那些遗留下来的种 植园屋宅。当母亲雇了一个人专门负责自 家的室内装潢时,海耶斯意识到原来室内 设计可以是一份终身职业。 有趣的是,海耶斯完成园林建筑学位 后去纽约读帕森斯设计学院时,竟然找不 到一份工作。当时纽约的失业率很高,那 里很多地方都被遗弃了,但海耶斯是个积 极乐观的人,也有点小运气,他遇到了住 在楼上的著名室内设计师和画家斯蒂芬·沙 德 利, 后 者 将 他 引 荐 给 了 罗 伯 特· 布 雷, 1982 年又被邀请加入布雷和斯琪埃博工作。 3 年后,海耶斯创办了自己的公司。 海耶斯不是个热衷于社交的人,忙碌 过后,他更喜欢和孩子呆在一起。正是这 种缜密周全又不失细腻的天性影响了他的 作品。事实上,他的办公室从来没有超过 8 个人,但每个人都能各司其职,每一个项 目都有条不紊地进行着。

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typical Thad Hayes room is as crisp and classic as a bespoke suit, so it makes sense that the New York designer titled his 2009 coffee-table book The Tailored Interior (Rizzoli). Whether he’s working on a modern or a traditional space - or, just as likely, one that effortlessly synthesizes present and past - Hayes relies on muted backgrounds, a restrained palette of colors and materials, and spare, almost sculptural compositions to achieve what he calls “the opposite of chaos.” It’s a rare talent indeed who can bring harmony and serenity to the interiors of both Evelyn and Leonard Lauder’s neoclassical mansion in Palm Beach, Florida, and the up-to-the-minute Manhattan townhouse of Marc Jacobs. Thad Hayes was born and raised in Louisiana and his artistic talent was luckily fostered by his parents. It was car trips to visit historic plantation houses and his own home growing up that influenced his future when his mother hired an interior decorator and he realized that interior design could be a career. Interestingly enough he ended up with a degree in landscape architecture and didn’t even have a job when he moved to New York in 1979 to study at Parsons School of Design. At that time, New York was a gritty place with high unemployment and many parts of the city abandoned. But Thad Hayes had an optimistic spirit and a bit of luck on his side when his upstairs neighbor, painter and designer Stephen Shadley, introduced him to Robert Bray who invited him to work for Bray and Schaible in 1982. After three years with the firm, Thad Hayes left and started his own company. Thad Hayes isn’t a social butterfly, part of the reason for which is that he has a young son whom he likes to spend time with at the end of the day. It’s this thoughtful nature that informs his design choices. Indeed, his office has never had more than eight people which keeps projects manageable.

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Structure News


Groundbreaking Ceremony for German Service Centre in Foshan Held 佛山德国服务中心奠基仪式前不久举行,其竞赛招标结果于 2013 年已公布,gmp 建筑师事务所与中国合作事务所在与众多德国 事务所的竞争中脱颖而出。2013 年 9 月 25 日,一汽 - 大众华南新厂 落户广东佛山,佛山市未来将吸引大量德国企业机构进驻投资。佛山 德国服务中心建筑综合体与同样由 gmp 设计兴建的佛山世纪莲体育 馆及保利中心咫尺之遥,基地位于东平河畔,依托珠江三角洲经济板 块。呈叠加状的建筑体块外立面通过白色中国花岗岩刻画出垂直的秩 序肌理,将成为佛山这座拥有 700 万人口的大都会令人难忘的建筑 形象。综合体内将容纳购物中心、餐厅、公寓以及豪华住宅、地下车 库,另外还设有公共汽车站和地铁站。 A groundbreaking ceremony for the new construction of the German Service Centre in Foshan, a city in the south of China, took place on 25 February 2014. In 2013, the architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners were successful in winning this competition which was open to German architectural practices with a Chinese partner. On 25 September 2013, the Volkswagen corporation, together with its joint venture partner FAW Volkswagen, opened a new automotive factory in Foshan, which turned this city in Guangdong province into an interesting location for German companies. The Foshan German Service Centre building complex is being created in the direct proximity of these other projects already completed by gmp: the Foshan Sports Park and the Foshan Poly Centre along the Dongping River in the region of the Pearl River Delta. The staggered buildings with vertically structured façades of white Chinese granite create a characteristic appearance and landmark in the Foshan metropolis, a city of 7 million inhabitants. The complex accommodates shopping centers, restaurants, flats and luxury apartments including underground car parking, a bus station and an underground station.

40 LifeStyle

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A World of Hospitality / P.42

罗泰特工作室室内设计作品 Interior design by Rottett Studio

LifeStyle 41

好酒店 都有好设计

A World of Hospitality 都说顶级酒店深谙待客之道, 殊不知这些世界顶级酒店及零售商场的设计者可能更胜一筹。 LifeStyle profiles five of the top international firms for hospitality and retail design. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective firms

42 LifeStyle

The Tiffany Suite at The St.Regis New York



44 LifeStyle

Glenn Pushelberg and George Yabu

Yabu Pushelberg 雅布和普歇尔伯格

1980 年,乔治·雅布与格里恩·普歇尔 伯格在多伦多创办了雅布和普歇尔伯格设 计公司。多年来,这家公司在世界各地完成 了众多亮眼的高级餐厅、奢华酒店及精品店 的设计,合作对象包括颇负盛名的名厨让 乔治·冯格里奇顿和丹尼尔·布卢德,四季、 凯悦和万豪酒店集团等。最新开业的伦敦艾 迪逊酒店也是其与酒店大亨伊恩·施拉格合 作的成果。 这对杰出的搭档早在多伦多怀雅逊大 学学室内设计时便已相识。雅布是日本裔, 来自市中心的平民区,之所以选择室内设计 是因为这个专业要求的学期论文较少,而普 歇尔伯格出身工薪阶层家庭,从小在离多伦 多 105 公里以外的郊区长大,他上学仅仅 是为了“逃离小城镇”。 雅布和普歇尔伯格业务蒸蒸日上的动 力尤其来自时尚品牌及零售业商户,比如连 卡佛、巴尼斯纽约精品店、波道夫·古德曼、 路易威登、卡罗琳娜·埃莱拉、大卫·雅曼、 凯特·丝蓓等。他们在室内设计中十分注重 与现代艺术的融合,比如委托加拿大艺术家 丹尼斯·林和帕斯卡尔·吉拉丁创造大型装置, 往往能给其作品带来惊艳的效果。





46 LifeStyle

Founded in Toronto in 1980 by Glenn Pushelberg and George Yabu, the luxuryfocused firm has created interiors for restaurateurs including Jean-Georges Vongerichten and Daniel Boulud, as well as major hotel groups like Four Seasons, Hyatt and Marriott, for which, in collaboration with hotelier Ian Schrager, they recently designed the interiors of the newly opened London Edition. The duo, who first met while studying interior design at Toronto’s Ryerson University, both fell into the subject. Yabu, an inner-city kid and the son of Japanese immigrants, chose interior design “because I wanted the courses that required less term papers.” Pushelberg, who grew up in a working class suburb 65 miles outside of Toronto, picked the program because he “wanted to escape the small town.” But, in particular, it’s Yabu Pushelberg’s fashion retail projects - for clients including Lane Crawford, Barneys New York, Bergdorf Goodman, Louis Vuitton, Carolina Herrera, David Yurman and Kate Spade - that have been a key driver of the company’s growth. They focus on the use of contemporary art in their projects, commissioning artists to create large-scale installations, including Toronto’s Dennis Lin and Montrealer Pascale Girardin.



48 LifeStyle

Mike Suomi and Vince Stroop

Stonehill and Taylor 斯通希尔和泰勒

1986 年,建筑和室内设计公司斯通希 尔和泰勒在纽约落户,其前身是 1963 年创 立的伦德奎斯特和斯通希尔。无论是新楼 及其附属设施建造、以旧翻新还是室内设 计,国际化的工作团队让斯通希尔和泰勒都 得心应手,游刃有余。他们通过团队协作, 为每一个项目提供独特又创新的解决方案。 耀眼的案例履历上从五星级奢华酒店到最 先进的医疗和科研设施不一而足,甚至还包 括原型设计和为一流酒店集团创建子品牌, 比如纽约瑞吉酒店、纽约埃斯酒店和纽约诺 玛德酒店。 迈克·索米是斯通希尔和泰勒的主要负 责人之一兼设计总监,在为酒店和精品店 客户开发独特的复合性高知名度项目方面, 他拥有深厚且让人折服的行业背景。文斯· 斯特鲁普是另一位重量级设计师,从业已 18 年的他主导著名的公共空间及私宅项目, 包括酒店、图书馆、豪华府邸、酒庄和餐厅 的设计。文斯在纽约酒店界显赫有名,像阿 联酋、沙特阿拉伯、俄罗斯、香港和澳门这 样的新兴目的地也有他活跃的身影。





50 LifeStyle

Stonehill & Taylor is an architecture and interior design firm established in New York City in 1986 as the successor firm of Lundquist and Stonehill, founded in 1963. Their international staff brings a breadth of design experience in new building construction, additions, renovations, and interior design. With primary focuses in hospitality, healthcare, research, and academic facilities, Stonehill & Taylor utilizes a collaborative approach to design, producing unique and innovative solutions for each project. The firm’s portfolio offers a wide range of projects, from five star luxury hotels to state-of-the-art health and science facilities, as well as prototype designs and branding campaigns to create new brands for major hospitality flags. Project highlights have included such high-profile properties such as The St.Regis New York, Ace Hotel New York and NoMAD Hotel New York. One of the principals is Mike Suomi who is also director of design at Stonehill & Taylor. He has an extensive background in developing unique, complex and high profile projects for well-known hospitality clients and boutique properties. Another principal designer Vince Stroop brings with him 18 years in the industry, leading the design of prominent public and private spaces, including hotels, libraries, luxury residences, wineries, and restaurants. Vince specializes in hospitality in New York, and has worked in emerging destinations, such as the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, Russia, Hong Kong and Macau.



52 LifeStyle

Richard Riverie, Lauren Rottett and David Davis

Rottett Studio 罗泰特工作室

罗泰特工作室的项目涉及众多世界知 名公司及其旗下品牌的酒店。工作室创始 人、美国建筑师协会和美国图形艺术学会会 员劳伦·罗泰特女士,带领公司逐步发展为 美国最好的室内设计公司之一。 作为时下最有名的室内设计师之一, 罗泰特揽获了众多专业奖项,并积极参与其 他社会活动,像编写出版物、发表演讲、参 加评审活动等。她是历史上首位被美国建筑 师协会与美国国际室内设计师协会同时评 为会士的设计师,入选了室内设计名人堂, 被美国总务管理局聘为“终身专家”。 设计师和项目经理的大卫·戴维斯拥有 多年专业经验,参与了罗泰特工作室众多酒 店和公司的室内设计项目。戴维斯的职业 生涯始于 1985 年,最早在 SOM(美国最 大的建筑师事务所之一)芝加哥总部工作, 后来到洛杉矶参与了盖蒂艺术中心项目。之 后,戴维斯又回到纽约负责 SOM 室内设计 部的工作。直到 2008 年,他与罗泰特和理 查德·瑞维拉共同创办了罗泰特工作室。





54 LifeStyle

Rottet Studio is an international architecture and design firm with an extensive portfolio of corporate and hospitality projects for the world’s leading companies and brands. Founder Lauren Rottet, FAIA, FIIDA has developed Rottet Studio into one of the finest interior design practices in the United States. One of the most-celebrated interior architects in the world today, Lauren Rottett has an extensive record of awards, publications, lectures, juries and honors. Ms. Rottet is the only woman in history to be elevated to Fellow status by both the American Institute of Architects and International Interior Design Association. She also holds the coveted titles of Interior Design Hall of Fame and Lifetime Appointee to the U.S. General Services Administration’s National Register of Peer Professionals for Design Excellence.

David Davis has many years’ experience as a designer and project manager. He brings an extensive portfolio of hospitality and corporate interior projects to Rottet Studio. Mr. Davis began his career in 1985 in the Chicago office of Skidmore, Owings & Merrill. He later moved to Los Angeles to work on the Getty Center with Richard Meier & Partners. Davis returned to New York to head Skidmore’s interior design department. Mr. Davis joined Lauren Rottet and Richard Riveire in 2008 to form Rottet Studio.



56 LifeStyle

Julie Zeng and Rick Fawell

VOA Associates Incorporated

创立于 1969 年的 VOA 是一家全球性 建筑设计公司,致力于为客户提供优质服 务,为世界各地的人们设计建造工作、学习、 医疗及游乐场所。其屡获殊荣的设计作品为 所在之处都增添了一抹亮色。作为业内领先 的建筑设计公司,其杰出的设计作品迄今已 经斩获 350 余个各级别奖项,同时也积攒 了极具实力的客户资源。 2006 年,VOA 正式进入中国市场并迅 速发展,业务遍及中国、越南、柬埔寨的 三十多个城市。上海 VOA 副总曾卓是著名 室内设计师,毕业于美国辛辛那提大学室内 设计专业,加盟 VOA 前曾供职于多家知名 美国室内设计公司。在 VOA 的这五年里, 她参与过中国和美国的多个项目。 瑞克·法瑞尔担任 VOA 负责人已经有 19 个年头了,目前负责 VOA 在北京和上海 两家分支机构的设计和管理工作。在过去 35 年的时间里,他一直从事住宅、酒店、 度假村等项目的设计规划工作,参与的项目 遍及美国、中国及东南亚地区。法瑞尔曾在 法国巴黎、芬兰赫尔辛基以及美国的波士顿 和芝加哥学习、工作和生活很长时间,直到 2009 年选择定居北京。 VOA 于 2010 年上海世博会前完成的 上海明捷万丽酒店,是一座集高档住宅、办 公楼、酒店、商业于一体的大型多业态的都 市综合体,致力于服务中外游客。客人进入 酒店后可直达前台,转身即可在旋转曲线设 计的引领下来到充满怀旧气息的酒店大堂。

这里的天花板、地板和照明设施,处处都弥 漫着复古的味道。另一件重要作品是位于华 盛顿特区的瑞典大使馆。这座 85000 平方 英尺的建筑包含了许多瑞典元素,也充分反 映了其作为大使馆的建设目的。





58 LifeStyle

Founded in 1969, VOA Associates Incorporated provides remarkable client service and award winning design for the built environment. VOA creates spaces for people all over the world to work, learn, heal and play. Their ranking as a leading design firm has been affirmed by over 350 local, national and international awards for design excellence and an impressive list of client references. VOA has been in China since 2006 and in that time the firm has grown rapidly, having worked in over 30 cities in China, Vietnam and Cambodia. VOA’s Shanghai Vice President and Lead Interior Designer Julie Zeng has been with VOA in multiple capacities during her five year tenure working on projects in China and the United States. She is a graduate of the University of Cincinnati Interiors program and has worked for several of the best Interior Design firms in the United States prior to joining VOA. Current Design and Managing Principal of the two VOA offices in China Rick Fawell has been designing and planning Residential and Hotel and Resort projects over the past 35 years across the United States, and currently in China and Southeast Asia. He has studied, worked and lived in Paris, France and Helsinki, Finland as well as Boston and Chicago in the United States and since 2009 has resided in Beijing. He has been with VOA as a Principal for the past 19 years. Completed in 2010 just prior to the World Expo, the Shanghai Renaissance Putuo Hotel is designed as a refuge for travelers from both east and west. Entering the hotel the patron is swept into reception and upon turning around, the swirling curves lead seamlessly into the lobby where the ceiling, floor patterns and lighting are reminiscent of winds and currents. Another major project was The House of Sweden Embassy in Washington D.C. This 85,000 square foot building incorporates elements related to nature and materials native to Sweden to reflect the purpose of the building.





60 LifeStyle

Hospitality Principal Kathryn Mickel



成立于 1975 年的凯里森建筑设计事务 所是一家全球性的建筑设计公司,在世界各 地提供专业化的设计服务,包括商业综合 体、购物中心、商店、办公、住宅和酒店设计。 凯里森的总部设在美国,在西雅图、洛杉矶、 纽约、达拉斯、斯科茨代尔、墨西哥城、伦敦、 迪拜、北京、上海、广州都设有办公室并拥 有千余名雇员。 毕业于罗德岛设计学院的凯瑟琳·米基 尔是凯里森酒店设计工作室 Monogram by Callison(位于亚利桑那州斯科茨代尔)的 负责人。凯瑟琳有着 20 年的酒店设计经验, 参与了凯里森遍布世界各地的众多项目。墨 西哥城 JW 万豪酒店翻新工程便是其重要项

目之一。对酒店进行设计改造的工作始于 2011 年,耗资达 1700 万美元。项目范围 涉及重新定位后的餐厅,所有 283 间客房、 套房和走廊以及包括大堂、大堂酒廊、礼宾 接待、商务中心、水疗及健身中心在内的公 共区域等。 墨西哥城 JW 万豪酒店室内设计创意灵 感来自于墨西哥城附近的阿兹特克遗址。当 地艺术家就地取材制造出精美的手工植绒 地毯,此外酒店内的定制物件、艺术品和布 艺织物乃至地毯的设计,都受到了阿兹特克 风格的影响。





Founded in 1975, Callison is a global architecture firm in retail, corporate, mixed-use, urban planning, residential, hospitality, mission critical and healthcare markets worldwide. With more than 1000 employees and offices in Seattle, Los Angeles, Mexico City, Dallas, Scottsdale, New York, London, Dubai, Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, Callison is one of the largest design firms based in the United States. A graduate of the prestigious Rhode Island School of Design, Kathryn Mickel is the managing principal of Callison’s hospitality design studio, Monogram by Callison, in Scottsdale, Arizona. Kathryn has more than 20 years experience in hospitality design and oversees projects around the world. One of their major projects has been the renovation of the JW Marriott Hotel in Mexico City. Design began in 2011 with a repositioning of the restaurant and renovation of all 283 Guestrooms, Suites and Corridors, as well as public areas including the Lobby, Lobby Lounge and Bar, Concierge Desk, Business Center, Spa and Fitness Center. In total, $17 million was spent on this project. The Aztec ruins that lie in close proximity to Mexico City served as inspiration for the design elements throughout the hotel’s interior. Custom fixtures, artwork, fabrics, even the carpet design were influenced by the area’s Aztec heritage. Local artists using indigenous materials were called upon to create the hand-tufted rugs.

62 LifeStyle



64 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.66 潮物

Material Culture / P.70 腕表

Watch/ P.76 艺术

Art / P.80

朗格 Richard Lange 万年历 Terraluna 腕表 The Richard Lange Perpetual Calendar Terraluna from A. Lange & Söhne




Liao Fan Real Life

柏林擒熊归来的廖凡甚是淡然, 影帝桂冠也许是上天赐给他最好的 40 岁生日礼物。 有点邪气有点坏的他,在人生的舞台上 用心演绎着平凡中的精彩。 The 64th Berlin International Film Festival awarded actor Liao Fan one of the greatest birthday presents ever: a Silver Bear Award for Best Actor for his performance in noir thriller Black Coal, Thin Ice. But in real life he wants nothing more than peace. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Wang Longwei

什么时候开始接触表演? 我从小在剧团里长大,父母都是演员。小的时候总喜欢躲在后 台或者在乐池里看他们在台上表演。 我记得还参加过某部电影的演出。 当时小,也不知道要干嘛,好像是吃了一下午的西瓜,回家时还抱了 俩西瓜,这就是片酬了。那应该是我第一次触电,给我留下的印象就 是西瓜的味道——甜! 一举斩获柏林国际电影节最佳男演员“银熊奖”,成为首位获此殊荣 的华人演员,这对你来说意味着什么? 是一个总结,是对某一段时期的回顾,也是一个新的开始。有 幸夺得影帝,可能是命运对我的嘉奖和眷顾。在拍《白日焰火》的时 候就想把这部电影作为一个礼物送给自己, 没想到我的心愿能够实现。 这让我很意外,我会加倍珍惜这份最好的礼物。 为什么会接演《白日焰火》里的潦倒警察角色? 接这个角色之前,我在拍另一部戏时受了伤,身体里扎进 12 颗 钢钉,当时整个人一下子就泄了气。忽然对自己有点怀疑,不知道将 来会是什么样,真的有点懈怠了。当我拿到《白日焰火》这个剧本, 突然觉得这个角色身上有一些东西跟我很像,他的那些失落和痛苦, 我好像都经历过似的。这个角色立刻就吸引了我。 不论角色轻重,你参与的都是一些大导演的片子,为何刻意去选择? 选择跟大导演合作,一方面能够让我找到更多机会,另一方面 能够让我更深入地了解他们背后的故事和成功的秘诀,学习他们的成 功之处。像《白日焰火》的导演刁亦男,他也是一个非常优秀的编剧、 演员,正是他的坚持,才把这部电影带到了高峰,才成就了我的今天。 跟他们合作,不管角色是轻还是重,总是能感觉到一种氛围。优秀的 东西有时候其实就是创作的氛围或者是模式。

It seems that you are quite selective about which directors you work with. Working with only the best directors not only means you’ll probably have more opportunities, but also get the chance to know their stories and learn from the secrets behind their success. The director of Black Coal, Thin Ice, Diao Yinan, a brilliant screenwriter and actor as well, is among them. It was his perseverance that made this movie and me successful. Working with him, whether the role is big or small, you can always feel a certain atmosphere that influences everyone around him. What has kept you acting until now? I love acting and I am committed to it, which always keeps me steady. I believe that perseverance can get you through anything, and I always face life with a smile. I am a little stubborn and don’t give up easily, so I only focus on one thing until it is well done, and then I can start the next project. So can I just change careers now? Of course not! What are you like “In Real Life”? I’m not particularly interesting in real life; it’s the different roles that give me real sparkle. Though I’m not excellent at expressing myself, I’m quite an easy-going person. I like to keep a healthy and adventurous lifestyle, playing football, biking and working out. Any plans for the future to share with us? I do have many hopes for the future, but right now I just want to slow down to feel what life really is, to do the things I enjoy. I don’t want to get lost in the background of life; if my life ruins my acting career that would be horrible.

