2014 october

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

2014 年十月号 总第 366 期


Paris L’automne


杰夫・昆斯 化平庸为神奇!

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

The Genius of Cliché l From Mundane back to Mundane l Ningbo Flavor l Melbourne: Open up to More l Bunker of Art



Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel OCTOBER 2014

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The October cover is a shot of actress Tang Wei


I’m melting! I’m melting! There’s just been too much partying lately and

I fear that I will dissolve into a puddle of champagne. A fashion designer commented that if everyone she knew was to be represented by a drink,

mine would be a flute of free champagne. People have been giving me too much of it lately.

At least I don’t have to worry about big parties celebrating National Day.

It’s usually a pretty sober week when office workers leave the city and there’s an influx of peasanty tourists. Celebrations are more about military

庆祝! “我要融化了!我要融化了!最近聚会太多,我恐怕要 化成一滩香槟了。”最近只要聊到哪种饮品可以代表自己, 一位时尚设计师就会如是说,“最能代表我的是香槟,近来 喝得实在太多了!” 至少对于我来说,不必担忧任何的大型国庆聚会,我的 七天长假通常都会保持“清醒”。这时候上班族纷纷返乡与 家人团聚,同时国内外游客大量涌入北京。所谓“庆祝”, 更多的是阅兵、国旗什么的,而不是香槟酒。 处在一个关注文化商业多于政治和军国主义的世界,也 许庆祝活动围绕艺术和金钱才比较合适。没有哪个艺术家比 杰夫・昆斯更能代表庆祝了,他甚至有一系列名为“庆祝” 的作品。为庆祝昆斯在纽约惠特尼博物馆的回顾展(6 月 27 日至 10 月 19 日),本期特辑的主角就是他和他的作品。 随着闭展日期的临近,昆斯更多充满着积极意义的作品 也会出现。也许,会有一群“气球狗”巡游,没有比这样壮 观的景象更振奋人心的了,但是很显然原作中 6 个巨型原大 气球狗是远远不够的。要知道中国现在手头有 4 万亿美元的 外汇储备,再多也能“消化”。 昆斯的雕塑作品《气球狗》2013 年的拍卖成交价是 5840 万美元,如果他愿意打个折扣,比如 2500 万,或者更低点, 凭中国目前的巨额外汇储备可以买 16 万个,完全可以组一个

parades and flags than bubbly - more righteous than fabulous.

In a world that at its best is more about culture and commercialism than

politics and militarism, maybe celebrations should center around art and money. No artist represents celebration more than Jeff Koons, whose most

successful series of works is even called Celebration. In honor of his retrospective at the Whitney Museum, we dedicated this issue to him.

Since this event comes to a close this month, more of his positivity-suf-

fused works should be coming available. Perhaps this year a parade of balloon dogs would be in order. One can think of few spectacles could raise

spirits more than that. But the six full sized balloon dogs in the original series are hardly enough. With its four-trillion dollars in foreign currency reserves, China could commission many more.

The record for Balloon Dog was the orange one that sold for 58.4 mil-

lion dollars. If Koons were willing to give a discount since sales would

be direct, one can image a price of 25 million. Maybe even less. With its

foreign currency reserves, China could potentially acquire up to 160,000 balloon dogs that could all be in a parade and then distributed throughout the country.

In addition to bringing great job, this would make the Americans stop

complaining about their trade deficit though with quantities like that, balloon dogs would probably have to be produced in Guangdong. But such bubbliness should be spread everywhere.

气球狗游行队伍,然后分派到全国各地。 除了带来就业机会,这还可以让美国人停止抱怨政府财 政赤字,当然由于气球狗数量庞大,可能不得不在广东生产了, 不过庆祝的香槟是一定要开的。



Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


022 078 一品鲜滋味

速递 014 夺目黄铜花瓶

北京民族饭店宁波美食节把“甬江边上的 鲜味甬菜”带入京城

保罗·戴尔 - 埃尔切为瑞典皇室御用品牌斯 库尔图纳设计闪耀宝石般光芒的容器


015 小狗太空服

094 碉堡里的当代艺术

让宠物宝贝穿上前苏联特制的小狗太空服 才够拉风

柏林一座“二战”时期的碉堡变身收藏家 波洛斯夫妇与公众分享艺术的空间

104 混搭可小姐

特辑 022 杰夫·昆斯:化平庸为神奇

鬼才设计师菲利普·斯塔克一手打造的欧亚 混血可小姐餐厅,让巴黎刮目相看

昆斯的跨门类艺术作品已经成为一个时代 的标志


028 从世俗回到世俗 昆斯常常从最司空见惯的事物中“挪用” 创作元素,把它变成世上最昂贵的艺术品

048 李焱:“花”开国博 用油画展现中国山水画神韵的才女

品鉴 040 汤唯:自由灵魂之火花 汤唯用自己的方式诠释了一个属于她自己 的“黄金时代”的自由灵魂

享乐 058 巴黎秋寐 秋夜静寐,与巴黎一起沉醉 在浪漫与优雅中

028 6


LifeStyle 7





058 Paris L’automne

LifeStyle takes you on a tour of the most elegant hotels in the city of light-Paris

078 Ningbo Flavor

The Minzu Hotel’s Four Seasons Restaurant’s “Ningbo Food Festival” brings the freshest flavor from the land of rivers into the capital city


094 Bunker of Art



014 Brass Vases

Graceful brass vases designed by Paolo Dell’Elce for Swedish metalware company Skultuna

015 Canine Couture

Forgot the Louis Vuitton dog carriers and other common designer accessories. Instead go for this rare vintage Soviet dog space suit


022 The Genius of Cliché

Jeff Koons and his works have become an icon of the now



028 From Mundane back to Mundane

Koons grabs subject matter from the commonest of places and turns it into the priciest art on earth


040 A Free Soul Takes Flight

Tang Wei is perfect in the role of China’s famous feminist writer-Xiao Hong

048 A Flower Opens in the National Museum of China

Li Yan’s use of oil painting techniques lends Chinese landscape painting a new charm

The Boros Collection in Berlin Germany, housed in a former Nazi bunker

104 Miss-Terious

Philippe Starck’s new Eurasian eatery in Paris

Columns 086 WineClub 120 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

LifeStyle 9


Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu

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10 LifeStyle

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.18

保罗·戴尔 - 埃尔切为瑞典 皇室御用品牌斯库尔图纳设计的黄铜花瓶 Graceful brass vases, by Milan designer Paolo Dell’Elce for Skultuna

LifeStyle 13




Brass Vases 米兰设计师保罗·戴尔 - 埃尔切为瑞典皇室御用品牌斯库尔图 纳设计了一系列闪耀着宝石般光芒的容器。这些外形优美的 Via Fondazza 黄铜花瓶受到意大利已故著名版画家、油画家乔治·莫兰迪 (20 世纪意大利最受赞誉的画家之一)作品的影响。Via Fondazza 正是莫兰迪在博洛尼亚生活和工作过的地方。在保罗看来,材料是 第一位的。当他开始为斯库尔图纳这个项目进行创作的时候,第一 个想到的材料便是黄铜。正是材料和这家公司可追溯至 17 世纪的历 史启发和引导了设计师的整个设计过程。 Based on the still life paintings of 20th century Italian painter Giorgio

Morandi, these graceful brass vases have a jewel-like appeal. Conceived by Milan designer Paolo Dell’Elce for Swedish metalware company Skultuna

the Via Fondazza containers reference the name of the Bologna street where Morandi lived and worked. According to Dell’Elce: “The material came first. When I started working on a project for Skultuna I knew I would come up with

an object made of brass. The company has worked with brass since the 17th

century, so both the material and the company legacy inspired and guided the whole design process.”

14 LifeStyle

1960 年贝尔卡和史特内尔卡 搭乘前苏联的史波尼克五号飞上太空


Canine Couture 人类进入太空前,先是由可爱的狗狗为我们“试水”。上世纪 50 年代,为了评估太空低引力和发射时的重力加速度对生物体的影响,前苏 联科学家专门为狗狗宇航员制造了航天服,用于在实验中保护它们的生命安全。1960 年贝尔卡和史特内尔卡搭乘前苏联的史波尼克五号飞上太空, 一天后安全重返地球,并由此被载入史册。所以,果断抛弃路易威登宠物便携包或其他设计师的作品吧。让自己的宠物宝贝穿上前苏联特制的小 狗太空服,这样出去遛才够拉风! Forgot the Louis Vuitton dog carriers and other common designer accessories. Instead go for this rare vintage Soviet dog space suit. Soviet space dogs played an

important role in the preparation of space missions. Long before the first man flew into space our canine companions tested the unknown spheres. In the fifties, Russian

scientists developed this type of high pressure suits to test the effects of low gravity and high-speed launches on dogs. This dog space suit was used in the training of the dogs Belka and Strelka during the mission Sputnik 5 (1960).

LifeStyle 15




Bag Lady

澳大利亚艺术家 CJ- 亨德利用普通油性 笔和白纸就能描绘出疑似摄影作品的静物画 作。这个皱巴巴的大尺寸名牌购物袋,细节 惊人,立体逼真,很难相信它其实只是手绘图。 不过创作这样一件作品极为耗时,正所谓慢 工出细活嘛。 These are not mere photographs. These are large

scale pen on paper drawings by Australian artist CJ Hendry. The IT Bag series are blow up images

of crumpled designer shopping bags which are astonishingly detailed for such a time-consuming

process. One could make numerous assertions about

the role of iconography in fashion and other totems

of status but these are simply compelling visual images.

16 LifeStyle


Rock Lobster 人人爱龙虾!比如,上世纪 70 年代末, 美国 5 人组合 The B-52’s 的单曲唱片《摇滚 龙虾》就曾被抢购一空。把龙虾用到歌中也 许并不足为奇,奢华配饰品牌卡拉·罗斯推出 的龙虾系列餐桌饰品才是真的让人眼前一亮。 这些以宝石装饰的甲壳动物体型硕大(13.5 英寸长、7.5 英寸宽),却又十分可爱迷人。 珍珠母与水晶镶嵌在镀金黄铜龙虾身上,折 射出炫丽的色彩。聚会时吃海鲜大餐弄几只 放在餐桌上,是不是相当高大上呢? Fittingly named in tribute to the festively bizarre

song by The B-52s, “Rock Lobster”, these lobsters

are intended as table centerpieces. These large bejeweled crustaceans are charming and cute and are

rather large at 13.5 inches long and 7.5 inches wide. They are crafted out of mother-of-pearl resin with

gold plated brass set with crystals. Why not have

a few on the dining table when hosting a seafood dinner party?

LifeStyle 17




Cool Crunch 西班牙摄影师维克托·恩里奇喜欢用现实 中存在的建筑来进行创作,枪形的建筑、发 条状的阳台等超现实“建筑”都是他的得意 之作,而德国慕尼黑的 NH 德意志凯撒公寓 酒店也是其中之一。他将这座酒店解构、重 建了 88 次。就像钢琴上的七组 88 个键涵盖 了人的听觉范围一样,维克托运用建筑师常 用的三维可视化渲染技术,创造出这些充满 丰富想象力的效果图,人力几乎是无法超越 的。正如歌德所说“建筑是凝固的音乐”, 这家“百变酒店”也因其美妙的扭转曲线谱 写出时而温婉、时而铿锵的动人乐章。 As Goethe said, “architecture is frozen music,”

so it’s only fitting that Victor Enrich’s imaginative renderings of the NH Deutscher Kaiser Hotel in Munich, Germany number 88 in total- the same

number as the keys of a piano. Victor has embraced

the technical tools of 3D visualization and rendering

techniques - the computer software used by architects like Zaha Hadid here in Beijing- to bend, twist, and launch the structure of the hotel in crazy ways. We showcase some of our favorites.

18 LifeStyle


House of Folly 英国异装癖艺术家格雷森·佩里和伦敦后现代主义的 FAT 事务所联袂设计了“埃塞克斯之屋”,这是才子型作家、哲学 家阿兰·德波顿“活着的建筑”项目的一部分。为了唤起人们对 乡村风景中路边礼拜堂的传统记忆,艾塞克斯之屋被设计成一 座单一的建筑,以小型精巧的雕琢呈现于树木和田野中。其设 计灵感来自于童话故事、圣教堂和英格兰各处古怪的房子,但 酷似教堂的外形也隐约透露出俄式风格。 Designed by British artist Grayson Perry and London architecture firm

FAT for Swiss-British philopsher Alain de Botton’s Living Architecture

project, A House for Essex is an experiment in whimsical architecture in

a world that is often serious and minimalist. The design for the building, which is also vaguely Russian in form, was inspired by eccentric houses across England, as well as fairytales and pilgrimage chapels.

LifeStyle 19

20 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.

杰夫·昆斯: 化平庸为神奇

Koonst! / P.22

杰夫·昆斯“气球狗” Balloon Dog, by Jeff Koons

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22 LifeStyle


Text: Jacob Dreyer


The Genius of Cliché 批评昆斯和像他这样的艺术家都是毫无意义的, 他的跨门类艺术作品已经成为一个时代的标志。 It is pointless to criticize Jeff Koons the person, or even the artist, he has already transcended these categories, becoming an icon of the now.

神 奇

Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 17-October 19, 2014). ŠJeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

LifeStyle 23



Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27-October 19, 2014). ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

杰夫·昆斯是一位能引发各类极端反响的艺术家——破坏主义的作品令人厌恶,同时又市 值百万,备受追捧。当然,也有很多人会看着他这些卡通玩具般的作品,用乡下暴脾气远亲的 乖戾口吻说:“这么简单、明亮的彩色玩意儿,怎么可能是艺术品,简直就是一个骗子。”如 果你觉得这东西“我孩子都能做”,那只能说明你对它的观察还不够仔细,对这些作品的理解 还不够透彻。昆斯的作品就是由吸尘器、篮球、名人肖像这类常见元素构成的,反映的正是我 们的集体文化想象力。昆斯对精湛工艺和高品质原材料的坚持,让平庸无趣的东西幻化成能够 同时为高雅文化和低俗文化所接受的艺术作品。他的作品就是一面镜子,这个时代的人、物和 文化糅合在一起被映照出来,随之被卷入经济全球化浪潮。正如艺术批评家彼得·施杰尔达所 说,不喜欢昆斯的人就是不喜欢现在这个世界的人。这也就是昆斯为什么能成为当今在世艺术 家中身价最高艺术家的原因了。他是这个时代的缩影,他的存在为我们献上了一场寡头统治下 21 世纪的“艺术家”的表演。批评昆斯和像他这样的艺术家都是毫无意义的,因为他跨门类的 艺术作品已经成为一个时代的标志。 在典型美国中产家庭中长大的昆斯,循着典型的艺术家成长轨迹一路走来。1973 年,昆斯 有幸在瑞吉酒店见到了达利,他认为自己也能像达利那样,让艺术成为自己的生活方式。1976 年他从马里兰艺术学院毕业,22 岁时移居纽约,在纽约现代艺术博物馆谋得了一个职位。这都 没什么特别的,但剧情从他转做投资银行家起发生了改变。随着对世界资本主义经济发展不断 深入的了解,昆斯也慢慢地不再是一个天真的文艺青年了,他的作品越来越具有洞察力。从他 给展览命名就可以看出,不同时期他想要表达的思想主题一直都在发生着变化。例如,1980 年 以吸尘器为题材的“崭新”系列、1986 年的“奢侈与落魄”系列、1988 年的“平庸”系列以及 Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27-October 19, 2014). ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

24 LifeStyle

1994 年的“庆典”系列。漫步惠特尼美国艺术博物馆,穿行于昆斯作品间,我们看到的除了那 些生动的作品本身,还有过去几十年西方集体意识的具象化表现。肤浅,平庸,低能,造作,

Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27 – October 19, 2014). From left to right: Jeff Koons, Boy with Pony, 1995-2008; Balloon Dog (Yellow), 1994-2000. ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

对昆斯的批评似乎正反映了美国文化本身的 问题。昆斯已经实现一个艺术家的涅槃,已 经与他所代表的文化融为一体,成为了艺术 家的范本。从他一次次奇异的搞怪和冒险, 我们看到了一个拥有赤子之心的艺术家的真 诚。他用自己的作品展现着人类最原始的欲 望。 关于昆斯我们还要明确一点,他那些诸 如 5840 万美元天价气球狗之类的作品,并不 能体现他所创造的艺术作品的本质。其实早 在普通艺术家意识到自己可以拥有明星般影 响力和号召力之前,昆斯便为自己聘请了形

Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27 – October 19, 2014). ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

象顾问,组建了公关团队,同时有意识地打 造自己独特的生活方式,给自己和自己的作








杰 夫· 昆 斯 回 顾 展 于 2014 年 6 月 27 日



至 10 月 19 日在纽约惠特尼美国艺术博物馆






的展出时间为 2014 年 11 月 26 日至 2015 年 4

尽的奢华,生动演绎出 21 世纪艺术家可以拥


月 27 日;西班牙毕尔巴鄂古根海姆博物馆的



展出时间为 2015 年 6 月 5 日至 9 月 27 日。

LifeStyle 25



Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27-October 19, 2014). From left to right: Jeff Koons, One Ball Total Equilibrium Tank (Spalding Dr. J 241 Series), 1985; Snorkel (Shotgun), 1985. ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

Jeff Koons is an artist who elicits extreme reactions: vandalism, disgust, and millions of dollars. Of

course, there are those who look at his cartoonish works and say, sounding like a grumpy country cousin,

that it isn’t art at all, but some sort of hoax- it looks so simple, bright and colorful. But if you look at

this work and think, “my kid could do this,” you simply aren’t looking closely enough. Koons’ subject

is not only those quotidian objects- vacuum cleaners, basketballs, images of celebrities- which make up

his work, but our collective cultural imagination itself. Koons’ meticulous craftsmanship and insistence on the highest quality of materials makes the banal into an art, one which uniquely fuses high and low culture- the mirror image of our world today, where all objects, persons and cultural reference points are put into contact within the shared grid of the global economy. As art critic Peter Schjeldahl noted,

to dislike Koons is to dislike the world. This is the reason why Koons has become the world’s highest grossing living artist: he perfectly epitomizes our contemporary condition; his life is a performance of

the role of “artist” in the mediatized global oligarchy of the 21st century. It is pointless to criticize Koons the person, or even the artist: he has already transcended these categories, becoming an icon of the now.

From an upbringing in a typical American middle-class family, Koons followed what seemed to be a

typical artist’s trajectory: visiting Dali at the St. Regis, attending art school, moving to New York City to

work at the Museum of Modern Art. So far, so boring; but the story gets interesting when Koons started to work as an investment banker. No longer a naïve bohemian, Koons started to hone a refined insight

into the specific workings of the spectacle of global capitalism. The names he gave to his exhibitions already define the eras of which they were part; from “The New” (1980) to “Luxury and Degradation”

(1986) to “Banality” (1988) and “Celebration” (1994). A stroll through the Whitney isn’t just an examination of Koons’ work, but through the collective consciousness of the West in the past several Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27 – October 19, 2014). Jeff Koons, Play-Doh, 1994-2014. ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

26 LifeStyle

decades. Banal, moronic, kitschy: the criticisms made of Koons seem to echo those made of American culture itself. Koons has reached a state of artistic nirvana by becoming truly one with the culture that he has emerged from, and represents; by doing this, he has become the paradigmatic art world celebrity.

Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective. (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27 – October 19, 2014). From left to right: Jeff Koons, Antiquity (Manet), 2011-14; Pluto and Proserpina, 2010-13; Balloon Venus (Orange), 2008-12. ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

Through the most bizarre antics and adventures,

Koons has remained utterly sincere, with the

innocence of a child; in doing so, he has tapped into one of the most primal human desires.

What we need to understand about Koons is

that the works themselves, even those with 58 million dollar pricetags, are not the substance

of his art. Long before artists had star-power, Jeff Koons hired an image consultant and a PR team, and consciously depicted his lifestyle as being connected with luxury. His genius was to collect all of the mythology and symbols of

American everyday life and translate it into high

art, culminating a long tradition from Duchamp to Warhol. His own life is an extended performance, century- a person with the luxury to champion

Installation view of Jeff Koons: A Retrospective (Whitney Museum of American Art, New York, June 27-October 19, 2014). Jeff Koons: Inflatable Flowers (Four Tall Purple with Plastic Figures). ©Jeff Koons. Photography by Ronald Amstutz.

without worrying about how it makes him look.

alive- and a potent symbol of today’s art world,

by the things, places and experiences we choose

elite members only club. Those who aspire to join

telling us what an artist can be in the 21st

whatever aesthetic he wants to, kitsch or not,

In a world where our class is relentlessly defined to consume, Koons has recuperated the nostalgic past of the American middle class, even as his

art practice has turned him into the richest artist

The Jeff Koons retrospective will be open

with its sky-high prices, it is the world’s most

at the Whitney Museum of American Art, New

must understand what they’re trying to become a

Pompidou, Paris, November 26, 2014–April 27,

part of.

York City, June 27–October 19, 2014; the Centre 2015; and the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, June 5–September 27, 2015.

LifeStyle 27



28 LifeStyle


From Mundane back to Mundane Text: Nels Frye

挪用艺术大王,同时也被称作“媚俗之王” 的杰夫·昆斯,常常从最司空见惯的事物“挪 用”创作元素,把它变成世上最昂贵的艺术 品。他丝毫不介意将自己的系列作品取名为 “平庸”,还会与嘎嘎小姐这样的名人进行 合作。对于别人的非议,他处之泰然,任何 品牌“视觉语言”从来都不会让他感到不安。 不管艺术家喜不喜欢,日常用品摇身变成价 值数百万美元、体型超大的金属充气玩具, 随后不可避免地成为大量生产、人人都能拥 有的山寨装饰品,当然,还有游艇和香槟瓶。 从艳俗到“病态”,审美水平的高高低低, 如今是越来越出人意料,让人困惑不已。 The king of Appropriation Art, Koons grabs

subject matter from the commonest of places and

turns it into the priciest art on earth. He selects names like “Banality” for his shows, collaborates with figures like Lady Gaga and seems to have

no qualms about slapping his name and visual language on just about any brand. It is fitting that the everyday objects that become multi-million

dollar super-sized metal casts of inflatable toys

have a way of re-emerging as affordable, massproduced knick-knacks, with or without the

blessing of the artist. Of course there are also yachts and champagne bottles. The mixing of high and low becomes ever more unpredictable and confusing.

