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南腔北调· LifeStyle


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

2013 年八月号 总第 338 期

杨澜 蓄雅如珠 Yang Lan

Woman with a Pearl

An Extravagant Excursion l House of Origami l For Bubbly Boys l Green is the New Black l The Art of the Brick



Red Carpet Hotels

伦敦 苏格兰 地中海 非洲 普吉岛


An Extravagant Excursion

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



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请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

Editor’s Note

The August cover is a shot of media figure Yang Lan

Your Guides in Style

时尚指南 纸质杂志远比你想象的要更加重要。就时尚杂志来说,它 们不仅是身份的象征,还是紧跟时尚潮流的必要参考,另外杂 志严格的出版与印制流程也决定了它比网络或电子信息要更加 准确可靠一些。 而在这其中,时尚编辑的作用不容小觑。他们衣着时尚, 从容自信,告诉人们什么是美丽、优雅与品位。在这个充满暴发 户的时代里,时尚编辑依然保持着足够的冷静和理智,告诉你什 么该买什么不该买。在过去的几十年中,时尚编辑们通过华丽的 时尚杂志向读者推介各种各样来自世界各地的奢侈品。近年来他 们开始关注优秀的本土设计师及品牌,为他们摇旗呐喊。 时尚圈里的这一新状况着实有趣。编辑们的时尚观念得到 快速更新,视野也更为开阔。从前摇摆不定的变成了精英主义 者,小心翼翼之流变得自信起来,寡言少语的人也变得傲慢了, 喜欢装腔作势。积极的一面则是通过不断质疑,时尚编辑们成 为了名副其实的行家。之前,他们没去过多少地方,聊什么明 显的底气不足;如今,他们走遍全球,见多识广。那些曾被认 为是矫情做作的服饰引领着现在的潮流。在与全球著名时尚品 牌的亲密接触过程中,中国的时尚编辑取得了巨大的进步,同 时也打造了一批时尚达人。这些时尚追随者探访全球各地,为 读者带来的时尚物品更加令人心动。 时尚编辑对于高端时尚人群的形成至关重要。他们好像身 兼礼仪导师、策划人、先锋派和潮流制造者几种职责,在某种 程度上堪称中国的佩特洛尼乌斯、奥斯卡·王尔德或者艾尔西·德 ·沃尔夫(已故美国室内设计第一人)。中国时尚杂志编辑在引 领时尚潮流方面的作用显然远远大于别国同行,这也许就是为 什么世界其他各地的纸媒都在衰退,杂志在中国却依然保持着 强劲势头的原因。他们在杂志上力推豪华飞机、火车和游艇以 及其他高端用品,致力于将暴发户们培养成为追求品质生活的 绅士和淑女。因此,在周游世界的旅途中,一定别忘了带一本 时尚杂志。



Magazines matter more than you might think. They are both status symbols and almanacs that teach the way that life should be lived to recently risen elite. Since they are on paper and are compendiums that go through a more rigid editorial process than the information found on the web or in digital formats. They have the aura of being definitive and trustworthy. The unlikely acolytes in this system are magazine editors. These are the arbiters of elegance who stride around in fashionable frocks and precipitous footwear proclaiming what is taste and beauty. In this world of the nouveau riche, the editors are the ones who can stand at some distance and comment on what should and shouldn’t be consumed. For the last couple of decades they of decoded Western artifacts of luxury and presented them on a glossy page to local readers. Recently, they have begun drawing attention to what is good and local, preaching a nationalistic consumption of the unique works of local designers. The developed of these editors over the last few years has been fascinating to watch. Their learning has been super accelerated. Insecurity has become elitism. Light steps have become confident struts. Reticent glances have become lofty poses. On the more positive side, constant questioning led to real expertise. Editors who once could only talk nervously about the few destinations they had seen are now globe-trotters. Styles of dress that were once affected are now trendsetting. The editorial class of China is, after all the darling of all the luxury brands who have been enjoying their greatest growth opportunity of all. They have created a new brand of tastemaking VIPs, exploring the world, always getting better. This elegant class is the key to the elite class. Occupying a position between etiquette instructor, curator, adventurer, and tastemaker. The magazine editors are a sort of modern Chinese version of Petronius, Oscar Wilde, or Elsie de Wolfe, the famous decorator. Their role seems eminently more important than that of the editors in other countries, and this may well explain the importance of magazines in China despite the ongoing demise of print media elsewhere. Through purveying jets, luxury trains, yachts, and other items, their mission is to convert the class of peasant entrepreneurs and plutocrats into debonair jetsetters. Let them be your guide as you journey across the world in style. Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


速递 016 创意蛋糕灯 灯光里的温暖力量

空间 028 欢乐之家 溢满生活和艺术气息的阿姆斯特丹绅士 运河畔的翻新老宅

034 耀眼白房子 卡萨布兰卡的白房子餐厅酷得无可挑剔!

特辑 040 一起奢游世界

LifeStyle 精选全球最奢华的旅游行 程,要多奢华有多奢华!


072 一千个“莲” 《金瓶梅》改编成芭蕾舞剧《莲》, 承接原著争议的舞剧到底在演什么?

076 有一种态度叫环保时尚

9 款环尚新品点亮清新时尚生活

082 乐高的异想世界 “积木狂想季”登陆上海,乐高积木大师 内森·萨瓦亚给你不一样的刺激玩法

享乐 086 巨星套房看过来 去法国和意大利体验顶级奢华酒店里的 明星套房

096 京兆尹:蔬臻隐于市 四合院里的新素食风潮

品鉴 068 杨澜:蓄雅如珠 公众视线背后的她始终散发着珍珠般明 亮而不刺眼的光芒

016 6


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016 Bake Me a Cake


076 Green Is the New Black Think Green this season

082 The Art of the Brick

A lamp shaped like a cake

Lego turns into Art



028 House of Mirth

086 Red Carpet Hotels

A restored 17th century Dutch house full of art and life

Movie star inspired suites

034 Smoke and Mirrors in Morocco

096 Kingsjoy Beijing

Casablanca’s lavish Maison Blanche

Vegetarian Wonders


040 An Extravagant Excursion


From Africa to Europe, a luxurious travel guide


068 Yang Lan: Woman with a Pearl


072 A Thousand Golden Lotuses

106 Events

Beautiful pearls, beautiful life An avant garde ballet

117 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous



LifeStyle 9


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editors 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑

费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang

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10 LifeStyle

Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is strictly prohibited. All prices and credits are accurate at time of press but are subject to change. Manuscripts, photos, drawings and other materials submitted must be accompanied by a stamped, self-addressed envelope. LifeStyle cannot be held responsible for any unsolicited material. The rate for a one year (12 issues) LifeStyle subscription, including postage fee, is RMB 600. For subscriptions, contact: Suite 501- 502, Guangyao Apartment, Xiangye Mansion No.17 Chaoyangmenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District, Beijing 100020, P.R.China Tel: +86 10 8589 0129 / 8589 0020 Fax: +86 10 8589 6501

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12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14


Destinations / P.18 品味之约

Luminaries / P.20

圣彼得堡狮子宫四季酒店 The Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace, St. Petersburg

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Steely Love 法国室内设计师及建筑师法布里斯·奥 塞特前不久推出自己首个家居系列产品“银 翼”,并由普埃纳铁艺制品公司限量打造。 该系列包括一款沙发和一个扶手椅(称为银 翼 1 和银翼 2),皆为不锈钢材质,但看起 来像玻璃吹制而成,光亮闪闪,其基座由 烟熏有机玻璃打造。靠背设计那才叫贴心, 隆起的枕头其实是由变形的金属制成,靠背 和座椅之间则由树脂玻璃连接。 French interior designer and architect Fabrice Ausset recently launched his first furniture line “Silverwing” , a limited edition edited by Gallery Pouenat. Called Silverwing 1 and Silverwing 2, the collection comprises a sofa and an armchair made of stainless steel, blown like glass, with a smoked perspex base. Their pillows are inflated, created out of a deformation of the metal. They are not sewn, but welded to each other. The backrest is connected to the seat by way of plexiglass parts.

14 LifeStyle


A Singular Patek 全球最大的钟表慈善拍卖活动 Only Watch 每隔两年举办一次。今年百达翡丽特别为 拍卖会推出了一款独一无二的腕表。这枚 5004T 腕表以稀有金属钛打造,其设计参照 了百达翡丽已经停产的 5004 系列表款。百 达翡丽还曾在 2007 年为拍卖会定制钛金属 鹦鹉螺系列手表,并创下了 52.5 万欧元的 拍卖价。 For the Only Watch Charity Auction 2013, Patek Philippe has produced a one-of-akind version of the discontinued ref. 5004 in titanium called the 5004T. While Patek Philippe has produced titanium watches in the past, they are exceedingly rare. The last known titanium Patek was a Patek Philippe Nautilus 5712T in titanium that was actually produced also for the Only Watch auction in 2007. It yielded an auction price of 525,000 Euros.

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Bake Me a Cake 设计师莫滕与乔纳斯、灯具厂商北方 照明以及挪威古城卑尔根附近的一所监狱, 这些凑到一起能让你想到什么?眼前这盏 散发着温暖桔色光芒的台灯便是三者合力 的结果。这款创意灯具由橡木和烟熏有色玻 璃制作而成,掀开玻璃罩子便可更换灯泡, 其造型宛似新鲜出炉的蛋糕,灯光在食品罩 中暗生幽香,诱惑着你的味觉。台灯的名 字“给我烤蛋糕”来源于一个古典漫画故 事——一位母亲把文件藏在蛋糕里送给狱 中的儿子,从而帮助爱子成功越狱。这款有 趣的台灯是在监狱生产的,旨在激励犯人寻 找真正有意义的生活,即使他们身陷囹圄。 Inspired by the story of the mother who bakes a cake with a file inside it to help her imprisoned son escape, the Bake Me a Cake lamp is a charming and playful table lamp made out of oak wood and smoked tinted glass. Simply lift up the glass to change the bulb. Bake Me a Cake will be manufactured by the inmates in a Norwegian prison close to Bergen, through a unique collaboration between the designers Morten & Jonas, Kriminalomsorgen (the Norwegian Correctional Services) and Northern Lighting.

16 LifeStyle

V12 引擎咖啡机

Power Up

Espresso Veloce 公司打造出堪称全球 最具震撼性的超梦幻咖啡机,宛如放置在 F1 赛车中的 V12 气缸引擎。全新设计的咖 啡机集极强表现力和功能性于一体,以镁、 钛、铝三种金属材质纯手工打造,霸气十足, 其它任何咖啡机在它面前都黯然失色。 Johannesburg-based company, Espresso Veloce arguably crafts some of the world’s most beautiful espresso machines. Taking inspiration from complex Formula One engines, their pieces have become an expressive—and functional— piece of automotive art. V12 is Espresso Veloce’s newest machine. It’s handcrafted from magnesium, titanium, and aluminum pieces that come together to form a striking showpiece.

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Palace of the Lions 经过多年的精心整修和翻新,俄罗斯 圣彼得堡的地标性建筑——充满俄国 19 世 纪历史传奇色彩的狮子宫成为第一家进驻 俄罗斯的四季酒店。一经踏入,客人便能感 受到俄国沙皇宫殿的壮丽宏伟。新古典红 木、樱桃木和榛木家具、黑漆以及中国主题 的陈设,无不彰显着皇家奢华风范。大厅里 的天花板、花岗岩柱子和石膏都得到了精心 的修复,延伸至二楼的楼梯也还是原来的花 岗岩材质。 A 19th century Russian palace and St. Petersburg landmark has been restored as a luxury hotel bearing the name, the Four Seasons Hotel Lion Palace. Known as the House with Lions, the palace, which boasts a colorful history since ground was broke in 1817, has been renovated to evoke the spirit of Imperial Russia. Materials used include neo-classic mahogany, hazelnut and cherry furnishings, black lacquer and chinoiserie motifs from Europe. Ceilings, granite columns and plaster details of the grand lobby have been carefully preserved and restored, while the showpiece of the palace - the sweeping staircase to the second floor - is also original granite.

18 LifeStyle


Drive Thru

在格鲁吉亚共和国海滨城市巴图米,当地建筑师乔治·卡马 拉迪斯设计了一座全玻璃的多面建筑,超乎想象地集加油站和 麦当劳餐厅于一体,还包含一个室内花园,时尚又有创意。呈 扇形展开的花园为麦当劳餐厅提供了绿意盎然的景致。据建筑 师介绍,市政部门希望建造一座与众不同的加油站。如此一来, 这家具有地标性意义的麦当劳绝对堪称全球最优雅有品的连锁 餐厅。 Could this be the most impressive McDonald’s in the world? In the former Soviet nation of Georgia? Architect Giorgi Khmaladze’s dramatic gas station and McDonald’s restaurant is certainly very striking. “The officials of the city of Batumi wanted to avoid having a regular gas station in the middle of the area, which right now is undergoing major renewal,” Giorgi Khmaladze said. In such a sleek location, a Big Mac must taste better.

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Just Like Lexington “我喜欢莱克星顿的风格,我的生活也像莱克星顿 一样,简单、舒适!”国际一线家居品牌莱克星顿 中国总代理商、北京鼎尚利亨贸易有限公司执行董 事总经理胡启敬如是说。 “I love Lexington style, because it’s just like my lifestyle: simple & comfortable!” says Hu Qijing, General Manager of Beijing Uniqsa Trading Co., Ltd., the general agency of international household brand Lexington in China. Text: Eva Liu

高端家居品牌为什么不像高端服装品牌那样在中国发展迅速? 就目前来说,在中国,高端服装产业已经过度开发,而高端 家居产业正处萌芽期。就经营场所来说,大部分经营场所(商场) 对家居品牌的关注度相对少一些,通常比较看重服装品牌;从品牌 经营者角度来说,公众需求少,家居用品不像服装需求那么频繁; 从消费者角度来说,他们了解服装品牌远远多过家居品牌。据统计, 欧美人消费 100 块钱,用 67 块买服装,33 块买家居产品,而在中国, 以 100 块钱为例,93 块买服装,7 块买家居产品。不过我觉得, 中国的主流消费者正在从外在转向追求内在品质。未来中国高端家 居市场潜力是非常大的! 为什么选择代理美国家居品牌,而不是其他国家的? 中国家庭的家居风格大多就两种,要么欧洲奢华风格,要么 中式古典风格,高品质简约风格几乎没有。就好像一位高端人士 只能长期给家里穿上奢华的西装套装,却找不到一件舒适、休闲、 高品质 Polo 衫一样。莱克星顿来自美国,它就是那件舒适、休闲、 高品质的“Polo 衫”。它符合富一代的差异化需求,也符合第二 代富裕群体对自由、浪漫、有情调、有品味的美式生活方式的向往。 莱克星顿填补了中国高端家居市场舒适、简约风格的缺口。我是看 好它的未来,也追寻这种风格。 你的时尚观是什么? 第一,它比时宜稍微跳一点点,不是潮流,也不是前卫;第二, 相信自己的品味,认可自己的风格;第三,一种想要且能享受到的 品质生活。 听说你酷爱读书? 我最大的爱好就是看书,誓做一个读书狂,喜欢阅读历史类 书籍,像历史杂文和人物传记等。基本一个月能看四五本书,把文 字变成形象化的东西,那个过程很有意义。除此之外,偶尔打打壁 球。我的生活也像莱克星顿一样,简单、舒适!

20 LifeStyle

Top fashion brands have grown rapidly in China while household-item ones are not quite as popular. Why is that? Actually, top fashion brands have almost hit their limits in China, and have even been a little overdeveloped. However, household-item brands have just embarked on their journey here. At this stage, many malls pay more attention to fashion brands because people never complain about having too much clothing – so they don’t always stock household goods like they do with clothes. It’s true that people here know much more about fashion brands. According to statistics, if given 100 dollars, people in America and Europe will spend 67 on clothes and 33 on household items, while in China, 93 on clothes and 7 on household items. But the situation in China is changing and people are coming to focus on inner quality gradually. We are glad that the market shows great potential. Why did you choose Lexington? Generally, in China there are two main styles of home products: Chinese classical style and an extravagant European style, with almost no room for brands that are simple yet highquality, like the classic Polo that is still missing from the closets of many wealthy consumers. Lexington from America is just the perfect ‘Polo’ that elites are looking for. Lexington is all about variety, freedom, individuality and lifestyle and I chose it because am confident of its future. How do you view “being trendy”? Being trendy means you need more than just fitting in. You should believe in your own taste and be well aware of your own style. Finally, it means attainable high quality products. We heard that you read a lot; could you tell us more about that? I am a book nut and I make it a habit to read 4 or 5 books every month, especially historical ones and biographies. I enjoy transforming words to visual scenes, which is very interesting. In addition, I play squash occasionally. As you see, my lifestyle is just like Lexington: simple & comfortable!

LifeStyle 21



巴厘岛阿雅娜水疗度假酒店 力行无胶袋环保运动

AYANA Resort and Spa Supports Plastic Less Campaign in Bali

巴厘岛阿雅娜水疗度假酒店与无胶袋 环保运动倡议机构 Tas Pasar(在印尼语中 意为“集市袋”)展开合作,鼓励其 950 名员工使用环保购物袋(已免费发放 1000 个环保袋),向塑胶袋说不。酒店在员工 餐厅和储物柜等处张贴海报并放置了环保 袋以示提醒。德国 TUV Rheinland 为巴厘 岛阿雅娜水疗度假酒店颁发了“生态酒店” 认证,以表彰其通过实施可持续环保措施减 少碳排放。Tas Pasar 已与当地多家酒店开 展该项活动。 Ayana Resort and Spa’s 950 employees in Bali have been urged to ban the use of plastic bags in their households, as part of a campaign for environmental protection in partnership with anti-plastic campaign leader Tas Pasar, who has also reached out to other hotels of Bali. 1000 reusable shopping bags were donated, and Ayana has also put up posters and placed reusable bags in its employee cafeteria and lockers to encourage environmental protection. AYANA has been certified as an Eco Hotel by TUV Rheinland Germany, in recognition of its commitment to reduce its carbon footprint through environmentally sustainable practices.


Burlington Arcade Unveils New “Skyline Carpet” 伦敦著名的伯灵顿拱廊前不久举行了商场新地毯揭幕仪式,备受瞩目的设计以全球 92 座标志性建筑为元素,已被纳入设计的知名建筑物有巴黎埃菲尔铁塔、伦敦圣保罗大教堂、 米兰大教堂、柏林德国国会大厦、纽约帝国大厦、悉尼歌剧院、莫斯科圣母升天大教堂、印 度泰姬陵、上海东方明珠电视塔和北京故宫等。新地毯长达 180 米,其设计制作由英国定制 家具公司 Linley 和获得“皇家御用认证”的英国地毯制造商 Brintons 联袂完成。 The Burlington Arcade, in London’s plush Mayfair district, has recently rolled out a new 180 metre long carpet to showcase its international appeal. Designed by Linley and carpetmakers Brintons, who hold a Royal Warrant, the carpet features 92 iconic buildings from around the world, from bridges to cultural venues and centres of industry and business. The design includes the Eiffel Tower in Paris, St Pauls Cathedral in London, Italy’s Duomo di Milano, Reichstag in Berlin, New York’s Empire State Building, the Sydney Opera House, Moscow’s Dormition Cathedral, India’s Taj Mahal, China’s Pearl TV Tower and Forbidden City.


Marriott International Opens Iconic Historic Hotel in Paris 万豪国际集团在全球管理着逾 3800 处物业,前不久又与 WB Ambassador SAS 达成协 议,以特许经营的方式管理拥有 298 间客房的巴黎剧院万豪国际酒店,这也是其在巴黎的第 12 家酒店。酒店始建于 1927 年,位于巴黎的心脏地带,曾接待过诸多名流和历史人物。 Marriott International, Inc. announced that the 298-room Paris Marriott Opera Ambassador Hotel recently joined its portfolio of more than 3,800 properties worldwide under a franchise agreement with WB Ambassador SAS. Located in the heart of the city, the historic property becomes the most recent addition to Marriott International’s signature global brand, Marriott Hotels, and represents the company’s 12th property in Paris.

22 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24


Interior / P.28

马德里构思奇巧的折纸房子 The Zigzag House inspired by origami located in the city of Madrid

LifeStyle 23




House of Origami 马德里西部一座小山顶上的折纸房子构思奇巧, 带给你超乎想象的建筑与折纸艺术的完美跨界融合。 A house inspired by origami located in the city of Madrid. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Cobaleda & Garcia Arquitectos

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西班牙 Cobaleda & Garcia 建筑师事务所仿效日本 折纸,在首都马德里西部风景开阔美丽的小山顶上建造 了一座折纸房子。虽然房屋建筑面积只有 400 平米,结 构却异常曲折复杂。因为除了设计风格复杂之外,地形 因素也占了很大一部分。在建筑师看来,真正的难度在 于如何处理不规则的建筑地块。他们将地块划分成一个 个整齐的菱形网格,在房屋前方留出空地建成花园,美 观不说,采光也好。至于不规则的房屋结构,则是用一 块块强化混凝土板连续搭建而成的。 折纸房子秉承以下两个设计理念: 折纸风格 日本折纸艺术无需剪刀或胶水之类的工具,只要一 张纸和一双灵巧的手就能变幻出无数形状。将折纸方法 运用于建筑领域,就是将平面“弯曲折叠”,创造出或 连续或穿插的多维效果。在折纸建筑中,表面的各种折 痕依据结构的不同进行设计,其内部空间穿插交错,颇 为复杂,射入其中的光线也具有强烈的戏剧性。 “断裂”风格 表面看似“断裂”曲折,整栋房屋却是由一个完整 的平面“折叠”而成,因此形成许许多多的立面。

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nspired by Japanese origami, the Zigzag House by Cobaleda & Garcia Arquitectos is located on top of a small hill with magnificent views of Madrid. Although modestly sized at 400 square meters, the house maintains a complexity that many larger buildings lack. This is not only due to the complex “origami” design but also because of the site. According to the architects, the difficulty lay in the disparity of the plot. In this situation they chose to modulate the plot with a diamond grid and introduce openings to generate garden views on the sides of the plot, allowing an orientation to the light as well as panoramic views. The resolution of such irregularity is produced through continuous reinforced concrete slabs. The architects had two concepts in mind when designing this house: Origami Origami, the Japanese art of folding paper to obtain figures, does not need scissors or glue, just a piece of paper and human hands. In architecture, “folding” is the action of bending or folding surfaces to create continuous and discontinuous effects. In folded architecture, surfaces fold to adapt to the structures that they host. Origami-architecture is an architecture that contains spaces using folded light surfaces. This leads to complex surfaces and playful displays of natural light as can be seen in the Zigzag House’s interiors. Cracking In this dwelling, the surfaces break and fold, so that the entire development of the house can be configured within one surface. Thus a volume with many facets is constructed.

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House of Mirth

阿姆斯特丹绅士运河畔的欢乐之家由 17 世纪的老宅翻修而来, 充满了生活和艺术气息。 A lovingly restored Dutch canal house full of art and life Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Daniel Nicolas

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让一幢 17 世纪的大宅满足 21 世纪一户四 口之家的现代生活需求可不是件简单的事,但 阿姆斯特丹 RUIM 工作室的室内建筑师西格莉 德·范克利夫和雷内·范德利斯特用心交出的作品 完全超出了人们的期望。 这幢老宅位于阿姆斯特丹绅士运河畔,始 建于 1666 年,原为当地一名成功的商人亚伯 拉罕·默萨特所拥有。在尊重文化遗产和保留原 建筑特色的前提下,设计师将 400 平米的空间 变成了拥有五室三厅两厨两卫的欢乐之家,外 带 200 平米的花园。范克利夫和范德利斯特曾 为戏剧、歌剧制作设计过舞台布景,担纲服装 设计及现代化室内设计,同时不乏旧建筑翻修 经验,深厚的专业功底使其能够游刃有余地操 作这个项目,尺度拿捏得可谓恰到好处,既保 留了这座宅子原主人的贵族气质,又满足现代 人追求生活品位的需求。 房主收藏了大量的现代艺术作品,这让欢 乐之家显得尤为清幽典雅。看来好的东西无论 风格、年代有多迥异,只要搭配得法,就会创 造出惊人的效果。客厅天花板上作装饰用的大 型铁艺吊顶与有着百年历史的石膏模型形成赏 心悦目的对比。木材被广泛采用,如木质镶板 和楼梯等。设计师没有把厨房放到地下室,采 光充分的厨房墙上挂满诸多经过修复的大幅画 作,其展现的费赫特河风光秀丽迷人,画框也 是未曾替换过的原版,可见设计师和主人对细 节的讲究。厨房内还有收纳搁架、就餐长凳和 黄铜灯具,这些都是出自 RUIM 工作室。

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ow to make a 17th century Dutch townhouse livable for a 21st century family? This was no easy task but interior architects Sigrid van Kleef and René van der Leest of Amsterdam’s Studio RUIM had what it took to strike that difficult balance. Their background in theatre and opera sets and costume design, as well as in restoration and interior design of contemporary homes were fundamental in establishing a balance between the grandness of this former patrician’s home and the needs of a modern 4 member family. Their priority was to respect and celebrate the heritage and character of the Herengracht canal house originally built in 1666 for a successful Amsterdam merchant, Abraham Muyssart. The resulting 400 square-meter home includes three living rooms, five bedrooms, two kitchens, two bathrooms and a 200 square meter garden. With the owners’ large collection of contemporary art, the space feels refreshing but elegant. This lends credence to the notion that anything of quality, regardless of style or age, works well together. There is a large ornamental steel frame installed on the living room ceiling that coordinates with the centuries-old plaster moldings. There is ample wood: panelling, staircases, exposed in ceilings and in framing. Far from being a utilitarian space tucked away in the basement, the kitchen is sunny and dominated by vast restored paintings depicting views of the river Vecht framed in their original wood frames. The kitchen also features counters, a dining bench and copper light fixtures designed by Studio RUIM.

