南腔北调· LifeStyle
2014 年八月号 总第 362 期
Cut Abandon Detach 断全 新 舍生 活 离方 式 Cut, Abandon, Detach l Dawn of the New Sartorialist l Vespertine Surprises l Laque de Chine l Future Amazon
人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel AUGUST 2014
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
Editor’s Note
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The August cover is a shot of actress and fashion icon Pace Wu
Normcore and Simplicity Picking neutral colors and pared downed designs seems more like a
delusion of the overstimulated and overindulged than anything that people
really want to buy. Rather than a solution, it seems like just another aesthetic posture. The really meaningful ways that we might want to live simply aren’t really available except for the very richest or the very poorest of us. Most of us have to spend most of our time mired in bills, searching
for ways to reduce taxes, fretting about our children’s education, or check-
极致的普通,不简单 比起买到合适的东西,选择中性色彩和简约风格的东 西更像是一种审美态度的表达,而非真正解决问题的办法。 除非跻身最富或沦为最穷的行列,不然我们想简简单单生活 的真正意义实际上都不存在。大部分人一生中的大部分时间 都不得不为俗世里的琐事所累:面对数不尽的账单、千方百 计地避税、解决孩子的教育问题,或者围着投资理财产品转 ……对于普通大众来说,过得简单些的最佳方式也许是摆脱 手机、邮件、App,各种触摸屏——技术让我们如虎添翼,也 使我们前所未有地忙碌,越来越不能集中注意力了。 当然,“简单”的审美风格同时意味着摒弃 Logo 崇拜和 高调炫耀。随着中国人越来越排斥炫富,简约风格已成为一 种需要,不过就在精英人士纷纷投向简单的怀抱时,他们的 下一代却对打造个性时尚风格乐此不疲。有趣的是,当中国 开始厌弃艳俗和大牌时,西方的许多时尚人士正反对个人主 义和奇装异服,转而追求常态。 来说说“normcore”。 “normcore”是“normal”和“hardcore” 的结合体,这个词由纽约的趋势预测公司 K-Hole 创造,用来 描述从晦涩难懂、装腔作势等种种离经叛道到主动拥抱普通 和平常的飞跃。人们不再无休止地求“异”,大部分风尚人 士开始追求正常、平淡无奇的装束,就像顺应普通大众看世 界杯和超级碗一样自然,似乎追求了特立独行那么多年,现 在发现做一名普通的中产其实挺好。 尽管东西方的情况并不完全一样,但都反映了人们的“逃 离”意愿和这个时代偶尔的轻率——慢下来,让改变发生。 也许逃离时尚和奢华,可以让我们有更多的时间读懂自己。
ing on the price of real estate. For most of us, the most desirable form of simplicity might be an escape from smartphones, apps, email - fingers constantly on a touchscreen - the confluence of technology and ambition that causes us to be ever more distracted and busy.
Of course choosing a simple aesthetic is also about rejecting logos and
showing-off high status. With obvious displays of wealth increasingly
discouraged in China, moving toward simpler styles is needed. Concur-
rent with a move to simplicity by the elites in China comes an interest in individualism and personal style from their children, the younger generation. Interestingly, the reaction in China to gaudiness and brand names
comes at about the same time that many stylish people in the West are reacting to individualism and the constant need to express uniqueness.
Meet normcore. This fusing of “normal” and “hardcore” was coined by
K-Hole, a trend forecasting group in NYC and describes a flight from esoterica, posturing, and all kinds of quirkiness to a deliberate embrace of the
normal. Rather than constantly seeking to be different, the most cutting-
edge hipsters now embrace normalcy, bland, suburban attire common pur-
suits like watching the World Cup and NFL. People seem to be fatigued after so many years of trying to be different. It’s fine now to just look like a middle-class guy.
These are parallel though unrelated moves in the West and East. Per-
haps they do reflect a similar impulse toward escape from the intensity and sometimes thoughtless outward expression of our age, a slowing down and
turning it. Perhaps an escape from fashion and luxury can free up more time for us to understand ourselves. Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
014 海底沉睡香槟
096 音乐之家
数百瓶凯歌香槟被装进特制水下酒窖,沉 入 40 米的深海,然后静待 50 年后的开启
造型别致的奥尔堡音乐之家集学校与音乐 厅为一体,为观众呈现最佳的声学效果与 观看效果
018 完美终点站
102 重彩中国味
名厨赫斯顿·布卢门撒尔将完美主义者咖啡 厅开进了伦敦希思罗机场 2 号航站楼
Song Qi,餐饮业巨子丘德威的顶级中餐厅 亮相摩纳哥
106 科幻亚马逊
024 吴佩慈:穿搭女王爱美丽
鹅城惠州迎来独具设计感的凯狮国际影城, 一个充满创意惊喜的电影绿洲就此诞生
这位“零差评穿搭女王”说,学习穿搭的 过程不仅能磨炼一个人的品位和审美,更 能磨练自我气质
032 都市男人衣橱的秘密 对于现在的都市男人来说,一件灰色法兰 绒西服已经算不上时髦,混搭少许经典又 现代的单品才能当主角!
享乐 040 细品亚洲顶级生态酒店 看亚洲顶级生态酒店如何在传统与自然的 融合中怡然自得
102 071 月见花之惊喜 从平凡中找寻惊喜,正是月见花带给每一 位食客的礼物
特辑 076 断舍离 “断舍离”不是简单的整理术,它是一种 教人放下心中执念的理念,一种生活态度, 甚至可以说是一种哲学
LifeStyle 7
076 Cut, Abandon, Detach
“Cut, Abandon, Detach” is the philosophy everyone’s talking about. LifeStyle takes a deeper look
096 The Sound of Music Europe’s New Concert Hall
102 Lacquer de Chine
Chinese Cuisine in Monaco
106 Future Amazon
Huizhou’s Cinema is Amazing
014 Deep Sea Drunk
Champagne stored deep under the sea
018 Terminal Perfection
The best restaurant in London Heathrow Airport
024 Pace Wu: The Queen of Clothes What’s Pace Wu’s secret?
032 Dawn of the New Sartorialist The flâneur strolls into a new era
040 Asia’s Top Eco Hotels
Where ecology meets luxury, all across Asia
071 Vespertine Surprises
Flavors fresh from Shanghai’s Bund
Columns 072 WineClub 117 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu
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10 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P18
伦敦希思罗机场完美主义者咖啡厅 The Perfectionist’s Café, London Heathrow Airport
LifeStyle 13
Deep Sea Drunk 大约四年前,在波罗的海奥兰群岛海底沉船附近打捞上来一批香槟酒,通过辨认瓶塞上的标记,全球最古老香槟厂之一“凯歌香槟” 的名字赫然其上。令人称奇的是,这些沉睡海底百年的佳酿保存完好,口感依旧,香槟厂商无疑酿造有方;另一方面,波罗的海深海常年 4℃ 的恒定低温,从理论上讲能延缓香槟的衰老速度,深海缺氧更降低了香槟遭受氧化的几率。凯歌香槟由此深受启发,同时也为了纪念沉 睡香槟几年前的“觉醒”,特意将 300 瓶常规容量和 50 瓶大容量的佳酿装进特制的水下酒窖,沉入 40 米的深海,然后静待 50 年后的开 启,这其间,酿酒师会对它们进行监控,并时不时取出来做口感测试。 Veuve Clicquot has lowered hundreds of bottles of champagne deep into the Baltic Sea in an aging experiment that also commemorates the discovery of
shipwrecked bottles in the same area about four years ago. Three hundred regular bottles and 50 magnums of bubbly have been caged in a specially built
underwater cellar dubbed the Aland Vault after the Aland shipwreck off the coast of Finland, where they will remain buried for 50 years. The deliberately
submerged Veuve Clicquot bottles currently lie 40m below the surface, where they’ll be monitored by cellarmasters and occasionally retrieved for tastings. The Baltic Sea offers unique aging conditions due to its low levels of salinity and a constant temperature of 4C.
14 LifeStyle
Motorcycle Bags 米兰时尚品牌莫斯奇诺的创意总监杰瑞米·斯科特一直以来都对 时尚极其敏感,其作品拥有独特的视觉风格。前不久他再创了两款 超酷机车包,牛皮打造的夹克衣领及前襟覆盖包身,荒诞的喜感让 人无法抗拒,也与莫斯奇诺的搞怪气质相得益彰。该款包包有黑、 红两色可选,现已在法国精品店柯莱特上架,定价分别为 1780 欧元 和 1570 欧元。 Jeremy Scott, Creative Director of noted Milanese brand Moschino,
has a great sense of style. He designed a few biker-inspired accessories for
Moschino’s 2014 Pre-Fall collection, among which the Moschino Motorcycle Jacket bag and backpack, which shows an intriguing visual impact. The Moschino Motorcycle Jacket Backpack is a black calfskin “Biker” bag with
twill lining, jacket collar, and two zip pockets on front, one at back. The
Moschino Motorcycle Jacket Bag is a red calfskin “Biker” bag with twill lining,
biker jacket collar, and two zip pockets. These two items retail for €1780 and €1570 respectively at Colette.
LifeStyle 15
Lit Up
女设计师欣德·拉比一贯擅长运用简洁、 纯粹的线条和样式赋予灯饰建筑学美感。根 据客户要求制作的这两款灯具诞生于设计师 位于比利时的工作室,采用欧洲高品质原材 料,在设计方面可谓独具匠心,可用于书桌 或浴室照明。 Favoring the use of sober lines and pure forms,
Belgian designer Hind Rabii creates lighting
elements of architectural beauty. With the highest
quality European materials, these designs are created
in her Belgian workshop and are custom fitted for the required purpose, whether it be a desk or a bathroom.
16 LifeStyle
Hat Trick 适逢年度名流盛会“英国皇家赛马会” 举行,修读建筑室内设计的米利纳·加布里埃 拉·利津察推出了一系列 3D 打印的帽子。虽然 3D 打印可选择的材质很广泛,但由于帽子尺 寸的关系,设计师这次只选择了尼龙和不锈 钢。尼龙的优势是显而易见的,质轻而柔韧, 并且能保持细节的精致感。 Milliner Gabriela Ligenza, who originally trained
as an architect and interior designer, has launched a
collection of 3D printed hats to coincide with British horse racing event Royal Ascot. While a wide range
of materials can be used in 3D printing, the large size
of the hats in this case limited the choice of materials
to nylon and stainless steel. Nylon was the obvious
choice due to its lightness, flexibility and ability to hold fine details.
LifeStyle 17
完美终点站 Terminal Perfection 不管你喜欢与否,机场已经成为现代人 生活里必不可少的一部分。为了帮乘客打发 漫长枯燥的候机时间,伦敦希思罗机场引进 了诸多世界知名品牌店铺或专柜,还努力打 造成为吃货的天堂。继英国顶级厨神戈登·拉 姆齐将“飞机美食”餐厅开到 5 号航站楼之 后,另一名炙手可热的名厨赫斯顿·布卢门撒 尔也将完美主义者咖啡厅开进了 2 号航站楼。 设计师以 20 世纪 60 年代英伦风格为基调, 优雅中带点幽默与诙谐。所用的材料和色彩 充满了活力,深色木地板、蓝色布艺沙发展 现出英式时尚魅力。在这里用餐,你会以为 自己进入了《汉普斯特荒野》里的美丽景致。 这也是旅客离境前品尝地道英式菜肴的最后 机会。 Heathrow… love it or hate it, it’s part of life.
Passing through London is as much part of every
year as winter, spring, summer and fall. All too often, the experience is arduous and tedious. Thank goodness that Heston Blumenthal has opened a
lovely new restaurant in the middle of T2- The Perfectionist’s Café. With classic British food, and
design which recollects London’s Swinging Sixties, you’ll feel that you aren’t in the airport at all, but having lunch on Hampstead Heath, sounds of the overground clacking away in the distance.
18 LifeStyle
Fanciful Foraging 受诺玛餐厅委托,丹麦 Polyform 建筑事务所为食客们精心打造了一 家北欧风格的丹麦餐厅,让吃货们好好感受一下全球最佳餐厅的妙处不仅 仅是随便吃顿饭而已。诺玛掌门人、主厨雷纳·雷哲毕可不想在自家餐厅门 口拉起红绸,再来个开业大吉什么的。他不仅要保留所有新奇的想法,更 要在餐厅周围营造出一个缓冲区,方便来访者体验诺玛的一切,同时充分 融入这里。设计师也希望通过这家丹麦顶级餐厅原汁原味地体现北欧地区 的特色风貌及其独有的粗犷之美,讲述新北欧的故事。 Danish restaurant Noma commissioned Polyform Architects to create a landscape
based on the Nordic terroir to give pilgrims to the world’s best restaurant a taste of
what’s inside, without disturbing diners. Head chef René Redzepi was not interested in putting up a red rope in front of the restaurant, he didn’t want to exclude the curious
minds, but rather create a buffer zone around the restaurant, which gave visitors the experience of Noma and in this way included them. The architects wanted a landscape
that showcased the Nordic region’s rugged beauty and told the story of the terroir that has shaped and inspired the new Nordic.
LifeStyle 19
创立 Bugaboo 儿童推车品牌的初衷是什么? 当 时 我 观 察 走 在 路 上 的 父 母, 看 看 他 们都在干什么,从中发现了一些错误和可以 改进的地方。我明白了如何做得更好,更发 掘了新的机会。我意识到我们可以创造出市 场上从未出现过的商品——一个可以让父母 带着宝宝自由出行的产品,一个多功能、便
荷兰移动产品设计公司博格步创始人马克斯·巴伦布吕格颠覆了儿童 推车行业标准,以至使儿童推车赢得世界各国父亲们的青睐。 Dutch mobile product design company Bugaboo founder Max Barenbrug has subverted the industry standard for strollers; children all over the world look up to him. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Bugaboo
捷、 简 约 且 优 美 的 产 品。 这 就 是 我 们 创 立 Bugaboo 品牌最简单最直接的初衷。 Bugaboo 儿童推车为什么备受世界各国男性 喜欢?产品阳刚化设计的原因是什么?
在 15-20 年前的欧洲,已经有越来越多
Darling Daddy
的父亲参与照顾家庭及宝宝,如今在亚洲也 有相同的趋势,所以我们的产品才会特别吸 引父亲。产品阳刚化设计的原因是:一方面 我们想吸引更多男性的目光,让父亲也能讨 论我们的产品,像他们讨论汽车一样;另一
只保留最重要的东西,这也非常符合一个成 熟男人的气质。 听说你们的产品推出的周期比较长。 我们永远以产品为重。为了设计出优秀 的产品,我们愿意付出时间,比如用 5 年设 计出一款婴儿车。目前我们有 4 款产品销往 全球,相信这些产品最终要实现的目标都是 一样的,就是让父母带着自己的宝宝去任何 想去的地方。这是我们的全球化战略。 Bugaboo 这次的新品发布地是个很酷的地方, 未来会成为 Bugaboo 的办公室? 是的,这是荷兰一幢古老的建筑,早在 19 世纪就存在了。我们参观了很多类似的经 过翻新的古建筑,最终找到了这个废弃的船 厂。我们花了两年时间翻新这个会场,现在 看到的只是它的一半。我们想保留里面那些 经典的东西,不会做很大的改变。未来的办
20 LifeStyle
What inspired you to create Bugaboo? One day, I was walking on the road, and noticed some young parents and the way they were interacting with their children. They seemed to be having lots of difficulties, and I felt that I understood how to do better, and wanted to explore this business opportunity. I realized then that we could create a product never before seen on the market- one that would allow parents the freedom to travel with a baby stroller- a versatile, convenient, simple and beautiful product. That’s why we created the brand Bugaboo, with simple and straightforward motivations. Bugaboo strollers have become famous in particular with fathers- why do you think this is? What are the reasons for product design is masculine? In the past 15-20 years in Europe, fathers have been more and more involved in care of the family, and now we also have the same trend in Asia. With this in mind, we designed our products to be particularly attractive to the father. On the one hand we want to attract more men’s eyes, so that young
fathers want to discuss our products, much as they would discuss cars; on the other hand, our design philosophy is to be able to simplify the complicated, only retaining the most important thing, which is very consistent with a mature man’s temperament. I heard that your product launch cycle is relatively long. Our product quality is important above all else to us. In order to design a good product, we are willing to devote a relatively long time, as long as five years to design a stroller. We currently have 4 products are sold worldwide, and believe that the ultimate goal of these products is the same- that is, is to let parents take their baby wherever we want to go. This is our globalization strategy. Bugaboo’s next step will be to move to a bigger office. Tell us about your move. Yes, we are going to an old Dutch building, dating to the 19th century. We visited many similar refurbished ancient buildings, and eventually found this abandoned shipyard. It took us two years to renovate the venue, and is only half done. This office space is consistent with our design philosophy: we like quality that lasts and lasts, without big changes. The office will have four floors, and will be a very unique and comfortable working environment.
LifeStyle 21
上海浦东四季酒店傲世呈现空中餐厅 A “High-flying Restaurant” Presented by Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai 2014 年 6 月 26 日 至 28 日, 上 海 浦 东 四 季酒店首次携手“盛宴长空”在浦东世纪大道 演绎非凡用餐体验,引领魔都全新生活方式。 从巴黎、伦敦、罗马、拉斯维加斯、墨西哥城 到里约热内卢、迪拜、新德里、悉尼和东京等 地,走遍世界 40 多个国家的盛宴长空横空悬 于浦东陆家嘴东方明珠天际美景之间。空中餐 厅每次仅可款待 22 位宾客,运用汽吊车将整 张餐桌悬吊至距离地面 50 米高空处进行用餐。 宾客可享受四道式午餐、下午茶和七道式葡萄 酒晚餐,以及在陆家嘴星空下品鉴上等葡萄酒
和鸡尾酒。价格由 1888 元至 8888 元不等。 The Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, Shanghai
Las Vegas and Mexico City to Rio de Janeiro, Dubai,
from June 26 to 28, 2014, showcasing the city’s most
include a four-course lunch flight or an Afternoon
the urban melee on Century Avenue, courtesy of a
an exclusive selection of the world’s finest wines
and safety standards - live the Shanghai lifestyle to
Closing the evening, the talented hotel bar tenders
extravagant meals”, Dinner in the Sky is a “uniquely
Lujiazhui night sky during the last lift. Prices range
presented the China Premiere of Dinner in the Sky
New Delhi, Sydney and Tokyo. The culinary choices
exclusive dining experience 50 meters high above
Tea lift. A seven course dinner menu paired with
giant crane and sophisticated German engineering
and mineral waters is a highlight for connoisseurs.
its fullest! Quoted as being among the “world’s most
mix guests’ preferred cocktails under the star glazed
suspended dining table” hosting up to 22 guests.
between RMB1,888 to RMB8,888 person.
It has been travelled globally in over 40 countries,
海滨明珠喜添喜来登新成员 Sheraton Set to Debut in Zhuhai 珠海,珠江三角洲南端的一个美丽的沿海花园城市。位于珠海十字门商 务区的珠海华发喜来登酒店计划于 2014 年 11 月盛大开业。酒店紧邻珠海国 际会展中心,会展中心设有 30000 平米的展览空间,外加一个剧场及音乐厅。 全新的珠海华发喜来登酒店拥有 548 间豪华客房、2070 平米的多功能宴会会 议空间以及一系列喜达屋特色品牌服务项目,还可在 19 层观赏水天一色的旖 旎美景,无疑是商务及休闲宾客心目中远离城市喧嚣,又能兼顾商务的悠闲 舒适之地。 Located on the southern edge of the Pearl River Delta, Zhuhai is a beautiful,
gardenlike coastal city. Sheraton Zhuhai Hotel is set to open in November, 2014. Ideally situated on the Chinese Riviera and next to the Zhuhai International Convention &
Exhibition Center, the newest and biggest meeting center in Zhuhai, the 548-room
Sheraton Zhuhai Hotel will be the perfect gathering place for business and leisure travelers looking for a welcoming respite from the bustling urban pace. The 19-story
hotel will offer spectacular over-the-water views along with 548 rooms, 2,070 square meters of flexible meeting space and a host of unique branded amenities.
22 LifeStyle
having staged VIP events from Paris, London, Rome,
品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Profile / P.24 潮物
Material Culture / P.32 艺术
Art / P.36
纽约古根海姆博物馆意大利未来主义回顾展 A seminal exhibit of Italian Futurism at the Guggenheim
LifeStyle 23
The Queen of C 吴佩慈:穿搭女王爱美丽
有着“零差评穿搭女王”之称的吴佩慈认为,学习穿搭的过程不仅能磨炼一个人的品位和审美, 更能磨练自我的气质。穿着得体的女人,往往也是成功且优雅的女人, 在举手投足间传达出得体的仪态与风情。 Known as the “Perfect Outfit Queen,” Pace Wu believes that the process of becoming a style icon is not only about having good taste, but also about honing and developing one’s temperament. Being a well-dressed, successful and elegant woman means knowing how to convey decent manners and customs. Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: Tianjin Chinese-World Books Inc
24 LifeStyle
Clothes LifeStyle 25
26 LifeStyle
LifeStyle 27
身高 1.70 米的吴佩慈是充满美感的天秤座,神经敏锐纤细的 B 型血,热爱时尚、美服, 以及任何有关“接近灵魂”的事物。19 岁以“九头身美少女”之姿出道,曾赴海外发展,接拍 数十支广告与电影,形象遍布海外各大时尚杂志;如今演艺事业则横跨音乐、戏剧、广告,在 内地、台湾、香港等地皆有出色表现。 凭借多年的娱乐圈工作经验,吴佩慈不仅轻松玩转私服穿搭,更在巴黎时装周大放异彩, 成为最受欧美时尚界瞩目的亚洲女艺人。在她的“时尚圣经”中,没有衣橱里衣服不够的女人, 只有不会搭配的女人。吴佩慈一直在微博上更新小吴私服日记,聚集了大量人气。说到开始的 契机,其实也是非常自然的,“因为我出现的场合以精品活动或者记者会居多,穿着比较正式, 像是礼服或者小洋装。大家很少看到我穿牛仔裤的样子,有人留言说想看看我平时都穿些什么。 一开始也没有想那么多,甚至没觉得有太大意义,随便乱拍发上去,没想到大家觉得还蛮好玩 的。”就这样一路走来,前前后后已经好几年了,微博上穿着私服的“小吴”,没有了礼服的 华丽,却多了一种自然亲近的感觉。 吴佩慈说她现在除了拍电影之外,也想开始做一些和时尚产业搭界的东西,因为觉得那是 很有趣的部分,而且能够成为发扬对时尚的热爱的出口。而爱美丽,是一个女人一生中最好的 事业。
对话吴佩慈 什么是时尚? 这是一个自古以来就一直存在的经典问题,当然每个人都有不同的看法,时尚本身也是多 变的,若给它下一个死的定义,这样本身就不是一个很时尚的行为。就我个人的理解,时尚就 是让你开心的一个东西,你很享受这个过程,觉得自己整个人的状态都非常轻盈雀跃。千万不 要有压力,因为当你穿上一件衣服不自信、不喜欢、不确定的时候,它在你身上就不成立。我 对时尚最大的想法就是,它不是 Cosplay(角色扮演),不是违背内心去模仿,是你自己喜欢, 然后穿在身上,觉得很自在的东西。所以大家不会看到我有什么特别夸张的打扮,因为对我而 言,自己喜欢、适合自己的才是真正的时尚。就算一件集聚时下最热元素的衣服摆在面前,但 它穿上去身体很难受,喘不过气来,我也绝对不会去尝试。 你有这么多衣服,怎么保存和分类收纳? 这也是最困扰我的事情。我一般会把衣服分好类,像参加活动或晚宴的礼服、小礼服,会 折好放入塑胶袋中,再按照颜色、牌子区分好,放在不同的收纳箱中。日常生活中的衣服都放 在醒目的地方,基本上我不会根据服装的季节性来区隔它们,除了羽绒外套和厚毛衣会另外收 纳,其他全部挂在衣柜里,尽量整理得一目了然,方便我搭配使用。最新购入的衣服会特别挂 起来,其他的还是按照衬衫、T 恤、针织衫等分类,收好放在抽屉里。 现在有一种全新的生活方式就是“断、舍、离”,你觉得这个理念在时尚方面是如何体现的? 我觉得这个概念本身就是一种时尚。也许大家对时尚的理解有一点点误解。其实时尚本身 并不是指大量地拥有物品,而是通过不断尝试的方式找到最适合自己风格。选择本身就是“断、 舍、离”的过程。断掉占有的欲望、舍弃不适合的单品、离开繁琐的风格,最后剩下的精华部 分就是真正属于自己的生活。
28 LifeStyle
With a height of 1.70 meters, Pace Wu, a Libra, is full of beauty. Slender, nervy, a sensitive girl with type B blood, Wu loves fashion and beauty services, as well as anything that helps her get closer to her soul. She was only a 19-year-old when she made her debut on television, but quickly her celebrity spread overseas. As she began filming dozens of commercials and movies, her image spread across the major fashion magazines overseas; her career now spans music, theater, and advertising. Whether in the Mainland, Taiwan, Hong Kong or elsewhere, she’s known for her outstanding performances. With years of experience in the entertainment industry, Pace Wu isn’t just another pretty face, but is known at Paris Fashion Week and among the European and American fashion industry as one of the most watched Asian female artists. In her “fashion bible,” any style can be worn by the right woman. Pace Wu’s “Diary of Xiao Wu” weibo has certainly gained her a lot of popularity, as she has become known for her accessible and friendly image. From the beginning, she’s adapted to her new life with ease, and told us, “At the beginning, I would often appear at boutique events or occasions, typically news conferences, wearing more formal clothes, like a dress or a miniskirt. I rarely went out in jeans or informal clothes. At the time, some people said they wanted to see what I usually wear. But the truth is I didn’t give this choice of clothes much thought, I just get ready for the evening in my usual way; it truly came as a surprise to me to get so much attention.” In a flash, the years have passed, with the “Diary of Xiao Wu” microblog recording it all. Today, her look has evolved; she’s more relaxed, without the gorgeous dresses, but more of a natural feeling of closeness. Pace Wu is starting to branch out from her work in television and films working with fashion industry and the world of design. In all things, she’s driven by an interest in beauty and a love of fashion; it’s this passion that she wants to share. A life spent loving beauty is the best of all jobs for a woman.
Interview with Pace Wu What is fashion? Since ancient times, this has been a question. Of course, everyone has different opinions; fashion itself is changing. Trends are continuously changing, so going along with a fixed definition in itself is not a very fashionable behavior. For my personal understanding, fashion is a happy thing which brightens life, a process which makes you feel pleasure. To be fashionable is to feel very light and excited. Don’t feel too much pressure, because when you are not confident to wear a dress, the lack of confidence shows. I think the greatest fashion sense isn’t about cosplay or playing dress-up, but finding your own personal style. I look for clothes that make me comfortable and make me feel really “me”. Therefore, I try not to wear exaggerated or unusual attention-grabbing outfits, but dainty and elegant outfits suitable to my personality. For example, nowadays a lot of clothing trends may look exceptional, but are extremely uncomfortable when you wear them- for me, I would never wear these styles. You have so many clothes, how do you remember where your favorite clothes are stored? This is the thing that bothers me the most. I usually put my favorite clothes and formalwear- for example, an elegant dinner dress or a mini dress- in a folded plastic bag, and then sort the remainder by color and brand, and place them in a different wardrobe. Everyday clothes are placed in conspicuous places, and change according to the season. Heavy winter clothes, such as down jackets and thick sweaters, I set aside until the proper season. All the others are there for me hanging in the closet, easy to take in at a glance, for ease of access. My most recently purchased clothes will be carefully hung up, or put in accordance with other shirts, T-shirts, knitwear, and so forth; in this way, I try to keep things well-organized. Nowadays, there is a new trend in philosophy called “cut, abandon, detach.” Do you think this idea is reflected in fashion? I think the concept itself is a kind of fashion. Perhaps everyone has a little bit of misunderstanding of what fashion really is. In fact, fashion itself does not mean a lot to own goods, but rather to find a way to gracefully exist in the world. Choosing your style itself is “broken, homes, away from the” process. Fashion is not about acquiring objects, but about attaining a condition of grace and lightness- true fashion is to find the basic essence of your own character, and the clothing which corresponds to it.
LifeStyle 29
30 LifeStyle
LifeStyle 31
Material Culture
Dawn of the New Sartorialist 对于现在的都市男人来说,一件灰色法兰绒西服已经算不上时髦, 混搭少许经典又现代的单品才能当主角! For the contemporary man about town, a grey flannel suit isn’t de rigeur. Instead mix and match some classic and modern pieces. Text: Jeffrey Ying
永远经典又独特的蓝 色西装能让你容光焕发, 比如提摩西・艾佛洛斯的 这一款,不过相比之下, 旁边渡边淳弥的设计让人 感觉更前卫。 Blue Blazer: Dress up an
outfit with a classic but still
unique blue blazer such as this
one from Timothy Everest. A more avant grade feel comes from a Junya Watanabe piece.
32 LifeStyle
不要怀疑,一双好鞋会让你走出不同“境 界”。这双优雅有余的精细之作来自英格兰 最佳鞋履品牌之一——爱德华・格林。 Stay on top of things with a pair of elegant
Edward Greens, notable as one of England’s finest RTW brands.
从工作快速切换到娱乐状态?那你需要随身携带的东西就太多了。所以传统男人可 能更青睐 Swaine Adeney & Brigg 的包包。那些希望在传统中有所改变的人应该会喜欢摩 衬衣一定要坚持基本款,除非你有盖 茨比家那么大的衣橱,里面挂满了滕博阿 瑟衬衫。受美国五六十年代学院风的影响, 日本 Kamakura 衬衫的系扣做工数一数二。 Stick to the basics with shirts unless you have
纳这样拥有独特弧形的 Limousine 包,这样走路的时候,包包不会一直磨蹭着腿。 From work to play often means toting a number of electronic gadgets and other necessities so
while the traditional man might still prefer an attache such as one from Swaine Adeney & Brigg. The classically inclined with a twist should like to cary the Limousine case from Moynat which features a curved surface so the case doesn’t move around the legs when walking.
a Turnbull & Asser filled wardrobe the size of
Robert Redford’s Jay Gatsby. Kamakura Shirts from Japan makes one of the best fitting button
down shirts around, inspired by the golden age of Prep.
