南腔北调· LifeStyle
APRIL 2015
2015 年四月号 总第 375 期
戴玉强 踏歌而行
Dai Yuqiang
Singing Forward
A Sustainable China | Diamond Life: Best Hotels for Private Meetings | Holland: Land of Bicycles
GREEN China 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel
精致式生活 豪华私享会议酒店
Diamond Life Best Hotels for Private Meetings
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
Editor’s Note
请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活
The April cover is a shot of Singer Dai Yuqiang.
走出去,玩耍 四月对于我来说,是属于“自由”的月份。 你终于可以褪下厚重的冬衣,换上轻薄鲜艳的春装; 可以坐在户外的草地上,与孩子们进行野餐;骑上自行车, 可以在发出新芽的树木中穿行;白天的时间慢慢变长,傍晚 的彩霞越来越耀眼;你与人们随意地谈天论地,仿佛人生有 一百个可能在未来等着你……是的,你可以做那些整个冬天 都不曾做过的事情,这些都代表着一种自由的欢愉。 有一年四月我在芬兰北部海边一个小镇上旅行,那个时 候的北欧已经渐渐从极昼中苏醒起来,获得了更多的阳光, 人们情绪轻松且自然。有一个傍晚,我与三个朋友吃完饭后, 到附近的森林去散步。我从来没有见过那样的森林,它湿润 且富饶,随处可见拳头大小的蘑菇在草丛中,森林的人行道 上铺满了松木屑,走上去富有弹性。森林的空气充满了芬多 精,让人心旷神怡。我们四个人就这么一直走一直走,脚下 发出“嗯叽嗯叽”的声音,谈到有趣处,我们放声大笑。我 当时有一种洗尽铅华的感觉,仿佛那些灯红酒绿的生活都离 我们远去,那些勾心斗角和工作的压力已不复存在,我们会 就这么永远走下去。就在那一瞬间,我感受到了自由的愉悦。 没错,平日生活中,你仿佛是潜水钟,繁忙的工作致使 你一刻不能动弹,但在这个四月,不妨让你心中的蝴蝶飞向 远方。Lifestyle 的四月“绿色生活”选题及“私密的小型会 议酒店”正好告诉了你生活的意义,无论是在城市或是乡村,
The World is Waiting For me, April has always been a “free” month.
You can finally slip out of your heavy winter clothes and put on a bright
smile for spring; sit out on the rgass, having a picnic with the kids; ride a bike, or walk through the sprouting gardens of spring; the hours of sunlight
get longer, and the evening is a symphony of dazzling pink clouds; the winter is over, and the warmth of spring has returned.
I spent one April in a small town in the northern seaside of Finland, as
the Nordic polar day began to stretch longer, as people relaxed and got into
a more natural mood. One evening, three friends and I shared dinner, then strolled into a nearby forest. I’d never seen a forest like that before; moist and rich; fist-sized mushrooms everywhere in the grass, the path covered
with pine needles. In that evening, work pressure and the frustrations of
daily life seemed impossibly distant. At that moment, I felt the joy of freedom.
Yes, you may feel claustrophobic with the pressure of work, but this
April, let your heart fly away. This April, Lifestyle features everything green, and the best hotels for small conferences; the small pleasures of life emerge. Whether in rural or urban areas, you can find a way to return to the
essence of life. Many airlines and hotels have introduced preferential policies: it’s time to go out and play.
This is my first issue of Lifestyle as Chief Editor. Thanks for reading this
editorial note- I’ll be looking forward to writing many more in future.
你都能找到回归生活本质的方式。另外许多航空公司及酒店 都推出了优惠政策,是时候走出去玩耍了。 同时,这是我来到 Lifestyle 的第一期杂志,感谢阅读这 篇卷首,无数的可能在未来等着你我。
Angelina Lee 李赛铱 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
速递 018 设计师玩具
传统的串珠工艺通常被用来制作一些低 廉的纪念品,哈斯兄弟为它们做了全新 的定义
066 环保“豪”宅 在豪宅云集的纽约长岛汉普顿区,一座环 保小屋格外引人入胜
125 美元报名费和 200 字的“我为什么要拥 有和运营这家旅馆?”的最佳答案即能拥 有一家新英格兰乡村旅馆
享乐 076 精致式生活:豪华私享会议酒店
拥有一场完美的精致活动,是每一个活动 组织者的终极梦想
024 戴玉强:踏歌而行 唱歌不是艺术,而是一种与生俱来的自由 天性,一种诗意盎然的生活方式
092 精致的食,优雅地品 作为“西餐之首”,法餐总是给人高雅、 奢华又浪漫的印象
036 清心志于一事
特辑 040 绿色中国 世界正在重新定义我们对待环境的方式。 LifeStyle 将目光投向了中国乃至世界的环 保先锋们
062 修道院里的世俗愉悦 法国一座古修道院被改造成低调奢华的 酒店
020 赠乎?售乎?
102 荷兰:“骑”乐无穷 没有自行车的相伴,即使相距咫尺,也无 法真正与童话般的荷兰亲近
LifeStyle 7
018 Designer Toys
062 Tranquil Hospitality
Traditional beading techniques often used to create kitsch souvenirs were re-appropriated for the Haas Brothers’ Afreaks range
A contemporary conversion of a 12th century abbey
066 Beach Hampton
020 Inn for a Price
A strict building code led to a compelling new beach house in the Hamptons
A 200-word essay and $125 is all it will take to become the proud owner of a bucolic New England inn
076 Diamond Life: Best Hotels for Private Meetings
024 Dai Yuqiang: Singing Forward
LifeStyle helps you select the best hotels for meetings
For Dai Yuqiang, singing is not merely art, but an icon of freedom, the representation of a rich and poetic lifestyle
092 Haute Cuisine à la Française
036 The Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing
With a reputation for being the most elegant European cuisine, France is the homeland of elegant, luxurious and romantic cuisine
The Art and Philosophy of Su Dongping
040 A Sustainable China
The world is redefining the way we think about the environment. LifeStyle takes a look at the leaders in sustainability all over China and the world
102 Holland: Land of Bicycles
Spin through wonderland Holland in the local style- on a trusty old bicycle
098 WineClub 116 LifeStyle Focus 124 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
APRIl 2015
Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel
国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu
North 98, Jing San Road, Zhengzhou 450008 郑州市经三路北 98 号,邮政编码 450008 Tel: +86371 6574 9072
EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Deputy Editor-in-Chief 执行副主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editors 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑 Taipei Correspondent 驻台北记者
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李赛铱 Angelina Lee 彭小乐 Evan Peng 张宇婕 Yuki Zhang 卓 睿 Jacob Dreyer 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 刘 洋 Liu Yang 郝心怡 Kelly Hao 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang 吴聿书 Samuel Wu
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10 LifeStyle
高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268
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Shannon Fagan
摄影师 Photographer
作者 writer
在曼哈顿 10 年的职业生涯中,曾与众
次获得各种荣誉及竞赛奖励。2011 年,他在
顾问有限公司 CEO 及品牌创始人。2013 年,
Shannon Fagan spent a decade in Manhattan dev
Independent curator, art critic, end entrepreneur,
eloping a career in photography for clients such as
Yihai is engaged in the study of contemporary
n 2011, he relocated to Beijing to establish a produ
as being the executive director for the Museum
Intel, BMW, Time, Fortune, and the New Yorker. I
ction company that supplies image content to Gene
ral Electric, Ernst & Young, Black & Decker, Micro soft, Getty Images, and others.
art. Having worked as a curator in Beijing as well
of Contemporary Art Tianjin TEDA, as well as working with MOYA Art Consultants Ltd. Beijing, he was awarded the “international curators” art medal by the Italian Ministry of Culture in 2013.
LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月, LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P.20
Christian Melz 设计的沙发 Christian Melz’s Sofa
LifeStyle 13
Wonderful Wood 2012 年 , 来自德国的家具设计师 Christian Melz 在北京的胡同里成立了自己的
工作室。次年,知名企业家 Rick Minchom 也加盟了 Melz 设计工作室。首席设计
师 Christian Melz 的优势在于谙熟家具制造工艺及其家族在德国的生产能力,其作 品屡获殊荣,更影响着奢华家具领域的发展。此外,Melz 与时尚设计师王在实的 合作也是珠联璧合,推出了别出心裁的胡桃木箱包配饰。 在 2014 北京国际设计周上备受瞩目的 Melz 设计工作室最新推出了现代家居
品牌 Diametrik,通过自己的作品影响着北京乃至整个中国大陆地区的奢侈品市场。 Award-winning design studio Melz Design is changing the luxury furniture design world from their base in the Beijing hutongs. German furniture and product designer Christian Melz founded Melz Design in 2012, and business entrepreneur Rick Minchom joined shortly after in 2013. Head Designer Christian Melz was inspired to create this line from his families’ background in cabinet making as Melz is a third generation cabinet maker. The dynamic duo of Melz-Design collaborated with rising Chinese fashion designer Vega Wang on an accessory line, including two different wood crafted handbags. Melz Design hasn’t stopped expanding their creative capabilities, recently launching a new modern homewares brand called Diametrik. Showcased at Beijing Design Week 2014, Melz is sure to have an impact of the luxury market in Beijing and Mainland China.
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LifeStyle 15
Scent of a Burger 对于汉堡的狂热爱好者来说,只能闻不能吃是不是很煎熬呢?汉堡王近日就要把这一想象变为现实。最近,汉堡王官 方表示,将从 4 月 1 日起开始销售“皇堡”牛肉汉堡味的古龙水。目前这一产品暂定只在日本销售。
限量版的“炭烧味”古龙水售价大约为 5000 日币(40 美元),随香水还附赠一个汉堡。数量大约只有 1000 瓶。
For hamburger aficionados who can’t get enough of it, Burger King has an answer: a grilled burger-scented fragrance.Burger King said Friday that the limited “Whopper” grilled beef burger-scented cologne will be sold only one day on April 1, and only in Japan. That date marks the “Whopper Day” for the company. The limited “Flame Grilled” fragrance can be purchased at 5,000 yen ($40) per purchase of the burger that comes with flame-grilled beef. There will be only 1,000 of them.
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LifeStyle 17
Designer Toys 洛杉矶艺术家哈斯兄弟与南非工匠共同创作了一个 大小与绵羊接近、表面用串珠装饰的玩具系列。 传统的串珠工艺通常被用来制作一些低廉的纪念 品,哈斯兄弟为它们做了全新的定义。 目前,这些玩具正在开普敦设计展上进行展出,共 包含五个造型各异的形象。 Los Angeles artists the Haas Brothers have worked with South African artisans to make a family of sheep-sized fantasy creatures covered with patterned beadwork. Traditional beading techniques often used to create kitsch souvenirs were re-appropriated for the Haas Brothers’ Afreaks range. Exhibited at the Guild Design Fair in Cape Town, the range currently includes five colorful characters that are approximately the size of small sheep.
18 LifeStyle
LifeStyle 19
House for Sale 建筑大师弗兰克·盖里设计的温顿宾馆就坐落在美国明尼苏达州圣托马斯大学的校园 里。现在学校要拍卖这栋房子,但要求拍得者负责将其移走。 1982 年,盖里应木材大亨温顿夫妇之邀,在他们位于明尼托卡湖畔的主建筑旁设计
了一栋供客人居住的宾馆。这栋占地 2300 平方英尺的建筑于 1987 年完工,内部由金字塔 形客厅和五个环绕分布的几何形房间构成。
其实早在 2002 年温顿夫妇出售其房产时,这座宾馆已经迁移过一次了。当时的购买
者于 2007 年将这栋房子捐给了圣托马斯大学,其条件也是要接收者负责将其移走。
The University of St. Thomas in Minnesota is home to the Frank Gehry-designed Winton Guest House, and it’s soon putting the house up for auction, with a small catch: you buy it, you move it. Commissioned by Mike & Penny Winton in 1982 for their Lake Minnetonka property, and completed in 1987, the house has already been moved once: the Wintons sold their property in 2002 and the buyer donated the house to the University in 2007, with the provision that it be moved. According to the university, the 2,300-square-foot house comprises five geometrically shaped rooms that surround a pyramid-shaped living room.
20 LifeStyle
Inn for a Price 想要拥有一家位于新英格兰地区的乡村旅馆,只 需交纳 125 美元报名费并用 200 字答出“我为什么要 拥有和运营这家旅馆?”的最佳答案即可。遥想当年, 现任经营者 Janice Sage 也是用同样方式赢得这家旅馆 的。 洛弗尔中心旅馆位于缅因州西部,坐拥山地美景 的同时,还方便越野滑雪。现年 68 岁的 Janice Sage 经 营这里已经二十多年了,准备退休的她要以上面这种 近乎无偿的方式将这家估值近百万的旅馆转手相让。 征稿截止后,会由裁判委员会选出 20 人进入决赛,
随后在 5 月 21 日宣布最终赢家。Janice Sage 预计会有
约 7500 人参加比赛,仅报名费就能净赚约 93 万 7 千 美元。所以这种特别转让方式的赢家究竟是谁呢? A 200-word essay and $125 is all it will take to become the proud owner of a bucolic New England inn, says its owner, who won the establishment in the same way. For more than two decades, Janice Sage has run the Center Lovell Inn, a bed and breakfast nestled in western Maine, famous for its cross-country skiing and mountain vistas.Now, 68-year-old Sage plans to retire, and she’s ready give away the inn, valued at nearly a million dollars, for next-to-nothing. Sage expects to attract around 7,500 entries, netting around $937,000 — just short of the inn’s market price.A committee will choose 20 finalists based on the essays, and the winner will be announced on May 21.
LifeStyle 21
Exile on Saint Helena 南大西洋的英属圣赫勒拿岛因为拿破仑而名声大噪,因为这里曾是拿破仑最后的流放地。要担起“流放地”的名衔,自然要越偏僻 越好,越荒芜越好。开普敦有不定期开出的船到达此地,耗时 5 天。现在,英属圣赫勒拿岛不久前宣布,关于 Comair 航空开通约翰内 斯堡至圣赫勒拿岛航线(每周一班,航程 4 个半小时)的议案还在最后的谈判中,因为新机场要明年才能开放。
The remote South Atlantic island of Saint Helena, where French emperor Napoleon Bonaparte was exiled, is to get its first commercial air service. The government of Saint Helena, a British territory, said Monday that final negotiations were underway for Comair to fly once a week from Johannesburg to a new airport due to open next year. The Boeing 737 flight will take four and half hours – in stark contrast to the 5 days it currently takes on an irregular boat service from Cape Town.
22 LifeStyle
品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Poetic Polyphony / P.34
《Everyday——锁住的记忆》.2014 Su Dongping’s Work On Display
LifeStyle 23
戴玉强 : 踏歌而行
Dai Yuqiang: Singing Forward 这是一个真正为歌唱而生的人。 从华北乡村开始,他一路不停唱到北京,唱遍世界各地音乐殿堂。 如今,他又要进军互联网,“戴你唱歌”超级声乐慕课将“带领”千千万万网友一起歌唱。 在他看来,唱歌不是艺术,而是一种与生俱来的自由天性,一种诗意盎然的生活方式。 2015,戴玉强邀你一起“踏歌而行”。 This man was simply born to sing. Coming from a small village in the Huabei region, he made his way to the world-class concert halls of Beijing. Not only noted for his live performances, Dai Yuqiang has become an internet phenomenon for the online vocal lessons in which he seeks to share his unique gift with others. “Let’s Sing” has attracted millions of internet users to lift their collective voice as one. For Dai, singing is not merely art, but an icon of freedom, the representation of a rich and poetic lifestyle. In 2015, Dai Yuqiang is inviting you to sing forward. Text: Huang Fei Photos: Shannon Fagan Stylelist: Tao Siyi
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26 LifeStyle
缘起: “歌者”何来
戴玉强天生有副唱歌的好嗓子。但 32 岁之前,他
当过技术员、中戏班长、装修队老板、北漂、总政歌剧 团演员,但从未在台上“唱火”过。直到 1995 年 11 月, 中央歌剧院排演原版意大利歌剧《图兰朵》。戴玉强饰 演的男一号震惊全场,被现场专家激动地称赞为“中国 自己的卡拉夫”。戴氏美声从此一发而不可收拾。 2001 年,世界三大男高音紫禁城音乐会前夕,三高 经纪公司副总裁来京考察,被戴玉强演唱的两首咏叹调 感动得当场落泪,并就此成就了他“帕瓦罗蒂亚洲唯一 弟子”的师徒情谊。2011 年,戴玉强又联合魏松、莫华 伦在京创立“中国三大男高音”,几年来唱遍北京、纽 约、伦敦等全球数十座城市,被多明戈誉为“真正属于 世界的好声音”,成为继“世界三大男高音”之后全球 最具影响的男高音组合。至此,他实现了自己的梦想, 也圆了无数中国人的世纪梦想。
梦想: “师者”何为 男高音是世界公认的“悬崖边的职业”,作品难、 演唱难、学习更难。戴玉强的道路更是难上加难。他最 初抱着录音机学、泡剧场听,21 岁才开始科班学习,30 岁才学意大利语。更要命的是,很多年,他一到关键时 刻就“掉链子”,重大比赛或演出前经常失眠。当时甚 至有老师断言,“你戴玉强不是学意大利歌剧的料”。 换别人早改行了,可戴玉强没有,而且用常人无法 想象的刻苦赢得了最后的胜利。成名之后,他先后兼任 北京大学、中国音乐学院、解放军艺术学院等国内众多 高校客座教授,并常年坚持为很多优秀青年歌唱家免费 上课指导。作为名副其实的“中国第一‘难’高音”, 他现在反过来,鼓励这些年轻人说,“中国是出男高音 的地方,只要你有这个天分,努力就行。”
江湖: “行者”何惧 很多人都说,戴玉强身上有股子“江湖气息”—— 当年他就把自己总政歌剧团的第一个住处,取名为“夹 皮沟戴公馆”。戴玉强的道路同样野性十足。它不是书 写在象牙塔高高在上的教学体系之上,而是行走在整个 中国乃至全球声乐事业浩浩荡荡的发展潮流当中。 这是他创办“戴你唱歌”慕课的重要动力。“网络 是一个江湖,声音更是。”在他看来,教育要走出庙堂, 与老百姓歌唱生活的热情结合起来。“人生来就爱唱歌, 而且会唱歌——这是人性的东西”,他说。“何况中国 人自古就有唱歌的传统,像川江号子等等民歌都是老百 姓自己过日子唱出来的。”因此,他坚决反对把“戴你 唱歌”理解成“教你唱歌”。“最美的声音永远是发自 肺腑的,我的角色只是一个‘领唱者’,陪伴大家在歌 声中一路同行。”
The Beginning:
Birth of a Singer Dai Yuqiang was born with a beautiful voice. But before age 32, he was a jack of trades, from technician to drama class teacher, working with opera departments, anything that brought him closer to the stage. In November 2005, he finally made his debut in the Central Opera’s production of “Turandot.” Dai Yuqiang immediately became a sensation with his talented interpretation of the male lead, and experts began to compare him to the best singers worldwide. From this start, his voice began to travel all over the world. In 2001, during the Three Tenors Concert Evening in Beijing’s Forbidden City, vice presidents of three brokerage firms came to Beijing and were moved by the two songs Dai sang at the event; he went on to win the “Pavarotti’s Asia Disciple” award, symbolic of mentorship and friendship. In 2011, he created the China Three Tenors with Wei Song and Warren Mok, showcasing their talent in Beijing, New York, London, and other major cultural hubs around the world. The group was quickly recognized by world-class experts as being among the best in the world. At this point, Dai realized that his dream had finally come true: he had represented China on the world stage, and created a unique form of beauty.
