2014 november

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

2014 年十一月号 总第 368 期

隈研吾:打造北京城市公共空间 望京 SOHO:天际线别样风景 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

Thinking outside the Rectangle l Antipodean Aesthetes l Da Dong in Autumn l A Russian in Umbria l The Real and Imagined




Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel NOVEMBER 2014

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The November cover is a shot of singer Shang Wenjie

Xi’an Syndrome

There’s a distinct emotional collapse that many foreigners experience upon

arrival in China. It stems from a disconnect between history and reality. Tourists

come to China to see the Great Wall, the terra-cotta warriors, and the Forbidden City - to name a few attractions. They know about the incredible economic

growth, but this inadequate preparation for omnipresent, overpowering newness of China. Many still expect the Chinese equivalent of Paris, Rome, or any ma-

jor city in Europe. After beholding super modern (in most parts) Shanghai and Beijing, they might expect to finally see unblemished preservation in the former

西安综合征 很多外国人到了中国后都会产生明显的心理落差,这种 落差源自历史与现实的脱节。游客们来中国看万里长城、兵 马俑,还有紫禁城,等等。他们对中国经济的蓬勃增长早已 了解,但对中国社会方方面面日新月异的变化准备不足。许 多人还在期待中国会像欧洲主要城市一样,比如巴黎、罗马等。 在见识过超级摩登的上海和北京(大部分地区)后,他们可 能最终还是想去秦汉隋唐等十三朝的都城——西安,去看看 保存完好的古代遗迹。 斯德哥尔摩综合征、巴黎综合征、佛罗伦萨综合征…… 还应该有个西安综合征,用来描述游人发现中国古迹难寻的 失望。胡同里到处是私搭乱建,或者干脆拆了重建。从动车 车窗看出去,大同小异的高楼提示着你郑州、长春、南京、 成都或者石家庄到了,它们几乎都长成一个样子。市中心无 一例外都是各大连锁店、购物中心,街道很宽,需要走地下 通道或天桥,而且总有些既不古老也不新潮的建筑物,让人 觉得压抑。这些感觉在抵达西安后更加明显了,因为原本希 望这个曾经属于秦始皇、汉武帝和李世民的城市会有所不同。 这就是“西安综合征”。 对中国有更深入的了解,就会看到细微的差别,从而自 “西安综合征”中痊愈。中国传统建筑材料的缺陷和历史的盛 衰浮沉让西安早先的建筑不复存在,中国其他城市也有这样的 情况。明城墙和唐代的宝塔弥足珍贵。虽然其他地方的古迹保 护工作微乎其微,西安所做的却是非常鼓舞人心的。除了古城 墙等旅游景点外,南门周边有一大片维护良好的乡土建筑,非 常原汁原味。最让人印象深刻的是西安索菲特传奇酒店,它由 1953 年的国宾馆翻新而来,巧妙地在中式风格里融入法兰西风 情。由此可见,只要遇到有品位的、卓识远见的业主,对中国 的古建筑由衷地欣赏,那么这个国家的古建筑保护还是很有希 望的。当然,不治愈“西安综合征”,你很难认清这一点。



capital of the Western Zhou, Qin, Han, Sui, Tang and other minor dynasties.

Stockholm syndrome, Paris syndrome, Florence Syndrome…There should be

a Xi’an Syndrome that describes the disappointment experienced by those who

find that so little of China is historic. The hutongs are filled with squat ancillary structures or completely reconstructed, if they remain at all. Out the window of

the bullet train is an endless parade of nearly identical high-rises that make arriving in Zhengzhou, Changchun, Nanjing, Changzhou or Shijiazhuang pretty

much the same. The urban cores are a set of chain stores, massive shopping centers, wide streets that require an over or under pass to cross, and and always the

same depressing not-old but not cutting-edge architectural style. But arrival in Xi’an intensifies these feelings because the hope was that this great city of Qin

Shihuang, Han Wudi, and Li Shimin would somehow be different. Xi’an Syndrome sets in.

Those with more experience in China can contextualize and see the fine dif-

ferences, and eventually recover from Xi’an Syndrome. The construction materials of traditional Chinese architecture and the vicissitudes of history destroyed

earlier structures in Xian - like elsewhere in China. The Ming wall and pagodas

from as early as the Tang are precious. For those who have seen the paltry preservation efforts elsewhere, Xi’an is still inspirational. Beyond the exceptional

city wall and other tourist sites, the area around the southern gate has a large expanse of well-maintained vernacular architecture in a recreated traditional style that seems quite authentic. Most impressive is the Sofitel Legend People’s Grand

Hotel Xian, a restoration of a 1953 guesthouse that is a kind of Chinese take on Art Deco with Parisian flair. This project shows there is hope for architectural gems throughout the country if they fall into the hands of owners with vision

and taste. There is indeed appreciation of heritage in China - but it takes getting

passed Xi’an Syndrome to recognize it. Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


094 050 时尚新鲜的新西兰


LifeStyle 直击 2015 秋冬新西兰时装周, 带你发现新西兰时尚

014 琴酒合一

伦敦创意二人组 Bompas & Parr 为尊尼获 加蓝方设计了一款名为“味觉指挥家”的 管风琴


016 多功能餐具神器

060 长安未央

以色列设计师李·本·大卫带来的混合餐具绝 对让你匪夷所思

正是有了西安索菲特传奇酒店和西安盛美 利亚酒店这样高水准酒店的存在,才不至 于让商务人士对这个十三朝古都却步

078 大董秋韵:诗情画意入梦来

特辑 022 让异想成为现实

LifeStyle 精选世界建筑和设计作品,一窥 中国乃至全球未来城市建筑和设计的发展 趋势

对于熟悉大董的人来说,每一季的新菜品 鉴会都是一场味觉、视觉、嗅觉、触觉交 织在一起的饕餮盛宴



026 隈研吾:打造北京城市公共空间

094 古城堡奢华重生

LifeStyle 独家对话国际著名建筑师隈研吾

改造意大利翁布里亚圣尤雷夏古城堡可谓 是俄罗斯大亨叶夫根尼所有成就中最为特 殊的一个

品鉴 042 尚雯婕:特立不独行

102 鬼才多面手马克·纽森


谁是当今跨界最大、作品最多、最具影响 力的工业设计师?恐怕非马克·纽森莫属

015 6


LifeStyle 7




078 Da Dong in Autumn: Dreaming in a Minor Key

014 Not an Organ

Da Dong’s autumn menu evokes the turning of the seasons

The Flavour Conductor can produce sounds and light effects during an immersive performance with the intention of stimulating six distinct tastes


016 Very Specific Cutlery

094 A Russian in Umbria

An Israeli designer has created a very specific set of cutlery that explores the over-specialized forms of cutlery

A historic 12th century castle receives a thoughtful renovation courtesy of a Russian businessman

102 A Marc of all Trades


Marc Newson is a true impresario of design

022 Thinking outside the Rectangle

Lifestyle presents some of the architecture and design that will define Chinese cities- and cities all over the globe- in the years to come


026 Kengo Kuma: A Public Space for Beijing

An inspirational conversation between renowned Japanese architect Kengo Kuma and LifeStyle


042 Shang Wenjie: Independent but not Alone

She is proud to be called a “freak”, however, when she is considered to be independent, she’s never alone



050 Fresh New Zealand

The fashion scene in New Zealand offers many surprises and thrills


060 Go West in Style

LifeStyle heads to Xi’an to rediscover the ancient capital

Columns 082 WineClub 120 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

LifeStyle 9

November 2014

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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10 LifeStyle

高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.18

Bompas & Parr 为尊尼获加蓝方 设计的“味觉指挥家”管风琴 The Flavour Conductor, designed for scotch whisky brand Johnnie Walker Blue Label

LifeStyle 13




Not an Organ 来自伦敦的创意二人组 Bompas & Parr 特 为苏格兰威士忌品牌尊尼获加蓝方设计了一 款名为“味觉指挥家”的管风琴。它不仅能 制造炫酷的声光效果,还能给观众带来不同 以往的感官体验。沉浸在声光影像与雕塑般 通体光滑的管风琴演奏中,观众能喝到六种 不同口味的威士忌,并获得受到演出影响的 独特味觉感知。经科学验证,这种影响是确 实存在的。设计师委托英国历史最悠久的管 风琴制造商 Mander Organs 制作,并与从事感 官知觉研究的教授查尔斯·斯班瑟合作,让美 妙的“声音”从这台与众不同的管风琴中流 淌出来。 Designed for scotch whisky brand Johnnie Walker

Blue Label, The Flavour Conductor produces sounds

and light effects during an immersive performance with the intention of stimulating six distinct tastes for audience members sipping the drink. Sounds

are combined with imagery that covers the smooth sculptural body of the instrument using projection mapping to “correspond in a manner scientifically

proven to influence the perception of taste”. Bompas

& Parr commissioned one of Britain’s oldest organ specialists, Mander Organs, to create the bespoke church organ and worked with sensory research

professor Charles Spence to “voice” the sounds emitted from the pipes.

14 LifeStyle


Imagination Takes Wingtip 荷兰精品鞋履 O’Quirey 自诞生之日起就凭借纯手工制作的粗 革拷花牛皮鞋闻名遐迩。来自荷兰国旗的红、浅蓝、橙等色彩元素, 欧洲上等牛皮或格子呢材质,加之工艺纯熟的手工制作技术,都确 保了每一双 O’Quirey 皮鞋的超高品质和超凡脱俗。而来到北京的 O’Quirey 成为了真正的创意男鞋。O’Quirey 中国区经理科恩·纳 贝尔特邀 DARA 品牌创始人兼首席设计师蒋朋设计了一双淡蓝色翼 形饰孔布洛克鞋。自幼喜爱绘画与艺术的蒋朋浸淫在中国文化的土 壤里,又深受西方文化的影响,代表了中国都市精英时尚文化。传 统西方鞋履融合中华文化的精髓,实现了可定制的男鞋幻想。 Dutch shoemaker O’Quirey is no stranger to striking brogues. Red,

light blue, the orange from the national flag and tartan are just some of the

unexpected colors and patterns of their most popular styles. But it’s only in

Beijing that their footwear has truly become a canvas. Country Manager Koen Naber asked well-known interior decorator and owner of design store Dara, Patrick Jiang, to take his brush to a pair of pale blue wingtip brogues. Jiang

is something of a local celebrity and his taste and style are well-respected by

local elites and the fashion set, so there couldn’t have been a better choice. This most traditional style of Western shoe gains from the spirit and energy of China’s artistic capital with this one-of-a-kind piece that can be customized in other unique styles on request.

LifeStyle 15




Very Specific Cutlery 餐饮礼仪通常涉及各式各样的用途明晰 且严格的餐具,但在以色列设计师李·本·大卫 看来,要应对某些食物,仅靠这些餐具还是 远远不够。于是,一套不锈钢制作的混合餐 具诞生了。你瞧,有专门把毛豆挤出豆荚的 挤豆神器、用来夹圣女果和樱桃的三脚夹、 拔洋蓟专家,还有夹子和叉子的结合体—— 不必担心无法控制滑溜溜的意大利面了。面 对烫到没办法用手拿的口袋面包时,这对活 节刀可以帮你轻轻松松切开面包。 Formal dining contains an array of specific cutlery

but what if you had to deal with a cherry tomato

picker, pita bread spreader, and edamame bean popper? Lee Ben David, an Israeli designer, has

created a very specific set of cutlery that explores the

over-specialized (and often absurd) forms of cutlery

that exist in modern - and historic - society. Some of the more surreal eating utensils include a three-

pronged instrument designed for consuming cherry

tomatoes, a fork/clamp combo designed to catch the

loose ends of spaghetti, and a pair of hinged knives which make quick work of pita bread that’s too hot to touch.

16 LifeStyle


Traffic, Animated 想象一下,某人正赶着去参加会议或乘火车,遇到了堵车,又碰 上倾盆大雨……这是任何一个城市都可能发生的场景,但在纽约这样的 大城市,这一幕却可能成为一段更具深意的电影桥段,或者杂志封面的 灵感。美国知名期刊《纽约客》于 10 月 6 日推出其首个 GIF 格式封面。 由德国艺术家克里斯多夫·纳曼设计的这版封面上,一辆纽约标志性的 黄色出租车在雨幕中缓慢驶去。杂志上呈现的都是静态图片,但读者在 线阅读便会发现 GIF 动图的妙处。《纽约客》艺术总监弗朗索瓦丝·莫 里相信,每个看过动图封面的读者再捧起杂志都会在脑海中再次呈现出 清晰的动态效果。此举不仅是在新技术领域对纽约文化的有趣探索,更 为各家纸媒提供了借鉴。该期《纽约客》想必会成为珍藏版。 In a rush to the next meeting or to catch a train, sitting in a cab, stuck in

traffic, the rain running down the windows…it’s a scene that could happen in any city, but in the world’s greatest city this scene seems iconic, more poignant, cinematic. The New Yorker launched its first GIF-based cover, German artist Christoph Niemann, for its October 6 issue that shows a yellow cab inching

down one of those famous avenues with the rain coming down. The print version

is static but once readers see the GIFs online, Françoise Mouly, art director at The New Yorker, believes the paper cover will also seem animated in their minds. A tasteful, clever step into new technological territory for a stalwart of

NYC culture, this is an interesting example for print media everywhere. This issue is sure to become a collectible.

LifeStyle 17




Diamond in the Rough 为庆祝今年的除夕夜,德国慕尼黑罗科洛克福特查尔 斯酒店将与瑞士钟表珠宝品牌宝齐莱携手,打造一个名为 “钻石之夜”的闪耀庆典。在八道菜的晚宴之前,客人们 将先参加“钻石香槟招待会”。届时每位来宾都会发现自 己的笛型香槟杯里放置了一颗水晶,而一位珠宝专业人士 将在现场为每一位客人做鉴定,因为它们中暗藏了一颗价 值 2500 欧元的钻石。谁会是那位幸运儿呢? The Charles Hotel in Munich, Germany will host a particularly

dazzling New Year’s Eve celebration this winter entitled “Night of the Diamond”. In partnership with the jeweler Bucherer, the hotel

will place a diamond valued at €2,500 in the champagne flute of

one lucky guest. Before sitting down to the eight-course meal, guests will take part in the “Diamond Champagne Reception.” Each

partygoer will find a crystal at the bottom of their champagne flute, but only one of them will be the real diamond. The lucky winner

will find out only later in the evening when a jeweler makes his way

through the crowd, examining each stone to determine whether it is the precious jewel.

18 LifeStyle


Gehry for LVMH

位于巴黎的路易威登基金会大楼于 10 月 底面向公众开放。这座代表当代法国和国际艺 术创作的新址由建筑大师法兰克·盖瑞设计,形 似一朵玻璃云,坐落于风景秀美的巴黎布洛涅 森林公园北部的 Jardin d’Acclimatation 儿童游 艺园中。出于推广当代艺术和推动文化发展的目 的, 路易威登基金会大楼设有展出永久性藏品、 短期展品和艺术家委托展品的展厅,向公众展 示大量品牌收藏和艺术家设计等藏品,此外还 有专门的场馆用于不定期举办多学科演出和活 动。值得一提的是,LvMH 集团总裁伯纳德·阿 诺特的私人收藏也会在此永久展出。 Paris’s long awaited Fondation Louis Vuitton

opened in late October. Designed by Frank Gehry the striking glass building has been designed for

the exploration of “artistic creation in all its forms.” Located at the Jardin d’Acclimatation, a popular children’s park, in the city’s picturesque Bois de

Boulogne area, the building will house a permanent collection made up of works belonging to the collection of Bernard Arnault, CEO of LVMH.

LifeStyle 19

20 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Future City / P.22

LifeStyle 21



22 LifeStyle

The WaiThinkTankdisplays their vision for a defined skyline of the future through this haunting image.


Thinking Outside the Rectangle 眼下的中国,“城市时代”已经到来。 LifeStyle 精选世界建筑和设计作品,从中我们可以 窥见中国乃至全球未来城市建筑和设计的发展趋势。 The Chinese city has come of age. LifeStyle presents some of the architecture and design that will define Chinese cities - and cities all over the globe- in the years to come. Text: Jacob Dreyer

根据国际货币基金组织的研究,中国已经成为世界上 最大的经济体。但当你身处五星级豪华酒店或上海市中心的 顶层公寓,抑或是开着捷豹蜗行在京城的大道上,你还是会 对这个国家的景观心怀不满。让我们直面现实吧,中国的城 市太无趣了。千篇一律的塔式大楼、无尽的环形公路,处处 人满为患。中国的城市的确是拥挤不堪,住房紧张,不管你 是达官显贵还是平民百姓,呼吸的是同一片天空的空气,同 样堵在路上动弹不得,抬头望去,头顶上同样是单调乏味的 城市天际线……移民的理由还不够充分吗?确实很多人正在 移民。可不管是伦敦、纽约还是三亚,住宅楼似乎都差不多。 越来越多的人开始厌倦中国的城市环境,希望逃出这片快要 被摩天大楼淹没的土地。 现在,还是别急着在加州橘子郡买豪宅,中国的新兴 城市还是大有希望的。本期特辑以城市建筑和设计为主题, 我们瞄准北京最激动人心的楼盘之一——刚刚开盘的望京 SOHO,来听听日本著名建筑师隈研吾是怎么说的,世界上 许多最佳公共空间设计就是出自这位大师之手。我们还带来 了 2014 北京国际设计周的诸多亮点以及法国奥尔良 FRAC 中心的展示,以提醒自己别忘了过去一些让人惊艳的建筑乌 托邦的存在。最后 , 但同样重要的是,我们就高楼大厦这一 话题对北京 WAI 建筑事务所进行了独家采访。这是一家新 锐公司,雄心勃勃地试图一改城市的天际线风景。让我们一 起探索这些建筑师和设计师的“异想天开”吧。

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The Interlace

奥雷·舍人主持设计的“翠城新景”(2013 年,新加坡)给传统的高密度城市住宅提供了另一种更宜居的可能 The Interlace by OMA and Ole Scheeren, completed in Singapore in 2013, gives an alternative to the high rise, even as rectangles rise higher in Manhattan.

30 Park Place

24 LifeStyle

432 Park Avenue

World Trade Center


ccordingto the International Monetary

Fund, China’s economy is officially the world’s largest. As you sit in your five

star hotel room, in your penthouse in downtown Shanghai, or with your Jaguar idling in Beijing’s ferocious traffic, though, you might still have a

slight feeling of dissatisfaction with the landscape

in this country. Let’s face it: Chinese cities are boring. Repetitive tower blocks, endless ring

roads, huge crowds; in practice, the Chinese city is stressful and overcrowded, and even those at

the peaks of success must breath the same air, experience the same traffic jams, and observe the same mind-numbing skylines. It’s enough to make you want to emigrate- which is exactly

what many are doing. Whether you’re looking at properties in London, New York, or Sanya, it’s

all the same; an increasing number of people are

fed up with urban conditions in China, and are looking to escape from this wasteland of neverending high rises.

D o n ’ t b u y y o u r m a n s i o n i n O r a n g e

Country just yet, though; there’s still a lot of promise in China’s new cities. In this special

issue, themed on urban design and architecture,

we take a look at one of Beijing’s most exciting

new buildings, Wangjing Soho, which just opened, and sit down with renowned architect

Kengo Kuma, author of some of the capital’s finest public spaces. We stopped by Beijing

Design Week to fill you in on the highlights, and

showcase the FRAC museum in Orléans, France to remind ourselves of some of the highlights

of architectural utopias of years gone by. Last

but not least, we gained an exclusive interview about towers with Beijing’s WAI architects- a

young firm on the rise, dedicated to defining the skyline of the future. Join us, as we explore those

architects and designers in 2014 Beijing who are truly thinking outside of the box.

A beautiful image capturing the architectural design and innovation that is The Interlace.

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隈 研Kengo Kuma: 吾A Public Space for Beijing

copyright dbox


Text: Nels Frye

隈研吾是 21 世纪对传统建筑文化产生巨大影响的著名建筑师。 1954 年,隈研吾出生在日本横滨,1979 年从东京大学毕业后便搬到纽 约,就读于哥伦比亚大学,最终获得建筑学博士学位。1990 年,他成 立了自己的公司——隈研吾建筑都市设计事务所,目前在日本、法国 和中国都设有办事处。作为世界知名建筑师,隈研吾获奖无数,比如 日本建筑学会奖(1997 年)和英国餐厅酒吧设计大奖之最佳国际空间 奖(2012 年)等。

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身在北京的人几乎都知道你的作品。在这座城市,你可能是最有 名的建筑设计师之一。你觉得这是为什么? 我觉得自己很幸运。长城脚下的“竹屋”是我在北京的第一 个项目,它与本地的普通建筑差异极大。至于材料和设计,更与 这里一般的建筑风格完全相反。之后,我又设计了三里屯的瑜舍 酒店。酒店坐落于适合步行的广场之间,这也与北京常见的商业 项目不同。北京的建筑通常不会利用到外部空间,但我们的设计 主题恰好是要用好外部空间。这就是我们的与众不同之处吧。 三里屯是北京最有意思的地方之一,特别是南庭和瑜舍酒店很适 合与朋友相聚,但在某种程度上这里也很让人费解,因为北京并 不太适宜户外活动。 瑜舍酒店项目开始启动之前,委托人就告诉过我北京的犯罪 率颇高,这里的冬天很冷、污染特别严重。不过我仍旧建议,即

三里屯 SOHO 位于北京朝阳区,由购物中心和 9 幢不同高度的写字楼和 公寓楼组成 Sanlitun SOHO is comprised of shopping malls and nine office and apartment buildings of varying heights.

使在这样的条件下,作为一个 21 世纪的设计项目,瑜舍还是应 该尽可能利用外部空间。这样的设计更为生态,也会为很多想在 冬天走出户外的人提供一个闲逛的地方。行走在三里屯,闻着烧 烤的香气,看着落日的余晖一点点被建筑吞噬,这些都是生动的 体验。我喜欢这种感觉,也想在这里呈现一种行人文化。 那么三里屯 SOHO 的设计理念是什么呢? 三里屯 SOHO 的设计目的并不是要建一座摩天大楼,而是 几座小楼的联合体。这里与东京的典型大楼不同,东京的建筑大 多是以一座高楼为主体进行设计建造的。三里屯 SOHO 项目的 核心是要打造一个集合性社区。我在日本的老师就常使用这种集 合形式。当时,高大的独栋楼宇是现代建筑运动的代表。但在我 的老师看来,现代主义应该是人行走在地面上的体验。我认为他 的理论今天依旧适用,特别是那些需要节省材料、合理布局的有 机建筑。 你对年轻建筑师有什么建议? 对建筑系学生来说,我认为最重要的是,要多旅行和多去各 种地方看一看。我学建筑的时候,就和朋友一起走过了许多地方。 我在学生时期印象最深刻的就是撒哈拉沙漠之旅。在撒哈拉的经 历与我在东京的生活是如此天差地别,彼时我才开始发现世界的 多样性。旅途见闻和各种经历都将有利于建筑系学生继续深入学 习和日后的实践。所以,见识新地方、认识新朋友十分重要。当 然更重要的是,要学会如何与来自其他文化背景的人交流。 如果你有机会选择在任何一个城市设计或翻新任何一家酒店,那 是怎样的状况? 我喜欢有历史底蕴的城市。成都就非常漂亮。当然我也很乐 意在纽约做点什么,那里也很有趣。我喜欢在中国设计项目是因 为这里的每个城市都有各自不同的特点和文化。每到一处新的地 方,我就会发现当地一些有趣的历史,同时也为我的新项目提供 了灵感。

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The modern, sleek and classical rooms inside KengoKuma’s Opposite House boutique luxury hotel provide guests with an escape from the city into a peaceful and comfortable oasis.

Kengo Kuma is a world renowned Japanese

architect known for 21st century influence on traditional architecture. He was born in

Yokohama, Japan in 1954. After graduating from

the University of Tokyo in 1979, he moved to New York and studied at Colombia University

eventually earning himself a Ph.D in Architecture. In 1990 he established his own firm, Kengo Kuma & Associates, which now has offices internationally in France, China and Japan. Over the course of his career he was won numerous

architectural awards. In 1997 Kuma won the

Architectural Institute of Japan Award and

recently in 2012 The Restaurant and Bar Design award for the best international space.

Everybody in Beijing knows about your work, y o u ’ re p ro b a b l y o n e o f t h e m o s t f a m o u s

architects in this city, if not this country. Why do you think that’s the case?

I think I am very lucky. “Bamboo House”

was my first project. The character of it was very different from the normal architectural houses in Beijing. As for the material and design, it

was opposite from the normal Beijing style.

