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南腔北调· LifeStyle


Highlights of the Year of the Ram l Flying Museum/Future Hotels l Best Meal of the Year l Xi’an with Style

宁奇峰: 知酒店·微旅行

Jeff Ning, Xi’an With Style


Year Of The Ram


2015 年二月号 总第 374 期

Vincent Billiard: A Rising Star in Tianjin

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元


Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The February cover is a shot of Vincent Billiard, the GM of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin.

Stop Being Uncool

People should start being cool in the Year of the Ram. The ram, lamb, goat

tends to represent a certain sense of calm. Perhaps it’s a cool animal. It might seem too naïve or earnest to make a request like this. And asking people to be

cool seems decidely uncool when the whole premise of cool is not caring. But let’s try subverting this diktat.

Imagine if governments and businesses were run by cool people. Or if their

羊年新气象 羊年来了,大家开始理智地生活吧!无论是公羊、羔羊 还是山羊,往往呈现给众人一种沉着冷静的姿态。或许是因 为羊本身就是这样的动物。理智意味着不在意,因此提倡理 智生活,似乎有些不近人情,也未免太过天真而略显不靠谱。 但是,让我们试着推翻这一结论。 想象一下,若各国政府和企业都是由品性冷静的人主导, 又或者,如果他们的民众都属于冷静的人,那将会带来翻天 覆地的变化!启动你的冷静生活模式吧!或许你从来不是理 性之人,但从现在开始控制你的冲动,并把此作为羊年的心愿。 明智的人择区而居,择业而事。他们不会住在偏远落后 的郊区,出了家门无处可去,每天花费两个小时的通勤时间。 别再去郊区购买大房子,因为政府将开始有效地规划城市。 没有人仍然认可住豪宅、开豪车是很值得傲娇的生活。相反, 大家选择骑车、步行或乘坐公共交通工具去上班,购买二手 车或本地制造的产品。 停止再从连锁店做无聊的采购。和同事共进午餐时,不 要道听途说或聊些显而易见的话题像午饭吃些什么,或你依 旧单身的原因和父母对此的担心。不要去夜店和商场,不要 购买最新流行的服装。自己调制咖啡和鸡尾酒。不要再发自 拍及食物的照片,不要炫耀那些异域风情的旅游随拍。不要 吃太多肉 ( 也别谈肉价 )。不要使用塑料购物袋。不要再买那 些无用的垃圾食品,尤其是给孩子。甚至不要和那些作假的 人交往,例如忽闪忽闪的假眼睫毛,彩色的指甲以及粉块堆 积的妆容。那些带有抢眼的品牌标志的服饰已经早就过时了。 和到处显而易见的商标说再见吧。此外,洛可可风格已经一 去不复返,而正版永远无法再现。让我们对其他风格的山寨 产品也挥手道别。 让我们的生活更具有美感吧,这样或许可以在更重要的 领域带来意义深刻的变革。如果你的工作单调乏味,那就找 一个创意顾问。



citizenry were cool, imagine the influence that would have. Start now. You may

never be cool, but stopping being uncool should be your resolution for the Year of the Ram.

Cool people live in cool places and do cool things. It’s not cool to spend two

hours on your commute and live in some lame place where it’s impossible to walk anywhere. Stop buying big places in the suburbs and urban governments

might start planning cities more effectively. It’s not cool to yell, spit, etc. Nobody still thinks living in a mansion and driving a Ferrari or SUV is cool. Bicycle, walk to work, or use mass transit. Buy secondhand or locally-made products.

Stop buying things from boring chains. When at lunch with colleagues, don’t

gossip or talk about obvious things like what you’re eating for lunch, prices of

things, or how you’re not married yet and your parents are worried. Don’t go

to nightclubs and shopping malls, and never buy fast fashion. Make coffee and cocktails by yourself. Stop posting selfies and food pics, and those boasts about exotic travel destinations. Don’t eat so much meat (and never talk about the price

of meat) and don’t take plastic shopping bags. Just stop getting all that useless junk, especially for your kids. And don’t even associate with people who have

fake everything like eyelashes that mysteriously flutter constantly, colorful manicures, and caked on make-up. The thing about wearing big logos ironically is

over. Let’s just say goodbye to visible logos everywhere. Also, rococo will never

be in again and you can’t afford the real version. The same goes for other types of fake renovation styles. Bye.

Let aesthetics play a bigger role moving forward. Just doing that might allow

for meaningful change in more important areas. And if you’re an uncool business, get a creativity consultant.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5






014 APEC“元首夫人披肩”

052 酒店是一门优雅的艺术

元首夫人们的紫色披肩令时尚界人士眼前 一亮

丽思卡尔顿亚太地区最年轻的酒店总经理 Vincent Billiard 认为,优雅的氛围对酒店至 关重要

021 纸质鸡尾酒吧

060 重振中国赛马之道

英国顶级专业衬衫品牌 Thomas Pink 与著名 造纸商 James Cropper 用白色马尼拉纸打造 了一个快闪鸡尾酒吧

CHC 杰士马主俱乐部的创建人张祖德致力 于复兴中国的纯血马竞赛



024 汇流博物馆

066 宁奇峰:以非凡挑战极致


源于专业高度的,带领万达酒店建设与设 计团队不断缔造业界神话,宁奇峰的热情 与专注,始终与“酒店”二字捆绑在一起, 密不可分

028 丛林之家 一幢隐匿于智利丛林间的私宅

086 未来酒店


LifeStyle 与享誉全球的酒店设计大咖畅聊 酒店业形势,并且精选了一众 2015 年即将 开业的新酒店,以贺新春

034 羊年,熠熠生辉 人们期盼羊年能带来一方平静,正如“羊” 的温顺闲静,让我们慢慢享受生活

100 年夜饭“总动员” 038



今年带上家人去体验一个不一样的除夕之 夜

LifeStyle 7





014 APEC “First Lady Shawl”


034 Highlights of the Year of the Ram

This year’s APEC meeting saw China’s First Lady, Peng Liyuan, turning heads once again with her chic attire

LifeStyle takes you through the most anticipated developments of 2015

021 Paper Cocktails


British shirtmaker Thomas Pink and paper mill James Cropper presented a popup bar made entirely from paper

052 A Rising Star in Tianjin

Vincent Billiard, the youngest GM for The RitzCarlton Hotel in the Asia Pacific area, is a hotelier to watch


060 Equestrian Excellence

024 Flying Museum

Teo Ah Khing’s China Horse Club is singlehandedly reviving passion for thoroughbred horse racing in China

A “medium for the transfer of knowledge” in France

028 Jungle House

A concrete house in the Chilean jungles


066 Jeff Ning: Daring to Dream

Columns 086 WineClub 122 LifeStyle Focus 045 8


128 Fabulous

An enthusiast of design from the start, Jeff Ning now leads the Wanda Hotel Design Institute with enthusiasm and dedication

086 Future Hotels

LifeStyle spoke with some of the most exciting hotel designers worldwide and tracked down the hotels we are most excited to see opening in 2015

100 Best Meal of the Year

Chinese New Year feasts in five-star hotels

LifeStyle 9

February 2015

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

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10 LifeStyle

高盛律师 手机:139 1017 3268

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Matjaž Tančič


摄影师 Photographer

作者 writer







Mladina 摄影记 者,后在伦敦发展事业,并



顾问有限公司 CEO 及品牌创始人。2013 年,

三维空间 (3D) 摄影 师之一。擅长 3D 摄影、


水下摄影和动画 GIF,其作品以时尚、人物


肖像、新闻及旅行摄影 见长。

Independent curator, art critic, end entrepreneur,

He is a Slovenian photographer of the younger

Yihai is engaged in the study of contemporary

Beijing and Ljubljana. He began his path as a

as being the executive director for the Museum

made his way abroad – Matjaž is a graduate of the

working with MOYA Art Consultants Ltd. Beijing,

generation, who lives and creates between

art. Having worked as a curator in Beijing as well

photojournalist for Mladina magazine, but quickly

of Contemporary Art Tianjin TEDA, as well as

London College of Fashion.

he was awarded the “international curators” art medal by the Italian Ministry of Culture in 2013.

LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.19

APEC“元首夫人披肩” APEC “First Lady Shawl”

LifeStyle 13



APEC 会议期间,国家主席夫人彭丽媛


APEC “First Lady Shawl”

邀请来华出席 APEC 领导人非正式会议的部 分经济体领导人的夫人参观颐和园。元首夫 人们的紫色披肩,在初冬皇家园林的映衬之 下,一时间令时尚界人士眼前一亮。 百创文化 Onart 品牌的灵魂人物徐红女 士为设计团队定出的口号是“无艺术不生活”, 正是这个统一的价值观目标,让他们的披肩 从众多设计品中脱颖而出。这款高贵紫和沉 稳古铜搭配的披肩,灵感来自于康熙年间著 名宫廷画家蒋廷锡的《活色生香册页》。图 案选用以象征高洁典雅的兰花和出尘离染的 荷花为图案。披肩在设计中既保留了中国传 统的盘扣、衣襟等工艺,又充分体现现代人 的着衣追求。同时还将考究的用料同缜密的 针脚、超高的剪裁功力相融合,并导入时下 流行色彩。这种设计,巧妙地体现了传统文 化和现代的结合。 This year’s APEC meeting saw China’s First

Lady, Peng Liyuan, turning heads once again with her chic attire. Her purple shawl helped her warm

up in regal fashion in the Royal Garden in the winter

chill, while also subtly promoting Chinese designers, as is her trademark.

The shawl was apparently inspired by the famous

court painter Jiang Tingxi, who worked during the reign of the Kangxi Emperor. The pattern was chosen to symbolize purity and elegance, with the orchids that have long signified nobility; the traditional Chinese plate buttons and design techniques coexist

with modern comfort without a hitch. Sophisticated

materials, careful stitching, a vibrant color; Mrs. Peng couldn’t have picked a more appropriate garment.

14 LifeStyle


Air Quality Monitor and More

Dita 是一台微空气监测器,采用全新 Attkon tech 空 气质量分析技术,运用进口传感器和运算芯片,将空气中 的甲醛,PM2.5 颗粒物的浓度值转换为直观数据,让人一 眼辨识,无需思考。当空气质量过差时,Dita 会立刻进行 声光提醒。Dita 还内置 WIFI 模块,可以将空气污染数据 同步到云端,通过智能手机实现异地查看。Dita 也是一件 家居装饰物,其机身采用北美阿巴拉契亚山脉的黑胡桃原 木,长时间的把玩会在外层形成包浆,温润如玉。配备的 磁吸皮带 Magbelt 可以将 Dita 作为室内装饰物件,悬挂置 放在室内任何位置。 The grandly launched Dita is a mini air quality monitor,

employing new cutting-edge Attkon technology to measure PM

2.5 and formaldehyde. Data is easily read both on the device and

available in your smart phone with WiFi. Sound and light alarms

can be triggered if the air pollution becomes too extreme. Not only of practical value, Dita is also a remarkable piece of art whose

body is made of Appalachian black peach wood; with time, it

becomes smooth and glossy. Magbelt, a matching magnetic belt, make it possible to hang Dita anywhere you please.

LifeStyle 15




Fish out of Water 如今,时尚圈越来越多的设计师喜欢将食物元素融进作品中,“仿食物包”顺势成为了潮人们的宠儿。这款鱼子酱罐造型的绣面手 拿包出自著名设计师 Olympia Le Tan 之手,她之前推出的书型手包就收到了 T 台和红毯的热烈追捧。 Created for the whimsical lady about town, this caviar tin shaped clutch bag is created by Olympia Le Tan.

Featuring an embroidered front and based on classic vintage caviar tins, the bag should be a useful accessory for any champagne filled night out.

16 LifeStyle

麦卡伦推出马里奥·特斯蒂诺 摄影大师酒款

Scotch Master

苏格兰威士忌品牌麦卡伦携手著名时尚摄影师马里奥·特斯蒂诺,推 出“摄影大师”系列的第五批酒款。 马里奥·特斯蒂诺摄影师酒款限量 1000 套,完美诠释了麦卡伦的品牌 真谛。套装内含六种不同风味的原酒液,还有一瓶 750 毫升的单一麦芽 威士忌以及摄影师的北京作品集。 Whisky maker Macallan has tapped fashion photographer Mario Testino to

collaborate on a limited edition single malt whisky collector’s set.

Testino is the fifth photographer in Macallan’s ‘Master of Photography’

series, which has tapped some of the biggest names in photography, this time

to help interpret the concept of ‘Six Pillars,’ a set of characteristics that define

the brand. The limited edition set — only 1,000 have been created — comes with a 750ml bottle of single malt scotch whisky, a Testino print and a book of 20 photos from Beijing.

LifeStyle 17




Pricey Punch 路易威登在向经典字母组合图案致敬的项 目中请来了“时装界的凯撒大帝”卡尔·拉格斐, 推出价值 17.5 万美元的拳击用品箱。 这个巨大的行李箱内不仅有签名版沙袋、 拳击器材架、还有独立的装有拳击手套和训练 垫的手提箱、以及不同规格的手袋。宽敞的箱内 空间和可拆卸的收纳架使得这只大硬箱还能轻 松变身别致旅行衣柜, 让奢享运动与时尚同在。 Karl Lagerfeld has collaborated with Louis

Vuitton for a $175,000 boxing set. Encased in a large

LV monogrammed trunk, the set comes with all the requisite items for a thrilling workout.

The collection includes a set of gloves, a gym bag

and the cream of the crop, a custom-made leather

trunk with a punch bag tucked inside. With the bag

removed and attached to its stand, the trunk can be used as a travel closet. As well as the case and the

bag, the set also includes a monogrammed mat and a pair of boxing gloves.

18 LifeStyle


Golden Ride 这款金灿灿带钻石的限量版自行车由英 国著名奢侈品设计公司 Goldgenie 出品。原本 它只是辆竞赛用男款自行车,但在车把、辐 条、变速器、链条、钢圈、牙盘等金属部分 都披上一层 24K 纯金后,瞬间升级为一辆土 豪金坐骑;再加上黑色 San Marco 羊皮车座 和 SR4 竞赛车轮的点缀,这辆自行车的身价 已飙升至 25 万英镑 ( 约 39.1 万美元 )。 Available from London-based Goldgenie this

men’s racing bicycle is covered in 24-carat gold plating. Adorned with diamonds, the bike is coated

in a layer of 24 carat gold, from the tip of the drop

handlebars to the wheel stays and every other part in

between, including every ridge of the gear chain. The gold is offset by a limited edition black San Marco suede saddle and SR4 racing tires. The “24k Men’s

Racing Bike” is available from goldgenie.com. Prices start at £250,000 (about $391,000).

LifeStyle 19




Taking Care of Business 据悉,已故摇滚巨星猫王(埃尔维斯·普雷斯利)20 世 纪 70 年代购买的两架豪华私人飞机——以女儿名字命名的 “丽萨·玛丽”号与“猎狗 II”号将于拍卖行进行竞拍。 1975 年 4 月 17 日,猫王从美国三角洲航空公司(又 常被译为“达美航空”)以 25 万美元的价格购买了“丽 萨·玛丽”号。之后,他为这架飞机的装修花费了 30 万美 元,里面除了豪华卧室,会议室和装备了镀金洗手盆的浴 室外,飞机还装备了无线电视系统。这架飞机被重新油 漆成红白蓝三色,并写上了猫王的座右铭“Taking Care of Business”。 在“丽萨·玛丽”号翻新期间,90 万美金购得的“猎狗 II”是猫王的代步工具。 The Lisa Marie and the Hound Dog II, two private jets purchased

and customized by Elvis Presley in the 1970s are up for grabs to the

highest bidder.

The first jet, named for the King’s daughter, was purchased from

Delta Airlines on April 17, 1975 for $250,000. The rock ‘n’ roll icon spent a further $300,000 redecorating the aircraft and outfitting it

with a luxurious bedroom, a conference room and a bathroom with a golden wash basin.

For the exterior, Elvis chose the red, white and blue color scheme

and had his motto TCB (Taking Care of Business) painted at the back.

The late singer paid $900,000 for the second plane, the Hound

Dog II, which he used while the Lisa Marie was being refurbished.

20 LifeStyle




Paper Cocktails 为了刚刚结束不久的伦敦时尚周,英国顶级专业 衬衫品牌 Thomas Pink 与英国著名造纸商 James Cropper 合作打造了一个快闪鸡尾酒吧,所用材料仅为白色的马 尼拉纸,让人不禁联想到 Thomas Pink 清爽洁净的白衬 衫。凭借手工技艺和电脑辅助设计,这个 8.5 米的酒吧 由 Flow Creation 设计工作室的 Sam Robins 设计和建造, 配备了纸杯、纸灯和其他所需,足以媲美任何一家真正 的雕木酒吧。 For the recent London Fashion Week, British shirtmaker

Thomas Pink presented a popup bar that was made out of all things, paper.

Cooperating with the storied paper mill James Cropper,

the 8.5m bar was designed and built by Sam Robins of design

studio Flow Creation. The bar was entirely crafted out of James Cropper’s White Kendal Manilla stock complete with

paper glasses, lamps and other architectural details that would rival a carved wooden bar.

Evoking a crisp white shirt, the bar was created using both

hand techniques as well as computer-aided design.

LifeStyle 21

22 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24

智利夫妻档 Pezo Von Ellrichshausen 设计的丛林之家 Jungle House designed by Chilean architectural firm Pezo von Ellrichshausen

LifeStyle 23




Flying Museum 建筑可以像云一样变幻莫测。 A dynamic new museum by Coop Himmelb(l)au in France Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Coop Himmelb(l)au

24 LifeStyle

出 自 奥 地 利 概 念 建 筑 事 务 所 蓝 天 组 Coop Himmelb(l)au 手笔的法国里昂“汇流博物馆”,位于 罗纳河与索恩河所汇流的一个人工半岛上,同时取了 “知识中转站”的寓意。虽然这样的地理位置给施工 带来了一定难度(536 米长的桩要安全打入地下), 但挑战也带来了机遇——汇流博物馆创造了一处通往 新区域的通道,让城市直通海上或是半岛,其象征意 义不言而喻;同时,它还成就了建筑本体视觉上的震 撼——充满了动感和不连贯性,如同云彩一般轻盈。 汇流博物馆并非一处高高在上、专为高知中产阶 级所设计的圣殿,而是一处公共的知识分享空间,一 座连结科学与社会的桥梁,鼓励普通大众积极使用。 该建筑包含三个部分:底座、“水晶体”、“云体”。 两个分别容纳 327 人和 122 人的礼堂和工作区建在稍 高的底座上(地下水水位高的缘故),同时,后者也 供给周边学校作为训练场地;当需要举办展览时,这 里也是储存和组装展品的车间。面向城市方向高起的 “水晶体”是城市论坛和访客的入口,是现实世界的 象征;与之相对的是隐藏着未来知识的云体,这是一 个拥有“暗流”和无数变化的软空间。在汇流博物馆中, 现在与未来、已知与未知成了试图“激发公众好奇心” 的空间构成。 特别的是,你可以选择自动扶梯,楼梯或者螺旋 式斜坡进入一个名为“Escape”的连接通道,该通道 的左右两侧排列着各个展览馆,尽头处是罗纳河与索 恩河的汇流景象。“Escape”可以看成是一座钢结构 的桥梁,将所有的展厅都连接起来,而不需要支撑物 , 行政工作室则被安排在展厅的上方。

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26 LifeStyle

Envisioned as a “medium for the transfer of knowledge” the Musee des

Confluences was the result of a competition in 2001 for a new natural history museum. Well-known Austrian conceptual architectural Coop Himmelb(l)au won the competition.

The building is located on a peninsula that was artificially extended 100

years ago and is located on the intersection of the Rhône and Saône rivers.

Even though it was apparent that this site would be a difficult one (536-metrelong piles had to be securely driven into the ground), it was clear that

this location would not only be visually striking but also important for its symbolism. The building would serve as a distinctive beacon and entrance

for visitors approaching from the South as well as a starting point for urban development.

In order to build a museum of knowledge, a complex new form had to be

developed as an iconic gateway. The idea was therefore to develop an openly traversable building that would be floating in part only on supports in order to create a plaza underneath.

Essentially, the building consists of three parts. Situated on a slightly

raised base (due to the high groundwater), two auditoriums (for 327 and 122 persons, respectively) and work spaces, which will also be used for training purposes for the surrounding schools, will be located next to storage and workshops for the production of exhibitions.

The entrance building, the “Crystal”, is openly accessible, and is a vertical

access to the exhibition spaces. The so-called Espace liant, a connecting path, can be reached by an escalator, a staircase, and a spiral ramp. Left and right of this path are arranged the individual exhibition halls (one of

them two-level), and at the end is a view of the confluence of two rivers, the Pointe du Confluent. The steel structure, conceived as a bridge construction,

made it possible to develop all of the exhibition halls without supports. The administration rooms are located above the exhibition spaces.

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Jungle House 一幢隐匿于智利丛林间的私宅。 A concrete house in the Chilean jungles Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Pezo von Ellrichshausen

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由来自智利的夫妻档 Pezo Von Ellrichshausen 设计的丛林之家(Jungle House)就藏在有着 茂密桉树林的陡峭山坡上。由于所在地块建筑 面积狭小,人须经由花园方可进屋。拾级而下, 便来到了一处静谧的泻湖边。俯瞰整幢建筑, 会觉得它像个水泥制的单棱镜——方正的房屋 与此处的地势才得以巧妙衔接。 丛林之家的主人来自智利的圣佩德罗德拉 帕斯。这幢私宅会让人想起 1970 年代的野兽派 设计,但这里的私密性却在粗糙的混凝土建筑 体与清新的周边环境之间创设了一种和谐的温 馨,甚至有些中美洲遗迹的美感。 建筑的方形上部设有中央天井,其下正对 着同等大小的中庭。连成一圈的每个封闭空间 顶部都有方形开口,中部的房间则正对中庭, 这样每个房间的各个方向都可见室外景致。这 里另一个与众不同的地方便是建筑的底层,这 里是室内空间中的日常功能区。被划分为大小 相同的四片区域在北面的角上都做了削减。这 样缩回的设计不仅在视觉上、更在功能上实现 了中央天井与泻湖的连通。 Hemmed in between a steeply sloping hillside and

a forest of eucalyptus trees, the narrow plot of land compels one to cross the garden to arrive, descending, at

the small bay of a lagoon. Overlooking the landscape, a

monolithic prism of concrete articulate the contradictions of the topography with a square top.

This private house was designed by Chilean

architectural firm Pezo von Ellrichshausen for a private

client in Llacolen, San Pedro de la Paz, Chile. Recently

completed, the house brings to mind the Brutalist

designs of the 1970s but on a far more intimate scale. Indeed, there is something almost cozy about the contrast

between rough hewn concrete and the verdant landscape

encroaching in. The courtyard even brings to mind a MesoAmerican ruin.

The upper floor contains a central patio with the

same size as the bottom floor, therefore all the suspended

rooms are exposed to the outside by the four sides of their section. The middle rooms on each side face the

central patio, while those at the corners are articulated by

circulations that occupy a subsidiary module. Overhead apertures in the centre of each enclosed space and at the ends of the circulation paths reinforce the vertical

dimension of the layout, and also amplify the shimmering

of the pond water. Less formal, the bottom floor house the more day-to-day functions of the domestic realm; its square plan divided into four equal quadrants is cut back

in the north corner, a subtraction that serves as a visual and functional short cut between the upper patio and the edge of the lagoon.

LifeStyle 31


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Highlights of the Year of the Ram / P.34

巴卡拉“羊”生肖水晶 Baccarat Clear Crystal Zodiac Ram

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34 LifeStyle

Ram-ifications of the New Year 羊年,熠熠生辉

马年的蹄声离我们渐渐远去,兴奋过度有之,惊慌迷惘有之……好的、坏的, 一切皆成过往。人们开始期盼羊年能带来一方平静,正如“羊”的温顺闲静, 让我们慢慢享受生活。不过,这个时代永远都有新鲜的事物在等待登场, 永远都有让人兴奋的目的地在等待拜访,永远都有漂亮的大楼在等待搭建…… After a Year of the Horse that sometimes seemed a bit too exciting, the Year of the Ram promises a sense of calm. This is a year to enjoy and in which cultural and intellectual development will be very possible. But here will be no lack of new openings, exciting places to visit, and beautiful new edifices. Here is what we should be anticipating. Text: Nels Frye, Jacob Dreyer & Yuki Zhang

LifeStyle 35




Shopping Spree

不止中国人正准备庆祝羊年,如果你来 到曼哈顿第 59 街的布鲁明戴尔百货店,你一 定会惊喜连连:大量以羊年和中国文化为主 题的特别产品即将推出,其他商场也丝毫不 示弱:法蓝瓷的盐和胡椒瓶、巴卡拉“羊” 生肖水晶、莱俪以黄金装点的水晶“羊”饰品, 还有人人不嫌多的手提包特别款…… To celebrate the Year of the Ram, head to the

big Bloomingdale’s on 59th street in Manhattan. A charming array of special-edition products celebrating the ram and Chinese culture will

be on sale there and at other stores throughout the country. Franz Salt & Pepper shakers, a

Baccarat Clear crystal zodiac ram, and a Lalique Crystal ram with gold detail are among the luxe

highlights, while the special edition tote is a more useful way for anyone who needs a shopping bag to mark the holiday.

What will 2015 bring to the world of fashion and style? “2015 will witness the maturation of retail in China, particularly in shanghai and Beijing. The consumers of those cities will now have access to a shopping environment with exciting multi-brand lifestyle concepts that match the sophistication of their tastes. A market long dominated by luxury, fast fashion and counterfeits will now be served by premium brands that offer value and great style. The male consumer in particular will enjoy much better products that he ever has.” - Peter Caplowe, CEO, American Rag CIE, China

36 LifeStyle

手提包品牌 Handbag Brand

经过多年对常规奢侈品牌的迷恋,中国消费者终于开始瞄准更奇趣、更独特的高水准手工制品了,比 如比利时的 Delvaux——这个老古董级皮具品牌创立于 1829 年,比爱马仕还要早。Delvaux 以手工技艺和奢 华用料见长,一直是比利时皇室的特供品,是真正的顶级奢侈用具,在比利时乃至欧洲,都拥有超高地位。 After years of the usual luxury brands, Chinese consumers are finally ready for something with a bit more whimsy -

something that really stands out but is made with the highest level of craftsmanship in its native Belgium. Delvaux, in

existence since 1829, is only now marching into global markets with its offering of the very finest leather bags. Time to hold your valuables in something with distinction in the new year.

