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南腔北调· LifeStyle

FeBrUArY 2016 2016 年二月号 总第 394 期

Design Art FAshion hotels trAvel

牌超 凡

喜 力,


MI N 越


Love is in the Air | Return of Realism in Contemporary Art | The Gentelman on the Sea | The Tastes of China

动 力 表 现

这一天,全城热恋 Love is in the Air 邮发代号:36-278

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

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Editor’s Note 选你所爱,爱你所选 在这个爱的季节,我们来聊一下爱吧。生活中,我是个 不太聊爱情的人,因为我并不确定爱情会以何种形式存在。 正如“你穷并不是因为你父母”,爱这种能力也不是 天生就能有的,需要被教育、被培养、去学习、去练习。 在成长中,因为家人表达的羞涩,我也并没有感到太多温 情。从小到大,我的爱给了山水、动物及文字,到了后来 真正遇到了喜欢的人时,我竟不确认那是不是爱,以致错 过了许多。爱情到底应该是怎样的面貌?你的身边人到底 有怎样的前尘往事,如今是否对你毫无保留,这些事真是 让人无法去想象,更无力去探讨。即便全部了解,但那是 否就是爱情呢?如电影《45 周年》剧中男主角对去世的前 女友念念不忘,将几十年前的照片藏在阁楼,偷偷地缅怀。 看似很专情,可如果当初同样步入婚姻,又会是怎样的现 状呢?或许我该承认自己是悲观主义者,也可能是对婚姻 与爱情的想象不够完美,可谁能保证一个人的幸福必须要 靠另一个人来完成? 说到底,好的爱情是需要自己成全的。天长地久与两 情相悦都不是一见钟情之时便已铸就的。爱情有几分收获, 就需付出几分耕耘。道理很简单,不必苛责对方,更不用 牺牲自己。它不过需要你在任何时间里都尽量保持快乐,

Choose the One You Love Love the One You Choose During this period of the year, lets talk about love. I don’t talk about love on a daily basis, perhaps because I don’t understand its concept.


One perfect example is “ to be poor because your family is poor”, the ability to


love is not something you are born with, it should be taught, trained, learned and


practiced. When I was growing up, my family was very shy and never openly expressed feelings, so I didn’t experience warm emotions often. For me, the ability to love started with the passion I had for landscapes, animals and literature; later in my life journey, I came across with love, but I was never sure if that was a true feeling. What exactly is love? When you date someone and know everything about that special person, can you call this love? In the movie “45 Years”, a 45-year couple struggled with the relationship when the husband received a letter from his first love. The main character started imagining what if he had made the right choice. Maybe I’m a pessimistic person but I can’t imagine love and marriage to be completely perfect, yet it seems that the ultimate happiness can only be fulfilled with a partner? After all, the ability to love depends on you. Eternal love or relationship aren’t necessarily “love at first sight.” Love is a treasure that needs to be earned. The reason is simple, because you sacrifice yourself and blame each other. Relationships don’t need to be perfect, but they are there to make you happy. During ordinary days, enjoy each other’s company and let love blossom like a beautiful flower. When you are in love, treasure and respect one another, then you will be able to enjoy the true happiness.

摄影 Photos :王楠 Wang Nan

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活


Angelina Lee 李赛铱 Editor-in-Chief


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048 速递



动力 052 Sunseeker 116 Yacht:海上绅士

小众高端品牌 DeWitt(迪飞伦)推出的 镶钻版 Twenty-8-Eight 镂空陀飞轮手 表,匠心独具,内外兼修,让人腕上熠熠 生辉

116 Yacht 体现了 Sunseeker 对高科技和设 计革新的持续投入

艺术 058 当代艺术的理性回归

014 邂逅梦幻

2008 年以来,中国当代艺术市场一直处 于调整之中,最直观的反映就是价格大幅 回落,但深层次的调整其实是艺术价值的 重新审视和认定

除了泰晤士河风光,Dandelyan 酒吧还 拥有披头士歌里才有的黄色潜水艇

人物 022 卢健生:乐活人生 难得来到这世界,我不甘心做个平凡人, 庸碌地终此一生



建筑 070 都市里的“松果” 全新自由的实验室建筑旨在促进医学领 域的合作和发展,吸引全世界优秀的研究 人员

028 这一天,全城热恋 卡片、鲜花、巧克力……你确定这就是关 于情人节的一切 ?

享乐 100 中国味道 每到春节临近,我们的心与胃似乎都泛起 了乡愁,惦记起最传统、也最家常的中式 味道



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February 028


010 For the Noble Wrist



052 Sunseeker 116 Yacht: The Gentelman on the Sea

The new DeWitt Twenty-8-Eight Skeleton Tourbillon set with diamonds will be worthy of any noble wrist

116 Yacht underlines Sunseeker’s commitment to bringing more exciting new products to market, and continuing to invest in cutting edge technical and design innovation

014 A Chance to Encounter Illusion In addition to dramatic views of the Thames, Dandelyan bar also boasts a big yellow submarin


058 Return of Realism in Contemporary Art


022 Kinson Loo: A Vivid Life

It’s an exceptional honor to be on this planet, so I’m not going to live an ordinary neither life in mediocrity


028 Love is in the Air

Something you may not know about Valentine’s Day



100 The Tastes of China

As the Spring Festival is approaching, our heart and stomach seem to fill with nostalgia, and think of those traditional Chinese home-made tastes

Since 2008, contemporary Chinese art market has been reformed and has directly affected the falling of prices, but in fact the underlying adjustments involved the review and identification of artistic significance


070 D iamond-shaped Research Facility An institute set to be a world-class center of research excellence


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Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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李赛铱 Angelina Lee 刘晨媛 Erica Liu 卓 娅 Zoya Monafati 姜 旭 Abner Jiang 刘 洋 Liu Yang 韩 苗 Lily Han 冯莹莹 Laura Feng 范 娜 Vanesa Chavarria 牛金华 Hanna Niu 任文晓 Wency Ren 李学维 Wayne Li 张晶晶 Jill Zhang 吕 彬 Leo Lv 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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For the Noble Wrist 小众高端品牌DeWitt(迪飞伦)最新推出的镶钻版Twenty-8-Eight镂空陀飞轮手表,匠心 小 独具, 独具,内外兼修,让人腕上熠熠生辉:全手工制造,沿袭Twent-8-Eight自始至终由同一位制 表匠组装、 表匠组装、调校和检测的传统,搭载了瑞士锚式擒纵机构以及合金材质的曲线游丝。该款自 动补偿 动补偿游丝具有不易损坏、抗氧化、防磁优等优点,并以2.5 Hz顺向运行。215颗优雅的圆 钻被妥帖安放于18克拉的白金表壳内,表壳的两侧分别饰以品牌标志性的二十四根帝王柱, 钻被妥 体现出腕表 体现出腕表的尊贵与奢华。镂雕白铜机板采用磨砂斜角切边技术,绽放耀眼珠光白,镌刻深 浅同色的机芯型号,弧线与直线勾勒出9 时位置的华美“W”镂空标识,呈现令人眩目的曲 浅同色 线迷阵。DeWitt此款镶钻版Twenty-8-Eight镂空陀飞轮手表售价195800美金。 线迷阵 The new DeWitt Twenty-8-Eight Skeleton Tourbillon set with diamonds will be worthy of any noble wrist. Redefining the world of luxury, Tourbillon is entirely hand-made, equipped with a Swiss anchor escapement and a spiral made out of an unbreakable, self-compensating, non-oxidizing, anti-magnetic alloy and sequenced at 2.5Hz. The watch’s inner elegance of 215 round diamonds is covered by an 18-karat white-gold case flanked by 48 imperial columns. Curving across the movement, the lucky observer will suddenly land on a stunning skeletonized “W” logo positioned at 9 o’clock. DeWitt’s diamond-edition Twenty-8-Eight Skeleton Tourbillon is priced at $ 195,800.

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Seven Sea Collection 梵克雅宝全新推出的顶级珠宝系列“七海”(Seven Sea)以四季、昼夜变幻莫测的海洋为灵感,带领 人们开启一段神秘又美妙的探索之旅。摩登、轻盈、动感、实用的设计更加契合年轻人的审美喜好和需求, 同时也与梦幻迷人的海上世界相映成辉,适合在海上旅行时佩戴。其中,地中海系列满镶各种蓝色宝石,从 耀眼的群青到清澈的碧绿,细腻变幻的蓝色令人赞叹;红海系列由红宝石和红色尖晶石搭配,炫丽优雅,错 落有致;黑海系列的缟玛瑙、黑色尖晶石和灰针织交相辉映,散发出令人着迷的神秘气息。 Van Cleef&Arpels’ new collection Seven Sea takes us to explore the maritime beauties. The brand has succeeded in capturing the ocean’s many faces, ever changing depending on the time of the day, the season and the weather, reflections of the sea in the afternoon sun, the sparkle of sleeping waters and the fascinating flora and fauna. The Mediterranean Sea features blue gemstones like sapphires, tourmalines, aquamarines, lapis lazuli and turquoises, while the Red Sea includes rubies and red spinels, the Black Sea, onyx, black spinels and grey pearls. 21st Century Van Cleef&Arpels is modern, light, dynamic and wearable – ultimately a younger aesthetic for a younger mentality – represented by Seven Seas, which is centered around a spirit of lightness, joy and movement in an aquatic dream world. Designed as a summery, romantic resort collection for seasonal jetsetters vacationing in warm and sunny climes, the idea behind it is a unique way of creating and wearing fine jewelry that Bos refers to as “a kind of cruise collection for high jewelry that you would want to wear while traveling, at sea or on a cruise”.

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Essential and Luxurious Timepiece 为了庆祝勇创者万年历腕表诞生10周年,制表商H. Moser & Cie.推出简洁腕表—勇创者万年历概念表 (Endeavour Perpetual Calendar Concept) ,白金打造,限量10枚。没有时标,甚至连小秒针表盘也被取消,简洁 极致,风格纯粹。这款腕表采用公司标识性的fumé表盘,虽然没有可见的品牌标志,却能立即脱颖而出,足以证 明真正的奢华从来无需矫饰,不言自明。该腕表搭配米色大捻角羚皮表带,使其果敢摩登的设计散发高贵气质, 而其核心忠实于最精湛的制表传统。勇创者万年历概念表搭载的HMC341是一款堪称技术壮举的非凡机芯。这款 尤为新颖独创的机芯拥有7天动力存储,一天中的任何时候都可以前、后调节日期,传递了最本真的简约理念。 H. Moser & Cie. marks the tenth anniversary with Endeavour Perpetual Calendar Concept edition. The concept is a limited edition with only 10 timepieces made with 18-carat white gold. This masterpiece watch is the ultimate expression of minimalism and purity, with neither logo nor index-stripped even on the small seconds dial – this perpetual calendar reveals its timeless beauty. Each of them will be paired with a magnificent beige kudu leather strap, which will be fitted with a solid 18-carat white gold pin buckle. The Endeavour Perpetual Calendar Concept is powered by the HMC341 caliber, a technical marvel. With a seven-day power reserve, this particularly ingenious movement is the very essence of simplicity itself, enabling the date to be adjusted forwards or backwards at any time of the day.

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The Return of The Legend 近日,第二代奥菲斯系统亮相。对于多数耳机发烧友们来说,“大奥”无疑在配置和售价上都是传说。 和初代产品一样,代号为HE1060的第二代奥菲斯同样是静电耳机系统。耳放部分使用意大利出产的大理 石,除了提供视觉上的美感和扎实的手感外,减震是最大的目的。耳放的旋钮采用镀铬黄铜,而且内置电机 可以在机身内旋进旋出。耳机周身采用金属材质,耳罩由德国最好的皮革及微纤维织物制成。在其内部,是 2.4微米厚的白金振膜。在耳放关机的情况下,旋钮和真空管可以收入机身内部。耳放与奥菲斯一代系统相 同,拥有解码功能,也可以独立作为耳放使用,不同点在于这款产品解码部分增加了USB接口,并且模拟输 入也增加了平衡接口。至于其售价,则高达5万欧元。 Recently, the second generation Orpheus system was debuted to the world. For the headphones enthusiast, successor to the legendary Orpheus, Sennheiser is presenting new high-end headphone system that offers an unprecedented audio experience. This new generation was named after its HE1060 generation electrostatic headphone system. The selection of all materials consequently supports the acoustic excellence of this milestone product. To ensure an outstanding acoustic performance, the audio specialists used exclusive components such as gold-vaporized ceramic electrodes and platinum-vaporized diaphragms. The marble chosen for the amplifier housing comes from Italy. The headphones are made with metal material; earmuffs German best leather and micro-fiber fabric provides comfort in its interior, a 2.4-micrometer platinum-vaporised diaphragms to deliver optimal sound reproduction. The Amp knob with chrome-plated brass, and built-in motor can spin precession in the fuselage. HE1060 perfectly combines the most innovative technology with luxurious materials and highest quality. A masterpiece that has its price: the high-end headphones, which will be hand-crafted in Germany from next year onwards, will cost around € 50,000.

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A Chance to Encounter Illusion Dandelyan酒吧座落于伦敦蒙德里安酒店(Mondrian London Hotel)里。从洛杉矶日落大道到伦敦充满 活力的南岸,Mondrian品牌总是以其鲜明的个性与风格突出的设计带给人惊喜。坐拥泰晤士河一线河景的 Dandelyan酒吧也不负众望,被评为RBDA的最佳酒吧,同时也是全球最佳新鸡尾酒酒吧之一。吧台整洁明 亮,上方悬挂着披头士的歌里唱着的黄色潜水艇。正红色卡座和玫瑰金色皮沙发错落有致,映上祖母绿墙 面,相得益彰,愈发梦幻。因绿色大理石吧台和粉色皮质长椅,Dandelyan还获得过总体设计最佳酒吧的称 号。种类齐全的酒品,出乎意料的调配,在这里可以品出世界各地的异域风情,但又有一股新鲜独一无二的 城市文化气息。 The Dandelyan Bar is located in the Mondrian London Hotel. From Los Angeles Sunset Boulevard to London's brimming city spirit, the Mondrian brand's distinct personality and stylish designs always bring the most pleasant surprises. Dandelyan boasts an iconic green marble bar and dramatic views of the Thames. The RBDA has recognized its design and considers it to be one of the world’s best new cocktail bar. The awardwinning interior of Dandelyan Bar features a fantastic and stylish design, such as a big yellow submarine, lavender-hued leather banquettes, golden-chartreuse velour lounge chairs, and an assortiment of mirrored tables happily coexist against a nearly clashing backdrop of green walls. The bar design, extended collection of wines, innovative cocktails and exotic goods from around the world reflect its unique urban culture.

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Natural Luxury Le Louis XV是典型的凡尔赛风格,餐厅邀请设计师Marco Traverso负责大厅装潢。Marco Traverso巧妙地 运用奢华的花束,餐厅里摆放着Sept & Plus木雕镀金叶的游戏桌,并以Bénou角砾岩大理石做为桌面的材料, 搭配高雅的白桌布互相映衬。Le Louis XV的菜单尊贵而不浮夸,选用法国北部大草原的利穆赞小牛肉和比利 牛斯山小羔羊肉,结合普罗旺斯的独有乡村风味,将最纯正、最地道的法国味道带给顾客们。主厨用橄榄 油、柠檬、香草和海盐等代替奶油和牛油,用精湛的烹饪手法保留新鲜食材的自然属性。另外餐厅有950种 美酒,18种矿泉水,12种餐包,8种咖啡和从14个国家进口的新鲜茶叶供客人选择,满足了不同顾客的消费 需求。Le Louis XV将服务生和餐桌的比例设置成1:1,真正做到给顾客无微不至的周到服务。 Le Louis XV with its legendary décor which emulates the Palace of Versailles invited Marco Traverso to decorate the main hall. Seasons are illustrated in the sumptuous bouquets created by Marco Traverso which play with the volumes of the great room while on the impeccable white tablecloths, discreet silver warblers, created by Christofle, share these privileged moments. In the centre of the room, a unique game table created by Sept & Plus, sculpted in wood and gilded in gold leaf, topped with a Bénou breccia marble top. The Le Louis XV menu is distinguished but not pretentious, uses Limousin’s veal and Pyrenees lamb form Northern France Prairie, combined with authentic and exquisite Provence's flavors bringing guest the most authentic French taste. The chef uses olive oil, lemon, vanilla and sea salt together with cream and butter to create exquisite cuisine that retains the properties of the fresh ingredients. It also offers a vast cellar of elite wines, eight different types of mineral water, twelve meal sets, eight types of coffee and fourteen kinds of imported tea to meet different diners demands. Le Louis XV’s 1:1 attention to detail, made to please the diners in every possible way.

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活动 Events

米兰发布 2016 秋冬高级手工系列

Ermenegildo Zegna


In the era of images, where everyone


seeks to embellish, distinguish and advertise


himself, Stefano Pilati defines the Ermenegildo

的风景。此次 Stefano Pilati(斯特凡诺·皮

Zegna Fall-Winter 2016/17 collection by

拉蒂) 为杰尼亚设计的 2016/17 年米兰

making the act of embellishment a “classic”.

秋冬 Couture 高级手工系列的精髓,便是

Celebrities Li Chen and Wang Kai were


invited to debut the show, where the clothes


themselves delivered the essence of elegance


yet with a masculine gentlemen charm,


emphasizing the Zegna identity. At the same


time, the stars gained the attention of the

焦点,为杰尼亚 2016 秋冬大秀平添了星光。

audience. Both male stars praised the new


Couture Collection design's detailed and


glamorous patterns, applauded the designer

称赞设计师 Stefano Pilati(斯特凡诺·皮拉 称

Stefano Pilati for his perfect visual feast that

蒂)将面料的艺术发挥到淋漓尽致,不禁 蒂)

combined the status of perfection, quality

感 感叹这是一场将精湛工艺、创新剪裁以及

and craftsmanship, innovation and tailoring

华丽装饰完美融合的视觉盛宴。 华

with outstanding style.



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活动 Events

味由心生,四季飘香 《中信·无限之选 2016 中国精选餐厅指南》发布晚宴开启

2016 China’s Best Choice of Infinite Restaurant Guide Book Grand Opening Gala 1 月 15 日晚,北京四季酒店典雅时尚


its curtains. Celebrities and gourmets,

的 5 楼宴会厅内一派衣香鬓影、食物飘香


restaurants and chefs, as well as China

的融融景象。由《LifeStyle 品味生活》杂志、

2016 中国精选餐厅指南》正式发布。随后,

CITIC Bank Infinite card holders and more

中信银行信用卡中心和 VISA 联袂打造的

LifeStyle 主编、精选餐厅指南项目总监李赛

than 200 guests gathered at the venue to



join the grand event. On the site, 2016's

选 2016 中国精选餐厅指南》发布晚宴正式


top-class restaurants were announced


己的美食感悟。整个盛典有张有弛 , 主宾

along with “Most Popular Restaurant”,

餐厅和厨师,以及中信银行 VISA 无限卡等


China's Best Chef ”, “Best Emerging Chef ”

200 多位来宾欢聚一堂,共襄盛举。现场

On 15 January 2016, elegant and

还揭晓了 2016 星级餐厅、 “最受欢迎餐厅”、

fashionable Imperial Ballroom at Four

Populace considers food as something


Seasons Hotel Beijing gathered gorgeous

of the highest importance. The guide book


outfits and culinary aromas creating a

upholds the principle of “sharing food”

and “Best Pastry Chef ” awards.


harmonious scene. LifeStyle Magazine,

connecting diners and restaurants to convey


China CITIC Bank Credit Card Center

taste and emotions, to let the world better


and VISA jointly launched China's first

understand and enjoy Chinese food culture.