After Bamboo House, I worked on the Sanlitun

28 LifeStyle

The terrace outside The Opposite House gives guests an amazing view of Beijing while incorporating outside space design into a modern luxury hotel.

project and the Opposite House. I found a walkable plaza

to use, which was also very different from a normal Beijing

commercial project. A normal project in Beijing doesn’t usually use the outside space and the theme of our design was outside space. This makes the designs very unique.

This is the most interesting public space in the city, the south village especially, plus Opposite House. It’s an interesting

place for people to meet, but it’s strange in a way because Beijing is not a very nice place to be outside.

From the beginning of this project I was told from the client

that the Beijing crime was very bad, the winter was very cold, and pollution was very bad. However, I proposed to them that

even in that kind of condition, for a design in the 21st century, we should use outside space as much as we can. It is more

ecological and even in the winter people want to walk outside. Walking in Sanlitun is an experience, even in the winter. The

smell of BBQ and the sun coming down from the shops makes a very active experience and I wanted to bring that pedestrian

design to a new big development. I love this kind of experience and I believe that through this we can keep pedestrian culture. So what about your influence for Sanlitun Soho?

The plan for Sanlitun Soho was not to build one skyscraper,

but to divide it into some small towers. This is different from the Tokyo style towers because in Tokyo, designs are based on one big tower. The philosophy for the Sanlitun Soho project

was that it is a community project. The project is based on a

collective form design. My professor in Japan, who was also my mentor, used collective form. At the time, the big single

towers were the leading modern movement in architecture. My professor’s take on modernism was that it is more about

the experience on the ground. I think his theory is still very effective and especially for these developments as a more organic development.

Could you give some advice to young architects?

I think the most important thing for students is to travel and

to see lots of places. When I was studying architecture, I made

lots of trips with my friends. My best experience as a student

The Taikoo Li shopping village in the heart of Sanlitun is full of vibrant colored walls that mesh well with the arts and entertainment community that Sanlitun is made of.

was when I traveled to the Sahara desert. The Sahara was so different from my life in Tokyo, I started to find the diversity

of the world. To have that kind of experience as a student can help afterward and if you start practicing architecture and go

far it can be hard. It is important to see new places, meet new people, and most importantly, learn how to communicate with other cultures.

If you could design or renovate any hotel, in any city, what would the project be like?

I like cities with history. Chengdu is beautiful. Of course, I

would love to work on something in New York as well because it is very interesting. I love to design for China because each

city has a different character and culture. Whenever I go to a

new place I find something interesting about the history of the place which gives me inspiration for new projects.

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30 LifeStyle

望京 SOHO 开盘那天,我碰巧结束繁重的出差 任务返京。坐上地铁时,我已经非常疲倦了。从城

望京 SOHO: 天际线别样风景

A New Urban Landscape 扎哈・哈迪德为北京城市天际线 新增了一道别样风景——望京 SOHO。 LifeStyle takes a look at Zaha Hadid’s newest contribution to Beijing’s skyline. Text: Jacob Dreyer

区到望京 SOHO 坐地铁大概需要一个小时,高峰时 段的北京地铁充分显示了这个城市最突出的特性。 首先,北京是一个雄心勃勃的城市。地铁上人们携 着大包小包的行李,还有人大呼小叫地讲电话…… 在这里的拼搏又何尝不是押上了全部身家?这让我 不由得思考城市建筑的意义所在——让人们居有定 所,建造可以有意义地表达大城市逻辑的建筑。北 京常住人口超过 1900 万,比荷兰整个国家的人还 要多。下午 6 点半的东直门地铁站,让人怀疑所有 的人都汇聚在此了。 望 京 SOHO 是 北 京 第 18 处 SOHO 项 目。 SOHO 是中国个人主义和消费主义时代具有纪念意 义的产物。而对总与 SOHO 联系在一起的名字—— 潘石屹和张欣,充满雄心壮志的都市奋斗者们应该 不会陌生,也许早已经在手机上阅读了他们的事迹。 SOHO 中国品牌形象非常积极向上。我每天上下班 都会路过 SOHO 中国旗下的银河 SOHO,其商户有 美甲沙龙、旅行社和休闲餐厅。潘石屹和张欣为北 京建造了又一处城市综合体景观,他们与扎哈·哈 迪德的多次合作让中国人对这位建筑师不再陌生。 但目前还不清楚这些大楼是否真的能代表都市的未 来;如果是,那样的“未来”能否让人满意? 望京远离中心城区的媒体和政务服务中心,住 在这里的都是普罗大众。街道两旁排列着炒面、烤 串和蒸地瓜的摊位。走出地铁站,迎接我的是北京 最大住宅区昏暗的黄昏,外来务工人员骑着轻便摩 托嘟嘟作响,霓虹闪烁的美甲沙龙,老年人晚间的 例行散步……灯火辉煌的望京 SOHO 就像蝙蝠侠的 蝙蝠发信器,指引着我靠近。穿过一大群人,终于 到了它的跟前。周围人直瞪瞪地注视着这栋建筑, 像是看到了天外飞物,又像是农民站在了封建城堡 前。他们说话的口音有点奇怪,牙齿和皮肤不是那 么白,衣着也不光鲜,气味更是奇怪,反正一点都 不像电脑建筑效果图上的那些人。 关于哈迪德 SOHO 的建筑灵感,人们说是水稻 田、中式庭院,还有耸入云间的高山。不是景观建筑, 却是建筑景观。也许以北京城市居住区的规模来说, 这是非常必要的。暴雨过境,北京城西边和东边的 山就掩在烟雾之中,所以人工造“山”景不失为一 个好主意。不过尽管建筑本身及周边环境可能成为 了当代中国的景观,但城市整体面貌变化剧烈,所 有建筑看起来似乎更像这善变的天气,而人口本身 就是景观。如果把北京比作撒哈拉,这里总还是有 几片闪耀的“绿洲”,但能让人人都觉得城市不仅 仅是谋生之地的未来建筑还未出现。

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n the day that Wangjing SOHO opened, I was just returning from an arduous business trip to the countryside;

I was quite tired as I got on the metro. To arrive at the site takes about an hour from the center city; it's

Beijing's metro system at rush hour that shows the character of the city at its clearest. Beijing is a city,

above all, of great aspirations. Vast bags of possessions taken on subway trips; yelled phone conversations. The stakes

couldn't be higher for the commuters. My hour on the train put me in mind of the goal of an architecture of this city: to house these masses, to create structures that can meaningfully articulate the logic of the megacity. Beijing's estimated population of 19 million is greater than that of Holland; at 6:30PM, Dongzhimen station seems to contain every single one of those people.

Wangjing is the 18 th SOHO property in Beijing; the Sohos are monuments to an era of individualism and

consumerism in China. Those aspirational riders of the metro might have read biographies of Pan Shiyi and Zhang Xin, the partners behind S SOHO, on their mobile phones. The brand is, above all, aspirational; Galaxy SOHO, which I pass on my daily commute, is a grandiose building whose tenants are nail salons, travel agencies and casual lunch

restaurants. Mobilizing contemporary architecture, along with their own personal story, Pan and Xin have created one some of the most visible

images of what the urban

spanning multiple projects,

has made her a celebrity

can be in China; Zaha Hadid’s in China in her own right. It’s buildings really represent an

do, if that future is particularly Wangjing is far from the

hub of downtown; here are common people. The streets

noodles, kebabs, steamed

the station, the grey murk

dusk embraced me; migrant

partnership with them, unclear, though, if these

urban future - or if they desirable.

media and government

the people of Beijing, the

lined with stalls frying sweet potatoes. Exiting of Beijing’s suburban

workers tooting around

on mopeds, nail salons, senior citizens taking an evening stroll. Lights shined from Wangjing SOHO into the sky,

like Batman’s signal, guiding me; as I finally arrived, I made my way through a crowd of local residents gawping at

this alien spaceship landed in their midst. The locals can only gaze at Wangjing like peasants at a feudal castle; their accents are wrong, their teeth aren’t white enough and neither is their skin, their clothes are hopeless, they smell strange; no, these people bear little resemblance to those in the computer-generated architectural sketches.

There is an irony to the descriptions of the architectural inspirations for Zaha’s work with SOHO; they resemble

rice paddies, or Chinese courtyards, or possibly mountains lifting up to the sky. Instead of landscape architecture, this is architecture as landscape; perhaps this approach is necessary to urban settlements of the scale of Beijing; the actual

mountains to both the west and east of the city are only visible through the smog after huge rainstorms, so artificial ones might be a good idea. However, although architecture and the built environment might appear to have become landscape in contemporary China, the roiling urban form changes so quickly that these architectural imaginings

are more like the weather than the landscape itself; the population itself is the landscape. In the aesthetic Sahara

of Beijing, there may be a few oases of shiny new developments, but an architecture which can allow this sea of humanity to experience the urban as anything other than generic toil has not yet been invented.

32 LifeStyle

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Feature 波多黎各艺术家、作家、理论家克鲁斯 ·加西亚与法国艺术家、建筑师、诗人、理论 家纳塔利·弗兰科夫斯基共同创立了国际建筑 事务所 WAI Architecture Think Tank。他们的 身影似乎无处不在——在德国做演讲,在北 京开画廊,在伦敦出版书籍。 北京曾一度因拥有世界上保存最完整的宫殿 建筑群而闻名,可现如今整个城市鳞次栉比 的高楼在不断复制。这是为什么? 事实上,今天我们所见的北京经历了 20 年的市场导向型扩张。开发商急功近利,很 多项目都是匆匆上马,都做得十分马虎。北 京是时候探索更具创新性更具品质的建筑项 目了。在荷兰等国家,即使是一般的公寓都 非常有设计感。希望在中国也会这样。 近年来像设计望京 SOHO 的扎哈·哈迪 德、设计三里屯太古里的隈研吾和设计当代 MOMA 的斯蒂芬·霍尔等著名建筑师都试图 在北京的市中心打造不一样的建筑。人们为 什么不喜欢高楼大厦了呢?

北 What About It? 京, 建筑潮流之地?

LifeStyle 采访了 WAI 联合创始人克鲁斯・加西亚, 请他谈谈对北京的现在和未来的看法。 LifeStyle sat down with Cruz Garcia, Co-Director of WAI together with Nathalie Frankowski to ask his views about Beijing, present and future. Text: Jacob Dreyer 近年来,北京经济发展迅速。建筑物是 一个城市的必需品,尤其民用住宅建设越快 越好。但随着中国日益富裕,整个行业的标 准也会随之提高。随着中产群体的不断扩大, 可以取代那些随意建设的大楼的建筑会越来 越多。这不仅仅限于北京,而是全国范围内 的趋势,我们迎来了新的建筑时代。若引导 得当的话,北京将有机会引领世界建筑发展 的潮流。

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能介绍一下 WAI 吗?你最近都在做什么呢?

WAI Architecture Think Tank, the international architecture studio presents its latest installation, a collection of images towards a bright future with sprawling urban design.

WAI Architecture Think Tank 是一个国际化的工作室,致力 于建筑、都市生活和建筑研究。工作室于 2008 年在布鲁塞尔成立, 现在与 Garcia Frankowski 都在北京发展。我们近期的国际级项 目有入选莫斯科新的国家当代艺术中心国际建筑设计竞赛的作 品,还有北京的 Housetelier,此外我们的作品还在纽约现代艺术 博物馆和曼彻斯特华人艺术中心展出。WAI 近期的出版物有《Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto of Pure Form in Architecture》(Artifice Books on Architecture,2013) 以及独家发行的《WAIzine What About It?》。

WAI Architecture Think Tank seems to be everywhere- giving

lectures in Germany, opening an acclaimed art gallery in Beijing, publishing a book in London.

Beijing was once famous for being the best-preserved city in the world;

today, much of the city feels generic, a proliferation of high rises. How has this come about?

In reality, much of the Beijing we know today comes from the

market-driven expansion of the past 20 years. Developers have done sloppy, rushed work- and it shows. Now is the time to explore more innovative, quality architectural design in Beijing. In other countries

like the Netherlands even the average apartment building is designed well. We should aspire for the same here in China.

In recent years, architects like Zaha Hadid (in Wangjing Soho),

Kengo Kuma (Sanlitun Taikoo Li), Steven Holl (Dangdai Moma), and

many others have all tried to propose alternative architectural forms

in downtown Beijing. Why are people so dissatisfied with the tower block?

During the time Beijing was developing rapidly, architecture was

an existential need; housing had to be built, and fast. But as Chinese society becomes increasingly wealthy, we expect the standards to be raised. With an ever expanding middle class we can aim for the substitution of the random suburban towers that are to be seen not only in Beijing, but all over the country and move towards a new

architectural legacy. Beijing has an opportunity to lead the rest of the world by example if its ambitions are channeled correctly. Tell us a bit about WAI and what you do.

WAI Architecture Think Tank is an international studio practicing

architecture, urbanism and architectural research. Founded in Brussels in 2008, WAI and its parallel artist practice Garcia Frankowski are currently based in Beijing. Recent international projects include

the shortlisted design of the National Centre for Contemporary

Arts (NCCA) in Moscow, and the design of the Housetelier in

Beijing. Additionally, the work of WAI and Garcia Frankowski

has been featured in exhibitions at the Museum of Modern

Art (MoMA), Storefront for Art and Architecture in New York, the

Centre for Chinese Contemporary Art (CFCCA) in Manchester

and many more. Recent WAI publications include Pure Hardcore Icons: A Manifesto of Pure Form in Architecture (Artifice Books on Architecture, 2013), and the self-published WAIzine What About It?

LifeStyle 35






Week 2014:

Innovation for the City of Tomorrow

作为中国设计师和国际设计师齐聚分享的平台, 北京国际设计周已经成为亚洲设计、建筑和城市规划领域的一大盛事。 Beijing Design Week has served as a platform for Chinese and international designers to come to together and share their visions for the future for the past three years. It is one of the most important events in Asia regarding design, architecture and urban planning. Text: Mollie Snyder

“巴塞罗那在北京” A Piece of Barcelona in Beijing


组织了 5 个展览、17 场会议和 20 多个活动。观众可以从不 同角度亲身体验和发现巴塞罗那的各个方面。位于 751 时尚 设计广场 79 罐的巴塞罗那设计馆,面积达 3500 平方米。在 这里举办的大型主题展《巴塞罗那,设计启迪未来》展示了 浓郁的巴塞罗那创意风情。巴塞罗那市还为 2014 北京国际设 计周带来了富有激情的“巴萨骑士”艺术装置作为设计赠礼。 这件可活动装置艺术作品由安提瓜和巴布达设计公司创造, 不仅代表了中国生肖马,更将巴萨骑士的魅力演绎得淋漓尽 致。 This year Beijing teamed up with the city of Barcelona to

promote and strengthen the bonds between the two cities. The city organized five different exhibitions, 17 conferences and

over 20 different activities that allow visitors to see the different aspects of Barcelona in Beijing. At 79 Tank, a 3,500 square meter

pavilion specifically designed for BJDW 2014, an exhibition called, “Barcelona a future inspired by Design” is showcased

in the 751D-Park sector of the 798 Fine Art District of Beijing.

Outside the magically lit venue you can find “The Magic Horse of Barcelona”, the symbol of Beijing Design Week this year. The

giant mechanical and mobile art piece was created by the Antigua I

Barbuda Theatre Company. The installation was created in honor of the Chinese zodiac sign of the horse for the year 2014.

36 LifeStyle

The magic horse, the symbol of Barcelona’s participation in Beijing Design Week, is displayed for all to see throughout the week. The horse was chosen based on the fact that 2014 is the Chinese zodiac year of the horse.

create a single future vision that incorporates architectural heritage, cultural and business management, and virtual technology into one creative cluster.

珠宝设计消费季 Jewelry Design Fair

由北京国际设计周支持的“2014 北京国

际设计周珠宝设计消费季”系列活动,是中 国唯一一个面向世界展示中国珠宝设计的平 台,主要有珠宝设计消费季论坛、流行趋势 发布会、文化珠宝尊享会和发布《国际珠宝 品牌文化蓝皮书》等活动。 The Jewelry Design Fair in Beijing is the

foremost way that Chinese jewelry design can

be shared with the world. The many events

surrounding this fair include a design forum, A creative ornamental display of night is front and center in the Taikoo Li village, right in the heart of Sanlitun.

太古里灯光节 Delights Taikoo Li Light Festival

此次灯光节由三里屯太古里联合度可惟主办,甄选 8 件灯光装置作品,并将其布

置在三里屯太古里南、北区的显著位置。来往游客可以近距离观赏这些作品。 The already vibrant and lively area of Taikoo Li Sanlitun worked with KaleidoscaleMarcom

to create eight different impeccable light installations. Visitors are able to explore the area of Taikoo Li North and South and view the various eccentric displays.

LOOP 北京 LOOP Beijing

LOOP 北京是由王晓伟、伊恩·皮尔斯和玛雅·鲁道夫创办的北京巴士广播,以现有

公交基础设施为基础,在 999 条线路上为乘客提供随时发布音乐作品、分类广告、失 物招领等信息的平台。通过拨打电话或网络上传的方式,乘客可以提交他们自己的录 音到 LOOP 北京。 LOOP is a project by Wang Xiaowei, Ian Pearce, and Maya Rudolph based on public busses

all over Beijing. The project helps to establish auser-generated broadcast network to serve all of

BLUE PAPER international Jewelry brand culture release, popular jewelry trend conference and to top it off a cultural jewelry appreciation event.

智慧城市 Smart City High-Level Salon


合发展理念的智慧型城市设计与建设体系。 2014 北京国际设计周智慧城市版块以“城市 未来,智慧设计”为主题,有效串联政府、企业、 研究机构及公众,为北京未来智慧城市建设 提供发展建议。 An international gathering of Smart City pilot

officials, corporate leaders and media organized by IMB corporation held keynote speeches,

professional commentary and discussion related to Smart City Construction. Smart City is a type of construction that is centered on economic and residence ecology meshed with a developmental concept. This year’s theme revolves around an urban future and smart design tactics.

Beijing's 999 bus lines. LOOP uses ten local sound artists and musicians to create sound pieces that serve as soundtracks for specific bus routes of their choosing.

城市 = 博物馆 CITY = MUSEUM

“城市 = 博物馆”是以北京 798 艺术区的未来发展为主题所做的案例研究,该项

目由位于上海的荷兰建筑事务所 MARS 和建筑事务所 MORE 发起。此次北京国际设 计周期间,这两家建筑事务所连同来自大都会建筑事务所、麦肯锡、上海外滩美术馆 等机构的专家,共同提出一个有关建筑、文化、商业管理以及虚拟技术的综合性未来 发展建议。 The leading strategists at Mars + More invited eight world renowned experts including,

OMA, McKinsey, and Rockbound Art Museum to work together on an integrated planning strategy. During Beijing Design Week these companies will work together on proposals to

The glistening light display from Beijing Design Week shines over Taikoo Li Shopping Village at Night

LifeStyle 37




Dreams of a Future City Editor: Jacob Dreyer 为了向有远见卓识的建筑理论家米歇尔·莱冈致敬,法国 奥尔良 FRAC 中心正在举办一场回顾过去 50 年最具预见性建筑 的展览。这对日新月异的中国城市是不是有些借鉴意义?因为 不管将来如何发展,那个永恒的问题永远摆在我们面前:未来, 我们将住在哪里? In homage to visionary architectural theorist Michel Ragon, author of

1963’s Où vivrons-nous demain? (Where will we live tomorrow?), the

FRAC Centre in Orleans, France is hosting a retrospective look at some

of the most visionary architects of the past 50 years. With Chinese cities

changing so quickly, it’s always great to get inspired. Where will you live tomorrow?

1- Sou Fujimoto Architects Souk Mirage, 2013 © Sou Fujimoto Architects

38 LifeStyle

Design of the Past

2- Superstudio Monumento Continuo, New New York, 1969 © Archive Superstudio, Florence

3- Jean-Louis Chanéac Projet de ville, 1966 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans Donation Nelly Chanéac

4- Peter Cook (Archigram) Airship « Zeppelin» Model, 1969 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans

5- Günther Domenig et Eilfried Huth Ragnitz, 1969 - 2001 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans

6- Yona Friedman Ville spatiale, 1959 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans

7- Jozef Jankovic Železničná stanica Kúty, zvlášť pre českú a slovenskú dráhu La gare Kúty à la frontière tchécoslovaque, avec chemins de fer tchéque et slovaque distincts, 1974 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans

8- Guy Rottier Ecopolis, ville solaire, 1970 Collection Frac Centre, Orléans Dépôt Guy Rottier

Design of the Future

9- Bhatia, Luo, Yuen, Song, ThePetropolis of Tomorrow, Drift +Drive, 2012.

10- Foster + Partners, Perspective cross section through central avenue of West Kowloon Cultural District showing vehicle traffic below street level © Foster + Partners

11- OMA Qianhai Port City, Concept of masterplan, 2010 © OMA

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40 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.

尚雯婕 : 特立不独行

Shang Wenjie: Independent but not Alone / P.42 时尚新鲜的新西兰

Fresh New Zealand / P.50 吴碧月 : 最爱“一槌定音”

She Holds the Hammer / P.54

2015 秋冬新西兰时装周亮点多多 New Zealand Fashion Week autumn-winter 2015

LifeStyle 41

尚 特立不独行


Shang Wenjie Independent but not Alone 在尚雯婕的世界中,“特立独行”这个词似乎始终如影随形。 她唱跟别人不一样但风格极其鲜明的歌,用绝对吸引眼球的 Look 出现在各种各样的场合,她甚至一直都骄傲于自己是个与众不同的 “异类”。如今,她依然特立,却不再独行。 Shang Wenjie has always been fiercely independent, without ever been solitary or alone. She sings like no other, with an extremely distinctive style and an eye-catching look. She is proud to be called a “freak”. Today, even when she is considered to be independent, she’s never alone. Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: YiPeng (Sanduanjin Photography Studio) Retouching: Lv Jun (Sanduanjin Photography Studio) Styling: MOMO (Tony Studio) Acknowledgements: Tree Art Museum and Higer Bus

42 LifeStyle

Black Coat : Ermanno Scevino

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Gray Coat and Skirt:Uti Silver Bracelet: GULILAN Jewlery

44 LifeStyle

出道 8 年,尚雯婕早已不再是那 个靠着“怪”搏出位的歌手,带领着 十几个从比赛中最终选拔出来的“练 习生”的她,习惯了所有人都管她叫 “尚老板”。 这个“尚老板”并不是浪得虚 名,跟着她也并非从此就高枕无忧。 在“尚老板的练习生”队伍中,选拔 出来的练习生们都要进入训练营接受 残酷封闭的体能训练,通过一系列最 严苛的训练,来获得出道资格。值得 一提的是,从总决赛开始他们的培训 和成长也都将以一项特别企划通过媒 体直接呈现给大众,最终成为全球首 个通过公开训练全貌以竞争形式出道 的练习生偶像男团。而如果有成员表 现不好,则将随时面临被新的练习生 替换出局。 如同练习生们说的一样,尚老板 对他们倾注了很大的心血,不仅仅是 在表演的能力上给予指导,甚至细微 到每一次参加活动、每一次接受采访, 需要穿怎样的衣服,用怎样的方式进 行回答,都有着严格的训练和规定。 在“练习生”制度并不是那么完善的 中国,没有人知道这样的方式是不是 可行,但是不去尝试,又怎能知道结 果呢?也许,在未来的某一天,“尚 老板的练习生”或将成为改写内地偶 像组合史的全新品牌,而成功转型成 创作人的尚雯婕也会用实力向所有人 证明她不仅仅可以独自走得漂亮,她 还是引领潮流的最时尚的 Icon。

对话尚雯婕 为什么会想要打造一个中国时尚男团? 尚雯婕:在我担任快男评委时,看到有很多有才华的选手都因为各种各样的原因被淘汰了, 所以我就在想,应该要给他们更多的出道机会。同时,时尚男团在中国的音乐市场上还是一个 空缺的状态,所以就有了这个想法。 你觉得这个男团跟日韩的成熟团体相比,有什么区别? 尚雯婕:首先,他们现在还只是“练习生”,通过更多的训练和筛选,最后留下来的人才 会组成一个“团”。其次,虽然这是一个时尚男团的概念,但是每个成员都会往更成熟的方向 打造,即便单独拿出来,也完全 hold 住。他们是中国自己的男团,会有更多自己的特点。 随时淘汰机制会不会显得有些残酷? 尚雯婕:竞争本来就是非常残酷的。从比赛中胜出并不等于就赢得了一切,机会应该留给 更努力的人。我想让男孩们知道,做艺人并不是一劳永逸的,你需要时刻保持良好的状态,随 时投入到工作当中。 你在大家的印象中一直都是“怪”,你会介意吗? 尚雯婕:很多时候,别人所谓的“怪”,其实是因为你坚持表达自己,而不肯随波逐流。 从事音乐这样一个艺术的行业,本身就应该决绝的去追求个性而不能被标准化。虽然过程中一 直都很有压力,但是能够实现梦想,把自己内心的声音表达出来,已经是一件非常棒的事情了。 如果能够一直在音乐的路上做属于自己的东西,我愿意被说成是一个“怪咖”。 “尚老板”在你们眼中是一个什么样的人? 练习生:她真的是一个非常 nice 的人,不仅仅是在工作中给了我们实现梦想的机会,私 底下更是无微不至。当然,她最大的特点就是一个工作狂,对于音乐的认真、执着和努力,是 最值得大家学习的地方。

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Black Coat and Blue Skirt: Ermanno Scevino Golden Necklace: GULILAN Jewlery

46 LifeStyle

Her singing debut was already eight years ago, and Shang Wenjie no longer relies solely on her “freak”

singer image. As she’s matured and her career developed, she’s followed around by dozens of “boyband

trainees,” apprentices come to study with her by way of participating in a reality TV show. By now, she’s even gotten used to everyone calling her “Boss Shang”.