是什么支撑你走到了现在? 热爱表演和忠实表演的正能量,这种正能量让我一直坚持下来。 我觉得能够坚持的人必然会有回报。即使在事业处于最低谷时,我依 然让自己保持一种良好的心态,微笑着去面对生活。无论发生什么事 情,我一直在努力,从未想过放弃。我这个人有点轴,也有点笨,有 时又有点不甘心。一件事情没做完就去做另外一件事情,要改行?这 不可能! 生活中的你是什么样子的? 生活中的我是个特别平淡无趣的人,是不同的角色给了我各种 精彩的可能。我不太善于表达,性格还是蛮开朗的,崇尚健康的生活 方式,喜欢踢球、骑车和健身,也喜欢冒险。 对未来有什么计划? 我对未来有很多期望,但现在只想让自己慢下来,感受生活的 本来面貌。我想做自己喜欢的事,不想做一个随波逐流的人。我不愿 意在周围的环境中迷失,要是毁了表演的乐趣,那就太糟糕了。 When was it that you got involved in acting for the first time? My parents are actors and I grew up in that circle. When I was a little boy, I would hide backstage or in the orchestra pit watching plays. I remember once I was in a movie where my role was to keep eating watermelons all afternoon, and in return I got two to take home with me! This is my first acting memory; the sweet flavor of watermelon. What does it mean to you to be the first Chinese actor to win a Silver Bear for Best Actor? For me, it’s a fitting finale as well as a fresh start. Maybe it’s a reward for all my hard work. I wanted to film Black Coal, Thin Ice, as a sort of present to myself, but I didn’t expect it to win me this big of a gift! It only makes me cherish it even more. What made you choose the role of the morose detective in the movie? Before this movie, I was injured during a play and had to have 12 steel pins put in my body after the operation. I was upset, started to get lost in self-doubt and didn’t know where the future was going. After reading the script of Black Coal, Thin Ice, I was deeply attracted by his pain and loss because I could really relate to it.




Material Culture

70 LifeStyle

包 文 公 范儿

e m i T h t i w

有 越 越旧

r e t t e B

西 能看到 ,时常 身上的 里 铁 地 他们 街头或 男人。 ,有的 在伦敦 公文包的 多是旧款 落, 拎 却 手 包 革 、 文 皮 剥 装革履 不菲,公 线、表面 ,每天依 格 脱 意 行头价 到明显的 不那么在 包塞得满 看 并 能 士 公 绅 的 文 公文包 甚至 些英国 把旧旧 一个 不过这 、文件等 一生只用 。 纸 , 报 来 人 用 看 的 生 see 旧 在他们 又忙碌 n to 满的。 己丰富而 t in Londo d carrying h 自 n a ig 着 s ’s n 表 9 o e ring 代

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Material Culture

Colorado Pullman

科罗拉多·铂尔曼公文包拥有标准的铂 尔曼特色,色彩出众,每一款都有独特的签 名和编号。

Colorado Pullman has its own coloring standards, making their bags stand out. Each briefcase is signed and numbered.


意大利箱包品牌瓦莱可斯特拉出品的 公文包以其无与伦比的工艺和上乘的质地 著称。这个牌子的公文包设计简单大气,分 隔清晰,比较适合低调保守的从政人员。 Italian brand Valextra’s briefcases are known for their incomparable craftsmanship and textures. The simple design, and clearly separated sections are ideal for a low key politician.

Santiago Gonzalez

圣地亚哥·冈萨雷斯最受欢迎的是它的鳄鱼皮公文包。 这款单层基础款公文包设计简洁大方,具有独特的裂纹质感, 相当文艺范儿。 Santiago Gonzalez’s most popular product has to be its alligator briefcase. The single-section bag features succinct yet generous design with a unique cracked look, giving it a rather artistic feel.

72 LifeStyle


摩纳公文包以品质与低调奢华著称。 这款 Juste à Temps 公文包触感如布料般柔 软,经典的间谍式锁扣如此精致,你是否嗅 到了巴黎那一抹优雅的味道? Moynat briefcases are known for their quality and understated luxury. This model, called Juste à Temps, is soft to the touch and the elaborate lock is fit for a secret agent.

Caran d’Ache

Glaser Designs


With firm lines and the best Italian leather, Glaser cases are handcrafted of the best quality.

凯兰帝公文包可谓是优雅昂贵的代名 词。精致耐看的包包采用上等全牛皮手工制 作,并注重每一个配件的搭配细节。

Caran d’Ache is synonymous with elegant and expensive. The exquisite yet durable bags are made of the best cow leather and put emphasis on every accessory and detail.


创立于 1935 年的波特是日本箱包大 佬,一直为日本皇室提供皮包定制服务。从 这款公文包简单干练的设计和精巧细致的 工艺便能领略波特的高品质魅力。 Founded in 1935, Porter has always handcrafted bespoke briefcases for the Japan imperial family. This model demonstrates Porter’s characteristic charm, which lies in simple design and elaborate detailing.




Material Culture

公文包那些事儿 About the Briefcase 公文包,又称公事包,起源 于 14 世纪。它最初的样子是一个 狭窄的箱形袋,彼时人们用公文 包来存放金钱和贵重物品。皮包 的雏形见于 18 世纪的英国,当时 人们为了保证纸张平整,用铁片 做成夹页,但由于分量过重不便 携带,马鞍工匠突发奇想,取马 鞍之皮革替代。到 19 世纪,这种 由布袋及铁皮书夹演变而来的皮 质公文包已经广泛流行。1920 年, 随着法国时装产业以及意大利皮 革工业的发展,属于当代的公文 包应运而生,其设计非常具有功 能性,共分三层(一层用来放置 文件纸张、一层用来放置替换衬 衫、最后一层放置食物),实际 上就是缩小版的行李箱,因此偶 尔能看到有些人的公文包里还插 了一根法棍面包。直到现在,公 文包也一直受到律师、政客、生 意人、高管的青睐。 The briefcase originated in the 14th century. Its first incarnation was a narrow, trunk-like case which was used to store money and other valuable objects. Prototype briefcases were then seen around the 18th century in England, featuring metal clips to keep papers tidy. However, they were inconvenient to carry due to their weight, and this gave craftsmen an idea: why not use the leather used to make riding saddles to craft an equally sturdy bag? In the 19th century, the leather versions were seen everywhere, and by 1920, with French fashion and Italian leather industries booming, briefcases had both style and function, with three sections: one for storing papers, one for extra clothing, and one for storing food – it’s still not uncommon to see one with a baguette poking out of it.

Swaine Adeney Brigg 历史悠久的英国皇家御用品牌 Swaine Adeney Brigg 是世界上最优质的马术和皮 革商品制造商之一。此款公文包采用手工缝 制,经典的三层夹层,散发出高贵典雅的气 质。 With a history of crafting briefcases for the English royal family, Swaine Adeney Brigg is one of the world’s most elegant riding and leather goods brand. This elegant case is hand sewn with three sections.

Jack Georges

杰克·乔治斯拥有几个世纪的纯手工制 皮技艺,每一款公文包都充分展示了品牌精 湛的手工传统与文化。这款鳄鱼皮公文包采 用手工压花鳄鱼皮革,原边造型,每一处细 节都非常精致。 Jack Georges boasts several centuries of handmade craftsmanship, with each briefcase demonstrating their eye for exquisite detail and tradition. This piece features hand-embossed alligator leather and original molding and fine detailing.

S.T. Dupont

都彭创立于 1872 年,一直为欧洲名流贵族、皇室家族设计 定制皮包。都彭公文包设计讲究平衡感,注重产品的平坦度、 柔软度、坚实度和精细度,是一些衣着考究的政要人士的首选。 S.T. Dupont has provided leather briefcases for the royal family, nobility and celebrities of Europe since its founding in 1872. With design that emphasizes balance and evenness, they are solid yet very soft, and the first choice of many fashion figures.

74 LifeStyle


Seduced by the Label “包”装佳作总是诱惑难挡! These gorgeous brands are always hard to resist!

路易威登 Taiga 系列公文包

Louis Vuitton Taiga Series

流畅的直线条、方正的银质锁扣,采用经典 牛皮压纹材质,精致如鳞片,内设两个夹层,中 间夹层上附着两个大口径袋,背面有一个隐藏式 拉链口袋。 With smooth lines and a neat squared lock, the beautiful pressed leather of these briefcases is almost scale-like. Inside design includes two sections, an extra pocket and a small zipped secret pocket as well.

登喜路 Tradition 系列纯手工制公文包

Alfred Dunhill’s Tradition Series 每一个都由一名手工匠独立完成,刚硬的线条,做旧的厚皮革,没 有多余的修饰,它最大的惊喜在于,当你打开公文包内袋时,会出现一 张工匠亲自签名的祝福卡。 Each briefcase is completed by hand by an expert artisan. The thick aged leather and sturdy lines don’t waste design on superfluous detail. The best part is that upon opening the inner pocket you will discover a handwritten note by the craftsman.




A Lange & Sohne Reveals the Moon Text: Thierry Richard

76 LifeStyle

2014 年 1 月末,第 24 届日内瓦国际 高级钟表展完美收官。16 个高级腕表品牌 都带来各自的最新产品,共襄盛举,同时也 透露了新一季的腕表流行趋势。今年,瑞 士高级钟表基金会以“Horology, A Child of Astronomy”为主题,制表商们也纷纷以表 观天,关注无限广阔的宇宙。在为期一周的 时间里,各高级钟表制造商展示了各具特色 的产品,经典陀飞轮、炫酷计时器以及创造 了潜水新深度和超薄新维度的表款悉数登 场。从极致简约到复杂精密,星月交辉间集 极致唯美工艺与创新大胆设计于一身的各 款产品不仅印证了手表制造业的历史与传 统,更体现了其历久弥新的创造力。

此次日内瓦钟表展上,最值得一提的 表款之一是来自朗格的 Richard Lange 万 年历 Terraluna 腕表,其制作之复杂令人称 奇。表盘看似平淡无奇,内部却配备了轨迹 月相显示的整时器和 14 天动力储存机芯, 其万年历装置也经机械程序设定。万年历 Terraluna 腕表彰显了德国品牌独特的创造 设计能力。

大而有当 第一眼看到万年历 Terraluna 腕表,首 先给人留下深刻印象的就是它的“大”—— 表盘直径 45.5 毫米、厚 16.5 毫米。这样的 万年历 Terraluna 腕表自然比我们日常所见 的普通手表大了不少,想要把它藏在袖口 里着实不易。然而在朗格 CEO 威廉·施密德 看来,表盘的大小是由手表内的机械构造决 定的,“想要确保产品内部构造精密完备, 同时外观又要显得敦实厚重,那就只能做得 大点了。就我个人来说,始终如一的高品质 产品比超炫超薄更重要”。大表盘的两点优 势在于,在确保布局相对复杂的表盘能够被 清楚辨识的同时,还可以透过蓝宝石底盖三 维立体呈现手表内的 calibre L096.1 机芯。 这就是大而有当的万年历 Terraluna 腕表。

“我们不会取悦任何人,但会尽可 能为你带来惊喜。” 要想解释月相轨迹显示这个功能,最 好还是配上动态影像才能说得更清楚。摆 轮代表太阳,还有三个圆盘分别表示地球、 月球和天空。地球圆盘每 24 小时旋转一周, 可以对应在表盘外缘看到以 24 小时时制显 示的时间。月球和天空圆盘则向相反方向、 每个农历月(即 29 天 12 小时 44 分 3 秒) 旋转一周,直至 1058 年后才需校正一天, 同时月相进程通过天空圆盘上的圆形视窗 得以呈现。地月日的相对位置通过地球圆 盘、月球圆盘和摆轮清楚地显示出来。 总的来说,万年历 Terraluna 腕表完美 体现了朗格品牌的至臻魅力。“貌似普通 表盘正面的万年历显示只是这款表全部魅 力的冰山一角,重点是你要翻看表盘背面。 月相轨迹显示才是朗格这款产品的亮点。我 们不会取悦任何人,但会尽可能为你带来惊 喜。”威廉·施密德这样说。 集创造性、高品质和精致外观于一身 的产品自然无法量产,而且价格不菲。万年 历 Terraluna 腕表虽不是限量版,但因制造 工艺极其复杂,其产量并不高。现有白金和 玫瑰金两款,售价分别为人民币 165.1 万元 和 164.1 万元。



78 LifeStyle

The Salon International de la Haute Horlogerie 24th edition ended in late January 2014. Sixteen of Fine Watchmaking’s most prestigious Maisons unveiled their latest products, setting the tone for the year to come. Throughout the week, Fine Watchmaking offered a show of creativity. Tourbillons, chronographs, dive watches, extra-thin watches and sumptuously decorated pieces took technical mastery and craftsmanship to new heights. From the most simple to the most complicated, these new creations confirmed the rude health of a centuries-old industry which feeds on tradition yet never fails to reinvent itself. This year, the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie chose the theme of Horology, A Child of Astronomy to direct the spotlight onto the infinitely vast universe which watchmakers succeed in capturing in the confines of a mechanical movement. One of the most exciting complicated watches that came out of SIHH 2014 was the Richard Lange Perpetual Calendar Terraluna from A. Lange & Söhne. It uses a regulator-style dial layout with the addition of a perpetual calendar, a 14-day power reserve, a constant force escapement, and a graphic orbital moonphase complication right on the plate of the movement. This model emphasizes the inventiveness and design competence that the German brand is known for.

Big with Purpose

Of course, when we first looked at the Terraluna we immediately remarked how big it was. With a 45.5mm diameter and 16.5mm thick, the Terraluna is certainly bigger than your typical daily wristwatch. But even if it doesn’t fit under any cuffs, it sits about as well on the wrist. A. Lange & Söhne CEO Wilhelm Schmid said, “For us, size and space are determined by the movement. If you take no shortcuts with the watch and if you keep it robust, you get a large piece. For me it’s more important to ensure sustainable quality than to have a more seductive, thin watch”. The two advantages to the size though are the clarity of the relatively busy

dial and the amount of three-dimensionality you can admire in the calibre L096.1 through the sapphire back. The Terraluna is big, but it’s big with purpose.

“We don’t do things to impress others, but to please our customers.”

Explaining the moonphase without a video isn’t easy thing to do, but it’s relatively intuitive once it clicks. The balance wheel represents the sun and then there are three discs which represent the earth, sky, and moon. The earth rotates once every 24 hours and you can read the time in each location on the globe on the 24-hour scale around the edge of the movement plate. The sky and moon discs rotate in opposite directions once each lunar month (29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, 3 seconds) to show the current phase of the moon through the aperture in the sky disc. You can visualize the current alignment of the earth, moon, and sun easily by looking at the relative positions of the balance, earth disc, and moon display. It will be 1,058 years before this mechanism needs adjusting by just one day. At the end of the day, this watch truly epitomizes A. Lange & Söhne in every possible way. Wilhem Schmid confirmed: “First of all, the dial looks like a perpetual calendar, but it only reveals its full beauty for the owner because you have to flip the watch to discover the moon phase. That’s very A. Lange & Söhne, since we don’t do things to impress others, but to please our customers.” Creativity, quality and beauty have a price. The Richard Lange Perpetual Calendar Terraluna is not a limited edition, but production will be relatively tight due to the inherent complexity. Both white gold and pink gold cases are available, priced at RMB 1,651,000 and RMB 1,641,000 respectively.

蒂埃里·理查德有着多年 的钟表业从业经历,对 这一行业有增无减的激 情 促 成 了 2012 年“ 极 致生活”的成立。极致 生活在北京、上海和广 州设有办公室,为独立 制表师提供 360 度全方 位推广平台,在中国集 营销策划、公关活动和 产品分销于一体,并在 瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland.






Lucas Samaras: Offerings from a Restless Soul 光从卢卡斯·萨马拉斯的作品就能看出这位怪诞主义大师确实不安分。 One can tell just by looking at Lucas Samaras’ works that he was indeed a soul constantly in motion. Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

2 月 24 日至 6 月 1 日,《卢卡斯·萨马拉斯:来自一个焦躁 灵魂的供品》展在美国大都会艺术博物馆举行,共展出卢卡斯·萨 马拉斯作品 60 余件。这也为博物馆的一件装置作品新添了 17 个 对象,这些对象的范围包含萨马拉斯从 1960 年代创作的抽象作 品到最近创作的基于数字技术的作品。萨马拉斯参与了该装置作 品的安装设计,其被安放在博物馆展示现代和当代艺术的中层展 厅的北边和南边。 萨马拉斯 1936 年生于希腊,第二次世界大战和希腊内战的 阴影影响了他的少年时期。1948 年,萨马拉斯移民到美国,先 是定居在新泽西州,随后搬到了纽约。他是克拉斯·欧登伯格、卡 普罗和吉姆·狄恩发起的“偶发艺术”的关键参与者之一,也是最 早探索宝丽来摄影的艺术家之一,此外还是一位画家、雕塑家和 电影制作者。最近,他又成了变幻不定、色彩绚丽的数字摄影创 作者。 上世纪 50 年代末,萨马拉斯在纽约著名的斯特拉·艾德勒表 演学院学习表演,虽然他没有成为职业演员,那张用来推广宣传 的黑白大头照却成了他艺术创作的素材。1963 年,他用自己最 爱的工具之一——数百个别针钉在自己的肖像上(眼睛除外)。 1962 年至 1989 年期间,萨马拉斯创作了 135 个高度复杂的盒 子装置,其中的“10 号盒子”以别针、细小的弹簧和彩线覆盖, 诸多暗隔里藏着闪闪发光的珍奇,一拉开盖子下面的小按钮,你 就可以看到那张熟悉的肖像——这次是用明亮的彩虹线镶框的。 被称为“怪诞主义大师”的萨马拉斯还因对宝丽来的媒介物 的探索而闻名。1973 年,萨马拉斯获得一台宝丽来 SX-70 相机, 他说这是一个人能够给一位艺术家的最伟大礼物。他用宝丽来创 作了所谓的“Photo-Transformations”系列作品,基本上都是以 不同的方式呈现他的肖像。上世纪 80 年代,萨马拉斯创作了一 个系列作品叫《全景画》,他再一次使用了宝丽来胶片,但是达 到了非常不一样的效果,例如他将众多照片切片拼凑在一起,创 作了一幅 84 英寸宽的家庭视图——他的小厨房和充满生活元素 与创作工具的书房。

80 LifeStyle

This exhibition at The Metropolitan Museum of Art features over 60 works drawn from the museum’s rich collection of the highly idiosyncratic body of work made by Lucas Samaras. The Metropolitan Museum’s installation includes a new gift of 17 objects that range from Samaras’ abstract work of the 1960s to his recent digitally based pieces. Designed with the input of the artist, the installation will be installed in both the north and south mezzanine galleries in the Lila Acheson Wallace Wing for modern and contemporary art. Born in 1936 in Greece, Samaras grew up amidst the traumas of World War II and the Greek Civil War. He moved to the United States as an adolescent, settling first in New Jersey before moving to New York City. He was a key participant in many of the early “Happenings” staged by Claes Oldenburg, Allan Kaprow, and Jim Dine. He was among the first artists to exploit the Polaroid photograph when it was introduced. Moreover, he is a skilled draftsman, painter, sculptor, filmmaker, and, most recently, a creator of brilliantly colored, phantasmagoric photographs that he has manipulated digitally.

Samaras studied at New York’s famed Stella Adler Conservatory for Acting in the late 1950s. Although he never became a professional actor, the black-and-white head shot he had taken for promotional purposes became fodder for his art. For a 1963 self-portrait, using one of his favorite implements, he impaled his visage in the head shot - with the exception of his eyes - with hundreds of pins. Between 1962 and 1989, Samaras made 135 highly complex box constructions. One early example, Box #10 (1963), is covered with pins, tiny springs, and colored yarn. Characteristic of his box constructions, Box #10 opens to reveal fantastic, sparkling objects in its many hidden compartments; additionally, when the tiny button on the underside of the lid is pulled, the familiar head shot is revealed - this time framed by rainbows of yarn. The artist is well-known for imaginatively utilizing the medium of the Polaroid. When Samaras was given an SX-70 camera by Polaroid in 1973, he said it was “one of the greatest gifts anyone could give an artist.” Photo-Transformation (1973) is one of his early so-called Photo-Transformations, each of which is a self-portrait in some way. Anticipating Photoshop by some 15 years, the artist is seen with his fist before his face in a haunting image created entirely by hand-manipulating the emulsions of the photo surface before it dries. In the 1980s Samaras made a series called “Panoramas,” again using Polaroid film but to very different effect, as he pieced together slices of many photographs to create an 84-inchwide view of his home - his tiny kitchen and his study filled with the ingredients of his life and implements of his art.



82 LifeStyle

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CHA WinnerS List 2014 LifeStyle 杂志第四届


第四届 CHA 中国酒店大奖在北京华 尔道夫酒店隆重揭晓。LifeStyle 杂 志创办的 CHA 中国酒店大奖专注于 推动大中华区酒店及度假村行业发 展,展示酒店业的顶级风采与蓬勃 现状,向中国庞大的旅游消费群体 提供多样化酒店品牌选择及出行参 考。本届评选综合专家评审团意见 和网民投票数,在参评酒店中评出 奢华类、豪华类、高端类年度最佳 酒店等多项大奖。

The 4th CHA China Hotel Awards was recently announced at Waldorf Astoria Beijing. The CHA China Hotel Awards, created and hosted by LifeStyle Magazine, is an annual award ceremony for the top hotels & resorts in the Greater China area, in which the best Deluxe, Luxury and Ultra-Luxury hotels are chosen and awarded. The aim is also to show all facets of China’s hospitality development to China and the world, and to reflect the diversity of hospitality brands available to a growing group of affluent Chinese travelers. The winners, decided by a professional judging panel & online voting, are listed as follows.

