May 2015

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

2015 年五月号 总第 376 期



Tea Cities | The Art World comes to China | Perini Navi: Dreamboats | LifeStyle 2015 China Hotel Awards

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel MAY 2015

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note 酒店到底是什么? 有一年春末夏初我到华东地区进行密集地对酒店进行 试住、体验,在 17 天内拜访了超过 30 间酒店。这个旅程的 第 12 天,我的身心都已经到了极度疲惫的状态。直到,我 到达一间小型奢华精品酒店后,精神突然一下好了起来。因 为这间酒店的房间仿照了公寓的设计,将度假胜地的感觉 巧妙地融入于当代都会空间中,这使我仿佛置身于自己的 家。在这一天之前,我并没有意识到,一间酒店对职业旅行 者的真正意义——如家般舒适。我不禁问自己:酒店到底 是什么?对那些一年有大约 200 天在路上的五星酒店常客 来说,要的不仅仅是豪华。 1980 年,Studio 54 的主人 Ian Schrager 把眼光投向 酒店业。他得出了一个信条: “精致、私密及定制是未来的 潮流。”他创立了酒店集团 Morgans Hotel Group,在为这 家酒店制作宣传语时,Ian Schrager 放弃了传统酒店的关 键词:高档、豪华,而是从法语中找到一个本来与酒店毫无 关联的词:Boutique。这是 Boutique 第一次出现在酒店业 用词中。他认为,无论是商业还是度假酒店,一家适应潮流 的酒店应具有这几个要素:它首先是精致的,特别是装修

What’s in a hotel?


One year, I went on a spring and early summer intensive voyage

种极致的生活理念;最后在服务上, 必须做到私密及定制。

through eastern China, visiting more than 30 hotels in 17 days.For the


first 12 days, I was in a state of extreme exhaustion. A afternoon, I ar-

人的需求。”Ian Schrager 在解释酒店的内涵时说道, “我 想告诉你们,奢华生活也是可以负担得起的。”的确,随后 酒店业的变化,更新了人们脑海中“酒店是一种生活方式” 的概念。这期 Lifestyle 用了大篇幅来介绍中国的优秀酒店, 无论是豪华还是精品酒店,享受你的旅程吧。

rived at a small luxury boutique hotel, and my spirits picked up. This hotel was modeled on an apartment, and was cleverly integrated into the surrounding urban space; I felt at home again. Before that day, I had never realized how important it was for hotels to provide this sense of home. I couldn’t help but ask: what, finally, are hotels? For those of us spending 200 days on the road in five star hotels, luxury alone is not enough. In 1980, Studio 54 owner Ian Schrager entered the hotel industry, with the motto “delicate, intimate, and customized.” Founding the Morgans Hotel Group, he abandoned the traditional hotel keywords of upscale and luxury, instead focusing on the hitherto unused concept “boutique,” a first for the hotel industry. For him, whether a hotel was commercial or a resort, a few factors were necessary: a unique and chic décor; a unique style and philosophy of life; and service that offers privacy and customization. “We don’t want a luxury hotel, but a stylish hotel that truly understands the needs of travelers,” Schrager said, and added “I want to tell youluxury living can be affordable.” Indeed, the hotel industry has changed, and people’s ideas have evolved to meet this “hotel as a way of life” concept. In this issue, LifeStyle introduces China’s best hotels, from luxury to boutique. Enjoy your journey.

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活 The April cover is a shot of Singer Dai Yuqiang.



Angelina Lee 李赛铱 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


090 速递


017 会呼吸的皮椅

艺术 060 当代艺术在中国

“皮椅 1085”像是一个会呼吸的生命体, 会随着时光的流逝和使用频率而发生色 彩、形状和纹理上的变化

2015 年香港巴塞尔艺术展的精彩荟萃

072 佩里尼·纳威:贵之有道 来自意大利 Viareggio 的佩里尼·纳威 (Perini Navi)以“贵”而闻名——只有 为数不多的几个富豪能负担得起它昂贵 的售价

020 光的旋转木马 “光的旋转木马”诗意书店仿若童话里一 座古典的欧式宫殿



026 王中军:一种安静的方式

080 阿拉丁的“秘密”宝藏

作为画家的王中军,正努力地用自己的方 式去表达对这个世界的认识


084 重建的奇迹



打破“除旧更新”的老观念,残壁成就了 别致新宅

038 城市与茶 究竟是茶的区别成全了城市的韵味,还是 城市的迥异塑造了茶之道? lifestyle 带你 走访各具特色的城市,寻找关于茶的故事

享乐 090 LifeStyle 2015 CHA 中国酒店 大奖 中国酒店行业年度大奖隆重揭晓



LifeStyle 7

MAY 072



017 Hide Chair

A seat made from natural hide that will evolve with use – changing in color, shape and texture over the years

072 Perini Navi: Dreamboats Perini Navi was founded in Viareggio, Italy, in 1983; ever since, they’ve been building exquisite yachts for those who value beauty in all things

The magnificent Chrissoveloni bank building is now a magnificent bookstore



026 Wang Zhongjun: a quiet way

080 Aladdin’s Cave in Rotterdam

People are delighted to find, as a painter Wang Zhongjun, is trying to use their own way to express their understanding of the world

038 Tea Cities

What traditions, stories, and habits are found inside of the teacup? LifeStyle hits the road in search of the most fascinating stories about tea



060 The Art World comes to China LifeStyle curates some of our favorite moments from Art Basel Hong Kong

020 Book It



The Gold Souk by Liong Lie Architects

084 Rehabilitation

Columns 122 WineClub 124 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

A ruined building frames a chic new house in Portugal


090 LifeStyle 2015 China Hotel Awards China Hotel Awards unveiled

LifeStyle 9


品味生活在线 MAY 2015

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

North 98, Jing San Road, Zhengzhou 450008 郑州市经三路北 98 号,邮政编码 450008 Tel: +86371 6574 9072



Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Deputy Editor-in-Chief 执行副主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑

Assistant Editors 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Taipei Correspondent 驻台北记者

品味酒店, 让更多的人 了解高端酒店的 精致与奢华。 品味酒店, 品味经典!

李赛铱 Angelina Lee 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 郝心怡 Kelly Hao 李学维 Wayne Li 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

Beijing Office Suite 501- 502, Guangyao Apartment, Xiangye Mansion No.17 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China Tel:


Shanghai Office Suite 517, Kaiyang Business Plaza No. 788 Dingxi Road, Changning District, Shanghai 200052, P.R.China Tel:


北京市朝阳区朝阳门外大街 17 号 祥业大厦 501-502 室 邮编:100020 +8610 8589 0129 / 0020 / 7859

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Exclusive Advertising Agency 广告总代理 北京厚德盛视文化传媒有限公司 Advertising License 广告许可证 4100004000068 General Manager 总经理:安东尼 Antoine Bruneel Ad & Promo Dept. (Northern Region) 华北区广告 塔娜 Tina Tel:+8610 8589 0129 Ad & Promo Dept. (Eastern Region) 华东区广告 戴建峰 Robbin Dai 黄萍 Allina Huang Tel:+8621 6116 9296 Marketing Dept. 市场部 李莉 Lily 孙超 Chao Sun



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新浪博客 法律顾问:北京市中银律师事务所


10 LifeStyle

高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月, LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.20

圆球蜡烛烛台 Candle Holders

LifeStyle 13



BLAAK 创意牛仔裤

Back to Blaak 由 Sachiko Okada 和 Aaron Sharif 组成的 BLAAK 创意设计组合在业界享有不俗 的口碑。现在,BLAAK 的设计师来到了上海,积极汲取新的创作灵感。其新款牛仔裤用印 有字母交织的布料做口袋内衬,上面缀满了矩阵图案,寓意捕捉普拉那生命能量,腰部饰 以两颗天青石,以平衡人体电磁场。 London-based fashion designers Sachiko Otada and Aaron Sharif are the ultimate fashion insiders line. After a hiatus while Sachiko relocated to Shanghai, BLAAK is officially BAACK. Their new jeans are inspired by crystal healing; the monogram print on the pocketing is covered with a specially developed permanent titanium mineral matrix, which traps the body’s prana life force. Lapis Lazuli discos on the waistband further accelerate the balancing of the body’s electromagnetic field. From London to Tokyo to Shanghai and back, we know what we’ll be wearing this season. To get your hands on a pair,

14 LifeStyle


The “It” Dress of 2015 香港设计师黎德霙(Sarah Lai)的作品注重摩登时装的自由性与功利性,同时保留了浓郁的老上海黄金 时代的精致与典雅。黎德霙继承了外祖母独特的品味和优雅的气质,以及母亲泰然自若的个性和坚定的意志, 于 2013 年创立了同名时装品牌,为现代女士设计一系列高雅大方而又能重拾张爱玲时代女性温柔和魅力的 服装。2015 年春夏系列中的这款低颈露肩的裙子有皇家蓝和黑色可选,颈部与肩头部分的设计恰当地展示了 女性的柔美,而高腰剪裁则出色地修饰了身材比例,让线条美不言而喻。 Sarah Lai is a Hong Kong-based designer whose style is modern, yet very much within the tradition of Shanghai’s golden age. Inheriting her grandmother’s exquisite taste and her mother’s poise, she launched her eponymous line of clothing in 2013, updating the classic Eileen Zhang Shanghai-Hong Kong chic for a new millennium. The Fontaine Dress, available in Royal Blue and Black, is made with a punch-hole scuba jersey, with an off-the-shoulder cut to emphasize your décolleté, and a high-waisted cut streamlines your waist for an hour-glass silhouette.

LifeStyle 15




Peca Hauri 墨西哥著名的 Peca 设计室认为,经 典作品能点亮其所在的环境。比如这款大 理石打造的圆球蜡烛烛台。拥有温润光泽 的球体还可分为两个半球使用,各自以黄 铜带环绕一侧,并且延伸至内表层。在荧 荧烛光的映照下,球体的天然纹路更添一 番雅趣。据悉,每个半球都需要近两天才 能完成。设计师 Moretti 说: “Hauri 的意 思是赐光,墨西哥的土著 Huichol 印第安 人在仪式上用火祭拜神灵和‘纯净’自己, 将俗世烟火视为(神的)恩赐。” M e x i c a n d e s i g n s t u d i o Pe c a h a s launched a collection of candle holders made from marble spheres that can be split in two to create different configurations. A brass band that wraps around one side of the sphere and also extends across the inside surface of each half is also inlaid by hand. Each candle holder takes almost two days to make. “The word Hauri means light offering,” Moretti told Dezeen. “Huichol people use fire in ceremonies to purify themselves and to worship their gods, but they also consider the fire they cook over every day an offering.”

16 LifeStyle


Hide Chair 意大利家具设计公司 Kristalia 的产品一贯重现代艺术设计的线条与立体美,擅于从时尚与运动领域寻找 灵感,同时保持了传统的意式家具制造风格。其最新推出的 Hide Chair 1085 皮椅(皮椅 1085)由建筑设计工 作室 Bartoli Design 和意大利皮革生产商 Presot 共同打造。该皮椅像是一个会呼吸的生命体,会随着时光的 流逝和使用频率而发生色彩、形状和纹理上的变化。引人注目的是,全粒面革的座椅与靠背连接处的针脚线 被大大方方地裸露出来,反而增添了几分时尚的任性,考虑到 Presot 常与高级女装界合作,就不足为怪了。 Italian design company Kristalia has released its latest product, the Hide Chair 1085 edition by architecture and design studio Bartoli Design.For Kristalia’s Hide Chair 1085 edition, Bartoli worked with Italian leather manufacturers Presot to develop a seat made from natural hide that will evolve with use – changing in color, shape and texture over the yearsAn exposed line of stitches connecting the full-grain leather seat to the matching back support is a reference to Presot’s background in providing material to the haute couture fashion industry.

LifeStyle 17




Ice Age 享用威士忌的最佳方式之一是加冰块饮用, 有人便在冰块上动了心思。 日本老牌酒业公司 Suntory (三得利) 委托广告公司 TBWA\Hakuhodo 为其威士忌打造了一项特别的宣传活动。后者用 CNC router 为杯子里的威 士忌雕刻了一座座栩栩如生的自由女神像、狮身人面像、日本庙宇以及更多创意造型。TBWA\Hakuhodo 的 Miwako Fujiwara 说: “CNC router 一直被冷却在零下 7 摄氏度以防止冰块融化。我们通过 Autodesk 123D (3D 建模软件)来捕捉 3D 图像,再打印。 ” “酒体淡淡的色泽与冰雕相映衬,为后者添上漂亮的异彩。 ”Miwako Fujiwara 补充说。在透明的玻璃杯中放入一块心仪的冰雕,再倒入威士忌,喝酒的同时还能欣赏艺术,也不失 为一种别样情趣。 Advertising Agency TBWA\Hakuhodo has created some incredibly detailed carved ice cubes for Japan’s Suntory Whisky.The agency used what’s called a CNC router (and a process similar to inverse 3-D printing) to carve the designs, which ranged from the Statue of Liberty to the Sphinx to a Japanese temple.Miwako Fujiwara of TBWA\ Hakuhodo said the CNC router was chilled at -7 degrees Celsius to keep the ice from melting. The agency used an app called Autodesk 123D to capture the 3-D images and prep them for printing. “A touch of chilled whiskey polishes the surface of the ice and gives a beautiful shine to the sculpture,” Fujiwara added.

18 LifeStyle


The Smell of Spring 1945 年创立于美国的 ASHLEY 爱室丽家居如今已经是全

Founded in the United States in 1945, Ashley is now North America’s


largest furniture manufacturer, and the first American home sales and

2015 年春季全新推出的 MARSILONA 卧室系列,精选厚重的松

retail brand. For spring 2015, they have launched the Marsilona

木木质贴面,辅以白色复古拉丝装饰处理。四周的床柜采用弧形 框架,配以做旧细节和腰线装饰,外加转木工艺的圆脚,还有加入 了功能强大的带门斗柜及抽屉盒方便储物收纳,简约而深邃的白

bedroom series, featuring furniture with thick pine wood veneers combined with white decorative handles. Cabinets curve around the bed frame, which is painstakingly detailed with antique woodwork decoration; the bedset is matched with cabinets and bureau drawers, all

色使卧室呈现出浓郁的田园风格。而 TANSHIRE 系列餐厅家具则

rendered in the same rich pastoral style. For the dining room, they offer


the Tanshire series, rendered in a classic retro casual style, with wood


and fabric which imparts a feeling of warm stability; with light gray and


black décor, it makes for an even more distinctive style. And now, let’s bring the breeze of spring into our homes…

LifeStyle 19




Book It 罗马尼亚首都布加勒斯特的“光的旋转木马”诗意书店曾是一栋 19 世纪的大楼,为当时一位著名的银行 家所有,后因某种原因而被查抄。如今,它已归还给银行家的后人 Jen Chrissoveloni。据罗马尼亚媒体称,Jen Chrissoveloni 投资了100 万欧元用于大楼的翻修,并与 Cărtureşti 连锁书店签订了长达 10 年的租约。后者追 加 40 万欧元用于书店设计、配套设施等投资,力造本地区最大、最让人无法抗拒的书店。除了阅读空间外,该 书店还包含了艺术画廊、媒体中心等文化场地。 “光的旋转木马”以白色作为基本色调,给人一种沉稳安静的知 性氛围。室内漂亮的盘旋式扶梯一直通到楼顶,为整个建筑营造出旋转木马的动态氛围,仿若童话中古典的欧 式宫殿,这也是书店得名的缘由。 The magnificent Chrissoveloni bank building, now owned by Jen Chrissoveloni, the great-grandson of the 19th century banker, is now a magnificent bookstore. According to the Romanian media, the current owner invested 1 million Euro in the renovation and leased the building to the Cărtureşti bookstore chain for 10 years. The Cărtureşti brand added an additional 400 000 Euro in design, fittings and inventory, resulting in one of the largest and most spectacular retail projects in the area.

20 LifeStyle


Singing of Bricks and Mortar 新鲜出炉的 2015 暨第 62 届 iF 国际设计大奖(iF Design

The 62nd International iF Design Awards, known as

Award 2015)的获奖名单上,拥有8 种颜色的 “JBL GO 音乐金砖”

the Oscars of the design world, recognized the JBL GO

便携播放器获得了素有“设计界的奥斯卡”之称的 iF Design

Music Brick for its outstanding design. The portable music

Award 评委的一致好评。 不同于寻常播放器追求特别的造型设计,看起来方方正正 的外形,让这款产品更加贴合其“便携”的定位,要知道在口袋 里放这个一定比放一颗“球”容易得多。当然,长达 5 小时的续

player, available in 8 colors, is hyper portable, with a unique shape that makes it easy to fit in one’s pockets. With battery life of up to 5 hours and streaming Bluetooth technology, you’ll be able to summon whatever tune takes your fancy.


LifeStyle 21



中艺 ( 香港 ) 举办 “上善若水·福泽天下”珠宝展 Hong-Kong Arts Charity: Art and Jewelry Show 传承了华夏工艺逾 56 年的奢华品牌

China’s Heritage Craf ts and Luxur y

中艺 ( 香港 ),一向致力为大众推广殿堂级

Group (Hong Kong) has been around for


over 56 years, and is committed to the promotion of world-class jade jewelry. In


order to allow customers to taste Chinese

宝所蕴藏的优雅韵味,中艺 ( 香港 ) 将于

heritage and see rare and exquisite works

4 月 29 日至 5 月 12 日于中艺 ( 香港 ) 金

rendered in jade, an Arts and Jewelry


Show will be held in Hong Kong from


A p ril 29 t o M a y 12 in H o n g Ko n g’s


Pacific Place, gathering connoisseurs

宝展主题源自老子《道德经》: “上善若水,

and building a platform for jade jewelry


appreciation. The jewelry show takes its


theme from Lao Tzu, who wrote that “virtue, like water, benefits all things without


struggle.” The jewelry show exhibits rare


works, and offers a hope and vision, but

下”,正是中艺 ( 香港 ) 以翡翠之真美,泽

the true beauty is in the community that


gathers to appreciate the works. Bringing



people together in shared love of art and



tradition is the ambition of the show.









In this dazzling display of treasures, the most notable is the “natural jade necklace collection.” It consists of eleven gorgeous necklaces, the gemstones delicate and pure, with a pure and shiny sur face, gre enl y t ransp arent, f ull and bright, necklaces, earrings, and more creates a stunning atmosphere- the work is highly collectible. Other natural jade is also on display, demonstrating the beauty of Chinese art, with its elegant charm and extraordinary qualities. The jewels not only stun us with their beauty, but also offer a treasure for those who are able to appreciate the culture locked within the stones.

22 LifeStyle

聚焦亚太地区城市峰会 备受瞩目布里斯班 Asia Pacific Cities Summit Puts The Spotlight on Brisbane 第 十 届 亚 太 城 市 高 峰 会及 市 长 论



坛(Asia Pacific Cities Summit and

APCS 自 1996 年第一届会议举办以来,


Mayor’s Forum, APCS )将于 2015 年



7 月 5-8 日在澳大利亚新兴都市布里斯





2014 年 G20 领导人峰会之后,又迎来的

2005 年和 2013 年的亚太城市高峰会,


时隔近 20 年,峰会又重新回到它最初的



The tenth Asia Pacific Cities Summit and Mayor’s Forum, APCS will be held in Brisbane, Australia’s boomtown, from the 5th to the 8th of July 2015. Following



hard on the heels of 2014’s G20 summit,



the event helps to define Brisbane as


斯班推广局首席执行官约翰 · 艾特肯先

an impor tant location for large - scale


生,在本届亚太城市高峰 会及市长论坛

international high-level meetings. Mayors and business leaders from across the Asia-Pacific region will gather in Brisbane to discuss the future of prosperit y and sustainable development in the Asia-Pacific region, particularly in cities. The AsiaPacific region will once again become the focus of attention in Brisbane. Sponsored by the city of Brisbane, from where it originated, APCS has been held every two years since the first meeting in 1996, alternating between Australia and other countries. China has hosted the event twice; in Chongqing in 1005, and Kaohsiung in 2013. This year, the meeting returns to its birthplace in Brisbane. In advance of the summit, Mr. Julian Simmonds and Mr. John Aitken, Vice Mayor of Brisbane and CEO of the Brisbane Promotion Board respectively, visited cities in China; the mayor of Brisbane has personally invited many business leaders to attend. The event promises to be studded with luminaries.