She is not called “Boss Shang” for nothing. Her influence comes from hard work, not sitting back

and relaxing. In the “Trainees of Boss Shang” program, the boyband trainees are carefully selected and they are required to attend a strict training camp. Through a series of the most rigorous tests basic performance and stringent physical training, they obtain enough qualifications to make their debut.

From the beginning to the finals, their training process and growth is documented for a special feature

presented to the public through the media, eventually making it world’s first reality TV about boyband career development. If there are members of the band who don’t perform well, they can be replaced at any time by a new trainee.

Shang’s feel that “Boss Shang” devoted a lot of effort as their mentor, not only in giving guidance

on improving performance quality, but also on each activity, interview, choice of wardrobe, manner of

speech, and the rigorous training and regulations involved. This particular “trainee” system in China is still far from perfect. It’s still unknown of whether this kind of boyband training method is efficient for China or not. Perhaps, someday in the future, “Boss Shang” will be known for her intervention

in the cultural history of Mainland China, a pioneer of this new way of idol making. Shang Wenjie

will continue to do her best as a boyband impresario to prove to everybody that not only she is an independent woman, but she also is a trend maker.

Dialogue Why did you want to create a Chinese boyband?

Shang: When I was working as a judge on a similar show, I saw a lot of talented trainees that had to

be eliminated because of various reasons. So I was thinking, we should give them more opportunities to show off. Meanwhile, the state of the music market in China remains open, which seemed like a good opportunity.

What do you think is the difference between your boyband compared to Japanese and South Korean boybands?

Shang: First of all, they are just “trainees” now, but through more training and screening, we will

finally let the team form a “band.” Secondly, although it is a boyband concept, each member will be able to create a more individual work. They are China’s boyband, but there will be more emphasis on their individual characteristics.

The conceit of “elimination at any time” must give the contestants pressure. Isn’t this a bit cruel?

Shang: Competition has always been very cruel. To win a game does not mean you win everything. I

want to let the boys know that artists need to be ready to do hard work.

We have the impression that you have always been a “freak.” Does this bother you?

Shang: In many cases, people call me a “freak.” But just because you insist on expressing yourself,

and refuse to follow the crowd doesn’t make you a freak. Being involved in the arts industry, such as in

the music industry, we should allow ourselves to pursue our own individuality, that which should not be standardized. Although the process is very stressful, if people are able to realize their dreams and

express their own inner voice, it is a really great thing. If being able to make music my own way makes me a “freak”, I am willing to be called a “freak.” Who is Shang Wenjie in your eyes?

Trainee: She really is a very nice person. She gave us the opportunity to realize our dreams through

our works. She is a workaholic, persistent, and she’s also a serious person. Making music is hard, but it is worth learning from someone like her.

LifeStyle 47

Boy’s Shirts: Tommy Hilfiger / TED Baker

48 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 49

Profile 人物


Fresh New Zealand

出版人符濠专访新西兰时装周主办机构董事、 LifeStyle 总经理彼得・斯图尔特女士。

LifeStyle spoke with Dame Pieter Steward of New Zealand Fashion Week. Interview: Richard Fu Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: NZFW

50 LifeStyle

Richard Fu, Publisher of LifeStyle Magazine with Dame Pieter Stewart on New Zealand Fashion Week autumn-winter 2015

2015 秋冬新西兰时装周刚刚结束,感觉如何?和你想象的差不多吗?今年 有哪些亮点? 今年特蕾莉斯·库珀带来的新系时装和人们文化认知上的变化都引起了 轰动。争议永远存在,这不光是我自己或者任何一个人的问题。设计师们可 以利用这次时装周,尽可能地展示自己的才华,做自己想做的事。有时候人 就是要做点越界的事情。总体来说,和我想象的差不多。 不少知名设计师也出席了此次时装周,他们个性独特、锋芒毕露,带来了 极具实验性质的创新设计,十分吸引眼球。与其他时装周相比,你觉得新 西兰时装周有何不同? 2015 秋冬新西兰时装周主推精品服饰,参加的都是圈内人,规模也不大。 正因如此,跟其他时装周相比,我们能够更好地照顾到每位来宾,实现与来 宾的亲密互动。新西兰是一个小国家,所以我们有自己的方式来组织一场这 样的时装周。 新西兰秋冬时装周已经举办了 14 年,这些年时装周取得了哪些成就?对新 西兰时尚产业销售额或其他方面有何影响? 新西兰时装周已经成为新西兰时尚的焦点。每年的这个时候,奥克兰 的各家酒店都有设计师在推广下一季作品。各路买手聚集于此,这里成为本 土设计师展示自己的中心。设计师们会将这一季的时装周 T 台大片用于造 型画册,同时通过这一平台吸引国际时尚界的关注。当然,时装周不仅仅与 时尚有关,我们的合作伙伴还包括汽车公司和知名酒店等。时装周在帮助各 大品牌吸引客户的同时,也提升了其品牌形象。 为什么新西兰时装和时尚设计师如此吸引中国消费者?是什么让中国买手 来到这里? 在过去的五六年中,中国的多品牌集合店越来越多。对新西兰来说, 中国是一个巨大的市场。新西兰设计师有着很多天然的优势,他们带来的都 是新鲜的东西,充满活力。 未来的新西兰时装周会有什么新动向? 随着互联网的蓬勃发展,买手们来参加时装周之前就会对我们的设计 师有所了解。我们计划通过数字平台给设计师们提供更多曝光机会,让世界 各地更多的人认识他们。我们也会加强与当地政府和旅游局的合作,将新西 兰时装周打造成为各行业品牌展示平台。

LifeStyle 51

New Zealand Fashion Week autumn–winter 2015 is finished;

are you satisfied with it, or did things go differently than you expected? What is this year’s biggest highlight?

This year, the collection of Trelise Cooper and the

perceptions of cultural appropriation made a splash. There’s

always a bit of controversy somewhere; I don’t see that as my

issue - designers use the spectacle of fashion week to do what

they want to do. Sometimes they might step over the line. Overall, though it’s gone pretty much how I wanted.

This fashion week has showcased some very strong designers

and a unique personality. It has shown off some very eyecatching experimentation with form. What would you say is the difference between NZFW and other fashion weeks?

NZFW is a boutique fashion week. Because everything is

close and small, we can look after our guests more carefully

than other fashion weeks can. Everything’s so intimate that we can do things that other fashion weeks could not do. New

Zealand is a small country, so we are able to coordinate the way that we organize the fashion week.

NZFW is in its 14th year. What have these 14 years of NZFW achieved, and how does it help the fashion industry in NZ -

with sales or any other aspects?

NZFW has become the locus of fashion in New Zealand.

In hotels all around Auckland, designers are selling their next collection; the buyers are all here, and so it’s become a focal point for local designers. Designers are using shots

from the NZFW catwalk in their lookbooks, as well as getting

international attention from the platform that we offer. Of course, fashion week here isn’t just about fashion: our partners

like car companies and hotels are here for a reason, whether that is entertaining clients, enhancing their brand image or whatever else. We work with our partners, trying to find a solution appropriate to their brands.

What about NZ fashion and fashion designers is particularly compelling to Chinese consumers? What attracts Chinese buyers?

China is a huge market for New Zealand, and as China

develops more multi-brand stores, our New Zealand designers find a natural niche. More and more stores of these kind have

opened over the past 5 or 6 years. I think the good thing about New Zealand designers is that we offer something fresh - not clichéd, but with an energy not seen anywhere else.

What’s next for NZFW? What can we expect from future NZFW’s?

As the internet becomes prominent, buyers are better able to

understand our designers before arriving. We also are planning to use digital platforms to give designers broader exposure

in the wider world. We’re also trying to heighten cooperation with local government and the tourism board, making the fashion week a platform for industries of all kinds in New Zealand.

52 LifeStyle


Antipodean Aesthetes LifeStyle 直击 2015 秋冬新西兰时装周,带你发现新西兰时尚。 The fashion scene in New Zealand is surprisingly impressive. LifeStyle finds out why. Editor: Sasha Astiadi 2015 秋冬新西兰时装周于 8 月 25 日至 31 日在新西兰最大城市 奥克兰的 ANZ viaduct Events Centre 成功上演。新西兰时装周由彼得· 斯图尔特女士在 2001 年创立,走到今年已经有 14 个年头了,成为新 西兰一年一度的时尚盛事。每年都会有众多知名品牌和顶级设计师在 这里向本地和来自世界各地的买手展示自己的作品。 今年 T 型台上的亮点之一是新西兰著名设计师特蕾莉斯·库珀的 最新设计。该系列作品的灵感来自美国本土,对美国原住民部族所用 的神圣头饰进行了再创造,从而也引发了一阵批评声浪,后来特蕾莉 斯·库珀还通过脸谱向相关方面正式发表公开道歉信。 国际社交媒体上对此次事件热议不断,大多数人都认为它只是一 种文化元素的借用,也有人认为这是一种非传统的文化表达。当被问 及对此事的看法时,新西兰时装周创始人彼得·斯图尔特说:“争议是 永远存在的。设计师利用这个平台来做他们想做的事情,有时也许会 有些越界,但那是他们自己的问题。” 撇开争议不说,2015 秋冬新西兰时装周上的各类活动着实魅力 无穷,除了美容中心、Resene 设计师精品秀,还有设计师私家珍藏售 卖,当然更少不了 T 型台上的精彩。

New Zealand Fashion Week (NZFW) successfully came alive at

Auckland’s ANZ Viaduct Events Centre, from its triumphal opening event

on Monday the 25th of August to its final show on Sunday the 31st. NZFW was founded by Dame Pieter Stewart in 2001. Now in its 14th year, it has

established itself as the central event of New Zealand’s fashion industry,

where remarkable shows showcase prestigious brands and top designers’ profiles to local and international buyers in the country’s most celebrated foray into the world of fashion.

One of the highlights of the runway this year came from the latest

collection of New Zealand’s notable designer, Trelise Cooper. Her latest

collection was inspired by Native American culture, showcasing her own

recreation of tribal headdresses. The feature itself has caused a stir of criticism, as it has been seen as an offensive cultural appropriation due

to the fact that the headress originally served as a sacred war bonnet for the Native American tribe. Later on, Trelise Cooper published an official apology to the offended parties on the label’s official Facebook wall.

The social media discussions continued - the vast majority considered

it as a cultural appropriation, while some others regarded it as an

unconventional way of cultural celebration. When asked for comment, the NZFW founder, Dame Pieter Stewart stated that “There’s always a

controversy somewhere, it’s not my issue. Designers use this platform to

do what they want. Sometimes they go over the line, but that’s their issue.” Regardless of the spark of controversy, New Zealand Fashion Week

autumn–winter 2015 still stirred the attendees with sparks of glamour by

inviting them to participate in the many glamorous sessions throughout the week such as Beauty Hub, the Resene Designer Selection Show, the designer garage sale, and the main runway show itself.

LifeStyle 53


Profile 吴碧月从 2013 年开始主持拍 卖会,是国家注册拍卖师, 任职于北京荣宝拍卖有限公 司。除北京荣宝之外还为多家 艺术品拍卖公司主持拍卖会。 曾在朱新建绘画拍卖专场中, 荣获“白手套”。 Biyue Wu began hosting auctions in 2013. A registered auctioneer with Beijing Ronbao, she has also hosted a number of other art auctions. Wu received “The White Gloves” award during a special auction for the artwork of Chinese painter Xinjian Zhu. Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: 韩欣禧 拍摄地点:OvIP 东方视线摄影学院


吴碧月: 最爱“一槌定音” She Holds the Hammer 是什么使你和拍卖结下了不解之缘? 拍卖对于很多人而言都是神秘而庄严的,

师的专业素养。一个好的拍卖师不仅仅是外 表的光鲜亮丽,更重要的是对拍品的认知度, 所以我在每场之前的准备:拍卖图录的仔细 阅读、重点拍品的信息掌握及措辞设置、拍 卖公司对价格、场面、速度、阶梯等各方面 的要求、竞投号牌形式的查看、音响的调节 等自己所需各项工具的查验。以防在拍卖中 有错误产生。











那里我浅显知道了拍卖这个行业。2009 年毕







业性知识。因为拍卖的标的每次都是不同的 ,




你自己对“拍卖师”这个职业是怎样理解的 ? 在这个缤纷的世界里,能与“一槌定音” 有关的职业,只有两种:其一是法官,其二

仅满足了我对于美的追求,也让我从中学习 从最开始进入这个行业,到现在的专业拍卖















有限公司 11 月的秋拍中进行精彩亮相的拍卖




54 LifeStyle

↑翡翠玻璃种大观音挂件:冰种莹润通透,质地细密均匀,通透水润,近乎玻璃种的质地,清澈至极。此 件作品,雕工极好,观音面部表情慈祥,给人以平静之感。 ←白金镶钻满翠套装:该套链由数颗天然翡翠翡蛋面组成,翡翠均匀通透,水头足,色泽亮丽,是少见的 好种好料。翠绿翡翠配上耀眼钻石,彰显富贵奢华。无论是佩戴还是收藏,均具有较大投资价值和升值空间。

What made you want to become a bond auction host?

Meanwhile, the auctioneer also needs to have a

the tools necessary for a successful auction. In

are mysterious and solemnly familiar. Most of

regarding an auction. Since each subject of an

error during the auction.

Auctions for myself and many other people

my inspiration to host auctions came from my

strong background of professional knowledge auction is different, it requires the auctioneer to

addition, I learned what to do in case there was an

understand the various subjects at hand.

We all know at auctions you are a dedicated and

I passed the exam required in order to obtain

From the beginning of your career entering the

side of life?

entered the industry.

auctioneer, what have you learned along the way?

the mature side of me. In fact, in real life, I am

that being an auctioneer is not an easy profession.

person when it comes to my style and appearance,

sister, who is works at an auction house. After

graduating college in 2009, I moved to Beijing. an auction practitioner certificate, and later on I

You call yourself an “auctioneer”. Is this job

industry, to your current life as a professional

After I became an auctioneer, I started to realize

hard to understand?

Being an auctioneer requires constant physical

occupations that involve “hammer tuning”: one

is nothing more important than the skills you

In this vibrant world, there are only two

is judge, and the other is auctioneer. Some people think that an auctioneer’s work is very simple.

However, auctioneers have to understand the entire process of the auction, from start to finish.

In a large-scale company, auctions may involve a lot of people. Smaller companies require the

auctioneer to be more aware and skilled in every aspect of the auction so that it is done correctly. Auctioning is not only a form of financial and

physical exchange, it is also a unique form of

art. Throughout the course of an auction, the

auctioneer’s rate of speech, tone, and vocabulary have substantial importance. A good auctioneer

must have a moderate rate of speech, cordial

tone, great smile, a vast array of personal

accomplishments and a refined vocabulary.

demands and proficient eyesight. However, there possess and your ability to think on your feet.

We have to be aware of all four directions and eight tones at all times. Auctioneers also need the

ability to listen, read the license, listen to quotes, buyers, and name a price. All of this is reflected

through the auctioneer ’s professionalism. A good auctioneer does not just appear glamorous,

but they are also attentive to each aspect of the auction. I am always very prepared for each category. I carefully read the auction catalog

and focus on important information and language settings to master. I prepare for the auction by

studying various degrees of price, prospect, speed, pace and other relevant information. I try

to understand the bidding number in the form of viewing, sound regulation, and examining

capable female auctioneer - what about the other During auctions, the audience only gets to see

just like many other girls. I am a pretty casual

comfort is the most important thing to me. When I’m not hosting auctions, I stay at home and listen

to music, read books, catch up on my favorite TV shows and do everything that I can to relax. I’m not

the kind of person who likes to go out to crowded

places with a bunch of friends. Instead, I prefer to be in calm and relaxing environments. A lot of

people call this lifestyle lazy. People think that no matter where you are, you have to keep every aspect in your life flawlessly beautiful. People

feel they have to look good all the time. When I

hear people say this type of thing, I simply laugh because I know the casual and stubborn person that I am. Just because I am a simple person

doesn’t mean I am not beautiful. A casual attitude

to life doesn’t mean I am irresponsible. Living a lazy life doesn’t mean that someone is not a

responsible person. We should all just find our own little piece of heaven, right?

LifeStyle 55



Premier Living in Wangfujing 丽苑公寓,长安街畔,毗邻紫禁城,雄踞北京王府井。经过重装 改造的丽苑公寓,继续以品质卓越的服务为理念,融合中西方现代的 设计格调,开启长安街高端生活新纪元。 重装开业的丽苑设有 200 套全服务式公寓,面积从 60 至 610 平 米不等,敞开式套房、一居室、两居室、三居室以及四居室等多种房 型供你随心挑选。室内装饰陈设精心雕琢,每套客房均配备设施齐全 的厨房、大屏幕高清数字液晶电视、无线网络连接。无论是商务出行 还是休闲度假,丽苑都是下榻首选的理想居所,周到专业的服务更使 您有宾至如归之感。 大楼客梯采用独特的电脑磁卡系统,由 24 小时安保中心精密控 制,确保每一位住客的隐私和安全。康乐中心拥有器材先进的健身房、 时尚宽敞的舞蹈室、全天候恒温室内泳池及儿童乐园等设施,让您在 高效办公之余能尽情放松,重新焕发活力。升级改造后的 Le Café、 多功能会议厅、商务中心及地下停车场都能带给您方便贴心的服务, 全方位满足多种生活需求。 在北京,感受时光荏苒,品味古老皇城的独特魅力;在丽苑,您 将体验到现代舒适的家居生活、热情周到的酒店式服务,完全不假外 求,享受“家外之家”的惬意生活。 Lee Garden Service Apartment, Beijing is located in the central Wangfujing

area, adjacent to Changan Avenue and near to the Forbidden City. The Lee Garden

is continuing to provide excellent quality service in a setting of modern design, leading to a high-end lifestyle.

You’ll feel refreshed by 200 stylized apartments from 60 to 610 square me-

ters, available as studio apartments, one bedroom, two bedroom, three bedroom

and four bedroom apartments with multiple different layouts. Each apartment has a fully equipped kitchen, large-screen Digital high-definition LCD TV, and a wireless Internet connection. Whether you are traveling on business or leisure,

56 LifeStyle

Lee Garden is your ideal accommodation choice.

You’ll feel secure with the latest 24-hour security service with sophisti-

cated computer control systems. The Fitness Centre has an gym, a stylish

and spacious Dance Studio, an indoor swimming pool and a children’s playground. Le Café and our multi-functional Conference Room, business center

and underground car park can bring you first-class service to meet up your different needs.

As time goes by, you enjoy the unique charming of ancient royal city in

Beijing, and make a life “Home away from Home” at Lee Garden. 18 Goldfish Lane, Wangfujing, Dongcheng District, Beijing www.lgapartment.com Tel: 8610 6525 8855 Fax: 8610 6525 8080


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LifeStyle 57


讲述你的 爱情故事

Story Love of Your Own

从初相遇、热恋到亲密接触直至缔结连理,每个人都有自己的爱情故事。北京金融街丽思 卡尔顿酒店首度“爱情故事”婚礼沙龙分别以丽思情缘、意味芬芳、祈·畔和浓情巧克力为主题, 演绎爱情的四个阶段;用丰富的想象力将婚典风尚与新人的情感期许相结合,在轻松私密的沙 龙氛围中为准新人带来与众不同的婚礼文化体验和灵感。 婚典是盛大的人生仪式,是人生新篇的序曲,也是父母、儿女、亲朋之爱的重温、凝聚与延续。 新人与来宾分享、回顾无数难忘瞬间的同时,感情也再度升华。泰戈尔说:“神希望我们用以 酬谢恩赐的东西,不是土地,不是太阳,而是花朵……”芬芳明丽的花朵为神圣的仪式注入了 灵动之气。在首场婚礼沙龙“丽思情缘”中,立体花艺带来张扬的生命力和全新的视觉冲击, 柔软的花朵呼之欲出,完全契合了时下新人求新求变的诉求。第二场“意味芬芳”以浪漫的意 大利文化为灵感,将花朵天然的美态和精巧的纸艺手工相结合,打造出不同凡响的效果——水、 烛光、小船烘托出花的美丽与丰盈,成为宴会桌上的一道迷你景观。第三场“祈·畔”的灵感则 源于水和备受新人推崇的求婚地——北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店泳池。灯光转暗,音乐响起, 天幕被群星点亮,大屏幕上闪过无数浪漫瞬间,情意绵绵……与波光辉映成趣的池畔电影可谓 点睛之笔。婚姻并非恋爱的终点,而是真爱的全新启程。婚礼沙龙的压轴活动是“浓情巧克力”, 摩卡婚礼策划创始人潘珍玉女士还为新人带来了全新婚尚之“珍玉良言”。 此次婚礼沙龙北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店与新人们分享了繁花、静水、致味、妙饮、甜香、 华服、美妆、珍宝、爱之旅等九大时尚婚典细节。精致的创意、含蓄的意境、独特的花艺、唯 美的场地设计和新颖的主题策划,都代新人讲述了一段他们自己独特的爱情故事。 The first “Love Story” wedding salon held at The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street features four

stages of love and life through four love stories - The Ritz-Carlton Romance, Amore Infinito, Aphrodite and More Than Chocolate. These represent the stages of love - from the first meeting to falling in love, followed by a romantic proposal and eventually a wedding. The event combined the emotional expectations of new couples and the latest wedding trends, along with creative imagery and content-rich presentation, to provide a uniquely intimate atmosphere.

Weddings are among life’s grandest ceremonies, serving as a prelude to a new life for the couple, sup-

ported by the love of their family and friends. Tagore once said: “God expects answers from the flowers he

sends us, not for the sun and earth”. Flowers from God symbolize love, and they bring elegance and a wealth

of fragrances to romantic events such as weddings. Flowers abounded during the first wedding salon, “The Ritz-Carlton Romance”. This provided a brand-new setting for floral design, highlighting the timeless beauty of plants and flowers, and signifying passionate love and vibrant life. The second wedding salon, “Amore

Infinito”, took inspiration from Italian culture and combined the charm of the flowers with exquisite handcrafted paper art to create an extraordinary effect. This idea featured flowers as a medium, highlighting their beauty with the use of water, candles and mini paper boats. The presentation resembled a miniature landscape on the banquet table. The third wedding salon, “Aphrodite”, showcased water elements at the hotel such as the swimming pool with poolside movie features, considered by many couples as an ideal venue for wedding

proposals. With dimmed lights and soft music playing in the background, countless romantic moments flashed across the screen at the poolside. At the last wedding salon, “More Than Chocolate”, Ms. Pan Zhen Yu, the founder of Mocha Wedding, shared her experiences in planning perfect weddings with chocolate themes. 1 Jin Cheng Fang Street East Financial Street, Beijing Tel: 010 6629 6660

58 LifeStyle

Through the wedding salon, The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street was able to share some precious

ideas for a perfect wedding through creative concepts, touching details as well as artistic floral and venue designs and unique themes. This is a great opportunity to plan a perfect wedding and share your own love story.

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.60 人物

Profile / P.64 美食美客

Foodie / P.78 旅游

Travel / P.84

大董秋韵·蟹糊布丁 Crab Meat and Roe Pudding, by Da Dong

LifeStyle 59



长安未央 Go West in Style 西安,不仅仅是一处寻常意义上的观光地。 正是有了西安索菲特传奇酒店和西安盛美利亚酒店这样高水准酒店的存在, 才不至于让商务人士对这个十三朝古都却步。 Xi’an is not just for visits to the usual sites. The Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel and Gran Meliá are among many reasons not to dread business trips to the capital of 13 dynasties. Text: Nels Frye

The Bell Tower, built in 1384 during the Ming Dynasty

60 LifeStyle

The Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel

Three reasons to go to the South Gate of Xian. Pick them up at Belgian Bar before a walk on the 13.7 kilometer long city wall.

