南腔北调· LifeStyle
2014 年九月号 总第 364 期 O Captain! My Captain! l Prepping for Fall l Tattoo on Shoes l Cauliflower Mushrooms l Porcelain Passion
萨维尔街摩登楷模 A Return to Style
罗宾・威廉姆斯 走好,我的船长!
O Captain My Captain 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
Editor’s Note
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The September cover is a shot of Oscar-winning actor and comedian Robin Williams
Time to Stay Put
You’re back from holiday, so start boasting. Oh, but you already did on
Wechat with those selfies. Monogram bags and Maseratis may be vulgar, but pics of reclining near a lagoon in Mauritius or in an iconic Manhattan hotel lounge are still kosher. It’s fine to yell “I’m a man of the world!”
Travel would be fine if you could be beamed up. Much writing cel-
ebrates long train journeys - the philosophical monotony of it all. The contemporary jet-set, frenetically rushing off clasping an iPad, spends less
than 24 hours at the destination. Much of the journey is the journey. You
秋天不远行 假期归来,你少不了要吹嘘一番,在微信朋友圈发各种 自拍照。路易威登的 Monogram 包包和玛莎拉蒂看起来不免 俗气,但是在毛里求斯某泄湖旁或曼哈顿某知名酒店小憩的 留影,倒不犯忌。大言不惭地说自己是“见过世面的人”也 无妨。如果旅行能省去舟车劳顿就好了,就像未来世界里的 瞬间转移。现在的阔佬们发疯似的抱着 iPad 匆匆启程,到达 了目的地却又呆不够 24 小时。大部分旅程都是在去往某地的 路上,却不得不喜欢上它,因为人生也是一场旅行,奔赴目 的地的过程代价不菲,艰难不断。 难怪超级富豪们会买喷气式飞机,它太有效率了,还把 我们一干人等都“隔绝”了。价格嘛,似乎难以想象,不过 当看到身旁坐着的矮胖短裤男,还有后面喋喋不休的商务男 大有要将我淹没的架势,也只好无奈地认了。商务舱终究不 会那么完美,后面整个都是经济舱,坐我旁边的要么是牙齿 参差不齐的农民,要么是啼哭不止的婴儿。旅行其实就是一 个大熔炉,出租车司机、粗鲁的年轻人、板着脸的安检人员, 各色人等轮番上场。 说白了,你就得习惯这些,那些当地人也要习惯。在旅行 过程中你得学会跟留守当地的没钱人、安于现状的家伙打交道。 旅行的意义不在目的地,而在与当地人的良性互动,因为他们 才是活生生的当地文化的代表。事实上,他们和你自己家乡“被 剩下”的那些家伙一样,糟糕透顶。待在自己所在的城市就可 以体验这样的文化之旅,感受一把外面的世界,你干吗还跑那 么远?有些会面其实用 Skype 就能搞定,尽管亲自见面有利于
got to love the journey because life is a journey. But the process of getting there is costly and unpleasant.
No wonder the super-rich buy jets. It’s efficiency, but it’s also avoiding
the rest of us. The price may seem unimaginable, until I look at the pudgy
man in shorts next to me and struggle to drown out the jabbering businessmen behind me. Business class is not good enough. Imagine the snaggle-
toothed peasants and crying infants I normally sit with back in economy.
Travel is a melting pot that means being elbowed by the louts you would never invite over. Then there are cab drivers or commoners on the train to the airport and the surly faces at the security check.
These have be zoned out, as do the people at your destination. The good
foreigners already emigrated. They run a creative consultancy in your city.
Travel forces contact with the brutes who were too poor and boring too get out. Right, yeah, the value of travel is not the sites but interactions with the locals, who possess color and authentic culture. Fact is they’re as bad as
their peers back home. The same anthropological tourism and leaving of
your comfort zone could be accomplished in your own backyard, but you would never give those hulligans a chance. Why do it abroad?
Half the day at your destination will be spent in traffic, going to meet-
ings that could have been Skyped but are needed for trust-building. Just believe in each other, and you won’t have to spend so much time on the road!
And that’s not to mention the lavatories. Your vacation is over. It’s great
that we have the internet. Cut down on carbon Emissions this Fall.
建立彼此间的信任感。那就彼此互信,你也不用花费太多时间 在路上了。当然,就更别提什么公厕了。你的假期已经结束了。 有网的感觉真好。减少碳排量,这个秋天做到了。
Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
076 至简至美荷仙菇
速递 014 鸟语花香满碗碟
荷仙菇因为超高的营养价值和药用功效, 在日本具有“梦幻神奇之菇”称号
快乐视野携手巴西建筑师奇科·戈维亚推出 新系餐具
016 恋恋笔记本
092 韩国蜂房
Libretto 公司全新笔记本系列以英国殿堂级 利伯提百货公司印花图案为基础,融合了 色彩缤纷的新艺术风格
韩国金孝晚建筑事务所设计的“蜂房”是 功能齐备的宜居之家,又像是特立独行的 人造景观
098 珍瓷屋
特辑 022 哦,船长,我的船长!
美轮美奂的德国皇宫瓷器陈列室令人大开 眼界
当我们对罗宾·威廉姆斯的离去表示惋惜时, 何不在现实中努力寻找自己的声音,警醒 自己
030 萨维尔街摩登楷模 帕特里克·格兰特身体力行,为现代男士们 诠释穿衣之道
016 052 纹图爬上足 皮鞋上做纹图,给你不一样的视觉感受
享乐 品鉴 046 “春夏秋冬”之国际舞台 四位中国本土知名设计师在国际舞台上展 示中国原创设计的独特魅力
060 暖秋,我们去海边 九月如约而至,撇开碧海白沙的夏日诱惑, 海滨城市的魅力远超过你的想象
LifeStyle 7
060 Indian Summer: Beach Hotels
From Dalian to Xiamen, the beach season in China’s coast is just getting started. Go with us to check out the special things these towns have to offer
076 Simple and Lovely: Cauliflower Mushroom Fantasy Magic Mushrooms
014 Flora and Fauna
A cheerful new collection of tableware by Brazilian architect Chicô Gouvêa
016 Patterned Paper
Drawing on designs from 1878 to 2013, this paper is grounded in the iconic Liberty prints
022 “O Captain! My Captain!”
As we celebrate Robin Williams’ life, we reflect on the lessons of Dead Poets Society
030 Not Just about Clothes
In a suit and tie since his schoolboy days, Patrick Grant leads today’s men to learn the deeper meaning of style
046 Entering the International Arena
Four Chinese fashion designers go to the international arena to showcase the unique charm of Chinese original designs
052 Tattoo on Shoes
Courageously-created, coriaceously-amazed
092 A Hub for Living
An architecturally striking family house in South Korea
098 Porcelain Passion
Porcelain Rooms in the former German palaces
Columns 088 WineClub 119 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel
国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 杨慧彬 Yang Huibin 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu
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10 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P.18
Libretto 公司推出的新艺术风格图案笔记本 Collaborative notebook collection by Libretto
LifeStyle 13
Flora and Fauna 来自葡萄牙的瓷器、水晶制品品牌“快 乐视野”创立于 19 世纪 20 年代,不仅有着 悠久的历史,更是葡萄牙王室指定的供应商。 前不久快乐视野携手巴西建筑师奇科·戈维亚 推出了新系餐具。这套碗碟以巴西的动植物 和 1960 年代标志性图案作为设计主题,再配 以充满热带风情的装饰。超大鹦鹉和艳丽花 朵占据整个餐盘,极具视觉冲击力。 Historic Portuguese porcelain and crystal brand
Vista Alegre has introduced a cheerful new collection of tableware by Brazilian architect Chicô Gouvêa.
Full of tropical flavor, the motifs are about the flora and fauna of Brazil combined with the graphic
intensity of patterns redolent of the 1960s. Oversized parrots and flowers dominate the surface. Vista Alegre was founded in the early 19th century and was the supplier to the Portuguese Royal Family.
14 LifeStyle
Golden Feet 神话里的蛇妖美杜莎是范思哲的品牌标 志,代表着致命的吸引力。在上世纪 80 年代 到 90 年代初,这个 logo 可是让时尚达人们瞬 间闪亮的神器。这双黑皮高帮运动鞋设计简 洁利落,配上金色美杜莎,让人完全移不开眼, 著名饶舌歌手坎耶·维斯特也不会例外。 Versace’s Medusa logo is back with a vengeance
on these black leather high-top sneakers. A staple of
the ‘80s and early ‘90s fashion scene, the Medusa logo was the bling of choice for fashionistas. These sneakers are an otherwise minimal design that integrates the logo quite well. One can imagine Kanye West rocking these.
LifeStyle 15
Patterned Paper
创立于 1997 年的 Libretto 公司总能推出别具一格的系列文具,让人爱不释手,而且 还常常能取得一些顶尖设计师和大牌的授权,进行产品创作生产,其中包括克里斯汀·拉 克鲁瓦、《纽约时报》、维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆、洛塔·詹斯多特和奥兰·凯利设计的壁 纸等。其全新笔记本系列不仅借鉴了 1878 到 2013 年的设计,并以英国殿堂级利伯提百 货公司的印花图案为基础,融合色彩缤纷的新艺术风格图案,绝对能为单调的生活增添 些许乐趣。你甚至可以想象英国 19 世纪末著名的插画大师奥勃利·比亚兹莱在这些笔记本 上信手涂鸦的情景。 Drawing on designs from 1878 to 2013, this collaborative collection is grounded in the iconic Liberty
prints. With an infusion of colorful Art Nouveau patterns, these stationery products are sure to put a dash of delight into any day. One can imagine Aubrey Beardsley doodling in one of these notebooks.
The Libretto Group was founded in 1997 by Thomas Cushing. Since then, Libretto has created several stationery and accessory collections, under license, for some of the world’s finest designers and fashion brands, including Christian Lacroix Papier, The New York Times, the Victoria & Albert Museum, Lotta Jansdotter, and Orla Kiely Paper.
16 LifeStyle
Chic Beat
意大利著名奢侈品品牌芬迪携手耳机生产商 Beats by Dre 推出新款系列耳机。新系列单品采用品牌 标志性的 Selleria 皮革,由工人手工缝制,同时还将 Fendi Roma 标志经热压花工艺印压于皮革之上,再将 “FF”镌刻于耳机两侧,尽显雅致时尚。 Italian fashion house Fendi has partnered with Beats by
Dre for a unique collection of headphones. Created in Fendi’s
signature Selleria leather, the headphones are hand stitched by workers at Fendi. The FF logo is engraved on the side, and the Fendi Roma logo is heat embossed on the top of the headband with the signature Selleria hand stitching.
LifeStyle 17
纽约著名地标性建筑广场酒店前不久推 出与大富翁类似的独家图版游戏 Plaza-opoly, 酒店常客们钟情于此的理由又多了一个。其 游戏情境不是在大西洋大道或公园广场,玩 家们要购买的是香槟酒吧、菲茨杰拉德套房 或大宴会厅之类的物业房产。与大富翁中常 见的骰子不同,Plaza-opoly 启用独特的“过 去现在卡”,卡片上都是跟酒店有关的历史 事件与事件发生地。玩家抽到“现在卡”, 就可以去棕榈庭喝下午茶了。如果是“过去 卡”,就有可能被送到梦露曾经弄断肩带的 那个房间。违反游戏规则的玩家不用进监狱, 但会被酒店保安带走,是不是有些搞笑! For fans of The Plaza Hotel in NYC, there is
now an additional incentive to stay there. The iconic hotel has created a Monopoly-inspired game aptly
called Plaza-opoly. Instead of Atlantic Avenue and
Park Place, players try to acquire properties like The Champagne Bar, The Fitzgerald Suite or The Grand
Ballroom. Another interesting feature of the game is
the “Now and Then” cards which tell players of the
historic moments and locations of the hotel. If you
draw a “Now” card, you can advance to the Palm Court for afternoon tea. If you draw a “Then” card,
you could be sent to the Terrace room where Marilyn Monroe once broke a shoulder strap. Perhaps one of
the most fun details: Instead of going to jail, unruly players will be sent to hotel security.
18 LifeStyle
Heady Mixology 19 世纪末出版的长篇小说《逆天》被奉为颓废主义“圣经”, 故事随着没落贵族德泽森特的生活展开,其中对色彩、文学、绘画、 音乐、宝石、香水、酒、植物等的品味和鉴赏串联了读者所有感官, 让人印象深刻。“享乐天堂”柏林丽思卡尔顿酒店恰好可以满足你 对故事场景的幻想,其最新揭幕的“芳香”酒吧推出的香水鸡尾酒 融合了经典香氛与故事。这个创意来自酒吧经理阿恩德·黑森,客人 可以从一面墙的香水中挑选自己最钟爱的一款——乔治·阿玛尼、阿 蒂仙之香、安霓可·古特尔、伊夫·圣·洛朗和娇兰等著名香水都有相对 应的饮品。酒店也同步推出了奢华香氛周末活动,香水工坊、香槟、 餐前小食、进口水果和黑森调制的香水鸡尾酒,应有尽有。 You, too, can vicariously live like the aristocratic des Esseintes character in
the decadent novel “A Rebours”, and drink in rarefied scents. The Ritz-Carlton Berlin is offering a new drinks experience based on fragrances and memories,
calling itself “the first bar dedicated to the art of cocktails in combination with the world of perfume and aromas.” Fragrances from Giorgio Armani, L’Artisan
Parfumeur and Annick Goutal, Yves Saint Laurent and Guerlain were used as
a jumping-off point for the hotel’s bar manager Arnd Heissen, who created the concept. Along with perfume house Frau Tonis Parfum, the hotel is also
offering a Luxury Perfume Weekend with a fragrance workshop, champagne, canapés and exotic fruits in the perfumery at Checkpoint Charlie, and more of Heissen’s cocktails in the evening.
LifeStyle 19
焕发身心 · 感受灵动
Relax and Rejuvenate in a Fairyland
朱家尖,舟山群岛 1390 个岛屿中的第五 大岛,全岛面积 72 平方公里,像一颗璀璨的 明珠镶嵌在中国的东海之滨。这里有着温和 湿润的亚热带季风气候,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑, 舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店就位于岛上, 坐享葱郁密林和金色沙滩间的这片天堂。 来到舟山朱家尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店大 堂侧面的垂直花园,便走进了一片融合舟山 岛地域特征的、舒缓自然的清新环境,这是 精心为宾客身心健康而设计的区域。装修典 雅的大堂吧则为宾客提供一个放松身心的好 去处。小啜着威斯汀精选茶或现煮咖啡,聆 扬帆起航 REFRESHING START 威斯汀焕新客房人民币 1088 净价 / 晚起 *次日免费双人自助早餐 *免费客房高速网络连接 * SPG 会员可享受双倍积分 *客房欢迎水果 *延迟退房至下午 3 点(视住房情况而定) *于知味标帜餐厅用餐,享受 85 折优惠 须至少提前一天预订 此优惠从酒店开业起至 2014 年 12 月 31 日止 Westin Renewal Room starts from RMB1088 net per night * Complimentary daily buffet breakfast up to two persons * Complimentary high speed internet access * Double Starpoints for SPG member * Welcome fruit * Room late check-out till 15:00 (subject to availability) * 15% off when dining in Seasonal Tastes One day advanced booking is required The promotion is valid from hotel opening till December 31st, 2014 1288 Jiari Road, Zhujiajian, Zhoushan, Zhejiang www.westin.com/Zhujiajian Tel: 0580 603 8888
20 LifeStyle
听着窗外轻柔的海浪声,感受那份极致闲暇 轻松。这里的 263 间宜人客房,包括 12 间别 墅寓所,都为宾客提供著名的威斯汀天梦之 床以及人体工学座椅等设施。想象一下,盖 着华丽的羽绒被,躺在松软的睡枕和舒适的 床垫上酣然入梦,是多么美妙的一件事。 此外,酒店还为宾客提供多种不同类型 的餐饮选择。知味标帜餐厅全天供应环球美 食;中国元素中餐厅提供精致中式餐饮,在 这里可以领略独特的海岛风味。而作为中国 元素中餐厅一部分的禅客素斋馆则更擅长以 新鲜蔬菜为原料,将禅意巧妙融入其中,精 心制作净化身心的素斋美食。 若想畅享舟山的新鲜空气,尽览当地美 景,不妨加入威斯汀健康跑计划与其他入住 的客人共享跑步的乐趣。或者也可以在酒店 特别设计的跑步地图指引下独自赏景跑步, 度过一段焕发灵动的好时光。入住舟山朱家 尖绿城威斯汀度假酒店的宾客,可同时享受 到世界一流的设施与细致周到的威斯汀品牌 服务、舒适宜人的客房和别墅寓所以及独具 匠心的餐饮选择和其他休闲设施,吹着微腥 的海风,尽赏海天一色。 Zhujiajian , the fifth largest island among the 1390
islands in Zhoushan, covers an area of 72 square kilometers, like a shining pearl inlaid in the East
China sea. The subtropical monsoon climate offers people on the island mild winter without severe coldness, and a humid summer without blazing heat. Centrally located on the island, The Westin
Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan is set between dense forests and the golden eastern beach.
Stepping towards the sides of the lobby, guests
will discover a vertical garden designed to benefit
their health. Sitting in the Lobby Lounge, guests can indulge in a cocktail, a freshly brewed coffee or a cup of Westin Jing Tea in front of beautiful sea views. Each guest room offers a different landscape-,
and a different emotion. All 263 inviting guest rooms, including 12 villas, are outfitted with the
world-renowned Westin Heavenly Bed, featuring lush sheets, down cushions, and a patented pillow-
top mattress, which cradles and contours the body for complete comfort. Other in-room amenities such as work desk with an ergonomic chair are also within guests’ easy reach.
The all-day dining restaurant, Seasonal Tastes,
provides a nourishing and imaginative menu, while
the Chinese restaurant, Five Sen5es provides the perfect setting for celebrations with loved ones and business associates, as well as CHOKO which is a
separate, peaceful dining area for guests to enjoy delicious vegetarian cuisine.
The signature RunWESTIN program is good
for people who want to breathe the fresh air and
admire the beautiful outdoor scenery. It offers group jogs as well as running maps for those who prefer to enjoy the local sights alone. The Westin Zhujiajian Resort, Zhoushan featuring comfortable guest rooms and villas, innovative dining options and leisure facilities, and all the signature amenities and services of Westin ushers guests into a fairyland to enjoy a period of leisure time.
别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
Back to School! / P.22
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哦,船长,我的船长! O Captain! My Captain!
在电影《死亡诗社》中,罗宾·威 廉姆斯所扮演的预科学院老师基 廷一改学校常规,鼓励学生探讨 诗歌和人生,打破思想禁锢,抓 住当下。当我们对威廉姆斯的离 去表示惋惜时,何不在现实中努 力寻找自己的声音,警醒自己!
The performance by Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society inspired a generation of prep school boys to embrace poetry and look at existence in a new way. As we celebrate the great actor and humorist, let's consider the wisdom of his character in that preppy movie. Text: Nels Frye
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在听闻演员、制片人和编剧罗宾·威廉姆斯于 8 月 11 日过世(享 年 63 岁)的消息后,悲伤之余,很多人也许会感慨青春的易逝, 抑或想起有偶像陪伴的童年。其实生活中这样的事例并不鲜见, 事实再一次告诉我们:无常才是人生的常态,天真烂漫总要过去, 一去不回头。威廉姆斯自己似乎总抓着生命中有趣的一面,让我 们感受到生命的美好和乐趣,而现在他走了,似乎将通往天真烂 漫的大门也一并关上了,徒留我们面对成人世界的惶恐和忧郁。 尽管在《机器管家》中,作为机器人的他有永葆青春的机会(为 了爱,最终自己选择了放弃),在《鸟笼》里,他又成为了华丽 雍容、风趣可爱的夜总会老板,《窈窕奶爸》中的他为了和孩子 们在一起,不惜乔装成胖胖的保姆道菲尔太太,更不用提他在诸 多动画片里精彩的配音,比如《阿拉丁与大盗国王》,他演绎的 精灵角色证明了动画电影不仅能给孩子带来欢乐,也可以为成年 人带来愉悦。事实上,他是一个严肃的“成人”。他在《渔王》、 《心灵捕手》等影片里都有让人动容的表现,后者还为其赢得了 奥斯卡金像奖最佳男配角的荣誉。毋庸置疑,这个男人有表演天 赋,受过专业训练,他的戏路真是很广,不过他总舍不得丢掉那 一点孩子气——可能在有些人看来,这算是一个弱点,但也许他 只是想一直保持孩童般好学、好奇和探索的天性。 高级知识分子说起威廉姆斯时,无不赞赏有加,特别是那 些曾就读菲利普斯学院和私立高中乔特、埃克塞特等名校的精英 们。在彼得·威尔导演的《死亡诗社》中,威廉姆斯的表现击中 了他们柔软的心。如今他已离去,再回看这部电影,其间他何尝 不也投注了莫大的真情实意。此种预科学院青少年题材影片传递 的主旨很简单,但即使对成人来说,它们迫使人们重新思考,拥 抱一种更诗意的精神。我们都曾遇到过这样一位良师,或者想过 在爬满常春藤的红砖楼里与他不期而遇。学校应该帮助学生打破 社会、家长和教育体系强加在他们身上的枷锁。 《死亡诗社》中的基廷老师对学生说:“我站到讲台上是 想提醒我自己,我们必须时刻用不同的眼光来看待事物。”他希 望学生们也能这样做。他教给孩子们的东西值得成年人时常拿来 警醒自己,“你们必须努力寻找自己的声音,因为你越迟开始寻 找,找到的可能性就越小。梭罗曾说,大多数人都生活在平静的 绝望中。别听任这样的事发生,打破它!”最重要的是活出自己 的人生,不要向来自家庭和同伴的压力屈服。 他还说过:“我们都非常需要被认同被接受,但你们必须 相信你的信念是独特的、属于自己的,纵使别人可能认为它是古 怪的,或者不流行的……我一向认为教育理念应该是要学生学会 独立思考。”基廷老师是这么说的,现实中的威廉姆斯也是这么 做的。9 月正是开学季,让我们把这些装进书包,回到学校。 当然,影片结局并不让人欢喜,基廷老师被开除了。这个 结局暗含的意思是十分明确的:主流思想之外的怀疑声音和特立 独行理念会冒着被权威们惩罚的危险。当基廷老师即将离校时, 学生们站立在桌上,用诗一般的语调呼喊“哦,船长,我的船长!” 如此壮美的情境让观众泣不成声,你看,你的教诲,已是春风化 雨,润物无声…… Students in Dead Poets Society
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Robin Wiliams as literature teacher Mr. Keating
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Beyond grieving, many may regret the end of youth or recall fond
memories of a happy childhood when they hear that actor, producer,
and screenplay writer Robin Williams passed away on August 11, 2014 at age 63. For a few, this might even come as a wake up call or
a small-scale death to innocence - a final confirmation that youth will
never return and that certain things are inevitable. Williams himself
held always to the playful, joyful side of life, and he gave us license to do the same. Now, we no longer have his permission to be childish. We are boring grownups.
Despite impressions, Robin Williams was himself a serious adult.
He did play an all-to-human robot in Bicentennial Man who had
the choice to remain young forever, a fun-loving drag club owner in Birdcage, and dressed as a nanny in Mrs. Doubtfire, not to mention
being a leading voice in numerous animated movies like Aladdin, but he also gave moving performances in dramas like The Fisher King
and Good Will Hunting, for which he won the Academy Award for
Best Supporting Actor. The acting ability of this man had true breadth. Still, there was something childlike about him and, outside of movies,
he seemed more at ease with kids. Maybe it was a vulnerability or just an undying willingness to learn and explore – to think differently.
Brainier, preppier types recall him most fondly for one movie
above all. Graduates of Northeastern schools like Phillips Academy
Andover, Choate, and St. Paul's have a soft spot in their hearts for Williams because of Dead Poets Society, the 1989 drama by Peter Weir that depicts the students of Welton Academy and their beloved literature teacher. With the passing if Williams, it’s even easier to look back and feel his true passions showed through in this movie.
The ultimate prep school boy flick, its message is simple but essential even for adults, who may have drifted further from a poetic spirit than adolescents. We all had a teacher like Mr. John Keating, played by
Williams, or wish that that we had encountered one, standing by a red
brick building covered in ivy. School should be about that challenge that takes us beyond the narrow confines imposed on us by society, parents, and the more rigid segments of the education system.
