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南腔北调· LifeStyle

JULY 2013

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

2013 年七月号 总第 336 期



Chen Chusheng A Reflective Happiness

The A to Z of Hedonism l A View from a Shard l Black within White l The Power of 3D l Hainan’s Hospitality Heaven



The A to Z of Hedonism “印象”王潮歌

Impressions: Wang Chaoge

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



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请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

Editor’s Note

The July cover is a shot of singer Chen Chusheng, by Zhou Yubo

Happiness on Earth

人间快乐知多少 我们总喜欢炫耀奢华,喜欢用华丽的图片来夺人眼球,让 杂志看上去更时尚、更具国际范儿。图片上常常是令人炫目的 黄金配饰,造型离奇别致。其实我们都是普通人,买不起带泳 池的豪华游艇,也买不起用来存放珍贵物品的钻石保险箱,至 少不会经常买。 在普通的日子里,快乐往往来自去外面吃一顿美餐,或者 在有着古老而狭窄的小巷和 19 世纪的歌剧院的购物区闲逛。 一个活力四射、兴高采烈的夜晚就足以让单调乏味的工作日充 满生气,何需更多?除非你家财万贯,可以夜夜如此,但也许 我们就该立志成为财富精英。 如今遍布中国的各大酒店真是富丽堂皇,酒店里的设备应 有尽有,奢华之至,让你仿佛来到了天堂一般,连奥林匹斯山 上的众神和住着豪华宫殿的忽必烈汗都望尘莫及。各式各样的 高科技产品、令人开心舒怀的卓越服务以及美轮美奂的设计装 潢和丰盛的珍馐美馔,所有这些都让生活变得更加舒适惬意。 过去的人们如何能想象得到今日还有比紫禁城和凡尔赛宫更奢 侈的生活?不过前提必须是你每分每秒都要在五星级酒店中度 过。 过去也许只有国王和皇帝才有吃不完的美食,然而现在一 个普通人也能过上这样的日子。如今科技和交通出现了前所未 有的发达景象,吃和穿却没什么太大的变化。人们拥有的东西 愈来愈贵重,让过去穷奢极欲的贵族都不敢相信。现在,最富 有的人几天的挥霍就差不多要超过一户普通人家的所有财产, 奢华程度恐怕连国王做梦也想不到。 一切都将越来越好……



We tend to trumpet the glitzier things. We like those fancy photos that you are bound to remember and that are guaranteed to make our magazine seem international and stylish - those beautiful images of gold, creativity and weirdness. And yet we are where we are and most of us don’t buy billion dollar yachts with swimming pools or safes made entirely of diamond that hide sturgeon eggs that bestow eternal life - at least not on a regular basis. The things that give us that thrill of indulgence in normal life tend to be exquisite meals out, that perfect cocktail, and romping around a shopping district in the midst of narrow 19th century alleys and opera houses. It is that exuberant, substance-fueled night out that usually has to suffice as inspiration to get us through the drooling doldrums of the work week. What more is there? Unless of course, your life is magical enough to allow such excess on a nightly basis. Perhaps we should aspire to be one of those individuals that barely needs worry about the next morning. China is now replete with that towering den of fantasy and bacchanal pleasure: the hotel. This structure represents thorough submersion in a life inhabitants of Mount Olympus or the Pleasure Domes of Kubla Khan might have had some difficulty imagining. Technology, thoroughly uplifting good service, and all that is right about design and gourmet today joined in a most sacred alliance to promote a life of ease, comfort and gastronomical delight. Who could have imagined that the hotels of today could provide a more fantastic and luxuriant experience than the Forbidden Cities and Versailles’ of years past. If only we could spend every minute of life in a five-star hotel. A king or emperor of the past might have the only person in his realms that had more food put before them than they could ever eat. But the common faire of an ordinary man these days can easily match that. Even as technology and communications have advanced at inconceivable rates, the speed of the improvement of common things like food and clothing has not been insignificant. Things are more rarefied than a noble of the past could ever believe. The nights one spends in a top hotel are likely to surpass those one has at home and the kings of yesteryear could not have dreamed of better. Everything just keeps on getting better and better.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

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JULY 024

速递 014 巴黎水安迪·沃霍尔限量瓶身


074 漫游家的完美联姻 旅行箱的跨界漫游

082 狂欢,以艺术之名



空间 024 碎片上的风景

享乐 086 私享海角天涯


030 古堡新魅影

去海南岛许下爱的诺言,定格家庭度假 的天伦之乐


098 芳草地的“意”味 京城里乐享意大利美食

特辑 040 盛夏快乐清单

A 到 Z 触手可及的快乐

品鉴 064 自省的快乐


情歌王子陈楚生用音乐解读自己诠释成 长演绎爱情

068 印象”王潮歌 中国最具创新精神女导演的“印象”人 生




LifeStyle 7



074 Liaisons with Globetrotter


Globetrotter’s luxurious cross-border cooperations

014 Perrier x Warhol

Pop art on Perrier bottles

082 Art Basel comes to Hong Kong The first ever Art Basel Hong Kong



024 A Shard with a View

Views from the tallest building in Europe

086 Hainan - a Haven of Hospitality

030 Remaking a Castle

A dream vacation on the islands’ beautiful beaches

Hambach Castle receives a subtle elegant makeover


040 A Gratifying Alphabet

098 Opera Bombana

Enjoy Italian cuisine in Beijing


Our list of affordable happiness producers



064 Happiness in Introspection


Chen Chusheng’s life of music

068 Impressions: Wang Chaoge

The dynamic and groundbreaking director’s vision

112 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous



LifeStyle 9

JULY 2013

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editors 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑

费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang

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10 LifeStyle

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每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.18

巴黎水安迪·沃霍尔限量瓶身 Perrier limited edition bottles inspired by Andy Warhol’s prints

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Pop a Warhol

知名气泡水品牌巴黎水今年夏天跨界 推出安迪·沃霍尔限量瓶身,向这位波普艺 术家致敬。这位艺术大师上世纪 80 年代的 鲜艳版画被放在瓶身上供大众欣赏,共有四 种不同的设计图案,并印有七句大师的妙 语。真的是买水不仅是解渴,还能接受艺术 的熏陶! Perrier water is paying tribute to Andy Warhol this summer with a series of limited edition bottles inspired by his vibrant screen prints of Perrier bottles created in the 1980s. The bright and bold color palette will be replicated on specially-designed bottles, with four different label designs and seven different Warhol inspirations including some of his famous quotes. www.perrier.com

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A Costly Champagne 以名贵宝石镶嵌酒瓶早已不鲜见,而 这一次钻石殿香槟酒厂斥资 120 万英镑打 造出世界上最昂贵的香槟瓶。超人风格的商 标正中镶一颗 19 克拉无瑕白钻,以代替品 牌惯用的施华洛世奇水晶。该香槟瓶是专门 为一位不愿透露姓名的客户所打造,连酒标 都由 18 克拉白金镂刻而成,客户的名字也 被镌刻在酒标上。 A luxury champagne maker has created what it’s calling the most expensive bottle in the world after encrusting the logo with a 19-carat diamond worth £1.2 million. Handcrafted from 18-carat solid gold, Goût de Diamants’ signature logo is centered by a single, flawless deep-cut white diamond weighing 19 carats, replacing the Swarovski crystal that normally inhabits the space. The bottle was created for an unnamed private client. The label is also hewn from 18-carat solid white gold and is engraved with the client’s name. www.goutdediamants.com

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Magnificently Mini 意大利著名时装设计师罗伯特·卡瓦利 操刀设计的跨界概念车 Mini Paceman 特别 版前不久亮相生命之球慈善晚会(欧洲最大 的艾滋病慈善活动)。独一无二的主题车款 采用遇光会产生变化的虹彩颜料,车身将随 着角度与光线的不同呈现从棕色到黑色的 多层次色泽。车顶漆有罗伯特·卡瓦利的品 牌标志,签名则位于车门之上,金光闪闪的 隔栅、镜壳、前灯和尾灯使其散发出不可抵 挡的高贵气质。罗伯特·卡瓦利特别版仅此 一台,已于奥地利维也纳举行的 2013 生命 之球慈善晚会上以 19.4 万美元被拍卖,所 得款项全部捐给生命之球艾滋病防治慈善 基金会。 For the Life Ball 2013, Roberto Cavalli designed a gold-themed Mini Paceman in gold. The special Paceman is distinguished by an iridescent paint, Cavalli logo on the roof and signature on the door, gold-painted roof and alloys, together with gold-finished grill frame, mirror cases, headlight and taillight surrounds. At the AIDS Solidarity Gala in Vienna, the one-off was sold for $194,000.

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A Glamorous Grip 经典又不乏时尚,奢华与前卫同在! 亚历山大·麦昆的这款骷髅头手包将奢华精 致与野蛮暴力看似矛盾的特质完美地融合 在一起,人人都忍不住想抓在手里。经典骷 髅头催生了不计其数的山寨品,但它无疑是 亚历山大·麦昆骄傲的标志。现在 Joyce 引 进了这款潮味十足的手包,北京三里屯太古 里亚历山大·麦昆专卖店有售,1595 美元起, 潮人们下手要趁早啦。 Classic yet trendy, luxurious yet edgy, the skull clutch by Alexander McQueen is an emblem of both opulence and ferocity that everyone wants to own. The classic skull symbol has inspired more knock-offs than we thought possible, but remains unmistakable as a mark of the McQueen brand, and is now presented by Joyce in Beijing. With prices starting at $1595, these iconic clutches are waiting for fashion enthusiasts to scoop them up. www.joyce.com

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Frankfurt Meets New York 德国当代艺术家托比亚斯·里赫伯格将 其最爱的法兰克福奥本海默酒吧等比例复 刻搬到纽约曼哈顿美洲酒店,擅用几何线条 色块营造视觉迷惑效果的他再次将一次大 战军舰御敌时运用的“眩目迷彩”大量套用 在空间里。这个迷幻视觉风格的酒吧犹如大 型雕塑,具有正常酒吧的所有功能,但仅存 三月(开放时间为 5 月 11 日至 7 月 14 日)。 除了喝酒聊天,托比亚斯希望这个临时酒吧 还能成为创意工作者开会、讨论和交换意见 的平台,同时欢迎灯饰、家具及其它装置收 藏人士前去淘宝。 The artist Tobias Rehberger has brought his favorite Frankfurt bar, Bar Oppenheimer, to New York’s Hotel Americano. This bar is an exact facsimile except that it has all the surfaces covered in Mr. Rehbergher’s signature camouflage patterns creating a dizzyingly lavish visual. The entire piece resembles a sculpture. The space will be a fully functioning bar until July 14th. Indeed collectors are also welcome to purchase the bar installation. www.pilarcorrias.com

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七星酒店里的炫金 iPad

Golden Times

专门提供豪华镀金业务的英国伦敦 Gold&Co 公司为入住全世界唯一七星酒 店——迪拜帆船酒店的每位尊贵的宾客打 造了一部镀有 24 克拉黄金的 iPad。作为住 店期间的“虚拟向导”,这部炫金 iPad 可 以帮助客人了解酒店内所有设施的信息。 Gold&Co 公司和迪拜帆船酒店曾于 2012 年 10 月为“世界乳腺癌宣传月”推出过一 部玫瑰金 iPad。 Known as “the only seven star hotel in the world”, the Burj al Arab has decided to offer guests a true golden hello, providing them each with a 24-carat plated iPad for the duration of their stay. The iPads were designed exclusively for the Burj Al Arab by bespoke luxury brand Gold & Co. London, infamous for their gold-plated technology products, who engraved the iPads with the hotel’s logo. Gold & Co. London and the Burj Al Arab teamed up for a month in October 2012 to create a rose-gold iPad in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month, but this venture is at the Burj Al Arab to stay. www.burjalarab.com

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Dreams of Jinbao Place

在陆屹眼中,金宝汇像她的第二个家,她深深热 爱着这个大家庭。与这位金宝汇购物中心总经理 的对话,让你零距离欣赏商界木兰之菁华。 Lu Yi, General Manager of Jinbao Place Shopping Center, loves her enterprise deeply, thinking of it as a second home. We share with you the thoughts of this successful businesswoman. Text: Eva Liu

金宝汇三周年庆怎么会想到推出金宝汇首部微电影? 在金宝汇三周年庆典之际,我们推出了金宝汇首部微电影, 希望通过“定制珍爱”的主题充分展示金宝汇为高端消费者带来的 专属定制的服务理念,诠释出“金宝汇高端生活方式”的核心。 金宝汇购物中心定位于高端人群,进驻金宝汇的品牌需要具备怎样 的条件? 金宝街的定位是国际水准的高端商业街,所以我们对品牌的 要求是要符合这里的环境氛围:首先,品牌要有号召力,来这里消 费的多是目的性消费;其次,品牌要有知名度、文化背景和优秀的 品质。金宝汇想要传达给消费者的是一种文化艺术与时尚奢华的融 合,这是一种“纯高端生活方式”,也是金宝汇独有的生活方式。 随着金宝汇的品牌调整,男性顾客青睐的品牌越来越多,你们如何 营造男性消费氛围? 男性消费者具备很高的品位和要求,他们注重和理解品牌影 响力,也更容易接受拥有深厚文化底蕴的小众高端品牌和新晋品 牌。随着品位不断提升,他们需要高端产品来满足他们的需求,而 高级定制细致而严苛的制作标准正符合他们的需求。所以,金宝汇 引进了很多高级定制品牌,这也是金宝汇的一大特色,如英国知名 绅士鞋履品牌巴克、意大利鞋履品牌亚捷奥尼、意大利著名男装定 制品牌奇顿、克莱利亚尼等。 作为一名商界女性管理者,你有没有独特的管理方式? 我的管理风格是典型的“家人式”管理,对手下的孩子们一 边是爱护,一边对他们严格管教。 平常喜欢什么风格的打扮? 喜欢简约精致的风格,没有特定喜欢的品牌。我的大部分服 装都是在金宝汇一家女士服装店量身订做。我很喜欢这家店的设计 理念,设计师根据我出席的场合为我制作了不同类型款式的服装。 Why did you use a microfilm to celebrate Jinbao Place’s 3rd anniversary? For Jinbao Place’s 3rd anniversary celebration, we released its first microfilm. Using a theme of “bespoke luxury,” we wanted to display the concept of bespoke sevices for high-end customers, as well as to define the core values of the “luxury of Jinbao Place”. As a company aimed at the wealthy and social elite, what are the Shopping Center’s requirements for introducing new brands? We are positioned on an international high-end commercial street,

20 LifeStyle

so brands should meet some specific requirements to be able to move in here. First, they should be charismatic brands, because people who come here have a clear idea of what they want. Then, they should be high profile, superior quality and have a rich cultural background. We want to combine culture and art with fashion and luxury to form an exclusive “extremely premium lifestyle” at Jinbao Place. After some brand adjustment at the shopping center, more and more popular menswear brands have arrived at Jinbao Place. How do you create a good atmosphere for your male consumers? High-end male consumers have good taste and demand high quality. They pay more attention to brand influence, and it is easier for them to understand and accept those niche or new brands that boast rich cultural background. And the better their tastes become, the more premium products they want. Bespoke products, with meticulous details and extremely strict standards, are the very things they need. Therefore, we have introduced many established prestigious bespoke brands, like England’s Barker shoes, Italian shoemaker Artioli and menswear manufacturers Kiton and Corneliani. As a businesswoman, do you have your own management style? Mine is the typical “family style,” utilizing both love and discipline. What’s your favorite dressing style? I love simple and exquisite style, I don’t have any preferred brands. Most of my clothes are custom made at a ladies’ clothing shop in Jinbao Place. I like the shop’s design. The designer has made various types of clothes for me for different occasions.

LifeStyle 21


Scoop 中国学生预定最贵环球旅行

World’s Most Expensive Holiday Sold to a Student 英国奢侈品网站 VeryFirstTo.com 今年 3 月推出“全球最昂贵假期”,买家将花费 150 万美元(约合 934 万元人民币)走遍 157 个国家和地区,游览被列入联合国教科文组织《世 界遗产名录》的 962 处自然文化遗产。这一行程估计需要花费两年时间。一名来自中国的在 读博士生已经签约付款,计划明年开始这趟超豪华旅程。以经营定制奢华游为主的赫灵汉姆 旅游公司将负责安排行程。该网站还声称已有 15 名游客对此项活动表现出强烈兴趣,另外 一名客户也已初步预定。 A luxury vacation package costing $1.5 million, dubbed “the world’s most expensive holiday,” has been sold to an unnamed Chinese man. Offered in March, the luxury holiday takes in all of UNESCO’s 962 World Heritage Sites, spanning over 157 countries and lasting two years. The package was put together by Hurlingham Travel and sold through exclusive e-commerce site veryfirstto.com which said they have received 15 more enquiries. It is said that the “unnamed man” is studying for a PhD and will embark on his luxury travels next year.


The Priciest Penthouse

一座名为 Odeon Tower 的摩天大楼即将于明年在富豪大亨聚集的赌城摩纳哥落成,届 时 170 米的傲人高度将使之成为地中海沿岸第二高建筑。Odeon Tower 拥有 70 套奢华公寓, 顶层为一套面积达 3300 平米的复式阁楼,配备私人泳池及泳池滑梯。据相关人士评估,该 复式顶层公寓的售价或将高达 3.29 亿美元,成为世界最贵公寓。Odeon Tower 将设全职礼宾、 私人影院以及豪华轿车等配套设施和服务。主设计师亚历山大·吉拉尔迪表示,Odeon Tower 的设计灵感来源于 20 世纪初巴黎“美丽年代”时期的乐观与和平主题。 A fabulous multi-storey penthouse in the new Odeon Tower in Monaco may become the world’s most expensive property per square meter when it is finished next year. The tower will soar to 170m high as the Mediterranean’s second tallest building, including 70 luxury apartments with the 3,300 sqm penthouse at the top, complete with a private water slide and swimming pool, a fulltime concierge, private limousines and a cinema. The building was designed by belle epoque master Alexander Giraldi, and is expected to be completed by July 2014.

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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24


Interior / P.34

整修后的德国哈姆巴赫城堡 Hambach Castle,Germany

LifeStyle 23




A View from a Shard 伦敦碎片大厦号称当前欧洲第一高楼,真正是风景这边独好。 The tallest building in Europe Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Baron Phillips Associates, VisitBritain

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The Winter Garden

伦敦碎片大厦未推先红,这栋欧洲最 高的摩天大楼由英国赛勒地产集团与 LBQ 公司共同开发、意大利著名建筑师伦佐·皮 亚诺设计。大厦高达 310 米,位于市中心 有着悠久历史的伦敦塔桥附近,周围环绕着 西区、威斯敏斯特、南岸、金融城和金丝雀 码头,处于交通节点位置,是伦敦又一地标 性建筑。 之所以取名“碎片大厦”,是因为大 楼外形犹如几片尖细的玻璃碎片合抱在一 起,指向天空。其玻璃外墙向内倾斜,底座 宽大,并逐渐向上收窄,顶部塔尖的玻璃板 互不接触,形成一个“自由呼吸”的开放空 间。设计师的灵感来自高耸的教堂尖顶和泰 晤士河上的船舶桅杆。 大厦仿佛一座“垂直的城市”,优质 办公空间、零售商业、餐馆、高档住宅以 及 15 层高的观景层,应有尽有。从 360 度

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全景观景台远眺,40 英里之内的伦敦壮丽 景色尽收眼底,带给游客前所未有的感官体 验。 从乔伊纳街的入口进去,游客首先来 到位于一层的画廊,从这里开始探寻伦敦的 旅程。140 多位伦敦的名人被描绘成各色各 样的普通市民形象:威廉王子和凯特王妃变 身伦敦街头的小贩,身着缀满珠母纽扣的节 日盛装;现任伦敦市长鲍利斯·约翰逊在为 他的对手、前市长肯·列文斯通擦皮鞋;超 级名模凯特·摩丝与亨利八世正在一大群人 的簇拥下举行婚礼……一路上还能欣赏到 由伦敦交响乐团和欧洲顶级室内合唱团“歌 手的欢乐组合”特别录制的美妙音乐。 碎片大厦还有诸如香格里拉酒店和奥 布里斯餐厅这样的酒店餐饮设施与服务。奥 布里斯餐厅位于 32 层,也是三家入驻餐厅 中首家对外营业的。

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Oblix Restaurant inside The Shard


he Shard is a landmark building on the London skyline, developed by Sellar Property in association with LBQ Ltd and designed by Renzo Piano. At a height of 1,016 ft (310 m) the building redefines London’s skyline and is located in the historic London Bridge Quarter in the heart of London. The Shard sits centrally between the West End, Westminster, the South Bank, the City and Canary Wharf.

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The name “Shard” comes from its sculpted design, which consists of glass facets that incline inwards but do not meet at the top, but instead open to the sky to allow the building to breathe naturally. London church spires and masts of ships which once anchored on the River Thames inspired the elegant building. The Shard is a vertical city with highquality offices, international restaurants, the 5-star Shangri-La hotel, exclusive residences and visitor attraction The View from The Shard, which will provide visitors with a multisensory experience and exhilarating 360° views for 40 miles across London. From the entrance at Joiner Street, guests enter the ground floor galleries to begin their exploration of the capital. Over 140 famous Londoners in playful juxtapositions greet visitors including The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge pictured as Pearly King and Queen; London Mayor, Boris Johnson, shining the shoes of his rival, Ken Livingstone; and Kate Moss marrying King Henry VIII, amongst many others. A specially composed orchestral and choral soundtrack performed by the London Symphony Orchestra and The Joyful Company of Singers – one of Europe’s foremost chamber choirs – will accompany visitors as they journey through the attraction. The Shard also contains luxurious hospitality facilities such as The Shangri-La Hotel as well as the Oblix restaurant. Oblix, located on the 32nd floor, is the first of three restaurants to open inside The Shard.

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A Castle for All 拥有近两千年历史的德国哈姆巴赫城堡 经过整修和增建,流露出谦虚、高雅的气质。 Hambach Castle, with its nearly 2000 years of history, receives a subtle elegant makeover. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Stefan Müller

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在德国莱茵兰 - 普法尔茨州莱茵河畔的 丘陵之上矗立着哈姆巴赫城堡,它是葡萄酒 之路上的诺伊施塔特历史的见证者,也是德 国民主的摇篮。1832 年,在当时的哈姆巴 赫城堡遗址举行了争取自由、民主和国家统 一的“哈姆巴赫庆典”。城堡位于小山顶上, 始建于公元 305 年的罗马帝国,最初是供 居住使用。在之后的岁月里,城堡历经沧桑 变迁。2002 年哈姆巴赫城堡基金会接管了 城堡,并决定对其实施大规模的整修和现代 化改造。著名建筑师马克斯·杜德勒在基金 会举办的设计竞赛中脱颖而出。 杜德勒认为历史建筑的改建应该是对 原有建筑的加固及功能提升,而不是改造 得面目全非,应该贴合原貌,“恰当植入与 原有建筑语言相符合的现代设计”。因此, 面对已有近两千年历史与传统的城堡,他 的改建方案是将现代风格精妙地嵌入其中, 将新与旧融为一体,使现代与历史共存。 城堡改造期间,杜德勒十分注重展现建 筑原有的质地与结构。他仔细地清洗墙壁, 打通空间,并进行加固处理,加强了不同空 间之间的联系,清晰地呈现出那些被尘封与 掩埋的岁月痕迹。精心处理的樱桃木、砂岩、 钢铁和玻璃自然地融入古老的建筑中,所有 现代技术的痕迹都巧妙“隐藏”起来。 建于城堡防御墙上的“1832 餐厅”(哈 姆巴赫庆典 150 周年时建造)原本看起来 笨拙不已,改造之后不仅保留了可远观四周 景色的石头露台,还形成了一种雕塑式的风 格,与环绕的围墙在视觉效果上更加和谐。 餐厅的众多窗洞就像一个个炮眼,与防御 墙浑然一体,同时提供了从里面观看托斯卡 纳景观的独特景框。大大小小的天然画框, 框住了一幅幅美景。餐厅外墙用黄色砂岩建 造,与饱经沧桑的城堡整体风格相似。为此, 建筑师在增建工程中也同样选用了这种黄 色砂岩。 杜德勒“用墙壁打造建筑空间”的理 念贯穿于所有整修改造工程,新增建筑的 外观简洁自然,更好地衬托出古老的主体建 筑,保留了城堡本身的历史感。

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erving as backdrop to the “German National Festival”, the Hambach Castle bears unique witness to both German and European history and is regarded as the cradle of German democracy due to the Hambach Festival which took place amid its ruins in 1832. Since its founding as a late Roman hilltop settlement in 305 AD, the castle has been modified extensively over successive centuries. After its transfer to the Hambach Castle Foundation in 2002, plans were drawn up for the structure to undergo extensive modernization, remodelling and new construction. The architectural competition organized by the Foundation was won by the architect Max Dudler. Dudler was insistent that any additions to the historical building should augment rather than overwhelm the existing structure. The architecture should “respect the language of the place by coming up with a suitable architectural response to the structure’s existing vocabulary”. Bearing in mind the building’s almost two thousand year history, his goal was to extend the existing historical structure through subtle means. A balanced architectural whole was created through use of a contemporary style embedded in tradition and history. During the rebuilding work, Dudler attached great importance to exposing the building’s original substance. The existing walls were painstakingly cleaned, opened up and consolidated, thereby creating both spatial and chronological connections which had remained concealed until then. The new features, made from materials such as cherry wood, sandstone, steel and glass, blend into the space naturally, and all technical elements are well disguised. The architecture of the castle’s “restaurant 1832” – with its panoramic stone terrace offering striking views – also takes its visual lead from the defensive walls. These walls were strengthened to an extent, resulting in

a sculptural building whose dining function also benefits the complex as a whole. The restaurant has many windows which are glazed flush with the interior wall. These deeply recessed forms in various sizes are distributed like paintings across the restaurant wall, creating sophisticated visual compositions which establish an enhanced relationship with the stunning landscape beyond. Made of local yellow sandstone, these walls heavily influence the site’s overall appearance and it was for this reason that Dudler chose the same material for new construction work. The concept of “creating a building from the wall” resonates with the building ensemble as a whole. This results in unobtrusive, clean-lined structures which complement the main castle building, thereby offering visitors a historically respectful reception.