84 LifeStyle

年度最佳酒店(奢华类):北京华尔道夫酒店 Hotel of the Year - Ultra Luxury: Waldorf Astoria Beijing 完美融合老北京深厚的历史文化积淀,拥有 176 间各具特色的超豪华客房,包括 9 间带有私人阳台的 客房和 5 个胡同客房,其会议空间非常适合希望在繁华都市中的静谧一隅举行会议的团队。 Blending flawlessly with the surrounding cultural environment, Waldorf Astoria Beijing offers 176 luxuriously appointed guest rooms, including 9 with private terraces and 5 unrivalled Hutong accommodations. Meeting space is ideally suited to groups requiring a discreet place whilst still having close access to Beijing’s leisure and tourist attractions.



最佳 IQAir 酒店:北京四季酒店 Best IQAir Hotel: Four Seasons Hotel Beijing 位于朝阳区东北部——北京最具活力的商务住宅区,内设两间星级餐厅、惬意茶园、 世界级水疗中心和城中最优会议空间,提供四季品牌独有的优质服务。 Four Seasons Hotel Beijing is located in the city’s most dynamic business and residential area in northeastern Chaoyang. Two signature restaurants , a tea garden, a world-class spa and the city’s finest event space offer an ease and elevation of service and comfort that is uniquely Four Seasons.

86 LifeStyle

年度最佳酒店(豪华类): 太原万达文华酒店 Hotel of the Year – Luxury: Wanda Vista Taiyuan 酒店与万达广场的高雅设计理念及配套相辅相成, 设有 358 间装饰现代、配套齐全的豪华客房及套 房,以及多间餐厅酒吧、水疗馆、健身中心和多 功能商务中心。 The luxury hotel in Taiyuan perfectly integrates into the Wanda Plaza with a graceful ambience and modern design. Facilities at Wanda Vista Taiyuan hotel include a comprehensive business center, Spa & Fitness Center with indoor pool and an outstanding selection of restaurants and bar.

年度最佳酒店(高端类): 广州希尔顿逸林酒店 Hotel of the Year – Deluxe: DoubleTree By Hilton Guangzhou 坐落于广州越秀区的中央商务区核心地段,拥有 305 间装饰现代的客房套房、各类餐厅、精致咖 啡厅以及一个 1100 平米的会议室,成为广州新 地标之一。 With 305 well appointed rooms and suites, an array of dining outles, dedicated coffee bar and 1,100sqm of meeting room facilities strategically located in the heart of Yuexiu CBD, this new icon will stand tall as Guangzhou's new international landmark in hospitality.

最佳服务酒店(奢华类): 北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 Best Service Hotel - Ultra Luxury: The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street 位置得天独厚,方便商旅及休闲度假客人去往长 安街和故宫等著名历史文化古迹;253 间客房配 置卓越,环境舒适典雅,高科技设施齐全。 Strategically located in the Financial District of the city center. Business and leisure travelers have easy access to Chang’an Avenue, the Forbidden City etc. A contemporary design of glass and chrome with Oriental influences, the 253 guest rooms are appointed with luxury amenities and technological conveniences.

最佳服务酒店(豪华类): 泉州万达文华酒店 Best Service Hotel – Luxury: Wanda Vista Quanzhou 坐落于城市核心地带万达广场,拥有 322 间精致客 房和套房及多间食肆,更有城中首屈一指的 1378 平米无柱大宴会厅,充满东方温情和艺术氛围。 Wanda Vista Quanzhou is located in the heart of Quanzhou’s Central District. The hotel features 322 stylish rooms and suites and a 1,378 sq-m pillar-free Grand Ballroom. Overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, Wanda Vista Quanzhou offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry.

最佳服务酒店(高端类): 呼和浩特喜来登酒店 Best Service Hotel – Deluxe: Sheraton Hohhot 坐落于呼市市中心,壮观美景尽收眼底;从丰盛 的国际美味到精致的当地风味,美食美味俯拾皆 是;提供便捷的免费高速无线上网,更可体验著 名的喜来登甜梦之床。 Sheraton Hohhot Hotel is a wonderful place to connect with what is important to you. The 350 guest rooms and suites feature complimentary Wireless Internet Access, beautiful views of Hohhot, and the famous Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed.

最佳新开业酒店(奢华类): 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店 Best New Hotel - Ultra Luxury: The Ritz-Carlton Chengdu 酒店为成都首家国际奢华酒店,毗邻蓉城的标志 性广场——天府广场,是探索成都文化与美食以 及中国新兴西南经济体的理想起点。 Overlooking the city’s central Tianfu Square, The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu offers travelers an ideal base from which to explore Chengdu’s cultural and culinary wealth as well as the vast, emerging potential of Western China’s dynamic economies.

最佳新开业酒店(豪华类): 沈阳万达文华酒店 Best New Hotel – Luxury: Wanda Vista Shenyang 位于浑南新区奥体核心地段,步行可抵达奥体中 心和大型购物商场;拥有 298 间时尚宽敞的客房, 面积最小为 50 平米,堪称全城之最,另有 20 间 豪华套房,均配有齐全的设备设施。 Wanda Vista Shenyang is located in the Hunnan New Development District at the heart of the Olympic sites. Wanda Vista Shenyang comprises 298 luxurious and well-appointed guest rooms, which are the largest in the city at 50m² and 20 suites.

最佳新开业酒店(高端类): 成都高新皇冠假日酒店 Best New Hotel – Deluxe: Crowne Plaza Chengdu West 作为首家入驻成都高新西区的国际品牌五星级酒 店,其距双流国际机场仅 30 分钟车程,地铁 2 号线或乘车 15 分钟可直达成都市中心及诸多著名 景点。 Crowne Plaza Chengdu West is the first international five-star hotel set in the West Park of Chengdu Hi-Tech Zone. The hotel is conveniently located 30 minutes from Chengdu Shuangliu International Airport and offers easy access to the city center via car or by subway line 2.

最佳新开业度假村酒店(豪华类): 三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店 Best New Resort – Luxury: The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort 三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店是威斯汀品牌大 中华区首家海滨度假酒店,距三亚凤凰国际机场 30 分钟车程,紧邻中国最大免税商城,秀美景点 及洁白海滩遍布周边,呈献完美活力假期。 The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay is The Westin's first beach resort hotel in mainland China. It is a 30-minute drive from the Sanya Phoenix International Airport, and located next to China's biggest Duty Free Shopping Mall. The resort also provides seamless access to Sanya’s renowned white sandy beaches.



最佳新开业度假村酒店(高端类): 西双版纳避寒皇冠假日度假酒店 Best New Resort – Deluxe: Crowne Plaza Resort Xishuangbanna 掩映于广袤的热带雨林中,这里不乏多彩的民俗 文化和珍稀动植物;距景洪市区只几分钟车程, 离西双版纳国际机场仅 9 公里,是绿色花园式国 际旅游度假酒店的典范。 Located on the edge of picturesque Jinghong City, Crowne Plaza Resort Xishuangbanna is a unique hotel set amidst the stunning natural beauty of Southern Yunnan Province. Just a few minutes’ drive from Jinghong and a scenic 9-kilometer ride from Xishuangbanna International Airport.

最佳海滨度假酒店(奢华类): 海口香格里拉大酒店 Best Seaside Resort - Ultra Luxury: Shangri-La Hotel Haikou 坐拥迷人海景和热带花园,其优越的地理位置、 优美的自然环境和完备的设施为各类会议和婚宴 庆典活动的举办提供了得天独厚的条件。 Located seaside amid a sprawling lush tropical garden, this luxury hotel offers spectacular sea views, a full range of urban resort amenities, and extensive event and meeting venues. The hotel caters extensively to the meetings and wedding markets with stunning venues and a convenient location.

最佳海滨度假酒店(豪华类): 开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店 Best Seaside Resort – Luxury: Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya 凯宾斯基中国区首家度假酒店——开维·三亚海 棠湾凯宾斯基酒店堪称世外桃源般的隐逸之所; 374 间客房及套房和 25 席别墅将中国传统文化与 欧洲生活艺术完美结合;维也纳宴会厅以及 14 间 功能厅是绝佳的 MICE 场地。 A stunning Chinese hideaway, Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya is luxurious and animated yet intimate. The hotel offers a wide selection of 399 rooms, suites and residential-style villas plus an equally extensive selection of 14 MICE facilities.

最佳海滨度假酒店(高端类): 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 Best Seaside Resort – Deluxe: Hyatt Regency Qingdao 中国北方首座建在海滩上的国际五星级奢华城市 度假酒店,雄踞崂山区高端金融商务中心,步行 直达石老人海滩;拥有无可比拟的黄海景色,休 闲娱乐设施一应俱全。 As the first five-star urban resort in northern China with an idyllic ocean setting, Hyatt Regency Qingdao is ideally situated in the heart of the city, with unrivalled views of the Yellow Sea and easy access to Shi Lao Ren Beach.

最佳商旅酒店(奢华类):天津瑞吉金融街酒店 Best Business Hotel - Ultra Luxury: The St. Regis Tianjin 坐落在天津最令人艳羡的中心位置,是见闻广博的商务和休闲旅行者最完美的下榻地,也是天津难以超 越的奢华典雅空间;临近商务与金融中心,步行可达京津高速列车车站。 The St. Regis Tianjin is located at the most coveted address in this historic and cosmopolitan city, perfect for discerning business and leisure travelers. Walking distance to the major businesses, financial centers, and Tianjin Railway Station, The St. Regis Tianjin is an exquisite sanctuary of unsurpassed elegance.

88 LifeStyle

最佳商旅酒店(豪华类): 天津万达文华酒店 Best Business Hotel - Luxury: Wanda Vista Tianjin 除了美食佳馔和顶级会议设施,酒店拥有一家不 可多得的丘吉尔红酒雪茄吧。顶层的“名仕会” 会所设有 " 典珍 " 中餐厅、" 时空 "KTV、“水”水 疗中心、" 星河 " 酒吧以及专属电梯,让成功名仕 尽享非凡尊崇。 Besides world-class dining options and topend meeting facilities, Wanda Vista Tianjin also has a rare Churchill Wine & Cigar Bar. “Club Reign”, a private luxury club, features a private and extravagant “Legend” Chinese Restaurant, “Universe” KTV, “SHUI” Spa, “Galaxy” Bar and exclusive elevators create an intimate business environment for VIP members.

最佳商旅酒店(高端类): 上海巴黎春天新世界酒店 Best Business Hotel – Deluxe: New World Shanghai Hotel 坐落于长宁区中心地带,举步即达中山公园;32 至 38 楼是全新装修的聚贤荟客房(行政楼层), 提供尊贵的特别礼遇,包括享用 38 楼聚贤荟下午 茶、晚间鸡尾酒和餐前点心。 New World Shanghai is located in the heart of bustling Changning district within walking distance to Zhongshan Park. Newly renovated Residence Club guestrooms from 32nd to 38th floor offer guests a host of complimentary privileges, including exclusive access to the Residence Club Living Room on the 38th floor.

最佳会议酒店(豪华类): 长沙万达文华酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Luxury: Wanda Vista Changsha 会议场地近 2500 平米,拥有大宴会厅及 10 间会 议厅,配备先进的多媒体视听设备;1400 平米无 柱式大宴会厅可灵活分隔成三个独立空间,且配 备专业会议管家和策划团队。 Located on the banks of the Xiang River, Wanda Vista Changsha has the city’s most luxurious facilities and a warm hospitality that anticipates your every need. Ideally located for business and leisure, the hotel provides approximately 2,500m² meeting space featuring a Grand Ballroom and 10 additional meeting venues.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 宜兴万达艾美酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Le Méridien Yixing 无论是激励人心的商务会议还是愉悦身心的社交 聚会,均全力打造完美活动体验;除了无微不至 的专业服务,还有 2625 平米的多维空间,其中 包括 1300 平米的豪华宴会厅。 An exquisite addition to a tranquil city, Le Méridien Yixing awaits your voyage of unparalleled experiences. For a stimulating business meeting or social gathering, Le Méridien Yixing will orchestrate the perfect event for you. With our 1,300 sq-m Grand Ballroom, your most memorable event will unfold.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 廊坊潮白河喜来登酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel 位于大厂潮白河工业区,拥有 2950 多平米的会 议室及多功能厅,其中“大宴会厅”1400 平米, 多功能厅 11 个,均配有高科技沟通系统、会议 / 宴会服务设施和策划团队。 Sheraton Langfang Chaobai River Hotel is centrally located in the planned Chaobai River Industrial zone. The 11 state-of-the-art meeting rooms are the perfect choice for your next event. Our friendly and efficient meeting planners are at your disposal to host a memorable conference, training session, or social function.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel 坐落于浑南新区,距沈阳桃仙国际机场 10 分钟车 程;近 2000 平米会议宴会场地,无柱式 1100 平 米的宴会厅可分为三部分,另有 7 间多功能厅和 1 间贵宾厅,适合不同类型会议和商务接待。 Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel, in the Hunnan New District, is just 10 minutes drive from the Shenyang Taoxian International Airport. The hotel is the ideal venue for any event with almost 2,000 sq-m of conferencing space, 1100 m2 pillarless Grand Ballroom, 7 function rooms and 1 VIP room.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East 位于杭州经济技术开发区(下沙)中央商务区, 是该地区首家国际品牌全方位服务酒店,拥有 308 间客房、3 间餐厅、1 间大宴会厅及 10 间多 功能会议厅。 DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Hangzhou East is located in the Hangzhou’s CBD, is the first international full service hotel in this area. The stylish and upscale 308-room hotel boasts 3 diverse restaurants, a grand ballroom, 10 multifunctional meeting rooms.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 上海希尔顿酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Hilton Shanghai 714 间客房配备大玻璃窗、宽敞的办公区和高速 网络;拥有 18 间会议室,装饰一新的大宴会厅、 行政酒廊和 24 小时运营的商务中心,此外 6 间 餐厅和 2 间酒吧及 8 间 Spa 理疗室能满足最挑剔 的客人的需求。 The hotel’s 714 rooms feature contemporary design with broadband Internet access. Eight restaurants and bars highlight extensive cuisine including Italian, Sichuan and a Penthouse bar. Hilton Shanghai features complete services and newly-renovated facilities to fulfill the most discerning travelers’ needs.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 南昌万达嘉华酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Wanda Realm Nanchang 地处繁华的红谷滩新区凤凰中大道;拥有 298 间 精美客房,3 间餐厅,1 间 1200 平米、高 9 米的 无柱大宴会厅以及 8 间多功能厅,为商务人士悉 心创造温馨惬意的居停感受。 Wanda Realm Nanchang, located in Honggutan New District, features 298 stylish decorated rooms and suites, three different restaurants, a spectacular 1,200 sqm pillar-free Grand Ballroom and 8 flexible function rooms. A warm and comfortable hotel for business and leisure travels alike.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 烟台金沙滩喜来登度假酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort 作为烟台经济技术开发区首家国际五星级度假酒 店,其温馨的 363 间纯海景客房及 2300 平米的 会议空间和设施、世界级美食以及喜来登特色服 务能让最挑剔的商旅游客都满意。 Located in the Yantai Economic Development Area, Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort starts to welcome guests with its stunning oceanview guestrooms, suites and ample conference facilities, world-class cuisine, as well as its Link @ Sheraton service that provides guests with unlimited access to internet.



最佳会议酒店(高端类): 漳州万达嘉华酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Wanda Realm Zhangzhou 位于漳州碧湖万达广场,与时尚商圈、高档写字 楼融为一体,拥有雅致的客房与套房、设施齐全 的会议场所、精美的佳肴美馔等,还为“常旅客” 打造忠诚客户计划“万悦会”。 Wanda Realm Zhangzhou is located at Zhangzhou Bihu Wanda Plaza, home to the city's finest shopping, entertainment and businesses. From stylish guestrooms and suites to the the "Wanda Club" loyalty program, to the city's finest dining and leisure facilities, Wanda Realm is your guarantee of an enjoyable stay.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 银川万达嘉华酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Wanda Realm Yinchuan 宴会厅配备 76 平米 LED 屏幕,提供一站式“专 属会议管家”服务和全程协助;以美妙的睡眠体验、 独特的东方美食等诠释自然、舒适与高效。 As a warm and comfortable dream point for business travelers, Wanda Realm Yinchuan offers its guests an unforgettable journey and unique Oriental cuisine. This is especially for Chinese and foreign business travelers coming to Yinchuan, which fully reflects the distinctive charm of the "Warm, Comfortable, Efficient".

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 上海金桥红枫万豪酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East 拥有 323 间现代典雅的客房及套房,会议区域逾 1700 平米,包括 655 平米的大宴会厅及 10 个会 议室,均配备先进的会议设施及设备。专属的休 闲会议区可承办鸡尾酒会和茶歇等活动。 The hotel has 323 stylish guest rooms to match the needs of the most discerning business traveler, featuring a magnificent 655 sq-m Grand Ballroom and an additional 1,050 sq-m of state-of-the-art event space in 10 separate rooms. The dedicated meeting zone can also host cocktail parties for guests.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel 坐落于虹桥商业发展区,距离上海虹桥机场仅需 15 分钟车程,共有 600 间客房、10 间会议厅(最 大为 830 平米),最多可容纳 800 人会议,并配 有 4 家餐厅和 2 间酒吧。 Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao boasts a prime location in the heart of Shanghai, only 15 minutes away from the Shanghai International Airport. Featuring 600 guestrooms, 10 meeting rooms with the largest at 830 square-meter hosting up to 800 guests.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 无锡凯宾斯基饭店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Kempinski Hotel Wuxi 这家锡城首屈一指的豪华型涉外酒店位于太湖广 场,毗邻各大名胜景点和无锡新区;设有面积不 等的多功能厅 11 个,配备最先进的影音设备和宽 带服务,可满足不同规模宴会及会议需求。 The Kempinski Hotel Wuxi is the latest international 5-star hotel in Jiangsu province, providing guests with an atmosphere of relaxation as well as a luxurious platform for business activities. The 800 sqm Diamond Grand Ballroom and 11 multifunction rooms offer you a comfortable and efficient meeting experience.

最佳会议酒店(高端类): 郑州希尔顿酒店 Best MICE Hotel – Deluxe: Hilton Zhengzhou 坐落在郑州市中心,去往机场、高铁站和地铁站 都十分便捷;12 间可灵活设置的宴会厅及会议室 配备最先进的视听设备和会务活动团队,无柱式 大宴会厅可容纳 900 人。 Conveniently located in the heart of the city, Hilton Zhengzhou provides easy access to the airport and the railway and subway stations. With 12 flexible meeting and break rooms and a Grand Ballroom with capacity for 900 people, the hotel has the ideal venue to host any event.

最佳休闲酒店(奢华类): 颐和安缦 Best Leisure Hotel - Ultra Luxury: Aman at Summer Palace Beijing 距颐和园东宫门仅数步,并能轻松抵达故宫、长 城和天坛等景点;具有浓厚的明清建筑风格和独 特的低调奢华,大量使用传统材料,展现出超凡 脱俗、宁静和谐的氛围。 Aman at Summer Palace, Beijing is housed in a series of pavilions dating back over a century, with unparalleled access to the Summer Palace, Forbidden City, Great Wall and Temple of Heaven. Rooms reflect traditional Chinese architecture, in the courtyard style of the Summer Palace with a dignified ambience throughout.

最佳休闲酒店(豪华类): 上海索菲特海仑宾馆 Best Leisure Hotel – Luxury: Sofitel Shanghai Hyland 将真正的法式优雅与中国传统文化及历史充分交 融;地处“中华商业第一街”南京路步行街上, 步行可至外滩、上海博物馆、上海大剧院、人民 广场以及前法租界。 Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, a luxury hotel blends true French refinement with Chinese culture and history. Located in the heart of the city on the famous Nanjing pedestrian street, the Hotel is within walking distance to People's Square, The Bund, Former French Concession etc.

最佳休闲酒店(高端类): 花园饭店(上海) Best Leisure Hotel – Deluxe: Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai 在原法国俱乐部旧址上建立起来,融合了经典优 雅和现代舒适;拥有 478 间设施齐全的温馨客房, 地道的中、西、日式美食和久负盛名的日式服务。 The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai is located in the downtown area, combining the best of classical elegance and modern comfort as one of the most significant buildings erected by the French in Shanghai. The hotel has infused contemporary sophistication into the old world charm of the former French Club.

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最佳精品酒店: 北京怡亨酒店 Best Boutique Hotel: Hotel Éclat Beijing 坐落于芳草地通透玻璃钢舱体大楼中,拥有 100 间 客房及套房。从客人踏入酒店大堂开始,便可以看 到萨尔瓦多·达利、安迪·沃霍尔、曾梵志和陈文令 的作品。这里也是中国最大的私人达利收藏品家园。 Nestled in an airy glass-and-steel tower capsule within Parkview Green, this 100-room and suites design masterpiece amazes at first glance with a highly stylised lobby featuring original works by Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Zeng Fanzhi and Chen Wenling, as well as the largest private Dali art collection in China.

最佳室内设计酒店(奢华类): 武汉万达瑞华酒店 Best Interior Design Hotel - Ultra Luxury: Wanda Reign Wuhan 作为中国第一家七星级酒店,其承袭亚洲传统待 客之道,提供周到的个性化服务,旨在从设计、 设施到服务皆成为行业标杆;奢华典雅与高科技 完美融合,每一个细微需求都会被敏锐感知。 Wanda Reign is Wanda Group’s elite luxury hotel, and Wanda Reign Wuhan is China’s first 7 star hotel. The hotel features rich Asian hospitality traditions, attentive, personalized service complemented by a superb range of venues. With Wanda Hotel's one-stop services, every event is perfectly tailored to your needs.