国餐饮这道文化盛宴。当晚,《LifeStyle 品

restaurant guide— 2016 China 's Best

During the event, Richard Fu, the Publisher


Choice of Infinite Restaurant Guide Book

of LifeStyle Magazine, Wang Ningqiao,

心副总裁王宁桥、VISA 中国区副总经理林

grand opening gala officially opened

the Vice President of China CITIC Bank

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Credit Card Center, and Lin Shangming, the Vice President of China VISA, with guests as witnesses, together officially launched the 2016 China 's Best Choice of Infinite

Restaurant Guide Book . The Editor-in-Chief of LifeStyle Magazine and Project Director of 2016 China 's Best Choice of Infinite

Restaurant Guide Book , Angelina Lee, introduced the creation process and usage method of the guide. Famous actress Liu Tao specially sent a video to express her own views on fine dining. Four Seasons Hotel Beijing has prepared sumptuous meals for the occasion with utmost care. The social interaction among the guests of honor was filled with understanding and humor, while the entire ceremony was at balance, intense and lively.

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聚焦 Promotion


The Charm of Italian Flavor 一场完美的宴席,除了舌尖上的美


essence of fine Italian dining. Most of the



signature dishes of chef Bombana are re-



created with the best ingredients available


What makes the perfect meal? Sometimes

on the market and delivered thanks to

the surrounding environment can be even

the perfect interpretation and personal

Opera BOMBANA是由厨师Umberto

more important than the flavors of the food.

creativity of chef Marino D’Antonio.


With food as a starting point, Enjoying Life

Opera BOMBANA also represents the


Begins With a Choice is looking for a variety

perfect spot to enjoy afternoon breaks and


of cuisine forms, gorgeous restaurants and

informal meetings with a wide array of


stunning table settings so that food becomes

freshly baked delicacies and hand-crafted


more delicious.

desserts to be consumed on site or taken


Marino D’Antonio采用市场上最好的烹饪材

Opera BOMBANA is the new restaurant

away. Not to be missed is their “Aperitivo”,

concept created by chef Umberto

a time to unwind and enjoy the beginning of

Opera BOMBANA也是享受下午休息

Bombana. Like the meaning of “Opera”

your journey with memorable cocktails and


in Italian, Opera BOMBANA is the place

special treats from the restaurant’s signature


where gourmet palates can find the

ageing room.


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人物 Profile

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卢健生 Kinson Loo: A Vivid Life

Editor: Abner Jiang Text: Kinson Loo Photos: Ji Yuezhong

视觉科技 CEO 卢健生除了互联网公司高管这一身份,他还拥有专栏 作家、业余赛车手和美食家等多个身份。他曾说:“难得来到这世界, 我不甘心做个平凡人,庸碌地终此一生。” Kinson Loo, CEO of ImagineVision Technology Limited, is a man of many talents. On top of being well known for his high-ranking roles among top Internet companies, he is also a successful columnist, amateur racing driver and a gourmet connoisseur. He once said, “It’s an exceptional honor to be on this planet, so I’m not going to live an ordinary neither mediocre life.”

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你觉得互联网与手机的结合给人们的生活带来了什么? 手机APP出现后,从找餐厅、订机票、查航班、订电影票, 到看电子杂志和微博等,我们的日常生活越来越离不开智能手

觉味道比从前好,回来告诉蔡澜,他说:“不一定,可能是你在 冰岛没吃好而已。”回想在冰岛行摄的日子,天天不是汉堡包就 是热狗,蔡生说的也有道理。

机。互联网除了给我们的生活带来了便利,更重要的是分享精 神,加强了人与人之间的互动,获取和传播信息变得更容易。

How do you think the integration of the Internet and mobile phones has affected people’s lives?


After mobile apps came out, our daily lives have become


increasingly dependent on smartphones. Finding a restaurant,


booking flight tickets, checking flight details, buying cinema


tickets, reading e-magazines, surfing Weibo, or accomplishing


other daily activities on our phones. Smartphones make our life more convenient that is a fact, through the use of the Internet

你平时有什么业余爱好? 我喜欢美食、赛车、健身、看书、旅行等,我觉得每个人都

people have strengthened interactions between each other, while gathering and spreading information became easier.

应该开阔自己的视野,交不同界别的朋友,丰富自己的话题。最 重要的是我们应该学会发现更多生活中的美好,对人生有更多的 追求与解读。

You are a busy man, how do you balance life and work? Some work is really important but not urgent; other is urgent but not important. You should prioritize your work, and even if you are


incredibly busy, you should make time to do the things you love. This


way, you will live a rich life and have more energy for work. It is


important to remember that work is just a part of your life; therefore


you should learn to get some time off from your busy schedule.

他们热爱自己的工作,热爱美食,并全情投入其中。我外号“面 痴”,意大利pasta之中,Spaghetti是我最爱吃的面食之一。

What hobbies do you normally engage in?


on, I think everyone should expand their horizons, meet different

I like fine food, racing, working out, reading, traveling and so 当然会,我曾经做过厨师,简单饭菜都会做。其实我最擅

people and enrich their interests. What is most fundamental is that


we should learn how to discover good things in life and increase


our expectations, and truly understand life.

白,快炒几下马上熄火,然后下饭,撒把盐,用金包银方法,再 开火快速兜炒。技术够的话,使出抛镬功夫,边抛边炒,再撒点 葱花,炒至粒粒分明,就可上碟。

You mentioned food. What cuisine do you prefer and why? When it comes to Asian cuisine, apart from Chinese cuisine, I prefer Japanese. Japanese people are very conscientious in what


they do, place a great deal of emphasis on ingredients and their


culinary traditions. Other South East Asian cuisine may lack in this


regard. When it comes to Western cuisine, I prefer Italian. Italian


chefs are very enthusiastic and love what they do. I love pasta, especially spaghetti, and my nickname is “Pasta Addict”.

在旅行方面,你喜欢的地方是哪里?有没有什么有趣的故事和我 们分享? 有人说:“真的要在世界上选出人们梦幻中天堂的原型,那

Do you usually cook for yourself? What is your specialty and do you have any secret recipes?


Yes, I was a chef when I was younger, so I can cook basic


meals. Actually, I’m best at making egg-fried rice. As for the secret


to making it, it’s pretty simple. First the wok must be clean, you

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need a high flame, the rice must be dry, and the egg yolk and

And what about traveling? Where do you like to travel? Do you have any

egg white shouldn’t be mixed. The egg should be broken into hot

interesting stories to share with us?

oil and fried briefly before the heat is turned off. Add the rice and

Some people say, “If you had to select the ideal paradise

sprinkle it with salt, then add the eggs and quickly stir-fry all the

on this earth, then Iceland has to be a candidate.” I’ve been to

ingredients. If you’ve mastered the technique, flip the wok and

Iceland twice. The scenery there is really beautiful, it has a small

then add some chopped green onions. Once each grain of rice is

population and you really feel like you’ve arrived into paradise. I

clearly separated, the dish can be served.

think everyone should go there at least once in their lives. After I've traveled in Iceland last year, I went to Paris and ate duck’s blood

When people think of motor racing, they usually imagine a spirit of

in the famous La Tour d'Argent restaurant. I thought the meal tasted

adventure. Are you someone that’s adventurous?

better than ever. When I came back, I told Chua Lam about this.

Motor racing is a fast and dangerous sport. I’m not an

He said, “Not necessarily. There is a chance that you just hadn’t

adventurous person, quite the contrary; I like to play safe. But

eaten well in Iceland.” Then I thought about my holiday in Iceland,

when the opportunity comes, I’m willing to take risks and challenge

and remembered eating hamburgers or hotdogs everyday. I think

myself. People should try more things and live exciting lives.

Chua had a point.

学习时时刻刻都在进行,是无处不在的, 重要的是如何在日常工作和生活中进行学习,从别人身上学习有用的东西。 Learning is an active process,it is every where. It is important to study useful things on a daily basis.

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人物 Profile


The Rockefeller Family: Symbol of Wealth Editor/Text: Erica Liu

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当人们听到“洛克菲勒”的名字时就知道那意味着什么— 财富和权势。

The six generations of Rockefeller family's prosperity is incited with the founder John D. Rockefeller. Rockefeller was born on a


farm in Richmond, New York. His father's disciplinary education


prepared him to interact with society in a perseverant and smart


manner. His first job was a clerk at the age of 16, and at the age


of 19, Rockefeller entered into business forming a partnership with


Maurice Clark. The Clark & Rockefeller earned a small profit of $450


their first year. Their business expanded rapidly during the Civil War


and the company continued earning a profit for the two partners. In


the 60s, he organized The Standard Oil Company with his brother


William, Samuel Andrews, Henry M. Flagler, Stephen V. Harkness


and O. B. Jennings.


In 1872, Rockefeller started his expansion ideas of one large


company, vertically integrated, controlling the refining and storage


of oil, and the manufacturing of ancillary products such as paint


and glue. By the middle of the year, Standard Oil had purchased


and controlled nearly all the refining firms in Cleveland. Standard


Oil prospered and all its properties were merged in 1882 into


the Standard Oil Trust, which was one effective giant company.


With the accumulation of wealth, the Standard Oil Trust gained


negative images such as greedy, exploiter, plunder. But in fact, since


becoming a salesperson, Rockefeller was giving 1/10 of his profit


to charity, and with his business success the donations increased. In


1937 at the age of 98, Rockefeller passed away leaving an empire


in the hands of his family, which was becoming an important part in


the United States domestic and foreign arenas.


The second generation of Rockefellers not only took over the oil


business but also followed the family’s philanthropy. The Rockefellers


have been spreading their philanthropy and donation from the


city of Williamsburg to Versailles, from the Peking Union Medical


College to The Headquarters of the United Nations.


Nowadays, the Rockefeller family has multiplied to sixth


generation. The fifth and sixth no longer is the wealthiest family in


the United States and they are widely active in numerous industries.


For the Rockefellers, giving has been a core family value that has

When people hear the name Rockefeller, you are immediately associated with power and wealth.

spanned throughout three centuries. The strong belief of the early generations that wealth comes with great responsibility continues to

The Rockefeller has been present in history of the United States

inform the philanthropy of current generations, helping to shape their

from its early start as a Standard Oil Company to the Chase

priorities and perspectives on giving. The family is now entering its

Manhattan Bank Rockefeller Center, Museum of Modern Art,

seventh generation and has maintained its tradition of giving within

Rockefeller University and University of Chicago and even in the 9.11

each generation. Rockefeller’s philanthropy would preserve through

events at the World Center.

his letters and actions.

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Love is in the Air


Love is in the Air

Editor/Text: Zoya Monafati Photos: Courtesy of All Brands

将 2 月 14 拨回至 15 世纪 The day of romance we call "Valentine’s" dates back to the fifth century.


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Love is in the Air 又是一年情人节。不知从什么时候开始,2月14日已变成了一场消费狂欢,无数人趁机在那天交换特别的礼物,向对方示爱——尽 管情人之间天天可能都如此。卡片、鲜花、巧克力……你确定这就是关于情人节的一切? So it’s that time of the year again – Valentine’s Day. This symbolic holiday has been altered throughout the years and has transformed into a consumer’s fantasy. February 14th is known around the world as the day of romance, which lets people to take the opportunity and show their loved ones how much they really mean – something we should be doing every day. This article is filled with enlightening facts about this love-fest holiday.


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情人节的由来 The Legend of St. Valentine 我们知道2月一直是个浪漫的月份,2月14的情人节又称圣瓦伦

soldiers to join his army. Claudius believed that Roman men were


unwilling to join the army because of their strong connection to


their wives and families.


To solve the problem, Claudius banned all marriages and


engagements in Rome. Valentine, realizing the injustice of the


declaration, disobeyed Claudius and continued to perform


marriages for young lovers in secret.


At the point when Valentine’s actions were discovered, Claudius


ordered that he be executed. Valentine was arrested and dragged


before the Prefect of Rome, who sentenced him to be beaten to


death with clubs and to have his head cut off. The sentence was


carried out on February 14.


The legend also has it that while in prison, St. Valentine left


a farewell note for the jailer’s daughter, who had become his


friend, and signed it “From Your Valentine.” For his great service,


Valentine was named a saint after his death.


Legends differ on how the saint’s name got to be connected with


romance. The date of his death might have become mingled with the


Feast of Lupercalia, a pagan festival of love. On these occasions,


the names of young women were placed in a box, from which


they were drawn by the men as chance directed. In 496A.D, Pope

全世界主要的国家都盛行情人节。英国从17世纪便有了过节传 统,到了18世纪中叶,英国社会各阶层的亲朋好友以及情人们之间 已经习惯以感情信物或亲手书写的佳句相赠。随着1900年印刷技 术的发展,印刷卡片开始取代手写体,19世纪40年代时,Esther A.

Gelasius decided to put an end to the Feast of Lupercalia, and he declared that February 14th be celebrated as St Valentine’s Day. Gradually, February 14th became a date for exchanging love messages, poems and simple gifts such as flowers.


In addition to the United States, Valentine’s Day is celebrated


in major countries around the world. In Great Britain, Valentine’s


Day started to be popularly celebrated around the 17th century.


By the middle of the 18th, it was common for friends and lovers

The history of Valentine’s Day – and the story of its patron saint

of all social classes to exchange small tokens of affection or

– is covered in mystery. St. Valentine’s Day, as we know it today,

handwritten notes, and by 1900 printed cards began to replace

contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition.

written letters due to improvements in printing technology. In the

Yet, who was Saint Valentine, and how did he become associated

1840s, Esther A. Howland began selling the first mass-produced

with this ancient tradition?

valentines in America. Howland, known as the “Mother of the

On February 14th around the year 278A.D., Valentine, a holy priest in Rome in the days of Emperor Claudius II, was executed.

Valentine,” made elaborate creations with real lace, ribbons and colorful pictures known as “scrap.” Today, according to the

Under the rule of Claudius the Cruel, Rome was involved in

Greeting Card Association, an estimated 1 billion Valentine’s

numerous unpopular and bloody battles. The emperor needed to

Day cards are sent each year, making it the second largest card-

keep a strong army, but was having a troublesome time motivating

sending holiday of the year.


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Love is in the Air

爱吾及屋 Built in the Name of Love 爱的举止比语言更有吸引力,更有效,更有价值。(法国作家弗朗索瓦·拉伯雷) As the French writer François Rabelais once noted, “Gestures in love are incomparably more attractive, effective and valuable than words.” 这些散落在世界各地的建筑皆因爱而生,因爱而瞩目,或浪 漫或忧伤的爱情是它们建立的基石。

哈尔)的深切怀念。1631年,泰姬·玛哈尔过世后,悲痛的沙贾 汗动用了王室特权,倾举国之力,动用了两万多能人巧匠,用几










Designed as symbols of eternal love, these remarkable


structures around the world hold exceptionally romantic stories.

业大亨George C. Boldt买下心形岛并开始在岛上建造一座壮丽的

Various architecture-loving romantics went beyond to make their


sweethearts swoon by building magnificent mansions in the utmost


grand gesture.

人千岛湖大桥委员会决定保留并完善城堡,重建和完善工作于是 开始进行。现在,这座小岛为美国政府拥有,游人可参观。

A neo-Gothic fortress, Swallow’s Nest Castle sits 130 feet above the waters of the Black Sea, which was assembled by a German


noble in 1912. According to the local legend, he visited the plot of


land on his honeymoon, which was then occupied by a small wood


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home, and decided it would be better suited for a romantic castle to be used as the couple’s personal retreat. Boldt Castle, situated on Heart Island in upstate New York, was commissioned in 1900 by George C. Boldt, a wealthy hotelier, who built the residence as a symbol of his overwhelming love for his wife - Louise. Only four years after the construction began, Louise suddenly passed away. Heartbroken, Boldt ended his work on the castle and never returned to the island. The property was acquired by the Thousand Islands Bridge Authority which restored the mansion inside and out. Another immense mausoleum of white marble was built on the vast lands of India. Emperor Shah Jahan took a lot of wives, yet none was as adored as his third, Arjumand Banu Begum, more known as Mumtaz Mahal. When she passed away in 1631, Jahan signed a board of architects to devise the Taj Mahal in her honor. The emperor spared no expense for the now iconic monument: More than 20,000 sculptors, calligraphers, and craftsmen were brought to the city of Agra to work on the marble-clad masterpiece.


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Love is in the Air

如果爱,请示爱 Presenting the Love 一年365天,情人节一定是最令人怦然心动的。 在这一天,世界各地的男男女女们花费数十亿来购买鲜花、巧克力、香水、香槟和贺卡,通过互送礼物来表达自己的浓浓爱意。 Valentine’s Day is one of the most active days on the annual calendar, with billions being spent across the world on flowers, chocolates, perfumes, champagne and the ever-present greeting cards.

勇敢爱 不等待 Dare to Love 充满爱意的情人节带来了幸福和煦的温度,酩悦粉红香槟在 2016年也将诠释勇敢态度,以先锋魅力、绚丽多彩及摩登时尚 的醉人气息,萦绕生命中所有浓情蜜意的酩悦时刻。酩悦粉红香 槟特别推出“敢爱”限量礼盒系列,每一支酩悦粉红香槟都是独 一无二的杰作,就如同那些在各自的轨道上勇敢追求品质生活且 独具个性的女孩们。开启一瓶酩悦粉红香槟,喷涌的泡沫给你的 “敢爱之吻”增添更多的浪漫气息。 Love on Valentine’s Day brings happiness and warm temperatures; this year Moët haunts the love of passion, and interprets it through courages attitudes, vanguard glamour and fashionable trends creating Moët & Chandon Moet Rose Champagne 2016 limited edition. The luxury brand, Moët & Chandon offers “Dare to Love” gift series to celebrate the season of love. Each one of the champagnes is a unique masterpiece. When opening a bottle of Moët & Chandon Moet Rose Champagne, the bubbles deliver you the “kiss of love” flavor to add more romance.

万水千山总是情 From Italy with Love 在品牌近200年的历史里,Cova秉承意大利美味且优质的巧 克力传统,坚持使用高品质原材料和集结了几代人努力而研制的 悠久配方。Cova选用高级的可可脂定制品种繁多的美味巧克力, 自然的色泽彰显出真材实料的天然本性。情人节当天,和心爱之 人从Cova各种各样的巧克力礼盒中挑选一款,享受这漂洋过海而 来的浓情蜜意。 For almost two centuries, Cova maintains its tradition in presenting the tastiest and most premium Italian confectioneries, using only the finest quality ingredients and the time honored recipes. Each piece of chocolate is a delicately hand-made masterpiece of artisan’s tradition. Choose from an assortment of boxed chocolate gifts from Cova, and enjoy that “sweets to the sweet” tradition with that special someone this Valentine's Day.