象一下,你第二次去西安,这次你不是游客,也不再是背包客,不去兵马俑和大小雁塔。你早已经见识过 北京的钟鼓楼,也没有耐性再去博物馆探寻周汉文物了。晚上回民街的摩肩接踵让你望而生畏,即使这里 的羊肉串是那么鲜嫩多汁。更压抑的是,整整一公里的街上都找不到喝酒的地方——这感觉着实让人幽闭 恐惧。当地的面条实在“厚重”。从西安高新技术产业开发区到西安经济技术开发区,最后又去西安绿地 笔克国际会展中心参加第三届中国西部跨国采购洽谈会,多么忙碌的一天啊。这时候你最需要一杯品质上 乘的啤酒。谢天谢地,回到老城了,也终于找到感觉了,要知道城墙外的世界看起来毫无特色,与其它城 市如出一辙。 令人惊喜的是,南门附近有一家杰诺比利时酒吧,可以喝到熟悉的智美、督威、粉象,还有各种果啤, 比如林德曼,甚至还有马里斯、树妖这样的非主流选择。当然,千万不要错过粉红猪啤酒。这家酒吧还曾 上过英国《单片眼镜》杂志。 在西安,自行车是必不可少的。出租车司机似乎都不那么可靠,他们开的比亚迪也不够舒适。幸运的是, 西安索菲特传奇酒店给客人提供定制的自行车。你可以在古城墙上骑车,一睹古城建筑的风采。西安在打 造现代化国际大都市的同时,成功“藏匿”了迷人的历史风采。事实上,这座城市的功能社区看起来很有 中国特色。南门东西部诸多区域也是如此,值得骑车游览一下。 但对于喜爱建筑的人来说,西安索菲特传奇酒店非常值得留宿,哪怕只是在酒店的意大利餐厅用午餐, 在园林式花园散散步。1953 年,西北设计研究院总设计师洪庆利用前皇家宫廷遗址恢宏的气势和绝佳的地 理环境,巧妙融入法国古典建筑的典雅与精致,打造出西北第一座接待国家领导人及各国首脑政要的“国 宾馆”人民大厦(2004 年更名为雅高人民大厦)。这里曾接待过的名人包括中国前总理周恩来、陈毅元帅、 前总理朱镕基、法国前总统密特朗,以及众多欧亚皇室成员、行业领袖和外宾,例如亨利·基辛格等。 毗邻省政府的西安索菲特传奇酒店是雅高人民大厦建筑群的一部分(所有坐落在院内的酒店属于雅高 集团管理)。这是一块风水福地,不管冬天多么严寒,院内的桂花树、橄榄树似乎都长得极好——也许是 因为这里曾是唐朝宫殿的一部分。酒店由屡获国际殊荣的香港郑中设计事务所(CCD)设计。CCD 在尊重 原来设计主题的情况下,将现代顶级奢华融入其中,其董事长兼总裁郑忠更是亲自担纲公共区域及 71 间客 房和套房设计。整栋建筑选用大量的法国国花香根鸢尾作为元素,凸显出浓厚的法式风情。

LifeStyle 61



“数”说西安 Key Figures 人口:6501189(根据 2010 年人口普查数据,9 个城区)。 根据经济学人智库的报告,西安是中国 13 个新兴大城市之一。 生产总值(2013):814 亿美元,人均 9220.59 美元。 最具代表性人物:张艺谋导演 最著名历史人物:数不胜数,可能以秦始皇为最。 Population: 6,501,189 (Nine urbanized districts according to 2010 Census). Xi’an is one of 13 emerging megacities in China, according to a July 2012 report by the Economist Intelligence Unit. GDP (2013) Total: USD 81.4 billion - Per capita USD 9,220.59. Most famous person (living): Director Zhang Yimou. Deceased: So many, but probably Emperor Qin Shi Huang.

62 LifeStyle

Xi’an is a rare major city in China that has some vernacular architecture built in the contemporary period that is in a Chinese style.


magine you are visiting Xi’an for the second time. This time you aren’t a tourist and you’re not a backpacker any more. No terra-cotta warriors or Goose Pagodas, you’ve already been up the Bell and Drum Towers in Beijing and you don’t really

have patience for looking at Han and Zhou artifacts in the museums. You don’t want to face the crowds of Islamic street at night even if those lamb skewers are mighty juicy. The thought of fighting through that mob for almost a kilometer without

the option of stopping for a drink - alcohol isn’t permitted on this street where all is halal - sounds claustrophobic. Those local noodles are just too heavy. It’s been a tough day going from the Xi’an Hi-Tech Industries Development Zone to the

Xi’an Economic and Technological Development Zone and then ending up at the 3rd Western China Multinational Sourcing

Fair at the Xi’an Greenland Pico International Convention Exhibition Center. Thank goodness you’re back within the city walls because everything outside of them looked exactly like a thousand other cities in China.

After all that exuberant monotony, you need a good beer. Surprisingly, there is a place in town that offers an ample

selection, a bar by the south gate with the very revelatory name Belgian Bar. There you will meet familiar friends like

Chimay, Duvel, and Delirium as well as the various fruity beers like Lindemans, but there are also some more obscure entries like Maredsous, La Cuvee des Trolls, and the must-try Rince Cochon Thirsty Pig. This bar has even been in the Monocle.

Before leaving the hotel, a bike is essential. Getting cabs in the city is treacherous, and they are BYDs so not the height

of luxury. Fortunately, the Sofitel Legend People’s Grand Hotel Xian has a charming fleet of customized two wheelers available to guests. Seeing the part of Xi’an in the walls by bike allows visitors to gain an appreciation for the vernacular

architecture which can be quite attractive in many places. Xi’an has done a good job of hiding it historic flourishes to modern neighborhoods. In the city there are functioning neighborhoods that actually look Chinese. Many of the areas to the east and west of the South Gate have this appearance and this is the place to explore by bike.

But for those fond of architecture, the first Sofitel Legend in China and Fifth worldwide, the People’s Grand will be the

choice for a stay or just a visit that includes lunch at its Italian restaurant, Dolce Vita, and a walk through its lovely gardens. Opened in 1953 as the State Guesthouse, the hotel was designed by Hong Qing, Chief Architect of the Northwest Institute

of Architectural Design. Countless luminaries have stayed in the hotel including Premier Zhou Enlai, Marshal Chen Yi, Zhu Rongji, François Mitterrand, and Henry Kissinger as well as royalty from Europe and Asia.

Right next to the provincial government complex, the People’s Grand is a blessed spot where plants from osmanthus to

olives seem to grow with no problem despite the temperate climate with cold winters. This may be because this was formerly

part of the grounds of the Tang imperial palace. The structure itself has many French touches, including fleur-de-lis (stylized lily) as a recurring motif. Joe Cheng, chairman and CEO of Hong Kong-based Cheng Chung Design, created the interiors for

the public areas and 71 rooms and suites with a design that respected the themes of the original design while updating it and bringing it to the cutting edge of contemporary luxury.

LifeStyle 63


Profile 索菲特中国区区域经理兼西安雅高人民大厦总经理安 德华先生在酒店管理领域的经历可谓丰富多彩。从童年开 始,他便是个“国际人”,出生于维也纳,在雅典居住过 6 年,罗马生活过 8 年,就读于英国一所寄宿学校 10 年,在 美国的康奈尔大学取得了他的商学学位。2011 年安德华被 重庆市政府授予“重庆年度经济人物”称号。对于酒店管 理行业而言,他可谓是一位真正的酒店大使。 除了酒店本身是遗址建筑外,在餐饮和服务方面,西安索 菲特传奇酒店还融入了那些本地元素?

安德华:真正的酒店大使 A True Ambassador of Hospitality Text: Nels Frye

在餐饮方面,我们有特色的 VIP 欢迎品。当客人抵达时, 我们会奉上本地特有的花生酥和大枣。酒店提供独特的火 锅晚餐,可带往兵马俑的丰盛野餐篮。此外酒店还可在城 墙上举办小型鸡尾酒会。酒店的意大利餐厅供应地道的意 大利菜肴。 在服务方面,我们的一大特色是不设前台,以给客人 营造私密、温馨如家般的感觉。免费的自行车可供客人自 由穿梭于西安的大街小巷,体验本地的风土人情。 我们还在酒店融入了很多法国元素,欢迎大家前来体 验,探索它们的不同之处。 据我所知,这是酒店所在建筑的首次翻新。将她打造成一 家奢华酒店有哪些挑战? 最初酒店有 300 间客房,每层仅一间浴室,所以不难 想象在管道改造方面所面临的挑战。虽然作为政府保护的 历史建筑,其外观保护良好,但是大约 5 个月的工期要完 全符合报检和消防检验标准,需要改造的地方实在很多。 为了加强柱子的承重力,我们重新核算了整个建筑的重量。 另外一个挑战是在考虑到这是一栋非常重要的历史建筑, 尽可能保持她原有结构的同时,最大限度提高客房及走廊 天花板高度。 在设计上面临的最大挑战是如何在体现法式风格的同 时,却又不失中式内涵。店内 53 件,7 个品种的陶马摆件 就是一个很好地将中法元素结合的例子。有时候你在酒店 里不会觉得身处西安,但是如果仔细观察,你会发现中国 元素始终贯穿其中。 当地似乎没有类似的高端酒店,本地人如何看待西安索菲 特传奇酒店的进驻? 他们对此地标性建筑感到很骄傲。西安索菲特传奇酒店 的进驻,对本地人而言也是一件很新鲜特别的事情。随着大 量国际品牌的进驻,商贸行业的蓬勃发展,西安也发生着日 新月异的变化。许多外交官也慕名而来一睹西安及兵马俑的 风采。我本人也很喜欢西安,她四季分明、气候宜人,市民 热衷户外活动。这也是为什么我们在拥有 12000 棵树木的酒 店花园免费教授太极课程的原因—为酒店融入本地元素。 你是如何看待这个城市建筑的演变方向?以及这个过程中 有趣的现象? 西安正处于过渡期中,她拥有不同的文化元素和风格 迥异的建筑。其中最有名的要属钟楼、清真寺、兵马俑。 中国历史上先后有 13 个朝代曾在此建都。古典文化与现代 艺术的多元化结合使这座城市尤为有魅力,即便是走马观 花,也至少需要两三天来饱览她的风采。在我内心深处, 西安真的是一个非常特别的地方。

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Stephen Antram has an extensive background in hotel

management worldwide. He was born in Vienna, Austria. His

array of global experience stemmed from his childhood where he spent seven years in Athens, eight years in Rome, then 10 years of boarding school in England at Edmonds college. He then went on to get a business degree from Cornell University

in The United States. In 2011, he was named Business Man of the Year by the Mayor of Chongqing. Stephan Antram is

a true ambassador of his profession and is currently serving as the General Manager of Renmin Square Hotels Xian and Area General Manager of Sofitel Central China.

Beyond the structure, what else makes the hotel local in

terms of your service offering, food and beverage offering and other aspects of the property?

F r o m a f o o d an d b ev er ag e p er s p ectiv e, th e V I P

welcoming that we have is exceptional. We give peanut

brittle to guests when they arrive as well as dates, which

are foods typical of this area. We also offer special hot pot

dinners, picnics to be taken away to the Terracotta Warriors

and free bicycle rides around the city. In small groups, we

can arrange for a cocktail outing on the main wall. This

hotel features an Italian restaurant as well. Something unique is that we don’t have a front desk. We want it to feel like a residence with privacy and discretion. We also

try to put many different French elements in our hotels. I encourage everyone to come and stay here and see what it’s all about.

To my knowledge this is the first restoration of post

1949 property, which is quite interesting. What are the

particularities of this hotel that affect the experience and

operations? What were the challenges of turning it into a modern luxury hotel?

This hotel was originally built to be 300 rooms with only

one bathroom per floor, so you can imagine the plumbing

limitations. The façade of the hotel is protected because

it is considered a heritage building by the government. About five months into the construction, we had to get the building certified and the code improved which required a lot of changes. In order to reinforce the pillars, we had to

recalculate the weight of the building for our marble floors.

Another challenge was that we had to maximize the height of the guest rooms and corridor ceilings. It was quite a tedious

project, but we managed. This is a very important historical

building and we sought to keep the structure as close to the

To me it seems like there is no hotel quite on this level in the community. How do the locals react to something that is such a refined product?

First of all, they are very honored to have the hotel in Xian. The Xianese are proud

to have this iconic landmark. The Sofitel Legend is something new and different

for the Chinese people. With a city that is changing and attracting many affluent businesspeople as well as international brands, a lot of diplomats want to come and see Xian and the Warriors too. I love Xian because of the balanced and suitable

climate. The hotel is truly an oasis with 12,000 trees in the complex. The Xianese like outdoor living and Sofitel Legend provides the perfect setting to relax. The daily Tai Chi classes offered every morning in the garden is another local touch to the hotel. Where do you see the architecture of the city evolving? Do you see interesting architectural evolution occurring at the moment in Xi’an?

I would say Xi’an is in a transitional period right now. It currently has a lot of

culture and different types of architecture. The most well known sights to see include the bell tower, the Muslim mosque and the warriors. The 13 different dynasties are

reflected in each. The city is characterized by its classical and modern art; everything is mixed at the same time. You need about two or three days at least to see the sites in the city and what it to offer. It is a very special place that I hold close to my heart.

original architecture as possible.

The biggest challenge overall in the design was figuring

out how to infuse the French style and design on the outside,

while also infusing Chinese touches inside. An example is by

putting the 53 horses of 7 different types on the property, we

integrated the French element with the local one. Sometimes

you don’t feel you are in Xi’an when you are in this hotel, but if you look carefully you can feel the Chinese touches and flavors throughout the property.

LifeStyle 65



中“西”联袂,和而不同 Ameliorating Differences between Spain and Xi’an 新近开业的西安盛美利亚酒店坐落在曲江新区,毗邻大唐芙蓉园, 与南湖公园及坐拥一万平方英尺的人工湖对望,是西安首家西班牙品牌酒店。 对于想逃离都市喧嚣,又离不开现代化的便利和人性化的舒适的商务人士来说,这里无疑是最佳之选。 总经理马丁先生聊起西安和自己的酒店来如数家珍。 For those that want to avoid the congestion of the inner city and really keep focused on business, the Gran Melia provides a convenient oasis. In Qujiang New District, opposite Nanhu Lake and surrounded by a ten-thousand square foot artificial lake, this is ideal for the business traveler who wants modernity and comfort. We spoke with General Manager Ignacio Martin about Xi’an and his hotel. Text: Nels Frye

西安酒店业的发展有什么特别之处吗? 我在中国生活了 5 年,也拜访了很多城市,可以这么说,西安 具备一个大都会应有的特质,又有自己独一无二的特色。如果去北 上广,或者杭州,有时候你会觉得自己不像是在中国。你想追忆历 史的话,就得去西安这样的城市。也许用不了 10 年,西安就会变成 一个“小上海”,它现在就相当国际化了。 西北总给人一种粗犷简陋的感觉,就服务而言,当地人到底有什么 不同? 在西安酒店业,我们会设法与当地融为一体,并注入新鲜的东 西。你可以找到很多供应陕西美食的本地餐厅。最近,一些很有趣 的意大利餐厅和本市第一家西班牙餐厅也开业了,享受传统墨西哥 美食也有好去处了。这座城市渐渐开始发现西方饮食文化精髓。 总体来说,这里的酒店员工对待客人都非常热情;另一方面, 西安在满足外国客人的需求方面还需进一步加强,这里能说一口流 利英语的人不多,不过现在年轻一代已经开始更多地练习英语和其 他外语,比如西班牙语和法语,这个还是很有用的。而在几年前则 看不到这种现象。 西安盛美利亚酒店有何独特之处?你是如何创造性地将它与本地特 色相结合的? 西班牙美利亚酒店管理集团旗下共有七大品牌。从外观以及给 人的感觉来看,盛美利亚是最具西班牙特色的。我们希望西班牙文 化在中国各地得到广泛的传播。我们酒店的欢迎仪式非常有特色, 将手放在心脏的位置,奉上最诚挚的祝福,就像 17 世纪的西班牙那 样。你也会发现,我们的员工制服都是中“西”风相结合的。 美利亚还拥有自己独特的水疗品牌,提供各种护理和按摩服务, 并使用指定的品牌产品,全球各家美利亚酒店可寻。我们酒店水疗 中心的泳池值得体验,口碑一直不错。闳阁行政楼层专为 VIP 客人

66 LifeStyle

提供健身房、私人理疗室和豪华水疗,其规模和 品质均为城中之最。 推荐几个好去处吧,比如店铺、餐厅。 西安碑林区有着别样风情,有漂亮的湖泊和 花园、宽宽的街道,视野很开阔。这里比市中心 的污染要轻得多,而且只需要 15 分钟的车程。我 推荐入住临湖的酒店,能让人心境平和。我本人 特别喜欢爬山,华山的奇峰峻岭绝对不容错过。 你觉得西安最有趣的历史细节是什么?哪个时期 的? 我觉得唐朝最引人入胜。在漫长的中国历史 中,最让人遐想不已的就是唐朝了,而且,它对 当下的中国有很好的示范作用。因为那时的西安, 也就是长安,是最国际化的都会、是多元文化的 大熔炉。我相信,我们正处于中国的复兴时期, 中国正一步步找回唐以后的地位和影响力,西安 也会变得更像长安。 How is the hospitality industry evolving differently in Xi’an than in other markets?

After living in China for five years and visiting the

many cities it has to offer, I can tell you that Xi’an offers

all of the qualities of a big city in a unique way. When you go to Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, or Hangzhou, you

sometimes feel you aren’t in China. You have to come to cities like Xi’an in order to go back to the past. Maybe in

ten years Xi’an will be a small Shanghai. Xi’an is actually becoming quite cosmopolitan.

and feel. We are trying to spread Spanish culture in different areas of China. We have a

The Northwest often seems like a rough and ready sort

can also see a mix of China and Spain in the uniforms of the employees.

of place. How do locals approach service differently?

very particular greeting; we put our hand on our heart, like in 17th century Spain. You Melia even has it‘s own spa with brand name products, found in all Melia hotels

In the hotel industry here in Xi’an we try to mix it

worldwide. It offers a variety of treatments, and has an amazing pool in our Xi’an spa

find many local restaurants that offer Shaanxi cuisine.

called Red Leather. This club will offer a private gym, exclusive for VIP customers,

up and bring something different to the locals. You can

Recently, some interesting Italian restaurants and the first Spanish restaurant opened in town. There are also some

good Mexican restaurants. The city is starting to discover all that Western cuisine has to offer.

Generally speaking, our employees are very welcoming

location. The executive club in Melia, the biggest and nicest longue in the city, will be private treatment rooms and a luxurious spa.

Can you suggest a few shops, restaurants, etc., that our readers may not already know in Xi’an?

The Beilin district outside Xi’an is a place characterized by its very fresh and open

to customers. On the other hand, Xi’an still has the

areas. It offers beautiful lakes gardens and very wide streets. This area also has much

to find people who can speak English well. The younger

I recommend staying in one of the hotels facing the lake. It is very peaceful. I am in

challenge of taking care of foreign customers. It is not easy

generations are now starting to speak more English and other languages, like Spanish and French, which is very

less pollution than in the city center. It only takes about 15 minutes by taxi to get there. love with the views of the mountains as well; the Huashan is breathtaking.

useful. This was not the case a few years ago.

What details about Xian’s history do you find most interesting? What period?

What is completely unique about your hotel? How do

Chinese history and provides a great example for the present because Changan in those

you creatively incorporate local touches?

Melia is a Spanish company - it has seven brands. The

Grand Melia is the most Spanish brand in terms of its look

The Tang dynasty is the most fascinating for me. It’s the most inspirational in

days was the most cosmopolitan, culturally rich place on the planet. I believe we are seeing a renaissance in China today in which the country regains its position from the Tang Dynasty and Xi’an becomes much more like Chang’an in global importance.

LifeStyle 67


A Taste of Guangzhou

去年底隆重开业的广州希尔顿逸林酒店是珠三 角地区首家希尔顿逸林品牌酒店。开业半年来,已有 多位国际级名人入住,还荣获《LifeStyle 品味生活》 杂志第四届 CHA 中国酒店大奖“2014 年度最佳酒店 (高端类)”等多项殊荣,成为广州新地标。酒店坐 落于璀璨繁华的城市主干道东风路上,拥有 301 间现 代化的客房,其中包括 25 间套房以及五家各具特色 的餐厅。酒店外形犹如切割精湛的钻石,格外耀眼, 宾客可从高空 360 度俯瞰广州城区美景。39 层行政 楼层设计典雅,两层高的巨幅落地玻璃窗让宾客尊享 广州老城区独特的灯光夜景,轻松品味地道广州。 “细致入微,体贴入心”是希尔顿逸林酒店的 服务宗旨。广州希尔顿逸林特有的星级“关爱”服 务是从一块新鲜烘焙的巧克力曲奇开始的。总经理 Chris 将其在酒店业 20 余年的丰富经验赋予希尔顿集 团新的角色中。在他看来,“无论何时,我们都会用 热热的巧克力曲奇饼欢迎我们的客人。 只是一个细节, 却能让人觉得温暖。细节体现一切。” 进驻中国“美食之都”的酒店自然得有独树一帜 的餐饮特色。广州希尔顿逸林的互动体验餐厅 OPEN 气派而典雅。这家全日餐厅有着轻松、有趣的氛围。 高耸的天花板,开放式的布局,再加上品种丰富的自 助餐,让这里成为城中美食老饕们关注的焦点。除了 平日午餐和晚上提供各款中西佳肴,宾客于此还可尽 享环球美馔。每逢节日,这里更会推出特色菜和优惠 活动。最令人惊喜的是海鲜盛宴,无限量供应的野生 阿拉斯加蟹腿、南美皇后扇贝、澳洲旭蟹,不胜枚举。 而现场港式蒸鱼堪称原汁原味的享受,有石斑、红鲷、 鳜鱼可供挑选。另一家叫作 Nodu 面栈的特色餐厅则 从装修设计开始便透着浓郁的广州西关风情。面栈除 了提供正宗的广式云吞面、虾饺等美点,还供应各式 亚洲风味手工面条和料鲜味美的现包饺子。 在繁忙的大都市里,要拥有忙里偷闲的轻松一 刻,就来 Barista 吧。广州希尔顿逸林的碗咖啡可谓 城中唯一——这是一种源于法国的格调,手捧温暖的 咖啡,浓郁的香气配以润滑的奶泡,细细回味,更添 一份隽永和美好。想要更刺激一点,可于夜间来此消 遣。这里常备来自世界各地的新鲜啤酒,例如带着麦 芽和香蕉混合香气的英国威尔斯香蕉面包啤酒,那丰 富香醇的口感不仅可以喝出摩登的气场,更能与味蕾 擦出性感的火花。如果只能匆匆停留,可在 Grab & Go 甜速站打包一份美味精致的纸杯蛋糕慰劳自己。 当然,还有曲奇饼、精美蛋糕和酥皮糕点……这里的 轻便小食能在满足味蕾的同时,让你保持生活的节奏。 此外,Canton 大堂茶廊白天供应多款高品质香茗, 晚上又摇身一变成为情调十足的音乐酒廊,更有驻店 乐队现场表演。桌上的 iPad 交互式菜单不仅详细介 绍了茶廊所供应的菜品和香茗,还提供酒店活动介绍 和最新新闻。在广州希尔顿逸林,约三五知己,或吃 茶或小酌,或纵享饕餮或细品小点,总能为你宝贵的 一天画上完美的句号。

68 LifeStyle


Opened at the end of last year, the DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou is already recognised as one of China’s

leading hotels. Accolades include “Top 10 Best Newly Opened Hotels” in Asia” at the prestigious China Hotel Golden Horse Award, “Best New Travel Destination for Luxury Weekends” from Shanghai’s City Traveler magazine

and International Channel Shanghai (ICS), and “Best Deluxe Hotel in 2014” from Beijing’s Lifestyle magazine. DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou has 301 guestrooms located on the 25th to 41st floors of the tower block, with full-

height windows affording spectacular views over historic sites and other tourist attractions nearby. It is a place where you can have a taste of Guangzhou.

As General Manager, Chris Roberts has welcomed a number of celebrities to his hotel, including Belgian martial

artist Jean-Claude Van Damme, who invited Chris to play a “supporting role” in his latest movie being shot in Guangzhou. He said: “the hotel’s success stems from the renowned DoubleTree by Hilton tradition of customer care, ‘where the little things means everything and every guest is greeted with a warm chocolate chip cookie.”

