2014 jan

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南腔北调· LifeStyle


2014 年一月号 总第 348 期

黄海波 国民好女婿

Huang Haibo A Model Beau

Bangkok: Unlocking the Magic l The Prince of Chintz l Banking on Taste l Gems for Gentlemen l Wine Resolutions 2014


东南亚 佳 度假酒店选荐 South by Southeast

细品曼谷 像当地人一样静心闲游 Bangkok:

magic unlocked

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


来一趟世遗之旅 A Trip through Swiss Heritage

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请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

Editor’s Note

The January cover is a shot of actor Huang Haibo, by Wang Longwei

Eternal Asia

人人都爱东南亚 人人都爱东南亚,人人都想去热带天堂。从人气爆满的 巴厘岛、曼谷到长滩岛,再到越南南部更隐逸的海滩度假胜地, 田园诗歌般的世外桃源还在急剧增加。 三亚,已经不能满足堪称“行动派”的内地人了,他们 或许怕被晒黑,但东南亚相对较低的消费、周到的服务,还 有远离世俗的彻底放松,让他们欲罢不能。去东南亚不只是 度假,跟西方人和日本人一样,中国游客也被那里的文化和 城市所吸引。 西方人对东南亚诸国多少怀揣一些后殖民心态。他们唏 嘘地怀念昔日土著民在一旁轻摇扇子伺候,自己则身穿猎装、 头戴太阳帽,斜倚着,慢慢啜饮一杯金汤力或新加坡司令鸡 尾酒。他们喜欢那里法国殖民风格的建筑物,融合当地和西 方特色的美食则让他们的舌头和胃感觉非常受用。 对于内地游客来说,那里既有家一般的熟悉感,又不乏 新鲜的差异。东南亚国家曾受中国古代皇朝监管,并深深被 其所影响。如今泰国、马来西亚及其他东南亚国家的商人阶 层主要都是海外华人。有些内地人甚至认为,中国传统文化 反而在海外更好地传承下来。 这一次请跟随我们的嘉宾编辑祖梵·彼得罗夫斯基的脚步, 一探喧嚣炫目、充满诱惑的大都会曼谷,贴近其脉络肌理, 看它如何颠倒众生。



Why Southeast Asia? We always love it. We always want to go there. It is as if an entire swath of the globe was designated as Paradise. From Bali, to Bangkok, to Boracay to the rising, but more secluded crop of beach resorts of Southern Vietnam, the already high volume of idyllic getaways is increasing dramatically. Chinese Mainlanders are just getting into the action. Not content with their own ever expanding holiday center, Sanya, they are poised to expand their vacationing appetites across Southeast Asia. They may not be too into getting a tan, but they do like the better service, relaxation, and low costs of Southeast Asia. It’s not just resorts. Just like Westerners and Japanese, Chinese travelers adore the cities and cultures of Southeast Asia. Westerners have a somewhat post-colonial attitude to these countries. They fondly recall the days when one could enjoy a Gin and Tonic or Singapore Sling reclining in white linen or a safari suit and pith helmut while being fanned by the natives. They enjoy the French Colonial style architecture and blend of the local and the Western in the food and beverage on offer. For Mainland tourists, Southeast Asia represents a place that is somewhat like home, but also very different. These are countries highly influenced by China and that were historically under the guardianship of the Celestial Empire. The merchant classes in Thailand, Malaysia, and most other countries in the region are also largely overseas Chinese. Some Mainlanders even say their traditional culture is better preserved abroad. In this issue, with our special guest editor, Jovan Petrovski, we take you to that cacophonous, scintillating, seductive metropolis, Bangkok, and experience an inner layer of the city not normally accessible to tourists.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

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january 040

076 草间弥生:已到达天堂的我

速递 016 银质水泥车盐罐

“波点太后”草间弥生在纽约大卫· 茨维尔纳画廊的首个个展让人“灵魂 出窍”

爱丝普蕾这款纯银打造的小型水泥车 盐罐不仅高贵出众、童趣十足,而且 非常实用

享乐 080 东南亚 5 佳度假酒店选荐


5 家东南亚度假酒店尽显东方文明与现 代设施并臻之美

026 流动的本色 扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所将巴库盖达 尔·阿利耶夫文化中心设计成为传统阿 塞拜疆文化的赞歌

094 去瑞士来一趟世遗之旅 世界遗产是通往瑞士的密道

030 印花王子 纽约著名室内设计师马里奥·布阿塔的 设计浮夸有趣,他本人也有一颗好玩 的心

特辑 040 细品曼谷 旅居曼谷的马其顿设计师祖梵·彼得罗 夫斯基带你静心细品“曼”生活

111 大德,日本的家常菜! 日本食客在北京找到的浓浓家乡味儿


品鉴 058 黄海波:国民好女婿 “国民女婿”所感悟的生活智慧

062 当宝石爬上袖口 天然矿物宝石制成的袖扣让男人不再 为袖口单调而烦恼




LifeStyle 9

january 094


016 Salt of the Earth


Breakfast can only get better with this fun and luxurious salt cellar by Asprey.

076 I Who Have Arrived in Heaven

An inaugural exhibit of Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama at David Zwirner Gallery



080 South by Southeast

A selection of Southeast Asia’s best retreats

026 Authentically Azeri

094 A Trip through Swiss Heritage

Azerbaijan’s new Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid

A gateway to Swiss culture and natural beauty

030 The Prince of Chintz

111 Ootoku: Homemade Japanese Dishes

The ever fun Mario Buatta

The homesick Japanese’s favorite restaurant in Beijing


040 Bangkok: Unlocking the Magic A magical Bangkok which could only be “captured” by the outsider


058 Huang Haibo: A Model Beau The model husband of the nation shows what he has learned from life

062 Gems for Gentlemen

Cufflinks made out of natural stones

10 LifeStyle

Columns 114 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous


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Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

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12 LifeStyle

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每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.16 潮地

Destinations / P.20

格兰姆的 1890 小屋 Graham’s 1890 Lodge

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Salt of the Earth 英国国宝级品牌爱丝普蕾的银器系列 可谓百里挑一,无论是银质花枝烛台、茶具 还是调酒器,都代表着精致品味、精湛工艺 及卓越的品质,曾多次获英国皇家御用证, 一直深受英国皇室及各界名流的喜爱。这款 纯银打造的小型水泥车盐罐不光高贵出众, 还显得童趣十足,更重要的是,非常具有实 用价值。水泥车盐罐还可配备同样材质的铲 子和独轮手推车。 Breakfast can only get better with this fun and luxurious salt cellar in the form of a miniature cement mixer by venerable British firm Asprey. This whimsical but useful item is crafted out of sterling silver with a gilt interior and can be accessorized with its own little cement mixer shovel and wheelbarrow also made out of sterling silver. www.asprey.com

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Seedy Scents 美国纽约品牌 Kobo 通过香氛将环保引 入居家生活,其纯手工植物精油香薰蜡烛系 列从天然大豆油中提取成分,不含石蜡或棕 榈蜡,有 8 款草本花香可选(包括罂粟幽香、 刚割过的草坪清香和碾碎的薄荷沁香等)。 烛心则采用无铅无毒的棉芯,以确保蜡烛燃 烧不会产生有害物质,连可降解包装盒上的 图案和文字也是用植物油墨印刷。更让人啧 啧称赞的是,包装盒里装满了种子,你可以 连盒子一起种在自家花园里,然后静待收获。 Handcrafted by Kobo Candles in New York State, the Seeds Collection is a set of pure soy candles ingeniously packaged in a plantable box. The organic candles come in 8 unique herbal and floral fragrances including Poppy, Fresh Cut Grass and Crushed Mint, using 100% recycled, biodegradable packaging printed with vegetable based ink. After you open the candle, plant the seedinfused box in your garden to grow the scent. www.kobocandles.com/seeds

18 LifeStyle


Smoker’s Choice 意大利米兰 Cedes 公司凭借三十多年 制造奢华家居及个人日用品的经验,采用 天然竹根配以镀镍黄铜上盖,打造出一款 时尚又实用的雪茄用具套装。该套装内含 雪茄剪、开盒器和雪茄专用火柴盒。赭黄 色竹根表面纹理与结节尽显典雅别致,放 在桌边几脚更能衬托出主人的品味,绝对 值得雪茄客拥有。 Cedes Milano use their mastery of over thirty years to produce luxurious home and personal accessories, made from materials of natural beauty. One can envision these creations on a well-appointed desk or coffee table. This swanky cigar set is a covetable item for any cigar aficionado. The faceted bamboo root box features a nickel plated brass lid and contains a cigar cutter, boxopener and cigar matchbox.

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格兰姆的 1890 小屋

Port of Call

著名波特酒生厂商格兰姆公司最近 翻新了位于葡萄牙杜罗产区的古老的波特 酒储藏屋,并且取了个新名字“格兰姆的 1890 小屋”。小屋由 Luis Loureiro and P06-Nuno Gusmão 工作室操刀,专门设有 一个品酒室,来宾可尽兴品尝波特酒,旁 边还紧邻着一个酒吧和商店。来宾不仅能 参观储藏着 3500 桶成熟期波特酒的作坊, 还能一探暗冷的酒窖。那些年份较久远的 陈酿就藏在这里,其中包括格兰姆 1868 年 份波特酒。 Graham’s, the famous producer of Port wine, has recently completed a renovation by architects Luis Loureiro and P06-Nuno Gusmão of one of their old lodges where their barrels of port were stored. It has now been renamed as Graham’s 1890 Lodge and is located in the traditional port producing town of Douro. It features a tasting area where visitors can enjoy Port, and an adjoining shop and wine bar. On arrival at the lodge, visitors were given a guided tour of the working lodge, where 3,500 casks (or ‘pipes’, in Port language) of maturing Port are stored. The visit also included the cool, dark Vintage ‘bins’ (wine cellars) where older Graham’s Vintage Ports are kept (some Ports, such as the 1868 still lie there). www.grahamsportlodge.com

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Armoured Store 美国知名体育运动装备品牌安德玛前 不久在上海又新开一家专卖店。职业运动员 和广大体育运动爱好者在这里可选购专业 运动装备,更能享受到 360 度影院设计的 炫酷感官体验。马克·索普设计工作室与安 德玛品牌的创意团队、紧身衣设计团队以及 安德玛中国区团队紧密协作,极好地传达了 品牌创立者兼 CEO、前马里兰大学美式橄 榄球明星凯文·普朗克的最初理念。 US athletic company Under Armour has launched a retail space in Shanghai that includes a 360-degree theater experience that is intended to introduce Chinese athletes to the brand. Marc Thorpe Design and HUSH Studios worked intensely with the Under Armour Creative team, Tight Shirt Productions, and the Under Armour China team to deliver upon the original idea put forth by Under Armour’s Founder and CEO, Kevin Plank. www.underarmour.com

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Island-hopping with Banyan Tree Hotels & Resorts in the Maldives 悦榕庄打破传统的马尔代夫一站式游岛模式,为游客提供独特的公海探险度假体验。 拥有如悦榕庄度假村般卓越的环境和服务的悦榕贝拉号游艇,将带领宾客们穿梭在马尔代 夫岛屿之间,领略马尔代夫最美景致。宾客可以在不同岛屿上的悦榕庄度假村休憩放松。 悦榕贝拉号还可为宾客提供量身定制的游岛计划。这艘造型优美的土耳其式游艇有 6 个配 备齐全并可观览绝美海景的红木舱,共可容纳 12 名宾客。 Breaking the mould of a traditional one-stop island stay in the Maldives, Banyan Tree is offering guests a unique holiday experience filled with high sea adventure. On board the stunning Banyan Velaa yacht, guests can embark on a unique voyage of discovery to experience the very best of the Maldives along the way, perfect for couples and adventure seekers looking for a beach escape beyond the expected. Guests are treated to luxurious surroundings synonymous with Banyan Tree’s resort experience. Bespoke journeys can be as long or short as guests wish with Banyan Velaa. This sleek Turkish gullet sleeps up to 12 guests in six well-appointed mahogany cabins, all offering stunning ocean views.


David Beckham Develops Resort Concepts in Asia 全球综合度假村发展商拉斯维加斯金 沙集团与“万人迷”大卫·贝克汉姆最近宣 布一项合作伙伴计划,双方将围绕餐饮、零 售及休闲娱乐等方面的发展理念,在金沙中 国位于澳门的综合度假村及新加坡的滨海 湾金沙展开合作。贝克汉姆出任两家奢华酒 店——新加坡滨海湾金沙酒店和澳门威尼 斯人度假村酒店的顾问和合作伙伴角色。 Las Vegas Sands (LVS) and Beckham Ventures recently announced their partnership, which will feature the famous former footballer teaming up with the brand’s resort properties in Macau and Singapore. David Beckham has been tapped to serve as a consultant and partner for the two properties, namely Singapore’s Marina Bay Sands hotel and The Venetian Macau. The partnership, according to LVS, will be based around the development of “dining, retail and leisure concepts” at the two luxurious locations.

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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.26


Designer / P.30

马里奥·布阿塔把室内设计比作电影布景设计 Mario Buatta says creating an interior is like a movie set

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Authentically Azeri 扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所将巴库盖达尔·阿利耶夫文化中心 设计成为传统阿塞拜疆文化的赞歌。 Azerbaijan’s new Heydar Aliyev Center by Zaha Hadid Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Hufton + Crow Photographers

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A 前苏联加盟共和国阿塞拜疆自 1991 年正式独立后,便 开始斥巨资发展其首都巴库的基础设施,加快实现建筑业的 现代化,试图从前苏联遗留的城建阴影里走出来,摒弃其纪 念式建筑的僵硬死板和大而无当,让建筑真正助力国家民族 发展。 2007 年,扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事务所在竞赛中脱颖而出, 被委以设计盖达尔·阿利耶夫文化中心的重任。据说政府赋 予了这位女性设计大师罕见的创作自由度,保证任何外部因 素都不会左右她的设计。盖达尔·阿利耶夫文化中心设有大 礼堂、图书馆、会议中心和会议室等设施,能承办各种展览、 音乐会和其他文化活动,以表现阿塞拜疆的历史、语言、文 明以及对未来的乐观和信心。建筑的每一块屋顶和天花板都 有其独特之处。 盖达尔·阿利耶夫文化中心被设计成从地面涌上来的流 体结构,建筑内部与广场连续融为一体,用一种折叠起伏的 丝带形式盘卷出各个独立功能区域。不同功能区通过举办不 同形式的活动集体演绎阿塞拜疆现代与传统文化。起伏、褶 皱和曲折等精心设计的形态将广场变成了一处建筑景观,并 从建筑内不同层面以热情、开放的姿态去拥抱来宾。因此, 该建筑也模糊了传统建筑与城市景观之间的差异。 最关键且最具挑战性的地方之一,是“不起眼”的建筑 外表皮。建筑师通过高级计算机运算和设计,才使其得以完 成。其空间构架系统促成了这个形态如此自由的建筑落成, 并为施工节省了大量时间。 为加强其内外空间的连续性,盖达尔·阿利耶夫文化中 心的采光也经过了精心的设计和考量。白天,建筑外观因天 光和观察角度的变化而不断呈现不同“面目”;晚上,“见 光不见灯”的照明概念在这里得到充分体现。

s part of the former Soviet Union, the urban architecture of Baku, the capital of Azerbaijan, was heavily influenced by the planning of that era. Since its independence in 1991, Azerbaijan has invested heavily in modernizing and developing Baku’s infrastructure and architecture, departing from its legacy of Soviet Modernism. Zaha Hadid Architects was appointed as design architects of the Heydar Aliyev Center following a competition in 2007. The Center, designed to become the primary building for the nation’s cultural programs, breaks from the often monumental Soviet architecture that is so prevalent in Baku, aspiring instead to express the sensibilities of native Azeri culture and the optimism of a nation that looks to the future. The design of the Heydar Aliyev Center establishes a continuous, fluid relationship between its surrounding plaza and the building’s interior. The plaza rises to envelop a public interior space to define event spaces dedicated to the collective celebration of contemporary and traditional Azeri culture. Elaborate formations such as undulations, folds, and inflections modify this plaza surface into an architectural landscape that performs a multitude of functions: welcoming, embracing, and directing visitors through different levels of the interior. With this gesture, the building blurs the conventional differentiation between architectural object and urban landscape. One of the most critical yet challenging elements of the project was the structural development of the building’s skin. The space frame system enabled the construction of a free-form structure and saved significant time throughout the construction process. To emphasize the continuous relationship between the building’s exterior and interior, the lighting of the Heydar Aliyev Center has been very carefully considered. The lighting design strategy differentiates the day and night reading of the building. During the day, the building’s volume reflects light, constantly altering the Center’s appearance according to the time of day and viewing perspective.

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The Prince of Chintz 纽约著名室内设计师马里奥·布阿塔的设计浮夸有趣, 而他本人也有一颗好玩的心。 The ever fun Mario Buatta Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Mario Buatta

纽约著名室内设计师马里奥·布阿塔被誉为 “印花王子”,他的成功与他的姑妈玛丽密不可分。 上世纪四十年代,布阿塔身边的这位“欢乐梅姑” 第一次带他认识了印花织物,从此他便对颜色与 图案产生了极大热情,直至今日都不曾消减。即 使在以朴实中性色为主流的年代,布阿塔也无可 争辩地被冠以“印花王子”的称号。连他自己都 说“我很喜欢别人这么叫我”。上世纪七八十年代, 极简派艺术盛行,布阿塔却凭借华丽的英伦田园 风独树一帜,为众多富商名流的豪宅宝邸进行室 内设计。其客户不乏商政名人,像美国前第一夫 人杰奎琳·肯尼迪、福特汽车公司创始人的孙子亨 利·福特二世、流行乐坛天后玛丽亚·凯莉、美国 传奇女主播芭芭拉·沃尔特斯、美国前国务卿基辛 格,等等。他还为各国访美元首及重要客人下榻 的布莱尔国宾馆进行设计。在他的著作《马里奥· 布阿塔:美国室内装饰五十年》中就精选了他的 一些代表作品进行展示,其中一幢加州的城堡有 98 个房间,这些房间的设计都出自布阿塔之手。 布阿塔的设计风格十分浮夸,而他本人也有 一颗好玩的心,特别爱开玩笑。每当遇到非常挑 剔的客户,他兜里的机械蟑螂玩具或是假发就派 上用场了。他常说,“室内装饰又不是脑部手术, 干嘛搞得那么严肃”。布阿塔自己所住的公寓就 大量使用了以蓝白为主色的精美瓷器作为装饰, 还有植物花卉家居饰品和十九世纪的犬类肖像。 布阿塔说:“我特别不喜欢打扫,因为我觉得灰 尘其实是精美家具的最好保护。” 布阿塔把室内设计比作电影布景设计。“谁 也不会把《欲望号街车》的女主角布兰奇·杜波依 斯放在诺埃尔·考沃德《爱情无计》的场景里,” 不过跟那些要住在里面的人打交道也是需要技巧 的,“你要像个演员一样:假装很喜欢你的客户, 假装爱死了她们的家具,要夸她们的丈夫特别帅, 她们那群讨人厌的小破孩儿特别可爱。你还得像 个精神科大夫那样能及时发现客户喜欢和讨厌的 东西,交工验收后才能像律师那样照单收钱。” 布 阿 塔 的 室 内 设 计 收 费 不 菲, 不 过 有 了 Crate & Barrel 和 Pottery Barn 出的仿制品,花 费不多也可以达到类似的效果。“想要有品位, 也用不着非得家资巨富。”布阿塔这样说。

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nterior designer Mario Buatta is sometimes called “The Prince of Chintz.” Ever since his Aunt Mary - his very own Auntie Mame - introduced Mario Buatta to the joys of floral fabric in the 1940s, the New York decorator has never wavered in his passion for color and pattern. Even when earthy neutrals ruled, Buatta unapologetically wore the crown of the Prince of Chintz. “I always liked being called that,” he admits. Back in the 1970s and 80s when minimalism was king, he made a name for himself creating opulent, English country style interiors for the rich and famous. A brief list of clients has included Jackie Onassis, Henry Ford II, Mariah Carey, Barbara Walters, and Henry Kissinger - he has also created rooms in Blair House, the White House’s

guest residence. His book Mario Buatta: Fifty Years of American Interior Decoration showcases some of his greatest hits, including a 98-room castle in California. But for all the pomp of his interiors, Buatta himself is a fun-loving guy, a notorious prankster who carries a mechanical cockroach and a stringy toupee in his pockets. That’s one way to deal with a fussy client. “This isn’t brain surgery,” he says, “It’s decorating.” Buatta’s own apartment filled with blue and white porcelain, floral upholstery, and 19th century portraits of dogs. He’s a self-diagnosed hoarder: “I hate dusting. I think of dust as protective coating to fine furniture.” Buatta describes creating an interior like dressing a set for a movie: “You wouldn’t put Blanche Dubois from A Streetcar Named Desire in a Noël Coward setting [ala] Design for Living.” But dealing with the people who will live in that space requires an additional set of skills. “You have to be an actor. You have to make believe you like them, you like their husband, you like their furniture, you like their bratty children,” Buatta says. “You have to be a psychiatrist to find out what they like and what they don’t like. And then you have to be a lawyer to collect your money.” Although his interiors suggest old money, Buatta says it’s possible to achieve aspects of his designs on the cheap, thanks to copies by Crate and Barrel and Pottery Barn. “You don’t need to have a fortune to have taste.”

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Banking on Taste 如何让金钱味十足的银行呈现法国式的优雅气质? 著名设计师米歇尔·博耶早在上世纪 70 年代 就交出了得意之作。 An exhibition at Demisch Danant on Michel Boyer’s 1970 design for the Rothschild Bank Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Joshua McHugh

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戴米斯科·戴南特画廊于 2013 年 11 月 6 日至 2014 年 1 月 18 日期间在纽约展出 著名设计师米歇尔·博耶 1970 年为罗斯柴 尔德巴黎银行创作的一系列作品“米歇尔· 博耶:罗斯柴尔德巴黎银行 1970”,同时 还包含合作艺术家的作品,无一不是珍世 之作。罗斯柴尔德巴黎银行被广泛认为是 上世纪 70 年代法式风格的典范,其室内设 计和家具是博耶标志性的现代风格,这些 传世经典至今让人心动不已。 若干主展品是分别为银行的特定区域 而设计的,其中一张独特的不锈钢和胡桃 木打造的办公桌就是埃里·德·罗斯柴尔德的 私人物品。圆弧形不锈钢和设计师对固体 与空间互动关系的巧妙处理奠定了其战后 欧洲设计界举足轻重的地位,这张桌子也 成为设计美学的典范。博耶为银行自助餐 厅设计的模制玻璃纤维椅也得到展示,其 展示空间除了刻意让人联想到餐厅外,还 有对法国著名画家、雕刻艺术家盖·德·胡蒙 壁画的再创作。

除此之外,自 1964 年便旅居巴黎的美 国著名艺术家希拉· 希克斯受博耶委托设计 的一块祈祷毯是罗斯柴尔德的私人收藏, 它是希克斯设计的著名祈祷毯中唯一一块 含马海毛的,具有高识别度的外形和技法, 成就了艺术家早年辉煌职业生涯的作品特 色。 博耶自受雇于建筑师皮埃尔·杜福后, 开始从事办公室、办公家具和银行的专业 设计。他设计的现代家具将那个时代的不 锈钢、玻璃纤维、层压板、漆等材料物尽 其用,同时尽显战后积极进取的时代精神。 1965 年,杜福将罗斯柴尔德银行临时 办公楼的室内设计委派给博耶,后者不负 所托,交出了创意十足的作品,从而赢得 为永久办公大楼设计的机会。这座大楼出 自美国建筑家马克斯·阿布拉莫维茨之手, 纽约林肯中心的艾弗里·费雪厅就是他的杰 作。1970 年,罗斯柴尔德银行大楼完工后 成为了现代法式优雅风格新标杆。

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ew York design gallery Demisch Danant will be exhibiting “Michel Boyer: The Rothschild Bank, Paris 1970”, dedicated to the celebrated decorator’s designs for the Rothschild Bank on rue Lafitte in Paris. On view from November 6, 2013 through January 18th, 2014 at the gallery’s New York City space, the exhibition will present rare and important works designed for this landmark commission, as well as works by artists with whom Boyer collaborated. The Rothschild Bank is widely regarded as a leading exemplar of French style of the 1970s. For the project, Boyer designed furniture and interiors in his signature contemporary style– works that are coveted today.