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Feature If non-auto enthusiasts and environmentalists

如果非汽车发烧友和环保人士认为 SUV 正以某种方式逐渐“失宠”,或者 SUV 广泛 被认为是“愚钝”的代名词,那么当他们得 知拥有绅士般典雅风度的宾利也要推出 SUV 车型时,一定会惊讶不已。豪华越野车曾一 度为路虎专有,现在却经常与宝马、奥迪、



thought SUVs were somehow fading in popularity or that their status as a symbol of crassness was

widely agreed upon, they might be surprised to learn that one of the most rarefied British car

makers is about to introduce one. The Bentley

SUV is final proof that gentleman need not stay on the road. The luxury off-road vehicle segment,


once a category limited to Land Rover, is now

型号多样,热闹非凡。 宾利首款 SUV 被定名为 Bentayga,灵感

concept 概念车,除了兼具出众的公路和越野

之一来自著名的 Taiga。Taiga 是世界上最大的


洲际雪原林带,以此体现 Bentayga 将超越任

Bentayga 将于 2015 年首发,目前已有 4000 名

何一款车型的强大之势。Bentayga 外观设计

买家预定。另外,2015 年将上市的还有玛莎

借鉴了 2012 年日内瓦车展上亮相的 EXP 9 F

拉蒂高性能 SUV-Levante 和奥迪 Q7 新版等。

a crowded field that often blurs into the world

of sports cars with BMW, Audi, Lexus and even Porsche all offering a variety of models.

With the EXP 9 F Concept that debuted at the

Geneva Auto Show in 2012, Bentley announced it would also be contending in this arena. The

much road vehicle, the Bentley Bentayga will be released in 2015 and there are already 4,000 buyers in line. The name is a combination of the words Bentley and taiga, the coniferous forest that covers much of Russia, Canada and Scandinavia - a reference to the sort of terrain for which the

Bentayga is intended. This will be just the first of

the SUV offerings from Bentley. Smaller models

will appear over the next few years. In other SUV news, the Year of the Ram will also see the release

of the Maserati Levante as well as a new version of the Audi Q7.

虽然在过去两年里,电动汽车技术取得 了不俗的发展,但关于自动驾驶技术的风潮 不会在羊年消失。到本世纪中叶,城市居民 将达到 90 亿,而目前就已经拥挤不堪了。除 了舒适的汽车自驾以外,该技术还支持安全 的多任务功能,这样能更有效地利用堵车时 间。当然,在“自主驾驶豪华轿车” 奔驰 F 015 Luxury in Motion 概念车上享受鸡尾酒时 光将不是问题。值得一提的是,该款在拉斯 维加斯亮相的概念车配备了可让乘客面对面 坐着的旋转式座椅。 从在高速公路上汽车自驾到在城市里同 样适用,无疑是一个显著进步。特斯拉汽车 公司一直是该行业的领头羊,今年,它希望

While the last two years have seen many

developments in the field of electric cars, the Year

of the Ram will see a flurry of announcements

about self driving technologies. By the middle of

the century, nine-billion people will be living in

cities and anyone living in Beijing and many other Chinese cities knows the situation is already very

gridlocked. Beyond the comfort of having a car

that drives itself, this technology would allow safe multitasking so that time stuck in traffic can be used

more efficiently. Cocktail hour can be enjoyed by everyone riding in the F 015 Mercedes concept, presented at Las Vegas, which has four seats, including the driver’s, that can face each other.

This will be an evolution, with hands-free

highway driving evolving into technologies that

在 Model S 纯电动车型上实现汽车自驾。根

can be used in urban areas as well. Always ahead

据波士顿咨询集团的预测,2017 年将会有大

highway driving in Model S electric cars this year

量这样的交通工具驶向公路,到 2035 年,公 路上大概会有 1800 万辆半自动驾驶汽车和 1200 万辆纯自动驾驶汽车。届时,中国会是 最大的消费市场,这也意味着大量司机将面 临失业。

38 LifeStyle

of the pack, Tesla expects to present hands-free while Boston Consulting Group predicts these

vehicles will be on the road in large numbers by

2017 and that by 2035 about 18 million vehicles

may be partially autonomous and 12 million could be full autonomous, by which point China will be the largest market.



对于美国人来说,要去古巴走一趟仍是不太容易的事。不过对于古巴来说,来自北方的游 客多年来一直在攀升。最近两国关系正常化的种种举动更说明了这种情况只会日益加剧。逾 50 年的“交恶”让美国与神秘的古巴之间一直亲近不起来——但也催生出了某种吸引力——这意 味着此后游客的数量会大幅度增长。对于其他所有人来说,今年正是拜访古巴最好的时候,赶 在旅游气息不那么浓厚之前,体会古朴的、原汁原味的风土人情。 古巴朗姆酒、雪茄,或者马路上现场版的老爷车展都会是古巴引人入胜的地方。从充满神



秘色彩的卡斯特罗本人,到哈瓦那的建筑,除了越南,古巴是社会主义国家中最吸引人的。你 也可以选择去伊朗和朝鲜这样的封闭式国家,但是肯定就不能在海滩上啜饮一杯莫吉托。不难 预测,大大咧咧的美国游客几年内就要霸占古巴的海滩了。 Getting to Cuba remains complicated for Americans, but the number of visitors from the North

has been increasing for years and the recent moves toward normalization of ties means this can only accelerate. The proximity of the US and the mystery Cuba holds due to being closed for over 50 years -

poor relations have generated a certain affinity - means the number of visitors will soon be huge. For all

others, this is the year to see Cuba before there is too much tourist infrastructure and the original vibe is lost.

Rum, cigars, or the living museum of classic cars are all among Cuba’s manifold attractions. From

the figure of Castro himself to the architecture of Havana, the country just has much more charm than

any other communist country save perhaps Vietnam. This might also be a good year to visit other closed

countries of the world like Iran and North Korea, but one cannot really imagine sipping mojitos on the

beach outside of Tehran or Pyongyang. And you know that sloppy American tourists will be covering the beaches of Cuba in a few years.

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Feature Completed in late 2014, the Bosco Verticale (Vertical Forest) is the first completed high-rise to use trees as its facade. The over 900 trees will mitigate smog, produce oxygen, and moderate temperatures for the 400 residential units in the 110 and 76 meter towers. The buildings were designed by a team led by Milanese native Stefano Boeri, former Editorin-Chief of Domus and Abitare.


城市 City

很多方面都表现斐然。2015 年 5 月 1—10 月 31 日,2015 年世界博览会将在米兰举行。此次世 博会的主题为“给养地球:生命的能源”,在当下食品安全问题日益严峻的环境下,显得尤为 贴切。世博会场地设在离米兰市中心的 15 公里处,共有 60 个展馆,包括福斯特设计的阿联酋馆, 丹尼尔·里伯斯金设计的万科馆和隈研吾的杰作等。 此外,米兰市中心赫赫有名的“时尚四边形”和一干漂亮的酒店就足以让你目不暇接了。 世界响当当的顶级建筑设计大师 David Chipperfield 设计的文化博物馆和普拉达基金会针对当代 艺术由 Rem Koolhaas 策划的展览空间都将开门迎客。4 月 15 日到 7 月 19 日之间,著名的皇家 宫殿将举行有史以来规模最大的达芬奇展览。斯卡拉歌剧院在世博会期间也将频频助兴。来意 大利的游客往往会去参观佛罗伦萨、威尼斯和罗马,但充满活力的米兰也会让你青睐有加。漫 步在这个紧凑的城市,眼前的时尚男女比哪儿都多,绝对是赏心悦目之旅! Milan may be the most frequently overlooked great city in the world, always seeming to rank a

few notches below Paris, New York and London. But it is relevant global center even beyond fashion

and design and there is no way better time to experience this than in the Year of the Ram, which will see Milan host Expo 2015, between 1 May and 31 October 2015. Expected to attract over 20 million

guests, the expo has the theme “feeding the planet, energy for life”, very relevant in an era in which

food production does not seem as secure as it did just a decade ago. The site is 15 km from the center of

Milan and will include over 60 pavilions by Norman Foster, Daniel Libeskind, Kengo Kuma and other architecture greats.

40 LifeStyle

There are plenty of new reasons to spend time in the center of Milan as well - as if the Quadrilatero della Moda and the beautiful hotels were not enough.

The Museo delle Culture, designed by the British architect David Chipperfield, will open as will a new arts center by Rem Koolhaas initiated by the Fondazione Prada. The Palazzo Reale will host the largest ever exhibition dedicated to Leonardo Da Vinci between April 15th and July 19th. In an unprecedented move,

La Scala will also not break for summer but perform all through the expo. Tourists in Italy tend to visit Florence, Venice, and Rome, but in Milan they can experience one of the world’s most dynamic metropolises that also boasts a compact, walkable urban core with more stylish denizens than anywhere else.

Viewed perfectly from the Duomo, 26-story Torre Velasca, completed in 1958, blends with and stands out against the historic Milanese skyline with its mushroom-like shape and allusions to medieval castles.

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Feature 在巴哈马首都拿骚,加勒比海地区有史 以来最大的单期度假村 Baha mar 今年将开门 迎宾。度假村汇聚了 10 家高端酒店品牌(包 括君悦酒店、蒙德里安酒店和瑰丽酒店及度 假村等)、20 万平方英尺综合高端会议中心、 2000 个观众席位的表演艺术中心、18 洞 72 杆锦标赛级杰克 - 尼克劳斯品牌高尔夫球场、 30 家餐厅和酒吧、14 个各具特色的泳池和一 个 10 万平方英尺的拉斯维加斯式赌场。该项 目由中国建筑股份有限公司承建,旨在在北 美地区展示其开发豪华度假村的实力。 The point is to get to Cuba before there is

anything like this built there. On Nassau in the Bahamas, Baha mar will be the largest resort

development in the Caribbean when it opens later this year. With over 2000 rooms in ten hotels,

200,000 square feet of convention space, a 2,000-

seat performing arts centre, 18-hole Jack Nicklaus Signature golf course, 30 restaurants and bars, 14 distinct pools and a 100,000-square-foot casino.

The Rosewood Baha Mar, Grand Hyatt Baha Mar,

Melia Baha Mar and the SLS Baha Mar ensure high standards of service and style. Lenny Kravitz is designing the nightclub.

Baha Mar is supposed to mark the beginning

of the Bahaman Riviera, which will be like a Las Vegas or Macau with beaches. Interestingly, this

度假胜地 Resort

project is by none other than the China State

Construction Engineering Corp., eager to showcase its prowess as a developer of luxury

resorts as it seeks further projects in North America. Given the level of the hotels in China,

one can only expect the work to be at a very high standard.

2015 年最期待什么? 我期待国家能真正实施依法治国 我期待社会的风气更加实实在在 我期待北京治理雾霾能看到路线图 我期待更多时间陪伴家人 我期待儿子们能喜欢上足球 我期待我的公司互联网技术实力上一个台阶,还有创造更高的幸福感 我期待我自己更好的平衡思与行,关注身体健康 我期待我促进中国变得更好一点点的商业计划能开始启动 李雪凇 红鹤中国集团 董事长

42 LifeStyle

2015 年秋,布罗德美术馆将在洛杉矶正 式面世。这家当代艺术美术馆由慈善家埃里

博物馆 Museum

和艾迪萨 • 布罗德夫妇出资建造。开放后,这 里将保存布罗德艺术基金会和布罗德夫妇私 人藏品逾 2000 件。布罗德家族一直以收藏诸 多战后和全球当代艺术珍品著称。这个两层 楼的美术馆由 Diller Scofidio + Renfro 建筑公 司设计,位于洛杉矶市中心 Grand 大街,拥 有 12 万平方英尺的空间。同时,布罗德艺术 基金会还将在这里修建一个广场(2,4000 平 方英尺),以增加更多绿意空间,考虑不可 谓不周到。 In autumn 2015, the Broad Museum of

Los Angeles will make its debut. This new

contemporary art museum designed by Diller Scofidio + Renfro will showcase over 2,000

works of art. Philanthropists Eli and Edythe Broad are the founders of The Broad Art Foundation,

which was founded in 1984 as a pioneering lending library of contemporary artworks, which

will find a fixed home in the new museum. Over

2,000 works from The Broad Art Foundation and pieces from the Broad’s personal collection will

be seen in The Broad Museum. The Broad family is known for their prominent collection of post-

war and contemporary art from around the world. The museum is to be based on a “veil and vault” system and will be about 120,000 square feet of

space. The two-story building will be located on Grand Street in downtown Los Angeles where

The Broad Foundation will also build an adjacent

24,000 square foot plaza to add additional green space to the area. The Broad Museum will shine an even brighter light on the contemporary art world.

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据悉,上海陆家嘴 632 米高的“上海中心大厦”预计今年正式投入使用。目前来看,它是 中国排名第一、世界第二的高楼,与旁边的环球金融中心和金茂中心形成三足鼎立之势。不过,

摩天楼 Tower

随着 2016 年深圳平安国际金融中心(660 米)的落成,上海中心大厦将退居第二的位置了。 Lujiazui will reach even more epic heights with the expected opening of the Shanghai Tower later

this year, to be the tallest building in China and second in the world. At 632 meters, views down on the

neighboring World Financial Center and Jinmao Tower will be commanding. Sadly for Shanghaiers, the Shenzhen’s 660-metre Ping An Finance Centre will surpass the Shanghai Tower as China’s tallest building when it is completed in 2016.

44 LifeStyle

MOROSO is without doubt one of the most

作为设 计圈中炙手可热的明星品牌,一

exciting furniture brands around today. With bold

直以来,MOROSO 凭借其大胆创新,富有冒

innovations, adventurous designs, and creative

险 精神的设 计 理 念、创意 产品,赢得世界的 瞩目。它从不拘泥于任何形式与限制,频频游 走于设计、艺术、时尚之间,为生活缔造无限 可能。在 MOROSO 的合作名单中,不乏著名 产品设计师罗恩•阿诺德 Ron Arad、帕奇希 娅•奥拉 Patricia Urqiola、喜多俊 Toshiy uki Kita、佐 藤 Nendo;建 筑 大 师 洛 斯•拉 古路 夫 Ross Lovegrove、服装设计师三宅一生 Issey Miyake、 托德•布歇尔 TordBoontje; 甚至是画家、 雕塑家等。因此,MOROSO 的产品不仅广受赞 誉,更被诸如伦敦 V&A 博物馆,纽约 MOMA 博物馆,巴黎东京宫等世界知名博物馆永久 珍藏。 伴随着 2015 年 MOROSO 首家旗舰店进 驻家天地 DOMUS TIANDI,有关“MOROSO X 音乐,MOROSO X 艺术,MOROSO X 文学, MOROSO X 时尚”的 2015 年度文化社交项目 即将起航。 它将伴随着精彩的 “设计师论坛—— 谈文化碰撞下的创意”及“明星跨界活动—— MOROSO 单品创意”陆续展开。其间,由歌坛 天后那英、艺术家徐累、知名作家王潇,以及著 名设计师张柯等,联袂呈现的观念探讨、产品 设计,将为 2015 年的家居设计圈增添浓墨重彩 的一笔。

products, MOROSO is noted for collaboration


Design Brand

with famous product designers such as Ron Arad, Patricia Urqiola, Toshiyuki Kita, and Nendo, as

well as the notable architect Ross Lovegrove, clothing designers like Issey Miyake, and Tord

Boontje. MOROSO has even collaborated with

painters, sculptors and other artists. MOROSO’s collaboration with interdisciplinary artists has

tailored a mixed unity of its products, representing the art of life. The products’ shapes, colors, fabrics, and details make them notable as

aesthetic interventions, explaining why they are in the permanent collections of world-renowned

museums such as the V & A Museum in London, New York MOMA Museum and The Palais de

Tokyo in Paris. We are looking forward to the opening of its first international flagship store

DOMUS TIANDI, which will include “MOROSO X Music, MOROSO X Art, MOROSO X

Literature, MOROSO X Fashion and any number of intriguing cultural collaborations. The famous

singer Na Ying, artist Xu Lei, and the well-known writers such as Xiao Wang and Zhang Ke, along

with other well-known designers are coming together to present their ideas for the brand’s

upcoming designs that will be presented as part of MOROSO’s newest collection in 2015. We can’t wait.

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Amusement Park

对于亚洲人民来说,这只猫似乎永远都不会变老。事实上,今年已经是它的不惑之年了。 为了庆祝 Hello Kitty(凯蒂猫)40 岁生辰,浙江安吉开设了中国最大的凯蒂猫主题乐园,与 2016 年预计开业的上海迪尼斯乐园大有一争高低的气势。这座 Hello Kitty 主题乐园由浙江银润 休闲旅游开发有限公司与日本三丽鸥株式会社(1974 年创造了 Hello Kitty)以品牌合作方式构建, 集中了中、日、美、欧等各方顶尖的创意、规划、设计资源,可谓“时尚萌主”的又一尊享之作。 For people in Asia, this cat just doesn’t get old even though she is officially middle-age as of this year.

To celebrate the 40th anniversary of Hello Kitty, Zhejiang’s Anji County has opened China’s largest Hello

Kitty amusement park, which should contend with Shanghai’s Disneyland, which is expected to open in 2016. Japanese company Sanrio, which created Hello Kitty in 1974, joined with Zhejiang New Insight Leisure Tourism Development Co., Ltd. for the project.

What will 2015 bring to the art world?

I am anticipating alot of global re-considerations, re-inventions : Politically, socially, professonially, personally, religiously, culturally. The world has to reinvent itself. Time is Now. Jérôme Sans, Artistic Director, President, Perfect Crossovers, and icon in the world of contemporary creativity

46 LifeStyle



半个多世纪以来,周英华这个名字的背 后是一段神话般的精彩人生。艺术家、餐饮 业巨子、国际时尚圈宠儿……这些头衔之外, 他还是“京剧大师周信芳之子”。周英华把 中国文化带到西方,伦敦、纽约、洛杉矶都 有他华丽的身影。今年,他带着另一个标签“麒 派画家”重回北京,在尤伦斯当代艺术中心 展示了一系列牢牢植根于中国艺术传统的绘 画作品。当被问及什么是他背后的驱动力时, 周英华笑答:“我喜欢中国人啊。”“致我 的父亲”是周英华在中国大陆的第一个展览, 囊括了三组平行的作品。这位重新回归的艺 术家必将为我们带来令人震撼的作品和对生 活的独特感悟。 Michael Chow has been a legend for 50 years:

restaurateur, patron of the arts, international

playboy. Son of the famous Peking Opera singer

周信芳 , Michael has brought the best of Chinese

culture to the West, from London to New York to Los Angeles. Finally, his journey brings him back

home, as a major exhibition in Beijing’s Ullens Center will profile the man, his art collection, and his own works. Chow has been a great advocate

of the nation’s culture in an accessible and chic

way, without the usual bombast and insecurity,

refreshingly carefree. When asked what drives his philanthropy and art, Chow laughs and says,

“Chinese people - I like them. What can I say?”

After a lifetime rubbing shoulders with the bold

and the beautiful, it’s heartwarming to see Mr. Chow come back to Beijing, bringing the work of

great artists- souvenirs of a life well lived- along with him.

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著名建筑师奥雷·舍人设计的第一座摩天 大楼是泰国曼谷的 Mahanakhon(泰语译为“伟 大的都市”)。77 层高的 Mahanakhon 将是 曼谷的最高建筑,它自大都会的商务中心拔 地而起,气势如虹。15,0000 平方米的空间里 包含多层次的购物中心、选择丰富的餐厅和 咖啡屋、一个风景优美的公共休闲广场、一 个 24 小时营业的商场、一家酒店式公寓(丽 思卡尔顿)和精品酒店,此外,屋顶酒吧和 餐厅也一应俱全。 MahaNakhon 不是一座孤 立的大厦,而是一座融入到城市中的摩天大 楼,光洁摩登的玻璃幕墙盘旋而上,创造出 数码动画的印象,给人远古山峦的无规律感。 该建筑旨在传达泰国社会的巨大活力和广泛 包容性,寓意着曼谷正成为真正的国际性大 都市。 The incredible architect Ole Scheeren and

his team have come together to produce the

MahaNakhon building in Bangkok, Thailand. This

77-story high-rise has sprouted out of the fertile

soil of the central business district of Bangkok with direct access to the Chongnonsi BTS Skyrail train station. Inside the 150,000 square meter

property is a multi-level retail center, restaurants, cafes, a landscaped public plaza, a 24-hour

marketplace, 200 serviced apartments by the Ritz Carlton, a 150 room boutique hotel and a roof top Sky Bar and restaurant. Scheeren’s avant-

garde designs have graced cities from Beijing to

Singapore, and are notable for the ways that they reconcile nature with the city. The Mahanakhon

gradually “dissolves” as it flows downward to meet the ground, with a cascading series of

terraces that evokes a mountainous landscape. We

can’t wait to visit this amazing new contribution to our favorite tropical getaway.

48 LifeStyle

某些体育项目总是与时代紧密相连:乒乓球与 20 世纪 70 年代开创性的“乒 乓外交”;20 世纪 90 年代与激情澎湃的篮球热……虽然马年刚刚结束,但是从 马球到纯血速度赛马,与马相关的运动已经越来越时髦。张祖德于 2012 年创办了 CHC 杰士马主俱乐部,致力于向国人展示顶级纯血马赛事的独特魅力,投资打造 高端品牌性赛事,让该运动重焕在国人心目中作为身份、品质和成功象征之尊贵



地位。“澳大利亚”(马名)在 2014 年英国德比赛马会上一举夺魁,惊艳全场, 之后更是一鼓作气,实现 G1 一级赛三连胜,让身为马主之一的张祖德先生得到了 充分的回报。同时,CHC 杰士马主俱乐部向个人或集团提供联合拥有在国际顶级 赛事中表现出色的世界顶级赛马,携手成功的机会,它们的价值随着 CHC 杰士马 主俱乐举办比赛的丰富而不断攀升——更别提中国投资者与行业巨头所带来的社 会资产。2015,俱乐部带领会员们昂首迎向下一个马年,“羊”帆起航! Certain sports are associated with their eras: ping pong with the 1970s and the era of

ping pong diplomacy, basketball in the 1990s, golf in the aughties. With the year of the horse just passed, all things equestrian are increasingly modish in China, from polo to

thoroughbred horse racing. Teo Ah Khing, owner of “Australia,” the horse that won 2014’s

Epsom Derby, and a self-made billionaire, is bringing all of the elegance and beauty of elite thoroughbred racing to China and the Chinese people, in the form of a very appealing

ownership and investment opportunity. His personal investment in Australia has paid off handsomely- we won’t say how much or you’d get jealous- and his China Horse Club

offers individuals investors or groups the chance to own, race and lead back to the winners’ circle some of the world’s finest horsesat leading international carnivals. The value of these

horses can multiple if they win the right races as the China Horse Club has continued to do every year since its inception - not to mention the social capital that rubbing elbows with China’s highest level investors, international captains of industry of royalty can provide. Let the races begin.

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50 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.

白文山: 酒店是一门优雅的艺术

Vincent Billiard: A Rising Star in Tianjin / P.52

万达橱窗设计 Wanda Window Design

LifeStyle 51

V i n c e n t A

52 LifeStyle










山 文 白



B i l l i a r d i









天津丽思卡尔顿酒店的 Vincent Billiard 可能不是中国最年轻的酒店总经理, 但在丽思卡尔顿亚太地区的总经理当中,他绝对是最年轻的一位。在这个融合了天津辉煌历史和当代蓬 勃生机的酒店里,Vincent 娓娓道来他对天津的最佳感受。 Vincent Billiard of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin might or might not be China’s youngest GM, but he’s the youngest GM for The Ritz-Carlton Hotel in the Asia Pacific area. We wandered through the regal atmosphere of his hotel, a historical structure which combines Tianjin’s glorious past with its optimistic present, chatting with Mr. Billiard and discovering the best of Tianjin. Editor: Yuki Zhang Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Matjaz Tancic Styling: Huang Zhen

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分享一下你自筹开天津丽思卡尔顿酒店以来的目标吧。 我们是一家开业只有一年零 3 个月的新酒店,我来这里也才一年半,但我 们已经是天津最好的酒店之一,在当地产生了积极的影响。我们提供的不仅是 服务、客房或美食,更是一种独特体验。 是什么让天津丽思卡尔顿酒店脱颖而出的? 首先,酒店建筑本身充满了浓郁的历史风情,这片土地曾是天津英租界工 部局大楼戈登堂的旧址,距今已有 100 多年的历史,后来又成为天津市人民政

白文山: 酒店是一门优雅 的艺术

府所在地。现在,丽思卡尔顿酒店的建造更丰富了这个地址的意义,享誉全球 的法国室内设计事务所 Pierre-Yves Rochon 赋予了它新古典主义的优雅。但除了 这份古典的高贵,酒店还将时髦的酒吧和餐厅融入其中,打造都会里的社交枢纽。 其次,丽思卡尔顿品牌本身是独一无二的,对于我而言,更是如此——它 囊括了我整个职业生涯。我认为我们的座右铭“我们以绅士淑女的态度为绅士 淑女们忠诚服务”是最重要的原因。员工的举手投足间尽显优雅风范,从而营 造了同样的酒店氛围。我们明白,客人追求的是一种体验——不是任何具体的 东西,食物或饮品,而是以一切形式提升体验的整体环境,这就要求所有人都 举止有礼、灵活机智。我认为建立在丽思卡尔顿信条上的“员工与客人相互尊重” 是真正区别我们与竞争对手的地方,它让我们的客人们体会到一种无与伦比的 优雅。 酒店如何将自己打造成为社交枢纽? 重申一下,天津的发展非常快,同时本地人对于“奢华”的期望和理解也 日益增长。我本身有餐饮方面的履历背景,所以对“Flair”餐厅酒吧和“Zest” 香溢餐厅格外注重。仅提供舒适的居停是远远不够的——我们还要成为天津里 程碑式的存在,这就要求更多的本地人参与进来。天津丽思卡尔顿酒店致力成 为一个目的地,一个可以“看”和“被看”的地方——不管你是为了下午茶、 鸡尾酒吧(已成为天津一个非常特别、时髦的所在,有现场寿司厨师、调酒师 和 DJ),还是酒店本身。我们的餐厅不仅商旅客人盈门,还有很多天津本地客人。 你的年龄对工作方式有何影响? 酒店让我干劲十足,不停地想要提升它和与之相关的生活方式。我们利用 社交媒体——大部分的奢侈品牌都会这样做,但酒店行业表现得稍显滞后。除 了通过酒店的社交媒体推广,我们确保客人能分享他们的体验,比如我们的下 午茶体验在微信上得到了客人的广泛传播,让酒店提供的体验充满了兴奋点和 兴趣点;在“大众点评”上,我们的餐饮也颇有影响。所以,利用社交媒体是 我们酒店在短时间内能取得成功的原因之一。这应该是我相对年轻的年龄带来 的优势,能很快接受社交媒体和现在适用的网络技术,并予以重视用于酒店品 牌的推广。 透露一下你这么年轻就能居此高位的秘密吧。 我从 20 岁的时候就开始涉足丽思卡尔顿品牌了,当时我还是个管理培训生。 之后,从美国到日本,再到天津,我一直朝着成为一家丽思卡尔顿酒店总经理 的目标努力。虽然目前已实现目标成为总经理,但仍有很多内容需要不断学习 和积累,而天津丽思卡尔顿酒店是一个让人愉快学习和成长的地方。中国的酒 店市场虽然还处于初级阶段,但节奏很快,充满生机。我这里所说的市场,并 不只是在谈经济增长,还有优雅的氛围。在中国,对提升社会体验的渴望和对 优雅的追求是真切存在的——中国消费者的学习速度很惊人,我无比庆幸来到 这里。

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Vincent Billiard: A Rising Star in Tianjin

Tell us about what your goals have been since you opened The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin. We’re relatively new - I’ve been here for a year and a half, the hotel itself opened

about a year and 3 months ago - but we believe we have already made an impact in Tianjin. We see ourselves as one of Tianjin’s best hotels - offering not just service, rooms, or food, but experiences.

