南腔北调· LifeStyle
2013 年十二月号 总第 346 期
胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯 拉丁天王的中国情缘 Julio Iglesias The Singing Sinophile
Americana for Christmas l Monastic Majesty l Hats off to Hatters l An Elegant Finishing Touch l Sushi with Style
复活的古堡 Castle from the Ashes
家亚洲顶级滑雪场 之速度与激情
of Asia's Top Ski Resorts
亚洲都会酒店之旅 City Hopping in Asia
人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
品味之选 Americana for Christmas
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活
Editor’s Note
The December cover is a shot of mega-star Julio Iglesias
The Fashionable American
美国人的实用时尚 从好莱坞、NBA 到迈克尔·杰克逊,以及众多耳熟能详的 消费品牌,想要忽略掉美国对全球流行文化的影响力和贡献 度,委实不易。尽管近年来美国状况频出,侵略战争、窃听丑闻、 医改法案等面临尴尬境地,但超级大国仍隐秘地影响着一切, 除了优雅。 只要看看那些体型臃肿的美国游客,还有这个国家大多 数城市里的行人,外人很容易误以为美国是一片时尚荒漠, 这无可厚非,但实际上美国并不是这样的。现在情况正逐步 好转,美国制造的时尚复兴正在进行中,纽约、东京等时尚 圈意识到了,但时尚消费者们要消除“误解”恐尚需时日。 这个转变的背后存在着新一轮美国制造业复苏的现象。 “生产回流”似乎正在发生,有很多包包、鞋履和衬衫在新 英格兰、纳什维尔和北加利福尼亚生产。在大多数人看来, 历史悠久的顶级奢侈品牌就该来自意大利、法国,或者英国。 这期杂志里推介的不少美国品牌对高品质有着一贯的执着追 求,这使它们足以与欧洲顶级品牌齐名,只不过少了些浮华。 美国人是实用至上主义者,审美更倾向于功能和目的, 少了那些不必要的“点缀”。面料可能有点粗糙,但是一辈 子耐穿;鞋子可更换鞋底,还泛着年代光泽。真正的美国产 品不是为炫耀,而是为生活实用而生——美式奢侈品消费者 们视之为难能可贵的品质。 至少对于中国市场来说,这些品牌以及它们的审美主张 都还是新的。岁末假日购物季即将来临,何不试试高品质、 经久耐用的美国范儿实用时尚?
It’s hard to understate the contributions made to global pop culture, from Hollywood, to the NBA, to Michael Jackson to a plethora of consumer brands far too familiar to warrant naming. Despite a seemingly diminishing stature in recent years due to flawed wars, intelligence leaks, healthcare issues and a whole host of other embarrassing quagmires, the hyperpower still looms over everything. Except for elegance - at least in the popular perception. Looking at obese American tourists or the pedestrians most cities of the country, outsiders might be forgiven for assuming the place is a sort of style wasteland, but this was far from the case traditionally. Things are getting better again at the moment. America has been undergoing a fashion renaissance. The style set in New York City and Tokyo is well aware of this but the general fashion-buying public is taking some time to catch up. Behind this transition is a rebirth in American manufacturing. There are still bags, shoes, and shirts made in places like New England, Nashville and Northern California. For most, heritage luxury brands must be from Italy, France, or possibly the UK. Many of the US brands profiled in this issue have a lineage and dedication to quality that could put them on par with the best of Europe. They just lack the flashiness. The American aesthetic tends to be about practicality, purpose, and an absence of unnecessary adornments. Fabrics are rugged but will last a life time. Shoes can be resoled and will take on a beautiful patina. True American products are for living rather than showing off. The ideal American-style luxury consumer values this true grit, rather than unnecessary display. These brands and the whole aesthetic they represent are not yet in China so this is the chance to experience a fresh new world. So, yeah dude, for this holiday season, try buying American. It’s not so much to support the stars and stripes as to get some very high quality, long-lasting items into your wardrobe.
Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
DECemBER 076
速递 014 拉克陪你过圣诞
享乐 076 亚洲都会酒店之旅
让巴黎高级定制时装界的调色师为你 家的圣诞树添彩吧
对于都市控来说,一次亚洲魅力之都 酒店之旅是绝对不容错过的体验
094 亚洲滑雪胜地巡礼
5 家亚洲顶级滑雪场不光能带给你速 度与激情,更能让你亲近自然、尊享 野趣
空间 024 复活的城堡 翻修再造后的阿斯特利城堡,新的结 构穿插在有着 800 年历史的旧石墙之 间,构成了相映成趣的视觉对比
108 动漫馆里的炉端烧 能吃的动漫博物馆你“尝”试过吗?
034 设计师的魔法 米兰佩雷加利设计工作室创造的“奇 幻世界”能拨动你的心弦
特辑 040 圣诞之礼·品味之选
LifeStyle 精选 12 款美国历史悠久品牌 人气单品助力你的圣诞“购”时尚
058 帽相不凡 一顶经典耐用且永不过时的帽子不仅 可做点缀,更可为男士加分
品鉴 054 拉丁天王的中国情缘 西班牙国宝级艺人胡里奥·伊格莱西亚 斯的中国情结
064 针针别出新彩 一枚别出心裁的针饰别在不同样式、 不同材质的服装、领带上,往往能别 出“新彩”
LifeStyle 7
DECemBER 040
014 Have a Very Lacroix Christmas
These elegant ornaments bring sophistication to your holiday tree
064 An Elegant Finishing Touch These tiepins and brooches add a little sparkle to your life
076 City Hopping in Asia
A hotel tour through the many megalopolis’ of Asia
024 Castle from the Ashes
Astley Castle, long a ruin, has received an award-winning renovation
094 Asia’s Ski Resorts
Five of Asia’s best ski resorts offer not only a speed rush but gorgeous natural scenery
034 The New in with the Old
Interiors by Milan-based Studio Peregalli are lavishly romantic
108 Robatayaki in an Anime Museum
Displays of Japanese characters make this an anime lover’s dream dining venue
040 Americana for Christmas
Classic gift ideas from America’s finest heritage brands
054 The Singing Sinophile
LifeStyle celebrates mega-star Julio Iglesias for his undying commitment to China
058 Hats off to Hatters
Maybe you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a man by his hat
014 Columns 112 Events 116 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang
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10 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 11
12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P.18
克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦设计的新一季圣诞树饰品 Christmas tree ornaments designed by Christian Lacroix
LifeStyle 13
Have a Very Lacroix Christmas 圣诞节将至,家里怎能少了一棵可爱的 圣诞树呢?就让克里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦,这位巴 黎高级定制时装界的调色师设计的新一季圣 诞树饰品把它点缀得更漂亮吧。此次拉克鲁 瓦与葡萄牙久负盛名的瓷器水晶制品生产商 Vista Algere 合作,推出了一系列最新款圣诞 树饰品。无论是翩跹舞动的蝴蝶还是各类雅 致的巴洛克式纹样,均为纯手工绘制,生动 形象地体现出拉克鲁瓦的奇思妙想。 Celebrate the Christmas holiday with these elegant Christmas tree ornaments designed by Christian Lacroix in collaboration with the historic Portuguese porcelain and crystal manufacturer, Vista Algere. These delicately hand-painted ornaments feature Lacroix’s signature opulent whimsy, from butterflies to Baroque patterns.
14 LifeStyle
Hermes for Your Health 虚荣奢侈品与环保产品从来都势不两 立,但爱马仕显然不这样认为。这家以制造 高级马具起家的法国奢侈品巨头不久前推 出了名为“漫步者”的全新自行车系列,车 身材质为碳化纤维,每辆仅重 11 千克,车 座和手柄等部分皆采用爱马仕高级小牛皮。 标价 1.04 万美元(约合 6.3 万元人民币), 有两款以及三色可选。 Although not healthy for your wallet, these Hermès bicycles will undoubtedly be good for your active lifestyle and, of course, pride. Le Flâneur d’Hermès and Le Flâneur sportif d’Hermès are lightweight carbon fiber bicycles available in three color combinations, and cost $10,400. Naturally, the seat is made from Hermes leather. www.hermes.com
LifeStyle 15
My Little Japanese Lamp 日本著名时装设计师三宅一生 受数学程序和折纸技术的启发,运用 可持续设计手法打造其第一个灯具作 品。这款独特的折叠灯由回收的 PET 塑料瓶制成,通过层次间的变化形成 丰富有趣的光影效果。目前折叠灯已 作为应用设计被纽约现代艺术博物馆 收藏。 Issey Miyake’s first lamp design is beautifully complex. The unique design was achieved using a mathematical program and origami techniques Miyake’s trademark. Made out of PET fibers sourced from plastic bottles the shade is organic in both material and design. The Mendori Lamp is currently featured in MoMA’s design collection “Applied Design: From Chairs to Videogames, New Acquisitions.”
Colors of Luxury 天然彩钻堪称世上最为稀有的宝石之 一。这种钻石有着彩虹般的丰富色彩,其颜 色越浓烈越为罕见。Diamintel 公司出品的 “花梦之南”白金彩钻戒指将稀有中彩级紫 红色菱格彩钻与白色钻石巧妙结合在一起, 再配以 18k 白金戒托。耀眼的梨形白钻作 花朵状围绕在璀璨红钻周围,完美衬托出佩 戴者独具个性的品味。
16 LifeStyle
Colored diamonds are some of the rarest gems in the world, coming in a rainbow of shades, with more intense colors signifying the most uncommon of them. The “Southern Dream” Ring from the Diamintel collection is an extremely rare Argyle Red diamond, graded Fancy Purplish Red. The stone has been set into an 18k white gold ring mount surrounded by a flower of pear shaped white diamonds – perfect for those wishing to add both individuality and flair to their jewelry collection. www.diamintel.com
Phonebloks 在 2013 荷兰设计周上,毕业于埃因霍 温设计学院的戴夫·哈肯斯设计的概念手机 惊艳亮相。该款手机由多个可替换部件组 合而成,使用者可以像玩乐高积木一样自 行拼装。一旦出现问题,也无需弃置整个 手机。积木手机目前尚处于概念阶段,不 过哈肯斯已经与摩托罗拉公司有所接触, 概念机投产也许为期不远。 Featured at Dutch Design Week 2013, Design Academy Eindhoven graduate Dave Hakkens’s concept for a mobile phone is a phone made of swappable components that fit together like Legos, with each component containing a different function. This means that components can be replaced or upgraded without having to throw away the phone. Unfortunately the phone has yet to reach the production stages but Hakkens is in talks with Motorola.
LifeStyle 17
Aim at Aesop 澳大利亚著名有机护肤品牌伊索在 德 国 柏 林 开 设 了 首 家 旗 舰 店。 新 店 面 由 Weiss-heiten 设计工作室倾情演绎,参照了 包豪斯艺术学校和柏林老工业区的建筑风 格。纯手工制作的翡翠色瓷砖颜色深浅不 一,店内处处渗透着低调凛冽的诊所格调, 与伊索的包装(棕色玻璃瓶子看起来很像药 瓶)相得益彰。 This stylishly institutional shop is Aesop’s first flagship in Germany, and was designed by Weiss-heiten to marry Berlin’s industrial history with references to the famous Bauhaus art school. Aesop is the sustainably chic cosmetics brand from Australia and their signature brown apothecary style packaging is a fine match for the green tiled interior.
18 LifeStyle
All the Tea in China 安徽天柱山(又名皖山)是中国道教 名山之一,由普澜建筑设计事务所设计的天 柱山茶社就坐落在山脚下。依山体地形而建 的茶社分上下两层,与周围环境相互映衬, 并融入中国道教文化理念,为每年来此参拜 游览的广大信众提供了一个餐饮休憩的好 地方。 Located in Anhui’s Tianzhu Shan, one of the most sacred Taoist mountains within China, the Tianzhu Shan Tea House was designed by Archiplein architects. The twostory building sits at the base of the mountain, and provides a restaurant and rest stop for the many pilgrims that visit the landmark each year.
LifeStyle 19
Le Creuset: Enamoured with Enamel 全球知名厨具品牌酷彩被誉为“厨房中的 LV”,明星产品 珐琅铸铁锅就像彩虹一样吸引人的眼球。酷彩法厨中国区 CEO 隗新梅与我们分享她心中的靓丽酷彩。 Cookware brand Le Creuset has been dubbed the “Louis Vuitton of the kitchen”, with an enameled rainbow of products high on everyone’s gift list. Wei Xinmei, CEO of the brand in China, shares with us how Le Creuset brightens her life. Text: Eva Liu
酷彩最吸引你的地方在哪里?它为你的生 活带来什么样的色彩? 我第一眼看到酷彩的产品,便情不自 禁地爱上了它们!我一直对绘画和各种艺 术超级热爱,所以对五彩缤纷的颜色和时尚 经典设计从来都没有抵抗力。从加入公司 那天起,我便开始接触和使用酷彩的各类 产品,因为有它们,我变得更加热爱美食、 热爱烹饪、热爱厨房。它们为我原本枯燥的 工作增加了神奇的色彩,这些年在酷彩工作 也结识了很多与我一样追求精致生活、热爱 艺术、热爱美食的朋友。 酷彩明星产品珐琅铸铁锅为何会受到明星 青睐? 铸铁珐琅锅具完全采用天然材料,经 过十多个工人的手工打磨、珐琅喷涂烤制而 成,工艺精湛、色彩靓丽且充满设计感,堪 称餐桌上的艺术品。铸铁珐琅锅具具有传承 性,也非常有价值,受到了很多明星的追捧。 在欧美用酷彩的锅是身份的象征,也是一种 时尚的代表,例如玛丽莲·梦露、英国威廉 王子,等等。我们有基本颜色,但是每年 都会根据流行色出不同颜色的珐琅铸铁锅, 就跟时装一样。 在很多高端酒店都能看到酷彩靓丽的身影。 确实,铸铁珐琅锅具非常符合高端酒 店在其菜品烹饪、上菜以及自助等方面的高 端需求,比如它受热非常均匀、密闭性极好, 同时又抗酸碱腐蚀,会带来意想不到的烹饪 效果;拥有卓越的保温功能,可长时间保持 食物温热;外观靓丽,可以当做艺术品在酒 店开放式厨房摆放。很多高端酒店的大厨都 来自国外或者在国外酒店、高端餐厅工作 过,他们对酷彩品牌的百年传奇非常了解, 对酷彩产品更加信任。
20 LifeStyle
未来会加大在酒店渠道推广的力度吗? 酷彩未来将拓展高端酒店销售的渠道, 尤其注重旗舰酒店的开发,例如大连康莱德 酒店、上海嘉里中心、万豪酒店等。 What originally attracted you to Le Creuset? And how does it brighten your life? The minute I saw Le Creuset, I fell in love with it. I just couldn’t help it! I’ve always been very enthusiastic about art and painting, so I’m really inclined toward gorgeous colors and enduring classic design. Since joining Le Creuset, I’ve gotten to know all the ranges of its products, which made me more and more involved with gourmet food, cooking and the kitchen in general. In the past few years, I’ve gone from a dull desk job to quite a brilliant life! And I’ve met so many friends who also pursue elegance in life, art and cuisine like myself. Why do you think celebrities choose Le Creuset enamel pieces? First and for most, we use only the most pure natural materials for each piece we make at Le Creuset. After the sand molding
and casting process, the enameled cast iron pot has to pass through several finishing processes under the hands of skilled craftsmen for cleaning and smoothing. Then each piece receives two coats of enamel. The exquisite workmanship, fun range of colors and unique shapes make Le Creuset into artwork on the table! Also, they last a long time and can be passed down through the family like heirlooms. Celebrities from Marilyn Monroe and HRH Prince William of Wales, have all used Le Creuset, making it into a status symbol of sorts in Europe and America. We have the basic colors for our star product, the enameled cast iron, and we will also promote some new trendy colors each year, almost like a fashion line. Can we find Le Creuset in many high-end hotels as well? Definitely; our enamelled cast iron pot distributes heat evenly and is reasonably airtight and resistant to rust at the same time – so it certainly meets the needs of highend hotels in all aspects, and exceeds many expectations! For example, they’re great for buffets because they are excellent at retaining heat, and they can also be put on the tables in open kitchen as decorations. Most of the chefs working for these hotels have the experience of working overseas, so they have long heard of Le Creuset’s fame and its history. We’ve earned their trust. Will you continue to promote the products in hotels in the future? We certainly will emphasize the distribution of Le Creuset further in hotels, especially those flagship brands, like Conrad Dalian, Kerry Centre and Marriott Hotel in Shanghai, and so on.
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Experience the Houses by Swire Hotels 精品酒店的大热无疑是现代酒店业的一个里程碑式成就,太古酒店显然深谙其道。其 最近发布三部名为《Experience the Houses》的短片,通过影像展示旗下时髦精品酒店北 京瑜舍和香港奕居的独特住宿体验。短片由苏格兰导演林赛·米勒执导,其作品曾获多个国 际电影节提名。 The rise of the boutique hotel has certainly made its mark on the industry as the mark of modern hospitality. Swire Hotels, in recognizing this, recently released “Experience the Houses,” a trilogy of films directed by Scottish filmmaker Lynsey Miller, who has written and directed a number of films screened at film festivals around the world. The films depict the distinct styles of two of China’s hippest hotels, Hong Kong’s The Upper House and Beijing’s The Opposite House, united in how they connect with guests on a personal level.
Anantara’s First Dubai Beach Resort Opens on Palm Jumeirah 泰国高端度假酒店品牌安纳塔拉进军中东的力作——迪拜棕榈岛安纳塔拉水疗度假村前不久于朱美 拉棕榈岛东侧全新开业。在这里可饱览海天一色的无敌美景,其建筑设计具有浓郁的亚洲风情,293 间 客房及套房错落分布,四个一伙,八个一群,每间客房都可直接通向 1 万平米的环礁湖泳池、沙滩别墅 和水上木屋。6 间主题餐厅和酒吧更是荟萃中东、泰国、越南、中国、地中海以及澳大利亚等地美食。 Anantara Hotels, Resorts & Spas recently opened its latest property, expanding its collection in the Middle East with the Anantara Dubai The Palm Resort & Spa. The new resort is positioned on the eastern crescent of manmade island Palm Jumeirah, boasting lush landscapes and gorgeous scenery. The design is Asian inspired, and the resort comprises 293 guest rooms and suites, clustered in units of four to eight, and has direct access to 10,000 sq-m of lagoon pools, beach villas and over-water villas. Six themed restaurants and bars feature Middle Eastern, Thai & Vietnamese, Chinese, and Mediterranean cuisines, an Australian Grill, and more.
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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
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米兰佩雷加利设计工作室的作品极富画面感 Lavishly romantic interiors by Milan-based Studio Peregalli
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Castle from the Ashes 翻修再造后的阿斯特利城堡, 新的结构穿插在有着 800 年历史的旧石墙之间, 构成了相映成趣的视觉对比, 并一举获得英国皇家建筑师协会斯特灵奖。 Astley Castle, long a ruin, has received an award-winning renovation. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: RIBA
Astley Castle during renovation
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“升级再造”近年来十分火热,几乎 成了可持续发展的代名词,这在建筑领域 也不例外。简单地说,升级再造通常意味 着将一幢古旧的,甚至破旧不堪的房子修 缮一番,使其具备更佳的社会功能,达到 可持续利用的目的。原来的建筑结构不会 有大的改动,建筑特色和岁月痕迹大部分 也被保留了下来,从而营造出相映成趣的 视觉对比。 英格兰沃里克郡的阿斯特利城堡本是 一座中世纪的防御性庄园,阿斯特利家族 从 12 世纪起便是这里的主人。1420 年, 威廉·阿斯特利去世,城堡留给了女儿和女 婿格雷男爵,彼时这位边境防务长官控制 了英格兰和威尔士之间的边界地区。1555 年,格雷家族重新修建了这座长方形的双 层建筑,顶层阁楼被隐藏在整齐的护墙后 面,现在看到的大部分遗迹也源于那次重 建。
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15 至 16 世纪,阿斯特利城堡成为整 个国家的焦点所在:爱德华四世的王后、 亨利七世的王后以及 1553 年的“九日女王” 简·格雷都曾是它的主人。随着历史的剧变 和社会动荡,阿斯特 利城堡这个曾经的焦 点逐渐暗淡且历经沧桑,1978 年的一场大 火更是从内部摧毁了它,使其成为徒留外 壳的残垣断壁。1994 年,城堡被英国列为 历史遗址。 当威瑟福特 - 沃森 - 曼建筑事务所正式 接手整修阿斯特利城堡时,看到的是一片 凄清荒凉的砖石废墟,只剩半截高墙突兀 地矗立着,仿佛随时会坍塌下来。暗红色 的中世纪砖墙已经风化,还有依稀可辨的 低矮的护墙、没有窗户的空洞,阿斯特利 城堡此时已成为濒临消失的古建筑。自中 世纪开始,几乎每个百年庄园都要经历加 建与翻修,那么恢复成哪个时代的它呢? 复原几乎是不可能的。建筑师最后的解决
方案是:保留损坏的旧外壳,里面插入新 的部分,通过结合中世纪遗迹与现代元素, 把废墟变成包裹现代住宅的一件“外套”, 从而传达给观者真正独特的体验。 威瑟福特 - 沃森 - 曼建筑事务所正是凭 借阿斯特利城堡翻修工程赢得了 2013 年英 国皇家建筑师协会斯特灵奖(英国最负盛 名的建筑奖项)。一栋住宅或修复项目获 此殊荣,这还是头一次。英国皇家建筑师 学会主席斯蒂芬·霍德评价说:“阿斯特利 城堡的杰出设计使人们看到,现代建筑可 以巧妙地让古老的建筑重现光芒。这不是 一项简单的修复工程,设计师将强大的现 代建筑功能与 800 年的历史融合起来,从 每一个细节入手,小到一砖一瓦的选择和 一个角度的设计,给人们更多的体验和感 受。可以说,这座建筑是一座爱的产物。 这真正是客户、设计师和承包商通力合作, 梦寐以求的杰作。”
翻新后的阿斯特利城堡成为豪华度假 屋,供游客租用,浴室、公共区域和起居 室都配备了现代化的便利设施,让人感受 到家一般的惬意舒心。城堡旁边的庭院和 教堂更增添了一分乡间景致,弥漫着浓浓 的英伦风情。 事实上,英国地标信托也是让阿斯特 利城堡复活的功臣之一,其与威瑟福特 - 沃 森 - 曼建筑事务所的通力合作最终促成这一 非凡成果。英国地标信托称:“古老的阿 斯特利城堡复活成为我们的骄傲之一,它第 一次引起我们注意是在上世纪 90 年代,我 们努力寻找一个可行的方案,但都失败了, 这让人很难过。在地标信托成立 40 周年之 际(2005 年),我们重返阿斯特利城堡。 1978 年的大火给阿斯特利城堡带来的是几 近毁灭的灾难,只有非常的手段和措施才能 让城堡复活。当我们看到这群家伙在现场工 作时的痴迷状态,我们知道我们找对了!”
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hese days the practice of “up cycling” is considered very stylish and sustainable. Upcycling simply consists of taking an old, usually decrepit, building and renovating it towards a socially superior and sustainable purpose. This is usually done without any dramatic changes to the inherent structure; many of the original features and timeworn aspects are retained to create an interesting visual contrast. Astley Castle is a 12th century fortified manor in Warwickshire England which had been lying in ruins since a fire gutted it in 1978. Dating back to the 13th century, the site has been owned by three Queens of England. The local area is also rich in history, with Coventry and Warwick both close by. The Astley family held the manor from the 12th century. Sir William Astley died in 1420 leaving his estate to his daughter who had married, in 1415, Reginald Grey, 3rd Baron Grey de Ruthyn from a dynasty of marcher
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lords who controlled the borderlands between England and Wales. The Greys rebuilt the manor house in 1555 and most of the remains date from this time or later. The rectangular building rose to two stories with attics above hidden by embattled parapets. During the period of Grey ownership in the 15th and 16th centuries the manor was at the centre of national events. Sir John Grey married Elizabeth Woodville who after his death in 1461 went on to become Queen of Edward IV. Her daughter Elizabeth of York became Queen in 1486 upon her marriage to Henry VII. Frances Brandon, granddaughter of Elizabeth of York married Henry Grey, Duke of Suffolk and their daughter Lady Jane Grey was proclaimed Queen in 1553. When Witherford Watson Mann Architects came to work on the building it was in a state of collapse and on the Heritage at Risk Register. What has been built is no straightforward restoration; the building
had seen additions and revisions carried out in almost every century since Medieval times, so knowing which period to emulate would have been impossible. The architects’ solution was to stabilize the ruin and create the next layer of the building’s history. The result is a highly complex and original new house giving the castle’s visitors a truly unique experience. Indeed, the building won the RIBA Stirling Prize, the UK’s most prestigious architecture prize, in 2013. It was the first time that either a house or a conservation project have won the prize. RIBA President Stephen Hodder said: “Astley Castle is an exceptional example of how modern architecture can revive an ancient monument. It is significant because rather than a conventional restoration project, the architects have designed an incredibly powerful contemporary house which is expertly and intricately intertwined with 800 years
of history. Every detail has been carefully considered, from a specific brick pattern to the exact angle of a view, resulting in a sensually rich experience for all who visit. This beautiful new building is a real labour of love. It was realized in true collaboration between a visionary client, designer and contractors. I am delighted to present Witherford Watson Mann with the 2013 RIBA Stirling Prize.” Although not a museum or even a strictly private museum, Astley Castle is a kind of deluxe rental holiday home. Large glass walls now frame views of medieval stonework and the adjacent church and surrounding countryside. Modern conveniences abound, from luxuriously appointed bathrooms to light-filled public spaces and living areas. The surrounding views are charmingly English. The renovation was done in collaboration with England’s powerful Landmark Trust.