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The exhibition comprises several major pieces designed for specific areas of the Rothschild Bank. On view will be a unique desk in stainless steel and walnut, designed by Boyer for Elie de Rothschild’s private office. Sleek curved steel and the designer’s deft interplay of solids and voids make this desk an iconic example of the aesthetic that established Boyer as an influential figure in postwar European design. Boyer’s molded fiberglass chairs, conceived for the bank’s cafeteria, will be presented in an environment that evokes the original room and includes a re-creation of the original mural that artist Guy de Rougemont painted for the space. In addition to these works, the exhibition

will present Prayer Rug by Sheila Hicks, a celebrated American artist who has lived in Paris since 1964. Commissioned by Boyer for Elie de Rothschild’s private collection, this highly textural work – the only one of Hicks’ celebrated prayer rugs to include mohair – employs recognizable forms and techniques that characterize the seminal early years of her career. Michel Boyer began his practice as a decorator and designer by specializing in office furniture, corporate offices, and banks, while employed by the architect Pierre Dufau. He designed contemporary furniture channeling the progress-loving postwar spirit and utilizing the materials of his era: stainless steel, laminate, fiberglass and lacquer.

In 1965, Dufau entrusted Boyer to design the interiors for a building meant to temporarily house the Rothschild Bank. After revealing innovative designs for the temporary building, Boyer was commissioned to develop contemporary interiors for the final structure, which was designed by American architect Max Abramovitz, designer of Lincoln Center’s Avery Fisher Hall in New York City. The Rothschild Bank building was completed in 1970, setting a new standard for refined, contemporary French style.

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Structure News


“Choreography of the Masses” Wins Two Awards gmp 建筑师事务所于 2012 年举办的 建筑展《人群的舞动》一举获得 2013 年标 志性设计奖建筑类别“胜出者”奖和 2013 年德国红点设计奖活动类别展示奖。2012 年欧洲杯足球锦标赛举行期间于柏林艺术 学院内举行的展览《人群的舞动》,以其“极 高的设计品质,极富借鉴性的美学表达、创 新性以及简明精要的展示形式”获得 2013 红点设计奖评委会的认可。展览被分为三个 章节,关注探讨了体育建筑设施与观众的 相互作用。第一间展厅“运动”:6 个巨型 的人物形象引领参观者经历体育运动的历 史演进,此章节通过拥有大量图片的书籍 模块进行展示。当参观者踏入第二个展厅, 展现在面前的是“体育场”章节,大尺幅摄 影作品令参观者可以感受到体育设施的宏 大体量。展厅中央矗立着 2012 年欧洲杯足 球锦标赛体育场展板,周围丰富的图片和文 字展示介绍了精选的 100 年来的体育场建 筑。最后一个展览环节“喧嚣”:一座充斥 空间的音像装置以极富感染力并且如曲式

轮换变奏式的进行播放。参观者被置于事件 的中心,如同以放大镜观察和聚焦影片的局 部,感知微小的动态细节。《人群的舞动》 由 gmp 建筑师事务所与汉堡欧恩平面设计 公司共同设计。 gmp’s 2012 “Choreography of the Masses” exhibition received two awards from two institutions: in the Architecture category, the exhibition was declared the winner of the Iconic Award 2013; in the Event Design category, the show won the 2013 Red Dot Design Award. “Choreography of the Masses” exhibition, shown at the Berliner Akademie der Künste during the 2012 European Football Championship, won this year’s Red Dot Design Award with its exceptional design, described by the jury as having a “…quality which, in an exemplary way, represents aesthetics, innovation and succinctness”. The three parts of the exhibition focused on the interaction between sports buildings and spectators. In the first room, “In sport”, six

larger-than-life-sized protagonists led the way through an historic exhibition cycle of richly illustrated book modules. When visitors entered the next room, an area entitled “In the stadium”, large-format photographs conveyed a sense of the impressive dimensions of built stadiums. At the centre were the stadiums of the 2012 European Championship, with a selection of 100 years of stadium architecture illustrated via evocative text and picture bubbles. The “In a frenzy” room ended the tour with an emotional composition of spaceforming video/sound installations, based on the musical principle of a chorus, placing visitors in the midst of the action and making it possible to focus on small movement patterns and make them visible, as if through a magnifying glass. “Choreography of the Masses” was developed by the architects gmp in cooperation with the Hamburg agency OnGrafik.

澳大利亚备战 2014 威尼斯建筑双年展

Australian Creative Team Announced for 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale 澳大利亚创意团队不久前宣布,11 个 从全国范围内精选出的未完成项目将作为 增强澳大利亚 1914-2014 展览的一部分在 2014 威尼斯建筑双年展上展出,届时将通 过三维增强模型、图像、语音旁白、动画等 手段栩栩如生地呈现。从城内的大教堂到浪 漫环保树屋,参展精品不一而足。

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Perth-based architecture team felix._ Giles_Anderson+Goad, has announced 11 unrealized projects that will be showcased as part of the Augmented Australia 1914-2014 exhibition at the 2014 Venice Architecture Biennale. Ranging from an inner-city cathedral to a treetop activist shelter, the country-wide selection of projects will be brought to life using three-dimensional augmented models, images, voice-overs and animations.

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Bangkok: Unlocking the Magiv / P.40

曼谷必游之地:黎明寺 Temple of Dawn, Bangkok

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Bangkok: Unlocking the Magic

一样的泰国行,不一样的精彩! LifeStyle 请旅居曼谷的马其顿设计师祖梵·彼得罗夫斯基 带你静心细品“曼”生活。 LifeStyle special guest editor, Jovan Petrovski unveils a magical Bangkok, which could only be “captured” by the closest outsider. Text & Photos: Jovan Petrovski

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如果让我来列举几个曼谷的必游之地,可能不会那么客观,比如这个特辑将提 到的地方大都集中在我所居住和工作的通罗区。尽管如此,它们的入选都是有一定 依据的。 通罗是曼谷最时尚的区域,酒吧、餐厅林立,各种概念店、鞋店、面包店应有尽有。 这里的炫酷不仅仅停留于表面,更有深入灵魂的内涵,也为喧嚣的曼谷增添了几分 迷人的魅惑。作为设计师的我,有很多作品的灵感也都来源于此。 记得第一次到曼谷的时候,朋友带我去了 Iron fairies(下文中会提到 )。这里 灯光暗淡,人也很多,是我见过的最本色、最原生态的酒吧。我后来还去过不少与 Iron Fairies 一样,各具特色的酒吧、咖啡厅和商场,令人印象深刻。 至于通罗区之外,我推荐泰国创意设计中心,因为大部分时间我都在那里为准 备我的设计作品做研究;还有 Maggie Choo’s,在那里可以一边听现场演奏的爵 士乐,一边轻啜法国白兰地,尽情领略不同年代的泰国风情。 下面推荐的这些地方可能并不很适合普通旅行者,而更适合能静下来细细品味 生活艺术,渴望感受别样泰国的行者。 hen I was asked to make a selection of places to go in Bangkok, I immediately thought that I wouldn’t be objective because most of the places that are included in this guide are located in the area in which I live and work, Thonglor. Nevertheless all these places are not on the list by chance, but because it happened that Thonglor is the “it” area in Bangkok. The bars, restaurants, concept stores, shoe shops, and bakeries that you can find in this guide were born thanks to strong visions and concepts. They are not just ‘cool’ – they have soul, and some of them are a great inspiration for me as a designer and contribute to a scent of glamour and coziness to the chaotic metropolis of Bangkok. When I first arrived in Bangkok I was taken to Iron fairies (included in this guide). It was very dark, full of people and the most original place I have ever seen. In the years that followed I experienced a lot of other bars, cafes and shops which followed the path of Iron Fairies in terms of personality. My choices outside of Tonglor take us to some very special places in Bangkok such as the library TCDC where I spend most of my time researching for my collections, and Maggie Choo’s, a club that allows you to travel across decades right into a different period in Thailand. In Maggie Choo’s you just want to sip a good cognac while listening to live jazz. This selection is not a guide for typical tourists, but for people who appreciate the art of living, and that want to have a different point of view of the magic of Thailand.

祖梵·彼得罗夫斯基,出生于马其顿,在意大 利完成学业后成为一名专业设计师。多年的行 业经验,让他深谙时尚之道,鞋履、配饰以及 儿童系列都是他的专长,他还涉足戏剧布景设 计。2007 年,祖梵·彼得罗夫斯基成立同名品 牌;2010 年搬至泰国,担任曼谷意大利学院时 装学院院长;2013 年在泰国创立 Squire 品牌, 主打男女奢华成衣系列。 Macedonian-born and educated in Italy, designer Jovan Petrovski has created collections for children, designed shoes and accessories and even worked for a theater play. In 2007 he established a private label under his own name, and in 2010 he moved to Bangkok, where he became head of the fashion department at Academia Italiana Bangkok, school of design. In 2013, Petrovski launched a Thailand-based brand called “Squire” with a collection of luxury products for men and women.

50/50 50/50 是曼谷潮地通罗区闪耀登场的餐厅新贵,其所 在的 H1 complex 是创意人必游的圣地,家居设计店和知 名时尚品牌扎堆不说,连曼谷意大利学院的设计院也设在 此处。这家偏爱爵士乐和现代古典音乐的意大利风味餐厅 酒吧以“赌场”为装修主题,店名 50/50 就暗示了“赌场 输赢一半一半”的劝诫。客人来店碰上促销活动或免费项 目的概率也是一半一半哦!不过最能打动人心的往往是微 小的细节,这家餐厅最大的亮点还是那些定制家具——如 果你够细心,就能发现这些家具有多么匠心独运了。 50/50 is the newest jewel of a restaurant in the trendy area Thonglor. It is situated in the H1 complex that is a cluster of design furniture shop and the famous fashion and design institute Accademia Italiana. A trendy italian fusion restaurant and bar with jazz and contemporary classical music, its casino theme (the name 50/50 itself represents the risk in gambling,) inspired the interior decor and interactions in which costumers themselves are involved in staking their luck in receiving promotions and complimentary items. The restaurant’s most prominent feature is the custom made furniture which was given special attention down to the minutest detail. H1 Place Soi Thonglor. Sughumvit 55, Vadhana Tel: +66 02 714 7848

Bangkok Betty 走进天花板和墙上都装点着铬弹的曼 谷贝蒂,就像进入了一间上世纪 40 年代的 军工厂,让人不禁想到混合着二战美国海 报女郎和各种大小铬弹的情节,其中亮点 是悬挂在正中央的大规模杀伤性武器,大 小够一位活色生香的 50 年代美女叉腿而坐。 出自调酒师约瑟夫·波鲁斯基之手的鸡尾酒 名字也非常具有盟军色彩,当然丰富的菜 单肯定不会让客人饿肚子的,一探便知! Designed to resemble a 1940s bomb factory with chrome colored bombs adorning the walls and ceilings, Bangkok Betty is a new addition to the local food and beverage scene. It’s a story that conjures up 1940s America mixing pin-up girls and shiny chrome bombs of all sizes. The highlight has to be the particularly large weapon of mass destruction hanging in the middle of the space that’s large enough for a living, breathing 50s-groomed beauty to straddle. Cocktails by mixologist Joseph Boroski are designed to match the Allied Forces vibe with names like Kickapoo Joy Juice. There’s also a full food menu featuring dishes like flank steak with fire roasted peppers, portobello mushrooms, pesto and demiglace. Holiday Inn Bangkok Sukhumvit 22, Fl.G Soi Sukhumvit 22 Tel: +66 02 663 4223

Mr. Jones Orphanages 其实每个成年人心里都住着一个小孩, 来到 Mr. Jones Orphanages(琼斯先生的 孤儿院),你就明白了。踏入澳大利亚设 计师阿什莉·萨顿设计的甜点屋,就仿佛进 入了童话故事一样的场景,到处是小熊和 迷你士兵玩具,上空盘旋着木质火车轨道, 罗马数字时钟下、大理石桌上和铁架子上 全摆满蛋糕等甜点,都快堆到屋顶了,让 人瞬间从现实中跌入童年梦想的糖果屋。 难得的是,蛋糕甜点采用阿什莉·萨顿祖母 的食谱烘焙,价格适中,并且都在眼皮子 底下制作。琼斯先生的“孤儿”就是店里 大量回收的玩具和旧泰迪熊,它们是好心 的客人们捐赠和遗留的,捐赠箱便立在店 门口。甜点屋提供的是眼睛、耳朵和嘴巴 的盛宴,客人在享用过程中还能与座位上 的小玩具玩耍。 Mr. Jones was a fictional character dreamed up so that children and adults to enjoy their wildest fantasies of sweets and desserts. The magic of Mr. Jones Orphanages is not only how the location (designed by the Australian Ashley Sutton, who believes in fairies) can take you on a journey from reality to a dream-filled wonderland, but also the medium-priced desserts freshly baked in front of your eyes, big servings and traditional recipes which fill an ever-changing menu stacked to the roof. The “orphans” of Mr. Jones are in fact a huge collection of recycled toys and vintage teddy bears, kindly donated by customers and left in an “orphan drop-off box” in front of the store when it first opened. The experience of eating at Mr. Jones is a feast for the eyes and ears as well; while you enjoy your dessert, feel free to play with a box of toy soldiers, tin cars etc. located on each table. 251/1 Seen Space, Thong Lo So 13, Sukhumvit Road Soi 55, Wattana, Tel: +66 02 185 2378

Bellino 关于 Bellino,用两个字形容最恰当——惬意。它像是一座远离地中 海的小岛,但除了舒适放松的环境外,它还提供精选的意大利菜!无论 是单纯地享受饮品或开胃小食,无论是在品调高雅的室内还是可爱的庭 院,Bellino 都再理想不过了。温暖好客,服务贴心,还有经过深思熟虑 而设计的酒水菜单,这一切都来自它的主人,一位来自卡普里的绅士。 食客们注意了,Bellino 是一家店铺风格的餐厅,白天的时候餐位较多, 里面大概 10 个,外面还有 8-10 个。 Like a little island off the Mediterranean that offers a cosy and relaxed atmosphere and excellently chosen Italian dishes. The wine list is well thought through if you want to simply enjoy drinks and appetizers in a tasteful and friendly setting, whether indoors or on the lovely patio. Bellino, in a word, is charming. The welcome is warm and the service excellent. At its heart is of course the owner, a gentleman from Capri. You eat in a shop-style restaurant that doubles as a boutique during the day seats around 10 comfortably inside, plus another 8-10 outside. 251/2 Thonglor Soi 13 Tel: +66 02 712 5446

Mango Mojito Mango Mojito 是一家泰国人开 的皮鞋店,在时尚通罗区设有一个流 动销售点。他们用意大利最好的皮革 和传统手工工艺打造的每一双皮鞋都 是独一无二的,对细节的关注让其作 品尽显意大利式优雅风范。 Mango Mojito is a Thai man’s shoe manufacturer which has resiliently opened another selling point in the trendy area of Thonglor. They use the finest italian leather and traditional handcrafted technique for handfinishing. Each pair of shoes is unique and elegant, with the Italian touch and attention to detail. Thonglor road.Opposite thonglor soi 18 Tel : +66 02 115 7005

Maggie Choo’s 位于曼谷是隆区的 Maggie Choo’s 藏在酒店的地下室,与湄南河仅几个街区之 遥,风格有点像 20 世纪 30 年代上海的鸦 片窟,但现场爵士表演、舞曲、魔术让这里 充满了神秘和浪漫色彩,再加上摆手弄姿的 时髦亚洲女模特们,神秘的远东氛围更浓厚 了。这里本是 19 世纪东印度公司废弃的仓 库,现在摇身变成了提供歌舞表演的鸡尾酒 吧,非常适合那些寻找荟萃今昔娱乐项目, 同时又对环境和风格有着高要求的客人。 Maggie Choo’s 供应地道的泰中美食,包 括街头最受欢迎的主食和零嘴。 A magical underground cabaret full of mystery, romance, and jazz, Maggie Choo’s is reminiscent of Shanghai in the 1930s. Located in a basement on Silom road, just a few blocks from the Chao Phraya River, Maggie Choo’s is an authentic Thai-Chinese restaurant serving street food staples and nibbles, which connects to a derelict 19th century East India Company depot converted into a cocktail bar and cabaret which provides live jazz acts along with dance music and adorned with a crew of stylized Asian female models, posing or acting, thickening the mysterious Far Eastern vibe that transpires from the atmosphere. Maggie Choo’s caters to discerning guests who are looking to be entertained in style and in a surprising environment, which embraces the best of past and modern forms of divertissement. Basement Novotel Fenix Silom, 320 Silom road Tel: +66 02 635 6055

Iron Fairies 有着千般面孔的 Iron Fairies 不仅是能享用鸡尾酒的地方,还是画廊、餐厅、古 董店和铁匠铺。墙壁上排列的罐子里装有闪亮的魔法粉,客人座椅是上下翻转过来 的桶。这里简直就是小说《哈利波特》里的场景。现场爵士乐,上等鸡尾酒成就了 一个又一个良宵。 This unique bar is not only a place to go for drinks and cocktails, it is also a gallery, restaurant, antique store and blacksmith’s workshop. The walls are lined with jars of “fairy dust” and guests sit on upturned barrels. It’s almost reminiscent of something from a Harry Potter novel. Every evening you can enjoy live jazz music with great cocktails and drinks. The Iron Fairies, 404 Sukhumvit Soi 55 (Thonglor) Tel: +66 02 714 8875

Niche Nation 位于通罗区的 Niche Nation 也许算得 上是曼谷第一家眼镜精品店,独家销售来自 欧洲、日本和美国的诸多设计师品牌眼镜, 包括全球最负盛名的蒂塔、米基塔、Cutler & Gross、奥利弗·皮帕斯、保罗·史密斯、大 嘴猴、玛士高以及日本新品牌 Eyevan 等。 所有产品都是直接进口,都是全球潮流精选, 有些在 Niche Nation 才能找到,还有些只 在极有限的零售商手里。 Niche Nation is the retail concept by the people who brought us FUNK sunglasses and probably Bangkok’s first eyewear boutique. The shop, located on Thonglor road, sells exclusive designer brands from Europe, Japan and the US. All products are individually chosen; the outcome of an extensive search for the world’s hippest products. All products are directly imported and include the world’s most lauded designers such as Dita, Mykita, Cutler & Gross, Oliver Peoples, Paul Smith, Paul Frank, Persol, MOSCOT and new brand from Japan, Eyevan. Some of the collections are exclusively and only available at Niche Nation, and the remaining brands can be found only at a handful of other selected retailers. 353 Soi Sukhumvit 55, Klongton-Nua, Wattana Tel: +66 02 2185 2528

Outcast 知名高街潮店 Outcast 代售世界各地 限量版运动鞋及服饰,同时还是泰国波鞋 Humankind Factor 的旗舰店。这家店位 于泰国最知名的购物中心暹罗广场附近, 可以在这找到最酷的街头时尚品牌 KTZ, Raised By Thieves,Premium Label, Raised By Wolves 等等。 Outcast Store is the Street Fashion Store, boasting authentic street fashion products such as limited edition sneakers and clothing from around the world. Moreover, Outcast Store is a Humankind Factor’s Flagship Store. Situated in the trendy area of Siam Square, it offers some of the coolest street fashion brands such as Kokontozai (KTZ), Raised By Thieves, Premium Label, Raised By Wolves and many others. Siam Square Soi. 2, Lido Cinema 2nd Floor Tel: +66 089 107 2282

Rock Restaurant and Bar 岩石餐吧主打“暹罗概念”。泰王国 又称暹罗,是一个多元文化汇聚的国家, 泰菜也是世界上最独特且最具多样化特征 的菜系之一。泰菜偏好的食材颇受缅、印、 中、葡等国菜品影响,多使用药草、香料 入菜,烹饪方法从亚洲各国都有所吸收借 鉴。这也反映了几个世纪以来泰国与这些 国家频繁的贸易往来和融合多元文化的传 统。岩石餐厅从泰国各地广泛搜集各类地 道菜品,再以现代的烹调方式重新演绎经 典佳肴。这家厨师尽可能选用本地应季食 材,融合当代餐饮文化,带来迎合 21 世纪 味蕾的传统地道暹罗风味。 “Siamisation” is the concept behind the menu at The Rock. The vast Kingdom of Thailand – the Land of Siam – boasts a conflux of cultures and a national cuisine that’s one of the most distinct and diverse in the world. Influenced by ingredients from countries such as Myanmar, India, China and Portugal, Siamese cuisine reflects centuries of trade and multi-cultural tradition, with herbs, spices and cooking methods taken from throughout the Asian region and beyond. The menu at The Rock explores age-old recipes from different Thai provinces, reinterpreting classics in a fresh, modern way. They use seasonal ingredients – locally sourced where possible – to recreate the authentic flavours of traditional Siamese cuisine, imbued with a contemporary sensibility for the twenty-first century palate. 7/1Soi Channanaksorn, Phahoythin 9, Phayathai, end of soi Ari 4 north

Serindia Gallery 作为同名出版社的分支,西域画廊 于 2009 年由 Shane Suvikapakornkul 创建。画廊位于曼谷最古老的街区之 一,石龙军路 36 号的湄南河畔,与曼 谷文华东方酒店仅举步之遥。西域画 廊已成功举办三十余次高品质的展览, 涵盖来自世界各地和泰国国内艺术家 的绘画、摄影、雕塑等不同门类的作品。 游走曼谷街头,驻足西域画廊,感受 当地艺术家灵感迸发的来源。西域画 廊在全球拥有众多支持者,可谓是曼 谷必去之地。 Serindia Gallery is located in one of Bangkok’s oldest neighbourhoods, Soi Charoen Krung 36, by the Chaophraya River, only steps from the Mandarin Oriental. Founded in 2009 by Shane Suvikapakornkul as an extension of his eponymous publishing company, Serindia Gallery has since staged more than thirty quality exhibitions by both international and Thai artists in various media – paintings, prints, photography, sculpture, and other design objects. A stop at Serindia Gallery while in Bangkok is to experience a great space and fine exhibitions, an ideal source for local and emerging talents from the region. The gallery has an extensive fan base both locally and internationally and is a must visit when in Bangkok. O.P. Garden, Soi Charoen Krung 36 (rue de Brest) Charoen Krung Road Bangrak Tel: +66 02 238 6410

Speedy Grandma Speedy Grandma 画廊致力于鼓励有 活力的泰国本土及世界各地新锐艺术家从 事艺术创作,并为他们提供支持。艺术家 们也常汇聚在此,探讨交流,就现代文化 艺术事件进行批判性的辩论。不仅有精选 藏品、印刷品和艺术书籍,还有许多从跳 蚤市场、艺术家私人工作室或时尚潮店淘 来的小物件,涉及各类当代艺术形式,包 括城市艺术、流行艺术、超现实主义、唯 物主义、漫画、插图、平面设计、印刷品, 等等。 The aim of the Speedy Grandma Gallery is to encourage and support dynamic and emerging artists either Thai or international. Any kind of contemporary art is promoted, including urban art, pop art, surrealism, materialist, comics, illustration, graphic design, typography and more. Artist talks also take place at the Gallery to generate critical debate on modern issues and art practices. A selection of collectible, prints, art books, and object dug out from flea markets, artist workshops, or trendy stores will also be offered at the Speedy Grandma Shop. 672/50-52 Soi Charoenkrung 28 Bangrak Lee Anantawat: +66 895083859 Thomas Menard: +66 901172991