Keating tells his boys “I stand upon my desk to remind myself that
we must constantly look at things in a different way,” and exhorts them to get up their too. The lessons that Williams’ character gives
to his students are ones that we would be wise to repeat frequently to
ourselves as adults. “Boys, you must strive to find your own voice. Because the longer you wait to begin, the less likely you are to find it
at all. Thoreau said, 'Most men lead lives of quiet desperation.' Don’t be resigned to that. Break out!" The point is to live your own life and not give in to all the pressures coming from family and peers.
Further, he says “Now we all have a great need for acceptance, but
you must trust that your beliefs are unique, your own, even though others may think them odd or unpopular.” And as we return to our
busy lives after summer vacation, think of it as a return to school with this kind of view of education: “I always thought the idea of education
was to learn to think for yourself.” This is what both his character in Dead Poets Society and the real Robert Williams always did.
Of course, in the end it is not a happy movie. It contains the
warnings that differing too much, going too far past the bounds of acceptability, must always risk a reprimands by the controlling powers
and the inevitable internal strife that results from being a constant questioner. Do you want to go back to school?
《死亡诗社》里的诗歌 Poems in Dead Poets Society 不要只温习电影,不妨读读下面这些诗: 《她走在美的光彩中》,拜伦 《我怎么能够把你来比作夏天?》,莎士比亚 《尤利西斯》,阿尔弗雷德·丁尼生 《哦,船长,我的船长!》,选自沃尔特·惠特曼《草叶集》 《致少女:莫负韶华》,罗伯特·赫里克 《未走之路》,罗伯特·弗罗斯特 Don’t just re-watch the movie. Read these poems too: “She walks in Beauty” - Lord Byron
“Shall I Compare Thee To A Summer’s Day?” - William Shakespeare “Ulysses” - Alfred Tennyson
“Leaves of Grass” - Walt Whitman “To the Virgins” - Robert Herrick
“The Road Not Taken” - Robert Frost
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Prepping for Fall
现如今寄宿制预科已不像上世纪五六十年代《死亡诗社》中所描绘的那般拘谨刻板了, 不过想要入读菲利普斯、安多弗、乔特或格罗顿这类预科学校并顺利度过大学四年时光, 还是需要一本通关指南。 Things are not quite as strait-laced in boarding school these days as they were back in the days of Welton Academy, as depicted in the Dead Poets Society. Here is a guide for what you or your child will need to get through four years at a place like Phillips Academy, Andover, Choate, or Groton. Text: Nels Frye
Samuel Phillips Hall, at Phillips Academy, Andover, Massachusetts
26 LifeStyle
雷那样生活,实践一下王尔德借亨利之口 传达出的“新享乐主义”。
4 研读尼采著作——可以从《查拉图斯特拉如是说》开始。这本书是德国哲学家、 思想家尼采的一部里程碑式的作品,几乎包括其全部思想,文笔绮丽,哲理深沉。 但《超越善与恶》也许才是你该遵循的生活方式。
Lifestyle Manual - Take Dorian Gray as a sort of
Bone up on Nietzsche - We could have picked Thus Spake Zarathustra, but the title perfectly
1 生活方式指南——其实可以像道林・格
lifestyle coach - pay attention to the section on scents.
embodies the lifestyle you should aspire to.
5 随身带小酒壶——这个生产于上世纪四十年代的鳄鱼皮小扁酒瓶来自宾利伦敦。 2 穿船袜——怎么能在鞋口露出一截难看 的袜子呢?要做到“穿鞋不穿袜,没有臭 脚丫”。 Sneaky Socks - You need to be sock-less while
at boarding school - all year round. But the contemporary man is suave enough not to have stinky feet.
3 宣誓忠诚——为什么要挂一面内战时期 南方美利坚联盟国国旗呢?这样有人来访 时,你们才有话可聊。没什么特殊意义, 只是谈资而已。 Announce Your Allegiances - Why? Well, you
带上它,你随时都可以喝几口,这样微积分课也不会那么无聊了。 Hip Flask - The contents of this crocodile skin topped 1940s flask from Bentley’s of London should get you through pre-calculus.
6 Carta Marina 口袋方巾——就算是随便走走,也要彰显学院派风范。这块 Kent Wang 真丝口袋方巾可以让你在昂首阔步中通过细节体现自己学识渊博。丝巾上印 的是最早的北欧地海图,该图绘制于 16 世纪,图中不仅有挪威、冰岛,还有栖息 于北海及其沿岸地区的奇妙生灵。 Carta Marina Square - Never stop learning - even when strutting around town. This silk pocket
square from Kent Wang features a Carta Marina (Latin “map of the sea”) that is the earliest
map of the Nordic countries, created in the 16th Century. This pocket square shows the coasts of Norway, Iceland and the delightful creatures inhabiting the North Sea.
need a conversation piece in your room.
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7 用心打扮——穿正装的时候,别随便打
10 备好雨具——预科院校多选址在季风气候明显的新、老英格兰地区,在下雨的
个领带就出门。打领结吧,自己动手才能 打造极致完美。
日子撑一把狐狸绅士雨伞才显高贵。这样一把伞的价格等于普通人一辈子能用 的廉价伞的总和,但它能陪你一辈子。
Accessorize - When you do have to dress up,
For the Monsoon Season - It rains a lot in New England or old England.
never wear a regular tie or one of those strap-on bow ties. Learn how to tie the real thing.
11 冬日必备潮流单品——一副 Upstate Stock 手套,既保暖又不影响手指灵活活动, 在树林里干什么都方便。
8 读懂爱之书——柏拉图的《会饮》可以 解答你关于爱情的所有疑问,或者选择亚 西比德的生活方式也不错。 The Book of Love - All you need to know about
that four letter word - and Alcibiades is another great lifestyle coach.
9 做好物质准备——Magic-Flight Launch Box 汽化器最适合搭配梅森瓶一起使用, 可以很好地起到防潮作用。 Substance Support - The Magic-Flight Launch
Box is a perfect companion to that Mason Ball Jar from the attic - perfect for keeping things dry.
28 LifeStyle
Upstate Stock Gloves - These will keep your fingers nimble but warm while you are committing some probationary offense in a grove during January.
12 保持高冷——有时候你需要让自己安静下来。一个人在湖上,一边划独木舟, 一边吟诗,再有感觉不过了。 Kayak - You’ll need some quiet, alone time to memorize those stanzas and there’s no better place than out on the lake.
13 穿玫粉色 Polo 衫——给人留点遐想的空间不是更好吗? The Hot Pink Polo - Keep ‘em guessing.
14 拥有一把长曲棍球棒——划船之外,还
16 杂志也要珍藏版——网络时代很多事情都变得简单起来,但如果能拿出几本古
Lacrosse Stick - You’ll have to try another
A Vintage Magazine - Obviously there are no more sticky mags under mattresses in the days
sport besides crew.
of the internet, but you might show yourself to be a step above by reading the articles in a truly collectible piece of literature.
15 手拎轻便公文包——切忌把所有东西都
17 另一种生活方式——课业负担不重的高年级学生可以读读法国小说家于斯曼的
带在身上。因为只有住在偏远宿舍的乡 巴佬们才永远大包小包的。
Another Lifestyle Manual - This one is more for senior year when your grades don’t count any
Attache Case - Show that you live in one of the close dorms by using a case that doesn’t carry
much. Silently mock the backpack mules from Siberia.
《逆天》,这也是为即将到来的大学生活储备素材。 more or for getting ideas on how to pass the time in college.
18 选对球鞋——鞋舌的品牌 LOGO 和鞋侧面的英国国旗等小细节显出该运动鞋品 牌悠久的历史文化。穿英国本土制造的 Walsh 球鞋,才能体现出你的品位。 Trainers - Show you’re above the sneaker crowd by wearing these Walsh trainers, made in the UK.
19 了解世界局势——无论现在还是未来,中国人的力量都不容小觑。要了解最新 时事动态,知道哪里是全球瞩目的焦点。 Great Helmsman Poster - The future - nay present - is Chinese. Show you’re hip to that fact with the right poster for the wall of your room. Hey, he's still on the money - even if he didn't approve of making it.
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萨维尔街摩登楷模 Not Just about Clothes 当他还是一个学生时,帕特里克·格 兰特就已经对着装有了自己的想法, 如今他更是身体力行, 为现代男士们诠释穿衣之道。 In a suit and tie since his schoolboy days, Patrick Grant leads today’s men to learn the deeper meaning of style. Text: Nels Frye
30 LifeStyle
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32 LifeStyle
伦敦萨维尔街被誉为“西装裁缝业的黄金 道”,光顾过这里的客人包括丘吉尔、纳尔逊勋 爵和拿破仑三世等。19 世纪中期迁至萨维尔街的 “诺顿父子”男士高级订制西服裁缝店在 2005 年迎来了高大英俊的新主人——帕特里克·格兰特。 如果你定期浏览街拍博客,对这张脸一定不会陌 生,他可是《Esquire》和《GQ》等男刊年度最 佳着装榜的常客。过去 10 年里,他取得的成就 正是经典男装复兴的最好证明。他不仅让濒临倒 闭的“诺顿父子”重获光彩,还重振了丘吉尔的 御用服装品牌 E. Tautz,将之打造成高端成衣线, 在百货商店销售。2010 年,E. Tautz 为格兰特赢 得了英国时尚大奖“最佳男装设计师”奖项。 Hammond & Co 也是如此(其收购的另一个老品 牌),在德本罕百货公司里以亲民的价格、上等 的面料和经典时尚的设计赢得了大伙儿的青睐。 LifeStyle 执行主编费志远与格兰特相遇在上 海芝华士派对,俩人畅聊时尚以及格兰特关于风 尚男士着装的新书。“时尚远不是你身上的行头 这么简单,现在很多男人修饰得非常精致漂亮, 但双目无物,就像个花瓶一样,”格兰特说。而 他自身就是一个穿着考究、丰神雅淡的男人,但 是又不会让人觉得太过分。格兰特看起来英国绅 士范儿十足,但不是那么呆板,那么一本正经, 他身量高大,但是精致有度。 “我以前常犯搭配错误,幸好当时数码相机 还没发明,也没有 Facebook 和 Instagram 等,所 以我那些乱糟糟的造型没有被拍下来。”15 岁的 时候,格兰特曾穿过一件鲜亮的深黄色衬衫,配 上蓝色和白色的波尔卡领带、碎花围巾和巴拿马 帽,还有鲜红色的斜纹棉布背心。后来他开始穿 佩斯利卫衣帽衫和厚实的喇叭裤。“上世纪 80 年代后期迷幻浩室音乐正盛行,人们都这么穿, 也很有趣,但是帽衫搭配背心就不对了。”经过 反复的试验和尝试,格兰特终于形成了自己独特 的风格:灰色西装,配淡蓝色衬衫和纯色领带,
“我受够了佛罗伦斯时装周上的那些照片, 5 个人天天被 5 个摄影师追着拍。大家都知道,
衫到 18 岁,每天都是夹克、领带,其实很多英国人从来不这样穿。 英国还刮起时髦运动服风潮,各种不同的穿衣风格并存。”
上 LifeStyle 封面的尼克尔森·伍斯特,格兰特就
态度、生活习性,这一切构建了一个独一无二的你。”今年 9 月,格
兰特的新书即将面市,这是一本一网打尽全球 80 位风尚男士穿衣秘
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34 LifeStyle
At 1.90 meters and blessed with truly movie-star-like
good looks, Patrick Grant is a towering testament to the current importance of men’s style. His achievements of the last decade exemplify the renaissance of classic
menswear. Creative Director for tailor Norton & Sons,
a once flagging stalwart of Savile Row that he acquired
and began resuscitating in 2005, Grant also relaunched and directs two other heritage brands that he discovered
in the Norton & Sons portfolio. E. Tautz & Sons is a ready-to-wear label that riffs on traditional sartorialism, incorporating contemporary dandyism and references
to Grant’s youth. Tautz brought him the Menswear Designer award at the British Fashion Awards in 2010.
The other line, Hammond & Co., makes stylish suiting
in top fabrics available to those on a tighter budget via British clothing retailer Debenhams.
LifeStyle Editor-in-Chief Nels Frye recently sat down
with Grant at a party Chivas Regal held in Shanghai to
discuss style, Grant’s latest book on stylish men, and drinking whiskey. In the end, Grant showed himself to
be a man deeply involved in the clothing business and interested in clothes, but not at all convinced that nice clothes are the main part of style.
“Style is much more than just what people wear. A lot
of the people we celebrate today are men that have no substance behind them. They are beautifully groomed, and beautifully polished but behind the eyes there is nothing - it’s a sort of empty vessel,” says Grant.
“Style is about your personality and how you live your
格兰特最近刚为芝华士 12 年威士忌操刀包装设计,他在 20 岁出头就已经 是威士忌爱好者了。 “我的一位好朋友在苏格兰有一座漂亮的大房子,没有电话, 也没有网络。我们一起出门钓鱼,或者海滩一日游。虽然她父亲不喝酒,但是 会经常送很好的威士忌给朋友。我们开一瓶酒,三四个人一起分享。晚上十一 点到凌晨三四点之间,打打牌,喝喝酒。通常我就是光喝威士忌,因为房子里 没有其他酒水可以兑,不过我很享受老派的芝华士。” Grant, who recently designed the above packaging for Chivas Regal 12 Year, started appreciating whiskey in his early 20s. “A good friend of mine has a beautiful big house on the edge of nothing in Scotland with no cellphone and internet. We go out and fish and take day trips on the beach. Her dad doesn’t drink but is always given great whiskey as gifts. We enjoy a bottle, splitting it between three or four of us. We play cards and drink between eleven and three or four. Normally I drink whiskey neat because there is nothing around the house to mix it with, but I enjoy a Chivas oldfashioned.”
life. Many of the most stylish people aren’t well-groomed
- there is almost an inversely proportional relationship
between how well-polished men are and how interesting they are - at least with British celebrities.”
Grant himself is well-groomed, though not in that
overly perfect way. He seems utterly British - upper-
class probably, though one dares not delve into those complexities - but not in a prim way, strong but delicate somehow. “Thankfully I grew up before instagram, cameras on phones and all of that, so all the terrible
he’s a great guy who is probably tired of constantly being ambushed by photographers.
On the other hand, Grant loves variety. “People ask me about the rules of
mistakes I made weren’t recorded.” At 15, he wore
dressing. I think people have to make their own rules, otherwise it all gets a
liberty scarf on a panama hat, and a bright red moleskin
being a seller of suits, Patrick confesses that it’s not a natural mode, neither
a bright mustard shirt, a blue and white polka tie, a waistcoat. A few later, he was onto Paisley hoodies and massive flairs. “This was the era of acid house - the late 1980s. People were wearing hoodies and taking
acid. It was fun and you couldn’t do that wearing a
waistcoat.” After all the experimenting, Grant settled into
a rather staid mode and avoided any deliberation in the
bit dull. There are things that look awful, but I think that is okay.” Despite in China nor in the UK. “It’s not a natural mode - I grew up in a gray flannel shorts and a blazer and a tie up till I was 18 and left school. Every day I
would wear a jacket and tie. A lot of people in Britain never wear one. In the UK, there is a technical fashion sportswear movement. All of these different modes co-exist.”
But it’s more about lifestyle. “You construct a whole persona around
morning. He tends to wear a gray suit, light blue shirt,
the way you live, the things you say, your manner, everything you do is a
“I am fed up with all the pictures from Pitti Uomo.
men in history, which will be appearing in September, includes figures
solid tie and no pocket square.
It has become a thing that is too much of a ‘thing’. The same five guys photographed by the same photographers every day. These guys are photographed every time they step out. Certain guys you can always guarantee
will be there.” Yeah, like Nick Wooster who was on our cover a few months back - Patrick knows him and says
construct and the totality is you the person.” His book on the 80 most stylish like Alistair Crowley, an occultist, who wears “caftans and runs around the countryside with strange headdresses.” Bowie, Freddy Mercury and
Boy George all appear in the book, as does I.M. Pei. The book will be a manifesto of sorts for a man with a strong notion of what style should be.
“We need to celebrate men who are more expressive and hardline, otherwise everything tends to a bland sameness.”
LifeStyle 35
一起来上音乐课 usic Class 是时候放下你手中 并不悦耳的 MP3, 来玩玩真正的 音乐播放器了。 Time to upgrade from that tinny MP3 player to something a bit more substantial. Text: Nels Frye
36 LifeStyle
现代人往往沉迷于戴着大耳机听 MP3,或者在酒店房间里开着笔记本电脑大声放音 乐。也许你的音乐品味确实不错,但音质是决定音乐播放效果的最重要因素。现如今,过 于丰富的选择反而给人们带来一种疲劳感,同时把音乐变成了一种想当然就可以轻易获得 的东西。就像食物一样,滥用生长激素的东西自然不会有什么营养。 很多人都想买电唱机放在家里,不仅可以播放音乐,还有一定的装饰作用,但我们 还是想建议你想得更远一些,毕竟只有极致的复古才能为家中增添几分独特的气息。 过去,能在家里听音乐都已经是件很奢侈的事了,用于播放音乐的设备器材自然也 成了奢侈品。这些都是留声机出现之前就有的华丽家具,其精致的构造像十八九世纪的机 械表一样,大部分来自瑞士,却在中国清代颇为流行。今年八月,本地一位私人收藏家在 北京四季酒店展示了他的全部收藏。 此次展出中最有意思的展品,同时也是我个人最喜欢的,就是这台美国十九世纪的 自动换盘音乐柜。其结构并不复杂,却与音乐的关系最为紧密。由于要向中国出口,所以
The most interesting one at this exhibit was
not the most elaborate but, in terms of being the most relevant, was my favorite. Made for
export to the Chinese market, not only does it
have Chinese writing, but it also plays Chinese
melodies including Shiba Mo, a brothel song that was incorporated into Puccini’s opera, Madama
Butterfly. This connection was discovered about two years ago, in a remarkable story of cultural cross-fertilization that saw an Italian count
bringing a Swiss-made music box that played
Chinese melodies to his friend, a composer who incorporated them in Western operas. Your iPod does not boast such provenance.
它不仅有中文歌单,还能播放被普契尼巧妙融入歌剧《蝴蝶夫人》的中国民间歌谣《十八 摸》。 《十八摸》高调出现在蝴蝶夫人第一次见到她好色的美国新郎平克尔顿的时候。之后, 在向平克尔顿表白她将尽弃民族信仰,把自己完全交给他的时候,蝴蝶夫人又深情而完整 地演唱了一遍。这曲调在第一幕的爱情二重唱里也出现过。大约两年前,人们才发现《蝴 蝶夫人》与《十八摸》之间的关联,这种跨文化交融可是 iPod 无法呈现的。可以想象一下, 一位意大利伯爵带着一个瑞士制造的音乐盒,为他的朋友们播放被剧作家悄悄植入西方歌 剧作品中的中国民间小调…… You’ve been listening to MP3 out of big headphones for too long or just playing them off the
speakers on your laptop in some hotel room not even gracious enough to prove speakers. You might have good taste in music, but sound quality is what really matters. The overabundance of choice can also produce a certain fatigue and taking for granted of the music. Much like food too much growth hormone, there is something unnatural about the music we listen to these days.
We know you’ve been meaning to invest in that turntable, but we would like to suggest you go a
bit further and acquire something that would upgrade the look of the areas for entertaining in your home.
Having music at home used to be a luxury, so the devices that played it used to rather fantastic
luxury goods. These were the ornate furniture items that came before gramophone. Much like 18th and 19th Century mechanical clocks, these exquisite mechanical objects – mostly from Switzerland
– were popular in China during the Qing Dynasty. In August at The Four Seasons Hotel Beijing, a local private collector exhibited the most complete collection of these items in China.
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38 LifeStyle
九月,一杯好酒 Drinking on a September’s Day Text: Jacob Dreyer
秋天到了。工作、学习,一切又要回归正轨了。 每天早上挣扎着起床,迷迷糊糊冲个澡,刮了胡子, 随手抓起一件西装,系好领带,匆匆出门,然后被卷 入这座城市汹涌的人流。树上的叶子由绿转黄,一成 不变的日子就这么循环往复。渐渐成熟的我们会问自 己:“这一切都是为了什么?”但只有两件东西能给 我们答案——《圣经》和酒。圣经旧约《传道书》1:13 中这样写道:我专心用智慧寻求查究天下所作的一切 事,乃知神叫世人所经练的是极重的劳苦。 宗教经典人人都有,这里,LifeStyle 为读者推荐 几种葡萄酒和烈性酒,让美酒相伴你的每一天。 Autumn’s here: back to work, back to school. Back to
waking up at the last minute, rushing through a shower and shave, putting on the first suit and tie that comes to hand,
and struggling through traffic to the office. The leaves change, but the same patterns of life seem to cycle back, in an endless return. When grown men find themselves asking “why?” there are two traditional remedies: the Bible, and
the bottle. Flipping through the good book, we came across Ecclesiastes 1, 13:
To everything there is a season, and a time to every
purpose under the heaven: And also that every man should
eat and drink, and enjoy the good of all his labor, it is the gift of God.
Accordingly, LifeStyle here sets out what the most
appropriate wines and liquors are for you to make your way through your day.
LifeStyle 39
上午 9 点客户会议:香甜咖啡酒 刚进办公室,秘书已经在你桌上放好一杯双份加料的意式浓缩咖啡——强烈且 持续的苦味令人精神一振。拉开抽屉,再来一杯香甜咖啡酒,也许会让你回忆起刚 刚在埃斯特角城度过的美妙假期。走进会议室,浓缩咖啡加香甜咖啡酒的效力定会 令你活力倍增。 9:00 client meeting: Kahlua
A stiff double espresso is called for; you don’t even need to ask, as your secretary
wordlessly sets it upon your desk as soon as you arrive. The bitter taste is bracing, perhaps overly so; pry open your desk for some Kahlua, offering a sweet coffee flavor which will recall to you your last holiday in Punta del Este. As you enter the boardroom, you’ll feel twice, or even three times, as awake.
12 点午餐:施格兰杜松子酒 在灰色法兰绒西装盛行的年代,以喝酒为主的“液体午餐”是社交的必要环节。 在曼哈顿也是如此,这样的午餐时间是建立人脉、谈生意,或与老友叙旧的好时候。 晴朗的蓝色天空,快乐如阳光般铺洒在城市的每个角落,一些高大建筑物的尖顶反 射着耀眼的光芒。人们喜欢在马提尼中加入杜松子酒,用冰镇过的玻璃杯盛着。据 说丘吉尔非常喜欢超辛辣口味的马提尼,一边纯饮杜松子酒,一边看着苦艾酒瓶。 这一点我们也可以效仿:把酒瓶从冰箱里拿出来看看再放回去,就像从来都没人动 过一样。 12:00 Lunch: Seagram’s Gin
Ah, for the glory days of the grey flannel suit: when “liquid lunches” where de rigeur for
networking, business deals, and reconnecting with old friends in the glory days of Manhattan. A sparkling blue sky, the glint of joy as sunbeams strike the metal spires of the city; we prefer
our martinis with gin, in chilled glasses stored in the freezer. As to vermouth, we follow
Churchill’s recipe: take the bottle out of the refrigerator, look at it once, then put it back inside unopened.
40 LifeStyle
下午 3 点提提神:玛姆香槟 经过大半天的忙碌,你可能已经筋疲力尽了。打开手机或微信,又收到新邮件或新消息。 手机电池的电量渐渐耗尽,直至黑屏。终于,手机自动关机——今天不会再有电话了。把同事 邀请到办公室,关好门,开瓶玛姆香槟庆祝一下吧。当然,一定要记得打开窗户,这样软木塞 崩出时顶多砸到楼下的路人,而不是你严肃的领导。 15:00 Pick me up: G.H. Mumm Champagne
By now, you’re probably totally exhausted. As you look at your phone for yet another email or
wechat, you notice that the charge is low, low, lower… and the screen goes black. No more calls for today. This calls for a celebration; invite selected colleagues into your office, close the door, and pop
open a bottle of Mumm. Make sure to open the window, so that if the cork goes flying off in surprising directions, it will hit a pedestrian on the street below and not one of your tenacious fellow executives.