32 LifeStyle


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品味酒店, 让更多的人 了解高端酒店的 精致与奢华。 品味酒店, 品味经典! 关注“品味酒店”微信:


LifeStyle 33




Smoke and Mirrors in Morocco 一个字,酷! 卡萨布兰卡的白房子餐厅实在是 一个让艺术家和时尚设计师们都 无可挑剔的餐饮风尚潮地。 An ultra-luxe restaurant interior in Casablanca, the Maison Blanche. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Maison Blanche

卡萨布兰卡是摩洛哥的第一大城市, 也是其商业金融中心,因好莱坞电影《卡萨 布兰卡》而闻名世界的它得名于西班牙语, 意即“白色的房子”。在这座白色之城打造 一所白房子餐厅,是不是很好玩呢?人们或 许不会期待在一座北非城市里邂逅欧陆魅 力风情,但不可否认的是,卡萨布兰卡的白 房子餐厅的确是一抹耀眼的华彩。 白房子餐厅先在摩洛哥北部古城非斯 取得不俗佳绩,而后顺势进驻卡萨布兰卡。 毕业于米兰多莫斯设计学院的法国著名设 计师克里斯托弗·皮耶和才华横溢的菲利普· 斯达克强强联手,打造出个性十足的餐厅空 间,让人仿佛置身于上世纪 70 年代巴黎的 豪华夜总会,它同时也成为卡萨布兰卡最佳 风尚场所之一。 餐厅处于卡萨布兰卡市中心,面朝阿拉 伯联盟公园,面积达 650 平米,分为休息 区和餐厅主体两部分。餐厅所用到的装修材 料皆为世界顶级,如意大利卡拉拉大理石, 达芝妮、瓦拉莎茵和 Arper 等顶级名家设计 的意大利家具。天花板和室内梁柱通体都覆 盖着反光玻璃,营造出时尚气氛,同时也扩 展了视觉空间,不过在这样四周都是“镜子” 的屋子里就餐,食客们总会不小心看到邻桌 的动静。这么酷的场所,不管是商务会谈、 长舌八卦还是派对狂欢都再理想不过了。 W. 长吧是客人们餐后小酌的好地方, 走的也是白色大理石 + 镜子的优雅路线, 白色真皮沙发、银色家具让这里像极了首饰 盒,实在是一个让艺术家和时尚设计师们都 无可挑剔的完美聚集地。

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lthough one doesn’t expect high Continental glamour in the middle of Casablanca, Maison Blanche brings along magnificent glitz to the Northern African city. After its first successful restaurant in the city of Fez, Maison Blanche has expanded to Casablanca. Designed by French designer Christopher Pillet who studied in Milan at the Domus Academy and has collaborated with Philippe Starck, the interior is an exceedingly lavish number that brings to mind a luxe ‘70s Parisian nightclub. Situated in the heart of Casablanca, the financial capital of Morocco, facing the park of the Arab League, the building is spread over an area of 650 square meters. It is split into two areas, one of which is a lounge and the other a restaurant. Maison Blanche has all the attributes to become one of the most stylish addresses in Casablanca: posh and ultra-contemporary.

The materials used have all been imported from top sources such as Italian Carrara marble from a family-owned quarry and Italian furniture designed by famous names such as Tacchini, Varachin, and Arper. Its atmosphere of chic is created by reflective ceilings and columns which are clad in smoked reflecting mirrors. This allows the space to expand even more as well as creating a multi-faceted glamour. Diners can view other tables discreetly. One can envision this sleek background playing host to big business deals, delicious gossip and after-hours parties. For a post-dinner drink, diners may retire to the W. Long Bar which was inspired by the spirit of New York. The bar too is furnished in the elegant smoked mirror and white marble scheme. With white leather sofas and silver furnishings the effect is reminiscent of a jewel box. A venue perfect for hosting a stylish party for artists or fashion designers.

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Structure News

gmp 将担纲汉纳曼集团总部扩建设计

gmp Builds Extension for Gebr. Heinemann Headquarters gmp 建筑师事务所在德国免税业龙头 汉纳曼集团位于汉堡港口新城的总部扩建 设计竞赛中获得一等奖。gmp 的方案“呈 现了一种优雅并且超越时代的建筑形式”。 设计通过一栋新建筑将位于马格德堡港和 上海大道的两栋仓储建筑整合为由三座鲜 明的建筑构成的和谐整体。为与汉纳曼集团 总部风格保持一致,该方案继承了仓储建筑 厚重传统的体量感,同时兼顾了现代港口城 对建筑的要求。新建筑通过一座玻璃连结体 与汉纳曼仓库相通,但仍不失为一座可独立 使用的建筑,其底层是一个通透开放的空 间。上层空间为设计提供了最大的灵活性。 必需的功能空间集中位于中央通道区,其它 空间用来规划开放式办公室或独立办公室。 扩建部分也采用了贯通楼层的玻璃窗、竖向 立面浮雕以及极富地域特色的砖石结构。

38 LifeStyle

The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have won first prize in the competition for the extension of Gebr. Heinemann Headquarters in Hamburg’s HafenCity. The new building is “characterized by timeless, harmoniously self-contained architecture”. The task was to extend the two existing warehouse buildings between the Magdeburg Harbor and Shanghaiallee to create an ensemble of three striking blocks that form a harmonious triad. Like the company, the design reflects both the traditional solidity of the warehouse district and a flexible adaptation to modern requirements of HafenCity. Although a glazed structure connects it to the “HeinemannSpeicher,” the extension is independently useable with an inviting transparent space on the ground floor. On the upper floors, users have maximum flexibility in floor plan design. All the requisite functional areas are compactly organized around the central access area and the available floor space can be used for an open-plan office, individual offices, or anything in between. The design is characterized by multistory windows, a vertical façade relief, and brickwork typical of the region.

扎哈·哈迪德设计 沙特金融区地铁站

Zaha Hadid Architects to Design the King Abdullah Financial District Metro 为应对快速增长的城市人口,为超过 500 万人提供更好的服务,沙特阿拉伯首都 利雅得发展局已委托扎哈·哈迪德建筑师事 务所设计一座新的阿布杜拉国王金融区地 铁站。新地铁站占地 20434 平米,将成为 连接诸多道路、人行天桥和地铁线的枢纽。 In order to serve its rapidly expanding population of more than five million, the ArRiyadh Development Authority has commissioned Zaha Hadid Architects to construct the new King Abdullah Financial District (KAFD) Metro Station in its capital city of Riyadh Saudi Arabia. The 20,434 square meter King Abdullah Financial District Metro Station will be placed amidst a tangle of pathways, skybridges and metro lines.

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


An Extravagant Excursion / P.40

爱丁堡普利斯顿菲尔德之家 Prestonfield House, Edinburgh

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An Extravagant Excursion

40 LifeStyle

要多奢华有多奢华!品味典雅的英伦下午茶, 感受充满原始风情的非洲大地,沉醉于碧波万顷的地中海, 抑或是陪你探幽古堡,去天堂普吉给心灵做个按摩, 赴一场夏日奢华之旅莫过于此。别错过 LifeStyle 精选的 全球最奢华的旅游行程。 LifeStyle plans the most luxurious travel guides for the discerning traveler this season. Whether your ideal is an opulent afternoon tea in England, or a journey in the exotic terrain of Africa; cruising crystal waters along beautiful coastlines or exploring an ancient castle, we present the highest level of luxury for every adventurer. Text: Audrey Hammonds, Jeffrey Ying






The London Sophisticate

42 LifeStyle

要了解伦敦,就要漫步街头巷尾,探访酒店、商场、餐厅、 拍卖行和歌剧院,细细品味伦敦的味道。当然,别忘了典 雅的英伦下午茶。 Explore London through its most exclusive hotels, shops and dining opportunities, with the most thoroughly British tour through the city and the surrounding area. Discover the city’s culture from auctions to opera, and don’t forget afternoon tea!



Claridge’s and Mayfair, London

克拉里奇酒店的历史可以追溯到 1812 年,是典型的英式风格。虽说翻修之后聘请 了著名设计师林利和黛安·冯芙丝汀宝担纲 室内设计,呈现出艺术装饰风格,但依旧保 留着浓郁的传统英式风格。酒店还拥有以著 名的米其林三星厨师戈登·拉姆齐名字命名 的餐厅以及两间时尚酒吧,因此除了丰富厚 重的历史文化风情,克拉里奇酒店还是伦敦 的潮地之一。酒店的顶层公寓和套房将带给 你无与伦比的奢华体验。

The epitome of English style – with history stretching back to 1812, Claridge’s is now revitalized in Art Deco style, with interior designs by Linley and Diane von Furstenberg, while still maintaining its strong sense of tradition and “Britishness”. With Gordon Ramsay’s restaurant and two stylish bars, it is now not only one of the most historic venues in London, but one of the most hip. Choose one of their gorgeous Penthouses or Suites for an ultimate luxury experience.

接下来去逛逛号称伦敦文化时尚中心 的梅菲尔区吧。大名鼎鼎的邦德街集中了全 球顶尖奢侈品牌,从经典英伦品牌博柏利到 饱受争议的法国品牌伊夫圣罗兰,应有尽 有。这里还有伦敦最有名的苏富比拍卖行, 云集了全世界的奇珍异藏,是上流阶级最爱 光顾的地方。对了,可在苏富比咖啡厅享用 早餐、午餐和下午茶。 Explore Mayfair, the heart of culture and class in London. Visit Bond Street, home to all of the high-end luxury shops, from Britain’s classic Burberry to the now rather controversial (Yves) Saint Laurent. Sotheby’s, London’s most famous auction house, is also located here, hosting high-profile auctions, and a café with breakfast, lunch and afternoon tea.





44 LifeStyle



The Royal Opera House and Jermyn Street, London 伦敦皇家歌剧院是世界四大歌剧院之一,现任音乐总监是钢琴家和 指挥家安东尼奥·帕帕诺。剧院定期上演著名作曲家的作品,多明戈、蕾 妮·弗莱明和已故歌王帕瓦罗蒂等众多著名歌唱家都在这里举行过演唱会。 London’s Royal Opera House, under the direction of Antonio Pappano, is one of the most famous opera companies in the world, regularly hosting performances from leading composers and has been host to a plethora of famous singers such as Plácido Domingo, Renée Fleming, and the late Luciano Pavarotti.

卵石铺就的杰明街坐落在圣詹姆斯商业区的中心地带,名店林立, 囊括了高级定制西装、衬衣、皮鞋,以及食品、名酒、餐厅和酒店。三 个多世纪以来,被称为“男人街”的杰明街就像一块隐藏的珍宝,只有 在真正懂得奢侈品的人面前才会熠熠闪光。这里绝对是追求极致奢华的 绅士们的天堂,不妨放慢脚步,做件马甲,定制一条极富个性的领带, 约翰·罗布皮鞋店必逛,那可是手工定制皮鞋之王。之后,再去福特南和 梅森百货品尝美味小吃,或者到伦敦最古老的帕克斯顿和维特菲尔德奶 酪店小憩,试试会让你馋得掉下巴的精选奶酪吧。 Jermyn Street is London’s top destination for the most exclusive men’s tailors, shirt makers, leather goods, food and wine merchants, restaurants and hotels. For over 300 years Jermyn Street has been a hidden treasure, save for those who really know what luxury is all about. Stone paved and situated at the heart of St. James, it is the perfect spot for those gentlemen searching for the ultimate bespoke experience. Order waistcoats and personalized ties, and stop by John Lobb’s for custom-made men’s shoes. Then treat yourself to a snack at Fortnum & Mason, or sample England’s finest cheeses at Paxton & Whitfield.



Cliveden House, Berkshire 出了伦敦来到伯克郡乡村,入住克莱夫登庄园酒店一天,感受清新 质朴的英式乡村风情。1666 年,庄园的主人白金汉宫第二任公爵乔治·维 利尔斯建造了专为狩猎所用的房屋,并在这里款待宾朋及情妇。之后庄 园几经易手,现在是一家花园绿地环抱的豪华酒店。这里的花园和绿地 受到英国国民托管组织(一个保护自然和名胜古迹的私人组织)的保护。 乘坐古典游船,顺泰晤士河而下,来一次惬意美妙的航行。在船上 享受著名的克莱夫登庄园下午茶。这可是全世界最昂贵的下午茶,包括 白松露、鲟鱼鱼子酱、中国武夷山大红袍、唐培里侬粉红香槟、麝香猫 咖啡以及克莱夫登庄园酒店独有的金箔巧克力甜点。两人份花费为 550 英镑,贵到吓死人。 Travel just outside of London to the heart of the Berkshire countryside and enjoy a day at the Cliveden House, built in 1666 by the 2nd Duke of Buckingham, who created the property as a hunting lodge where he could entertain his friends and mistress. Today Cliveden is a privately owned 5 Red Star award-winning hotel surrounded by National Trust managed gardens and parklands. Take a private vintage cruise down the River Thames in one of their renovated boats, and in the afternoon enjoy the Cliveden House Platinum Tea. Dubbed the world’s most expensive afternoon tea, this opulent spread features rich treats including white truffles, Beluga Caviar, Da Hong Pao Tea (harvested from one thousand year old plants), Dom Perignon Rose, and the Cliveden House Chocolate Cake with Gold Leaf, paired with world’s most expensive coffee Kopi Luwak. Priced at £550.00 per couple, this luxury meal is “not for the faint of heart”.






A Golfer’s Paradise in Scotland

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英国旅游公司 Stirling & Stirling 推出的苏格兰高尔夫五日 游,从壮美的爱丁堡城堡开始,一路上经过古老的宅邸、 生机勃勃的城市和浪漫的高地,品尝风味独特的麦芽威士 忌和米其林星级大厨的绝妙美食,最终到达圣安德鲁斯世 界顶级高尔夫球场,沿途郁郁葱葱的风景和瑰丽多姿的历 史风情让你沉醉不知归路。 Take a 5-day tour from the beautiful Edinburgh Castle to the world class golf course at St. Andrews in Scotland with Stirling & Stirling, providers of the country’s most unique tailor-made Scottish vacations. From ancient mansions to vibrant cities, romantic Highlands, rare malt whisky and Michelin-starred cuisine, you will be entranced by the lush green scenery and romantic history of this beautiful country.



Prestonfield House, Edinburgh 这家当地首屈一指的五星级精品酒店,拥有 23 间时尚雅致的客房和套房,风景极其 优美。其前身是建于 1687 年的爱丁堡市长宅邸,华丽丽的巴洛克风格。詹姆斯·汤姆森在 2003 年成为这里的新主人,并对酒店进行了改造,让其看上去更加豪华。用餐地点可以选 择广受欢迎的大黄餐厅,或者你中意的其它私家餐厅。 Arrive at the luxurious Prestonfield House in Edinburgh, a 5-star boutique hotel with opulent décor and stunning grounds. Built in 1687 as the grand baroque home of Edinburgh’s Lord Provost, Prestonfield is now Edinburgh’s most luxurious 5-star hotel with 23 stylish rooms and suites, reworked by James Thomson for the ultimate experience in lavish maximalism. Dine at the destination restaurant Rhubarb, or choose one of the beautiful private dining rooms to suit your fancy.



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爱丁堡荷里路德宫和 威士忌体验馆

Palace of Holyroodhouse and Whiskey Masterclass, Edinburgh 荷里路德宫是英女王在苏格兰的皇家 住所,位于皇家一英里(爱丁堡老城主要 干道)的尽头,背靠壮观的亚瑟王座。宫殿 始建于 1128 年,起初是一座圣奥古斯丁修 道院,置身其中,仿佛听到古老的历史在耳 边低语。女王画廊正在举办一系列皇家藏品 展。离开荷里路德宫,下一站就是老城的苏 格兰威士忌体验馆。这里有全世界品种最多 的麦芽威士忌,爱酒的人肯定会大喜过望 的。畅享美酒佳宴之后,专家还会介绍有关 威士忌的知识。 Enjoy a private tour of The Palace of Holyroodhouse, Her Majesty The Queen’s official residence in Scotland. The palace stands at the end of Edinburgh’s Royal Mile against the spectacular backdrop of Arthur’s Seat. Explore the ancient historic apartments of the palace, originally built as an Augustinian abbey in 1128. The Queen’s Gallery at the Palace now hosts a program of exhibitions from the Royal Collections. Later, liquor connoisseurs will delight in a private dinner at the Scotch Whisky Experience housing the world’s largest collection of rare malts - followed by a whisky masterclass.



Golf at Muirfield, Edinburgh

Golf at St. Andrews


想体验谬菲尔德高尔夫球场不一般的 比赛气氛,爱丁堡近郊的东洛锡安静候你的 到来。今年的英国高尔夫公开赛就在这里举 行。球场 1891 年正式对外开放,18 个球 洞均为高球先驱和 19 世纪高球的典型代表 老汤姆·莫里斯所设计。晚宴设在附近的高 斯福德宅邸,这座新古典主义风格的建筑是 苏格兰著名建筑师罗伯特·亚当为第七任威 姆斯伯爵建造的,于 1800 年落成。 Play golf at the exclusive Muirfield in East Lothian, home of the 2013 Open, a place where golfers played starting in 1891 on 18 holes laid out by Old Tom Morris. Enjoy a gala dinner at the historic Gosford House, a neoclassical mansion built by the celebrated Scots architect Robert Adam for the seventh Earl of Wemyss, and completed in 1800.


转场圣安德鲁斯,住进老球场酒店的 豪华套房。这儿位置极好,看得到被称为高 尔夫圣地的圣安德鲁斯老球场的第 17 个球 洞以及远处风景如画的海滩和苏格兰海岸 线。追寻世界顶级高球手的脚步,到球场上 一决高下,但别忘休息时在球场的斯维尔肯 桥留张影。 Transfer to St Andrews and stay in a Deluxe Suite at The Old Course Hotel, with its spectacular location overlooking the 17th hole of the renowned Old Course, the Home of Golf; the West Sands beach and the beautiful Scottish coastline. Follow in the footsteps of the world’s greatest golfers and battle the legendary Old Course, stopping to get a photo on the infamous Swilken Bridge.


圣安德鲁斯科勒水疗中心和 格拉米斯城堡

Kohler Spa and Glamis Castle, St. Andrews

在科勒水疗中心,独特的活化菁华疗 法激发出富含矿物质的天然温泉水的治愈 能力,与复杂的水疗程序相得益彰。格拉米 斯城堡是斯特拉斯摩尔伯爵家族的祖宅,已 经有六百多年的历史了。在这的最后一晚, 现任伯爵将为客人举办一场告别宴会。 Enjoy relaxing spa treatments in the beautiful Kohler Spa, which uses remineralising experiences to recreate the healing properties of earth’s natural mineral-rich waters for the most comprehensive spa treatments. Then enjoy your final night at Glamis Castle, Ancestral home of the Earls of Strathmore for over 600 years, with a farewell banquet as the guests of the current Earl of Strathmore.






The Ultimate Cruise: The Mediterranean

50 LifeStyle

从蒙特卡洛到伊斯坦布尔,最豪华卓越的航海旅行恐怕少 不了意大利银海游轮。银海游轮公司由罗马 Lefebvre 家族 建立,致力于为客人提供最方便舒适的航行体验。游轮上 所有的香槟、鸡尾酒和葡萄酒都是免费的,只管畅饮就好。 From Monte Carlo to Istanbul, Silverseas Cruises offers the most luxurious trip imaginable. Operated by the Lefebvre family of Rome, every single Silverseas cruise is designed for the ultimate comfort and convenience. In fact, there are no bar tabs on board--all champagne, cocktails and wine is complimentary at your leisure.



Monte Carlo, Monaco 从赌城蒙特卡洛起航,19 世纪和 20 世 纪初最有名的女演员莎拉·伯恩哈特曾在此 输掉了她最后的十万法郎。在著名的巴黎大 饭店,说不定能碰上贵族、阿拉伯王室成员 或俄罗斯大富豪。法国名厨艾伦·杜卡斯的“路 易十五”餐厅就位于饭店内,这家米其林三 星餐厅的美食闻名全球。 Start in famous Monte Carlo, home of the iconic Casino. Sarah Bernhardt once lost her last 100,000 francs here. Stay at the 1864 landmark Hôtel de Paris where you may just run into various nobles, Arab royalty or Russian oligarchs. Dine at the three star Michelin restaurant Le Louis XV-Alain Ducasse. Situated inside the Hotel de Paris, this is one of the premier gastronomic spots in the world.








沿崎岖蜿蜒的阿玛尔菲海岸航行,所 到之处皆是断壁悬崖。远远看去,停泊在海 湾沙滩上的小船就像一条条五彩缤纷的鱼。 岩石受到侵蚀变得千姿百态,仿佛神话中的 人物一般。有的在中间被海水掏出一个洞, 洞中清幽湿润,海水泛着诱人的冰蓝色光 芒。前面就是苏莲托,庞贝古城就位于此地。 古罗马时期的庞贝城繁华富庶,蓝天碧海, 风景优美,只可惜在公元 79 年被维苏威火 山喷发的火山灰所掩埋。

镶嵌在爱琴海上的圣托里尼群岛是世 界上最美丽非凡的地方之一,也是前往基 克拉迪群岛途中必停之地。同名的最大岛屿 圣托里尼岛呈月牙状,环抱着火山喷发形成 的巨大锅状火口湖,湖边的悬崖峭壁高达 1100 英尺。如今这座古老的火山依然在活 动。圣托里尼的首府菲拉镇依托悬崖地势而 建,房子大都粉刷成白色。乘船自西向东横 穿火山湖,周围景色静谧,远处有五颜六色 的教堂和商场,一派生机勃勃的景象。

As you journey down the fabled Amalfi Coast, the route takes you past rocky cliffs plunging into the sea and small boats lying in sandy coves like brightly colored fish. Erosion has contorted the rocks into shapes resembling figures from mythology and hollowed out fairy grottoes where the air is turquoise and the water an icy blue. You have reached the city of Sorrento where the famous preserved city of Pomepii is. In its day, Pompeii was celebrated as the Côte d’Azur, the seaside Brighton, the Fire Island of the ancient Roman empire until Mount Vesuvius erupted in the year 79 A.D.

Undoubtedly the most extraordinary island in the Aegean, crescent-shape Santorini remains a mandatory stop on the Cycladic tourist route. Arriving by boat, you are met by one of the world’s truly breathtaking sights, the caldera: a crescent of cliffs, rising 1,100 feet, with the white clusters of the towns of Fira and Ia perched along the top. The encircling cliffs are the ancient rim of a still-active volcano, and you are sailing east across its flooded caldera. The scene is bucolic yet vibrant, with colorful churches and markets.

Sorrento, Italy

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Santorini, Greece

Day11,12 土耳其伊斯坦布尔

Istanbul, Turkey

伊斯坦布尔在历史上被称为君士坦丁 堡,曾是奥斯曼帝国的首都。窄窄的博斯普 鲁斯海峡连接了北部的黑海和南部的马尔 马拉海,也将这座城市分为欧洲和亚洲两部 分。在这里,令人印象深刻的不仅仅是东西 方文明的交汇,更是新与旧、传统与现代的 并存。黎明时分,清真寺里回荡着呼唤信徒 做祷告的声音,彻夜饮酒狂欢的人穿过跪拜 祈祷的人群向家中走去。高高耸立的圣索菲 亚大教堂(也称为神圣智慧教堂)是拜占 庭式建筑最杰出的代表,公元 537 年建成。 之后大约 1000 年间,它都是世界上最大、 最重要的宗教圣地,直到 17 世纪更加宏伟 的罗马圣彼得大教堂建成。圣索菲亚大教堂 堪称这座城市精神生活的核心,也是举行君 主加冕礼的地方。

Once known as Constantinople and the capital of the Ottoman Empire, Istanbul is now a juxtaposition. European Istanbul is separated from its Asian suburbs by the Bosphorus, the narrow channel of water that connects the Black Sea, north of the city, to the Sea of Marmara in the south. What will strike you more than the meeting of East and West in Istanbul, though, is the juxtaposition of the old and the new, of tradition and modernity. At dawn, when the muezzin’s call to prayer rebounds from ancient minarets, there are inevitably a few hearty revelers still making their way home from nightclubs while other residents kneel in prayer. Hagia Sophia, (Church of the Holy Wisdom). This soaring edifice is perhaps the greatest work of Byzantine architecture and for almost a thousand years, starting from its completion in 537, it was the world’s largest and most important religious monument. Only Saint Peter’s in Rome, not completed until the 17th century, surpassed Hagia Sophia in size and grandeur. It was the cathedral of Constantinople, the heart of the city’s spiritual life, and the scene of imperial coronations.