LifeStyle 33
Material Culture
放弃单调的皮带吧,一条异域风情的皮带能瞬间点亮你的装扮。 Forget a boring leather belt.
Wear an exotic skin belt to subtly accessorize your outfit.
来自 Drake’s 的口袋方巾,图案很活泼。 Tuck a festive pocket square into your blazer, from Drake’s.
34 LifeStyle
复古设计的现代演绎,由 Acne 和 Cutler & Gross 出品。 Keep the sun out of your eyes with these Modernist interpretations of vintage designs, from Acne and Cutler & Gross.
下雨天人人都需要雨伞,现代绅士们尤其强调雨 伞的耐用性。James Smith 与 Swaine Adeney & Brigg 强 强联手推出的雨伞能使用一个多世纪,是不是让你赞 叹不已? Everyone needs an umbrella at some point in their lives
and a modern gentleman might as well get one that lasts. James Smith and Swaine Adeney & Brigg have perfected the umbrella for more than a century.
不要再把手机当手表啦。这款爱彼皇家橡树腕表 优雅得体,又不会过分正式,自上世纪七十年代问世 以来一直被奉为经典之作。 Don’t use a smartphone to look at the time. Instead
something like the Audemars Piguet Royal Oak is an elegant
but not overly formal watch. This icon from the ‘70s still looks great 3 decades later.
LifeStyle 35
重建宇宙 Reconstructing the Universe
纽约古根海姆博物馆重磅推出意大利未来主义回顾展 A seminal exhibit of Italian Futurism at the Guggenheim Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum 古根海姆博物馆是索罗门·R·古根海姆基
金会旗下所有博物馆的总称。2014 年 2 月 21
日至 9 月 1 日,位于美国纽约的古根海姆博
物馆推出《意大利未来主义 1909–1944:重建
创作的 360 多件作品。1909 年,在经济和社
览活动。1930 年代的未来主义作品中鲜有被
36 LifeStyle
from documentary filmmaker Jen Sachs.
among them: to abolish the past, to champion
Reconstructing the Universe, the first
monumental canvases that compose the
it began as a literary movement, Futurism soon
of one of Europe’s most important 20th-century
Benedetta (Benedetta Cappa Marinetti), which
The Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum
presents Italian Futurism, 1909–1944: comprehensive overview in the United States
avant-garde movements. The exhibit runs through September 1, 2014,
Featuring over 360 works by more than 80
artists, architects, designers, photographers,
and writers, this multidisciplinary exhibition examines the full historical breadth of Futurism, from its 1909 inception with the publication of Filippo Tommaso Marinetti’s first Futurist
manifesto through its demise at the end of World War II. The exhibition includes many rarely
seen works, some of which have never traveled
Capping the exhibition are the five
Syntheses of Communications (1933–34) by are being shown for the first time outside of their
original location. One of few public commissions
awarded to a Futurist in the 1930s, the series of paintings was created for the Palazzo delle Poste (Post Office) in Palermo, Sicily. The paintings
celebrate multiple modes of communication, many enabled by technological innovations, and
correspond with the themes of modernity and the “total work of art” concept that underpinned the Futurist ethos.
Futurism was launched in 1909 against a
outside of Italy. Iconic works such as Umberto
background of growing economic and social
Space” are included as well. The exhibition is
Manifesto of Futurism,” published in Le
Boccioni’s “Unique Forms of Continuity in further enlivened by three films commissioned
upheaval. In Marinetti’s “The Founding and Figaro, he outlined the movement’s key aims,
modernization, and to extol aggression. Although embraced the visual arts as well as advertising,
f a s h i o n , m u s i c a n d t h e a t e r, a n d i t s p r e a d
throughout Italy and beyond. The first generation
of artists created works characterized by dynamic movement and fractured forms, aspiring to break
with existing notions of space and time to place the viewer at the center of the artwork. Extending
into many mediums, Futurism was intended to
be not just an artistic idiom but an entirely new
way of life. Central to the movement was the concept of the opera d’arte totale or “total work
of art,” in which the viewer is surrounded by a
completely Futurist environment. Indeed many of the Futurists supported the Fascist state which
was seen as a means of mobilizing a historically divided Italy.
LifeStyle 37
有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.40 人物
Profile / P.54 飨宴
Dining / P.70 美酒
WineClub / P.72
马尔代夫伊露岛度假村 Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives
LifeStyle 39
亚 洲
顶级生态酒店 Asia’s Top Eco Hotels
身处高速发展的大都会,巢居在混凝土和玻璃的尖顶,任由顶上烈日炙烤,汽车喇叭声声催,压力陡然攀升, 心中不由戚戚然,想起遥远的故乡和那些与大自然亲密接触的乡野之地。虽然全球诸多顶级酒店大都选 址在城市中心,但也有一些隐藏于世外桃源之中。这里,LifeStyle 带你一探亚洲顶级生态酒店,看它们 如何在传统与自然的融合中怡然自得。
In the heat of the sun, surrounded by the honking of horns, the stress and the irritation of the city tugging all around‌ Yes, this is the life of Shanghai, Beijing, and points elsewhere. In the heart of the rapidly growing Chinese metropolis, nested within concrete and glass spires, our hearts mournfully yearn for the countryside, for the homeland. While many of the world’s best hotels are in the heart of the great cities, there are some gems hidden in the most unexpected rural areas as well. In this issue, LifeStyle takes a look at some of the hotels around Asia that best integrate themselves with tradition and ecology. Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Respective hotels
LifeStyle 41
“上帝抛洒人间的项链”马尔代夫伊露岛度假村 Sun Siyam Iru Fushi, Maldives
马尔代夫可谓是全球最热门的旅游目的 地之一,毕竟每个人都想赶在这个“上帝抛 洒人间的项链”沉没之前去看看。Sun Siyam 集团创办人坚持将伊露岛度假村选址在美丽 的诺鲁环礁——他的童年之家,他的目标不 仅仅是赚钱(其中大部分盈利用于当地的幼 儿教育),还努力让客人们也参与当地的各 种体验:参观当地的水果农场,跟老妈妈交 流当地美食心得等。Sun Siyam 的经营理念突 显出他对当地居民和环境的热爱。他积极参 与各项慈善活动,并且对自己的国家充满了 自豪感。
42 LifeStyle
The Maldives is one of the most delicious holiday
destinations- after all, the islands will not exist in
a generation or two, making a visit a truly unique experience. Mr. Sun Siyam, founder of the resort,
insisted that it be located at the gorgeous Noonu Atoll, his childhood home. His objective: not only
to make money (much of which is contributed to local preschools), he tries to share the experience
of the community with guests, whether letting them visit local fruit farms or chatting with grandmothers about local cuisine. For many, the Maldives offer
generic beaches and instant noodles prepared in the hotel room: try the Sun Siyam Iru Fushi for one last
look at the unique culture of the Maldives before it is submerged beneath the waves.
LifeStyle 43
44 LifeStyle
“人间天堂”拉萨香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-La Hotel, Lhasa 追寻神的脚步,你发现他停步在西藏——中国最虔诚的地方。在这里,你平日里最常见的 山水和蓝天白云都要重新认识。这里的美大开大阖,磅礴有力,雪域高原的日头下,人间一切 亮堂堂,越历经苦难越用圣境慰藉,就算不是信徒,你似乎也突然领悟了许多。香格里拉得名 于美籍英国作家詹姆斯·希尔顿在《消失的地平线》中描绘的人间仙境。让香格里拉遇见拉萨—— 拉萨香格里拉大酒店,从里到外都汲取了西藏建筑特色,内部装潢设计处处融入藏文化的点滴, 一派和谐安详,其中驿站酒廊是这一基调的核心,它采用唐卡绘画常用的暖色基调和大地色, 高挑的空间和明亮的玻璃窗充分利用这里奢侈的阳光。夜幕下的活宫殿——布达拉宫可远目眺 望,转身踏入酒店大门,入目是藏式大鼓、唐卡……你终究还是来了这人间天堂。 Recent years have seen more and more friends visiting Tibet to reconnect with their spirituality. The Shangri-
La Hotel, Lhasa is among the very best hotels in Lhasa, offering luxury and comfort, but also an unobstructed
point of access to Tibet’s beautiful landscapes and traditions. Gazing at Potala Palace at nightfall, entering the traditional Tibetan-style gate into the hotel, which is decorated with drums and traditional Tibetan drawings; you’ll find the Shangri-La to be a perfect choice for your trip into the heart of Tibetan traditions.
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“ 别样桃源 ” 开维 · 三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya 被誉为“东方夏威夷”的三亚在中国算得上 是最美的旅游目的地之一,白沙碧海、棕榈树、 椰子、芒果和清凉海风,让人身心欢喜。这里最 不缺大牌酒店,但要做到别具一格、脱颖而出实 在不易。开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店所处的环 境自不必说,但它独辟蹊径,云集中式低调奢华 的艺术特色,秉承“天人合一”的生态理念,呈 现出与田园风情截然不同的别样桃源,自成境界, 委实不多见。 Sanya is one of the most beautiful places in China,
but all too often the hotels there feel sterile, corporate, and lifeless. Nobody comes to Sanya for the culture-
they come for the ocean, the palm trees, the coconuts and mangoes, the sea breeze- so it is especially important
that hotels in Sanya be exceptional in the way they let the natural environment speak for itself. Our pick is
the Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya, a stunning location with all of the comfort of a fine hotel, but more
importantly, a location that lets the beauty of the natural environment come out. Sea and sky… we’re packing our bags already.
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“大漠之花”沙漠岛安纳塔拉水疗度假村 Anantara Desert Islands Resort & Spa
48 LifeStyle
阿布扎比的“空白之地”(世界上最大 的延续沙海)就像一曲娓娓道来的歌,震撼 你的灵魂。安纳塔拉的智慧便在这一片质朴 荒凉的大漠里开出花来,既传承了令人敬畏 的阿拉伯文明,又呈现出令人瞠目结舌的现 代奢华。骑着骆驼徐行在洒满阳光的沙丘上, 看着这片永恒的无尽美景徐徐展开。一边泡 在不规则形状的泳池里,一边看着沙漠野生 动物在树荫下吃草;一边品尝沙漠里的下午 茶,一边为阿拉伯传统驯鹰术所着迷……突 然发现都市生活真地被抛到九霄云外去了。 The wisdom of the desert, that austere and bleak
place, comes to full flower in the Anantara Desert
Islands Resort & Spa in Abu Dhabi. Set against
the dramatic landscape of The Empty Quarter – the world’s largest stretch of uninterrupted sand desert- you will be able to commune with yourself
here uninterrupted, with a landscape of crispest blue and mountains of sand to all sides. The sparkling,
brilliant purity of Arabia and her customs- falconry,
high tea in the desert, and more modern sports, such
as desert land sailing- yes, all of these will transport you to a land far from the worries of the city.
LifeStyle 49
莫干山里“法国山居” Le Passage Mokanshan 莫干山里法国山居掩映在连绵起伏的群山之中,周围是大片有机茶园和茂密苍翠的竹林,还有酒窖和玫瑰园。酒店泳池的水来自高山上的 山泉,淡黄色的建筑色彩与当地民居保持一致,屋上的瓦片都来自当地的老房子。这些细节是对传统习俗的保留,更是出于环保角度考虑。可以说, 莫干山里法国山居是中国传统所尊崇的返璞归真与法式优雅生活方式交融的优秀典范。从上海驱车去这家法国乡村式奢华酒店,只需两个多小时。 Neighbors with Naked, Le Passage Mokanshan opened more recently, and offers French luxury combined with the best of Chinese tradition. An adapted Chinese-
French edifice sited on a tea plantation, the resort is designed along the lines of a French country house on the inside, with charming rusticity. Le Passage offers Beautiful rose gardens, tea traditions, and the austere grace of the European countryside, all within a few hours of Shanghai.
50 LifeStyle
“疗愈天堂”普利五元素阿什玛萨酒店 Fivelements Puri Ahimsa, Bali 从东京到北京再到香港,巴厘岛可谓风靡全亚洲,人们乐此不疲地奔赴这个疗养身心的天堂。受巴厘岛传统生活方式所启发,普利五元素 阿什玛萨酒店疗养中心以巴厘岛传统的方式结合物理、精神以及情感方式,让一个有机式疗愈过程自然开展。疗养中心倡导生机饮食和素食传统, 还开设“神圣艺术”项目,包括静坐、瑜伽、物理治疗、合气道、舞蹈、戏剧、振动治疗音乐等。 The island of Bali is famous across Asia, from Tokyo to Beijing to Hong Kong, as being a haven for spirituality and oneness with the environment. Fivelements
Pure Ahimsa is a healing site with deep roots in the traditions of Bali, including traditional Balinese healing treatments inspired by the principle of Sekala-Niskala, cuisine rooted in raw food and vegan food tradition, and sacred arts such as yoga, qi gong, dance, and other expressive arts. Here, you will twang the bow of your soul and listen to the discordant notes repeating endlessly.
LifeStyle 51
私人山谷间的“裸心” Naked Retreats
2005 年,南非人高天成来到中国。当他 在繁华喧嚣的上海工作时,非常思念南非的 辽阔天地。他在农场长大,终日与草原为伴, 与群山为伍。而城市生活的紧张步调、空气 污染、生活压力等都令他窒息,他开始往乡 间寻找一个可以放松休憩的地方。最后他偶 然在竹林覆盖的莫干山发现了一栋栋早年西 方人盖的别墅,虽然多年失修,但房屋结构 都还完好,一小群本地人还居于此,靠制茶、 种菜和竹林为生。后来通过各方面努力,高 天成把这里变成了品味卓绝的度假村,为渴 望清新空气、重返大自然的人士提供一方净 土。“裸心”倡导可持续、融入本土以及生 态旅游,是目前中国生态型酒店中的佼佼者。 Bicycling through the Jiangnan countryside,
South African Grant Horsfield stumbled across some dilapidated farmhouses, an old village falling
into disrepair. The tranquility and tradition charmed him, though, and so founded naked Retreats on the
concept of creating an escape from the busy city life, for people to reconnect with nature and breath
fresh air. Naked Retreats advocates sustainability, connection with the local community, and eco-
tourism; it’s one of China’s premier examples of what a beautiful eco-hotel can be.
52 LifeStyle
“小清新胜地” The Dàlat at 1200 乡村俱乐部及私人庄园 Dalat 1200 Resort, Vietnam
据说“大呖”来源于拉丁名言,意为给 你愉悦或是清新的地方。它是越南有名的花 城,很早以前就已经是上流人士避暑避寒的 胜地。鹅卵石铺就的街道和美丽如画的教堂 富有法国风情和当地文化色彩。玫瑰、绣球 花、金盏花、百合、菊花、康乃馨,随处可见, 这个古朴的城市绿意葱茏。在这里挥起高尔 夫球杆,你将无比享受这项拥抱自然的运动。 The Dàlat at 1200 乡村俱乐部及私人庄园被松 树围绕,私人庄园别墅风格与自然环境和谐 结合,保持了当地的法式建筑细节。这里拥 有亚洲最顶尖的高尔夫球场,专门针对那些 对高尔夫球有浓厚热情和尊重的爱好者、热 衷户外活动和享受奢华生活的人士。你可以
Aaccording to some, the name of the city is
derived from the Latin saying “Dat Ailis Laetitium
Ailis Temperiem,” or “it gives pleasure to some, and freshness to others.” In Vietnam’s lush highlands lies Dalat- city of a thousand pine trees.
It is here that you will, lifting your golf club, feel yourself to be at one with the forest. The resort is
not only among Asia’s premier golf destination (the
sport of golf, of course, being delightful because of how it allows us to experience nature), but also
a sustainable farm, in a quaint city of cobbled streets, where roses, hydrangeas, marigolds, lilies,
chrysanthemums and carnations emerge from
every crevice. There is perhaps no better place for golf than the Dalat 1200 resort, jungle city beyond compare.
骑自行车或远足到山上,一睹平静的湖泊、 四季常青的森林、壮观的瀑布和原始的山林 小径美景,感受清新的空气、小溪和当地种 植的有机农产品,总之,一切城里人所向往 的生活都在这里了。
LifeStyle 53
新加坡人在厦门 Singaporean in Xiamen LifeStyle 专访厦门朗豪酒店总经理、 领结绅士郑锦城 Mr. Benny Chung on bow ties and Xiamen Editor: Jeffrey Ying 与大多数奢华酒店总经理西服搭配领带的装束不同,厦门朗 豪酒店总经理郑锦城先生钟爱各色领结。极具绅士风度的领结给 他增添了更加独特的气质。 来自新加坡的郑锦城拥有超过 33 年的酒店业从业经验,对 客房、销售、市场、餐饮等领域都有涉猎。他不仅颇具商业头脑, 更拥有极高的工作热情、充沛的精力和优秀的工作团队,这一切 都使得他作为酒店总经理的足迹遍及新加坡和中国合肥和昆明等 城市。此次履新前,他于 2013 年任朗廷酒店集团旗下上海南桥绿 地逸东「华」酒店总经理,负责酒店运营管理和业务发展。 郑锦城除了喜欢收藏领结以外,还是一名狂热的高尔夫球爱 好者。尽管工作繁忙,但他总是会忙里偷闲地去球场挥上几杆。 “爱 好与工作当然可以兼得。只要你想做,就一定能做到。”他自己 就是一个“平衡”的典型例子。他曾在多岗位多地任职,干过销售, 做过市场,还当过客房总监、餐饮部主管,直至升任酒店总经理。 凭借着自己的平衡支点,他在职场上一路顺风顺水。如今,多年 的酒店行业背景让他能够轻松胜任厦门朗豪这样奢华酒店的管理 工作。 在郑锦城看来,厦门朗豪酒店可以为商旅人士提供有别于其 它奢华酒店的独特服务。酒店内独立的商务中心与酒吧无缝接合, 商务人士可以享受轻松办公,更方便与客户接洽。“我们希望酒 店住客接受这种把工作、玩乐和休闲融合在生活里的‘朗豪生活 方式’,确实我们许多客户就是这种族群,”郑锦城对此颇有几 分得意,“再比方说,在傍晚 Happy Hour 时段,客人在大堂吧边 听着朗豪节奏轻快的音乐边工作,在舒适愉悦的氛围下很容易涌 现灵感;随时可以通过酒店 WiFi 把文件传到后面的商务中心,直 接打印成第二天开会需要的策划案或合约,再回到大堂吧小酌一 杯以示庆祝。这种在工作和休闲之间切换自如的朗豪生活理念, 特别适合现代且具创意和激情的年轻商务一代。” “厦门与新加坡有很多相似之处,”这也是郑锦城选择在鹭 岛继续自己酒店生涯的原因之一,“当然,还有这里朴实热情的 民风。”其实有相当一部分新加坡人是来自福建和广东的移民, 两地在日常菜品和方言等方面也有很多共性。至于天气,两个地 方更相似,都是“热”力非凡。平日爱喝单一麦芽威士忌、抽雪 茄的郑锦城,一提到厦门朗豪酒店便自豪不已,“我们酒店把朗 豪的传统与厦门当地文化紧密结合,鼓浪屿又名钢琴岛,所以在 酒店的很多细节上你可以看到‘音阶与韵律’的主题,钢琴元素 无处不在,更有别具一格的现代艺术品收藏,最重要的是在许多 方面你能感受到我们传达的‘work and relax’生活态度。所以, 这不光是一间商务酒店,更是定位为缔造独特生活方式体验的奢 华酒店。”
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用真诚行走世界、用心情享受生活,郑锦城的下一个旅 行目的地将会是哪里?他计划去中东或者南美看看。 What has set Benny Chung, the General Manager of Langham Place,
Xiamen, apart from the crowd is his preference for bow ties. Most luxury
hotel general managers are content with wearing conventional neckties but Mr. Chung’s bow ties have distinguished him as a fashion plate among the hotelier set.
Born in Singapore, Mr. Chung brings with him 33 years of experience
in the hospitality industry, with background in Rooms, Sales and
Marketing and F&B. His strength lies in his passion for his work, his
colleague, his energy and his communication abilities. His career as a General Manager spans from Singapore to Chinese cities such as Hefei and Kunming. He joined Langham Hospitality Group's Eaton Luxe Nanqiao, Shanghai in 2013 before the transfer to his current position.
Not only a bow-tie-lover, Mr. Chung is also an avid golfer. “We need
to balance our hobbies and work. You can always find some spare time,
if you try.” Indeed, although he is typically very busy with the business of running the hotel, he always finds time for a round of golf. Given his diverse background in roles such as Sales & Marketing, Director of Rooms, Director of Food & Beverage, and General Manager, he is
in a unique position to run things smoothly in a luxury hotel such as Langham Place, Xiamen.
Mr. Chung explained to us that his hotel has a unique setup for
business travelers. Unlike most luxury hotels which have a separate business center, Langham Place, Xiamen’s business center is integrated within the bar. This arrangement ensures that businessmen can work at a
leisurely pace and meet up with clients in a more relaxing environment. Mr. Chung explains that the hotel would like their guests to live the
Langham Place lifestyle so as to blend work with leisure and fun. And
he is very proud to say that many of the hotel guests actually fulfill this lifestyle. “Guests enjoy ‘Happy Hour’, order a few drinks and enjoy their
work with the lively music. This kind of working environment actually inspires many brilliant ideas. Once the work is done, guests can easily send the work to the business center via WiFi, and print it out for the next
day’s meeting. Afterwards guests can take a stroll to switch from work to leisure. This lifestyle is how the new generation and young entrepreneurs work.”
Xiamen has many similarities with Singapore, which is one of
the reasons why Mr. Chung is fond of it. Since much of Singapore’s
population emigrated from Fujian and Guangdong province, there are
also notable similarities in the cuisine and certainly in the local dialect.
Of course, the weather is highly tropical as well. Mr. Chung also likes to drink single malt whisky and smoke cigars in his leisure time. He is quite
proud of Langham Place, Xiamen: “We connect the tradition of Langham Place with Xiamen’s local culture. Gulang Yu is also known as the Piano Island, a place where you can actually see the music and rhythm of design everywhere. Moreover, we have a modern art work collection,
which we use to try to illustrate the attitude of ‘work and relax’ in many
ways. The Langham Place, Xiamen is not only a business hotel, but a hotel for a leading modern luxury and lifestyle hotel experience.”
Mr. Chung has traveled a lot and loves to see the world with his own
eyes. The Middle East or South America is his next destination of choice.
LifeStyle 55
Wisdom from Marriott 三位来自万豪国际集团的杰出女性总经理都有自成一派的管理风格。潘小莺是一个充满创造力的领袖,追 求卓越、和团队一起实现目标是她的管理哲学;彭庄声讲究细节,认为细节决定成败;王东则更相信“平 衡”,善于发挥团队中每个成员的优势。 All three of the China-based Marriott female general managers have their own style of management. Angela Pan is a creative leader, who pursues excellence and works step by step with her team to get there; Pearl Peng is detailoriented, never missing the smallest thing; Sandy Wang believes in the principle of balance, and the importance of knowing how to cultivate the strength of each team member. We sat down with them to find out what wisdom they have picked up along the way. Editor: Yang Huibin
北京富力万丽酒店 总经理潘小莺: 追求卓越 你如何描述自己的领导风格? 我加入万豪国际集团已十九年有余, 拥有丰富的国际品牌酒店管理经验。在经 历多年的酒店管理生涯后,也总结出了一 套自己的管理哲学,“追求卓越”一直是 我的工作和管理理念。在我看来:“成功 是没有终点的。一个高效能的团队是成功 的重要因素。”通过持续性的激发创造力 并挑战团队才能不断地推陈出新。 请描述一下自己的性格以及它对你的职业 有何影响。
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我天生是个乐观积极的人,或者用当 下最流行的标签“正能量”也可以代表我 的性格。正是这个性格特点让我在工作中 游刃有余,因为我相信没有解决不了的问 题或者困难,我永远都能找到办法来应对。 另一方面我也是一个很执着的人,在酒店 管理中我坚定不移地坚持品质和专业度, 并以此来达到酒店的业绩和目标。
作为一名万豪的员工,自豪感会油然而生。 当然和万豪一起成长,有机遇也有挑战, 正因为如此才有了展示和发展自我的契机。 我深深地体会到,这不仅仅是一份赖以谋 生的工作,更是一份值得用一生去经营的 事业。
首先要记得工作是我们要用生命去做 的事情,要喜欢它才能迸发出真正的激情, 有激情才能有创造力;还要懂得发挥女性 自身的独特优势。而要成为一个职业经理 人,还需要借鉴很多男性宏观和理性的思 考方式。保持专业度是根本,也要不断地 汲取新的知识,给自己充电,提升自身价值。 当然还要有自己的生活,培养一两个兴趣
万豪就像一个大家庭,很重视员工的 感受,工作氛围很温馨。不仅如此,也有 成熟完善的激励机制以激发员工创造力、 增强员工归属感。随着万豪集团在中国的 发展日益壮大,万豪的舞台也越来越宽广, 有更多的业主和专业人士加盟进来,万豪 的市场占有率和全球影响力也越来越大。
你认为应该如何激励更多年轻女性追求成 功、实现自己的职业目标?
爱好也很重要,兴趣和爱好能帮我们开阔 视野,变相思考。 作为酒店总经理,你有什么新的职业目标? 作为一个旗舰店的总经理,首要目标 当然就是提升酒店和品牌的市场占有率和 知名度,做市场上的 NO.1 是每个职业经理 人都希望实现的。另外,培养酒店专业人 才也是我当仁不让的目标。在如今的市场 上,人才是一个企业发展的财富。正因为 稀缺才需要培养,培养人才是储备财富, 也是构建未来。
Becoming Number One
How would you describe your management style?
With more than 19 years working with Marriott
our work. Life is short, and shouldn’t be wasted
你认为应该如何激励更多年轻女性追求成 功、实现自己的职业目标?
your job, problems will solve themselves, and
It’s important to be professional, always continue
不仅仅是对年轻女性,我想对所有的 新生代们说:不出十年,80、90 后将会成 为社会的主要劳动力,这给他们提供了极 大的发掘和展示自己的机会。要学会感激 你所经历的每一步,将来这些都会成为你 拥有的人生财富。
Finally, you need to have some space to breathe:
on things you don’t like. If you are dedicated to it won’t feel like “work”. As women in an often
male-dominated workplace, it’s valuable to adopt certain “masculine” strengths, for example being
rational, analytical, and having a big picture view. learning, and to always be enriching yourself.
I’d recommend cultivating one or two hobbies
big one. I have a particular passion for developing
中国是万豪全球发展的重点市场,目 前万豪在中国的运营酒店有 67 家,今后两 年万豪在中国将管理超过 150 家酒店。现 在万豪旗下酒店遍布中国 12 个省、直辖市、 自治区及特区中的 16 座城市,预计到 2016 年,万豪酒店网络在中国的覆盖面将扩展 至 26 个省、直辖市、自治区及特区中的 50 多座城市。万豪集团的大发展为员工提供 了上佳的事业发展平台,我希望自己可以 更多地去帮助年轻一代打造他们的职业规 划,发掘和发展更多人才。
the people I see growing so quickly.
Sharing The Positive Energy
to broaden your views and expand your life experience.
What are some of your goals or new directions for the hotel as GM?
As general manager of a flagship hotel, there is
International and hotel industry, I would like to
no doubt that being No.1 in the market is always
emphasizes consistency, patience and teamwork.
promoting awareness of the Marriott brand is a
describe myself as an inspirational coach that
My business philosophy is rooted in a succinct premise: “Success is never final.” And I believe
that the pursuit of excellence is the key to lead the tremendous achievement.
How would you describe your personality?
How has your personality influenced your career?
Optimism helps me to conquer all kinds of
difficulties, not only in my personal life but also
my clear goal, but beyond my own market,
young talent; it's good for Marriott, and good for
北京万豪酒店 总经理彭庄声: 传递正能量
in the work place. This sort of positive attitude helps me to find a way to solve whatever problems
I come across. It’s not just an attitude, though; I
am very dedicated to my work, which drives me to persist for however long it takes to attain a high standard of quality and professionalism.
What made you stick with the company for so long?
Marriott is like my family; people are taken
How would you describe your management I follow three ‘A’ management principles:
attitude, altitude and angle. Attitude is everything; it determines our perspective on things. I always try to analyze each situation from different
angles and put myself in other people’s positions.
你如何描述自己的领导风格? 我认为在管理中细节决定成败,而且 要把握好三个“度”:态度、高度和角度。 态度决定一切;有高度的审视、掌控全局; 多角度看问题,换位思考。
Altitude represents the desire to control all factors, from macro to micro.
How would you describe your personality? How has your personality influenced your career?
请描述一下自己的性格以及它对你的职业 有何影响。
Friends have compared me to a spring: the
more pressure I am put under, the more strongly
I bounce back up. I try to always look for the
order to give a sense of creativity and belonging.
曾有人说我像弹簧,压得越狠弹力越 大。我常常把压力转换为动力,面对问题, 永远向大家传递正能量。我一直秉持老万 豪先生推崇的万豪文化:照顾好你的员工, 那么员工一定会照顾好我们的客人,客人 才会一次又一次地回到我们的酒店。
growth in China, a lot of owners and young talents
What made you stick with the company for
good care of by the company in a great working
environment. Moreover, the company has established a tremendous recognition program that always provides opportunities to talented people in As Marriott International has experienced rapid
are eager to join the company, which makes me proud. Certainly, I have been given a lot of
space and opportunities as I have grown with the company over the past 19 years. I feel that
working with Marriott has not just been a job that enables my life, but a career that enriches my life. How do you think more young women can be
motivated to be successful and achieve their career goals?