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Black within White 葡萄牙帕雷德斯的一幢“房子里的房子” 以黑白两色呈现与众不同的质感和视觉效果。 A house is inserted in a house in Portugal for a distinctive space. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Fernando Guerra

葡萄牙北部城市帕雷德斯的一幢 19 世纪的校舍内 建了一个文化中心,这本不稀奇,但令人惊讶的是, 文化中心以房屋的形状被“植入”室内,同时还与外 面的房子和谐统一,且负责操刀设计的是 Spaceworkers,一家葡萄牙本土的设计工作室。 文化中心原址为学校的体育馆,Spaceworkers 在 尊重原建筑的基础上,照着原房顶的线条和角度新增 了两间人字形黑房子,就好像只是将两个“固体”放 置在现有的几何空间里,新房子的形状同时是对老房 子的映照。建筑师不想因为自己的介入而影响建筑本 身,希望能保留屋顶原有形状,所以有了“复制”的想法。 较大的那间黑房子设有一个非正式礼堂,里面摆 满了黑色小凳,另一间则有一个咨询台以及位于其后 的储藏室和洗手间。两者之间的地板也被漆成了黑色, 营造出一种整体的感觉。室内除了混凝土拱形门,一 概漆成白色,新老建筑间形成视觉上的对比冲突。虽 然强烈的黑白对比显得有些诡异,但不可否认的是, 明昧之间的反差呈现出极为优雅的氛围。建筑师对此 也有自己的解读:“白色负责营造气氛,黑色创造某 种形式,而其它颜色则由室内进行的各项活动来提供。”

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ortuguese architecture firm Spaceworkers has inserted a houseshaped cultural centre inside a nineteenth-century schoolhouse in Paredes, northern Portugal. The Centro Interpretação functions as an information centre for the Rota do Romanico, a series of tourist trails dedicated to the Romanesque architecture and monuments in the valleys that surround the town. To respect the architecture of the existing building, which had formerly been used as the school’s gym, Spaceworkers added two monolithic black volumes, both with gabled profiles that follow the angles of the roof. “We wanted to preserve the identity of the place with our intervention. We didn’t want to lose the shape of the ceiling, so we chose to add a kind of replicating structure.” The larger of the two volumes houses an informal auditorium filled with small black stools, while the second contains an information desk with a storeroom and restroom located behind. The floor between the structures is also painted black to create the impression of a continuous entity. Apart from a concrete arch that curves around the centre of the space, the rest of the interior is painted white, creating a visible contrast between old and new. Although the effect is slightly sinister, the contrast between light and dark also creates a rather elegant atmosphere. The architects explained: “The white creates the atmosphere, the black gives some form and the activities of the space will bring the other colors”.

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别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


The A to Z of Hedonism in Reach / P.40

B & O 全球首家体验馆 Experience Center by Bang & Olufsen

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The to 快乐清单 of Hedonism in Reach Text: Nels Frye, Audrey Hammonds, Jeffrey Ying

没有豪华游艇、昂贵跑车,也没 有镶钻 iPhone 手机。这一次,从 A 到 Z 都是你负担得起的快乐。中国经 济增长放缓,我们的目光也从一掷千 金的生活方式转向对更深层次的人生 乐趣的探索。这份清单纵然难逃奢华魅 力,但它会引起你内心的满足感,能让 你找到共鸣,诸如愉悦、幽默感以及对 美好事物的欣赏。 我们为你搜罗的时髦单品和推荐的潮 地真的离你不远,至少可以偶尔为之。美 食、有趣的鞋子、聚会好去处,应有尽有, 相信一定能够提升你的快乐指数,即便只是 短暂的一瞬间。在萎靡不振、闷热难耐的夏 季到来之时,希望这些快乐元素能为你带来 些许清爽。 No yachts, Bugattis, or diamond-encrusted iPhones on this list. In this year which many are describing as the start of China’s Era of Understatement, our attention is moving away from luxury and extreme displays of wealth. The urge to show off has shifted toward a deeper appreciation for the pleasures of life. There is still plenty of room for luxury, but it is more internal consumption aimed at enjoyment, humor, and an appreciation for exquisite quality. We still celebrate hedonism here. Our A to Z of happiness producers give you a list of items and experiences that most people can afford, at least once in a while. Here are the culinary delights, great nights, and fun shoes that can make you feel happier, if just for a while. As the doldrums of shut-in summer set in, here are some of the indulgences that might take your mind off the heat and stickiness.

40 LifeStyle

A laia Dress from Joyce 阿瑟丁·阿拉亚时装

Joyce 时尚精品店贵为亚洲奢华零售 业先驱,被公认为亚洲最权威的时尚名所, 以浓郁的艺术氛围和独到的眼光而闻名, 旗下店铺分布于北京、上海和香港三地。 在这里可以买到精致的时装,心情大好的 同时也为生活注入无限灵感。店内主打时 装出自东西方著名设计师之手,其中就包 括传奇设计师品牌阿瑟丁·阿拉亚,堪称时 尚达人热捧潮地。 A shopping trip to Joyce guarantees lifted spirits, an injection of finely crafted avantgarde into your wardrobe and inspiration into your life. The purveyor of cutting-edge fashions famed for a masterful edit, support of the art and unexpected collaborations now boasts outlets in Beijing, Shanghai and Hong Kong. Work from top design visionaries from East and West like this beautiful dress from Alaia are the bread and butter of the store that is the final word in edgy glamour for China’s style luminaries. www.joyce.com

B erluti Crocodile Loafers 伯鲁提鳄鱼皮便鞋

在鞋履的王国里,伯鲁提可谓是当之 无愧的时尚领航者,脚蹬伯鲁提鳄鱼皮便鞋 的绅士更是多了一份玩世不恭的潇洒。如果 你想要更多,那就去伦敦康迪街的伯鲁提首 家门店转转。店内提供维修、漂染咨询和个 性化贵宾定制服务。在门店设计上,木质、 玻璃、抛光精钢、黑色大理石以及伯鲁提标 志性的手工染色皮革的使用打造出阳刚气 派的奢华氛围。 In the shoe world, nothing connotes stylish excess more than a pair of Berlutis, and in crocodile skin the sense of rakish devil-maycare opulence only intensifies. If these crocs aren’t exactly what you had in mind, perhaps a trip to the brands very first Maison on Conduit Street, in the heart of Mayfair in London, is in order. With specialist customer service areas for repairs, patina consultations and a dedicated bespoke/VIP area, this emporium of masculine luxury is defined by wood, glass, brushed stainless-steel, black marble and the house’s emblematic hand-patinated leather. www.berluti.com





C rianza


醇厚朴实的味道适合与各式各样的菜 肴搭配,这种平和包容正是一些西班牙主要 葡萄酒品种所拥有的特性。对于喜欢好酒又 不想费力去学太多葡萄酒知识的人,丹魄适 合搭配大多数菜肴。产自西班牙里奥哈卡赛 瑞斯酒庄的克里扎红葡萄酒则堪称楷模,它 与辛辣食物是最佳搭档。这款红酒由 85% 的丹魄与 15% 的歌海娜和格拉西亚诺混酿 而成,有着清亮的香草气息,可通过 CWS 购买,搭配北京渡金湖餐厅的川菜更够味。 Earthy, full-bodied flavors that are not fussy and can be enjoyed with all kinds of cuisines are the marks of some of the basic Spanish wines. For people that just want good wine, but don’t want to take all the courses needed to become serious oenophiles, there is no better option than uncorking a good Tempranillo, likely to match much of what is on the table. The Crianza from Marqués de Cáceres is a great ambassador of these wines particularly because it goes well with spicier foods. This 85% Tempranillo and 15% Garnacha Tinta & Graciano with clean notes of vanilla is available from China Wines & Spirits and can be enjoyed with contemporary Sichuan cuisines at Transit restaurant in Beijing.

D alcuore Suits 达尔库雷西装

拥有悠久历史的意大利那不勒斯制衣 业真正做到了量体裁衣,这恐怕令萨维尔街 及其拥趸都望尘莫及。那不勒斯手艺高超的 裁缝摒弃了让所有男士看上去都千篇一律 的厚重肩衬和硬邦邦的胸衬,别出心裁做 出了完美合身的衣服,穿上让人感觉轻松自 如,再也不是那个装在衣服的壳子里没有自 信的小男人了。路易吉·达尔库雷就是这样 一位那不勒斯裁缝大师。他当初做裁缝并非 为了养家糊口或继承祖业,而是出于对这个 行当的热爱。他从学徒做起,吸收不同剪裁 风格和方式,形成自己独特的风格。他不仅 手艺了得,而且眼光独到,充满创意。达尔 库雷把那不勒斯制衣传统与当代风尚完美 融合,将那不勒斯经典推向全世界。如今达 尔库雷西装在那不勒斯、米兰、首尔和东京 开设了专卖店。不久之后,达尔库雷还将造 访北京。 Neapolitan tailoring solves some fundamental problems related to the human figure that Savile Row and its adherents do

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not. Instead of the heavily-padded shoulder and stiff chest pieces that bend everyone into the same structure, tailors from Naples offer a mode of tailoring that molds to their wearers torso. The man in a Neapolitan coat feels relaxed and comfortable with himself, not like an insecure little man trying to show off his power. A great exemplar of this art, Luigi Dalcuore entered the trade due not to need or a family tradition but due to his passion. His approach was academic. He worked for a range of Neapolitan tailors before developing his own style that meant that incorporated a range of stylistic nuances and methods of construction. More than a skilled craftsman, Luigi Dalcuore is a designer and visionary, who took the classic style of a Neapolitan jacket, put on his own contemporary touch and brought it to the world. Today, Sartoria Dalcuore has presence all over the world, including Naples, Milan, Seoul, and Tokyo. Very soon, Sartoria Dalcuore will be making regular visits to Beijing, China.

E xperience Center by Bang & Olufsen B & O 全球首家体验馆

B&O 体验馆总面积为 208.5 平米,由 丹麦国宝级新锐设计师、B&O 艺术总监乔 纳斯·托普担纲设计。无论对于这一奢华视 听品牌,还是对于那些一心想融合当代家居 乐趣与传统中国风的设计师来说,新颖大胆 的设计都令人颇为震撼。乔纳斯·托普在构 思中充分考虑中国精英人士的需求和品位, 巧妙地将古代丝绸之路的传奇融进整个空 间的风格灵魂,完美展现出中西文化的交汇 与碰撞。 The ingenious interior by Johannes Torpe Studios make this space a breakthrough for the iconic electronics brand and for designers seeking to elegantly fuse contemporary living and traditional Chinese motifs. As he conceptualized this 208.5 square meter Experience Center, Johannes Torpe, Bang & Olufsen’s Creative Director, considered deeply the needs and tastes of China’s new elites, then poured through the annals of Chinese history, and finally sought to depict this collision of Chinese and Western civilizations in the space. Fittingly, the Silk Road – historic route for exchange of products, ideas, and style - naturally surfaces in the décor and overall spirit of the space.

F airmont Fine Dining 费尔蒙美食

品尝美食的地方实在很多,而且大多都 有着令人意想不到的融合菜和时髦的布置。 凭着优雅别致的环境和令人惊喜的菜品,这 些地方成了聚会的好去处。好吃又实惠的肉 排搭配番茄酱更是司空见惯的一景。尽管肉 排鲜嫩多汁,但如此饕餮免不了摄入过多的 热量。不过在北京华彬费尔蒙酒店刃扒房就 大不同了,大厨安德里亚斯·布洛克准备了 恰到好处的肉排和精巧的菜品,加上轻松休 闲、甜蜜温馨的氛围,摒弃了城市的喧嚣, 让食客尽情享受美味佳肴与悠闲时光。旁边 就是浪漫的香槟吧,各式各样的珍品美酒和 特色鸡尾酒绝对让你过瘾。 Fine dining options abound. Most offer some highly creative version of fusion and a stylish atmosphere. Refined, chic, and often startling, these are places for that very special night. Steak houses with the very best meat in a massive cut served with some sort of potato are also common. Though the meat can be tender, such gargantuan portions can leave diners feeling bloated and worried about calories. At the Cut, Chef Andreas Block offers a middle ground with great meat, creative dishes, and a pace and atmosphere that

shut out the rush of the city. This is the place to head for a casual but exquisite meal that includes steak but will not leave diners feeling overwhelmed. A steady stream of cocktails from next door’s Champagne Bar will complete the indulgence.







来自秘鲁的纽约客格里玛尼萨·阿莫罗 斯是一位当代跨界艺术家,她创作的灯光雕 塑美轮美奂,曾在世界各地展出。前不久北 京中央美术学院举办了第一届拉美艺术季 之“镜像连接”灯光装置与影像艺术展,该 装置就是由格里玛尼萨·阿莫罗斯创作。阿 莫罗斯兴趣广泛,涉猎社会史、科学与批判 理论多个领域。她的作品运用雕塑、视频和 灯光表达出对身份认同和社会的看法,探索 传统精神与现代科技两者间关系的双重性。 Light up your life at one of Peruvian-New Yorker Grimanesa Amorós’ fantastic light installations that can be seen all across the world from Israel to a recent show at Beijing’s Central Academy of Fine Arts. She is an interdisciplinary artist with diverse interests including social history, scientific research and critical theory. She uses sculpture, video and lighting to create works that illuminate our notions about personal identity and community. Amorós’ work explores the duality between ancient spirituality and modern technology. www.grimanesaamoros.com

Hasselblad Lunar

哈苏无反相机 Lunar

瑞典顶尖专业相机生产商哈苏旗下的 传奇 500C(1957)是首台被带上月球的相 机。如今哈苏隆重推出了以 Lunar 命名的 全新型号相机,集先进科技与意大利奢华设 计于一体。这款相机线条流畅,外形典雅, 配有五款特色手把设计,全部用皮革、碳纤 维和意大利纯木等最名贵的材料人工打造 而成。标配价格为 6800 美元,各大高档零 售店和精品店有售。 Hasselblad, known for its long history of producing cameras for the world’s top professional photographers, has recently launched its newest product, Lunar. This luxury camera was inspired by Hasselblad’s legendary 500C, the first camera to go into space. Its smooth edges and classic materials all echo a vintage feel, with five different grip styles handcrafted with lavish materials like leather, carbon fibre and Italian wood. Priced at $6800 for standard models, these state of the art cameras can be purchased in select retail outlets and boutiques across the globe. www.hasselblad.com

44 LifeStyle

Island Reds 新西兰红酒

新西兰国土南北跨度达 1600 公里,拥有世界最南端的葡萄种植区——中奥塔哥。以 质取胜的新西兰葡萄酒正是源自它无污染的土地、清冽的水质、多变的气候和多样化的土壤。 霍克斯湾是新西兰历史最悠久的葡萄酒产区,百祺酒庄的元老干红葡萄酒 2010 正是为纪 念酒庄创始人、新西兰葡萄酒业的先驱约瑟普·百祺所推出的。这款明星红酒由赤霞珠、美 乐和马尔贝克三种葡萄酿造而成,并在橡木桶中陈酿 13 个月。酒香里充满了各种深色水果、 蓝莓、腰果、烟草、皮革的气味,浓郁而辛辣;丰富的口感展示出黑李、黑莓、辛香水果 和新皮革的味道。单宁如丝绒般润滑,洋溢着生机勃勃的韵味。它优雅而有力,是新西兰 红酒最佳入门之选。

New Zealand wines are about quality rather than quantity and benefit from untarnished land, crisp water, and a diversity of climates and soil owing to the distance of 1,600km from Northland to the world’s most southerly grape growing region Central Otago. A leading wine of the renowned Hawkes Bay, The Patriarch 2010 is the flagship red wine for Babich, and was made in honour of its founder, a pioneer of the New Zealand wine industry, Josip Babich. This blend of Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, and Malbec spent 13 months in oak, leading to a sumptuous bouquet of dark fruits, blueberry, cashew, tar, leather, dark and spicy notes. The palate shows dark plum, blackberries, spicy fruit, new leather. The tannins are velvety but youthfully exuberant. This is an elegant, strong introduction to the reds of the island nation.

JING Tea 静茶

最近一项对美国和英国多家高档餐厅的调查显示,在如今物质极大丰富,却人人为健 康担忧的时代,茶已经取代酒成为新的宠儿。顶级武夷红茶金骏眉产自拥有百年树龄的茶树, 人工采摘,口感饱满,底香持久。这一茶中珍品已经由知名茶叶品牌“静茶”介绍到西方, 进入伦敦和纽约的顶级餐厅。“静茶”创始人爱德华·艾斯勒精通中国茶道,在酒店业享有 盛名。 In our ever more productivity and health obsessed age, tea is the new wine, as shown by recent research at top restaurants in the US and UK. Wild Wuyi Gold, perhaps the most exclusive black tea available is handpicked by artisans from 100-year-old trees and boasts a rich, seamless flavor and is now offered to Western tea connoisseurs by JING, which means “essence” in Chinese, and is now offered in the top tier of restaurants in London and New York. Founder Edward Eisler consults on tea service and is considered a foremost expert on the place of tea ceremony in the contemporary hospitality world. jingtea.com





K nightsbridge 骑士桥一夜

伦敦骑士桥区坐落着英国精品百货店 哈罗德和多家全球最昂贵的豪宅,能在这一 带买得起房子的人少之又少,不过你可以考 虑到伦敦海德公园文华东方酒店过个周末 (这家酒店为世界最贵公寓“海德公园一号” 提供房间服务)。作为欧洲首家文华东方酒 店,2001 年开业的伦敦海德公园文华东方 的建筑风格简洁优雅。它的前身是 1889 年 开业的绅士俱乐部以及之后号称 20 世纪初 伦敦最豪华酒店的海德公园酒店。酒店备受 贵族和企业界大亨的推崇,同时也为到访 伦敦西区的各行业精英人士提供了一个“家 外之家”。在这里,住客能够体验到独具魅 力的亚洲服务,享受充满禅意的宁静平和, 欣赏骑士桥的繁华与海德公园的静谧,此外 客房设计舒适而经典。由英国分子名厨赫斯 顿·布鲁曼索主理的晚餐和法式小酒馆汇集 了卓越美食,蜚声四海,还可送餐到客房。 当一夜国际名人,你可以的! You’re probably not among the less than 1% of people who can afford a house in Knightsbridge, the proverbially prestigious neighborhood in West London that is home to Harrods and some of the priciest real estate on earth. However, chances are you can afford a weekend there, staying in the Mandarin Oriental, which also provides the room service at One Hyde Park, considered the world’s most expensive residential complex. The first Mandarin Oriental to open in Europe, the grand, eccentric Edwardian-style structure opened first as the “Gentleman’s Club” in 1889 and then later became the Hyde Park Hotel, London’s grandest in the early 20th Century. This was the home-away-from-home for tycoons, nobles, and dowagers. Fulfilling a similar function for the elites that congregate in West London, the current Mandarin Oriental Hyde Park opened in 2001 promising the highest in Asian hospitality standards and a zen-like tranquility in the center of the capital. With views over Knightsbridge, Hyde Park the serene courtyard, the rooms and suites are comfortable but classic in design. Restaurants Dinner by Heston Blumenthal and Bar Boulud consistently garner international acclaim and can be ordered as room service. This is the way to experience life as a global luminary for a night. www.mandarinoriental.com/london

46 LifeStyle





L oire Bubbles 克雷芒起泡酒

打开一瓶来自卢瓦尔河谷安茹地区的 克雷芒起泡酒通常预示着你信心满满,因为 在法国之外几乎无一例外只有真正懂酒的 人才喝克雷芒,这种起泡酒的喝法靠他们口 口相传。泡泡带来的是纯粹的喜悦,而非只 是奢侈品带来的虚荣。一瓶产自萨利维尔酒 庄的 1.5 升桃红克雷芒绝对能招来艳羡的目 光。这款艳丽的起泡酒不仅拥有白诗南和灰 果若的基调,还带有品丽珠的特色。后者经 过浸皮处理,为克雷芒增添了淡淡的粉色光 泽。 Popping open a bottle of Cremant always suggests some level of assurance with oneself. Outside of France, it’s almost exclusively for insiders, those who know one méthode from another. The point of the bubbles is pure pleasure rather than displaying the brandname of a member of some global luxury corporation. That said, a magnum of Hot Pink Cremant de Loire Rosé from Domaine de Salvert will garner admiring glances. This flowery wine rests on the base of classics Chenin and Grolleau Gris, but also relies on the Cabernet Franc grape, which is extracted after a short maceration of the skins to produce a delicate rosy shade. www.domaine-de-salvert.fr

48 LifeStyle

M egu


位于纽约曼哈顿的现代日本料理餐 厅 Megu 呈献给食客的是时尚的店面设 计和有创意的菜品。一流农产品和海鲜 搭配顶级日式调味料,天然放养的神户 牛肉酥嫩可口,然而正宗的味道源自出 其不意的配料,比如风味独特的辣椒酱、 果料馅饼和酸柚。手绘瓷器食具所使用 的毛笔是鼠须制成,时髦工作服的设计 灵感竟是日本武士所穿的便装。餐厅将 传统日本美食与当今流行风尚相融合, 既有民族风味又充满了时尚国际范。 Megu gratifies diners with its hip design and cuisine more startling than traditional options. The top Japanese condiments meet produce from the best farmers and fishermen in the US. Kobe-style beef from the US is tender and buttery and assuredly from cows that have been raised in stress-free conditions. Flavors are authentic but presented in unexpected ways using authentic ingredients like Kanzuri Chili Paste and the tart and bitter yuzu. Porcelain dishware is hand-painted with a brush made of mouse whiskers and chic uniforms were inspired by samurai casualwear. This bastion of contemporary Japanese cuisine in Manhattan showcases the ability of the island nation to bring its traditional culture up to date in a stylish, globalized way. www.megurestaurants.com

N obu


在全世界各大城市都能寻到诺布的踪 影,它的创始人是日本著名大厨松久信幸, 以新派日餐而闻名。在位于北京 JW 万豪酒 店的诺布餐厅,你可以享受到美妙的日式料 理和超级时尚的氛围,说不准还能遇到一两 个明星或大老板。这里有生鱼片炸玉米饼和 龙虾酸橘汁腌鱼等秘鲁风味的美食,还有独 特的鳄梨塔塔酱龙虾沙拉配辣柠檬汁。值得 一提的是,菜品的味道也是入乡随俗,而且 食材绝对一流。

A less purely Japanese option available in major cities throughout the world including at the JW Marriott in Beijing is Nobu. Here the famous internationally-influenced specialties of star chef and founder Nobu Matsuhisa can be enjoyed in a super trendy ambiance where one is likely to catch sight of a celebrity or at least a few tycoons. Peruvian-influenced specialties like sashimi tacos and lobster ceviche sit alongside such delicacies as avocado tartar Lobster salad with spicy lemon dressing. Dishes are influenced by local flavors but ingredients are guaranteed to be the very best in the world, no matter the location. www.noburestaurants.com/beijing

O pus Terrace at Four Seasons Beijing 北京四季酒店大堂露台

大城市人多,生活节奏快,还有不可 避免的排外情绪,巨大的压力令精英人士 也心神俱疲,因此适当放松是必不可少的。 比起其他城市,在北京生活工作压力尤其 大,好在四季酒店为日益疲惫的都市精英提 供了暂时放松的地方。酒店的客房、水疗、 美食无一不精致称心,服务更是体贴周到, 可谓是放空的好去处。新落成的大堂露台氛 围悠闲轻松,适合边品尝鸡尾酒边与朋友聊 天,就像喧嚣城市中的一块绿洲。 Today’s megacities put a huge amount of pressure even on their elites. The speed, crowds, and inevitable aggressiveness of the locals can take a psychological toll. Frequent escapes are needed. Beijing is an even more ferocious city than most, so it was a relief for many when the Four Seasons opened. Whether it was the suites, spa, or exquisite dining options, visitors could now count on a destination where they would served the very best with a consideration and warmth hard to find anywhere else. The new Opus Terrace allows visitors a place to unwind and meet with friends over cocktails while escaping the clutter and craze of the city. www.fourseasons.com/beijing





P orto Montenegro 黑山港

对于想开超级游艇的超级精英们来说, 黑山港是理想的停靠地。黑山港位于亚得里 亚海东岸黑山共和国的游艇胜地蒂瓦特,游 艇码头和相关的滨水工程在完工后能够提供 650 个泊位,包括 150 个 150 米以上的超 级游艇泊位。附近还将建成顶级度假酒店黑 山港丽晶酒店。酒店由伦敦里尔登·史密斯 建筑设计事务所担纲设计,总共拥有 34 间 酒店客房和 49 家住宅,其中包括工作室、 1-4 居的公寓和顶层豪华套间。底层空间由 国际顶尖设计师蒂诺·泽尔武达奇操刀设计, 设有咖啡店、餐厅、雪茄吧和书吧,致力 于为宾客提供最好的餐饮和娱乐选择。 For those that do wish to behold the life of the super elites in their super yachts, Porto Montenegro will soon provide the most rarefied access. A soon-to-be completed yacht marina and adjacent waterfront development in Tivat, Montenegro, the deep water marina will have berths for 650 yachts, 150 of them super yachts of up to 150m in length. The place to stay is the The Regent Hotel and Residences, designed by ReardonSmith Architects, which comprises 34 hotel rooms and 49 residences, including studios, 1-4 bedroom apartments and penthouse suites. The ground-floor café, fine dining restaurant, cigar lounge and library bar, designed by Tino Zervudachi, will provide the very best in dining and entertaining options. www.portomontenegro.com

50 LifeStyle

Q uadralato de la Mode 米兰黄金四角区

逛街这种“购物疗法”当然需要了, 可是写字楼附近的商场实在是让人失望,不 仅设计平庸,连入驻的品牌都一模一样。何 不去米兰?在米兰黄金四角区,步行不出十 分钟,就能将所有大牌一网打尽。不仅如此, 在这片到处都是庄严宏伟的历史建筑的整 洁区域内漫步所带来的乐趣,足以媲美追逐 时尚带来的满足感。光是以字母 B 打头的 顶级品牌就有巴蒂、芭古达、博吉和伯鲁提 等,足够你逛一个下午的。由 15 世纪的古 罗马修道院改建成的米兰四季酒店就坐落 在史皮卡大道附近,是享受时尚购物乐趣的 最好据点。酒店为所有光顾此地的明星、政 客和知名时尚编辑提供了一个幽静的私密 空间,在 La Veranda 餐厅吃着美味的意大 利调味饭,品着顶级的 Franciacorta 起泡酒, 欣赏着窗外如画的美景,一切繁华都被抛之 脑后。 You need retail therapy but all the shopping centers around your office leave an empty feeling. Beyond the generic designs, the brand names on offer are always the same. Why not go to the source? In Central Milan’s Quadralato de la Mode, every brand name you know is within a ten-minute walk. This is a discreet, utterly thorough district in which the stroll through stately historic architecture is as much an attraction as the fashion. Brands beginning with B alone - Baldinini, Bagutta, Boggi, Berluti, and others – warrant an afternoon. No base is better for this shopping bonanza than the Four Seasons, in a 15th Century convent just off the pedestrian Via della Spiga. The choice for celebrities, politicians and famous fashion editors alike, the hotel provides a private, enclosed feeling that makes it easy to forget the proximity of all the city’s attractions. Enjoying risotto and sipping Franciacorta in La Veranda restaurant, overlooking the courtyard, guests might not even want to go out and shop. www.fourseasons.com/milan



52 LifeStyle

R otterdam’s New Hotel 鹿特丹港口酒店

作为鹿特丹最新开业的五星设计酒店, 港口酒店以独特的设计风格引领宾客领略 五大洲的魅力。酒店坐落于马斯河岸,可 远眺美丽河景和城市繁华,绝对是朋友聚 会、浪漫约会和烛光晚餐的理想场所。时 尚铝合金、黑色玻璃、曲线设计以及黑白 相间的室内装潢摩登奢华,每一楼层都用 不同的颜色和图案突显出不同的主题,澳 洲风情餐厅内由荷兰知名室内设计师费伦· 托马森设计的黑色桶状座椅和宽大的落地 玻璃窗未来感十足。港口酒店还专门设立 温泉天堂,包括水吧、芬兰桑拿浴、土耳 其蒸汽浴室等顶级水疗设施。在这里,你 可以感受到最真实的鹿特丹。 Rotterdam’s newest design hotel, Mainport is a gateway of sorts to the world’s various continents. Located on the bank of the river Maas, it enhances the city’s newly built waterfront, and boasts panoramic views of the water and skyline, making it great for cocktail parties, romantic dinners or meetings. Design elements include sleek aluminum and black glass, curved lines and black and white furnishings, giving it a modern trendy look, with futuristic design by Feran Thomassen including Aussie restaurant Down Under’s black bucket seats and floor-to-ceiling glass windows. Each floor of the hotel features different design themes, expressed through patterns and color hues. Mainport also places great emphasis on wellness, with its Spa Heaven including its Wellness Club H2O, Finnish sauna, Turkish steam room and more. www.mainporthotel.com