We*Do 是许多厂商的主要经销商和进口代 理商,同时将继续吸纳有影响力的新设计。 We*Do 正在扩充其在亚洲的市场,同时为 各类机构、博物馆和私人画廊提供策展服 务。We*Do 涵盖领先的设计品牌,代表新 晋年轻设计师的力量,满足了广大亚洲藏 家的需要。

We*Do Gallery 新开业的 We*Do 是曼谷设计建 筑艺术的中心,它的出现将进一步促 进当地零售业的蓬勃发展。We*Do 由室内设计师弗朗西斯科·波罗和建 筑师马库斯·赫谢特共同建立。凭借 多年的设计经验,他们创造出一种独 特大胆的零售模式,在售货品包括家 具、设计装置、艺术品,限量版产品 及建筑室内装饰等,其中主营现代特 许家具、照明设备和家居日用品。

This gallery is a new Design and Architecture hub that’ll drastically spice up the retail scene in Bangkok. It was established by interior designer Francisco Polo and architect Markus Herchet, who combined their years of experience in the Design Arena and have now joined forces to create an adventurous retail formula where the offerings include Furniture, Design Objects, Artworks, Limited Editions and Architect-Interior Projects. Specializing in Contemporary Licensed Furniture, Lighting and Home accessories, We*Do Gallery is a main dealer and importer for a host of manufacturers and is continuously sourcing important New Designs every year. We*Do Gallery Bangkok is also expanding its borders in Asia, representing and curating leading design names and new young talents with Limited Editions and Special Commissions to cover Asian Collectors’ needs and offering Curational Services for Institutions, Museums and Private Galleries. 79 Thonglor 8, Sukhumvit road 55 KlongtonNua , Wattana Tel: +66 02 391 4866

泰国创意设计中心(TCDC) 泰国创意设计中心(TCDC)是一个“充满创造力的 游乐场”,也是一个启发灵感、引领整个泰国社会创造 性思潮的地方。TCDC 致力于通过组织活动和提供服务, 例如举办展览、讲座以及提供有关设计研发方面的线上 资源和资料书籍,来唤醒泰国人民对设计价值的认知, 并将其打造成为设计创造领域最好的学习资源中心。目 前这里涉及设计领域的藏书已达 25000 余册,艺术史、 室内设计、建筑、时尚、纺织品、平面设计、摄影、电 影等各个门类资料也很丰富。 TCDC is a “playground for creativity”; a place to inspire and set the pace and tone of creative thinking in Thai society. Their goals include building awareness about the value of design among Thai people through a wide range of activities and services like exhibitions, lectures workshops, online and paper resources for research and development in design context. TCDC aims to be the premier learning resources center for design and creativity by providing comprehensive knowledge, stocked with more than 25,000 books and other media covering various interests in design discipline, e.g. art history, interior design, architecture, fashion, textiles, graphic design, photography, film, etc. 6th Fl. The Emporium Shopping Complex, 622 Sukhumvit 24 Tel: +66 02 664 8448

Squire Squire 创立于 2013 年,其最新推出的奢华 成衣系列向人们展示了既具概念性和实验性又 不乏优雅品味的产品。该系列成衣受到男士西 服的启发,倾向于使用硬朗的剪裁,实现最简 约的表达。Squire 凭借精湛的制衣技术,采用 特殊面料和现代剪裁方法,设计出了棱角分明、 充满几何图案的服装。Squire 探索更多的是衣 服的剪裁和形式,而非色彩,其客户也主要集 中在注重精致剪裁的大都市时尚精英群体和成 功人士。 Founded in 2013, Squire showcases luxury elements within its premier line: The prêt-a-porter collection is conceptual, elegant and experimental yet wearable. Inspired by men’s suits, the pieces lean towards sharp cuts and minimalist expression, with details of exquisite craftsmanship. Designs are sharp-angled and geometric; exploring form and cut rather than color, demonstrating exceptional fabrics and modern tailoring. The Squire customer demographic is cosmopolitan, sophisticated and successful, and appreciative of fine tailoring. besquire.com

Temple of Dawn

The exterior of St. Regis Bangkok

曼谷必游之地 强力推荐

From the Chief Concierge Atiphol Soonthornsingh 为曼谷瑞吉酒店 首席礼宾司、国际金钥匙组织会员。 Atiphol Soonthornsingh, Chief Concierge of St Regis Bangkok and a member of Les Clefs d’Or and Golden Key Holder


For first-timers to Bangkok 曼谷是一座能让每个人都找到乐趣 的城市。游客不用特别耗费时间或是去到 很远的地方,就可以体验各式各样的娱乐 活动,比如参观历史遗迹和博物馆、做个 Spa 放松身心,抑或是尝尝路边摊,在水 上市场买些水果、鲜花,体验真正的泰国 文化。空中列车和湄南河上的接驳船让一 切都变得方便简单,即使搭乘出租车也不 会花费太多。 It is a city where visitors are able to enjoy a wide range of activities and experiences within only a short distance and space of time: Historical Places, Museums, Spas, street food and fine cuisine, Thai culture, river side fruit and flower markets and much more. Getting around is easy with the Sky Train and shuttle boats on the river, plus plentiful taxis which don’t cost a fortune.




Best views of the city 曼谷的许多屋顶酒吧都可以看到不错的城 景,绝佳的视野让游客尽情享受夕阳西下时的美 好。这里重点推荐两处:莲花大酒店 63 层的露 天餐厅 Sirocco 和悦榕庄顶层的 Vertigo,营业时 间均为每天 18:30 至凌晨 1:00,该时段内均可提 供酒水。此外曼谷索菲特所饭店 25 层的行政酒 廊 Club Signature 也值得一到——当古老暹罗遇 到 19 世纪的法国,你眼前展现的是一幅超现实 的艺术巨制。 There some really great rooftop bars that offer spectacular views of the city, making a great sunset activity. Two that are highly recommended are Sirocco at Lebua and Vertigo on top of the Banyan Tree. Sirocco at State Tower, www.lebua.com/ sirocco, available to visit daily from 18:30-01:00 hrs for drink. Vertigo at Banyan Tree Hotel, www. banyantree.com/en/bangkok, available to visit daily from 18:30-01:00 hrs for drinks. Apart from these, unique interplay of old Siam meets nineteenth century France, Club Signature, an executive lounge on the 25th floor of Sofitel So Bangkok, is the enormous surreal art piece that greets guests as they enter, www.sofitel-so-bangkok.com.

Club Signature, Sofitel So Bangkok




If there was only one attraction to visit 只挑出一个地方去可不容易,这完全取决于你的喜好。 我们列的“曼谷必游之地”包括格兰德宫、玉佛寺、卧佛寺、 黎明寺,另外还推荐了以本地小吃为主的 Tien Prier 以及 Prachan Pier 码头的护身符市场,或是建议游客乘坐接驳 船到 Pra Atit Pier 码头,然后步行至考山路,在悠悠漫步 中度过一个美好的夜晚。游客还可以去大金佛寺看看,那 里有世界上最大的佛陀塑像,然后沿唐人街一路走到素泰 寺或大回环寺,途中会经过一个花卉市场。 Very hard for us to pick one – depending on our guest’s interests our list of MUST SEE Bangkok attractions would include the Grand Palace & Emerald Buddha Temple, the Reclining Buddha Temple, Temple of Dawn, trying local food at Tien Prier, visiting Amulet Market at Prachan Pier, or taking a shuttle boat to Pra Atit Pier, and then walking to Khao San Road for an evening. Alternatively, spending time at Wat Trimitr, the biggest golden Buddha image in the world, then walking along China Town past a flower market to Wat Suthat or Giant Swing temple.


Activities with a difference Petchyindee 的泰拳课(紧邻伦披尼拳击馆);卧佛 寺的传统泰式按摩课;卧佛寺的占星术与预言课;蓝象烹 饪学校的泰菜烹饪课,Naj 或 Bai Pai 烹饪课。 Thai Boxing class at Petchyindee, right next to Lumpini Boxing stadium; Thai traditional massage class at Wat Prachatuphon (Wat Pho); Horoscope and fortune teller class at Wat Prachatuphon (Wat Pho); Thai cooking class at Blue Elephant Cooking School, Naj or Bai Pai Cooking Class.


Dining Recommendations 泰国菜:素坤逸路 23 号的 Baan Khanitha 餐厅; 印度菜:素坤逸路 26 号的 Indus 餐厅; 中国菜:拉玛六世路的 China Palace; 日本菜:素坤逸 55 街(通罗街)10-12 号的 Mugendai、曼谷瑞吉酒店的 Zuma; 国际餐厅:Ton Son 街的 Arthur’s 餐厅; 意大利餐厅:曼谷瑞吉酒店的 Jojo、素坤逸路 31 号 的 Antonio’s。 * Thai - Baan Khanitha Restaurant Sukhumvit Soi 23; * Indian - Indus restaurant on Sukhumvit 26; * Chinese - China Palace on Rama VI Rd; * Japanese - Mugendai on Sukhumvit 55 Thong lor Soi 10 – 12 or Zuma at The St.Regis Bangkok; * International   Arthurs restaurant on Ton Son street; * Italian - Jojo at The St.Regis Bangkok or Antonio’s on Sukhumvit 31.

54 LifeStyle

Grand Palace


Bars where the locals hang out (not touristy) Ruem Rudee 路的 Hyde & Seek; 素坤逸路 11 号的 Oskar; 素坤逸路 11 号的 The Level; 通罗街 10 号的 Funky Villa; Ratchadamri 路的 Fallabella; Novotel Silom 的 Maggie Choo’s。 * Hyde & Seek on Ruem Rudee road; * Oskar on Sukhumvit soi 11; * The Level on Sukhumvit soi 11; * Funky Villa at Thonglor Soi 10; * Fallabella on Ratchadamri Road; * Maggie Choo’s at the Novotel Silom.


Something relaxing 建议体验一下曼谷的 Spa,比如曼谷瑞吉酒 店的 Elemis Spa。你也可以选一个宁静的夜晚, 去曼谷最具特色和吸引力的安帕瓦水上市场看看 (每个周末 16:00-20:00 开市)。 We would recommend spending some time during a stay in a spa, either at the Elemis Spa at The St Regis Bangkok or another one nearby that we can recommend, indulging in some Thai massage. Alternatively, you can travel to a tranquil evening floating market called Amphawa, which is one of most attractive sights Bangkok has to offer, open only at weekends from 16:00 - 20:00 hrs.

Elemis Spa at The St Regis Bangkok



品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.58 潮物

Material Culture / P.62 座驾

Auto / P.74 艺术

Art / P.76

草间弥生色彩亮丽的画作 Brightly colored, square-format paintings by Yayoi Kusama




Huang Haibo a model BEAU

“国民女婿”黄海波敞开心扉,与 LifeStyle 分享心愿、爱好 以及他所理解的生活,展示最真实的自己。 Huang Haibo, dubbed “the Model Husband of the Nation”, opens his heart to LifeStyle and shares wishes, hobbies and what he has got from life. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Zhang Luoping, UMI



你塑造了这么多好男人的角色,被封“国民 女婿”、“国民老公”等,会感到压力吗? 其实我不敢坦然接受这样的称呼,因 为现实生活中的我还没有结婚。我在电视剧 中的表现更像是纸上谈兵,缺乏实践经验, 不过我觉得通过用心诠释不同角色,我还是 从中学到了很多生活智慧的。 生活中的你是什么样的? 《咱们结婚吧》里面果然的性格比较 接近我的实际性格,简单、率真,有点小幽 默,有点拧巴,有时候爱较劲,但总是快乐 着,还比较重情义。如果真的感到累了,就 给自己放个假,待在家里看看电影,翻翻书, 或者什么都不做,彻底放空。或许这样的生 活淡如白水,却能带给我一种特别踏实的感 觉。这正是我所理解的生活。 果然非常喜欢摄影,特别想去非洲拍雄狮和 黑猩猩,你自己也喜欢摄影吗? 是的,平常生活中我也喜欢摄影,不 过现在很难抽出专门外出拍片的时间了,就 拿手机随性拍。我特别喜欢捕捉生活中那些 有意思的事或是人,看到了就想马上用镜头 记录下来,分享给身边的朋友们。比如有一 次散步时,看到一个孩子蹲在地上玩泥土, 我就拿出手机拍他那股认真劲儿。 听说你还爱旅行。你去过的地方,最喜欢哪 里? 我比较喜欢旅行,目前为止我去过的 地方里最喜欢意大利西西里。那个地方很 美,生活也比较安逸,在那里我还收获了一 位好朋友,她叫古欣娜塔。在那里工作期间, 她曾邀请我到她家里做客,把她的朋友介绍 给我。我们还相约,如果有一天我要结婚了, 那么婚礼要在意大利办。

和建议,而我在遇到困难或困惑时,第一时 间会想到他们。一路走来,一路感恩! 私下跟合作过的女星关系如何?会扮演她们 的闺密吗? 我觉得交朋友需要经过三个阶段:过 事、过钱、交心。经过这三个阶段以后,彼 此之间才会有情义、讲义气。大家能够成为 好朋友,最重要的是交心。至于闺密,从她 们的角度来看,我是她们的闺密,如果站在 我的角度,她们是我的兄弟。

2014 心愿单里有去意大利结婚吗? 呵呵, 刚过完 37 岁生日, 到了这个年纪, 总算把我自己弄明白了,想清楚了自己要什 么。来年最大的心愿是早日成家,把个人问 题解决了。

How do you feel about being the model husband of the nation after playing many roles of a nice guy? Actually, I’m flattered since I am still single in real life. I do lack practical experience so I did a lot of homework and effort to make it up and it turned out that I learnt much life wisdom from different roles.

演戏对你意味着什么? 我从 13 岁就开始拍戏,当时什么都不 懂,只知道要听导演的。从最早出演张元导 演的《妈妈》,到最近播的刘江导演的《咱 们结婚吧》,可以说每一部戏对我来说都意 义重大。我演过很多角色,也经历过“生活” 的酸甜苦辣,我相信这一切都是生命中必须 要经历和承受的。我从表演创作中获得了无 限快乐。

What do you look like in real life? The character Guo Ran from the TV serial We Get Married closely resembles me: simple, humorous forthright and sincere, sometimes a little entangled but forever happy and grateful. I would like to take a holiday when tired, enjoy a movie and book at home or just do nthing. I look for fun in life, which makes me feel steady and sure—that’s how I think of real life.

一路走来,会遇见很多贵人,如何看待自己 与他们之间的关系? 每个人对贵人的理解都不一样。我所 理解的贵人,就是很重要的人。我有很多重 要的朋友,比如康红雷导演、刘江导演,等 等,不过还有一个重要的人是必须要提的, 我的师傅李雪健老师。记得他曾对我说: “戏 是演给人看的,你得想办法把它演好看了。 碰到一些感情戏你就得掏心窝子,得有真情 实感,只有这样你才能对得住人家。”这一 句话,影响我一生!这些重要的朋友,无论 是生活还是工作中,他们都给了我很多想法

Guo Ran is a photography enthusiast who is eager to shoot lions and chimpanzees in Africa. What about you? Photography is also one of my hobbies and I love “capturing” interesting moments in life and share them with others. For example, I once came across a child who was playing with mud with all his heart and I immediately recorded how seriously he treated his toy. Anyway, it’s getting harder for me to go out shooting. We heard that you also travel a lot, so what’s your favorite destination? So far it’s Sicily. It’s really beautiful and

comfortable and I even made a friend called Cucinotta there. When I worked in Sicily, Cucinotta introduced me to her family and friends and we made this deal that I would hold my wedding in Italy when I find the one. So is getting married in Italy among your 2014 list? I just had my 37-years-old birthday and figured out what I really want. Getting married and building a family is my greatest wish in 2014. What does “acting” means to you? I got my first role when I was thirteen and I knew nothing about acting but just followed the director’s guidance. From the very first TV serial Mother (directed by Zhang Yuan) to the latest We Get Married (directed by Liu Jiang), every role means a lot to me. Thanks to different roles I played, I’ve been through “ups and downs”, which I believe are real in our life. For me, acting is enjoyable. How do you view the “unexpected helpers” you meet in life? Luckily for me, I have had any unexpected helpers and they are all very important people who I am always grateful to, like friends, the director Kang Honglei and Liu Jiang, to name a few. They offer me with suggestions and ideas once I am confused or low. My tutor, respectable Mr. Li Xuejian says, “acting is not false, you should be real and the audience could only be touched by real feelings, that is what you should do.” He just changed me forever! You have costarred with many hot actresses, so are you a bestie? In my opinion, there are three stages to becoming a best friend: things, money and heart. The most important thing about friendship is opening up your heart. For them, I am a bestie and for me, they are all buddies.




Gems for Gentlemen 这些天然矿物宝石以其美丽颜色和特殊光泽, 逐渐成为制作袖扣的最佳材质,让男人不再为袖口的单调而烦恼。 The minerals that we selected in this issue are all formed naturally in rocks and in the earth. The color and sheen make them perfect for cuff links, which will surely brighten your day. Text: Eva Liu


Material Culture


Turquoise 绿松石被视为吉祥幸福的圣物。绿松 石氧化物中含铜时呈蓝色,含铁时呈绿色, 以不透明的蔚蓝色最具特色。这两款梦幻般 的天然绿松石袖扣呈蔚蓝色,分别用金银做 底基,衬托出不同的风格。 It has always been taken as the halidom of luck and happiness - turquoise is an opaque, blue-to-green mineral that is a hydrous phosphate of copper and aluminum. The bluish color is due to the presence of more cuprum in the oxide, and the greenish color is due to the presence of more ferrum. These two stunning natural turquoise cuff links are made of opaque sky-blue turquoise and respectively set on gold and silver bases.


Lapis-lazuli 青金石为玻璃至油脂光泽,这种较为 罕有的宝石拥有独特的蓝色、深蓝、淡蓝及 浅青色等,呈蓝色的青金石首饰或配饰甚为 珍贵。这款由青金石和黄金底座组合袖扣, 做工精致,贵气十足。 The name of lapis-lazuli came to be associated with its graduated bluish colors with glass or greasy luster. This item is made of lapis-lazuli with golden base, which looks so dignified.


Diopside 美丽的透辉石能给予佩戴者以创造力, 其呈玻璃光泽,有铬透辉石、青透辉石等。 这款天然黑星石透辉石的椭圆形袖扣大气 奢华,凸显品位。 Diopside is a colorless or pale-green pyroxene mineral consisting of calcium magnesium silicate in monoclinic crystalline form. It is said that diopside will bring creativity to who wears it. There are chrome diopside, violane and many other types. This pair of cuff links with an oval black star diopside looks extremely graceful and luxury, which highlights the taste of its owner.

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Emerald 祖母绿有“绿宝石之王”的美称,据说古埃及 时代就用来做珠宝了。它象征着幸运、幸福,佩戴 它能够带来一生的平安。这款梵克雅宝袖扣,翠绿 的祖母绿宝石被金体环绕,雍容华贵,看起来好似 珠宝之王。


Emerald has been used for making jewelries since ancient Egyptian times. It represents luck and happiness. By wearing emerald jewelries, people are blessed to have a lifelong safeness. The emerald of this Van Cleef & Arpels cuff links is circled by twined gold chains, which makes it dignified and graceful.

Diamond 钻石以无色透明、光彩辉煌者为瑰宝, 在古时被视为勇敢、权力、地位和尊贵的象 征。这款卡地亚 18k 白金钻石铺就的豹头 袖扣恰恰完美诠释了钻石的特性。 What makes diamond a precious treasure is its clearness, brightness and transparency. In ancient times, it is also taken as the symbol of courageousness, power, status and dignity. The 18k white gold cuff links with a shape of panther head from Cartier is a great representative of all the traits and meanings of diamond mentioned above.


Quartz 石英晶体在苏格兰被称为“胜利的石 头”。晶体在自然状态下形成,具备宇宙本 身的能量。这款古董石英袖扣诡异而神秘, 像是具备了大自然中无限的超能量。 Quartz is given the name of “the stone of victory” in Scotland. It is also formed by natural forces, which endows them with the power of the universe. The antique quartz cuff links have a special charm of oddness and mysteriousness, which probably carries the superpower of nature.


Agate 玛瑙是玉髓类矿物的一种,经常是混 有蛋白石和隐晶质石英的纹带状块体,呈半 透明到不透明状,色彩相当有层次。这两款 红、绿玛瑙袖扣成色自然,美丽多姿,适合 搭配任何材质的衬衣。 Agate is a microcrystalline variety of silica, chiefly chalcedony, characterized by its fineness of grain and brightness of color, and always with opal and cryptocrystalline quartz stripes. It is often semitransparent or non-transparent, with gradation of abundant colors. These two items embody true natural beauty of agate and will be a fabulous addition to any wardrobe.




Material Culture


Ruby 红宝石属于刚玉族矿物,质地坚硬, 因其成分中含铬而呈红到粉红色,含量越高 颜色越鲜艳。红宝石象征着财富和高贵的气 质,被誉为“财富之石”。这款“安德鲁克 里斯和狮子”红宝石银袖扣讲述了一段由悲 伤转化为快乐的神话故事。 A ruby is a pink to blood-red colored gemstone, a variety of the mineral corundum. The red color is caused mainly by the presence of the element chromium. Ruby is the symbol of wealth and dignity and is called “the stone of wealth”. Androclus & the Lion cuff links tell a story about dispelling sadness with happiness.


Moonstone 长石晶莹剔透,由于内部结构特殊而 有蓝色的晕光,好似幽静夜幕下的月光,故 得名月光石。这款月光石袖扣呈现蓝和灰两 种色调,像是月亮神赐给男人的礼物。 The name of moonstone is derived from a visual effect caused by light diffraction within a microstructure consisting of a regular succession of feldspar layers. It looks like the halo of the moon in the night. This silver cuff links featuring a claw design, a mixed tonality of blue and gray and a t-bar fastening are the best gifts from Artemis.


Sunstone 太阳石是世界各民族太阳崇拜的产物。 据说长期佩戴太阳石饰品可以提高活力,增 强生命力。从这款袖扣中是否能看出太阳光 线? Since there exists global sun-worship, it is said that, sunstone has the ability of bringing energy and vitality. Can you see the refraction of sunlight through these cuff links?

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Malachite 中国古代称孔雀石为绿青、石绿或青 琅 ,因颜色酷似孔雀羽毛上的绿色斑点而 得名。这两款纯银天然孔雀石袖扣颜色鲜 艳,色带纹带清晰,是难得寻见的男士配饰。 Malachite was called “Peacock Stone” in ancient China, because it has the same color as the green spots of a peacock’s tail feather. The mineral was given this name due to its resemblance to the leaves of the mallow plant. These two items are best accessories for gentleman.


Bixi “碧玺”这个词最早出现在清朝。碧 玺又称为电气石,其高锂含量可以平衡身 体的电化学和心的根脉轮,使人变得平和。 这款绿碧玺袖扣抛光好,打磨工艺精致,呈 现一种安静平和的美。 The term “Bixi” first appeared in Qing dynasty, which is also known as tourmaline. Tourmaline is a crystal boron silicate mineral compounded with elements such as aluminium, iron, magnesium, sodium, lithium, or potassium. The high lithium content will make people peaceful. These tourmaline cuff links are well-polished to bring the beauty of serenity.