LifeStyle 23



北京长安街 W 酒店 呈现“耀动帝都”首映礼 Beijing Chang’an Avenue W Hotel: Rock The Empire 近日,北京 W 酒店以一场无以伦比 的“全球首映礼”为星光汇聚的帝都夜 空更添闪亮。此次活动星光璀璨,250 多 位引领时尚、品味超凡的国内外嘉宾, 包括众多本地与国际知名人士、行业精 英与潮流达人都受邀出席,其中包括惊 艳传奇的国际舞娘蒂塔·万·提斯等。W 酒店全球品牌总监 Sarah Doyle 表示: “作 为在享誉全球的行业创新领英,创意灵 动的 W 酒店在活力无限的全球都市恣意 绽放。很兴奋地以 W 酒店品牌独有的全 球首映礼向大家展现新开业的北京长安 街 W 酒店。今晚不仅融合了全球顶尖的 丰富音乐形式,和先锋潮流的跨界合作 演出,同时以 W 酒店核心燃情点——时 尚、音乐和设计元素完美结合呈现中西 完美融合,聚焦帝都北京独一无二的全 新看点。” The Beijing W opened recently with an unparalleled world premiere of stars. More than 250 celebrities, trendsetters, and other members of the chic set came to see Dita Von Teese, internationally renowned burlesque dancer perform; noted local d e sign e r Ve ga Wang as we ll as t h e band Nova Heart performed, emceed by #NikMode. Sarah Doyle, Global Brand Director for W Hotels, said “Every global city deserves a W; we’re very excited to open in Beijing on Chang’an Avenue, in the center of the city. The core of W Hotels brand- fashion, music, and design- are here brought together in a perfect fusion of Chinese and Western elements, bringing a new imperial experience to Beijing.”

24 LifeStyle



品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.26

社交王子 Antwaun Sargent New York City Boy

LifeStyle 25



虽然人们习惯了他作为华谊兄弟董事长的身份, 现在也欣喜地发现,作为画家的王中军, 正努力地用自己的方式去表达对这个世界的认识。 For a public used to his role as Chairman of Huayi Brothers, it came as a surprise to see this new side of Wang Jun’s talent; but the surprise gave way to admiration, as his works speak for themselves. Text:吕澎 /Angelina

人像摄影:陶震宇(新浪财经 ) 油画提供:艺术家本人

26 LifeStyle


Wang Zhongjun

Quiet Dignity

LifeStyle 27



2014 年,王中军出现在大众的视觉中,是在 11 月的纽






5500 万美元拍得,加上佣金拍价合计为 6176.5 万美元 ( 约


人民币 3.77 亿元),这是中国藏家海外竞拍西方艺术品中的











采用米氏云山的程式,用色中还带有青绿山水的意味。 《2014







多。但对于王中军来说,绘画是一种心灵的寄托,是 80 年




因此, 新媒介工作者王中军从未间断过这项安静的活动,



一个, 但作为业余者却具有超然物外的心理优势和持久的耐心。



28 LifeStyle

背后的多重宇宙。因此图式被打开了恢复并加强早年内心意象 并激发心灵运动的可能性, 它们不再是本雅明想象中此时此刻、 即时即地的全真性,而是指向下一瞬间的变化中的媒介。 有意或无意间,王中军用一种宽慰的后现代方式诠释了

从事艺术创作的过程和心情是怎样的? 虽然工作很忙,但是我脑子里经常会想,这个星期我还 没有画画呢,我会惦记着我的画室,惦记着上次那些颜色是 否干了。绘画就是一种感觉,愉悦自我,也都会有一个来源。

现代主义绘画语言的可能性:在新媒介视野下的一曲心灵结 构的复调。对于王中军来说,一切东西都无差等的成为他者



是的。 人的心情和审美以及对社会的看法都是阶段性的,







个人兼饰了所有角色,他就是作为画家的王中军。 您是如何看待通过展览这种形式,与大家分享自己的创作? 您个人比较喜欢哪种类型的作品?











LifeStyle 29



In November 2014, Wang Jun made headlines at the Sotheby’s Impressionist and Modern Art evening auction for his purchase of

other industry giants,” he said, and today, he’s approaching the realization of that goal.

Van Gogh’s “Still Life, Vase with Daisies and Poppies” for the record-

Wang Jun is self-deprecating, describing his painting as amateur;

breaking price of 377 million yuan. When Wang Jun’s identity

for him, painting is a lifelong hobby, one which helps him to balance

as the buyer was revealed, people were shocked; but before the

his work in media. Painting is a lonely and introspective work, one

auction ever happened, Wang Jun had been on the path of art

which is about imparting aura to the work; the movie industry, in

appreciation for years.

contrast, is social, relies on the work of many people, and requires

Ambitious for new horizons, Wang Jun headed to America to study the media industry. Working his way through school with

an entirely different skill set. For Wang Jun, though, painting is a kind of spiritual sustenance, a creation of lasting happiness.

restaurant work, Wang Jun saw all facets of society, but as in China,

Therefore, the new media worker Wang Jun never gave up his

he largely kept to himself, exploring art; visiting all of the art galleries

painting, even if his work has remained confined to a small area. His

and antique shops in Michigan, checking out all of the exhibitions

work addresses the pressure caused by market considerations and

that caught his fancy. He encountered the work of artist Li Kai during

economic calculations, as well as exploring classical motifs: a road

this period, becoming his good friend. Years later, Wang Jun would

in a field, a lone horse, unknown flowers blooming in a garden, a

become Li’s biggest collector.

woman’s form, a silhouetted tree; the naïve realm of freedom.

American society’s developed media landscape shocked Wang

Wang Jun’s painting does not rely on virtuoso techniques or

Jun, from the billboards to food magazines, galleries, museums, and

overly theoretical constructs; rather, it emerges from sincere emotion,

of course Hollywood movies as well. From the start, Wang Jun’s

which is a prism through which his subject matter filters, a quiet

business plan was to latch onto a specific type of media and expand

and masterful style impacted, but not determined, by the legacy of

from there. With his China expertise, allowing for wise acquisitions,

modernism. For example, his “A peanut field in the hometown” series

and his study in America, giving him experience of the application

uses color and compositional techniques reminiscent of Cézanne’s

of visual culture, his Chinese cultural media empire began to take

Mont Sainte-Victoire paintings. In his “Sky” paintings, he adopts a

shape. “Markets like China will one day produce companies

different style, using green color to create a lush feeling. The “Spring

capable of competing at the highest level, with Time Warner and

2014” series is thought to be a tribute to Van Gogh, albeit one

30 LifeStyle

inflected with the Chinese ink painting tradition. His work alludes

What is it like to be engaged in the process of artistic creation?

to Rousseau’s supernatural, to Matisse’s vigor and joy, to Picasso’s

While busy at work, my mind often wanders to my paintings;

wandering form of exploration, while remaining independent of

while painting, I gain new inspiration for work. The relationship

them all.

between art and life is, perhaps, dialectical; life is the source of my

With a new vision that interprets classical patterns, Wang Jun has

art and inspiration, but my art gives me a space to think.

the psychological advantage of the amateur; patience, persistence,

To what extent is your collecting and your own painting driven by

and passion. His capacity for formal innovation is great; he paints


for himself, and isn’t constrained by what has come before. The sincerity of his youthful paintings is preserved in his work today, but with the maturity of a self-made man. Intentionally or not, Wang Jun offers a comforting way of coping with the post-modern painting moment that we are currently experiencing; for him, all things which are inspiring are equally of value, whether East or West, contemporary or classic. In this sense, the legacies of Van Gogh, Sanyu, Friedrich, Matisse, and even Mi Fu are run through his own perspective; each painting, a flash from his unbounded inner world. The one man whose concentrated vision grants us this access: painter Wang Jun. What type of work do you like yourself? I think that I can’t use words to describe my tastes; they are all in my paintings. I recently have been exploring minimalism, removing lines from forms. I think that in a serious pursuit of painting, you must keep exploring, never sticking to one aesthetic alone.

It absolutely is. I paint above all for myself, and for my own pleasure. I have experienced many ups and downs in life, but art has always been with me. My next ambition is to acquire some Modiglianis, because I love his colors and depictions of men and women, which seem to me deeply rooted in the body and psyche. Regardless of the collection or the painting, every work I get involved with has its own feeling. What are your goals in staging this exhibition? I would like to change the perception that I am a corporate boss, to let people know of my passion for painting. What’s important in life, after all? For me, art is equally of value to my work. Sharing my work with friends and acquaintances, I’ve gotten great feedback; people tell me that the work brings them a feeling of serenity. Being recognized by others for my art is an amazing feeling; now, I want to share the work with a larger audience, getting inspiration, feedback, and ideas for how to continue.

LifeStyle 31



Antwaun Sargent 表里如一的社交王子

New York City Boy 不经意间,Antwaun Sargent 总能在每一个备受追捧的时尚 秀场和艺术开幕会上闯进人们的视线。仿佛在星光熠熠的名 流大腕中博彩而出,本来就是这位后起之秀的天赋。 Antwaun Sargent is pure New York: a socialite who seems to pop up at all of our favorite fashion shows and art openings. LifeStyle had an exclusive chat with this rising star about style, art, and the city. Text: Jacob Dreyer

32 LifeStyle

你在纽约生活多长时间了? 这个城市让你有改变吗? 最近四年我一直生活在纽约,它已经

我穿衣服首先看感觉。我有次去了一 个位于古根海姆的派对,非常棒,我穿了 蓝色牛仔裤、腰上系一件浅牛仔蓝衬衫,





希望的样子。意识到这点后,我在纽约找 到了最舒适的自己。

前纽约市长迈克尔·布隆伯格曾宣称纽约为 “奢华城市”,你是怎么看的?它有什么政













座城市都被时尚界“抢占”,艺术人士还 是坚守在画廊和博物馆里。

你会离开纽约吗?如果离开,你会去哪儿? 我真的幻想自己要在巴黎呆上两年。












人是如此的 ...... 奇葩。


LifeStyle 33



How long have you been in New York?

very different in the city. I often see fashion

How has the city changed since you’ve been

people or art people together when there


is some kind of collaboration between a

I’ve in New York for the last four years.

brand and artist. But I rarely seeing the two

It has changed the way I think about

worlds at the same parties. During fashion

personal expression. In New York there

week, the fashion crowd takes over the city

isn’t one single narrative, so you can really

and art people kind of stick to the galleries

be whoever you want. Realizing that, I

and museum spaces.

think New York has allowed me to become comfortable with myself.

Former Mayor Bloomberg famously said NYC was to be a “luxury city.” Is it? How

Does the art world and the fashion world

do you feel about this- are you a part of

meet socially? If so, where, why and how?

this? What are the political implications of

Is there something intrinsically logical

this? (thats more me wanting to know than

about this, or is this just the logic of densely

something we’d run...)

crowded cities with a limited amount of nice venues for events? I think the art and fashion scenes are

34 LifeStyle

New York is expensive and increasingly a p l a y g r o u n d f o r t h e r i c h a n d I ’v e personally seen some really talented

artists and designers leave the city for

around my waist, a dashiki, and white

places like LA and Paris. So, I think in the

converse, because I generally find suits

future it might be difficult for New York

extremely boring and I was feeling super

to continue to attract the kind of creatives

relaxed and I wanted to communicate that

t h a t h a ve m a d e t h e cit y l e g e n d a r y.

with my look.

How do you put together your look? What

Would you ever leave NYC and if so, for

defines style for you?


I think my style is conceptual. It’s about

I really have a fantasy of living in Paris

ideas and less superficial than just looking

for two years. I want to move there like

great. I think that what you wear is political

some of the great American writers, I love,

and speaks for you in a lot of ways. So

and write for two years, then return to

acknowledging that, I want my st yle

New York. I love the way that city make

to communicate a certain challenge to

me feel and the fashion and culture scene

normative American culture.

in a certain sense is really inspiring. The

Putting together a look starts with a

last time I was in Paris, I spent three weeks

feeling for me. I went to a party at the

there and absolutely loved every minute

Guggenheim once that was pretty fancy,

because Parisians are so… je ne sais quoi.

wearing blue jeans, a denim blue shirt

LifeStyle 35

36 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Tea Cities / P.38

LifeStyle 37




Tea Cities Text: Jacob/Johnny Fogg

时至今日,人们对茶的青睐已经遍布每一个城市。 然而不同的城市,茶的气质却截然不同。究竟是茶的区别成全了 城市的韵味,还是城市的迥异塑造了茶之道? lifestyle 带你走访各具特色的城市,寻找关于茶的故事。 All over the world, people love drinking tea, regardless whether they are young or old. However, each city has a different tea culture; what traditions, stories, and habits are found inside of the teacup? LifeStyle hits the road in search of the most fascinating stories about tea.

38 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 39



北 京



Tea is an attitude to life 清朝到民国,作为中国首都的北京,发 展出一套自成体系的茶文化。这种茶文化上 彻帝王贵族, 下引平民百姓。康、乾好茶,文

于生活的态度,是社交人生, 也是自我表达。 老北京的茶馆儿是一种市民气很重的



摊糊口的摊贩们, 也无茶不欢。 一方面来看,



市民生活的典型环境 , 文化底蕴异常丰富 ,


在兼容并蓄各地茶馆之长的同时 , 又打上了




形式来分, 大致有大茶馆、清茶馆、 书茶馆、

务的“高档茶馆” , 也有开在街头,一把大壶、

野茶馆等几大类 ,可谓形式完备,各有特色。


40 LifeStyle



Tips: 高末:老北京的最爱。但其实高末并不是茶叶的一种,而是专门特指很多茶叶店卖完了花茶, 把剩下的碎渣收集起来继续出售,价格很便宜。既不浪费又保证了花茶的品级,很受老百姓 欢迎。 Gao Mo:the love of old Beijing. It is not a kind of tea, but specifically refers to a lot of tea shops sold out tea, put the rest of the slag collected continue to sell, the price is very cheap. No waste and ensure the quality of tea, very popular with common people.

find themselves, relax, or get inspired.


even as humble workers drank tea to keep

在, 许多老年人在指定地点设一简易茶摊,

going through cold winters and hot summers.

Perhaps the most interesting local specialty


The tea culture of Beijing is an excellent way

is the “big bowl” tea-stalls. Served in big

to read the city’s history of high and low:

bowls and sold in the street, this old custom is

whether in the variety of tea, the water used,

hard to find today. Nowadays, many older

the tea utensils or ceremony, everything has

folks set up shop in designated tea-drinking

顾客来饮,则打开“龙头”,放满一碗,递 与顾客,谓之“大碗茶”,兼卖茶鸡蛋之类 的小食品。这在当年泛称“茶摊”。过去,

equivalents suitable for every walk of life. From

places, laying out stools and a large enamel


royal high teas to a large teapot with bowls

pot fulled with tea; they’ll pour out a bowl of


for passerbys sold on the street, tea in Beijing

tea, served with sunflower seeds, eggs and

釉的大瓦壶包上棉套, 壶内沏上茶叶末儿,

isn’t just a drink, but an attitude to life, a form

other snacks. In the past, the big bowls were


of self-expression and a center of social life.

sold mostly to laborers and the poor, those


The children of Old Beijing’s teahouses

in need of quick and cheap refreshment. A


went on to do great things. As in the classic

big jug with fresh tea always brewing, the

writer Lao She’s Teahouse, the teahouse is the

melodic cries “children, come drink tea!”

social environment of Beijing par excellence,

and the friendly faces; the chatan are

all inclusive, with a unique Beijing flavor. Old

extraordinarily atmospheric places. Beijing

Beijing teahouses are large and open, with

has changed and so has its tea culture, but

tea, books, and good conversation; they were,

certain memories will persist forever.

在是生活的必需,但若能在保留了这一文 化的老茶馆里来上一碗,也不失乐趣一种。 From the Qing dynasty through the Republic of China period, Beijing developed its own unique tea culture, one suitably imperial. Monarchs and nobles sipped refined tea,

and are, truly places where anybody could

LifeStyle 41



潮 汕


42 LifeStyle

工夫茶中见功夫 GongfuStyle



area is the motherland of the Gongfu



custom of tea; this has spread overseas, as



those who trace their ancestry to Chaozhou



keep up the tradition to stay close to their heritage.







exquisite effort, hence called gongfu; it



requires a specific quantity of time, and



regulates mood and other things according

的饮茶风俗 , 是礼宾待客的第一道习俗。今


to the tea ceremony. Flavor is prepared



for the guest; haste is eschewed, as true

祖追宗的标志,有潮汕人的地方,就一定能 看到工夫茶的影子。 工夫茶历来讲究“品饮工夫”。正因其 是讲究品饮功夫的一种饮茶方式 , 故称为 “工夫茶”。工夫茶,顾名思义就是操作起 来需要一定的工夫,其烹煎之法应是源于 陆羽的《茶经》。潮汕人请人喝茶时按照工 夫茶的规矩,主人必须自己亲自冲茶,茶要

Chaozhou’sgongfu tea ceremony is China’s tea culture most representative of the tea ceremony. During the T’ang D y n ast y, t e a cul t ure was p e r f e c t e d, par ticularly along the coast; tea was adopted enthusiastically by Chaozhou locals as central to hospitality, health, and the aspiration to gentility. The Guangdong- Chaozhou- Shantou

Gongfu pays special at tention to “ drinking time.” Tasting the tea is an

hospitality shows itself. The tea leaves infuse the water; conversation infuses he air. The high concentration of flavor, almost bitter, is known; the locals like it that way, thinking that the elevated flavor can elevate thought as well. Oolong tea is used, with famous local varietals; it can be red, green, or semi-fermented; the ceremony is about time, care, and frendship.

Tips: 工夫茶十一程式: 嗅茶、温壶、装茶、润茶、冲泡、温杯、运壶、倒茶、 敬茶、品茶 Gongfu’s Eleven Steps: Smell the tea, warm the pot, put the tea in pot, add water, brew the tea, warm the cup, wish luck, pour the tea, offer the tea, drink.

LifeStyle 43



Tips: 西湖龙井品类:西湖龙井茶向以“狮(峰)、龙(井)、云(栖)、虎(跑)、梅(家坞)”排列品第。龙井茶外形 挺直削尖、扁平俊秀、光滑匀齐、色泽绿中显黄。冲泡后,香气清高持久,香馥若兰;汤色杏绿,清澈明亮,叶 底嫩绿,匀齐成朵,芽芽直立,栩栩如生。品饮茶汤,沁人心脾,齿间流芳,回味无穷。 Longjing tea has different flavors depending on whether it was grown on mountains, near water, in wild spaces, or near plums. The leaves have a straight, flat shape, with a homogenous appearance, ranging in color from green to yellow. After brewing, the aroma is strong and delicious, like an orchid or apricot; the mouthfeel and taste is very distinctive, leaving a crisp aftertaste.