S carves that Sparkle 亮眼围巾

充 满 冒 险 精 神 的 印 染、 夸 张 有 趣 的 图 案、 丰 富 的 多 元 文 化 主 题, 这 些 都 是 JUMA。JUMA 是由巴基斯坦裔 Juma 兄妹 于纽约创立的品牌,这对酷爱艺术和旅行的 兄妹希望将自己在世界各地生活的经历和 当地的文化融合在品牌中,当地民族文化成 为了创作的源泉和灵感。刚果、肯尼亚、哈 萨克斯坦以及北美都曾是他们的家,现在轮 到了中国,JUMA 第一家旗舰店很快将登陆 中国。 The graphic, adventurous signature prints of Juma are fun blasts of joy but they also reflect a deep immersion in global culture, a truly diverse set of influences. The rich backgrounds of brother and sister team Jamil and Alia Juma can be seen in each of their collections, which always draw influence from motifs of cultures from around the world. The pair, of Pakistani origin, have lived in Congo, Kenya, Kazakhstan and across North American and they now call China home, at least for most months of the year. Available in boutiques throughout the world, their first flagship store will soon be opening in China. www.jumastudio.com

T oys on a Hat 帽子上的玩具

你有没有为某样东西痴狂到恨不得天 天戴在身上?要是你有娱乐精神,又不介意 头顶物什招摇过市,那么高级礼帽设计师伊 丽莎白·考奇怪诞但绝妙的设计就再合适不 过了。定居北京的伊丽莎白以创意十足的设 计虏获了中国众多明星名媛以及时尚杂志 编辑的心,也受到国际媒体的广泛关注。不 管是在天津的马球赛场还是上海某个精品 店的开业仪式上,戴上它会让你成为全场的 点睛之笔。 Do you love a historic landmark or animal so much that you almost could wear it around all day? For those hoping their playful spirit will be recognized from great distances – and who wouldn’t mind quite a few extra inches on top? – Elisabeth Koch’s creations are a quirky, fabulous adornment. From her millinery in Beijing, she has stolen the hearts of elegant ladies, celebrities, and fashion magazine editors across China and received widespread attention from international media. Whether at a polo match in Tianjin or a boutique opening in Shanghai, wearers of Elisabeth Koch headpieces will be the life of the party. www.elisabethkoch.net

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U nruly Shoe 不羁的鞋

创意设计女鞋品牌 UN 的 Calligraffiti 系列鞋子上所覆盖镂空皮革能拼出“unruly shoe(不羁的鞋)”的字样,这并不是因 为其采用了激光进行精确剪裁,而可能是穿 的人都拥有一颗不羁的心。荷兰涂鸦艺术家 尼尔斯·修·缪尔曼助力完成了此设计。在迈 阿密巴塞尔艺术博览会上,这款 13 厘米的 高跟鞋共展出了黑、白、绿三个颜色。 The leather of United Nude’s Calligraffiti series which spells out the words “unruly shoe” does not refer to the precision of the laser cutting used in producing the shoes but probably the impetuous hearts of wearers and the Dutch graffiti artist Niels “SHOE” Meulman, who collaborated on this design. Standing 13 cm tall, these stiletto heels were released at Art Basel in Miami and are available in black, off white and a most immoderate neon green. www.unitednude.com



V incent Van Gogh’s Ear 梵高的耳朵

受首届香港巴塞尔艺术博览会影响,香港文华东方酒店扒房 推出了创意十足的艺术菜单。你有没有想过在享用鹅肝和鸡肉的 时候“撞见”梵高割掉的那只耳朵?据传在法国阿尔勒的黄房子, 梵高与自己的好友、同样赫赫有名的画家高更发生了争执,亲手 割掉了自己的耳朵。在黄房子里梵高完成了《向日葵》系列,后 来都成了世界名画。艺术菜单也受到波普艺术和达米恩·赫斯特的 作品“钻石头骨”的启发,不仅刺激宾客的味蕾,还带来视觉上 的享受。

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Feast on the ear of the brilliant, possibly mad, Dutch impressionist in a dish with foie gras and chicken conceived of by the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong as part of its Art Basel Menu. While at the famous yellow house in Arles, Van Gogh not only severed his ear purportedly in an argument with fellowpainter Gaughin, but also completed his famous sunflower series, also represented in the dish. The special art menu also includes dishes inspired by pop art and Damien Hirst’s skulls. www.mandarinoriental.com/hongkong





W rinkle in Tie “褶皱”之美

“衣不如新”的时代早就过去了,如 今人们喜欢本色的、有生命的东西,追求材 质本身的特质,而不是永远光亮如新。不管 是枕头、西服还是墙壁,我们都喜欢粗糙的 边角、纹理和真实的本色。Kent Wang 亚 麻领带便是为视褶皱为个性和真实的男人 们打造。他们知道,衣着太过讲究和整齐也 会让人不自在,尤其是在夏天。不要时时太 精明,穿衣打扮也是一样,要提防过犹不及。 That time when everything had to look smooth, shiny, and new is long over. Our era loves materials that have life and show what they are. Whether it’s pillows, suits or walls, we seek nubbiness, rough edges, textures, and natural colors. Kent Wang’s linen ties are for men who see wrinkles as a sign of character and authenticity. They know that, for summer especially, an overly fussy, sleek look just seems uncomfortable. It’s time to be a little undone without making concessions stylewise. www.kentwang.com

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卡伦兹 1858 珍稀干邑

一瓶卡伦兹 1858 李奥妮限量版干邑卖 出了 15.7 万美元的天价,比几年前一瓶类 似珍品在上海卖出的 100 万人民币还高。 卡伦兹 1858 李奥妮限量珍品因家族的婚嫁 喜事而生,只在历史的特殊场合开封过,例 如二战期间丘吉尔和艾森豪威尔就是喝着 卡伦兹 1858 策划了“诺曼底登陆”。卡伦 兹 1858 李奥妮限量干邑酿造于根瘤蚜虫灾 害前(1870 年一种名为葡萄根瘤蚜的藤蔓 病席卷了白兰地地区几乎所有的古藤),每 一瓶 Cuvee Leonie 都弥足珍贵,代表着一 个已经逝去的年代。 A bottle of 1858 Croizet Cuvee Leonie Cognac is a cool $157,000, a few dollars more than a similar bottle that was sold in Shanghai a few years ago for 1,000,000 RMB. This bottle is one of the rarest varieties of cognac in the world, having been made before the Phylloxera mite that blighted the French vineyards and changed the taste of cognac forever. Indeed, this variety of vintage was also sipped by Winston Churchill and Dwight D. Eisenhower as they planned the Normandy D-Day landings.

Y ak Frames


记住,你的眼睛和面子永远值得世上 最好的材料。用独一无二的高贵材料打造高 雅、高品位的生活配件是斯密斯罗布的品牌 理念。它们使用的是青藏高原的牦牛角,纯 手工打造,30 道独立工序涵盖了精确度要 求极高的切、压、锯及抛光等,确保了产品 的耐久性以及材料和生产过程符合最严格 的环保标准。即使是活力十足的黄色手工纸 盒,生产中也绝不产生工业废水,所用材质 为天然色素染色的百分百可回收纸。北京设 计概念店“吾号”有斯密斯罗布特别限量版 眼镜出售。 Only the best materials should come close to your eyes and face. Hong Kong-based Smith & Norbu uses high quality raw materials all sourced in China. The optical frames in classic designs are crafted from unique and subtly nuanced yak horn through a precise process of cutting, opening, pressing, sawing, and polishing - there are 30 individual steps - that promises both durability and materials and construction that comply with the most stringent eco standards. Even the vibrant yellow, handmade paper boxes are effluent free and made from 100% wood-free recycled material dyed with natural pigments. Now a special line of Smith and Norbu glasses are available in a special limited edition collaboration 5x5 with Beijing concept boutique Wuhao. www.wuhaoonline.com

Z any Stripes 玩味条纹

糖果条纹无处不在,从钱包、地毯、马克杯到色 彩丰富的拷花皮鞋和懒汉鞋,以及里衬印有模特女郎的 领带,处处流露出英式的机智与玩味。没有什么比去一 趟保罗·史密斯专卖店更能振奋人心了,一个装满了古 怪爵士保罗配饰的新衣橱就足够点亮你的每一天。如果 粉红西装不是你的 style,那就选带波尔卡衬里、颜色 稳重一点的吧,偶尔低头一瞥能让身处无聊董事会的你 精神振奋。保罗·史密斯五月初在北京三里屯太古里开 设了中国首家旗舰店,未来几年内二十多家新门店将陆 续开门迎宾。 Candy stripes on everything from wallets, to rugs, to mugs, to pens, brogues and loafers in pantones you never knew, ties with pinup models in the lining and everything very witty and British. Nothing is better visual Prozac than a trip to the Paul Smith store. A new wardrobe from the quirky Sir Paul with all the right accessories can go a long way to brightening your day. If your lifestyle can’t accommodate the pink suit, go for a more sober color with an amusing polka lining. A quick glimpse can lift your spirits during that boring boardroom meeting. Paul Smith will be making a major push in the Mainland, with over 20 new stores here in the next few years including the one that just opened in Sanlitun. www.paulsmith.co.uk




扔掉烟蒂 重焕新生 投资健康管理,让肺癌不再猖狂! 为什么现在癌症离我们如此之近? 还记得小时候,癌症,好像是个离我们很遥远、几乎不可 能沾边的事情,如果偶尔听说谁患了癌,肯定会感叹唏嘘一番, 小小年纪便懂得了为生命惋惜。 不知从何时起,癌症变得越来越常见,身边的病例突然多 了起来,我们开始担心,说不定哪天也会轮到我们自己。 不过细想之下就不难理解,面对如今的生活,明知不安全 的食物,我们还得吃;明知水质差的水,我们还得喝;明知被

肺癌,高居肿瘤发病及死亡首位! 从病种看,全国恶性肿瘤发病第一位的是肺癌,其次为胃 癌、结直肠癌、肝癌和食管癌。死亡率最高者男女均为肺癌。 2013 年世界无烟日刚过,让我们又把目光聚焦在烟草与肺 癌的关系上。自 20 世纪 50 年代以来,全球范围内已有大量流 行病学研究证实,吸烟是导致肺癌的首要危险因素,而我国目 前尚无一部国家级无烟立法。 《沈阳日报》年初的一则新闻:丈夫吸烟,肺癌晚期去世,




不在少数。美国曾有研究证实,每吸一支烟,寿命减少 5 分钟,





中国,每分钟就有 6 人确诊患癌。这个让人有点心惊肉跳 的消息近日成了公众热议的话题。以国家癌症中心、卫生部疾

在我国,之所以肺癌的死亡率一直居高不下,是因为发现 肺癌 80% 已经是晚期,而在美国肺癌发现时 70% - 80% 是早期。

病预防控制局名义发布的《2012 中国肿瘤登记年报》披露,全


国肿瘤发病率为 285.91/10 万,每年因癌症死亡病例达 270 万


例,即每 7 - 8 人中就有 1 人因癌症死亡。

查已深入人心。具体来说,在美国有 20 年烟龄的烟民、有肿

我国居民一生罹患癌症的概率高达 22%。肿瘤专家认为, 与传染病相比,癌症对我国人口的危害更大,必须从现在起加 强防控意识:一是改变不良生活习惯;二是减少各种环境污染; 三是定期体检,早诊早治。

瘤家族史等肺癌高危人群的信息会被详细记录在社区健康档案 的电脑上,相关医疗机构人员会定期提醒这类人群做肺癌筛查。 而我国,就像是上世纪 40 年代的美国,根本没有这方面 的健康风险意识。专家呼吁,现在就扔掉香烟,加入定期体检 癌症筛查的队伍,尤未晚矣!

好好爱这个跟随你一生的身体吧! 生命,只有一次;身体,只有一个。以前趁着年轻,做了 太多拿旺盛精力透支未来生命的事情。现在,疲劳、失眠、便秘、 头痛、烦躁、记忆力下降、免疫力差……其实是身体在向你发 求救信号,是时候该好好关注和呵护它了。马上去做个深度体 检吧! 慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所经典项目——深度体检,借助先进 的肺部 CT、心脏 CT、乳腺钼靶、西门子实验室自动化生化免 疫分析系统等高精尖设备及技术手段,通过细胞核内的 DNA 定量检测等准确发现癌前病变,通俗地讲,就是可将癌症扼杀 在襁褓之中。 有的人花很多钱给车做保养,却从没想过身体才是你最宝 贵的“劳斯莱斯”,才是最需要养护的。成为慈铭·奥亚会员, 享受无限次深度体检、 私人医生等尊贵的高端医疗服务, 投资 “高 利润”回报的健康管理,拒绝被死亡绑架,安享健康人生!

60 LifeStyle




Who Wants To Be Happy and Healthy? 是不是有点明知故问的意思,谁不想幸福又健康呢?人 们常说有钱难买幸福,其实健康才是真正的财富!不管你怎 么想,没有健康,很难有幸福的人生。因此,健康高于一切! 很多人都明白要有一个好身体,却未必真正懂得健康才 是幸福的起点。健康的体魄,加上适量的锻炼,能促使大脑 更多地分泌一种叫做内啡肽的化学物质,能让我们感觉更幸 福。某些药物也可以产生同样的效果,但副作用却很大。健 康的饮食和适度的锻炼不仅能让人产生积极情绪,时刻保持 心情愉快,还没有什么不良影响,何乐而不为呢?只要方法 正确,大多数人都会爱上这种健康的生活方式,甚至“深陷” 其中无法自拔,但此种沉迷绝对健康!除了锻炼,吃得健康 也能帮助你保持好心情。本页的图片上就列出了一些健康食 品。 所以要想提高幸福指数,不要只想着加薪和度假,也考 虑下平时该如何锻炼身体保持健康吧。有规律的锻炼会让你 看起来容光焕发,还可以让你快乐开怀。因此,戒掉周末的 喝酒寻欢吧,那只会令你遭受宿醉之苦。不妨去跑跑步,或 者骑车去兜兜风,这会让你变得更加乐观向上,第二天早晨 起来就感觉很开心,富有活力。


f course this is a rhetorical question – who doesn’t want to be both happy and healthy? They say money can’t buy happiness, and they also say the ultimate wealth is true health! No matter what some people believe, you cannot be happy if you do not have health, so above all things – even money – health is the most important to all of us! Beyond just keeping healthy, many people may not know that good health can actually make you happy. Good health combined with exercise produces positive endorphin chemicals in our brain to make us feel good. Drugs can also create this feeling artificially in our body, but of course they have major side effects, so why not do it naturally? A healthy diet and good exercise can create this positive feeling with no side effects and help you feel GREAT all the time. Is it any wonder that many people become addicted to health and fitness? With the right approach many people can become

addicted to this healthy lifestyle for the rest of their lives – this is one addiction that is very healthy for all us and presents no side effects whatsoever! In addition to exercise there are also certain health foods that can help you feel happy and great. Some of these are listed in the picture above. So next time you want to be happy, don’t just think about the next pay raise or next holiday – think about being healthy and fit. Regular exercise will not only make you look better but also make you feel better and happier. Rather than drinking to “happiness” on the weekends and then waking up the next day with a hangover, why not go for a run or a bike ride – you’ll get a similar positive feeling but instead wake up the next morning feeling energetic and happy.

德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/ wellness/fitness industry. Want more information about losing fat and getting lean this summer? Follow WHS online – www.facebook.com/ worldhealthstore (English language only and need a VPN to access) or www.weibo.com/worldhealthstore (Chinese language.)

62 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.64


Material Culture / P.74


Watch / P.78


Auto / P.80


Art / P.82 首届香港巴塞尔艺术展 Art Basel Hong Kong



陈楚生 出生于海南三亚,当今华语乐 坛最具影响力男歌手之一,在各大权 威音乐奖项中多次获得最佳男歌手、 最佳唱作人、最佳创作歌手等殊荣。 Chen Chusheng, born in Sanya, Hainan, is one of the most popular male singers on the contemporary Chinese music scene. He has been awarded many titles inlcluding“Best Male Singer,”“Best Singer-Songwriter”, and more.

64 LifeStyle


A reflective happiness 从《有没有人告诉你》到《思念一个荒废的名字》, 再到《我知道你离我不远》,他始终没有走远。 这就是陈楚生,用音乐解读自己诠释成长演绎爱情。 From past songs “Has Anyone Told You” and “ Missing Abandoned Love”, to today’s “I Know You Are Not Far Away from Me”, Chen Chusheng has always been exactly what he is, exploring the true self, interpreting life and singing about love through his music. Text: Eva Liu Photography: Zhou Yubo





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每个人对自我都有独特的解读,你是怎样解 读自己的? 我总觉得自己是一个简单又复杂的人。 我的性格比较温和,不太善于表达,更不善 于用太直接的方式表达,很多想法都埋藏在 心里,还好我有音乐,我会把内心的真实感 受写出来,唱出来。这就是我现在呈现给大 家的样子。 作为一名音乐创作者,你的音乐最想要表达 的是什么?对于爱情,你是如何诠释的? 我的音乐更多表达的是我自己,关于 我的梦想,我的生活感悟,我对社会现象的 一些思索,它不仅仅是一种艺术形态。更多 的时候,我希望能够通过音乐和大家交流, 希望大家听到我的音乐时可以收获温暖,可 以静下心去想些事情。爱情对我来说就是细 水长流、相濡以沫,亲情和友情也是,其实 不论是什么感情,到最后它们都是支撑我生 活下去的力量。 《我知道你离我不远》这首新歌有别于你以 前的音乐, 更能让人感受到一种特殊的温暖, 分享一下创造感受吧。 过去的作品很多都是倾诉爱情的艰辛 与伤感,而这首新歌融入了我这些年来对生 活的感悟与理解。这首歌是用我非常喜欢和 尊敬的一位前辈——李格弟先生的诗改成 词,然后谱曲而成。当我第一次读《我知道 你离我不远》这首诗时,一种莫名的旋律顷 刻溢满我的身体,在看似精简的短句中我尝 到了成长释然的滋味。所以,在创造这首歌 时,我保留了诗文的情感力量,首先感动自 己,把它变成音符再传递给听者。当你听到 这首歌时,不论你想到什么,终极感悟一定 有成长后的释然或者放下,告诉自己别再执 拗或者害怕。 说到害怕,在《星跳水立方》节目中你是第 一个站上十米跳台的男明星,当时一点不害 怕吗? 当《星跳水立方》主办方邀请我参与 节目时,我感觉很意外,也很犹豫。从小我 就喜欢运动,平常很喜欢游泳,但是我有点 恐高。再三考虑后,还是决定尝试一下。说 起十米跳台,我纯属是被忽悠上去的。当时 我并不知道自己是第一个跳十米台的男选 手,站上去的那一瞬间确实害怕,跳下来后 感觉并没有那么恐怖。一个门外汉仅仅训练 十几天便去跳水,难度真的很大,要克服心 理上的恐惧和身体上的疼痛。我第一次跳十 米台,直接从空中坐下去,当时人都疼傻了, 后来发现腿上一大片都红肿了。

The most unique perspective is selfperspective. How would you describe yourself? I think I am simple and complicated at the same time; I’m gentle and introverted, and I don’t say things very directly, sometimes hiding my ideas in my heart. Luckily, I have music, through which I can represent my true self with singing and songwriting. That’s what I really am. As a song writer, what do you want to express? What do you think about love? My music is more about myself, like my dreams, my reflections on life and and society. Music is more than an artistic form. It can be a bridge between me and the audience, or a fire that can warm a sad heart, or merely some relaxing and calming background music. As for love, I really appreciate the kind of small affections that last for a long time – mutual support, like friendship or the affection between family members. Actually, love, no matter what kind it is, is the power that sustains me in the world. “I Know You Are Not Far Away from Me”, one of your new songs, seems different from the music you’ve created before, with a particular warmth in it. Can you share your inspiration with us? Most of my other songs in the past lamented that love is hard and sad, while this song integrated my understanding towards and reflections on life. The song was adapted from a poem of the same name written by Mr. Li Gedi, a poet I love and respect. When I first read the poem, I was struck instantly with an inexplicable tune, a feeling of maturing and an attitude of letting go. I was deeply moved by it even before I decided to compose music and sing it for an audience. I tried to put as much of the emotional power

of the poem as I could into the song. When I listen to a song I’ve created, whatever my thoughts were during the process, my feeling in the end will always be relief, a result of life experience, thinking that I won’t be so stubborn and afraid of things any longer. Speaking of fear, you were the first male star standing on the 10-meter diving platform in the program “Stars In Danger”. How did you feel at that moment? It was a little unexpected for me to get an invitation from the program sponsors. I hesitated a lot – I’ve loved sports since I was a child, and I go swimming often, but I have a fear of heights. But I decided to try it after some consideration. In fact when I was hustled onto the 10-meter diving platform, I didn’t know I was going to be the first man to dive from it. In the first moment I stood on it, I was really scared, but I felt better after diving. It is a huge challenge for a nonathlete to dive after only ten days of training, because he has to overcome both fear and pain. The first time I jumped off the platform, I dived awkwardly and had a huge swelling of sharp pain in my legs. People always say that a man should be independent by the age of thirty. What are your plans for this stage of life? I’ve never thought of my life along exact timelines. Most of the time I prefer to relax and let life takes its course, living each day happily and fully. A lot of people have told me that I was a late bloomer in many aspects, but in my opinion, it is never too late to start unless you’ve already given up. I won’t compare my life at thirty years old with that of any other person; my only hope is that I’m doing better than before. Compared with health and happiness, both money and fame don’t mean anything.

都说男人三十而立,你如何看待自己的“三十 而立”? 我的生活中几乎没有确切的时间表, 大多数时候我更喜欢放轻松,顺其自然地过 好每一天。曾经有很多人对我说,你唱歌晚 了、参加比赛晚了、出唱片晚了。我觉得人 只要认真地做自己想做的事,就永远都不 晚。对我而言,陈楚生的而立之年不会去参 考别人而立之年的成就,他只要比曾经的他 更好就足矣。再多的钱,再大的名气,都比 不上自己和最在乎的人都健康、平安、快乐 重要。




Impressions: Wang Chaoge 王潮歌,北京印象创新艺术发展有限公司联合创始人兼 CEO, 被誉为中国最具创新精神的导演之一。 她用天赋、勤奋、创意以及女性特有的细腻和敏感享受着导演的乐趣。 在 LifeStyle 的独家专访中,她聊起了自己引以为傲的“印象”系列和“又见”系列。 Co-founder and CEO of Beijing Impression Wonders Arts Development Co. Ltd, Wang Chaoge’s dynamic style and groundbreaking creative approach have made her one of the top directors in China. In an exclusive interview, she gives us insight into the inspiration and art behind her most extensive works, the Impressions and Encore series. Text: Audrey Hammonds Photos: Beijing Impression Wonders

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“印象”系列走到今天有十个年头了,这期 间发生了哪些变化? 我们的演出用的是常规舞台,但又突 破了常规舞台和传统戏剧的限制。可以说, 是用分散的、无序的舞台和场景去讲述一 个完整的故事。十年前没人真正理解这些, 总是问“故事哪去了”、“主演是谁”之类 的问题,更别提让观众也参与到一个剧里来 了。在美国也好英格兰也好,情景演出太常 见了,观众不会因为自己看不懂而怪导演, 他们会努力从不同的角度来解读。但中国那 时候的情况是,观众不接受,而且他们会说 是你错了,这让我压力很大,不过大概一年 后,他们便慢慢理解了,我也真正被公众所 接受。 《又见平遥》这部大型实景体验剧最让你满 意的是哪个方面? 其实我最满意的是给了观众两条相互 不交叉的线路,让他们从不同的角度入场, 边走边看,并成为戏剧的一部分。你们看不 到有另一队“人马”入场了,他们也看不到 你们,到了最后你会突然想,“嘿,这群人 是从哪冒出来的?”从导演技术来说,让 两组观众从不同的空间在同一时间点切入, 需要精确到秒,还要为其创造不同的观演体 验,是非常具有挑战性的,也就是说,观众 看到的戏不大一样,只看一次演出的话,并 不能看完演出的全貌。 你的那些创意十足的灵感都是从哪得来的? 我确信是与生俱来的。我也不知道它 们从哪来,但它们就是一直在那。我觉得艺 术家如果没有天赋的话,后天再怎么培养跟 努力都白搭,这话可能会让很多年轻人的理 想幻灭,但事实就是如此——“天生我材必 有用”,人就得该干嘛干嘛。 中国文化源远流长且多元化程度高, “印象” 系列是如何反映各地文化特色的? 我认为准确地反映历史或文化是个悖 论,这是不可能做到的。我们所知道的所有

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历史都只是一些片段或瞬间组成的模糊印 象。你不能因为记录了某个片段就认为历史 就是这样的,真实已经被我发现,更不能说 自己了解了历史的全部,认为这里的人就是 这样的。所以,我就是要抓住这些稍纵即逝 的瞬间,一个或两个足矣。当然,我们的演 出是为了表现当地的文化特色,但这不是唯 一目的,我同时也借此说出我对今天生活的 看法。 你在选择实景演出的地点时都考虑哪些因 素? 我对于地点的选择是很严格的。第一, 得有人看,你不能搁在一个没人看的地方; 第二,这些人得有一种天生的需求,就是到 了那块土地就自然而然想到的。举个例子, 人们去纽约就想去看华尔街和百老汇,如果 你没去的话就等于没去过纽约;第三,这地 方得让我这样的外来者有“感”而发。 在着手表现当地文化特色之前,你自己是如 何先消化或做研究的? 我通常有两个方法:首先,在去任何 地方之前我会尽可能地阅读大量资料。我是 个很勤奋的人,出发之前花两个月大量阅 读,到了以后与别人进行短暂的交流,但不 是深深扎进去,这并不是说我不想深入当地 文化,而是我要的就是当地给所有外来者的 这份“印象”和初体验。我会让讲解员做介 绍,带我去当地最古老的饭馆,或者是当地 人最喜欢去吃饭的地方,或者是那儿的大卖 场;其次,我会问自己,我能很好地表现这 些吗? 你是怎么入导演这一行的? 最开始我是想成为一名编剧的。上大 学前我一直坚定认为自己绝对会是个作家, 不可能不是作家。我想报大学的新闻专业, 但发现当年所有学校的新闻专业都不招生, 有的专业过去是隔年招生。所以我最后选择 了导演系,从那时到现在,导演是我一直在 做的,从没改变过。现在回头看,我觉得导

演真的非常适合我,我有这方面的特长,性 格呢也是求变求异,我还能如愿在表演里用 到自己的写作,我觉得自己入这行非常合适 也非常幸运,老天爷就是这么安排的。 为什么选择做舞台实景演出而不是电影导演? 舞台演出一直是我想做的,我对舞台的 演出、人的演出感兴趣。打个比方,对于听 众来说,钢琴和小提琴演奏的都是音乐,但 这是两种完全不同的操作。电影能对时间“投 机取巧”,它是个“化学时间”,这一秒是 现在,下一秒就能变成十年前。舞台上的时 间是实打实的物理时间,如果要表现悲伤, 你就得用大量的铺陈和时间去酝酿和营造, 现场的观众才能感受得到,另外一部电影一 般 3 个星期就下线了,短期内经济效益明显, 但舞台演出可以一直演下去,从长远来看, 它所带动的当地产业链能让更多人受益。 这些实景剧算旅游产品吗? 从某种意义上来说,是的。但是我不喜 欢把旅游产品这个词用在它身上,特别是在 中国,旅游产品已经意味着无用的旅游纪念 品。我们的演出是文化艺术品,我不想强迫 观众购买什么,他们出来旅游在吃住行方面 已花了大代价,还被某些导游赶着在各个景 点之间跑,那他们再也不愿重返旧地,这样 无异于杀鸡取卵。但很多人看了我们的演出 会说 “我想回去再拜访一下那座城市” 或者 “这 儿就是我在戏里看到的那个地方吗”,它会 加深游客的体验和他们对当地文化的理解。 你的下一步计划是什么?会到国外演出吗? 除了曾经在纽约导过一部歌剧,我们 已经在让“印象”系列国际化了。明年《印 象·马六甲》将推出。我们走出国门,并不 是文化的输出,而是中国文化品牌的输出和 艺术家的输出,世界文化都应该保有自己 的地域特色及差异。《印象·马六甲》讲的 是马来西亚的文化。同时我们还在准备《又 见五台山》,试图探讨佛教文化以及人与宗 教的关系。

Where does your inspiration come from? I’ve always believed that I was born with it. I don’t know where it came from. It’s just there, and when it’s not there I wonder… where did you go? My theory, which may disillusion a lot of young people, is that for artists, if you don’t have a gift for it, studying the art is useless. You should do what you’re meant to do.