We need to have passion and inspiration from
万豪国际从成立之初至今已经走过 87 个春秋,凭借着老万豪先生推崇的万豪文 化,万豪国际由最初仅容纳 9 人的根汁啤 酒屋发展成为如今遍布 72 个国家和地区、 近 3900 家酒店的全球住宿业知名企业。我 有幸伴随万豪国际在中国共同成长和发展, 万豪也为我提供了很多机会,当然我也面 对了诸多挑战,万豪见证了我的成长,也 让我有更多的机会,向更多的客人和员工 传递万豪积累的深厚企业文化。
positive side of things. I adhere to the founding
principle of Marriott culture: take good care of
your associates, your associates will take better
care of guests, and your guests will come back again and again.
many years until now?
87 years old, Marriott International started from
a root beer restaurant with only 9 seats, and has
become a leading lodging company worldwide
with nearly 3,900 hotels in 72 countries and regions. This growth is a direct result of the way
that the company and fellow staff are supportive
of each other, and the ways that this positive energy translates into daily life at the hotel. It has been my honor to grow together with Marriott International in the China market. In my time,
I have had a lot of opportunities as well as
LifeStyle 57
many challenges. I've spent my life working for Marriott, and I love to pass the positive lessons I've learned on to younger associates.
How do you think more young women can be motivated to be successful and achieve their
自己愿意付出努力、不断学习,就可以实 现不同时期的人生目标。万豪的企业文化 和万豪所营造的工作氛围是我钟情于万豪 的原因,为工作而工作是一种感受,心有 所属的工作则会发现另一种境界,更为美 好的感受,哪是一种充满幸福感的成功。
for all of the younger generation. Within the next decade, generations X and Y will become the
majority of the workforce. There will be great
space for them to develop and explore. Although they will experience a lot of struggles and hardship,
these struggles are the ways we learn and grow; treasure every day, the good and the bad.
What are some of your goals or new directions for the hotel as GM?
Marriott International runs 67 hotels in China,
spread all over 16 cities in 12 provinces, and the
number will be increased to over 150 in the next two years to cover 50 cities in 26 provinces. On
the human level, that means a lot of young people in the same position that I once was when I started out. I want to focus on helping to develop these young people into the GM's of the future.
Marriott; being a member of this company gives me pride and a sense of my identity. Marriott is where my heart belongs.
What are some of your goals or new directions for the hotel as GM?
career goals?
I think it’s not only about young ladies, but
like the working atmosphere and the culture of
作为酒店总经理,你有什么新的职业目标? 正如万豪国际集团董事长比尔·万豪先 生“成功永无止境”的管理哲学所说,我 在职业生涯中也一直相信:我们要不断超 越自己,在工作中、在心态上。我与我的 团队共同分享这一理念,并为此付诸行动, 未来将持续性地为我们的宾客创造非凡的 下榻体验,我对此充满信心。
As a General Manager, I adhere to Mr. Marriott's
belief that “Success is Never Final,” an idea rooted in our brand DNA. I have shared this concept with
our team, to inspire them never to be satisfied, and to keep striving for perfection in all that they do. We must keep delivering excellence to all our guests in all aspects.
For young people looking to start their careers,
对即将步入职场的年轻人来说,找工作时 最重要的考虑因素是什么? 对年轻人来说,企业文化、团队氛围 是首要考虑因素,因为在这样的大环境下, 个人才能在公司内拥有广阔的发展空间。 坦诚的说,万豪国际集团就是这样一个拥 有良好的企业文化的公司。公司提供的平 台加上个人坚持不懈的努力,必然会成就 无数个有激情有梦想的年轻人。
Success is Never Final
what do you think the most important aspect is in hiring?
For young people looking to start their careers,
the company’s culture, team climate, and the opportunities for personal development are all
important. What makes Marriott stand out from
others is the “People First” concept. The company provides a great platform, and for applicants with
individual effort and persistence, I would say there will be plenty of opportunities ahead.
How would you describe your management style?
北京海航大厦万豪酒店 总经理王东: 追求职业幸福感
My management philosophy is one of strict
compliance with institutional management, but giving a human touch to my team with stimulating
leadership, understanding and compassion. My
demand of my team is that they be goal-oriented, and
你如何描述自己的领导风格? 我的管理理念就是,要严格遵守制度, 但同时还要靠激励、理解和温情带动团队。 有目标、有协作、有结果是我对团队成员 的要求,一个崇尚并具有合作精神的团队, 会把服务好客人作为首要目标,相互取长 补短,相互帮助,把最优资源有效地调动 起来,成就万豪的非凡待客之道。
capable of working productively and cooperatively; and, of course, always listening to guests.
How would you describe your personality?
How has your personality influenced your career?
I am rational, perceptive, and persistent. I
sometimes feel that I outshine my male counterparts
in striking a working balance not only between management and operations, but also in the bonding
请描述一下自己的性格以及它对你的职业 有何影响。
relationships among staff of different levels by listening
我是一个理性和感性的混合体,是一 个有韧性、喜欢坚持的人。用理性的思维去 做管理决策,但同时需要用感性的心去体会 客人的需求、员工的心态、业主的立场,这 样才能协调好各个层面的关系。平和的心境 和积极的进取心并不矛盾,而是相辅相成。
play all of the time; I spend most of my day relating
personality well. As the first Chinese Director of
to what our guests want. This personality comes into to people of different backgrounds and positions, including employees and guests at our hotel.
What made you stick with the company for many years until now?
Marriott’s culture and core values match my
公司的价值观、企业文化很值得依赖。 过去的 17 年也是我和万豪在中国共同成长 的 17 年。作为万豪国际集团第一个本地化 的财务总监,我的角色也在“财务管理者” 和“经营领导者”之间转换。在这个过程中, 万豪架设了一个舞台,永远让我觉得只要
58 LifeStyle
Finance in Marriott International, my role was to
establish communication between our finance team and hotel managers. During this period, Marriott
International provided me with an ideal platform for my career. As long as I was willing to evolve and progress, I was able to achieve my goals. I
万豪国际中国北方区副总裁麦伟森先 生评价道:“她们三个人来自不同的领域, 性格也截然不同,却同因为她们的专业度 最终与万豪国际一起成长,直至今日都有 了自己的一片天。万豪国际从 1927 年建立 之初就确立了它的企业信条:以人为本。 在 87 年的企业发展史里,人才一直是万豪 国际最看重的企业财产。我们相信受雇于 万豪国际不仅仅是一份谋生计的工作而是 一份可以终身发展的职业。” “From different personal and professional backgrounds, they have all grown their careers to the top at Marriott International,” said Franklin Mak, Market Vice President – North China.“They underline our commitment since 1927 to ‘put people first’, and appreciation that talent is the most important asset in our hospitality industry. Working with Marriott is not just a job but a rewarding career with great prospects.”
吴莫愁·北京富力万丽酒店封面拍摄后记 After the Cover Shoot: Momo Wu at the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel 2014 年 6 月 17 日,《LifeStyle 品味生活》杂志在北京富力万丽酒店进行了 7 月刊中国大陆新生代个性女歌手吴莫愁的封面拍摄。时 尚的外形、独特的风格、放松的状态,镜头前的吴莫愁展现出属于自己的悠享、自然、精致的生活品位。 拍摄期间,吴莫愁对于北京富力万丽酒店时尚高雅的环境、别具一格的布置以及周到体贴的服务赞赏有加,并与酒店总经理潘小莺女 士合影留念。 北京富力万丽酒店是一家彰显北京顶级生活方式的酒店,以深沉的魅力重新定义时尚与精致的内涵,激起北京的时尚脉动,以与众不 同的服务打造出独一无二的酒店体验。酒店位于中央商务区的东三环中路,连接由商务写字楼、服务式公寓和大型购物中心构成的富力城 现代综合城。信步可达地铁 10 号线双井站,轻松便捷到达北京各处。酒店拥有宽敞明亮的客房 522 间,包括 37 间套房。设有超过 2350 平米的多功能厅及配套设施,可满足会晤、宴会及主题活动等需要,其中最大的首府宴会厅面积达 1344 平米,可容纳 1000 人。除此之外, 酒店别致怡人的意大利餐厅、传统靓丽的中餐厅和布置典雅的自助餐厅可供享受各国美食。 On June 17, 2014, Momo Wu was at the the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel for the July issue cover shoot of LifeStyle magazine. As a popular artist in China,
Momo Wu is known for her fashionable appearance and unique style. That afternoon, she showed her true color and her special aesthetic in front of the camera.
During the shooting process, Momo Wu showed her admiration for the beautiful environment, elegant arrangement and thoughtful service of the
Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel. After the shoot was over, she took a picture with Angela Pan, the General Manager of the hotel.
Located on the East 3rd Ring Road in Chaoyang District, Beijing, the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel is connected with the R&F Center and Viva
Beijing, as well as being conveniently accessible to Shuangjing station, subway line 10. Premier among luxury hotels in Beijing, the hotel boasts a
sophisticated environment. 522 spacious guestrooms including 37 suites with contemporary interior design and stylish amenities provide business and leisure travelers with distinctive experiences to explore, allowing them to savor the ambiance of the unique renaissance taking place in the capital of China. The hotel offers more than 2350 square meters of meeting space, and boasts an exceptional catering service. The Capital Ballroom, a meeting space of 1,344 square
meters, has a maximum seating capacity of 1,000 people. In addition, the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel has a nice Italian restaurant and a traditional Chinese restaurant, both of which provide excellent gourmet food. 61 East 3rd Ring Middle Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5863 8888
LifeStyle 59
Profile You’ve had a career that has taken you all
over, from Europe to the Middle East to East Asia. What has been the most life-changing experience you’ve had as hotelier?
At the time of the 2004 tsunami which devastated
Thailand, I was working as General Manager in Le Meridien, Phuket. Our hotel was right on the beach and with full occupancy of around 1000 guests, we
were directly in the zone affected by the storm. The situation called for quick thinking, and I decided
we needed to evacuate inland. Our staff led guests
up to higher ground, safe from the storm; while
蒲克南的 酒店之旅 Achim Brueckner's Journey in Hospitality
the guests spent the day in safety, staff went back
and forth to the hotel to get food and water. That evening, with electricity down and kitchens down,
we had a barbeque on the beach; although our hotel
was totally flooded, we managed to find alternative accommodation for all guests on the same day.
What amazed me the most was the positive outlooks of my local Thai staff. It was truly a learning experience - life is short, do what you love.
长沙北辰洲际酒店将于今年九月华丽启幕,总经理蒲克南与 LifeStyle 谈起他的酒店之旅和他眼中的中国。 Ahead of the September opening of the InterContinental Changsha, we sat down with the incoming GM, Achim Brueckner, to discuss his work, China, and the InterContinental.
Wow! That’s quite something. So what led you
Editor: Jacob Dreyer
However, I quickly discovered that I loved it; this
to China?
To be honest, when I was offered a position as
GM in Chengdu, I didn’t have a strong impression
of China. I was a typical strait-laced German,
confident that I knew what was right. In China, though, everything was different-even the food.
world, so different from my own, yet so charming.
你的职业轨迹遍及欧洲、中东、东亚等地区。 作为一名酒店管理者,能谈谈改变你人生的一 次经历吗? 2004 年发生的印度洋海啸几乎摧毁了 整个泰国。当时我在普吉岛艾美海滩度假 酒店担任总经理,我们的酒店就坐落在海 滩上,直接受到了海啸的侵袭。灾难发生 时我们酒店住客满员,千余名客人的安危 都悬于一线。在那种情况下,我们果断决 定先往内陆撤离。在酒店工作人员的带领 下,客人们都撤到地势较高的地方,安全 度过了一天。但员工们并没有休息,而是 多次返回酒店去取食物和水。当天晚上没 有电,也没有厨具,我们只在沙滩上吃了 简单的烧烤。尽管酒店已经完全被海水淹 没,可我们还是尽全力设法为客人安排了 临时住处。最令我难忘的是泰国当地员工 那种积极乐观的态度。这次经历让我明白 了人生短暂,尽情做你想做的事吧。 确实是一次惊心动魄的经历。那么,为什么来 到中国呢? 老实说,在我获得成都酒店总经理职 位的时候,对中国还没有什么特别深刻的
60 LifeStyle
印象。我是个典型的德国人,有点刻板, 也很清楚什么是对的。我来到中国后,感 觉一切都不同了。可很快我就发现,原来 自己爱上了这里有别于前又极具吸引力的 一切。这样的选择不是降低标准,更不是 妥协,相反,我觉得在这里可以实现很多 在欧洲管理酒店时实现不了的目标。 说说长沙北辰洲际酒店的独特之处吧。 我可以很骄傲地说,长沙北辰洲际酒 店会为长沙这座新兴城市带来新的活力,成 为星城的新核心。首先,酒店坐落在浏阳 河汇入湘江的二江相汇的优越位置上,90% 的房间都可以让客人欣赏到美丽的江景;还 有 30% 的房间拥有阳台,客人可以走到室 外看到更为壮阔的景致。其次,酒店内各种 设施配备齐全,比如一楼的婚典中心不仅设 有专门的更衣室和化妆间,还有特设电梯直 达五楼的婚典花园,此外我们还将开设七家 餐厅,客人不仅可以品尝到正宗的特色湘 菜,在餐厅露台上俯瞰湘江美景,还能尽享 西班牙餐前小食的美妙滋味。入住长沙北辰 洲际,客人可以品湘味赏湘景,同时享受到 国际级豪华酒店服务。
This isn’t about compromising or lowering
standards; actually, I feel able to offer services in my hotel that would be impossible in Europe. Let us know what we can expect in the InterContinental Changsha.
Changsha is a boomtown, and I’m proud to
say that the InterContinental Changsha will be at the heart of it all. Situated in the crossing of the Xiangjiang River and the Liuyanghe River, 90%
of our rooms have river views, and 30% have balconies allowing guests to see the lush scenery. Our hotel has all sorts of great features, too. For example, our wedding center on the first floor-with
changing rooms, makeup rooms, ateliers- has a
secret elevator up to the 5th floor wedding garden, for the bridge and groom to ascend together
in. We’ll be opening 7 F&B offerings, from a Hunan restaurant with a terrace overlooking the
Xiangjiang River, to a tapas bar with a Spanish twist. At the InterContinental Changsha, expect
a hotel in tune with our surroundings - from the
authentic Hunan cuisine to the elegant natural setting - but with international standards of luxury.
服务他人 愉悦自己 From Knightsbridge to Sanya 你的工作足迹遍布全世界,当初是怎么入 酒店这一行的?职业生涯亮点有哪些? 爱丁堡是我的起点,是我的家,后来 我在伦敦工作了 6 年,而亚洲之旅更像是 一场冒险,从泰国到马来西亚,再到三亚。 我和我最好的朋友有一个约定,看谁能把 字母表上从 A 到 Z 的各个国家都走一遍: 在阿曼吃午餐啊,途经津巴布韦啊……管 理一家酒店,我会努力让自己记住作为一 个旅行者的感受。 对你来说,酒店业意味着什么? “酒店业”意味着旅行者和接待方之 间建立起某种联系。在三亚亚龙湾瑞吉度 假酒店,有些是来举办重要会议,有些是 为了举行幸福婚礼,还有些是全家来欢度 假期……我们感到很荣幸,能见证他们人 生中的重要时刻。过去,住酒店意味着去 一个地方,慢慢地,到了数字时代,来酒 店则意味着获得一种体验。入住客人会不 停拍照,然后发到微信和脸书上,这对我 们来说是件好事,激励着我们让服务变得 更富创意。举例来说,我们开始提供航海 课程,在 Marina 码头(三亚亚龙湾瑞吉度 假酒店专属码头)教客人如何开船。这样, 当他们回到家的时候,他们会觉得自己不 仅仅去度假了,还学到 了新东西——可能
虽然安妮·斯科特担任三亚亚龙湾 瑞吉度假酒店总经理才半年时间, 但对于拥有 27 年酒店管理经验的 她来说,她一直在世界各地旅行。 奔忙于全球顶级奢华酒店的她显 然深谙待客之道。 Anne Scott has only been at the St. Regis Sanya for 6 months, but she’s spent a lifetime travelling- as well as giving travelers a world-class experience in the many fine hotels she has worked in. We sat down with her to find out what her work is all about. Editor: Jacob Dreyer You’ve worked all around the world. How did
access we have to this marina. We teach guests
have been some career highlights?
from their holiday, they haven’t just been to a
you get into the hospitality industry, and what Edinburgh is home for me, and I worked for
in London for 6 years; but coming to Asia has been an adventure, from Thailand to Malaysia to
see who could travel to a country for each letter
Monday before Spring Festival, and we were
tours through Zimbabwe… Managing a hotel,
enjoying the holiday together. What was most
of the alphabet, from A to Z. Lunches in Oman,
我每天都会带着红色口红,不管多热 多累,我都要保持优雅。当一天结束时, 我很满意自己所做的一切。当我情绪低落 时,我会随意在酒店里走走,看客人办入住、 享受下午茶,或者接受员工帮助,这些都 会提醒我为什么自己会选择这一行——服 务他人就是愉悦自己。
changing experience.
What is special about working in China?
hotel- they’ve learned something, had a life-
here in Sanya. As a student, my best friend and I
decided that we’d have a friendly competition to
我到三亚的时候是春节前的最后一个 周一,一大批来过节的家庭团蜂拥而至, 你能想象我们有多忙。让我最感兴趣的是 几代人如何聚在一块。我们打破了早餐厅 原有的布局,因为这么大一家子都聚在一 起真的很美好,有的大家庭是三代甚至四 代同堂。帮这些家庭留存一份团圆的美好 回忆,让我们觉得自己的角色很特别。
how to operate boats, so that when they get home
I always try to remember the feeling of being a traveler.
What defines hospitality for you?
Hospitality is about making connections,
between the traveler and the host. In the St. Regis Sanya, our guests have important meetings, get
married, celebrate holidays with their family… we feel privileged to be the site of major life
When I first arrived in Sanya, it was the
more than busy. Huge family groups came, interesting to me was how different generations
came together; we totally changed the arrangement in the breakfast room, because the
guests were simply in much larger groups. This
family emphasis, with 3 or more generations all travelling together, is really wonderful; giving families a place to build new memories together is a very special role.
events. The hospitality industry used to be about
Being a GM is a busy task. How do you relax?
it’s about obtaining an experience. We know our
me all day; no matter how hot or frazzled I get, I
way, posting them on wechat and Facebook; it’s
love what I do. When hassles or worries get me
offer services. For example, we have started to
checking in, enjoying afternoon tea, or being
going to a place; increasingly, in the digital age,
In the hot climate, I keep my red lipstick with
guests will be taking photos every step of the
still like to stay elegant. At the end of the day, I
great for us, and keeps us creative in how we
down, I just walk around the hotel, watching guests
offer sailing classes in the marina- one of the best
things about the St. Regis Sanya is the exclusive
helped by our staff; it helps me remember why we do what we do. Hospitality is its own reward.
LifeStyle 61
以客为先 Customer First 天津帝旺凯悦酒店总经理杜忠选 与 LifeStyle 分享了他从业二十多 年来最大的乐趣和挑战。 Z. Du, general manager of Hyatt Regency Tianjin East, shares what have been his biggest challenges and favorite memories of fun in the hospitality industry with LifeStyle. Editor: Liu Yang
East one of the best five-star hotels in Tianjin and a preferred destination with regards to the
guestrooms, dining, meetings & events, and so
forth. We have been pursuing the principle of “Customer First” all the time and offering the
sincerest service to make business and leisure travelers at home, as our mission requires.
With over twenty years of experience in this
field, what’s your biggest challenge and biggest reward?
Each day is different. You have different guests
and thrills. If you’re a people person, you’ll enjoy working in hospitality industry. However, the
overall picture in China is less cheerful at present.
How to open our minds and make changes to old
与其他酒店品牌相比,凯悦的最大特色是 什么?
天津帝旺凯悦酒店最大的竞争优势是什 么?
凯悦以高效率的专业服务、新颖现代 的会议住房设施、精致的餐饮服务、齐全 的健身设备及现代氛围而闻名。凯悦非常 了解五星级酒店住客的需求和期望。在多 年的管理实践中,我们可以很好地预见到 这种需求,用我们的丰富经验为客人提供 地道的款客服务。我认为这是凯悦的独特 优势,也是我们最擅长的。
凯悦的品牌和员工。凯悦与天津渊源 深厚,凯悦在中国内地第一家酒店就落户 天津,即 1986 年开业的天津凯悦酒店。近 30 年来它已经成为一个年代高级酒店、高 雅生活的代名词。天津人对凯悦品牌有着 广泛的认知度。酒店很多员工都在凯悦服 务多年,经验丰富。这些满怀激情的凯悦 人每天通过与客人的互动传递着经典款客 服务。所以,凯悦人是我们酒店的财富和 骄傲。
对于天津帝旺凯悦酒店,你的工作目标是 什么? 天津帝旺凯悦酒店是天津市区东部的 一个新亮点,我们力争把它打造成为天津最 好的五星级酒店之一,在客房、会议、宴会、 餐饮等方面努力成为商务及休闲客人的首 选。我们每天工作都要贯彻落实“以客为 先”的服务精神。为客人提供真诚的款待, 给他们带来宾至如归的感受,是我们要达 到的目标和使命。
What makes Hyatt stand out from among other brands?
Hyatt is famed for efficient professional
service, creative modern conference & housing
facilities, exquisite dinning, well-appointed fitness equipment and a contemporary atmosphere. Hyatt
knows very well what guests of five-star hotels want and expect. What’s more, we can envision their needs due to our years of experience, and
在酒店行业干了二十多年,你觉得最大的 乐趣和挑战分别是什么?
plan well-targeted programs and events. Hyatt’s
在酒店工作,每一天都不一样。每天 面对新的人、新的事、新的挑战。如果你是 一个善于交际、积极乐观的人,做这行就 会十分满足和享受。目前的最大挑战是行 业整体形势不乐观。面对严峻的市场形势, 开拓新思维、改变固有的经营策略是酒店 管理层需要面对的长期挑战。
at, which makes Hyatt Regency distinctive in the
62 LifeStyle
signature authentic hospitality is what we are good fierce competition.
What are some of your goals for the Hyatt Regency Tianjin East?
As a new landmark in the eastern area of
Tianjin, we aim to make Hyatt Regency Tianjin
business strategies is a long-standing challenge faced by the hotel management.
Could you please describe the greatest
advantages of the Hyatt Regency Tianjin East?
I would like to say that the Hyatt brand and
our associates are our greatest advantages. Hyatt
Regency first came to Tianjin in 1986 as the first Hyatt hotel in mainland China and the first international hotel brand in Tianjin. People have
an appreciation and awareness for our brand. Over the course of almost 30 years, the Hyatt
Regency Tianjin became a prestigious landmark in the city, and the Hyatt Regency’s name became synonymous with superior service, prestigious
meetings and special events. Additionally, with 28 years of history in China, Hyatt is committed to the mission of providing authentic hospitality and
to make a difference in the lives of the people we
touch every day. This is especially true at Hyatt Regency Tianjin East, where the majority of our leadership team has Hyatt DNA. Many of our
associates worked with the former Hyatt Regency Tianjin and were thrilled to return. We are proud
to have such an energetic team of expert planners
and passionate hoteliers who look forward to connecting our guests to who and what matters to them most.
Gastronomic Gifts from Nature 大自然是霍博森的创作之本。法国阿
并融入其传统而纯正的法式菜肴中,凸显新 颖和别致。 霍博森对食物的口感十分挑剔,甜度、 酸度及咸度要适中,相较以平衡为最佳,因 而他始终坚持用传统法式料理及现代烹饪 手法来检验自己最富新意的食谱。为了拿捏 得恰到好处,他采用最有效的解决方案—— 低温烹饪,真空蒸煮。 2003 年霍博森从学徒做起,开启了自 己的职业生涯,先后任职于波拉波拉岛的瑞 吉酒店 LAGOON by Jean Georges 餐厅、温 哥华 West 餐厅、意大利 Bagatta Alla Lepre 餐厅等。多年烹饪经验和宴会厨房管理才能 让霍博森广受赞誉。
“My style of cooking keeps close to nature;
my philosophy is to follow the seasons, and to work in harmony with nature, respecting my
ingredients,” says Gilbert Wolfarth. Gilbert grew up in a picturesque French rural town in the
Alsace Region, and remembers growing up with
unfamiliar flavors and unique local flair, before
blending them with his own rich, tasteful and traditional French cuisine - of course, always using the freshest ingredients available.
Balancing flavors is an obsession for Gilbert-
sweet, sour, salt and acid must be in harmony,
and in order to be precise, Gilbert uses low
temperature cooking, vacuum cooking, smoking,
and other similar processes. He often plays with
traditional French dishes, applying the techniques of modern cuisine in experimenting with new recipes.
Gilbert started his culinary career in 2003 as
an apprentice. He has worked in the Bora Bora
Island Saint Regis LAGOON by Jean Georges Restaurant, the Vancouver West Restaurant,
Italy’s Bagatta Alla Lepre Restaurant and many well known restaurants, organizing gourmet dining culinary events.
Now, Gilbert is invited to be the new Chef
the many seasonal ingredients available from the
de Cuisine of Héritage - French Gastronomic
very rich gastronomic region, life experience and
cuisine offers gustatory and visual emotions.
wild. His culinary inspiration comes from this
the produce available there. He loves walking
in the wild and discovering fresh ingredients for
cooking. When he gets to travel around the world and experience different styles of cuisine, he
approaches food in a quite simple way, immersing himself in the local scene and discovering
Restaurant in the Sofitel Wanda Beijing. Gilbert’s The development of his dishes is related to spontaneous ideas and other inspirations
discovered during his career alongside renowned
chefs. It represents modernity and the French “terroir” in the same dish. This is not a cuisine of past or future, but of the present.
LifeStyle 63
and French wine sets, the Chinese & French cuisine festival, their exhibition of Chinese & French paintings, and so on.
France has a very long history of painting, and is
the homeland of a variety of great artists, like Balthus,
Monet, Millet, and many more. In order to celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic ties between China and France, Ms July Ancel, a famous French
female artist, has been invited to improvise in The
Dragon, Hangzhou. She graduated from the Ecole
Nationale Superieure Des Beaux-arts, and won the
Premier Regard award as well as being selected by the Yishu 8 for her exceptional work. Her exhibition
France Comes to You
2014 年正逢中法建交 50 周年,这两个 东西方文化大国在各自历史长河里发展出无 可比拟的璀璨文化,而在中国杭州的淡妆浓 抹之下,法兰西的浪漫柔情又流露出一种相 似却也说不清的旖旎。为了能让杭城的老百 姓与法国的文化、艺术和美食展开一次亲密 接触和深度交流,感受中法深厚的历史渊源 和各自特色,杭州黄龙饭店举办的“360°体 验法国”概念活动将法国文化与东方精粹完 美融合,陆续推出酒风茶韵——茶酒论坛、 中国茶具展、法国酒具展、中法饮食文化节、 中国陈年白酒对话法国餐、中法绘画艺术展 等活动。众多艺术界翘楚和顶级厨师莅临现 场,为来宾呈现一场中法文化与美食结合的 饕餮飨宴。 法国美术源远流长,涌现出巴尔蒂斯、 莫奈、米勒等伟大的绘画大师。在杭州纪念 中法建交 50 周年的活动中,法国著名女画家 安菊莉被邀请为驻地艺术家。她毕业于巴黎
国立高等美术学院,是 Premier Regard 奖以 及艺术 8 奖得主。这次她展出的作品是其在 杭州黄龙饭店驻地期间的创作成果,也是杭 州黄龙饭店和艺术 8 的合作成果。 法国的美食文化以精致华丽闻名于世, 而中国的酒文化渗透于整个中华五千年文明 史之中,无不占有举足轻重的位置。“360° 体验法国”晚宴以中国陈年白酒对话法国餐 为主题,搭配法式大餐的酒水以陈年茅台和 五粮液为主,以及竹叶青和水井坊原浆等顶 级陈酿。晚宴菜单由法籍米其林厨师马新亲 自设计并掌勺。中法元素混搭,在舌尖上体 验看似冲突却和谐存在的美味旅程。 中法顶级茶酒品鉴会由和茶馆掌门人庞 颖女士亲自主讲,向观众传达关于茶叶背后的 渊源与流传,更有古董茶具进行陈列;而红酒 自然是与中国茶相应的法国典范。法国骑士酒 庄少庄主阿德里安·伯纳德先生分享骑士酒庄 葡萄酒的酿造过程、家族历史、酒的品类等, 让来宾对法国红酒有了更为深刻的理解。 让人们津津乐道的还有杭州黄龙饭店与 法国设计师让·包吉尔联袂打造的“东方印象” 楼层,其将中国陶瓷艺术融入其中,是中国 酒店业跨界和知名设计师的首次合作。让·包 吉尔以现代眼光重新诠释传统中华色彩,谱 写出融合时尚经典的印象东方。 To celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomat-
ic ties between China and France, as well as to offer citizens an opportunity to communicate with French culture, art and cuisine, several themed activities
have been launched in The Dragon, Hangzhou, called France Comes To You. The Dragon, Hangzhou, offers up a perfect fusion of French and Chinese cultures through different forms, like their Tea
& Wine forum, their exhibition of Chinese tea sets
64 LifeStyle
opened in The Dragon, Hangzhou, with a selection
of the paintings she worked on while staying there. These works represent the result of cooperation between The Dragon, Hangzhou and Yishu 8. In her
first exhibition in Hangzhou, Ms. Ancel has created a magical journey for local citizens.
French dining is famous for its refined delicacy,
while Chinese wine culture has developed for
over 5,000 years of cultural history, and possesses an important status within Chinese culture. The
Dragon, Hangzhou, has launched a gala dinner called France comes to You, with the theme of “Chinese spirits paired with French cuisine”.