LifeStyle 29


Feature “平庸”的盘子——2013 年时值法国顶级瓷 器品牌柏图 150 年庆,为此柏图邀请了包括






己 1988 年“平庸”系列中的形象。也正是由

童心。此作品限量 900 件,2000 年在




Just you and Rudolph - One never sees Koons frowning, and his playful spirit

Banality on a Plate - For its 150th anniversary

Nosed Reindeer paddle, an edition of

commissioned a team of contemporary artists

Deutsche Guggenheim in 2000.

Koons to design limited edition plates. Koons

comes through in this Rudolph the Red-

in 2013, legendary porcelain house Bernardaud

900 created with an exhibition at the

including Michael Lin, Julian Schnabel, and Jeff used images from his break-out 1988 Banality series, that put him on the map and got him involved in a three copyright lawsuits that he lost.

“花”样护肤——从以自己与前妻的性爱情景 为题材创作的“天堂制造”系列,到《名利场》 的首席摄影师安妮·莱博维茨为其拍摄裸体照, 昆斯可以算得上世界级的暴露狂。无怪乎 59 岁 的他会喜欢护肤,以葆青春。图为他为科颜氏 设计的限量版瓶子。 A Flowery Facial - Koons keeps very fit and may be among the world’s greatest exhibitionists, as

demonstrated by everything from the pornographic

Made in Heaven series to feature shot in the nude by Annie Leibovitz for Vanity

Faire. It’s no surprise

that the 59 year-old

would embrace skin care

to keep looking spry. His limited edition for

K i e h l ’s p u t s B a l l o o n Flower on the Creme de Corps bottle.

30 LifeStyle

波普艺术穿上身——纽约设计师丽 莎·佩里对波普艺术情有独钟,特意 以罗伊·利希滕斯坦、安迪·沃霍尔和 杰夫·昆斯的作品为基础,创作出一 系列自己的作品。这条裙子便是受 昆斯 1999 年油画作品《露比》启发, 而猴子手镯就更明显了,其源于《猴 子列车》。 Dresses that Pop - NYC designer Lisa

Perry likes pop art so much that she created collections based on the work of Roy Lichtenstein, Andy Warhol and Jeff

Koons. The dress inspired by “Loopy” (1999) and the “Monkey Train” bangle are particular must-haves.

登上猴子列车!——从潮牌安逸猴到大嘴 猴, 街 头 服 饰 似 乎 对 猴 子 总 是 情 有 独 钟。 2006 年, 昆 斯 紧 跟 时 代 潮 流, 滑 板( 与 Supreme 合作)上可爱的猴子就是取自其画 作《猴子列车》的形象。 Get on the Monkey Train! - With brands like Bathing Ape and Paul Frank, street wear clearly has quite an obsession with monkeys. Koons

showed again that his finger is right on the pulse

in this 2006 collaboration with Supreme that decorated skateboards with imagery from his painting “Monkey Train.”

LifeStyle 31



昆斯时间——上世纪 90 年代,昆斯受瑞士厂 商 Chaos 的委托,设计了这款限量版手表。 其实不难看出,表盘上的大理石雕像源于其 1991 年创作的《自画像》,只是左看右看都 有些毛主席头像的影子。 On Koons Time - Wear the world’s most famous artist right on your sleeve. Commissioned by

Swiss manufacturer Chaos in the 90s, this limited edition watch has the profile image of the 1991

marble sculpture “Self-Portrait”. It is possibly a reference to the famous watch with Chairman Mao’s profile.

天作之合——将昆斯和嘎嘎小姐凑到一起,简直是老天的意 愿。图为昆斯受邀为嘎嘎小姐 2013 年专辑《Artpop》设计的 封面,此外他还为这位流行百变天后创作了一个雕像。 A Match Made in Heaven - Koons and Gaga belong together

and they made it happen with the cover of Artpop, Gaga’s album released in late 2013. Koons also produced a sculpture of the pop icon to go along with it.

昆斯版宝马——1975 年,法国拍卖商兼赛车手赫夫·布朗绘制了史上第一辆宝马艺术车。之后,世界各地的艺术家通过艺术车系列将宝马汽车幻 化成为艺术品,呈现一个特定的年代,包括大卫·霍克尼、安迪·沃霍尔、凯斯·哈林、弗兰克·斯特拉、亚历山大·考尔德等。而昆斯的“画布”是 一辆宝马 M3 GT2,创作于 2010 年勒芒 24 小时耐力赛。 Koonsmobile - French car racer and auctioneer Hervé Poulain created the BMW Art Car Project in 1975, inviting artists to decorate the outside of a BMW. Participants have included David Hockney, Andy Warhol, Keith Haring, Frank Stella, and the first Alexander Calder. Koons colored an M3 GT2, which competed in the 2010 Le Mans.

32 LifeStyle

欢乐香槟酒——昆斯为唐培里侬粉红香槟设 计的酒标是其大型雕塑作品“气球维纳斯” 的缩小版,后者是受 1908 年澳大利亚发现的 “维伦多尔夫的维纳斯”(距今已 25000 年) 的启发而创作。该作品售价 25000 美元,限 量仅数百瓶。 Voluptuously Bubbly - His most beloved works

are out of a series called Celebration and the Koons oeuvre is nothing if not fabulous. An association with a champagne seems logical. Koons created a special sculpture for the Dom

Pérignon Rosé 2003 that is a miniature version of his Balloon Venus, inspired by the Venus

of Willendorf, a statue over 25,000 years old

“罪孽”号游艇——希腊实业家兼现代艺术收藏家达基斯·琼诺邀请昆斯和意大利游艇设计师 伊维纳·波费里为其合作设计了一艘艺术游艇。这艘名为“罪孽”号的游艇长 115 英尺,堪称昆 斯至今最大号作品。外表大胆的几何设计——黄色菱形、粉红三角形和蓝色多边形更替交错,

discovered in 1908 in Austria. At just 25,000 USD, production was limited to a few hundred bottles.

灵感实际上来自于第一次世界大战时期英国海军迷彩图案。这艘游艇的内饰可谓奇幻多姿,中 央楼梯的颜色从桃红紫变成幻影蓝,最终变成暖黄色。霓虹灯管拼成的单词“Feelings”(感觉) 吊在床铺上方(英国艺术家、音乐家马丁·克里德的作品)。 That Guilty Feeling - Cypriot industrialist and art collector Dakis Joannou asked Jeff Koons and Italian

yacht designer Ivana Porfiri to design a very artistic megayacht. Named Guilty, at 115 feet, she is Koons’ largest project to date. Inspired by British naval camouflage from World War I, the yacht’s exterior features bold geometric designs that include alternating yellow rhombuses, pink triangles and blue polygons. Inside, a central staircase turns from pinkish violet to galactic blue and finally warm yellow. The word “Feelings” hangs in neon lights above the bed.

LifeStyle 33




Balloon Dog Stuff Text: Nels Frye


Pillow - By Thai designer Supon Phornirunlit


Sausage - Photographer Karsten Wegener, designer Silke Baltruschat and food stylist Raik Holst


Latex Chew Toy - Charming


Cufflinks - Ted Baker

我们现在几乎可以在任何一个创作门类中看到杰夫·昆斯的作品,但最为人所熟知的一定是那几只天价气球狗了。气球狗元素随处可见,成 为了我们生活的这个时代的标签,其出现频率堪比十字架和剪刀手。但这些看起来亲切而又贴近生活的产品中,有多少真正获得了昆斯的授权 或向其支付过版税呢?三年前,昆斯曾起诉旧金山画廊 Park Life。事情的起因是昆斯曾制作过一款 10.5 英寸的气球狗,在 eBay 上的售价近万美元, 而 Park Life 售卖的来自加拿大多伦多创意家居品牌 IMM living 的欢乐气球小狗书档尺寸和这款差不多,售价仅为 30 美元。出现巨大的价格差, 自然少不了一场官司。诚然,气球狗并不是什么稀罕物,马戏团和许多娱乐场所都会有现场制作气球狗的表演,但昆斯的气球狗怎能与之相提 并论?昆斯最终同意撤诉,不再反对 Park Life 出售气球狗书档,Park Life 则不再在书档标识上标“杰夫·昆斯”字样,而唯一不变的是气球狗类 产品销量的不断增加。

34 LifeStyle


Ceramic Gold or Silver Glazed Banks - Ototo Design of Israel


Tote Bag - H&M


Book Ends - IMM living Bookends


Ceramic Salt & Pepper Shaker Set - 180 Degrees



Silk Scarf - Ostwald Helgason

oons may have spread his wings into just about every product category, but his most recognizable symbol takes the cheery over-exposure to the next level. Balloon Dog is becoming as ubiquitous as the peace sign or the cross - and rightly so. The cute balloon puppy jives more closely with

our era than other symbols. The question always is whether or not Koons endorsed the products or was paid royalties. A few years ago, Koons sued

a San Francisco book store called Park Life that was selling bookends by IMM Living. The image of a dog made of balloons did already exist at circuses and amusement parks all over the world. Koons lost, but balloon dog bookend sales went through the roof.

LifeStyle 35




$58.4 Million!

Gia Wang, 封面人物 音乐人兼品牌设计师、 美


Text: Nels Frye


2013 年 11 月 12 日,佳士得拍卖行于纽约洛 克菲勒中心举办了一场 “战后及当代艺术品” 夜拍。




杰夫·昆斯于 1994 至 2000 年间制作的著名橙色“气 球狗”在拍卖会华丽登场,最后被一位匿名电话 买家以 5840 万美元的天价拍得。这件采用高铬不 锈钢制作、外层涂以透明色的巨型装置作品也使 其作者昆斯成为拍卖史上“身价最高”的当代艺 术家。据《纽约时报》报道,这只橙色气球狗也 成为了最贵的由在世艺术家创作的拍品。 这 说 明 了 什 么 呢? 每 个 人 都 有 不 同 的 答 案——或因嫉妒而讽刺挖苦,或激进地煽动新一 轮的仇富情绪。它会成为大众消费者的潮流指标


还是金融精英的财富纪念碑?不过有一件事可以 肯定,昆斯已经成功地将我们生活中非常常见的 物品,比如孩子们的气球玩具这类东西,改造为 一件件奢侈品。我们请几位不同领域的专业人士 谈谈他们对这只天价气球狗是怎么看的。


An anonymous telephone bidder paid that

for Balloon Dog (Orange) (Executed in 1994–2000)

on November 12, 2013 at a Christie’s auction at Rockefeller center. This work in high chromium

polished stainless steel become “the most expensive work by a living artist sold at auction,” according to the New York Times.

What does this say about our world? There are

so many possible answers ranging from the satirical to the class envious. Is this a symbol of ultimate

consumerism or a monument to the vast wealth of the financial elite? One thing for certain is that Jeff Koons

managed to convert a very common place item - like


the balloon toys that children play with at parties -

into the ultimate luxury good. We asked a few friends to give us their thoughts on Balloon Dog.



36 LifeStyle



“杰夫·昆斯的气球狗作品再一次把世界艺术 玩家耍了,他用最简单有趣的方式突破了当代艺 术的制作规则。气球狗告诉你如果不具备艺术家 思维就永远别想成为艺术家。”

Gia Wang,音乐人兼品牌设计师、美国《新闻 周刊》封面人物 “Jeff Koons’ ‘Balloon Dog’ once again skewers

the art world, making fun of contemporary art with

satirical interventions. ‘Balloon Dog’ reveals that if you don’t think like an artist, you can never become an artist.” –Gia Wang, musician/Branding Designer, Newsweek Cover designer

“哈哈,我喜欢,但是喜欢的人太多也很烦。 昆斯从当代艺术蔓延到流行文化领域,但流行文 化有个悖论——太流行的时候也是即将被抛弃的 时候。”

李孟夏,资深媒体创意人 “Haha, I like it, but if too many people like it,

it’d be annoying. Koons has made the leap from contemporary art to pop culture, but it is paradoxically

true about pop culture that when something is hugely popular, it is about to be abandoned.” –Li Mengxia, Senior Media Creative

“虚无缥缈,无形无边无际之气 运用气球包裹,藉灵犬之体,(气) 你我感受着,气球包裹着气——气球狗,大 气包裹着人,周易之阴阳也。”

杜顺杰,周易大师 “The immense emptiness of invisible gas

这只狗究竟寓意何 在?看看艺术圈内 和圈外的人们都是 怎么说的。 What does it mean? LifeStyle asked some friends from inside and outside the art world for their opinions.

consumerist world reflected in its gleaming body is

worth celebrating. A great piece of art and an icon of our time.” - Nick Buckley Wood, Director, Pearl Lam Galleries Hong Kong

“只有孩子和那些艺术修养不高的人可能会 中意这只气球狗,也只有艺术史学家和学艺术的 学生们才会热衷于探讨这件作品。不管是否愿意, 我们都会被裹挟进昆斯气球狗这个热点话题,即 所谓现代艺术的讨论中来。对我来说,有多款可 供选择的糖果色气球狗只是当下一次性抛弃型文 化的代表而已。”

亚历山大·沙皮罗,北京印纪传媒战略主管 “Balloon dogs can be enjoyed by children and

those with limited artistic knowledge as well as being

discussed by art historians and art students. Love or hate a Koons balloon poodle you can not deny that they have become an essential topic within the

discourse and should be called modern art. For me, poodle balloon art in lots of candy colors is the perfect symbol for our disposable culture.” - Alexander

S h a p i ro , B r a n d S t r a t e g y a n d Planning, DMG Media, Beijing

“昆斯常因他过度商业化的作 品而饱受诟病。在艺术圈,要是你还在 说他或他的作品,其实已经 out 了。虽然赞同某 些人对他的质疑和批评,但我还是情不自禁地爱 上了这只气球狗。它夸张、炫目,是一个充满矛 盾的存在。我喜欢昆斯创造的这个看似充气体、 实为金属制的意象。它浑圆却极富生机,打破了

The use of balloons which wrap the gaseous


You and I feel. Balloons wrapping gas:


body of the Spirit Dog

the balloon dog, who encompasses the

atmosphere, repeating the dialectic of Yin and

Yang.” - Du Shunjie, Scholar of the Yi Ching (Book of Changes)

“就像特洛伊木马一样,这只气球狗用欢快、 夸张、奢华的外表吸引着每一位观者。它用那华 丽丽的造型说服我们(即使只是暂时的):当今 世界正处在快速发展的全球化进程中,这个世界 是多么地崇尚品牌和消费主义,一切的事情都是 那么地肤浅。这是一件伟大的艺术作品,也是我 们这个时代的标志。”

尼克·巴克利·伍德,香港艺术门画廊总监 “Like a trojan horse, Balloon Dog seduces people

with its joyous, bombastic, luxurious exterior and convinces us (even if only momentarily) that the

ever-more globalized, brand-obsessed, superficial,

的视觉效果在 14 世纪前后维查耶那加尔帝国 球形的乳房和曲线优美、极度性感的身体,事 实上却是由硬质合金打造的塑像。”

裴大利,裴大利当代艺术画廊创始人、总监 “Koons is frequently derided for his perceived

relentless, cynical commercialism; it has become

unfashionable in the art world to praise him or his

work. While I sympathize with the criticism, I cannot help but respond with delight to the iconic Balloon Dog. It is unapologetically bombastic, whimsical and ambivalent. I love the way Koons creates the illusion

of the pneumaticity of the balloon in mirror-polished stainless steel--the exuberantly rounded form subverts

the actual hardness of the medium. We see this same visual irony in Hindu copper sculptures of goddesses

from the Vijayanagar period (ca. 14th century), with their nearly spherical breasts and curvy, sensual bodies

rendered in hard metal.” - Tally Beck, Director and

Founder, Tally Beck Contemporary

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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


A Free Soul Takes Flight / P.40 李焱“ 花 ”开国博

A Flower Opens in the National Museum of China / P.48

汤唯的“黄金时代” Tang Wei in The Golden Age

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战火纷飞、洪水淹城的乱世景象中,萧红与爱人萧军共赴漂泊的旅途, 满目疮痍中追寻自由和爱情,这是影片《黄金时代》希望呈现给大家的故事。 而戏里戏外,汤唯也用属于自己的方式,诠释出一个属于她自己的“黄金时代”的自由灵魂。 A desolate, beautiful woman travelling through the war-torn cities of China’s pre-revolutionary era Xiao Hong’s amazing story is captured on film in “The Golden Age.” Tang Wei is perfect in the role of China’s famous feminist writer. Text: Yuki Zhang

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在刚刚闭幕的威尼斯国际电影节上,看完《黄金时代》的国外观众及媒体对于汤唯的表 演表示了高度的肯定,优雅、真实、专注以及鲜明的存在感,这些都是看完电影的观众对于 汤唯表演的评价,美国《综艺》杂志就评论称“女演员 ( 汤唯 ) 细腻敏感的凝视让观众更能 体会萧红的光辉才华”。 《呼兰河传》初读淡然,再读则透着一股张力,批判的锋芒掩映在淡然的娓娓道来中, 也像极了萧红的一生。这是反抗的一生,又是一个女人和四个男人的故事,其中追求自由的 精神,又与汤唯本人是何其相像。一路走来,她始终不曾妥协,就如同当年的萧红,面对战 火纷飞的乱世中,安然注视着喧嚣的世界。也难怪导演许鞍华在构架角色的时候,脑海中浮 现的第一人选就是汤唯。在饰演萧红的过程中,她身上的单纯、不畏也深深感染了汤唯,她 说自己演起来非常的享受, “偷偷的也好,骗一下自己也好,我还可以享受在单纯的世界里面”。 跨越长达 80 年的时空,两个自由的灵魂,碰撞出的,是令人无限期待的绚烂火花。

对话汤唯 你怎么看待萧红? 其实在她的人物性格里面,有一样东西我特别喜欢,也是我拼命地在寻找的。就是她是 一个那么透彻的人,但是她又那么的单纯,单纯的意思是她不用华丽的词去表示她所看到的 东西。她没有政治立场,她就是个无党派人士,她说的话就是我对政治不太擅长,不太了解, 但是实际上她把一切都看的清清楚楚。 为什么会接下来这个角色? 这么完整的一个角色,变化这么大的一个角色。真的是一场戏一段人生,我非常想尝试。 而且是没有试过的角色。我在拍这部戏之前已经一直期望甚至渴望能演一个在历史上真是存 在的过的人物,所以当我遇到她的时候,我是非常兴奋的。 这个戏完了,你需要在灵魂的这种记忆和精神方面去解脱吗? 我始终觉得我投入的不够,我现在在后悔,我为什么每一天没有按照萧红行为举止去做, 是我的功课没有做好,我平时跟你们大家说话的方式仍然是汤唯,我没有变成萧红。很多瞬 间我会要告诉自己,我要把萧红的照片上的那个样子,用意念贴到我的脸上,她的嘴巴是怎 么动的,她不会这样笑,。然后看着她那眼睛,她不会见人就笑,但是我会。有些时候我是 强忍着,不让自己笑,可能是做演员的职业习惯了,会笑,但是萧红不是那样的,她是一个 普通老百姓,她是内心有很多的事情不去诉说的一个人,这个东西我跟她不一样。我会诉说, 所以我会笑,我可能我会希望给身边的人亲切的感觉,而萧红她不会,所以这点上我跟她有 很大的差别。而在这部电影里我没有追寻着她的性格来过这 5 个月,我今天很遗憾。 出道以来你一直都在演主角,你觉得自己是个幸运的人吗? 我一直是一个态度,无论你戏有多少,你有一百多场戏还是只有一场戏或者只有一个镜 头,你是一个单独存在的个体,一个单独的活生生的生命。就像我现在跟你说话,你能说你 是主角我是配角吗?没有主配之分,其实你是主角你在踩着每一个人,每个人的命运都在你 的手上,再最后的剪辑,对我来说,就是这样的,我只是在尽可能的把我自己所感所受拿出 来,就够了。 你觉得这是一个你自己的黄金时代吗? 我觉得这是电影人的黄金时代,所以也会是我的黄金时代,我希望我成为一个合格的电 影人。

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Festival occasioned the debut of “Golden Age,” Tang


for her performance, with Variety (US) commending

How do you see Xiao Hong?

work for which Xiao Hong is best known, reveals her

phrases, but sincerely narrated what she saw. She has no political stance, and recused

The just-concluded Venice International Film

Wei’s new film. Viewers and media commended Tang her “gleaming intelligence.” Tales of Hulan River, the

as an iconic writer of her era; a proto-feminist who travelled through the world of her day in search of

Above all, her sincere character impresses me. She didn’t merely create beautiful

herself from commentary, but her writing captures an era brilliantly.

love, and art. The film dramatizes Xiao Hong’s life,

What allured you about this role?

freedom- a pursuit shared by Tang Wei. Like Xiao

while; and Xiao Hong’s life has never been satisfyingly captured on camera. The fact that

tempestuous love affairs and all, a life in pursuit of Hong, Tang Wei has never compromised; and just

as Xiao Hong embodied her era of war, Tang Wei is

The role is one I have been waiting for. I’ve been eager to act in a period drama for a

I like her writing made the role even more exciting.

an icon of today’s fast-changing times. No wonder

The role is over. Does Xiao Hong’s life story still linger in your mind?

of the film. Thinking about Xiao Hong, Tang Wei’s

tell myself that I’d smile like her, laugh like her, cry like her. I am not sure that I entirely

performances make her perfect for the role. 80 years


that she was the first choice of Ann Hui, director face came to mind; her simple elegance and sincere have passed since the death of Xiao Hong; finally an actress has emerged who can do the role justice.

