南腔北调· LifeStyle
MAY 2014
2014 年五月号 总第 356 期
田亮 闪亮依旧 Tian Liang
Keep Sparkling
Infinite Blue l Munich a la Mode l Textured Planes l A Luxury Life Aquatic l The Wines of Summer
那一抹 撩人的蓝
Get wet! 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
Editor’s Note
请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活
The May cover is a shot of Former Diving Prince Tian Liang
The Inevitables and the Choosables
不可抗拒的和可以选择的 有些东西不管你怎么努力避免,它总会如约而至。 除去吃喝拉撒睡,人的一生最不可避免的两件大事, 就是生死。都说人命关天,其中最重要的原因之一是它的不 可抗拒性,其余从生到死期间发生的种种,似乎是可以选择 的——然而它们仍是不可预定的。人最初不能选择自己的生 身父母,最后对于他们的仙逝同样倍感无力,只是个中程度 深浅取决于感情亲疏以及你对这样的事有多重视。 有人可以一辈子不结婚,没有孩子,不与任何人保持亲 近关系,即便在大部分人眼里这些都是极其重要的。尽管没 有钱的生活会很艰难,尽管社会压力重重,但车子房子不是 必需品——你想要的、你所追求的不一定是你真正需要的, 有时候赚得多,失去的更多,人的需要有很大的灵活性。对 于我们所住的地方以及从事什么样的工作,我们享有一定程 度的选择权。从某一点上来说,一个人有足够多的朋友,他 的生活会更有选择性。 有句话说,成功就是以自己喜欢的方式过一生,但社会处 处存在着压力,就像搞政治、过日子一样,一般都存在保守路线 和自由路线两种。保守一点就是遵循父母、朋友、同事以及社会 所坚持的价值观和生活方式;自由一点就是标榜一种与自己背景 和环境不太相符的生活,这通常冒着被奚落和失败的风险。 一个更大的问题是能否成功以及成功的重要性。成功可 以是金钱、名望,或者对社会做出的某种贡献,“才华横溢、 极富魅力”等夸赞的确让人感觉良好,但这所有的一切在生 命终结的那一刻就空空如也,只能任后人评说了。 对 LifeStyle 这类杂志的读者来说,生活中的选择可能远比 他们想象得要多,所以应该更自由地选择自己的生活方式。当 然,当你需要开始考虑妻儿的喜好时,一切又变得不那么简单, 不那么自由了。也许,一切关乎生活的事情都是合情合理的。
Some things can’t be avoided no matter how much you try. Besides sleeping, eating and drinking and defecating, two things guaranteed to happen in everyone’s life are birth and death. These are arguably the two most significant events in a life. They are also entirely inevitable. Much of the rest of what happens between birth and death may seem likely and may be chosen by others, but is still not pre-determined. Having parents is also inescapable and it is certain that those parents will pass away at some point. The extent to which this relationship is valued and the importance one places on the event of their passing varies. One can go through life without getting married, without having a child and without having close relationships even if most people see these things as essential. Owning a house or a car is optional, despite societal pressures, though not having any money at all will assuredly make life tough. There is more flexibility with the amount we need. Making more is not always worth the time and effort it takes. We enjoy a degree of choice in where we live and what kind of job we do. By a certain point in life, one might have enough friends to start being more selective. We should be able to choose the lifestyle we want, but there are always societal constraints. Much like in politics, in living, there seem to be conservative routes and more liberal ones. To be conservative is to embrace the values and lifestyles that parents, friends, colleagues and society at large seem to insist upon. To be more liberal is to proclaim a new course or a type of lifestyle less in conformity to one’s background and surroundings. But to be liberal in life usually means risking ridicule and failure. The bigger question may be success and how important it is. This can be financial success, fame or making some kind of contribution to the world. Being known as brilliant, glamorous, or accomplished can make people feel much better while living, but reputation matters only so long as one lives. What future generations decide or whether they will even care can never be fully anticipated. Readers of a magazine like this probably have more choice than they realize and should consider adopting a somewhat more liberal approach to living. Pick and go. But of course, it all becomes more difficult when the interests of a wife and children have to be considered. Maybe about life everything is inevitable. Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
MAY 022
速递 014 劳力士天使型腕表
品鉴 072 田亮:闪亮依旧
劳力士重磅推出新款蚝式恒动天使型 腕表
昔日俊朗的跳水王子一夜之间成为超 人气亲子户外真人秀节目的超级奶爸
076 时尚先锋
在注重手工艺和高品质的时尚界,品调 脱俗的老型男栗野宏文堪称先锋人物
022 骑行者之家
Williamson Chong 建筑工作室为自行车 骑行爱好者设计的房子看似不起眼, 实则安静宜居且绿色环保
080 单车“入家” 自行车成为家居摆设,带给你不一样 的视觉享受
026 慕尼黑风尚之所
088 弗朗西斯·德·朗洛: 爱与激情
在兼具历史感与创新性的拜里舍霍夫 酒店感受慕尼黑的别样魅力
特辑 040 那一抹撩人的蓝 夏日将临,LifeStyle 为你搜罗全球最佳 游泳池
享乐 092 性感淋浴间
LifeStyle 打开全球最性感的酒店淋浴 间,让你一次享受个够
112 津门王府宴 庆王府将天津本地时令食材融入大广东 菜的奇巧与新颖,四季菜单各有不同
LifeStyle 7
MAY 040
014 Rolex Sky-Dweller
The introduction of a new heavenly series by Rolex
Our recommendations for turning your bicycle into home décor with flair
022 Cyclo-House
088 Francis de Lenclos, French to the Core
For cycling enthusiasts, a house which puts function over form
The story of French painter Francis de Lenclos
026 Munich a la Mode
A hip new bar and lounge are the newest additions to historic Bayerischer Hof Hotel
092 World’s Sexiest Showers
The most luxurious and attractive showers in the world
040 Infinite Blue
LifeStyle Reviews the World’s Best Swimming Pools
072 Tian Liang: Keep Sparkling
The life views of athlete turned TV star Tian Liang
112 One Dinner at Qingwangfu
Columns 114 WineClub 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
United Arrows Co-Founder Hirofumi Kurino is a leading acolyte for all fashion that is artisanal and high quality
080 Home is Where You Hang Your Bike
076 Style Pioneer
A fabulous restored property in Tianjin brings delicious Cantonese cuisine to the table
LifeStyle 9
MAY 2014
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu
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10 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P18
拉斯维加斯: 全球最高摩天轮“豪客” The Las Vegas High Roller
LifeStyle 13
新品 Desirables
Rolex Sky-Dweller 劳力士在今年的瑞士巴塞尔国际珠宝 钟表展上重磅推出新款蚝式恒动天使型腕 表。 该 系 列 包 含 两 款 分 别 为 18k 黄 金 配 棕色鳄鱼皮表带、18k 白金配黑色鳄鱼皮 表带的手表以及一款通体由劳力士永恒玫 瑰金打造的手表。天使型腕表搭载全自动 Caliber 9001 机芯,不仅拥有双时区显示功 能,还配有劳力士独有的智能年历系统。使 用者可以通过简单旋转表圈和表把,实现各 种功能的调节。 This year’s Baselworld 2014 saw the introduction of a new series of Sky-Dweller watches by Rolex. The new references of the Rolex Oyster Perpetual Sky-Dweller include a model in 18k yellow gold with a brown alligator strap, another in 18k white gold with a black alligator leather strap, and another with a case made of Rolex’s proprietary Everose gold with a matching Everose gold bracelet. The Rolex Sky-Dweller contains the automatic Caliber 9001, which includes a dual time zone display and a clever annual calendar mechanism developed by Rolex, which uses both the crown and a rotating “ring command bezel” to set the watch’s various functions.
14 LifeStyle
宝马 7 系马年纪念版
BMW China-Only 7-Series Horse Edition 宝马专门针对中国市场推出的宝马 7 系马年纪念版车型 在刚刚落幕的 2014 北京国际车展上亮相。全新马年纪念版 标配宝马 M 运动套件,着重利用了空气动力学原理提升汽车 性能,同时突出其运动型车的特质,车内前排真皮座椅头枕 上还有刺绣的中文“马”字。该车型基于宝马全轮驱动长轴 距 7 系奢华轿车设计,提供多色彩涂装等一系列个性化选择, 车内装饰也可根据客户需求订制。 BMW recently released a special 7-Series Horse Edition, for the China market which was the centerpiece of their stand at the Beijing Auto Show. The car is based on the long-wheelbase 7-Series luxury executive sedan, with a large amount of personalized options including individual paint finishes, and exteriors augmented by the company’s M division. Interiors will include details open to personal interpretation and including specially embroidered leather seats featuring the Chinese character “horse”. The beautiful model focuses on aerodynamics and increased handling and performance, making its sporty nature stand out.
LifeStyle 15
新品 Desirables
每天八杯水就像教条一样无趣无味, 所以很多西方人喜欢气泡水,尤其是炎炎夏 日,用一杯气泡水将体内的热气释放出去, 感觉再爽不过了。只是气泡水瓶子或易拉 罐造价都不低,而且回收利用也要耗费人力 物力。Sodastream 气泡水机让你在家自制 气泡水只需三分钟!想要气泡多点或少点, 想要感受强烈 Fizz 感或是轻柔的气泡律动, 皆由你选择。中国人爱喝可口可乐、芬达、 雪碧等甜汽水,而现在从能量饮料到柠檬 汽水、玛格丽塔酒等,Sodastream 提供的 系列风味让你调配出既健康又带有个人风 格的饮品。Sodastream 的柠檬酸橙和可乐 汽水所含的卡路里只有雪碧和可口可乐的 三分之一,且成本更低、耗费更少。看来, Sodastream 全球品牌大使斯嘉丽·约翰逊只 需说服人们“只要气泡不要瓶”就可以啦。 Drinking those eight glasses of water every day can be boring. For a bit more “pop”, many Westerners choose sparkling water. Buying sparkling water bottles can be pricey and all the bottles and cans end up in landfills or require energy for recycling. Sodastream gives customers a convenient, cheaper way to make sparkling water at home. Their machines are popular in the West. In China, like coffee, bottled sparkling water is marketed mainly as a highend product. Locals drink it in restaurants but rarely at home. Sodastream might seem to stand little chance in China. But Chinese customers do consume carbonated drinks in the form of Fanta, Coca-cola, Sprite, and other sweetened sodas. Sodastream produces a range of flavors from Energy Drinks, to lemonade, to cocktail mixers for drinks like cosmopolitans and margarita. In fact, the Sodastream lemon lime and cola flavors have 1/3 the calories of Sprite and Coke, not to mention costing less and producing less waste. Perhaps Sodastream will be available here soon. Sodastream Global Brand Ambassador Scarlett Johansson may be just what it takes to persuade people to stop buying bottles. www.sodastream.com
16 LifeStyle
Bubbles not Bottles
Upper Block 贝聿铭的杰作香港中银大厦、双层巴 士……一说到香港,你还能想到什么?也 许你不能成为一个房地产开发商,也没办法 在香港中环坐拥价值数十亿的大厦,然而在 奕居酒店居停之际,这些木质的奕居积木可 以让你轻松看遍香港最具标志性的建筑。不 止大人们玩得不亦乐乎,小朋友也可以由此 对建筑设计萌生兴趣。现代时尚潮地奕居, 原来也有可爱的一面。 You may not be a real-estate developer or own a billion-dollar office complex in Central, but while staying at the Upper House, you can play around with some of Hong Kong’s most iconic structures and symbols like I. M. Pei’s Bank of China Tower and the city’s famous double-decker buses. Beyond putting power into the hands of mom and dad, these wooden blocks are also a perfect toy for helping your toddler get interested in architecture while staying at the city. Not just a nexus of all that is chic and modern, Upper House also has a cuter side.
LifeStyle 17
潮地 Destinations
Rolling on High 澳门博彩业收入是拉斯维加斯的数倍,但“罪 恶之城”还是更高一筹,新近揭开了全球最高摩天 轮“豪客”的神秘面纱。168 米的“豪客”比伦敦 眼还高 30 米,有 28 个均可容纳 40 人的封闭玻璃 球形舱。虽然最近两年内还会有 192 米的纽约摩天 轮和 210 米的迪拜眼完工,“豪客”的魁元之位可 能难保,但身居其间便可俯瞰几乎整个拉斯维加斯 的景致,也绝非他处能敌。想象一下狂欢饮宴时手 持香槟美酒,于云窗雾阁间远眺威尼斯人、百乐宫 等知名酒店,无限魅惑尽显。 Macau long since outstripped Vegas in revenues from gambling, but Sin City is still reaching for superlatives, this time with the world’s tallest ferris wheel. At 168 meters tall, the Las Vegas High Roller is 30 meters taller than the London Eye and it features 28 glass-enclosed cabins with a capacity of 40 people. The High Roller will not be at the top for long as the 192 meter New York Wheel and 210 meter Dubai Eye will both be completed within two years. But just remember: what happens in the High Roller stays in the High Roller. Imagine the bacchanals with views of the Venetian, Bellagio and all the rest fueled by champagne, seduction and much more. www.thelinq.com
18 LifeStyle
Beyond the Times 先农大院,像一座诉说着时光的院子, 静静洒落岁月沉积的质朴与厚重。它坐落在 天津历史风貌建筑最为集中的五大道地区, 集合了西式洋房、英式联排住宅、英式独栋 别墅、中式别墅等多种建筑风格。这个有着 近 90 年历史的老院落经过精心修复,其红 砖坡顶的原貌得以重现,并且集餐饮、时尚、 艺术、展览、休闲于一体,国际顶级家居用 品整合商跨界汇、知名文博企业和厚斋以及 Cholito 西班牙餐厅、Igosso 意大利餐厅、 宝寿司日本料理等高端餐饮品牌纷纷进驻, 呈现古老与现代的完美结合、中西文化的水 乳交融。先农大院,现已成为天津一道美丽 的公共艺术广场。 Located in Tianjin’s Five-Avenue Area, Xiannong Block was one of the earliest buildings completed during the 1920s and 1930s. The influence of western architecture is evident here in the eclectic houses, including English-style town houses, British singlefamily villas, Chinese style villas and some others. After a 7-year planning period and an elaborate re-design as a public art plaza, the restored Xiannong Block is a multifunction
space, integrating catering, fashion, art and leisure, and also housing premium dining options such as Spanish restaurant Cholito, Italian restaurant Igosso, Japanese restaurant Treasure Sushi and more. The cross-cultural atmosphere is enhanced with the presence of the International high end household marts and well-known Cultural enterprise He Hou Zhai. www.tjxiannong.com
LifeStyle 19
Sofitel Launches the Emblematic Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire 前不久索菲特奢华酒店集团隆重宣布其在西非的旗舰店——索 菲特阿比让海牙酒店盛大开幕。这座奢华的 5 星级酒店屹立于绿树 丛荫与潺潺流水的田园之上,可俯瞰科特迪瓦埃布里耶泻湖与辽阔 的高原。它完美地融合了法式优雅与非洲精美文化,不仅是整个非 洲大陆的象征,同时也增强了雅高集团在非洲的知名度。索菲特阿 比让海牙酒店是传说中的绿洲,其建筑由著名建筑师莫西·梅尔于 1963 年修建,在 2011 年完成翻新。酒店将在 2015 年初进一步翻新, 计划新增 217 间客房。 Sofitel Luxury Hotels recently announced the launch of its new flagship in West Africa, the iconic Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire. Located in the chic Cocody district and blending French luxury with African culture, Sofitel Abidjan Hôtel Ivoire is a legendary oasis in perpetual motion. Overlooking the Ebrie lagoon and the Plateau, this 5-star hotel rises majestically over an idyllic setting of water and flora. Emblematic across the entire African continent, it also reinforces the Accor Group’s presence in the region. This prestigious Ivory Coast property was built by architect Moshe Mayer in 1963, and beautifully revamped in 2011. Starting in early 2015, a second wave of renovations is scheduled to create 217 guestrooms.
The China Pavilion for Expo Milan 201 不久前清华大学宣布将与纽约设计工作室 Link-Arc 合作完成 2015 米兰世博会中国国家馆的设计方案。明年米兰世博会的主题 为“滋养地球,生命的能源”,而中国国家馆建筑设计与其主题“希 望的田野,生命的源泉”紧密相关,建筑从正面看是自然的天际线, 从背面看是城市的天际线。建筑方案通过建筑的屋顶、地面和空间, 将“天、地、人”的概念和水稻、小麦的元素融入其中,如同希望 田野上的一片“麦浪”——各种 LED 灯展现一幅风吹麦浪的丰收景 象。展馆充分吸收中国传统建筑的结构和形态,结合现代技术,形 成具有强烈中国传统建筑意向的中国馆形象。 Tsinghua University, in collaboration with New York-based design firm Studio Link-Arc, has been announced as winners to design the China Pavilion for the Milan Expo 2015. The design is based on the theme ‘the land of hope’, expounding on the Expo’s theme “Feeding the Planet – Energy for Life”. The pavilion speaks to the idea of uniting urban and rural areas and hints at China’s agricultural past. The pavilion’s roof uses a timber frame that references a raised-beam system found in traditional Chinese architecture. Beneath the roof the ground plane is defined by a landscape of wheat, formed by an installation of LED “stalks” mimicking the form of wheat.
20 LifeStyle
开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Structure / P.22 设计师
Designer / P.32
慕尼黑拜里舍霍夫酒店:历史感与创新性兼具 The historic Bayerischer Hof Hotel in Munich
LifeStyle 21
建筑 Structure
22 LifeStyle
Williamson Chong 建筑工作室为自行车骑行爱好者设计的房子 看似不起眼,实则安静宜居且绿色环保。 A house built for cycling enthusiasts Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Bob Gundu
占地 2000 平方英尺的 Frogs Hollow 度假区景色别致,有着独特的乡村风情。 这栋属于自行车 骑行爱好者的房子就建在 区内尼亚加拉断崖的一条长长的斜坡上, 游客身处其中便可俯瞰加拿大安大略休伦 湖的乔治亚湾。小屋由 Williamson Chong 建筑工作室设计完成,其周边主要以受到 侵蚀的粘土丘陵环境为主,遍布山楂树和 原生草地。也许这一切看起来并不那么起 眼,但房屋本身绝对结实牢固。 房子的主人都是狂热的自行车骑行爱 好者,他们整年都会呆在这栋占地 100 英 亩的房子里。在房屋建成之前,他们花了 很长时间去了解附近山地自行车道、马道 和雪上摩托车碾压出来的小道,以便日后 骑行。尽管把房子建在丘陵最高处可以更 好地保持整栋建筑的完整性,但鉴于主人 对当地环境的热爱,房屋的建设规划尽可 能避免在丘陵的顶部选址,最后选定在山
坡下开发一片建设区域。而目前房子的位 置也是临时的,只是处于其主人活动的一 个区域里面。 为了与当地环境充分融合,设计师建 造了一堵长长的混凝土墙,象征性地为房 子圈出了一片空地,同时实现了与自然环 境之间的温和过渡。混凝土墙带给人的彪 悍之感不仅很好地融入其所处的环境,同 时抵御了当地盛行的冬季风。到了夏天, 这堵墙像天井一样,不仅可以提供荫蔽, 还能带来一阵阵被动穿过房间的冷空气。 建筑入口位于混凝土墙西端,进入后 即可见吧台、楼梯、厨房、办公室、自行 车维修车间、储藏室和机械间。这一功能 区很好地衬托了以玻璃相隔、三面开放式 的起居空间,从而使身处其中的人得到更 为广阔的视野,可以欣赏屋外绵延起伏的 丘陵美景。
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房子的二楼位于混凝土墙和居住空间 之上,四面均超出房屋下半部,其中紧凑 地分布着卧室、浴室和家庭娱乐室。不同 宽度的薄板经计算机数控机床打磨后形成 粗犷大气的切面条纹,呈现出流线型的起 伏设计。侧壁则用亚麻籽油基氧化铁涂料 粉刷,15 年才需重刷一次。 一楼和二楼靠一组带图案的楼梯连接 起来。这些通过数字技术锻造出的部件, 恰好可以遮挡天窗里流泻下来的日光。一 楼入口处尽量腾出更大的空间来,并设置 了座位休息区。 这栋房子不仅在建筑结构上与其所处 地形建立紧密联系,还通过一系列环保设 计与周边环境巧妙融合在一起。冬季的时 候,南向窗户获取的热能可以为房子供暖。 建筑内也未装机械制冷系统,楼梯间及可 开启外窗形成的被动通风系统能将混凝土 墙荫蔽所产生的冷空气吸入建筑内制冷。 自然物料和涂料的大量采用进一步削减了 建筑成本,并且将未来的能源消耗降至最 低。
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he House in Frogs Hollow, a 2000sf country retreat, is located on a long slope of the Niagara Escarpment overlooking Georgian Bay outside Ontario in Canada. Designed by Williamson Chong Architects, the property is a collection of eroded clay hills and protected watershed zones blanketed with a dense field of hawthorn and native grasses. It is not picturesque, but tough and impenetrable. The clients, who gather at the property throughout the year, are avid cyclists who spent months on the 100 acre property prior to construction cutting in discreet mountain biking trails and learning the paths of the horses and snowmobiles as they emerge from the community over the seasons. Because of their connection to the landscape, a primary site strategy was to resist the inclination to build on top of the hills where one could survey the property in its entirety and instead carve out a building area at the base of the hillside. The house is not the final destination, but a stopping place within their network of activity. Carved into the landscape, the long concrete wall figuratively clears the site for building while bridging the natural and tempered environments. The concrete has a toughness that mirrors the landscape, providing protection from the prevailing winter winds. During the summer months the wall provides patio shade, creating pools of cooler air that are passively drawn through the house. Entry is at the west end of the concrete wall and into a service bar containing the stair, kitchen, office, bike workshop, storage room, and mechanical room. This functional zone serves as a backdrop to the glassed in living area that opens on three sides to an extended view of the rolling landscape. The second level hovers above the concrete wall and living space. It contains the bedrooms, bathrooms, and family room in a tight wrapper of customized siding. Designed as an undulating rhythm of varying widths, thin boards are CNC milled to a shallow depth while wider boards are milled with deep striations, casting long shadows that track the sun as it moves around the house. The siding is stained with a linseed
oil based iron oxide pigment that requires reapplication only once every 15 years. The first and second floors are connected by a figured stair enclosure. This digitally fabricated element is designed to filter light from the clerestory volume above. At the ground floor it carves into the area below its upper run to gather more space at the entry and allow for a seating area. The house’s connection to the land is reinforced not only in its architectural form, but also in its environmental footprint. The house is heated with radiant floor loops that supplement the passive winter heat gain from south facing windows. In addition, there is no mechanical cooling. Instead, the stair tower and operable windows facilitate passive ventilation that draws cool air through the house from shaded exterior areas. Natural materials and pigments were used throughout and a small square footage was maintained to further reduce construction costs and keep future energy consumption to a minimum.