In addition to the hotel awards, DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou has also established itself as a top dining venue,

with its OPEN Bistro voted The Most Popular Restaurant during the city’s Diningcity Restaurant Week in March this

year. Throughout the week, the all-day dining venue features interactive chef pods serving a variety of Asian cuisines and western grill items, as well as fresh seafood. There is an eye-popping array of seafood which includes unlimited servings of shellfish like Alaskan crab leg, South American queen roe scallop, Australian red spanner crab and

Canadian farmed Boston lobster, along with freshly-shucked Canadian rock oysters. For fish, there are three types of

whole salmon, garoupa, red snapper and Mandarin fish cooked in Hong Kong style. Another popular outlet offering great value for money is NoDu, an acronym for the tasty noodles and dumplings that diners can order by the bowl.

But that’s not all – this bright and breezy eatery recreates much more of the famous street food so typical of Asia, in vegetarian as well as non-vegetarian dishes reflecting the best of Cantonese, Singaporean and Japanese styles.

The Canton lobby lounge is a comfortable retreat for informal meetings and relaxation, where guests can enjoy

a quiet coffee or afternoon tea, have a drink at the bar. Office workers and guests descend on the Canton & Barista Bar for everyday extended Happy Hour when selected wine, cocktails and all beers are served with complementary

snacks. A live band helps keep the tempo up. The Barista Bar also features specialty coffees, teas and fresh fruit juices. Food choices include delicatessen-style imported meats, sausages, hams and cheeses, freshly-baked pastries and gourmet-quality take-out items. For office workers in a rush, the adjacent Grab & Go counter offers freshly-

baked takeaway items like pastries and cupcakes in more than a dozen flavours, as well as the signature DoubleTree

chocolate chip cookies. DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou is not only a place where you can have a taste of Guangzhou, but also a place to have fun.

No.391 Dongfeng Road, Yuexiu District, Guangzhou Tel: 020 2833 2888

LifeStyle 69



激情成就完美! Passion for Perfection 迈克尔·万斯尔本塔与 LifeStyle 畅聊他所管理的丽江金茂君悦 酒店以及明年凯悦在玉龙雪山 脚下的另一扛鼎之作。 Michael von Siebenthal opened up to LifeStyle about his work at Grand Hyatt Lijiang ahead of the opening of their extension at Jade Dragon Snow Mountain. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

金茂雪山语综合项目的组成部分。整座酒 店环湖而建,巧妙地隐于风景之中。这个 项目涵盖了 J · LIFE 精品商业区和娱乐设施、 高级别墅区、餐饮和我们的酒店。我们的 客人可以期待在丽江不变的传统魅力和古 老历史之外,嗅到一丝新世界的气息。 我们的酒店与当地传统建筑和少数民 族文化联系紧密,同时配备了时下最受游 客青睐、最舒适的现代设施。之前提到的 丽江第二家君悦酒店坐落在著名的玉龙雪 山脚下,海拔约 3100 米,毗邻世界上最长 的高尔夫球场。这又将是一种十分独特的 体验。两家酒店的工作人员都训练有素、 体贴入微,确保客人能实现梦中的完美假 期。 You’re new to China. What made you decide

to come here, and what are your impressions?

是什么吸引你来中国的?对中国印象如 何?分享一下你最喜欢的人、事和地方吧。 我在迪拜凯悦酒店的合同快到期时, 凯悦问我是否对筹开丽江金茂君悦酒店有 兴趣。当时我对丽江一无所知,便在网上 做了些功课,结果惊喜连连,我一下子就 爱上了它。丽江的景致让我想起了瑞士遥 远的家,那里同样有着美丽的山峦和浓郁 的旅游氛围。我用了几个周末游览这座城 市以及大理和香格里拉的很多旅游景点, 同时接触到很多少数民族,他们让丽江更 独特,更迷人。 你怎么理解酒店业?是什么吸引你入这一 行并奋斗至今的? “服务别人的人”,虽然听起来有些 老生常谈,但它真实地、恰如其分地描述 了酒店人一复一日的工作。当它与凯悦完 美融合在一起时,我们每天所接触的人们 的生活因我们而变得不同。我在一个旅游 度假区里长大,很小的时候就不可避免地 浸淫在这个行业里,而我一直乐此不疲的

鉴于我过去 26 年里都只为凯悦服务, 也许我并不适合对各大酒店品牌做比较。 但在酒店餐饮方面,凯悦一直是潮流引导 者,当然这也是我加入凯悦的原因之一。 多年来凯悦一直锐意进取,创建了很多新 品牌,比如君悦、柏悦、安达仕和凯悦嘉 轩等,并且孜孜不倦地为这些品牌创造不 同的体验。丽江金茂君悦酒店是中国首家 君悦品牌度假型酒店,它将扮演非常重要 的角色。 你怎么看待中国酒店业的发展?你的下一 个计划是什么? 就中国每年加入旅游大军的庞大群体 来说,中国酒店业还处于起步阶段。丽江 算得上是国内数一数二的目的地了,未来 几年也会如此,我们只需要确保航班便捷 实惠。就国际市场而言,丽江对海外游客 同样具有巨大的吸引力。至于我的下一个 计划,就是在丽江再开一家君悦酒店,预 计将于 2015 年年中于玉龙雪山脚下开业。

Can you share your favorite things, places and people in Lijiang?

Hyatt approached me when my contract at Hyatt

Regency Dubai came to an end and asked if I

would be interested in doing the opening of Grand

Hyatt Lijiang. I did some research on the internet as I had no idea about Lijiang and immediately fell

in love with what I found. The scenery reminded

me a lot of my home in Switzerland with the beautiful mountains and the tourism environment.

I spent the first few weekends in Lijiang exploring

the city and the many tourist attractions all the way to Dali and Shangri-La. At the same I came in

contact with the many ethnic minorities that make this place so special.

What defines hospitality for you? What drew you to the industry, and what has kept you there?

The old cliché of “people serving people” is

still very true and best describes what we are doing day in and day out. As we put it so appropriately

at Hyatt, we make a difference in the lives of the

原因是它永远都不会让你感到无聊。我们 辗转不同的国家,每天都会遇见各式精彩

跟我们分享一下丽江金茂君悦酒店让人期 待的地方吧。

people we touch every day. I grew up in a tourist


继上海金茂君悦大酒店、上海崇明金 茂凯悦酒店之后,丽江金茂君悦酒店是第 三家由金茂集团拥有并由凯悦酒店集团进 行管理的酒店。它也是香格里拉大道北端

kept me there is the fact that this industry never

是什么原因让凯悦脱颖而出?它有哪些品 牌特性?

70 LifeStyle

resort and caught the “virus” at an early age. What gets boring. We move from country to country,

meeting wonderful people on a daily basis, be it guests or be it our associates.

What makes the Hyatt stand out? What is the brand identity of the Hyatt, and how do you interpret this?

I have been with Hyatt for the past 26 years,

so I might not the right person to compare hotel

brands. But Hyatt has always been a trendsetter in Food and Beverage, and that was certainly one of

the reasons why I joined Hyatt. Hyatt has evolved

a lot over the years and new brands have been added, such as Grand Hyatt, Park Hyatt, Andaz,

and Hyatt Place. We are working tirelessly in

creating different brand experiences for each of these brands, and Grand Hyatt Lijiang being the

first Grand Hyatt branded resort in China will play an important role in this endeavour.

How do you see the hospitality industry as

developing in China and what will your next step be?

The hospitality industry in China is still in

It is part of the exclusive Jinmao Whisper of

of Chinese that are joining the travelling public

Lijiang. This development comprises luxury

its infancy, considering the enormous numbers year after year. Lijiang is one of the top two or

three domestic tourism destinations and as such should be doing great in the years to come, we

just have to make sure that flights are convenient and affordable. The same goes for international

accessibility as Lijiang has a great allure for

Jade Dragon development at the north end of

shopping, top apartments, J-Life entertainment,

dining and shopping area and our hotel. So our

guests can expect the traditional charm of Lijiang with its historic old towns and tourist attractions, supplemented with an air of the new world.

The resort is very much in keeping with the

tourists all over the world. As for my next step,

local traditional architecture and ethnic minorities

Lijiang, which is our extension up at the foot of

travellers are expecting. The mountain hotel

this will be to open part two of Grand Hyatt

Jade Dragon Snow Mountain which will open in the middle of 2015.

Tell us about the Grand Hyatt Lijiang and what guests there can expect.

Grand Hyatt Lijiang is the third hotel owned

by Jinmao and managed by Hyatt after Grand Hyatt Shanghai and Hyatt Regency Chongming.

but offers all the modern amenities today’s

opening next year at an altitude of 3100 meters above sea level will add yet another dimension

to this experience, being located at the foot of the famed jade Dragon Snow Mountain and next to the longest golf course in the world. In both hotels

or team of well trained and caring associates will ensure that our guests will have the vacation of their dreams.

LifeStyle 71



尽享全方位舒适体验 Comfort in the S.I.P. 来自香港的黄礼文先生从事酒店 管理行业超过二十年,加入豪生 国际酒店集团也已七年有余。来 到苏州的他又有什么新作为? Mr. Raymond Wong, originally from Hong Kong, has been engaged in the hotel management industry for more than 20 years, and joined Howard Johnson for over seven years. We spoke to him about his work in Suzhou, and what the future holds for him. Text: Roger Wang

hotel is convenient both to the Shanghai-Nanjing Expressway and Suzhou’s downtown- both are only 15 minutes drive away.

Due to its proximity to Shanghai, Suzhou has become a preferred destination for

urbanites making day trips with their family.

Consequently, various hotels have introduced packages for travelling families. How do you accommodate this type of guest?

Each suite in our hotel has a cozy living room

and luxurious bedroom; extended-stay suites

also feature full kitchen facilities and bathroom facilities, giving guests traveling by car a warm home-like environment. The hotel is also planning

to build the kid’s playground, the opening is expected early next year.

High-end hotels have always competed fiercely for guests attending business meetings. Your

位于苏州工业园区的建屋豪生全套房酒店 竞争优势何在? 我们酒店坐落于苏州工业园主要商业 区之一的中心部位,拥有绝佳的临湖景观, 步行几分钟即可到达金鸡湖李公堤。这里 集娱乐、购物、观光、休闲、文化为一体, 可尽享国际风情、邻里水巷。酒店距沪宁 高速公路工业园区出口及市中心商业区也 仅 15 分钟车程。 苏州作为上海周边自驾游、亲子游的首选 城市,各家酒店纷纷推出相应套餐。你们 在这方面有什么优惠吗? 我们酒店的每间套房都有豪华温馨的 客厅及卧室,长住套房还配有厨房全套设 备及卫浴设施,这些都给自驾游和亲子游 的客人提供了温馨如家的住宿环境。接下 来酒店还计划修建小型儿童乐园,预计明 年初对外开放。

要通过提供高性价比客房的优势,将整个 酒店的全年入住率保持在 70% 左右,此外 还推出了个性化会议套餐和各种婚宴优惠, 客户可按需求定制专属套餐。

this category- how do you plan to do this?

Since opening in 2008, our hotel’s resident

business travelers have made up 30% of total

occupancy year round. But in recent years, with


the increasing pressure of market competition, the

我们是苏州工业园区内唯一一家邀请 到东南亚乐队常驻餐厅表演的酒店,这极 大地丰富了住店客人的娱乐文化生活。接 下来我们会在大堂增设迷你大堂吧,为客 人提供短暂歇息的空间;同时计划新开一 家日本料理餐厅,为客人提供更多就餐选 择。下个月,酒店内新装修的 SPA 也将对 外开放,总而言之,我们希望酒店可以让 入住客人获得全方位的舒适体验。

annual occupancy rate of the hotel remained at

The Howard Johnson is located in the Suzhou

with a band playing in our restaurant, giving

does this location bring?

have a bar in the lobby, offering place for tired

Industrial Park. What competitive advantages Our hotel is located in the central part of the

商务会议客人一直是高端酒店极力争取的 客源。苏州建屋豪生在拓展市场方面有何 心得?

Suzhou Industrial Park, one of the main business

自 2008 年开业以来,我们酒店的常住 商务客人一直占总客房率的 30%。但随着 近几年市场竞争压力的不断增加,我们主

Lake. Here entertainment, shopping, sightseeing,

72 LifeStyle

hotel is attempting to expand market share in

districts in Suzhou, with excellent lake views -

our hotel is only a few minutes away from Jinji leisure and culture converge; guests can enjoy

their stay in international style. In addition, the

around 70%. We are planning to offer customized

packages according to customer demand, offseason wedding discount prices, and so on remaining attentive to the needs of our guests.

What are some innovations in marketing and catering strategies coming from the Suzhou Howard Johnson All Suites Hotel?

We are the only company within the S.I.P

our guests entertainment with their dinner. We

guests to unwind; we also plan to open a Japanese

restaurant, offering more dining choices. Next

month, the newly renovated Hotel SPA will also

be open. All in all, we hope that the hotel allows guests access to a full range of comfortable stay experiences.

Promotion 有一种呈现叫做互为衬托,浑然一体! 比如广州文华东方酒店与太古汇。享负盛名 的太古汇可谓是国际级综合发展项目,占地 35.8 万平米,集奢华购物、甲级写字楼及令 人赞叹的文化中心于一体。而广州文华东方 酒店的设计由季裕棠设计师事务所操刀,糅 合了传统东方元素和“新中国”现代特色。 不仅如此,酒店餐饮也将中国传统和西方经 典 融 合 创 新, 为 羊 城 美 食 带 来 了 升 华。 屡 获殊荣的江 - 由辉师傅主理、经典烧烤餐厅 Ebony、茶廊悦茶居、文华饼店和独具特色的 The Loft 酒吧等为宾客提供了丰富的用餐选 择。 广州文华东方酒店与唐培里侬香槟王联 手为宾客提供至尊香槟品鉴体验,隆重打造 中国第一间酒店内的唐培里侬香槟吧。唐培 里侬香槟王的故事开启于 1668 年,悠久的历 史与卓越的品质让唐培里侬广受各界人士的 认可,被誉为“世界上最好的香槟”。 太古悦茶居是众多名流会见友人或是谈 生意的理想社交场所。白天的太古悦茶居简 洁大方,是众多名流喜爱的下午茶集聚地; 晚上的太古悦茶居摇身一变成为尊贵神秘的 唐培里侬香槟吧。夜幕降临,太古悦茶居披 上唐培里侬专属神秘高雅的黑色,成为中国 首间唐培里侬香槟吧。现每逢周三至周六, 晚上 6 点 30 分至 9 点 30 分,伴随着让人心 情愉悦的现场爵士演奏,宾客在尊享香槟的 同时,还可搭配大厨精心制作的西式小点。 Located above TaiKoo Hui, a prestigious 358,000

square metre, mixed-use development comprising

luxury shopping, grade-A office space and an impressive cultural centre, the Mandarin Oriental,

Guangzhou’s standard guest rooms are the largest

in the city. Renowned interior designer Tony Chi has fused traditional Oriental elements with the


When Mandarin Oriental Meets Dom Pérignon 以传奇服务独树一帜的广州文华东方酒店与世界上最奢华的 香槟唐培里侬王强强合作,将传奇服务与奢华体验的精髓完美融合, 给予宾客最尊贵的香槟品鉴之旅。 When the legendary service of Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou meets one of the finest Champagne in the world, guests can expect a truly distinctive experience at the new Dom Pérignon Lounge.

modern identity of today’s China. What’s more, the

hotel brings an inspired mix of traditional Chinese and Western classic dining with some modern

The cool beige and white interior of the

flourishes, designed to elevate the city’s restaurant

spacious Taikoo Lounge serves as a chic spot for

Fei, one of China’s most notable chefs known for

also indulge in our popular afternoon tea. In the

scene. Among the diverse choices is Jiang by Chef

his creative flair in Cantonese dining; a classic grill restaurant, Ebony; a tea lounge, The Taikoo Lounge; The Mandarin Cake Shop; and an exclusive cocktail destination, The Loft.

The Mandarin Oriental, Guangzhou has partnered

with Dom Pérignon to offer the most sophisticated and exclusive experience for guests with the

opening of the Dom Pérignon Lounge, the first of its kind in China. Boasting an amazing heritage and

long history dating back to the Benedictine monks of 1668, Dom Pérignon is revered as one of the world’s finest champagnes.

casual gatherings during the day where one can

evenings, the Taikoo Lounge transforms into the luxurious Dom Pérignon Lounge. When the lights

are dimmed and the focal point falls on the live

performance on the grand piano between 6.30pm and 9.30pm, from Wednesdays to Saturdays, the

lounge assumes a completely different ambience.

Guests can complement their champagne with

a wide selection of gourmet treats and decadent treats from The Mandarin Cake Shop. This unique

new venue serves an ideal place for a romantic rendezvous or an entertaining evening with friends and business associates.

389 Tianhe Road, Tianhe District, Guangzhou Tel: 020 3808 8888

LifeStyle 73


A Design and Delicacies Destination

延续品牌的艺术 DNA,广州南丰朗豪酒店将独一无二的原创建 筑设计与现代风范及低调奢华完美融合。酒店建筑外观层次分明,极 富动感,其错落有致的 22 层大楼外观颇有“横看成岭侧成峰,远近高 低各不同”之感。从不同角度看到的楼型成像亦各不相同,在某一角 度看如同凝固于时空穿梭中的启航帆船,从另一方位看又似乎展翅飞 翔的宇宙战舰,未来感十足,而借助周边世界展馆典范之作——中国 进出口商品交易会展馆的独特建筑风格,酒店创意十足的外观设计也 获得了相得益彰的精彩。酒店与位处 160 米外的南丰汇属同一个项目, “分隔两地”的大楼尤如有静电的磁力牵引,整合归一,表达出活力 澎湃的一致形象。整个建筑设计不仅体现出朗豪的品牌风格、创意与 想象,更洋溢着广州的繁华活力,堪称中国南大门的最佳形象代表。 酒店一楼接待厅以及四楼前台均以大理石编织而成的装饰点缀, 墙栉比鳞次,与层层堆叠的酒店外型内外呼应。接待厅中的大型水晶

74 LifeStyle

吊灯如同千万只蝴蝶破茧飞舞,寓意朗豪酒店传承英伦奢华优雅的气 质,同时突破传统演绎新现代艺术,大气而不失典雅。六楼中庭横梁 上设有别致的枯山水园林,灵感源于日本的缩微式园林景观,有序地 叠放着石像,有驱灾避邪保佑平安的寓意,并能对人的心境产生神奇 的舒缓力量。酒店中餐厅“明阁”的设计也别具一格,以广州独有的 西关大屋为设计灵感,楼层挑高,融入满洲窗以及彩色琉璃玻璃的元 素。陈设的中国现代艺术品流露着独特的东方韵味,脱俗典雅。明阁 大厅内挂有《将进酒》和《过故人庄》两幅大型字画,寓意以酒款待 四方宾客,以美食结交各路友人,饮食文化之美、酒之美、饕餮之美 尽在其中。 中餐厅行政总厨丁伟云拥有 26 年丰富的中餐烹饪经验,注重食 材天然口感与烹调技巧的完美结合。对于他来说,再平凡的食材,通 过精湛的烹饪技巧也能生花;再金贵的食材,不加以适当雕琢等同于

Promotion 浪费。西餐行政总厨温祖维以创意欧式菜肴见长,在传统西餐 的基础上勇于创新,精髓之中寻找变化。喜欢食物摄影的他还 是一名广告食品造型师,不仅注重食材的质量和新鲜度,满足 食客味蕾,还用自己独特的审美和摄影技巧将盘中的美食幻化 成镜头前的艺术品,让视觉亦得以满足。有此两人掌勺,难怪 广州南丰朗豪酒店会成为羊城饕客的私藏目的地之一。 Designed by global award-winning architects Aedas, Langham Place,

Guangzhou is an urban architectural icon; the exterior of the 22-storey hotel conjures the vivid imagery of the unfolding of wings, evoking a

sense of freedom and space. Contemporary art by local and international

artists features in all of the guest rooms and public spaces throughout the hotel. To develop a cohesive mixed-use complex with a strong identity in

order to stand out next to some very strong formal neighbors, the hotel is

an interpretation of the “static electricity” dialogue between the buildings

represented by the horizontal striations and shifts. Langham Place, Guangzhou has a unique architectural form. The horizontal elements

animate the buildings and maximize the dialogue between the hotel and

The Place which is 160 meters away, providing a dynamic, unified and powerful expression of this exhibition complex.

The exquisite chandelier in the arrival hall embodies

thousands of butterflies that have just come out of their chrysalises, a good metaphor for the Langham Place – a dynamic brand evolved from a rich English heritage.

The Stone Garden on Level 6 is inspired by a Japanese

rock garden. The piles of rocks within are believed

to drive out evil spirits and relax the soul. The interior

design inspiration of the restaurant Ming Court comes from

Xiguan Mansion, a representative architecture of ancient Canton with distinguished elements including high ceilings and Manchurian windows.

Chef Ting is an award-winning chef with 26 years of extensive

experience in Chinese cooking. He emphasises the perfect combination

of the natural textures of ingredients and cooking skills. He believes

that cooking techniques are more important than ingredients. Simple ingredients can be transformed into flavourful dishes with excellent

culinary skills, while valuable ingredients may be wasted if not cooked properly. Western Executive Chef Joe Wan brings an innovative twist

to traditional Western cuisine. He emphasizes the use of only the

freshest ingredients and blends them into gourmet

concoctions which are both palatable and visually appealing. He also created menus for hotels and

worked as a food stylist for advertising campaigns. Chef Wan does not only cook excellent dishes,

he also draws on his unique aesthetic sense and photography skills to transform these dishes into artwork under the lens.

638 Xingang East Road, Haizhu District, Guangzhou Tel: 020 8916 3388

LifeStyle 75



Hotel Nikko Shanghai, the first hotel in Shanghai of Japanese

Hospitality with Japanese Characteristics

well-know hotel management brand, ideally located in Wanbao

上海日航饭店作为日本知名酒店管理品牌在沪的首家酒店,坐拥上海浦西 黄金地段,地处延安西路(近镇宁路)万宝国际广场,交通便捷,紧邻静安商业区、 上海展览中心,并接壤中山公园商圈,与上海话剧艺术中心仅咫尺之遥。约 20 分钟左右车程轻松抵达上海虹桥国际机场及上海虹桥火车站,约 50 分钟左右抵 达上海浦东国际机场,步行约 7 分钟可至轨道交通 2 号、11 号线江苏路站。优 越的地理位置方便出行及购物、娱乐。 上海日航饭店由台湾著名设计师连自成亲自操刀设计,以简洁、纯粹现代 风格为主打,色彩干净、线条洗练,空间层次透明。酒店内设客房 382 间,9 种 不同风格房型选择满足不同客人对居住体验的需求。美国知名品牌“Restonic" 的超宽大床垫,以及意大利品牌“Frette”600 针- 120 支埃及棉的床上用品和 宽大浴巾和浴袍,让每一次的入住体验都拥有无尽享受! 摩登简约风格的行政酒廊 180 度全景鸟瞰上海繁华街景,优质的服务为商 务人士提供便捷的尊贵体验。3 处餐厅场所提供日式、中式及自助餐服务,2 个 风格迥异的酒廊为宾客扫去一天的疲劳。设备齐全的日航健身中心、阳光泳池、 悦榕庄旗下 SPA 品牌“悦椿”水疗带来动与静结合的完美享受。 酒店总会议面积逾 1,050 平米,包括 410 平方米的穹顶大宴厅和七间多功能 会议厅。先进的宴会设备及专业的策划团队,让一切变得如此轻松!

walk away from Metro Line 2 & 11 of Jiangsu Road Station.

International Plaza, the center of Puxi downtown, easy way to

Jin’an Business Center, Shanghai Exhibition Center, Zhongshan Park Shopping Mall, and close to Shanghai Drama Art Center. Nearly 20 minute’s way to Shanghai Hongqiao International

Airport and Hongqiao Railway Station, about 50 minute’s way

to Shanghai Pudong International Airport. It takes 7 minutes’ Hotel Nikko Shanghai has ideal location for business and entertainment!

Hotel Nikko Shanghai was designed by famous designer

from Taiwan, Lian Zicheng, features simple and pure modern

style with bright color, line and transparent level. Hotel has 382

rooms totally, 9 different types to satisfy different request and

interest from guests all of the world. Huge mattress by American brand “Restonic”, 600-thread and 120 Egyptian cotton woven

sheets, over-sized terry bath towels and plush terry bathrobes by Frette brand in Italy, those bring guest a prefect stay experience here.

Executive Lounge with 180 degree bird’s view offers modern

and simple style to guests, where provides perfect service as

a luxury stay experience to international or domestic business traveler in Shanghai. 3 F&B outlets of Japanese style, Chinese

style, and buffet plus 2 bars provide a place for guest relaxing.

The well-equipped Fitness Center, Swimming Pool, “Angsana”

SPA one of the brand under “Banyan tree”, that is the perfect combination of dynamic and static enjoy.

More than 1,050 square meters, including 410 square meters

of the dome banquet hall and seven multi-functional conference

rooms in hotel. The event advanced equipment and professional catering team, let all become so easy!