Hangzhou locals don’t drink tea, they “eat” tea (in the local dialect). The idea of tea has many etymologies and meanings. A long time ago, many d i f f e r e n t w o r d s w e r e u s e d f o r t e a; during the language reform 50 years ago, many of these words assimilated

一方水土养育一方茶“天时” “地利”


into each other; but in Hangzhou, the

是其基础 , 但龙井茶的品质还因“人和”而


ancient spirit remains. Nowadays, the



busy city still doesn’t penetrate into the



teahouse; Hangzhou businessmen aren’t


If we speak of tea in Hangzhou, we

anxiously chasing banknotes, and have

“吃”发的是中古的“qie”音, 《康熙字典》

naturally think of the West Lake and

a humanitarian attitude; as long as there


n e a r by L o n gjin g. T h e sil k m o u n t ain

is a bed at home, space for the children,

of Hangzhou, Longjing, gave rise to

and tea, life here is deemed acceptable.

改革, “喫”与“吃”合并, “吃”也就失去了 “喝”的本意。之所以说是慢慢来,说的是 旧时在茶馆里吃茶的杭州生意人,都没有 心急火辣地扑心扑肝赚钞票的心态,比较

a u ni q u e c u l t u ra l s c e n e r y; l o n gjin g

The word “early” also indicates an

t e a is n o t sim p l y a b eve ra g e, b u t a

element of local tea culture. Hangzhounese

temperament and spirit of Hangzhou.

drink tea earlier in the morning, starting

The local terroir is as sophisticated as

to brew before dawn. The dedication to


it would be with French wines, as every

patrimony here has made tradition a way


a re a h as a s ligh t l y dif f e re n t f l a vo r;

of life.

44 LifeStyle

杭 州



Greeting the day with tea

LifeStyle 45



成 都


悠闲“水泡皮” Time Floats By

当慢活成为西方城市潮流之际,成都 早已是忙碌的中国里,缓慢城市的代表。

门阵 (在成都称一群人聊天闲谈为 “龙门阵” ) 、






46 LifeStyle


什么是碗盖茶?盖碗茶又称 “三才碗” ,

在现今多达 3 千多家的茶馆、茶楼、

上有盖、 下有托,中有碗;盖为天、托为地、






相传是唐代时德宗年间(780 -783)由西







人的时间, 似乎是用一杯杯盖碗茶来计算;




Even as slow living has become trendy

chatting in a teahouse “longmen”), playing

in Western cities, Chengdu has long

mahjong, telling stories, listening to stories;

represented the leisurely life here in China.

the end of this pot of tea is the beginning of

It’s rare to find a place where tea is more

the next one.Local porcelain manufacturers

important than a meal, but in Chengdu, tea

specialize in the three-part teacup; a cup, a


culture has a life of its own.

saucer, and a lid to allow the tea to steep.


Wit h mo re t han 3,0 0 0 t e ahous e s,

The so-called Wangai tea, also known

restaurants, sidewalk cafes, Chengdu

as the three powers bowl, is tea brewed

re sid e nt s d rink t e a f ro m m o r nin g t o

in a covered bowl, decorated with scenes

night, weekdays and holidays, with kids

What is Wangai tea covered tea, also

drinking bubble tea while their elders

known as “three powers bowl”, on the

drink caffeinated tea. To say that Chengdu

covered, under care, in a bowl; cover

is a cit y nourished by water is not an

for day care for the land, and his bowl.

exaggeration; filtered through the tea

The tradition stems from T’ang emperor

leaves which are grown nearby, this tea

D e z o n g; d u e t o t h e h o t t e a c u p, h e

flows through the veins of the city; time

preferred to use a saucer to hold his cup;

here is calculated with a glass covered

the tradition became popular, and evolved

teacup; as you sit in a bamboo chair, time

into today’s tea culture, spreading from

seems to stop. Relaxing, thinking about life,

Sichuan throughout China.

Tips: 盖碗茶喝法: 茶盖刮茶:待茶静置约 5 分钟后,用茶碗轻轻一刮 水面,将漂浮其上的茶叶集中至一边,同时让整碗

碗将茶汤徐徐送入口中。 斟茶不言语:茶杯已空,只要将茶盖置于桌面,不需 大声吆喝,负责斟茶的茶博士很快就会过来为你服务。 Drinking covered tea First, “scrape” the tea; let it stand for five minutes, then pour hot water over the bowl; it will cause the tea concentrate to float to one side, while the whole bowl of tea is heated. Next, hold the bowl carefully, and using a little bowl, pour water into the mouth slowly. Silence, not words: if the cup is empty, place the lid on the table; a waiter will soon come.

or chatting (Chengdu locals call a group

LifeStyle 47



徽 州


48 LifeStyle

无礼不成茶 Tea Etiquette


In Huangshan’s tea town, Mao Feng,


Keemun, and more excellent teas are


grown. Huangshan’s beautiful landscapes,

自然怡情山水,有了这传世的茶道。黄山人 沏茶,很讲究水,喜取清澈甜美的山泉,河 水中,井水次。茶具也用锡壶胆,茶叶放胆

with water and mountains, are where tea can flourish. Locals are very particular about water, using only pure, sweet spring water. After a hearty meal, people here


drink tea to cleanse their systems; with a


refreshing light taste, the local style of tea


is easy to drink and drink and drink.

成习的有“朝茶”、 “午茶”、 “夜茶”。早晨

In Huizhou, people drink tea constantly,


but the day tends to be divided into “before

气与香茶的芬芳沁人心脾, 这是健身妙道。

tea,” “teatime,” and “nighttime tea.” After

tea eggs- eggs boiled in spiced tea. On

washing in the morning, have a cup of

New Years day, the whole family would

tea; take in the fresh air and breathe in

sit down to eat three tea; for the first

the refreshing fragrance of the tea- a great

month of the new year, visitors would eat

way to start your day. After lunch, have a


three tea; on the occasion of weddings, or

cup of tea to aid digestion. Afternoon tea

family members visiting home, three tea


is different; the tea is brewed a bit more

would be served. With no tea, there was


strongly, to aid concentration when your

no occasion for warmth or politeness.

适、 随兴。 古徽州奉行朱熹 《家礼》 , 礼仪甚严,

energy is flagging. Finally, as night falls,


drink a cup of tea in the garden; your work

有“朝不可食,不可不饮”之说,所以朝茶 讲究细品。午饭之后,浓茶一杯,消食健胃。 喝午茶与朝茶不同, 讲究的是浓。 夜幕降临,

茶分三等”,其意就在此。客到,主人第一 礼便是上茶。 贵客来, 或遇喜庆, 讲究吃 “三茶” , 即枣栗茶(吃蜜枣、 煮板栗下茶) , 鸡蛋茶(吃

is finished, and you can relax. The ancient tea ceremony followed a very strict etiquette, with specific foods that accompanied the beverage, called “three


teas.” As guests came to visit, tea would


be prepared, accompanied by candied


chestnuts boiled down into tea, along with

Tips: 安徽十大名茶:黄山毛峰、六安瓜片、太平猴魁、祁门 红茶、屯溪绿茶、霍山黄芽、岳西翠兰、 泾县特尖、涌溪火青、桐城小花 yellow mountain fuzz tip, Liu’an leaf, Taiping Houkui Tea, Qimen Black, Tunxi Green Tea, Huoshan Huang Ya, Yuexi Cuilan, Jingxian Tejian, Yongxi Huoqing, Tongcheng Flower

LifeStyle 49



日本茶道历史中赫赫有名的 “卖茶翁” (江户时代)曾挑着茶具担子游走于京都

特约撰稿人 Guest Contributor: Johnny Fogg 是一位居住在纽约的摄影师、

take their time.There is a phrase in Japanese, “ichi go iche e,” which translates to “one meeting,



one chance,” an attitude behind all action in the



Japanese Tea Ceremony. An entire afternoon

茶室,开始了长达 20 年的卖茶生活。 时光飞逝,饮茶的情怀不变。如今,

Johnny Fogg is an artist, photographer and tea lover based in Brooklyn, New York. All text and images his own; learn more at

Baisao 茶室依旧为茶独留一方闲静与雅趣。 根据饮茶人数的多寡,Baisao 茶室可大可 小。简单的木制框架,顶上撑起白色的棉质 物,一方僻静私密的空间就于天地间划分 出来了。 当然, 你也可以追求更开阔的空间, 而只留下木框架。 喝茶,总是与朋友间、乃至陌生人之间 的交流分不开的。 它为人们的忙碌刹一刹车, 让我们放慢生活的节奏,环顾四周,审视眼 前。

我试图通过多种不同的茶文化,创造 一个独特氛围的世界,人们一经踏入这片 小天地, 便能马上感受到, 同时换上新心境, 哪怕这里只有简简单单的物什与用具。 The Baisao Tea Room is a mobile and modular tearoom designed to create the space and time for tea. The structure can change size according to the number of guests; a thin piece of white cotton fabric either wraps around the structure making


for a secluded and intimate environment, or it

品茶的客人。简单但别具匠心的插花、一顿 便餐、有着诗意名字的泡茶器具、与朋友尽

can be left off, creating an open room, with the simple wooden frame outlining the space. In cultures around the world tea starts conversation, creates communion with friends and strangers


alike, slows people down and asks them to look


around, to consider what is in front of them, to

50 LifeStyle

friends: flower arranging, a light meal, poetic names for objects used in the making of the tea, with everything selected so that the experience



can be dedicated to sharing a bowl of tea with

can be as singular and present as possible. With the Baisao Tea Room, I draw on many different tea cultures to create an atmosphere where people can feel, simply by stepping into a small room with few objects and implements, immediately transported into another world.

纽 约

New York


The Baisao Tea Room

LifeStyle 51



伦 敦


52 LifeStyle


British Tea Comes to Chengdu

在伦敦市中心的 Strand 街 216 号,有

Thomas twining founded his teashop

着超过 300 年历史的伦敦川宁茶店。川宁

at 216 The Strand in London in 1706, at

源于 1706 年,由托马斯·川宁创立,当时

a time when tea culture was very new to

茶文化对西方世界来说还很陌生,仅属于 精英群体的专享。1837 年,维多利亚女王 授予了川宁皇家御用茶称号,受历代皇室的

the West, a luxury for the wealthy elite. In 1837, Twinings was recognized by Queen Victoria as being an official Royal Warrant Holder, and supplies teas to the British


monarchy; the company remains family

代传承。 2006 年, 川宁将茶带到了中国——

owned, by the tenth generation in the


business. Twinings has been in China since


2006. Although “bringing tea to China”


has long signified an impossible or useless


task- since China is where tea culture

如今,川宁在中国成都成立了首家专营 店,为消费者奉上最纯正专业的英伦茶品, 更提供舒适优雅的品茶环境。19 世纪 40

originated- Twinings have been succeeding

Twinings shop, Chengdu: 中国四川省成都市红星路三段一号国际金融中心 L502A 号铺 L502A,No.1 Section 3 Hongxing Road, ifs, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China 610021

by bringing a completely different style of tea culture to the Eastern one, one which reflects the history of Asian and European

年代由 Bedford 公爵夫人发起的下午茶习

cultural interactions. With a posh new

of Bedford in the 1840s; it’s been the


shop in Chengdu, you no longer need to

highlight of the afternoon ever since. Next


go to London to experience the British tea

time you’re in Chengdu, skip the tea houses


ceremony. Afternoon tea is served in fine

that the city is famous for and head to the


hotels across China, an adaptation of a

Twinings shop for a unique experience of

British tradition originating with the Duchess

tea culture as you’ve never seen it before.

LifeStyle 53







的茶包选择 Teabagging in Five Star Hotels 藏在客房小抽屉里的袋泡茶也能流露出酒店的气质。 The teabags on offer at a hotel can say a lot about their meticulousness and attention to detail.

1. Dammann frères

2. Harrods

3. Betjeman & Barton

4. TWG




TWG 来自新加坡的顶级茶叶品



追求完美和创新。Betjeman &

牌, 从 LOGO 中 的 1837 就 能

2008 年,Damman frères 在


Barton 也是一家百年老店。它





TWG 的品茶师会走访世界各




地, 寻 找 优 秀 的 茶 园。 如 今

Dammann frères 已经将高端红



TWG 有 800 多种茶款。

茶里销往 62 个国家和地区了。

14 的早餐茶 ("Breakfast Blend


A centuries-old French brand,

No.14"),一直是 Harrods 最畅销

The Parisian boutique tea brand

T W G i s S i n g a p o r e ’s t o p

Dammann Frères has been on


opening in Paris in 2008, they

London is famous worldwide;

the move lately. With a store

Harrods department store in

expanded to Osaka, Japan

what many don’t know is that

in 2010. By now, they offer high teas a la française in 62

countries and regions around the world.

54 LifeStyle

they offer their own brand of

tea. Their classic is Breakfast Blend No. 14, featuring flavors from Darjeeling.

has pursued perfection and innovation since they opened

their English-style tea shop in 1919- the first of its kind in

Paris. Their design is very cute, whether inspired by the colors

of the rainbow, the British flag,

plaid, or striped tigers, playful and sophisticated.

brand, whose logo shows the company’s history- they were established in 1837. Every year,

their experts visit countries around the world in search of

the best tea. As a result, they have over 800 blends to choose

from, due to their specialization in blends.




5. Dilmah

6. Twinings

7. Fortnum & Mason




的国际茶品牌 , 这也是斯里兰卡最顶级的


商场,地址至今仍在皮卡迪里 181 号。在



英国民众心中,这个服务过 12 代君主的


酒店客房选择的便是 Twinings 茶包。

经典品牌和 Harrods 地位一样“崇高”。

Dilmah 茶包。

Twinings is everywhere, but "Bojue Cha"

Fortnum & Mason 的卖茶历史堪称英国的

Dilmah is a Sri Lankan tea brand owned by

growers, which gives a unique commitment

to quality built into the supply chain.

Dilmah is found in Shangri-La hotels as well as in the Sanya Conrad and in some Pullman hotels.

originator posture still. Twinings royal


t he b o dy, i n t he world a lso blossom

oldest department store. In the minds of the

tea name and Queen Victoria awarded

Fortnum & Mason is a veteran of London’s

everywhere, it Chinese most well-known

British, the tea is a classic; the history of

high-end Black Teabrand. Shanghai Hilton Hotel room of choice is Twinings bag.

Fortnum & Mason is the history of British tea culture.




8. Sirocco

9. Kusmi


Sirocco 是源于瑞士的有机茶。1908 年由

从诞生到现在,Kusmi 的历史已经超过了

亚曼 (LONDON AHMAD ) 历经三个世代,

Alfons Kuster 先生创立。Gentle Blue、

140 年。在巴黎,你能轻松找到 Kusmi,还


Red Kiss 和 White Silver Needle 等都是

有它的副牌 Løv Organic。而在老佛爷百货


Sirocco 的热门茶款。

的畅销榜单里,Kusmi 一直位列其中。


Sirocco is a high quality Swiss organic tea.

From their foundation to the present,


they use leaves from organic tea gardens

Check Paris’ Galeries Lafayette, where the

generations. A century old British brand,

Founded in 1908 by Mr. Alfons Kuster, around the world, and biodegradable, eco-

friendly teabags, packaged in a unique design. Try Gentle Blue, Red Kiss, or White Silver Needle tea.

Kusmi counts over 140 years of business.

London Ahmad has been around for three

tea is a bestseller, along with its offering

they are the tea of choice in Banyan Tree

Løv Organic.

hotels, as well as the tea used by “Downton Abbey,” with a quality evident to all.

LifeStyle 55







顶级茶具 TOP 10 Top Ten Teasets 好的茶具带来的,不仅是心情的愉悦,更是喝茶的人与杯中滋味之间故事的延续。 Tea isn’t always just about the meeting of tea leaves and water, but about the ambience created in the meeting of tea and culture.

1. Hermes

2. Tiffany

3. Vera Wang


爱马仕 Hermes 绝对不仅仅是


Vera Wang 和 Wedgwood 合







当一套 tiffany 的特制纯银茶
















品。拥有这样一套茶具,仿佛与 蒂芙尼邂逅在浪漫的夏日午后。

Hermès is not only a leather goods brand; their tea sets, especially popular in Japan, are world-renowned. If you’re searching for the porcelain equivalent of the Birkin bag, look no further.

No girl in the world is immune to Tiffany. A specially crafted sterling silver tea set is not merely an everyday necessity, but a work of art. Gazing at the tea set, you’ll soon be lost in dreams of a romantic afternoon tea on a gauzy summer afternoon.

Vera Wang’s wedding dress design details and Wedgwood’s porcelain craftsmen have collaborated on the LoveKnots series, with butterfly knots, lace, and other distinctive design elements applied to the porcelain design. The elegance and glamour of their wedding dresses is here turned to tea.


中的“柏金包”、 “凯莉包”了。

56 LifeStyle

Franz’s design style is loved all around the world, and rightly so. With motifs taken from nature- flowers, rhythms, birds and insects, mountains and fields, all rendered in unique three-dimensional modeling, the teapots and cups are truly a work of art, one that will brighten every tea table.




5. Royaldoulton

6. Minton

7. Hsiao Fang


明顿的哈顿庄园“HAD-DON HALL”系列,








妃生前青睐的 ROYAL ALBERT 和怀旧的田

Minton has a long heritage; Napoleon mentioned owning several cups in his diary. Minton’s “Haddon Hall” series, with themes drawn from medieval English manors, has an extravagant retro style that is to die for.


园风光与英式典雅相结合的“老镇玫瑰” 系列。 Royal Doulton Bone China is the UK’s largest export manufacturer, called “the world’s most beautiful porcelain maker” by Queen Victoria, and is widely loved by royal families all around the world.


高度,也显现出了做工的皇家气度。 The Taiwan-based antique porcelain manufacturer is known worldwide for elegant Chinese style, with a color all of its own. The work is excellent and impeccable, with a unique style that recollects the best of China’s tea culture.



8. Roralworcester

9. versace

10. Wedgwood

皇家瓦塞思成立于 1751 年,是英国最古老







惹眼的logo 和英式茶具的贵族气息相结合,



24K 金和完美奢华精巧的图案设计也来凑热


Founded in 1751, Royal Worcester is among the oldest of British kilns. The bone china tea sets are hand-painted with distinctive aristocratic banners.


Wedgwood porcelain is known as “the world’s most exquisite porcelain.” With brand heritage dating to the 1793 mission of the British Ambassador to China With animal bone meal as the main material, the porcelain has amazing endurance. Of course, it’s extremely expensive: if you have to ask the price, you probably can’t afford it.

Versace will in Greek mythology, "the witch" MEDUSA pattern and set the perfect interpretation of a lavish party. The eye-catching logo and British tea aristocratic combination, 24 carat gold and perfect luxury compact design also joined in the fun, make Versace tea party very extravagant.

LifeStyle 57

城市里的一些场所、场所中的一些细节有可能正是这个城市的灵魂所在。 而在各地的茶馆里 就, 恰好浓缩、隐藏或弥漫着每个城市所独有的魅力与个性。 带你走访各具特色的城市,寻找关于茶的故事。 lifestyle Some place of the city,some details of place, perhaps is the soul of the city.Every teahouse, enrichment, just hide or permeates each city unique charm and personality.

58 LifeStyle



艺术让我们从心思考。 Art is to let our thoughts from the heart.