According to the Landmark Trust, “Astley Castle became a cause célèbre for us. This ancient moated site first came to our attention in the 1990s, when we tried, and failed, to find a workable solution for it. It grieves us to admit defeat, and in the year of our 40th anniversary, we returned to Astley, for another go at finding a way to continue a millennium of occupation. It was already too late to do more than consolidate the ruins that were left after the disastrous fire in 1978, so unusually drastic measures were called for. The rapturous reactions of those who have stayed there seem to justify our boldness.”
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Monastic Majesty 斯洛文尼亚普图伊的一座有八百年历史的多明我会修道院 经改造后重焕生机,并被赋予全新的现代意义。 An 800-year-old Dominican monastery receives a facelift and a new purpose. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Enota
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斯洛文尼亚普图伊文化中心于前不久竣工,这个古老的小城力求 藉此提升其周边地区的文化艺术氛围。这里原本是一座有八百年历史 的多明我会修道院,现由斯洛文尼亚著名建筑设计工作室 Enota 修缮 改造成为一座新文化中心。 早在十三世纪初期,一些多明我会修士就带着图纸来到普图伊, 计划在城西城墙拐角处修建教堂和修道院。新的建筑紧邻已有的罗马 式建筑群,其风格也更偏向于巴洛克式。 到了十八世纪晚期,修道院解散,该建筑也被用作诸如士兵营房、 医院、博物馆、社会住房等,这期间,修道院的每一次改扩建都在建 筑主体上留下了那个年代的印记。这里的每一块砖石都历经几个世纪 风雨的洗礼,同时也见证了世事沉浮。其中修道院中殿的受损情况最 为严重,整个建筑主体几乎消失殆尽。 正因为早年这里是修道院,整栋建筑的设计布局十分适合被改造 为文化中心。新的中央大厅位于原来中殿的位置,其他附属空间均依 原有修道院回廊而建,原先的回廊则作为门厅,同时也是建筑内所有 通道的入口。餐厅及其侧面分别设计了一个小的多功能厅。 建筑内部采光极好,墙面刷上纯白色的涂料,黑色磨砂座椅和各 种建筑部件更加衬托出建筑厚重的历史感。其内部许多古老的遗迹都 被完好地保存了下来,置身其中,你会看到裸露的砖墙和古老的基石, 还有那早已褪色的斑驳壁画。而新增附属空间的设计又增添了别样的 美感。 中央大厅内新铺设的地板与颇具历史气息的建筑本身形成强烈反 差,提升了视觉冲击力。黑白色的灵感源于多明我会修士所着的黑白 色服饰:白色代表纯洁,黑色则象征谦逊。
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he recently completed Ptuj Performance Center in Slovenia is a renovation of an existing 800 year old Dominican monastery. Completed by the Slovenian architectural firm Enota, the Performance Center seeks to raise the cultural awareness in the surrounding region. The Dominicans came to Ptuj in the early 13th century, when they were given a plot within the city walls, at the very edge of the west corner. Alongside the existing Romanesque buildings, they began the construction of the monastery and the church, which was more Baroque in style. After the dissolution of the monastery in the late 18th century, the building saw a number of uses, serving as barracks, a hospital, a museum, and as social housing. During this time, the building complex had its ups and downs, but each role it served left a mark in the shape of extensions and conversions. The nave was the part that “suffered” the most, having lost almost its entire structure. Thanks to its monastic past, the layout was ideal for the complex’s new life as a performance center. The main event hall is situated in the former nave while all the remaining auxiliary spaces are lined around the old cloister; there is a smaller hall in the refectory, and another one in the side spaces. The cloister serves as an entrance hall and the hub of all the paths through the building. With its dramatic light-filled interiors and stark white paint, the new additions create a visually engaging scheme. The matte black seating arrangements and structural additions all highlight the historic nature of the building. Many of the old “ruinous” aspects have been preserved such as the exposed brickwork and old foundation stones. There are also many faded murals. The contrast between the new floor and the historical substance of the monastery is deliberately greatest in the black-on-white appearance of the main hall, referencing the famous black and white habit of the Dominican Order where the white is symbolic of innocence and black of modesty.
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The New in with the Old 米兰佩雷加利设计工作室创造的“奇幻世界”能拨动你的心弦。 Lavishly romantic interiors by Milan-based Studio Peregalli Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Studio Peregalli
“浪漫、理性和华美”也许是形容佩 雷加利作品最好的字眼。这家米兰设计工作 室的当家人劳拉·萨尔托里·里米尼和罗伯托 ·佩雷加利,师承已故著名舞台设计师伦佐· 蒙贾尔迪诺。蒙贾尔迪诺常为大导演打造华 丽的电影布景,跟意大利电影及歌剧导演法 兰高·齐费里尼也有过合作。这两位搭档尽 得大师真传,擅长时空穿行的手法,能轻易 拨动你柔软的心弦。 在两人 2011 年出版的《创造过去》一 书中,佩雷加利说他们的工作室创作的是 “引人浮想联翩的严谨作品”,比如一间装 修华美优雅的客厅,让人感觉它正静静等候 某位帕夏(奥斯曼帝国高官)的归来;而一 处走廊则唤起了人们对于拿破仑时代作战 帐篷的联想。他们的建筑作品,从瑞士的铜 圆顶寺庙到科西嘉的乡村灰泥别墅,无一不 是如此。 除了学术般的严谨和天马行空般的自 由创造,佩雷加利工作室的强项还包括组 织意大利能工巧匠打造迷人的舞台布景,他 们会为一个内饰细节雇上 100 名左右传统 工匠,比如给墙壁定制花纹图案或有色天鹅 绒,让镀金匠给器物做磨光金。 这对创作搭档有着看似模糊实则明朗 的创作风格。佩雷加利的许多室内作品都 让人联想到珍品陈列室——古玩错落有致 地摆放着,还有大幅威尼斯风景画和水晶吊 灯,没有矫揉造作的痕迹,古色古香的氛围 似乎历经几代的积淀,一直不曾消散。 有人可能会觉得他们是无可救药的浪 漫主义者,其实他们非常欣赏现代主义, 尤其是极简主义建筑大师约翰·波森的作品。 时尚大牌圣罗兰前合伙人皮埃尔·贝尔杰、 《Vogue》杂志美国版编辑哈密什·博尔斯 等时尚界名人都是佩雷加利工作室的客户。 佩雷加利的作品极富画面感,让你不 禁在脑海里描绘出意大利著名电影导演卢
奇诺·维斯康蒂的舞台造型:穿着土色花呢 套装的古珍收藏绅士,坐在略褪色的天鹅绒 椅子里,路易十六时期风格的桌子上放着一 杯陈年干邑,桌子破旧得恰到好处……佩雷 加利创造的奇幻世界不仅仅有刻意表述的 陈年旧事,你还能“看”到身穿时髦山本耀 司的年轻夫妇在房间里走动,旁边桌上随意 扔着一本《单片眼镜》杂志…… 嘘,这就是设计师的魔法。
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Roberto Peregalli
omantic, cerebral and lush may best describe the interiors created by Studio Peregalli. The Milan-based firm consists of Laura Sartori Rimini and Roberto Peregalli who are proper heirs to the timetraveling spirit of their late mentor, Renzo Mongiardino, well-known for creating lavish film sets for directors such as Franco Zefferli. “Rigor with imagination” is how Peregalli describes the Milan firm’s oeuvre, captured in the 2011 book The Invention of the Past that was published by Rizzoli. An extravagantly patterned salon, for example, seems to await the return of an Ottoman pasha, and a corridor recalls a campaign tent during the days of Napoléon. Their buildings are equally evocative, from a copper-domed temple in Switzerland to a rusticated stucco villa on Corsica. Scholarly in their attitude yet freely original, the business partners employ traditionally trained Italian artisans for their ravishing mise-en-scènes. The pair employ around a hundred traditional artisans to create the various components for an interior. For
Laura Sartori Rimini
example, they may commission custom patterned and dyed velvets for walls or employ gilders to burnish an item in gold. Many of their interiors evoke a kind of cabinet of curiosities, with antiquities strewn about, mixed with large Venetian landscape paintings, and crystal chandeliers. There is a misty quality about the way the duo decorates; the interiors lack the sheen of an artificial environment. Indeed many of the rooms have the patinated atmosphere of something that has been inherited through many generations. Among the studio’s clients are people such as Pierre Berge, the former business partner of YSL, and Hamish Bowles, the editor at Vogue US. Some may think the pair behind the Studio are hopeless romantics but in fact they are appreciative of Modernism especially the work of minimalist architect John Pawson. Through their works, one is reminded of a Luchino Visconti tableau, with antiquarian gentlemen in earthy-colored tweeds reading in a slightly faded velvet chair with a glass of vintage cognac on a moderately battered Louis XVI table. The magic, though, is not relegated to this brand of dusty glamour. The worlds that the firm creates are not merely a false nostalgia for times gone by; one can equally imagine a young couple in hip Yohji Yamamoto puttering about with a copy of Monocle casually laid on a table. That is the magic of these interiors.
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Structure News
三座 gmp 体育场获 IOC/IAKS 两金一铜
Three Stadiums by gmp Receives IOC/IAKS Architectural Award 由 gmp 建 筑 师 事 务 所 设 计 的 三 座 体 育场馆荣获了最具国际影响力的 IOC/IAKS 体育及休闲建筑设施奖。三年一度的 IOC/ IAKS(国际奥林匹克委员会 / 国际体育与休 闲建筑协会)体育设施奖将大型室外体育场 环节金奖、游泳及水上娱乐设施金奖、大型 室外体育场铜奖分别颁给了深圳宝安体育 场、上海东方体育中心、华沙国家体育场。 宝安体育场可容纳 4 万观众,为举办 2011 年世界大学生运动会兴建,其设计灵感来 源于极具华南地区风情的竹林场景,双层 钢柱穿插交错刻画出竹林的意象。上海东 方体育中心为举办 2011 年第 14 届世界游 泳锦标赛兴建,体育中心面积约 34.7 万平 米,其中包括体育场、游泳馆、一座为跳水 锦标赛设置的露天泳池以及一个媒体中心。 可容纳 5.5 万名观众的华沙国家体育场是为 2012 年欧洲足球锦标赛所建,外立面金属 薄板采用了代表波兰民族的红白两色,编织 篮状的外观使其成为独一无二的城市地标。 T h re e s t a d i u m s b y a rc h i t e c t s v o n Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) recently received important international architectural
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awards for sports and leisure buildings. At this year’s IOC/IAKS Awards, the Bao’An Stadium in Shenzhen, China, received a gold medal in the “Major Outdoor Stadiums” category. The Shanghai Oriental Sports Center in China won another gold in the “Pools and Wellness Facilities” category, and the Warsaw National Stadium in Poland received the bronze medal in the “Major Outdoor Stadiums” category. Bao’An Stadium, Shenzhen was built for up to 40,000 spectators for the 2011 Universiade. The design was inspired by the bamboo forests of southern China. For the competitions of the 14th FINA World Aquatics Championships in 2011, Shanghai Oriental Sports Center was created covering an area of over 347,000 square meters and comprising a sports stadium, a pool stadium, an outdoor pool for diving competitions and a media center. Warsaw National Stadium was completed to hold 55,000 spectators on the occasion of the 2012 UEFA European Championship. Its unmistakable visual impact results from the expanded metal panels in the facade in the striking Polish national colors, red and white.
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American Heritage Brands / P.40
Filson 户外服饰及用品
LifeStyle 39
40 LifeStyle
圣诞之礼 Americana 品味之选
圣诞节的到来勾起了人们对家庭、 亲人以及传统的怀旧情结。 本期特辑甄选在美国有着悠久历史的著名品牌, 以飨时下最热的复古风潮的追随者们。 希望能在挑选圣诞礼物时助你一臂之力。 The holidays evoke a sense of nostalgia in all of us nostalgia for home, family and tradition. This month, as the holidays approach, we offer classic gift ideas from America’s finest heritage brands, sure to satisfy fans of vintage style and purveyors of excellent quality. Editor: Audrey Hammonds
Baxter of California 男士护肤品 1965 年,巴克斯特·芬利创立了同 名品牌加州巴克斯特,主推“超有型” 男士护肤霜。该产品可有效抵御阳光、 海水对皮肤造成的损伤。在接下来的几 年中,加州巴克斯特又先人一步,推出 了专为男士设计的全品类新系护肤品。 该品牌以加州总部为依托,将高科技与 自然元素完美融合,生产出既体现复古 概念又蕴含高科技的高档男士护肤品。 Baxter Finley originally began his namesake line in 1965 with a product called Super Shape, a men’s skin conditioner offering protection from the sun and the sea. In the following years, Baxter of California has pioneered a comprehensive range of products particularly formulated for men’s needs. Based in California, the brand takes a scientific approach with a dash of nature to create products with a vintage concept but a high-tech approach. www.baxterofcalifornia.com
DE Razor Set
42 LifeStyle
Clockwise from top left: The Partt Pocket Round The Grayson in grey/black/red plaid The Varsity in Burgundy Stripe Happy Heralds tie
Alexander Olch 领带 在保守的奢华领带行业,唯有非传统的 Alexander Olch 独树一帜。成立于纽约的 Alexander Olch 公司将传统 工艺与现代风尚完美结合,主打真丝、羊绒、羊毛及纯棉 等材质的领带产品。每条领带从初始设计到最终成品,都 采用纯手工暗线跳针缝制。别致的全结打法会让佩戴者显 得格外神采奕奕,尽展无限魅力。Alexander Olch 创立伊 始就将“纯手工·纽约制造”打在标牌上,而该品牌的长期 目标也是要成为真正的世界级奢华品牌,并保证完全纽约 本土制造。 Injecting something unconventional into the usually conservative world of luxury neckwear, Alexander Olch offers a collection of fine silk, cashmere, woolen and cotton neckties that combine old world craftsmanship with exceptional contemporary style. Each necktie is originally designed and handmade with a slip-stitch with a full knot for a charming and chic look. Founded in New York, the company’s labels originally featured woven “Hand Made New York” slogans, and the brand’s long term goal has been to create a true world class luxury brand, with all pieces exclusively crafted in the city. www.olch.com
Allen Edmonds 男鞋 1922 年,艾伦·埃德蒙兹品牌诞生于威 斯康辛州华盛顿港。近一个世纪以来,该品 牌凭借其顶级产品品质和良好的企业形象, 逐渐成为深受美国总统、国际巨星、商界领 袖等时尚高端人士钟爱的经典品牌。艾伦· 埃德蒙兹努力为顾客打造最优质的正装及 休闲男鞋,其逐渐扩展的产品线涵盖服饰、 领带、皮带、雨衣及其他男士皮具配件等, 正迎合了高端美式生活方式的需求。艾伦· 埃德蒙兹同样是家族企业,秉承勤劳、诚信、 谦虚的经营理念,致力于用最好的皮革制作 贴合各种脚型的最舒适鞋履。
Allen Edmonds was established in 1922 at Port Washington, Wisconsin. Now at almost a century old, the brand’s prestigious image and supreme quality has an esteemed following including loyal customers like US Presidents, stars, and business leaders. Committed to providing top-notch quality formal and casual shoes, the company now also produces apparel, ties, belts, raincoats and other accessories for upscale American living. Always a family owned and operated business, the company’s values of hard work, honesty, humility and trust are their cornerstones, and they continue to produce custom-fitted shoes of only the best quality leather for their clients. www.allenedmonds.com Allen Edmonds President & CEO Paul Grangaard
Strand Cap-toe Oxfords & Manistee Belt
44 LifeStyle
Filson’s classic Alaskan Cruiser
Filson 户外服饰及用品 1897 年,C.C. 菲尔森创立了阿拉斯加 先锋制衣,其所生产的服饰与毛毯产品为在 “克朗代克淘金潮”里一试身手的人们提供 了最好的装备。后来尽管淘金潮退去,菲尔 森依旧在美国生产结实耐用的男式粗布户 外服饰。一个多世纪后的今天,该品牌仍坚 持“我们只生产最好产品”的理念。菲尔森 本人非常乐于与前来购买产品的顾客交流, 从而根据他们的要求不断完善产品——使 其更加舒适耐用、永不过时。菲尔森一直在 创新,力求采用舒适随身的轻质面料,为现 代都市人制作适合运动的服饰。
In 1897, C.C. Filson opened his Pioneer Alaska Clothing and Blanket Manufacturers, specializing in goods to outfit the stampeders to the Klondike Gold Rush. Though the Gold Rush ended, Filson continued to craft rugged clothes for ourdoorsmen across America. Today, over 100 years later, the brand’s philosophy still hasn’t changed: make sure it’s the absolute best. Clinton FIlson spent time talking to his customers and refining his designs to their specifications, and the results were the ultimate in comfort, protection and durability, qualities that never go out of style. Filson has also updated versions of their original rugged designs to support the lives of modern city-dwellers everywhere, sporting tighter fits and lighter materials. www.filson.com
Red Wing 工装靴 创建于 1905 年的红翼可谓是工装靴设 计制造领域的创新先锋。来自明尼苏达州的 查尔斯·H·贝克曼看到某些要求较高的特殊 行业对专门鞋款的需求,专为采矿、伐木、 农业等行业从业人员设计了工作用鞋,工装 靴产品就这样诞生了。红翼一直致力于保 证产品品质,生产实用且舒适的工作用鞋。 时至今日,他们依旧坚持着最初的产品设计 标准,在专用鞋领域树立了完美典范。红翼 工装靴实用耐穿,在确保工人长期穿着的同 时,还能起到良好的保护作用。这一点在世 界一百多个国家的工人脚下得到了印证。
Handsewn Chukka in Sage Mohave
46 LifeStyle
Since 1905 Red Wing Shoes has been a pioneer of innovation and superiority for working boots. Shoe merchant Charles H. Beckman from Red Wing, Minnesota saw a need for shoes designed specifically for demanding work industries such as mining, farming and logging and so a new type of working boot was born. Red Wing Shoes has been committed to making practical and comfortable working footwear without compromising quality. To this day Beckman’s unwavering vision remains intact setting the standard of excellence incomparable to any other purpose-built footwear. Red Wing boots protect workers in over one hundred countries across the world proven to perform and endure. www.redwingshoes.com
Lotuff American Alligator Duffle Travel Bag
Lotuff 皮具 植根于新英格兰的 Lotuff 皮具,将美国 工艺与优质皮革相结合,制造出最优质的手 工皮革制品。Lotuff 出品的每一件皮具均系 纯手工悉心制作。公司在没有生产压力与配 额限制的前提下,从全世界搜罗珍稀皮革原 料,尽可能为顾客打造最精美的箱包产品。 Lotuff 的皮革制品设计独特且结实耐用,完 美展现了美国文化的传统价值观。
Based in New England, Lotuff Leather is a collaboration of American craftsmen making the highest quality artisanal leather goods. Every Lotuff product is handmade with extreme care, and there are no deadlines or quotas to be met except creating the finest bags possible. Only the best and rarest leather from around the world is chosen. Lotuff’s leather products are not only unique but guaranteed to last a lifetime. Lotuff Leather embodies the traditional values that make up the Americana heritage, taking the best to make the best. www.lotuffleather.com
Above: Dove Grey free range bison Belt Left: Arrow Keychan in black & copper Below: Dove Grey clutch
Parabellum 皮具 总部设在洛杉矶的高端皮具品牌 Parabellum 是由杰森·琼斯和迈克·费尔德 曼创建并运营至今的。该品牌最大的特色 就是以有明显纹理的散养美洲野牛皮为原 料制造皮具产品。美洲野牛是无拘无束、 恣意生活的最好代表。产品配以高级陶瓷 五金配件,原本粗糙的皮革表面也有了更 好的手感。今年该品牌还入围美国时装设 计师协会与《Vogue》杂志共同颁发的时 尚基金会大奖决赛。在全美及世界各地的 精品店都能看到 Parabellum 的产品,包 括各类男女箱包、皮带、钱包及其他配件。 Parabellum, based in Los Angeles, is a Leather Goods Brand owned and run by founders Jason Jones and Mike Feldman, best known for its deep-textured free-range American Bison Leather, an animal that perhaps best represents the unbridled. Their addition of Technical Ceramis Hardware and complicated nature of their pieces add the perfect touch of edge to the sophisticated feel of the leather. A finalist for the 2013 CDFA Vogue Fashion Fund Award, Parabellum is aiming to help redefine the concept of American Luxury, with their women’s and men’s bags, belts, wallets and accessories sold at the finest boutiques in the US and all over the world. www.parabellumcollection.com
48 LifeStyle
Judith Leiber 手袋 朱迪思·雷伯是美国最早的女式手袋制 造商之一。她创立的品牌以各种奇形怪状的 水晶硬壳化妆包闻名于世。朱迪思是布达佩 斯第一位加入手袋制造行会的女性。拥有犹 太血统的她,在二战的犹太人大屠杀中幸存 下来并平安到达瑞士,后又成为很多公司的 手袋设计师。直至 1963 年她终于创建了自 己的品牌,其产品在世界各地的特许精品店 有售。该品牌手袋动辄标价几千美元,自然 也成为女人身份地位的象征,其拥趸还包括 多位美国第一夫人。著名的朱迪思·雷伯杯 形蛋糕化妆包还出现在曾经热映的电影《欲 望都市》中。 Judith Leiber is one of the foremost makers of women’s handbags in the U.S. Her brand is especially known for crystal encrusted minaudieres in amusing and whimsical shapes such as a frog or a cupcake. Born Judith Peto, she was the first woman to join the handbag-makers guild in Budapest. A Jew, she escaped the Holocaust of World War II to the safety of Switzerland. After working as a handbag designer for other companies, Leiber founded her own business in 1963. Sold at exclusive boutiques around the world, her handbags cost several thousand dollars and have become a status symbol for many women including several Presidential First Ladies. A Judith Leiber cupcake minaudiere was featured in the Sex and the City movie. www.judithleiber.com
Above: Blue Collector’s Edition William Frog Prince clutch Below: Wisdom Owl Clutch
Feature J. Press 约克街头系列 1902 年,普莱诗品牌在纽黑文市耶鲁大学的校园里诞 生了。该品牌主打学院风,致力于为男士打造常春藤名校 学生范儿。2013 春季普莱诗专属定制约克街头风男装系列 由创意总监阿里尔和西蒙·奥瓦迪亚亲自操刀。两位设计师 都曾被评为 GQ 全美最佳男装设计师,也都曾入围美国时 装设计师协会与《Vogue》杂志共同颁发的时尚基金会大奖 决赛。约克街头系列是以雅可比·普莱诗当年创建同名品牌 时的位置命名的,新系产品在经典名校优质生 look 的基础 上进行改良,加入了更多现代时尚元素,用更合身的全新 产品向普莱诗经典设计致敬。
The J.Press York St. Store
Hamilton 衬衫 1883 年,爱德华与 J. 布鲁克·汉密尔顿共 同组建汉密尔顿衬衫公司。从那时起汉密尔顿 家族一直都是美国享有极高声誉的衬衫制造商。 一个多世纪以来,汉密尔顿生产的每件衬衫全 部由人工剪裁,手工缝制。公司的座右铭是“质 量高于一切”,这也是汉密尔顿衬衫的品牌精神。 从布料选择到产品设计,汉密尔顿衬衫的纯手 工制作技艺一直都在不断创新完善之中,最终 成就了一件件永不过时的经典衬衫。在美国, 汉密尔顿不仅是一个衬衫品牌,更是一种风尚 的代名词。其产品在纽约巴尼百货等各大商场 都可买到。 In 1883 Edward and J. Brooke Hamilton launched the Hamilton Shirt Company. Since then the Hamilton family has been America’s preeminent shirt maker. For over a century each shirt has been sewn and hand cut in their Houston workshop. Their motto - ”Quality Above All” - has remained true to the spirit of the brand. From their choice in fabrics and design to their artisanal workmanship Hamilton Shirts are as much about innovation as they are about timeless dressing. More than just a brand Hamilton Shirts is an American institution. The shirts can be found in retailers across the country such as Barneys New York. www.hamiltonshirts.com
Siblings Kelly & David Hamilton
50 LifeStyle
For those in search of the all-American preppy look, J.Press has founded the perfect shopping venue. The brand, a clothier committed to dressing men to an Ivy League standard since their founding on Yale’s campus in New Haven in 1902. Recently, this “tailor-of-choice” launched menswear line York Street for the Spring 2013 season, designed by Creative Directors Ariel and Shimon Ovadia, who were previously named GQ’s Best New Menswear Designers in America and CFDA/Vogue Fashion Fund finalists. York Street’s name is a nod to the location where Jacobi Press founded his eponymous brand on Yale’s campus in 1902, and the line offers a modern take on J. Press’s Ivy league past but does so with updated fits and new silhouettes that pay homage to the iconic J.Press look. www.jpressonline.com/yorkst
Alicia Adams Alpaca 起家于纽约哈德逊谷的 Alicia Adams Alpaca,以在世界范围内都极为稀有的羊 驼毛为原料,生产奢华服饰和家居用品。作 为家族企业,Alicia Adams Alpaca 甚至在 纽约建立自己的养殖场,饲养世界罕见物种 之一的苏利羊驼。艾莉西亚本人充分利用自 己国际化(墨西哥、欧洲及美国)的成长和 教育背景,为自然环保的可持续奢华设计增 添了一抹亮色。 Alicia Adams Alpaca is a family business based out of New York’s Hudson Valley, specializing in the design and production of luxury clothing and home products crafted from one of the rarest materials in the world – alpaca wool. The family raises and breeds their own Suri alpacas – one of the world’s rarest breeds – in New York. Alicia herself draws on her international background, being raised and educated in Mexico, Europe and the United States, to add flair to the naturally sustainable and luxurious designs. www.aliciaadamsalpaca.com
Imogene + Willie 牛仔服饰 由马特·埃德门森和卡莉·埃德门森领衔的 imogene+willie 手 工牛仔品牌,总部位于美国田纳西州纳什维尔。厂牌以卡莉外 祖父母的名字命名。夫妻二人于 2009 年搬到纳什维尔,创立了 imogene+willie 牛仔服饰。他们在时尚界有着丰富的经历,凭借 二十多年的牛仔裤制作经验,一直强调产品的多样化,而不仅仅 局限于普通蓝色基本款牛仔服。imogene+willie 总部是由一个旧汽 车厂改建的,其所有产品的设计、制模及手工制作都在这里完成, 网上商店和批发销售部也设在这里。
Matt and Carrie Eddmenson Right: Leo Chambray shirt
Imogene + Willie, lead by Matt and Carrie Eddmenson, is based out of Nashville, Tennessee. Named for Carrie’s maternal grandparents, imogene + willie jeans was founded when the couple moved to Nashville in 2009. Carrie and Matt Eddmenson share a long and varied history in the fashion industry – collectively, they’ve been making jeans for over 20 years, but put great emphasis on developing a well-rounded collection extending beyond blue jeans. imogene+willie’s headquarters are located in an old car factory where all design, patterning, and hand tailoring happen. The online store and wholesale division are also run out of the headquarters location. www.imogeneandwillie.com
52 LifeStyle
品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Profile / P.54 潮物
Material Culture / P.58 座驾
Auto / P.70 艺术
Art / P.72
纽约知名画廊乐曼慕品首次亮相台北艺博会 Lehmann Maupin participated for the first time at ART TAIPEI
54 LifeStyle
The Singing Sinophile
西班牙国宝级艺人胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯的歌声为千万中国人所熟知。 最近他刚刚度过 70 岁生日,LifeStyle 有幸与这位巨星共叙他的中国情结。 Beyond celebrating his 70th birthday, LifeStyle celebrates mega-star Julio Iglesias for his undying commitment to China. Text: Nels Frye
在过去的半个世纪里,拉丁情歌天王 胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯以其动人的歌喉蜚声 世界,全球唱片销量超过三亿张。胡里奥在 1971 年首次来到中国,是较早到访中国的 国外著名艺人。之后,他与中国结下不解之 缘,并收获了众多粉丝。1988 年胡里奥来 华演出,成为首位在中国中央电视台专题节 目现场表演的国际艺人。1995 年,他获得 中国文化部颁发的“金唱片奖”。今年春天 他故地重游,在北京接受了由索尼音乐颁发 的“中国首位最受欢迎国际艺人”奖,还在 中国四处游玩,期间我同他畅聊,分享歌声 里的人生。 你如何看待中国音乐? 音乐是世界语言,承载着人间真爱。 对于音乐,中国人有着敏锐的捕捉力。无论 是宁静平和的音乐,还是震撼心灵的音乐, 我都喜欢。在中国的日子里,有很多值得高 兴的事情,比如四月份见到郎朗就很开心。 他在艺术上有着很高的造诣,他的音乐很 棒,能打动人心。 是什么让你的作品如此受中国人喜爱? 这么多年以来,我的音乐在中国很受 欢迎,我感到很荣幸,也很开心。中国一直 如此慷慨地接纳我,我真的很感激。在中国, 我看到人们在音乐会上演唱我的歌曲,他们
的情绪感染了我,我强烈地感受到了我们之 间有一条连结彼此的纽带,一切都是那么的 不可思议,同时也是一个艺术家所能得到的 最高奖赏。 又是什么让你有先见之明,比其他人更早来 中国发展? 中国一直深深吸引着我,所以当我有 机会来到中国,与这里的人们接触,我就永 远爱上了这块土地。1988 年,我在中国中 央电视台录制了电视专题节目,是第一个有 这样机会的外国艺人。对我来说,那是一次 激动难忘的经历。 在你看来,中国在过去四十年里发生了哪些 变化? 中国已经成为世界主要经济体之一, 发展速度非常迅猛。中国的基础设施已经相 当完善,而且时时刻刻都在进步。这些年我 的孩子一直在学汉语,因为我和我的妻子都 认为这对他们今后的成长非常重要。 我们杂志的很多内容都与酒店有关,采访的 时候也经常问到对方对酒店的喜好。你钟爱 的酒店都有哪些呢? 我喜欢靠海的酒店,那里是太阳升起 的地方。太阳和大海都是我生命中不可或缺 的元素。
Performing in 2013
ne of the most well-known voices of the past half-century, Spanish singer Julio Iglesias has sold over 300 million records globally. This year, he received the “Most Popular International Artist of All Time in China” Award in Beijing and still tours in this country, which he first visited in 1971, very early for a major foreign entertainer. He has had a close relationship to China and his many fans here since then. In 1988, Iglesias became the first international artist to give a live television special on Chinese National
56 LifeStyle
Television, and he received a tribute from the Chinese Ministry of Culture in 1995 for being a top selling foreign artist here. On his last trip to Beijing, LifeStyle’s Nels Frye sat down with Iglesias, who just turned 70 on Sept. 23. What do you think about Chinese music? Music is a universal language, because it is all about love and Chinese people are very sensitive. I like music that transmits serenity and peace and which makes one´s soul vibrate. It was a pleasure to meet Lang Lang
in April, for instance. He is a great artist and his music is wonderful, deeply touching. What is it about your work that makes it so attractive to Chinese? It is an honor and a great joy to see that my music has been welcomed for so many years in China. The country has been very generous to me, so I am grateful. It is amazing for me to come to China and see how people sing my songs during concerts, to feel their emotion and have such a strong bond with them. This is the best recompense an artist could ever get. What gave you the foresight to start developing in China so long before others? I’ve always felt a great attraction to China and, when I had the chance to visit it, to get in touch with its people, I fell in love with it forever. They gave me the chance to be the first foreign artist who had a special TV programme on National Television, in 1988, and that was an amazing, unforgettable experience for me. What are some of the changes you have seen in China over the last forty years? China has become one of the main economies of the world, it has grown and developed so fast, it has a great infrastructure and its progress is constant. My little children have been studying Chinese for several years, for instance, because my wife and I think it is important for their future. Much of the content of our magazine revolves around hotels and we always like to ask our interviewees about their favorites. What are your very favorite hotels in the world? Those that are close to the sea or to the ocean, because the sun and the sea are essential in my life.