下午 5 点半开胃酒:格兰威特 12 年威士忌 会议已超时半小时。真是荒谬,可谁都无能为力。没人知道飞速发展的现代经济消耗了人 们多少宝贵的时间。不过聪明人会让会议最终演变为一场随兴的座谈,大家喝着格兰威特 12 年威士忌,聊聊曼哈顿见闻——美酒是任何社交场合的理想润滑剂。 17:30 Apertif: Canada Club Old Fashioned
Right: this meeting has already gone overtime for half an hour. This situation is preposterous, but
there’s no accounting for the hours that the modern economy demands of one. A wise man would let the meeting flow directly into a more congenial and informal chat over a Manhattan, made with Glenlivet 12 year- the ideal lubricant to any social occasion.
晚上 7 点咖啡馆:雷司令 暮色洒满你面前的那条小河,酷热的一天即将过去,清新凉爽的微风渐起。这时候最适合 来一杯甜美的德国雷司令干白,一扫倦意。有着丰富气泡的 Von Unserm 来自德国古老雷司令 葡萄酒产区 Balthasar Ress,能立刻将你从熙熙攘攘的都市生活里抽离出来,回到大学刚毕业的 时候——与朋友在柏林蒂尔加滕公园无所顾忌地开怀畅饮。至于晚餐,一枚青橄榄或几颗花生 就足够了。 19:00 in a café somewhere: Riesling
Twilight starts to lick at the edges of the river in front of you, and the scorching heat of the day begins
to taper into a balmy, cool breeze. It is the perfect moment to call for a sweet German Riesling to drench your evening with languor. Balthasar Ress’ “Von Unserm,” dry and sparkling, will instantly transport you from the tugging hustle and bustle of urban back to your days in Berlin as an undergraduate, drinking with friends in the Tiergarten. As to dinner, perhaps an olive or some peanuts will suffice.
晚上 10 点:格兰威特 12 年威士忌 是时候回家了。晃荡着走下出租车,一路踉跄,最后默默杵在电梯门口。等开了家门,随 手把钥匙往桌上一扔——漫长的一天终于结束了。幸运的是,当你打开公文包想确认一下明天 要做的工作,这时意外发现了包里还剩一点格兰威特 12 年威士忌。去阳台再来一杯加冰威士 忌吧。夜幕中紫云翻滚,看一眼自己也挣扎于其间的这座城市,喝一口威士忌。闭上眼,酒香 氤氲,温暖的感觉在身体里流淌。明天的事明天再做吧。 22:00 Glenlivet 12 year, rocks
Finally, the solace of home; pirouette out of the taxi, stand mutely waiting for the elevator, open the
door and fling your keys on the table: it’s been a long day. Luckily, as you open your briefcase to review
the work that tomorrow holds, you discover that you still have the better part of the 12 year Glenlivet
in your briefcase. Grab some ice, go to your terrace, and drink in the billowing violet clouds of another nightfall over the metropolis. Close your eyes and let the warmth suffuse your body- the work can wait for tomorrow morning.
With thanks to Pernod Ricard and The Wine Contor. Enjoy the Riesling with oysters at G+ Urban
Harvest in Shanghai’s Reel Mall, Lane Croawford, K11 mall, or Oyster Bay, Xintiandi- or get it at www. thewinecontor.com.
LifeStyle 41
白酒的时髦转身 Bringing the “Spirit of China” to the World Text: Jacob Dreyer
说说你和中国白酒的情缘吧。 1988 年,我第一次来中国旅游,1992 年又来到哈尔滨,但这次是以学生的身份。我一直 觉得这里面有点命中注定的意味,东北的冬天漫长酷寒,我开始跟当地人一样,喝白酒来取暖, 效果真的很不错!后来,不管是在香港做投行、在哈佛研究历史,还是从事电视行业、钻石贸 易以及在上海做房地产,白酒一直都陪着我。 你是如何想到给白酒取名为“byejoe”的? 其实,白酒想在美国市场普及不是一件简单的事情。在中国,白酒品牌包装和营销都很传统, 也取得不俗的成绩,但是对于从未听过白酒的西方人来说,它看起来得现代、有趣,充满活力。 刚开始的时候,大多数外国人对烈性酒都很反感,在宴会或是聚会上喝几杯,然后倒在地板上 就不省人事了:拜拜,Joe! 不过,白酒能让西方人发现中国文化的迷人之处,让每天的生活不 再那么单一。喝过 byejoe 之后,哪怕是最普通的美国男人,也能得到一个全新的味觉体验。 在推广 byjoe 的过程中遇到了哪些挑战? 首先是白酒的度数太高。在中国,白酒的酒精含量通常为 60%,而美国大部分酒都是接近 40%,所以我们将酒精含量降低一点,以适应美国人的口味。其次是强烈的白酒味儿。白酒香 型分为酱香型(茅台)、浓香型(五粮液)和在北方卖得比较好的清香型,美国人常喝的鸡尾 酒酒性温和,我们认为清香型白酒更适合美国市场。当然,这也可能反映出了我对哈尔滨那段 日子的怀念。营销最重要的是包装。在中国,白酒瓶的设计包装通常比较传统,以反映白酒的 悠长历史为佳,比如茅台、五粮液,但是西方眼里的中国不再是腐旧的封建社会,不再是自行 车和稻田的代名词了,相反,这里是时尚、酷及现代建筑等的前沿。我们希望 byejoe 瓶子设计 能代表全新的中国,瓶身修长光滑,就像上海时髦的摩天楼。以上种种都是我们针对西方市场 所做的调整,但说到底,它还是中国白酒,我们为此感到自豪。 说说目前的成绩吧。 我们刚刚获得了世界烈酒大赛 4 项金奖,包括 byejoe red 经典口味 3 项和火龙口味 1 项, 后者经过与火龙果、荔枝和红椒蒸馏而制得,非常适合小酌和调配鸡尾酒。 你认为 byejoe 的前景如何? 我记得第一次回美国时,注意到酒吧里有全球各民族代表性的酒:墨西哥龙舌兰、苏格兰 威士忌、俄罗斯伏特加、法国香槟和日本清酒等,却没有中国的白酒,尽管它是世界上最受欢 迎、历史最悠久的酒类。我希望在美国的每一个酒吧都能买到白酒。我们正在向南美和加拿大 市场扩张,不久后还会登陆欧洲和香港。
42 LifeStyle
中餐馆遍布全世界,怎么能少了白酒这个重要角色? byejoe 的出现也就那么理所当然了,虽然开拓新的市场少不了 艰辛,马特・鲁什对它的“钱”景很有信心。 Byejoe is the #1 brand of Chinese baijiu in North America- founded by Matt Rusch, a Harvard-educated American sinophile. LifeStyle spoke with him about the future of this iconic beverage overseas.
Tell us about your history with Chinese culture.
I first came to China in 1988 as a tourist, and returned as a student to Harbin in 1992. The choice
was fateful; the winter was long, cold and dark, and I learned to drink baijiu from the locals. It was the
perfect thing to keep me warm. Later, whether as an investment banker in Hong Kong, a historian at Harvard, or working in television, diamond trading, and real estate in Shanghai, baijiu was my constant companion in my 15+ years in China.
How did you get the inspiration for the unique name?
It’s tough to introduce baijiu to a Western audience- in China, baijiu brands come off as very
traditional in their packaging and marketing, but since Westerners have never heard of it, it needs to seem contemporary, dynamic and fun. In the beginning, most foreigners have an aversion to the liquor. In a banquet or a meeting, you drink a few glasses, and you fall to the floor drunk- Bye, Joe! But
actually, baijiu can let Westerners discover the fascinating cultural identity of China, transcending our own boring everyday lives. Bye, Joe; after drinking our liquor, even the most ordinary American guy will have a taste of this fascinating different world.
What have been some challenges in marketing the product?
The first is the strength of baijiu: in China, it’s usually 60% alcohol. In America, most liquors are
closer to 40%; so we brought down Bye Joe’s strength a bit to accommodate American tastes. Then,
there’s the strong smell- Americans mostly drink cocktails, and so liquor needs to be mixed. Of the three types of baijiu, jiangxiangxin (similar to Maotai), nongxiangxin (similar to Wuliangye), and qingxiaoxin, a lighter version often consumed up North, we decided that the qingxiaoxin was most
suitable- of course, this might just be my nostalgia for Harbin days. Most importantly is the packaging.
In China, baijiu bottles are often very traditional and evoke the long history of the drink- just look at Maotai or Wuliangye. But in the West, China is no longer seen as the old, feudal country of peasants,
bicycles, and rice fields; it’s the cutting edge of fashion, modern architecture, and everything cool. We wanted our bottle to represent the new China, and made a bottle as tall and sleek as the skyscrapers in
Shanghai. The 21st Century will be China’s century; we want Bye Joe to be the beverage of choice. We cleaned the flavor, smoothed it out, rebranded and repackaged it; we adapted to the Western market in a lot of ways. But in the end, it’s Chinese baijiu; we’re proud of that. Tell us about some of the recognition you’ve gotten so far.
We just recently won 4 gold medals in the World Spirits Awards- 3 for our “Bye Joe red,” the classic
flavor, as well as recognition for our “dragonfire” flavor; we distilled baijiu with dragonfruit, lychee fruit, and hot chili. It’s perfect for shots or cocktails. What’s the future for bye joe?
I remember when I first returned to the United States, noticing every nation in the world represented
behind the bar- Mexican tequila, Scottish whisky, Russian vodka, French champagne, even Japanese sake. But Chinese baijiu was not represented, even though it’s the most popular liquor in the world, as well as the one with the oldest history. I want to see baijiu in every bar in America. We’re expanding to South America and Canada; expect us in Europe and Hong Kong soon.
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44 LifeStyle
品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Material Culture / P.46 艺术
Art / P.54
TASSELS 集合店推出的纹图鞋履 Tattoo Shoes by TASSELS
LifeStyle 45
Material Culture
春 夏 秋 冬 之国际舞台
Entering the International Arena “春、夏、秋、冬”,这是采访中四位 中国本土知名原创设计师分别带给我的 感受,也是他们的服装设计作品分别带 给我的感受。他们不断走出国门,在国 际舞台上以静态作品展示和 T 台秀相结 合的形式展示中国原创设计的独特魅力。 “Spring, summer, autumn and winter,” which includes four original Chinese fashion designers; their words in the interviews are moving, but so if their design work. They are all original Chinese local famous fashion designers who have experienced success abroad, going to the international arena to showcase the works of static and T station release show combines the unique charm of Chinese forms show the original design. Text: Eva Liu
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Material Culture
Tattoo on Shoes 皮鞋上做纹图,给你不一样的视觉感受! Write your soul on your soles Text: Eva Liu Photos: TASSELS
高技艺”头衔的 Edward Green。大敏说,第一次听
品,会是什么效果?前不久,高级男鞋品牌集合店 TASSELS 联合中国顶尖纹
事情。“TASSELS 给了我们最初的想法,我与另外
幼喜爱画画,2005 年开始接触纹身,在西安从事纹身行业 7 年。他在认真钻
且能够熟练运用于日常纹身创作过程中。与 TASSELS 的跨界合作,他认为是
空针纹出来。”此次 TASSELS 推出的六款皮鞋,拥
此次 TASSELS 集合店推出的四个纹图鞋履品牌分别为:诞生于 1884 年
的美国,与常春藤联盟紧密相连的 Alden;华丽体现意大利绅士足上艺术的
Bontoni;颇具英伦皇家气质的 Crockett & Jones;在国际上享有“英国男鞋最
52 LifeStyle
It’s a common thing to see creative and cool tattoos on a girl’s shoulder
or a young man’s forearm these days. However, tattooed shoes may not be so familiar to us. How can this absurd state of affairs continue? In cooperation with YZ Studio, TASSELS, the gentlemen’s shoe store,
showcased a series of tattooed shoes lately on The Ink Stitching, a
crossover art exhibition, which amazed all the audience. One of the participating tattooists, Damin, was exclusively interviewed by LifeStyle editor Eva Liu.
Damin, an experienced tattooist from YZ Studio, loves painting,
photography, music and traveling. He has kept painting and doing tattoos since his career started in Xi’an in 2005. He is naturally sensitive to
patterns and colors and is good at making good use of them. To work
with TASSELS was a very special experience for him, and the crossover
cooperation is meaningful for the public to understand tattoo culture. “Tattoos are a positive form of self-expression,” Damin said.
The selected collections that TASSELS presented this time include
纹身小贴士 Tips for those who want to have a tattoo 纹身是跟着你一辈子的,建议选择经典的风 格!推荐风格:第一种,东方传统风格,例如龙凤 鲤鱼等,纹较大面积才有这种感觉;第二种,欧 美风格很随意,例如摩托车、足球队队徽、骷髅 头、翅膀等元素;第三种,新图腾,例如几何图案, 视觉冲击感比较强。 A tattoo will be a lifetime mark on your body, so classic patterns could be a good choice. Here are three recommended options: traditional oriental designs, such as dragons, phoenixes, carp, etc., casual Western ones, like a motorcycle, a logo of a football team, skulls, or a pair of wings, and special new totems with strong visual impact, for example, geometric patterns.
Alden, Bontoni, Crockett & Jones and Edward Green. Alden is the
“Ivy League” classic from America; Bontoni, the Italian fine handmade shoemaker, seeks to recapture the Italian elegance of yesteryear; Crockett & Jones, makers of the finest English leather shoes, was founded in 1879
in Northampton, at the heart of England’s most famous shoemaking town; and Edward Green, the royalty’s favorite, has maintained its excellence
without compromise for over a century. “When I was told to tattoo these leather shoes, I was quite amazed,” Damin said. He took it as an interesting
experiment, because doing tattoos is all about having fun. “TASSELS gave us the original ideas. Accordingly, we made the design sketches and
started to work with different materials due to the texture of the leather. For example, there is sheepskin, cattle hide and suede, etc. The softness of some leather makes it more like human skin, so it’s comparatively easy
to draw on. But polished stiff leathers are quite difficult to do, generally speaking. In this case, we have to use empty needles instead.” The six
leather shoes for men launched by TASSELS have different patterns from each other. They are all crossover artworks representing the persistence, intelligence and composedness of true men.
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50 Years that Changed China
大英博物馆《明:盛世皇朝五十年》展览生动呈现永乐至正统年间“新”的历史, 探秘这半个世纪更多的真相与传说。 A seminal new exhibition at the British Museum on the Ming Dynasty Editor: Jeffrey Ying Photos: British Museum
大英博物馆计划于 2014 年 9 月在塞恩斯
1400 至 1450 年,大致为永乐至正统年间华夏
要的历史事件。1405 年明成祖朱棣将北平改
开明代中国的神秘面纱。在 1400 至 1450 年间,
至明永乐十八年(1420 年)最终落成,是中
国明、清两代 24 位皇帝的皇宫。彼时中国的
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In September 2014 the British Museum
will stage a major exhibition - and no doubt a blockbuster - in the new Sainsbury Exhibitions
Gallery on the Ming Dynasty, a golden age in China’s history. The exhibition will explore
the years 1400 – 1450, a pivotal 50 year period
that transformed China during the rule of the
Ming dynasty. In this period the capital was established in Beijing and the borders of China
are fixed as they are today. Bureaucrats replace dmilitary leaders in the hierarchy of power, and the decision was taken to centralize power. The
exhibition will include rare loans of some of the
finest objects ever made in China, shedding light on this important part of world history that is little
known in Europe. China’s internal transformation
and connections with the rest of the world led to a flourishing of creativity from what was, at the time, the only global superpower.
This period for China was a time of
extraordinary engagement with the world and
of fascinating cultural diversity. This is the first exhibition to explore the great social and cultural
changes in China that established Beijing as a capital city and the building of the Forbidden City.
Southwest and Central China. Four emperors
ruled China in this period. The exhibition will include the sword of the Yongle Emperor, “the Warrior”; the handwriting of the Hongxi emperor, “the bureaucrat”; the paintings of the Xuande
emperor, “the aesthete”; and the portraits of the regents who ruled while the Zhengtong emperor
was a boy. There will also be costumes of the princes, their gold and jewelry, and furniture. The exhibition covers court life, the military, culture, beliefs, trade and diplomacy.
Sponsored by the gasoline conglomerate BP,
this exhibition is curated by Jessica Harrison-
Hall and professor of the history of art at Oxford
Craig Clunas. They cooperated with a number of Mainland Chinese museums such as The Shanghai Museum and Shandong Museum in
securing loans of items never before seen on foreign soil such as a rare Tang Dynasty zither
and a plump Middle Eastern inspired porcelain
candleholder. The exhibit runs the whole gamut of cultural and artistic production: long scroll paintings, silk robes, decorative items, musical instruments.
As well as the imperial courts, the exhibition will focus on finds from three regional princely tombs:
in Sichuan, Shandong and Hubei covering East,
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物华天宝引嘉华 人杰地灵迎嘉宾
Wanda Realm Nanchang: Southern Hospitality 南昌,寓“南方昌盛”、 “昌大南疆”之意。 作为江西省省会,英雄城南昌不仅有着 2200 多年的建城史,更是一座物华天宝、人杰地 灵的国家级历史文化名城。充满艺术气息的 南昌万达嘉华酒店进驻洪城后,凭借其高品 质的设备设施和贴心细致的服务,为那些曾 居停于此的客人留下了许多隽永难忘的美妙 回忆。其中最令住客们印象深刻的便是酒店 豪华大气的装修装饰和只有在这里才能享受 到的优质睡眠体验。 从精致的旋转门步入南昌万达嘉华酒店, 淡淡的绿竹香氛扑鼻而来,伴着这份清新和 舒适,客人已经踏入了一座温馨的“城市绿 洲”。除了嘉华酒店特有的品牌项目——香 氛计划,还有独一无二的“万达嘉华天使” 向客人主动献上热情真诚的问候。宽敞明亮 的酒店大堂装修豪华,花艺与绿植点缀其间, 创造出富丽堂皇而又不失自然生机的空间环 境。大堂顶部以南昌市市花金边瑞香为创作 主题,吊满了采用玻璃吹制工艺制成的水晶 灯。水晶灯由一万两千颗大小不一的气泡球 串挂成主体,三千多颗菱形切面干邑色水晶 球编织成金边瑞香花。在夜晚亮灯之时,星 光璀璨,熠熠生辉。大堂主背景画亦以金边 瑞香为设计主题,并以赣绣传统工艺编织表 面花形,结合实木阴刻图案背景。大堂右侧 是酒店前台接待处,前台背景画以江南三大 名楼之一的滕王阁为创作主题,采用砂岩雕 刻和铁画相结合的表现手法,立体多元地再 现了气势恢宏的元代名家夏永的《滕王阁图》。 其整体效果大气磅礴,又与酒店高雅的格调 相辅相成。 客人入住万达嘉华酒店即可将南昌新区 的美景尽收眼底。298 间客房及套房优雅舒适, 其中位于顶楼的总统套房是全城最为奢华的 套房之一,面积达 202 平米,客厅和卧室均 采用新古典装饰风格,同时选用高端洗浴用 品和纸品,柔软的品牌床垫和绵柔的床上用 品为客人带来无与伦比的睡眠体验。“万达 嘉华之床”的舒适性是其它床垫无可比拟的, 再加上轻柔蓬松、饱满透气的白鹅绒被,共
56 LifeStyle
同打造如在云中的惬意梦境。 万达嘉华酒店独创的“妙梦”精选系列里, 为贵宾随性选择“眠之趣”提供的童趣公仔, “眠之香”放送的心仪香氛,“眠之籁”沉 醉的经典音乐,抑或“眠之阅”徜徉的睡前 读物,让人尽享家的感觉。其他设施还包括: 配备齐全的健身中心,是客人强身健体的绝 佳去处;有全景落地玻璃窗的室内恒温游泳 池,客人在畅游的同时,可俯瞰城市风光, 别有一番情调。酒店中当然少不了特色餐厅: 一楼“美食汇”为全日西餐厅,主打“互动 式的料理娱乐”,还有开放式厨房;五楼的“品 珍”中餐厅专注于原汁原味以及保持均衡营 养,为宾客奉上吸纳赣菜精华的经典粤菜。 此外,酒店还设有 1200 平米的大宴会厅,配 备 96 平米 LED 显示屏和顶级视听设备。层 高 9.3 米的宴会厅天花板上有无数水晶灯片串 织而成的灯盒子,高低错落,晶莹剔透,华 贵大气又不失优雅内涵。 南昌自古就有“粤户闽庭,吴头楚尾” 之称,唐代大诗人王勃就曾在《滕王阁序》 中将这里描述为“襟三江而带五湖,控蛮荆 而引瓯越”。现如今,南昌更是连接长江三 角洲、珠江三角洲、海峡西岸经济区三大重 要经济圈的省际交通廊道。南昌万达嘉华酒 店则毗邻红谷滩万达广场,处于商务和娱乐 的核心地带,同样有着优越的位置优势。相 信无论是商务旅行还是休闲观光,每个选择 入住南昌万达嘉华酒店的客人都将不虚此行。 Nanchang: the city’s name evokes the grandeur
and prosperity of the South. As the capital of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang has a history of over 2,200
years, and is a repository of a rich history and
culture. The rich atmosphere of art and culture is very much present at the Wanda Realm Nanchang;
that’s why refined visitors to Nanchang tend to stay there. The high quality facilities and attentive, meticulous service makes it the best option; it has a truly luxurious atmosphere, where you’ll be able to enjoy a high-quality sleep experience.
As you open the revolving door, the fragrance of
The Wanda Realm Nanchang gives guests
the cityscape. Needless to say, fine gourmet food
and comfortable rooms and suites, the top-floor
restaurant, as well as an open-plan kitchen which allows
green bamboo will fill your nostrils; this fresh breeze
panoramic views of Nanchang City. With 298 elegant
oasis in the heart of the city. A Realm Angel greeting
Presidential Suite is one of the city’s most luxurious
makes guests feel they’ve entered a welcoming will accompany this fragrance, making you feel
sincerely welcomed. The lobby is bright, spacious, and luxurious; flowers and plants give a sense of
vitality without detracting from the sense of space. Nanchang’s famous flowers inspire the lamps in the lobby, made by a special local glass-blowing process. Crystalline orbs of different sizes adorn the ceiling;
the room is lit by twelve thousand strings of gently hanging bubbles, with more than three thousand
reflecting prismatic surfaces. Gaze into the cognac-
suites, with an area of 202 square meters. The living
room and bedroom are decorated in a neo-classical style, while the choice of high-end toiletries and paper
products, as well as an excellent and soft mattress and indulgent cotton bedding provides an unparalleled
sleep experience. The trademark “Wanda Realm Bed” offers comfort unmatched by other mattresses; the
soft, fluffy and fully breathable goose down will let you feel you are dreaming in the clouds.
The Wanda Realm’s original “Wonderful Dream”
is available; on the first floor, there is the all-day
you to see your meal being prepared; the Pin Zhen restaurant on the fifth floor offers local dishes as well
as Cantonese cuisine, providing authentic and balanced nutrition. The hotel also features a 1200m2 Grand Ballroom, with a 96 square meter LED display and top-
end audio-visual equipment. There are countless pieces of Crystal Light string weaves scattered across the ballroom ceiling (9.3meters tall); these sparkling light
boxes provide a luxurious atmosphere, twinkling lights dancing around the evening.
Nanchang has an incredibly convenient position
colored crystal balls; you’ll notice the hand-painted
will certainly let you sleep well; whether it’s a
in China, straddling the Yangtze River Delta, the
of stars. Traditional Gan embroidery is draped
incense” filling the air with your favorite scent,
T’ang Dynasty poet Wang Bo wrote famous poems
flowers. Yes, these lights shine with the radiance across desks and counters; the traditional wood-
carving tradition has been integrated into the design
as well. On the right side of the lobby, behind the front desk, is a lovely painting, expressing a feeling
of poetry; sandstone carvings and iron painting techniques create a unique form of expression, a
multi-dimensional reproduction of the Yuan dynasty
artwork “The Poetic Map.” The majestic style of this entrance salon complements the hotel.
“sleepless doll” for children to play with, “sleepless “sleepless music” offering the intoxicating feeling
of classic songs, as well as the “sleepless reader” offering selections for you to read; you’ll have the
feeling of being right at home, and getting rocked to sleep by an environment of perfect comfort. The
hotel also has a fully equipped fitness center, a great
place for guests to keep fit. There are floor to ceiling panoramic windows surrounding the indoor heated pool, allowing guests to swim while looking over
Pearl River Delta, and the Minnan Golden Triangle. here, about the breathtaking scenery and dramatic
pace of local life; today, Nanchang’s new economic prominence has made it once again central. The Wanda Realm Nanchang is at the heart of it all, with
a superb location. Whether for business or pleasure, it is the ideal place to stay.