Structure / P.60 动力

Automatic / P.72

任日“蜂巢之歌” RenRi Songs From the Beehive

LifeStyle 59


The Art World comes to China 巴塞尔艺术展是公认的当今世界最高水平的艺术博览会,被誉为“世界艺博会之冠”、 “国际 艺术界的大会师”。每年,巴塞尔艺术展让全球艺术界人士聚首一堂的三大展会分别在欧洲 艺术重镇——巴塞尔、南北美洲艺术枢纽——迈阿密海滩,和亚洲之门——香港举行。随着 当代艺术在中国的兴盛,香港巴塞尔艺术展也成为了亚洲指向标似的艺术盛事。 Art Basel has quickly become a global institution. The art fair, originating in Basel, Switzerland, has three exhibitions every year- and as contemporary art becomes integrated with lifestyles in booming China, the Hong Kong fair has truly become one to watch. In this special section, LifeStyle curates some of our favorite moments from Art Basel Hong Kong. 60 LifeStyle


The Art of the Hotel 2015 年,香港文华东方酒店第三年 成为香港巴 塞尔艺术展的指定酒店 伙

厚的大餐吧,也许你突然就有了灵感和新 解读,至少口腹之欲是不用担心啦!


The Mandarin Oriental is a Hong Kong


classic, and as sponsor of Art Basel, they


have engaged with art in a lot of fun ways,


raising the bar for how hotels can work


with art and artists, bringing their guests

力甜品;时尚酒吧 M bar 推出了一系列以

unique and accessible tastes of high culture.


An art-inspired menu is available in the


restaurants, as well as art-inspired cocktails;


all VIP card holders were given a free

they don’t “get” art, we recommend starting


massage in the spa- a real relief after the

your explorations with an art-infused lunch;


days of strolling the fair and the nights of

you’ll not only get the energy you need for


dancing and socializing. For those who say

the day, but perhaps inspiration as well.

LifeStyle 61





Songs From the Beehive

艺术家的工作在于让我们从心思考 An artist’s work is to let our thoughts from the heart Text: Jacob Dreyer

62 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 63

在中国崛起的一代自然艺术家可以让我们从内心中思考:关于社会, 关于自然,关于和谐,关于艺术带来的更美好的生活。 Here’s hoping that Ren and his peers in China’s rising generation of land and nature artists keep us wondering about urban society, nature, harmony, and how art can give us a better life.

64 LifeStyle


Beijing - based RenRi made a real

to the top floor, stuck in a traffic jam, or

主林明珠位于上环的 SOHO 空间举行,来

impression at this year’s Art Basel Hong

waiting in an endless boarding queue at the


Kong with his impressive display of

airport, images of Ren’s golden beehives


beehives at gallerist Pearl Lam’s Soho Space

might come to mind. Yes, our cities may


in Sheung Wan. The golden sculptures,

be glistening and sparkly, but the spaces


which he claims to be a collaboration with

allotted to us, and the time where we


the bees and with nature itself, were made

can truly obtain peace of mind, are small


in rural Hainan province, and inspired by

indeed. Here’s hoping that Ren and his


his childhood playing in natural rural areas

peers in China’s rising generation of land


near his parents home at Wuhan University.

and nature artists keep us wondering about


From the Taipei Biennial to this year’s

urban society, nature, harmony, and how


ABHK, artists whose work engages with


nature and notions of the anthropocene- or


the era where the environment is thoroughly


reshaped by mankind- have been in vogue.


It’s easy to see why, with awareness of


ecology and environment ever on the rise


in mainland China and around the world.


We love Ren’s idea of collaborating with


the bees, harmoniously working in tune


with nature to achieve beautiful results. The


sculptures might make you reconsider how


you interact with nature yourself- and the


hive-like nature of urban living. The next


time you are taking an elevator all the way

art can give us a better life.

LifeStyle 65




Stockholm’s Art Wizard 丰富的藏书的确是一个不错的门面修饰,画作也是如此。 Books do furnish a room, and so do paintings. Text: Jacob Dreyer


我们在今年香港巴塞尔艺术展的 VIP 预展上见到了 Müller-


Brunotte,当时他与客户一边交流,一边对饮 Ruinart 香槟。香港





艺术里的门道呢?于是 Robert Müller-Brunotte 这样的人就有



的好作品,哪些仅仅是一时的噱头之作。Müller-Brunotte 偏爱的


艺术家有来自法国 Kader Attia、美国的 Marilyn Minter、奥地利的

Brunotte 说。Müller-Brunotte 帮助你打入好莱坞明星、寡头和

Erwin Wurm。他毕业于欧洲工商管理学院,无论商业还是艺术,








我们让 Müller-Brunotte 推荐几个杰出的同行,他愉快地


提及了纽约的 Allan Schwartzman 和 Lisa Schiff、伦敦的 Emily


Tsingou 和香港的朱沛宗。

66 LifeStyle

The art world can seem intimidating and confusing to new investors. Books do furnish a room, and so do paintings; if you don’t know about art, or own some nice pieces, you’ll seem like an uncultured oaf. But who has the time to figure it out? Robert Müller-Brunotte, based in Berlin and Stockholm, helps clients with just this problem. “Collecting has become a lifestyle phenomenon that gives access to an exclusive world,” Müller-Brunotte says, and his help can give you entrée to openings and soirees populated by Hollywood stars, oligarchs, and oil sheikhs. Many of us find older, “classic” works more reassuring, but contemporary art is where the action is, socially, as an investment, and aesthetically. Supporting emerging artists, making a profit and impressing your friends- it’s a good idea now, a canny way to spread your assets around so that the next stock market crash or deflation of the real estate bubble doesn’t leave you broke. We found Müller-Brunotte in the Hong Kong Art Basel VIP section, where he hobnobbed with clients over a glass of Ruinart champagne. Art Basel Hong Kong is increasingly becoming known as one of Asia’s best parties, as the city is turned over to artists and collectors for a wild week of fun. As you’re stepping into a gallery or an art fair, if you find that you can’t tell what’s what, an art advisor can act as a tour guide, helping you to develop your discernment for what is actually good work and what is merely a fad. With personal favorites such as Kader Attia from France, Marilyn Minter from America, and Erwin Wurm from Austria, Müller-Brunotte helped us to gradually understand the art world better. A graduate of INSEAD, France’s elite MBA program, Müller-Brunotte is as savvy with business as he is with art. As a banker with UBS, he discovered the concept of "art banking ", which means that the bank manages wealthy clients' art business. This purchasing and sales, valuations and loaning works to exhibitions, formation of foundations, inheritance and tax issues, and issues related to customs and insurance. When asked to name some talented peers, he mentions Allan Schwartzman and Lisa Schiff in New York, Emily Tsingou in London and Jehan Chu in Hong Kong.

LifeStyle 67




East of Eden 从哪里入梦,又将现实藏于何处,都掌握在洞悉世俗的眼中和释放快门的手中 Philip-Lorca diCorcia at David Zwirner Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: David Zwirner Gallery

菲利普 - 洛卡·迪科西亚是美国本土的





迪科西亚的新作 Genesis(2015)中,小男

70 年代开始在艺术界崭露头角——那是摄




味着远离美梦和幻想。2008 年金融危机爆




Iolanda (2011) 里,年迈的老妇人坐在床上,










险感。Genesis 表达的是最初,或者说, “纯



真遗失”前的那一刻,而 Iolanda 代表了生




作家约翰·斯坦贝克 1952 年出版的同名小

在这场金融危机中经历了 “纯真的遗失” (同







自我毁灭的能力, 尤其是罪恶与救赎的关系。



从哪里入梦,又将现实藏于何处,都掌握 在他洞悉世俗的眼中和释放快门的手中。

68 LifeStyle


East of Eden, begun in 2008, takes as

the new work Genesis (2015), a young boy

Part of the series engages with idealized

its source of inspiration the economic and

jumps on a bed, clutching a doll in his hands,

depictions of American city- and landscapes,

political climate of the United States towards

with another one tucked into the sheets. It

several photographs of which were taken in

the end of the Bush era. Identif ying a

stands as an example of the psychologically

California, the primary setting for Steinbeck’s

parallel between the financial collapse and

charged domestic interiors belonging to the

book. In Sylmar, California (2008), a

the biblical Book of Genesis in terms of an

series. In addition, Iolanda (2011) depicts

man is seen riding on horseback in what

“ensuing loss of innocence,” East of Eden

an elderly woman seated on a bed staring

at first appears to be a romantic vision of

consists of singular, at times disparate images

at her reflection in the window of a high-

the American West; yet, closer viewing

of people and events after “the fall,” unified

rise building that overlooks the New York

shows the region has been ravaged by

by a pervading sense of disillusionment. Its

Harbor. Deep contrasts between light and

wildfires. These subtle shifts in perception are

title further refers to John Steinbeck’s 1952

shadow are used in both works to heighten

indicative of diCorcia’s interest in conveying

magnum opus, which echoes many of the

the perceived drama and danger. While

multilayered atmospheres, in which beauty

themes in the Book of Genesis, such as the

Genesis suggests the beginning, or perhaps

and destruction, presence and absence,

classic struggle between good and evil, the

the moment before the loss of innocence,

fact and fiction are ambiguously and

hunger for acceptance and greatness, the

Iolanda represents “the end of someone’s

simultaneously shown.

capacity for self-destruction, and especially

life,” according to the artist.

guilt and redemption. Whereas East of Eden incorporates more readily apparent symbolism than the artist’s previous series, the various sources are intricately weaved and layered, and the works’ referential ambiguity allows for open, wide-ranging interpretations. The exhibition includes Cain and Abel (2013), which portrays the biblical brothers as a gay couple, with arms wrapped around each other, while a nude pregnant woman, a modern-day Eve, watches over them.In

LifeStyle 69




Zhang Yi Fa drunk Journey

在对艺术的探索中,他开辟建立了一个属于自己的艺术国度 On his exploration of art, Zhang Yi Fa found a kingdom of his own... Text: Ai Hai






纳贝尔(Julian Schnabel)。然而,这一次,张艺法会给我们带来







是危险的,具有伤害的。特别是在所谓的“新水墨” 如此红火的

2013—2014 年,张艺法开始以中国传统的名著故事进行创作。


他此时的创作, 与其他艺术家挪用前人作品 “再创作” 是不一样的,

70 LifeStyle

他将“前人图像”当做自己创作时的照片,就像他塑 造模特一样。在后现代不算太长的历史当中,名画不 断被“翻新”,比如《最后的晚餐》,至少也有几十 个版本了,各种国家各种媒材,也是当代艺术追寻的 各种探索。我个人认为,艺术家的态度和出发点决定 了作品的性质,艺术家通过思考改变世界的方式就是 创作,或者说自古以来就没有一个真正的艺术家是靠准 确复原现实而成为艺术家的。 张艺法认为他和中国古代文人在逃避现实态度上相 通。对于中国文学的一字一句,其实都充满了现实的气息。 这个理论让人不得不去对比西方艺术,这种从古典文学或 者立体美学中独有的创造, 都是不同程度的形式主义。 然而, 在这样的格局中,艺术家始终找寻的是自己和作品之间的 距离关系,这个距离是多少?只有艺术家当事人最为清楚。 于是,在这场剧情里他保留了自己的人性、极端性、偏执性 ……他们会骑着马、 哼着歌、 拿起书, 穿着诙谐、 幽默、 讽刺、 反抗的闪闪甲胄,来实现自己的自由。张艺法的作品,就在 你的面前,你,可以假装无动于衷。

Sculpture is a traditional craft, but

post-modern art; the word means to reuse

In Bruce Nauman’s phrase, “the true artist

also a format for artistic and creative

and reassess strands of past traditions,

changes the world by revealing mystic

work. Zhang Yi Fa chose to break with

and is clear in the work of, for example,

truths;” this could certainly be said of the

traditional modes and innovate his

Julian Schnabel. Zhang Yi Fa plays on

ways that Zhang Yi Fa has illuminated a

own path within this format, making a

the stories of Journey to the West in his

text we felt ourselces to be familiar with.

departure from the norms. He resolutely

cultural explorations, pondering and

Starting with the text, Zhang has

d e c i d e d t o a b a n d o n t h e l o gi c o f

reassessing the impact of this classic in the

created a new artistic paradigm, one

Chinese contemporary art, denying

ways that Chinese artists have understood

that asks serious question of the limits of

everything that we take for granted. In

the West. Starting in 2014, Zhang Yi

formalism. In the space between the artist

the spirit of Journey to the West, he set

Fa’s method started with researches

and his work, Zhang Yi Fa rediscovered his

boldly on a new path, one that only he

and recreations of this classic story,

humanity, and his link to the past. The work

himself new.

misappropriating and reappropriating, as

is greatly recommended; a must see.

Détournement is a key technique of

well as recuperating, elements of the text.

LifeStyle 71



72 LifeStyle



Perini Navi Dreamboats 来自意大利 Viareggio 的佩里尼·纳威(Perini Navi)诞生于 1983 年, 在随后的二十多年间,它以“贵”而闻名—— 只有为数不多的几个富豪能负担得起它昂贵的售价。 Perini Navi was founded in Viareggio, Italy, in 1983; ever since, they’ve been building exquisite yachts for those who value beauty in all things. Text:Angelina Lee

LifeStyle 73




For Luxury 上世纪 70 年代末,热爱航海的意大利 人 Fabio Navi 萌生了成立一间游艇设计公 司——Perini Navi 的想法。这间公司发明了 具有革命性的风帆操控系统——卷轴捕获 曲柄,因而闻名于业界。卷轴捕获曲柄是一 种由电动控制、马达驱动的自动曲柄,它可 以安全自如地操控一艘大型游艇的超大风 帆,装配这套系统的新型帆船由一个人即可 进行全面操控。1983 年,Perini Navi 被整合 成一家不只生产部分技术及零件,同时生产 自有品牌的游艇公司。 “当然,没有能将自己 的想法完完全全实现在一艘船上更美妙的 事情了。”Fabio Navi 说道。Perini Navi 与意 大利的另一豪华游艇品牌 Wally 相比,后者 由于追求速度最大化,因此在内饰及舒适度 上有所减分。而前者的创始人 Fabio Navi 对 “美”有着近乎疯狂的追求,他从结构和美 学元素方面入手,通过一系列的方法对帆船 进行了重新设计,使之既增加了新的空间, 又营造出一种独有的舒适体验。这种综合 体现出来的奢华感正如前文所言,无法用一 两个词汇完整地概括出来,也许,Perini Navi 就已经是它最佳的代言词了。 经过多年的运营和并购,Perini Navi 如今一共拥有了包括设计和制造在内的 4 家子公司。Perini Navi 总公司位于意大利 Viareggio 的造船厂内,大部分游艇都在这 里设计、开发并建造。近年来,Perini Navi

In the late 1970s, the Italian sailing enthusiast Fabio Navi started pondering founding a yacht design company- the inception of the Pereni Navi idea. The company invented a revolutionary sail


handling mechanism, a reel catch crank,


as it’s known in the industry. The crank is a


reel catch managed by electronic control,

司的钣金件加工公司, “马耳他雄鹰”就是

freely manipulable in megayachts and

在这里花费五年时间建成的。美国分公司 则是集团公司的商务部门,提供战略基础

large sailing ship; the system allows a ship to be controlled entirely by one person. Starting in 1983, Perini Navi has not

服务,为那些想要出租自己游艇的 Perini

only innovated production technology and

Navi 船东提供租赁服务,并为那些想要买

parts, but also design and elegance. “A


yacht is the ideal format for realizing a

74 LifeStyle

perfectly designed concept,” said Fabio Navi, who prides himself on designing some of the world’s most elegant yachts. The frenzied pursuit of beauty has long characterized Fabio Navi; redesigning yachts to give a feeling of spaciousness and comfort has created a sense of luxury beyond compare, one that’s difficult to put into words. After years of operations and acquisitions, Perini Navi now has four subsidiaries. Headquar tered in their h o m e b a s e o f V i a r e g g i o, t h e t e a m designs, builds and develops yachts inhouse with Italian master craf tsmen. In recent years, Perini Navi has been working to optimize production capacity and expand into new market segments, and thus has opened branches in I s t anb u l an d t h e U S; I s t anb u l is t h e headquarters for sheet metal processing; the structure of yachts can take as many as five years to get perfect. The US is the company’s business headquarters, offering leasing services for those who w i s h t o r e n t y a c h t s a n d b r o ke r a g e services for buyers.

LifeStyle 75




Maltese Falcon 没有任何一艘船的下水能像马耳他雄 鹰那样轰动——2006 年其在土耳其下水 之际,为之整整努力了五年的工人们足足 狂欢了七天七夜。这艘帆船横扫了接下来 的三年中各大游艇展的各式奖项,它还与 Jim Clark 的 Athena 号和 Joe Vittoria 的 Mirabella V号并列成为世界三大私家帆船。 “直到今时今日,马耳他雄鹰依然被认为 是最伟大的帆船杰作。”Fabio Navi 为此 非常自豪。 马耳他雄 鹰的原始 造 价为 10 亿元 人民币,第一任主人美国传奇富商 Tom Perkins 以近 15 元亿人民币的价格将其购 下,后几经易手,最近一任主人是位希腊 籍的女富豪。 在所有的设计挑战中,马耳他雄鹰那 三根 58 米高的碳纤维桅杆是最具科技含 量的一项创新。传统上,一艘帆船的长度 增加后,其桅杆高度就得相应增加,这样 一来,就限制了它的活动范围和可通过的

Perini 说: “我们在设计这艘船的时候,脑

桥高。Perini Navi 公司的工程人员成功地


The Maltese Falcon originally sold to

将桅杆高度控制在 58 米内,对于一艘长


American businessman Tom Perkins for

达 88 米的帆船而言,这的确是个不小的


1 billion yuan; having changed hands



several times since, it’s now owned by



one of Greece’s wealthiest women.



下自由转动,控制各自所带的 5 面传统方


Navi commented, beaming.

In a boat filled with wonders, the three 58-meter carbon fiber masts are the


T h e re is p e r h a ps n o b o a t in t h e

most innovative of features. Traditionally,

压马达,相当于 1000 台宾利雅致发动机

world as sensational as the Maltese

masts increase in size along with boats;


Falcon. Launched from Turkey in 2006,

to control the masts to a height of 58


the boat cost workers seven days and

meters on an 88 meter boat was a true


nights to optimize every last detail. The

breakthrough. The modest size brings


ship immediately won awards at major

the Maltese Falcon greater flexibility


boat shows, and is numbered among

and se curit y wit hout imp acting it s


the world’s best private yachts. “Until

performance; the three masts freely


now, the Maltese Falcon is considered

rotate under the control of their hydraulic


a masterpiece of craftsmanship, “ Fabio

motor, which distribute the sails perfectly

76 LifeStyle

for getting wind. Each mast base boasts an engine with the equivalent of 1000 Bentley engines. A solid hull and tough exterior, the agility to pass through straits and the durability to cross an ocean- this is the Maltese Falcon. The dream of sailing is to explore the ocean, an impulse that comes from our most primeval dreams of conquering nature; this is the ursprung of human desire. In a dialogue with nature, dancing in the storm, the Maltese Falcon evokes the beauty of the human condition. Navi commented “We designed this ship to appeal to gentlemen, with a unique and elegant appearance, a comfortable and refined interior, and an excellent sailing performance. All in all, it is a dreamboat.”