The top spirits chosen to be served with French
cuisine are mainly aged Maotai and Wuliangye, accompanied by Shuijingfang. The menu of the gala dinner is designed and cooked by French Michelin starred Chef Maxime Fanton. Through the evening’s mix and match of Chinese & French elements, the attending guests will be able to experience a
gorgeous journey of delicious flavors, seemingly different but with an underlying harmony.
The Sino-French Top Tea & Wine Tasting hosted by
Ms. Pang Ying, the head of the He teahouse, will tell the history of tea and showcase many kinds of antique tea wares. The French counterpart to Chinese tea is,
without a doubt, wine. Mr. Adrien Bernard, Brand
Ambassador of Chateau La Commanderie, has been invited to lecture interested guests on the fermentation process of wine, the history of the Domaine de
Chevalier and to discuss the different varieties of wine, sharing oenophile knowledge with locals.
Last but not least, The Dragon, Hangzhou has
collaborated with renowned French designer Jean
Boggio to create the “Oriental Impression Building” the first time in the Chinese hospitality industry that a
Chinese hotel has reached out to work with a famous international designer to design rooms with China’s
traditional porcelain art as a basis. Jean Boggio, with
his distinctive and modern perspective, has translated China’s traditional essence; his Oriental Impression is a contemporary, yet classical composition.
120 Shuguang Road, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province Tel: 0571 8799 8833
Easy Meetings, New Experience 2014 年 5 月 26 日,在苏州福朋喜来登酒店喜迎开业两周年之际,酒店 150 平米全新多功 能厅“虎丘厅”也正式竣工。虎丘厅位于酒店一楼,拥有独立会议前厅、先进的多媒体设备和 整面落地门窗,且可在湖边举办户外活动。无论是举办会议或是宴会,虎丘厅都是您的最佳之 选。与此同时,酒店特别推出会议无忧,全新体验的优惠包价活动:即日起预定该多功能会议厅, 只需人民币 368 元每人每天,即可享受全天使用会场(8:30-17:30)、免费三角翻纸板、白板、 电脑投影仪及屏幕、午餐(中式桌餐或中西式自助午餐)以及专业会议贴身服务人员等优惠。 此次优惠活动于 2014 年 12 月 31 日截止。 The 26th of May, 2014 was the second anniversary for Four Points by Sheraton, Suzhou. During
this period, a brand new function room of 150 square meters, named Hu Qiu, was opened. Hu Qiu is situated on the 1st floor, and has an independent pre-function area, advanced multimedia equipment, and French windows which provide access to the beautiful lakeside where you can host outdoor activities. This perfect function room is ready for you. What’s more, Four Points by Sheraton Suzhou
has launched a special “easy meetings, new experience” meeting package for Hu Qiu. If you spend a minimum of RMB 368 per person per day, you can enjoy numerous benefits, including daytime
use of the meeting room (8:30-17:30), basic audiovisual equipment (flipchart, white board, LCD
projector and screen),one set Chinese or Buffet luncheon served with soft drinks or mineral water, and
a professional meeting specialist on standby inside or outside the meeting room. The special meeting package is available until Dec 31th, 2014.
No. 8 Moon Bay Road, Suzhou Industrial Park, Suzhou, Jiangsu Tel: 0512 6799 7999
LifeStyle 65
Eagerly awaited, the Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu,
designed by the legendary French designer Bruno
Moinard, is the very first “Diaoyutai Boutique” branded hotel in China launched by Diaoyutai
MGM Hospitality (DMH). The innovative design was rebuilt on the foundations of ancient dwellings
over 300 years old in the antique Kuanzhai Alley, a
famous urban style block. The complex consists of two courtyards, with a total floor space of 16,000
square meters, and features 45 beautifully appointed guestrooms. The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu, where
Snatch a Little Leisure in Kuanzhai Alley
French romance meets a tranquil oriental courtyard,
integrates the impeccable hospitality essence and
the profound cultural & art heritage from Diaoyutai
brand with the intriguing charm of Kuanzhai Alley, a small lane which is delicate and graceful, but chic and upbeat as well.
Whenever in Chengdu, food is always the main
subject; the city is famous for gastronomy in China. The hotel’s team of Diaoyutai chefs has experience
serving thousands of distinguished state guests from
穿过门廊,步入前厅,沿着青砖粉墙,来到被层层叠叠的绿簇拥的院落,静下心来, 你就能渐渐体会到那些曾赋予其生命的逸闻、故事和传奇正在窃窃私语。那些优美的空间, 只为生活中闪耀的瞬间;那些惊艳的碎片,犹如梦中惊鸿,将现实与虚幻织染成画卷。钓 鱼台美高梅酒店集团旗下全球首家“钓鱼台精品”酒店——成都钓鱼台精品酒店从“停留 之所”的束缚中跳脱出来,倾力打造东方宅邸体验之地。(钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团由钓鱼 台国宾馆携手美国美高梅国际度假集团合资成立,是中国高规格的外事接待处所与世界顶 级豪华酒店集团共同打造的高端酒店管理平台,目前已推出典雅钓鱼台、奢华宝丽嘉、活 力美高梅以及个性云天阁 4 个品牌。) 当法兰西情怀邂逅东方庭院,故事就此展开。法国殿堂级设计大师布鲁诺·默因纳德带 着尊敬和热情,构建出一幅幅成都气质的曼妙生活场景。酒店由约 300 年历史的民居改建 而成,16000 平米的两座中式庭院布置出 45 间极致奢华风格的客房,每一间客房都有属于 自己的庭院景观和特色布局,窗外一改单调重复的都会景象,入眼尽是老成都怀旧生活风貌。 酒店的氛围和气质成功地与这座城市以及川人爽朗乐观的性格水乳相融。 只要来到以美食著称的成都,人的口味也开始变得挑剔起来,这让成都的酒店不得不 在餐饮上大下功夫。成都钓鱼台精品酒店力求为全球客人、各界精英提供独有的国宾级尊 贵餐饮体验。来自北京钓鱼台国宾馆的大厨执掌的御苑国宴餐厅,为来客奉上昔日政府首 脑和国家政要享用的神秘国宴。乐庭亚洲风尚餐厅则荟萃亚洲各地美食和本地精选菜。 在阳光氤氲的下午或者银河如许的夜晚,大堂酒廊的天幕设计总给人巴适的愉悦感。 芳菲酒廊一廊三吧(雪茄吧、香槟吧和寿司吧)的功能组合,又赋予了这个空间美妙的灵魂。 或于朗庭之下约聚朋友,或在烛光之夜放松心情,惟有在此。游走在古朴的宽窄巷子中, 任由川人闲雅、巴适的生活态度感染,你奔赴远方的初衷不就是这浮生半日闲?
66 LifeStyle
all over the world presenting the State Banquet. The Royal Court elevates food connoisseurs’ palate to a new height, while the KZ Restaurant & Grill provides
a variety of enchanting Asian dishes, allowing you to travel through Asia on a culinary voyage.
The ceiling curtain makes the lobby lounge a
perfect gathering place for you, no matter whether it’s a sunny afternoon or a star-spangled evening.
Moreover, the lobby is creatively and functionally d i v i d e d i n t o t h r e e b a r s : t h e C i g a r B a r, t h e
Champagne Bar and the Sushi Bar. While wandering through Kuanzhai Alley, watching the locals stroll through with their relaxed yet elegant life attitude,
you may think- yes, life is born to be this slow and cozy. What else is a dream getaway for?
DMH is a joint venture between the Diaoyutai
State Guesthouse of China, the highest standard service venue for hosting foreign heads of state, and MGM Resorts International, the top global luxury
hotel group. So far it has launched elegant The Diaoyutai, the opulent Bellagio, energetic MGM Grand and personalized Skylofts.
38-39 Kuan Alley, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Tel: 028 6625 9999
in Four Seasons 瑰丽的爱情,体贴的照顾,诱人的食物, 完美的嫁衣,卓越的风景,女人就该拥有这 样的幸福!无论是温馨的订婚仪式、隆重的 婚礼盛宴还是浪漫的蜜月佳期,深圳四季酒 店都可以凭借自身极富设计感的空间、精致 的餐饮、专业的婚宴策划团队,为新婚燕尔 的新人们提供一站式的婚宴服务,打造一个 毕生难忘的浪漫户外庭院婚礼。 深圳四季酒店位于福田中心区,呼吸着 婚庆领域最前沿的时尚空气,彰显现代摩登 气质。酒店七楼的户外水景庭院“悦台”, 总面积达 2000 平米,露天的设计能让宾客忘 却置身喧嚣的核心商务区,在楼宇之间享受 到户外的美景。在两层阶梯餐厅之上、精心 修葺的园艺之中还点缀着一座游泳池,让人 犹如置身于“都市绿洲”,尽享现代文明与 自然景致带来的全新体验,绝对是那些想要 摒弃平凡的新人们制订个性化婚礼庆典场地 的上佳之选。不管是婚礼、晚会或其他重要 活动的筹划,深圳四季酒店能为每场活动提 供既高度定制又充满个性的方案,令筹划流 程轻松无忧。 一场隆重而浪漫的婚礼也是一场色香味 俱全的感官飨宴。主题鲜花的挑选、婚纱礼 服的搭配、宴会款客的安排以及婚礼蛋糕款 式味道的选择都影响着这一难忘时刻的最终 呈现。从婚礼策划到执行过程中的每项细节, 深圳四季酒店的婚宴专家都会为新人悉心安 排,务求让每一场婚礼尽善尽美,让幸福从 这里开始,陪伴新人度过每一季的阳光风雨。 情定四季,相守四季。
Beautiful love, considerate care, inviting
food, a perfect wedding dress and excellent
scenery -- this is what a wedding is all about. Women deserve superlative happiness on their
big day! Whether you are looking for a sweet engagement ceremony, a grand wedding feast, or romantic honeymoon, it is all accessible at the
Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen. With a wonderful
space and the best of fine dining, our professional wedding planning team will provide a one-stop
wedding service which suits newlyweds very well. The Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen can also
create a memorable outdoor garden wedding as a lifetime treasure for both the bride and groom and all the guests.
Centrally located in the Futian district of
Shenzhen, the Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen breathes the freshest air of wedding trends. The terrace on the seventh floor features an outdoor
waterscape garden with an area of 2000 square
these factors will affect the final rendering of the
and bustle of the central business district. There
the Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen will take care
an urban oasis. Here, modern civilization and
carefully arranged by the wedding experts. Have
bring a brand new wedding experience. Whether
Hotel Shenzhen and enjoy lifelong happiness,
party for any other important occasion, the Four
newlyweds love and be loved.
meters, which isolates visitors from the hustle
unforgettable moment. Wedding planners from
is a swimming pool in the garden, making it like
of every detail of the wedding. Everything will be
the natural landscape are perfectly combined to
a perfect wedding by choosing the Four Seasons
planning a personalized wedding ceremony or a
going through thick and thin together. May the
Seasons Hotel Shenzhen is the best choice.
A grand and romantic wedding is a sensory
feast as well. The themed flowers, the dress, the
cake, the banquet and the guests are all part of the ceremony. The right way to present all of
138 Fuhua Third Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Tel: 0755 8826 8824
LifeStyle 67
locations cater to couples seeking a getaway, families enjoying a vacation together and corporate groups
looking for a functional and relaxed atmosphere in which to conduct business and meetings.
The Hyatt Regency Changbaishan is an expansive
and spacious resort covering an area of nearly
45,000 sq m in a unique mountain lodge setting with large, exposed wooden beams, oversized
leather furniture and exposed stone floors. Guests can cozy up next to a roaring log fire and take in
the snowy views from its convenient position in the village at the base of the ski slope. It is a destination resort ideal for couples, families or conference
groups. Facilities include spacious and comfortable guestrooms, extensive food and beverage options,
multi-function events venues, and a wide variety of
recreational facilities such as a spa, gym, indoor and outdoor pools, ski valets, outdoor activities, and the Camp Hyatt programme for children.
The hotel has 278 rooms, including 33 suites,
offering a wide range of ski, mountain, forest, and
village views. In keeping with the style of the hotel, the spacious guestrooms are residential in design,
offering a warm, welcoming feel, and starting at the generous size of nearly 45 square meters. In addition,
A Holiday in Fairyland
there are two year-round restaurants and two seasonal restaurants, covering a wide range of culinary styles and incorporating Eastern and Western flavors. The
unspoiled nature of Changbaishan offers all the essentials for wellness, bringing together the powers
of the fresh earth, heavenly light and pure mountain
water, providing natural spa therapies in the tradition
“远而望者,若珠宫玉阙,蓄金银之瑞 气;近而即之,若瑶琳琪树,凝霜雪之菁英。” 占地面积近 4.5 万平米的长白山凯悦酒店就坐 落在闻名遐迩的长白山圣境之中,最适合度 假出游入住。 凯悦品牌是凯悦酒店集团旗下家喻户晓 的酒店品牌,取址于世界各地的城市中心、 近郊、机场、会展中心及度假胜地。长白山 凯悦酒店的整体设计风格以充满北美风情的 山野村居为灵感,粗犷的石材、超高的棚顶 以及极具质感的皮面沙发,无不让人感到它 的古朴、大气和空间感,而简约的装饰艺术 品和精美插花又处处透出细腻和精致。宽敞 舒适的客房、真诚热情的服务、风格各异的 餐饮、多功能会议场地以及设施齐全的水疗 康体设施和凯悦儿童营等丰富多样的设施及 活动,是家庭游客寻求温馨山地假期或者公 司会议奖励旅游的理想场所。 长白山凯悦酒店拥有 278 间舒适客房, 包括 33 间豪华套房,环绕顶级滑雪场、壮丽 名山、原始森林,将山野风情、绝美风景尽 收眼底。宽敞舒适的客房均为住宅式设计风 格,最大的客房面积可达 45 平米,为休闲游 客全面提供凯悦高品质款客服务。凯悦旗下
68 LifeStyle
酒店素以享誉国际的创意美食而闻名全球。 长白山凯悦酒店设有两家固定餐厅以及两家 季节性餐厅,风格各异,但同样精彩纷呈, 为宾客提供中西合璧的贴心美食体验。长白 山有着纯天然的生态环境,其无污染的土地、 神圣的朝霞光以及纯净的天池水,这一切都 让长白山的水疗服务独具特色。长白山凯悦 酒店拥有先进的水疗休闲中心,是舒缓身心 的绝佳去处。白雪皑皑的山峰,壮观的火山 爆发地,清澈纯净的水源,开阔的天空,茂 密的原始森林,悦水疗的环境无不浪漫惬意。 作为滑雪度假酒店,长白山凯悦酒店特别设 计了针对家庭旅客的特色服务——凯悦儿童 营。凯悦儿童营是一个新颖有趣的互动学习 中心,其寓教于乐的方式可以让城市的孩子 体验不一样的山地经历,更深入地了解长白 山多样天然的生态环境和资源。 The Hyatt Regency offers a full range of services
and facilities tailored to serve the needs of meeting
planners, business travelers and leisure guests. Hyatt
Regency properties are conveniently located in urban, suburban, airport, convention and resort destinations
around the world. Hyatt Regency hotels in resort
of Changbaishan. The Hyatt Regency Changbaishan has extensive spa and recreation facilities. The Shui
Liao Spa embraces the local environment of ever-
white mountains, the powerful Baekdu Volcano, crystal-clear waters, expansive skies and dense green forests. Located at the entrance to the ski slope for
easy ski-in and ski-out access, the Ski House will allow guests to store their ski equipment during their stay. Camp Hyatt is a fun and interactive family
learning centre that teaches junior guests about
Changbaishan’s diverse natural environment. May you have a memorable holiday in this beautiful fairyland!
Changbaishan International Resort, Fusong County, Baishan City, Jilin Province Tel: 0439 612 1234
Promotion 扬帆起航 Refresh Start 威斯汀焕新客房人民币 1188 净价 / 晚起 威斯汀豪华海景客房人民币 1388 净价 / 晚起 *次日免费双人自助早餐 *免费客房高速网络连接 * SPG 会员可享受双倍积分 *客房欢迎水果 *延迟退房至下午 3 点(视住房情况而定) *于知味标帜餐厅用餐,享受 85 折优惠 须至少提前一天预订 此 优 惠 从 酒 店 开 业 起 至 2014 年 12 月 31 日止 Westin Renewal Room from RMB1188net per night Westin Deluxe Seaview Room from RMB1388net per night * Complimentary daily buffet breakfast up to two persons * Complimentary high speed internet access * Double Starpoints for SPG members * Welcome fruit * Room late check-out till 15:00 (subject to availability) * 15% off when dining in Seasonal Tastes One day advanced booking is required The promotion is valid from hotel opening till December 31st, 2014
An Idyllic Getaway
All of the 263 inviting guest rooms, including
12 villas, provide a luxurious place to retreat from the bustle of the city. Get an amazing night’s rest
with Westin Heavenly Bed. Other amenities include refreshment center, work desk with an ergonomic
chair, spacious bathrooms, in room safe and gourmet coffee – everything at the Westin is ready for a
舟山位于浙江东海海域,是中国面积最 大的群岛,也是唯一一座由群岛组成的地级 市。舟山群岛的第五大岛——朱家尖,拥有 广阔的蓝色大海和美丽的金色海滩,岛上知 名景点包括沙雕艺术广场、乌石砾滩、观音 文化苑、大青山国家公园和情人岛。田园风 情的度假幽居——舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度 假酒店便坐落在岛上,距离洁白的海滩与独 特的人文和自然景观仅数步之遥。从酒店出 发,乘车 15 分钟便可抵达舟山普陀山机场。 酒店共有 263 间舒适宜人的客房,其中 包含 12 间别墅寓所。每一间均为宾客带来远 离都市喧嚣的奢华居住空间。客房内的威斯 汀天梦之床是客人尽享一夜酣眠的最佳保证。 其他设施包括茶点中心、人体工学座椅及办 公桌、宽敞的浴室、房内保险箱以及可口咖 啡,一切所需应有尽有。 舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店为宾客 精挑细选各色美食,尤其是经证实对身体具 有滋养作用的活力食品,全心全意关注客人 的营养健康。知味标帜餐厅以新鲜的食材、 新意十足的菜品满足早、中、晚三餐的不同 需求。中国元素中餐厅是与挚爱亲友或商务 伙伴共享喜庆宴会的最佳场地,经验丰富的
厨师团队将其对烹饪的无限热情融入佳肴的 制作,呈上地道风味。禅客素斋馆作为中餐 厅的一部分,选用新鲜蔬菜为原料精心制成 素斋美食,与普陀山的佛教文化相呼应,给 来自五湖四海的宾客一个净化身心的选择, 在注重养生理念的同时,也将禅意巧妙地融 入其中。大堂吧则供应鸡尾酒、现煮咖啡及 威斯汀精选茶。伴随着细腻海风及轻柔海浪 声,为客人带来极致放松的感官享受。 Situated in the Zhejiang Province, Zhoushan is
China’s largest archipelago and the only prefecture-
level city consisting solely of islands. With just a 15-minute drive from the Zhoushan Putuoshan
Airport, the Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan
overlooks the beach on Zhujiajian, the fifth-largest island in Zhoushan. As such, it is very close to
white sandy beaches and unique cultural and natural attractions. Zhujiajian is famous for its natural
beauty, vast blue sea, and pristine golden-sand
beaches. The island’s top attractions include the Sculpture Art Square, the Cobble Bay Scenic Spot,
the Kwan-yin Cultural Garden, Daqingshan National Park, and the Lovers Isle.
refreshing stay.
Seasonal Tastes is an all-day dining restaurant
presenting nourishing and imaginative menu creations to provide everything needed for breakfast,
lunch, and dinner. The Chinese restaurant Five Sen5es provides the perfect setting with passion and flair presented to celebrate with loved ones or
business associates. Offering the inspiration behind
Five Sen5es, the CHOKO culinary team chooses the freshest vegetables cooked in an exquisite way
to provide guests with the most delicious vegetarian cuisine. Not only delicious but also beneficial for
one’s health, the purpose of providing this cuisine
is like the Buddhist culture of purifying the body and soul. Last but not least, the Lobby Lounge is the perfect spot for guests to relax and elevate their
senses with an end-of-day cocktail, a freshly brewed coffee or just a cup of Westin Jing Tea in front of the beautiful sea view. ‘
1288 Jiari Road, Zhujiajian, Zhoushan, Zhejiang www.westin.com/zhujiajian Tel: 0580 603 8888
LifeStyle 69
Taste of Dadong Text: Eva Liu Photos: Taste of Dadong
从高大上到小清新,看大董 72 变!前不久大董“副牌”小大董在优雅购物、精品酒店与 艺文荟萃的北京侨福芳草地清新启幕。无艺术不大董,小大董的整体装修时尚雅致,各处摆放 的干花及大师级别艺术品又为餐厅增加了一抹清新的艺术味儿。尤为特别之处是可以容纳 18 人的长木桌,这张木桌穿过两个拱门,木桌另一端还摆放着一件极其壮观的佛教艺术品。餐厅 落地玻璃窗外挨着绿地的户外座位,在夏日也是一道美丽的风景,在那里用餐总给人以清新惬 意的感觉。 小大董的菜品依旧保持了大董精雕细琢的传统,价格却要亲民得多,其高调推出的 6 款超 值特选套餐更是让人味蕾大震。多款均价不超 200 元的超值套餐堪称大董品牌创立 30 年来客 人最喜爱菜品的小清新版,如董氏烧海参套餐、松露汁铁棍山药鲍鱼饭套餐、大董酥不腻烤鸭 套餐,当然还有时尚年轻人最热衷的口味,如龙虾汤海虹套餐、罗勒薄切牛肉套餐。除了超值 套餐以外,其他菜品也可以单点,每一道菜都诠释出小大董的清新与精致。 The Dadong Group has launched a new restaurant at the Parkview Green, Beijing. Named Taste of Dadong, the new restaurant retains Dadong’s heritage, while revivifying it with new flavors. The fashionable interior design affords privacy, with curtains screening off the dining area. The zen-inspired decor gives a holistic sense of place within Parkview Green’s outdoor sunken garden. For large parties, there is a long wooden table that can take up to 18 people, which extends through two arches to reach a statue of the Buddha at the end. The Taste of Dadong has elaborately developed nutritious set meals with top-class food materials at an average price of less than RMB 200 that are worth every penny, bringing guests into contact with the heritage of Dadong’s classical cuisine. One of Beijing’s oldest and most famous restaurants, the Dadong legacy is here updated. No matter you’re reuniting with friends or getting together with family, there is quite a variety of choices, such as Chef Dong’s Braised Sea Cucumber, Braised Abalone and Chinese Yam, Dadong Superlean Roast Duck, Mussel with Lobster Soup, Sliced Beef with Basil and more. LG2-11A of Parkview Green, No.9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8563 0016 / 8563 1016
70 LifeStyle
Vespertine Surprises Text: Eva Liu Photos: Vespertine
月见花,听到这名字就觉得很浪漫!这家现代精品餐饮酒吧位于上海中山南路 505 号码老 码头,低调呈现于黄浦江边,由国际顶尖设计公司 GETTYS 主导设计,秉承 18 世纪末 19 世 纪初后维多利亚时代的奇思妙想,取材于“蒸汽朋克”,是一首人类创造和发展的颂歌。 餐厅典雅又不乏艺术性的氛围很讨喜。功能机壁的现代或古式作品折衷混合的视觉对比通 过餐厅呈现出来。第一层有 850 平米,开放式空间,宾客朋友们在用餐的时候也能一览厨师们 精彩的烹饪艺术。想拥有私密空间的食客还可选择私人用餐的宽敞主餐厅。除此之外,二楼还 有酒吧区,酒吧区的面积为 250 平米,其中包括雪茄休息室和露天阳台,另设 250 平米贵宾用 餐厅,主要提供经典鸡尾酒、啤酒、葡萄酒以及高端食品,可供商务宴请或私人派对。 月见花在传统美式料理中融入了上海本土风味。来自美国洛杉矶的行政总厨克里斯曾担任 上海世博会美国馆的 VIP 行政总厨。他吸收并融合了欧洲经典烹饪技法,只选用优渥地理环境 培育的顶级食材,配合凸显食材原味的独特料理理念,创造出令人惊喜的美食。从平凡中找寻 惊喜,正是月见花带给每一位食客的礼物。 Owners of a high-level food & beverage management corporation from the United States have paired up with top chef master-mind Chris Hora to bring to Shanghai a one-of-a-kind modern dining experience at 505 Zhongshan South Road in Cool Docks, a short walk away from the cooling waves of the Huangpu River. Romantically named Vespertine, this fancy restaurant intends to raise the bar of modern dining in Shanghai by keeping it simple and elegant. With a sophisticated design creating a sleek industrial atmosphere, Vespertine focuses on the finest quality of service, flavors, and hospitality. The first floor, sized at 850 square meters is spacious and open, enabling diners to observe how their food is cooked in front of their eyes. The Bar on the second floor is 250 square meters and includes a cigar lounge and terrace. VIP private dining rooms of 250 square meters offers classic cocktails, beer, wine, top-grade foods and privacy. Leading the culinary team is Executive Chef Chris Hora, who was the VIP chef at the U.S. Pavilion for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai. He has earned a stellar international reputation for his skills as a chef by previously working in star standard restaurants in Los Angeles for Wolfgang Puck, Hans Rockenwagner, Drai’s and the Century Plaza hotel as well as opening a California cuisine restaurant in Prague. Now, he is back to Asia. With hand-selected high quality ingredients and a unique cooking philosophy, Chris brings an ordinary yet surprising present to diners in Shanghai. No.505 South Zhongshan Rd, Huangpu District, Shanghai Tel: 021 6315 0325
LifeStyle 71
Simply Marvelous
Your Personal Wine Experience
炎炎夏日,还有什么比躺在安乐椅里舒 服地翘着脚,伴着徐徐清风细品一杯优质葡
边小酒馆暴饮暴食之类贪婪的行为绝不可同 日而语。
从微醺到放空,品酒体验随即开始。在 酿酒师的精心调理下,一杯杯美酒将为你献
中感受烦闷苦恼,但能与志同道合者共享美 酒,敞开心扉,那便是极好的。
的优雅所在。但如若向价格“妥协”了,就 一定会失望的。每个人挑选的美酒都只会和 他本人进行对话,个中滋味只有饮酒人自己 知道。在每一口啜饮之中,葡萄酒会告诉品 酒者它是怎样从挂在葡萄藤上的果实变成一 瓶葡萄酒,最后来到离你最近的酒庄。这是 一场幸福而温馨的对话,与在垃圾满地的路
72 LifeStyle
project for others to consume and accept as reality.
For when we affectionately address our inner self, our truth is revealed better than ever, with our
conscious and unconscious; and our dream and real worlds becoming One. Such a sacred connection is
often best achieved through meditation, so the quiet of intentional solitude, but I have found that after a couple of glasses of a favorite red wine, I am often
in that place which is my true self; and I am free to explore the myriad mysteries of my Soul and Spirit within, apart from a formal yoga or meditation approach. What could be more marvelous than relaxing with
But if you have shopped well, knowing your
a favorite glass of premium wine on a soft summer’s
palate and always spending wisely on premium
way, comfortably seated in one’s favorite easy chair,
always sure to disappoint, your wine time spent will
day, one’s feet carefully propped-up in your favorite
a cool breeze drifting across the room or the air conditioning providing welcome refreshment from the heat of the day? This is quality time spent, a break from the hustle and bustle of the “rat race”,
everyone’s grind to maximize his income to afford
for family and self, yet still with a generous amount remaining for the “little luxuries” that help define a consistently enhanced quality of life.
Some would spend hours, if not days debating the
intricacies of each and every drop of wine of which
they so delightfully partake, as though their wine experience was worthy of but philosophical debate;
wines, not economy compromises that are almost
be a glorious pathway to the voluptuous rapture that
is Wine Grace. And simply because your wine of choice speaks only with you, conveying all that has brought it to your lips from vine to blending to your
local shop. It is a conversation of bliss meant for thoughtful, relaxed consumption, far removed from the ravenous conduct that is so common among those of gluttony and similar manners of misconduct frequenting roadside taverns, pubs and stables of
questionable circumstance, littered with rubbish and trash of odiferous nature.
We all need uplifting experiences of every sort
and not to completely immerse oneself in the loving
to brighten our days, to overcome what troubles us,
For as long as one’s present bottle of crimson, rose,
the treadmill we have accepted to warrant our daily
arms of their wine’s gentle, compassionate embrace. white or sparkling splendor of the gods will last, a precious dialogue exists between you and your
wine. It is your personal wine experience, for better or worse.
to allow us to more easily step-back in peace from bread, to make sense of all that we know ourselves to be. For it is within these joyous moments of
unhampered reflection that we come to better meet
our true selves, not the selves we meticulously
Your wine experience is best appreciated when
you simply go “blank”; allowing the carefully
choreographed music of the winemaker to serenade your senses and touch all that is you, consciously and unconsciously. Your wine will show you
the way; you need not offer guidance or a set of instructions. For if you are One with a wine that
nicely rewards your palate in every way, you will
find yourself magically retracing your roots, both known and unknown to when you were without understanding, a simple Soul, having returned to
inhabit a temporary body vehicle to continue your eternal work of freeing yourself from the endless
cycle of “Samsara”, but not until All Sentient Beings have achieved Enlightenment.
Go in peace, always serve others well, and only
stock your wine cellar, no matter how humble or
vast, with wines of premium pedigree that transport
you and whomever partakes of them in your company to that place which is silence, equanimity,
beauty, fellowship and a communion of like Souls, simply doing their best to carry on, despite the daily
afflictions of all those who live and breathe. I am Red Owl, as always, ever vigilant, over & out.