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巧克力代表我的心 The Le Chocolat 据说,巧克力含有的苯乙胺能让人心 情愉悦,并产生类似恋爱的感觉,无怪乎 一盒经典的巧克力能让情人节大大增色。 法国巧克力公司Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse 用椰子果仁糖与水果甘那许打造的“巧克 力之心”让人青睐,你也可以选择榛子果 仁糖与盐之花的组合,上面还覆上了牛奶 巧克力的包衣。 As Valentine's Day approaches, there's one thing that everyone can take pleasure in: a classic box of chocolates. Le Chocolat Alain Ducasse has created a gourmet treat for Valentine’s Day — a generous heart with beveled lines reminiscent of the famous chocolate bar. A coconut praline associated with a passion fruit ganache.

恋上一抹香 “L” for Love 克莱夫基斯汀在奢华香水世界独领风骚数十年,继之前发布 的C和V私人珍藏系列之后,品牌最新推出L系列,共同组成C、 V、L顶级香水三部曲。在每段感情中,“爱”都是最重要的元 素;同时,“爱”也是一种很玄的东西,无影,无形。“爱”, 作为最完美的情感纽带,将C、V、L私人珍藏系列连结起来。 1872年,维多利亚女王特许克莱夫基斯汀在其标志上独家使用王 冠图案,成为英国卓越工艺的象征。私人珍藏系列每50ml一瓶, 装在深琥珀色的玻璃瓶中,致敬经典。L香水男士系列甜蜜、性 感,散发着一种原始、天然的木本芳香,特别为性感而不放纵、 深谙世事却不自命不凡的男士量身打造,香气持久,无论是洗过 热水澡还是淋浴之后都能持续散发芳香,展现男性魅力。 “L” for Love is the most important, yet also the most invisible ingredient in every relationship. The Private Collection Perfumes are presented in the customary 50ml pressed glass bottle in a deep amber color which pays tribute to the original apothecary bottles from the perfumery uniquely crowned by Queen Victoria in 1872 as a mark of British excellence. ‘L’ For Men is a sweet, sensual and – above all else – a ferociously woody scent. It’s sexy without being licentious, complex without being pretentious and, for men who like their fragrances to have stamina.


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Love is in the Air

奔·爱 Getaways for Two 无论是在阳光明媚的沙滩,抑或是浪漫多情的海岛,一定要和自己的亲密爱人来一场甜蜜的“私奔”之旅, 共度专属两人的完美情人节。 Whether your idea of romance is a dinner for two, sunny beaches or romantic islands, find the perfect place to take your Valentine.

花样年华 In the Mood of Love 香港半岛酒店无时无刻不散发着一种迷人的魅力,令人无法 抗拒;而在每年的情人节这一良辰佳节,酒店则化身为浪漫的约 会场所,无数的赏心悦事在这里上演。 半岛酒店多家备受青睐的餐厅将再一次推出各式精选套餐, 让饮食男女们在情人节这一天梦想成真。

There’s always a sprinkle of magic in the air at The Peninsula Hong Kong, but never more than on Valentine’s Day, when the legendary hotel plays host to a plethora of romantic rendezvous. The Peninsula’s array of renowned restaurants will once again be making Valentine’s Day dreams come true with a variety of alluring set menus. Particularly noteworthy is the opportunity to dine at The Pool, a venue that is open to the public just once a year. Offering


spectacular views of Victoria Harbour, the Roman-style swimming pool


is one of the city’s most romantic spots and a magical setting for a


Valentine’s Day tryst.

倾城之恋 Valentine’s Day Carnival

Rio de Janeiro carnival 2016 means Brazilian samba, energy,


dance, luxury and much, much fun. The exciting new package from


JW Marriott Hotel Rio de Janeiro will allow you to experience like


kings and queens the Rio de Janeiro Carnival 2016. Moreover, the


extraordinary Rio hotel offers easy access to the city’s best attractions,


including Sugarloaf Mountain, Christ the Redeemer and a variety of


nightlife, restaurants and golf courses. Stay a little longer and you


could have the perfect gift for Valentine’s Day. Both Carnival and


Valentine’s Day is one in a million gifts for your loved one.

一座岛,一段情 The Love Island

Whether you’re looking for the perfect honeymoon spot, or just a romantic weekend for two, Tavarua Island offers exciting


opportunities like sky diving, kite surfing and helicopter tours.


When you're done surfing world-class waves and diving in clear


waters, retreat to your private beachside hideaway shaded by


palm trees and the cool ocean breeze. For dinner, choose a


private picnic table on the beach, and order the salad made with


fresh seafood and refreshing rum punch to get your groove on. No


distractions, just you and your loved one.


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许多人会让你忍不住在人群中多看一眼,但只有一个特别的人会让你怦然心动。 “世界上最美好的事物是无法看见或触及的,必须用心体会。” —海伦·凯勒 Anyone can catch your eye, but it takes someone special to catch your heart. “The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart” - Helen Keller 37

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Leading the Way to Success


Leading the Way to Success Text: Keith Bartlett Editor: Zoya Monafati Photos: Courtesy of All Featured Schools

“未来属于受过良好教育,并有丰富想象力与创造力的年轻一代。” ——贝拉克·奥巴马 “The future belongs to young people with an education and the imagination to create” - Barack Obama

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生活中并不缺少美,而是缺少发现美的眼睛。好在,上帝赋予了人类审美和鉴赏力,让人 们能够欣赏多种艺术形式。艺术不仅是要领略一件物品,一首诗,或一幅画的美,更重要的是 从艺术的角度来解读日常生活中的点点滴滴。艺术形式千姿百态,以各自特有的方式愉悦我 们的身心,启发我们的头脑,升华我们的灵魂,激励人们不断创新。 中国被认为是一个创新土壤较为贫瘠的国家,教育从业者积极寻求突破,志在打破这种 现状,而改善这种情况的核心就是要将线上与线下教育相结合。人是社会型生物,祈求他们 单凭一台电脑就能自动吸收知识无疑是苛责于人。新一轮的教育创新潮流不再倚赖科技作 为解决问题的唯一手段,取而代之的是鼓励人际交流、自主学习和艺术实践。教育创新是要 借助科技和艺术来助力学生活到老,学到老,并最终成为社会改革的推动者。 艺术素养较高的学生通常都具备了专业从事艺术创作的知识水平和领悟能力,并且能够 很好地将其运用到其他学科的学习中。数十年的研究表明密集参与艺术活动的学生比很少甚 至几乎不参与艺术活动的学生表现更加优异,在学校中尤其如此。他们成绩更好,学习态度 更积极,而且也不太可能在高中时期辍学。无论是从学习、人际交往还是个人成长角度而言, 艺术教育对学生的促进作用都是有目共睹的,这也就不难理解为什么国际学校都纷纷创造更 多的机会,让学生直接参与艺术活动。 本月,LifeStyle精选几所国际学校,呈现它们挑战传统的先锋意识和提倡艺术教育的创 新理念。 Our appreciative mind recognizes every form of art in the world we live in. It is not just acknowledging the beauty of an object, a poem or a painting, it is recognizing and accepting anything we see as art. Art in any form entertains, informs, educates and enlightens us in every possible way. It gives us the meaning of everything we see around us. It stimulates our mind, which ultimately leads to innovation. In a place where creativity and innovation could be seen as a lack in China, there are those in the education industry seeking challenge the status quo. Today, it seems clear that the fusion of online and offline learning is going to be at the core of improving education. Humans are social creatures, and placing them in front of a laptop and hoping that they are just going to soak up the knowledge is often asking for too much. The next wave of education innovation won’t come from dumping technology on the problem. Instead, it will come from deeply engaging with people and empowering them to make learning all their own throughout the arts. Innovation in education is about more than just technology. It’s about how you can use technology and the arts to empower students to become lifelong learners who are agents of change. A student who meets the rigorous standards of artistic literacy has acquired the knowledge and understanding needed to participate authentically in the arts and the ability to transfer that knowledge and understanding in making connections to other subjects and settings. Decades of research show that the students highly involved in the arts outperform students with little or no arts involvement, particularly in school settings. They receive better grades, have more positive attitudes about school, and are less likely to drop out of high school. Given the demonstrated academic, social, and personal benefits of an arts education, there is no wonder international schools provide their students with opportunities for direct interaction with the arts. This month, LifeStyle is featuring our very own handpicked choices of international schools that pioneer and embrace the creativity arts in Education.

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Leading the Way to Success

Sophia Fan

Nancy Lu

Vivian Lu

上海协和国际学校—有一门育人艺术,叫“培养艺术家” Concordia International School Shanghai - The Art of Developing the Artist 在上海协和国际学校,通过增强技术技能、参与过程和解决问













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Enriching each student’s internal artistic expression and creative

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SuHye Kim

Yukine Yanagi

thinking through the development of external technical skill, process

appreciation for the arts, Concordia’s visual arts program provides

and problem solving is the focus of visual arts program at Concordia

new perspective and creative thought that nourishes students in all

International School Shanghai. The visual art curriculum is a sequential

careers. Inherent in each class is the pursuit of excellence in technique,

course of study spanning every grade level, from youngest learners to

innovation, process and concept—empowering the serious art student’s

the most advanced. The history of art is integrated into each course

quest for artistic distinction.

and students are introduced to a wide range of media, style and

Students interested in pursuing fine arts careers find that the art

thought. Within a historical and cultural context, the curriculum provides

program at Concordia helps lay the foundation for success. Graduates

a vocabulary and set of tools to enable each student to analyze and

have been accepted to top-ranking art schools around the world,

synthesize individual thought, perception, and passion.

including the Rhode Island School of Design, School of the Art Institute

By developing young artists and allowing them to cultivate an

Nancy Lu:

P038-047-PWSH1-C6.indd 41

of Chicago and University of Arts London.

Yukine Yanagi

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Leading the Way to Success

北京哈罗英国学校—创意无止境 Harrow International School Beijing – In Pursuit of Creative Excellence







以及与课程相匹配的实践活动来践行“为未来世界培养具有领导力 的人才”的学校愿景。 艺术教育在哈罗北京占有重要地位。学生们通过艺术创作如

为了庆祝学生们在考试中的取得的优异成绩,哈罗北京上学期 举办了艺术周的活动,向更广泛的社区成员展示了学生的艺术作品。 艺术周上,哈罗艺术系主任Lee Whitehouse女士为公众做了讲座,






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Harrow International School Beijing is a vibrant community

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affiliated to the renowned Harrow School in London. The school is

developing technical skills. Harrow Beijing students have proven

known for its commitment to academic excellence and its mission

themselves to be highly able artists, creating exemplary pieces.

statement of ‘Leadership for a better world’ is supported through the

Following on from Harrow Beijing students’ marvelous results last

skills students develop by studying a wide and varied curriculum and

summer, the school held an Art Week which included an exhibition of

through co-curricular enrichment programmes.

the students’ work open to the wider community. There were lectures

Art holds an important place within the school curriculum, allowing

led by the School’s Art Director Lee Whitehouse, and workshops

students to express themselves through different media including

where Chinese artists mentored students and created works of art

painting, drawing or sculpture. The subject provides a means of

as a collaborative. These artworks were later auctioned during the

expressing conceptual thoughts, creating imaginative ideas and

School’s annual Autumn Fair, with the proceeds going to charity.

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Leading the Way to Success

北京英国学校(顺义校区)—人人都是大画家 The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi - The Big Draw 北京英国学校(BSB)顺义校区是一所颇具规模的国际学校,提 供从小学到中学的全方位、高品质教育。BSB采用英国国家教学课程

日”外,还有“社区绘画日”,邀请所有的父母、学生和亲朋好友相互 合作,在学校前厅共同绘制出一幅大型的艺术品。


The British School of Beijing (BSB) Shunyi is a large international


school offering Primary through Secondary education in one campus,


providing high quality international education to students from around


the world of all ages. BSB follows an internationally adapted British


Curriculum leading to International GCSE and the International


Baccalaureate (IB) Diploma examinations, and an optional German


Thuringia Curriculum for native German speakers.


BSB has been in Beijing since 2003 and is owned by the Nord

BSB“环球校园”(Global Campus)将世界各地的学生连接起

Anglia Education global network of 42 schools. BSB students attain


the highest academic standards, taking them on to the world’s best

或分享最好的“教”、 “学”实践等;这里有线上活 动,如辩论、短篇

universities, but also ensure that every student is truly valued as an


individual and that the sense of family, community and opportunity

(Global Orchestra),茱莉亚音乐暑期班,坦桑尼亚社会服务项目

pervades. The school’s philosophy is to be ambitious for every


single child and young person to achieve more than they ever


dreamed possible, in whatever field that may be, and to become a

每年十月,在英国慈善机构“绘画在行动”(Campaign for

truly global citizen contributing to making the world a better place.

Drawing)创办的“人人都是大画家”(The Big Draw)活动期间,

BSB students benefit hugely from being part of this global network


(currently around 32,000 students) which gives them the chance to

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experience real innovation in the curriculum, whether that be through

trips and visits parents expect from premium international schools.

the school’s unique worldwide collaboration with The Juilliard School,

Each year in October, the BSB Art department runs a series of

the extensive use of modern technologies, or the opportunity to

events and activities to celebrate drawing and creativity, in response

create and perform with students from around the world. The British

to The Big Draw event, started by an English charity called the

curriculum is rightly recognized globally for high academic standards

Campaign for Drawing. The school has Primary and Secondary

being combined with the development of creativity, breadth of

students’ Big Draw Day, and then a Community Big Draw Day when

thinking, and leadership skills, and BSB sees all these as important in

all parents, students and friends from the community are invited to

the mission to create great learning for the leaders of tomorrow.

draw one collaborative, large scale artwork in our foyer.

BSB’s Global Campus links students across the network, providing opportunities in school, such as in the performing arts programme, access to experts in their field, and sharing the best possible practice in teaching and learning; online, through collaborate activities such as debating, short story and creative writing competitions, musical performance, and collaborative learning; and worldwide, through the Global Orchestra, Juilliard music summer school, service trips to Tanzania, outdoor and adventurous pursuits at the school’s mountain centre in Switzerland, along with the high quality range of school

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Leading the Way to Success

苏州新加坡国际学校—岂止于艺术 Suzhou Singapore International School – Beyond Artistic Achievements 苏州新加坡国际学校(以下简称SSIS)致力于培养学生成为合格

Baccalaureate (IB) World School with 1,200 students from over


45 countries. SSIS offers the IB Primary Years Programme, Middle


Years Programme and Diploma Programme and a half-day program


for kids with the Little Dragons class. Over the past ten years SSIS


students have consistently received excellent results. Their outstanding


IB Diploma scores always ensure SSIS is one of the best international


schools in China. However, SSIS aims to go beyond academic


achievement, beyond sporting or artistic achievement. SSIS focuses


on helping students to be the best they can be. SSIS is an environment


where students support each other; school is not just a place to learn.


Students from every age and nationality meet and mix with other


students, creating a sense of identity and belonging. From creating


the global citizens of today to nurturing the citizens of tomorrow, the

Suzhou Singapore International School is a school with a

SSIS learning environment encourages and enables students to be

clear vision of what it takes to make a global citizen. Located in

self-motivated, lifelong learners, who value other cultures and are

Suzhou, Jiangsu, SSIS is an internationally recognized International

responsible, meaningful participants in the international community.

Thinking Man

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艺术能 让学生设定目标、衡量进步、并为所展现的才能而自豪。 The world of arts allow students to discover hidden talents, measure progress and take pride in displaying their talents.


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Elegant Beauty of Jaguar Editor/Text: Hanna Niu Photos: Jaguar

英国豪华汽车品牌捷豹 (Jaguar) 旗下首款跑车型 SUV F-PACE 惊艳亮相广州保利世贸博览馆,同时宣布 捷豹 F-PACE 正式登陆中国。 British luxury car brand Jaguar’s first sports car SUV F-PACE has been debuted in Guangzhou Poly World Trade Expo, at the same time, the brand has announced the official launch of Jaguar F-PACE in China.

48 LifeStyle

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LifeStyle 49

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捷 豹 F - P A C E 车 辆 项 目总 监 A n d y





而成— 纯粹的设计表现得以传承。其动






肌肉感的 造型,从LED尾灯设计到气势不凡
















The all-new F-PACE remains true to the

豹 F-PACE搭载了捷豹有史以来最先进的适


aesthetic of the award-winning C-X17



concept, while they were both designed by


向系统所提供的最佳转向感和响应速 度,全

the same teams – this enabled purer design



expression. The influence of the F-TYPE is



instantly apparent at the rear of the F-PACE,




from the design of the LED tail-lights to its



muscular rear haunches. The rakish angle

地,从泥泞道路到潮湿草地 。


of the rear window belies the load space

48 LifeStyle

P046-049-PWSH1-C6.indd 48

16-1-25 下午1:38

behind it. Jaguar design cues extend to the

suspension offer the ideal balance of precise

shockproof wristband with an integrated

silhouette of the F-PACE, with a sleek roofline

handling and body control, making the all-

transponder; this wearable technology

as well as short front and rear overhangs

new F-PACE as rewarding to drive as it is

supports active lifestyles because it allows

that reflect the vehicle’s agile response.

comfortable to be driven in - on any type of

the key fob to be securely locked inside the

The all-new F-PACE’s torque on-demand

road. In addition, F-PACE’s Torque Vectoring

vehicle – invaluable, for example, if you’re

All-Wheel Drive (AWD) system is Jaguar’s

by braking maximizes capability through

going surfing or kayaking.

most sophisticated yet, and has extremely

even the tightest corners. Torque Vectoring

The all-new F-PACE edition is smart,

high torque capacity. It features the

technology provides controlled independent

sophisticated, with unparalleled agility and

advanced, in-house control system first

braking on the individual inside front and

dynamic performance, all reflecting the

developed for F-TYPE AWD: Intelligent

rear wheels to add to the turning forces

high-quality of Jaguar. Following the classic

Driveline Dynamics (IDD). IDD preserves

acting on the car.

designs and being faithful to the Jaguar C-X17

rear-wheel drive agility and handling

Smart devices make living life easier. The

concept car acclaimed aesthetic standards,

character but can seamlessly transfer up to

all-new F-PACE also brings the world debut

perfect proportions and smooth lines highlight

50 per cent torque to the front wheels to

of Jaguar’s Activity Key. A waterproof,

the charm of the Jaguar brand.

exploit the performance benefits of extra traction, on all surfaces and in all weathers. The F-PACE is the most practical Jaguar sports car. With the 380PS supercharged V6 petrol engine sourced from the F-Type, the all-new F-Pace can reach a limited top speed of 250km/h with 0-100km/h acceleration in just 5.5 seconds. The double wishbone and Integral Link

LifeStyle 49

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The Gentleman on the Sea Editor/Text: Angelina Photos: Sunseeker

1969年,Robert Braithwaite 和John






(Poole Power Boats),1985年改名为










盾。2015年1月,Phil Popham被任命






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台以及整整比115 Yacht多出一倍座椅的豪





San Remo,到奢华的Manhattan系列和标





116 Yacht延续了圣汐经典的深V型,不


遵循“俱乐部”的理念,116 Yacht的前




最高速度遨游(发动机可选),116 Yacht









2015年伦敦游艇展上很多人亲眼目睹 了圣汐最新款116 Yacht的彩色布局图,在


圣汐全球销售总监Sean Robertson说:

建的116 Yacht有望于2016年春天下水,其





艇而感到自豪,116 Yacht夺目的线条和更

示了圣汐下一代100 (英尺)以上型号的











继115 Yacht获得巨大成功后,116 Yacht在同样的工程平台上打造,并将带来


后的游艇上实现。116 Yacht是2016年年初




P050-055-PWSH1-C6.indd 52

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on the south coast of England, Sunseeker

the result of an uncompromising approach


employs 2000 people and produces

to innovative design and engineering

Originally named Poole Power Boats, the

around 150 boats every year ranging from

excellence. Never settling for second best,

company was founded by brothers Robert

40-155 feet. Demand for the company’s

it is this spirit of excellence that has driven

and John Braithwaite in 1969. The company

larger models continues to grow year-

Sunseeker to its pre-eminent position in the

changed its name to Sunseeker International

on-year with more than 100 yachts over

leisure marine industry today.

in 1985 and has since become a global icon,

100 feet in length already delivered.