我们在设计船的时候,脑海中浮现出的是一位绅士的样貌, 我们就是为他而设计的。 All of our boats are designed for a gentleman to enjoy leisurely pursuits on a sparkling blue sea. LifeStyle 77




Concentration: the key to excellence Editor: Jacob Dreyer

从上海到青岛可以说是很大的变化。对 于一个市场销售总监来说,二者在市场 竞争、客户基础等方面有什么区别吗? 我在上海时曾任职于上海的一家旅游 度假酒店,无论从客户群体和市场定位, 都和青岛鲁商凯悦酒店有着异曲同工之 处。而青岛鲁商凯悦酒店作为一家新开业 两年的酒店,对我来说更具有新的机遇与 挑战。酒店位于著名的石老人海滩上,举 步即可亲近自然,而距离市中心仅 15 分 钟车程,优美的环境和便捷的交通使我们 可以满足各类型客户的需求。

唐泽雨宁 市场销售总监,青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 Amane Karazawa, Director of Sales and Marketing, Hyatt Regency Qingdao

您曾经有过在日本留学的经历并且非常 熟悉那个国家。您认为日本的酒店业和 中国的酒店业有什么不同吗? 持有日本国籍的我,却钟爱中国的文 化底蕴和生活方式,所以我一直选择在中 国发展事业。日本由于发展早因此酒店市 场相对来说比较成熟,而快速腾飞的中国 近几年已经成为世界经济发展的核心力 量,强大的金融资金注入、优秀人才的培 养与发展、国际文化的包容性、使我在在 这里可以更游刃有余的找到自己的平台。 现在,大量新酒店的开业对于我们酒店人 来说是不容错过的时机。 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店有什么特别之处?是 什么让它在区域竞争中脱颖而出? 独一无二的地理位置,无可比拟的自然环 境是酒店所引以为傲的特色。大部分的客 房与餐厅以及会议宴会厅都可以观赏到 迷人的海景,住店客人可步行到达海滩, 同时,酒店还拥有多类型的户外场地,为 会务活动提供与众不同的体验。另外,餐 饮服务也是凯悦酒店的最大卖点之一,除 了现有的中餐厅与全日餐厅,酒店会在近 期全新开业一家亚洲烧烤餐饮及酒吧,这 里将成为青岛美食爱好者的聚集点。

78 LifeStyle

What differentiates larger markets like Shanghai from smaller markets like Qingdao in terms of challenges, customer base and priorities for a DOSM? I was based at a tourist resort hotel in Shanghai which is similar to Hyatt Regency Qingdao in terms of positioning and market segments. Hyatt Regency Qingdao has only been open for two years, with many exciting options for growth. The hotel is located on the Shilaoren beach with direct access to the ocean. Shanghai is a bit more international, while in Qingdao we are more focused on local and business travelers. But our hotel in Qingdao is on a beautiful stone beach, while still being close to urban comforts. You went to university in Japan and are very familiar with that nation. What differences do you see between the hospitality industry in Japan and China? I’m a Japanese, but I personally like to live in China. Japan developed earlier than China and is more mature. However, China has grown rapidly and become the economic core of the world. Huge financial investment, talent development and international culture appreciation make the country quite popular. Greater platforms and opportunities can be found for myself, as many new hotels are appearing. Tell us what is special about Hyatt Regency Qingdao, what special events and promotions you have coming up, and what makes it stand out from regional and area competitors. A unique location and unrivalled views are our main selling points. Most of our guestrooms, restaurants and even function rooms enjoy a charming ocean view. Outside venue options offering memorable experiences are provided to our guests. What's more, Hyatt F&B services are renowned globally and we will open a brand new Asian BBQ and bar shortly. We welcome guests to come to Qingdao from May to October, and the Qingdao Beer Festival falls in August which will definitely attract much attention from the world.



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.80

E/C House

LifeStyle 79




Aladdin’s Cave in Rotterdam 藏匿于洞穴里的黄金市集难掩珠光宝气 The Gold Souk by Liong Lie Architects Text:Jeffrey Ying Photos: Hannah Anthonysz

80 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 81







丹的 Liong Lie 建筑事务所从阿拉丁的宝




兰 De Bazaar 市集(欧洲经营最为成功的


Shopping mall项目之一) 的黄金市场的设计。





De Bazaar 这个欧洲室内超级跳蚤市

聚集。2 月份刚刚竣工的黄金市场是一个

场拥有 2000 多家商铺和 60 多家食肆,你


可以买到各种各样的东西, 包括衣服、 配饰、



82 LifeStyle


wo basic ideas – one gold and

goldsmiths that offer their wares each

sparkles and shimmers under different

one black - result in a dramatic

weekend at the Goudstraat (Goldstreet)

lighting conditions during the day and at

impact at the new Gold Souk

at the Eastern Market of the famous


building at the Beverwijk Bazaar in The


The Bazaar in Beverwijk is a massive

Netherlands. Recently completed in

The designers based the uneven

indoor public “fleamarket in overdrive.”

February, the building was inspired as a

shape of the building on a gold nugget.

With more than 2,000 shops and more

sort of Aladdin’s Cave of treasures.

They covered the façade with gold-

than 60 food establishments in numerous

Rotterdam-based Liong Lie Architects

tinted panels with a triangle pattern.

h a l ls, D e B a za a r o f f e rs c l o t hin g,

had the opportunity to design a brand

The panels are placed in dif ferent

accessories, toys, food and even gold.

new hall for the gold dealers and

orientations so that the entire building

LifeStyle 83



84 LifeStyle


Rehabilitation 打破“除旧更新”的老观念,残壁成就了别致新宅 A ruined building frames a chic new house in Portugal Text:Jeffrey Ying Photos: Paulo Catrica

葡萄牙的 SAMI 建筑工作室打破了“除旧更新”的老观念,在 葡萄牙皮库岛上设计并建造了一栋房子——E/C House。设计师 保留了原来岩块剥落的残壁,将新旧二者融合,使这栋存在于废 墟中的建筑更具神秘感与吸引力。 E/C House 是为来自科英布拉一对夫妇建造的度假屋。该项 目希望提升原本被视为无用废墟的价值,让新的设计与建设与之 相辅相成,营造新旧冲突,以收获更多可能。 “废墟是我们整个设计开始的起点”,将这个项目命名为“E/ C 之家”的两位建筑师解释道。 “我们希望设计既能保留废墟, 又能增加废墟价值的新房子, 新旧对比不能突兀,同时‘新的部分’还要发挥自身优势,为生活 提供过去的样式所没有的多样复杂的可能。” 新宅是一栋两层混凝土结构的建筑,四周围绕厚实的黑色玄 武岩石墙。阶地和甲板遍布周边,有些存在于老旧结构的后面,有 些则超出到院外。

LifeStyle 85



86 LifeStyle

为了确保有足够的光线能穿透双层外 立面,建筑师在每个起居室和卧室都增加 了超大的窗户。很多窗户尺寸甚至达到房间 整体高度。错层结构的一层曾经被用来饲


ortuguese studio SAMI Arquitectos has slotted a modern concrete house behind the crumbling stone

walls of a ruined building, located on an


island in the middle of the North Atlantic




Pico belongs to a group of volcanic


islands far west of Portugal and is an


area that architects Inês Vieira da Silva

建筑师 Vieira da Silva 和 VIEira 补充

and Miguel Vieira of SAMI Arquitectos

说: “这个项目建立在原有石墙的界线之

have been working to rehabilitate for


over 10 years.This latest project involved


creating a holiday home for a couple


based in Coimbra. The architects sought to construct a building designed around an existing ruin – formerly a house with a living space at the top and an area for animals below.

LifeStyle 87



"A ruin was the starting point for the

added large windows to every living

design," explained the architects, who

room and bedroom. Many span the full

have named the project E/C House .

height of a room. The split-level ground

"The project came from the will to

floor, which once would have been used

maintain a ruin and thinking of a house

for housing livestock, now accommodates

that would value it, a house that could be

four bedrooms featuring timber-lined walls

modeled to it and take advantage at the

and built-in storage.

same time, offering the most diverse and

A staircase ascends up alongside

complex possibilities of living than the

one wall, leading directly up to a living

former typology."

room with an angled ceiling that follows

The new house is a two-story concrete

the pitch of the timber-framed roof."The

structure that squats within chunky walls

project is a movement between a limit line,

of dark basalt stone. Terraces and decks

in stone, and the intervention volumes that

are dotted around the perimeter, some

are led by that same line, but sometimes

behind the aging outer structure and some

flow independently or extend, whenever

extending beyond it.

the necessity of space or of a view is

To ensure that plenty of light penetrates the double-layered exterior, the architects

88 LifeStyle

needed," added Vieira da Silva and Vieira.

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.90 美酒

WineClub / P.122

LifeStyle 89



90 LifeStyle



LifeStyle杂志第五届 CHA中国酒店大奖揭晓

THE 5th ANNUAL CHINA HOTEL AWARDS 第五届C H A中国酒店大奖在北京四季酒 店隆重揭晓。LifeStyle杂志创办的CHA中 国酒店大奖专注于推动大中华区酒店及 度假村行业发展,展示酒店业的顶级风采 与蓬勃现状,向中国庞大的旅游消费群体 提供多样化酒店品牌选择及出行参考。本 届评选综合专家评审团意见和网民投票 数,在参评酒店中评出奢华类、豪华类、 高端类年度最佳酒店等多项大奖。 The 5th CHA China Hotel Awards was recently announced at Four Seasons Hotel Beijing. The CHA China Hotel Awards, created and hosted by LifeStyle Magazine, is an annual award ceremony for the top hotels & resorts in the Greater China area, in which the best Deluxe, Luxury and Ultra-Luxury hotels are chosen and awarded. The aim is also to show all facets of China’s hospitality development to China and the world, and to reflect the diversity of hospitality brands available to a growing group of affluent Chinese travelers. The winners, decided by a professional judging panel & online voting, are listed as follows. LifeStyle 91



北京四季酒店 Four Seasons Hotel Beijing 2015CHA 最佳酒店


中国传统美学与现代格调在此碰撞交融,全球顶 级奢华酒店品牌打造集高雅、格调与高度个性化 服务于一身的五星级世外桃源。 Chinese tradition meets modern comfort and style in this calming 5-star sanctuary of refinement, style and highly personalised service by the world’s leading luxury hotel brand.

广州文华东方酒店 Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou 广州文华东方酒店拥有得天独厚的地理位 置,位于广州CBD黄金地段,直通太古汇顶 级购物中心。酒店的室内设计由季裕棠设计 师事务所负责,设计揉合了传统东方元素及 “新中国”现代特色。豪华装潢的233间客 房和30间套房均十分宽敞,处处体现文华东 方酒店集团精致典雅的风格。 Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou is convenient located in Guangzhou CBD and linked directly to TaiKoo Hui’s world-class shopping. Each of the 233 spacious guestrooms, 30 suites and 24 serviced apartments, the standard guest rooms are the largest in the city.

92 LifeStyle

北京万达索菲特大饭店 Sofitel Wanda Beijing 北京万达索菲特大饭店为一间五星级酒店, 坐落于北京CBD中央商务区的中心地带,楼 高27层,为追求优雅舒适、个人化服务和精

2015CHA年度 最佳酒店


致酒店住宿体验的商务及休闲旅客而设。 Ideally located in the Central Business District, Sofitel Wanda Beijing, a 5 star luxur y hotel provides a unique, contemporary luxury experience by artfully blending French elegance with the very best of Chinese culture.

杭州尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店 The Azure Qiantang, a Luxury Collection Hotel, Hangzhou 杭州尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店地处钱塘江畔。酒店设有 七间独具格调的宽敞会议室,自然光线充足,可欣赏 到钱塘江全景,且配有齐全的会议设备和专业的宴会 服务团队。酒店致力于为顾客打造非凡目的地体验。 The Azure Qiantang, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Hangzhou, is a supremely located , sophisticated tower with convenient access to the airport and train station and a remarkable destination to discover. Situated along Hangzhou’s Qiantang River, home to the world’s largest tidal bore, authentic experiences await the global explorer. As the tide rises, these stunning, panoramic river views from the sophisticated, shimmering glass tower are a vision to remember.

LifeStyle 93



北京富力万丽酒店 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel 2015CHA 最佳酒店


酒店设有别致宜人的意大利餐厅,时尚典雅的中 餐厅和开阔现代的自助餐厅,以国际化的厨师团 队为客人开启世界美食探索旅程。24层行政酒廊 的优质服务为入住平添一份轻松和舒适,重新定 义了时尚与精致的内涵。 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel is the ultimate lifestyle hotel in Beijing. Surrounded by upscale shopping malls, numerous of intriguing restaurants and amazing bars in Shuangjing area. The property offers the perfect blend of comfort, with 522 spacious guest rooms including 37 well-appointed suites. The International Chefs’ team proposes a delicious international and authentic cuisine which would delight anyone’s senses.

北京王府井希尔顿酒店 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing 北京王府井希尔顿酒店地理位置绝佳,为您提 供商务、休闲便利。齐全的设施和贴心的服务令 您畅享精致生活。酒店地处繁华商业区王府井大 街的中心,距离天安门广场、紫禁城和东方广场 商场与写字楼仅举步之遥;步行即达中央政府和 相关部委;驱车十余分钟便可到达国贸和复兴门 商圈。 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing offers an intimate lifestyle experience in a prime location for business and leisure alike. In the middle of the shopping hub of Wangfujing, the hotel is within walking distance from Tian’anmen Square, the Forbidden City, and the malls and office towers of Oriental Plaza. It is also a short walk to governmental and ministerial offices and a quick drive to the business districts of Guomao and Fuxingmen.

94 LifeStyle

上海静安香格里拉大酒店 Jingan Shangri-La, West Shanghai 拥有508间客房的静安香格里拉大酒店 坐落于静安商业核心区的静安嘉里中心 内,总建筑面积达450,000平方米。酒店

2015CHA 最佳服务酒店


的宴会及会议场地的整体面积高达4,465 平方米,包括一间面积达1,743平方米,规 模属“浦西之最”的静安大宴会厅。 Situated in the heart of the affluent Jing An central business district, the 508-room Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai will be focal point of the integrated Jing An Kerry Centre, The hotel provided 4,465 square metres of meeting and conference space, including a 1,743-square-metre grand ballroom – the largest in West Shanghai.

西安索菲特传奇酒店 Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel Xian 世界知名酒店管理集团法国雅高集团旗下中国首家终级奢华品牌-索菲特传奇,即全球第五家、中国首家索菲特传奇酒店2014年9月3 日落户西安。西安索菲特传奇酒店是一座拥有丰富文化内涵、传奇色 彩、恒久建筑与深厚历史的奢华精品酒店,它完美结合了中西历史文 化及二十一世纪的现代气息,您可以在此感受到另一个年代的辉煌, 沉浸在充满历史传统的氛围中,体会曾经接待过众多传奇人物的房 间和他们的故事。 Xian, April 25, 2014 – Sofitel Luxury Hotels is pleased to announce that discerning travelers can now Live the first Legend in China and the fifth in the world when they stay at Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel Xian. Opened in 1953, as the State Guesthouse, the hotel was designed by Hong Qing, Chief Architect of the Northwest Institute of Architectural Design. He skilfully sited the building in an extensive garden, formerly part of the grounds of an imperial palace. Hong Qing used a number of French touches, including fleur-de-lis (stylized lily) as a recurring motif.

LifeStyle 95



大连凯宾斯基饭店 The Kempinski Hotel Dalian 大连凯宾斯基饭店坐落于城市商业中心 区,面对风景宜人的劳动公园,与繁华的 购物中心仅有咫尺之遥。凭借绝佳的地

2015CHA年度 2015CHA 最佳服务酒店


理位置和凯宾斯基豪华服务,大连凯宾 斯基饭店是中外宾客商务旅行和休闲度 假的理想之选。 The Kempinski Hotel Dalian is situated in the heart of the commercial and business district and opposite Labour Park. It is 20 minutes drive from Dalian International Airport and only a few steps from the mall shopping centres.This European luxury hotel with its desirable location and unique Kempinski hospitality will be your best choice for both leisure and business.

北京珠三角JW万豪酒店 JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central 北京珠三角JW万豪酒店地理位置得天独厚,遥望天安 门、故宫和西单等多个名园胜景及繁华商业区。近2,500 平米的宴会区域配有先进的会议设施设备,其中 800 平 方米无柱大宴会厅,配有30平方米高清屏幕墙及15,000 流明投影仪。设计时尚的300平方米大客厅为公寓风格, 设有多功能会议区域、就餐区域和开放厨房,与其他9个 多功能厅一起成为各式宴会活动的首选之地。 JW Marriott Hotel Beijing Central enjoys a prime location in Xuanwumen, the ancient heart of Beijing. The hotel offers 412 spacious guestrooms and suites, including 18 Residence Suites equipped with kitchens, and 12 Sky Garden Suites with balconies. A dedicated events floor covers nearly 2,500 sqm of state-of-the-art venues, including an 800 sqm Grand Ballroom with a 30 sqm HD LED screen, one 300 sqm residential-style Living Room and nine function rooms.

96 LifeStyle

常熟理文铂尔曼酒店 Pullman Changshu Leeman Hotel 2015CHA 最佳服务酒店


在此彻底放松身心,尽享舒适。酒店拥有366间装修典雅时尚 的客房和套房,所有房间均配有专属铂尔曼高品质床上用品; “奥丽”全日制西餐厅汇集东西方美食、 “荣”日式餐厅深谙 日餐精华、 “御珍轩”中餐厅为您提供美味的广东及本地菜 系;酒店同时为大家量身定制创新会议、专业的会务及IT经理, 以确保您的会议顺利进行。 Stretch out and relax in our peaceful accommodations. Each of our 366 guest rooms are spacious, elegant and offer the utmost in comfort and style. From the fusion menu designed by ‘Olive’ all day dining restaurant; the exquisite ingredients of ‘SAKAE’ Japanese Restaurant, to the culinary traditionsof Cantonese and local dishes served in the ‘Royal Pavilion’ Chinese Restaurant. Also, co-meeting and chill out, innovative coffee breaks and professional expertise for your personal event & IT solutions are provided to guarantee perfect meeting experience.

北京建国饭店 Jianguo Hotel Beijing 北京建国饭店建立于1982年,是中国第一家合资酒店, 也是北京CBD唯一的花园式酒店 - 您的绿色家园。室 内设计融合传统与现代典雅风格,提供各项舒适周全的 待客设施,饭店采用低楼层设计,亭园水榭,绿树成荫。 北京建国饭店临近建国门外使馆区, 处于CBD商圈的中 心,无论商务及观光均十分便利。 The Jianguo Hotel Beijing is the first joint-venture hotel in China since 1982 and the only garden hotel in Beijing CBD – Your Green Home. The hotel combines elegant traditional interiors with every modern guest amenities. Luxuriant water gardens and a courtyard highlight the Hotel's low-rise setting.

LifeStyle 97



北京瑰丽酒店 Rosewood Beijing 北京瑰丽酒店拥有283间客房,坐落于北 京朝阳区中心位置,正对京城地标 - 中 央电视台,瑰丽品牌在中国的第一家酒

2015CHA最佳 新开业酒店


店。赤时尚火锅餐厅、Sense™水疗中心 将分别于2015年四月、五月开业;休闲酒 吧-魅将随后于2015年六月亮相。 The 283-room ultra-luxury Rosewood Beijing, located in the Chaoyang District opposite the iconic CCTV Tower, is the first China property for Rosewood Hotels & Resorts®. RED BOWL will open in April 2015 and Sense™ spa will open in May 2015; and MEI will open in June 2015.