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Munich a la Mode 在兼具历史感与创新性的拜里舍霍夫酒店 感受慕尼黑的别样魅力。 The historic Bayerischer Hof Hotel receives a hip new bar and lounge. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Nicolas Matheus
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每座城市都应该有一家让世人津津乐 道的传奇酒店,于巴黎而言,它是丽兹, 在慕尼黑,那一定非拜里舍霍夫酒店莫属。 它为维克汉特家族所有,至今已有一百多 年的历史,这个古老豪华的精品酒店是每 一个来访者的梦想之所。 1841 年,应巴伐利亚国王路德维希一 世的要求,拜里舍霍夫酒店诞生了。位于 城市心脏位置的它,像是一座“城中城”, 或者说更像一座宫殿:340 间豪华客房(包 括 60 间套房)、1 个电影院、5 家餐厅、 6 家酒吧、1 个屋顶露台、1 个水疗中心和 游泳池。维克汉特家族与设计界交往颇深, 特别是室内设计师,所以酒店里到处是他 们的作品,比如国际顶尖设计大师安德莉· 普特曼设计的蓝色温泉水疗中心,比利时 设计师阿克塞尔·维伍德设计的花园餐厅、
米其林一星画室餐厅和影院休息室。 2014 年,酒店在第四代传人英内格里 特·维克汉特的带领下再次展现创新潜力。 他们请来法国乔安和曼库设计事务所的明 星设计师帕特里克·乔安和珊哲·曼库,打造 全新屋顶花园餐厅和休息室,外加屋顶露 台上的“鸟巢”。露台是一个可供 6-8 人 用餐的私密空间,能俯瞰这座城市。 这三处正是酒店比较繁忙的区域,为 了使客人对灵活性和多功能性的需求得到 最大化的满足,设计事务所对这些区域进 行了彻底“重组”。屋顶花园餐厅在上午 是早餐室,下午和晚上则用来举办各种派 对。旁边的休息室可以全天候使用。餐厅 与酒吧之间的区域也可根据特定的布置而 改变功能。大露台所在位置十分理想,它 不仅坐拥整个城市的壮丽景致,还使各司
其职的功能区成为一个整体。这样,室内 设计能够灵活应对多功能、多用途,同时 又不会在酒店乃至德国南部第一大城里模 糊了自己鲜明的“个性”。 位于六楼的主房呈矩形,面对着圣母 教堂,通过巨大的观景窗可以看到让人惊 叹的城貌和巴伐利亚山脉的景致。设计师 从这座让森林包围的城市汲取灵感,想要 创建一个兼具自然与奇异之美的室内景观, 让客人有种身处大自然的感觉。他们打造 出一条由石头和雪做成的矿物地平线,就 像在岩石上刻画出来的场景一样。类似这 样强烈的反差感是拜里舍霍夫酒店的显著 特征。从外表看,它是一个相当传统的宫殿, 而内里是一个充满活力的时尚之所。
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he Bayerischer Hof is to Munich what the Ritz is to Paris, a legend. Run by the Volkhardt family for over 100 years, it is the place to stay for visitors to the city. Established in 1841, at the behest of King Ludwig the 1st of Bavaria, the Bayrischer Hof is more than just a hotel, it is a palace. A city within a city, it has 340 rooms – of which 60 are suites, a cinema, five restaurants, a roof terrace, a spa and a swimming pool. The Volkhardt family maintains a close relationship with the design world, particularly with the interior designers who have lent their personal touch to the hotel: Andrée Putman designed the hotel spa, and Axel Vervoodt designed two restaurants, the Atelier, with one Michelin Star, the Garden and also the cinema lounge of the palace. In 2014, thanks to a personal commission from Innegrit Volkhardt, it is now Patrick
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Jouin and Sanjit Manku who unveil a new project at the heart of the hotel: the Roof Garden restaurant (the Dachgarten) and Lounge, plus the Bird’s Nest situated on the floor above, on the roof terrace, which is an intimate dining space for six to eight people perched above the city, that is inaugurated in spring 2014. The three spaces entrusted to Agence Jouin Manku are busy areas that are used for numerous events. The Dachgarten in the day is used as the hotel’s breakfast room, and in the afternoon and evening it plays host to private and professional parties. Agence Jouin Manku has completely reconfigured the area, taking into account the requirements of the hotel’s clients of maximum flexibility and creating a restaurant that can be divided and partitioned in numerous ways. The adjacent Lounge is
accessible all day. The area between the bar and the restaurant changes function in reaction to the specific configuration chosen. Ideally situated along the main façade and running around both spaces is a large terrace that unifies and frames the project while offering a magnificent view of the city. The interior design therefore needed to be able to respond to numerous different configurations, while retaining its own identity within the hotel, and within the city of Munich. Located on the sixth floor, the main room faces the Frauenkirche cathedral. A long rectangular space, it benefits from an immense picture window with breathtaking views across the city to the Bavarian mountains beyond. The project’s design draws inspiration from this city surrounded by forests. Patrick Jouin and Sanjit Manku’s idea was to give clients a vista within the room itself by creating an interior landscape that was both natural and fantastical, as if nature had taken over at the heart of the hotel. They imagined a mineral horizon made of stone and snow, like a scene carved out of rock. The Bayrischer Hof is characterised by these same contrasts. From the outside, it appears to be a fairly traditional palace. Inside, it is akin to a dynamic, animated city, where a host of styles sit side by side.
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设计师 Designer
Textured Planes 西拉·希克斯、约瑟夫 - 安德烈·莫特、皮埃尔·保兰, 给你一千个触摸纹理的理由! New York Gallery Demisch Danant presents important art and design from the 1960s and 1970s. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Demisch Danant
纽约戴米斯科和戴南特画廊正在展出著名艺术家西拉·希克斯、 家具设计师约瑟夫 - 安德烈·莫特以及法国家具设计大师皮埃尔·保兰 的一系列设计作品。此次展览名为“纹理的境界”,展期从 3 月 6 日 至 5 月 10 日,展品主要是三位艺术家于上世纪六七十年代创作的作 品。这些作品集中体现了三人如何利用不同纺织材料装饰建筑空间, 从而有效地实现空间变革。展品包括四件希克斯早期的大型作品,还 有保兰为爱丽舍宫、莫特为鲁昂市政厅设计的作品,有些展品更是首 次与世人见面。此次展览刚好与今年的惠特尼双年展同期举行,在惠 特尼双年展上也有希克斯的作品亮相。
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Sheila Hicks
希克斯生于 1934 年,1964 年起旅居巴黎,是利 用各种织物及其不同色彩、质地与形式来影响建筑中 空间概念的早期先锋人物。上世纪 60 年代末,希克 斯开始对软壁以及各种质地柔软的平面产生兴趣,试 图通过其一系列大型作品实现固定几何空间与柔软组 成部分之间的互动,进而赋予空间更多的变化和人情 味。展品中包括 1969 年法航委托希克斯为波音 747 设计的挂毯,这一根据特定环境订制的高密度挂毯完 美取代了常规的飞机内壁装饰,此外还有她设计的两 块著名跪垫,其厚度与致密程度远超其他作品,其中 一条还是大银行家埃里·德·罗斯柴尔德男爵委托制作的。
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Pierre Paulin
1975 年, 莫 特(1925-2013) 设 计 了 插槽组合式沙发“卓芙”。这组专为鲁昂 市政厅设计的沙发几乎都是用海绵和垫衬 物制成,极具灵活性,可以随意转向,藉 此也影响了与其同处一个空间的人们的活 动方式。插槽式沙发及其他为此项目设计 的作品都体现了莫特擅于为大型公共建筑 增添柔软舒适感的特长。在其整个设计生 涯中,莫特一直坚持用布和木头等天然材 料进行创作,以缓解混凝土建筑带给人的 僵硬与冷峻感。 保兰(1927-2009)擅长以现代纺织品 为原料进行创作,常以极端扭曲的形式凸 现质感,形成了独特的风格。例如他设计 的革命性的软垫座椅,便以海绵和布料为 基本材质。上世纪六十年代,保兰尝试用 最新的建筑技术创造各种各样的曲面造型。 1969 到 1972 年间,他为爱丽舍宫打造了 永载史册的原创作品,改变了总统官邸的 整个内部结构。他在原有建筑内壁上用弹 力布进行重新装饰,创造出一个拱形的圆 顶。此次展览也涵盖了保兰为爱丽舍宫设 计的全套厨房家具和座椅,体现了其设计 对建筑环境的介入。
he exhibition Textured Planes: Sheila Hicks, Joseph André Motte, Pierre Paulin at design gallery Demisch Danant features major works of the 1960s and 1970s by artist Sheila Hicks, and furniture designers Joseph André Motte and Pierre Paulin. On view from March 6 through May 10, the exhibition centers on how these three creators utilized textiles as a means of architectural intervention, effectively softening and reforming space using fiber as a medium. Among the objects on view will be four large-scale early works by Hicks, works by Pierre Paulin designed for the Palais de l’Élysée and Motte’s designs for the City Hall of Rouen – some of which have never previously been exhibited. The exhibition will coincide with this year’s Whitney Biennial where Hicks’ work is on view. Sheila Hicks (b. 1934), a celebrated American artist living in Paris since 1964, was an early pioneer of using fiber as a means of affecting spatial perceptions in architecture through her use of texture, color,
light and form. The late 1960s were marked by Sheila Hicks’ growing interest in soft walls and pliable planes. Through her largescale works, Hicks sought to humanize and reform space through the interaction of her soft compositions with the geometric solidity of the spaces they inhabit. The exhibition will include a tapestry commissioned by Air France in 1969 for the interior of a Boeing 747 aircraft, a site-specific work that effectively replaced the plane’s interior wall with a highly textural tapestry. Two of Hicks’ iconic Prayer Rugs, whose thickness and accumulated mass extended her textured planes into the third dimension, will also be on view in the exhibition, one of which was commissioned by Elie de Rothschild. In 1975, Joseph André Motte (1925–2013) designed Trêfles, a group of modular seating made almost entirely of foam and upholstery for the City Hall of Rouen. Motte’s Trêfles could be approached from all orientations and offered a unique flexibility in its design, affecting the ways in which people circulate
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Joseph André Motte
in the surrounding space. On view at Demisch Danant, Motte’s modular seating and other works designed for this project reflect his interest in injecting softness and comfort in large-scale public architecture. Throughout his career, Motte selected natural materials such as fabric and wood to counteract the hardness of concrete– the dominant building material of this period. Best known for his use of radical curved forms and modern textiles, Pierre Paulin (1927- 2009) revolutionized seating through entirely upholstered designs, using foam and fabric as a meta-structure. Throughout
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the 1960s Paulin utilized new construction techniques to create original curved forms that featured openings, color and textures. For his monumental commission for the Palais de l’Élysée in 1969-72, Paulin covered the existing interior of the Presidential residence with stretch jersey to create a vaulted ceiling, transforming the structure. The exhibition features Élysée Dining Suite and Élysée Chairs, which were designed for this project and mirrored these architectural interventions.
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建筑资讯 Structure News
Benoy’s Green Design for Taiwan High Speed Rail 全球知名建筑公司贝诺于今年 2 月签 订合同时展示了台湾高速铁路新竹站购物 商场的设计方案,贝诺表示有关绿化建筑设 计将无缝融入该地景观。台湾高铁邀请贝诺 开发低密度零售商业项目,同时创造一个绿 色公园,以造福新竹小区和周边的住宅项 目。迎合目前趋势,设计注重打造多样化的 动感交通枢纽,发展项目位于直接连接新竹 高铁站的 3 万平米土地上。新竹市被称为“风
城”,贝诺的设计灵感来自高铁的前瞻性和 风城的特性,以创新的概念提高该地使用 率,并采取相应的环保措施,以支持高铁的 绿色愿景。其设计整合使用可持续发展建筑 材料、遮阳、绿化屋顶隔热、雨水收集系统、 污水处理循环再用系统和太阳能。贝诺不断 开发台湾市场,除新竹站购物商场外,还有 已完工的新台北板桥大远百、即将落成的多 用途体育设施远雄巨蛋。
Benoy, international award-winning Architects, Masterplanners, Interior and Graphic Designers, has unveiled the design for Taiwan High Speed Rail’s Hsin Chu Station Mall. Presented at the February contract signing for the scheme, Benoy has revealed a green architectural design that melds into the landscape of the site. THSR appointed Benoy to conceive a low density retail project which would also deliver a green environment to benefit the community of Hsin Chu and surrounding residential developments. Following the current trend to create more diverse and vibrant transportation hubs, the development will be built on a 30,000sqm site directly connected to the Hsin Chu High Speed Rail Station. Combining inspiration from the futuristic nature of High Speed Rail and Hsin Chu’s identity as the “Windy City”, Benoy has delivered an innovative concept that augments the usage of the site. Benoy’s design has prominently featured environmentallyfriendly initiatives to support’s green vision. Sustainable building materials, sun shading, green roof insulation, rain water collection, grey water recycling and solar power have all been integrated into the design. Hsin Chu Station Mall adds to Benoy’s growing presence in Taiwan which already includes the completed Megacity scheme in New Taipei and the future multipurpose sports facility, Farglory Dome.
Winner for the Çanakkale Antenna Tower Competition Revealed 国际建筑事务所 IND + Powerhouse 联合 ABT 强拳出击,一举击败诸多建筑界大腕, 赢得土耳其恰纳卡莱天线塔的竞标,其中包括大名鼎鼎的藤本壮介、斯诺赫塔、FR-EE/ 费 尔南多·罗梅罗企业等。该项目计划 2015 年在土耳其西部历史名城恰纳卡莱建成一座高 100 米的广播塔,以纪念加里波利之战(又称达达尼尔战役)100 周年。 Beating out an impressive shortlist of architectural heavyweights, including Sou Fujimoto Architects, Snøhetta, and FR-EE/Fernando Romero Enterprise, IND [Inter.National. Design] +Powerhouse Company, in collaboration with ABT, have won the Çanakkale Antenna Tower Competition to design a 100-meter Observation and Broadcast Tower for the historic city of Çanakkale in western Turkey. The tower will be completed in 2015, in time for the 100th anniversary of the Battle of Galipoli.
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Infinite Blue / P.40
意大利贝尔蒙德酒店卡鲁索无边泳池 Belmond Hotel Caruso’s Infinity Pool
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Infinite Blue 盈盈一池水,如情人湛蓝清澈的眼,不容抗拒。 夏日将临,LifeStyle 为你搜罗全球最佳游泳池。 LifeStyle Reviews the World’s Best Swimming Pools. Text: Audrey Hammonds Photos: Respective hotels
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意大利贝尔蒙德酒店卡鲁索无边泳池 Belmond Hotel Caruso’s Infinity Pool
巴厘岛乌布空中花园酒店 无边泳池
Hanging Gardens Ubud in Bali
电影《美食、祈祷和恋爱》让巴厘岛的乌 布成了越来越多旅行者的心头好,而乌布空中花 园酒店正是片中两位主角的下榻之所。这家 2005 年竣工的五星级精品酒店是著名建筑师波波·丹斯的 杰作,其掩映在幽静的青山翠林深处,被茂密的古树 和山崖围绕,餐厅、酒吧、图书馆等各处设施由缆车连 接。酒店与自然融为一体,设有 38 间套房和顶着茅草屋 顶的独立别墅,不愧为盖在空中的秘密花园。 乌布空中花园酒店频频出镜并被人津津乐道的双层 凌空无边泳池绝对能打动每一个人的心。泳池内衬 Batu Chandi 火山岩,用固化的火山灰打造出巨大的几何墙,悬于 高高的灌木上,给人一种在树梢和山谷上游泳的绝妙刺激。值 得一提的是,泳池池身流畅的曲线是对当地标志性梯田景观的 呼应。 The Hanging Gardens resort was designed by well-known architect Popo Danes in 2003 and building was completed in 2005. Nestled deep in the heart of Ubud’s rich rainforest preserve, this enchanting five star boutique hotel, designed in complete harmony with nature, has 38 private suites and individual villas with thatched roofs. At the geographical epicentre and emotional heart of the property is Hanging Gardens’ world-famous swimming pool. This stunning split-level infinity pool, lined with Batu Chandi stone and featuring a vast geometric wall of solidified volcanic ash, suspended high over the surrounding jungle, appears to float in its setting, giving swimmers the unique, immersive feeling of literally swimming above the treetops and the valley. The organic, free form design, with its undulating curves, was designed to echo the lines of the steep, terraced rice paddies that are such an iconic feature of the Ubud landscape.
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San Alfonso del Mar 圣阿方索德米度假村位于智利海滨城市阿 尔加罗沃,这里是智利首都圣地亚哥居民主要 的度假地。圣阿方索德米度假村是世界上第一 个,也是最大的可航行人工泻湖,总面积达 8 公顷,长一公里有余,可容纳 25 万立方米的水。 它也是吉尼斯世界纪录最大泳池的获得者。 智利环保人工水晶湖发明者及专利持有人 水晶盐湖公司把此项技术应用在圣阿方索德米 度假村。泳池与海岸线平行,周围是宽阔的白 沙滩,一切非机动类水上活动都可以在泳池里 安全进行,如皮筏艇、风帆冲浪等。
San Alfonso del Mar is a tourist and realestate project located in seaside Algarrobo, Chile, which has the first and largest manmade navigable lagoon in the World. With an area of 8 ha, a length of over 1 km, 3 mts of maximum depth and a volume of 250 thousand m3, it’s also the holder of the Guinness World Record for the biggest pool on Earth. The San Alfonso crystalline lagoon, was developed using the concept and world patented technology created by the company Crystal Lagoons. The 8 hectares crystalline lagoon in San Alfonso is surrounded by wide white sand beaches. The navigable lagoon allows the practice of all type of nautical activities with no motor, such as kayak, laser, and windsurf, among others, offering recreational and sporting alternatives in a very safe environment.
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Sanctuary Swala’s Pool, Tanzania
坦桑尼亚斯瓦拉保护区的美丽无边泳池绝 对世间独有。在非洲,一株大树通常能为一片 活动区域提供荫蔽,斯瓦拉保护区便被一株巨 大的猴面包树所覆盖。客房奢华至极,包括餐 厅、休息区、露天平台、图书室在内的各功能 区都采用当代非洲设计风格,时尚又讨巧,而 其它区域则尽可能贴近大自然,为观者提供广 阔的视野,可以尽览塔兰吉雷国家公园一望无 际的翠绿草原。 置身于无边泳池,便可看到不远处塔兰吉 雷国家公园内一个隐蔽的水潭,常有大象和大 型猫科类动物到此饮水嬉戏。在结束一天的非 洲之旅后,这里最适合游客来享受一杯鸡尾酒, 清凉一下,当然更适合爱侣们来此度过一段难 忘的时光或任何值得纪念的日子。 Sanctuary Swala’s beautiful infinity pool is unique in the world because of its amazing location. The main area of the resort is situated right under a large baobab tree, which is common in that area of Africa. Rooms are unabashedly luxurious, and all spaces including the dining area, lounge, deck and library feature chic, contemporary African design while remaining as close as possible to nature – the area provides a fantastic wide view of the grasslands of the Tarangire. The stunning infinity pool overlooks a nearby waterhole in a secluded area of Tarangire National Park, often visited by elephants and big cats. The beautiful pool area also provides an ideal venue to sip a cocktail and cool down after a day of safari adventures, and is a favorite site of lovebirds, who come to drink at certain times of the year.
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The Pool at Cambrian Hotel, Switzerland 瑞士阿尔卑斯山威尔士酒店水疗区,不仅有温暖的室内外温水泳池、设 备齐全的健身房、安静的理疗室,还有带蒸气浴和淋浴的芬兰桑拿和休息区。 建议先做一套全身理疗,再去室外温水泳池泡泡,欣赏覆盖着皑皑白雪的山景, 放松身心。 水疗中心不光有室内外泳池,还有带小瀑布的小型健身游泳池,而最特 别的要数室外水疗游泳池了。即使遇到暴风雪,客人依旧可以泡在温水池里, 一边享受按摩喷头和极可意按摩浴缸带来的极度舒适,一边欣赏美景。 Incorporating heated indoor and outdoor swimming pools, a well equipped gym, tranquil treatment rooms, a Finnish sauna with steam bath and rain shower, and a sleeping area, the Spa at the Cambrian Hotel is the ultimate relaxation space. They recommend going for holistic treatments at the spa before taking a break to float in the beautiful outdoor heated pool, where snow-capped mountains provide a gorgeous backdrop to rejuvenate and revitalize you. The spa has both indoor and outdoor pools, including a lap pool with wall-sized waterfall, but certainly the outdoor hydrotherapy pool is most impressive, with massage jets and Jacuzzi, along with the fact that it is heated, so even in a snowstorm guests can bask in the warmth and admire the beautiful view.