最佳室内设计酒店(豪华类): 北京万达索菲特大饭店 Best Interior Design Hotel – Luxury: Sofitel Wanda Beijing 坐落于北京 CBD 中心地带,完美融合了法式优雅 生活艺术和中国传统元素,提供优雅舒适、个人 化服务和精致的酒店住宿体验;417 间豪华客房 (包括 43 间奢华套房)、高级餐厅和酒吧以及康 乐设施一应俱全。 Ideally located in the Central Business District, this 5 star hotel provides a unique, contemporary luxury experience by artfully blending French elegance with the best of Chinese culture. Sofitel Wanda Beijing offers 417 rooms and suites with a variety of restaurants and bars, convention facilities and full wellness services.

最佳室内设计酒店(高端类): 哈尔滨万达嘉华酒店 Best Interior Design Hotel – Deluxe: Wanda Realm Harbin 拥有 345 间华丽雅致的客房和套房、3 间风格迥 异的餐厅及大堂酒廊,配有设备齐全的健身中心、 水疗中心、室内恒温游泳池和瑜伽室等。 The hotel’s 345 chic guestrooms and suites are an oasis of comfort and style. Wanda Realm Harbin has 3 speciality style restaurants, Harbin’s leading health and leisure facilities, and SHUI Spa, featuring a menu of five-star massage and body treatments in an environment of pure splendor.

最佳外观设计酒店(奢华类): 天津瑞吉金融街酒店 Best Exterior Design Hotel - Ultra Luxury: The St. Regis Tianjin 酒店外观由国际知名的 SOM 事务所设计,这座 钢筋水泥与玻璃幕墙构成的 18 层摩天大厦位于风 景如画的海河南岸,独特的中空立方体设计巧妙 呼应“津门”概念,已成为市区一道纯美别致的 风景线。 Showcasing architecture by the world-renowned Skidmore Owings and Merrill, The St. Regis Tianjin is a spectacular addition to the city’s skyline. Located on the south bank of the Hai River, the iconic 18 floor building is constructed of steel and glass in the shape of a hollowed cube.

最佳外观设计酒店(豪华类): 昆明洲际酒店 Best Exterior Design Hotel – Luxury: InterContinental Kunming 位于滇池国家旅游度假区核心地带,以“隽美蝴蝶” 为设计主题,宛若展翅彩蝶为七彩滇池之滨更添 一抹亮色;与西山森林公园、大观公园等著名景 点隔水相望。 Situated amidst a truly stunning setting, the InterContinental Kunming is located at the center of Dian Lake National Tourist Resort. The hotel’s design is based on the theme of “Eternally Beautiful Butterfly,” and resembles a colorful butterfly with outstretched wings.

最佳外观设计酒店(高端类): 上海太阳岛度假酒店 Best Exterior Design Hotel – Deluxe: Sun Island Resort Shanghai 上海太阳岛是一个国家 4A 级度假地,酒店拥有 453 栋欧式度假村别墅,配有设施先进的多功能 会议厅、2 个 18 洞高尔夫球场,还有天然温泉、 理疗室、禅庐、泰生厨房等。 Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai, is a national 4A-level tourism resort equipped with full meeting facilities, leisure and recreational activities, and full range of food and beverage offerings. Features 453 comfortable and spacious villas set amidst manicured golfing greens and flowing rivers.

最佳外观设计酒店(高端类): 丽江古城英迪格酒店 Best Exterior Design Hotel – Deluxe: Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town 位于丽江大研古镇南门,充分融入古城周边环境, 将茶马古道文化融入设计之中,打造出一家亲切 随和、充满个性,同时满溢本地邻里文化的精品 酒店,让人尽情探索茶马古道的文化精髓。 Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town located at the south gate of Lijiang’s old town, Dayan. The design of the hotel takes cultural aspects of Yunnan’s ancient Tea-Horse Caravan Trail; a property that allows you to immerse yourself, and explore the Tea-Horse Caravan Trail.

最具历史感酒店: 上海和平饭店 Best Heritage Hotel: Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai 这个装饰艺术风格的杰作历经 3 年大规模整修而 重新焕发复古魅力,成为领略上海迷人风情和生 机的绝佳地点。这里曾是上海精英阶层的豪华娱 乐场所,奢侈庆典活动和地道的巴黎时装秀夜夜 上演。 Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai, ‘a luxurious Art-Deco masterpiece’, is brilliantly reinvented for the 21st century where old fashioned glamour sparkles with a new luster. This landmark hotel once served as a glamorous playground for the elite, where every night was an extravagant gala event and veritable Parisian fashion show.



最佳餐厅设计: 三亚海棠湾天房洲际度假酒店“涛”特色海鲜牛排餐厅 Best Restaurant Design: InterContinental Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, Aqua“涛”特色海鲜牛排餐厅斥资打造国内酒店首家 海洋餐厅。客人需通过一段水底隧道才能进入水 族馆餐厅,用餐时海龟等海洋生物游来游去,浪 漫又充满童趣。推荐新捞海鲜的扒烤佐以上等美 酒和日式铁板烧。 A luxurious beachside resort on China’s renowned National Coast, its design has lush landscaping that blends into nature. Aqua, its unique aquarium restaurant, is the only restaurant in Sanya with an indoor aquarium and underwater tunnel. Aqua offers spectacular views of sea creatures as well as unmatched service.

最佳地标酒店(奢华类): 国贸大酒店 Best Landmark Hotel - Ultra Luxury: China World Summit Wing Hotel Beijing 位于中国国际贸易中心综合体内,俯瞰整个中央 商务区,拥有得天独厚的地理位置;宽敞的客房 提供免费宽带网络服务,还有 4 家设计餐厅、24 小时健身中心以及北京市内最高的水疗场所。 Located within Beijing's China World Trade Centre Complex, Shangri-la's China World Summit Wing is on the upper floors overlooking the bustling city. It features spacious rooms with free internet, a 24-hour gym, 4 restaurants with outstanding views of the city, and the highest spa in Beijing.

最佳地标酒店(豪华类): 西安索菲特人民大厦 Best Landmark Hotel – Luxury: Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square 融合西安特有文化传统和索菲特法式酒店风尚的 西安索菲特人民大厦是西北地区首家按照国际铂 金五星级标准打造的酒店;附近名胜林立,距兵 马俑仅 45 分钟车程。 The heritage of Xi’an and the classic French hospitality of Sofitel combine to create a stunning 5-star hotel welcoming travelers to the heart of the city. The hotel is located near many historical sites including the Bell & Drum Tower, with the Terra Cotta Warriors only a 45-minute drive away.

最佳地标酒店(高端类): 北京建国饭店 Best Landmark Hotel – Deluxe: Jianguo Hotel Beijing 建立于 1982 年,是中国第一家合资酒店,也是 北京 CBD 唯一的花园式酒店;室内设计融合传统 与现代典雅风格,提供各项舒适周全的待客设施; 采用低楼层设计,亭园水榭,绿树成荫。 The Jianguo Hotel Beijing is the first joint-venture hotel in China since 1982 and the only garden hotel in Beijing CBD – Your Green Home. The hotel combines elegant traditional interiors with every modern guest amenity. Luxuriant water gardens and a courtyard highlight the Hotel's lowrise setting.

最佳西餐厅(奢华类): 上海静安香格里拉大酒店 1515 牛排馆及酒吧 Best Western Restaurant - Ultra Luxury: Jing An Shangri-La West Shanghai, 1515 West, Chophouse & Bar 这家开在静安香格里拉大酒店的 1515 牛排馆融合 了纽约工业复古设计和老上海电影主题,提供的 所有牛肉都来自澳大利亚的农场,绝对保证品质。 Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai brings new vitality to the city with its business, leisure and entertainment facilities. The 1515 West, Chophouse & Bar combines an Old Shanghai theme with classic American bar and grill décor. The generous portions of beef, from Australian cattle, will delight meat lovers.

最佳西餐厅(豪华类): 北京金融街洲际酒店巨扒房及酒吧 Best Western Restaurant – Luxury: InterContinental Beijing Financial Street, Steak Exchange Restaurant & Bar 位于北京金融街洲际酒店 5 层的巨扒房餐厅及酒 吧以柔嫩多汁的炭烤澳洲安格斯 250 天谷饲牛排 以及时尚甜品著称,是肉食爱好者的天堂。 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street is situated at the gateway of Beijing’s prestigious financial and business district. Steak Exchange Restaurant Bar is a heaven for meat lovers, featuring the finest cuts of Australian Angus Beef, charcoal grilled in an open kitchen.

最佳西餐厅(高端类): 大连凯宾斯基饭店马可波罗意大利餐厅和轻食坊 Best Western Restaurant – Deluxe: Kempinski Hotel Dalian, Marco Polo Ristorante & Trattoria 坐落于城市商业中心区,其马可波罗意大利餐厅 擅长正宗的意大利菜和自制意大利面条。 The Kempinski Hotel Dalian is situated in the heart of the commercial and business district. Marco Polo Trattoria prepares gourmet pizza and pastas in a more casual dining setting, offering the largest selection of home-made pizzas in Dalian.

最佳亚洲餐厅(奢华类): 北京四季酒店采逸轩 Best Oriental Restaurant - Ultra Luxury: Four Seasons Hotel Beijing, Cai Yi Xuan Restaurant 大厨凭借精湛厨艺和最上乘食材展现粤菜精髓, 令食客的味蕾彻底绽放。餐厅设有 8 个包间, 包含两个 VIP 包房,尊享私密空间,奢华气派不 言而喻。 Four Seasons Hotel Beijing’s Cai Yi Xuan offers traditional Cantonese cuisine presented in an enticing and elegant way. The venue includes a large formal dining room, a more intimate casual dining room, and eight private dining rooms with 2 VIP rooms, each with their own unique décor and atmosphere.

最佳亚洲餐厅(豪华类): 南京金奥费尔蒙酒店荣华轩 Best Oriental Restaurant – Luxury: Fairmont Nanjing, Richesse Chinoise 酒店位于楼高 62 层的金奥大厦上半部,整座大厦 亮灯时犹如巨型中国传统灯笼。荣华轩在此建筑 奇观内耀目登场,为食客奉上最地道的淮扬菜、 粤菜和川菜。 Fairmont Nanjing is ideally located in Nanjing, where tree-covered hills and serene lakes meet Ming-era temples and dazzling skyscrapers, occupying the upper half of the Jin’ao Tower—an architectural marvel resembling an immense Chinese lantern. Richesse Chinoise is an opulent restaurant dedicated to superlative Huaiyang, Cantonese & Sichuan dishes.

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最佳亚洲餐厅(高端类): 北京万达嘉华酒店“和”日本料理餐厅 Best Oriental Restaurant – Deluxe: Wanda Realm Beijing, HE Japanese Restaurant 酒店不仅为来京的中外商务人士创造了温馨惬意 的居停感受,身处其中的“和”餐厅更是凭借各 类新鲜日料,博得众多食客好评。 As a warm and comfortable dream point for business travelers, Wanda Realm offers its guests an unforgettable journey. HE Japanese Restaurant presents authentic fresh sashimi, multiple creative sushi presentations, traditional Japanese ramen noodles and more, allowing guests to savour delicate Japanese cuisine.

LifeStyle 最佳亚洲餐厅(奢华类): 北京华尔道夫酒店紫金阁 LifeStyle Best Oriental Restaurant – Ultra Luxury: Waldorf Astoria Beijing, Zijin Mansion 融汇中西的紫金阁中餐厅是一家以纯正粤菜及北 京名菜为特色的中餐厅,不仅有大厨 Menex 主理 精致菜肴,还有中餐厨师奉上珍馐美味,再搭配 经典佳酿,值得一去。 At the Waldorf Astoria Beijing, Zijin Mansion pairs East and West, inviting guests to try out the delicacies from Chef Menex with high quality and boutique wines, and Chinese pairings with exquisite food from Chinese Chef (Cantonese with strong Beijing influences) paired with spectacular wines.

LifeStyle 最佳亚洲餐厅(高端类): 北京富力万丽酒店发达鸭餐厅 LifeStyle Best Oriental Restaurant – Deluxe: Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, Fat Duck 坐拥中央商业区,可提供 24 小时客房服务;内设 的发达鸭餐厅是一间时尚雅致的中餐厅,采用大 型燃木烤箱烤制京城最美味的北京烤鸭,更有开 放式厨房,宾客在用餐的同时,可尽享欢娱。 Located in the Central Business District, Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel offers rooms with 24-hour room service. Fat Duck is a contemporary adaptation of a Chinese Restaurant featuring a large wood burning oven that turns out the best Peking ducks in Beijing. An open show kitchen keeps restaurant guests entertained.

最佳酒店公寓: 杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: Oakwood Residence Hangzhou 166 套服务公寓,环境极为高雅舒适,设施极尽完 美齐全,配合细致到家的服务,让所有全家或单独 出游的度假或商务人士感受到无尽的奢华与宠爱。 Oakwood Residence Hangzhou provides a new upscale option for top notch business travelers and guests on project and relocation assignments. Its room mix consists of 123 studios, 145 one-bedrooms, 38 two-bedrooms, and 15 three- bedroom apartments.

最佳酒店公寓: 北京万豪行政公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: The Imperial Mansion Beijing - Marriott Executive Apartments 作为北京全新地标建筑,其紧邻王府井大街,提 供豪华舒适的公寓式住宅。这里拥有当地最宽敞 的开放式客房、一房至三房不等的公寓,内设设 施完备的厨房、餐厅,免费 WiFi 高速上网,是各 种长期和短期住宿的理想之选。 Offering luxury apartments near Wangfujing, ideal for short- and long-term stays, studio, 1-, 2- and 3-bedroom apartments are the largest in the area, and offer a fully equipped kitchen, dining room, living room, high-speed wifi etc.

最佳酒店公寓: 北京财富中心千禧公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: Millennium Residences @ Fortune Plaza 地处北京 CBD 商业中心最具有发展动力和升值潜 力的区域核心地段,拥有 329 间装修豪华、设施完 备的房间和各类满足其它功能需要的空间。 The Millennium Residences of the Beijing Fortune Plaza feature a selection of immaculately serviced apartments in Beijing. The Millennium Residences of the Beijing Fortune Plaza is located in the heart of the Beijing CBD which bears the most momentous potential of development and value elevation.

最佳酒店公寓: 广州方圆奥克伍德豪景酒店公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: Oakwood Premier Guangzhou 地处繁华的天河商务区的核心位置,紧靠珠江 CBD 新城。作为第一家奥克伍德豪景品牌的豪华 服务式公寓,仅需 40 分钟车程即抵达广州白云机 场,并可快捷通达广州火车东站,搭乘高速列车往 返香港。 Located in the heart of Tianhe Commercial Business District and adjacent to the Pearl River New City CBD, Oakwood Premier Guangzhou, the first Oakwood Premier brand in China is 40-minutes ride from the Baiyun international airport and east railway station which provides express train service to Hong Kong.

最佳酒店公寓: 上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences 坐落于上海浦东陆家嘴金融中心,毗邻上海新国 际博览中心,距上海世博会展中心和梅赛德斯 - 奔 驰文化中心仅 5 分钟车程;交通便捷,可迅速通 达城市各商业中心和著名旅游景点,黄浦江美景 也可尽收眼底。 Sheraton Shanghai Hotel & Residences, Pudong is located in Lujiazui Finance and Trade District, close to Shanghai International Exhibition Center and 5-minutes drive away from the Shanghai EXPO Center and Mercedes-Benz Arena. The hotel provides an easy access to places of interests as well as fabulous views of Huangpu River.

最佳酒店公寓: 北京紫檀万豪行政公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: The Sandalwood Beijing - Marriott Executive Apartments 位处北京 CBD 附近,毗邻中国紫檀博物馆,可便 捷到达北京首都国际机场;168 套 1 居至 3 居组成 的时尚公寓及公共区域都可有线和无线上网。 The Sandalwood, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments is neighbored to the world-famous China Red Sandalwood Museum. Close to Beijing Capital International Airport, it features 168 spacious one, two and three bedroom apartments offer both wired and wireless internet connections in all apartments and common areas.



最佳酒店公寓: 上海奥克伍德华庭酒店公寓 Best Serviced Apartments: Oakwood Residence Shanghai 上海武宁路上的首家国际品牌服务公寓,共有 112 套宽敞舒适的公寓,毗邻中山公园和静安寺商业区, 为长居短住不同需求的出行者提供精美的酒店公寓 以及优质的服务。 Oakwood Residence Shanghai is the first internationally managed serviced apartment on Wuning Road. With 112 spacious and comfortable apartments, the property is within close proximity to Zhongshan Park and Jing’an Temple Business Distric. The spacious and fully equipped Studio, 1, 2 and 3 bedroom units are ideal for both short and long term stays.

最佳婚庆酒店(奢华类): 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店 Best Wedding Hotel - Ultra Luxury: The Ritz-Carlton Tianjin 比邻海河河岸、“五大道”以及中央商务区; 277 间客房宽敞舒适,4 间顶级餐厅供应世界美食、 粤菜及其他特色美味,此外水疗中心、设施齐全 的健身房及室内恒温游泳池一应俱全。 The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is ideally located for business and recreational travel alike. In addition to The RitzCarlton’s legendary personalized service, the hotel features 277 spacious rooms and suites, four dining establishments serving international, Cantonese and contemporary creations, The Ritz-Carlton Spa and a fully-equipped Fitness Center and swimming pool.

最佳山区度假酒店:云顶大酒店 Best Mountain Resort: Genting Grand Secret Garden 坐落于密苑云顶乐园生态旅游度假产业示范区,距北京仅 2.5 小时车程,是大自然深处的一座宁静之所, 为住客的身心带来久违的宁静。 Genting Resort Secret Garden, developed by Malaysian owned Genting Group and VXL Group, balances remoteness and accessibility for a perfect holiday. Less than three hours drive from Beijing, Genting Resort Secret Garden with its majestic woodlands, cloud-shrouded peaks and clear mountain air is just a short hop away.

最值得期待开业酒店(豪华类): 厦门朗豪酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening – Luxury: Langham Place Xiamen 坐落于城中新兴商务休闲商圈,尽显低调奢华与 沉稳高雅;327 间宽敞且充满设计感的客房与套 房,以及每一处极富现代元素的潮流设计必将触 动你的感官。 Ideally located in the city’s new circle of business and lifestyle, Langham Place, Xiamen embodies luxurious style and understated sophistication. Promising a refreshing experience, the hotel is a place for inspiration and the design-led modern luxury. 327 spacious and stylish guest rooms and suites captivate your senses.

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最值得期待开业酒店(豪华类): 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening – Luxury: The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square 坐落于解放碑中央商务区,距地铁、餐厅、购物中 心和娱乐场所仅数步之遥;336 间精心设计的豪华 客房与套房均配有特色全白威斯汀天梦之床,高速 网络接入,更有长江美景或迷人城景相伴左右。 Located in the central business district, The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square is nearby the subway, restaurants, shopping, and entertainment. With 336 luxurious guest rooms and suites, the signature Westin Heavenly Bed, High Speed Internet Access, and Yangtze River or city views make each space a calming oasis.

最佳婚庆酒店(豪华类): 天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店 Best Wedding Hotel – Luxury: Tangla Hotel Tianjin 作为最高的阁楼酒店,其毗邻天津中心商务区,地 理位置优越,拥有 116 间超大精美客房及套房, 550 平米的大宴会厅可容纳 400 人同时就餐,适宜 举办婚礼等各类大型活动。 Tangla Hotel Tianjin, the city’s tallest "penthouse hotel," sits right in the heart of the business and retail districts atop the Tianjin Centre. Featuring 116 oversized rooms and suites, elegant banquet and meeting facilities including the Grand Ballroom which can accommodate up to 400 guests.

最值得期待开业酒店(奢华类): 西安索菲特传奇酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening - Ultra Luxury: People’s Grand Hotel Xian 预计 2014 年开业的西安索菲特传奇酒店位于明 代城墙内的城市中心,承载五十多年的辉煌历史, 曾接待过许多首脑和政府高级官员;拥有 71 间客 房,是西安市中心一片安逸恬静的绿洲。 The legendary People’s Grand Hotel Xian was established to host heads-of-state and government VIP guests in the last century. This iconic address, surrounded by a beautiful garden and located in the heart of the ancient City Wall, is now being refurbished into a Grand Deluxe Boutique hotel.

最值得期待开业酒店(豪华类): 青岛威斯汀酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening – Luxury: The Westin Qingdao 作为青岛中央商务区的最高建筑之一,其可饱览 城市全景;拥有 321 间客房及套房,为住客提供 威斯汀专享特服。 The Westin Qingdao landmark building is one of the highest in the central business district overlooking the vibrant cityscape of Qingdao. The hotel’s 321 inspiring guest rooms and suites are designed to lets guests be at their best, each of which offers Westin signature facilities.

最值得期待开业酒店(奢华类):大连城堡豪华精选酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening - Ultra Luxury: The Caste Hotel - A Luxury Collection Hotel - Dalian 大连作为中国北方金融和旅游之都,拥有众多自然景点、博物馆和历史遗迹。酒店紧邻亚洲最大城市广 场,俯瞰活力星海湾,是一处魅力地标性建筑。 Overlooking vibrant Xinghai Bay near Asia's largest city square, The Castle Hotel is an enchanting landmark of refined hospitality. As northern China's financial and tourism capital, Dalian boasts natural attractions, museums, and historical sites.



