2014 march

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

MARCH 2014


2014 年三月号 总第 352 期 Kyoto & Osaka Kengaku l Couturier of the Interior l A Shift in Luxury Consumption l The Perfect Pipe l A Hidden Hutong Treasure


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

最会穿衣的潮叔 Nickelson Wooster

At Liberty

6 家中东酒店



Sheik Digs


Kyoto & Osaka Kengaku 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The March cover is a shot of style influencer and Japanophile Nickelson Wooster by Brent Eysler as featured in TSBmen,com

Diamond Japan

迷失东瀛 1991 年,10 岁的我第一次踏上这个群岛国家,它就像 个充满魔力的奇幻之地,让我以为进入了未来的机器人时代。 夜晚灯光通明,所有的东西都自动化,同时超级干净,纤毫 不染……没有哪个国家这么先进。这里的产品极大丰富,分 门别类细微到让人发指,再配上诱人的色彩,我恨不得一把 抱进怀里,当然,我父亲就多了一些对价格的不爽。在东京 下船就像登陆了《星球大战》中银河系的考路斯坎星,或者 是阿西莫夫虚构的行星川陀,它以小时计地吞吐着世界各地 成千上万的宇宙飞船,该国浩浩荡荡的全球文化输出让这种 感觉更加明显,其电影、动漫和设计就是未来乌托邦或反乌 托邦的镜像。当别的地方的人们还在纷争不休或者更多地由 动物性支配行为的时候,日本人的礼貌和谦恭让人觉得他们 已经差不多过了那个阶段了。井然有序、高效紧凑、守法等 都是日本的标签,全世界就得这样才能在人口无限膨胀的情 况下发展——至少 10 岁的我是这样认为的。 尽管北京与东京相距不远,但是除了四年前在那呆过一 晚,我一直没有机会涉足。那时走过涩谷十字路口时的一瞥, 让我确信日本年轻人比世界上其他任何地方的同龄人都要在 时尚方面下功夫。五花八门的奇装异服让日本看起来超凡脱 俗,当然语言不通更加深了陌生感。 日本是极特别的,其中最重要的一个原因是它树立了一 个最成功的典范:它的现代化充分利用了自己的传统,同时 为全球文化做出了自己的贡献,科技、电影、设计、艺术、 时尚等诸多领域都是如此。其它非西方国家不是固守传统、 抵制全球化,就是复制发达国家。日本不一样,它以一种高 度相关的、吸引力十足的方式将自己的传统传达给世界,它 深度研究外来物,最终以“青出于蓝而胜于蓝”的结果与自 己的老师角逐,你可以看看汽车、威士忌和手工鞋等行业就 知道了。 这期就请跟随我们的记者吴聿书去探寻这个奇幻国度的 京都和大阪——那两个以热情好客和对美食无比苛求著称的 地方,当然远远不止这些啦!我希望哪天也去走一遭。



The magical archipelago was a multi-splendored place for a ten year-old. Visiting in 1991, it felt like going to a future of robots and bright lights with everything super-clean and automated. No country could be so advanced. The product line-up was more diverse, colorful and detailed and I desired everything, to the chagrin of my father who kept complaining about the prices. Disembarking in Tokyo was like landing in Corcuscant in the Star Wars galaxy or Isaac Asimov’s Trantor, globe-spanning cities with thousands of spaceships docking every hour. The cultural output of the country only bolstered this atmosphere. The movies, cartoons and designs of the country all looked straight out of a utopian or dystopian future. Even the politeness and demureness of the locals reinforced the image of a society past much of the strife and animal spirit of others. Japan was well-regulated, efficient, compact, and law-abiding. The entire world would have to progress in this direction to deal with overpopulation - at least in the eyes of a ten-year-old. Despite living so close here in Beijing, I haven’t had the chance to spend time in Japan since, aside from one night four years ago. Then, walking past Shibuya Crossing convinced me that Tokyo kids do more to look stylish and invent more styles than their counterparts anywhere in the world. The diversity and craziness of all the outfits confirmed my childhood view of Japan as otherworldly. Of course the strangeness was intensified by the relative paucity of English speakers. Japan is special for many reasons but at core remains that it presents the most successful significant alternative, coherent vision of modernity that utilizes tradition while making a huge contribution to global culture. This occurs in technology, film, design, art, fashion and many other areas. Other non-Western countries tend to either cling to their traditions, rejecting global culture, or merely imitate developed countries. Japan transforms its own traditions in a way that feels relevant and attractive to the rest of the world. At the same time, it embraces foreign things in a profound way, engaging in deep study, finally emerging more expert than the teacher. We see this in areas as diverse as automobiles, whiskey, and handmade shoes. Our guest editor, Samuel Wu, takes us through two parts of this fantastic nation, Kyoto and Osaka, famed for its painstaking approach perfection in cuisine, hospitality and so much more. I just hope I finally make it over there at some point.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5

March 032



014 手腕上的天文馆 梵克雅宝“午夜天文馆”诗意复杂功 能腕表展现六大行星围绕太阳旋转的 实时轨迹

066 尼克尔森·伍斯特: 潮叔的告白


听世界上最会穿衣的男人畅聊他的成 名、现状以及对日本时尚业的感受

072 一支烟斗,点亮个性


除了表和鞋带,没有什么东西比烟斗 更能体现一个人的个性了

028 英伦才子闯法国 英国设计通才汤姆·迪克森新作“不拘 一格”餐厅闪耀巴黎

080 兰博基尼的斗牛情结 传奇品牌背后的故事,未必尽人皆知

084 看中国奢侈品消费转型 中国奢侈品买家开始关注腕表本身的 价值、精密工艺和实用性

032 设计大师的快意人生 罗伯特·库特里耶在需求与美感之间“玩 平衡”

特辑 041 京阪见学 014 6


春意盎然,跟随 LifeStyle 记者一起去 逛京都游大阪

享乐 092 酋长自有“黄金屋” 在富庶的中东,这些非富即贵的酒店 绝对让你咂舌

114 胡同深处有穆禄 穆禄主打马来西亚美食,融合法意美 中餐,混的新鲜,搭的美妙

LifeStyle 7

March 092


014 Shoot for the Stars


Van Cleef & Arpels’ Midnight Planetarium replicates the orbit of six planets around the sun

The fascinating history behind this legendary brand

084 A Shift in Luxury Consumption

028 Tom of France

Chinese consumers should pursue a watch’s traditional value, handicraft and practicality

Tom Dixon’s first flagship interior in the City of Lights

032 Couturier of the Interior


A glimpse at the life of French born designer Robert Couturier

092 Sheik Digs

A selection of some of the finest hotels in the Middle East


114 A Hidden Hutong Treasure

041 Kyoto & Osaka Kengaku

MULU does a refreshing job of blending French, Italian, American, Chinese and Malaysian cuisines together

LifeStyle’s guest editor plans an exclusive trip through Kyoto & Osaka

066 At Liberty

Fashion industry’s leading freelancer Nickelson Wooster talks about his rise, current projects and love of Japan



Nothing reflects a man’s personality better than his pipe

080 Lamborghini: The Story Behind the Brand



072 The Perfect Pipe

Columns 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous


LifeStyle 9

MARCH 2014

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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JACK WU 高尔夫推广学院 http://jackwugolf.com 新浪博客:blog.sina.com.cn/cnlifestyle

法律顾问:北京市世航律师事务所 高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268

10 LifeStyle

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12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14


Destinations / P20

梵克雅宝“午夜天文馆”诗意复杂功能腕表 Van Cleef & Arpels’ astrological watch Midnight Planetarium

LifeStyle 13




Shoot for the Stars 法国殿堂级珠宝腕表世家梵克雅宝最 新推出了一款以“午夜天文馆”为主题的诗 意复杂功能腕表,396 个零部件组成的复杂 机械系统精确地展现地球、火星、水星、木 星、金星和土星六大行星围绕太阳旋转的实 时轨迹,各自有独立的圆盘轨道。玫瑰金的 太阳位于中央,每颗行星都由宝石打造(蛇 纹石水星、翡翠金星、绿宝石地球、红碧玉 火星、蓝玛瑙木星、杉石土星),按照其各 自的实际步调移动。小至水星 88 天绕完一 圈,大至土星 29 年才绕完一圈。

Van Cleef & Arpels has decided to shoot for the stars with its latest design, the astrological watch Midnight Planetarium. The watch replicates the orbit of six planets - Earth, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn - around the sun. The position of each of the planets at any given time is accurately represented on the watch face thanks to a complex mechanical system comprising 396 separate parts. The movement of each planet is true to its genuine orbit. The planets have been created from a selection of hard stones: turquoise for the Earth, serpentine for Mercury, chloromelanite for Venus, red jasper for Mars, blue agate for Jupiter and sugilite for Saturn.

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Carpathia 高端家具设计公司 Hamilton Conte 以 上世纪中叶美式和斯堪的纳维亚风格的设 计作品享誉世界,主打家具、灯具等家居饰 品。这款台灯名为“卡帕西亚”,其设计灵 感来自于火山喷发出来的熔岩,适合成对摆 放在任何房间,彰显主人的时尚品味。 Identifying with mid-century American and Scandinavian design movements, Hamilton Conte is a high-end furniture design firm founded by Ross Hamilton Englisbe and Fabian Pellegrinet Conte. Their collection encompasses furniture as well as decorative accessories such as lamps. This organic lava-inspired lamp should be a stylish statement for any room. Buy two and the pair can anchor any room. www.hamiltonconte.com

16 LifeStyle


Singin’in the Rain 翱飞思,这家屡获殊荣的全球知名创意伞 具品牌凭借其创作先锋毛沛畿和梁伯强在国际 设计界的影响力,不断与世界各地艺术家进行 跨界合作,并推出以“悦享雨天”为设计概念 的翱飞思艺术家系列。今季最新推出的长柄剪 影伞系列艺术家合作款是与日本著名平面设计 师 Kayo Horaguchi 合作的限量经典版雨伞,灵 感来源于自然界动物的和谐相生,甫一面市即 大受追捧。 With their humorous yet functional reinterpretation of the umbrella, creative umbrella brand OFESS is becoming more and more well-known for its iconic Isabrello 0% and Isabrello 100%nu which recently won the Red Dot Design Award and iF Design Awards respectively. Mo Mou and David Leung, codesigners and also the brand founders, are expanding to do crossover cooperations with artists from all over the world,including talented Japanese graphic designer Kayo Horaguchi. Based on the concept of enjoying rainy days, OFESS has also launched its limited edition Artist Collection including the OFESS Silhouette, which has been received extremely well. www.ofess.com

LifeStyle 17




The Legacy Collection from Dewar’s 170 年前帝王苏格兰威士忌面世,这一历久弥 新的品牌被誉为最顶尖混合型威士忌的代名词。帝 王苏格兰威士忌推出的“传世珍享”精选系列,甄 选三款享负盛名的顶级佳酿,向品牌发展历程中的 标志性里程碑致敬,每款限量 1000 瓶。1893 版为 该系列的首发之作 (另外两款为1899版和1902版) , 专为纪念 1893 年该品牌荣膺维多利亚女王皇家御 用供货商称号的历史性时刻。其瓶身设计的灵感源 自苏格兰传统典礼所用的匕首。典雅华丽的水晶酒 瓶为纯手工吹制,以苏格兰巧手工匠打造的精致银 饰点缀,并配以 22 克拉金饰,彰显王者气派。 Dewar’s, a name synonymous with the very best blended whisky for nearly 170 years, launches the 1893 edition of the Legacy Collection. The 1893 edition is the first of three exceptional whiskies that make up The Legacy Collection (the next two editions are 1899 and 1902). Just 1,000 bottles of each limited edition will be released and they will be available exclusively first through travel retail outlets, and then domestic channels. This first release celebrates 1893, the year Dewar’s was granted the Royal Warrant by Queen Victoria. The bottle is a fine hand-blown crystal decanter, decorated with silverware made by Scottish craftsmen with exquisite details and 22 carat gold highlights. The design is inspired by the dirk – the Scottish ceremonial dagger. www.bacardilimited.com

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Nuzzle 加拿大温尼伯市(《小熊维尼》中维尼的名字就是温尼伯的 缩写)有一条世界上最长的自然冰道——红河溜冰道,每年都会 吸引不少游客。当地每年也会举办名为“温暖小屋”的设计比赛, 邀请世界各地的建筑师为在冰道上玩耍的人们设计避寒小屋。今 年的冠军作品是来自 RAW 设计工作室的 Nuzzles。从外观上看, 它更像是一个个毛球玩具。外面是用发泡塑料制成的柔软导管(游 泳浮力棒),一根根“绝缘附件”被插在既可提供热源又能发光 的格状储温底座上,游客可以坐或是躺进去避寒休息。想必这些 暖烘烘的“小屋”会为身处寒冷户外的人们提供一个不同寻常的 休憩之所。在春寒料峭的北京有几个这样可爱的暖屋,那真是再 好不过了。 Beijing is notoriously cold right before spring so these playful “huts” from RAW Design should be perfect for people out and about on the streets. These ones have been placed along the frozen Red River Mutual Trail in Winnipeg, Canada. Moving away from the traditional notion of an enclosed shelter, the firm’s winning proposal “Nuzzles” engages skaters with a playful arrangement of “insulated appendages” (a.k.a. pool noodles) supported by a geodesic lattice structure that is illuminated and heated from within. Users are encouraged to “nestle into the structure” and manipulate its fur-like exterior into informal resting areas.

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A New Icon in London: Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard

位于泰晤士河南岸 306 米高的碎片大 厦将于 5 月 6 日迎来香格里拉酒店集团在 欧洲的最新力作——伦敦香格里拉大酒店 的奢华揭幕。这将是该集团于 2010 年和 2013 年相继在巴黎和伊斯坦布尔开设香格 里拉大酒店之后,在欧洲开设的第三家豪华 酒店。碎片大厦高 72 层,伦敦香格里拉大 酒店位于该大楼的第 34 至 52 层,为西欧 最高酒店,也是城中首家坐落于摩天大楼内 的酒店。从酒店可俯瞰伦敦多个著名地标, 酒店内部现代摩登的设计与令人惊叹的景 观相得益彰。 Recently, Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts announced that the Shangri-La Hotel, At The Shard, London will open to guests on 6 May 2014. With its prime location on the South Bank of the River Thames in the 306-metrehigh Shard, the hotel will be the hotel group’s third in Europe, following debuts in Paris in 2010 and Istanbul in 2013. As the first highrise hotel in London, Shangri-La’s modern interior design complements the building’s architecture and breathtaking views from its position as the tallest hotel in Western Europe.

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伦敦蒙德里安酒店 即将璀璨开幕

Morgans Hotel Group to Unveil Mondrian London at Sea Containers 伦敦蒙德里安酒店即将于 2014 年春季 开幕,这将是美国摩根酒店集团旗下蒙德里 安品牌精致生活品味酒店首次在美国以外地 区亮相。酒店坐落在泰晤士河南岸闻名于世 的集装箱大楼,由知名室内设计师汤姆·迪克 森指导的设计研究工作室设计,这也是该工 作室的首个酒店设计项目。酒店共有 359 个 客房和套房,大多数房间都可观赏到美丽的 泰晤士河景和伦敦城景。步行可至伦敦南岸 多个文化娱乐购物中心,如泰特现代美术馆、 巴腊鲜货市场、伦敦南岸中心等。 In spring 2014, Morgans Hotel Group will launch Mondrian London, the first Mondrian branded boutique hotel outside of the United States. Situated on the banks of The River Thames in the famed Sea Containers building, Mondrian London has been designed by Design Research Studio under the creative direction of interiors visionary Tom Dixon, marking the first ever hotel project for the studio. With spectacular river and city views from most of its 359 guest rooms and suites, the hotel is located within walking distance to an array of nightlife, restaurants, shopping and cultural landmarks including Tate Modern, Borough Market and Southbank Centre.



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24


Interior / P.28


Designer / P.32

设计大师罗伯特·库特里耶的室内设计作品 Interior design by Robert Couturier

LifeStyle 23




Bunker Down 曾经的纳粹地堡变身绿色能源发电站。 From its origins as a power station to a visitor center, this is the Energy Bunker in Hamburg Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: IBA Hamburg

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德国汉堡“绿色地堡”的前身是纳粹 防空地堡,其内部是一个蓄水量达两百万 升的水库。这里作为一个巨大的储热区, 向 Reiherstieg 地区供热管网输热。水库热 能来自于生物热电厂、木料燃烧场、屋顶 太阳能热力系统以及附近一个工厂产生的 废热。与此同时,热电厂和建筑南面的光 伏发电组件还向公共电网源源不断地输送 着绿色电能。 位于 Neuhöfer 大街的这座高达 42 米 的防弹掩体修建于二战期间。如要拆除巨 大的水泥防御工事,必定会危及周边公寓 建筑,所以战后英军只摧毁其内部,建筑 外部几乎未受损。从那时起,这座地堡一 直矗立在住宅区中间,不仅未被利用,还

面临着随时崩塌的危险。地堡改造计划早 在 2006 年就已经提出,但直到 2010 年才 进行首次静态实验,到了 2011 年才真正开 始安全、修复、改造等相关工作。整个项 目总费用高达 2670 万欧元,由欧洲区域发 展基金和汉堡气候保护概念组织共同出资。 据德国能源及公共设施公司负责人迈 克尔·贝克海特博士介绍,自 2012 年 10 月 起,绿色地堡已开始向外输送热能,2013 年 3 月起开始提供电能。这座绿色能源发 电站的效能和覆盖网络仍在不断拓展,最 终将实现为 3000 个家庭的采暖系统提供充 足的热能,同时可以发电 250 万千瓦时。 绿色地堡综合体项目还包括几个旅游景点、 一家咖啡厅以及游客中心等。

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t the heart of the project is a 2 million liter water reservoir that acts as a large heat buffer inside the Energy Bunker, which has served as the center of a local heating network for the Reiherstieg district for decades. The reservoir is fed by the heat from a biomass thermal power plant and a wood burning unit, as well as a solar thermal system on the roof. This is supplemented by the waste heat from a nearby industrial plant.

26 LifeStyle

At the same time it feeds into the public grid’s “green” electricity from the thermal power station and the photovoltaic unit fitted to the south façade. The 42 meter high flak bunker on Neuhöfer Strasse was built during World War II. After the end of the war this concrete behemoth could not be blown up without endangering nearby tenements, so the British Army restricted itself to destroying the interior. On the outside, however, the bunker remained more or less intact. From then on, the ruin stood in the middle of the residential area, largely unused and in danger of collapsing. In 2006 the conceptual plan for converting the building into an Energy Bunker began, and 2010 saw the first static tests carried out. Safety, restoration, and conversion tasks on the bunker could only begin in 2011. The total cost of the work amounted to €26.7 million. As a flagship project, it was funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and the Hamburg Climate Protection Concept. Dr Michael Beckereit, Director of Hamburg Energie has said, “The Energy Bunker has been supplying heat energy since October 2012, and since March 2013 it has also been providing electricity. Its performance and network are gradually being extended. By the final stage of expansion we will be supplying 3,000 households with heat from the Bunker and generating over 2.5 million kilowatt-hours of electricity.” The complex includes several attractions as well as a cafe and visitor center.

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Tom of France 英国著名设计通才汤姆·迪克森 在法国成立自己的第一家室内设计旗舰店, 开店之作“不拘一格”闪耀巴黎。 Tom Dixon’s first flagship interior in the City of Light Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Thomas Duval

28 LifeStyle

在 Le Bon 餐厅重装开业、Ma Cocotte 餐厅盛大启幕后,知名厨师法比耶娜与菲 利浦·阿姆扎拉克又出新作,于今年一月在 巴黎第 15 区(沃吉哈赫区)的薄格瑞勒购 物中心开了一家名为“不拘一格”的餐厅。 二人委托英国设计明星汤姆·迪克森的设计 研究工作室操刀设计,该工作室是迪克森 在法国开设的第一家室内设计旗舰店,而 这家位于繁华商业区的特色餐厅也是其在 巴黎推出的首个室内设计作品。 步入“不拘一格”,食客好似瞬间穿 越到一个典型的传统小酒馆。巴黎时尚与 英式怪诞在有着 160 个餐位的小酒馆里完 美融合,不仅是对传统的完美演绎,也是 向 1970 年代建筑风格的最高致敬。餐厅的 设计风格与菜品相得益彰,营造出私密又 舒适的就餐空间和就餐体验。 综合考虑周边现代化的环境,迪克森 在设计之初便将餐厅作为其所在建筑主体 不可分割的组成部分。整个功能区最大化 地暴露在人们的视野内,混凝土自然粗犷 的力度美感呼之欲出——这一野兽派艺术 典型风格 以各种形式出现在餐厅的各个角

落。墙壁上错落嵌着金色的铜板;地面某 些部分是未经装饰的毛坯样,某些部分又 是打了蜡的,此外还铺着一块块厚地毯, 从而冲淡了整体装饰风格给人带来的冷峻 感。 摄人心魄的六边形构造作为餐厅的设 计主题不断出现,唤醒身处其中的人们对 1970 年代几何模块化概念的认知。餐厅中 央连接在一起的长椅,黄铜点缀勾勒出的 厨房轮廓,还有精心设计的 124 个吊灯上 的金属灯罩,随处可见奇妙的六边形。特 别是吊灯,就像整个餐厅的中轴一样,将 整个就餐区统摄其下。 一件件精雕细琢的定制家具作为整体 设计的重要组成部分,如宝石般点缀得恰 到好处。餐厅装修设计的重点包括令人印 象深刻的彩色皮面长椅、中央凹室以及沿 墙设置的小型开放式休息区,食客在休息 区可饱览塞纳河的美丽景致。 协调的混搭设计、优雅的呈现方式, 使 300 平米的“不拘一格”餐厅最终成为 一个温馨的私享空间。

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fter relaunching Le Bon and launching Ma Cocotte, Fabienne and Philippe Amzalak opened Éclectic restaurant in January of this year in the magnetically attractive surroundings of the Beaugrenelle Centre in the 15th arrondissement of Paris. For this address within an address, the couple entrusted the design brief to British designer Tom Dixon’s Design Research Studio: its first flagship interior in France. The menu offerings give a contemporary twist to brasserie classics in this new 160-cover eatery. A happy marriage between Parisian chic and British eccentricity, a free-form tribute to 1970s architecture, and a new take on the traditional brasserie format create a more private and more comfortable experience. The clue to the identity of Eclectic is right there in the name: a concept that mixes influences on the menu and in the restaurant. Tom Dixon began with the idea of making the restaurant an integral part of its modernist surroundings. The technical areas of the building are exposed for maximum space, and concrete- the superstar of brutalism - is exploited in every possible texture. On the walls, it alternates with a backdrop of golden brass. On the floors, it is sometimes unfinished, sometimes waxed,

30 LifeStyle

Royal Cabinet of Mathematical and Physical Instruments at the Zwinger palace in Dresden

and interspersed with areas of thick carpet to offset its potentially cold appearance. Hexagons are used as a recurring theme, recalling the geometric and modular concepts of the 1970s. This theme is clear in the spaces formed by the interlocking central bench seats, the brass detailing that frames the view to the kitchen, and again in the design of the 124 metal lampshades of the chandelier, which presides over the dining room as the central pivot of its decorative style. The bespoke furniture is sculptural, even jewel-like in places. It structures the dining room around key elements that include the imposing colored leather bench seats, the central alcoves and a succession of small open lounges along the wall overlooking the River Seine. The result is a mix-and-match that is elegantly welcoming and makes the 300 m2 dining room an intimate and friendly space.