成都瑞吉酒店 The St. Regis Chengdu 成都瑞吉酒店紧邻天府广场和春熙路,尽显商务区中心 地带的优雅繁华。 酒店靠近顶级一流的购物中心和多 家著名餐厅,坐拥古城内标志性的绝佳地段。您可在饱 览城市或天府广场美景的同时,享受随时提供的特色瑞 吉管家服务。 Defining elegance in the heart of the business district, The St. Regis Chengdu is located within steps of Tianfu Square and Chunxi Road. Boasting an iconic address in the ancient city, it is strategically placed near premier shopping and renowned restaurants. Along with rare views of the city or Tianfu Square, they offer signature St. Regis Butler service, available any time, day or night.

98 LifeStyle

2015CHA最佳 新开业酒店


长沙北辰洲际酒店 InterContinental Changsha 独揽两江浩瀚雄姿,坐拥岳麓山四季美景!长沙北辰洲际酒 店作为长沙最新的国际豪华酒店,地理位置得天独厚,座落 于开福区湘江与浏阳河交汇处的北辰三角洲。现代的设计风 格、卓越的品质、顶级的会议设施及独具的餐饮特色,为您的 长沙之旅带来尊崇之享。 “InterContinental Changsha”, Changsha’s newest International Luxury Hotel is situated in the heart of the North Star Delta, China’s largest urban development project and is located in the city’s Kaifu District. The North Star Delta complex offers easy access to a number of high-end office facilities, a largescale shopping mall and a wide range of attractive dining and leisure venues. All of this is combined with a panoramic outlook to the Xiangjiang River and makes InterContinental Changsha an attractive city landmark.

南京涵月楼酒店-首丽斯管理酒店 Han Yue Lou Hotel, Nanjing - A Solis Managed Hotel 南京涵月楼酒店 — 首丽斯管理酒店是首丽斯集团首家位于 亚洲的旗舰酒店,更是南京市最豪华的酒店之一。酒店秉承 嘉佩乐酒店集团豪华专业的管理风格,成为 2014年奥林匹 克青年运动会官方指定的下榻酒店,并获得高度赞誉。我们 致力于为宾客打造静谧怡人的舒适环境,提供诚挚贴心的非 凡服务,令宾客于中国古都南京奢享糅合现代与古典的完美 旅程 Han Yue Lou Hotel, Nanjing – A Solis Managed Hotel, is the Solis Group’s first flagship hotel in Asia, and one of Nanjing’s most luxurious hotels for business and leisure travelers. As the Official Hotel for the 2014 Youth Olympics, we bring together the global pedigree and heritage of the Capella Hotel Group. We are particularly proud to invite our international and local guests to an oasis of comfort, sophistication and polished service right in the heart of China’s ancient capital, Nanjing.

LifeStyle 99



北京金茂万丽酒店 Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing Hotel 北京金茂万丽酒店坐落于王府井大街上,

2015CHA最佳 新开业酒店


邻近天安门广场和北京人民艺术剧院, 共有 329 间客房,其中西区客房可欣赏 到紫禁城的美景。宾客可前往附近的小 吃街探索当地美食,也可以在酒店的餐厅 和酒吧品尝时尚美食佳肴。 Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing Hotel is located in a prime location on Wangfujing Street and near Tiananmen Square and Beijing Capital Theater, the hotel offers Forbidden City views from half of its 329 guestrooms.

苏州凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency Suzhou 苏州凯悦酒店将享誉中外的美食,真诚的款待和一流的 设施带到古城。现代风格耳目一新,29层中庭令人叹为 观止,以园林为灵感之源,处处体现出悠久历史下的现 代风尚。355间客房,五家餐厅和酒廊,1400多平米的 活动场地,以及首家悦水疗中心,是会谈宴请、聚会庆 祝的理想所在。 The city of Suzhou, known as the ‘Venice of China’, is renowned for its ancient canals, stone bridges and UNESCO-listed Chinese gardens. Opened in August 2014, Hyatt Regency Suzhou provides business and leisure guests with contemporary comforts and high-tech amenities in the thriving heart of one China’s most historic cities.

100 LifeStyle

三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店 2015CHA最佳 度假村酒店


Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort 三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店位于海南岛的最南端--太阳湾。酒店地 理位置交通便捷,距离著名的亚龙湾仅5公里之遥,周边景点 轻松可至。350,000平方米的海湾由一个内陆湖泊和私人沙 滩明丽点缀,每一步都是悠闲恬静的美好享受。酒店精致优 雅的室内装饰无不体现出一种微妙的东方优雅。 Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort is located on the southernmost tip of Hainan Island.Designed to resemble a private mansion by the sea, Park Hyatt Sanya Sunny Bay Resort offers relaxed, personalised luxury, housing 207 sophisticated rooms and suites, the majority blessed with unadulterated, breathtaking views of the South China Sea. Elegant drinking and dining venues serve carefully crafted cuisine to stimulate the senses, using produce sourced locally and organically grown, wherever possible.

海南雅居乐莱佛士酒店 Raffles Hainan 海南雅居乐莱佛士酒店是召开高规格会议和举行活动及梦幻 婚礼的理想所在,酒店拥有一间790平方米的宴会厅,同时还 有七间多功能会议厅,海滨双层的典雅亭是绝无仅有举办浪 漫海滩婚礼、宴会及周年庆的完美场所。 An ideal destination for high-level meetings, events and paradise weddings, Raffles Hainan has a 790 sqm ballroom, complemented by seven multifunctional meeting rooms. The duplex beachfront Pavilion is a uniquely romantic venue for beach weddings, banquets and anniversary celebrations.

LifeStyle 101



西安盛美利亚酒店 Gran Melia Xian 西安盛美利亚酒店是西安首家西班牙奢

2015CHA最佳 度假村酒店



供个性化的五星级服务,让其体验独特 而难忘的西班牙风情。酒店完美融合丰 富的历史底蕴与优雅的内部装饰,将奢 华传统与先锋气派浑然合为一体。 Gran Meliá Xian, a spectacular Spanish luxury hotel with exceptional facilities and a unique service, is designed to meet travelers’ every need. It combines both traditional luxury with surprising avant-garde Gran Meliá Hotels and Resorts’ touches.

丽江金茂君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Lijiang 丽江金茂君悦酒店是中国金茂集团与凯悦酒店品牌强 强联手鼎力匠造的又一力作,也是凯悦酒店集团在中国 的首家君悦品牌度假型酒店。酒店建筑巧妙融合了现代 时尚元素和民族建筑特色的精华,让您置身其中,感受 丽江自然美景与文化的底蕴。 Grand Hyatt Lijiang is a majestic complex in Lijiang, southwest China — a city where time is said to have stood still. Combining traditional ethnic architecture with contemporary design, Grand Hyatt Lijiang is the first Grand Hyatt resort in China and houses 312 spacious and sumptuous guestrooms, executive suites and private villas, guests can choose from four splendid dining venues offering a diverse range of local and international cuisine, utilizing the finest produce.

102 LifeStyle

三亚唐拉雅秀酒店 Tangla Sanya Hotel 2015CHA最佳 度假村酒店


三亚唐拉雅秀酒店坐落于风景如画的三亚湾畔, 酒店前绵延600余米的洁白沙滩勾勒出南中国海 的壮观景致。三亚唐拉雅秀酒店希望把来自圣洁 雪山的对生命与自然的美好追求还原于现代都市 社会之中,诠释生命与自然的和谐,让每一位客人 自然释放身心。 The wo rd TA N G L A o riginat e s f rom an inspirational legend from the TANGGULA MOUNTAINS, depicting a sublime picture of man in harmony with nature. Today TANGLA Hotel Sanya embraces that spirit of the mountains and rivers, to ceaselessly deliver man’s inspiration and hunger for life, energy and nature, providing peace, relaxation and the regeneration of mind and body.

三亚万丽度假酒店 Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa 三亚万丽度假酒店坐落于可俯瞰南中国海的海棠 湾,酒店设计融现代与东方风格于一身,共有507 间客房套房及别墅,热带宫殿式的建筑,面海而 立。是海南这个极富热带风情的岛屿上一处彰显 奢侈生活方式品味的度假目的地。 Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa is a luxurious lifestyle resort, Featured by the contemporary, oriental style,overlooking the South China Sea at Sanya’s Haitang Bay, a beautifully unspoiled enclave for discerning travelers featuring pristine sandy beach, lush rainforest and thermal mineral springs on tropical Hainan Island.

LifeStyle 103



2015CHA 最佳新酒店品牌

2015CHA 最佳新酒店品牌

2015CHA 最佳新酒店品牌







NUO Hotel Beijing

Chengdu Nicclolo hotel

Branley Hotel Xian
















华、现代、绿色为核心理念, 尊领客人感


Branley Hotel originates from Australia,



and by mixing different cultures, we

NUO has set the stage for a new level

Niccolo is a collection of

are able to create a wonderful and

of luxury travel experiences with the

contemporary urban chic hotels with

memorable experience. We are

opening of this 5 starflagship property

the most desirable, highly prized

looking forward to surprising you

- NUO Beijing. With adesign inspired

addresses.At heart, we are discoverers

with excellent guest service in our

by the prosperous Ming Dynasty,

and re - discoverers of luxur y

beautifully designed hotel with unique

NUO is the per fect example of

experiences, styles and tastes. While

restaurants, a relaxing and nurturing

tradition blending in harmony with the

our hotels are modern sophisticated

Spa and the Branley Bar. We will

future of contemporary China.

spaces, we also value the timeless

make any necessary effort to ensure

pleasures of impeccable hospitality

you receive excellent service and feel

from another golden era in travel.

immersed in a sensation of Australian hospitality.

104 LifeStyle

2015CHA最值得 期待开业酒店

2015CHA最值得 期待开业酒店

2015CHA最值得 期待开业酒店






The St.Regis Macau

Sheraton Shanghai Jiading Hotel



The Ritz-Carlton Macao 成都太古博舍 The Temple House Chengdu 丽江安缦酒店 Aman Lijiang 青城山六善酒店 Six Senses QingCheng Mountain

成都群光君悦酒店 Grand Hyatt Chengdu 福州凯宾斯基酒店 Kempinski Hotel Fuzhou 成都JW万豪酒店 JW Marriott Chengdu 哈尔滨凯宾斯基酒店 Kempinski Hotel Harbin

Sheraton Zhanjiang Hotel 抚仙湖希尔顿度假酒店 Hilton Yuxi Fuxian Lake 成都安仁福朋喜来登酒店 Four Points by Sheraton Chengdu, Anren 海口鲁能希尔顿酒店 Hilton Haikou Meilan

海棠湾理文索菲特度假酒店 Sofitel Sanya Leeman Resort

LifeStyle 105



北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店于2007年12月开业。位 于CBD商业核心区,高标准的个性化服务, 使北京丽思卡尔顿成为奢华的代名词。品

2015CHA 最佳商旅酒店


味丽思卡尔顿经典下午茶,体验特色美食文 化,沉迷独特芳香水疗,在北京丽思卡尔顿 酒店体验完美,感受传奇。 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, is centrally situated in one of Beijing’s most thriving business area – China Central Place, within the heart of the city’s central business district. Behold The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing, architecture and décor classically inspired. Whether from the full-bodied taste of Ritz-Carlton traditional afternoon tea or a refreshing spa treatment, your senses are entranced by experience.

上海外滩悦榕庄 Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund 上海外滩悦榕庄坐落于上海外滩北部地区,度假村位于黄浦江沿岸 黄金地段,带来壮观的外滩美景,将著名的陆家嘴地区的风貌尽收眼 底。客人可在此体验最先进设施的会议室和现代化健身中心,让身体 和心灵在忙碌中获得舒缓和放松。 Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund rests in Shanghai’s Northern Bund area. Set on a prime location along Huangpu River, the resort brings you sublime Bund views and an unhindered panorama of the famed Lujiazui. The hotel features handsomely appointed rooms with comfortable living areas, complimentary mini bar services, stylish dining and lounging. 4 function rooms and 1 ballroom with modern build-in meeting facilities, a spacious and fully equipped gym, a swimming pool, three dipping pools, and more, leisure travellers to relax within its peaceful sanctuary.

106 LifeStyle

北京金融街洲际酒店 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street 2015CHA 最佳商旅酒店


屡获奖项的北京金融街洲际酒店以其高贵时尚的 风格、宽大舒适的客房、优越的位置、名响京城的 餐厅,以及卓越细致的服务著称,拥有318套客房 及套房,时尚舒适,专为商旅客人设计。 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street is situated at the gateway of Beijing’s prestigious financial and business district, featuring 318 spacious guest rooms and suites, decorated in an elegant contemporary style with a touch of oriental accent and designed with the needs of business and leisure travelers in mind.

泉州万达文华酒店 Wanda Vista Quanzhou 泉州万达文华酒店坐落于城市核心地带--万达 广场。酒店拥有城中首屈一指的1,378平方米无柱 大宴会厅,充满东方温情的泉州万达文华酒店为 莅临泉州的成功名仕提供私享服务和艺术氛围, 让您的泉州之旅尽享优雅体验。 Wanda Vista Quanzhou is located in the heart of Quanzhou’s Central District -- Wanda Plaza. The hotel features a spectacular 1,378 square meter pillar-free Grand Ballroom. Overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, Wanda Vista Quanzhou offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry.

LifeStyle 107



合肥绿地福朋酒店 (喜来登集团管理) Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan

2015CHA 最佳商旅酒店



总面积达1635平方米的设备先进的会议空 间,可以满足您不同的奇思妙想和会议需 求。酒店更提供绿色无忧会议解决方案,包 含瓶装水替代、再生环保会议用品等,倡导 环保。 Everything you need will be satisfied at Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan. For meeting planners, our hotel offers a total meeting and function space of 1,635 square meters to suit your wonderful ideas and every demand. We recommend our signature Sustainable Meeting Practice, in order to reduce domestic pollution. To start an environmental friendly event, everything is covered at Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan.

呼和浩特喜来登酒店 Sheraton Hohhot Hotel 呼和浩特喜来登酒店温馨礼遇天下客。8个宴会及会议场地,合共 1918平方米,助您打造精彩纷呈的活动和特别庆典。炫逸水疗中心 和室内游泳池内可享受全身心的放松。在餐厅和酒廊美食美味俯拾 皆是。一切令人仿佛置身家园。 A warm welcome awaits you at the Sheraton Hohhot Hotel.Find all the comforts of home in our spacious guest rooms and suites,350 deluxe rooms with inspiring views of the dynamic city. With 8 meeting and function rooms and 1918 square meters of space,we are ready to host your event or special occasion.Enjoy total relaxation at our Shine Spa and indoor swimming pool,or gather together for a taste of a wide range of Chinese and International delicious at one of our restaurants and lounges,ranging from casual to fine dining.

108 LifeStyle

北京丽苑公寓 Lee Garden Service Apartments, Beijing 毗邻紫禁城,雄踞王府井,重装后的丽苑公寓每套客房 2015CHA最佳 酒店式公寓

均配备设施齐全的厨房、高清数字大屏幕液晶电视、 无线网络连接。 Lee Garden is located in the central of WangFuJing Area which adjacent to Chang An Street and the Forbidden City. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen, large digital LCD TV, wireless Internet connection.

北京紫檀万豪行政公寓 The Sandalwood, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments

北京万豪行政公寓 The Imperial Mansion Beijing-Marriott Executive Apartments 公寓在王府井商区提供豪华居家风格的住宿环境,内 设有220套面积从64至228平米的全服务式公寓。一流 的优质服务,让人享受“家外之家”的舒适生活。 The Imperial Mansion Beijing-Marriott Executive Apartments is ideally located in the center of the city, Wangfujing district, welcoming guest from the glob with its 220 fully furnished suites ranging from 64 to 228 square meters.

北京嘉里公寓 Beijing Kerry Residence

苏州晋合豪生行政公寓 Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou

北京财富中心千禧公寓 Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou

LifeStyle 109



2015CHA 最佳会议酒店



Vista” and “Dream Catcher”. The hotel


offers a 1400sqm pillar-less Grand


Ballroom with state-of-the-art technology


including a 100sqm LED screen and 7


different sized function rooms with one-

Complementing the outstanding features

stop event butler services to make every

of Renmin Square as an ultimate business

occasion a great success.


and leisure venue, it boasts 414 spacious

Wanda Vista Dongguan

guestrooms, suites and apartments


equipped with ultra-modern conveniences


– the exclusive Sofitel’s MyBed, For the


busy executive traveler requiring extra


efficiency, the Club Sofitel has 88 rooms


and suites with upgraded facilities,


services and exclusive benefits.

The hotel features variety of choices for food & beverage facilities, every appetite for great dining and entertainment will be satisfied. The grand ballroom and function rooms measure over 3,000 m2 and can cater for your special meeting or event. The biggest pillar-less Grand Ballroom, with 1,400 m2 area and a 105 m2 LED screen, is one of best choices for high-end and personalized events and conferences.


舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店 The Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan 坐落于葱郁密林与波光粼粼的中国东海 之间,舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店 拥有世界一流的完备设施与细致周到的 威斯汀品牌服务理念。酒店配备最尖端 的会议技术,为您奉上全新标准的活动 体验。

Wanda Vista Yantai

et bet ween dense forests and the


sparkling East China Sea, our idyllic


getaway features world-class facilities and


Westin hospitality. All of our 263 inviting


guest rooms, including 12 villas provide a


luxurious place to retreat from the bustle


of the city. Get an amazing night’s rest

The hotel’s 303 enchanting rooms and

in our Westin heavenly® Bed. A total of

suites are all offer an elegant artistic


3,476 square meters including Grand

ambience complemented with panoramic

Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square

Ballroom with 1,000 square meters, along

views over the city and the sea. To ensure

with the latest meetings technology and


perfect comfort for guests, every room

wireless internet access will redefine your


features an ultra-comfortable “Bed of

standards. For a better you

110 LifeStyle



Howard Johnson All Suites Hotel


Suzhou 2015CHA 最佳会议酒店





Sheraton Changzhou Xinbei Hotel

仅数分钟步行就可到达集娱乐、购物、 观光、休闲、文化为一体的国际风情水

北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店 Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang

巷邻里。酒店拥有367套宽敞舒适的套 房及公寓套房,适合全球商旅人士的不 同需求。无论是个人或家庭,商务出差

天津万丽泰达酒店及会议中心 Renaissance Tianjin TEDA Convention Centre Hotel







Howard Johnson All Suites Hotel Suzhou

Pullman Wuxi New Lake


is ideally located in the prime commercial


district in the heart of the Suzhou Industrial



Park with a superb view of the Jinji Lake.


Marco Polo Wuhan

Nearby water town with entertainment

Crowne Plaza Chaoyang U-Town is an

and shopping centre is just within the

international hotel perfectly located in

walking distance from the hotel. 8 types

Beijing’s Central Business District, Our

of rooms and suites are meticulously

prime location is wonderfully convenient

designed to offer the utmost level of

in meeting your besiness, shopping and

comfort to individuals and families alike


entertainment needs. The hotel adjoins

for business or leisure.

Hyatt Regency Changbaishan

舟山喜来登绿城酒店 Sheraton Zhoushan Hotel

popular U-Town Lifestyle Center and Shopping Mall, which features a vibrant array of leisure and entertainment venues. Splendid accommodations and superior quality service make Crowne Plaza Chaoyang U-Town The Place to Meet.