The Pride of Africa 登上无与伦比的“非洲之傲”豪华列车,用 28 天的时间体验壮美无比的非洲景色。怀旧 而优雅的古典风格木质车厢把你带回上世纪 20 年代的黄金岁月,却不乏当代的舒适与便 利。列车上的餐饮也极其讲究,包括世界一 流的葡萄酒,当然了,无一例外都产自南非。 列车载着一群富有冒险精神、追求豪华生活 的乘客寻遍非洲的景象与声音,体验具有深 厚历史底蕴的酒店,欣赏世界跨度最大的维 多利亚大瀑布和埃及阿布辛贝神庙。到了开 罗,很少有夜生活的朋友可以与城中乐活精 英一起开怀畅饮。 Rovos Rail has designed the ultimate African experience which features a 28-day journey on the incomparably luxurious Pride of Africa train. Bask in colonial elegance on the well-furnished Pride of Africa train which harkens back to the glory days of the 1920s but with 21st century comforts. Celebrated not only for its teak-walled cabins and period furnishings, the train is also proud of its stellar dining and world-class wine list which exclusively features South African wines. This expedition will carry a band of adventurers with a taste for the high life through the sights and sounds of Africa, from staying at the finest historic hotels to sights such as Victoria Falls and Abu Simbel. Once in Cairo, revelers who may have missed the nightlife can sip their champagne with Cairo’s urban elite. 54 LifeStyle



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The Ellerman House Hotel, Cape Town 埃勒曼之家酒店位于有名的班特里湾 狮头山的一处坡地上,占地 1.5 英亩,距开 普敦市中心仅 10 分钟车程,曾是著名航运 大王兼投资人约翰·埃勒曼的私人宅邸。这 栋爱德华时代风格的建筑优雅华贵,是南非 观赏海景的最佳位置。在这里,大西洋海岸 的壮丽景色尽收眼底,还能看到被联合国教 科文组织列为世界文化遗产的罗本岛。 Once the stately home of Sir John and Lady Ellerman, distinguished shipping magnates and investors, Ellerman House sits perched on the slopes of Lion’s Head in the prestigious Bantry Bay residential area. This elegant Cape Edwardian mansion is known for having one of the most spectacular ocean views in South Africa. Just ten minutes from the heart of Cape Town, the one-and-a-half acre property features a panorama of Atlantic coastline that includes the infamous Robben Island.




津巴布韦维多利亚瀑布酒店 和维多利亚瀑布

Victoria Falls Hotel and Victoria Falls, Zimbabwe 维多利亚瀑布酒店被昵称为“瀑布旁的高贵老 妇”,就坐落在维多利亚瀑布国家公园内。这家爱 德华时代风格的豪华五星级酒店建于 1904 年,房 间最近经过翻修,不仅保留了原有的华贵气质,又 增添了许多新的便利设施。沿着酒店小径,步行十 分钟就来到维多利亚瀑布前面。瀑布以英国女王的 名字命名,在当地方言中又称莫西奥图尼亚瀑布, 意为“声若雷鸣的雨雾”。在酒店就能清楚地听到 隆隆巨响声,当地人将其视为大自然神奇的化身。 The Victoria Falls Hotel, popularly known as “the grand old lady of the Falls”, is situated in the Victoria Falls National Park. The Edwardian-style five-star hotel, built in 1904, was recently redecorated and refurbished and now combines the charm of the old with the convenience of the new. The famous Victoria Falls are just a ten-minute walk away using the hotel’s private pathway, and “the smoke that thunders” or “Mosi-OTunya” in the local dialect, is clearly audible and visible from this luxurious landmark. Named after Queen Victoria by the famous Dr.Livingstone, the area was well-known to the natives as a wonder of nature.

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Corinthia Hotel, Sudan 科林西亚酒店坐落在苏丹首都喀土穆繁华商业区的尼罗河路上,是整 个旅程中最时髦的一站。钢筋玻璃结构的酒店美观而优雅,四周是漂亮的 花园以及精美的小湖和喷泉。位于酒店第 18 层的“人力车”餐厅是喀土穆 最高的餐厅。酒店的豪华风范正是苏丹经济发展良好的明证。 The most modern of the stops on this journey, the Corinthia Hotel Khartoum is an elegant architectural jewel of steel and glass set in the heart of Khartoum’s commercial district. Set among exquisite landscaped gardens, ornamental minilakes and fountains and boasting the highest restaurant in Khartoum – the 18th floor Rickshaw Restaurant-- the opulence of the Corinthia complex on Nile Road is testament to Sudan’s growing economic success.



Abu Simbel

从喀土穆前往埃及,去拜访著名的阿布辛贝神庙。阿布辛贝神庙建于 公元前 13 世纪,包括两座在岩石中雕刻而成的神庙,是埃及法老拉美西斯 二世为自己和奈菲尔塔莉王后所建。如果晚上呆的时间够长的话,还能看 到灯光秀。 From Khartoum to Egypt, the next stop is the famous Abu SImbel Temple. The twin temples were originally carved out of the mountainside during the reign of Pharaoh Ramesses II in the 13th century BCE, as a lasting monument to himself and his queen Nefertari. Indeed, for those willing to stay longer at night, there is also a light show.


开罗第一居所四季酒店 和酱油夜总会

Four Seasons First Residence Cairo and Tamari 这里是“非洲之傲”旅程的最后一站。入住 开罗市中心的第一居所四季酒店,远处的大金字 塔令人神往,附近还有古老的动物园和植物园, 另外可以在开罗最有名的泰餐厅 Lai Thai 吃上一 顿。超时尚的酱油夜总会肯定受夜猫子们欢迎, 也是城中精英出没之地,提前预定位子是必须的。 在这里还能见到一些著名的歌星和演员。音乐总 是那么劲爆,还有美味大餐。酒水也是当地最棒的, 进口葡萄酒、香槟和鸡尾酒任你挑。 In the heart of Cairo, with views of the Great Pyramids to enchant you and ancient zoological and botanical gardens just outside your door Four Seasons Hotel Cairo at the First Residence is the final address on this trip. Have dinner at Cairo’s leading Thai restaurant, Lai Thai. For nightowls, there is Tamari. This trendy nightclub is where the elite of Cairo go, so reservations are certainly required. Some of Egypt’s most famous pop stars and actors can be seen at this nightclub. The music is always upbeat and a great meal can also be had at this club. The selection of alcohol is better than almost anywhere else with imported wine, champagne and cocktails.






Paradise in Phuket

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在普吉岛最时尚精彩的当代水生园林度假胜地——双棕榈 树酒店预定最豪华的普吉岛极致之旅,奢华三天游包括入 住双棕榈树酒店、乘坐私人游艇游览周围的美丽岛屿以及 享受世界一流的水疗。 Book the most luxurious tour of Thailand’s Phuket Island with Twinpalms Phuket. Twinpalms provides the most opulent getaway along with several added pleasures including a world-class Spa and private yacht cruises around the area’s stunning islands.



Twinpalms, Phuket 双棕榈树酒店位于普吉岛西海岸,那里 有全泰国最为美丽恬静的热带沙滩,距离酒 店 175 米的苏林海滩(普吉岛观赏日落最佳 地)就是其中之一。酒店拥有 21 间由顶级 景观建筑设计大师马丁·帕勒斯打造的别具 一格的阁楼公寓,每一间都配有露台、私人 游泳池和酒柜、吧台,甚至配有雪茄盒,另 外还陈列着精美的泰国工艺品。在东方之勺 烧烤及酒吧餐厅,厨师们挥洒着泰国当代烹 饪技艺,为宾客奉上创意泰菜及东方融合料 理。早晨的自助餐花样繁多,还可以去敞开 式马提尼吧享受露天餐饮,气氛轻松而热烈。 Located 175 meters from Surin beach on Phuket’s beautiful west coast, this area boasts some of the most beautiful and least crowded stretches of beach in Thailand. Rent one of Twinpalms’ 21 Penthouse suites, the most luxurious that the resort has to offer, each including its own terrace and private pool, Thai works of art, a private wine cellar, bar and cigar humidor. Dine at the Oriental Spoon Grill & Bar, with modern and innovative Thai and Oriental Fusion cuisine complemented by contemporary Thai art. Enjoy an extensive breakfast buffet, or alfresco dining in an electric atmosphere and open-plan martini bar.



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Yachting Cruise, Phuket Archipelago 乘坐安达曼豪华私人游艇进行一天的完美巡游。游 艇可以只租一天,也可包租更长的时间。每一艘游艇都 是独一无二的,且拥有最佳性能,喜欢大海又乐于分享 个人经历的一定要尝试一下。游艇从普吉岛海岸出发, 绕周边的群岛航行,沿途风景甚是迷人。陡峭的石灰岩 山,洁白的沙滩,鲸鲨、蝠鲼等美丽的热带鱼,红树林带, 海蚀洞,以及美丽的小皮皮岛,由莱昂纳多·迪卡普里奥 主演的电影《海滩》就是在这里拍摄的。 Andaman Cruises provides the perfect decadent day trip on their beautiful yachts, which can be rented out for the day or even longer for charter cruises. Each unique vessel offers the highest level of performance for those who love the sea and want to share the experience with others. Journey from the coast of Phuket around the surrounding islands with breathtaking scenery including sheer-sided limestone Sea Mountains, snow white sands, tropical fish, including Whale Sharks and Mantas, mangrove channels and sea caves, Koh Rok Nok with its ancient fertility carvings, or the stunning Phi Phi Le Island where “The Beach” starring Leonardo Di Caprio was filmed.



Palm Spa, Twinpalms, Phuket 在棕榈树水疗和健康中心,你会收获内心的平静和 充实。在这个奢华而私密的静谧之所,水疗师秉承整体 性理念,将古老的东方水疗手法与现代西方技术相结合, 在创造极致体验的同时,给你身、心、灵的舒泰和谐。 专业的泰式水疗师随时满足客人的需求,提供泰式按摩、 身体裹敷、传统东方足部护理和清洁、面部紧肤和活肤 等多种服务。之后,再到普吉岛最时尚最受欢迎的“发现” 海滩俱乐部轻松一下,享用肉质鲜嫩的新鲜海味、木柴 火炉烘烤的美味比萨以及色味俱佳的意面。旖旎的海滩 风光,悠闲的氛围,当真是个聚会的好地方。当然了, 一定要提前预定才行。 Spend the day finding inner peace and fulfillment at Twinpalms’ Palm Spa and Wellness Centre. It creates the perfect sense of privacy, luxury and exclusivity, approaching therapy from a holistic perspective by combining ancient Oriental therapies with the latest Western techniques to renew the mind, body and spirit. A team of Thai therapists is on call to nurture guests’ every need, and services include Thai massage, Body Wraps, Oriental Foot Rituals & Cleansing, Firming and Relaxing Facials and more. Later chill out at the Catch Beach Club, an exclusive and hip destination serving succulent fresh live seafood, pizza from a wood-fired oven, or delicious pastas. Its beach venue and relaxed atmosphere are perfect for parties, and it is recommended that you reserve ahead of time.




健康是一种信仰 ——当下健康管理中的养生哲学 养生哲学:穿越千年历久弥新 “养生”一词,出自《管子》一书,即保养生命以达长寿之意。

居安思危未病先防 《黄帝内经》讲“圣人不治已病治未病”,即未病先防、










心脏猝死、衰老等疾病隐患,及时预警或采取保养措施。防衰、 防病于未然的科学健康管理,正是践行预防养生智慧。

现代文明下,为何健康一落千丈? 现代文明为生活带来了便利,比如有私家车代步、有电脑 便捷办公事半功倍、有农业科技让餐桌汇聚了各种新奇的蔬果满

修炼“精、气、神”健康三宝 人有三宝:精、气、神。精充气足则神全,神躁不安则伤













究竟该如何在现代文明与健康生存之间寻找一种平衡,健 康地享受幸福生活?智慧的古人千年前已给了 我们答案。 预防养生 中医“未病先防、未老先养的预 防观”是当下第一养生哲学,功不可没。 修性养生 道家也曾有关于养生的特别指 导,即修性即指“精、气、神”健康三宝。

身与心的和谐相处是养生的最高境界。内心平衡、身心和谐, 则阴阳平衡,不偏盛偏衰,各脏器运行 通畅,身体安然无恙。现代人之所以癌 症、猝死频发,慢性病、亚健康缠身, 正是因为失去了这种平衡。慈铭·奥亚提 倡身心灵全面健康养护,恰恰是和谐养 生精髓的传承。全方位运用中医养生手

和谐养生 无论是博大精深的中医还是源










健康管理:古代养生哲学的全新演 绎,当下健康的平衡点


古人的养生哲学, 如何在当下雾霾、 重金属、

我们在发达的现代文明中丢了健 康,不得不说是生命信仰的缺失。保养










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Transformations & Congratulations To all WHS 2013 Challenger Competitors 维衡生于 6 月 28 日在上海举行了 2013 维 衡生挑战赛决赛以及庆祝活动。本届大赛是历 年来参赛人数和过关选手最多的一次,并涌现 出众多惊人的改变。大赛设置最震撼减肥先生 / 女士和最佳健美先生 / 女士两组奖项,前者颁 发给减脂最成功、经历最励志的新选手,后者 颁发给增肌减脂和塑造身型更上一层楼的健身 达人和业内人士。在这里我向所有获奖选手表 示祝贺!他们是: 最震撼减肥女士(女子组冠军):凯罗尔·克莱 恩(广州) 最震撼减肥先生:埃里克·迪尼斯(上海) 最佳健美女士:詹妮克·蒂贝尔(上海) 最佳健美先生(男子组冠军):尤金·朱伯特(大 连)、陈聪(上海) 本届挑战赛获奖者名单已经在网站 www. 上公布,不过在这 里我想向大家介绍几位虽未获奖但变化惊人的 选手。由于评判标准是基于减脂,很多人被淘 汰了,不过做出淘汰的决定也非易事。减肥需 要长期坚持才有效果,12 周的训练实在太短了, 但是至少是个好的开始。 莉莲·G·莫利纳是迄今为止在维衡生挑战赛 中减脂和减重最多的一位选手,总共减掉 10kg。我打算颁给她维衡生挑战赛“最震撼减 肥女士”替补奖。 胡安·里瓦斯真是太棒了,竟然练出了六块 腹肌,是“最佳健美先生”的第四位候选人。 如果单从这六块腹肌来看,我相信胡安绝对没 问题, 他没得奖真是太遗憾了。 胡安, 你太棒了! 达林·萨利赫在 12 周当中减掉 8% 的脂肪和 6.5kg 的体重,真的很难下决心淘汰她,因 为另外三名选手只比她多减一点点而已。达林, 太厉害了! 克里斯蒂·格林希尔来自广州赛区,如今的 她还真是令人刮目相看。她减掉了 4kg 体 重和 3.2% 的脂肪。克里斯蒂,加油! 在此,我和维衡生全体人员向所有参赛选 手、赞助商和帮助选手达成惊人目标的教练表 示感谢,本次大赛的成功举办要归功于你们的 不懈努力。期待 2014 年大家再次相聚在维衡 生挑战赛,祝福每个人都变得更加健康美丽!

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his year has been WHS Challenge’s biggest year to date in terms of people who attended, people who finished and so many AMAZING transformations. Finals were held on June 28th at the Shanghai Centre during which the winners were announced and celebration was held. The two categories were: Mr/Mrs Amazing, which was judged based on newcomers who lost the most weight, fat and had the most compelling story; and Mr/Mrs Fit, for those more seasoned gym-goers or professionals who lose the most fat and gain muscle, taking their physique to the next level. Congratulations to our grand prize winners!! Ms. Amazing 1st Place: Carol Cline (Guangzhou) - Also National Winner for female Mr. Amazing 1st Place: Eric Dinesh (Shanghai) Ms. Fit 1st Place: Jannicke Tibell (Shanghai) Mr. Fit 1st Place: Eugene Joubert (Dalian) - Also National Winner for male (split decision) Mr. Fit 1st Place: Cheng Cong (Shanghai) - Also National Winner for male (split decision) However, I would also like to give a shout out to some of the amazing transformations that didn’t make it because of technicalities! As judging is based mainly on fat loss and not weight loss, many people may not have made the cut, and the decision was very difficult. Real weight loss takes time – 12 weeks is just not enough, but makes a very good start for some. . Lillian G. Molina – Lillian was by far our most successful in losing the most fat and weight. When I return from Shanghai this week I will present her the newest WHS Challenge “sub” award for losing the most weight. Lillian lost in total 10kg. . Juan Rivas did an amazing job right down to 6-pack abs, and was our 4th pick for Mr. Fit – almost made the cut. We were torn not to choose him – if it were judged just on his amazing 6 pack alone, I believe Juan would have made the cut. Well-done Juan! . Dareen Salih – She lost 8% body fat and 6.5kg in the WHS Challenge. It was a difficult decision but the other 3 competitors lost slightly more weight in the Ms. Amazing category. Great job on losing fat, Dareen! . Christie Greenhill – Christie is from Guangzhou. Her “after” picture is quite inspiring – she lost 4kg and 3.2% body fat in the WHS Challenge. Great work Christie! To everyone that participated this year and to all the great sponsors and trainers that helped their clients achieve these sensational results… thank you! Thank you from myself and the WHS team in helping make this year’s WHS Challenge a great success and we look forward very much to doing it all again in 2014!

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德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/ wellness/fitness industry. Want more information about losing fat and getting lean this summer? Follow WHS online – worldhealthstore (English language only and need a VPN to access) or (Chinese language.)

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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.68


Material Culture / P.76 座驾

Auto / P.80


Art / P.82

“积木狂想季”登陆上海浦东正大艺术中心 “The Art of the Brick” lands in Shanghai this summer




Yang Lan Woman with a Pearl

杨澜 蓄雅如珠


羽之翼 材质:钻石、18K 金、珍珠 The wings Material: diamonds, 18K gold, pearls

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妙语如珠蓄雅如珠的杨澜 接受 LifeStyle 专访, 畅聊她眼中的珠宝时尚。 在她看来,珠宝就像是她的 朋友, 见证着生命的美好时光。 Yang Lan, one of the founders of LAN Fine Jewellery, showers us with endless witty remarks as we chat about jewellery and fashion. In her eyes, jewellery is like a friend, who is with us to witness the most beautiful times in life. Text: Eva Liu Photos: LAN

杨澜 著名传媒人、慈善家、 LAN 珠宝掌门人。她创建的 LAN 珠宝已然成为一个承载 东方女性优雅与知性的新图腾。 Yang Lan is a media figure, public-spirited person, and head of LAN Fine Jewellery, whose elegant designs have led it to become the embodiment of oriental female elegance.



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为什么会对珍珠情有独钟呢? 珍珠不是一种简单的装饰品,而是具 有生命力的珠宝。它从最初的粗糙沙粒,经 过层层积累后展现出诱人的光泽和形态,这 是大自然创造的美丽。珍珠就像一个女人, 不管出身如何,都可以不断地积累,在积累 的过程中焕发出一种迷人的光彩。珍珠还跟 女性的肌肤质感、温柔含蓄气质相互映衬, 无论是在办公室还是一些比较正规的社交 场合,它既不张扬又不寒酸,总是能够与环 境完美搭配。 创立“LAN 珠宝”的初衷是什么? 一直以来我对时尚、设计都挺有兴趣 的,尤其是珠宝设计。我平日出席活动比较 多,在服装方面有很多选择,但是在配饰方 面总觉得很难满足自己的搭配想法。所以在 走访其他国家时会关注其他国家的珠宝文 化。我发现各个国家都有着独特的珠宝设计 理念。除了设计风格各不同,大多都接近当 地文化的精髓。而我们中国也拥有非常丰厚 的服饰文化底蕴,所以我想把对珠宝文化和 珠宝创意设计的兴趣和日常佩戴要求结合 在一起,打造一个具有中国文化特色的高端 珠宝品牌。 另一个原因应该说是机缘巧合吧。在 我产生做珠宝品牌的想法时,认识了席琳· 迪翁。我们俩初次见面就很投缘,原本生活 在地球两端的两个人还是同年同月同日生。 志趣相投的我们便萌生了共同创建 LAN 珠 宝的梦想,可以说 LAN 珠宝记录着我与席 琳·迪翁之间的深厚友谊。 LAN 珠宝珍珠系列与其他珠宝品牌有何区别? 从来源方面来说,市场上有不少珠宝品 牌用的是淡水珍珠,而 LAN 珠宝所用的珍 珠都是产自日本的海水珍珠。海水养殖珍珠 比淡水养殖珍珠产量低、品质高,表面釉质 更为丰厚,形状更为圆润,光泽保持得更为 持久。在设计方面,我们把珍珠与其他宝石 特别是钻石结合在一起,在细节上融入柔媚、 婉约、优雅的新东方女性元素和中国的图腾, 让珍珠看起来更加璀璨和富有个性,另外 LAN 珠宝设计注重功能与实用性,比如我最 喜欢的羽之翼系列,模仿鸟的翅膀做了一个 抽象造型的小钻石镶嵌搭扣,钻石搭扣带上 取下都很方便,适合随时变换各种场合。 近年来中国人对珍珠首饰的审美发生了哪些 变化? 第一,过去大家普遍比较欣赏白珍珠, 而近些年国人也开始接受色彩珍珠,例如金 色、灰色、黑色等,选择更加多元化了。我 比较喜欢黑珍珠,用来搭配黑灰色职业装, 能展现沉稳雅致的气质。第二,过去大家都 认为珍珠越大越好看,但是现在越来越有搭 配意识了。我觉得大粒珍珠适合体态丰腴的 中年女性佩戴,能彰显出富贵高雅的气质。 第三,过去大家挑选珍珠还有一个标准,圆 度越圆越好,而现在不规则的珍珠也越来越 受到设计师的推崇。不规则的设计比较适合 年轻女孩儿,凸显青春气质。 瑕不掩瑜,再完美的珠宝也有瑕疵,女人也 如此。在公众视线中你是那么完美,你心中 是否也有遗憾?是不是也曾经困惑过?

或许我最大的遗憾是在纯真的大学时 代没有时间好好谈一场青春自由的恋爱。有 时候,你会感觉一个人很完美,其实这也是 她一点一滴慢慢积累起来的。就像珍珠一 样,慢慢包裹起来,并不是一夜之间长成的。 一夜之间能够长成的东西,都是很可疑的。 我觉得每一次挫折和成功都是在帮自 己标出一个能力的区间。记得当年出售阳光 卫视的时候,感觉一下到达了人生的低谷。 那段时间很困惑,内心很挣扎,自己想做的 事情和自信心都受到很大的影响。现在我再 回头去看,却觉得那是很重要的经历,所以 人生的各种体悟都是财富。 你采访过国内外很多女性名人,尽阅天下女 人带给你最大的感触是什么? 女人一定要独立,除了生活上的独立, 思想逐渐成熟也非常重要。那种没有模式化 的生活是最好的!人们可能说做某种女人 最好,我觉得我们不应该套进一种模式,只 要你是发自内心的选择,无论是做女总统还 是做全职家庭主妇,都是值得尊敬的。不要 人云亦云,要坚定地听从自己内心的选择。 Why do you love pearls so much? Pearls are not merely decorations, they are full of life. Through longstanding accumulation, the original coarse grains of sand are transformed to beautiful shiny pearls. They are beauty created by Nature. A pearl is like a woman who exudes more charm as the years go on, regardless of her background. The texture of pearls sets female skin and temperament off to advantage, and the pearls’ modest yet tasteful quality makes them perfect accessories in the office or many formal occasions. What was your original intention in creating LAN Fine Jewellery? Fashion and design have always been my favorite things, especially jewellery design. I have clothes for various occasions, but felt that few accessories could meet my standards for design. So, when I visited other countries, I would pay special attention to local jewellery, and found that every country has its unique jewellery design style and concepts which have close links with local culture. China has a rich clothing culture too, so I wanted to combine my interest in jewellery culture and creative design with daily wear to create a high-end Chinese-style jewellery brand. Another reason may be luck. It was right after the idea of creating a jewellery brand popped up that I met Celine Dion, and the two of us, who had lived so far away, hit it off right away. We even found that we happened to have the same birthday and some of the same interests and ideas, all of which ignited the dream of creating a jewellery brand together. LAN Fine Jewellery is the symbol of our friendship. What is the difference between LAN Fine Jewellery and other jewellery brands? LAN Fine Jewellery uses Japan-produced sea pearls, while many other brands use fresh water pearls. The production of sea

pearls is lower than that of fresh water pearls, yet the quality is much higher. They have thicker enamel, a mellower outline, and more enduring gloss. In design, we integrate pearls and other precious stones, especially diamonds, and add features of the contemporary oriental female, such as gentleness, loveliness, grace and elegance, as well as a Chinese totem, in order to make the pearls more splendid and full of personality. Also, the design is more practical. For example, my favorite series features a diamond-studded agraffe of abstract bird’s wings, which is convenient to fasten or remove, and suitable for many occasions. What has changed with people’s taste towards pearls over the years? Chinese people preferred white pearls in the past, while in recent years, they’ve begun to take an interest in colored pearls, like golden, gray and black pearls. The choice has become more diversified. I prefer black pearls. Worn with gray suits, they can bring out the wearer’s calm and tasteful temperament. Second, people used to think bigger pearls tend to be better, but now they know more about clothing matching. In my opinion, bigger pearls are more suitable for plump middle-aged women, and can highlight an elegant and poised character. Last, an older standard for judging pearls is their roundness, while today, irregular pearls are becoming more and more popular among designers. Wearing these irregular pearls, young girls will look even more beautiful. There are no perfect things in the world, whether it is pearls or people. Though your image in the public is always perfect, have you had any regrets? Maybe my biggest regret is that I didn’t have the opportunity to fall in love at university. You may think a woman is perfect, but this is a result of time and accumulation, like a pearl. A pearl does not form overnight. On the contrary, things that mature in a very short time may not be credible. Each of my setbacks or successes has helped me define my abilities. I always remember that tough period when I had to sell my shares in SUNTV. I was confused, my heart struggled and my confidence weakened. All the things I was doing were affected by depression. However, now when I look back, I understand that it was a very important experience. So, all life experiences are valuable. You have interviewed a lot of famous women at home and abroad; what’s your impression of these interviewees? Women must be independent, both economically and mentally. An ideal life really doesn’t exist. People probably think that a certain type of woman is ideal, but I don’t think it’s good to stereotype women. It’s respectable so long as women follow their hearts, whether they are presidents or fulltime housewives. Don’t imitate the lives of others; just do what your heart desires.