Receiving the Guinness Book of World Records award for “best selling male Latin artist� from Lang Lang in Beijing, April 2013
Material Culture
Hats off to Hatters 谁说人不可“帽相”? 一顶经典耐用且永不过时的帽子不仅可做点缀,更可为男士加分。 A classic good quality hat is not only a head covering, but an accessory which adds flair and style to your wardrobe. Maybe you can’t judge a book by its cover, but you can judge a man by his hat. Text: Eva Liu
58 LifeStyle
Material Culture
Scala Classico 古典斯卡拉可谓是一种典型的生活方 式!不论是精美草帽还是毛毡帽,经典还是 摩登的设计,古典斯卡拉一直为独具风格的 中产男士提供最贴心的帽饰。它作为传统帽 子佩戴习俗的代表,一直处于业界的前沿。 Scala Classico offers a collection of hats ranging in style from classic to contemporary and edgy. Whether crafted from straw or felt, what they really represent is more about lifestyle. Scala Classico has always been a unique and traditional brand for the classy gentlemen. scala-hats.com
Borsalino 博萨利诺创立于 1857 年,是意大利的 顶级帽子品牌。这一历史悠久的制帽商选用 比利时兔皮、巴拿马剑麻和羊绒等特别材质 制作出永不过时的精美配件,成为许多电影 的灵感来源。据说一顶博萨利诺帽子至少可 以戴 20 年。凯特·摩丝、约翰尼·德普、奥 黛丽·赫本、查理·卓别林等名人都是博萨利 诺的忠实购买者。 Founded in 1857, Borsalino has long been a top hat brand in Italy. The unique materials they use, including Belgian rabbit skin, Panamanian agave sisalana and cashmere, have made them a source of inspiration for numerous movies. It is said that a Borsalino hat can be worn for at least 20 years. Regularly seen on famous heads such as Kate Moss, Johnny Depp, Audrey Hepburn, and Charlie Chaplin, these hats are certain to remain permanent icons. www.borsalino.com
60 LifeStyle
Paul Smith 英国顶级时尚品牌保罗·史密斯虽不是 以做礼帽起家,但每年都会推出礼帽,耍坏 风格大受时尚达人、名人名流青睐。其今年 推出的绅士礼帽采用毛呢的面料,经典奢华 有气场,适合钟爱细节且穿着考究的绅士。 Though British brand Paul Smith didn’t make its name creating formal hats, it launches new lines of them each year. The brand’s ‘naughty’ style is quite popular among fashion icons and celebrities alike. Paul Smith’s latest collection mainly features woolen felt, making for a classic high profile suitable for even the most picky gentlemen. www.paulsmith.co.uk
Optimo 芝加哥奥普蒂莫帽子店在帽子达人中 口碑甚好。在这里,客人可以选择自己喜欢 的材料、版型来定制。制作一顶帽子的耗时 差异极大,一般的帽子几个小时就能做好, 一顶极品帽子却可能耗时五六个月,而且因 做工精湛而身价不菲。 Optimo from Chicago has an excellent reputation among hat experts for its delicate workmanship. Customers can choose from all kinds of materials to make their own hat based on various models – these hats are exclusively custom-made. The time consumed in crafting the different hats varies from a few hours to nearly half a year. www.optimohats.com
Material Culture
Stetson 约翰·B·斯泰森是牛仔帽的鼻祖,以他 的名字命名的斯泰森也成了美国制造的帽 子经典。斯泰森是品质的象征,更是美国 生活的标志。它有成百上千种风格各异的款 式,每一顶帽子都用优质天然材质手工制作 而成。很多明星和名流都是其拥趸,如已故 好莱坞传奇影星伊丽莎白·泰勒、英国王妃 凯特·米德尔顿等。 John B. Stetson is America’s original cowboy hat, with over a hundred years of history, and thousands of different styles. Throughout the world when people see a Stetson hat they know there has been no compromise in quality. Each handcrafted hat made by Stetson uses completely natural materials, making fans from the likes of celebrities like Elizabeth Taylor and Kate Middleton, etc. Stetson is truly a symbol of American lifestyle. www.stetson.com
62 LifeStyle
James Lock & Co. 说起圆顶硬礼帽,创立于 1676 年的詹 姆士·洛克就不可不提。这家伦敦最著名的 帽子商店经常有皇室成员和名人光顾,店 中最受欢迎的产品便是圆顶硬礼帽(Bowler Hat)。他们会戴着它参加体育运动和室外社 交活动。圆顶硬礼帽由于造型稳定、价格不 贵,毛毡的材料也容易打理,一直深受各个 阶层男士的喜爱。 If you’re searching for the perfect classic bowler hat, look no further than James Lock& Co. Founded in 1676, it is perhaps the most famous hat store in London, and most of its patrons are from the royal family or celebrities. Their most popular product is the bowler hat, perfect for attending sports activities and outdoor social events. The stable model, the reasonable price and the easy-care characteristics of James Lock & Co’s bowler hats make them the best choice for gentlemen from every stratum. www.lockhatters.co.uk
Christys’ London 克里斯蒂斯是始于 1773 年的英国老字 号帽饰品牌,以细节凸显特色使其不仅能经 受时间的考验,还在新一轮的复古风潮中强 势回归时尚前沿。克里斯蒂斯涵盖全线绅士 帽,甚至包括马术帽,尤其是最考验传统工 艺的盛装舞步礼帽。产品经过数代设计师和 手工艺人的打造,成就了经久不衰的品牌传 奇。 Christys’ has been manufacturing fine hats since 1773, making it a legendary brand in England. Christys’ has amassed years of skills with unparalleled workmanship and individual attention to detail, combining time tested hand manufacturing with contemporary science to provide hats of the highest quality. Christys’ has a whole collection of formal headwear for gentlemen, even equestrian hats and traditional dressage hats. Now with vintage style on the rise, these hats are a must-have item. www.christys-hats.com
Material Culture
An Elegant Finish 64 LifeStyle
h ing Touc
一枚别出心裁的针饰别在不同样式、 不同材质的服装、领带上,往往能别出“新彩”。 Add a little sparkle to your lapel for a special occasion or just to tame an unruly tie. Text: Eva Liu
Material Culture
卡森的首饰不光可以佩戴、欣赏,独特灵感 创作出来的作品更有收藏价值,例如这枚吸 血鬼别针,18 克拉黄金镀黑玛瑙的眼睛和 獠牙,神秘且活灵活现。 Kasun’s collections are often playful, sometimes quirky, but always creative – take this vampire brooch pin for example, made of 18ct gold vermeil with black onyx eyes and fanged teeth.
这款安全别针出自英国一家专门 经营银质首饰和琥珀首饰的店铺 Henryka。干邑色琥珀块被叶子图 案环绕,充满灵性。 This amber and silver safety pin brooch comes in green and red from Henryka, an amber & silver jewellery company. A large green or red amber piece is set into one side of the brooch with a leaf pattern surrounding.
这枚别针处处彰显着巴洛克式的独 特设计,精致串链和红珠为整个设 计增加了亮点,木材来自回收的礼 盒,是厚重款大衣的最佳配饰。 This piece is made from recycled wood and etched with a baroque design. A hanging chain and red bead add just a little detail.
66 LifeStyle
14k 黄金花篮吊坠珍珠红宝石钻石 别针贵气十足,给硬朗绅士增添了 一抹柔和的色彩与贵气的味道。 This 14k yellow gold flower basket enhancer/brooch is comprised of fine quality white baroque pearls in a flower arrangement, accentuated with rubies for a pop of color and accent diamonds for an added touch of elegance.
上世纪 70 年代的狮身人面像别针 让人遐想不断。金色的镀金座, 明朗的线条,独特的中央琥珀石涡流 设计,有着不同寻常的优雅。
这枚别针是上世纪 60 年代的 时髦配饰,独特的流苏设计 与出色的工艺相辅相成。 Its unique tassel design and exquisite craftsmanship made this pin brooch one of the most popular accessories in the 1960s.
This 1970s abstract amber swirl glass brooch was designed on a golden gilt base engraved with lines giving wonderful depth to the stunning central stone. The faceted amber glass stone has wavy swirls adding an unusual elegance. This fabulous vintage item was created by SPHINX.
红罂粟银和铝别针由绿锆石制成, 重量很轻,却非常独特。 This beautiful red poppy silver & aluminum brooch/hair-pin is very light with the flower made of silver and aluminum with green zircon.
Material Culture 个性化定位领带别针的地图图案格外引人 遐想,仿佛是在纪念某年某月某日曾经走过 的地方,又仿佛在期待未来某天能够前往这 些美丽的地方。 These tiepins can be personalized with a map location of your choice and are a beautiful way of capturing those locations that hold a special memory in your heart or a place you’ve been longing to see.
以淡水珍珠与钻石环绕而成的领带别针, 古典珍贵! A classic tiepin with a fresh water pearl and diamonds clustered together
花朵别针 Flower stick pin
褪色的平纹丝绸玫瑰 领带别针 A charming and distinctive tiepin designed as a faded rose, this is made from plain woven silk.
68 LifeStyle
这款纯手工制作银质骷髅头领带别针来自 高质量珠宝与顶级设计的代名词——伦敦 斯蒂芬·艾因霍工坊。哥特式奢华让沉稳的 着装顿时生动几分。 This Skull Tie & Lapel Pin was handmade in Stephen Einhorn’s London workshop in solid sterling silver. This sculpted design adds a subtle dash of gothic luxury to a normally quite sedate suit lapel or tie.
捷豹汽车品牌的 跨界作品 A cross-industry design by Jaguar
Ky & Co 复古玫瑰金别针 Ky & Co’s Men’s Retro Safety Pin Tie Clip in Rose Gold with Clasp Clip
古典艺术风格的法国 18k 黄金浮雕领带、帽子、 翻领棒针别针:一个女人的侧脸,精细生动的浮雕, 宁静逼真的面容;头发上点缀着微上翘铺平玫瑰切 割钻石;五颗古典玫瑰切割钻石围着她的脖子形成 一条漂亮的项链…… This outstanding antique Art Nouveau French 18k yellow gold cameo stick pin features a striking side profile of a woman’s bust, beautifully crafted entirely of 18k yellow gold. Her features are finely sculpted in raised relief, exquisitely detailed and lifelike in manner with a serene countenance. Artfully posed, her upswept hair is adorned in micro pave set rose cut diamonds. Five antique rose cut diamonds adorn her neck, forming a stunning necklace.
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2014 款宝马 2 系 Coupe
奥迪 2013 款 Sport Quattro 概念车
2014 款宝马 2 系 Coupe 已正式亮相。新车尺寸比其前任车 型长了 72 毫米、宽了 32 毫米,同时轴距也被拉长了 30 毫米, 后备箱空间也增至 390 升。220i 搭载 2.0 升双涡轮增压四缸引擎, 最大功率 184 马力,峰值扭矩 270 牛米,百公里加速 7.0 秒左右, 极速可达 235 公里 / 小时。预计起售价在 44025 美元。新车将于 2014 年 3 月上市销售。
全新奥迪 2013 款 Sport Quattro 概念车前不久在德国法兰克 福车展亮相。该车采用插电式混合动力系统,搭载 4.0 升 V8 双 涡轮增压发动机、盘式电动机以及新 8 速 tiptronic 变速箱。最大 功率 700 马力,峰值扭矩 800 牛米,百公里加速 3.7 秒,极速超 过 300 公里 / 小时。Sport Quattro 概念车将在 2014 年进行量产, 售价约在 11.5 万欧元,国内售价在 150 万元以上。
The 2014 BMW 2 Series Coupe has officially been unveiled. At 72mm longer and 32mm wider than its predecessor, the wheelbase has been extended 30mm and trunk space increased to 390L. The 220i version has a 2.0-liter turbocharged I-4 engine, making 184 hp and peak torque of 270 N-m, and getting from 0-100km/h in 7 seconds, with top speeds of about 235 km/h. Prices are expected to start at USD$44,025. The new car will go on sale in March 2014.
The all-new 2013 Audi Sport Quattro concept debuted recently at the Frankfurt Auto Show. A hybrid, it packs a 4.0L V8 double turbine engine paired with an electric motor and 8 speed tiptronic transmission. With a max output of 700hp and peak torque at 800 N-m, the concept can get from 0-100 km/h in only 3.7 seconds and boasts top speeds of over 300 km/h. Sport Quattro Concept will be available in 2014, with a price of around 115,000 Euros or in China RMB1,500,000.
2014 BMW 2 Series Coupe
70 LifeStyle
Audi 2013 Sport Quattro Concept
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奔驰 GLA Edition 1 限量版
MINI 冰黑限量版 Paceman 和 Countryman
奔驰在明年三月全面销售 GLA 级的同时,也将发布限量版 GLA Edition 1 车型。该版本车型从 11 月开始接受订单(海外), 项目持续一年。Edition 1 增加了许多黑色元素,包括后视镜、车 窗装饰条、头灯、19 英寸 AMG 风格轮圈等。Edition 1 只提供 5 种车身配色,且内饰只有棕色皮革座椅,但配备了平底三幅方向 盘和铝合金运动踏板等。
MINI 全新发布冰黑限量版 Paceman 和 Countryman。冰黑 限量版在漆料中添加了硅酸盐的制作工艺以达到亚光效果,从 而更方便用户维护和清洗,但在保养方面,MINI 并不赞成打蜡 或者抛光。该漆面将为所有 S、柴油、John Cooper Works 的 Paceman 以及 Countryman 车型提供。
Mercedes-Benz GLA Edition 1 Limited Edition
Starting next March, Mercedes-Benz will launch the GLA and GLA Edition 1 models, although reservations start from this November and continue throughout the year. The Edition 1 has added several blacked-out elements including mirrors, window trim, headlights and the wheels. The model will come in five color schemes, with interiors featuring brown leather seats with a flat-bottom three spoke steering wheel and stainless steel sport pedals.
Mini Frozen Black Paceman and Countryman
Mini recently revealed the new Frozen Black Limited Editions Paceman and Countryman. The matte effect is created by adding silicates into the lacquer, making it appear easier to wash, although Mini advises against waxing or polishing the car. This special paint job will be available on all S, Diesel and John Cooper Works versions of the Paceman and Countryman models.
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Lehmann Maupin’s Inaugural Exhibit at Art Taipei 2013 纽约知名画廊乐曼慕品首次亮相台北艺博会, 进一步拓展亚洲业务。 The New York gallery’s first exhibit in Taiwan expands its presence in Asia. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Lehmann Maupin
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盛名远播的纽约乐曼慕品画廊前不久首次 参与台北国际艺术博览会(11 月 8 日至 11 日), 通过展现东西方著名艺术家的作品,践行其呈 现世界各地备受赞誉的当代艺术家的承诺与理 念。本届展览汇集了韩国艺术家李 、徐道获, 英国华裔艺术家张志楷,伦敦艺术家特雷西·埃 敏,美国女摄影家巴巴拉·克鲁格和南非视觉艺 术家罗宾·罗德的绘画、雕塑、摄影及纸上作品等, 其中有些艺术家也是首次在台北艺博会亮相。 乐曼慕品画廊非常重视亚洲和中国市场, 其首个海外空间于今年年初在香港开幕。画廊 创始合伙人乐睿昕表示非常高兴参加 2013 年台 北艺博会:“上世纪 90 年代中期我们就开始在 亚洲拓展业务,乐曼慕品画廊期待继续把优秀 作品带给这里的重要藏家及策展人。” 乐曼慕品的参展作品包括:李 的小型雕 塑作品《False Azure in the Windowpane》, 这是别出心裁的艺术家挑战审美界限的又一力 作;特雷西·埃敏的《Trust Yourself》将霓虹灯 文字作为视觉诗篇,表达艺术家内心情感,探 索公共与私人之间的本质;罗宾·罗德的作品 《Broken Glass》和《The Point of Vanishing》 通过舞蹈动作融合艺术、身体与意象,体现了 艺术家的混合街头美学;徐道获备受好评的作 品《Specimen Series》中实物大小的红色聚 酯纤维暖气片是艺术家纽约公寓中装置的复制 品。徐道获对于他曾住过的居家空间以及相关 记忆的持续探索将是他在 2013 年 11 月 14 日 至 2014 年 1 月 25 日举行的首个乐曼慕品香港 空间个展的主题。 1996 年 10 月,慕德伟和乐睿昕创办了乐 曼慕品画廊,旨在发掘、培育和呈现杰出的当 代艺术家,协力为当代文化带来新思维和想法。 他们位于纽约格林街 39 号的首个临街展览空间 拥有 3500 平方英尺,由荷兰著名建筑师雷姆· 库哈斯打造。2002 年 9 月,画廊迁至同样位于 切尔西街区的现址。2007 年 11 月,乐曼慕品 在纽约的第二个展览空间开幕,这次选址在克 里斯提大街 201 号,这一带是曼哈顿新兴的文 化中心。2013 年,乐曼慕品在香港历史建筑毕 打行成立了首个纽约以外的展示空间(105 平 米),库哈斯再次担纲设计大任。
cclaimed New York gallery Lehmann Maupin participated for the first time at the 20th anniversary edition of ART TAIPEI which ran from 8 – 11 November 2013. Lehmann Maupin’s commitment to exhibiting sought-after contemporary artists from around the world is exemplified in the presentation of acclaimed Eastern and Western artists that will be on view in the gallery’s inaugural booth at ART TAIPEI. A diverse range of works were exhibited, including paintings, sculptures, photographs, and works on paper by leading artists Lee Bul, Do Ho Suh, Gordon Cheung, Tracey Emin, Barbara Kruger and Robin Rhode, many of whom appeared at ART TAIPEI for the first time. Gallery co-founder Rachel Lehmann said, “Lehmann Maupin is extremely pleased to participate for the first time in Art Taipei. After establishing our first international gallery space in Hong Kong earlier this year and having done business in Asia since the mid-1990s, we are looking forward to bringing exceptional works by internationally respected artists to important collectors and curators in this vital region.” Booth highlights include Lee Bul’s “False Azure in the Windowpane,” a small-scale sculpture that is characteristic of the artist’s formally inventive, intellectually provocative oeuvre and continues the unwavering defiance of aesthetic boundaries present in her work; Tracey Emin’s “Trust Yourself”, which explores the simultaneous public and private nature of her work by using neon writing as a visual poetry to express the artist’s emotions; “Broken Glass and The Point of Vanishing” by Robin Rhode, which unite his body and his imagery in choreographic gestures that exemplify the artist’s hybrid street-based aesthetic; and a life-size fabric radiator from Do Ho Suh’s acclaimed Specimen Series, a replica of that appliance from the artist’s New York City apartment. Suh’s ongoing exploration of domestic spaces he has inhabited and his memories of them will be the subject of his first solo show at Lehmann Maupin, Hong Kong from 14 November 2013 – 25 January 2014. Lehmann Maupin was founded by David Maupin and Racel Lehmann in October of 1996. Lehmann Maupin Gallery’s first raw, plywood-panelled space in Chelsea was designed by Rem Koolhaas in 1996. It was a 3,500-square-foot storefront gallery located at 39 Greene Street (near Grand Street). In September 2002 the gallery moved to a bigger space, also located in Chelsea. A second New York gallery at 201 Chrystie Street opened in November 2007. In 2013, Koolhaas designed a 105 sq m space in the historic Pedder Building in Hong Kong. The inaugural exhibition featured Korean artist Lee Bul.