马尔代夫瑞堤拉岛 唯一度假村泳池
Lap Pool at One & Only Reethi Rah in Maldives 马尔代夫瑞堤拉岛唯一度假村的小型无边 泳池是水疗中心和泳池综合设施的一部分。在 翠蓝色印度洋海水的包围下,这家全别墅式度 假村为住客提供无与伦比的奢华体验。除了可 以独览无尽的碧海银沙,度假村还可以直接通 往旁边美丽的泻湖。 这家度假村采用融合亚洲元素的现代典雅 设计,简单又不失多样性,外部空间为游人提 供了良好的观景平台。吹着柔和的海风,沿着 沙滩长廊走到棕榈树掩映下的私人泳池,又或 是来到巨大的水上观景平台欣赏美丽的印度洋 海景,都是极好的。
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This beautiful infinity lap pool is part of a stunningly designed spa and pool complex at One & Only Reethi Rah in the Maldives. Surrounded by the crystal blue waters of the Indian Ocean, the all-villa Maldives resort offers guests unrivalled experiences in luxury and exploration. Looking out over the endless white sand and turquoise bays, the resort also offers direct access to the neighboring lagoon. The design is one of modern elegance, with Asian elements mixed in for an overall appearance of simple diversity. Generous exterior spaces range from beach verandas to private swimming pools and large overwater decks. Beach verandas lead guests to the beautiful private swimming pool area, surrounded by palm trees and calming breezes. One can also enjoy the view from a large over-water deck or thatched veranda.
圣保罗至尊酒店 Skye Bar 屋顶泳池
Hotel Unique’s Skye Bar Rooftop Pool, Sao Paulo
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由巴西籍日裔设计师鲁伊·奥塔克打造的 Skye Bar 屋顶泳池,其典雅且现代感十足的 设计来自于 João Armentano,景观设计则由 Gilberto Elkis 负责,Emmanuel Bassoleil 大厨 主理极富创新性的珍馐和美酒。壮观而性感的 Skye Bar 位于酒店顶层,屋顶泳池采用深红色, 还配有水下声音系统,休息区可以看到伊比拉 普埃拉公园和整个圣保罗城的壮阔景致。视觉 盛宴加上“至尊”服务,绝对触动你的所有感官。 至尊酒店汇聚了建筑、艺术、设计、时尚、 美食、音乐和至尊级服务等开创性的酒店文化 要素,体现了圣保罗城鲜活的一面,是这个城 市的有机组成部分。
Visually stunning architecture crafted by Ruy Ohtake. Elegant, contemporary design from João Armentano. Landscaping brought to life by Gilberto Elkis. Innovative gastronomy and drinks presented by Chef Emmanuel Bassoleil at spectacularly sexy Skye. Located on the rooftop of the hotel, Skye boasts a crimson red pool with an underwater sound system and lounge area with stunning views over Ibirapuera Park and the entire São Paulo skyline. At Skye, innovative, delicious food and drink by Chef Emmanuel Bassoleil, visual exuberance, and legendary Unique service engage all the senses. Hotel Unique is a living, breathing part of the city of São Paulo, a place where architecture, art, design, fashion, gastronomy, music and exquisite service are at the heart of a groundbreaking hotel culture.
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拉斯维加斯金砖酒店 The Tank
The Tank at the Golden Nugget in Las Vegas
拥有三层封闭式水滑道的 The Tank 可以让住客体验与鲨共舞的刺 激。这里生活着 300 余种来自世界各地的海洋动物,包括 6 种软骨鱼(鲨 鱼和鳐鱼)和各类硬骨鱼,由酒店的生命科学院负责管理。美国休闲 餐饮及娱乐业巨擘 Landry’s 于 2005 年收购该酒店,随后便建成 The Tank,这里也成为整个泳池区的点睛之笔。 泳池周围有很多供游人休息放松和享受阳光的地方,柳条椅、贵 妃椅、睡椅、沙发床,应有尽有。除了巨大的水族馆和轻松闲适的氛围, 还有特别的瀑布式水流不断涌入泳池。 The Tank boasts an enclosed three-story water slide that allows guests to practically swim with the sharks. Maintained by the hotel’s Life Sciences Department, it houses 300 animals from around the world, including six species of elasmobranchs (sharks and rays) and bony fishes. Installed after Landry’s Restaurants purchased the hotel in 2005, it is the centerpiece of the pool area. Around the pool area, there are plenty of places to rest and soak up the sun, including wicker sofas and comfy chaises to beds and even lounge chairs in the pool. Besides the huge aquarium and relaxed atmosphere, there are stunning waterfalls cascading into the pool.
Mansion at Sofitel - Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16, The Mansion Pool 作为一家高档度假酒店,澳门十六浦索菲 特拥有 19 所“濠庭十六浦”别墅式豪宅,巴 洛克式、哥特式、迈克尔·杰克逊……主题设计 风格各异,还有最棒的休闲娱乐设施和 24 小 时管家服务。 在珠三角和大海的簇拥之下,澳门拥有了 许多专属特质。泳池也成为酒店整体设计中的 一个有机组成部分。在迎风摇曳的棕榈树和郁 郁葱葱的绿色植物的包围中,泳池吸引了八方 来客。入住索菲特酒店独栋豪宅的住客则拥有 被称为“美丽绿洲”的专享私人泳池。白天, 澳式传统阳台和栏杆反射着日光;到了晚上, 这里就变成了一个隐蔽的神秘之所。
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With 19 separate mansions in a range of luxurious styles from Baroque to Gothic to Michael Jackson, this upscale resort includes the best amenities and 24-hour butler service. Of course, Macau wouldn’t exist without the surrounding ocean and Pearl River Delta, and so swimming pools are an integral part of the hotel’s design. Set amidst swaying palm trees and lush greenery, the pools attract guests during leisure hours. Those staying at the exclusive Mansion at Sofitel have their own hideaway pool, which has been described as “a beautifully landscaped private oasis.” Traditional Macanese balconies and balusters reflect sunshine by day and become a magical retreat at night.
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澳大利亚汉密尔顿岛夸利亚酒店 海滨别墅游泳池
Lap Pool at the Beach House, Qualia, Hamilton Island, Australia “夸利亚”在拉丁语中是“深层次感官体验”的意思。夸利亚 酒店位于汉密尔顿岛的最北边,入住私人别墅即可尽享大堡礁美景。 酒店最奢华的海滨别墅采用开放式设计,身处其中可以看到珊瑚海 和圣灵降临群岛全景,此外娱乐餐饮区还有 12 米长的无边泳池环绕。 别墅宽敞的卧室内还设有带浴盆和淋浴的专属奢华石头浴室, 卧室也可直通泳池和日光浴阳台。 Qualia, on Hamilton Island, in Latin means “a collection of deeper sensory experiences”. This secluded resort is situated at the northern-most tip of the island and is surrounded by the spectacular beauty of the Great Barrier Reef. Guests can relax and enjoy the gorgeous views from private villas. The Beach House, the hotel’s most luxurious venue, has an open design in which walls disappear to reveal panoramic views of the Coral Sea and Whitsunday Islands. It also includes this stunning private lap pool, a 12-metre infinity-edge pool running along the length of the entertaining and dining areas. The pavilion’s spacious bedroom leads directly to the pool and sundeck, and has a luxuriously appointed stone bathroom with bath and separate shower.
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理查德·布兰森的内克尔岛 度假村泳池
The Pools at Sir Richard Branson’s Necker Island Resort 理查德·布兰森爵士私人岛上的泳池大宅建在主海滩上,是一栋 十分壮阔的综合性建筑,从陆地和海边都可直接进入。毫无形制的 无边泳池旁就是池边酒吧,客人可以直接游上岸来,点一杯鸡尾酒, 小酌一番,或是享受一下极可意按摩浴缸。 被称为“鳄鱼阁”的茅草顶两头尖的狭长小船甚是特别。上面 不仅有结实的柚木鳄鱼桌,还有豪宅美食厨房的珍馐佳肴。无边泳 池是由 Bali Lo、Bali Buah 和 Bali Kukila 共享的私人泳池,其它别 墅的住客可以共享瀑布水潭。当你身处岛上,就可以一览无可匹敌 的奢华与美景。 The Pool Pavilion at Sir Richard Branson’s island is a stunning complex located at the Main Beach which is accessible from both land and sea sides. It includes a swim-up bar off of the gorgeous freeform infinity pool, where guests can sit and enjoy a cocktail and Jacuzzi from the fantastic beach location. Also included in the pool complex is something called the Crocodile Pavilion, a thatched roof gondola of sorts with a solid teak crocodile table where lucky guests can enjoy cuisine cooked at the Pavilion’s gourmet kitchen. This is topped off by the infinity pool at the Great House, a private pool shared by Bali Lo, Bali Buah and Bali Kukila, and last but not least is the plunge pool shared by remaining villas. Overall a feat of beauty and luxury that is hard to surpass.
Belmond Hotel Caruso’s Infinity Pool 贝尔蒙德酒店的卡鲁索无边泳池位于意大 利阿玛尔菲海岸,可远眺整个萨勒诺湾。这里 不仅有令人叹为观止的蔚蓝色大海,还有一座 最初建设时就有的小教堂,里面有巴洛克式圣 坛和壁画。 这里的户外阳台可谓是主要景点,还有逸 趣横生的花园,花匠 Gaetano Amato 会在那 里等待并引导客人穿过橄榄林和柠檬、石榴树 林。站在阳台向外望去,坐落于拉维罗最高处 的无边泳池风景尽收眼底。穿过玫瑰花廊,卡 鲁索崖顶无边泳池与大海和天空融为一体,身 处其间,心也便随之沉醉于无穷无尽的深蓝之 中。
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The Belmond Hotel Caruso is situated on Italy’s beautiful Amalfi Coast, a romantic and gorgeous location above the Bay of Salemo. The restored grounds provide breathtaking views of the cerulean sea and include a chapel from when the property was originally built with Baroque altar and frescoes. The outdoor terrace is a main attraction here, with gardens designed to be explored, where head gardener Gaetano Amato will guide guests personally through olive, lemon and pomegranate rows. From the beautiful terrace, guests can enjoy the infinity pool: situated at the highest point in Ravello, through a rose-shaded pergola, Hotel Caruso’s clifftop infinity pool blends seamlessly into the sea and sky, for extra-blue views that never end.
Pool at the Nandana Villas in the Bahamas “南达纳”在梵文中是“天堂”的意思, 这是一处静谧隐蔽的热带天堂,同时也是终极 奢华的所在。其亚洲海滨风格别墅建在大巴哈 马岛上,离海边不远。绝美的无边泳池几乎占 据了别墅前面一整片地方。清新的海风撩动着 花园里棕榈树的枝叶,客人在享受室外极可意 按摩浴缸的同时,还可俯瞰美丽的海滩景色。
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Nandana, which means paradise in the ancient language of Sanskrit, is an extremely private tropical hideaway designed with ultimate luxury in mind. In a gated enclave on Grand Bahama Island, the mansion is designed and arranged in an Asian beach house style right on the oceanfront. The central focus point is of course this stunning infinity pool, which runs around the entire front of the mansion. Or enjoy a crisp sea breeze that stirs the palm tree gardens surrounding while relaxing in the outdoor Jacuzzi which also overlooks the beach.
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HydroPool at the Velassaru Resort in the Maldives 马尔代夫维拉沙鲁岛度假村水疗泳池极富 异国情调,还有着能抚慰人心灵的美景。日落 时分,从私人别墅望出去,便可见水边美丽的 白色沙滩和绿松石般的泻湖。 入住度假村别墅或套房,客人还可独享无 边水疗泳池。一切都融入了蔚蓝色的海洋中, 简单而令人迷醉,景致无与伦比。想象那种与 大海融为一体的感觉,你懂的。
This exotic getaway in the Maldives includes soothing vistas, beautiful white sands fading seamlessly into the water’s edge and a spectacular turquoise lagoon at sunset. All of which is enjoyed from your own private bungalow or villa. From a private infinity pool at one of the resort’s villas or suites like the pictured Hydro Pool, it’s as if life blends right into the vast blue of the ocean – simple, yet mesmerizing, the views are simply incomparable. It’s not hard to imagine becoming one with the ocean itself.
The Gold Energy Pool at St. Regis Lhasa
建在山顶上的拉萨瑞吉度假酒店,坐拥西藏美景,距大昭寺、布达拉宫(已入选联 合国教科文组织《世界遗产名录》)也仅有几分钟的路程。酒店内的黄金能量泳池用金色 瓷砖铺就,尽显奢华。28-32℃的恒温泳池可以让人在独一无二的宝石光芒中休憩放松或自在 悠游,美丽的湖景和喜马拉雅宫让整个氛围更加迷人。客人在池畔舒适的凉亭座椅上还可以享受 活力足部按摩,品尝酒店特别准备的食品和饮料。 On top of a hill with incredible views in Tibet and only minutes away from tourism-friendly UNESCO World Heritage Sites, the St. Regis Lhasa Resort is one of the world’s most decadent retreats. Their gorgeous and extremely luxurious pool, lined with thousands of golden tiles, is maintained at a constant water temperature of 28-32 degrees Celsius which guarantees comfort for guests who like to refresh, relax, or simply float in a bejeweled pool like no other. Guests may enjoy a reviving foot massage and specially created food and drinks poolside on comfortable cabana-style seating. Views of the resort’s lake and the Himalaya Palace add to the ambiance.
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The Library pool in Koh Samui, Thailand 苏 梅 岛 原 住 民 Kasemtham Sornsong 经营的简约高雅沙滩酒店是由当地设计师 Tirawan Songsawat 操刀设计的。这里巧妙引 入了“书”的概念,每个区域都是新的一页, 住客有足够的空间写下自己的故事。 极具特色的图书馆游泳池通过池底橘色、 鲜红色和黄色的马赛克瓷砖,呈现鲜为人用的 鲜红色,营造出炫目时尚的视觉效果。住客可 以泡在泳池中,沐浴着从远处白色沙滩吹来的 微风。在这个绝好的取景地拍几张美照,或者 静静地读一本好书,都令人羡艳不已。
Owned by Samui native Kasemtham Sornsong and created with designer Tirawan Songsawat, beachfront hotel The Library - an elegant minimalist structure - is a refreshing and subtle play on the notion of the book. The expansive grounds provide ample space for guests to flourish, each area representing a blank page on which to write their story. The Library’s signature swimming pool is a most unusual bright red, due to its underlying mosaic of orange, blood red and yellow tiles, giving it a dazzling and stylish appearance. Guests can lounge by this brilliantly colored pool with the lulling breeze of the pristine white beach beyond, perfect for a photo op or just to relax with a good book.
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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Profile / P.72
Material Culture / P.80 艺术
Art / P.86
80 米长超级游艇 Chopi Chopi 号 CRN’s 80m yacht Chopi Chopi
Tian Liang Keep Sparkling 昔日俊朗的跳水王子一夜之间成为超人气亲子户外真人秀节目的超级奶爸。 不走寻常路的田亮,如今只想陪着宝贝女儿一起慢慢长大。 Former “Diving Prince” Tian Liang changed overnight into a reality TV Super Daddy. The former Olympic champion says he just hopes to always be there for his little girl Cindy. Text: Eva Liu Photos:Huabei
在《爸爸去哪儿》节目中,你经历了独自带 女儿的酸甜苦辣,让你感触最深的是什么? 通过参与这个节目,我跟女儿的感情 更深了,现在我们是无话不谈的好朋友。 女儿也真正成长了不少,她对我更加信任, 也更加依赖我了。以前她玩的时候才找我, 其他事不会找我,总觉得爸爸搞不定,但现 在从她的表现可以看出,她觉得其他一些事 情也是可以找爸爸、可以相信爸爸的。
地方嘛(笑)。我在这部剧中饰演游泳运动 员林风,他在亲情、友情、爱情中经历了一 系列爱恨纠葛,在成为一名游泳运动员的道 路上也历经坎坷。
在培养女儿方面有何新的体会? 陪伴孩子这件事看似简单,其实做起 来并不容易。这感觉就像当运动员,以为没 有教练在旁边指导也能把动作做好,但上台 一亮相发现坏了,很多细节自己是做不到位 的。所以,以后要多陪孩子一起“经历过程”, 不能只求结果。
In popular reality TV show “Where Are We Going, Dad?”, you’ve struggled through all the ups and downs to become a “super daddy”. What left you with the deepest impression? I must say that this show has enhanced the bond between Cindy and me. We became best friends and keep no secrets from each other. Cindy puts a lot more faith in daddy now and I am so glad to be more reliable. In the past, she only came to me when she wanted a playmate, but now she believes that daddy is a superman who can fix everything for her. What’s more important, Cindy has also struggled through all the ups and downs and learned a lot.
森蝶一下得到这么多褒扬,是不是得帮她平 衡一下心态? 我觉得孩子吧,你给她这些东西不要 紧,重要的是,不能让她沉醉在夸奖中, 她还是要回到属于她自己的生活中来。所以 每次录完节目回到北京,我会告诉她,这次 旅行结束了,咱们该学习学习,该去幼儿园 去幼儿园。平时在家我和她妈妈不会给她看 《爸爸去哪儿》,也不聊这个,偶尔会给她 看看旅行时拍的照片,但说的也不是节目, 而是她认识的新朋友。只要把“屏蔽”工作 做好了,她会很快调整过来,觉得自己就是 个普通孩子,以前的性格和心态也不会变。 父母对你的管教方式是怎样的? 我很小就进了跳水队,父亲对我的爱 很含蓄,他会通过生活中的细微点滴来表 达,母亲的性格比较活泼,很爱跟我聊天, 会跟我分享生活中的新鲜事、趣事,比如她 很早就知道手机有辐射,每次跟我打电话都 会问旁边有没有座机,时刻牵挂着我。 你年纪很小就拿了世界冠军。现在回头来看, 会不会觉得自己和超人一样? 那段记忆已经珍藏在我的心中。运动 员时期培养了我强大的心理承受能力,让我 无论面对怎样的挫折和困境,都会保持一个 好心态,理智冷静地解决问题。 运动生涯是否有遗憾?如果让你重新选择, 还会选择当运动员吗? 人的一生会有很多遗憾,最重要的是 要有一颗平常心去面对。运动员的身份已经 刻在我心里,如果能重新选择,我还是会选 它。 从体育圈跳到演艺圈,面临的最大考验是什 么? 自从拍了第一部戏以后,就希望别人 看到一个全新的田亮。以前当运动员达到的 一个高度,在无形中给我增加了很多负担和 不一样的压力,我也希望能拍一部好片子, 让观众看到自己作为演员的一面。 青春励志剧《骄阳似我》暑期将上星播出, 你在里面饰演一个游泳运动员,肯定是本色 演出吧。 跳水游泳不分家,两者肯定有相通的
游泳能让你开心吗? 适当的运动都能让人快乐。对于我来 说,还是比较喜欢游泳。只要放下工作去健 身,我就能彻底放松下来。
Would you like to share some of your parenting tips? As you know, these things are much easier said than done. I used to be a professional athlete so it’s kind of like my training. Sometimes you think you are good enough to do without on-the-spot guidance from the coach, but actually, you’ll never find how mistaken you are till you step up to the platform. Every move in diving calls for the greatest precision and one can’t take care of every detail. So in my experience, you can’t expect good results while skipping the small details that create them. You have to spend time and be there for your kids to experience as much as you possibly can. It seems like Cindy has become a super star overnight! What do you think about that? In my opinion, it’s not bad to get acclaim from others, but becoming famous really doesn’t mean that much, which is important for Cindy to know. What does matter is the fact that you’ll always come back to reality and your own life. I wanted to make this reality TV show like a trip for us, an opportunity for her to make new friends, so that’s how we talk about it. Can you describe your parents’ parenting style? I took up diving when I was very young. My parents love me very much – although they are too shy to say it much, they let me know through little things. For example, every time my mom calls me, she asks if there’s a landline around for me to use, because she wants me to be as far away from radiation as possible. She is more outgoing than my dad and she loves chatting with me about the newest and funniest news. You became a world champion at a very early age – what does that mean to you?
That is one of my most precious memories. My athletic career cultivated a necessary ability to deal with any setbacks and solve any problems calmly. Do you have any regrets about your athletic career? If you were given a second chance, what would you do? Regrets happen all the time – what’s more important is how you respond to them. I would always choose diving. What was the biggest challenge you faced going from an athlete to an actor? After we wrapped up the first season of the show, I just ended with the hope that it will show people a whole new side of Tian Liang. Winning an Olympic title put a lot of imperceptible pressure on me, and for this I really just hope to shoot a good show and show people that I can act. Tell us about the inspiring TV series Sunshine In Me, which is coming up this summer. My role is a swimmer, and as you know, diving and swimming go hand in hand so my advantage was quite obvious. In the show my character goes through a lot in terms of family, friends, and love in order to become a professional swimmer. Does swimming make you happy? Yes, I like all sports but swimming still makes me the happiest. When I stop working for the day and go exercise, it really helps me relax.