What’s so special about The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin?

The structure is of historical importance; formerly Gordon Hall, administrative

center of the British Concession in Tianjin, it was once the site of Tianjin’s municipal government. The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin has enriched the historical significance of this

location with noted interior designer Pierre-Yves Rochon, whose designs are truly distinctive, giving a Neo-Classical style elegance. The Ritz-Carlton Hotel’s design tries to

combine the stately elegance of the past with hip bars and restaurants, creating a hub for social experience.

The Ritz-Carlton brand itself, of course, is very special to me- I’ve made my entire

career here. The most important part for me is our motto, “We are Ladies and Gentlemen

Serving Ladies and Gentlemen.” Our staff act with elegance and grace, which imparts the entire environment with grace. We know that what our guests are after is experiencenot any specific object, food, or drink, but an entire environment calculated to elevate

experience in all forms. This can only take place in an environment where everybody acts

with proper etiquette and savoir faire. I like to think that the relationship of mutual respect between staff and guests created by The Ritz-Carlton credo is what truly distinguishes our brand from competitors, and what really gives our guests a sense of incomparable elegance.

What ways can a hotel be a social hub?

Again, Tianjin is growing very quickly, and the expectations and understandings of

luxury among Tianjiners is growing apace. I have a background in F & B, and have placed special emphasis on our bar Flair and our restaurant Zest. It’s not enough for us

to offer guests a great stay-we also want to become a Tianjin landmark, which means engaging with local residents. The Ritz-Carlton aspires to become a destination, whether

for our afternoon tea, our cocktail bar (which is unique in Tianjin-our live sushi chef, mixologists, and DJ have made it a hip atmosphere) or the hotel itself, a place to see and be seen. Our restaurant is regularly busy- not just with guests, but with locals. How does your youth impact the way that you work?

I am so energized by the hotel, and promote it and the lifestyle associated with it

vigorously. We use social media-most luxury brands do, but hotels have been slow to

catch up. Beyond the social media platform of our hotel outreach, we’ve made sure that it’s possible for guests to share their experiences- our afternoon tea has been shared all

over wechat, building excitement and interest in the experience we have to offer; we’ve seen how our food and beverage offerings have been impacted by platforms like Dazhong Dianping. One of the reasons our hotel has become successful in such a short time period is the way that we’ve dealt with social media to reach out to and articulate the community. So what’s your secret for attaining such a high post at such a young age?

I’ve been with The Ritz-Carlton brand since I was 20 and started out as a management

trainee. Ever since then, from the USA to Indonesia to Japan and now here, I’ve been

pursuing my goal to be named GM of a Ritz-Carlton property. I’m not sitting on my

laurels, though; I still have so much to learn, and The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin is a very exciting place to learn and grow. The China hospitality market is fast-paced and exciting, and the development of the market is still in its early stages. I say the market, but I am

not just talking about economic growth, but the atmosphere of elegance. In China, there is a genuine desire for elevated social experience, an aspiration to elegance-and the speed at which Chinese consumers learn is incredible. I couldn’t be happier to be here.

58 LifeStyle

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作为一位建筑师,什么使您对马有了兴趣? 在迪拜,我有幸为酋长谢赫·穆罕默德殿 下本人提供了长达 7 年的顾问咨询服务。为 了能够真正把迈丹赛马场建好,确保所有一 切符合酋长殿下的想法以及我自身的想法, 我必须要去钻研学习所有关于马的事情,充 分了解它的各种需求。因此可以说,是迪拜 让我开始关注纯血马。 CHC 杰士马主俱乐部在 2010 年建立之 初的目标就十分明确。和所有马主一样,我 也渴望能在最顶尖的领奖台上品尝成功 ... 我 希望将纯血速度赛马的顶级赛事体验带到中 国内地,因为这里的人们尚未有机会充分体 验这种王者运动在社交、文化和生活方式层 面具有的独特魅力。 我们的战队于 2013 年参赛,在不同的八 个国家里赢得了包括众多知名赛事的超过 60 场比赛的胜利。在过去的两年里我们举办了 面向中国马主开放的中国内地奖金最高速度 赛马赛事。今年 2 月份,我们将在新加坡举 办 CECF 驭马文化节首个海外站赛事,它将 开创新加坡赛马最高奖金记录。 如何评论中国人对于赛马以及赛马运动持续 增长的关注? 赛马运动拥有的悠久历史可追溯到 150 年以前,如上海和天津,这是上世纪二十年 代中国黄金时代的一部分;而在二十世纪, 这项运动基本已淡出大众的视线。时至今日, 却又引起急剧上升的关注和兴趣 ------ 这是一 项充满刺激、魅力和骑士精神的运动。成为 一个马主可以让你成为一个更好的人。它教 会了人们公平竞争精神和体育精神,教会了 人们尊重对手和拥有不同文化的人们,也教 会了人们积极迎接挑战。在中国这样充满无 数成功人士的国家,而赛马运动将引领商业 人士们走向更加辉煌的体育和商业领域。 听说您所拥有的赛驹 Australia 是超级赛马巨星。 是 的。Australia 在 2014 年 英 国 德 比、 爱尔兰德比以及朱德旺国际赛事等赛事上都 有胜出。今年一月份,Australia 在伦敦举办 的浪琴表全球最佳赛马颁奖典礼上被正式誉 为全球最佳三岁马。这一荣誉千载难逢,这 对 CHC 杰士马主俱乐部来说实属一项殊荣。 大 家 可 能 会 感 到 惊 讶 的 是, 实 际 上, 驾 驭 Australia 不仅令人感到光荣与兴奋,更是一 项成功的投资。赢得这些比赛之后,马本身

60 LifeStyle


Equestrian Excellence

马来西亚籍张祖德先生创建的 CHC 杰士马主俱乐部, 热情致力于在中国推广现代纯血马赛事及繁育产业。 为进一步的了解,LifeStyle 对他进行了专访。 Malaysian-born Teo Ah Khing’s China Horse Club is singlehandedly reviving passion for thoroughbred horse racing in China. LifeStyle spoke with him in Beijing to find out more. Editor: Yuki Zhang Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Bo Xiao Styling: Huang Zhen

不断升值潜力无限,投资已数倍收回,而这 种经历也是无价的。 怎么理解当今在中国纯血马产业是项稳妥的 投资? CHC 杰士马主俱乐部 2015 年的规划 是什么? CHC 杰士马主俱乐部是集极致品质生活 方式、顶尖商务交流和高水平纯血马赛事为 一体的高端私人马主俱乐部。这其中,生活 方式是第一位的。成为我们俱乐部的会员, 您将收获无穷。我们的平台有四大主要吸引 元素: 首先,体验顶级纯血马赛事带来的锋 尚品位生活方式。纯血速度赛马被誉为是“王 者的运动”,是令全球皇室贵族、商业大亨 们乐此不疲、精英荟萃的竞技场。想象自己 身处香港、上海、天津、或其他国际赛场上, 与各界精英共同啜饮香槟,不亦乐乎! 其次,它提供了高端商务社交平台:作 为一名马主,你将接触到其他成功人士,很 有可能他就是你未来合作的商业伙伴。作为 一名马主,你将在十分放松的环境下接触到 和你志趣相投的成功人士,并见到许多通过 其他渠道接触不到的人。我想,如果我不是 马主的话,我不可能有机会如此近距离地见 到英国女王。透过比赛,你将可以与其他马 主畅所欲言,建立深厚友谊。 第三,纯血马赛事是一项充满激情的运 动,参与非常容易;赛马日也是激动人心不可 错过的。多年来世界上成功人士纷纷投身赛马 以成为马主为荣是有原因的。CHC 杰士马主

By the time the China Horse Club was

envisaged in 2010 my goals were clear. Like every owner I wanted to taste success at the highest

level and, with the China Horse Club, I wanted

最后,CHC 杰士马主俱乐部一直参与慈 善和教育事业,我们一直致力于回报中国人 及中国纯血马赛事。我们希望在所到之处都 能产生积极的影响,并为中国年轻的男女骑 师等马业后备人才提供新的职业发展机遇, 这种机遇始于中国,并将绵延至世界各处。 You started out as an architect- what led you to your interest in horses?

In Dubai I had the opportunity to be the advisor

to His Highness Sheikh Mohammed for seven

years. To build Meydan properly, to ensure it was going to be everything Sheikh Mohammed wanted and what I wanted, I needed to know

about the horse and all that it requires. So Dubai was the first time I really started to pay attention

investment in China now? Tell us about what CHC expects in 2015.

The China Horse Club is a lifestyle, business

to bring high class thoroughbred racing and the

and thoroughbred racing club and our focus is in

of Chinese that has not experienced the social,

to be members of the China Horse Club and

experiences that come with it, to a generation cultural and lifestyle aspects of this sport.

Our racing team started competing in 2013.

To date our members have won more than 60 races across eight different countries including a growing number of very prestigious races. We

have also hosted the richest race meeting in China for the last two years and in February we will be

hosting the CECF Singapore which will include the richest race ever run in Singapore.

Tell us about how interest in horses and racing has been growing in China.

Horse-racing has had a long history dating back

more than 150 years in cities like Shanghai and

Tianjin; part of China’s belle époque of the 1920s. For much of the 20th century, the sport fell out

of favor, but nowadays interest is rising sharplyit’s a sport filled with excitement, glamour, and chivalry. Being a racehorse owner teaches you

to be a better person. It teaches you fair play and sportsmanship, it teaches you to respect your peers

and to respect people from different cultures and it teaches you to always take a positive approach new challenges and competitions. In a country like

China, where there are a growing number of very

successful people, horse-racing can help elevate a person from being a star in business to being sporting and business royalty.

俱乐部的专家将带领你了解关于纯血马赛事的 所有内容,满足你和你家人所有的期待。

What makes thoroughbred horses a good

that order. Lifestyle comes first. People are invited when you become a member you receive many benefits. These benefits are appealing. There are

four main components that attract big investors.

First of all, the lifestyle that is associatedwith elite

thoroughbred racing. This is the ‘Sport of Kings’ and that title still has meaning. Thoroughbred racing is the sport of kings, queens and sheikhs

around the world and it is also the sport of choice

of business royalty. Imagine being at a racetrack in Hong Kong, Shanghai, Tianjin, or internationally, and sipping champagne with the crème de la

crème. Secondly, there is no better platform for business networking. As a racehorse owner you meet other highly successful people and you

never know, some may become a future business

partner, it happens more often than you think. As a racehorse owner you meet other successful people

with a shared interest in a relaxed environment and

not over a boardroom table. You meet people you may find it very hard to meet through traditional means, for example, I had the privilege of meeting

Her Majesty the Queen of England. I would never have met her if I wasn’t a racehorse owner. When you meet people you meet as sportsmen and

women and if you beat them they may approach you to congratulate you. If they beat you then you

can congratulate them and that conversation may lead to a friendship and more.

Third of all, thoroughbred racing is a passion

We hear your horse Australia is quite a superstar.

and it’s easy to get involved in; the big race days

2014, at the Irish Derby, and at Juddmonte

is a reason why the most successful people in the

Yes, Australia won at the Epsom Derby in

International…In January Australia was officially

recognized as the equal best three-year-old racehorse in the world at the Longines’ World’s

Best Racehorse Awards in London. You cannot buy experiences like this and people from all over the world hope to win these awards so it was a

areis amazingand need to be experienced. There world continue to race horses over so many years. At the China Horse Club we have the expertise to

introduce people to the sport and to fellow owners and members appropriately so the experience you and your family have is all that you hope it can be.

Last of all, the CHC is involved in charity and

real privilege to be there on behalf of the China

education, we have been very vocal in our goal

people is that racing a horse like Australia is not

sport of thoroughbred racing in China. We want to

Horse Club. What might be more surprising to

just glamorous and exciting but can be a great

investment. After winning these races, the value of Australia has increases substantially- and without saying any numbers, my investment has been

returned many times overand the experience has been priceless.

of giving back to the Chinese people and to the make a positive difference wherever we go and we

want to create new and exciting opportunities for

talented young Chinese men and women as well. Those opportunities will start in China but they may lead to possibilities overseas.

to thoroughbreds.

LifeStyle 61




Shi Yang: In Love with Design 作为中国橱窗设计协会第一任会长,入行十年之久的施扬一直 致力于推广中国的橱窗设计行业发展,使更多人关注到这个行 业。他始终坚持做极致的设计,让橱窗设计成为新常态下提升 顾客入店率的最有效的手段。 Shi Yang is the Chinese Association of Window Design’s first president. For nearly a decade, he has been committed to the development of China’s window design industry, exciting the attention of designers and laymen alike. His insistence on pushing the boundaries of design has had extraordinary results, with prices accessible to ordinary people. Text: Kelly Hao

为什么要发起“CWDA 首届国际橱窗设计大






清楚橱窗设计对提升品牌形象和带动销售的 巨大作用,对于目前橱窗设计行业在国内缓











渐提高在橱窗方面的投入,对于设计水准的 需求日益增加。国内品牌公司则水平参差不


Swarov Window Design








店内,其概念核心就在于这个“idea”是否能 够打动人。比如 2011 年 LV 做的一组鸵鸟主 题橱窗,将鸵鸟身体极致放大,贯穿一楼二

你下一步的计划是什么? 本次 CWDA 首届国际橱窗设计大赛一期







62 LifeStyle

Swarov Window Design

声音,影响深远。我们在新闻发布会上发动 了“为中国橱窗点赞”线下活动,通过大家 为自己喜欢的橱窗作品点赞,呼唤更多的人 来关注橱窗设计,让更多的人了解到橱窗, 更加尊重橱窗设计师。我们相信每一个小小 的努力对于橱窗设计师和橱窗设计行业本身 都是一个很好的推动。 据我们所知,中国橱窗设计协会是在香港注 册的,在中国大陆发展的话会不会有问题? 我们当时非常急切的想要做些事情,所

Wanda Window Design

以同时在国内和香港申请注册,因为香港相 对容易一点,因此就先注册下来了。但是通 过我们不断努力,现在已经成为中国室内装 饰协会的下属机构,具备了招募会员的资质。 对想要进入这个行业,以及新的从业者谈谈 您的建议。 橱窗设计是舶来品,国外发展的历史悠 久,一定要多了解国际最新橱窗咨询,这个 可以关注 upwindow 的微信平台,另外去一些 在橱窗方面做的非常不错的欧美城市考察学 习。同时也要清楚国内橱窗设计现状,毕竟

Wanda Window Design

目前在国内低成本,简易安装,强调复制性 才是目前品牌公司的核心要求,做为设计师 要深刻理解,才能做出打动客户的作品。 Why did you initiate the “CWDA First

International Showcase Design Competition”?

I have been involved with the window design

industry for a decade or so, and know well that a well-designed window can enhance the brand

image and drive sales in the current market

climate. Lately, the domestic development of our industry has been a bit slow, so I feel it’s necessary

to raise the profile of what we do for domestic

stores and companies, creating a platform to show off some of the really amazing work that Chinese designers are doing in this field.

What is your idea of “ultimate design”?

Window design and other design industries

are very different, primarily because of the short

timelines within which we work, and the high visibility of what we do- an attractive display

window can lure customers into the store, especially when executing an intriguing idea. For example, in 2011, Louis Vuitton made a display

window with ostriches experiencing extreme body modification- their bodies on the first floor and head and neck on the second floor- giving passing

shoppers a very strong visual impact. “Ultimate

to meet, and I predict a far-reaching influence.

color, and form, and strives to break through the

Chinese design” to showcase their favorite work,

design” is idea-driven, experiments with shape, conventional, bringing a strong visual impact and shock.

What’s the situation with China’s domestic design?

C omp ar ed to o th er co un tr ies , d o mes tic

shopping malls’ window displays have neither as

We launched a news conference “showcase for

enhancing understanding and respect for what we do.

The Chinese Association of Window Design is

registered in Hong Kong. How will this impact development in mainland China?

We registered in Hong Kong due to the greater

much attention nor as much investment. Some

ease of legal procedures there; but our affiliation

for example, and Wanda Plazas- there is a

means that we have the qualifications to recruit

high points exist- Beijing’s Galeries Lafayette, growing demand for well-designed displays.

However, the uneven level of domestic brands, often characterized by low budgets and tendency to duplicate previously used designs, have a detrimental effect on domestic designers. What are your next plans?

The first international showcase CWDA

Design Competition Call for Papers and a news conference has been successfully completed; this is the first real platform for domestic designers

with the China Interior Decoration Association members.

What advice would you give to aspiring window designers?

Window design has a long history of overseas

development; online research and trips to Europe can help. However, for domestic designers, a

thorough knowledge of domestic needs-low cost,

easy to install, emphasizing the brand-these are necessary for designers to impress their clients.

LifeStyle 63


丽江和府洲际度假酒店坐落于中国历史 文化名城丽江大研古镇南端,是世界文化遗 产丽江古城内唯一的国际五星级会务及休闲 度假酒店。酒店建筑巧妙融合了现代时尚元 素和纳西民族建筑特色的精华及多个有代表 性的景观,让客人置身其中,领略丽江自然 与人文的精髓。 不论是高级客房还是套房,每间房都是 设计师的精品之作,不仅设计现代且具有浓 郁的纳西民族风情,根据区域景观将酒店分 为六大主题区域:紫藤花园、东巴纸坊、渔 人码头、天井花园、铜社及三眼井和玉龙府邸。 每个主题区域也都诠释着丽江独具特色的文 化底蕴。让客人舒适惬意的享受在丽江的居 停。 除了优质的居住环境,酒店更是将运营 理念完美的融入丽江特色美食和悠闲的娱乐 当中。设计别致,色彩灵动的“七色光”中餐厅, 伴着古典乐和爵士经典音乐,营造出一丝古 典复古气质,让客人尽情品味丽江慢时光; 国际化的紫苏餐厅是主要用餐场所,一场来 自世界各地美食的饕餮盛宴将唤醒您的味蕾; 逸醉茶廊里品种丰富的香茗,休闲随意的气 愤,让人神清气爽,充满活力。白日里伴随 着慵懒的爵士乐,顾客可尽享在时光吧轻松 美妙的悠闲时光;夜晚,基调欢快的时光吧 则有别样的风情。更有设备一流服务专业的 健身中心,洲际水疗中心,恒温泳池和儿童 乐园。恬静的氛围,舒畅的生活,让客人在 此每分每刻都陶醉其中。 丽江是浪漫之都,丽江是小资天堂。而 在这座悠久又迷人的古城文化的熏陶下,浪 漫也将升华。丽江和府洲际度假酒店期待与 每一位客人来一场浪漫的相遇……

64 LifeStyle


Romance in Lijiang The InterContinental Lijiang Ancient Town Resort is located in China’s historical and cultural town of

Lijiang, a World Heritage Site; it is the city’s only five-star international conference and leisure hotel. The

building cleverly combines elements of modern fashion and Naxi essence, with architecture typical of the landscape, allowing guests to enjoy the essence of nature and humanity of Lijiang.

Whether in the rooms or the suites, each room features bespoke design inspired by the Naxi aesthetic, in

6 different inspired styles, including the Wisteria Garden, the Dongba Zhifang, the Fisherman’s Wharf, the Garden Patio, the Three Wells, and the Yulong Copper site. Each of these presents a unique interpretation of the cultural heritage of Lijiang while also giving guests a safe and comfortable home.

In addition to the quality of the living environment, the hotel is perfectly integrated into the operating

philosophy of Lijiang’s special culture. With chic design and vibrant color, the Seven Colors Chinese Restaurant has a classic retro temperament, allowing guests to enjoy the taste of Lijiang in a relaxed environment while listening to classical music and jazz. The Basil Leaf Restaurant is a the main dining

option, with dishes from around the world; the Green Tea Lounge allows a variety of teas to refresh and recharge you. Whether it is daytime relaxation or nighttime excitement, the hotel has a space to cater for every desire. What’s more, the Spa InterContinental, the fitness center, a heated swimming pool and a

playground for the kids allows you to work out after your meal. A tranquil atmosphere and comfortable life means that every moment is filled with pleasure.

Lijiang; even the word is romantic, summoning up a paradise on earth. In this ancient city filled with

culture, romance springs up easily. Lijiang InterContinental Resort hopes that each and every guest will enjoy a romantic encounter…

276 Xiang He Road, Old Town District, Lijiang City, Yunnan Province, 674100, P. R. China Tel:0888 5588 888

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Profile / P.66 旅游

Travel / P.70 酒店

Hotel / P.86 美食美客

Foodie / P.100 艺术

Art / P.110

台北 W 酒店 W TAIPEI

LifeStyle 65



宁奇峰: 以非凡挑战极致

Jeff Ning: Daring to Dream

源于专业高度的执著,带领万达 酒店建设与设计团队不断缔造业 界神话,宁奇峰的热情与专注, 始终与“酒店”二字捆绑在一起, 密不可分。在这个竞争异常激烈 的事业中,也许只有真正非凡的 能力,才能挑战最极致的作品。 An enthusiast of design from the start, Jeff Ning now leads the Wanda Hotel Design Institute with enthusiasm and dedication, creating China’s new generation of hotels. His work is inspiring, challenging, a new legend: Jeff Ning truly dares to dream. Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: Matjaz Tancic

66 LifeStyle

您是通过什么样的机缘进入酒店行业,并一直坚持到现在? 我是随着万达酒店板块的发展而进入这个行业,受集团委派 组建酒店建设公司,完成万达酒店的设计、建设与管理,截至目 前已建成 72 家 5 星级酒店。能在酒店行业做到现在,谈不上坚持, 其实做得很有乐趣。可能因我是学设计出身,而酒店设计、建设 与管理需要非凡的创意与品位,极富挑战,在工作过程中提供了 很多学习的机会。总之,既能学有所用又能不断学习和成长是我 工作的动力。 您最喜欢什么样设计风格的酒店?您觉得什么才是好的酒店设 计?

What led you to enter the hotel industry, and what has inspired your work until now?

My career has grown with Wanda; as the company has expanded, I’ve

had many exciting opportunities for career growth as a hotel designer. So far, Wanda has built 72 five-star hotels; I’ve had a lot of fun along the way.

My background is in design; working with Wanda in both architecture and management has been a dream come true, challenging and testing my core beliefs; hotel design requires a consideration of every component of the design process. Throughout my career with Wanda, I’ve never stopped learning.

What is your favorite style of hotel, and what makes a good hotel design?

For me personally, I prefer a strong sense of design; hotels with personality,

that aren’t afraid to innovate. Good hotel design is reflected in two aspects:

就我个人而言,更喜欢设计感强的、有个性的、有创新的酒店。 好的酒店设计体现在两个方面:一是人性化设计,无论造价 高低或采用什么技术手段,一定要考虑使用者的使用感受和舒适 性,从使用者出发而非单纯当艺术品来做;二是艺术性设计应当 有当地文化元素及创新。在讨论方案时我常提示设计师:要想象 我们设计的这家酒店应该成为什么样子,这个“应该”就包含了

user-friendly design- a holistic consideration of the user’s experience and

comfort, and artistic design elements of the local culture, that prevent the

hotel from feeling generic. I often suggest to designers that we adapt local

culture, inspired by architects such as Frank Lloyd Wright, Louis Kahn, and

Le Corbusier. Wright described architecture as being subordinate to the natural environment, growing from the ground up to meet the sun; this is an excellent maxim, and one that we at Wanda take seriously.

当地文化元素。这个观念来源于现代建筑大师弗兰克·劳埃德·赖 特(Frank Lloyd Wright)、路易斯·康(Louis Isadore Kahn)和勒· 柯布西耶(Le Corbusier), 勒·柯布西耶在设计著名的郎香教堂时, 在项目所在地生活一段时间 ,就是希望最终的设计与环境融为一 体。正如弗兰克·劳埃德·赖特形容好的建筑,“从属于自然环境, 从地里生长出来迎接太阳。” 您觉得享受一家酒店的最好的方式是什么? 享受一家酒店的最好方式就是使用它,住在里面,去餐厅吃 饭,去大堂吧喝咖啡,去健身房健身,去做 SPA,每到一家酒店, 我都要里里外外转遍看遍,时间允许的话也尽量使用里面所有的 设施。我最喜欢酒店的 SPA、游泳池、大堂吧、全日餐或特色餐

What do you think is the best way to enjoy a hotel?