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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.76 旅游
Travel / P.94 人物
Profile / P.104 飨宴
Dining / P.108 美酒
WineClub / P.110
吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店 Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur
City Hopping
in Asia
对于都市控来说,一次亚洲魅力之都酒店 之旅是绝对不容错过的体验! A hotel tour through the megalopolis’ of Asia Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels
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新加坡王子酒店 WANGZ Singapore
香港 J Plus 精品酒店
J Plus Boutique Hotel
刚换上新名字的香港 J Plus 精品酒店 (原香港 JIA 酒店)位处繁华热闹的铜锣 湾心脏地带,最初开业于 2004 年,是法国 设计大师菲利普·斯达克在亚洲的首个酒店 设计项目,以斯达克一贯的别致设计而闻 名。酒店现设有 56 间“家一般”的开放式 客房及套房,配备超现代化设施,为生活 节奏急速的专业人士和讲求品味的旅客提 供完美居停。J Plus 继续秉承着备受赞誉、 屡获殊荣的先进理念,在香港这个多姿多 彩、荟萃本地与国际文化的地区绽放光芒, 为时尚旅客呈现宾至如归的精品住宿体验。 酒店还凭借意大利餐厅 The Drawing Room 享有星级精致餐饮美誉。这间由明星 主厨罗兰德 · 舒勒掌勺的餐厅 2009 年开业 后,一跃成为香港的顶级食府之一。 专业开朗的服务员身穿“上海滩”设 计的亮丽制服待客,务求让客人在下榻期 间享受到摩登、舒适和别具特色的奢华体 验。
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The newly re-launched J Plus Boutique Hotel in the heart of buzzing Causeway Bay is Asia’s first Philippe Starck designed boutique hotel. With 56 studios and suites, the hotel originally opened in 2004, and is renowned for Starck’s signature, sleek interior design twinned with ultra-modern amenities for fast-living professionals and styleconscious travelers. J Plus continues the acclaimed, multi-award winning concept of the hotel in one of Hong Kong’s most thriving districts - a true crossroads between local and international cultures. It is distinguished as a chic “home away from home” for the fashionable travelling crowd. J Plus also enjoys a stellar fine dining reputation headlined by Italian restaurant The Drawing Room. With Master Chef, Roland Schuller, at the helm, The Drawing Room catapulted into the top of Hong Kong’s fine dining league when it opened in 2009. Cheerful and professional staff in Shanghai Tang-designed uniforms welcome guests upon arrival and endeavour to make their stay at J Plus a luxurious experience in modern comfort and design. www.jplushongkong.com
WANGZ Singapore 如果没有到过中 鲁,你很难相信寸 土寸金的新加坡还藏着这么一片清凉之地, 连空气里都弥漫着悠闲的味道。只设 41 间 客房的王子酒店便位于中 鲁的中心地带, 静中带旺,咫尺之外便是住宅区、博物馆、 金融区和著名的商业购物街乌节路。更难 得的是,酒店典藏了价值约 40 万新元的艺 术原创作品,其中 75% 为酒店量身定做, 都是花卉及自然主题。 全天候餐厅 Nectar 有丰富的现代美食 可供选择,而屋顶的 Halo 酒廊提供诱人小 吃和独特的鸡尾酒,并有愉悦的背景音乐 佐餐,更可欣赏新加坡城市天际线的全景。
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WANGZ is the 41-room urban oasis located in the heart of Singapore’s heritage area – Tiong Bahru. It is minutes away from the city’s banking and financial district, museums and civic district, and main shopping belt – Orchard Road. WANGZ Hotel houses a private collection of original artworks worth approximately S$400,000, 75% of which have been specially commissioned to reflect the floral and nature themes of the hotel. Savour culinary creativity at the all-day dining restaurant Nectar, which serves a selection of modern cuisine. The rooftop lounge, Halo, offers a panoramic sight of the Singapore skyline while guests relish unique cocktails and a tantalising menu of tapas, to the accompaniment of upbeat piped-in music in the background. www.wangzhotel.com
Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur 吉隆坡香格里拉大酒店被称为繁华都会中的隐逸天堂,这 家五星级酒店凭借悉心的服务和顶级的设施在国际上获得过不 少荣誉。酒店交通便利,距吉隆坡国际机场 45 分钟车程。662 间客房和个性化设计套房可凭眺城市风光或静谧花园景致。 在酒店远近闻名的香宫中餐厅大快朵颐后,客人可到亚瑟 酒吧及烧烤馆悠哉品尝招牌鸡尾酒和各种顶级葡萄酒,再一次 欣赏夜间熠熠生辉的双子塔。之后,拉上窗帘,进入甜蜜梦乡, 准备迎接新的一天,开始新的旅程吧。 Shangri-La Kuala Lumpur is an award-winning 5-star hotel located in Jalan Sultan Ismail, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Conveniently located in the metropolis of Kuala Lumpur, the Hotel is just 45 minutes from Kuala Lumpur International Airport. The hotel comprises 662 elegant guestrooms and suites, all with panoramic views of the city or tranquil gardens. After a traditional Chinese dinner at Shangri-La’s renowned Shang Palace, one can unwind at Arthur’s Bar and Grill with signature cocktails and fine wines. www.shangri-la.com/kualalumpur
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Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta 雅加达四季酒店藏身于郁郁葱葱的热 带花园里,无可挑剔的景致和服务以及在 全球享有盛誉的水疗体验,让其成为喧嚣 都会中一处静谧的身心栖息之所。 不容错过的特色体验除了 Lai Ching 中 餐厅多达三十余种的蒸类、炸类和甜品, 当然还有以礼仪著称的水疗。 Situated within a tropical garden and featuring a world-renowned spa, Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta is a tranquil retreat within this bustling metropolis of nine million. Enjoy lunch at Lai Ching and with over 30 varieties of steamed, fried and sweet Dim Sum. Take advantage of The Spa at Four Seasons Hotel Jakarta which specializes in “rituals” such as the Earth Ritual, Fire & Sound Ritual and the Sea Ritual. www.fourseasons.com/jakarta
Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong 香港愉景湾酒店坐落在风光如画的大 屿山,这里虽是香港的一部分,但愉景湾 酒店绝对是亚洲动感之都的另一番面孔。 你可以随时搭乘豪华客轮往返繁华的中环 区,动与静的切换仅需 25 分钟。 酒店精心设计的 325 间客房和套房坐 拥蓝天碧海或青峦翠谷,让人置身于美丽 的大自然怀抱中,尽情探索香港绿洲。 海 餐厅共设 160 个座位,全日供应 餐膳美食,荟萃了环球佳肴和风味,并可 饱览南中国海的壮丽景致。相连的海 台露 天雅座则为来宾带来另一种美妙享受—— 静静吹着柔和的海风,享用一杯清爽怡神 的鸡尾酒和多款精美小吃。 值得一提的是,爱侣们和婚礼策划师 更不能错过这家酒店,因为这里矗立着全 港首创的海滨白教堂,设计高雅,气氛浪漫, 绝对是共订海誓山盟的首选场地。 Located on the picturesque Lantau Island, Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong invites visitors to explore another side to Asia’s most dynamic city. Although part of Hong Kong, Auberge Discovery Bay is worlds apart. With 325 generously appointed rooms and suites, guests are surrounded by ocean views, lush greenery and natural beauty. With its unique location, Auberge Discovery Bay offers the best of both worlds. Guests can retreat to the beauty of an island oasis, while Hong Kong’s Central district is only 25 minutes away via a high-speed ferry. Café Bord de Mer at Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong commands a panoramic view of the South China Sea. Seating 160 guests, the indoor restaurant serves international cuisines and pan-Asian favorites. Adjoining Café Bord de Mer, the outdoor terrace provides an enticing alternative. Guests can step outside to enjoy cooling sea breezes, fresh cocktails and light refreshments. Couples and wedding planners will also want to visit Auberge Discovery Bay Hong Kong for its picture-perfect White Chapel. The first of its kind in Hong Kong, the seaside chapel captivates with its romantic charm, elegant design and ideal waterfront setting. www.aubergediscoverybay.com
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A Chinese Utopia through Anantara’s Eyes 在云南最南端的西双版纳亲历传说中的乌托邦。 Experience fabled beauty that is felt, not learned.
作为数百年的传承,泰国百姓习惯将 一坛清水放置于居所外,为途经的人们在 小憩时提供饮用之便,同时也向他们传达 着友善的欢迎之意。Anantara(安纳塔拉) 一词取古代梵语中“无穷无尽”之意,以 分享水源这一传统为象征,喻示“超越界 限的诚挚待客之道”这一贯穿每一次“安 纳塔拉”度假体验的品牌核心服务理念。 西双版纳位于绵延起伏的横断山脉南 侧,美不胜收的自然景观使得命中注定要 汇入汹涌澎湃的湄公河的罗梭江途经此地 的时候也变得与世无争,悄然流过。西双 版纳有着得天独厚的地理优势,山地和丘 陵占总面积的 95% 左右,加之全年平均气 温 18 - 22℃,让这里成为度假消闲理想地。 西双版纳安纳塔拉度假酒店倚靠蜿蜒的罗 梭江,被茂密多彩的国家级热带植被花园 与清澈水溪所环抱。从景洪机场出发,乘 车穿梭于古朴幽静的乡间公路,徜徉在恬 静怡然的美景之中,一个小时便可抵达这
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个隐秘的热带世外桃源。作为西双版纳第 一家、也是目前唯一的五星 级酒店,安纳 塔拉度假酒店拥有 80 间豪华客房和 23 套 泳池别墅,提供梦幻般独一无二的西双版 纳风景、风情和风俗体验。 酒店在舒适奢华的基调上将当代风格 和本土风情完美融合,通过对不同质地、 颜色以及当地特有的各种香氛的设计、搭 配及组合,呈现出一幅幅集中国、泰国、 缅甸与柬埔寨风情于一体的迷人画卷。值 得一提的是,傣族、基诺族和哈尼族等特 色文化及传统在酒店整体设计中也有体现, 并充分融入餐饮理念中。美食是完美假期 不可或缺的重要环节,酒店为宾客们提供 一站式美食体验:24 小时营业的曼飞龙餐 厅提供丰富多样的精选中西美食和全天候 的点餐及自助餐;大堂酒廊傣家阁,提供 烧烤、饮品和小食的池畔餐吧罗梭以及藏 酒丰富的贵宾酒廊莲花厅是餐前饭后小酌、 消闲、会友或聚会的好去处;而湄公餐厅
主打极具当地特色的傣族佳肴以及纯正泰 国菜,不少客人慕名而来。 这家酒店还提供个性化订制餐饮以及 足不出墅餐饮服务,体现了安纳塔拉“个 性化专属服务”的理念。宾客还有机会全 程参与每一次难忘的用餐设计,包括用餐 地点(酒店内某处静逸浪漫的花园角落、 河畔林中某个洒满月光的小屋等)、餐饮 产品的选择,专属厨师和私人管家服务团 队的精心策划及布置,打造不可复制的专 属用餐体验。足不出墅服务是由资深厨师 和服务团队在别墅内为入住宾客准备和提 供包括烧烤和特色火锅在内的完全私密的 个性化用餐体验。独一无二的私密专属服 务为庆祝纪念日、求婚或表达爱意,抑或 是突如其来的浪漫灵感,提供了绝佳的展 示和体验机会。
For hundreds of years in Thailand, people would leave a jar of water outside their house to provide refreshment and extend a welcome to passing travelers. Anantara is derived from an ancient Sanskrit word that means 'without end', symbolizing this sharing of water and the heartfelt hospitality that lies at the core of every Anantara experience. Xishuangbanna opens a window to a unique blend of nature, history and culture including diverse folklore. Located in the southern extension of the Hengduan Mountains, where the lesser known Luosuo River later becomes the mighty Mekong, Xishuangbanna has over ninety-five percent of its territory occupied by mountainous and hilly areas, creating ample opportunities for leisure activities including mountain hiking, bird and wildlife spotting, and boat trips along the Luosuo River, all made even more attractive by an average temperature of 1822 degrees Celsius. As the first and only five-star hotel in the spectacular, surreal tropical forests of China’s southwestern Yunnan Province, Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort & Spa is located in the midst of this national scenic resort destination, an hour’s drive from Jinghong International Airport through unspoiled countryside, offering a hidden enclave of tropical majesty along the sweeping curve of the Luosuo River. The resort is set within lush gardens and water features, and comprises 80 deluxe guest rooms, as well as 23 one, two and three bedroom Pool Villas. Revealing intimate glimpses of China through a luxurious blend of contemporary and local culture, authentic influences are drawn from the textures, colors and flavors of the region to deliver a bewitching blend of Chinese accents, integrated with regional touches from Thailand, Burma and
Cambodia. Cultural aspects of the local tribes including the Dai, Jinuo and Hani people will feature not only in the resort’s design, but also in its culinary concepts. Anantara Xishuangbanna Resort and Spa takes guests on a culinary journey through ancient Chinese spice routes mixed with celebrated international flavors that are woven into the resorts menus, emphasizing the tribal culture of China’s Yunnan province. All-day dining restaurant Manfeilong features diverse international cuisines and Dai Lounge is the perfect meeting place. Partake in a charming coffee break during the day, pairing quality coffees and loose leaf teas with delectable snacks, gazing over tropical landscaping, the main pool and Luosuo River. The casual poolside restaurant, Luosuo, refreshes guests with a wide selection of beers, wines and signature cocktails, alongside a replenishing food menu of all time favorites. Aptly named after a royal flower, Lotus Lounge is characterized by regal comforts and a feeling of exclusivity. Featuring an air conditioned indoor lounge and an al fresco
poolside terrace, this is the ideal venue for small meetings and intimate events, as well as a VIP guest relaxation area. In Mekong restaurant, a focus on Chinese, Thai and Dai cuisines with subtle western influences is designed to take guests on a journey of culinary discovery. Vying for attention in the realm of private dining are the resort’s Dining by Design and in-villa dining concepts. Unforgettable Dining by Design experiences invite guests to create their perfect menu (which again can incorporate the local Dai cooking style) in collaboration with a personal chef and to choose a dream location for a private table to be set up, whilst enjoying personal butler service. By comparison in-villa dining options will include barbeques and specialist hotpot dinners, to be prepared by a master chef and served in the comfort and absolute privacy of the guest’s own villa. Menglun Town, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province Tel: 0691 893 6666
成都帝盛君豪酒店 订制婚宴火热预订中
在成都帝盛君豪酒店举行港式婚 宴,不管是隆重奢华还是温馨简约,中 式传统还是西式情调,我们通通能为你 量身订制。为在婚礼当天让新人拥有独 一无二的绚烂夺目,酒店专属策划师提 供一对一贴心服务, 外加化妆室、 新娘房、 SPA、KTV、茶坊、超大停车场的完美 配套,五星级大厨打造丰盛喜宴,成都 市中心最大的超 700 平米豪华无柱式宴 会厅将婚礼的浪漫无限延伸,喜庆而温 馨的婚房为你筑造永恒的甜蜜回忆。
五星标准浪漫婚宴 仅 1888 元起订, 更有多重优惠好礼相送!
四川省成都市青羊区西玉龙街 168 号 电话:028 8332 8666
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老人与海 为你讲述最浪漫的事 采访对象:刘希平、刘雅生 职业:工厂退休干部 目前居住城市:北京 异地置业城市:海南陵水 异地置业时间:2010 年 异地置业类型:别墅
“我们干吗要住养老院?每天 不是看到这个老人输液就是那个老人 进医院了……我不喜欢养老院的气氛。 除非有一天我们生活质量没了,那就是没 办法的事了。我们现在的生活这么丰富, 正是享受幸福的时候。” 眼前这两位老人分享 着他们的晚年幸福 生活。 刘 伯 伯 今 年 76 岁,刘阿姨也已经 74 岁高龄,谁也想不到年 过古稀的他们竟然开 始学习轮滑和游泳这些对年轻人来说都不容易的运 动。对于他们来说,人生就是一场奇幻的旅程,对 沿途美景与新鲜事物的好奇心使他们永葆青春。 老两口退休之后常年生活在北京,每年的 11 月份就开始准备启程去海南,在陵水的家要住上 5 个多月。这样的候鸟式生活已经持续很多年。回想 起第一次去陵水的时候,像所有北方来的游客那样, 两位老人被一望无际的大海深深感动。直到今天刘 阿姨依然很骄傲地称赞道“夏威夷都不一定比我们 这儿漂亮”!
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两位老人是第一批入住海南陵水钻石 海岸项目的业主,子女都很孝顺,专门安 排好两位老人到海南过冬。“我们是最早 的住户,当地人都很佩服我们。当时小区 里晚上黑压压一片,房子对面就是大海, 惟独我们老两口屋里有一盏灯。”刘阿姨 戴着一副半框眼镜,一头整齐的银发让整 个人看起来端庄而慈祥,说话时嘴角微微 上扬,双眼笑弯弯,说到重点时眼神深邃 而明亮。 当然除了有孝顺的孩子外,最令她感 到幸福的还有一直陪在她身边、体贴入微 的刘伯伯。“我们俩的性格截然不同,但 是很互补,最重要的是有共同的兴趣爱好。” 就像刘阿姨描述的那样,老两口退休之后 娱乐生活一直处于同步状态。当年刘阿姨 退休后,经常去保定植物园跳舞,刘伯伯 也是在植物园里开始接触滑旱冰这项运动。 在老伴儿的鼓励和协助下,胆大心细的刘 阿姨也开始学习滑旱冰。刘伯伯介绍说: “对 老年人来说,虽然旱冰看上去非常危险, 但我自己感觉旱冰是一项非常好的运动。 它对老年人的身体平衡力、关节的承受力 都是一种锻炼,而且又不像走路跑步那么 单调,很有娱乐性,我们很喜欢。” 由于考虑到老人的 健康和安全问题, 家里人一直极力劝阻两位参与轮滑运动, 两人也将运动时间从每天两小时缩减至一 小时。不过在北京两位老人很难找到一个 合适的场地,不是地面不够平,就是人流 车流太多,要么就是地面有一定坡度,只 能天天在离家门口二百多米的马路上滑。 相比之下,在海南滑旱冰就自由得多。这 里小区院子前面铺了水泥地板,可供两位 老人滑旱冰,另外院子里还有露天游泳池。 在刘伯伯的帮助下,刘阿姨已经学会了蛙 泳、仰泳,目前正准备学习自由泳。 刘伯伯戴着一副金丝眼镜,文质彬彬 地坐在刘阿姨身边。刘阿姨说到开心处, 刘伯伯总是很欣慰地点点头,一脸微笑。 跟热情洋溢的刘阿姨比起来,刘伯伯要显
得沉稳许多。刘伯伯先前患有心脏早搏, 在海南生活这段时间也明显好转。在谈到 对当今养老模式的看法时,刘伯伯气定神 闲地回答:“我们这一代经历了抗日战争、 解放战争,是中国最艰苦最困难时期成长 起来的一代人,跟现在的年轻人消费观念 不一样。虽然现在生活质量好了,子女的 条件也都不错,但我们两口子就是普通退 休工人,我们绝对不主张铺张浪费,更接 受不了所谓的高端养老。” 从飞机厂退休之后,刘伯伯喜欢在家 做些机械手工。他能用陵水当地的海螺玉 雕琢出各种各样的小工艺品,刘阿姨开玩笑 说:“就算不靠退休金,单单靠他的手工艺 制作,我俩也不会过得比现在差。”两位老 人在海南的生活简单而多姿多彩。刘伯伯每 次出去钓鱼,刘阿姨就帮忙穿鱼钩,把钓到 的鱼烹调成鲜美的鱼汤供全家享用。他们平 日吃的是自家院子种的绿色蔬菜,刘阿姨做 的芝麻烧饼更是让家人赞不绝口。 在刘伯伯看来,一个人的晚年生活主 要包括两个阶段:第一阶段是退休以后身
体健康,生活还能自理;第二阶段就是失 去自理能力,长期卧床。“我们正处于前 一阶段,这是人生中非常宝贵的一段时间。 孩子们都大了,也不用我们操心,思想上 也没有任何负担。我们完全是在享受自己 的生活。”“我们现在正在努力让这前一 段时间拉长,使生活更有质量,而后面的 时间越短越好。”刘阿姨补充道:“我们 锻炼身体,主要有这样几个出发点:第一, 自己身体好,就少受罪;第二,让家里人 少操心,才能给孩子们减轻负担;第三, 活的时间越长,面对死亡就越不痛苦。” 最好的时光在路上,无论是旅途中, 还是人生的每一段路。刘阿姨和刘伯伯相 依相守的晚年生活温暖而满足,就像歌中 唱到的那样:“我能想到最浪漫的事,就 是 和 你 一 起 慢 慢 变 老, 一 路 上 收 藏 点 点 滴 滴 的 欢 笑, 留 到 以 后 坐 着 摇 椅 慢 慢 聊 ……”在海南陵水的海边漫步,你会看到 这样一对老人,他们在滑冰,他们在游泳, 他们在跳舞,他们在欢笑,他们正在幸福 的路上前行。
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Asia’s Ski Resorts 5 家亚洲顶级滑雪场不光能带给你速度与激情,更能让你亲近自然、尊享野趣! Five of Asia's top ski resorts offer not only a speed rush but spectacular natural beauty. Editor: Jeffrey Ying, Liu Yang Photos: Changbaishan International Resort, KTO
万达长白山国际度假区滑雪场 Wanda ski park in Changbaishan International Resort
丝绸之路: 茂朱度假村滑雪场
Muju Ski Resort 选择 理由
Why Choose Muju? 茂朱度假村滑雪场是韩国最负盛名的山林滑雪场之一,特别受 亲近自然人士的喜爱。因地处风景秀丽的国家公园内,茂朱度 假村滑雪场在建立之初便充分考虑到与自然环境的和谐关系。 Muju Resort is one of Korea’s most famous mountain peak ski resorts. Nature lovers will particularly enjoy visiting the resort, since it is located in one of Korea’s beautiful national parks, and was specially designed to harmonize with its natural surroundings.
韩国茂朱度假村滑雪场位于全罗北道德裕山国立公园内,依山 而建,坐拥开阔的山林美景,还有多项配套休闲设施,吸引着滑雪 客从世界各地赶来。始自海拔 1520 米德裕山山顶的“丝绸之路” 线路长 6.1 公里,是目前韩国最长的滑雪道。整个过程犹如腾云驾 雾般妙不可言,带给游客独一无二的刺激享受,而山下的户外温泉 不仅能洗去一身疲惫,让人神清气爽,还有茫茫雪原和山峰可欣赏。
面积(平米):4,000,000 sq.m Ski Area 滑道(条):34 Slopes
Located inside the rugged interior of Mt Deogyo National Park in Muju, South Korea’s Jeollabuk-do Province, Muju Ski Resort has become a choice destination. The Silk Road Slope is 1,520 meters above sea level on Mt Deogyusan; many liken the experience to “gliding through the clouds”. And after you’re done skiing the 6.1 kilometer stretch - currently Korea’s longest slope - you can soak away the joints in the resort’s outdoor hot springs.
滑道总长 ( 米 ):28,000 m Total Length (Slope) 缆车(条):13 Lift System
享受天空: High 1 滑雪场
High 1 Resort 选择 理由
面积(平米): 947,000 sq.m Ski Area 滑道(条):18 Slopes 滑道总长 ( 米 ):21,000 m Total Length (Slope) 缆车(条):10 Lift System
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Why Choose High 1? 除了滑雪,High 1 滑雪场还集合了高尔夫球场、乡村俱乐部、 餐厅(包括山顶旋转餐厅)、水上乐园、亚洲最大音乐喷泉 和韩国唯一对本国人和外国人开放的赌场。怎么样,吸引力 够大吧? High 1 offers much more than skiing. It also has a golf course and country club, restaurants (including a revolving one on top of the mountain) Asia’s biggest musical fountain and Kangwon Land Casino – the only casino in Korea where both Koreans and foreigners are allowed to gamble. There is also a large water park.