Sunseeker International has released the

with every Sunseeker being the result of an

Buyers have benefitted from the company’s

first exclusive CGI images of the eagerly

uncompromising and unmatched approach to

‘Bespoke’ customisation service which

anticipated new 116 Yacht currently under

design, craftsmanship and performance.

allow individual customers to personalize

production in Dorset, UK. The stunning next

In August 2013 a majority stake in the

their yacht. Working very closely with

generation superyacht is set for launch in

business was acquired by Wanda Group,

highly professional dealer representation

Spring 2016. Its elegant lines, open plan

the Beijing headquartered conglomerate with

in over 60 countries, service and product

layout and stylish interiors showcase the

strong footprints across China, Europe and

support are key priorities in maintaining

new design direction that Sunseeker’s next

the US. Wanda Group is a committed long

customer satisfaction.

generation of 100ft+ models will take. It

term shareholder providing strong financial

The Sunseeker range constantly sets

also underlines the group’s commitment to

and strategic backing for Sunseeker’s

new standards and benchmarks. From the

bringing more exciting new products to the

continuing growth and success. In January

sporty Portofino, San Remo and Sport Yacht

market, and continuing to invest in cutting

2015, they appointed Phil Popham as the

models, through its luxurious Manhattan

edge technical and design innovation.

company’s new Chief Executive Officer.

range, iconic Predator models, and its

The 116 Yacht shares the proven

majestic Yachts range; each Sunseeker is

engineering platform of the hugely popular

From its manufacturing base in Dorset

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115 Sport Yacht, but brings a spectacularly

owner’s accommodation with maximum

reimagined new deck and superstructure

privacy. Full-height glass in the saloon

design. The new images give a tantalizing

also combines with sleek cut away deck

first glimpse of the rakish looks and unique

bulwarks to flood the living accommodation

design layout that make this the ultimate boat

with natural daylight, bringing an

for entertaining in style.

astonishing sense of size and space to the

In keeping with that theme, the foredeck

interior for a yacht of its size.

has been developed into a whole

The aft cockpit lounge area, bar and

entertainment area of its own, with a new

bathing platform are designed with a

‘Club’ concept and the option of a large

sociable ‘Beach Club’ feel in mind. Extra

hot tub. The flybridge itself boasts a huge

touches like the platform level seating and

retractable sunroof and an exceptionally

hidden platform shower give everything

generous seating and dining area,

owners and their guests need to relax and

with space for a wet bar, sun-loungers,

enjoy the water in style and comfort. The

companion helm seating, and standard

stern garage has plenty of room for a large

hot tub. An electronically operated carbon

tender and two jet skis.

fibre gull-wing door also provides easy

Based on the classic Sunseeker deep V

access for crew from the wheelhouse to the

hull, the 116 Yacht still has performance

exterior side deck.

at its heart, whether cruising at 16-

Inside, the 116 Yacht’s most eye-catching

18 knots or sprinting at up to 26 knots

new design features include larger and

(depending on engine option). Standard

lower windows in the full beam master

guest configuration is for ten guests in five

stateroom, creating bigger, brighter

cabins, with up to five crew members, but

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this can be flexed depending on the layout and options selected.

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“Like all our next wave of superyachts, every element of the 116’s design and layout

Sean Robertson, Sales Director at

can be individually tailored through our unique

Sunseeker International said: "Sunseeker

‘Bespoke’ service, which we’ve developed to

prides itself on producing the world’s finest

meet the needs of all our discerning customers

luxury performance motor yachts, and

around the globe. As the second of two larger

the new 116 Yacht achieves that goal in

models we have set for launch in early 2016,

stunning fashion. Its striking lines and more

it really highlights our commitment to keep

open plan layout hint at the new design

investing in exciting new models which lead

direction that will influence our new crop of

the way in technical and design innovation;

100ft+ models, but it remains quintessentially

providing our customers with the best possible

and unmistakeably a Sunseeker.

choice within their chosen size range.”

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Return of Realism in Contemporary Art Editor/Text: Abner Jiang Photos: Christie’s & Poly



平台“First Open”,10年来“First Open”











“+86开创(First Open)”专场,却抢了














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York during First Open on the occasion



of its 10th anniversary, and later it was



launched in London and Hong Kong.



Featuring 30 Chinese contemporar y



artists, the programme not only attracted a


In the Chinese art market arena, auctions

large number of mainland buyers but also


are facing challenges to maintain value and

from other parts of Asia, Europe and the


achieve their own characteristics to stand

Americas, setting records.


out from others. Since 2008, contemporary

Christie’s has successfully completed its

本次‘+86 First Open’拍卖成绩的鼓舞和

Chinese art market has been reformed

first auction in Mainland China. After three

启发,佳士得计划于中东推出‘+971 First

and has directly affected the falling prices,

days of gala events, exhibitions, forums


but in fact, the underlying adjustments

and private sales, culminated in the auction,


involve the reviews and identification of

Christie's achieved total sales of RMB 138

artistic significance, therefore it needs

million reaching a sell-through rate of 97%.

a new reinterpretation of the concept of

The “Purple Air by Lui Wei achieved the

contemporary Chinese art.

highest sale figure at RMB 3.63 million.

保利拍卖十周年 对于北京保利现当代艺术部来讲,一

In addition, the top three “Stiff Remains”

方面是继续推出优势板块,比如现当代艺 术夜场和新绘画专场;另一方面则是弥补

Christle’s launches +86 First Open

(Chinese, B.1977) by Qiu Xiaofei at the


Christie’s held its Shanghai Autumn

price of RMB 1.6 million and “Dream and


sales achieving a total of RMB 70 million.

Somnus” (Chinese, B.2012) by Tu Hongtao,


Before the autumn auction, the “+86 First

at the price of RMB 1.9 million.


Open” programme took place in Shanghai.

Jussi Pylkkanen, Christie’s Global


The inaugural +86 was launched in New

President, commented: “Christie‘s is

对于二十世纪早期油画,保利此次重 推陈荫罴、吴大羽、吴冠中、林风眠等四 个专题,陈荫罴作为一个并不是普及性特 别强的艺术家,推出了其6件代表作;吴冠 中专题是本场的重中之重,推出了他的7张 作品,其中包括水彩、油画和线描作品; 保利此次重点推出了吴大羽其中的一张油 画风景题材作品,这张作品是从北美私人 藏家处征集过来的,在吴大羽的权威出版 中都有这件作品,吴大羽把这件作品命名 为《春在》。另外,林风眠专题比较特殊 的就是其7件作品都是风景题材的作品,这 是和以往的戏剧人物、仕女题材有所不同 的。中国当代艺术部分则是尤为难得的征 集到了张晓刚的代表作——大家庭系列作 品,还有曾梵志的面具代表作之一等。 在抽象绘画部分,尚扬专题是本次拍卖 中的重点,《95大风景-4》是尚扬“大风 景”系列的重要作品,艺术家大胆运用拼 贴式的形式对自然风景进行“诊断”,极 具艺术批判性,又不失文人气质;《董其

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proud to be in Shanghai and to continue

including George Chan, Wu Guanzhong,

with a successful and innovative auction

Lin Fengmian and more. George Chan,

The abstract painting this time was

programme. This season the ’+86 First

a relatively low profile in the international

focused on large-scale series, “95 Great

Open’ auction presented an exciting new

arena, is representing the auction though

Landscape-4” by Shang Yang; he uses

wave of Chinese contemporary artists, and

six amazing pieces. Wu Guanzhong

collage and mechanically printed reproduced

was enthusiastically welcomed by collectors

presented seven top priority debuting art

images on his already mature “the Great

around the world. We feel confidence in

pieces, including watercolor, oil painting

Landscape”. “Dong Qing Project-12”

these great talents who have found a world

and pencil. Poly Auction “Spring” by Wu

represented the “Dong Qichang Project”,

stage, resonating with global collectors

Dayu was brought from North American

a summarization of his “Big Scener y

who will continue in their support of these

private collector. Seven fine selections of

Series”. Shang Yang’s pieces are rare to be

Chinese artists. Inspired by these results of

Lin‘s paintings of women, one of his favorite

auctioned on the second market. In addition,

the ‘+86 First Open’ sale, Christie’s plans

subjects. A part of the Chinese contemporary

“H” and “place substantially symmetrical

to launch a ’+971 First Open’ sale in the

art is a special rare collection magnum opus

landscape -2” by Shang Yang were also

Middle East which will pave the way for

from Zhang Xiaogang and Mask series by

presented in this autumn auction.

contemporary Chinese artist Zeng Fanzhi.

many thrilling opportunities to expand to other markets such as India”. Poly Auction Tenth Anniversary Beijing Poly Auction brings modern and contemporary art, the first section continues launching superior pieces, for example in Modern and Contemporary Arts Evening Sale and in other sections offering pieces like 20 Century Chinese fine oil painting. Modern and Contemporary Arts Evening Sale features 60 items, including early 20th Century oil paintings, contemporary art, abstract art and classic Chinese painting. Department of Chinese and Asian Modern and Contemporary Art will present works by various masters of Chinese modern art

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纵观已结束的几场重量级拍卖会,今年秋拍强势依旧,除了成交总额续写辉煌外,另 外一个显著的特点就是:天价频现,拍卖记录不断。 Looking at the influential closed auctions, this autumn has been strong, not only by its positive and brilliant turnover, but also for its significant trends and continuous auction records.

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Verdant Heart Editor/Text: Abner Jiang Photo:Zoomart

“心·生”展览近日于Zoomart艺术馆开 幕,作为“心脏”的心,是唯一伴随生命从


Meanwhile, as a symbol of human soul, the


heart also takes the metaphorical meanings



of consciousness, intelligence and centre



core. No matter in which case, the heart



plays an indispensable role in our lives. It



makes mankind existence in both physical



and spiritual ways. Verdant is a prolific



adjective often associated with meanings



of fresh and green, plants and grass,



lush vegetation, as well as immaturity



and simplicity. Young artists are just like



growing plants, they are unripened, simple,



raw, yet flourished with energy and vitality.



In their developing and uplifting stage,


As one of the vital organs, the heart

these young people, who are ceaselessly


supplies blood and oxygen to all parts of

amazed by the world around them, are


the body and keeps human-being alive.

constantly searching for new approaches

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to express their authentic life experiences

unique and varied, yet collectively uplifting

and disclose their unique psychical world.

and inspirational. These vivid artworks

The true meanings of being a good artist,

demonstrate the personal adventures of

and the definition of good art are always

those young artists. All of their works

controversial, however, the process in

emanate a fresh aura of exuberant

searching for these answers is meaningful

youthfulness, which come along with the

and enchanting itself. As an old saying

genuine feelings lead by artists’ heart. The

goes, “It is not the destination, but the

audiences spontaneously resonate with

journey that matters most.”

these vivid works of art. We are looking

The art pieces from Verdant Heart can

forward to witnessing the growth of these

be seen as the dazzling footprints made

young people and how they could surprise

by those vibrant young artists during

us again on their journey of exploration

their life journeys. They are individually

before long.

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Qi Fayu: A Free Spirit Dancing in the World Editor/Text: Abner Jiang Photos: Qi Fayu

艺术家是痛苦的,艺术家又是快乐的。他生活在现实与梦幻 的两个世界里。 所谓的理想、道德及至日常生活经验,都是对人的精神本质 需求的桎梏。唯有人的无意识、梦幻乃至精神错乱才是人类精神 的真正活动。艺术是充满幻想的心灵能够自由舞蹈的世界,是现 实生活中备受压抑的精神得以慰藉的栖息地。 绘画过程中,亓法雨有意识地与现实世界隔绝,表现出对 现实世界的不服与不屑,封闭在自己的内心世界中。他笔下的形

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象完全是在自由与偶发中形成的,是在直觉指挥下的舞蹈。这些 “怪兽”正向我们伸出援助之手,使我们有力量去对抗厄运。粗 狂干劲的笔触,明快、响亮而又清澈的色彩关系始终是他作品的 动人之处,更是作为寻找欢乐的象征。 亓法雨才华惊人,他不仅是个画家,在书法与陶艺、雕塑方 面都取得令人瞩目的成绩。绘画的魅力是一种感觉得到却又说不 清的东西,用语言去分析绘画,则显得无能为力。所以,他表达 什么,是他的自由,你看到什么,是你的智慧。

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Pain for an artist can be happiness. They live in both reality and fantasy worlds. Ideals, morality and life experiences are the essence of human spirit, furthermore only unconscious and delirium human are able to achieve their real spirit. Art is the spirit that dances in the world of fantasy, the real world experiences represses the spirit and creates habits. In the process of paining, Qi Fayu consciously isolated the real world and realizes its inner side; this creates a free and episodic form that rises the intuition and commands the dance of the spirit. “The Monster” reaches his hand to me to help, and gives strength to fight against bad luck. The brush moves with violent moves from beginning to end, relation of colors is loud and clear and the work of art symbolizes the joy. Qi Fayu’s talents are remarkable, such as paint, calligraphy, ceramic and sculptures. The true charm of paintings is a kind of feeling that can be achieved through the analysis of the art itself. That is why he believes that his own creations reflect the eyes of the beholder.

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Yang Dongying: A Fine Life Editor/Text: Abner Jiang Photos: Yang Dongying

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experience and thoughtful process, Yang



Dongying‘s works seem to constantly ask a



questions, just like his work, Ocean Waves.

Yang Dongying was interested in the

Our age and temperament might change


aesthetic of religion when he first got

throughout the years, but the ability to


in touch with Buddhism, Foist studies,

speculate will remain constant. This piece


along with other religious studies and

takes the form of ocean waves, but upon


philosophical beliefs. He was particularly

further inspection, it simulates the ups and


influenced by these wisdom and Buddhist

downs of life. During the course of life, one


aesthetics, these ideals greatly affected Yang

would constantly be influenced by different


Dongying‘s work and sense of value as well

individuals, and changes would occur to


as philosophy of life.

one’s self. Strong personality accompanies


用最根本的雕塑形体语言加以凝练以暗喻 自我的本初状态。

He used Buddhist esthetics as foundation

youth, represented by the waves in the

to create his works Moon Palace and

piece. Time wears big personalities down


Samsara. People generally consider

just like the mountain placed by the waves,


Samsara to be a superstitious religious

persistently standing and refusing to budge.


belief, but Yang Dongying believes it to

The greatest exemplification of Yang


be an expression, modest and courteous

Dongying’s installations is its practical


attitude by forgoing ego and completely

functionality. Combining artistic styling and


abandoning arrogance. Yang Dongying

the practicality of a thurible as portrayed in


learns more about the multi-layers of himself

his work Mt. Huashan in a Dream. It creates


through different ways of expression. To

an illusion of a mountain amidst clouds,


strengthen his experience, Yang Dongying

leaving people with an endless room for


did not choose to portray it with the usual

insight and imagination. Yang Dongying


approach, instead he chose to take the art

also wishes that his work can bring a


form itself as a base, along with the most

sense of simple elegance, tranquility and


basic structure and language of sculpture as

transcendence. The work itself conveys his


a metaphor of the primitive state of oneself.

own spiritual and emotional pursuits through


Zen is a unique state of mind of traditional

a combination of artistic sculpture and


Chinese Zen Buddhism, focusing in increase

P066-067-PWSH1-C6.indd 67

practical installation.

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Diamond-shaped Research Facility Editor/Text: Zoya Monafati Photos: Woods Bagot

全新自由的实验室建筑旨在促进医学领域的合作和发展,吸引全世界优秀的研究人员 An institute set to be a world-class center of research excellence. 70

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视野佳,同时又舒适的内部环境。 室内色彩的选用旨在使工作环境光线充足,生机勃勃。选择有 限的建筑材料使建筑表皮可以产生光影的互动,并使空间在一天中 的不同时间具有不同的氛围。永久性墙体和灵活的家具构件为室内 增添了色彩,这些家具可以在日后移走,以适应用户的需求。 SAHMRI的建筑形式得到了公众的认可,它成为了阿德莱德公 共场地中绿化带的一部分,与周边的环境无缝交互,包括阿德莱 德的公共交通线、自行车道和步行交通网络。SAHMRI的底层被架 空,构成了开放的地面层,不破坏景观的完整性,并将建筑向公众 伍兹贝格建筑事务所设计的“南澳大利亚健康和医疗研究中






国内外研究人员,其雕塑般的外形格外引人注目。 SAHMRI的表皮酷似松果,独特的三角形斜肋构架立面将各个 建筑平面统一在一起,构成有机的菱形形状,同时围合出内部的两

伍兹贝格设计及建设团队秉承生态可持续发展的理念,将 SAHMRI打造成灵活、绿色且适应性强的体量——这也是澳大利亚 首个获得LEED金质认证的实验室建筑。


The new South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute


(SAHMRI) is the most significant development in health and medical


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research for South Australia in the 21st century. Built alongside the new Royal Adelaide Hospital in the city’s West End, the building creates a new health and research precinct. Designed by Woods Bagot, the SAHMRI compromises a total area of approximately 30,000-square-meters and accommodates up to 700 researchers from South Australia and around the world. The sculpture qualities of SAHMRI’s form aim to attract interest, inspire and promote the buildings function. The building's form is further expressed by its unique triangulated diagrid facade inspired by the skin of a pine cone. The form and its articulated skin adapt and respond to its environment, becoming a living organism by the design of the sun shades responding to their location and orientation to provide the most efficient protection from the sun and heat while maintaining views and daylight. Derived from its unique site geometry and the need to create a forecourt entry adjacent to the new hospital to the west, the SAHMRI’s sculptural, iconic form is characterized by a striking transparent facade that unifies the organic diamond-shaped plan while showcasing the two atria inside the building.