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Couturier of the Interior 设计大师不是浪得虚名的,在需求与美感之间寻找平衡, 罗伯特·库特里耶就是玩得转。 Robert Couturier, French-born interior designer Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Robert Couturier

32 LifeStyle

从整体建筑到每一间房、每一件家具, 在满足审美和创新需求的同时,也不忘舒 适。出生于法国巴黎的罗伯特·库特里耶就 是这样一位不可多得的,在建筑和室内设 计领域都享有盛名的设计大师。出色的才 华让他轻松跻身美国《建筑文摘》杂志评 选的“设计百强”。《纽约时报》称他的 设计“集革命性、创造力和时尚感于一身”。 上世纪 80 年代末,英国亿万大亨詹姆 斯·戈德史密斯为世界挖掘出这位室内设计 奇才。他将自己位于墨西哥的一片占地两 万英亩的豪宅区全权委托给初出茅庐的库 特里耶,从规划设计、工程实施到装饰细节, 库特里耶忙得不亦乐乎,同时借此把自己 的才能发挥得淋漓尽致。这以后,诸多名 流政要点名要库特里耶为其私家官邸操刀, 他的作品逐渐全球可寻,最近的项目之一 是在阿塞拜疆的沙漠中建造一座十万平方 英尺的宫殿。然而时至今日,库特里耶仍 称戈德史密斯的墨西哥项目是自己职业生 涯中最自豪的里程碑。库特里耶曾担任已 故欧洲著名金融家吉米·哥尔德斯密斯的私 人设计师和建筑师长达 15 年,这其间,他 为英国和法国的实业家和金融家设计过逾 15 处私人居所。

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早期库特里耶有一位客户非常喜欢流 苏饰物,他帮业主找到 4 件,后来才发现 每一件的价格都够买一辆保时捷了。库特 里耶说:“我们是多年的好友,事先就说 好我来挑东西,他负责付款,不管多少钱。 我记得完工时我们一起去他家,他才告诉 我每件流苏的花费堪比一辆豪车。我觉得 如果他真的喜欢流苏,又有能力负担,那 就值了!再说了,那些流苏真叫一个漂亮。 木珠子像珍珠般大小,由布列塔尼腹地几 近失明的僧侣们手工完成,并用丝线穿起 来,太不可思议了!” 回忆早年生活对其设计风格的影响, 库特里耶说道:“我从小在祖父母身边长 大,家里都是些 19 世纪的法式家具。有一 次一个朋友邀请我去他家,那是一所设计 非常现代的房子。你想啊,在 1974 年的法 国,那样现代感极强的房子是我前所未闻 的,我的心一下子就被虏获了,所以 70 年

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代末搬到纽约后,我给自己的第一个公寓 选了深蓝色和白色,完完全全的现代风格。 不过慢慢地我开始淘古董了,我其实就是 这么一个善变的人,另外我觉得让 - 米歇尔 ·弗兰克的风格非常赞,我一直受他的现代 手法的影响。雅克·格兰奇也是我钦佩的人, 我很小的时候就知道他了。” 折 中 主 义、 技 术 通 都 是 库 特 里 耶 的 标签,他还是“脸谱”的超级粉丝,会用 iPod 听埃米纳姆。让人更想不到的是,这 个古怪男特别喜欢埃尔莫娃娃。他第一次 看到埃尔莫娃娃的时候差点没笑翻过去, 碰巧他的一位客户做这种娃娃,当他告诉 对方这件逸事时,人家第二天就送了一个 娃娃过来。库特里耶说自己最大的负罪感 是太能花钱了,其中多数花在古董和伦敦 手工定制西装道格拉斯·海华上。闲下来的 时候库特里耶最喜欢在自家乡村花园里走 走,无所事事地晃悠让他惬意无比。

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art of Architectural Digest’s prestigious AD 100 list, Robert Couturier is the French-born designer of numerous palatial interiors for the rich and not necessarily famous. Perhaps his most high profile project was in the late 80s when billionaire tycoon James Goldsmith tapped the young decorator to design his sprawling, 20,000 acre palatial estate, Cuixmala, in Mexico. To this day Couturier counts that project as his most proud career milestone. Indeed, his projects have taken him across the globe. One of his recent projects was a palace in the sands of Azerbaijan that was 100,000 square feet large. For 15 years, through the 1980s, he was also the personal designer and architect for Sir Jimmy Goldsmith, one of the world’s richest men. During that span, he built and designed over 15 homes for the British and French industrialist financier. An early Couturier client

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loved tassels. The designer found four for him once, each, he would find out later, the price of a new Porsche. We had been friends a very long time,” says Couturier. “I told him before we started working together that he had to deal with all and any prices, that I would just pick things and he would get the bills. I remember going to his house when we were all done and he told me that the tassels each cost the price of a luxury automobile. If he loves tassels and can afford them, he should own them. In his defense, they were incredibly beautiful tassels. Silk threads with wooden beads the size of pearls made by hand by nearly blind monks in the depths of Brittany. Stunning.” Of his early design influences he says: “Growing up my grandmother and her husband used to have mostly 19th century French furniture and I remember when I was a young boy I had a friend that invited me

to his house and it was completely modern. So imagine a modern house in France in 1974. It was something I had never known in my life and I just loved the idea of having an incredibly strong modern house. When I came to New York in the late 70s, the first apartment I did for myself was navy blue and white and was all modern. And then slowly I started buying antique stuff again so think I sort of went from one style to the other. I’ve also been influenced in the modern way by Jean Michel Frank. I think his style is tremendous. Also Jacques Grange because I’ve known Jacques since I was really young and I’ve always admired him.” Combined with his eclectic and tech-savvy personality - he is a big fan of Facebook and has Eminem on his iPod--Couturier also has a whimsical side such as his stuffed Elmo doll. When the toy first came out, it gave Couturier a good laugh. One of his clients owned the

factory that made the dolls and when he mentioned it, the client said “I’ll send you one tomorrow!” He also claims that his biggest guilty pleasure is that he probably spends too much money, mostly on art but also on his tailored suits which are made for him by London’s Douglas Hayward. When he’s not designing envious properties, his favorite pastime is walking around in his country garden and doing “practically nothing.”

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Structure News


Crystal Bridges Museum Purchases Frank Lloyd Wright House 美国阿肯色州水晶桥艺术博物馆最近 收购了建筑大师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特于 1954 年设计的美式住宅 Bachman Wilson。这所 住宅在新泽西州米尔斯通的原址曾屡遭洪 水威胁,水晶桥艺术博物馆计划将其搬迁至 1000 英里外占地 120 英亩的新址进行修复 重建。 A rare house from Frank Lloyd Wright’s Usonian house period, the Bachman Wilson House, has been saved by the Crystal Bridges Museum in Arkansas. The dramatic rescue plan to disassemble and move the house to a site over 1,000 miles away is required due to frequent flooding of the home’s existing site in Millstone, New Jersey. The Crystal Bridges Museum will rebuild and restore the house at a site on their 120-acre grounds.


gmp’s Large Urban Design Project in Shenzhen gmp 建筑师事务所将在深圳 45 公 顷规划区域内担纲设计一项新城市规划 项目。该区域位于深圳东部前海湾新城 区的核心位置,其交通枢纽包括五个地 下车站、一个边境检查站以及大面积的 商业空间。地上空间为多功能的高层建 筑社区,设有住宅、商业和办公空间。 新城区“前海湾综合交通枢纽”依轴线 布置,建筑体在东西和南北方向上依次 排布。在未来建成的社区内,城市空间 参差多样,建筑群结构肌理富于变化。 高层建筑多在 200 米至 280 米之间, 一栋引人注目的 450 米水晶大厦为天际 线添上浓墨重彩的一笔。由于紧邻香港 的地理位置以及在人民币交易业务上享 有的特殊金融政策和税收优惠,该区域 将发展成为一个新型的金融中心。 The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have been commissioned with the design of a new urban development project on a 45 hectare site in the southern Chinese city of Shenzhen. It comprises a transportation hub including five underground railway stations, a border control point and numerous commercial areas. Above ground there will be a range of tower blocks of different heights with apartments, shops and offices to form multi-functional city quarters. The new “Qianhai Integrated Transportation Hub” will be intersected by major northsouth and east-west transport axes. The development will feature a variety of urban spaces and a structure with a diverse range of buildings. The tower

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blocks - with heights ranging between 200 and 280 meters, including one landmark building of 450 meters - form an impressive skyline, and will give this area between the coast and the centre of Shenzhen an unmistakable character. The site is located in the centre of the new urban development area at Qianhai Bay to the east of Shenzhen. The intention is to create a new type of finance centre that is directly connected to Hong Kong and benefits from special financial and tax rights for trade in Chinese currency.

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A Kengaku Through Kyoto & Osaka / P.41

LifeStyle 39


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special issue

A Kengaku Through Kyoto & Osaka 中国有句古语:读万卷书不如行万里路, 日语中的“见学”一词, 两个字精准直白地传递这个含义。 Kengaku [ kanji ]: a word meaning a field trip, study or excursion

随着经济形势总体向好,特别是房地产业的蓬勃发展,近年来五星级酒店在中国大陆与台湾均呈飞速扩张态势。无论是出于满足市场需求的目 的,还是开发商单纯为了拔高地产项目的等级,五星级酒店都如雨后春笋般一栋栋快速复制着。酒店人才的培育赶不上酒店的兴建速度,他们 也许还来不及完成培训就已经被新开张的同业整批高薪挖走了,从而形成恶性循环。现状如此,服务若能做到“标准”已实属难得,更别说观 念与文化的养成。“先求有再求好”虽是很务实的做法,但在这种氛围下涌现出的五星级酒店往往只有“制式服务”,而鲜有特色。邻近的 日本是发展相对成熟的经济体,京都无疑又是世界文化重镇,这里的酒店必须要保有浓厚的日本历史传统与服务美学,又要能以国际标准款待 络绎不绝的世界旅客;商业地产中以零售与酒店为双核心。不像日本的政商中心东京拥有中央政府投入的丰厚资源,大阪虽是日本工业与经济 的重镇,却更仰赖城市的民间力量。面对一个不停求新求变的多元城市,大阪酒店业也必须力求突破,以各式型态满足旅客的多样需求。对于 大陆与台湾酒店业下一步的发展,无论是服务细节提升还是型态的演化,邻国日本京都与大阪的案例或许都是重要借鉴。 Following economic and real estate development, five star hotels in the Chinese Mainland and Taiwan have grown at a swift pace, whether to satisfy the needs of the market, or so that developers can raise the grade of a property, or even catering to government requirements. With hotels springing up rapidly, staff training is unable to keep up with the pace of construction, and sometimes members are unable to complete training before being hired away by a competitor. In this vicious cycle, service levels are barely able to keep up to standard, let alone cultivate a sense of their own concept and culture. A “hire first, train later” concept may be practical, but in this instance a five star hotel’s service would fall far short of outstanding.The neighboring Japan is a good contrast: cultural mecca Kyoto, whose hotels are held to exacting standards of Japanese tradition and service, also meets international standards for world travelers. Retail, hotels and ample government resources make Tokyo both the political and commercial heart of Japan. Though Osaka is an industrial and economic center, it mainly relies on the strength of its people, and in the face of constant demand for change, Osaka’s hospitality sector must also constantly seek to better itself and satisfy guests’ every need. The next phase of hospitality development for the Mainland and Taiwan, whether it be improving service or the pattern of their evolution, perhaps can use the examples of Kyoto and Osaka as points of inspiration.

/ Content 内容 /


chapter 1 第一章


chapter 2 第二章


appendix 附录



Departure Information




An International Design Resort in an Ancient City 古都中的国际设计酒店

A Metropolitan Boutique Resort 大都会中的精品度假商务酒店

/ Text 作者 /

吴 聿书 Samuel Y.S. Wu 酒店与会所职人 曾于台湾《NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC国家地理》杂志工作,之后负责规划筹办台湾桃园南方庄园、立德北投俩人旅店、立德梅花湖宜安居、 重庆南泉会等项目,现服务于台湾登琪尔集团,负责厦门七匹狼集团、恒禾七尚会所与台北拥恒文创园酒店。

/ Graphic Design 平面设计 /

吴 聿书 Samuel Y.S. Wu

赵 志霖 King Chao



chapter 1 第一章


Kyoto Treavel 京旅行





chapter 1





An International Design Resort in an Ancient City




Elegance is an Attitude ѩணީ▲य़‫چہ‬ ৙‫਻ۼ‬ሇ৶‫ی‬࿋ᇀ৙‫ࡔۼ‬૬ெຍ࠷മLjෙๆෙक़༗ಖLjਐ૗۫෷ዸఁৠ‫ۅ‬ൣ຤ຸփᇺLjኝ۰৶ ‫ی‬ᆯዱଠᇑ‫ٷ‬ຏྷජLjኄዖ࣍ৣ๟ਨ࿮ৈᆶ‫ڦ‬ăራံఊߵຯ།૧ᇑ਻ሇणཷࠌཞ‫؜‬ጨசူُ‫ت‬ ᇱᆶ‫ڦ‬৶‫݋ی‬ႪLjᄥ൩නԨႎ෍ยऺ๚ခ໯Super Potato෶ԨࡍኾยऺLj৶‫ی‬ᅜࡔाཚᆩยऺ ๮݆঳ࢇනԨᇮ໎ဦবᇑ‫ٷ‬ଉጲ඗֌ዊLj‫ٷ‬༗බ෇නԨဇንኯ᯼੣ఢ๦Lj᪲᪀‫࠼ڨ‬ཪ୞ຼᆶ ැ࿮‫ڦ‬੣ଳኮெăᆫჯ०লԝࢫጺ‫ڥ‬փᄋഄ‫ںݑ‬։஌‫ش‬૎ఢ๦ฉ‫פࣨڦ‬Lj࣑‫ڨ‬ಟ߸‫ݯٷڥ‬ዜ ቤLjெLjԨઠ৽‫ڥ‬ኮփᅟă The Hyatt Regency Kyoto is located in front of Kyoto’s National Museum of Modern Art. Next to Sanjū sangen-dō Temple and not far from Kiyomizu Temple, this luxury hotel is surrounded by bamboo and trees. This unique environment and location was invested in by both Morgan Stanley and Hyatt to refurbish the old hotels there, inviting cutting-edge design studio Super Potato to rethink the design to include international influence as well as Japanese details and a fusion of natural materials, incorporating things like woven cloth, wooden fretwork, and hazy lighting, making for an ethereal beauty. But behind the simple elegant design is meticulous effort, from dusting wooden window frames to replacing lightbulbs – beauty is not effortless, after all.

ࡵ࿗ য়Ⴕ

‫ئ‬խ‫ކ‬ԗ䃣⡭Њਘࣀ壝ՠङм‫ޤ‬঴େ‫ڃ‬ Why you should stay: A Five star hotel steeped in rich culture and fused with nature.



chapter 1 第一章




An International Design Resort in an Ancient City



地下楼的日本餐厅东山,设计师以日本传统的盘、碟子、面具、书、金库等元素,搭配日本枯山水庭院,成为文化传承的隐喻,现代简洁中更显古朴之美。 除了空间,这里的服务保有京都人特有的文化涵养与细致,彰显这家酒店的不同魅力——自然、设计与文化,一种京都慢生活的静谧魅力。 For underground restaurant Touzan, the designer used traditional Japanese plates, saucers, masks, books, etc paired with the cultural feel of a Japanese rock garden for a modern minimalist beauty. Besides the design, the service reflects the reserved and delicate Kyoto style, which gives the hotel its exceptional charm.


二楼Trattoria Sette提供地道的意大利料理,餐厅外部以竹林中弯月楼梯衔接,内部运用大量原木与石材等自然材质,开放式厨房提供火窑现烤披萨,营造自然 质朴的餐饮空间。这里不仅是前往清水寺或是三十三间堂后歇脚喝茶的地方,更是品尝正统意大利料理的好选择。 Trattoria Sette, on the second floor, offers authentic Italian cuisine. With a winding staircase opposite the bamboo scenery and interiors featuring lots of wood and stone materials, the restaurant also features an open kitchen and traditional wood-fired pizzas. The natural environment is welcoming whether you are drinking tea on the way back from a temple visit, or just craving a taste of genuine Italian cuisine.



chapter 1 第一章




An International Design Resort in an Ancient City



客房床铺后方的日本织布像是日本传统和服的展示,每间客房排列不同,不仅是京都凯悦酒店的重要识别,也精准地传达了京都特有的优雅风情。房间内设计 的线板以及灯饰、电话、开关、陈列,以低调简约风格烘托出户外的绿意与房内的日式气息。铺床也有别于西式制式铺床,两侧垂落的方式更显日式风情。客 房内以京都宇治匠彩菜抹茶金平糖替代了一般五星酒店的巧克力。附上棉纸说明,更为这家位处不凡地段的酒店画龙点睛。 Displayed behind the beds are cloths similar to traditional kimono fabric, and every room is a little different, not only making the Hyatt Regency Kyoto stand out, but reflecting the graceful Kyoto custom. These cloths, along with framing, lighting, the telephone, and displays all highlight a low key style – the greenery outdoors emphasizes the minimal Japanese flavors. The bedding, too, is more Japanese than Western style, and traditional Matcha flavored sweets replace the typical chocolates, and the attached cloth description proves that perfect is in the details.


一般客房卫浴为干湿分离,浴室的收水简单高雅,浴缸旁更有小木椅方便日式坐式淋浴,道具虽小,但日本洗浴文化不言可喻。套房设有木质浴缸可供泡澡, 大面开窗更可看到户外的一抹绿意。你也可以去地下楼享受融合中式日式的针灸Spa,这是京都凯悦引以为傲的养生配套,多样疗程可纾解旅途疲惫,别忘了 试试这里的无花果干果点心。 The typical guestroom bathroom separates wet from dry, with simple refined hardware. Next to the bathtub is a small wooden stool, convenient for the Japanese bathing style and a way to pass on the deep culture of Japan through a small gesture. The suites even provide a wooden bathtub for soaking in while admiring the greenery through the window. Downstairs is the Spa, which includes a Chinese and Japanese acupuncture spa, a health procedure Kyoto is particularly proud of. Relieve the stress of traveling while snacking on the local dried fig treat.



chapter 1 第一章




An International Design Resort in an Ancient City




Room Amenities

日本茶 Japanese Tea

闹钟 Clock

客房电话 Telephone

日本茶组 Japanese Tea Set

方糖 (棕/白) Suger

Candy 京都宇治匠彩菜抹茶金平糖

Chidoriya 沐浴清洁用品 (suites only) Bath Products

饮用水 Drinking Water

火柴 Matches

化妆棉 Cotton Pads

沐浴清洁用品 Pharmacopia Bath Products

浴袍 Bathrobe

吹风机 Hair Dryer

牙刷牙膏 Toothpaste & Toothbrush



chapter 2 第二章


Osaka 阪旅行





chapter 2





A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort





chapter 2 第二章




A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort



Take Your Time ਰ‫୿ޞ‬

ࡵ࿗ য়Ⴕ

ߢਚ⼪ԢЊূ匞߆ԇङҹ‫ޤ‬঴େ‫ڃ‬ Why you should stay: This six star hotel is the pinnacle of luxury and exquisite service.

3123౎൭ཀ‫ٷ‬ᑞ෌ञ৶‫ی‬ਸటLj෌ञ๟ဠ‫ٳ‬࿭णཷഌူ‫ۥڦ‬प೗ಈLjၠઠᅜ‫׶د‬ӥ౎‫ޜॆ࠶ڦ‬ခዸ‫׬‬Ljኄᄺ๟ഄනԨ‫ׇک؛‬ă৶‫ی‬࿋ᇀ႐ቍൃ޹ৎLjਨ‫ܔ‬๟ ٫ཱི٫ূĂิऄ‫ׯ‬Ԩߛӆ‫ݛںڦ‬ă2Gႀጴ୍‫ٷڦ‬༗‫أ‬କ཈ߛᆼबࢭྜඇା੣Ljഄทࣀ‫܈ײ‬వᅜၙၟă৶‫෇ی‬੨࿋ᇀॺ࿿ࢫ‫ݛ‬Lj৛ዂᆼഘಋ‫ڦ‬ጎႪLjඟටਥ‫ڥ‬ ߛփ੗ಌă‫ْ؛‬৊ઠኻߎ֖࠵փߎሞኄᆩ֕ईዿ໔Ljࢫઠ݀၄ॏ߭၎‫ړ‬ೝᅟৎටLj߶ԛ৙Ăฉ࡛ĂၑߗĂ໼ԛԲ໙๟ዐฉܸᅙLjା໔ࢫ߸े૙঴ኄॆ৶‫ڦی‬ Ủ૰փኻሞᇀทࣀጎႪĂ‫ۥ‬पᆩ೗Ă৛ዂ๋࿿Ăဦዂ๮ߌĂ࿮ྲփ዁‫ޜॆ࠶ڦ‬ခLj߸ሞᇀĐ႐đă When the St. Regis Osaka opened in 2012, it was Starwood Hotels Group’s most high-end hotel, and the hotel’s first appearance in Japan. The brand has maintained their signature butler service for over 100 years, and in Japan where land and living carry high expenses, erected a brand new building in Honmachi, near Shinsaibashi shopping street. The first floor is empty but for a few columns, and luxurious beyond imagination. The lobby is located at the rear of the property, decorated exquisitely yet imposing in its luxury – at first you may imagine the hotel is out of your reach, but in fact prices are reasonable, perhaps equivalent to a high mid-level hotel in one of China’s large cities. After you stay, however, you’ll understand that this hotel’s appeal is not merely in luxurious décor, high-end products, superb cuisine and top-notch service; but also in its heart.

/ Reference / purpose ଩֬

location ‫׋׀‬

tel ‫ߌ׏‬


‫םߎޙ‬晚‫םڄ‬晚И‫ס‬Ԛߎ䟨 ՚

(81)(06) 6258 3333

website ະᆽ

metro ‫׀‬๔

rooms ٣ඛ


֪୞ 㒤‫׃‬䵷ߎ䟨


open ा၃൏࡞

GM ቀࣣয়

awards ௦ࡕ

owner ၃ᇽ

lowest room rate ቒֵ٣ࡕ

Oct. 2012

Alain L. Rigodin

ս፟ૣఊਦᆾହ2012ٝ‫ޘג‬5ྙ௦ࡕ (‫߆ݾ‬ቒۡ࠰)


RMB1,500+ (hotels.com)



chapter 2





A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort



1F为礼宾柜台,穿梭的电梯按键很特别,犹如切角的冰块,更像钻石。11F为会议与宴会空间,这里有为新人所设的婚礼堂,更有婚宴团队协助新人细心 讨论婚宴各项细节,挑选合适的餐具、花艺、陈列等,会议室配有百吋电视,622平米的多功能宴会厅高雅华丽,这可是大阪最顶级的婚宴场所。大堂位 于12F,挑高空间面对空中日式花园,前台为坐式服务,既有日本人特有的温和亲切,又不失效率。 A crystalline elevator button takes you to the first floor concierge, while the eleventh floor is a space for meetings and banquets, with beautiful Wedding Rooms and teams of staff to assist couples in their wedding plans, from choosing the appropriate silverware to flowers and displays. Meeting rooms are equipped with 100-inch TVs, while the 622 sq-m multifunction ballroom is gorgeous and elegant. This may well be Osaka’s finest wedding venue. The lobby is located on the 12th floor, loftily overlooking a Japanese garden. Service at the front desk is warm and polite without losing efficiency.

La Veduta提供的创新北意大利炙烧料理肩负起大阪瑞吉酒店餐饮招牌的重任,值得一提的是这里的早餐,有自助与套餐可供选择,蛋卷煎出黄色多层次的纺 锤状结构,面包更是六星级的水平。瑞吉吧除了提供酒店招牌饮料血腥玛丽,更创意推出将军玛丽款待每位贵客。 La Veduta offers inventive northern Italian grilled cooking which really carries the St. Regis Osaka’s food fame – worth noting is the breakfast, which includes buffet and set meals including Omelets and perfectly baked bread. The St. Regis bar, aside from the hotel’s signature Bloody Mary, has also created the “Shogun Mary,” perfumed with unique Japanese seasonings including wasabi and soy sauce.



chapter 2





A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort



建筑物中央核心筒与备品空间集中在中间,创造出酒店360度的视野,160间客房特别采用扁平设计以保有最好的 视野。客房为确保住客优质的私密休息环境,独家创造出方便管家服务的门廊空间,管家可在房门旁的附门与门 锁的缓冲空间打开小门,递送报纸与清洗熨烫好的衣物,无须与住客面对面,住客可以从内开启取物。以前只在 台湾的汽车旅馆看过这样的设计,通常是用来送早餐的,且内面没有另一个门,房客不必与工作人员照面,却会 看到物品被推送进来。瑞吉将这一概念发挥到极限,使之变得更加私密,不仅可以送餐送报纸,清洗好的衣物都 可直接挂进来,充分展现贴心的管家服务。 The core of the hotel and space for spare parts are both in the center of the structure, giving the hotel unique 360 degree views. The 160 rooms and suites also boast excellent views, as well as providing ultimate privacy for guests with an exclusive Butler Closet, a space between the door and the hall exclusively for Butler use where they can leave a newspaper or your laundered clothing. The only other place I’ve seen this kind of design was in Taiwan’s Motel, usually used to serve breakfast. The St. Regis Osaka has taken this concept to the next level, making privacy levels higher than ever.