A Thousand Golden Lotuses 《金瓶梅》改编成芭蕾舞剧《莲》, 承接原著争议的舞剧到底在演什么? 一千个观众,一千个“莲”。 这里,我们采访了该剧的制作人 兼舞美及灯光设计韩江先生。 The ballet The Golden Lotus, adapted from legendary sixteenth-century novel Jin Ping Mei, or The Plum in the Golden Vase, alleges that within a thousand viewers’ eyes there are a thousand different ‘flowers’ of thought. We chat with Mr. Han Jiang, the performance’s producer, scenery designer and lighting designer about this multidimensional Golden Lotus. Text: Esther He

芭蕾舞剧《莲》制作人兼舞美及灯光设计韩江 Mr. Han Jiang, The Golden Lotus’ producer, scenery designer and lighting designer

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由北京当代芭蕾舞团演出的大型舞剧 《莲》目前正在全国各地火热巡演。这部“有 争议”的芭蕾舞剧取材自争议小说《金瓶梅》, 堪称中国当代舞剧的一朵奇葩。叶锦添、韩 江、王媛媛、杜薇、柏邦妮,《莲》台前幕 后阵容甚是鼎盛,也难怪会惊艳四方。对于 性感妖娆的《莲》,每个人心中都会产生无 限的遐思。一千个观众,一千个“莲”,这 是思考,更是共鸣。 奇书《金瓶梅》自古至今争议不断,怎么会 想到用芭蕾舞剧的形式来创作呢? 起初我们是想用音乐剧的形式来表现剧 中的内容,但是做到一半就很难继续下去了, 因为音乐剧要落到实处,一句一句在说,很 难在短时间内把《金瓶梅》的主旨体现出来。 而芭蕾舞剧是务虚的,是抽象的,它可以做 到。 舞剧的形式能够完整体现出这本书的精神内 涵吗? 我至今认为这部小说只能用舞蹈的形式 表现,其他形式恐怕都难以表现。当然,把 这部巨著浓缩成 90 分钟的舞蹈表演也是非 常具有挑战性的。这部剧耗费了我们一年半 的时间。 读者在阅读《金瓶梅》时都会被生动的感官 描写所吸引,那它改编成舞蹈有哪些亮点? 《莲》的舞美及灯光设计突破了中国传 统题材的方式,产生一种模模糊糊、似像非 像的感觉。我们用不同颜色的幕布展现不同 的氛围和不同的情感,细节亮点鲜明。音乐 也很现代,杜薇的作曲将音符化为内心的倾 诉,正好契合这部戏从潘金莲的角度看世界 的主线。舞蹈方面的特别之处在于,在肢体 创造上找到了特别适合的表达方式。通俗地 讲,《莲》的舞蹈并没有大幅度的动作,就 是顺着情感的迸发舞出适合的效果。

《莲》如何凸显女性的视角? 这部芭蕾舞剧是以潘金莲的视角来看这 个世界,主要表达的是爱情和欲望的交错。 原著诞生于资本主义萌芽时期,物质极大丰 富的明朝末年,而那个时代有些地方与现在 的社会很像。这部舞剧其实是表达一个状态 而不是一个故事,也就是物质和欲望越来越 强大时人的心理状态。 一般观众看得懂这部舞剧吗? 借古说今,作品与当下人的情感具有关 联性,我认为只有跟现在的生活有关联,演 出才能够触动观众、感动观众。不管你是否 懂舞蹈,在观看这部芭蕾舞剧的时候,你首 先能感受到视觉上的美、音乐的美和肢体美, 其次舞蹈是表达情绪的一种语言,这也会使 观众产生共鸣。 The grand ballet drama The Golden Lotus by the renowned Beijing Dance Theater is currently on a national tour. The ballet, adapted from Jin Ping Mei, or The Plum in the Golden Vase, a legendary and notorious sixteenth-century Chinese novel, is an amazing flower in the garden of Chinese contemporary dance drama. With such a glorious crew both on the stage and behind the scenes, including Ye Jintian, Han Jiang, Wang Yuanyuan, Du Wei and Bonnie Baker, it is no wonder that the drama has been widely acclaimed since its debut. Each viewer will have his or her own understanding of this sexual and enchanting drama, which gives the audience seeds for the flowers of thought – a thousand “Golden Lotuses” in a thousand people’s eyes. This novel has caused considerable controversy since its emergence, what inspired you to represent it using the form of ballet? At first we wanted to represent it with a musical drama, but we were barely hanging on at the halfway point. Because musical drama deals with such concrete things as lines and dialogues, it is difficult to express all of the novel’s themes in a limited period of time. However, ballet is abstract and therefore a more suitable form of adaptation.

Readers tend to be attracted to the sensuous descriptions in the novel; what are some of the processes of rearranging this into a dance? The Golden Lotus’s scenic and lighting design are different from those of other traditional Chinese themed stage plays, and produce a vague stage effect. We use curtains of different colors to display various emotions and atmospheres, thus creating vivid details and stirring climaxes. The music is very modern and touching. Du Wei successfully turned the notes into an inward confession, which corresponds to the play’s main subject of seeing the world from the heroine Pan Jinlian’s eyes. The feature of dancing lies in the creation of dance routine well suited to the drama. Commonly speaking, the movement in this ballet is rather gentle, and dance is designed to fall in with the development of emotions. How does The Golden Lotus highlight women’s views? The ballet drama presents the world from Pan Jinlian’s point of view, describing a relentless pursuit of desires and ambition. The original novel was written during the late Ming Dynasty, a period when Chinese economy was extremely prosperous and capitalism was in its beginning stages, and an era in which some aspects were similar to contemporary China. In fact, the drama expresses a state rather than a story, that is, the change of people’s psychological state when wealth and desires increase. Can the modern public truly appreciate it? This drama uses the past to allude to the present, so it is relevant to the situation of a contemporary audience. It is this relevance that makes the drama popular. Whether you understand dance or not, you will feel the visual beauty and the beauty of the music and body movement. And, the dancing will produce a resonance among the audience since it is a universal language for expressing emotions.

Can the form of dance fully express the novel’s spiritual meaning? I always believe that the novel can only be well expressed through dance, while all other forms fall short. Indeed, it is really a great challenge to encapsulate such a monumental work into a 90 minute dance performance, so it took one and half years to finish it.






For Bubbly Boys 这个夏天,爱酒名仕张林雄将欧洲顶级时尚派对专用的 FIOL 气泡酒带到中国内地, 作为给城中真正喜欢气泡酒、喜欢派对的精英人士的盛夏礼物。 This summer, after numerous visits to various vineyards worldwide, Vincent Zhang brings FIOL, a sparkling wine perfect for hosting stylish parties, back to China for a burst of chic and bubbly entertainment. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Xiao Bao

在广告、娱乐行业做了这么多年,为何会想 到做气泡酒行业? 人在不同的时期有不同的追求。年轻 的时候投资不同行业,追求金钱、利益, 追求的是事业成功。现在我已经步入中年, 事业也比较稳定了,想让自己放轻松些,做 一些自己喜欢的事情,慢慢享受生活。有时 候当你停下来,看看周围美好的生活,你会 从中发现很多新鲜的东西,比如那个时期我 到访了国外很多酒庄,感受到各个国家不一 样的酒文化。FIOL 气泡酒就是我的美好发 现之一,初次品鉴它就带给我一种奇妙的感 受。所以,我决定把它带回家,带回中国, 让更多喜欢气泡酒的人能感受它的奇妙。 FIOL 气泡酒的闪光点在哪些方面呢? 说到 FIOL 的闪光点,第一:它的味道, 清新优雅,不酸、不涩、不太甜,口感适中, 这很难得;第二:它的设计,酒标设计出自 法国一个名牌设计师之手,并用古罗马文字 诠释出来;第三:它背后的团队,其主理人 是乔治·阿玛尼(Giorgio Armani)前高层。 事实上,FIOL 在欧洲已经非常流行,例如 在英、法、摩纳哥及意大利,FIOL 是各大 时装周、音乐会、演唱会、F1 大奖赛、顶 级时尚派对的指定品牌。中国人接受外来新 事物特别快。我相信不用多久,FIOL 也会 成为中国时装周、音乐会、演唱会及各种顶 级派对的新宠。 FIOL 气泡酒未来在中国市场的发展策略是 什么? 喝酒是一种态度,听音乐也是一种态 度,这两者都是我所喜欢的。我希望能够 把这两者更好地结合在一起。比如,会做一 些与音乐和酒有关的产品,跟一些音乐会、 演唱会、各种与音乐有关的派对、能够体 现时尚品位的活动合作。在发行渠道方面, 首先会考虑合作方的理念是否跟我们一致, 其次要看发行的场所是否能跟这款酒匹配。 我只想把它做成能够贴近一部分消费人群 的精准定位。FIOL 不仅是一款酒,更将会 成为我们的一个独特品牌。

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气泡酒在你的人生中占有举足轻重的地位。 对于我来说,气泡酒就是人生!气泡 酒里包含了各种各样的元素,它讲究的是温 度、气味、感受、文化、历史。你想啊,把 一个地方的文化历史放到瓶子里面,在喝它 的时候,一方面是在喝酒,另一方面是在体 会气泡酒背后的故事。它能提升你的生活品 质,升华人的思想,最重要的是还有很好的 氛围。我的人生就像气泡酒一样,每走一步 都会有层次、有结构、有回味,时刻提醒自 己要保持均衡。 听说你还喜欢养马,分享一下你的生活乐趣 吧。 我是香港马会会员,也是马主。有的 人入会十年都没抽到养马的资质。我运气 超好,入会第二年便抽到签,也就是拿下

FIOL 代理的同一时期。我给我的马起名叫 “泡泡小子” , 因为这是 FIOL 带给我的幸运! 除了养马,还喜欢运动、旅行、弹琴。等年 龄再大点,我还会考虑做个音乐填词人。 You’ve been in the advertisement & entertainment industry for so many years; when did you take an interest in sparkling wine? People desire different things at different stages of life. When I was young, I attached lots of importance to career and money. As midlife approaches and my career stabilizes, I want to relax, enjoy my life at a slower pace and do something I really love. When I started thinking this way, I came to find that there were many interesting things in this lovely world which I had ignored before. I paid visits to different wineries overseas to find diverse wine cultures. FIOL was one of my biggest surprises – I fell in love with it at the very first taste, so I decided to bring it to China, hoping to inspire more sparkling-wine lovers with its magic. Would you please share some of FIOL’s highlights with us? FIOL provides a very unique drinking experience: a slightly sweeter taste and a less bubbly feeling paired with distinctive packaging. FIOL is not just a drink; it embraces the whole Italian culture and way of living, which is deeply rooted in the land of wines. It embodies being part of a group of friends sharing a passion for wine and enjoying every moment of life. Its label was interpreted by a renowned French designer from ancient Roman characters. Moreover, the team behind FIOL is very cool and headed by a former staff member of Giorgio Armani. In fact, FIOL is very popular all over Europe, such as in Britain, France, Monaco, Italy and so on, especially at fashion weeks, concerts, F1 Grand Prix and other fashion shows. I believe FIOL will achieve the same status here in future, since China always embraces new things.

张林雄 亚洲星光娱乐集团董事长,对气泡 酒的热爱为其带来事业灵感和幸运。 Vincent Zhang, CEO of the All Talent Asia Group, is a sparkling wine enthusiast, taking his love of the drink as an inspiration for work and life.

What are some of your tactics in introducing FIOL to the Chinese market? I love wines and music, both of which represent an attitude. I hope to integrate them both, so I will be collaborating with musical activities, like concerts and some high-end fashion programs. As for distribution, we will first consider whether the perpective partner shares FIOL’s philosophy; and then consider whether or not location is suitable. I want to target a precise group of consumers for whom FIOL is not just a wine or a taste, but a lifestyle statement for someone looking for quality and passion, someone who has the freedom to choose an amazing drinking experience over just another name or label. As we see, the sparkling wine really means a lot to you! Yes, it means life to me! It tells temperature, smell, history, culture, etc., all of which are perfectly balanced in a bottle. When you drink the wine slowly and thoughtfully, you are savoring the history and stories behind the wine. FIOL features rich gradations, aftertastes and balances at every stage, and so does life! We’ve heard that you raise horses; would you like to share more about your hobbies? I am a member of The Hong Kong Jockey Club and also one of the horse owners. I am very lucky - when I was in my second year in the Club, I won the right to raise a horse by drawing lots, and since it was right at the same time that I gained the agency of FIOL in China, I called my horse “Bubble Boy”! Besides that, I like sports, traveling and music. When I am older, I would like to be a lyricist.




Material Culture


Green is the New Black 时下环保时尚正流行,它是一种独特的生活态度,更是一种清新的时尚生活观。 The green fashion trend has already taken root, encouraging a new improved lifestyle and cultivating a fresh view of style. Text: Eva Liu


Light Wing Causal Shoes 美国拉斯维加斯的 UTLab 设计了一款 “轻翼”跑鞋,一只鞋重量只有 150 克。其 主要支撑材料采用具有极强防水防油功能的 杜邦特卫强环保纸,面料采用闪纺和高密度 聚乙烯纤维,染色技术为 UTLab 的独家专 利技术,鞋底则采用质地优良的软泡材料。


Havaianas Sandals 它,数年前就开始身体力行环保行动,旗下 IPE 和 IC 两个系列的设计为森林、湿地动植物 和海洋生物图案,通过生动的形象唤起消费者对 生物多样性及环境保护的关注。消费者每购买一 双环保主题的人字拖,哈瓦那都会将所得的 7% 捐给热带雨林保护生态研究所。 The stylish and affordable Brazilian sandal brand believes in social and environmental responsibility, and has participated in many programs and contributed to organizations to do its part to support our planet. Its IPE and CI sandals, featuring forest, wetland animal and sea creature designs, are created to arouse consumers’ attention to the conservation of threatened biodiversity and environment. By purchasing Havaianas eco-themed sandals, you’re helping to donate 7% of the income per pair to the Institute for Ecological Research (IPE).

76 LifeStyle

Las Vegas-based UT. Lab released its Light Wing, a super durable light casual shoe that weighs 150g. The uppers are made from Dupont’s Tyvek - flashspun high-density polyethylene fibers - which is eco-friendly, water and oil-proof, highly breathable and strong. The outsole is made of ultra-light and durable foam material. A kind of UT. Lab’s patent applicant dye formula is also involved.

H&M 环保服装

H&M Conscious Collection H&M 推出了 2013“环保自觉行动”系列。 这个系列采用了可持续性的面料、循环再利 用面料和天丝 / 莱赛尔纤维材质。H&M 还回 收顾客手里的 H&M 品牌旧衣,通过减少纺 织品垃圾节约自然资源,为保护环境做出自 己的贡献。 The 2013 H&M Conscious Collection is made from sustainable materials, including organic cotton, recycled polyamide and Tencel. The brand has also has a program to reclaim many second-hand H&M clothes in order to save resources and reduce textile garbage.


Memory Grass Handbag 这是先锋设计师兼环保达人魏明辉的新 作——新生物料再造系列之“内存再设计” 大草包。他利用旧物重新设计,绿色草包系 列可谓是真正的“绿色”,既环保又实用! This unique and refreshing grass handbag is a latest creation by Wei Minghui, a cutting-edge designer and a practitioner of green life. He used artificial grass and recycled materials to make this eco-friendly bag, a green and practical accessory for fashionable ladies!




Material Culture


Bark Wallet 来自美国加州大学伯克利分校环境设计 学院的毕业生最新设计了一款极简主义的纯 天然树皮钱包,为出行减负的同时,还能兼 顾环保。设计者特地选用树皮作为材料,让 树木本身可以永续生长。 Replace your thick leather wallet with the stylish, slim and minimalist Bark Wallet that is both environmentally conscious and practical. Made out of naturally soft oak bark, it is a top creative work by grads from UC Berkely’s Environmental Planning department. The most sustainable thing about the wallet is that the bark can grow.

El Naturalista 环保鞋

El Naturalista Shoes

EL Naturalista 是西班牙鞋履品牌,标志 是绿色青蛙,体现了简单、世俗的快乐。El Naturalista 环保鞋采用生态环保材料,且运 用了先进环保工艺。每个系列外底的设计灵 感皆源自不同的自然和文化故事,通过不同 的环保理念来唤起人们对生态环境的关注。


Birkenstock Clogs 勃肯是以绿色环保著称的德国拖鞋品 牌,素有“健康鞋王”之称。勃肯鞋的鞋床 原料取自软木屑,再混合天然橡胶等可再生 资源,自然不会影响到树木的生长。独特的 鞋底构造舒适轻便,且对足部健康十分有利。 The German sandal brand Birkenstock is known for its environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes and healthy design. Made from a combination of soft sawdust and natural rubber, the Birkenstock clogs are recyclable and sustainable. The sole is designed to be light and comfortable for good foot health.

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Starting out in Spain with their lovable frog logo, El Naturalista is an embodiment of simple worldly happiness. Shoes are made from eco-friendly and sustainable materials and advanced environmentally-friendly manufacturing processes are employed. Inspired by natural and cultural tales, the brand has created fancy patterns for its outsoles, through which it hopes to turn people’s attention toward protecting the ecological environment.


Wood Ties 来自美国旧金山的 Wood Thumb 结合环保理念, 以废弃的木材为原材料,打造出的每一条领带都是独 一无二的,木头的纹路清晰可见。除了选材的创意不 凡,设计师以块状拼接的想法也让人眼前一亮,“带” 随人动,打破了木头本身的僵硬感。 San Francisco-based Wood Thumb uses discarded wood to create exclusive recycled green wooden tie, on which the tree rings can be seen clearly. By piecing together the blocks, the remarkably creative ties are also made much more stylish.


Replay Denim Bag Replay 牛仔包的诞生源自品牌希望将牛 仔布升级再造的构思,呼吁大家减少用完即 弃的习惯,为环保做贡献。设计师将旧牛仔 裤拆开,选取其中合适的面料再重新拼接缝 合,制作出功能和外观完全不同的大手提袋, 独具怀旧风格。 Replay, the Italian denim and smart casualwear brand, is launching some very cute denim handbags for this summer. The bag comes from the idea that denim can be upcycled to create a special fashion and to make our lives more sustainable. Old jeans are separated into several pieces of cloth and reorganized to make a practical and retro-style tote bag.



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宝马 M6 四门轿跑

复刻版 Shelby GT350CR

宝马全新的 6 系四门轿跑车型是 6 系 Gran Coupe 旗舰版车型, 该车车顶线条流畅,车身高度也比普通四门轿车更加低矮,外观 造型具有出色的运动感。新款轮毂设计感颇强,配合银黑双色调 的强烈对比效果,将力量感与运动感展现得淋漓尽致。M6 四门轿 跑采用与 M6 轿跑 / 敞篷相同的 4.4 升双涡轮增压发动机,仍然保 持为 560 马力,最大扭矩 680 牛米,百公里加速仅 4.5 秒。

美 国 Classic Recreations 改 装 厂 最 新 推 出 1966 Shelby GT350CR 限量版复刻野马。此车动力是由福特赛车性能部门 所打造的 Shelby427 的 7.0 升引擎,最大功率为 545 马力,配 备 5 速手动变速箱。除了增加氮气喷射系统、高级音响、运动座 椅、Wilwood 刹车和 HRE 三片式锻造轮毂外,每辆车都会有一个 Shelby 官方授权的序列号,为收藏添上一个更有分量的砝码。

The latest in BMW’s 6 Series is their flagship 4-door Gran Coupe model, with sleek athletic lines, and the body set a little lower than the typical sedan. The design of the wheelbase, contrasted by the steely color combination make for a vivid and powerful impression overall. The new M6 uses the standard hardware from the M6 Series, including a 560-hp 4.4-liter turbocharged V-8 engine with max torque of 680 nm, and can get up to 100 km/h in only 4.5 seconds.

Classic Recreations, an American bespoke car builder has recently put out the 1966 Shelby GT350CR Mustang. It uses Shelby’s 427 Ford racing style 545 hp 7.0-liter V-8 engine paired with a 5-speed manual transmission. Besides the nitrogen pressure system, advanced sound system and highback seats, Willwood brakes and HRE 3 forged wheel hubs; every car comes with a Shelby official authorized serial number, adding to its collectability.

BMW M6 4 Door Gran Coupe

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Vintage Shelby GT350CR

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2013 PGO 水蛇

巴博斯中国龙版 60 S

宝马为核 2013 PGO 水蛇开始接受预定。该车标配 17 英寸合 金轮毂和规格为 205/40 ZR17 的轮胎,净重仅为 998 公斤。“水蛇” 搭载 1.6 升涡轮增压宝马发动机,最大功率为 184 马力,极限扭矩 240 牛米,配备 6 速手动变速箱,采用后轮驱动,极速可达 225km/h。 城市油耗百公里 10.9 升,高速 5.9,综合为 7.6。

巴博斯专门针对中国市场推出了中国龙版 60 S,该车以奔驰 S600 为原型,配备超级炫酷的车身套件,前格栅、前轮拱和侧裙 部位还带有飞舞的金色龙形图案。车厢内装饰优雅,包括高档真 皮和深色实木内饰以及专属地毯、后排座椅娱乐系统、折叠小桌 板和绣龙的头枕。该车配备 6.3 升 V12 发动机,最大功率为 730 马力, 极限扭矩被电子限制在 1100 牛米, 百公里加速时间低于 4 秒, 极速约为 300km/h。

2013 PGO Cévennes Water Snake

PGO is already accepting orders for the new 2013 PGO Cévennes Water Snake. With 17 inch alloy wheel hubs and standard 205/40 SR17 tires, the Water Snake only weighs 998 kg. It has a 1.6-liter turbocharged BMW engine with max output of 184hp and max torque of 240 nm, connected to a six-speed manual transmission enabling it to hit a top speed of 225 km/h. In the city it consumes 10.9L over 100 km, 5.9L/100km on the highway, with an average of 7.6.

Brabus 60 S Dragon Edition

Brabus has put out the new Dragon Edition specifically for the Chinese market, giving the Mercedes S600 model a super-luxurious makeover; sporting flying dragon designs on the front grille, side skirts and behind the front wheels. Interiors are elegant leather with dark wood and exclusive carpeting, with an entertainment system in the back, including a small fold-out table and dragon-embroidered pillows. The model comes with a 6.3L V12 engine with 730hp, with torque up to 1100nm; and can get from 0-100km in just 4 seconds, with top speeds of 300 km/h.



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The Art of the Brick “积木狂想季”登陆上海,全球唯一集乐高积木认证大师和 乐高堆砌大师头衔于一身的专业玩家带给你不一样的刺激玩法。 “The Art of the Brick,” contemporary art made entirely of LEGOs, lands in Shanghai this summer, bringing art-loving adults a dose of childhood fun. Text: Jeffrey Ying

玩积木的最高境界是什么?乐高积木 大师内森·萨瓦亚的答案绝对出乎你的意料。 他认为没有什么概念是乐高积木无法表达 的,而且他还把乐高积木带到了一个全新 的领域——艺术。他的“积木狂想季”巡回 展览走过了北美、亚洲和澳大利亚的知名 城市,创下了数百万人次的观展记录,被 CNN 评为“全球十大必看展览”之一。 来自纽约的萨瓦亚用人人都熟悉的玩 具创作出震撼人心的大型艺术雕塑或造型, 其主题涵盖广阔,既表现了无穷的想象力和 创造力,又充满童真趣味,而他使用的仅仅 是标准尺寸和颜色的乐高积木,对作品空间 完美的孜孜追求以及概念化的方式使其能 “化平常为神奇”。萨瓦亚说:“这些作品 的个人意义比较强,它们反映了我作为艺术 人挖掘自身创作能力的历程。它们在唤醒每 个人内心童真的同时,阐述了某些复杂的概 念。积木是许多小孩的日常玩具,因此它和 你我他都能发生联系。但是 2007 年首展时, 我的初衷仅仅是想把这个单纯的玩具带进 一个新的领域。” 作为一名独立艺术家,萨瓦亚受托在 纽约、迈阿密和毛伊岛都展出了自己的作 品。这个夏天,风靡全球的“积木狂想季” 终于来到中国,于 7 月 26 日登陆上海浦东 正大艺术中心(将于 10 月 27 日结束)。 这也是国内首次推出萨瓦亚这一创意无限 的积木艺术展。

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The Art of the Brick museum shows tour North America, Asia and Australia. These are the first major museum exhibitions to focus exclusively on the use of the popular toy, LEGO bricks, as an art medium and artist Nathan Sawaya has taken it to new heights. This New York-based artist has multiple unique exhibitions created solely from standard LEGO bricks with several new sculptures created specifically for each exhibition. Each show has countless colorful LEGO pieces which Sawaya has transformed into whimsical and awe-inspiring creations. Sawaya’s ability to transform this common toy into something meaningful, his devotion to spatial perfection and the way he conceptualizes action, enables him to elevate what almost every child has played with into the status of contemporary art. “These works are very personal to me, since they reflect my growth as an artist as I strove to discover my creative identity,” said Sawaya. “The museum exhibition is accessible because it engages the child in all of us while simultaneously illuminating sophisticated and complex concepts. Everyone can relate to the medium since it is a toy that many children have at home. But my goal with this exhibition when it first debuted in 2007 was to elevate this simple plaything to a place it has never been before.” Sawaya creates awe-inspiring works of art out of some of the most unlikely things. A full-time independent artist, Sawaya accepts commission requests and shows his art in galleries in New York, Miami and Maui. Look for these unique works coming to Shanghai at the Chia Tau Hall where The Art of the Brick will be exhibited from July 26th to October 27th.