人物 Profile
日本服装零售业巨头“联合箭”的联合 创始人和创意顾问栗野宏文是全球时尚界 最受尊敬的时尚人士之一。在他的带领下, “联合箭”推出了众多子品牌,如 Odette et Odile, Jewel Changes 和 Another Edition,2013 年还取得了美国品牌史蒂芬 ·阿兰的特许经营权。近年来,栗野宏文频 频闪耀最红街拍博客 The Sartorialist。和我 们三月刊封面人物尼克尔森·伍斯特很像, 栗野宏文也被誉为这个世界上最会穿衣服 的男人之一。
日本之外也需要你创立的这种零售经营模 式,有没有想过将“联合箭”推广至全世界? 谢谢你的夸奖。目前我们在台北设立了 第一家海外商铺,将来会考虑开更多的门店。
工作上最让你感到自豪的是什么? 对于我来说,“自豪”什么都不是, 但是我很喜欢与联合国 EFI 工作团队在非洲 共事。他们在贫困国家加工产品,为当地 人赢得稳定的工作和收入与更健康的生活。
给我们的男性读者一些穿衣建议吧。有没 有简单易学的招? 白衬衫,灰色或深蓝单色西装,搭配 灰色新百伦训练跑鞋和白色袜子,像这样 把简单的东西搭配在一起。
你对到访东京的游客有什么建议? 去下北泽吧,净是青年文化、各种美 食和商铺。要是在表参道区域,时尚的回 旋大楼你可别错过,二楼有两家川久保玲 概念店,非常有趣。四楼有一家日本餐厅 叫 Marukaku,味道不错,价格很公道。
Style Pioneer 栗野宏文是日本服装零售业巨头 “联合箭” 的创始人兼资深买手。 在注重手工艺和高品质的时尚界,这位品调脱俗的老型男堪称 先锋人物。 Globally famous for his style sense, United Arrows Co-Founder Hirofumi Kurino is a leading acolyte for all fashion that is artisanal and high quality. Interviewer: Nels Frye Photos: District UNITED ARROWS official Tumblr
精湛工艺、怀旧传统、经典风格,这些都 是当下的潮流趋势,也是很久之前你在“联 合箭”优先发展的。你是如何比流行超前 一步成为时尚先锋的? 我觉得 20 世纪的“奢侈品”概念已经 失去其本来意义和价值形象。我们不妨抛开 名人效应、大肆宣传和随附赠品吧,那些好 的买主自会坚持寻觅有意义的、真正有价值 的东西。相对来说,日本消费者对此有更好 的理解,他们非常欣赏高品质产品。 日本男士风尚水平较高,为什么?对其他 国家的人有什么借鉴意义? 原因之一是我前面提到过的,日本人 理解、热爱高品质的东西;另一个原因是 我们没有阶层之分。从手工定制西装到嘻 哈服饰,日本男人可以随心所欲地选择, 根本不用考虑自己属于哪个阶层。还有一 个原因,我们穿衣搭配只为悦己,而不是 要卖弄自己。 如何让时尚圈外的人关心时尚呢? 时尚不是赶时髦,而是找到适合自己 的东西。可以选一款适合自己的简单风格, 再一点一点地循序渐进。
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我们应该多用什么材质的布料,为什么? 羊毛的,因为它冬暖夏凉,真正的登 山者都穿羊毛内衣。 Co-Founder and Creative Advisor of leading Japanese retail group United Arrows, Hirofumi Kurino is among the most well-respected figures in the global fashion industry. Under his leadership, United Arrows has launched numerous sub-chains including Odette et Odile, Jewel Changes, Another Edition, and a concession for the American brand Steven Alan in 2013. In recent years, Kurino has become a darling of street style blog like the Sartorialist and, much like Nick Wooster, who appeared on the cover of our March issue, is now looked at as one of the best-dressed men on the planet. What are some of the projects that you’ve worked about which you feel most proud? “Proud” means nothing for me, but I’ve enjoyed working with the EFI (Ethical Fashion Initiative team of UN) team in Africa. Their Project is making products in poor countries, giving the local people steady business, income and a healthier life.
Craftsmanship, heritage, classic style - these are popular ideas now, but you prioritized these at United Arrows long before. Why is the world catching up now and why were you a pioneer? I think the “luxury” concept of the 20th Century has lost its meaning and the image of value. Let’s have no more celebrity hype, no more big campaigns, and no more giveaways. Good customers are still looking for meaning and products with real value. Japanese customers have a relatively better understanding and great love of quality products. Japan seems a better place for men’s style. Why is this and what can men from other countries learn? Same reason: They understand and love good quality. Another reason is we have no class system. Japanese men can wear anything from hand tailored suits to Hip Hop outfits without thinking about “which class do I belong to?” And one more reason is that men in Japan don’t have to think about “seduction” when dressing. We dress for ourselves and not for show off to women (or men). How do we convince businessmen outside of the fashion business to care about style? Style is not about being fashionable but finding out what is suitable for yourself. Start by choosing a simple style that really fits and proceed. Where do you suggest our visitors go in Tokyo? Shimokitazawa. It’s full of youth culture and various food and shops. If you are in the Omotesando area, visit the Gyre building. There are two interesting Concept Stores from Comme des Garcons on the 2nd floor. On the 4th floor, there is a reasonable and nice Japanese restaurant called Marukaku. The world outside Japan needs retail of the kind you create. Do you have plans to bring United Arrows overseas? Thank you. At this moment, we have our first overseas store in Taipei and step by step we will think about future openings. Give some style advice to our male readers. What are some easy things they can do to look better? Wear a white shirt, grey or navy blue suit with grey New Balance Trainers and white socks. Wear those simple items together. What fabric should we be wearing more and why? Wool. Wool is cool in summer and warm in winter. Real mountain climbers wear wool underwear for this reason.
A Luxury Life Aquatic 意大利 CRN 船厂董事长兼首席执行官兰贝托·塔克里 与 LifeStyle 分享如何耐心培育中国市场以及帮助中国买家逐步了解海洋文化。 Lamberto Tacoli, President and CEO of CRN, gives us insight into what it takes to open up one of the yachting world’s potentially largest markets - to help the Chinese learn to love Sea Culture, little by little. Editor: Audrey Hammonds
在有关CRN船厂的各种宣传中,经常看到“对, 就是要时尚”。另外,你们出品的 80 米长超 级游艇 Chopi Chopi 号赢得了 2014ShowBoats 设计大奖。你们的游艇是怎样凭借时尚与设 计感在众多奢华游艇中脱颖而出的? 在 CRN 船厂,我们十分重视产品创造 性和革新性。不同型号的游艇各具特色,很 容易就与其它奢华游艇区别开来。我们也为 客户提供个性化订制服务,不管他有任何需 求,我们都能满足。我们游艇的内部设计 很时尚,包括广受好评的 Chopi Chopi 号 在内的许多游艇都是委托知名工作室 Laura Sessa 设计的。 你们想通过游艇推广怎样的生活方式?为什 么 CRN 的这种游艇生活方式会对中国富裕 人群产生吸引力? 我们推广的是一种全新的海洋生活方
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式。对许多中国大陆人来说,这还是一个全 新的概念。我们希望能将汇集各种陆上奢华 元素的海洋生活方式推广开来,以此证明在 陆地上的任何享受在你的游艇上都能享受 得到。 中国的游艇买家与来自欧洲、中东地区等传 统市场的买家有何不同? 游艇文化大约于 40 年前肇始于欧洲, 所以欧洲和中东都有着悠久的航海文化传 统。但是在中国,一切才刚刚起步,甚至 许多来自大陆的消费者很少或几乎没有过 这样的海洋或航海文化体验。所以,对中国 市场要有耐心,慢慢培养中国人对海洋的热 爱,同时逐步丰富他们的游艇体验。 最近几年 CRN 船厂都参加了三亚的海 天盛筵。这是一个盛大而良好的开端,中国 人对拥有一艘属于自己的游艇萌发了极大
的热情。除了缺乏航海经验,相关审核也极 为严苛,服务跟不上,船长、厨师等专门人 才相对匮乏。游船码头的位置大都远离奢华 场所,这也是个问题。CRN 船厂希望通过 努力,帮助这些消费人群逐步建立起对海洋 的热爱。 中国将来会成为你们最大的市场吗? 单从数量上看,中国富裕人群是最为 庞大的,然而关于航海文化,他们却知之甚 少。有些事与财富无关,财富的拥有者必须 要对海洋和海上生活有着深切的热爱才行, 同时还要了解游艇的维护及保养,经常开着 游艇出海,这样才能体现一艘游艇的价值。 拥有 50 年历史的 CRN 船厂历来将创新作 为自己的信条,希望中国能在不久的将来成 为我们最大的市场!
In CRN’s promotions, I often encounter the words, “Yes, we are talking about Style.” Also, CRN’s 80m yacht Chopi Chopi won an award at “ShowBoats Design Awards 2014”. Could you dive deeper into why Style & Design differentiates CRN’s yachts from other luxury yachts? At CRN, we value creativity and innovation in our design. Each of our models is distinctive and has its own character that makes it instantly identifiable among other luxury yachts. We also make customized yachts for our customers; whatever the clients’ needs are, we will build a yacht that suits them! Every aspect can be customized to the owner’s wishes. We are also a very fashionable brand in terms of interior design – many of our yachts, like the critically acclaimed Chopi Chopi, with interiors designed by celebrated firm Laura Sessa. What kind of lifestyle are you trying to promote with your yachts? Why would this kind of CRN yachti g lifestyle be attractive for affluent Chinese? We are promoting a lifestyle of the ocean! This is an all-new concept here for many Mainland Chinese, and we hope to introduce a luxury sea lifestyle which brings all the wonderful luxury elements of life on land to the sailing world – to prove that everything enjoyed on land can also be enjoyed from on board your own yacht. How are Chinese yacht buyers different from yacht buyers in traditional markets such as Europe and the Middle-East? Well, the yachting culture really took off in Europe in the 1970s which was about 40 years ago! Europe and the MiddleEast have strong nautical traditions. But in China, it’s only very recently begun to catch on, as many Mainlanders have little or no experience with the ocean or sailing culture. Therefore we have to be patient with this market, as the Chinese develop their love of the sea and enrich their yachting experience. With CRN’s attending the Hainan RendezVous over the past few years, it’s been a big opening and Chinese have expressed interest in owning yachts, but apart from the lack of boating history, there are also strict needs for authorization, and lack of services and expertise in the country, for instance captains and chefs. Also, marinas are often located far from luxury locations, which is an issue. We at CRN hope to help them begin to love the sea step by step.
Do you expect China has the potential to become your largest market? In terms of numbers, China has the largest amount of affluent people, but as for the culture, it’s just not quite there yet. It’s not all about having money – you have to have a love for the sea, and life on the sea. You also have to know how to take care of and maintain your yacht properly and use it frequently to make it really worth it. With 50 years of history, CRN has a long tradition of innovation and we hope that soon the China market will be one of our largest!
潮物 Material Culture
Home is Where You Hang Your Bike 自行车成为家居摆设, 带给你不一样的视觉享受! Turning your bicycle into home décor brings you both security and a stylish abode. Text: Eva Liu
房间展示 如此高调展示给整个房间增添了 许多运动气息。
Setting up a dedicated bicycle display stand will immediately call attention to the beauty of the cycle and sportiness of your style.
保时捷 Bike 系列 此系列分为 Bike RX,Bike RS 以及 Bike。它们为保时捷原本就很丰富的汽车周 边产品线再添风采。 Porsche – This series includes Porsche’s Bike and Bike RS. These bicycles are lovely editions to Porsche’s car accessory lines.
宝马经典款 自行车外观设计传承宝马风格,更 个性、更灵活、更环保。 BMW Classic – The design is clearly based in BMW roots, with additional lightness and, of course, more environmentally friendly.
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房间挂饰 不骑的时候,不如像这样挂起来。能节省空 间,更能带来有趣的遐想! When you’re not riding it, why not hang your bicycle on your wall? It not only saves space, but provides creative inspiration.
世爵 Spyker 限量版 全球最优异的汽 车制造商世爵与终极自行车制造商 Koga 共 同打造了这款仅重 12.8 千克的“飞行刀刃” 自行车。每辆自行车都是为它的新主人特殊 生产并且分别编号。 Koga x Spyker – This limited edition model was created by world-leading manufacturers Spyker and Koga. Weighing only 12.8kg, each ‘Aeroblade’ is customized for the owner and numbered.
古驰经典款 由古驰携手比安
奇推出,运用大量碳纤维等材料 以及新技术。中间放上古驰招牌 红绿相间标志和双方品牌字样, 双方结合让人感受到尊贵的时 尚风范。
Bianchi x Gucci – The traditional Gucci version uses carbon fibre materials, accented with their classic red and green stripe pattern and of course, brand name.
潮物 Material Culture
BMC 兰博基尼特别版 兰博基尼与瑞士精 品自行车制造商 BMC 联合打造,采用全碳纤 维材料制成。车身零件及真皮部分都出自牛身, 非常值得收藏。 BMC x Lamborghini impec– Lamborghini and Swiss brand BMC collaborated to create this bicycle completely out of carbon fibre, with the body resembling a bull.
房间角落 无论怎样摆放,一款跨界之作总能成为一件 时尚生活艺术品。 Standing decoratively in a nook or corner can also be a great way to display your cycle – it will certainly become a stylish addition to your home.
奥迪 Duo 这个系列的自行车 有 Duo City,Duo Sport 和 Duo Road 三款,均以绿色环保为设 计理念。其独到之处在于,车 架全部由硬木制成,而木车架 是中空的。 Audi Duo – Consisting of three models, the Duo City, Duo Sport and Duo Road, the bikes take going green to a new level, with the models constructed completely out of hardwood, hollow on the inside for stunning lightness.
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芬迪经典款 车坐垫的毛皮袋配置看起来 像是高级邮递员专用,羊角型把手颇具传统 复古味道,可以拆卸的自行车车篓带来了很 多方便。 Fendi Classic – The suede bag attached is in classic postman style, and the handlebars emphasize the bike’s vintage feel. Also includes a convenient detachable basket.
香奈儿 “时尚大帝”卡尔·拉格斐 设计的纯手工制作全黑色香奈儿自行 车,堪称世界经典。皮革部分采用经 典的菱格图案和双 C 标记。 Chanel – Karl Lagerfeld designed this all-quilted-leather luxury item, with three bags that can be detached and worn separately.
凯特·丝蓓经典款 由 Abici 手工制
作的意大利自行车,时尚靓丽,拥有 凯特·丝蓓签名的纽约草绿色框架和布 鲁克斯皮革车座。 Kate Spade New York – With an Italian style Abici crafted bicycle covered in grass-green design by Kate Spade and a classic Brooks Brothers seat, this bike is bright and beautiful.
潮物 Material Culture
布鲁克林巡洋舰 经典的布鲁克
林巡洋舰自行车外观时尚复古,并 拥有舒适的真皮座椅。 Brooklyn Cruiser – The vintage design and comfortable leather seats make this bike a contemporary classic.
米索尼经典款 时尚与性能兼备, 有着色彩鲜明的图案。 Missoni Classic – Combining form with fashion and function, this model displays Missoni’s classic zig-zag color combo.
创意盆栽 把小盆栽安放在自行车上,看起来更像一个自行车花朵播 种机,可以为房间增添不少生趣。 Get creative with your planting and attach some bonsais or small cacti to your bike for a natural creative look.
辛西娅·洛蕾 这个美国设计师品牌似乎 很爱出自行车,这款经典自行车经常出现在 美剧中。 Cynthia Rowley – American designer Rowley loves creating bicycles, with this model appearing in many TV shows.
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放进搁物架 在节省空间的同时,木色的自然和自行车出行的环保 理念更是完美的融合。 Placing your bicycle onto a book or storage shelf saves space and emphasizes the wooden qualities and your environment-friendly attitude.
爱马仕 这款名为“漫步者”的自行车由巴黎自行车
生产商 Time 手工打造,车身材质为碳化纤维,每辆仅 重 11 千克。车座和手柄等部分皆采用品牌特供小牛皮。
Hermes – This bicycle, designated Le Flaneur, was manufactured at Paris’Time, and created of carbon fibre, weighing only 11kg. The seat and handlebars use classic Hermes calf leather.
墙上挂饰 远看像幅画,近观像是艺术品,简单的创意 却带来一种别样的视觉美。
Hung in your home, your bicycle could almost be mistaken for a work of art, with creative and stylish design.
玛莎拉蒂 8CTF 镶有玛莎拉蒂标志性的
银色三叉戟徽标,车轴花鼓的设计灵感来自 于玛莎拉蒂 3.0 升机械增压引擎。自行车车 架还配有一个独特的 logo 和独立的编号。
Monante x Maserati 8CTF – with Montante design and Maserati’s signature trident, the classic vintage look was inspired by the victory in the Indianapolis 500 of the Maserati 8CTF #1. Each bicycle is labeled and numbered, with a limited edition of 200.
艺术 Art
Carpets of the East in Paintings from the West
3 幅世界馆藏级“毯”画与 3 条同时期地毯实物惊艳纽约大都会艺术博物馆。 The Metropolitan Museum of Art exhibits 3 Eastern carpets along with Western paintings depicting them. Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: The Metropolitan Museum of Art
早在 14 世纪,产自今天土耳其和伊朗 地区的东方地毯就开始出现在欧洲绘画作 品中了。最初这些珍贵的纺织品仅在描述 宗教内容的作品中出现,比如圣母玛利亚脚 下的地毯、覆盖于圣坛之上的毯子,等等。 后来,这类毯子又渐渐出现在一些肖像画 中,用以体现画中人较高的社会经济地位。 到了 17 世纪,各种样式的伊斯兰毯风靡整 个欧洲,常覆于桌上,出现在描绘富裕家庭 日常生活的作品里。美国纽约大都会艺术博 物馆现正举办“西方绘画作品中的东方地 毯”展览,展期从 3 月 11 日至 6 月 29 日, 共展出 3 幅 17 世纪中叶的荷兰绘画作品和 3 条同时期的地毯,这些实物刚好是画作中 出现的地毯样式。 此次参展的 3 幅画作均来自大都会艺 术博物馆的欧洲绘画馆,分别是 1659 年 Gabriël Metsu 的《音乐派对》、1660 年代 早期 Cornelis Bisschop 的《年轻女人与骑 士》以及 1675 年 Matthijs Naiveu 的《新生 儿》。同时展出的地毯实物则来自于大都会 艺术博物馆的伊斯兰艺术馆,分别为洛托 毯、印度 - 伊斯法罕毯和棋盘方格图案毯子。 洛托毯设计大胆粗犷,红色底色上配以 华丽的黄色植物图案,其名字来源 于意大利文艺复兴时期威尼斯 画派画家洛伦佐·洛托的著 名祭坛画。印度 - 伊斯法 罕毯结构致密,且拥有丰 富而微妙的色彩变化,采用 诸如云朵、植物之类图案的 对称装饰,边缘则以牡丹莲花 图案相间搭配。棋盘方格图案毯 自然是因其网格状装饰图案而得 名。 纽约大都会艺术博物馆拥有数量 最多、最丰富的伊斯兰毯藏品,其中 绝大部分来自两位该领域的收藏大家詹 姆斯·巴拉德和约瑟·麦克马伦的慷慨捐赠。 巴拉德捐赠了 126 条地毯,而麦克马伦则 捐了约 120 条地毯和织物。此次展品中包 含了两条分别来自这两位捐赠人的地毯。
The Newborn Baby
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As early as the 14th century, images of carpets woven in the East - primarily in the areas constituting present-day Turkey and Iran - began to appear in European paintings. Originally, these precious textiles were depicted solely in religious scenes (under the foot of the Virgin, or as an altar covering, for example). Later, carpets appeared in portraits to reflect high social and economic status. By the 17th century, Islamic carpets were widespread throughout Europe, and a variety of types of carpets were depicted. Often they appeared - draped on tables - in
Ornamental Lotto Carpet
Young Woman and Cavalier
Musical Party
Chessboard Carpet
genre scenes showing the homes of wealthy citizens. The exhibition Carpets of the East in Paintings from the West from March 11 to June 29th at The Metropolitan Museum of Art, will show three mid-17th-century Dutch paintings along with three actual rugs of the same period, corresponding to the rugs in the paintings. The three paintings on view - all of which are from the Museum’s European Paintings Department - are Gabriël Metsu’s A Musical Party (1659); Cornelis Bisschop’s A Young Woman and a Cavalier (early 1660s); and Matthijs Naiveu’s Newborn Baby (1675). The related carpets on display are from the holdings of the Department of Islamic Art. They are of the “Lotto,” Indo-Isfahan, and “chessboard” types. Bold, stylized vegetal arabesques in yellow on a red ground characterize “Lotto” carpets, which are named after a famous altarpiece by Italian Renaissance painter Lorenzo Lotto that depicts a similar carpet. Indo-Isfahan carpets were exported in large quantities to Europe. These densely knotted textiles feature a very rich and nuanced color palette and a symmetrical composition with scrolling motifs such as cloudbands and various floral shapes. Stylized peonies and lotuses alternate in the border. “Chessboard” carpets are so named because of the gridlike arrangement of the motifs - in this case, geometrical stars. The Metropolitan Museum has one of the largest and most comprehensive public collections of Islamic rugs, in large part due to the generous bequest of 126 rugs by James F. Ballard (1851–1931) and the gift of approximately 120 carpets and textiles from Joseph V. McMullan (1896–1973), both important collectors in the field. The installation includes one rug each from the Ballard and McMullan collections.
艺术 Art
弗朗西斯 · 德 · 朗洛:
Francis de Lenclos, French to the Core 一名法国艺术家的生活表达式。 A profile of the French painter Francis de Lenclos Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Francis de Lenclos
法国知名艺术家弗朗西斯·德·朗洛是上世纪 60 年代至 70 年 代早期“新抽象运动”的发起人之一,他的艺术风格诚如他的自 我评价一样——宏观重构主义。2014 年正值中法建交 50 周年, 德·朗洛被法国官方指定为法国现代艺术代表之一。5 月 1 日至 20 日,德·朗洛将在北京举办个人画展。 著名画廊主卡蒂亚·格兰诺夫是最早发现德·朗洛绘画天分的 伯乐,她挖掘出来的艺术家还包括塞萨尔等。德·朗洛还曾获得前 法国文化部长、著名作家安德烈·马尔罗的赞誉,后者称其作品为 现代书法风格的典范。1970 年,西班牙超现实主义大师萨尔瓦 多·达利邀请德·朗洛为其装饰巴黎莫里斯酒店的公寓,他们还一 起作画。后来,德·朗洛与达利的妻子加拉也熟稔起来。 1946 年,德·朗洛在巴黎出生,母亲苏茜是时装设计师,并 创立了自己的时装品牌,父亲与法国汽车实业家路易斯·雷诺是亲 密伙伴,后来成为雷诺公司总裁。1975 年,德·朗洛获得了建筑 学学位,但他对绘画的兴趣却更加浓厚。除了画画,他还曾任著 名时尚品牌帕高(由帕高·拉巴纳创立)CEO。法语中有一个短语 叫“l’enfant terrible”,用来形容那些让大人感到难堪、束手无 策的“恐怖小孩”,在上世纪 60 年代的法国时装界,帕高·拉巴 纳的代号就是“恐怖小孩”。 60 年代末至 70 年代,德·朗洛的绘画获得过多项荣誉,包括 雷蒙·邓肯(美国著名舞蹈家伊莎多拉·邓肯的弟弟)艺术奖、摩 纳哥格蕾丝公主艺术奖、巴黎马塞尔·阿沙尔奖(作家),许多著 名艺术家也对他的专业贡献有诸多赞誉,像抒情抽象画家乔治·马 瑟等。 德·朗洛如今定居北京,他仍然坚持着个性高度鲜明、充满象 征意义的绘画风格——那也是法兰西民族对爱与激情毫不掩饰的 强烈表达。
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“我们年轻的抽象派画家弗朗西斯可以 与亚洲的书法家媲美。”
前法国文化部长、 著名作家安德烈·马尔罗,1967 年
“Young abstract painter Francis in on par with Asian calligraphers.”