最值得期待开业酒店(高端类): 深圳宝安华盛希尔顿花园酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening – Deluxe: Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao'An 作为中国首家希尔顿花园酒店于 2014 年 1 月盛 大开业。距离深圳宝安国际机场和深圳福永码头 仅 15 分钟车程,交通极为便利;还有覆盖整个酒 店的免费 WiFi 和 24 小时商务中心等贴心服务。 The first Hilton Garden Inn hotel in China, the Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao'an hotel opened this January. With easy access to Shenzhen Bao'an Int’l Airport and Fuyong Pier, free WiFi throughout the hotel, a 24-hour business center and six flexible meeting spaces, it’s easy to stay connected here.

最值得期待开业酒店(高端类): 天津帝旺凯悦酒店 Most Anticipated Hotel Opening – Deluxe: Hyatt Regency Tianjin East 即将于 2014 年上半年亮相河东区卫国道。继 1986 年凯悦酒店集团进驻中国内地的首家凯悦酒 店——天津凯悦酒店 2009 年正式结业,天津帝 旺凯悦酒店的开业标志着经典的凯悦品牌以全新 的姿态回归天津。 Expected to open in early 2014, the Hyatt Regency Tianjin East will be a new landmark in the booming city. With the first Hyatt in mainland China, Hyatt Regency Tianjin, having closed in 2009, the opening of Hyatt Regency Tianjin East marks the return of the brand to Tianjin.

最佳城市度假酒店(奢华类): 广州文华东方酒店 Best City Resort - Ultra Luxury: Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou 位于太古汇内,拥有广州城中最大的酒店标准客 房。233 间客房和 30 间套房传承了精致典雅的经 典风格,其设计也糅合了传统东方元素和“新中国” 的现代特色。 Located above massive cultural center TaiKoo Hui, the Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou’s standard guest rooms are the largest in the city. Each of the 233 guestrooms, 30 suites and 24 serviced apartments reflect the Group’s distinctive style, fusing traditional elements of the orient with the modern identity of China.

最佳城市度假酒店(豪华类): 昆明洲际酒店 Best City Resort – Luxury: Intercontinental Kunming 位于昆明滇池度假区核心地带,不仅能看美景, 更能品佳肴;541 间豪华客房及套房和 9 个宽敞 的多功能厅能满足不同规模会议晚宴需求。 A lakeside retreat featuring exotic flora and fauna, the hotel offers stunning views of the Dianchi area, quiet luxury and a world-class cuisine. With 541 luxury guest rooms and suites, and 9 function spaces to cater to your every meeting and banquet need.

最佳城市度假酒店(高端类): 厦门艾美酒店 Best City Resort – Deluxe: Le Méridien Xiamen 作为厦门唯一一家坐落在山林公园中的国际五星 级酒店,其拥有 342 间别致高雅的客房(包括 12 间各类别墅套房),以及各式餐厅及酒吧共三间, 提供个性化的周到服务;站在私人阳台可俯瞰庭 院或山林美景。 Le Meridien Xiamen Hotel, the only international hotel located in Xiamen’s city mountain park, features 342 refined guest rooms including 12 villa suites, all with private balconies overlooking either the courtyard or the mountain, two restaurants and a bar with personalized service.

最佳娱乐酒店: 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店 Best Casino Hotel: Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 位处澳门市中心,坐拥内港堤畔美景,毗邻历史 城区。作为城中唯一法国品牌酒店,这里与澳门 十六浦综合娱乐项目为伴,完美展现了经典与现 代的融合。 Positioned on Macau’s picturesque waterfront, in entertainment complex Ponte 16 in the centre of the historic quarter, the hotel delivers a glamorous mix of classic and modern styles. This, as the only French hotel brand in town, embodies the essence of the dynamic city and “art de recevoir”.

亚洲最受中国游客欢迎酒店: 曼谷瑞吉酒店 Best Hotel for Chinese Travelers – Asia: The St. Regis Bangkok 位于曼谷市中心,无与伦比的服务为客人带来瑞 吉特色的住宿体验;包括 51 间套房在内的 228 间客房装潢精美,且都配有豪华大窗,可欣赏都 市美景;瑞吉管家服务更是锦上添花。 Experience the splendor of Bangkok from a premier location along Rajadamri Road, near the city’s elite business institutions, superb restaurants, and fine boutiques. 228 guest rooms, including 51 suites, offer an urban retreat with grand windows and unobstructed views. Every experience is enhanced with St. Regis Butler service.

最佳新酒店品牌(奢华类): 万达瑞华酒店 Best New Hotel Brand - Ultra Luxury: Wanda Reign 万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司成立于 2012 年, 是一个集酒店业主、经营与销售功能为一体的综 合集团,立志成为国际领先的中国豪华酒店管理 集团。万达瑞华为其旗下三大酒店品牌之一。 A member of the Wanda Group, which operates in commercial property, luxury hotels, tourism, culture and retail, Wanda Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd was founded in 2012 with the goal of becoming China's preeminent global luxury hotel brand. Today it owns and / or manages hotels under Wanda Reign, the elite luxury hotel brand.

最佳新酒店品牌(高端类): 万世名流酒店 Best New Hotel Brand – Deluxe: Hotel Maximilian 酒店由吉林华阳集团投资兴建,是德国施泰根博 阁酒店集团在华管理的第一家国际五星级酒店; 地处北京文化经济新区,毗邻望京商圈及国家体 育馆,拥有 286 间客房,间间精致典雅。 Hotel Maximilian is an upscale international 5-star hotel invested by Jilin Huayang Group, managed and operated by Steigenberger. The 268-room hotel is located in the new Wang Jing Business District and neighboring the National Bird's Nest Stadium, and offers a variety of rooms for every guest’s demands.

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最佳新酒店品牌(豪华类):W 酒店 Best New Hotel Brand - Luxury: W Hotel W 酒店品牌肇始于 1998 年的纽约 W 酒店,那里曾是曼哈顿莱克星顿大街 541 号的一个老旧多拉酒店。 酒店通过简约的现代装饰风格和时尚有趣的房间名称诠释了奢华现代生活方式的住宿体验。 W Hotels was launched in 1998 with the W New York, a conversion of the old Doral Inn hotel at 541 Lexington Avenue in Manhattan. W's signatures are its spare, minimalist modern decor and hip, informal names for categories of rooms and public areas.



亚洲最佳设计酒店:曼谷索菲特索酒店 Best Design Hotel – Asia: Sofitel So Bangkok 泰国本土设计师联手法国设计大师拉克鲁瓦共同打造极具都市风的曼谷索菲特索酒店; 其采用金、木、水、火、土五种元素呈现一间间精美绝伦的五行主题客房。 An urban design hotel in Bangkok, created by a reputable Thai Architect and five Thai interior designers, linked to French elegance by Monsieur Christian Lacroix, Sofitel So Bangkok offers themed accommodation inspired by Five Elements; Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire, and is only 25km from Suvarnabhumi airport.

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A Resort for All Seasons 在烟台金沙滩喜来登度假酒店总经理狄立博眼中,度假不止享受热浪海滩, 冬日的北方同样是奇境乐土。 Mr. Dilip Madhok, General Manager of Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort, tells LifeStyle about the benefits of running a resort in the North, where a winter wonderland can be just as beautiful as a beach. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

同样是经营度假酒店,北方和南方有什么不 一样?烟台金沙滩喜来登冬季有什么亮点吸 引客人? 北方和南方最大的不同是气候因素。 这里冬天非常漂亮,很多人开始意识到冬季 也能享受完美假期。有些国家的人需要远行 才能看到雪,这里的中国人就很幸运啦,可 以滑雪滑冰。冬天的烟台很适合休闲度假, 室内活动可谓五花八门,比如在我们炫逸水 疗中心放松身心,参观张裕卡斯特酒庄,在 磁山开启温泉之旅,或者去 37°梦幻海水 上乐园。

你做酒店 27 年,其中 19 年是在喜达屋旗 下酒店,喜达屋最吸引你的地方是什么? 多年来我发现喜达屋承诺与我所信奉 的职业准则是一致的,比如正确决策,精 益求精和团队协作等。我与喜达屋共成长, 它给了我一个平台,让我发现自己的才能、 发展自己的职业生涯。我也获得了在不同国 家工作的机会,比如中国、澳大利亚和印度。 烟台金沙滩喜来登度假酒店是如何脱颖而出 的?酒店特色有哪些,比如餐饮方面? 烟台金沙滩喜来登度假酒店是目前烟 台唯一的国际五星级酒店,置身每间客房, 都能享受醉人的海景,拥有先进、多样的会 议设施和世界顶级的美酒佳肴。我们有三家 餐厅:采悦轩中餐厅供应原汁原味的粤菜和 鲁菜;盛宴西餐厅呈现全球各地的顶级美 食;雅日本餐厅选用最上等日本食材,为客 人奉上各种生鱼片、寿司、铁板烧等特色 美味。怡聚大堂吧可一边惬意地啜饮佳酿, 一边欣赏乐队的现场表演,他们可是烟台唯 一既能唱中文歌又能唱英文歌的国际乐队。 外卖也是我们的特色之一,我们已多次为私 人别墅派对和品牌店的开业提供美食佳酿。 在高端私人外卖及主题活动定制餐饮方面, 我们酒店是首选。

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你是学金融出身,这对你的职业生涯及领导 风格有何影响? 我学的是金融,但是并没有从事这方 面的工作,不过众所周知,财务是一切机构 的支撑脊柱,也是一切商业的目标。我的专 业背景能够让我在采购、促销等方面做出更 佳的决策,给客人提供最优惠价格的同时, 使酒店的盈利最大化。我的领导风格是以身 作则式的,正确决策,追求非凡。我坚信只 要目标可以量化就一定能完成,财务分数能 够帮助我们把注意力集中在酒店发展上。 You’ve spent 19 out of your 27 years in the hospitality industry with Starwood hotels. How would you describe the ideals of Starwood as a company and what makes it a good environment and fit for you? I have found over the years that the Starwood promises, such as “Do the right thing”, “Go the Extra step” and “Play as a team”, have aligned with my own work ethics very well. I have grown with the company and the company has provided me a platform to discover my skills and develop my career. I have also been given the opportunity to work in three different countries, China, Australia and India. What makes the Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort stand out? Could you tell us about some features, such as special points of F&B? Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort is the only five-star international hotel in Yantai, and has rooms and suites which have stunning sea views, ample conference facilities and world-class cuisines. We offer

three dining venues: Yue, with authentic Cantonese and Shandong Cuisines; Feast with fine gourmet food from around the world; Miyabi with Sushi, Teppanyaki and other Japanese specialties; and our Connexions, a great place to unwind and enjoy a drink while listening to our in house band, the only international band in Yantai who can perform both English and Chinese songs. Our specialty Food and Beverage service also includes off site catering and we have already done a number of private villa parties and launch of retail brands in Yantai. We are the number one choice for up market private catering and themed events. What is different about running a resort in the north as opposed to in the south? What are the attractions for guests staying in the colder months? The biggest difference of living in the north and south is weather. There is beautiful snow in winter, and a lot of people are realizing that they can have a great holiday when it’s snowing. In other countries people travel for miles in order to get to snow. We’re lucky here in China to get snow nearby, and people can go skating and skiing. Yantai is a great place for hot springs and a place to relax during winter. There are a lot of indoor activities, such as a renewing treatment in our Shine Spa, visiting Changyu Castel Winery and enjoying a hot spring journey in Cishan and 37 Degree Dream Sea. How did your studies in Finance influence your career and management style later on? I majored in Finance when I was in college, however I did not pursue a career in Finance. However it is well known that finance is the back bone of any organization, and that’s the reason why we do business. My background helps me to make me make better decisions in purchasing, promotions and so forth, so that we can be profitable and give the best price to our customers while growing our business. My management style is to lead by example, do the right thing and drive outstanding results. I firmly believe what gets measured gets done, so our financial score card helps us to stay focused on growing our business.

将会有 32 家世界顶级品牌度假酒店落户。 这将吸引越来越多的国内外游客慕名来到 三亚,从而推动三亚的建设发展。由此可见, 这是一个非常好的通过发展度假胜地酒店 业推动当地经济的典范。 三亚酒店市场竞争越来越激烈,如何让海棠 湾民生威斯汀立于不败之地? 我们酒店提供威斯汀独特的个性化服 务,灵动地感知宾客的需求和偏好,让宾客 在入住期间焕发活力。威斯汀品牌革新性的 特色服务项目,比如世界闻名的天梦之床、 活力食品菜单、天梦之浴和天梦水疗等,都 是为宾客打造有益身心的健康旅程。我们所 做的一切都为兑现威斯汀的承诺:为了更精 彩的你。 三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀作为威斯汀品牌中国 大陆首家海滨度假酒店,从所处的环境中汲 取了哪些设计灵感? 我们设计的关键要素是“水”,酒店 以壮观山景为背景,面朝壮观的蓝色海洋, 448 间舒适客房、套房与别墅,热带园林和


For A Better You

三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店总经理柏哲与 LifeStyle 畅聊 他在中国酒店行业多年打拼的心得体会以及对未来的展望。 LifeStyle interviews Mr. Raetus Balzer, General Manager of The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, about his diverse career in Chinese hospitality and future goals. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

作为三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店总经 理,以往的工作经历对你现在的职位有什么 作用? 我来自瑞士,过去 30 年的职业生涯让 我对许多文化有自己的思考和见解。最近 10 年我一直在中国工作,像上海、北京、 博鳌和厦门;再往前,主要是越南、美国、 澳大利亚、印度尼西亚、韩国。我很幸运能 在豪华游轮上工作,随着它周游世界。对我 来说,再来海南就像回家一样。 你给酒店预设的未来目标有哪些? 三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店是威 斯汀品牌中国大陆首家海滨度假酒店,我对 此感到非常高兴和荣幸。我们将把品牌革新 性的特色服务项目和独特设计带到这个充 满活力的目的地,力求成为海南度假酒店之 首选。我们提供个性化和灵动直觉的服务, 将提升宾客的健康体验,确保宾客在离店时 感觉比抵达前更好。 你在中国酒店行业打拼多年,怎么看待中国 酒店业的快速发展? 中国酒店业持续迅猛发展是令人刮目 相看的。举例来说,在海棠湾,未来 8 年

1.2 万平米的水域完美结合。从空中鸟瞰, 整个酒店就像天堂里滴下的一滴水。 在素有“中国夏威夷”之称的三亚,你最喜 欢的水上或户外运动是什么? 打高尔夫是身在三亚最大的乐趣,这 里有中国最好的高尔夫球场。为了方便钟爱 高尔夫的客人,我们为他们选了一家离酒店 最近的高尔夫球场,只需 20 分钟车程。另 外酒店的泳池都非常棒,我自己也常去游。 As GM of The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, how has your career path led you to where you are today? I am originally from Switzerland. My career patch - stretching over the last 30 years - has given me great insight into many cultures. For the last 10 years I have been working in China, in namely Shanghai, Beijing, Bo’ao and Xiamen. Prior to this I primarily worked in Vietnam, USA, Australia, Indonesia, South Korea and was fortunate enough to also have travelled the world while working on luxury cruise ships. Coming back to Hainan is like coming home.

What are your goals for the future of the Resort? I am indeed very delighted and honored to have opened the very first Westin Beach resort in Mainland China. At The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, we will bring our innovative programming and signature design to this dynamic destination to be the preferred beach resort in Hainan. We will provide personalized and instinctive service to enhance our guests’ sense of well-being and ensure that all guests “leave feeling better than when they first arrived” at our resort. Having spent a long time in Chinese hospitality, what are your comments on its rapid development? The continuous growth and development of the hospitality industry in China is most impressive. For example, in Haitang Bay, there will be 32 world-class brand resorts opened within the next 8 years. All these luxury resorts will attract more and more international and domestic tourists to come and explore Sanya. It is a great example of developing the local economy through hospitality for evermore popular destinations in China. How do you make sure the resort stays on top of the competition and remains a stand out resort in Sanya? The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort will deliver Westin personalized service, to be instinctive, sensing our guests’ needs and preferences; therefore, ensuring our guests feel Renewal with us. We take care and focus on the guests’ well-being on the road with innovative Westin programs, such as our signature Heavenly Bed, SuperFood to Eat Well, Heavenly Bath and Heavenly Spa etc. All that we do is aimed at ensuring and supporting Westin brand’s promise “For a Better You”. As Westin’s first beach resort in Mainland China, what design cues does the resort take from its environment? The key message of the design cues in our resort is “Water”. The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort is designed with a striking mountainous backdrop and a tranquil deep blue ocean frontage. The integrated design concept of the 448 guestrooms, suites and villas, the tropical landscaping and the 12,000 square meters of tropical waterscapes, are harmoniously combined. From an aerial view, The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort looks like a water droplet. What is your favorite water sport or outdoor activity in “China’s Hawaii”? Golfing in Sanya is the primer pleasure, as playing in the top golf courses in China; besides, we selected one closest golf course which is only 20 minutes by car from our Resort for the convenience of guests who enjoy golf. Swimming in our Resort’s splendid pools is also an excellent pastime I enjoy very much.

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Communication is Key 北京万达索菲特大饭店市场销售总监李玮畅谈她的开放式管理 以及如何跟上不断崛起的社交媒体的步伐。 Ms. Viva Li, Director of Sales & Marketing at Hotel Sofitel Wanda Beijing, discusses her open-door policy and how she keeps up with the rise of social media. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

你是怎样进入酒店行业的? 我刚入行的时候,全北京也只有三四 家奢华酒店。年轻人对酒店文化、酒店的 优美环境和国际化氛围都很感兴趣。我的英 语也不错,同时也希望有机会认识世界各地 的朋友,从而拓宽自己的职业道路,我觉得 自己做了正确的选择,从来没有后悔入这一 行。 如何在保持强有力领导的同时,与团队成员 保持良好的工作关系? 沟通是关键。我一直对团队成员采取 开放式管理政策。无论是新入职人员还是管 理层成员,谁有问题都可以随时找我沟通。 我希望每个人都心情愉悦。我们是一个团 队,做任何决定我都会争取大家达成一致意 见,然后齐心协力达成目标。我信任我的团 队,并尊重每个人的意见。 针对本地市场形势变化,北京万达索菲特大 饭店的发展方向是什么? 去年三月份政府出台的新政策确实给 我们酒店的业务发展带来了一些影响。我 们重新修正了酒店的发展规划及阶段目标, 一切都在向好的方向发展。现在有越来越 多的公司不再通过旅行社,而直接和酒店 打交道,这样一来,五星级酒店更要有透 明度。 你怎样利用社交媒体进行推广? 现如今社交媒体对于任何行业来说都 是极端重要的推广工具。年轻人活跃于各类 社交网络平台,我们可以充分利用这一点, 不仅广泛投放,更要与受众进行非常活跃的 互动,以吸引他们的注意力,比如我们全方 位开展调研活动,并邀请大家参与进来。 索菲特是法国奢华酒店品牌,你个人怎么理 解北京万达索菲特大饭店的品牌文化? 酒店为员工提供了丰富的培训课程, 比如教大家说一些基本法语用语,还有我 们的食品酒水以及酒店背景音乐都弥漫着 浓浓的法国味道。即使播放的是没有法语歌 词的歌曲,选曲工作也是由法籍 DJ 来完成 的,另外酒店的各种图饰都颇具法国范儿, 比如玫瑰、各种花束,还有吊灯。

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工作之余你喜欢以什么方式来放松自己? 我很喜欢旅行,最喜欢的地方是纽约。 我也很喜欢做各种各样的中西餐。我女儿觉 得我的厨艺还不错哦! What initially made you interested in the hospitality industry? At the time I started, there were only three or four luxury hotels in Beijing. Young people were very interested in this culture, with the hotels’ beautiful environments and international feeling. I was proficient at English, and interested in an environments in which I could meet a lot of new people from all over the world and develop myself professionally. I realized I made the right choice and have not looked back since! How do you maintain a strong leadership while at the same time connecting with your team members? Communication is key. I keep an open door policy with my staff, meaning they can come into my office and ask me questions or discuss at any time, whether they are a manager or have just started. I hope people are comfortable in this environment. My staff and I work as a team – if we have to make a decision we make sure everyone agrees, and then you really have to commit to that decision. I trust and respect my staff. What is the general direction that the hotel is heading now in terms of the market in Beijing? The government’s new policies last March have had somewhat of a negative impact in terms of business, but now we are heading in the right direction and things are looking up. There have also been other improvements, now that 5-star hotels are required to have more transparency – now companies deal directly with the hotel rather than going through a travel company. How do you generate interest for the hotel on social media? Social media is a very important tool for any industry nowadays. The younger generations are always active on social media platforms, and one of our main focuses is getting their reactions to things we post – just posting them is not enough, interaction is the key to getting noticed more,

so we post surveys and issues that our fans can respond to. Since Sofitel is a French brand, how do you personally exemplify (or feel) the French culture of the brand at Sofitel Wanda Beijing? We have a lot of staff training, which includes teaching all of the staff to speak simple French. Also our food and wine selections, as well as the music played in the hotel are French-influenced. Even if a song does not have French lyrics, many of our selections are made by French DJs. Also motifs in the hotel such as roses, bouquets of flowers and chandeliers are all French inspired. What are your favorite ways to relax after a hard work week? I love traveling – my favorite place to visit is New York, and I also love cooking both Chinese and Western food. My daughter says my cooking is great!