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The interior palette is designed to breathe light and life into the working environment. A restrained selection of materials acknowledges the play of light created by the building skin and allows it to transform the spaces over the course of the day. Injections of colour are introduced though permanent walls and flexible furniture pieces that will be moved over time to suit the users’ needs. The built form of SAHMRI acknowledges its sense of place within the green belt of the Adelaide parklands, seamlessly interacting with its surroundings, including Adelaide’s public transport, cycling and walking networks. The architecture is lifted, creating an open ground plane in an integrated landscape, opening the building to the public as well as users, allowing greater activation and porosity through the site. Its forecourt, adjacent to the new hospital, encourages interaction and exchange by staff, visitors and the general public. SAHMRI’s design and construction team worked collaboratively to deliver a flexible, adaptable, healthy and sustainable facility which has achieved LEED GOLD rating.


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Remarkable Chinese Designer Editor/Text: Zoya Monafati Photos: DIMENSIONE CHI WING LO

华裔设计师卢志荣屡获殊荣,成为备受瞩目的华裔设计师。 Chi Wing Lo, a designer of Chinese origin who has accomplished outstanding achievements.


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卢 志 荣 是 意 大 利 家 具 品 牌

审 他的作品中表露无遗—以批判的态度审




为手工艺品注入新鲜血液。卢志荣的设计 计


突破了时间的维度,将新想法与新的可能 能


性自如地结合起来,赋予生活和场所新的 的


意义。他的作品传递着大道至简、过犹不 不



世界的广泛关注,许多早期作品即使在今 天依然备受追捧。 2007年,卢志荣受香港设计中心邀 请,为香港回归中国10周年献礼。2004 到2006年间,卢志荣担任Gioregetti(乔 吉提)艺术总监;并于2009年出任圣彼 得堡设计双年展评委会主席;同年,凭 借雅典塔式住宅(Tower House)获得密 斯·凡·德罗建筑奖提名。2010年,卢志 荣在广州佛山组织了一场国际设计会议, 并作为大会主席就“中国需要原创设计” 发表了主题演讲。今年,他又创立了“一 方”,集古今智慧之所长、融入自我感 悟,创造简单、经典的器物。 卢志荣生于香港,1988年以最佳论文 奖获得哈佛大学建筑硕士学位。他曾在纽 约雪城大学任教,是斯图加特索立突艺术 村成员,曾在多所大学担任客座评论家, 并多次出席设计活动发表演讲。从艺术、 建筑、室内到家具设计,卢志荣的项目足 迹遍布米兰、雅典、伦敦、伊斯坦布尔、 雅尔塔、迪拜、上海和北京。 2015年,DFA评委会授予卢志荣世界 杰出华人设计师奖。他丰富的情感与阅 历,精益求精和注重细节的创作态度都从


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Kong’s unification with China. He was the

a brand of furniture designed and made in

art director for Giorgetti from 2004-2006

Italy under his close direction, Lo has been

and was the chairman of the jury for the St.

effectively pursuing design in Italy for nearly

Petersburg Design Biennale in 2009. His

two decades. His works have long been

tower house in Athens was nominated for

recognized in and beyond the well-known

the Mies van der Rohe Prize in Architecture

cycle of contemporary Italian design. In

in 2009. At Foshan, Guangzhou, in 2010,

2006, Lo was among the Italian Delegates to

he organized and chaired an international

transmit the spirit of Italian design in Russia.

design conference on a theme addressing the

His desire for timelessness has brought his

need of original design in China. This year,

designs to worldwide attention and a large

he also founded 1ness to unite wisdom and

number of his previous works continue to be

sensibility of past and present by creating

much sought after today.

objects that are lasting, simple and essential.

In 2007, Lo was invited by the Hong

Brought up in Hong Kong, Lo received

Kong Design Centre to contribute a design

his Master Degree in Architecture from

to honor the tenth anniversary of Hong

Harvard University with the best thesis prize


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in 1988. He had taught at the Syracuse

Dubai, Shanghai and Beijing.

of traditional productions and rejuvenation

University, NY, and had been a member of

DFA’s Judging Panel has honored him

of crafts to innovative use of materials.

the Akademie Schloss Solitude in Stuttgart.

DFA World’s Outstanding Chinese Designer

Lo’s designs always embrace timelessness

Served as a visiting critic in different

Award 2015. Chi Wing Lo’s designs awe

and effortless synthesis of ideas and new

universities and a frequent speaker in design

across the fields of architecture, sculpture,

possibilities, and rigorous reinterpretation

events, Lo has a multidisciplinary practice,

and interior and furniture design. His

of life and place. Also, through his creative

integrating art, architecture, interior and

creations and objects reflect this sensibility

works, one gets to comprehend that

furniture designs for exclusive projects in

and resourcefulness, refinement in ideas and

simplicity can be enriching and being

Milan, Athens, London, Istanbul, Yalta,

attention to every detail from re-examination

adequate can be more than sufficient.


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建筑 家居

Structure Furniture



Fashionable Interiors by Luxury Brands Editor/Text: Zoya Monafati Photos: Courtesy of All Brands

“家居装饰和时装一样,其核心竞争力都取决于面料和设计两个关键点” “Fashion and home décor share two critical core competencies in textiles and design”

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Ralph Lauren的家居用品由全球各地











Ralph Lauren(拉尔夫·劳伦)自成一







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Ralph Lauren

Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren Ralph Lauren


phrase to speculate extensions by fashion

presentation. This brand has already


brands, outside their known expertise. It’s

turned into a symbol of luxury, style and


not exceptional for luxury goods to branch

an incarnation of the success itself. For


out into sporting equipment, branded

over 30 years, the brand has been making


hotels, hotel suite designs and restaurants.

one of a kind furniture collections, decor,


But one of the most common extensions is

lighting and fabrics that can compliment


the entry of fashion brands into the design

and frame the most extraordinary interiors.


and production of high-end home wares.

Ralph Lauren Home Decor is a mix of


Fashion and home décor share two critical

modern classics and Hollywood chic, the


core competencies in material and design.

glorious “American aristocratism”, a style

LifeStyle presents luxury fashion brands

Here we introduce two out of various

that rules the time.

that have launched home product

fashion brands that have extended into

collections. Extravagant way of life is

luxury home products.

becoming a much called-upon catch

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Ralph Lauren does not need any

Ralph Lauren fabrics are woven by experienced artisans from around the world guaranteeing that they are of top

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Ralph Lauren

quality. With a great variety of fabrics in

made the move back in 2000 by

collection was inspired by the aesthetics

the collection, including everything from

presenting Armani/Casa, a sophisticated

of the Twenties and the Thirties, presenting

Italian jacquard to Scottish wool tartan

design collection that has kept on to

the sound jacquards, velvet and damask

and Belgian linen, a great number of

develop since its conception. Giorgio

alongside with delicate silks.

possibilities for the interior are created.

Armani has set out his vision of living

Armani/Casa collections manifest the

Ralph Lauren Home collections reflect

space: intimate, unique and cozy. The

traditional style of the brand—an ultra-

his particular way of life, taste and

collection includes furniture, accessories,

modern interpretation of the classics,

vision of how modern prosperous people

fabrics, decorations and lighting as well

laconic forms leaving all the glory to the

would like to live. The materials for new

as modular bathroom arrangement and a

sophisticated finishes, stunning textiles and

collections are chosen with great scrutiny

complete kitchen system.

flawless details.

Amidst his 15 years of presence,

We love these magnificent interior

Armani/Casa has demonstrated its well-

design collections; however, it’s simply the

The other luxury brand is the Italian

earned position of the world leader on

tip of an iceberg when it comes to home

fashion house Giorgio Armani, which

the remarkable interiors’ market. The first

collections by luxury fashion brands.

every season as they are the bodies to show the spirit of the new collection.

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Details Mean Everything Editor/Text: Laura Photos: Courtesy of All Hotels

随着人们对酒店的诉求越来越高,它不再只满足于硬件的现代感,以及软件上的高品质。一间酒店还 需要提供一种文化,让人爱上那种无形之中的内涵。 As people’s demands rapidly increase, hotels no longer satisfy customers with just modern facilities and top-class amenities. Nowadays, a hotel needs to provide culture that makes people fall in love with that intangible meaning.


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南京圣和府邸豪华精选酒店 The Grand Mansion, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Nanjing 南京是中国四大古都之一,也是闻名的学府之城,拥有悠久



址的六朝博物馆和著名的总统府仅一步之遥。158 间装潢精美的










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人定制独一无二的目的地观光之旅,倾情分享南京本地风情。 酒店的设计取灵感于南京作为明朝以及民国时期首都的两个 重要历史时期,建筑与室内装潢分别由享誉国际的贝聿铭贝氏建 筑事务所和HBA公司设计,收藏有大量精美绝伦的艺术品、手工 刺绣,华丽瓷器和引人入胜的逾万册历史文化书籍,力求打造出 华贵人士私人府邸的意境。 One of the four great ancient capitals of China, Nanjing, is a city with a long history and rich cultural heritage, as well as home to top rated universities in China. A magnificent city wall still surrounds most of Nanjing, which boasts tree-lined boulevards,

chic cafes and historical museums set amidst a beautiful landscape of lakes, forested parks and rivers. If you want the most intuitive understanding of the city, ideally located on the historic Chanjiang Road, The Grand Mansion, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Nanjing might be the best choice. Evoking the residential feel of a private noble home of the nation’s founding father Sun Yat Sen, the hotel is steps away from the iconic Presidential Palace and right next door to the Oriental Metropolitan Museum on the archeological site of the Jiankang Palace. The Grand Mansion features 158 luxuriously appointed guestrooms, each designed to capture Nanjing’s profound history and rich cultural legacy. The hotel also features The Travellers' Library which is one of China's largest hotel libraries with a vast collection of books as well as local antiques and global treasures. The Grand Mansion offers The Luxury Collection Concierge service to guide discerning guests in their exploration and unlocking of the very best of the destination, with local experts ready to customize walking and driving tours of Min Guo-era architecture and historical residences in and around Nanjing. Led by I.M. Pei Architects with HBA Interior Design, the hotel’s design draws inspiration from Nanjing’s time as the nation’s capital during its Ming-dynasty apogee and then again as the capital of the Republic of China in the early twentieth century. The Grand Mansion, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Nanjing boasts an extensive art collection, handcrafted textiles, opulent chinaware and a compelling collection of books on local history and culture.


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青城山六善酒店 Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain 成都青城山拥有丰富久远的历史及文化,风景秀丽的同时,



Qing Cheng Mountain region is a veritable treasure trove filled


with historic, scenic, cultural and fascinating things to explore.


Just a short drive from the resort is the Panda Valley, where 30


adult bears and cubs call home. Guests can enjoy a cultural


outing to the ancient town of Jiezi, have a cup of tea amongst


historical architecture, watch Sichuan Opera and sample local


specialties, each activity brings delight. Six Senses Qing Cheng


Mountain is located at the picturesque gateway to the majestic


Qing Cheng Mountains, and is the first Chinese resort for the Six


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Senses brand in China. Design aesthetics are a brilliant amalgam of the inimitable Six Senses approach of clean, uncluttered and organic, together with the undeniable senses of place amplified by rich cultural elements. Antique Chinese-inspired, locallymade furniture and exposed beams impart traditional heritage touches. Finely paneled walls are complemented by classic rattan fittings and accents, creating a calmative symphony of lightness and space. Six Senses Qing Cheng Mountain is surrounded by tranquil elegance of the mountains providing magnificent holiday experience for guests of all ages.


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成都博舍 The Temple House 除了广为人知的酒店集团,那些极具个性的精品酒店更懂得如

Temple House is an integral part of the Chengdu Daci Temple


Cultural and Commercial Complex that surrounds historic Daci

洲区的第五家酒店,同时也是继香港奕居及北京瑜舍后The House

Temple. The hotel features contemporary architectural style,


designed with respect for traditional Chengdu culture, and is


set in a beautifully restored hundred-year-old Chinese courtyard


building first built in the Qing Dynasty. Advocated to art, The


Temple House reflects outstanding art collections throughout the


hotel. On the ground floor of Bitieshi the gallery is managed


by respected Chengdu art gallery Thousand Plateaus, where


collection of contemporary art changes on a quarterly basis.


Throughout the public spaces indoors and outdoors, the hotel


features 12 art pieces from eight renowned artists from Asia,


including a wide range of mediums, digital art, installations,

Following the successful launch of The Opposite House in

sculptures and paintings, giving guests a chance to embark on a

Beijing and The Upper House in Hong Kong, Swire Hotels

unique artistic journey. No matter where guests are in the hotel,

unveiled its third House, The Temple House in Chengdu. The

they will come across art that can inspire and delight their day.


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今旅酒店 Hotel Jen 针对越来越年轻的住客,很多酒店推出更加年轻与便捷的服

brand of style and service delivery designed to appeal to a ‘New


Jeneration’ of independently minded business and leisure travellers


emphasizing on Fresh, Friendly and Fuss-free experience. Stress-


free ease and simplicity are reflected in the overall Hotel Jen stay


experience through the informal and friendly check-in, stay, check-


out and on-going contact. A sense of belonging is reflected through a


brand persona concept that positions guests as 'friends of Jen', with


a caring and respectful service standard communicated by staff in


an enthusiastic, helpful and engaging way. The Hotel Jen 'informed


and friendly' service style guides guests to the best of where they are,


through local restaurant recommendations, under-the-radar sights

For more and more younger clientele, numerous hotels have

and unusual boutiques. In terms of food, Hotel Jen keeps Shangri-la

launched dynamic and convenient services, to let guests experience

brand’s standards. What is special to the hotel is their breakfast. If

a new way to stay. For those reasons, Shangri-la International Hotel

you are in a hurry, a free coffee and snack-box-to-go after breakfast

Management Ltd. has revealed its new brand. Hotel Jen is a unique

and grab-and-go kiosks are available to the guests.


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Gleneagles Gleneagles 苏格兰高地是一片风景壮美的神奇之地,苍茫的高地以及淳朴

Gleneagles Hotel opened in 1924 it was described as "a Riviera in


the Highlands" and "the eighth wonder of the world", offering views


of vast landscapes of Scotland from each guestroom. The hotel was


built by the former Caledonian Railway Company, with its own


railway station just minutes away. The hotel was designed in the


style of a castle, and Capability Brown, the celebrated 18th century

纪英国广受赞誉的园艺大师Capability Brown建造,充分体现了当时

landscape gardener, inspired the landscaping while fully reflecting


the aesthetic taste of the British upper class society.


Gleneagles Hotel hosts one of the most popular Spa in the UK.


Featuring 20 treatment rooms, where you can relax in the crystal


steam room or hot sauna cabin, rejuvenate and inspire both your


body and mind. In addition to the pampering Spa, visitors can enjoy


a variety of exciting outdoor activities. Golf is at the very heart of


Gleneagles. While playing golf on the greens or fairways, enjoy

便在这座酒店内。米其林获奖厨师Andrew Fairlie以自己的名字为餐

the stunning vistas the courses provide. Furthermore, the hotel boasts


Scotland’s only holder of two Michelin stars. Michelin magnificence


of Andrew Fairlie serves extraordinary dishes in a stylish setting

Scottish Highlands is a magical land of spectacular scenery, vast

named in his honor. He selects outstanding ingredients from Perth's

highlands and the simplicity of the countryside seems like a flowing

local markets and around the world to prepare meals that will live

image. Set amid gently rolling hills in the heart of Scotland, when

long in the memory.


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Uma Paro Uma Paro Uma Paro不仅是一座豪华的住所,更是探险者的乐园。传

include stone, wood and tiles – handcrafted, using age-old

统手艺制造的石头、木材和瓦片构建起了Uma Paro度假村的外

techniques. The hotel is surrounded by rice paddies, wheat fields,


trout-filled streams and scattered settlements. When staying in

其中,偶尔也有散落的民居映入眼帘。入住Uma Paro,让疲惫的

Uma Paro, exhausted mind and body come to relaxation, while


various entertainment activities and excursion arrangements for


a peaceful vacation add a touch of vitality. In addition to daily

外,Uma Paro还推出了时长不一的Druk Path远足和过夜露营活

yoga classes, Uma Paro offers Druk Path hiking and overnight


camping to allow visitors experience the best of local attractions.


At the property, English-speaking, Uma-trained local guides

Uma Paro is not only a luxurious residence but paradise for explorers. The resort’s façade is made up of materials which

provide intelligent access to the region’s land and culture, the captivating and magical beauty of nature.

Café Royal Hotel Café Royal 伦敦一些历史悠久的酒店将古典的建筑与现代的设计相结合,

heritage with contemporary design, are rooted in the history and


culture of its location as well as the contemporary needs and desires

摄政街的Café Royal酒店本身就是伦敦的设计界Icon,融合了建筑

of its guests. An icon of design itself, Hotel Café Royal is located


on Regent’s Street. With its contemporary yet refined style, the hotel


makes a perfect place to explore British classics and creativity. Hotel

都集中在酒店The Club—伦敦唯一一家设于酒店中的私人俱乐部

Café Royal itself is home to its own private collection of stunning


contemporary art, most notably within The Club at Café Royal,


London’s only private member’s club within a hotel. In addition,

London is a city of gentlemen and great sense of design. Some hotels situated in existing landmark buildings, combining architectural

The Gallery at the hotel plays host to ever-changing exhibitions and installations by up-and-coming artists with potential.

Chiva-Som Chiva-Som 度假,除了散漫地度过时光,放松紧张的身心,如果还能获

drive from Bangkok. The resort is known as the luxury destination


health resort, and over the years has won numerous awards from


travel media around the world. Chiva-Som, meaning “haven of

村,多年以来荣获世界各地旅游媒体的各种奖项。 Chiva-Som在

life”, combines ancient therapies of the East with Western diagnosis


techniques to encompass the mind, body and spirit. Besides


beautiful and tranquil holiday environment, Chiva-Som provides


up to 150 treatments, including fitness, Spa, yoga, tai chi, Pilates


and personal training classes, as well as complementary therapies


and medical services. Personalized programmes and treatments


are available for everyone from weight management and stress


reduction to skin rejuvenation and longevity. Spa Cuisine will


introduce you to the freshest produce while all meals are healthy,

Chiva-Som is located in the Royal city of Hua Hin, a three-hour

oil-free and do not contain artificial flavorings.