Peridot 橄榄石大约是 3500 年前在古埃及领土圣约翰岛发现 的。优质橄榄石呈透明的橄榄绿色、金黄绿色或祖母绿色, 色泽清澈秀丽。这款底座为白金的精美橄榄石袖扣像是一 对幸福使者,赏心悦目。 Peridot is gem-quality olivine and its color ranges from emerald to olive green or yellowish green. Peridot was first founded in ancient Egyptian territory about 3500 years ago. These two pieces of large and bright peridot are beautifully set in white gold bases, which present a classic example of exquisite design.






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全新长安马自达 3

路虎推出其 20 年来首款揽胜加长版车型。该车车轴距达到 3072mm(现款揽胜轴距为 2922mm),加长部分主要集中在 B 柱和 C 柱之间,因此后排空间表现将会大大提高,并搭载了 3.0T V6、4.4T V8 柴油发动机和 5.0T V8 汽油发动机。与之相匹配的 是 8 速手自一体变速箱。新增按摩功能的玻托那福劳豪华真皮座 椅、全新后中控台设计、氛围照明等配置。

全新一代马自达 3 前不久正式发布,并将在 2014 年由长安 马自达国产。该车采用经典的“魂动”设计理念,盾形前进气格栅、 柳叶眉式前大灯以及流畅的车身线条,整体看来其造型紧凑动感。 海外版全新马自达 3 搭载的是创驰蓝天系列发动机,将有 1.5L、 2.0L、2.5L 汽油发动机和 2.2L 柴油发动机可供选择。与之相匹 配的是 6 速手动变速箱或者 6 速自动变速箱。

Range Rover’s first extended wheelbase car in 20 years, this lengthy luxurious model boasts a 3072mm wheelbase (compared to the typical 2922mm), with the extra length adding to seat recline and leg room making for luxurious amounts of space. 3.0T V6 diesel or 5.0T V8 engine options are matched with 8 speed transmission, and the car includes Poltrona Frau leather seats with lumbar massage, a new center console design, ambient lighting, and other configurations.

The all new Mazda 3 was recently released, as well as news that in 2014 Changan Mazda will begin manufacturing the Mazda 3 for the Chinese market. Carrying on the “KODO” design concept, it features the shield shaped grille, and sleek headlight and dynamic flowing body design. Current Mazda 3 models include a choice of 1.5L, 2.0L or 2.5L SKYACTIV engine or 2.2L diesel engine, and 6-speed manual or automatic transmission.

Range Rover Long Wheelbase

74 LifeStyle

All-New Changan Mazda 3

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讴歌轿跑 RLX Sport Hybrid SH-AWD

宝马 4 系敞篷

讴歌在前不久举办的洛杉矶车展上推出搭载混合动力系统的 四驱运动轿跑 RLX Sport Hybrid SH-AWD。该车在普通版 3.5L V6 上再加三台电机,整个动力系统的参数为 276kW(375PS) /609Nm。与动力系统相匹配的是 7 速双离合变速箱。三围尺寸 分别为 4980/1890/1465mm,轴距为 2850mm,并配备本田自家 的 P-AWS 四轮转向系统。

全新宝马 4 系敞篷车实为 3 系 coupe 敞篷后任车型,采用 一组三片可收式硬车顶。4 系敞篷的后尾箱空间比 3 系 coupe 敞篷多 20L,车顶闭合时可提供 370L 的空间,开启敞篷后也有 220L 的空间。4 系敞篷版车型还配备了颈部暖流系统。除此之外, 座椅加热、倒车雷达、自动空调、定速巡航和发动机自动启停系 统也将作为标准配置出现。

Acura recently showed its new RLX Sport Hybrid at the LA Auto Show, which adds three electric motors on top of a 3.5L V6 engine, making for a total output of 276kW (375PS)/609N-m, paired with a 7-speed dual-clutch automatic transmission. The car measures 4980/1890/1465mm, with the wheelbase at 2850mm, and is equipped with Honda’s P-AWS all-wheel drive system.

The new 4 Series convertible takes cues from the 3 series, but with a 3 piece retractable roof and 20L more space in the trunk – with the car’s top opened it holds 220 liters, top closed 370. The new convertible also boasts the 4 Series’ three-temperature Air Collar neck heating system, heated seats, radar, automatic AC, cruise system and automatic engine start and stop system.

2014 Acura RLX Sport Hybrid SH-AWD

BMW 4 Series Convertible



4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4

4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4




I Who Have Arrived in Heaven

“波点太后”草间弥生在纽约大卫 · 茨维尔纳画廊的首个个展让人“灵魂出窍”。 An inaugural exhibit of seminal Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama at David Zwirner Gallery Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: David Zwirner Gallery

八十多岁的日本经典艺术家草间弥生出 生在日本松本,曾移居纽约,以奇异怪诞的 波点图案著称,人送外号“波点太后”。草 间小时候患病导致幻听幻视, 常有自杀企图, 同时陷入对相同图案空间填充的痴迷,她把 这些来自幻觉的视觉圆点看作是无限大的捕 捉网,代表了自己的生命。草间说自己是“精 神病艺术家”,用自己的病灶进行艺术创作。 她目前就居住在东京的心理治疗所,其工作 室设在咫尺之外,过着两点一线的生活。 草间于 2013 年早些时候加入了大卫·茨 维尔纳画廊,前不久在这家画廊举办《已到 达天堂的我》主题展览,集中呈现了近期的 艺术实践, 探讨她逐渐接近的现实——死亡。 展览包括 27 幅大尺寸绘画新作、一个视频 投影装置和两间“无限镜屋:数百万光年以 外的灵魂”。草间的创作涵盖绘画、文学、 设计、软雕塑、时尚、行为艺术、装置艺术 和对现存建筑的“介入”,主题暗指微观与 宏观的宇宙,被评论家归类到相当多的艺术 派别。事实上,她的作品已经超越了 20 世 纪后半期最重要的两项艺术运动——波普艺 术和极简主义。 《已到达天堂的我》反映了艺术家长期 对宇宙境界的兴趣,同时呼应了一直贯穿其 作品的自传性元素。此次展出的作品继续表 现了艺术家对艺术形式、内容和空间的创新 探索,同时也与其 60 年的艺术创作巧妙联 系起来。

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草间还特意创作了一系列色彩亮丽的画 作,大部分都超过了 6 英尺。它们暗示了宇 宙天体或基本的生命形态,也突出了艺术家 将具象和非具象事物相结合的独特手法。 “无 限镜屋:数百万光年以外的灵魂”是展览的 最大亮点,也是草间最新的创作。它就像个 天文馆, 由排列的镜子面板和投影地面组成, 室内悬挂高度不一的彩色 LED 灯。彩色灯光通过镜子相互反射 而产生无数重复镜像,让观者被 空间发生扭曲的光束包围,暗示 着永无止境,又最终映射对生死、 时间静止和永恒前行的概念,同 时让人产生灵魂出窍的感觉。 自 1952 年 在 日 本 举 办 了 首 个个展后,草间的作品便频频以 联展和个展的形式出现。最近一 次是 2012 年在纽约惠特尼美国艺 术博物馆举办的回顾展,获得如 潮好评,之前还有伦敦泰特美术馆 组织的,在马德里索菲亚王后国家 艺术中心和巴黎蓬皮杜国家艺术文 化中心办的展览。


avid Zwirner recently presented I Who Have Arrived in Heaven, the gallery’s inaugural exhibition with Yayoi Kusama. Spanning the gallery’s three consecutive locations on West 19th Street in New York, the exhibition featured twentyseven new large-scale paintings alongside a recent video installation and two mirrored infinity rooms, one of which was made especially for this presentation. Yayoi Kusama’s work has transcended two of the most important art movements of the second half of the twentieth century: pop art and minimalism. Her extraordinary and highly influential career spans paintings, performances, room-size presentations, outdoor sculptural installations, literary works, films, fashion, design, and interventions within existing architectural structures, which allude at once to microscopic and macroscopic universes. The exhibition’s title, I Who Have Arrived in Heaven, reflects the artist’s long-standing interest in cosmic realms and resonates with the autobiographical element that runs through her oeuvre. The recent and new works on view at the gallery continue her innovative exploration of form, content, and space, while at the same time presenting a link to her artistic production from the past six decades. For the exhibition, Kusama created a series of brightly colored, square-format paintings, the majority of which measure over six feet. Part of a recent body of work, they allude to universal spheres or basic life forms and highlight her unique amalgamation of representational and non-representational subject matter. The exhibition’s centerpiece is Kusama’s

newest mirrored infinity room. Shown here for the first time, “Infinity Mirrored Room – The Souls of Millions of Light Years Away” encompasses a cube-shaped, mirror-paneled room that features a shallow reflecting pool as its floor. Hundreds of multicolored LED lights are suspended at varying heights from the ceiling. They flicker on and off in a strobe-like effect, producing an intense illumination of the space and a repetitive pattern of reflections that suggest endlessness and ultimately invoke concepts of life and death. Born in 1929 in Matsumoto, Japan, Yayoi Kusama joined David Zwirner in early 2013. Since her first solo show in her native Japan in 1952, the artist’s work has been featured widely in both solo and group presentations. Her latest exhibition in New York was the critically acclaimed retrospective hosted by the Whitney Museum of American Art in 2012. Organized by Tate Modern, London, it was previously shown at the Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofía, Madrid and the Centre Georges Pompidou, Paris.



78 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.80 旅游

Travel / P.94 人物

Profile / P.104


Dining / P.110 美酒

WineClub / P.112

巴厘岛金巴兰森林酒店 RIMBA Bali







South by Southeast

走进东南亚,LifeStyle 为你盘点 5 家度假酒店, 体验浓郁神秘的东方文明与现代摩登的智能设施并臻之美。 A selection of Southeast Asia's best retreats Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels

80 LifeStyle


Capella Resort and Spa Singapore 新加坡嘉佩乐酒店坐落于圣淘沙岛上面积 达 30 亩的环绕丘陵中,尽览新加坡自然生态风 光,其间有自由漫步的孔雀和错落有致的雕塑, 确保入住宾客获得无与伦比的圣淘沙假期。弧 形的现代建筑、极具历史风情的殖民建筑,还 有绿意盎然的热带雨林,在这里和谐地融为一 体,而辽阔美丽的中国南海就是酒店的后院。 由 Foster + Partners 设计打造的酒店建筑, 巧妙融合了新加坡的新旧风貌,成为令人赞叹 的绝美设计。酒店员工在两栋丹那美拉(马来 语意为“红土”)旧式平房中迎接客人的到来。 这些殖民时期的建筑可追溯到 1880 年代,经过 整修重建之后,与新增建的酒店及度假小屋完 美呼应。 值得一提的是,酒店屡获殊荣的御夫座水 疗以月球的渐变规律来代表人不同的身体状况, 从而提供重焕身心的水疗疗程,成为众多宾客 首选的休憩之地。 The singular locale of Capella Singapore resort and spa in Singapore ensures that a vacation on Sentosa Island is like none other. Curved, modern buildings gently intermingle with both colonial buildings and the verdant, vibrant rainforest. The South China Sea is the resorts’ backyard. Conceived by the renowned firm Foster + Partners, the design integrates old and new Singapore into a dynamic fusion. Guests are received by hotel staff in two historic bungalows named Tanah Merah, or “red earth” in Malay. Dating back to the 1880s, these British colonial buildings have been restored and perfectly complement the new hotel extension and villas. There are 30 acres of lush lawns dotted with trees, roaming peacocks and artfully appointed sculptures, just steps from a family-friendly beach at the resort’s foot. It all adds up to a relaxing tropical getaway - particularly if one indulges at the award-winning Auriga spa. www.capellahotels.com/singapore







以印尼语“森林”一词命名的巴厘岛金巴兰森林酒店是环 保设计理念的杰出体现。酒店入口处绿树成荫,小径沿途风景 美不胜收,森林与海滩的落日美景可尽收眼底,让人恍如踏入 国家公园。酒店拥有 8 公顷郁郁葱葱的花园,依偎在阿雅娜水 疗度假酒店 77 公顷的广阔怀抱之内,鸟瞰着金巴兰海湾。 282 间客房与套房设备完善,优雅别致。占地一公顷的多 层式泳池、大规模种植园区、热带花卉及有机蔬果园,还有著 名的海洋温泉水晶角质护理疗程,惊喜连连,让人欲罢不能。 这里还是巴厘岛最具代表的落日观赏地,客人可在印度洋上 14 米高天然悬崖上尽情享受无与伦比的壮阔美景。 酒店幽静的森林环境,阿雅娜雄伟壮观的海景,无不为宾 客提供极致的住宿体验。森林酒店与阿雅娜相辅相成,设计独特、 设施一流,宾客可同时享受别样的酒店风格与服务。

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Named after the Indonesian word for ‘forest’, RIMBA Jimbaran Bali is a retreat offering stunning sunset views and innovative, modern design amidst lush greenery and an abundance of water. RIMBA’s entrance road winds through tall trees and tropical flora, almost like entering a national park, with beautifully landscaped gardens and six multi-leveled pools. World-class dining, 282 stylish rooms and suites, and the award-winning Thermes Marins Spa make it the perfect sanctuary for a relaxing break, and a base from which to explore Bali and nearby attractions. The 8 hectare luxury Bali hotel is the sister hotel of AYANA Resort and Spa Bali, located within the 77-hectare estate above Jimbaran Bay. Guests experience seamless service and the facilities of two distinct resorts offering the best of both worlds: RIMBA Jimbaran Bali with its hillside location and forest ambience, and the award-winning AYANA Resort and Spa Bali’s unrivaled ocean-front setting. www.rimbajimbaran.com




Raffles Makati Manila

84 LifeStyle

马尼拉麦卡蒂莱佛士酒店坐落在一个 新发展项目的中心位置,30 层的瞩目大楼 分为三个不同区域:设有 32 间套房的麦卡 蒂莱佛士酒店、拥有 237 套一至四房私人 公寓的莱佛士酒店公寓以及提供 280 间豪 华客房的麦卡蒂费尔蒙酒店。 麦卡蒂莱佛士酒店的外观极具现代气 息,同时融入旗舰店新加坡莱佛士酒店永 恒经典的气质,充分体现了马尼拉中西合 璧、兼收并蓄的魅力及韵味。32 间宽敞的 套房宛如低调奢华的世外桃源,实乃宁静 的休憩之所。每间套房均拥有宽大的落地 窗,将城内迷人景致尽收眼底。 酒店所处区域素有“菲律宾华尔街” 之称,是多国大使馆及菲律宾证券交易所 的所在地,为菲律宾金融中心以及重要的 国际事务枢纽。附近的格洛里塔商场和绿 地购物中心汇集了世界顶级精品店、餐厅 和娱乐场所。

Raffles Makati is at the heart of a prestigious development – a striking 30-floor masterpiece, home to three sophisticated addresses in one tower: Raffles Makati, with 32 suites; Raffles Residences, with 237 one to four bedroom residences for private ownership; and Fairmont Makati, a hotel with 280 deluxe rooms. The design of Raffles Makati is contemporary, whilst drawing on the timeless quality of old world charm and new world sophistication. Each of the hotel’s 32 large suites has been designed to be an understated getaway. Every suite will have large floor-to-ceiling windows and mesmerizing views out over the city. In addition, the location offers a cosmopolitan vibe: designer shopping is at the Glorietta Mall and Greenbelt Shopping Mall and nearby is the Makati Stock Exchange, Ninov Aquino Monument and World Trade Center Manila. www.raffles.com/makati




The Grand at Ho Tram Strip 赫坦斯提浦大酒店——越南首家综合豪华度假村和娱乐多元化的大 型酒店颇有在地图上创造出一个全新坐标的雄心,让你见识一下什么叫 “大型”。再过 10 年,素有“东方拉斯维加斯”之称的澳门将会有一 个强劲对手,赫坦斯提浦的规模设施不输美国和中国,一流餐厅、豪华 水疗中心、狂野的夜总会、会议中心、零售购物区、世界一流的高尔夫 球场,现有客房和套房 550 间,最终计划要超 5000 间。 从大堂带给客人好运的狮子、设有私密包厢的粤餐厅到有着白光和 周璇歌声相伴的自助早餐(点心、粥品、现榨果汁和新鲜芒果一应俱全), 这里肯定会让中国客人备感亲切。细软的沙子、一望无际的沙滩,宜人 的气温更为其锦上添花,成就了一处激情与放松并存的完美之地。 The name “Grand” works in this case. Even names for suites like Imperial and Royal are not likely to leave those born with such honorifics disappointed. Ambitions are grand indeed here. More than just a hotel or entertainment center, the Grand at Ho Tram Strip aims to create a whole new location on the map. In another ten years, this could be a rival for Macao’s title of Vegas of the East. The setting beats both the American and

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the Chinese versions. The soft sands, wide beaches, and warm but not overwhelming temperatures, removed from frantic cities ensure real relaxation. As ambitious as its name, the Grand already has 550 rooms and suites, but the final plan is for over five-thousand. Chinese guests will feel very at home from the lions at the main lobby, sure to bring luck to all guests, to the Bai Guang and Zhou Xuan playing at the breakfast buffet, which includes everything from Dimsum to Congee, but also features items less readily available in the Mainland like freshly squeezed juice and fresh mangos. The Cantonese restaurant complete with private rooms, also assures the right environment for critical dinners with important partners. This is a perfect place to take those who demand some place a bit off the beaten path that still has all the niceties of home. The spa is perfect for a cool-down after several goes at the tables or a fabulous date while on your honeymoon, and after that, go for a wild night at the Club. The Grand offers the perfect blend of excitement and relaxation. www.thegrandhotramstrip.com






Princess D'Annam Resort and Spa 像一段没有句点的旋律,从进入酒店 那一刻起,一切都从你眼前行云流水般展 开。野姜花、鹤望兰、大花胡麻草、龙船 花彼此挨肩流转,水中站立的一棵缅栀子 “探身”引人进入一条蜿蜒小径。忽然眼 前又豁然开朗,一座白色的后殖民时代风 格的私人别墅和配套的无边游泳池藏在一 座私人花园里。 如果傍晚时分到达,暖色灯光干净质 朴,倚在蓝色水域和门庭前的花丛边,让 人不禁想起《浮生六记》里娓娓道来的生 活片段,芸为了养成一株盆栽所费的心思, 似乎不比这里最盛的各色素馨花需要的悉 心照料更多。客人除了享受 Spa、按摩和 私人泳池外,也可以露天烧烤,或者落座 沙滩上的餐厅,欣赏不远处盛名百年的法 国灯塔,尽享越南盛宴。 Holidays in Vietnam can be defined by rain. The ineffable Princess D’Annam Resort and Spa, 35km South of seaside city of Phan Thiet, offers a sundrenched refuge from the monsoons that somehow bypass this point. This paradise of forested hills, Saharalike dunes, paddy fields, and red canyons near pristine beaches offers the seclusion and privacy that so many other resort spots

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in Southeast Asia lack. Set on a bay with the oldest operating lighthouse in Vietnam, the resort has an elegant, subtly colonial, design by award-winning architect Tan Hock Beng while the contemporary Vietnamese design of the 57 villas are by designer Vincent Koh. The real triumph of this property is the design of its sublime spaces. Guests will not ever feel crowded in or disturbed by noise. Guests can choose from a wide range of adventures in the rustic, unspoilt Binh Thuan Province, but wandering through the grounds of the resort may be one of the most charming experiences. The Ginger Garden by Alan W. Carle, whose landscape designs for the Singapore Botanical Gardens won him international acclaim, brings rare and exotic plants from around Asia that are painstakingly maintained to ensure an enchanting blend of wildness and refinement. The Princess D’Annam - the inspiration for the resort who graced these lands in the 14th Century, could not have had a more perfect garden in her own palace. Some products, places or experiences rise above others in the same category due to true care and love. The vision and refined taste of the creators is immediately palpable. www.princessannam.com




Discovering Genting Resort Secret Garden 去过东南亚的游客,对“云顶”并不 陌生。在马来西亚,云顶是久负盛名的度 假体验地和不夜城,汇集着休闲、愉悦、 温情及阖家欢乐等众多元素。密苑云顶乐 园是马来西亚云顶集团、卓越集团将原汁 原味的云顶国际化度假体验带入中国内地 的首个项目,也是目前华北地区设计理念 最新、规划区域最广、投资规模最大、运 营和服务最人性化的旅游度假项目。 密苑云顶乐园选址河北省张家口市崇 礼县三道沟的山谷里,自然环境优美,所 有项目业态依地势而建。这里距北京 248 公里,交通便利,从北京驾车不到 3 小时 即可抵达。乐园希望凭借区域内优越的山 地、林地、雪地和气候资源,成为集冰雪 度假、消夏避暑、休闲养生、生态观光为 一体且功能齐备的生态旅游休闲度假区。 乐园内的云顶滑雪中心全年积雪时间 长达 150 天。得天独厚的地理优势为冰雪 娱乐项目创造了绝佳条件。2012-2013 年

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雪季,云顶滑雪中心开放初、中、高级雪 道 30 条 和 3 条 高 速 缆 车。 雪 场 配 备 多 台 意大利天冰造雪机和意大利普罗诺斯压雪 车,完善的造雪系统充分保障滑雪场的运 营环境。雪场还设有雪上单板娱乐区,以 满足不同级别滑雪爱好者的不同需求。云 顶滑雪中心的雪具大厅为滑雪爱好者准备 了 1400 多套所罗门、沃克品牌高级雪具, 另有艾斯匹克滑雪服、头盔等装备可供租 用。滑雪教练还可为你量身打造滑雪教程, 让你充分领略滑雪运动的无限精彩。 与自然完美融合是五星级酒店提供舒 适环境的至高追求。乐园内的云顶大酒店 遵循自然与现代相结合的设计理念,为宾 客提供超凡脱俗、放松身心的度假体验。 265 间客房与套房坐享绝美壮观的高山风景 线,其高端的设施给你家一般的惬意舒适。 酒店具备滑雪大厅的功能,与雪道无缝接 驳,真正实现从酒店直接出门进雪场的国 际流行风尚。酒店餐厅、水疗和会议等设

施为密苑云顶乐园提供卓越的后勤服务, 免除了客人的一切后顾之忧。 密苑云顶乐园还有一个非常难得的 大亮点,那就是生态农业园!位于乐园 入口处——太子城村畔,集观光、体验 采摘、安全餐饮于一体的现代化大型生 态农业种养殖园区,占地 60 亩,总投资 3000 万元,生产的蔬菜、肉类均采用有 机生产方式,无残留物质,为游客提供 真正的无公害蔬菜、肉类食品。 Chongli County (within Hebei Province) is nicknamed as Beijing’s “Backyard Garden”, where Taihang Mountain and Yan Mountain meet in the midst of the greater Dama Mountain Range. The climate tempts visitors with an average temperature of 19°C through the blazing Beijing summer. Winter brings a majestic white blanket over the snow-capped mountains, turning into a natural alpine sanctuary perfect for


enjoying the best of the season outdoors. Here, Genting Resort Secret Garden, an ambitious project developed and led by the Malaysian owned Genting Group and VXL Group, balances remoteness and accessibility for a perfect holidaying retreat. Less than three-hour drive from Beijing, Genting Resort Secret Garden with its panorama of majestic woodland heights, cloud-shrouded peaks and clear mountain air is just a short hop away. The Ski Resort within Genting Resort Secret Garden experiences accumulated snowfall of 63.5mm, with snow expected up to 150 days every year. Ice and snow recreational development take advantage of local geography, producing perfect conditions for winter sports. In 2012-2013 snow seasons, 30 ski slopes and 3 cable car & Chairlift and SKI Center are opened to both beginners and professionals. Snowboarders can also find their own playground here. A safe

environment is maintained by snowmaking system with Italian TechnoAlpin cannons and Northrup compression pumps. Skiing enthusiasts can choose from over 1400 sets of high-quality Salomon or Walker ski equipment prepared to satisfy their diverse needs and preferences. Icepeak ski suits, helmets and accessories are also available for hire. Skilled instructors are on hand to guide beginners with personalized tutorials to introduce them to the joys of skiing. The 5 star Genting Hotel - Secret Garden holds a prominent position within the beautiful Secret Garden Resort, a world class, year round playground offering summer activities in the cool and fresh mountain air and superb winter skiing under crystal blue skies. Meticulously designed in a style reflecting the very best of Alpine architecture and with equally fine interiors, the hotel sets new standard in mountain resort accommodation including being a ski-in/ski-out facility. Moreover, Secret Garden Ecological Agriculture Park, one of the resort’s highlights, is situated near the Taizi Village Riverside. It’s a scenic spot for ecological tourism and organic food in a modern agri-aquaculture park. An 30 million yuan development on 60 acres of land, vegetable and meat produce are farmed using wholly organic methods, supplying visitors with truly natural and pollution-free food with no residual substances or chemicals. Tel: 400 168 1234 www.secretgardenresorts.com