No. 488, West Yan’an Road, Shanghai Tel: (86 21) 3211 9999

76 LifeStyle



Your Private Hair Salon

当然,Show Salon 同样为普通客人提 供相当优异的服务,专业造型师会根据每一 位顾客的不同特点和需求,打造出最贴合气 质、彰显个性的精彩一面。而独具匠心的装 潢设计以及精心挑选的休闲小食,带来的则 是无微不至的贴心与舒适。 Located on at the corner of Xinle Road and

Huaihai Road, Show salon has been open for six

years. Xinle road, which the old Russian church, with the plane trees… escaping from the busy traffic

of Huaihai Road, the avenue is among Shanghai’s most elegant. As to the salon itself, the interior design is simple but unique, with numerous vintage

and industrial elements. The salon is located in a renovated Western villa, of the style for which

Shanghai is famous; yes, here you are in the center of a world city. Show’s team of stylists is very

professional, each one of them trained in the finest schools; Shi Xiu, director of the team, is a specialist in the latest Western fashions.

Show salon is known for its low profile and

professionalism, which is the reason why numerous

celebrities choose to get their hair done here. Apart from the customers, only Show staff can access

service history and purchase records, keeping your

information absolutely safe. There will never be any embarrassing indiscretions or leaks, as the numerous high profile customers know and appreciate.

Show salon provides outstanding service for the

general public as well. Professional stylists will

create a perfect you according to your personal style and preferred look. The lovely decoration

and delicious snacks will make you feel light and relaxed. See you on Xinle road…

No.8 Xinle Road, Xuhui District, Shanghai Tel: 021 5403 9008

位于上海新乐路上的 Show Salon,开业

至今已经有 6 个年头了。种满法式梧桐的小 路紧邻着繁华热闹的淮海路,却又在闹中取 静中多了几分贵族气息与浪漫情调。整店装 修风格简约而独特,老上海洋房的万种风情 经过改建,多了些许复古、工业元素,大方 又不失温馨。Show Salon 团队成员个个都是 造型精英,队长石秀更是一等一的好手,尤

其擅长以欧美简约风格为主的私人造型定制。 Show Salon 的低调与专业向来为顾客 所称道,尽管许多知名艺人与社会名流都是 该店的主顾,但对于顾客资料的保密工作, 从来都是格外细心。顾客订购的任何产品和 消费记录都只限于顾客本人、设计师和其他 店内队员知晓,绝对不会产生由于信息泄露 而造成的不必要的烦恼。

LifeStyle 77



大董秋韵 诗情画意入梦来

Da Dong in Autumn: Dreaming in a Minor Key 对于熟悉大董的人来说, 每一季的新菜品鉴会都是一场味觉、视觉、嗅觉、触觉交织在一起的饕餮盛宴。 Aficionados of Da Dong know that each season provides new dishes with different tastes, looks, smells and touches, creating a glorious feast. Text: Yuki Zhang

入秋时分,大董的“秋韵”品鉴会如期而至。在京城的美食界,这早已是被众人翘首 以盼多时的盛事。不过,与其说这是一场与美味的完美约会,倒不如更像去做一场充满诗 情画意的美梦。 中国人的食物,讲究的是应季。黑松露、桂花糖、大闸蟹、炒栗子……全是浓缩了秋 日滋味的精华。应季最新鲜的食材,加上“色、香、味、形、滋、养”的中国烹饪标准, 大董创意菜这一季的“秋韵”,讲述的是黑松露的灵与大闸蟹的魂碰撞而成的精彩篇章。 无需过于繁琐的加工与处理,只是本来的滋味,就足以让人融化在舌尖之上。 而盘中布局彰显的,则是大董意境菜对于食物最好的理解。从传统绘画和盆景中提炼 的“不似之似”的意象造型,达到源于自然又高于自然的审美效果。睁开眼尝到的是鲜美 无限,闭上眼品味的是意境幽远,恰可谓:一袭秋韵已知味,诗情画意入梦来。 As autumn nights draw closer, Da Dong’s Autumn Tasting menu is a great way to feel warm.

Beijing’s restaurant industry has felt stale for a while; this menu is a true event in the world of fine cuisine.

Chinese cuisine varies based on season. Truffles, certain fragrant spices, crabs, roasted

chestnuts… these traditional flavors can’t help but conjure up autumn for us. The freshest seasonal

ingredients add color, smell, taste, and connection to local roots to Chinese culinary delicacies; Da

Dong’s creative autumn menu brings us a story of earthy truffles meeting with the succulent meat of crabs, where the earth crumbles into the sea. Without much processing or unneeded interference, the flavor is enough to melt on the tongue.

The food is laid out onto plates in a delicate aesthetic inspired by bonsai and landscape painting.

Open your eyes to delicious taste; close your eyes as the flavors mingle in your mouth. Autumn is the most poetic of seasons; Da Dong’s cuisine will entrance you with the flavors of harvest.

78 LifeStyle

金杆银枝沐骄阳 栗蓬紫玉闪珠光


Roasted Chestnuts with Sugar 还记得小时候一到秋冬时节街头巷尾就会飘来的糖炒栗子的香 味吗?买上一包,暖暖地揣在怀里,趁热剥开丢在口里,甚是 满足。大董的糖炒栗子只为了留住这种最好的记忆。用最好的 栗子炒到外皮爆开,搭配石头巧克力,一丝童趣在其间。 Do you remember the scent of roasted chestnuts in the wintry streets

of childhood? Buy a bag, clutch the warm close to your bosom, unpeel the seed and eat it hot; what a delicious feeling. Da Dong’s roasted chestnuts will awaken your Proustian recollections. Chestnuts

are served bursting out of their skins with a hint of bitter chocolate adding a playful touch.


Crab Meat and Roe Pudding 有时候,食物换一种形态呈现,带来的是截然不同的感觉。把 鲜美的蟹糊注入容器,烤制成半透明的布丁,加上用黄油炒过 的面包渣,一软一硬相得益彰,一咸一淡恰到好处。而金黄的 色泽,是对秋天最好的诠释。 Sometimes, food is presented in a special shape, imparting a unique

sensation. Delicious crab paste is here baked into a pudding of fried bread, featuring soft and hard shells which complement each other. The golden sheen of the surface brings autumn to mind.

小橘枚枚菊未黄 蟹肥全不待些霜

LifeStyle 79

卧对白萍洲 欹眠数钓舟


Braised Abalone with Chinese Yam and Truffle Sauce 铁棍山药本已属于秋天进补的佳品,经过用心烧制之 后,原有的形状被很好的保留下来,内里却格外绵软 香甜,搭配鲍鱼特有的劲道和黑松露汁的香气,无论 是在口感还是味道上,都层层递进,引人入胜。 Sweet potatoes say autumn like nothing else. With perfect application of heat, the shape is here well-preserved, with a

result that is exceptionally soft and sweet; a unique aroma

is emitted by the chewy abalone and the black truffle sauce. From the taste to the smell, all layers of this dish are fascinating.

风荷百顷占涟漪 烟树溟蒙乳鸭飞


Sweet-scented with Roasted Young Duck 大董成名招牌菜“稣不腻”小乳鸭选用的是 22 天的 细嫩小乳鸭为原料,酥脆之中平添一份温柔。挟一块 鸭皮,充满果木香的烧烤滋味,混合着些许微甜的桂 花糖,在口中慢慢融化,呈现出无可复制的细致口感, 馥郁又满足。与通常蘸食所用方糖不同的桂花糖,是 特地从江浙精选而来,更添秋日桂花香。 Da Dong’s signature dish, Peking Duck, are slivers of duck breast, crisp and melting in your mouth. Duck skin, barbecued over fruit wood after being marinated in sweet osmanthus sugar, is an exquisite symphony of flavors. Dip the meat into different osmanthus sugars, some from

Jiangsu, some from Zhejiang, and the autumn will be upon you.

80 LifeStyle

黑潭水深黑如墨 传有神龙人不识


Black Truffle and Shredded Bean Curd with Cuttlefish Sauce 传统的文思豆腐向来以刀工精细,软嫩清醇,入口即化闻名, 在大董的改良下,黑松露和墨鱼汁混合而成的汤汁取代了原有 的浆汁,黑与白的交相辉映更加凸显出豆腐丝的飘然,而提前 预热好的汤盘有效地保持了菜品的温度,让食客在进餐过程中 有更多时间细细品味各种鲜美。 Finely shredded tofu has always been featured on traditional menus.

The mellow taste imparted by the chefs makes the Da Dong recipe a new classic. The flavors of truffles and squid ink replaces the original

sauce, and the silken tofu is more delicate than you’ve ever tasted

before. The preheated plate effectively maintains the temperature of the dish, so that you’ll have time to savor the variety of flavors during the meal.


Roast Snowflake with Rose Willow 烤肉在大多数人看来都是再寻常不过的街头小吃,夏日几串烤 肉加上一杯啤酒,再惬意不过。但跟铁钎子烤肉相比,用红柳 的树枝削成木签来烤羊肉串,羊肉的香自不待言,用红柳枝穿 着烤,更平添了几分红柳的树香,出现在《舌尖上的中国》第 二季中的新疆美味,在大董你也能一饱口福。 For most people, barbecue might seem like an unusual choice in

a fine restaurant, but when you eat this barbecue, accompanied by sips of beer, you’ll know why it’s worth it. A blazing fire, tamarisk

branch-skewers that are perfect receptacles for lamb kebabs, and a

更有台中牛肉炙 尚盘数脔紫光球

tangy dressing that bursts with flavor; even with simple dishes like barbecue, Da Dong breathes new life into old favorites.

LifeStyle 81



曾几何时,葡萄酒的保存方法无非是每次倒完酒把软木塞再塞 回去,也不管瓶内还剩多少酒;无论在酒吧、餐馆还是家里,都是这 样。但随着葡萄酒知识在世界范围内的日益普及,这种原始的保存方 式基本上已经被优质葡萄酒的拥有者抛弃。现如今,消费者和酒店专 业人士都深谙正确保存葡萄酒的重要性,甚至引进了智能保存装置, 尽管这一切还需要不断学习和摸索。


Wine Preservation

Don’t Leave Home without It 好在酒店、餐厅和酒吧已经开始引进专业葡萄酒保存设备,其 中最受欢迎的要数 Le Verre de Vin。这一高科技系统内至少有 264 个 微控制电路,能够完美保存任何已开启的葡萄酒或气泡酒,并保证长 达 21 天的纯正口感。当然,市场上还有其他品牌的同类产品,但 Le Verre de Vin 是全球第一个真正用于葡萄酒保存的专业系统。其产品 的设计、制造均由伯曼(国际)有限公司在英国完成。该公司在美国 设有办事处,并在世界各地拥有多家授权经销商。 伯 曼 公 司 的 产 品 主 要 有 经 典 型 BC02、 紧 凑 型 BC04、 双 塔 型 BC06 以及塔型便携式四种,足以满足各类消费者的需要。经典型壁 挂式 BC02 采用双系统,可用于保存普通葡萄酒和气泡酒;同样采用 双系统的紧凑型 BC04 可置于工作台下;双塔型桌面式 BC06 和塔型 便携式也都采用双系统。这些产品的使用者多为酒吧、餐厅、酒店及 其它提供餐饮服务的公司,不过也有越来越多的葡萄酒藏家和爱好者 开始购买这类产品自用,特别是那些乐于经常与朋友和客户分享美酒 的消费者。 事实上,专业级葡萄酒保存产品中没有任何一个品牌能与 Le Verre de Vin 相匹敌。许多红酒爱好者会购买手动抽气泵,可这类东 西的效果说实话很一般,并不能持续地保证葡萄酒的品质。问题在于 如果你没有把氧气完全抽净,还是无法长时间保存葡萄酒;如果抽得 太多,又会带走葡萄酒的香气和味道,或者说会把葡萄酒中最珍贵的 酚类和酯类化合物抽走,使酒失去活力。Le Verre de Vin 的产品却可 以实现 21 天持久保鲜。 也许有人会说,购置专业葡萄酒保存设备是不是太奢侈了。但 事实明摆着,如果一瓶优质葡萄酒总是喝不完,总被打开又盖上,剩 下的酒就会一直处在“变质”状态。等你想起来再去喝的时候,味道 恐怕就有问题了,反之跟刚开瓶时的味道不一样。而在正常使用、保 养条件下,Le Verre de Vin 葡萄酒保存设备的使用寿命在 10 年以上。 虽然价格不菲,但是投资它们绝对值回票价。有一句话叫“钱花在哪, 哪就会受益”。想要获取更多有关 Le Verre de Vin 葡萄酒保存设备 的信息,可以联系其中国大陆的授权经销商 ASC 精品酒业品牌经理 Rosie Zhang(rosie.zhang@asc-wines.com)。记得说是我推荐的,还会 有额外惊喜。

82 LifeStyle

There was a time when “wine preservation” meant

Bermar now offers four models that satisfy a

Some would say that appliances such as

replacing the cork into the bottle of any remaining

variety of user needs: Their Classic BC02, a wall-

professional wine preservation systems are an

wine knowledge has grown worldwide, this original

and sparkling wines); the Compact BC04, for under

consistently open premium wines and you do not

wine, whether in a bar, restaurant or at home. But as

wine preservation technique has become increasingly out of favor with anyone who invests in premium

wines by the bottle or by the case. Consumers and hospitality professionals alike have been educated

on the importance of preserving wine properly and include intelligent wine preservation among their

most strategic “Wine Best Practices” both to be learned and practiced.

Hotels, restaurants and bars have led the way

mounted, dual system (meaning it preserves both still

the counter, a dual system; the Dual Tower BC06,

a counter-top, dual system; and the Portable Tower,

dual system. And while these models are sold for the most part to on-premise operators (Bars, restaurants, hotels, caterers), more and more wine collectors and

wine aficionados are buying them for their homes and businesses, especially if they frequently entertain their friends and clients with premium wines.

The truth is that there really is no alternative with

employing professional wine preservation systems,

respect to assured wine preservation to a professional

Verre de Vin” (“The glass of wine”). These hi-

purchase hand pumps and any number of other

the most popular brand of such systems being “Le

tech systems all have 264 or more micro circuits that perfectly preserve any opened bottle of still or sparkling wine and guarantee the freshness of the

wine for up to 21 days. And while there are several other systems on the market now, Le Verre de Vin was the first truly professional system available worldwide. These systems are designed and

manufactured in the U.K. by Bermar (International) Ltd., which also has offices in the U.S.; and distributors around the world.

system, like the Le Verre de Vin’s. Many wine lovers gadgets that are supposed to preserve wine, but none

of these are consistently effective. The most widely used of such contrivances are hand pumps. But the problem with these is that if you do not pump enough

to remove the oxygen, you do not preserve the wine;

yet if you pump too much, you strip the wine of its aromas and flavors (so the phenols and esthers are

drawn out), deadening the wine. And, again, all the

Le Verre de Vin models guarantee that the wine will

extravagance, but the fact remains that if you

always finish the bottle, whatever remains will be deteriorating until you return to consume the rest;

and what you taste the next day or two or three days later will not at all resemble what you so enjoyed upon opening. And given that the life expectancy

of these systems is 10+ years with normal care,

your initial investment will be rewarding you with the beautifully preserved fine wines of your choice

years after most of your other appliances have long since been replaced. “You get what you pay for”.

For more information on all of the Le Verre de Vin

systems, contact Rosie Zhang at ASC Fine Wines Shanghai (rosie.zhang@asc-wines.com +86 02160561999-516), the authorized distributor on the

Mainland; and for Hong Kong-Macau contact Martin Wong at ASC Fine Wines (martinwong@asc-wines. com or +852 9034-9856). And be sure to tell Rosie that Red Owl recommended you contact her for extra

special attention. I am Red Owl, as always, ever

vigilant, over & out.

be fresh for up to 21 days.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助 的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的 贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。

Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 83



Castillo de San Marcos National Mounument

圣奥古斯汀:历史古城之 St. Augustine, the Charm of History 位于佛罗里达州的最老古城—— 圣奥古斯汀,是美国大陆上最古 老的欧洲风格的城市,亦是历史 最悠久的港口城市。这一座有着 别样风情的小城,它是时间的馈 赠,是人们心之所向的魅力之城。 Located in the state of Florida, St. Augustine is America’s oldest ancient city. Boasting Europeanstyle architecture, it serves as the port city with the longest history in the United States. This is a city with a different kind of style. St. Augustine is a precious gift given to us by time; its charm comes from the hearts of the people. Fort Clinch State Park

84 LifeStyle

Editor: Yuki Zhang

无论你喜欢何种度假方式,你都能被佛 罗里达州圣奥古斯汀的风情所吸引。整座古 城都弥漫着浓郁的西班牙建筑气息,白墙红 屋顶是圣奥古斯汀的标志,圆顶教堂、尖顶 教堂、马克喷泉、荒废的城堡、石板路,只 要随意在这个小镇上游逛都能碰到,看着这 样的建筑让人忍不住感到平静和祥和。 在圣奥古斯汀,历史的印记几乎随处可 见,著名的圣马可斯城堡,便坐落于此。城

El Galeon at marina

堡建于 1695 年,是当时占领这里的西班牙人 为了防止英国人和海盗所建,距今已有 300 多年的历史。城堡最特别的是由贝壳沉积岩 砌成的,城墙上的贝壳仍清晰可见。漫步在 城堡中,年代久远的青铜枪炮和巨大的保垒 墙,时不时还会有模拟当年的活动表演,都 让人仿佛回到了从前,古堡映衬着蓝天碧海, 此刻街道和圣奥古斯汀市的嘈杂声在这里消 失了。 若你想一览整座古城,圣奥古斯汀灯塔 和博物馆绝对让你不虚此行。圣奥古斯汀灯 塔位于佛罗里达州一个小岛上,建造于 1874 年,是一个历史悠久的灯塔。灯塔高 165 英尺,

Three Conquistadors

在不同时期经历了不同的改观。博物馆内则 记录了各地历史时期的航海史,游客还能参 加有趣的考古活动,寓教于乐的让人们了解 这座古城的辉煌历史。爬过长长的阶梯,一 天的游赏玩乐后,悠闲的在灯塔上看着落日 慢慢坠入大海,即将迎来一个不一样的夜晚, 此刻你便只需感受这属于圣奥古斯汀的片刻 宁静与美妙。 但在这里,历史不仅仅只有这些,海盗

100 多年来它安静地矗立在马坦萨斯海湾 , 守护着这座美国最古老的城市。




1888 年。在整个 20 年代这里是圣奥古斯汀上流人士每晚“报道”的场所,各


















午后,天气依旧很好,徐徐的微风送来了街头艺人的手风琴声,圣奥古 斯汀真是个适合漫步的地方。眼前古老的房子,古老的货栈以及最古老的监狱,

魂。 如果说建筑能够反映城市特性的话,莫








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Bridge of Lions


o matter what kind of vacation style you

prefer, there’s something for you in St. Augustine, Florida. The whole city is rich

in Spanish architectural heritage, with white walls

and red roofs as the city’s signature. The many dome and pinnacle-style churches, St. Mark’s fountain,

castles in ruins, stone roads- a casual strolling trip

exploring a city with this built environment would be enough to make you feel calm and tranquil.

In St. Augustine, the imprint of history is almost

everywhere. The famous Castillo de San Marcos is located here. The Castillo was built in 1695 by

the Spaniards in order to prevent the incursions of

British pirates, and enjoys more than 300 years of history. The wall was built using shells and stones,

marking it as the castle’s most unique feature. A walk inside the castle will make you feel as though Bike riding on Anastasia State

86 LifeStyle

you were living during the Bronze Age era. A lot

of performances and attractions are also held from time to time, making the visitors feel like they can

travel back to the past even more. The hubbub of the bustling streets is nowhere to be found in this castle silhouetted against the blue sky and the ocean.

If you would like to take in a view of the

whole city, the Lighthouse and the Museum of St.

Augustine is absolutely worth a visit. Built in 1874

on a small island across the port, the lighthouse itself is one of the most important historical landmarks

of St. Augustine. With an overall height of 165 feet,

the lighthouse has gone through various alterations throughout time. After a long day climbing the

stairs, you can enjoy the view of the sun being swallowed slowly by the ocean as day and night

Carriages on King Street

exchange during a moment of tranquility amidst the natural beauty of St. Augustine.

History didn’t stop there. Keep an eye out for

the pirates! St. Augustine is also home to the largest

collection of pirate treasures in the world. Tourists

can follow the “Black Crows Code,” entering a pirate ship by the bay and sailing the ocean with the

pirate ship crew members. With their tough spirit and thirst in embarking on adventurous journeys, the life of a pirate is a life lived to its fullest. You’ll shout out loud at sea battles, sing together onboard

the ship, play games, listen to their joyful folk songs, enjoy the magic show of the pirates and the charm of St. Augustine and much more. During

this ecological journey, you can play along with the dolphins and sail along with manatees of Florida.

You can also sail the ocean at night, getting closer to nature as you drift through the majestic nocturnal waves.

A St Augustine Art Gallery

If buildings can be said to reflect the

characteristics of the city, then the Casa Monica Hotel is the most unique building in St. Augustine. As the city’s ultimate landmark, this hotel possesses

and Asian exotic flavors. The restaurant’s antiques collection and hand-drawn paintings

For more than 100 years, the Casa Monica stands

quietly at the tip of your tongue. The Cuban Sandwich is the one must-try specialty of the

a strong Spanish atmosphere on its every corner. quietly on Matanzas Bay, guarding this most

precious ancient city of America. The Casa Monica Hotel was built in 1888, adopting a Spanish Baroque

Renaissance style as its predominant aesthetic.

perfectly complement the artistic pleasure of the magnificent gourmet toppings that melt restaurant. To accompany your meal, local musicians will also perform at the restaurant.

Share an unforgettably sweet moment with your loved ones with a martini and the relaxing music of the night.

The weather is perfect all day long, and in the afternoon, the gentle breeze delivers you

During the 1920s, the Casa Monica was the city’s

the delicately antique melody of the handmade accordions played by street performers.

kinds of parties, banquets, fairs, events and races

prisons, and colonial landscape all remain as original as they were during the ancient

favorite upperclass gathering spot with various

held. The Spanish-style gold furniture created a luxurious renaissance sensibility in every room of

the hotel. Enter a whimsical world of art and culture

as you step your feet into the restaurant of the Casa Monica Hotel. The diverse choice of cuisines will

help you to cast your homesickness away, with top

chefs’ selectively picked culinary ingredients and

St. Augustine is really the perfect place for a stroll. The antique houses, old warehouses, time, serving as evidence of the changing history of the United States. Now, all that

remains here is the blue sky, so calm and serene. St. Augustine is the place where you can find a warm climate, beautiful beaches, historical heritages, culinary arts and romantic

companions all mixed in harmony. Some people come here to meditate peacefully by the

sea, waiting for the generous last rays of light and shadows of the setting sun, growing old together with the city...

carefully blended spices which offer Middle Eastern

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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.90 室内设计

Interior / P.94 设计师

Designer / P.102

意大利翁布里亚圣尤雷夏古城堡 The Castelo Santa Eurasia in Umbria

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光耀古城 Cathedral of Incineration 丹麦西兰岛罗斯基勒自治市新建的焚烧炉 为周边纯工业园区景观平添了几分视觉效果。 The historic Danish city of Roskilde receives a new incinerator. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Tim Van De Velde

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towering, almost monumental presence, the new waste-to-energy Incineration line

in the city of Roskilde, Denmark is a kind

of pagan reflection of the town’s other landmark: the 12th century Roskilde Cathedral.

The plant will incinerate waste from nine

surrounding municipalities and from many places

abroad to produce electricity and heat power for the whole region of Roskilde. To provide the huge new incinerator line, planned in a relatively flat

landscape and next to the relatively small city of Roskilde with a suitable appearance, an international

design competition was organized. In 2008 the jury

unanimously selected the design proposed by Erick van Egeraat.

The façade consists of two layers: the inner

layer is the skin which provides the actual climatic barrier, allowing the second skin to be treated more freely - raw umber-colored aluminum plates with

an irregular pattern of laser cut circular holes. The

这幢高耸的、具有里程碑意义的塔楼矗立在历史古城罗斯基勒自治市。罗斯 基勒位于丹麦人口最密集的岛屿——西兰岛,是一座千年古城,这里最著名的建 筑是建于 12 世纪的罗斯基勒大教堂。焚烧炉之于双塔教堂,更像是一种异教徒式 的反讽。

aluminum plates are treated to give them the desired color and patina at day time. At night, programmable

lighting, installed between the two facades, affords the building an ethereal air. One might even be

tempted to host parties there. As Erick van Egeraat

在 2008 年的一个国际设计竞赛中,评审把票都投给了荷兰埃里克·万·伊格莱

puts it: “At night the backlight perforated façade


beacon – a symbol of the plant’s energy production.