I inhabited the role very deeply. Xiao Hong’s photograph became lodged in my mind; I’d

succeeded; her personality is rather different than mine. But the role will stay with me

Ever since your debut, you’ve been cast in leading roles- do you feel that you are lucky?

I’ve always believed that no matter how big the role, you’re still able to represent

yourself. Everyone is the protagonist of their own life- and from the biggest role to the smallest interview, I put my heart into everything that I do. Is today your own golden age?

It’s a golden age for cinema, at least, and so it’s my golden age too. I hope to become a

qualified filmmaker.

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李焱 「 花 」开国博

A Flower Opens in the National Museum of China

一个一直在与空白画 纸对话,从未停止过 对抗无声无色的画面 感的清纯女子,她用 诗人般的感触细腻地 描绘着自然景致中的 空灵和神奇,借用油 画的技巧展现出中国 山水画的神韵。 In dialogue with blank drawing paper, she has never stopped finding ways to express herself; her poetic nature comes out as she depicts nature scenery, an image at once ethereal and magical; her use of oil painting techniques lends Chinese landscape painting a new charm. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Liu Fei

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听李焱这个名字,是前不久几个朋友在讨论北京翰海 2014 春季拍卖会时。“旅日女画家李焱的一幅《天地合一》, 西式油画中颇有些中国水墨画的韵味,非常受买家青睐,很多买家竞相举牌,最后以 170 万人民币成交。”西式油

画中颇有些中国水墨画的韵味?我不禁好奇,是怎样的一个画家,能够把两种意境完美糅合在一块呢? 清纯的面孔,纤瘦的身躯,一身恰到好处的精致中式服装,宛如从中国水墨画中走下来的女子。恬淡,自信,

一尘不染,透彻的单纯,她的心灵是这般的干净,又是那般的善良……这便是我初见李焱时的感觉。 李焱出生在一个代代出画家的书香之家,自幼就对美术产生了浓厚的兴趣,凭借艺术天赋和辛勤努力,年少时 即在画坛崭露头角,被誉为“漓江画童”。8 岁起她就屡获多项国际国内绘画大奖。之后,她的足迹踏遍中国的名 山大川。她虚心求学,遍访名师,得到多位艺术前辈的指导和教诲。自上世纪 80 年代开始,她多次受邀在北京、上海、 香港、台湾及美国、英国、澳大利亚、日本等地举办个人画展和巡回展览,受到世界各地艺术界高度关注,反响强 烈。她还曾与台湾少年画家韩言松在北京中国美术馆举办海峡两岸联合画展,是建国以来海峡两岸美术界联合举办 的首次画展,意义重大,轰动海内外。她也因此成为国内在中国美术馆举办画展的最年轻的画家。 即便如此,因为对纯艺术的执着追求,18 岁的李焱放下光环,决定出国寻求更多的艺术突破。酷爱中国画的 日本某会社社长高原洪甲先生通过画展认识了李焱,当他得知她有出国的打算,便不顾 90 岁高龄,3 次飞赴桂林, 说服她来日学习。在高原先生的资助下,她顺利来到东京。凭借自己对油画创作的独特理解,她成功被多摩美术大 学录取,这一年是 1992 年。在面临专业选择时,她选择了油画。在她看来,中国画是点和线的艺术,而油画要靠 精准的直觉去感知和透视事物,长期以来画国画,在透视事物方面有不足,因此学油画虽然是一个全新的开始,却 能在绘画上有更多的体验。在多摩美术大学攻读硕士和博士期间,她一直都拿着日本文部省奖学金。 对于自小画国画,也因国画成名的她来说,选择自己并不熟悉的油画作为艺术创作的另一个起点,确实需要一 番勇气。谈起想画油画的初衷,她说:“缘起一次在日本美术馆的印象派展览。那天,我漫步于莫奈的《睡莲》和 梵高的《向日葵》之间,一束夕阳的彩光从美术馆窗户中照射进来。望着夕阳,再回头看这些画,那种丰富色彩带 来的感受非常美妙,真是自然与绘画的完美糅合。从那个时刻开始,我便想要把丰富的色彩运用到未来的绘画中。 当天我便买了油料和画材。第一次接触油画,也不知道该画些什么,于是就画了自己的肖像,这便是我的第一张油 画,也是对于一个新的时期开始的见证。” 当年的少女画家李焱在选择油画之初并没有考虑到这些,但是现在看来,她的选择是正确的,也是成功的。如 今,作为中国第一位油画女博士,她即将于 2014 年 10 月 14 日在中国国家博物馆举办画展。此次展出的五十多幅 作品是她精选出来的各个时期的代表作。这些作品处处彰显着自然和谐之美,流淌着生命运动之美,内蕴着她对生 活的理解,倾诉着她对生命独特的感怀体悟,而透过画面我们又能感受到一颗永远歌颂大自然的美好和人生快乐的 美丽灵魂。

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he name Li Yan immediately recalls that season when my friends were all discussing the Desert Spring Auction. Her painting “The Unity of the World” combined Western and Chinese techniques to realize a unique artistic vision. Her style was very popular with buyers, finally earning 1.7 million RMB au auction. In truth, the work is extremely

charming; looking at it, I couldn’t help but wonder what kind of an artist is capable of blending these two moods so perfectly.

With a pure face and slender body, dressed in exquisite Chinese clothing, Li Yan appears

like a character from a Chinese ink painting descended from the canvas into our midst. Tranquil, confident, thoroughly pure; her mind is so pure, and her kindness shines through.

She recalls the finest traditions of Chinese aesthetics, realized in a person; this is the feeling that I had when I first saw Li Yan.

Li Yan’s family has been painters for generations, so it is only natural that art should have

become an interest of heres. Her talent and hard work already was evident in her youth, as neighbors named her the “Lijiang child painter.” From the age of 8, she started to win awards for her painting, both internationally and domestically. She travelled to China’s

famous mountains and rivers, educating herself bit by bit by visiting teachers and getting

作者小记 Author’s Note:

personal guidance to develop her work. Since the beginning of the 1980s, she has been

holding personal exhibitions in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Taiwan, the United States,

England, Australia, Japan and many other places, gaining attention for her innovative style

of painting. She also worked with the Taiwan Junior Han Song exhibition held in Beijing, a cross-strait exhibition gallery- the first significant cross-strait exhibition of significance,

becoming a sensation at home and abroad. In so doing, she earned herself a place in the National Museum- the youngest painter to be accorded such an honor.

Despite all of this, her pursuit of pure art led eighteen-year-old Li Yan to go abroad to

seek an artistic breakthrough. Mr. Takahara, the president of a Japanese club dedicated to appreciation of Chinese painting, offered her a platform for exhibition abroad when he

learned of her desire to study further. With an enthusiasm belying his 90 years of age, he

flew to Guilin three times to see her, convincing her to come to Japan to further her study. With the support of his funding, she successfully came to Tokyo, and by virtue of her unique

understanding of oil painting was successfully admitted to Tama Art University in 1992.

She continued at Tama through a Masters degree and a doctorate, supported by a Japanese

government scholarship all the while. Finally, the time came for her to strike out on her own

as a painting. Her scholarship had furthered and deepened her understanding of Chinese 她的画,很美,有一种透彻的单纯。 她画作中具象的人或物很纯净很简单。 那些信手小画,纯朴干净,童心不泯, 幻想依依。例如,她爱画马,画双马 必定是并行互望的“情侣”,嘴角与 眼睛均含笑意;她爱画牡丹,其花重 典雅而非富贵,其叶必有几笔叶尖跳 出,活泼俏皮,使画面顿时生动。她 的抽象的形体与色彩,于层次中透露 的目的与意蕴皆很单一:天人合一的 领悟。 Her paintings attain a beauty in their simplicity. Her figurative work shows objects and persons very cleanly, almost in an ideal condition; her innocence has been preserved. She loves painting horses, peonies, and other elements from nature. Her abstract form and color all speaks the same language; it seems to be a language from heaven.

painting, which for her is the art of points and lines. She believes that painting should rely

on intuition to perceive an accurate perspective of things. Without doubt, her time at Tama helped her develop into the artist she is today.

The confidence required to innovate has required courage- Li Yan would be the first to

admit this. Recalling a long-ago trip to a museum, she said ‘In a Japanese exhibition of

Impressionism, I saw Monet’s “Water Lily Pond” and Van Gogh’s “Sunflowers,” and as the last rays of sunset streamed in through the window, I felt a rich surge of emotion- the love of

nature and art in perfect synchronicity. That very day, I bought oil paint and started painting on wood; not knowing what to paint, I simply executed a self portrait. This was my first painting- and the beginning of a new artistic phase.

Li Yan’s insight as a girlish student seems to have been a masterstroke; the path that she

began that evening has led her to a flourishing artistic career. Today, as China’s first PhD in oil painting, she will see a show of her work open on October 14, 2014, in National

Museum of China. Amongst the 50 pieces on display, masterpieces from each period of her development are featured. Each piece of work reveals the natural beauty of harmony the

beauty of life with its flowing movement, and shows her unique understanding of life. To observe them is to observe the beautiful joy of life itself.

LifeStyle 53

Promotion InterContinental Hotels & Resorts’ first China

heritage hotel-the InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin-

occupies one of Shanghai’s most prestigious estates. British newspaper magnate H.E Morris built the 100-acre walled garden complex in the heart of

the city in 1916. More than half a decade later, in 1979, it became Shanghai’s first state guesthouse, known as the Ruijin Hotel. The estate’s Art Deco

and French Provincial-style villas are set within

manicured gardens and have hosted numerous Chinese and global leaders, including Chairman Mao, Chiang Kai-Shek and US President Richard

Nixon. The gardens also house a wealth of historical treasures spanning several centuries, including

Shanghai’s oldest Dao temple site dating back 600

years and a 14th-century city water well surrounded

by ancient cinnamon trees and wisteria vines.

The hotel encompasses four heritage buildings


Sculpting in Time

and two new hotel wings. InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin presents 214 luxurious guestrooms, including

suites across two main buildings-namely The Club

InterContinental and the Reception Building. The Club InterContinental building recalls Shanghai’s

1930s glamour, with patterned marble floors,

coffered ceilings and intricate hardwood panelling. Large bespoke murals depict Shanghai street scenes

from the early 1900s. Extending from the Lobby, a cosy film library pays homage to the estate’s

proud cinematic history, as 42 movies have been

filmed here over the decades. The Library collection includes archival photographs of Chinese movie stars and film reels.

The nearby Reception Building updates the

glamour of Old Shanghai with a fresh, contempo-

rary design. The impressive lobby features a nine-

1916 年,时任上海跑马总会总董兼英 文时报《字林西报》董事的英国富商亨利· 马立斯购置了一片当时已是城中“热土”的 庄园。近半个世纪后的 1979 年,这里逐渐 成为接待党和国家领导人的宝地——瑞金宾 馆。早年毛泽东主席、周恩来总理等历届国 家领导人及包括美国前总统尼克松在内的多 国 政 要 都 曾 下 榻 于 此。1927 年, 蒋 介 石 与 宋美龄曾在酒店卧茵楼举办隆重的订婚仪 式,成就了一段传颂近一个世纪的佳话。如 今,毗邻淮海路商圈及众多市内著名旅游景 点,坐拥上海市中心 55000 平米花园绿地的 上海瑞金洲际酒店秉持洲际集团“深入洞悉, 知行天下”的品牌理念,为来自全球各地的 尊贵宾客提供原汁原味的旅行文化体验。上 海瑞金洲际酒店是洲际酒店及度假村集团在 大中华地区首家,也是目前唯一一家历史经 典品牌酒店。 酒店大理石样式地坪、方格天花板、精 致硬木画板等设计细节再现了 20 世纪 30 年

54 LifeStyle

代老上海的雍容华贵。大堂深处的大幅定制 壁画描绘着 20 世纪早期的上海城街景。沿着 洲际贵宾楼大堂踱步入内,一间彰显浓郁老 上海风情的电影图书馆展现眼前。复古壁炉 前陈列的影视剧照诉说着古往今来曾在酒店 取景拍摄的 40 余部影视佳作。 主楼在设计中完美糅合了老上海的摩登 风情与清冽简约的当代艺术设计之风。挑高 九层楼的椭圆形开阔中庭悬挂着两座各重 1.5 吨的巨型水晶吊灯,如此恢弘壮丽的大堂设 计令人过目难忘。具有百年历史的别墅群配 备诸多别具风格的客房,保留着百年来的原 始面貌,并以曾在此下榻过的名人为主题对 宾客开放入住。另一栋占地 900 平米的三层 总统楼则是上海城中最具艺术装饰风格的酒 店建筑。 值得一提的是,酒店共设中西两个餐厅。 馨源楼主理高档中餐,坐落在洲际主楼旁的 一栋红砖西洋式老楼中。该建筑始建于 1930 年,借鉴意大利文艺复兴时期建筑特色。

storey oval atrium illuminated by a glass ceiling

and two glittering crystal chandeliers, weighing 1.5 tons each. Bright, sunlit rooms are dressed in doveegg blue with Shanghai Deco style furnishings, up-

holstered lounges and luxurious marble bathrooms featuring 1930s-style bathtubs. A newly-renovated

900m2 Presidential Suite occupies an entire three-

storey villa, regarded as one of the finest examples of Art Deco architecture in Shanghai.

It is worth mentioning that InterContinental

Shanghai Ruijin thrills international and local gourmands with two destination restaurants. Especially

notable is the Xin Yuan Lou, a fine-dining Chinese restaurant occupying a French provincial style redbrick villa built in 1930.

No.118 Ruijin Er Road, Shanghai Tel: 021 6472 5222


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LifeStyle 55

Promotion 除了这些耳熟能详的名菜外,做法极其 考究的秘制豆豉蒸鳕鱼、江南桃汁水晶膏等 都将一一呈现。食客和戏迷这次终于有机会 一享融合传统文化视听享受的味觉盛宴。 Dong Xiaowan, was an amazing woman, a

gorgeous and talented queen. At 16 years of

age, she already had a sublime reputation. Mao

Pijiang’s concubine, she was one of the most beautiful women of China’s long history- and

known for the vivacious flair with which she approached life.

Mao Pijiang knew that his wife liked light

flavors, sweets, seafood, and fried food; they shared

cuisine even as they shared love. Certain dishes are associated with them to these days, such as drunken

clams, baked rabbit and pheasant in pastry, shrimp


Cuisine of Legendary Beauties 董小宛,金陵奇女子,姿色艳丽,才艺 双全。16 岁时便已芳名鹊起,与柳如是、陈 圆圆等同为“秦淮八艳”,是当时风尘女子 中的一流人才,后委身冒辟疆为妾,栖隐如 皋水绘园。然二人却是十分懂得享受生活的 一对伉俪,尽管董喜清淡,而冒喜香甜和海产、 风干、油炸类食品,但总是夫唱妇随,饮食 成为他们生活中最好的点缀。 史载,董小宛自制食品“醉蛤如桃花, 醉鲟骨如白玉,油鲳如鲟鱼,虾松如龙须, 烘兔酥雉如饼饵”。冒辟疆在《影梅庵忆语》 中也盛赞夫人的手艺:“火肉久者无油,有 松柏之味;风鱼久者如火肉,有麋鹿之味。” 火肉就是火腿。由于制作得法巧妙,吃起来 既健康又别具风味,时人誉之为“董菜”。

夏末秋初,新编越剧《董小宛与冒辟疆》 登陆上海。为配合此次演出,上海卓美亚喜 玛拉雅酒店迷·上海中餐厅特别推出了董小宛 的私房菜。有着顶级精湛厨艺的酒店中餐厅 主厨胡助勇先生将为戏迷和食客们呈现董菜 的独特魅力。以董菜中最著名的“董糖”为 开胃菜,芝麻花生酥可谓是董小宛制作的零 食小吃中的代表作。更有董菜另一力作董式 鱼肚荷包鸡,即鱼(余)肚(杜)白鸡。当 年董小宛求教于余淡心、杜菜村、白仲三位 名厨,按照他们的指点选定新生母鸡,脱骨 后填入水发鱼肚,用炒锅久炖后,汤清如水, 色白呈素,其口感浓郁,鸡鲜嫩,肚糯胶, 颇具扬州风味。而鼎鼎大名的小婉虎皮跑油 肉,俗称虎皮肉,又称“董肉”,其肉色泽 似虎皮,质地酥烂,醇香味美。

with asparagus, and many more. Mao Pijiang recounted in his memoirs that “the meat cooked without oil, with a delicate fragrance of pine and

cypress; the aroma of fish in the air, and the flavor of wild game.” These legendary dishes are today

known as “Dong cuisine,” providing a healthy and unique flavor.

Late this summer, a new opera “Dong Xiaowan

and Mao Pijiang” debuted in Shanghai. Keeping

pace with the culture scene, the Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai’s Fan • Chinese Restaurant

launched a special private menu. With the culinary expertise of top chef Mr. Hu Zhuyong, fans and

diners will experience the unique charm of the “Dong flavor.” The “Dong flavor” is most famous for the use of “Dong sugar” in appetizers. The

sesame peanut cakes can be described as being one of Dong Xiaowan’s favorite snacks - a wellcrafted masterpiece. Another typical “Dong food”

is the delicious double boiled soup with chicken

filled fish maw- a dish with a unique story behind

it. The traditional story about the invention of the

dish involves Dong Xiaowan’s voyage to a remote

village in the Yangzhou region, and includes all of

the delicious flavor that you would expect, with tender chicken and a rich taste. Dong Xiaowan’s menu might also include braised deep-fried pork with soy sauce, with a mellow taste.

These beloved and familiar dishes, as well as an

extremely sophisticated steamed cod fish prepared with lobster and Jiangnan crystal peach juice with

jelly, will be presented one by one. Finally, diners and opera fans will have a chance to enjoy a fusion of traditional culture and an audiovisual feast.

6F, 1108 Meihua Road, Pudong, Shanghai Tel: 021 3858 0768

56 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.58 人物

Profile / P.70 美食美客

Foodie / P.78 旅游

Travel / P.88

巴黎香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-La Hotel, Paris

LifeStyle 57




恋爱之城“巴黎”发音都免不了舌尖一番缠绵辗转,犹如情人的呢喃浅语, 让你的心都柔软起来。秋夜静寐,与巴黎一起沉醉在浪漫与优雅中。 Paris, capital of the 19th century; you are most beautiful in autumn. LifeStyle takes you on a tour of the most elegant hotels in the city of light. Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Respective hotels

巴黎半岛酒店 The Peninsula Paris

LifeStyle 59




Hotel Edouard VII

60 LifeStyle

与法国人为纪念爱德华七世而铸造的爱德华七世骑马塑像一样,这座酒店也是纪念这位曾经下榻于此的威尔士亲王的百年古迹。 爱德华七世酒店建于 1877 年,属纯正的奥斯曼建筑风格。骑马塑像毗邻爱德华七世酒店,且面向爱德华七世剧院。爱德华七世对巴黎 有着非常深厚的感情,酒店前身正是其在巴黎期间的主要住所。他喜欢在阳台上眺望著名的建筑艺术杰作加尼叶歌剧院,会见当时名流, 与密友欢聚。如今,这座巴黎右岸中心地带的地标酒店已全新升级为时装酒店,温馨亲密的氛围,法国时装店的优雅气质,别致的巴黎 风格与周围富有文化气息的建筑完美融合。其全新设计淋漓尽致地展现了这位威尔士亲王的形象——风格大胆、极富个性、充满吸引力 以及戏剧效果。 在这个全球最浪漫都市,爱德华七世也许算得上最浪漫的酒店了。这家酒店也是全球独立酒店集团 Worldhotels 的成员。 Worldhotels 在全球 65 个国家 250 个地点拥有近 500 家别树一帜的独立酒店,以“Where Discovery Starts”为口号,为精明的旅客提供 正宗地道的下榻体验。 Edward VII, King of England was a great lover of Paris, and made the Hotel Edouard VII his Paris residence for exploring the city and admiring the

unrestricted view from the balconies over the Opéra Garnier. A refined, elegant man, and a great lover of fashion, it is to him that we owe the three-piece suit, which was created in Paris especially at his request. The Hotel Edouard VII, built in 1877 in pure Haussmanian style, has thus paid tribute over the centuries to its illustrious guest. The French authorities did likewise, having decided after his death to create Place Edouard VII in his honour a few steps from the

hotel and to erect an equestrian statue to his glory (the sculptor Paul Landowski was chosen, in a competition) in front of the renowned eponymous theatre

which opened its doors not long afterwards. The hotel has recently been remodelled and updated, inspired by the personality of Edward VII: Audacity, Seduction, Character, and Theatricality.

In the most romantic city in the world, this might be the most romantic of all hotels - it’s no surprise that the Edouard VII is a member of Worldhotels,

which is a global brand offered by almost 500 hotels in 250 destinations across 65 countries worldwide. With the tagline “Where Discovery Starts” it targets savvy business and leisure travellers that seek an authentic and local experience when choosing a hotel.