No.1000 Fenghuang Middle Avenue, Honggutan New Zone, Nanchang Tel: 0791 8222 8888
LifeStyle 57
有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.60 人物
Profile / P.68 美食美客
Foodie / P.76 旅游
Travel / P.84
厦门艾美酒店 Dinning area at Le Meridien Xiamen
LifeStyle 59
九月如约而至,撇开碧海白沙的夏日诱惑,海滨城市的魅力远超过你的想象, 何不抓住这稍纵即逝的金秋,从北到南做一次探寻呢? From Dalian to Xiamen, the beach season on China’s coast is just getting started. Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Respective hotels
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大 连
干点什么? 毫无疑问,大连是中国最漂亮最宜居的 城市之一。人们通常不会将“优雅”的标签 贴在东北身上,但是一说到大连,你会忍不 住犹豫再三,因为这个文化独特的城市确实 是优雅的所在。漫步在现代化的市中心,品 尝当地的美味海鲜,或者去亚洲最大的城市 广场——星海广场走走,都是不错的选择。
酒店推荐 大连君悦酒店
雄踞在城市之央,外观摩登时尚,东倚星海 广场,南临大海,坐拥无与伦比的海景。除 了炫目宏伟的外观和典雅利落的室内设计, 先进的商务科技、宽敞的客房、创新的餐饮、 完善的会议及宴会设施、豪华的水疗设施和 服务,一应俱全,随时满足商务、会议、美 食、休闲及娱乐等全方位都市需求。被《亚 太商务旅游》评为“世界最佳商务酒店品牌” 的君悦,对酒店的选址要求非常苛刻,大连 君悦不会让你失望的。
不得不说,9 月去大
连已经不太适合下水畅游了,但大连凯宾斯 基饭店的游泳池可以弥补这个遗憾——免去 海藻缠足、沙子满身的烦恼,只留戏水乐趣, 更重要的是,还不会被晒黑!这里还提供芬 兰桑拿浴、香薰蒸汽浴、雪屋、冰泉等诸多 创意项目。如果你觉得这些太“温和”,那 就去普拉那啤酒坊喝上几杯德国啤酒吧。
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What to do?
Dalian is, without a doubt, one of China’s
loveliest cities. People don’t usually think of
Dongbei as being elegant, but Dalian’s unique local culture will make you think twice. Stroll through the modern downtown, eat some of the amazing local
seafood, or go to Xinghai Square- the largest square in Asia.
Where to stay?
Hyatt is known for luxury all over the world; their Dalian hotel will not disappoint.
To be honest, by September Dalian is already
a bit chilly for actual ocean swimming. It is
in Dongbei, after all. We love the pool in the Kempinski Hotel Dalian - all the fun of sitting
by the water without seaweed wrapping around your legs, sand getting in awkward places, or- worst
The Grand Hyatt Dalian has just opened, and
of all- skin getting tanned. There’s also a Finnish
the hotel is directly inside Xinghai Square, right in
fountain, and much more. If this all is sounding too
set on the beach, and with excellent restaurants and
few pints of German beer.
is fresh and crisp. The sea views here are unrivalled;
sauna, an aroma steam bath, a snow room, an ice
the heart of the city. In a sparkling new building
healthy for you, head to the Paulaner Brauhaus for a
services of all kinds, this hotel is a winner. Grand
LifeStyle 63
烟 台
干点什么? 让烟台蜚声海内外的东西有很多:大樱桃、张裕葡萄酒、海鲜……更有位于丹崖山巅的蓬 莱阁,无论是在电视剧中还是小说里,这里都是神仙频繁光顾的地方,八仙奔赴蟠桃大会就是 从此处出发的。你可以来一次田园风光、海岸葡萄园之旅,或者体验徒步的乐趣。据说毛泽东 也曾在烟台海滨疗养,怎么样,他老人家的要求总不会比你的低吧。
酒店推荐 烟台金沙滩喜来登度假酒店
旎的海岸线,无论是红日跃出海面的壮景还是海上生明月的诗情画意,这里都是最佳观景点。 夜晚,海浪拍打海岸的声音伴你入眠,恍然间,以为自己宿在太平洋上某艘游艇里,所望之处 星光熠熠,所谓良辰美景大抵如此吧。
What to do?
Yantai is famous for many things; cherries, the Changyu wines, excellent seafood… Penglai Pavilion’s
Dan Cliffs is said to be the departure point of the Eight Immortals on their trip to the Conference of the Magical Peach. Tour the region for some of the most beautiful farms and vineyards of the coast, and great hiking. It is said that the city is famous for being Chairman Mao’s seaside retreat- if it was good enough for him, it’s good enough for you.
Where to stay?
The Sheraton Yantai Golden Beach Resort is the logical choice for the place to stay here; excellent
quality, an amazing location right on the beach; watching the sun set over the ocean, the waves alive with
orange and yellow light, is a truly magical experience. The rooms are suspended above the ocean; you’ll feel
as if you are in the cabin of a yacht as you gaze over the Pacific; the sound of waves beating against the coast will lull you to sleep.
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青 岛
What to do?
干点什么? 人们都对“帆船之都”青岛特有的优雅 姿态印象深刻,青岛其实还是个美食之都,荟 萃了山东全省的美食,啤酒、海鲜、海鲜馅饺 子都让人念念不忘。这里保存完好的老城区风 情万种,新城区则不乏摩登时尚的现代建筑和 设施。德国总督府、圣弥爱尔教堂等老建筑都 值得参观,还有青岛啤酒厂、东方熊乐园、海 底世界等,绝对让你行程满满。入夜时分,随 便找一家海边酒吧,来点海鲜烧烤和让人酣畅 淋漓的啤酒,刹那间就有了满足感。想走远一 点的话,崂山应该不会让你失望,葱绿的植被,
Qingdao, known as the “Sailing City,” features
unpretentious elegance, some of the best Chinese
cuisine in the north- seafood dumplings, fresh fish, and the excellent produce of Shandong province-
with a well-preserved old city jostling shoulder to shoulder with a modern new metropolis. Check
out the old German architecture, like St. Michael’s Church or the old German Governor’s Residence; check out the bottling plant for Tsingtao beer, or
visit the Qingdao Eastern Bear Park. At nightfall, go to one of the waterfront pubs for some barbecued seafood, or go for a hike in the nearby mountains.
Where to stay?
in the central May 4th square. If you feel the need
The Westin Qingdao is right next to the water,
就在青岛城市地标——五四广场边上。如果来 青岛只是为了恢复活力,以便重新应对工作压 力,那么青岛威斯汀会超出你的期待。你可以 懒懒地泡在桑拿室和水疗中心,或者在设备一 流的健身房挥洒汗水,然后用一份健康美味的 活力美食慰藉挑剔的胃,那叫一个满足啊!闻
to recharge before plunging back into the world of work, the Westin is great; spend the day in the
sauna and spa, or in the excellent gym; take a break for a meal at one of the numerous well-appointed
restaurants and then breath in the fresh sea air. You’ll see fishing boats in the distance, and some
locals going swimming; it feels so free, you’ll never want to leave.
着淡淡的海腥味,远处有渔船点点,还隐隐传 来本地人嬉水的欢笑声,这种感觉是如此自由。
LifeStyle 65
厦 门
干点什么? 当抵达厦门那一刻,你会无比确定自己来到了南国。日复一日,风景如画的老厦门在岁月 的长河里似乎一直都这么祥和安稳:入耳的是陌生软腻的闽南语、入眼的是使人应接不暇的当 地小吃,鼻子不由被食物香味引诱着、指引着……鼓浪屿上的古建筑颇具小资情调,国内独一 无二的钢琴博物馆让人大开眼界。不用怀疑你的眼睛,成片的橘园、树荫下下象棋的老人与摩 登现代的商务中心看似不搭调,但都是这个城市最平常的街景。这个充满人间烟火的海滨城市 早就是中国最受欢迎的城市之一。
酒店推荐 厦门艾美酒店
从轮渡站(前往鼓浪屿)溜达 15 分钟便可到达厦门艾美酒店,闹中取静是
它最具吸引力的地方之一。凭借与市中心清新秀丽的仙岳山公园的完美融合,厦门艾美平添了 几分“大隐隐于市”的儒雅,但浓郁的文化气息才是这次推荐的最重要理由。不管是艺术、建 筑、设计、美食还是时尚,酒店都会让人有不少“发现”的惊喜,何不自此开启这个文化名城 的探索之旅?顺便提一句,该酒店的门卡可是由各国艺术家特别设计的!
新近开业的厦门朗豪酒店离这个城市的“绿肺”五缘湾湿地公园仅需步行 15
分钟。每逢 3 月,大批白鹭在此筑巢、繁殖,这里可以说是候鸟南北迁徙的重要驿站。公园内 集水景、温泉、植被、湿地、海湾等多种自然资源为一体,其概念设计更是出自迪拜七星级帆 船酒店的设计者——英国阿特金斯顾问有限公司手笔。酒店离机场和万达广场都非常近,适合 商旅人士选择。你可以在“漫长”的海鲜午餐和快艇比赛的间隙查查邮件,见见客户啥的,好 不惬意。
66 LifeStyle
What to do?
When you arrive in Xiamen, you’ll know that you’re in the
South. The picturesque streets of old Xiamen, where life has
been quietly going on for so many years; the sound of the local
dialect, and the scent of Fujian’s delicious local specialties… The city is truly one of the most lovely places in China, with quaint
architecture and places like the Piano Museum on Gulangyu island, citrus groves and old men playing Chinese chess in the shade of trees side by side with a modern CBD and convenient transportation.
Where to stay?
You could do worse than to stay at the Le Meridien Xiamen.
15 minutes stroll from the ferry station headed to Gulangyu, it’s right
where you’ll want to be. What’s really outstanding about the hotel is the sensitive way that they share local culture with guests, whether that’s art, architecture, design, cuisine, or fashion. It’s a great starting point to embark on a chic, cultured discovery of the city.
Langham Place, Xiamen is another excellent choice. Modern,
convenient to the airport and the city’s new center, the Wanda
Plaza, it’s a great place for those who have come on a “business
trip,” and need to check emails and meet clients in between those long seafood lunches and speedboat races- expensed, of course.
LifeStyle 67
瞩目大美云南 Eyes on Yunnan LifeStyle 与北京云南大厦酒店有 限公司(云南城投集团成员)董 事总经理柘辉畅谈中国旅游业和 酒店业未来的发展前景。 Exciting ideas about the future of tourism in China are coming out of Yunnan province. We sat down with Ji Hui, Managing Director of Beijing Yunnan Tower Hotel Co., Ltd (Member of YMCI Group), to find out. Text: Richard Fu and Jacob Dreyer
68 LifeStyle
谈谈云南城投集团酒店版图的扩张情况吧。 从 2005 年 开 始, 云 南 省 级 领 导 班 子 就意识到了要在省内主要城市大力推进现 代化建设,要加强医院、学校基础设施建 设,还有最重要的是对酒店业这一对经济 发展贡献极大的产业进行扶持。我们希望 能将云南建设成为顶级旅游目的地,这里 不仅有美丽的风景、丰富多彩的地方文化, 还有全年适宜出行的温和天气。不过,在 2005 年的时候,云南城投的旅游地产项目 还主要集中在昆明。后来集团决定也要把 世界级设施带到云南其它城市。因为来自 一线城市的游客普遍倾心于像大理、丽江、 香格里拉、西双版纳这样宁静祥和的地方, 但他们对于酒店产品的舒适度和便利性, 跟在北京、上海入住酒店有着同样的预期。 说说最令你兴奋的项目吧。 目前,在北京和云南昆明、西双版纳、 腾冲都有云南城投投资的酒店,每家都有 超过 500 间客房,可以满足各类国际会议 需要。我们希望云南能够成为举办大型会 议和贸易展览会的首选地。我们正在昆明 兴建一座大型会展中心,其中包括国内最 大的假日酒店以及美高梅、康 莱德酒店。 昆明的气候条件要优于成都,这里的文化 气息又比三亚更浓厚。事实上,很多人都 想来昆明旅游。我们也正在兴建世界级的 高水准设施,可以为企业营造一个良好的 经营环境。未来我们还将跟喜来登合作在 抚仙湖兴建高尔夫球度假村。云南各地其 实都很适合建高尔夫球场,而昆明之所以 被称为“春城”,那可是有原因的。 云南的特别之处在哪里? 首先,云南省一直狠抓环保工作,像 西双版纳、香格里拉、大理、丽江这些地方, 其美誉度在全国都是数一数二的。其次, 优越的环境带来健康的生活,提供宜居的 生活方式和美食,这里也是做水疗按摩或 开展户外运动的好地方。第三,中国 56 个 民族中云南就有 26 个,民族的多样性决定 了其文化的多样性。换句话说,云南是一 个适合旅游可持续发展的好地方,能向世 人展示最好的中国。 为什么你对云南酒店业抱以如此乐观的态度? 云南不仅风景优美,而且有着丰富的 文化。客人可以去茶园亲手采茶或参观传 统村落和寺庙,还有专人负责为客人搭配 一周的云南风味,以确保客人吃得健康。 现在的客人已经不 再对具体某件高级物品 那么感兴趣了,转而更为注重奢华体验, 这正是我们能为客人提供的。游客来到度 假区只关注两件事:能够真实体验大自然, 同时又能获得家一样的感觉。客人已经不
关心酒店大堂是不是够大和有没有枝形吊 灯了,他们只想感受那份惬意——在享受 舒适的同时,又能轻松走入“户外”。
building a huge conference center in Kunming to accommodate this need, including the largest
Holiday Inn and an MGM and Conrad. Our
weather is better than Chengdu; our culture is
请问云南交通方便吗? 这个问题很有意思。宝马公司正在策 划一场从昆明到西双版纳的流动车展,一 路上美丽的乡村景致一览无遗。我建议大 家可以乘飞机来云南,然后驾车游览各个 城市。在旅途中偶遇美景胜地便停下来, 触摸近在咫尺的美丽。 Tell us about how your investment group got
more interesting than Sanya. Actually, lots of people want to visit Kunming; by building worldclass facilities, we can give them the ability to do business here, as well. In the future, hotels
will open in Dali, a golf resort at Fuxian Lake on which we’re working together with Sheraton.
Yunnan’s great for golf; there’s a reason why Kunming is called the Spring City.
involved with hotels.
What makes Yunnan so special?
in Yunnan realized that we needed to modernize
have been very strong; places like Xishuangbanna
most importantly for our economy- hotels. We
like Dali and Lijiang, are among the most beautiful
landscapes, a rich tapestry of local cultures, and
health, from lifestyle to cuisine; it’s a great place
But even in 2005, development was focused on
or outdoor activities that Thailand is famous for.
class facilities to other Yunnanese cities as well.
over 26 of China’s 56 ethnic groups make their
tranquility that they get from places like Dali,
sustainably develop tourism, showing off the very
Starting in 2005, the provincial government
First of all, our environmental protection efforts
facilities in major cities; hospitals, schools, but
and Shangri-La, to say nothing of famous spots
aspire to be a top tourist destination: with beautiful
in China. Secondly, this environment fosters great
perfect weather year-round, we have a lot to offer.
to do the sort of spa treatments, massage therapies,
the city of Kunming- we decided to bring world-
Thirdly, we have an amazing ethnic diversity;
Travelers from first-tier cities love the feeling of
homes here. In other words, it’s a great place to
Lijiang, Shangri-La and Xishuangbanna- but they
best that China has to offer.
could expect in Beijing or Shanghai.
Why are you so optimistic about hotels in
also need the comfort and amenities that they
Tell us about your most exciting projects.
Yunnan isn’t only beautiful, but also culturally
At the moment, we have hotels in Beijing and
rich. Guests can go to tea fields and pick their
these hotels all have over 500 rooms, in order to
temples; we have specialists to give you a one-
meetings. We’re hoping to make Yunnan into a
health. Guests aren’t interested in luxury objects
Kunming, Xishuangbanna, Tengchong, Yunnan;
own tea, or visit traditional villages, visit Buddhist
meet the needs of international conferences and
week Yunnan-style diet, to bring you to excellent
destination for meetings and trade fairs. We’re
anymore, but rather in luxury experiences; that’s
what we can provide in Yunnan, especially in the
destinations we have chosen as sites for our hotels. When visitors come to resorts, they want two things: to experience nature, and to experience a
feeling of being at home. You don’t need a huge lobby or vulgar chandeliers; you just want to
feel comfortable and at ease as you explore the ravishing nature outside of your window.
Is Yunnan convenient to get around in?
It’s interesting you mention that; actually,
BMW is planning an exhibition drive from
Kunming to Xishuangbanna. The countryside
is beautiful the whole way. We recommend that visitors fly in, and then drive from city to city. If
you come across a natural scenic spot or a village
that you want to visit, you can do so without constraints; explore the whole beautiful province with complete freedom.
LifeStyle 69
一片净土,一种心境 Changbaishan: A Special Part of China 长白山柏悦酒店暨 长白山凯悦酒店总经理 安东尼·盖荣与 LifeStyle 畅聊酒店 的独到之处以及长白山这方水土 所孕育出的东北文化特质。 Lifestyle chatted with Anthony Gain, GM of the Hyatt Regency Changbaishan and Park Hyatt Changbaishan, about the holy mountain, Dongbei culture, and some of the most exciting features of the Park Hyatt Changbaishan. Editor: Jacob Dreyer
thing that is always constant is the big blue sky.
This creates a lot of sunny days, and even when
it is very cold in winter we still get the energizing rays of sunshine because of it. Snowboarding in winter, hiking, trail running and biking in spring; golf in summer, and hiking through the mountains
taking photographs of the autumn foliage when the leaves turn orange, red and gold; living here truly offers great opportunities to be active.
Tell us about working in China. What makes
Chinese guests unique, whether it is their needs, expectations for service, cultural traditions, or other things?
China is such a big country with such a large
diverse population, so to sum up China in one
sentence is impossible. Up where I am at the moment in the North East is fascinating. The
长白山在整个亚洲地区都非常有名,对中 朝两国有着更为特殊的意义。谈谈你在这 里的感受吧。 说到长白山,我最先想到的就是那蔚 蓝色的天空。这里风景秀丽,四时之景不同, 而乐亦无穷,永远不变的是那片永远清澈 的天空。身处这片土地上的人们永远都沐 浴在明媚的阳光下,哪怕是严寒天气里, 也都因灿烂的阳光而感觉格外温暖。长白 山的冬天最适合滑雪;春天更适合徒步旅 行、越野跑和自行车骑行;夏天这里又是 高球客们的天堂;到了秋天,徒步穿行群 山间,则可看尽长白山秋色。那些渐渐转 为橙、红、金色的树叶成为每一个秋天的 季节符号。在这里生活,会让人变得十分 健康而积极。 能谈谈你在中国的工作经历吗?中国客人 有什么不同吗?比如入住需求、对服务的 期望、文化传统,又或者其他方面。 中国国土面积广大、人口众多且极具 多样化特征,所以没办法用一句话概括中 国客人的特点。就我目前所在的东北地区 来看,由于这里位置相对偏远,环境相对 恶劣,想要畅快游玩可不容易。我一直很 佩服当地人的适应能力和韧性。我们这里 距周边大城市有数百公里的路程,生活条 件并不是很好,可当地人依然积极乐观友 善,充满温暖的正能量。他们努力工作、
70 LifeStyle
认真生活,成为了这片土地上最美的风景。 那么长白山柏悦酒店有什么特别之处呢? 什么时间到访最好? 这里的冬天一般在零下 30 度左右,酒 店的户外温泉池对客人绝对有足够的吸引 力。泡在 38 度的温泉中,欣赏严寒里的雪景, 怎不让人心旷神怡。除了两家酒店,我们 还有五家餐厅可供客人选择。酒店还有专 人提供滑雪相关服务,客人可以挑选适合 自己的装备,穿戴整齐后直接滑向雪道, 拥抱那一片银装素裹的世界。 每年 11 月到次年 3 月是最适合来长白 山滑雪的季节;5 月到 10 月的夏季则更适 合高尔夫度假。如果你只是想度过一个轻 松愉悦的假期,享受山间的清新空气,那 最好是在秋天到此一游了。长白山地区秋 季平均气温低于 20 度,这时树叶开始变色, 是一年中最好的时候。一年四季里长白山 这片净土都会有不同的美景,带给客人的 也是不一样的心境。 Changbaishan is famous throughout Asia- a
sacred site to both Chinese and Koreans. Tell us about your experiences there.
The thing that always comes to mind when I
think of Changbaishan is the big blue clear sky. We have the different seasons throughout the year which create an ever changing landscape, but one
environment is very harsh, it is very remote, and travelling around is not simple, but what always
shines through to me is the resilience of the local people. We are hundreds of kilometers from a big
city, and living in a difficult environment, but the
local people up here are very friendly and warm. They work hard, they play hard, and they really
embrace life and the friends they make along the way. It’s a special part of China.
What makes the Park Hyatt Changbaishan unique- and when should we come visit?
Our guests love our outside hot pools, which
are a huge hit in winter when it is -30 outside and you can sit in the snow in water at 38 degrees.
Between our 2 hotels we also have 5 restaurants to choose from, giving great variety to our guests.
We have ski valets right in the hotels, where guests can pick up their skis and ski straight onto the slopes.
The best times for active holidays are winter
for skiing (Nov-Mar) and summer for golf (MayOct). However if you are looking for a relaxing
getaway, just to come up and enjoy the fresh mountain air, then autumn is also a wonderful
time to visit. The temperature is just under 20 degrees, the tree leaves are changing color, and it is really a beautiful time of the year.
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LifeStyle 71
Profile 田庆生是一个非常享受与家人相 守点滴幸福的人,而他负责运营 的北京丽苑公寓力求营造家一般 的温馨与舒适,成为京城服务型 公寓的首选。 Strolling through Lee Garden with James Tian, general manager, the thing that caught my eye was all of the smiling, happy families; playing in the swimming pool, laughing with their parents in the café. I asked James what differentiates hotels from serviced apartments- and why Lee Garden is the best choice.
of millions of RMB in improving every aspect of
Text: Jacob Dreyer
practice, this becomes more personal. When guests
心安即是家 It’s All about Attitude 重装改造后的北京丽苑公寓有哪些亮点? 经过 15 年的运营后,我们觉得是时候 让公寓焕然一新了。从墙壁里的管道到云 南工匠们的格调装潢,业主投资了数亿元, 力求公寓的方方面面都有大提升。今年 3 月份丽苑公寓终于重装开业,并吸引了很 多常住户。预计重装开业半年后将恢复到 之前的客满状况。北京的服务型公寓不在 少数,但坐拥紫禁城宏伟景致的屈指可数, 老北京的风情风貌是我们最好的背景色。 能否谈谈酒店和服务型公寓的区别? 从表面上看,两者不同的地方仅仅是 酒店相对刻板一点,适合商务客人住上一 两天,而服务型公寓更个人化,能让客人 呆得更久——像我们的一些客人,能连续 住上好几年。客人入住时,我会与他们拍 一张欢迎照,并且发给所有的工作人员, 包括清洁员、厨师以及经理们,他们会记 住每一位客人的名字、偏好等。我们希望 丽苑公寓不仅仅是一个停留之所,更代表 了一种 生活方式、一个独特的生活社区。 举个例子,我们公寓配备了大厨房及相关 设施,临近春节及其他节日的时候,很多 家庭都会选择来我们这里——京城之央, 度过一个豪华舒适的家庭聚会,这种服务 是酒店所不具备的。
满足不同客人的不同需求。我们的餐厅主 厨曾在国宾馆任职,有着丰富的烹饪经验。 另外,公寓设有游泳池、健身中心,还有 每日瑜伽课程等个性化服务项目。对丽苑 公寓来说,客人们不仅仅是暂居,他们是 在我们这里安家。不管客人来自国内还是 国外,我们都会提供周边邮局、医院、学 校等常用信息,让他们的生活更便捷、更 安心。 你工作中遇到的最大的挑战和最值得高兴 的事分别是什么? 几十年来,我在万豪、洲际和希尔顿 等国际酒店品牌都任过职。我是一个北京 土著,这些国际品牌为我提供了大量有价 值的东西。我把我学到的创造性的方式方 法分享给我的团队,比如解决问题的态度、 团队协作与沟通技巧、在工作中享受乐趣 等。另外,丽苑在北京名气不小,其所处 的金宝街当年只是一条不起眼的胡同,如 今我们的业主把它打造成了京城最繁华、 最有名的街道之一。我对我们现在所取得 的成绩深感自豪,我们的客人似乎也很满 意,因为就在 2014 年,我们仅凭客人的评 论就获得到到网“最佳服务式公寓”的殊荣, 这可是让我这个总经理开心坏了。 Tell us about the new, improved Lee Garden.