Promotion 下午茶是时下流行的餐饮形式之一, 各地的下午茶也都有各自独特的习惯和茶 点类别。经过不断的推陈出新,上海浦东香 格里拉大酒店大堂酒廊隆重呈献中西合璧 的“香悦”下午茶,为食客带来焕然一新的 午茶体验。 浦东香格里拉大酒店地处上海乃至全 国的商业中心地带——陆家嘴金融贸易区, 毗邻浦江东岸,可俯瞰外滩风光,地理位 置无与伦比。位于浦江楼一层的大堂酒廊, 以亲切周到的服务和舒适的环境闻名遐迩。 “香悦”下午茶借鉴法式高级餐厅用餐理念, 分六道式进行,宾客可同时品尝到亚洲风味 和西式招牌茶点,满足味蕾对下午茶的所有 幻想。中西美点交相辉映,还有现场演绎的 弦乐五重奏——相约“香悦”,开始一段曼 妙的午后时光。 客人入席后,身着优雅旗袍的服务生会 即刻奉上三道经典中式茶点,包括叉烧酥、 红豆菊花酥和芝麻球。第一轮茶点由时令浆 果拿破仑开启,第二轮的北京烤鸭会在食客


The Grandest of Afternoon Teas 身边现场片皮,然后服务生会端出第三轮盘 绕袅袅青烟的云茶,霎那间缕缕清香萦绕。 三轮过后,又会有数十种经典美食置于考究 的金丝笼中,呈现在宾客眼前。金丝笼轻悬 于桌旁,笼中美食以精致的鸣海骨瓷盛托, 配以上等手工烘焙茗茶。三层美食将流行、 创意及中西合璧的特色风味糅为一体:甜品 包括黑巧克力覆盆子迷你蛋筒、黄桃香草芭 菲、玫瑰慕斯、焦糖布蕾、围棋饼干及伯爵 茶玛德琳蛋糕,以及多款创新手指三明治, 如烟熏鸭胸黑松露及蟹柳香茅三明治等。第 五道热点心为熔岩巧克力蛋糕配薰衣豆冰 淇淋,最后一道自制传统英式葡萄干松饼为 “香悦”之约划上完美句点。 另外,颇受客人青睐的大堂酒廊金丝 笼下午茶也分为传统亚洲及优雅西式两种 风格:西式风格菜单推荐新品迷你热情果羊 角甜甜圈、红酒鹅肝配黄桃酱、墨鱼汁面 包、金枪鱼三明治等;亚洲风格菜单推荐新 品越式藜麦卷、红豆菊花酥、玫瑰慕斯等。 大堂酒廊“香悦”下午茶每位人民币 328 元, 金丝笼下午茶每位人民币 228 元,均需加 收 15%的服务费。 每天下午 2 点至 6 点,香格里拉邀您 相约“香悦”,悠然畅享下午茶! An excellent way to indulge in a snack on a quiet day, afternoon tea is a popular and historic custom. Now, the Lobby Lounge at Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai diversifies its afternoon tea offerings by launching The Experience Afternoon Tea - a signature blend of East and West. Pudong Shangri-La, East Shanghai is located in the Lujiazui finance and trade district of Pudong, an important economic hub in China. The hotel is ideally located

on the Eastern bank of the Huangpu River, overlooking Shanghai’s legendary waterfront strip, The Bund. Located on level one of the River Wing, the Lobby Lounge is renowned for its gracious and impeccable service and comfortable environment. The Experience Afternoon Tea borrows a traditional French fine-dining concept by introducing six courses to the afternoon tea. Creative twist and combinations of signature petit fours from both East and West enrich the afternoon tea offerings and enable guests to enjoy diversified items while listening to performers playing classical music. Upon being seated, guests will be presented with an ‘amuse bouche’ including three Chinese petit fours, namely Pork Fillet Puff, Red Bean Flower and Sesame Ball. The first course starts with Seasonal Berry Mille Feuille and the second continues with Crispy Peking Duck with Traditional Condiments in the ‘gueridon’ course. The Cloud Tea with Dry Ice will be served as a cleanser course to refresh the taste buds. The fourth course will be presented in a special ‘Golden

Cage’ setting featuring a cage stand hanging by the side of the table; it's three tiers displaying sweets, savoury items and finger sandwiches respectively, including traditional items like Pink Peppercorn and Rose Mousse, Individual Vanilla Crème Brulee and locally inspired flavours, such as Chicken Char Sui and Crab, Lemongrass, Chili and Kaffir Lime Sandwiches. In addition to the myriad of sweet mini pastries and sandwich rolls, new creative savoury snacks have been added, such as Petit Cones and Honey Glazed Duck on Mini Truffled Egg Sandwich. Guests are then presented the fifth hot course of Individual Melting Heart Chocolate Cake and Tonka Bean IceCream. Finally, rounding off the Experience Afternoon Tea spread are some house-made traditional raisin scones. A few new items have also been added to the offerings: guests can choose from two menus – Asian and Western. The western menu highlights Golden Passion fruit Mini Cronut and Tuna Mayonnaise with Apple and Jalapeño in Squid Ink Bread, while the Asian menu presents a Sesame and Quinoa Vietnamese Rice Paper Wrap and Miso Salmon Hand Rolls. The Experience Afternoon Tea is priced at RMB 328 and the Golden Cage Afternoon Tea is at RMB 228 plus 15 per cent surcharge per person. Available from 2 to 6 p.m. daily from March till the end of the year. Enjoy an updated classic with this grand Afternoon Tea! 33 Fu Cheng Road, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: 021 6882 6888

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的牦牛酸奶;下午回到酒店,到预约的蔓达 梦水疗体验一下丽江普洱茶身体磨砂或云 南咖啡纤体排毒,让身心获得舒展。 台湾著名歌手陈升有首歌叫做《丽江 的春天》,歌中唱到:今天跟我回家,我最 亲爱的朋友,窗外依偎杜鹃花,明天一起醒 来;也许会有一天,我们终需要分别,小河 尽头四方街,你在那里等着我……正如歌中 描绘的意境,春暖花开的丽江铂尔曼度假酒 店等着与你一同呼吸春天。


Discover Spring in Lijiang 又到花开时节, 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店等着与你一同呼吸春天的气息。 Make a date with spring at Pullman Lijiang Resort and Spa.

坐落在千年束河古镇入口处的丽江铂 尔曼度假酒店是一家高端的国际度假酒店, 园区将连绵的玉龙雪山美景尽收眼底,距离 丽江市区和有着“历史文化遗产”美誉的大 研古城仅 10-15 分钟车程。在此隐居遁世, 享受文化历史的沉淀和无限美景的同时,还 可轻松到达周边的著名景点,更是前往香格 里拉地区的理想驿站。 温馨而舒适的 79 栋别墅和 51 间客房 散布在酒店静谧自然的环境中。客房或别 墅用餐服务全天 24 小时不间断,充分迎合 了各类宾客的不同生活节奏。酒店专业的旅 游向导随时待命,带领宾客探索被遗忘的王 国——丽江及其周边地区。除了扎实的语言 功底和丰富的本地知识,他们还会精心选择 旅游路线,以保证宾客的每次旅行都充满乐 趣并远离喧嚣的人群。探索活动主题包括徒

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步旅行、自行车、远足和生态游,等等,还 可以按宾客的喜好设计个性化的旅游线路, 让宾客尽享丽江丰富的旅游资源。 如果不想花费时间和精力外出游玩, 宾客在酒店内也能玩得尽兴。酒店 200 亩 园林内植物种类超过 90 种,你大可以选择 步行或骑自行车,与这些生长在高原的小伙 伴来一次亲密接触。根本就不想动?那就在 1919 吧或图书馆发发呆,一杯奈斯派索或 者啤酒鸡尾酒,静静地,看雪山倒影,品云 淡风清;夜幕降临,在豪华别墅的温水泡池 中品尝来自维诺卡的美酒,仰望繁星满天; 与三五好友在别墅庭院内享用专属厨师提 供的丽江风味烧烤。 如果还有一天的时间,不妨步行或乘 坐酒店的免费马车去旁边的束河古镇转转, 感受古时茶马古道的边塞风韵,尝一尝土制

Just at the entrance to the millennium Shuhe old town, Pullman Lijiang Resort and Spa is an international upscale resort with breathtaking views of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain, sure to amaze even the most seasoned travelers. The world- renowned historic cultural heritage of Dayan ancient town and downtown Lijiang is only 10-15 minutes drive away, not to mention several other attractions nearby and its proximity to the mythical Shangri-La. All 79 villas and 51 rooms, spread throughout peaceful natural surroundings, all exquisitely blend traditional Naxi design with modern amenities and offer 24-hour dining service. The resort features professional tour guides who are always ready to show you an amazing side of Lijiang and the surrounding areas. They all have a good command of languages and local knowledge to make sure that every tour is enjoyable and away from the crowds. Themed routes include hiking, bicycling, an eco-tour and more, and guests can also design custom tours to make full use of the resources. For those who really want nothing but rest, we recommend staying at the resort and checking out over 90 varied plants on display, or daydreaming at the 1919 Bar or library, accompanied by the reflection of the mountains and a cup of Nespresso, beer or cocktail. When dusk falls, have a relaxing soak in a hot soak tub within your deluxe villa and stare at the countless twinkling stars while enjoying fine wines from Vinoteca. Or even better, spend a great night with friends in a private courtyard, with Lijiang-style BBQ prepared by a private chef. If you’re not in a hurry, we highly encourage wandering through nearby Shuhe old town to feel the ambience of the ancient tea-horse road, intensified by free carriage rides offered by the resort to get there, and try some of the local specialty, Lijiang’s traditional yak yogurt. After a long day, Mandara Spa is the best way to recharge your batteries and pamper yourself. Mandara Spa features eight treatment suites, some with a private courtyard, and signature treatments such as the Yunnan Coffee Body Contour and Lijiang Pu Er Tea Body Scrub. Taiwanese singer Chen Sheng was once so inspired by the town of Lijiang that he wrote the song “Meet Spring in Lijiang’’. Now you too can discover the eternal spring of your dreams at Pullman Lijiang Resort and Spa. Shuhe Old Town Entrance Road, Lijiang, Yunnan Province Tel: 0888 5300 111



Stimulate Your Senses at Shenzhou Peninsula 海南岛因舒适的热带季风气候、宁静 怡人的海岸线、新鲜丰富的热带水果,更重 要的是沿着令人惊叹的海岸线建造的迷人 而富有挑战性的高尔夫球场,近些年来迅速 成长为中国最受欢迎的高尔夫度假目的地 之一。神州高尔夫球场位于海南岛东海岸 线,拥有 36 洞及 5 个练习球洞,由国际著 名高尔夫球大师汤姆·维斯科夫操刀,将神 州半岛从起伏的海岸沙丘到嶙峋的山间巨 石的独特地理环境及迷人景致出神入化般 融入设计中。球场亦拥有风格独特的天然沙 坑,与周围环境充分融合,达到完美和谐、 浑然天成的效果。这个优美的典范式海滨 球场由东、西和综合球场组成,赋予各层次 的高尔夫爱好者灵感,同时也考验他们的 技术。在这里,高尔夫不再只是肢体运动, 而是充分利用五官感受大自然的魅力。 神州高尔夫学院还配备了世界一流的 三维分析系统及泰勒梅模拟实验室,通过 数据、角度、动作、击球点逐一分析及优化 学员各方面的击球表现。正由于上述种种因 素,这里全年都是高尔夫旅游度假的理想胜 地。前不久神州半岛旅游度假村还收到世界 最佳高尔夫度假村联盟(该联盟致力于在 全世界范围内寻找最高水准的高尔夫球场, 为广大高尔夫爱好者推荐必须要挥杆、必须 要入住的高尔夫度假村)的邀请,荣幸加入 了世界最佳高尔夫度假村行列。 说 到 神 州 半 岛 旅 游 度 假 村 的 设 施, 不得不提与高尔夫球会仅数步之遥的喜达 屋国际集团在大中华区首家复合式度假酒 店——神州半岛喜来登度假酒店和神州半 岛福朋酒店(喜来登管理)。因为度假酒店 配套比较完善,使得神州半岛旅游度假村不

仅成为高尔夫爱好者的天堂,同时也能满足 许多只想放松心情、懒洋洋地躺着享受阳光 与海滩的宾客们的完美度假需求。面向一望 无际的南中国海的神州半岛喜来登和福朋 酒店坐拥 4 公里黄金沙滩,建筑风格受江 南园林启发,共有 646 间宽敞宜人的客房 与套房,每一间均可饱览开阔美景,令人心 旷神怡。如果入住喜来登高尔夫海景房,更 可坐在宽敞的阳台上欣赏球场上的风光以 及球手们运用不同技巧挑战球洞的英姿。 此外,酒店 6 个餐厅与酒吧可满足从 轻松惬意到私密尊享的不同美食需求。喜来 登炫逸水疗使写意的热带假期更添完美。酒 店 3 个室外泳池为葱郁的热带植物所环绕, 并可眺望一望无际的大海。这里全年均是独 享悠闲或与家人畅游戏水的绝佳之选。客人 可在福朋礁湖儿童泳池与孩子共享欢乐时 光,或纵身跃进喜来登泳池畅游一番,每个 泳池均设有多座私人池畔凉亭,泳池吧则供 应美味小吃与饮品,随时为你补充能量。 Hainan, China’s beloved island province, is renowned for its tropical climate, pristine coastline and fresh tropical fruits, and is fast emerging as a popular golf destination with its challenging golf courses and the stunning natural beauty of the surroundings. Designed by leading international golf architect Tom Weiskopf, the Dunes at Shenzhou Peninsula is located on the east coast of Hainan, where golfers from all across the world will be treated to some of the finest golf of their lives. The Dunes, a 36-hole golf course with an additional 5 practice holes makes the most of the distinctive geography and dramatic beauty of this unique location – from the

rugged coastal dunes to the strong, craggy boulders. The unique native bunker style has also been designed to blend in with the natural surroundings. Composed of the East, West and Composite courses, golf enthusiasts of all levels will be inspired and challenged by the beautiful quintessential seaside design which embraces traditional golf course architecture, reminiscent of classic designs such as Royal Melbourne, Cypress Point and Pine Valley. At the Dunes, golf is an experience that strikes all the senses. Guests are also welcome to visit the Golf Academy equipped with 3D Motion Capture - the latest software to analyze and perfect every aspect of the game of golf – and Taylormade Performance Lab, a system which provides high technology custom club fitting to match all ages and skill levels. With a tropical climate and diversified and complete golfing facilities, The Dunes is an ideal destination for enjoying golf all year round. Shenzhou Peninsula Resort is honored to have recently been invited to join Great Golf Resorts of the World, an alliance of the world’s very best golf resorts. Great Golf Resorts of the World scoured the world for the highest caliber courses, identifying the very best in must-play, must-stay experiences. It is difficult to talk about a golf course without mentioning the nearby hotels, the Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort and Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula, which together form the first Starwood’s complex resort in Greater China catering to everyone - not just avid golfers but also families. This being an integrated resort, everything a guest needs is in one place. Nestled on a fourkilometer sandy golden beach, the complex features expansive garden palace architecture, and 646 capacious and comfortable guest rooms and suites, each with its own beautiful view. Guests staying in a Golf View Room or Suite can sit on their balcony and watch golfers try to par the holes with varying degrees of success. Besides, with access to 6 restaurants and bars, ranging from casual to fine-dining, there are plenty of cuisines to explore. And the exquisite Shine Spa for Sheraton located in lush tropical gardens offers five signature treatments by Spanish cosmetic products Germaine de Capuccini to help guests “find their glow”. Overlooking the sea, the complex’s outdoor pools provide an ideal spot to gather for some family fun or tranquil downtime, while poolside bars offer tempting snacks and beverages. Shenzhou Peninsula Resort District, Wanning Shenzhou Peninsula, Hainan Tel: 0898 6253 8868

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L.A. Water



California Dreamin’ Editor: Audrey Hammonds Photos: Palms

Kimchi Quesadilla

墨西哥菜与韩国料理似乎八竿子都打 不着,但是旅居北京的洛杉矶土著蔡建岷 开了一家餐厅,成功将二者融合在一起, 让食客无可挑剔。据蔡建岷介绍,洛杉矶 就是一个文化大熔炉,墨西哥菜与韩国料 理的组合就像汉堡和薯条在一起一样司空 惯见。洛杉矶最有特色的餐车文化给了他 灵感,再加上在北京的长期居住经历,最 终促成他以自己的视角诠释这一多元饮食 文化——位于旧鼓楼大街胡同里的 Palms L.A. Kitchen & Bar 前不久开张,并迅速建 立起自己的口碑,已拥有诸多忠实粉丝。 时尚又不失舒适,Palms 走的是闲适 的现代乡村风格,食客们仿佛一脚踏进加 利福尼亚,融合了韩国饮食元素(韩国泡 菜、酱料和韩式烤肉)的创意墨西哥菜让 人惊喜连连。最受欢迎的有泡菜芝士煎饼、 小牛排塔克和猪肉拌饭,不管是本地人还

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Kimchi Fritters

是外来客,无不称赞有加。 除了融合菜系,Palms 还有一些洛杉 矶风味佳肴,包括开胃小吃蓝香坚果脆(蓝 波奶酪、核桃、蜂蜜和新鲜出炉的面包)、 比华利艺人沙拉和诱人的可丽饼(可丽饼 搭配牛奶焦糖酱)。我们特别推荐加州韩 国城最受欢迎的小吃炸泡菜球,一定要蘸 奶油辣椒酱哦,还要试试它家的特色鸡尾 酒,像类似长岛冰茶的“洛杉矶自来水”、 玛黛茶伏特加调制的“移民者”。虽然墨 西哥菜与韩国料理的组合在洛杉矶之外实 属小众,但在远隔千山万水的京城邂逅“天 使之城”的绝味美食,堪称梦幻般的奇遇。

ome may find it confusing at first as to why Korean and Mexican food would be brought together into a fusion cuisine. But according to Los Angeles native and restaurant manager Michael Tsai, it’s as much a part of the culture there as burgers and fries, with people of diverse backgrounds living side by side in the city. A long-time Beijing expat, Michael was inspired by the wildly popular food truck culture in Los Angeles to create his own version of this multicultural fare, and opened Palms L.A. Kitchen & Bar in a hutong off Jiu Gulou Dajie where it has quietly been gaining a solid reputation. In a trendy but comfortable “modern rustic” setting, diners feel like they’re visiting California, welcomed by casual but modern décor, while the kitchen serves up creative Mexican dishes incorporating Korean elements like kimchi, Korean sauce and Korean-style barbequed meats. Favorite dishes include the kimchi quesadillas, kalbi tacos, and carnitas bibimbap, which have received rave reviews from both locals and expats alike. Aside from the fusion fare, Palms also offers several dishes from the LA food scene, including Bleu Nuts (a walnut and blue cheese appetizer), Beverly Hills Cobb Salad, and sinfully sweet Panqueques (freshly made crepes filled with dulce de leche). We particularly recommend the delectable kimchi fritters with sriracha sour cream, puffy with just the right amount of kimchi flavor, and can’tmiss cocktails like their spin on a Long Island Iced Tea, “LA Water”, and the original yerba mate sparkling cocktail, “El Inmigrante.” Though Mexican-Korean cuisine has been relatively unknown outside of California, now you can explore a delicious side of the City of Angels in your own neighborhood.

14 Zhangwang Hutong (just off Jiu Gulou Dajie and near Gulou Subway Station Exit G), Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 6405 4352

新近开业的热辣壹号火锅旗舰店热爆 京城。三位火辣辣的影视大腕任泉、李冰 冰、黄晓明合伙投资火辣辣的火锅业,想 必是独爱这麻辣鲜香好味道。力倡吃出健 康与时尚的热辣壹号位于京城潮人聚集的 工体北路屯三里 MALL,餐厅环境时尚精致, 可同时容纳 700 人就餐。整体设计风格中 融入原生态元素与中式元素,凸显古朴气 质,生气勃勃的绿植更为餐厅增添了些许 绿色与健康的味道。 三位明星老板常年致力于公益、环保 事业,对火锅食材的选择和质量的把控可 谓是非常严格。其所选食材均为绿色无公 害,突出菜品的健康和本真味道,并承诺 采用一次性锅底,绝无重复使用。独具魅 力的正宗麻辣火锅底料采用传统配方,结 合现代工艺自创而成,口感麻辣鲜香,味 道始终如一。 至于明星老板们的特别推荐,肉质鲜 嫩润滑、一口辣到 High 的麻辣牛肉,还有 店里的明星主打产品农家酥肉,这可是四 川特色美食。色泽金黄、外酥里嫩的酥肉 最好趁热吃,也可下火锅吃。 春暖花开之际,来明星都爱的热辣壹 号感受不一样的火辣辣,说不定还能偶遇 明星老板和一些明星大腕呢。


Celebrity Hot Pot Text: Eva Liu Photos: Hot No.1


eijing is always ready to welcome a trendy dining spot, and the newly opened Hot No.1 should definitely sate the appetites of both fashionistas and spice-seekers alike. Invested in and coowned by three of China’s hottest stars, Ren Quan, Li Bingbing and Huang Xiaoming, it’s obvious that spicy food is a luxury everyone enjoys. Located at the popular Yongli Mall and seating over 700, Hot No.1’s décor incorporates elements of nature with Chinese influence, for a simple yet elegant design infused with vibrant greenery. As the owners have devoted years to public welfare and environmental protection, the ingredients and materials used at Hot No. 1 are strictly controlled. Only pollution-free products are used, and they do not re-use the soup pots, so guests can be assured that each soup base is clean. Using traditional hotpot soup and ingredients paired with modern cooking technology, the flavor is authentic and delicious from start to finish. As for recommendations, the celebrity owners love the freshly sliced beef and Crispy Meat, a typical Sichuan delicacy with golden crispy outside and tender meat inside. As spring blooms, get ready to feel the heat at this fashionable new venue. And who knows, with so many famous names endorsing Hot No. 1, you may just run into your idol at dinner!