LifeStyle 61




Four Seasons Hotel George V

62 LifeStyle

矗立于塞纳河畔的乔治五世四季酒店从 20 世纪 20 年代建造 伊始便因豪华著称于世。它还见证了国际联盟与 J.P. 摩根的谈判; 在巴黎从纳粹手中解放过程中,它是艾森豪威尔将军的根据地。 而法国奢侈品牌圣罗兰曾在这里举办时装秀。从颇具传奇色彩的 14 米深地下酒窖到巴黎最大的酒店舞厅,乔治五世酒店不愧是四 季品牌的一贯奢华、极致优雅和乔治五世时期的历史遗迹成功结 合的一个范例。 The Parisian offering of the 4 Seasons has been the site of a luxury

hotel since the 1920s, when it made design history. The hotel has seen

negotiations of the League of Nations with J.P. Morgan, been General

Eisenhower’s base during the liberation of Paris from the Nazis, and hosted Yves St. Laurent’s fashion shows. The contemporary visitor will

not be disappointed; from exquisitely stocked wine-cellars, to the largest

hotel ballroom in Paris, to the central Champs-Elysees location, the hotel

combines all of the heritage of the George V with all of the luxury and high standards of elegance of the Four Seasons.

LifeStyle 63




The Peninsula Paris

64 LifeStyle

巴黎十六区克贝尔大道 19 号半岛酒店所在的大楼自建成以来,一直都是巴黎地标建筑。 这是一座 19 世纪末古典法式风格酒店建筑,原址是 1908 年开幕,可谓当时巴黎最有代表性的 大酒店之一。美国著名作曲家乔治·格什温在这里完成了代表作《一个美国人在巴黎》。它曾 是二战后联合国教科文组织筹委会所在地,还曾是法国外交部旗下的国际会议中心。而它最让 人沉醉的却是那一抹东方风情:莉莉中餐厅以精致正宗的粤菜提升了巴黎的中菜水平,这里的 小吃点心比之香港最佳食府都毫不逊色;其中式戏剧与法式歌剧设计主题视觉效果强烈,亮点 密集令人目不暇接,大理石柱、原装雕塑、湛蓝的墙壁与水晶吊灯、极具气派的漆红帘幕等、 取材自上海某会堂设计的穹顶、惊艳的艺术品以及入口处的光纤画作……酒店的克勒贝尔阳台 堪称巴黎最大的密封式阳台。在充满未来感的不锈钢顶篷下,欣赏巴黎闹巿景致之余,可随时 享用美食和佳酿,十分悠闲写意。 The Peninsula represents a touch of Asian luxury in the heart of Europe. The heritage building has

experienced many high points; George Gershwin composed his “An American in Paris,” the headquarters

of UNESCO in 1946, and the conference centre for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs since 1958; the Paris Peace Accords which brought the Vietnam war to a close were signed here. But we love the hotel for its

modern Asian style; the Cantonese restaurant, Lili, rivals the best in Hong Kong for dimsum. When feeling

homesick, there’s nothing better than a lavish spread of Chinese-style snacks on La Terrasse Kléber- Paris’ largest outdoor dining terrace.

LifeStyle 65



66 LifeStyle


Hôtel de Sers

人人都爱巴黎,因为她像一位风姿卓越的美人,岁月磨砺了她的美,却没留给她迟暮的痕 迹,相反,她是那么时髦风尚,拥有摩登社会的所有舒适和便利设施,让每一位来访者尽兴而 归。德瑟尔斯酒店坐落于繁华的香榭丽舍大街背后,曾经见证过 19 世纪巴黎上流社会社交生 活的壮观华丽。酒店的前身是一栋家族宅邸,由塞尔斯侯爵于 1880 年下令建造。1935 年,它 被改造成为一间旅店。到 2002 年,酒店的主人决定重新装修,形成一种兼容并蓄的室内风格。 凭借细致周到的豪华服务和现代化的设计,德瑟尔斯于 2009 年成功跻身五星级酒店行列。在 这里可远眺巴黎古老的教堂和迷人的街道,巴黎人必不可少的露台变成了可爱的屋顶和私人花 园,还有三款风味各异的鱼子酱可选,再配上一杯醇美香槟,浓浓法式风情尽在舌尖!值得一 提的是,作为全球独立酒店集团 Worldhotels 的成员,德瑟尔斯尊重原有建筑的历史价值,保 留了原本风貌,于法国古典风情之中尽显现代奢华,堪称新与旧的完美结合。 We go to Paris looking for the charm of the 19th century; but when we arrive, we expect the most modern

amenities. The Hôtel de Sers bore witness of the splendour of nineteenth century Parisian society life. Built in 1880 as a private family mansion, it has been open as a hotel since 1935. With all the charms of the Belle Epoque, it was modernized in 2002; the new design was such a hit that in 2009, the hotel received its fifth star. From an ambience of modern luxury, you will look out onto ancient churches and the charming streets

of Paris. Last but not least, that Parisian necessity, the terrace, is represented both by a lovely rooftop and a private garden, with a caviar and champagne tasting menu. For the perfect combination of old world luxury

and the latest, most modern amenities, the Hôtel de Sers is an outstanding choice, and a member of the Worldhotels group.

LifeStyle 67



68 LifeStyle


Shangri-La Hotel, Paris 甫抵巴黎香格里拉大酒店,高雅脱俗的环境让人想起这座历史名宅背后的传奇。这里曾是 拿破仑的侄孙罗兰王子的府邸。来到房间,窗外触手可及的埃菲尔铁塔和塞纳河醉人的景致让 人着迷。房间里的装饰保留了昔日法式卧房的优雅风韵,从精雕细琢的家具到精美的布艺和艺 术品,处处流露着浓郁的巴黎风情。这里是巴黎市中心,位于蒙田大道和乔治五世大街的知名 设计品牌精品店就在不远的转角处。如果你想避开都市的喧嚣,旁边的杜乐丽花园是不错的选 择。它可是巴黎最令人着迷的花园之一。 Arriving at the Shangri-La Hotel, Paris, more sophisticated guests will recall its legacy as the former

home of Napoleon Bonaparte’s grandnephew, Prince Roland Bonaparte. In your room, views of the Seine illuminated by moonlight and a truly commanding view of the Eiffel Tower will fill you with that Parisian “je ne said quoi.” The old-world elegance of your room, adorned with the fine work of craftsmen, is mirrored

in the city just below. It’s a perfect location for shopping: exclusive fashion designers on Avenue Montaigne and Avenue George V are just around the corner, waiting for your attention. And when you’ve had enough of the bustle of the city, stroll through the Jardin des Tuileries, just around the corner.

LifeStyle 69



更好的服务 更好的理念 Better Service, Better Concept 北京财富中心千禧公寓总经理 何家航在酒店业耕耘三十余载, 聊起酒店服务,尤其是服务型 酒店公寓,他有着诸多独到的 见解,还有对后辈的殷殷希望。 Joe Ho, General Manager of the Millennium Residences Beijing Fortune Plaza, discusses problems with service in the hospitality industry, especially serviced apartments, and his hopes for the future development of the industry. Text: Nels Frye

70 LifeStyle

你认为服务型酒店公寓当前面临的最大问 题是什么? 我觉得未来十年酒店及服务型酒店公 寓的质量管理水平会是行业共同关注的焦 点。不得不说,上世纪七八十年代培养出 来的那批管理人才的确比现在的要强,新 生代管理者普遍不那么努力,不那么敬业 了。因为现在酒店的数量增长太快,公寓 管理人员短短十年内就能升为总经理。事 实上,他们还缺乏足够的经验。相对个人 能力而言,国际化公司更加注重管理者对 企业文化内涵的理解。有了这种文化认同 感,真正的专业训练和特定技能的习得要 依赖于多年实践,积累不同部门工作经验。 你说的这个问题对客人有什么影响? 新生代管理者不懂得如何有效地管理 他人,他们被训练成“老板”,下午 6 点 后就几乎见不到人,更别提周末了,这在 无形中疏远了与员工的距离。而管理的要 义是要激发下属工作热情和工作积极性, 要对其团队有足够的了解。年轻的经理们 也不愿花时间去理解“运营”的真正含义, 因为他们知道自己两三年后极可能会调去 另一家。他们只知道发指令、派任务,而 不知道中层管理人员无力解决问题。 所有这 些问题都会在客人的体验中显 露出来。现在的客人,尤其是中国客人对 服务的要求变得前所未有的高。要满足这 个要求,新的管理层应该接受老一辈管理 者们受过的传统训练。酒店管理公司要修 正现在的培训模式,各家酒店要优化原有 模式,其目的是通过一个个具体案例来实 现管理者与工作实境的零距离。 服务型酒店公寓管理人员应该懂得哪些东西? 服务型酒店公寓和酒店是不一样的, 但现在很少有管理者能真正理解这点。服 务型酒店公寓的管理人员需要与客人建立 更深的联系,因为他们是长期住户,其中 很多是高端职业人士。与酒店相比,服务 型酒店公寓的经理们要了解每一位客人的 习惯,掌握更细节化的客人资料,同时还 要了解多元文化。日本人相对于欧美人更 注重卫生与安全状况,所以我们的工作人 员都戴手套,进房间都要脱鞋,并且保安 要对客人的情况加强关注。欧美人更看重 环保,他们会对房间的空气质量格外关注, 比如房间内的甲醛含量及 PM2.5 含量,例 如他们要求在房间内放置瑞士产的 IQair 空 气净化器作为出租房的标配。 中国人传统上并不习惯租房住,你如何开 拓服务型酒店公寓市场? 这话有一定的道理,但也不是完全正

确。市场需求可以通过促销等手段创造出 来,让客人看到实惠。二三十岁正是年轻 人追求更高生活品质的时候,他们不会想 要郊区的别墅,打理起来麻烦不说,还要 花大把时间在交通上。在产品的丰富程度 上,服务型酒店公寓则要跟酒店看齐。既 然酒店行业中细分出精品酒店,为什么就 不能有精品服务型酒店公寓呢?现在服务 型酒店公寓只有一种类型,只迎合商务旅 客,太单调了,没有迎合大众旅客的居住 需求,从而去引起他们的兴趣。那些新建 的服务型酒店公寓,理念和设计都需要随 着时代的进步而发展。在新加坡、伦敦、 东京等城市,服务型酒店公寓就非常有吸 引力,竞争也相当激烈。每个市场都不一样, 都有自己的特点。服务型酒店公寓只有在 不断革新的基础上,更快适应发展新趋势, 才能在中国市场占有一席之地。


What do you think is the biggest issue for

leaders in business or other fields. Managers need

All of this shows up in the guest experience.

Guests – especially in China – want ever better service right at the moment when it is getting worse. To meet this demand, new management must be trained the way we were in the old

days. Management companies need to revise their current model for training managers and let individual hotels refine the model. The goal should

be bringing managers closer to actual situations, through case studies.

What do managers of serviced apartments need to know?

Apartments and hotels are different, but

managers today rarely understand this. Managers of serviced apartments need to develop deeper relationships with guests because they are there

for the long-term. Many are high-profile figures,

serviced apartments today?

to understand the habits of individual clients

apartments and hotels will be an area of concern

more detailed in comparison to hotels. You also

managers are of a lower level of quality than

about hygiene and security than Europeans or

younger generation is less dedicated and not as

staff to wear shoes in the rooms. Europeans and

in the number of properties, today’s department

PM2.5 levels, so installing IQAir machines is a

The quality of management in serviced

and guests profiles in the system need to be far

in the industry over the next ten years. New

need to understand culture. Japanese care more

what was produced in the ‘70s and ‘80s. This

Americans. We use gloves and I don’t allow

hard-working. Because there is so much growth

Americans want to maximize their protection from

managers will be General Managers without

good idea.

they will lack the experience needed to handle

Turning to the serviced market as a whole,

making managers understand the culture of the

apartments? Chinese don’t traditionally don’t

spending enough time learning the business, and

a property. International companies prioritize

how do you develop the market for serviced

group rather than their abilities. Knowing the

like to rent.

training and specific skill-set – much of this comes

through promotions, showing them the benefits.

many years.

for a higher quality life. They don’t want to stay

Why does this matter to our readers, to guests

to manage and spend half their day in traffic.

culture is good, but you have to have the real

from experiencing different parts of the hotel over

Yes and no. You have to create the need,

Young people in their 20s and 30s are looking out of town in a huge villa that is a huge hassle

at hotels?

Serviced apartments must be developed to have

people. Management is about motivating and

there be boutique serviced apartments – like with

trained to be bosses, not managers. You can’t see

boring. When new properties are developed, the

there over the weekend. They aggressive distance

In Singapore, London, Tokyo and other cities,

in and don’t take time to understand operations

quite attractive. Not like here where they are all

to another property in two or three years. Today

Every market is different and serviced apartments

up. They only know how to delegate things

survive in China.

The new managers don’t know how to manage

the same diversity of product as hotels. Why can’t

understanding your team. Managers today are

hotels? Now there is just one type, which is quite

a GM after 6pm these days and they are rarely

concepts and designs need to be more developed.

themselves from the staff. Young managers come

serviced apartments are pretty competitive and

because they know they are likely to be transferred

pretty similar and cater only to corporate travelers.

orders are passed down – but nothing is taken

will have to adjust to trends faster and innovate to

downwards without knowing that the middle

managers themselves are not equipped to handle

LifeStyle 71



上海秘密花园 Shanghai’s Best Kept Secret 科里先生的职业轨迹遍布全球, 再加上世界各地的旅行经历, 使得他对酒店业发展有着颇为 独到的见解。 Christophe Lajus is the epitome of professionalism and experience - and after working and travelling all over the world, he has made Shanghai his home. Here, he shares his thoughts about the hospitality industry. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

have been my teachers and others my students, sharing moments in the lives of some of the

most interesting and diverse guests, and last but not least the many hundreds of staff that I have

worked with throughout my career, some of

whom remain friends to this day. China is a land

of contrasts, the old with the new, modern on the surface yet so traditional in its’ thinking, fast to

act yet slow to respond, which makes it all the more interesting to work and live here.

Especially as someone who has travelled the world, what defines hospitality for you?

Personalized service. Service with a smile and

going that extra mile. People who deliver more than their job descriptions with efficiency and

care, making you feel welcomed each and every time.

You’ve been in Shanghai for a long time now.

你在很多地方工作过,其中最珍贵的记忆 是什么?在你看来,中国为什么与众不同 呢? 在牙买加首都金斯敦的大皇家港码头 水疗酒店工作的时候,我遇到了我的妻子, 这算是最难忘的回忆了。1997 年香港回归 中国前,我还住过著名的香港礼宾府。其 实还有很多经历,特别是认识了很多亦师 亦友的同事。我们一起奋斗,有些即使分 开了,现在依然是很好的朋友。在我看来, 中国是一个包容性很强的国家——历史和 现代在这片古老的土地碰撞出绚烂的火花, 还有飞速发展的现代化进程与深深植根于 人心的传统观念,这些都让我在这里的工 作和生活变得十分有趣。 作为一个几乎周游过世界的酒店人,你认 为什么是酒店的核心竞争力? 酒店就是要为客人提供个性化服务。 酒店每个工作人员都笑脸相迎,以诚相待, 尽心竭力做到最好,为客人提供满意高效 的服务。

早已适应这里的快节奏生活,习惯了这里 无时无刻不在发生的变化。上海就是我的 家。

feel at home there?

Being a witness to all the changes that have

taken place since my arrival in Shanghai in 2006

下一步有什么规划吗?上海世博洲际酒店 有什么特别之处?

make it truly unique. When I first moved to

去年十月接任上海世博洲际酒店总经 理以来,我一直在积极推动酒店业务发展, 同时强化我们的品牌形象建设。作为现任 华东区区域总经理,我同时需要负责五家 洲际酒店的管理工作,我将一如既往做好 自己的工作。说到上海世博洲际酒店,最 特别的要数那两座超美的私人花园,再加 上 9 座上世纪三十年代遗留下来的独栋别 墅,绝对是举办各类户外活动的理想场所。 客人置身其中便可体味历史与现代交错间 最独特的上海风情。

live, but today it is both interesting and exciting,

You have worked all over the world. What are some of your most treasured memories - and what makes China stand out for you?

Meeting my wife in Jamaica while managing

a Hotel & Marina in Port Royal just outside of

在上海呆了这么久,是什么让你对上海这 座城市情有独钟?

Kingston; being a guest at Government House

2006 年我来到上海,亲眼见证了这些 年来这座城市的一切变化。刚来时,我只 是觉得来到新地方,一切都很有趣;而现在,

handover back to China, and others too many to

72 LifeStyle

What makes the city special for you- and do you

in Hong Kong in June 1997 just prior to the

name, all which embody the people that I have met along the way–my colleagues, many whom

Shanghai I found the city an interesting place to fast paced and forever changing. As long as you realize that the only constant is change and

remain flexible then you will feel totally at home in Shanghai.

What’s next for you, and for the hotel? Any

features in the hotel that are especially of note?

Since accepting my position as General

Manager of Intercontinental Shanghai Expo last

October, I will now actively assume my role as

Area General Manager for five Intercontinental Hotels in the East China region, to help drive the business and strengthen the brand, as I did when I was Area General Manager for the Crowne Plaza Hotels in Shanghai. Shanghai’s best kept secret,

the Intercontinental Shanghai Expo showcases

two beautiful private gardens that are the ideal settings for any outdoor event with 9 freestanding 1930’s historical villas connecting guests to both the past and the present.


国宴 : 成都钓鱼台精品酒店 的尊贵礼遇

State Banquet at the Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu

The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu is conveniently

located in the stylish urban block of Kuanzhai Alley,

being the first ever”Diaoyutai Boutique” brand hotel under Diaoyutai MGM Hospitality. Served

by a team of Diaoyutai chefs who have served thousands of distinguished guests from all over the world, The Royal Court Restaurant will elevate food connoisseurs’ appreciation to new heights.

To cater for visiting celebrities from around the

world, State Guesthouse has developed an elaborate cuisine of delicious and healthy food, bringing the

best of the exotic cuisines of other countries as well

成都钓鱼台精品酒店坐落于具有 300 多年历史的都市风情 街区——成都宽窄巷子,是钓鱼台美高梅酒店集团旗下全球首 家“钓鱼台精品”品牌酒店。酒店主推钓鱼台国宴菜,由曾服 务于上千位国宾的钓鱼台国宾馆行政副总厨黄国良先生带领厨 师团队主理。 为适应接待各国贵宾的需要,钓鱼台国宾馆广采博取,撷 英集精,上及宫廷肴馔谱录,下采民间风味小吃,外及世界各 国风味,内及国内八大菜系,形成“清鲜淡雅,淳和隽永”的 风味特色,被国内外贵宾和中国烹饪协会称为“钓鱼台菜”。 钓鱼台菜有上千种菜式,已有八百多位来访的外国元首、政府 首脑品尝过。“虫草花狮子头”,“酸辣乌鱼蛋汤”都是其代 表性菜肴。 国宴,是国家元首或政府首脑为国家的庆典或为外国元首、 政府首脑来访而举行的规格最高的正式宴会。钓鱼台的管理者 和烹调师们对国宴菜单的编制极为重视。每套菜单由冷菜、热菜、 甜品点心和水果四部分组成,结构合理、菜量适中、荤素搭配, 中西结合。钓鱼台的国宴实行分餐制,一客一份,一菜一式, 赏心悦目,并且在展示一流佳肴,一流服务的同时,场地安排、 环境布置、餐台装饰、器皿配备诸方面,样样精心,呈现出豪 华气派,庄重典雅的场面。 现在,黄国良先生及其带领的国宴烹饪团队将钓鱼台国宴 美食带到了成都钓鱼台精品酒店“御苑”国宴餐厅。他自 1978 年加入钓鱼台国宾馆,至今已经服务于钓鱼台国宾馆 36 年,熟 知钓鱼台国宴菜系每一道菜品。作为北京钓鱼台国宾馆行政副 总厨,他曾先后亲自掌勺全世界几百位国家领导及政府贵宾的 重要宴席,服务过包括美国总统及英国女王在内的诸多国家元 首,还代表国宾馆先后出访香港、韩国、日本、法国等地。 有什么理由可以拒绝这个东方古国最尊崇的待客之道呢? 何不在此揭开国宴的神秘面纱,享用由真正的中国烹饪大师亲 制的钓鱼台国宴美食!

as local food across China that range from imperial

delicacies to hawkers’ snacks. Called Diaoyutai cuisine by Chinese and foreign

gourmets and the China Society of Gastronomy, the food is light, mild and exquisite.

More than one thousand dishes have been served for over 800 heads of state and government. Meatballs and Cuttlefish Soup are representative dishes.

The state banquet is the highest ranking official banquet hosted by Chinese heads

of state and government for national celebrations or in honor of their counterparts

from other countries. The managers and master chefs of Diaoyutai attach great importance to, and are most careful in developing the menus. Each menu is composed of cold and hot dishes, dessert and fruit, combining Chinese and Western cuisines and providing a suitable combination, and appropriate variety of dishes of meat, poultry, fish and vegetables. At a state banquet in Diaoyutai, each participant is served an

individual portion. Each course differs in style, and is pleasing to the eye and heart. While providing first rate food and service, the state banquet at Diaoyutai demands

meticulous arrangements for the banqueting hall and its setting, exclusive tableware and table decorations in order to present a luxurious, elegant and imposing scene.

Since joining Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in 1978, Chef Rick Huang has

accumulated over 36 years of experience at Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, being familiar

with every single dish of Diaoyutai Cuisine. While he was the Executive Sous-Chef of Diaoyutai State Guesthouse in Beijing, Chef Huang prepared meals for hundreds of heads of state and government leaders from all over the world including the President

of the United States and the Queen of Great Britain, as well as many celebrities. Chef

Huang has also brought his cooking skills and deep understanding of the Diaoyutai Cuisine to Hong Kong, Korea, Japan and France. Now Chef Huang and his team are

bringing the exquisite Diaoyutai cuisine to “Royal Court” State Banquet Restaurant, The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu.