The Road of Dreams:
The Journey of a Vocal Guru To be a tenor vocalist is widely acknowledged to be one of the most strenuous occupations out there. Songs are difficult to perform, and even more difficult to learn. It never gets easier; more and more skills are expected of tenors at a global level. In Dai’s early days, he carried a recorder everywhere, listening to and learning from live opera performances. He spent his days studying vocal technique starting at age 21, and began studying Italian at 30. Struggling through interminable hardships, he often suffered from insomnia prior to major competitions or performances. A respected teacher told him, “Dai, you don’t have what it takes to learn Italian opera.” Many people in this situation would lose hope and give up, but Dai stood firm. His persistence has led him to a truly redemptive tale of art overcoming practical obstacles. He has taught at Peking University, the Chinese Academy of Music, at the People’s Liberation Army Art Institute, and as a visiting professor to many other universities. He has also volunteered as a mentor for many schools across the country. Having the reputation as China’s most persistent of the three tenors, he has devoted himself to mentorship, saying “China can be a place where excellent tenors are made; talent and persistence are the keys.”
Life’s Flowing River:
Fearlessly Moving Forward Many critics have commented on Dai’s impressive breathing technique, stable as the flow of a river. Not satisfied with an ivory tower isolation, Dai fearlessly moves forward with his dreams, around China and around the world.
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您能简单介绍一下“戴你唱歌”超级声乐慕课的基本 形式吗? 所谓慕课就是一种在线教学的形式。我的每节课 大约 25 分钟左右,集中介绍 1 首作品,并邀请 1 位 青年歌唱家范唱。课上,我会亲自讲解作品的文化背 景及关键技法,有时候还会唱几句,总之是要尽可能 做到好听、好看、好玩。 您的慕课主要面对什么样的人群? 初期高校学生等专业人群参与会多一些,但长远 来看,普通爱好者是最主要的服务对象。其中的优秀 学员,我还会把他请到现场,跟我一起面对面上课。 这些课程是可以免费学习吗? 可以。我做慕课的初衷之一就是现在学声乐太贵 了,一小时要几百甚至几千。我要让像当年戴玉强那 样的普通人也能获得一流的教学资源。 “慕课”即便在国外也是新鲜事物,您现在做声乐慕 课担不担心会面临一些阻力? 我对“慕课”是种拿来主义的态度,用它的精神 实质,具体形式则要“量身定制”。至于困难,那是 年年有、月月有。要真是怕这怕那,我早就不唱男高 音了。相信一切都会好起来的。
It’s this that inspired him to make use of the internet in founding “Let’s Sing.” If the worldwide web is like a broad river, the human voice guides its flow. Transcending institutionality and elitism, he wishes to share the gift of music with millions. “We were born and we sing- it’s human nature,” he says; “Moreover, since ancient times, singing has been a tradition in China, from Yangtze river chants to folk songs.” He refuses the interpretation of “Let’s Sing” as being pedagogical; music cannot be given, only shared. Rather than teaching, he wishes to help everybody activate what lies within. “The most beautiful voice is always from the heart; my role is just that of a “singing companion,” accompanying you for a ride along with the song.” Please explain the “Let’s Sing” online vocal lessons. “Let’s Sing” is an online singing guide, about 25 minutes per session. Each lesson focuses on one sing, and we invite a young singer to sing for us. We aren’t limited to vocal techniques; during each lesson, I personally explain the cultural background of the song as well as how to sing it, occasionally singing a few lines. In short, I want to create a fun vocal learning experience. Who is the audience for these lessons? College students, professionals; anyone who loves to sing is welcome. If I see an outstanding student, I invite him to meet face-to-face for a private class. Are these courses free to attend? Yes. I started these courses because cost to join a vocal class nowadays is prohibitive. One hour could cost hundreds or even thousands of yuan. With these lessons, I want to provide those from humble backgrounds, like myself, with first-class teaching rtesources. These kinds of classes are new even outside of China. What obstacles do you foresee in the future? A spontaneous attitude led me to start these classes. With enough inspiration and passion, I believe the specific problems will sort themselves out. There are minor problems every month, every year; but if I was the type to be intimidated by that, I would never have become a tenor singer.
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最美的声音永远是发自肺腑的, 我的角色只是一个“领唱者”,陪伴大家在歌声中一路同行。” The most beautiful voice is always from the heart; my role is just that of a “singing companion,” accompanying you for a ride along with the song.
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Blogistocracry 当 Ian Michael Crumm 遇到 Lady 聊聊 When Ian Michael Crumm met Lady Liaoliao Text: Mollie Snyder Photos: George Evan
媒体在不断颠覆和重塑的过程中走到 了一个新的时代——潮流风尚从个人穿搭 展示和潮流预测,到全媒体品牌合作、落 地活动以及打造有着杂志质感的网站页面。 媒体在全球化的裹挟下汹涌狂奔,每个人 都与有着国际背景、巨大资金和技术投入 的公司品牌牵丝攀藤、频繁互动。自媒体 等全新的媒体形式随着全球化趋势不断蜕 变。一个人在社交媒体上的一举一动都可 能转化为飙升的点击量,为网站内容吸引 到越来越多的赞助资源,譬如免费旅行、 服装赠品、联合产品发布,等等。科技的 发展让互联成为可能,这种互联互通让媒 体更有力量,也让一大批自媒体时代的新 星声名鹊起。 西方有经营同名网站的 Ian Michael Crumm。他通过与《GQ》杂志合办活动、 与《Details》杂志合作网站广告、不时在 电视上露脸、采访诸如尼曼时尚总监 Ken Downing 之类的潮流名人,围绕时尚、旅游、 个人护理和家居装饰建立起自己的媒体品 牌。 东方则有时尚博主张聊聊 , 她不仅经 营着自己的公司,还为明星造型,又常会 采访诸如张驰等本土设计师和英国女设计 师 Mary Katrantzou 这样的国际大牌,其在 中国的影响力也不容小觑。 此 次 Ian Michael Crumm 与 Lady 聊 聊相聚北京四季酒店,共赴一场时尚交锋 的邀约。在畅聊本地时尚文化的同时,两 颗冉冉升起的自媒体新星还深度演绎了来 自北京的先锋时装设计师张驰以及 Atelier Rogue 和 Mario Duyuchen 的作品。
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As the media world continues to shift and shape itself into the new decade, style personalities have grown from individuals who post outfit photos and trend forecasts to full-on media moguls with brand collaborations, event hosting gigs and magazine-like websites. Along with this shifting media scene comes the idea of “globalization,” a process of interaction and integration of people, companies and brands that’s driven by international trade, investments and technology. The new media moguls are, too, becoming globalized. A person’s social media clout translates into more and more website page views, which in turn leads to sponsored editorial content, all-expense paid trips, gifted clothing, co-branded product launches and much, much more. Technology allows connectivity, and with connectivity we get power and prestige. In the West there is Ian Michael Crumm, who runs the eponymous website IanMichaelCrumm. com. From hosting events with GQ to displaying website ads in partnership with DETAILS magazine to TV appearances and interviews with some of the top names in fashion such as Ken Downing of Neiman Marcus, Crumm has built a media brand around the style, travel, personal care and home decor. In the East there is Lady Liaoliao, who runs her own fashion blog in China as well as Chairman of her own company Beijing Liaoliao Technology Co. From interviewing local based designers like Zhang Chi and international names like Mary Katrantzou to styling celebrities all over the mainland, Lady Liaoliao has made her mark in China. The Four Seasons Beijing was the setting for this month’s Gentry feature, as Ian Michael Crumm met Lady Liaoliao. Exploring the local fashion scene, these rising new media stars set out to showcase top Beijing-based designers such as Zhang Chi, Atelier Rogue and Mario Duyuchen. We hope you enjoy the results.
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Poetic Polyphony 在绘画艺术中感受一场复调诗学的微妙 The subtle vibes of polyphony expressed in painting feel a subtle Polyphonic Poetics in the art of paintings Text: Ai Hai
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“复调”作为音乐中独立而又整体的名词,相互彼此形成和 声关系,是音乐里主要创作技法。不同的旋律可以做不同的复调, 复调手法的运用更能加强音乐发展的气势和声部的独立性。 复调的诗学立足文学美学本体,重新阐释和评价复调诗学理 论,以人的观念的对象化,心灵化为基点,在新的美学复调诗学 的视野中,解析中国当代艺术的探索性和纯粹性。复调其实也存 在韵律,整个画面会被空白的安静所调节,每一幅画都有着不同 的旋律,每一块有规律或无规则的色块反复错迭之间形成的抽象 形式,就如同对位与和声,彼此呼应,这样错觉的联想,让人着迷。 就如阿多诺所思考的贝多芬晚期音乐风格,或者就是在勋伯格那 里的无调性的新音乐体系。 在画面语言上,“抽象”总能和音符联系起来,在这样的多 变的线条、多变的色块都能巧妙地、轻柔地结合起来。可以说这 是继罗斯科之后,“中国抽象”迈出了自己微妙的步伐,也打开 了诗学性的新的绘画空间。
“Polyphony” refers to a musical technique that employs multiple independent melodies which together form a harmony. Different melodies form different polyphonies; the practice enhances the diversity of sound within a composition and the momentum of its development. Poetic Polyphony emerges from literary aesthetics. A reinterpretation and reevaluation of the theory is based on objectoriented and human-oriented concepts of the soul, anchored in a new aesthetic vision which grants unique access to the pure thought of Chinese contemporary art. Imagine an exhibition in which each painting represents a different melody, each piece expressing a certain abstract form, coming together in a crescendo of forceful harmony, and in doing so, creating the illusion of cognitive association. Adorno’s writing about Beethoven, or Schoenberg’s principles of atonality, offer a musical equivalent. Abstract form allows varied lines and vivid colors to combine in a variety of formats. In this post-Rothko age, “Chinese Abstraction” has emerged, opening a new poetics of pictorial space.
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The Purity of Heart Is to Will One Thing 苏东平的哲学与艺术 The Art and Philosophy of Su Dongping Text: Alvin Li
苏东平形容他的创作过程是偶然和个 人独特意愿的结合,这样的结合变量使之 成为命运的产物。对于苏东平而言,抽象 艺术的本质正在于追求从偶然场合中出现 的机会。当他开始将颜料渲染到画布时, 头脑清楚没有任何杂念;心也是开放,情 感随时爆发。偶然存在于绘画中颜料下笔 的瞬间,他抓住这样的偶然,并将这样的 偶然还原到绘画中。苏东平不放弃任何的 偶然以成就他的创作意愿,这样的艺术也
在—— 无限未知的开始。”
我在林明珠画廊和艺术家本人做了一番交流,认识作品具有的 精神内涵。
苏东平艺术实践的辩证展现了我们这 个时代所面临的困惑。本次展览的主题”
界宣扬要忠于文化大革命的哲学,当时的社会政治制度也要求 所有的艺术家做这样的选择。自从 90 年代他大胆决定停止教
不妥协,不断汲取生活中任何偶然的灵感 瞬间,表达最纯粹的自由和个性。散漫的
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Su Dongping’s art combines gestural abstraction and action painting. His expressive brushstrokes bear a frantic kinetic energy, wantonly sprawling over thick impasto in seemingly orderless directions, as if their wild spirit will spring out of the canvas at any moment and overtake the audience. The bewildering force of his works leads one to wonder: Who is Su Dongping? What drives his art? And what does art mean to Su Dongping? With these thoughts in mind, I had a chat with the artist himself at the Pearl Lam Gallery, and learned something about the spirit of his work. Born and raised in Shenyang, Shandong, Su Dongping knew from early on that his passion for art would lead him towards the school of abstraction—not Socialist Realism, preached by academics loyal to the philosophy of the Cultural Revolution and demanded of all artists by the socio-political regime of the time. Since making the bold decision to stop teaching art and becoming a fully independent artist in the ‘90s, he has rarely left his studio and home in Shenyang, dedicating himself wholeheartedly to his work. During the interview, he casually mentioned that he has never been abroad. When I asked why, he laughed and explained that his studio-space and hometown have always provided more than enough inspiration. His path of artistic creation has undoubtedly been one of pious, even ascetic devotion. Su Dongping describes his creative process as a collaboration between the accidental and his idiosyncratic will, synthesizing contingent variables and transforming them into a product of fate. For Su Dongping, the essence of abstract art lies precisely in pursuing the chances that arise from accidental occasions. When
he begins pouring paint onto the canvas, his mind is clear of any preconceptions; his heart is open, ready to be inspirited at every instant. Casual accidents occur during the first spontaneous layering of paint; he seizes them, and guides the accidental to a determined end. For Su Dongping, any chance event can be fashioned into what he wills, a way of art that echoes the German poet and philosopher Novalis’ remark, “He who has much spirit makes much of his life—for to him who is altogether spiritual—every acquaintance, every occurrence would be the first member of an infinite series—beginning of an infinite novel.” The dialectic of Su Dongping’s art practice sheds light on the impasses that confront our modernity. As the exhibition title “Landscapes of the Heart” suggests, it is his uttermost heart that he depicts. What lies behind the thick woven threads of paint and expansive brushstrokes is a man of uncompromising volition, ceaselessly seeking inspiration from any chance event in life, in order to express the purest freedom and individuality. The unstructured restlessness and freedom of his process paradoxically reveals the true essence of a rare artist. The purity of Su Dongping’s heart fuels his singular will to take art as a way of life: his relentless pursuit of authenticity through abstraction sets him free.
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38 LifeStyle
别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
A Sustainable China / P.40
“永久”牌自行车主题咖啡馆 Bike Cafe
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A Sustainable
China Text: Mollie Snyder
“可持续”、 “环保”、 “绿色”、 “生态”、
境保护行动。本期,LifeStyle 将目光投向
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Sustainability, eco-friendly, green, ecological, organic, conservation... We often hear these words more and more, but would hardly ever think to associate them with
China. China has achieved an astounding amount of economic growth over the past 30 years, which has ultimately led to the arrival of China as the world’s second largest single-country economy. However, with all of this economic and social growth has unfortunately created a plethora of environmental problems. Now is the time, more than ever, to make a change before it’s too late. All over China, more and more
companies are changing their ways from non-ecological to completely sustainable. The green leaders of the nation are starting to speak out, and it’s up to China to follow the trend and listen. LifeStyle takes a look at the leaders in sustainability all over China and the world. Eco-chic is making waves not only in the fashion industry in Beijing, but also in the hospitality industry in Guangxi province, the F&B scene in depths of
traditional Chinese Hutongs, and with bike manufacturers in the UK and US. Whether it’s built into the architecture of buildings in Shanghai and Beijing as an eco-hang out, or embedded in the fundamental goals of transportation providers such as Tesla and Lufthansa, the world is redefining the way we think about the environment.
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Longji One Hotel
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The Longji One Boutique Hotel, located in Southwest China, truly exemplifies the beauty of traditional Chinese culture and nature. Situated on a small mountain in the Ping’An Village of Long Ji County just steps from the breathtaking Dragon Backbone Rice Terraces of Guangxi lies the exquisitely designed hotel, which is made entirely from uniquely decorated local wood. The hotel stays eco-friendly by serving all meals to guests on ceramic plates and intricately designed cutlery, so that no waste is produced. The quaint hotel features stunning photography on all of the
walls and ceilings of the dining area, shot by the co-owner of the hotel as tribute to his travels around the world. The views seen from Longji One are truly one of a kind, and bring you very close to nature. You can clearly see that the hotel prides itself in being a part of the local community by sourcing all of their products from the community instead of importing products from far-off parts of the world. The Long Ji area is comprised of many different hiking trails that lead to incredible views of the rice terraces, ensuring that you see the splendor of the preserved nature in South China.