客房独立的迷你吧为日式折门设计,内附有日式茶饮与免费的胶囊咖啡以及需要付费的酒和零食。客房两侧床头 有自动中控面板,弹指间开窗廉开灯全部自动化,现代科技给予生活无穷便利。客房指南犹如日记被摆在厚重的 纸框中,打开来阅读瑞吉的光荣历史、严谨服务、文化传承;此外,还有个人化的客制餐饮菜单、一本厚厚的管 家服务内容手册,你还可从单张枕头选单的11款中挑选出最适合自己的枕芯,而毛巾都是埃及棉与京都绢材质, 给身体最佳的触感。 The guestroom mini bars feature Japanese paper doors, with Japanese tea and free Nespresso inside as well as priced snacks. Both sides of the bed feature control panels, making it easy to open the curtains and turn on the lights from bed. The Room Directory is swathed in thick paper and includes the history of St. Regis hotels as well as their traditions and service culture. Not only does it include a customizable f&b menu, there is also a Butler Service menu, and with the Pillow Menu you can choose from 11 different types of pillows, with bedclothes from Egypt or Kyoto for the softest touch.



chapter 2





A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort



卫浴采用独立设计,淋浴柱相当舒适,浴缸旁配有私人电视,由于与周边大楼有相当大的栋距,部分客房浴缸旁更有大面落地窗,可以边泡澡边欣赏大阪 风景。客房使用瑞吉全球独家指定品牌 REMEDE 作为客用备品,即使是陈列备品的盒子都以黑色仿漆器盒子收纳,营造高档感外,更保有浓厚的日本文化 风情。 The bathrooms have independent design, with a small TV next to the bathtub as well as large French windows to look out over the city. St. Regis’ exclusive bath products brand REMEDE is provided in small black boxes in elegant Japanese style.

27F的197平米皇家套房是大阪当地名流士绅的最爱,偌大的客餐厅与独立备餐厨房,可以请管家为你安排最喜欢的大厨至房内打造最奢华的私人盛宴。 另外11间套房以植物为名,如松、百合、鸢尾花等,整间套房的色系、墙面挂画、枕套乃至于地板材质都是围绕着植物的主题。 The 27th floor 197sq-m Royal Suite is a local celebrity favorite, and includes a private dining room and kitchen, so guests can invite Butlers to book a chef for you to create a lavish private meal. The other 11 suites are named after different plants, like Pine, Lily and Iris, which inspire the color scheme of each room – paintings and decorations, pillowcases and even flooring are inspired by the respective flora.



chapter 2





A Premium Metropolitan Business Resort



Room Amenities

ॡ٣ᆾହ Room Directory

ܼࡌ‫ڢ‬༇ୄಿ൴ү Butler Menu

ඹಭҙ௽ Room Service Menu

٣़ቍ Room Card Set

Зᆕ Cushion

ॡႯৣ௝ Gift Set

ᆕ๯࿑֍ Pillow Menu

૲ᇃ‫ ގ‬Tissue Box

ණၐ Pajamas

௝எᄝᇄ Magazine

ࠊ‫׵‬࿦༖ News Letter

ॡ٣‫ ߌ׏‬Telephone

ѓ࡝ Memo Pad

‫׏‬ሷୀᇙ Clock

ၣඓ௝ Artwork

႙ѦҶ‫ ׋‬Welcome Drinks Set


ߋሕ૪ Cotton Pads

ძண Bathrobe

࢒଼ऻ٬ࠖ Nespresso Coffee Maker

Remède ᚬძ౩ࢸႯ௝ Bath Products

ᐆગષࣅ Ramie Towel

Կ‫ ࠖڋ‬Hair Dryer

ಷЮҶቍ Japanese Tea Set

ൿሷ Hair Brush

ᆓན‫ ގ‬Sewing Box

Ш௝‫ ގ‬Amenity Box

ႉႯඪ Drinking Water

࿰ඞ࿰ۢ Toothpaste & Toothbrush

‫ ֞޸ܮ‬Razor

ງཾ Slippers



appendix ‫ڿ‬੪

Memo Шິ



Departure Information




Don’t Forget! ৺ы۴ઓ ‫݀؜‬മጺᄲံࡀࣄࡻႜ‫ײ‬Ljᅃቧ‫཮ں‬Ljᅃ‫ݻ‬ൣ‫ڇ‬Lj৛֒ႜ‫ײ‬ਨ࿮ᅍ୑ă

Stay ੄ේ ▲Зы for individuals

▲੧ы for couples or groups

߁౒ᇸጲঌశ୫࠷Lj‫ॽڍ‬৛ዂၳࡕፔ‫ڟ‬ट‫ࣅٷ‬Ǘᅜ‫ݧ‬ऐཀྵ‫ྺ֝ڪ‬ᇱ๔‫؜‬ ݀Ljඐᆶ߸฼ᇀཀྵ‫ڦ֝ڪ‬ยԢă231dn‫෈ضڦ‬ᇑ37吋‫߲ڦ‬ට‫ۉ‬๫Ljेฉ‫ٷ‬ ᇥ‫ׇ‬Ljᅃྟሀට௷Լ411ᇮLj࿿‫ג‬໯ኵLj࠽๴ฆ୫ට๗࣌ᆓă‫أ‬କ৙‫ۼ‬Lj ‫ٷ‬ᑞᄺᆶ਍‫ۅ‬Lj߸ᇀ۫৙ᇖགྷࡔाऐ‫ׇ‬ፕྺገऐ୫ਜ਼Ⴉတ‫ࡻڦ‬ඁ‫ت‬ăᅃ ߲ට‫ڦ‬৙ᑞႜLjGjstu!Dbcjoਨ‫ܔ‬๟࿿‫ג‬໯ኵ‫ڦ‬჋ስă!

ኄ๟‫ٷ‬ᑞፌႎ൐ႠॏԲፌߛ‫ڦ‬ฆခ৶‫ی‬Ljᄺ੗ీ๟ፌጊബ‫ڦ‬৶‫ی‬ኮᅃLj ૯ຌᇀᑞथᑞหणཷLjᅜথ‫ځ‬ฆခਜ਼ටྺዷăኄ૛؊‫ࣩ݀ݴ‬ႎ‫ٷ‬ᑞ኱঳ ‫ڦ‬঍ཚᆫ๞LjࣨӁ෥ۙᆐሰ้ช‫ྷݳ‬Lj୫‫ٷی‬༗ᆶጲ‫ऻکۯ‬ዿ໔ࢅཽ‫ݝ‬ ऐഗă‫ݝ‬क़໚ၭLjඐยऺଆࡻLjኝ༹ᇥ๪ࡀࣄᇀ‫ش‬മLj้ชࡻᆩᆼ໙๾ ๢ăଇටႜई๟ཷ༹‫؜‬ᆴ‫ۼ‬๢ᅓLjᅃྟᅃ‫ݝ‬ට௷Լ711ᇮLj၎‫ࣳํړ‬ă!

чୃ ‫ם‬晚 first-cabin.jp

‫ם‬晚‫םڄ‬晚١ࢇٕԚㅅԽ 06-7668-0606 www.remm.jp

чୃ‫ڄ‬чୃ١ЈчԚ☱Ұㆃପ䏋М㭆ҵЇ㮳䟨 䠓֪灘灄灧灨灒灈灁瀻 , чୃ١⯖֪Ј抧 䏋М俠澨֚ߚ澩榟 䠓ӟՍ 㒖㻦 ӣ ‫ם‬晚‫םڄ‬晚١И‫ס‬Ԛ曱ࡦ 曱ࡦ㒤‫׃‬䵷灬炄 , 㒤‫׃‬䵷俠澨瀅瀮瀋澩榟 ՚ӟՍफ佖

8KGJOTM ஃય 澦‫ם‬晚ы澧


2:58౎ᆯ‫ٷ‬ᑞ‫ۼ‬๨ၹࣷ‫ظ‬਽Ljኮࢫᆯ‫ٷ‬ᑞ๨‫ۼ‬ ๨߾ბ൧Ԓথ๮ঢ়ᆐăሗኾසഄఁLj঻ถ‫ٷ‬ ᑞ‫ڦ‬૦๏ᄂ߫ᇑ༬෥ට࿔‫ޅ‬ৠLj௅೺ᅃ਽ዷ ༶LjԈࡤ‫כۉ‬Ăெ๋Ă‫ۉ‬ᆖĂ‫؜‬ፀ‫כ‬Ăᆩ೗ ‫ڪ‬Ljु୤‫ٷ‬ᑞට‫ิڦ‬ऄᇑ༬ᆶ࿔ࣅLjՊಇ೤ ਏ຤ጚăణമৈ੗ሞ༬ۨກ‫ࠔی‬சࠟሗኾă!

ल਽Ljኟേᇑ຺ल‫ٲ‬ದLjԍ٪Ӳཚ‫׉‬ᅜ‫ٷ‬჋ ༶֧ࣄLjሗኾກྺԨ༹Ljాඹࡥ߃ᅝຍĂெ ๋Ăට࿔ĂࠟगĂለ‫܁‬Ă‫ޅ‬ৠăၘํాඹ੗ ‫ేྺׯ‬ሞ৙‫ڞڦۼ‬બ๮֩Ljᅨ๟୫཰‫ڦ‬๭֠ ᇑऻᅬă

3KSU ‫ڻו‬


ᅃ ౕ ᅃ ༓ ཀ ྦྷ ຸ ‫ ی‬࿋ ᇀ R t! NbmmҮԠᄸ‫୍຺ی‬Lj‫׶‬လ‫ٷ‬ᑞ ު޷གྷଠ๨ဠኾ᭾ĐဠኾԨ ‫ی‬đ‫؛ڦ‬ዔLjᅜचĂ੣क़Ă৶ ໯ᆐሰ‫ڦ‬ᅃ೗ଙ૙ྺᄲ൱Ljഽ ۙኰටरຍ‫߾ڦ‬অฏLjᅃ੨ ఢ༓ੌ‫ڦ؜‬ெ࿆च඾Ljፒᅜ ᥲጱᇑࢲউۙࢅቜআLjᅃԗ ‫ٷ‬ᅿ౔‫ڦ‬ൣ৶ᆃLjๆ‫ݴ‬༬՚ ᆼ‫࿆ܔ‬ă!

ఁ‫׬‬໚փԲĐหፗđᇑĐূୄđ ၚଋLj‫ڍ‬੨࿆ਨփࡤࢵă઻ ӱ‫ڦิံ׵ٷ‬঵঵ྺዸఁ֭ ࣃॆLj‫؜ࣃ֭ాی‬ጲ঵঵ኮ ๮ăᅺᇑĖᆉ༦ၭྚጱė‫ڦ‬ ፕኁᆉ༦ጱຄ๎Lj‫࣏ࠬాی‬ ጣᆉ༦ၭྚጱ‫ࣃ֭ڦُڟ‬ă ઙ௬ᅜ౪ࢩ༔ཀྵ‫֮ిݨ‬ฏፌ ྺዸఁLj‫ڒ‬Ԉ‫޹ࡖݗך‬ᰰؓ ‫ڒ‬ክ೬ฉ඾᪳‫ڦ‬Đཀৄ‫ݗ‬đ ߸๟ᅃਨăփ‫ݴ‬ӣཀ࢒ᅁLj ኄ૛‫ۼ‬ᆶ஢ፗ‫ڦ‬ට‫ח‬ၶগԏ ޵ă!

ታࢅ49౎DŽ2:74౎Džਸᄽ዁ ৃ‫઻ڦ‬೬ቊይಇ‫ݗ‬Ljኰටᅜ ඾᦭ു‫ٶ‬ᄦా඾ਝ෇߅ાĂ ᄸ֓Ă໌ቊLj੨࿆ᅃਨăి ܸփ‫ݨ‬Ljးெփ౉Lj‫ٲ‬ದ৛ ჋௝‫ݗ‬๟ྫઠ୫ਜ਼‫ڦ‬๯჋ă ࿋ᇀ‫ٷ‬ᑞ஽གྷ‫ူںڦ‬নా৽ ᆶଇॆ‫ی‬Ljፁ९ิᅪኮࡻLj ‫ۅڇ‬ᇑ༫֕ॏ߭ٗ891නԼ዁ 2686නԼփ‫ڪ‬ă઻೬ጪ࿆Lj ெ࿆ํࣳă

Boujdp! Dbggf! BM! BWJT๟ઠጲ ఁࠟ࿭‫ڦ‬27౎ਵ‫࠷ݦ‬Ljઠ‫ڟ‬ ኄ૛ࣦසઠ‫ڟ‬ᅪ‫ٷ‬૧‫ڦ‬ਵ‫ݦ‬ ࠷੣क़ăጲ዆‫ڦ‬ಃ౅౅ᇑ࢞ ಢ๋೗Lj߳๕ۙࢅਵ‫ݦ‬බ෇ գ෭ई৶Ljྜඇ౹୥ጪ࿆Lj ጎฺሞӣূࢾՉ‫ྂڦ‬ಎฉă ፖሞ‫ٷ‬૙็‫ڦ‬ᇶጞಖLj߰ጣ ችጱ‫ش‬௬ႌงవհࠅᇴྫઠ ‫้ڦ‬ช‫ח‬ටLjᆫჯܸᆼࠟ‫ۆ‬ ‫ں‬ၛ๴Ⴉှ้࠼ă!

ઠጲ৙‫ۼ‬ᇔዎְ‫ڦ‬ᬁᇴ辻૧Lj ᇀ2971౎ᆯ辻૧ᆸ࿐ோ‫ظ‬Ӹă 2:89౎ְᠾ‫ۼ‬ୟ૛ॽ৙‫ۼ‬ᇔ ዎְᄇᅷփཞጪ࿆Lj‫ۀ‬ሰ৙ ‫ۼ‬ፌዸఁ‫یְ׺ڦ‬ăఌְፔ‫ׯ‬ գ៣ଦLj‫ٲ‬ದէ߅Ă༔ᇶĂ߬ ‫ڪݹ‬ང๋Lj‫ظ‬ፕ‫߆ْ֫؜‬ང ெ࿆ăᅃԗ࿒ඤᇔዎְLjዐ ࢅ࿆ૅLjངܸփ౉ăְ‫ڢ‬ᇑ ང೗Ljྣሀ‫ڿد‬ටิቾ૙ă

‫ם‬晚‫םڄ‬晚١஋ҕ୎Ԛ஋ҕ୎䵷 濝瀔瀉灆灾炕灓灻炕炄ͳ, 06-6556-7123 5-st.jp

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‫ם‬晚١ࡾବԚ曱ࡦИ 瀅瀮瀋灪 炕灈灒 , 06-6556-6779 anticocaffe.ne.jp

чୃ㭆ٌԚ֚ߚପ䮪ⴡ䟨ԧ➇ 䮪ⴡ恩ӯߎ‫ ڃ‬暩炔 暩 075-561-2257 giontsujiri.co.jp

06-6312-0129 tonharu.co.jp

9NUVY ֌‫ڃ‬



Zpepcbtij! DbnfsbྺනԨፌ‫૶ۉॆڦٷ‬໮ഓᄽLj ሞ‫ٷ‬ᑞ஽གྷᇑ৙‫ۼۼ‬ᆶLjᅜॆ‫ۉ‬Ăऺ໙ऐ‫ྺڪ‬ ዷ‫ׂٶ‬೗ăኰටᇀُ९‫ڟ‬ፌႎॆ‫ۉ‬൵๞Ljྺ৶ ‫ی‬ཁሺ੔रՍ૧ă!

BduvtྺනԨ‫ۥ‬प૶໮ਃॆฆ೗‫ی‬LjԨวᄺྺ৊ ੨ॆਏጺ‫پ‬૙ă‫ాی‬ዮ‫ॆܠ‬๦Ljኰටᇀُ੗ᅃ ઈ้ชยऺᆩ೗ୁႜ൵๞Ă้ชॆຳ‫ڇ‬೗Ljྺ ৶‫ی‬ሺཁ‫ޅ‬ሓă!



06-6556-7123 5-st.jp

06-6241-1551 actus-interior.com

ഥනമ‫ڢ‬ਏনਾ‫׬‬Đཀူ‫ݝ؞‬đLj๟‫ٷ‬ᑞ৶‫ی‬ ֕ᆃยԢᆩ೗‫ڦ‬ፌ‫ٷ‬๨णăၭ዁ྜྷಎLj‫ٷ‬዁‫؞‬ ‫ݝ‬ยԢĂٗᄽᇵ዆‫ޜ‬Ă๋֌Ljᆌᆶ৑ᆶă


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海泡石烟斗 Meerschaum pipe



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潮叔的告白 at Liberty

引领时尚界潮流的尼克尔森·伍斯特总是让人出其不意, 自由职业者的身份也许更能让他天马行空地发挥。 这里,他与 LifeStyle 聊起他的成名、现状以及对日本时尚业的感受。 The fashion industry’s leading freelance creative dynamo and style influencer Nickelson Wooster talks about his rise, current collaborations and love of Japan. Text: Nels Frye

Nick Wooster x United Arrows

Nick Wooster x Hamilton

Nick Wooster x Orlebar Brown

The Nick Wooster + Leffot



Photo by Michael Dumler, courtesy of DOWNTOWN Magazine

白发虬髯,彩色纹身,衣着摩登,这 就是尼克尔森·伍斯特,他曾任波道夫·古 德曼、巴尼斯和尼曼等顶级精品百货店资 深买手,被誉为“这个世界上最会穿衣服 的男人”。从红遍全球的欧美型人街拍博 客 The Sartorialist 到 GQ,尼克尔森·伍斯 特频频入镜,超大名气促成其与日本潮牌 United Arrows、英国品牌 Orlebar Brown 的合作。现在,他将目光投向了中国。 你是怎么成名的? 2010 年 1 月,我开始在波道夫·古德曼 和尼曼任男装时尚总监。有一次去上班的 时候,被街拍博客 The Sartorialist 的斯科 特·楚门拍到了,我当时有些惊讶失措,这 是个迷恋、享用青春的时代,我这样的老 头是不会招人眼球的。现在想想,我成名就 是从那个时候开始的。我没有觉得自己做了 什么惊天动地的事情,我只是知道怎样穿衣 服,这很稀松平常。不符合我风格的衣服我 不会去穿,我会收藏这样那样的东西,然后 根据自己的心情搭配出门。 目前都在忙些什么? 我现在是一名自由职业者,做一些品牌 的顾问,包括拉蒂尼。它们给艾特罗、博柏 利、阿玛尼、杜嘉班纳做定制服饰,合作的 品牌有 25 个之多,但现在正开发自家品牌 产品,我帮忙开拓美国市场,它们的实力跟 顶级品牌比起来是有过之而无不及。与杰西 潘尼的合作可以算作我人生中最愉悦的合作 之一了。我们尝试产品转型与创新,让它更 符合当下趋势,但对于一家处在公众显微镜 下的公司来说很难,结果不会尽如人意。 我还跟韩国的一个名叫 Il Corso 的零 售连锁店有合作,包括潮流导向,还需要 去坐坐格子间。我与东京 United Arrows 合 作的店今年秋天会推出,美国可能也会同 步发售。 我猜你在日本应该很火。 我猜也是。我喜欢东京这个最最奇幻 的地方。他们真的非常懂零售商业的艺术, 怎么夸赞都不过分。从战后的一无所有到今 日的成就,强烈的好奇心促使他们成为最好 的学生。他们还爱追根溯源,为了烤出世界 上最好吃的面包,会跑去巴黎最好的烹饪学 校学习。他们掌握了某项技能后便活学活 用,包括对美国遗产级品牌的学习,他们比 我们自己更懂美国和美国文化,建筑、汽车、 美食、时尚,几乎所有的事情。上世纪 60 年代,日本制造是劣质品的代名词,我不知 道他们怎么从最后一名变成第一名的。在美 国,最好的汽车是日本品牌,特别是价格。 我非常佩服这个国家。

Mr. Wooster joined LifeStyle Editor-in-Chief Nels Frye for coffee at The Hotel Elysée in Midtown Manhattan

日本人真的很有时尚范儿。 日本是个很神奇的地方,像我这样身 材的人在那儿也能买到满意的东西。日本品 牌似乎都有自己的行事历,它们不跟着各时 装周的步调走,而是自己决定产品发布日 期,他们有能力这么做。有些品牌可能会经 常到国外走动,但更多的优秀品牌不怎么出 去,国内市场已经让它们赚得钵满盆满,这 是件好事。现在是全球一体化,有一个不好 的地方就是你能在任何地方买到任何东西, 不像过去,只有特定的地方才能买到特定的 东西。旅行可以使人睿智,如果远方的东西 近在咫尺,你就缚足不前了。 想过定居日本吗? 有可能。只要能时常行走在路上,我 可以定居在世界上任何一个角落。我喜欢去 东京,但更爱纽约,要离开也不是那么容易 的。尽管纽约又拥挤又昂贵,但这里才是我 的家,我 30 年前就来这了。话说回来,只 要时机对了,我可以去任何一个地方生活。 对了,如果你知道谁想跟我在中国见面,就 让他来找我吧。 Described by many as the “best-dressed man in the world”, Nickelson Wooster, who has been buyer for Bergdorf Goodman, Barney’s, Neiman Marcus and other leading department stores has become a celebrity after appearing on numerous street style blogs from the Sartorialist to GQ. His fame has propelled him into some fun collaborations with brands from United Arrows to Orlebar Brown and he is looking now for Chinese partners. How did you become so well-known? January 2010, I became the men’s fashion director for Bergdorf and Neiman’s. Scott Schuman of the Sartorialist took photos of me. I was just showing up for work. I am flummoxed by all this. This is a youth-obsessed culture. I should not be the target. I thought this was

just the entry point. I don’t feel like I’ve done anything remarkable. I know how to dress myself and don’t think it’s anything special. If it’s not my style, I’m not going to wear it. I am a collector of things, and I never know what mood is going to hit me. What are you doing these days? I am freelancer right now. I am consulting with a number of brands, including Lardini. They produce tailored clothing for Etro, Burberry, Armani, Dolce and Gabbana. They have 25 brands that they work with, but are now developing their own family brand. I am helping them grow in the United States. They have the capability of producing as fine or finer product than the top brands. Working with JC Penney was one of the most amazing experiences of my life. It was an amazing experience. We were trying to transform the experience and product to make it more current, but being under the microscope makes as a publicly traded company is difficult. The transformation that was started won’t come to full fruition. I am also doing a project in Korea with a vertical retail chain called Il Corso. That will including giving style direction and working on a small capsule. My third collaboration with United Arrows in Tokyo - it’s a small capsule of shoes, jackets, shirts – will come out in Fall 2014, it may be sold in the US as well this time. You’re pretty famous in Japan, I guess. I guess I am pretty well-known in Japan. I love Tokyo. It is the most amazing place. They really understand the theater of retail and the way to merchandize stores. I can’t speak highly enough about Japan. After the war, they started from nothing. They are incredibly curious - the best students. There is a huge emphasis placed on learning things at the source. In order to bake the best bread, they go to the best culinary schools in

Paris. They master the skill and put their own spin on it. They have done this with so many things including American heritage products. They understand America better than we understand our own country and culture. Architecture, cars, food, fashion - everything. In the 1960s, the concept of Japanese product was considered low quality. I don’t know what the process was but they went from last to first. They make the best cars in the US, especially for the price. I have huge respect for the Japanese. Japanese really love style. It’s amazing. Japan is also great for people my size. I can find everything there. The one thing about Japan is that unlike the rest of the world, each fashion brand tends to go on its own schedule. Many Japanese brands decide that they are going to present their collections at the date that they want rather than according to any fashion week schedule. They do this because they can. Some brands show abroad and understand the international schedule, but there are many amazing brands that don’t go out that much. They are content with their own market. That’s a good thing. One of the downsides about our global society. Everything is available everywhere. It used to be that you went to certain places to get things. Now you can everything everywhere. Travel can be very important for a person to grow intellectually. If you don’t have to go very far for something, it fosters laziness. Would you want to live in Japan? Maybe. I could live anywhere as long as I get to leave frequently. I enjoy visiting Tokyo, but I like New York. It would take me a lot to leave it. It is crowded, it is expensive, but it is home. I moved here 30 years ago. I could live anywhere for the right opportunity. If you know anyone that wants to meet with me in China, send them my way.