What has changed since you began directing the Impressions series ten years ago? Our shows take the normal stage and get rid of it, get rid of rules in the traditional scope of a performance. There’s a complete story there, but you use scenes and stages which are disordered. Ten years ago nobody really understood this. They would say, where’s the story? Who are the actors in the leading roles? In those days, it was very rare that the audience would participate in a play. In America or England you can see plays where there are scenes all over the place, and people won’t blame the director if they don’t understand it. They’ll try to come at it from a different angle. But in China, audiences didn’t accept it and they’d even say “you’re wrong,” which gave me a lot of pressure. But after about a year they started to understand, and I was finally really accepted by the public. What aspect of the Encore Pingyao performance are you most satisfied with? It’s not really part of the performance; the thing I’m most satisfied with is that the audience comes in two separate lines. The audience enters the arena from different angles. As an audience member, you didn’t see the other group come in, they can’t see you, and at the end you suddenly think, “Hey, where did all those people come from?” From a director’s perspective this is quite impressive, to have two groups come in at the same time and have a different viewing experience.

How are the local cultures of China’s diverse areas reflected in the Impressions performances? Well, I think that accurately representing history or culture is a paradox. You can’t! All the history we know is just a series of brief moments. You can’t say that because of this moment we recorded, all of history was this way. Even more so, you can’t think that because I know about this moment, I know everything about history. There’s no way you can say, “The people here are like this.” So, my concept is to be able to grasp these fleeting moments, just one or two is enough. Of course the point of the performances is to represent local culture and characteristics, but this isn’t the only thing I want to do. Through our representation of the local culture I’m also expressing my opinions about modern life. What are your requirements for choosing the locations of the Impressions series? The requirements are quite strict. First, there have to be people who want to see it. You can’t just go somewhere where no one is. Secondly, people must have a natural need to see these places. If someone goes to New York City, they’ll want to see Wall Street and Broadway. If you don’t visit these streets then have you even been to New York? There has to be this kind of natural demand to see something. The third condition is that I need to have a special feeling about the location. How do you get an understanding of the culture of each area? I have two methods: First, before I go anywhere I read everything I can about the place, maybe for two months before I leave, and then go there to talk to people for a short time. I hope to go and get an impression of the place. This is not to say I want to delve

deeply into the culture. I go and ask a guide to tell me about a place, and ask to go to the oldest restaurant in the city, or the local’s favorite market. Second, I ask myself, can I make a good representation of this place? How did you first become interested in directing? At the beginning, I wanted to be a screenwriter; before college I knew I was a writer, I couldn’t be anything else. Then when I was applying, I wanted to get into the news department, but for some reason that year no schools were looking for students for the news departments; they only looked every other year! So I thought I’d try directing. Since then I’ve always been a director. Now looking back, it really suits me. I think it’s a strength of mine, and at the same time I can use some of my own writing in the performances, so it’s very lucky that I found this work. Maybe fate planned it this way. Why did you decide to direct live performances instead of movies? I’ve always wanted to do live performances; I’m not interested in movies. I’m interested in the stage, and live people. It’s like the difference between piano and violin. To the listener, they’re both music, but there are two completely different methods of performing. Movies can make a mess out of time; one minute it’s now, the next minute it’s ten years ago. But on the stage, one minute is one minute, it physically passes. And on stage you need to use a long time and large actions to communicate your emotions so everyone in the audience can feel it. So are these performances a tourism product? In a sense they are, but I don’t like to refer to them that way because, especially in China, this word has come to mean a worthless souvenir. I think the performances are a cultural art. I don’t want to force people to buy anything, they’ve already paid so much to travel to and stay in this city, eat here etc. Some tour guides will rush you out as soon as you get somewhere, because they need to get you to the next place. Then after you’ve been to that city once, you never want to go again. However, a lot of people after they’ve seen our shows will say, “Hey, I should go check that city out again.” Or they go back from the play and think “Is this the place that I saw in the performance?” it will enhance their experience and their understanding of the culture. What’s your next step? Will you be performing outside the country? We’re already working on putting on the Impressions series internationally. We have an Impressions Malacca (Malaysia) in the works that’s coming out next year. When we go outside the country, we’re not taking Chinese culture and exporting it to them, but rather we export our art and performance – Impressions Malacca is about Malaysian culture. We’re also working on Encore Wutaishan, which has to do with Buddhist culture, and people’s relationships with religion.





80 后的 3D 力量

The Power of 3D

一个典型的 80 后男孩,靠自己的力量开启中国 3D 电影之门。 他就是李菲,北京灵动力量文化传媒有限公司董事长, 在国内 3D 电影制作领域开创了好几个第一。 Blues Li, the man who first unveiled the 3D film in China, is now the Chairman of Beijing Soulpower Culture Media Co., Ltd. Although seemingly just a typical young guy, he has singlehandedly set several ‘No. 1’ records in China’s 3D industry. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Soulpower

说说你的创业故事吧。 2006 年我跟朋友在厦门开了一家叫“灵 动概念”的公司,主要业务有动漫制作、原 创动漫及三维游戏的开发,运作得还不错。 后来我想自己尝试运营一家公司,在 2007 年成立了与灵动力量同类型的公司。为了维 持公司的运营,创业初期我几乎当掉了所有 家当。 你是从什么时候喜欢上 3D 电影并开始制作 3D 电影的? 第一次接触 3D 电影是在 2008 年。当 时在香港上映的 3D 电影《地心历险记》票 房相当不错。我从中看到了商机,想打开内 地 3D 电影市场。一次偶尔机会,我结识了 梁汉森导演。他做过编剧,做过演员,也做 过导演,现在主要从事动漫行业。他也想拍 一部中国自己的 3D 电影。可能这就叫志同 道合吧,于是我给梁导看了一些以往的作品。 那些作品或许不是很好,但是技术原理有了,

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也能称作 3D 片了。这样,我们合作了国内 第一部 3D 动画片《齐天大圣前传》,这便 是灵动力量 3D 电影制作的开始。 听说《画皮 2》是灵动力量制作的第一部整 片真人 3D 电影,跟这部影片是如何结缘的? 之前我们都是帮一些好莱坞电影做代 工,就是负责电影中几分钟的 3D 特效。《画 皮 2》是我们接的第一部整片 3D 特效制作 的电影。2011 年,我在一次活动中结识了《画 皮》的制片人庞洪,当时他正在筹拍《画皮 2》,想要找一家能把《画皮 2》的 2D 转成 3D 的公司。我拿到《画皮》的五分钟素材, 把它改成 3D 片拿给庞洪看,并得到了他的 认可。这便有了跟《画皮 2》的合作机会。 《画 皮 2》的成功让我们无比兴奋。感谢《画皮 2》 给我们机会为这部好的电影加分。 目前中国 3D 电影市场以及观众对 3D 电影的 接受程度是怎样的?

近年来中国 3D 电影市场发展比较快。 从 3D 屏幕数量来看,中国是全世界拥有 3D 屏幕最多的市场。中国拥有一万多块 3D 屏幕,而美国仅有四千块。中国目前是世界 第二大电影市场,国产片数量和票房仍然保 持持续高增长,将来年轻的主流观影人群对 电影会更多地关注视听感受,后期特效、 3D 影片制作的需求无疑会大幅增加。不过 中国需要重视国内电影后期特效、3D 制作 公司的发展,未来国外的制作公司或许会占 据市场的垄断地位,到时候危及的还是整个 中国电影市场。 灵动力量未来几年的发展方向是什么? 我们现开始做 3D 电影的综合方案,从 前期的设计到拍摄、后期、出片的整个流 程。目前我们的质检人员和设计人员都是美 国人,未来我们想建立自己的核心团队来为 世界服务。除了 3D 电影,我们还会为电视 频道以及视频网站制作并提供更多 3D 格式

that he shared the same dream. I showed him some of our previous works, which might not be amazing, but still showed a good command of technical principles. Afterward, we created the first 3D animation “The Prelude of Monkey King” and I guess that was the very beginning.

灵动力量创下了几个 第一:制作了中国第 一部 3D 动画片《齐天 大圣前传》、中国第 一部全片真人 3D 电影 《画皮 2》;是中国第 一家 3D 制作质量被好 莱坞认可、能够制作 全片 3D 电影的公司。 的内容。我们现在已经跟迅雷开展相关业务 合作,另外也利用“由科技展现艺术的新晚 会形态”,为国内大型娱乐场地、高端酒店、 城市旅游地提供 3D 特效影像定制服务。我 把这种科技动态影像比喻成一场秀,令人震 撼的“无敌光影秀”。 你自己的心愿呢? 我想做一些颠覆性的东西,创造未来 中国电影的一种新模型,并且能够把国外好 的写作思路和思维方式跟中国的文化结合, 让我们的文化登上世界商业舞台;我希望到 2015 年公司能上市;40 岁之前再进入一个 自己有兴趣的产业;在生活方面,希望自己 健健康康,不要生病。 除了 3D 制作,还有其他的兴趣爱好吗? 我是音乐发烧友,尤其喜欢摇滚乐和音 乐会。上大学那会儿组过乐队,还写过歌。 我也喜欢研究收藏做工精良的艺术品。

Could you share some stories about Soulpower’s journey as a company? I established Soulpower Concept in collaboration with some friends in Xiamen in 2006, which specialized in producing animation and creating 3D games, and we were doing pretty well. However, I wanted to try running a company by myself, so I founded a similar company called Soulpower in 2007. It took almost all the energy I had in the early stage to survive. When did you become interested in 3D films, and how did that lead to producing one? My first contact with them occurred in 2008 when the 3D film Journey to the Center of the Earth hit the big screen in Hong Kong and drew large audiences. I saw opportunities and potentials there and wanted to introduce 3D films to China’s mainland. Then I encountered Hansen Liang who used to be a screenwriter, actor and director and found

We’ve heard that Painted Skin 2 is Soulpower’s first live-action full 3D motion picture. Could you tell us a little about it? Before Painted Skin 2, we were usually commissioned to do a few minutes’ 3D effects in some Hollywood films. In 2001, I met Pang Hong, the producer of Painted Skin who was in search of a company capable of converting the 2D Painted Skin 2 to a 3D version at that time, and we were given five minutes worth of the film to have a try. As it turned out, Pang Hong was quite satisfied with what we had done. Now we can say that Painted Skin 2 is a big success and we really appreciated this opportunity very much. What do you think of current 3D films in China and audiences here? The 3D film market in the Chinese mainland has been growing really fast in recent years and China boasts over 10,000 3D screens (the most in the world now,) as compared to the USA, where there are about 4,000. Now China is the second biggest film market in the world with a rapid rise in domestically produced films and box office takings. More and more young audiences demand a more vivid audio & visual experience, post effects etc. and the demand for 3D will continue increasing. I think China needs to pay enough attention to this market, otherwise overseas companies will take it over. What are Soulpower’s plans for the future? We have started to offer Stereo 3D integrated solutions for 3D films, including cinematography, post production, ready-tosee films and so on. Right now, our technical supervisors and designers are all Americans and we also want to build a Chinese core team to serve the world. Besides 3D films, we also aim to offer more 3D videos to TV channels and video websites – actually we already have established collaboration with the company Thunder. Moreover, we offer customized 3D videos to luxury hotels, resorts etc, a service which we call “unbeatable light and shade show”. What about your own future plans? I want to do some subversive stuff, create a new model for the future of Chinese film, and be able to combine good ideas from foreign movies with Chinese modes of thinking, and get our culture into the international business arena. I hope the company can be listed by 2015, and I can enter into an industry I am interested in before the age of 40. For my personal life, I hope to stay healthy. In addition to 3D production, do you have other hobbies? I love music, especially rock and live music. I had a band while I was in college, and wrote songs as well. I also like to research and collect fine works of art.




Material Culture


The Many Affairs of a Globetrotter 英国老牌行李箱漫游家一直是各国皇室成员、 政商名流及演艺明星的爱箱,不仅如此,一些世界顶级时尚品牌 也纷纷向漫游家伸出联姻之手,每件作品都变成了独一无二的完美之作。 British brand Globetrotter has long been the go-to case of royalty, politicians and celebrities alike, while big labels clamor over their affection, resulting in collaborations which produce luxurious and classic pieces. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Globe-Trotter

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漫游家,世界顶级行李 箱品牌,由英国人大卫·尼 尔肯于 1897 年在德国萨克 森州创立。“永不向手工工 艺的不完美妥协”,这是漫 游家的经营理念。方正的外 型、精致皮革的质感、像纸一 样的轻量感、实惠的价格,就是漫 游家创造出来的品牌形象。每只行李箱都是 通过工匠们的双手将一块块皮、五金、配件配合原始 机器、手工用具拼凑缝制,总共 98 道工序,花费 10 天 9 小时 35 分钟的时间,造就近乎完美的品质。 凭借精湛的做工、复古的轮廓与奢华的定位,漫 游家在英国乃至全球箱包领域的地位无可动摇。看到 它或者拥有它,你会发现旅行箱不只是装载行李和回 忆而已,更是一种时尚与品味的象征!一百多年来漫 游家以其出色的品质一直深受大众喜爱,尤其深受名 人青睐,例如英国皇家海军军官、最伟大的南极探险 家罗伯特·弗肯·斯科特,20 世纪最重要的政治领袖之一、 英国前首相温斯顿·丘吉尔,英国女王伊丽莎白二世 和戴安娜王妃(为英国皇室提供专属顶级旅行箱), 等等。 Renowned luggage brand Globetrotter was established in 1897 by Englishman David Nelken in Saxony Germany, and was later moved back to England where it remains today. Never compromising their handcrafted goods with any imperfection, Globetrotter consistently produces their perfectly square, feather-light cases with only the finest leather. Artisans fit the pieces of leather and metal hardware by hand, and meticulously create each suitcase out of 98 separate components over a time of more than 10 hours for a result as close to perfection as possible. The exquisite craftsmanship, classic vintage profile and luxurious quality of the luggage can’t be questioned as the finest not only in England, but the world – quality that transforms a suitcase from just a plain container into a tastemaker and style statement. Globetrotter has been a fashionable favorite for over one hundred years, with fans including such figures as England’s Royal Navy members, South Pole explorer Robert Falcon Scott, Winston Churchill, Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Diana (Globetrotter creates bespoke luggage for the royal family), and many more.




Material Culture


Classic Collaborations 英国老牌男装哈克特与漫游家联姻,共 同推出了上流系列:一款 18 英寸(丘吉尔 用过同款箱子,490 英镑 ),还有一款 21 英 寸(750 英镑 )。该系列箱子带有威尔士王 子的标记和哈克特的标志,还能加上主人的 名字首字母“H”。哈克特服装的创始人杰 里米·哈克特称,因漫游家行李箱的纯手工制 作和极好的品质,所以选择合作。 British menswear brand Hackett paired with Globetrotter to put out a high-end series of luggage: an 18 inch (like the one Churchill used,) priced at 490 GBP, and a 21 inch size at 750 GBP. The series includes cases with the mark of the Prince of Wales and Hackett’s symbol, or an additional letter “H”. Hackett’s founder Jeremy Hackett chose to work with Globetrotter because of the brand’s reputation for pure handmade products and superb quality.

英国男装精品店铺 Mr.Porter 与漫游家前不久推出联名旅行包。 此次推出的合作款系列以经典的方正旅行箱轮廓作为主轴,采用高 档出众的皮革材质打造,辅以不同色系的皮质与金属细节勾勒出复 古的面貌,同时散发着最纯正的英式质感。 British menswear shop Mr. Porter partnered with Globetrotter not long ago to put out a new line of luggage, taking a classic vintage look as the basis, using quality leather adorned by different colored leather and metal hardware to accentuate its vintage English feel.

日本潮牌 Hysteric Glamour 以滚石乐队 为灵感,联合漫游家推出了滚石热唇印行李 箱。该行李箱采用米白色系皮革为主视觉色 调,内里充满滚石乐队黑白影像记录拼贴。 设计风格复刻摇滚嬉皮,而热唇印记也成为 象征狂热的注册商标。 Popular Japanese brand Hysteric Glamour was inspired by The Rolling Stones to create a series of suitcases with Globetrotter featuring the British band’s signature tongue and lips logo. With ivory white on the outside and black and white Rolling Stones pictures inside for a dash of classic rock n roll.

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日 本 知 名 奢 侈 潮 牌 mastermind JAPAN(MMJ) 与漫游家联袂推出的超奢华 行李箱引爆时尚圈。这款行李箱将奢华与暗 黑演绎到了极致,更有意思的是设计师巧妙 地将 MMJ 招牌骷髅头标志融入到迷彩图案 中,成为品牌专属的图案。配合箱包外的 “MASTERMIND WORLD”印章,更显出这 款箱包的精致奢华感觉。 Luxury Japanese brand mastermind JAPAN (MMJ) lit up the fashion world with their collaborative cases, which bring together a dark sense of style with luxury. Subtly working the MMJ skull logo into the camouflage pattern inside and stamped with the words “mastermind world,” there’s no mistaking the luxury behind this series.

漫游家与富士联名推出专为 X-Pro1 相 机而设计的硫化纤维板全球限量手提箱,时 尚更实用。箱子上的黄铜铆钉、铜锁以及皮 革都营造出浓厚的复古风格。箱内分区明 确,相机与镜头放置槽均配有浮雕皮革标签 及铜片识别,有专门的空间安置及固定一部 X-Pro1 相机,18mm、35mm、60mm 镜头, 遮光罩、闪光灯及滤光镜等摄影器材。 Japanese film company Fujifilm worked with Globetrotter to create an extremely exclusive vulcanised fibreboard case for their X-Pro1, with brass rivets and locks and tan leather trim, with indents and small plaques labeling each piece, including camera, flash, filter, three lenses and three hoods – 18mm, 35mm and 60mm.

著名日牌 Neighborhood 与漫游家打造了一款充满暗黑风格的皮革行李箱。率性的黑色 调本体主要以轻量的纤维材料所制成,设计硬派,实际使用起来却不会感到笨重,另外行李 箱也增添了一些皮革材质的细节设计,既提升其质感又不显得过于单调。 Noted Japanese brand Neighborhood worked with globetrotter on this darkly themed series of hard but lightweight cases with black as the dominant color, and additional white details in leather, making them stylish rather than monotonous.

法国顶级护肤品牌海蓝之谜与漫游家共 同推出一款个性定制的奢华旅行化妆箱,完 美融合了两个顶级品牌的传统精髓和精巧工 艺。这款纯手工之作坚固耐用,以漫游家专 利的硬纸纤维打造而成,搭配经典的银色和 白色箱角装饰,时尚且经典。 Top end French skincare brand La Mer teamed up with Globetrotter to produce a custom-made luxury vanity case, combining two legendary brands into one. The handmade cases are durable with Globetrotter’s signature vulcanized fiber, and pair white with silver for a classic and clean color combination.





生平第一次窥见到制表这个奇妙世界 时,我还只是个小孩子,不过对于瑞士人 来说,这是一件太稀松平常的事。那时候, 母亲每天都带我去她位于汝山谷的手表工 厂,汝山谷是孕育众多殿堂级名表(宝玑、 江诗丹顿、爱彼等等)的圣地。就是在这里, 我发现了瑞士制表的神奇和伟大,同时由衷 地被这些技艺娴熟的制表师所折服。当年母 亲佩戴一枚卡地亚坦克腕表,她为此十分自 豪。她与手表相得益彰,光彩动人。

手表是财富和地位的象征 和大多数女性一样,现在母亲衣橱里 有不止一块手表,不同的表款配合不同的心 情、不同的服饰。其实早在 16 世纪早期, 时计第一次就以小型桌钟的形式亮相。同时 作为财富和地位的象征,手表像珠宝首饰一 样被戴在了脖子上,或者在女主人的腰间生 辉。毋庸置疑,女人是推动制表业发展的主 要功臣,她们追求创新,迫使隐于复杂机 械和工艺背后的制表师不断进步。1783 年 左右,亚伯拉罕 - 路易·宝玑接到一个订单, 给法兰西绝代艳后玛丽·安托瓦内特打造一 款极尽奢华、荟萃钟表技艺精华的时计。由 于不受时间和成本的限制,这款耗时 44 年


Women and Watchmakers

瑰丽优雅女表传承精湛制表工艺和爱的传奇。 An extraordinary love story for a new era. 才得以完工的怀表注定要成为制表业的神 话,具备了完整万年历、三问报时、动力储 存显示、金属温度计、大型独立秒针和小秒 针子表盘等复杂功能和工艺,但让人唏嘘的 是绝代艳后直到香消玉殒也没有等到这枚 怀表。

英危机”,又或者是因为妇女地位的变化, 女人开始佩戴男士腕表。卡地亚 1985 年推 出的 Pasha 系列极可能是最早的男女通用 腕表之一。大约在同一时期,积家对其著名 的翻转腕表进行了“放大”,卡地亚坦克小 版也停产了。



在过去的 5 年里,我一直在二手市场 上寻觅一款足以表达我对母亲以及制表艺 术的挚爱之表。埋首于故纸堆中,我为那个 由于无袖装而让手镯备受青睐的年代着迷 不已,因为它同时促成了珠宝商将小型时计 融入其中的创意——这也证明女人是腕表 的最初佩戴者。但我还是没能找到心仪的手 表,于是我开始搜索 20 世纪出现的女士腕 表,比如积家 Duoplan 腕表,让它赫赫有 名的是其内部独特的机芯结构——机芯以 双层方式呈现,成功保留了大尺寸的平衡摆 轮,实现运转的精准度,这无疑是优雅外形 与技术内涵的双赢之作。当我开始从事钟表 行业后,情况有了新变化。也许是因为“石

寻寻觅觅好几年,就在我对选择一款 完美的表达“爱”的腕表几乎绝望的时候, 回潮出现了。制表商又开始把重点放在女款 腕表上。在 2013 年巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展 上,女款腕表创新之丰富,让我深感惊讶。 首先,这一季花朵愉悦着所有感官, 并优雅地绽放在各个价位的表盘上。宝格丽 以大自然为主题的 II Giardino Tropicale 陀 飞轮腕表无疑是其中的佼佼者。该腕表描 绘了一个热带花园景象,色彩绚丽的鹦鹉和 苍翠欲滴的植物散发出幽然纯净的自然气 息,这也是宝格丽第一款专为女性打造的超 复杂功能腕表。宝齐莱同样向自然致敬,推 出了创意十足的奢华之作——雅丽嘉帝华竹

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子腕表既有竹枝的坚韧风骨,亦有佳人的高 贵美态,象征着当代女性刚毅的性格和优雅 的风范,此外宝珀的优雅大日历计时码表 Chronograph Large Date 也采用珍珠贝母做 表盘,柔和而饱满的色泽更添女性高贵气质。 其次,香奈儿等品牌重新诠释其经典 之作。此次巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝展上,这 个名声显赫的法国品牌推出了 J12 White Phantom 十 周 年 限 量 款 腕 表, 采 用 白 色 陶瓷独创设计,可谓引领表坛流行趋势, 此外曾夺得日内瓦制表大赏最佳女表的 Première 浮动式陀飞轮也换上新衣推出限 量款式。而百达翡丽则延续着一贯的复杂、 经典、优雅和动感的款式。 最后,各大品牌显然非常懂得用更多 的珠宝来诱惑女人。宝路华推出了新的钻石 系列,将 215 颗钻石与腕表完美结合。宝 诗龙 Ajourée 孔雀腕表则用蓝宝石和钻石打 造,别具风格的色彩搭配勾勒出品牌惯有的 奢华与格调,极具 3D 立体感。今年萧邦再 次将高级珠宝与精确时计相结合,成就了极 为珍贵的美学作品——线条纯净的帝王紫 珠宝腕表将精密机械与高贵如帝王的紫水 晶相融合,让人难抵诱惑。 当然,这算不上是新款女表的详尽清 单,但这些款式无疑是腕表爱好者的心头 好。就我而言,如果我的钱包允许的话, 黛安·克鲁格所佩戴的装饰艺术风格的积家 101 高级珠宝腕表会是我的第一选择。这件 杰作的罕见之处在于其仅有 98 个零件,重 量不足 1 克,自 1929 年以来一直稳坐世界 上最小的机械机芯宝座,它足以代表我对母 亲以及制表艺术的挚爱。

been history’s first “Grande complication” watch, it was composed with a full perpetual calendar, a minute repeater, an automatic winding with power reserve indicator, a large independent second, a small seconds and a thermometer. Unfortunately for the queen, she was executed before the masterpiece was finished.

The Evolution of Women’s Wrist Watches

As a Swiss, it’s no surprise that my first contact with the fantastic world of watchmaking happened when I was just a kid. Indeed, my mother brought me every day to her watch factory in the “Vallée de Joux,” the home of prestigious manufactures such as Breguet, Vacheron Constantin, Audemars Piguet and many more. It was there that I discovered the magical heritage of Swiss watchmaking, and was truly amazed by the skills of these people. At that time my mother was wearing a “Tank” wristwatch from Cartier. She was so proud of it. She was beautiful (the watch and my mother).