Andre Malraux, former French Minister of Culture and novelist, 1967
Francis de Lenclos also served as president of the famous fashion brand Paco Rabanne which was known as the enfant terrible of the 1970s French fashion world. It was during the late ‘60s and ‘70s that Francis de Lenclos received support and many accolades such as an award from Raymond Duncan, the artist and brother of dancer Isadora Duncan, an award from Princess Grace of Monaco, a Marcel Ahard Award as well as support from Georges Mathier, the Lyrical Abstract painter. Francis de Lenclos is also friends with Jacques Dutronc, the iconic French singer. They met while attending the same Catholic church in Paris, The Trinity. Recently Francis de Lenclos has been residing in Beijing, China, encouraged by Miss. Wu Yi whom he met in 1998 at Puning. He is still painting in his highly individualist style which is full of symbolism, and strong expressions of love and passion.
Francis de Lenclos, a renowned French painter, was one of the originators of the New Abstraction movement in the 1970s. His style as he calls it himself is “Macrocosmic Reconstructivism”. Named as one of the official Painters of the Year for the 50th Anniversary of Diplomatic Recognition between China and France, he will be exhibiting in Beijing on May 1st to the 20th, 2014 at the Sky Moca gallery in 798. First recognized as a painterly talent by the famous gallerist Katia Granoff - who also discovered artists such as Cesar - Francis de Lenclos has also received accolades from the French author and Minister of Culture Andre Malraux. Malraux stated that de Lenclos’s paintings were an exemplar of a modern calligraphic style. In 1970, de Lenclos was also invited to the apartment of Salvador Dali at the Hotel Meurice in Paris where they painted together. Later on, he became friendly with Salvador Dali’s wife, Gala. Born in Paris in 1946, Francis de Lenclos’s mother Suzy was a fashion designer and his father was a close associate of Louis Renault, the auto industrialist. His father later became General Manager of Renault. After attending Jesuit schools, he graduated with a degree in architecture but was more drawn by painting. In addition to painting,
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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.92 人物
Profile / P.104 飨宴
Dining / P.112 美酒
WineClub / P.114
普吉岛科莫雅姆度假村 Point Yamu by Como, Phuket
World’s Sexiest Showers 打开全球最性感的酒店淋浴间,让你一次享受个够! LifeStyle A selection of the world’s sexiest hotel showers
Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels
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普吉岛科莫雅姆度假村 Point Yamu by Como, Phuket
酒店 Hotel
Amangiri, Utah
淋浴:每一家安缦酒店都非常注重“景”的设计,沐浴时都少 不了美景做伴。美国犹他州安缦吉里酒店 34 间套房的更衣室都配 有天窗,而走到最里面,绿色石灰石装饰的房间配备了一个嵌入式 浴缸、两个花洒和一个全景窗口,外面广袤的沙漠或气势迫人的方 山尽收眼底。 洗浴用品:所用肥皂是当地一位艺术家的杰作,采用有机羊奶 制成,有着专属的香味儿。 酒店亮点:酒店占地 600 英亩,设计灵感来自其周边环境,质 地元素包括原木和抛光木、石材和皮革。 Shower: The view plays an important role in the design throughout Amangiri, especially in the shower. At the end of a skylit dressing room in the 34 suites, a large wet room clad in green limestone is outfitted with a sunken tub, twin rain showers, and a floor-to-ceiling vertical picture window that frames the imposing mesa or the ample desert. Products: The bar soap is created by a local artisan in the nearby town of Big Water using organic goat milk and a custom-blended fragrance. Property: Situated on 600 acres, the Aman’s newest property takes its design cues from the surrounding environment, including textural elements in raw and polished wood, stone, and leather.
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酒店 Hotel
Mondrian South Beach, Miami 淋浴:看到浴室里这块定制的马赛克瓷砖 墙,你一定会想到迈阿密湛蓝的天空和松软的 白云吧。顶置式雨淋花洒巧妙地与豪华水晶吊 灯结合为一体,其水自上涓涓而下,是不是还 能听到水晶倾泻的悦耳声响? 洗浴用品:希腊国宝级品牌珂诺诗 Agua。 酒店亮点:这是荷兰设计巨星马塞尔·万德 斯的力作,搭配定制家具,无可比拟的都市、 海湾及海洋景色,足以让你过目不忘。 Shower: The custom glass mosaic tiled wall depicts Miami’s blue sky and fluffy clouds. Water trickles down from a ceiling-mounted rain showerhead incorporated into the body of a crystal chandelier lit by recessed lighting. Products: The bath products are from Agua by Korres. Property: Designer Marcel Wanders’s chic hotel has custom-designed furnishings, whimsical accents, and spectacular views of the city, bay, and ocean.
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Alila Cha-Am, Thailand 淋浴:很多人喜欢在淋浴时放声大唱, 那种快乐直白而纯真,差安阿丽拉酒店非 常贴心且阔绰地将博士音响系统装进了浴 室,还有卫浴界的保时捷——德国卫浴奢 侈品牌当代。24×19 英寸的花洒能让你品 出雨中漫步的浪漫,还可以通过选择水量 喷出水帘或水枪的效果。 洗浴用品: 酒店 Spa 所用产品由巴厘 岛 Sensatia Botanicals 公司生产,其采用 天然优质材料,为手工完成的有机产品。 酒店亮点: 枝繁叶茂的棕榈树、洁白 细软的沙滩以及泰国湾湛蓝的海水是这个 热带避世之地最好的背景板。 Shower: Fitted with built-in Bose sound systems, the showers at this resort are by German manufacturer Dornbracht, the Porsche of bathroom fittings. Set into the ceiling, the 24-by-19-inch showerhead drizzles and sprays like natural rainfall. Choose from a deluge spray that forms a curtain of water around you or a central spray that pours down and soaks you entirely. Products: Spa Alila products are organic and made by hand in Bali from fine raw materials by local company Sensatia Botanicals. Property: Leafy palm trees, powdery white sand beaches, and the cerulean waters of the Gulf of Thailand provide the backdrop for this tropical getaway in a quaint coastal town.
酒店 Hotel
Como Shambhala Escape, Bali 淋浴:度假村提供令人心旷神怡的户外瀑布淋浴体验。淋浴设施 位于露台,利用周围的灌木丛对客人隐私进行保护。 洗浴用品:采用当地材料制成的全天然产品。 酒店亮点:度假村位于乌布附近,那是一个真正“为改变而生的 隐居之地”。配有瑜伽教练、印度草药养生医师以及营养专家,为客 人提供全方位的整体护理,包括特色按摩、美容沙龙等。除了一流的 健身房外,度假村还充分利用独一无二的地理位置,开展徒步、攀登 等户外活动。别墅套房适合独立旅行者、情侣及家庭旅游者,营养均 衡的美食也无可挑剔。 Shower: Como Shambala Escape offers a delightfully refreshing outdoor shower with a waterfall effect. Located on the terrace and with all the privacy afforded by the enveloping jungle, the showers are a trip unto themselves. Products: Natural products made from locally sourced materials. Property: COMO Shambhala Estate is located near Ubud, Bali - a true ‘Retreat for Change’ with resident experts including a yoga teacher, Ayurvedic doctor and nutritionist. The holistic, 360-degree approach offers signature massage therapies and beauty treatments. A state-of-the-art gym and outdoor activities such as hiking and climbing make the most of the Estate’s unique location. Cuisine is always nutritionally balanced while the residences, suites and villas suit independent guests, couples or families.
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酒店 Hotel
Point Yamu by Como, Phuket 淋浴:从配备落地窗的攀牙套房到拥有私人 泳池和碧绿色瓷砖浴室的科莫泳池别墅,一应俱 全。 洗浴用品:为当地材质制成的天然产品。 酒店亮点:度假村坐落于普吉岛东部宁静的 雅慕角半岛,于此可以体验普吉岛的另一面。你 可以从 Marina Pier 包船前往让人惊叹的周边海 滩和岛屿,还可以上上泰式烹饪课,或者去老城 走走。 Shower: Point Yamu by Como offers a number of different options from the Phang Nga Suites with floor to ceiling views to the Como Pool Villas which incorporate private pools and expansive aquamarine tiled bathrooms. Products: Natural products made from local materials sourced in Thailand. Property: Point Yamu’s location, on a peninsula on the east side of Phuket, gives guests the chance to experience the lesser known side of the island. Activities and excursions include private boat trips from Marina Pier to the stunning nearby beaches and islands. Cultural activities such as Thai cooking classes and island tours of Phuket and its old town are also available to Point Yamu guests.
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Bonito, Buenos Aires
淋浴: 淋浴间以玻璃为墙,被放置在 四柱床上,想象一下在床顶上洗澡的“至高” 感受吧。 洗浴用品:多芬。 酒店亮点: 酒店位于充满活力的圣太 摩老城区边上,这里新艺术主义风情的联 排别墅已经改造成了别致温馨的家庭旅馆。 Shower: A glass-encased shower sits above a four-poster bed in the La Blanca room, giving guests an interesting vantage point both in - and out - of the shower. Products: The hotel keeps things simple with Dove products. Property: Located on the edge of vibrant San Telmo, the Art Nouveau townhouse has been converted into a chic but homey Bed and Breakfast.
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Cocoa Island by COMO, Maldives 淋浴: 可可岛是知名度极高的热带度 假胜地之一,浅水区里点缀的一栋栋别墅 不知让多少人魂牵梦绕,不能忘怀。其提 供的户外淋浴可谓畅快淋漓。 洗浴用品:当地出产的有机产品。 酒店亮点: 这个私人岛屿度假村将一 切活动自然地与阳光、海水和沙滩结合在 一起。这里远离尘嚣,数百年来潮水将瓷 细的砂粒淘成柔和的白色。大面积的浅水 区和珊瑚礁带来世界上最棒的潜水体验。 33 座水上屋充满浪漫风情,木板铺成的栈 桥一直延伸到温暖的礁湖。饮食崇尚自然, 并有明显的南印度风味。
the turquoise lagoon to explore an exceptional house reef. Encircled with powder white sand, the carefree, understated luxury experience includes holistic wellness treatments at COMO Shambhala Retreat, South Indianinfluenced cuisine and worldclass diving.
Shower: With an invigorating outdoor shower in the villas dotted around the shallow waters of the Maldives, Cocoa Island is a relaxing tropical retreat. Products: Locally sourced organic toiletries Property: Cocoa Island by COMO is an intimate private Maldives island resort with 33 overwater suites allowing you to slip right into
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人物 Profile hotel”, it offers spectacular views of the Victoria Harbour, which combined with exceptional and highly customized services will create an amazing experience. Guests will enjoy private check-in and check-out, a private lounge with a wide range of food and beverages served throughout the day, evening cocktails, and exclusive benefits including free pressing, shoe shining and complimentary use of the Club Level Boardroom.
A Momentous Occasion
香港万丽海景酒店总经理龙田斯与 LifeStyle 畅谈 酒店 25 年庆大动作及其新颜新气象。 Hans Loontiens, General Manager of the Renaissance Harbor View Hotel Hong Kong, celebrates the hotel’s 25th anniversary and tells us about the new Club Level. Editor: Audrey Hammonds
酒店行政楼层客房及行政酒廊重装迎客,整 体设计思路是怎样的?将为商务旅客提供哪 些专属服务? 设计以“酒店中的家”为概念,加上 令人赞叹的维多利亚港景致及个人化服务, 行政楼层住客可感受前所未有的尊贵体验。 住客可在私人空间办理入住和退房手续,于 行政酒廊享用全日供应的各式饮料、小吃和 黄昏鸡尾酒,以及独享免费熨帖西装、皮鞋 擦拭服务和使用行政楼层会议室。 香港万丽海景酒店今年迎来了 25 周年庆典, 届时会举行哪些庆祝活动? 在这个独一无二的大日子里,我们将 会举办一场非凡派对,与住客、媒体朋友及 员工一同庆祝,分享喜悦,此外还会出限量 纪念报,筹办纪念标志设计比赛,推出特别 住宿餐饮优惠及更多精彩节目。 你如何取得突破,带领酒店走向新的辉煌? 我们会对酒店设施继续进行升级,例 如健身中心刚于一月开放,而屡获殊荣的满 福楼也将很快进行翻新,为客人提供更为出 众的体验。为了增加销售额,除了在亚太主 要市场赢得生意机会,我们正积极开拓印度 和俄罗斯等新兴市场,并安排销售人员专责 跟进来自这些市场的客人,提供更贴心的服 务。
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你来香港工作一年多了,最大的成就感是什 么? 毫无疑问,健身中心的落成以及在人 事管理范畴的提升是令我最有成就感的事 情。我的管理理念重点是“以人为本”, 当我知道 2013 年的员工流失率比 2012 年 降低了 7%,实在是感到非常欣慰。我们一 直努力给予员工一个更愉快的工作环境, 这绝对是一个好预兆。我们的健身中心在香 港酒店业内首家实现同时配备及支持泰诺 健 Unity 系统、mywellness 手机应用程序 及 mywellness key 健身设施,为住客提供 个人化、高智能及灵活简便的健身体验。 酒店毗邻香港会议展览中心,是不是也有淡 旺季之分?分享一下你的淡季推广经验吧。 只要香港会议展览中心有商贸展览, 我们的入住率便会相当高,但一年中少不了 会受淡季影响。淡季的时候我们会推出不同 的优惠套餐,以创造更多的销售机会。例如, 我们提供“孩童免费餐饮套餐”给喜欢家庭 之乐的客人,为商业客户提供专享价格及主 动联络客户推广各项优惠,此外餐厅也会定 期更新餐牌,为客人带来新鲜感及鼓励他们 再次光临。 What is the design concept of the brand new club level? Are there any specific services that will be offered to club level guests? The main concept is “home within a
Renaissance’s 25th Anniversary is fast approaching, how will Renaissance celebrate this momentous occasion? For this one-and-only occasion, we will arrange a phenomenal party for guests, media and staff, a special edition of the company newspaper, an anniversary logo design competition, exclusive accommodation and food and beverage offers and more exciting events are yet to come! How will you lead Renaissance to reach new heights? We will keep upgrading hotel facilities – our fitness centre was newly opened in January and our award-winning Chinese restaurant, Dynasty will soon undergo renovation to offer guests a more exceptional experience. Apart from getting business from major markets in Asia Pacific, we are discovering emerging markets like India and Russia, and designated sales representatives are taking care of specified regions to boost sales volume. Can you share your biggest achievement after moving to Hong Kong? My biggest achievements were definitely the launch of Fitness Centre and improvements in Human Resources area. The golden rule of my management philosophy is all about people, so I am happy to see that there was a decrease of 7% in turnover rate in 2013 versus that of 2012, meaning that we are providing a better and happier work environment. Our new Fitness Centre is the first ever hotel Fitness Centre in Hong Kong to be equipped with the Unity console in combination with Technogym’s mywellness app and the mywellness key, offering guests a personalized, intuitive and easy-to-use training experience. As Renaissance is next to HKCEC, does it face issues with peak and low seasons? What is your strategy for promoting Renaissance during the low season? Certainly there are ups and downs throughout the year although we have high occupancy whenever HKECE has a trade event. During the low season, different promotion packages will be launched to generate more sales opportunities. For example, we have “Kids Eat Free” room package for families, special rate for corporate clients and proactively do sales calls to get business. Aside from this, our restaurants will regularly come up with themed menus to “wow” our guests and encourage repeat visits.
Developing the Leaders of Tomorrow 上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店总经理兼皇冠假日酒店区域经理 丹尼尔·艾宾斯与我们谈他在洲际的效力经历以及如何成为一名优秀的管理者。 Mr. Daniel Arbenz, Regional GM of Crowne Plaza Hotels and GM of InterContinental Shanghai Pudong, tells us about his journey with IHG and how to be an outstanding manager. Editor: Audrey Hammonds
and 12 months later you open a hotel with 500 staff members and 400 rooms. To be able to open a hotel really gives you a sense of achievement and pride, and it’s one of the most beautiful events to experience.
你怎样描述自己效力洲际酒店集团的这十七年? 非常令人激动!我加入洲际酒店集团 的时候,集团亚太地区的酒店只有 56 家, 而 如 今 仅 在 大 中 华 区 就 有 两 百 多 家! 这 十七年里,我见证了洲际酒店集团的成长以 及公司营销方式的不断成熟。以这些年的 发展和我们今天的成就,我可以自豪地说: “洲际酒店集团已经跻身世界一流公司行列 了。”我们旗下的品牌都颇具实力,而且我 们重视每个员工的作用。
Last year you won an award for being the “Best Expatriate Hotel GM”. What does it take to be an outstanding manager? Last year I was asked one day, what is important for me when I manage a hotel? One thing is that you want to do the best job you can every day. It’s a balanced approach to make sure the financial side achieves its targets and the hotel remains ahead of the competition. Working with the team is important, and keeping in mind that they are not only employees but talents with ambitions for career. A big part of my job is developing the leaders of tomorrow, as well as delivering our brand expectations and brand promise to the customers.
从事酒店业这些年来最令你感动的是什么? 身边有很多感人的事,一件一件都非 常有意思。就拿新开一家酒店来说,筹备阶 段一切都是雏形,经过一年的努力,一家拥 有五百名员工和四百间客房的酒店便开门 迎客了。这一过程带给人的成就感与自豪感 真是无法形容的。 去年你获得了“最佳外籍酒店总经理”称号。 怎样才能成为一名出色的酒店经理呢? 曾经有人问过我酒店管理最重要的是 什么。我觉得最重要的一点就是每天都要竭 尽全力做到最好。要在保证经营业绩达到预 期目标与在同业竞争中脱颖而出之间找到 平衡。同事间的合作也非常重要,要时刻铭 记他们不仅仅是你的雇员,更是一个满怀职 业理想的精英团队。我的工作有很大一部分 内容就是发掘未来的领导者,还有就是更好 地将我们品牌的理念传递给消费者。 你个人最喜欢上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店哪个 方面? 最令我满意的是我们酒店拥有一大批 经验丰富的员工,其中很多人已经在这里 服务十多年了。这支专注而充满热情的团队 足以令我们酒店出于其类拔乎其萃。另外就 是酒店优越的地理位置,酒店附近有各式餐 厅、购物中心和上海最大的地铁中转站之 一——世纪大道站。 如果你是入住客人,你心目中的好酒店是什 么样的? 要有面带微笑、热情、友好的工作人员, 房间整洁干净,床铺舒适柔软,WiFi 网速 够快,还要有美味的早餐。
How would you describe your journey of 17 years with IHG? Exciting! I joined them at a time when IHG Asia Pacific only had 56 hotels, and today we have 200+ in China alone! Over these 17 years I have been lucky to see this enormous development, not only with properties, but the company’s growth in terms of marketing approach and management sophistication. I think with how we have become bigger and where we are today, we are one of the best companies in the world; we focus on staff and what is important for the people, and also have many powerful and well recognized brands.
What is your personal favorite aspect about the InterContinental Shanghai Pudong? My favorite aspect is our very experienced team, many of whom have been here for over 10 years. They are dedicated and passionate, and help make our hotel exceptional. Another feature is our perfect location: as soon as you step out of the building, you can find restaurants, shopping, and one of the biggest metro stations in Shanghai with 4 different lines. If you are staying as a guest, what are your standards for a great hotel? A warm, smiling welcome, friendly staff, a clean room, perfect fast WiFi, breakfast, and a comfortable bed.