2nd floor, Yongli Mall Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5613 6388 / 5613 6199

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酌君葡萄酒 听我闲来词

Relaxing with Wine

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葡萄酒适合放松时饮用。远去的青春 和未竟的梦想以及千万种可能性都能溶进 一杯酒里。葡萄美酒邀我们踏上自我探索之 旅,发现未知的自己。斟上一杯葡萄酒细细 品味,释放心中压抑已久的真实情感,任由 那个不曾为世人所接纳的自己纵心驰骋。葡 萄酒是一剂灵方,是打开我们心房的密钥。 葡萄酒是一种很好的“安慰食物”。 适度饮酒能给我们带来幸福、满足、乐观、 友爱等良好的身心感受。作为社会人,我 们若能与志同道合者共享这“上帝赐予的礼 物”,共品质优味美的葡萄酒,绝对是人生 一大幸事。无论贵贱高低,葡萄酒对待众生 平等,它唤醒我们最好的一面,提升我们的 思想和言行,同时让我们在片刻的休憩中回 味生活中所有的美好。 葡萄酒是世界上最富有诗意的饮品, 它代表着真挚的友情。无论我们身处生命历 程的哪个阶段、境况如何,只要有美酒相伴, 我们便可以分享快乐、友谊、手足深情等等 这些美好的情感。一杯又怎么够?有一点是 毋庸置疑的,大多数优美的诗词歌赋和爱情 故事都是作者在闲暇之余,一边品着美酒一 边创作出来的。 葡萄酒也是爱的表达,让我们与爱人 走得更近。美酒的香气在四周晕染,人便 会灵感迸发写下最美的情书、诗句和爱情故 事,也会更有勇气喊出爱的宣言,或许下“愿 得一人心,白首不相离”的真诚祈愿。葡 萄酒代表了无言的爱意,如天鹅绒般细腻, 滑过我们心中最柔软的部分。佳偶天成,美 酒相伴,一切都完美了。 葡萄酒还能让我们脱去伪装,重新认 识自我,并接近内心的信仰。只有沉浸于美 酒之中,摆脱世事纷繁和一切虚妄,我们才 能释放自己的灵魂,回归真我。事事总以他 人为先,神奇的葡萄酒便会让我们看到自己 拥有的力量远比想象中强大。每每闲来品酒 谈人生,一瓶美酒常会启发人们找到生命的 真谛,遇见最好的自己。跟随灵魂的指引, 我们便可以听到内心的声音。 斟一杯最爱的葡萄酒,边啜饮边思考 灵魂、精神与神性的统一,再与和自己有同 样坚定信仰的朋友一起探索宇宙的巨大力 量,也为了全人类的福祉不断追寻,这才是 生命的终极快乐所在。


ine is for relaxing. For reflecting. For dreaming. And for “What if….?” Wine invites us to journey into the unknown; to explore realms we have yet to encounter, either in the real or virtual worlds. And yes, wine relaxes our inhibitions, allowing us to consider thoughts and actions that our accepted folkways and mores might normally prohibit. Wine is a portal to all that we repress and suppress. It is, indeed, a magical elixir. In moderation wine is a “comfort food”, associated with good feelings, happiness, contentment, optimism and camaraderie. It invites company, for partaking of the “gift of the gods” with others who share our appreciation for wines of quality and good taste is always more rewarding, as we are social beings, one and all. Wine brings out the best in us; it humanizes our thought and speech; and gives us pause to count our many blessings, be we aristocrat, aspirational upwardly mobile or peasant. Wine is the most poetic universal beverage of friendship, for no matter our station in life or our circumstances, when offered and shared it expresses the same sentiments of warmth, friendship, brotherhood and good cheer. And, of course, so long as we are enjoying premium wine, one glass is never enough. Is it no wonder that some of the most beautiful essays, soliloquies, sonnets, songs, melodies and love stories have been penned while relaxing with a favorite wine? Wine is also an expression of love. It begs the heart to connect with and rejoice in the beloved. To write love letters, love poems, love stories; to rehearse speeches of devotion that celebrate one’s union, one’s intended union or one’s hopes and dreams of love found and realized. It is the language of love without words, only joy, bliss and the gentle caress of a velvet glove. It is rapture. It is fulfillment. It is perfection.

Wine allows us to see ourselves without our preferred disguise; to connect with our deepest beliefs. It shows us our Soul, if we are ready to let go of all pretense and return to our True Nature. It lets us know that we are capable of so much more than we give ourselves credit, but only if our first thought is always for the needs of others, and not our own. We are here to serve, not to be served; and wine reminds us this is so. But just as we would take communion, or meditate or reflect on the meaning of life, the gift of good wine inspires us to be our Higher Self, to always let our Soul lead the way, to glorify all that is beautiful and loving. So, here is to relaxing with your favorite premium wine, contemplating the Oneness of Soul, Spirit and The Divine; and doing so whenever possible with others who share your conviction that connecting with the Energy of the Universe for the good of mankind is the ultimate joy of life. I am Red Owl, as ever, Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地 区需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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第四届 CHA 中国酒店大奖 颁奖盛典落幕

The 4th CHA China Hotel Awards Ceremony 3 月 21 日晚,由《LifeStyle 品味生活》杂志主办的“第四届 CHA 中国酒店大奖”颁奖盛典在北京华尔道夫酒店完美落幕。《LifeStyle 品 味生活》出版人符濠与胡民康、包铂、Franklin Mak 等国际酒店集团高层、 各界名人和精英人士及主流旅游媒体代表共同见证了本届 CHA 大奖各 奖项闪耀出炉。作为大中华区酒店及度假村行业年度评选盛会,CHA 中国酒店大奖堪称行业风向标,备受国际著名酒店管理集团和媒体的关 注。

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On the evening of March 21, LifeStyle magazine hosted the 4th CHA China Hotel Awards Ceremony at Waldorf Astoria Beijing, during which outstanding hotels in every category were honored with the many awards presented. Richard Fu, publisher of LifeStyle magazine, along with guests including industry figures like Michael Wu, Ilja Poepper and Franklin Mak, many other hospitality industry leaders, media and various celebrities enjoyed the happy occasion together. As a celebrated annual event in Greater China’s hospitality industry, CHA China Hotel Awards Ceremony attracted attention from renowned international hotel management groups, luxury hotels and media.

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Fashiony at Upper House 3

香港 The Hub 展后首日,时尚风潮再 度席卷奕居。当晚众多业界精英欢聚香港超 豪华精品酒店奕居,共品美酒,畅抒胸臆。 The Hub 展创始人理查德·霍布斯和皮特·凯 普罗,新锐设计师张弛,美国威特集团总裁 李嘉杰,The Duffer of St George 和巴伯尔、 Naked and Famous 等时尚潮牌的代表均现 身捧场。活动场地亦随处可见意大利著名啤 酒品牌 Peroni 的身影。 Hong Kong’s fashion pack swept down on the Lawn of the Upper House after the first day of fashion trade show The HUB for some great wines, Peroni Beer, and serious networking. Key attendees included The HUB founders Richard Hobbs and Peter Caplowe, Beijing-based designer Zhang Chi, Kenneth Li, Managing Group President of Waitex and representatives of a range of fashion brands from the Duffer of St George to Barbour to Naked and Famous.



1. Zhu Shipping, owner of Tiger 1986, and Nels Frye, LifeStyle Magazine Editor-in-Chief 2. Peter Caplowe of The HUB and Zhang Chi 4. Kevin Tallon of Atelier 人民 , Buyer Steve Shi, Zhu Shipping, and Designers Zhang Chi and Victor Zhu 5. Sandra Smedhall of Stylebyasia.com and friends 6. Victoria Hargreaves of Lodestone China, Cindy Ma LMC and friend


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中国瑞士商会 2014 年度传统盛宴举办

Swisscham Swiss Traditional Dinner 3 月 14 日,中国瑞士商会 2014 年年 会在北京港澳中心瑞士酒店隆重举行,与 会代表共同见证了新一届董事会选举产生 过程。会后,近 150 位嘉宾共享瑞士传统 美味珍馐。在典型的瑞士阿尔卑斯氛围烘托 下,商会会员与非会员以及亲朋好友一齐品 尝了瑞士菜式中享负盛名的拉可雷特芝士、 红酒、巧克力、冰淇淋及其他各种美馔佳酿。 On 14 March 2014, the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Beijing organized its Regional Annual General Assembly at the Swissotel Beijing, which saw the successful election of the new Board of Directors. The General Assembly was followed by the very delicious and successful Swiss Traditional Dinner which gathered more than 150 persons. Members and non-members came along with families and friends to experience a typical Swiss alpine atmosphere and enjoy Swiss Raclette (a type of cheese that is eaten melted), wine, chocolate, ice cream and many other delicacies.

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2014 国际婚礼峰会及 WPOY 年度颁奖盛典谢幕

Weddings Beautiful China International Conference and WPOY Awards 2014 国际婚礼峰会及 WPOY 年度婚礼 策划颁奖盛典前不久在北京紫云轩茶事完 美谢幕。本次峰会由中国最大的婚礼策划师 培训平台、国内领先的国际婚礼策划师职业 认证机构中国美丽婚礼主办,以“突破传统 观念,引领婚礼行业”为主旨,是一次真正 的国际化盛会,吸引了来自多个国家以及国 内二十几个省市婚礼行业的顶尖人士参会。 美丽婚礼全球 CEO 加里·赖特分享了美国婚 礼行业发展的成功经验。国内外演讲嘉宾从 婚礼流行趋势、战略品牌、实战技能等方面 进行了精彩的讲解。峰会前一夜,主办方还 与众多媒体朋友一起度过了一个愉快浪漫 的媒体之夜。

Weddings Beautiful China, the largest wedding planner network and leading international wedding planner training and certification program in China, recently hosted the 2014 Weddings Beautiful China International Conference and WPOY (Wedding Planner of the Year) Awards at Green T. House Living in Beijing, aiming to bring some of the top international wedding planner talent from the U.S., Mexico, Philippines and Malaysia to share the latest expertise and trends with some of China’s leading wedding entrepreneurs. This event drew large numbers to attend, inviting over 200 wedding planners from throughout the country. The event included inspiring speeches and interactive presentations from respected wedding professionals. Mr. Gary Wright, CEO of Weddings Beautiful Worldwide warmly welcomed all guests and introduced his experience in the U.S.


The Perfect Wedding at Four Seasons

2 月 22 日,“相守四季·北京四季酒店 2014 大型婚礼秀”隆重上演。活动通过精 心准备的婚礼佳肴和特别布置的时尚致臻 四季婚礼秀场,展示了酒店全方位的婚礼服 务。北京四季酒店作为京城婚庆服务领域的 翘楚,提供三款“私人订制”套餐,从请柬 设计到蛋糕订制和花卉装饰,无微不至的个 性化服务渗透到婚礼的各个环节,务求为新 人和宾客留下难忘的记忆。其四季水疗中心 还特创新人训练营,旨在帮助新人以最佳状 态走向红毯。

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The Four Seasons Hotel Beijing launched a special wedding show on February 22, which presented special dishes and well-organized settings for your dream wedding. As a pioneer in providing personalized wedding planning services, Four Seasons Hotel Beijing provides three wedding packages. The professional Dream Wedding team of the hotel works closely with the bride and groom to immaculately plan, create and deliver a nuptial experience designed to inspire the hearts and imaginations of all who attend. From invitations and wedding cakes to floral creations and DJs, the personal tailor will customize every detail to make each wedding dream come true. And the Bridal Boot Camp is a customized program that helps the brideand groom-to-be harness their optimum vitality prior to walking down the aisle.

第 18 届 FTA 纽约年度晚宴举办

The Eighteenth Annual FTA Evening in New York City 知名品酒顾问公司田博华及联营公司 (FTA)前不久举办了“与好友相约春日纽约” 晚宴。55 位贵宾受邀出席,其中不乏酒店 高级副总裁、区域总经理、总经理、VIP 客 户、餐饮事务总监、媒体人士及赞助商。四 道式晚宴由纽约 India House 行政总厨帕特 里克·奥古斯丁主理,与精美菜品搭配的红 酒则由 CWE 的哈丽特·莱拜克负责挑选。此 次晚宴为联合国儿童基金会美国基金、超戒 寺基金会、国际慈善组织“仁人家园”分别 捐款五百美元。 The Eighteenth Annual Fred Tibbitts & Associates “A Spring Evening in New York City with Very Special Friends” proved to be another memorable event for the fifty-five guests, who included Senior Vice Presidents, Area General managers, General Managers, VIP’s, directors of food & beverage, the press and valued sponsors. The fourcourse gala dinner was beautifully created and supervised by Executive Chef Patrick Augustyn, Masterpiece Caterers at India House in New York City; while the wines were artfully paired and ordered by Harriet Lembeck, CWE. Following the dinner toasts, Tibbitts donations were announced from the dinner proceeds including $500.00 to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, $500.00 to the Vikramasila Foundation, a Buddhist charity for refugee Tibetan youths in India and Nepal, and $500.00 to Habitat for Humanity International.

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LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 芙拉推出环游世界商务旅行系列专属手袋 Furla Releases World Traveler Series Exclusive Handbags

以精致的十字纹印花小牛皮打造出的芙拉全新商旅手袋 中性风十足。其独特的折叠设计配搭尼龙材质内衬,使得 手袋能被完全折叠起来装入旅行箱,非常便于出行携带。 该系列专属手袋本着“四处游历”的精神,以其实用性 完美诠释了 24 小时 7 天行走旅途的概念,同时表现出芙 拉高质量意大利手工艺与精细设计相结合的品牌特质。

巴丽 2014 秋冬女士系列演绎摩登奢华 Bally’s A/W 2014 Womens Line is Modern and Luxurious

以纯粹诠释奢华,巴丽倾情呈现摩登而精致的 2014 秋冬 女装系列衣橱。每一件佳品为摩登女性点亮每一天的生 活,深谙品牌精髓的鞋履、配饰、成衣皆精彩不凡。进 口皮革、精选山羊皮与软羊皮、高品质的羊毛及开司米、 斜纹布与粗花呢,丰富多样的面料配以低调的颜色致力 于创造最佳触感。自信、慵懒的廓形为都会女性打造完 美衣橱。

莱俪推出凡尔赛黄金花瓶 Lalique’s Golden Versailles Vase

法国顶级水晶品牌莱俪前不久推出凡尔赛黄 金花瓶。此款花瓶需要由 6 位工匠合力手 持超过 18 公斤的水晶溶液来制作,整个过 程需分别进行 5 次采集水晶溶液及 5 天降 温过程。工匠需一丝不苟地以精湛的手描技 术把 24K 黄金装饰在瓶身的图案上,最后 以 500 度高温重新烧制而成,奢华而贵气!

百年灵宾利 6.75 计时腕表午夜黑碳版上市 Breitling for Bentley 6.75 Midnight Carbon Chronograph

百年灵宾利 6.75 计时腕表最新推出纯黑外观的限量表款, 愈发强劲果敢、气势夺人,是向宾利汽车历史上动力最 为强劲的 6.75 升引擎的致敬之作。该腕表搭载经瑞士官 方天文台认证的精密自动上弦计时机芯,配备独特的“大 视窗日历”系统,采用可读性极高的双独立视窗显示日 期(一个显示十位数,另一个显示个位数)。全球限量 发行 1000 枚。

威图星座系列海军蓝鳄鱼皮款上市 Vertu Constellation Navy Alligator Model Hits Markets

威图前不久推出了两款颇具魅惑韵味、配有异国情调真皮 皮套装饰的产品:深邃的海军蓝鳄鱼皮款和奢华的梅紫色 鳄鱼皮款。新款系列依旧采用蓝宝石水晶屏幕,机身采用 5 级钛合金,以 PVD 涂层涂覆,致力将机身与鳄鱼皮材 质完美结合。该系列手机配搭优质牛皮立式手机护套,拥 有海军蓝和梅紫色可供选择。市场零售价 74000 元。

诺基亚携手京东发布诺基亚 X Nokia and JD.com Release Nokia X

诺基亚携手京东在 2014 年世界移动通信大会上发布了新 款智能手机诺基亚 X。其继承一贯的超高品质和出色设计, 采用了全新的磁贴式用户界面。作为诺基亚 X 系列的首 款产品,这款手机搭载了 4.0 英寸的 IPS 电容式触摸屏以 及 1Ghz 高通骁龙双核处理器,支持双卡双待,方便用户 进行 SIM 卡切换,降低话费。

丹麦奢华视听品牌铂傲新品发布 Bang & Olufsen New Products Released

3 月 6 日, 丹 麦 奢 华 视 听 品 牌 Bang & Olufsen 在北京举办新品发布会,并公布 了品牌中文名“铂傲”。在 B&O 全球总裁 兼首席执行官蒂尤·曼托尼和大中华区执行 董事拉斯·哈德波·加尔斯加德的带领下,全 球首三台搭载 WiS A 标准的 BeoLab 17、 BeoLab 18 及 BeoLab 19 扬声器华丽登场, 在场嘉宾近距离体验了 B&O 新锐科技的艺 术魅力。

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安桥 2014 新款 CTI300 系列耳机强势首发 Onkyo’s 2014 CTI300 Series Headphones Debut

安桥 2014 首款 CTI300 系列耳机秉承 Audio On The Go 的设计理念,更加精湛地运用其强大专业的音响技术融合 良好客户体验的人性化设计,让音乐爱好者无时无刻不在 享受等同于影院般的 Hi-Fi 音乐体验。新系列炫目的头戴 式耳机及舒适的入耳式耳机一应俱全,满足各类音乐爱好 者的不同需求。

胡润研究院发布 《2014 星河湾胡润全球富豪榜》 The Hurun Research Institute Announces the 2014 Hurun Global Rich List

胡润研究院前不久发布了《2014 星河湾胡 润全球富豪榜》。此次榜单中共有 1867 位十亿美金富豪上榜(约合人民币 60 亿 元)。上榜富豪上市公司的财富计算截止 日期为 2014 年 1 月 17 日,胡润表示:“中 国企业家在全球的地位明确上升了。今年 全球富豪榜上中国企业家的比例和中国人 口占全球人口的比例一样,都是 19%。”

汉莎航空优选经济舱全球首度亮相 Lufthansa Presents Premium Economy Class

在前不久落幕的 2014 年柏林国际旅游 展上,汉莎航空全新优选经济舱首度在 业内专家面前亮相。全新舱位将于 5 月 开始接受预定,11 月首飞,提供该舱 位的首个机型将是波音 747-8。汉莎将 在 12 个月时间内在全部长途航班上逐 步部署优选经济舱。这一举动意味着 35 年来汉莎航空第一次推出全新舱位, 以全新舒适座椅、1.5 倍独享空间和实 惠价格打造全新旅行体验。

Andrew Mackenzie 发布 2014 春夏新品 Andrew Mackenzie 2014 S/S Line

著名设计师品牌 Andrew Mackenzie 在 北京发布其 2014 春夏新品。2014 春夏 系列延续了品牌强调设计感和高品质的 理念,着重于实穿性和新颖度,运用繁 复的工艺、自然的手法实现简约化设计, 从而展现服装本身的精致、大气与个性。 通过对现代艺术概念的提炼,穿越地域 文化,融合流行趋势,打造自成一格、 经久不衰的男装风格。

EHE2014 春夏新品预览活动举办 EHE Holds 2014 S/S Preview Show

3 月 7 日,诞生于国际时尚之都米兰的 男装品牌 EHE 于北京三里屯 Isola 餐厅 举办 2014 春夏新品预览活动。EHE 秉 持“轻松愉悦每一天”的生活理念,提 倡自然、轻松、愉悦的穿着与生活方式。 2014 春夏系列共分为经典、优雅、文 艺和潮流四大系列,以意大利伊特鲁利 亚海岸的迷人风景为灵感,带来充满意 式风情的“情迷西海岸”度假风主题。

德国魅力名城联盟 在沪举行小型媒体说明会 Magic Cities Germany Media Seminars Held in Shanghai

德国魅力名城联盟前不久在上海外滩华 尔道夫酒店举行“音乐与节庆”小型媒 体说明会,邀请了上海地区 30 位媒体 代表到场参加。德国国家旅游局北京办 事处首席代表李朝晖女士以德国”Open Air”为引线,向媒体介绍了魅力名城 联盟 11 个大城市在 2014 年中的精彩 节庆活动,其中特别推荐的是非常适合 家庭亲子游的娱乐嘉年华以及每年一度 的德国圣诞市场。德国魅力名城联盟执 行总监 Dorothea Niestert 女士出席了 此次说明会。

西单老佛爷:中国第一家波尔多酒库开业 Galleries Lafayette Opens The Bordeauxthèque, China’s First Bordeaux Cellar

最新进驻北京西单老佛爷百货的波尔多酒库位于老佛爷五楼的餐饮专区, 占地面积约 200 平米,店内部分区域还专门提供法国美食。这是中国唯 一一个专注销售波尔多葡萄酒的专卖店,也是继巴黎老佛爷店后开在中国 的第一家店。店内拥有 600 多种酒品,来自不同产区,不同颜色,不同年 份,不同规格,并保证葡萄酒直接来源自酒庄,这在亚洲都是少有的。

LIU·JO 发布 2014 春夏新品 LIU·JO Releases 2014 S/S Designs

前不久意大利著名时尚品牌 LIU·JO 在北 京发布了 2014 春夏新品。2014 春夏系 列以抽象艺术结合时尚潮流为设计理念, 融入巧思的个性设计、动感百变的风格、 美轮美奂的精致剪裁、恰到好处的细节 处理,使得整个系列充满亮点。本季的 色调以黑白灰蓝为主色,侧重冷蓝、海 军蓝、宝石蓝、萨克森蓝,配以沉稳的 墨绿、生动的宝石绿和简洁的米色。

英吉利那发布婴儿豪华推车特吉 Inglesina Releases the Inglesina Trilogy Baby Stroller

特吉是由一家于 1963 年成立的意大利公 司——英吉利那全新推出的一款非常实 用且操作灵活的手推车。该款推车拥有 现代的线条设计、精致的颜色外观以及 高科技含量性能。推车非常轻盈,重量 仅为 9.5kg。车轮搭载球状轴承,推行轻 松简单。自位轮操控机制设置巧妙,指 尖位置即可触碰。只需一只手操控中央 控制装置即可实现对自位轮的闭合操作。

葡萄牙软木协会“软木推广大使” 评选活动正式启动 APCOR Debuts Cork Ambassador Contest in China

葡萄牙软木协会中国区软木推广大使评 选活动前不久正式启动。本次大赛面向 侍酒师、葡萄酒代理商及分销商等拥有 三年以上从业经验的葡萄酒业界精英。 参赛者需自主撰写一篇短文(中文: 800 字 以 内; 英 文:1000 字 以 内), 演绎“美酒软木,天生一对”的主题。 葡萄牙软木协会将通过官方微博平台发 布决赛选手名单及其作品,并接受网友 公开投票。最终胜出者将被选为“软木 推广大使”,并于今年 6 月获邀参加葡 萄牙软木王国之旅。

LifeStyle 117 LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS.... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129

LIFESTYLE LiméLight... 北京北辰洲际酒店: 任命韦瑞民先生为总经理 InterContinental Beijing Beichen: Mr. Alexander O. Wassermann, General Manager

宁波泛太平洋大酒店与高级服务公寓: 任命陈伟成先生为总经理 Pan Pacific Hotel and Serviced Suites Ningbo: Mr. Romain Chan, General Manager

银川凯宾斯基饭店: 任命颜理先生为总经理 Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan: Mr. Philip Erné, General Manager

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 任命马瑞先生为总经理 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Mr. Clive Murray, General Manager

Mr. Wassermann has been appointed as General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Beichen and Area General Manager of InterContinental Hotels & Resorts North China. With 22 years’ experience in hotel management, Alexander is a seasoned hotelier in the hospitality industry and has worked for different international luxury hotel brands all over the world.