Watches as an Expression of Rank and Wealth

Of course, nowadays like any other woman, my mum has more than one watch in her closet to match her moods and outfits. This was already the case back in the early 16th century, when watches first appeared in the form of miniature table clocks. Displayed as expressions of rank and wealth, watches were pieces of jewelry worn around the neck or attached to a “Chatelaine” (A chatelaine is a decorative belt hook or clasp worn at the waist with a series of chains suspended from it. Each chain is mounted with a tool such as scissors, a watch or a key) at the waist. We should never forget that women are a major contributor to the evolution of watchmaking. While men were behind the creation of complications, women were at the forefront asking for innovation, forcing watchmakers to push what they knew was possible. Indeed, around 1783, an exceptional model was commissioned by Marie Antoinette to Abraham Louis Breguet. What should have

Over the past 5 years, I have been hunting through secondhand markets for a beautiful watch that would symbolize my love for my mother and for watchmaking. I’ve scoured for a watch from the French Empire and Directory, fascinated by these periods when the sleeveless dress gave all its importance to the bracelet, a new development that created an extraordinary playground for the creativity of the Jeweler who had the idea to integrate a small clock. This also proves that women were the first to wear the wristwatch. Despite my quest for this vintage watch, I have so far been unsuccessful. However, in my search, I’ve looked at more recent feminine models from the 20th century such as the “Duoplan” from Jaeger-LeCoultre, recognizable for its winding placed under the case where the square movement is arranged on split-levels. This model is the definitive combination of elegance and fine watchmaking. Then something happened when I started working in the watch industry. Perhaps fueled by the Quartz crisis or the evolution of their status, women began wearing men’s wristwatches. The “Pasha” from Cartier, launched in 1985, was probably one of the first wristwatches to be worn by both sexes. Also during that period Jaeger-LeCoultre enlarged its famous “Reverso” model and Cartier ceased production of its “Tank” in small format.

The New Era

After several years of searching I was on the brink of losing hope for the perfect watch for my mum, when a resurgence occurred. Watchmakers again started to focus on women’s wristwatches. During Baselworld 2013, the breadth of innovation in woman’s wristwatches

surprised me. First, this season, flowers delighted the senses and translated elegantly onto watch dials of all price ranges. Bulgari went above and beyond in its interpretation of nature in the new Il Giardino Tropicale tourbillon timepiece. Not only does the watch beautifully depict a tropical garden, but the dial is complete with a colorful parrot gracing the luxuriant vegetation. This watch represents the manufacture’s first complication created expressly for women. Also embracing nature, Carl F. Bucherer adopted the bamboo plant as a symbol of originality and luxury in its new Alcaria Diva Bamboo watch. Blancpain also presented its new Chronograph Large Date watch with a shimmering mother-of-pearl dial. Secondly, brands such as Chanel have reinterpreted their classics. At Baselworld the French brand launched a limited anniversary edition, the J12 White Phantome, worked in high-tech white ceramic. The brand also revisited its Première watch with a more lavishly bejeweled version. Patek Philippe also showed new models in its Classic lines, Elegant Sport lines and Complications lines. Finally, brands played with more gems to create amazing jeweled watches to seduce women. Bulova offered a new Diamond Collection featuring stunning timepieces brilliantly outfitted with 215 carefully placed diamonds. Boucheron Ajourée’s Peacock jewelry composition is all about three dimensionality, paved with shades of blue sapphires and diamonds. This year again, Chopard combined haute Joaillerie with precision mechanics to create a precious aesthetic. Its Imperiale Joaillerie edition edited a finely crafted inhouse movement set with amethysts. Of course, these aren’t an exhaustive list of what is new for women but these models are certainly a hit among watch lovers. From my side and if my wallet would allow me, the vintage piece of art deco “Claibre 101” from Jaeger-LeCoultre worn by Diane Kruger would probably be my first choice. The rarity of this masterpiece of only 98 components, weighing barely one gram, has been the world’s smallest mechanical movement since 1929. This timekeeper would symbolize all the love I have for my mother and the fine art of watchmaking.

蒂埃里·理查德有着多年的钟表业从业经历,对这一行业有增无减的激情促成了 2012 年“极致生活” 的成立。极致生活在北京、上海和广州设有办公室,为独立制表师提供 360 度全方位推广平台, 在中国集营销策划、公关活动和产品分销于一体,并在瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland. adreamslifestyle@asia.com



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国产沃尔沃新款 S80L

迈凯轮 -V 概念车

国产新款 S80L 首次在国内亮相。新车的前进气格栅边缘更 圆滑,加宽的前进气格栅配合全新设计的保险杠下部进气口,使 前脸变得更加霸气,另外还配备了 LED 日间行车灯和 LED 后尾 灯。新款 S80L 采用与海外版车型相同的内饰设计,使用了名为 Adaptive Digital 的全新液晶仪表盘,配合新式样的排挡杆,使得 车厢氛围更具科技感。新车全面换装了沃尔沃直列 5 缸高功率版 发动机,其最大功率为 213 马力,最大扭矩 300 牛米。而高配车 型所搭载的直列 6 缸涡轮增压发动机则没有变化,其最大功率依 然为 305 马力。

Vorsteiner 前不久发布了迈凯轮 -V 概念车的车型图。这部概念 车将具有时尚的外观和一如既往的高性能,是又一部迈凯轮“完美 艺术品”。其以 MP4-12C Coupe 为车型基础,保险杠、前唇扰流 板和略带侵略性的后扩散器等都采用了碳纤维材料,同时装配 20 和 21 寸铝合金轮圈。预计它将搭载一部 3.8 升双涡轮增压 V8 发动 机,最大功率可输出 625 马力,峰值扭矩 600 牛米。

Volvo S80L Chinese Debut

The latest China-made Volvo S80L recently debuted with a facelift including a new widened grille, air intakes and a longer body, with LED daytime driving lights and rear taillights. The interior retains elements of the previous models, adding some new technology in the infotainment system. In terms of power, the standard version is equipped with Volvo’s 5 cylinder engine with max output of 213HP and peak torque of 300nm, while the upgraded version comes with a 6-cylinder turbo-charged engine with max output of 305HP.

80 LifeStyle

Vorsteiner McLaren V Concept

After a recent preview, Vorsteiner revealed its latest McLaren V-Concept car, which boasts a gorgeous exterior, and impressive performance, making it, as usual, “nothing less than perfection.” Based on MP4-12C Coupe, the bumper and front lip spoiler are both made of carbon fiber, and 20 and 21-inch alloy wheels. It is expected to be powered by a 3.8-liter Twin-Turbo V8 engine, with maximum output of 625 HP, and peak torque of 600 nm.

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2014 款现代雅科仕

一汽红旗 H7

刚刚发布的新款雅科仕延续了老款的设计风格。新车采用直 瀑式进气格栅,搭配全新轮毂造型,看起来简约大气。新款入门 级车型依旧搭载现款车型的 3.8L V6 发动机,最大功率提升至 334 马力,峰值扭矩可达 395 牛米。高配车型依旧搭载 5.0L V8 自然 吸气发动机,最大输出功率达到 430 马力,峰值扭矩达 510 牛米。 雅科仕的售价为 73.8-101.8 万元,雅科仕加长版售价为 95.8-132 万元。

肩负着一汽红旗品牌复兴重任的红旗 H7 正式上市发售。除了 车头的红旗标识,新车前脸所启用的直瀑式镀铬中网更展现出霸 气风范。新车搭载最大输出功率 150kW、峰值扭矩 260 牛米的 2.0T 涡轮增压发动机以及最大输出功率 170kW、峰值扭矩 300 牛米的 3.0L V6 发动机,与之匹配的是一台 6 速手自一体变速箱。在搭载 2.0T/3.0L 两款发动机基础上,根据配置的差异化共计推出 5 款车 型,新车售价 29.98-47.98 万元。

The recently released Hyundai Equus carries over the style of the previous model, adding to its impressive style with a restyled grille and new 19-inch aluminum wheels. The entry level model comes with a 3.8L V6 engine, with max output of 334 HP, and peak torque of 395nm, or an upgrade with 5.0L V8 direct-injected engine with max output of 430HP and peak torque of 510nm. Selling price for the standard version is 738,000 – 1,018,000 RMB, with 958,000 – 1,320,000 for the elongated version.

Yiqi’s new Red Flag H7 was recently released to revitalize the Red Flag brand. Aside from the red flag crest on the front of the car, the chrome-plated front grill gives it an aggressive air, and comes with a 2.0T turbocharged engine with max output or 150 kW and peak torque of 260nm, or 3.0L V6 engine with max output or 170kW, accompanied by a 6-speed transmission. Taking into accord the two engine choices, there are 5 new versions in total ranging from 299800 to 479,800 RMB.

2014 Hyundai Equus

Yiqi Red Flag H7



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Basel Meets Hong Kong 首届香港巴塞尔艺术展共展示全球三千多位现当代艺术家的杰作, 让这座亚洲魅力之都成为名副其实的“艺术吸金石”。 The first ever Art Basel Hong Kong Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Art Basel Hong Kong

巴塞尔艺术展堪称世界上首屈一指的艺术博览会,为 来自世界各地的艺术家和艺廊提供绝佳的展会交流平台。 2011 年巴塞尔艺术展主办机构收购了香港国际艺术展的 主办公司,香港巴塞尔艺术展也从 2013 年开始取代香港 国际艺术展。5 月 22 日至 26 日,首届香港巴塞尔艺术展 打造了一个缤纷绚烂的艺术游乐场——表演、晚会以及展 览让人应接不暇,从“芭莎艺术”盛会到“颇特女士”鸡 尾酒会,吸引了诸多艺术和时尚大牌,英国超模凯特·摩 丝也在其中。 来自 35 个国家和地区的 245 家顶级画廊参加了本次 艺术展,共展示全球三千多位现当代艺术家的作品,质量 堪称史上之最,另外崭露头角的艺坛新人和画廊所带来的 作品同样表现不俗,显示了强大的后劲。 首届香港巴塞尔艺术展的另一大亮点是其讲座及论 坛的公共活动,像“与巴塞尔艺术展对话”、“沙龙漫谈” 等,让全城都投入了与艺术轰轰烈烈的“热恋”中,短短 5 天内共举办 150 多场文化活动。拍卖行、艺廊、文化机 构、收藏家等乐在其中、奔忙其中。 值得一提的是,展览正式开幕当日在维港海畔举行 了名为《纸雨》的艺术家巡游。该巡游活动以电影为主题, 由巴塞尔艺术展和巴西音乐人兼艺术家阿托·林德塞联袂 打造,亚洲艺术家、音乐家、演员及电影工作者助力完成。

82 LifeStyle

The first Art Basel fair in Asia, Art Basel Hong Kong took over what used to be known as the Hong Kong Art Fair. Held at the end of May, the fair was a whirlwind of shows, parties and exhibitions. From Bazaar Art’s gala to smaller parties like Net-aPorter’s cocktail, the show attracted a roster of art stalwarts and fashion types such as Kate Moss. A premier roster of galleries launched Art Basel’s first edition in Hong Kong, with 245 leading galleries from 35 countries and territories, bringing together the strongest ever combination of high-quality works from the East and the West. Over 3,000 artists were showcased, with a strong representation of Modern material, alongside presentations of emerging artists and a dynamic selection of younger galleries. The show was accompanied by strong public programming, with the Asian launch of Art Basel’s popular talks programs, Conversations and Salon. Additionally, collaborations with local and international partners ensured a diverse range of arts programming, with over 150 cultural events hosted across the city throughout the week. The public opening of Art Basel in Hong Kong was marked by an artist-led parade on the Harbour Front. Entitled ‘Paper Rain’ and organized by Art Basel with artist and musician Arto Lindsay, the parade centred around the idea of cinema, featuring contributions from artists, musicians, actors, and filmmakers from across Asia.



84 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.86 飨宴

Dining / P.98


WineClub / P.102


Profile / P.104

意大利餐厅 Opera Bombana 北京店 Beijing’s stylish new Italian restaurant Opera Bombana






Hainan’s Hospitality Heaven

在海南岛,你完全可以私享世外桃源般的海角天涯, 许下爱的诺言,定格家庭度假的天伦之乐。 Hainan Island is a veritable Shangri-La of beautiful beaches, sunny skies and lavish resorts which provide ideal living space for your family’s dream vacation. Text: Jeffrey Ying, Audrey Hammonds, Eva Liu Photos: Respective hotels



Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa 作为全球艺术家的创作平台及富有创 造力的旅行者的聚集地,艾美实至名归。 其 “艺术创意之旅”活动旨在让酒店客人 与全球知名艺术与美食大师进行互动性的 文化交流。著名艺术家暨“艾美百分百” 成员安晓彤在石梅湾艾美度假酒店展开“艺 术创意之旅”期间,以她这一周的入住体 验为灵感,进行了一系列富有艺术魅力的 创作,《水母》便是其一。顾名思义,这 件作品以水母为题材,宽 5 米高 2.5 米, 共采用近 40 万块乐高积木,被安置在石梅 湾艾美度假酒店大堂直至 2014 年。 石梅湾艾美度假酒店位于石梅湾旅游 度假区内,是海南万宁市第一个国际五星 级度假酒店,也是艾美在海南岛的第一家 度假酒店。除了拥有 267 间豪华客房及别 墅,7 家餐厅及酒吧、一个设备齐全的健身 中心、一个特色水疗中心,多个风景迷人 的顶级高尔夫球场与酒店咫尺之隔,让客 人触手可得挥杆之乐。

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As a platform for global artists and a hub for creative travelers, Le Méridien launched the ‘Creative Journey’ art event series in Asia, enabling guests to enjoy interactive cultural experiences with globally respected artists and chefs – right inside the hotel. During Chinese artist and LM100 Member An Xiaotong's time at Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa, she created many works of art including Méduse, a huge jellyfish-themed installation made of Lego bricks which is on display in the lobby until 2014. Le Méridien Shimei Bay Beach Resort & Spa is the first international five-star resort in Wanning city on Hainan Island, and the first Le Méridien resort on Hainan. The resort boasts seven restaurants and bars, a fully-equipped fitness centre, and a comprehensive spa. There are also a number of stunning golf courses surrounding the resort for a morning or afternoon tee-off. www.lemeridien.com/shimeibay

作为一名艺术家,什么最能激发你的创作灵感? 生活中几乎所有的东西都能给我灵感,环境、音乐、周边的人,甚 至是温度和气味。能提供灵感的东西无处不在,我是一个生活方式设计 师,生活方式影响着我的创作,比如我本身是个鼓手,当我在创作思考时, 韵律感强的音乐让我很享受,这对创作很有帮助。 迄今为止让你最有成就感的事情是什么? 我想应该是参加今年威尼斯双年展,借助这样的国际性、颇具影响 力的平台传达个人理念让我很有成就感。在这次展览中,我在威尼斯音 乐学院的两个中庭展出了 6 件以“舞动的水滴”为主题的不锈钢雕塑, 还有与国际艺术家朱利安·列侬和周大福合作的作品以及 6 幅以“龙雀” 命名的国画。这次展览突出的特点是将自然生态、人文传统与艺术相结合, 也让我的学生更加了解这种结合所焕发出的勃勃生机。 在酒店选择方面你最看重什么? 好设计和艺术感。我一直在寻找能给我新感觉的东西,当然对于酒 店来说,舒适如家是必须的。我一般都选精品酒店,因为它们最能给我 灵感和想法。每个城市都有自己独有的气质,我喜欢个性鲜明、有民族 或国家特色的场所。 一般来说, 大堂是客人对酒店产生第一印象的地方, 也是客人们的常聚之地, 影响着他们对酒店的整体印象,你怎么看? 我觉得艺术氛围、气味、音乐和光线都会产生影响。有时候你走进 一些酒店,听到音乐心情马上就会舒坦。我认为所有能刺激人的感官的 事物或元素都会影响客人对酒店的整体印象。 你怎么看待酒店和艺术或设计之间的关系? 它们之间的关系非常重要,因为两者的结合能够迸发出新感觉和新 东西。艺术能让酒店的主题更鲜明,能更有效地吸引客人。举个例子, 照明就能成为一个艺术装置。我的工作室 Ma.Design 刚刚完成了上海外 滩悦榕庄的一个室内艺术品创作。

艺术, 让酒店主题更鲜明

An Artistic Touch What inspires you the most as an artist? The environment, music, temperature, smells and the people around me. I think everything inspires me because I am a lifestyle artist and the way I live affects my inspiration. When I create, I love to put on rhythmic music because I’m a drummer so I think it helps a lot with my creative thinking. What do you feel has been your greatest accomplishment so far? I think my greatest accomplishment so far has been the show this year at La Biennale di Venezia and the chance to bring an important message to an international platform like this. For the exhibit, I transformed the two courtyards of the music conservatory Benedetto Marcello, Palazzo Pisani to host an installation of 6 stainless steel “Water drops” sculptures. It also includes my collaborations with Julian Lennon and Chow Tai Fook, and several of my Chinese paintings. This show gave me the chance to bring my students closer to the idea of holding on to nature and traditions in order to move forward in a sustainable way. What are the key features you look for in a hotel? Good design and an artistic touch. I am always looking for a new feeling. I look for comfort and a home-like feeling as well. I usually end up staying in boutique hotels, because those are the ones that inspire me the most. I also think the place and the theme are very important. I think each city

马兴文 著名华裔设计师,于英国学成后选择上海作为其创 业的起始地。他身兼画家、时尚设计师、音乐人等多重角色, 拥有自己的设计工作室 Ma.Design。 Simon Ma, a multitalented designer, painter and musician, studied in England before deciding on Shanghai as his home base, where he runs his studio Ma.Design.

has a theme and I like to stay somewhere that has a more distinctive or national touch. A hotel’s lobby is the first thing guests see when they walk in, and is a gathering place of sorts. How do you think it can influence guests’ impressions of the hotel? I think the art ambience; the smell, the music, the lighting will affect everything. There are some hotels when you walk in you hear music and feel calm right away. The way I look at it, every element comes together to give an experience for all six senses. How do you view the relationship between art/design and hospitality? I think this relationship is extremely important because you can integrate each other’s ideas and create momentum, making things from the inside out. An artistic touch can really help the design; making the theme stronger and helping the hotel to reach out better to its guests. For example the lighting can be an art installation. Actually, my company, Ma.Design, has just finished a job on the Banyan Tree in Shanghai, where we created a very natural artwork in a room.







Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya 4000 平米的滨海草坪、15 间装饰典雅 的中餐雅间,还有面积创海南岛之最的宴 会厅(能容纳 1400 名宾客)、14 间功能 齐全的 MICE 设施,加上经验丰富的婚礼 团队,让凯宾斯基中国区首家度假酒店—— 开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店成为举办浪 漫婚礼和大型活动的完美之地。374 套格调 高雅的客房及套房、25 席奢华别墅以及足 不出户便能畅享高球设施,更吸引很多新 人把这里定为蜜月目的地,成就其白沙碧 海的浪漫回忆和中西合璧的非凡度假体验。 开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店“择良 地而栖”,坐拥国家黄金海岸线上最原生 态的沙滩,致力打造一处世外桃源般的隐 逸之地。泛舟私属海河,在主楼群间的河 道上迂回穿行,仿佛梦回威尼斯。 For the perfect wedding party, Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya with its 15 private dining rooms, pristine beaches, and extensive experience, is the ideal location. There are also private villas and suites for the honeymoon and select guests. A stunning hideaway, Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya is luxurious and animated yet intimate. The hotel offers a wide selection of 399 rooms, suites and residential-style villas plus an equally extensive selection of 14 MICE facilities. Among the MICE offerings are the grandest ballroom on the island, capable of accommodating up to 1,400 guests, and a large, 4,000-sqm beachfront venue. Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya is truly the venue of choice for grand weddings and events. www.kempinski.com/en/sanya/hotel-haitangbay

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礼、礼堂婚礼、别墅婚礼,甚至无人小岛上 的婚礼。就在前不久,在开维·三亚海棠湾 凯宾斯基酒店面朝大海的草坪上帮一对跨国 新人举办了一场威尼斯风情的婚礼,并把婚 礼筹备过程拍成了一个真人秀节目,整场婚 礼完美且难忘。末了,来自西伯利亚的新郎 和来自日本东京的新娘感动地说道,这就是 他们梦想中的婚礼!


A Sanya Dream Wedding 为什么选择当婚礼策划师? 为了梦想!在投身婚礼行业之前,我在 一家全球知名管理咨询公司任职,尽管薪酬 很丰厚,前途看起来很光明,但当时 25 岁 的我却无法想像 10 年后继续这样的工作和 生活。于是我辞职创业,成了一名婚礼人, 开始为梦想而工作——既有新人的婚礼梦 想,也有我自己的职业梦想。

在三亚酒店做婚礼哪方面是你最喜欢的?曾 经做过哪些类型的婚礼,近期印象最深刻的 婚礼是哪场? 我对三亚有着特殊的情怀,三亚的场地 提供了婚礼的多种可能性。在三亚,我曾做 过沙滩婚礼、泳池婚礼、游艇婚礼、草坪婚

As a wedding planner, what sort of hotel is your ideal venue to work in? You have to consider hardware and software aspects. In terms of hardware, I prefer a place that can host the ceremony and reception separately, and if there is an additional space for an afterparty that’s even better! Software is even more important, as wedding guests’ needs surpass those of ordinary guests’ – a perfect wedding calls for workers who coordinate well, so that during preparations and the ceremony, the hotel staff, coordinator and wedding planner will all complement each other. I think this is even more important than the venue and facilities. What type of planning goes into the reception and banquet aspect of the wedding? What features are most essential for food at a wedding reception banquet? Usually, most of the wedding planner’s work is focused on the ceremony, but I think the banquet is equally as important, and more challenging, as one has to arrange seating, design a menu, plan courses, design the reception and the setting etc. The food needs to be suitable for every guest, young and old, and you also have to consider vegetarians and religious needs.

作为一名专业婚礼策划师,在挑选酒店场地 时需要考虑的主要条件是什么? 硬件方面,我个人推荐能够将婚礼仪式 和喜宴分开举行的场地,若有单独的舞会场 地就更完美了。婚礼客户的需求往往会比普 通客户或者会展客户的需求更为细致,一场 完美的婚礼需要工作人员齐心协力的配合, 所以在婚礼筹备及进行中酒店团队、婚礼现 场协调人要与婚礼策划师相互配合,服务到 位。我想,这些比场地的硬件设施更为重要。 婚宴的策划统筹是否同样重要?在安排食物 方面应考虑哪些因素? 目前很多婚礼策划师的工作还放在婚礼 仪式上,但我个人认为宴会的策划统筹同样 重要,而且更有挑战性,其中包括座席安排、 菜单设计、流程规划、宾客接待、氛围调动, 等等。食物需要老少咸宜、合理搭配,很多 时候还要考虑一些素食者和有宗教信仰人士 的特殊需求。

Why did you decide to become a wedding planner? I decided to become a wedding planner because I chose to work toward my dream rather than for money. Before getting into the wedding business, I worked for a wellknown global consulting group. The pay was generous, and my prospects seemed bright, but being 25 at that time I just couldn’t picture myself with the same career and life ten years down the road. So I resigned from that job and started working in the wedding industry – a career that combines the newlyweds’ dream wedding and my dream career.

杨铯 爱度网创始人兼 CEO,专业婚礼 策划师,对三亚有着特殊的情怀,更喜 欢在三亚帮一对对新人把梦想照进现实。 Yang Se, professional wedding planner and Co-founder and CEO of IdoIdo Weddings, says Sanya has a special place in her heart, in which dreams become reality.

What is your favorite aspect of planning a wedding at a Sanya hotel? What’s unique about weddings here vs. anywhere else? I have a special place in my heart for Sanya; it opens up countless possibilities for weddings. I’ve done beach weddings there, poolside weddings, yacht weddings, lawn weddings, villa weddings, and even a wedding on an uninhabited island! Not long ago I did a Venetian themed wedding for a couple on the beautiful lawn of the Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay, facing the sea. We even filmed the preparations as part of a reality tv show; it was truly unforgettable! In the end, the groom who was from Siberia, and the bride who was from Tokyo happily told me that it was their dream wedding come true!







The Royal Begonia A Luxury Collection Resort 三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店坐落在 一片 370 米长的米色私人海滩上,这让五 花八门的海边活动以及水上运动成为酒店 一大亮点和优势。为了给客人打造“动静 结合”的度假体验,1500 平米铂尊水疗中 心(拥有 21 间护理室)提供全方位的特级 护理,其西班牙式建筑和精致的地中海式

细节都颇具心思。酒店的湾景画廊闻名遐 迩,除了众多原汁原味的中国艺术品,还 有雪茄、上好的白兰地及葡萄酒恭候。单 单坐在舒适的座椅上欣赏迷人的海景,就 能让心情愉悦起来。 惬意地躺在沙滩上享受日光浴,在水 疗中心享受全方位呵护,又或者去做做运

动。酒店设有两个国际标准硬地室外网球 场、一个顶级健身中心和多个泳池等设施, 每个人都能找到属于自己的快乐。值得一 提的是,酒店毗邻诸多旅游文化景点,包 括高 108 米的南海观音像、著名的南山寺 以及崖州古城遗址,等等。 Situated on a private 370-meter-long ivory beach, The Royal Begonia A Luxury Collection Resort offers myriad engaging activities—from relaxing spa therapies to an inspired art gallery. Near the hotel are a number of cultural attractions, including The Guanyin of the South Sea of Sanya, a 108-meter statue of the bodhisattva Guanyin. The iconic Nanshan Temple and relics of Yazhou Ancient City are other cultural attractions. Alternatively, guests can opt to recline seaside or indulge in relaxing, effective therapies at the spa, adjacent to the resort. Two tennis courts, a state-of-the-art fitness center, and numerous pools are available. www.starwoodhotels.com/luxury/property/ overview

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Hotels are Part of Local Culture 你从事建筑设计行业多久了? 12 年了,其中差不多 10 年都是在忙自 己的“集合设计”建筑设计事务所的事情。 在中国完成了哪些项目? 项目范围很广,从新兴城镇的城市设计 到公共艺术装置都有。 跟酒店方合作过吗? 我们做过宁波五龙潭山庄的项目,管理 公司也是当地的。合作期间双方难免会有些 分歧,也有妥协。 你认为旅行是追求一种什么样的生活方式? 我觉得旅行本身就是一种生活方式,对 我来说,旅行意味着远离每天生活的常规。 我不太喜欢事先做过多安排,更倾向于在旅 行过程中去探索发现。 最喜欢豪华酒店里的什么设施,酒吧、餐厅, 还是 spa ? 泳池吧。 你认为酒店在装潢设计方面应该结合当地文 化元素吗? 我认为酒店本身就该是当地文化的一部 分,而不是靠装饰来宣告自己结合了当地文 化,这个认识对于建筑师和室内设计师来说 是最重要的。 How long have you worked in China as a designer and architect? 12 years, and almost 10 years with my own practice, One Design Inc. What projects have you done in China? We do projects with varied scales, from the urban design of new towns to public art installations. Have you worked in partnership with a hospitality provider? Yes. We did a resort hotel project in the Ningbo mountains. The managing company was a local one. We had fights as well as compromises.

What are your favorite parts of a luxury hotel? Bars, restaurants, spas? Swimming pool, maybe.

What sort of lifestyle aspects do you look for in travel? Travel should be a lifestyle itself. To me travel means getting away from a daily routine in either the business or home. I usually prefer less pre-arranged trips that allow me to make my own explorations.

Do you think the hotels should incorporate local cultural aspects to the decor? In my opinion, a hotel itself should be part of the local culture, instead of just using the decor to claim that it is related to local culture. That's the most important thing for architects or interior designers.

卜冰 建筑师,“集合设计”创办人及设 计总监,在国内参与了大量城市建设的 设计工作,其设计强调传统文化内涵与 现代都市生活方式相融合。 Bu Bing, architect, founder and head designer at One Design Inc., has participated in architecture and design projects in many cities across China. His designs echo feelings of traditional culture blended with modern city life.