你们提供哪些设施和服务? 从一居室到大豪华顶层公寓,我们能
72 LifeStyle
After 15 years of operation, we decided it was
time for a facelift, so our owner invested hundreds
the hotel, from the pipes in the walls to tasteful
decorations sourced from artisans in Yunnan. We reopened in March of this year, and many of the apartments are already occupied with full-time tenants. Beijing has many serviced apartments-
but from Lee Garden, on sunny days, you can see
the Forbidden City stretching beneath you like a tapestry.
What’s different about hotels and serviced apartments?
Superficially, the difference is just that hotels
are usually relatively impersonal, suitable for business travelers staying for a night or two,
whereas serviced apartments accommodate longer stays- in our case, guests stay for years on end. In
move in to Lee Gardens, I take a welcome photo with them, and circulate it among all staff, from cleaners to chefs to managers- they remember
our guests name, their preferences, and who they are. We aspire to be more than a place to stay, but a lifestyle, a community. For example, we have large kitchen facilities in our apartments. Around
Chinese New Year and other festivals, we get many
bookings of families who want to have reunions in luxury and comfort, in the heart of Beijing. What sort of facilities do you offer?
From 1 bedroom apartments to large
penthouses, we have something suitable for all guests. An excellent restaurant- our chef used to work at the State Guesthouse- as well as
swimming pool and gym, daily yoga classes, and many more personalized benefits. Our guests aren’t just passing through- they make a home
here. We help them finding post offices, hospitals,
schools, and whatever else they need to integrate into the rhythms of life here.
What are some of the biggest challenges you’ve
experienced- and most exciting parts of the job?
I worked for decades in international brands
such as Marriot, Intercontinental, and Hilton. I am a Beijinger born and bred, but there’s a lot
of value in what these international brands offer.
Bringing my team inspiration from international brands- a problem solving attitude, a good attitude to teamwork and communication, and joy in workall of this requires an innovative approach. I’m
proud of how far we’ve come, and our guests seem happy- in 2014, we won Trip Advisor’s award for best serviced apartment based solely on guest reviews. That’s news to make any GM happy.
Promotion 2014 轻松之旅套餐 Free & Easy Stay Package 预订并连住三晚,即可享丽江古城英迪格酒 店 2014 年“轻松之旅”套餐特惠价,人民币 5299 元起。以“轻松之旅”特惠价入住尊享下 列优惠: *连住三晚及以上,可享每日最多 2 位成人和 2 名儿童(12 岁以下)自助早餐; * 2 张成人玉龙雪山冰川公园往返大索道票; * 2 张成人印象丽江票和 2 人雪山“雪厨”自 助午餐; *入住当天尊享欢迎水果及鲜花; *尊享机场往返接送; *免费使用设备齐全的健身中心、室内恒温游 泳池和酒店无线网络; *视当日房态可延迟退房至下午 2:00。
Modern Luxury on the Tea-Horse Trail 丽江古城又名大研古镇,距今已有 800 年 历史,是中国保存最完好的历史城镇之一,也 是联合国教科文组织确认的世界遗产地。丽江 古城英迪格酒店就坐落于丽江古城南门,其所 处位置正是古时马帮进入丽江古城的关口。 英迪格酒店是洲际酒店集团旗下的高 端精品酒店品牌,“邻里文化”是其秉持已 久的文化核心。泰国著名室内设计公司 P49 Deesign 将耳目一新的邻里设计巧妙融进纳西 族、藏族文化以及茶马古道文化元素,打造 出启迪灵感且充满当代气息的居停之所。酒 店入口的一棵百年古茶树见证着云南普洱茶 的兴盛。周围用低调的石头垒砌的墙体就像 丽江古城的普通屋舍。大堂采用大面积紫红 色高山杜鹃艺术品装饰,与平静的水面相接, 连续向下延伸至 G 层会议室。清风拂起,花 儿在风中摇曳,自然营造了静谧和谐的氛围。 酒店共设 70 间客房(50-360 平米不等), 间间别致,分别以玉龙雪山、雪山村落、马铃 为主题,更有 360 平米总统套房。当然,还有 不得不提的茶马餐厅和茶驿。从全玻璃景观电 梯开始,直至进入茶马餐厅,仿若穿越时空, 来到群山环抱的茶马古道。茶驿则是一家提供 各种名茶的茶廊,还有传统茶艺表演。 这家茶马古道上的当代驿站承载着旅人 们在路上的故事,给人一份身在异乡时最难 得的“回家”的感觉。
Book “Free & Easy Stay Package” with a minimum stay of THREE consecutive nights at Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town Superior Room. Enjoy our special rate starting from CNY5299 per room per stay and enjoy the following benefits: * 3 consecutive nights accommodation at the Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town superior room with daily buffet breakfast for up to TWO adults & TWO kids under 12 years old; * 2 adult tickets for the cable car to Glacier Park of Jade Dragon Snow Mountain; * 2 adult tickets to the Impression Lijiang Show and Buffet Lunch for 2 adults; * Welcome fruit and flowers on the arrival date; * Complimentary round trip airport transfer; * Complimentary use of the fully equipped gym and indoor heated swimming pool and Wi-Fi; * Late check out until 2:00PM (Subject to hotel’s availability)
Lijiang is one of China’s best-preserved historical
Reception Hall, an open and welcoming space
also known as Dayan Ancient Town, is a UNESCO
themed décor. Yunnan is a botanical heaven. The
towns. The 800-year-old Lijiang Ancient Town, World Heritage Site in south-western China’s Yunnan Province. Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient
Town is the fifth hotel from the upscale boutique
decorated by deep mauve red and mountain azalea-
flora of the Tea-Horse Caravan Trail will bring a moment of grace to the whole caravan.
The Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town offers
hotel brand Indigo that InterContinental Hotels
70 guestrooms, ranging from 50 sqm to 360 sqm,
stunningly placed to the south of Lijiang Ancient
Restaurant, and tea lounge Cha·t, plus innovative
Group (IHG) has opened in Greater China, and is Town. It delivers a “Refreshingly Local” guest
experience inspired by Lijiang’s storied history, the
famed ancient Tea-Horse Caravan Trail and ethnic culture with a contemporary touch.
The Hotel Indigo brand is famed for its fresh
design; in Lijiang, expect and neighborhood stories
intertwined into the hotel’s design alongside inspired service; in other words, the Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town sets new standards for fresh design and inspired hospitality. Renowned Thai design firm
P49 Deesign has created an inspiring contemporary
design intertwined with distinctive local elements. The hotel is styled as a modern post house along
the ancient Tea-Horse Trail that linked Yunnan and
boasting the the signature all-day dining Charm meetings and wellness facilities. Guests enjoy a privileged up-close perspective of the character,
culture and splendor of one of China’s most
spellbinding destinations, which is emerging as a hotspot for sophisticated global travelers. Chefs of the Charm Restaurant use Yunnan’s abundant fresh
ingredients to create distinctive Asian and Western specialties. The A la carte menu takes inspiration from
classic dishes of the Tea-Horse Trail, with a heavy focus on the vibrant cuisine of Yunnan presented with an intriguing gourmet twist. Cha·t offers a relaxing
area to drink tea in the traditional Yunnan ceremonial style throughout the day and evening.
Hotel Indigo Lijiang Ancient Town takes a
Tibet and saw Lijiang become an important trading
modern twist on the historic ancient Tea-Horse trail.
ethnic motifs and horse caravan references. Only a
old and new friends.
hub. The design is infused with Naxi and Tibetan longstanding Pu’er tea tree marks the entrance of a traditional dry-stone wall of what appears to be
a normal abode. The entrance leads into the main
It welcomes people with a warm post house for his 2111 Xingwen Alley, Qiyi Street, Old Town District, Lijiang Tel: 0888 559 9111
LifeStyle 73
经典牛肋排 意式演绎
Prime Rib, Italian Style 上海金桥红枫万豪酒店坐落于浦东金桥出口加工 区,与享有“绿色城市”美誉的碧云国际社区交相辉映, 地理位置十分优越。酒店毗邻风景优美的公园和运河, 周围云集了众多酒吧、高档商铺以及财富五百强企业。 酒店一楼的卡萨琳戈意大利餐厅氛围轻松宜人, 设计高雅得体。餐厅的开放式厨房配备比萨烤炉、一 个美味、奢华的开胃小食台及咖啡吧,其惬意的环境 非常适合亲朋聚会。户外水际亭更可坐享绿树成荫的 河边美景,是浪漫烛光晚餐的理想之所。 来自意大利的行政总厨江尔杰先生及他的团队选 材精细且注重品质,善用火候,更深谙香料的运用。 2014 年 9 月 1 日起至 10 月 31 日,卡萨琳戈精选肉 质鲜美的牛肋排,经细火慢烹,缔造出两款风格迥异 且口感层次分明的意式佳肴(每份仅需人民币 328 元 净价)。 作为食材中的佼佼者,带有大理石纹的牛肋排肉 质滑嫩,肥瘦均衡而相得益彰。牛肋排整块用低温烹 煮,以保持其原始风味。火候的纯熟掌握,使牛肉吸 收了骨髓精华,将浓香紧锁于牛肉之中,再配以多款 香料调制的浓稠酱汁,色泽诱人且颠覆了牛排一贯的 口感。若想美味升级,一瓶红酒佐餐必不可少。红酒 可以软化牛肋排的肉质纤维,令其口感细腻,如此搭 配更是美味在口感、风味上的互补与升华。觥筹交错 间,唯美食与美酒不可辜负,每晚 6 点至 10 点晚餐 时间美味牛肋排尽在卡萨琳戈。以上价格均无需另加 服务费。 需了解更多详情或预订请咨询 021 6036 8838
74 LifeStyle
Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East is ideally located in Jinqiao Export Processing
Zone, which is also well-known as the “Green City” of the Biyun international
community. Situated adjacent to a beautiful park, a canal, and numerous Fortune 500 companies, the neighborhood provides a huge variety of restaurants, bars and shops.
The elegantly-designed Casalingo Italian Restaurant features an open kitchen with a
pizza oven, a sumptuous antipasto counter, and a gelato coffee bar, offering delicious, fresh, authentic Italian dishes prepared by Italian Executive Chef Gianluca Piaggi and
his team. Occupying the ground floor adjacent to the main lobby, guests can enjoy their
meals in the cozy indoor setting, or enjoy the pavilion outdoors, which boasts views of the tree lined canal.
Melt into the natural flavors of prime rib and dance away with its richness, juiciness
and tenderness in Casalingo. The succulent flavor complemented by a selected home-made sauce will turn your evening into a tasty one, a bargain at only RMB 328 net per dish.
Prime rib, the best of all, is known for its superior marbling, which contributes to its
juiciness and tenderness, resulting in a cut of meat which only needs minimal dressing up. With the slow-braising technique, the beefy marrow inside the bone and the fat will
cling to the surface and add flavor as well as prevent the meat from shrinking. From the
1st of September to the 31st of October, savor this simple yet delicate dish in a setting of dark woods, low lighting, and the colors of autumn warmth. Dinner is available every day from 6:00pm to 10:00pm.
For more information or reservations, please call Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong
East at 021 6036 8838
Privé - a Taste of France
坐落于澳门十六浦索菲特酒店六楼的法式精品餐厅派意舫 Privé,展现了“主厨餐桌”的 私人餐桌体验,食客用餐同时可与餐厅主厨畅谈交流。其行政总厨 Vincent Rouille 采用新颖手 法来演绎法式经典佳肴,精选食材均从法国进口,保证原产风味。除了提供卓越的法式桌边烹 煮服务外,用心甄选的食材和“Cousu Main”服务保证为食客送上色香味俱全的晚宴! 派意舫的设计概念主打法式优雅风格,窗外坐拥澳门旧城区景致。而餐厅的全新菜单必为 食客带来新派法菜的另类享受!派意舫的极致佳肴充满浓厚法式风情,无疑是私人宴会及派队 聚餐的不二之选。餐厅每周营业 5 天,逢星期三至星期日晚上 6 时至 10 时。
Located on the 6th floor of Sofitel Macau At Ponte
16, Privé French restaurant is more like a “Chef’s Table” with a creative, dynamic and modern twist
than a traditional French restaurant. The executive chef Vincent Rouille would like to deliver a true taste of France, fine selected ingredients are flown
in from culinary provinces, and cooked in the art
of tableside preparation then served with a touch of “Cousu Main”!
Privé offers spectacular views of the old city and
historic sites of Macau, with an intimate yet versatile
space that allows exceptional dining experience, including VIP meetings and small scale functions.
The interior design features warm wooden paneling
and chic attractive French flair, brings a cozy gastronomic dining experience as if being in Paris. Privé opens 5 days a week Wednesday through Sunday, from 6:00pm to 10:00pm. Gastronomy is magnifique at Sofitel Macau!
Rua do Visconde Paço de Arcos, Macau www.sofitelmacau.com Tel: +853 8861 0016
LifeStyle 75
Simple and Lovely: Cauliflower Mushrooms 饱满如花球,玲珑似花瓣,晶莹剔透,洁白细嫩, 荷仙菇因为超高的营养价值和药用功效,在日本具有“梦幻神奇之菇”称号。 As bodacious as a hydrangea flower and exquisite like its petals, sparkling, white and delicate, cauliflower mushrooms have ultra-high nutritional value and medicinal properties, and are called in Japan the “fantasy magic mushroom.” Text: Yuki Zhang
76 LifeStyle
松茸等珍品。荷仙菇每天需要 10 个小时以上
柔嫩的特点赋予了荷仙菇另一大与众不同的独 特魅力——生吃。用沙拉或醋汁作为调料,将 其拌为凉菜,清爽松脆、富有肉感。原汁原味 的肉香中夹杂着淡香、爽滑的清脆感。 荷仙菇,世界上最名贵的食药用菌之一, 属于担子菌门、伞菌纲、多孔菌目、绣球菌 科下的一种特殊的物种。由于其自然野生资 源蕴藏量稀缺,产量少,人工栽培难度大, 加之具有极高的营养和保健价值,因此有“万
When a plant has a name as beautiful as
this, you can’t help but become interested. The cauliflower mushroom has the appearance of a
beautiful flower, being crystal clear, white, and delicate, they comes with a surge of light and intoxicating flavor. Boiled, its shape will maintain consistency, and the color does not change; as you
bite into it, you’ll feel a delightful crunch. But
there is another great way to eat this treat- try it
raw with a vinaigrette as a cold dish. Fresh, crisp, with an umami flavor all of its own- delicious.
The cauliflower mushroom belongs to the
genus Basidiomycota. It’s rare in the wild, and
agricultural production is difficult- and at the same time, it has a high nutritional and health
value. These factors combine to make it the “million mushroom king,” one of the world’s
most expensive edible fungi, similar to truffles
and matsusake. The cauliflower mushroom needs more than 10 hours of sunlight daily, making it
the world’s only “sunshine mushroom.” In terms of health benefits, it offers anti-cancer nutrients
and helps to regulate the immune system; these
positive nutritional impacts also explain the high value placed on it.
LifeStyle 77
Mushrooms in Grilled Beef Sauce 烤红的无烟碳上撒上百里香干枝,使用炭火 的余热烘出香草的香气。微微烤制过的荷仙 菇悬挂其上,在达到保温效果的同时,在食 客眼前呈现出一种现制的视觉冲击力。
Simmer the mushrooms in beef juice and spices, letting them slowly absorb the flavors. Only grill them slightly, leaving a crisp flavor- and making them visually impressive for diners.
北京 WISH 梧桐餐厅
地址:北京朝阳区霄云桥外芳园西路 6 号 电话:010 6438 8883
78 LifeStyle
Lotus Pond 漂亮美味又营养的荷塘八仙汇,陶碗做底, 绿荷叶作为容器。将荷仙菇、木耳、马蹄、 莲藕等轻盐少油拌一下,吃的就是食材本真 的味道。 This tasty and nutritious dish will take you back
to nature, depositing luscious natural ingredients on a green lotus leaf. The cauliflower mushroom, wood ears, water chestnuts and lotus root blend in a crunchy, delicious treat.
北京三摩地素食 地址:北京朝阳区新源南路 16 号世芳豪庭 2 楼 电话:010 8453 1644
Apple Fairy Mushroom Salad 采取最简单的作法,想表达的却是最本真的味 道。取红苹果的甜、青苹果的酸,搭配荷仙菇 的香。酸中有甜、甜里带酸,回味中混合着荷 仙菇的清淡药香,菌菇与水果的完美结合。 The simplest approach expresses the most authentic flavor. Take sweet red apples, a sour green apple, and the cauliflower mushroom.
The sweet and sour taste makes the perfect
combination with the cauliflower mushroom, umami and fruity.
China Republic 京 地址:644 George Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 电话:0061 2 8081 0888
Crispy Shrimp, Beans and Cauliflower Mushrooms 运用反印象思维设计拿豆蓉做汁料,青豆的 色、西班牙火腿的香、虾肉的弹牙、雪菜的 咸味和荷仙菇的爽脆融合在一起,成菜干净、 爽朗,营养平衡也刚刚好。 The delightful mix of sauce, colorful green beans,
crunchy shrimp, the salty pickled vegetable and the delicious cauliflower mushrooms come together to make a clean, hearty and nutritious dish.
孔乙己尚宴 地址:北京朝阳区朝阳公园西路 8 号公馆院内 电话:010 6508 2228
LifeStyle 79
Foodie 谢霆锋耗时 8 个月打造的《12 道锋 味》与观众见面后迅速引发收视狂 潮,作为这部横跨三大洲,用海陆 空拍摄和酷炫视觉手法打造的电影 级综艺节目的制作人,身兼北京英 皇副总裁和谢霆锋经纪人的霍汶希 说,她当初是因为“傻”才有胆玩 这么大,而支持她坚持下去的原因 之一,就是她本人也是一枚“吃货”。 It took Nicholas Tse took eight months to create and plan his show “Chef Nic,” but the hard work paid off- the show has gotten audiences across three continents into a frenzy, with amazingly professional photography that brings a whole new appeal to food. Nicholas and Mani Fok have made a huge successbut they aren’t driven by ambition, but because deep down, they are foodies just like the rest of us.
从 24 岁开始接手谢霆锋的工作,金牌经纪人 霍汶希与这个事事追求完美的“处女男”之间就 形成了完美的亲密关系。所以当谢霆锋提出要请 长假去世界各地学习美食的时候,霍汶希不仅给 予了最大的支持,更是灵机一动把他的想法变成 了一档风靡荧屏的电视节目。“这次担任美食节 目主厨,也是霆锋的心愿,因为霆锋说自己真正 的梦想是做厨师,但从 12 岁出道以来,这个梦想
霍汶希: 其实我也是吃货 Mani Fok: I too am a Foodie
就一直被搁置,所以这次他一定要做一档真正的 美食节目。” 有人问霍汶希为什么敢玩这么大,霍汶希笑 着说,其实并不是她想玩得大,而是因为自己“傻”, “一开始我真的没有想到原来在世界各地寻找最 棒的食材、制作美食并不是一件那么容易的事情, 我只是因为自己也很喜欢吃,加上霆锋的原因, 所以觉得这是可以试着去做的。真的做起来,才 发现困难重重。可是已经开始做了,遇到再多的 困难也不能退缩,只好花三倍、四倍,甚至更多 的努力,硬着头皮去解决。 所幸结果是好的,云集了众多大咖的《12 道 锋味》,不仅在美食方面有着精良的表现,每一 期节目中所呈现出来的美食背后的故事也深深地 打动着观众。“其实这是一档以美食为载体,反 映明星内心世界的节目。美食很重要,而就像霆 锋说的,美食背后的“情”更重要。”
80 LifeStyle
Why do you think “Chef Nic” has such a big appeal?
Food is a way for people to connect with each
other. Sometimes, the simplest foods, or comfort
foods, can give the most pleasure. For example, my father taught me how to cook fried eggs on a gas stove. Every time I eat this food, I remember him.
Do you think that the show has become so famous due to star power?
TV shows might get picked up due to star
power, but staying power is a measure of the
actual quality of the show. If the content of the
program is boring, no star can save it; if it’s interesting, a new star will be born.
Are you personally very fond of food?
Needless to say, I am a real foodie. Due to my
你觉得《12 道锋味》传递的是美食与人之 间怎样的关系?
如果去旅行,你通过什么途径来获取美食 信息?
很多时候,食物是人和人之间的关系的 一种很温情的表达。一份简单的食物背后, 可能有着许许多多的动人故事。比如谢爸爸 第一次教霆锋开煤气炉是煎荷包蛋,而怎样 拿捏火候,都包含着为人处世之道。
我会把不同的地方贴上不同的美食标签, 比如在我看来,海南鸡饭就是泰国的最好吃, 而台北的麻辣火锅是一定不能错过的,在北 京我最喜欢吃的是羊肉串。我到北京的第一 件事就是下载了大众点评 APP,真的很好玩。
它之所以引起大家的极大关注,是由于明 星效应还是其他原因? 之前,可能明星是引起大家兴趣的一个 因素,但是真的开播了之后,我想大家关注 的肯定还是节目本身的内容。如果内容不够 好,就算有很多明星,大家一样不会去看。
From the time Nicholas Tse started working at
the age of 24, the charming Mani Fok and he have
travel; so when I do, I try every different food I
can. I’ve been known to eat as many as 7 meals a day just to sample all of the local specialties of a country.
What is your favorite food? Why?
My own favorite is seafood, such as shrimp and
crabs. Every type of seafood has a different mouth feel and flavor, making seafood a very varied and
enjoyed a perfect intimacy. So when Nicholas
diverse category with lots of different flavors.
learning about different types of cuisine, she gave
What types of restaurants do you typically go
suggested that the two go around the world
the greatest support, and proposed that they make
and aimed at real chefs; Nicholas has always loved
good I will go. I started cooking for the whole
dream has been shelved. Making this program is a
exotic types of food. But sometimes, the simplest
If you ask Mani how she made such a big
of restaurants are OK with me, as long as the food
the idea into a TV show. “This program is serious
work schedule, I don’t have many chances to
Many different types, as long as the food is
那是当然的,我真的是一个地地道道的 吃货。因为工作的关系,我出去旅行的机会 很少,所以只要有机会,我每到一个地方都 会努力把当地好吃的统统吃上一遍。有时候, 为了能够把所有想吃的东西都尝遍,我一天 可能会吃 7 顿饭。
food and cooking, but since he made his debut, the
family at age 11, so have tasted many different
way to balance his celebrity with his passion.”
foods can bring the biggest satisfaction. All types
choice, she laughingly will tell you that she didn’t
they serve is delicious. I started cooking for my
ever seriously think it would happen, but was
family at age 11, so my appreciation of cuisine is
just a silly joke that they shared. “I never really
very high. But sometimes, the best foods are the
believed we could go around the world looking
thought it was just because he liked food. Finally,
If you travel, how do you get information about
我自己最喜欢的就是海鲜,比如虾啊、 蟹啊之类的。因为海鲜食材本身就有一种非 常甜美的口感,不同的烹饪方法做出来,又 有不同的风味。 通常去哪种类型餐馆吃饭? 什么类型的餐馆都可以,只要是好吃的, 就一定不能错过。我 11 岁就开始烧饭给全家 人吃,所以对吃的东西要求很高。但是不是 只有高大上的食物才好,很多普通的食物只 要好吃,也一样能带来幸福感。
for the world’s best foods; cooking isn’t easy. I we decided to do this together. Our shared passion
My favorite Hainan chicken rice is in Thailand;
a smashing success. Not only is the food good, but
the lamb shish kabobs are great. Every time I go
culinary traditions from around the world. “In fact,
Dianping- it’s really a lot of fun.
let us overcome all of the obstacles and make it
Different places have different specialties.