How lovely it is that guests now have the opportunity to enjoy the Diaoyutai dishes

that are skillfully prepared by a true Chinese Master Chef. 38–39 Kuan Alley, Qingyang District, Chengdu Tel: 028 6625 9999

LifeStyle 73



趣意、地道和独特 Intriguing, Indigenous, and Independent 上海漕河泾万丽酒店总经理冯福 明先生分享自己对万丽品牌的见 解、最喜欢的运动,还有沪上品 尝韩国料理的最佳去处。 Mr. Gary Fung, General Manager of Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel, shares his inspired vision of the Renaissance brand, his love of sport, and his favorite spot for Korean food in Shanghai. Editor: Jacob Dreyer 你为万豪服务了 22 年,为什么这个品牌与自 己的性格如此契合?你怎么看待这个品牌? 22 年里我效力过的万豪旗下品牌包括 JW 万豪、万丽、万怡及行政公寓等,每一 个品牌都独具风格和特色,不过我最偏爱 万丽,因为它呈现出诸多革新时尚元素。 我是一个思想开明、精力充沛的人,万丽 跟我的性格和工作理念比较搭。 筹开新酒店总是充满挑战,跟我们分享一 下个中滋味吧。 到目前为止,我总共参与过三家酒店 的筹开工作,其中两次是任职总经理。筹 开酒店最具挑战性、最重要的部分是将万 豪的标准和企业文化落到实处。在我们的 企业理念中,员工和顾客同等重要。如何 公平地对待员工并照顾好他们的需求,对 于酒店的成功非常关键。他们大部分来自 于不同的酒店和公司,背景各不相同,选 用具备良好服务意识和高工作承诺的员工 是非常重要的一环。与业主团队协力合作, 迅速占有高市场份额,也是重中之重。 聊聊你自己吧,比如你的嗜好——在斯里 兰卡的壁球比赛,或者在英国的旅行经历, 任何有趣的事情都可以。 我刚才说过,我是一个精力充沛的人, 特别钟爱各种运动和锻炼。我打壁球快 30 年了,它已经成为我生活方式的一部分。

74 LifeStyle

我参加了在斯里兰卡举办的 Asian Master Squash 和今年的香港 World Master Squash Tournament。另外,我和我儿子每周末都会 去踢球,这已经成为我们家固定的一项活 动了。我们俩都是利物浦球迷,几年前还 跑去利物浦看英格兰足球超级联赛。还有 一个想跟大伙儿分享的经历,在香港时我 参加过“毅行者”活动,它是香港规模最 大的远足筹款活动,每 4 人一组,要在 48 小时内完成 100 公里跨越多座高山的麦理 浩径全程。这些活动都非常强调团队协作, 要想达到最终目标,就得迎接体力和精神 的双重挑战。我喜欢竞技体育的主要原因 之一就是它们能塑造更强的个性品质。我 在运动场上的收获,也让我在其他方面受 益良多。 上海酒店业竞争异常激烈,上海漕河泾万 丽酒店如何成为个中翘楚?跟我们分享一 下它的独特之处吧。 万丽“R.E.N. 会议”打造别开生面的 会议体验,展现了万丽的个性,也凸显了“趣 意、地道和独特”的品牌价值。这个平台 为旅客提供一系列与众不同的设施及充满 启发性的地道体验,另一方面通过特 色活 动持续吸引、满足会议策划方和与会人士。 最后,我忍不住要推荐一下我们的雾山餐 厅,它以地道的韩国料理在沪上韩国圈里 享有盛誉。 酒店业一样需要从业人员的不懈努力,是 什么让你永葆热情的? 酒店需要给客人提供最优质的服务和 满足客户需求。这么多年,我觉得我很幸 运能一直为万豪服务。在这里我学到了很 多东西,对这个行业的认识也逐步加深。 为了让酒店取得更好的发展,无论是团队 合作还是寻求收益机会,我总是充满热情, 并且乐此不疲。此外,为万豪乃至整个行 业发掘更多人才也是我的工作范围。如果 我能培训我的员工更好地完成本职工作、 实现职业目标,我会非常有成就感。这是 工作带给我最大的满足,也是让我继续留 在万豪和酒店业的动力。 You’ve spent 22 years with the Marriot brand. What defines the brand for you, and why is it such a good fit with your own personality?

In my 22 years with the company, I worked

for different brands including, JW, Marriott, Renaissance, Courtyard and MEA. All of these

brands are very unique with own style and

character. However, Renaissance is my favorite brand, as it represents a lots of creative and stylist

elements. I am a very open-minded and energetic person and therefore the Renaissance brand really

fits my own personality and work philosophy.

challenges to achieve your goal. One of the main

Opening a new hotel is always challenging. Tell

me to build up a stronger personality and character.

us about some challenges you have faced, and those you anticipate ahead.

So far I had 3 hotel opening experience with

reason I enjoy competitive sports is that they help The strength I get on the playing field serves me equally well off of it.

two opening assignment as General Manager. One

Shanghai has many wonderful hotels. How will

hotel opening is to implement all of the Marriott

crowd? Tell us about some of the special features

of the most important and challenging parts for

standards and culture. In our corporate philosophy,

both customers and associates are equally important,

the Renaissance Caohejing stand out from the of the hotel or those that are most unique.

R.E.N.Meetings was developed to deliver

therefore treating our associate fairly and taking care

a unique meeting experience, showcasing the

an opening project, the majority of the team comes

the inspired brand values: intriguing, indigenous,

of their need are critical for a hotel’s success. For from different hotels and companies with very

different backgrounds. Selecting the right staff with

a good hospitality approach and a high level of work commitment is an important step for hotel opening

success. Working well with the owner’s team, and quickly achieving high market share, are also key areas of focus.

Tell us about yourself and your own hobbies-

personality of the brand, as well as celebrating

and independent. This platform creates distinctive

experiences, identifies key customer touch points, and executes signature programming to consistently intrigue and satisfy our meeting

planners and attendees. On a separate note, I can’t help but mention our “Smoki Moto” restaurant- is renowned in the Korean community in Shanghai for authentic, delicious Korean cuisine.

whether the squash tournament in Sri Lanka,

The hospitality industry demands unflagging

and interesting stories.

what hospitality means to you, and what

your travels in the UK, or any other colorful

I am a very sporty and energetic person and enjoy

sports and exercise. I have played squash for almost

hard work from those involved in it. Tell us inspires you to keep going.

Hospitality is all about providing great service

30 years and this has become part of my life style.

and taking care of customer’s need. I am so lucky

Squash in Sri Lanka and World Master Squash

I have learned so much about this industry. I am

This led to me to participate in the Asian Master

Tournament held in Hong Kong this year. Playing

football with my son over the weekend is also my regular family activity. Both of us are fans of the Liverpool Football Team; we visited Liverpool a few

years ago to watch their English Football Premier League. Another interesting story to share is about

the trail walker charity events which I participate in whilst living in Hong Kong. This event requires a

team of 4 participants to finish a 100km walk within 48 hours to raise money for charity. It’s all about

team work, and provides both physical and mental

to work for Marriott in my past years; in Marriot, just so passionate in hotel work and very self-

motivated to make the hotel successful through

team work and bringing good revenue opportunity for the hotel. My job is also helping to develop more talents for Marriott and the hospitality

industry. I feel so good if I can train my staff

to become better at what they do and see them successful in their career with Marriott, this is truly my greatest job satisfaction and this will

continue to motivate me to stay with Marriott and hotel field.

LifeStyle 75



瞬间即永恒 From Moments to Memories 你在酒店业有着丰富的从业背景。在你看 来,好酒店应该是什么样的?

Hotels accommodate travelers. What travel

在我看来,经营酒店的终极奥义就是 要有针对性地为客人提供他们所需要的服 务。普通客人入住酒店最基本的需要就是 能睡个好觉,吃一顿丰盛的早餐,网络信 号稳定,入住和退房流程便捷。休闲度假 客人可能会在酒店内度过大部分时间,我 们会为这类客人提供相应服务。比如建议 刚抵达的客人在蔚柳溪做个 Spa 放松一下, 或是在夕阳西下时到温哥华扒房享用一顿 牛扒大餐。

hotelier- let you understand what visitors and

experiences have influenced your work as a guests need?

Having worked in New Zealand, Australia,

Malaysia, Cambodia, Thailand, USA and China,

I do have a soft spot for Cambodia. In the past I was a frequent business traveler and this impacted

my earlier thoughts on the needs of a corporate traveler. In Cambodia I saw the value of sitting

down with lesiure guests on arrival and talking about the town, its temples and restaurants. It

really did made a difference for most guests, you

酒店接待的是各地游客。作为一名酒店人, 旅行体验对你的工作有何帮助?

spent time with them and understood what they

我曾在新西兰、澳大利亚、马来西亚、 柬埔寨、泰国、美国和中国等地工作过。 作为商务旅行者的经历影响了我的一些经 营理念。比如在柬埔寨工作时,我常会坐 下来与刚抵达酒店的客人随便聊聊当地的 寺庙和有意思的餐厅。这一过程是非常有 价值的。当你花时间与客人聊天,便能更 好地了解其入住期间所需所盼。客人们也 会很高兴的,有一个酒店总经理能告诉他 们去哪玩干点啥,他们也可以分享自己的 旅途见闻。

were also happy to meet senior managers who

费尔蒙品牌能在众多竞争对手中脱颖而出 的原因是什么? 费尔蒙酒店及度假村广泛分布于世界 各大热门度假地,为游客搭建起了解当地 历史、文化的桥梁。 旗下的地标性酒店包 括纽约广场酒店、伦敦费尔蒙酒店、上海 和平饭店和位于魁北克的特芳缇娜城堡酒 店,这些对当地具有重要意义的酒店将每 一个美好的瞬间凝结为永恒的回忆。

were looking for during their stay. The guests

knew where to go and what to do and could share their experiences.

十月是南京最美的时节, LifeStyle 特意赶在秋叶变红之前 专访了南京金奥费尔蒙酒店 总经理英戈瑞。 October is a season when Nanjing is at its most beautiful. As the leaves on the trees turn red and gold, we got in touch with the Nanjing Fairmont GM, Graham Hewitt, to plan our visit. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

Tell us about the Fairmont brand. What makes this brand stand out from competitors?

Fairmont Hotels & Resorts connects guests

to the very best of its destinations worldwide,

reflecting each locale’s energy, culture and history. Landmark hotels in the Fairmont

collection include The Plaza in New York, London’s The Savoy, Fairmont Peace Hotel in Shanghai and Quebec City’s Fairmont Le Château

Frontenac. Its core identity is turning moments into memories.

Can you let us know the most exciting features about the Fairmont Nanjing?

Fairmont Nanjing stands distinct in terms

of its stylistic design. The hotel was designed You’ve had a long and distinguished career in

by Skidmore, Owings & Merrill, a renowned

能谈谈南京金奥费尔蒙酒店的独特之处 吗?

for you?

after a traditional Chinese lantern from the

南京金奥费尔蒙酒店可谓别具一格, 由美国知名建筑设计事务所 SOM 设计。酒 店位于金奥大厦上半部,亮灯时成为形似 巨型中国传统灯笼的建筑奇观。站在酒店 室内中庭,还可见墙上镌刻有南京市花梅 花的金属背光板。延伸至 62 层屋顶露台的 奢华背光板,颜色可随四季的变换而不断 变化,不仅体现了地方特色文化,还兼顾 了本地人和外国人的审美要求。

guests with the experience they are looking for.

interior atrium, one can marvel at the luxurious

night’s sleep, a great breakfast, reliable internet

with Nanjing plum blossom leaves, that rise

our leisure guests are likely to spend more time

panels constantly change in colour to reflect the

their time with us. This may be a spa treatment in

local flavour and culture for local Chinese and

the hospitality industry. What defines hospitality

American architectural firm, and was modeled

For me hospitality is about providing our

inside and out. When standing in the hotel’s

Our corporate guests generally require a good

backlit metallic panels on the wall, engraved

and a hassle free check in and check out, whereas

up to the 62nd rooftop patio of the hotel. The

in the hotel and we will help with the planning of

four seasons of the year and embody a sense of

our Willow Stream Spa or a special celebration

foreigners to appreciate.

dinner in Vancouver Grill.

76 LifeStyle

丽江是我家 At Home in Lijiang 丽江和府皇冠假日酒店及丽江古城英迪格酒店市场营销总监曾庆海 和我们畅聊他在“人间天堂”丽江古城的工作与生活。 Andy Zeng, DOSM of the Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town and Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town, tells us what it’s like to live in paradise. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

丽江是一座美丽的城市,你最喜欢这里的 什么呢?这里和华东城市,比如南京、宁波, 有什么不一样的特质? 众所周知,丽江的蓝天、白云、阳光以 及新鲜的空气在全国乃至全世界都是闻名的。 除此之外,丽江身处边陲,少数民族聚集, 中华传统文化与少数民族传统文化以及国际 化元素汇集于此,在享受自然风光的同时, 也能感受到浓烈的文化气息,这也是我喜欢 这里和愿意留在此地工作生活的主要原因。 南京有“六朝古都”之称,但是在我心中, 和丽江相比,少了那么一点点自然和纯真。 丽江和府皇冠假日酒店有何特别之处? 丽江和府皇冠假日酒店为丽江大研古城 内唯一国际五星级品牌酒店,其地理位置优 势是毋庸置疑的。与其说我们是传统五星级 皇冠品牌酒店,不如说是“纳西主题风格酒 店”,加之热情、无微不至的服务,使酒店 能够在竞争激烈的市场中脱颖而出。2013 年 9 月,随着丽江古城英迪格酒店的正式营业, 这座处处体现“茶马古道”文化的主题精品 酒店与和府皇冠假日酒店相辅相成,使我们 成为度假散客、商务会议以及家庭出行的必 选之地。

市场营销总监的工作可不轻松。这个职位 最大的挑战来自哪里?

Old Town. In addition to this prized location, we

在市场竞争日益激烈的当下,能够在市 场中站稳脚跟并脱颖而出,是每个经理人必 须思考和面对的问题。只有学会不断改变和 创新,才能紧跟时代潮流。

a distinctive feeling. Combined with our warm,

我享受与人沟通交流的过程,享受获得 成功时的成就感与喜悦感,更享受通往成功 道路上所经历的一切,而这些都能在酒店业 充分体现,也让我能充分享受这份美好。

attentive service, we stand out on the competitive

market. Starting September 2013, as our partner Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town, the “Tea

Horse road” themed boutique hotel opened for

下一步的工作计划是什么? 正如之前所说,我很喜欢现在的工作, 更喜欢酒店这个行业,对于丽江以及目前任 职的和府皇冠假日和英迪格酒店同样的喜欢。 我会继续努力,不断完善自己,更好更快地 适应市场,带领团队发挥出最大的潜力,体 现最大的价值。 Lijiang is a beautiful city. Tell us about your favorite things about Lijiang - and Yunnan

province. How is it different from east China Nanjing and Ningbo, for example?

As we all know, Lijiang’s environment is

beautiful: the blue sky, the white clouds, the sun

business, Lijiang has become a required travel destination.

What inspired you to make a career in hospitality?

I love people, and communicating with people;

I enjoy a sense of accomplishment and joy when

the hospitality I can provide is appreciated. I

treasure the many diverse experiences which have taken me to where I am now.

DOSM is a tough job. Describe to us your biggest challenges.

In the increasingly competitive market of

and fresh air- these are famous throughout China,

today, I believe that every manager must reflect

diversity and the traditional Chinese culture make

best work he can, continuously being open to

and the world. What’s more, the unique ethnic

this a fascinating place to live. I love it here, and would like to stay here. Nanjing is a wonderful


champion Naxi culture, which gives our hotel

place, to be certain, but I love the small town beauty of Lijiang best.

What makes the Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town special? Any interesting features or promotions?

The Crowne Plaza Lijiang Ancient Town is the

only five-star hotel brand in the Lijiang Dayan

conscientiously on how to provide the absolutely innovation and creative new solutions.

Where do you see yourself headed next?

As I said, I love Lijiang and I love the hotel

industry, and I love the brand and the team here, so I hope to build up my career here in my current

post. I’ll be excited to watch how the market

here develops, and endeavor to lead my team to develop in the best possible way.

LifeStyle 77





Ningbo Flavor

宁波菜向来便以“鲜”著称。民族饭店四季餐厅的宁波美食节, 便把这“甬江边上的鲜味甬菜”带入京城,以飨食客。 Ningbo: the city is the best of Jiangnan, with an emphasis on fresh flavors. The Minzu Hotel’s Four Seasons Restaurant’s “Ningbo Food Festival” brings the freshest flavor from the land of rivers into the capital city. Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: Liu Fei

traditions have been passed

宁 波, 地 处 甬 江、

on to today ‘s Shanghainese


and Zhejiang cuisines, with Ningbo’s


delicious saltiness forming part of the DNA of


today’s beloved flavor. Ningbonese writer Su

令人津津乐道的特产:余姚的竹笋、宁海的白 枇杷、奉化的芋艿头和水蜜桃、慈溪的杨梅 ……宁波菜被称为“甬菜”,甬菜直接影响了 上海菜,宁波菜的咸鲜滋味掩藏在江浙人的口 感基因之中。作家苏青是宁波人,在上世纪 40 年代,她是与张爱玲齐名的女作家。她有 不少文章提到宁波的食物:“我觉得宁波小菜

Qing, good friends with Zhang Ailing, wrote about

羹、红烧剑鳗、铁板蛏子等等许多都是北方不 常见的海鲜及不常见的做法,则更添了几分他 乡美味的诱惑。 甬江边上的鲜味甬菜,足以把游子饕客 引诱过来,这份鲜意翻涌,血统纯正的宁波菜 就在民族饭店,溜达上长安街就能一饱口福了。

的特色,便是不失本味,鱼是鱼,肉是肉,不 像广东人,苏州人般,随便炒只什么小菜都配 上七八种帮头。”苏青在提及家乡菜的时候, 言语之间都带着自豪。 “甬菜”尤其以海鲜菜品闻名,宁波美 食的亮点当然是各式鲜美的海鲜,红膏炝蟹、 脆皮八宝鸭、舟山鲜带鱼……早已是深受各路 食客钟情有加的经典菜品,长江鲥鱼、鲨鱼皮

78 LifeStyle

Ningbo’s food frequently, saying “Ningbo cuisine’s

speciality is to preserve a fresh flavor: fish is fish, meat is meat, whereas Suzhou and Guangdong cuisines are more complicated.” Ningbo’s excellent cuisine inspires pride in its watery terroir.

“Yong food” is especially famous for seafood.

The highlights of eating out in Ningbo is fresh

seafood, creamy red crab, crispy eight-treasures Ningbo, located in the confluence area of

duck, Zhoushan fresh octopus… these specialties,

Yongjiang, faces the East China Sea; it is only

the Yangtze river shad, shark skin soup, braised

by freshwater seafood. This fresh taste has spread

diner into the wraithlike terrain of the south.

Ninghai white loquats, the Fenghua taro root,

any kitchen; to find them on Chang’an Avenue is

the Yaojiang River, the Fenghua River and the

along with uniquely Jiangnan dishes such as

natural that Ningbo’s cuisine would be inspired

marlin; all of these immediately transport the

all over, in famous dishes like bamboo shoots,

peaches, red bayberries… Ningbo’s culinary

Ningbo foods are enough to lure diners into

a rare surprise indeed.


Ningbo Salty Crab 在人杰地灵的宁波,这儿的红膏梭子蟹也颇 为著名。经过特殊工艺加工而成,肉多肥美, 掰开后咬下满满一口蟹膏大大的满足感占据 全部,每每都能不负众望。除此,梭子蟹还 是一种高蛋白的补品。真是口感、味蕾、与 营养无与伦比的完美。 In the old days, Ningbo was famous for the red swimming crab. After special processing, the

meat becomes more plump and savory- bringing an unrivaled satisfaction when you bite in.

The delicious flavor is only made better by the knowledge that the dish is extremely nutritious.

LifeStyle 79


Ningbo First Soup 一盆鲜美可口、红黄绿相映、色香味俱佳的头汤,是宁波慈溪设 宴招待客人的头一盆热菜。以肉圆、海虾、蛋片、鸡丝为主,配 以素菜等,荤素搭配,健康美味。喝上一口色香味俱佳的头汤, 品出的不仅仅是宁波美味,更是宁波人浓浓的热情。 Red, yellow, and green swirl around in this soup; the colorful and aromatic first soup is a staple in the banquet halls of Cixi. With meatballs, shrimp, egg slices, chicken, and vegetables, this soup is healthy and delicious. Drink in the color, aroma and flavor of the first soup with your senses; you are tasting the authentic flavor of Ningbo.

80 LifeStyle


Crispy Eight-Treasure Duck 色泽红润、油亮光泽,这些还远远不够。宁波八宝鸭 做工考究、精细,选料上乘,因此口感尤为独特。将 处理好的鲜鸭用香糯米花生米等填充鸭腹,旺火蒸熟 后再入油锅炸至酥脆。成菜腴香浓溢,你能看到眼前 的肥肉部分微微地闪着油光,脆脆的鸭皮加上酥烂的 鸭肉,最后再吃上一口香软的糯米,真是油而不腻, 搭配到位。 A ruddy color and a glossy sheen; these alone are

not enough. The Ningbo eight-treasure duck has a secret, delicious recipe, and is made with the finest of

ingredients; the result is a uniquely delicious taste. The duck is stuffed with fragrant rice, peanuts, and more,

steamed and then pan fried until crispy. Not greasy, not dry- this duck can even rival Beijing’s roast duck.


Vegetable Roll 大鱼大肉,大快人心哉!想换换口味不如从绿色健康 的时蔬卷开始吧。薄薄的绿外皮拥着紫甘蓝、配上明 亮爽口的彩椒,蘸上些许秘制的花生酱,相信带给您 的绝对不止是味觉上的享受,更能在鱼肉过后为您带 来一抹清新。 Meat and fish, is delicious- but you need some green

vegetables to balance things out. A thin green skin hugs purple cabbage, and other fresh vegetables. With some

peanut sauce sprinkled on top, it makes the fish all the more delicious.