Use it: live there, visit the restaurant, drink a coffee in the lobby, go to the

gym, visit the spa. In each of our hotels, I try to make use of all of the facilities,

to better inform my analysis of the user experience. A hotel in daytime: the swimming pool, a sedate meal, the energy of the lobby; this is the best way to enjoy the place.

What travel has made the biggest impression on you?

I like different types of travel. I’ve had many amazing voyages, but the one

that comes to mind was in Los Angeles, where I stayed in a resort built into a cliff, better to see the sunset and the rays of the sun glinting against the waves;

an amazing experience. Another stay in Japan’s Mount Fuji gave me a quiet and secluded feeling, the scent of pine forests all around.

的部分,这是酒店最有特点、最让人放松和享受的地方。 What’s the importance of hotels?

您印象最深刻的旅行是哪一次?为什么? 我喜欢不同的旅行方式及目的地。过去经历中,印象深刻的 旅行有许多,比较深刻的一次是在美国洛杉矶建在悬崖边的度假 酒店,进入大堂正好看见夕阳下的大海,关键是能站在崖壁上远 眺闪着金光并随着夕阳沉入大海而不断变幻色彩的海面,真是美

Hotels really determine the entire experience of travelling. A comprehensive

environment, it relieves the fatigue of travel, and allows us to quietly

experience local history, culture, and natural beauty. For business travel, a hotel can determine whether a trip goes smoothly or not, giving you a whole new outlook and the energy to keep working. Good business facilities and service, such as wi-fi or car service, can make the difference for business travelers.

极了。还有一次是在日本富士山下的温泉酒店,安静而与世隔绝 的感觉,泡在露天温泉里,鼻子满是松叶的香味。 酒店的选择在旅行中有什么样的重要性? 酒店对旅行来说太重要了,对于度假来说选择合适的酒店可 能决定了你度假的全部品质,酒店提供的环境不仅能让你忘却旅 途的疲劳,还能让你静静的品位当地的历史文化与自然风光。而 对于商务旅行来说,合适的酒店也部分决定了你工作是否可以顺 利进行,休息的好可以让你第二天有全新的面貌和精力去应付工 作的压力。好的商务设施或服务,可以让你的商务活动更方便, 比如 Wi-Fi 是否全覆盖及信号是否稳定,是否可以提供个性化的 用车服务等。

LifeStyle 67


Profile 荣获“大世界基尼斯之最”。天花地面图案分别取材于楚 文物、铜鉴缶和古乐器“磬”的纹样,反映了荆楚文化特 征。瑞华酒店在艺术精品的创造以及智能化、高科技运用 方面也都作出了很多创新和探索。 昆明文华是万达集团第 100 家万达广场的重要组成部 分,也是万达在西南地区首家豪华酒店。酒店整体设计以 昆明当地特色人文主题展开,点、线、面协调统一。其中 昆明市花——山茶花为设计主线,结合云南多民族地域文 化,对银饰、蜡染、刺绣、乐器、茶马古道等主题元素进 行抽象化并重新组合,从形体、空间、色彩等多维度生动 演变 呈现,展现出浓厚的春城文化气息。 烟台文华酒店是万达第一个超高层空中大堂酒店。酒 店设计以海洋主题演绎出时尚奢华的“国际范”,并首度 结合当代艺术家郑路的《弘仁山水印象之烟台篇》、《淋 漓 • 玩止水》作品,装点酒店氛围,高度提升了酒店品质, 开业后获业内人士高度评价。 芜湖嘉华是万达嘉华酒店中较为典型的创新项目,总 体设计简约而不失细节,整体而不乏层次。酒店整体以呈 现徽州人文景观元素为主题,采用当地特色铁画艺术手法, 结合写意水墨及徽派建筑表现皖南风貌,是传统工艺与现 代设计结合经典案例,为传统工艺的可持续发展探索出一 条很好的道路。 关于万达酒店设计研究院的发展方向及未来展望,您有什 么样的想法? 首先,万达酒店设计院同希尔顿、喜达屋、洲际、凯悦、 雅高等各大国际品牌的超五星、五星、四星、三星等各级 别酒店均有成功合作,不但对于各品牌管理公司的标准非

请介绍一下万达酒店设计研究院的大致情况。 万达酒店设计院创立于 2012 年,前身为万达酒店建设有限公司设计部,是

常熟悉,而且对于各品牌的管理及盈利模式和客户定位也 非常了解,我们可以提出更加有利于酒店管理及盈利的建




非常严格的管理体系,基于 72 家已开业酒店的总结及分

建设全过程提供技术支持与协调工作。到 2014 年底,在全程管控万达已开业 72













在实施阶段的再创造,实现创新效果的落地。简言之,万 达酒店设计院需要承担三合一的功能:专业设计院设计效

请分享万达酒店设计研究院的几项重要作品及其特点。 在近期开业的几个酒店中,武汉瑞华、昆明文华、烟台文华、芜湖嘉华是 几个有代表性的作品。 武汉瑞华是万达集团第一家开业的自主设计、自主品牌的顶级奢华酒店。

果、投资方技术管理、酒店管理公司运营管理等三方面的 要求。在长期实战项目积累与不断总结的基础上,万达酒 店设计院建立了完善的标准和强大的信息数据库,这是行 业内绝无仅有的,也将是万达酒店设计院最大的竞争优势。

酒店设计将荆楚文化元素融入到每一个空间, 体现厚重而深远的文化底蕴。大






68 LifeStyle

肯定要走出去,将我们在酒店积累的经验贡献给社会, 为更多的业主服务,提升整体行业的水平并最大程度 降低相关风险。 Please tell us about the Wanda Hotel Design Institute.

Founded in 2012, the Wanda Hotel Design Construction

Company has become a Design Institute, a consultancy for

interior design in hotels, as well as being a professional design

institute for hotel construction, designing mechanical and

electrical components as well as standardizing, developing, updating, and providing technical support and coordination in hotel design. As of 2014, Wanda has designed and opened 72 five-star hotels, and accumulated professionalism and experience in the process.

Wanda Hotel Design and Research Institute is internationally

renowned and domestically famous, with world-class hotel

designers, including foreign ones. For example, the original Starwood Hotels and Resorts chief designer now works with us. What design philosophy is characteristic of Wanda?

The Wuhan Ruihua, Kunming Mandarin, Yantai Wandarin,

and The Wuhu Ka Wah are a few representative works. The

What’s the future development direction of the Wanda Design Institute?

Group’s first luxury hotel. Embodying Wuhan localism as well

Huatt, and other international brands of five-star and high-end luxury hotels. Our management

featuring the world’s largest jade mural. Similar to a landscape

other brands. Having successfully designed abd opened 72 hotels, we have learned how to

Wuhan Ruihua is one we are especially proud of; the Wanda as international trends, the entire lobby is a column-free space scroll, we used traditional Chinese handicrafts in designing this masterpiece, showing off Wuhan’s famous East Lake. The scroll is in total 600 square meters, with over 200 tons

of jade; it was no surprise when this design won international recognition in design competitions.

The Kunming Mandarin is another important exemplar of our

philosophy, and is Wanda’s first luxury hotel in the Southwest.

The overall design is inspired by Kunming’s local specialties, and a harmony between point, line and surface. The beauty of

The Wanda Hotel Institute has worked with Hilton, Starwood, Accor, Intercontinental,

standards and design requirements are similar, and we have been successful in consulting for make cost-effective yet elegant design, gaining the maximum results from investment. Our

integrated management to both design and construction gives us a huge advantage. Our design

is rooted in a holistic understanding of the entire construction process. In short, we serve a triple function: professional design, investment advisory, and hotel management expertise. Our powerful information database is unparalleled in the industry.

Currently, Wanda hotels are continuing our rapid overseas expansion. Our design institute

continues to serve Wanda Hotels as a main function, but are increasingly working as consultants to other brands, as our reputation grows.

Kunming’s camellias combined with the multi-ethnic Yunnanese

culture- silverware, batik, embroidery, musical instruments, and

the history of the tea horse trail all have gone into inspiring the abstract, vividly colorful design of the hotel, inspired by springthe season which Kunming lives in perpetually.

The Yantai Mandarin is an innovative model, the first super-

tall Wanda hotel lobby. The hotel’s personality is refined and

pleasant, inspired by oriental heritage and the marine culture

typical of Shandong while remaining fit to international standards. The lobby is the most distinctive space, inspired by the mountains and oceans, the splendor of the sun sparkling on





the sea; these ecological elements play a major role in inspiring our design.

The Wuhu Wanda Wah Wah is a more typical hotel, with a

design that embodies simplicity and elegance. The Huizhou

culture and landscape elements thereof make up the theme,

which includes the local landscape painting style, as well as inspiration from Huizhou's vernacular architecture. The style is

a modern take on traditional design which makes a case for the sustainablae development of traditional craft.

LifeStyle 69

【人物介绍 Profile】 宁奇峰:大连万达商业地产股份 有限公司副总裁。西安人,同济 大学建筑学博士。2002 年加入万 达集团,历任万达集团商业发展 有限公司副总裁、商业规划研究 院院长、万达酒店建设有限公司 总经理。目前作为商业地产股份 有限公司副总裁全面负责万达集 团支柱产业之一酒店板块的设计 与建设。 Jeff Ning, Vice President of Dalian Wanda Commercial Real Estate Co., is a Xi’an native, and holds a PhD in Architecture from Shanghai’s prestigious Tongji University. In 2002, he joined the Wanda Group and has served as Vice President for Business Development, Head of the Business Planning Research Institute, and the Wanda Hotel Construction Company’s General Manager. As Vice President of the Commercial Real Estate Company, Jeff Ning holds the responsibility for hotel design and construction, a primary pillar of the Wanda Group.

70 LifeStyle



XI’AN WONDERLAND 尽管工作繁忙,宁奇峰却总是愿意抽出时间去不同的城市进行短暂而紧凑的旅行。 那些新开业的酒店是最容易吸引他出行的原因,这是他作为一个专业酒店人对于行业的本能热爱。 西安之行,恰恰正是这样一次始于酒店,止于设计的旅行,唯一不同于以往的是, 这里更多了一份从西安走出去的游子对故乡一砖一瓦、一草一木的眷恋。 Jeff Ning lives a crazy life… but that doesn’t stop him from taking city breaks to decompress. The hotel executive visits newly opened hotels to get a feel for the changes in the industry as a regular part of his job. Xi’an will always feel different, though; from hotels to design to cuisine, the ancient city is forever his home. Editor: Richard Fu Text: Yuki Zhang Photos: Matjaz Tancic Acknowledgement: MINI Countryman

LifeStyle 71











史悠久的大楼建成,如 Sofitel Legend Metropole Hanoi(河内)、


Sofitel Legend The Grand Amsterdam(阿姆斯特丹)、Sofitel


Legend Old Cataract Aswan(阿斯旺)与及 Sofitel Legend Santa


Clara Cartagena(哥伦比亚)。全球每家索菲特传奇,都无一例
















始建于 1953 年,前身是专门用来接待中外首脑和贵宾的西安国



来随着专家的撤离,逐渐改建成国宾馆,进而才成为今天 的奢华酒店。尽管如今酒店的内部已经改造成了 71 间客房, 可如果仔细留心,入住的客人还是会了解所有的客房都最 大限度地保留了原始的建筑结构。比如,你会发现客厅、 卧室和洗手间的大小几乎是 1:1:1 的,而当初,这其实 是 3 间不同的专家宿舍。 在西安索菲特传奇酒店的内部,有很多看似不经意, 但其实格外用心的安排。“受到原有建筑的局限,酒店的 大堂相对来说并不算大,但是统一的整体色系和对称的空 间布局,会让客人感觉到的是一种接近回家的舒适自在。 标识标牌、楼梯扶手的设计,包括字体、材质和雕刻花纹 非常传统,和西式的楼梯地毯图案构成了非常特别的和谐 统一。”坐在被命名为“1953”的大堂吧中,宁奇峰很喜 欢展示在墙上的黑白历史照片,“就如同一个家庭把自己 最重要的历史拿出来给客人看一样,酒店的疏离感最大限 度地淡化了,取而代之的就是一种温馨。”而窗外,一棵 棵有着百年历史的珍贵树木,在冬日的阳光中格外挺拔。 待到来年春暖花开,别有旖旎景致惹人醉。

1953 大堂吧陈列了酒店的历史照片

72 LifeStyle


he Sofitel Legend is as legendary as the name suggests. All over the world, each Sofitel Legend is the

site of a fusion of cultures. Aside from lavish interior

design, the brand is focussed on offering cultural charm. As an

industry expert, Jeff Ning is very familiar with the backgrounds

of hotel brands. “The Sofitel Legend has a prominent historical background, and the “cultural heritage” and “art mash-up” concepts are also refreshing. The French-style pavilions

standing side-by-side with Chinese ancient heritage makes the Sofitel Legend unique in Xi’an, and perhaps China.”

The Sofitel Legend Hotel Xi’an was built in 1953 in the

former Xi’an People’s Square building, and was dedicated

to hosting foreign heads of state and dignitaries- an official state guesthouse. “The most important thing is that during

the reconstruction process, Sofitel Legend did not change

the historical framework; the infrastructure remained intact as much as was possible. Although it is a new hotel, every

guest can feel the strong historical atmosphere of the original landmark.” Standing by the entrance to the lobby, Jeff Ning

pointed at the building, his architectural expertise coming out as he commented, “Just looking at the building, it’s easy to tell it isn’t contemporary; in terms of the overall structure, the carved

details in the exterior and the classical architecture style of the

Soviet reconstruction period. The interior design makes full use of the original building’s space, juxtaposing color schemes

and heritage in an appetizing way. The historic People’s Square is conserved while also imbued with European details and a

unique Chinese touch, reflecting the complex blend of histories and cultures that went into Xi’an.”

In fact, the almost-asymmetrical structure of the building

was indeed, as Jeff Ning supposed, a Soviet expert’s “dormitory

building,” which turned into a guesthouse for foreign heads

of state, and is now a luxury hotel. Notwithstanding these

mutations, each room still retains the original architectural structure. For example, you will find that the living room,

bedroom and bathroom’s size ratio is almost 1:1:1 because originally these would have been three different bedrooms for the Soviet experts.

Many aspects of the interior seem to be casual or random,

酒店大厦始建于 1953 年, 是当时为苏联专家建的宿舍楼

but in fact, every detail was painstakingly decided by experts. “Relatively speaking, subjected to the limitations of the original

building structure, the hotel lobby is not large in size, but the combination of its color scheme and layout makes the guests

feel at home immediately. The logo signs, star handrail design-

including fonts, textures and carved details- are still preserved, along with the western-style staircase carpet patterns which

offer a harmonious feeling. Sitting at the 1953 Lobby Bar, Jeff

Ning reminisced about history while ghazing at the black and white photographs on the walls. “Just like a family honoring their background, the hotel serves customers while honoring its tradition,” Ning exclaimed. Looking out of the window, ever

corner lined with trees illuminated by winter’s cold sunbeams… This scene, utterly contemporary yet with historical shadows, was immediately entrancing.

酒店有位和大厦同龄的解说员倪老先生 为酒店客人和参观者双语讲述酒店历史

LifeStyle 73





A CALL TO THE SPIRIT 门)、省心楼(邦克楼)、连三门(四门)、凤凰亭、月台、 礼拜大殿等主要建筑物。飞檐、斗拱、青瓦、砖雕,寺内亭、 台、楼、殿,基调都是非常传统的中国古典建筑,但寺院内的 布置又严格按照伊斯兰教制度,殿内的雕刻和花纹装饰都由阿 拉伯文套雕组成。可以说,清真大寺是具有历史感的中西合璧 的特色建筑。这个清真寺内几乎没有一块空白的墙壁,每块墙 壁基本都有石质和砖质的精美雕花,从中可以看出,在那个时 代这个寺庙是极尽奢华,在西北区域有着较高的地位。”在寺 内,带有强烈特色的建筑细节随处可见,而礼拜大殿的石柱是 最吸引人目光的。“整个石柱分成上中下三个部分,最下面的 一截是石雕,中间的是砖雕,而上面的部分,则又使用了木雕 的工艺。三个部分各有千秋,又统一地融合在一起,这样的风 格在其他地方很难见到,也给我们专业从事建筑设计的人提供 墙上的时钟是一日内礼拜的时间 穆斯林和游客可以根据此时间参与礼拜

了很好的思考方向。” 参观的时间,正赶上穆斯林的礼拜,家住周围的信徒们纷 纷赶来寺中,打破了原本宁静的气氛。这座清真寺是一座专门

一年到头从早到晚,西安回民街的生意始终如火如荼。 商贾林立、货物琳琅、游客如梭,物与欲在这里混杂成最








至让人忍不住产生一种幻觉与抽离。 “作为西安传统的旅游景点,清真大寺虽然一直都吸

74 LifeStyle


义则包含了无数的克制与洁净。从他们所使用的建筑颜色就能 够很好地感知一二了。”宁奇峰说,出于职业的敏感,他对于











大寺则是以中式建筑为主结合伊斯兰风格的装饰。全寺分 5











hroughout the year, Xi’an Muslim Street is always in full swing from morning to night.

Traders, gems and other goods, a constant influx of

people combine to make a hustle and bustle atmosphere. In the midst of this busy quarter, the Grand Mosque is like an oasis of

tranquility; escape the hubbub outside and find a world of quiet peace. The contrast is truly unforgettable.

“As one of Xi’an’s most famous tourist attractions, the Grand

Mosque has always had many guests, but over the years, nothing

has changed; it retains a solemn dignity,” said Jeff Ning, who

used to come here to sketch as a schoolboy. The trees in spring and autumn, the brick walls; they all bear memories of childhood.

Most mosques are built in the Islamic style, but the Xi’an Grand

Mosque is a combination of Chinese and Islamic elements, an inspiring fusion. The mosque area is divided into 5 segments,

each styled using the classical Chinese courtyard arrangement, with a main building, veranda, pavilion, and halls. The Grand

Mosque’s courtyard is rather unique: the central eastern end is the

starting point of the whole temple axis, the central one in order

of priority with wooden arches. The cornices, the tiles, the use of

brick, the temple pavilion; the tone is very much that of traditional Chinese architecture, but the inside of the temple conforms

strictly to Islamic aesthetics in sculpture, decorative pattern, and

the tablets on the wall in Arabic script. The eastern wall’s axis is

sequentially arranged with wooden columns. It could be said that the mosque represents a harmonious blend of eastern and western architectural styles; the beautiful, ancient carvings on the walls

give a sense of holiness to this, one of Northwestern China’s most

beautiful temples. “Inside the mosque, distinctive architectural detail is everywhere, with the prayer halls standing out the most.

清真寺大殿上的匾文是古兰经开宗明义 的首句“奉至仁至慈至尊的真主之名”, 是穆斯林屠宰动物之前必念的经文

The pillars are divided into three sections, with stones in the

lower and upper parts and wood in the middle. Different in style, the three components nonetheless complement each other, an

application rarely seen; it’s truly an inspiration for those of us who specialize in architecture and design.

The visiting hours are the same as the praying time. The

inner silence of the halls breaks as the locals gather one by one in prayer, with prayer halls divided by gender. Muslims pray

five times a day, with the times dictated by the movement of the sun- each prayer is slightly different, evocative of the time

of day. Prior to prayer, Muslims wash themselves clean, to be

pure as they speak to their God. “Desire is unlimited, but Islamic

doctrines advocate restraint and cleanliness. The simple one

or two tone color schemes used in the mosque illustrate this restraint,” commented Ning, who continued, saying “Blue and Green are the iconic colors of the Islamic tradition, representing a holy, peaceful life. In this mosque, with its distinctive blend of Chinese and Western Islamic styles, these colors mix with

the classical Chinese architectural design to create a unique and vibrant structure that is anything but monotonous.” As we were chatting, the prayer hour was about to commence; peace descended on the mosques as hundreds of people facing the imam

devoutly commenced prayer. At this moment, the hustle and bustle of the streets outside were muted, as the presence of a great faith entered our midst.

每次礼拜前穆斯林 都要沐浴冼掉身上的尘垢

LifeStyle 75










法,他对于书法作品的喜爱是发自内心的。 “书



进的轨迹。“随着碑林文物研究的发展(如景教碑 ), 碑林不仅是书法宝库,















先认真练好基本功。当时觉得很伤自尊心, 后来却深有感触。” 在这座整体面积并不是很大的院落中, 保存着从各地收集而来的涵盖各个朝代、囊 括各种类别的石碑上千方。其中一方记载基 督教在中国传播历史的“大秦景教流行中国 碑”给宁奇峰留下了深刻的印象。“这座石 碑是在明代出土的,据历史记载当时引起了 传教士们很大的轰动。整座石碑由 1780 个汉 字撰写,另附数十字叙利亚文,主要记录的 是唐朝是景教在中国传入和盛行的事情。成 为后来研究基督教在中国早期历史的主要依 据之一。”除了“景教碑”,宁奇峰说他最 喜欢的就是各种书法大家的作品,王羲之的 字是他向来推崇的。而能够在碑林博物馆的 拓片室亲手制作一片石碑拓片,更是让他欣 喜不已。“以前每次来只是看看,但是亲手 制作的感觉则是完全不同的。当你通过薄薄 的纸张去触摸每一处笔划的细节,由平面书 法感受到立体书法,就会更深地了解中国书 法中力透纸背的意境。”不过按照国家规定,

76 LifeStyle

“大秦景教流行中国碑”记载了基督教唐朝时从长安 传 入中国。称“景教”,有日照京城,光明的意思


orn into a family of calligraphers, Jeff Ning’s feelings

for the Beilin Museum are difficult to put into words. He started practicing calligraphy from the age of

five, and his passion grew from his heart. “Calligraphy soothes the spirit, and is a great way to study classical aesthetics and

literature,” he said; every time he returns to Xi’an, he always visits the Beilin Museum. “For me, Beilin is a treasure trove of Chinese calligraphy.” As a child, his father took him often; “Once

in Beilin I stumbled upon a calligraphy master, who looked at

a sample of my work. I was proud of it, but he told me with a

serious manner “If you want to improve your calligraphy level,

you must carefully enhance your basic skills.” The criticism stung at the moment, but it has stayed with me, guarding me from complacency.”

The area of the Beilin Museum is not very large, but it

preserves work from the various dynasties as well as numerous

categories of work. One of the artworks, “The Chinese Nestorian

Monument,” documents the history of the Christian missionaries in China, leaving Jeff Ning with a deep impression. “The stone


was unearthed during the Ming Dynasty; according to historical records, Christianity had a major impact on society during

that time. The whole monument was written with a total nof 1,780 Chinese characters, with Arabic letters as well; the text

records the journey of Christian missionaries during the T’ang dynasty. Later, this became one of the fundamental documents

of the early history of Christianity in China.” Aside from the Nestorian monument, Jeff Ning loves the works of Wang Xizhi,

a calligrapher from the Eastern Jin dynasty; and the fact that he could create his own stone rubbings in the museum’s stone rubbing room delighted him. “In the past, I came here just to stroll or get inspiration, but creating a rubbing stone with one’s own hands is a completely different feeling. Touching

every little detail with thin strokes on the paper, you feel each

word come alive, allowing a deeper understanding of Chinese calliraphy’s deep and powerful artistic concept.” However,

in accordance with state regulations, the stone rubbings that are allowed to be sold are only those produced after the Ming

Dynasty; those produced before that are first-degree national heritage artifacts, which it is forbidden for individuals to possess

without permission. For Jeff Ning, the existence of museums like Beilin is a step forward on the path of understanding the

Chinese culture; in his own words, “With the development of cultural studies and research on Beilin’s curated works, the museum has become more than a treasure trove of calligraphyit is also a center for national history and culture. Not only a

focal point for ancient Chinese culture and artifacts, Beilin is

a place where generations of calligraphy enthusiasts gather to explore the artworks of calligraphy masters from the past. By

facilitating the exchange and development of culture, Beilin gives a tangible history, a house of culture in Xi’an evocative of the grand past. For this reason alone, Beilin is far beyond a mere

tourist attraction, and it’s vital for professionals in the hotel and design industry in China to visit, to understand the history and

tradition that we engage with and build upon in our work todaywitnessing masterpieces that have stood the test of time.

西安碑林,始建于北宋元祐二年 ( 公元 1087 年 ), 历经 900 多年的历史,是我国收藏碑石最早最多的艺术宝库

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需要,使得现代化建设必不可少,要说矛盾,也是必然存在的, 但如果恰当处理,完全可以解决矛盾。我们可以从欧洲一些历史 风貌保存很好的城市如巴黎、罗马、伦敦找到这样的例子,但从 美的意义上来说,尊重与保留能够获得更多的美的体验,而不是 简单地整齐划一,雷同相似。城市的韵味,正是在于独特的文化, 以及随处能被发现和感受的细节。一方面应该说,要尊重时代前 进的发展和城市居民的需要,另一方面也是要能够保留城市的特 色。建设者需要从受众的角度多去感受,要尊重文化、传承文化、 创新文化,严肃认真的对待作品,而不是盲目求速度、求体量、 求造型、求奢华。中国已经告别了粗暴发展的时代,作为建设者, 也要有艺术家的胸襟和情怀。”






i’an’s Ancient City Wall is the one attraction that cannot be

missed by visitors to the city. It is one of the largest ancient walls existing in China. “As somebody who works with

buildings and architecture, from the design perspective, the wall is truly grand,” said Ning. Built during the Sui dynasty and renovated during

the Tang, Song, Yuan and Ming, the city wall finally got its distinctive current look. “City walls are never a one-time construction- the earliest

city walls were constructed with soil mixed with lime and rice juicewhich makes a very solid foundation. Later on, bricks were put on top,

as well as a space between of 40-60 meters for drainage, which is one of

西安的古城墙,是每一个来到西安的人,都要登上去看一看的保留 项目。“西安古城墙是中国现存最完整、规模最大的古城墙之一。站在 一个建筑设计工作者的角度,我觉得这是一个非常了不起的伟大的建筑。” 宁奇峰说,始建于隋朝的古城墙,在经历过唐、宋、元、明等历代的更 迭改建之后,最终才形成了今天的样子。“城墙的建设和完善不是一次 性的。比如最早的古城墙其实完全是用黄土分层夯打而成,最底层用土、 石灰和糯米汁混合夯打,异常坚硬。后来又逐步将整个城墙内外壁及顶 部砌上青砖。城墙顶部每隔 40-60 米有一道用青砖砌成的水槽,用于排水。 这些完善对于对西安古城墙的长期保护起了非常重要的作用。” 沉淀了千年的文化与历史西安,一直与时代同行。它有着无可替代 的地位和无可超越的过去。在这里,你能够体验历史的厚重与现代的精 致相互交错,能够感受到传统的传承与时尚的创新巧妙融合;他没有固 步自封,而是一直开拓奋进,尤其通过近几年的发展,这座古老的城市 在保留着传统风韵的同时又充满了现代的气息。“西安通过规划整体控 制,现保持了古都的风格,又展现了现代都市之美,城内的建筑以城墙、 城楼围合,以钟鼓楼为核心,比较厚重、端正恢弘、大气磅礴。”从城 墙俯瞰,城中保留着大量的古建筑,时间似乎流逝的很慢,而城外正在 以一种日新月异的速度进行着现代化的建设,宁奇峰说:“城市发展的

78 LifeStyle

the reasons it has stood the test of time so well.”