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酒店内的罗宴韩式餐厅,是体验高品位正宗韩国佳肴的绝佳 之选。室内设计由包括Peter Remedios和多位韩国顾问组成的设计 团队操刀,选用传统韩式风格、图案和物料,与新罗酒店的整体 设计一脉相成,糅合现代时尚风格及传统韩式典雅,加上选用韩 国传统工艺点缀,缔造与众不同的舒适轻松氛围。餐厅严选优质 时令食材,并以现代的烹调手法诠释韩国历史悠久菜色及食谱, 尽显经典韩餐的精髓。罗宴虽然已自创多款独特名菜,但同时仍 坚守韩国美食的传统,推动本土饮食文化,并引以为傲。罗宴的 招牌菜是碳烤Dry–Aged牛肉配韩式沙拉。此菜色所选用的牛肉为 韩国本土顶级Dry-Aged牛肉,在位于酒店内的牛扒贮藏房以1-4度 下风干45日,使肉质变得柔软,而且肉味更浓。 值得一提的是,酒店附近就有著名的新罗免税店首尔店,名 品包及奢华手表,珠宝,化妆品及饰品,方便一站式购物。1986 年成立的韩国新罗免税店隶属于韩国三星集团,是韩国最具代表 性的免税店。目前在韩国已经拥有2家市中心门店(首尔店、济州 店)、2家机场店(仁川机场、金浦机场)以及网上免税店。新罗 免税店首尔店还为满足中国顾客购物和韩国旅行的需求全年提供 个性化的服务及各种优惠活动。打车前来首尔店的顾客还可获赠 打车费用,另外根据购买金额赠送由韩国旅行必备品组成的新罗 畅游礼包。 Each country has a hotel that has witnessed and reflects history through its historical settings. The Shilla Seoul hotel is one of those “landmark hotels”. The name, The Shilla, is originated from the ancient Shilla Dynasty in Korea, known for its splendid arts and culture which marked the golden age of painting. The Shilla’s contemporary Korean makeover was created by international


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新罗酒店 The Shilla Seoul 每个国家大概都会有这样的酒店:坐拥历史悠久的建筑,








新工程由国际设计名师Peter M. Remedios操刀,完整地继承了新





2002年作大规模翻新,并由顶尖巴黎室内设计大师Atelier OD、


小川纯一及Christine Duthilleul操刀,用上浅色调丝绸、精心打磨








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designer Peter M. Remedios of Remedios Siembieda, fully

design and materials, a blend of modern style traditional Korean-

inheriting the The Shilla hotel's 30 years of authentic Korean

style elegance, plus the selection of traditional craft embellishment,

essence and tradition, as well as accumulated reputation. The

created with a different, comfortable and relaxed atmosphere.

hotel encapsulates a contemporary Korean style through the use

Using the highest quality local and seasonal ingredients, La Yeon

of granite and lotus flower shapes, while capturing a luxurious

interprets traditional cooking methods into contemporary tastes,

ambience with leather, wood, fabrics and light. Set on 23 acres

filling the essence of classical Korean cuisine. La Yeon restaurant

of landscaped gardens, the Shilla Seoul hotel combines Korean

creates a variety of unique dishes yet stays true to traditional Korean

architecture, brilliant design and cultural antiques with modern

cooking, promoting local food culture and pride. The restaurant's

world-class luxuries as well as latest technologies.

signatures include grilled dry aged-beef served with Korean salad.

The Shilla Seoul is recognized for its legendary service and time-

The beef is dry-aged for 45 days in the hotel's storage room with

honored hospitality and has been the preferred lodging for royalty,

the temperature varying between one to four degrees so the meat

heads of state, dignitaries, celebrities, leaders and decision makers.

becomes tender and more delicious.

The hotel hosts North and South Wings on the 22nd floor, with

It is worth mentioning that the hotel is close to the famous Seoul

Presidential suites on each side. The North Wing Presidential Suite

Shilla Duty Free store with top luxury brands, watches, jewelery,

features extravagant décor while providing its guests with privacy

cosmetics and more, very convenient for one-stop shopping. Part of

and convenience. The suite boasts personal butler service, Finnish

the Samsung Group, The Shilla Duty Free was founded in 1986,

sauna, in-room Jacuzzi and more advanced equipment. The South

and since then has established itself as Korea’s leading duty free

Wing’s décor is modern and features European styles including

shops. The brand runs two main department stores downtown Seoul

Venetian chandeliers and French desks. The rooms feature light

and Jeju, two flagship stores at the airports (Incheon International

colored silk, carefully polished wood, bold color dark bronze and

Airport, Gimpo Airport) as well as Online Duty Free store. To meet

white carpets, and a series of local folk arts and ceramics inspired

Chinese consumers shopping and travel needs, the Seoul Shilla Duty

from the Korean classics displayed in the Seoul museum.

Free store provides personalized service and numerous promotions

An upscale Korean restaurant at the Shilla Hotel, La Yeon serves

all year round. Customers who arrive to the store by taxi are offered

reconstructed, modern course meals that stay true to Korean

a refund, in addition, based on the purchase amount they receive

traditions. Interior design by Peter Remedios features Korean style

complimentary travel essential gifts.


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精神与文化,是一种无形的气质。 它不着痕迹,却时刻围绕,令人念念不忘。 Spirit and culture are intangible qualities, but both abstract concepts would always be present in your mind.


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The Tastes of China Editor/Text: Laura Photos: Coutersy of All Restaurants

每到春节临近,我们的心与胃似乎都泛起了乡愁,惦记起最传统也最家常的中式味道。 As the Spring Festival is approaching, our hearts and stomachs are filled with nostalgia, thinking of those Chinese traditional home-made tastes.

悬铃阁中餐厅 Xuan Ling Ge 若想品尝一下蒋氏家族的私房菜,可以选择南京圣和府邸豪

For those who want to taste the flavors drawn from the legacy


of Chiang Kai Shek, then Xuan Ling Ge restaurant at The Grand


Mansion, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Nanjing is just for you.


Honoring the celebrated leader’s family recipes, Taiwanese-born


chef serves up an enticing array of Min Guo dishes.

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湖滨28中餐厅 28 HuBin Road

黄埔会 Whampoa Club









Mentioning Suzhou, Hangzhou and Huaiyang cuisine, then

Renowned designer Alan Chan fashioned the Whampoa Club

28 HuBin Road restaurant at Hyatt Regency Hangzhou is not to be

interior as a modern take on Art Deco, “a perfect reproduction of

missed. At the restaurant, guests are more than welcome to enjoy

1930s Shanghai glamour style.” It not only reminds diners of the

traditional signature dishes such as Longjing shrimp, Beggar’s

memories of Old Shanghai, but deftly blends Chinese traditional

chicken, Dongpo pork, Mandarin fish soup and more.

cooking techniques and cutting edge innovation.

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TAN|涂鸦 Noodles and Doodles

今日牛事 The Cow’s Story









Noodles and Doodles restaurant provides diners with the purest

The Cow‘s Story sets off the beginning of Chaoshan culinary spree

organic food, while Shanghainese pasta chef prepares all kinds of

in Shanghai. The restaurant‘s layout follows a wooden pattern as

classic Chinese noodles. In order to create most authentic noodles, the

main decor, simple industrial style and gorgeous lanterns mash up

restaurant has repeatedly visited Shanghai, Sichuan, Chongqing and

whole new boundaries, making customers feel at home while dining

other places searching for selected ingredients.

in a casual and comfortable atmosphere.

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钱湖渔港 Seafood House 若要品尝海鲜,宁波柏悦酒店的钱湖渔港餐厅绝对是一个好去

To enjoy seafood, Seafood House restaurant at Park Hyatt


Ningbo Resort and Spa is definitely a place to be. Set in a


traditional Chinese noble family surrounding along the canal,


with outdoor garden and courtyard, the Seafood House signature


restaurant redefines the fish market concept by allowing guests to


choose their own “catch” from a series of preparation styles. The


restaurant serves delicacies and specialty dishes from the region –


Hangzhou and Ningbo, including the freshest live fish and seafood


from the Dong Qian Lake and East China Sea.

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聚焦 Promotion


The Flavors from Tiantai Mountains 天台山地区有着深厚的文化底蕴,当地民众来自全国四面八方,各种风土人情、习俗文化,在 此碰撞融合,给天台山带来丰富的饮食文化。若在都市中,想要品尝到这远方的天台山美食, 阳光餐饮集团便是不错的选择。 Tiantai Mountain area has a profound cultural background, where local people come from all directions, and various customs, practices and traditions are mixed together to bring a rich cultural collusion to Tiantai. Visitors, who are in the area, and want to taste distant exquisite cuisine might consider The Sunrise Group.

徐峰 阳光(餐饮)集团总裁


or the local authentic flavors, each dish


is a memorable experience. Fascinating


passion for food lays even in the smallest


towns. Since the ancient times, the small


city of Tiantai has been developing its own


food industry. People there are passionate


about food, loving the variety of flavors


and colorful ingredients; consequently,


their snacks are infused with urban and


rural flavors. The Sunrise Group is leading


the Tiantai's cuisine scene, especially with


its “Four Seasons Sunrise” and “Yin Lun


Sunrise” restaurants.



With the development of tourism in



Tianzhou, the food and beverage industry



has been naturally blooming, making the



exceptional restaurants stand out even more,



Tiantai’s famous “Four Season Sunrise ” and



“Yin Lun Sunrise” were no exception. Their



success is based on the deep knowledge of



Tiantai Mountain’s culinary culture and the



passion for food tradition.



The Sunrise Group meets the diners’



food nostalgia by creating each dish with


功后,集团又开设了杭州“一麦食府 ”和

feelings. The brand provides excellent



food preparation process and selection



of ingredients, and despite the size of the



restaurant, it continues improving their


Regardless of whether it’s the deeply

service standards with personnel coaching


influenced Chinese eight grand cuisines

plans and encouragement to deliver an

p104-105-PWSH3-G7C6.indd 104

16-1-26 上午8:58

elite service, including etiquette, food presentation, courtesy, facial expressions and more while aiming to achieve topclass international level of service. The Sunrise Group also promotes vegan culture through the green and healthy concepts. The restaurant uses vegan ingredients prepared with aromatic spices to create high-quality and tasty cuisine that perfectly blends with their pure infusion of green tea. After “Four Seasons Sunrise” and “Yin Lun Sunrise” great success, the Sunrise Group has added more branches in Hangzhou and Shanghai. Each branch delivers most authentic Tianzhou flavors despite its location, meeting every diner’s desires.

p104-105-PWSH3-G7C6b2C8.indd 105

银轮阳光大酒店 地址:浙江台州天台城关赤城路 134 号 电话 0576-83909977

上海龙岛大酒店 地址:上海市青浦区外青松公路 5633 号 电话:021-69212799

四季阳光大酒店 地址:浙江台州天台县赤城街道飞鹤路 339 号 电话:0576-83881799

杭州一麦食府 地址:杭州下城区环城北路 75 号 电话:0571-85099088

16-1-26 下午10:44

旅行 Travel


Alone Across North America Editor: Laura Text: Smile Xing Photos: Smile Xing

这是一次 32 天的长途旅行,也是一段探索北美的平凡之路。这一路,有途径都市的人文感悟,也曾自驾 到许多游人罕至的地方。一个人,用镜头记录风景,也和自己灵魂对话。 This was a 32-day long journey, and a common way to explore North America. Along the way, there were culturally renowned cities as well as places neglected by visitors. Alone, with a camera in hands , I was having a dialogue with myself.


P106-113-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 106

16-1-26 上午8:59

探索小镇 Exploring Small Towns 此次的北美之旅,并没有选择在大城市 中徜徉,而是将兴趣放在寻找一个个小镇。 从多伦多市区驱车2个半小时,来到了清澈如 洗的尼亚加拉小镇。雨后的小镇,路面清洁, 连空气都似乎鲜活了起来,让人一下子神 清 气爽—也让人对这里的大瀑布充满幻想。 下午的4:30,是观看尼亚加拉大瀑布壮丽日 落的最佳时光,你最好安排充分的时间来享


P104-111-PWSH1-C6.indd 105

16-1-25 下午3:49

旅行 Travel 受这个与水共舞的机会。来到隆隆瀑布的身






时,个人的喜爱已经不再重要,震撼之感是唯 一真切的感受。 另一个距离多伦多有两个多小时车程的

还有一个叫做皮特坡勒(Paterborough) 的小镇,其实是与它不期而遇的。事先没有 做过任何功课,计划里只是长途行程中的一















格雷文赫斯特 ,在阳光营造的一片金色中,我













P106-113-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 108

16-1-26 上午8:59


while gigantic column of water is washing

creating a perfect contrast against the


away everything on its way. At this point,

blue sky and white clouds. Although, the


personal emotions are no longer important,

Bethune Memorial House has already


the only remaining feeling is absolute shock.

closed its doors, the yard around was


Another small town more than a two-hour

clean, oak benches inside the corridor,


drive from Toronto is called Gravenhurst, a

flower pots remained intact, and lush trees


name that is hard to remember yet popular

seemed as a yellow wall surrounding

During this North American tour, I went

among Chinese tourists as it associates

the blue house. I didn't expect that the

beyond big cities exploring small towns

with Bethune, because Gravenhurts is his

Bethune Memorial House remained alive

and villages one by one. A 2.5 hour drive

hometown. When I arrived at the Toronto

throughout all these years.

from downtown Toronto takes you to a

Airport on my first day of the journey, the

Next, I headed to the small town of

clean town of Niagara-on-the-Lake. The rain

immigration officer asked for my itinerary,

Paterborough. Without doing my homework

cleared the roads making the air seem live

when I mentioned Gravenhurts, he wasn't

beforehand, it was just a little stop during

and fresh, and suddenly you feel refreshed

surprised, but instead highlighted it's

my long journey. Driving for more than

and start to fantasize about the nearby

stunning beauty. Upon my arrival to the

seven hours to get there, due to the time

waterfalls. 4:30 in the afternoon is the best

town, the sun was brightly shining as I

difference, I was exhausted. After a night of

time to watch the magnificent sunsets over

strolled around stopping at every step

rest, I woke up in the dark the next morning.

Niagara falls, and it is a rare opportunity to

to chat with the local elders about life.

The car was wrapped in a thick layer of ice,

enjoy the dancing of the water. The moment

Cheerful young men were working on the

after warming up for about ten minutes, I

you come closer to the rumbling falls, a

farms, swiping away the yellow leaves

continued my journey relying on small see

rainbow rises between heaven and earth,

and blowing away "pieces of gold"

through spot on the windshield. According


P106-113-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 109

16-1-26 上午8:59

旅行 Travel to the navigation system, I came across a



small lake on the east of the town. Driving



through the nearby railway, I came across



a wide road that lead me to a park. Empty



in the morning during sunrise, only me and



the lake mist, I was too excited to see the



red clouds and swans flying over the top of



my head. Nature naturally creates magical


受欢迎的是Hopo、Yavapai和Desert View三个

sceneries everywhere you go. Eastern



red circle began to rise above the woods,



awakening the cormorants, waterbirds and



migratory white seagulls. From the side of



the road, several local residents wearing



winter jackets and fur hats took few pictures



with old-fashioned cameras in less than ten



minutes. I was once again left alone with



nature, leaning against a tree and doing



nothing until the mist was gone.

地壳隆起,行成山脉 ,使科罗拉多高原地区



We are bombarded with information


about the big cities in the United States,


which is why this time I have chosen a



different travel path - The Grand Canyon.



The journey started with a flight from New

迷一般的大峡谷 The Extraordinary Grand Canyon


P104-111-PWSH1-C6.indd 108

16-1-25 下午3:49

Jersey to Las Vegas, then I drove four hours

years ago two tectonic plates collided

line for it's 11km route featuring nine main

to the Antelope Valley, which is located a

pushing crush to the Rocky Mountains and

landscapes, where you can get off and

few miles from the town of Page. There,

Colorado Plateau creating this magnificent

on during the trip. The Grand Canyon's

I visited the Navajo Indian Reservation.

canyon. The drive from the South to the

dazzling sunrise and sunset are worth the

Sitting in that modified car, I drove through

North Gates of the Grand Canyon National

visit. At the South Rim, the most popular

the Antelope Valley where the visibility was

Park takes around 5 hours. The park is open

settings are Hopo, Yavapai and the Desert

reduced due to dust and sand. In some of

from May to October and is closed during

View. Chinese tourist groups constantly take

the paths, the vehicle struggled with narrow

winter. Ticket for 7 days is $25 per vehicle.

the Hualapai Skywalk, which is not inside the

and dark settings. According to the locals,

This time, we entered through the south

every year during summer, direct sunlight

gate, a popular entrance for tourists,

At the Grand Canyon, you should sit

appears from 11:00 to 13:00 at noon,

it features living facilities, information

down to admire the light displays; standing

and during those hours the natural lighting

service center; it's recommended to book

on the edge of the Grand Canyon makes

creates perfect pictures.

accommodation in advance. The shuttle

people feel humble and appreciate fragile

The Grand Canyon National Park is one

bus services offer the most convenient and

life. During twilight peak, the peace will

of the most recommended places to visit by

affordable transportation across the park.

flow and the Grand Canyon will teach you

tourist. This 1904-square miles national park

The buses are identified by colors: yellow,

about life. The natural surroundings are our

was founded in 1919. Around 70 million

blue and red lines. I recommend the red

responsibility to preserve and protect.

park but 400km from the Southern margin.


P106-113-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 111

16-1-26 上午9:00

旅行 Travel 落基山脉 The Rocky Mountains

amazed by the snow-capped peaks of the

clear and simply breathtaking. While

Rocky Mountains thought the clouds from

staying for two days in Banff National


the bird’s eye view. When the plane landed

Park, the weather did not clear up, except

737飞机上向下鸟瞰,落基山脉 的皑皑雪峰

in Calgary, dark sky, freezing rain, houses

near Columbia Icefield, Bow River and

已经在薄云中向我召唤。 飞机降落在卡尔加

and trees were all covered in white glaze.

Moraine Lake; the most eye-catching was


To have a warm meal in the snowy

the Canadian Pacific Railway, completed

weather, I headed to the town of Banff

in 1885, which has witnessed the young


north of Calgary. A Korean restaurant on

country’s history. When I stood by the side


211 Bear Street is popular with tourists for

of the road, watching the endless tracks

211 Bear Street有家韩国料理店深受东南

its Southeast Asian cuisine. Beef hot pot

in the distance and thinking of the snow-


from fresh ingredients for a Chinese person

capped mountain castle, I imaged how


can be considered as physical and mental

years ago those workers put all their effort


relief when you are homesick. Continuing

to complete this remarkable project in the


the drive for another 40 minutes

world of snow and ice. For two minutes



surrounded by snow-capped mountains,

the train passed by right in front of my


you reach stunning Lake Louise. It is from

eyes dragging its long tail and looking at


that day I’ve stayed at my fourth Fairmont

the spectators who were quietly watching.


Hotel: Lake Louise, Jasper, Calgary and

Different people, at the same place at the


Vancouver, where Lake Louise happened

same time faced this unusual train while


to be my favorite.

being submerged in their own thoughts.


In the world all covered with silver

In winter, Maligne Canyon and Maligne


snow, The Fairmont Chateau Lake Louise

Lake have a little more flavor because at the


looks just impressive. Known as the “first

bottom of the canyon the snow forms ice


window of the world”, the hotel features

columns of different shapes, some sparkling


breathtaking views of Lake Louise and

like diamonds, some not; along the highway


the surrounding Rocky Mountains. At that

towards Athabasca River, ice-cold water


moment, the lake has not yet completely

and nature blend together into the gentle


frozen, the blue water was still crystal

lines of an ink picture.