Ningbo Seafood Hotpot 来自大海里的群英荟萃,宁波的海鲜以“咸鲜合一” 著称,讲究原汁原味。鲜嫩香糯的海鱼、软滑的鲜虾 再配上 Q 弹的蛤蛎,以清澈鲜汤煮出其味道,尝上 一口,清口鲜洁,简直乃舌尖上的海鲜多重奏。 Ningbo seafood fresh from the sea is put straight into the pot. Fresh fish, creamy clams, shrimp, all in a clear soup; how luscious and wonderful the flavor is.

Minzu Hotel No.51 Fuxingmennei Dajie, Xichang District, Beijing 100031 China T: +86 10 6601 4466 F: +86 10 6601 4849 E: sale@minzuhotel.cn

LifeStyle 81



杨欣: 迷上鲜之魅 Yang Xin: Superfresh 从模特到歌手再到演员,杨欣 一直都是个停不下来的人。她 说自己喜欢新鲜的事物,就连 食物也尤其钟爱“鲜”的味道。 From model to singer to actress, Yang Xin has always been unstoppable. She says she loves new things, especially food that tastes “fresh”.

82 LifeStyle

从小生活在烟台的杨欣是吹着海风、泡着 海水、吃着海鲜长大的,成年后虽然远离家乡, 但是对于“鲜”这种味道尤其偏爱有加,她说 那是家的味道,是永远烙在血液中的印迹。 Yang Xin spent her childhood in Yantai, sea breeze blowing, ocean

走过很多地方,杨欣对所有能与家乡联系 起来的地方都记忆深刻,而宁波尤甚。“宁波 和烟台虽然地处南北、各有不同,但是却又太 多的相似之处,其他先不提,单说食物都以海 鲜为主这一点,就让我对这里特别留恋。”杨 欣说,作为一座南方城市,宁波菜并不以甜为 主,反而更加接近北方的咸鲜味,于是可以让 更多食客欣然接受,“民族饭店的宁波美食节, 把甬江边上的鲜滋味带来北京,不仅解了宁波 人的思乡情,更满足了无数吃货的饕餮胃。”

bubbling, with seafood for dinner every night. As an adult, even though she’s far from home, the “fresh” smell is a nostalgic favorite; a taste of home, forever imprinted in her blood.

Yang Xin has traveled to many places, and each one conjures up

memories; Ningbo in particular. “Although Yantai in the north and Ningbo to the south seem very different, there are so many similarities. Seafood

especially; and that’s what is the most nostalgic taste for me. Ningbo’s food

isn’t as sweet as you’d expect, even if it is in the south. The salty, crisp

flavor is familiar to any northerner. “The Minzu Hotel Ningbo food festival, bringing the Yongjiang flavor to the heart of Beijing, brings you back

为什么你总是强调自己喜欢“鲜”? “鲜”这个味道很特别,很难用一个准确 的词汇来形容它,然而它又是非常实实在在的 一种存在,如果说一定要用什么东西来表现“鲜” 的好吃程度,那应该是“想要连舌头一起吃掉 的感觉”。

instantaneously to memories of the charming oceanside lifestyle,” she said dreamily.

Why is “freshness” so important to you?

The taste we call “fresh” is very special; it’s difficult to put it into words,

but is very tangible. To explain this, I’d just say that freshness is that which attracts my appetite.

这次的“宁波美食节”你最喜欢哪道菜,为 什么? 我最喜欢的是清蒸鲥鱼。鲥鱼是与河豚、 刀鱼齐名的“长江三鲜”之一,我第一次吃这 道菜就是在宁波,因为鲥鱼本身属于难得的美 味,在做法上是要连鱼鳞一起蒸,才能充分保 留鲜美的味道,所以记忆非常深刻。这次能在 美食节上再次品尝到,觉得很开心。

What’s your favorite dish in the “Ningbo Food Festival,” and why?

My favorite is “steamed shad.” Shad is one of the Yangtze’s most

familiar fish; the first time I ate this dish in Ningbo, I remember the light glinting off of the dish scales, which must be removed in order to get at the delicious taste; the memory is very profound. To enjoy this dish once more makes me truly happy.

What are your feelings about the Food Festival in one line?

是否可以用一句话形容这次美食节的感受? 宁波师傅甬江菜,地道食材美味鲜,我想没 什么能比这些更吸引一个吃货蠢蠢欲动的心了。

Ningbo Yongjiang cuisine, with delicious, fresh, authentic ingredients:

the most delicious part of this food is the memories of the heart that it summons up.

LifeStyle 83

84 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 85



葡萄酒酿造业的未来在中国 The Rapid Growth of Mainland Chinese Wineries International Wine Practices Adapt to China


















酒的至尚荣誉。2005 年,已经退休的澳大利






















1980 年,中法合营王朝葡萄酿酒有限公









支持。中国葡萄酒产业在汲取现代化力量的 同时,也向世界展示了中法友谊的源远流长。

86 LifeStyle

在这些飞行酿酒师的帮助下,宁夏、甘肃、 山西和新疆等中西部地区的省份出产了中国

开放式的大胆创新。如此种种,我们应该相 信葡萄酒酿造业的未来在中国。

There are now more wineries on the Mainland

than ever before in the history of China. The newer

wineries are all about producing premium wines that

please both Chinese as well as western palates. And

there is more domestic as well as foreign investment

for upgrading existing vineyards and wineries as well as for planting new vineyards that yield premium

and super premium wine grapes, using some of the world’s finest equipment in state-of-the-art wineries, managed by many of the most experienced “flying winemakers” in the world.

Yet this is China, so while some northern and

southern hemisphere vineyard and winemaking “Best

Practices” are universal, many are being translated into what works best in China. Because of the historic challenges of cultivating premium varietals

in the eastern regions of China, the French and now the Australian “flying winemakers” have moved

development to central and western provinces of the country; and introduced more environmentally-

the Middle Kingdom, Phillip Laffer, whom I am

friendly viticultural practices and winemaking,

privileged to know quite well. Phillip is regarded as

as opposed to the traditional chemical-intensive

one of the most gifted of all Australian winemakers

methods employed by Chinese farmers in the past.

and served as Chief Winemaker for Jacob’s Creek,

And they are training the Chinese to succeed them

owned by Pernod Ricard Winemakers. He quickly

one day.

assumed control of all viticulture and winemaking

The cooperation began in the 1980’s when

operations at Ningxia. But what he is best known

Dynasty was introduced on the Mainland. Dynasty

for observing, after having surveyed on-site all the

was a joint venture with Remy Cointreau, which

issues they faced to produce consistently superior

was naturally a highly competent source of technical mentoring. Probably one of the most convincing

wines was like “the shot heard ‘round the world”

testaments to the world of the Sino-French

And they have painstakingly identified the wine

is the Sino-French demonstration vineyard, winery

those often being Viognier and Chardonnay for

partnership to modernize the Chinese wine industry and research center near the Great Wall. But today, the Australians are far more responsible for the increasing success of Chinese wineries producing

award winning wines with their open-minded

adaptability to local conditions, rather than rigid

varietals that are best adapted to the local conditions, whites; and Merlot for red. Yet because of the

magical influence of the flying winemakers, some marvelous Cabernet Sauvignons are now being produced.

The central and western regions of China that

adherence to centuries of European traditions. The

have produced the finest wines with the help of

and tackled local conditions with pruning and canopy

are Ningxia, Gansu, Shanxi and the Xinjiang

Aussies have introduced organic vineyard techniques

management. In addition, other innovative measures included protecting the vines with top soil from the extremely cold winters of western China; and

moderating water usage to better manage yields and conserve this scarce natural resource are being used.

French, Italian and Australian flying winemakers Autonomous Region. A leader in the Ningxia Region

is the ambitious Domaine Helan Mountain project

by the wine business of French drinks industry global giant, Pernod Ricard. And in 2005, the French

knew just the man to lead their winery foothold in

at the start of the American Revolution, for he

announced “We are not wanting to make the best

‘Australian’ or ‘Bordeaux’ wine, but rather the best Chinese wine - using our outstanding Chinese winemakers and grape resources.”The other winery

that has achieved “Legendary” status among wine lovers from Beijing to London along with Helan Mountain and that has come over to the Aussie

side is renowned Grace Vineyard, where the last

five vintages have been shepherded by Victorian viticulturist and winemaker, Ken Murchinson.

And like Laffer, his style is open and innovative, based on the challenges of the regional terroir and

plethora of idiosyncratic microclimates. The future

of winemaking and wine is in China.I am Red Owl, ever vigilant, over & out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助 的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的 贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。

Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 87



墨尔本:心随境开 Melbourne: Open up to More 19 世纪初维多利亚州的淘金热,吸引了世界各地的移民,也造就了墨尔本的多元化风情。 不同族群的人们聚居成一个个独立风格的社区,有着各自的节庆、饮食、生活习惯, 领这座城市呈现出其他澳洲城市没有的丰富情趣。想要体会到澳洲生活的精彩, 作为维多利亚州最具代表性的城市——墨尔本绝对是每个人都不容错过的最佳选择。 The early 19th century was the time of a gold rush in Victoria, attracting immigrants from around the worldand creating the distinct Melbourne style. The diverse communities, each with their own festivals, cuisines, and lifestyles has given the city a rich heritage and a flavor distinct from other Australian cities. For a visitor to Australia, Melbourne is definitely not to be missed. Editor: Yuki Zhang


88 LifeStyle

花园城市 写意风情 Garden City Two Impressionistic Style 在墨尔本,古典和现代达到了最完美的融合。漫步在墨尔 本街头是一件无比愉快的事情,明亮的绿色在眼底蔓延,把这个 美丽的南半球明珠衬托出勃勃生机。从比邻而居的皇家植物园、 国王领地公园,到维多利亚女皇公园、亚历山大公园,绿意延伸 了好几条街,填满了维多利亚时代房屋与现代建筑之间的每个角 落。跟随电车,摇曳到精致古老的拱廊下和每一个有故事的地方。 在墨尔本市中心,有一条环城电车线路,本地市民和游客都可以 免费乘坐,方便大家欣赏墨尔本的市区景色,其行走路线环绕市 中心外围,沿途经过许多观光景点,包括维多利亚市场、墨尔本 议会大厦、皇冠赌场、皇家展览馆、IMAX 电影院、墨尔本旧监 狱、墨尔本中心等。在墨尔本开启一次单车之旅也很适宜。骑上 单车,穿梭在大街小巷中,从亚拉河畔到市中心区,再转入具有 SOHO 风格的费兹罗区,渴了就停下车喝杯果汁,馋了就进咖 啡馆吃点心,墨尔本的悠然生活正是如此轻松易得,无怪乎这里 会被评选为世界最宜居的城市之一了。 In Melbourne, classical and modern styles have achieved a perfect

fusion. Walking through the streets of Melbourne is extraordinarily pleasant when this garden city is in bloom. From the Royal Botanical

Gardens to Kings Park, Queen Victoria Park and Alexander Park, the greenery never seems to end, punctuated by Victorian and contemporary architecture. Follow the tramlines; every street here has a story. The tram in Melbourne is free, facilitating views of the city as it passes Victoria

Market, the Melbourne Parliament Building, the Crown Casino, the Royal Exhibition Building, the IMAX cinema, the Melbourne Old Jail, and the Melbourne Center. Biking, however, is the preferred way for locals to

get around. Ride from the banks of the Yarra river downtown and then to Fitzroy; drink a cup of fresh juice or have a snack in a café. In the verdant, lush heart of the city, you’ll understand perfectly why it’s always on top of “most livable” lists.

LifeStyle 89



天地大美 激情四溢 The Sporting Life 如果说表演和展览是墨尔本优雅的诠释,那




每年 3 月的澳洲世界一级方程式赛车大奖赛和春



Melbourne is famous for art and culture, but the city


loves to race as well. Each March, the World Formula

呼,让整个墨尔本都陷入沸腾之中,空气中都弥 漫着燃烧的激情。至于澳洲网球公开赛、大洋路 国际马拉松赛、澳洲摩托车大奖赛……还有更多

One Grand Prix Spring Racing Carnival takes place. The roaring sounds of engines mingle with the clopping of hoofs and the cheers of the crowd; yes, during raceseason, Melbourne is filled with burning passion.


What’s more, the Australian Open, the Great Ocean


Road International Marathon, the Australian motorcycle

“墨尔本杯”国际赛马节不只是男人的世界, 也是女人的特别节日――除了精彩绝伦的世界级 赛马比赛,稀奇古怪的时装展和帽子秀也吸引了 人们的眼球。每年赛马节上一顶顶设计感十足的

Grand Prix all take place in the city… there are endless captivating spectacles in this city. The “Melbourne Cup” international racing festival shows that this isn’t just a man’s pursuit; the most elegant belles of Australia turn the racetrack into a fashion


show, with the most outlandish hats you can dream of.


Gorgeously dressed ladies are carefully selected for their


creative, colorful hats- another lovely icon of Melbourne,



90 LifeStyle

showing off the quirky, fun-loving side of the city.


艺术天堂 无限魅力 City of Culture 墨尔本被誉为澳大利亚的文化之都,庞大的艺术空 间里,每天都有不同形式的艺术表演、展览上演。即使是 在街头,看到墙头缤纷的涂鸦、布朗斯维克街上的马赛克 座椅,现代而不羁的联邦逛出、芭蕾舞裙造型的维多利亚 艺术中心,都会惊叹于设计师超群的想象力和墨尔本非同 一般的艺术造诣。 墨尔本的艺术不是高高在上脱离生活的艺术,而是 就浸润在所有人的日常生活之中,哪怕是最为殿堂级的喜 剧、音乐、展览,都没用丝毫的浮华,反而是市井最真 实、最生动的表达。在墨尔本,每周都有数不清的展览和 演出。联邦广场一年又超过 500 场街头表演,如同接力赛 般从白天上演到深夜,是墨尔本最热闹的文化空间。公主 街头涂雅随处可见

剧院、女皇剧院,或者维多利亚艺术中心和莫尔特豪斯剧 院,主流音乐剧和创新实践作品一起登台。著名的历史剧 场丽晶剧场中,名剧《金刚》一演就是好几年,几乎媲美 纽约百老汇。展览就更不用说了,当代美术馆、各种主题 的博物馆星罗棋布,难以看尽。具有世界水准的特展常常 在维多利亚国家美术馆(NGV)或者澳大利亚活动影像 中心(ACMI)举办。尤其是每年 10 月的墨尔本国际艺术 节期间,整个城市都会变成一个巨大的展览馆。诸多知名 的表演家、艺术节以及导演等,都会携带最新作品来到墨 尔本,共同呈现一场精美绝伦的艺术盛宴。如果你热爱艺 术,墨尔本就是你的天堂;如果你还没爱上艺术,来到墨 尔本,你一定会开始热爱。 Melbourne is known as Australia’s cultural capital; this haven

of the arts hosts different performances every day. From the colorful graffiti covered walls to the mosaic seats on Brunswick

Street, to the high culture of the Victoria Arts Centre, you’ll marvel at the breadth of cultural expression on display here.

Melbourne is where art meets life; going to comedy shows,

concerts, exhibitions and performances are part of everyday

life. More than 500 street performances are given per year in Federation Square; for a more formal experience, try Princess

Theatre, the Queen’s Theatre, or the Mortes House Theatre. The Regent Theatre staged “King Kong” for years on end-indeed,

the theatre scene in Melbourne could be compared with New

York’s Broadway. Contemporary art galleries are superlative in

Melbourne; check out the National Gallery of Victoria or the Australian Center for the Moving Image for some of the best.

If you visit this October, be sure to check out the Melbourne International Arts Festival, which turns the entire city into a

performance space. If you love art, Melbourne will be heaven for you; If you’re not in love with art, came to Melbourne, you will become a convert.

LifeStyle 91

世服宏图:你未来的办公室 SERVCORP: Office of the Future 世服宏图在中国都有哪些业务? 世服宏图是一家澳大利亚公司,在全球范围内有 140 多家商 务中心,伦敦、巴黎、纽约、东京、悉尼……都有我们的身影。 中国也不例外,我们在这里以同样标准,选择城市黄金地段,建 立起十家商务中心。如果你需要在全球各顶级写字楼里拥有一处 灵活的办公场所,找世服宏图就对了。打个比方,正处于创业阶 段的公司负责人要出国去见投资人,这将会是一笔不小的开销。 以相同的支出代价,世服宏图可以帮你在纽约派克大街、东京丸 之内或伦敦金融中心安排一间完美的会议室。我们不是出租房屋 那么简单,也不仅仅是单纯的行政服务平台。世服宏图为客户提 供的是专业化的双语秘书服务、建立公司章程和处理涉及当地法 律法规问题的专业法务协助,同时还提供一流的计算机技术服务。 这一切共同搭建起我们所谓的“虚拟办公室”。 “虚拟办公室”听起来可真够高科技的。具体怎样操作呢? 科技让一切变得更灵活便捷。其实很多创新和机会并不是在 办公室里产生的,而是在咖啡馆、在家里、在 Skype 上。也就是说, 企业管理者其实不需要支付办公场所租金这笔固定支出。我们会 提供基本的计算机设备设施,还有可免费拨打国际长途的固定电 话以及专业的秘书服务。当客户需要一个固定办公场所的时候, 我们也可以提供专业的会议室和办公室。毕竟这在企业约见客户 面谈的时候还是十分必要的,也会给对方留下深刻的印象。公司 运转所需要的一切职能,我们都能提供,同时又帮客户免去了办 公地租金。近年来中国大城市地价飙升,写字楼租金屡创新高, 这笔支出对于设在中国的企业来说确实是个不小的数字。世服宏 图 20% 的客户是在真正的办公场所里办公,80% 则是虚拟办公室 用户。

服务型公寓对大家来说都不陌生,但你听说过服务式 办公室吗?世服宏图中国区高级经理米凯拉·朱莉安 告诉你什么才是最高端实用的新型办公室。 You’ve heard about serviced apartments- but what about serviced office space? LifeStyle spoke with Michaela Julian, the China Senior Manager for SERVCORP the most premium option among serviced offices. Editor: Jacob Dreyer local regulations; and a truly stellar IT service, enabling what we call the “virtual office.”

能谈谈世服宏图在中国的业务发展吗? 过去三年,我们的业务量增加了一倍,同时新设了五家商业 中心。早前我们的客户多来自金融、科技等快速发展行业,其中 一半是外资公司,一半是本土企业,并且以初创业的中国公司为主。 随着业务的拓展,我们已经从主要服务海外公司的中国办事处, 转为服务创业初期的中国本土企业以及寻求进一步扩张和拓展海 外业务的公司。 Explain to us what exactly SERVCORP does.

We have 140 offices all around the world- London, Paris, New York,

Tokyo, Sydney- and 10 of those are right here in China. We opt for the most premium locations in every city- landmark buildings with amazing

Virtual office… sounds high tech. But what does that mean?

Technology has made all of our lives more mobile; many innovations happen

not just in the office, but in the café, at home, over Skype… all of which means

that entrepreneurs don’t need the fixed cost of an office space. We provide the

IT infrastructure, a landline (you can call internationally for the same rate as a local call), dedicated secretaries, and for when you do need an office, access

to professional, immaculate boardrooms and offices that are sure to impress your client. Everything you need - without the sunken cost of office space rent

(which has risen astronomically in China in recent years). In China, 20% of our customers are in the actual office space- 80% are virtual office customers.

views. So if your business is mobile, and you need to have meetings

Tell us about your China business and how it has evolved over time.

Say you’re CEO of a Chinese startup travelling abroad to meet with

we’ve gone from a 50/50 mix of foreign/Chinese companies to predominantly

or flexible office space in the best buildings worldwide- we can help. venture capitalists. For the same fixed cost, you have a boardroom on Park Avenue, NYC; in Marunouchi in Tokyo, and in the City of

London, at your disposal. We aren’t just a landlord, though; we don’t see ourselves as providing space so much as services- professional, bilingual secretaries; legal assistance for setting up your company and managing

92 LifeStyle

We’ve doubled in the past 3 years, adding 5 new offices; more importantly,

Chinese startups, especially those working in finance, technology, and other fast-

growing industries. Over time, we’ve gone from servicing overseas corporations looking to open a China office, to being the first home for Chinese companies

just getting started - or those which are expanding, and need a partner to help them going international.