Layers and layers of culture and history in Xi’an go hand in hand with

society’s current modernization; but these layers are irreplaceable and to a certain extent unsurpassable. Here is where classic and modern history

intertwines, where you can feel tradition and innovations cleverly fused in a stylish way. The wall has grown and changed along with Xi’an -

and China. “Through control and planning, Xi’an has retained its image as China’s ancient capital, but also as a modern city. With the city walls, towers, and bell towers at its center, the city retains a majestic grandeur

brought down from the ages. Looking at the city froim the wall, a large number of preserved ancient buildings give an impression of the

leisurely passage of time, even though the city is undergoing rapid

development. “Urban development and modernization are necessary, and in an ancient place like Xi’an, that can lead to contradiction; but if properly treated, these problems are solvable. Cities like London, Paris

and Rome offer examples of how to respect classical beauty and heritage while continuing to have a vibrant city. Unique culture can be found

everywhere. We should respect the needs of urban residence and allow the city to develop while respecting heritage. China has bid farewell to

the era of brutal development; as developers, we should embrace a deep artistic sense, a respect for our nation’s rich tradition.”





As dusk fell, one’s thoughts turned to nightlife. A native of Xi’an,

Jeff Ning said that Xi’an’s nightlife is not as dynamic as that of

Beijing or Shanghai; but when it comes to quality of life, Xi’an is never left far behind. Traditionally, Xi’an’s night market is the

nocturnal destination of choice; but as Xi’an develops, tastemakers

and the young have sought out more diverse experiences, bars,

karaokes, cafes, and independent bookstores- all of which makes today’s Xi’an more dynamic than ever before, as the city’s development creates a new class who work hard, and play hard.

Hidden below the city walls at the south gate’s Shuncheng

夜幕降临,享受一座城市最好的方式就是感受它与众不同的夜生活。作 为一个本地人,宁奇峰说西安的夜生活也许不像北京、上海一样展现出的是 “潮”,但是对于生活的热爱与品质的讲究,却丝毫不会削减半分。“传统上, 以“吃”为代表的特色美食夜市是西安独具魅力之处。但是随着时代的发展, 现在更多了一些小资情调,越来越多的年轻人选择来到西安,使得这个城市 的夜生活相对于以前的 KTV、酒吧,多了许多咖啡吧、独立书店这些更多年 轻的选择。其实,现在的西安的夜生活比起以前确实是丰富了很多,从前的 西安人大多恋家、传统,现在,城市的发展也在潜移默化地改变着这个城市 里的人们。”

Lane No. 69, the Belgian Bar is a favorite hangout for young people, artists, and expatriates. On Saturday night there are live

performances, and the best imported Belgian beers are available.

After a long stroll along the wall, a glass of Chimay or Pink Elephant is refreshing- for the ladies, a Rince Cochon, almost always sold outconsider yourself lucky if you get a chance to take a sip.

Always the designer, Jeff Ning examined the atmosphere of the

bar; hotel bars, he said, are often more glamorous, but local bars can

become gathering places full of energy. Always exploring, always open, always enjoying life, that’s the most important thing.

藏身于城墙南门里顺城巷 69 号的杰诺比利时酒吧,是西安年轻人,尤其 是外国人喜欢扎堆的地方。周六晚上的乐队表演,各式纯进口的比利时啤酒, 店面虽然不大,却每晚爆满。从城墙溜达下来,点一杯智美或者粉象,都是 不错的选择,而著名的粉红猪啤酒,实在是无数女生的最爱,经常卖断货, 喝得到基本要靠运气了。 身处酒吧,宁奇峰不住打量着整体环境和周围的客人。他说 5 星级酒店 的酒吧更加重视氛围格调,以便于保持酒店水平、满足住店客人的风格不同, 社会酒吧显得更加热闹而富有特色,“但是无论你身在哪里,重要的是打开 自己,放松心情,学会享受就是生活最好的馈赠。”

杰诺比利时酒吧 有西安最好的啤酒和乐队表演

LifeStyle 79






万达希尔顿酒店。从 2010 年项目启动到 2011 年 8 月酒店开业,





统共只有 8 层的层高,这是为了尊崇古城内氛围统一,因此,我们

“我们想通过西安万达希尔顿, 向世人展示西安深厚的历史文化。

在酒店三楼楼顶位置创造性开辟了约合 2003 平方米的空中花园式









在酒店设计的前期筹备过程中,宁奇峰带领他的团队,走访 了西安市内的陕西博物馆,去了秦始皇兵马俑、古城墙遗址、大 小雁塔、碑林等富有当地特色的景区来实地参观,翻查了大量相

综合而言,这种空中庭院式的唐风建筑,在西安的五星级酒店也是 绝无仅有,展现了万达人的匠心独运。” 酒店大堂的壁画历来是万达酒店设计院作品的点睛之笔。西



























80 LifeStyle


酒店大堂吧的吊灯由中国传统的 如意造型拼接而成


t would be strange indeed if Jeff Ning’s visit to Xi’an didn’t include a stop by his team's own

work the Wanda Hilton Xi’an. From the beginning of the project in 2010 to the hotel opening in August 2011, a very unique hotel took shape in a remarkably fast ten-month span. Speaking of the

hotel’s overall design and concept, Ning said, “We wanted to show the most profound ancient Chinese

history and culture to the world through the Wanda Hilton Xi’an. During the Han and T’ang dynasties, China’s golden age, Xi’an was the capital of China, a culturally inclusive, prosperous city distinguished by developed culture and hospitality. Inspired by this, we used a variety of Han and T’ang traditional

elements with colorful tones, modern materials and fashionable artistic techniques so that foreign visitors could feel the spirit of Xi’an and fall in love with the city.”

During the preparatory process of designing the hotel, Jeff Ning led his team to the Shaanxi museum, to

see the Terracotta Warriors, to visit the city wall, the Beilin Museum, and many of Xi’an’s other repositories of cultural artifacts, immersing the designers in local tradition while brainstorming design. Many ancient design elements were retained, and the unique heritage elements gave a focus and structure to the hotel.

For example, the peony flower pattern and the “eave tile” element were both extensively worked in; these two symbolize the Qin and Han cultures. Peony flowers appear in many T’ang poems, as in the famous line

“Peony flowers are the true color of our land, the blossom season moves the capital…” The peony flower and

Xi’an are deeply connected to each other, so it became one of our primary design elements. Meanwhile, eave tiles are a traditional building material in China, originally used for roof drainage but also for the carving of auspicious words. Beautifying the environment, they give a classical appeal to the space. These two historical features were the starting point for our hotel’s design and main conception.

From the overall design perspective, Jeff Ning consistently adhered to the principles of “humane”

and “regional.” He described the process saying “First of all, the hotel was designed as a courtyard-style

building; it is not super tall, but only eight stories, which is in order to honor the ancient precept of unity from within. On the third floor, we created a 2000 square meter garden courtyard, increasing the value of

the design, enriching the guest’s perception and experience. Secondly, the overall design utilizes a great deal of T’ang style architecture, using cornice brackets, traditional color schemes, and decorative details

crafted to create a T’ang-style archaic elegance within the hotel. The spacious courtyard structure, T’ang style architecture, and attention to details, the five-star Wanda Hilton Xi’an is unique like no other, and represents the creative imagination of the Wanda team.”

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大雁塔 + 小雁塔


DIGNIFIED AND BEAUTIFUL 在西安,大雁塔与小雁塔一定是不容错过的






门研究过中国传统建筑的宁奇峰看来,这些建筑 的艺术价值和传世意义绝对不容小觑。“我硕士

82 LifeStyle

通常,欣赏大雁塔都是从周边的广场上,或者走到塔上面去。但其实, 想要发现大雁塔另一面不为人知的美,还有一个绝佳的去处。那就是近



大雁塔是唐代永徽三年(公元 652 年)大慈恩寺

国画的意境 , 更符合中国美学中略带朦胧、不是一览无余的含蓄美感 , 近





















重要,但当这一杯茶举起来的这一刻,品茶人的心境才是饮茶之魂。 与朋友一起分享好茶、在优美的环境中品茶都会促使你分泌更多的 多巴胺。“俗人多泛酒,谁解助茶香?”是山野莽夫、还是文人雅 客?是牛饮解渴还是品味茶韵?“品”的意味在于“境”。想象一 下,在三月海棠花开的仲春时节,与友人雅聚在大唐博相府的花园, 远处大雁塔传来晨钟暮鼓声,无论清风月夜还是暖阳晴午,都会是 多么让人忘却尘世的美好体验。 相比较大雁塔的端庄,小雁塔就要内敛很多。“小雁塔是整体 轮廓呈自然收分的柔和曲线,重檐密阁显得非常紧凑有序,比起大 雁塔的大气,小雁塔的更像是一个气质秀美的小家碧玉。”也许是 因为本身就是一个内敛的人,宁奇峰说他个人更喜欢小雁塔的沉静 秀美。“在大雁塔,你更能感受大唐盛世的豪放大气,而在小雁塔, 你会很容易就心静下来,静静品味,时间仿佛停止了,你穿越历史 回到唐朝,感受那个时代人们在物质富足之余,在艺术和精神上对


美的追求。” he Big Wild Goose Pagoda is among Xi’an’s most famous sites. For ordinary visitors, the two towers are integrated well into the

surrounding landscape, lending mood and charm. But Jeff Ning, as

an architectural historian and enthusiast, is aware of the deeper significance of these architectural masterpieces. “My speciality as a graduate student

was in architecture, and I studied the Xi’an Big Wild Goose Pagoda,

originally constructed in the year 652. The history of Buddhism in China, as memorialized in the famous novel Journey to the West, emerged from Indian pilgrims; this temple is a monument to that cultural transmission. As

the religion and its architecture became localized, a Chinese-style pavilion

tower with a brick tower body and timbered brackets, simple and solemn, became the definitive structure for Buddhism’s rise in China; a solid

pagoda-style tower surrounded by pavilions.” To appreciate the structure well, it must be seen from the periphery of the square; but connoisseurs

know that the view from the T’ang Dynasty Art Garden Hotel. The view from the garden patio shows the Big Wild Goose Pagoda in a perspective

reminiscent of Chinese landscape painting, in line with the subtle, slightly hazy Chinese aesthetic. The begonias and pavilions give a poetic frame to the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, accentuated by the distant sound of the drum tower; a wonderful experience best enjoyed with a pot of tea- whether

with friends or alone, as time begins to slow down. “I’m personally very fond of tea, and the different teas for different seasons; Longjing green

tea in spring, Oolong in summer, and black tea or Pu-erh tea in autumn

and winter. The way you drink tea is not important; your mood, your

companions, and environment- the sun, wind, moonlight, music, and thoughts- are. Tea itself determines sensory experience; a dance of water,

leaves, and the elements. In The Dream of Red Mansions, Miaoyu collects

snow in winter plum petals, the perfect water for tea. Drinking tea, you experience the world coming together in a moment of peace.”

”The shape of the dignified pagoda is restrained,” added Ning. An

introverted person himself, Ning prefers the pagoda for its gentle curves. The Zhong Yan court is dense and compact, tranquil and peaceful. “In the Big Wild Goose Pagoda, the T’ang dynasty feel is uninhibited and energetic,

whereas in the smaller courtyards allow a calm, a quiet taste, as if time

had stopped; you go back through the history of the T’ang dynasty, and the

artistic and spiritual quest for beauty that characterized the lives of that time period.

春天在大唐博相府庭院海棠树下 喝茶是西安最享受的地方之一

LifeStyle 83


Travel 主打文化博物馆概念的西安威斯汀酒店带给 人的第一感觉就是一种将现代气息揉合东方禅意 的文艺气质。中式、东方、简洁、禅意,宁奇峰 选择用四个词语来形容这间酒店带给他的感受。 “体现新颖的唐风 , 现代的唐风 , 整个项目注重于 文化内涵 , 有博物馆 , 商业空间 , 酒店以及长期的 酒店公寓 . 酒店整体风格融会于中国唐代建筑的 风格 , 采用传统中式庭院的设计理念 , 主体建筑之 间有回廊连接 , 在回廊上的全景观的咖啡厅 , 餐厅 等辅助设施 , 充分体现现代中国人热爱自然 , 接近 自然的积极的生活态度 . 门廊的布局显现出酒店 的中西合璧的完美设计理念 , 使酒店更具有特色。” 在融合当地文化特色上,西安威斯汀的中餐 厅可谓颇具巧心。充分利用中国元素营造出的精 致典雅和安谧悠闲,在鸟笼吊灯、青翠竹林、红 色瓷瓶等一系列装饰中都得以很好地传递出来。 而真正有趣的在于这里特别供应习近平主席会见 中国国民党荣誉主席连战,在北京钓鱼台国宾馆 养源斋设家宴款待连战伉俪的“习连套餐”。“蒜




片黄瓜、炝拌莲菜、老陕拆骨肉、冻冻肉”四样 凉菜再加上肉夹馍、羊肉泡馍和 biang biang 面组 成,浓浓的地方味就这样瞬间拉近了客人与西安 的距离。 在威斯汀,有一座真正意义上的博物馆—— 西安曲江艺术博物馆,这间博物馆通过与国内众 多公立博物馆合作的方式,借用展出了能够展现 中国各个朝代历史的古代壁画。这些壁画以人物、 景色、花鸟为主,从政治、经济、军事、文化等 各个方面反映了古代人类生活。而博物馆投资人 郭炎先生私人珍藏的金铠甲和高达 1 米的北齐佛 头,也让所有前来参观的客人啧啧赞叹。从推动 文化艺术发展的角度而言,曲江艺术博物馆除了 免费向每一个威斯汀酒店的住店客人赠送参观门 票之外,还会不定期对学校等组织开放。至于馆 内斥巨资成立的壁画修复中心,通过跟各地的公 立博物馆合作,开启了艺术品交换流动传播的新 模式。 这种艺术博物馆和酒店相结合方式,在宁奇 峰看来是非常值得思考和借鉴的:“这种方式可 以为酒店客人提供特别的体验,无疑大大提升了 酒店的艺术性。不过对一般酒店而言,单独做一 个博物馆可能性较小,可能须结合项目自身的特 点和资源,发掘酒店的艺术特性。目前万达酒店 更多是将艺术家作品融于酒店装饰,让酒店成为 流动的艺术博物馆,可以让客人在酒店活动中更 直接体验艺术魅力。”

酒店总经理 Mr. James Walkden 来自香港 W 酒店, 他说:W 酒店特色是创造潮流,而威斯汀酒店是坚持与众不同

84 LifeStyle

博物馆收藏的有 1400 年前的北齐石佛头


he first flagship cultural museum concept in Xi’an is the Westin, with its

development of the arts and culture, the Westin gives all guests free

simple, and zen: these four words are how Jeff Ning describes the hotel.

open to schools and other local organizations. The museum’s mural

modern blend of oriental Zen and literary temperament. Chinese, oriental,

Embodying the new T’ang style, the project focuses on culture, with museums,

commercial space, a hotel, and serviced apartments blending in together around a traditional Chinese courtyard design philosophy. The main building’s corridors

admission to the Qujiang Art Museum, which is also occasionally restoration center, in collaboration with public museums around China, has opened a new mode of art exchange in China.

This art museum and hotel combination is a worthwhile

connect around restaurants, cafes, and other facilities, embodying the Chinese

example, feels Jeff Ning, who commented “This way you can

balconies show a brilliant blend of Chinese and Western design, making the hotel

experience, especially for people who ordinarily might not visait

love of nature, and imparting a positive attitude towards life and nature. The even more distinctive.

The restaurant offers a delicious way to sample the Westin Xi’an’s commitment

to local culture. Making full use of Chinese elements to create a refined

tranquility, birdcage chandeliers, green bamboo, and red decorative porcelain

provide a special experience for hotel guests, greatly enhancing the such a museum. The project combines two worlds skillfully, and

has been studied by us at Wanda; making the direct experience of art a part of hotel guests’ stay is an idea whose time has come.”

give a modern Chinese feeling. President Xi Jinping has even met here with

Lien Chan, honorary Chairman of the Chinese Kuomintang party, inspiring a special menu in Beijing’s Diaoyutai guesthouse in honor of the occasion. “Sliced

cucumber, marinated lotus root, Shaanxi-style shredded meat, and chilled meat slices” are the opening appetizers, accompanied by the Shaanxi style hamburger, steamed mutton, and the famous Biang Biang noodles, instantly offering guests a unique taste of Xi’an.

At the Westin, there is a real dedication to art- the Xi’an Qujiang Museum of Art,

which cooperates with many domestic public museums to display the history of China’s various dynasties in ancient murals. These murals depict figures, scenery, flowers, birds, and depictions of the political, economic, military and cultural

development of the common life of the people. The museum investor Guo Yan

has lent his private collection of golden armor as well as a one meter tall Buddha head from the Northern Qi dynasty, inviting praise from all guests. Promoting the

LifeStyle 85


Future Hotels 用“三羊开泰”来形容羊年的酒店业发展不算为过, LifeStyle 与享誉全球的酒店设计大咖畅聊酒店业形势, 并且精选了一众 2015 年即将开业的新酒店,以贺新年。 In the year of the goat, the hospitality industry is hotter than ever. LifeStyle spoke with some of the most exciting hotel designers worldwide and tracked down the hotels we are most excited to see opening in 2015. Happy new year! Text: Jacob Dreyer

86 LifeStyle

Photos: 6A

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2015 十大最值得期待酒店 本期,LifeStyle 精选 2015 年全球最引人入胜、 最佳原创和最具设计性的开业酒店,让你先睹为快。 LifeStyle takes you around the world to some of the most interesting, well-designed, and original hotels scheduled to open in 2015. Text: Mollie Snyder & Sasha Astiadi

88 LifeStyle

珠光宝气:上海宝格丽酒店 Sparkling in Shanghai

宝格丽中国首家酒店计划于 2015 年在 上 海 开 业。 酒 店 坐 落 于 被 誉 为“ 上 海 黄 金 湾”的苏河湾(上海最著名的历史风貌保护 区之一),共设 120 间客房与套房,其进驻 的这栋大楼由世界顶级建筑设计团队 Foster + Partners 担纲规划和设计,内部设计则由著名 建筑事务所 Antonio Citterio Patricia Viel and Partners 为宝格丽量身打造。据悉,酒店将建 造一个屋顶泳池、歌舞厅和 21600 平方英尺 的顶级奢华水疗中心。 Bulgari Hotels & Resorts will open a new hotel

in Shanghai in 2015. The hotel is to be located

in a riverside complex in the artistic district of Suhe Creek, and will be the fourth for the luxury hospitality group, a joint venture between Italian

jeweler Bulgari and Marriott International. The

120-room Bulgari hotel in Shanghai will be located

on the upper 12 floors of a 40-storey building designed by London-based architectural firm Foster

+ Partners. Some of the amenities at the new luxury property will include a rooftop swimming pool, a

ballroom and a 21,600-square-foot spa. We can only imagine the chandeliers.

冰雪幻境:长沙大王山度假村 Hunanese Hideaway

界和水面提供可控制的自然光照。游客通过 透明的建筑外墙可以欣赏到悬臂式室外游泳 池、60 米高瀑布,天然悬崖和空中花园的美 丽景致。 The Austrian architecture firm has taken hold

of the ambitious urban project in transforming an abandoned cement quarry in Changsha, Hunan, into a whimsical-looking 120,000m² one-stop luxurious entertainment center dubbed as The Deep Pit Ice

and Snow World. The icy landscape will also be complemented with a separated five-star hotel accessible directly through the Grand Garden Plaza.

With cliffs that extend along 170 meters from end

to end, the design offers a combination of beauty and natural heritage and urban renewal. The natural

奥地利 Coop Himmelb(l)au 蓝天组将在湖

极具雕塑感的冰雪世界跨度为 170 米,



12,0000 平方米的一站式豪华“冰雪世界”娱





筑与自然遗产连接起来,开放的建筑内部还 设计了一个中心玻璃锥体,为底部的冰雪世

vibe of the resort can also be seen through the presence of a massive central glass cone that allows sunlight to illuminate the entire area. Guests will

be able to enjoy the scenic view of the cantilevered outdoor swimming pool and its 60 meter high

waterfall, natural cliff faces, and hanging gardens through the transparent glass façade surroundings.

LifeStyle 89



加泰罗尼亚风情: 棉花房酒店 Estilo Catalan 位于巴塞罗那 Gran Via 大道黄金地段的 棉花房酒店即将在 2015 年 2 月 23 日开业。 酒店入驻的大楼建于 19 世纪,曾经是当地棉 花制造商协会的总部所在。多年来,该楼一 直都是巴塞罗那显著的地标性建筑。新酒店 的室内设计出自享誉国际的西班牙本土设计 师 Lazaro Rosa-Violan 之手,共设有 83 间舒 适漂亮的客房,最让人惊喜的是,酒店还有 一个优雅的图书馆和阳光充足的温室——闲 适、从容的氛围立即弥漫开来。看来,棉花 房酒店势必成为巴塞罗那 Ensanche 区又一让 人津津乐道的风景线。 A five-star hotel located on the former Cotton

Textile Foundation known at The Cotton House

Hotel will open its doors on February 23rd, 2015 on Barcelona’s Central Gran Via. The Cotton House is

known as a landmark of the vibrant city as it was built by members of the Barcelona bourgeoisie at the end of the 19th century. The hotel has 83 beautiful rooms, This contemporary and sophisticated hotel’s

interior design comes from Lazaro Rosa-Violan. The Cotton House Hotel Barcelona will bring even more beauty to the Ensanche district of the city.

工业魅力:纽瓦克英迪格酒店 New Design in Newark

纽瓦克英迪格酒店将于 2015 年在新泽西纽瓦克市开业迎宾。大堂马赛克拼就的收报机纸 条、餐厅用银行金库改建成的披萨炉,以及所有卧室里裸露的砖墙都让人轻易感受到“现代工 业”的设计主题。实际上,该建筑最早建于 1912 年,本身就蕴含了原汁原味旧纽约氛围。这 家现代化高档精品酒店处在一众商务中心、餐厅、精品店和艺术品的邻里间丝毫不逊色,散发 出自己独特的魅力。 The Newark Hotel Indigo will be opening in Newark, New Jersey in 2015. The theme for the hotel is

“modern industries” which is seen in the many intricate details of the hotel. The lobby contains a mosaictiled ticker tape, the restaurant features a bank vault turned pizza oven and exposed brick walls in all of the bedrooms. The hotel itself was actually built in 1912, giving it an authentic old time New York vibe. This contemporary upscale boutique hotel shines bright in its neighborhood which is full of convenient access to

business, restaurants, shops and amazing local artwork. Next time you have a layover in Newark, consider the unique and modern Hotel Indigo.

90 LifeStyle

艺象 iD TOWN 艺术区脱胎于上世纪 80 年代末的工业建筑遗产,由 19 栋旧工业厂房 构成,现分为创意活力区和酒店住宿区两大 板块,其中涵盖了艺术工作室、会展中心、

怀旧情怀:艺象国际青年旅舍 Modernist Hostel

工作间,以及最近竣工的艺象国际青年旅舍。 艺象国际青年旅舍位于艺术区 16 号楼, 由原鸿华厂职工四层集体宿舍改建而成,面 积达 2000 平方米。90 年代初期,在宿舍楼顶 的铁皮房看电视、看露天电影成为老工人最 难忘的记忆,如今,这里在满足学生、背包客、 艺术爱好者以及家庭出行的不同需求之余, 还增添了一抹淡淡的怀旧情怀。 “iD-Town” is a minimalist art town in that

includes 19 new buildings, including art studios,

convention centers, work spaces, and the recently completed iD Youth Hostel. Built in former workers dormitories, the hostel building has just been completed at the end of 2014, with galleries and

museums expected to be completed and open in 2015.

With the maintenance of its original location and

structure, it’s hard to imagine this modern unit once was a former dormitory of a printing factory. The living units expand from the 2nd to the 4th floor with geometrical interior features that brings an open space.

三亚新星 : 太阳湾柏悦酒店

A New Contender in Sanya

想要在中国的热带天堂寻得一片乐园? 2015 年 2 月 15 日开业的三亚太阳湾柏悦酒店 便是首选。酒店距离著名的亚龙湾仅 5 公里 之遥,周边景点轻松可至。350,000 平方米的 海湾由一个内陆湖泊和私人沙滩明丽点缀, 每一步都是悠闲恬静的美好享受。酒店内有 207 间望海客房、17 座配有私人管家的别墅、 5 个游泳池以及长达 115 米的中国最长泳池。 酒店还为住客参加潜水、浮潜和皮划艇等水 上活动提供了各种便利。 If you are looking for a tropical get-away in

China, The Park Hyatt Sanya Bay will be the go-

to destination starting February 15th, 2015. This

particular Park Hyatt will be the ultimate luxury resort featuring 207 guest rooms, all with ocean views as well at 17 villas each with their own

butler. The hotel is situated on a private inlet near Yalong Bay. The lavish Park Hyatt Sanya Bay has 5

swimming pools, including an 115 meter lap pool, which is the longest lap pool in all of China. The

hotel also offers other water activities such as diving, snorkeling and kayaking.