遇见腾冲 发现生活本来的模样 采访对象:杨杨 职业:环境工程公司项目主管 家乡:深圳 异地置业城市:云南腾冲 异地置业时间:2011 年 置业类型:公寓 爱上一座城市的理由也许很简单,可 能是因为一个人,因为街角的一间咖啡馆, 或者它的名山大川、秀丽风景。杨杨说, 腾冲最吸引他的,不是新鲜的刺激感,而 是平淡中的真实。这是一份源自心底最真 诚的热爱,在历经百转千回之后的发现和 感悟。 杨杨来自深圳,之前一直在家乡工作, 2010 年公司在云南腾冲有了项目,他就被 派到了腾冲,现在他是一家环境工程公司 在云南的项目主管。“腾冲不大,没有烦 人的交通拥堵,没有污染的空气。虽然这 里不是很发达,但是民风很淳朴,自行车 不上锁也不会被偷。”这是杨杨对腾冲的 第一印象。呆的时间久了,他发现了更多 这座小城独有的美丽。它没有丽江的喧嚣, 没有大理的风花雪月,却有着舒适宁静的 慢生活。人们能够在这里全身心沉静下来, 感受悠闲自在的生活。每天走在巷子里, 无论认识与否,原住居民都会和他热情地 打招呼。在古镇上,他会看到裁缝店的老 板在街边认真踩着缝纫机,路边早餐店的 大妈和店里的客人有说有笑,熟人们在菜 市场碰到了互相打招呼;在河边,会看到 有人拿着洗衣棒在洗衣亭捶打着衣服,小 孩儿光着屁股在浅浅的河水里和同伴网鱼, 大人用扁担挑着水桶乐呵呵地从河边走过 ……

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渐渐的,杨杨爱上了这座城市,他觉 得这里的生活才是真正的生活,生活本来 就应该是这副模样。于是他开始考虑在当 地置业买房,一方面是顺应工作安排的需 要,在当地安一个家,让自己有更多的归 属感,另一方面也考虑把父母接来常住, 一家人团聚其乐融融,父母也能在这个宁 静的小城享受天伦之乐。 通过朋友推荐,并经过一番实地考察 之后,杨杨选择了腾冲世纪城这个位于新 城核心区的项目。他说,交通便利是选择 这个项目的首要因素。开车到县城只要 5 分钟。小区周边不到一千米就有医院、学校、 餐饮、超市、购物中心、银行、健身等配 套设施,生活机能十分完善,几乎不比之 前在深圳的生活逊色,再加上腾冲冬暖夏 凉的宜人气候、清新空气以及周边依山傍 水的美丽景致,让杨杨最终选定这里作为 旅居生活的归宿。 在现实生活中,很多人向往的是一种 生活,而过的又是另外一种生活。因为现 实的矛盾,很多人只能把理想束之高阁。 事业、平台和生活圈都在一座城市里面, 如果轻易离开,不知道会经历怎样的迷茫。 只有很少一部分人能放弃繁华的都市生活, 到大理、丽江开个客栈,过悠哉自在的生活。 而杨杨无疑是幸运的,工作的安排让他过 上了旅居的生活,虽然离开家乡,平均两

个月才能回去一次,但他越来越习惯和享 受现在的生活状态——游走于喧嚣的都市 和悠然的古镇之间,在腾冲感受生活的本 来面目。 “在深圳的生活很忙碌,每天一大早 起床,开一个多小时的车,去到上班的地方, 一天下来,忙得马不停蹄,下班回家还赶 上堵车,差不多开两个小时的车才能到家。 生活节奏快,没有充足的休息时间,难得 有空想和朋友出去放松一下,却很少能成 行。这种周而复始的重复,让我对生活的 兴趣逐渐减少,内心疲惫不堪,身体上也 有了一些不舒服的症状。”提起过去,杨 杨觉得那样的生活仿佛已经离自己很遥远 了。旅居腾冲之后,他的生活有了很大改变。 工作依然很忙,但在工作之外,他拥有了 更多属于个人的时间,看书、喝茶、泡温泉、 和朋友聊天、踢足球…… 杨杨很喜欢旅游,每次在旅途中看到 坐在街边的人慵懒地晒着太阳,总觉得这 样的生活才是自己想要的。如今,当他行 走在阳光明媚的腾冲街头,当他坐在树荫 下享受凉风的吹拂,当他在市集上吃到纯 天然的玉 米粑粑,他觉得自己实现了梦想 中的生活,感受着大都市缺失的生活气息。 “要在喜欢的地方旅游,在热爱的地方真 正生活。”这是杨杨对于生活的信念,更 是旅居生活的感悟。




A Trip through Swiss Heritage 世界遗产是通往瑞士的密道。LifeStyle 带你探访瑞士的意大利语区, 与 4 处“世遗”文物古迹及自然景观清新相遇,体验不一样的原味瑞士。 Take a trip with LifeStyle through four World Heritage sites in the Italian speaking areas of Switzerland, and open up a gateway to Swiss culture and natural beauty. Text: Evan Peng Photos: Switzerland Tourism

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贝林佐纳格朗德城堡 The Castelgrande in Bellinzona





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A Mighty Bastion

也许贝林佐纳的城堡在世界上不算最有名的, 也不是最美的,但绝对是中世纪文明最具说服力的 见证,想必世遗控们是不肯错过的。我不是世遗控, 在我眼里,它们低调不张扬,也不像别的城堡那么 孤独。不孤独的城堡是可敬的!


位处瑞士意大利语区的贝林佐纳是提契诺 州的首府,很有一种意大利的感觉。从城 堡上的十字观察孔拍照,又真的觉得很瑞 士(瑞士国旗正中为白色十字)。

Don’t Miss:

Located between Italy and Switzerland, Bellinzona, the capital of Ticino, certainly feels like an Italian city; yet peering through a cross-shaped observation hole in the castle wall suddenly gives you a Swiss view of things.

Standing in the doorway of Bellinzona Castle, I was listening to temporary tour guide (and Vice Director of Ticino Tourism) Charles Barras’ introduction when a sudden thought occurred to me – a mountain, tall or not, can be famous as long as a castle sits atop it. “The Bellinzona castles are now the only surviving example of a medieval defense structure in the Alps,” Charles continues. “In 2000, the three castles and city walls became a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site, attracting glovers of both modern and ancient architecture, as well as tourists and even locals, who are beginning to rediscover these ancient artifacts.” Ancient military structures, it seems, are always appealing. Bellinzona Castle (Castelgrande), Montebello Castle and Sasso Corbaro Castle once formed a fortress linking Italy to the mighty Alps, and have remained preserved in their Medieval style until today – their outstanding architectural form being the reason for making the UNESCO list. It is said that the

贝林佐纳的城堡在建筑和风景上都有着举足轻重的作用。它们见证了一个重要的历史时代。 The Castles of Bellinzona play a pivotal role in both architecture and landscape. They also serve as witness to an important historical period. 站在贝林佐纳蒙特贝罗城堡的门口,听着客串导游的提契诺 州旅游局副局长查尔斯·巴拉斯的介绍,我脑子里突然冒出一句 话——山不在高,有“堡”则名! “贝林佐纳的城堡是阿尔卑斯山区唯一尚存的中世纪防御建 筑的典范。2000 年,三座城堡及城墙被联合国教科文组织列入世 界文化遗产名录,吸引来不少历史建筑爱好者和现代建筑爱好者, 更有各国游客前来拜访,就连提契诺州本地人也开始重新认识这 些古老的城堡。” 古代军事要塞总是那么有吸引力。贝林佐纳的大城堡(格朗 德城堡)、蒙特贝罗城堡和萨索·科尔巴洛城堡曾经是连接意大利 和阿尔卑斯山脉的要塞,至今仍保留着中世纪风貌。据说当时米 兰公爵企图用城堡来阻挡北方敌人到达提契诺山谷。这些城堡因 “杰出的建筑类型”而入选世界文化遗产。 如果说蒙特贝罗城堡最接近我对童话中的城堡的想象,“高 高在上”的萨索·科尔巴洛城堡是“堡”如其名,小城中心的大城 堡则是小城优雅生活的一部分。由提契诺建筑师奥雷利奥·卡菲提 操刀修复的大城堡,现代建筑与古代遗迹完美融合,称得上是“当 代提契诺建筑的象征”。从索尔广场爬楼梯或者坐电梯就可以登 上大城堡,里面的庭院恬静安宁,完全想象不出曾经的刀光剑影。 城堡中还设有博物馆、餐厅及多功能厅。在城墙上俯瞰小城,那 份不被外界打扰的宁静实在让人歆羡。那一刻我似乎明白了,贝 林佐纳人骄傲是有理由的。

Duke of Milan once used the fortresses to prevent enemies from the North from reaching Ticino. While Montebello is as close as I’d imagined to a fairy tale castle and the lofty Sasso Corbaro lives up to its name, Castelgrande is a massive yet graceful part of the small town surrounding it. Ticino architect Aurelio Galfetti’s restoration of Castelgrande seamlessly blends modern with ancient, making the structure a “symbol of modern Ticino architecture.” From the Piazza del Sole one can take stairs or escalator to reach the castle, whose peaceful inner courtyards certainly do not hint at memories of battles once fought here – the castle now includes a museum, dining hall and multi-function rooms. Looking down on the quiet city, protected from the outside world, it’s easy to understand why the people of Bellinzona are proud. Perhaps Switzerland’s Bellinzona castles are not the most famous, nor the most beautiful in the world, but they are certainly the most credible evidence of Medieval culture, and a must-see for any lover of ancient artifacts. In my eyes, though these castles are not grandiose, they don’t have the same solitary air that many carry – and that in itself is an admirable trait!





是笑脸相迎相送。“Grotto”为“洞穴”之意,老板娘 介绍说,当地人习惯用依山而建的小岩洞来保鲜酒肉。 在她家院子里,紧挨厨房处就依山搭了小棚子,里面摆 放着各种酒,还有码得整整齐齐的空酒瓶和柴火。原来, 那是一种世代相袭的生活方式。


A Sea of Memories

I’ll admit that I’ve never had great interest in natural science museums, but the “Sea of Memories” tour of Monte San Giorgio with guide Anna Bezzola was a flawless trip. During the ride from Bellinzona to Monte San Giorgio, Anna turned the car into a moving classroom – no flowery speeches or cheesy metaphors, just unique vivid descriptions which made us genuinely excited for the journey. Native Ticino architect Mario Botta’s fossil museum is the must-see stop of the trip. Monte San Giorgio is recognized as one of the Triassic period’s best-preserved areas, boasting diverse marine relics preserved with a rarely seen perfection. The truly impressive collection of fish, reptile and other fossils takes visitors back 230 million years in time.

圣乔治山的化石博物馆负责有“趣”,青葱翠绿的山景和葡萄园负责有“色”, 乡村风味餐馆 Grotto Fossati 则负责有“味”。 Monte San Giorgio’s Fossil Museum piques interest, verdant surroundings bring color, and local restaurant Grotto Fossati adds a touch of flavor to the mix. 我承认我一向对自然科学类博物馆兴趣不大,但是这一次圣乔 治山的导游安娜·贝佐拉着实带领我们在“记忆的海洋”里畅游了 一番。从贝林佐纳乘火车转汽车前往圣乔治山,安娜把车厢变成了 移动课堂,没有华丽的语言,没有俗气的噱头,却生动而别具一格, 我的游兴一点点被激发出来。 由提契诺土生土长的建筑大师马里奥·博塔操刀改造的化石博 物馆是游客必到之地。圣乔治山被认为是三叠纪中期以来海洋生物 化石保存最完好的地区,其门类的多样性、化石保存的完整性举世 罕见。这个有趣的博物馆展示了该地区所挖掘的大量化石标本,海 生爬行类和鱼类堪称镇馆之宝,开启了 2 亿多年前圣乔治山生物群 的时光隧道。 安娜告诉我们,2004 年瑞士邮政发行的《世界遗产》系列邮 票就是以圣乔治山为主题,邮票图案正中为扭斯汀科龙化石,背景 为迷人的圣乔治山风景。化石博物馆所在的美里达是一个僻静的小 村庄,徜徉在青葱翠绿的山景和一片片葡萄园中,我被若隐若现的 诗情画意彻底俘获,只想离这里的一切近些,再近些。 金字塔形的圣乔治山坐落在卢加诺湖南岸,站在山上,卢加诺 湖和阿尔卑斯山的美景尽收眼底。湖光山色中溢满瑞士式宁静与意 大利式晴朗。毫无疑问,2003 年入选世界自然遗产的圣乔治山诠 释着别样的瑞士之魅——财富是内在的,美丽是外在的。 美里达的乡村风味餐馆 Grotto Fossati,小巧温馨,充满了当 地人的回忆,食物原汁原味的质朴配当地葡萄酒或汽水相当特别。 老板与老板娘都是那种慈眉善目的老人,一个下厨,一个上菜,总

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Anna tells us that in 2004, the Swiss post office’s “World Heritage” stamp series featured Monte San Giorgio, showing a Neusticosaurus fossil against the backdrop of the scenic mountain. The museum is located in the tranquil village of Meride, and wandering through its lush greenery and ripe vinyards, I am quite captured by its beauty. The pyramid-shaped Monte San Giorgio is located on Lake Lugano’s south banks – standing on the hill taking in a panoramic view of the lake against the snow-capped Alps, you can truly feel the combination of Swiss tranquility and the brightness of Italy. There is no doubt that when it was inducted into the World Cultural Heritage sites in 2003 it was because of this particular Swiss charm –“inner riches, outer beauty.” Local Meride restaurant Grotto Fossati is both cosy and bursting with local memories, flavors and simple wines and drinks. The owners are a pleasant older couple, one in the kitchen and one serving tables, always with smiles on their faces. Our host explains that the name “Grotto” comes from the locals’ tradition of preserving meats and wines in mountain caverns. At her house, she says, outside the kitchen is a small shed filled with different wines and bottles as well as stacked firewood – representative of their traditional way of life.


在古生物界,没有人不知道圣乔治山动物群。在 美里达的化石博物馆,除了参观三叠纪海相化石, 还可买到精美的海洋生物化石 3D 明信片。

Don’t Miss:

In the world of paleontology, Monte San Giorgio is nothing short of famous. At the Meride fossil museum, besides viewing Triassic fossils, guests can also pick up 3D fossil postcards.






A Triumph of Railway Engineering 乘坐雷蒂亚铁路阿尔布拉 - 伯尔尼纳段 是这趟瑞士世遗之旅最让我兴奋的一程, 也是我拍照拍到手软的地方。我们从意大 利蒂拉诺坐到瑞士萨梅丹,就已经目不暇 接了。 伯尔尼纳快线建于一个多世纪以前, 沿途经过 196 座桥梁以及 55 条隧道和封闭 式地道,最高处海拔为 2253 米,是瑞士铁 路建设史上令人叹为观止的壮举。2008 年 阿尔布拉 - 伯尔尼纳的雷蒂亚铁路文化景观 被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名 录,其独特价值不言而喻。 深红色火车穿行在阿尔卑斯的崇山峻 岭中,密林、草地、花丛、湖泊、小溪以

在红色车厢探身窗外,不停地摁下快门,那叫一个爽! 这条穿越阿尔卑斯山区的全景路线,当真是让人迷醉。 Open the shutters, lean out the window of a red carriage and breathe in fresh cool air on this enchanting railway trip straight through the Swiss Alps.

及小镇和古堡从身旁掠过,真的犹如人在 画中游。火车不停地左拐右拐急弯缓弯, 我们几个也在空空的一等车厢里忽左忽右 来回跑动,还抢着跑到车尾活动车窗处, 伸出头和手去拍那些触手可及却又转瞬即 逝的美景。真恨不得火车不要停下来,一 直开下去;又想它停一停,好让我稳稳地 摁下快门。瑞士人咋就把穿山越岭的铁路 修成如此美不胜收的世界遗产? 一本旅游手册上说,乘坐瑞士红色全 景列车就像吃瑞士巧克力一样,会让人上 瘾的。一旦你欣赏过瑞士高山之美,体验 过乘坐瑞士火车的乐趣,保管让你欲罢不 能,想一试再试。在我看来,此话绝无夸张! 这趟景观列车之旅的美妙之处,在于 眼前无可比拟的绚丽景色。可旅行就是这 样,哪怕路过再多的美景,你也总以为错 过的更多。所以我决定了,在夏天天气晴 朗的时候,我要再来坐一次全景列车,而 且要坐露天车厢,更好地亲近阿尔卑斯山。

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Riding the Rhaetian Railway from Albula to Bernina was certainly the most exciting part of the trip, and had me taking pictures until my hands were sore. The journey from Tirano Italy to Samedan Switzerland was a feast for the eyes. The Bernina Express was founded over a century ago. Connected by 196 bridges and 55 tunnels, the railway’s highest point is 2253 meters above sea level, an astonishing feat in Swiss railway history. In 2008 the Albula/Bernina Rhaetian route was inducted into UNESCO’s World Cultural Heritage list. The crimson train winds its way through the peaks of the Alps, forests, valleys, gardens, lakes and towns, even winding past an old castle; it’s as if we are in an old painting, suddenly leaning left or right as the train turns, craning every which way to catch a glimpse of the magnificent scenery. How is it that the Swiss created this magnificent heritage site? A tourist pamphlet says that ‘Just like Swiss chocolate, riding the red train is addictive. Once you’ve seen the beauty of the Swiss mountains from aboard the train, you are sure to want to try it again and again.’ I couldn’t agree more. What makes this trip through the landscape wonderful is the incomparable scenery – and yet, like every journey, no matter how much you take in, there will always be something you miss. I’ve decided, then, to come back and ride this rail again, during summer when the weather is clear and balmy; and perhaps even take an open carriage next time.


阿尔布拉 - 伯尔尼纳的 雷蒂亚铁路文化景观令 人叹为观止,那个时代 人们修建铁路的远见令 人肃然起敬。

Don’t Miss:

The Albula/Bernina Rhaetian Railway route is an astonishing cultural feat; one can’t help but admire the amazing vision of the craftsmen who built it.

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A Call to Contemplation

不会有人不喜欢米施泰尔,这是一个透着清秀之美的小镇,也是 个静心冥想的好地方,游客都会被它的静谧安宁、清风鸟语所感动。 位于瑞士最大的度假区——格劳宾登州的米施泰尔, 离国境线非常近, 是世界文化遗产圣约翰女修道院所在地。小镇靠世外桃源般的美景和 世遗修道院吸引着世界各地游客。 我一直觉得欧洲修道院都很有气场,那种静静的气场散发着神秘 吸引力,圣约翰女修道院自然也不例外。建于 8 世纪的修道院因保存 完好的卡洛林艺术风格壁画入选世界文化遗产,包括《施洗者圣约翰》 在内的壁画和罗马时期的水彩绘画以红色为基调,配以黄、蓝、紫色, 色彩对比强烈,散发着朴素的美感。在修道院博物馆里还保存着上世 纪四五十年代修缮教堂时剥离壁画的珍贵资料。 除了欣赏壁画珍品,我和我的异国团友们还带着好奇“闯进”修 女的生活。一名志愿者导游为我们讲述了修女的生活细节。据说目前 仍有十几名修女在这里恪守本尼迪克特会的清规戒律,在属于院产的 牧场和农田里日复一日地劳作。在修道院纪念品商店还可以买到修女 们自制的糕点、奶酪及精致的手工作品,有的还是本地名牌呢。不过 我最喜欢的还是修女原创自制明信片,上面的卡通形象淡静脱俗。 虽然那天天气阴冷,圣约翰女修道院四周大山云雾缭绕,拍出的 照片不是那么清晰,颜色也没那么漂亮,保持着自然原貌的米施泰尔 对我的吸引力却丝毫不减,且平添了一分神秘。

There is no reason not to like Müstair – a little town of delicate beauty and a good spot for peaceful meditation, tourists are charmed by its tranquility and natural beauty. Switzerland’s largest resort, Graubünden’s Müstair is very close to the national border, and is the location of UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site the Convent of St. John. The otherworldly beauty of the town along with the heritage of the Convent draws many people to this spot. I’ve always thought of Europe’s convents and monasteries as having a special aura, their stillness mysteriously drawing people in – and St. John’s is no exception. Built in the 8th century, the convent was listed as a UNESCO site in order to preserve the Carolinian style murals within, including “Saint John the Baptist”, and watercolors from the Roman period with their stark color contrasts and straightforward beauty. The convent’s museum also displays precious remnants of the murals from the last century when the convent was renovated.

宁静的米施泰尔圣约翰女修道院散发着一种神秘吸引力, 游客除了可以欣赏壁画珍品,还可以了解修女的生活细节。 Within the tranquil city of Müstair, the Convent of St. John emits a mysterious allure. Tourists can enjoy historic murals as well as the details of the nuns’ lives there.

Apart from the murals, my tour group and I were also interested in a glimpse at the life of the nuns, and asked a volunteer tourguide about some details of their lives. According to her description, there are still more than ten nuns living there strictly abiding by Benedictine discipline, working the land owned by the convent each day. At the souvenir shop one can also purchase their homemade cakes, cheeses and other beautiful keepsakes, some of which are wellknown in the area. But what I liked most were the nuns’ handmade postcards with their outstanding illustrations. The weather that day was dreary and cold, and misty clouds surrounded St. John’s, making it hard to take clear pictures. But perhaps this is what retained, and even added a layer of mystery to the appeal of the convent that day.

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游客可以乘坐邮政巴士从策尔内茨出发,经圣玛丽亚(可顺便 参观有着 80 年历史的特桑达手工纺织厂和“十字村”的文化 景点 Mall 乡村磨坊 ) 到圣约翰女修道院所在的米施泰尔游览。

Don’t Miss:

Tourists can take the post bus from Zernez to Sta. Maria, and visit The Tessanda hand weavers and Muglin Mall, the “village of the cross”, on the way to the Convent at Müstair.