The Freedom to Express Without Limits 意大利设计大师茂罗·里帕里尼是自然极简风格的领导者和开拓者。从工业设计到室内设计, 从家具设计到绘图制图,里帕里尼用清晰有力的线条、天马行空般的想象,让作品传递出自然 的喜悦和轻快的感觉。这里,LifeStyle 编辑与里帕里尼聊起他的设计灵感以及自豪之作。 Italian designer Mauro Lipparini, celebrated in the world of architecture, merges nature with timeless simplicity in his work. From industrial to interior, furniture to graphics, Lipparini’s designs convey strength, freedom and natural joy. We chat with him about his inspiration and work in China and at home. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

“自然极简风格”可谓是你作品的标签,聊 聊这背后的创作灵感吧。 “极简主义”一直贯穿在我的作品中, 但由于这个词本身带有局限性,我更希望 用“本质主义”来定位我理想中的风格—— 以一种别开生面的方式将缜密又不落俗套 的形式糅合起来。生动有力的线条、取巧的 明昧、物体与待填充空间之间,以及透明与 模糊之间的强烈对比,这些都是我们努力在 “美观与实用”间寻求平衡所用到的元素。 我的目标是创造使人舒适和愉悦的空间关 系与形式,一种让人永远欲罢不能的东西。 我的灵感源于我对东西方文明发自内心的 热爱,我想在二者之间找到一种“1+1>2” 的增效。无拘无束的自由表达给我灵感,从

70 LifeStyle

这个意义上说,旅行和永无止境的发现同样 是我灵感的源泉。 你一直是各种设计奖项的宠儿,在这一行怎 样才能出类拔萃? 设计师其实就像是冒险家,航行在浩 瀚无垠的黑暗里,游走在传统文化与现代设 计之间。我认为“完美”不一定得是设计师 的终极目标,设计的目的是让想象照进现 实,要想在这一行里脱颖而出,就得抱着 这样的“设计态度”。实践自己坚信的事业 并为之骄傲,积极参与和推进行业的发展, 最后用“创新”得到大家的认可。“成功” 从来都离不开自我批评,它能让你不断成长 不断进步。对于那些尚未崭露头角的设计新

人,我的建议是不要让你臆想出来的别人的 期望束缚了自己,要始终坚持自己的特质和 明晰的个人风格。 你目前在中国有正在进行的项目吗,或者说 中国有没有让你特别自豪的设计? 有,我现在经常在中国忙项目,手头 上在做的有大型封闭式小区和独一无二的 私人别墅。我个人特别喜欢杭州天地一家餐 厅的设计,它被誉为是在当代语境下,对中 国传统元素的一个悠远而富有诗意的解读。 为了这个项目,我花了好几天与业主绕着西 湖散步,试着理解这里的百年历史,同时想 象着它的未来。毫无疑问,我的灵感主要来 源于大自然和西湖,你可以从用色和就地取

材上看出来,比如南宋陶器的灰白青和著名 的龙井茶山给了我颜色方面的灵感。对我来 说,杭州天地一家是(利用各种触点)平衡 两种截然相反的文化,并体现“上有天堂, 下有苏杭”的寓意。

“该公寓是一幢 20 世纪初的别墅的一部 分,能欣赏到托斯卡纳乡村的全景。作 为建筑师和设计师,我的目标是在利用 该地区自然风光和百年历史的同时,用 一些大胆的笔触让建筑重生,创造一个 符合现代生活方式的宜居居所。” A short note on Mauro’s home’s project, titled “Bellosguardo”: the apartment is a portion of a villa built in the early 1900s, enjoying a panoramic view of the Tuscan countryside. My objective as an architect and designer was to regenerate the space using a few bold strokes; to create a residence suitable for a contemporary lifestyle, while taking advantage of the area’s scenery and centuries-old traditions.

你所理解的“家”是怎样的? 对我来说,“家”是一个微世界,里 面诸多元素平衡共存,它们无一不传递着一 种叫做“归属感”的东西。理想地说,家是 优雅和幸福的所在,介于私密与社交、主动 积极与被动消极之间,科技、艺术和人文在 这里得到融合。可以猜想,家作为放松的地 方——这个长久以来的定义未来可能会被 改写。今天的理想之家以极简主义形式达到 美学平衡,是对人们迷恋效率和万事多多益 善的一种抵抗。大多数一家之主仍倾向于传 统价值观,其中有一条是认为家是放松和静 养的场所。 你闲下来都喜欢做些什么? 说得脱俗点,思索自然美让我很振奋; 但从更实际的层面上说,我非常喜欢长跑和 赛车,只是我太忙了,空余时间非常有限, 基本上每年只能去一次意大利西部伊特鲁 里亚海边放松放松。我说的放松是盯着大 海,在沙滩上赤足漫步,每天就思考一个问 题:今天吃根什么味儿的雪糕好咧? Your style has been described as “natural minimalism”. Could you describe the inspiration behind your natural, minimalistic looks? “Minimalism” has informed my style, but because of the inherent limitations of this word I’d rather categorize my stylistic ideal as “essentialism” - with an idiosyncratic mix of rigorous, yet eccentric, extroverted forms. Graphically powerful lines, refined chiaroscuro, material contrasts of solid and empty spaces, transparency and opacity: all of these are elements with which we can obtain a balance between “aesthetics and function.” My goal is to generate forms and spatial relationships that humans find comforting and pleasing - to create something they want to keep forever. Inspiration is something that comes from within, which is certainly informed by my love of both Eastern and Western cultures, and my desire to create a synergy between both. Freedom of expression without limits inspires me, and in that sense, so does traveling and the limitless discoveries that come with it. You’ve been a winner of various design awards in the past; what would you say it takes to be exceptional in the field of design? The profession of a designer is an adventurous one; it’s the equivalent of navigating in the dark without confines or boundaries. We must push ourselves towards modernity while respecting some sense of tradition. I believe that perfection shouldn’t necessarily be design’s ultimate goal – the purpose of design is to bring imagination to life. This is the “design attitude” a designer should have to be exceptional in our field of work. To be proud and convinced of what you do and to be an active part of an evolutionary

process in one’s field of work - and ultimately, to be recognized for innovation. “Success” is never letting go of a self-critical state that allows us to evolve. For designers who haven’t yet emerged, my advice would be to sustain a strong, personal identity without being fettered by what you think others expect of you. Are you currently working on any projects in China, or are there any of your designs in the country that you’re particularly proud of? Yes, I’m always working on something in China! Currently, several projects, primarily residential projects, both large-scale gated communities and private one-off villas. A design that I’m particularly fond of would be the Tiandi Yijia restaurant I designed in Hangzhou, which was conceived as a long, poetic narration that interprets elements of Chinese tradition in a contemporary light. For this project I spent days walking around the lake with the owner trying to understand the site’s 100-year-old imperial history while imagining its future. Not surprisingly, my principal inspiration stems from nature and the lake. This is expressed in my use of colors and genuine, local materials for the restaurant’s interiors: the pale sage green of the Southern Song Dynasty earthenwares and the celebrated Longjing tea hills inspired my color palette. The Tiandi restaurant experience revealed to me an equilibrium between «two opposing cultures with various points of contact» and embodies the name “Heaven on Earth”. What does “home” mean in your own imagination? For me, the home represents a sort of microcosm, fertile with elements coexisting in a state of equilibrium-these “elements” have the function of conveying a sense of belonging. Ideally, the home is a place of measured elegance and well-being; a place where technology, art, and humanism merge, creating an environment situated between active and passive comfort; between privacy and social communion. Looking ahead, we can see that the long-standing definition of the home as a place of relaxation may be on the verge of being supplanted. Today’s ideal home finds its aesthetic balance in a form of minimalism, as a means to counteract both our obsession with efficiency and our tendency to overdose on everything. The majority of homeowners still tend to uphold traditional values, including that very powerful one of the home as a place of retreat and relaxation. What do you enjoy doing in your free time? On a more ethereal level, contemplating natural beauty is something I find very inspiring, and on a more physical and material, long-distance running and driving race cars I enjoy very much. I’m very busy so I don’t have that much free time! I basically crash only once a year on the Tyrrhenian coast where I have a house - my idea of relaxation is gazing at the sea, barefoot in the sand, and having to make only one decision a day: which flavor popsicle should I eat?!




Material Culture

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The Perfect Pipe 福尔摩斯说过,除了表和鞋带, 没有什么东西比烟斗更能体现一个人的个性了。 As Sherlock Holmes once said, nothing reflects a man’s personality better than his pipe. Text: Eva Liu




Material Culture


10 Famous Pipe Brands Castello

1947 年,卡洛·斯科提在意大利创立卡 斯泰洛品牌。烟斗经过独特工序炮制处理过 的石楠根坯制成,以柔顺无比的吸烟质量而 著称。 In 1947, Carlo Scotti founded the Castello brand in Italy. Each pipe goes through a specific process to shape the briar into a finished product. Castello pipes are known for their incomparably supple qualities.

Ben Wade

英国著名高端烟斗品牌班伟德始于 1860 年, 由班杰明·伟德所创立,后由一家英国石楠木原木 供应商 Duncan Briar 接手。班伟德属传统斗型, 走高质量路线,线条优雅。 Celebrated English brand Ben Wade was founded in 1860 by Benjamin Wade, and later taken over by briar wood supplier Duncan Briar. The manufacturer focuses on traditional style pipes with elegant, luxurious form.


经典英伦烟斗品牌,拥有近一个世纪 的烟斗制作经验。即使在战争时期,登喜路 烟斗仍然拥有英国前首相丘吉尔这样的名 人拥趸。每只登喜路烟斗经历一百多道工序 精心制作而成。 This classic British pipe brand has close to a century of crafting experience, and garnered fans such as Winston Churchill. Each pipe goes through 100 procedures during the meticulous manufacturing process.


丹麦烟斗斯坦威尔风行欧美,每年出产 15 万 支之多。这个品牌性价比极好,款式简约利落, 比例匀称自然,传统英伦设计或自由大胆的丹麦 风格出自著名烟斗大师之手。 Danish pipe maker Stanwell is popular in the US and Europe, producing more than 150,000 pipes a year. The pipes are well worth their price, and the design is simple, well proportioned and natural, with traditional English or more brazen Danish styles from the hands of the master craftsman.

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华云烟斗真的很德国,堪称德国历 史最悠久、最大型的烟斗生产商。其精 选最上等的材料,为世界各地的鉴赏家 们制作最优质的烟斗。新款适合时尚、 年轻人群。

A very German pipe, Vauen has both the longest history and largest scale manufacturer in the country. They carefully select the highest quality materials to make top-of-the-line pipes for discerning customers from all over the world. Their new designs are particularly fashionable.

Mastro de Paja

马斯特始创于 1972 年,后来逐渐发展成为意大利 最大的手制烟斗生产商。以一流的木质纹理、极富创新 的银饰见称。 Mastro de Paja, established in 1972, gradually grew to become Italy’s largest producer of handmade pipes. The manufacturer uses top quality wood grain decorated with creative silver adornments.

Peter Matzhold

奥地利烟斗匠皮特·马萨霍德从前的职业是建筑工程师。 从结构或美感上来看,他的作品都完美无瑕。马萨霍德烟斗 选用最上等的意大利石楠根,跟手工雕凿的硫化硬胶烟嘴配 搭天衣无缝。 Austrian pipe maker Peter Matzhold’s previous occupation was an architectural engineer, making it obvious why his designs are so flawless, using the best Italian briar wood fitted perfectly with hand carved vulcanite.




Material Culture 烟斗的历史 History of the Smoking Pipe


用烟斗吸烟是男人最原始的 吸烟方式。早在哥伦布发现新大 陆之前,南美洲的印第安人就用 玉米芯制成的长柄烟具吸食烟叶。 用烟斗是印第安人的一种崇高的 礼仪。后来,探险家们把新大陆 的烟斗带到了欧洲。在 16 世纪的 欧洲上流社会,女士们流行享用 从新大陆带回的巧克力,而先生 们的时尚则是用烟斗。到 18 世纪, 英国的工匠制造出石楠根烟斗, 法国的工匠制造出海泡石烟斗, 烟斗的制作技术达到了一个高峰, 形成英国式、法国式、丹麦式、 意大利式等烟斗艺术流派,烟斗 逐渐成为男人的必需品。

查门产自法国赫赫有名的圣克劳德区, 创立于 1825 年,其烟斗极具法兰西设计品 味,出产过不少流行款,如 Volute 系列。 This incredibly well-known French pipe manufacturer from Saint Claude was founded in 1825 and carries a very French air in the design, with popular series including its ‘Volute’.

Don Carlos

唐·卡洛斯是高端手工烟斗品牌的领跑 者,无论是经典型还是自由式,都充分体现 其独创性及秉承的 20 世纪初意式美感。

A leader in high end handmade pipes, whether classic or modern styles, all embody the brand’s inventive spirit and 20th century Italian beauty.


沙芬烟斗选用经自然风干至少 15 年、产自意大利 撒丁岛及法国科西嘉岛最上等的石楠根,精心加工而成。 就价值和设计而言,沙芬都领头于意大利烟斗。

Savinelli has been using a classic air-drying method for over 15 years, meticulously crafting the best briar from Sardinia, Italy and Corsica, France. In terms of both price and design, Savinelli is a leader in Italy.

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Pipes were the original smoking tool – even before Christopher Columbus discovered the New World, native South Americans had been using corn cobs to create long-handled smoking pipes, and pipes were a significant ceremonial tool for North American natives. Later, explorers brought these pipes back to the “Old World”, and in the 16th century, while chocolate was popular with high society women, men favored the pipe. By the 18th century, English craftsmen created the Briar wood pipe, and the French had crafted pipes from Meerschaum. When pipe making reached its peak, there were many styles including English, French, Italian, Danish and more, and pipes became a necessity for gentlemen.


Personalities and their Pipes 这些著名的烟斗爱好者,大都是一些深沉的、极度理性的男人…… Many famous figures were also known for their smoking pipes.

丘吉尔 Winston Churchill 1943 年 11 月,德黑兰会议期间的一个夜晚, 丘吉尔首相的手里握着一支结实的石楠根烟斗,斯 大林元帅那一排浓重胡须下叼着一支巨大的枣木烟 斗,罗斯福总统抽的是骆驼牌香烟,但他把烟卷装 在一支长长的烟嘴里。 The famed Tehran Conference in 1943 was held under a cloud of smoke: Winston Churchill grasped his briar wood pipe, a jujube wood pipe poked out from under the mustache of Joseph Stalin, and President Roosevelt preferred a Camel cigarette in a cigarette holder.

恩格斯 Friedrich Engels 他曾经以无比陶醉的语气对朋友说:“在春光 明媚的早晨,坐在花园里,嘴里叼着烟斗,让太阳 晒着脊背,再也没有比这种情况下读书更舒服的了 ……”

斯大林 Joseph Stalin 在与人谈话或小型会议发言时,他往 往是口含着烟斗在屋里踱来踱去,旁若无人 地一边说着话一边吸着烟斗。在斯大林的上 衣口袋里,经常装着烟斗和火柴。他喜欢掰 开香烟从中取出烟丝,再装入烟斗中抽吸。 Joseph Stalin allegedly liked to talk to people with his pipe in his mouth, and the upper pocket of his uniform always held a pipe and matches. He preferred to break cigarettes apart to and use the tobacco to fill up his smoking pipe.

爱因斯坦 Albert Einstein

Friedrich Engels once told a friend, “There’s no better way of reading than in a garden on a clear spring morning, with a pipe in your mouth, and the rays of the sun on your back.”

工作的时候,爱因斯坦喜欢事先把烟 丝装满几支烟斗,在自己面前放上一排,然 后随时取用。他说:“我相信用烟斗抽烟可 以使我们对人世间的事情有某种比较冷静 而客观的判断。”

牛顿 Isaac Newton

When Einstein was at work, he’d fill up several pipes and line them in front of him so that he could choose any of them at random. He famously said, “I believe that pipe smoking contributes to a somewhat calm and objective judgement in all human affairs.”

据说物理学家牛顿也酷爱用烟斗。有一次陷入 沉思的时候,他把情人的一个手指当做烟斗通条, 抓起来硬往烟斗里塞。 Famed physicist Isaac Newton was also fond of smoking pipes. It is said that he once used a lady’s finger (still attached to the owner, it seems,) to press down the tobacco in the bowl of his pipe.

马克·吐温 Mark Twain “如果天堂里没有烟斗,我宁愿选择地狱!” 由此可见他对烟斗的热爱程度。 An unabashed lover of smoking pipes, Twain once said, “If smoking is not allowed in heaven, I shall not go.”

萨特 Jean Paul Sartre 在萨特的哲学著作《存在与虚无》里, 他甚至把烟斗作为一个哲学例证。他认为香 烟是“虚无”的象征,是抽象的、没有固有 的特性、容易消失的物体,烟斗则是“存在” 的象征。 In his work Being and Nothingness, Sartre went so far as to take smoking a pipe as a philosophical example. In his opinion, cigarettes were a token of “nothingness”, abstract and easy to make disappear, but the smoking pipe represented “being”.




Material Culture



选材讲究,制作精良,一支烟斗的价格自然不会便宜…… The value of a smoking pipe is in the quality of its materials and workmanship.

一块可以用来制作烟斗的石楠木,通 常取自树龄约 250 年的成熟石楠木根。石 楠根除了具有坚固耐用、木质细密、木纹漂 亮等优点外,最可“贵”的是具有无数个肉 眼看不见的孔,非常有助于散失烟草燃烧时 的水汽和热量,并决定了其质轻的特性。

A Thing of Substance


The perfect piece of briar wood for making pipes comes ideally from the root of a briar tree about 250 years old, which has durable texture and beautiful patterns. Briar’s most favorable feature is its invisible micropores, which make the pipe very light. When tobacco is burnt, the moisture and heat are let out easily by the tiny holes.


Black Coral

海柳木的木质坚韧耐腐,有“铁木”之称。由于它们终生暗藏在海底,故而又 有“神木”之称。海柳木烟斗色泽漂亮,用起来凉喉爽口,并有天然的过滤作用, 不过价格也是非常惊人的。 Black coral is durable and rot resistant, making it ideal for smoking pipes. As this coral comes from deep on the sea floor, it has a rather mysterious reputation. Pipes made from coral have a naturally lustrous color and smooth taste, and a natural filtration – putting them into a high price range.

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Corn Cob

玉米芯烟斗是用专门栽种的玉米,取 其穗轴,经两年左右的时间风干,然后经其 他工序处理,最后上胶制成。一条穗轴通常 可以制作两支烟斗。玉米芯质轻、多孔散热 佳,还能在抽烟时带出其特有的风味。 The cobs used to making smoking pipes come from a specially farmed corn. After two years’ drying and many other processes, one cob can eventually be made into two pipes. Corn cobs are also very light and have invisible micropores, and a special flavor that only a corn cob can provide when tobacco is lit.



海泡石质轻,散热性好,且由于石质细腻、柔软,故能在外壁雕刻 出精巧细致的浮雕图案,具有很高的艺术价值。这也是其优于石楠根的 特点之一。海泡石烟斗用久了,在烟油和手汗的内外共同作用下,会散 发出自然、深邃和高贵的棕金色。 Meerschaum is a very light material with great heat dissipation and with a soft texture easy to carve in fine detail. Due to tobacco and smoke coloration, it also develops a golden brown hue after long use, giving it a natural antique and sophisticated appearance.



陶土烟斗曾在 19 世纪辉煌一时,21 世 纪主要只供装饰、把玩或怀旧用,价格相对 比较便宜,但容易损坏。 Clay pipes were quite popular in the 19th century, but today are seen as merely a disposable, rather fragile accessory.





Lamborghini The 兰博基尼的斗牛情结 Story Behind the Text: Antoine Bruneel

Ferruccio Lamborghini at his tractor factory

80 LifeStyle

e Brand

Don Eduardo Miura & Ferruccio Lamborghini

拖拉机!相信你一定无法将其与 家喻户晓的高端超跑品牌兰博基尼联系在一起, 然而传奇品牌背后的故事,未必尽人皆知。 炫目的超级跑车与农用拖拉机究竟有何渊源? Lamborghini is the brand we all know today as the super sports car manufacturer, but its origins, believe it or not, lie in agricultural tractors! We present to you the fascinating history of this legendary brand.