田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助的人们, 并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国 的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。
Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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74 LifeStyle
别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
设计师古奇高的家居品牌“梵几” Fnji, Gu Qigao's independent furniture brand
LifeStyle 75
76 LifeStyle
全 新 生 活 方 式 “断舍离”不是简单的整理术,它是一种 教人放下心中执念的理念,一种生活态度, 甚至可以说是一种哲学。丢掉对物品的执 着,不仅周身的环境变得清爽,连内心也 会从压力中解放。断舍离的终极目的,是 让你的生活充满能量,流动不停滞。 “Cut, Abandon, Detach” is not just a simple life concept. It’s a form of self-assurance; an outlook that teaches us to release ourselves from our material obsessions- an attitude towards life, to a degree that we could even consider it as a legitimate branch of philosophy. When a person lives a lifestyle based on sacrifice and detachment, not only will their surroundings become purified, but their inner heart slowly becomes free of pressure. The philosophy of “Cut, Abandon, Detach” allows positive energy to flow consistently as it enters our lives. Text: Yuki Zhang, Eva Liu
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本源: 更清澈的人生 The Readjusted Life “断舍离”影响了很多人的生 活。他们参加研讨会和讲座, 将这个观念贯彻到日常生活和 思考方式中去。这个观念的来 源,是山下英子。 The “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept has affected a lot of people’s lives. Many attend seminars and lectures on this particular subject and implemented this concept in their daily life, and have adopted it as a way of thinking. This way of thinking was first introduced by Eiko Yamashita.
您从 2001 年起以“杂物管理咨询师”的身
人物介绍 Who’s Who 山下英子:“断舍离”概念的提出者,也是“断舍离”这个 注册商标的所有者。她出生于东京,毕业于日本早稻田大学 文学部,大学期间开始学习冲道瑜伽,接触到瑜伽的行法哲 学,“断行、舍行、离行”,她将这种放弃心中执着的理念 提炼成“断舍离”,运用到日常生活整理、人际关系、思考 方式等各个方面。 Eiko Yamashita: born in Tokyo and graduated from Waseda University’s Department of Literature, she is the originator and trademark holder of the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept. While still a student, she began studying Buddhist philosophy; this study would eventually develop into “Cut, Round, Detach,” a philosophy of everyday life.
份开始在日本各地举办一系列演讲,这样 做的动机是什么?那时有没有想过您提出 的理念会影响这么多人? 在现代社会中,过度丰富的物质、无孔 不入的情报、烦琐的人际关系,这一切给人 们带来了无数的烦恼和沉重的负担。隐藏在 “断舍离”背后的“减法”式方法能从根本 上有效解决这些问题,从一开始我就对此深 信不疑。不过说实话,固有的“加法”式解 决方法对人们的影响根深蒂固,人们没有意 识到“加法”式方法在根本上存在缺陷,所 以我倡导的观点一开始就受到质疑。现在越 来越多的人接受了“断舍离”的理念,我觉 得这是一个必然的趋势。
78 LifeStyle
听说“断舍离”的理念跟您去高野山的寺庙 有关,能具体说说这段经历吗?“断舍离” 跟日本的禅宗思想是不是也有关系呢? 高野山确实是佛门圣地。我大约 20 年前 前往高野山寺庙寄宿时,高野山的独特气场、 寺院里令人神清气爽的空间、修行僧简单质朴 的生活,深深震撼了我的心灵。我感到“断舍 离”的观念在这里得到了充分的践行。以此为
Ever since 2001, you have started to organize series of lectures on this concept in various regions of Japan. What was your motive for doing so? Did you know that your idea would affect so many people back then?
Excessive material abundance, pervasive information, and complicated relationships between
people have brought countless problems and burdens in our modern society. From the beginning I
have always been confident that the fundamental solution that lies behind the “reduction” approach of
the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept could be effectively utilized to address these issues. Although, to tell the truth, I found some underlying flaws behind the second component, the “abandon” approach.
Nowadays more and more people have accepted the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept, and I think it will continue to have influence.
契机,我非常强烈地想把这种生活态度引入普 通人的日常生活,而不是单单把“断舍离”局 限在道场或特殊的环境中。“断舍离”跟日本 的禅宗应该是有某些相通之处,但我没有做过 更多的研究。
A common rumor is that the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept has something to do with the
Koyasan Temple’s teachings, a belief system that you embrace. Could you talk more specifically about this? Is the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept related to Japanese Zen Buddhism in any way?
Koyasan is indeed a sacred place of Buddhism. Approximately twenty years ago, I lived in the
Koyasan Temple’s monastery- its unique atmosphere, the refreshing space, and the simple life of the
日本有很多关于“收纳、整理”的概念和书 籍,“断舍离”却引起了这么大的反响,您 觉得“断舍离”与别的概念相比,它的特别 之处在哪儿? 到目前为止,大部分的整理术,特别是收 纳术,都是在物品数量不减少的基础上,花费 大量的时间、空间、劳力、精力来整理。而“断 舍离”是从根本上反思自己与物品的关系,对 物品进行简化、取舍,为人们省出整理的时间、 空间、劳力和精力。与普通收纳术耗费精力、 导致疲劳的事倍功半相比,断舍离能为人们省 出时间、空间和精力,也就是事半功倍,从而 创造清爽、余裕的好心情。
pristine monks all deeply tranquilized my soul. I felt that the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept was
fully practiced there. From that experience I strongly felt like I wanted to introduce this way of living
to ordinary people’s lives, not only the lives of monks. Certainly, the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept has some similarities with Japanese Zen Buddhism teaching, but I wouldn’t say it is the same thing. Japan has a rich legacy of writers and thinkers discussing these kinds of “self-adjustment”
concepts, but “Cut, Round, Detach” has become among the most prominent of these ideas. In your opinion, what differentiates Cut, Round, Detach from the others?
Until now, many such theories concentrate on increasing the amount of basic living materials;
e.g., time, space, effort and energy. In contrast, “Cut, Abandon, Detach” teaches us the opposite way,
advocating the reduction of living materials, simplifying ways of living, detaching ourselves from things and possessions. “Cut, Abandon, Detach” advocates that we save time, space, effort and energy
by simplifying life. Not a gimmick or a trick, it gives a real way to reduce our stress and imbue our lives with tranquillity.
What’s the individual meaning of each of the three words “Cut”, “Round”, and “Detach” themselves? And what brings them together?
“断”“舍”“离”分别是什么意思,相互 之间有什么关系? “断”= 断绝不需要的东西,在“入口” 取舍物品的行动。“舍”= 舍去多余的东西, 在“出口”清理堵塞的行动。“离”= 脱离对 物品的执着,即通过反复实践“断”“舍”的 步骤来实现通畅的新陈代谢的状态。不只是家 中物品,包括食物、信息、人际关系、思考方 式、价值观等各个方面也都需要新陈代谢发挥 作用。所以“断舍离”不仅仅是物品的整理术。 “断舍离”的最终目的是什么?为什么说它 是“人生整理术”?
“Cut” means to cut off the unnecessary materials, in this case as the act of selectively cutting off
things in the input passageway of our lives. “Abandon" means to round up the leftover materials, the act of clearing up blockages in the output passageway of our lives, and abandon them. “Detach” means the self-devotion to detach ourselves from materialistic things. This goal is achieved from the
repetitive process of practicing the “cutting” and “rounding” acts, resulting in a smooth metabolic
state. In order to achieve this goal, we have to detach ourselves from not only our homes, but also
from the city; restaurants, information, human relationships, ways of thinking, values, etc; they all play a significant role in determining our metabolic state. To conclude, “Cut, Abandon, Detach” is not only about the adjustment of physical things.
What is the ultimate aim of “Cut, Abandon, Detach”? Why is it considered as a “Life Adjustment” concept?
The ultimate aim of “Cut, Abandon, Detach” is to make everyone’s life happy. By tempering our
thoughts, feelings, and emotions, I hope that people can spend their days living in an abundantly rich, happy life.
“断舍离”的最终目的就是让每一个人的 生活都快乐起来。通过磨炼个人的思维、感觉、 情绪,让人愉快地度过丰富美好的人生。
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本色:良品之道 The Philosophy of Creating Beautiful Products 无印良品不讲究外包装,强调以商品本色示人,不做过分的包装修饰, 多采用有统一性的、简洁的打包出售方式,既简洁商品又节省地球资源, 真正做到价廉物美、简洁环保、品质至上。 它提供一种优雅质朴生活方式的理念,和原研哉多年来追求的设计表达一脉相承。 MUJI emphasizes showcasing high quality products, without overly loud packaging, offering a unified range of products which speak for themselves. The result is a tranquil store environment that minimizes the waste of natural resources, a selection of affordable products of fine quality, a brand which takes conserving the environment along with maintaining quality as its ultimate objective. MUJI provides the philosophy for an elegantly minimalist lifestyle. 80 LifeStyle
practical value system and personal perceptions.
In this era of freedom, the Japanese have adopted
the value of minimalism. I would like to state
the difference between being minimalism and
nihilism. Minimalism is the act of utilizing as
little language as possible to express an object; to
streamline the language to its extreme; by doing
this, one grasps the essence of the particular
object. In contrast, in “nihilism”, nothing is
used, not even a single character. Minimalism could be compared to the silent glance between
two persons; from outside, it seems like a quiet
moment, but as these two persons make contact
directly, they discover an ever-deeper way of
exchanging messages.
的简洁和日本的感性有关。在古代,从青铜 器时代的中国到伊斯兰教、密宗佛教,统治 者通过复杂的图形图案彰显自己的身份与地 位。而现在人们可自由选择生活,对于美的 感觉基于实用化,于是日本就发现了简洁的 价值。我想说一下简约和空灵的区别。简约 主义是用最少的语言去表达某种东西,把语 言精简到极致,通过这种方法去把握物品的
人物介绍 Who’s Who 原研哉:日本中生代国际级平面设计大师、 日本设计中心的代表、武藏野美术大学教授, 无印良品艺术总监。 Kenyahara is Professor of Musashino Art University as well as Muji's artistic director.
大约在 400 年前的室町时代,日本发生 了一次战争,整个京都被烧成一片瓦砾,寺庙、 和服、山水画等代表日本文化的物品都没有 了,但这对日本人来说是一个转折点。日本 人突然发现“什么都没有也就等于什么都有”, 这种“空”是现在日本基本审美观的基础。 这种对日本有意识使用空白概念的根源调查 让我更多关注室町时代中期的东山文化,这 一时期形成的日本的茶禅美学、室町时代的 建筑对我的影响非常大。 这种空是否和中国人讲的“空”类似? 实际上,当时的日本艺术界受中国的影 响非常大。空的概念是借着禅宗传到日本, 后来又在日本有了变化。但是日本的空灵, 和中国的空灵、印度的空灵有微妙的不同。 印度的空灵用数字来表达,中国的空灵是老 庄思想,老子说“道可道非常道,名可名非 常名”,你什么都没有才可以装东西。而日 本的空是你拿着一团雪,它很快就化了,你
whole of Kyoto was burned into rubble; temples, kimonos, landscape paintings... Every item that
represented the Japanese culture vanished. Rather
than a low point for Japanese culture, it was a
has become modern Japan’s basic aesthetic standard. This particularly original concept of
Around 400 years ago, during the Muromachi
period, when Japan was involved in a war, the
that “nothing equals everything”. This “nihilism”
aesthetic is conveyed by MUJI design?
high point: Japanese people suddenly discovered
How should we understand how the Japanese
拿着它,却又没有,你又能感受到那是个雪团, 这就是日本的“空灵”感觉,当然用语言来
the Japanese, this sense of conscious blankness
has caused me to research the mid-Muromachi
Higashiyama Culture; the Zen aesthetic and the
tea ceremony of Japan was formed during this
What is the definition of design?
period architecture also has a very significant
It seems to me that design is not so much about
the technique for manufacturing items, but more
about the wisdom of life. The process of design,
period. The architectural design of Muromachi influence on me.
Is what you are describing not the the same as
as a matter of fact, is found in our lives; it’s
Chinese “nihilism”?
like the knitting methods of Tatami mats, or the
to the Japanese art world back then. Chinese
own logic. Years and years of every individual’s
subsequently evolved and complexified in Japan.
“Design,” then, is found beneath the underlying
Indian nihilism- each of these traditions have
hidden between the relationship of all objects. Just
In fact, China contributed a major influence
cutting methods of teaspoons, they all have their
Nihilism was introduced to Japan via Zen, and
daily thoughts form the history of human life.
However, Japan’s nihilism, China’s nihilism, and
wisdom of objects in our daily life.
subtle differences. India’s nihilism is expressed
Why is MUJI described as a container of ideas?
with Zhuang Zi’s philosophy. Lao Zi once said,
the inside you will be able to feel the relation
Way; the name that can be named is not the
its Japanese feeling. During ancient times, from
you capable of possessing things. But Japan’s
through Tantric teachings to Buddhism; each of
hold a ball of snow, it quickly melts and change
pictograms speak for their own identity and status.
again, but you can still feel it as a ball of snow;
to live. Beauty is defined through everyone’s own
to describe the feeling of Japan’s “nihilism”.
numerically, China’s nihilism is in accordance
You can observe MUJI’s glasses, and from
“The Way that can be spoken of is not the eternal
between these objects intrinsic minimalism and
eternal name.”, Only when you have nothing are
the Chinese Bronze age to the era of Islam,
nihilism, it’s like the moment when you try to
these complex graphical patterns and symbolic
its shape, and you hold it in again but it goes out
Today, people are free to live the life they choose
having said that, it’s very difficult to use language
LifeStyle 81
人物介绍 Who’s Who 祖古索朗扎西仁波切,藏传佛教转世活佛,现任西藏山南贡嘎县“秋果林寺” 寺主兼第一法台 Zu Gu Suo Lang Zha Xi Rinpoche, the reincarnation of Buddha according to Tibetan Buddhism and current abbot of the Autumn Harvest Temple, Nangongga County, Tibet.
本心:从放下开始 From the Beginning Down 在佛教的经典中,“断舍离”这三个字并没有直接或同时一起出现, 也没有对它们有次第地进行详述,但是我们可以在很多经典当中 看到和学习“断、舍、离”的修行要诀和知识。 If we look at Buddhist scriptures to understand the philosophy of “Cut, Abandon, Detach,” we find that these three words have no direct connection, nor are they used together in any case. There are some particular sequential manners that describe them in details, but more importantly, many classic texts articulate ideas similar to “Cut, Abandon, Detach” and give us practical tips and wisdom. 82 LifeStyle
您怎么理解“断舍离”的理念,这和佛法思想有什么样的关系? 在我看来,“断舍离”不是哲学,也不是佛学或禅修之类,更构不成一个思想体系。它可能是一种概念;是一种生活哲理;是一种方法论; 是一种生活技术;是一种生活安慰清醒剂;是一种心灵环保;是一种改善心灵环境的整理术……无论怎样去描述或定位,有一点可以肯定,它 是一种正能量的理念。“断舍离”折射的不仅是一种生活方式,是一种从物质上升到精神层面的生存智能。也可以说,是对无效需求的一种“断 舍离”,更是对无休止的欲望所产生的想“拥有”和多“占有”的一次挑战…… “断”“舍”“离”之间相互关系是什么? 真正的“断”“舍”“离”用佛法来讲也是分很多层次的,根据个人境界不同,认知也有差别。我想,它们之间是不矛盾的;可以分开独 立地看待每一个,也可以说它们是一个整体,甚至可以说是一个意思。就像《断舍离》作者所提出的断舍离杂物管理那样,进行不同层次描述的话, 也完全可以解释和理解。因此在这里我也想把这三个字放在一个佛教修行次第当中,然后一一描述。如此一来,断舍离就好像跟佛教有了直接 的关系,当然这不是很有趣的说法,只是有助于帮助记忆和理解。这是来自克什米尔的学者阿底峡尊者的传承窍诀,尊者把修行人分为三种: 第一种人称断,第二种人称舍,第三种人称离。 “断”“舍”“离”其中哪一个最难呢? 当你能“断”能“舍”而不能“离”的时候,离是最难的,同样能“舍”“离”不能“断”的时候,断是最难的,也就是说它的难度需要 依据个人境界而定,决不能一概而论。比如说,让我双腿盘坐一整天,我觉得很简单,但是对一个没有习惯盘坐的而言,这就是一次非常艰难 的考验,总之,一个事情的难度,和个人对它熟悉依赖的程度有直接的关系。 在您自己的修行中,最难“断舍离”的是什么?为什么? 每个人根据自己的人生阶段和境界不同,最难放下的东西也不一样。就我本人来讲,我现在拥有一串很漂亮的凤眼菩提念珠,并且喜欢每 天都戴在手上。这绝对不是因为它能帮助我持诵咒文念经。最让人头疼的是,五六年前我也有个这样的念珠,那时候我对它和其他东西一样似 乎很不在乎。值得一提的是,那时候凤眼菩提念珠值不了多少钱。我觉得我的喜好和它的价钱之间有个秘密吧。哈哈…… How do you comprehend the “Cut, c Detach” concept, what kind of relationship does it have with Buddhist teaching?
“Cut, Abandon, Detach”, in my opinion, is not philosophy, nor is it like Buddhism or meditation; it does not constitute an system of thought. It may
be a concept; a philosophy of life; a methodology; or a technique of life; “Cut, Abandon, Detach” is an act of peaceful living; the creation of a spiritual
environment; or perhaps a finishing technique to improve the our state of mind ...... regardless of what ways we use to describe or contextualize it, one thing for sure, it is a positive energy concept. “Cut, Abandon, Detach” does not only reflect a way of life, but is also the spiritual rise from the material level to achieve a mature stage of spiritual intelligence. The flexibility of the “Cut, Abandon, Detach” concept is precisely what gives it its force and strength in opposing the materialism and consumerism, the desire to “own” and the desire to “possess.”
“Cut”, “Round”, “Detach”; What is the existing relationship between each other?
The original meanings of “Cut”, "Abandon,", “Detach” can be associated with the Dharma in many ways. According to their own specific meanings, each of
them is different- there are cognitive differences in between them. They are not contradictory of each other, but might have to be viewed separately from each other. This philosophyhas effectively gathered them as a whole, or even allowed them to share a single meaning. As the concept of “Cut, Abandon, Detach” is described, it has a presence on different levels, but it also can be interpreted and comprehended. So here I also would like to compare these three words to a sequence in Buddhist sutras; the eleven descriptions. This might seem superficial, but can help us to get a better understanding. For the Kashmir scholar Atisha, those who approach His Holiness are divided into three types: those who cut off, those who round up, and those who detach. “Cut”, “Abandon”, and “Detach.” Which one of them is the hardest one?
When you can “cut”, you can “round”, but you might still not be to detach yourself away from things; in this case, detach is the most difficult one. The
same would also apply when you are able to “abandon”, and “detach” them, but you could not “cut” them; in this case, the hardest part is to cut them off. This
question is difficult to answer, as it is based on the different situations and personalities of individuals and must not be generalized. For example, to me, sitting
with my legs crossed all day is a simple thing to do, but for another person perhaps this is a very difficult test. In short, there is a direct dependency relation between a difficult thing, and one’s personal familiarity towards it.
In your own personal practice, what is the most difficult part of the “Cut, Abandon, Detach concept? Why?
The hardest part of the practice differs in accordance with the different stages of life and the personal situation of each person. For example, nowadays I
have a bunch of very nice strings of Eichhornia Bodhi beads, and I like to have them every day on my hands. It’s definitely not because it helps me to recite and chanting the mantra; to be honest, I take pride in this possession. The most confusing thing is that five or six years ago, I also had pricy beads, but back
them I treated it with no care just like I treated other things. It is worth mentioning that, my Eichhornia Bodhi beads might not worth that much of money, but I think everything you feel affection for has its own secret personal price.
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Feature 人活着的意义是什么?李一建 从少年时代就执迷探索这个问 题。为了寻找答案,他断然舍 弃了令人羡慕的军职,赴英留 学,学成后再次离行回到中国。 如此断舍离背后意义几何? What is the meaning of life? Li Yi Jian has been exploring this issue obsessively since boyhood. His search is his highest priority, leading him to quit his job, move to the UK and build a life, only to return to China once more. What’s the connection with this man’s quest and “cut, abandon, detach?”
从小生活在一个比较富裕的家庭的李一 建就像上帝的宠儿。他不用像其他孩子一样,
本愿:向幸福出发 Building Happiness in the Love Generation
为了以后能找到更好的工作、赚更多的钱而 拼命学习,努力考学。也正是因为这样,他 很小就意识到,即使自己不读书不考学,也 会过得很好,他便问自己为什么要读书?人 为什么要活着?越疑惑,就越想要答案,于 是他便开始深究“人活着的意义”,为此他 还写了很多关于如何对待人生、人生应该怎 么过等哲学味十足的文章,令老师和同学非 常惊愕。谁也不会想到一个十几岁的男孩能 写出道理如此深奥的文章。即便后来顺利考 取了大学,他还是一如既往地执迷探索人活 着的意义,就连毕业论文的题目都是“人生
人物介绍 Who’s Who 李一建:中华幸福会、幸福新世界(全国首家致力幸福 科学传播的非营利机构)发起者。 Li Yi Jian, founder of China Happiness Group, Happy New World (the first national non-profit organization with the objective of communicating the science of happiness).
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的意义”,据说这篇论文当时还在文学界、 哲学界引起了小轰动。 毕业于国防科技大学公共事业管理专业, 任职解放军总装备部教导队队长,连职,中 尉军衔,在很多人看来,这是一份极好的工 作,但是李一建却毅然放弃了这份别人梦寐 以求的工作。对他而言,在部队系统只能服
务于一部分人,他想为更大一部分人服务。 他选择留学英国,是为了学习西方文化,从 西方文化中寻找人生的意义,从中可见他的 执着,始终未脱离寻找人生的意义。他果然 是个才子,获得英国杜伦大学(全英排名第五) MBA 学位,还成功竞选学校与学生管理委员 会副主席。即便如此,他心中也未曾放弃对 解开人生意义之谜的执着。在英学习期间, 他积极关注牛津剑桥老师关于心理学、伦理 学、哲学的分析和他们的著作,一个偶然的 机会他接触到了幸福科学,他觉得非常符合 自己多年探寻人生的意义的诉求。 学习幸福科学后,他感悟很深,执迷探 索多年的人生的意义也从中找到了答案。他 认为幸福不是一个点,不是达到了就会觉得 幸福,达不到就不幸福,幸福是一个方向。 西方积极心理学用最新的 PERMA 五元素理 论来诠释幸福的概念:积极的情绪、全心的 投入、良好的人际关系、意义与目的以及成 就。简单来说,就是提醒我们在通往幸福的 道路上,不要只关注一两点,财富不等于幸 福,成功也不等于幸福,五个元素凑在一起, 那才是真正的幸福。就像他眼里的英国人, 无论富有还是贫穷,他们都很享受生活,对 幸福的理解也很全面。例如一个剪草工认为, “可能我挣钱少,但是我有一个温暖的家, 有一个爱我的老婆,有自己爱听的音乐,我 要追求幸福的人生”。而在中国,幸福科学 恐怕还有很多人不了解,总是会以金钱、财 富、名利来追寻幸福,忽略了身体、家庭等等, 虽然拥有了金钱、财富、名利,反而不幸福。 每当想到这些,李一建便迫不及待地想 把自己多年学习幸福科学的感悟传递给中国 同胞,让更多人的幸福指数提升,让企业和 社会更有幸福感。3 年前,他先后发起成立了 中华幸福会、幸福新世界(全国首家致力幸 福科学传播的非营利机构),用西方兴起的 幸福科学、积极心理学等理论和实践,结合 中国实证儒释道的传统文化,开辟出适合中 国人的五要素幸福理论和实践模式。 如今,李一建的幸福产业越来越受到社 会各界的关注,尤其前不久成功举办首届幸 福国际(北京)论坛后,他更加坚定了继续“幸 福之路”的决心。中国也好,世界也好,本 不缺少幸福,缺少的只是感受它的心灵。他说, 中华幸福会会用心传递幸福,让每一个人都 感受到这个“心”的年代。
Growing up in a relatively affluent family,
is pure trajectory, as humans are continuously
his classmates and friends struggled to find
Western psychology which offers the PERMA
Li Yi Jian was like a darling of God. While better jobs, earn more money or study hard in
preparation for tests, Li floated freely. Free from immediate obligation, he started to feel that the
people around him were trapped in a vicious cycle- even if they did not struggle, even if they
did not study, they would still live- so why did they spend their lives struggling? In a word- Why
do people live? The more he contemplated this confusing question, the more he yearned for its answer. He began to develop his own philosophy
about the “meaning of life”, about which he wrote numerous essays and articles. As his work saw wide publication, scholars and elders felt
stunned by their profundity. Who would have thought that a teenage boy could write such
incisive philosophical articles? Even later, after
he successfully entered university, he continued to obsessively explore the “meaning of life,” a
topic which became the subject of his graduating thesis. It is said that at the time this paper caused
a small sensation within the realms of literature and philosophy.
He graduated from the National University
of Defense Technology with a major in Public
Affairs Management, whereupon he worked at
evolving and changing. There is a school of
five elements theory to explain the concept of happiness: Positive emotions, Emotional
investment, Relationships, Meaning and Accomplishment. People need to have all of these five elements to be happy. In simple terms, this
philosophy intends to remind us that the way to happiness, is not via a short-sighted focus
on individual aspects of a well-rounded life. Financial success does not equal happiness; only
when the five elements are joined together, does one find real happiness. Li Yi Jian’s impression
is that Englishmen, whether rich or poor, are able to enjoy life. This type of understanding of happiness is very comprehensive. For example,
a worker who cutes the grass may think, “I may
earn less, but I have a warm home, a wife who
loves me, I can listen to my favorite music, and
I have my happy life.” In China, there are a lot of people who do not understand the science of
happiness. Success in our society is always via money, wealth, and fame; we ignore our health, our family, and other similar priorities. The sad
truth is that many in our society have money, wealth, fame, but not happiness.
Every time such thoughts come to mind, Li
the PLA General Armament Department, where
Yijian’s years of research come to mind. His
the army. In the eyes of many, this is definitely
can be passed on to our Chinese compatriots, so
he taught team captains, and even Lieutenants, in an excellent job, but Li Yi Jian nonetheless
decided to abandon what others might have seen
as a dream job, in order to study in the United Kingdom. While he felt that serving in the armed
forces could help many of his countrymen, he wanted to devote his life to a more profound
vision of service. He chose to go to the UK in order to learn about Western culture, and to look for the meaning of life from the perspective of
Western philosophy. His interest in philosophy continued through his studies at the University of
Durham’s MBA program (ranked #5 in the UK), while also serving as vice-chairman on the ‘School
and Student Management Committee’ (SSCC). His ambitious career trajectory didn’t deflect him
from more philosophical study, however. During
complex understanding of the feeling of happiness
that more people’s happiness index increased, so that business will flow more abundantly
a n d m e m b e r s o f s o c i e t y w i l l b e h a p p i e r. Understanding that the time is ripe, he has
launched in China the China Happiness Group, Happy New World (the first national non-profit
organization with the objective of communicating the science of happiness). His organization seeks to disseminate Western “happiness science,”
including the “positive psychology” theory and practice, which he combines with China’s domestic traditions of empirical Confucianism,
Buddhism and Taoism. Truly, he has opened up a new horizon of happiness for Chinese people, with his advocacy of the PERMA theory.
Today, his work with happiness attracts
his time in the UK, he spent time reading the
more and more attention from the community,
and philosophical analysis. Mulling over their
(Beijing) Forum was successfully concluded.
work of Oxbridge dons on psychology, ethics, writings, he felt that he had had the opportunity to be exposed to the science of happiness. This
study was completely consistent with his lifelong existential quest.
After studying what he terms the “science of
happiness”, he felt prepared to offer a tentative
conclusion. He believes that happiness is not a point that you reach or a destination; happiness
especially after his first Happiness International These experiences have only made him more determined to follow his “road to happiness”
to the end! Happiness is the “heart” of our era. Whether we look in China or abroad, what is
really missing now is a spiritual essence. China! You must carefully preserve and pass on the people’s happiness, so that everyone comes to feel themselves part of the “heart” of our era.
LifeStyle 85
人物介绍 Who’s Who 朱桐:普寿堂普洱茶私人会所老板,中国传 统文化继承人,气质儒雅,颇具大家风范。 Zhu Tong, owner of the Pu Shou Hall Pu’er private club, has created a rare spot for the maintenance of traditional Chinese culture.
本性:回归清净 Creating a Space of Quiet and Calm 向往大隐隐于市的朱桐将自己的普洱茶会所与浮躁世事隔离开来,揭掉为赚钱而做茶的标签,回归清净。 Zhu Tong himself, having long cultivated the best of this tradition, is heir to its refined temperament and demeanor. He represents an emerging class, those men and women whose lifestyle marks them out as far removed from the life of the city. His teahouse wasn’t opened in order to make money or other forms of worldly success, but simply to create a space of quiet and calm.