万世名流酒店 Hotel Maximilian 青岛鲁商凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency Qingdao

LifeStyle 111



2015CHA 最佳亚洲餐厅

2015CHA 最佳亚洲餐厅

2015CHA 最佳亚洲餐厅







China World Hotel

Grand Hyatt Dalian

Hotel Nikko Guangzhou




Summer Palace

The Smoke House

Denkay Japanese Restaurant







客人提供精彩纷呈的美食选择。 The hotel has 3 restaurants, 1 lounge

Hyatt Regency Tianjin East

China World Hotel, Beijing is a majo r c omp on e nt of t h e China

and 1 bar providing a wide range of

World Trade Center complex, which

dining options. Over 2,568 square

includes two other Shangri-La hotels,

metres of dedicated meeting and event

t wo 38-storey office towers, t wo

space offers the latest technology

international residential apartment

and equipment to host various of

buildings, an array of restaurants and


a highly prestigious shopping mall and exhibition hall.


北京长安街 W 酒店

Langham Place Xiamen

W Beijing-Chang'An



Ming Court chinese restaurant

Yen Restaurant

112 LifeStyle

悦园中餐厅 Wok In The Garden 酒店创新的餐饮设施包括咖啡厅、悦园 中餐厅和大堂酒吧,其中悦园中餐厅提 供正宗精品粤菜、北方特色美食和独特 的空中花园就餐氛围。 Innovative restaurants, including Market Café, “Wok in the Garden” Chinese Restaurant and Lobby Lounge, provide delightful dining experiences.

2015CHA 最佳西餐厅

2015CHA 最佳西餐厅

2015CHA 最佳西餐厅







The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury

Le Royal Meridien Shanghai

DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou

Collection Hotel, Shanghai



Danieli's 意大利餐厅

Favola Italian Restaurant

Open Restaurant

Danieli's Italian Restaurant


宾客可以在“大堂茶廊” 品茗小酌,在








Services and facilities include four

式烧烤和新鲜海产; “面栈”荟萃了各式


restaurants and two bar +lounges

亚洲风味的手工面条和现包饺子; “甜

Located in Pudong’s center, close to the

serving Chinese, Italian, French and


Bund and Century Park, The Hongta

Buffet favorites.

Enjoy the variety offered at OPEN, CANTON and NODU, from tempting

Hotel embraces a vibrant mix of culture and business. Easy access to the city’s


breakfast’s options to elegant dining

major tunnels means guests can be in


experiences, the full-service restaurant

charming Puxi within 15 minutes.

The Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan



Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai

Seasonal Tastes

is sure to please the most discerning palate.

1515牛排馆·酒吧 The 1515 West Chophouse & Bar

LifeStyle 113



2015CHA 最佳婚庆酒店

2015CHA 最佳婚庆酒店

2015CHA 最佳婚庆酒店







Waldorf Astoria Beijing

Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16

Crowne Plaza Chengdu Panda







Discreet meeting spaces with access



to the Hotel. Providing a private

Sofitel has created an exquisite


personalized environment to dine or

world for true lovers of ‘art de vivre’;

Guests will enjoy convenient access to


connoisseurs who travel the world

Club Lounge, Touch Spa, Splash outdoor

in search of places that delight their

pool and heated indoor pool, as well as

senses and stimulate their curiosity.

the only garden chapel downtown.






Millennium Resort Hangzhou


InterContinental Century City





北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial

A contemporary design of glass and


chrome with Oriental influences, the


hotel’s 253 guest rooms are well

In addition, outdoor terraces provide

appointed with luxury amenities and

ample space for cocktail receptions or

technological conveniences.

the alfresco dining experience of your choice.

114 LifeStyle

京津新城凯悦酒店 Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort & 2015CHA 最佳酒店




Balneum Spa 酒店位于天津宝坻区温泉城,设有大型会议 及展览场地,豪华完善的娱乐休闲设施包括 天然水疗SPA、富含矿物元素的户外温泉、凯 悦儿童营地、健身、泳池等设施,开创多元化 会议及综合旅游度假新体验。 A skating rink, an indoor swimming pool, an indoor/outdoor hot spring, cycling routes, squash courts, an eight-lane bowling alley and a gymnasium are some of the recreational facilities, to name a few. Kids can also enjoy at Camp Hyatt while adults can relax at The Balneum Spa.

成都钓鱼台精品酒店 The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu 由法国顶尖大师Bruno Moinard担纲设计,于16000平米的两座中式 2015CHA 最佳精品酒店

庭院,布置出45间设计优雅尊贵的客房,带来东方宅邸的超凡体验。 酒店拥有全国首家钓鱼台国宴餐厅,由曾服务于多位国家元首和政府 首脑的黄国良先生带领厨师团队主理。 Designed by the legendary Bruno Moinard, this unique property with 45 guest rooms conveys his themes of warm simplicity, timelessness and elegance. Exclusive only to The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu, the Royal Court State Banquet Restaurant, led by Master Chef Huang from the Beijing State Guesthouse, offers the luxurious combination of attentive service, prestigious dining environment and delicate culinary creations worthy of a state level gastronomical experience.

LifeStyle 115



2015CHA亚洲华 人首选酒店

曼谷索菲特索酒店 Sofitel So Bangkok 泰国本土设计师联手法国设计大师拉 克鲁瓦共同打造极具都市风的曼谷索菲 特索酒店;其采用金、木、水、火、土五 种元素呈现一间间精美绝伦的五行主题 客房。 An urban design hotel in Bangkok, created by a reputable Thai Architect and five Thai interior designers, linked to French elegance by Monsieur Christian Lacroix, Sofitel So Bangkok offers themed accommodation inspired by Five Elements; Water, Earth, Wood, Metal and Fire, and is only 25km from Suvarnabhumi airport.

云品温泉酒店 日月潭


Fleur De Chine hotel Sun Mook

Palais de Chine Taipe












“云轩”西餐厅、户外酒吧“Le Bar”和






Palais de Chine Hotel is unique in Taipei

Fleur de Chine Hotel is situated at the

with its Parisian theme, ornate interiors

north peninsula of the Sun Moon Lake,

of plush fabrics, imported furniture and

creating an aesthetic atmosphere with

antique pieces. Conveniently located

the integration of nature and simplicity

for both business and leisure travelers,

with the surroundings.

it is par t of a new development

E x t e n din g t h e in d o o r s p a c e t o

comprising shopping and entertainment

outdoors, ushering the natural beauty

and walking distance to key attractions

of the Sun Moon Lake indoor, and

such as the night markets, Ximending,

molding a space setting embraced

Longshang Temple and Museum of

by nature, every corner of the hotel is

Contemporary Art.

infused with the beautiful landscape of Sun Moon Lake, thus allowing guests


to be joyfully lying in the bosom of

Four Seasons Hotel Hongkong

nature all year round, and enjoying the rich mercurial sceneries of nature.

116 LifeStyle

西安威斯汀大酒店 The Westin Xian 酒店位于十三朝古都西安的繁华地段,直 面有一千多年历史的大雁塔,是喜达屋酒店

2015CHA最佳室 内设计酒店

及度假酒店国际集团其下唯一一个博物馆 酒店, 2000多件馆藏精美文物令人大开眼 界,充分展示华夏大国的泱泱历史。 The Westin Xian offers easy access to the Great Tang All Day Mall and Xi’an High Tech Industrial Development Zone. The hotel is just minutes from the train station and 40 kilometers from the Xi’an Xianyang International Airport, allowing guests to enjoy a refreshing and renewing travel experience. The Westin Xian is the first Westin in the world to have its own museum, paying tribute to the ancient history of China with an exceptional collection of over 2,000 artifacts.

深圳皇庭V酒店 Wongtee V Hotel 深圳皇庭V酒店是皇庭集团出巨资倾力打造的一家个性化高端时尚 酒店。以”深圳CBD首席云端酒店”而著称。设计师采用钻石切割面 楼体的现代建筑风格以及大量后现代设计艺术和抽象主义元素,营 造个性的感官氛围。 Wongtee V Hotel Shenzhen is the first 5 star flagship hotel created by Wongtee Group The main structure of hotel building is remarkable for “The First CBD Skyscraper Hotel in Shenzhen”, stretches 60 floors. The architect has used the modern diamond-cutface style and lots of post-modern techniques and abstract elements to give the building a dream-like atmosphere.

LifeStyle 117



每一次的CHA中国酒店大奖不仅在中国 酒店大奖的评选过程中,对酒店行业进 行了一次高效全面的考核,更为中国酒 店业内精英、各大媒体人士及社会各界 名流创造了一个很好的交流平台。无论 是从酒店服务水准、室内建筑设计水 平,还是酒店品牌特色等多个方面,都 为世界各顶级酒店独特的运营智慧与成 功的管理经验提供了一个互取精华的机 会,从而对各大酒店品牌以及相关企 业、集团进行了大力推广,并促进整个 酒店行业向更高水平不断发展。

118 LifeStyle

Every CHA China hotel award in China

characteristics for the world's top hotel

hotel award selection process, not only

unique operating wisdom and successful

for the hotel industry conducted an

management experience provides a

effective comprehensive evaluation,

chance to take the essence, thus on the

more Chinese hotel indust r y elite,

hotel brand and related enterprises, the

each big media and social celebrities

group carried out vigorously promotion,

from all walks of life to create a good

and promote the whole hotel industry

communic at ion plat for m. Bot h in

the development to a higher level.

terms of hotel service levels, interior architect ure de sig n level, or f rom multiple aspects, such as hotel brand

LifeStyle 119



领英 CBD

A CBD Gem Editor: Jacob Dreyer

北京有很多优秀的酒店,是什么使得索 菲特如此特别? 我们的品牌理念传承了法式的优 雅—是巴黎优雅的大使,这也是为什么 我们成为法国政府和社会名流来中国的 默认选择。酒店的整体感觉和设计完全 遵循了我们品牌的理念和标准。作为索 菲特在大中华区的旗舰店,我们肩负着 很高的期望值。当然酒店团队也是充满 着激情,我们渴望成为 CBD 地区人们最 佳选择的酒店。

安杰瑞 北京万达索菲特大饭店总经理 Jeremy Aniere, Sofitel Wanda Beijing

能和我们分享一下你针对 CBD 地区营销 的策略吗? 作为首都,北京一直是不断发展的; 从我第一次来至今,已经发生了翻天覆 地的变化。现在这里到处都是繁华区域, 比如三里屯、亮马桥,最让我兴奋的就 是 CBD 现在也属于这样的繁华地区,并 且沿着三环路逐渐扩展。根据北京的发 展规模,商务人士需要一个集会晤、就 餐于一体的空间,并且最好紧邻他们的 办公室—显然我们能够满足这样的需求。 在未来几年,不断提高我们的服务水准 来满足 CBD 地区的需求是我们的主要发 展目标。 从你来到北京后,中国的酒店客人有哪 些变化呢? 人们对待事物更加开放了。举个例 子,我们拥有优秀法国主厨的法餐厅现 在迎来了更多的本地客户。他们熟知菜 品、酒水品类,并且将这些跟他们在巴 黎的酒店经历做出对比。(幸运的是, 我相信我们在世界各地的排名都是优秀 的)。当我第一次来这里,并不像现在 这样开放。本地客人很少会去西式餐厅, 除非他们需要招待外国友人。简而言之, 我们的客人现在更加全球化,也更加挑 剔。这促使我们在保持现有服务水准的 同时,也给与我们机会去尝试和创新。 Beijing is filled with excellent hotels. What makes the Sofitel special? Our brand identity is wrapped up in

120 LifeStyle

French elegance- we are a sort of embassy for Parisian elegance, which is why we’re the default choice for French government officials and celebrities when they come to town. The feel and design of our hotel are totally aligned with our brand standards. As the flagship Sofitel in China, we have a lot to live up to- but our team has hospitality in their DNA, and we aspire to be the hotel of choice in the CBD area. Tell us about your strategy in the CBD. Being the capital, Beijing is constantly evolving; it’s changed completely since I was first here. While there are great areas all over- Sanlitun, Liangmaqiao- the CBD is the area that is most exciting to me, as it expands over the third ring road. Given the sheer size of Beijing, businesspeople (and we are a business-oriented hotel) want a meeting space, dining space, and place to stay that is near their offices and places of work- and we absolutely fit the bill. Growing and adapting our offering to meet the new needs of the CBD is a major ambition and goal for us in the coming years. How has the Chinese hotel guest changed since you have been here? People are more open to things. For example, our French restaurant, with an excellent French chef, now has many local clients, who know the cuisine well, know the wine list, and can compare it to their experiences in Paris (luckily, we’re confident that we can rank with the best of anywhere). When I first got here, it was unlikely that locals would go to Western restaurants unless they were accompanying foreign friends. In a nutshell, we’re seeing a savvier, more global, more discriminating guest- keeping us on our toes, but also opening up opportunities to experiment and innovate.


Perfect Choice for Business Editor: Jacob Dreyer

合肥绿地福朋酒店的客人有什么特点? 商旅人士普遍具备良好的教育背景、 较高的文化素质和优秀的自身修养。他 们能够很好地鉴别酒店档次和酒店服务, 对酒店的软、硬件设施有更高的要求, 尤其是对住宿、通讯、宴请、交通方面 比较讲究和挑剔,注重酒店的环境和氛 围。酒店秉持为独立自信的旅行者提供 全新时尚风格的舒适之家和热忱的服务, 传递诚信、简约和舒适的生活体验。 飞速发展的合肥酒店业是否正在放缓脚 步,或者说仍有很大成长空间? 合肥跻身长三角城市群,并进巢湖, 人口增至 800 万。合肥的 GDP 增速迅猛, 2015 年给出的预期是 GDP 增幅 9.5%。 合肥城市经济综合实力表现出强劲的竞 争力,城市的住宿需求进一步增长,未 来酒店业增长的潜力也会远远高于一线 城市的增长空间,将会吸引更为众多的 商务及休闲旅行者。 合肥绿地福朋酒店的客房有什么特色? 酒店美食中有推荐的徽菜吗? 合肥绿地福朋酒店拥有 270 间美妙 舒适的客房,包括 17 间套房以及一间尊 贵的福朋套房,可以满足商务所需,提 供无与伦比的舒适下榻体验。每一间宽 敞的客房都配备了安享酣梦的福朋舒适 之床,舒心沐浴的热带雨林花洒和随心 联动的免费高速无线宽带。位于酒店二 层的聚味中餐厅提供山珍野味的徽菜、 烹之自由的粤菜、麻辣鲜香的川菜。胡 氏一品锅、香煎八公山豆腐、铁棍山药 烧排骨、臭鳜鱼炆面根等都是主厨推荐 的本地菜。 Tell us about the type of guests you host. Business travelers generally have a good educational background, high quality and excellent cultural taste. They are discriminating, with long experience of excellent hotel ser vices, software and hardware facilities, and so their requirements are often higher. It is in this

spirit that we always offer the stylish and comfort accommodation and passionate service for confident independent travelers. In your opinion, is the hospitality boom in Hefei slowing down, or does it still have a lot of room to grow? Hefei, located in the Yangtze River Delta Agglomeration, merges Chaohu Lake, has a population of 8 million, and expected GDP growth reaches 9.5% in 2015. As Hefei shows its strong economy power, the city’s accommodation needs increase accordingly. As such, our local hotel industry has much more growth potential than that of first-tier cities. I predict that in future, Hefei will attract more business and independent travelers. What are the rooms’offerings at the hotel? Do you serve the local cuisine? The Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan has 270 beautiful and comfortable guest rooms, including 17 suites and a prestigious Four Points Suite. Each of the spacious guest rooms is equipped with Four Points Signature Bed, the rainforest-themed shower and comfortable bath, along with free highspeed wireless broadband internet. Located on the second floor, the China Spice Chinese Restaurant offers the delicacies of Anhui cuisine, Cantonese cooking, and spicy Sichuan cuisine. Recommended local dishes are Thick Soup with Pork, Chicken and Tofu, Fried Bagongshan Tofu with Teriyaki Sauce, Braised Spareribs with Yam and Braised Mandarin Fish with Soy.

冷骏 合肥绿地福朋酒店 ( 喜来登集团管理 ) 总经理 Jeffrey Leng of the Four Points by Sheraton Hefei, Shushan

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Your Personal Wine Journey Let It Be Beautiful 每个人的人生旅程都是独一无二、 绝不雷同的。 我们永恒轮回,







对于我来说,第一次钟爱的滋味是“Pink Cold Duck”(美








首选。那时候,拿着青少年驾照能买一瓶甚至好几瓶“Pink Cold







们对酒的品鉴, 这取决于我们日益积累的葡萄酒知识以及品鉴经验,




亦如此,由于我们自身都是独特的个体,我们才会去和所有的同类 分享价值观、风俗习惯,梦想与希望。

我不得不说, “Pink Cold Duck”促成了许多次我和年轻女孩 的浪漫奇缘,她们大多数都乐于和我一起分享,因为她们同样喜欢









122 LifeStyle


ach of us goes through life on a unique, personal journey, which is unlike anyone else’s journey and perhaps best described by

the meaning of each moment as we evolve and as we begin to recall both consciously and unconsciously bits and pieces of one or more of our past lives through our infinite reincarnations. As for those nonbelievers of the process of “Samsara” or the endless cycle of living, dying and rebirth until one reaches “Enlightenment”, consider the birth of child prodigies the world over, who are almost immediately masters of the piano or other musical instruments; or singing or any number of talents only attributed to adults after years of training and practice: Or math wizzes or IT geniuses: These instances are no coincidence. For with each new incarnation we carry forward all that we have ever been from the beginning of “time-space” as we understand itin this dimension for better or

juices and carbonated sodas, your perception would most

worse, including both good and bad karma,

likely have been that it tasted alright, but it probably seemed

talents, and aptitudes.

very “strong”, because of the alcoholic content. Yet more likely

As we grow to adulthood and begin to explore adult practices and pleasures,

than not, we do remember the first wine or wines we ever tasted that we really liked.

increasingly wine tasting and drinking has

For me it was “Pink Cold Duck”, a notoriously inexpensive

become one of the most popular of interests;

sparkling wine most preferred by those of us with little wine

andnow in many cases, careers. But just

tasting experience, a freshman palate and a desire to become

as each of us has a unique “palate” that

intoxicated as cheaply and quickly as possible. And the reason

judges each wine we try in a slightly different

I remember this so well is because it was my primary device of

way, depending on our accumulated wine

choice for all drive-in movie dates in high school, back when

knowledge and tasting experience, each of

teenagers with a driver’s license would procure one or even

us travels a wine path from beginning to end

more bottles of cold duck, place them in the family picnic foam

in a somewhat different way from all others.

ice chest along with plenty of large plastic beverage cups; and

And such is life, with each of us being unique

secure the family car from one’s father to court your current “heart

unto ourselves, while sharing common values,

throb”. In those days the drinking and driving laws were very

folkways, mores andhopes and dreams with

lax, so little attention was ever paid to the practice, especially as

our fellow human beings across the planet

the teens were careful to disguise their alcoholic beverages of

and beyond.

choice under a blanket or with whatever might be handy at the

As we age, most of us may have difficulty

time on the back seat.

recalling the first wine we ever tasted,

I must say that Pink Cold Duck served me well in advancing

which in most cases was most likely not a

my romantic aspirations with a number of young ladies I lusted to

particularly pleasant experience, because

enjoy, most of whom were only too glad to cooperate, because

if it was a premium wine at the table of a

they were equally as interested in trying sweet tasting alcoholic

privileged family, it would most certainly have

beverages, becoming “light headed” and “necking” at the

seemed “sour”, perhaps even “bitter”, but

drive-in movies. We called them “the submarine races”,

regardless, far from an enjoyable experience.