Lamborghini 350 GT





Lamborghini Miura

1951 年,费鲁吉欧·兰博基尼在意大利博洛尼亚市附 近建立了兰博基尼公司。公司草创之初,只是为了满足战 后对大型拖拉机持续增长的需求,然而十几年后费鲁吉欧 成功积累第一桶金,他先后购置了几部那个年代最高级的 跑车,如法拉利 250GT。后来这几部法拉利跑车的离合器 不时出现故障,费鲁吉欧在将爱车送修时意外发现自己的 外国名牌跑车居然和自己公司生产的拖拉机用着一模一样 的离合器。 之后,费鲁吉欧便与法拉利品牌创始人恩佐·法拉利 取得联系,跟他谈了离合器的问题,不过傲慢又势利的法 拉利先生却对他说:“你一个农民,开好你的拖拉机就好 了。汽车的事儿就别操心了。”谁知这一句不经意的话却 引发了一场“世纪大战”。费鲁吉欧自然也不甘示弱:“那 我就造辆跑车给你瞧瞧。” 家资巨富又出身名门的费鲁吉欧很快就从法拉利、玛 莎拉蒂等大公司挖到了不少有经验的工程师人才。1962 年他又在摩德纳和博洛尼亚间的圣亚加塔·波隆尼置地, 凭借生产制造拖拉机的经验建立起第一家兰博基尼汽车工 厂。 兰博基尼品牌的第一个商标主要采用了代表其发源地

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的颜色,后来被黑色背景上的金色公牛标志 所取代。选择公牛这一形象作为品牌标志, 不仅代表了金牛座的费鲁吉欧稳重实干的 性格,同时也表达出品牌创建者对公牛与斗 牛运动的情有独钟。一次,费鲁吉欧在拜访 西班牙著名斗牛驯养家东·爱德华多·缪拉后, 便用他的名字命名了一款车型。 1963 年,兰博基尼生产出了第一辆跑 车——带有明显“反法拉利”味道的兰博基 尼 350GT。这款搭载 3.5 升 V12 引擎、280 马力的车型在意大利都灵车展上大放异彩。 而到了 1966 年,兰博基尼开创后轮驱动、 中置引擎双座高性能跑车的先河,推出了真 正意义上的第一部超级跑车——兰博基尼 缪拉。完全原创的兰博基尼缪拉是世界跑车 史上的经典之作,不仅拥有性感的流线型设 计,中置 V12 引擎还可实现 385 马力的强 劲动力。凭借这两款车型,费鲁吉欧拓展出 一个全新的汽车市场,同时也为后来者建立 了全新的产品标准。 不幸的是,1973 年全球经济衰退,石 油危机爆发,兰博基尼的销量也大幅萎缩。 1974 年,费鲁吉欧将自己持有的剩余兰博 基尼股份转让给了勒内·莱莫。在接下来的 几年中,兰博基尼公司的所有权又三易其 手。 然而,转机出现在了 1998 年,德国奥 迪公司购买了兰博基尼品牌,并对其进行了 一系列调整改组,最终让它重新焕发生机。 尽管历经变迁,但体现了费鲁吉欧敢拼敢闯 的精神的兰博基尼品牌,凭借其卓越的性能 和与众不同的设计,在今天依旧是超级跑 车制造业的翘楚,领跑高性能超跑行业的方 向。 3 月 4 日,兰博基尼将推出盖拉多继任 车型——全新胡拉坎 LP 610-4。该车型搭 载 610 马力 5.2 升 V10 发动机,最高时速 可达 325 公里每小时,百公里加速时间仅 为 3.2 秒。出众的设计和卓越的性能足以让 人们相信兰博基尼品牌的斗牛精神永存。

Lamborghini LP 610-4 Huracan

Founded in 1951 by Ferruccio Lamborghini near Bologna, Italy, the original company was created to meet a growing demand after the end of the war for powerful tractors. About a decade later, having made a considerable fortune in just ten years, Ferruccio Lamborghini started to fulfill his passion for fine engineering and beautiful cars, buying some of the best sports cars of his time, including a Ferrari 250 GT. In an interesting turn of events, when the clutch of his Ferrari failed on him few times, he brought it to the mechanic, and while fixing it he discovered that his exotic sports car was using the same clutch as his tractors. As such, Ferruccio Lamborghini contacted Enzo Ferrari, the owner of the famous sports car brand, to share his clutch problem story. But Ferrari, known to be arrogant and snobbish, replied: “You are a farmer, keep driving your tractor and I’ll care for my cars.” This simple phrase would trigger a legendary rivalry. Ferruccio Lamborghini, very annoyed, replied, “I’ll show you how a sports car is built.” And thus the legend began. As a wealthy and well-connected man, Lamborghini easily recruited talented and experienced engineers from companies such as Ferrari, Maserati, and others. In 1962, he bought a large piece of land in Sant `Agata Bolognese, between Modena and Bologna, and using his experience

as a tractor manufacturer opened the first Lamborghini car factory. Lamborghini’s first logo showed the colors of the city of its origins; it was only later that the gold bull on a black background replaced the original. The choice of the bull represents not only Ferruccio’s astrological sign (Taurus) and character, but also his deep interest in the world of bulls and bullfighting. For instance, he was so impressed when visiting the ranch of Don Eduardo Miura, famous for breeding large fighting bulls, that he later on dedicated a car in his name: the Miura, one of the best Lamborghini cars ever made. In 1963, less than a year after he set up the factory, Lamborghini produced its first car, the Lamborghini 350 GT, which was presented at the Turin Motor Show. It was equipped with a 3.5L V12 engine producing 280 horsepower and was clearly designed as the “anti-Ferrari.” The car, unsurprisingly, made an excellent impression in the industry. Later, in 1966, Lamborghini presented what some consider the first super sports car, the sleekly beautiful and completely original Lamborghini Miura, equipped with a central `V12 engine, turning out 385 hp, and known for its sexy fluid design. Lamborghini also gained wide acclamation in 1966 for the Miura sports coupé, which established the rear mid-engine, rear wheel drive layout as the standard for high-performance cars

of the era. With these two cars, Ferruccio Lamborghini had invented a totally new market and set the tone for everything that followed. Unfortunately for the company, sales plunged in the wake of the 1973 worldwide financial downturn and oil crisis. In 1974, Ferruccio Lamborghini sold his remaining stake in Lamborghini Automobili to René Leimer and the firm’s ownership changed three times in the following years. But in 1998, a new era began. German company Audi bought the brand, and through a series of restructuring, once again propelled it to new heights. Despite all of the changes made, the brand has remained at the top of the super sports car segment with incredible performance and its ever distinctive, ever beautiful design. Reflecting the fierce and demanding nature of Ferruccio himself, the Lamborghinis emblazoned with his name continue to stun us with their efficiency, extremity and exclusive status in the world of the supercar. On March 4th, the brand will release the successor of the Gallardo, the Lamborghini LP 610-4 Huracan, powered by a V10 5.2 liter 610 hp, reaching a top speed of 325 km/h and going from 0 to 100 km/h in 3.2 seconds. With such an aggressive and beautiful design and this level of performance we can say that the spirit of Ferruccio lives on!






A Shift in Luxury Consumption Text: Thierry Richard Photos: GPHG

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时至今日,大多数中国人在选购手表 时仍然停留在“买牌子”的阶段,而不是购 买某一产品所承载的文化或其自身的革新 价值。这也就是为什么众多手表品牌和独立 组织纷纷涉足中国市场的原因了,他们都试 图改变这里的游戏规则。 除本地一些组织外,瑞士高级钟表基 金会和日内瓦高级钟表大赏这两家瑞士机 构也希望能引领中国这一巨大消费市场的 潮流。尽管这两家机构的规模和服务对象各 有不同,但它们都致力于手表设计与制表文 化的传播与分享。瑞士手表制造商进入中国 市场的主要目标便是希望用这种方式刺激 中国手表市场的发展。某拍卖公司珠宝钟表 部高级业务经理唐利伟认为,“文化”就是 中国手表制造业发展滞后的症结所在。事实 上,手表制造业文化的缺失也印证了这一 点,中国在这方面确实还有很长的路要走。 2013 年 9 月,瑞士高级钟表基金会在 香港主办了首届亚洲高级钟表展。在为期四 天的活动中,瑞士历峰集团旗下的 11 个品 牌(包括朗格、名士、卡地亚、万国、积家、 万宝龙、沛纳海、伯爵、罗杰杜彼、江诗丹 顿、梵克雅宝)与爱彼、理查德米勒一起, 向亚洲各地前来观展的人们展示了各自的 特点。此次钟表展还安排了一系列全方位诠 释手表文化的周边活动,例如腕表大师课、 技师展示区以及一场追溯时计最初诞生到 当代发展的原创展览“征服时间”。 同年 10 月 11 日至 13 日,被誉为钟表 界奥斯卡的日内瓦高级钟表大赏也第一次 来到北京。此次展览共展示了 70 款年度最 佳腕表,观展人群中除了商界精英,还有政 要名人以及许多奢侈品手表的狂热爱好者, 这其中包括前瑞士驻华大使杜哲巍。“这次 盛会是中国奢侈品手表爱好者的福音。随着 中瑞贸易不断加深,类似日内瓦高级钟表大 赏这样的活动会在中国引领更为理性的奢 侈品消费潮流,从而深化两国在手表制造与 手表贸易及相关行业领域的合作。”杜哲巍 这样评价。 仍需完善的中国市场 日内瓦高级钟表大赏总监卡瑞纳·梅拉 德女士反复强调,瑞士钟表制造业强调的重 点是创造力,新一代的手表制造商更擅长 使用计算机进行设计。新一代钟表设计师们 利用新技术设计出的复杂结构手表可谓前 无古人,这一点在去年 11 月 15 日举行的 日内瓦高级钟表大赏颁奖盛典上得到了印 证——全部 16 个奖项中的 7 个颁给了独立 手表制造商。 尽管中国市场充满挑战,但众多来自 瑞士的新兴手表品牌跃跃欲试,希望能够在 中国市场上占有一席之地。一位中国钟表收 藏家曾这样说:“在中国,最具潜力的买

家宁可花 6 万元买一块二手百达翡丽手表, 也不会轻易花 5 万购买一块不知名的手表。 因为在中国真正理解手表的人凤毛麟角。这 里的市场有待进一步培养,买家对手表文化 的理解仍需加强。” 不管是通过并购或是直接进入,有意 进入中国市场的瑞士手表制造商们打着各 自的小算盘。日内瓦高级钟表大赏主席卡尔 洛·兰普雷希特认为,短期内手表制造商们 只需带着各自旗下受认可度较高的经典款 来中国,便能满足这里多样化的需求;当然, 如果能够同时开发极具创造力的新产品,便 可在中国市场这块大蛋糕上分得更多的份 额。 然而,要开启中国的钟表市场,迎合 市场需求是关键。现如今,中国买家的实力 在世界范围内都不容小觑,这也引起了全球 手表制造商的注意。中国人对手表设计的偏 好甚至会在某种程度上影响新品牌研发方 向,例如不少品牌会在设计中吸纳一些中国 元素,或是特别向买家展示体现自家高超制 表技艺的陀飞轮手表,这一切只因中国人更 喜欢复杂的手表设计。

为了进一步拓宽市场,提升大众对制 表文化、制表历史及制表复杂性的理解很有 必要。“对于一个只认牌子的中国人来说, 很难让他接受艺术感和工艺这样的概念。 因此,从短期来看,中国市场仍需完善。” 兰普雷希特这样说。对于奢侈品手表品牌来 说,它们在中国也还有很长的路要走,除了 扩大品牌的影响力、深化对本地市场的理 解,还要在产品市场推广方面另辟蹊径。 蓄势待发的中国市场 当下全球奢侈品手表市场总体疲软, 但我相信制表艺术以及手表本身所蕴含的 价值都将为中国的奢侈品消费市场带来转 型契机。高品质、精准、创新与承诺,依旧 是手表所传递的永恒价值。中国的奢侈品买 家将会从单纯追求高价、大牌转为关注手表 本身的传统价值、精密工艺和实用性。时下 中国介绍制表工艺的各类社交网站和论坛 的数量与日俱增,我想中国人对手表知识的 渴求也为我们提供了刺激手表市场发展与 奢侈品消费转型的绝好机会。中国市场已蓄 势待发。





After more than a decade it is true that at this very stage, most people in China are still buying watches for the brands rather than the product innovation or culture. So now, brands and independent organizations are stepping in to change the rules of the game. In addition to local organizations, two Swiss institutions are expected to guide the Chinese consumer along the way. On one hand we have the Fondation de la Haute Horlogerie (FHH) and on the other, the Grand Prix de l’Horlogerie de Genève (GPHG). Although the scale and the services of these two organizations are different, they both strive to share the culture of watch designing and making, and this is the most important factor when Swiss watchmakers enter China, because the market can only be stimulated for this reason. Mr. Tang Liwei, senior manager of a famed auction watch and jewelry agency in China, believes that this is where the Chinese watch making industry lags behind; in fact, the deficits in

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culture in the watch making industry means that there is still a long way to go. In the end of 2013, the FHH made its debut by organizing the first Asia Haute Horlogerie exhibition in Asia from September 25 to 28 in Hong Kong. During the 4-day event, the 11 brands of Richemont Group (A.Lange & Söhne, Baume et Mercier, Cartier, IWC, Jaeger LeCoutre, Montblanc, Panerai, Piaget, Roger Dubuis, Vacheron Constantin, Van Cleef & Arpels) in addition to Audemars Piguet and Richard Mille presented their DNA to the guests from all over Asia. The Exhibition included watch master classes, an exhibition (“Mastery of Time”) retracing the history of time measurement and a craftsman area, all with the aim of better explaining watch culture. Only a few days later, the GPHG (also known as the Oscars of watchmaking) arrived in Beijing for the first time from October 11 to 13 2013. The exhibition showcased the 70 best watches of the year

to business elites, political figures – including the former Swiss Ambassador to China Mr. Jacques de Watteville – and many luxury watch enthusiasts from all over China. Mr. Jacques de Watteville said: “The event was a magnificent wake-up call for Chinese luxury watch lovers. As the Sino-Swiss trade trend deepens, events such as the GPHG will give rise to a more rational luxury consumption characteristic in China, advancing SinoSwiss cooperation in both manufacturing and trading in watch and related industries.” The market needs to be cultivated Ms. Carine Maillard, director of the GPHG, reiterated that the Swiss watchmaking industry puts great emphasis on creativity. The new breed of watchmakers is more skilled at designing watches through computers – a new generation of designers, capable of using new technology to design more complicated watches that were difficult to finish in the past. This was confirmed on November 15 2013 during the GPHG award ceremony. Indeed, among the 16 prizes, 7 went to independent watchmaker brands. In spite of the challenges, newly emerged Swiss watch brands are trying to find ways to gain their respective ground in China. One Chinese watch collector said, “Most potential buyers in China would rather spend 60,000 RMB on a second hand Patek Philippe watch, but would be hesitant to buy a 50,000 watch from an unknown brand, because those who really understand watches are too few in China. The market needs to be cultivated, including their understanding of

蒂埃里·理查德有着多年 的钟表业从业经历,对 这一行业有增无减的激 情 促 成 了 2012 年“ 极 致生活”的成立。极致 生活在北京、上海和广 州设有办公室,为独立 制表师提供 360 度全方 位推广平台,在中国集 营销策划、公关活动和 产品分销于一体,并在 瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland.

watch culture”. As for strategies to enter the Chinese market, every Swiss watchmaker has his own ideas. Some enter through mergers, some enter the market directly. Carlo Lamprecht is confident that in the short term, as long as watch makers bring versatile products to China, they can meet various demands while at the same time developing creative products to expand to take up more of the market. However, the essential point in opening up the Chinese watchmaking market is to cater to the demands of such markets. Today, Chinese buyers have a strong voice globally, receiving more and more attention from watchmakers around the world. One such strong indicator is that the Chinese preference for watch design dictates in some ways the direction of where new brands go. For example, many brands include Chinese characteristics in their designs or tend to present only the Tourbillon watches to collectors, because the Chinese prefer more complex designs. However, in order to expand the market, it is necessary to cultivate a deeper understanding of watchmaking culture, its history and complexity. “For a Chinese person who is only pursuing brand recognition, it is hard to accept a brand solely based on artistic craftsmanship; thus in the short term, the Chinese market still needs to be educated,” says Mr. Lamprecht. The market is ready In this moment, when the global luxury watch market is experiencing a downward slope, I believe that the art of watchmaking as well as the values it conveys – precision, excellence, innovation and a commitment to passing on values – all represent a shift in commitment of the Chinese luxury consumers, from pursuing prices and brand names to pursuing a watch’s traditional value, handicraft precision and practicality. The fast growth of social networks, blogs and forums dedicated to the fine art of watchmaking confirms my belief that China’s hunger for knowledge and culture will give us a unique opportunity to stimulate the watch market and shift the approach of luxury consumption. Finally, the Chinese market is ready.






Chow Time

京剧名伶周信芳次子、世界著名高级中餐厅 Mr. Chow 的老板周英华 于香港艺术门呈献其首个个展。 Michael Chow’s first solo exhibition at Pearl Lam Galleries Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Pearl Lam Galleries

2014 年 1 月 14 日,世界著名高级中 餐厅 Mr. Chow 的老板周英华于香港艺术门 呈献其首个个展《画家的秘诀》。此次展览 标志着他历经五十余年后对中国文化传统 的回归。在此期间,周英华已成为美国艺术 界的重要人物以及当代艺术收藏家。对于香 港艺术门而言,周英华的作品亦体现了画廊 一贯致力于东西方跨文化对话与交流的使 命。 《画家的秘诀》呈现了一系列运用各 种稀有和日常材料,包括贵金属、垃圾、亚 克力颜料和其他现成材料的大型综合媒介 作品。周英华认为他的艺术实践与其文化底 蕴以及他与中国复杂而长久的关系有着内 在联系。 1939 年,周英华出生于上海的一个京 剧世家,父亲周信芳是著名京剧表演艺术 家、京剧麒派艺术创始人。13 岁时,周英 华被父母送到英国读书。突然间,他失去了 自己所熟悉的一切,包括家人、语言、文化, 甚至自己的名字。于是,改名为 Michael

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Chow 的周英华开始孤单地努力融入异乡生 活。之后,周英华再没见过父亲(周信芳在 文革期间含冤逝世),也只在母亲去学校看 望他时与她有过一次重逢。 周英华的作品反映了不同文化传统对 他的影响以及他作为战后一代的成长经历, 同时也借鉴了抽象表现主义、色域绘画及其 形式的一致性,以及中国山水画的笔墨和书 法传统。 1968 年,周英华在伦敦骑士桥开设了 自己的第一家餐厅 Mr. Chow,并获得巨大 的成功,继而在全球设立多家分店。也是在 1968 年,他与曾是英国名模的格蕾丝·柯丁 顿结为伉俪(两年后离婚),后者现为美国 版《Vogue》颇具影响力的创意总监。从为 乔治·阿玛尼特别设计的精品店到自己的餐 厅和洛杉矶的私邸,这些都充分展现了周英 华不凡的设计天赋,同时他也一直未离开建 筑、戏剧和电影等所有创意设计的舞台。

Michael Chow, the famous restaurateur behind “Mr Chow” Chinese restaurants worldwide, presented his first ever solo exhibition, Recipe for a Painter on January 13th 2014 in Hong Kong at Pearl Lam Galleries. For Chow, who paints under the pseudonym “Yinghua” - his Chinese name, the exhibition represents a return to his cultural heritage after a break of more than 50 years during which he became a prominent figure within the US art scene, as well as a serious collector of contemporary art. For Pearl Lam Galleries, Yinghua’s work embodies its continuous desire to stimulate cross-cultural dialogue and cultural exchange between East and West. Recipe for a Painter will present a series of very large-scale mixed-media canvases, each created using a wide variety of precious and household materials including gold leaf and silver, trash, acrylic paint, melted metal, and other found items. Yinghua describes his artistic practice as intrinsically linked to his cultural heritage and ongoing relationship with China, a country with which he has a complex history. Zhou Yinghua was born in 1939 into a family of theatre in Shanghai, China. His father Zhou Xinfang, the grandmaster of Beijing Opera, is regarded as a national treasure. At the age of 13, he was sent to the UK for schooling. He lost everything familiar - his family, his language, his culture, even his name. Zhou Yinghua was re-branded Michael Chow. His father suffered and died during the Cultural Revolution. Chow never saw him again and only saw his mother once more when she came to visit him at school. His work is a product of his cross-cultural inheritance and the post-war generation in which he grew up, his work referencing simultaneously Abstract Expressionism, Colour Field painting and the associated consistency of form, and the landscape traditions of Chinese ink and calligraphy. He founded his first restaurant, MR CHOW, in 1968 in Knightsbridge, London. In 1968 he also married Grace Coddington, who is now the influential Creative Director for US Vogue. The eatery became an international success spawning locations around the world. Michael thrived at designing, from specialty boutiques for Giorgio Armani, to his own restaurants and his home in Los Angeles.



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阿布扎比阿联酋皇宫酒店 Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi






Emirates Palace Hotel, Abu Dhabi 建于 2005 年的阿联酋皇宫酒店据说用 了 40 吨黄金打造, “简直是为国王而建的”, 号称世上唯一的八星级酒店。这是一个从 沙漠中拔地而起的奇迹,走进这个黄金和 大理石堆成的宏伟宫殿,你会以为来到了 《一千零一夜》中的阿拉伯皇宫。事实上, 酒店最初是为迎接海湾合作委员会首脑会 议在阿布扎比召开而修建的,后改为豪华 酒店。 从主楼到附属建筑,宽度延绵达一公 里,拥有令人吃惊的 114 个穹顶,中央穹 顶更是离地 72.6 米,气势迫人。酒店内饰 采用大量黄金、珍珠母和水晶,1002 盏施 华洛世奇水晶装饰枝型吊灯中最重的达 2.5 吨,而展示酒店傲世风采的两块手工墙面 毯也各有 1 吨之重。 Built by the royal Al Nahyan family in 2005, Emirates Palace is more like a royals’ guest house than a hotel. The main building stretches over a kilometer from wing to wing, and its gardens and surroundings spread across 100 hectares. The hotel features 114 domes, with the central dome at an imposing 72.6 meters above ground. Gold, mother of pearl and crystals dominate the interior. The Palace has 1,002 chandeliers, the largest weighing 2.5 tons. Another memorable Palace feature is its two handmade wall display carpets, portraying the Palace itself and each weighing a ton. www.kempinski.com

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The David Citadel Hotel, Jerusalem 位于大卫王街的大卫城堡酒店将耶路 撒冷老城区和新城区景象通通收入眼底, 对面即是著名的步行街阿尔洛夫·玛米拉大 道。从酒店可信步到达历史古迹大卫塔和 雅法门(8 座耶路撒冷城门之一),其地理 位置不可谓不佳。酒店共有设计优雅精巧 的客房和套房 384 间。 Take in the sights of the Holy Land at The David Citadel. The David Citadel Hotel on King David Street commands a prime site at the most desirable location in Western Jerusalem, across from Alrov Mamilla Avenue and overlooking the ancient walls of the Old City, the historical Tower of David and Jaffa Gate. The city’s holy sites and cultural attractions are just minutes walking distance from the hotel. An architectural gem with 384 elegantly designed guest rooms and a wide selection of suites, the hotel offers accommodations with views of the Old City and the New City. www.thedavidcitadel.com






Le Gray Hotel, Beirut 2009 年 10 月,著名酒店大亨戈登·坎 贝尔·格雷推出了拥有 87 间独特豪华客房的 贝鲁特勒格雷酒店。酒店位于这座“水井 之城”最热闹的娱乐休闲购物区,与设计 师精品店云集的卫加德街相邻,对面是贝 鲁特烈士广场。 酒店的屋顶泳池、餐厅和 360 吧盛名 远播,只因同时坐拥大海、都市和山脉的 360 度全景观,360 吧更是城中潮地,其色 彩亮丽的桌子和舒适的双人椅围绕着华丽 的中庭摆开,为夜色赏景平添了几分浪漫 情调。 Located in Beirut’s Central District, Le Gray boasts a rooftop pool, restaurant, and views of the city, Mediterranean Ocean, and the hills of Mount Lebanon. Le Gray is set in the heart of Beirut’s Central District, the city’s most popular entertainment and shopping area, across from Places des Martyrs and close to the designer boutiques on fashionable Rue Weygard. Famous hotelier Gordon Campbell Gray opened Beirut hotel Le Gray in October 2009 with 87 distinctively luxurious rooms. Bar 360 also features a panoramic view of the city, the ocean, and the hills of Mount Lebanon and is one of the city’s hot new nightspots. Its color-lit tables and comfortable love seats are set around a gorgeous glass atrium. www.campbellgrayhotels.com/le-gray/home/

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Hotel Missoni Kuwait 意大利时装品牌米索尼以鲜明图案和 亮丽色彩而扬名,其在科威特开设的酒店 也不例外,除了米索尼标志性的现代设计, 还营造出一种温馨热情的家庭氛围,让人 一见倾心。酒店为呼应沙漠和大海的颜色, 采用了金、砂、绿松石和马赛克等材料。 169 间客房配备了米索尼床单、浴袍和名家 设计的产品,连游泳池都是米索尼著名的 条纹图案。 千万不要错过酒店的库奇纳餐厅和著 名的第六感水疗,前者供应地道意大利家 庭美食,满足你挑剔的胃,后者让你一扫 疲劳,如获新生。 Offering 18 floors of Missoni’s iconic contemporary design and the warmth of family style hospitality. The hotel echoes the colors of the desert and the sea: gold, sand, turquoise, mosaic. Missoni linens, bathrobes and designer products are featured in all of the 169 rooms. Indeed, even the swimming pool is designed in the famous Missoni stripes. The famous Six Senses Spa is also available for an afternoon of pleasure. The Italian theme runs right through your dining options as well; Cucina acts as the beating heart of the hotel, serving authentic home-cooked Italian favorites made with the freshest ingredients possible. www.hotelmissoni.com

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伊斯坦布尔 W 酒店

The W Istanbul Hotel, Marmara 伊斯坦布尔 W 酒店坐落在一座古建筑 内,土耳其国父凯末尔曾居住在此,现在 这里是新与旧、东西方文化的交融地。134 间客房奢华高贵,现代化设施一应俱全, 堪称时尚和历史结合的典范。 你可以选择在 Bliss 水疗中心享受来自 雅诗兰黛的呵护,之后到 Craft Market 用餐, 最后在 SIP 吧用一杯鸡尾酒来结束惬意的 一天。 In the tradition of Istanbul, the W Istanbul is a blend of East and West, new and old. A proud blend of hip and historical, the W Istanbul had a former incarnation as the Akaretler Row Houses in Visnezade, sheltering in its Parisian-style halls national founder Mustafa Ataturk. In the typical W Hotel style, the W Istanbul splits its 134 rooms into various levels of cush. In fact, the rooms are called the Spectacular, Fabulous, and Mega. Take an afternoon off at Bliss spa with heavenly treatments from Esteé Lauder. Afterward, soak up the nightlife with fine dining at Craft Market and a cocktail at the SIP bar. www.starwood.com