下,当年的华工如何在冰天雪地上付出巨大 努力才完成这个举世瞩目的工程。忽然远处 传来隆隆汽笛声,看了下手表即将要到中午



独行客租车建议 solo Car Rental Recommendations

长的尾巴、足足有2分钟时间在我们眼前移 动,看客们都静静地观看。不一样的人,在相 同的时间相同地点,面对着这看似一般又非 常不一般的火车,沉在各自的思绪里。 冬天的玛琳峡谷较之玛琳湖来得更有 味道,因为谷底不同落差流动的雪水会结成 不同形状的冰凌柱,有的晶莹剔透、有的混 浊不堪;沿公路流向的阿萨巴斯卡河,冰水 交融,肌理天然,线条柔美,自成一幅水墨 图画。 In the morning, I flew from San Francisco to Calgary on a Boeing 737 and was

1_北美地区租车行业非常成熟,几乎所有机场都有 一个巨大的停车场,也是租车公司的集中区域。 2_北美国家和欧洲国家的导航仪使用方法略有区 别,欧洲国家基本使用邮编输入法,可以简单便捷 寻找目标,北美国家需要先输入省、市名称,再输 入具体地址,才能设定准确目标。 3_格雷文赫斯特小镇的周边有很多地方值得一去, 特别是马斯可卡湖,是著名的蜜月度假之地,建议 在那里停留几日,那种美只有你去到了才能领略。 4_贾斯铂国家公园在班芙公园西北方,距离3小时 车程,很多湖泊和景点在十月中旬后都不对游客开 放,但是自助游者例外,可以进入公园湖区。 1_The car rental industry is very mature in North America. Almost all airports have huge parking lots, therefore have become the target area for car rental companies.

2_North American and European navigations use slightly different methods. European countries use postal code input method to easily navigate targets, while in North America, province, city and specific address needs to be entered in order to find the precise place. 3_There are many places worth a visit around the town of Gravenhurst, especially Lake Muskoka, famous for honeymoon vacations. Highly recommended to stay here for a few days, you enjoyt the kind of beauty you only witness with your eyes. 4_Jasper National park is about three hour drive from Banff National park, most of the lakes and attractions are usually closed for the season in mid-October for visitors.


P106-113-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 112

16-1-26 上午9:00

北美是一个适合独行的地方,它的辽阔让人意识到生命的渺小,在对自然的 敬畏中也彻底地放松身心。 North America is a suitable place for traveling solo. Its vast lands make people realize how small life is; relax your body and mind while being amazed by the beautiful nature.


P104-111-PWSH1-C6.indd 111

16-1-25 下午3:49

美酒 WineClub

Wine Education What You Need to Know

Château L’Hospitalet La RéserveAOP Coteaux du Languedoc La Clape, France 2012 SPICY

Planeta Chardonnay DOC, Sicily 2013 CREAMY

P110-111-PWSH1-C6.indd 110

Clos du Bois Marlston, Alexander Valley, California, USA 2012 COMPLEX

Wolf Blass Black Label Cabernet Shiraz, Barossa Valley, Langhorne Creek, McLaren Vale, Australia 2010 RICH

Cloudy Bay Marlborough Sauvignon Blanc, New Zealand 2015 EXUBERANT

Luis Felipe Edwards Dona Bernada, Colchagua Valley, Chile 2011 MAGNIFICENT

16-1-25 下午1:56

Wine education, like any other form

you trust at the shop or shops where you

imaginative, creative wine descriptors that

of education may be approached in

purchase most of your premium wine;

winemakers and other wine professionals

any number of different ways. So, the

and those wine professionals who serve

often use to more completely describe

question one must ask is “What do I

you at the better restaurants, cafes and

wines; and understandably, for the most

seek to accomplish with wine in learning

bistros where you are a regular customer.

part, a vocabulary not fully appreciated

more about it?” If you want to be a

The Internet can be very helpful of course,

by the novice wine aficionado. Such wine

“Wine Expert”, such as a “Master of

but you must fully vet any offer to be

descriptors are of course as endless as the

Wine” or a “Master Sommelier” or both,

certain that what is advertised is real.

imaginations of all who have ever written

there are universally available sets of

Always ask for references and do follow-

about wines, but perhaps some of the

distinct qualifications for both of these

up with them, because remember, once

more repeated adjectives would include

professional designations. But if on the

you pay the course fees, they are most

“chocolate”, “coffee”, “exuberant”,

other hand, if your intention is simply to

likely non-refundable. Friends who you

“earthy”, “creamy”, “velvety”, “splendid”,

improve your understanding of the wide

judge to be more wine knowledgeable

“magnificent”, “grand”, “feminine”,

world of wine and continually find more

than you are also an excellent source of

“masculine”, “tobacco”, “cigar box”,

and more wines to add to your personal

recommendations for classes to take and

“crisp”, “opulent”, “silky”, “honeyed”,

“Likes List”, then the criteria for what you

books to read. But know this: Whatever

“jammy”, “spicy”, “plush”, “vanilla”,

must learn is far less “black & white”.

you learn in class is just a “starting point”

“smoky”, “toasty” and last but not least,

In fact, simply tasting more wines on a

or a “leg-up” over others not so fortunate

“Liquid Viagra” and “liquid Cialis”*.

regular basis in a prescribed, identical

as to have the time and disposable income

So, off you go now into the wild, blue

manner and consistently recording your

to pay others to teach you about wine:

yonder in search of your wine future, be

impressions at the time of each tasting is

For it is how you consistently use your

it as a wine professional or simply as an

one of the best ways to learn more about

new learning to train your wine palate to

educated wine aficionado. But regardless of

wine in general, while expanding your

reveal more about each wine you taste

your motivation, your new wine knowledge

personal list of likes.

that is the real pay-off, if you’re serious

will allow you far more satisfaction with

about pursuing the “science of wine”.

every glass of wine you taste for the rest of

Although an increasing number of Chinese Millennials are in love with

As your wine education advances, and

premium wines both domestic and

accordingly your understanding of flavor

imported; and they are advancing their

profiles, you will find yourself paying more

wine education with the goal of becoming

attention to and understanding far better

certified wine professionals to achieve

the meaning of many of the more detailed,

your life. How sweet it is. I am Red Owl, as ever vigilant, over & out. *(In the event that you continue to experience intense aftertaste for more than four hours, seek immediate medical help from your Healthcare Provider)

success in both the on and off premise channels, the great majority of us simply want to better understand all about wine and improve the proficiency of our wine palates for greater wine satisfaction on all occasions. So, to improve one’s wine knowledge all depends on your availability to attend formal wine education classes in your area; and your disposable income to support the regular purchase of new wines to expand your wine horizons. As for formal classes, a good source of possibilities is always those whom

P110-111-PWSH1-C6.indd 111

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织FTA领导人。该 组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚 太地区需要帮助的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主 义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善 捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目 前FTA在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

16-1-25 下午1:56

聚焦 Promotion

一扫航班延误阴霾 候机从此云淡风轻

Escape Flight Delays, Enjoy Your Privileges Editor/Text: China CITIC Bank Photos: Gettyimages / coloroftime

越来越多人正在成为《在云端》里乔治·布鲁尼扮演的角色——不在机场, 就在去机场的路上,不在云端,就在候机。但这种不由自己控制的人生就像盒子里的巧克力,你永远 不知道,下一班要坐的飞机还要延误几小时。 More and more people are becoming as George Clooney’s character in “Up in the Air” — if not at the airport than on the way to the airport, if not up in the air than in the waiting room. Without having control over your own life, you never know, maybe the next plane taking off might be delayed for a few hours. 116

p116-117-PWSH2-G7C6.indd 116

16-1-26 上午9:01


more or less stress to the journey.


“There should be someone who will pay


for your losses.” At that point, all you feel is


anxiety, irritation and depression. You blame


the airlines, your luck, and even question God


why you have chosen this particular day for


your trip. Yet, there seem to be people who


are not frustrated by this matter. They deal


with the issue with more patience, staying

原来,作为中信Visa无限信用卡持卡 用户,可在全球600多家机场无限次享有贵

calm and composed while overcoming force majeure. What is their secret?


As it turns out, as a CITIC Visa Infinite


Credit cardholder you are entitled to


unlimited service at more than 600 airport


VIP lounges around the world. A cash benefit


of RMB5000 is paid as compensation if


the flight is delayed for over two hours;


the membership ensures you with a travel


accident insurance coverage of RMB30


million. With complete top-notch traveling

Dear passengers, we regret to inform you that your flight due to...whenever you

solicitude, traveling naturally becomes hassle-free.


hear this familiar broadcast, you realize

From now on, frequent flyers can travel in a

坐的航班由于…… 当听到这个熟悉的广

that whether you are rushing to Shanghai

calm and composed manner, and easily deal


for a meeting, or to financial discussions

with flight delays. CITIC Visa Infinite credit card


in Beijing, or maybe those rare few days

will always be by your side with a commitment


of spare time you spend with your family

to compensate for the flight delays, and


on a short holiday in Sanya...the next

ensuring you a pleasant journey.


transit flight, airport pick-up, meeting


and other plans, one by one suddenly


collapse like a pile of dominos.


Flight delays have become a common


practice, an unavoidable issue for frequent


business flyers, causing losses and adding


p116-117-PWSH2-G7C6.indd 117

16-1-26 上午9:02

聚焦 Promotion


Discover Shenzhen Art and Culture Editor/Text: Laura Photos: The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen

目的地探索是一种旅行方式,也是一种生活态度。若要快速地了解一座城市,最好找一家具有探索精神 的酒店,带着你去体验这个城市的精彩与不同。深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店,便是了解深圳这座城市的 一个好选择。 Destinations to explore is a way of travel, also is a kind of attitude to life. Learning about a city, find a hotel with a spirit of exploration and enjoy the city wonderfulness in a different way. The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen understands Shenzhen making it the best choice to truly experience the city. 深圳,对很多人来说,这是一个快速




和目的地体验中解读城市的内涵。 雅昌艺术中心是全球首创整合艺术














P118-119-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 118

16-1-26 上午9:07

住和离店服务等行政待遇。 书是永不落幕的展览,每本书都是一 个艺术和文 化的世界。在深圳星河丽思卡

空前的艺术美学复合体。其带来的视觉感 官,将激发无限的创造力。雅昌艺术中心 收藏了众多全球限量版书籍,甚至是世界 仅有的珍贵藏书。 选择开启“深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店 艺术人文游踪”之旅的客人,将独家尊享 专属的私人双语导览服务,由专人全面解

rooms, restaurants, and an IT display center that will inspire your sense of creativity.


Exclusively for The Ritz-Carlton,


Shenzhen, with “Love Art at The Ritz-


Carlton, Shenzhen” package, guests may


have the privilege of joining a bilingual

Shenzhen is populated and fast-growing

guided tour, including the Artron Wall,

commercial city, with economic prosperity

which holds 50,000 titles from 2,000

and high population migration rate, sadly

global publishing houses in 10 languages.

few people understand it's strong art and

VIP rooms offer guests unlimited access

humanities characteristics. For this reasons

to libraries containing books from all

The Ritz-Carlton, Shenzhen partners with

over the world, some of which date back

the Artron Shenzhen Art Center to explore

a thousand years. Collaborations with

the “Art and Culture” that Shenzhen can

more than 2,000 publishing houses, and

offer through local arts and culture tours.

300 art galleries, museums and auction

This new chapter connects the business and

houses around the world bring guests an

leisure travellers with culture finding together

unparalleled amount of resources to discover

the essence of urban art in the city through

and enjoy. In addition, guests will enjoy the

a luxurious experience. Guests can have

exclusive Club Lounge access to five hours

exclusive access to the Artron Art Center,

non stop delicious food and beverage, in-

where the world’s largest art book wall

room or Club Lounge check in and check

features rare collections of art and printed

out, and dedicated Concierge service.

books for your enjoyment. 能厅,剧院和VIP接待室等,完美呈现了

museum, multi-functional hall, theater, VIP

“Each art book, as a multi-dimensional

The Artron Art Center is the first world

independent exhibition, not only expresses

innovative combination of a museum and a

the thoughts of the writer but also opens the

library, with intellectual technology services

doors to a new world of art.” At The Ritz-

systems and a comprehensive art book

Carlton, Shenzhen you would not only enjoys

collection as well as a 50 x 30-meter art

the perfect time, unique arts and culture, but

book wall that has been recognized by

you would open a door to the new artistic

the Red Dot Design Award. The Artron

world, and create mindful memories that

Art Center offers a Taschen bookstore, art

would last for a lifetime.

析珍藏了2000家国内外出版社涵盖中、 英、法、德、意、日、西,俄等十大语种近 50000种艺术图书的艺术书墙。还可在专属 的VIP书房里阅览,让一本本罗列的千年藏 书带你进入艺术与书籍的世界。中心更创建 了前所未有的艺术平台,运用最巧妙的设计 概念,汇集内地及港台最专业的选书及印刷 团队,与2000多家国内外出版社和300家艺 术画廊合作,为客人们提供最优质的艺术导 览服务。此外,客人还将入住中国第一奢华 大床,并享受行政酒廊五个时段不间断美味 餐饮,以及在客房内或行政酒廊专人办理入


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16-1-26 下午10:45

聚焦 Promotion


Creating Romantic Times Editor/Text: Laura Photos: Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16

幸福的时光,铸就甜蜜的爱情。虽然与爱的人在一起,但每天都与众不同,而在 2 月 14 日这个具有特 殊意义的一天,还是需要牵着爱人的手,给彼此一个难忘的浪漫回忆。 Creating sweet romances is a happy time. Every day is different when spending time with the person you love. But February 14th has a special meaning when you hold the hand of your loved one and create unforgettable memories. 澳门十六浦索菲特酒店有着纯正的法




























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16-1-26 上午9:10


masterpiece by enhancing the traditional

your love. The gorgeous French-inspired

谧的夜晚。So SPA水疗中心与法国品牌

homemade dishes with innovative ideas

music whispers love into your ears and the


and delicate interpretation to capture

candlelight dinner food would be delivered

馨怡人的水疗环境。当进入到So SPA水疗

the essence of the ingredients. Each dish

to the private room table, where sommeliers


delivers authentic Cantonese taste with

offer perfect wine match to your meal.


innovative presentation while creating the

While you are seated at the table full of


most healthy and pleasant experience for

French art cuisine, you enjoy an intimate


the diners. While the Valentine’s Day is

and unique experience.


approaching, the restaurant has launched

When the lights go off, the spa would


two romantic six-course set menus. Those

take you into a quiet night. In association

Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 blends

who prefer Western food can opt for fish

with L’Occitane, So SPA offers relaxing,

the spirit of French lifestyle, romance

with plum sauce as an appetizer, or for

healthy, warm and pleasant atmosphere

and warmth into the service details. To

Chinese flavors taste the Cantonese roast

and treatments. When you enter the

celebrate the Chinese New Year and

meat. For the main course, guests can select

treatment rooms, it’s like being in the

Valentine’s Day, Le Chinois restaurant at

from the tender grilled lamb with vanilla

country smelling aromas of lavender,

Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 is delighted to

sauce or black pepper beef, both meals are

wheat, boulder and sand branches,

introduce a selection of dishes, carefully

carefully prepared to please your taste buds.

showing white elegance of a modern

prepared by the talented chef and his team

Valentine’s Day is in the need to be

city through smooth lines. On Valentine’s

to impress the guests. Authentic Cantonese

paired with French cuisine and exquisite

Day, let the warmth melt your heart.

fare gains extra appeal thanks to the

wine. With only 24 seats, this upscale

Sofitel Macau at Ponte 16 delivers you

stylish presentation. The Chef Mok Chee

boutique French restaurant Privé features

unforgettable sweet moments with romantic

Wah cooking techniques have become a

intimate environment where you can express

feelings to you and your second half.


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16-1-26 上午9:10


Enjoy the Ray of Light 越南岘港阳光半岛洲际度假酒店的La


reflecting a period room. La Maison

Maison 1888餐厅不但体现了高端法式餐厅


1888’s setting tells the story of a colonial



French-Eurasian family through architecture


La Maison 1888 captures the essence


of haute French dining; with the distinct

Setting the tone for the evening ahead,


and interior design.

gourmet experience of delectable à

guests can relax amidst the spectacular

La Maison 1888的内饰精美奢华,通

la Carte menu of distinguished classic

setting of the Buffalo Bar for a pre-dinner


French cuisine. This signature restaurant

glass of vintage champagne, before being


has already becoming the number one

escorted to their dining table. Conclude this


gastronomic destination in Vietnam. Being

unique culinary experience with a post-dinner

La Maison的每一间用餐区域均设有独立用

the first restaurant in Vietnam that features

drink selected from our extensive menu of


a Michelin-starred chef and after three

aged whiskies and infused vodkas on the


successful years working with Michel Roux,

magnificent terrace that offers commanding


La Maison 1888 is now home to the world

views over the resort and the East Sea


renowned chef Pierre Gagnaire.

beyond. Our exclusive wine room has a


La Maison 1888 was designed to

large variety of exceptional wines selected


recreate an antique French mansion with

by our sommelier. It perfect place to enjoy


each dining area its own intimate niche

exquisite cuisine and beautiful scenery.

P123-PWSH1-C6.indd 123

16-1-25 下午2:21

聚焦 Promotion


The Legendary Chef for the Dignitaries Editor/Text: Zoya Monafati Photos: Cova

opened Cova Pasticceria By Louis Vuitton Group, bringing with him his expertise in high quality Italian regional cooking and his vast culinary experience to Beijing. Chef Patrizio has won many culinary awards including the Silver Medal in the American Chefs Association National Competition, Best Educator in Culinary Field Medal by Toque Blanches Europe & International Club, Grand Master Chef Medal awarded by Emanuel Courvoisie and Master Chef Award by National Registry of American Outstanding Chefs along with other notable honors. Once with a dream of becoming a pilot, is now one of the most outstanding chefs 新开业的Cova北京店不仅提供一系列新 鲜甜点和经典意式配方制作的美味,而且 以创新方式改良意大利传统,使其更加契 合当地人的口味习惯。


in the world. Chef Patrizio has learnt his


craft in the most authentic Italian settings,


since, he has hosted many world-class


culinary events, such as preparing the



Academy Awards dinner at the famous



Rex Restaurant in Los Angeles under the



direction of Chef Gualtiero Marchesi.



Devoted chef has cooked private dinners


for some of the most famous people

名厨盛卓涛(Patrizio Sacchetto)是新

including Luciano Pavarotti, Al Gore,


The new Beijing stores will offer not only


a wide range of fresh pastries, some typical


Italian traditional recipes, but also a new

The confident and energetic chef brings

Toque Blanches欧洲与国际俱乐部颁发的

interpretation of the Italian cuisine adapted

his 20 years of culinary experience and


to the local market.

authentic Italian cuisine to Cova Pasticceria.