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Yangshuo Mountain Retreat 阳朔胜地度假山庄(广西省)来源于
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寄宿地。功夫不负有心人,2008 年,它不
酒店的主人 Chris Barclay 是这一切环 保行动的主要倡导者。他说:“随着阳朔 成为越来越受欢迎的旅游目的地,我希望 通过我们的行动对政府和社会产生积极的 影响。99 年开始做这些的时候,我还不太 了解可持续性和生态旅游,只是觉得这样 才能留住阳朔的美丽和吸引更多的环境爱 护者。”事实证明,效果看起来不错。 Named as one of the best Eco-Lodges in the World and featured as one of “15 Hotels to Visit Before You Die” is the one and only Yangshuo Mountain Retreat. The astounding sustainable hotel is located in the heart of Yangshuo, China in Guangxi Provence. The retreat prides itself on its sustainability efforts, having become a Certified Green Hotel in 2008 as well as a leading hotel in ecotourism in all of China. Yangshuo Mountain Retreat practices a green way of
hospitality through using non-disposable items such as chopsticks, cups, napkins, water bottles and plastic bags. The hotel also separates food waste for local farmers to use as animal feed, recycles their containers, uses well water versus river water and built all the furniture from bamboo found on the property. Hotel Owner Chris Barclay was the main influence in the decision to go green, saying “As Yangshuo was a growing tourism destination, I wanted to use our practices to show the government and help influence the community. In 1999 when this all began, I didn’t know much about sustainability or ecotourism, but it seemed like the right way to do things if we wanted to maintain the beauty of Yangshuo and attract visitors who also cared about the environment.” Bravo; the result not only feels good, but looks good.
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21 世纪新地标
A 21st Century Monument
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Parkview Green 芳草地位于北京朝阳区
东大桥路西侧 , 紧邻北京 CBD 核心地带,
总面积达 20 万平方米。这座金字塔型建筑 集办公写字楼、时尚购物中心、艺术中心 及精品酒店为一体。凭借领先的环保设计、 永续发展的理念和丰富多元的艺术氛围, Parkview Green 芳草地与北京其它任何建筑 项目皆迥然相异,是绿色新思维的象征性 建筑。 内外兼备的 Parkview Green 芳草地将 环保的理念深入至每个细节中。外观上, 顶部采用的 ETFE 膜材料,结合通透的玻 璃幕墙及钢架结构,组成独特的节能环保 罩,形成独立的微气候环境。不仅做到了 冬暖夏凉,从而也节省了空调系统的使用。 内部方面,稳定的内部微循环系统,结合 楼群 VAV 冷水吊顶系统和智能 BMS 系统,
可以至少节约 60% 的能源使用率,最高达
到 80% 的比率。由此,Parkview Green 芳 草地成为了中国第一个获得绿色建筑评估
体系 LEED 铂金级认证的综合性商业项目。 Parkview Green 芳草地根据环保的等级
来选择建筑材料,主要使用可再生材料和 钢筋,连选用的本地绿植也是处于水源保 护的目的。此外,电子水龙头,卫生间节 水洁具以及低流量淋浴设施等,雨水过滤 后也可循环利用被用作绿化灌溉,从而提 高水使用率。 Parkview Green 芳草地的艺术气息与室 内设计也让许多人慕名而来。要知道,萨 尔瓦多·达利、法国艺术家 Pierre Matter , 安迪·沃霍尔等国际一流艺术家的雕塑或绘 画作品实在很难让人拒绝。
Located in Dongdaqiao, in the heart of the Central Business District of Beijing, Parkview Green has become an iconic landmark of the capital city. The stunning pyramid-like structure was designed with various innovative environmental technologies. The 800,000 sq. ft. modern architecture is quite possibly one of the largest sustainable projects in the city, consisting of office towers, a shopping mall, an art center and a boutique hotel. The exterior features ETFE film roofing, transparent glass walls and steel frame structures, which provide unique levels of energy saving thus optimizing the climate control system. Parkview Green became the first integrated commercial project to be awarded LEED Green Building Rating System Platinum certification. A stable internal micro-circulation system, water VAV systems, intelligent Building management system (BMS) are some of the sustainable features installed in the building
that accounts for up to 80% of energy conservation. During the development process, the buildings materials were chosen based on their sustainability levels with dominant use of recycled materials and recycled steel. To add to its eco-aesthetic points, local trees were planted for water conservation purposes. With many other carefully designed systems like water-conservation with electronic taps and low-shower facilities, Parkview Green has become one of the most prominent sustainable buildings in China, mostly for its microclimate breakthrough and the fusion of multi power-saving systems internally and externally. Not only environmentally friendly designed, Parkview Green’s interior design is also visually appealing with its showcase of sculptures and paintings from the masters like Salvador Dali, Pierre Matter, Andy Warhol and many more.
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Bike Cafe
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行车零售商和维修店开始与迪奥 4S 店抗衡
性地在上海开设了一家“怀旧 + 环保”特
With the fast technology development of technology, metropolitan life demands more and more ways of commuting. Bicycle retailers have been consistently trying to keep up with the pace of the wheels in the midst of a flood of private cars on streets. Sustainable, affordable, efficient, and flexible; nowadays, bikes have become the young commuter’s personal style reference. As the young generation bike to work, custom bikes are seen everywhere. Bike retailers and repair shops stand alongside auto dealer stores in the city. Bikes have returned to the fashion arena, making ecofriendly riding the latest trend. One of the prominent examples of this creative retail concept is applied by the Chinese classical bike brand, Yong Jiu. By exploring a youthful idea, Yong Jiu Bike offers us a new bike retail experience with its Yong Jiu Bike Cafe in Shanghai. Cafes, like bikes, have also become an interpretation of the new fashionable lifestyle of the young generation. The innovative c o n c e p t o f Yo n g J i u C a f e c o m b i n e s sustainability and the modern China lifestyle in Shanghai. From vintage bicycles to mountain bikes, wheels to handles; elements of bikes are carefully curated and applied into the interior design of the cafe, complete with a popup showroom showcasing bikes with different models in the cafe area, the cafe has successfully merged into the bike retail industry, bringing a new vision to China by collaborating lifestyle into the retail world. The bike retail shop itself is located next to the cafe. Customers are able to hangout and share their biking experiences with other bike riders while checking the bikes available in the retail shop. Whether you are a bike enthusiast, or simply a coffee aficionado, Yong Jiu Cafe is one of those visit-worthy metropolis gems where you can escape the hectic urban life and enjoy a sip or two of coffee in the leisurely environment with sustainable values in the atmosphere.
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Juiced on Health Juice by Melissa 由 在 北 京 的 纽 约 人
潮。不同系列的有机果汁混合了不同蔬果 和牛奶,甚至还可以选咖啡搭配。Juice by
Melissa 的第一家门店位于东直门,俨然成 为了京城健康和绿色生活的加油站。它为 消费者独创的“抗污染强剂”能重焕肺活力, 帮助人体对抗自由基,阻止有毒物质的入 侵。Juice by Melissa 还提供网上下单和送 货到门的服务,并且计划在全中国开设分 店。除了果汁,它还出售来源于世界各地 的多种有机食品。Juice by Melissa 的目标
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Melissa McKenna 创立,采用最新冷榨液压
Organic Juices are starting to make waves in the city of Beijing with Juice By Melissa,a 100% organic certified Juice Company founded by New York City native Melissa McKenna. Juice by Melissa offers a variety of fresh, organic juices, infused with different fruits, vegetables, milks and even coffee options. The newly opened juice shop, located in the center of Beijing is a hub for healthy and sustainable lifestyles. The juice creators have even concocted a Pollution Fighter booster shot, which is made to regenerate the lungs in your body while fighting off harmful free radicals and stop toxic pollutants from entering the body. Not only are the delicious and healthy juices available in the juice store, they are also available to order online and are delivered to your home upon request. With all of the harmful toxins in the Chinese air created by pollution, and the grime of the city, Juice By Melissa brings a refreshing flair to the food and beverage scene in Beijing, with plans to expand all over China. Juice By Melissa specializes in 3-7 day juice cleanses that are meant to detox the body and fill it with essential nutrients. The juice cafĂŠ also has different organic and delicious food options that they sell as well. All of the products are sourced from all around the world and are completely organic, which is something the Beijing food culture lacks as a whole. Juice By Melissa aims to provide an educational environment in the future where they can hold seminars, have private consultations and workshops that help those living in China understand the benefits of drinking organic juices and living sustainable and healthy lifestyles. Living a sustainable and green life is just one sip away with Juice By Melissa.
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CHI 餐厅
CHI 中国夫妇耀扬和李羊开办的 CHI 餐厅 虽然隐匿于北京的胡同深处,但距离著名 的雍和宫非常近。他们请来日本的设计工 作室 ODD 将一间尘封的酒吧改造成创意满 满、引人入胜的餐厅,试图将(美食)“工 艺”、“可持续”和“简洁”的烹饪理念 带到中国,特别是北京。CHI 餐厅的食材 全部来自有机农场,它以推动本地餐饮和 艺术家发展为己任,倡导健康幸福的生活 方式。餐厅的固定菜单含 5 道时令菜,每 个月更新,让回头客每次保持惊喜的体验, 也让不少食客从选择恐惧症中得到解脱。 CHI 餐厅的每道菜肴都由厨师为客人精 心制作,对色香味严格要求,让用餐真正成 为安静享受的过程。这也是它被中国越来越 多的有机新餐厅竞相模仿的原因之一。 In the depth of the Beijing Hutongs lies CHI, an amazing restaurant that sources food from an organic farm in China called Little Willow. The quaint restaurant located steps from the Lama Temple is owned by Chinese couple Yao Yang and Li Yang who hired Japanese design firm ODD Studio to turn the once dusty bar into a creative and inviting restaurant. CHI’s founders opened the restaurant with intentions to grow the culture of simplicity, food craftsmanship and sustainability into China, specifically in Beijing. CHI constantly is promoting local goods and artists in hopes to unify the community and promote healthy and happy lifestyles in the heart of Beijing. The innovative restaurant has a set menu of 5 seasonal dishes, creating an experience similar to tapas style dining. The menu is changed monthly, with new and exciting food creations brought to life each time to ensure the consumers are always getting a fresh and inviting meal each time they come to dine at CHI.With the local and environmental initiatives of CHI, it is easy to see why such an outstanding and growing restaurant is being followed by more and more organic new restaurants opening all over China, specifically in Beijing and Shanghai.
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Feature Eco-chic fashion brand NEEMIC merges the contemporary fashion world with the concept and practices of sustainability. In 2011, designers Amihan Zemp and Hans Martin Galliker came together with their creative minds and collaborated to design and found NEEMIC in Beijing. The designers goals were to create amazing designs while making the industry more sustainable and also providing a platform for artistic exchange. The NEEMIC brand sources mostly left over high-end materials produced from the fashion industry as well as GOTS certified organic fabrics. NEEMIC is sold worldwide. NEEMIC’s designers are also the proud co-founders of The Hong Kong Organic Te x t i l e a s s o c i a t i o n a n d A g r a C h i n a . AgraChina is a network that promotes organic agriculture in China. With a country that is a mecca for the production of goods worldwide, especially couture, fashion and clothing, it is important that brands similar to NEEMIC keep popping up and continuing to make eco-friendly fashion available and on top of the latest trends. NEEMIC goes a step further by partnering with local designers and producers in China. The designers work with local tailors to emphasize fair working conditions and using organic fabric that is hand-woven by traditional communities in China in order to help preserve old techniques and social structures. NEEMIC is proving that ecofriendly fashion is much more than meets the eye.
NEEMIC NEEMIC 在当代时尚圈崭露头角,是 以可持续发展的理念和践行为名的。2011 年,设计师 Amihan Zemp 和 Hans Martin
Galliker 在北京成立了 NEEMIC,希望创造
让 NEEMIC 自 豪 的 是,Hans 还 是
Agrachina.com 的创始人。Agrachina.com 是
一个旨在运用各种 IT 和现代商业工具支持 中国可持续性农业发展的项目机构。在中
“桥梁”。NEEMIC 采用的有机布料均来
自获得 GOTS 认证的供应商。GOTS 代表
NEEMIC 先行一步,已经与本土设计师和
并注重公平公正的工作环境。NEEMIC 的 有机时尚可不是取悦眼睛那么简单。
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Made By Mir
Made By Mir 是一个致力于通过设计来
工制作的。品牌创始人 Miranda Mullet 和
Made By Mir 最新推出了时尚环保手提
Chris Cheung 来自美国,在北京定居多年,
袋和风格独特的戒指。后者是 Made By Mir
并且常在南亚走动。Miranda 的童年在美国
看看 Made By Mir 所做的就知道了。
Made By Mir is a sustainable ecoaccessory brand that is known for its reclaimed leather, redefined with human hands to create the perfect balance between nature and people through design. Cofounders Miranda Mullet and Chris Cheung are American natives that create and work out of Beijing and around South Asia. All of their products are crafted from recycled materials, organic fibers, hand-woven textiles and made by hand. Co-founder and head designer Miranda got much of her inspiration for the eco-chic collections from her childhood in the Southwest United States where she spent a lot of time surrounded by nature. After living in China for many years, Mullet and Cheung started to understand the harmful effects of the consumption process from a manufacturing point of view. Made By Mir is devoted to produce fashionable products that have a positive impact on local communities and the environment. The latest projects created by Made By Mir include stylish eco-tote bags and unique rings that are made from sustainable gold plated silver that were personally sourced by the designers in Bali, Indonesia.Wearing stylish and on-trend accessories can not only be fun, but also support sustainability with the designs of Made By Mir.
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Brompton 自行车
Brompton Bicycle 英国 Brompton 自行车的核心理念是 带来独立和自由感觉的产品。从城市通勤 到 全 球 旅 行, 从 忙 碌 奔 波 到 休 闲 放 松, Brompton 遍布世界各地,融入了人们的日 常生活。Brompton 自行车不仅优雅、设计 一流,还能轻松折叠成紧凑便携的尺寸, 同时以时尚的外观为你加分。Brompton 在 全球共设了 6 家门店,提供不同性能和型 号的高端环保自行车,你可以根据日常需 要来选择。 此外,Brompton 还凭借对环境的保护、 对社会责任的积极承担而脱颖而出。2007 年,它将电力供应换成“绿色电力”供应 商 Ecotricity,以降低生产经营过程对环境 的影响。它还与克兰菲尔德大学合作,让 每个人都能了解供应链的各个环节所对应 的自行车“碳足迹”,以及骑 Brompton 行 驶多长距离可以抵消生产和分销过程中产 生的碳排放量。 Brompton 以一系列环境政策申明、回 收利用策略和能源效率策略,为这个行业 的后辈们提供了一个优秀的典范。
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Brompton Bike is a brand that thrives on the values of independence and freedom of choice. Not only is the London-based retailer able to create elegant and superbly engineered bikes, they are also able to ride smoothly and fold up easily and quickly into highly compact and portable sizes, while keeping you looking stylish in their amazing designs. What makes the Brompton Bicycle retailer so special is their commitment and ability to customize and build the bike of your dreams. With their different models
and capabilities, you will be able to choose a bike that fits your daily needs. There are six Brompton stores located all over the world, giving the global community access to this high-end, yet eco-friendly ride. Not only does the bike retailer pride itself on exceptional customer service and luxury bikes, it also deeply cares about the environment. By producing their bikes in factories with a green electricity provider, Brompton has been able to significantly reduce the negative environmental impact from their products. The retailer also partnered with Cranfield University to create a way for their consumers to see their carbon footprint while using Brompton Bikes, so that they can see how long they must ride their bicycle in order to offset the carbon that went into the manufacturing and distribution of a Brompton. With Brompton’s many environmental policies, recycling strategies and energy efficiency strategies, it is clear to see how the leading bike retailer sets a remarkable example for future retailers to follow for the future.
Shinola Shinola 是底特律的一个老字号,以个性化的高超工艺而享有口碑。它是“美国本土 制造”的精品品牌之一。在底特律的工厂里,Shinola 从事着高级手表、复古自行车、皮 革精品配饰及环保纸张笔记本的设计与手工制造。每一辆 Shinola 自行车都由手工打造和 组装,然后进行反复测试,力臻完美。这种追求精雕细琢、高超手工艺的工坊式生产模式, 与现代工业的大规模生产截然不同,也让 Shinola 成为了美国最值得信赖的自行车生产商 之一。此外,Shinola 的特别之处还包括与同样积极保护环境的本土生产商合作,比如家 族性企业 Edward Brothers Malloy。
Shinola 沿袭了强大的制造传统,通过加强与消费者的关系和高品质精品而立于不败
之地。它对大多数产品都提供终身保修服务,这也是出于尽可能减少浪费的目的。 Shinola is a Detroit-based collaborative enterprise retailer that specializes in handcrafted bicycles. Shinola Detroit retailers pride themselves on their personalized craftsmanship. The moment a bike enters the local Detroit workshop, it goes through a custom-level assembly by bike specialists. Each bike is constructed and fitted by hand and then tested until it meets perfection, making Shinola one of the most reliable American bicycle retailers. What make the Shinola brand special are the partnerships it has formed with American manufacturers who uphold the same values in environmental production. Shinola works closely with Edward Brothers Malloy, a family-owned company that produces high quality, domestic and sustainably cultivated sources for its products. Shinola bikes are created with the beauty of industry in mind, with expert craftsmen carefully constructing each part of the bike to perfection. The bike retailer has a strong manufacturing legacy that they intend to keep strong via consumer relations and high-quality products. Many of Shinola’s products are given a lifetime guarantee, meaning less waste being created in the course of their top quality production. It’s no wonder the Shinola Detroit brand has been going strong for all these years.