跟朱桐先生聊天,是件非常长见识的事情。除了聊普洱,老先生还懂书法、喜好美食,熟知世界各地民俗文化。他是一个善于发现生 活之美的人,把喝茶当成生活习惯,在喝茶中享受生活,自得其乐。每天都有各地普洱茶爱好者、书画名家、艺术家到他的会所喝茶品道。 老先生都诚心相待,谈笑风生,有时还留朋友们在家享用一顿地道的云南菜。 他总结出了喝茶与品味结合、与养生结合、与交友结合,在品茶中自我完善之道。不过,起初他并不喝普洱茶,无论走到哪儿,都是 一杯白开水。说来也算一段缘分,他结识了来自云南西双版纳的周利,也就是他现在的太太。所谓爱屋及乌,周家在西双版纳世代做着普 洱茶生意,在她的影响下,朱桐也开始喝起了普洱茶。如今他的生活中已经离不开普洱茶了。喝普洱很多年,走遍了西双版纳六大古茶山, 使他对普洱也逐渐有了更多认识和自己的独特见解。可是除了像他这种深究普洱茶文化和藏在深山老茶区的人,外界对普洱茶的了解都是 片面和单一的。他便想到开一家真正的普洱茶会所,让更多的人正确认识和深入了解普洱茶,这便有了“普寿堂”普洱茶私人会所。 普寿堂经营的普洱茶,全部采摘于云南古茶树。所谓古茶树,是指古人种的茶树,在海拔千米以上的高山上慢慢成长起来的茶树,年 龄最小的几百岁,最大的已经几千岁了。如今,保留下来的古茶树不多了,在这样的古茶树上采摘下来的茶实属珍贵,品质更是绝佳。在 普寿堂除了生普洱,还有上好的陈普洱。“懂普洱的人都知道,品老茶品的是三十年以上的老陈茶,三十年以上的陈年普洱是用时间慢慢 放出来的。喝一泡,少一泡,有的与金钱无关,就算你有几百万、几千万,市场上也很难寻到。现在的人也不会为了喝上一泡上好陈普,
86 LifeStyle
耐着性子等上三十几年了。”老先生边聊边 感慨,言语间我能感受到他对大自然植被遭 破坏的惋惜。目前普寿堂存放的三十年以上 的陈年普洱茶,是周父当年制作并保存下来 的。朱桐说,古人做事认真严谨,做茶也如 此。周父秉承祖辈上百年的制茶工艺,讲究 天时地利人和,讲究采摘时间、晾晒时间、 制作时间、储存时间等等条件,当年是为讨 生活而做茶,喝不完的便用土陶缸保存起 来,慢慢地保存了三十多年,这才有了普寿 堂现在少量且珍贵的老陈茶。 问及如何区分生茶、熟茶和上好的陈 年普洱茶,老先生眉开一笑,让茶艺师拿来 这三种普洱茶摆放在茶桌上。“首先,在古 茶树上自然采集下来的鲜叶,十年以内为生 茶,自然放置十年后为陈年普洱,时间越长 越珍贵,前提是一定要靠时间来自然发酵。 熟茶是指采摘于大量生产的基地茶,从种 植、采摘到做成熟普,整个过程是工业化生 产,茶性也被定性。其次,采摘于千年古茶 树的普洱茶,在正常水分条件下自然发酵, 不管晒多干,都有 10%-12% 的水分,在陈 化过程中也会有呼吸,从生普洱到陈普洱, 放置时间越长越好喝越珍贵。再次,从外形 来看,生普和陈普这种古树茶,无论是饼状 还是砖状,它们都有层次,呈条索状,除了 肥沃的叶子,还有叶梗。无论放置多少年, 它们都是松软的,一直在呼吸着。年龄大 的普洱表面看起来有沧桑感,颜色较暗红, 油亮,掰开是松软层次形。而熟普,颜色呈 黑红色,没有光泽,没有叶梗,比较硬。因 大量采摘下来并采用工业化生产,茶性在催 化过程中已经固定,没有了呼吸,掰开为碎 块形,味道肯定也不会太好。最后,从口感 来说,古树茶香气深沉而厚重,停留时间长。 古树茶会带来感觉丰富的口感,且感受到一 股来自高山阔野般的气息,茶汤的细密度和 醇厚度较高、渗透力顺畅;而熟茶让人感觉 口感单薄且有时味会杂些,茶汤的渗透难以 让舌根感到舒畅,有的虽入口时感到霸气, 苦涩味比古茶也重。” 很多人都替他惋惜,这么好的会所, 这么好的茶,怎么不多多宣传,卖个好价钱。 朱老先生说:“有舍才有得,舍得舍得嘛! 在这个物欲横流的时代,大多数人追名逐 利,人心浮躁。年龄大了,我只是做点儿心 有余而力也足的简单之事,让更多人认识和 了解咱们中国真正的千年古树普洱茶。”
C h a t t i n g w i t h M r. Z h u To n g i s t r u l y
work; making tea isn’t easy. Over centuries or
tea, Zhu speaks fluently about calligraphy, fine
perfect time to pick the tea, dry the leaves,
enlightening! In addition to chatting about Pu’erh
Chinese cuisine, and seems to know everything about folk arts and culture. Mr. Zhu Tong has the perfect life- he has made his love of tea into an entire lifestyle, one for not only himself but others
to enjoy. Every day he strolls around smiling,
drinking tea, studying painting and literature,
chatting with the artists who make their way to
even millenia, an understanding of what the produce the tea, store the tea emerged; making sure that all conditions are just right. This isn’t
tea as a business, but as a lifestyle, as tea mingles with time, and with experience; the Chen Pu’erh
tea you can drink represents the culmination of an entire way of life.
I asked Zhu how to distinguish between raw
his club- sometimes staying over with friends into
tea, cooked tea, and fine vintage tea. His eyebrows
Yunnan cuisine.
specialists into the room; three different cakes
the late night, reminiscing over the most authentic Mr. Zhu’s lifestyle demonstrates how tea can
be a metaphor for life: tea, which brings together flavor, careful attention to health, shared moments
with friends- we can see ourselves in a cup of tea, and try to perfect ourselves, too. At first, though, he did not drink tea, but only water. In what
seems now like fate, he met Ms. Zhou Li, from
Yunnan Xishuangbanna, and promptly fell in love with her; he began to drink the tea from her
home area, and before long he was both married,
and in love with Pu’erh tea. Today, after his years of contact with tea, including travels to the tea
fields from which the most ancient and authentic varieties of Pu’erh tea emerge, he has his own
understanding and unique perspective on what tea
culture is. However, apart from the old villages hidden in the mountains, his beloved tea culture is rarely to be seen in today’s China. He decided to open a real tea club to share his understanding
of this tea culture, which he named the Pu Shou Hall.
The tea served in the Pu Shou Hall was all
from the most ancient tea trees in Yunnan. This tea is a particularly ancient species of tea, grown in the mountains 1,000 meters above sea level;
here in the mountains, tea slowly matures; the
youngest trees are several hundred years old, the oldest thousands of years old. The yield of these
trees today is precious, with excellent quality. In addition to the raw Pu’erh tea, the processes of fermenting and drying tea have been perfected
here in the unique traditional way. As Zhu said,
“Aficionados understand that with Pu’erh tea, patience is key. Some of this tea has to age for
lifted as he smiled and invited one of his tea
of tea were placed on the table. Raw tea is that naturally collected within the past decade, aged in
a natural place; it is fermented naturally, without human intervention. The term “cooked” tea is
deceptive; the tea isn’t actually cooked. This tea
is made from start to finish in a large production
base, from planting and harvesting to industrial production. In the case of the tea that becomes
vintage, the tea leaves are picked from ancient trees in the year of production, and may have
naturally fermented from natural moisture; at this point, whether or not the tea appears dry, it still
contains 10-12% water, and the process of aging, the tea will have to breathe; the longer it has to develop its flavor, the better the flavor and the
more valuable the tea. In appearance, the raw and vintage tea, whether in a round form or in a brick, have a level, smooth surface, made up of crushed
tea stems. No matter how old the tea is, it’s still relatively soft, and is breathing and maturing.
Older, vintage Pu’erh tends to be dark red in
color and glossy. Cooked Pu’erh is a darker red color, not shiny, and relatively hard. This mass-
manufactured tea has not been able to breathe, and tends to break into fragments; it certainly
doesn’t taste as rich as the other teas. Finally, you can taste what is vintage from the flavor of the tea and the aroma; a deep and thick aroma
indicates a long maturation period. The vintage
tea leaves offer a variety of taste sensations, and as you drink, you can taste the mountain-like air;
a mellow and smooth flavor; whereas cooked tea either is weak in flavor or overbearing and bitter.
Many people feel sorry for him, or that he
more than three decades, with the flavor slowly
is a bit naïve. He works so hard, and the tea
ripens, you drink some, some is preserved; when
cunning, he could start making a lot of money.
being brought out by the passage of time. As it it’s mature, some could be worth millions, some
could be worth nothing at all; this tea cannot be found on any market. In order to have this
experience of tea, it is necessary to wait for thirty years.” Currently, the Pu Shou Hall stores over
three decades of tea in various states of ripening, originally prepared and preserved by Mrs. Zhou’s father. Traditional Chinese life was full of hard
is so good; with a bit more business-minded
He dismisses this by saying that life is for living, not for earning money. In this materialistic age, people seek fame and fortune; but time is too
valuable to sell for money. In his old age, he just wants to share whatever he can, the simple things-
the Chinese millenium tea trees and the traditions that surround them.
LifeStyle 87
本旨: 活出美丽与洒脱 Living a Life of Quiet Joy 身为鼎成汇创始人,自信善良的 田媛像一枚清荷,活得简单而清 爽。 Tian Yuan, founder of Ding Cheng Hui, is a woman with the purity and cleanliness of a lotus flower. She lives a simple and refreshing life, never losing her confidence or kindness.
盛夏七月的一天下午,与鼎成汇健康文 化中心创始人田媛约好在其会所内专访。鼎 成汇位处京城北四环亚奥商圈一个幽静的院 落,闹中取静。我如约而至,推开鼎成汇大门, 顿时眼前一亮。这个空间呈现给我一种大自 然家园的感觉,清新、明媚、舒适,我的心 随之安静下来。据说这里的装修设计,大到 墙体改造,小到家居装饰物,全部出自田媛 本人。我忍不住猜想,是怎样的一个女子能 够把这一千多平米的空间设计得那么舒服? 念头刚落,转身便看到了她——田媛,清净 而内敛,像一枚清荷,以一种温婉的姿态散 发着浮世清香。 因为自己喜欢做 SPA 和美容,田媛想到
开一家属于自己的 SPA 馆或者美容院。后来 慢慢接触到了茶,她又喜欢上茶,所以决定
人物介绍 Who’s Who
要做的这个 SPA 馆或者美容院一定要融入中
田媛:鼎成汇会所创始人,她以一种温婉的姿态散发着浮世清香。 Tian Yuan, founder of Ding Cheng Hui, clean and restrained, with every gesture exuding delicacy and elegance.
国传统茶文化和氛围。在她看来,两个看似 茶是口服的,可以调节身心,SPA 是身心灵 调理,而且两者都具有禅意。“我找了四年, 才遇见这家店。对于三十几岁的女人来说,
88 LifeStyle
要有一个自己喜欢又能长期驾驭的地方。虽 然我没学过美学和设计,但我还是想自己来 做这一切,所以从墙体改造、空间布局到室 内装饰及各种小饰品,都是我自己来弄,比 如说我本身喜欢米色调和咖啡色调,这两个 色调给人的视觉感官亲切温暖,所以店里基 本上是以这两个颜色为主色调;我喜欢直线 条、简约的东西,装修便以木质、麻质、石 材等天然材质为主;完全中式风格会让整个 空间看起来比较严肃,完全西式风格又觉得 没有特色,所以采用中西混搭风格,既能看 到中式的也能看到西式的,既有北欧风情也 有美式风情。店里的桌子、椅子、门开的长 度和宽度也都有讲究,是拿着鲁班尺测量出 来的吉祥数字。我是拿它过日子用,做生意 就不会是这个思路了。我一直喜欢一句话: 你若盛开,蝴蝶自来。世事纷繁心乎物外, 鼎成悠然悦在其中 ...... 相信会有很多人喜欢 这里的。”田媛边说边笑,眼角的一丝浅笑 晕染了眉梢,看起来是那么美丽和坚定。 田媛说自己比较追求精神层面的东西, “因为经历过了,觉得物质上还是满足不了 自己,还是要追求精神方面的”。也许是看 到 70 后到 80 后大部分人都存在一个缺失—— 中国传统文化的缺失!大家只知道哪些属于 中国传统,哪些是中国最古老的东西,但是 没有传统文化这些记忆,没有生活在传统文 化的氛围里,所以她做这个会所的另一个目 的是汇聚中国传统文化的氛围,在这个氛围 中找回那些缺失的东西。她想用自己的微薄 之力汇聚一些中国传统文化的能量,让缺失 的传统文化不要因为自己这个年代断掉了。 会所包房的名字都是出自中国的传统文化, 例如儒释道、仁义礼智信等。她还特意设计 了一个房间用于琴棋书画、养生课程、雅集 活动等,并邀请一些有相关传统文化记忆的 专业人士参与其中。她想打造一个身心灵家 园,很多佛教上师来过后都非常喜欢这个地 方,她就把会所定名为“都市禅堂”。 田媛的下一个目标是要在北京开 4 家像 “都市禅堂”这种店,在山清水秀的郊区再开 一家有短期休假氛围的店。她是那种不给自己 设定目标就没办法生活的人,所以她不断给自 己设立目标,然后一一实现。不过她开店不以 赚钱为目的,别的老板每天都要过问营业额, 她从来不问。她每天关注的是店里哪朵花蔫了, 拿起剪刀认真地剪花,或者着急去买花……她 就是这样一个女子,想做一朵清然摇曳的荷, 守着自己的半亩池塘,让心沐浴阳光和雨露, 在近水遥山处,看着天边那一朵飘逸的云,活 出自己的美丽与洒脱……
One summer afternoon in July, I headed to the
style features, so my design is a sort of fusion of
I was going to interview the founder of the club
is influenced both by Nordic style and American
Ding Cheng Hui clubhouse for an appointment;
in her clubhouse. My first impression of the Ding Cheng Hui, located in a courtyard in the
Olympic district near the North Fourth Ring Road of Beijing, was how peaceful and quiet the place
was. That afternoon, I arrived through the stressful afternoon and opened the clubhouse door- and
suddenly, the world seemed to shine. The space
in front of my eyes gave me a feeling of nature; it was fresh, bright, comfortable and let my body
and mind become quiet. It is said inside of this
western style and Chinese; the shop you see today style. The store tables and chairs, the luxurious
width of the space that the doors open into gives
a feeling of air and lightness. I have a favorite saying: if you are a flower that blooms, butterflies will come unsolicited. I always knew that there
would be a lot of people who like it here, “ Tian Yuan said laughingly, her eyes with the glimmer
of a smile. Her brow radiant and warm; at that moment she looked so beautiful and strong.
Tian Yuan explained her pursuit of the more
club, all of the decorations, from the architectural
spiritual aspect of things by saying that however
and aesthetic flourishes- all of this was personally
our full potential without spiritual richness, without
renovations to the smallest pieces of furniture
designed by Tian Yuan. I marveled at this woman,
who had created an entire holistic environment of her own, one of over one thousand square meters,
with every corner touched by her grace! As the thought floated away, I turned around and saw her-
Tian Yuan, clean and restrained, with every gesture exuding delicacy and elegance.
The genesis of the Ding Cheng Hui came from
Tian Yuan’s own life. Because she liked to visit the spa and go to beauty salons, Tian Yuan thought of opening a shop of her own, a spa/beauty salon done perfectly. As she came into contact with
tea culture, and found that it the aesthetic of tea
culture imparted grace to life, she decided that her spa/beauty salon needed to be integrated into the
traditional Chinese tea culture and atmosphere. In her view, these seemingly different two things
can without contradiction be fused together. Tea is
a tradition, but also a drink, which can be used to adjust one’s physical and mental condition, while
the physical treatments one receives at the spa are
a form of physical and spiritual conditioning- both imbued with the spirit of Zen. “I was looking for the perfect location for four years, and only then
did I find this store. As a woman in my thirties, my priority was to find a place I liked, but also to
rich our experiences and emotions, we cannot meet serenity and tranquility. In China, after the tumult
of the seventies and eighties, people often have the sense of lacking a true Chinese culture. We know what China’s traditions are, their antiquity
and importance, but feel removed from these
memories. There hasn’t been any real growth in this tradition in these decades; people seem unable
to articulate this tradition in the modern society. A deeper objective of Tian Yuan’s work, then, is to provide a space for the reemergence of that type
of tradition; to create an atmosphere where this
feeling could grow once more. She wanted to use
her own modest resources to help update Chinese
traditional culture for a modern era. The names of the club’s private rooms stem from this impulse: Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, Wisdom... these
are names she has chosen. She includes within the scope of the club spaces for poetry and painting, health programs which restore lost traditions,
and gatherings of clients with traditional cultural memory professionals. In short, she wanted to
create a physical and spiritual homeland. Many
Buddhist masters who have come to the club are very fond of this place; when asked, she describes her club as being an urban meditation hall.
What’s next for Tian Yuan? Her next goal is to
have long-term control of the place- it needed to
open four such “urban meditation halls” in Beijing.
design, I still wanted to do it all by myself. From
of how to manage these centers. But, in truth her
be mine. Although I never studied aesthetics or the wall transformations and the re-engineered
spatial layout to the small decorative trinkets, I did everything according to my own preferences. For
example, my own favorite colors are beige and the warm colors of coffee; these two shades are
friendly and warm, and so the store is basically
decorated with these two main colors. I like things with straight lines, simple things, and so my shop’s decoration materials are wood, linen, stone, with
a natural feel- my store is about reconnecting
with the main elements of nature. A completely
Chinese style seemed like it would be stern and imposing, but I didn’t want exclusively Western-
As a businesswoman, she has goals for herself
ambitions are not for money, other owners ask staff what about the turnover every day; Tian Yuan’s questions are different. Her daily concern is the
shop and the feeling it gives; when she sees flowers withering, she carefully picks up the scissors and
cuts them herself, until they are just as she wishes. Yes, Tian Yuan brings to mind a clean and open
lotus flower, guarding her small pond; with a heart
open to the world, the sun and rain lightly glancing over her. In her serene place next to the water, she watches the horizon for ethereal clouds, living a life of quiet joy...
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夏木:手工的魅力 Summerwood: Handmade Charm
以苎麻、大麻为原料的浏阳夏布,曾以织工精巧、质地特别细腻称雄于世,明代即被列为朝廷贡品,历来有杭州纺绸换浏阳夏布之说,清 中叶已负盛名。所谓夏布其实就是麻布,更准确地说,就是苎麻手工织造的平纹布。手工面料的魅力在于它接续传统,与自然相通,和谐、内敛、 质朴、细腻,积存了一个民族几千年的文化,是极其珍贵的物质文化遗存。日本人也非常喜欢夏布,在日本,街上的很多店招都是夏布材质, 比如靛蓝色夏布,上面做了靶染,就是用刻版和模具将需要的部分脱色,再染上自己的图案,还有将原色夏布印上自己店铺的文字等等。利用 先进的染色及织造技艺,在日本夏布焕发了一种全新的活力,并且被人们广泛应用在生活中。 设计师易洪波的夏布品牌“夏木”遵循几个原则:尽量以手工制作、尽量以植物染色、尽量在浏阳本地生产、尽量不对环境造成污染、尽 量服务于本土市场、尽量以现代化方式操作……“总之,我希望能恢复浏阳夏布原有的高端品质,同时也能赋予其崭新的面貌,能发展出一种 新的夏布风格来。简言之,即继承传统的基础上,对夏布有创新,最好能开一派新风,令越来越多的人看到并由衷喜欢浏阳夏布。” Plant materials such as ramie, hemp, and linen were the raw material from which clothing was made in ancient Liuyang. Weavers once sought out these
plants for delicate texture and their special powers in the world; the clothes were sent to the imperial court of the Ming Dynasty. Even Hangzhou's famous fabrics were surpassed by those of Liuyang; the city's linen chiffon was renowned through the mid-Qing dynasty. The charm of this fabric lies in the
connection with the natural environment, as well as the way that it represents the patrimony of China. Linen is also extraordinarily popular in Japan; the
streets are lined with shops selling indigo linen, linens dyed with lithography and prints made by creative local designers, who use tradition as a format for the expression for their own creativity. In Japan, linen has new life.
Yi Hongbo’s linen design brand “Summerwood” follows several principles; it is handmade, produced locally, eco-friendly, and so on. Yi Hongbo hopes to
recover the original high quality linen of Liuyang, but also to give it a new look, to develop a new style of linen. In short, breathing new life into this age-old tradition.
90 LifeStyle
原麦山丘:本味即本心 Umassif: Our Daily Bread
在食品安全问题越来越严重的今天,能始终坚持优秀的品质是一份好的食物最基本的衡量标准。从众多面包店品牌中脱颖而出,原麦山丘 依靠的不仅仅是“天然原始美味”的健康理念,更有一颗面包师傅的“舍得”之心。 “面包的关键在于手指与面团间微妙触碰的温柔。”行政主厨林育玮对于面包有着发自内心的热爱,“原麦山丘一直很用心地致力于研发 健康无负担之产品,低糖、低油、低盐。不添加防腐剂、不加香精、不使用反式脂肪酸奶油的好面包,一口咬下随即散发出浓郁麦香味。”他 说只有完全放弃各种添加剂,完全采用天然食材制作的面包,才会打动人心,给吃到的人带去满满的幸福感,这种面包本来的味道,也是作为 一个面包师傅的本心。对面包的极致追求以及蕴藏在面包中的心思和创意,带来的是口感和视觉的双重诱惑,带给每一个吃到的人最专属的幸 福感。 The food safety problem is getting worse today; we must always insist on the best quality, for which safety and health is just the beginning. Standing out
among bakeries in mainland China, Umassif bakeries relies on more than just being natural, and delicious; the concept of health here deals with the conscience and love of the baker.
“The key lies in kneading bread dough between your fingers and the delicate touch of tenderness.” Executive Chef Lin Yuwei’s shared his love for the bread
saying, “The original intention of Umassif was a commitment to creating pure, natural bread. There are no added preservatives, no added flavors, no trans-fats; this is just good bread, with a strong wheat flavor.” He said that only abandoning additives of all kinds and making full use of natural ingredients would give people the taste of happiness; the bread is made with the best ingredients, but also with scrupulous conscience. Bread is the staff of life; at Umassif, it rises to an art form.
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梵几:简洁之美 Fnji: Simple Elegance
在很多设计师的眼中,设计本身就应该是简洁和质朴的。摒弃复杂的元素,回归最平凡的状态,才是好设计的精髓所在。设计师古奇高的 家居品牌“梵几”自诞生以来,一直都在潜心探寻如何为传统手工艺赋予新的设计语言,思考传承的多元可能,重返当代中国人的日常生活, 并以家具设计为起点,创造多一种生活方式的可能,希望藉此慢慢影响至生活更多层面的审美情趣。 “‘梵’是净空与安静的意思,‘几’是家具,意为净空安静的家具,同时梵几的谐音是‘凡几’——平凡的家具。做些实实在在为生活 所用并自然融合在生活当中的家具,这就是梵几的哲学。我们采用天然的实木素材,做‘对环境与人负责任’的设计;仍然坚持使用传统的手 工榫卯工艺和手工打磨,来制作更为精细和经久耐用的家具。”在古奇高看来,“木头是有生命的,一件家具能够被使用十几年甚至几十年, 它的边沿被磨得圆润、油亮,表面可能会有岁月的痕迹,每处细节都蕴藏着光阴的故事。” Fnji, Chinese independent furniture brand, was founded by designer Gu Qigao in 2010. The Chinese word “ 梵 ”means clean and quiet, while “ 几 ”is
furniture. Also, “ 梵几 ”has a homophonic “ 凡几 ”that signifies the ordinary furniture used in daily life. Hopefully, we are creating solid and useful furniture
that people actually use in their everyday lives.
The philosophy of Fnji is to make concrete and useful furniture, which blends naturally into everyday life. Since Fnji was founded, we have been seeking
out ways to endow traditional handicrafts with new design language, and thinking through different approaches to heritage. With our focus on Chinese daily life, we hope to take furniture as the starting point in creating a new lifestyle, one much more influenced by aesthetics, one open to all dimensions of life. We
choose natural solid wood as our material, and create designs that are responsible to the natural and human environment. We insist on the use of traditional mortise and tenon joints as well as handmade polishing skills to manufacture more exquisite and everlasting furniture. Wood, as a living substance, represents not only a fundamental part of life on earth, but also the carrier of that life. A piece of furniture can change according to the ways that people use it; the surface gains a sheen, and the edges become smoothed out. These marks of us are also marks of life.
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纳恩博:绿色“飞驰” Ninebot: Green Lightning
随着电影《分手大师》的热映,越来越多的人开始注意到了影片中邓超驾驶的一种新颖的交通工具——自平衡代步车。“在环保理念越来 越受到重视的今天,我们需要的是用行动去改变这个世界。”纳恩博 CEO 高禄峰说,他们希望提供的并不仅仅是一辆“车”,而是一种完全区 别于自行车、汽车等交通工具的一种全新的生活方式。 也许是从家到便利店之间一站地铁的距离,也许是一段从停车场到办公室足以让人走到冒火的“长途”,或者是高尔夫球场上往返行进的 烦恼……这正是纳恩博给出的解决方案。“正是那些开车嫌近、走路又嫌远的地方,最需要有纳恩博的出现。比如车水马龙的三里屯,如果有 三分之一的汽车被代步车替代,节约的不仅仅是每个人的时间成本,还意味着更少的尾气排放、更少的车位需求、更舒适的行进体验。”在高 禄峰的理想中,“科技让生活更加美好”永远不是一句简单的口号,用科技让人能够更加贴近自然、享受自然才是未来发展最好的方式。 With the film “The Breakup Guru” coming out, more and more people have been noticing two-wheel scooters- a novel and chic way to get around. As
awareness of environmental problems becomes greater and greater, we need to change the world with action. Ninebot’s CEO said they don’t want to provide a replacement for a car, but a completely new way of life, one distinct from bicycles, cars, and other modes of transport.
For short distances, like from home to the metro station or convenience stores, from the parking lot to the office, or to and from the gold course, the Segway
is a perfect solution. For example, in busy Sanlitun, if a third of the cars were replaced by these scooters, not only would everyone save time, but there would
be fewer emissions, less demand for parking spaces, and a more comfortable travel experience. The so called “green wave,” the idea of using science and technology to make life better, here finds its expression: using technology to bring people closer to nature is the best way for future development.
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夏日轻奢亲子套房优惠套餐 "Family Fun in Shanghai"Suite Package 这个夏天,上海御锦轩全套房酒店推出合锦阁三卧室套房及多个夏日活动亲子套餐。你可以选择邀 请其他家庭一同在上海享受一个舒适、惬意的轻奢家庭旅行套餐。白天,可以畅游浦东的东方明珠、 上海海洋馆,或在浦西漫步法租界;傍晚,可以回到离酒店只有咫尺之遥的“中华第一街”南京路商 业街,上百家店铺和餐饮场所供大人和小朋友消夏。 For an ideal family vacation, THE ONE Executive Suites offers numerous summer activities and their
unique three-bedroom suite. This summer, experience a day curated by THE ONE Executive Suites managed
by Kempinski that embodies the best of summer in Shanghai, the most dynamic international city of China. Enjoy a perfect day of visits to the Oriental Pearl TV tower, Shanghai Ocean Aquarium in Pudong and the old French concession on the west side of the Huangpu River in the sun; followed by a night to remember on Shanghai’s most vibrant street, Nanjing Lu, which offers more than a hundred restaurants and lounges right at your doorstep.
第九届凯悦仲夏慈善晚宴举办 The Ninth Hyatt Summer Charity Ball 6 月 28 日,杭州凯悦酒店携手本地慈善及医疗机构在酒店大宴会厅隆重举行“第九届凯悦仲夏慈善 晚宴”,与各界善心人士共迎酒店开业九周年庆典,以实际行动实践凯悦支持弱势儿童群体的更高目标。 晚宴除了精彩纷呈的演出以及精心准备的饕餮盛宴,备受瞩目的现场拍卖活动也高潮迭起,著名艺术 家的艺术作品、摄影作品及珠宝等拍卖品熠熠生辉,嘉宾争相竞价,为需要帮助的弱势儿童群体筹集 善款。自 2006 年杭州凯悦酒店举办第一届慈善晚宴以来,在过去的八年里,超过 2200 名热心人士积 极参与,竞拍各种珍品 130 件,共筹集善款 670 万元人民币,所有款项均通过本地慈善机构捐赠给弱 势群体。 With the higher purpose of helping less fortunate children in the local community, Hyatt Regency
Hangzhou is once again working with a local charity and medical federation, with support in particular
from related government departments, to present the Ninth Hyatt Summer Charity Ball on 28 June 2014. In addition to the fabulous performances and culinary display, the highlight of the evening will be the traditional live auction featuring luxury items including art pieces by renowned artists, jewellery and travel experiences, all going to support underprivileged children. Since 2006, when Hyatt Regency Hangzhou held its first Hyatt Summer Charity Ball, over 2,200 guests have bid for 130 items including fine wine, art and other valuables, raising a total of CNY 6.70 million to improve the lives of those less fortunate.
夏日轻奢亲子套房优惠价格为人民币 4888 元, 有效期为 2014 年 6 月至 8 月,包含如下内容: - 入住合锦阁三卧室套房(311 平方米 /3348 平方 尺) - 每日早餐 - 自制冰激凌和饮料 - 上海海洋水族馆门票 - 上海马戏城多媒体梦幻剧《时空之旅》门票 - 儿童电影 DVD - 厨师特制儿童菜单 - 自制晚安甜品和神秘礼物 - 当日地铁通票 - 根据酒店出租率,可以延迟至晚 6 点退房 条款与细则: 敬请提前 2 天预订;价格已包含服务费;此优惠 可最多容纳 4 位成人 2 位儿童或 3 位成人 3 位儿 童。 预订或了解更多详情,请致电 021 6157 1688 或发送电子邮件至 reservations.shanghaisuites@ kempinski.com THE ONE Executive Suites managed by Kempinski offers you the “Family Fun in Shanghai” suite package from June till August 2014. The “Family Fun in Shanghai” suite package is priced at RMB4,888 and includes: •Accommodation in a luxurious three-bedroom suite (311sq m / 3,348sq ft) •Daily breakfast •Homemade ice creams and drinks •Entrance tickets to the Shanghai Ocean Aquarium •Entrance tickets to Era: Intersection of Time, the most popular evening entertainment in Shanghai •Kids movies •Kids menu •Homemade good night goodies and gifts •Complimentary car parking at the hotel •One-day metro passes •Late check-out till 6:00pm upon request and subject to availability Terms and Conditions:
Two day advance reservation is requested;
Rates are inclusive of 15% service charge;
The package is available for maximum of four
adults and two children or three adults and three children.