84 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.86 飨宴

Dining / P.96 美酒

WineClub / P.100 人物

Profile / P.102

巴黎兰卡斯特酒店 Hotel Lancaster Paris






Red Carpet Hotels 以巨星名字命名的这些酒店套房是否徒有虚名?去法国和意大利看看就知道啦! Leading luxury hotels roll out the red carpet with movie star inspired suites. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels


Hotel du Palais Biarritz 比亚里茨是法国冲浪胜地,这里的皇 宫酒店在大西洋和比利牛斯山的簇拥下熠 熠生辉,处处展现着那个逝去时代的华丽 优雅气质。美国传奇影星贾利·库珀便是这 家酒店的超级粉丝,此外平·克劳斯贝、波 菲里奥·鲁维罗萨、弗兰克·辛纳屈、简·曼斯 菲尔德及温莎公爵伉俪都对它青眼有加。 在巴黎丽兹酒店拍摄的《黄昏之恋》中, 观众感受了一把贾利·库珀的浪漫演出,而 皇宫酒店以他名字命名的 54 平米套房走的 却是轻松自在路线。该套房虽位于一层, 却高于地平线,两间宽敞的卧室配备大型 窗户,可把大西洋的壮丽景色收入眼底。 房间里满眼是柔和的米色和奢华的金色, 呈现一派优雅舒适的氛围,并设有带独立 淋浴间和浴缸的大型浴室——可别像贾利· 库珀在巴黎丽兹酒店那样让浴缸里的水溢 出来! An American film legend Gary Cooper discovered a favorite European retreat and shared his fondness for Hotel du Palais in Biarritz with such other bold-faced names as Bing Crosby, Porfirio Rubirosa, Frank Sinatra, Jane Mansfield, and the Duke and Duchess of Windsor. As easily as one can picture him at the Ritz Paris in "Love in the Afternoon", one can see him completely at ease in the 54-square-meter residential suite at Hotel du Palais that now bears his name. Located on the ground floor but raised above the horizon, this unique suite offers immense windows from the two vast rooms opening to a breathtaking view of the tumultuous Atlantic Ocean. Combining the perfection of elegance and comfort, it is decorated in soothing, sumptuous tones of beige and gold, and features a very large bathroom with separate shower and bathtub – which we hope he never would have let overflow like the one at the Ritz Paris!

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Capri Palace Hotel & Spa 卡普里皇宫温泉酒店顶层的格温妮斯·帕特洛总统套房于 2009 年进行了重新整修,这个 1620 平方英尺的套房得名于曾 经入住于此的著名女星格温妮斯·帕特洛。从黑色大理石地板到 古董家具,不难看出该套房融合了现代装饰艺术风格与优雅的 古典风情,当然还设立了衣帽间、壁炉、带独立沐浴间的大型 浴室和带卫浴次卧、客厅和餐厅。更让人惊喜的是,格温妮斯 ·帕特洛套房拥有一个 3230 平方英尺的空中花园,内设恒温泳 池,尽享 360 度迷人景致,如索拉罗山盎然的绿意、阿纳卡普 里村、伊斯基亚和普罗奇达岛以及迷人的那不勒斯海湾。最后 不得不提的是睡床的上方安装了天花窗,客人躺着也能欣赏卡 普里的醉人月光。 Completely refurbished in 2009 and dedicated to the actress – and hotel guest – Gwyneth Paltrow, the presidential penthouse suite at the Capri Palace Hotel & Spa spans 1,620 square feet on the top floor of the hotel. Combining the modern Art Deco style with the elegance of a bygone era, from the black marble flooring to the antique furniture, it comprises a main bedroom, with a large bathroom with separate shower, walk-in wardrobe, fireplace, and a ceiling window above the bed through which to admire the Capri moon. There is a second bedroom and bath, as well as a living and dining area. Measuring 3,230 square feet, the suite’s hanging garden with heated swimming pool offers a 360-degree panoramic view, enabling guests to admire the green slopes of Monte Solaro hill, the village of Anacapri, the islands of Ischia and Procida, as well as the enchanting bay of Naples.

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Hotel Lancaster Paris 上世纪 30 年代末,在德国经典电影《蓝 天使》里饰演歌舞女郎而声名鹊起的传奇 巨星玛琳·黛德丽以巴黎兰卡斯特酒店为家, 一住便是三年之久,由此可见该酒店的吸 引力之大。酒店最初是一个私人住宅,如 今为了纪念玛琳·黛德丽对此地的留恋,以 她的名字命名位于四楼的套房。该套房拥 有 380 平方英尺的卧室,超大的床上铺着 埃及棉床单,另外还有 560 平方英尺的客 厅和私家阳台。以玛琳·黛德丽最爱的紫色 为基调,套房呈现出浓郁的 30 年代风情, 配有古老的三角钢琴和壁炉,还挂着导演 约瑟夫·冯·斯坦博格为其拍摄的照片。套房 最近进行了翻新,包括对橡木地板进行了 精细修复。

It is little wonder that Marlene Dietrich, the siren of the classic film "The Blue Angel", chose to make Hotel Lancaster in Paris her home for three years in the late 1930s. The hotel, after all, started as a private residence. Today, her stay is commemorated in the fourth-floor suite that bears her name. With its grand piano and fireplace, the Marlene Dietrich suite is graced by a portrait of the German diva taken by Joseph Von Sternberg himself. Decorated in shades of violet, the star’s favorite color, the furnishings evoke the tastes of the 1930s. Comprising a spacious 380-square-foot bedroom with a king-size bed fitted with Egyptian cotton linens, a spectacular 560-square-foot living room, and boasting private balconies, the suite was recently refurbished – including the meticulous renovation of the oak parquet flooring.






Villa and Palazzo Aminta

好莱坞传奇女星伊丽莎白·泰勒的来头 够大吧,她生前曾下榻意大利这家阿明宫 别墅酒店,酒店由此推出了位于顶层的伊 丽莎白·泰勒套房。为了与百年难求的世界 巨星相匹配,这间套房极尽奢华之能事, 从装潢、家居用品到窗外景致都可谓“酒 店之最”。伊丽莎白·泰勒套房坐拥马焦雷 湖(被誉为意大利最浪漫的湖泊)的壮阔 景致,其大型私人露台也许就是最佳观景 台。雅致舒适的卧室配备鹅羽绒被和埃及 棉床单,宽敞的大理石浴室铺着经典马赛 克,典雅的客厅则摆着古董家具、书桌、 椅子和沙发。穆拉诺吊灯、灯饰和每日鲜 花等细节都成为客人记忆中最美好的片段。 The legendary Elizabeth Taylor stayed in a fabulous suite at the Villa and Palazzo Aminta and the hotel named that suite in her honor. Reflecting the epitome of luxury, the suite is without a doubt a showpiece on its own. Located on the top floor of the hotel, it boasts sweeping views over what is considered Italy's most romantic lake - Lake Maggiore, with a large private terrace in front offering perhaps the best vantage points. The suite is made up of a beautiful bedroom, fitted with goose down duvets and Egyptian cotton bed linens; a large marble bathroom highlighted by mosaics; and an elegantly decorated living room with antique furniture, a working desk, chairs and sofa. All are appointed with Murano chandeliers and lamps, and daily fresh flowers.

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Cristallo Hotel Spa & Golf 奢华迷人的克里斯塔洛温泉及高尔夫 酒店位于意大利科尔蒂纳丹佩佐的心脏地 带,在多洛米蒂山引人入胜的风景映衬下, 呈现给来客一个梦幻般的世界。酒店里的 一间总统套房以英国著名影星彼特·塞勒斯 的名字命名,彼特在上世纪 60 年代红极一 时的经典喜剧《粉红豹》中扮演一名警探, 部分场景就是在该酒店拍摄的。这间翻新 后的总统套房独一无二,堪称科尔蒂纳丹 佩佐地区高水平服务和极致舒适的典范, 就算彼特本人大驾光临都不会对其失望。 Cristallo Hotel Spa & Golf is an island of luxury and glamour in the heart of Italy’s Dolomites, named one of its impressive Presidential Suites in honor of renowned screen star Peter Sellers. The famed British actor played the part of Inspector Clouseau for the first time in 1963, in the legendary comic movie, "The Pink Panther", portions of which were shot at the hotel. This refined and prestigious apartment is a perfect example of comfort and high-level service, in the unique and sophisticated style of the Cortina d’Ampezzo region. Inspector Clouseau would be pleased, indeed!




Escape to Shangri-La 酷暑难耐之际,到哪里去寻找一个既清 静又清凉的所在呢?最爽的莫过于跟大海来 一次亲密拥抱。位于黄海之滨的青岛有着蔚 蓝的天空、纯净的大海和雪白的沙滩。在这 里,香格里拉大酒店是唯一的奢华代名词。 酒店集高品质的休闲娱乐与城市文化于一 体,让你悠享夏日好时光。 盛世阁是青岛香格里拉大酒店最具代表 性的区域之一,独立大堂富丽典雅,勾勒出 深厚的城市文化底蕴;每一位服务人员都笑 靥如花,为你送上最诚挚的问候。更难得的 是,所有客房都面向大海,让你尽情体验大 海的壮阔与心灵的平静。位于盛世阁 20 层 的雅叙轩果真名符其实,雅致且惬意,是品 尝美食、谈天说地和愉悦心情的好地方,更 有多重服务和优惠等待你的光临。 酒店的宴会设施也堪称一流。位于盛世 阁的盛世堂宴会厅宽敞气派,可容纳 2000 位宾客;经过全面翻新改造的青香阁一层大 宴会厅气派不凡,可容纳 1650 位宾客,已 于六月份正式亮相。宴会厅均配备先进完备 的专业设施,包括多功能会议音响系统、电 子灯光调节系统、投影设备、电动升降屏幕、 可灵活调节方向的遥控射灯等,并有二氧化 碳浓度自动控制新风系统,用于提高室内空 气质量和客人舒适度。大宴会厅还可根据客 人需求灵活分隔成三个小型宴会厅,并有独 立贵宾室和新娘房。 酒店健体中心配备有 25 米长的室内游 泳池、桑拿浴和蒸汽浴,让你在挥洒汗水的 同时,得到充分的放松。全新升级的香格里 拉 CHI 水疗传承中国传统养生文化,精选多 种特色护理并采用含有天然植物和草本精华

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的高效产品,帮你恢复身心平衡与和谐。10 间豪华双人和单人理疗套房以及独立的更衣 室和浴室,会让你更好地体验香格里拉式的 卓越服务。 In the suffocating heat and noise of summer in the city, where can one go to find solace? Perhaps one of the best choices is Qingdao, with its blue skies, pure seawater and smooth beaches. And the Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao represents the best of luxury hotels in the city – here, guests will have access to high-quality recreation activities as well as the city’s colorful culture, enjoying a relaxing and fun summer holiday. The famous Valley Wing has its own elegant lobby, where smiling service staff welcome you with the most gracious greetings. All guestrooms here face the sea, giving guests the opportunity to appreciate the magnificence of the ocean and enjoy a tranquil peace of mind. The Valley Wing Lounge, located on

the 20th floor of the Valley Wing, provides breathtaking sea views as well as gourmet foods in a stylish ambience, along with many other privileges. Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao also provides guests with high-end banquet halls. The spacious China Hall in Valley Wing can accommodate up to 2000 people, and the recently renovated Grand Ballroom in the City Wing’s lobby level, which was unveiled in June, can seat 1650 people. The facilities feature the latest sophisticated audio and visual systems with electronically controlled lighting systems, and other advanced systems such as ceiling controlled LCD projectors, remote controlled electronic screens and track ceiling lighting system to capture the proper mood. The newly installed CO2 controlled fresh air system will ensure proper air quality at all times. Additionally, the Grand Ballroom offers a flexible layout that can be divided into three separate spaces if needed. A separated VIP and a bridal room are also connected to the Grand Ballroom. For relaxation, the Health Club features the best gym equipment, including a 25 metre swimming pool, sauna and steam room. CHI, The Spa, features a wide selection of treatments showcasing traditional Chinese wellness culture using natural and therapeutic botanical and herbal products to restore the balance of mind and body. The ten single and double private treatment rooms all have an individual changing and shower room. 9 Xiang Gang Zhong Lu, Qingdao Tel: 0532 8388 3838


女人,哪个不向往与众不同的浪漫创 意婚礼?可是一个好的创意实在难得,不如 就将一切都交给北京中国大饭店吧,再也不 用头痛,你只需静心等待完美一刻的到来。 这里专业的梦幻婚礼专员将为宾客精致承 办完美梦幻婚礼。你心仪的婚礼将在一个梦 幻般的场所举行,无论是能纵览街景的会议 大厅、装饰高雅华丽的宴会大厅,还是有指 定服务人员的专属多功能厅,抑或是私密性 极好的贵宾休息室、阿丽雅餐厅和夏宫中餐 厅,中国大饭店多种规模的宴会场地一定能 满足不同的需求。 中国大饭店拥有经验丰富的婚礼专业 策划和婚礼宴会筹备团队,专业建议和细致 服务让你完美婚礼梦想轻松实现,此外热情 周到的香格里拉式服务更让甜蜜爱侣尽享 温馨梦幻的浪漫一刻。 饭店还可根据宾客的不同需要量身打 造特制服务:专业鲜花摆台、中西美味菜 单、装饰精美的蛋糕、典雅清爽的香槟塔、 浪漫舒适的客房、舒缓蜜月早餐……当然, 酒店特别奉上的意外惊喜更可为你的婚礼 增添绵绵爱意。为你悉心打造梦幻婚礼是中 国大饭店的执著追求,愿每一对新人在将来 的岁月中每每回忆起这梦幻一刻,都能享受 被浓浓的幸福包围的感觉,更有一份浓浓的 爱意伴随终生。 Every woman in the world dreams of the perfect romantic wedding, but it seems like great planning for a unique wedding celebration is hard to come by. But now, Shangri-La's China World Hotel, Beijing, makes your dream wedding come true by managing everything beautifully, allowing you to just relax, sit back and wait for your big day. Our professional “perfect wedding” specialists will create the most original wedding just for you, which will take place at our splendid wedding venues, including


A Perfect Wedding at China World Hotel the pillarless Conference Hall where you can appreciate the capital’s wonderful streetscape, the magnificent Banquet Hall, exclusive multifunctional rooms with special service staff, and private VIP lounges, such as Aria restaurant which offers contemporary European cuisine, and Summer Palace restaurant specializing in classic Cantonese and creative Huaiyang cuisine. The hotel boasts a professional and experienced wedding planning and banquet preparation team, providing everything that will help make your celebration an occasion you’ll always remember. And the hotel’s great service which has long enjoyed a good reputation ensures that the couple enjoys warm sweet moments throughout. Also, we will cater to our guests’ needs by providing personalized services, like flower settings, Chinese and Western style menus, fancy cakes, elegant champagne towers, cozy and romantic rooms, delicious honeymoon culinary delights, and so on. Moreover, our specially-created surprises will make the wedding even more adorable. Tel: 010 6505 2266 ext 6408 Email:



香港琥珀餐厅 悦享法式风情

French Dishes with Hong Kong Flair 琥珀餐厅是置地文华东方酒店的骄傲,连续三年入选英国著名美食杂志 《餐厅》举办的圣培露“全球 50 家最佳餐厅”。 The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong is proud of its two Michelin-starred restaurant Amber, which has been awarded three years in a row in the S. Pellegrino “World’s 50 Best Restaurants” Awards. 香港置地文华东方酒店坐落于中环心 脏地带——置地广场,此地是政商名流、 明星名媛和风尚人士青睐之所,金融商厦环 绕,国际名店云集,还有诸多潮流酒吧和个 性餐厅。而置地文华东方酒店凭借让人叹为 观止的现代设计、静谧的氛围以及无可挑剔 的餐厅占得一席之地,给客人提供卓越的服 务和繁华闹市里一分难求的清净。 琥珀餐厅是置地文华东方酒店的骄傲, 连续三年入选英国著名美食杂志《餐厅》举 办的圣培露“全球 50 家最佳餐厅”,2013 年荣登第 36 位。这个主营新派法国菜的时 尚餐厅设计极富创意,融合了最前卫的风 格和别具一格的灯光效果,为屡获大奖的 美食提供了与之匹配的完美环境。天花板上 4320 支铜管组成的挂饰如同起伏的波浪, 可谓超凡脱俗,成为整个餐厅的焦点。其室 内装饰采用自然暖色调,营造出一个优雅的 就餐环境。 餐厅行政总厨理查德·艾克博斯是香港 公认的最出色的主厨之一。由于从小在荷兰

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海边长大,世界各地的海鲜才是他菜单上的 重头戏。餐厅每天都提供来自东京筑地市场 的鲜鱼,而蓝龙虾等水产品则从法国进口。 为了满足不同食客的需求,餐厅菜单也多式 多样,包括活力午餐、多菜式晚宴以及不断 变化的九菜式精品菜单。菜单每三个月更 新一次,以适应不同的季节。艾克博斯以 现代方式呈现的法国美食赢得了无数殊荣, 其中包括米其林两星等。这位名厨对食材 超苛刻,他仅采用上等食材,将经典烹识 与现代技巧完美结合,创造出新风味美食, 满足现代人挑剔的味蕾。其招牌菜包括海胆 龙虾冻配椰菜花奶冻鱼子酱及脆海苔薄片、 线钓甘鲷配茴香、橙蜜饯、乌鱼子马铃薯蓉 及橄榄油浓汁等。餐厅还提供种类多样的葡 萄酒单,上面注明产地及纯度以搭配丰富的 菜品。 不能不提的还有餐厅四周环绕的玻璃 酒窖。私人品酒间最多可容纳 18 位宾客, 也可隔开为两个房间,私密性就随之满足。 这个豪华的避世之所装饰有金色的透明硬

纱窗帘、长毛绒几何地毯以及巧克力色曲线 座椅,让宾客能舒适惬意地享用餐厅屡获大 奖的美食。低调的吊灯灯光照射在用芙蕾特 亚麻铺设的餐桌上,配以琥珀餐厅典型的柏 图瓷器和昆廷器皿,尽显极致完美。


Ideally placed in the centre of Hong Kong’s financial and luxury shopping districts, The Landmark Mandarin Oriental, Hong Kong is a chic boutique retreat, famed for its stunning contemporary design, peaceful ambience, impeccable service and dining, offering a highly exclusive experience that exudes style and serenity. The Landmark Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong is proud of its two Michelin-starred restaurant Amber, which has been awarded three years in a row (claiming the 36th spot this year) in the S. Pellegrino “World’s 50 Best Restaurants” Awards, considered the ultimate accolade in culinary excellence. Blending cutting-edge style with inventive lighting, the restaurant’s dramatic design provides the perfect setting for Amber’s award-winning cuisine. With a breathtaking bronze chandelier as its centerpiece, the décor uses warm natural hues to create an elegant ambience. Chef Richard Ekkebus’ contemporary interpretation of French cuisine has earned numerous awards. Using only the finest ingredients, Ekkebus uses his classical training and contemporary talent to create dishes that excite and enthuse even the most jaded palate. He has built his reputation on a solid foundation of traditional French cooking techniques and is known for his

focus on superior produce and innovative presentation, creating French cuisine with a contemporary and light feel. His signature creations such as ‘Hokkaido Sea Urchin in a Lobster Jell-O with Cauliflower, and Caviar Crispy Seaweed Waffles’, ‘Red Amadai Fennel and Orange Confit, Bottarga-Grated New Potatoes Bouillabaisse with Manni Olive Oil Emulsion’ delight guests with every bite. One more important thing you mustn’t miss is the Private Wine Room. Surrounded on all sides by the restaurant’s glassclad wine cellar, it seats up to 18 guests in luxurious privacy and can be adapted into two even more intimate settings.With a stunning design, this sumptuous retreat is decorated with rich golden organza curtains, a plush geometric carpet and chocolate brown curvilinear chairs which invite guests to linger comfortably over Amber’s award winning dishes. To complete the scene, a discreet chandelier casts light upon a table covered with Frette linen and set with Amber’s bespoke Bernardaud china and Christofle stemware.

15 Queen's Road Central, The Landmark, Central, Hong Kong Tel: 00852 2132 0066







Kingsjoy Beijing Text: Eva Liu Photos: kingsjoy “云开闾阖三千丈,雾暗楼台百万家。” 东望雍和宫、南邻孔庙和国子监,绿树掩映、 朱柱灰瓦,两千多平米的三进仿古四合院 隐于二环的喧嚣之中,这便是掀起京城素 食风潮的蔬食餐厅京兆尹。 姿态优美独特的京兆尹堪称东城新地 标,其餐厅格局由非常建筑工作室主持建 筑师张永和设计。这位美国麻省理工学院 建筑系教授、北京大学建筑学研究中心创 始人对北京四合院情有独钟,中式古典元 素被他沉淀在餐厅细节之中,同时又不失 现代感,不愧是大师手笔。三个庭院是京 兆尹的最大亮点:外院树影婆娑、四水归 堂,成为建筑的景观中心;内院由玻璃封 顶成为室内四季观景院,屋顶十字设计, 将空间分为墙面装饰、织物效果、钢琴漆 面与油画风格四个主题,天顶帘可分区域 自动开合;侧院则聚集碧竹、白石、轻雾, 打破了以往用门、窗、墙隔绝室内外的空 间法则。在如此世隐之处享受健康蔬食, 岂不乐哉? 京兆尹汇集了世界各地的原生态植物 系食材,堪比米其林三星素食餐厅。主厨 戴军甄选原料甚是严格,非严选食材不用、

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非百分之百新鲜不用、非天然原料不用、非 按照 KJ-001 出品标准制作的食品不用,此 为京兆尹之膳房“四不用”。用乌木箸拈起 仍带着清晨鲜露的蔬臻安心入口,此无味之 味乃至味,然也!若是来此蔬食初体验,特 别推荐的菜品有岩盐黑椒珍菌派、茶油美人 米炒芦笋尖、珍菌白玉杯、金刚沙豆腐等。 京兆尹推荐爱的品味,心的品味!

京兆尹乐和小贴士: ① 餐厅近期推出 high tea 下午茶 (14:00~17:00)和乐餐活动(23:00~02:00), 期间会有经典乐器, 如竖琴等现场演奏。 ② 每逢周一、农历初一和十五,都会有两 人同行一人半价,四人同行一人免单的 活动,需提前电话预约。 No 2 Wudaoying Hutong, Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 8404 9191

n area of over 2,000 square meter shaded by trees, Kingsjoy is located in the heart of the bustling capital city and surrounded by historically significant landmarks, with the Yonghegong Lama Temple to the east, and Confucius Temple and Imperial Academy to the south. The restaurant, with vermilion pillars and grey tiles, evokes the ancient style of the classic Beijing courtyard. This unique and elegant restaurant has become somewhat of a new landmark in Dongcheng District. An architectural masterpiece, it was designed by Beijing architect Yung Ho Chang and his firm Atelier FCJZ. The MIT professor of architecture and founder of the Architecture Center at Peking University has always been fond of the traditional Beijing-style courtyard, and this love is embedded in all the details of Kingsjoy while retaining a stylish contemporary sense. The restaurant has three sections. The outer courtyard, with its green trees and traditionalstyle layout, is the central landscape area. The glass-framed inner courtyard is an indoor all-season viewing area, whose cross-shaped roof divides the space into four themed areas: wall decoration, fabric effect, piano lacquer and oil painting styles; and the ceiling of each area can open and close automatically. The design of the side yard is especially ingenious; breaking the conventional architectural rule that doors, windows and walls are employed to distinguish inside from out; instead, bamboos, rocks and mist are cleverly used to create a different and exquisite space. Kingsjoy is committed to bringing together the best in both Eastern and Western vegetarian culinary arts to Beijing. Under the supervision of renowned chef Dai Jun, the freshest vegetarian ingredients are chosen along strict guidelines from all over the world. No ingredients can be used if they are not of superior quality, 100 percent fresh, natural and made in line with KJ-001, the strictest food processing standard. With a pair of ebony chopsticks, guests can enjoy fresh meatless dishes, all of which prove that natural flavor indeed needs no further altering. Popular dishes include Peppered Aromatic Mushroom Steak, Jasmine Rice with Asparagus, White Gourd with Morel and Wild Mushroom, Spicy Sesame on Crispy Tofu, and Thai Basil Matsutake Mushroom.