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Tesla: Eco-friendly, wallet-friendly 汽车也能像自行车一样零燃油、零污
年 9 月 1 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日间,对购
自 2003 年成立以来,特拉斯致力于用最具
Zero fuel, zero pollutants, zero noise. While it seems too good to be true for a vehicle to embrace these qualities, Tesla has proved to the world that anything is possible. With its groundbreaking technology, particularly focusing on s u s t a i n a b l e i n n o v a t i o n s , Te s l a h a s challenged us to change the way we view mobility by becoming the global pioneer of e-vehicles which are not only innovative, but also are collaborative, efficient and environmentally friendly. Founded in 2003, the company has been continuously providing sustainable transport innovation by bringing desirable mass-produced electric cars to the global
球的发展。由此,特斯拉刷新了人们对“移 动”的传统认知,也成为了全球纯电动汽 车行业的拓荒者。 特拉斯早期的量产汽车配备了 60 千
瓦时的电池,可行驶 208 英里,最高时速
可达 120 英里,并且配套了供免费充电的 Supercharger 充电站——后者还在北美、欧
洲和亚洲持续增加中。 今年,特拉斯的目标是向全球投放 10
万辆电动汽车,比起 2013 年的 2 万 2 千台, 这无疑是一个巨大的增长,却是合理的目 标——因为中国已经成为了特斯拉增长最 快的市场之一。中国政府已经宣布,2014
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market. The starters come with a 60 kWh battery, which has a 208 mile range and lets drivers reach speeds of up to 120 mph, with “Supercharger” power stations free of charge that keep expanding its network across North America, Europe and Asia. This year, the company aims to produce 100,000 e-vehicles globally, which would is a massive increase from its 22,000 in 2013. This number is seen as a reasonable goal, as China has become one of Tesla’s fastest growing markets. The Chinese government has recently announced that all electric, hybrid and fuel cell vehicles will be exempt from purchase tax until 2017. As if that’s not enough to attract future e-vehicle owners, all Shanghai-based Tesla buyers would also be exempted from the license plate tax. Fuel free, pollutant free, noise free, and tax free. Not only has it become one of the most eco-friendly vehicles our there, Tesla might has also become one of the most wallet-friendly choices for highend auto customers out there. What are you waiting for?
Lufthansa: World’s Greenest Airline 说到环保和可持续性,航空业作为“燃
场“E-Port An”项目中对 TaxiBot 电力牵引
全球负责任的飞行标准。长期以来,汉莎 航空在科技、品质和可持续发展方面,引 领着整个航空业。今年,汉莎再次被美国《世 界航空运输》杂志授予年度环保航空公司 的奖项,以表彰其承担企业责任的积极行 动、以及在全球气候和环境保护方面所充 当的突破性角色。 在汉莎制定的“战略环境计划”中, 汉莎将自己置于绿色航空“领飞者”的位 置,并且列出了 15 条指导原则,以提高航 空的可持续性。从更高的燃油效率和更低 的有害物排放,到降低碳和一氧化二氮排 放的原则,从生物燃料的使用和研究,到
When it comes to sustainability, the aviation industry has a bad reputation for its fuel-burning emissions, as airlines are responsible for the rapidly increasing amount of carbon-related toxins released into the air. Not only air pollution, the airline industry is considered as one of the most significant contributors of global noise pollution. However, some of the world’s most renowned airlines like the Lufthansa Group have been taking steps to set the global standard of responsible flying with their extensive environmental sustainability strategies. It is with no wonder that the US
journal Air Transport World (ATW) has once again awarded the Lufthansa Group the title of Eco-Airline of the Year in 2015 for their corporate responsibility initiatives and ground-breaking role in the area of climate and environmental awareness. Lufthansa Group has established themselves as the pioneer of eco-aviation with their Strategic Environmental Program, containing fifteen guiding principles to ensure a sustainable mobility improvement for the airline. From greater fuel efficiency and fewer emissions, to principles like reducing carbon emissions, cutting nitrous oxide emissions, biofuel usage and researches, to environmental friendly initiatives like the “E-Port An” project that involve various pollutant-free electromobility concepts at the Frankfurt Airport, it’s no wonder this airline is making waves in sustainability. By applying this extensive range of measures, Lufthansa is persistently increasing their ecological efficiency in flight operations in the long-term. The active reduction of engine noise is also a part of their new strategy program.
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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Structure / P.62 设计师
Designer / P.70
Fontevraud 修道院 Fontevraud's Hotel Conversion
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Tranquil Hospitality 法国一座古修道院被改造成低调奢华的酒店 A contemporary conversion of a 12th century abbey Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos:Nicolas Matheus
改造历史建筑以作他用——尤其是老教堂——并不 是一件新鲜和讨好的事情, 通常都落下一个 “不伦不类” 、 “灵魂空洞”的结果。如何在新与旧、历史与现代、传 统与创新之间拿捏平衡,的确是设计师面临的大难题。 此次,建筑双杰 Jouin Manku(也叫 Patrick Jouin)和 Sanjit Manku 强强联袂,将位于法国安茹的 Fontevraud
修道院改建成了四星级酒店。他们以舒缓宜人又时尚简 洁的设计,让本是粗茶淡饭和静默反省的地方成为了享 受美酒美食等世俗愉悦的宁静去处。这看似迥异的两个 极端,竟然在此相融相和,毫无违和之感。 Fontevraud 修道院建于公元 1101 年,是欧洲中世纪 最大的修道院之一,被联合国教科文组织列为世界文化 遗产。它曾是英国金雀花王朝“狮心王理查一世”的埋 葬地。现在,游客们还能在修道院的中心位置看到他与 其他王室成员的卧像,比如亨利二世及其皇后等。 酒店位于前四个修道院之一的 Saint-Lazare 修道院
内部,共设 52 间客房,被划分在主楼和 Liban 外屋之间。 虽然格局、形状和规模不同,但无一不是干净利落的设 计风格和安宁的氛围。这种刻意的、挥之不去的静谧, 暗示旅人这座建筑作为修道院的历史时光。这种暗示还 来自栏杆上的移动灯和对中性颜色大量运用,比如棕色 的毛巾让人联想到僧侣的衣袍。 高贵壮丽的餐厅由 Bocuse d’Or 博古斯烹饪大赛获
胜者 Thibaut Ruggeri 掌厨,也同样以中性色调为主。从
这里的窗户望去,可以看到 Saint-Lazare 修道院中与世 隔绝的庭院和修剪整齐的花园。餐厅中,裸露的砖墙与
浅灰色座椅相应照,超大尺寸的木罩灯具像云朵一般笼 罩顶上。此外,拥有流畅线条和深蓝色栅栏的 iBar 都 为酒店增添了灵活的生机。
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onversions of old buildings-especially old churchesis nothing new but most end up being rather soulless. The balance struck is just right though at the Fontevraud Abbey’s hotel. Designed by architect duo Jouin Manku, aka Patrick Jouin & Sanjit Manku, the soothing and sleek design leaves room for the historically charged interiors of one of the vastest monastic sites from the Middle Ages, to continue be the focal point of every space. The four-star Hôtel Fontevraud replaces the previous three star hotel (which closed in 2012) situated inside the Abbaye de Fontevraud (founded in 1101 AD). Located in Anjou, France, the UNESCO World Heritage Site was once the burial site of the English King Richard I or ‘Lion Heart’ as he came more famously to be known, which visitors can see today through his recumbent statue, as well as those of other Plantagenet family members, situated in the heart of the abbey. Located inside the Saint-Lazare priory, formerly one of the four abbey monasteries, the new hotel’s 52 guest rooms are split between the main building and the Liban (Lebanon) outhouse. While they vary in size and shape, elements of sharp design and a hushed atmosphere run throughout; with the tranquil atmosphere recalling the building’s time as a monastery. Reminders of these days also include the mobile lamps that hang on rails around the rooms, and the neutral colors used, right down to the brown of the towels recalling the fabric of a monk’s robe. The same natural hues can be found in the Fontevraud restaurant. Wrapped in a window looking out onto the manicured garden of the Saint-Lazare monastery’s cloistered courtyard, the majestic banquet room, gourmet restaurant, manned by Bocuse d’Or winner Thibaut Ruggeri, and iBar, with its smooth straight lines and deep petrol blue fabric palisades, are all slick additions to the hotel. In the lofty restaurant, exposed brick walls are juxtaposed against light grey seating whilst over-sized wood and copper lined clouds of light hang above each cluster of tables.
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Beach Hampton 在豪宅云集的纽约长岛汉普顿 区,一座环保小屋格外引人入胜 A strict building code led to a compelling new beach house in the Hamptons Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: BATES MASI + ARCHITECTS.
40 多年前,一对夫妇买下了这块 0.25 英亩的土地,与大西洋仅 500 英尺之遥。时 过境迁,如今不管业主想建什么样的房子,都只能根据当地现下的建筑法规施工。美 国 Bates Masi 建筑事务所接受了该项目的委托。他们充分利用周边环境,建造了一幢 小巧紧凑、同时动感十足的建筑精品。 在有限的占地面积下,设计师对建筑几何形状做了非常规的微妙改动,从而最大 程度地利用了自然光和漂亮的天际景色。随着墙体自地基向屋顶延伸,由此产生了一 个中央采光井。虽然卧室与书房之间用透明玻璃墙隔开,分列在采光井的两侧,但不 妨碍其看起来像一个整体空间。房间与房间之间的隔音效果非常好,如果要增加私密性, 还可以拉低百叶窗。 为了满足受限的高度要求,楼面板和屋顶板都设计地尽可能薄,传统的管道系统 也被拆除。每个空间换上了更高效的、可独立操作的机械装置。Bates Masi 建筑事务所 针对每个空间的解决方案,在节约环保和可持续发展方面,做了独辟蹊径的探索和学习。 天然草地点缀着建筑的底座,它们是柔软的化石,捕捉并记录了此地风和海浪的 信息。站在绿草小径的尽头望去,房子诗意地栖息在底座之上,风景如画,浑然一体。 纽约长岛的汉普顿区是美国著名的富人区,这里云集了数量众多的豪宅大院。该 600 平方英尺的房子以最小的占地面积,通过几何形状的探索创新,同样成为了一处奢 华的所在。尽管尺寸有限,但它的体验和功能丝毫不逊色。
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ver 40 years ago, a couple purchased a quarter acre of land located 500 feet from the Atlantic Ocean. The state, county, and town codes evolved and what was purchased as a buildable lot had to undergo extensive negotiations to permit even the smallest house
allowed. American architectural firm Bates Masi was commissioned to design a suitable structure that adhered to the changing building codes and what emerged is a small but dynamically designed structure that makes the most of its surrounding environment. Subtle shifts in the geometry of the building section maximize natural light and views to the sky, expanding the perception of space and openness while maintaining the 15’ x 20’ footprint. As the walls splay out from the base of the building toward the roof, the resulting void is a central light well. The bedroom and study are separated by clear glass walls on either side of the light well, but appear to be one large space. The acoustically divided rooms can be made more private by lowering the privacy shades. To address the restricted height requirements, the floor and roof plates are engineered to be as thin as possible. Traditional ductwork is eliminated from the floors and roof and each space employs a separate, individually controlled, mechanical unit yielding higher energy efficiency. This unique way of addressing each space is a study in sustainability relating to building smaller and living with less. The plinth is landscaped with a native grass that captures the patterns of the wind and references the nearby ocean waves. At the end of the path through the grass, the house is an object in the landscape perched on the edge of the plinth. This 600 square foot house explores a geometric solution to create luxury with a minimum footprint. The experience and function of this small house is similar to the much larger neighboring homes, despite its limited size.
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Jean Pierre Heim Architect
Francophone Luxury Jean-Pierre HEIM and Associates 建筑事务所 让奢华法式建筑走向全世界 Jean-Pierre HEIM’s brand of French architectural luxury is exported around the world Text:Jeffrey Ying Photos: JPH
在巴黎美术学院获得建筑学位,并 在美国伊利诺伊大学深造专题建筑学的 Jean-Pierre Heim 于 1980 年创办了 Jean-
Pierre HEIM and Associates (JPH) 建筑事 务所,至今已设计了大量私人住宅、办 公室、零售店、餐厅、酒店与商品陈列 室等项目。同时,Heim 还是法国国家功 勋骑士勋章的获得者。JPH 建筑事务所 的另一位联合创始人是 Carolyn HEIM。
她在巴黎的 École Spéciale d Architecture
获得了建筑学硕士学位,并在 École des Arts Decoratifs 完成了设计课程。两人充
满默契的强强联手让 JHP 的业务涉足多 个国家,纽约、巴黎、米克诺斯岛以及 上海等地都不乏 JPH 建筑事务所的杰作。 JPH 的 客 户 中 既 有 国 际 知 名 的 大
品牌,也有私密的个人客户,包括 Van
Cleef & Arpels, Revillon Furs, Baccarat,
Christian Lacroix, Lanvin 和 Club Med 等。
它的知名作品还包括对法兰克福的奥芬 巴赫音乐厅、德累斯顿的卢克索宫、柏 林波茨坦的巴伯斯贝格电影制片厂剧场 的改造。近年来,JPH 在中国十分活跃, 目前正全力以赴北京游艇俱乐部的设计 (外滩游艇会已出色完成),还承接了 位于崇明的高尔夫俱乐部、酒店、餐厅 等项目。此外,它在拉斯维加斯与多米 尼加也有项目涉足。
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Carolyn Heim Architect
ounded in 1980, Jean-Pierre HEIM and Associates (JPH) has developed a rich portfolio of private residences, office interiors, retail stores, restaurants, hotels and showrooms. Founder Jean-Pierre Heim is a French architect with an international architectural and interior design practice in New York, Paris, Mykonos and now Shanghai. Mr HEIM has a degree in architecture from the Ecole des Beaux-Arts in Paris and also attended the University of Illinois for specialized architectural studies. Mr. Heim is also a Chevalier de l’Ordre National du Mérite. Co-founder Carolyn HEIM is a graduate with a master’s degree in architecture from l École Spéciale d Architecture in Paris, France and has attended l École des Arts Decoratifs school of design. JPH’s clientele includes international businesses as well as private individuals. A few notable clients are Van Cleef & Arpels, Revillon Furs, Baccarat, Christian Lacroix, Lanvin, Puiforcat and Club Med. Also distinctive are the theater renovation such as The Capitol Music Theater in Frankfurt Offenbach, the Luxor Palace in Dresden, and the entrance Studio of Babelsberg Postdam / Berlin. Presently the firm is developing concepts for projects in China. In Beijing the company is working on the design of the Beijing Yacht club and has just completed the Shanghai Yacht club. Other large projects in China include the Chongming Golf Club, HYH Hotel and Restaurant in Chongming, and the Las Velas Resort and Marina in the Dominican Republic.
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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.76
Foodie / P.92 旅游
Travel / P.102
杭州富春山居 Hangzhou Fuchun Resort
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精致式生活: 豪华私享会议酒店
Diamond Life
Best Hotels for Private Meetings 拥有一场完美的精致活动,是每一 个活动组织者的终极梦想。选择这 些奢华的酒店作为活动场地的可谓 高枕无忧,酒店的宴会专家会为宾 客做好贴心细致的安排,一步步引 领来宾们直通如典礼般隆重的私密 盛宴。 Meetings can be drab and dull, or a delightful escape from the office. Luxury hotels can offer unique venues that afford truly memorable meetings, with banquet specialists providing exquisite cuisine, and event planners transforming mundane events into grand ceremonies. LifeStyle takes you on a guide to some of our favorites. Text: Angelina
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Aman at Summer Palace Beijing: Royal Reserve 北京颐和安缦坐落在一系列古典院落
The Aman at the Summer Palace, Beijing is located in a series of classical courtyards just a stones throw away from the Summer Palace’s Royal Garden. With the most exquisite architectural beauty of China’s past, and air aromatic and fragrant, the Aman is a delightful sanctuary that opens the door to the Chinese dynasties of the past. Dynasties have risen and fallen, but Beijing remains one of the world’s great cities, with a blend of ancient and modern color. The Aman at the Summer Palace, Beijing is an ideal gateway to experiencing Beijing. There are meetings to both North and South; naturally, Feng Shui is taken into account here. They are both close to the lobby, and accommodate board meetings of about 8 people, with projectors, private bathrooms, and a pantry. In the Royal Court Apartments, there are spaces capable of accommodating up to 15 guests- an ideal choice for small meetings. Guests at the Aman have direct access to the Summer Palace, where they can soak in the ambience of the Ming, in a setting of low-key luxury. The Rhythm and Aman Palace rooms are designed in a traditional architectural style, a tribute to the courtyard design. Suites arranged courtyards, with flowers and bamboo, as well as valuable trees; the aesthetic of the Ming is omnipresent here, where traditional materials have been used extensively. For early morning meetings, the Aman has launched a breakfast; before the gates open to hoi polloi, you can enjoy a quiet breakfast in a Summer Palace that is vacant but for you and a picnic organized by the hotel; time seems to stop, as poetry flows through your conference.