LifeStyle 91




苏黎世 Kameha Grand 酒店 The Kameha Grand Zurich

奔向牙买加 : 月宫酒店 Flight to Jamaica

苏黎世除了巧克力,还有巧克力主题的 Kameha Grand 酒店。酒店将于 2015 年春季开业,

牙买加月宫酒店(Moon Palace Hotel)

这里的每间客房都融入了瑞士精华,展现了精巧的色彩和结构设计。12.8 万平米的花园将自然

定于 2015 年 3 月 1 日正式开业。宁静的度假

与现代建筑巧妙连接,更有 245 间豪华客房和特别设计的主题套房。苏黎世 Kameha Grand 酒


店定会在这个春天向世界展示瑞士的自然之美。 With a reputation as one of the countries with the finest chocolate products, The Kameha Grand Zurich

plays with the theme of chocolate wonders for their hotel. Even as you are delighted by the luxurious

atmosphere created by Wander’s sophisticated interior design, the customers will also be pampered with

the luxury taste of nature that is being offered by the hotel’s specially designed Glattpark and Kameha Lake around the hotel. This 128000 square meter garden was deliberately designed to be a harmonious balance

between the nature and modern architecture provided in Switzerland’s prominent urban development area where the Kameha grand is being built. With 245 luxurious rooms and specially designed themed suites,

银白色的私享沙滩、各类水上运动设施、五 个 瀑 布 泳 池、24 小 时 客 房 服 务 …… 作 为 牙 买加最大的酒店,这里除了完备的设施和一 应俱全的服务,更拥有 700 多间客房和套房 以及牙买加北部海岸城市 Ocho Rios 的最长 沙滩。3 月 7 日,这里还将举办一场众星云 集的开业庆典 , 届时“牙买加雷鬼乐天王”

the variety of the natural beauty offered by Switzerland, The Kameha Grand Zurich is certainly promising

Shaggy 也将到场共襄盛举。2015 年,奔向牙

spring 2015.


a melodious choir composed by man’s masterpiece and nature wonders awaiting to be discovered soon in

买加——躺在温暖的海滩细沙上两脚摊开, The tranquil Moon Palace Hotel Jamaica is set to

open March 1, 2015. This all-inclusive resort is full of amazing amenities such as a private white sandy

beach, a variety of water sports, five amazing pools with waterfalls, 24-hour room service and more. The

hotel has over 700 rooms and suites, making it one of the biggest hotels in Jamaica. The Moon Palace will

hold a star-studded inaugural celebration on March 7th, which will feature a performance by the famous singer Shaggy. The immaculate hotel also features the

longest stretch of private beach in all of Ocho Rios, making it a prime location to relax oceanfront with your feet stretched out in the warm sand.

92 LifeStyle

“深坑”天堂 : 天马山世茂深坑酒店 Hole in the Wall

任谁都不会把废弃的深坑和奢华酒店联 系起来,但天马山世茂深坑酒店就选址在这 个解放前曾是日本侵略者采石场的深坑里。 这家 900 米深处的酒店拥有沿崖壁而建的客 房 383 间。酒店充分彰显“融于自然”的设 计理念,曲线的立面源于“瀑布”。所有酒 店客房都设置退台的走廊和阳台作为“空中 花园”,可以近距离观赏对面百米飞瀑和横 山景致。结合酒店基地采石坑的特点,酒店 还引入了蹦极中心、水下餐厅、景观餐厅、 水上 SPA、室内游泳池等适合崖壁和水上活 动等多种娱乐服务。除蹦极中心和景观餐厅 位于地面层外,其余项目均临水设置。 An abandoned hole would not be the first

thing you would think of when it comes to a

location of a luxurious hotel, but this makes the Songjiang InterContinental Hotel unique like no other. The Songjiang InterContinental Hotel is being constructed specifically on the quarry wall accommodating 383 guest rooms 900 meters deep

down to the bottom of the quarry. Be prepared

to indulge yourself with the hotel’s extensive

underwater experience, starting from the view of a waterfall cascading down from the middle of

the hotel façade into the existing quarry lake, to

underwater guest rooms, conference centers, and public areas being built along with the hotel’s main restaurant facing a ten-meters deep aquarium beyond

the lake level. The deepest level complex will be used as a leisure centre containing swimming pools and water-sports facilities.

2015 年 8 月 1 日开业的澳门瑞吉金沙城 中心酒店位于澳门路氹金光大道度假区,每 间客房均以豪华的面料、精美的家具和优良 的设施精心装饰与布置,旨在以无与伦比的

澳门奇观 : 瑞吉金沙城中心酒店 Macanese Marvel

奢华和无可比拟的优雅风格迎接四海宾朋。 富有传奇色彩的瑞吉管家将为住客提供 24 小 时顶级服务,是全球有品味旅客的上佳之选。 With 400 state-of-the-art guest rooms and suites,

the new St. Regis Macao will be the hotel of choice

for the next Macao travelers of the New Year. Opening this summer on August 1st, 2015 the St.

Regis Macao will be located in the center of the

Cotai strip resorts area of the island off of China. Elegance can be seen in every room of the hotel

with its pristine and luxurious decorations, fabrics and furnishings and amenities. The St. Regis Macao will also feature a 24 hour butler service, which

provides top notch personal care. The St. Regis Macao of Cotai Central is sure to be a hot spot for this luxurious area.

LifeStyle 93

微信这样的社交媒体对酒店设计有什么样的影 响? 一旦某个项目面世,社交媒体对其产生的影 响体现在极快的反应和反响上,由此便对设计提 出了要求:要有抓人眼球的外观和创造个性环境 的细节;同时,设计必须要有故事——从前台接 待处到用餐区、宴会厅和会议室,最后到客房和 套房,要有一个共同的主线串联其中。 亚洲环境下的设计理念和美学对你的工作有什么 影响? 将亚洲与西方相比较,“规划”和“房间如 何使用”的差异非常大,尤其是规划贵宾接待室 和餐厅包厢(不管多大面积),差异更加突出。 其他方面表现在颜色、房间进入方式、重要人物 的座位排序和饰物的选用上。 自从涉足中国市场以来,你遇到的最大挫折和回 报分别是什么? 最大的挑战之一是在施工过程中,设计细节 和饰物没有得到遵循,从图纸、规格到透视图都 能发生显著变化。为了保持设计意图不变,设计 师、业主、运营方、承包商和买主之间需要投入 持续不断的关注。 在中国工作的最大回报之一是这里的业主思 想开放得多,乐于接受新想法和更高层次的详细 设计。在这个新兴的奢华行业,预算和投资回报 都不成为问题,创造一个契合品牌身份和奢华有 度的产品才是更重要的。中国消费者追求新鲜特


Castle Designer Extraordinaire

94 LifeStyle

别的体验,对设计方面的期待比较开放,这让我 们设计师有更多的创意空间。

凯瑟琳·道贝尔来自美国知名室内设 计事务所 HBA,该事务所是全球顶 尖的酒店设计巨擘之一。LifeStyle 在 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店与道贝尔 女士聊起了酒店的创意设计。 Kathleen Dauber is partner at HBA, one of the world’s premier hotel design firms. We spoke with her at the Dalian Castle Hotel, a recently-opened project that shows how creative hotel design can create truly distinctive spaces.


have memorable imagery and details which create

appropriate to the Chinese market. The Chinese

a story - a common thread - which carries through

experiences. This opens up design expectations and

a unique environment. The design also must have

吧。 大连一方城堡豪华精选酒店是独一无二 的。业主、运营方、建筑师,景观设计师和 我们事务所都预见到了这个项目的潜力。对

from the entry reception through to the dining areas, ballroom and meeting room, and finally to the rooms and suites.

供应商、生厂商和艺术家的多次拜访是为了 复查设计过程的每一步。这座城堡无疑是振 奋人心的,它是一座活着的城堡——有接待 室、宴会厅、为聚餐而设的开放式厨房、会 客室和图书馆等。

When working in Asian environments, what

is the impact of Asian design philosophies and

HBA 自 1964 年成立以来扩张迅速,现 在已占据了全球酒店室内设计行业的领先地 位。我们客户既包括全世界范围内的大型酒 店集团,也有许多独立、专业的酒店客户。 我们已经向这个行业的顶级品牌证明了自己 的实力,充分满足了它们的需求,比如四季、 莱佛士、丽思卡尔顿、万豪、喜达屋(瑞吉、 威斯汀和喜来登)、希尔顿、凯宾斯基、洲 际和雅高等。

Tell us about how social media, such as wechat, influences how hotel design is received and

commented upon, and how that impacts your own work.

The impact of social media is the quick response

time once a project is seen. What results in this

immediate response to design is that the design must

allows us, as the designer, to push our creativity more.

Tell us about the Castle and the design process, inspiration, and experience there.

The Castle was a one of a kind opportunity. The

aesthetics on your own work?

ownership, operator, architect, landscape architect

is very different than in the West. VIP reception

project could be. Many, many trips to suppliers,

In Asia, the planning and how a room is used

rooms and private dining rooms (of all sizes) are the

请简单介绍一下 HBA 和其客户的情况吧。

consumer is unique and is looking for new unique

more obvious difference between Asian and Western

room planning. Others involve colors, how a room

is entered, where the most important person in the room sits, and use of different finishes.

What are the biggest frustrations- and biggest rewards- of working in the Chinese market?

One of the biggest challenges is that the design

details and finishes are not adhered to during the

and our firm all saw the potential of what this

manufacturers and artists were taken to review the design process every step of the way. The Castle was of course the strongest inspiration; this idea of creating a living castle - with reception room,

ballrooms, open-kitchens for gathering, parlors and libraries repurposed for private dining rooms.

Can you give us a quick introduction to HBA and your clients?

Founded in 1964 under the name of Howard

construction process. From drawings, specifications

Hirsch and Associates, the firm quickly expanded

It involves constant attention between the designer,

corporations as well as many independent and

and renderings what is built can vary dramatically.

owner, operator, contractor and purchaser to keep the design intent intact.

One of the biggest rewards of working in China

is that the owners are much more open to new ideas and a higher level of detailing. Budget and return of investment is less of an issue in this new luxury market. It is more important to create a product which addresses the level of brand and luxury

worldwide. Our client list includes large hotel

specialty hotel clients worldwide. Our experiences

with such clients as Four Seasons, Raffles, Ritz-

Carlton, Marriott, Starwood Hotels & Resorts (St. Regis, Westin, and Sheraton), Hilton International, Kempinski, InterContinental, and Accor attest to

our ability to meet and satisfy the needs of the best names in the hospitality industry.

LifeStyle 95




Where Brand Meets Design 亚洲许多让人津津乐道的酒店都 出自英国 G.A 设计公司之手,比 如台北 W 酒店和让人翘首以盼的 上海外滩 W 酒店。G.A 业务发展 总监 Jonathan Aeberhard 认为品牌 设计对酒店同样重要。 The G.A Group has designed some of Asia’s most interesting hotels, including the W Taipei and the much-anticipated W Shanghai. LifeStyle spoke with Mr. Jonathan Aeberhard, Business Development Director, to better understand what goes into designing a fine hotel.

96 LifeStyle

品牌如何与设计完美结合起来? 这需要从品牌定位开始。G.A 在完成酒 店客户委托的设计任务时,多次帮助他们定 义自己的品牌,比如,该品牌产生的原因, 品牌扮演什么样的角色,以及如何在竞争对 手里脱颖而出等。 就设计这块,你们是如何与酒店客户互相影 响的? 首先,我们从消费者开始着手,这点在 酒店行业可能并不太常见。大的酒店项目往 往首先聚焦在建筑大楼上,然后才是品牌或 者消费者,而我们始终从消费者的动机和需

Above: The St. Regis Osaka's elegant lobbny lounge, designed by GA. Below: two generations of design; G.A., founded by Jonathan Aeberghard's father,, remains a family business,

求出发。 跟我们聊聊台北 W 酒店吧,还有你们在中国 市场的扩张。 其实我们的亚洲项目一直没有间断过, 但是让我们真正开始“走红”的是台北 W 酒

years and are delighted that Ying Jin, who joined

us in London 12 years ago, agreed to move back


to her home town Shanghai to lead our G.A office


in China. With her experience and knowledge

是我们在中国的助跳板。上海办公室由 Ying

of G.A, she can bring both the G.A thinking and

Jin 负责,她是上海人,12 年前在伦敦加入了

style together with the local context, which is so


important for good design in China.

内经验和对 G.A 的了解,她一定能将 G.A 的

Your firm works at the intersection of interior

理念、风格和地方背景结合起来——这点在 中国实在太重要了! G . A 一直兼顾室内设计和品牌设计,你认为 酒店业主为什么也应该重视这点? 其实,品牌应该贯穿方方面面。无论是 酒店本身、员工,还是设计,它是酒店一切 事物的精髓所在。好的运营者都明白,如果

Can you tell us more about what you do, and how

owners value this?

G.A. hospitality clients have engaged us for an

it is the essence of everything in your hotel, its staff,

them define their brands, why they exist, what role

brand and target audience at the outset, your project

against their competition.

The really good (and generally well-established)

How do you interact with that hospitality climate

we can do. The growth of digital has led to a more

In G.A Brand Design, we bring a faster paced

experiences – cookie-cutter hotels no longer work

with the consumer, which perhaps has not always

need to react quicker to provide unique, experience-

projects tend to be focused on the building first, and

free) media. Our industry is fragmenting into smaller

the consumer, their motivations and needs.

the last ten years, and brand is only becoming more

Tell us some more about W Taipei, and your

enough to recognize this and our pace of change

It starts with brand positioning. Many times our

我们能做的远远不止这些。数字时代的快速 发展让 Y 世代越来越精明,千篇一律的酒店 已经不能满足他们的需求了——所以酒店业 需要更快地做出反应,提供独特的、高体验 型的酒店。我们这个行业正在细分,有点像 过去十年里的音乐产业,所以品牌只会越来 越重要。作为一个行业,我认为我们做的远 远不够,应变的节奏也比较慢,现在是时候 迎头赶上了,这也是 G.A 在兼顾总体的同时, 又特别注重品牌设计的原因。

The brand should permeate the whole experience,

interior design, but there is an opportunity to help

its people, its design. If you are not clear about your

they play in their portfolio, how they stand-out

will always come across as confused and unclear.

你一开始都没有明确品牌和目标受众,那这 样的项目只会一直模糊不清,让人困惑。但是,

design and brand design. Why should hotel

branding meets design in your work?

operators understand this. But there is so much more

when you are doing design?

savvy gen-Y audience, looking for high-octane

view of the consumer landscape. First, we start

for these guys – so we, as in the hospitality industry,

been the case in the hospitality field. Big hospitality

saturated hotels, that will draw earned (meaning,

the brand or consumer second or third. We start with

and smaller niches, a bit like the music industry in

important. I don’t think we as an industry have done

expansion in China.

has been slow compared to other sectors. Now is

really put us on the map. There is a huge market

with at G.A in general, and G.A Brand Design in

We’ve always had work in Asia, but W Taipei

in China and the Shanghai office is a spring board

the time to catch-up, and that is what we try to help particular.

for the future. We have planned this over several

LifeStyle 97



The Place To Meet in Beijing 舒适的客房,殷勤的服务,齐全的设施,丰富的餐饮休闲选 择——这是每个出门在外的旅人心中所期待的,而精心选址于帝 都北四环繁华地区的北京五洲皇冠国际酒店便是每位宾客的理想 之选。 毗邻国家会议中心的北京五洲皇冠国际酒店与奥林匹克公 园和鸟巢近在咫尺,距离首都国际机场也仅 25 分钟车程。酒店 周边步行路程之内还有各类购物中心、娱乐场所、饭店和体育场 馆。酒店内宽敞的客房不仅设施完善,更雅致温馨,必将为疲惫 的旅人提供一份难得的自在与舒适。此外酒店还提供洗衣、小酒 吧软饮、自助早餐、晚间鸡尾酒、免费互联网接入等贴心服务。 酒店还在 15 至 17 层特为商旅客人量身打造了皇冠俱乐部楼层。 宾客可以去配套齐全的健身房和室内温水游泳池尽情挥洒汗水, 或是去享受桑拿熏蒸和中式按摩来放松身心,养精蓄锐。 对忙于筹婚的新人来说,北京五洲皇冠国际酒店也是极好 的选择。这里拥有市内最大的无柱式大宴会厅,装修豪华自不必 说,重点是其自然采光的优势。大厅还可分成两个独立宴会厅使

98 LifeStyle

用,此外还配有 9 间大小不等的多功能厅,适合举办婚宴等各 式聚会或年会等大型活动。独具匠心的环境氛围加上先进的音 响视听设备、可移动舞台和液晶投影仪,定能助每位活动策划 者一臂之力。另外,北京五洲皇冠国际酒店的美食也值得一提。 全新装修的亚洲咖啡园 24 小时营业,足不出户即享环球美食。 闹中取静的黄玉石港式火锅则位于幽静怡人的城市花园之中, 喜静的食客可一边欣赏窗外园林美景,一边品尝用上选食材精 致烹制的健康美味。黄玉石阳光饼屋也位于郁郁葱葱的花园旁, 这里提供多种意大利及美式简餐和新鲜烘培的面包蛋糕,宾客 于此可尽享惬意悠闲。偏爱热闹的食客则可选择巴西烤肉餐厅, 大快朵颐的同时感受奔放的南美风情。白日里便会洒满阳光的 棕榈苑大堂酒廊内有棕榈相伴,是呼朋引伴聚会的好去处。 美食美景加上品味出众的优雅客房和出色的贴心服务,都 使得北京五洲皇冠国际酒店在京城酒店业的激烈竞争中一路领 先。

V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel is a

luxury hotel located conveniently in northern Beijing, just adjacent to the Beijing International Convention Centre, China National Convention Centre, and within walking distance of the much celebrated Bird’s Nest Stadium.

The hotel is only a 25 minute drive from the Beijing

Capital International Airport. More than just an ideal location, the V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou

Hotel also presents a wide selection of nearby shopping, dining and entertainment venues. All together, these

are the great qualities that make here the place to meet in Beijing. The hotel offers well-designed guest rooms

featuring the very best in accommodation, along with

plenty of room to relax. For the discerning business traveler, the hotel’s V Club – located on the 15th through 17th floors – offers tailor-made services in meeting

executive-style needs. Exclusive benefits include a daily breakfast buffet, evening cocktails, wireless internet

access, and much more. For guests’ relaxation and comfort, the hotel offers a well-equipped Health Club,

with an indoor heated swimming pool, fitness centre, sauna, steam bath, beauty salon and massage treatments.

V-Continent Beijing Parkview Wuzhou Hotel has nine

multi-function meeting rooms and a spacious ballroom.

Address: 8 North Si Huan Zhong Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: +86 10 8498 2288

The Grand Ballroom is one of the largest natural light,

pillar-free ballrooms in Beijing, To insure that any event is a success, the hotel offers the latest audio-visual

equipment and on and off-site catering.Dining at the Hotel is also a delight. Café Asia offers an extensive

international buffet with a touch of the Asian mystique. Jade Hot Pot is a freestanding Hong Kong style hot

pot restaurant set within the surroundings of the hotel’s attractive park grounds. Jade Sun Bake & Brew is a good

place for friendly gatherings, providing homemade pizza, pasta, sandwiches, dessert and beer on tap.The Brazilian Churrascos will stimulate the guests’ taste buds with a

variety of delicious meats and sausages, carved at table

side. The Palm Garden Lobby Lounge, overlooking the

hotel’s lobby and gardens, offers guests a tasteful place

for a nightcap or snack. Elegant guest rooms, excellent service and gourmet food make V-Continent Beijing

Parkview Wuzhou Hotel a welcome entrant in Beijing's competitive hospitality scene.

LifeStyle 99


Foodie 春节,对于中国人是一个属于家庭和家人的 盛大节日。正因如此,一年一度的年夜饭便尤显 珍贵。人们提前列好食材采购名单,一直张罗到 年三十这天便在厨房忙活开,一年里所有的辛劳,


Best Meal of the Year

快乐、和满满的爱都被投注在这一天,化成一桌 丰盛的传统美食呈现在家人面前:外形似元宝的 传统中华美食—饺子,寓意更岁交子,招财吉祥; 味美汤鲜的鲤鱼,象征着年年有余;朴素的面条 祝愿人们长寿安康;热乎乎的汤圆寄存着人们团 团圆圆的美意……

又是一年团圆之日,忙碌了一年的人们此时归心 似箭,为的便是那一顿包含一切美好祝愿的年夜 饭。新春之际,何不带上家人去体验一个不一样 的除夕之夜?温馨的环境,亲情浓浓,美食更佳, 一切皆在一年中最幸福的时刻…… The New Year is here again; a time for busy people in the cities to go home and share a meal containing all the best wishes for a new year. This time around, why not indulge yourself in finest cuisine? A different environment, the same warmth, food that is unbelievably good, and the happiest moment of the year… Text: Kelly Hao

而在五星级酒店大厨们的心中,年夜饭却有 着更鲜明的含义,便是有家人在的地方,那里就 是家。他们用不失家人的饱满热情,精心打造出 体现富贵吉祥、团圆幸福等主题的年夜饭;用华 丽精美的菜式,温馨舒适的环境,精致讲究的餐具, 为人们完美诠释五星级的团圆年夜饭。 The Spring Festival is the one time of year when all

Chinese people meet with their friends and family for a grand feast- and of course nothing but the best will do. The advance purchasing list for ingredients is often

prepared 30 days in advance, as a month in the kitchen

begins; we open the year with a meal to inspire all of the hard work, happiness, and love we are expecting. Every food is symbolic- the dumplings of prosperity

and the carp symbolizing surplus, noodles of longevity and much, much more.

You might be used to eating this meal at home,

but this year, try a five-star hotel- after all, home is wherever your family is. A professional chef can give

you and your family an unforgettable experience; exquisite dishes in a warm, gorgeous environment;

exquisite tableware and etiquette; and the same family love as always- there might be no better time of year to indulge yourself in delicious cuisine.

100 LifeStyle




今年的除夕之夜,洲际酒店将华丽丽地推出一场以富贵吉祥为主 题的年夜饭。各种八珍玉食,尽显奢华高贵,祝愿人们新的一年 从完美的富贵宴开始。 This year's New Year's Eve, InterContinental Hotels is replete with wealth and good fortune; a themed dinner with the finest delicacies will be laid out. A rich feast begins here.


lamb chops with dry chili and cumin

选用肉质极为嫩滑的羊羔小排,使用特质的 调料加以腌制,让调料充分融入羊排每一寸, 而带骨头的肉会在烹制后味美口感极佳,又 能不流失掉羊肉的湿度,保证了食用起来爽 滑新嫩的口感。出锅之后,撒上炸至金黄香 脆的蒜蓉粒即可。


Braised Dalian abalone and pork belly with supreme soya sauce 红烧肉算是颇具中国特色的一道菜品。洲际 酒店的大厨今年特别推出了大连鲍和红烧肉 的完美结合,使五花肉的肉香和油脂完美浸 透鲍鱼,因此从口感上能做到外焦里嫩香浓 四溢,毫无油腻之感。而鲍鱼本身的鲜美多汁, 在很大程度上又提升了五花肉的鲜香,二者 可谓相得益彰。


sea cucumber pumpkin soup with five beans 出产于我国北方的辽参肉质肥厚,味道清淡,是海参中的极品。浸透于鲍鱼熬制的汤汁,更能 恰到好处的提升它的鲜和营养。红腰豆、软玉米粒、花生、莲子及甜豆,配上鲜美的鲍汁,使 五豆能在烹制中全面吸入鲍汁的鲜美,待其煮至口感软糯,便盛入事先蒸熟的南瓜盅内。滋补 的辽参,健康的五豆与香甜的小金瓜,将会在您的舌尖上碰撞出前所未有的火花。

LifeStyle 101






年终岁尾,辞旧迎新。独特的尾牙宴与年夜饭、种类繁多的特色 佳肴,红火喜庆的的招牌大龙虾,诱人的报喜炸鸡,备受青睐的 甜点……同家人们在岁末新年中尽情享受! Out with the old, in with the new; a unique banquet, with lobster, fried chicken, delicious dessert… come with your family members for a feast you’ll never forget.


Boston lobster with Bifengtang style 避风塘是一种非常传统经典的粤菜做法, 精髓在于蒜香和豆豉香突出,口感干辣酥脆、 焦而不糊。避风塘的主料 -- 蒜茸、豆豉、姜 葱要用油先浸足一天,再加入天椒、面包糠 一并落锅炸至金黄香酥。上席时,油色红艳, 龙虾肉金黄澄亮,葱蒜等避风塘配料覆盖蟹 面,焦香、虾香、蒜香、椒香、豉香……混 于一体,避风塘的经典便在于此。


Award-winning fried chicken 一整只童子鸡经过独家自制的调味品, 腌渍数小时入味后再用热油淋炸。炸得金黄 酥脆的外皮内,便是一切开就流出肉汁的白 嫩鸡肉。与一般经过高温油炸过后的鸡肉不 同,这道菜极其考验师傅对于火候以及油温 的经验把控,一旦过火,鸡肉变柴,便吃不 出满嘴汁液的肉香。看似简单不起眼的朗豪 炸子鸡却是由米其林星级大厨、朗廷酒店集 团中餐行政总厨曾超敬师傅研制的一道招牌 美味。

102 LifeStyle


Crispy Mandarin fish, sweet and sour sauce 松鼠桂花鱼是起源于江苏的传统名菜, 是江南各地宴席上的上品佳肴。桂鱼鲜美丰 满,肉质细腻少刺,是非常受欢迎的名贵鱼 种。悦园中餐厅的松鼠桂花鱼,色香味形俱 佳。更讲究的是鱼身的浇汁,由西瓜、柠檬、 香橙等多种新鲜水果加入自制番茄酱熬制而 成。上菜前再配以新鲜火龙果、菠萝做点缀。 酸甜的口感提炼自水果的精华,果香自然, 清甜细腻。





新春主题套餐,寓意新年时 刻阖家团圆的美好祝福。顶 级食材加以精心烹制,不仅 彰显出饮食之精华,更在享 受美食的同时,将富贵吉祥、 四季安康的祝福带给家人。 With New Year themed packages, you’ll be able to choose exactly what’s right for you and your family. The best ingredients cooked just as you like them, combining nutrition and savor, wealth and good fortune- the four things your family needs most this New Year.