“夜市北州桥又盛百倍,车马阗拥, 不可驻足,都人谓之‘里头’”,《东京 梦华录》如是记载“州桥夜市”。 里头 餐 厅名字正是来源于此,餐厅主人说起名“里 头”是希望食客能够在安静与舒适中寻求 精神的热络与繁盛。刚步入餐厅,自然错 落的新鲜植物、古时庭院,让宋朝古都东 京恍如眼前,真正走进 里头,我们坠入了 一个新生的浮世食梦。 我们前往时, 里头 餐厅正在展出华裔 画家陶东东的画作,生机勃勃的植物被置 入灯箱,在朦胧的斑驳中透射出阳光下生 命力的喜悦。 在 里头,看似清淡的菜品,味道一层 一层在味蕾上揭开,用心才能体味个中内 涵厚度。雪山冰梅果,选用一簇自然生长 的小只绿色番茄,混合柠檬、梅子、微酸 微甜的姜,稍稍腌制,几种食材的味道相 互交融渗透,层层叠叠地刺激着味蕾,在 燥热的夏季让人忍不住胃口大开。萌动菇 笋精选笋和金针菇、鲜菇、小白菇,浇以 炒制胡麻油,嵌以川味辣,将紫薯研磨成 粉混合其中,笋菇的甘甜从中卷来,微微 补充夏季流失的精气。 一份陶烧安 格斯牛肉拌灰树菇足以品 出大厨的诚意,选用肋骨和胸之间肥瘦精 当的牛肉,用介于西式和日式的方法调配 出的汁卤制,慢火 入味之后,继而静待牛 肉吐出油脂,配以笋菇,整体口感润滑却 不腻。 餐厅的主人极为珍视食物所传递的生 命力,挑选食材更是挑剔——循着二十四 节气选择应时食材,选用东北大庆的小面 积种植有机认证面粉和大米,专用韩国有 机肥种植的绿色时令蔬菜瓜果。 对食物来源的追溯和严控本身就是对 食物和生命的诚意,里头餐厅于诚意之上, 在京城西边为食客营造了一个浮世食梦。


A Gourmet Dream Text: Biying Zeng Photos: Litou


n the book of Meng Yuanlao, a man of letters of the Northern Song Dynasty, the current emperor’s capital city Kaifeng was unparalleled in its prosperous economy and market. Its particularly famous night fair was bustling with vendors selling gourmet foods, and was called “Litou” by the citizens. This is the source of the unusual name of the restaurant, whose restauranteur hopes that diners can achieve a sort of spiritual enrichment in this cozy and peaceful space. Dotted with live plants and featuring an archaistic courtyard, it feels like the ancient capital has been revived. Stepping inside, we sank into what felt like a renewed dream of ancient gourmet life. On the day of our visit, it happened that pictures of Tao Dongdong, a Chinese painter, were on exhibition. There were lamp boxes with greens inside. Through these dim and

B1 Beijing World Art Museum, The China Millennium Monument, A9 Fuxing Lu, Haidian District, Beijing Tel: 010 5980 2362

mottled lights, the plants seemed joyous with vitality under the sun. Seated comfortably at our table, we ate slowly and leisurely. While seemingly light, the dishes required diners to wholeheartedly savor their full flavor, revealed on the tongue layer after layer. Iced Tomatoes, a sweet-sounding appetizer, were quite tantalizing. Small naturally-grown green tomatoes were pickled with lemons, plums and sour-and-sweet tender ginger. The blended flavors stimulated your taste buds and worked up an appetite in the heat of summer. For another dish, select fresh bamboo shoots and mushrooms were paired with cooked linseed oil, chillies and purple sweet potato to create an incredibly flavorful plate, great for restoring energy. The chef’s sincerity shows through in the Terracotta-grilled Angus Beef and Mushrooms. Marbled beef is first marinated in a sauce made in mixed Western and Japanese style, then grilled over a slow fire to perfection, letting more fat escape for a lean cut. Finally bamboo shoots and mushrooms are added to top it off, creating a refined flavor with less grease. The head of the restaurant greatly cherishes the vitality conveyed by foods, so he is very strict in selecting food materials, selecting seasonal ingredients according to the 24 solar terms, limited-planting certified organic flour and rice, as well as seasonal vegetables and fruits planted with Korean organic fertilizer. The strict control of food resources shows respect for and sincerity towards foods and life. With this sincerity, Litou Restaurant creates for food lovers a gourmet dream in the capital of contemporary China.




Dining 小 S 徐熙娣和谢娜两个奇葩凑一块 了!最新开业的 MS Sugar 蜜斯蜜糖时尚 餐厅旗舰店位于京城最富时尚气息的世贸 天阶,小 S、谢娜与蜜斯团队打造这家闺 蜜主题餐厅的初衷就是要以最 Sexy 的气 氛、最 Super 的美食、最 Sweet 的服务来 颠覆吃货们的西餐用餐体验。 “Sugar”是小 S 与谢娜,“MS”是 新新女性的英文缩写,也是她俩的素人闺 蜜 Michelle 和 Stephanie 的英文名首字母。 Michelle 和 Stephanie 是跟你我一样的平 凡人,爱生活爱美食,唯一的不同是她们 与小 S、谢娜之间不平凡的交情。小 S、谢 娜与姐妹们亲身参与店面设计,她们将新 古典宫廷风和时尚公主风糅合其间,运用 色彩将整体气氛发挥得淋漓尽致。闺蜜们 钟爱的美食与美酒在此毫无保留地呈献给 了各位蜜友。 除了小 S 及谢娜喜欢的西式餐点外, 店内餐点还包括许多小 S 在综艺节目《康 熙来了》介绍过的终极美食,如墨西哥煎 蛋卷、巧克力辣鸡翅及炸海鲜熔岩石等佳 肴美点,当然也少不了两位综艺一姐的私 房调酒。想尝尝世界甜点冠军赖晓梅的创 意料理?那就亲自去这个北京闺蜜们的时 尚美食新据点一探究竟吧。

拥抱闺蜜, 享受 “蜜糖” !

Taste the Sweet Life Text: Eva Liu Photos: MS Sugar


hat happens when the top variety show hostess in mainland China Nana meets Dee (also known as Little S), the queen of entertainment programs in Taiwan? MS Sugar has turned out to be one of the outcomes. Ideally located in Beijing’s chicest district The Palace, the recently opened Western style restaurant MS Sugar is themed around the “sweet relationship of besties”, aiming to offer super delicacies and sweet services with the sexiest ambiance. “Sugar” stands for Nana and Dee. “MS” comes from their two best friends, Michelle and Stephanie, who are full of passion for life and good food. Nana and Dee have collaborated with their besties on the restaurant’s design, blending neo-classic royal and princess elements and making a perfect match of colors. Aside from Nana and Dee’s favorite cuisines, MS Sugar boasts many snacks which Dee has highly recommended on her TV program, such as the Mexican Village Omelette, Buffalo Mole Chicken Pops, Fried Seafood, etc. Classy mixed drinks are also a highlight, and the creative deserts from Lai Xiaomei, champion of Asia’s 1st Culinary Cup, never disappoint.

L228C, South Tower, The Place, No.9 Guanghua Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6587 1558

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Wine Tourism

Luxury Travel Redefined 大约半个世纪以前,只有业内人士才 会去酒庄或葡萄酒厂,那时可没人想到专门 去做酒庄之旅,甚至都还没有“葡萄酒之旅” 这个概念。大部分酒庄只是生产、贮存和运 输葡萄酒的地方,有一间办公室和一个小小 的试酒间,来品酒的大多是当地人或来自附 近地区和国家。至于想长途跋涉去游览酒庄 的人真是少之又少,再说去那里可以做些什 么呢?当然了,要是有向导的话,倒是可 以去这些酒庄游览一番,还可以尝尝美酒, 不过也仅此而已。 时光流转,50 年后的今天,葡萄酒旅 游已成为最受欢迎的旅游项目之一。为了款 待游客,以及吸引更多的人前来参观,酒 庄不遗余力地扩大试酒间和游客中心空间。

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有些甚至不惜重金打造豪华试酒间,普通一 点的也是精心布置过的。1966 年,在闻名 遐迩的美国加州葡萄酒产区纳帕谷,罗伯特 ·蒙达维建成了第一家以旅游为目的的大型 奢华酒庄。结果他一举成功,到新酒庄参观 游览的客人络绎不绝。之后,一场革命席卷 了全球葡萄酒庄。酒庄老板纷纷加大翻新投 入,购置新的酿酒设备。为了取得像蒙达维 那样的成功,新建酒庄在设计方面追求标新 立异。如雨后春笋般涌现的新酒庄吸引着各 地游客蜂拥而至,其中包括越来越多葡萄酒 爱好者(也不乏一些大客户)慕名而来。酒 商还时不时带他们的合伙人来酒庄参观或 开派对,为此又修建了大批酒店和别墅来满 足这些人的住宿和餐饮需求。

实际上,老牌欧洲酒庄以及南美、非 洲、澳大利亚和新西兰这些新兴葡萄酒产区 的大酒庄早在一个多世纪以前就开始接待 来自世界各地的游客了,且数量日益增多。 在欧洲,这一传统已经持续了几个世纪。但 酒庄旅游日渐成为一项产业则始于蒙达维 新酒庄的成功。如今越来越多的人将发现美 酒美食视作一种乐趣,这一产业在全球范 围内创造的价值已达数十亿美元,且仍在 不断增长,相关各方皆大欢喜。如此说来, 假如你喜欢品尝佳酿,下次度假不妨去拜访 一下当地的知名酒庄,保证让你难以忘怀, 还能扩充爱酒清单。


here was a time maybe about 50 years ago, when wineries were primarily the travel destination of wine industry connected individuals and groups; and the phrase “wine tourism” had not as yet become popular, let alone become an officially coined term. For the most part wineries were designed as production, storage and shipping facilities with some office space and a small tasting room for visitors, most of whom were locals or from within the surrounding area, region or country; and the thought of traveling great distances to see a winery as a tourist was by exception, for what would one do upon arriving a winery at that time? Well, they would most likely be offered a winery tour if someone was available to show them around; and they would be able to sample some of the wines, but that’s about it.

Fast forward to today and what a difference half a century has made with the birth of one of the most popular forms of tourism, wine tourism. And to attract and accommodate their customers and prospective customers, wineries are dedicating more and more space to wine tasting rooms and “visitor centers”, some very luxurious, costing vast amounts; while others are more modest, yet nonetheless a joy to visit. In California the first of the great, new, luxury tourist destination wineries was opened in 1966 by Robert Mondavi and his family in the beautiful Napa Valley. Upon recognizing the instant success and consumer appeal of the new winery, a global revolution was begun, upgrading existing wineries, replacing older winery facilities with new builds; and the opening of new wineries of ever more eccentric designs in an effort to replicate Mondavi’s new recipe for wine tourism success. And of course, along with the refurbished and dazzling new wineries the world over, more and more bed & breakfasts, hotels and chateaux opened their doors to house and wine & dine the millions of new wine tourists as well as the growing numbers of retail and on-premise key account wine buyers and their spouses or partners the wineries and distributors were bringing to see the wineries and “party hearty”. Of course, the European Old World wineries as well as some of the better established New World wineries in places like South America, Africa, Australia and New Zealand had been welcoming an increasing number of global visitors for over a century (and the Europeans for centuries), but until the opening of the new Mondavi Winery, wine tourism was not considered an industry of itself. Today wine tourism worldwide is a multibillion Dollar industry, which continues to grow annually as more and more wine consumers discover the joys of having their favorite wines with their favorite foods. It’s a win-win situation for all concerned. So, on your next vacation or holiday, if you enjoy tasting and consuming premium wines, why not spend at least a part of your time visiting wineries in the area or region of your holiday? It will certainly contribute to insuring a more memorable travel experience; and it will certainly broaden your personal list of wines you know you like when you return home and visit your favorite wine shop or restaurant. I am Red Owl, over & out.

田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand; as well as a Menands, New York office in the United States.

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A Promising Year 太原万达文华酒店总经理柯睿博先生在酒店业已经打拼了近 30 年。 谈及即将到来的酒店一周年庆和未来的目标,他显得信心满满。 German native Mr. Jurgen Kreipl garnered nearly 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry in Europe and Asia before becoming General Manager of the recently opened Wanda Vista Taiyuan. He chats with LifeStyle about the hotel’s unique position and its upcoming one-year anniversary celebration. Text: Audrey Hammonds

能体现出来。太原万达文华酒店已成为商务和休闲客人在山西的首选 酒店,酒店悉心提供私享服务和艺术氛围,将让宾客的旅途恣意舒展, 尽享优雅体验。 能否透露一下酒店周年庆典的活动总体安排?会有促销活动吗? 太原万达文华酒店即将于 2013 年 8 月 3 日开业满一周年。我们 将邀请在过去的一年中大力支持酒店的忠诚客户和媒体朋友光临我们 的一周年感恩派对。促销活动当然必不可少,从 7 月 15 日至 8 月 31 日,酒店推出人民币 968 元客房下榻优惠包价和餐饮消费八折优惠等 活动。更多优惠将陆续上线,具体信息请密切关注酒店官方微博、微信。 As a veteran hotelier, how have your various experiences had an impact on your management style at Wanda Vista Taiyuan? My experience brings international hotel management together with Wanda’s high standards in order to mentor our team into a professional, respectful, cooperative and innovative unit. We are striving to offer an amazing guest experience based on the proud Chinese heritage and traditions, and also to become the first choice in Shanxi.

多年的酒店运营经验对你管理太原万达文华酒店有何影响? 我会将国际化的豪华酒店管理理念与万达文华品牌高标准的 要求相融合,将我的团队培养成为专业、尊重、合作、创新的优 秀团队,并带领他们在“秉承中华礼仪,超越至善期望,创造尊 崇体验”的品牌使命的指导下,使太原万达文华酒店成为客人在 山西的首选酒店。 你认为太原万达文华酒店最大的市场竞争优势在哪里? 太原万达文华酒店是万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司旗下的 首家万达文华品牌酒店,它的品牌特征是为客人提供“个性、精 致、愉悦”的服务,打造“真意文华、悠然自我”的舒适下榻体验。 我们最大的竞争资本是我们能够始终坚守对客人的承诺,让他们 时时感受到我们的专业性和可信赖性。相信凭借我们“始终如一、 温情倍至”的服务文化,太原万达文华酒店将在激烈的市场竞争 中保持领先的地位。 太原万达文华酒店即将迎来一周年庆,酒店开业以来最大的成就 是什么? 我们已经完成了最初设定的目标——成为太原市最好的五星 级酒店,并成功地树立了良好的公众形象和公益形象。这些从酒 店的客流量、忠诚客户数量的增长以及客人对我们服务的评价就

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What do you feel are the hotel’s greatest strengths in the luxury hospitality market? Wanda Vista Taiyuan is the first Wanda Vista branded hotel and the first hotel solely managed by Wanda Hotels and Resorts. Its brand feature is to provide guests with an oriental service full of personality, finesse and bliss, and to make every guest feel the hospitality deep within their hearts. Our greatest strengths are upholding the Wanda image of keeping our promises to our customers and showing reliability and professionalism at every step. Wanda Vista Taiyuan will soon be celebrating its one year anniversary! Which aspect of the hotel do you feel has been the most successful over the past year? We have achieved our target of becoming the best five-star hotel in the region, and we have successfully established our public image which is reflected in the high level and loyalty of our customers, as well as in their comments on our services. Wanda Vista Taiyuan has become the first choice for both business people and travelers, and offers its acclaimed guests an extravagant experience of exclusive services and artistry. Could you tell us about the planned anniversary celebrations? Are there any special events or promotions that Wanda Vista Taiyuan will be holding? As of August 3, 2013, Wanda Vista Taiyuan will have successfully operated for a full year. We will invite our guests and media friends who have supported us over the past year to join the Anniversary Celebration Appreciation Party. A Special RMB 968 Room Package and a 20% dining discount are also being offered as anniversary promotions. Further promotions will be introduced through our microblog and We-chat platforms. Detailed information will be released in upcoming publications.


A Grand Opening 位于沈阳浑南新区奥体核心地段的沈阳万达文华酒店开幕在即, 总经理尼古拉斯·艾默睿先生向我们讲述了酒店开业感想。 Mr. Nicholas Emery is General Manager of the Wanda Vista Shenyang, which recently opened with a bang as the flagship hotel of the Hun’nan New Development District. He chats with LifeStyle about the ups and downs of opening a new hotel. Text: Audrey Hammonds

and Senior Team. Of course, reward and recognition is also very important at this stage – when something has been well done, we must celebrate! As GM, you have to maintain tight deadlines, but also allow for a sense of work and life balance. Finally, you must remind everyone that it will “all come together in the end”.

在沈阳万达文华酒店即将开业这段时间最 要紧的事情是什么? 在这段时间里,酒店开业前的筹备工作 与员工培训齐头并进,同时也可以看出酒店 的优势与薄弱环节。关键是要弄明白我们在 哪些方面做得好,并在酒店试营业的前几周 排除一切可能影响开业的障碍,解决影响顾 客满意度的问题。这一阶段所有管理人员都 一起工作,各部门之间相互支持、协调,当 做正式开业前的演练,同时最大限度地积累 经验。

What are some of your goals for the Wanda Vista Shenyang during its first year? Certainly for the remainder of 2013 the key consideration is exposure in the market, not just in Shenyang, but all areas that can feed business to the hotel in the long term. Creating relationships now will be very important in securing our future position as a market leader and flagship hotel of the Hun'nan New Development District. Exposure is the best way to build confidence in our growing brand, and encourages feedback, making our services and quality the best possible.

为了迎接酒店的开业,你和你的团队都做 了哪些准备? 最重要的是发挥每个人的积极性,哪怕 出现谁也没料到的小插曲。充分关注筹备中 出现的问题对总经理和高层管理人员都是至 关重要的。当然,对员工的奖赏和认可在这 一阶段也很重要。如果某件事情做得漂亮, 好好庆祝一下,那是必须的。作为总经理, 你要做的就是保证所有事情按时完成,但同 时也要帮助员工实现工作与生活的平衡。最 后,要让大家明白我们一定会成功的。 酒店开业第一年的目标是什么? 在 2013 年余下的时间里我们的首要目 标是多做宣传,不仅仅在沈阳当地,而是在 酒店业务所及范围之内。与客户建立持久的 良好关系是保证酒店在浑南新区的市场地位 以及日后成为行业领军者的关键。多做宣传 是建立品牌信心、激励市场反馈、提升服务 质量的最佳渠道。 沈阳万达文华酒店的主要顾客群有哪些? 沈阳企业数量众多,国内外很多大公司 都在这里设有规模不小的分支机构。因此, 我们既要迎合散客的喜好,也要满足团体客 人的需求,另外大众市场也是酒店业务的重 要部分,主要是婚礼承办。沈阳的专业婚礼 策划师有一百多个,因为市场前景广阔,我 们希望与他们能有愉快的合作。 都有哪些开业酬宾活动或庆祝活动? 由于万达集团在辽宁影响力很大,再加 上沈阳万达文华酒店本身的规模也很大,我 们每完成一个阶段的任务都要举行庆祝活动。 酒店开业庆典定在 7 月 26 日,那一天全体 员工的情绪将达到一个高潮。届时集团总裁

和政府高级官员将莅临活动现场。沈阳万达 文华成为 2013 年全运会客房服务供应商, 这也是为沈阳做贡献,我们感到无比光荣。 The Wanda Vista Shenyang is in the process of opening now. What is the most important factor for the hotel opening during this stage? This is where we really begin to see our planning and training coming together and where our strengths and weaknesses are. The key issues are to understand what we’ve done well, and remove any obstacles that might affect our grand opening and our guests’ reaction to us in the early weeks of operation. At this stage, the entire management team works together, often supporting each other across departments to gain as much practice and feedback as possible. As GM, how do you prepare yourself and your team for a hotel opening? The most important issue is to keep everyone motivated, even if something does not go according to plan. Management by visibility is essential for the General Manager

Who will be the primary clientele at the Wanda Vista Shenyang? Shenyang is a corporate city and many large national and international companies have large offices here. We will cater to both the needs of the individual traveler, as well as those of corporate groups. The other key segment is the social market, primarily weddings. There are over 100 specialist wedding planners in Shenyang, and as this market is very large, we want to make it stress free for them to do business with us. Can you tell us about any promotions or celebrations Wanda Vista Shenyang will be holding for the opening? With the huge presence of Wanda in Liaoning, and the size of our project at Wanda Vista Shenyang, we have had several celebrations as each stage passes a milestone. The Grand Opening of the Plaza and hotel takes place on July 26th and the team’s excitement is at a high level. We will be honored by the presence of senior government members, as well our Chairman at the launching. We are also proud to be a host hotel for the Chinese National Sporting Games, a high honor for Shenyang.

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Premium Personalization 苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店结合当地建筑艺术与豪华的时尚设计营造出浓郁的中国文化氛围。 总经理约翰·W·贝雷斯福德先生与 LifeStyle 分享了酒店独特的文化特色和个性化服务。 Mr. John W Beresford, Area General Manager and China General Manager of Pan Pacific Suzhou China, chats with LifeStyle about the hotel’s unique historical connections, and personalizing hospitality. Text: Audrey Hammonds

在你看来,中国酒店业与世界其他地区比起来有什么特色? 跟我曾经工作过的其他地区酒店相比,亚洲酒店在个性化服务上可谓是 独树一帜。 能介绍一下太平洋俱乐部吗?会员可以享受什么样的优惠? 太平洋俱乐部为宾客提供无微不至的人性化服务以及优质的配套设施。 会员独享的服务包括免费休息室、量身定制的入住和结账离店手续、管家服 务、每日的早餐和下午茶、入夜后的鸡尾酒以及每日三件衣物的洗理。 酒店目前有什么新动作吗? 我们正在调整菜单、翻新酒店的一些专卖店。 What are some of your goals in the coming few years for Pan Pacific Suzhou? My goal is to make it the number one hotel in the city by providing superb service and value for money offerings. How has your extensive career prepared you to better lead a management team? Has your management style changed over the years? Experiencing different situations and cultures has helped to develop my skills. My style has changed, as you have to be adaptable with the expectations of the new generation. How does Pan Pacific Suzhou reflect the local history and culture? Local history and culture is reflected through our location and fantastic gardens and architecture. Our hotel is linked to the historical Panmen garden.

苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店未来几年的发展目标是什么? 始终为宾客提供尊贵非凡的服务,成为当地最好 的酒店。 丰富的国际职业经历为你的工作提供了哪些帮助?你 的管理风格有没有什么变化? 不同岗位的历练以及对各地文化的认识和了解提 高了我的工作能力,我的管理风格也随着时代和客人 期望值的变化而变化。 苏州的历史文化在酒店中有哪些体现? 苏州本身就是一个拥有丰厚历史文化积淀的地方, 酒店独特的建筑风格以及漂亮的花园都透出当地浓郁 的文化特色,此外盘门景区就在附近。 在苏州这样发达的二线城市投资酒店优势是什么? 在二线城市开酒店好处很明显。二线城市的历史 文化保存得更加完整,特色更加鲜明。相比而言,一 线城市由于扩张过速往往丢失了原来的城市特色。

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Please describe the advantages of operating a hotel in a second tier city such as Suzhou. This is a great bonus because the history and culture are more defined in second tier city. They have not lost their uniqueness that at times can get lost with the huge expansion that occurs in the primary cities. How would you say hospitality in China differs from that elsewhere? Asian hospitality is undoubtedly more personalized than in any other countries I have worked in. Could you give us some details about the Pacific Club and what advantages members can enjoy? Pacific Club is specially created to cater to the guest with premium service and amenities with impeccable personalized attention. Members can enjoy exclusive benefits like complimentary lounge access, personalized check-in and check-out, butler service, daily breakfast, afternoon tea, evening cocktails and laundry for up to three garments per day. Are there any special projects the Pan Pacific Suzhou is currently working on? We are looking at re-engineering our menus and refurbishing some of our outlets.


Cooking from the Heart 将意大利美食精萃与中国饮食相融合,同时彰显万豪品牌的文化内涵,这个要求本不简单, 却让上海金桥红枫万豪酒店行政总厨扎内蒂迸发出无限的创意和灵感。 Mr. Sergio Zanetti, Executive Chef of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East, takes care to balance the integrity of Italian flavors with Marriott’s culture and Chinese dining style. He shares with us his thoughts about the most important elements of being a chef. Text: Audrey Hammonds

在上海金桥红枫万豪酒店,你打算怎样呈现 纯正意大利美食? 我的目标很简单,就是让客人品尝地 道的意大利美食,所以我用家常意大利风味 来呈现。 卡萨琳戈意大利餐厅近期会推出优惠促销 活动吗? 我们将推出一系列的烹饪课程和周末 家庭午餐。周末家庭午餐为半自助形式,有 丰富的开胃菜、披萨、主菜和甜品可供选择, 绝对能够满足每个人的胃口。 是什么原因促使你成为一名厨师? 我的祖母告诉我,高品质食材对烹制 美食起着至关重要的作用,同时用心烹饪才 能做出好菜,还要在色香味中取得一个平衡 点。从那时候起,她就点燃了我对烹饪的激 情,而这种激情在我的职业生涯里占据着最 重要的位置。 你的领导或工作风格是怎样的?这些年有 什么变化吗? 我要让客人体验正宗的意大利美食, 所以要确保自己和团队都保持专业水准和 对食物的敏感度,原原本本地保留食物原先 的风味。万豪的品牌文化与我的烹饪哲学不 谋而合——我照顾好我的团队,团队才能照 顾好客人,这一点从没变过。 你眼中的中国饮食文化与别的国家有什么 不同? 每一种饮食文化都有其特别之处,我 喜欢在不同的文化环境下尝试不同的饮食 文化,以此取长补短。这是创新的一个重要 途径,我也经常这样鼓励我的团队。我非常 喜欢中国饮食,特别是中式煎饼,所以我们 的早餐和“周日早午餐”里都能看到它们的 身影。 How do you plan to bring Italian style cooking into the Chinese environment at the Shanghai Marriott Pudong East? We want our guests to experience authentic Italian cuisine, so we have chosen

a homemade style of cooking to bring out the authenticity of Italian cuisine. Could you tell us about any special food & beverage events or promotions that Casalingo restaurant will be holding in the upcoming months? To further promote Casalingo restaurant, we will launch a series of cooking classes and weekend family semi buffet lunch where families can have their own choices of starters at an antipasti buffet counter, a selection of pizzas and main dishes and a dessert station that will satisfy their appetites. What made you decide to become a chef? My passion with cooking began with my grandmother Delfina who taught me the importance of using quality ingredients with a natural balance and cooking from the heart. This has remained the most important element throughout my culinary career.