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Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah Hotel 2014 年新开业的哈伊马角华尔道夫酒店的设计灵感来源于阿拉伯半岛 的宫殿,其距迪拜国际机场 50 分钟车程,酒店设施无可比拟,其中 18 洞 顶级高尔夫球场以及阿拉伯海海滨 350 米私人海滩就让入住者咂舌不已。 酒店的 346 间客房与套房享有大海、高尔夫球场或花园美景,并设有 多个水上乐园和一个水疗中心。 Newly opened in 2014, and inspired by the palaces of the Arabian Peninsula, Waldorf Astoria Ras Al Khaimah is ideally located 50 minutes from Dubai International Airport. The setting of this landmark destination is matched by its unparalleled facilities including an 18-hole championship golf course and a 350m private beach, both set against the azure water of the Arabian Sea. The hotel boasts 346 rooms and suites and includes many water parks and a spa. waldorfastoria3.hilton.com

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Sofitel So Bangkok: Design Meets Pleasure

曼谷索菲特索酒店让想象在充满创意表现和多重感知的世界里尽情驰骋。 A distinctly urban design hotel, this is a place to let your imagination run wild; a world of visionary expression and multi-sensory indulgence. 无论是就商业还是休闲角度来看,曼 谷都是全球最具吸引力的目的地之一。从现 代摩天大楼到传统佛教寺庙,从熙攘热闹的 水上市场到高端豪华的购物中心,从灯红酒 绿的夜生活到美食家级别的饕餮盛宴,在曼 谷,一切皆有可能。 高 30 层、拥有 238 间客房的曼谷索菲 特索酒店就位于沙通路和拉玛四世路的转 角处,可一览隆比尼公园的秀丽景致。这是 曼谷第一家时尚城市设计酒店,也是泰国 5 位顶级设计师和世界知名的获奖建筑师及 时尚大师克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦联袂呈献的杰 作。酒店融合东西方文化,结合现代活力与 经典传奇,以风水哲学的五行学说为依托, 试图在喧嚣繁华的街头和清幽雅致的隆比 尼公园之间寻求平衡,别出心裁地利用金、 木、水、火、土 5 种元素设计主题住宿和 餐厅等公共区域,不可谓不独树一帜。看看 隆比尼公园不难发现,“土”指大地和芳香 的泥土,无所不容,孕育着无穷的奇迹; “木” 是葱葱郁郁的秀林,优雅不失沉稳;“水” 指池塘里的粼粼波光,是上善若水的通达与

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冷静;“金”代表着钢筋水泥的都市环境, 是纯粹的现代化;“火”是头顶的一轮骄阳, 将其运用在酒店的餐厅之一,代表了东西方 美食碰撞出的热情与激情。 说到曼谷索菲特索酒店,就不得不提 克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦。1987 年便获得“最具 影响力设计师”头衔的他还被冠以“巴黎征 服者”的美称。无论是效力于爱马仕还是自 己创办的高级定制女装品牌,拉克鲁瓦的作 品以色彩斑斓、瑰丽精致而享誉全球,更重 要的是,哪怕再复杂、再华丽,也会让穿的 人感觉轻巧、自在。这次拉克鲁瓦为曼谷索 菲特索酒店各类工作人员设计的制服极具 创意,各不相同,却都彰显着独一无二的风 采。拉克鲁瓦式大胆的风格和剪裁、极丰富 的色彩和质地,将泰式传统设计与法兰西的 裁剪风格相结合,带来一缕清新之风。 曼谷索菲特索酒店注定“生”来不凡, 它不仅是商务人士和游客的青睐之所,还是 都会里的餐饮社交潮地。在这里,设计只为 愉悦,科技只为舒适,人与人的相遇,都是 因缘聚合。

As the vibrant capital of exotic Thailand, Bangkok is one of the go-to destinations for travelers from all over the world. It combines modern dynamism with classic wonder in a true meeting of East and West. From contemporary high-rises to traditional Buddhist temples, from bustling floating markets to ritzy upscale shopping complexes, from notorious nightlife to a gourmet’s choice of dining, Bangkok is the kind of place where anything is possible. With a prime location on the corner of North Sathorn and Rama IV Roads, overlooking Lumpini Park, the 30-storey, 238-room Sofitel So Bangkok is the city’s first truly urban design hotel, a masterpiece created by an acclaimed Thai architect in collaboration with five celebrated Thai designers and world renowned designer Christian Lacroix. Providing the latest in lifestyle technology, each guestroom features Apple Mac mini media solution systems, iPad use for suite guests and free wifi in all areas. Based on Fengshui


philosophy, Sofitel So Bangkok draws inspiration from the balance between the bustle of the streets and the serenity of Lumpini Park, and the themed accommodation and public areas of the hotel are interpreted from the Five Elements of water, earth, wood, metal and fire, each of which has its own unique energy and characteristics. Such a balance is reflected in Lumpini Park, where the Five Elements are readily in evidence – the earth of the ground and soil, the wood of the trees, the water of the ponds, the metal of the surrounding environment and the fire of the sun overhead. The first four elements inspire four distinctive guestroom types – Water, characterized by sophistication and calm; Earth, wonder and enrichment; Wood, elegance and tranquility and Metal, purity and modernity. The fifth element, Fire, is themed in the restaurants and public areas. Another highlight at the Sofitel So Bangkok is its uniforms, designed by Christian Lacroix. Named “Most Influential

Designer” in 1987, Monsieur Lacroix is famous for dramatic creations for Hermés as well as his own haute couture line. For him, Sofitel So Bangkok presented a canvas full of creative possibility, with inspiration derived from beauty both palpable and ethereal. The innovative uniforms are imbued with his bold style, enhancing the personalized experience of Sofitel So Bangkok. His creations are rich in color and texture, a brave and refreshing fusion of traditional Thai design and French sartorial style. With full facilities, including some of the hottest spots for eating and socializing, Sofitel So Bangkok is set to be the talk of the town, the place where design meets pleasure, technology meets comfort and people meet people. www.sofitel.com/gb/hotel-6835-sofitel-sobangkok Tel: +66 2 624 0000

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Summer Golf, Summer Fun

金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店荣获 2013 年 《中国高尔夫》杂志“我最喜爱高尔夫旅游酒店”大奖。 The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya was awarded “My Favorite Golf Hotel” by China Golf Magazine in 2013. 也许你还不知道,在世界知名度假胜 地夏威夷和迈阿密的同一纬度上,还有一个 天然氧吧——三亚。这个南中国海上的美丽 之所全年拥有超过 300 天的日照时间,平 均气温 26 度,负氧离子含量居全国第一、 世界第二,因此也成为高尔夫运动的绝佳场 地,吸引了众多高品质球场入驻。 在这个青山绿水相映、阳光沙滩闪耀 的热带度假天堂,金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店 坐落于风光旖旎的亚龙湾畔。除了拥有 450 间豪华客房、套房和带独立泳池的私家别 墅,酒店还设有由 ESPA 设计管理的 2788 平米水疗中心、7 个以“食享”为主题的餐 厅酒廊以及由一个 910 平米大宴会厅和 9 个会议厅、一个商务中心组成的 1700 平米 会务区域。金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店 2013 年荣获《中国高尔夫》杂志“我最喜爱高 尔夫旅游酒店”大奖,并继续以超越期望 的优质服务吸引着众多国际高尔夫爱好者, 成为他们希望入住的酒店。酒店毗邻诸多著 名高尔夫球场,如美国职业高尔夫球赛亚 洲巡回赛赛场之一、享有“全国十佳球会” 美誉的亚龙湾高尔夫球会,中国唯一拥有 6 杆洞球场的红峡谷高尔夫球会等,往返只需 几分钟车程。 “三亚位于莫斯科、日本和新加坡之 间的黄金地带,是亚洲高尔夫枢纽,再加 上便利的国内外航线及众多豪华品牌酒店, 三亚为两岸三地以及亚太区高尔夫爱好者 提供了便利、舒适的贵族运动体验。凭借 强有力的竞争力和优质的服务,三亚将成 为亚太地区炙手可热的高尔夫旅游目的地,

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并终将赶超竞争对手夏威夷及迈阿密。” 资深高尔夫爱好者和三亚市旅游协会执 行会长,金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店总经 理谷杰先生如是说。 秉承奢华、尊享的服务理念,金茂 三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店隆重推出全新高尔 夫体验活动,为入住的高尔夫爱好者提 供在两个国际高尔夫球场尽情挥杆的机 会,让高友们在这个缤纷夏季拥有一段 难忘的“至珍致我”高球之旅。此次“缤 纷夏日,三亚高球乐”活动套餐包含入 住金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店 4 天 3 晚的 费用和每人 3 场 18 洞高球乐套票(含果 岭费、球童及球车费),同时还提供双 人自助早餐、往返酒店及各球场的免费 接送服务。 Located on the same latitude line as golf destinations like Hawaii and Miami, Sanya enjoys more than 300 days of sunshine a

year, with an average temperature of 26 degrees centigrade. Its gorgeous clear air has earned it the nickname “the Oxygen Bar of China” – add that to beautiful landscapes, and Sanya becomes the perfect golf destination, attracting golfers domestic and international to visit. Situated on an exclusive site along Yalong Bay in Hainan Province, The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya provides expansive views of the South China Sea and features 450 guest rooms, suites and private villas. Extensive recreational facilities include swimming pools, tennis courts, a fitness centre and a signature Ritz Kids Club. Guests will also enjoy the largest Ritz-Carlton spa in the region designed by ESPA. Seven restaurants and lounges offer scenic views of the lagoon and the ocean. In addition to flexible space designed for meetings, conferences and special social events, a waterfront wedding chapel is the perfect backdrop for intimate ceremonies. Awarded “My Favorite Golf Hotel”by China Golf Magazine in 2013, The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya has become an exceptional hospitality experience for many golfers. With the area’s best location in the lush, ancient paradise of Yalong Bay, the number one beach in Sanya, the hotel is minutes away from two popular golf courses. Yalong Bay Golf Club, overlooking the South China Sea, is one of the top 10 courses in China, as well as the official venue for numbers of international golf tournaments including the Asian Tour and the European Tour. Sun Valley Golf Resort features the only par-6 hole in China. As a dedicated golfer, Michel Goget, the General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya and the Chairman of the Sanya Tourism Hotel Association, said, “With the unique tropical environment and ideal location located at the heart of a geographical triangle of Moscow, Tokyo and Singapore, Sanya has the right ingredients in place to become the hottest golf destination in Asia Pacific. We are competitive in terms of hospitality and services. Sanya will eventually overtake its counterparts in Hawaii and Miami as the word spreads.” The “Summer Golf Summer Fun” package is a new golfing promotion that combines the region’s best golfing experiences with The RitzCarlton’s time-honored tradition of bespoke services amidst luxurious surroundings – a true embodiment of the essence, “You Deserve The Best”. The package includes 3 nights’ accommodation, daily breakfast for 2 guests, 3 rounds of 18-hole golfing, including the green, caddie and golf cart fee and the round trip transfer between hotel and golf courses, by which the golfer groups can exclusively experience 2 world class golf courses nearby. Yalong Bay National Resort of Sanya, Hainan Tel: 0898 8898 8888

Promotion 三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店是威 斯汀品牌中国大陆第一家海滨度假酒店,距 离三亚凤凰国际机场 30 分钟车程;即将开 业的中国第一大免税购物商城,与洁白的海 滩仅咫尺之遥,独特的人文和自然景观遍布 酒店周边。 一踏入酒店通透的大堂,不仅能鸟瞰 整座园林,还能远眺蓝色海洋。大堂内舒缓 心情的植物、清爽芳香的威斯汀白茶香氛以 及富有情调的灯光与音乐均让您的精神为 之一振。 酒店拥有 448 间舒适客房、套房 与别墅,主楼与园林是现代与梦幻的完美结 合,宛如天堂里滴下的一滴水;每间客房都 精心设计并拥有超大观景阳台及迷人园林 景观或海景,并配备了令人彻夜酣眠的威斯 汀天梦之床。与众不同的入住体验,融合了 威斯汀的健康理念,给客人一个舒适轻松的 环境,让宾客在离店时感觉比抵达前更好。 酒店传承威斯汀品牌的招牌理念,推 出活力食品菜单,全心关怀宾客旅途中的健 康。“知味”西餐厅提供一系列营养的创意 美食;“中国元素”中餐厅则是品味地道粤 菜及遍尝中华美食的最佳之所;“舞”提供 各种精致地道日式料理。宾客还可以在大堂 吧、泳池吧与沙滩吧品茗各类饮品,享受热 带风情十足的假期体验。酒店设有 10 个独 立的会议与多功能空间,包括面积 1,200 平 方米的大宴会厅,总面积达 2,700 平方米, 完美契合宾客的所有需求。宾客可在室外泳 池尽享畅游乐趣,亦可在健身中心体验运动 活力。置身威斯汀天梦水疗体验抚慰心灵、 舒缓身心的护理。酒店还另设有儿童专用泳 池,让孩子们无忧玩耍。 开业期间,三亚海棠湾民生度假酒店 特推出人民币 1,780 每房每晚起的“活力假 期”客房包价,尊享人民币 1,000 元店内餐 饮消费、次日双人早餐及 SPG 会员双倍积 分的礼遇。 更多资讯请访问 http://www.westin. com/sanyahaitangbay The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort was unveiled in December, 2013 as Westin’s first beach resort hotel in Hainan, China’s premier tropical resort destination. It is a 30-minute drive from the Sanya Phoenix International Airport, and conveniently located next to China’s biggest Duty Free Shopping Mall. The resort also provides seamless access to Sanya’s renowned white sandy beaches and attractions. Aligning with the Westin brand’s core philosophy of preserving wellness on the road, The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort is designed with a striking mountainous backdrop and a tranquil deep blue ocean frontage. The soothing, sensory-rich atmosphere begins the moment a guest arrives at the resort. Surrounded by beautiful tropical plants, soft music and the aroma of Westin’s signature white tea, guests will immediately be immersed in a cocoon of well-being, a welcome respite from the rigors of travel. The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort accommodates 448 inspiring guestrooms, suites and villas, each of which includes the world-renowned Westin Heavenly Bed and large balconies, with either a garden or sea view, ensuring that all


Westin Meets Sanya

guests leave feeling better than when they first arrived at the hotel. The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort offers a variety of compelling epicurean experiences. The all-day dining restaurant Seasonal Tastes presents nourishing and imaginative menu creations using the freshest ingredients. Five Senses provides the perfect place to savor authentic Cantonese cuisines and other specialty dishes from around the regions of China. At Mai, guests can explore the culture and flavors of contemporary Japanese cuisine

creatively prepared by sushi and hibachistyle cooking methods. The Lobby Lounge welcomes guests throughout the day and night, elevating their senses with a cocktail, hot Westin Jing Tea or freshly brewed coffee. The Pool Bar and Beach Bar are where the guests find the relaxation on the road. With 2,700 square meters of meeting space and a large pre-function area, The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort provides a new and exceptional destination for business meetings, conferences, weddings, gala dinners or other social occasions. Ten individual function rooms, including a 1,200 square meter Grand Ballroom with dramatic 9-meter high ceilings and crystal chandeliers, promise to take every meeting experience to the next level. Other appealing choices, designed with guest’s well-being in mind, include five swimming pools and 10 Jacuzzis surrounded by the resort’s lush landscaping; a Westin WORKOUT gym that combines state-of-the-art equipment and high-performance workouts to create a customized fitness solution; and the blissful Heavenly Spa by Westin. In addition, there are also pools for children’s use only. In conjunction with the resort’s opening, The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort is offering the Renewal Room Package from RMB1,780 per room per night. This promotion includes a RMB1,000 dining credit for food and beverage consumption in the resort, daily breakfast for two, and double points for SPG members. For more information, please visit: http://www.westin.com/sanyahaitangbay Tel: 0898 8865 9999

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The Key to Success is Care 杭州凯悦酒店总经理富迈克先生认为,只要真诚关怀客人, 为客人提供一种独特的感受和体验,就能在竞争中脱颖而出。 According to Mr. Mark Foxwell, General Manager of the Hyatt Regency Hangzhou, guest satisfaction is the key to running a leading hotel in one of China’s most beautiful cities. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

are preferred by our Guests and Associates. On a personal note, it was satisfying to run the Hangzhou half-marathon in a time that I was happy with; less satisfying however is my 5-year-old daughter’s Chinese getting much better than mine! Could you give us some details on the updates to the guest rooms and at the Hyatt Regency Hangzhou? How about the new meeting spaces and facilities? We are fortunate to have seen ¾ of our 390 rooms completed. The updates include all new fabrics, furnishings and artwork, improved bedroom and bathroom lighting, bathroom fixtures and of course, all important access to electrical outlets for charging and Wi-Fi coverage! Overall the rooms have been given a contemporary, refreshed look while providing practical, comfortable luxury for the business or leisure traveler.

说说在杭州凯悦酒店任总经理近一年的体会 与收获吧。 回顾在西子湖畔杭州凯悦酒店任职的 这一年,我觉得自己非常幸运。凭借专业、 充满工作热情与温情关怀的工作团队,酒 店在日益激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,备受 青睐,取得了长足发展。从个人角度来说, 我很满意自己在杭州的“半程马拉松”成绩, 不过让人有点沮丧的是,我五岁的女儿在 “学中文赛跑”中已经赶超我很远啦! 目前酒店客房翻新进展如何? 我们总共有 390 间客房,目前四分之 三已完成翻新,包括布艺、家具、工艺品、 卧室及浴室照明改造、卫浴设备,当然还有 非常重要的电源插座和 WiFi 覆盖。所有客 房不仅拥有清新的现代“外观”,而且具备 实用、高端、舒适的设施“内涵”,能满足 商务及旅游人士的多方面需求。 杭州凯悦被誉为杭州乃至浙江酒店业的领航 者,成功的秘诀是什么? 这样的荣誉对于酒店来说无疑是巨大 的鼓励和肯定,但同时它也提醒着我们要保 持谦逊。每一位客人都说好,那才是真的好。 我们坚信,关怀是保持成功的关键——如果

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我们真诚关怀客人,真正理解客人的需求, 我们就能提供一种独特的感受和体验,给他 们留下极其深刻的印象,这样,在竞争中脱 颖而出便是水到渠成的事情。 是什么原因让你在凯悦呆了这么多年? 很简单,凯悦的“关怀”非常真诚, 而且极具个性化。我很庆幸在这里获得了无 数的关心和教导,我觉得自己有责任将它传 承下去。凯悦有一套清晰明确的价值观,在 此基础上形成企业文化,同时这些价值观在 某种程度上也反映了我自己的人生观,这点 很重要,所以 18 年来我能在凯悦不断成长, 做最真实的自己。 As you move towards the end of your first year as GM of Hyatt Regency Hangzhou, what are some of your reflections? Reflecting on this past year, I feel truly fortunate to have this opportunity to experience Hangzhou and my role at Hyatt Regency here by the West Lake. I am lucky to work with an incredible Team of passionate, caring professionals, and we have made strong inroads toward further differentiating our hotel in what is becoming a more competitive market, ensuring that we

The Hyatt Regency Hangzhou has been described as “the leading hotel in the city and Zhejiang”. What does it take for the hotel to gain such a reputation? For the hotel to have such a reputation ascribed to it is generous and extremely encouraging. This is however also very humbling and we must remember that we are only as good as our last guest experience. We believe the key to ongoing success is based in care – if we truly care for our guests, enough to really understand their needs and how we can provide for them in way that leaves a mark, then we will be able to provide an experience that unique and special, enabling us to ‘stand out from the crowd’ as a leading hotel. What about Hyatt as a brand has made you stick with the company for so many years? It’s simple: Hyatt cares about its people and I feel this in a very sincere and individual way. I have been extremely fortunate to have great people who genuinely care, mentor me over the years and I feel a great responsibility to carry this forward. Hyatt has a clearly defined set of values that shapes our culture and these values reflect my own approach to life. So I feel that my 18 years with Hyatt has allowed me to grow and do my job in a way that truly reflects the person that I am.

履新数月,你最大的成就感来自哪里?接下来几个月的目标是什 么? 未来几个月,我们期待完成酒店翻新工程的第二阶段,让现 有客房都能以新装示人。此前我的注意力一直放在“索菲特大使” 这一酒店最大的资产上,我们的员工通过追求细节和精心打造独具 特色的个性化定制服务,不断将惊喜和愉悦带给客人。 你将如何让酒店紧随潮流并在竞争中脱颖而出? 这个问题不难回答。索菲特作为个性鲜明的法国奢华酒店品 牌,拥有深厚的品牌文化底蕴,集团的环球品牌策略“美妙绝伦” 包含了酒店运营所涉及的方方面面,从索菲特大使、酒店选址、美 食到礼仪等,完美的细节成就了这个真正奢华的酒店品牌。 上海索菲特海仑宾馆位于上海最有名的商业步行街,地理位置带来 的优势有哪些?是不是吸引了很多来沪游客? 的确如此。我们优越的地理位置让商务人士和观光客享有独 特的便利,离南京路仅几步之遥,酒店附近以及外滩餐厅和精品店 林立,此外地铁站就在酒店门口,这点对客人非常重要。


Be Magnifique ! 刚刚履新数月的上海索菲特海仑宾馆总经理 罗伯特 · 瑞邦畅聊新工作和新生活。 Mr. Robert Rippon, General Manager of the Sofitel Shanghai Hyland, chats with LifeStyle about his new job and new life in Shanghai. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

在你看来,杰出的商务型酒店的标准有哪些? 对于任何一家酒店来说,员工团队及整个酒店的文化氛围是 最重要的。没有他们的全力支持和共同努力,杰出便无从谈起。之 后,你才能去考虑硬件设施、室内设计、舒适度等。 工作之余,在上海最喜欢做什么? 我最享受的就是每周六和朋友打高尔夫,我技术不算很好, 但朋友之间的情谊无价。我们很享受聚在一起的时间,运动之后常 常光顾上海那些美食好去处。我还非常喜欢骑自行车,捷安特的高 端公路自行车很对我的口味。 As you round out your first few months on the job, what would you say have been your greatest accomplishments so far? What are your goals for the following few months? In the coming months we look forward to the completion of the second phase of the hotel’s renovation, in which the full inventory of available rooms will have been fully renovated. Over the past few months I have focused on getting to know the hotel’s greatest asset, the Ambassadors, who deliver the “Cousu Main” service to our guests. How do you keep the hotel evolving so it keeps up with trends and stays ahead of the competition? This is quite easy to answer, being a distinctly French hotel brand we have a very strong brand culture with our worldwide “Be Magnifique” strategy that encompasses all facets of a hotels operation, from Ambassadors, Guests, Addresses, Gastronomy to rituals and pillars that make Sofitel a true luxury hotel brand.

What are some of the benefits of your amazing location on Shanghai’s best shopping street? Do you attract mainly guests who are in Shanghai on leisure? Yes, our location is very important to us and does indeed provide a unique advantage both to our business and leisure travelers. It’s not just the ready access to Nanjing road but also the many restaurants in the area and along the Bund and also very important to all visitors is the Metro station that is virtually at our doorstep. In your opinion, what are the standards for an outstanding business hotel? The most important aspect to any of our hotels is the team of Ambassadors and the culture they infuse throughout the hotel. Without them and their complete support and commitment it would be impossible to develop an outstanding hotel. Then you might consider the hardware, interior design and facilities and levels of comfort offered. What are your favorite things to do in Shanghai? Without a doubt I most enjoy playing golf with my friends each Saturday. I’m not a very good player but the camaraderie is invaluable and then afterwards we usually enjoy the amazing variety of dining options in Shanghai. Other than that I also enjoy cycling. I use a high end Chinese Giant Advanced TCR graphite monocoque framed road bike that I am really pleased with.