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.94 室内设计

Interior / P.104

菲利普·斯塔克打造的巴黎欧亚混血可小姐餐厅 Philippe Starck’s new Eurasian eatery Miss Kō in Paris

LifeStyle 93



碉堡里的当代艺术 Bunker of Art 德国柏林一座“二战”时期的碉堡, 在历经了蔬果仓库、电音俱乐部和剧场等用途之后, 成为收藏家波洛斯夫妇与公众分享艺术的空间。 The Boros Collection in Berlin Germany, housed in a former Nazi bunker Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: The Boros Collection

94 LifeStyle

Christian and Karen Boros

LifeStyle 95



Tomas Sacareno: Flying Garden/Air-port City/32SW, 2007

96 LifeStyle

尽管德国不愿提及那个黑色的纳粹时代,但是 历史遗迹在柏林这块土地上沉默地诉说着过往,从 为臭名昭著的 1936 年奥运会兴建的大型运动场到各 式政府大楼和防空洞,这些遗留建筑已经成为一道 道城市景观线。波洛斯收藏馆便位于柏林闹市区的 一座“二战”时期的碉堡内。该碉堡建于 1942 年, 是一处使用强迫劳工修建的防空避难所,而后又变 成前苏联战俘地堡。战争结束后,一度用作蔬果仓库, 最近些年还做过电音俱乐部。整个 90 年代,它还被 用做剧场表演或举办派对之类的场地,色情交易也 时有发生。 2003 年,身为一家广告公司创办人兼出品人的 克里斯蒂安·波洛斯购得这座建筑物,把它用作自己 储藏、展示当代艺术藏品的空间。这位从上世纪 90 年代即进军当代艺术收藏领域的世界顶级藏家对各种 类型和风格的当代艺术都感兴趣,从装置到摄影,从 艺术名家到艺术新人,尽管收藏范围广泛,但他坚守 着对艺术品质的追求。当代摄影家托马斯·鲁夫的天 文图片、英国当代视觉艺术大奖“透纳奖”获得者沃 夫冈·提尔门斯的摄影作品、实验艺术家艾未未的《树》 (该装置作品高 6 米,由许多木块以铆钉联接的形式 组合在一起,从而形成一个树的形态)…… 在波洛斯收藏馆的网站上,波洛斯引用了这么

Thomas Scheibitz: Tinte und Zucker, 2007; Carlo Crivell, 2006

一句话:我收藏对自己来说理解起来有一定难度的 艺术品。他解释说:“这并不是排斥,而是通过某 些艺术作品突破自己的思维模式和极限,这是使我 进步的唯一途径。” 碉堡作为战争遗存,天生给人一种压抑、冷酷感, 很少有人会想在这样一座掩体里面欣赏艺术品,而 波洛斯夫妇通过努力改变了人们对碉堡的刻板印象。 2008 年,波洛斯收藏馆正式对公众开放,开馆第一 展吸引的观者超过了 12 万。整个建筑面积为 1000 平米,长 38 米,高 18 米,钢筋混凝土墙厚达 2 米。 波洛斯委任建筑师延斯·卡斯帕和佩特拉·彼得松将其 改造成 3000 平米的展览场地,外加 450 平米的顶层 公寓(作为他们一家三口的居住之所)。年代久远 的军用工事、混凝土墙、尺寸大小不一的艺术作品 ……住在这样的环境里是种什么样的感觉?波洛斯 说:“看到这幢建筑,至今都不敢相信我就住在这里。 它这么庞大,真的很难‘消化’。”波洛斯的妻子 凯伦则说:“当你住在这样一个‘怪物’一样的建 筑里,呼吸着它‘冷酷’的空气,你是不可能忘却 过去的。” 碉堡顶层的公寓让人不禁想到建筑大师菲利普 ·约翰逊的玻璃屋,透过公寓的玻璃立面,可环览周 遭城市景观。极简主义的内饰,细节中暗藏时髦。 中世纪的绘画、皮毛毯子都称得上奢华,还有错落 其中的孩童玩具,无不缓和着这冷酷的氛围。

Thomas Ruff

LifeStyle 97



Cerith Wyn Evans: Untitled, 2008

98 LifeStyle


espite Germany’s reluctance to discuss i t s N a z i - e r a h i s t o r y, r e l i c s o f t h a t

troubled past still dot the landscape,

especially around Berlin. From the massive stadium constructed for the infamous 1936 Olympic Games to various government buildings and air raid

shelters, totalitarian architecture is still part of the urban landscape. The Boros Collection is housed

in one such legacy structure, a rather monumental

concrete bunker that sits in central Berlin. Originally built in 1942 by forced laborers as a civilian air raid shelter, the building has been reincarnated several

times as a Soviet prisoner of war bunker, textile and fruit warehouse, an underground techno club, and

a kind of event center where stage plays and erotic trade fairs happened.

In 2003 Christian Boros, publisher and founder

of an ad agency, purchased the building to convert it

as a repository for his art collection, which contains

a world-class and diverse gathering of contemporary pieces such as astronomical pictures by Thomas

Ruff, photographs by Turner prize winner Wolfgang Tillmans, and a six-meter high, newly constructed tree by Ai Weiwei, composed of old, found objects.

On their website, there stands a quote by

Christian Boros: “I collect art which I don’t

understand,” which he further clarifies by saying, “I collect art that irritates me. This is not meant as a

kind of rejection. It is rather the wish I have, that a work of art changes the limits of my thinking so my perception shifts. This is the only way I can develop myself.”

The intimidatingly square building has an area

of 1000 square meters and is 18 meters high with 2

meter thick walls. When it was purchased by Boros,

he had architects Jens Casper and Petra Petersson renovate the building into a 3,000 square meter exhibition square with a 450 square meter penthouse

apartment perched at the top. Christian Boros lives there with his wife Karen Boros and son amidst concrete walls and artworks. How do they feel about

living in such a fraught environment? According to

Christian Boros: “I still have not fully arrived. I take a look at the building and still cannot believe that I

live there. The structure is so bulky and not easy to digest,” while Karen Boros says ”It is impossible to forget the past when one lives in such a monstrous construction that breathes its inevitable severity.”

Ai Weiwei: Tree, 2009-2010

The penthouse is an airy affair, with high glass

walls that call to mind Philip Johnson’s famous

Glass House. The minimalism belies the detail and

stylishness, almost luxury, of the environment. Medieval paintings, fur throws, and children’s toys

also dot the space, providing a fine contrast to the severity.

LifeStyle 99




Ferry Away

隐匿于闹市的斯德哥尔摩新渡轮码头巧思无限,尽显北欧水乡别样风情。 Stockholm’s sculptural new Ferry Terminal Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Marge Arkitekter

100 LifeStyle

除了享有“北方威尼斯”的美誉,瑞典首都斯德 哥尔摩还是一座遍布古老建筑的现代都市,从玛格建 筑师事务所设计的隐匿于闹市的渡轮码头便可见一斑。 这座与瑞典皇宫一街之隔的码头位于市中心人口聚集 区,毗邻著名的斯德哥尔摩大酒店和国家艺术馆。由 于附近博物馆众多,游客又可由此乘船前往斯德哥尔 摩群岛各岛屿,码头自然是繁忙不已。可相对于巨大 的客流量来说,322 平方米的占地面积着实不大。 码头设计基于简单的锥形组合式结构,并没有特 别明确的正侧面之分。除满足不同功能需要外,建筑 物各个方向都可见北欧水乡的美丽景致。每个建筑单 元都是独一无二的,同时又与其它部分和谐统一。 建筑外部由打磨过的顿巴黄铜(一种铜与锌的合 金)覆盖,内饰则采用多见于维京时代的橡木原木。 这两种材料都是斯堪的纳维亚装饰元素的典型代表, 现如今又与最新建筑科技相结合,真是巧思无限。内 凹的候船厅和售票厅玻璃墙,突出了建筑遮蔽风雨的 功能。由于设计十分巧妙,所以码头并不需要设置专 门的排水管道。 考虑到周边的建筑背景,渡轮码头规模并不大, 不过依旧能看到皇宫全景和布拉西岛上的纪念碑。整 个渡轮码头由三部分组成,包括两个由 Waxholmsbolaget 运营的分别去往斯特洛马和斯德哥尔摩观光的停 靠泊位,还有一栋设有咖啡厅、储藏室和废品回收站 的建筑。游人沿外面的观景步道漫步时,可以拍到瑞 典皇宫,或者只是坐在阳光下的台阶边,欣赏壮观的 斯德哥尔摩老城美景。

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ocated in Stockholm, Sweden, a city not unknown for its embrace of the modern and contemporary, the Ferry Terminal by Marge Arkitekter is a sculptural presence in

a city of old architecture. The building serves travelers heading to the Stockholm archipelago and is located in one of the city’s most central and populated areas. The site’s central location opposite

the Royal Palace, next to the Grand Hotel and the National Art

Gallery and in close proximity to Skeppsholmen’s museums, results in a considerable flow of tourists into the area.

The design is based on an elementary form – the cone, framing

different views over the water. The cones are combined in different ways to meet the demands of the different businesses,

resulting in buildings with no specific fronts or backs. Each building is unique but together they create a cohesive expression

for the boat and pedestrian traffic of Strömkajen. With a total area of 322 square meters, the building does not have a large footprint.

Exterior facades are covered with burnished Tombak, a brass

alloy. The interiors are made of rough sawn oak. These two materials are quintessentially Scandinavian in how they combine the ingenuity of new technology with the traditional forest-like

materials that might have been used in Viking times. Glass parts by the waiting hall and the selling area are drawn back to give rain shelter and to provide space for facade displaying. Due to the construction of the buildings a precise expression has been created where guttering and drain pipes can be avoided.

The terminal buildings are scaled down in relation to the

surrounding architecture. The design’s priority is to maintain free views of the Royal Palace from Stallgatan and Grevgränd and to

highlight the monumental edifices on Blasieholmen. The project consists of three new buildings, two terminals for Strömma/

Stockholm Sightseeing and for Waxholmsbolaget and one building with a café, viewing steps, store room and a recycling

station. From the steps one can take a picture of the royal palace

or just sit in the sun and enjoy the magnificent view over the old city of Stockholm.

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Miss-Terious 鬼才设计师菲利普·斯塔克一手打造的 欧亚混血可小姐餐厅,让整个巴黎刮目相看。 Philippe Starck’s new Eurasian eatery in Paris Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Miss Ko

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位于巴黎金三角的可小姐餐厅已开业一年有 余。在时尚的乔治五世大道上,这家疯狂的餐厅一 直因神秘玄幻的就餐环境吸引着猎奇的人们。如其 设计者——法国鬼才设计师菲利普·斯塔克所言,可 小姐餐厅着实是“一个自由、幽默、有创意、充满 艺术感的友好而开放的空间”,步入其中,仿若进 入电子游戏中的平行世界。“可小姐”是一个自由 的地方。从某种程度上来说,这里的一切都是新生 事物。餐厅的设计不遵循任何已有的设计规则,旨 在为食客开启一场惊险刺激的冒险之旅。 “可小姐”是一个凭空出世的女性主题概念。 一个被隐去面容的欧洲裸体女主角,以油彩覆体, 赤裸裸地呈现出设计师要传达的神秘感。在这里, 食客会被多感官刺激吞没,恍如一场迷梦。 极富冲击力的设计感来自于有着巨大屏幕的吧 台、大卫·罗克里恩绘制的壮观壁画以及巨大的茶壶 灯。当你被这些装饰环绕的时候,会不自觉地感受 到亚洲文化已慢慢渗入心里。灰色的阴影与色彩斑 斓的家具看似不搭,却碰撞出不一样的神秘感,当 代设计的混搭美不动声色地与古老的东方文化融为 一体。 室内墙壁布满巨大的铝制置物柜,极具科技感 之外,又好似一个巨大的古董架,陈列着香港夜市 淘来的浮夸物件。灯光设计由让 - 菲利浦·伯顿操刀, 其巧妙运用霓虹灯弱化天花板的存在,强化了舞台 聚光灯的效果。音响则由奥斯坦·卡尔基负责设计, 他还特为“可小姐”创作了原创音乐,特邀 DJ 在 食客就餐时播放。

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Peter Marino's designs for the Dresden State Collections

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Along the very fashionable Avenue George V, Miss

Kō stands out like a warp zone, the place in a video game

that whisks you into a parallel dimension. Swept into a mesmerising world, visitors are invited to plunge into

one of alternate realities in which all codes are abolished,

becoming actors in their own adventure where every sense is stimulated and astonished. For Miss Kō, Philippe

Starck pushed the scripting of space to the absolute limit. According to the designer Philippe Starck: “Miss Kō is a place of freedom that, to some degree, is going to invent itself.”

The design is inspired by the concept of Miss Ko, an

enigmatic faceless Eurasian who reveals herself in modest nudity, a body entirely covered in tattoos. Miss Kō is a mystery that is blurred in the staging orchestrated by the

designer. He cultivates an entire environment around her that is supposed to create “feverish dreams that are to dazzle and change you”.

In the dining room, a few key elements are pivotal

components of the interior design, like the massive screen bar, the spectacular fresco by David Rochline and the huge

teapot-cum-lamp. The entire atmosphere is redolent of the

far East; grey collides with color. The furnishings are a mix of contemporary items and those of an Asian derivation.

Large aluminium cabinets line the walls, like technicallooking masks or the oversized pigeonholes of a curio cabinet accumulating the kitsch of a Hong Kong bazaar.

The inner structure is multisensory; lighting designer

Jean-Philippe Bourdon uses neon to erase the notion of a

ceiling and spotlights the focal points of the staging. And this staging, like any fiction worthy of the name, is also

enhanced by original music composed by Orsten Karki, who designed the Miss Kō soundtrack that is regularly played by guest DJs.

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Structure News


Mountains Beyond Mountains: Chinese Architecture Comes to Venice Editor: Jacob Dreyer

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尽管自己就是建筑师,第 14 届威尼斯国际 建筑双年展总策展人、曾设计央视新址大楼的荷 兰建筑师雷姆·库哈斯却希望此届双年展能一改 往届对建筑师的关注,回归到建筑本身来,为此 他将 2014 威尼斯双年展的主题定为“基本法则”。 全部国家馆展览拥有一个共同的主题:吸收现代 性。而本届双年展中国馆由《城市中国》杂志前 创刊主编姜珺担任策展人,其携手当代中国最优 秀的几组建筑、设计和研究团队,共同构建主题 为“山外山”的中国馆。 过去 100 年来,中国在“吸收现代性”的演 变中已经不只一次发生趋同,这其中民族性和地 域性的诉求也此起彼伏,同时中国文化对外来冲 击也具有化解甚至同化能力,由此姜珺将“吸收 现代性”命题破题为“化解现代性”,这便是“山 外山”策展理念的由来。“山外山”以相对性创 造无尽想象,即中国文明的视野。 中国馆策展的空间部分可展开为:以“家国 天下”和“藏显通变”为“经”(即通用原则), 以“生长收藏”为“纬” (即不同层面)。具体来说, 即以“生长”作现代性之“吸收”,用现代材料 和技术作标准化的预制框架与分隔;以“收藏” 作现代性之“化解”,以“家国天下”之差序格 局和“藏显通变”之空间意象规划“生长”。中 国馆的空间部分由此可被分解为框架、分隔、院 宅和园林四部分,即中国馆这一整体的“骨 - 皮 体 - 气”。 第 14 届威尼斯国际建筑双年展展期为 2014 年 6 月 7 日至 11 月 23 日。

The Venice Bienniale of Architecture is a highlight of the cultural world, where architects

and designers from all around the world come together to share inspiration. We paid special

attention to the China Pavilion, Mountains Beyond Mountains, curated by Jiang Jun. In keeping with the theme of “fundamentals” proposed by Rem Koolhaas, the exhibition tried to show what is most basic about the Chinese way of architecture.

The exhibition space is arranged with a fractal “longitude” of “Jia-Cheng-Guo-

Tianxia” (household -city-state-nature), as well as the “latitude” of “Sheng-Zhang-Shou-

Cang” (Sprout-Growth-Restraint-Reservation). The spatial part of the Chinese Pavilion can be separated into four parts-Framework, Partition, Courtyard-House and Garden, which can also be interpreted as Bone, Skin, Body and Breath of entire space.

When we spoke with Jiang Jun about the inspiration for the pavilion, he told us about his

research into the past 100 years of Chinese cities, and the quest for an architecture which is Chinese- while remaining distinctly modern. Drop by the pavilion to see China’s architectural past- and the inspiration for her future.

The 14th Venice Bienniale for Architecture will be open until November 23, 2014.

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2014 年 9 月 10 日 至 10 月 18 日, 纽约曼哈顿幕奴琴画廊推出名为《莫里 斯·路易斯:面纱》的展览,这位已故艺 术家 30 余年里的突破性系列作品第一次 得到专门展出,9 件最广受赞誉的作品 中包含了一组让人瞩目的青铜面纱。 路易斯是美国色域绘画的领军人 物,他对图形与背景的无缝统一以及对 纯粹视觉的追求使绘画产生了革命性的 变化。绘画作品《面纱》始作于 1954 年, 1958-1959 年间又重新开始,曾任纽约现 代艺术博物馆馆长的威廉·鲁宾称其为路 易斯成熟风格的标志性产物。 在这些画作中,冷光色一层又一层, 轻飘似薄雾,在帆布上倾泻下来,如同 Grotto 1958 acrylic resin (Magna) on canvas

面纱一般——这也是作品名字的由来。 沿着边缘部分,可以看到每个色素都微 光隐隐,既相互区别开来,又共同营造


Morris Louis: Veils


作为美国色域绘画的先锋人物之一, 莫里斯・路易斯对绘画近乎入魔,而他的作品也如迷一般莫测。 Enigmatic paintings by a pioneer of American Color Field Art


Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Tom Powel Imaging

秘阴影。尽管波浪般的云朵和微妙的电 流让人联想到海上或空中的自然景象, 但它们绝对是不折不扣的抽象作品,缺 粹的视觉体验。 受抽象表现主义绘画大师杰克逊·波 洛克“滴画法”和海伦·弗兰肯特尔色彩 运用的启发,路易斯用松节油将丙烯颜 料稀释后,倾倒在本色帆布上,由此创 作了自己的“面纱”。他没有用任何刷 子或者调色刀,而是凭借对画布微妙而 又熟练的操纵去掌控颜料流动点的轨迹。 也就是说,路易斯靠精湛的技艺以及一 次性机会,将创作过程清晰明了地呈现 了出来。合成涂料直接渗入帆布,棉纤 维被染色,这样一来,图形与帆布相融合, 突出了画面的平整度和媒介的本质特性。 这正是现代艺术批评家克莱门特·格林伯 格所乐见的。 路易斯的面纱画作在 20 世纪的艺 术界有着举足轻重的地位,为抽象表现 主义和极简主义的联系提供了重要纽带。 路易斯摒弃了手势绘画和抽象表现主义 前辈们的精神支柱,为“简洁的线条”、 “酷概念论”和“基于过程的规范”铺 平了道路,让后人有例可循。

Tzadik 1958 acrylic resin (Magna) on canvas

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Dawn 1958-59 acrylic resin (Magna) on canvas

From September 10th to October

pigments reveal the individual elements that together create the soft glows

18th New York City’s Mnuchin Gallery

and mysterious shadows at play in the central body of the works. Though

presented Morris Louis: Veils. This is the

their billowing clouds and subtle currents may bring to mind the natural

first exhibition devoted exclusively to

phenomena present in sea or sky, their imagery is definitively abstract,

Louis’s breakthrough series in over thirty

lacking any tactility or external referents. In this way, the experience of

years. Nine superlative works from the

viewing the paintings is distilled to one of the purely visual.

series, including a focused group of Bronze

Inspired by the enamel stains of Jackson Pollock and the thin washes of

Veils are included.

One of the leading figures of the Color

Field movement, Louis revolutionized painting with his seamless unification of

figure and ground and his pursuit of pure opticality. Begun in 1954 and resumed in 1958-1959, Louis’s Veil paintings - as they

were dubbed by American curator William

Rubin - marked the fruition of his mature style.

In these works, ethereal layers of

luminescent color cascade down the canvas in the veil-like configurations that

lend the series its name. Along the edges of each composition, glimpses of single

Helen Frankenthaler, Louis created his Veils by pouring Magna acrylic paint Morris Louis

thinned with turpentine onto unprimed, unstretched canvases. Forgoing the use of any brush or palette knife, Louis dictated the trajectory of his paint pours with subtle manipulations of his canvas. In this way, he employed

both highly refined technique and a limited element of chance, while also

rendering the picture a transparent record of the process used to create it. By

soaking the synthetic paint directly into the raw canvas, Morris stained the fibers of the cotton itself, thus merging figure and support, and, to the delight of Modernist critic Clement Greenberg, emphasizing the flatness of the picture plane and the essential qualities of the medium.

Louis’s Veil paintings occupy a pivotal place in twentieth century art,

providing a crucial link between Abstract Expressionism and Minimalism. Eliminating the gestural brushwork and spiritual underpinnings of his Abstract Expressionist predecessors, Louis paved the way for the clean lines, cool conceptualism, and process-based practices of the generations to follow.

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维景 & 铂涛新玩法

CTS and Plateno’s Membership Strategy Alliance Signing Ceremony 8 月 27 日,港中旅维景酒店集团与铂涛酒店集团在北 京举行会员战略联盟签约仪式。维景心享会会员和铂涛会 会员可以直接通过彼此的预订平台预订对方酒店,并且可 以享受对应的会员权益和积分政策,真正实现“双会籍、 双积分”礼遇。这在业内尚属首创,也是酒店集团之间实 现系统互联、会员共享的首次尝试。作为中国民族酒店的 领先品牌,港中旅维景酒店集团和铂涛酒店集团此次携手 合作,将进一步增强各自的品牌优势,为合作伙伴创造更 多价值。 HK CTS Hotels Co., Ltd. and Plateno Hotels Group Membership

Strategy Alliance Signing Ceremony was held in Beijing on August 27, 2014. Heart Park Rewards (HPR) is a loyalty program specially

designed to reward the preferences with unbelievable privileges from the CTS HK Group. So long as the alliance relationship is

built, members of Plateno Hotels can directly make a reservation in HK CTS Hotels through the shared platform. Furthermore, guests of both hotels can enjoy the same rights and favorable price as

well. This achievement is quite pioneering. As the leading brands in Chinese hotel industry, the collaboration of HK CTS Hotels Co., Ltd. and Plateno Hotels Group will deeply strengthen their advantages and will create great value as well.