和境外一些地区,产生的电能和热能可以供给整个罗斯基勒地区。这座焚烧线能 源转化建筑选址在地势相对平坦开阔的地带,与不远处规模并不大的罗斯基勒城 相比,也不显突兀。 焚烧主体建筑分为内外两层。内层为气候障壁,也使得外层设计更具自由 度——在粗犷的棕色铝板上用激光切割出许多不规则的圆洞。白天,铝板可呈现 人们希望看到的任何色彩和光泽;到了夜晚,装设在两层间的程控照明系统启动, 又赋予了整栋建筑缥缈的美感。在这样的地方,甚至可以举办一场派对。就像埃 里克·万·伊格莱特所描述的那样:“晚上随着灯光亮起,光芒穿过建筑外层圆洞将 整座焚烧炉映照成一座发光的灯塔,也隐喻着内部正在制造能源。一道‘火光’ 逐渐燃烧成‘火焰’照亮整个建筑,一小时内会出现数次。每当这种极具象征意 义的火焰熄灭,大楼又进入了燃烧余烬的状态。” 这座建筑的设计理念就是要用前沿制造技术生产的铝板打造最简单的建 筑——简单的施工、简单的细节。罗斯基勒的焚烧炉为周边纯工业园区景观增添 了几分视觉效果,也美化了这座曾作为丹麦首都的小城的天际线。建筑下部与周 边工厂屋顶十分相似,但高达 97 米的尖塔及其所代表的现代物质文化,使这里成 为历史全盛时期罗斯基勒大教堂的当代对照。

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transforms the incinerator into a gently glowing Several times an hour a spark of light will gradually

grow into a burning flame that lights up the entire building. When the metaphorical fire ceases, the building falls back into a state of burning embers.”

The design is based on simple construction

details combined with cutting edge manufacturing technology for the production of the aluminum

façade panels. The new incinerator in Roskilde was created to add visual value to an otherwise purely industrial complex. Enriching the skyline

of this small Danish city, once the Danish capital,

the silhouette of the incinerator also provides an historic counterpoint. The lower part of the

building resembles the angular roofs of surrounding

factories, but the impressive 97-meter spire and its materialization is the modern counterpart of the

city’s prime historical monument, the Roskilde Cathedral.

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A Russian in Umbria 改造意大利翁布里亚圣尤雷夏古 城堡可谓是俄罗斯大亨叶夫根尼 所有成就中最为特殊的一个。 A historic 12th century castle receives a thoughtful renovation courtesy of a Russian businessman. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Martyn Lawrence Bullard

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改造意大利翁布里亚圣尤雷夏古城堡, 对于美国顶尖设计师马丁·劳伦斯·布拉德 来说,真是累并快乐着。叶夫根尼·列别杰 夫是俄罗斯的巨亨,他与父亲亚历山大·列 别杰夫拥有庞大的传媒帝国,包括英国老牌 报纸《独立报》和《旗帜晚报》等。当叶夫 根尼发现圣尤雷夏古城堡时,它已是一片废 墟,让人满目苍凉,却依旧风度翩然地立于 翁布里亚的山上,俯瞰着阿雷佐,还远远地 眺望佛罗伦萨和托斯卡纳。叶夫根尼瞬间就 被这种略带萧索的浪漫氛围虏获了,于是决 定重塑古堡昔日的荣光。 圣尤雷夏古城堡占地 3 万平方英尺,建 于 12 世纪,已经被遗弃多年,要想涅槃重生, 实属不易。为此,叶夫根尼请自己的老朋友、 同样也对意大利无比热爱的室内设计师马丁 ·劳伦斯·布拉德来重建和装饰城堡,以确 保所有调整都与历史相符。罗马建筑师多梅 里克·米尼基利也被请来还原古堡的墙体布 局以及再造 12 世纪风格的城堡内部构造,其














我们逛遍了全世界。不管是建筑装饰还是家 具和织物,都要恢复古堡最初的模样。就好 像这些东西已经陪伴家族度过了数世纪,代 代相传,而不是刚刚由古董市场扫货所得一 样。”马丁经过一番细致的精挑细选实现了 这个目标。这些独特的装饰品有来自帕尔马 古玩市场,有来自伦敦维多利亚·哈维和格 尼维尔市场,也有从巴黎、纽约、洛杉矶古 董市场购得的。从佛罗伦萨当地古玩店和罗 马古董商人手里也淘到一些宝贝。 马丁在比利时找到十六七世纪的壁炉, 石头地板是他在当地市场亲手挑选的,细致 的做旧处理复古又不失现代感。根据马丁和 叶夫根尼在城堡游中所收获的装饰细节,当 地的手工艺人设计并制作了古堡的雕花镶板 和壁橱,铁艺也是严格按照 17 世纪翁布里亚 风格,请当地一位艺术家手工锻造的。因为

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The Castelo Santa Eurasia was a labor of love

for Martyn Lawrence Bullard. His client Evgeny Lebedev, a prominent Russian business man who

along with his father oligarch, Alexander Lebedev owns and runs a media empire including the Evening

Standard and Independent newspapers. Evgeny found the castle in complete ruins, romantically

positioned on a hill in Umbria overlooking the city

of Arezzo and across the Umbrian hills to Florence and Tuscany.

Lebedev fell in love with the romantic notion of

restoring this beautiful and historic 12th Century

site and restoring all of its 30,000 sq feet to its former glory. To aid in the task he employed his long-time friend and fellow lover of all things

Italian, the interior designer Martyn Lawrence

Bullard, to design the décor of the castle and help in its restoration – ensuring all adjustments were

historically correct – along with Rome based

architect Domenico Minichilli. Domenico helped

define the original walls and layout of the castle and was instrumental in the rebuild to resemble the original 12th Century structure, including that of a

charming small chapel, while Martyn and Evgeny toured Umbrian and Tuscan castles and palazzos to study original details and regional designs.

“We shopped all over the world to find the correct

period art, architectural fragments, furnishings and fabrics to give the castle an original feeling.

It had to feel like generations of the same family

had lived there for centuries and collected all the

beautiful objects, passing them from generation to

generation, rather than a sweep of shopping trips

the restoration and retain an authentic sense of age.

With the addition of a swimming pool hidden in

Martyn reproduced whatever furnishings proved too

the rolling hills and a gym and Hamam designed by

as a guide and artfully mixing them with original

returned to this regal Umbrian estate, and more

difficult to find, using the finest original examples pieces and period accessories.

the architect, presence and grandeur has once again importantly, as Martyn says, “it is a true testament to Evgeny’s passion and love of Umbria.”

around dusty antique stores!” This was achieved by

Martyn’s careful and edited choices from shopping in distinctive places like the Parma antiques fairs, dealers like Victoria Harvey and Guinevere in

London, auction houses in Paris, New York and Los

Angeles along with selections from the local antique shops in Florence and reputable dealers in Rome.

For the 16th and 17th Century fireplaces Martyn

shopped in Belgium, finding original Italian pieces

indigenous to the region. The stone floors were

hand selected from local quarries and carefully aged while the boiserie and cabinetry were lovingly

designed and made by local craftsmen according to original details found by Martyn and Evgeny during

their castle tours. Even the iron work was carefully

reproduced according to 17th century Umbrian designs and hand forged by a local artist to complete

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A Marc of all Trades 谁是当今跨界最大、作品最多、最具影响力的工业设计师? 恐怕非马克·纽森莫属。 Marc Newson’s broad range of designs Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Marc Newson

The Atmos 561 Clock for Jaeger-LeCoultre

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Kelvin 40 Jet Prototype

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Limited Edition Leica Camera; Atmos 561 for Jaeger-LeCoultre; Dom Perignon

Biomega Bicycle

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马克·纽森是当代最具影响力的工业设计师之一,美国《时代周刊》曾称 其是“为世界制造曲线的人”。他所倡导的柔和极简主义将温暖与自然元素 引入设计中,从而减缓了高科技工业带来的冰冷和坚硬感。当纽森以高级设 计副总裁的身份加盟苹果公司的消息传出时,人们一点都不感到意外。他与 苹果首席设计师乔纳森·保罗·伊夫是多年的好友和工作伙伴,两人的杰作之一 就包括那款全球仅一部的徕卡 M 特别限量版。纽森的柔和极简主义与苹果公 司的美学观非常契合,二者可谓是相得益彰。 小至香槟桶、手表,大至机舱规划和游艇设计,多才多艺的纽森频频跨 界,作品既叫好又多产。他为积家打造过空气钟,给澳洲航空公司设计过舱位、 头等舱候机厅,甚至还有私人概念飞机 Kelvin 40 等。 纽森出生于悉尼,但他的童年是在欧洲和亚洲的游历中度过的。他最 初的设计是从家具开始,毕业后澳大利亚手工艺理事会举办的展览中展出了 处女作——以“创造一个流动的金属形式”为概念,推出了令人眼前一亮的 Lockheed 躺椅。整个躺椅以手工打造的再生银色金属漆与弧形线条呈现出优 雅柔和的流动感。20 年后,这把椅子的拍卖价格连续 3 年刷新世界记录。 纽森一直辗转于东京、巴黎和伦敦之间。他的客户包含了众多全世界最 负盛名的品牌——从生产技术到交通运输、时尚以及奢侈品领域,不一而足。 纽森的许多作品都已成为了现代设计的典范。除了主业,他还创立并经营着 一些颇为成功的公司,包括艾克宝钟表品牌、宇航设计咨询公司,还在客户 公司担任高级管理职务,比如澳洲航空公司的创意总监。 纽森的作品在诸多主流博物馆都有展出,如纽约现代艺术博物馆、伦敦 维多利亚与阿尔伯特博物馆、乔治·蓬皮杜国家艺术文化中心以及维特拉设计 博物馆等。

Qantas A380 Cabin Design

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Lockheed Lounge Chair

Orgone Chair

106 LifeStyle


t really isn’t that surprising that Marc Newson was recently hired as Senior Vice

President of Design. Him and Jony Ive are close friends and Newson’s rounded minimal but detail oriented design ethos meshes quite well with Apple’s corporate aesthetic.

A prolific designer who has worked on everything from champagne buckets to airline

seating to watches to yachts, Marc Newson is a sort of latter day renaissance man of design. Some notable designs are the Jaeger LeCoultre’s Atmos clock, Qantas airlines seating and first class lounge as well as the conceptual Kelvin 40 airplane.

Born in Sydney, Newson spent much of his childhood traveling in Europe and Asia. He

started experimenting with furniture design as a student and, after graduation, was awarded a grant from the Australian Crafts Council with which he staged his first exhibition - featuring

the Lockheed Lounge chair – a piece that has now, twenty years later, set three consecutive world records at auction.

Newson has lived and worked in Tokyo, Paris, and London. His clients include a broad

range of the best known and most prestigious brands in the world - from manufacturing and

technology to transportation, fashion and the luxury goods sector. Many of his designs have

achieved the status of modern design icons. In addition to his core business, he has also founded and run a number of successful companies, including a fine watch brand Ikepod and

an aerospace design consultancy, and has also held senior management positions at client companies; including currently being the Creative Director of Qantas Airways.

Newson’s work is present in many major museum collections, including the MoMA in

New York, London’s Design Museum and V&A, the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Vitra Design Museum.

Embroyo Chair

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Art 眼下《托马斯·斯特鲁斯摄影展》正 在纽约大都会艺术博物馆展出(2014 年 9 月 30 日至 2015 年 2 月 16 日)。斯特鲁斯 1954 年出生于德国格尔德恩,是过去半个 世纪中最重要和最具影响力的摄影师之一。 展品共计 25 件,包括 1978 年纽约街头的 黑白照、艺术家近作以及一批之前未曾露 面的作品,呈现了斯特鲁斯如何在日新月 异的时代浪尖上探索世界的传统和实际境 况的。 《托马斯·斯特鲁斯摄影展》是对这位 杰出艺术家主要作品成果一次简洁而全面 的巡礼。名为《Figure2》的摄影新作(2014, 柏林)展示了外科手术的场景。而斯特鲁 斯最具标志性的大画幅彩色“博物馆摄影” 系列,对博物馆观众万千神态的捕捉和其

The Restorers at San Lorenzo Maggiore

他文化背景的呈现堪称惊艳,此外,画功 细腻的肖像和墙面大小的公共空间照(从


The Real and Imagined 托马斯・斯特鲁斯以拍摄美术馆和博物馆的场景而出名, 纽约大都会艺术博物馆展出了这位杰出摄影家最具代表性的作品。 Thomas Struth at the Met Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

时代广场到天安门广场)也在其中。 在本次展览中,大都会艺术博物馆收 藏并拥有其中三件主要作品,展览的另一 个亮点——《万神殿,罗马》(1990)则 借自某私人收藏。这幅作品也许是斯特鲁 斯该系列最有代表性的作品。观众在万神 殿这个伟大古老的建筑里仰头凝视,神态 一如对天堂的虔诚。摄影师就在这一刻将 永恒与瞬息同时定格,让我们看到“现实” 与“理想”同在。 《热辊轧机》(2010)是大都会艺术 博物馆近期收获的藏品。这幅 9 英尺宽的 彩色作品颇具纪念意义,标志着他开始将 工业建筑主题收进自己的镜头。上世纪 70 年代中期,斯特鲁斯在杜塞尔多夫艺术学 院时的贝歇教授夫妇也常有同主题的作品。 《纽约街头》完成于 1978 年,也是斯 特鲁斯最有影响力的作品之一,大都会艺 术博物馆 1982 年收藏。此次展览这组作品 (共三幅)全部得以展出。为避免带入摄 影师本人的主观性,在斯特鲁斯的画面中, 传统的画面中心、兴趣中心和比较手法全 部弃用,摄影师清晰而冷静地将旁观者视 觉发挥到极限,质地、形态和街道规模等 诸多细节巨细无遗,无一削弱。这种像监 控系统一样的观看方式也许可以理解为一 种普世思想,即一切就是如此这般地存在 着,没有差异、没有重点,这对传统的城 市摄影无疑是一种史无前例的革新。

Hot Rolling Mill, ThyssenKrupp Steel, Duisburg

108 LifeStyle

Pantheon, Rome 1990

Tien An Men, Beijing 1997

Crosby Street, Soho, New York 1978

Tw e n t y - f i v e p h o t o g r a p h s b y G e r m a n

photographer Thomas Struth, one of the most accomplished and celebrated artists of the last

half-century, will be on view at The Metropolitan

Museum of Art from September 30, 2014 through

highlight of this installation will be the inclusion of another from the series,

white streetscapes made in New York in 1978

perhaps Struth’s signature image from the series. Showing visitors gazing as

February 16, 2015. From his early black-and-

on loan from a private collection - the iconic Pantheon, Rome (1990),

to recent and previously unseen works, Struth’s

if to the heavens in one of the few extant buildings to survive from antiquity,

photographs explore both the traditions and

his photograph unites the timeless and the ephemeral, allowing viewers to

actual conditions of a world on the cusp of global change.

Thomas Struth: Photographs offers a

compact yet comprehensive survey of the major

developments in this prominent artist’s oeuvre. A new photograph, Figure 2, Charité, Berlin

(2014), shows a surgical operation. Also included are examples from the landmark Museum

Photographs series - large-scale views of visitors in museums and other cultural settings - as well

as sensitive and humanistic portraits and wall-size views of grand public spaces from Times Square to Tiananmen Square.

The Metropolitan owns three stellar works

from Struth’s Museum Photographs, and a

see two perspectives - the ideal and the real - on the same theme. Thomas Struth

The exhibition includes a work recently acquired by the Museum, Hot

Rolling Mill, ThyssenKrupp Steel, Duisburg (2010). This monumental,

nine-foot-wide color photograph brings Struth full circle to the industrial architectural subjects of two of his professors from the Kunstakadamie in Düsseldorf during the mid-1970s, Bernd and Hilla Becher.

Evidence of the Bechers’ influence can also be seen in Struth’s portfolio

"The Streets of New York", one of only three complete sets created by the artist in 1978, acquired by the Metropolitan in 1982, and shown in

this installation in its entirety. Avoiding subjectivity through a centralized viewpoint and comparative technique, Struth catalogued with clarity and

dispassion the unselfconscious structures that characterize a culture - that

irreducible mélange of textures, shapes, and the scale of its streets. The result was an unprecedented update of the tradition of urban photography infused with a deep understanding of context and serial progression.

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Entertainment News

这部青少年科幻题材的电影由 HBO 著名 的特效视觉起家的导演韦斯特·鲍尔执导,该 片主演都是一群 90 后新晋偶像演员,除了《少 狼》迪伦·奥布莱恩,还有《纳尼亚传奇:黎 明踏浪号》威尔·保尔特、热门剧集《皮囊》 卡雅·斯考达里奥、《冰与火之歌:权利的游 戏》托马斯·桑斯等近 50 位“小鲜肉”参与演 出。延续近年来《哈利波特》、《暮色》、《饥 饿游戏》系列所开掘的青少年小说金矿,《移 动迷宫》有望开启一个新的卖座系列,成为 今年最让人期待的黑马。 Marty Bowen, producer of the notorious “Twilight

Saga”, has created a new film called The Maze

Runner. The film is an adaptation from the first novel of a best-selling dystopian sci-fi trilogy called The Maze Runner, written by author James Dashner.

上映日期 2014.10.28

The amazing production and writing behind the scenes successfully made “The Maze Runner” become this year’s most anticipated sci-fi thriller adventure.

《移动迷宫》:50 位少年的惊险突围 The Maze Runner - The thrilling escapade of 50 Teenagers

The story begins with a boy named Thomas

who is suddenly wakes up inside an elevator with complete memory loss. He is not able to remember anything about his life except his own name. When

the elevator doors open, he arrives in a strange place called “The Glade” surrounded by stone walls.

There are huge monster guards threatening the lives

of those inside these walls. Fifty boys live inside the wall, trapped in the deep forest of the maze. One

day, a girl named Teresa walks out from the elevator

由《暮光之城》系列影片制片人马 蒂·鲍温相中并参与制片的电影《移动迷 宫》,改编自詹姆斯·达什纳撰写的同名 反乌托邦科幻畅销小说三部曲的第一本, 首次将迷宫和流行的跑酷元素结合打造今 年最让人期待的科幻惊悚冒险故事。 故事讲述了一个叫托马斯的男孩在 电梯中醒来,他发现自己失忆了,除了 名字什么都记不得。当电梯打开,他来 到了一个陌生的地方“林间空地”。这 里四周被高大的石头墙包围着,墙外有 一群巨大的怪兽威胁着墙内人们的生命。 墙内住着 50 位男孩,他们都被困在了绵 延不绝的迷宫森林当中。一天,电梯为 他们送来了一个女孩特雷莎,她是来到 “林间空地”的第一个女孩。此后,迷 宫逐渐开始发生变化,一切都陷入了混 乱中,托马斯和特雷莎决定一起走上破 解迷宫之路,找出迷宫背后令人不寒而 栗的秘密。

110 LifeStyle

door. She is the first girl who has ever arrived in “The Glade”. From then on the maze starts to change.

Thomas and Teresa decide to solve the mystery together eventually revealing the secret behind the endless maze.

The visual effects of this teenage sci-fi film were

made by HBO’s famous director Wes Ball. The main

roles in the film are played by a group of newcomers to the acting world, predominantly born in the 90s.

These include Dylan O’Brien, Will Poulter from

“The Chronicles of Narnia: The Voyage of the Dawn

Treader”, Kaya Scodelario from the popular TV series “Skins”, Thomas Brodie-Sangster from “The Song Of Ice and Fire” and many other new faces.

Building on the success of sagas such as Harry

Potter, Twilight, and the Hunger Games in the past

few years, “The Maze Runner” could be the new dark horse of teen sci-fi thriller genre that everyone has been waiting for.

STAGE 来日方长,表达了臧天朔对音乐的无限热爱, 以及一路走来对音乐的无限追求;也包涵了 一种沉淀与粹炼过后的平和心态,以及多年 来对人生的一些感悟;更是自己对音乐的一 种自信和坚持真我、理想不倒的人生态度。 演唱会将不同于臧天朔以往的表演形式,这 一次,他在演出中注入更多的新元素、新的 思想及其对音乐新的理解和感悟,用极具创 新的表演,带给观众巨大的惊喜。 时间:2014.11.8 地点:北京首都体育馆 票价:280/480/680/880/980/1280

演 出

《“臧天朔·来日方长”》全国巡回演唱会 - 北京站

《陈楚生:一见如故》北京演唱会 和 5 年前相比,此次陈楚生不仅会带来全新的音乐作 品,更会展现出深层次的自我,让大家看到他在“清 新忧郁”的外表下,成熟、稳重的另一面。不论从前 期宣传还是演唱会制作,陈楚生都倍加重视此次北京 演唱会,而为了让这场演唱会减少商业性,更富有音 乐性,陈楚生特意邀请著名音乐人张亚东拍摄演唱会 的海报,而这也是张亚东首次跨界担任摄影师的处女 作,相信在两人的努力下一定会呈现出别具一格的主 题海报。此次陈楚生巡回演唱会北京是第一站,而这 也将成为陈楚生音乐历程的一块重要里程碑,希望喜 爱陈楚生音乐的歌迷们不要错过这场意义非凡的演唱 会。 时间:2014.11.1 地点:北京工人体育馆 票价:280/380/580/1280

《我是曹格》 世界巡回演唱会 - 北京站 这是曹格出道多年第一次在北京举行万人演 唱会,虽然之前已经历经多次世界巡演,但 曹格对此次北京演唱会更加重视,加入了很 多自己的独特想法。因为经历过太多事情, 有太多的话想说,所以曹格希望通过此次演 唱会让所有人能够更加了解歌手曹格的音乐 经历,明白自己创作每一首音乐背后的故事。 正因为如此,曹格也将把演唱会的环节设计 和自己的人生经历相结合,让大家通过不同 时期的音乐作品了解曹格的人生故事,相信 这场富有深意的演唱会一定会令人难忘。 时间:2014.11.8 地点:北京万事达中心 票价:280/380/480/580/980

《白日梦——郝云》 2014 北京演唱会 2012 年 11 月 11 日,一场“时刻准备着”让热爱 观看 live 型演出的歌迷大饱耳福,领略到创作歌 手郝云独特的现场魅力,2014 年马年春晚舞台上, 一曲直指人心的《群发的我不回》让郝云成为马 年春晚最大黑马,从此家喻户晓。近年来,以超 高人气和独有舞台魅力的郝云成为全国各地音乐 节上的绝对霸主,时隔两年在家门口再开个唱, 不仅歌迷期待已久,郝云也是重视有加。演唱会 上大家还将在现场听到热映电影《心花路放》插 曲《去大理》的独家现场完整版。 时间:2014.11.22 地点:北京展览馆剧场 票价:180/280/380/480/680/1111

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Entertainment News

112 LifeStyle


展 览

The theme of this year’s Women in The Arts Festival will be The United

States. The festival will be held at Songzhuang Art District’s Tree Art Gallery on October 25. Including the work of Ma Yanling, Gulistan, Jin Mei, Liu Liyu,

Qiu Siting, Li Xiang, and Ke Huishan, the seven female artists showcased work with a variety of different forms of creative, offering new ways for female

artists to engage with the public, as well as initiating a dialogue about feminism, orientation and how the world works.

Gulistan’s poetic memories depict a gold exploration of her sister’s life,

Liyu engages with the contemporary situation, Ma Yanling explores tradition

and modernity, while Qiu Siting and Li Xiang’s piano dances offer innovative

musical form. The exhibition is self-consciously one of female artists, erasing discrepancies in gender in the art world, and will showcase paintings, images,

photographs, objects and other exhibits from more than a total of seven female artists.

作者 Gulistan 古丽斯坦 作品名称 《生长的愿望》Growing desire 年

There will also be four game salons; every game is unique and involves

challenging strengths and weaknesses. There will be “Memories Disappearing in a Dream,” a poetry reading by Gulistan, Qiu Siting, Ma Yanling, and Li Xiang.

“Let love grow in Life–The Art of Parenting” by Liu Liyu will comprise the main feature of the exhibition. We have invited 50 families to participate, from

adults to young children, allowing a world of unbridled fun. Frolic among two generations of “parent-child love.”

作者 Gulistan 古丽斯坦 作品名称《丢失的记忆》

时间:2014.10.25-11.5 地点:北京树美术馆 出品人:刘霞、柯惠珊

沙龙安排: 重逢——女性艺术展:10.25-11.5 记忆中的肖像音乐消失在梦中——诗歌朗诵会:10.25,16:00 让爱在生活中生长——艺术亲子沙龙:10.26,15:00 在你身边——梦拉艺术之履:11.2,16:00

LifeStyle 113



王潮歌 《又见五台山》成功首演 A Modern Buddhist Epic Takes the Stage

114 LifeStyle

Buddhism has seen a steady revival in recent years - not only in

traditional, rural areas, but among white-collars and middle classes. In “Encore, Wutaishan,” a grand narrative of a generation, described

through the life of one man, is skillfully directed by Wang Chaoge.