High 1 滑雪场可谓是韩国最接近大自然的滑雪场,在得天独 厚的自然环境中,从白云山 1367 米的高度到标高差 680 米的 18 条滑道(总长约 21 公里),你可以全身心地体会滑雪带来的乐趣。 无论是初学者还是滑雪健将,都能找到一展身手的场地。赌场、 高尔夫球场、天空之路登山小径等康体休闲设施一应俱全。海拔 1340 米山顶上的旋转餐厅每小时自转一圈,不管客人坐在哪个位 置都能欣赏到四面八方的天然景致。High 1 滑雪场还拥有两条可举 办世界杯滑雪赛的标准雪道,2008 年残疾人滑雪世界杯赛曾在此 举行,汇集了 13 个国家的 100 名运动员。 High 1 Resort has 18 slopes stretching over 21km so there’s enough variety here to accommodate beginners and advanced skiers alike, not to mention the nearby casino and excellent traditional restaurant. Two of the resort’s runs qualified for the recent World Cup Ski Competition, and in 2008 High 1 Resort hosted the IPC International World Cup for the disabled which pooled together over 100 athletes from 13 countries.
全年型滑雪场: 喜乐乐度假村滑雪场
Kiroro Resort 选择 理由
面积 ( 平米 ):1,150,000 sq.m Ski Area 滑道(条):21 Slopes 缆车(条):9 Lift System
Why Choose Kiroro? 也许喜乐乐度假村滑雪场名气不是最大的,却是一个全年型 滑雪圣地,也是爱清静人士的心头好。该滑雪场比较适合初 学者和中等程度的滑雪爱好者。 Relatively unknown compared to others, Kiroro offers people who want less of a crowd and more of a secluded spot for skiing. It is ideal for beginners and intermediates.
喜乐乐滑雪场位于札幌西部约 40 公里处,与风景如画的良港 小樽为邻,是典型的北海道度假地,有着浓郁的日本北方特色和超 群的优质粉雪,绝对符合你对滑雪场的所有想象。精心的设计让天 然地形得到充分利用,各级别雪道林立于此。21 条雪道能让初学 者和高级者均乐在其中。这里的快速缆车堪称全日本最优,还有两 家不同风格的酒店,大山酒店和钢琴酒店,均提供优质的服务和完 备的设施。 Kiroro has pretty much all you could ask for in a ski resort. It’s situated 40km west of Sapporo, near the picture-perfect seaside town of Otaru, and the resort’s high-speed lift system is one of Japan’s best. And with Sapporo close by for sightseeing and dining, you can take your pick on where to stay for the night. Both Mountain Hotel and Hotel Piano are two resort highlights, offering luxurious accommodation together with a string of entertainment facilities and great rental shops.
粉雪天堂: 北海道新雪谷花园滑雪场
Hanazono Resort 选择 理由
Why Choose Hanazono? 对于滑雪高手和全家出游的人来说,北海道新雪谷花园滑雪 场无可挑剔。这里的儿童项目五花八门,绝对是孩子们梦寐 以求的乐园。 Perfect for advanced skiers and families, Hanazono Resort also offers a variety of fun activities for children including sleigh rides, zip-lines and snowboarding.
日本最北端的北海道,因滑雪场雪质优良而久负盛名,其中新 雪谷地区更因集一流水准的练习场、酒店、温泉、餐厅、购物、服 务于一身,作为高水准的国际度假村受到来自世界各地的游客的喜 爱。新雪谷之所以备受追捧,还因为它拥有最适合滑雪的粉雪。滑 行在轻软的粉雪上如同处于无重状态,跃起时似乎在空中飞翔,即 便滑倒也不会疼。新雪谷新落成的滑雪乐园 Hanazono308 拥有号 称世界最大的夜场滑雪场,这意味着夜猫子们又多了一个撒欢的地 儿! Hanazono308 位于安努普利山峰(海拔 1308 米)308 米处 的山腰,故此得名。为了与周围自然环境完美融合,滑雪场广泛采 用了天然建材。 Widely regarded as the snowiest resort on the globe, Niseko’s new multi-million dollar Hanazono 308 Snowsports Center also boasts the largest night skiing terrain in the world. That means plenty of powdery fun for all the nocturnal enthusiasts. Set 1,000 meters below the jawdropping heights of Mt Niseko-Annupuri (308 meters above sea level, hence the name), the resort was designed with the extensive use of natural materials to blend in with the surrounding environment. Need an adrenaline fix? Give snow-rafting a go. This involves being tugged behind a snowmobile at high-speeds over a huge stretch of powder.
面积(平米):560,00 sq.m Ski Area 滑道(条):8 Slopes 缆车(条):3 Lift System
压轴出场+亚洲新锐: 万达长白山国际度假区滑雪场
Changbaishan International Resort
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选择 理由
万达长白山国际度假区滑雪场位于北 纬 41 度的黄金滑雪度假带,是目前国内唯 一一家“会呵护的港湾滑雪场”。共有滑 雪道 43 条,分别适合于初、中、高级程度 的客人,还有 9 条满足冬奥会比赛要求的 高级雪道。师资力量雄厚的滑雪学校和尽 职的雪上巡逻队为客人创造了专业的滑雪 环境。长白山脉有着优越的生态环境,还 有长白山几百年前“发火”留下的天然温泉, 较长的日照时间又成全了温度与湿度的合 适比例,实在是难得的滑雪圣地。 万达量身定制的特色豪华酒店群(长 白山万达柏悦酒店、长白山万达威斯汀度 假酒店、长白山万达凯悦酒店、长白山万 达喜来登度假酒店、长白山万达假日度假 酒店和长白山万达套房假日酒店、长白山 万达智选假日酒店、长白山万达宜必思尚 品酒店)甚是亮眼,加上集博物馆、大剧 院和国内外生活品牌于一处的全功能欧式 小镇,让滑雪场成为世界级滑雪度假胜地。
Why Choose Changbaishan International Resort? 万达长白山国际度假区位于国内自然环境最纯净的地区之一,引领着中国山地度假新 风尚,其滑雪场设施为中国之最,并有天然温泉、奢华酒店群、剧院和民俗馆等配套 设施。 Located in one of the most beautiful and relatively untouched areas in China, Wanda International Resort sets the trend for holidays in China. Together with world-class ski facilities, natural hot springs, it also boasts a group of international luxury hotels, theater and folklore museum, etc.
The Wanda ski park is one of the prominent attractions at the Changbaishan International Resort and boasts sprawling forests and one of the most incredibly well-preserved eco-systems in China. Lying at an ideal altitude for skiing, the Wanda ski park has 43 slopes, respectively designed for different levels of skiers and nine of them satisfying the requirements for the Olympic Winter Games. Professional ski instructors and safety patrol make for the best skiing environment possible, all made more attractive by the natural hot springs and Wanda’s custom facilities. The resort’s eight luxury hotels include Park Hyatt Changbaishan, The Westin Changbaishan Resort, Hyatt Regency Changbaishan Sheraton Changbaishan Resort, Holiday Inn Resort Changbaishan, Holiday Inn Changbaishan Suites,Holiday Inn Express Changbaishan and Ibis Styles CBS. Also includes a beautiful European style village nestled between sprawling resorts, which includes among other attractions, dining and drinking venues, theaters, shops and more.
面积(平米):935,000 sq.m Ski Area 滑道(条):43 Slopes 滑道总长 ( 米 ):30,000 m Total Length (Slope) 缆车(条):7 Lift System
Hyatt Regency Changbaishan 长白山万达凯悦酒店向每一位度假客 提供全新的休闲度假方式,夏季尽享长白 山秀丽景色,冬季可观滑雪场大美山景。 酒店紧邻度假区商业街、娱乐及购物中心, 交通便捷,距离长白山机场仅 20 分钟车程。 住宿、餐饮及休闲 酒店拥有 278 间宽敞大气的客房,包 括 33 间豪华套房,大多数客房配有私人阳 台并可享受滑雪坡景色、山林景致或度假 小镇景色。 多间餐厅及酒吧可尽享美食和绮丽山 色,中西结合的原生态水疗以及配备完善 的健身中心让人全方位放松身心。酒店的 会议场地面积达 2300 平米,专业的宴会团 队能为客户提供完美的宴会服务。
Hyatt Regency Changbaishan provides for a new form of tourism. Located in the Changbaishan International Resort, where you can enjoy beautiful landscapes in the summer and visit the ski resorts in winter, the hotel is close to the shopping centre
and is only 30 minutes away by car from Changbaishan airport and 30 minutes to Changbaishan Railway Station. Taxis and resort coaches are readily available. Accommodations, Dining and More It has 278 rooms, including 33 suites, nearly all with balconies. There are several restaurants and a bar in the hotel where guests are able to appreciate the landscape while eating and drinking. The Spa, with its seven luxurious private spa suites, is sure to make you look and feel more youthful. In addition, there are more than 1,900 square meters of meeting space and the professional events team can arrange for any occasion that may be required.
滑雪服务 为滑雪爱好者提供免费存放设备的场 地。
Ski Services A hassle free service for skiers and snowboarders provides changing areas and storage for their equipment.
冬日特惠 酒店的特色促销“冰雪家庭套餐”除 了涵盖早餐、滑雪、足疗等常规服务外, 特别为儿童提供精致早餐、儿童营和纪念 品。
Promotion for winter One of the highlights of this hotel’s winter promotion is the Family Ski Escape, which is especially designed to feature complimentary camp Hyatt and Hyatt Regency mascot friend souvenirs for children.
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The Westin Changbaishan Resort 坐落于万达长白山国际度假区的中心 地带,毗邻滑雪场,全年均适合度假。魅 力客房、创意餐饮和贴心服务让其脱颖而 出。 住宿、餐饮及休闲 258 间客房与套房的空间非常宽敞, 可欣赏迷人的自然风光,呼吸清新的山间 空气。 大堂吧温馨舒适,透过明亮的落地窗 可欣赏如画的山峦。色调明快的各色美食 让人大快朵颐,外加血腥玛丽等经典饮品, 更有当地新鲜蓝莓汁。 时尚别致的韩餐厅出品地道的韩式美 食,菜单融合了韩国烧烤和美味零点菜单, 户外用餐区在温暖的季节开放,可呼吸新 鲜空气并观赏山峦美景。这里的主厨十分 青睐有机食材,搭配纯天然调味料来烹调 最诱人的美食。 时尚简朴的装潢搭配现代风格,为知 味标帜餐厅营造出休闲的基调,开放式厨
房更带出了轻松的互动氛围。时尚自助餐 精选最新鲜的食材,创新性地融合了中国 风味与国际美食, 餐厅还为 12 岁以下儿童 定制诱人的儿童菜单,包括多款备受欢迎 的餐点。 冬日特惠 滑雪双人套餐包括住宿、早餐以及全 天完美滑雪等。 Clamor guest rooms, creative & exquisite dining, high-end facilities and attentive services make the Westin Changbaishan Resort one of best hotels in Wanda International Resorts. Accommodations, Dining and More Inviting and cozy, the Lobby Lounge is just the place to savor conversation or simply relax next to floor-to-ceiling windows revealing picturesque hillside views. From cocktails and hot tea to light snacks, there is plenty to
soothe you in this circular space and nonalcoholic beverages such as fresh local blueberry juice are also available. Stylish and distinctive Maru is an unmatched destination for unexpected flavors found in creatively prepared, authentic Korean fare. An outdoor dining area is open during the warmer months, for fresh air and mountain views. With a focus on health as well as ideal flavor balance, the outstanding chef delights with his use of organic ingredients and allnatural seasoning to bring out the deepest flavors. Stylish, understated décor and modern accents set a relaxed tone at Seasonal Tastes, while an open kitchen creates an interactive atmosphere. Chat with the chefs while they prepare irresistible dishes to order, or dine from the mouthwatering à la carte menu. An enticing Kids’ Menu for children up to 12 features crowd-pleasing items like pasta with meatballs or chicken nuggets. Promotion for winter Ski package for two persons containing accommodation, daily breakfast and Ski Pass (ski equipment loan included)
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餐与晚餐。餐厅环境优雅安逸,透过玻璃 窗可以看见美丽的滑雪斜坡和山景,也是 享受咖啡和品茗的绝佳场所。悦堂是长白 山国际度假区中景色最壮观的餐厅之一, 坐拥环绕的滑雪斜坡美景,可以品尝到传 统中西式菜肴及火锅。 水 疗 中 心 结 合 源 自 英 国 的 Aromatherapy Associates 芳疗产品,提供 传统中医理疗和足疗、异域风情的身体护 理、按摩以及面部护理。水疗中心设有 4 间单人套房、2 间双人套房以及一个 8 人位 的足疗区,另有 1 个独立的双人足疗房。 滑雪服务 酒店提供滑雪管家服务,为滑雪者及 滑板爱好者免费提供存放设备的场地(穿 过酒店大堂即可抵达滑雪场)。 冬日特惠 冰雪经典套餐除了包括常规的客房、 早餐、滑雪券,还有丰盛火锅套餐、滑雪 管家服务、足疗、特制围巾等。
Park Hyatt Changbaishan 长白山万达柏悦酒店坐落在长白山国 际度假村滑雪场的黄金地段,毗邻顶级标 准杆 72 杆 18 洞山地森林风格高尔夫球场, 距长白山天池约 1 小时车程,是远足、高 尔夫、滑雪以及家庭休闲度假的天堂。 住宿、餐饮及休闲 酒店设有 163 间豪华客房,包括 35 间 套房和 10 栋别墅,均配有现代化便利设施, 每间客房都有独立阳台,抬眼便可看到滑 雪场景色。 住宅式全日制餐厅悦厅提供中西式午
This five-star resort is ideally situated in the prime location on the ski slopes in Changbaishan International ski resort with direct access to the ski runs. Considered to be the best Ski resort in China, Park Hyatt Changbaishan is in close proximity to the golf course designed by famous Jack Nicklaus. With many activities on offer throughout the year, it is a perfect place for serious skiers and hikers to someone just wanting to get away from it all. Accommodations, Dining and More 163 spacious rooms ranging from 55 square meters to 484 square meters spread over 10 villas, ideal for private family gatherings or large conferences. Modern technology and amenities are offered in the rooms to meet the needs of today’s leisure travelers. The Living Room provides guests with scrumptious home-style cook to order with freshest seasonal ingredients while The Dining Room caters for the local as well as international taste buds. Wine will be second to none in both the selection and palate. Traditional Chinese therapy as well as Western wellness therapies is provided to the guests in the luxurious surroundings of their own private suite. The Spa offers the natural and holistic treatments in a luxurious environment, consisting of 4 single and 2 double treatment rooms, and a large foot spa area. Ski Services A hassle free service for skiers and snowboarders provides changing areas and storage for their equipment. Promotion for winter Premium Ski Experience not only offers the regular daily breakfast, ski pass, equipment loan, etc. but also Ski Valet, hotpot set meal, 45 minute foot massage, a Park Hyatt signature scarf and more.
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Sheraton Changbaishan Resort 长白山万达喜来登度假酒店坐落于长 白山国际度假区天然质朴的山区环境中, 可随时探索长白山的魅力与神秘,是家庭 度假的完美选择。酒店还为初学者提供一 系列培训课程。
Ideally located in Changbaishan International Resort and very close to shops, entertainment center and ski park, the Sheraton Changbaishan Resort is a perfect choice for a family holiday. What’s more, it offers a series of ski training for beginners.
住宿、餐饮及休闲 297 间装潢精美的客房与套房面积从 41 至 300 平米不等 , 配有时尚优雅的家具, 并可饱览壮丽迷人的山峦或滑雪场美景。 享有盛誉的喜来登甜梦之床铺有双垫层床 垫、柔软羽绒被和鹅绒毯,确保一夜好眠。 盛宴全日制餐厅设有造型精美的自助 餐台,供应琳琅满目的西式菜肴和亚洲美 食。餐厅氛围轻松活泼,温馨友好,充满 活力的开放式厨房展现令人振奋的视觉及 味觉盛宴。 采悦轩中餐厅设若干私人包房,提供 正宗地道的传统佳肴,主推粤菜和当地风 味美食,均使用新鲜时令优质食材精心烹 制而成。
Accommodations, Dining and More A thoroughly relaxing experience is offered by any of the 297 beautifully-appointed guest rooms and suites, ranging from 41 to 300 square meters, which contain stylish, tasteful furnishings and provide mountain, golf, or ski views. The famous Sheraton Sweet Sleeper Bed—featuring a pillow-top mattress, a plush duvet, and a goose down blanket— guarantees a blissful night’s rest. Feast, all-day dining restaurant, features Western cuisine with Asian favorites, presented on well-designed buffet stations and available à la carte. The lively, childfriendly ambience is enhanced by a visual explosion of colors and tastes, showcased in energetic open kitchens. Equipped with 12 private rooms, Yue presents traditional and authentic cuisine. The menu is predominantly composed of Cantonese and local specialties, with an
冬日特惠 住宿可获赠早餐及滑雪票;盛宴西餐 厅冬日推出双人火锅套餐。
emphasis on fresh, seasonal items and premium ingredients. The Lobby Lounge is a wonderful place to meet over fresh-brewed coffees, fine-leaf teas, and an exquisite selection of pastries and snacks. Or relax with a cigar and a premium beer, wine, or cocktail. Promotion for winter A hotpot set dinner for two priced at RMB 299; Free breakfast and ski pass per stay.
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Romance in the Details 三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店和三亚海棠湾喜来登度假酒店 董事总经理托马斯·杰克林与 LifeStyle 分享这两家顶级奢华度假 酒店的整体特色和个性化服务。 Mr. Thomas Jecklin, General Manager of The Royal Begonia Sanya and Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, gives us an inside look at the features and personalized service of the two luxury resorts. Text: Audrey Hammonds
能否具体介绍一下三亚御海棠豪华精选度假 酒店的服务特色以及其他方面的与众不同? 我们为客人提供个性化的服务,从点 滴做起,比如我们会在客人入住前就对其 个人喜好作些了解,做好相应准备,包括客 人的寝具偏好、喜欢的床垫和枕头种类以及 饮食习惯等,特别是当客人有周年纪念之类 庆祝活动的时候,我们也会做相应的安排。 客人抵达酒店后,也不用像在一般酒店那样 排队等候办理入住手续,我们有专人迎接并 带领他们到酒店大堂吧,边喝饮料休息边办 理相关手续。 这两家酒店在餐饮方面有什么亮点? 酒店会根据客人喜好,用他们喜欢的食 材和烹调方式来制作食物,特别是小夫妻和 情侣来这里度假还有额外惊喜。度假村里有 多家不同风格的餐厅供客人选择。比如御海 棠餐厅提供的是正宗东南亚美食,由来自泰 国、马来西亚和印度的厨师掌勺,客人可以 在此品尝别样亚洲饕餮。西班牙风格的三叶 梅大堂吧也是不错的选择,特色餐前小点塔 帕斯值得一尝,配上夹着鱼籽的烤面包,还 有西班牙索拉纳火腿、芝士、红酒,不一而 足。我们酒店的建筑也是西班牙风格,环境 与菜品协调统一、相得益彰。这里的一草一 木、一桌一椅都散发着西班牙式的浪漫气息。 除此之外,度假村内还设有采悦轩中餐厅, 地道的经典中式菜肴很适合中国客人口味。 客人要是想健身或放松一下,有哪些运动场 馆与设施? 酒店 SPA 会所与著名的铂尊水疗合作, 能为每一个客人带来最极致的身心体验。除 了普通按摩、香薰按摩、美体、美甲、足道、 修脚,还有按摩浴缸和涡流浴缸,各类设施 应有尽有。我们酒店也极注重保护客人隐私, 特别是爱侣一同享受按摩时会有特别的布 置,再加上舒适浪漫的氛围,让人恋恋不舍。 三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店能在三亚酒店 业独树一帜,还有哪些特别之处? 所有豪华精选酒店的第一要旨就是注 重客户体验。我们酒店主推两类体验套餐。 首先是文化体验类,为客人安排一些外出游 玩项目。客人在领略当地黎族文化魅力的同
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out their preferences for bedding, pillows, food and beverage and more, and prepare it for them. If they have a special occasion or celebration we will also prepare accordingly. Once they arrive they don’t have to wait in line like a typical hotel check-in, but are escorted to the lobby bar where they finish checking in over drinks. What are the highlights of the Resorts’ dining options? The hotel offers custom menus especially for couples – they tell us what they love and how they would like it, and we prepare it for them. Apart from this, we offer a few options, including Begonia restaurant featuring authentic Southeast Asian food, made by our chefs from Thailand, Malaysia and India for a genuine Asian experience. The Royal Begonia also offers Tapas in the Spanish-themed Buganvillas Lobby Bar, such as canapés, Serrano ham, cheese and wine pairings etc. The dishes are made to pair with the surroundings; the resort was designed based on Spanish style architecture which lends an air of romance to everything. The Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort also features Yue Chinese restaurant, with classic authentic dishes perfect for our domestic guests. For guests who want to work out or rejuvenate themselves, what are the athletic and spa offerings at the Resorts? Our spa offers a wonderful experience – in partnership with Abel Touch Spa, we offer all kinds of treatments, including aromatherapy, massage, manicure, pedicure, Jacuzzis, whirlpools; whatever makes people feel relaxed, we have it in the hotel. We also focus on maintaining privacy, with massages for couples and a unique atmosphere that fits in with the romantic design.
时,还有机会欣赏当地人纯手工制作的工艺 品、品尝香甜的米酒,了解本地人的日常生 活。而来到海南,自然少不了品尝当地新鲜 海产,这就是我们为客人准备的第二类“美 食家”套餐:客人可以在本地厨师的陪同下 逛逛当地的鱼市场,随心挑选海鲜,厨师会 按照客人喜欢的方式进行烹调。饭点一到, 客人就可大快朵颐了。 身为酒店总经理,你认为自己最大的成就是 什么,或者最让你引以为傲的是什么? 我已经在酒店业工作超过 25 年,这让 我有机会接触到不同的文化,学习不同语 言。如果在我的领导下,员工能够激发自身 潜质,不断取得进步,便是我最大的成就。 看到他们成长,做最好的自己,我便会由衷 感到骄傲与自豪。 Can you give us some details about the service style and special services offered at The Royal Begonia Sanya? The Royal Begonia Sanya is about personalized service: we start by reaching out to the clients before they arrive to find
What else would you say makes The Royal Begonia stand out from other resorts in Sanya? Any Luxury Collection hotel is about experiences. We have two special packages for two different types of experiences: the first is a indigenous package in which we take guests out to learn about the local Li minority culture. Guests are taken to see the local handicrafts, rice wine, and life of the local area so they can really learn something. Hainan is also about fresh seafood so the second option is our epicurean package; a culinary package in which we take guests to the fish market with a local chef, they pick whatever they want for dinner, and it is cooked for them however they want. As a General Manager, what would you say is your biggest achievement, or what are you most proud of? I’ve been working in the hospitality industry for over 25 years, and I have had the opportunity to learn so much about different cultures and about different languages. I feel a great achievement is watching people grow and being able to get the best out of them, helping them reach their potential through your leadership. theluxurycollection.com/royalbegonia
The “Three I” Experience
何为“三 I”客户体验?“我们提供的不单是餐饮住宿、会议场所, 还有最具趣意且地道独特的客户体验。”北京富力万丽酒店总经理潘小莺如是说。 Angela Pan, the General manager of Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel, explains the “three I” spirit, saying, “We are providing an intriguing, indigenous and independent experience rather than ordinary accommodations or meeting facilities.” Text: Audrey Hammonds
on their needs. Therefore, it is easier to build a positive relationship with customers and a strong team with colleagues. Being General Manager requires that you not only manage but become a navigator as well.
2014 年北京富力万丽酒店的主要预期目标 有哪些?你准备怎样实现这些目标? 2014 年,我们仍将致力于将酒店打造 成北京时尚人士聚集地,使其成为北京最受 欢迎的生活品味酒店。不仅是入住或举办 会议,更为我们的客人提供最趣意、地道、 独特的体验。
Could you explain some of the special features of the Renaissance Hotel? Renaissance brand has several platforms to deliver unique services, such as R Life Live, Navigator and R.E.N. Meetings. RLife LIVE, an entertainment and music platform that provides hotel guests and local patrons the chance to engage with musical talent on-site at Renaissance Hotels. Navigator is an on-site, online and mobile program built on accurate databases providing guests with recommendations about a variety of topics, including local food, spirits, retail, music, entertainment and culture. As for the meetings, apart from special table setup, themed coffee breaks and sensory program to delight all your senses by adding lifestyle music, plant arrangements and even a special Renaissance scent. We also have arrangements for outdoor activities.