纱,窥探历史深处的浪漫。 颐和安缦拥有南、北会议室,其紧邻 大堂,均可用作 8 人左右的董事会议,设 有投影、有独立卫生间及备餐间,另外御 庭套间会议室位于御庭套房院内,可容纳 15 人的长台会议,亦有投影及独立卫生间 及备餐间,是举行小型会议的首选。 颐和安缦拥有私家小门直接通往颐和 园,处处洋溢着浓厚的明清建筑风格和独特 的低调奢华。颐和安缦的客房设计采用颐和 园传统建筑风格,如同是对庭院建筑风格的 一次礼赞。所有套房均围绕着内庭排列,庭 院以十字花径分割,周围翠竹掩映,并栽种
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Hangzhou Amanfuyan: Tranquil Splendor 安缦酒店集团由 Adrian Zecha 创立,
的专用空间可最多容纳 70 人与会。室内的
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会议室位于西餐厅 2 楼,优雅且宽敞
The Aman Hotel Group was founded by Adrian Zecha, with the idea of establishing a group of comfortable and private holiday locations in beautiful, elegant environments, creating a tasteful and hospitable atmosphere. The Amanfuyan is the best expression of this idea, a county seat inhabited by villagers since the T’ang dynasty, called the cloud village, a name which has been adopted by the hotel. The village is in a quiet valley on the west side of the West Lake, with houses retaining their original design aesthetics; several of the local houses can be traced back hundreds of years, and all renovations follow traditional processes, brick walls and roofs, stone floors, and the taste of the past. Walk from the Amanfuyan to the nearby seven Buddhist Temples; the Yongfu Temple and the Tianzhu temples are highlights. The woods, verdant with aromatic incense, descend to the hotel’s Western restaurant, where you may dine on cakes, fruit tarts, small sandwiches and other light refreshments. Throughout the day, this is the ideal spot for a snack or a drink. The meeting room is located on the second floor restaurant, an elegant and spacious private area which can accommodate up to 70 guests. The solid wood furniture creates a warm atmosphere, one whose design is welcoming and consistent. Meeting facilities, equipment and projector screens, audio equipment for conference calls, whiteboards and wireless networks; the space is equipped for whatever you might need. You’ll walk to here from the Fayun village’s picturesque alleys, in a space open only to hotel guests. In one of three interlinked courtyards, a variety of cultural events, dinners, receptions and much more take place on the second floor by the cigar room and library; the ultimate in private meeting spaces.
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Beijing Waldorf Astoria: The Ultimate in Luxury 位于北京市中心贤良寺旧址的北京华
浴室及洗浴用品一应俱全,更拥有 66 平方
上具有深远的政治、经济和文化影响。从 酒店徒步即可到达灯市口地铁站,宾客可
积 171 平方米,环境私密,格调优雅,设
有休闲区域及酒吧。四合堂配有先进音响 /
这间崭新的酒店将京城风韵与优雅完 美融合,酒店内部装饰由雅布 & 普歇尔伯
可举办 30 人圆桌宴会、55 人剧院式会议
或 120 人鸡尾酒会。此外,四合堂还拥有
可容纳 12 人的影音室,为独特会议需求提
细节之中。此外,北京华尔道夫酒店重金 打造的艺术典藏将艺术美与文化底蕴完美 结合,堪称精美绝伦。北京华尔道夫酒店 由两幢风格迥异的宏伟建筑组成。优雅的 古铜色主楼随时光沉淀色彩,古典的胡同 别墅则传承古代皇室风华,成就京城一道 亮丽的风景。 北京华尔道夫酒店四合院东院由四间 胡 同 套 房组 成, 包括三间 70 至 100 平方
米的胡同套房和一间 121 平方米的胡同露
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Located in the center of Beijing, the Waldorf Astoria combines Beijing’s unique history and culture with a classical style. The Waldorf Astoria brand is familiar with Chinese guests; they once hosted Li Hongzhang on his history-making visit to the West. The Beijing Waldorf Astoria is the heir to this glorious tradition, and is reachable from the Dengshikou metro station; guests can easily access shopping centers, the central business district, and the Forbidden City, Tiananmen Square, and
other historical and cultural attractions. The hotel matches the charm of the capital, with the interior design fusing modern and traditional elements. The Beijing Waldorf Astoria meets the heritage of ancient royal villas in its elegance, and is a new landscape in the capital. The courtyard style suites include three 70-100 square meter suites and one 121 square meter alley. With modern amenities, a cozy living room that enables the use of multimedia devices, wireless networks and luxurious bathrooms, the suites also boast 66 square meters of gardens, ensuring a memorable stay for guests. Located in the basement of the courtyard, with a total of 171 square meters, it is an intimate and elegant area with a lounge and bar. With advanced AV and multimedia equipment, modern design which cleverly accommodates the palace’s traditional architectural features, up to 30 people can be held in the cabaret, 55 in the theater, or up to 120 for cocktail receptions. In addition, an AV room which can accommodate up to 12 people provides a great choice for unique conference venue needs.
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瑜舍是香港房地产商太古集团在全球 首次投资的酒店项目,由日本建筑大师隈 研吾设计。酒店位于三里屯 Village 的南边, 是一组色彩斑斓、造型各异的建筑群。酒 店门口是一对张晓峰以明清青花瓷碎片拼 贴而成的旗袍和中山装,宛若守门神。瑜 舍的大堂称为客厅,前台是一个如装置艺 术般的巨型中药橱柜,摆放着各种艺术品,
The Opposite House: A Different Kind of Modern
住客能随意抽开药柜,这种互动的游戏解 放了前台的神秘和严肃感。大厅把支撑建 筑的柱子隐藏得十分巧妙,超高天花板和 低低的沙发营造出宽广的空间感。大堂空 间布置得十分流畅,几件中国当代艺术家 的作品散落在各个角落。 瑜舍的大堂经常被作为活动场地对外 租用,其从大堂到泳池是一种新的体验: 门 口 没 有 大 招 牌, 前 台 与 礼 宾 部 也 不 起 眼——传统酒店的布局被设计师隈研吾重
料为空间添加了更多的人气,地板以大量 的回收橡木铺设,能看见美丽的生命纹路。 大厅中央有个很容易让人误以为是大理石 凳子的黑色水池,可不要粗心大意地坐上 去。这水池以钢铁制成,池内锈迹斑斑, 并不是疏于管理没清理好,它是一种时间 形态的表现方式。
新诠释。瑜舍是一个巨大的玻璃盒子,正 如橱窗一样,具有透视感。建筑的采光特 别好,隐秘的天井把光线引入底层的泳池, 泳池橙蓝相间,十分性感。这个不锈钢打 造的泳池也应该是国内首例,也是酒店最 特殊的设计细节。虽设于底层,却是个半 开放的空间,大厅和餐馆的客人能在不同 的角度满足他们“偷窥欲”——在这样的 泳池游泳,就是勇于要让别人大大方方地 欣赏才是。设计师通过采用大量的天然物
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The Opposite House, owned by Hong Kong’s Swire Group and designed by Japanese architect Kengo Kuma, is a first for the capital. Located south of Sanlitun Village, it is a group of colorful and differently shaped buildings. At the hotel entrance is a pair of blue and white Ming and Qing style collages made by Zhang Xiaofeng, like gatekeepers of God. The Opposite House lobby is like a living room,
a huge installation of medicine cabinets stocked with artworks in the approach to the reception; the art integrated into the space makes for a seriously cool front desk. The pillars supporting the building are very cleverly hidden, with high ceilings and muffled sofas creating a broad sense of space. The lobby space is decorated very smoothly, with a few pieces by the best Chinese contemporary artists scattered in every corner. The Opposite House lobby is often used as a venue for discreet meetings; from the lobby to the pool, the traditional hotel layout has been reinterpreted by Kengo Kuma’s unique design. The Opposite House is like a huge glass box, with a unique sense of perspective. The architectural lighting is particularly good, with an intimate patio lit up allowing a view of the pool, orange, blue and whitevery sexy. The use of stainless steel to create a pool must be a first in Asia- the hotel is filled with this type of unique design details. The semi-open space of the pool is visible from restaurant and lobby, meaning that to swim here is to summon the courage to allow others to see you. Designers used natural materials to enhance the space, with recycled oak flooring, showing off beautiful life lines. As time goes on, rust is allowed to show its marks on the structure; this is one hotel comfortable with itself.
正如酒店外文名字 Eclat 在法语中传递 的“辉煌的成就及荣耀”的意思一样,怡 亨酒店不仅是中国最大的私人萨尔瓦多 • 达利收藏品家园,还是世界上陈列艺术品 最多的酒店之一,每个楼层都精心摆放着 当代艺术大师们的作品,大堂则摆放着安
Beijing Hotel Éclat: Artistic Flavor
迪 • 沃霍尔、曾梵志的杰作,所有豪华露 台房都在露台上陈列着高孝午的作品。每 层楼都拥有不同的主题楼道:充满中式风 的 16 层拥有王国锋的摄影作品,17 层电 梯出口处摆置了多张达利铜质小椅与古董 钢琴。走廊处停放着数十辆从世界各地搜 寻回来的绝版自行车,通往小型会客厅的 过道还有李承九著名的的作品——“狗” 在注视着你。 不甘心于被埋没在酒店的芸芸众生中, 是这间酒店给人的最大感觉。与台北怡亨 酒店一样,整个酒店风格充满了黄建华的 个人爱好:大量艺术品、先锋的、搞怪的、 趣味性的,也是高雅的,这种综合的风格 甚至超出了大部分酒店设计公司所能设计 的范畴。其中 20 间奢华套房更特设私人户 外游泳池,是许多品牌举办私享活动的场
兼具舒适和时尚特征的黑色真皮沙发体现 的淋漓尽致。露台中的英国国旗家具流露 出自然的阳刚之美。一副那危的油画作品 尤其衬托出了”单身贵族”主题套房的风 格。在”不朽老男孩”套房中,客人可以 尽情沉浸在私人管家的优质服务和行政总 厨 Raul 精心准备的佳肴之中。周围陈列的 Timothy Oulton 的设计作品,以及独具英伦
风格的私人收藏让人仿佛身处于英式校园 之中。量身打造的主题套房以其精致的设 计和对细节的注重,使得北京怡亨酒店脱 颖而出,独树一帜。
地,艺术气息浓重的科技产品在每间豪华 泳池套房都得以淋漓尽致地展现,其中包 括 Bang & Olufsen 的扬声器和两个 55 寸液
晶 3D 电视。设计师 Timothy Oulton 的英伦 风格设计,从精心挑选的深色木质家具到
The word éclat means “to make a splash,” and suitably enough, the Hotel Éclat is the site of China’s largest collection of the works of Salvador Dali. Each floor of the hotel
is decorated with works of contemporary art, from Andry Warhol to Wang Guofeng. Dozens of cars parked in the hallway from around the world enhance the unique artistic feeling. The deluxe terrace rooms are all decorated with unique works as well; the flavor of art is strong here. This is a hotel unwilling to be buried in a crowd. Much like its counterpart in Taipei, the hotel is filled with art, fun, elegance and interesting objects, a stylish vibe beyond the ability of most hotel designers to create. The 20 luxury suits have private outdoor swimming pools, and are often used for private events; they feature Bang & Olufsen speakers and two 55-inch LCD 3D TVs. British designer Timothy Oulton designed the rooms with black wood furniture and black leather sofas, as well as patio furniture festooned with British flags; the natural beauty of masculinity. The singles themed suites are enough to put anybody in the mood for love. In the “Old Boy Club” suite guests can pamper themselves with private butler services and the delicious food prepared by Executive Chef Raul’s specialties. Timothy Oulton’s design makes the Hotel Éclat truly live up to its name, a unique and artistic space with themed suites appropriate for unique and funky gatherings.
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公元 1347 年,元朝四大画家之首的黄
公望在杭州富阳富春江畔,以近 10 年时间
Hangzhou Fuchun Resort: Picturesque
完成了他毕生最精彩的代表作《富春山居 图》,后人把这幅《富春山居图》用以下 这段话概括到:丘陵起伏,峰回路转,江 流沃土,沙町平畴。云烟掩映村舍,水波 出没鱼舟。近树苍苍,疏密有致,溪山深远, 飞泉倒挂。亭台小桥,各得其所,人物飞禽, 生动适度。” 这段话也同样能用来概括如今在杭州 富春山居所能看到并感受到的一切。安缦 集团的首席设计师 Jean-Michel Gathy 操刀 设计了大部分建筑,江南建筑的元素在这 里体现得淋漓尽致:高房顶、木质横梁、 园林景观,仿南宋小镇的建筑风格雍容典 雅,与窗外江南景物融为一体,极具情怀 及现代感。 富春山居被称为“最隐秘的会议酒店”, 大部分客人需要从杭州市中心驱车沿着富 春江支流行驶一个多小时才能到达酒店的 大门。进入大门后,是一条窄窄的小径, 最后经过一个转角豁然开朗,你的左右两 边均是种植着马尼拉草的高尔夫球场,前 方是散落在山脚的别墅及酒店群,最远方, 是盈盈一池水。酒店旨意提供一种极具诗 意的入住体验:进入房间,你先是闻到一 股檀香味,耳边传来带有“杭州特色”的 悠扬音乐。“嘀嗒”拉一下灯具的开关后, 整个屋子慢慢敞亮起来,透过木质百叶窗 能朦胧地看到湖面及远山。大部分家具为 木制,房间的客厅、卧室及浴室连成一体, 所有门都为隐藏式拉门,只要全部打通则 南北通透。没有一键式开关,在你睡觉前 需要一个一个灯地关,提倡慢生活,回归 到最自然的生活程序,是富春山居的特色。 此外,由于地处偏僻外出不便,所以富春 山居酒店内的活动非常丰富:SPA、瑜伽、 太极、高尔夫击球练习场、网球场、美人 汤等,动静皆宜,身心俱修。你可以在做 完唤醒身体的晨间伸展之后,健步登山远 眺富春江,也可沿江畔骑行赏景,并探访 黄公望风情小镇。在悠闲的午后,可至富 春阁挥洒水墨或临摹名篇,与传统书香为 伴,或漫步于酒店雍容写意的布局之中, 另外,还有中国式的晚茶时间。
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In AD 1347, the Yuan dynasty painter Huang Kung-wang took as subject Hangzhou’s Fuchun River, taking 10 years to complete his life’s masterpiece “The Fuchun Mountains,” a painting which inspired poetry: “Hilly and winding, fertile in soil/cottages shaded by clouds, water streaming with fish. Under the arbors, pavilions and bridges, birds, a vivid life…” These lines could be used to describe the Hangzhou Fuchun, designed by Aman Group’s chief designer Jean-Michel Gathy,
who dreamt up the architectural elements of the south building: with a high roof, wooden beams, well-framed landscapes, the grace of the Song and the elegant architectural style of the town, and the integration of southern scenery outside of the window; here, the design feels superb and modern. Fuchun has been called “the best kept secret” among conference hotels; most guests who depart from downtown Hangzhou will need more than an hour of driving along the Fuchun River’s tributaries
before they arrive. After entering the gate, you’ll encounter a narrow path; after turning the corner, you’ll be surrounded with grass, water, and trees. The hotel offers a highly poetic environment: as you enter the room, you will smell incense, hear music with “Hangzhou characteristics.” As you pull the lamp switch, the whole room will light up, with the lake and mountains faintly visible through the blinds. Most of the wooden furniture in the living room, bedroom and bathroom are fused, all of the doors are hidden sliding doors, giving a sense of calm and serene simplicity. There are no onebutton switches; before going to bed, you need to close the lamp yourself. The slow life and return to life’s natural processes are features of the Fuchun Mountains. Since the hotel is so remote, all of the activities you might want to access are already here: from spa, yoga, tai-chi, a golf driving range, tennis courts… you can mentally and physically repair yourself here. Wake up and stretch to the Fuchun mountain view, then adjourn to the riverside, and visit a town which will bring ancient paintings to mind. In the afternoon, practice Chinese calligraphy with traditional scholars, or stroll though the hotel’s impressionistic layout; it’s tea time.