Being Together Means Being at Home 吕思清 著名小提琴家,第一位获得意大利帕格尼尼国际小提琴比赛金奖的 东方人。 “只要全家人能在一起,呆在一个地方,便是天伦之乐。”他如是说。 Lv Siqing was the first Chinese violinist to receive the gold medal at the Paganini Competition, one of the largest violin contests in the world. For him, in terms of family, being together means being at home.

听说你经常带家人出去度假。 和家人去度假,是我的一种习惯,这种 习惯是在有了孩子以后形成的。因为工作的 关系,跟家人总是聚少离多,所以每年全家 出去旅游最少两次是我给自己规定的硬性指 标。能够跟家人一起享受最纯粹、放松,没 人打扰的度假生活,能在一起,呆在一个地 方,便是天伦之乐。 跟家人出去度假, 你选择酒店的标准是什么? 首先,我会看这家酒店是否安静私密; 其次,酒店外部看起来是否新奇新鲜,景观 和设计是否更接近大自然;最后也是最重要 的一点,是否拥有适合孩子们玩耍的娱乐设 施及节目。当然,酒店的其他硬件和服务也 是主要考虑因素。 入住酒店后, 你和家人最关注的是哪些服务? 大多数国际高端酒店在软硬件及餐饮方 面都做得还不错,不过我比较关注酒店的细 微服务。例如,有一次我收到了酒店打扫卫 生的服务人员亲笔写的欢迎信、酒店给孩子 们的一系列小惊喜,等等。无处不在的贴心, 却又丝毫不会让人感到唐突,总能恰如其分 地满足入住的每个细节要求甚至超出期望, 最大限度地照顾到每一个人的需求,这些细 微服务会让人感到舒心和温暖。 经常去三亚度假吗?会选择酒店的哪些休闲 娱乐设施来放松身心? 是的,去过三亚很多次。我和我的家人 都比较喜欢游泳和健身,所以入住酒店的游 泳池和私人海滩是我们经常放松、游乐的场

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所。偶尔也会带孩子在海滩锻炼身体,带他 们参与一些酒店给孩子们安排的趣味游戏、 儿童体育项目、儿童电影,这些活动能帮他 们打开生活之窗,感受精彩的世界,增强社 会参与感,也带给他们很多快乐。我很珍惜 和家人在一起的美好时光,享受生活的无穷 乐趣。 We’ve heard that you love to take holidays with your family. Could you tell us more about that? After my sons were born, we gradually started taking more and more holidays. My work takes away much of my time, so I take at least two mandatory vacations every year with my family. No matter where you are going, if you are together, you are home. When going for a family holiday, what kind of hotels do you prefer? For myself, I only choose reliable hotels which I’m familiar with, while for the whole

family, the privacy and tranquility of the hotel is the first thing you should think about. Secondly, the hotel should have a good view, and should be unique, creative and eco-friendly. The last thing is also the most important: does this hotel have perfect amenities and activities for children? Of course, other facilities and services are also key factors. Regarding service, what aspect do you and your family value the most? Generally speaking, international top-end hotels have nearly the same amenities and dining, so we pay attention to details. For example, I once received a welcoming letter from a hotel’s housekeeper, which was very impressive. In addition, surprises for the kids are also very thoughtful and commendable. It’s very important for hotels to take guests’ individuality and preference into account without causing any inconveniences, and even exceed guests’ expectations. It may be hard to keep a balance but this is how hotels can earn loyal guests. Have you been to Sanya for family holidays? How do you spend your time there? Yes, we’ve been to Sanya a lot. The family loves swimming and being active, so you will always see us swimming in the pool or walking on a private beach. We also take part in interesting activities organized by hotels for children. I appreciate every moment and opportunity I have to be with family, which is a precious gift in this life.




沐浴于三亚的夏日阳光, 与全家人一起入住双卧室独立泳池豪华爱家别墅, 尽享温馨一刻。 入住 2 晚 5,999 元,3 晚 8,899 元, 4 晚 11,499 元 预订此套餐即可欢享: • 入住占地面积 700 至 1030 的双卧室独立泳池豪华爱家 别墅 • 房间免费 Wifi 上网 • 每日四人美味自助早餐及抵店欢迎饮料 • 三亚机场至酒店免费接送机服务 • 在店期间免费体验“海底世界半潜观光”一次或酒店“特 色自助晚餐”一次或“香薰护理一次”(备注:海底世 界观光需提前 24 小时酒店前台预订,身高 0.9 米以内的 儿童免费,( 含 0.9 米)高出 0.9 米的按成人价收费,以 上内容只可选择其中一项(至多含 4 人)。如遇不可抗 力因素或特殊情况无法观光,将自动换成自助晚餐或香 薰护理。 • 免费享用别墅内 mini 吧一次 • 免费一小时单人或双人自行车,畅游亚龙湾及周边美景 • 入住期间,免费拍摄全家福回忆照 5 张 ( 赠送底片光盘 1张) • 入住期间免费户外按摩池花瓣浴一次 • 配备法国欧舒丹品牌洗护用品 • 房间内配置儿童沙滩玩具一套 • 赠送神秘礼物一份 • 视房态可免费加一张床 ( 不含早 ) • 每天配送免费报纸 • 提供管家服务 • 每日酒店至三亚市区、 免税店及机场免费巴士服务 ( 单向 ) • 免费使用酒店健身房设施及室内外儿童游乐设施、酒店 游泳圈及儿童沙滩玩具 • 免费使用沙滩排球、足球及酒店泳池水球 • 房间配置 DVD 播放器及音响系统 • SPA 护理享受 6 折优惠 ( 特价及其他优惠除外 ) • 洗衣服务享受 9 折优惠 • 续住享受套餐均价优惠

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套餐使用条款: 1. 套餐有效期为 2013 年 06 月 01 日至 09 月 29 日, 其中公共假期不适用。此套餐不得与其它优惠同时使用。 2. 套餐需提前预定 , 视酒店房态确认 . 此套餐所含各项如未使用恕不退款及兑换其它产品。 3. 套餐内的接送服务 ( 仅限抵店及离店当天使用 ), 用车安排等均需提前 24 小时进行预订方可正常享受。 4. 此套餐不适用于团队及会议。 5. 其他未尽事宜,以酒店解释为准。

欲咨询更多信息或预订, 请拨打(86)0898-8859 8888 转预订部或发邮件: rsvn.sygm@hkctshotels.com 三亚维景国际度假酒店 Grand Metropark Resort Sanya Yalong Bay National Resort District, Sanya 572000, Hainan, China 中国海南三亚亚龙湾国家旅游度假区 邮编:572000 Tel 电话:86(0)898 8859 8888 Fax 传真:86(0)898 8855 8588 E-mail 电子邮件:sygm@hkctshotels.com Website 网址:www.hkctshotels.com




定制海南岛居体验行 体验海洋高尔夫梦幻之旅,搜狐焦点旅游 地产联手中旅总社签订战略合作,海南岛居品 质度假游为主的旅居定制体验惊艳开启,旅居 荟高端会员将品鉴雅居乐清水湾、珊瑚宫殿、 富力湾等海南旅游地产精品项目,高端旅居体 验涵盖阳光沙滩、高尔夫畅打、海鲜大餐、游 艇出海等深度体验,打造海岛高端旅居线路。 海南岛居品质度假游初次路线为三亚—— 陵水,仅 8150 元即可品鉴海南旅游地产度假 大盘,体验海南的美好旅居生活。首站将从三 亚来到陵水雅居乐清水湾,感受纯净的海、会 唱歌的沙滩,入住雅居乐顶级酒店;第二天将 相聚雅居乐清水湾畅打高尔夫、游览猴岛,品 尝美味鱼排海鲜大餐,鱼排海鲜用餐为大海中 坐在排上进行用餐;第三天将来到珊瑚宫殿, 品鉴关之琳的家,参观一线海景房,体验沙滩 啤酒、海钓、室内高球练习等高端休闲度假方 式,在富力湾乘游艇出海,与大海亲密接触, 观览建筑与景观互融。 作为全国唯一的热带岛屿,海南拥有独一 无二的气候、环境和旅游资源。海南旅游地产 有着独特的发展优势,组合了居住、旅游、度 假、商务、养老、疗养等多种全新度假投资置 业方式,越来越多的岛外人士到海南度假置业, “度假天堂”地位愈来愈凸显,“旅居海南” 已经成为一种时尚。搜狐焦点旅游地产携手中 旅总社开启海南“岛居”体验置业,探秘海南 清水湾、香水湾等优美景区,品味欣赏中国最 美海岸线。 游艇、高尔夫等高端稀缺度假体验逐渐成 为海南旅游的新亮点,此次海南岛居深度体验 游为全国各地的旅居者提供了海洋高尔夫梦幻 之旅。一览海南优美宜人的景观,品鉴海南旅 游地产雅居乐清水湾、珊瑚宫殿等度假大盘,

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领阅海南一线海景热带风情,体验高尔夫 畅打、海上鱼排海鲜大餐、KTV、沙滩啤酒、 海钓、游艇出海等高端生活方式。 雅居乐清水湾被列为海南“十二·五” 重点项目之一,已成功吸引了全球 8000 位 财智精英在此共享第二人生。傲视全球的 稀缺自然资源,前瞻性的一体化开发规划, 比肩世界的高端配套,这里已然成为世界 级滨海度假湾区。珊瑚宫殿享海棠湾顶级 度假配套,海棠湾规划 25 家四五星级酒店、 海南最大免税店、海洋公园、海洋大学、 解放军总医院(301 医院)等顶级度假配套, 目前已有 13 家超五星级酒店开工建设,接 下来还有 17 个政府投资的市政配套将陆续 开工。富力湾超大手笔打造国际一流热带 滨海休闲度假社区,高标准、高规格打造 国际一流的私家游艇码头,让湾区游艇爱 好者尽情享受海上乘风破浪的激情。 搜狐焦点旅游地产与中旅总社强强联 手,开启海南岛居品质度假游,为岛外旅 居者提供一场高端品质度假之旅。



江苏常州环球恐龙城 泰好玩了 随着《人再 囧 途之泰 囧》的热映,很 多人希望能够亲临泰国,观看人妖和泰拳表 演,品尝泰国美食和新鲜的热带水果,体验 一次泰式 SPA……可这一切并非只有去泰 国才能体验到,环球恐龙城将在这个夏天为 你奉上一场泰式盛宴。

中华恐龙园化身为泰国夜市 在椰风摇曳、歌舞升平、灯光闪烁的 夜晚,恐龙园的下沉式广场成了一个热闹非 凡的泰国集市,这里汇集了来自泰国的各种 美食小吃和热带水果,色香味俱全。它们用 各自的看家本领诱惑着你的味蕾,一个胃, 怎么够?琳琅满目的泰国工艺品和精致的 泰国服饰更是让人眼花缭乱,如果你有幸成 为其中一件的主人,那么又多了一件可以跟 朋友炫耀的宝贝。这里的工作人员打扮成泰 国人模样,时不时伴着泰国歌曲来上一段舞 蹈,你也一定会情不自禁地跟着他们跳起 来。人们喝着啤酒品尝着美食和身边的人欢

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笑畅谈,湖中舞台正上演着精彩的人妖表演 和泰拳表演。凉风习习,当所有人停下匆忙 的脚步享受这一刻的悠闲与惬意时,人们的 欢声笑语也在这温柔的夜风中定格成了一 幅温馨的画面。

在恐龙谷温泉享受人气鱼疗、 泰式 SPA 来自热带的亲亲鱼来到了恐龙谷温泉, 它们将以最亲密的方式帮助人体缓解疲劳。 它们摆动着可爱的身躯,调皮地围绕在你的 身边,啄食你的老化皮质,勤勤恳恳地工作 着,使你的毛孔畅通,从而排出体内垃圾和 毒素。一次鱼疗不仅能缓解一天的疲劳,同 时还能帮助人体更好地吸收温泉水中的多 种矿物质,加速人体内的新陈代谢,达到美 容养颜、延年益寿的神奇功效。 恐龙谷温泉还特别邀请了来自泰国的 女技师,以传统的泰式按摩手法,展现最地


道的泰式 SPA。房间布置得很有味道,专 业技师手法娴熟到位,搭配舒缓的泰国音乐 和泰式香薰,你的身体和精神都会得到最 大限度的放松,思绪也飘到了美丽的泰国, 一幅幅如画的美景展现在你的面前,你一定 不想这么快就结束这次优雅的旅程。

香树湾泰式风情锦上添花 旅游小贴士: ① 环球恐龙城第十届泰式国际狂欢节时间: 6 月 28 日至 8 月 31 日。 ② 欲了解更多精彩活动详情, 请登录 www.konglongcheng.com 或拨打 400-616-6600。

香树湾花园酒店是一家借鉴泰式皇家 园林风格、汲取异国文化精髓、展现了原 汁原味泰国风情的酒店。泰国宫殿式的酒店 外观彰显大气,酒店内的亭台水榭又不失 隽秀。酒店拥有 121 间泰国风情恐龙主题 客房及套房,房间内的布置极具泰国特色。 在暑期狂欢节期间金碧辉煌的大厅搭配上 带有泰国风情图案的装饰品和工艺品,酒店 内的服务员也将穿上泰国的民族服饰,佩戴 民族首饰,并以最传统的泰式礼节为宾客服 务。房间内民族图案的壁纸和泰式工艺品也 会更加丰富和饱满,使泰国气息更加浓重。 一个泰国精油泡泡浴更使这个美丽的泰国 风情夜锦上添花。 环球恐龙城力求把每一个细节做到尽 善尽美,使泰国元素能得到最完美最有效的 呈现,例如中华恐龙园内的环艺布置,泰国 风格的主题商品的开发,香树湾和维景大酒 店泰国菜品的推出……为每一位来体验泰 国风情的朋友提供一个最难忘最美妙的泰 国之旅。今夏,让我们一起狂欢。






Opera Bombana Text: Eva Liu Photos: Opera Bombana

意大利餐厅 Opera Bombana 北京店由米其 林三星名厨岑柏涛全新打造。在意大利语中, “Opera” 一词通常用来描绘杰出的作品和成就, 而 Opera Bombana 的意大利风格和艺术性跃然 厅内。餐厅位于侨福芳草地购物中心地下二层, 其内部空间宽敞明亮,木头和石块等自然材料为 空间营造出温暖舒适的质感;独特的下沉式设计 更突出了优美的挑高楼层。Opera Bombana 的 理念围绕着意式生活方式,并通过新鲜的面包、 卓越的美食、精选葡萄酒、意大利咖啡、诱人的 甜点和鸡尾酒,呈现出岑柏涛的烹饪热情。这些 意大利美食和文化中的基本元素更为宾客带来无 尽欢乐。 Opera Bombana 的菜品摆盘精致,味道纯 正,这完全要归功于岑柏涛。这位名厨的天赋在 烹饪世界中展露无遗,他按照当地能找到的最好 食材为餐厅独创菜式,并由行政主厨马里诺·安东 尼奥重新演绎,创作出的精致美味能取悦最挑剔 的美食家。面包是意大利美食中不可缺少的元素, 这里拥有一个开放式新鲜面包房,由面包大师朱 利安诺·佩迪科尼任专业指导,选用最好的意大利 面粉经自然发酵、专业厨师精雕细琢后新鲜出炉, 宾客可以在高雅的餐厅内享用,也可带回家品尝。 如此地道的意大利美食,想必只有饕客才能领会。


Unit 21, 2nd floor Underground, Parkview Green, No. 9 Dongdaqiao Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5690 7177

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eijing’s stylish new Italian restaurant Opera Bombana is quickly winning fame in the industry with Umberto Bombana, a Michelin three star chef, at the helm. Although located underground at Parkview Green, the restaurant is spacious and bright. The use of natural materials like wood and stone creates a warm and comfortable ambience, and the restaurant’s unique sunken design highlights the elegant vaulted ceiling. The restaurant focuses on Italian lifestyle, and the Michelin star chef’s enthusiasm is evident in their fresh-baked bread, gourmet foods, choice wines, Italian coffee, tempting desserts and cocktails. These colorful elements bring the pleasures of Italy to every guest. At Opera Bombana, presentation is exquisite and taste is great. Umberto Bombana has spared no effort to show his culinary talent, creating original dishes with the best local ingredients he can find, and commissioning Executive Chef Marino D’Antonio to produce new and wonderful dishes which will please even the pickiest diners. Bread is an important element in Italian cuisine, so the restaurant also houses an open bakery, where master baker Giuliano Pediconi leads a professional team, allowing the best Italian flour to ferment naturally, and then delicately handcrafting each loaf to serve fresh-baked. Guests can either enjoy it at the restaurant or take it home.


Through the Smoke Text: Nels Frye Photos: The Big Smoke

近几十年来,谦逊朴实终于第一次成 为流行风尚中一道不可忽视的风景,正如 The Big Smoke 餐厅所遵循的那样。这家 餐厅也玩这样那样的花哨噱头,但掩盖不 住其追求真实自然的风格。在光鲜亮丽的 外表下,它带给人最强烈的感受却是一股 浓浓的人情味与一种直击心灵的温暖。可 爱的意粉和奶酪似乎想拥抱你,用温柔话 语抚慰你;慢火熬炖的排骨甚至等不及你 品尝就用鲜香滋味将你围绕,光看着就能 感受到那美味!在这座城市里,有几家餐 厅能创作出如此富有创意的手工鸡尾酒? 杯杯经典却又充满新鲜的惊喜。走进 The Big Smoke 如同加入一场潮人之旅,带你 离开浮华的北京城,来到一个杜绝虚荣攀 比且无需炫耀自己身份地位的地方。各种 各样的美味烤肉,配上粗玉米粉,空气中 弥漫着诱人的味道和飘渺的烟雾。


his is the first age for several decades in which humility and sincerity are au currant. There is plenty of smoke and maybe even a mirror at The Big Smoke, but the emphasis is on the true nature of things. Presentation does matter here. But it is the communal feeling and warmth that matter more. The macaroni and cheese just seems to want to hug you and whisper soothing words. The slow-cooked ribs, which are never enough, beg for full concentration on the juice, texture, and body-encompassing flavor. You don't even need to eat though. How many restaurants boast some of the best creative artisanal cocktails in town, all classic but never seen before? The Big Smoke is a hipster-guided tour to a place thousands of miles from Beijing, a realm where showiness and status are long forgotten and the flavor, grit and smoke from good meats rule the rodeo.

No. 57 Lishi Business Building, Xingfucun Middle Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6416 5195






Fun and Scrumptious Text: Nels Frye Photos: Wang Jia Sha

“上海点心状元”王家沙 1945 年创立 于上海王家库,2002 年登陆香港,经过长 足的发展,已经成为香港主要的上海餐饮 集团之一。如今,王家沙入驻北京繁华地 标三里屯,将这份美味带给京城挑剔的食 客。王家沙三里屯店的室内装修以粉色、 黄色和绿色为主,旨在打造舒适优闲及高 雅的空间,同时不乏自然和时尚元素。除 了供应各款招牌精致点心外,更聘用顶级 上海师傅创造出多款特色小菜。不难看出, 王家沙力图在城市之央打造一个时尚餐饮 空间,让走在餐饮文化尖端的食客终可找 到一处舒适的落脚点。无论是在装修设计 上还是食物的搭配上,都力求更亲民。 王家沙是一个典型的“结合体”,保 留当年上海街头起家带来的些许影响,不 断从传统的小吃文化里汲取灵感,同时融 合了现代港派餐饮业的高创新性与竞争性, 对细节和服务质量特别关注。各类清新蔬 菜、可蘸辣酱汁的猪肉或虾馅饺以及鲜美 小笼包,再来上一盅热好的黄酒,配上姜 丝和梅干,堪称最经典搭配。王家沙强调 品质与 卫生,新鲜食材和厨师们专注工作 都通过明窗展示给客人。虽然三里屯食肆 林立,而且各个似乎来历都不凡,但王家 沙的入驻让远道而来的外籍人士终于找到 一处中国特色浓厚的用餐好去处。 S1-30a, Bldg 1, Taikoo Li South, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6416 3469

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ang Jia Sha is a comfortable option made whimsical by the bright, fun decor. The design and culinary offering hits a sweet spot that unites very approachable local flavors with a stylish ambiance and central location. Wang Jia Sha is almost a fusion restaurant with a delectable heritage that begins on the streets of Shanghai. Taking inspiration from a chain of traditional snack food restaurants, Wang Jia Sha evolved in the innovative, competitive landscape of contemporary Hong Kong dining. In this crucible evolved a very Mainland set of flavors with a distinctly Hong Kong approach to service and the details. This is a place for comforting, easy foods like vegetable, pork or shrimp dumplings in spicy sauce or delicious shaolongbao. Heated Huang Jiu with ginger dried plum is the perfect alcoholic accompaniment for these delicacies. The emphasis on quality, clean ingredients is underscored by the viewing window where chefs can be seen at work. The bright pink, woodwork frames add a stylish kookiness to the whole experience. The look of the place is memorable, unlike the majority of local restaurants. The dilemma of where to take visitors from out of town in Sanlitun has finally been resolved. Some might ask why this was ever a problem given the number of eateries in this part of Beijing. But the vast majority of the more interesting dining options here are foreign and guests from abroad inevitably demand something Chinese - something they couldn't find at home.



Modern Chinese Cuisine at Chynna

作为北京高端专属私人餐厅之一,北 京王府井希尔顿酒店秦唐中餐厅带给客人 最舒适的享受。取材于中国历史的大幅壁画 营造出王宫别院般的视觉效果,造型别致的 人性化不锈钢围栏为宾客提供了更多的私 密性,同时与四周陈列的壁画和中式古董相 映成趣,构成一个令人心静如水的古朴空 间。优雅的环境、传统的贵族风格、非凡的 设计理念与美味佳肴融为一体,令您从此对 尊贵服务有了新的定义。在四间古朴典雅的 私人包厢“风”、“生”、“水”、“起” 里,定制的桌椅家具和巨幅玻璃窗让包厢好 似华丽的古典舞台,更有中餐厨师为您量身 定制菜单,营造个性化的用餐体验。 不过如果您想在上班的日子与同事共 享一顿丰盛的午餐,秦唐中餐厅同样是最好 的选择。主厨姜师傅特别定制了畅享午餐来 满足您的味蕾以及对价格的苛求,每人 128 元净价即可享受 40 余种丰盛菜品,且在服 务时间内无限量供应。 除了可口的每日例汤,还有 20 种不同 口味的热菜可供挑选,如备受好评的茉莉滑 蛋虾仁、葱烧海参、姜葱鲈鱼等。对无肉不 欢的客人来说,以各种肉类为原料的菜品定 会令您大快朵颐,当然也少不了丰盛的应季

时蔬。而广受赞誉的石锅鲍鱼汁捞饭、地道 的老北京炸酱面以及口味纯正的粤式点心 更是为您的午餐锦上添花。值得一提的还有 老北京传统甜品,如香芒炖奶酪、驴打滚。 相信“酒水畅饮”酒水单也能给您带来惊喜, 每位仅需 30 元即可获得 6 种软饮、5 种果汁、 2 种啤酒及 2 种矿泉水的款待。 As one of the most exclusive private restaurants in Beijing, Chynna restaurant at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing is an ideal spot to have modern Chinese cuisine in a historically elegant yet stylish ambience. Great wall paintings themed around Chinese history deliver a palatial visual effect, and uniquelymoulded stainless-steel trellises ensure that guests have more privacy. Both contrast finely with the Chinese antiques on display, creating a serene and antiquated atmosphere. The integration of traditionally aristocratic style, extraordinary design and gourmet food redefines the term “distinctive service”. The restarurant boasts four private rooms - “Feng”, “Sheng”, “Shui”, and “Qi” - where bespoke furniture and large windows transform the

space into a magnificent classical stage. Moreover, Chynna’s chefs provide custommade menus for its distinguished guests to create an individualized experience. If you’d like to treat yourself or your colleagues to a bountiful lunch on weekdays, Chynna is the place to go! Daniel Jiang, the restaurant’s Head Chef, specially designed a lunch menu to satisfy guests’ typical midday needs. Enjoy 40 unlimited choices for only RMB 128 per person during lunch time. Besides the delicious daily soup, you will find more than 20 different kinds of hot dishes such as the popular “wok fried shrimp with egg and jasmine flower”, “braised sea cucumbers with leek”, “baked seabass with ginger and leek” and many more. Meat lovers will be amazed by the selections of beef, lamb, chicken, pork, and of course an abundance of seasonal vegetables. In addition, you can choose between the classic favorite “Cantonese fried rice” and traditional “Beijing style noodles with soy bean paste,” or try the authentic Cantonese dim sum. Finally, traditional Beijing style desserts will delight you with such highlights as the “pudding with mango” and “sticky rice rolls with sweet red bean paste”. The all you can drink beverage menu is also a treat – just add RMB 30 and choose from six kinds of soft drinks, five kinds of chilled juices, two kinds of beer and two kinds of mineral water. 8 Wangfujing East Street, Dongcheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 5812 8888 ext 8411

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Wine Happiness

It’s a Personal Affair

自己喜欢的就是好酒。同样的道理,品尝葡萄酒的快乐只有 品酒的人自己知晓。品酒人得知道自己喜欢哪种类型的酒,要想 明白这一点,最好的方法就是遍尝天下美酒。好酒品得越多越容 易找到自己钟爱的酒款。要想始终如一地享受美酒带来的快乐, 最好让品酒成为一种习惯。 同大多数人一样,各种各样贮藏得当、风味上佳的葡萄酒我 都喜欢,令我感到赏心悦目的酒款有很多,产地也不同。判断自 己是否喜欢一款酒的关键就是回味每一次品酒的经历,然后问自 己两个问题:我真的喜欢它吗?它能让我快乐吗?如果答案是肯 定的,它就是你的爱酒了;如果答案是否定的,那就毫不留情地 将它剔除。感觉差强人意的酒款也是我所不能容忍的,除非它真 的能够取悦我。就这么简单。 我是这么来评判一款酒的:色度、酒体及挂杯,10%;酒香, 10%;口感,60%;余味,20%。你可以自己确定每项所占的比 例,也可将评判标准分得更细一些,这样每项所占比例也会相应 缩小。以上述第一条标准为例,你可随意确定各部分所占比例, 比如色度 1-2%、 酒体 1-2%、挂杯 6-8%。如果你一直用同一标 准来衡量每一款酒,随着时间的推移你会发现自己钟爱的酒款越 来越多。 当然,还要考虑最适合你的葡萄酒与食物的搭配。除了上述 的一些评判标准外,我有如下建议:先品尝美酒,感到满意后再 挑选你认为最合适的食物与之搭配。结果全部满意,就可以将其 纳入你的最爱酒单了。记住,如果第一步就不怎么满意,则弃之 不惜。 此外,美酒与浪漫也息息相关。和心爱的人在一起时,哪些 美酒能为浪漫时光锦上添花呢?根据我的经验,当美酒唤起甜蜜 的爱情,评判过程同样也会变得美妙。除了满足以上标准,如果 一款酒能令你沉醉爱河,尽享温柔情事,那它绝对值得登上你的 最爱酒单。 这就是葡萄酒中的幸福,也可以说是一些创建私人爱酒清单 的小贴士。生活的乐趣在于它的经历,生命的意义也在于此,绝 非一板一眼毫无人情味的机械过程。既然找到了令你浑身充满激 情的美酒,夫复何求?一旦发现特别的好酒,就赶快将它们收入 囊中吧,一如你对其它心爱之物所做的那样。


he definition of a good bottle of wine is “one that you like”. And likewise “Wine Happiness” is a personal affair, for what really matters is what wines make one happy. And the best way to determine what wines provide personal happiness is simply to try as many wines as is possible. Of course, it only stands to reason that the more wines one samples and the more frequently one tries new wines, the sooner one will discover more wines that make one happy. So, if you want to enjoy wine happiness more consistently, my advice is to incorporate wine tasting in moderation into your daily lifestyle. Like most people, I like the majority of wellmade wines that have traveled well (Wines that have been maintained in essentially the same condition as when they left the winery); so there is no single wine or wine appellation (origin) that exclusively brings me wine happiness. The key in evaluating potential wines for your Wine Happiness List is to simply reflect on each individual tasting experience and ask yourself, “Do I like this wine?” “Does it make me feel good?” If the answer is “Yes”, I add it to my List. If it misses the mark, I never look back. If it’s kind of okay, it still doesn’t make the List; because my List is reserved for wines that really please me without reservation. It’s just that simple. I suppose that the way I score a wine for purposes of “up or down” for my Wine Happiness List is like this: Wine clarity, color & body or “legs” on my glass: 10% Nose or bouquet: 10% Taste on my palate: 60% After taste or lack thereof: 20% Now you can apply whatever % you prefer to each component; and you may even want to be more specific than I by subdividing each category and assigning smaller percentages to each, such as with my first set of criteria (Wine clarity, color & body: i.e. clarity 1-2%; color 1-2%; and body 6-8%): Whatever you like. But if you approach every wine with a uniform scoring process, like I suggest, over time you will truly be learning of a growing number of wines that will consistently bring you the most happiness.