Old fashioned Peking duck from the wood fired oven, classic condiments 烤制时选用以北京玉泉山泉水、鱼虾 喂养、皮薄脯大的 60 天北京填鸭为基础 原料,使用杏、枣、桃等坚硬果木为燃料, 加之多种配料精制而成。并在传统基础上 创新地加入薄荷叶为食鸭佐料,起到清口 的良好作用。果木烧烤香气清幽,烤出的 鸭子比闷炉烤鸭的皮更加酥松且清香,彰 显了烤制的火候与功力。鸭肉细腻紧实, 搭配秘制甜面酱食用,味道清甜醇厚,肥 而不腻,回味无穷。

LifeStyle 103




The king prawn 因其个大体肥、肉色晶莹、味道鲜美、 营养丰富等特点,为虾类之冠,名列 海产“八珍”之一。经避风塘制法和 爆炒两种手法、佐以蒜香,在保留了 虾鲜嫩的口感同时,将营养与美味完 美诠释。其红润的虾身寓意着红红火 火、吉祥如意,是不可多得的春节精 品菜式之一。




热闹的除夕与家人团聚在美 丽的湘江之城,沉浸在湘秀 悠闲的氛围之中,品尝着湘 菜大师精心制作的湘江以及 湘西为主的三大菜系,在欢 声笑语中迎来璀璨,快乐的 羊年。 Enjoy a lively New Year’s Eve with your family in the beautiful city along the banks of the Xiangjiang river, immersed in the laid-back atmosphere of the Xiang Show restaurant, tasting meticulously-prepared Hunan specialties, ushering in the Year of the Goat with laughter.

104 LifeStyle


Boiled Fish Head with Purple Perilla 鸡汁大火煮干丝

Stewed bean curd slices in chicken stock

原名 " 九丝汤 ",是用豆腐干丝、口蘑丝、玉 笋丝、银鱼丝、紫菜丝、蛋皮丝、生鸡丝等 九种原料,加鸡汤烩煮而成,味道鲜美。传 说当年乾隆皇帝下江南,品尝此菜后大为赞 赏。从此便是淮扬一带百年相传的经典,没 有之一。

新年的餐桌上,鱼是必不可少的一道传统菜 品。而对于在湘江边生活的人们而言,雄鱼 可谓是家喻户晓的一道鲜味了。青椒的绿, 紫苏的紫,鱼汤的白,这道菜呈现给人的第 一印象似偏清淡,其实不然。舀一勺鲜香的 鱼汤,触到舌尖,有一丝恰到好处的辣味, 能使人顿时食欲大增。这道菜最重要的便是 取自活水中生长的雄鱼,鱼肉厚实肥美,食 用时能品尝到一丝清甜,而紫苏带有的独特 芳香,融入至乳白的鱼汤中,可谓是点睛之彩。




玉餐厅开启全新羊年,一场中式美食庆典,席卷而来。独具特色 的中式精品菜肴,融合古典和现代之美的氛围,定将带来一次十 足的传统中式春节的体验。 The Yu restaurant opens the year of the ram with a celebration of Chinese cuisine in our classical and modern atmosphere. Enjoy a wide array of specialties with us while celebrating the New Year.


Stir-fried Diced Wagyu Beef with Green 牛肉入好味后煎熟,切丁的芥兰和蒜头煎炒 出香味,再混入牛肝菌一起调味翻炒上盆, 撒上黑胡椒,香味四溢。牛肉口感嫩滑,芥 兰爽脆可口,青翠欲滴犹如盘中翡翠,为年 夜饭的餐桌添上一抹活力十足的绿。


Special Dessert 杨枝甘露是一道极富地域特色的甜品冷饮, 芒果的甜遇到西柚的酸,香浓软滑的椰浆混 合着浓浓的水果香甜,口感 Q 爽的西米在口 腔中欢快地碰撞;搭配外皮香酥内里软糯的 芋蓉酥,可谓是甜上加甜,放在年夜饭的餐 桌上真是再合适不过了,祝愿新的一年,人 们甜甜又蜜蜜!


Roasted Crispy Chicken & Lotus Root filled with Minced Pork 莲藕是一道十分有代表性的中国食材,把连 藕切片飞水过冷吸干水份,这样炸出来的莲 藕口感更香脆。腊味肉松用小火微炒,放在 两块藕片的中间,再用天妇罗粉来油炸好上 盒,与肉松搭配的莲藕盒味道独特,口感酥脆。

LifeStyle 105




Friends, Family and Lovers, Like Fine Wines are Priceless And We Should Never Let Them Go

Ruffino Riserva Ducale Oro, Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG, Italy 2009

Wolf Blass Black Label Cabernet Shiraz Malbec, South Australia 2007

Gerard Bertrand Cigalus Rouge (IGP Aude Hauterive), France 2011-2013

Ruffino Modus, IGT Tuscany, Italy 2010

Domaine Helan Mountain Special Reserve, Ning Xia Helan Mountain Eastern Region, China 2010

Domaine Helan Mountain Premium Collection Cabernet Sauvignon, Ning Xia Helan Mountain Eastern Region, China 2010

在 1949 年首演的百老汇经典音乐剧《南


Bin 95 葛兰许干红葡萄酒(南澳,2008)、吉

















中 国 今 年 的 传 统 春 节 就 在 本 月。 中 国

















只可能通过佛家所说的“开悟” (也称“觉悟”),







106 LifeStyle


ne of the most famous of all love songs, “Some Enchanted Evening” from the 1949 original

Broadway musical “South Pacific” advised that “When you find your True Love…When you feel her call you, then fly to her side / And make her your own / And never let her go. And so it goes that once we have found that which we cherish, that which we value, that which

we love, that which makes us sing and dance for joy, that from which we never want to be separate, be it a lover, a family member, a friend or even a conveyance of beauty, such as a work of art, a love song, a poem, or even a glass of fine wine, we never want to let it go.

The Buddhists consider our endless cycle of happiness and sorrow to be the “samsara”,

which may only be broken upon reaching Enlightenment or the “letting go” of that which imprisons us to repeated cycles of joy and despair. But once we have found someone or

something that enlivens our Spirit, ignites the flames of passion buried deep within our Soul, we are at once alive with the Energy of the Universe, the hope of all that is possible; such that no one or nothing can possibly stand in our way. We take flight with a wing and a prayer

such that our taste of Nirvana is our destiny forever and a day, united with our other, our Soul Gerard Bertrand Chateau L’Hospitalet La Reserve Red AOC Coteaux Du Languedoc La Clape 2011-2013

Mate, our Soul Object. Our talisman: The most beloved masculine or feminine expression of our archetypal nature, our “anima” or our “animus”, that dwells within our collective unconscious, quietly influencing our perception of all that was, is and will be. Robert Mondavi Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, Oakville, Napa Valley, California 2009

With the Chinese New Year this month the importance of friend, family and loving

relationships is foremost in everyone’s consciousness. Long train trips over hundreds if not thousands of kilometers await many family members traveling home for their annual or

semi-annual reunions. Husbands, wives, children, lovers are commonly hundreds or more

kilometers apart much of the year, so February is always a favorite time on the Mainland, when loved ones once more come together to celebrate traditions as One and renew promises made.

And when you are together with your loved ones, what better occasion to share special

bottles of premium red wines from China and around the world. Especially if your

gatherings are but annual or semi-annual, the best wines you can afford are the order of the

day. While you should drink what you like, some recommendations of premium and super premium red wines would include Luis Felipe Edwards Family Selection Gran Reserva

Carmenere, Colchagua Valley,Chile 2011-2013; Luis Felipe Edwards Doña Bernarda, Colchagua Valley, Chile 2011-2012; Wolf Blass Black Label Cabernet Shiraz Malbec, South

Australia 2007; Penfolds Grange Bin 95, South Australia 2008; Gerard Bertrand Cigalus Rouge (IGP Aude Hauterive), France 2011-2013; Gerard Bertrand Chateau L’Hospitalet La Reserve Red AOC Coteaux Du Languedoc La Clape 2011-2013; Robert Mondavi Winery Cabernet Sauvignon Reserve, Oakville, Napa Valley, California 2009; Ruffino Riserva Ducale Oro, Chianti Classico Riserva DOCG, Italy 2009; Ruffino Modus, IGT Tuscany, Italy

Luis Felipe Edwards Doña Bernarda, Colchagua Valley, Chile 2011-2012

Luis Felipe Edwards Family Selection Gran Reserva Carmenere, Colchagua Valley, Chile 2011-2013

2010; Domaine Helan Mountain Premium Collection Cabernet Sauvignon, Ning Xia Helan Mountain Eastern Region, China 2010 ; and Domaine Helan Mountain Special Reserve, Ning Xia Helan Mountain Eastern Region, China 2010.

Treasure every moment together, celebrate your affection for one another; practice family

Chinese New Year traditions and rituals; and be reminded that honoring family and those Penfolds Grange Bin 96, South Australia 2008

close to your heart are the meaning of life. I am Red Owl, vigilant as ever, over & out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助 的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的 贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。

Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 107


古典与时尚 在这里交融

Discover a True “R” Experience

万丽品牌历来倡导引领客人探索每家酒店特有的风情和特色,让每段旅程都与众不同。每 个万丽酒店的设计都是一个有着创新个性特征和富于表现力的故事,而上海豫园万丽酒店便是 年轻、都市、未来派精神的代表,与其所在城市的流行文化完美匹配。 作为艺术类酒店,上海豫园万丽酒店毗邻著名明代古迹——豫园和老城厢,距离外滩、市 中心、新天地以及其它旅游景点也近在咫尺,置身其中可尽享窗外亭台楼阁的古韵与现代摩登的 气息。坐拥绝佳地理位置的上海豫园万丽酒店成为结合上海新旧风貌、融合中西文化的著名地标。 上海豫园万丽酒店所有客房均有宽敞的落地玻璃窗,可饱览无与伦比的风景,领略豫园古 迹与外滩摩登的交汇。除了配备一流的设施设备和贴心服务,酒店更为客人提供了现代轻松且 充满艺术品味和文化底蕴的生活氛围,带客人体验上海过去与现在的不同魅力。酒店 21 楼新 装修的江景多功能厅以及 23 楼的屋顶露天平台,坐拥古典豫园风貌与观赏浦东的最好视角。 位于酒店 22 楼的无边泳池和健身中心是客人游泳健身的好去处,同时可将豫园风景尽收眼底。 每当夜幕降临,绚丽的泳池灯光如同璀璨星河,与豫园的五光十色交相辉映,让置身其中的每 个人都能享有一段如梦如醉的时光。就这样,古典与时尚在地道、趣意、独特的上海豫园万丽 酒店水乳交融,变幻万千。 Renaissance is the only hotel brand that inspires and provokes guests to discover something new, so that no

trip feels routine. The design story for every Renaissance Hotel reflects the spirit that they must differentiate

themselves through innovation and expressive individuality. Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel presents a young, urban, hip and futuristic style that fits seamlessly into the vibrant and dynamic downtown district, the hub of pop culture and the coolest trends, where the hotel is situated.

Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel is located downtown near the famous Yu Garden and Old Town.

Guests can see the old architecture of Yu Garden as the backdrop, with a fountain in the centre adorned by a beautiful centre piece of modern art. The hotel is just minutes away from the Bund and other tourist

attractions. Guests can enjoy the view of the garden’s pavilion blending in seamlessly with Shanghai’s modern skyline.

Superbly located, Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel is where Shanghai's past and future collide. All

guest rooms have full glass windows, giving guests access to views of old world charm and modern luxury. In

additional to the excellent facilities and service, the hotel also provides a contemporary and relaxing lifestyle, the multidimensional experiences of art and culture as well as a breathtaking view of Shanghai’s past and present. The newly renovated function room on the 21st floor, with its views of Yu Garden and the Bund, and

the artistic lounge are two truly unique features. Indigenous, intriguing and independent, the Renaissance Shanghai Yu Garden Hotel is artistic, modern, and fearless.,

Add: 159 South He Nan Road, Huangpu District Shanghai Tel: 86 21 23218888

108 LifeStyle


Hospitality with an Oriental Flourish

位于风景如画的海河之滨,天津万达文华酒店的地理位置极为优越,不仅坐拥秀丽的河景, 而且尽享便利交通。酒店距天津火车站仅 10 分钟车程,驱车前往天津滨海国际机场也仅需 20 分钟,十分契合商务、休闲和观光的需求。297 间客房与套房高雅而舒适,且富有艺术风情, 除了配备独特的“万达文华之床”、“妙梦”助眠系列和诠释中华礼仪的《礼记》读本,还有 热带雨林式淋浴设施、独立的浴缸和顶级宾客用品。 酒店以始终如一、温情倍至的服务诠释独特浓厚的东方底蕴,通过现代化设计和世界顶级 设施彰显卓尔不凡的国际风范。酒店率先将独一无二的品牌特色 - “万达文华天使”迎宾服务 以及茶艺师精心演绎的中华茶道 - “茶之旅”引入天津。同时,创建一个中西合璧、令人回味 的美食天堂,包括汇聚中华美食精髓的品珍中餐厅,囊括世界各地美味的美食汇全日餐厅,呈 现顶级美酒和雪茄文化的丘吉尔红酒雪茄吧,为美食美酒爱好者带来全新难忘的味蕾体验。酒 店顶层设立豪华的“名仕会”会所,为尊贵的会员们提供专属的私享服务和艺术氛围。高雅私 密的”典珍”中餐厅、”时空”KTV、“水”水疗中心、”星河”酒吧、海河景观以及专属电 梯,为成功名仕们带来专属私享的商务空间和休闲之所,尽享非凡尊崇。 此外,酒店 1,400 平方米无柱大宴会厅配备全市唯一 100 平方米 LED 显示屏、顶级会议 活动设施和专业体贴的会议管家服务,以及 7 个灵活完备的多功能厅,是举办是企业年会,婚 宴庆典以及产品新闻发布会等高端活动的最佳场所。

Wanda Vista Tianjin, located on the banks of the

Hai He River, offers easy access to all the delights of this majestic city. Ideal for business, leisure

and sightseeing, the hotel is just 10 minutes’ drive from Tianjin Railway Station and 20 minutes from

Tianjin Binhai International Airport. Each of the 297 luxurious rooms and suites are an artistic oasis designed for your comfort and pleasure. In addition to the signature “Bed of Vista”, “Dream Catcher”

and Chinese traditional “The Book of Liki,” every room features first-class amenities.

Perfectly designed for business and leisure, the

hotel provides an elegant oasis of ultimate comfort with luxurious guestrooms, world-class dining

options including Cafe Vista, ZHEN Chinese Restaurant, Churchill Wine & Cigar Bar, and the

signature “Wanda Vista Angel” greeting service as well as the timeless tradition of “Cha Journey”.

“Club Reign”, a private luxury club on the top two floors of Wanda Vista Tianjin is for elite members.

The private and extravagant “Legend” Chinese

Restaurant, “Universe” KTV, “SHUI” Spa, “Galaxy”

Bar and wonderful views of Hai He River and exclusive elevators create an intimate business environment.

Be it a meeting, a wedding or a social event,

Wanda Vista Tianjin is the place to go, offering a 1400 sqm pillar-less Grand Ballroom with state of

the art technology including a 100sqm LED screen and 7 different sized function rooms to make every occasion a great success.

Add: 486 Bahao Road, Da Zhi Gu, Hedong District, Tianjin Tel: 86 22 2462 6888

LifeStyle 109



Display cabinet, huanghauli, from Jiangnan Region, 18th century

Eight-Panel Screen, Huanghuali and semi-precious stone, 18th century

异曲同工:18 世纪中法古代家具艺术展

Great Minds Think Alike

两依藏博物馆与法国克雷默古董行联袂呈献的时代精品颇有“英雄所见略同”的妙趣。 Chinese and French art institutions collaborate on a ground-breaking new exhibition. Text: Jeffrey Ying 2 月 3 日 —5 月 9 日, 香 港 两 依 藏 博 物


馆将举办“异曲同工——18 世纪中法古代家


具 艺 术 展”, 并 列 展 出 17、18 世 纪 中、 法




法国太阳王路易十四 (1643–1715)、路易十五


(1720–1774)、路易十六 (1774–1793),以及中


国清朝的康熙 (1661–1722) 及乾隆 (1735–1796)



为展现时代的文化品位,两间主题别 厅分别布置成中国清朝和法国 18 世纪的风格,后者里面安放 了西洋钟、马丁漆挂毯梭 织机、狗窝等家具陈设, 时代细韵立即重现眼前。 克雷默古董行总裁米高·克雷 默说:“法国 18 世纪经典家具作 为时代象征,至今已获世界各地 多家著名的博物馆收藏展出。” 自路易十四及路易十五时期开

Canopy Bed, Huanghuali, 17th century

110 LifeStyle


Horseshoe Armchair, Zitan, 17th century

垂青,当时其价值甚至超越绘画和雕塑作品。” 罗浮宫博物馆荣誉策展人丹尼尔·阿勒古 夫为本次展览图录撰写序言,当中提及欧洲 人对中国家具的看法: “法国人简直为之着迷, 甚至为中国家具注入法国特色,打造成法式 艺术品——为陶瓷花瓶配上镶铜鎏金,或者 拆开漆器屏风的扇作为斗柜上的装饰。” 无论比较设计风格,还是工艺美学,仿 佛两国的 18 世纪家具彼此都有着“默契”。 两依藏馆长冯依凌分析:“虽说路易十四与 康熙素未谋面,各自还是渴望了解对方的文 化,互相欣赏可取之处。历史上,中、法两 国频繁派遣使节出访异国宫廷,互相馈赠。 在 17、18 世纪,法国耶稣会士到访中国期间, 不但传入了西方科学及知识,还注入了欧洲 艺术风格;其影响之深,尽见于宫廷绘画。 藉着文化交流,互相启发,两国擦出更多火 花。”

Louis XVI Canopy Bed, Painted wood, 16th century

9th of May, Great Minds Think Alike


the Musée du Louvre, has provided an introduction

two cultures, where the creative journeys of China

adoration of Chinese pieces by Europeans: “The

rulers including Kings Louis XIV (1643–1715);

to such a degree that they sometimes turned

pen from the 3rd of February to the serves as a homage and mirroring of the

and France are marked by the reigns of prominent Louis XV (1720–1774); Louis XVI (1774–1793); and the emperors Kangxi (1661–1722) and Qianlong (1735–1796).

In the exhibition, the pieces are presented

as pairings in individual galleries. Viewers are

invited to study the contrasts and similarities in style, technique, craftsmanship or function

over a range of objects, from stools to chairs and

A Louis XIV brass and ebony two part-cabinet

Daniel Alcouffe, Honorary General Curator at

Museum says, “King Louis XIV and the emperor

to the catalogue of the exhibition, musing on the

did not admire and wonder about each other. They

French loved and assimilated Chinese works

them into French objets d’art, with gilt bronze

mountings for porcelain vases, removing panels from lacquered folding screens to use them on commodes.”

On the staggering “shared” sensibility and

the parallels in styles, design and craftsmanship, Lynn Fung, Managing Director of the Liang Yi

Kangxi never met, but that does not mean they

both sent ambassadors to each other’s courts,

armed with gifts. The French Jesuits who arrived in the 17th and 18th centuries were also very much welcomed at the Chinese court, bringing with them not only scientific and intellectual

discoveries, but also European influences in the arts, especially court paintings. This of course

contributed to a most interesting cross-pollination of ideas.”

lampstands, tables to screens, bookcases and beds. Highlights of the exhibition include a huanghuali

wood Chinese six-post canopy bed and a Louis

XVI painted wood canopy bed, both from the 18th century. In addition, two special salons will

be created to reflect the cultural tastes of the era: one decorated in a typical 18th century French

style, with objects such as clocks, a vernis Martin

tapestry loom, and even a dog kennel, and another as a Chinese Qing-style reception room.

“Today, French furniture from the 18th century

is displayed in the greatest museums all over the world, and is considered the embodiment of an

entire century,” says Mikael Kraemer, director of Kraemer Gallery. In the eras of King Louis

XIV to King Louis XVI, “furniture became, for

the first time – a major art form – and collectors were spending more on them than paintings and sculptures.”

Louis XVI Four-Leaf Screen, Mahogany, 18th century

Louis XVI Moulded Armchair, Wood, 18th century

LifeStyle 111




Timber of Time 位于北京 798 艺术区内的木・生活空间 专注于展示以木头为载体和材质的艺术作品, 提倡享受舒缓惬意的品质生活。 At 798’s new gallery, masterpieces in wood inspired from a diverse range of sources remind us to take life slow. Text: Jacob Dreyer Photos: Matjaz Tancic

你们打造木·生活空间的灵感来自哪里? 1995 年起,我们便在这里开始了相关创作。日复一日, 耕耘不辍,一直持续至今。当下,我们都希望一切慢下来, 好让自己有时间沉淀,享受生活。在中国文化语境中,木 头有着很多层次的隐喻;更重要的是 , 我们喜欢木头本身 的质感。 木·生活空间展出哪些类型的作品呢 ? 除了展示自己的作品 , 我们也有计划会与其他志同道 合的艺术家合作 , 希望能让这里成为探索自然、研究木头、 反思生活的公共空间。当然我们不会永远只停留在木头上 , 以后会逐渐开发其它材质,比如,石头。现在我们展示的 主要是中国传统木制品,希望藉此复兴这类日渐衰微的工 艺技术,通过木头从原初形态到日常器具的转化,全面呈 现木文化的精髓。 你们是想复兴中国传统吗? 我们相信,木头是一种通用的国际语言。我们不仅探 索中国传统,也研究现代文化和西方文化。我们不喜欢为 作品类型归属问题所羁绊,只一心投入创作便好。在这个 快节奏的社会 , 变化时刻在发生。我们只想营造一个安静 的空间追溯过往,让它成为湍急河流边一片静谧的汀洲。

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Tell us where the inspiration for the gallery came from?

We’ve been running various businesses here [in the space

that now constitutes the atelier] since 1995; it’s been a constant

race since then, years and years of hard work. We’re at the point now where we want to slow down to contemplate, enjoy life and

wonder on its mysteries. Wood is a format with many implications in the Chinese language and Chinese tradition; more than that,

we just like the way it feels, the solidity and natural aura of the medium.

What sort of works do you show in the gallery?

We exhibit our own works, but are also planning to collaborate

with other artists, ideally making the gallery into a community

space for the exploration of themes close to our hearts; nature, wood, the contemplative life. We won’t stop at wood, of course,

but explore other mediums, like stone; what will remain consistent is our dedication to a certain contemplation, or slowing down. At the moment, we are exhibiting traditional Chinese wooden wares, in an attempt to revive and showcase these languishing examples

of craftsmanship, and also an exhibition of the history of wood and humans; from logs lashed together, to steles, to the panoply

of wooden objects we use in our everyday life. The exhibition

is flanked by large boards; back to nature, a beauty that humans perhaps cannot surpass.

Are you trying to revive Chinese traditions?

We believe that wood is a universal language; we explore

Chinese traditions, but also the modern, and also the Western.

We don’t like to be constrained by categories, but rather strive to make work of universal relevance. In this fast-paced society

where everything changes, we seek to offer a quiet space for contemplation of times gone by, an island in the fast-flowing river.

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血色浪漫 布面丙烯 100x150cm

在树丛中的我与远 行 布面丙烯 100 150CM 2014


The Paintings of Yang Guangyu 杨广宇的作品有着寂静的忧伤,有着青春的痕迹,夹杂著那些年匆匆的回忆, 把那些物,那些人,那些景,那些故事都融合在他的作品里。 Yang Guangyu’s works represent a beautiful mellowness, with traces of youth mixed with memories of the fleeting years of the past. Her life is written clearly in her work. Text: Ai Hai

杨广宇的画,有强烈的,可供辨识的自我面目。有多少人都知道那一句,“我的青春小 鸟一去不回来……”对他来说,笔下的,画里的青春,如同始终等不来的“戈多”,可他的 笔,却依然坚持寻找绮靡的情怀。 就算青春的本身就是一种崇高的信仰,也应该被允许一度失控,因为这更真实。青春有 自己的标签,有不能被解读的迷茫、不能被理解的伤感、不能被扶持的理想、不能被包扎的 痛楚、不能被消灭的抗争、以及不能被收容的悲愤……杨广宇把这些标签别在自己的胸口, 迎风站立。他的《一千年以后》,是现实与曾经的对峙。丛林中的女子与白骨化石默默相对, 象一场陈年旧案,而他,就是那个始作俑者,他用笔,真切地绸缪了一场思考的邂逅。 在他笔下的密林中、空气中、倒影中、黑夜中、生命中,都有一种试图撕开帷幕见真章 的念头,可他又刻意省略自己在现实体验中的一段履历,带着强行的策略调整,落入自我绘 画的演义中。

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艺术家杨广宇、策展人艾海 开幕现场发言

艺术对人生进行种种考核,起初,艺术 之眼对人生的呻吟絮语,视而不见,它不相 信人生的基底,会有艺术的源泉。直到,那 个运笔的人,走进它的视野。 有时,艺术显露出一种危险的挑战,因 为现实毫无愧疚地重复,而对这样的重复, 思想弃权,不再参与表决,缄默不语。


ang Guangyu’s paintings possess a strong

sense of individuality and identification. Inspired by the famous saying “The birds of youth, once

they have flown, they will never fly back...” his

evocative, wistful paintings summon the spirit

of youth, on an existentialist and fruitless quest, similar to those depicted in the works of Samuel

Beckett. And, just as Beckett, even when he feels

生与痛的希望 布面丙烯 150 110CM 2014

he cannot go on- he goes on anyway.

Even if we wish to control the past, master it,

remaining young forever, letting go and basking in the flow of time is wiser. Youth is a confusion that cannot be read, a misery that cannot be

understood, an ideal that can never be realized, a

pain that can never be healed, a struggle that can

never be resolved, and an anger that can never be forgotten. Yang Guangyu stands against the wind, solitary, daring it to blow him down.

His “1000 years After” tells of a confrontation

with the past. In the misty shadows of memory,

Yang’s impressionistic work recalls an encounter, albeit one that may have only been with himself… In the air, in the woods, in the night, in life;

whatever Yang paints, he attempts to tip the veil

off of reality, to penetrate into the deeper meaning of scenarios and visions. He has submerged his

own identity in the work, lost in a romance of his painting.

Art can contribute to our understanding of life;

at first, we hear its call like a low moan, which becomes increasingly loud and melodious as we

approach its source. The journey of life and art go side by side, accompanied by this man with

his brushes, realizing his vision. But sometimes-

as with Yang’s work- art is felt as a dangerous challenge; here, reality is repeated with any guilt, by this silent witness of things seen.