Silvester Stallone and Jackie Chan.

Cova, already established in Asia

His menu features fresh seasonal ingredients


since mid ‘90s with stores in Hong Kong,

directly imported from Italy, while the dishes

厨艺大师等奖项。 为了世界上最杰出的厨师之一。他能演绎

Shanghai and Tokyo, is now reinforcing

are accomplished with new ideas and high-


its presence with the new store in the

quality ingredients; from raw materials

级飨宴,比如在名厨Gualtiero Marchesi

prestigious mall “Seasons Place”, centrally

to ingredients, every detail is specially


located in the financial district of Beijing.

checked to ensure quality. Chef Patrizio


Renowned Chef Patrizio Sacchetto is the


new Group Executive Chef at the newly

brings unique and memorable Italian dining experience in a divine setting.


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16-1-25 下午2:09

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 北京万达索菲特大饭店:任命 Fatela Yohan 为和瑞法餐厅厨师长 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Appointed Fatela Yohan as the new Chef de Cuisine of Héritage

上海虹桥世茂睿选尚品酒店:盛大 揭幕 MiniMax Premier Hotel Shanghai Hongqiao: Grand Opening

近 日, 北 京 万 达 索 菲 特 大 饭 店 任 命 Fatela Yohan 为《Héritage》“ 和 瑞”法餐厅厨师长。来自法国的 Fatela Yohan 仅 24 岁就已经成为厨师界的新 锐 力 量,2009 年 从 学 徒 做 起 开 启 他 的 职业生涯。凭借精湛的厨艺、丰富的料 理知识以及上帝所赋予的令人羡慕的天 赋,他将为 Héritage 法餐厅带来全新 的味觉及视觉体验。

上海外滩五号:全新亮相 5 on the Bund: New Appearance 1925 年启用的外滩五号(Bund 5)借“酒 食”之谐音,正式携手楼内十大餐饮租 户共同庆祝大楼全新亮相。全新启动的 外滩五号将以“食在外滩”之名,打造 专精于“食”的独栋纯餐饮大楼。除了 米 氏 西 餐 厅(Mon the Bund), 还 有 美式牛排馆茹丝葵(Ruth's Chris Steak House)、顶级和牛料理老乾杯(Kan Pai Classic)等 9 家全新餐饮亮相。

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店:空气净化系 统进驻酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing: Breathe the Fresh Air 为了给客人提供更优良的入住环境,北 京丽思卡尔顿酒店特别安装了一套高端 空气净化系统,利用高科技的过滤方法 实现除尘净化三部曲,确保所有室外新 风进入酒店前均得到高效净化处理。通 过安装此套空气净化系统,酒店为客人 提供了更好的呼吸体验。

世茂酒店及度假村的第一家高端概念酒 店品牌“睿选尚品 MiniMax Premier” 近日在上海盛大揭幕。上海虹桥世茂睿 选尚品酒店共有客房 296 间,毗邻酒店 的会议中心可满足更全面的商务会客需 求。酒店特有的个性化服务也为现代商 务客人打造了突破传统的入住体验。

天津帝旺凯悦酒店:利物浦传奇球 星约翰巴恩斯下榻酒店 Liverpool’s Legend John Barnes at Hyatt Regency Tianjin East 英超豪门俱乐部 —利物浦俱乐部来 华,天津迎来“利物浦 2016 中国之旅”。 利物浦传奇球星约翰巴恩斯先生下榻天 津帝旺凯悦酒店,酒店总经理韩翟先生 亲自接待。约翰巴肯斯先生将亲笔签名 的英国球队徽章套系赠予天津帝旺凯悦 酒店,以表示对酒店的感谢。

北京励骏酒店:推出情人节套餐 Legendale Hotel Wangfujing Beijing: Launches Valentine’s Day Set Menu 碧翠法餐厅情人节特别定制双人菜单, 用餐的爱侣可以免费获得合影照。将照 片分享朋友圈,并截图发至励骏酒店官 方微信,就有机会免费入住北京励骏酒 店尊贵套房一晚(含次日双人早餐)。 每对情侣 2999 元 +15% 服务费,包含无 限畅饮香槟酒。 预订或垂询,请致电: +86 10 8511 3388-8928

北京诺金酒店:“圣瓦伦丁”的爱恋 NUO Hotel Beijing: In Love with “Saint Valentine” 来诺金悦尚餐厅共进一场无与伦比的美 丽盛宴,在美人、美味、美酒的陪伴下, 开启情人节世界美食之旅。诺金厨师团 队为爱人打造地道风味佳肴,宾客可品 鉴卓越一流的烹饪技巧和琳琅满目的国 际饕餮。浓情蜜意,许一汪爱恋如水。 详情或美食预订,敬请致电: +86 10 5926 8281

丽都维景酒店:让生活更“轻”一点 Metropark Lido Hotel Beijing: Make Life a Little Easier 北京民族饭店:推出年夜饭飨宴 Minzu Hotel: Launches the New Year’s Eve Feast 新年佳节,民族饭店为宾客准备了丰富的团圆佳肴,天下一品中餐厅与四季餐 厅强强联手,带给宾客回味无穷的“年夜好味”。天下一品中餐厅推出 2880 元 / 席的合家团圆宴和 3880 元 / 席的富贵养生宴;四季餐厅推出 2888 元 / 席 的四季吉祥宴以及 3888 元 / 席的四季养生宴。民族饭店用极致佳肴诠释年度 重磅大餐。2 月 7 日至 2 月 13 日(除夕至初六)均可预定,但需提前 1 周预定。 垂询电话:+86 10 6601 4466-162/188

新的一年,要有健康的生活方式。无论 是对于年轻人还是长者,让身体变得更 健康轻盈,都是良好生活品质的最佳体 现。 新 鲜、 自 然、 营 养、 低 脂, 沁 园 餐 厅全新推出“轻食主义”自助晚餐。多 款沙拉、养生中西式煲汤、粥及美点, 打造纯粹、健康的饮食新理念。 敬请提前一天预订,电话: +86 10 6437 6688-1971

LifeStyle 125

P125-127-PWSH1-C6G7C6.indd 125

16-1-26 上午9:11

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 梦幻马戏于 iapm 上演 Fantasy Circus iapm Shanghai 日本“法式面包马戏团”(Circus Croissant) 成员受环贸 iapm 商场邀请,上演国际级 马戏梦幻嘉年华。神奇的魔幻演技、挑战 人体极限的平衡表演、玩味逗趣的音乐及 舞蹈为寒冷的冬日增添暖意,更渲染出圣 诞佳节欢乐温馨的氛围。

上海 ifc 商场圣诞星光璀璨 Shanghai IFC Mall Christmas Shining Star 上海 ifc 商场在今年圣诞节独具匠心,特 别企划“米奇和朋友们圣诞璀璨星光旅 程”大型推广活动,邀请到全球最受欢 迎的动画人物如米奇、米妮、唐老鸭和 黛丝,更全球首度揭幕甜美可爱的米妮 新造型以及深受欢迎的迪士尼产品。

天津万达文华酒店:推出除夕年夜 饭及新春盛宴 Wanda Vista Tianjin: Launches Value Packed Chinese New Year Reunion Dinner

国贸大酒店:成功举办第三届紫禁 之巅·新年音乐会 Shangri-La China World Summit Wing Beijing: successfully hosted The Summit New Year Concert

时 值 岁 末, 喜 迎 2016 农 历 新 年, 天 津 万达文华酒店品珍中餐厅隆重推出除夕 年夜饭及新春盛宴。资深主厨董师傅精 心选配上等食材,为宾客呈上丰盛精美、 温馨圆满的除夕年夜饭及新春盛宴。根 据客人的不同喜好和口味,多款精心定 制的年夜饭及新春盛宴套餐每桌(10 位) 1888 元 +15% 起。 垂询预定,请致电:+86 22 2462 6888

近日,国贸大酒店再次携手中央音乐学 院 EOS 交响文献乐团,在群贤宴会厅成 功举办了第三届音乐盛宴 —紫禁之巅 ·国贸大酒店 2016 新年音乐会。当晚, EOS 乐团为现场近 800 名听众在新年伊 始带来了世界级的作品表演,呈现了浓 厚的品牌凝聚力,传播了交响乐文化。

北京金茂万丽酒店:推出情人节套 餐礼遇 Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing Hotel: Launches Valentine’s Day Set Menu 北京金茂万丽酒店推出福盈阁四合院 “一生一世”粉红情缘礼遇(需提前 2 周预订)、浪漫粉红早午餐、浪漫套餐、 粉红纯爱礼遇、粉红真爱礼遇(需提前 1 周预订)。一个私藏的胡同,一次四 合院的浪漫约会,一次永生难忘的甜蜜 回忆,尽在北京金茂万丽酒店。 垂 询 详 情 及 预 订, 请 致 电 +86 10 6520 8673 或燃餐厅 +86 10 6520 8801

北京珠三角 JW 万豪酒店:新春飨宴 荣耀绽放 JW Marriott Beijing Central: Launches Chinese New Year’s Eve Celebration 迎春岁尾之际,屡获殊荣的中餐厅行政 总厨曹锦明,以精选特色上等食材为宾 客准备了“合家团圆”、“如意吉祥”、 “富贵满堂”三款取意美好的年夜饭套 餐。另外,为了营造宾客团聚其乐融融 的团圆氛围,餐厅还特别以寓意吉祥的 食材精心绘制六福临门精典菜式。 预订或垂询,请致电:+86 10 6391 6666

金茂北京威斯汀大饭店:举办“家庭 计划”体验活动 The Westin Beijing Chaoyang: Held the Westin Family Play Well Activation 近日,金茂北京威斯汀大饭店举办家庭 计划活动。在此次活动中,当场嘉宾体 验了由威斯汀健康生活大使尹岩推出的 亲子瑜伽组合。活动恰逢圣诞期间,金 茂北京威斯汀大饭店更于当天精心安排 了圣诞姜饼屋烘焙课堂,小朋友们充分 发挥创自己的造力和想象力,做姜饼、 搭小屋,共同感受了烘焙的乐趣。

北京诺金酒店:回“家”过年 NUO Hotel Beijing: Chinese New Year Celebration “禾家”中餐厅是北京诺金酒店的重要 标志之一。热气腾腾、温馨撩人的团年 饭摆满象征富足圆满的圆形大桌,活灵 活现的鱼形及元宝年糕灵动清透、祈福 丰登;阖家团聚、围坐桌旁,拾回小时 候围炉时的热闹欢腾。北京诺金酒店禾 家团年饭尊享私人包间,等你回“家” 过年。

成都群光君悦酒店:将于近期华丽 揭幕 Grand Hyatt Chengdu: One Step Closer to the Grand Opening 将于近期华丽揭幕的成都群光酒店隶属 于美国凯悦酒店集团旗下的豪华型商务 酒店,地处充满历史格调且风情时尚的 春熙南路,坐落于高达 166 米的群光广 场大厦的 10 楼至 39 楼。成都群光君悦 酒店配备了 390 间豪华舒适的典雅客房, 3000 平方米的宴会及会议场地,9 间功 能多样的会议厅,及其独立的配餐区域, 绝对堪称美食殿堂。

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店:春喜迎门专属 礼遇 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing: Chinese New Year’s Prestige Getaway 趁着喜气洋洋的春节,与挚爱共同缔造 美好回忆,以丰盛展开精彩猴年。与家 人一起同游中国古都,更可以借着新春 假期探亲团聚,与家人一同感受喧腾欢 闹的春节气氛。北京丽思卡尔顿酒店为 宾客缔造无与伦比的奢华体验,和家人 共度洋溢着浓浓喜气的节日。 垂询预订,请致电:+86 10 5908 8955

126 LifeStyle

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16-1-25 下午2:07

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 金猴闹春,全家团圆 Nongfu Golden Monkey Spring Water Limited Edition

鱼非鱼:魔都吃货界传说 YU FEI YU Roast Fish: Legendary Shanghai Food

近日,获得五大国际设计奖项的农夫山 泉玻璃瓶天然矿泉水发布了纪念版“金 猴套装”,全球限量 15 万套。这也是农 夫山泉玻璃瓶天然矿泉水系列首次为农 历新年发布特别设计款,岁次丙申猴年 典藏。金猴闹新春,为春节阖家团圆增 添吉祥如意的好兆头。

2015 年圣诞夜,魔都第七家鱼非鱼门店 火爆登陆新静安—协信星光广场。一 向不甘于平庸的鱼非鱼除了有口味丰富 的烤鱼和新鲜空运的大连海鲜外,还有 视觉和味觉的双重享受。蓝色海洋的基 调,头顶鳞次栉比的冲浪板,仿佛一秒 穿越到了夏威夷沙滩;裸露的蒸汽朋克 式管道,诠释着鱼非鱼全新升级的美式 工业风。

成都高新豪生大酒店:推出专业瑜 伽课程 Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu: Launches Yoga classes

福州中庚喜来登酒店:星级饕餮· 年夜饭美味不打烊 Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel: Top-class Chinese New Year’s Eve Dinner

成都高新豪生大酒店瑜伽室即将推出专 业瑜伽课程,将为你疲累的身心带来修 行体验。透过瑜伽这样古老而神秘的运 动,平衡身心,优雅舒张,赋予身体健 康活力。让人们在瑜伽教练的带领下, “瑜”悦身心,“伽”倍美丽。瑜伽课 180 元 / 节;课时:每周五至周六 19:0020:00;地点:酒店 3 楼健身中心 咨询电话:+86 28 8282 9999

福州中庚喜来登酒店采悦轩中餐厅在传 统中国年来临之际,精心为宾客呈献多 款美好寓意的合家欢年夜饭,象征着“一 团和气、年年有余”。酒店星厨精心选 配上等食材,烹饪佳肴玉酿,款款贴心, 让食客大快朵颐之时更享新鲜与健康。 大厅 : 488 元 +15% 服务费 / 位起 包厢 : 518/ 588 元 +15% 服务费 / 位起 详询或预订:+86 591 8826 8288

斯洛文尼亚画家老马 3D 镜头下的朝 鲜 North Korea in 3D by Slovenian Photographer Matjaz Tancic 近日,朝鲜迎来了首场由西方艺术家策 划的摄影展。此次展览展出了斯洛文尼 亚摄影师 Matjaz Tancic(老马)的众多 摄影师作品,不收取入场费。2014 年 5 月, Matjaz 曾亲赴朝鲜,采用三维影像进行 记录,拍摄了一系列反映朝鲜社会状态 的人物肖像。摄影师认为,3D 效果有助 于观者更好地进入图片所呈现的情境, 但同时他也提醒大家:“进一步了解之 后会发现,原来对朝鲜知之甚少。”

北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店:二月 迎春 甜蜜致味 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: February Promotional Calendar 北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店汇集二月创 新美食以及传奇服务,传递“团圆”与 “爱”的讯息。这里有意味轩餐厅情人 节的意式晚餐、金阁温暖家宴、四季汇 餐厅新春的西式烩菜及情人节浪漫自助 晚餐。酒店的绅士淑女们将精心为你打 造丽思卡尔顿最独特难忘的服务体验。 垂询请致电: +86 10 6629 6996/6999/6990

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店:推出情人节 礼遇 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing: Launches Valentine’s Celebrations 这个情人节,北京丽思卡尔顿酒店将用 浪漫唯美的方式为宾客和其爱人奉上无 限惊喜。香溢餐厅融汇世界各地美食, 温馨雅致营造出法式浪漫风情。玉中餐 厅精心奉上由中餐行政主厨古师傅独家 配置的多款菜式,为宾客带来铭记于心 的温馨情人节。巴罗洛餐厅则将呈现如 梦般甜美的诱惑和热情的款待。

天津丽思卡尔顿酒店:推出春喜迎门专 属礼遇 The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin: Launches Chinese New Year’s Prestige Getaway 北京燕莎中心凯宾斯基饭店:2016 年维也纳舞会 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Luftansa Center: Vienna Ball Beijing 2016 备受京城社交界瞩目的凯宾斯基维也纳舞会将于 2016 年 3 月 19 日再次华丽登 场。这场代表着奥地利传统文化的社交盛会于 2015 年 3 月在酒店首次隆重上演, 超过 700 位中外宾客出席见证了这场华彩夺目的社交盛会。除此之外,在精心 布置的舞会现场,客人们还可以在维也纳街头风情的咖啡馆里体验地道的维也 纳咖啡和甜品,在奥地利葡萄酒馆里品味令奥地利人骄傲的精品葡萄酒、午夜 丰盛的夜宵自助。这些精彩一直持续到凌晨 4 点,带来最身临其境的感受。

借着新春假期探亲团聚,与家人一起同游 津城,感受喧腾欢闹的春节气氛。天津丽 思卡尔顿酒店为宾客缔造无与伦比的奢华 体验,新春喜庆礼遇:连续入住两晚,每 晚人民币 1680 元 +15% 服务费,包含每日 自助早餐、每日自助晚餐、免费使用室内 泳池和健身房、有线和无线高速上网。 预定咨询电话:+86 22 5857 8888

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Luxury is Timeless

知名的“女王玛利亚何塞红宝石钻戒”在日内瓦苏富比惊艳亮相,拍前估价为 600 万至 900 万美元。据悉,这枚 精致独特的“鸽血”红宝石镶钻戒指此前曾是意大利最后一位女王玛利亚·何塞 (Maria-José, 1906-2001) 个人集藏的一 部分,原为意大利藏书家塔姆马洛·德·马里尼斯 (Tammaro de Marinis) 在玛利亚与翁贝托 (Umberto) 王储婚礼时赠送给 他们的结婚礼物。 该精美钻戒镶有一颗最炙手可热的缅甸“鸽血”红宝石,重达 8.48 克拉。任何缅甸红宝石超过五克拉的钻石都 被认为是真正的例外,因此“女王玛利亚何塞红宝石钻戒”备受藏家追捧。苏富比国际珠宝部全球主席大卫·班尼特 (David Bennett) 表示:“‘玛利亚何塞女王红宝石钻戒’不仅品质卓越,而且拥有真正显贵的皇家血统。其‘鸽血’色 泽尽显奢华品质,堪称完美的女王珠宝。” The well-known “The Queen Maria-José Ruby Ring” was debuted at the Sotheby’s in Geneva, with a pre-sale estimate of $6 million to $9million. The stunning ring is set with an exquisite 8.48 carats Burmese ruby weights, and boasting the most sought-after hue for rubies: “pigeon’s blood”. This exceptional piece was formerly part of the personal collection of the last Queen of Italy, Maria-José (1906-2001). The superb jewel has impeccable provenance: it was a gift from Italian bibliophile Tammaro de Marinis on the occasion of Maria-José‘s wedding to Crown Prince Umberto. David Bennett World Chairman of Sotheby’s International Jewelry Division, commented: ““The Queen Maria-José Ruby Ring” is a magnificent jewel of exceptional quality with truly outstanding royal provenance. It’s “pigeon’s blood” color is sumptuous - the perfect jewel for a queen.”

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