Of course, one must as well consider which wines bring you the most happiness in conjunction with your favorite foods. So, to take the process of wine evaluation one step further, I recommend that you follow the protocol I have suggested, but in two parts: First try the wine by itself; and then, try the same wine with one or more of your favorite foods that you believe would pair well with it. If a wine passes your first test with flying colors; then by all means, taste it with food. Then if it passes both trials successfully, you know it deserves a place on your Wine Happiness List. If it fails the first test, well, there is just no reason to waste good food on a wine that does not please you. And the final consideration as far as I am concerned is the romantic component: Which wines bring you the most wine happiness when you are with a partner or a potential partner to whom you are attracted, when enjoying foreplay; and of course, when making love. From my experience judging wines when romantically involved is by far the most pleasurable of wine evaluation processes: For all of the aforementioned considerations and steps apply, but if you find a wine intensifies your emotions and heightens your intimate, romantic experience from head to toe, well then, damn if that wine doesn’t deserve a special place on your Wine Happiness List! And so that I don’t forget which wines best facilitated our love making to new heights of ecstasy, I always place an * after the wines on my Wine Happiness List that artfully arouse my libido; and for those wines that succeed in arousing both our libidos, I place a double **. So now you know what “Wine Happiness” is and how to create your personal Wine Happiness List. As with all pleasures in this life, the fun is in the process: For life is for living; not being one clinical step removed, as if the dedicated scientist. And when it comes to judging wines that tingle and electrify your passion centers without mercy in the moments or even hours of your love making ecstasy, who could ask for anything more? So when you encounter such very special wines, add them to your List without delay; and if they deserve a double bolded **, by all means, record them as such and buy them in volume, just as you would your other favorite love making “accoutrements” and facilitators of choice. I am Red Owl, over & out.

田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand; as well as a Menands, New York office in the United States.

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Mr Hickox’s Holiday

澳门金沙城中心假日酒店总经理希阁仕拥有澳洲和中国血统, 熟悉中西方文化,曾任职多家国际品牌酒店高管。 他同 LifeStyle 分享了在酒店筹备开业期间的颇多感慨及其职场减压方法、着装风格。 With both Chinese and Australian blood in his veins, Mr. Troy Hickox has worked as a top manager for international hotel brands and has deep understanding of both Asian and Western culture. Here he chats with LifeStyle about his pre-opening experiences, personal style and tips on how to cope with stress at the workplace. Text: Eva Liu

the hotel are original, which gives me great satisfaction and a sense of achievement.

作为一名筹备过不少国际品牌酒店开业的资 深酒店管理者,一路走来给你最大的感触是 什么? 我比较喜欢有挑战性的工作,那些难 以逾越的艰难困苦正是推动我工作的强大 动力,也是鞭策我积极向上的动力。我一直 很向往在国际品牌酒店工作,无论在哪个岗 位上我都会主动地积累工作经验。酒店开业 前期筹备工作千头万绪,很辛苦,但是每次 在筹备过程中都积累了很多经验,这些经验 为我日后的工作提供了很大的帮助。我喜欢 不断创新,更喜欢加入有创新意识的团队。 能够参与到拓展澳门假日酒店的大项目中 是我有生以来最自豪的一件事。这个项目融 入了很多创新意识,让我感受到巨大的欣慰 与成就感。 澳门金沙城中心假日酒店开业已经一周年 了,在持续吸引旅客到访方面有何新举措? 我们对家庭宾客非常重视,所以最新 启动了体验梦工厂活动,相信会吸引更多 家庭游客,为他们带来不同的惊喜,比如酒 店会推出以梦工厂卡通人物为主题的早餐、 甜点,还会开拓更多轻松有趣的户外休闲活 动、购物活动。最重要的是,澳门金光大道 综合度假城是在一个品牌之下将不同的酒 店类型融合在一起,这种创新的模式为消费 者提供了非常具有创新性且便捷的服务。宾 客能享受到度假村里其他酒店的配套设施, 比如客人可在度假城里任意餐厅消费,费用 可以一并计入其入住酒店的房费。 平时喜欢用什么方式来放松自己? 烹饪和赛车。我喜欢下厨,曾经在法 国蓝带厨艺学院学习过。能够做出不同的美 味给家人吃,我认为这是一件非常幸福和放 松的事情。如果工作压力实在太大,我会选 择另一种方式给自己解压,去赛车!虽然我 没参加任何正式比赛,但我是 F1 赛车的忠 实粉丝。有趣的是,我是保时捷粉丝,而我 父亲是法拉利粉丝,所以我们经常为了捍卫 自己喜欢的车队而在家中各抒己见。 你的着装非常讲究,平常喜欢什么风格呢? 怎样着装才能衬托出优雅的绅士风度? 谢谢!绅士风度的表达其实不仅在外 表和穿着方面,也一定要体现自己的性格和

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It has been a year since Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central opened; are there any new policies to attract more guests? We attach great importance to family guests. Recently we started a “Dream Works” program, through which I believe the hotel will present more pleasant surprises and become a favorite of families. The program involves Dream Works cartoon character themed breakfast and desserts, relaxing recreational outdoor activities and shopping. Most importantly, the Cotai Strip Resorts has created a new model in which different types of hotels are bound under the same brand, providing more original and convenient services, so that guests checking into one hotel can have access to the facilities of the other hotels in the resort. For example, costs of eating at any of the resort’s hotels will be added to the room rates of the hotel where guests checked in.

态度。就我个人而言,我对品牌没有特殊偏 好,我认为定制更能够凸显自己的风格。我 有自己的专属裁缝,量体裁衣,这样能够定 制出最适合自己风格的服装。从着装的风格 角度来讲,简约实际上是最能体现优雅绅士 风度的。至于材质,我会参考那些国际品牌。 As a hospitality veteran with rich pre-opening experience at a lot of international hotels, what has given you the deepest motivation? I prefer challenges. For me they are career motivation, and encourage me to do better. I enjoy working in international hotels, and I work hard in whatever position I am placed, which has taught me a lot. The preparatory work for pre-opening is complicated and difficult, but through it I’ve accumulated a lot of experience which has helped prepare me for future work. I love the innovation process, as well as having a creative team to work with. Being a member of Holiday Inn Macao Cotai Central is one of the proudest accomplishments in my life. Many aspects of

How do you deal with stress? Cooking and auto racing. I learned to cook at Le Cordon Bleu Paris Culinary Arts School in France and quite love it. Cooking delicious food for my family makes me happy and relaxed. I will go for auto racing when stress from work is too much. I am a Formula One enthusiast, though I haven’t officially participated in any contests. Interestingly, I’m a fan of Porsche, while my father likes Ferrari, and we often debate over which one is better. You dress quite elegantly; how would you describe your style? What is a gentleman’s style? Thanks for your compliment. I think to be a gentleman, one should focus not only on the appearance, but also on his character and attitude. For my part, I haven’t a preference for certain brands; bespoke clothing is more suitable to show my personal style, I think. I have my own tailor who makes exclusive clothes for me. As for dressing, simplicity can nicely show off a gentleman’s elegance. For material choice, I stick to famous international brands.

上海颖奕高尔夫皇冠假日酒店最吸引你的是 什么?与你之前任职过的酒店相比,它最大 的不同是什么? 其实从酒店的名字能看得出来,上海 颖奕高尔夫皇冠假日酒店将重点或者说是 特色放在了“高尔夫”和“假日”上,它介 于城市酒店和度假酒店之间,既享城市交通 之便又让远离城嚣触手可得。酒店是嘉定区 首家五星级国际品牌酒店,位处大型汽车工 业区,坐拥上海汽车会展中心及上海国际赛 车场等著名场馆和景点。这样一个非度假区 里的特色度假酒店本身就是对市场空白的 窥见和抢占,无论对我本人还是酒店来说, 都是一个新的挑战和机遇。 酒店的近期目标是什么? 跟上海其它地块相比,嘉定区的酒店 业发展略为滞后。我希望通过酒店团队脚踏 实地的努力和专业化的服务,当好勤恳的拓 荒者和领军者的角色,提高市场占有率和酒 店在本地市场的认知度和接受度,从而带动 这一区域酒店业的发展,提高整个区域的竞 争力。


The Opportunity of a Challenge 上海颖奕高尔夫皇冠假日酒店总经理陈王君是一个喜欢自我挑战的人,也许正是因为如此, 他每次都能从挑战中发现机遇,凭借脚踏实地的行动和对酒店业的激情获益于机遇。 Morris Chen, General Manager of Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting Golf, looks forward to challenges and finding ways to benefit from them with hard work and passion for the hospitality industry. Text: Liu Yang

在酒店业竞争尤为激烈的上海,颖奕高尔夫 皇冠假日如何抢占一席之地? 虽然酒店周边是大型汽车制造厂家, 但颖奕高尔夫皇冠假日的入驻无疑是一个 别样的所在:绿色盎然的世界级 18 洞高尔 夫球场,充满都市情调的别墅群,还有花鸟 鱼虫、瀑布流水,可谓是远离尘嚣的静谧之 所。大型会展会务接待是我们酒店的重要客 源市场,客户也以高端商务人士为主,他们 对工作和度假环境都有极高要求。无论是地 理位置还是环境设施,颖奕高尔夫皇冠假日 都是同类酒店中的佼佼者。 酒店“名人堂”中餐厅的名字让人很好奇, 能介绍下吗? 我们酒店以高尔夫为特色,与球场也 连为一体,所以很多设施套用了与高尔夫相 关的系列名称,如名人堂的包厢就是以著名 高尔夫选手的名字命名,还有用著名的高尔 夫球场名字命名的会议室。

What brought you to Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting Golf? What’s the biggest difference between it and the hotels you previously worked for? One can tell from the hotel’s name that Golf is the key word, signifying our resort status. Our hotel is kind of between a city hotel and a resort hotel since it enjoys the convenient transportation of the city and creates an oasis far away from the bustle at the same time. Also, Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting Golf is the first international 5-star hotel to enter the Jiading district and is located within the big automobile manufacturing zone which is an empty market, and obviously not a tourist spot, so this is a new challenge and opportunity for both me and the hotel. What are Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting Golf’s future plans? Compared with other districts in Shanghai, hospitality in the Jiading district is a little behind. I hope our hotel will be a pioneer and an excellent leader in this field with the team’s hard work. We are going to increase

market share, enhance the attractiveness and advance the whole hospitality industry here. What makes Crowne Plaza Shanghai Anting Golf distinctive in the competitive Shanghai hospitality scene? Although we are surrounded by many automobile manufacturers (which actually turns out to be one of our advantages), the hotel boasts a world-leading 18hole Golf Course, urban lifestyle villas, waterfalls, gardens and so on to meet the high demands of businessmen, perfectly combining friendly environment and firstclass amenities, which is among the best of the market. The name of the restaurant “House of Fame” sounds like a museum; could you explain it a little bit? Since golf is our characteristic and the hotel opens directly onto the golf course, the restaurants, conference rooms etc. are named after world-famous golf players or golf courses. Our guests love it!

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A Taste of Passion 身为北京贝尔特酒店行政总厨,孙欣用心烹饪,用心享受过程之美。 Henry Sun, Executive Chef of pentahotel Beijing, shares with us his experience in and passion for great cuisine. Text: Liu Yang

energy, taking their expertise seriously while still enjoying it. Chef Henry Sun has almost twenty years of experience in this industry which has earned him great skill and craftsmanship, but even more important is his enthusiasm for cuisine, which continuously pushes him forward and keeps him creative.

没有门童,没有行李员,但是有可免 费使用的自行车、写在黑板上图文并茂的菜 单,还有一群面目生动、性格鲜明的工作人 员……北京贝尔特酒店的标签上自然少不 了诸如低碳环保、自助性强、高品位和高质 量等字眼 ( 越来越多的客人也认同了贝尔特 的理念,他们出于安全和节省时间的考虑更 愿意包不离身。),但最让客人津津乐道和 念念不忘的还是这里的美食。精致可口的菜 品为厨师团队颇费心思的原创之作,从营养 搭配到摆盘设计都极为讲究,价格却绝对亲 民,而享有盛誉的“面吧”更是像自家厨房 一样控制食品质量。这些显然跟贝尔特的掌 厨人——行政总厨孙欣的个人理念是分不 开的,多年的从业经验成就了他扎实的专业 技能,对烹饪激情不减则让他的创意菜品花 样百出。 为北京贝尔特酒店掌厨,你觉得最享受的是 什么? 我们酒店非常注重员工的个性和创新 能力,在这里我能将多年的经验和技术与烹 饪热情相结合,充分发挥自己的创意,打造 亲民却又是星级品质的料理。 普通食客和美食家,在你看来哪个更算得上 是厨师的“知音”? 普通食客对食物的感受很感性,很直 接,他们的称赞可能就是“太好吃了”、 “好吃得无法用语言形容”等等,而美食家 能“尝”出你的匠心独运、火候以及刀工。 从这个角度来说,美食家更懂厨师的心思。 不过对于我和北京贝尔特酒店来说,让客人 吃得舒服健康是我们最大的目标。无论为谁 下厨,我都同样享受烹饪的过程。 酒店的菜单上最不容错过的是哪几道菜? 炒果条、蒜香排骨和 Laska 非常值得 一尝,至于推荐理由嘛,试一次你就知道了。

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What brings you the most enjoyment as the head chef of pentahotel Beijing? We attach great importance to the individuality and creativity of the staff at pentahotel Beijing, and I am able to blend my experience and enthusiasm for cooking to create remarkable top quality cuisine here which I enjoy very much.

我们“面吧”的面品都是厨师自己手工制作, 所用的汤也是花尽心思和功夫熬炖的,不试 试很可惜的。 这个夏天酒店又推出了哪些特色应季美食 和优惠活动? 贝尔特酒廊推出了“缤纷时光·畅饮无限” 活动,周日至周四晚 9 时至 11 时,所有扎 啤和鸡尾酒半价出售,“面吧”推出超值的 面条 + 奶茶 40 元套餐,另外考虑到北京空 气污染现状,原本是户外烧烤 + 啤酒的“啤 酒花园”活动换成了室内的其它活动。在北 京的每一个人都有一份责任和义务。我们酒 店一直倡导低碳生活,践行环保社会责任。 Those who love pentahotel Beijing will praise their free-use bicycles, illustrated blackboard menus and even individual hotel staff members; others may be surprised by their mix of fun and functionality, comfort and style. But one thing that everyone agrees on is that the cuisine at pentahotel Beijing is tasteful, authentic and exquisite with reasonable prices. Great importance is attached to the details, from food quality and nutrition to the well-selected tableware and dining atmosphere. Led by Chef Henry Sun, the kitchen team is full of passion and

Whose appreciation do you value most, that of experienced gourmets or of the normal diners? While food connoisseurs can sense the inspiration and technique in a chef’s food, the biggest compliment from a normal eater are direct and emotional: “It was delicious!” and so on. In this sense, the gourmet understands the chef better. However, for me and pentahotel Beijing, the utmost honor comes from our ordinary guests. We make every effort to make sure they enjoy the healthiest and most tasteful dishes here. In the end no matter who we’re preparing the food for, we always enjoy our work. What are some specialties from the chef? I would highly suggest Char Kway Teow, Garlic Ribs and Laska. In addition, our Noodle Bar is very notable for its hand-made noodles and high-quality soup, which you may want to investigate for yourself! What programs or promotions are you going to launch for summer? “The Happiest Happy Hour” at pentalounge offers all draft beers and cocktails at half price from Sunday to Thursday (9 to 11 p.m.). The Noodle Bar presents a 40 yuan package which consists of noodles and milk tea. We had planned an additional activity called “BBQ & Beer”, but considering the air pollution in Beijing is getting worse and worse, we’ve replaced it with an indoor activity, as “low-carbon” is also one of pentahotel Beijing’s basic concepts.


The Heart of Culture In Cuisine 上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓和上海福朋喜来登由由酒店行政总厨劳伦特·科林先生 同我们分享他多年来的职场心得,并特别推荐了酒店新推出的花园烧烤。 Laurent Colin, Executive Chef at China Shanghai Pudong for Starwood hotels with Sheraton & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton, chats with LifeStyle about his international experiences and Sheraton Pudong’s tempting new Garden BBQ special. Text: Audrey Hammonds

How would you say your skill sets as a chef relate to the business side of things? I must say after all those years in the business, as a cook and chef for almost 30 years, food is the easiest subject to engage someone from another culture in conversation. When you understand how people eat and what their service expectations are, you already understand a lot about the culture of the country, and what they are looking for to do long term good business with your hotel.

作为行政总厨,你为酒店未来几年在餐饮 方面定的发展目标是什么? 我和我的团队争取明年再上一个新台 阶。喜达屋是一个大型酒店集团,每年新开 酒店在 20 家左右,喜来登和福朋都是它旗 下的大品牌,在这样的地方工作可以学到很 多东西,比如有机会参与酒店开业筹备、能 给员工足够的发展空间,等等。我的目标始 终是建立一支优秀的团队,为宾客提供最好 的服务;不断推出花园烧烤等全新的餐饮形 式;每月推出新的餐饮优惠活动,尝试着改 变,尽力做到最好。 你的烹饪技艺与酒店经营之间的关系是怎 样的? 从事酒店行业这么多年,做厨师也差不 多 30 年了,我认为美食是同来自不同文化 背景的人接触时最容易聊起来的一个话题。 当你懂得人们的饮食习惯以及他们所期望得 到的服务,你就对他们的文化有了相当的了 解,也就明白他们之所以与你所在的酒店进 行长期有效合作的原因。 能介绍一下酒店最近推出的周末花园烧烤 大餐吗? 我们的周末花园烧烤大餐是一个面向家 庭的花园聚会,非常诱人,趣味性和互动性 都很强。聚会上有乐队作现场表演、幸运抽 奖以及儿童角,还包括 5 种不同的烧烤,分 别是烤鱼和海鲜、烤肉、烤蔬菜、叉烤和具 有黎巴嫩特色的沙威玛,厨师可以边与客人 交流边按他们的要求进行烧烤。在这里你可 以享受到各种各样的美食,花园餐桌摆放得 也很美观,并且价格公道。 你觉得中国人的饮食文化和他们对饮食的 要求和特点与你工作过的其它地方有什么 不同? 我去过三十多个国家,每个地方的人们 都很热爱美食。我认识的所有厨师在烹饪时 都会尽量选择最好、最新鲜的当地食材。大 多数亚洲和中东国家盛行家庭式用餐,中国 人也是这种风格,我喜欢。中国菜肴在烹饪 中有很多流派,每个省甚至每个大城市都有

自己独特的菜式、食材、烹饪方法和餐桌摆 放形式,因而形成了丰富多彩的饮食文化。 饮食确实是中国文化中的重要内容,每逢佳 节和喜庆的日子总是离不开美食的。 As Executive Chef, what are your goals for Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences over the next few years? Next year I want to develop myself and my team to the next level. Working for complex hotels like Sheraton and Four Points and a big company like Starwood with around 20 new hotels opening per year is an opportunity to learn a lot of things, like helping with grand openings and having career growth within the group. The goal is always to build a good team in order to provide the best for our customers, try new things like our BBQ concept, renew food promotions on a monthly basis, and make changes to reach our full potential.

Could you tell us a little more about the Feast Weekend Garden BBQ activity that the Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences recently launched? Our new garden BBQ concept is a fun, interactive, attractive family garden party. Fun because we have a live band, lucky draw and kids corner, interactive because we set-up 5 different cooking stations, BBQ fish and seafood, BBQ meat, BBQ vegetables, Rotisserie and shawarma (Lebanese specialty) at which chefs can talk and provide food as per guests demands, and attractive because of the food variety, the beautiful garden table set-up and the reasonable price. How would you say expectations and style of the dining culture in China differs from that of other places you’ve worked? I’ve traveled to over 30 countries and expectations about food quality is very high everywhere, every chef I meet is looking for the best ingredients, fresh and local as much as they can. What I like most about Asian and Middle Eastern countries is the “family style” of sharing the food, and I was very happy to find this style here in China. Although we can’t say that Chinese food is one style of food only; every province or even big city has its own recipes, special ingredients, cooking methods, and table set-up that make for many unique Chinese foods. Food is a very important part of the Chinese culture, and often related to special celebrations all over the year.

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Originated in the Orient Catering to the World 天津中心唐拉雅秀酒店以东方好客之道为世界宾客营造“和、雅、至、静”的身心释然之所。 Tangla Hotel Tianjin is committed to providing every guest with an unforgettable experience in a city oasis of Oriental hospitality.

“唐拉雅秀”源于唐古拉山脉的一个 美丽传说,承载着念青唐古拉山脉守护神始 于远古的美好祝愿与福泽。唐拉雅秀酒店集 团以“和、雅、至、静”为品牌核心理念, 致力于将富有东方神韵和文化风情的系列 酒店品牌带给世人、带到世界的每一个角 落,将源于自然的美好祝福和现代酒店艺术 完美结合,以东方的待客之道让普天世人享 受到“大隐于市朝”的美好酒店体验,天津 中心唐拉雅秀酒店便如此而生。 作为天津最高的阁楼酒店,天津中心 唐拉雅秀酒店位处和平区核心商业区,坐拥 地标性城市综合体天津中心大厦顶层,津门 美景尽收眼底。酒店拥有 116 间奢华超大 套房,空间之宽敞居全市之首,房间风格舒 适典雅,极富现代感又不失地方特色。 酒店 5 间风格各异的餐厅和酒廊在全 市享有盛名,也一直为宾客津津乐道。360 度全景阁楼式“思创”餐厅以当地海鲜为特 色,辅以花式铁板烧、天妇罗、炭火烧烤、 明档刺身和披萨等现场烹调,完美诠释厨房 延伸到餐台这一私人厨师专享的理念,同时 甄选全球知名酒庄的上乘葡萄酒,让客人来 一次味蕾的全球之旅。天津最高的全景爵士 酒吧“中国蓝”将海河沿线璀璨夜景一览无

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余,并有驻场“瓷”乐队每晚演出经典爵士, 再加上美不胜收的创意调酒,让人尽享随心 随意的欢乐。西锦汇打造全天候健康营养时 尚佳肴,是天津第一家以健康为目标的“能 量早餐”,在菜牌上用彩色能量棒标注菜品 所含的能量,重新诠释出传统早餐的内涵。 专注顶级粤菜和主厨私房料理的唐苑中餐 厅与提供地道咖啡和精致甜点的溪廊大堂 吧也都颇费心思,极力为宾客带来惊喜重重 的美食体验。 此外,风格典雅、格局灵活的多功能 宴会厅和 7 间单独的多功能会议室,数字 化高科技会议设施设备,酒店经验丰富的宴 会人员和优秀的厨师团队,能满足高级别商 务会议、上流宴会等典雅社交活动的需求。 源自东方,面向世界!天津中心唐拉 雅秀酒店以东方好客之道为世界宾客营造 一处“和、雅、至、静”的身心释然之所, 并被美国优质服务科学学会授予“国际六星 钻石奖”,成为世界第 6 家、中国内地第 1 家获此殊荣的酒店。国际星级钻石奖是国际 公认的最具权威的优质服务奖,素有服务行 业奥斯卡之称,而“国际六星钻石奖”是国 际星级钻石奖中的最高奖项,被称为皇冠上 的明珠。


The word “Tangla” originated from a beautiful legend set in the Tanggula mountain area, and tells of the wishes and fortune of the Guardian God of the Nyenchen Tonglha Mountains. Tangla Hotels & Resorts’ core brand values are “Harmony, Elegance, Excellence and Serenity,” striving to bring guests the blessings of nature through the art of modern hospitality for an unforgettable hotel experience – and Tangla Hotel Tianjin is just one of their many Oriental city oases. As the city’s tallest penthouse hotel, Tangla Hotel Tianjin sits in the heart of the business and retail districts at the Tianjin Centre. Featuring 116 spacious rooms and suites with residential charm, Tangla Hotel Tianjin brings to the city unprecedented levels of luxury, heartfelt service and culinary experience which are inherent to the Tangla name. Five dramatically styled restaurants and lounges deliver distinctive cuisine accentuating exceptional flavors, unique produce and innovative menus that reflect the hotel’s desire to bring a new level of experience to the Tianjin dining scene. SóU restaurant (sou being Japanese for imagination and creativity) features daily dinner as well as contemporary Japanese and European cuisine. From its location on the 49th floor, this stunning restaurant offers a spectacular view of the city skyline. Also soaring 49 levels above the ground is China Bleu, the pre-eminent address for entertainment and aperitifs. China Bleu features live music, an extensive selection of fine wines, spirits and cocktails, complemented by panoramic views of the city. Tang Place Chinese restaurant offers modern Cantonese cuisines in a refined ambience. Seven private dining rooms provide the ideal venue for power dining or social gatherings. In CAFÉ D’OR, which is noted for a quick lunch or casual dinner, you can order from a wide selection of local & Western specialties on the menu. Lobby lounge boasts classic Tangla afternoon tea and light dining in the evenings over signature cocktails accompanied by piano music. Tangla Hotel Tianjin also offers an unrivalled location and facilities for every event, from high powered corporate meetings to the most elegant social occasions. Also serving MICE and corporate events is the Business Centre and 24-hour business concierge available citywide. Originating in the Orient and catering to the world, Tangla Hotel Tianjin is committed to bringing every visit to another level of experience and satisfaction, and is the sixth hotel in the world and the first in mainland China to garner the Six Star Diamond Award. This award, dubbed the “Oscar of Hospitality,” represents the highest and most prestigious form of achievement in the field and is recognized and sought after by tourism and hospitality professionals worldwide. No. 219 Nanjing Road, Heping District, Tianjin Tel: 022 2321 5888

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Sofitel Luxury Hotels Present the Sino-French Cultural Tour