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AFSO 设 计 事 务 所 的 室 内 设 计 师
Andre Fu 负责主理 Upper House 的设 计,由他设计的著名项目包括东京香格 里拉酒店的意大利餐厅 Piacere 及滩万 日本料理、新加坡嘉佩乐酒店的中式食 府 Cassia、香港 Agnes b. La Loggia 旗舰 店、JIA Shanghai 的大堂以及国际著名影
星杨紫琼的私人居所。Andre Fu 巧妙地 利用天然素材、独特的雕刻品及原创艺 术品,以当代亚洲设计风格配合 Upper
House 宁静居所的气氛。酒店内展示有 多件卓越的当代艺术品,利用砂岩、陶瓷、 云石及青铜制成的雕塑品完美地配合着 Andre Fu 营造的恬静气氛。
Thomas Heatherwick 设计的 Bedonia
石制外墙入口,欢迎宾客来到这间私人 居所。穿过设有灯光效果的车道后,便 见到夺目的 13 米高镀镍大门。大门四周 被落地玻璃所环绕,犹如悬浮于水上一 样。踏进酒店入口,通过环型竹子构成 的“The Lantern”设计展开恬静舒适的 旅程。 49 楼的 Sky Bridge 是整个酒店的会 议举办所在地,展现了设计师卓越的建 筑设计。Sky Bridge 位于 40 米高的中庭 之上,引领宾客进入 Sky Lounge 和餐厅
及酒吧 Café Gray Deluxe——这被经常用 来做品牌发布会。酒廊中央设有壁炉, 气氛温馨亲切,全日提供多款餐饮及鸡 尾酒。酒廊设有 4 米特高天花,宾客可 躺卧于绿茶色及淡蓝色的沙发中享受美 酒。设计灵感源自旧巴黎豪华咖啡厅的 现代雅致餐厅 Café Gray Deluxe 国际名 厨 Gray Kunz 主理,设有 14 米长开放式
厨房及吧台,它的设计充满活力。Gray 选用了本地的有机食材炮制各款滋味美 食,配合餐厅轻松的服务,为宾客呈献 非一般的日常佳肴。主用膳厅环抱维港 迷人美景,可同时容纳约百余名宾客; 坐落于半开放式用膳区的宾客则可欣赏 开放式厨房内厨师的烹调过程。此外, Café Gray Deluxe 的私人宴会厅尽揽醉人 海景,可招待 12 人,时尚设计及充满生 气的酒廊更可容纳多达 88 人。
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Upper House: 低调奢华
Upper House: Low-key luxury
The AFSO design firm’s star designer Andre Fu has an impressive backlist; he designed the Tokyo Shangri-La’s Italian restaurant Piacere and their Nadaman Japanese restaurant, the Capella Singapore’s Chinese restaurant Cassia, Hong Kong’s agnès b La Loggia flagship store, JIA Shanghai’s lobby and actress Michelle Yeoh’s private residence. Andre Fu uses natural materials cleverly, and selects distinctive sculptures and original artworks in contemporary Asian style, creating the tranquil atmosphere that the Upper House enjoys today. The hotel shows how remarkable pieces of contemporary art in conjunction with the use of sandstone, ceramics, marble and bronze sculptures can create entirely unique ambiences. Thomas Heatherwick designed the stone façade entrance, welcoming guests as to a private residence. As you pass through the entryway, you’ll notice a 13-meter high nickel plated door. Surrounded by floor to ceiling glass doors, you’re suspended as if by water. As you step through the entrance, a design from “The Lantern” with bamboo signals that you have arrived. The Sky Bridge on the 49th floor is the seat of the hotel’s conference space, a truly excellent architectural designer. The Sky Bridge is located 40 meters above the atrium, leading you into the Sky Lounge and Restaurant as well as the Café Gray Deluxea great place for brands to hold conferences. The Central Lounge is warmed by a fireplace, with all day dining and cocktails. With high ceilings, guests soak in the green color and the pale blue sofas, enjoying wine. Inspired by Parisian cafes, the chef Gray Kunz manages his 14-meter open kitchen and bar masterfully. Gray handpicks local organic ingredients and cooks them to perfection with relaxed service, offering guests out-of-the-ordinary flavors. The main dining hall is surrounded by stunning views of the harbor, and can accommodate about a hundred guests; in the semi-open dining area, guests can enjoy watching the open kitchen chefs at work. In addition, the Café Gray Deluxe has a private ballroom with stunning sea views, accommodating 12 people; the more vibrant lounge can accommodate up to 88 people.
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From Singapore to Sanya Text: Jacob Dreyer
作为酒店业者,在中国发展有什么特别之 处?
20 years is a long time. Share with us what has
1995 年起我便在中国工作了,一直以 来都觉得中国会成为热门的旅游目的地, 这里的酒店业也会蓬勃发展,这些还不仅 集中体现在大城市,更会向三四线城市不 断蔓延。一个拥有 14 亿人口的大国必然文 化丰富,不同人群习惯各异,能很好地了 解这些差异会使酒店的运营管理受益良多。
and in China overall- during this time.
二十年,相信你也见证了整个中国包括中 国酒店行业的发展。有什么可以分享的感 受吗? 中国人的出游机会越来越多,办理护 照、取得签证也比过去容易,积累了丰富 的旅行经验。随之而来的便是中国游客的 需求和期望值也在不断提高,其出行目的 从旅游观光过渡为关注放松休闲体验。旅 游已深植于人们的生活方式。经常性出游 的旅行者开始更多关注酒店的品牌 , 对自 己喜爱酒店的忠诚度也在不断提升。 在像三亚这样饱和的酒店市场中,三亚万 丽度假酒店如何脱颖而出? 万丽是讲求生活方式的品牌 , 我们鼓 励客人不断探索生活中的美好。酒店里总 有新花样,让客人每次入住都有不一样的 感觉。酒店和餐饮部也会安排各类家庭活 动,利用天然海滩、巨大的星光泻湖游泳 池和餐饮优惠,为每位客人带来绝佳的度 假体验。尽一切可能让客人感觉舒适愉悦 就是我们成功的关键。 What excites you most about being a hotelier in China?
Being a Chinese native myself, I am delighted
to have the opportunity to work in China since 1995. I always knew that China would be a
destination for tourism and hotels would be building, starting from primary cities and now
going on to the 3-4 tier cities. With a population
of 1.4 billion, China has a diversified and colorful
culture and habits. Knowing culture differences well can help a lot in operation management.
90 LifeStyle
changed in the Chinese hospitality industry-
Chinese tourists have more opportunities to
travel, as getting a visa and passport is much
easier now than before, bringing more travelling
experiences, Chinese tourists know their needs and expectations are getting higher as compared to
before. The purpose of travelling is transforming
from sight-seeing to simply relaxing. Travel has become embedded into people’s lifestyles. Frequent travelers pay more attention to hotel brands and tend to develop loyalty to their favorite hotel groups.
What’s special about the Renaissance Sanyaand the Renaissance brand. In a market as
saturated as Sanya, what can hotels do to stand out and truly make an impact?
Renaissance is a lifestyle brand, where we
encourage guests and ambassadors to live life to discover. We’re constantly generating things
wonderfully new for guests to discover every time
they stay here. Our resort & F&B departments have arranged dozens of family activities and classes with the advantage of natural beach, the
huge starlight lagoon pool and various F&B outlets to create great vacation experiences for
every guest. We’re trying to go the extra mile to delight our customers every day, which is really our key to success.
邱炜观 三亚万丽度假酒店总经理 Jim Khoo of the Renaissance Sanya Resort and Spa
经万豪酒店集团重新进行品牌定位后 的五星级生活方式酒店品牌万丽酒店,在 “国家海岸”海棠湾揭幕了它的亚洲旗舰 度假酒店。 富有热带风情的海南岛迎来了它的最 新入驻者:三亚万丽度假酒店。这家新鲜 加入的奢华酒店必将为海南岛的美丽更添
Hainan island’s Hottest New Deluxe Destination
风采。酒店占地面积为 140,000 平方米, 于海棠湾占有天然地利之优势,其身处一 片风景秀美的天然风光之中。被热带雨林 环抱的沙滩绵延 17 公里、让人身心放松的 温泉、拥有优质水域的潜水区,这一切都 对客人充满吸引力。 三亚万丽度假酒店共有 507 间客房,
包括 90 间套房和 10 间双床别墅,每个别 墅均有私人泳池。总统套房总面积达 1,
600 平方米。酒店内共有 7 家餐厅和酒吧,
另有面积达 2500 平方米的会议设施。酒店 内还有如“泉”SPA、私属沙滩、三亚地 区最大的环礁湖泳池,以及电影院和保龄 球馆等可令人彻底放松的休闲娱乐设施。 酒店距三亚凤凰国际机场 35 分钟车程。
酒 店 内 有 90 间 套 房 和 10 栋 双 卧 室
别墅,每栋别墅都拥有私人泳池。面积达 1,600 平方米的总统套房是目前为止中国 最大的总统套房,它有 4 个卧室、可一次
供 12 人同时用餐的餐桌、配有 85 寸液晶
电视的 180 度全景观起居间。屋顶露台有 100 平方米,同时还有一个可俯瞰整个酒
是时候来三亚感受全新的酒店了,期 待与你相遇在海滩! Marriott’s newly re-launched five-star lifestyle brand, Renaissance Hotels, unveils its flagship Asia resort on ‘China’s National Coast’, Haitang Bay China’s tropical Hainan Island welcomes its real luxury gem, the five-star Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa. The 140,000 sqm resort occupies a prime position on Haitang Bay, a beautifully unspoiled enclave for discerning travellers featuring 17 kilometres of pristine sandy beaches surrounded by lush rainforest, thermal mineral springs and spectacular diving. Renaissance Sanya Resort & Spa features 507 guestrooms, including 90 suites, 10 villas and a 1,600 sqm Presidential Suite. There are seven restaurants and bars, plus 2,500 sqm of impressive event facilities. A multitude of leisure options include the largest lagoon pool in Sanya, a Quan
Spa, and a designer recreation club with a bowling alley and cinema. Perfectly located, the resort is a convenient 40-minute drive from Sanya Phoenix International Airport. The resort also includes 90 stylish suites and 10 two-bedroom villas – each with a private swimming pool. The 1,600 sqm Presidential Suite is the largest in China. Accessible by private elevator, it counts four en suite bedrooms, a dining table for 12 and opulent living quarters with an 85inch LCD TV and 180-degree views. The 100 sqm terrace features two rooftop infinity swimming pools overlooking the resort and ocean. It’s time for you to come to Sanya’s hottest new hotel. See you on the beach!
Add: No.1, Yezhou Road, Haitang Bay, Sanya 572013, Hainan, PRC Tel: +86 898 38858888
LifeStyle 91
Haute Cuisine à la française 92 LifeStyle
作为“西餐之首”,法餐总是给人高雅、奢华又浪漫的印象。 而位于五星级酒店中的法式餐厅则延续了古典的欧洲建筑风格, 将法式大餐于高贵优雅的氛围中呈现出来, 使人们能更加身临其境地感受这场从舌尖到心灵的美食之旅…… With a reputation for being the most elegant European cuisine, France is the homeland of elegant, luxurious and romantic cuisine. Five-star hotels offer the best of French cuisine contextualized by classical European architecture, an elegant atmosphere fitting to the food, so that you can immerse yourself in the cultural origin of your gastronomic journey… Text: Kelly Hao
LifeStyle 93
Raffles Hotel Beijing - Jaan French Restaurant 拥有百年历史的家安法餐厅是北京首屈一指的顶级餐厅。自上 世纪初便是众多精英贵胄趋之若鹜的社交场所,餐厅迄今仍然保留 着当年的奥地利水晶灯以及法国木质弹簧跳舞地板。新古典主义风 格的法士穹顶建筑保留至今,浪漫的气氛和优雅的复古风格为美食
家安 法餐厅
爱好者带来“触动心灵”的奢华感受。 Here on Chang’an Avenue lies one of Beijing’s top restaurants, a socializing spot for local elites. Austrian crystals, a French wood-spring dance floor; the legendary décor provides retro style for those who demand the ultimate in luxury.
Valrhona Dark Chocolate Fondant 选用知名顶级法芙娜黑巧克力烘焙出来的 巧克力熔岩,巧妙搭配薄荷浆果,香橙冰 淇淋及焦糖薄片。巧克力熔岩外为酥软巧 克力蛋糕,内则缓缓汩出热热的巧克力熔 岩,香浓可口。尝一口巧克力,再来一勺 香橙冰淇淋,完全掩盖巧力的浓腻,令人 欲罢不能。
94 LifeStyle
9 小时油封鸭腿
9 Hours “Confit” Duck Leg 鸭腿是法国南方的一道名菜,而且只有一 种烹饪方式。这道菜和北京的烤鸭有异曲 同工之处的是它们的皮都是香脆可口的。 它的妙处在于鸭肉柔软,然鸭皮却香脆可 口,与鸭肉结合,软脆恰到好处。
Slow Cooked “Confit” Whole Duck Liver 鸭肝在法国经常会制作成开胃菜,以及 圣诞大餐的主菜。特选波尔多酒,加热 进行慢煮至酒精发挥。细细品尝,鸭肝 无比柔软细腻,散发出淡淡的葡萄酒香 味。特别搭配无花果酱,黄油面包使鸭 肝味美而不腻,丝毫不亚于鹅肝的味道, 令人意犹未尽。
LifeStyle 95
Panfried fresh salmon fillet with sautéed spinach and arugula , lobster red wine sauce 三文鱼切成条状均匀撒上小麦粉,香煎至 3 成熟时出锅,配以炒好的芝麻菜和菠菜,以 及八爪鱼和干三文鱼皮。三文鱼的鲜嫩与八 爪鱼的弹滑,在上乘红酒的相伴下口感融汇 升华。
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热头盘汤 Grilled Asparagus soup with egg white form and parsley tempura
冷头盘 Cold appetizer
Legendale Hotel Beijing -Petrus French Restaurant 奢华与浪漫的氛围从位于酒店二层的碧翠法国餐厅金黄色的大 门中溢出,并弥漫在餐厅内的每个角落。餐厅里法国进口的欧式家 具,精美的拿破仑画像和其它油画在水晶吊灯摇曳灯光下,显得高 贵而典雅。选用世界顶级 Christofle 品牌餐具品尝着无以伦比的上
碧翠 法国餐厅
Cold appetizer 作为法餐的第一道开胃菜,冷头盘的 重要性便不言而喻。这道菜需要激活 食客的味蕾,勾起人的食欲。碧翠餐 厅采用秘制 12 小时的鸭肝,隔水烘 烤 70 分钟,冷却后再配以大厨特制 的酸甜苹果酱用小火慢炖,直至食材 酥软。
乘美味,配以 Redel 水晶杯中的法国佳酿葡萄酒,精彩人生此刻由
A luxurious and romantic atmosphere on the second floor, as you step through the golden doors of this establishment you’ll feel enveloped in Parisian elegance. With imported European furniture, exquisite portraits of socialites from the Belle Époque, and chandeliers swaying in the light, this is the perfect ambience for a fine meal. Christofle cutlery and Redel crystalware make your dining experience all the more refined. Bon appétit!
热汤是法餐里必不可少的一道菜品。 这份由扒芦笋奶油汤和紫苏天妇罗做 成的热头盘汤可谓是形、色、味俱全。 其点睛之笔在于须待煮至 3/4 的时间 内加入奶油,并在最后将汤汁再次浓 缩直至达最佳浓稠度。
您尽情品味 !
Grilled Asparagus soup with egg white form and parsley tempura
LifeStyle 97
Premium Wines & Spirits
Luxury Goods to Savor
对柠檬大都市,哈瓦那俱乐部 3 年朗姆酒、
玫瑰酸橙汁、糖和 6 杯薄荷枝和史威士苏
下次去酒吧或餐厅的话,除了点你心 仪的酒,别忘了在其中添加些自己喜欢的
配料,比如以哈瓦那俱乐部 3 年朗姆可乐
98 LifeStyle
过有品质的生活,包括低调做慈善; 狠狠爱你喜欢的人;任何时候都要用最醇
uxury is a state of mind. And consuming luxury is a way of life. But how one savors luxury wines & spirits separates the connoisseurs from the novices. So, if you enjoy the finest wines & spirits, why not be sure you are consuming them for maximum satisfaction; while showing others your style? There was a time when the appropriate drink combinations were strictly in vogue, whether spirits or wines, but today, the rule is most commonly drink what you like, how you like it and when you like it, regardless of conformist ways and recommendations. So, the key is to drink your luxury goods with flair, “savoir fare”, elegance and grace, as though you could never be more relaxed and at ease with your behavior; and confident of your drink choices: Be an example for others to emulate that you know what you like and how it should best be prepared and served to maximize your adult beverage experience.
The next time you are at a bar or restaurant and it’s time to order a drink, know what you’d like to enjoy, but be sure to call for the premium ingredients you prefer, such as “Havana Club Rum and Coke” with Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos Rum & Coke; “ABSOLUT Cosmopolitan” with ABSOLUT Citron, Cointreau, fresh lime & Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail; “Havana Club Mojito” with Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos Rum, Rose’s lime juice, sugar, 6 mint sprigs & Schweppes Club Soda or Schweppes Soda Water; or a “Beefeater Gin & Tonic” with Beefeater London Dry Gin, Schweppes Tonic Water & fresh lime”; because if you don’t, you never know what you’ll be served; and chances are you’ll be disappointed. In addition, many people, especially in business will judge you not only by how you dress, your speech and your body language, but also, by the quality of your food and beverage choices. If you choose quality, premium food and beverage, others will assume you are leading “the good life”, that you are successful; and an aspirational, climbing the ladder of success. And generally speaking, aspirationals (both those who have arrived as well as those in the process of arriving) like to associate with others who share their life’s goals and ambitions for success. As for Premium Goods and romance, premiums are the only way to go. For why would you want to offer the love of your life a cheap drink? And on every occasion, buy her the most expensive wines and spirits your bank account will allow. Luxuriating in your favorite bar or restaurant with premium wines & spirits is one of the “affordable luxuries” no matter the economy, no matter the housing market, no matter the weather outside; be it steaming, freezing or pouring “cats & dogs”. If her preference is a delicious glass of red wine, spend more than you would on yourself; if she is keen on a Strawberry Daiquiri, make it Havana Club or another name brand, premium rum; and if she prefers another spirit, simply make sure she is served the very finest. These are memories to last for a lifetime, so live them in the fullest, including all that you drink and all that you eat. Let nothing detract from the quality and the beauty of the moment. Live well, include charity as a way of life; love with passion all those whom you love; and forever more and a day always toast “To Love” with Premium Goods. I am Red Owl, Over & Out.