For more information and inquiries, please
call us at 021 6157 1688 or send an e-mail to
94 LifeStyle
开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Structure / P.96 室内设计
Interior / P.102
丹麦奥尔堡音乐之家 The House of Music, Aalborg
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The Sound of Music 音乐之家
造型别致的奥尔堡音乐之家集学校与音乐厅为一体, 为观众呈现最佳的声学效果与观看效果。 A new concert hall designed by famous studio Coop Himmelb(l)au Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Coop Himmelb(l)au
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“音乐之家”音乐厅位于丹麦北部港 口城市奥尔堡,其设计初衷是要打造一个 音乐学校与音乐厅相结合的项目。这里开 放式的建筑结构十分有利于深化表演者与 观众、老师与学生之间的互动交流。“我 们从其体量就可看出这座建筑背后的设计 理念——学校里的音乐厅”,著名的奥地 利建筑事务所 Coop Himmelb(l)au 的 CEO 兼设计负责人沃尔夫·狄·普瑞克斯这样介绍。 Coop Himmelb(l)au 是一家合作性质的建筑 工作室,总部设在维也纳。事务所的名称 来源于德语词汇“coop”,其意义与英文 中“co-op”相近;“himmel”是“天空、 天堂”的意思,“blau”是“蓝色”的意思。 所以其全名可以解释为“蓝色天空合作社”。 Coop Himmelb(l)au 曾在 1988 年的“解构主 义建筑”展览上与彼得·艾森曼、扎哈·哈迪 德和弗兰克·盖里等大牌设计师的工作室一 起赢得诸多赞誉。 排练室和培训室呈 U 形围绕在可以容 纳 1300 人的核心音乐厅四周,宽敞的门厅 将各个空间联系起来,同时也形成一个文 化交流的峡湾,下面还有“亲密空间”、 “韵律大厅”和“经典音乐厅”三个区域。 观众可以在门厅中三个具有层次的辅助空 间内通过观察窗观看音乐厅里的演出或是 排练的场景,了解音乐活动的组织编排, 同时也可以看到旁边文化峡湾里的情形。 “音乐之家”流线型的礼堂及其中的 曲线设计与棱角分明的方形外部建筑结构 形成了鲜明的对比,乐池和弧形楼厅里座 位的设置也都有利于实现最好的声学和舞 台效果。建筑师与来自英国奥雅纳工程顾 问公司的 Tateo Nakajima 合作,共同实现了
别可达 NR10(GK10)。
极为复杂的声学设计概念。Tateo 曾做过乐
都装有高效运转的通风系统,空气流动速 度很低,不会影响观众欣赏音乐。空气在
现至臻完美视听体验的音乐厅。 “音乐之家”
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Located in Aalborg, Denmark, the “House
of Music” was designed as a combined school and concert hall: its open structure promotes the
exchange between the audience and artists, as well
as students and teachers. “The idea behind the building can already be read from the outer shape. The school embraces the concert hall,” explained
Wolf D. Prix, design principal and CEO of Coop Himmelb(l)au.
The U-shaped rehearsal and training rooms are
arranged around the core of the ensemble, a concert
hall for about 1,300 visitors. A generous foyer connects these spaces and opens out with a multi-
story window area onto an adjacent cultural space and a fjord. Under the foyer, three more rooms of
various sizes complement the space: the intimate
hall, the rhythmic hall, and the classic hall. Through multiple observation windows, students and visitors can look into the concert hall from the foyer and the
practice rooms and experience the musical events, including concerts and rehearsals.
The flowing shapes and curves of the auditorium
inside stand in contrast to the strict, cubic outer shape. The seats in the orchestra and curved
balconies are arranged in such a way that offers the best possible acoustics and views of the stage. The
highly complex acoustic concept was developed in collaboration with Tateo Nakajima at Arup. The
design of the amorphous plaster structures on the walls and the height-adjustable ceiling suspensions,
based on the exact calculations of the specialist in acoustics, ensures an optimal listening experience.
The concert hall will be one of the quietest spaces
for symphonic music in Europe, with a noise-level reduction of NR10 (GK10).
Instead of fans, the foyer uses the natural thermal
buoyancy in the large vertical space for ventilation.
Water-filled hypocaust pipes in the concrete floor slab are used for cooling in summer and heating in winter. The concrete walls around the concert hall act as an additional storage capacity for thermal
energy. The fjord is also used for cost-free cooling. The piping and air vents are equipped with highly efficient rotating heat exchangers. Very efficient
ventilation systems with low air velocities are
that no system is active when there is no need for it.
“blue” while bay means “to build or construct”.
extracted through a ceiling grid above the lighting
Coop Himmelb(l)au is a cooperative architectural
Cooperative”. The original collective won acclaim
attached under the seats in the concert hall. Air is
In this way, energy consumption is minimized.
system so that any heat produced does not cause a
studio founded and based in Vienna. Its name is
equipped with a building management program that
a similar meaning to the English word “co-op”,
rise in the temperature in the room. The building is controls the equipment in the building and ensures
derived from the German words coop which has
himmel meaning sky or heaven and blau means
Thus the name can be interpreted as “Blue Sky
alongside Peter Eisenman, Zaha Hadid, and Frank
Gehry at the 1988 exhibition “Deconstructivist Architecture”.
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Laque de Chine Song Qi,餐饮业巨子丘德威的顶级中餐厅亮相摩纳哥。 Chinese luxury in Monaco at Song Qi Restaurant Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Matthieu Salvaing 摩纳哥,这个世界上第二小的袖珍国家却是奢华的代名词,据说这里除去服务生,剩下的 都是富人名仕。可以想象,能满足全球超级富豪们享乐之地自然也不会少了饕餮盛宴。事实上, 这里米其林星级餐厅林立,荟萃了各国至尊珍馐美馔,然而让人觉得奇怪的是,这个以博彩、 旅游和银行业为主的富国唯独少了顶级中餐的身影。当叱咤伦敦美食界的餐饮巨子、米其林星 级厨师丘德威的高级中餐厅 Song Qi 现身蒙特卡洛时,这个格局终于被打破了。 不管是为了吸引不断涌现出的中国富人阶层,还是为法国人再添几分异国情调,Song Qi 本身就是一个经典又不失时尚的所在,设计事务所 Humbert & Poyet 可以说功不可没。两位建 筑设计师埃米尔·汉伯特和克里斯多夫·普耶的合作始于 2007 年,那时候汉伯特建立了自己的工 作室,而普耶刚刚完成学业。他们在相遇后的第二年共同创办了 Humbert & Poyet 事务所。 要说“Song Qi”这名字的来历,“Song”为中国历史上最重要的朝代之一,“Qi”是中国 文化里一个重要的精神概念。以上海滩 30 年代怀旧唯美的流金岁月为灵感来源,这家位于格 蕾丝王妃大街的高级餐厅处处可见老上海风情的元素,像极了一个精巧的漆器首饰盒。一百多 平米的空间能容纳 75 名客人同时用餐。地板是黑白拼接的大理石星状图案,在餐厅的中心位 置上,铜质围栏暗藏的浮华与绿色天鹅绒椅子相得益彰,扶手椅和建筑师特别设计的黄铜灯罩 和雪花石膏让人联想起中式传统家具。一面大型落地玻璃窗将用餐者的视线引向室外修葺一新 的花园。露台提供 25 个座位,能享受摩纳哥的日光,从这里欣赏餐厅的室内设计,又别有一 番视角。墙上涂的方块黑漆给人以稳重的好感(喷气式飞机仪表板就是喷涂黑漆),加上黄铜 镶边,这种感觉就更加明显了。整个空间浓郁的中国艺术风格低调而迷人,实属上乘之作。 Monte Carlo doesn’t lack for fine dining but as of late, there were no entrants in the Chinese category. This
has now changed with the opening of Song Qi, a special project from the Michelin-starred chef Alan Yau. Perhaps it is to charm the Chinese nouveau riche visiting the Riveria or to offer a taste of the exotic to the French but Song Qi is an exercise in classic Monte Carlo chic.
With references to heady days of 1920s Shanghai the design by The Humbert & Poyet Agency decorated
the space on the prestigious Avenue Princesse Grace as a kind of lacquered jewel box for the jet set. This luxurious setting, extending over 100m2, can seat up to 75 guests. The geometric designs reflect ancient
Chinese motifs; indeed, the name derives in part from the Song Dynasty and the spiritual concept of Qi. This pictographic design extends out from a central island, a golden cage made from brass bars. In the middle,
an olive green velvet bench surrounds the table which is the centerpiece for the floor’s black and white star pattern.
This interpretation of Chinese style is complemented by armchairs reminiscent of traditional Chinese
furniture, and alabaster and brass light shades specifically designed by the architects. Lacquer features heavily
such as in the jet black lacquered panels punctuating the walls which are further accented by brass framed pictures. The entire scheme is Chinoiserie wrought excellent. The terrace offers 25 guests a chance to enjoy the Monegasque sunshine, seated on rows of benches arranged to continue the perspective of the restaurant’s interior.
The Humbert & Poyet agency, based in Paris and Monaco, was created by two architects, Emil Humbert
and Christophe Poyet. Their cooperation began in 2007 when Parisian Emil Humbert set up his architectural agency just as Monegasque Christophe Poyet graduated. The Humbert & Poyet agency was created one year later after they first met.
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FutureAmazon 鹅城惠州迎来独具设计感的凯狮国际影城, 一个充满创意惊喜的电影绿洲就此诞生。 An appropriate new cinema for the budding city of Huizhou Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Alexander Wong Architects
作为珠三角经济圈最具发展潜力的城市之一,鹅城惠州正加快推进一批极具吸睛效 果的地标性项目建设。尽管不那么显山露水,但是以“科幻亚马逊”为主题的凯狮国际 影城着实是其中不得不提的奇葩,定义了新时期中国电影院线发展的新方向。其室内设 计由王士维操刀,打造了一个极具未来感的热带雨林影院,孕育出一个包罗万有的千色 世界和幻彩文化。 从步入“蝶变大堂”开始,观众仿如置身生命起源的丛林,充满了阿凡达式的未来 美感。雕塑感极强的“金璧票房”前卫独特,熠熠生辉,与屋顶充满流动感的孔雀蓝遥 相呼应,而耀眼的蓝树巨柱又好似倾泻于大厅间的瀑布。 影院的设计灵感来自于美国抽象派大师弗兰克·斯特拉的著名现代雕塑 Bandshell。 观众购票后可以在特许经销零食吧台买到可口小食,向左或向右走均可,即来到独特前 卫的“暴风廊”及“蝶变隧道”,再走进彩鹦 IMAX 数字影厅和其他设计科幻的型格影 厅。你可以想象,惠州人来此观影会有多舒适。
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As one of the fastest growing cities in the Pearl River Delta Economic Zone, Huizhou is quickly
building an assortment of future landmarks and vanity projects. One of the less visible but certainly
emblematic projects is by the Kaisa Group with their new KS Cinema flagship. The theme is inscrutably that of “Future Amazon”, which according to the developers symbolizes the beginning of a groundbreaking Cinema Chain for the 21st Century. The analogy is a dynamic and futuristiclooking tropical rainforest, a universe filled with many colors, a symphony of diverse Cultures – a “Rainbow Culture”. The interior was designed by Alexander Wong.
Starting with the “Hall of Blue Butterflies”, the ambience is supposed to evoke a mythical jungle
alluding to the Origins of Life, but also one in which everything is infused with Futuristic Fantasies.
Call it the “Avatar” aesthetic. The sculptural “Golden Box Office” shimmers and reflects a unique
ceiling filled with fluttering elements of an incandescent peacock blue. Shimmering blue columns that resemble waterfalls anchor the hall.
After movie-goers have bought their theatre tickets from the Box Office and snacks from the
Concession Bar, they may turn left or right, and move into yet another futuristic scheme. The theater itself is strangely enough, Inspired by the work “Bandshell” by American painter Frank Stella. One
enters into one of the two corridors “Gallery Cyclone” and “Butterfly Tunnel”, before going into the
Rainbow IMAX which also have massive butterflies on the walls. One can imagine the residents of Huizhou settling in quite comfortably.
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第 11 届 FTA 北京年度晚宴举办
The 11th Annual Fred Tibbitts Association Dinner
知名品酒顾问公司田博华及联营公司(FTA)前不久在北京希 尔顿酒店举办了第 11 届“京城仲夏夜,友朋齐相约”年度晚宴, 78 位贵宾受邀参加,其中不乏著名企业的 CEO、酒店高管以及媒 体人士和晚宴赞助商。在四道式晚宴开始前,田博华发表了情真意 切的致辞,介绍了慈善活动的相关情况。LifeStyle 执行主编费志远 也莅临晚宴,并展示了一幅名为“爱之链”的绘画作品,以赞扬田 博华对慈善事业的杰出贡献。美国威得恩大学酒店管理学院院长 Nicholas Hadgis、索菲特奢华酒店亚太区高级副总裁马建龙、海悦 酒店及度假村美洲区运营高级副总裁 Stephen Blackburne 以及海悦 酒店集团亚太区集团总裁朱康民,均位列此次 FTA 获奖名单之中。 北京希尔顿酒店总经理 Stefan Schmid 在宴会后向为晚宴提供服务 的所有工作人员致以诚挚的感谢。 The Eleventh Annual FTA “A Summer Evening in Beijing with Very
Special Friends” in the Hilton Beijing proved to be another memorable event
for the seventy-eight guests, who included chief executive officers, vice presidents, senior hotel executives, area general managers, general managers, industry VIPs, the press and dinner sponsors. A lovely reception - and Fred’s touching comments about philanthropy - was followed by a four course
dinner and champagne toasts from luminaries in the hospitality industry. Nels
Frye, LifeStyle Editor in Chief, then presented a painting, “Chain of Love,” representing the artist’s interpretation of Tibbitt’s spirit and dedication to serving those less fortunate. Congratulations to recipients of FTA awards,
including Nicholas Hadgis, Dean, School of Hospitality Management,
Widener University (USA), Stephen Blackburne, Senior Vice President – Operations, Americas, Hyatt Hotels & Resorts, Markland Blaiklock, and Larry Tchou, Group President Asia Pacific, Hyatt International. The dinner
was followed by Stefan Schmid, General Manager of the Hilton Beijing, taking the stage to thank his staff for the lovely evening. A good time was had by all.
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The 1st International Happiness Forum Successfully Launched 6 月 28 日,首届“幸福国际(北京)论坛”在北京成功举行。来自海内外的幸福专家、政府官员、企业家等三百余人出席了以幸福为主题 的盛会。此次论坛围绕中国与世界共同面临的“困惑、问题、目标、挑战:如何提高民众的幸福感”展开讨论。大会还揭牌启动了“幸福电影 计划”,将幸福理念和幸福生活方式通过电影这一最贴近大众的艺术形式传播出去,结合手机软件“幸福管家”,让更多的人知道幸福的规律 并可以随时随地的运用幸福规律,创造幸福生活。 On June 28th, the 1st International Happiness Forum launched in Beijing with over 300 guests in attendance, including worldwide experts on happiness, officials,
entrepreneurs, and more. Closely focused on the theme of how to be happier, this forum was an extensive and lively discussion. What's more, the program Happy Movie Plan was activated, aiming to deliver happiness through one of the most popular art and movie apps, "Happiness Butler."
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万豪国际集团上海地区第 13 届慈善高球锦标赛举办
Marriott Cluster Hotels in Greater Shanghai Support the Yao Foundation with the 2014 Charity Golf Tournament 作为延续万豪国际集团“万豪服务精神”系列社会服务活动
的一部分,大上海地区 2014 慈善高球锦标赛于 5 月 30 日在上海 雅居乐米克尔森国际俱乐部成功举行,此次锦标赛筹集的所有善 款都将捐赠给姚基金。自 2001 年来,万豪国际集团旗下 29 家酒 店连续 13 年携手举办慈善高球锦标赛来筹集善款,在社会各界产 生了很大的影响力。比赛当日,有近 120 名选手、赞助商和万豪 国际的员工参与了活动和赛后的抽奖环节,所有选手在 18 个球洞 处感受到不一样的创意烹饪。每个球洞均由包括万豪国际集团旗 下酒店在内的多家赞助商负责装饰,以展示其极富创造力的美食 与美酒。 In line with Marriott International’s global spirit, 29 Marriott cluster
hotels in the Greater Shanghai area hosted the highly anticipated 2014 Greater Shanghai Charity Golf Tournament on May 30, 2014 at the Shanghai Agile Mickelson International Club. Staged for thirteen
consecutive years, the popularity of this charity golf tournament has been
growing rapidly. The proceeds of the activity will be donated to the Yao Foundation. The tournament was, as always, a fun and exciting day where over 120 golfers, sponsors and Marriott International associates came
together to enjoy a game of golf with lucky draw prizes. Together with sponsorship partners, Marriott International shared innovative food &
beverage offerings and other surprises at each hole as players made their way through the course.
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Promotion 位于上海新乐路上的 Show Salon,开业
至今已经有 6 个年头了。种满法式梧桐的小 路紧邻着繁华热闹的淮海路,却又在闹中取 静中多了几分贵族气息与浪漫情调。整店装 修风格简约而独特,老上海洋房的万种风情 经过改建,多了些许复古、工业元素,大方 又不失温馨。Show Salon 团队成员个个都是 造型精英,队长石秀更是一等一的好手,尤 其擅长以欧美简约风格为主的私人造型定制。 Show Salon 的低调与专业向来为顾客 所称道,尽管许多知名艺人与社会名流都是 该店的主顾,但对于顾客资料的保密工作, 从来都是格外细心。顾客订购的任何产品和 消费记录都只限于顾客本人、设计师和其他 店内队员知晓,绝对不会产生由于信息泄露 而造成的不必要的烦恼。
私人造型定制专家 Your Private Hair Salon
当然,Show Salon 同样为普通客人提 供相当优异的服务,专业造型师会根据每一 位顾客的不同特点和需求,打造出最贴合气 质、彰显个性的精彩一面。而独具匠心的装 潢设计以及精心挑选的休闲小食,带来的则 是无微不至的贴心与舒适。 Located on at the corner of Xinle Road and
Huaihai Road, Show salon has been open for six
years. Xinle road, which the old Russian church, with the plane trees… escaping from the busy traffic
of Huaihai Road, the avenue is among Shanghai’s most elegant. As to the salon itself, the interior design is simple but unique, with numerous vintage
and industrial elements. The salon is located in a renovated Western villa, of the style for which
Shanghai is famous; yes, here you are in the center of a world city. Show’s team of stylists is very
professional, each one of them trained in the finest schools; Shi Xiu, director of the team, is a specialist in the latest Western fashions.
Show salon is known for its low profile and
professionalism, which is the reason why numerous
celebrities choose to get their hair done here. Apart from the customers, only Show staff can access
service history and purchase records, keeping your
information absolutely safe. There will never be any embarrassing indiscretions or leaks, as the numerous high profile customers know and appreciate.
Show salon provides outstanding service for the
general public as well. Professional stylists will
create a perfect you according to your personal style and preferred look. The lovely decoration
and delicious snacks will make you feel light and relaxed. See you on Xinle road…
No.8 Xinle Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 021 5403 9008
LifeStyle 113
Entertainment News
2014 北京长城森林艺术节 经过 4 年的精心打磨,日臻成熟的北京 长城森林艺术节计划在规模、品质和综合体验 上打造新的高度,不仅将规模扩大到四天,贯 穿 8 月底的两个周末,演出内容方面也在以古 典乐为核心的基础上更加多样化,并邀请各领 域最优秀的艺术家及音乐人现身助阵。届时, 著名指挥家俞峰,小提琴演奏家朱丹,著名歌 手张震岳、郑钧、朴树、老狼,新生代乐团代 表逃跑计划、反光镜等都将悉数亮相,分别以 “名家盛典”、“动感之夜”、“民谣二十年”、 “摇滚之夜”为主题,将交响乐、歌剧、流行、 摇滚、民谣、电子等各种风格的经典音乐作品 一一呈现,为乐迷打造一场全方位、多样化的 音乐饕餮。 时间:2014.8.23-8.24、2014.8.30-8.31 地点:北京延庆探戈坞音乐谷 票价:130(单日)/270(双日)/1000(VIP 单日) 电话:400 611 0026
德国托尔策童声合唱团 北京音乐会
孟庭苇的台北爱情故事 巡回演唱会
托尔策合唱团从成立到现在的 50 多年 间,一直在童声合唱界名列前茅。每年该团 走访世界各地,进行大约 250 场音乐会及参 与歌剧演唱。其表演曲目相当广泛,从中世 纪音乐到现代音乐、民间音乐、牧歌、经文歌、 教堂音乐甚至是独唱的角色表演及歌剧等, 其中巴洛克时期音乐和古典音乐是该团的重 中之重。当年,三名成员表演的莫扎特歌剧《魔 笛》中的“三仙童”及“夜后”的片段堪称 经典版本,这也让该合唱团声名大噪。
孟庭苇绝对是华语歌坛最美好的声音之 一,被誉为内地继邓丽君之后最受欢迎台湾 女歌手,二十年来最畅销专辑女歌手,风靡 80 后十大女歌手之一。本次巡回演唱会将以 孟庭苇经典歌曲为主轴,每场会有台湾重量 级嘉宾助阵,让入场的观众在 2 个多小时演 唱会期间眼耳的视觉与听觉都达到振奋共鸣, 享受一场最完美的音乐盛宴,跟随孟庭苇和 她的朋友们在这个夏天相约冬季到台北来看 雨,一起聆听台北的爱情故事。
《天鹅湖》已是中国观众最为耳熟能详 的剧目。莫斯科芭蕾舞剧院将冰舞和芭蕾巧 妙地结合在同一个舞台上,用两种最优美的 艺术形式共同演绎经典剧目,蕴含了多种艺 术元素:通过与剧情发展的巧妙结合,融入 了呼啦圈、花式跳绳等多种形式,连小孩子 也会被其丰富的表现形式所吸引。值得一提 的是,莫斯科芭蕾舞剧院为此次中国巡演特 意加入了中国元素——俄罗斯女演员脚着冰 刀在冰上抖空竹,这会令中国观众感到异常 亲切、新鲜。
地点:上海东方艺术中心 票价:180/280/380/580/680/880/1280
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钱钟书先生曾有金句良言:“围在城里的人想逃出来,城外的人 想冲进去,对婚姻也罢,职业也罢,人生的愿望大都如此。”《精慌》 所要呈现的便是大都市里,城里城外的普世状态。剧中的男女主角遭遇 这样一场“精子的慌张”,当生活丰腴了,却想尽一切方法为生活制造 点儿浪漫惊喜,最终目的只为完成“繁衍后代”这场最古老、最庄重的 仪式。
小英是一位普通的女学生,她因为好心救助了过马路的 “熊猫王子”,机缘巧合进入了一个熊猫的世界。在这个世界 里,她变成了一只熊猫,“熊猫国王”要求她成为“熊猫王子” 的妃子……22 段原创乐曲,配合剧中不同角色的性格特征, 不拘一格,别具匠心!北京阿提斯戏剧文化传播有限公司倾力 制作,剧情融合音乐剧表现形式,激情澎湃,震撼如梦!
荣荣 & 映里——妻有物语
此次展览由北京侨福芳草地画廊和位于 798 艺术区的芳草地画廊同时展出来自全国的 18 位青年艺术家作品,分为抽象与具象呈现。 两个空间遥相呼应。抽象作品除油画外,增 加了水墨、彩铅、纸本等材料,内容从解构 到色域表现兼顾。展场布置恰当,作品互相 呼应。在笔触缜密、色彩明亮的作品前驻步, 不禁为“而今识尽愁滋味,欲说还休”的青 年人莞尔;而那冷抽象中作为解构元素的中 式花络,又暗藏玄机,令人感慨。
2012 年,荣荣 & 映里受邀参加日本越后妻有 三年展。一是为了此次大地艺术祭策划“亚 洲写真影像馆”,其二是以艺术家的身份在 当地创作新的作品。越后妻有无论是春夏茂 盛浓郁的绿景,还是漫长冬日里那白皑皑凄 美残酷的冰天雪地,都给他们带来无限灵感。 这个系列被“The Culture Trip”评为东京今夏 十大不可错过的艺术展览之一,这也是“妻 有物语”系列在中国的首展。 时间:2014.7.26-10.26
郭子跟栗子有很多共同点,都是生于武汉的 女性艺术家,她们的绘画代表了新一代成长 起来的女性艺术家的所思所想。这一代人没 有苦难、革命、政治,也没有民族性和现代 性的悲悯纠结,她们拥有的更多是“自我” 的反思及记忆的理想意识。两人都没有照搬 现实的物品或者场景,所呈现出来的都是理 想化的画面。郭子对“小情节”的塑造与栗 子对“绝望思考”的描绘,将会碰撞出不一 样的火花。
地点:芳草地画廊(侨福芳草地)/ 芳草地画廊 798
(北京市朝阳区草场地 155 号)
地点:桥舍画廊(北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路 4 号 798
(798 艺术区) 电话:010 5662 8596
电话:010 6432 2663
艺术区七星中街) 电话:010 5978 941
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LIFESTYLE LiméLight... 天津泛太平洋酒店及服务式公寓: 任命 Reinhold Johann 先生为总经理 Pan Pacific Hotel and Serviced Suites Tianjin: Mr. Reinhold Johann, General Manager
苏州晋合豪生行政公寓: 任命王明贵先生为总经理 Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou: Mr. Kelvin Ong, General Manager
三亚万丽度假酒店: 任命邱炜观先生为总经理 Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa: Mr. Jim Khoo, General Manager
丽江金茂君悦酒店: 任命施米高先生为总经理 Grand Hyatt Lijiang: Mr. Michael von Siebenthal, General Manager
北京北辰洲际酒店: 任命白迈克先生为总经理 Beijing Beichen InterContinental: Mr. Michael Weiss, General Manager
深圳君悦酒店: 任命 Per Kredner 先生为酒店经理 Grand Hyatt Shenzhen: Mr. Per Kredner, Hotel Manager
北京万世名流酒店: 任命杜向珏女士为市场销售总监 Hotel Maximilian Beijing: Ms. Claudia Du, Director of Sales and Marketing
呼和浩特喜来登酒店: 任命罗述子女士为市场销售总监 Sheraton Hohhot Hotel: Ms. Andrea Luo, Director of Sales & Marketing
上海宏安瑞士大酒店: 任命南宫薰先生为餐饮总监 Swissôtel Grand Shanghai: Mr. Hoon Namgoong, Director of F&B
北京瑞吉酒店: 任命林澎涛先生为行政总厨 The St. Regis Beijing: Mr. Jackson Lin, Executive Chef
Pan Pacific Hotels Group has announced the appointment of Reinhold Johann as General Manager of Pan Pacific Hotel and Serviced Suites Tianjin, its fifth “Pan Pacific” property in China scheduled to open later this year. A German hotelier with over 25 years of industry experience, Reinhold brings to the group expertise spanning Europe, Africa, Middle East and Asia Pacific.
Mr. Jim Khoo has recently been appointed as the General Manager of Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa. Originated from Singapore. As an experienced hotelier, Mr. Khoo has more than 20 years professional working and management experience in the hospitality industry. Mr. Khoo has been working in several cities in China for almost 20 years in hotel groups such as IHG and Marriott.
Michael Weiss has been newly appointed as General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Beichen and Area General Manager of InterContinental Hotels Group, Greater China. With over 30 years’ of global experience in hotel management, Michael is a dedicated and competent hotelier in the hospitality industry.
Hotel Maximilian Beijing, managed by Steigenberger Hotels and Resorts, is pleased to appoint Ms. Claudia Du as Director of Sales and Marketing of the hotel. Ms.Du has more than 15 years of experience in the hospitality industry, with extensive expertise in marketing and sales field. She has held leadership roles in a number of well-known international hotels and at the head office of the group.
Swissôtel Grand Shanghai is pleased to announce the appointment of Hoon Namgoong as Director of Food & Beverage, who will oversee the entire food and beverage operation for the 467-room hotel. Prior to joining Swissôtel Grand Shanghai, Hoon was Director of Food & Beverage at Fairmont Yangcheng Lake, Kunshan, China, since September 2011.
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Mr. Kelvin Ong has been appointed as the Opening General Manager of Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou since October 2013. As a native of Singapore, Mr. Ong brings with him more than 33 years of experience in the hospitality business. He successfully opened the Residence on schedule as planned on June 09, 2014.
Michael von Siebenthal started his career in the hospitality industry in June 1985 after graduating from the Hotel Management School Lausanne, Switzerland. In 1988, he joined Hyatt International as F&B Director at the Bali Hyatt, starting his now 26 year long career with Hyatt. We are pleased to welcome him and the whole new team to the Grand Hyatt Lijiang.
Grand Hyatt Shenzhen is proud to announce the appointment of Mr Per Kredner as Hotel Manager. Mr Kredner embarked on his hospitality career with Hyatt Hotels in 2001, and has accumulated hospitality experience in Hyatt hotels across Asia and the Middle East, including Grand Hyatt Dubai, Grand Hyatt Muscat, Grand Hyatt Singapore, and Park Hyatt Shanghai.
Sheraton Hohhot Hotel has appointed Andrea Luo as Director of Sales & Marketing. Andrea has 20 years of working experience in the hospitality industry and worked for different hotel groups. As director of marketing of the pre-opening team at Sheraton Hohhot Hotel from 2010, Andrea has laid a solid foundation for hotel impressive performance.
The St. Regis Beijing is delighted to announce the appointment of Mr. Jackson Lin as executive chef to oversee all of the hotel’s culinary operations, including that of Garden Court, Celestial Court, Danieli’s and Rui Pastry, as well as banquet and inroom dining. Welcome to the St. Regis!