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昆明洲际酒店被誉为“都市田园”,何以得 名? 这个问题问得好。昆明洲际酒店之所 以成为众多旅行者的首选,确实有一些过人 之处。我们既不是传统的城市中心型酒店, 也不属于度假村,而是介于两者之间的都 市田园式酒店。昆明洲际兼具两者的特色。 除了像一般酒店那样承接个人或团体会议 接待等业务,我们酒店的许多客房卧室都有 阳台,酒店餐饮区和法式主题多功能厅“香 波城堡”还配有户外露台,另外还有水景设 计花园、室内游泳池以及配有更衣室的户外 游泳池。客人想在泳池边开派对的话,那里 可容纳 250 人同时就餐;想要在星空下的 草坪举办晚宴,可同时容纳 400 人。我们 的服务团队会主动为客人提供贴心周到的 服务。所有这些都对广大商务及休闲客人充 满了吸引力。

面将被极大扭转。相信未来几年其他各大酒 店品牌都有进军昆明的计划,所以这里的酒 店市场潜力巨大,对众多酒店经营者和投资 者来说是极具吸引力的。 中国的酒店业与其他国家有什么不同吗?比 如跟你们英国或是澳大利亚相比。 中国幅员辽阔,民族众多,多样化的 风俗与文化在这片土地上交汇、碰撞。中国 的酒店业发展迅速,能提供的工作机会也很 多,这里的人们也更有上进心。我非常荣幸 能来云南工作,这里是一个特别的地方。 The new InterContinental Kunming is being described as an “urban resort.” Could you tell us why it’s earned that title? This is a very good question. We actually have a number of elements that will hopefully make us the preferred choice for many travelers. In terms of hotel definition, we are not a traditional city centre hotel, nor are we a resort; we fall in the middle ground which


An Oasis in the City 昆明洲际酒店总经理尼尔·罗伯特·霍顿先生与我们谈及 在春城拓展五星级酒店市场以及如何打造都市田园式酒店。 LifeStyle talks with Mr. Neil Robert Houghton, General Manager of the InterContinental Kunming, about the developing 5-star hotel market in the city, and what it takes to qualify as an “urban resort”. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

作为昆明首家国际五星级酒店,昆明洲际会 给这座城市带来什么? 洲际作为国际知名酒店品牌,致力于 为客户提供奢华且融汇国际与本地特色的 高端酒店服务。我们格外重视并强调为客人 提供极具当地风情的入住体验。在酒店管理 方面,我们的重点是让员工充分发挥自己的 能力,会更倾向于“引领”他们拓展自我, 而非“管理”;对员工的出色工作表示认可 与给予他们更多锻炼机会和晋升空间同等 重要。昆明洲际是昆明第一家真正意义上的 国际品牌五星级酒店,这将为昆明吸引来更 多游客,使这里成为云南的门户;同时也为 昆明本地人提供了一个举办婚礼、高端宴会 及各类娱乐活动的绝佳场所。洲际酒店集团 对昆明洲际酒店的发展前景持非常乐观的 态度。 那你认为昆明这座城市又能为昆明洲际的发 展带来什么呢? 与中国其他城市相比,从国际酒店品 牌的数量来看,昆明的酒店市场还不成熟, 然而随着洲际酒店落户昆明,皇冠假日酒店 和假日酒店也即将在这里盛大开幕,这一局

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is commonly called an Urban Resort. To live up to this label a hotel should have key elements of both. We have all the business elements that the individual or conference group would require, however we then add extra elements like balconies in many of our bedrooms, and all our food & beverage areas as well as Chambord, our beautiful French-themed function room, have outdoor terraces. We also have extensive gardens with water features, cabanas with an outdoor pool, and our internal pool. Finally we have our pool deck for dinners of up to 250 people and our lawn which can host a dinner for about 400 people under the stars; all elements that will attract guests to stay with us for both business and pleasure. Our team delivers unprompted service in a caring and attentive manner that will exceed the expectations of all our guests, of that I am sure. These are the elements that make InterContinental Kunming unique. As Kunming’s first international five-star hotel, what do you hope to bring to the city? InterContinental as a brand offers the

sophisticated traveler luxury with a blend of international flair and local flavour. We make a point of allowing our guests to experience the local elements, unlocking hidden secrets of the area we call “In the know.” In terms of how we manage, internally we aim to lead our people rather than manage them, developing them and encouraging the very best performance from our team. Reward and recognition are very important as well as job promotion internally. I know IHG is very excited about the prospect of having an InterContinental open in Kunming very soon. It is the first true International branded 5 star hotel in the city and it will help attract new visitors to Kunming, and act as a gateway to Yunnan. It will also provide the local people of Kunming a new and stylish venue for weddings and other entertaining in one of our restaurants, as well as hopefully playing host to many high profile banquets and other events. Alternatively, what do you think being in Kunming can bring to your hotel? I do think the market is immature in Kunming in terms of international brands when compared to other cities across China. With our arrival and a Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn to open soon this is clearly changing. I believe other major brands are planning to open in the coming years too, so the potential of Kunming is clear to many hotel operators and investors. How does your experience with hospitality in China compare with that in other countries, such as your native England, or Australia? China is a huge country with diverse customs and cultures. I am very happy to work here in Yunnan, a very special and interesting place in China. The hospitality industry in China is developing rapidly and there are a lot of work opportunities, and therefore, people are comparatively aggressive and keen to promotions.


Genuinely German 全新开业的万世名流酒店总经理宋彼得与 LifeStyle 畅谈从“心”做起的德式酒店特色。 LifeStyle sat down with Mr. Peter Schaumburg, General Manager of the new Hotel Maximilian, to discuss German-style hospitality from the heart. Text: Audrey Hammonds

企业做起,我们强调的是用真情服务广大住 客。公司可以对员工进行某一门语言培训, 但永远无法掌控他们的内心世界,所以我们 的理念是,一切从“心”做起——酒店关爱 所有的员工,让他们舒心地在这里工作,他 们自然也会将这份温暖传递给客人。 你对中国酒店文化有何印象?听说你第一次 来中国是在 1992 年,你觉得现在的中国酒 店业跟那时相比有什么变化呢? 变化简直太大了。那时候除了苹果、 圆白菜,其它很多东西都靠进口;可你看现 在,食品种类繁多,各种规模的超市遍布大 街小巷,酒店业也取得长足进步。从酒店密 度来看,中国酒店比任何地方都要多,而市 场本身非常年轻,这里的一切都是新的。中 国酒店文化对“面子”问题很在意,比如说, 很重要的一点就是看酒店大堂是否够大。至 于餐饮消费方面,中国人喜欢家庭聚餐,过 度点餐已成习惯,不过我还是很欣赏中国人 普遍都愿意将剩餐打包带走,这样减少了食 物的浪费。

作为中国第一家真正意义上的德国五星级酒 店,万世名流酒店将如何推广德国文化? 各种德国品牌在酒店里随处可见,比 如著名的普拉纳餐厅。施泰根博阁酒店集 团的总部设在法兰克福,那里出产一种苹果 酒,盛酒的器皿是一种传统石质大水罐;酒 店客房小冰箱也备有精选的德国饮品。我们 以自己是拥有真正德国血统的德式酒店为 荣,同时希望能与中国人民分享德国文化。 我们还对员工进行全方位的培训,教他们学 习英语和德语。这样一来,酒店工作人员能 用三种语言提供服务;另外我们的许多印刷 品也是德英汉三语对照的。 作为刚进入中国酒店市场的新品牌,万世名 流准备如何打造自己的品牌形象,扩大品牌 的影响力呢? 德语国家的人基本都知道施泰根博阁 酒店管理集团,不过要在中国市场占有一席 之地,确实不是一件容易的事。未来十年我 们将在中国管理二十多家新开酒店,前期调 研正在进行中,同时也会参与各种有助提升 品牌知名度的活动。万世名流酒店是从家族

万世名流酒店为什么会选址在毗邻望京商圈 的“奥迪天地”? 北京望京的奥迪中心不仅是中国最大 的奥迪 4S 店,还有世界最好的奥迪学院训 练中心,会议大厅也远超一般宴会厅标准, 甚至可以开车进入。我们打算与奥迪合作, 在奥迪天地举办一些活动。而万世名流酒店 是望京地区唯一一家五星级酒店,离高尔夫 球场也很近,距北京首都国际机场仅 20 分 钟车程。 How will the new Hotel Maximilian promote German culture, as the first true German 5-star hotel in China? Firstly, we will have a number of German products in the hotel – starting of course with the signature Paulaner Restaurant. In our homebase in Frankfurt, there is a special apple wine, which we will feature served in traditional stoneware pitchers; the mini bar selection includes German products as well. We proudly say that we’re a German hotel, and we want to share our heritage with the Chinese. We are also teaching the staff German as well as English and a lot of our printed materials will be printed in all three languages.

How does Hotel Maximilian plan on establishing its brand and making a name for itself, as it is new in the Chinese market? Those from the German speaking part of the world know Steigenberger; however, establishing a name here may be more difficult. We are working on over 20 hotels in China to be opened over the next 10 years, and will participate in all sorts of events here. We’re not a big chain – we are a previously family-owned luxury company, and what we emphasize the most is heartfelt hospitality. You can train staff in language but you can’t train them from the heart, and so we take great care of our staff, make sure they are comfortable and make sure we can feel genuine warmth from them. What are your impressions of Chinese hospitality culture? How has it changed since you first came to China in 1992? The change has been huge – back then all you had was apples and cabbage, and everything else was imported. Now, products have become much more refined, supermarkets have sprung up, and the hospitality industry has developed quickly. Hotel density here is greater than anywhere else, and the market is quite young – it’s all brand new. Hospitality culture here is all about ‘face’ – for example lobby size is important. In terms of dining, the Chinese share food family style, and over-ordering is common. I also like that they do not hesitate to take doggy bags, which reduces wastage. The new hotel will be located in the Audi Plaza in Wangjing Beijing. Why did Hotel Maximilian choose this specific area to open? The connected Audi center is the biggest 4S shop with service and sales in China, with the finest Audi Academy training center in the world. We plan to partner with Audi to offer events in their facilities, for those who are looking for something beyond the standard ballroom – the meeting rooms in Audi’s facility can be entered by car. The hotel is also close to a golf course, only 20 minutes drive from the airport, and the only 5-star hotel in the Wangjing area.

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The Modern Metropolitan 上海品尊名致精品酒店公寓总经理黄婉琴与 LifeStyle 畅谈如何 给予城市生活新定义。 Beatrice Wong, General Manager of Modena Putuo Shanghai, chats with LifeStyle about serviced apartments and the new definition of Urban Living. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

How Modena Putuo Shanghai “redefines urban living”? “Urban living” defined by Modena Putuo encompasses principally three aspects of life style, “free-form”, “modern”, and “guestcentric”. Every residence we own has its own attitude and is a reflection of the people living in it. They can retreat to a quiet corner or host an important meeting, work or play within the spaces; it’s multi-purpose living in a vibrant setting.

自从你担任总经理以来,上海品尊名致精品 酒店公寓获得不少殊荣。能谈谈取得这些成 绩的原因吗? 从筹备阶段开始,我就加入到这个团 队当中了。从某种意义上说,它就像我的孩 子。我曾参与香港和内地至少七家高端酒店 式公寓的筹备工作,凭借这些经验,我能对 各类产品及其设计的改进提出自己的意见, 这也有助于提升我们的客户体验和员工满 意度。例如,我们本着一切从员工需求出发 的理念,设计建造了员工工作站,这样一来, 员工工作更有效率,同时也会将这份温暖传 递给我们的客人。 另外,我们也很重视员工培训和不断 提升服务质量。一直以来我们都向员工强 调,要注重细节,关注客人的实际需要,提 供高效优质的服务。客人在到到网等旅游点 评网站上的评价和建议也是检验我们服务 质量的重要参照。不久前上海品尊名致获得 了全球最大旅游网站 TripAdvisor 的中国官 网——到到网“2013 年度卓越奖”。 上海品尊名致如何“重新定义城市生活”? 我们所理解的“城市生活”主要涉及 生活方式的三个方面:自由、现代、以客 人为中心。上海品尊名致的每间公寓都有自 己的特点,也反映了入住客人的不同品味, 比如有的客人喜欢静静地偏居一隅,有些又 需要一定的工作空间或娱乐空间。多功能的 配置可以满足不同住客的需要。 你挑选员工的标准是什么?如何做好团队 建设? 招聘员工时,我更看重员工的工作态 度和工作热情,这两点比所谓的行业经验更 重要。通过参加公司内部培训,具备以上两 项素质的员工才有可能提供符合上海品尊 名致标准的高品质服务。 作为总经理,我在管理中一直坚持“开 放政策”,鼓励员工表达自己的想法,让 他们通过参与小型合作项目和团队建设等 活动,真正融入到公寓日常管理和运营中, 这些都有助于提高员工的主人翁意识和他 们对企业的归属感;反过来,我也有了更多 机会了解上海这座城市,还有本地的特有文 化及行业惯例,这都有利于我们更广泛地吸 引客源,更好地满足住客需要。

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work stations for the staff, which in turn help enhance our efficiency and then translate into guest satisfaction in the end, were ensured at the pre-opening stage. We also strongly emphasize staff training and constant service improvements. At Modena we require our staff to focus on details, pay attentions to guests’ daily living needs, and provide services in a speedy basis. Trends and ranking in guest reviews on the Social Media (like TripAdvisor) also provide a benchmark for the consistency of services in the marketplace. We just received the Certificate of Excellence 2013 in TripAdvisor, being in the top 10% with good guest reviews in Shanghai hotels.

在迪士尼任国际文化代表的经历对你后来 的工作产生了怎样的影响? 在迪士尼未来世界工作让我有机会了 解到工作流程设计的每个细节,以及如何提 升管理质量,满足游客需要;通过与各国代 表交流沟通,听他们讲述自己的经历,了解 不同国家的文化,有利于我更好地理解来自 不同文化背景的客人的需要。迪士尼大学的 管理课程也极大地扩充了我在酒店管理方 面的知识。 Since you have been General Manager, Modena Putuo has won several awards. Could you tell us what it takes to achieve results like these for Modena Putuo Shanghai? Since I’ve been involved with Modena Putuo Shanghai ever since its pre-opening stage, it has, in a sense, become my own baby. With my previous experiences in at least 7 pre-openings for high end serviced apartments in both Hong Kong and Mainland China, I can provide insight into various products and design improvements that will help both our guests and our staff. For example, the design and construction of

What do you look for in an employee? How do you lead the team to work together better? Selecting the right staff entails two elements, the right attitude and a passion for work, both of which are critical, and a lot more important, we believe, than socalled prior experiences in the industry. By undergoing orientation and continued improvements in on-the-job training programs under Corporate, staff with the above two characters are most likely able to perform the required level of quality and services. As GM, I consciously adopt an “Open Door” policy to all staff, purposely encourage them to express their views, welcome individual suggestions, and get them involved in daily operations such as mini projects, team building, etc. All those efforts increase their sense of belonging and ownership in the project and job satisfaction, and I in turn get the chance to learn more about Shanghai, local cultures and business practices, which help me to understand better how to draw in more business and meet the needs of those businesses. How would you say your work as an international Culture Representative at Disney influenced your outlook on work or international culture? Working in Epcot Center allowed me to experience the work flow design and the management improvements to satisfy the needs of the guests in the Parks. Making friends with representatives from all over the world, hearing their stories and learning about their culture helped me to understand better how to meet the needs of different cultures and backgrounds of guests. Studying management at the Walt Disney University also enriched my knowledge of Hospitality Management with lots of case studies and life examples.


A New Level of Luxury in Henan 郑州希尔顿酒店开业在即,麦克斯派尔总经理与 LifeStyle 分享如何提升本地酒店奢华体验。 Mr. Maximilan Pleyer, General Manager of the soon-to-be-opened Hilton Zhengzhou, shares with us his plan to establish the first Hilton in Henan as a new standard of luxury and the warmth of hospitality in the area. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

作为河南首家希尔顿酒店,同时也是郑州仅 有的几家国际品牌五星级酒店之一,郑州希 尔顿如何提升本地酒店奢华体验? 希尔顿品牌一直是酒店行业的龙头, 我们希望将既有的奢华酒店经营理念和管 理经验带到郑州。郑州希尔顿将成为郑州规 模最大的酒店,将以希尔顿一贯的国际化视 野,秉持“让世界充满阳光,让大家都感受 到热情的温暖”的愿景,努力做到最好。在 硬件设施上,酒店除了拥有设施完善的 450 间豪华客房,还拥有郑州最大的 500 平米 行政酒廊,可俯瞰市区最繁华的金水路。精 挑细选、训练有素的员工将为每一位住客提 供希尔顿品牌独有的优质服务。我和我的团 队已经准备就绪,我们会满怀热情笑迎八方 来客。 你认为成功开设一家酒店最重要的因素是 什么? 在我看来,任何一家豪华酒店的开设, 不仅需要丰富的经验,还要有一支专业化的 管理团队。这个团队必须具备高度的组织纪 律性,同时又能灵活机动处事;既可以做好 战略统筹规划,又可以踏踏实实、认真细致 地完成每项工作。另外一点就是要选拔工作 热情高的优秀人才,组建一支强有力的团 队。打个比方说,经营酒店就像拼图一样, 不仅要能同时推进多项任务,还需要在工作 进度上保持各项任务的平衡。在紧密协作的 同时,不同部门之间及酒店与总公司之间还 要找到一条真诚便捷有效的沟通渠道,这也 是必不可少的。 能介绍下酒店的餐饮特色吗? 酒店设有不同风格的餐厅、酒吧和休 闲区域,能满足不同客人的需求,比如说 多元文化融汇的开放式厨房自助餐厅“八元 素”融汇中西式特色菜肴;雅致的中餐厅“豫 园”让客人在现代粤菜佳肴和传统河南美食 组成的盛宴中,品味真正华夏滋味;阿米奇 特色餐厅烹饪正宗经典的意大利顶级美食。 还有一个珍藏着各种优质雪茄的雪茄吧,可 完美搭配客人选择的任何饮品,即便是品味 独到的烟草鉴赏家都会感觉惊喜连连。 郑州希尔顿能为商务人士提供哪些便利? 酒店坐落在郑州市中心,位置便利。 从酒店到机场交通便捷,酒店紧邻即将开通 的地铁站,距离高铁站十分钟车程,距离机 场也仅 30 分钟车程,这将为商务人士提供

极大的便利。同时酒店提供希尔顿荣誉客会 的宾客忠诚计划,该计划为会员提供更多赚 取和兑换积分的方式,为宾客打造值得分享 的珍贵体验。真诚希望我们热情、周到、专 业的服务能够让客人体验到希尔顿品牌的 行业经典。 As the first Hilton in Henan province, and one of the few international 5-star hotels in Zhengzhou, how will the hotel establish a new level of luxury there? Hilton has a long history as a pioneer in the hotel industry, and we plan to bring its well-known expertise of operating luxury hotels to Zhengzhou. The Hilton Zhengzhou will be guilded by Hilton Worldwide global vision “To fill the earth with the light and warmth of hospitality” and by our ambition to be the preeminent global hospitality company. We will be the largest hotel in the city with 450 rooms, featuring the city’s largest Executive Lounge at 500 sqm, overlooking the most popular road in town – Jin Shui Road. All this will of course be supported by friendly services provided by all our well trained team members. My team and I are passionate about delivering exceptional guest experiences. In your experience, what is the key to the successful opening of a new hotel? To my opinion the successful opening of any luxury hotel is based on experience combined with expertise of the management team, being strategic, organized, flexible and fully committed to the task at hand. Another critical component is the ability to select bright, enthusiastic people and to form a strong team. It’s like completing a puzzle, juggling many tasks at the same time and trying to strike the right balance in all your activities. Furthermore open, honest and clear communication plus the ability to work closely together with the project team and the owning company is critical. Could you describe the F&B features of the new Hilton Zhengzhou? Our lovely hotel will feature a wide variety of Restaurants, Lounges and Bars to our discerning clientele. Highlights include our 8 Elements, a multi concept open show kitchen all day dining Restaurant, along with Yu Garden, an elegant Chinese restaurant serving Cantonese, Sichuan and local

cuisine and including 11 private rooms. There is also Amici, which in Italian means friend, which serves Italian staple food in a family style – the concepts of family style in an Italian family and a Chinese family are very similar, they appreciate each dish brought from the kitchen together. Amici also offers a bar with single malt whiskeys, wines, and 2 private cigar rooms. What are the benefits for business guests staying at the Hilton Zhengzhou? The Hilton Zhengzhou enjoys an excellent location right in between the old and the new CBD area, next to the cities soon to be opened subway station, close to the high speed train station and within good reach to the international airport. It’s also close to main business and financial centers, making it very convenient for our business customers. We also offer Hilton’s award winning global loyalty program, Hilton HHonors, often voted to be the best such program in the whole hotel industry, serving and rewarding customer loyalty at an exceptional level. We truly hope that the passionate and skillful service provided by each and any of our team members will ensure for our patrons to enjoy the light and warmth of Hilton’s legendary hospitality.