Born and raised in Switzerland, Mr.Erné is a graduate of the Lausanne Hotel School and gained valuable early experience in leading hotels in the United States before moving to Asia in the mid eighties. His last assignment prior to joining Kempinski Hotels was at the five-star Grand Hotel Bellevue, Gstaad/Switzerland. Mr. Erné speaks fluent English, German and French.

Prior to joining this hotel, Mr. Murray was the General Manager of Radisson Blu Plaza Hotel Tianjin. As an experienced hotelier with more than 24 years in different countries including Australia, Malaysia, New Zealand and Japan across various positions, Clive brings a wealth of experience and industry expertise along with an excellent understanding of the operational and management requirements.

开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店: 任命霍威先生为总经理 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya: Mr. Rudiger Hollweg, General Manager

厦门朗豪酒店 : 任命范纳伦先生为总经理 Langham Place, Xiamen: Mr. Franck Naulleau, General Manager

开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店: 任命黄凯先生为驻店经理 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya: Mr. Toby Huang, Resident Manager

上海和平饭店: 任命邓志明先生为市场销售总监 Fairmont Peace Hotel, Shanghai: Mr. Raymond Tang, Director of Sales & Marketing

From Spain to Sanya, Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya recently welcomed Rudiger Hollweg, a veteran hotelier with the Kempinski brand. The German national is a long serving General Manager with an extensive career, spanning posting to Spain, Portugal, France, Cyprus, Thailand and the US. Hollweg arrived recently from Kempinski Hotel Bahia Marbella-Estepona.

Mr. Huang is a long-time employee of Kempinski brand and transferred from the sister property Kempinski Hotel Chongqing. Here he has been responsible for overseeing the hotel’s operations to ensure consistency of excellence across all departments, as well assisting the GM in further developing the Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya’s brand.

上海绿地万豪酒店: 任命汪雯女士为销售总监 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Ms. Joyce Wang, Director of Sales

Miss Joyce Wang had 13 years of working experience in Sales & Marketing management for the hospitality industry. She started her working career from Courtyard of Marriott, and worked for different hotel groups including IHG, JC Mandarin and etc. Prior to joining Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan, she worked at Renaissance Zhongshan Park Shanghai.

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Mr. Chan brings with his over 35 years of professional experience in China, United States, Hong Kong and the Philippines. He started his career in 1978 with Hilton, serving in the Front Office and spent the next 15 years working up the management ladder to become Assistant Director of Front Office Operations at New York Hilton and Towers.

Mr. Naulleau brings his role over 28 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. He joined Langham Hotels Group from InterContinental Hotel Group where he has been for six years. Previously, Mr. Naulleau spent 16 years with International hotel Groups in Indonesia, China, Egypt, Vietnam and France.

Raymond is from Hong Kong and brings nearly 14 years of Sales and Marketing experience to his new post. Before joining Fairmont Peace Hotel, Raymond worked as Director of Sales and Marketing for Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou for the past two years. Raymond will lead the entire Sales and Marketing team for a prosperous 2014.

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓和 上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 任命铃木明日美女士为宾客关系主任 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences & Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: Ms. Asumi Suzuki, Guest Relation Officer

Ms. Suzuki comes from Chiba, Japan. She has worked for a Japanese resort hotel company as a headquarter office staff before coming on board. She will devote herself to communicating with hotel guests effectively, especially reception of VIP Japanese guests, contributing to this 992-room complex hotel.


LifeStyle 119

LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 北京希尔顿逸林酒店: 牛排与鹅肝的美丽邂逅 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: A Perfect Marriage - Beef with Goose Liver

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 品洲际下午茶,享午后慵懒时光 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: An Indulgent Afternoon

The Award winning Easy Kitchen Chefs have prepared an exclusive menu using only the finest Australian Beef together with French style Goose Liver. The menu includes appetizer, soup and main course; whether for business dining, with friends or a special someone experience this one time menu. Tel: +86 10 6338 1999 ext 1722

Treat yourself to a leisurely afternoon tea in our newly opened Lounge777 with its modern décor and natural daylight. In an elegant setting, a tiered stand completed with freshly baked scones, assorted mini sandwiches, a range of delicious pastries and desserts. Gourmet teas or freshly brewed coffee combine to make up for an unforgettable afternoon. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666 ext 3113

金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 乐享香芒缤纷宴 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: A Mango Culinary Experience

北京首都机场朗豪酒店: 豪享双人下午茶 Langham Place, Beijing Capital Airport: Delightful Afternoon Tea

上海花园饭店: 葡萄酒晚宴 The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Wine Dinner

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 点心自助午市套餐 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Lunch

上海日航饭店:午间套餐 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Business Lunch Set

上海希尔顿酒店连天阁: 欢乐周日复活节 Hilton Shanghai, Atrium Café: Easter Feast and Fun

Every year in March, the mango season on Hainan Island is on! The culinary team at Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa is ready to surprise you with a wide selection of innovative dishes and pastry using Hainan Mangos from March until May. Taste authentic fresh local seafood perfectly combined with mango at our China Harvest restaurant. Tel: +86 898 8858 8888

This month at Okura Garden Hotel, the unique combination between delicious Teppanyaki dishes combined with YALUMBA wine from South Australia has inspired this perfect and creative tasting experience. RMB 888/person Tel: +86 21 6415 1111

From now on, Serena Café, 1st. floor will provide a business lunch set, with the Serena beef burger special recommended by the chef, made with tender meat, paired with vegetable salad, and daily soup, all rich in nutrition and delicious! RMB98/person. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6651

宁波洲际酒店元素西餐厅: 晚间自助盛宴 InterContinental Ningbo, Elements: Grand Buffet Dinner

The grand buffet offers a wide selection of international favourites, dim sum, sushi, sashimi, prawns, mussel and king crab claw, along with fresh local seafood and some of the restaurant’s prime specialities such as unlimited pan-fried marble beef with peppercorn sauce, foie gras with fig jam, grilled oyster and cod fish steak. Tel: +86 574 8907 7777

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Afternoon Tea is here at Portal, Langham Place, Beijing Capital Airport for only RMB 188 plus 15 percent service charge. Sample a various selection of sweets, mini sandwiches and selection of coffee or tea set up for two people including the classic scones with clotted cream and more! From 14:00 to 18:00 every day. Tel: +86 10 6450 4247

Prepared by Chef Peter Cheung, the classic Cantonese-style all-you-caneat dim sum set lunch is now available at Ai Mei Restaurant every day of the week. Expect various delicacy choices of steamed dim sum, hearty congee and soups and traditional Cantonese hot dishes. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext 7700

Soak up the crisp, cool breeze of spring and mark the culmination of the Easter week with sumptuous buffet feast at the Atrium Easter Sunday Brunch. Relish an array of traditional holiday dishes, refreshing beverages and funfilled activities as you and your family celebrate this awaited season of new beginnings! Includes champagne and free flow local beer and soft drinks. Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1860

北京千禧大酒店瑶池中餐厅: 传统广式点心全城热话 Grand Millennium Beijing Yao Chi Chinese Restaurant: Traditional Cantonese Dim Sum

Introducing our traditional Cantonese Dim Sum by Hong Kong Master Chef Cheung Fai Man at Yao Chi Chinese Restaurant. Over 60 varieties of Dim Sum: Steamed Shrimps Siew Mai, Steamed Egg Yolk Bun. Dim Sum Lunch Buffet at RMB 188 per person, through Monday to Sunday, reservations are recommended. Tel: +86 10 8587 6888 ext 3013


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 北京瑞吉酒店:杭州美食节 St. Regis Beijing: Hangzhou Cuisine Promotion

上海太阳岛度假酒店:轻食煮义 Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai: Light & Fresh Menu

北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 意味轩餐厅:白芦笋特荐 Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: Enjoy White Asparagus at Cepe

上海龙之梦大酒店阿米奇意大利 餐厅:至尊精选 The Longemont Shanghai: Amici Royal Selection

北京金融街洲际酒店: 甜蜜草莓季 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Organic Strawberry Festival

上海巴黎春天新世界酒店浓咖啡 餐厅:儿童角复活节早午餐 New World Shanghai Hotel: Nong Café’s Easter Brunch

沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店: 春意浓浓 广东靓汤 Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel: Nutritious Cantonese Soup

上海威斯汀大饭店:热情南非四月 Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Month of South Africa

北京丽晶酒店金宝 99 餐厅: 北印度经典美食盛宴 Regent Beijing: North Indian cuisine at Jinbao 99 restaurant

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 邀您与家人同庆复活节 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: A Cozy Easter Sunday Market

The St. Regis Beijing will present a Hangzhou culinary delight for the St. Regis connoisseurs in this spring season at The Celestial Court. The best way to describe Hangzhou cuisine is using southern ingredients but cooked in a northern manner. This combination leads to a unique flavor combining dainty and smooth, crisp and tender, simple and elegant. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688

During April, The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street will present a feast of white asparagus dishes at Cepe, giving guests the rare opportunity to experience this seasonal vegetable in Italian style! Each spring, white asparagus is available only for a limited time in markets. Get it fast before it’s gone! Tel: +86 10 6629 6996

Eat organic, eat healthier. InterContinental Beijing Financial Street Monsoon Restaurant unveils its organic strawberry festival this April. Juicy organic strawberries meet delicious creamy western desserts for a heavenly combination. Various kinds of strawberry boxes are also on sale at Monsoon Restaurant. Tel: +86 10 5852 5916

Cantonese superb soup is famous for its nutritious properties and wide selection in different seasons. The Executive Chef of Yue now proudly presents 5 selections of seasonal Cantonese soup for your taste buds. Wish you a healthy spring! Tel: +86 24 3161 9999

Until May 31st, Regent Beijing is flying an expert Indian Chef to present Beijing residents and international travelers the best North Indian cuisine. Chef Manmohan will present each month a different short ‘a la carte’ menu at the hotel’s all-day-dining restaurant. Each set menu will showcase some Indian favourites (Chicken Tandoori or Tikka, Aloo Gobi, Naan breads, Lamb Vindaloo, etc.) but also lesser known recipes. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888 ext 3826

Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai, launches its signature healthy Light & Fresh menu in April. The concept behind the menu is to create great taste with minimal cooking that uses the freshest ingredients from the farm. Our nutritionist works directly with our chefs to ensure each menu is well-balanced in nutrition yet low in calories. Tel: +86 21 6186 9650

Our new Royal Selection set offers prime-choice Argentinean grilled beef rib eye with black-peppercorn sauce and herb-garlic butter or grilled cod fish fillet on fresh rocket leaves and cherry tomato, served with the soup or pasta of the day, homemade bread and coffee or tea with cookies to end on the sweetest note. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8230

Complete with a kids' corner, the fun and interactive environment at NONGong Café is now preparing a special brunch for Easter Sunday. On Easter Sunday, diners are invited to indulge in a full traditional English Sunday roast complete with all the trimmings, along with unlimited sashimi, a large selection of cheese and cold cuts, made-to-order eggs, pancakes and waffles. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888

Westin Bund Center in partnership with the Consulate General of South Africa, is celebrating 20 years of democracy in South Africa with a South African food, wine and culture celebration! One of the best ways to enjoy South Africa is through its food and wine. A variety of food and beverage event and activities will be carried out in the whole month. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048

From 12:00am to 2:30pm at Pudong City Bistro, rejoice in a lavish brunch with international and local favorites showcasing Iceland oyster, caviar, smoked salmon carving, and poached shellfish station. For kids there are egg hunt and egg painting workshops while you spend an easy afternoon at only RMB 328/person with free flow of coffees, juices and soft drinks. Tel: +86 21 6036 8855.


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 上海大酒店:第 15 届农心杯世界 围棋团体锦标赛举行 Grand Central Hotel Shanghai: “Nong Xin” Cup World Group Chess Championship

Recently, the fifteenth session of the “Nong Xin” Cup World Group Chess Championship was held at the Grand Central Hotel Shanghai. Tan Xiao , Shi Yue and Zhou Ruiyang, three young team members from the Chinese team defeated Jin Zhixi and Pu Tinghuan from the South Korean team, a special moment in history for the Chinese players. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888

杭州西溪宾馆溪墅区:全新开业 Xixi Hotel Hangzhou: Brook Villa Opening 厦门朗豪酒店:全新揭幕 The Langham Place, Xiamen: New Opening

The Langham Place has staked its brand in one of the most historical and commercially important cities in China. The opening of Langham Place in Xiamen marks the ninth Langham Hospitality Group hotel in mainland China and 22nd in its global portfolio, and the third Langham Place hotel to open in the last three months, after Guangzhou and Ningbo respectively. Tel: +86 592 602 9999

璞麗酒店: 安纳塔拉水疗 2014 春季套餐发布 Anantara Spa @ The PuLi Hotel and Spa: Spring Breeze Ritual

上海浦西洲际酒店: 家人欢聚尽享悠闲假日 InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: Family Getaway Package

长沙万达文华酒店: 周末嘉年华 Wanda Vista Changsha: Weekend Carnival

北京希尔顿逸林酒店: “天马行空”主题婚礼秀圆满举办 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Spring Wedding Fair

杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: 婚礼首秀“逸江南” DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East 1st Wedding Show “Yi Jiangnan”

都喜富都酒店集团:签约管理广州 从化都喜泰丽温泉度假酒店 Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts: New Hot Springs Resort in Conghua, Guangzhou

Designed with Chinese and Thai influences, Anantara Spa is a haven of luxury and tranquillity that feels a world away from bustling Shanghai. Inspired by China’s ancient holistic healing traditions, the Anantara Spa is offering the exclusive Spring Breeze ritual, which incorporates a Moxibustion Treatment in a 90 minute Anantara Signature Massage, for only RMB1,180 per person. Tel: +86 21 3203 9999 ext 6899

Now at Wanda Vista Changsha, enjoy our Weekend Carnival Package from Friday to Sunday. At RMB 1288 net for a Deluxe Room or RMB 1388 net for a Grand Deluxe Room, you may enjoy complimentary breakfast and lunch or dinner for two at Café Vista, and complimentary access to Hotel’s Health Club and Swimming Pool. Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East recently hosted its first themed wedding show “YI JIANGNNAN” with HUA YI LIANG PIN. The Wedding Show was held at 18:30 in Heda Grand Ballroom, and nearly 100 couples attended. The ballroom was decorated based on Jiangnan Watertown and included a real wedding set up, professional wedding services and a wedding dress show. Tel:+86 571 8989 8888

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Xixi Hotel Hangzhou opens its Brook Villa area on April, 2014 as the first wetland themed hotel in China. The new area covers 13 duplex villas containing 114 rooms altogether. With its distinct natural resources, the hotel provides guests a series of health maintenance activities such as jogging, fitness training, traditional Chinese SPA care and boat tour picking. Tel: +86 571 8539 6666

Enjoy a tailor-made stay-and-dine family Getaway package at InterContinental Shanghai Puxi. The package includes two nights weekend stay in a Superior Room, complimentary breakfast for two adults and one child, complimentary additional bed and wifi access and a choice between three additional options! Tel: +86 21 5253 9999

DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing held a grand wedding fair at the hotel’s Ballroom and Roof Garden. The event included a love story performance with a wedding including two white horses, wedding dress exhibitions, and banquet tables in Chinese and Western styles. Hotel GM Mr. Sandy Murry attended to give his best wishes to all couples in attendance. Tel: +86 10 6338 1888

Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts recently announced the signing of an agreement with Guangzhou Siborui Hotel Company Limited to manage a hot springs resort consisting of 133 villas and guestrooms. The Dusit Devarana Hot Springs& Spa will be the first internationally branded lifestyle and hot springs luxury resort located in Conghua, Guangzhou city, Guangdong Province. www.dusit.com

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 上海金桥红枫万豪酒店:迎来第一 位通过手机办理入住的客人 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: First Mobile Check-In

The first mobile check-in guests, Mr. Yang and his wife were welcomed by Michael Seow the General Manager and EXCOM team at Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East is one of the pioneer hotels of Marriott International in China to provide mobile check-in service. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888

上海兴荣温德姆至尊豪廷酒店: 荣获“2013 最佳业绩酒店” Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Oriental Shanghai: “2013 Best Financial Results” Award

Recently the Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Oriental Shanghai received the “2013 Best Financial Result” Award at the 2014 General Managers /Financial Leaders Conference. Picture shows the Director of Finance, Jessica Zhou (front 3rd right) with her Finance Team. Tel: +86 21 5852 6666

中国大饭店 : 携手世界自然基金会 举办“地球一小时” 系列活动 China World Hotel, Beijing: Support Earth Hour with WWF

Demonstrating its commitment to protect the environment and mitigate climate change, a leading luxury hotel China World Hotel, Beijing announces its participation in Worldwide Wildlife Fund for Nature (WWF) global climate change initiative Earth Hour for the sixth consecutive year, emphasizing decreasing traffic congestion and pollution. Tel: +86 10 6505 2266

拉萨香格里拉大酒店:4 月正式开业 Shangri-La Hotel, Lhasa: Coming in April!

Few places in the world are as magical as Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Set on a plateau 3,650 metres above sea level, the city is encircled by the Himalayan mountains, glaciers and desert-like landscapes. This intriguing destination will become home to Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts’ newest property, the 289-room Shangri-La Hotel, Lhasa, which opens on 17 April, 2014. Tel: +86 891 655 8888

北京万豪酒店:百老汇经典罗曼史 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall: “Glorious Broadway” Wedding Show This April 13th, Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall will hold their “Glorious Broadway” themed wedding show, transforming the Grand Ballroom into a 1930s New York City venue, including a dazzling wedding stage, vintage poster registration, creative tickets as escort cards, and more. Professional consultants will also provide tailored design for your unique wedding feast. Tel: +86 10 5811 8888

北京港澳中心瑞士酒店:“斯洛伐 克的味道”新闻发布会举办 Swissotel Beijing: Press Conference for “Taste of Slovakia” To celebrate the 65th anniversary of the establishment of the diplomatic relations between Slovakia and China, the Embassy of the Slovak Republic and Swissôtel Beijing brought together many important guests for a lively press conference ahead of the cultural activities of the “Taste Of Slovakia”. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2225

天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店: 获评商旅专家“2013 年度最佳会议酒店” Tangla Hotel Tianjin: Wins “Conference Hotel of the Year 2013” by China BT MICE

The 2013 China Conference Travel and Meeting Industry Annual Awards Ceremony, aka Miracle Workers Awards Gala were held on 6 March, 2014 by China BT MICE, one of China’s most recognized MICE trade publications. By virtue of modern meeting facilities and professional banquet service, Tangla Hotel Tianjin won the “Conference Hotel of the Year 2013”. Tel: +86 22 2321 5888

上海大宁福朋喜来登酒店: “福朋新印象”客户答谢派对举办 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: “Simply New” Appreciation Party Recently, Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning successfully held “Simply New” Appreciation Party at the Grand Ballroom. More than 150 guests and 20 media attended the event were enjoyed the onsite activities. The hotel started refurbishment of guest rooms and meeting rooms last year. The entire project is fully completed and has welcome guests with its new design. Tel: +86 21 2602 2222


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Default Diamond 去年 11 月,来自纽约的钻石切割商沃尔夫在苏富比拍卖行举办的“粉红之星”钻石(59.6 克拉,沃尔夫拍下后被更名为“粉色的梦”)竞拍中击退 3 位对手,以 8300 万美元(约合 5.1 亿元人民币)的成交价一锤定音,刷新了世界最贵钻石记录。此价格中包含了需付给苏富 比的佣金。然而据最新消息称,买家已明确拒绝为钻石买单,使苏富比在损失佣金收入的 情况下,还不得不履行担保方责任,将这颗钻石买下。此次买家违约的经历让苏富比面临 来自投资商的压力,但其迄今保持着钻石珠宝拍卖的最高记录。 In a Sotheby’s auction in last November, a New York diamond cutter defeated three bidders to win the most expensive gemstone ever. Recently, the auction house said the buyer couldn’t pay. The 59.6 carat oval-cut pink diamond, which fetched $83.2 million in a transaction guaranteed by Sotheby’s, was acquired by the auction house after the buyer defaulted. The Nov. 13 sale was seen as a sign of market buoyancy and a high-profile success for Sotheby’s, which has faced pressure from investors.

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