but I can’t remember why?No doubt each of you have your

If you first sampled a fortified or overly sweet

first liked wine experiences that are recalled fondly with

wine, and from your youth you were primarily

or without the motive of seduction. I am RedOwl, as ever,

accustomedtosweet beverages, such as fruit

Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会 公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组 织以最小的运营开支争取最 大限度地帮助美国及亚太地 区需要帮助的人们,并致力 于通过直接的人道主义援助 来减轻他们的困苦,此外还 以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形 式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困 家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰 国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办 事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 123


Entertainment News 大型原创儿童剧《狮子王》 “桑山”是一只狮子孤儿,所幸遇到了老斑马“斑伽”的 收养。前任森林王妄图占领森林,破坏和平秩序。在保卫 森林的战斗中,小“桑山”勇敢地战胜利了狡诈阴险的 前任森林王,成为守护森林和平的狮子王!演出中还会有 纪念品“狮子、斑马”由演员随机送给台下小观众。这个 六一,和孩子过个快乐的儿童节吧!大型原创儿童剧《狮 子王》,让孩子们懂得深如海洋,真正伟大却又无声的父爱。

北欧风情 ——音乐 SPA 减压轻音乐会 北欧——既神秘、渺远,又空灵、清静的一 片大陆,孕育出她们独特、充满灵性的音乐, 就好像是来自天外的净土一样,越是在忙乱 不堪的氛围里,越显得弥足珍贵。北欧风情 音乐 SPA 减压轻音乐会就是为大家精心打 造的这块净土,使听众的心灵在音乐会现场 得到洗涤、净化和放松,犹如做了一场心灵 SPA,舒适轻松。

时间:2015.05.30-2015.06.01 地点:北京展览馆剧场 票价:100/180/280/380/240(100X3)/400(180x3) /600(280x3)/900(380x3)

《英雄 24 小时》 田沁鑫导演第二部监制作品,继《甄嬛传》之后,田沁鑫 导演监制作品开始受到瞩目。追寻“忠义”脚步,聆听“中 国”声音。一场关于中国英雄的概念讨论开始了。现代城 市生活,现代办公环境,现代人群结构。当下中国社会中 进行的英雄的探讨。整理“五千年中国英雄史”!激情四 射的谈古论今。青年团队的激情与创造,大舞台、小剧场、 实景演出、微空间,打造过多场戏剧盛筵。《英雄 24 小时》 再次奉上完美演出。

时间:2015. 06. 13 地点:北京展览馆剧场 票价:80/180/280/380 /580/400(280X2)/600(380X2) 电话:400-610-3721

时间:2015.05.13-2015.05.17 地点:东方剧院 票价:80/180/280/380/580/880


Yesterday Once More —卡朋特经典歌曲 “昨日重现”演唱会 由劳丽带领的新卡朋特乐队(The KARPENTERS)来自英国,共有六位成员。他们各 自音乐造诣深厚,组成六年以来巡回各地演 出,足迹遍及纽约、伦敦、比利时、波兰、 加拿大、澳洲以及东京等地。新卡朋特乐队 为了完美重现卡朋特的动人演唱,他们特别 着重于音乐的编排与演绎,花了整整三个月 的时间将卡朋特的二十多首金曲编写出来, 如此认真的态度亦获得曾经卡朋特乐队成 员的赞许。相信这场演唱会,也会给你一个 新世纪新的卡朋特的回忆! 时间:2015.05.22 地点:北京展览馆剧场 票价:80/180/280/380/580

124 LifeStyle

老舍短篇小说首次登上舞台,林兆华再创京味儿戏剧典范。 游走于现实主义、黑色幽默与荒诞派之间,五篇极具传奇 色彩的人间悲喜剧。林兆华戏剧作品《老舍五则》,为纪 念老舍诞辰 111 周年而作。《老舍五则》曾先后在香港葵 青剧院、北京保利剧院、国家大剧院、深圳华夏艺术中心、 北京大学百年讲堂、解放军歌剧院等剧场成功演出,并被 《新京报》评为“2010 年度十大戏剧演出之一”。 时间:2015.05.01-2015.05.03 地点:天桥剧场 票价:80/120/180/280/380/480/580/680

《这辈子有过你》 这是一部讲述三个不同的女人各自的情感故事。原著为张 小娴。她是全世界华人的爱情知己。她以小说描绘爱情的 灼热与冷却,以散文倾诉恋人的微笑与泪水,至今已出版 超过四十本小说和散文集。她对人性的洞察,使她开创了 一种既温柔又犀利的爱情文学。我们能从她的作品明白, 爱情的得失从来就不重要,当你舍弃一些,也许得到更多, 只要曾深深爱过,你的人生将愈加完整。 时间:2015.05.28-2015.05.31 地点:国家话剧院剧场 票价:100/180/280/380/480/580

LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 澳洲乌鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村 荣获原住民旅游大奖 Australia’s Uluru Rock Wins Tourism Award

今年夏天, 来优衣库遇见你的超级英雄! This summer, meet your heroes in Uniqlo!

2015 年 4 月, 在 阿 德 莱 德 举 办 的“ 澳 大利亚旅游大奖”颁奖盛典上,澳洲乌 鲁鲁艾尔斯岩度假村荣获原住民旅游大 奖。 乌 鲁 鲁 艾 尔 斯 岩 度 假 村 此 次 荣 获 “澳大利亚旅游大奖” 原住民旅游大奖, 不仅是因为度假村每天为游客提供的包 括投掷长矛和回力标、原住民互动舞蹈 表演以及花园漫步等免费原住民文化活 动,而且是因为度假村在原住民就业培 训以及发展方面做出的重要贡献。

全球领先休闲服饰品牌优衣库重磅推出 全新复仇者联盟系列 UT,在 [ 优衣库上海 ] 全球旗舰店倾力打造一场“复仇者联盟” 炫酷特展。与神秘主角亲密接触,用最 潮的态度、至 in 的形象迎接“奥创纪元” 的来临,理所当然成为了沪上热事之一。

《白光 夜火》艺术展览 “White Nights” Art Exhibition Opens

乐视体育首款智能硬件亮相 携手飞鸽发布超级自行车 A Musical Bicycle

2015.4.18 北京 798 艺术区的桥舍画廊举 办了《白光 夜火》艺术展。此次展览 以艺术家陈亮的绘画艺术品为主。在 国内接受了油画本科教育之后,陈亮 狂热地爱上了德国艺术,特别是新表 现主义一代人的绘画。此次的绘画作 品就像交织在意象和抽象之间的一个 色彩的梦。吸引了许多热爱艺术与绘 画的人们纷纷前来,也是一次艺术爱 好者们之间的学术与精神上的交流。

4 月 2 日,乐视体育与飞鸽车业联合举办 主题为“要飞”的新闻发布会,宣布正 式达成战略合作伙伴关系,并共同成立 合资公司,推出智能自行车系列产品, 而“超级自行车”也是乐视体育公司成 立后发布的首款智能硬件产品。“超级 自行车”将由乐视体育研发推广、飞鸽 车业生产制造,第一款产品将于今年 7 月正式发售。

dunhill 亮相于中国上海举办 的劳伦斯世界体育奖颁奖典礼 dunhill debuts Sports Award Ceremony in Shanghai 2015 年 4 月 15 日,英国演员 Benedict Cumberbatch 和 Henry Cavill 身 着 dunhill 出席于上海大剧院举办的劳伦 斯世界体育奖颁奖典礼。Benedict 身着 dunhill 午夜蓝羊毛马海毛戗驳领晚礼服 主持了当晚的颁奖典礼。Henry 穿着一 套午夜蓝马海毛青果领晚礼服。dunhill 是以男性服饰为主导的国际高端品牌, 致力于打造沉稳、绅士、优雅而奢华的 男士服装。


“Kai” Opens at Quan Sheng Space 2015 年 4 月 18 日,由泉空间主办的傅中 望“开物”个展将在泉空间拉开盛幕。 本次展览展出的是傅中望结合自我与中 国传统、当代创作的最新作品,无疑, 这次“开物“展也将进一步完善泉空间 在梳理和研究中国传统文化与当代艺术 之间的内化结构。

第二届中国珠宝“印象孔雀” 设计大赛 Second China “Peacock Impression” Jewelry Contest 由中国珠宝玉石首饰行业协会主办,中 宝协首饰设计委员会、《中国宝石》杂 志社、北京七彩云南商贸有限公司联合 承办的第二届中国珠宝“印象孔雀”设 计大赛将于 2015 年 5 月结束征稿。延续 首届中国珠宝“印象孔雀”设计大赛在 业内外掀起的“孔雀”风潮。

“品味干邑”之夜活动在京举办 “Savour the Spirit of Cognac” in China 法国国家干邑管理局“品味干邑”之夜活动前不久在北京东隅酒店成功举办, 约有 100 位专业人士出席。2010 - 2015 年法国国家干邑管理局连续六年在中国 发起针对专业人士和消费者的干邑地理标志认证推广活动。今年的品鉴及推广 活动注重“中餐和干邑的搭配主题”,现场活动包括产区知识有奖问答、调酒 表演及餐酒搭配比赛等,气氛甚是欢悦。据悉,中国是干邑全世界销售量的第 二大市场,销售额的第一大市场。

文明的互动与交融 ——东西方当代陶艺对话展 East West Contemporary Ceramics Exhibition 2015 年 4 月 9 日下午 2 点,“文明的互 动与交融——东西方当代陶艺展”在中国 美术馆开幕,此次展览由中国艺术研究院 主办,中国艺术研究院艺术人类学研究所 所长方李莉女士策划,日本东京艺术大学 陶艺系教授島田文雄,美国肯塔基大学亚 洲艺术史副教授安德鲁·马思奇博士担任 学术支持,这是在中国举办的一个具有强 大国际阵容的当代陶艺展。

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LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 北京凯宾斯基饭店成功举办年度社 交盛会 - 维也纳舞会 Kempinski Hotel Beijing successfully hosted the Vienna Ball Beijing 2015 2015 年 3 月 21 日,北京凯宾斯基饭店为 北京带来了一场华彩夺目的维也纳舞会。 在维也纳市市长 Michael Häupl 博士、奥 地利驻华使馆文化处、维也纳市政府、 奥地利航空公司等多方的大力支持与协 助下,舞会在北京凯宾斯基饭店隆重举 行。奥地利驻华大使艾琳娜博士(Mrs. Dr. Irene Giner-Reichl)、奥地利维也纳 州议会议员 Elisabeth Vitouch 博士等贵 宾出席了这次活动

上海红塔豪华精选酒店熄灯一小时, 为全球环保事业贡献力量 Shanghai Hongtao Turns off the Lights for Earth Hour 2015 年 3 月 28 日,上海红塔豪华精选 酒店实行熄灯一小时计划。酒店参与世 界范围内举行的 2015 年“地球一小时” 活动,大力倡导环保意识。2015 年“地 球一小时”活动于 3 月 28 日晚上 8:30 启动。该活动由世界自然基金会(WWF) 推行,已覆盖超过 162 个国家和地区的 7,000 多座城市及 2 亿名受众。

熄灭电灯,加入趣味运动会 Turn Off the Lights and Let The Fun Begin 2015 年 3 月 28 日,宁波泛太平洋大酒店联合 FM102.9 生活在宁波、FM98.6 下 班路上、NBTV2 美食美客、现代金报风尚周刊、东方热线美食版块、城市魔方 六家本地媒体,通过趣味运动会的形式,号召宁波市民熄灭电灯,走出房间, 参与到世界自然基金会(WWF)发起的“地球一小时”的活动中来。

占彼罗洛克先生新任命 New appointment of Gianpiero Ruocco

意大利米其林星厨 献艺上海世茂皇家艾美酒店 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai Hosts Michelin Star Gourmet Event

2015 年 3 月, 喜达屋酒店与度假酒店国 际集团宣布任命占彼罗洛克(Gianpiero Ruocco)先生为三亚福朋喜来登酒店总 经理。占彼罗洛克先生表示“我很高兴 能够来到三亚,这是中国最好的热带海 滨城市。非常荣幸能够加入喜达屋海南 的团队,也衷心期望能和各位同仁一起 努力,带给客人更多美好愉快的入住体 验”。

2015 年 4 月 21 日 至 4 月 25 日, 来 自 意 大利米其林餐厅皮埃蒙德 La Credenza Restaurant 的明星大厨 Igor Macchia 先 生将坐客上海世茂皇家艾美酒店法沃莱 意大利餐厅,并联手餐厅主厨 Gianni 为 美食爱好者们呈现一场由品质与艺术相 结合的“意”国美味。

上海威斯汀大饭店熄灯一小时计划 Lights Out For The Westin Bund Center Shanghai 2015 年 3 月 20 日,上海威斯汀大饭店 即将实行熄灯一小时计划。今年“地球 一小时”活动在中国的主题定为“能见 蔚蓝”,继续关注全球最艰巨的环境问题。 酒店希望通过此一系列的活动唤起大家 的环保意识,了解到只需贡献我们的绵 薄之力,保护地球就不是梦。

空中花园 邂逅浪漫 Celebrate Romance At Sky Garden 宁波柏悦美食美酒之旅 - 钱湖品春 Masters of Food & Wine at Park Hyatt Ningbo Resort and Spa 3 月 23 日晚,宁波柏悦酒店设宴钱湖之上,举行了首场美食美酒之旅 - 钱湖品春。 作为大中华区首家柏悦品牌度假型酒店,宁波柏悦酒店坐落于水光潋滟的东钱 湖畔,再现了明清江南建筑的原始风貌。此次晚宴邀请了多位美食大家共赴盛宴, 其中包括著名美食评论家、作家沈宏非先生及美食家、红酒专家、世界殿堂级 钢琴家赵胤胤先生。

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2015 年 3 月 26 日,北京珠三角 JW 万豪 酒店隆重推出“浪漫空中花园”专属套餐, 露台上精心种植各类应季花草,营造绿 意盎然的氛围,让宾客在拥挤芜杂的城 市中呼吸清新,感受绿意。远眺雄伟的 故宫,在繁华喧嚣的北京城市中央呼吸 一股清新的花香,感受一抹宁静的绿意, 营造专属于您的难忘时刻。

万达酒店及度假村任命李婷女士为 烟台万达文华酒店市场销售总监 Wanda Hotels & Resorts Appoints Tinaa Li as Director of Sales & Marketing of Wanda Vista Yantai 2015 年 4 月 6 日, 李婷女士被万达酒店 及度假村任命为烟台万达文华酒店市场 销售总监,并向总经理汇报工作。她的 主要职责是负责该酒店的市场与营销运 作管理,制定开拓市场销售策略,树立 良好的酒店品牌形象,维护集团标准、 品牌的一致性,实现收益最大化等。

母亲节早餐 Mother’s day Sunday Brunch 5 月 10 日暨母亲节,在这个特别的星期 日,上海虹桥美爵特此为母亲们精心准 备了丰盛的早午餐,有来自世界各地的 美味佳肴。当天前来用餐的“妈咪们”, 只要关注酒店官方微信的,均能获赠精 美礼物一份。更有幸运妈妈可以体验一 下酒店专业按摩师的肩颈按摩,让平日 里辛苦操劳的母亲们能感受到来自身心 的舒展。

万达瑞华 E 立方之夜:武汉万达瑞华酒店开业周年庆 The Night Of E3- The 1St Anniversary Celebration Of Wanda Reign Wuhan 2015 年 3 月 27 日 - 2015 年 3 月至 4 月,武汉万达瑞华酒店为庆祝开业一周年推 出了一系列的活动。晚宴以“万达瑞华 E 立方之夜”为主题,“E 立方”代表了 万达瑞华的“典雅、奢华与至善”(Elegance, Extravagance & Excellence)。 晚宴在气势宏大的酒店大堂举行,八十位商业精英、各国驻武汉领事、外国机 构驻武汉代表与二十家一线媒体共襄盛举。

三亚华美达广场酒店 任命徐华女士为酒店总经理 Ramada Plaza Sanya Appoint Xu Hua General Manager

北京康莱德酒店 2015 年五月餐厅活动 Beijing Conrad Restaurant Highlights in May

2015 年 1 月 5 日,三亚华美达广场酒店 正式任命徐华女士为酒店总经理。徐华 女士表示:“温德姆酒店管理集团是全 球规模最大、业务最多元化的酒店企业。 很荣幸加入这一优秀的国际酒店品牌, 我将与三亚华美达广场酒店全体同仁一 起为宾客继续创造“做您所想,将余下 的事交给我们”的难忘入住体验。

2015 年 3 月 9 日 - 2015 年 5 月北京康莱 德酒店廿九阁西餐厅、陆羽中餐厅、大 堂酒廊及 Chapter 美食图书馆餐厅推出 一系列应季推广、优惠套餐以及经典下 午茶。其中母亲节周日早午餐、母亲节 粤菜精选套餐、香槟生蚝、草莓季下午茶、 风味烤乳猪与南粤黄油蟹等都是厨师团 队全新推广。

北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 新任餐厅部经理王梓女士 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street Appoints New Outlets Manager 丽思卡尔顿酒店集团区域副总裁及北京 金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理罗捷思 (Andrew C Rogers) 先生宣布任命王梓女 士(Catherine Wang)为北京金融街丽 思卡尔顿酒店餐厅部经理。接受任命后, 王梓女士将全面掌管四季汇餐厅、金阁 餐厅、意味轩餐厅的服务与运营,并将 进一步提升酒店餐饮的服务与创意。

周日大蟹盛宴 It’s A Crab Sunday 大连君悦酒店香汇餐厅:香溢美馔,汇聚于此 The Smoke House Opens At Grand Hyatt Dalian Bringing Premium Asian Barbecue Dining To The Beachfront 2015 年 3 月 27 日,坐落于星海广场中心地带的大连君悦酒店,近日宣布其休闲 而别致的亚洲烧烤餐厅 - 香汇餐厅,惊艳启幕。香汇餐厅是一间休闲而别致的 亚洲烧烤餐厅。无论是东南亚的热带风情,抑或是东北亚的豪放情怀,更有新 鲜的大连当地海鲜 ...... 各种风靡亚洲的烧烤肆意飘香,舌尖穿梭于整个亚洲,尽 享亚洲美馐。

金融街洲际酒店季候风自助餐厅周日蟹 宴让您可享用到世界各地的螃蟹美食。 这里有诱人的黑胡椒炒蟹 , 香辣蟹 , 日本 咖喱味道的铁板软壳蟹,搭配黄油蒜茸 的蟹味炒饭,以及阿拉斯加帝王蟹爪等 等。由泰国顶级厨师亲自烹饪料理的健 康美味佳肴,散发着泰式蟹酱汁香气, 点燃您的完美周末吧!

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Glamorous Day-Date

自 1956 年起,Day-Date(星期日历型)便成为了劳力士

On May 9th, Phililips auction house will present the


“Glamorous Day-Date” auction which is one of the first times

戴, “表坛”无出其右。 5 月 9 日, 菲利普拍卖行将在日内瓦举行名为 “Glamorous Day-Date”的钟表拍卖,这是劳力士珍稀型号 Day-Date 极

such a comprehensive collection of rare Rolex Day-Dates will be up for auction. Also known as the “President” watch, the Day-Date is one of the icons of watchmaking and a signature piece of Rolex. It is arguably


one of the most famous watch designs of all time.Among the rare

块上世纪 60 年代的铂金腕表和为伊朗国王特制的罕见腕表。

pieces are several 1960s era platinum Day-Dates as well as a rare model especially made for the Shah of Iran.

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

2015 年五月号 总第 376 期



Tea Cities | The Art World comes to China | Perini Navi: Dreamboats | LifeStyle 2015 China Hotel Awards

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