What has been your most touching moment in the hospitality industry? Well it’s not just one; there are many touching moments, things that were full of excitement for me. A great moment is opening a hotel: when you’re in the preopening stage it’s just a concrete structure,
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人物 Profile
A Different Perspective 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理白文山畅谈员工本地化的重要性 以及作为一名相对年轻的酒店总经理的独特经营管理理念。 Mr. Vincent Billiard, General Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin tells us about the importance of hiring locally, as well as his unique viewpoint as a relatively young GM. Editor: Audrey Hammonds
丽思卡尔顿作为世界顶级奢华酒店品牌之 一,是怎样融入天津酒店市场的? 在中国酒店业,天津市场一直处于不 断成长之中。拥有真正顶级的奢华酒店品牌 对本地持续增长的需求至关重要。但这块市 场至今还没有一个这样的品牌。近年来丽思 卡尔顿品牌在中国发展迅速,目前已经拥有 十家酒店,未来几年可能发展至二十余家。 天津市场越来越懂什么是奢华、潮流、典雅, 客户中的行家越来越多,其期望值也越来越 高。所以丽思卡尔顿这样的高端酒店品牌进 驻天津也是水到渠成、顺理成章的事了。 新酒店开业最令你兴奋的是什么? 我们有能力实现从无到有的创造,为 天津酒店业的发展树立永久性的标杆。此 外我也很高兴能为本地的酒店服务制定新 标准,致力于为宾客提供独特、个性化且 令人难忘的体验。我们可以通过遴选培训, 培养出最优秀的“丽思卡尔顿绅士淑女”, 为宾客提供服务。 你认为员工本地化的重要性如何?丽思卡尔 顿酒店怎样解决这一问题? 员工本地化是非常重要的。宾客莅临 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店,我们要给予其“地方 感”。我们注重培养并留住天津本地人才。 在员工招聘与培训,直至将其培养为中国式 绅士淑女的过程中,我们一直在寻找未来的 领导者。如果不这样做,酒店也无法保持现 有的业绩和服务水准,不能实现更有效的增 长。中国酒店从业人员的数量正在飞速增 长,专业院校开办得有声有色,与世界名校 的合作也越来越多。我们十分乐于跟这类院 校合作,发掘最优秀的酒店人才,帮助中国 的“绅士淑女”获得职业上的成功,同时确 保酒店可持续性发展。 作为一名相对年轻的酒店总经理,你会有不 一样的视角吗? 我会用自己独特的视角看问题,贴近 “绅士淑女”的工作与生活、了解他们的需 求,另外酒店业现如今飞速发展,一定要注 重交流与沟通,有效实现组织领导。我认为 能否成为一名成功的领导者不是由年龄决 定的,更要看他的工作能力、创造性思考力
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以及是否具备执行力,确保决策一以贯之, 当然也要具备发现未来领导者的能力,虚心 向他人学习,最后综合各方意见再作出最合 理的决定。 The Ritz-Carlton is one of the most luxurious and well known hotel companies in the world. How does it fit into the hotel sector in Tianjin particularly? Tianjin has been a growing market in hospitality in China – but until now missed a top luxury hotel brand, which is essential with growing demand for those luxury experiences. The Ritz-Carlton name has grown tremendously in the past years in China and now has 10 hotels and possibly growing to almost 20 hotels in the next few years. The Tianjin Market is becoming more and more knowledgeable about luxury, trends, elegance, and customers are getting more travel savvy and expectations rising, so it’s only natural that a Hotel Brand such as The Ritz-Carlton would develop in Tianjin. What are you most excited for about the opening of the new hotel? Our ability to create everything from scratch, to set a mark that will last forever in the hotel and in Tianjin. I’m also excited for our chance to create new standards of service for this city, focusing on creating unique, memorable and personalized experiences of our guests. Our opportunity to select, train and nurture the best Ladies and Gentlemen in the market and grow them as Ritz-Carlton Ladies and Gentlemen. How important do you believe is staff localization? How does the Ritz-Carlton deal with this issue? Staff localization is critical. We have to give our guests a sense of place when they visit The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin. We are focusing on growing talent from Tianjin and retaining that talent. In regards to hiring, training and developing Chinese Ladies and Gentlemen, we focus on who will become leaders in our hotels in the near future. Without this, our current growth cannot be sustained and in order to grow effectively and maintain the level of excellence we expect and that our
guests expect, we focus on staff localization. The number of Chinese talent in hospitality is increasing, with better hospitality schools, and more and more partnerships with recognized international schools. We want to work with those schools to identify the best Chinese Ladies and Gentlemen for their growth and our sustainability in China. As a relatively young GM, do you believe you have a different perspective? I believe that I do have a different perspective, being close to the Ladies and Gentlemen, understanding their needs better, understanding that today, everything goes faster, it’s a matter of communication, organization and leadership. I don’t believe that a strong and successful leader is measured by their age, but rather by their ability to think creatively, in an organized manner, follow what they think is the right decision and follow through. It is also about the ability to identify the right leaders or mentors, learn from others, and use the experience to always make the most educated and reasonable decision.
Discover the Mysteries of China’s Highest Sacred Mountain 峨眉山蓝光安纳塔拉度假酒店坐落在 富有“秀甲天下”之美誉的峨眉山脚下,是 “天府之国”四川乐山境内首家,也是目前 唯一的一家国际级度假酒店。酒店拥有 150 间突显东方风韵的舒适豪华客房,其中包括 分别拥有花园和湖景两种不同景观的 90 间 豪华客房与 40 间驷马屋;20 栋独立别墅客 房则为寻求终极私密和自由感的宾客提供 了各自专属的泳池、按摩浴缸和户外亭阁空 间。 到人间天堂般的蜀地,在秀丽的自然 风光的包围中享受“慢生活假日”,不失为 身心放松的最好方式——在驻店教练的带 领下,伴着晨光练习瑜伽或太极拳、在健身 中心享受乒乓球或室外网球所带来的运动 快感,或者干脆浸泡在泳池或室外按摩池中 享受阳光。精通提炼茶元素的中式传统治愈 理念、源自泰国和印度的古老护理传承以及 纯熟的现代理疗手法和技巧在安纳塔拉水 疗的服务和产品中得到了融合与升华—— 在普洱茶精华去角质滋润护理之后,浸泡在 融合了灵芝与姜汁的草药浴中,在肌肤最柔 软的时候享受融合了普洱茶精华并富含维 他命 E 元素的高岭土周身裹敷护理,最后 来一个安纳塔拉特色竹疗,让理疗师以纯熟 的手法、借助温热的竹节和护理精油的香芬 力量,使周身的皮肤和肌肉得到深层舒缓。 疗程结束后,再悠闲地品上一壶幽香扑鼻的 普洱茶,相信这样的“慢生活假日”一定是 惬意难忘的。 “天府之国”向来是饕客们趋之若鹜、 流连忘返的美食圣地。酒店的云鹃全日制餐 厅提供囊括东西式经典晨食的自助式早餐 服务和集结了中式和欧式特色美食的午、晚 餐服务,并在周末提供自助晚餐服务。金逸
轩作为度假酒店的特色餐厅,以最新鲜的时 令食材,精心为宾客提供囊括川、粤两大主 流菜系经典美食的中式饕餮。泳池吧则为不 愿离开泳池的宾客在池边凉亭下提供精选 酒品和小食简餐。雪霁大堂吧是宾客在日间 坐下小憩,一边欣赏窗外美景一边享受午后 小食、品茶聊天的不错选择。晚间的云上红 酒雪茄吧则是与朋友相约品鉴美酒、精选雪 茄和精品小食简餐以及探讨假日体验的聚 会天堂。“个性化定制用餐”服务团队为你 布置和打造浪漫温馨的难忘用餐体验。“安 纳塔拉烹饪课”可以让你跟随厨师到市场采 买最新鲜的时令食材,并学习看似简单实则 对刀工、食材及佐料的配比、火候的掌握和 菜品的呈现都很有讲究的经典川味菜肴。
Opening a window to China’s ethereal beauty and cultural mystique, Anantara Emei Resort & Spa resides at the foot of majestic Emei Mountain, and is the first and only luxury international hotel in this breathtaking corner of southwest China. Situated in the “heavenly state” of Sichuan, Anantara Emei overlooks beautiful Exiu Lake and offers 90 rooms, 40 pavilions and 20 villas of luxurious oriental design, a host of signature comforts, and lush garden or tranquil lake views. Guests desiring the pinnacle of indulgence can choose villas that boast a private pavilion, Jacuzzi bath or swimming pool. Days at the resort can be spent swimming and sunbathing at the tropical outdoor pool and Jacuzzi, enjoying the fitness centre, table tennis and outdoor tennis courts, or experiencing the revitalising benefits of yoga and Tai Chi classes. Offering an escape within an escape, Anantara Spa is a tranquil sanctuary of oriental romance, where an extensive treatment menu draws on China’s ancient healing wisdom and intrinsic relationship with tea, as well as holistic traditions from India and Thailand, and dynamic contemporary techniques. Signature journeys include the Emei Retreat comprising a Hydrating Pu-Erh Tea Body Scrub, a Ling Zhi Bath ritual laced with uplifting ginger, a Purifying Pu-Erh Tea Body Wrap infused with white clay and vitamin E to purify and soften skin, and an Exotic Bamboo Massage in which intuitive hands, a warm bamboo cane and aromatic oil release knots and muscle tension, followed by a soothing brew of hot pu-erh tea. Five dining options offer mouthwatering journeys of discovery. At the stylish all day dining restaurant Cultivar, daily breakfast buffets and weekend dinner buffets of eastern and western favourites evolve into à la carte lunch and dinner menus that celebrate the finest Chinese and European cuisines. Lazy pool days come with the temptation of refreshments served at the swim-up bar and in cosy salas. Exquisite regional recipes from Sichuan and Guangdong are showcased at Jinyi, the resort’s specialty Chinese restaurant, which features a private dining room. The lobby lounge, Xueji, is the ideal meeting place to enjoy seasonal refreshments and tempting light bites, and opens onto a terrace with a scenic view. Presenting connoisseur evenings, Yunshang Wine Cellar serves a fine selection of wines, gourmet snacks, spirits and cigars, as well as special degustation menus. Infusing entertaining indigenous elements, a traditional Chinese game in one of four private mahjong rooms can lead into timeless tea house rituals. Moreover, Guests seeking personalized and differentiated dining experiences can always find their needs and wants perfectly fulfilled by Anantara’s signature Dining-by-Design services or if you are simply interested in bringing home a secret recipe of Sichuan flavour, Anantara Cooking Class offers the ideal opportunity to explore local food market as well as to participate in the entire food preparation process with guidance from the Sichuan cuisine Sous Chef. emei.anantara.com Tel: 0833 2212 888 微信 : Anantara-Emei 微博 : @ 峨眉山蓝光安纳塔拉度假酒店
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A Culinary Journey through China’s Melting Pot 1980 年,中国首个经济特区深圳特区 正式成立,随后这里吸引了成批年轻人南下 寻梦。他们不仅为这个城市的发展做出了贡 献,而且也促成了深圳饮食文化的多样性。 食客们若不想跋山涉水就尝遍华夏美食,那 在深圳这个大熔炉就可以实现,深圳四季酒 店便是绝佳的目的地之一。这里的特色餐厅 和酒吧汇聚八方美食,诱惑着每一个人的味 蕾。
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八大菜系之一的粤菜以海鲜食材的广 泛运用和清淡天然的口味而颇受各地宾客 欢迎。植根于广东的粤菜在深圳自然可以 找到属于自己的一片土壤。而深圳四季酒店 又为尊崇地道粤菜的各地宾客提供了到访 深圳的理由。卓粤轩作为酒店的招牌餐厅, 其命名就为我们透露了一丝线索。这里以传 统与创新并举的粤式美食为主打,辅以别具 地域特色的佳肴,让宾客既能品味粤菜的卓 尔不凡,又能领略其他各大菜系的精致与惊 艳,感受中华美食的无穷魅力。卓粤轩的单 点菜单以传统粤菜为主,各种烧烤美食、汤 品、海鲜、肉类、米饭、面条、甜点,应有 尽有。 中国人评菜历来讲究“色香味意形”。 单从餐厅名字上来看,深圳四季酒店馥餐厅 便集合了“香”和“味”这两个最关键的要 素。由东京最知名设计工作室 SPIN 操刀的 全日餐厅馥餐厅采用最新鲜的食材,精心搭 配,巧妙设计,以泛亚美食为特色,同时呈 献来自世界各地的珍馐佳肴,为宾客提供最 优质的餐饮服务。其泛亚美食为深圳首创, 着实撩动了每一个吃货的心弦。最与众不同
的是,这里还有两间半开放式的厨房。透过 玻璃展示窗,宾客可以看到大厨们是如何 打造一道道精致美食的。无论是商务宴请、 休闲聚会还是时尚派对,馥餐厅的创新菜和 奢华舒适的环境使其成为一个不错的选择。 馥餐厅还勇于突破,打造全新的酒店餐厅体 验——客人可以尊享定制化的餐饮服务。单 就早餐来说,除了丰盛的常规酒店自助餐, 餐厅也提供零点菜单。不知道你是喜欢柠檬 口味的意大利乳清奶酪煎饼呢,还是更中意 地道的中式云吞面? 相较卓粤轩与馥餐厅的浓墨重彩,逸 廊和逸吧带给人的则是隐于繁华深处的闲 情逸致。作为深圳最热潮地之一,这个独具 纯粹西式风情的休闲之所供应传统英式下 午茶,更有特供东方茶点。摆放在三层托盘 上的精致三明治、司康饼和各种花式小蛋 糕,让人一看便垂涎三尺。日落时分,音乐 响起,这里成为人们忙碌一天后放松心情的 好去处,当然也适合约三五良朋一起欢度周 末难得的悠闲时光。特别推荐在光顾世界 级餐厅卓粤轩或馥餐厅后再来此小酌一番, 你的鹏城之行便完美了。
Promotion It melds together contemporary flair and traditional Cantonese dining to produce what is poised to become one of Shenzhen’s favorite Cantonese restaurants. Both a la carte and set menu options are available for lunch and dinner. The a la carte menu is presented in the traditional Cantonese way, with categories of barbeque appetisers, soups and broths, seafood, meat, rice and noodles, desserts and more. As a clever play on the word “food” and meaning “fragrant” in Chinese, the FOO experience is about fresh ingredients, a thoughtful blend of cuisines and the best service in the city - all made for sharing with friends and family. FOO is a high-energy, interactive destination restaurant designed by Tokyo’s Design Studio SPIN that serves delectable Pan-Asian cuisine. With its innovative menu and luxurious yet comfortable environment, FOO is suitable for either business meals or fashion parties. The Pan-Asian menu is one-of-a-kind in Shenzhen and will likely lead a trend in a city of migrants who are adventurous eaters. What makes FOO special is its semi-open kitchens. Along the corridors are the unique “kitchen studios” offering a peek through windows at the chefs at work. FOO deviates away from the standard hotel experience by offering guests a variety of options to customise their dining experience. For breakfast, guests can choose between a superior buffet spread and comprehensive a la carte menu including classic items like Lemon Ricotta Pancakes and Chinese favourites such as Wonton Noodle Soup. For Shenzhen’s most fashionable hangout, look no further than Yi Bar & Lounge. Compared with the sophistication of Zhuo Yue Xuan and FOO, Yi Bar & Lounge provide a sense of hidden simplicity of the bustling city. Both traditional English and special oriental high tea sets are offered; each three-tier tray featuring a mouthwatering selection of sandwiches, scones and petit fours. As the sun sets, the music is turned up and the spaces turn into a perfect place to unwind with a deserved drink or two after a long day. Yi Bar is the also the fitting choice for pre-dinner drinks or a nightcap, especially when visiting one of the hotel’s other worldclass restaurants. 138 Fuhua Third Road, Futian District, Shenzhen Tel: 0755 8826 8831 For gourmands eager to eat their way across China without spending months on the road, Shenzhen - China’s very own melting pot - has it all. In the years following its establishment as China’s first special economic zone in 1980, Shenzhen saw a massive influx of millions of young migrants from every corner of China who headed south to find their fortunes. They’ve been making contributions to the city and the diversity of the food ever since. For enjoying various cuisines at one place during a short time, Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen is the perfect destination. Three restaurant choices include their Zhuo Yue Xuan, FOO and Yi Bar & Lounge which all offer distinct styles. As one of the eight major cuisines of China, Cantonese cuisine hails from Guangdong Province and is characterized by its abundant use of seafood and its light and natural flavors. Nestled in Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen, Zhuo Yue Xuan has an impressive menu of Cantonese favorites and updated classic dishes, all painstakingly made from scratch. In a country where few things are more important than food, the literal translation of Zhuo Yue Xuan is “excellent food”, and the cuisine is sure to impress.
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An Elegant Treat, The Ritz-Carlton Style 经典丽思卡尔顿蛋糕是对丽思卡尔顿 酒店历史文化的传承,堪称艺术美食精品。 巧克力蛋糕经典而香浓,由纯正黑巧克力及 柑橘精华颗粒糅合而成。为了创造这款精致 蛋糕,丽思卡尔顿酒店集团总厨师长和他的 团队在全球饼房专业厨师们协助下,经历了 超过 20 种配方的萃取、品尝及烘焙,最后 提炼出口感平衡并具有独特香浓韵味的经 典巧克力蛋糕,其带有历史沉淀感的味道彰 显了丽思卡尔顿酒店的贵族品质。 “丽思卡尔顿酒店的绅士淑女们总是 在不断探索中寻找提升客人入住体验的方 式,从而提升服务品质。”金茂三亚丽思 卡尔顿酒店的行政总厨安德瑞斯先生表示: “这款经典蛋糕不仅精致、美观,可以作为 礼物相送,更传承了丽思卡尔顿酒店集团的 历史。宾客可在酒店任何餐饮区域购买和品 味此款精致蛋糕,酒店食享团队将一如既往 为宾客们打造独特个性美食。” 安德瑞斯先生强调:“金茂三亚丽思 卡尔顿酒店以 S.P.I.C.E 为餐饮宗旨——为 宾客提供简单(Simple)、纯真(Pure)、 革新(Innovative)、一致(Consistent) 和动人(Engaging)的餐饮服务,优美的 用餐环境将让驻足在此的客人拥有难忘的 假期。” As a masterpiece that celebrates the company’s heritage, the signature RitzCarlton cake features a decadent dark chocolate flavor with bursts of tangy orange essence. In order to create the treat, the RitzCarlton Corporate Chef and his team tested, tasted and tweaked more than 20 different recipes put forth by pastry chefs from RitzCarlton hotels around the world. Created by a junior pastry chef at The Ritz-Carlton, Toronto, one cake -- with a delicious balance of sweet chocolate and sharp citrus flavors -- stood
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out, offering a timeless yet distinct taste that embodies the Ritz-Carlton brand in a stunning presentation. “The ladies and gentlemen of the RitzCarlton hotels are constantly looking for new opportunities to improve our guests’ experiences, as well to enhance service quality,” said Andrés Jiménez, Executive Chef of The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya, “This delicious cake, in addition to being a thoughtful gift in a beautiful presentation, also carries a bit of the history of the Ritz–Carlton.” “The signature cake is a wonderful celebration piece for special occasions, to delight guests of The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya or even just to indulge in wonderful flavors of chocolate and orange, whether they
are staying at or visiting our hotel,” said Jiménez. “It is available at all our food outlets, collectively known as The Culinary Shell, which aims to please discerning palates with signature favorites, seasonal offerings and personalized dishes.” He added, “Following the principles of S.P.I.C.E - simple, pure, innovative, consistent and engaging - The Ritz-Carlton, Sanya always offers the very best dining experiences, combining exquisite cuisine with intimate oceanfront and open style dining environments.” Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya, Hainan Tel: 0898 8898 8888
Promotion 今天,芝士蛋糕已经成为不少人的最 爱,每块芝士蛋糕不仅代表着一种低调奢华 的甜品文化,更为食客带来一个个赏心悦目 的视觉惊喜。至于第一块芝士蛋糕,要追溯 到 3000 年前的古希腊,而第一届雅典奥运 会后勤供应小组为了更好地服务参赛运动 员和观众,把一种用芝士做的甜品端上了餐 桌。后来罗马人入侵希腊,发现如此美味, 便迅速将其传遍整个欧洲。到了 15 世纪, 欧洲进入大航海时代,探险家们又将芝士蛋 糕带到了北美。就这样,芝士蛋糕离我们越 来越近。 新近跻身京城美食新宠行列的“万世 名流小红莓芝士蛋糕”,用经典原味芝士蛋 糕配以纯鲜红加仑和草莓果浆,再辅以天然 蛋奶油。挑起蛋糕蘸一下鲜奶油入口,再挑 一个裹着草莓酱的红加仑,酸甜细腻瞬间在 舌尖绽放。芝士香浓的口感与红加仑完美结 合,呈现奶香浓郁、甜而不腻的好味道。 这一切都归功于北京万世名流酒店饼 房厨师长任小强。有着超过 31 年饼房厨师
糕都含有 80% 以上的进口奶油奶酪;为了 使芝士达到最佳的口感,吃起来甜而不腻, 厨师长还增加了一种叫做柠檬清的食材, 将它加入芝士,不仅可以使蛋糕入口香甜, 回味还有淡淡柠檬清香。当你真正有幸品尝 到厨师用心制作的“小红莓”时,相信你会 记住这充满爱的味道…… Cheesecake has become one of the most popular desserts around the world, bringing dessert culture and a sense of luxury with its dense rich flavor. The story of the first cheesecake takes us back to ancient Greece, roughly 3000 years ago. In order to satisfy the athletes and spectators, the first session of the Athens Olympics logistical supply group made one dessert out of cheese. When the Romans invaded Greece, they happened to favor this delicious cheesecake and quickly spread this dessert throughout Europe. During the Age of Discovery in the 15th century, explorers introduced the cheesecake
The Best Cheesecake in Beijing
工作经验的任小强曾在喜达屋、洲际集团以 及法国顶级奢华美食品牌馥颂中国等多家 高端五星级酒店和精品美食企业任职。作为 法国馥颂品牌甜品糕饼技术中国唯一传承 人,任小强为万世名流酒店带来了许多创意 大胆、美丽多姿的西点美食。他介绍说,让 “小红莓”出彩的秘诀其实很简单,就是真 材实料!任厨师长坚持遵从传统制作方法, 绝不允许添加任何人造添加剂,从精心选择 原料到耐心烤制后冷藏,几乎要花一整天的 时间。为了保证芝士风味醇正浓郁,每块蛋
to North America, and, with time, it spread all over the globe. Hotel Maximilian’s new dessert “Maximilian cheesecake” is also becoming more and more popular. The classic cheesecake flavor mixed with pure red currant, strawberry puree, eggs and cream presents a perfectly natural fusion. The creaminess of the cheesecake along with sweetness of the red currant forms the perfect flavor combination. Hotel Maximilian’s pastry chef Royce Ren, who has over 31 years professional
experience, and has worked for many highend five-star hotel groups like Starwood and IHG and the famous French luxury food brand Fauchon, makes all this cheesecake goodness happen. He once revealed that each cake contains more than 80% imported cream cheese, to guarantee a rich cheesy taste. Throwing in a dash of lemon zest adds a sweet echo of lemon to the taste. The production of “Maximilian cheesecake” is under strict accordance with the traditional production method, involving no artificial ingredients in the production. With love and sincerity, Chef Royce Ren provides guests and customers with a fantastic dessert to delight the taste buds.