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A Pearl in Northwest China 万达酒店及度假村旗下的标准五星级 品牌——万达嘉华首次进驻宁夏回族自治 区银川市。 宁夏自古便有“天下黄河富宁夏”的 美称,首府银川不仅享有塞上明珠、鱼米 之乡的美誉,还是全国历史文化名城之一, 旅游资源非常丰富。银川独特的地理位置、 快速发展的新兴产业、民族特色魅力以及悠 久的西夏文明和边塞文化为其奠定了广阔 的商业前景。2013 年 12 月 18 日,万达酒 店及度假村管理有限公司在中国投资并管 理的第 8 家万达嘉华品牌酒店进驻银川。 银川万达嘉华酒店毗邻银川国际会展 中心,距银川河东国际机场 30 分钟车程, 距火车站 10 分钟车程,可轻松前往市内各 大名胜景点。酒店以其闻名遐迩的“万达嘉 华天使”及“茶之旅”等特色服务,以美妙 的睡眠体验与独特的东方美食为中外商务 人士创造温馨、惬意的居停感受,充分展示 其“自然、舒适、高效”的独特品牌魅力。 从色香味俱全的中餐、精致的日本料 理到纯正的西餐,银川万达嘉华酒店富有经 验的厨师团队无一不精。多间餐厅设计别 致,美食选择丰富多样。“品珍”中餐厅以 精致的中餐而闻名,“美食汇”全日餐厅提 供环宇美味,“和”日餐厅奉献地道的东瀛 风味佳肴,大堂酒廊则是悠闲享用饮品与小 点的理想去处。全天“24 小时精选”客房 送餐服务更是随时送上亲人般的关怀。 尤其值得一提的是,“美食汇”全新 定义国际酒店不可或缺的全日餐厅,让各国 佳肴的自助大餐以及别有情调的招牌零点 汇聚“塞上湖城”,还贴心地准备了方便美 味的外带早餐。万达酒店及度假村旗下管理 并拥有的餐饮品牌“和”日餐厅,以精细、 新鲜和东瀛风情为特色,提供最正宗的日 式料理。新鲜的生鱼片、多样的创意寿司、

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传统的日式拉面、美味的天妇罗以及令人垂 涎欲滴的铁板烧,细品美馔,回味无穷。 此外,这里有银川市首屈一指的会议 和宴会场地,各种设施一应俱全,还有专业 服务团队随时提供支持,带给宾客们非同凡 响的体验。无论是举办商务会议、社交活动, 还是小型聚会、辉煌盛典,银川万达嘉华酒 店都是理想之选。 Yinchuan, sometimes called “Phoenix City”, is the capital of Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region and boasts beautiful views of nature and a long history. Wanda Hotels and Resorts’ eighth Wanda Realm branded hotel managed in China was opened in Yinchuan on 18 December 2013. Wanda Realm Yinchuan offers an unforgettable journey for local and international business travelers alike with their unique Oriental cuisine, and service reflecting their motto “Warm, Comfortable, Efficient”. Conveniently situated in the Jinfeng District adjacent to the Yinchuan International Convention and Exhibition Centre, Wanda Realm Yinchuan has an enviable location for business travelers. Tourists also appreciate

the location, which is within easy reach of all major attractions. The hotel is just 10 minutes’ drive from Yinchuan Railway Station and 40 minutes from Yinchuan Hedong International Airport. The perfect banquet begins with expert chefs who are passionate about quality. At Wanda Realm Yinchuan, culinary expertise embraces the finest Cantonese, Japanese and Western delicacies. Choose from the sophistication of ZHEN Chinese Restaurant, relaxed all-day dining at Café Realm, the elegance of HE Japanese Restaurant, or the chic pleasures of the Lobby Lounge. Wanda’s “24-hours Selections” in-room dining is also available. Café Realm redefines the standard of all-day dining service at international hotels. Busy hotel guests can enjoy the convenient and delicious “Takeaway Breakfast”, and Café Realm also serves sumptuous international buffets and a fabulous a la carte menu. All in all, guests are pampered with delicious surprises at Café Realm, day or night. HE, the Japanese restaurant brand owned and managed by Wanda Group, presents authentic Japanese cuisine made from the freshest ingredients in a refined setting. From fresh sashimi, a dazzling variety of creative sushi, traditional Japanese ramen, delicious tempura to mouth-watering teppanyaki, a world of Japanese delicacies offer an exceptional dining experience. Whether your event is business or social, a small gathering or a large, high-profile occasion for hundreds of guests, Wanda Realm Yinchuan is at your service with the city’s finest venues and facilities. A professional team is always ready to guide you every step of the way, so you can be sure of a first-class experience that delights everyone in attendance. No.9 Qinshui North Avenue, Jinfeng District, Yinchuan, Ningxia Tel: 0951 685 8888

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Lijiang Cuisine from the Inside Out Text: Eva Liu Photos: In&Out

在天津也能吃到地道的云南菜了!最 新开业的“一坐一忘”丽江主题餐厅位于 五大道历史风貌区的先农街区。这个街区 的历史风貌建筑大都是上世纪二三十年代 陆续建成,受当时西方建筑思潮的影响, 形成了折衷主义西式洋房、英式联排住宅、 英式独栋别墅、中式别墅等多种建筑风格。 而一坐一忘餐厅入驻其中一座老式洋房内。 设有 130 个左右座位的餐厅,内部空 间与外部空间风格统一,均为水泥墙面和 红砖元素,既有历史的气息,又有文化的 味道。餐厅的老板不辞辛劳从云南运来当 地食材和调料,也带回心灵手巧的当地人 制作的各种特色灯饰、碗碟、木质布衣摆 设和仿古字画,仿佛一瞬间就把你带入了 云南古城深处。店内服务员也都是能歌善 舞的云南人,在这里就餐还能欣赏到来自 泸沽湖畔的原生态歌舞。 一坐一忘的菜品除了地道的丽江纳西 风味,还有传统的德宏傣家风味、景颇风 味、大理白族风味,更有别处难得一见的 特色菜:清淡的茉莉花炒鸡蛋,突出花香, 养生又美味;红红的版纳酸角煮鸡,味道 类似西红柿牛腩,浓稠的汤汁中除了有鲜 嫩的肉,还有传说中的酸角,半颗半颗的 小番茄为其平添了一份新鲜。而韭菜花山 珍豆腐、香茅草烤罗非鱼、傣家菠萝饭也 是人气极旺的招牌菜。若不曾有机会一睹 丽江古城的风采,不妨在美食中感受浓郁 的丽江风情。

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ewly opened Lijiang themed restaurant “In&Out” brings authentic Yunnan cuisine to Tianjin. Located in the Xiannong historic cultural district, In&Out restaurant resides in a unique environment of old western-style houses, English town houses and British and Chinese villas. Most of the buildings in the district were constructed between the 1920s and 1930s, and strongly influenced by western architectural trends at that time. With 130 seats, cement walls and red bricks, In&Out’s perfectly coordinated interior and exterior design enjoys a great cultural and historical ambience which will make guests feel as though they’ve stepped into an ancient city in Yunnan. All the ingredients and seasonings are brought back from Yunnan by the restaurant owner, along with decorative lighting, tableware, wooden furniture and calligraphy and paintings created by the talented craftspeople of Yunnan. The waiters, all from Yunnan as well, perform folk songs and dances in the traditional “Lugu Lake” style. Cuisine styles at In&Out include everything from the Nakhi-nationality flavor from Lijiang, traditional Dai-nationality and Jingpo-nationality flavors from Dehong, and Bai-nationality flavor from Dali. Rare signature dishes are also offered, including Sauteed Egg with Jasmine Flower, full of the blossoms’ aroma, and Boiled Chicken with Tamarind Pulp, whose flavor is so rich it can almost be mistaken for beef. Sauteed Tofu with Leek Flower, Roast Perch with Lemon Grass and Rice with Pineapple Dai-nationality Style are also well-received. If you don’t have a chance to see the beauty of The Old Town of Lijiang in person, try visiting In&Out, authentic Lijiang from the inside out.

55 Luoyang Dao, Heping District, Tianjin Tel: 022 5870 1999

大德, 日本的家常菜!

Ootoku: Homemade Japanese Dishes Text & Photos: Eva Liu


单从装修风格来说,以暖色调为主的大德酒场新源里新店温 馨时尚,不同包间的墙上还配有独具日本特色的艺术布画,算是 典型的日式居酒屋的设计。老板杨晨是个典型的 80 后北京男人, 也是这家日本居酒屋的料理长。他在日本东京待了 8 年,一直从 事日本料理业,每天与寿司、烤鳗鱼和各种清酒为伴,这其间, 他爱上了日本料理,也改变了对美食的态度,那就是绝不敷衍了事, 坚持精选最佳食材,出品正宗日本料理。如今他把最具东京味道 的居酒屋“搬”到了北京。 餐厅客人大约有六成是日本人,四成是中国人。日本食客在 这里不仅能吃到地道的日味美食,还能品出浓浓的乡愁。如此说 来,这或许是顺应了大德酒场最初的家常菜定位。餐厅的食材大 部分来自东京,菜单根据季节时常变化,每个月都会推出五道新 菜。这个冬季特别推荐的菜品是烤串、寿喜烧和黑毛和牛牛肠锅。 烤串是用备长炭烤制,也算是大德的特色之一。备长炭价格贵, 优势是火力猛,在短时间内能把东西烤得外焦里嫩。美味难挡的 黑毛和牛牛肠锅有白、黑、赤三色可选:白的是日本最传统的味道; 黑的是近几年在日本流行的味噌味的;赤色接近韩国风格,有点 辣白菜的味道。制作牛肠火锅的酱料是用从日本空运来的作料自 家调制而成。 金枪鱼炸弹是这家老板最新创制的明星菜品。看似普通的“炸 弹”,采用从日本空运来的鲜金枪鱼泥制作,再配上新鲜蛋液、山 药、秋葵、纳豆,入口香鲜滑嫩。想给味蕾寻找一丝不同寻常的温 暖,不如来大德试试很用心的地道日本家常菜,让味蕾恋上它的味 道……

ith Japanese traditional fabric paintings on the wall and a warm yet chic tone throughout, Ootoku, the new restaurant in Xinyuan Xili community, is a typical izakaya. Owner and head chef Yang Chen was born in the 1980s and spent eight years studying Japanese cuisines in Tokyo, obsessing over sushi, grilled eel and different types of Sake every day. Japanese cuisine changed his attitude toward food forever; he believes one can never be too serious about food. Insisting on the best ingredients and the most authentic cooking style, Yang Chen has certainly succeeded in drawing in the homesick Japanese population - Ootoku Beijing’s guests are 60% Japanese. Most of Ootoku’s ingredients are flown into Beijing, and the restaurant refreshes its menu seasonally, launching five brand new dishes every month. For this winter, the barbecue, sukiyaki and Japanese Black beef intestine hot pot were a welcome addition to the menu. One of their secrets is to use charcoal, which produces intense heat to charr the meat outside while leaving it tender inside. When it comes to the Japanese hot pot, you can choose from three colors: the white is the most traditional Japanese flavor, the black is miso flavor which is the most popular in Japan currently, and the red which is a South Korean style and tastes a little like kimchi. Ootoku also knows how important sauce is when eating hot pot, so it imports its sauces straight from Japan and mix them following their own recipes. The chef’s newest star recipe, the Tuna Bomb, is another dish not to be missed. With the freshest tuna directly imported from Japan, added to an egg mixture, yam, natto and okra, the Tuna Bomb is both tender and mouthwatering!

1F, Building 12, Xinyuan Xili community, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5867 0280

LifeStyle 111

2014 新年酒愿

NewAnd Year’s Wi n e Resol u ti o ns What are Yours?

又到写新年计划的时候了,你想好了 吗?如果还没什么想法,或许我能给你一些 参考。马上就开始行动吧,不然新的一年不 就要虚度了么?

我的 2014 美酒计划 芝士汉堡配最喜欢的红酒。 美味无比、鲜嫩多汁的牛里脊芝士汉 堡怎能不搭配红酒呢?这一点我必须坚持。 只送葡萄酒给朋友作礼物。 别再送领带、钱包和电子产品了,这 些东西更新实在太快,太容易被淘汰了。最 初的新鲜劲一过,会被束之高阁,多浪费。 碰到特别的日子,还不如就送朋友一两瓶优 质葡萄酒作为礼物呢,当然前提是他们已经 成年了。 招待宴会和鸡尾酒会上只喝最喜欢的葡萄酒。 这可不能妥协!杜松子酒和奎宁水我

112 LifeStyle

喝够了,可能已经是别人一辈子的饮用量 了。我也品尝过十几个国家的啤酒,真是够 多的了。 与侍者分享葡萄酒知识,如果他们乐意的 话。 与那些对葡萄酒不甚了了的人分享酒 类知识是我的责任。 酒后绝不开车。 如果喝酒了,我会找代驾或朋友帮忙, 要么搭乘公共交通工具,总之,绝不酒后开 车! 发现红、白葡萄酒至少各三种。 在葡萄酒的世界里,每天都会有新的 品牌或改良过的口味诞生,所以一定要经常 品酒,特别是要尝试不熟悉的类型。随着品 酒经验的累积,味觉也会越发成熟。通过品 尝新推出的葡萄酒,可以更好地了解自己品 味的变化,同时找到最适合自己的酒。

向三位爱喝饮料的朋友 介绍葡萄酒,分享品酒 的乐趣。 向别人介绍葡萄酒最 简单的方法就是在邀请他们 品尝美食时,尝试与之最搭配 的葡萄酒。因为食物和酒在味蕾 上所发生的化学反应是无法用语言形 容的,只有本人才能体会,毕竟一品抵 千言。一个人对葡萄酒的最初印象会影响他 此后一辈子对酒的感觉。 即使坐经济舱,我也向空乘人员要杯葡萄 酒。随着乘客品位的提升,我想了解航空公 司是不是增加了飞机上的葡萄酒供应,他们 的服务水平是不是有所提升。 我不会把任何事当成理所当然。经济 舱的乘客想喝葡萄酒,基本只能拿到 187 毫升单人装葡萄酒混合饮品。而我真心希望 像我一样热爱葡萄酒的人,不会因为所处的 社会阶层或乘坐交通工具的舱位等级而受 到区别对待。 这就是我的 2014 美酒计划。你呢?

I will only drink my favorite wines at receptions and cocktail hours: Nothing Else will do. Why compromise? I’ve already had enough Gin & Tonics to last anyone’s lifetime; and I’ve sampled beers from a dozen countries in those countries. Enough already. I will always offer to wine educate my server if they need my mentoring and are receptive. Sharing your wine knowledge with those less trained is a responsibility for those of good conscience. I will not drink & drive. I will rely on a “designated”, sober driver or take private or public transportation. I will discover at least three new red wines and three new white wines I find I like. The world of wine is constantly evolving with new and improved wines becoming available all the time, so it is important to regularly taste wines with which you are not familiar, but sense you may enjoy. In addition, since your palate matures as you drink more wine, by tasting new wines, you will better know how your taste is changing and the kinds of wines that now best suit you. I will introduce three friends who prefer other beverages to the joys of tasting & drinking wine. And the easiest way to show another the many beauties of wine consumption is to invite a friend or acquaintance to try premium wines with foods that result in heavenly combinations fit for a king: For a taste is worth 10,000 words. And the memory of one’s wine awakening can last a lifetime.

My 2014 Wine Resolutions


ell, it’s that time of year again for making your New Year’s Wine Resolutions. Here are mine. If by chance you have not as yet made your 2014 Wine Resolutions, perhaps you’ll want to adopt one or two of mine? But be sure to make them now, so you have the full year to achieve all of your wine intentions.

I will only eat cheeseburgers if I can have them with one of my favorite red wines. For after all, what is a delicious, juicy, rare, sirloin cheeseburger without the right red wine? No more compromises for me. I will only give premium wine as gifts to my adult friends. No more neckties, pocketbooks and electronic gadgets that are soon forgotten and go to waste. And what could be more welcome than having an extra bottle or two of premium wine for a special occasion?

Despite my negative attitude to date, I will always ask for wine when flying economy to see if the airlines are finally responding to increased wine consumption and the resultant maturing of their customer’s palates and elevated quality expectations. I must say I am taking nothing for granted that I will be pleasantly surprised with those 187ml individual bottles of red and white blends that are so often the fate of those in economy who ask for wine. But I would be thrilled to be proven wrong, both with respect to my personal consumption as well as that of all who prefer wine, regardless of their mode or class of transportation. So, there you have my 2014 New Year’s Wine Resolutions. What are yours? I am Red Owl, Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand.

LifeStyle 113



万达嘉华: 二线城市一展宏图

Wanda’s Big Move in Second-tier Cities

2013 年 12 月 13 日至 21 日,万达酒店及度假 村管理有限公司在中国投资并管理的万达嘉华品牌 陆续进驻南昌、银川、丹东和南京,万达集团董事 长王健林、万达商业地产股份有限公司副总裁宁奇 峰、万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司副总裁包铂等 万达集团高层出席了酒店开业典礼。此次在二线城 市新开的 5 家酒店无一不占据最有利的地理位置, 将最先进的客房、康乐设施和餐饮会议服务引进当 地,在当地树立行业新标杆,努力打造商务旅行者 和市民理想的休憩场所。 From 12 to 21 December 2013, Wanda Hotels and Resorts’ Wanda Realm branded hotels managed in China were opened one after another in Nanchang, Yinchuan, Dandong and Nanjing. High levels including Wang Jianlin, Ning Qifeng and Ilja Poepper from the group all attended the grand opening ceremony. Each of the new hotels offers an enviable and convenient location and aims to set a new pole in local hospitality industry with fully-equipped guest rooms, top-end facilities, and impeccable culinary and meeting services.

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“凯悦·悦享家之美馔” 晚宴闪耀登场

A Connoisseur Banquet at Hyatt Hotels

江南缤纷四喜拼、老北京烤鸭、精装佛 跳墙、树子火腿蒸东星斑柳、龙腾四海、金 牌扣肉、陕西油泼扯面、品茶“甜美回忆” ……凯悦酒店集团前不久在北上广三地盛大 举行“凯悦·悦享家之美馔”活动,并宣布 推出“凯悦·悦享家之美馔”宾客体验提升 计划。凯悦的饮食哲学在业界一直广受推崇。 此次凯悦大中华区旗下各酒店希望通过顶级 餐饮体验,激起宾客心中对旅行中所有美好 事物的欣赏,与凯悦携手并肩成为真正的“悦 享家”。全新呈献齐集各地餐饮精华的“2013 悦·享臻选”菜单,带新老宾客体验最中国 的舌尖享受,绝对值得“尝”试。 Jiangnan-style Appetizer Combination, Traditional Peking Duck, Fo Tiao Qiang, Steamed Leopard Coral Grouper with Jinhua Ham and “Mikiko”, Wok-fried Lobster, Traditional style “Dongpo” Pork with Sweet Corn Pancakes, Shaanxi-style “Belt Noodles” with Dried Chili and Aged-vinegar, Tea “Memories”...... Hyatt Hotels Corporation recently launched its “Hyatt Connoisseur Culinary Program" in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, along with its namesake activity aimed at enhancing guest experience. As part of the programme, special menus were launched in all Hyatt hotels across Greater China region entitled “Best of the Best 2013” featuring their most popular signature dishes. Hyatt’s culinary philosophy has always been well-regarded and highly praised by associates and guests, who are encouraged to appreciate the finer things on their journey through a top dining experience. And Chinese cuisines are definitely worth trying.

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天禧九号五周年“红酒之夜” 活动完美谢幕

Sky Fortune’s 5th Anniversary Party “A Night of Wines” 2013 年 11 月 22 日,天禧九号五周年 庆典活动在其会所完美谢幕。天禧集团高层 与长期支持天禧的 VIP 客户及众多媒体朋友 一同出席了当晚庆典。天禧九号以“红酒之 夜”为主题,为现场贵宾朋友奉上最受青睐 的三款店酒:新西兰的长相思干白和干红、 智利的豪雅苏维翁干白、法国的蒙泰斯特罗 伯爵干红。特别推出的原生态绿色无公害综 合料理为来宾呈现了一场美味与健康共享的 盛宴。南美洲拉丁风格的乐队、国际知名萨 克斯手、乌克兰国宝级拉丁舞组合的精彩表 演更掀起层层高潮。 On November 22, 2013, Sky Fortune celebrated its 5th anniversary with a lavish night surrounded by elites from the group, long-supporting VIP clients as well as media guests. Themed as “A Night of Wines”, the party presented guests with three fabulous wine choices: New Zealand Sauvignon Blanc dry white & red, Chilean La Joya Sauvignon Blanc dry white and French Andre Lurton Comte de Montestruc, accompanied by a banquet of natural healthy cuisines. Entertainment included a Latin American style band, a world renowned saxophone player and the Ukrainian national Latin dance team.

116 LifeStyle


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品味酒店, 让更多的人 了解高端酒店的 精致与奢华。 品味酒店, 品味经典! 关注“品味酒店”微信:


LifeStyle 117


宾利精品家居推出 5 款全新系列 Bentley Home Releases 5 New Collections 宾利精品家居推出五款全新家具系列:沙发、会议桌、 储物柜、咖啡桌以及双人床。这是宾利精品家居与欧洲 顶级家具制造商携手,秉承宾利品牌的超凡制作工艺、 经典设计精髓与奢华优雅格调,为众多尊邸和办公空间 度身定制的风格独具的室内空间。新品的设计灵感源自 宾利座舱内饰,将宾利引以为傲的精湛手工工艺和顶级 甄选材质演绎得淋漓尽致。

尊尼获加尊酩“纵越南北无疆之旅”起航 John Walker & Sons Odyssey Life Journey without Boundaries Campaign-Mogan Mountain Stop 闻名全球的百年苏格兰威士忌品牌尊尼获加前不久在杭 州莫干山开启“纵越南北无疆之旅”系列活动首站—— 体验莫干山传奇。尊尼获加引航来宾探寻当年法国动植 物探险家的冒险足迹,体验了一场非比寻常的中国式贵 族探险之旅,同时通过对话尊尼获加全球品牌大使汤姆· 琼斯、时代领航者毛大庆先生以及品味尊酩三重单一麦 芽无与伦比的风味,充分感受锐意进取的航海家精神。

ENZO Daily Wear 演绎轻奢主义 ENZO Daily Wear Interprets Light Extravagance

彩色珠宝权威 ENZO 强势打造 Daily Wear 概念, 并推出时尚百搭、适合日常佩戴的 VAVA 系列 入门级彩色珠宝,在力求高端品质的前提下, 以优雅的实用设计和亲民的价格演绎轻奢主义, 提倡高贵而不昂贵的珠宝选择。晶莹清澈、炫 彩百搭的 ENZO VAVA 系列戒指,无疑是 Daily Wear 的最佳女主角。

中国奢侈品牌保兰德亮相英国皇家典礼 Chinese Luxury Brand PLD at England’s Royal Ceremony

前不久中国民族自主奢侈品牌保兰德受邀出席英国近 200 年来最为盛大的巡游盛典。此次巡游是为庆祝英国皇家 伦敦女市长菲奥娜·伍尔夫就任,英国皇室选择保兰德携 手全球 50 位顶尖精英女性一同见证。由此可见,同样拥 有贵族血统的保兰德已受到英国皇室的认可。更值得一 提的是,这些气质超凡的女性手上所携的包及佩戴的羊 绒围巾均出自保兰德。


威图全新星座系列璀璨亮相 VERTU Debuts Dazzling New Constellation Series 最新推出的星座系列是集威图所有专长于一体的现代智 能手机,其选材出众、工艺精湛,并配以威图专属服务。 该系列整屏采用一块 5.1 英寸超大蓝宝石水晶打造而成, 重达 100 克拉,前屏下面是一块 4.3 英寸的 720p 高清屏 幕。镶嵌在蓝宝石水晶外围的是精心设计的 5 级钛金属 外壳(钛比不锈钢坚固 2.5 倍,重量却轻一半)。新系列 引领威图进入了新的设计方向。

超屏激光电视“炫幕”来袭 FABULUS Unveiled as World’s First Large Screen Laser TV

诺基亚 Lumia 525/526 发布 Nokia Releases Lumia 525/526

诺基亚前不久正式发布全新 Lumia 525/526 系 列。新系列是诺基亚 Lumia 520 的升级版。 525 为中国联通的定制机型,526 为中国移动 的定制机型,均搭载最新 Windows Phone 8 操 作系统的 Nokia Lumia Black 版本,娱乐丰富、 色彩艳丽,同时提供与高端 Lumia 手机类似的 影像体验、HERE 地图及导航服务以及 Nokia MixRadio 音乐服务。

这款有史以来首次突破百英寸极限的“炫幕”激光电视, 其极致纤薄的屏幕厚度不足 1cm,玄武冷屏设计无热度, 无静电干扰;操作迅捷,能够完成一秒内开关机,且开 机后 100% 无噪音。激光束可以提供最丰富、最复杂的 色彩,保证了最好的清晰度和视野深度,高度还原人眼 色域达 90% 以上,同时无任何辐射产生,另外它几乎是 眼睛天生观察模式,观看舒适、自然、不伤眼。

兰博基尼推出限量版安卓系统智能手机 Lamborghini Releases Limited Edition Android Smartphone 意大利尖端奢侈品牌兰博基尼推出新款限量版智能手机 Antares。其设计结合出色的风格及令人惊叹的素材,以 彰显可供辨识的意大利式风格。机身由皮革和不锈钢雕 塑材质制成,创造出一个充满活力和吸引力的造型。屏 幕表面涂有坚不可摧的防划痕玻璃,机身包裹着精致的 皮革,并有几种不同的颜色可供挑选。手机售价 4000 美 元起。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 吉普户外开辟全新征途 Jeep Xtreme Performance Begins a New Journey

上海廿一当代艺术博览会在沪举办 ART021 Contemporary Art Fair Held in Shanghai

吉普户外旗舰店前不久在北京大悦城盛 大开幕。吉普户外是由克莱斯勒集团创 立的全新户外服饰和装备品牌。JXP 系 列的创立旨在打造风格鲜明的高性能优 质服饰和装备,每一处缝线和焊接都极 尽严谨细致,从高海拔越野跑步到泥泞 的山地自行车骑行,为一系列户外运动 保驾护航。

上海廿一当代艺术博览会前不久在具有历 史感和建筑美的外滩皇冠上的明珠——洛 克外滩源的中实大楼举办。这是首次在上 海举办高端、精致的艺术博览会,意指对 于当代艺术新疆域的前瞻与设想,同时也 希望在众多大型博览会中脱颖而出。本次 参展画廊的甄选范围以主要经营 21 世纪 艺术的当代画廊为主体。