Fortunately, the results are good; “Chef Nic” is
Taipei’s hotpot is second to none; and in Beijing,
the story behind each episode lets viewers explore
to Beijing, I open up my favorite APP- Dazhong
the food is just a vehicle; the program is a way for
us to share our inner life. Food is important, but the feeling that food brings is even more so.”
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The Wines of Autumn 或呼朋引伴,或对影独酌——秋,用这 一季才有的葡萄美酒,在冬夏之交为我们留
越莓蛋挞也很适合秋天 ),我的最爱之一便是
酿葡萄酒会精确地在 11 月的第三个星期四,
当地时间 12:01 准时启封。即使是已经提前运
其中完美的代表 , 最适合配秋季的培根红酒炖
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桌上即刻幸福满溢。开动前,让我们一起感 恩大自然在秋季给予的慷慨馈赠吧。
The wines of autumn bring back many of our most
roasted chicken and roasted baby root vegetables.
fond are the Gerard Bertrand Grand Terroir Tautavel
but surely give way to the arrival of Father Winter.
walnuts and goat cheese go very well with lightly-
magnificent blend of Syrah, Grenache and Carignan;
joyful memories as the warm days of summer slowly,
They may be enjoyed with family and friends, lovers (always Red Owl’s preference), associates or simply by ourselves, no matter the occasion. While there
is no official “wine of autumn”, with respect to the
northern hemisphere, the French of Beaujolais would argue that their traditional “Beaujolais Nouveau”
deserves the moniker. Beaujolais Nouveau is released at precisely 12:01am local time, the third
Thursday of November in most of the major wine markets around the world, having been shipped in
advance to insure the global, simultaneous moment from Auckland to Honolulu.
And just as some prefer red wines, while others
prefer white wines, the wines that best embody the spirit of the fall are “jammier” reds, such as
Zinfandel, Petite Sirah and Cru Gamay; or on the other hand, Riesling, Pinot Gris and Gewurztraminer:
Each pairs very nicely with one or more of the most traditional foods of the fall, such as baked ham,
Harvest-inspired salads of sliced apples or pears,
oaked, crisp Chardonnays, such as the lovely St. Francis Sonoma Country Chardonnay. Riesling,
Gewurztraminer and Viognier pair well with a multitude of fall foods; Riesling, because of its
spiciness and apple flavor aromas; Gewurztraminer, because of its aromas of honey, citrus, lychee nuts and intense hints of baking spices; and Viognier,
because of its balance of crisp acidity with melonlike richness. The Gerard Bertrand Domaine de
Cigalus White (IGP Aude Hauterive), a harmonious
blend of Chardonnay, Viognier and Sauvignon Blanc gives you the benefit of Viognier and more, and pairs splendidly with dishes such as harvest
vegetable Ratatouille. Merlot works beautifully with
roast turkey, roast chicken, roast duck and autumn
casseroles. But if you are a true roast chicken fan,
you must try the elegant Robert Mondavi Napa Valley Chardonnay for a perfect match.
If you are a “card carrying” roasted duck devotee,
roasted poultry, meatier fish, leg of lamb and Italian
the Ruffino Riserva Ducale Chianti Classico pairs
feasts now celebrated around the world. So, here
turkey, roast lamb and creamy, mild, soft cheeses
lasagna as well as the autumnal “Thanksgiving”
are some specific suggestions to insure your autumn
meals are always served with the types of wines that pair very well with a wide variety of the bounty of the fall harvest.
Chardonnays of character go well with starters,
such as squash soup; and very nicely with herb
most beautifully. Pinot Noir is a dream with roast (try goat cheese and cranberry tartlets): One of my
favorite Pinot’s is the classic Kim Crawford New Zealand Pinot Noir, an excellent choice and always sure to please. Syrah, Sirah and Petite Sirah go
very nicely with roasted autumn vegetables and
herbed pork fillet: Two gems of which I am very
(AOP Cotes du Roussillon Villages, Tautavel), a
and the equally as austere Gerard Bertrand Domaine de Cigalus Red (IGP Aude Hauterive), a masterful
blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Cabernet Franc,
Merlot, Syrah, Grenache, Carignan and Caladoc;
but try them with a hearty “navarin” or harvest vegetable lamb stew with pumpkin and prunes;
or if you are going “uptown” and want to “pull-
out all the stops”, wow your guests with haunch of
roe deer with “grand veneur” sauce. Zinfandel is a natural with sautéed field mushrooms and hearty
fall dishes, like roast venison: The St. Francis “Old
Vines” Zinfandel from Sonoma County is just such a perfect example, paired with autumn dishes like beef
stew made with wine and bacon, braised short ribs or sausage and peppers. And what would an autumn feast be without pumpkin pie? So, for an autumn
dessert never to forget, serve your pumpkin pie with a dollop of fresh, home-made whipped cream, topped with a peppermint sprig, and a scoop of high butterfat vanilla ice cream on the side; pair with a
Late Harvest Riesling or for a marriage truly made in
Heaven, one of my favorites, Inniskillin Vidal Gold Oak-Aged Icewine, served in your finest dessert wine
glasses, and all that remains is to let the love flow around the table; one and all, ever so thankful for the
magical perfection of Nature’s Autumn Bounty. I am Red Owl, ever vigilant, over & out.
田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助的人们, 并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国 的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。
Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
LifeStyle 83
少女峰:乘着火车去云端 Riding the Train into the Clouds 巍峨的山峰、陡峭的绝壁、壮丽的冰川,海拔 4158 米的少女峰 尽管不是欧洲最高峰,但是却有着最具震撼力的美景,令人终身难忘。 Towering peaks, steep cliffs, magnificent glaciers, and an altitude of 4158 meters- although Jungfrauhoch is not the highest mountain in Europe, it has the most powerful beauty, offering the trip of a lifetime. Editor: Yuki Zhang
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为爱护航 至珍致我 奔向天涯海角的中国南海,在风光旖旎的亚龙湾畔,碧海蓝天永远相依相伴。 青山绿水相映、阳光沙滩闪耀的热带度假天堂——度身定制典范婚礼的金茂 三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店为寻找“倾情一生”新婚蜜月度假环境的爱侣全程护航,在 精心打造温馨浪漫体验的同时,更让他们的爱在这里得以延续。 在亚龙湾畔洁白的海滩上,三亚首家海边婚礼堂庄重而不失典雅,精心点缀 的室外大理石喷泉以及私家草坪,完美演绎欧式婚礼的奢华现场。在宁谧质朴的 幼白海滩及繁茂葱郁的热带园林衬托下,新人在炫丽的南海边许下对彼此一生的 爱情承诺。在通往婚礼殿堂的神圣阶梯上,伴随着悠扬的婚礼进行曲,新娘优雅 地步入水景环绕的婚礼殿堂与新郎十指相扣,接受到场来宾的祝福和掌声,并以 一声“我愿意”掀开盛大婚礼庆典的序幕。入夜时分,中心草坪亮起梦幻灯光, 营造出伊甸园与宫殿交错的奇特胜景。伴随着家人朋友的祝福,新人与宾客们在 沙滩旁举杯畅饮,让星晨为证,将这一刻的美好祝福永远收纳于宾客的记忆当中。 婚庆团队提供全方位的体贴服务。从婚礼前的准新娘祝福会或准新郎单身派 对,婚礼现场及餐桌布置、新娘花球、晚宴娱乐安排,到邀请函设计等等,婚宴 专家团队专注于每个细节,致力为您度身定制与众不同的专属时刻。在新人抵达 酒店前,浪漫天使已将一切安排妥当,真诚恭候贵宾光临,并为爱侣们制造意想 不到的甜蜜时刻,缔造永生难忘的美好时光。贴心的浪漫天使还会奉上私属定制 蜜月旅程。不论是二人浪漫海滩烛光晚宴还是予以非凡的求婚惊喜,抑或是在静 谧典雅的 ESPA 水疗体验双人水疗护理,均会让爱侣们留下终生难忘的美好回忆。 此外,这里还有海南首家时尚购物廊,路易威登、普拉达、菲拉格慕、托德斯、 宝鲨、杰尼亚等 6 家世界著名奢侈品牌进驻,以备客人不时之需。
地址:海南省三亚市亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 电话:0898 8898 8888
LifeStyle 89
Promotion The economy is restructuring, thanks to the
benefits of globalization and high technology. Bloated fixed costs are out; mobility, working from home or on the go is in. Why sit around the office all day when you could be in your favorite café sipping an espresso, having dim sum in a fine hotel, or simply
curled up with your laptop and your Tibetan mastiff? You can work anywhere; you only need the office for big client meetings, visa processing, and technical
matters. Besides, anyone who does business in China
knows that the age of “cheap China” is over. Not only meals and housing, but even office space in cities like
Beijing and Shanghai rival, or even exceed prices
in New York, London and Singapore. SERVCORP, boasting ten sites across China, offers all of the
benefits of an office address- the physical space,
SERVCORP: st 21 Century Office Solutions 得益于全球化和高科技的种种优势,现 下经济正在逐步转型。以往臃肿的办公成本 开始缩减,同时移动性增强,在家中或是旅 途中办公越来越风行。如果能在最钟爱的咖 啡店喝着意大利浓咖啡办公,或者在高级酒 店享受点心时还不耽误工作,又或者抱着笔 记本电脑和爱狗一起蜷缩在家,谁还愿意一 整天都呆在办公室呢?世服宏图就是要让你 能随时随地办公!要知道,“廉价中国”时 代已经过去了,不管是餐饮还是住房,北京 上海等地多区域办公室成本甚至超过了纽约、 伦敦和新加坡。世服宏图提供全球最佳服务 式和虚拟办公室,你可在线预订董事会议室、 小型会议室及所有办公设施,还有训练有素 的专业办公团队随时帮你处理业务需求,专 职的多语种接线员不会让你错过任何来电, 全球 IT 技术团队时刻待命。你甚至可以通过 世服宏图全球联网链接至世服宏图网络内任 何一个打印机!想来中国创业,但孩子不想 转学,老婆不想搬家?自由职业者只想在家 或是咖啡店办公,但需要一个固定的办公地 址?你的全世界“移动”生活让办公室租赁 的固定成本毫无必要?世服宏图是这些问题 的解决答案。在中国这个全世界最大的市场, 世服宏图目前提供 10 处商务中心办公处,为 你降低入市屏障,为你的事业助力添彩。 举个例子,格雷姆尼·福克纳是 CCI 公司 中国区域总监,他在上海浦东有一处大型办 公地。然而,众所周知,浦西才是上海最活 跃的地方,这也是为什么他在静安嘉里中心 选择世服宏图办公室作为开会之用的原因,
90 LifeStyle
这增加了客户对其的信用度。所有来东方做 生意的公司都意识到,企业形象在这里是多 么重要的东西——固定的办公地点的价值堪 比黄金。世服宏图提供全球 140 多个黄金商 务地址,你可以根据需要随意选择租期(1 天 到一年)。 这个办公地址可不仅出现在电子邮件 后面的签名或是名片上,当你需要约见客户 时,它是实在的、灵活可用的会议室,配备 先进的视频通讯会议设备、投影、秘书支持 等,可供 4-25 人使用,你只需通过手机上的 APP 或者人工电话就能预订会议室。还等什 么?登陆 www.servcorp.com.cn 开启你的办 公新时代!
used for marketing purposes- dedicated, bilingual receptionists, to take any calls and transfer them to
you, anywhere in the world- and access to meeting spaces, for when you are in town. Looking to start
a business in China, but your kids are in school and
the wife doesn’t want to move? Are you a freelancer, who needs a fixed business address but prefer to work
at home or in a café? Do you have a mobile lifestyle
that takes you all across the world, making the fixed
cost of an office rental (to say nothing of the time involved in hiring, renovating and redecorating) a
needless expense? SERVCORP can be the answer for you; we are dedicated to lowering the barrier to
market entry for China (and global) entrepreneurs in the world’s biggest market.
Take SERVCORP client Gramne Faulkner of
CCI. He is the Regional Director of his company in China, and he has a large scale office in Shanghai’s
Pudong development district. However, as anyone who has lived in Shanghai knows, the beating
heart of the city is in downtown Puxi; that’s why he has a virtual office in the Jing’An Kerry Center with SERVCORP, as he appreciates the location
for meetings; it impresses his clients with his
credibility. As many foreign companies discover when they start doing business in the East, “face”
is all important- and a bespoke address is worth its
weight in gold. SERVCORP selects the most elegant and luxury office locations in whatever city that you
need, with over 140 locations worldwide, with lease periods extending from one day to one year.
This address goes further than just your email
signature or your business cards. When it comes time to meet your clients, the office space is flexibly available for your use. Totally equipped with video conferencing,
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or make the request via their own dedicated virtual secretary. Why wait? An enthralling world of business beckons. Get started at www.servcorp.com.cn.
开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Structure / P.92 室内设计
Interior / P.98 设计师
Designer / P.104
采莱特的现代派设计 The modernist design by René Jean Caillette
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A Hub for Living “蜂房”是韩国金孝晚建筑事务所设计的一幢花园住宅。 它是功能齐备的宜居之家,又像是特立独行的人造景观。 An architecturally striking family house in Korea Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Jong Oh Kim
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通过采用复杂的几何图形进行构建,韩国人金孝晚的建筑事务所——履 露斋在 230 平米的地块上巧妙地建起了一幢花园住宅。 该建筑围绕南轴线展开布局,主要分为三个部分,这样的设计有利于解 决建筑冬季采光问题。南轴线还把精心设计的露台花园和绿地联系在一起。 不仅有下沉式花园,还有内花园和屋顶花园。每一处翠绿的角落都共同点缀 着充满生机和活力的中庭,同时保证了居住者的安全与隐私。整个建筑的外 墙都为铝管网架所覆盖,可以有效阻挡强光照射和室外噪音,也有一定的防 盗功能。 住宅内部有多个对称设计的阳台遥相呼应,这与上世纪中期美国加利福 尼亚州流行的大型多层建筑的阳台设置十分相似,也体现了建筑师的另一个 设计意图——为居住者提供一个可以自由走动的空间。这样一来,住户们就 有了家庭聚会的场所,也可以在此一起聊聊各自一天的经历。 若你有幸去韩国,亲见这幢建筑后定会觉得这里更像是一座人造蜂房。 不仅因为其外部特征,更因其设计意图是为了打造一处温馨的互动社区。
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sing a complex geometric figure, South Korean architects IROJE KHM Architects
managed to turn a small awkwardly shaped plot of land which was only 230m2 into a full house and garden.
The layout is composed of three sliced pie-shaped zones that are on a Southern axis in
order to introduce winter sunlight into the inner and outer spaces of this family house. Indeed, this Southern axis is also quite useful for the various terraced garden and green spaces that
are artfully designed around the space. There are sunken gardens, inner gardens and a roof garden. These verdant nooks and crannies create the overall effect of a lively atrium but
without sacrificing privacy or security. The facade is covered with a aluminum pipe screen for filtering heat and noise as well as a deterrent for criminals.
The interior has a floating aspect about it where asymmetrical multi-terraces meet each in a
style not dissimilar to some of the large multi-level houses that were prevalent in mid-century California. One of the architects’ other intents was to create public “strolling� spaces where the family might gather or otherwise interact on a daily basis.
Were one to look at this structure one might be tempted to say this was a man-made hive,
not least because it vaguely resembles an insect hive physically but also because it is intended as a hub of warm human interaction and community.
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Porcelain Passion 美轮美奂的德国皇宫瓷器陈列室,着实令人大开眼界。 Porcelain Rooms in the former German palaces Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective museums
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中国瓷器一直是欧洲贵族梦寐以求的珍物,巴洛克时期 尤盛。以德国君主为代表的欧洲各国君主在购置瓷器时从来 都不吝啬。这些装修精美、装饰华贵的瓷器陈列室,着实让 人眼界大开。颇具东方气息的展厅完全依照中国皇宫的风格 布置,其中最引人注目的几间位于德国柏林美丽的夏洛腾堡 宫和古城德累斯顿的茨温格宫内。 夏洛腾堡宫是一座巴洛克式宫殿,是柏林地区保存最好、 最重要的普鲁士国王宫殿建筑,同时还是霍亨索伦家族(欧 洲三大王朝之一)当时在柏林的居住地。这座德国最大的宫 殿建于 17 世纪,并在 18 世纪进行了扩建。宫殿中的瓷阁由 普鲁士国王弗雷德里克一世主导兴建,不仅体现了他对异域 奢侈品收藏的极大热情,更彰显出其统治时期所拥有的至高 权力。 另一部分珍贵瓷器被收藏在德累斯顿茨温格宫。茨温格 宫是一处举世闻名的巴洛克式建筑艺术作品,所陈列的瓷器 由狂热的艺术品收藏家奥古斯特收集而来。后来他的儿子奥 古斯特三世继续丰富这里的藏品,并对之前的收藏进行整理。 现在这些展厅经室内设计大师彼得·马里诺巧手翻新,愈发高 贵典雅、富丽堂皇。 当时的各国君主都对明代德化白瓷情有独钟,称其为“中 国白”。瓷器多为观音等佛像作品,低调的蓝、白色搭配与 巴洛克时期的典型色彩和装饰形成了鲜明对比。
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European nobles had long coveted Chinese porcelain and the
Baroque period perhaps saw the highlight of such collections being displayed. European monarchs, especially the German ones, were keen to display their collections - acquired at great expense - in
elaborately decorated Porcelain Rooms. These functioned as a form
of Orientalism and were often decorated in fanciful notions of what a Chinese palace looked like. A few notable ones are located in the Charlottenburg Palace (Schloss Charlottenburg) in Berlin as well as in the former Dresden Royal Collections.
The Charlottenburg Palace is the largest palace in Germany and
was the Berlin residence of the Hohenzollern family. The palace was
built in the 17th century and greatly expanded in the 18th century. The Porcelain Cabinet (Porzellankabinet) was created by King
Frederick I to celebrate his power and his passion for exotic luxury goods.
The Zwinger Palace in Dresden also contains the former Dresden
Royal Collections which was the strangled of the Saxony monarchs. The core of the collection was formed by Augustus the Strong who
was a passionate collector of precious art works. His son, Augustus III continued collecting and arranged the formal collections. Indeed, the galleries have been renovated by Peter Marino - best known for his fashion interiors - to showcase the porcelain.
Especially popular among the monarchs were the white “Blanc de
Chine� porcelains which originate from Dehua in Fuzhou province in China. These were often fashioned into Buddhist figures of the
Goddess of Mercy, Kuanyin, and other deities. Of course, the classic blue and white Ming porcelains were highly coveted as well. These
generally mutedly colored porcelains provided an excellent contrast to the gilding and ornament of the Baroque era.
LifeStyle 103
采莱特的现代派设计 Modernist Designs for the World 法国已故传奇设计大师雷内 - 让·采莱特的设计堪称 战后审美标准的典型代表,深受富有知识分子们青睐。 An exhibition of the legendary French designer René Jean Caillette in Miami Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Demisch Danant
104 LifeStyle
LifeStyle 105
106 LifeStyle
巴塞尔艺术展是全球一致推崇的国际艺术交流平台,体现了现代艺术与当代艺术的最 高水平,它每年在巴塞尔、迈阿密海滩和香港举行艺术博览会。三大展会各有其地区性意义, 参展艺廊根据不同地域安排作品展出。作为艺术市场的推动者,巴塞尔艺术展连同各地艺 廊,致力培育艺术家、推广视觉艺术的发展。“设计迈阿密 / 巴塞尔”是迈阿密海滩巴塞 尔艺术展的卫星展,已经连续举办多年,以展示当代艺术设计大师的作品著称。为纪念法 国传奇设计师雷内 - 让·采莱特,纽约德米施 - 杜南特设计画廊于 2014 年 6 月 17 日至 22 日 在“设计迈阿密 / 巴塞尔”展上举办雷内 - 让·采莱特(1919-2004)个人作品展,观众一睹 了大师在上世纪 50 年代至 60 年代的重要、独特和珍稀之作,其中还包括罕见的创作原型。 根据大师创作的特定时期,三个截然不同的展示空间被划分出来。第一个空间展示了 1956 至 1958 年间的作品,包括采莱特的代表作“钻石椅”(至今仍被认为是战后欧式设 计的经典之作);第二个展示区域被布置成一间卧室,灵感来源于 1962 年采莱特在艺术家 具展上为法国家具商乔治·沙朗所作的设计,包括一个珍贵的梳妆台、一把扶手椅的原型和 一张让人印象深刻的、配备光桌的软垫床;最后一个空间以 1966 年艺术家具展的展示为基 础,里面包含一个沙发和小茶几的设计原型。
LifeStyle 107
战后重建时期涌现出了一批青年设计师,他们秉持十足的现代精神,脱离了繁冗 浮夸的装饰,以系列形式设计出既高雅又实用的家具,采莱特便是其中一员。1950 年, 业已闻名的家具商乔治·沙朗相中采莱特的作品,并且找到了他。这次会面催生了后来采 莱特、阿兰·理查德、吉纳维芙·丹格勒斯和约瑟夫 - 安德烈·莫特 4 人组的合作。1952 年, 采莱特获颁雷内·加布里埃尔荣誉奖项,1962 年又荣获米兰三年展银奖,他与乔治·沙朗 的合作也一直持续到 1972 年。 采莱特的室内作品反映出现代派设计与建筑的某种融合——这正是现代主义室内 设计所力求达到的,也是诸如阿道夫·路斯这样的现代主义建筑先驱者所倡导的,他们 更倾向于为自己的建筑项目设计家具及配件,这与将建筑师和室内设计师完全分割开来 的做法完全不同。 采莱特个人作品展所展出的这些时髦别致又实用合理的设计是战后审美标准的典 型代表,当时像这样的流线型外观很受富有知识分子的欢迎。而在美国著名建筑摄影师 朱利叶斯·舒尔曼的镜头里,或者意大利著名建筑师和设计师庞蒂的作品中,你也可以 发现同样的时尚解读。“1966 沙发”就是个好例子,其采用了模块化的设计,与其他 时期的设计(比如已故意大利设计师乔·科伦坡的一些设计)很类似。
108 LifeStyle
he well-known NYC design gallery
Demisch Danant presented René Jean Caillette, a solo exhibition devoted to
the legendary French designer, featuring rare and important works of the 1950s and 1960s. Shown at the Miami/Design Basel exhibition in June,
the exhibition included unique designs and rare prototypes acquired from Caillette’s estate.
Caillette’s exemplary creations were presented
in three distinct living environments, each
focused upon a specific period of the designer’s prolific career. One vignette presented works
designed between 1956 and 1958, including the Diamond Chair, a signature Caillette piece that
today is considered an icon of postwar European design. A second area of the exhibition was a
bedroom environment inspired by Caillette’s 1962 presentation at the Salon des Arts Ménager for
Charron, and included a rare vanity, a prototype for an armchair, and an impressive upholstered bed with
attached light tables. A living room environment
based on a 1966 presentation at the Salon des Arts Ménager completed the presentation and included rare prototypes for a sofa and low table.
René Jean Caillette (1919-2004) was among a
group of young designers who emerged immediately following the post-war reconstruction period. They
were dedicated to designing elegant and accessible
furniture in a resolutely modern spirit, stripped of decoration and produced in series. In 1950,
prominent French furniture manufacturer George
Charron discovered Caillette’s work and sought out
the designer. Their meeting led to the creation of Group 4, a collaboration between Caillette, Alain
Richard, Genevieve Dangles, and Joseph André
Motte. Caillette received the René Gabriel prize in 1952 and the Milan Triennale Silver Medal in 1962, and continued to design for Charron until 1972.
His works reflected the kind of architectural
integration that Modernist designs sought to create; this is in the spirit of architects such as Adolf Loos who tended to design the furnishings and fittings for
their projects, an altogether different approach from the separation of architect and interior designer that is the contemporary model.
These chic but rational designs are emblematic
of the Post War aesthetic when such a streamlined
look was in demand among the prosperous educated classes. In other parts of the world, one can see such stylish interpretations in the Los Angeles houses
photographed by Julius Schulman or the more luxurious flourishes of Gio Ponti. Something like the 1966 Sofa is similar to other period designs (such
as those of Joe Colombo) which often employed a modular approach.