What is your management or work style? Has it changed over the years? I want my guests to experience the authenticity of Italian food, so I make sure myself and my team always pay attention to food quality and are professional, allowing the integrity of the flavors to stand out. Marriott culture and my philosophy match very well: I will take care of my team and they will take care of the guests, and it has never changed over the years. How do you feel dining culture differs in China as opposed to in other countries? Every dining culture has its specialties, and I love to try out different cuisines in different cultures and learn from them. I also encourage my team to do the same and this becomes an important source of innovation. I like Chinese food very much, especially Chinese pancakes, and that’s why I include it in our breakfast and Sunday Market.

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海棠湾凯宾斯基浪漫呈献 “幸福的艺术”婚礼秀

“The Art of Happiness” Wedding Show

开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店于 6 月 17 日至 19 日举办了首场凭柬入场婚礼秀,讲述幸福的艺术。酒店 携手国内知名婚礼资讯机构爱度网以及李欣芸婚礼学 院,邀请国内顶尖婚尚媒体作为现场嘉宾,并得到俄罗 斯顶级婚礼杂志的支持。整场婚礼秀以一对跨国新人为 主角,通过电视真人秀的形式呈现出从婚礼筹备到婚礼 仪式的各个环节。中国首席花艺设计大师万宏担纲花艺 设计总监,完美呈现了一场奢华婚宴。凯宾斯基的精英 厨师团更为婚宴度身定制精美菜肴和婚礼蛋糕。 创意十足的婚礼秀包括不同主题和风格的婚纱照及 短片拍摄、在酒店奢华五居泳池别墅举办的拉斯维加斯 单身派对、18 洞高尔夫果岭上的高球友谊赛、浪漫的 海边婚礼、婚宴之后的威尼斯假面狂欢派对以及中国文 化婚礼沙龙。酒店还首次发布婚礼礼堂设计,将以圆形 外观营造出 360 度全景视角,并以通体落地玻璃设计打 造无障碍视觉效果。

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Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya recently hosted its first Wedding Show (by invitation only) from June 17th to 19th to display the art of happiness, in partnership with popular wedding agency I DO I DO, Sharon Lee Wedding Academy and a top Russian wedding magazine. Guests invited to the event included top lifestyle and wedding media, both national and international. The event started with a reality TV show following a transnational couple’s preparation for their big day. Mr. Wan Hong, China’s champion florist, created the stylish floral design for the event, and Kempinski’s chef team created tailor-made wedding menus and cakes. The innovative event included a variety of activities like a photo and video shoot, a Las-Vegas-themed bachelor party at Kempinski’s private 5-bedroom pool villa, a golf session on the resort’s 18-hole practice course, a beach wedding ceremony, a masquerade ball, and a salon on Chinese wedding trends and culture. The hotel also unveiled a stunning oceanfront wedding chapel, which is circular in design and boasts floor-to-ceiling glass windows to create a barrierfree panoramic view of the gorgeous seascape.

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苏州香格里拉大酒店 打造浪漫婚礼秀

7 月 6 日,微电影《苏州情书》中的李雷和韩梅梅从大屏幕走进了 苏州香格里拉大酒店大宴会厅,用一场时尚华丽的婚礼秀续写了微电影 中的浪漫。巨型立体心形舞台气势非凡,3D 效果的现场高科技全息投 影以及高清 LED 屏使得整个舞台呈现出梦幻般的效果。随处可见的进 口马蹄莲、绣球、满天星、蝴蝶兰、玫瑰等鲜花诠释着绚丽的爱情故事。 现场展示了中式和西式摆台,以绸缎桌布、骨瓷展示盘、银质刀叉及富 有创意的桌花作为装饰。中式风格既有传统中国红主题,亦有现代时尚 的中国红与纯白色的结合;西式摆台则以高贵典雅的宝蓝色为主色调, 突出了简约、时尚的风格。女主角的百米婚纱更是惊艳全场,布满满天 星的 T 台仿佛浪漫的童话世界。四款一米多高美轮美奂的婚礼蛋糕分别 以“美人鱼之恋”、“心语心愿”、“紫晶之恋”和“爱的诱惑”为主 题,瞬间俘获了现场的准新娘。高达一米二的八层纸杯蛋糕塔汇集 300 个让人垂涎欲滴的纸杯蛋糕,喷泉形状似不断喷发的爱意,每一位品尝 过的宾客均大赞其美味充满了幸福感。

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FTA: 相聚吉隆坡晚宴

A Spring Evening in Kuala Lumpur with Very Special Friends 5 月 16 日,非政府组织 FTA 在马来西 亚首都吉隆坡帝苑酒店举办了第 6 届 FTA 吉隆坡晚宴,来自酒店业、新闻界和赞助企 业的 64 位嘉宾欢聚一堂,其乐融融。FTA 年度晚宴秉承“致力于卓越服务”这一理念, 嘉奖酒店业杰出人士,发放以他们名字命名 的奖学金,并为需要帮助的人们提供慈善捐 助。在晚宴上,FTA 领导人田博华先生还介 绍了该组织最近对柬埔寨的一个贫困家庭提 供的人道主义援助。令人惊喜的是,这个苦 难家庭的母亲也出席了当天的晚宴。 The Sixth Annual Fred Tibbitts & Associates (FTA) - A Spring Evening in Kuala Lumpur with Very Special Friends - was held on 16 May, 2013 at Hotel Istana Kuala Lumpur City Center. The beautifully created dinner was a memorable event for the sixty-four guests, including veterans and professionals in hospitality industry, the sponsors and the press. Considering "service as the highest calling", the primary purposes of the dinner were to recognize hospitality excellence, provide scholarships in the names of those whom were honored, and to make charitable contributions to benefit those less fortunate. Fred Tibbitts, President & CEO of FTA talked about the rescuing of a very poor Cambodian family, FTA’s recent humanitarian mission. And the mother of the Cambodian children was present, to all guests’ surprise.

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Howard Johnson Macrolink Plaza Huangshan’s Grand Opening 7 月 15 日,由新华联集团投资建设、温德姆 酒店管理集团经营并管理的黄山新华联豪生大酒 店盛大启幕。自此,世界旅游名城黄山酒店业又 迎来了一颗闪亮的“新星”。当天,新华联集团 高管及黄山市、徽州区政府相关领导驾临现场道 贺。新华联集团董事局主席兼总裁傅军先生宣布 酒店正式开业。黄山新华联豪生大酒店总经理黄 礼文先生致欢迎辞,并详细介绍了酒店的区位交 通、设计风格、标准配置以及各项设施服务。他 表示将会用优秀的品质与素养和专业、专注的五 星级服务来展现酒店的经营管理状况。社会各界 嘉宾、各大主流媒体应邀出席了酒店的开业典礼。 On July 15th, Howard Johnson Macrolink Plaza Huangshan, with investment from Macrolink Group and to be run by Wyndham Hotel Group, was launched, adding another high-end international hotel to the renowned tourist city of Huangshan. Leadership from Macrolink Group and the Municipality and District attended the ceremony. Mr. Fu Jun, CEO and Chairman of Macrolink Group board, officially announced the opening, and the General Manager Raymond Wong gave a welcome speech and detailed introduction of the hotel, including transportation, design, standard facilities, services, etc. Howard Johnson Macrolink Plaza Huangshan will offer guests the best experience with five-star service and professional quality. Honored guests from a variety of fields and media were invited to witness and celebrate the opening.

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Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai Opens Doors 香格里拉酒店集团麾下上海第三家奢华 酒店——静安香格里拉大酒店于 6 月 29 日 华丽揭幕。当日香格里拉酒店集团总裁兼首 席执行官凯杜根先生、嘉里集团中国董事长 黄小抗先生和静安香格里拉大酒店总经理艾 博睿先生出席了盛大开幕式,中国当代艺术 大师曾梵志、周春芽先生也亲临现场,给专 为酒店创作的艺术品揭幕。酒店还迎来了第 一位住店贵宾——洪晃女士。地处浦西中心 地段静安嘉里中心的静安香格里拉大酒店, 设计风格摩登精致,其融入香格里拉酒店集 团的全新设计理念,并展现了浓郁的上海气 质,可谓传统与现代的完美平衡。

Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts launched its third luxury hotel in Shanghai on 29 June on the Puxi side of the Huangpu River. Mr. Greg Dogan, President and Chief Executive Officer of Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, Mr. Wong Siu Kong, President of Kerry Holdings Ltd. and Mr. J.Edward Brea, hotel General Manager attended the opening ceremony. Moreover, two leading contemporary Chinese artists, Mr Zeng Fanzhi and Mr Zhou Chunya were invited to unveil their masterpieces inspired by the hotel on the opening day. The hotel also welcomed its first check-in guest, Ms Hung Huang. Positioned in the very heart of Shanghai, Jing An Shangri-La, West Shanghai is part of the city’s most fashionable neighborhood and features a glamorous design. The hotel is very Shanghainese and it is a balance of the new and the traditional.


Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai a New Star of Puxi 凯宾斯基酒店管理集团前不久宣布正式 接管位于上海浦东的新天哈瓦那大酒店,并 将其更名为上海凯宾斯基大酒店。这将是凯 宾斯基在中国的第 18 家酒店,也是继 2012 年初上海御锦轩在浦西落成后,凯宾斯基在 这个中国最具国际化色彩的大都市黄浦江两 岸拥有的又一席地。拥有 678 间客房的上 海凯宾斯基大酒店坐落于浦东新区陆家嘴金 融贸易中心,步行或短距离驾车即可到达上 海东方明珠电视塔、金茂大厦以及外滩等地 标性景点。

centrally located in the Lujiazui financial and trade section of the prestigious Pudong district and offers sweeping views of the Huangpu River and the Shanghai skyline. In addition, Shanghai’s important landmarks and sights, such as the Pearl Tower, the Jin Mao Tower and The Bund, are easily accessible on foot or by car.

Kempinski Hotels recently officially took over the management of the Gran Meliá Hotel Shanghai in Pudong, Shanghai, which was then rebranded as Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai and became the group’s 18th property in China. Together with The ONE Executive Suites, which launched earlier in 2012 in the Puxi district, Kempinski now has a presence on both sides of the Huangpu River in China’s most cosmopolitan city. The 678-room Grand Kempinski Hotel Shanghai is

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FAMMM 是一个激情四射的交流平台, 旨在为中国五大首要创意行业服务:时尚, 艺术,传媒,音乐及影视。FAMMM 社区拥 有 2000 余位会员 , 包括国内外时尚编辑、 设计师、媒体、创意先锋、艺术家、模特、 影视界和演艺界人才以及 FAMMM 行业制作 和代理团队。FAMMM 这个名字源于:时尚 (Fashion)、艺术(Art)、传媒(Media)、 音乐(Music)、影视(Movie)。 FAMMM is a platform that generates emotion in five important creative industries in China: Fashion, Art, Media, Music & Movies. The FAMMM community consists of 2,000 members-comprised equally of Chinese and Western fashion editors and designers, media, trendsetters, artists, models, movie and vocal talent, as well as FAMMM industry producers and agents. We call this community FAMMM for Fashion, Art, Media, Music & Movies.

112 LifeStyle

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美洲豹高尔夫邀请赛 炫出高球风采 6 月 20 日,美洲豹高尔夫球俱乐部成 功举办了“龙熙·瓦德拉玛庄园杯”美洲豹 高尔夫邀请赛。本次比赛以“炫”为主格调, 赛后晚宴节目也精彩缤纷。美裕珍珠 8 位 模特的现场 T 台秀为晚宴增添了无限时尚色 彩,新生代艺术家曹颖的小提琴独奏则烘托 出梦幻般的意境。陈宝东以 75 杆的好成绩 获得本次比赛总杆冠军,并收获由美裕珍珠 特别提供的价值 26686 元的珍珠项链一条。 女子优胜奖被从海南远道而来的恒翔游艇副 总经理龚芳获得。恒翔游艇以嘉宾赞助的形 式参与了本次比赛,而下一个接力棒也将传 递到海南环岛高球之旅。

114 LifeStyle

法国鳄鱼 80 周年庆上海路演举办

Lacoste Celebrates 80th Anniversary with Unique Grand Experience Roadshow 法国鳄鱼的传奇始于 1933 年。凭借其 纯正的体育血统,如今的法国鳄鱼象征着一 种舒适、优雅的生活态度,独特的设计和高 品质的产品涵盖了男女装和童装。为了庆祝 2013 年品牌创立 80 周年,法国鳄鱼于 6 月 12 至 16 日在上海梅龙镇广场举办了一场独 创的体验式路演。在三个立方体展区客人欣 赏到一系列静态和动态影像以及一些品牌档 案展品。这些展品的历史可追溯到 Polo 衫 的起源时期以及 1933 年网球冠军勒内·拉科 斯特先生创立品牌之始,此外在品牌 80 周 年纪念限定店里,客人们可以体验印有 80 周年庆标志的单品。这些纪念版商品由英国 艺术总监彼得·萨维尔专为 80 周年庆而设计, 包括 Polo 衫、裙装、鞋履、眼镜、珠宝及 其他配件。

Lacoste has been a symbol of relaxed elegance since 1933. Built on genuine sporting roots, the brand offers a unique and original universe through a wide range of products for men, women and children. In celebration of its 80th Anniversary this year, Lacoste unveiled an exclusive brand experience roadshow in Shanghai, which ran from June 12th -16th at the Westgate luxury shopping center. Visitors encountered three cubes filled with moving and still images and objects from the brand archives, dating back to the invention of the polo shirt and founding of the brand in 1933 by tennis champion René Lacoste. There was also an 80th Anniversary pop-up shop, in which visitors were able to check out and try on special collections featuring the 80th Anniversary logo created by British art director Peter Saville for this important occasion. The capsule collection includes polos and dresses as well as footwear, eyewear, jewelry and other accessories.

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聚精锐 融大成

搜狐焦点 WIWO 融旅荟 搜狐焦点 WIWO 融旅荟的含义 WIWO: 睿 智(Wisdom)、 影 响 力 (Social Influence)、财富(Wealth)、 聚合(Organization)。 搜狐焦点 WIWO“融旅荟”(以下简 称“融旅荟”)是国内第一个专注于新兴 旅游城市品牌塑造、文化旅游产业投融资、 高端度假商业、生活模式的社交组织,是 线上线下相结合,融合文化旅游、地产开发、 运营、规划等相关产业链人才的财智精英 汇。“融旅荟”致力于为会员提供可信赖、 高附加值的社交环境和商务资源,采取严 格的实名制、会员制、邀请制,在组织内 构建合作交流、互利共赢的商业生态。 依 托 于 搜 狐 焦 点 的 媒 体 平 台, 融 旅 荟将打造成为国内知名的高端圈层组织, 2013 再度升级,联合思源焦点公益基金共 同发展公益事业,发扬人道主义精神,救 助弱势群体,促进社会和谐。 尊为融旅荟理事,您可以: (一)共享智库 融旅荟集聚了国家 / 产业研究机构的专 家学者、产业开发运营的领袖精英,他们 各有所成,乐于分享,从一线战报到权威 数据,帮助决策者校正、优化、提升判断力、 决策力。 (二)雕刻形象 每一个走在前沿的人,都有自己的独 到之处。搜狐焦点旅游地产为理事荟员量 身打造《WIWO 访谈录》并上行搜狐矩阵 传播,让理事以最 nice 的媒体形象广为周 知。

116 LifeStyle

(三)收获人脉 融旅荟将每月举办一次“精准、专属、 小众”的 WIWO 沙龙,邀请相关理事交流 结识,蓄积深厚人脉圈层。 (四)直通商机 融旅荟整合荟员资源搭设平台,让理 事与理事、理事单位与理事单位之间,在 最短时间最有效地对接所需资源,形成合 作。 (五)走向层峰 融旅荟将通过理事会、年会、论坛、 沙龙、酒会等形式加强融旅荟成员内部的 沟通和交流,拓展商务合作。 (六)畅意人生 搜狐网及融旅荟举行的高尔夫球赛、 红酒品鉴、艺术鉴赏、马术表演、游艇派对、 公益慈善等活动,理事优先受邀参与。 (七)高端考察 他山之石,可以攻玉。搜狐网及融旅 荟组织的国内外文化旅游商务考察活动, 与当地政商名流际会,定向邀请理事参加。 (八)投身公益 救助弱势群体,发扬人道主义精神, 融旅荟致力于公益事业,联合思源焦点公 益基金共同关注和救助罹患先天性心脏病 的贫困及孤残儿童。我们需要真诚,更需 要持续的努力。

理事资格: 所在企业或机构居于行业领先地位; 是所在企业或机构的决策者,并在行业内 有一定威望;拥有健康、阳光、富有责任 感的价值观;懂得互相尊重包容、共享资源, 共同进步;诚信靠谱、客观公平、敢言道正; 热爱创新、乐于分享并追求自我实现。 聚合力量,驱动产业引擎。融旅荟 4 个核心: 城市团: 国家部委、旅游城市职能部 门的决策高层及主管委、办、局、协会负 责人。 产业团: 文化旅游、投融资、房地产 行业的企业领袖。 财智团: 热衷高品质生活度假方式、 乐享人生的财富阶层。 行知团:文化旅游、城市经济、房地产、 投融资专家学者、文体名流。 理事申请程序: 1. 填写入荟申请表,将附上亲笔签名申请 表的电子版、个人名片电子版、个人经 历业绩介绍三份材料一起发送到搜狐焦 点融旅荟秘书处。 2. 秘书处在收到申请人递交的全部申请文 件和资料后,即开始对申请人的入会资 格进行核实审查,并在 15 个工作日内作 出是否给予申请人理事资格的决定。 3. 审核通过将发给融旅荟理事证书,新晋 理事信息在线上进行公布。入荟时间以 线上标注的时间为准。

融旅荟秘书处咨询电话: 400 888 2200 - 35818

LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYL 桂林香格里拉大酒店: 任命金喜盛先生为总经理 Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin: Mr. Hunter Jin, General Manager

深圳四季酒店: 任命何咏聪先生为总经理 Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen: Mr. Arthur WC Ho, General Manager

Hong Kong-based Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, one of the world’s premier hotel companies, recently appointed Hunter Jin as general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin. Mr. Jin has 20 years of hospitality experience and ten years as general manager working experience. Prior to joining Shangri-La Hotel, Guilin, he was the general manager of Shangri-La Hotel, Beihai.

The soon-to-open Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen announces Mr. Arthur Ho, as GM. Mr. Ho’s 11 years career with Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts is marked with a series of hotel openings in the Greater China region. He joined the company in 2002, and prior to this appointment was Hotel Manager for the Four Seasons new property in Macau.

宜兴万达艾美酒店: 任命莫胜德先生为总经理 Le Méridien Yixing: Mr. Lars van der Most, General Manager

北京凯宾斯基饭店: 任命格哈德·米特维茨先生为总经理 Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center: Mr. Gerhard E. Mitrovits, Managing Director

Starwood Hotels & Resorts has announced the executive committee appointments of Le Méridien Yixing. Mr. Lars van der Most has been appointed as General Manager. A Dutch citizen, he started his hotel career at Sheraton Shenyang Hotel in 2003, and gained rich experience through a variety of senior management positions with several leading hotel chains all over the world.

Gerhard E. Mitrovits is appointed Managing Director of Kempinski Hotel Beijing Lufthansa Center. An Austrian national, Gerhard Mitrovits arrived to Beijing from Moscow as Area Director in Russia and CIS in charge of 5 hotels, and the General Manager of the Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow. Previously, he was responsible for the preopening and opening of Hotel Indonesia Kempinski Jakarta.

大连城堡豪华精选酒店: 任命陈熙构先生为总经理 The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel Dalian: Mr. Eddie Tang, General Manager

青岛威斯汀酒店: 任命占彼罗洛克先生为酒店经理 The Westin Qingdao: Mr. Gian Piero Ruocco, Hotel Manager

Starwood Hotel and Resorts announced Mr. Eddie Tang as the GM of The Castle Hotel, Dalian. Eddie comes to this position having demonstrated leadership experience in several tenures in hospitality management. Most recently, Eddie was the GM of the Westin Ningbo Hotel, playing a vital role in the hotel’s opening.

Mr. Gian Piero Ruocco is appointed as Hotel Manager. An Italian national, Gian Piero Ruocco has over 20 years hotel industry experience around the world, including Italy, Thailand, India and China. He started his Starwood journey in 2007 at Sheraton Shenzhen Futian. Prior to this appointment, he was in charge of hotel operations in Sheraton Guilin as Hotel Manager.

深圳四季酒店: 任命范世宏先生为酒店经理 Four Seasons Shenzhen: Mr. FrancoisRegis Simon, Hotel Manager

宜兴万达艾美酒店: 任命薛朝晖女士为驻店经理 Le Méridien Yixing: Ms. Sabrina Xue, Hotel Manager

Francois is a graduate of Hotel Management School of Strasbourg. He was introduced into the world of hotel industry as a corporate management trainee for a global chain, working in many areas such as London and Paris. In 2003, he joined the Four Seasons Hotel George V as Assistant Director of Room Service.

深圳四季酒店: 任命杜天兰女士为市场总监 Four Seasons Shenzhen: Ms. Cristina Doleno, Director of Marketing Ms. Cristina Dolendo has previously worked in the key cities of Shanghai and Beijing since 1990. She has worked with 3 global hotel brands prior to her move to Four Seasons Hotel and Resorts in 1999 starting with the former Regent Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia before moving on to open the company's hotel in Puxi, Shanghai and then anchoring herself for 8 years with Four Seasons Hotel Singapore.

Ms. Sabrina Xue has been appointed as the hotel manager of the in Le Méridien Yixing. With over 20 years in the area of Food & Beverage + operations, she is highly regarded as resourceful and adaptable with various pre-opening experiences, and has worked widely throughout China. Now she will bring Le Méridien chic and cultured lifestyle to Yixing.

上海外滩华尔道夫酒店: 任命柯伯恩先生为商务发展总监 Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund: Mr. Bjorn Courage, Director of Business Development

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund is delighted to welcome Mr Bjorn Courage to the position of Director of Business Development. Dutch-born Courage is a highly experienced hospitality professional who has managed some of the finest luxury hotels and resorts. He joined Hilton Worldwide in June 2013 as Director of Business Development of the 260-room Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund.