This is spectacle on a grand scale; Wang Chaoge’s productions have moved across the country, from Hangzhou to Shanxi, with

an upcoming production planned in Malaysia. Not quite theater as such, the production is something like a Chinese opera enhanced

by the full effects of technology - with lighting, sound systems, and special effects deployed to full degree.

Thousands of monks joined spectators from more pedestrian

walks of life in attending the performance. Spectators entered a hall with scenes of an ordinary life; the passage through school,

maturity and adulthood, marriage and work, raising children; yes, all the stresses and beauty of modern Chinese life were on display.

近年来佛教在中国的影响力逐渐恢复并有所发展,不仅在传统农村地 区,来自白领和中产阶层的信众人数也日趋增长。著名舞台剧导演王潮歌 的最新作品《又见五台山》于 9 月 19 日在山西五台山成功首演。这部大 型佛教情境体验剧讲述了一个世俗人带着烦恼上山,从向佛祖寻求答案到 回顾一生、放下一切,终得顿悟的故事,最后得出“你我皆佛”的结论。 王潮歌编剧执导的“印象”、“又见”系列演出开创了中国实景演出的先 河。从杭州到山西,再到计划中的马来西亚,她的名字早已蜚声海内外。 千余法师祈福开启了这部融合声、光、特效等各类科技的情境体验剧 的首演仪式。观众步入演出大厅,首先呈现在眼前的是一个个普通的生活

As we finally took our seats, we saw one man, seemingly lost; as

he pointed to members of the audience and said “You and I are the

same,” the meaning was unmistakable. Wang Chaoge’s directorial plan was no less than to renew the values of Chinese Buddhism

for an urban, international generation. As the scale shifted from the

individual to the collective society, it was hard for this observer to think of analogies- Wagner? The 1970s Broadway play “Jesus Christ, Superstar?” No, what Wang Chaoge has done here would only be possible in today’s China. For her work as an artist, she

must be admired; for her work in renewing a set of values for today’s China, she must be applauded.

场景——求学、成家、工作、抚养孩子,现代中国社会生活中的压力和美 好都在其中。等观众坐定,只见一个迷茫的男子出现,他指着观众说“你 我都一样”。王潮歌旨在藉此剧向时下日趋城市化、国际化的观众传递中 国人的佛教价值观。当视角从个人转向社会,很容易让人联想到德国作曲 家瓦格纳,又或是 1970 年代的百老汇戏剧《耶稣基督万世巨星》,但王 潮歌的作品只有在当今的中国才具生命力。作为一个艺术家,她值得钦佩, 她尽心传递佛教文化的努力也值得赞美。

LifeStyle 115



喜达屋集团旗下 上海酒店联合推出慈善跑活动

10 Participating Hotels from Starwood Group in Shanghai Unite for a “Charity Run”

上海 10 家喜达屋集团旗下酒店前不久宣布联合 启动“慈善跑”活动。10 月 12 日在上海世茂佘山艾 美酒店举行的慈善跑是今年的首场比赛,吸引了 43 名来自上海浦东喜来登由由酒店和上海福朋喜来登由 由酒店的爱心员工参加,其中包括酒店董事总经理麦 格迪·安尼斯先生和行政管理层代表。在此次上海慈善 跑活动中两家酒店所筹集到的款项将悉数捐献给上海 益优青年服务中心用于支持其公益项目。 10 hotels from Starwood Group in Shanghai recently

announced they have joined hands to organize an inaugural “Charity Run” in aid of Shanghai Yi You Youth Center. The Charity Run, organized by Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel

& Residences, Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong

and so on, took place on Sunday, October 12, 2014, at Shanghai Le Meridien Hotel Sheshan. Taking place for the

first time this year, the Charity Run gathered 43 staffs from

Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong running enthusiasts and

philanthropists from the city of Shanghai which including Managing Director Mr. Magdy Anis and part of executive

management members. Funds raised through the Charity Run

in Shanghai will go towards Shanghai Yi You Youth Center to support their public program.

泰生天地两周年庆活动 圆满完成


A Celebration for the Mahota 2nd Anniversary


滩泳场以及全新改造的俱乐部别墅。在享用由自家新 鲜有机食材烹制而成的健康养生餐后,来宾还亲身体 验了泰生健康管理院的各种养生检测及手法按摩等。 体和网上超市及中医门诊机构。此次近距离接触,让 天地的不断成长。 The Mahota turned two this August and the celebration

lasted an entire month, concluded recently with a lifestyle

transformative trip to the Sun Island Mahota Town. Fifteen

lucky winners were selected and they each brought a friend along to experience the activities specially arranged to experience a healthy, low-carbon, sustainable lifestyle. On

that day, everyone first gathered at the Taisheng Gallery to learn more about the origins and development of the Mahota brand and the family business behind it. Thereafter, they visited the sustainable Mahota Farm, the newly renovated

Club Villa and the summer hotspot – the Beachfront Wave

Pool. After a fun-filled morning, everyone adjourned for the

healthy food therapy lunch at Mahota Kitchen which was nutritious and delicious. Afternoon was a series of healthrelated activities from meridian tapping exercise to health

前不久,“泰生天地 2 周年庆”系列活动的幸运中奖者一行共 30 人来到上海太 阳岛·泰生小镇,进行为期一天的健康探索之旅。 “泰生天地 2 周年庆”也随之圆满落幕。 当天行程从了解泰生的渊源开始,依次游览了充满绿意的泰生有机农场、避暑胜地沙

116 LifeStyle

vitality assessment to therapeutic spinal massages and healthy

cooking demo workshop. The Mahota, a brand that comprises

of a sustainable farm, healthy restaurants, a city & online store as well as a holistic health management centre.


“One Thousand Monks Bodhi Tree” Charity Dinner Held 2014 年 9 月 23 日晚,《LifeStyle 品味生 活》杂志于北京富力万丽酒店举办了主题为 “千僧菩提树”的慈善晚宴。“千僧菩提树” 项目发起人、生根寺法台阿字活佛, 《LifeStyle 品味生活》出版人符豪先生,知名慈善家、 美国传奇之门娱乐集团董事长林晖先生等嘉 宾出席了本次活动。当晚的活动围绕“艺术”、 “助学”、“慈善”等关键词展开,发动社 会各界有识之士一起积极参与,来自各位国 内外知名艺术家的精美作品在让人一饱眼福、 领略艺术美妙的同时,也吸引了爱心人士纷 纷慷慨解囊,使得整个晚宴的成功举办,为 弘扬社会正能量,传递慈善公益理念增添了 巨大的动力。 On Tuesday the 23rd of September, 2014,

LifeStyle magazine hosted a charity dinner at

the Renaissance Beijing Hotel to raise funds for

charity. The charitable cause “One Thousand Monks

Bodhi Tree” brought luminaries together including LifeStyle magazine publisher, Mr. Fu Hao, American

Legend Gate Entertainment Group’s Chairman Mr. Lin Hui, and numerous well-known philanthropists

from Taiwan, France, and Buddhist temples around the country. The evening’s activities gave guests

a way to appreciate art while aiding students and

supporting charity, enriching civil society. Artworks

can be beautiful, but they are even more so if they

inspire charity and kindness. The dinner succeeded

in promoting positive social energy, transmitting a charitable philosophy which was inspiring to all of those who attended.

LifeStyle 117



2014“英国马球日”活动在京落幕 British Heritage Takes the Field

2014“英国马球日”中国站活动前不久在北京唐人马球马术俱 乐部举行,现场嘉宾一起欣赏了妙趣横生的自行车马球表演赛和激 动人心的马球对抗赛。前者让现场充满了欢声笑语,气氛轻松愉悦, 后者一如既往地彰显着速度与激情。绿草茵茵,马蹄声声,还有泰 亭哲香槟庄酿制的名贵香槟和英式皇家下午茶助兴,马球爱好者自 是尽兴而归。 Some of Britain’s finest sportsmen took the field at 2014’s British Polo

Day, Beijing, hosted in the Tang Polo Club, Beijing. Champagne flowed as the happy crowd celebrated the sunny day watching horses and their gladiators dominate the field.

118 LifeStyle

这个秋天,知名品酒顾问公司田博华及 联营公司(FTA)在华公益慈善事业更上一 层楼,分别在上海和香港举办年度晚宴。第 11 届 FTA 上海年度晚宴于 9 月 11 日在上海 柏悦酒店举行,55 位尊贵的客人出席了当晚 的活动。应邀出席的 LifeStyle 总经理安东尼 向美国星座集团副总裁、中国区总经理 Berny Yang、市场销售经理 Mailikie Aibibu 以及市 场开发经理 Caroline Duong 赠送了亲笔签名 的九月号杂志。而第 14 届 FTA 香港年度晚宴 也于 10 月 9 日在香港数码港艾美酒店举办, 41 位嘉宾莅临现场,其中多为大中华区酒店 业领军人物。田博华当场公布了 2014 年 FTA 酒店大奖获奖者名单,并颁发相应奖金。 The charitable work of the FTA has gone strong

FTA 年度晚宴在沪港两地举行 Fred Tibbitts & Associates Fall Events

this autumn, with dinners hosted in Shanghai and

Hong Kong. The Eleventh Annual FTA “A Fall Evening in Shanghai with Very Special Friends” at the Park Hyatt Shanghai on the 11th of September proved to be a memorable event for the 55 guests,

as did The Fourteenth Annual FTA “A Fall Evening in Hong Kong with Very Special Friends” at the Le

Meridien Cyberport on October 9, with 41 guests. Those assembled included the crème de la crème of the greater China hospitality industry. Highlights of the Shanghai dinner included Antoine Bruneel,

General Manager, LifeStyle Magazine presenting

autographed copies of the September issue of

LifeStyle Magazine to Berny Yang, Vice President, GM China, Constellation Brands, along with his two colleagues, Mailikie Aibibu, Marketing Manager,

China; and Caroline Duong, Market Development Manager, China, and in the Hong Kong dinner, Tibbitts announcement of the Recipients of the 2014

FTA Hospitality Awards for Excellence, as well as the presentation of said scholarships.

LifeStyle 119

LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 北京丽晶酒店:周五晚国际自助餐 Regent Beijing: Buffet Friday Night

Jinbao 99 Restaurant offers a lavish buffet in a comfortable environment with a blend of Western and Oriental flavors. A wide selection of fresh sushi & sashimi, premier seafood, seasonal vegetables and culinary delights from Italy, Germany, American or Asia. Enjoy grilled meats, fresh seafood, imported cheeses and freshly made pastries. Price includes a free flow of imported wines and beer. Every Friday from 18:00 to 21:00.258 RMB + 15% gratuity. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888 ext 3823/3825

洲际酒店集团:“好礼成双”大中 华区新酒店限时特惠 5 折起 Intercontinental Hotels: Double Eleven Day 北京华尔道夫酒店:独一无二的四合院入住体验 Waldorf Astoria Beijing: Waldorf Hutong Courtyard

Experts were found and tasked to study and interpret the architectural style of Ming Dynasty Royal Hutong (alleyway) Courtyard residences to create a luxurious, modern, classic, sanctuary in the heart of Beijing for the discerning traveler. The result is a grand and historic building offering every guest the charm of a bygone era in modern times, and the pleasure of savoring the most elegant and magical hotel experience. Tel: +86 10 8520 8908

“Double Eleven” Day is coming up; Intercontinental Hotels across China are offering a special promotion to celebrate. Crown Plaza Hotels, Holiday Inns, and others owned by the Intecontinental Group will be offering discounts and promotions of up to 75% off normal booking price. For more information, please visit the event website www.ihg.com/double11. Tel. +86 400 8840 888

北京港澳中心瑞士酒店: 欢度国际客房周 Swissôtel Bejing: International Housekeeping Week

海航酒店集团: 全新升级的会员忠诚计划“礼悦会” Tangla Rewards: HNA Hospitality Group

Every September, Swissôtel Beijing sets aside one special week to honor the yearround heroes of Housekeeping. This year, the valuable team was having fun with a fantastic party, yummy breakfast and a variety of lucky draw prizes. The General Manager of Swissôtel Beijing – Mr. Jan Chovanec also expressed his gratitude for all their work. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288

北京盘古七星酒店:中国新坐标 Pangu 7 Star Hotel Beijing: The Building of the Dragon Tail

The 21st century modern luxury hotel Pangu 7 Star Hotel Beijing is bound to become a unique and prestigious place for Chinese travelers. The hotel overlooks the distinguished 2008 Beijing Olympic Park Lot, has elegant Chinese and Western design, feng shui, and for diplomats, senior executives and royalty and other VIPs uniquely tailored services. Tel: +86 10 5906 7000

宁波威斯汀酒店 : 慈善荧光跑 The Westin Ningbo Launches a “Charity Fun Light Run”

The Westin Ningbo announced today has organized an inaugural ‘Charity Fun Light Run’ in aid of Haishu Sanitation Station. The Charity Run expects to gather more than 120 running enthusiasts and philanthropists from the city of Ningbo,this will go towards Ningbo Haishu District Sanitation Bureau to support sanitation workers by complimentary breakfast during “Sanitation Workers Day” in this year. Tel: +86 574 8910 8888

Tangla Hotels & Resorts has released a new upgraded loyalty program called "Ceremony Club". The membership loyalty program is free to join. In addition, it also has unique member benefits: including a number of HNA Group's internal integration plans that involve strong tourism, real estate, hotels and aviation multi-sector collaborative development. Tel: +86 10 5857 6688

上海国丰酒店: 欢迎马来西亚国际贸易与工业部副 部长拿督李志亮下榻 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Dato Lee Chee Arrives at Guoman Hotel Shanghai for Event

Dato' Lee Chee Leong, deputy minister of Malaysia’s Ministry of International Trade and Industry, arrived at Guoman Hotel Shanghai to attend an event. Pictured is Mr. Christian Ho, General Manager of Guoman Hotel Shanghai warmly welcoming Dato' Lee Chee Leong. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 2007

上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 免费升级惊喜 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: Super Free Upgrade

Treat yourself at the fantastic Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel. Just at RMB 1180 per night, stay for a minimum 2 consecutive nights to get free upgrade to the Club room with Club lounge access from the Deluxe room. There is also complimentary breakfast, daily refreshments, high tea, evening cocktails and sweets available. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888

都喜富都酒店集团: 参展 2014 上海 CHAT 论坛 Dusit International: CHAT Shanghai

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 浓情感恩节 Shanghai Marrriott Hotel Pudong East: A Delight and Delicious Thanksgiving

CHAT, short for China Hotels and Tourism is a platform for owners, property developers, hoteliers, consultants and hospitality leaders to gather, to create dialogue, to exchange and to share best practices as well as experiences. Organized by Horwath HTL, a consulting company specializing in hotel, leisure and tourism industries, Dusit International was well represented with many key senior executives at this event. Tel: +86 21 6287 7108 ext 162

上海世博洲际酒店: 上海国际品牌饭店业协会 2014 年市 场研究报告展示会及午宴成功举办 Intercontinental Shanghai: IBHS Market Study 2014

International Branded Hotels of Shanghai Association (IBHS) Market Study 2014 Presentation Luncheon was successfully held at Villa 9, InterContinental Shanghai Expo.This market study was sponsored by Jones Lang LaSalle (JLL), analyzing the hotel’s business trends in the Shanghai market from 2014 to 2016. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666

On 27th November, get yourself and family a memorable and delicious Thanksgiving Turkey Set Dinner at Casalingo Italian Restaurant, for three people the price is only at RMB 788 and for an additional person only RMB 198. Turkey-to-go is also available. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888

安吉银润锦江度假酒店: 开启梦幻体验之旅 Jin Jiang International Hotel: Yin Run Jin Jiang Resort Anji

Jin Jiang International Hotels officially announces the opening of its newest property, Yin Run Jin Jiang Resort Anji, located in Anji county in northwestern Zhejiang province, eastern China. The hotel will be Jin Jiang’s first theme park hotel and is part of and situated opposite the new Hello Kitty-themed amusement park, with the same owners. www.jianghotels.com

上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店: 揭幕私人定制管家服务顶楼华丽行 政楼层与复式套房 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: Unveiling of New Features

丽江金茂君悦酒店: 忘却时光之地开启净心生活 Lijiang Grand Hyatt: Exploring the Essence of Lijiang

Lijiang’s Grand Hyatt Hotel invites you to explore Lijiang’s local culture. Follow the Hyatt brand to attain spiritual excellence, explore Yunnan’s Naxi culture, and to explore this mysterious, beautiful and peaceful area. It will certainly be a new experience of deep purification in body and soul and quality holiday enjoyment. Tel: +86 888 531 1234

Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai has introduced a new level of exclusive comfort with the unveiling of its premium butler services and impressive new Club Floor. The Club Floor features seven Club Suites including five duplex suites, a spacious Club Lounge, two exclusive meeting rooms, and a feng shui garden. Tel: +86 21 3858 0828

上海 KEE 私人会所: 巴黎机场优雅下午茶 KEE Club Shanghai: Aeroports de Paris Afternoon Tea

On September 16th, KEE Club Shanghai and Areoports de Paris put together a grand and elegant afternoon tea event, along with the lovely ballet performance, from Repetto, Paris. In KEE's elegant red salon, all the guests enjoyed the exquisite desserts by Kee, and the very sexy and French champagne while the organizer presented the true Parisian shopping experience. Tel: +86 21 3395 0909

上海御锦轩凯宾斯基全套房酒店: 周日德国传统长早餐 Kempinski Shanghai: Western Continental Breakfast

French and Italian breakfast will now be available during the Western Continental Breakfast. There will be a variety of different cheeses, meats, jams and honey, boiled eggs, fruits and vegetables, smoked fish, of sausage and a variety breads. This will be held every Sunday in the Royal Kam Hin Lobby Bar from 7 am-10:30 am. 178 RMB. Tel: +86 21 6157 1688 ext 6415

西安喜来登大酒店: “慈善跑”活动全力支持智慧岛儿 童智能培训中心 Sheraton Xian Hotel: “Hotel Run for Charity”

Sheraton Xian Hotel's Charity Run took place on Sunday 12 October 2014, at 9:30 at Xian City Wall. Funds raised through the 2014 Sheraton Xian Hotel Run For Charity went towards Intelligent Island Children Intelligence Training Center to support the the organization and also raise social awareness of autism. Tel. +86 29 8426 1888 ext 1460

天津万达文华酒店:地中海美食节 Wanda Vista Tianjin: Mediterranean Cuisine Festival at Cafe Vista

Cafe Vista at Wanda Vista Tianjin is thrilled to unveil the Mediterranean Cuisine Festival this autumn, which presents the healthy lowfat and nutrient-rich diet that inspired bythe cultures adjacent to the Mediterranean Sea. The buffet dinner is 288 RMB per person. Valid from now until November 30th 2014. Tel: +86 22 2462 6888


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海龙之梦大酒店: “品味”自助晚餐——舌尖上的炸排 The Longemont Shanghai: Great Flavors of O2on2 - Irresistible Pork Chops

上海绿地万豪酒店: 2015 新年百福宴 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: 2015 Annual Dinner

The Shanghai Marriot Hotel Luwan invites you to choose them to be the venue of your annual dinner. Eight selected menus with a series of special benefits and free rooms or food and beverage vouchers will be available offering you an auspicious new year.4,288 RMB per table and above. Promotion period: Nov 1st, 2014 – Feb 28th, 2015 Tel: +86 21 2312 5234

Spoil yourself with our newly-launched buffet dinner, offering the freshest seafood options and a lavish international buffet spread.Available daily for dinner only October 8th, 2014- February 28th, 2015. 258 RMB + 15% service charge per person. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220

上海日航饭店:全新午间套餐特选 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: New Lunch Set Selection

Enjoy the new lunch set in Benkay Japanese Restaurant. A Japanese chef brings traditional Japanese cuisine combined with materials welcomed in China to all guests. Tempura and Cold Soba-Noodle Set, Grilled Beef Steak on Hot Plate Set, Grilled Cod Fish Set and Grilled Eel Rice Set. 80-180 RMB/set. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6620

上海大酒店咖啡厅: 自助晚餐无限畅享大闸蟹 Grand Central Hotel Shanghai: Buffet Dinner with Unlimited Wang Bao He Hairy Crab

Grand Central Hotel’s Coffee Shop offers a romantic buffet allowing you to enjoy the vibrancy of the city during dinner. The Grand Central Hotel Shanghai uses selected Wang Bao He hairy crabs to provide an Unlimited Hairy Crab Buffet Dinner for you only at RMB 298 + 15% per person-Sept 25th, 2014 to Jan 15th, 2015. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 60136

上海海神诺富特大酒店海神宫中餐 厅:金秋品蟹,领“鲜”一步 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Golden Shark Chinese Restaurant

Discover true authentic Claypot Rice that captures Hong Kong’s culinary heritage. Served with Chinese sausage and vegetable, the rice is cooked within the claypot, giving the dish a distinctive flavour. 3 kinds of Claypot Rice are on offer at JADE now. 88 RMB + 15% service charge/person. Lunch 11: 30 - 14: 30; Dinner 17: 30 - 22: 00. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999 ext 6398

上海国丰酒店锦丰咖啡厅:混搭午餐 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: The Market Mixed and Match Luncheon

Create your own ideal set lunch and pay for what you have selected from the Asian or Western choice of appetizer, soup and main course. This offer is available from Oct 1 – Dec 31, 2014, Monday to Saturday. 68 RMB per set. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 7023

北京瑞吉酒店:真味传承,美味顺德 St. Regis Hotel Beijing: Shunde Feast at The St. Regis Beijing

Hairy crab is back in season again, and there is no better time - from September to December - to enjoy their delicate, sweet flesh and creamy roe. Enjoy Hairy Crab which is a ‘must have’ at this time of the year. Dinner is served from 5:30 pm-9:30 pm. 98 RMB per plate.178 RMB per couple. Tel: +86 21 5036 7988

上海外高桥喜来登酒店雅日本餐厅: 北海道之真味 Sheraton Shanghai Waigaoqiao Hotel: Pure Taste of Hokkaido

Savor the seafood delicacies direct from Hokkaido and enjoy an excellent Hokkaido taste tour with their selected seasonal snapper menu. Snapper Sashimi meals includes snapper sashimi and snapper miso soup. Miyabi is the place to be if you're looking for a memorable dining experience. 188 RMB/ set + 15% gratuity. Tel: +86 21 3121 9999

122 LifeStyle

上海浦西洲际酒店:怀旧煲仔饭 Intercontinental Shanghai Puxi: Cantonese Claypot Rice

The St. Regis Beijing will present a Shunde culinary delight for the St. Regis connoisseurs in this autumn season from October 13 to November 9, 2014 at The Celestial Court. Homey dishes made with simple, cheap ingredients stuffed with freshly pounded mud carp paste are an especially common feature on Shunde menus. If you are looking for a vibrant fall meal this is the place to be. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688 ext 2460

苏州凯悦酒店:阳澄湖大闸蟹 Hyatt Regency Suzhou: Hairy Crab @ Hua Chi 88

Hairy Crab season is approaching! Enjoy this seasonal treat in an elegant setting of Hua Chi 88. Experience this unique culinary journey with Chef Yang. Tel: +86 512 6288 1234 ext 3488



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By the Grace of Jones 特为牙买加歌手、时尚超模格蕾丝·琼斯调制 的世界最贵鸡尾酒以 8888 英镑(约合 14500 美元) 的高价在伦敦梅费尔区吉吉餐厅开售。这杯鸡尾 酒的售价超过了 2013 年澳大利亚墨尔本 Club 23 俱乐部 8167 英镑的温斯顿鸡尾酒,荣登世界第一 的宝座。之所以售价惊人是因为这是一杯用两种 世界顶级名贵佳酿(1990 年份水晶香槟和超过百 年历史的罕有 1888 年雅文邑白兰地)调制而成的 鸡尾酒,再配以层层金叶,尽显奢华。 The world’s most expensive cocktail, priced at £8,888 ($14,500) has gone on sale in London. It was created for Jamaican singer and fashion icon Grace Jones at the star-studded opening of Gigi’s restaurant in Mayfair. The makers claim Gigi’s tops the world’s most expensive tipples – beating Melbourne’s £8,167 Winston into second place. Precious cocktail contains 1990 Vintage Cristal champagne and 1888 Samalens Vieille Relique Vintage Bas Armagnac. It also has “lashings” of gold leaf to give it extra bling.

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

2014 年十一月号 总第 368 期

隈研吾:打造北京城市公共空间 望京 SOHO:天际线别样风景 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

Thinking outside the Rectangle l Antipodean Aesthetes l Da Dong in Autumn l A Russian in Umbria l The Real and Imagined




Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel NOVEMBER 2014

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