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There Are No Shortcuts to Satisfaction! 中国首家希尔顿花园酒店总经理杨凡分享他的职业发展之路以及酒店筹开感受。 Mr. Jacky Yang, General Manager of Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An, chats with LifeStyle about his career and opening the first branch of the hotel in China. Editor: Yang Huibin

理念体现在酒店的每个角落——前台、客房 的装饰,卫生间和电梯的设计,以及最具特 色的从车道雨蓬延伸至大堂内的景观背景 墙。现在,景观墙也成为最热门的来访宾客 留影纪念点。 仅用四个月时间就使酒店顺利开业,对此你 有何感想? 回想这四个月的历程,确实是一个奇 迹。酒店筹备之初,我曾亲身考察过越南和 土耳其的希尔顿花园酒店。我想是多团队的 齐力协作使中国项目得以顺利进行。作为中 国首家希尔顿花园酒店,自然离不开希尔顿 全球以及希尔顿花园酒店品牌各位同仁给 予的全方位支持以及本地政府的大力配合。 当然,这其中最重要的是酒店全体员工。所 有同事在酒店筹备过程中都付出了很多汗 水与泪水。在开门迎客的那一天还有同事在 悄悄抹泪,心情真的无比激动。

深圳宝安华盛希尔顿花园酒店作为中国首家 希尔顿花园酒店,在服务方面有哪些让人惊 喜的亮点? 基于酒店国际四星的定位,深圳宝安 华盛希尔顿花园酒店以在美屡获殊荣的高 级中端酒店品牌进入中国市场。在各部门人 员编制上,我们酒店也首次引入“多技能” 的服务概念。例如,前厅职能与餐饮服务职 能的人员混编成服务员岗位,通过服务直接 诠释“您可以信赖我们”的品牌文化。 面对深圳酒店业的激烈竞争,你们靠什么突 出重围? 希尔顿花园酒店品牌是中国首家提出 “满意度承诺”的品牌酒店。从品牌文化 声明延伸到我们对客人的服务承诺——“我 们承诺尽最大努力确保您满意,否则您可以 拒绝付款。我们值得您信赖。这一点确认无 疑”,我们最关注的就是宾客体验的满意度。 听说你爱好摄影。从一个摄影爱好者的角度 看,深圳宝安华盛希尔顿花园酒店最吸引人 的景致在哪? 酒店的一大特色就是花园理念设计。 作为一名摄影爱好者,我认为酒店最吸引人 的莫过于其“树冠”的设计主题;这一设计

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你从客房服务员做到总经理,可否分享一下 快速成长的秘诀? 成长没有捷径!在我的职业生涯中, 我始终以“吃亏是福”的信条来鞭策自己。 在成长的过程中不要过多计较个人得失,而 是应该通过努力来提升自己,获得别人的认 可。同时我也给员工提供了很多机会,并且 和同事们分享我的成长故事,让更多的人了 解“质朴不变,正能量”的工作态度。 As the first Hilton Garden Inn in China, what will it take to make Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An special enough to stand out? As an international award-winning four-star hotel brand, Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An has already successfully entered into the Chinee market. Since the beginning, we’ve followed a “Multi Skills” recruitment concept to find the right person for each position, ensuring that a Front Office Agent could also work in Food & Beverage, for example. And of course our brand culture, based on the phrase “you can count on us,” which is interpreted through our daily services. Hospitality competition in Shenzhen is quite intensive, how did you make a breakthrough in this bustling city? Hilton Garden Inn is the first hotel brand

to make the “Satisfaction Promise” in China. The brand promise leads us to focus on guest experience, which makes us come out ahead. Our motto is, “We promise to do whatever it takes to ensure you’re satisfied. Or you don’t pay. You can count on us. GUARANTEED. ” We’ve heard that you are a huge fun of photography. As a ‘shutterbug,’ what part of the hotel do you find to be most aesthetically pleasing? The most characteristic feature of Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An is its garden style. In my opinion, the most attractive design is the “canopy” concept which appears everywhere in the hotel -- decorations seen at front desk, elevator, in guest rooms, even in the bathrooms. A specially designed feature wall has become a memorable place for all the guests to take pictures. This design is the most popular photo opp for our guests. The Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An was launched in only four months. How do you feel about this? It’s a miracle! In the initial stages, I had visited Hilton Garden Inns in Vietnam and Turkey. As the first Hilton Garden Inn in China, I got a lot of support from Hilton Worldwide, and Hilton Garden Inn brand team. Above all, every team member of Hilton Garden Inn Shenzhen Bao’An made their own contribution to the project. Whether it was shedding tears or sharing joys, we got through it together. I can still remember how excited we were on the day of the grand opening of the hotel. You started off as a room attendant, and now you’re General Manager of an international four-star hotel. What can you share with our readers about your experience? There are no shortcuts! According to my own career experience, I have adopted “suffering is a blessing” as my personal conviction. There is no need to think too much about personal gains or losses. What we should do is to work harder and to improve ourselves in order to be appreciated by others. Sometimes I like to share my stories of persistence and positive attitude with my colleagues and offer them good opportunities.


Mutual Growth, Shared Success 武汉万达嘉华酒店总经理莫顿与我们分享酒店管理与度假村管理的不同之处 以及期待共谱成功新华章。 Mr. Morten Junior, General Manager of Wanda Realm Wuhan, describes to LifeStyle the differences between running a hotel and a resort, as well as his thoughts on being part of Wanda Group’s success story. Editor: Audrey Hammonds

What are your thoughts on Wanda as a company, as well as their rapid expansion across China and soon internationally? Wanda is of course a huge and exceptional success story that is now spreading across China and the rest of the world. My personal thoughts are that I am proud and excited to be part of it and look forward to continue to grow with the company.

在去年加盟万达之前,你有过多家度假村、 SPA 和酒店管理经历。你认为普通酒店管 理与度假村管理有何不同呢? 在对客服务以及客人预期方面有一些 小差异,而最主要的不同之处体现在客人入 住时长上。与度假村相比,客人在城市酒店 的入住时长要短得多;度假村一般是客人度 假前特别花心思选定的,城市酒店则大多是 商务人士出差才会选择入住。这便决定了二 者在服务和基础设施配置方面的差异性。在 度假村里,工作人员能够近距离接触客人, 了解他们的需求,提供更好的协助和服务; 而面对入住城市酒店的客人,更重要的是要 根据他们的日程安排,提供优质高效、有针 对性的全方位服务。

How do you personally guide your hotels toward development and prosperity? By working with and listening to my team as well as seeking support through our corporate office combined with following the markets and their ever-changing trends. Further, by setting challenging targets and pushing hard to achieve these in a joint effort.

你对万达集团在国内外市场的高速扩张有何 看法? 毫无疑问,万达集团是一个成功的企 业,它的发展也证明了它的实力。我很荣幸 能够加盟万达,也期待能与它共同发展。 你将如何引领武汉万达嘉华酒店进一步发展? 除了与我的团队紧密协作、听取他们 的意见和建议,我也会加强与总部的沟通以 获取更多支持,当然还要格外关注不断变化 的市场动向,此外还会为所有同仁树立具有 挑战性的目标,并且为实现这些目标共同努 力。 如何寻找员工满意度、服务质量和顾客满意 度之间的平衡点? 它们其实是相伴相生的。我们团队的 人员大多是年轻人,他们热爱学习且工作热 情高涨,希望通过实践来提升自己的业务水 平。员工被安排到新岗位或服务考核标准提 高时,我都会尽可能地给予协助。最终,当 客户满意度和经济效益都取得了一定成果, 每个人都会从中获得成就感。 有种观点认为,管理本土化对酒店发展是十 分必要的。作为在中国发展的外国人,你怎 么看? 我认为不同文化间有很多可以相互学 习借鉴的地方。来中国后,我本人就学到了 很多新的东西。我也希望可以与团队成员分 享我的经验和感悟,并籍此为酒店发展做出 贡献。其实现在已经有越来越多的本地人才 选择了武汉万达嘉华酒店,相信将来还会有

更多的有识之士加入进来。人才的自由流动 以及理念与文化的共享和交融,都将使像万 达这样高速发展的大型国际化企业集团获 益良多。 You’ve managed several resort (and SPA) hotels before joining Wanda this past year; how would you say operating a resort differs from a “regular” hotel? There are many smaller differences in terms of services and expectations for the guest. The main differences are of course the average length of stay which is much shorter in a city hotel compared to a resort. Also the fact that a resort is usually where you choose to spend your vacations, compared to a city hotel which is more the a place where you come to work – this plays a big role in service deliveries and facilities. Generally we are closer to the guests, get to know them better and assist them in making their holiday experiences perfect in a resort whereas in a city environment it is more about efficiency and making sure the guests’ all around experience works according to their individual agendas.

How do you find a balance between benefitting the staff of a hotel while also improving standards of service and customer satisfaction? These go hand in hand. Our associates are mostly young enthusiastic people who are keen on learning more and developing themselves. By putting in place new or strengthening existing standards we help them in doing so. Once good results arrive in the form of guest satisfaction and financial results, everyone will have a sense of achievement and success that should be celebrated. Some people believe that hotel management localization is something absolutely necessary for a hotel. As a foreigner in China, what is your opinion on this subject? I strongly believe that we can all learn from each other. I have certainly learned a lot since coming to China and hope that the experiences that I bring with me will contribute to the future success of our Hotel and the team. Of course more and more local talents will and should take over many functions and positions; this is already very much the case now. However a free movement of talented people and the resulting sharing of ideas and cultures will always be beneficial and important, especially for big fast growing international companies such as Wanda.

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A Hidden Hutong Treasure Text: Eva Liu Photos: MULU

这个只能提前预约的四合院西餐厅主 打马来西亚美食,融合了法餐、意餐、美餐、 中餐,多种菜系混搭在一起,可谓是混的新 鲜,搭的美妙。“穆禄”的名字来源于马来 西亚婆罗洲砂涝越的姆鲁山国家公园,这个 公园已被联合国教科文组织列为世界自然 遗产名录。老板用它作名字,或许是想呼吁 大家回归大自然,保持健康,关爱世人。 穆禄的标识是一只优雅大气的雪羚羊 自信地站在山岩上,寓意为“自信、坚毅、 不退缩”,它传递的气质是温和的、矜持的、 内敛的、高贵的。餐厅老板希望,每个来 访者抱着分享的心态来到穆禄,带着感恩 的心去吃厨师精心准备及制作的每一道菜, 并且记得实施“空盘行动”。 都说餐前吃水果要比餐后吃更科学, 在穆禄便是餐前上水果,而且供应的水果 大多很养生,如略白芯的草莓、新鲜多汁 的火龙果、可以直接入口的小金橘等,有 清润抗氧化效果。除此之外,马来西亚咖 喱鸡配法棍切片、咖喱鸡块土豆等餐前小 食绝对让你开胃。当然,洛克菲勒牡蛎配 清煮龙虾、穆禄特色洋葱汤、穆禄招牌马 来西亚牛腩土豆咖喱等招牌菜更是诱人, 且始终保持着原版美食的精髓。


No.7 Xinsi Hutong, Dongsi Shiertiao Alley, Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 6400 3627

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idden in the hutongs, siheyuan restaurant MULU may seem like it wants a low profile, but unfortunately its reputation doesn’t allow for this. Like hot spots everywhere, you can’t even get in without a reservation. Though being a Jack of all Trades may not always equate to being an expert, MULU does a creative and refreshing job of blending French, Italian, American, Chinese and Malaysian cuisines together. The name Mulu comes from Gunung MULU National Park in Borneo, Malaysia, a UNESCO World Heritage site known for its tropical karst landscape. MULU’s values seem to lie in a natural healthy lifestyle; the owner appeals to guests to embrace nature, keep healthy and care about others; and of course to appreciate and enjoy every dish meticulously prepared by the cooks. Above all, finish all your food! At MULU, fruit is served as a rule before dinner is brought out, with a large selection each carefully selected for its particular health benefit and seasonal freshness, including pesticide-free strawberries, dragonfruit, citrus and so on. Among the appetizers, Malaysian curry chicken paired with slices of baguette and curry potatoes were all pleasant surprises. For main course choices, indulge yourself with their specialties, roasted Rockefeller oyster + half lobster, MULU’s signature beef with potato curry and MULU's special onion soup.


President’s Choice Text: Eva Liu Photos: Chi-Chi’s

新近开业的 Chi-Chi’s 美式墨西哥餐厅 位于京城潮地——朝阳大悦城,这是北京 首家 Chi-Chi’s 餐厅,也是全球第 50 家。 身居七层的 Chi-Chi’s 闹中取静,室内装修 极具异域情调,确切地说,应该是墨西哥 式的明快亮丽风格。餐厅门口还用鲜花围 成了温馨浪漫的小花园,非常适合喜欢浪 漫、小资情调的女士们在此享用惬意下午 茶。 Chi-Chi’s 美式墨西哥餐厅是世界连锁 餐吧,每家餐厅都会为宾客奉上具有浓郁 地域特色的德州 - 墨西哥美食与美酒。德州 - 墨西哥融合了美国德克萨斯和墨西哥两种 风味:墨西哥菜肴是世界著名美食之一, 以其特殊的辛辣香料而闻名,最具代表性 的有墨西哥玉米片、墨西哥辣椒酱和墨西 哥卷饼等,喜辣食客一定会大呼过瘾;美 式德州美味也自成一派,以热情四溢的烤 炙肉类、肉眼牛排、超大汉堡包而享誉盛名, 深受肉食爱好者和小朋友的欢迎。在 ChiChi’s 餐厅,食客一次就可轻松品尝到两种 不同地域的特色美味。 据说美国总统奥巴马也是 Chi-Chi’s 的 忠粉。他最爱墨西哥传统芝士牛肉卷和火 辣汉堡。京城的食客不用远渡重洋,便可 享用总统最爱的美食了。


hi-Chi’s Tex-Mex Restaurant & Bar has recently opened in Chaoyang Joy City! Beijing’s first Chi-Chi’s restaurant, which is also the 50th Chi-Chi’s restaurant in the world, is located on the 7th Floor in Chaoyang Joy City. Chi-Chi’s is quiet, warm and comfortable, full of a festive atmosphere. A small romantic garden full of flowers is arranged outside the door where ladies can enjoy afternoon tea. Chi-Chi’s Tex-Mex Restaurant & Bar is a world chain restaurant dedicated to TexMex cuisine and cocktails, “Tex-Mex” of course meaning a combination of Mexican and Texan flavors. Lovers of spicy food can visit to satisfy their craving for Mexican food like nachos, chili and burritos, while Texan options include grilled steaks and hamburgers. Enjoy tasting these two different regional styles at Chi-Chi’s restaurant! U.S. President Obama is a loyal Chi-Chi’s fan too! His favorite dishes are allegedly Mexican traditional cheese beef rolls and hamburgers. No need to travel overseas now you can enjoy the president’s favorite food in your own neighborhood!

7F-02, 7th Floor, Chaoyang Joy City, Beijing Tel: 010 85517878

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“Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” And Now With Wine

116 LifeStyle

1983 年辛迪·劳帕凭借热门歌曲《女孩爱玩乐》 蜚声全球。30 年后的今天,越来越多的女性在专业 领域或社交场合中与葡萄酒结缘。美人与美酒间又 会发生哪些新故事呢? 现如今,众多女性已开始涉足葡萄酒行业,其 职业发展路径也涉及到葡萄酒酿造、销售、推广、 服务等各个子领域。在大中华区的很多高端酒店和 餐厅都涌现出不少优秀的女性侍酒师。去年 6 月号 《品味生活》杂志还将上海浦东四季酒店首席侍酒 师郭莹作为侍酒师三杰予以采访。问问任何一家葡 萄酒经销商的销售总监,他们多半会告诉你其团队 中最好的销售人员正是女性。 随着社交活动的日益丰富,很多中国女性开始 了解葡萄酒并逐渐热衷于美酒品鉴。特别是和朋友 一起去酒吧、俱乐部、餐厅或酒店等社交场所时, 越来越多的女性会点上一杯钟爱的葡萄酒。中国女 性的社会经济地位正呈上升态势,她们对葡萄酒有 着特殊的体会和感悟。中国现在买得起优质原装进 口葡萄酒的人多得很,其中女性群体占相当一部分 比例。难怪 从开普敦到波尔多,世界各地的酒厂都 瞄准了中国女性这一新兴的葡萄酒消费群体。 几年前我曾在一篇文章中写道: “玫瑰是红色的, 紫罗兰是蓝色的,但红色是我所挚爱的葡萄酒的颜 色。”全世界女人与葡萄酒之间的微妙关系皆同一理。 各种类型的香槟和葡萄酒一直与不同特质的女性紧 密联系在一起。半个多世纪以来,大银幕上的美人 们不仅热爱美好生活,手边也总少不了一杯和她们 一样别具韵味的美酒。当下的中国女性正在努力找 回失去的时光。你若问她们最爱哪种葡萄酒,她们 一定会首选优质红葡萄酒,其次还有香槟和白葡萄 酒。而最大受益者自然是中国的葡萄酒厂和葡萄酒 进口商了。 在中国,社会地位不断上升的女性群体开始接 触并不断深入了解红酒这一天赐之物。佳人爱美酒, 下次与她们为伴一定要慷慨大方点,投其所好,爱 其所爱,另外还要记得送瓶好酒作为礼物。幸运的话, 可能籍此抱得美人归。


he 1983 worldwide hit song by recording artist Cyndi Lauper “Girls Just Wanna Have Fun” says it all, but today, the record shows that girls also want to have fun both professionally and socially with wine. So, what’s new with women and wine? Well, increasingly more women are attracted to making their career in the wine business, from the winery to sales and advertising to wine distribution and service to becoming sommeliers at some of the leading hotels and restaurants in Greater China. In fact in June of 2013 LifeStyle named Ying Guo, Chief Sommelier at the Four Seasons Hotel Pudong, “One of the Top Three Sommeliers in China”. Just ask the sales director of any wine distributor in China who their best sales people are and the answer in many cases will be the women. And socially more and more Chinese women are adopting premium wine as their adult beverage of choice, especially when out with friends at bars, clubs, restaurants and hotels. Increasingly China’s upwardly mobile women are savvy, connected, knowledgeable and passionate about wine. There are now 19 million Chinese who can afford a bottle of imported premium wine, 45% of whom reside in the Shanghai area, a good number of whom are women. As a result, wineries from Cape Town to Bordeaux are taking careful note and launching aggressive marketing campaigns to target China’s women of wine. Of course, as we all know, Red Owl was “way ahead of the curve” several years ago when he wrote in this very publication “Roses are Red, violets are blue, but Red is the color of my True Love’s wine”: For women and wine around the world is nothing new. Champagne and wine of every description has been associated with beautiful women celebrating, romancing and rejoicing the good life on the silver screen for more than half a century. And now, upwardly mobile Chinese women are making up for lost time, much to the delight of the better Chinese wineries and the fine wine importers. And what are their favorite wines you ask? Naturally, red is their most popular premium wine of choice, followed by Champagne and premium white wine. So next time you are in the company of one of the millions of upwardly mobile Chinese ladies who are learning to appreciate the gift of the gods, be sure to always offer them only the finest of the premium wines of their liking. And by all means, order generously by the bottle and love the wine they love. And with a little luck thou shalt be loved by many of the women of wine. I am Red Owl, Ever Vigilant, Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地 区需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

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LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 欧米茄荣耀推出海马系列牛头表 Omega Seamaster Bullhead Co-Axial Chronograph

新款牛头表的表盘秉承了原版腕表的诸多经典设计元素: 标志性的内表圈、12 时和 6 时位置的小表盘、在 3 时位 置设置有日历窗口。透过经双面耐磨损处理的蓝宝石表 镜,白色表盘清晰可见。旋入式表背镌刻有著名的海马 徽章图案。其白色双向旋转内表圈带有 24 小时刻度,白 色小时数字刻度与代表白天、黑夜的蓝色、黑色背景形 成强烈对比。

巴利便士乐福鞋:都市骑行者 Bally Penny Loafers: For the City Biker

巴利 2014 春夏男鞋的主题表现了一位杰出商人骑车在城 市中穿行的放松和优雅,主要元素包括以德比鞋、孟克 鞋和新款便士乐福鞋为代表的精选鞋履——全部采用最 新设计的鞋楦和巴利顶级古德伊尔贴边结构的鞋底,以 spazzolato 小牛皮制作而成。乐福鞋用棉斜纹绸作内衬, 配以各种独特的拼色方案,包括深褐色配白色以及海军 蓝配白色。

法国莱俪生肖“马”系列限量发行 Lalique Releases Limited Edition Year of the Horse Sculpture Collection

国际顶级水晶品牌法国莱俪为钟爱家居收藏 及艺术品鉴的人士推出生肖“马”系列新品。 每一件精致的作品都是手工制作,马匹造型 极富动感,象征着新一年事业和生活欣欣向 荣。此款“阿历山大大帝战驱”以脱蜡铸造 工艺制作,肌肉线条结实而有动感;战马目 光深邃,轮廓精致,尾巴挺拔,昂首阔步向 前迈进。全球限量发行 288 件。

帝奇诺 2014 春夏新品在金宝汇发售 Cesare di Pino S/S 2014 Products Now at Jinbao Place

前不久意大利高端男装品牌帝奇诺于金宝汇购物中心推 出 2014 春夏 The Glistening 系列,为最大胆热情的心灵 提供流行时尚。这个系列以意大利南部典雅与别致见称 的卡普里岛作为主要灵感,巧妙地把鲜花、岛屿、圆点、 线条等华丽的图案一起打造在精致的服饰上,鼓励人们 对时尚及生活重新定义,让人们回想生活的每一个闪动 瞬间。

索尼发布微单 α6000 Sony Introduces World’s Fastest Autofocus with α6000

2 月 18 日,索尼在京发布了一款微单新品 α6000,全新 的 α6000 具备索尼微单阵营中最快的对焦系统,对焦速 度仅为 0.06 秒,连拍速度也能够达到每秒 11 张的惊人表 现。α6000 不仅丰富了索尼微单家族的产品线,同时将 中档微单的性能拉升到一个新的水平上。机身预售价格为 4599 元,16-50 标头套装为 5499 元,而配备蔡司 16-70 镜头的套机价格为 10899 元。

惠普推出 Spectre 13t x2 无风扇设计平板 PC HP Launches Fanless Tablet PC Spectre 13 x2

惠普 13.3 英寸的 Spectre 13t x2 在设计方面不仅仅是媲 美笔记本的大屏幕和键盘,为了实现更好的移动应用形式, 它还去除了主动散热风扇,并拥有英特尔酷睿 i5-4202y 低电压处理器、4GB 内存及 128GB 固态硬盘,整体配置 更接近超极本。平板部分的重量为 2.04 千克、11 毫米厚。 平板机身上设计有两个 USB 3.0 接口、耳机麦克风接口 以及 HDMI 接口。

宏碁发布 Chromebook C720P 可触控笔记本 Acer Introduces C720P Chromebook with Touchscreen

宏 碁 C720P 采 用 了 基 于 Haswell 架 构 的 英特尔赛扬 2955U 处理器,续航时间长达 七 个 半 小 时。 这 款 新 机 采 用 11.6 英 寸 的 触摸屏,分辨率为 1366×768,另外还配 有 32GB 的 存 储 和 2GB DDR3 内 存, 拥 有 USB 3.0 接口和一个 HDMI 接口,支持 802.11a/b/g/n 无线网络连接。此款可触控 的 Chromebook 笔记本售价为 299.99 美元 (约合人民币 1828 元)。

118 LifeStyle

适马推出新一代 DP Quattro 相机 Sigma Unveils All-New DP2 Quattro

适马公司前不久推出了全新一代 DP 系列相机,取名为 “Quattro”。这款新机在造型上与之前的 DP 系列相机有 很大的不同,不仅机身被拉长不少,而且机身手柄部位也 比之前大了许多。DP Quattro 的规格为 161.4×67×81.6 毫米,重量为 359 克。不过机身背面的液晶显示屏并没 有变化,依然是 3 英寸 92 万像素的参数。

意大利高级定制珠宝 JEWELVARY 推出 LA SECRET 系列 Italian Haute Couture Brand Jewelvary Launches “La Secret” Series

源于意大利的高级定制珠宝品牌 JEWELVARY,将意大利非凡珠宝工艺 和浪漫主义设计艺术相结合,打造出 LA SECRET 系 列 高 级 定 制 珠 宝。LA SECRET 系列以经典的古罗马艺术字体 为原型,结合意大利独家珠宝制造工艺, 将英文中的 26 款字母以浪漫的笔触重 绘,完美复刻为项间活泼灵动的吊坠, 标记每个意义不凡的爱语。

ENZO 铬透辉石系列新品 华美上市 Enzo New Augite Series on the Market

ENZO 全新推出的铬透辉石新品系列选 取品质优良、颜色浓郁、内部纯净透澈 的铬透辉石,采用德国伊达欧伯斯坦切 割技术,完美展示美妙火彩。以最严格 精确的工艺标准,确保每一颗宝石的切 割及车工皆能臻至完美。配合戴安娜款 型、包圈圆钻型及祖母绿群镶型 3 款经 典设计,或大气端庄,或优雅娴熟,或 清秀迷人,华美演绎优雅轻奢!