LifeStyle 109
Carter+Mediterraneo: A New Jiangnan Garden Text: Jacob Dreyer
这个位于上海老锦江饭店顶层中央的大平台为人们提供了一 个聚会之所,同时点亮了大都会壮阔的天际线。 This platform in the sky, atop central Shanghai’s Old Jin Jiang Hotel, is designed both to embrace those gathered there and to highlight the remarkable view of the Shanghai skyline.
花园里随处可见的水元素,通过愉悦感官使得花园更 加引人入胜。 Water is everywhere in the garden, inviting visitors to experience it more fully by delighting all the senses.
花园围绕房子而建,犹如一条蜿蜒的小径, 其间穿过主题雕塑和各种奇特的植物。 The garden is planned as a path meandering in a circle around the house, passing through themed arrangements of sculptural, distinctive plant varieties.
Ryan Carter
110 LifeStyle
Sarah He
当赖恩·卡特第一次踏入中国的土地时, 他的视角似乎与其他外来者有些不同。除 了饮食和文化外,他尤其对这儿的花花草 草、传统园艺园林以及这一领域的无限潜 力充满了兴趣。赖恩曾在家乡弗吉尼亚研 习园艺,之后又在弗吉尼亚大学学习建筑。 多年来赖恩一直沉浸在中国传统文化当中, 他拜访了诸多花园、园林,不断学习、研 究,还与上海热枋装饰设计有限公司建立 起合作关系。这家由中国和意大利设计师 合作的综合性专业设计施工公司凭借现代 意大利专业培训、中国本土背景,加上赖 恩带来的弗吉尼亚祖先流传了 300 年的传 统园艺精粹,为上海乃至全国的成功企业 家、艺术名流、时尚大腕和建筑公司量身 打造了一座座私家花园。说起下一步打算, 赖恩告诉我说:“与私人客户合作的经验
老上海传统房顶都是被充分利用的,这个露台的翻新 正是传统的回归。 The renovation of this terrace was designed to celebrate the Old Shanghai architecture of the building whose top floor it occupies.
很不错,因为你可以在一小方空间里实现 自己独特的想法,但我们希望能帮豪华大 酒店来做整个花园的规划设计。” When Ryan Carter arrived in China for the first
time, his observations were a bit different than those of most foreigners. Not only the food or the culture: what caught his eye was above all the plants, the traditional gardens, and the potential
for growth in this area. Ryan, who’d spent years
learning the art of the garden in his home state
of Virginia before training in architecture at the University of Virginia, already had strong feelings
about horticulture. Spending years steeping himself in the Chinese tradition, visiting gardens and
studying, he began a collaboration with Sarah He and Ugo Wang Shanghai’s Mediterraneo Design Ltd.
根据风水理论,花园北侧辟为静居之所,并设有舒适凉亭。 The north side of the garden integrates feng shui elements into a private retreat for the family, with a comfortable, modern pavilion as its focus.
A true collaboration, the gardens designed by
Carter+Mediterraneo are a meeting of worlds:
the best of the traditional gardens that Carter’s Virginia ancestors have been nurturing for three centuries, combined with the Chinese
background, and modern Italian training, of the Mediterraneo duo. Together, they are creating
bespoke private gardens across Shanghai and
China for successful entrepreneurs, famous artists, fashionistas, architecture firms. Anywhere where
there are people who love beauty, the fruits of their
collaboration seem to be sprouting up. What’s next for the team? Carter said, “Working with
private clients is wonderful because I can realize a distinctive vision in a small space, but our hope is to design the entire grounds of a grand hotel.”
“翡翠别墅”位于上海郊区,门前简洁的覆铜喷泉既具现代气息又不乏传统古韵。 At Shanghai’s suburban Firenze Villas, a copper-clad fountain evokes both modernity and tradition at the gate to this private garden.
LifeStyle 111
瑞士莲少女峰店闪亮揭幕 Super Swiss
除了手表、羊胎素,让瑞士扬名全世界 的还有巧克力,但你肯定想不到瑞士莲会把 巧克力主题店开到少女峰海拔 3454 米的高山 上去吧。以壮阔的阿尔卑斯山地景色为背景, 这家海拔最高的瑞士莲店除了提供高品质的 巧克力,还由一位巧克力大师向游客们揭秘 巧克力的制作过程。瑞士网球明星、瑞士莲 全球形象大使罗杰·费德勒出席了开业仪式, 并且与美国著名高山滑雪运动员林赛·沃恩小 小切磋了一下,来了一场高山网球表演赛。 Imagine that you are on top of an Alpine
mountain in a chalet, eating bonbons with Roger
Federer. This is no daydream; Lindt, purveyors of fine Swiss chocolates, have opened a chocolateria at
the pinnacle of Jungfrauhoch, 3,454 meters above sea level. In addition to the finest Lindt chocolate,
a Master Chocolatiers parlor gives visitors a fascinating insight into how chocolate is made. To
celebrate the opening, Roger Federer played a round of tennis with ski racing star Lindsey Vonn on the Aletsch glacier. Huregeil!
112 LifeStyle
Promotion 钻石婚礼豪华套餐 Diamond Wedding Deluxe Package
净价人民币 6888 元 / 桌 *婚礼指示牌 *婚宴标准舞台 *精美菜单装饰 *主桌贵宾名卡 *席间无限畅饮软饮料及本地啤酒 * 80 小时免费停车券 *特制豪华婚宴菜单 *自带酒水免收开瓶费 * 5 层婚庆香槟塔 *精美婚宴蛋糕(5 磅) *浪漫甜蜜精品房 1 晚住宿,次日 C6 咖啡厅 双人早餐(15 桌起) *婚宴贵宾入住酒店享受优惠房价 *免费提供 1 间婚礼化妆间 *专属皇冠宴会经理为您服务
“如果有必要相遇,就终究会遇到的, 不是吗?”能够找到一个温暖的人过一辈子 就是这样一场温暖的相遇。跟爱人分享每个 清晨和夜晚,拥有等待自己的一个家,是很 多人的梦想;再加上一场如星辰般璀璨的梦 幻婚礼,才能最终将极致完美永久铭刻于记 忆中。这一切的实现都需要一个能满足所有 想象的婚礼礼堂,而选择婚宴场地和选择结 婚对象一样,来不得半点马虎。北京朝阳悠 唐皇冠假日酒店云霄礼堂和大宴会厅就是完 美的婚宴场所。 首先,北京朝阳悠唐皇冠假日酒店位于 北京中央商务区,步行 5 分钟即可到达朝阳 门地铁站,四面八方的亲朋好友可便捷抵达。 其次,对于一场婚礼来说,酒店的华美装潢 和高品质设施更是重中之重。酒店提供的婚 宴场地优雅大气,适宜举办各类中西式婚礼。 480 平米的云霄厅独具匠心,是北京唯一拥 有阳光穹顶的婚礼礼堂。礼堂挑高 17.8 米, 可随心营造无与伦比的浪漫别致。这里还是 许多明星婚礼、影视拍摄和媒体发布的挚选 之地。典雅华贵的无柱式皇冠大宴会厅,顶 高 6 米,面积达 1050 平米,也是不可多得之
选。厅内水晶吊灯璀璨明亮,设计优雅又不 失时尚气息,能更好衬托出新人的幸福光芒。 宽敞明亮的玻璃顶外廊面积达 1000 平米,适 合作为婚宴开始前鸡尾酒会场地。此外,酒 店婚礼策划团队会用贴心入微的一站式服务, 为幸福人儿们定制专属永恒,新人的美梦就 此达成。
Net 6888 yuan/table * Wedding signs * Wedding Hall * Beautifully decorated menu * Namecards for each guest at the main table * Dinner and drinks including soft drinks and local beer * 80 hours free parking ticket * Special luxury wedding menu * BYO corkage fee waived * 5-layer wedding champagne tower * Exquisite wedding cake (5 pounds) * Sweet and romantic boutique room a night stay, breakfast cafe next C6 (15 tables onwards) * Wedding guests staying at the hotel enjoy preferential prices * Complimentary wedding dressing room provided * Exclusive Crown banquet manager at your service
friends and family who attend. The hotel offers an
elegant wedding venue atmosphere, suitable for all types of Western-style wedding. With a 480
square meter meeting hall open to the sky, the
hotel is the sole proprietor of this type of domed
wedding hall in Beijing. The auditorium ceiling,
17.8 meters high, creates an unparalleled romantic
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but
sensation. Film shoots and celebrity weddings
life partner is such a precious encounter that it
The luxurious pillarless Grand Ballroom, with
of life, and building a home and family together is
meters, is a subtle yet wise choice. The room is
is the dream for a bright wedding, a moment of
elegant and fashionable design, all the better to
memory. Every detail matters- the wedding venue
bright and spacious glass-roofed verandah area of
new life. The Crowne Plaza Beijing Chaoyang
cocktail reception. In addition, the hotel wedding
the perfect wedding venue.
customizing the setting of your eternal happiness.
in ourselves,” as Shakespeare said. Finding your
are often held here due to this spectacular setting.
deserves to be celebrated. Sharing every moment
6 meter ceilings and an area of 1050 square
the dream of many; just as bright as these dreams
illuminated with bright crystal chandeliers of an
perfection which will be forever engraved in your
bring out the smile in a happy couple’s faces. The
you select is the door you walk through into your
1,000 square meters makes the perfect venue for a
U-Town’s Sky Auditorium and Grand Ballroom is
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First of all, the Beijing Chaoyang U Crowne
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subway station, providing easy access to all
No. 3 Sanfeng North Area, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5909 6681
LifeStyle 113
GSMA-360Fashion 科技时装秀劲吹时尚智能风 Fashion of the Future
6 月 11 日, 由 亚 洲 移 动 通 信 博 览 会 与 360Fashion Network 联合主办的“2014 GSMA - 360Fashion 科技时装秀”专场活动在沪举行。 3D 扫描、3D 打印、可穿戴式技术和服装机器 人等前沿科技劲吹时尚智能风。此举属国内 首次融合最新可穿戴式科技潮流与创新时尚 设计的视觉盛宴,揭示了目前时尚与科技产 业融合的热点与最新方向。科技时装秀上生 动有趣的情景表演,以及 GSMA 移动明星舞 台“时尚与科技”展区内的众多时尚作品与 可穿戴设备的展览,吸引了大批与会者驻足。 The 2014 GSMA-360Fashion & Tech Runway
Show, held in Shanghai, offered a tantalizing peek at the world’s most futuristic fashions. Cutting-
edge technologies such as 3D scanning, 3D printing, wearable technology and clothing robotics are
gradually penetrating into the fashion industry. For wearable technology, the future is now.
FTA 曼谷年度晚宴举办
A Summer Evening in Bangkok with Very Special Friends 知名品酒顾问公司田博华及联营公司 (FTA)在泰国首都曼谷艾瑟尼广场皇家艾美 酒店举办了第七届“与好友相约夏夜曼谷”年 度晚宴。受邀参加本次宴会的 68 位贵宾包括 企业 CEO、酒店业高管、行业精英及晚宴赞 助商等。作为 FTA 的领导人,同时也是 LifeStyle 专栏作家,田博华先生一直致力于发展 慈善事业,这些年来他的慈善足迹已遍布全球。 Bangkok – The Seventh Annual FTA “A Summer
Evening in Bangkok with Very Special Friends”
at the Plaza Athénée Bangkok , A Royal Méridien
proved to be another memorable event for the sixty-
eight guests, who included chief executive officers,
senior vice presidents, vice presidents, senior hotel executives, general managers, industry VIPs, and
dinner sponsors. The charitable work of the FTA, led by LifeStyle columnist Fred Tibbitts, continues all across the world.
114 LifeStyle
Home Away from Home 经过三年的设计、建造和运营管理团队 的用心打造,从建筑外形到品质空间,从功 能配置到优质服务,苏州晋合豪生行政公寓 (2014 年 6 月 9 日已开业)提供舒适优雅、 低调奢华的入住体验和便利的专属优质服务, 完美集合了晋合打造高端精装住宅的经验和 豪生品牌酒店服务的精华。 公寓坐落于园区金鸡湖东 CBD 核心地 带,地理位置极其优越,拥有 240 间装修时 尚的客房和套房,配备了宽敞的起居空间和 齐全的厨房设备,让入住客人体验“家外之家” 的温馨舒适。宽敞明亮的观景窗将金鸡湖及 摩天轮的美丽身姿尽收眼底,豪生行政楼层 (17 和 18 层)则更添尊贵和私密性。 公寓内的豪生咖啡厅专注于高品质食材 和花样繁多的各国美食;装饰精美、温馨优 雅的大堂吧为你营造完美的下午茶时光,是 同事或朋友相聚小歇的绝佳选择;豪生行政 楼层设有专属行政酒廊,全天免费提供咖啡、 茶和精美点心,傍晚欢乐时光还可在此享用 落日鸡尾酒;此外公寓还提供全方位的休闲 娱乐设施及服务,健身房配有最先进的有氧 运动设备和健身器材,还有恒温泳池、瑜伽房、 湿蒸房,都是放松身心的好去处。 从即日起,618 元即可预订苏州晋合豪 生行政公寓豪华房一晚,免费使用无线网络、 健身中心、儿童游乐室等设施。
After three years of design, the Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou,
grandly opened on June 9, has turned out to be a mature blend of upscale residences and premier hotel service, which are respectively Jinghope and Howard Johnson’s areas of expertise.
Conveniently located in the CBD of East Jinji Lake, the Howard Johnson Jinghope
Serviced Residence Suzhou offers 240 well-equipped, elegantly-designed and contemporary
apartments with large window frames, which make spectacular views of the renowned Jinji
Lake and the Giant Ferris Wheel available. Moreover, the Howard Johnson Club Floor Apartments, occupying the residence’s 17th & 18th floors, provide exclusive benefits, privacy and services for the resident.
The Riviera Coffeeshop provides a sumptuous international all day dining a-la-carte menu
prepared by an experienced master chef; The casual yet elegant pavilion lounge located at the
lobby floor of the Residence is the ideal place to enjoy the finest coffee or tea; the Howard
Johnson Club Lounge, available exclusively for Club Residents, provides the best evening cocktails, accompanied by a selection of tapas and finger foods. Fresh cookies baked daily
and coffee and tea are provided throughout the day. The Club Lounge is the perfect choice for a business meet-up or a casual evening talk. The Health and Recreation Center offers a
high-tech gymnasium, yoga room, a swimming pool and a steam room. Be at your peak at all times and let the fitness center give you optimal performance.
The Howard Johnson Jinghope Serviced Residence Suzhou is now offering an “Opening
Rate” at RMB618 per day in a Studio Deluxe Apartment, which includes one daily buffet breakfast and free wifi access within the residence compound.
18 Rongan Road, SIP, Suzhou, Jiangsu Tel: 0512 6265 0889
LifeStyle 115
Entertainment News
演 出 2014 听懂北京音乐盛典 在中国,如果你想在市中心、在家门口、在北 京地标性场地工人体育场就能感受世界级的万 人电子大 Party,那只有来听懂! 2014 听懂再 次带来了最棒的电子音乐节,并且这次有新加 入的奥运会灯光舞美音响团队为我们制作,我 们会让您在最棒的场地看到世界上最棒的 DJ: 哈德威尔、达许柏林、远东韵律。在我们最棒 的舞台上,伴随着最棒的灯光和最棒的音效, 感受国内最棒的音乐节!所以如果你错过了 2013,那 2014 一定不要再错过!今年的“听懂 音乐盛典”将更加精彩! 时间:2014.9.13 地点:北京工人体育场 票价:280/380/480
音乐武侠赵传 2014 世界巡回演唱会
北汽绅宝 - 视听盛宴 《鸟巢·吸引》2014 演出季 《鸟巢·吸引》是世界首个在奥运会主体育场举办的 大型驻场演出。这一颠覆传统表演形式、超越 I-MAX 的终极视觉演出由世界顶级艺术家历时一年多精心打 造,通过人、神、魔之间的纠葛与冲突,以鸟巢巨大 的立体空间为载体,体现为只属于鸟巢的、壮观绚丽 的视听效果。演出创造性地让观众置身于前所未有的 超大三维视听空间,利用音乐、特效、视频、激光等 高科技手段与真人表演相结合,营造出一场引发人类 心灵共鸣的视听奇观。 时间:2014.9.13-9.30 地点:国家体育场 票价:100/280/480/680/VIP880 电话:400 610 3721
116 LifeStyle
赵传是华语流行乐坛一个时代的传奇。出道于 1988 年,高亢、沙哑的嗓音是赵传的最大的特 色,加上其略显“沧桑”的长相,赵传在歌坛 上的确有着非常强的辨识度。他的音乐也许更 加贴近当时在中国大陆影响一代年轻人的流行 摇滚乐。其诚恳而具有人文关怀的歌词、乐队 化的编曲,加上自己出色的唱功,让赵传赢得 了许多华人摇滚迷的青睐,成为当代很多中国 年轻人听摇滚的初级入门课程。 时间:2014.9.6 地点:北京工人体育馆 票价:280/380/580/780/980
黄家强“时代序曲”演唱会 “时代序曲”是黄家强推出的一首全新单曲, 也是黄家强对于 Beyond 最好的怀念。Beyond 代表了一个时代,一个充满了疯狂和梦想的时 代,Beyond 早已成为一种精神,深深存在于每 个人的脑海中,挥之不去。所以,黄家强写了 一首歌叫《时代序曲》,并将其演唱会命名为 “时代序曲”。它是一个对于旧时代的怀念, 更是一个对于新时代的开始,用音乐爆发疯狂, 畅怀梦想! 时间:2014.9.27 地点:北京汇源空间(万事达中心内) 票价:280/480/680/980/1280
话 剧
初相遇 话剧经典精品千呼万唤再次演出,该剧充满欢 笑与感动,百场演出奇迹场场爆满。你还是相 信你的爱情么?一个男人爱上两个女孩,他将 如何巧妙周旋?一次次被揭穿的风险疯狂出现, 不缺笑声,也要刺激! 时间:2014.7.23-12.7 地点:北京 9 剧场(非非小剧场) 票价:100/180/380
你的样子 五百天的不舍酝酿,一百分钟的舞台精彩。传 奇团队未爱剧社创作。话剧的精品。剧本经过 名家参与,演员精挑细选。部分台词已经成为 网络经典语言。现场笑声掌声不绝,尤其出人 意料的结尾震撼人心久久感动。 时间:2014.7.2-12.27 地点:北京 9 剧场(非非小剧场) 票价:100/180/380
分手旅行 改编自畅销青春爱情小说《我终于可以不再爱你了》 的舞台剧《分手旅行》,讲述的是一个关于爱情的柔 软伤感故事。音乐剧的元素融入常规舞台剧表演的形 式当中,令人耳目一新。唱作俱佳小天后弦子的领衔 主演更是让全剧亮点十足。弦子在剧中会现场演唱 10 首口碑及传唱度都极高的歌曲,这对于喜爱弦子的观 众绝对是极大的享受和福利。
约定 这是一个关于爱情的约定。他的女友小婷如何 背叛了自己?龌龊的贺老师又是如何可怕地出 现?美丽的瑞瑞又是如何施展风情?神秘人物 小志的欲望又是如何在黑暗中得逞?各种误会 与感动由此展开,三个男人两个女孩演绎着波 澜起伏的故事! 时间:2014.7.16-2015.1.3 地点:北京 9 剧场(非非小剧场) 票价:100/180/380
时间:2014.9.4-9.7 地点:北京国话先锋剧场 票价:60/100/180/280 电话:010 6527 6911/6559 7364 时间:2014.9.25-9.28 地点:上海大剧院中剧场 票价:50/150/200/280 电话:021 6372 8701/6372 8702
LifeStyle 117
LIFESTYLE LiméLight... 南京金奥费尔蒙酒店: 任命英戈瑞先生为总经理 Fairmont Hotel Nanjing: Mr. Graham Hewitt, General Manager
昆山阳澄湖费尔蒙酒店: 任命郑炜先生为总经理 Fairmont Yang Cheng Lake: Mr. Jeff Cheng, General Manager
云南西双版纳云投喜来登酒店: 任命蔡德来先生为总经理 Sheraton Xishuangbanna Hotel: Mr. Damian Chua, General Manager
武汉洲际酒店: 任命思高德先生为总经理 InterContinental Wuhan: Mr. Scott Williams, General Manager
金茂三亚丽思卡尔顿酒店: 任命雨果先生为酒店经理 Ritz-Carlton, Sanya: Mr. Hugo Montanari, Hotel Manager
济南喜来登酒店: 任命丁琦女士为行政副总经理 Sheraton Jinan Hotel: Ms. Alma Ding, Executive Assistant Manager
武汉万达威斯汀酒店: 任命胡安先生为市场销售总监 The Westin Wuhan Wuchang: Mr. Andy Hu, Director of Sales & Marketing
上海大宁福朋喜来登集团酒店: 任命曹婷婷女士为市场销售总监 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning: Ms. Helen Cao, Director of Sales & Marketing
A s e a s o n e d h o t e l i e r, M r. G r a h a m H e w i t t graduated from Bond University with an MBA degree and brings with him a wealth of hotel management experience. His hotel career started from 1988, and his first time in China was to assume a General Manager position in 2010, in the Sheraton Nanjing.
Mr. Chua is a Malaysian Citizen with more than 20 years of work in hospitality in Southeast and China. Sheraton Xishuangbanna Hotel is the fifth Sheraton hotel that he has served. Mr. Chua will lead his team of the first Sheraton brand and first Starwood hotel in Yunnan province.
Mr. Montanari began his Ritz-Carlton career in 2012 as Executive Assistant Manager of Rooms at The Ritz-Carlton, Bangalore. Mr. Montanari also worked at The Plaza Hotel, New York and The Fairmont Dubai, where he won several industry awards. He started his career as an intern at the Restaurant Des Trois Tours, which features one Michelin star and 17 points from the Gault–Millaut guide, in Switzerland.
Andy has over 17 years of experience in Sales & Marketing and 2 years of experience in the Online Travel Agents industry. In 2006, he joined Sheraton Changsha Hotel as part of the pre-opening team and held various positions since. He started the role of Director of Sales & Marketing there in 2011, and led the hotel to achieve overall revenue listing as top 3 among over 100 Starwood hotels in Greater China in 2012.
长沙北辰洲际酒店: 任命金秀云女士为市场销售总监 InterContinental Changsha: Ms. Linda Jin, Director of S&M
Ms. Linda Jin has been appointed as Director of Sales and Marketing of InterContinental Changsha. Linda, who is originally from Beijing, has held numerous senior management positions in prominent international hotel groups such as Starwood, Accor, Carlson and IHG. Prior to joining the InterContinental Changsha, she was the Director of Sales & Marketing at the Radisson Blu Tianjin.
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Mr. Jeff Cheng joined FRHI Hotels & Resorts in 2012 as Hotel Manager for Fairmont Nanjing. Prior to FRHI, he worked with the InterContinental Hotels Group (IHG) from 2001 to 2012. During his tenure with IHG, Jeff held progressive positions from Director of Food & Beverage to Resident Manager at various hotels.
Mr. Scott Williams has been working in the hospitality industry for over 20 years, with a wealth of knowledge and experience. Before he joined InterContinental Wuhan, Mr. Williams was the General Manager of InterContinental Fiji Golf Resort & Spa. Additionally, Mr. Williams has previously held senior management positions as EAM/GM in Crowne Plaza Beijing Wangfujing, Crowne Plaza Ji'nan City Center, Crowne Plaza Fudan Shanghai, and Crowne Plaza Melbourne.
Ms. Alma Ding has been promoted as Executive Assistant Manager of Sheraton Jinan Hotel. She has 14 years of working experience of Financial and worked for different hotel groups including IHG and Starwood. Until now she has been working in Sheraton Jinan for 5 years.
Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Daning is pleased to announce the appointment of Ms. Helen Cao as Director of Sales & Marketing of the hotel with effect from August 7, 2014. She graduated from the Institute Hotelier <Cesar Ritz> Switzerland. Ms. Helen Cao has 12 years of experience in the hospitality industry.
厦门艾美酒店: 任命古安睿先生为餐饮总监 Le Meridien Xiamen: Mr. Michael Grimmer, Director of Food & Beverage
With nearly 12 years' experience in Food & Beverage management, Mr. Grimmer was previously working for Sheraton Guangzhou as Director of Food & Beverage. Prior to that, he also worked as management staff of F&B for the Sheraton Haikou, the Sheraton Queensland, and the Sheraton Langkawi Beach Resort. With his strong F&B working experience in culinary and service and 12 years of Starwood background, Michael will be sure to elevate the F&B business to a new level.