风花雪夜的出行 布面油画 150 150CM 2013

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Entertainment News


话 剧

《哈姆雷特》 《哈姆雷特》创作于 1601 年,是英国文艺复兴时期文学创作的巅峰 , 代表了莎士比亚戏剧的最高成就。莎翁将复仇故事深化成复杂的性格 悲剧,显示出更深刻的人性思考的容量,他的作品就是一面镜子,给 德行看一看自己的面目,给荒唐看一看自己的姿态,给时代和社会看 一看自己的形象和印记。

时间:2015.02.11-2015.02.15 地点:北京 9 剧场 ( 切 CHE·行动剧场 ) 票价:60/120/180/280/380



《等你爱我》除了耳熟能详的歌曲之外,著名音乐人小柯的新歌也将 在剧中与各位观众见面,编曲舞蹈更是小柯老师全新操刀,小柯(饰 演邱晨)也将参与怀旧欢乐的踢踏舞表演;李德辉、潘晓智搞怪两兄 弟在《等你爱我》中他们扮演两位小区保安,将一改力挺兄弟弄巧成拙, 自已挖坑自己埋的悲惨的形象,展现新时代追求梦想的“正面人物”。

一个多世纪以来,这部作品一直以其诗情画意的舞蹈段落、 单纯凝练的童话故事、圣洁之至的天鹅短裙、对比鲜明的仙 凡场面和沁人心腑的音乐形象成为了超越国界与时间的永 恒经典,也成为了芭蕾艺术的永恒代名词。古巴国家芭蕾舞 团演绎的《天鹅湖》,是该团灵魂人物、著名芭蕾明星艾丽 西亚·阿隆索编排的版本,集高难度的舞蹈技巧与拟人化的 舞蹈语汇于一身,并加入了古巴民间舞蹈的元素。

时间:2015.02.20-2015.02.24 地点:国家大剧院歌剧院 票价:180/280/480/680/780/880/980/1280 电话:400-610-3721

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时间:2014.11.08-2015.02.14 地点:小柯剧场 票价:199/299/399/499/699


演 出

2015 雅尼世界巡回音乐会 —北京站 他是一个用音乐讲述生活的人,他开创了一股魅力独具的音乐潮 流——新世纪音乐;他是“世界一流的键盘奇才”,电子音乐的奠 基人之一;他是第一个在北京紫禁城开音乐会的西方音乐家,他就 是雅尼。找出你压在箱底的丝绸礼服或者是燕尾服吧,坐在音乐厅 的包厢里,打开一瓶卡波奈萨维格诺葡萄酒,然后沉浸在雅尼的无 限空间里。一个更好的世界就在你手上!

时间:2015.03.19 地点:国家体育馆 票价:280/480/680/880/ 1080/1280/1380 电话:4006 228 228

《蓝色多瑙河》 《我爱你恋习曲》 丁当情人节演唱会

“爱乐汇”音乐品牌机构专注于制作老百姓即买得起又听得懂的 音乐会,并计划精心制作每年不低于 200 场的系列作品音乐会。 此次汇集中国当代最顶尖演奏家,奏响中国室内乐绚丽篇章,弦 情璀灿,流光溢彩,世界经典,魅力缤纷,化腐朽为神奇的一场 美妙至极的交响音乐会,将我们耳熟能详的很一般的电影音乐演 奏的让人陶醉不已!

神经质的嗓音引领观众的悲喜,她「戏剧主题曲天后」的 名字已经扩展至两岸三地,成为各大戏剧主题曲最抢手的 第一人选。戏剧歌曲诠释的历练,丁当对音乐的感受又深 入到另一个境界。在她的嗓音中,又叠入了对人生、故事 的感悟,情路上起起伏伏,也加深了她对词义的感受,丰 富了音乐的层次。不管外在世界如何变化,丁当始终一往 无前地走在自己的路上,唱自己的歌,她是这个世代最稳 定而感性的声音。

时间:2015.02.14 地点:上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心 (上海世博文化中心) 票价:99/199/299/399/499/699

时间:2015.02.22- 19:30 地点:北京音乐厅 票价:180/280/380/480/ 680/880/1280 电话:4006 228 228

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2014 第三届中国文化产业资本大会 第三届中国文化产业资本大会已在上海拉开帷幕,此次会议以“四新”为主题,聚焦文化金融, 艺术品金融以及互联网金融三个主题论坛,将在金融资本市场打造一个多层次的平台, 更好的与不同发展阶段文化企业无缝对接。

2014 年 11 月 25 日上午,由上海西岸发展集团特别支持的,新元文智主办、99 艺术网联合 主办的 2014 第三届中国文化产业资本大会在上海西岸徐汇滨江拉开帷幕。本届峰会以“新金融、 新资本、新格局、新趋势”为主题,聚焦“文化金融迈向新时代,艺术品金融发展模式与未来, 互联网金融的文化产业机会”三个主题论坛,旨在打造多层次金融资本市场与不同发展阶段文 化企业的无缝对接平台。第三届大会首度联合中国艺术界权威媒体 99 艺术网。99 艺术网从建 立之初就以艺术与互联网金融的结合作为艺术产业化的战略目标,经过逾十年的发展,已经在 艺术电商、艺术基金、艺术收藏与投资、艺术展览与拍卖以及艺术空间运营等领域积累了业界 最权威的品牌资源与专业经验。 近年我国文化产业发展日新月异,发展速度高昂,走过了一条非常难得的发展路径,文化 金融是文化产业的有力支撑。在 2013 年以来,中国的文化产业受到了社会资本、金融资本的高 度关注。大量的资本进入文化产业,我们看到来自于互联网金融业和文化产业迅速融合,2013 年是互联网金融的元年,众筹的元年,尤其众筹以文化创意融资服务作为主体。在民间资本、 金融资本以及互联网新兴金融产品对文化产业融资提供有力支撑的背景下,中国的文化产业, 也发生了深刻的格局变化。此次大会探讨文化产业与资本的合作,也必将探讨文化产业未来的 新的发展趋势。资本在改造文化产业,资本赋予了文化产业一个全新的未来。 2014 中国文化产业资本大会现已圆满闭幕,会议全程从国有上市集团到民营发展企业,从 大型金融信托到新兴的网络众筹模式,从地产、影视、游戏、音乐等等到艺术品投资,本次与 会嘉宾均从自身企业经验出发,分享了极具价值的文化产业发展思路,也推动了国有资本及民 间资本更好的相互结合推进中国文化产业与国际接轨,有效的加深了行业内的机构团体推动文 化产业资本的信心,希望本次大会成果能够对中国文化产业资本发展提供切实的帮助,并期待 下一届的大会的到来!

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业内关于艺术品金融的发展模式的讨论: 杨凯 (99 艺术网董事长 ):作为一个资深的艺术专家,你 觉得艺术品和金融通过金融杠杆如何让艺术品增值保值, 未来得趋势是怎么样的? 黄文叡 ( 摩帝富副总裁兼亚洲区总经理 ):艺术品金 融化必须以专业性和专业化为前提,要有独立的艺术评 论机制和风险意识。首先要有艺术史的基础专业知识, 才能挑出有价值的作品,其次,还要有专业的市场经验; 两者结合起来才能进行艺术品金融化。也就是说,对一 个当代产生艺术作品,美术史家始终没有介入,没有中 立的、具有公信力的艺术评论机制,只是市场在介入, 而市场又是以价格为导向的,最终只能靠二级市场来决 定的作品的价格;而在这样的情况下,艺术和金融结合 是风险大于获利的。 杨凯:中国拍卖行业和艺术品金融是什么样的状态,能 不能给大家做一些分享呢? 赵旭 ( 保利拍卖有限公司执行董事 ):保利从来不做 艺术品基金,艺术品金融是一个非常专业的领域,看起来 非常光鲜亮丽,但同时也充满风险;如果是买股票,不涨 还可以套现。但是艺术品如果说卖不出去,那后果就是油 画变成了油画布,中国画变成了一张纸。尤其是艺术和金 融放到一起,这里面风险是不言而喻的。 杨凯:艺术产业链当中,咱们这个机构所搭建的一个舞台, 在这个舞台对艺术品金融上扮演什么样的角色。 干瑾 ( 上海西岸开发有限公司副总经理 ):把艺术品 与房地产进行对比,房地产是有标准的,其价值是总会显 现的,但艺术品是没有标准的,是不能用房地产的规律去 揣摩的。房地产绑上金融可以上到另一个高度,但是艺术 品就未必,如果把艺术品作为一种冲动性消费,那后果就 很可怕。 杨凯:艺术品和版权,我们说艺术品是唯一性的,关于 艺术授权,可复制艺术如何和金融合作,如何看他未来 的趋势。 郭羿承 ( 国际艺术授权基金发起人兼秘书长 ):艺术 品金融化,就是如何把文化艺术内容通过知识产权的操作, 转变成金融方面可以去操作和投资的产品。未来文化产业 以及艺术金融发展的重要问题,就是如何用国外的一些成 熟商业模式,把中国传统文化内容和精髓转换成文化或金 融产品。因此,我认为,把中华文化的内容转变成版权和 品牌,然后通过艺术授权的商业模式去推广,并结合金融 力量从而产生更大的效益,这才是一个未来的可行发展方 向。

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The First Wanda Vista Hotel in Shandong Province Opens 作为山东首家万达文华酒店和万达酒店及度假村管理有限公司在中国的第 67 家五星级酒店,烟台万达文华酒店于去年 11 月 21 日盛大开业。

酒店将独一无二的品牌特色——“万达文华天使”迎宾服务以及茶艺师精心演绎的中华茶道——“茶之旅”引入烟台,致力于以“个性、精致、 愉悦”的服务和体现“海之蓝,海之灵动”的设计诠释浓厚东方底蕴。新开业的烟台万达文华酒店不仅因其时尚点缀了港城的璀璨繁华,更将 凭借服务为山东酒店行业树立新标竿。 21 November, 2014,Wanda Hotels and Resorts announced the first upscale five-star hotel in Shandong Province--Wanda Vista Yantai has grand opened. As the

67th five-star hotel of Wanda Hotels and Resorts in China, Wanda Vista Yantai is indeed an exquisite paradise of warm hospitality and oriental culture delivered in a

cosmopolitan style.Ideally designed for business and leisure guests, the hotel offers an artful oasis of pure comfort, including “Wanda Vista Angels”, as well as the timeless traditional custom of the “Cha Journey” with a real tea master. With the promise of an extravagant experience of exclusive service and artistry, Wanda Vista Yantai will definitely be the new benchmark for the hospitality industry in Shandong Province.

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“天·灯——袁武绘画作品展” 今日美术馆开幕 Yuan Wu’s Exhibition “Days·Light” Opens in Today Art Museum

1 月 18 日 ,“天・灯——袁武绘画作品展” 在今日美术馆热烈开幕。在此次名为“天 ・灯”的展览中,袁武描绘了许许多多前 往西藏大昭寺朝圣的藏民。而取“天・灯” 为展览主题,有两层意思:一是天表明了 仰望的高处;二是灯则象征着信仰带给人 的光明。在这次展览中,袁武的这批作品, 无不仅是当代社会中一种精神的注入,同 时也将水墨画的探索推向了现代。

Drops,串起节日时尚风情 Morellato presents Drops for Holiday Style 2015CECF 新加坡驭马文化节中国区新闻发布会召开 CECF Singapore Press Conference Held in Shanghai 2015CECF 新加坡驭马文化节中国区新闻发布会前不久在上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺 术中心圆满落幕。作为 CECF 驭马文化节的首个海外站活动,此次新闻发布会吸 引了来自全国各地的高端圈层爱马一族、意向赞助合作品牌代表出席,国内外近 60 家知名媒体代表应邀参与。据悉,2015 年 CECF 驭马文化节将于 2 月 21、22 日(羊 年大年初三、初四)举行,其比赛主赛 CECF 新加坡杯(G1 一级赛)也将刷新 当地速度赛马历史上最高奖金纪录,为中国内地马主一步到位在国际马圈中打响 知名度加足马力!

意大利首饰及腕表品牌 MORELLATO 结 合中西文化推出的 Drops“节日“系列, 分别是“生肖”系列和“星座”系列。 透过个性化的组合,赋予串珠首饰独特 的情感能量。同时,意大利首饰及腕表 品牌 MORELLATO 为配合情人节还推出 了“爱心”Drops 串珠系列,闪闪亮亮、 满满爱意的串珠手链,必能让你在这个 节日中表达对“她”的爱意!

中国大型祈福文化展暨盛德·紫阙 星光绽放盛典完美落幕 “The Imperial Palace” Opens in Beijing

京东联手爱奇艺打造《爱上超模》 Jingdong and iQIYI collaborate on “Falling in Love with Supermodels”

近日 , 由京东独家冠名、爱奇艺自制出品 的大型互动时尚真人秀节目《爱上超模》 在北京 W 酒店举行开机仪式,同时,“京 东衣橱”也首度揭开面纱,金星、琦琦、 任达华、何穗等导师携手 14 位超模选手, 以及百余家媒体共同见证了这一时刻。 《爱 上超模》模特选手的穿着装扮将在京东同 步发售, 视链技术在播出过程中时时贯穿, 无缝链接爱奇艺和京东在线销售平台,让 消费者享受“所看即所得”的互动体验。

近日,盛德基业主办的“星光耀盛德・世 家汇紫阙中国大型祈福文化展暨盛德・紫 阙星光绽放盛典”在北京柏悦酒店成功举 办。历时 3 年半打造的盛德・紫阙,位于 北京北二环安定门,是中国几千年皇家文 化的见证地,特殊的地理位置,也使得这 片土地成为中国现代经济发展、 文化传承、 资源聚集的见证地。得天独厚的盛德・紫 阙,是高品质战略的跨时代作品,也必将 成为北京历史、文化、生活的代表。

2014 第五届中国艺术品市场高峰 论坛盛大启幕 2014 5th Chinese Art Market Forum Unveiled

帝瓦雷开启在中国的新篇章 Devialet Opens First China Showroom

近日,由北京市文化局、中国拍卖行业协 会作为指导单位,99 艺术网主办的第五 届中国艺术品市场高峰论坛在北京金茂 万丽酒店隆重启幕。本届论坛依旧延续主 题演讲和圆桌讨论结合的形式,以“转型: 艺术市场的未来之路”为主题,围绕“碰 撞:全球艺术品市场新形象”、“融合: 艺术市场经营的多元化”、“渗透:艺术 收藏与消费的共生”三个议题展开主题演 讲及圆桌讨论。

CWDA 首届国际橱窗设计大赛新闻 发布会圆满落幕 CWDA First International Design Contest Press Conference Held in Beijing

近日,“CWDA 首届国际橱窗设计大赛新 闻发布”在北京 798 隆重召开。此次邀请 了法国著名珠宝设计师 Nicolas Favard、天 津于家堡商业街董事总经理叶帅、山东如 意集团品牌总经理张凯,等行业内重量级 嘉宾。中国橱窗设计协会会长施扬先生带 领各嘉宾一起为此次橱窗点赞。相信此次 大赛为中国橱窗设计界开启了新篇章,将 在中国橱窗设计史上留下历史性的一幕。

继全球首家展示厅于巴黎开设三年后, 法国高端高保真音响品牌帝瓦雷经过一 年的酝酿,帝瓦雷全球第二家展示厅、 亚洲首间旗舰展示厅在上海新天地盛大 开幕。设计师埃曼纽尔・纳尔当为帝瓦 雷上海门店所做的设计旨在营造一个舒 适的氛围,全新的展示厅包括视听室及 销售区域。据悉,帝瓦雷在 2013 年底已 在中国开设 8 家网络店铺,实体店的入 驻开启了品牌在中国的新篇章。

港中旅维景酒店携手国家摄影 跨界合作 HKCTS Reaches Strategic Cooperative Partnership with National Photography

港中旅酒店有限公司与国家摄影跨界战 略合作新闻发布会前不久在北京远通维 景国际大酒店隆重举行,摄影产业巨头 与酒店行业巨头的强强联手掀开了 2015 跨界合作的新篇章。双方将以港中旅维 景多家五星级酒店为平台,在客房和公 共区域使用国摄优质摄影师作品,为住 客展示充满人文色彩和地域文化的摄影 图片。


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... 上海明天广场 JW 万豪酒店: “Show Your Love”主题情人节 JW Marriott Shanghai Tomorrow Square: Valentines Day Feast Celebrate a romantic Valentine’s Day with your loved one at the iconic JW Marriott Hotel Shanghai Tomorrow Square. Start your night with an exquisite five-course dinner with Champagne and wine pairings served in the Presidential Suite. Price of the package is RMB 20,888. Tel: +86 21 5359 4969 ext 6305 上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 畅享健康半自助晚餐 Grand Mercure Shanghai: New Semi-Buffet Dinner

Indulge in a healthy menu with our new semibuffet dinner every Monday to Thursday at L’Atrium Restaurant on the second floor of the Grand Mercure Shanghai. The appetizer bar features a fresh selection of vegetables for you to make your own salad, four kinds of Western cold dishes and four Chinese cold dishes. The semi-buffet is priced at RMB68 and main course RMB 100. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300 ext 3708

北京嘉里中心: 杯盏茶香浓 , 嘉里情谊厚 Kerry Residence Beijing: Afternoon Tea Time

An afternoon Tea Ceremony was held for guests at The Kerry Residence Beijing to enjoy. They were able to experience pure tea, learn about Chinese tea culture, share life happiness and start a spiritual journey. Ancient people believed through tea drinking they could achieve self-discovery and self-enlightenment as mentioned by ancient poets. Tel: +86 10 6561 8833

嘉里建设有限公司: 成功投得深圳市前海商业地块 Kerry Properties Ltd: Successful bidders in Shenzhen Qianhai commercial plots

Kerry Properties Limited announced on January 9, 2015 the sale for RMB 38.6 billion of sea seven units of commercial land. The total land area is over 32,000 square meters. Located in Shenzhen and Hong Kong near the sea frontier trade zone the lot is adjacent to the Guangzhou-Shenzhen highway along the riverbetween the Shenzhen Bay Port. Tel: +852 2967 2382

成都豪生大酒店: 团年春茗以情相约 Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel Chengdu: New Year Celebration

Howard Johnson Plaza Hotel Chengdu has been carefully preparing an amazing feast for you and your family. Every dish is hearty and delicious, perfectly seasoned, and worth the wait. Our amazing chef can provide you with a customized, high-end private banquet, with hundreds of vegetable products for you to choose from! Prices start at RMB 2688. Tel: +86 28 8282 0222

深圳凯宾斯基酒店: 新春佳节是中国人最重要的传统节日 Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen: Spring Festival Celebration

Spring Festival is a great time for a family reunion in China. To celebrate the year of goat, from February 1-21, Haitao Chinese Restaurant has prepared a fine selection of four special lucky Chinese New Year set menus. Experience the ultimate Spring Festival culinary delights only in Hai Tao Restaurant. Prices start from RMB 3088 +15% for 10 people. Tel: +86 755 8888 8888 ext 8325

皇庭 V 酒店: 为您和您的爱人炮制甜蜜情人节 V Hotel Wongtee: Sweet Valentine’s Day Meal 北京民族饭店:团圆的餐桌 Minzu Hotel Beijing: Reunion Table

The Minzu Hotel of Beijing presents a delicious family reunion feast from February 19th through March 5th, 2015. Indulge in a variety of traditional Chinese New Year including braised lamb chops, roasted mushroom soup, sour pickles, tofu balls, warm baked chicken and more. There will also be performances by local artists that include singing and dancing. The night will be filled with amazing food and memories to last a lifetime. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466

122 LifeStyle

Whether you are a staying in your hotel room, or in the V Café, sweetly enjoy a Valentine’s Day candlelight dinner at the Wongtee V Hotel. This night will be full of stunning night views, elaborate table decorations, romantic candles, roses, and sparkling wine and chocolate macaroons. There will be live music as well as an amazing dinner cooked by our amazing Chef at V Café. Tel: +86 755 8828 9011 ext 8828


北京华尔道夫酒店: 爱!就要行动起来! Waldorf Astoria Beijing: Ultimate Valentine’s Day

The Waldorf Astoria Beijing has created the ultimate rose-inspired Cupid’s Couple Package to celebrate the season of love. From February 1 to 18, 2015, the Spa at the Waldorf Astoria Beijing is offering a 90-minute treatment for couples to refresh, rebalance, and enjoy a romantic tea together. Priced at CNY2,299 per a couple, plus 15% service charge. Tel: +86 10 8520 8989

SKY27 酒吧: “星”睿长沙、闪耀开幕! SKY27: Opening Rave Party 重庆申基索菲特大酒店:情人节双人套餐 Let’s make it Sofitel Forebase Chongqing: Valentine’s Day Package

The Sofitel Forebase Chongqing Hotel restaurant will have a special Valentine’s double package. After a candlelight dinner prepard by our five-star chef, check into the Sofitel deluxe rooms and enjoy a night of luxury. The next morning, enjoy our buffet breakfast. Valentine’s Day Package is set at RMB 1299 with Valentine's Day Double Deluxe Romance Package and one night. Tel: +86 23 6863 9999 ext 6308

天津丽思卡尔顿酒店: “新年欢享之旅”等您开启 Tianjin Ritz-Carlton: Chinese New Year Package

Celebrate festive season with your friends and family at The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin. Starting at RMB1480+* per night, the package includes luxury overnight accommodation in a Premier Room, daily breakfast for two at ZEST, RMB 500 dining credit, and full access to hotel facilities.Valid through February 28, 2015. Tel. + 86 22 5809 5138

SKY27 Opening Rave Party of InterContinental Changsha was held on December 12, 2014. Around 100 fashionistas, celebrities and business elites participated in the party. As the most fashionable and highest bar on the Xiangjiang River in Changsha City, SKY27 has an amazing panoramic terrace and spectacular river view. The opening of SKY27 caught the attention of many famous TV stars and famous celebrities in China. Tel: +86 731 8966 8866

湛江民大喜来登酒店: 成功举办大型招聘会 Sheraton Grand Hotel Zhanjiang: Mass Recruitment

Recently, the Sheraton Grand Hotel Zhanjiang held a large-scale two-day job fair for the community. This fair helped to provide more than 120 different positions from the grassroots to the senior management equaling more than 300 jobs. Sheraton Grand Hotel Zhanjiang will hold a grand opening ceremony in spring 2015. The recruitment was for talented people to work in the newly opened hotel. Tel: +86 150 5816 7799

北京瑞吉酒店:吉庆祥和团圆之选 St. Regis Beijing: Family Tradition Continues at The St. Regis Beijing Festival Reunion Dinner

Festival season is the time for family reunion. Celebrate Spring Festival with people who you love the most with exquisite delicacies at The St. Regis Beijing and please allow us wish you and your family happy and prosperous Chinese New Year! The impeccable luxurious experience of cuisine and service at Beijing’s most refined address will turn into your unforgettable bright memories. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688 ext 2460

上海浦西洲际酒店: 舌尖贺岁 相聚洲际幸福满樽 Shanghai Puxi Intercontinental: Chinese Reunion Dinner

Usher in the Spring Festival with a truly imperial culinary at InterContinental Shanghai Puxi prepared by Master Hong Kong Chef Ye. Enjoy set menus with traditional and modern New Year favourites with chances to win fabulous prizes. Bring your family to celebrate the new beginning of good fortune. Tel: +86 5253 9999 ext 6398

杭州西溪悦榕庄:情人节套餐 体验爱之味 Banyan Tree Hotel Hangzhou: Romantic Valentine’s Day Dinner

Escape from the city on Valentine’s Day and discover priceless tranquility at Banyan Tree Hangzhou. Share a romantic dinner with your loved one at the Waterlight Court. With an exquisite Valentine’s Day five-course dinner menu specially prepared by our Chef, enhanced by a serene yet elegant setting and soothing tunes of the live band, this will be the ideal dinner you do not want to miss. RMB1,299plus 15% service charge per couple. Tel: +86 571 8586 0000 ext 7210


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纸版及电子版发行合作 Paper and e-distribution partner: 除以上渠道,本刊在各高端写字楼,高档中西餐厅及休闲场所均有赠阅发行,同时每期固定向高端读者提供直投赠阅服务, 这些读者主要为外籍驻华人士、企业高管等商旅精英 In addition to the above channels, our magazine is displayed free of charge in high-level office buildings, Chinese and Western restaurants and recreational amenities. We provide a direct mailing service for high-end subscribers, comprising China-based international expatriates, management executives and the business elite. 同时本刊在高端期刊销售渠道及重点区域报亭均有销售。读者也可通过电话 85890129-104 订阅本刊。 Our magazine also retails through high-level distribution channels and newsstands in selected areas, as well as by reader subscription (dial 85890129-104).




Popping Bottles 据临时数据统计显示,2014 年全球香槟销售量复苏,总量至 3.08 亿瓶,创下历史第二的佳绩。 经历了过去几年的市场下滑,香槟协会的新统计数据表明,香槟酒作为法国香槟地区特产,在过 去的一年里重新得到消费者的宠爱。2014 年香槟销售量较 2013 年上涨 1%;销售额则由 2013 年的 43 亿欧元增长到 45 亿欧元,仅次于 2007 年的销售纪录。 专家们还预测:今年香槟的出口量将首次超过国内的销售量。销售增长主要得益于美国、日本及 澳大利亚出口市场的迅速发展。中国不在其中,原因在于中国市场大部分香槟酒是在夜店里为了彰显 买家的排场与品位而消费的。 The world tipped back the equivalent of 308 million bottles of bubbly in 2014, the second highest total on record according to provisional figures. After experiencing a slow decline over the last few years, new statistics from The Comité Champagne show that consumers went back to sipping the champagne-the stuff from France’s champagne region-last year. Champagne sales rose by one percent in 2014 compared to the year prior. In value terms, sales reached €4.5 billion this year, up from €4.3 billion in 2013-the second highest annual total on record after 2007. Experts also predict that, for the first time, more champagne will be exported than will be consumed in France this year. Driving the growth are markets like the US, Japan and Australia-champagne’s fastest growing markets. No word on China where most champagne seems to be bought to impress in nightclubs.

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南腔北调· LifeStyle


2014 年十二月号 总第 370 期


Provence Rosé Bottled Sunlight

Christmas Adventures l Colombian Bounty l Paris Match l Home Away From Home l Happy Pills

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