女性担任酒店总经理能赋予这个职位什么 不同吗?有何优势? 的确有些特别之处。女性比男性可能 更周到细致,更关注客人需求,更具亲和力, 也更容易与客人建立良好的关系,当然,也 能更了解员工的需要,更能起到激励作用, 有助于打造一个有凝聚力的团队。酒店总经 理不仅是经营者,而且还是一个团队的领航 员。 可否介绍下万丽品牌的特别之处? 我们的特色就是为客人提供趣意、地 道、独特的个性化体验。例如,生活原音为 客人提供一个音乐体验平台;本地专家则会 为客人提供各类本地信息,鼓励他们自己走 出新发现,探索当地的特色。对于在万丽举 办的会议,我们会注重客人参会时的感官体 验,除了声音、气味、趣意摆台、主题茶歇, 还有入住期间的外出活动和娱乐项目,方方 面面都会照顾到。 万丽是如何让客人体验到原汁原味本土特 色的? 我们的本地专家也是我们的本地领航 员,首先他们自己必须是个发现者和探索 者,酒店会定期安排我们的本地专家去不同 的地方体验,这样当他们把信息传递给我们 的客人时才会更加生动和具体。 你在工作中所遇到的最具挑战性的是什 么?最有成就感的又是什么? 其实更多时候我都是在挑战自己。我 们的客人和员工对万丽品牌的热爱给予了 我最大的成就感。同时我也期望可以给团 队带来积极、正面的影响,和大家一起成 长进步。
What are your goals for the upcoming year at Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel? How do you plan to lead your team to achieve these goals? We are aiming to be the ultimate lifestyle hotel in Beijing. We have several Renaissance Brand platforms to provide unique experiences for our customers, such as R Life Live, Cooking Class, and Chef’s Table. And we also have Renaissance Meeting which provides an “intriguing, indigenous and independent” experience (the “three I’s”) rather than simply ordinary accommodations or meeting facilities. What would you say being a female General Manager brings to the position? What are your advantages? There is something different. A female GM will always be very considerate, willing to listen to people and take care of them based
How does Renaissance ensure that guests’ experiences are authentic? Take Navigator for example. This program will help our guests to discover some hidden gems in the city. Our navigator should be in the know first. We regularly arrange try-out tours for our navigators to some authentic places. In this case, their stories will be more vivid when they are with guests. What do you find to be the most challenging and most rewarding parts of your job? I aim to try my best to conquer the challenges I give to myself. As for the rewarding parts, I’d say it comes from my guests and my colleagues. The more they love the hotel, the more fulfilled I will feel. And another source is my team. We learn together, grow together and share a positive life together.
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Profile with its elegant ambience, and it’s a favorite place for bar-socializing. Chicago Steakhouse also boasts perfectly broiled steaks and an especially good Wagyu Tenderloin steak. Other possibilities are the Australia Angus rib-eye and the 16 ounce T-bone. The martinis have won a strong following and you can choose from a list of fine wines to accompany the meal too. The staff is thorough and attentive, making for unparalleled service and an all around enjoyable experience.
作为上海裕景大饭店的新驻店经理,你未来 几年的目标是什么? 我喜欢可以锻炼自己能力的工作,喜 欢有趣味性的项目,还喜欢和彼此能相互学 习的人成为同事。我对自己所做的任何事情 都要争取做到最好。我们酒店聚集了一些上 海最具革新精神的酒店人,这也是我为什么 要选择这里的重要原因。 翻新后的芝加哥牛排餐厅最大亮点在哪里? 芝加哥牛排餐厅荟萃世界顶级牛排,不 仅有火候完美的烤牛排、和牛里脊牛排,还 有令人垂涎的澳大利亚安格斯肋眼牛排和 T 骨牛排,传统工艺与现代创新烹饪方法的结 合炮制出鲜嫩无比的口感。牛排餐厅还有各 国优质美酒可供佐餐,马提尼尤其受追捧。 无可挑剔的高雅环境和周到的服务让它成为 绝佳的社交场所,并因此赢得许多忠实粉丝。 酒店在餐饮方面还有哪些特色? 上海裕景大饭店的餐饮选择非常丰富, 能满足不同消费者的需求。点餐也好,每日 自助餐也好,御景咖啡厅供应种类繁多的东
A Continued Connection 上海裕景大饭店如何在激烈的竞争中脱颖而出? 驻店经理欧思客与 LifeStyle 分享他们与客人保持朋友般 联系的成功经验和赢得忠粉的诸多诀窍。 Sirko Otto, Resident Manager of Eton Hotel Shanghai, chats with LifeStyle about the fabulous features of the hotel, and how they really connect with their guests. Text: Audrey Hammonds
西方经典美食。香港金牌大厨李国森掌勺的 御庭中餐厅,以精致粤菜享有盛誉,提供大 小不一的精致包房,不论是商务宴请还是家 庭聚餐,每个人都能尽兴而归。一楼的豪碗 福餐厅供应东南亚经典美食,还能欣赏花园 美景。夜晚 E-Bar 吧更有爵士乐队驻店演出, 是沪上不可错过的潮地之一。
人满意,让他们再次光临。特别是团队氛围 非常好,这是酒店立于不败之地的关键。不 少员工自酒店开业便一直服务于此,与客人 非常熟稔。我们记得谁曾在酒店下榻,客人 再次入住时,不用问就知道他们对于房间和 饮食的偏好。员工团队也是上海裕景大饭店 的优势所在。
入住上海裕景大饭店行政楼层可尊享哪些礼 遇? 我们的行政楼层专为高端商务人士和 旅行者准备,让他们在忙碌的一天之余可 享受尊贵无忧的个性化服务以及豪华设施 产品,比如个性迎宾和欢送服务、一个小时 的会议室使用、免费的早餐和鸡尾酒、管家 服务和免费上网等,另外还可享用宝格丽产 品、丝绸被和 iPod 底座。
As the new Resident Manager of Eton Hotel Shanghai, what are some of your goals for the coming years? I’m driven to be the best at what I do and I want to work somewhere where I’ll have opportunities to develop my skills, take on interesting projects and work with people I can learn from at all times. Some of the most innovative employees in the Shanghai hotel industry work here and that’s a big reason why I am looking forward to building a career here.
上海酒店业竞争异常激烈,你和你的团队如 何使酒店在竞争中脱颖而出? 我们的团队以体察入微的个性化服务 而闻名,我们的目标只有一个,那就是让客
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What’s the biggest highlight of the newly renovated Chicago Steakhouse? The steakhouse draws loyal customers
What are some of the F&B features of the Eton Hotel Shanghai? A wide array of international cuisines is available in the Hotel to ensure that every palate imaginable can be satisfied. At our Eton Café, one can enjoy a wide variety of Western and Asian delicacies either from our A-la-carte menu or from our daily buffet. Yuting Chinese restaurant offers elegantly designed private rooms of various sizes to suit your dining pleasures. Be it a business or private family dinner, our gold medalwinning chef from Hong Kong Lee Kwok Sam prepares dishes to meet all your needs. Super Bowl on the first floor serves a variety of South East Asia delicacies, and E-Bar, a hot-spot not to be missed, features our resident jazz band at night. Can you tell us about the Executive Floor of the hotel and what the benefits are for guests? The Executive Floor represents an esteemed traveling style for top business executives and high end destination travelers, where they can enjoy luxurious products and be pampered with personalized services to revitalize themselves after a busy day. For example there are personalized welcome and farewell services, one hour use of the boardroom, complimentary breakfast & cocktails service, butler service, free internet, etc. In addition to all these benefits, guests can enjoy our BVLGARI amenities, silk quilts, and IPOD docking stations. How do you and your team keep up with the competitive Shanghai market while distinguishing Eton Hotel from other luxury hotels? My team is very proud to be known for providing personalized service and paying special attention to details. Everybody wants to achieve the same goal, which is to make sure our customers are happy and come back again. There is a nice environment around the team and that is the key point to keep the Eton Hotel’s marketing position. Many of our key employees have worked here since the opening and are familiar with the guests. We remember those who were here before, and we continue our connection when they return. When regular guests visit us, we know their preferences for rooms, food and beverages without having to ask them. The Eton team is the advantage of our hotel.
Luxurious City Getaway 周末“出逃”,尽在天津丽思卡尔顿酒店! Your perfect escape from the hustle and bustle of the capital city in Tianjin 到酒店度假,享受静谧的二人世界和 家庭时光,已然成为一种个性新潮的生活方 式和时尚人士的生活态度。这种休闲生活 方式继欧美流行之后,已在中国大陆蔚然成 风。在周末逃离北京的喧嚣和拥挤,在京城 之外触手可及且最物超所值的,即是到最新 开业的天津丽思卡尔顿酒店,享受最新推出 的“京城外的奢华享受”礼遇,入住高级豪 华客房,体验个性化、舒适和体贴入微的 服务。多重礼遇包含:双人丰盛自助早餐, 香溢餐厅双人自助晚餐,客房内高速上网, 免费使用健身中心及室内恒温游泳池。更为 贴心的是酒店特别安排豪华轿车。迎接来自 北京的宾客从天津火车站至酒店。呵护您的 惬意仿若归家。此优惠仅需¥1,480+ 元起, 截止于 2014 年 3 月 31 日。 天津丽思卡尔顿酒店比邻天津母亲 河——海河沿岸,坐落于充满历史韵味的中 央商务区的核心——泰安道风情区,跟五大 道、古文化街、天津之眼等著名景点毗邻。 其建筑风格的灵感取自 20 世纪初期的新古 典主义,仿照欧洲传统,高雅尊贵的客房 环绕在宽敞庭院四周。酒店装潢富丽堂皇, 挑高天花板和众多大理石装饰让人仿佛置 身于欧洲宫殿。手绘的欧洲传统宫殿壁画和 中国宫廷绘画给人一种历史感与归属感。 酒店舒适宜人的水疗中心和康体俱乐 部面积达 1600 平米,是放松身心的绝佳去 处。水疗中心设有两大休息室和八个豪华宽 敞的理疗室,提供各种各样的新式美容护理 和重塑活力的理疗。 酒店的特色餐厅和酒吧提供多元化的 国际餐饮体验。香溢全天候餐厅坐落于绿意 盎然的户外庭院(含三间包房),借鉴了 港式户外餐饮文化的舒适氛围、意大利的浪
漫情调以及日式料理的优雅精致,还设有一 个法式甜品屋,供应精致的手工甜品以及品 种丰富的酒品。时尚现代的粤式餐厅天泰轩 共有两层,拥有十间奢华私人包间和一部专 用电梯。温馨雅致的采光与色调以及精美的 室内装饰使每一道佳肴愈加令人垂涎。Flair 餐厅酒吧融合了上海国际都市的时尚魅力 和天津鲜明的地方特色,现场制作的寿司、 改良的东南亚餐前小吃和茶点以及天津最 为齐全的威士忌和香槟是这里的特色,位于 大厅一侧的天津独一无二的雪茄吧则更添 神秘色彩。 十分难得的是,安静典雅的大堂吧除 了供应传统英式下午茶,还有以月季花为主 题的特色下午茶。品味具有本地特色的下午 茶点心,啜饮一杯玫瑰香槟,这是丽思卡尔 顿带来的别样风味! Indulgence in luxury retreats has become a pleasant epidemic that travelled from the West to China. This trend allows families, couples and friends to travel to nearby destinations for weekend leisure and activities, which boast beautiful hotels eager to satisfy the hardworking weekenders. Tianjin is a growing destination for weekend getaways for those living and working in Beijing. An array of shopping areas, local cuisine and serene surroundings make the trip exciting yet relaxing. For those planning their Tianjin getaway, The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin created a special offer to make the visit to the port city even more memorable: “Luxurious Getaway from Beijing” offer starts at RMB1480+, which includes one night stay in hotel’s luxury appointed Premier guestroom, breakfast and dinner for two at Zest – “Theatre of Culinary Art” and arrival Tianjin
East train station limousine service. The offer is valid until March 31, 2014. The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin, sits at the historical heart of the former British concession and modern downtown business district by the Haihe River. The property takes its architectural inspiration from the neo-classical style of the early 20th century with stately hotel rooms arranged around an expansive courtyard in the European tradition. Featuring 277 luxurious guestrooms and 53 suites, a 1,600-square-meter health club and spa, several specialty restaurants and bars, etc. the hotel provides unparalleled service and facilities for discerning business and leisure travelers. Constructed within the hotel’s courtyard and featuring three private dining rooms in addition to the main hall, Zest draws inspiration from the sensory feasts of Hong Kong’s open-air dining culture, the aromatic romance of Italian bistros and the elegant minimalism of Japanese cuisine. Broadening the experience, an attached French-style patisserie offers exquisite hand-made delicacies and an extensive wine list. A twolevel contemporary Cantonese restaurant, Tian Tai Xuan’s elegant interior includes a private elevator serving ten luxurious private dining rooms. The restaurant’s tasteful lighting, warm, organic tones and sophisticated décor work together to emphasize the magnificent subtlety of each item on the menu. Flair melds Shanghai’s cosmopolitan chic with Tianjin’s distinctive local character. Featuring made-toorder sushi and contemporary interpretations of Southeast Asian appetizers and snack foods, Flair’s eclectic dining selections offer a compelling entry into an evening’s exploration of the establishment’s extravagant collection of Champagne and whiskeys. A live DJ to shape the night’s character and Tianjin’s only cigar lounge only further enhance Flair’s mystique. The quiet confines of The Lobby Lounge provide an ideal backdrop for social encounters, casual meetings and intimate gatherings. Refresh yourself with soft drinks or enjoy the complex interplay of sweet and savory in a traditional English Afternoon Tea service. Alternatively, try the Royal Afternoon Tea, a charming in-house creation featuring locally-inspired afternoon delicacies served in a decorative birdcage and accompanied a bottle of rosé sparkling wine. No. 167 Dagubei Road, Heping District, Tianjin Tel: 022 5857 8888
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Robatayaki in an Anime Museum Text: Eva Liu Photos: Koyama
能吃的动漫博物馆你“尝”试过吗? 三里屯太古里北区的小山动漫版北京店以 动漫元素为主题,被很多食客称为能吃的 “动漫博物馆”。走进店内,一股日式范 儿扑面而来。特制的日式吊灯简约却不简 单,羊皮灯罩结合“小山”的标志,淡淡 的光暖进你的心房。最吸引人的莫过于店 内随处可见的日本动漫人物模型。据说这 些 都 是 老 板 亲 自 从 日 本 带 回 来 的, 是 他 二十几年的经典、限量收藏,一概不卖。 店内设有 37 个动漫主题,共有三百多 个模型,每个主题还配有相应的故事光碟 一起展示。如此精心设计,目的是为前来 用餐的客人提供轻松的环境,让他们一边 用餐,一边重拾上世纪 70 年代至 90 年代 的动漫回忆,一起引起共鸣。餐厅内还陈 列着极具东瀛风情的日本将军甲、梯柜、 挂品等,而盛菜的器皿、酒器以及调味瓶、 餐垫等小用具也都是从意大利和日本进口 的。 小山动漫版北京店的食材大部分取材 于日本,菜品多达 250 余种。地道的炉端 烧料理可谓是餐厅的招牌。这里用的是日
本炉端烧传统方形敞口的木炭烧炉,每次 用炭量达十斤以上。于明火之上以高温烤 制串烧,瞬间就能把汁水锁在烧物里,再 配以天然海盐和小山秘制 12 年蘸酱,不仅 保留了食物本身的原味,也让其色与形更 美,味道则清淡不油腻。 寒寒冬日,与家人朋友围炉而坐,其 侧有将近 600℃的高温炭火炉,一边看着 师傅掌烧,一边感受动漫故事的魅力,实 在是种无法抵挡的诱惑。
ave you ever eaten in a museum? Koyama Japanese Cuisine, located in Sanlitun Taikoo Li North, is a colorful haven for fans of Japanese animation, with posters and displays filled with anime and manga characters around every corner. Most of the restaurant’s hundreds of figurines are collectors’ items brought back from Japan by the owner himself. Typical Japanese pendant lamps stamped with Koyama’s logo beam a soft light throughout, highlighting the fun displays and luxurious setting. There are 37 themed settings including over three hundred models from cartoons dating back to the 1970s, displayed with their corresponding stories. Along with reliving your favorite anime, you can dive into authentic Japanese cuisine while admiring the other décor including Japanese armor, cabinets, and decorations. All utensils, including dishes, cups, placemats etc. are imported from either Japan or Italy, creating the most authentic atmosphere possible for the beautiful environment. Almost all ingredients in Koyama's 250+ dishes are imorted from Japan. Their specialty is authentic robatayaki, which uses a traditional square open stove that burns over five kilograms of charcoal at once. Robatayaki is a cooking method similar to barbeque, with food prepared on an open fire to better lock in the juices. Seasoned with natural sea salt and Koyama’s twelve-year secret recipe dipping sauce, the deliciously seared cuisine retains not only its original flavor, but also appetizing color, aroma, and appearance. This winter, gather around a warm stove with friends to enjoy both the fun environment and wonderful Japanese cooking techniques – it will certainly warm up even the coldest of days!
NLG16b-17, Sanlitun Tai Koo Li North, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6417 5952
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Sushi with Style Text: Eva Liu Photos: Ito Sushi
虽然位于北京侨福芳草地大厦地下一 层 AB 区连接处的一角,但伊藤家日料静 谧而又别致,以极富个性的日式小清新风 格受到附近商务精英人士的追捧。 芳草地伊藤家主打寿司及商务餐,从 日本空运来的食材保证百分百新鲜。厨师 长 Kalok 是一位香港帅哥,最拿手的当然 是捏制传统寿司了。其手艺时常得到客人 赞美,寿司米捏得松紧有致,握寿司个个 一口大小,鱼生妥妥地贴在米上,左口鱼 裙边、黄狮鱼和牡丹虾相当新鲜,虾的甜、 裙边的韧和黄狮鱼的嫩都能逐一体会,此 外还创作出西化的辣炸三文鱼皮卷以及白 松露风味白鱼薄切这样的日法系料理。 伊藤家日料的午间套餐基本在 50 至 100 元间,这在芳草地算是合理价位,内 容也为商务人士及普通食客所喜闻乐见, 像照烧鸡排咖喱饭、北海道鱼生饭、伊藤 猪骨浓汤拉面等,每种套餐都包括沙拉、 日式小菜、咸菜、味噌汤和甜品。 头一次光顾的客人,推荐试试黑蜂蜜 蕨饼, 不妨用柔软、有延展性的肉身摩挲 整个舌面,再慢慢滑下喉咙。黑蜂蜜蕨饼 配了手打抹茶,制作蕨饼用的蕨根粉原料 全部从香港购得,加上现制才有的软黏感, 味道那叫一个美。再来一份精致的冲绳海 盐杏仁冰淇淋当餐后甜点。冲绳海盐的咸 衬托了杏仁冰淇淋的奶香,合成层次丰富
的甜咸奶盐味。冰淇淋从安佳奶油开始自 制,混合着优质杏仁碎,再洒些松子粒, 不同的坚果香里呼外应,让人总想多来几 口。
ocated on the ground floor of Parkview Green, Ito Sushi possesses a special combination of serenity and freshness, drawing business elites from nearby offices to bask in its unique Japanese surroundings. Ito Sushi features sushi and business set meals using 100% fresh, high quality ingredients flown in from Japan. Head Chef Kalok, who hails from Hong Kong, excells at making traditional sushi, rolling a rice ball into the perfect bite-size and neatly placing each piece of sashimi on it, which has earned him enthusiastic praise from customers. Sole
fish, yellow tail and spotted prawn are all extremely fresh – the elasticity of the sole fish, the tenderness of the yellow tail and the sweetness of the prawn are exquisitely irresistible. And Ito Sushi also provides innovative Western fusion dishes, like their spicy salmon skin. Set meal prices at Ito Sushi range from RMB 50 to RMB 100, making it quite reasonable among the restaurants at Parkview Green. Yet the dishes served are quite suitable for white collar businessmen and passers-by alike, such as their chicken teriyaki curry rice, Hokkaido don, “Ito” ramen noodles in pork soup, etc. There are also many optional side dishes, like salad, Japanese Pickles, miso soup and dessert. Our recommendation for first time visitors is Ito Sushi’s homemade warabi mochi with matcha tea. The fern root powder is bought from Hong Kong to ensure quality, and the tender mocha is silky and delicious. Top this off with the lovely Okinawa Salt Ice Cream for dessert, handmade from anchor cream and premium chopped almonds. The saltiness of Okinawa sea salt sets off the sweetness of the Almond ice cream, creating a delightfully sophisticated contrast. Sprinkle some pine nuts on the top to complement the almond flavor perfectly.
No. 9, Dongdaqiao Road, B1 Parkview Green, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6500 5511-2811
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‘Tis the Season toHobeHoWiney Ho
圣诞节在中国跟在亚太地区大多数国 家一样,不仅给人们带来精神上的喜悦,也 是一个令人欢欣雀跃的节日。不管来自何 方,基督徒在这一天都会互赠礼物,每个人、 每个家庭都有各自独特的庆祝方式。无论是 几代同堂的名门望族还是平凡普通的小家 庭,都少不了外出采购礼物、举办派对活动, 阖家团聚共度节日。只要亲人和爱人们在一 起就好。 圣诞节最初的意义旨在弘扬爱与真情, 希望每个人都能心怀悲悯同情,乐于与人分 享并不断自省,当然也少不了和亲朋好友互 相馈赠一些礼物,一家人围坐桌边品尝各种 自制美食。圣诞假期更是久未谋面的好友叙 旧、至爱亲朋团聚的好机会。 2013 年圣诞节就要到了,这一切还将 照例上演。而对于绝大多数中国人来说,这 个节日倒更像是一个采购季。人们互送礼物 和贺卡,聚会,K 歌。除了家庭娱乐活动, 很多人还会和亲朋好友一起去喜欢的餐厅 聚餐,一些公司也会选择在这个时候进行商 务宴请,那么普通中国人或非基督徒又是怎 样过圣诞节的呢?他们的庆祝方式自然不 会像西方人传统的庆祝方式那样更富宗教
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意义。根据维基百科所提供的资料,圣诞节 可追溯至公元 354 年,善良的人在这一天 通过各种庆祝活动分享喜悦。传统的基督教 圣诞节也好,中国 Style 的圣诞节也好,都 有一项不可或缺的活动,那就是呼朋引伴共 品美酒。 无论是七零八零还是九零后,他们有 个共同特点就是对葡萄酒抱有热情和喜爱, 一直以来都是如此,相信他们的这股热情会 一如既往地持续下去。他们对分享美食佳酿 体验尤为热衷,特别是邂逅了美味好酒。他 们去餐厅用餐,去酒吧坐坐,都喜欢随手拍, 记录下生活的点滴。随着生活水平的不断提 升,中国也开始出现以家庭为单位订购葡萄 酒的自饮群体。这样,当人们外出就餐或者 过圣诞节这类节日时,就能随时随地畅饮美 酒了。尽管中国政府倡导厉行节约、制止奢 侈浪费,严格控制公务宴请活动,可当下中 国富豪和“土豪”们的力量也不容小觑,他 们支撑起了中国高档葡萄酒市场,其发展前 景依旧乐观。
圣诞节期间在中国最受欢迎的葡萄酒 是什么呢?当然是红葡萄酒了。圣诞的主色 调就是红和白嘛,不过彩虹七色都是这个季 节不可或缺的点缀。各种颜色的小饰物、装 饰品、礼物和好吃的东西,哪个不让人心动。 在这个充满圣诞气息的十二月,一定要备足 红酒。赤霞珠、梅乐、西拉、马贝克、勃艮第、 波尔多、基安蒂、巴罗洛、黑比诺以及加州 仙粉黛,都是不错的选择。当好朋友打电话 邀你共度假期时,便可拿出备好的佳酿款 待来宾,不过在频频举杯、酒酣耳热之际, 别忘了给我留一杯。说不定我会带着一大包 圣诞礼物从烟囱里下来,给你们带来圣诞惊 喜呢。 又是美酒飘香的季节,圣诞来了!
hristmas in China is celebrated as in most of Asia Pacific as a joyous spiritual as well as festive, gift giving season for Christian westerners and Christian Asians alike; and an equally as festive time for those who celebrate the season in their own ways, often primarily with party-going, gift shopping & giving and family time to rejoice in their good fortune, no matter how great or how small. The original spirit of Christmas is one of love, compassion, sharing, and reflection, plus gift giving and festive family gatherings around a warm hearth or in the family room, including the most generous assortment of home-cooked comfort foods the family can afford on Christmas Day; and as well before and afterwards for as long as friends and relatives are gathered. Fast forward to 2013 in China and while these same traditional practices continue among many who celebrate Christmas, the vast majority of Chinese think of Christmas more in terms of festive shopping, gift and Christmas card exchanging, partying, singing and both home entertaining as well as dining out at their favorite restaurants with family, friends and business associates. To say
that the Chinese or non-Christian style of celebrating Christmas is any less meaningful than the traditional western model, which is said to date back to as early as 354AD (according to Wikipedia) is to exclude millions of Beautiful Souls the world over who know other traditions, yet now as well embrace many of the joyful practices associated with Christmas. But whether it’s traditional Christian Christmas or today’s Chinese Christmas, both traditions embrace the joys of sharing premium wines with friends and family throughout the holiday season. We know that the millennials or Y generation are avid wine consumers; as have been and continue so to be the Xer’s, not to mention the baby boomers. But in China it is clearly the millennials who are showing the others just how much more enjoyable is one’s restaurant or bar experience, especially with good food, when one indulges in a favorite premium wine or discovers new wines that as well pleasantly suit their palate. As a result, increasingly the upwardly mobile Chinese are ordering fine wines in volume for home and when dining out and their Christmas celebrations are no exception. The government may have restricted officials from arranging lavish banquets and dinners, but the wealthy and “nouveau riche” Chinese are proving that the premium wine business in China continues to have a very rosy outlook. And what are the favored premium wines of choice for Chinese Christmas celebrating? Why red, of course. Christmas is red and white and all the bright colors of the rainbow thrown in to besparkle the holiday ornaments, decorations, gift wraps and goodies. So, be sure to stock your wine supply with plenty of your favorite reds, so that when your friends and family come calling this December, you can welcome them with plenty of holiday cheer as you generously serve them your delicious Cabernet Sauvignon’s, Merlot’s, Shiraz, Malbec’s, Burgundies, Bordeaux, Chianti’s, Barolo’s, Pinot Noir’s, and maybe even California Zinfandel’s with a gregarious “Ho Ho Ho”, ala good old “St. Nick”. And by all means, save a glass or two of your finest for Red Owl, for you never know when I might be coming down your chimney with a bag of Christmas surprises for every good girl and boy. For “’Tis the season to be wine jolly”. Ho Ho Ho. I am Red Owl, over & out.