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... 青岛威斯汀酒店:开业 100 天庆典 The Westin Qingdao: 100 Days Opening Ceremony
上海波特曼丽思卡尔顿酒店: 打造独一无二专属浪漫婚典 Portman Ritz Carlton Shanghai: Season of Romance
As the first Westin hotel in Shandong, The Westin Qingdao has been open for 100 days, sharing the Westin brand values of instinct, creativity and renewal in the sailing city. On the 11th of July, the Open for One Hundred Days Celebration was held in the Westin Grand Ballroom. Tel: +86 532 6777 1888
南京金奥费尔蒙酒店: “初心蒙动”主题婚礼秀 Fairmont Nanjing – Wedding Fair 2014: Love at First Sight
Fairmont Nanjing successfully held its first Wedding Fair over the weekend with over 150 attendees and special guests. Guests were treated to a lucky draw which included prizes such as buffet vouchers for Fairmont Nanjing’s 60th floor sky view buffet restaurant Altitude, WECA WANG designer jewelry, Le Labo 31 skin care sets, wedding gift packs and more. Tel: +86 25 5633 5272
Show us your dream wedding, we will show you its realization. What you can imagine, The Portman Ritz-Carlton, Shanghai can create. Plan your romantic wedding with us and enjoy special offer at RMB 6,888 net per table. This limited offer is valid till September 30th, 2014. Tel: +86 21 6279 7941
上海漕河泾万丽酒店: 开启周末舒活心灵之旅 The Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel: Retreat and Rejuvenate with a Weekend Getaway
Discover an oasis of serenity at the Renaissance Shanghai Caohejing Hotel with the “Escape! Weekend Retreat Package” with the best value at CNY 1580 plus 15% service charge per night. Valid only for Friday, Saturday or Sunday arrivals through December 31, 2014 and subject to availability. Tel: +86 21 3325 8888
上海绿地万豪酒店: 魅惑上演“舞动浦江之夜”派对 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: The Charm of River Boat Dance Party at YU Bar
上海浦西洲际酒店: 荣获 2014“最佳城市商务酒店”奖 Intercontinental Shanghai Puxi: “Best Business Hotel” 2014
InterContinental Shanghai Puxi received an award for “The Best Business Hotel” for excellent performance and extraordinary achievement by the Fashion List awards for Chinese hotels in 2014. The picture shows hotel General Manager Mr. Roger Fung (Middle, 1st Row) sharing the happy moment with the hotel management team. Tel: +21 5253 9999 ext 6698
杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店:荣获“美 丽中国·中国最佳新开业酒店”奖项 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: “Best New Hotels of China” Award
The DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East was awarded the prestigious “BEAUTIFUL CHINA·Best New Hotels of China” at the “2014 Beautiful China Hotel Leaders Summit and Ten Beautiful Hotel Public Service Award Presentation Ceremony”. For more information, or to make a reservation, travelers can email hangzhoueast.reservations@hilton.com. Tel: +86 571 8989 8888
上海裕景大饭店: 夏威夷风情池畔派对 Eton Hotel Shanghai: Tiki King Hawaiian Poolside Party
The Tiki King Hawaiian Pool Party season III is coming! Dress up in your swimsuit or favorite summer outfit. Get ready to play in style! Enjoy fresh coconuts, draft beer and cocktails while enjoying the best Hawaiian flavored buffet at the Eton Hotel. Entertainment will be offered by DJ Tutto. Go off the deep end and get cool in the pool! Tel: +86 21 3878 9888 ext 6648
YU Bar, located on the hotel’s top level, held a grand and amazing client appreciation event at the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan. As the 7th annual Marriott International "Shake & Bubbles" events, the theme this time was “River Boat Dance.” Tel: +86 21 5318 8888 ext 6281
上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: “2014 冰上雅姿盛典”贵宾接待 Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: VIP Arrival
As designated hotel of “2014 Artistry on Ice”, Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residence and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong received numerous figure skaters’ as guests in this period, including Shen Xue and Zhao Hongbo, former Olympic Winter Game figure skating gold medalists, as well as “Prince Ice” Evgeny Phusheko and “ Lady Gaga on Ice” Johnny Weir. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999
广州圣丰索菲特大酒店: 荣获 2014 年度 TripAdvisor 卓越奖 Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich: 2014 TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence
Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich announced that it has received a TripAdvisor Certificate of Excellence award. The accolade, which honors hospitality excellence, is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on TripAdvisor, and is extended to qualifying businesses worldwide. Tel: +86 20 3883 8888
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 健康午餐新选择 Longemont Hotel Shanghai: Discover Healthy Lunch Options at Azur
上海绿地万豪酒店“玉”酒吧: 啤酒美食晚餐 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Beer Combo Dinner at YU Bar
Azur chefs have decided to get in shape, and so they searched high and low for the highest quality locally grown organic produce, the freshest seafood, and the finest meats, and prepared it all in the lightest Mediterranean fashion. Lunch sets are available for 80 and 160 RMB. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888
上海王宝和大酒店: 王宝和清水大闸蟹礼盒 Central Hotel Shanghai: Wang Bao He Hairy Crab Gift Box Series
Now is the right time for enjoying hairy crab. Central Hotel Shanghai offers the famous hairy crab feast, and provides you with Wang Bao He hairy crab gift box. The promotion goes from Oct. 1st to Dec. 31st, 2014. Buy 20 get 1 free; buy 10, get 1 box of yellow rice wine. Tel: +86 21 5396 5000 ext 80826
Take the advantage of YU Bar’s special combo dinner menu including one main dish and a pint of fresh beer. Choose from a variety of meal options and over 5 draft beers. Price: RMB 88 net per set; Time: 6:00 pm -8:00 pm, Tuesday to Saturday. Tel: +86 21 2312 5590
上海花园饭店山里日餐厅: 黑毛牛寿喜锅套餐 Okura Garden Hotel, Shanghai: Wagyu Beef Set Meal
The black-hair wagyu beef cooked with Yamazato’s special sauce is delicious beyond description. Come enjoy the wonderful flavor of this juicy delicious beef and its appetite-arousing seasonings. Available in the Yamazato Restaurant, 2F; priced at 298 RMB/person, subject to a 15% service charge. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111
上海巴黎春天新世界酒店粤 1525 餐 厅:全新推出大连鲜活海鲜菜单 Shanghai New World Hotel: Yue 1525 Dalian Freshwater Seafood Menu
上海浦西洲际酒店: 翠庭精选粤式套餐 InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: Set Menu at Jade
Get that summer glow with specially prepared delectable Cantonese set menus prepared by our Hong Kong Executive Chef. The set is reasonably priced: traditional Set Menu (9 courses) RMB398+15%/person, deluxe Set Menu (9 courses) RMB598+15%/ person. This is available for lunch from 11:30-14:30, and dinner from 17:30-22:30. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 迷人星期五 - 女士之夜 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: Ladies Fridays
789 Nanjing Lu Bar + Lounge pours ladies a free-flow of Bellini for two hours while resident DJ Scotty B lays down a backing track of party beats. Men are also offered 3 standard drinks for only RMB200. Available from 9:30pm until 11:30pm on every Friday. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999
上海龙之梦大酒店: “品味”自助晚餐 Shanghai Longemont Hotel: Great Flavors of O2on2
Serving seafood, sushi, sashimi, noodles, and desserts, western and oriental foods, hot or cold, O2on2 promises an unforgettable culinary feast for every mood and every culinary taste. RMB 258 + 15% service charge per person; Business hours: 06:00pm – 10:00pm. Available daily for dinner only, July 1 – October 5, 2014. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220
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From 1 September until 31 October 2014, the chefs at YUE 1525 will present a Cantonese menu featuring daily seafood imported from the shores of Dalian. Guests can savour the Cantonese style of preparing Purple Sea Urchins, Mantis Shrimp, Crab, Sea Whelk and more. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888
上海日航饭店:塞丽娜活动风暴横 扫盛夏,促销热浪滚滚来袭 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Serena Summer Promotion
Serena Café offers fresh seafood including shellfish, crab, sashimi and wild selection cuisine, what from world style flavor your taste. Open kitchen brings the fresh in front of you. Much more choices integrate your taste experience here! Lunch for 158 RMB, dinner for 228, with 15% service charge. Lunch is 11:30AM2:30PM; dinner, 6:00PM to 10:00PM. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6651
北京千禧大酒店: 新加坡美食节闪耀拉开帷幕 Grand Millennium Beijing: Singapore Food Festival
In celebration of Singapore’s 49th National Day, Grand Millennium Beijing held a Singapore Food Festival starting on the 1st of August 2014. Singapore’s Ambassador to China H.E. Stanley Loh, as well as ambassadors from Brunei, Malaysia, Cambodia, Indonesia, Myanmar, Mongolia, and Thailand, and many more were in attendance. Tel: + 86 10 8587 6888
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店水晶吧 及大堂酒廊:经典丽思卡尔顿下午茶 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street: Afternoon Tea at Lobby Lounge
北京丽晶酒店: 繁华都市中的世外桃源 Regent Beijing: An Oasis in the Heart of the City
Our Lobby Lounge offers a welcoming respite from sightseeing or a busy business day. Come and spend a relaxing afternoon sipping exquisite tea whilst sampling delicacies selected from our signature RitzCarlton Afternoon Tea. RMB168+ per person / RMB 298+ for two persons, every day from 2pm to 5pm. Tel: +86 10 6629 6660
北京港澳中心瑞士酒店: 纯正瑞士烤奶酪 Swissotel Beijing: Original Raclette
In Switzerland, Raclette is well known as an indigenous dish. Traditionally the cheese is melted by the grill, and then scraped onto a plate of potatoes and pickles. The Swiss Raclette set includes crispy salad, raclette with baby potatoes, cocktail onions, cherry tomatoes, and bread for only at CNY 188.00 net per person. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2127
北京华尔道夫酒店荣尊 1893 西餐 厅:推出全新菜单 Waldorf Astoria Beijing: Brasserie 1893 Brand New Menu
Brasserie 1893 invites you take a seat when the brand new menu launches from 17 July, 2014. Experience timeless elegant dishes, including Waldorf Salad “Beijing Style” and Red Velvet Cake. Indulge in fresh Boston lobster and tender juicy Australian Wagyu Beef by enjoying our new Surf and Turf! Operation hours: Lunch 11:30am – 2:30pm, Dinner: 5:30pm – 10:30pm. Tel: +86 10 8520 8989 ext 6115
The Regent, Beijing is a great gathering place for family and friends to enjoy some traditional comfort food with BBQ options. The BBQ is available every w e e k e n d f r o m 11 : 3 0 a m t o 3 : 0 0 p m . Barbecue set menu RMB 158 + 15% per person; add RMB 98 + 15% for free flow package of wines and beer. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888
苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店: 甜品艺术点亮浪漫婚礼 Suzhou Kempinki: Sweet LoveArtistic Cakes for Weddings
On August 4, 2014 at 7PM, The Suzhou Kempinski hosted a display of the best weddingthemed cakes and pastries, in collaboration with a variety of wedding specialists. Pastry chef Leo Lei produced an array of cakes as beautiful as they were delicious, showing visitors exactly why the Kempinski Suzhou is such a great wedding destination. Tel: +86 512 6289 7888 ext 6804
苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店: 麦士堡德国啤酒节 Crowne Plaza Suzhou: Meister Brau Oktoberfest
Crowne Plaza Suzhou will present four nights of great fun in the lakeside tents including free flow of German beer, Bavarian delicacies and an Oktoberfest band performance on 25, 26, 28 and 29 September 2014. The most successful Oktoberfest band in China will bring the “Happy Spirit” of Oktoberfest along the beautiful Jinji Lake of Suzhou. Tel: +86 512 6285 9683
北京建国饭店: 中式独有浪漫 浓情月饼礼盒 Jianguo Hotel Beijing: Mooncake Celebration
The mooncake is eaten, but sweetness remains. Best wishes for you on MidAutumn Day. Delicious moon cakes from the Jianguo Hotel Beijing include beef, nuts, fruits, and more. Taste the cakes and enjoy the warm feeling of reunite with your family! Tel: +86 10 6595 8092
北京新世界酒店屋顶天台酒吧“印” : 绅士俱乐部强势来袭 New World Beijing Hotel: Gentleman’s Club Launch The charmers of Beijing are invited to put on their finest attire and experience the launch of Gentlemen’s Club on Thursday 28 August 2014. Specially designed to entice and enthrall a gent’s senses, the evening will include cigars, fine whisky as well as models and go-go performances. Tel: +86 10 5960 8888
成都钓鱼台精品酒店:国宴月饼庆团圆 Diaoyutai Boutique, Chengdu: State Banquet Mooncakes
This autumn, The Diaoyutai Boutique Chengdu proudly launches its Moon Cakes inspired by a traditional “royal recipe”. Each box contains a combination of delicious flavors such as Assorted Nuts, Melon Seed with Sweet Bean Paste and Black Sesame. Royal Moon Box, 358 RMB; Fangfei Moon Box, 228 RMB. Tel: +86 28 6625 9999
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LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... KEF 全新 The Reference 系列 荣耀上市 KEF “The Reference” Speakers
英国殿堂级音响品牌 KEF 推出全新 The Reference 系列扬声器。全新系列中的落 地箱 Reference 5 凭着极具震撼性音质、 超高灵敏度、非凡的低频延展荣膺欧洲 影音协会颁发的 2014-2015 年 EISA 高级 音响类最佳产品奖。其秉承了 KEF 一如 既往的宗旨:实现最纯净、最精准的声 音再现,完美捕获原汁原味的声音本质, 并将其情感深度完整还原在听者面前。
宝曼兰朵呈献 2014 秋冬金饰 Pomellato Gold Jewelry Designs for Autumn/Winter 2014
意大利高级珠宝品牌宝曼兰朵前不久发 布了 2014 秋冬金饰。宝曼兰朵从东方艺 术的花卉图纹中汲取灵感,凭借品牌久 负盛名的超卓金饰匠艺,以更加现代的 手法惊喜呈献出大胆而富有诗意的秋冬 新作。极具女性轻柔之感的花卉图案融 合了夸张外形所引发的感官刺激,再现 品牌一贯秉承的精妙“炼金之术”。
诗格恩 Blue Hour 展现丹麦的 蓝韵时光 Skagen Blue Hour Watches
来自丹麦的腕表品牌诗格恩继承了丹麦 设计的精髓,在简约之美中探寻温暖气 质。为了唤起人们对家乡海洋风光的美 好回忆,新品系列从大自然的奇妙景象 中汲取灵感,创造了象征天空和大海的 蓝色表盘系列腕表,并搭配金色或银色 表带,宁静又美好,简约又大方,传达 出丹麦文化中具有“家庭、朋友、喜乐、 交际、分享”等意义的 Hygge 态度。
MORELLATO 新品 Drops,串起多彩夏日 MORELLATO's Latest Series, "Drops," Launched
今夏,意大利首饰及腕表品牌 MORELLATO 挥扬设计师的画笔,用尽颜料箱里 的各种色彩,献上一粒粒五彩斑斓的 Drops 串珠,将夏日大自然的多彩之美以展 现! Drops 系列以精巧的工艺呈现意象丰富的梦幻之作,而彩色的大胆应用也让 每个人在设计自己的 Drops 首饰时有了更大的发挥空间,更能享受精致设计和丰 富色彩所带来的欢乐气息,一如美妙夏日,让人无法拒绝!
麦克斯韦 2014 秋冬新品预览绽放京城 Maxwell Autumn/Winter Collection Beijing Preview 麦克斯韦 2014 秋冬新品预览前不久在北 京金宝街 3 礼堂顺利进行。此次活动吸引 了 20 多家媒体、80 多位嘉宾到场,魅力 指数爆表。本季产品灵感来源于“色彩”, 品牌创始人马梓淇同英国圣马丁平面设 计师合作制作专属印花,印花分为复古和 现代两种不同风格,通过不同面料的渲染 和排列展示印花与撞色的艺术。
绅士风格哈克特落户金宝汇 Hackett London in the Jinbao Place
以英伦绅士着装品位著称的哈克特正式 落户北京金宝汇。绅士概念是英国文化的 精髓,高级成衣凭借其深厚的文化积淀、 精细的工艺技法、严谨的审美态度,成为 其有形有体的呈现载体。对魅力的触觉、 对细节的注重以及对丰富历史的诠释,令 哈克特一直保有真正的英伦风格。
巴利携克勒库兹作品“Form Scratch”彰显设计魅力 Bally & Kolkoz “Form Scratch” 爱彼上海新概念精品店隆重揭幕 Audemars Piguet Shanghai Boutique Opens
爱彼上海新概念精品店在上海南京西路商圈隆重揭幕。这是目前爱彼在中国面积 最大的新概念精品店。该店着力打造“爱彼会客厅”的全新空间概念,独有的全 天候技术支持服务专区也将为所有贵宾提供殿堂级的尊贵精致体验。精品店内汇 集了品牌全系列杰作,特别值得一提的是,14 枚爱彼博物馆典藏甄品也在这里 进行独家展出。
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为庆祝品牌这一全新转变,同时作为艺 术推广的长期支持者,巴利决定举办为 期一年的巡回艺术展,围绕现代主义、 功能主义和创新主题,颂扬现代主义设 计师和艺术家。第一站于前不久在巴塞 尔成功展出。巴利还邀请了世界著名艺 术家克勒库兹以 Pierre Jeanneret 组合屋为 灵感,打造出惊人的艺术装置作品,取 名“Form Scratch”。
新加坡河川生态园游船悠然启航 Discovering Nature aboard the New River Safari Cruise 随着最新景点河川生态游船的推出,从 8 月 1 日起河川生态园的访客可遨游实里达 蓄水池上段,享受一段悠闲的大自然游船 体验,欣赏蓝天白云、茂盛森林和野生动 物的独特风采。最新的游船景点象征着新 加坡野生动物保育集团对于创造身临其境 的野生动物体验之承诺,并不断以别具匠 心的新鲜展览和景点突出旗下 4 个园林的 特色,即裕廊飞禽公园、夜间野生动物园、 新加坡动物园和全新开幕的河川生态园。
中国高尔夫行业高峰论坛在沪举办 For You Sports Peak Forum Held in Shanghai 海丝腾限量版斯德哥尔摩白色格纹床耀然上市 Limited Edition 2014 Hästens Stockholm White Bedding 继 2012 年大热的复古牛仔蓝限量版床具 Jubilea 和 2013 年限量版铂金格纹床在全 球市场取得成功后,2014 年海丝腾再次发力,宣布 9 月推出秋冬季限量版床具—— 斯德哥尔摩白色格纹床。新款床具采用极具瑞典特色的斯德哥尔摩白色,将瑞典 式优雅与现代时尚设计完美融合。该床将在 9 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日期间全球限量 发售。而同步推出的海丝腾全新 Satin Pure 系列床上用品及多种颜色的幼羊驼毯, 为消费者定制私人专属的睡眠氛围,助您畅享健康自然的“非凡睡眠”。
8 月 1 日下午,第一财经高尔夫与丰昱(上 海)文化体育发展有限公司在上海黄浦 江畔首次联合举办中国高尔夫行业高峰 论坛。与会专家一致认为,中国高尔夫 运动的健康发展必须走大众化之路。中 国和美国的高尔夫业内知名人士和各界 代表就“中国的业余高尔夫运动如何走 大众之路”的话题,在论坛上进行深入 探讨并发表了各自的看法。
薇妮体雕:高级定制的全球化 Wenee Body Molding in Taipei 101
“大黄疯”疯狂上市 Crazy Rhubarb in Jianwai SOHO
2014 年 8 月,台湾第一品牌、以医学背 景著称的奢侈品功能性内衣“薇妮体雕” 在台湾 101 大厦正式成立高级定制中心, 并即将在美国纽约、法国巴黎相继成立 高级定制中心,把高级定制、全球专属 和个性化的尊宠服务深入到全球每个角 落,开启女性优雅新坐标! 2014 年薇妮 体雕还隆重推出了“寐影系列”高端夜 间专属塑形保养产品,让你领略懒美人 的夜间保养术。
京城首家全新吧式四川火锅概念店“大 黄疯”前不久在建外 SOHO 西区正式开 业。大黄疯的火锅食材均为成都原产, 空运到京。专业的本地团队在成都寻找 极致食材,就地加工,此外精选百家成 都本土火锅精华,特聘顶级底料大师, 当地选料并直接炒制底料,独家秘方打 造最美味地道的料理式火锅,让最新鲜、 极致的食材与北京的吃货零距离。
科幻神作《猩球崛起:黎明之战》 精彩无限 好评爆棚 Dawn of the Planet of the Apes: Earns Worldwide Acclaim 下半年最受期待的好莱坞口碑科幻巨制 《猩球崛起:黎明之战》将于 8 月 29 日在 中国内地影院全面上映,这部影片截止到 8 月 15 日在全球累计狂揽超过 5 亿美金票 房,并获得外媒与影迷的称赞,MOVIES. COM 评论者更是将其与经典的科幻片《星 球大战:帝国反击战》相比,并称这部电 影是继《蝙蝠侠:黑暗骑士崛起》之后最 好的电影续集,真正的大师级杰作,是今 年让人惊叹的一部“神作”。
范立欣《我就是我》 多伦多国际电影节获大奖提名 No Zuo No Die: Wins a Toronto International Film Festival Award nomination
范立欣执导的《我就是我》这部从开始上 映就因为将摄像机对准 2013 快乐男声参赛 选手而饱受争议的真实电影,在最新公布 的第 39 届多伦多国际电影节入围名单中, 成功获得最高奖“人民选择奖”和“人民 选择纪录片奖”两项提名。《我就是我》 自 7 月 25 日已在中国内地公映,导演范 立欣已受邀携本片参加本届多伦多电影节 公映与颁奖。
拙政园旁的国宝级宅子,价格抄底? Suzhou Humble Administrator’s Garden Properties for Sale 与苏州拙政园一墙之隔的一线豪宅拙政别墅加推 5 席特价房源,想必又将在风云 变幻的楼市掀起新的浪花。而它最珍贵最罕见之处在于,别墅是建在“万园之母” 拙政园的原址之上,打造别墅工程的匠人更是被列入非物质文化遗产的“香山帮”。 5 席大户型房源面积从 600 到 1000 平米不等,男主人空间硬朗大气,女主人空间 温婉柔和,每一栋别墅都是量身定制,有着自己独特的亮点,其价格仅 3000 万起。 以这样的价格能够买到堪称艺术品的文物级私邸,无疑是十分难得的机会。
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纸版及电子版发行合作 Paper and e-distribution partner: 除以上渠道,本刊在各高端写字楼,高档中西餐厅及休闲场所均有赠阅发行,同时每期固定向高端读者提供直投赠阅服务, 这些读者主要为外籍驻华人士、企业高管等商旅精英 In addition to the above channels, our magazine is displayed free of charge in high-level office buildings, Chinese and Western restaurants and recreational amenities. We provide a direct mailing service for high-end subscribers, comprising China-based international expatriates, management executives and the business elite. 同时本刊在高端期刊销售渠道及重点区域报亭均有销售。读者也可通过电话 85890129-104 订阅本刊。 Our magazine also retails through high-level distribution channels and newsstands in selected areas, as well as by reader subscription (dial 85890129-104).
Sybaritic SUV 耀目的金色路虎揽胜甫一亮相,便在伦敦富豪圈中吸睛无限。新款 Hamann Mystere 车 型估值约 15 万英镑,还可定制专属车身套件,随心打造炫酷外观。在骑士桥韦尔斯利酒店 附近就出现了这样一台世界顶级豪华 SUV,从牌号来看应该是来自沙特。也许车主在伦敦 度假,顺便把爱车拿出来晒一晒。 A gold Range Rover has been dazzling Londoners in the millionaires’ playground of Knightsbridge. The ‘Hamann Mystere’ model, valued at around £150,000, appears to have had a customized body kit fitted as part of a bling overhaul of its looks. It has been spotted at some of the capital’s most exclusive spots - including the Wellesley Hotel in Knightsbridge. The car appears to have Saudi registration plates, and is thought to have been flown over to London for its owners holiday.
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2014 年七月号 总第 360 期
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