第 11 届学习型中国女性成功论坛圆满落幕 Successful Women Forum Calls for Happiness and Charity 8 月 24 日,由中国妇女发展基金会、学习型中国促进 会、中华幸福会联合主办的第 11 届学习型中国 - 女性成功 论坛在北京九华山庄国际酒店圆满落幕。一年一度的学习 型中国 - 女性成功论坛被誉为“中国女性成长风向标”。 中华幸福会秘书长李一健在论坛上就女性幸福话题发表演 讲,并倡导社会各界重视、关注、反思、感悟幸福。中华 幸福会希望未来可以用“心灵慈善”理念,将幸福公益向 全球推广,用“心灵慈善”品牌去聚集慈善力量,为建设 幸福中国和实现中国梦作出自己的贡献。 On August 24, the 11th Successful Women Forum, known as

a weather vane of Chinese female initiation and jointly organized

by the China Women’s Development Foundation, the Learningmode China Promotion Association and the Chinese Happiness

Association, ended fruitfully at the Beijing Jiu Hua Spa & Resort. Mr. Li Yijian, secretary-general of the China Happiness Group,

gave a related speech, calling on people to give enough attention and importance to happiness and learn to how to be happy. Aiming to launch a happiness charity worldwide, the association

is committed to helping make the China dream come true with its brand and philosophy of “Soul Charity”.

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Entertainment News

名家名团 经典魅力

北京音乐厅 2014 国际古典系列演出季

The Classic Charm of a Famous Regiment Beijing Concert Hall 2014 International Classical Series Performance Season 如果说“打开音乐之门”让你在暑期看到了音乐的精彩纷呈,那么 接下来即将登场的 2014 国际古典系列演出季将让你领略到经典音乐的魅 力。每年北京音乐厅的国际古典系列演出季都有众多国内外乐团巨匠及 名家名师汇聚演绎经典,今年的演出更是盛况空前,自 5 月 11 日开幕后, 就将塔霍、宁峰等国内外众多乐坛巨匠、大师汇聚,演出精彩不断。下 半季演出将于 10 月- 12 月重磅登场,更具特色的九场精品演出,将让 广大观众继续聆听、领略古典艺术的百年传奇。 人声是世界上最美妙的乐器,来自超过千年历史的雷根斯堡云雀合 唱团的“纯净人声”,将用跨世界的五篇有声诗,开启此次演出季的大幕。 当今古典乐坛最炙手可热的大提琴演奏家秦立巍的两场“完全贝多芬” 音乐会,让乐迷们在短短的两天时间里感受贝多芬伟大的一生。钢琴演 奏家邹翔演绎的肖邦全套钢琴练习曲音乐会也尤为值得期待,将用 24 首 歌肖邦钢琴练习曲带我们走进音乐大师肖邦的世界。更有著名演奏家朱 晓玫将带着她的《哥德堡变奏曲 BWV988》在北京音乐厅上演 75 分钟的 “巴赫中国行”。“幻想之旅”是贯穿本届国际古典系列演出季 11 月演 出的关键词。无论是北爱尔兰“金笛手”詹姆斯·高威爵士带来的“幻想 长笛音乐会”,还是爵士岛人声组合音乐会,抑或是斯特拉迪瓦里六重 奏带来的“畅游意大利”都将让观众欣赏音乐的同时,领略该音乐诞生 地的各种风情。来吧,加入北京音乐厅!让我们在经典音乐的辉煌篇章 中找寻那个最初的自己。 If you are ready to open your world to the charm of classical music, the upcoming

2014 International Classical Series performance series is a great place to start. The annual International Classical Series performance season held at the Beijing Concert

Hall features many international maestros, as well as some of the finest musicians in the world. Since this year’s opening on the May 11, Ta Huo, Ning Feng, and

numerous other music masters have been giving thrilling performances. The muchanticipated second-half-show will debut in October and feature 9 performancesmaking the legacy of classical music truly accessible to all.

The human voice is perhaps the most wonderful of all musical instruments. The

Regensburg choir, with over a thousand years of history, opened the performances this year. Celebrity cellist Qin Liwei will perform Beethoven’s works, giving

audiences a survey of the master’s genius in just two days; pianist Xiang Zou will

be playing Chopin’s 24th piano etude. Zhu Xiaomei will bring us the “Goldberg Variations BWC988,” and the “Fantasy Tour” is a series of performances stretching across the entire season. Whether it is Northern Ireland’s Sir James Galway

giving the “Fantasia for Flute” concert, a jazz vocalists concert, or the Stradivari Sextet performing the “tour of Italy,” audiences will be sure to enjoy the varied performances on offer this season. Come and join us in Beijing Concert Hall!

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时间:2014.10-2014.12 地点:北京音乐厅 订票电话:400 610 3721


演 出

美好时光 Live Music 2014 演唱会 这是一次异乎过往、超出想象的艺术感观之旅。卢广仲、魏如萱、曹方、黄玠、旅行 团乐队、牛奶 @ 咖啡等都将来此;最具实力的创作人、设计师,交流第一手创作经验, 展示最新原创作品。798 附近的后苑西餐,将首推主打项目——披萨,更邀国内新锐 艺术家们在披萨盒上完成作品。美好时光 Live Music 将为您打造多感官、立体化的音 乐现场。美好时光 Live Music 必将带给你一段难忘的经历。错过她,还是遇见她,你 决定! 时间:2014.10.18 地点:朝阳公园万人广场 票价:220/380(220X2)

丁当“真爱好难得”旗舰版北京演 唱会 “情歌天后”丁当携“真爱”重返北京。丁当自 出道以来, 8 年的音乐历程,从单纯追逐梦想的 女生成长新一代的情歌天后,如今在她的音乐里 更增添了敢爱敢当的真性情,展现她不一样的风 采,敢伤,才敢爱。而这一点也融入到 10 月 25 日的演唱会中,她将在万人舞台上再次唱响“真 爱”,用更成熟的态度唱出对真爱的理解,继续 为大家牵起好姻缘。主办方亦决定于今日开始正 式对外接受预定,所有歌迷朋友们都亲身感受小 天后的音乐魅力,一起度过难忘的夜晚! 时间:2014.10.25 地点:首都体育馆 票价:199/299/399/599/699/1599

《我是马布里》 北京金隅队球星马布里首次演舞台剧,Mike 隋跟老马对手戏,他俩要演出点什么名堂? 《我是马布里》是中国首部融合了体育、音乐、舞蹈、多媒体等多种娱乐元素的大型 体育青春题材舞台剧,马布里将会亲身参与演出,而本片的领衔主演则是深受北京观 众喜爱的 MIKE 隋。导演周文宏表示:“相对于马布里的成就,他的精神更具有社会 意义。”今年 10 月,《我是马布里》将在五棵松汇源空间正式开演,为观众、球迷 带来一场视听盛宴。 时间:2014.10.1-10.11 地点:北京汇源空间(万事达中心内) 票价:180/380/580/880/1080/1680

LifeStyle 117


Entertainment News

《阳台》:陈佩斯爆笑依旧 “Balcony”: Chen Peisi Returns

俏皮生动的肢体动作,搞笑幽默的言语交锋。陈佩斯的爆笑舞台喜剧《阳台》每一次开演都令现场观众大呼过瘾。已经 有很多年了,每到临近春节,好多观众都惦记着一张熟悉的喜剧面孔——陈佩斯,也有些人认为,陈佩斯在大众视野中似乎 有些沉寂,有些低调,而他本人却称,这么多年,“我一直高调地活着,因为特立独行,所以可以说特别高调”。《阳台》 是陈佩斯潜心筹备 4 年、十易其稿的心血之作。小小《阳台》,透视人生百态。该剧讲诉了由陈佩斯饰演的包工头老穆为民 工讨要拖欠工钱未果,无奈之下上演“跳楼秀”,却不慎掉到了侯处长家的阳台。此时,侯处长的情人李丽正导演一出侯处 长和他老婆张秀芝的“离婚大戏”,身不由己的老穆被迫加入,进而产生了令人意想不到的连锁反应。 从 2004 年首演以来,《阳台》经常会遇到这种一票难求的场面。凭借着巧妙的线索设计、严谨的故事结构,8 年间它 走遍全国 40 多座城市,演出了 160 多场。如果你对陈佩斯在小品舞台上的表演技艺深刻,如果还没有领略过他在话剧舞台 上的风采,那么《阳台》一定是你不能错过的选择。 Playful, lively body movements; hilarious confrontations; Chen Peisi is back with a vengeance, leaving audiences transfixed with his new

comedy “Balcony.” For many years, as the Spring Festival approaches, viewers think of Peisi; a humble man whose public life is low-key

and quiet. “Balcony” has been incubating for over 4 years and 10 rounds of drafts- it is worth the wait. “Balcony” recounts the tale of migrant workers owed back pay from their contractor employers, who unsuccessfully staged a “suicide jump,” only to land on the balcony of Director Hou’s home.

Since the 2004 debut, it’s been difficult to get a ticket to “Balcony,” so popular has the play proved with audiences. With clever internal

structure and an amazing story, it has travelled to over 40 cities, with over 160 performances. Chen Peisi’s “Balcony” is not to be missed.

时间:2014.9.27-10.6 地点:国家大剧院戏剧场 票价:180/300/420/500/580/680

118 LifeStyle


话 剧

《麦克白》 本剧受日本戏剧大师铃木忠志邀请,由铃木忠志担当艺术总监,由黄盈导演,于 2014 年 8 月在日本利贺国际艺术节上进行首演。作为莎士比亚最为人所知的悲剧之一,这 版《麦克白》在对莎翁原著文本不进行过多修改的基础上,在视觉上进行了大胆的创新。 铃木大师评价:“黄盈把一个本身气质较为阴郁的、西方排演极多的莎翁剧目,做出 了色彩更加阳光的独特解读。” 这是一次与国际接轨的莎翁舞台呈现,它保持了原著 的悲剧性,又令人惊喜地加入了东方色彩的幽默元素。 时间:2014.10.10-10.13 地点:国家大剧院戏剧场 票价:160/200/240

《一个陌生女人的来信》 食色性也!这是一个有关于胃和阴道的故事。此 剧曾被徐静蕾改编成电影搬上大银幕,由孟京辉 根据奥地利作家斯蒂芬·茨威格同名小说进行创 意改编,由中国剧坛百变女郎黄湘丽主演,在原 著小说的雏形上将荒诞发挥到极致,是一次再造 经典的尝试。一个陌生的女人在她生命的最后时 刻,一朵鲜花在隐蔽的角落里无声无息地枯萎。 她用清纯、失贞、放荡守护着自己的初恋秘密到 死…… 时间:2014.10.21-11.23 地点:蜂巢剧场 票价:50/100/150/200/380

《这男人有点慌》 一直以来同时周旋在几个漂亮女友之间,他都可以轻松应对、坐享艳福,不料互相不 知彼此存在的女友们突然同时出现,慌乱之下的他借助好友邓科和仆人坤娜的帮助得 以脱险,风平浪静之后,女友们什么样的决定,使这个房间里的男人们惊慌不定…… 由崔绍涵 、韩承羽、于超然、姜震昊 、钱儒骏……等北京电影学院的一批新生代演 员共同出演的喜剧,将为观众带来不一样的欢乐。 时间:2014.9.17-10.4 地点:青蓝剧场 票价:50/100/180/VIP280

LifeStyle 119

LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海日航饭店: 锅烤三文鱼排套餐 + 免费生啤 1 杯 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Grilled Salmon Steak Set + 1 Glass Of Free Beer

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 初秋贝类海鲜自助晚餐 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Autumn Shellfish Dinner Buffet

With golden autumn’s arrival, the Japanese chef of Benkay recommends a new set: salmon seasoned by salt, with the addition of olive oilk and sauce, garlic, onion, and Japanese soy sauce. Combined with the steamed egg custard, it makes for a truly lovely autumnal flavour. 260 RMB/set. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6620

上海大酒店咖啡厅: 自助晚餐无限畅享大闸蟹 Coffee Shop of Grand Central Hotel Shanghai: Buffet Dinner with Unlimited Wang Bao He Hairy Crab

It’s the time of year to enjoy hairy crabs, and the Grand Central Hotel Shanghai uses selected Wang Bao He hairy crabs to provide an Unlimited Hairy Crab Buffet Dinner for you only at RMB 298 + 15% per person. The promotion lasts from Sept 25th, 2014 to Jan 15th, 2015. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 60136

From 1st September to 31stOctober, enjoy choices of fresh shellfish and tantalizing seashell dishes at Pudong City Bistro, a wonderland for all obsessed seafood lovers. Start a beautiful cozy autumn evening with a selection of quality shellfish delicacies at only RMB 268 net per person. Tel: +86 21 6036 8855

上海威斯汀大饭店:全新营养美味 助旅客享受旅途营养美味 Westin Shanghai: On the Road to a Healthy Diet

The Westin Hotel, Shanghai, has been engaged in a concerted effort to raise awareness of healthful eating. With a special team of Superchefs preparing the most delicious and nutritious specialties for you, you’ll be on the right track to a healthier life. Tel: +86 21 6335 1888

上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店: 饕餮海鲜自助盛宴 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: Spectacular Seafood Buffet

北京凯宾斯基饭店:十月啤酒节 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center: Oktoberfest 2014

From October 9th-26th 2014, Paulaner Bräuhaus invites its guests and friends to continue this traditional Oktoberfest celebration at the number one destination in Beijing. Of course, Oktoberfest is celebrated music, dancing, games, along with delectable Bavarian cuisine and the most important, superior German beer. Prost! Tel: +86 10 6410 4009

Enjoy the delicious fresh seafood buffet dinner at The Eatery: taste the different varieties of Seafood, Sashimi, Prawns, Scallops and an exquisite Asian hot dishes. A theme buffet dinner is served every Thursday to Saturday at The Eatery from 5:30pm – 9:30pm. September 1, 2014 to October 31, 2014. Price: RMB238+15% per person Tel: +86 21 2602 2222 ext 6022

上海瑞金洲际酒店琅庐自助餐厅: 万圣节奇趣之旅 Intercontinental Shanghai Ruijin Hotel: Halloween Dinner at La Rue

Surprise your taste buds this Spooky Halloween at La Rue for a fun filled holiday dinner with amazing Halloween treats. Kids in costume eat FREE! Halloween 17:30 – 21:30, October 31, 2014. The dinner buffet is priced at RMB 588 +15% service charge per person. Kids under 12 years old who are dressed up in costume can enjoy a free meal. Tel: +86 21 6472 5222 ext 7380

上海国丰酒店:马来西亚美食节 Guoman Hotel Shanghai: Malaysia Food Festival

In collaboration with Malaysia External Trade Development Corporation (MATRADE) and Malaysia Tourism Promotion Board, Guoman Hotel Shanghai presents Malaysia Food Festival to all guests from Aug 15-31, 2014. The Malaysia Food Festival is organized to introduce Malaysia cuisines to the local and foreign community in Shanghai. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 2007

122 LifeStyle

北京华尔道夫酒店: “绝对肉惑”你抵挡得住吗? Waldorf Astoria Beijing: Feast on Beef at Brasserie 1893

Every Sunday, embark on an epicurean feast of 300-day, grain-fed Australian Angus Rib Eye, Sirloin and Tenderloin beef served on our spectacular Molteni stoves. Price is RMB 688 + 15% service charge/person. Pair your feast with free flow Louis Roederer Champagne for an additional RMB 98 + 15% service charge/ person. Time: 12:00 – 15:00 Sunday. Tel: +86 10 8520 8989

深圳四季酒店: 欢乐开启儿童派对套餐 Four Seasons Shenzhen: Kids Party Plan

Getting tired of the average at-home parties for kids? Then consider having one at the wonderful kid-friendly Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen for them. Afternoon tea package at 458RMB+15% per child, buffet lunch package at 528RMB+15% per child, or kids cooking class at 250RMB+15% per child. Tel: +86 755 8826 8832


马苏出任莫瑞拉托首位大中华代言人 Ma Su Becomes Morellato Spokesperson in China

意大利时尚首饰及腕表品牌莫瑞拉托前 不久宣布:著名女演员马苏小姐将加入莫 瑞拉托大家庭,荣任品牌大中华区首位代 言人。她也是该品牌成立 84 周年以来的 首位大中华地区代言人。马苏不仅才艺精 湛,更兼具东方秀雅之美的外形与西方明 朗自然的气质。而莫瑞拉托也认为美是每 个女性与生俱来的,并一直秉承“为每位 女性增添光彩与自信”的理念,倡导女性 以配饰来展现自我魅力、重新定义美—— 这是双方此番能够携手的情感纽带。

SUSANTSENG 上海时尚展厅开幕 SUSANTSENG Fashion Showroom Shanghai Opens

HRS 举办 2014 全球商旅论坛 2014 Corporate Travel Forum Held 9 月 2 日,在线商旅管理专家 HRS 在北京举行 2014 全球商务旅行论坛新闻发布 会。此次论坛以“推动商务旅行管理的创新和变革”为主题,聚集了百余位全球 商旅行业资深人士,从全球视野分析中国商旅行业的当前状况和未来趋势。中国 企业海外投资的商旅管理挑战和新技术对商旅行业的影响等成为此次论坛的热门 话题。

银泰全新 in 品牌开启璀璨时尚亲子夜 Vogue Fashion’s Night Out at Yintai Center

前 不 久 银 泰 全 新 高 端 商 业 品 牌 in 携 手 Vogue FNO 摩登不夜城再度登陆北京、 杭州两地,并首次以“摩登亲子”主题 开启一年一度的时尚潮流派对。活动当 天,众多明星名流、时尚达人闪耀登场, 现身北京银泰中心 in01、北京王府井 in88 和杭州湖滨 in77 时尚地标,与城中摩登 宝贝温馨互动,共享时尚生活带来的无 尽乐趣。

创新独立设计师品牌 SUSANTSENG 于 8 月 28 日 在 上 海 举 办 时 尚 展 厅 的 开 幕 式。SUSANTSENG 品牌以往只在网上 渠道提供服装销售,其展厅为顾客首次 提供在极简现代感的环境中亲自体验服 饰本身的魅力。此次独家活动也展示了 SUSANTSENG2014/15 年秋冬季系列时 尚展品,主题为“现代童话”,一个对 最标志性风格的全新诠释。

威士忌时尚生活国际烈酒展首度移 师北京 2014 Whisky L! Beijing

8 月 22 日至 23 日,威士忌时尚生活国际 烈酒展首度在北京金茂威斯汀大饭店举 行。国际首屈一指的威士忌评论家查尔 斯・麦克林亲临现场主持大师讲座。为 了庆祝这场扩大的盛会,组织者斯蒂芬 ・诺特曼还力邀 7 位来自中国的威士忌 大师,在 5 款来自苏格兰不同产区的原 酒中评选出今年展会的限量酒款。而来 自台湾的威士忌名人林一峰先生带领酒 迷体验了苏格兰顶级海鲜佐搭威士忌的 美妙。

麒麟锦庭工体店两周年庆圆满落幕 Unicorn Worker’s Stadium Branch’s 2-Year Anniversary

中国高端餐饮品牌麒麟锦庭两周年庆典 前不久在北京工体店圆满落幕。活动当 天,麒麟锦庭高层与众多赞助商、媒体 朋友一同分享了麒麟锦庭的成长心得, 并于活动结束时邀请大家一起品尝麒麟 锦庭最新推出的川式老味火锅、家庭小 火锅。其新品火锅特色十足,麻辣适中, 汤红色亮,口味更是醇厚。

慕・法式铁板烧: 沪上吃澳龙最摩登新地标 LAMU Teppanyaki Restaurant, Shanghai

龙虾季来袭,王品集团旗下的高端铁板 烧餐厅慕・法式铁板烧成为沪上吃澳龙 最摩登的新地标。其招牌炙烧龙虾秉承 了法餐和铁板烧最本质的美食主张—— 从生到熟,从食材、摆盘到铁板艺术的 蜕变,每个细节都惊艳视觉、刺激味蕾。 7/15-10/31 活动期间,消费炙烧龙虾套餐 赠送龙虾券,凭券请你吃一整只龙虾。

汤米・希尔费格 2015 年春季女装系列音乐节女神精彩上市 Tommy Hilfiger Spring 2015 Women’s Collection 汤米・希尔费格的本季灵感来自于参加世界盛大音乐节的女观众。他把长年对摇 滚乐的那份挚爱,倾情表达于 2015 年春季女装系列之中。可以这样说,本季是 在回顾汤米・希尔费格尤为钟爱的那些在上世纪六七十年代光芒万丈的标志人物, 宛如一次时装上对这些经典摇滚乐中的华丽即兴乐句的再现。深得摇滚黄金年代 的精髓传承,他得以将音乐节上女观众对自由精神无以复加的追求作进一步的阐 述,把她们洋溢的青春活力与信手拈来的至酷气质呈现得淋漓尽致。

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时尚界的奇葩设计师瑞克·欧文斯凭借哥特式极简主义设计俘获了包括麦当娜在内的 诸多大牌明星。最近要去伦敦的人有眼福了。在著名的塞尔福里奇百货公司,你会看到 瑞克 · 欧文斯的巨型半身像。双方为庆祝持续 20 年的良好合作关系,特携手举办“瑞克·欧 文斯的世界”活动,呈现这位设计师最钟爱的“优雅与邪恶”元素。 高达 25 英尺(7.6m)的瑞克·欧文斯雕像手擎燃烧的火炬,背身屹立在塞尔福里奇百 货公司的正门。橱窗里有一幅女性画像,画中女人眼睛烁烁放光,额头上的显示屏播放着 艾拉·内吉姆瓦主演的无声电影《莎乐美》。 Watch out for Rick Owens’s giant white torso if you’re in London soon. Selfridge’s the London department store has collaborated with Rick Owens to celebrate 20 years in business. “The World of Rick Owens” is a kind of festival to all that is Owens, a combination of “elegance and depravity”, two of his favorite things as the designer put it. The 25 foot statue carries a blazing torch greets visitors at the front entrance. In one of the display windows is a huge image of a woman with glowing eyes and a TV mounted in her forehead that is playing Alla Nazimova’s silent film version of Oscar Wilde’s “Salome”.

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

2014 年七月号 总第 360 期



FOR the Creative

Getting Creative in Hotels l Fashionable Fusion l Footprints in Barbados l Silver Wine Sets l A New Definition of Kebabs


Momo Wu: No Limits

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