Beiyuan East Road Gujiazhuang Bridge North, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8493 0055
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飨宴 Dining 备受青睐的庆王府明炉烤鸭,选用 2.5 公斤左右的本地草鸭,用特别的味料腌 12 个小时,淋上麦芽糖,吹干皮,然后放到 明炉烤,边烤边淋酱汁。邓师傅说,这样 烤出来的片皮鸭成色特别靓,也特别入味。
One Dinner at Qingwangfu Text: Eva Liu Photos: Qingwangfu
隐匿于天津五大道深处的悠然府邸庆 王府,原为清末代“铁帽子庆亲王”载振 的府邸。如今府内也经营原汁原味的中国 美食。踏入王府主楼,历史气息扑面而来。 墙体用中式青砖砌筑,环绕四周的宽阔回 廊搭配中国传统琉璃柱,大门前宝塔式的 十七级半台阶,无不彰显出主人的尊贵身 份和地位。室内手工雕琢的门窗和木质地 板均为精心打磨修复后的历史原件。中庭 两盏葡萄吊灯乃 90 年前从德国进口,至今 仍可使用。196 根六菱形琉璃柱皆为清朝 末代太监总管小德张当年从北京运载至津, 黄绿蓝三种御用之色更标榜其皇家血统。 楼内有适合举行大型宴会的气势磅礴的中 庭,外加可供 2-14 人用餐的大小房间 18 间, 更有可举办 80 人左右西式宴会,且可鸟瞰 五大道的大型露台。 庆王府中餐主厨邓杜群来自香港,大 广东菜是他首创,涵盖广州菜、潮州菜、 客家菜、顺德菜和香港菜五个个性鲜明的 菜系。其精妙之处在于用最平凡的食材呈 现不平凡的厨艺。大良炒鲜奶等名菜不采 用昂贵食材和复杂调料,却于美味中透出 精巧与新意。中厨团队将天津本地时令食 材融入大广东菜的奇巧与新颖,春夏秋冬 四季菜单各有不同,为客人带来耳目一新 的味觉体验。
No.55 Chongqing Road, Heping District, Tianjin Tel: 022 8713 5555
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ith deep historical roots and legendary stories, Qingwangfu (Prince Qing’s Mansion), built in 1922, was at one time the Mansion of Zai Zhen, called “Prince Qing of the Iron Hat” in the late Qing Dynasty. After almost a hundred years, it has become an urban cultural relic that draws cultural tourism, business conferences, dining and recreation. The main building still retains its original appearance – upon stepping inside, you will be greeted by the decidedly historical atmosphere. Walls built of Chinese grey bricks surround traditional Chinese glazed poles, and 17 and a half steps in a pagoda shape in front of the main gate display the respectable identity of the owner and lavishness of the building. Manually carved doors and windows and the space’s wooden floor are all the original architecture, delicately polished and restored. Two pendent lamps in the atrium, imported from Germany 90 years ago, remain undamaged and usable. 196 hexagonal glazed poles were shipped in from Beijing’s Xiaodezhang; the yellow, green and blue hues – colors at that time used only by emperors – particularly manifest their imperial origin. Inside this building there is also a magnificent atrium ideal for holding large-scale banquets, 18 rooms of different sizes to accommodate 2 to 14 people for dinner, and a big balcony ideal for an 80-person party overlooking the “Five Avenues” and offers a broad view. Mr. Deng, the head chef of Chinese cuisine at Qingfangfu, hails from Hong Kong, and emphasizes “Great Cantonese Cuisine”, a perfect blend of Guangzhou, Chaozhou, Hakka, Shunde and Hong Kong dishes. Its uniqueness lies in his extraordinary cooking skills with ordinary materials. No expensive ingredients or complicated seasonings are used, just local products and practiced culinary skill to produce the most delicious dishes, like his famous “Daliang Fried Milk”. Also combined with the notion of “Great Cantonese Cuisines” is the integration of local seasonal materials in Tianjin with the uniqueness and novelty of Cantonese cuisines. Menus are categorized into four seasons, bringing customers a new experience of taste every few months. Qingwangfu also is a candidate for one of the best roast duck experiences around. Only local ducks that weigh 2.5 kilograms are acceptable and will marinate in special flavors for 24 hours. After that, maltose is poured over the duck before drying, and then sauce brushed over it while roasting. According to Mr. Deng, this is the perfect way to get a lovely crisp golden skin on the duck.
在 Franck 的每一夜都十分令人难忘。 曾 任 登 喜 路 设 计 总 监、 目 前 定 居 上 海 的 Yann Debelle de Montby 告诉我:你一定 要去一次 Franck,绝对是上海最好的餐厅。 我想我应该听他的,毕竟一个靠品味吃饭 的人,品“味”也一定错不了。另一位向 我大力推荐 Franck 的是 The Armoury 男装 创始人,同时也是 Drake 新老板的曹文伟。 注重品质、深谙时尚的人一定知道,好餐 厅一般不会坐落在熙熙攘攘的街边,也没 有过分华丽的装饰。真正能虏获人心的餐 厅,其成功靠的是最优质的食材,还有私 密空间设置和惊艳味蕾的好味道。 在这片满是殖民时期豪宅大院的区域 里,街道两旁绿树成荫,一切似乎都与浮 躁的大上海相去甚远。在昔日法租界的深 处,便是武康庭的所在。这里是一个构思 设计都极为精巧的购物餐饮中心,开发商 不仅考虑商区的地理位置,同时也关注诸 如 Franck 和时尚别致的 Farine 面包房这 类可能入驻的商铺。 餐厅小黑板上写着每日的特供菜 单——天天不同,经典菜肴是用当日新鲜 食材制作,以保证独到的口感和风味。最 先上桌的是用法国进口石磨面粉和自制盐 味黄油做成的美味,还必须得尝一尝自制 鹅肝酱和用鸭肉、猪肉、鸡肝和香料制成 的 肉 酱 才 算 完 美。 一 切 尽 在 La Grande Charcuterie,一个内容丰富、乡村风味浓 烈的冷菜拼盘。主菜是鱼肉和牛排,口感 至臻完美,你绝对很难在别的餐馆吃到这 么美味的鞑靼牛肉了。 正餐过后,甜点可以来一份焦糖布蕾。 虽说打断别人的谈话可能有点不礼貌,但 用餐之余也可和旁边的食客聊上几句。比 如上次在 Franck,坐在我旁边的人便主
Franckly the Best Text: Nels Frye Photos: Franck
动和我攀谈,我才得知原来他们是上海本 地人,一个是艺术家,另一个是教授。在 Franck 遇到的次数多了,他们开始对我和 我的妻子讲述他们的生活、艺术以及住在 武康路的名人。光顾 Franck 的都是市井百 姓,他们和上世纪二十年代坐在类似餐厅 里的人们一样。可以说 Franck 代表了上海 这个亚洲最接地气的城市。
ll of my nights at Franck have been special. Arbiter of Elegance Yann Debelle de Montby told me I had to go - that it was certainly the best restaurant in Shanghai. One believes a man who makes his living from having exquisite taste. The next man who recommended Franck was Mark Cho, founder of artisanal menswear purveyor The Armoury and owner of Drake’s, the last handmade tie producer in Central London. Those who know style and quality understand that great restaurants rarely sit on busy thoroughfares and boast flashy decor. Keys to success are rather quality ingredients, an intimate setting, and confident, strong flavors. This area of colonial mansions and tree-lined streets seems worlds away from the frenzy that is modern Shanghai. In center of this quiet, French Concession neighborhood, Ferguson
www.franck.com.cn 376 Wukang Rd, Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 021 6437 6465
Lane is an unexpected gem, a well-conceived shopping and dining center by a developer who cares as much about the perfect location as ideal tenants like Franck and chic boulangerie Farine, by the same owner. A chalkboard easel displays the menu du jour - specials change daily to reflect what is freshest in the markets though the emphasis is always on classics with robust flavor. The meal starts with stone ground flour imported from France and homemade salted butter, but no trip is complete without sampling the homemade foie gras and pâté with duck, pork, chicken liver, and spices. All of this can be enjoyed in La Grande Charcuterie, a tour de force that will make tough a return to cold cuts and pâtés anywhere else. The main courses, fishes and steaks, are all beyond faultless and diners will be hard pressed to find a more delicious Tartare de boeuf. After enjoying the meal and perhaps a crème brûlée, you might be lucky enough to strike up a conversation with nearby diners. Interrupting the conversations of such elegant people might seem rude, but last time I was at Franck my neighbors made the first move and I was happy to hear that they were Shanghai natives, one an artist and the other a professor. Frequent diners at Franck, they proceeded to regale my wife and me with stories of their lives, art, and the most famous residents of nearby Wukang Road. These were worldly natives who would seem equally comfortable sitting in a similar restaurant and location in the 1920s. Franck represents a Shanghai that has always been the worldliest city in Asia.
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The Wines of Summer
无论春夏秋冬,每一季都会有适合饮美酒的最佳时 间,但唯有夏天才是最适合人们安闲地喝上一两杯的时 节。作为 LifeStyle 的读者,你肯定记得我一再叮嘱大 家,要和亲朋好友或至爱之人共享葡萄美酒这一“天赐 礼物”,那就来说说那些适合在夏天饮用,又绝对能为 你生命中的重要时刻增色的美酒吧。 首当其冲便是玫瑰香槟和气泡酒,它们最能代表夏 天的味道。每次去经常光顾的酒廊,或是去酒吧餐厅消 遣,都可以点粉红玫瑰气泡酒佐餐,一定会给你带来惊 喜。所有玫瑰香槟中,我最中意法国酩悦粉红香槟和玛 姆玫瑰香槟。 粉红玫瑰气泡酒和普通红白葡萄酒一样价格适中, 大部分人都可以接受。我很喜欢出自智利中央山谷产区 的瓦帝维索不加糖玫瑰香槟,不仅充满爽滑气泡,还有 浓郁水果香。再有就是产自法国奥克产区的 IGP 级吉哈 德伯通第六感系列,深粉红的色彩中完美融合了歌海娜、 西拉和神索的特质,富含水果口味,尾味浓郁。 说到夏天的味道,怎么能不提白葡萄酒?无论产自 何处,都可以作为你的夏日首选。灰比诺、长相思、雷 司令、白比诺、维欧尼,还有来自法国南部奥克产区的 IGP 级吉哈德伯通维欧尼白葡萄酒以及最好的霞多丽代 表——来自中国西部贺兰山区的贺兰山美域珍藏霞多丽 干白葡萄酒,不仅散发着橡木香气,还夹着热带水果口 味,带有辛辣口感;来自智利卡萨布兰卡谷产区的瓦帝 维索酿酒师珍藏霞多丽则富含甜美草莓味道,沁人心脾。 不过夏天也不能只喝白葡萄酒,幸好还有黑比诺。 比如来自智利卡萨布兰卡山谷的瓦帝维索珍藏黑比诺, 富含柑橘香馨和我最爱的新鲜菠萝的味道,还有美国鹿 跃梅乐葡萄酒,但要搭配牛排、汉堡或西冷牛肉开胃菜 的话,最好还是嘉本纳沙威浓。至于品质上乘、价格合 理的赤霞珠,当属南澳的禾富灰标赤霞珠为好。 今夏美酒之旅就从我为大家介绍的这几款开始吧。 让美酒的馨香为你带路,跟着味蕾的感觉走。罗斯福曾 说过“我们唯一要惧怕的就是惧怕本身”,所以也别担 心自己会错过什么不知名的好酒。只要永远心存爱与喜 悦,健康美满自会来临。
114 LifeStyle
here is always a perfect moment to enjoy your favorite premium wines, be it summer, fall winter or spring. But there is no season like summer to celebrate the many joys of kicking back with a glass or two of what tastes best to you. Of course, as a regular reader of Red Owl in LifeStyle, you know that I always recommend sharing the gift of the gods with friends, companions and loved ones. So, let’s look at some of the more likely wine candidates to relax away the summer with those with whom you share your most special of life’s moments. For starters, what better time than summer to stock-up on your favorite rose Champagnes and sparkling wines? If you visit your favorite wine shop or market; and when you are out on the town in a bar or restaurant, if you ask for their selection of rose sparkling wines, you will always find one or more delicious possibilities. As for Rose Champagnes, I love the Moet & Chandon Imperial Rose and the G.H. Mumm Rose. Of course, thanks to sparkling roses, most of us can afford them equally as well as our favorite red and white wines. I really like the Valdivieso Brut Rose from the Central Valley of Chile with a smooth off dry fizz and intense fresh fruit flavors on a full palate; and the Gérard Bertrand 6 Eme Sens Rosé IGP Pays d’Oc, a heavenly blend of Grenache, Syrah and Cinsault, deep pink in color, revealing soft red fruit on the palate with a flavoursome tang on the finish. As for summer still wines, I always enjoy delicious whites, no matter their country of origin, like Pinot Grigio, Sauvignon Blanc, Riesling, Pinot Blanc, Pinot Gris or perhaps a nice Viognier, like the Gérard Bertrand Réserve Spéciale Viognier IGP Pays d’Oc from the South of France; or one of the finest examples of Chardonnay today, the Domaine Helan Mountain Special Reserve Chardonnay from the Helan Mountain West Region of China, described as having an oak character, lifting tropical, rounded fruit flavors with a spicy, peppery edge; or maybe the Valdivieso WinemakerReserva Chardonnay from the Casablanca Valley in Chile, showing luscious strawberries and cassison the nose. But even in summer, man cannot live by white wines alone, so thank goodness for Pinot Noir, such as the beautiful Valdivieso
Reserva Pinot Noir, again from the Casablanca Valley, which is alive with citrus fruits, including one of my favorites, fresh pineapple; and Merlot, such as the elegant Stag’s Leap Napa Valley Merlot; but if I’m having a steak, a burger or sirloin appetizer, it has to be Cabernet Sauvignon. And a marvelous, yet very affordable CabernetShiraz blend is the Wolf Blass ‘Grey Label’ Cabernet Shiraz from South Australia. These are just a few starters for your coming leap into summer wines, so if you like, begin with what I have suggested and let your palate lead the way. Fear not the great wine unknown, for “…the only thing we have to fear, is fear itself” to quote the famous American President, Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Always toast with love and joy in your heart with your closest friends and live happily forever more. A certain recipe for good health and contentment. I am Red Owl, as ever, Over & Out.
田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地 区需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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CHAT 中国酒店 及旅游业论坛圆满落幕
CHAT Beijing 2014
2014CHAT 中国酒店及旅游业论坛前不久在北京万达索菲 特大饭店圆满落幕。该论坛旨在为业内人士提供聚会、互动交 流以及分享知识和经验的平台,促进对话与合作。各大酒店负 责人及其他专业人士齐聚一堂,以国际化的视角审视中国及亚 洲酒店业的发展。来自世界各地的演讲嘉宾畅谈了自己的观点 与见解。今年的活动以“智道,走起!”为主题,涵盖了目的 地水疗、社区生活时尚酒店、我的生活我做主等多个酒店领域 的新课题。 The 2014 CHAT Conference Beijing was recently held at the Sofitel Wanda Beijing. CHAT is an abbreviation for China Hotels and Tourism, which encourages people to gather, create dialogue and network through the platform while exchanging and sharing experience and knowledge. As a new platform for hotel leaders and other professionals to discuss China’s and Asia’s hotel industry from a global perspective, this year’s theme was “The New Way”. Topics as diverse as “Destination Spa”, “Neighborhood Lifestyle Hotel” and “My Life, My Style” were held and speakers from around the world attended to share their perspectives about China’s hospitality industry during the CHATs and the breaks, during which coffee and refreshments were served.
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LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... 豪利时发布全新欧阳若曦限量表 Oris Releases New Automatic Chronograph Watch
豪利时全新推出欧阳若曦限量表。新款腕表受赛车特性启 发,融入了赛车美学元素。为了凸显欧阳若曦此次在澳门 比赛获得的成绩,表款 10 点的数字用红色粗体字体,刻 度盘面上的 55 号数字也被突出显示。陶瓷动速测量顶圈 向欧阳若曦的赛车速度表示致敬,表后盖透明蓝宝石玻璃 上的复杂跑车轮辐设计灵感则来自他的保时捷车轮装饰。
莱俪再现塞维利亚清水晶及黑色水晶吊灯 Lalique Recreates Seville’s Black Crystal Chandelier
法国著名设计师马克·莱俪于 1947 年设计出塞维利亚清水 晶及黑色水晶吊灯。今天莱俪承袭传统,以黑色水晶重新 打造塞维利亚灯饰系列,配合螺旋形的磨砂水晶设计营造 出迷人的光映效果。清水晶与黑色水晶的强烈对比凸显产 品的瑰丽之处,展现超卓工艺及创意,为灯饰雕塑之杰作。
2014 爱彼新品巡回展览举办 Audemars Piguet 2014 Exhibition Held 瑞士高级钟表品牌爱彼前不久在北京丽思卡 尔顿酒店樽镜俱乐部举办 2014 爱彼新品巡 回展览。2014 年,爱彼延续百年来的精湛 工艺与创新理念,继续在材质技术上做出崭 新尝试,戮力为深受欢迎的经典腕表系列注 入新的力量,成就了多款重要腕表杰作,例 如爱彼皇家橡树格林威治标准时间概念陀飞 轮腕表、全新千禧三问报时腕表等。
万宝龙全新系列向传奇大班 90 周年致敬 Montblanc Celebrates 90 Years of Iconic Meisterstück
自 1924 年面世以来,万宝龙大班系列历经 90 年辉煌, 缔造出书写工具领域的传奇。秉承“大班精神”,万宝龙 推出全新大班系列新品,包括材质独特的皮具、精致奢华 的腕表及珠宝以及为庆祝大班系列面世 90 周年特别推出 的书写工具。全新大班系列在向历史致敬的同时,亦将书 写出更为辉煌的传奇。
诺基亚 220 双卡版震撼上市 Nokia 220 Dual SIM Hits the Market
诺基亚 220 双卡版前不久正式上市,它采用经典设计, 外观优美,品质出众,支持双卡双待,搭载了支持云服务 的诺基亚 Xpress 浏览器和微软必应搜索引擎,以更高的 性价比,为初次购机的用户提供了经典实用的体验,同时 也为购买备用机的用户提供了一个超值的智能伴侣选择。
努比亚智能手机全新 X 系列跨界旗舰 X6 问世 ZTE Nubia X Series’ Flagship Product X6 Released
在承袭“发现、创造、无限”品牌理念的同时,努比亚智 能手机全新 X 系列跨界旗舰 X6 携全新轻量化 UI、多项单 反级创新拍照功能问世,为高端用户提供更为多样的选择。 作为一款全新的跨界旗舰产品,努比亚 X6 的机身设计秉 承了“轻、薄、窄、圆、润”的家族特点,90% 金属占 比的华丽金属机身经过高达 145 道精密工序的精雕细琢。
移动 4G 版 HTC One M8 发布 HTC One M8 Reveals China Mobile 4G Version HTC 发布了移动 4G 版 HTC One M8。该 机支持中国移动 TD-LTE 制式的 4G 网络。 One M8 是 HTC 去年 One M7 的后续机型。 HTC One M8 在外观方面延续了前代产品 全金属机身设计,并且进一步完善,机身更 加圆润,握持感更加舒适。国行版 One M8 将与国际版一样,采用一体化机身,不再像 One M7 一样采用可拆卸后盖。
118 LifeStyle
索尼发布首款家用便携 4K 摄像机及酷拍新机 Sony Unveils Its First Portable 4K Camcorder
索尼公司正式推出家用便携 4K 摄像机 FDR-AX100E、 高清摄像机 HDR-CX900E 以及“酷拍”佩戴式摄像机 HDR-AS100V。新推出的 4K 摄像机 AX100E 配备性能强 劲的 BIONZ X 影像处理器,采用 1 英寸 Exmor R CMOS 影像传感器,开创了家用摄像机的“1 英寸”新时代。
定制的时间美学: 昂文德帝进驻金宝汇 Custom Time Aesthetics: Erwin Sattler Enters Jinbao Place Beijing
享有“德国制造”质量精品声誉的家族 独立制钟品牌昂文德帝的进驻,让金宝 汇又增添了一个诠释工艺与设计、时间 与艺术的维度。在昂文德帝金宝汇展厅, 以崭新的设计、陈列以及难得的限量、 跨界产品传达时间与永恒的美学新主张, 呈现品牌背后传统与创新的底蕴,为中 国的钟表爱好者和藏家们提供纯粹德国 的定制体验。
翱飞思 2014 春夏新品媒体 体验会举办 OFESS Holds S/S 2014 Media Exhibition
上海外滩游艇会“超级游艇目的地”在沪揭牌 Shanghai Yacht Club at the Bund Revealed as “Super Yacht Destination”
4 月 12 日,上海外滩游艇会与摩纳哥游艇俱乐部结盟,并成为亚洲首个 位于大都会市中心的“超级游艇目的地”成员。当天,“超级游艇目的地” 揭牌落地活动在位于黄浦江畔陆家嘴 CBD 中心位置的会所内成功举行, 众多国内外媒体见证了中国游艇文化产业迈向国际顶端最重要的一步。
SEC· 祁刚 2014 秋冬 “骉艳”时装发布会成功举办 SEC · Qi Gang F/W 2014 Fashion Show Held
风靡国际的潮流先锋雨具品牌翱飞思前 不久在京城时尚新地标老佛爷百货举办 了一场以“潮玩雨季,伞行先锋”为主 题的春夏新品媒体体验活动,隆重推出 Brellagraphy 涂鸦伞系列以及 Isabrella DX 酒瓶伞系列豪华新品,并正式宣告入 驻北京老佛爷百货,以集时尚、先锋、 环保、轻便、实用于一体的潮流创意雨 具打造雨季时尚新典范。
塔莉卡发布新品光魅声波 燃脂纤体仪 Talika Releases Fat-Reducing Tool Light X-Slim
3 月 25 日,SEC·祁刚 2014 秋冬“骉艳” 时装发布会在中国国际时装周主会场北 京饭店金色大厅成功举办。本次时装色 彩浓艳缤纷,以马和汉代元素为灵感来 源,在设计中运用了马鬃和马鞍,并融 入汉代的玉器、石雕、丝绸、金缕玉衣 以及现代旋转建筑元素,以时装的形式 完美再现汉代文化与现代主义风格的完 美融合。
法国高科技护肤品牌塔莉卡前不久在北 京马克南四合轩西餐厅举行光魅声波燃 脂纤体仪新品发布会。塔莉卡特邀京城 各大时尚媒体见证其光魅声波燃脂纤体 仪的荣耀上市,启动“光学纤体”新时代。 塔莉卡主席艾力·布斯先生和媒体共同分 享了此款“纤体神器”的神奇功效和它 的光学魅力。此款产品现已在丝芙兰实 体店和线上有售。
“时光至美”玖姿 2014 秋冬 高级成衣发布秀举办 JZ Juzui F/W Haute Couture Show Held
Maria Luisa 买手店落户上海新天地 Maria Luisa Selection Store Lands in Xintiandi Shanghai
3 月 24 日,玖姿以“时光至美”的优雅 灵感,于北京饭店拉开本季秋冬高级成 衣大秀,呈现玖姿的服装设计与品牌品 格的雅致互动,点亮这一季最温暖迷人 的时光之炬。整场秀用服装讲述玖姿修 饰女性身形的唯美岁月之旅,将东方古 典与传统的元素融于高级成衣的创意灵 感,呈现出东方味十足的摩登优雅。
独立设计师王在实首个时装秀 在 798 举行 Vega Zaishi Wang's First Fashion Show at 798
4 月 4 日晚,独立设计师王在实在北京 798 程昕东国际当代艺术空间举办了个 人首个时装秀“2014 年秋冬设计系列”。 20 分钟的视听觉冲击让到场的业界人 士、时尚达人、媒体及好友备感震撼。 在秀场活动结束后,夜猫子们纷纷前往 灯笼俱乐部以尽余兴。
法 国 著 名 时 尚 买 手 店 Maria Luisa Selection 前不久在上海地标性建筑群、 潮人汇聚的时尚中心——新天地隆重开 幕。该店由法国知名设计师伊曼纽尔·博 须埃设计,并由中国建筑师李大欣倾力打 造。新天地店也是 Maria Luisa Selection 在上海开设的第一家店铺。活动当天, 同样源自法国的君度橙酒为开幕派对及 受邀宾客特别定制了君度鸡尾酒。
瑞士国家旅游局推出 “360° 瑞士美景”主题年 Switzerland Tourism Launches “360° Views of Switzerland” Theme Year
4 月 17 日,瑞士国家旅游局在北京望京 SOHO 举行“360°瑞士美景”启动仪式, 邀请中国游客全方位感受瑞士阿尔卑斯 山之美。瑞士驻华大使戴尚贤、瑞士国 家旅游局中国区主任张自清、瑞士国际 航空公司中国区总经理李渊、瑞士交通 系统 / 欧洲铁路公司大中华区代表田雨、 有着丰富瑞士夏季山地体验的时尚女性 领导者以及多位著名旅游博主共同出席 了活动。据悉,在主题年中瑞士国家旅 游局将联手各大旅行社推广以瑞士全景 体验为主要目的的线路产品。
LifeStyle 119 LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS.... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海外滩悦榕庄屋顶露台酒吧 TOPS & 悦漾湾: 重新开业迎暖意春夏 Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund: Re-energizing for Summer
上海海神诺富特大酒店: “舌尖上的世界”美食节 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: “East Meets West” Food Festival
上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 全新升级海鲜自助盛宴 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: New Seafood Dinner Buffet
上海花园饭店: 庭院开业,烧烤自助餐 Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Le Jardin Opening, BBQ Buffet
上海浦西洲际酒店翠庭: 粤式点心,午间无限享用 InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: All-You-Can-Eat Dim Sum Lunch at Jade
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店艾美轩中 餐厅:点心自助午市套餐 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, Le Bistrot Restaurant: Love to the Only One
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓: 全新盛宴自助美食 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: New Feast Buffet Dinner
上海万豪虹桥大酒店: 可颂甜甜圈,从纽约旅居上海 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao: Cronuts, from New York to Shanghai
上海新世界丽笙大酒店旋景餐厅: 母亲节早午餐,深情厚意经久难忘 The Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch
上海明天广场 JW 万豪酒店: “午后花园”下午茶 JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square: Blooming Afternoons
Banyan Tree Shanghai On The Bund continues with its trendsetting, luxuriant offerings with the re-launching its nightlife hotspot TOPS and the elegant dining encounter offered by Riviera. In 2013, TOPS was awarded ‘Best View Bar in Shanghai’ by TALK Magazine, while Riveria proved itself a daring F&B innovation along Shanghai’s ever ascending international dining scene. Tel: +86 21 2509 1188
Experience the brand new seafood buffet-- a wide range of seafood including scallops, shrimps, crabs, clams and more. Our dedicated chef’s live cooking is sure to impress you. Two kinds of dipping sauce are provided. Apart from seafood, international delicacies like salads, hot dishes, desserts, fruits are waiting for you. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300
Now all dim sum lovers need look no further than Jade to fulfill their passion for these deliciously light! Come and enjoy our all-you-can-eat dim sum menu featuring a choice of over 40 Cantonese dim sum favorites which are hand made by our Hong Kong Chef Chan and his culinary expert team. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999 ext 6398