田博华,公益创业家,社 会公益组织 FTA 领导人。 该组织以最小的运营开支 争取最大限度地帮助美国 及亚太地区需要帮助的人 们,并致力于通过直接的 人道主义援助来减轻他们 的困苦,此外还以直接干 预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助 柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭 和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国 曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办 事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
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Holland: Land of Bicycles 近乎完美的田园风光、大片的郁金香花海、无垠的绿色原野、祥和的小镇生活, 荷兰的一切都让人犹如步入童话世界。 但没有了自行车的相伴,即使相距咫尺仍无法真正与它亲近。 An idyllic wonderland, with abundant green fields, tulips blooming in small townsyou’ll feel that Holland is like a fairy tale. Spin through this wonderland in the local style- on a trusty old bicycle. Text: Yuki Zhang
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库肯霍夫郁金香花园 : 徜徉花海 eukenhof Tulip Garden: Tiptoe through the
库肯霍夫郁金香花园堪称花园中的魁首。单说五彩缤纷的 700 万株球茎 鲜花汇聚在一起,就是一场不折不扣的色彩与视觉的盛宴。不用说喜欢花的 女孩,不苟言笑的大男人面对如此多的美丽鲜花也会笑容满面。爱美之心人 皆有之嘛!不要只顾着沉醉在单朵花中,花园内用鲜花组成的大大小小的图 案可都是出自世界顶级园艺设计专家之手。独特的色彩搭配令人拍手成奇。 蹬上自行车离开花园,则进入了更广阔的鲜花天地。未到花田,乡间小 路上当地居民的小花园将吸引着你不时停下车驻足欣赏、拍照留念。每个花 园都设计的精致而情趣盎然,荷兰人真不愧被称作是出色的园林设计师。很 快远处大块大块的色彩即进入了视野。心情越来越激动,脚下骑得也越来越快。 随意地将自行车放倒在花田旁,面对壮丽的花海,一种难以名状的感动涌上 心头。将自己融入花海,眼前映满了花的倩影,呼吸着花的气息,触摸着花 的身躯,感受与花朵前所未有亲密。
Tips: 租车:火车站、当地旅游接待中心(VVV)和库肯霍夫 郁金香花园门口均可租车 库肯霍夫郁金香花园:www.keukenhof.nl
Bike Rentals: The train station, the local tourist reception center (VVV), and the Keukenhof tulip garden gate all offer rental stations Keukenhof Gardens: www.keukenhof.nl
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The Keukenhof tulip garden is a feast for the eyes. Seven million colorful tulips come together in an explosion of color. Even the sternest business traveler cannot help but be charmed by this sight, the testing ground of the world’s experts in garden design. You’ll be able to learn about the history of tulips in Holland too- an interesting story of speculation from the beginning of the global economy. Hop on your bike and leave the garden for the wider world. The homesteads you see by the side of the road will show you- the tulip tradition here isn’t just to be found in grand gardens, but is entrenched in the lifestyles of the locals. The garden is the pride and joy of every Dutchman, and offers a great display of ingenious creativity. Large fields of color will flow by your sides, like a vision from the Dutch old masters; as your feet spin faster, so will your thoughts. The air filled with delicious scent, the colorful landscape, and the thrill of the wind rushing through your hair- and the privilege to stop wherever you find the perfect view.
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小孩堤防风车群:风中骑士 inderdijk Windmills: Ride with the Wind
小孩堤防是距鹿特丹东面 15 公里,南荷兰省内的一个村庄。1740 年建
造一个由 19 座风车组成的排水系统。小孩堤防从四月至九月向公众开放, 七八月份的周六,这些风车会转动起来。当这些风车同时运转时,壮观的景 象如同回到 250 年以前。 如果唐吉格德的故事仍记忆犹新,那在风车群中骑行一定是你的不二选 择。飞快地骑着 “坐骑”,紧握 “武器”(当然是相机),向着一连串古老、 高大的风车猛冲过去。夕阳下,风车挥舞着它巨大的长臂袭来,举起“武器” 迎战,从不同角度对它发起全面攻势,好似中世纪的风车大战再次上演。来 到“风车王国”体验“风车之役”是再合适不过的了。想更多地了解风车, 还可以将自行车停在风车下,进入其内部参观。参观后再看风车感觉似乎亲 切了许多,沿着河边缓缓骑行,一架架风车从身边滑过,不时与迎面前来的“骑 士”打个招呼,一切变得恬淡而自然。 Kinderdijk is 15 km away from the east of Rotterdam, and is a representative a village
in the province of South Holland. Built in 1740 using a drainage system powered by 19
windmills, Kinderdijk is open to the public from April to September, when the windmills are at their most scenic.
The story of Don Quixote was in our mind as we headed to the windmills. On the back of
Tips: 租车:当地旅游接待中心(VVV),或从鹿特丹租车 一路骑来 小孩堤防风车群:www.kinderdijk.nl
Vehicle Rental: Pick one up from the local tourist reception center (VVV) or simply get one in Rotterdam Kinderdijk Windmills Group: www.kinderdijk.nl
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your “horse,” clutch your weapon (in this case, a camera) as you dash towards the old, tall windmills. As the sun sets, with the windmill’s long arms waving, you’ll become a hero of
tourism. To learn more about the windmills, you can bike down to the base of the buildings;
most have information and museums inside. Ride home slowly along the river, with the conquered water streaming by your side; the world will fill tranquil and natural after your exploits.
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羊角村:品味桃花源 iethoorn: The Taste of Holland
体验荷兰人自行车相伴的生活,羊角村是你的最好选择。童话中描述的 农舍、纯朴的村民、宁静祥和的气氛俨然是一座世外桃花源。在乡村旅馆住下, 首选带阁楼的小别墅和传统农舍。清晨被清脆的鸟鸣唤醒,拉开窗帘农舍、 树木全都镶上了金边,推开窗户深深地呼吸着清凉的空气,而窗外小河上竟 有白天鹅在悠然游动。早餐后踏上自行车在村中闲逛(为保护环境,自行车 是这里唯一的陆路交通工具),不时与友好的村民打个招呼,或在咖啡馆中 与老者攀谈一会儿。如果有兴致,还可以在村中的石头博物馆挑选一块水晶 矿石赌赌运气,说不定会开出一块结晶甚佳的紫水晶呢!德荣酒店的当地特 色料理堪称一绝,洋葱汤、煎鱼、酸奶蒜蓉酱看似普通,但道道都令人回味无穷。 尤其值得注意的是,每年夏季羊角村会举行一年一度的“彩船嘉年华”。 这一天,家家户户把船只打扮成各种造型,自己也扮成各种古怪角色,人船 齐上阵,演出一场光怪陆离的彩船秀。每当这个时候,静谧的村庄就变得热 闹起来。另外,每年夏季还将举办多场音乐节。现在准备你的假期,一切都 会刚刚好。 As you bike through the countryside, it’s easy to work up an appetite. Giethoorn is a
farmhouse fairytale with a peaceful, bucolic atmosphere. Stay in a rural hotel, ideally a cottage or traditional farmhouse with a loft. Wake up to birdsong, draw the curtains and breathe
deeply of the cool morning air, and head down for a hearty breakfast. In the village, bicycles
time to time, villagers will say hello; you might strike up a conversation with a friendly old
羊角村:www.kopvanoverijssel.nl Vehicle Rental: Ask the hotel reception for help Giethoorn: www.kopvanoverijssel.nl
are the only form of transport, as the locals value environmental protection very highly; from man in a café. If interested, pick up a crystal in the village museum for good luck. When you get hungry, try the traditional lunch of onion soup followed by fried fish with garlicky yogurt sauce, a dish that might seem ordinary but is in fact quite memorable.
Of particular note is the summer festival, the “carnival of colored ships.” On this day, every
family dresses up as unusual characters, riding strange ships; together, it makes for a bizarre
and wonderful spectacle, transforming the sleepy village into riotous sound. Summer music festivals are popular too. Come to Holland for a taste of a rural life.
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北京上东盛贸饭店品牌重塑 为北京上东今旅 Traders Upper East Hotel , Beijing Rebrands 2015 年 3 月 4 日,作为中国大陆第一家品牌重塑的盛贸 饭店,香格里拉酒店集团旗下北京上东盛贸饭店于今天正式 更名为北京上东今旅 Hotel Jen。香格里拉酒店集团总裁兼首 席执行官凯·杜根先生说:“我们很自豪可以把满足中国新一 代旅行者需求的今旅 Hotel Jen 品牌带到中国。” 北京上东今 旅 Hotel Jen 坐落于北京中央商务区东北部,毗邻东四环路,
靠近第三使馆区,望京高科技园、丽都商圈,被周围的绿地 和公园环抱的酒店双子座塔楼沿机场高速公路清晰可见。京 城的都市风光都可在位于酒店 26 层的贵宾廊一览无余。 盛贸饭店在中国大陆的品牌重塑是一个里程碑,并再次 印证了香格里拉长期致力于发展中国市场的愿景与决心。 On March 2015, the Chinese mainland’s first rebranding of a Traders Hotel commenced, as Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Traders Upper East Hotel, Beijing officially changed its name to Hotel Jen Upper East Beijing . “We are very proud to meet the needs of the next generation of Chinese business travelers by bringing the Hotel Jen brand to China.” Said the Shangri-La group’s President and CEO Greg Dogan. Located in Beijing’s north-eastern business district, adjacent to the East Fourth Ring Road, Wangjing Hi-Tech Park, the Lido district, and the embassy district, the hotel is surrounded by greenery and parks, with the airport expressway clearly visible. The view of Beijing’s skyline from the hotel’s Club lounge, on the 26th floor is fantastic. Traders Hotel’s rebrading of its brand in mainland China is a milestone and once again confirms its long-term commitment to the Chinese market and Shangri-La's vision and determination.
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第 19 届 FTA 年度春季晚宴成功举办 FTA 19th Annual Spring Dinner, New York City
总 Mark Shuda、密歇根州立大学及 Eli Broad 商学院讲席教授
Michael McCall 在晚宴上受到了全场关注。在 10 月 8 日的香港 FTA 颁奖晚宴及 11 月 10 日的纽约颁奖晚宴上,四人还将被授
予 2015 FTA 酒店大奖各奖项及相应奖金。
The Nineteenth Annual FTA NYC Spring Dinner took place at India House on Tuesday 3 March. The event was attended by industry Vice Presidents, Directors, Hotel Managers, Restaurant Managers, Executive Chefs, hospitality educators and sponsoring suppliers. Recognition was paid to the four 2015 FTA Award Recipients: David Shackleton, Chief Operating Officer, Dusit International; Paul Richardson, Chief Operating Officer, Accor Greater China; Mark Shuda, Vice President of Food & Beverage, HEI Hotels & Resorts; and Michael McCall, Director, NAMA Endowed Professor in Hospitality Business, Eli Broad College of Business, The School of Hospitality Business, Michigan State University, all of whom will be presented their respective FTA award trophies and the scholarships in their names at the FTA Award Dinners at Hong Kong on 8 October and New York City on 10 November. 3 月 3 日,知名品酒顾问公司田博华
及联营公司(FTA)在纽约 India House 成
功举办了第 19 届年度春季晚宴。众多酒 店 行 业 精 英 应 邀 出 席, 其 中 不 乏 高 级 别 副 总、 董 事、 酒 店 经 理、 餐 厅 经 理、 行 政 总 厨、 酒 店 行 业 教 育 培 训 人 士 及 赞 助 商。都喜国际酒店集团首席运营官 David
Shackleton、雅高大中华区首席运营官 Paul Richardson、HEI 酒店及度假村餐饮部副
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2015 骏德酒业华北区露儿拉萨葡萄酒品鉴晚宴 2015 Jointek Fine Wines(North China) Chateau Leoville Las Cases Wine Dinner 骏德酒业华北区露儿拉萨品鉴晚宴于 3 月 12 日在北京成功举行。 这次晚宴上的主角是来自闻名世界的狄仑家族葡萄酒庄园之一的露 儿拉萨庄园。作为美度区最古老的庄园之一,露儿拉萨庄园得天独 厚的地理位置使其酿造的美酒在世界上颇受好评。露儿拉萨庄园葡 萄酒的酒体、和谐度、卓越品质、复杂感及陈年潜力均为圣朱利安 区风土的绝佳表达。红葡萄酒色泽稳、浓郁、质感不变,严谨而高 贵的芳香,芳醇而平衡,是一款美度区葡萄酒风格的真正体现。 骏德酒业一直以“引领葡萄酒饮用潮流”为目标,以“传播葡 萄酒文化”为引力。此次举办的露儿拉萨葡萄酒品鉴晚宴旨在对狄 仑家族葡萄酒庄园进行市场上的大力宣传,是一次成功的推广,必 将为大家带来另一种葡萄酒的无穷乐趣。 On March 12, 2015, Jointek Fine Wines held a dinner to introduce the Domaines Delon vineyard at La Fourchette Restaurant in Beijing. One of the oldest and most respected estates in Medoc, the terroir of the wine is excellent, giving a flavor with full body, harmony and excellence. The complexity and aging potential are particularly notable in the St. Julien area. The red wine’s color stability, constant texture, and noble aroma all make it stand out even among the finest Medoc vintages. Jointek has the goal of “spreading wine culture,” and they have been doing so with gusto and vigor. Domaines Delon was brought back to our awareness just in time for our spring celebrations. We have to thank them for bringing us a truly excellent new contender for our evenings.
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Chongqing City, Heartland of Beauty “梅子金黄杏子丹,孤舟犹系海棠滩。江声带雨远来急,山气映入夏日寒。” 诗人孙宏曾在渝州凭栏听雨,把此地在梅雨时节的秀美风光描述得淋漓尽致, 其实重庆之美又何止在梅雨时分? 新开业的重庆 JW 万豪酒店是渝城最富历史底蕴的国际酒店,它对重庆的 名胜、美食与种种可观之处自然深有体会。立春方过,该酒店举办了一场名为“渝 城真风采”的览胜之旅,邀四方来客一起领略不一样的渝州城。重庆 JW 万豪 酒店可谓是今日渝城的缩影,就是“历史感中见新颖、国际范儿里不忘本色”, 例如酒店是位于重庆中心地带,毗邻解放碑路,附近都是历史名胜或饶有韵味
Arriving to a rain-lashed Chongqing by night, the lines of the poet Sun Hong come to mind. Untranslatably beautiful, just as the scenery of Chongqing is difficult to describe in words, the rainy midnight of the mountain city is something you’ll have to experience yourself. The newly opened JW Marriott Hotel Chongqing is immersed in the rich historical heritage of the city, from tourist sites and food to a holistic appreciation of the cultural heritage. The hotel hosted a tour in Range Rovers called “Chongqing City Spirit,” giving visitors the authentic tastes of Yuzhong district. The JW Marriott is where the past meets the present, and where the shades of history inflect the bright sunshine of today. Adjacent to the Liberation Monument Road, in the heart of Yuzhong district with its old buildings, the hotel is located in a stylish high-rise, from whence guests get excellent views of the Jialing river. The local restaurant exemplifies the hotel’s attitude well: with international, Western, and diverse Chinese cuisine, the local Chongqing spice is not forgotten: the sixth floor features a restaurant and bar (whose specialty cocktails, featuring chili oil, are quite distinctive). The JW Marriott Hotel Chongqing also offers a treasure hunt on the 26th floor’s presidential suite. In the rapidly developing city, even locals don’t know all of the secrets; let our staff guide you through the mist and fog of one of China’s most romantic cities.
的旧建筑,而酒店却是一栋设计时尚、高耸入云的大楼,别树一帜,客人在此 可观赏壮美的嘉陵江景致。又例如酒店有数家不同风味的餐厅,提供中、西、 国际美食,然而它不会忘记重庆人喜辣的口味,其位于六楼的“焰吧”就干脆 打正“火辣辣”的旗号,它提供的几款特色鸡尾酒更是以辣椒油作为配料,前、
Add: China Youth Road, Yuzhong District No. 77 Tel: +86 23 63799999
后劲都十分厉害。 重庆 JW 万豪酒店还将以一个好玩、却 又寓意深长的寻宝游戏作为活动总结。这个 游戏在 26 层、将近 600 平米的总统套房举行, 房间各个角落收藏了多款别致的宝贝。酒店 的工作人员表示,重庆的风土人情、美食佳 肴可谓多不胜数,但这些瑰宝都是“大隐隐 于市”,就算是本地人士也不一定全都知晓, 所以旅游人士到渝游玩,只要放胆四出看看, 必有所获,而且每次都会有新发现,仿如一 场寻宝之旅,而重庆 JW 万豪酒店乐于与客 人作伴,一起发掘最好玩的重庆!
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LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... AMENPAPA SS15 春夏系列 AMENPAPA Spring Summer Line 这 个 春 天,AMENPAPA 要 介 绍 一 位 SUPER PAPA 给你认识! AMENPAPA SS15 春夏新品分别为万能爸爸的故事、 呼叫爸爸、失羊的故事、浪子回头的故事、 彩虹之约等八个系列。每一个系列都添 加了当下的时尚元素,时装元素也含有 街头酷炫,牛仔风情,精致 LADY 以及 休闲运动等等,并有着与主题相辉映的 印花图案故事,将美好的故事与满满的 爱于服装中极力呈现出来。
不一样的便携音响: Distinctive Portable Sound 2015 年 3 月,全球领先的音频企业哈曼 集团旗下重量级品牌 JBL 带来了一款超 迷你的便携蓝牙音乐播放器:JBL GO 音 乐金砖。在本月新鲜出炉的 2015 暨第 62 届 iF 国际设计大奖(iF Design Award 2015)的获奖名单上,这款拥有 8 种颜色 的便携播放器获得了素有“设计界的奥 斯卡”之称的 iF Design Award 评委的一 致好评。这个春天,人群中最亮眼的明 星就是它!