第 55 届威尼斯双年展马兴文国际 巡回展中国上海站新闻发布会暨 庆祝酒会举办 Simon Ma’s Ink Brush Heart, Part of the the 55th Venice Biennale, Opens in Shanghai

2013 年 5 月 31 日,第 55 届威尼斯双 年展国际艺术展开幕,跨界艺术家马兴 文个人独立展在贝尼代托马塞罗音乐学 院庭院(前威尼斯皇宫)举行。“墨·笔 ·心之西双版纳”展览展出 6 件以“舞动 的水滴”为创作主题的大尺幅雕塑作品, 6 幅象征龙和雀完美结合体并以“龙雀” 命名的国画艺术作品。前不久“舞动的 中国水滴”返回上海,于外滩三号为本 次巡展上海站写下崭新的篇章。

德国唯宝推出 中国马生肖纪念礼品珍藏系列 Villeroy & Boch Release Chinese Year of the Horse Collectors Series

德国唯宝特别为中国消费者推出了融合 骏马设计图案的限量版礼品珍藏系列。 此系列表达了品牌对亚洲文化及其生活 方式的极大尊重。它们均采用高级陶瓷 定制而成:一款是花饰富丽的自助餐 盘,并赋予其既传统又现代的经典圆形 外观;另一款则是颇负盛名的精美方形 烟灰碟。这两款陶瓷物件都经过精心配 色,呈现出斑斓的光泽,富丽堂皇、喜 庆吉祥。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com

2014 亚洲酒店论坛年会暨第九届中国酒店星光奖颁奖典礼将办 2014 Asia Hotel Forum Annual Meeting and 9th China Hotel Starlight Awards to be Held

2014 亚洲酒店论坛年会暨第九届中国酒店星光奖颁奖典礼将于 3 月 18-19 日在深圳东部华侨城隆重举行。本届论坛年会将对话超过 80 位来自酒店 开发商、酒店管理方以及金融、法律机构的行业领袖,通过投资发展、运营、 资产管理三大板块来探讨酒店行业品牌的创新发展之路。同期举行:第六 届大中华区 Top 50GM 圆桌会议、第十期中国酒店业主俱乐部、第九届中 国酒店星光奖颁奖典礼、亚洲国际酒店展、第四期中国酒店业主(业主代表) 培训高级课程和四条针对不同主题的精选酒店考察线路。

2014 亚洲国际豪华旅游博览 将在沪举行 ILTM Asia 2014 to Take Place in Shanghai

第八届亚洲国际豪华旅游博览将于 6 月 2 日 至 5 日 在 上 海 举 行, 届 时 将 有 近 550 位豪华旅游买家为他们的客户定制 2015 年的行程。未来十年,亚太地区 高净值人士的数量将增长 88%,拥有 全球最高的增长率(拉丁美洲除外)。 预计到 2030 年,印度、中国和印度尼 西亚将主导亚太地区的旅游市场,亚太 地区及亚太与全球其他地区间的客运量 将占全球总量的 49%。

英国旅游局推出“欢声妙语尽在 Great 英国”广告宣传片 Visit Britain’s New “Sounds of Great Britain” Advert

茶水入杯的响声、黑色出租车的嘟嘟声 以及大笨钟浑厚的钟声……这些声音都 出现在英国旅游局全新的电视和线上互 动广告中,欢声妙语将吸引更多人将英 国作为下一个度假目的地。全新广告片 将各种声音体验糅合在一起,并特邀获 全英音乐奖提名的乐队 Rudimental 打 造了音乐《感受爱意》,传达出摩登且 自信的英国人所独有的幽默感和英伦特 色。此广告片在中国可通过腾讯视频、 菲索、百度、优酷、新浪微博观看。

德国国家旅游局发布年度主题: 世界文化遗产年 Germany Makes UNESCO Heritage Its 2014 Theme

旅游胜地德国作为文化和生态旅游目的 地,以其文化魅力吸引着各国游客。德 国国家旅游局与其战略合作伙伴——联 合国教科文组织德国委员会和联合国教 科文组织世界遗产城市德国协会,共 同为德国 38 个世界遗产提出“世界遗 产——可持续的文化和自然旅游业”的 口号,并将其定为 2014 年度主题。德 国国家旅游局还将同联合国教科文组织 德国委员会推出主题年的 LOGO,为 2014 年的推广建立广阔交流平台。

LifeStyle 119 LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS.... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129

LIFESTYLE LiméLight... 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店及洲际集团 上海区皇冠假日品牌酒店: 任命丹尼尔爱宾斯先生为总经理 Crowne Plaza Shanghai Hotels: Mr. Daniel Arbenz, Regional Manager

北京万豪行政公寓: 任命张英杰先生为总经理 The Imperial Mansion, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments: Mr. Billy Zhang, General Manager

沈阳凯宾斯基饭店: 任命彦文斯先生为总经理 Kempinski Hotel Shenyang: Mr. Jens Wycisk, General Manager

北京万豪酒店: 任命彭庄声女士为总经理 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall: Ms. Pearl Peng, General Manager

苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店: 任命郭建军先生为总经理 Pan Pacific Suzhou: Mr. Justin Guo, General Manager

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 任命萧金海先生为总经理 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Mr. Michael Seow, General Manager

青岛鲁商凯悦酒店: 任命唐泽雨宁女士为市场销售总监 Hyatt Regency Qingdao: Ms. Amane Karazawa, Director of Sales and Marketing

上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 任命刘羽先生为餐饮总监 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Mr Leo Liu, Director of Food & Beverage

三亚美高梅度假酒店: 任命吕涛先生为餐饮部总监 MGM Grand Sanya: Mr. Steven Lv, Director of Food and Beverage

宁波香格里拉大酒店: 任命托拜厄斯·昂格尔先生为行政总厨 Shangri-La Hotel, Ningbo: Mr. Tobias Unger, Executive Chef

Daniel Arbenz has been newly appointed as General Manager of InterContinental Shanghai Pudong and Regional General Manager of Crowne Plaza Shanghai hotels. Daniel is a seasoned Hotelier with over 30 years of experience and has been part of the IHG family since 1997. Prior to this post, he was the General Manager of InterContinental Beijing Beichen as well as Regional GM of 10 IHG hotels in North East China.

A native of Germany, Mr. Wycisk has 20 years hospitality experience holding various managerial positions in many countries. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Wycisk held the role of General Manager at Kempinski Hotel Khan Palace, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. Mr. Wycisk’s expertise in the hospitality arena will continue to position the Kempinski Hotel Shenyang in the forefront of Shenyang market!

Justin Guo has been appointed Area General Manager, China of Pan Pacific Hotels Group and General Manager of Pan Pacific Suzhou. Justin started his hospitality career with Westin Shanghai in 1991, moving to Hilton where he spent 18 years. Prior to this appointment, Justin was COO of Shanghai International Medical Center, an international hospital managed by Parkway Health.

Hyatt Regency Qingdao has announced the appointment of Ms. Amane Karazawa as DOSM. Ms. Karazawa brings to Hyatt Regency Qingdao more than ten years of hospitality sales and marketing experience with globally renowned hotel brands such as Marriott and Accor. Prior to joining Hyatt Regency Qingdao she took the role as director of sales and marketing at Sofitel Oriental Shanghai.

MGM Grand Sanya recently announced the new role of Steven Lv as Director of Food & Beverage at the MGM Grand Sanya. Given profound experience in dining service and strong team spirit, Steven will lead the team, which provides Diaoyutai dining service quality, in creating exciting dining experiences for guests.

120 LifeStyle

With 24 years hospitality experience, Mr. Billy Zhang has worked at many Marriott brands such as Courtyard, Renaissance and Marriott Executive Apartments. A native Beijinger, he transferred to Shanghai Renaissance Zhongshan Park Hotel to welcome distinguished guests from all over the world in 2010, and now is back in Beijing to help guests discover the local ‘Peking’ culture in Wangfujing!

Ms. Pearl Peng brings about 20 years experience in hospitality and has been with Marriott about 15 years. With her strong sales and marketing background, she was recognized by Marriott International for Special Achievement Leadership Award while she was DOSM of the hotel, and now as General Manager, we believe she will lead the hotel to its next milestone.

Michael Seow has been newly appointed as General Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. As a native from Singapore, Mr. Seow has been with Marriott International for over 18 years at several properties in the United States, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam and different cities of China. Prior to this assignment, he was the General Manager of Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel.

Leo has over 10 years experience in China and overseas. His passion for the hospitality industry started when he was a student in Austria and the Netherlands. Prior to joining Grand Mercure Hongqiao Shanghai, he Assistant Director of F&B at Hyatt Regency Guiyang, and previously worked for a number of international hotel groups including IHG, Marriot and Accor.

Chef Unger brings with him over 15 years of culinary experience in five-star hotels and luxury hotels. In 2012 he became the Executive Sous Chef at the Kerry Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai, administrating seven food and beverage outlets. He also used his skills to teach over 100 colleagues to build a strong culinary team at Kerry Hotel, Pudong, Shanghai.


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: 下午茶 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: Afternoon Tea

Everyday from 3:00-15:00pm, come to the lobby lounge, gather with friends to relax and enjoy this British tradition offering three tiers of pastries and desserts, with selections of coffee and tea. RMB 198+15% per set for 2 persons Tel: +86 571 8989 8888 ext 5711

上海浦西洲际酒店: 精致茶歇 一切由你 InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: Coffee Break Crafted for you

InterContinental Shanghai Puxi presents you wide variety of coffee break menus for you to choose. Chocolaty, Fruity and Healthy exciting quality coffee break theme will definitely make your event vibrant and memorable. From RMB 60 +15% surcharge / person. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999

上海威斯汀大饭店: 酒水饮料推广 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Drinks Specials

Best HAPPY HOUR Deal Near The Bund ~ Enjoy a 50% discount on a selection of your favorite cocktails, beers, wines and spirits. A perfect spot as a prelude to your evening around the Bund. Weekday Happy Hour available Monday through Fridays from 5-7pm. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048

上海希尔顿酒店连天阁: 泰国美食节 Hilton Shanghai: Flavors of Thai Food Festival at Atrium Café

A ten-day Thai food promotion will add zest and life to Atrium Café from 14th to 23rd March, 2014. We specially invite Chef Nipa Rangpae and Chef Paniruda Puakpan from Conrad Hotel Bangkok, who will showcase signature Thai dishes like spicy squid salad with lemongrass, Thai fried noodle with prawns, green seafood curry and other traditional Thai foods. Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1860

上海大宁福朋喜来登酒店: 家庭周日早午餐 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: Family Sunday Brunch

The Café at Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning, has recently introduced a NEW buffet brunch on Sundays, featuring a sumptuous spread of fresh seafood, traditional Italian antipasti, home-made desserts and games and toys for children at the Kids' Corner. Guests can indulge in the restaurant’s signature dishes from the brunch including Soufflés and Éclairs. Tel: +86 21 2602 2222

杭州凯悦酒店湖滨 28 中餐厅: 再次入选“亚洲 50 最佳餐厅” Hyatt Regency Hangzhou, 28 Hubin Road Restaurant: One of Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants

Asia’s 50 Best Restaurants announced the list and individual award winners at a glittering awards ceremony held at the Raffles Hotel. We are delighted to share that Hyatt Regency Hangzhou’s 28 HuBin Road Chinese restaurant has ranked No. 23 on the list, moving up two places since last year’s result! Tel: +86 571 8779 1234

上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 全新升级海鲜自助盛宴 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: New Seafood Dinner Buffet

Experience the brand new seafood buffet-- a wide range of seafood including scallops, shrimps, crabs, clams and more... DIY small hot pot offers you the perfect combination of fresh raw seafood and self cooking fun. Apart from seafood, international delicacies including salads, hot dishes, desserts, fruits are waiting for you to explore. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300

上海海神诺富特大酒店德丽饼屋: 美食精选 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: New Recommendations at Le Gourmet Deli Shop Le Gourmet welcomes you every day with home-made fresh pastries, delicious and healthy salads, sandwiches and other dishes for a quick meal and a relaxing moment. New recommendation of noodle selection and bento box from only RMB 35, ten kinds of daily recommendation packages are offered. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1806

上海花园饭店欧陆法式餐厅:名庄 葡萄酒特惠 & 特别版店标酒发布 The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Special 24th Anniversary Wine Offers

To express our appreciation for all customers, all restaurants and bars will offer a 20% discount for all Chateau wines, and a new special wine label with its historic design interpreting the cultural heritage of the Okura Garden Hotel, blending the excellent flavours of the wines from Grace Vineyard. We expect it to exceed your expectations! Tel: +86 21 6415 1111

上海明天广场万豪酒店:“海鲜餮 宴”全新升级海鲜自助晚餐 JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square: Seafood Spectacular From chilled to sautéed to grilled, discover an exceptional buffet experience with indulgent seafood creations that are cooked on-site in versatile styles by JW’s culinary experts. With more than 20 kinds of seafood and an endless spread of global cuisines, Marriott Café proudly presents the newly upgraded seafood buffet feast to impassion your discerning palate. Tel: +86 21 5359 4969 ext 6422


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 上海龙之梦大酒店: 欧亚“味道”之旅 The Longemont Shanghai: Asia to Europe Culinary Journey at O2on2

上海希尔顿酒店: 2014 新年舞狮仪式 Hilton Shanghai: Celebrates Chinese New Year with Lion Dance

上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 领导层看望街道贫困老人 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Delivering Care to People in Need

上海中星铂尔曼大酒店: 正式开业 Pullman Hotels and Resorts: Welcomes Pullman Shanghai South

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓: 荣获《Mice China》杂志“全国 百佳会议酒店”奖项 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: Awarded “Best 100 Hotel in China Area”

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 一周年庆 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Celebrates First Anniversary

From Asia to Europe, we have it covered: O2on2’s food stations are rolling out global favorites to include the best from the East and West and an unparalleled selection of mouthwatering desserts prepared by our awardwinning pastry chefs. Includes newly introduced premium seafood items and iconic dishes like beef rib eye. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220

Before the Lantern Festival, management from Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao visited the elderly at the nursing home in Xianxia. Mr. Gilbert Mennetret, General Manager and Mr. Joshua Cao, Resident Manager brought festival necessities and best wishes from all staff to the seniors. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300

Recently, Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences has been awarded “Best 100 Hotel in China Area” by <MICE CHINA> magazine. General Manager Mr. Magdy Anis says, “This is a great honor for Sheraton Pudong Hotel & Residences and ushers us to continue providing high quality services to the guests.” Tel: +86 21 5089 9999

A lion dance was held on the first day of Spring Festival in the Hilton Shanghai lobby recently, with distinguished guests, media & government leaders celebrating the Chinese New Year. At the event, Mr. Gerd Knaust, general manager of Hilton Shanghai wished guests a joyous and wonderful New Year. Tel: +86 21 6248 0000

Accor announces the opening of Pullman Shanghai South, the second Pullman hotel in Shanghai and the 15th in China. Strategically located in the heart of Shanghai South, the hotel offers a vibrant, cosmopolitan guest experience to meet the needs of today’s hyper-connected travelers. Tel: +86 21 2426 8888

Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East, which was opened on 10th January 2013, celebrated its first birthday on 10thJanuary 2014. The hotel management team has expressed their great appreciation to all hotel associates and clients. Mr. Michael Seow, the newly appointed General Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East, showed great confidence in a productive 2014 regardless of challenge. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888

上海国丰酒店: 独家婚礼记忆,国丰永久珍藏 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: A Glamorous Wedding Memory at Guoman

Reserve your wedding banquet between March to September before March 31, 2014, and enjoy a special price of only RMB5388+15% per table! Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 2005

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 浪漫婚礼套餐 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: 2014 Wedding Package 成都钓鱼台精品酒店:隆重揭幕 Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality: First “Diaoyutai Boutique” Hotel in Chengdu

The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu is located in the heart of Kuanzhai Alley, a famous urban style block with a history of over 300 years. The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu, where French romance meets tranquil oriental courtyard, integrates impeccable hospitality essence and profound cultural & art heritage from Diaoyutai brand, with the intriguing charm of Kuanzhai Alley. Tel: +86 28 6625 9999

122 LifeStyle

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental’s elegant 1,200 sqm2 stylish Grand Ballroom with its crystal chandeliers and tasteful foyers are the ideal venue for your romantic weddings. The special MY JULIET Lighting tower is the perfect venue for a truly exclusive wedding. Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental's Inspired Wedding Planners lead you through the planning and create a magnifique wedding for you. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1182

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 上海太阳岛度假酒店:田源假期 Sun Island Resorts, Shanghai: Rest & Recharge Package

Be part of nature and enjoy the bliss of breathing in, letting go and soaking up love & joy with your family and friends at Sun Island. Package includes one night accommodation at Sun Deluxe Room, free breakfast for 2 persons, free Access to the Indoor Geothermal Pool & Gym, Mahota Farm Fresh Hotpot Set for 2 persons (Option to have it for lunch or dinner) and more! Tel: +86 21 6186 9650

水舍·上海南外滩酒店: 喜获“2013 最佳设计酒店大奖” The Waterhouse at South Bund: “2013 Best Design Hotel Award”

Recently, The Waterhouse at South Bund has received ‘2013 Best Design Hotel Award’ for its unique design style, a blend of the old and the new, issued by the Travel & Leisure magazine. Pictured here is Ann Wang (right), Sale Manager of The Waterhouse at South, on behalf of the hotel management to receive the award on the stage. Tel: +86 21 6080 2988

洲际酒店集团:在华 30 周年庆 InterContinental Hotels Group: 30th Anniversary in China Market

InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG), the first international hotel company to enter China in 1984, recently kicked off the celebration of its 30th anniversary of operating in the country. To commemorate this milestone, IHG will have a series of exciting celebrations throughout the year, including milestone hotel openings across its wide brand portfolio, the launch of its talent development programs etc. www.ihg.com

华尔道夫酒店及度假村:进驻北京迎接全球奢华旅行者 Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts: Welcomes Global Luxury Travelers to Beijing

Hilton Worldwide and Waldorf Astoria Hotels & Resorts recently announced the opening of Waldorf Astoria Beijing, marking the second Waldorf Astoria hotel in China. An expression of its unique location, Waldorf Astoria Beijing features 176 luxurious guest rooms and suites, three unique restaurants and more. The hotel is operated by Hilton Worldwide and owned by China Oil & Foodstuffs Corporation. Tel: +86 10 5813 8267

三亚美高梅度假酒店水晶盐浴房: 来自喜马拉雅山下的能量 MGM Grand Sanya, Sho Spa Salt Sauna: Escape with Unique Energy of the Himalayas The name Sho means enjoyment of the senses. Infused with the vitality and harmony of rushing water, Sho embodies the spirit of renews energy, pure escape, and relaxing entertainment. The Spa’s infra-red salt sauna room applies salt blocks from a crystal salt mine 600 meters beneath the Himalayan Mountains to promote a sense of well-being and improved mental clarity. Tel: +86 898 8869 1999

北京金融街洲际酒店: 洲际会议三月惠 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Meetings Package

曲阜香格里拉大酒店: 轻松家庭度假计划 Shangri-La Hotel, Qufu: StressFree Family Getaway Package

北京凯宾斯基饭店都市脉搏 健身房:重装开业,挥洒冬日热情 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center: Pulse Health Squash & Sports Club Reopening Cocktail Party

呼和浩特香格里拉大酒店: “冬季冰上恋曲”主题包价 Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot: Winter Solace Package

Whether it is a magnificent wedding, a glittering cocktail reception or a birthday or other party, InterContinental Beijing Financial Street is the perfect venue to offer comprehensive planning with flawless attention to details to produce exceptional food and impeccable service. From this March to May, enjoy a custom party from 328 to 518 per person! Tel: +86 10 5852 5715

Kempinski Hotel Beijing’s Pulse Health Club has reopened following a major renovation recently. The grand reopening cocktail party invited clients from corporations, embassies, and the media to explore state-of-the-art facilities and equipment. Health club trainers also demonstrated new Techno Gym equipment to the guests. Tel: +86 10 6465 3388

This Package in Confucius’ hometown includes two-night accommodation in the hotel’s deluxe room and visits to The Three Kongs, Confucius Research Institute and Nishan Mountain. Guests can also enjoy a buffet breakfast and international buffet dinner at Cafe Kong, and the acclaimed Kong Family Cuisine at Shang Palace. Tel: +86 537 505 8888

As temperatures cool off and the nights draw in, thoughts turn to the beauty of ice and snow. Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot introduces its “Winter Solace Package” for guests to capture the beauty of winter and escape from the smoggy metropolis. Package includes skiing, ice fishing and horse-drawn sleigh ride, and afterwards a relaxing soak in natural indoor hot springs. Tel: +86 471 332 8888


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本刊还在 Dior、宝马、奥美等国内百余家品牌公司、公关公司、外企发行,《品味生活》发行新增场所 ( 上海地区 ) Citic Square: 1168 Nanjing Xi Lu. LG 11A (Near Shanxi Bei Lu) 中信泰富店:南京西路 1168 号地下一层 11A 室 ( 靠近陕西北路 ) Tel: 021-5292 5228 Fax: 021-5292 8666 Contact person: Johnny Zhang 张立丰

Hongyi Plaza: 288 Jiujiang Lu.G116 (Near Nanjing Dong Lu) 宏伊国际广场店:九江路 288 号一层 116 室 ( 靠近南京东路 ) Tel: 021-3366 5026 Fax: 021-3366 5027 Contact person: Andrew Lin 林莹

Hong Kong New World: 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu. G107 (Near Madang Lu) 香港新世界大厦店:淮海中路 300 号一层 107 室 ( 靠近马当路 ) Tel: 021-6335 3739 Fax: 021-6335 3735 Contact person: Ken Zheng 郑小波

Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒

Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟

Lof: 283 Jianguo Xi Lu. Rm 1104-1105 (Near Jiashan Lu) 尚街店:建国西路 283 号 1104-1105 室 ( 靠近嘉善路 ) Tel: 021-5466 8312 Fax: 021-5466 8313 Contact person: Nina Zhuo 卓海芳

Pudong Xinmei: 999 Pudong Nan Lu.G104 (Near Babai Ban) 浦东新梅双塔大厦店:浦东南路 999 号一层 104 室 ( 靠近八佰伴 ) Tel: 021-5134 1075 Fax: 021-5134 1076 Contact person: Leon Xu 徐振童

Jiaozhou Lu No. 265 Jiaozhou Lu. Near Xinzha Lu 胶州路店:胶州路 265 号 ( 靠近新闸路 ) Tel: 021-6272 0353 Fax: 021-6272 0393 Contact person: Jammie Tee 佘真媚

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A Little Bit Fishy 珍珠般气泡的香槟酒与珍珠般颗粒的鱼子酱向来是最经典,也 是最昂贵的餐饮搭配之一。不知是为图省事还是造噱头,法国气泡 酒生产厂家 Luvienz 竟然将这两种昂贵的食材融合在一起。你可以用 “优雅、热烈与微妙”来描述 Luvienz 鱼子酱版,抿一小口就能尝出 两个味儿,不过带鱼腥味的香槟可不是人人都能接受的。 Champagne and caviar are two of the most luxurious edible products on the market. Now one bubbly-maker wants you to get your fix of both ingredients with just one sip. French company Luvienz created a caviarinfused sparkling wine. Luvienz Caviar Edition champagne is described as “elegant, intense and subtle.” How do you feel about tasting a champagne that’s a little, well, fishy?

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

MARCH 2014


2014 年三月号 总第 352 期 Kyoto & Osaka Kengaku l Couturier of the Interior l A Shift in Luxury Consumption l The Perfect Pipe l A Hidden Hutong Treasure


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

最会穿衣的潮叔 Nickelson Wooster

At Liberty

6 家中东酒店



Sheik Digs


Kyoto & Osaka Kengaku 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

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