田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand.
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2013 胡润百富周年庆典 在京隆重举行
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10 月 18 日,2013 胡润百富周年庆典 在北京国贸大酒店隆重举行。《LifeStyle 品 味生活》杂志作为此次活动的媒体合作伙伴 受邀出席庆典。今年是胡润研究院第十五年 发布“胡润百富榜”,也是胡润百富“最受 尊敬企业家颁奖盛典”十周年庆。“最受尊 敬的企业家”是胡润百富一年一度颁发的最 高规格的奖项,是对该年度中国企业家的影 响力的评估,广泛受到企业家的认可和媒体 的关注。 当晚颁出了三大主要奖项,分别是:中 国最受尊敬年度人物、中国最受尊敬企业家 以及中国年度产业贡献奖。“2013 中国最 受尊敬年度人物”的获奖者是万达集团王健 林。91 岁的余彭年获得“2013 终生成就奖”。 获得“2013 中国最受尊敬企业家”奖的是: 万通实业的冯仑、波司登的高德康、中坤的 黄怒波、星河湾的黄文仔、远东的蒋锡培、 通威的刘汉元、富源的缪寿良、华远的任志 强、奥康的王振滔和保利协鑫的朱共山。获 得“2013 中国年度产业贡献奖”的企业家 是英吉利实业的方小文、保兰德的郭顺元、 河心岛的贾战辉、分众传媒的江南春、五征 的姜卫东、英仕曼的李亦非、软银赛富合伙 人陆豪、中登的宋玉庆、复星集团的汪群 斌、国栋建设的王春鸣、百益龙的王国庆、 均瑶集团的王均豪、财富公馆的王吉吉、致达 科技的严健军、双河集团的杨永亮、卓达的 杨卓舒、宝利德的余海军、俏江南的张兰、 NE•TIGER 东北虎的张志峰、奇虎 360 的周 鸿祎和汇源集团的朱新礼。 此外,正威的王文银获得“2013 年度 创新人物”;搜房的莫天全获得“2013 最 受尊敬行业领袖” ;中融的倪召兴获得“2013 年度海外成就奖”;美特斯邦威的周成建获 得“2013 年度品牌创新企业家”;太平洋 建设的严昊获得“2013 企业优秀接班人奖” ; 《投资者报》总编辑赵力和卓尔财经媒体 CEO、《投资时报》总编辑何力获得“2013 影响中国民营经济杰出媒体人”。 胡润百富创始人兼首席调研员胡润表 示: “这 15 年来我们关心好多企业家的故事, 通过他们的故事可以让国外更多的人了解中 国经济的发展,同时让更多中国人了解创业 创富故事,鼓励创业精神。” 更多信息请浏览 www.hurun.net
A12T 当代艺术中心推出开幕首展
A12T Center for Contemporary Art Holds Youth Art Joint Exhibition A12T 当代艺术中心作为北京 798 艺术区的新成 员,于 10 月 19 日正式开馆。开幕首展《去你的世界》 集合了当代中国年轻艺术家的中坚力量,充分表达了 A12T 的愿景:致力于推动中国当代青年艺术家的姿态, 发掘最具潜力的艺术新星,通过展览展示、跨界整合 助力中国当代艺术新生力量的成长。A12T 相信艺术是 生活的重要组成部分,收藏艺术品不是一种特权。通 过艺术夜现场、艺术衍生、艺术公关等创新经营模式, A12T 深度开发国内外当代艺术家的艺术外延,将艺术 引出象牙塔,带入现实领域,让艺术的魅力与想象力 启发每个人的生活。 As a new member of Beijing’s renowned 798 Art District, A12T Center for Contemporary Art opened on October 19, 2013 with its maiden exhibition “Into Your World.” The exhibition united some of the most talented young Chinese artists and presented their creative works, hoping to inspire people’s daily life with artistic influence. A12T Center for Contemporary Art believes that art is an important part of life and art collections should be a universal right or joy rather than a privilege. The Center is committed to discovering and helping potential young artists with its rich resources and creative & flexible business model.
翰林阁: 定义新居住理念 翰林阁是雅诗阁在中国开辟的首个可 销售的品牌公寓,坐落于北京国贸 CBD 核 心地块。作为品牌公寓,翰林阁完美诠释 了其母品牌——雅诗阁“超凡尊贵”的生活 理念,以全方位的优质服务,在占尽天时、 地利、人和的绝对优势基础上满足高端人群 对于高尚生活品质的追求,更展现了高端人 士在精神领域的高层次追求。 翰林阁完美融合了星级物业服务项目, 不仅为业主提供 24 小时前台及安保服务, 日常维护服务、天气预报、火车时刻及飞 机航班时刻的查询,附近餐馆咨询及订餐等 服务,还配备了健身房和游泳池,让业主尽 享惬意品质生活。公寓还可有偿提供搬家、 订票、豪华车辆租借、机场接送机、婴幼儿 看护、医疗保健、美容美发预约、房屋维护、 看管、客房打扫等服务,让业主享受全方位 便利,省却后顾之忧。 翰林阁以其独特的魅力展示出它的与 众不同:与纯粹的住宅相比,它更懂得享受; 与纯粹的酒店相比,又更懂得生活!翰林阁 审时度势,紧跟时代前进的步伐,把绿色人 居、精致生活、方便舒适以及全方位的物业 服务作为品牌公寓的居住理念,成为北京高 端房地产市场中不可多得的产品。
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长沙万达文华酒店 一周年庆典璀璨上演
Wanda Vista Changsha Holds First Anniversary Celebration 10 月 19 日,“真意文华·悠然自我” 长沙万达文华酒店一周年庆典在湘江之滨璀 璨上演。万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司副 总裁包铂,长沙万达文华酒店总经理鲍瑞斯 ·布鲁伯、驻店经理孙敬华,长沙名仕会总 经理黄雪峰,各行业 VIP 贵宾、尊贵的酒店 长住客、酒店精英会员及湖南主流媒体代表 等近 200 人应邀出席本次盛典。开业仅仅一 年,长沙万达文华酒店就成为了商务及休闲 客人在湖南的首选酒店。酒店悉心提供的私 享服务和艺术氛围让宾客的旅途恣意舒展, 尽享优雅体验。而首家名仕会的揭幕也把国 际顶级豪华私人会所专属服务带到星城长 沙。展望未来,长沙万达文华酒店将一如既 往地为每一位尊贵的客人提供“始终如一、
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温情倍至”的服务,从而进一步稳固其在华 中地区乃至全国奢华酒店的领导地位。 “Your Vista of Comfort”- Wanda Vista Changsha’s 1st Anniversary celebration, was held on 19 October, 2013 in the hotel’s Lobby Lounge. Wanda Hotels & Resorts’ Vice President of Sales & Marketing Mr. Ilja Poepper; Wanda Vista Changsha’s General Manager Mr. Boris Blobel; Wanda Vista Changsha’s Hotel Manager Mr. Forest Sun; General Manager of the Wanda Vista Changsha Club Reign Mr. Ivan Huang; as well as VIP guests from various industries, distinguished long-stay guests, elite hotel members and representatives from Hunan’s mainstream media together comprised the nearly 200 people in attendance. In less than a year, Wanda Vista Changsha has become the preferred hotel for business and leisure travelers visiting Hunan Province. Overflowing with rich Oriental ambience, Wanda Vista Changsha offers its valued guests an extravagant experience of exclusive services and artistry, while Club Reign also presents top service standards for all elite members in Changsha. In the future, Wanda Vista Changsha will continue to meet the needs of all guests, making them feel the passion for ‘Consistently providing hospitality from our hearts’. These aspects together will strengthen the market position of Wanda Vista Changsha as the most luxurious hotel not only in Central China, but also nationwide.
LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYL 郑州希尔顿酒店: 任命麦克斯派尔先生为总经理 Hilton Zhengzhou: Mr. Maximilian Pleyer, General Manager
丽江铂尔曼度假酒店: 任命施乐先生为总经理 Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa: Mr. Hartmut Schaller, General Manager
Hilton Zhengzhou recently announced the appointment of Maximilian Pleyer as general manager. Maximilian Pleyer will report to Bruce McKenzie, senior vice president, operations - Greater China and Mongolia. Maximilian joined Hilton Zhengzhou from Kempinski Hotel, Wuxi, China, where he held the position of general manager.
Hartmut Schaller has held senior management roles within the hotel industry for more than 25 years and has 10 years experience as General Manager in China. He has been responsible for hotel openings at Marriott & Renaissance hotels in Tianjin, Shanghai and Hangzhou and more recently with Sofitel Shenyang Lido, overlooking the re-branding of the former Sheraton Shenyang as the General Manager.
三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店: 任命柏哲先生为总经理 The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: Mr. Raetus Balzer, General Manager
重庆喜来登大酒店: 任命盛志骅先生为总经理 Sheraton Chongqing Hotel: Mr. John Sheng, General Manager
Near upon 30 years of experience in the hospitality industry, Mr. Balzer, who is originally from Switzerland, has held numerous senior management positions in prominent international hotels in Europe, North America, Oceania and Asia. Prior to joining the Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort, he was the general manager of Le Meridien Xiamen.
厦门艾美酒店: 任命汤大伟先生为总经理 Le Meridien Xiamen: Mr. David Katemopoulos, General Manager
Mr. David Katemopoulos has returned to Le Meridien Xiamen as General Manager, a position he held from 2009-2011 as pre-opening General Manager of the hotel. With over 30 years of hospitality experience, David Katemopoulos has worked for a number of International hotel groups before joining Starwood Hotels & Resorts Inc to open the St. Regis Shanghai in 2001.
北京千禧大酒店: 任命温嘉仪女士为酒店经理 Grand Millenium Beijing: Ms. Coco Wen, Hotel Manager
Ms. Coco Wen has been appointed as Hotel Manager of Grand Millennium Beijing. Ms. Wen, a Taiwanese, is a graduate of International Hotel Management Institute, Lucent, Switzerland in Hotel Management. Ms. Wen has over 20 years of hotel management experience. Prior to joining the Grand Millennium Beijing, Ms. Wen was the Resident Manager of New World Shanghai Hotel & Pentahotel Shanghai, Rosewood Group.
青岛威斯汀酒店: 任命张松松先生为餐饮总监 The Westin Qingdao: Mr. Andrew Zhang, Director of Food & Beverage With more than 10 years working experience in the hospitality industry, Andrew has worked with the Starwood Group almost 10 years and has his foot print from Sanya to Xiamen and Shenzhen. Prior to his new appointment, Andrew worked at Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhen as Assistant Director of Food and Beverage.
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. announces the appointment of John Sheng as the General Manager of Sheraton Chongqing Hotel, which opened in 2011. John has more than 27 years’ extensive management experience in the hospitality industry, and held a leadership role in a number of wellknown international hotels.
明宇豪雅饭店(成都·科华南路): 任命向勇先生为副总经理 Minyoun Royal Hotel (South Kehua Road, Chengdu): Mr. Danny Xiang, Deputy General Manager It was recently announced that Mr. Danny Xiang was appointed as the Deputy General Manager in Minyoun Royal Hotel (South Kehua Road, Chengdu) and hold a concurrent post as Brands Development Deputy Director. Mr. Xiang has 16 years of hospitality experience, posted as Deputy General Manager in Ninghai Howard Johnson Jinhai Plaza Hotel before this appointment.
上海千禧海鸥大酒店:任命周延先生 为行政副经理 - 财务及业务支持 Millennium Hongqiao Hotel Shanghai: Mr. Billy Zhou, Executive Assistant Manager - Finance and Business Support
Billy Zhou has more than 23 years’ experience in hospitality industry and previously he held several executive positions in various leading International hotels such as Hilton Hotels & Resorts and Marriott International over the past decades.
上海海仑宾馆: 任命 Sacha Hernaus 先生为行政总厨 Sofitel Shanghai Hyland: Mr. Sacha Hernaus, Executive Chef
Mr. Sacha Hernaus, of French nationality, has been appointed as executive chef at Sofitel Shanghai Hyland. He has over 28 years of professional cooking and kitchen management experience in the South of France, Caribbean islands, Europe and Asia. Prior to this appointment, Sacha was the Chef owner in Aqua boutique Hotel and restaurant in Phnom Penh.
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万宝龙大班精选系列推出男士皮具新品 Montblanc Corporate Gifts Puts Out New Men’s Leather Products 万宝龙全新推出的大班精选系列男士皮具备受赞誉。此 系列单品选用上乘 Saffiano 皮革,色彩更为丰富多元, 设计风格新颖独特,并以全新压纹工艺制作。新品大胆 尝试了卡其色、琥珀色、酒红色和海军蓝等充满张力的 质感配色;除保留原有的钱包、笔记本和名片夹外,还 增添了时新的智能手机套、平板电脑套等产品。
Feit2013 秋季皮革配件系列发布 Feit Launches A/W 2013 Leather Accessories Series
澳大利亚纯手工制鞋品牌 Feit 发布了 2013 秋季意大利皮 革配件系列。该系列包括手工制作的钱包、iPad 和 iPad mini 包、皮带、皮鞋,所有产品均为酒红色。每款产品 都是一块意大利植物染色皮革,运用只有少数在世工匠 掌握的古老的佛罗伦萨手工工艺制成。根据 Feit 的生产 方式,每种颜色的产品在任何时候都只限量生产 20 个。
向传奇致敬 豪利时约翰·克特兰爵士限量表 Oris Pays Tribute to a Legend with Limited Edition John Coltrane Watch 豪利时在文化系列表款领域再推力作:豪利时 John Coltrane 爵士限量表,旨在向文化偶像 致敬。此次的表款采用高度弯曲的蓝宝石玻璃 来制作表镜,不锈钢表壳借鉴了豪利时上世纪 50 年代的风格设计,极具复古的味道。以奢华 蓝色天鹅绒作为衬里和手表枕头,灵感来源于 Coltrane 的乐器保护罩,和表盘的蓝色分钟刻 度遥相呼应。全球限量生产 1000 只。
普拉达最新珠宝系列推出 Prada Latest Jewelry Line Launched 普拉达最新推出一系列颇具现代感的珠宝,包括手环、 手镯、手链和耳饰。该系列融入普拉达标志性的 Saffiano 纹理皮革,颜色丰富多彩(橙色、翠绿色和宝石绿色), 并运用几何状水晶展现其大胆外形。其设计灵感来源于 装饰派艺术时代和自然界,珠宝采用奢华的镀金或钯金 工艺加以修饰润色,每一件都是对全新现代风格颓废派 艺术的独特解读。
LG 正式发布 G Flex 曲面智能手机 LG Officially Releases Curved Smartphone G Flex
LG 正式发布了采用不同弯曲方向的曲面手机 G Flex。其 机身厚度为 7.9 至 8.7 毫米,最大亮点当属那块分辨率为 1280×720 的 6 英寸曲面屏幕,从上到下的纵向弯曲方 式也能在打电话时更好地贴合用户的脸型。G Flex 搭载 了 2.26GHz 高通骁龙 800 系列四核处理器、2GB RAM、 3500mAh 锂电池、背部按键音量和锁屏按键以及 1300 万像素后置摄像头。
戴尔推出首款 4K 显示器 Dell Launches First 4K Monitor
红色版 HTC One mini 开卖 Red HTC One Mini Released for Sale
英国手机零售商 Phone 4U 前不久在官网上晒 出 HTC One mini 红色版本,并于 11 月份正 式 独 家 发 售。HTC 还 为 英 国 HTC One 用 户 推出了安卓 4.3 系统更新。红色版本与黑色版 HTC One mini 同步开卖,而此前推出的蓝色版 本 HTC One mini 则由英国另一家手机零售商 Carphone Warehouse 发售。
戴尔推出旗下首款 4K 显示器 UltraSharp UP3214Q。 该 机 是 一 款 32 寸 的 4K 显 示 器, 隶 属 于 旗 舰 级 的 UltraSharp 系 列, 采 用 IGZO 超 清 面 板, 分 辨 率 为 3840x2160。UP3214Q 拥有 14 位硬件 LUT,支持戴尔 Premier Color 技术,能够显示 10.7 亿色。它还具有 99% 的 AdobeRGB 和 100% 的 sRGB 色域覆盖率,色差值 Delta 小于 2,色彩还原度较高。
新款 iPad mini 上市 New iPad Mini Hits the Market
苹果最新推出了第二代 iPad mini。该机采用 7.9 英寸触 控屏,分辨率提升至 2048×1536 像素,配备 64 位 A7 处理器,处理器速度为一代的四倍,图形处理能力则是 过去的八倍,能够更加顺畅地运行 iOS 7 系统。该机还提 供更大容量的电池,实现了十小时的续航能力。可选颜 色为深空灰和银白色。售价则仅为 3088 港币。
LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE Highlight 当代限量设计私人拍卖 品鉴开启轻奢小时代 High-light Contemporary Design Holds Private Auction
High-light 全球限量设计私人品鉴秋季拍 卖会前不久在金伯利钻石北京会所成功 举办。High-light 专注原产地限量设计与 当代艺术产品。活动当天,High-light 创 始人与寺库运营总监、态思故事厅创始 人及《礼志》杂志、中国艺术网等众多 贵宾、媒体朋友一同分享了 High-light 给 大家带来的艺术价值和高端生活品质的 享受。
赛百味中国第 400 家店开业 Subway Opens 400th Branch in China 全世界最大的潜水艇三明治特许经营连 锁餐饮品牌赛百味前不久在北京嘉里中 心迎来了全中国第 400 家门店,这也是 北京地区的第 100 家店。400 家的成绩 进一步彰显了赛百味中国在连锁餐饮业 的领导地位。未来两年赛百味还将在哈 尔滨、济南、三亚等二线城市新开 440 家门店。到 2015 年底,赛百味门店数量 预计将达 840 家。
“非凡创意在 GREAT 英国”专场 招待会举办 “Creativity is GREAT” Panel Discussion in Beijing 英国财政大臣、英国下院议员乔治·奥斯 本阁下和英国驻华大使吴思田前不久在 北京举办专场招待会,展示英国的创意 和创新实力。三百多位来自中国和英国 创意产业的宾客齐聚一堂,共同见证由 英国创意公司带来的互动展示。展品包 括从艺术、时尚、建筑到食品饮料等英 国创意产业。招待会入口处的威廉和凯 特夫妇的蜡像给来宾带来了很多惊喜, 此次蜡像展示标志着北京杜莎夫人蜡像 馆项目的正式启动,该馆将于 2014 年初 对外开放。
Smiley 亮相第三届潮流品牌展 Smiley Attends Third Chic-Young Blood Fashion Show 以传播“快乐”为宗旨的国际知名品牌 Smiley 前不久参加“第三届潮流品牌展”。 Smiley 公司大中华区首席执行官和品牌 授权总监章志华也出席了此次盛会,并 带来 Smiley 旗下丰富的产品线,还向现 场观众传递了 Smiley 品牌“微笑,可以 改变您的生活与整个世界”的宗旨,更 展示了笑脸不仅是一个符号、一个时尚 品牌,它更是一种精神、一种生活哲学。
绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control 北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com
深航飞行大礼:给您报销的士票 Shenzhen Airlines Reimburses Taxi Fares for Select Passengers
乘机日在 2013 年 11 月 1 日(含)至 12 月 31 日(含)期间,凡购买深圳航空广 州指定航线 8 折(含)以上单程、往返 程套票并实际乘坐,即可凭广州(含南 海、佛山、番禺)的出租车票及单程、 往返、 缺口程登机牌获得最高 50 元 (单程) /100 元(往返程)人民币现金的地面交 通补贴,如不足 50 元 /100 元则实报实 销出租车票金额。购票渠道 95080、深 航官方网站、深航正规授权代理。
匡威与 Neighborhood 最新限量 联名系列发布 Neighborhood x Converse First String Collection Available Now 匡威最新发布了与来自东京的潮流品牌 Neighborhood 的限量联名系列。本次联 名系列以匡威两款经典鞋款 Jack Purcell Johnny Mid 和 70s Chuck Taylor All Star Ox 为原型,并在细节处以更高质感呈现。 Jack Purcell 鞋款选用厚重的深湛蓝色皮 质,配合同色调的踩线,而 Chuck 70 款 则选择品蓝色山羊皮以及白色踩线。
华斯度 2013 冬季新品 引“领”英伦绅士派 Vasto 2013 Winter Collection Designed for the English Gentleman
华斯度最新推出 2013 冬季大衣系列,引 “领”着历久常新的英伦绅士派。大翻领 羊毛大衣,增大领子的比例设计,经过改 进的版型更加符合人体工程学;奢华黑貂 毛领大衣,配以 100% 高支纱羊绒,凸显 穿着者皇者般的气度;温暖毛绒领大衣, 质感柔滑的羊羔毛具备良好的保暖性能; 自由半立领大衣,多袋款的大衣,内胆选 用优质的紫色濑兔毛,年轻有活力。
飞利浦数码版空气炸锅新品上市 Philips Releases Digital Airfryer
飞 利 浦 数 码 版 空 气 炸 锅 Avance 系 列 HD9240/30 最新上市。此系列是欧洲整 机进口,烹饪容量增加 50%,烹饪速度 加快 30%,且采用了独特的专利高速空 气循环技术,用空气烹饪出外脆里嫩的 美味,烹饪时需油很少或根本无油,让 购买者用健康的方式放心享用鲜美的油 炸料理。HD9240/30 还可提供烧烤、炒制、 烘焙、烹 等多种烹饪方式。
“瑞士冰雪假期,就等你来!” 正式启动 “Winter Holiday in the Swiss Alps” Tourism Campaign Launched
11 月 7 日,瑞士国家旅游局在北京当代 万国城举行“瑞士冰雪假期,就等你来” 活动启动仪式,2013/14 年度瑞士在中国 市场冬季旅游推广活动正式拉开序幕。 瑞士驻华大使馆文化与新闻处主任裴雅 珍、瑞士国家旅游局中国区主任张自清、 瑞士雪上运动联合会主席里特·坎贝尔、 瑞士国际航空公司中国区总经理李渊、 有着丰富瑞士冬季体验的时尚女性领导 者、顶级滑雪教练以及近 70 名媒体记者、 众多滑雪爱好者和京城热心网友共同出 席了活动。本季 8 名中国滑雪教练将在 瑞士阿尔卑斯山恭候各大旅行社组织的 中国滑雪体验团,为大家提供专业亲切 的指导和帮助。
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海花园饭店:法式圣诞大餐 Okura Garden Hotel, Shanghai: French Christmas Dinner
Come to French Restaurant Continental Room at the Okura Garden Hotel for our French Christmas dinner. Elegant surroundings, flickering candles, beautiful music and fine cuisine guarantee a wonderful Christmas evening for you and loved ones! Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5203
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店艾露法国 餐厅:璀璨平安夜 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, Allure French Cuisine: 'Twas the Night Before Christmas 上海外滩悦榕庄:梦幻饕餮节日季 Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund: Get Festive for the Holiday Season
Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund, Shanghai’s premier luxury urban resort, celebrates this holiday season in true Banyan Tree Style. Enjoy the Christmas Eve Dinner at Oceans with delicious seafood, foie Gras and more, or the New Years Eve Dinner with a 7-course dinner featuring Black Truffle, Braised Wagyu Short Rib and other delights. Tel: +86 21 2509 1188 ext 7078
This is our most sumptuous banquet this year, a feast to reawaken those winter senses and celebrate the joys of the season. Join Chef Rembrandt Va n D e r L a a n a s h e c re a t e s h i s latest masterpiece, a delectable sixcourse menu prepared with the finest seasonal ingredients and festive flavors, paired with Moët champagne. And to top it all off, a lucky draw! Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext 7022
上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 缤纷圣诞,饕餮盛宴 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Christmas Themed Buffet Dinner
上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 倾情呈献圣诞“豪”礼 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Tuck Into a Christmas Feast
上海国丰酒店:获“2013 年度最 佳享食之所”称号;银锄轩中餐厅 厨师长莫世庆荣膺“2013 年度优 秀大厨”称号 Guoman Hotel Shanghai, Yin Chu Xuan Restaurant: Chefs & Restaurants Win Awards
上海海神诺富特大酒店: 平安夜自助盛宴 & 迎新自助晚宴 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Christmas Eve & New Years Eve Gala Buffet Dinners
上海希尔顿酒店: 量身定做圣诞和新年节日专案 Hilton Shanghai: Celebrate Christmas & New Years with Hilton Shanghai!