原麦山丘面包房在京盛大开幕 Umassif Bakery Grand Opening in Beijing

“2014 苏格兰回归之年”推介会举办 Scotland's Year of Homecoming – Welcoming the World

原麦山丘面包房前不久在京盛大开幕。 从台湾四大天王面包大赛脱颖而出的冠 军得主,林育玮大师领军的烘焙师团队, 立志定义中国烘焙行业的新标准。原麦 山丘主打近年风行亚洲各国的面包新商 品“软欧包”,这种拥有欧式面包的外 观以及香浓麦香,但口感软嫩弹牙的新 商品,低糖、低盐、低油脂,取材天然 无香精,在亚洲各国受到极大回响。

苏格兰旅游局前不久在北京召开媒体推 介会,宣布将在 2014 苏格兰回归年举办 各式节庆活动,展示苏格兰的美食佳酿、 美妙活动、自然资源及创意、文化和古 老遗产,欢迎全世界的到访。据悉,苏 格兰各地都将参与其中,有一百多场活 动已经拉开帷幕,未来数月还有数百场 活动即将启动。其首个回归年是在 2009 年,举办得尤为成功。

法国旅游产品推介会在北上广举行 Travel Roadshow China 2013 Organized by Atout France

厨房·精髓·设计: 品位原创意大利生活 Kitchen·Essence·Design: A Taste of Creative Italian Life

“相约法兰西”2013 法国旅游年度路演 前不久在北京、上海、广州三地举办, 部分法国旅游业者还前往成都、武汉和 厦门进行推介。法国旅游发展署中国办 事处携手 17 家法国旅游机构为中国旅游 业界人士提供了法国最新的旅游信息和 旅游产品建议。现场还请来法国艺术家 Seiyar 表演绘画,并制作嘻哈帽。2014 年将迎来中法建交 50 周年的一系列庆祝 活动,法国旅游发展署也将围绕这一贯 穿全年的庆祝活动展开购物、葡萄酒、 文化遗产和浪漫等四个主题宣传。

海丝腾巅峰之作生辉床 亚洲巡演之旅上演 Salute to the Art of the Best Sleep: Hästens Vividus Asian Tour

2013 海丝腾巅峰之作生辉床亚洲巡演之 旅首站前不久在北京柏悦酒店华丽上演。 活动以“向睡眠艺术致敬”为主题,从 瑞典远道而来的海丝腾能工巧匠现场展 示了“世界上最好的床”——生辉床的 核心制作过程,再现了全球顶级的手工 制床工艺。海丝腾全球总裁尼克·布雷登 亲临现场并发表精彩演讲,与媒体及嘉 宾朋友们共同见证了这场手工制床艺术 盛典的闪亮揭幕。

前不久,“厨房·精髓·设计:品位原创意 大利生活”环球路演中国行在上海外滩 27 号罗斯福公馆盛大举行。该活动由意 大利木业和家具工业联合会主办,意大利 对外贸易委员会协办,博罗那展览(上海) 有限公司承办,旨在向全世界推广源自意 大利的精品厨房家具。这次全球路演主要 包括了厨房家具展示、厨房家具图录鉴赏 和 2014 厨房家具评选三大活动。

自然堂新品冰肌水美丽课堂活动在 京举办 Chando Glacier Water Skin Products Holds Event in Beijing 自然堂前不久携手多位时尚美容编辑和 达人在北京举行“自然堂新品冰肌水美 丽课堂”活动,在雪域圣地中一同开启 冰肌护肤新时代。活动现场,自然堂护 肤专家带领大家通过一组组趣味盎然的 实验,分别见证了冰川水小分子团的超 强渗透力以及自然堂冰肌水的超强抗氧 化能力,令每一位爱美女性都享受到了 雪域天宠圣地所带来的自然恩泽!

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control 北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com

第八届 OVIP 时尚商业摄影展举办 Eighth OVIP Photography Exhibition Held 由名人视线教育管理集团主办、东方视线摄影学院承办的主题为《影像· 前行》的时尚商业摄影作品展——第八届 OVIP 影展不久前在北京三里屯 开幕,各界影友百余人到场观摩交流。本次摄影展共展出国内一线摄影 师和历届学员优秀作品二百余幅,还特别引入国际知名的澳籍华人摄影 师 Alex Pan 的《永恒·爱·难忘》以及中国十佳摄影师张罗平先生的《张 罗平的肖像馆》这两个主题展。



Hot pot is a great way to warm you up during the cold months, keeping you healthy and hydrated. The Longemont Shanghai’s O2on2 All Day Dining restaurant is now serving a special mini hot pot set to enjoy individually, allowing you to pick your favorite soup ingredients and condiments from our superb menu. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220

北京丽亭华苑酒店: 年末聚会套餐 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park: Year-End Party Packages

Party Packages include six specialty menus including three Chinese menus and three Wester n menus, set or buffet. Comes with free flow drinks including soft drinks and local beers. RMB 248 per person with 15% service charge. Tel: +86 10 8235 6699

北京千禧大酒店瑶池中餐厅: 顺德宴 Grand Millenium Beijing Yao Chi Chinese Restaurant: A Culinary Discovery

Shunde cuisine is famous for its simplicity, freshness, and smooth textures. Now you can savour authentic Shunde cuisine minus the hassle of a tiring road trip to Shunde, at the Shunde Food Fair presented by our Yao Chi Chinese Restaurant from 1st January to 28th February, 2014. Come and indulge in a gourmet journey of endless culinary options from Shunde. Tel: +86 10 8587 6888 ext 3013

上海明天广场 JW 万豪酒店: 冬日浓情下午茶 JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai: Winter Feast High Tea

Soak up the warmth of a sunny afternoon whilst enjoying the specially featured Winter Feast High Tea at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square. The JW pastry team handpicks classic and creative high tea assortments such as the Rum Raisin Scones, Mini Prawn Baguette with Cocktail Sauce, Smoked Salmon and Cucumber Pumpernickel with Caviar, Winter Strawberry Vanilla Tart and and more. Tel: +86 21 5359 4969 ext 6430

上海世茂佘山艾美酒店: 有机多利 乐活艾美 Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai: Collaboration with Tony’s Farm

Want you leisure be organic? Please come to visit our new project by cooperating with Tony’s Farm, one of the largest Organic Land in China. At the early of 2014, there will be a mini plantation with various greens and a show room to demonstrate scientific knowledge and class in the hotel. Please enjoy a well deserved break at Le Meridien Sheshan’s Organic Land to discover a colorful healthy journey. Tel: +86 21 5779 9999

上海威斯汀大饭店: 春茗家庭团圆套餐 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Chinese New Year Special Family Feast

Chefs from the Chinese, Japanese and Thai kitchens have compiled 2 sets of menus for you to choose from during this memorable gathering, including seafood soup with dried scallop, braised crab with curry, stir-fried fresh abalone with sticky rice and chili cordyceps sauce, and so much more. Tel: +86 21 6335 1888 ext 7340

北京希尔顿逸林酒店: “逸”生难忘下午茶 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Unforgettable Afternoon Tea

In a beautiful winter afternoon, sit yourself near the French window at Lin Lounge, and enjoy a wonderful tea with our creative artistic desserts, elaborately designed by pastry chef Mr. Anson Zheng. Multiple dessert sets will definitely attract both your eyes and your stomach. Tel: +86 10 6338 1888 ext 1726

上海花园饭店白玉兰中餐厅: 忘新年会套餐 The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, Chinese Restaurant BaiYuLan: New Year’s Party Set Menu

The Chinese restaurant Baiyulan offers New Year’s packages to amaze your employees and colleagues at your year-end parties. In addition to the fabulous set menu there will also be free flow of selected drinks! RMB500/ person including service charge. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5203

北京金融街洲际酒店: 美滋美味涮出来 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Start Your Winter Hotpot Journey

Monsoon restaurant at InterContinental Beijing Financial Street introduces 4 kinds of popular hotpot featuring with various seafood, not only lobster, crab, mussel, half shell scallops, sea jade snail, but also salmon, long li fillet and octopus. Besides, freshest meat, seasonal vegetables, tofu, noodles, dipping sauce and much more selections are all included. Help yourself to cook your own favourite food! Tel: +86 10 5852 5916

上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 中华美食荟萃,周五自助晚餐登场 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Friday & Saturday Chinese Dinner Buffet

Every Friday and Saturday evening during the Chinese New Year season, you will taste and enjoy the Shanghai specialties, savor a delicious Dim Sum, sip yellow wine, rice wine and many other Chinese dishes in a real Chinese ambiance. Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao offers the diners with the fantastic authentic traditional dishes and a good range of tempting deserts. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海海神诺富特大酒店: 新年除夕宴 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Chinese New Years Eve Dinner

北京新世界酒店: 秉承现代东方待客之道亮相京城 New World Beijing Hotel: Grand Opening!

泉州万达文华酒店: 著名演员潘粤明下榻 Wanda Vista Quanzhou: Welcomes Mr. Pan Yueming

北京金隅喜来登酒店: 冬季会议特惠 Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel: Winter Meeting Deal

北京四季酒店: 一站式婚礼殿堂 Four Seasons Beijing: Bridal Trunk Show 2013

港中旅维景酒店: 一次婚礼,终身服务 Metropark Hotels: “One Wedding, Life-long Service”

北京港澳中心瑞士酒店: 冬日品奶酪火锅 回味妈妈的味道 Swissotel Beijing: Enjoy a Swiss Evening with Cheese Fondue

广州圣丰索菲特大酒店 : 2013 国际星厨艺术秀首次国际慈 善烹饪盛典举行 Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich: Star Chefs Battle & Art China 2013

Chinese New Year is around the cor ner. Celebrate the traditional Chinese Festival with your family or friends. Come and taste the delicate Chinese New Year Eve Dinner at Golden Shark Chinese Restaurant. From only RMB 2,500 to RMB 3,500 per table. Wish you a joyous and prosperous New Year! Tel: +86 21 5036 7988

Recently, well-known actor Mr. Pan Yu e m i n g s t a y e d a t Wa n d a Vi s t a Quanzhou and participated in a fan meeting organized by Wanda C i n e m a s . M r. P a n w a s w a r m l y welcomed by the Hotel Manager of Wanda Vista Quanzhou, Mr. Bruno Bohl, and spoke highly of the excellent service he received there. Tel: +86 595 6829 8888

The Four Seasons Beijing Bridal Trunk Show was held recently in the Imperial Suite of the hotel. The show included numerous amenities for newlyweds and engaged couples, including FSBJ Wedding Planners, Culinary Team, Spa Team and Marketing Partners, amazing five-star venues, and luxury wedding apparel and goods, and even pre-honeymoon packages. Tel: +86 10 5695 8888

Escape the chilly winter with our Swiss Cheese Fondue at Café Swiss. Similar to Chinese hot pot, fondue is a tradition from Switzerland quite simple in preparation – providing the same fun enjoyed by all. As the cheese melts in the bottom of the pot, skewer a fresh baked bread cube using the Swiss fondue fork, with pickled cucumber, small potatoes and cherry tomatoes. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 2127

北京嘉里大酒店: 嘉品香槟早午餐,吃喝玩乐星期天 Kerry Hotel Beijing: Kerry’s Kitchen Introduces City’s Newest Champagne Brunch

Marrying the best of both deals for adults and kids alike, Kerr y’s Kitchen introduces the Kerry Brunch. Adults can enjoy unlimited servings of appetisers, main courses and desserts accompanied by free flowing champagne, while the little ones get to experience the thrill of their lives at Adventure Zone. Price starts from RMB388+ per adult. Tel: +86 10 8565 2088

New World Beijing Hotel opened recently as the first five-star hotel in Chongwenmen, one of Beijing’s fastest growing commercial areas. The hotel has the distinction of being the closest deluxe hotel to the Temple of Heaven, as well as conveniently near to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and the famous shopping streets of Wangfujing. Tel: +86 10 5960 8888

Meet, mix and mingle in Beijing this winter and be fascinated with its centuries old legacy amidst one of the most dynamic and vibrant cities. From 1 December 2013 to 16 March 2014, book your meeting groups from RMB 888 net per room* in a Deluxe Room, with complimentary buffet breakfasts and internet. Tel: +86 10 5798 8888

Find yourself anxious about all the details in arranging a wedding ceremony, anniversary, or birthday party? Let Metropark Hotels ease your mind and fulfill our promise of “One wedding, life-long service”. Couples who hold weddings in Metropark hotels will enjoy free romantic dinners on wedding anniversaries, generous discounts on dining and future family get-togethers. www.hkctshotels.com

The one week international culinary charity event Star Chefs & Art China 2013 held at the Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich was a tremendous success. This “Magnifique” celebration of culinary art showcased 18 internationally renowned Chefs, wine sommelier and mixologists during a 4-day event that lasted from 2013 December 4th until 7th. Tel: +86 20 3883 8888

北京燕莎中心凯宾斯基饭店: 意式料理无极限 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center: Unlimited Italian Brunch

The proof is in the taste. On Saturdays and Sundays, the unlimited brunch at Trattoria La Gondola features hot and cold appetizers, as well as modern European dishes and delicious desserts to share for RMB 298 net. Specialties include: handcrafted, wood-fired pizzas with the finest toppings, fresh salads and traditional Italian entrées, including homemade ravioli, rich risotto, tender veal and delicious seafood. Tel: +86 10 6465 3388 ext 4215


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE都喜精品酒店集团: 签管昆明滇池别墅温泉度假酒店 Dusit Devarana Hotels and Resorts: Announces Kunming Exclusive All-Villa Hot Springs Resort

上海希尔顿酒店: 2013 希尔顿圣诞慈善小火车启动 暨圣诞点灯仪式 Hilton Shanghai: Christmas Charity Train & Lighting Ceremony 2013

上海金茂君悦大酒店: 冬季节日礼遇 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Winter Festivities Package

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 闪耀年会梦想 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Make Your Year-end Gathering Dazzle

Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts announces the signing of an agreement with Yunnan Jingdian Real Estate Group to manage a 72 villa hot springs resort. Dusit Devarana Dianchi Lake, Kunming, located on Dianchi Lake in Kunming city, Yunnan province, is 40 minutes from Kunming International Airport and 25 minutes away from the central business district. Tel: +86 21 6287 7108

Celebrate Christmas and New Year with loved ones in style and enjoy exquisite food in a festive ambience complemented by a luxurious stay in our brand new guestroom with stunning panoramic views of Shanghai at Grand Hyatt Shanghai. Guests can join us on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, and welcome the New Year with our festivities. Tel: +86 512 5500 1234

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 圣诞点灯仪式 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan: Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental began its Christmas and New Year’s celebrations on November 30th with its lighting ceremony. The traditional Christmas tree lighting ceremony included a performance by students from the Shanghai American School Choir. The Christmas tree was lighted by General Manager, Beat Klarer, the hotel owner, Shanghai Yinhu hotels and teachers of the Shanghai American School. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888

宁波洲际酒店:投入试运营 InterContinental Ningbo: Soft Opening

IHG recently announced the opening of InterContinental Ningbo. The 467room hotel is the ultimate destination for discerning travelers. Guest rooms feature 180 degree river or garden views. Abundant water features fit the grand entrance perfectly. A luxury InterContinental life is guaranteed by first class facilities and services. Tel: +86 574 8907 7777

成都瑞吉酒店:微公益“星星图书 馆”项目之吉星小学行 The St. Regis Chengdu: Supports Primary Education in Local Community

The St. Regis Chengdu recently organized the “Star Library” program – a community outreach held at the Jixing Primary School in Longshan Town, Gulin. As the first luxury hotel from Starwood to open in Chengdu, The St. Regis Chengdu imparts the “Care for Community” value to its team members. Tel: +86 28 8676 7897

For the past eighteen years, Hilton S h a n g h a i ’s C h r i s t m a s Tr a i n h a s whistled its way around the miniature Christmas village in the Hilton lobby. On 3 December, Mr. Gerd Knaust, the GM, joined in wishing a joyous Christmas and a wonderful new year, launching the charity train and Christmas tree with distinguished guests and charity representatives. Tel: +86 21 6248 0000

With the Chinese Spring Festival approaching, the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai on Nanjing Road becomes an ideal venue to host that company function or family dinner. Guests are offered 953 square meters of flexible function space to suite all needs, with friendly dedicated service and attentive banquet sales staff will ensure the success of your event. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4088/4089

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 和上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 圣诞点灯仪式 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: 2013 Christmas Lighting Ceremony

Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong invited over 100 guests, corporate account customers and media clients to join in its 2013 Christmas Lighting Ceremony. The tree was lighted together by Managing Director-Mr. Anis and the chef officer of Tangqiao Senior Citizen House - Mrs. Wang. Tel: +86 21 5039 9999

宁波香格里拉大酒店: 纸杯蛋糕点亮温情圣诞 Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo: Annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo recently held its fifth annual Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony at the hotel’s Lobby Lounge. This year’s tree lighting ceremony featured a unique three-metre-high cupcake tower composed of 2,014 cupcakes and a visit from Santa Claus. Tel: +86 574 8799 8888 ext 6808

三亚美高梅度假酒店: 黄金两周年庆典暨圣诞点灯仪式 MGM Grand Sanya: 2 Year Anniversary and Christmas Tree Lighting

Recently, the MGM Grand Sanya held their 2nd Year Anniversary Celebration and then the annual Christmas tree lighting ceremony. Guests and friends from all walks of life arrived to celebrate this auspicious night. The celebration featured a red carpet for guests, performance by the house band and a prize raffle. Tel: +86 898 8869 1999


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 北京海润艾丽华酒店及服务公寓: 2013 年艾丽华酒店答谢会 Ariva Beijing West: Thanksgiving Party 2013

长沙万达文华酒店: 2013 圣诞慈善亮灯仪式 Wanda Vista Changsha: Christmas Tree Lighting Charity Ceremony

When Ariva Thanksgiving Party ended on 28th November 2013, we were deeply touched by our Guests. Thank you for everyone’s support of the Bethel Children with Visual Impairment, and for your positive energy that night. Let us be grateful to everything we have in life. We greatly appreciate the support you’ve contributed to Ariva so that we may continue to strive from strength to strength. Tel: +86 10 8266 9999

On 30 November 2013, a grand lighting ceremony was held at Wanda Vi s t a C h a n g s h a , k i c k i n g o ff t h e Christmas events for 2013. Changsha International School’s little angels and the General Manager of Wanda Vista Changsha Mr. Boris Blobel switched on the lights for the Christmas tree. Loyal hotel guests, media, corporate partners and the hotel management all attended the ceremony. Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

中国上海御锦轩: 欢乐假日就在御锦轩 THE ONE Executive Suites Shanghai: Festival Season!

宜兴万达艾美酒店: 2013 慈善助学圣诞点灯仪式 Le Méridien Yixing: Charity Christmas Lighting Ceremony

Christmas and New Year’s Day have always been celebrated as the most important and meaningful occasions of the year. From 21st December 2013 to 6th January 2014, we invite you to enjoy the “Fancy Holiday Package” at RMB1288 net including for a suite accommodation with 2 breakfasts and 3-course menu for two at our IEins Bistro and Lounge. Tel: +86 21 6157 1688

Le Méridien Yixing recently held its first Christmas Lighting in the hotel lobby. The director of Yixing Tourist Bureau, the headmaster of Zhengxin primary school, local media and corporate guests attended the ceremony. Guests enjoyed hot drinks in the lobby to keep themselves warm with a unique colorchanging mug prepared as a door gift by the hotel. Tel: +86 510 8719 8888

昆山瑞士大酒店:圣诞亮灯仪式 Swissotel Kunshan: Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 小派对大新意 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: Small Parties, Big Celebrations

The Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony was held at Swissôtel Kunshan together with donations to children from Zhujiang School to celebrate the upcoming festive season. On December 3, 50 guests, together with 20 selected students from migrant schools enjoyed the ceremony. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788

A y e a r o f h a rd w o r k d e s e r v e s a big celebration, but planning the right party can be challenging. InterContinental Shanghai Pudong presents an offering of small-scale, tailor-made parties that will leave your group feeling truly rewarded. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666

三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店: 荣获《时尚旅游》杂志“2013 最 佳海滨度假酒店”大奖 The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: Wins 2013 Best Seashore Holiday Resort

北京万达索菲特大饭店: 水晶圣诞闪亮仪式 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Crystal Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony

北京首都机场朗豪酒店: 以爱心之举温暖点亮圣诞 Langham Place, Beijing Capital Airport: Welcomes the Festive Season

重庆富力凯悦酒店: 荣膺《商旅》杂志读者评选 “重庆最佳商务酒店”殊荣 Hyatt Regency Hotel Chongqing: Best Business Hotel in Chongqing for 9th Time

The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort has been awarded as “Best Seashore Holiday Resort" in the “Gold List Award of China Tourism 2013” est. by National Geographic Traveler China Magazine. The award was chosen by users and professional judges from a wide range of backgrounds in the tourism industry. Tel: +86 898 8865 9999

Langham Place, Beijing Capital Airport held its Christmas Lighting Ceremony in style. The hotel’s lobby display is highlighted by the elegant Christmas tree. The ceremony was crowned by the Christmas Choir, with colleagues from all departments and children from a nearby school. The ceremony was attended by more than 180 guests from international and airport related companies. Tel: +86 10 6457 5555

S o f i t e l Wa n d a B e i j i n g h e l d t h e Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 4th, 2013. This year, the Christmas theme at Sofitel W a n d a B e i j i n g i s C R Y S TA L . A special Christmas tree made of 1566 individual crystals was lighted up with a countdown from all the guests. Tel: +86 10 8599 6666

Hyatt Regency Chongqing has been named “Best Business Hotel in Chongqing” for the ninth consecutive year in Business Traveller China magazine’s 2013 Reader Poll award ceremony held in Beijing. The Business Traveller China Awards are based on the votes of some of China’s most discerning, frequent and experienced travellers. Tel: +86 23 6775 1234


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The Last Supper 为庆祝苏富比进驻亚洲 40 周年,香港苏富比 40 周年 晚间拍卖汇聚逾 60 件 20 世纪中国艺术、亚洲当代艺术及 现当代东南亚顶级艺术珍品,为藏家呈现了一场不可多得 的盛宴。当天多件拍品刷新拍卖纪录,其中著名当代艺术 家曾梵志《最后的晚餐》以 1.804 亿港元的价格成交,创 下亚洲当代艺术品成交价格之最。该油画的创作灵感来源 于达·芬奇同名作品,画中所有人物变成系着红领巾、戴着 面具在桌前吃西瓜的少先队员(属曾梵志有名的“面具” 系列),原作中的犹大则戴着金黄色的西式领带。艺术家 曾表示,金色领带代表金钱,代表西方资本主义。据悉, 这幅画原为比利时收藏家尤伦斯夫妇所藏。 Zeng Fanzhi’s “The Last Supper” brought in $23.27 million at Sotheby’s 40th Anniversary Sale in Hong Kong, a new record for an Asian contemporary artist. Five bidders competed for more than 15 minutes for the large 2001 canvas sold by Swiss collectors Guy and Myriam Ullens, which depicts a scene inspired by Leonardo da Vinci’s famed painting, but with each character dressed as a member of a Communist youth group wearing Zeng’s well-known white masks he used at the time in his “Mask” series. The “Judas” character wears a gold tie, a metaphor for Western capitalism.

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle


2013 年十二月号 总第 346 期

胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯 拉丁天王的中国情缘 Julio Iglesias The Singing Sinophile

Americana for Christmas l Monastic Majesty l Hats off to Hatters l An Elegant Finishing Touch l Sushi with Style

复活的古堡 Castle from the Ashes


家亚洲顶级滑雪场 之速度与激情

of Asia's Top Ski Resorts

亚洲都会酒店之旅 City Hopping in Asia

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


品味之选 Americana for Christmas

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