Feast Signature Restaurant located in hotel lobby provides Asian and European cuisine and only chooses healthy, fresh ingredients. It offers you a lavish buffet dinner from Monday to Saturday with a wide selection of food stations including meat and fish carving. Fresh seafood, sushi and hot soup noodles plus various French style desserts like our chocolate caramel mousse. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2240
May is one of the time where we all get the opportunity to give that extra special thanks and care to our most beloved Mum. On Sunday 11th May, bring your Mum for a sumptuous brunch buffet at Epicure on 45. Enjoy the 360 degree view of the Shanghai city skyline 208 meters above street level whilst dining on a lavish selection of food – your mom will will leave the restaurant with an everlasting memory. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4210
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Novotel Shanghai Atlantis is presenting an East Meets West Food Festival at Art 50 Revolving Restaurant. Abundant delicious cuisines are available for your choice, including Chef’s Recommended Asian Traditional Food, Special Chinese Flavor, and western popular dishes. You will find your favors from the diverse offer. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1688
With swaying willows and chirping birds beside our majestic fountain, our Garden Barbecue Party offers the perfect choice to entertain your holiday guests with fine wine and scrumptious dishes. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5203
Pamper the most special lady in your life this Mother’s Day by inviting her to the finest brunch in town. On top of the heavenly array of gourmet food we prepare each Sunday, Le Bistrot also give you a chance to make a special gift for your Mum. Come and win prizes for Mum of the Year contest at our signature La Vie En Rose brunch. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext 7001
New York’s cronut craze has hit Shanghai! With all the flaky layers of a croissant combined with the rich flavors and doughiness of a doughnut, the cronut has topped itself on our dessert list and has become an overnight celebrity. Come treat your sweet tooth to our cronuts any time! Just RMB20 each, with a 20% special discount now! Limited supply of 50 cronuts per day. Tel: +86 21 6010 6012
Unwind in a warm spring afternoon at JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square. With inspirations from spring blossoms, JW’s pastry team crafts a delectable array of floral-infused teatime assortments for your afternoon indulgence. Featuring fruity and healthy items such as Green Tea and Red Bean Cheese Cake, Lemon Thyme Yogurt Cup and Red Wine Glaze with Pistachio. Tel: +86 21 5359 4969 ext. 6430
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 多彩人生——宝禄爵香槟早午餐 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: La Vie en Couleur – Le Brunch Pol Roger
北京嘉里大酒店: 无限量任点任食半自助晚餐 Kerry Hotel Beijing: Kerry’s Kitchen Feast-ival Dinner
上海宏安瑞士大酒店瑞绯阁: 春日佳肴——感受精致而清新的美味 Swissôtel Grand Shanghai: Café Swiss --Spring Cuisine
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店四季 汇餐厅:五月缤纷咖喱 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street, Greenfish Restaurant: Colorful Curries
The 2014 Summer Program, ‘La Vie en Couleur’, recently launched with flying colors! With the introduction of freeflow Champagne Pol Roger®, Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental continues to take its Sunday Brunch to a whole new level. Highlights are our Spanish premium cold cuts - crowned by “Jamon Ibérico Bellota”. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888
Café Swiss presents a special selection of spring delicacies made from the freshest meat and seafood, gardenfresh vegetables and homemade pasta, enhanced with the finest herbs and spices. They are light enough and superbly delicious – the perfect choices to help shed extra pounds gained during the cold season and get the body ready to battle the sizzling summer temperature. Tel: +86 21 5355 9898 ext 6360
上海威斯汀大饭店:热情南非四月 Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Month of South Africa Last month, Westin Bund Center in partnership with the Consulate General of South Africa, celebrated 20 years of democracy in South Africa with a South African food, wine and culture celebration! A variety of activities were carried out during April, including South African themed a la carte menu in Prego and the Stage buffet with South African flavors every week night. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048
北京万豪酒店 : 有机菜品 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall: Provincia Organic Feast
Based on fresh ingredients, the organic menu starring plates like created Potted Organic Salad with “Nutritive Soil” and Beet Root and Baby Carrot, seasonal Organic Carrot Soup with Cream and Ginger, stylized Italian Organic Rasicchio Ristotto with Red Wine Sauce. Meat lovers are also satisfied by Snow Beef Fillet with Grilled Organic Fennel and Gremolata sauce. Tel: +86 10 5811 8233
北京北辰洲际酒店: 浓情端午粽飘香 InterContinental Beijing Beichen: Celebrate Dragon Boat Festival This Dragon Boat Festival, give your family and friends a memorable gift from InterContinental Beijing Beichen. Our delicious range of gift-wrapped rice dumplings, prepared with meticulous care and only the finest ingredients, are once again available for you to share. We have prepared Exclusive Kids Gift Box this year to create plenty of fun and joy. Tel: +86 10 8437 1427
Kerry Hotel, Beijing’s all-day dining restaurant Kerry’s Kitchen today launches Feast-ival. This new dinner concept offers guests a dinner without limits in which they can indulge in a variety of made-to-order dishes. It is available daily from 5 to 10 p.m. and affordably priced at RMB198 plus 15 per cent service charge. Tel: +86 10 8565 2088
Chef Zhang takes you to another gastronomic experience featuring various curries from Indonesia, India, Thailand and Singapore. Curry originated in India. Strong-flavored Indian curry is usually made from fresh or dried hot chilies blended with spices, while Indonesian and Singaporean curries are lighter and flavored with coconut and tamarind. Tel: +86 10 6629 6990
北京万达索菲特大饭店: 索菲特粽子系列 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Rice Dumpling Collection 2014
Sofitel Wanda Beijing has recently released its Rice Dumpling Collectionfor 2014. The collection gathers 6 different boxes, from the vintage style Chinese box to the trendy and fashion box. The 6 boxes can be separated into 3 families: Luxury Touch, with bamboo boxes, Traditional with red and gold drum & lantern boxes, and fashion, with Paris Lights boxes. Tel: +86 10 8599 6666
广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店:中国丽 思卡尔顿酒店星厨盛宴隆重举行 The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou: Chinese All-Star Chefs Event The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou was proud to host The Ritz-Carlton Chinese AllStar Chefs Event recently, during which a selection of the best Ritz-Carlton Chinese chefs celebrating the greatest Chinese culinary arts were featured. Five culinary artisans from Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chengdu, showcased the finest culinary craftsmanship in the five-day dining event. Tel: +86 20 3813 6888
杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: 母亲节自助晚餐 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: Mother's Day Buffet Dinner It’s the perfect time to show your love to your mother! E Café All Day Dining Restaurant provides you with a wide selection of cuisines from Asian to Western specialties, complemented by free flow wines, local beers, juices and soft drinks and a special cake per table for the reservation at least 1 day in advance. Tel: +86 571 8989 8888 ext 5772
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 上海花园饭店: 卓越品质,金奖留名 Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Winning Golden Awards
青岛威斯汀酒店: 在奥帆之都璀璨登场 The Westin Qingdao: Westin Hotels Debut in the Sailing City
杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: 荣获“中国十佳新开业酒店”奖项 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: “TOP 10 Newly Open Hotels of China” Award
深圳凯宾斯基酒店: 宴会设施华丽升级 Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen: The Stage is Yours!
上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 荣获 2013 年度日本乐天旅游大赏 “钻石奖” Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Wins the Diamond Award
银川凯宾斯基饭店:获评《商旅专 家》“2013 年度最佳会议酒店” Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan Won the “Miracle” Best Conference Hotel Award
成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店: 参与“地球一小时”活动 Ritz-Carlton Chengdu: Earth Hour Activities
上海巴黎春天新世界酒店: 商务及旅游旅客尽享多项礼遇 New World Shanghai Hotel: New World Special Offers Indulge Business and Leisure Travellers
Adhering to superior tradition, Okura Garden Hotel (Shanghai) always strives for the best quality to present overall charm in service, facility, and cuisine, for which it has received acclaim from over one million realname consumers worldwide, and has been awarded the “Rakuten Travel Award 2012 Golden Award”. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111
The DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East was awarded the prestigious “TOP 10 Newly Open Hotels of China” at the 9th “China Hotel Starlight Awards”. The hotel receives the “China Hotel Starlight Awards” for the second time after previously having “2012 - The Most Anticipated Opening Hotel” Tel: +86 571 8989 8888
Rakuten Travel – the biggest Online Travel Agency in Japan – held its annual awards for 2013, which was attended by the President of Rakuten Travel Inc. Grand Mercure shanghai Hongqiao has won the prestigious Diamond Award at this year’s event. For the fourth year in a row, Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao has been a prize-winner at the Rakuten Travel Awards. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300
The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu went lightsoff for its first Earth Hour since it opened its doors last October. As is the custom, the hotel turned off or dimmed exterior and non-essential interior lighting for one hour starting at 8:30pm on March 29. Guests were invited to participate by turning off their room lights at the same time. Tel: +86 28 8358 8888
常州都喜天丽富都青枫酒店: 打造全新豪华酒店 Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts: First Dusit Thani Deluxe Hotel in Changzhou In keeping with its aggressive expansion plan in the People’s Republic of China, Dusit Fudu Hotels and Resorts announces the signing of a management agreement for a new luxury hotel, the Dusit Thani Fudu Qingfeng Hotel in Changzhou, Jiangsu Province. The hotel is expected to be rebranded in May 2014. www.dusit.com
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Westin Hotels & Resorts, part of Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. recently announced the opening of The Westin Qingdao, located in the central business district of Qingdao. The hotel features 321 guestrooms and suites, world-class cuisine, flexible meeting facilities, and the full Westin experience with signature amenities and services designed to enhance the wellbeing of travelers to the city. Tel: +86 532 6777 1888
The Kempinski Grand Ballroom upgraded its meeting facility with a PH5 LED high resolution stage screen. The screen, at 12.48m (length) x 3.84m (height) is an upscale modern technology to meet expectations for all types of events. Book a lunch wedding to enjoy ‘buy 11 tables and get one table free’. Promotion is valid until 1 August 2014. Tel: +86 755 8888 8888 ext 8303
Recently, the "Miracle Workers Awards Gala" organized by China BT MICE was concluded at Beijing Marriott Hotel. Kempinski Hotel Yinchuan China Business Council Award was awarded the 2013 Annual Industry Awards [Miracle] "Best Conference Hotel" award. Miss Jiang Lili, the director of sales & marketing attended the ceremony. Tel: +86 951 516 5888
New World Hotels’ “Weekend Welcome,” “Business Plus” and “Bonus Stay” packages offer an array of valueadded privileges, including room upgrades, discounted room rates, food and beverage discounts and special services, for guests staying at New World Hotels until 31 December 2014. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 健身中心翻新升级 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: Newly Refurbished Fitness Center
Located on the 10th floor, the lightfilled, spacious Fitness Center at Le Royal Méridien Shanghai has been recently refurbished, offering guests a totally new gym experience with an extensive selection of fitness equipment including the most recent gym programs, and equipped with state of the art Technogym, Precor and StarTrac gym facilities. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店: 行政客房及套房尊贵体验无与伦比 The Ritz-Carlton Yalong Bay, Sanya: Club & Suite, An Elevated Experience
北京希尔顿逸林酒店: 夏日艺趣·户外烧烤嬉水派对 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: BBQ Pool Party
上海中航泊悦酒店: 行政楼层最贵礼遇 Shanghai Hongqiao Airport Hotel: Superb Executive Floors
天津帝旺凯悦酒店: 五月揭幕,续写凯悦传奇 Hyatt Regency Tianjin East: Legendary Hotel Opens In May
北京建国饭店 : 美国驻华大使夫妇 到北京建国饭店中餐厅用餐 Beijing Jianguo Hotel: United States Ambassador and Wife Come to Dine
成都高新皇冠假日酒店: 推出爱仕积分项目 Crowne Plaza Chengdu West: Launches the Aspire Program
Recently, new United States Ambassador to China Mr. Max Baucus and his wife to a Chinese restaurant in Jianguo hotel in Beijing. That night, the table was decorated in Beijing style, with standing screens, small clay figurines and paper cut style menus. The ambassador and his wife were very happy with the delicious cuisine, especially Hakka style chicken and lobster soup. Tel: + 86 10 6500 2233
The Aspire Program is a recognition program giving its members full access to world of privileges, exclusive promotions and savings available in the hotel of their participation. Aspire Rewards is a Food & Beverage Guest Privilege Program exclusive to Crowne Plaza and Intercontinental brand of IHG group and Crowne Plaza Chengdu West is the 14th Hotel join in Aspire Program in Greater China Area. Tel: +86 20 3349 9169
上海璞麗酒店: 璞麗露天花园盛春开放 The PuLi Hotel and Spa, Shanghai: The PuLi Garden Terrace Reopens
重庆江北希尔顿逸林酒店: 加入“地球一小时”节能运动 DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North: Celebrates Earth Hour 2014
The Ritz-Carlton Club & Suite is a separate realm of intimacy, comfort and exclusive service -- a hotel within a hotel in which you are among a privileged few. Inside this lavish world, elevated personal services are yours to enjoy, including a complimentary limousine service and traditional afternoon tea is served in the Club Lounge with our compliments. Tel: +86 898 8898 8888
The hotel has upgraded the hardware facilities of the Executive Floors completely – whether it be in the Executive Club Lounge or the quiet executive rooms, you can enjoy a totally relaxed private space! NESPRESSO coffee machines and high-end bath supplies bring you a superb experience! Tel: +86 21 2236 6666
The PuLi is reopening its Garden Terrace, a 135-square-meter space covered in plush sofas and daybeds. It's covered in greenery and has a large, tranquil waterfeature. The Terrace is open daily from 9am to 1am. In the day, it's a perfect spot for lunch or tea. At night, it's highly romantic, secluded and private. Tel: +86 21 3203 9999 ext 6996
上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 参与“地球一小时”活动 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: Joins 2014 Earth Hour InterContinental Shanghai
Pudong joined 2014 Earth Hour, the world’s largest public activity for the environment. On 29th March, between 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm., the hotel turned off the lights in most back-of-thehouse areas and dimmed the lights in public areas, restaurants and hotel exteriors. Guests were encouraged to participate by turning off the lights in their guestrooms. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666
Come and join us in kicking off summer 2014 and beat the Beijing summer heat at the outdoor Roof Garden. The 3000 sq-m outdoor Roof Garden features trees from around the world and a stream, making a green oasis in the heart of the city. New modern sculptures bring a mysterious and artistic atmosphere to the garden. Tel: +86 10 6338 1999 ext 1628
Hyatt Regency Tianjin East, a new property of Hyatt Hotel Corporation will be open in May. With the first Hyatt hotel in mainland China, Hyatt Regency Tianjin, opened in 1986 and closed in 2009, the opening of Hyatt Regency Tianjin East marks the return of the Hyatt Regency brand to Tianjin. Tel: + 86 22 2457 1234
DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North joined hundreds of Hilton Worldwide’s more than 4,000 hotels and timeshare properties by switching off lights and through a variety of activities including a Change Waste to Recycling campaign, terminate Shark’s Fin dishes serving, provided environmentalfriendly bags to guests, and more. Tel: +86 23 6771 6666
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 和上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 2014 年度喜达屋国际招聘日活动 举办 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: Starwood Careers Day 2014 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong recently hosted Starwood Careers Day, an Asia Pacific-wide effort aimed at attracting passionate individuals to explore a range of employment opportunities within Starwood Asia Pacific. Tel: +86 21 5039 9999
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Big House 不久前,美国金融界最有影响力的风 云人物之一“垃圾债券大王”迈克尔·米尔 肯斥资 1.02 亿美元将世界最贵豪宅“利斯 之花”收入囊中,这也是洛杉矶迄今为止成 交价最高的房产。“利斯之花”由建筑师理 查德·罗伯森三世设计,灵感来源于凡尔赛宫。 其宫廷式装潢奢华优雅,原业主雇佣了世界 上最优秀的艺术史专家和买手替他打理一 切。整幢豪宅的装饰采用大理石墙面、镀金 墙纸和大量法国古董家具,内设 12 间卧室、 15 间浴室、可容纳 10 名员工居住的房间、 一个 50 座的影院以及三卧房的管家小屋。 《洛杉矶时报》称其“3000 平方英尺的酒 窖和品酒室比大多数美国人的居所都要大” 。 2002 年落成的“利斯之花”由亿万富翁大 卫·塞普斯泰与他当时的妻子苏珊共同建造。 两人的婚姻随着塞普斯泰与瑞典女保姆传 出婚外情而终止,这幢豪宅留给了苏珊,如 今豪宅又易主,一切都已物是人非。
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This mansion just became the most expensive house sold in Los Angeles County, going for $102 million in cash to “junk bond king” Michael Milken. Designed by Richard Robertson III and completed in 2002, Fleur de Lys comes with 35,000 square feet of marble walls and antique French furnishings, all spread across 12 bedrooms, 15 bathrooms, accommodations for a 10-person staff, a 50-seat screening room, and a three-bedroom caretaker’s house. As the Los Angeles Times writes, “The 3,000-square-foot wine cellar and tasting room is larger than most American houses, as is the manager’s house.” The jumbo mansion was built for billionaire David Saperstein and his then-wife, Suzanne. After David’s much-publicized affair with their Swedish nanny, the two went through a muchpublicized divorce that left his ex with the palace. Like many large, suspiciously tasteless houses of this genre, Fleu de Lys took inspiration from the Palace of Versailles.
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