LifeStyle 117 méLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129


标致发布 GTi 概念冲浪板 Peugeot Design Lab Reveals GTi Surfboard Concept

标致在今年的古德伍德速度节上发布了一款名为 GTi 的 概念冲浪板。这款冲浪板由标致设计实验室出品,其设 计灵感来自于标致 208GTi,极具科技感的外观配以木质 及碳纤维材料,并通过精细切割工艺将两种不同材料分 开,从而达到一种对比的视觉效果——以碳纤维材料表 达运动,木质材料表达情感。

腕表品牌理查德米勒推出男士袖扣 Richard Mille Launches First Collection of Luxury Cufflinks 世界顶级机械腕表品牌理查德米勒最新推出男士袖扣。 RM 袖扣的设计理念与其腕表的构想相同,既要精巧复杂、 工艺超群,又须准确实用、富于美感。RM 袖扣经五级钛 制成,配备前所未有的新型专利开关,通过按钮来打开 夹爪。它与同类产品的不同之处在于,不靠经旋杆来固 定叠袖,而启用两只钛夹。只要轻轻一压按钮,夹爪就 能打开,再按一下即可关闭。

积家献礼中国情人节 Jaeger-LeCoultre Chinese Valentine’s Day Watch 积家甄选大型超薄双面翻转腕表、大型超薄女装 双面双时区翻转腕表精美对表,献礼七夕情人节。 此系列腕表坚守翻转腕表最本原的精神,其镀银 表盘配以棍形时标,并用黑色的剑形指针指示时 间,完全忠于原型表款风格。当表壳翻转的时候, 魔力再次显现。一面以中央太阳放射状饰纹搭配 数字时标,彰显经典风范;另一面则采用珍珠母 贝镶嵌装饰,饱含现代气息

轩尼诗皇禧“禧悦纪”荣耀开启 Hennessy Paradis Imperial Cognac Celebrates China Connoisseurs

2013 年的轩尼诗皇禧干邑以“禧悦纪”之名,开启了为 中国当代顶级生活鉴赏家所尊享的欢愉时代。“禧悦纪” 这一全新理念将复兴“最美好的时节,在最合适的地方, 展开一系列极致欢愉的皇室活动”这一社交风尚,以风 靡两个多世纪的皇之馈赠、饕餮御宴及宫廷舞会为典范, 续写欧洲皇室的禧悦传奇。


B&W 打造 805 玛莎拉蒂版音响 Bowers & Wilkins 805 Maserati Edition Speakers

B&W 和玛莎拉蒂已经签署了战略合作协议,为玛莎拉蒂 提供汽车音响。为了纪念这份伟大的友谊,B&W 倾力打 造了这款音响,造型源于玛莎拉蒂的内饰,取材也从超 跑上寻求灵感。质地上乘的枫木、皮质以及精美的木饰 工艺都让人联想起置身玛莎拉蒂跑车内部空间的美妙感 觉。2013 年晚期 B&W 还将发布 P5 玛莎拉蒂版耳机。

Mobiado 推出限量版 One-77 手机 Mobiado Presents the One-77 Mobile Device

宏碁发布两款新品笔记本电脑 Acer Unveils Two New Aspire Ethos Laptops

宏 碁 公 司 前 不 久 发 布 了 PredatorAG3-605 系 列和搭载 Haswell 处理器的 M5 笔记本电脑。 AG3-605 支持最高 32GB 的 DDR2 双通道内存 模式,搭载 Haswell 第四代英特尔 Corei7 处理 器和英伟达 GeForceGTX660 图像处理器。M5583P 的金属机身比前者略薄,搭载了第四代英 特尔 Corei5 处理器,拥有 8GB 内存和 500GB 的内部存储空间。两款新品售价分别约为人民币 6134 元和 4294 元。

为配合绝世奢华的阿斯顿马丁 One-77,Mobiado 推出 了以超跑为灵感来源的 One-77 手机。该手机采用蓝宝 石水晶作为键盘和按钮的原材料,体现了高品质的切割 工艺,并有 24k 金和铑合金两种颜色可选,上方内嵌的 复古钟表采用瑞士机芯打造。顶部的钟表可以同时显示 两个时区的时间,还搭载了 25 个宝石轴承,每小时震 动 28800 次,可以不间断地使用 28 小时,并可以自己 上发条,手机旁边就设有传统旋钮。限量生产 77 台。

诺基亚 210“一键微博”全新上市 Sony Nokia 210 with Sina Weibo Shortcut Keys on the Market

7 月 8 日,诺基亚 S40 家族新成员、首款配备新浪微博 专属按键的功能手机诺基亚 210 正式登陆中国,以经济 实惠的价格为消费者带来更加丰富的移动社交体验。诺 基亚 210 支持双 SIM 卡,待机时间长达 24 天,并支持 Wi-Fi,配备专属新浪微博和相机按键,能够通过“一键 微博”为用户带来前所未有的便捷社交体验。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 首届“青岛啤酒”包头旅游文化节 盛大开幕 The First “Tsingdao Beer” Baotou Cultural Tour Kicks Off 包头,与世界干杯!由包头旅游局和包 头东河区政府共同主办,东河区文体局、 尼克兄弟文化传播(北京)有限公司承办, 青岛啤酒代理商汇品商贸包头有限公司、 包头欣龙广场配合执行的包头东河区西 口文化节暨 2013 首届“青岛啤酒”包头 旅游文化节在包头东河区晋商广场盛大 开幕。本次活动时间为 6 月 15 日至 9 月 15 日,为期约 90 天。

飞利浦耳机:为音乐而生 Philips Headphones: Made for Music 年轻一代的你,面对生活不妥协,忠于自 己真实内心,追求震撼心灵的音乐,渴望 真实还原的声音。现在,飞利浦耳机与你 一起,大声喊出“为音乐而生”这一倔 强宣言!其城市系列耳机 SHL5605 为忠 于真实的你而制,它特别搭载 MusicSeal 技术,凭借耳塞内的双层内壁及耳机垫 和外壳之间的牢固边缘,高精准还原真 实音乐,让你独享水晶般清澈的真实音 质。

LAN 珠宝四周年 “羽翼·依偎”珍珠新品赏鉴 Lan Jewelry’s Fourth Anniversary “Wing Snuggle” Pearl Exhibition 中国高级定制珠宝品牌澜珠宝前不久为 VIP 贵宾呈献了一场“羽翼双生·缱绻依 偎”LAN 珍珠赏鉴暨周年庆私享会。美 丽优雅的创始人杨澜女士出席了整场活 动,并与来宾们共同分享了她与珍珠的 美丽情缘。“羽翼·依偎”系列的设计初 衷源于天鹅对爱情忠贞不渝的天性,寓 将佩戴此系列的世间女子终将拥有如天 鹅般忠贞、不可替代的美好爱情。

CJW: Tambora 夏日爵士风 CJW: Tambora Summertime Jazz 位于“亚洲第一全景天幕”北京世贸天阶 的 CJW 爵士音乐酒吧前不久迎来了美国 著名歌手 Artillis Tambora。Tambora 率 领来自美国的乐手(包括键盘手、贝斯手、 吉他手、鼓手等)每晚准时在 CJW 上演 纯正现代爵士风情。传统爵士精髓和现 代音乐元素在此完美邂逅,演绎出时而 慵懒松散、时而激情跳跃的爵士乐篇章。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

绿 巨 人 虫 控 PEST CONTROL

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址

“尊驰盛汇”老爷车展 启幕酒会举行 China Rendez-Vous to Launch “Bund Classic 2013” Vintage Auto Show

7 月 11 日,2013 年“尊驰盛汇”老爷车 展启幕酒会在外滩源壹号隆重举行,逾 150 位贵宾、老爷车收藏家、各汽车厂商 和高端品牌的代表以及国内各地媒体在 这个赋有 30 年代优雅风格的酒会上提前 领略了尊驰盛汇的风采。活动期间,贵 宾们将欣赏到精致稀罕的名贵老爷车, 尽情徜徉在优雅的社交生活方式中。

澳大利亚旅游局与港中旅签署合作 谅解备忘录 Signing Ceremony of Memorandum of Understanding Held between Tourism Australia and CTS 澳大利亚旅游局与中国港中旅集团公司 前不久在香港签署合作谅解备忘录。这 是澳大利亚旅游局首次与中国旅游企业 集团达成战略合作,旨在通过市场营销 活动、业务发展项目以及目的地旅游资 源投资,优化中国游客赴澳旅游产业链, 并为中国游客提供更高品质的旅游服务。 双方约定在未来三年投入对等资源,共 同寻求和实施互惠双赢的澳大利亚旅游 推广项目。

李冰冰代言海马家私 新品亮相加速内地推广 Li Bingbing Endorses Sea Horse Furniture and New Products Hits the Market

7 月 19 日,著名影星李冰冰小姐以香港 著名品牌海马床垫代言人的身份盛装亮 相“优眠·尚品”海马集团新品发布会, 与海马集团主席夫人邬翁嘉穗女士一起 揭幕了一款乳胶质感系列的床垫产品。 海马床垫使用高科技乳胶质感绵,引进 美国陶氏划时代创新物料,质感近似天 然乳胶,但并没有天然乳胶的缺点。高 科技乳胶质感绵柔软而富有弹性。床垫 一面软硬适中,一面硬身质地,对于消 费者在适合身体不同状态时使用,保持 脊骨健康更是有很大的帮助。

Miles & More 隆重推出中文名 “飞常里程汇” Miles & More Launches Chinese Name and Logo

欧洲最大常旅客计划 Miles & More 前不 久隆重推出全新中文名及标识“飞常里 程汇”,彰显了 Miles & More 向中国会 员提供一个更为本地化的会员忠诚度计 划的决心,冀望吸引更多的潜在旅客加 入该计划。目前 Miles & More 在中国拥 有五十多万会员,是市场上最受欢迎的 常旅客计划之一。中文名“飞常里程汇” 准确地表达了 Miles & More 的品牌诉 求——无与伦比的奖励里程计划。

海丝腾荣耀推出至尊级铂金格纹欧 陆床 Hastens Platinum Check Luxuria Continental Beds 作为世界床具殿堂级品牌,海丝腾一直 在打造“最好的床”的征程上不断精进。 海丝腾宣布将于 2013 年 9 月份荣耀推出 一款至尊级铂金格纹欧陆床,9 月 1 日至 12 月 25 日期间全球同步限量发售 1200 张。新款限量版床具专为渴望致臻非凡 的杰出人士精心打造,采用更为高雅、 精致的铂金格纹,融合了纯粹的瑞典血 统与优雅的现代元素,其所散发的贵族 气质折射出海丝腾的辉煌历史,为目标 消费者带来专享奢华体验。


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海外滩华尔道夫酒店: 精致中秋月饼礼盒 Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund : Two Exquisite Mooncake Selections

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund launches its 2013 mooncake selection in collaboration with Mei-Xin, one of Hong Kong’s most celebrated Chinese confectioners. These exquisitely crafted mooncake gift boxes are perfect for Mid-Autumn Festival celebrations. Share the joy of this traditional festival with family, friends and business associates by treating them to these delicious gifts. Tel: +86 21 6322 9988 ext 4318

上海费尔蒙和平饭店:周末茶舞 The Fairmont Peace Hotel: 1930s Style Afternoon Tea Dance

Summer 2013 will see the revival of a coveted tradition at The Fairmont Peace Hotel: the afternoon Tea Dance. The weekly Jasmine Lounge Tea Dance will recreate the glamour of the acme of high-society in 1930s Shanghai as the first in a series of events that will reaffirm the Fairmont Peace Hotel as the “Heart of the Bund.” Tel: +86 21 6138 6886

上海花园饭店: 花园自制月饼 中秋传递情意 Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Garden Moon Cakes for MidAutumn Festival

The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai offers delicious homemade moon cakes in extremely high quality with a luxury gift box, the perfect gift for your friends and relatives. Moon cake tickets are on sale from July 30, Actual goods available from August 27th. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5203

水舍·上海南外滩酒店 Table No. 1 餐厅:全新商务午餐 The Waterhouse at South Bund Table No.1 Restaurant: A New Express Lunch

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店: 法国美食节 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: French Food Festival “Fete Gourmande”

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 月满艾美 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: Ai Mei Moon Cakes

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 池畔海鲜烧烤 Sofitel Sheshan Riviera: Poolside Seafood Barbecue

上海威斯汀大饭店:水晶苑亚洲餐 厅双休日点心自助盛宴 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Unlimited Weekend Dim Sum Feast at EEST

上海龙之梦大酒店: 花好月圆 中秋快乐 The Longemont Shanghai: An Unforgettable Moon Festival

For an effective work day, it’s essential to partake in a quality lunch. This summer, come try our new express lunch at Table No. 1 restaurant. We use the freshest and finest ingredients, all crafted by our Head Chef Christopher. Main courses include Braised Ox Cheek, Pan Seared Seabass, Roasted Suckling Pork Rack and more. Tel: +86 21 6080 2918

Celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival with Ai Mei moon cakes. Convey your well wishes to friends and business associates with these auspicious mouthwatering pastries. Packages include the Joyful Moon Gift Box with 4 pieces, Prosperous Moon Gift Box with 6, or Glorious Moon Gift Box with 8 pieces. Exclusive coupons come with each set. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999

Diners not only feast on dim sum but will also have a selection of 100 cooked to order dishes to choose from. Chefs from the three kitchens in EEST prepare Thai, Japanese and Chinese cuisines with signature dishes like Crispy Radish Cake with X.O. Sauce, Salmon Maki, and Thai Deep-fried Chicken wrapped with Pandan Leaves. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048

In celebration of French National Day, Pullman Shanghai Skyway, under the management of Accor Hospitality Group hosts a 10-day French Food promotion at Zaffrran restaurant. French native Executive Chef Mr. Allan Dupros of the Hotel and his culinary team will invite you to discover the tour of Romantic French culture. Tel: +86 21 3318 9988 ext 7777

Come to Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental to feel the breeze. Enjoy our seafood barbecue in a romantic setting along the pool. Indulge with live lobsters, crabs, sea- and sweetwater fish. We will prepare it on our charcoal grill to your liking.Saturdays from 18:00 to 21:30 Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1911

This Mid-Autumn Festival, The Longemont Shanghai is once again bringing you the most impressive pastry and artistic creations to enjoy and indulge on this upcoming Moon Festival. Ideal as an elegant and thoughtful corporate gift, The Longemont Shanghai has prepared a very special moon cake gift box for you and your family to enjoy this unique moment. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8211




Enjoy a wide selection of Swiss specialties prepared by our culinary team paired with ice cold beers & cocktails at Beer Garden in Swissôtel Beijing. Our newly renovated Beer Garden, with European-style garden setting and spacious terrace, is the best choice to enjoy the cool air on a light summer night. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2161

北京万豪酒店:惬意悠然·韵秋悦 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival

This Mid-Autumn Festival, Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall offers a choice of two Mooncake packages: the Marriott Elegance set and the Ming City set, perfect as gifts for family, friends or coworkers during this holiday. From classic lotus seed and egg yolk filling, to delicious red bean paste, to roasted coffee filling, enjoy delicious mooncakes packed within elegant boxes. Tel: +86 10 5811 8200

北京新云南皇冠假日酒店: 蘑力四射鲜菌宴 Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace: Mushroom Fantasia

E v e r y J u l y t o S e p t e m b e r, w i l d mushrooms are harvested in Yunnan, making this the perfect time to enjoy them. At Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace, diners can indulge themselves with this all-natural feast of more than 10 kinds of wild mushrooms including matsutake, morel, and truffles, to sense the spirits of the mountains and forests thousands of miles away. Tel: +86 10 6429 8888 ext 6425/6361

北京国贸饭店三江咖啡厅: 泰国美食周 Traders Hotel Beijing, T-Bazaar: Thai Cuisine Week

北京希尔顿逸林酒店随园中餐厅: 活色生香有机美食 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Love Organic, Go Healthy

重庆申基索菲特大酒店: 真爱永恒 七夕情人节 Sofitel Forebase Chongqing: Chinese Valentine’s Day

北京柏悦酒店: 中秋献礼 Park Hyatt Beijing: Mid-Autumn Gifts

北京丽都维景酒店: 阳光·美食·喷泉·音乐 Metropark Lido Hotel, Beijing: Sunshine • Delicacy • Fountain • Music

上海海神诺富特大酒店海神宫 中餐厅:健康靓汤 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, Golden Shark Chinese Restaurant: Healthy Soup Recommendation

F ro m 2 3 J u l y t o 4 A u g u s t 2 0 1 3 , T-Bazaar of Traders Hotel invites chef, Wasana Tanthong, and her assistant, Peerapa Amthaisong, from Shangri-La Hotel, Chiang Mai to present authentic Thai food, including Spicy Prawn Soup with Thai Herbs, Thai-Style Shrimp Salad with Lemongrass, Deep-Fried Snapper with Chili Sauce, Stir-Fried Crab , Pineapple Fried Rice, and more. Tel: +86 10 6505 2277 ext 35

The Legend of Niulang and Zhinvis fondly remembers their persistence to conquer true love. We invite you and beloved partner to enjoy International Buffet Dinner at Spice, Chinese Set Menu Dinner at Bamboo Pavilion or Japanese Set Menu Dinner at Wafu. Every couple will receive a mini heartshaped cake and lucky draw for some great prizes. Tel: +86 23 6863 9999

Fountain Piazza is a relaxing atmosphere with delicacy, music and sunshine, providing classic Chinese & Western dishes, snacks and drinks. Invite your family and friends to have a great time together. Tel: +86 10 6437 6688 ext 1275/1542

S u i Yu a n C h i n e s e r e s t a u r a n t a t DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing will highlight a wide selection of organic gourmet during August 2013. The e x e c u t i v e c h e f o f S u i Yu a n w i l l bring you natural, fresh and healthy foods made from dozens of organic vegetables high in nutrients and pure in taste with high vitamins and omega 3, that are healthier and safer than conventional vegetables. Tel: +86 10 6338 1888 ext 1726

For Mid-Autumn Festival this year, Park Hyatt Beijing offers two specially designed classic Mooncake sets for you to share with your family and friends. Enjoy the beautiful moon with family and indulge with these healthy low-sugar snacks, including our special tea and almond flavor, delicious original flavor and more. Tel: +86 10 8567 1569

In the summer, Chinese Executive Chef presents his five signature soups for your choice, both delicious and healthy. Every day, the recommended soups will be offered at a special rate, at only RMB 28 net per portion. Tel: +86 21 5036 7988



Hilton Shanghai, the first international hotel brand to enter mainland China, is celebrating its 25th anniversary this year having officially opened its doors to its first guests on June 28, 1988. To commemorate the event, the hotel has launched several activities highlighting and celebrating Hilton Shanghai’s importance as a pioneer in Shanghai and China’s hospitality industry. Tel: +86 21 6171 0099

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 法国音乐节 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: Fête de la Musique

The annual Fête de la Musique was successfully held in the Link Lounge Bar and Vie All Dining Restaurant at Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental. The hotel paired up with Lycée Français de Shanghai, to show a classical string quartet and wonderful pop chorus singing in French, English and Chinese to celebrate this traditional French music celebration. Tel: +86 21 3761 1626

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 绚彩夏日优惠进行中 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Up To 20% Off Your Summer Break

广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店: “夏日亲子游”入住礼遇 The Ritz-Carlton Guangzhou: Unforgettable Summer Escapes

喜达屋集团: 拟建亚太区首家源宿酒店 Starwood Hotels & Resorts: First Element Hotel in Asia Pacific

邛海湾柏栎度假酒店:首次大型旅 游推介会 Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Resort Xichang: Xichang Travel Presentation Meeting

Your summer break just got hotter! Book at Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World by 20th September 2013, and save up to 20% on stays of three consecutive nights in Deluxe Room completed by 30th December 2013. Plus, earn 1,000 Club Carlson bonus Gold Points when you book your stay on or any other Carlson Rezidor website. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4007

Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. today signed an agreement with Suzhou Science and Technology Town Kexin Cultural Tourism Development Co., Ltd. to open a new Element hotel in Suzhou Science and Technology Town, an eco-city located in the heart of Suzhou National New & Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, in the west area of Suzhou and adjacent to Tai Lake.

腾冲悦椿温泉村:盛大开业 Angsana Tengchong Hot Spring Village to Open Summer 2013

This summer, Angsana Hotels and Resorts is set to launch its first hot spring destination retreat in Tengchong, Yunnan. Angsana Tengchong Hot Spring Village offers 28 Hot Spring Retreats (suites with balconies) and nine villas, each with private hot spring tubs, a spacious Angsana Spa and an array of 43 outdoor and indoor hot spring pools. Tel: +86 875 899 9888

深圳四季酒店:即将盛装启幕 Four Seasons Shenzhen: Set to Open in China’s Modern Powerhouse City

Where to go next in China? Dynamic and diverse Shenzhen, soon to be home to the 8th Four Seasons in China. Four Seasons Hotel Shenzhen is now confirming room reservations and event bookings and conference groups for arrival as of September 1, 2013. Shenzhen is an important centre of technology, finance and manufacturing. Tel: +86 755 8826 8831

Make the most of the golden days of summer with The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou’s “Family Summer Retreat” package, for 24 hours of fun, relaxation and delicious dining in the heart of Guangzhou’s verdant Pearl River New City! Includes RMB 300 credit for fine dining or SPA treatment, an “Art Discovery Journey” for you and your children, compimentary buffet breakfast, and more! Tel: +86 20 3813 6827

From June 28th to 30th, Xichang Travel Presentation Meeting & Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Resort Trial Run was successfully held. This event was coorganized by Sichuan China Travel Agency and Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Resort Xichang, aiming to bring out 2-3 days customized tourism products featured with Yi characteristics. Tel: +86 083 4888 8899

重庆洲际酒店: 欢迎英国驻华公使安勇先生下榻 InterContinental Chongqing Welcomes British Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andrew Key

British Embassy Deputy Head of Mission Mr. Andrew Key was recently welcomed to the InterContinental Chongqing by Ms. Sharon Fraser the General Manager and the Director of Sales & Marketing Ms. Anne Peng, along with Mr. Simon Lever, British Consul General of Chongqing. Tel: +86 23 8906 6888

广州花都合景喜来登度假酒店: 喜达屋关爱社区“爱心献血”活动 Sheraton Guangzhou Huadu Resort: Blood Donation Activity

Recently the Guangzhou Blood Bank teamed up with Hispano Link and United Family Guangzhou Clinic to host a blood donation activity to collect blood for those in need, and raise awareness for the Hispanic community in Guangzhou. The activity lasted form 11am to 6pm and included hotel staff, guests and visitors from the Clinic to support non-Chinese speakers present. Tel: +86 20 3211 0670


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 希尔顿逸林酒店及度假村与 希尔顿全球:希尔顿逸林酒店首度 落户三峡库区腹地 DoubleTree by Hilton and Hilton Worldwide: First DoubleTree by Hilton Opens in China’sThree Gorges Region

The opening of DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing-Wanzhou was recently announced. The opening of the 253room hotel marks the first international full-service hotel brand in Wanzhou. The hotel is operated by Hilton Worldwide and owned by the Dalian Wanda Group. Tel: +86 23 5899 9999

四川岷山饭店: 珍爱永远 相约岷山 Sichuan Minshan Hotel: Love forever, Together in Minshan

Minshan Hotel recently held a "Hawaii p o o l s i d e w e d d i n g s h o w " , w h e re the main stage crossed an outdoor swimming pool. Cooperating with a top wedding company, Minshan Hotel shared wedding table design, artistic pastries, fashion info, intimate wedding lectures, and an on-site show of new spring and summer wedding dresses for 2013. Tel: +86 28 8558 3333

璞丽酒店: 荣膺到到网“2013 旅行者之选中 国排名前 25 位豪华酒店” The Puli Hotel and Spa: Named TripAdvisor’s Top 25 Hotels in China

The PuLi Hotel and Spa is delighted to be chosen as one of the “Top 25 Hotels in China” in the luxury category by TripAdvisor in its 2013 Travelers’ Choice® awards. The PuLi Hotel and Spa has also earned the 2013 TripAdvisor “Certificate of Excellence”, which is given only to establishments that consistently achieve outstanding traveller reviews on TripAdvisor. Tel: +86 21 2216 6975

上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 开启“全球万丽探索日” Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: Celebrating a Global Day of Discovery

Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel kicked off “Discover Spanish Shanghai” to encourage guests to get out and discover something new at the hotel’s 25th floor Zpark Bar. More than 120 guests came to enjoy the night, with chefs Albert and Jordi Servalls serving tapas, and DJ YOKO providing beats. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888

长沙万达文华酒店: 焕然一新 惬意之旅 Wanda Vista Changsha: Rejuvenation Trip

Nurture yourself with a consecutive 2-night stay at Wanda Vista Changsha. Add RMB100 net/room night to the special rate of RMB999/1199 per night in a Deluxe or Grand Deluxe River View room and you can enjoy a complimentary 60 minutes spa experience valued at RMB588 and more! Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

沈阳万达文华酒店:盛大揭幕 Wanda Vista Shenyang: Grand Opening

The Wanda Vista Shenyang, and its luxury club, Club Reign, celebrated their grand opening on 27 July 2013. This is the first hotel in the northeast with upper scale five-star construction standards and will be managed by the luxury brand Wanda Vista. Tel: +86 24 3162 8888

南京金奥费尔蒙酒店: 开业亮灯仪式

Fairmont Nanjing: Lighting Ceremony The Fairmont Nanjing will open its doors in the fourth quarter of 2013. With numerous VIPs from government, corporate and media, the hotel organized a lighting ceremony on June 28, 2013. The lighting of the Jin Ao Building stood for the new landmark that will be born in Hexi Area in Nanjing, giving the city a modern new look.

上海滴水湖皇冠假日酒店: 家庭亲子游 Crowne Plaza Shanghai Harbour City: Family Package

Crowne Plaza Shanghai Harbour City is now offering the Family Package, including 1 night stay in a Superior Room, buffet breakfasts, and RMB 200 Food & Beverage credit. Along with the package, guests can enjoy 50% discount for China Maritime Museum and 20% discount for Dishui Lake Water Sports. Tel: +86 21 2033 9999

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店: 夏季水疗尊享 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing: Summer Indulgence at The RitzCarlton Spa

At The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Beijing, we specially prepared our exclusive spa treatments for your selection, with packages including the selection of any 90-minute body or facial treatment and by adding an additional fee, receive various renewing treatments such as a 30 minute hydrating mask or a hand treatment, nourishing eye treatment, silky body scrub etc. Tel: +86 10 5908 8080

泉州万达文华酒店: 荣膺“2013 年度华南区最佳服务 新开业商务酒店奖” Wanda Vista Quanzhou: Awarded As “2013 China's Best Newly Opened Business Hotel in South China”

Since its grand opening in September 2012, Wanda Vista Quanzhou has been given much attention by the community and won several awards. At the 10th Golden-Pillow Awards of China's Hotels in Beijing on July 8, 2013, Wanda Vista Quanzhou was awarded as “2013 China's Best Newly Opened Business Hotel in South China”, as selected by industry professionals. Tel: +86 595 6829 8888


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The Price of a Night 英国奢华床具品牌萨沃瑞与欧洲王室 和各界巨星有着不浅的渊源。全天然选材、 工匠大师的纯手工工艺以及高级定制模式 都透露出这个顶级品牌对奢华舒适的极致 追求。今年萨沃瑞推出售价达 17.5 万美元 的定制版“王室之寝”,全球限量 60 张。 该床以十七八世纪英国君主的睡床为创作 灵感,古典的半边天盖、精致的床头板和华 丽典雅的刺绣尽显奢侈风范。整张“王室之 寝”制作耗时近 700 小时,床垫材料涵盖 羊绒、丝绸和马毛,顶饰则由皇家刺绣学院 的工匠耗时 70 个小时手工缝制,凯特王妃 婚纱上的蕾丝刺绣也是出自其手。据悉,已 有一位中国消费者购买了这款奢侈品。不知 道天价睡床能否将失眠的烦恼一扫而光?

128 LifeStyle

A Chinese man has ordered a bed upholstered in red silk from the British manufacturer Savoir Beds. This so far is the most expensive bed sold. The lavish Royal State model costs $175,000 and those interested in getting one need to hurry because it's a limited edition. The company will produce only 60 of the luxurious beds to celebrate Queen Elizabeth's time on the throne. “It takes close to 700 hours to build,” told Alistair Hughes, the company's managing director. “There's an amazing amount of skilled craftsmanship that goes into it the crest on top, which literally takes 70 hours by the same people that did Kate Middleton's wedding dress at the Royal School of Needlework at Hampton Court,” he added. The handcrafted masterpieces are made using cashmere, silk and horse hair and the design is based on the beds of 17th and 18th century British monarchs.

南腔北调· LifeStyle


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

2013 年八月号 总第 338 期

杨澜 蓄雅如珠 Yang Lan

Woman with a Pearl

An Extravagant Excursion l House of Origami l For Bubbly Boys l Green is the New Black l The Art of the Brick



Red Carpet Hotels

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An Extravagant Excursion

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



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