上海绿地万豪酒店: 点点烛光,温馨平安夜 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Christmas Eve Buffet Dinner
Merry Christmas! Our dedicated and professional chefs will prepare you an awesome buffet dinner, with a selection of festive themed food ranging from traditional European Turkey to various Christmas signature desserts, such as log cake, ginger bread and Christmas stolen. Furthermore, there will be traditional Christmas decorations and exciting lucky draw prizes. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300 ext 3708
Chef Mo, Yín Chú Xuān Chinese Restaurant head chef, was delighted to be chosen as one of the “2013 China’s 50 most Outstanding Chefs” of China’s main cities. Also, Guoman Hotel Shanghai was awarded as the winner of “The 2013 China’s 50 Excellent Dining Venues Award.” Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 2007
Enjoy the merriment of the Holiday Season and share in the golden chance of taking home exciting gifts at the Christmas Eve Ball (at Hilton Shanghai’s Grand Ballroom) and New Years Eve celebrations. Indulge in exquisite cuisine and fine champagne and first-class entertainment. Participate in the grand raffle draw which promises great prizes to the lucky winners… Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 1886
Make your wishes come true with scrumptious buffet or exquisite dinner on Christmas Eve. At Pudong City Bistro on 24th December, revel in the goodness of seafood, variety of international and local favorites, live cooking and carving stations showcasing the traditional turkey roast. For bubbly lovers, enjoy free flow sparkling wine at an additional RMB 100 net per person. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888
Celebrate Christmas in a night of tradition and style. Join us for a selection of gourmet fare that is both chic and time-honored. Champagne and wines accompanying sumptuous buffet dishes are prepared for this festive moment. Claim lucky draw prizes while enjoying live music and entertainment! Then, enjoy a cozy dinner before the exciting New Year’s Eve countdown. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1823
A spectacular buffet complete with selections of the finest seafood, tasty Western dishes and authentic Chinese, including delicate half lobster with cheese and butter (served individually) and free flow of sparkling wine. There will also be a lucky draw with over 50 prizes! Tel: +86 21 5318 8888 ext 6535
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海裕景大饭店: 饕餮美味与贴心服务的邂逅 The Eton Hotel Shanghai: Savor a world of Authentic Cuisine
Come and enjoy classic “European-Style service” – tableside cooking, where our Master Maitre will deftly perform acts of slicing, dicing, de-boning, saucing or flambéing to dazzle you. You will enjoy Steak Diane, Bananas Foster, Cherries Jubilee and much more. Tel: +86 21 3878 9888
北京金融街洲际酒店: 欢度圣诞节 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: View the World This Christmas 北京北辰洲际酒店: 2013 圣诞夜再现经典 -《了不起的盖茨比》 InterContinental Beijing Beichen: A Great Gatsby Christmas
This Christmas Eve, InterContinental Beijing Beichen brings back the grandest and most joyous scenes of Jazz Age by one of the greatest English novels in the 20th century, The Great Gatsby. Come to enjoy the classic work, extravagant international buffet, and even win a trip to Sydney, San Francisco or Paris for two,and more prizes. Tel: +86 10 8437 1188
InterContinental Beijing Financial Street invites you to celebrate a range of exciting events during the Holiday Season. Embark on an amazing Christmas journey with different kinds of seafood buffet, free flow of high quality imported Champagne, wine, beer and soft drinks. Besides a variety of entertainment from around a world, you have a chance to win a holiday in Rome! Tel: +86 10 5852 5729
上海威斯汀大饭店: 欢乐冬日环球美食之旅 Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Dining Around the World
深圳凯宾斯基酒店: 惬意 Tapas 时光 Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen: Tapas Time
上海龙之梦大酒店阿米奇意大利 餐厅:美味阿根廷 Longemont Shanghai, Amici Italian Restaurant: Argentine Flavors
哈尔滨万达嘉华酒店“和” 日本餐厅:鲜美传统料理 Wanda Realm Harbin: "HE" Japanese Restaurant
Our new steak set offers prime-choice imported Argentinean beef rib-eye steaks from Pampas Steppe served with black–peppercor n sauce or herb-garlic butter, roasted rosemary potatoes garnished with seasonal vegetables, soup or pasta of the day, homemade bread and coffee or tea with cookies to end on the sweetest note. Available for a limited time for lunch and dinner. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8230
“He,” a Japanese restaurant brand o w n e d a n d m a n a g e d b y Wa n d a Group, presents authentic Japanese c u i s i n e m a d e f ro m t h e f re s h e s t ingredients in a refined setting. From fresh sashimi, a dazzling variety of creative sushi, traditional Japanese ramen, delicious tempura to mouthwatering teppanyaki, you can savour a world of Japanese delicacies here and enjoy an exceptional dining experience. Tel: +86 451 8787 8888
北京丽晶酒店迪卡博意式餐厅: 全新零点菜单和商务午餐 Regent Beijing, Daccapo Italian Restaurant: New ‘ A la carte’ Menu and Business Lunch
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店: 平安夜奢华盛宴 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: Christmas Glamour
With the coming of winter, a joyful, festival atmosphere is gradually filling the air in Shanghai. This year, celebrate your festivals at The Westin Bund Center Shanghai as we kick off the festival season with a series of grand Christmas and New Year’s events, including Brunches and exciting performances! Tel: +86 21 6335 1888
Recently appointed ‘Chef de Cuisine’ at Daccapo Italian restaurant, Samuel Zucca recently revealed a set of revamped menus. A fresh ‘a la carte’ menu featuring signatures like the “Seared scallops, lard, carrot purée and quail eggs” and the business set lunch menu, providing diners with 2 or 3 course options to taste authentic Italian flavours. Tel: +86 10 8522 1888 ext 3826
Recently, Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen’s Lounge bar launched a brand-new tapas menu featuring the unique and popular appetizers from Spain. Tapas are an ideal cuisine for those on a diet or for business people who appreciate a healthy quick meal. Ask for the Chef’s special recommendations! Tel: +86 755 8888 8888
The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street’s four sophisticated dining and entertainment destinations continue to take Beijing dining and social scene to new heights. From “Jingle Bell Ball” at the Grand Ballroom, romantic dining for two at Cépe, to intimate gatherings with family at Qi or Greenfish, the hotel is prepared to make every moment memorable. Tel: +86 10 6629 6641
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE广州圣丰索菲特大酒店: 2013 国际星厨艺术秀 Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich: Star Chefs and Art, China 2013
The international culinary charity event “Star Chefs & Art China 2013” will be organized by Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich in December 2013. It will be the first time for this famous event to be organized in China. This “magnifique” celebration of culinary art will showcase 18 internationally renowned Chefs during a 4-day event from December 4th until 7th, 2013. Tel: +86 20 3819 0814
北京饭店莱佛士:童“画”圣诞 Raffles Beijing Hotel: A Christmas Fairy Tale
In the season of love and sharing, Raffles Beijing Hotel brings an array of Christmas activities, including its much beloved caroling tradition with the angel children’s choir, and A “Christmas Fairy Tale” party at East 33, featuring an opulent buffet with turkey carving station, Poached Boston lobster, roasted gammon ham with glazed pineapple, Yule Log and many more seasonal delicacies. Tel: +86 10 6526 3388
北京瑞吉酒店: 永恒的传统—瑞吉新年前夜派对 St. Regis Beijing: Timeless Tradition – New Year’s Eve Midnight Supper
Caroline Astor, mother of the St. Regis founder and doyenne of Gilded Age high society, established the original after-par ty with these legendar y events. Traditionally commencing at midnight, they now conclude at this hour. Ring in the New Year with friends and family at a midnight supper celebration: festive bespoke menus with Veuve Clicquot champagne, cocktails and chocolate fondues. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688
泉州万达文华酒店: 流光溢彩圣诞平安夜 Wanda Vista Quanzhou: A Colorful Christmas Eve
Enjoy a Christmas dinner buffet with free flow of beer, juice and soft drinks. Enjoy gifts from Santa Claus, and surprise yourself with a great lucky draw. This combination of food and happiness will provide the perfect Christmas celebration. The hotel will also provide wonder ful per for mances for your entertainment in the Function Room. Tel: +86 595 6829 8888
上海王宝和大酒店: 王宝和蟹宴荣获“国际餐饮服务质 量金奖”、“中国十大名宴”称号 “Wang Bao He Crab Banquet” wins “International Catering Service Quality Gold Award” and “China’s Top 10 Famous Banquets” During October, the Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd. Participated in the 14th Chinese Food Festival held in Nanjing. In the end, Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd., by vir tue of its impressive achievements, won the “International Catering Service Quality Gold” Award, and also brought home the impressive title of “China’s Top 10 Famous Banquets.” Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 80841
北京万豪酒店: 缤纷圣诞美食飨宴 Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall: Christmas Celebration
Celebrate Christmas at the grand Beijing Marriott Hotel City Wall! Revel in the City Wall Bistro deluxe seafood b u ff e t o r e x p e r ie n c e P ro v i nc i a ’s Christmas Menu, all while enjoying live performances and additional surprises by various lucky draw prizes. Tel: +86 10 5811 8695
北京丽亭华苑酒店: 欢乐圣诞大餐 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park, Café 25: Christmas Eve Dinner Buffet
On Tuesday 24th December, enjoy our beautifully presented dinner buffet with traditional Christmas fare, featuring roasted turkey with chestnut stuffing, sushi, prawns, smoked salmon, brandied English plum pudding and mince pies. Traditional Christmas dishes form part of a buffet selection with the best of Western and Asian cuisines. Dinner includes unlimited sparkling wine, red and white wine, local beer and soft drinks. Tel: +86 10 8235 6699 ext 652
上海金茂君悦大酒店 : 带您踏上圣诞美食之旅 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Embark on a Christmas Journey
Four restaurants at the Grand Hyatt Shanghai – the Grand Café, Cucina, G r i l l a n d K o b a c h i – w i l l o ff e r a n abundance of signature Christmas delicacies, such as Christmas turkey and pineapple ham, Chinese suckling pig and goose, French oysters, lobster, and desserts from all over the world, like Yule log, mince pies, Christmas pudding, and gingerbread houses for children. Tel: +86 21 5047 1234 ext 8778/8779
呼和浩特香格里拉大酒店: 香格里拉过桥菜,暖暖鲜滋味 Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot: A Taste of Warmth and Flavor
Freshly selected ingredients blanched into boiling nutritional broth... Inspired by the style of cuisine originating from Yunnan, Shang PalaceRestaurant at Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot brings to guests live cooking at the table this winter, keeping the body warm and healthy with a selection of broths and choice of ingredients to suit every different taste. Tel: +86 471 336 6888 ext 6311
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 北京海润艾丽华酒店及服务公寓: 特邀爱百福盲童学校儿童欢度万 圣节 Ariva Beijing West Hotel & Serviced Apartment: Halloween Event for Children with Visual Impairment
Joining hands with Bethel China and our long-stay Hotel guests, we spent Halloween with the children, on the special night of 31st October 2013, 6pm to 9pm, with scrumptious food, fun music, face painting, and Trickor-Treat. We were proud to spend an unforgettable evening with the children at Bethel. Tel: +86 10 8266 9999
上海希尔顿酒店:李奥纳多餐厅副 厨师长 Lily 获首届优秀大厨烹饪比 赛一等奖 Hilton Shanghai: Leonardo’s Sous Chef Lily Wins 1st Place in Culinary Competition
After the three-hour championship ro u n d t o v i e f o r t h e 5 “ C h e f p a r Excellence” Awards this October, Sous Chef Lily Liu from Hilton Shanghai Leonardo’s Italian Restaurant finally won the 1st Place among the hundreds of candidates judged by the eminent international panel for the high-profile cross-China 2013 “Chef par Excellence” Culinary Competition! Tel: +86 21 6248 0000
万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司: 再次亮相中国国际旅游交易会 Wanda Hotels & Resorts: Makes Second Appearance at China International Travel Mart
Recently, Wanda Hotels and Resorts Co., Ltd. made an appearance at the China International Travel Mart held at the Kunming International Convention & E x h i b i t i o n C e n t e r i n Yu n n a n Province. The grand event planning of Wanda Hotels & Resorts’ attracted the attention of all participants and thousands of visitors, helping the company successfully achieve over 300 buyer’s meetings. www.wandahotels.com
上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店: “粉红瑜伽”公益活动 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: “PINK YOGA” Charity Event Hosted
In support of International Breast Cancer Awareness month, Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai’s first “PINK YOGA” charity event was held in the hotel’s Grand Ballroom on Oct. 26th, 2013. The event attracted over 140 participants who all joined a one-hour yoga session led by coach Andrea Cristancho, then enjoyed a healthy buffet lunch. All revenues generated went to charity for Breast Cancer research. Tel: +86 21 3858 0888
重庆洲际酒店: 7 周年高尔夫邀请赛圆满落幕 The InterContinental Chongqing: 7th Anniversary Golf Tournament To celebrate the 7th year anniversary of InterContinental Chongqing, the 2013 InterContinental & Sinoocean G o l f To u r n a m e n t c o n c l u d e d o n October 19th, 2013, at Chongqing Sinoocean International Golf Club. In this tournament, over 70 amateur golfers from Chongqing and Sichuan came together to compete. The celebrations continued into the night with a sumptuous buffet and barbecue dinner. Tel: +86 23 8906 6888
厦门艾美酒店: 别墅完美假期优惠包价 Le Meridien Xiamen Hotel: Villa Retreat Package
Come to Le Meridien Xiamen Hotel for the perfect holiday getaway! With a private patio and sundeck offering a v i e w o f t h e s e re n e h i l l s l o p e s surrounding the hotel, our villa suite will promise you a wonderful holiday escape. From RMB1688 + 15% with round trip airport transfers and more privileges. Tel: +86 592 770 9999
上海日航饭店: “欢乐周末”计划 Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Happy Weekend Package
From now until Jan 5th 2014, come and enjoy your Happy Weekend at Hotel Nikko Shanghai! A weekend stay in a Premier Room valued at RMB950/ night net, now add just RMB178/ person for buffet breakfast! Including super wide mattresses by American brand Restonic and bedding and towels from Italian brand Frette to make your stay extra comfortable! Tel: +86 21 3211 9999 ext 6888
上海世茂佘山艾美酒店:与喜达屋 会员共同分享“SPG Moments” Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai: “SPG Moments”
SPG Moment Bidding Winner Mr. Fang Hao who won the participation to play with one of the world top golf players in the WGC-HSBC Champions 2013 Pro-Am Tournament was warmly welcomed by Mr. Daniel Yuan, Director of Sales & Marketing and Mr. Tony Gu, Director of Rooms when he arrived at Le Meridien Sheshan Shanghai. Tel: +86 21 5779 9999
上海万豪虹桥大酒店: 2013 客户及媒体答谢晚宴 -“万豪偶像”之夜 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao: Thank You Party, “Marriott Idol” Night
The 2013 Marriott Hongqiao Thank You Party was held on the evening of October 25th and considered a great success by all. More than 200 corporate clients and 20 media friends were invited to attend and the evening was filled with fabulous songs and performances from our "Marriott Idols", plus hot dancing, superb cuisine and luxurious lucky draw prizes. Tel: +86 21 6237 6000 ext 6206
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE上海宏安瑞士大酒店: 四夺世界旅游大奖“中国最佳商务 酒店”称号 Swissotel Grand Shanghai: Fourth Consecutive Win at World Travel Awards
Swissôtel Grand Shanghai received applause for being voted “China’s Leading Business Hotel” at the “World Travel Awards 2013” held recently in Dubai. The Hotel was honoured for its genuine Swiss hospitality and unsurpassed service excellence in the Chinese Market. Mr. Kent Cooper, Director of Sales & Marketing, Fairmont Dubai, received the award on behalf of Swissôtel Grand Shanghai. Tel: +86 21 5355 9898
成都首座万丽酒店: 签约仪式成功举办 Renaissance Chengdu Hotel: Signing Ceremony
The Sichuan Master Investment Group recently signed a management contract with Marriott International. The representatives from both sides attended the ceremony, where Regal Master Hotel officially changed its name to “Renaissance Chengdu Hotel”. Since beginning to cooperate with Marriott Group, it is believed that this hotel will become much more competitive. www.marriott.com
上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店:纵情 粉色圣诞之夜 Sofitel Shanhai Sheshan Oriental: Pamper Yourself with a Pink Bubble Christmas
The dazzling decorations and glittering Christmas lights will take you on an amazing Christmas journey at Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental. Located in Sheshan's National Tourism Resort, surrounded by lush gardens and blue lagoons, the hotel is only 35 minutes from the city centre. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1911
上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 圣诞及新年庆典 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Christmas & New Year Celebrations
Christmas is for joy, for giving and sharing, for laughter, for coming together with family and friends, for tinsel and brightly decorated packages... Come celebrate this special day with us at Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4007
上海帝盛酒店: 世纪公园之畔 年会风潮来袭 Dorsett Shanghai: Annual Convention by Century Park
The time of year is here again for company parties! Tired of the usual? Why not try a creative convention with nature? Hold a cocktail party, or a traditional roundtable dinner...Escape from the city and enjoy the peace of nature. Close to Century Park, with splendid views, enjoy your annual convention at Dorsett Shanghai! Tel: +86 21 3852 2281
北京五洲皇冠国际酒店: 举办更名揭牌仪式及新闻发布会 V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel: Launching Ceremony
Previously known as Crowne Plaza Beijing Park View Wuzhou, the new hotel’s 10-year management contract with owning company “Beijing North Star Company Limited” and InterContinental Hotels Group expired on October 20, 2013. Effective October 21, 2013, Beijing North Star V-Continent Hotel Management Co. Limited assumed management of the hotel and changed the property’s name. Tel: +86 10 8498 2288
北京希尔顿逸林酒店:庆祝第二届 希尔顿全球年度全球服务周 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Celebrate Week of Service by Volunteering for Charity
In celebration of Hilton Worldwide’s second annual Global Week of Service, more than 30 volunteers from DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing participated in the charity event “Love in Bethel” and caring for Seniors. DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing’s efforts a re a p a r t o f H i l t o n Wo r l d w i d e ’s week-long celebration of the company’s commitment to serving the communities where we live, work and travel. Tel: +86 10 6338 1888
成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店: 首场梦幻唯美婚礼秀“爱在丽思· 云端之恋” The Ritz-Carlton Chengdu: Love in the Clouds Wedding Fair
Over 200 couples attended the first wedding fair at The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu with each couple hoping to be amongst the first to be married in the city’s newest luxury landmark. With a fashion show by the awardwinning wedding-dress brand, La Sposa Wedding Dresses and Cocktail D re s s e s , t h e l a v i s h a ff a i r i n t h e Diamond Ballroom showed romance was truly alive and well. Tel: +86 28 8358 8888
香格里拉酒店集团: 11 家香格里拉酒店爱心接力 华南至华东 2000 公里“骑向未来” Shangri-La Hotels: Eleven Shangri-La Hotels Ride for Hope From South to Southeast China W i t h t h e e ff o r t o f 1 1 S h a n g r i - L a properties in south and east China, the Ride for Hope charity activity pedalled off on 16 November at Futian Shangri-La, Shenzhen, and will reach its final destination in Shanghai on 7 December. All revenue and donations collected will fund three beneficiaries - villagers in Guangxi Autonomous Region, Shenzhen Blue Ocean Conservation Association and the Will Foundation. www.shangri-la.com
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店: 蝉联“国际六星钻石奖” Tangla Hotel Tianjin: Wins “International Six Star Diamond Award” For the Second Time
Recently Tangla Hotel Tianjin was bestowed the "2013 International Six Star Diamond Award" by the American Academy of Hospitality Sciences (AAHS) for a second time, and honored to be the sixth hotel in the world and the first Hotel in mainland China to receive this award. Tel: +86 22 2321 5888
常州万泽玛丽蒂姆酒店:盛大开业 Maritim Hotel Changzhou: Grand Opening
On November 8th, 2013, the Maritim Hotel Changzhou formally settled d o w n i n Wu j i n , C h a n g z h o u , t h e “International Garden City”. The new Maritim Hotel Changzhou is owned by Wedge Group Co., Ltd. It is also the first German internationally branded hotel of star quality to open in Changzhou. Tel: +86 519 8899 3888
北京金融街洲际酒店: 相约 2013 北京国际马球公开赛 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Beijing Int’l Open and British Polo Day China 2013
British Polo Day is a celebration of British luxury and heritage in a polo events network that spans the world. It is considered as a symbol of the royal identify from the ancient times. In England, to judge whether a person is a gentleman, besides his innate noble origin, the knowledge and experience of polo game is equally important. Tel: +86 10 5852 5888
宜兴万达艾美酒店: 徐悲鸿夫人廖静文下榻 Le Meridien Yixing: Welcomes Ms. Liao Jingwen, wife of Painter Mr. Xu Beihong
Recently, the well-known painter Mr. Xu Beihong’s wife, Ms Liao Jingwen stayed at Le Meridien Yixing and was greeted upon her arrival by the Hotel Manager of the hotel, Ms.Sabrina Xue. Tel: +86 510 8719 8888
重庆江北希尔顿逸林酒店: 积极参与“全球服务周” DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North: 2nd Annual Hilton Worldwide Week of Service
In celebration of Hilton Worldwide’s a n n u a l G l o b a l We e k o f S e r v i c e , volunteers from DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North participated in a series of community services including clothes donation, street cleaning, visiting a home for autistic children and bringing an environmental protection class to Chongqing Miaoershi Primary School and more. Tel:+86 23 6776 8317
三亚海棠湾民生威斯汀度假酒店: “活力假期”客房包价 The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: Renew Yourself this Winter
The Westin Sanya Haitang Bay Resort invites you to enjoy rest and relaxation in Hainan with a refreshing vacation to escape the winter blues. Privileges include a RMB1,000 credit for f&b consumption in the resort, daily breakfast for two, and double points for SPG members, valid until March 31, 2014. Tel: +86 898 8865 9999
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓: 《时尚先生》80 周年盛典举办 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: Esquire’s 80th Anniversary Event
E s q u i re re c e n t l y h e l d t h e i r 8 0 t h Anniversar y event,“Trendsetting Pioneer Tribute to the Classic.” Many stars such as Rosamund Kwan, Jacky Wu, Kenji Wu, Peter Ho, Fann Wong, Hiroyuki Ikeuchi, and so on attended this party and stayed in Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999
上海半岛酒店 : JET SET 新年晚会 - 请带好护照,准备登机 The Peninsula Shanghai: Jet Set New Year’s Eve Party – Don’t Forget Your Passport!
On New Year’s Eve, guests will be transported back to the golden age of the early 20th century for the most prestigious NYE party in town. Guests, encouraged to come in vintage 20s costume, will arrive at a backdrop of the Orient Express for great luxury travel themed photos, and welcomed by Great Gatsby themed decorations. When the clock strikes midnight, Riviera Events has organized the countdown including animations, confetti and of course one of the best views of Shanghai’s famous fireworks. Tel: +86 21 2327 6588
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Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒
Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟
Lof: 283 Jianguo Xi Lu. Rm 1104-1105 (Near Jiashan Lu) 尚街店:建国西路 283 号 1104-1105 室 ( 靠近嘉善路 ) Tel: 021-5466 8312 Fax: 021-5466 8313 Contact person: Nina Zhuo 卓海芳
Pudong Xinmei: 999 Pudong Nan Lu.G104 (Near Babai Ban) 浦东新梅双塔大厦店:浦东南路 999 号一层 104 室 ( 靠近八佰伴 ) Tel: 021-5134 1075 Fax: 021-5134 1076 Contact person: Leon Xu 徐振童
Jiaozhou Lu No. 265 Jiaozhou Lu. Near Xinzha Lu 胶州路店:胶州路 265 号 ( 靠近新闸路 ) Tel: 021-6272 0353 Fax: 021-6272 0393 Contact person: Jammie Tee 佘真媚
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Focus on Gold 徕卡这款名为 Luxus II 的稀世镀金相机 一共只生产 4 台,英国老牌拍卖行邦瀚斯 拍卖的这台(配备一个鳄鱼皮相机套)是唯 一的幸存者,估价为 50 万至 80 万英镑(约 合人民币 487 万至 780 万元),其余 3 台 下落不明。这台相机于二战结束后落入其 已故主人——一位敏锐的业余摄影师之手, 上世纪 40 至 50 年代他曾使用过该相机, 未曾料到它会成为价值连城的宝物。 This gold plated Leica Luxus II camera is the only surviving model known and is the first time the camera and its distinctive crocodile skin case has ever been seen. It is valued at between £500,000 and £800,000 by Bonhams auction house. The camera was given to its late owner, a keen amateur photographer, after the end of World War Two. He used it throughout the 1940s and 1950s and is unlikely to have been aware of how valuable it was to become.
128 LifeStyle
南腔北调· LifeStyle
2013 年十二月号 总第 346 期
胡里奥·伊格莱西亚斯 拉丁天王的中国情缘 Julio Iglesias The Singing Sinophile
Americana for Christmas l Monastic Majesty l Hats off to Hatters l An Elegant Finishing Touch l Sushi with Style
复活的古堡 Castle from the Ashes
家亚洲顶级滑雪场 之速度与激情
of Asia's Top Ski Resorts
亚洲都会酒店之旅 City Hopping in Asia
人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
品味之选 Americana for Christmas