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海红塔豪华精选酒店: 纳普勒斯之魅 Hongta Hotel Shanghai: The Allure of Naples at Danieli’s
Neapolitan Chef Marco Santagata brings the best of Italian cuisine in Danieli’s New Dinner Menu. Here, you’ll find an endless variety of fresh ingredients, from the most exquisite salads and soups to sublimely prepared seafood, high quality meats and heavenly deserts. The new dinner menu is served at Danieli’s every Monday to Sunday from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Tel: +86 21 5050 4567 ext 6370
上海国丰酒店:银锄轩中餐厅推出中秋礼盒 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Mid-autumn Gift Box
Priced at RMB268 net per box, with 6 flavors of mooncake (60g each) with a Pu’er Tea Cake (100g * 2) and a Tea Knife. Mooncake flavors: Egg Yolk with Lotus Paste, Spiced Beef, Purple Potato, Red Bean, Five Nuts and Cream Paste. Midautumn Gift Voucher will be available for sales at Guoman Hotel Shanghai from July 15, 2014. Mid-autumn Gift boxes will be available for collection from August 15, 2014 in the hotel. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 7002
北京富力万丽酒店: 中秋佳节,万丽月饼 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Mooncakes
Moon Cakes are always the favorite treat that you could delight your family with during the Mid-Autumn Festival. Please enjoy the Moon Cake from the Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel in the festival season. Tel: +86 10 5863 8241 or 5863 8243
上海浦西洲际酒店: 怡亭自助美食之旅 InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: Buffet Adventure at Ecco
上海绿地万豪酒店: 桂月花开中秋月饼礼盒 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Mid-Autumn Festival Moon Cakes
广州香格里拉大酒店: 香传经典,月韵风华 Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou: Enjoy the Mooncake, Shed the Moonlight
北京希尔顿逸林酒店:中秋明月颂 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Mooncake Tradition
This year, Shangri-La Hotel, Guangzhou joins hands with Walt Disney to present the Disney Mooncake Collection made with premium cheese for your festive delight. The mooncake collection is available now in variously sized gift boxes at the Mooncake Boutique on the lobby level, from RMB 208 to RMB 1,688. Tel: +86 20 8917 6813
The Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner and he celebration is never complete without Mooncakes. To keep up with the tradition, DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing has prepared delectable mooncakes in various flavours packed in exquisitely designed boxes. RMB 168 - Superior Box 6 pcs. RMB 258 Deluxe Box 8 pcs. RMB 368 - Luxury Box 12 pcs. Available from now to Sept. 8, 2013. Tel: +86 10 6338 1888 ext 1722
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 2014 月满艾美,艺术遇上传统 Le Royal Méridien Shanghai : 2014 Ai Mei Mooncakes - Art Encounters Tradition2014
上海万豪虹桥大酒店: 至尊富贵奶黄月・经典传承 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao: Supreme Rich Milky Yellow Moon Cake
Delight yourself with a gourmet buffet featuring fresh seafood, Asia specialties, Western creations and many more. The kids menu is available now. Lunch Buffet: RMB 298+15%/person. Dinner Buffet: RMB 398+15%/person. Buy one get one free. Enjoy free flow of soft drinks, chilled juices and local beer for an additional RMB38/person. The offer is valid until 30 September 2014. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999 ext. 6338
The artistic moon cake hamper originated from French artist Jean Tannous’s painting, Le Feu. Tannous was invited to Shanghai by EUROP’ ART China. He was deeply inspired by the five elements of the Chinese traditional culture and he created a series of art centered on different colors to reflect these five elements. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext 66405
To celebrate the auspicious festival, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan presents a stylish gift box filled with rich moon cakes. Flavors include White Lotus Puree with Egg yolk, Red Lotus Puree with Egg yolk, No Sugar Black Sesame, Cream Custard, Chilled Wine Syrup, Mix Nuts and Yun Ham. Price: RMB 238 net per box (Six moon cakes, 70 grams each). Available until Sep 8th, 2014. Tel: +86 21 5318 8888 ext 6546
The supreme rich milky yellow moon cake has returned. The finest selection of natural ingredients without any preservatives and additives will strive to present you the perfect tongue experience. Packaged along with a stylish Bag Gift Box, a pack of 8 retails for for only 268 Yuan. Tel: +86 21 6237 6013
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LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海日航饭店:塞丽娜活动风暴横 扫盛夏,促销热浪滚滚来袭 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Serena Café Summer Promotion Is Coming
Serena Café offers fresh seafood including shellfish, crab, sashimi and wild selection cuisine, everything from the best international flavors to appeal to your taste. Our open kitchen brings the freshness right in front of you. The wide choice will keep guests coming again and again. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6651
上海扬子江万丽大酒店:满福楼午市任点任食 Shanghai Renaissance Hotel: All You Can Eat at Dynasty
Come and enjoy a wide range of authentic Cantonese dishes, altogether 128 dishes, including seafood, dumplings, dessert and soup prepared by master Chef Wong during daily lunch time at RMB 128 net per person. Venue: Dynasty, 2F. Time: 11:00 -14:30, Monday to Sunday. Tel: +86 21 6275 0000 ext 2282
上海巴黎春天新世界酒店: 夏日餐饮优惠 New World Shanghai Hotel: Fresh Summer Promotions
YOU Bar at New World Shanghai now serves fresh Australian oysters daily. Guests ordering a bottle of Mionetto Prosecco Brut Spumante Prestige (Italy) for CNY388 or Deutz Brut Classic (France) for CNY728 will receive a complimentary order of half a dozen oysters. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888
上海龙之梦大酒店: 花好月圆,中秋快乐 Longemont Shanghai: An Unforgettable Moon Festival
This Mid-Autumn Festival, The Longemont Shanghai is once again bringing you the most impressive pastries and artistic creations to enjoy and indulge with this upcoming Moon Festival. Order your Longemont Moon cake Box now for only RMB 198 net per set of 6 pieces (100g each), with many exquisite flavors. Available at The Longemont Shanghai’s Tongs Deli. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8211
深圳星河丽思卡尔顿酒店: Paletto 意大利餐厅主厨 Stefano Nicodemo 演绎全新零点菜单 The Ritz- Carlton, Shenzhen: Paletto Chef Stefano Nicodemo’s Inaugural Menu This fall, Chef Stefano Nicodemo presents his newly-designed à la carte menu that offers authentic Italian dishes with a modern twist at the award- winning Italian restaurant Paletto at The Ritz- Carlton, Shenzhen. Tel: +86 755 2222 2222
上海海神诺富特大酒店: 海神健康月饼礼盒 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival with Healthy Mooncakes
Novotel Shanghai Atlantis is delighted to present our healthy tea flavored mooncakes with low sugar ingredients and exquisite decoration as the best gifts for your family, friends and business associates. Superior Mooncake Gift Package: RMB 198 net per box. Deluxe Mooncake Gift Package. RMB 298 net per box Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1806 or 1888
上海大酒店: 王宝和继续推出蟹粉鲜肉月饼 Grand Central Hotel Shanghai: Wang Bao He fresh moon cakes with crab meat and pork
This year, the brand “Wang Bao He” continues to provide fresh moon cakes with crab meat and pork. All products are baked and sold at the same time. From July 15th to Sept 8th 2014, fresh moon cakes with crab meat and pork gift box is at RMB 120 including 12 pieces and fresh moon cake with pork gift box is at RMB 48 for 12 mooncakes. Tel: +86 21 6322 3673
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广州南丰朗豪酒店:“炉烧”户外烧烤餐厅邀您品味热辣巴西烧烤 Langham Place, Guangzhou: Brazilian Churrasco Barbeque During 2014 Fifa World Cup
Langham Place, Guangzhou holds a sensational Brazilian Barbeque feast to celebrate the 2014 FIFA World Cup. Football enthusiasts are invited to share in the much-anticipated moments of 2014 at Alfresco, which features a World Cupthemed goal gate and a giant LED screen for streaming exciting live matches during the event. Tel: +86 20 8916 3363
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海威斯汀大饭店: 意式传统风味“帕戈欢乐家庭午餐” The Westin Bund Center Shanghai: “La Famiglia” Traditional Italian Family Lunch
The Westin Bund Center Shanghai has announced that starting on July 26th, the Prego Restaurant will be offering a traditional Italian family lunch every Saturday. Time: 11:30am – 2:30pmPrice: RMB 168net per person (adult) RMB 98 net per person for kids. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048
上海大宁福朋喜来登酒店: 寻味东南亚美食自助晚餐 Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: Discovering Southeast Asian Buffet Dinner at Four Points
The Eatery presents a brand new buffet dinner with seasonal fresh seafood and authentic Thailand delicacies such as fish in coconut and baked sea bass fish with mango. Our themed buffet dinner is served every Thursday to Saturday at The Eatery from 5:30pm – 9:30pm. July 3, 2014 to August 30, 2014. Tel: +86 21 2602 2222
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店: “元气美食,健康之味” The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: Redefining Healthy Dining Concept
The Ritz Carlton’s Qi Restaurant is redefining healthy eating, inspired by traditional Chinese alimentary practices. In September, enjoy the healthy dishes that Chef Li has prepared; signature dishes include; “Braised Chestnut with Pumpkin and Leek in Clay Pot” and “Sautéed Young Lotus Root with Lotus Seeds, Lily and Goji Berries.” Tel. +86 10 6629 6660
深圳四季酒店:“恋上巴黎”法式下午茶 Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen: French Afternoon Tea
New signature dishes in the French Afternoon Tea set include Inspiring Scones with Manjari 64% Chocolate Cremeux and handmade Orange Marmalade, selected Blueberry Tarts featuring a raspberry layer and fresh blueberries , Rose Religieuse, Baba Mandarin with a fresh taste of orange, Mont-Blanc, Mini Thyme Tart, Prama and Melon, crispy and our creamy Mini Lobster Sandwich. Tel: +86 755 8826 8900
天津帝旺凯悦酒店: 品味凯悦美食,感受绿意悦园 Hyatt Regency Tianjin East: Enjoy a Special Dining Experience at Wok in the Garden
Wok in the Garden is now open at the Hyatt Regency Tianjin East. A highlight is Tianjin’s finest Peking Duck. If you add the restaurant on social networks, receive a special price of CNY99 per Roast Peking Duck, subject to a 15% service charge. The offer is valid until 31 Aug 2014. Tel. + 86 22 2457 1234
北京王府井希尔顿酒店: 在秦唐,味在台湾 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing: Tastes of Taiwan @ Chynna
Chef Jiang and his team of traveling chefs are just back from Taiwan! After a research trip into Taiwanese cuisine, Chef Jiang has brought back his favorite recipes to share and will present the popular Taiwan cuisines from June 9 to August 22, 2014 at Chynna. Why not try wok fried prawns with mango sauce, braised pork rice, Golden-brown baked pineapple pastry? Tel. +86 10 5812 8888
上海世博洲际酒店:盛会堂周末午市点心任点任食 Intercontinental Shanghai Expo: All You Can Eat Weekend Dim Sum at Sheng Hui Tang
Treat yourself to our “all you can eat” authentic Cantonese dim sum delicacies for only RMB 128 per person, handmade by Hong Kong Master Chef Poon Yin Man. “All You Can Eat Weekend Dim Sum” is available from 11:30 a.m. to 14:00 p.m. on Saturdays and Sundays. Tel: +86 21 3858 1218
三亚万丽度假酒店:生活在于发现 Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa: Live Life To Discover
On June 26th 2014, The Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa celebrated the third annual Global Day of Discovery, by inviting in-house travelers, local business partners and media reporters to step out of guest rooms and create an impressive evening together. Guests took the opportunities to explore and discover the unique resort activities as well as the original Hainan cuisine. Tel: +86 898 3885 2321
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丽江铂尔曼度假酒店:荣获 2014 年《旅讯》中国旅游业界奖 “年度最佳度假酒店”大奖 Pullman Lijiang: Winner of Travel Weekly China’s “Best Resort of the Year” 2014
The award-winning Pullman Lijiang resort has 130 guest rooms and private villas, and also includes the Mandara Spa at more than 2000 m2, indoor and outdoor treatment rooms, lakeside bars, an upscale restaurant with alfresco dining, a library and extensive Naxi style design co-meeting facilities. The resort has become an exceptional resort experience for many guests. Tel: +86 888 530 0111
杭州凯悦酒店:轻松自在西子游 Hyatt Regency Hotel Hangzhou: Easy Trip, Valued Room Package
The Hyatt Regency Hangzhou provides you with valued family room promotion and offers special gifts for kids. From now till August 31, 2014, with your kids have a wonderful time in here, stay guest rooms more than two rooms could enjoy 25% room rate off. The Regency Club Room offers special discounts and benefits. Tel: +86 571 8779 1234
上海索菲特海仑宾馆:全新装修豪华客房精彩亮相南京路 Sofitel Shanghai Hyland: New Luxury Rooms to Enjoy on Nanjing Road
Sofitel Shanghai Hyland hereby launches its newly renovated deluxe rooms. Designed for the modern traveler for business or leisure, the new rooms blend French elegance with Shanghai culture and Chinese history. Freshly decorated, the 145 deluxe classic rooms and 49 prestigious suites extend from level 9 to 18. The upgraded reconstruction includes all details of the rooms and guest floors, from the elevator entrance to the room internal structure. Tel: +86 21 6351 5888 ext 4468
杭州千禧度假酒店: “Who is the Lucky Rabbit”活动 Millennium Hotel Hangzhou: “Who is the Lucky Rabbit” Promotion
The Millennium Hangzhou has created a special promotion called “Who is the Lucky Rabbit”. If you take a photo with the Lucky Rabbit named “Feeling” in any place of the hotel and post the photo on the Weibo then @杭州千禧度假酒店, you can join the lucky draw which is held once a month and have a chance to get a luxury suit coupon and some special gifts. Tel: +86 571 8761 3666
新加坡圣淘沙索菲特水疗度假酒店 : 将于 2015 年隆重开业 Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort and Spa: Opening in 2015
The Singapore Resort & Spa Sentosa will be unveiled as Sofitel Singapore Sentosa Resort & Spa in the second half of 2015. Under the Sofitel brand, it will become a luxury destination for regional & international leisure travelers. It will also offer an extravagant wedding venue in Singapore. www.sofitel.com
上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 欢迎超模张抒扬小姐下榻 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: VIP Arrival of Ms. Zhang Shuyang
Asian super model Ms. Zhang Shuyang stayed in Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong while she attended World Cup talking show and received warm welcome from Mr. Anis- the Managing Director of Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999
LifeStyle 120 LifeStyle 120
宁波东钱湖恒元酒店:新亮相酒店,温泉暑期特惠 Hengyuan Hotel Dongqian Lake Ningbo: New Opening, Summer Saver Package
The recently opened Hengyuan Hotel, Dongqian Lake, Ningbo, and the adjacent Erling Mountain Hot Spring jointly present a Summer Saver Package at RMB800 per night for two persons before 30 September 2014. The package includes one Scenery View room one night, two Erling Mountain Hot Spring tickets, two buffet breakfasts and two buffet dinner. Tel: +86 574 8921 9999
广州圣丰索菲特大酒店:欢庆法国夏日音乐节 Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich: Fête De La Musique
On June 21, 2014, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich will be a true ambassador of the Fête de la Musique. This summer, Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich presented a classic and funky music show, combining image and music together for a brand new experience. A professional ensemble, the Amber String Quartet, amazed all with masterpieces of classic music with a Franco-Chinese influence. Tel: +86 20 3883 8888
上海豫园万丽酒店:打造经典老上海风情 Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel: Old Shanghai Classics Event
On Thursday, June 26, 2014, Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel kicked off a “Summer of Discovery” and encourages guests to get out and discover something new all season long with an exclusive live event featuring an old Shanghai discovery, specially crafted food, innovative cocktails, live DJ and singer and traditional Shanghainese performances on 21st floor. Tel: +86 21 2321 8832
上海绿地万豪酒店:万豪 M-Day 之“缤纷马卡龙舒适入住体验” Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Homelike Stay with Colorful Macaroons on “M-Day”
武汉万达威斯汀酒店: 天梦水疗,天梦之触 The Westin Wuhan Wuchang: Heavenly Touch
长白山柏悦酒店:慢行理想国 Park Hyatt Changbaishan: Slow Utopia
北京丽苑公寓: 重装开业酒会圆满举办 Lee Garden Service Apartments Beijing: Celebration to the Redecoration
The sales team from Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan held a client appreciation activity on “M-Day,” an evening with the theme of Homelike Stay with Colorful Macaroons. Led by General Manager Uwe Guemmer (right) and Director of Marketing Linda Chen (left), the sales team distributed colorful macaroons to guests. Tel: +86 21 5318 8888 ext 6281
Escape to a 6-8 day retreat in the gorgeous surroundings of Mount Changbaishan, one of Asia’s most sacred places. “Refreshing Holiday” gift certificates available for RMB11088; “Summer Mountain” gift certificates available for RMB13888. Certificates include a stay at the hotel with all of the amenities as privileged access to lovely Mt. Changbaishan. Tel: +86 439 698 1234
深圳威尼斯酒店: 获得“EarthCheck”金徽标认证 Venice Hotel Shenzhen: Awarded “EarthCheck” Certified Gold Emblem
Recently, the Venice Hotel Shenzhen made remarkable achievements in environmental protection- The International Authority of Ecotourism certification EarthCheck Certified Gold Emblem. Currently EarthCheck Certified Gold Emblem has been awarded to three hotels in China, with the Venice Hotel Shenzhen, Guangdong Province as the the first one. Tel: +86 755 2693 6888 ext 8733
H e a v e n l y S p a a t T h e We s t i n Wu h a n Wuchang offers you an ultimate Indonesian touch - the famous Balinese massage. It relaxes your body and soul with its slow and soothing technique strongly reflecting its regional characteristic of the Southeast Asian coast. Attractively priced at RMB498* for 60 minutes, RMB680* for 90 minutes. Tel: +86 27 8816 8888
After a year’s renovation, Lee Garden Service Apartments was re-opened onto the high-end residential market. On the 26th of June 2014, it successfully organized a BBQ reception for all of the corporate real estate agencies and public media at the rooftop Pan-house Residence. Tel: +86 10 6525 8855
厦门朗豪酒店:家庭住宿乐活游 Langham Place, Xiamen: Family Escape Package
Ideally located at the main road o the city centre, the newly opened five-star hotel Langham Place, Xiamen features luxury residences, fine dining, the best fitness and spa facilities, and more. Book before 31st August to indulge on a weekend escape with your family, taking advantage of our value added package at RMB 798 per night. Tel: +86 592 602 9999
LifeStyle LifeStyle 121 121 LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129
LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 翱飞思推出“O !外星人”搞怪系列 OFESS Launches “Oh! You funny alien” Line
风靡国际的潮流雨具品牌翱飞思最新推 出“O !外星人”搞怪系列。新系列将 外星人元素融入产品创意,以憨态鬼马 的外型、巧妙的开盖手柄设计,再次颠 覆人们对雨伞单一功能的认知。除了遮 风挡雨,O !外星人也兼顾耍贱卖萌的 使命。其特别成员 O !外星人大眼仔形 如其名,在手柄上印有一只夸张的大眼 睛,可以随着开口盖的旋转滴溜溜转。
万宝龙推出全新男士传承配饰系列 Montblanc Men’s Accessories Heritage Collection
巴厘岛风情携手意大利风尚引领米洛斯风潮 Balinese Inspiration for Italian Brand Milos
万宝龙全新男士传承配饰系列的设计灵 感来源于品牌的经典设计元素:环形设 计主题、极致纯黑色泽及象征着欧洲顶 级工艺的万宝龙六角白星标志。此次推 出的男士传承配饰系列,设计简约而精 致。此款缟玛瑙镶嵌的方形袖扣,饰以 黑色亮漆三维环条,高贵纯粹的视觉效 果诠释了万宝龙低调而奢华的品质。
前不久金宝汇购物中心迎来了一个特别的品牌——米洛斯。意大利设计师米 洛先生对传统蜡染技艺的推进,让他拥有了“原始蜡染王子”的头衔。在结 合印度尼西亚纯天然丝绸印染以及贴花刺绣技艺的同时,米洛斯又将面料延 伸至真丝雪纺及丝绸透明硬纱,将视觉色彩的独特化与不同的丝质面料及织 品相互交融,创造出蜡染印花的文艺复兴新时代。
帕拉伊巴珠宝会所亚洲旗舰店 在京开幕 Paraiba Jewelry Opens Flagship Store in Beijing
威图巅峰之作 Signature Touch 触屏系列发布 Vertu Signature Touch Touchscreen Series Launched
香港帕拉伊巴珠宝会所亚洲旗舰店前不 久在北京华贸商业街盛大开幕。开幕秀 上,通过模特曼妙身姿结合珠宝的婉约 灵动为嘉宾呈现一场流光溢彩、精彩纷 呈的珠宝秀,珍贵素材、利落线条与精 致细部设计的大胆结合,完美演绎出每 一颗宝石的高贵灵魂,造就纯然的奢华, 使每件珠宝独具个性,成就卓绝的帕拉 伊巴珠宝独特风范。
奢华手机领军品牌威图前不久在上海发 布了全新 Signature Touch 触屏系列。在 发布会现场,全球首席执行官马西米利 亚诺・波利亚尼向来宾展示并介绍其新 款系列在设计、性能及服务上的全新突 破。现场还设有产品展示和体验区,从 视觉、听觉及触觉上给予了来宾全方位 的悦享之感。
芙拉 2014-2015 秋冬系列倾情上市 Furla F/W 2014-2015 Launch
芙拉 2014-2015 秋冬系列推出两款主打手 袋 Alice 和 Twiggy。Alice 系列手袋充分体 现出意大利皮革制品的传统风格,精细 的工艺与充满现代感的细节相互结合, 型格感十足。Twiggy 系列手袋延续了芙 拉经典风格,融入斜拉链的设计,鲜明 强烈的线条,完美演绎新时代手袋风格, 在造型和功能性上均有所突破。
博柏利夏日经典 The Utilitarian 军旅系列上市 Burberry Summer Line “The Utilitarian” Launch
沿袭品牌灵魂,格纹图案再次成为博柏 利 The Utilitarian 军旅系列的主旋律。标 志性硬币边缘的表圈,独特的表冠设计, 提升腕表独特的质感,展现复古低调的 魅力;简单易读、雅致内敛的表盘,彰 显绅士独有的优雅品味,同时配有夜光 粗指针,运动感十足;表带有经典格纹 表带及黑色皮表带两款不同军旅风格, 散发着经典的气质。
122 LifeStyle
登喜路 2014 秋冬系列发布 Dunhill A/W Series 2014
登喜路品牌创意总监约翰·雷从创始人阿尔弗雷德·登喜路本人身上汲取灵感, 推出了 2014 秋冬系列。廓形均衡、贴合身体线条、不过分紧身,同时经典的 造型结合色彩、材质以及塔特萨尔格纹等图案的应用,令本季系列看起来现 代时尚,令人振奋。而约翰·雷对色彩的运用,更是成为 2014 秋冬系列的点 睛之笔。
匡威与马丁・马吉拉时装屋再度发 布全新配色 New Collaboration between Converse and Maison Martin Margiela
前不久匡威发布了与法国前卫时装屋马 丁・马吉拉共同设计的全新配色系列。 全新款式 Converse Maison Martin Margiela First String 系列以 All Star Chuck ’70 和 Jack Purcell 鞋款为原型,鞋面及内里均采 用柔软的高端皮革,带来舒适体验。此 外延续首次合作的白色涂漆概念,更是 以简洁之美凸显了鞋款的轮廓线条。
in café 于北京王府井 in88 欢乐开启 in café Opens in Beijing Wangfujing in 88
6 月 23 日,银泰奢侈品管理公司旗下首 家咖啡品牌 in café 在北京王府井 in88 欢 乐开启。活动当天,明星、艺术家、时 尚潮流领袖及众多媒体朋友参与开业剪 彩仪式以及商场精心准备的世界杯主题 互动活动,并与众多 in88 VIP、消费者共 享以咖啡、美食、娱乐为主题特色的时 尚咖啡派对。
“罗讷河谷品味剧中酒”跨界品酒会在京举办 Rhone Valley Wines Tasting Held in Beijing
继 2012、2013 年成功举办罗讷河谷葡萄酒美术大赛和服装大赛之后,罗讷河 谷葡萄酒延续其大胆创新、文艺清新、平易近人的推广思路,前不久又在北 京重磅推出罗讷河谷红酒短剧演出,以庆祝罗讷河谷葡萄酒的优雅化身及其 中国形象代言人“罗小玉”的诞生。这位浸润了罗讷醇香的画中人跳出画境 来到剧中,与男主人公不同性格、思想的碰撞和交流为当代压抑闭塞的都市 生活注入一股来自罗讷河谷的清新明快的气息。一种前所未有的品酒方式, 罗讷河谷葡萄酒,快乐品味剧中酒。
美亚生物科技周年庆盛大举行 Sino-American Lab Biotech Holds Anniversary Gala
魔方脑巨型市集嗨翻奥体 Olympic Stadium “Brain Cube” Holds Bazaar
墨西哥国家商会启动特其拉年度 推广活动 Mexican Chamber of Commerce Starts “Year of Tequila” Campaign
IAEE 进一步发展与 CIBTM 的战略 伙伴关系 IAEE Further Develops Strategic Partnership with CIBTM
飞利浦创新厨电与贝太厨房 强强联手 Philips Electric Kitchen Announces Collaboration with Betty Kitchen
贯系科技萤火虫 APP 发布 Guanxi Launches New Events Social-app “Firefly”
美亚生物科技有限公司“致生命 - 知悟生 命再生未来”周年庆活动近日盛大举行。 美亚总裁吴宜蓁女士、刘振玮董事长携 手国际脑癌权威专家及各界企业家共襄 盛会。美亚总裁吴宜蓁女士宣布,就美 亚“爱心小细胞”公益项目,与湖南广 电集团芒果 V 基金达成战略合作关系, 共同为救助白血病儿童而努力。
墨西哥特其拉国家商会前不久正式启动 特其拉推广年度活动,向中国市场展示墨 西哥国酒的全新形象,以高品质特其拉正 式进军中国高端洋酒市场。墨西哥特其拉 国家商会将此次活动命名为“特其拉,从 墨西哥至享至中国”。除了启动仪式之外, 7 月份在上海和北京还分别开展“特其拉 周”活动,让中国消费者真正享受到了顶 级特其拉带来的超凡感受。
飞利浦优质生活事业部宣布今年 7 月起在 中国市场与国内领先的跨媒体美食生活资 讯平台贝太厨房强强联手,展开首次战略 合作。该合作是飞利浦优质生活事业部在 中国市场首次与媒体平台展开战略合作, 将通过在烹饪相关领域协同创新,共同提 升消费者健康生活品质。
众人期待已久的魔方脑巨型市集前不久 在国家奥体中心体育馆成功举办。震撼 奇幻的舞美设计,摩登的时尚达人、穿 着黑白格子套装穿梭于人群之中的魔幻 小丑,皮影戏,分享会,来自行为艺术 家的一系列表演,各种有意思的摊主, 设计师产品展,501 军团的星战大兵,催 眠秀,非洲鼓……整个市集精彩纷呈。
国际展览与项目协会(IAEE)将再次携 手中国及亚洲地区领先的商旅展——中 国(北京)国际商务及会奖旅游展览会 (CIBTM)www.cibtm.com,并邀请行业 内的专业会议组织策划者参加于 2014 年 9 月 17-19 日在京举办的 CIBTM。今年展 会期间,IAEE 还将继续协助 CIBTM 推 出专业教育论坛的相关议题。IAEE 曾携 手 CIBTM 2013 并成功亮相。
贯系科技前不久正式发布旗下全新 APP 软 件“萤火虫”(www.ifirefly.cn)1.1 版本, 这也是贯系科技首度尝试移动设备的开发 与革新。在软件发布当天,贯系科技召开 了“萤火虫”软件的新闻发布会,现场邀 请一众媒体记者来共同见证“萤火虫”的 正式诞生。“萤火虫”的最大亮点是拥有 一款独特的活动指南针,手机横屏,可进 入指南针实景找活动模式,帮你发现附近 即将举行的活动,带给你最潮体验。
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Stamp Act “物以稀为贵”,这句话用在圭亚那洋红
A 1-cent postage stamp from a 19th-century British colony
色 1 分邮票身上再合适不过了。这枚邮票是原
in South America has become the world’s most valuable
英属圭亚那 1856 年发行的,面值 1 分,底色洋
stamp – again. The 1856 British Guiana One-Cent Magenta
sold Tuesday at Sotheby’s New York for $9.5 million. It was
了四个角,但世上仅遗一枚。在今年 6 月纽约
the fourth time that the stamp broke the auction record for
苏富比拍卖会上,它以 950 万美元的价格成交,
a single stamp in its long history. Measuring 1 inch-by-11/4
inches, it hasn’t been on public view since 1986 and is the
only major stamp absent from the British Royal Family’s
1856 年发生了库存邮票短缺,邮政局长只好找
private Royal Philatelic Collection. The last owner was
John E. du Pont, an heir to the du Pont chemical fortune,
中的帆船作为图案, 赶印一些邮票应急。 1873 年,
who was convicted of fatally shooting a 1984 Olympic
苏格兰一名 12 岁的少年集邮者在自家阁楼的箱
champion wrestler. The stamp was sold by his estate, which
will designate part of the proceeds to the Eurasian Pacific
者内尔·麦金农。5 年后,麦金农又转手卖给了
Wildlife Conservation Foundation that du Pont championed.
Its first owner was a 12-year-old Scottish boy living in South
America who added it to his collection after finding it among
family papers in 1873. He soon sold it for a few shillings
to a local collector, Neil McKinnon. McKinnon kept it for
five years, then sold it to a Liverpool dealer who recognized
the stamp as highly uncommon, thus starting a long line of ownership.
128 LifeStyle
南腔北调· LifeStyle
2014 年七月号 总第 360 期
FOR the Creative
Getting Creative in Hotels l Fashionable Fusion l Footprints in Barbados l Silver Wine Sets l A New Definition of Kebabs
Momo Wu: No Limits
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