2015 上海酒店照明与灯饰设计展 4 月拉开序幕 2015 Shanghai Hotel Lighting Design Exhibition Kicks Off in April 由中国照明电器协会与上海博华国际展览有限公司共同举办的 2015 上海酒店照 明与灯饰设计展,将于 2015 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 2 日在新国际博览中心盛大召开, 展会将聚焦酒店工程照明,创新 LED 照明以及时尚装饰照明,特邀华艺、嘉美、 铜灯汇、鹰皇、迪宝、百亨、阿科、巨光、家联宝、伟迈、永林、西蒙等知名 企业为华东乃至全国的专业买家提供高端、节能的照明解决方案,并在展会现 场通过聚焦行业热点的论坛及 Hotel Plus 酒店样板房品鉴等活动为您展现别开生 面的智慧之旅。
万里鲜颂,蚝情盛宴——天津马克 西姆奉上新鲜法国空运生蚝 Fresh French Oysters Now Available at Tianjin’s Maxime Art Center
佛罗里达州旅游局北京推介会 Florida Tourism Promotion Bureau Beijing 近 日 美 国 佛 罗 里 达 州 旅 游 局 (VISIT FLORIDA) 与佛州友谊国际旅游在北京 长安街 W酒店举办 2015 年佛罗里达州 旅游局中国推介会—北京站的活动。佛 罗里达州旅游局国际市场营销总监 Shari Bailey 女士表示:“随着中国经济的不断 增长与中国游客购买力的空前提升,我 们在未来将更加着力于将中国市场打造 成佛罗里达海外又一大市场,这将是佛 罗里达经济振兴至关重要的元素之一。”
为了让您与法国同步品味鲜美生蚝,天 津马克西姆法餐艺术中心每周一和周五, 从法国空运甄选布锐琪生蚝(Burriche Oyster)、 吉 拉 多 生 蚝(Gillardeau Oyster)和黄金生蚝(Ostre’or)。对 生蚝情有独钟的您,一定会在天津马克 西姆一饱口福。跨越半个地球的鲜美, 一万公里的盛情,臻品难得,值得品味。
COTTON USA:“I LOVE MY COTTON”主题推广活动正式启动 COTTON USA “I LOVE MY COTTON” Campaign Launched 2015 年 3 月 20 日, 美 国 国 际 棉 花 协 会 在 北 京 798 尤 伦 斯 当 代 艺 术 中 心 举 办 COTTON USA:“I LOVE MY COTTON”推广活动启动仪式。该主题 旨在传递美国棉花作为来自泥土的纯粹 天然的植物纤维,不仅代表了纯净、品 质、责任,其制品更是人们表达自我的 介质,以及人们联系彼此的共同选择。“I LOVE MY COTTON”主题活动自 2015 年起,在全世界范围内陆续启动。
用艺术描绘“美丽新世界” “Brave New World” 全球设计大师云集,开启悟与行的设计之旅 ——中外设计师高峰论坛前瞻 Global Gurus Gather for Ecobuild China 2015 Ecobuild China 2015 上海酒店工程与设计展览会将于 2015 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 2 日在上海新国际博览中心盛大开幕,于 3 月 31 日在 E1 论坛会议室举办的同期 活动“中外设计师高峰论坛——悟与行的设计之旅”成为行业关注的焦点。本 次论坛是继 Hotel Plus 酒店样板房品鉴活动大获成功之后,上海酒店工程与设计 展在中国旅游饭店业协会、英国 sleeper 杂志,UBM BE 的支持下最新推出,倾 力打造的又一品牌活动。
116 LifeStyle
2015 年 3 月 23 日,第二届南京国际美术 展在北京尤伦斯当代艺术中心报告厅隆 重举行。南京国际美术展组委会执行主 席、中国侨商联合会副会长兼秘书长、 南京利源集团董事长、百家湖国际文化 投资集团董事长严陆根、第二届南京国 际美术展总策展人朱彤,分策展人俞可、 夏可君,以及中国侨商联合会副会长兼 秘书长安晨等嘉宾了出席新闻发布会。 第二届南京国际美术展将于 2015 年 9 月 16 日在南京国际展览中心盛大开幕,展 期持续至 2015 年 9 月 26 日。
上海红塔豪华精选酒店 : 章国瑞出任餐饮总监 The Hongta Hotel, Shanghai: York Zhang appointed Director of Food and Beverage
哈尔滨凯宾斯基大酒店: 总经理葛安雅 Kempinski Harbin Hotel: Maria Grueter, General Manager
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店 : 王玲丽女士新任命 Le Royal Méridien Shanghai : Linly Hen appointedDirector of Sales & Marketing
北京丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理 : 塔里克 . 铁穆青先生出任 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing: TARIK TEMUÇİN, General Manager
Linly Heng has been appointed the Director of Sales & Marketing for Le Royal Méridien Shanghai and Area Director of Sales & Marketing East China, Starwood Hotels & Resorts. Linly Heng brings with her over 20 years of expertise in Sales, Marketing and Catering Management.
Tarik’s career with The Ritz-Carlton began 14 years ago in the Food and Beverage discipline at The Ritz-Carlton, Istanbul, and most recently as the Hotel Manager of The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing. Under his leadership, The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing received many outstanding awards and accolades, such as “The World’s Best Places To Stay” by <Conde Nast Traveler> Gold List Awards……
上海豫园万丽酒店 : 任命黄文光先 生担任酒店总经理一职 Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden: Andy Wong Appointed GM
福州中庚喜来登酒店任命陈春广先 生为雅日本餐厅新主厨 Sheraton Fuzhou: Chen Chunguang, Chef of Japanese Restaurant
万达酒店及度假村任命迈克尔·沃德 雷顿先生为泉州万达文华酒店总经理 Wanda Vista Quanzhou :Mr. Michael Vorderleitner, General Manager
哈尔滨万达索菲特大酒店 : 范思腾总经理 Sofitel Wanda Harbin: George Van Oosten, General Manager
天津滨海喜来登酒店 : 范马克总经理 SheratonTianjin Binhai Hotel: Mark Francis, General Manager
吉朗丽大酒店驻店经理新任命 : Richard A. Evans 先生为驻店经理 Branley Hotels Management Group: Richard A. Evans, Resident Manager
The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai is delighted to announce the appointment of York Zhang as Food and Beverage Director effective immediately. As a Luxury Collection Hotel, The Hongta Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai, it offers the promise of unique, authentic experiences that evoke lasting, treasured memories.
Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Andy Wong as General Manager of the hotel recently. He embarked on his career in Hong Kong and then the other countries in Asia.Prior to his appointment in Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel, Mr. Andy Wong has worked at Union Square MEA Pudong as General Manager.
Wanda Hotels & Resorts has appointed Mr. Michael Vorderleitner as General Manager of Wanda Vista Quanzhou. Mr.Vorderleitner has been involved in hotels with well-known international brands for more than 20 years, and we believe that he will successfully lead his team in providing the “Your Vista of Comfort”honor experience for our guests.
Sheraton Tianjin Binhai Hotel is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Francis as General Manager.With nearly 35 year’s professional hospitality work experience, Mark is pleased to return to Sheraton Tianjin Binhai,following positions as General Manager of the Le Meridian Chongqing Nan’an and Sheraton Shanghai Hongkou.
Maria Grueter, who is a German national was appointed as General Manager of Kempinski, Hotel Harbin recently. Prior to her new role, Maria was Hotel Manager at Hotel Adlon Kempinski Berlin, Germany. Maria’s professional expertise and in-depth knowledge of Chinese culture, will surely guide our 350room Harbin property to a successful opening, scheduled for May of 2015.
Chen Chunguang has been preparing Japanese food for over 20 years. With extensive management experience, he prepared receptions during the Beijing Olympic Games in the Shenyang division, and has served Japanese senior officials and politicians to great acclaim.
George Van Oosten has been newly appointed as the General Manager of Sofitel Wanda Harbin. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Oosten he was the General Manager of Starwood Hotels. George has almost 20 years of extensive experience in all aspects of the hospitality in Netherland, Germany, Singapore, Indonesia, China, etc.
Recently Branley Hotels Management Group announced Mr. Richard A. Evans as Resident Manager of Branley Hotel. Mr. Evans is originally from the UK and has worked in the Hospitality industry for the last 30 years. Mr. Evans has worked for many International companies such as Shangri la Hotels & Resorts, Accor, Venetian Sands, Macau and Bonnington Hotel, Dubai.
LifeStyle 117 117 LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL LifeStyle 8610 85890129
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店 : 周中自助晚餐“羊”帆起航 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongiqao: Weekday Dinner Buffet
Spring is the time to start a new food journey with us. L’Atrium restaurant of Grand Mercure Hongqiao introduces you the brand new weekday dinner buffet which is available from March onwards. Gourmet food combined western and Chinese cuisines including live cooking, seafood, salad, Chinese dim sum and French dessert is ready for you. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300
北京金茂万丽酒店 : 万丽轩中餐厅 京味儿烤鸭 Renaissance Beijing Wangfujing: Peking Roast Duck
Wanli Chinese Restaurant carefully selected their local Peking ducks, combining traditional cooking methods to enhance all of the flavors. Roast Duck RMB 258/pc+15% surcharge (Includes duck soup) Roast Duck Set Menu RMB 368/set + 15% surcharge (Includes roast duck, duck soup and a selection of 3 signature dishes). Valid from Mar 6 to Jun 19, 2015. Tel: +86 10 6520 8888-8808
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店 : 城中港味 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai : Tales from the City
Ai Mei Chinese Restaurant at Le Royal Meridien Shanghai rings in spring with 3 months of authentic Hong Kong flavors, classic dishes reinvented and presented with contemporary flair. Among the sixteen delicious indulgences of authentic Hong Kong dishes for 6-12 persons per table, you order one or more can enjoy 34% discount as your treat. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999
北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 : 巴罗洛欢乐复活节 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing: Barolo Easter DAY
Celebrate Easter the Italian way only at Barolo, Chef Ivan has sourced only the freshest local and imported ingredients crafting for you an menu of epicurean delights, signature dishes such as, cacao marinated duck breast served with duck liver patè and roasted eggplant, rosemary and black pepper sauce that will turn your Easter, into one that will be remembered. Tel: +86 10 - 5908 8151
北京万达索菲特大饭店 : 母亲节周日早午餐 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch
This May 10th, starting at 12:00 AM, VIC Sunday Brunch is ready to welcome you with new highlight! With Mother’s day coming, VIC recommends you homemade treat with delicate, nutritious and international gastronomy. At 420 RMB a person. Tel: +86 10 8599 6666 ext. 6805
北京昆仑饭店 : 溪谷村日本料理 : 樱花料理 Beijing Kunlun Hotel: Keikoku Japanese Restaurant Sakura Festival
Sakura festival is a important date for Japanese culture, all friends & family are gathering around under the Sakura trees, enjoying the amazing pink view with some delicate food. Keikoku chefs is brings the festival in town this year, with a series of Sakura themed dishes, the unique decoration in the restaurant, you will definitely feel the culture without a flight ticket. Tel: +86 10 65903399 ext. 569
上海日航饭店 : 鲷鱼春笋涮涮锅 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Sea Bream and Bamboo Shoots Shabu-shabu Set Benkay Japanese Restaurant launches Sea Bream and Bamboo Shoots Shabu-Shabu set in April. Mail cuisine selected from fresh bream before spawning in spring, with tender bamboo shoots collected in early morning, combined with sauce by lime and orange vingar, wok shabu flavor your taste. In addition, Salty Grilled Salmon Halas with Perilla and Grated Radish…… Rich and varied packages to bring full of delicious meet your stomach and mouth. Tel: +86 21 3211 9999
苏州建屋豪生全套房酒店 : 东南亚美食节自助晚餐 Howard Johnson All Suites Hotel Suzhou: Southeast Asia Buffet Dinner
Materials from country of origin combine sweet & sour, spicy, slightly hot and other Southeast Asia styles. Aromatic and exotic Singapore Bak-kut-teh, Hainanese Chicken Rice and a variety of curry with a mouthful of deliciousness.RMB 228 net per person Valid from Mar.1 to Apr.30, 2015 Tel: +86 512 6298 6666 ext.6611
118 LifeStyle
北京民族饭店 : 京城湘滋味,四季“新元素” Beijing Minzhu Hotel: Hunan Flavor in Beijing
The time-honored Hunan cuisine has developed into a cooking style as early as in the Han Dynasty, boasting a rather high level of cooking skills. The “new element” Hunan flavor delicious food offered at Minzu Hotel not only entitles Beijing residents to authentic traditional Hunan cuisine but most importantly, meets consumers’ demands for fitness and health maintenance with new cooking methods, new food ingredients and appropriate adjustment based on the local taste. The collision between traditional Hunan cuisine and the capital food culture presents the new taste of Hunan cuisine. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店 : 初春美馔 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street: Spring Delicacies
成都天堂洲际酒店群 2015 成都春季婚博会 InterContinental Century City: ChengDu Spring Wedding Expo
On March 14 and 15 of this year, the 13th Chengdu Spring Wedding Expo was held in the Century City New Convention Center. Beautiful wedding sets, themed on “diamond,” with tables prices at 1888 RMB, or 1388 RMB for holiday tables. The activity continues until April 30, 2015. Tel: +86 28 8534 9999
上海浦西洲际酒店 : 荣获“2014-2015 年度中国会议酒店五星奖” InterContinental Shanghai Puxi: International Hotel Awards
InterContinental Shanghai Puxi has been honoured with the “êêêêêConvention Hotel China 2014-2015” award by International Hotel Awards. The International Hotel Awards are the International 5-star standard of hotel ratings. It is the only organisation to provide 5-star accolades at an International level. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999
The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street’s four sophisticated dining and entertainment destinations continue to take Beijing dining to new heights and attract a high-flying social scene. Whether for meetings or meals, intimate rendezvous or rollicking social gatherings, be sure to take advantage of the great dining promotions in April at the city’s hottest venues. Tel: +86 10 6629 6660
北京海润艾丽华酒店 : 与视障儿童一起画复活蛋 Ariva Beijing West: Painting Easter Eggs with Bethel
Enjoy the merriment of the Easter. On March 13, 2015 Ariva Beijing West invited Bethel kids and normal children working together for painting Easter Eggs. “For these past years, the Bethel kids have brought us many heartfelt memories. We hope invite more and more people to join with us in the further.” Ms. Anita Zhang, General Manager said. Tel: +86 10 8266 9999
苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店 : 乒乓球世界冠军王励勤 Kempinski Hotel Suzhou: Home of Ping Pong Champions
厦门朗豪酒店「川」 身 + 心水疗纵享舒适套餐 Langham Place, XiamenESCAPE PACKAGE AT CHUAN BODY+SOUL
Kelvin Zhou (second from the left), the hotel manager of Kempinski Hotel Suzhou, warmly welcomed the famous former world champions of ping-pong Wang Liqin (left), Wang Nan (third from the left) and Wang Hao (right). Tel: +86 512 6289 7888
重庆江北希尔顿逸林酒店限量版曲 奇罐于中国全新上市 Doubletree by Hilton Chongqing Jiangbei: limited edition cookie jar
Indulgent in our 150-minute Escape Package for 2 persons at RMB 1,688 to enjoy the benefits:30 mins aromatic bath, 30 mins Rose powder body scrub; 90 mins body massage, dinner at Ming Court or The Place for 2 persons. Tel: +86 592 602 9999 ext. 8779
成都高新豪生大酒店: 和煦春日,我们结婚吧! Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu
Recently, Doubletree by Hilton Chongqing Jiangbei has released a limited edition cookie jar, designed with a blend of art and creativity. Hilton will be releasing limited edition cookie jars in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Sanya Haitang Bay and Hainan Qixianling. Tel: +86 23 6771 6666
长沙北辰洲际酒店 : 璀璨人生 InterContinental Changsha: Splendid Life
Live an InterContinental life at Changsha and stay in a luxurious Club InterContinental Room starting from RMB 1,998 net per night, you can enjoyfabulous Club InterContinental benefits: CNY 1,000 Food and Beverage credit per stay (exclusive of Obelisco Argentinean Steakhouse), and much more. Tel: +86 731 8966 8866
Love is a dream; your wedding should be too. For your special day, let the Howard Johnson Hi-Tech Plaza Chengdu handle the details. Our bridal suite, warmly furnished room, wedding cake, and chic environs will prove to be just what you want, leaving sweet memories in their wake. Tel: +86 28 8282 0244
绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店 : 阳春雅兴 骑行赏花 Sheraton Qiandao Lake: Spring Flowers Bloom
Spring is in the air here at the Sheraton Qiandao Lake. For the entire month of April, deluxe rooms with lake views are only 918 RMB a night, including access to the restaurants, and many more goodies. Book through our website to get welcomed with complimentary beverages. Tel: +86 571 6488 8888
119 LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS.... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610LifeStyle 85890129
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Rolling Along
在阿联酋第二大购物中心 Yas Mall 举办的海合会交通周开幕活动上,这部被阿布扎比警察局收入麾下的劳斯莱 斯幻影首次亮相。 阿联酋警用豪车史是由迪拜警察开启的。在这部劳斯莱斯幻影之前,阿联酋警用豪车阵容中已经有了兰博基尼 Aventador、阿斯顿·马丁 One-77、梅赛德斯 SLS、宾利 Continental GT Speed、法拉利 FF、布加迪威龙以及麦克拉伦 MP4-12C 等一众豪车。
Sporting the colors of Abu Dhabi Police, the Rolls Royce Phantom has just debuted as the latest addition to the fleet of
UAE police supercars.The car debuted at Yas Mall on Sunday and marked the opening of Gulf Cooperation Council Traffic Week in Abu Dhabi.
This extravagant acquisition continues the tradition begun by Dubai Police, whose fleet of police cars includes a
Lamborghini Aventador, an Aston Martin One-77, a Mercedes SLS, a Bentley Continental GT Speed, aFerrari FF, a Bugatti
Veyron and a McLaren MP4-12C.
124 LifeStyle
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