索菲特酒店是全球唯一的法国奢华酒店 品牌,旗下酒店遍布世界各地。无论是位于 繁华瑰丽的巴黎、伦敦、纽约、上海和北京 等大城市,抑或是坐落于远离尘嚣的摩洛哥、 埃及、法属波利尼西亚和泰国等地的幽静郊 区,每间索菲特酒店都散发着当代、优雅、 时尚的气息,致力于为宾客呈献非一般的精 致住宿体验,感受真正的法式生活艺术。 为了让更多的宾客领略索菲特酒店的中 法文艺内涵,2013 年 5 月 8 日至 18 日,成 都、重庆、广州、澳门、上海的 7 家酒店陆 续向观众隆重奉上《音乐与文学》文化演出 活动,以钢琴演奏及朗诵的形式演绎中法两 国的古典音乐与文学,为观众呈献出一个个 充满法式情怀与中国元素的节目。 本次《音乐与文学》巡演活动邀请了法 国著名演员玛丽 - 克里斯汀·巴洛特、华裔

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钢琴家裘元朴以及中国青年演员黄幻共同演 绎。黄幻与巴洛特女士共同朗诵了由艺术总 监 Franck Ciup 精心甄选的文学作品,配合 裘元朴先生的演奏,为观众带来全新的文化 体验。而法国作家贾可·德里隆笔下的关于 “古斯塔夫”的故事配以罗伯特·舒曼的《童 年情景》,让观众领略到文学与音乐交融的 美妙意境,此外程抱一和维克多·雨果的文 学作品与德彪西、高平的优美旋律相得益 彰,在低沉与激昂中相互变换。迷醉与轻快 相交叠的朗诵和音乐的美妙旋律令观众沉醉 其中,无不感叹这一高雅艺术的无限魅力。 索菲特酒店一直积极推动与倡导通过艺 术、美食、文学以及音乐等活动来推动法国 文化的传承。这次的文化巡演旨在通过音乐 与文学两大媒介向中国所有宾客诚挚表达索 菲特奢华酒店的法式高雅情怀。

Sofitel is the only French luxury hotel brand with addresses across the world, catering to today’s most demanding and versatile consumers who expect and appreciate beauty, quality and excellence. Whether situated in the heart of a major city like Paris, London, New York, Shanghai or Beijing, or nestled away in a country landscape in Morocco, Egypt, French Polynesia and Thailand, each Sofitel property offers a genuine experience of the French “art de vivre”. In order to introduce Chinese and French literature and art to its guests, Sofitel Luxury Hotels presented the exquisite cultural performance Musique Littéraire in seven hotels across China from May 8th - 18th, 2013. Classic Chinese and French music and literature were interpreted with piano music or recitation or a combination of both. The performances were full of French elegance as well as Chinese elements. Celebrated French artist Marie-Christine Barrault joined Chinese pianist Frederic Chiu and Chinese actress Huang Huan to perform in this striking event. Marie-Christine Barrault and Huang Huan together with pianist Frederic Chiu uniquely integrated readings from classic literature with classical music, which brought about a novel experience; the harmony of Jacques Drillon's Story of Gustav, with Schumann's Kinderszenen (Scenes from Childhood), created a wonderful effect; recitals of texts by François Cheng and Victor Hugo, accompanied by melodies of Debussy and Gao Ping, were alternately calm and stirring, and brought out the best in each other. Complimentary recitations of literature and musical phrases weaved together, charming audiences with an original format of expression. As active advocates of the French “art de vivre”, Sofitel Luxury Hotels regularly showcase art, gastronomy, literarature, and music programs throughout its network of hotels around the world. With Musique Littéraire, the hotel brand highlights the elegance of both French and Chinese cultures to guests through the combination of music and literature. www.sofitel.com


Feng Shui at Fairmont Beijing Hotel

北京华彬费尔蒙酒店坐落于长安街旁永安里,与第一使馆 区隔街对望,毗邻秀水街、国贸商圈、LG 双子座大厦、SK 大厦、 银泰中心等。建筑外部采用标志性的玫瑰金色玻璃幕墙,设计精 妙,外形独特,仿佛一座玫瑰金色大门,矗立在北京 CBD 商业 区的入口处。它与华彬中心相连,接通写字楼、剧院、城市俱乐部、 精品商街等,其周围形成一个集商业、娱乐、文化于一体的气场。 北京华彬费尔蒙酒店的坐向是坐东向西(卯坐酉向),南 面的通惠河在酒店左侧,左侧建筑物有 CBD 国际大厦,右为长 安街,前面有通用国际中心,后面有建外 SOHO 楼群。就周易 风水气场而言,北京华彬费尔蒙酒店被周围楼群所包覆,具有“藏 风纳气”之象,左侧通惠河的“水的能量”被通惠河快速道路所 截断,由水的能量形成的“财气能量”较弱;同时建外 SOHO 楼群因坐落斜角大形成许多“煞气”(负面的能量),直接冲 击到酒店的后方,而前方的通用国际中心楼宇影响酒店前方的 明堂,且因酒店的建筑体型为窄宽不等的长方形,故大门难以 有足够的“纳气”空间。 综合以上情况,酒店在经营过程中易出现不稳定的现象, 入住旅客以精打细算的商务人士居多,需满足客户高品质要求。 另外提醒:其后方的“煞气”(负面的能量)冲击容易产生种 种内耗现象。酒店在 2015、2016 年将陆续出现问题,2017 年 尤其严重。

Fairmont Beijing Hotel is located on Changan Street beside Yongan Li, in the Embassy area adjacent to Silk Street, Guomao Shopping District, LG Twin Tower, Yintai Centre, SK Tower, and more. The exterior features a symbolic rose gold glass wall, exquisitely and uniquely designed, similar to a towering gold gateway to Beijing’s Central Business District. It is connected to the Reignwood center, joining an office building, theater, city clubs, and boutique shops together to combine business, entertainment and culture into one. Fairmont Beijing Hotel is situated facing west, while to the south the Tonghui River is at the hotel’s left side. To the left also is CBD International Tower, while to the hotel’s right is Changan Street, at its front is the International Center, and at the back the Jianwai SOHO complex. In terms of the Feng Shui in the Book of Changes, the Fairmont has been completely enclosed by the surrounding area, making it a good example of hiding from the wind and collecting Qi. However the hotel’s water energy is cut off by the quickly flowing Tonghui River to its left side, meaning that its ability to draw in wealth is weakened. At the same time the buildings of the Jianwai SOHO complex behind the hotel are positioned at alternating and slanted angles, forming “leaks” or negative energies which will directly affect the rear of the hotel. The International Center in the front will influence the hotel’s entrance hall, and because of the hotel’s narrow rectangular construction plan it is difficult for the entrance to collect Qi. To summarize the above, in terms of business the hotel’s Feng Shui is unstable, and a majority of their clients are business travelers with discerning needs. Additionally they must be aware of the negative energy at the rear of the hotel, which could give rise to internal problems. These problems may manifest in 2015-2016, becoming more serious by the year 2017.

杜顺杰,国学易数生活应用家,谋略、策划专家,成长于台湾,学习于台湾,现长居于北京。 为中国多家集团、建筑设计公司担任谋略、策划顾问及风水顾问。 Du Shunjie, Raised and educated in Taiwan, Feng Shui master Du Shunjie and has lived in Beijing for three years. His passion is for applying traditional Chinese philosophy, particularly from the Book of Changes, to modern life in a scientific way. He works withnumerous Chinese corporations as well as architecture and design companies as a strategist and consultant, helping clients maximize their potential, while understanding hidden subtleties.

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Administrative Assistant Day 5 月 11 日,长沙万达文华酒店“春意盎然美丽秀之行 政精英雅聚”主题时尚派对在酒店大堂酒廊优雅启幕。湖南 知名主流媒体和近 50 家在湘全国知名企业的行政精英共襄 盛举。此次时尚派对作为星城最具创意和吸引力的名流社交 活动,一经发起便得到了湖南知名文化创意企业的鼎力支持。 摩登美业首席造型师、美妆师 Lucas 和静子更是携靓模现场 演绎,为嘉宾带来最新的时尚潮流资讯。现场抽奖与时尚知 识有奖问答环节将活动推向了最高潮。此次以行政精英之雅 聚为主题的“公司秘书日”月度客户答谢活动旨在加强酒店 与世界 500 强企业以及当地各行业精英客户的联系,为日后 的互利共赢打下良好基础。据悉,长沙万达文华酒店还将继 续推出一系列新颖的市场活动。 On May 11th, 2013, a customer appreciation party, called "Beauty Show of the Cream of Administrative Personnel Secretary’s Day", was held in the Lobby Lounge at Wanda Vista Changsha. Executive elites from mainstream media in Hunan and nearly 50 famous Hunan-based companies got together to celebrate this elegant occasion. As the most original highend social event in Changsha, the fashion show has won a lot of support from renowned cultural and creative companies since its initiation. Lucas and Jing Zi, Chief Styling Designers of Modern Industry, a fashion-oriented group, along with their team of models, offered the guests a wonderful live performance along with the latest fashion trends. Afterwards, a lucky draw and a quiz session were held. This event is aimed to strengthen the hotel’s relationship with top 500 companies, both global and local, in order to lay a good foundation for future cooperation. It is reported that Wanda Vista Changsha will continue to host similar promotional events in the future.

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Charitable Cuisine

6 月 7 日,第二届洲际酒店集团华东区依云杯 希望工程慈善美食烹饪大赛圆满落幕。来自洲际、 皇冠假日、假日三个品牌的酒店总共派出 16 支精英 厨师队伍参赛。本次活动不仅为厨师提供了交流学 习的平台,更是洲际酒店集团积极履行社会责任的 表现。在活动晚宴现场,洲际酒店集团华东区运营 副总裁陈卓德先生代表华东区酒店向希望工程捐赠 人民币 888888 元,善款将全部用于希望小学的建设。 In a continuous effort to support Project Hope, IHG East China successfully hosted its second “Cuisine for Charity” competition, title-sponsored by Evian, at InterContinental Shanghai Expo on 7th June, 2013. 16 hotel teams from InterContinental, Crowne Plaza and Holiday Inn brand hotels participated in the exciting competition. It was a good opportunity for the chefs to showcase their exceptional skills and learn from each other, and more importantly, the event was a great occasion to showcase IHG’s Responsible Business commitment and give back to society. During the gala dinner, Mr. Justin Channe, Vice President of Operations, IHG East China, presented the donated RMB 888,888 to the China Youth Development Foundation to build more Hope Schools.


New Residence Club, New Heights 上海巴黎春天新世界酒店翻新工程于前 不久圆满结束,为此酒店特别组织了媒体体 验活动,邀请新朋老友共享都市中的悠闲舒 适。全新升级后的“聚贤荟”和“悠吧”将 酒店的服务与设计推向了一个新高度。在全 新聚贤荟,宾客可饱览中山公园美景,远眺 浦东城市景观。除了当地和国际化的美食, 入住期间更可免费享用早餐、下午茶、鸡尾 酒之夜以及全天点心和饮料,别出心裁的藏 书室也是一个特别的亮点。悠吧洋溢着都市 休闲风,慵懒而低调,这里的鸡尾酒融合经 典威士忌创造出全新口感滋味。 New World Shanghai Hotel recently invited friends and partners from the media to experience being a guest, as the Residence Club recently completed its renovation project. The updated metropolitan hotel has risen to a new level in service and design with brandnew venues like the Residence Club and YOU Bar. The Residence Club is a great place for appreciating the beautiful scenery of Zhongshan Park and the marvelous cityscape of Pudong District. Here, besides local and international cuisine, guests can enjoy

breakfast, afternoon tea, nighttime cocktail parties, and all day desserts and drinks during their stay. It also features a library, which is original among hotel facilities. With a cozy and comfortable ambiance typical of city leisure, YOU Bar boasts an abundance of new cocktails prepared with classic whiskey.

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瑞华天使 Reign Angel

大堂吧服务员 Lobby lounge


Wanda Reign: A Fashionable Preview 6 月 13 日,万达酒店及度假村管理有 限公司旗下自主管理顶级酒店品牌万达瑞华 员工制服在北京隆重亮相。这是万达集团首 次公开这一顶级品牌极具标志性的品牌元 素,全面展示了万达瑞华“典雅、奢华、至 善”的品牌特点,自此首家万达瑞华酒店的 开业进入倒计时。据悉,首家万达瑞华酒店 将坐落于武汉中央文化区内,是万达倾力打 造的以文化为核心,兼具旅游、商业、商务、 居住功能的世界级文化旅游项目的核心组成 部分,酒店总建筑面积达 7 万多平米,拥有 豪华客房与套房 416 间,2014 年 3 月将正 式开门迎宾。 万达瑞华酒店是万达酒店及度假村的顶 级奢华品牌。 “瑞”在中国古代是凭信的玉器, 有吉祥之意;Reign 英文原意代表帝王的统 治地位。万达瑞华酒店将坐落于全球门户城 市,旨在给宾客带来始终如一的卓尔不凡气 派、温良谦恭的万般悉心呵护,令至尊精英 在登峰之旅,邂逅内心点滴,唤醒人生之悦。 万达瑞华员工制服发布现场堪比国际顶级时 装秀,此次发布了包括前厅部、客房部、餐 饮部等多个部门四季标准制服共计 41 套, 其中最惹人眼球的是万达瑞华迎宾天使“旗 袍秀”。万达瑞华酒店以旗袍完美阐释了品 牌浓郁的东方特色。

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宴会厅服务员 门童冬装款 Banquet-Female Doorman Winter Short

PA 服务员 PA Attendant

On June 13, 2013, Wanda Hotels & Resorts gave select media and guests a one-of-a-kind preview opportunity with a Staff Uniform Grand Debut fashion show and conference, to offer an official first look at the characteristics of their new Reign brand, and to start the countdown to the grand opening of Wanda Reign Wuhan in March of next year. This striking presentation put forward an idea of the culture and class behind the upcoming brand. As the Wanda Group’s utmost pillar of luxury, the Wanda Reign brand promises to bring guests the ultimate experience in elegance, extravagance and excellence, developing in portal cities in China and across the globe. Wanda Reign Wuhan looks to be one of Wanda’s largest projects yet, boasting 416 rooms and connecting tourism, commercial, business and residential functions into one in an area of over 70,000 square meters. “Reign” is a term with significance in both Chinese, in which it means an auspicious jade, and English meaning an emperor’s rule. This is fitting since the Reign brand’s uniform designs, according to Vice President of Sales & Marketing Ilja Poepper, use both Western and classic Chinese elements, such as the incorporation of the Qi Pao. Every element of the uniform design was carefully planned, proving Wanda’s dedication to luxury and cultural spirit in every detail, and leaving guests with high expectations for the upcoming Wanda Reign Wuhan.

卡慕私密午宴荣耀呈献 Cuvée 5.150

Camus Revealed Cuvée 5.150 of Materpiece Collection 世界顶级干邑品牌卡慕前不久在北京卡 慕世家酒廊举行私密午宴,荣耀呈献卡慕世 家精选系列第五款杰作 Cuvée 5.150。现任 总裁暨家族第五代继承人西里尔·卡慕先生 亲临现场,与受邀嘉宾及媒体代表共同分享 稀世佳酿的奢华馥郁以及一个半世纪的卡慕 干邑文化。今年正值卡慕品牌创立 150 周 年,西里尔巧妙选用数字“5”来纪念这一 历史性时刻——甄选 5 款源自 5 个产区的 “生命之水”来印证 5 代家族领袖的 5 种个 性。现场体验区的佳酿均从干邑地区空运而 来,深谙美食之道又善于创新的法餐厨师长 乔治·蒙培沙以卡慕世家 5 代传人隽永可贵 的特质为灵感,特别创制了午宴菜单。最后 的 Cuvée 5.150 评鉴环节更将现场气氛推至 高潮。

World renowned cognac brand The House of Camus recently held a luncheon at Maison Camus Lounge in Beijing to release its fifth edition of the prestigious Masterpiece Collection - Cuvée 5.150. Mr. Cyril Camus, The company’s current President and a fifth generation member of the Camus family, attended the event personally to share with guests and media representatives the beauty of this outstanding cognac, as well as Camus cognac culture during its one and a half centuries of existence. In celebrating Camus’ 150th anniversary this year, the fifth-generation leader selected the iconic number “5” to commemorate this historic time, and specially blended 5 rare “eaux-de-vie” from 5 different regions to represent the personalities of Camus family’s 5 great leaders. All wines at the event were flown in from the Cognac region, and the menu of innovative French cuisine was specially created by skilled chef Chef Georges Mompezat, who also took inspiration from the qualities of Camus’ five leaders. The event culminated on a high point with a tasting and critiquing of the Cuvée 5.150.

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A Summer Evening in Beijing with Very Special Friends 6 月 6 日,非政府组织 FTA 在北京瑞吉 酒店举办了第 10 届 FTA 年度北京晚宴,来 自酒店业、新闻界和赞助企业的 108 位特 邀嘉宾共同度过了一个难忘的夜晚。晚宴期 间还展出了赞助商产品和服务。FTA 领导人 田博华先生呼吁要更多地关注弱势群体,并 宣布向联合国儿童基金会驻中国办事处和仁 人家园中国捐助 500 美元。此外 2013 年度 FTA 酒店业杰出人物大奖也于当晚揭晓。 The Tenth Annual Fred Tibbitts & Associates (FTA) - "A Summer Evening in Beijing with Very Special Friends," held on June 6th at The St. Regis Beijing, proved to be another memorable event for the one hundred and eight guests, including hospitality professionals, the press and dinner sponsors. The reception was held in trade show style, showcasing the products and services of the sponsors. At the fourcourse gala dinner, Fred Tibbitts, President & CEO of FTA, urged all to do more for those less fortunate, and announced that FTA was making a donation of USD $500 to UNICEFChina as well as to Habitat for Humanity China from a portion of the dinner proceeds. Recipients of the 2013 FTA Hospitality Awards for Excellence were also announced.

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IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 青岛威斯汀酒店: 任命韩森堂先生为总经理 The Westin Qingdao: Mr. Tomas Hansson, General Manager

苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒店: 任命柏高德先生为总经理 Kempinski Hotel Suzhou: Mr. Gerhard Bosse, General Manager

Westin Hotels & Resorts is pleased to a n n o u n c e t h e a p p o i n t m e n t o f To m a s Hansson as the General Manager of The Westin Qingdao, opening in the fourth quarter of 2013. A Swedish national, Mr. Hansson has over 20 years of hospitality industry experience in leading institutions and possesses an understanding of Chinese culture which comes from his 15 years' journey in China.

Gerhard Bosse has been appointed as the new General Manager of Kempinski Hotel Suzhou and will take responsibility of all aspects of Kempinski Hotel Suzhou’s operations, enhancing employee development, guest satisfaction, strategic planning and brand recognition. Born in Germany, Gerhard Bosse started his 20year career in hospitality in Germany with Kempinski Hotel Airport, München.

重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店: 任命卡洛琳·史密斯女士为总经理 The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square : Ms. Carolyn Smith, General Manager

重庆万达艾美酒店: 任命杜艾南先生为总经理 Le Meridien Chongqing Nan’an: Mr. Simon Dornan, General Manager

上海安达仕酒店:任命韩庆文先生为总经理 Andaz Shanghai: Mr. Robert Hamer, General Manager

北京紫檀万豪行政公寓: 任命梁志辉先生为总经理 The Sandalwood, Beijing – Marriott Executive Apartments: Mr. Vincent Leung, General Manager

Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide has appointed Ms. Carolyn Smith as the General Manager of The Westin Chongqing Liberation Square. An experienced hotelier with more than 27 years operation and management experience, Ms. Carolyn Smith is responsible for the success of the first Westin hotel in Western China.

Robert is a graduate of The College of Tourism and Hotel Management, Salzburg, Austria. His career spans over 25 years with Hyatt Hotels and Resorts. He has broad knowledge of all aspects of the hotel industry having worked in various hotels in cities such as Melbourne, Singapore, Tokyo and Hong Kong.

沈阳万达文华酒店 : 任命尼古拉斯·艾默睿先生为总经理 Wanda Vista Shenyang: Mr. Nicholas Emery, General Manager Mr. Nicholas Emery has been appointed as General Manager of Wanda Vista Shenyang. A British National, Mr. Emery has more than 26 years in hospitality industry, holding numerous senior management positions in hotel groups such as Hilton International, Fairmont Hotels and Resorts, and more.

青岛香格里拉大酒店: 任命高娜女士为市场销售总监 Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao: Ms. Cara Gao, Director of Sales & Marketing Ms Cara Gao has been appointed as director of sales and marketing at Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao. Prior to coming to Qingdao, Ms Gao was director of business development of Hilton Xi’an, a position she assumed in May 2011. With 16 years in the hospitality industry, Ms Gao brings with her a wealth of experience and skills to this important leadership position.

Starwood Hotels & Resorts has announced the appointment of Mr. Simon Dornan as the General Manager of Le Méridien Chongqing, Nan’an. A native of Australia, Mr. Dornan has over 20 years of experience in the hospitality industry. He joined Starwood in 1993 at Sheraton Wentworth Sydney Hotel in Sydney, Australia.

We take great pleasure to announce the promotion of Mr. Vincent Leung as General Manager of The Sandalwood, Beijing Marriott Executive Apartments. Mr. Leung joined the Marriott family in 2000 with the Jing Guang New World Hotel Beijing Hotel as Director of Sales & Marketing.

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 任命蒂娜女士为营收总监 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Ms. Tina Castillo, Director of Revenue Generation Tina Castillo has been appointed as the Director of Revenue Generation (Head of Sales & Marketing) of the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World. Tina, a Filipino national, is a seasoned hotelier with over 30 years of working and managing experience in the hotel industry with a proven track record in Sales & Marketing. Prior to this appointment, she was Executive Assistant Manager of Shanghai JC Mandarin.

天津利顺德大饭店豪华精选酒店: 任命郭佳女士为房务总监 The Astor Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel Tianjin: Ms. Michelle Guo, Director of Rooms

Ms. Michelle Guo has been appointed Director of Rooms of The Astor Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin. Ms. Guo graduated from the famous Nankai University and studied Tourism & Hotel Management, a n d h a s m o re t h a n 1 0 y e a r s w o r k i n g experience in international hotels. She has been awarded countless honors from hotel, hospitality industry association and Labor Union.

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LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 北京临空皇冠假日酒店: 夏日烧烤季 Crowne Plaza Beijing International Airport: Summer Sizzler BBQ

北京丽都维景酒店: 阳光·美食·喷泉·音乐 Metropark Lido Hotel Beijing: Sun shine•Delicacy•Fountain•Music

上海绿地万怡酒店:养生沙冰季 Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Jiading: Healthy Smoothie Time at MOMO Café

上海海神诺富特大酒店 海神宫中餐厅:海鲜套餐精选 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, Golden Shark Chinese Restaurant: Seafood Set Menu

What could be better than a BBQ Dining Evening at Crowne Plaza Beijing International Airport during the hot summer in Beijing? With its exceptional atmosphere, the Garden Fountain Terrace is a great spot for a summer BBQ. A wide selection of appetizers, salad, seafood, beef, lamb, vegetables and ice cream, join us for a sizzling night with your buddies and family. Tel: +86 10 5810 8888 ext 6219 / 6220

Six types of new healthy smoothies in MOMO CAFÉ at the Courtyard by Marriott Shanghai Jiading refresh your hot summer with six different healthy functions, including “Green Youth, Blue Romance, Sex on the Beach, Super Star, Forever Young,” and “Flavored smoothie.”Come to taste the cool flavor and enjoy a healthy experience! Tel: +86 21 3991 6499

上海花园饭店山里日餐厅:鳗鱼节 Okura Garden Shanghai, Japanese Restaurant Yamazato: Eel Fair

In Japan, eel is considered the best foodstuff for summer consumption to combat the heat. This summer during the month of July, the Chief Chef at Yamazato presents the widely popular eel bento lunch box and kaiseki cuisine. We look forward to seeing you. Prices for the Eel Set Menu are 200/person at lunch and 680/person at dinner. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5211

Fountain Piazza is a relaxing atmosphere with delicious cuisine, music and sunshine, providing guests with classic Chinese & Western dishes, snacks and drinks. Invite your family and friends to have a great time together. Tel: +86 10 6437 6688 ext 1275/1542

Are you looking for a quick lunch or tasty dinner? Golden Shark presents four selections of seafood set menu for lunch and dinner, including Chinese traditional dishes and fresh fruits. Seafood daily special offer is also available. Come try it today! Tel: +86 21 5036 7988

王宝和大酒店一楼咖啡厅: 清凉盛夏,饕餮盛宴 Wang Bao He Central Hotel Shanghai 1st Floor Coffee Shop: Dishes to Cool You Down

Located on the 1st floor, the Coffee Shop is a romantic site where you can enjoy buffet meals overlooking the vibrant city. This summer, we provide you with healthy, cooling buffet selections including live canapés, fruit egg tart, the very best Alaskan crab leg, Australian oyster, fresh Sashimi and Sushi all freshly made just for starters. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 60139

上海金茂君悦大酒店意庐餐厅 : 托斯卡纳美馔 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Cucina Restaurant introduces Tuscan Specialties

民族饭店磨坊咖啡厅: 东南亚美食节 Beijing Minzu Hotel, Coffee Mill: Southeast Asian Gourmet Festival

上海龙之梦大酒店:美味阿根廷 The Longemont Shanghai: Argentine Flavors

上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店: 冰淇淋乐园 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: Ice Cream Wonderland

Tuscany is the place to be for breathtaking landscapes, special local cuisine and idyllic lifestyle. From 21 June to 31 August 2013, Cucina restaurant at Grand Hyatt Shanghai brings guests closer to this heavenly destination with authentic Tuscan specialties prepared by Italian Chef De Cuisine Alessandro Santi and world-renowned premium Frescobaldi wines. Tel: +86 21 5047 1234 ext 8778/8779

Amici Italian restaurant’s new steak set offers prime-choice imported Argentinean beef rib-eye steaks from Pampas Steppe served with black–peppercorn sauce or herb-garlic butter, roasted rosemary potatoes gar nished with seasonal vegetables, soup or pasta of the day, homemade bread and coffee or tea with cookies to end on the sweetest note. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8630

Come enjoy authentic Southeast Asian cuisine at Minzu Hotel’s Coffee Mill, where guest Master Chef Cai from Guangdong interprets the essence of Southeast Asian gourmet. Decorations by top designers from Da Vinci Home Decoration also give off a strong Southeast Asian flavor with themes like Zen and colorful ornaments. Don’t miss this special food festival at Minzu Hotel! Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163

During this summer, The Deli will turn into an ice cream shop with multiple flavors of Haagen-Dazs ice cream. Dine in or get it to go, in a cone or cup, however you like. Daily from 10:00 am to 7:00 pm throughout July and August. Tel: +86 21 3858 0888



Car Shoe 推出兰博基尼 50 周年限量版皮鞋 Car Shoe Releases Lamborghini 50th Anniversary Limited Edition Shoes 兰博基尼五十周年庆典活动进行得如火如荼,一家名为 Car Shoe 的休闲皮鞋品牌也带来了主题设计鞋品为之助 兴。更巧的是,这家鞋类品牌也时值 50 周年生日。Car Shoe 推出的限量版主题皮鞋能看到不少兰博基尼的设计 元素,包括兰博基尼跑车颜色以及标志性的“蛮牛”。 每名参加兰博基尼大巡游活动的车主都能获得一双鞋子, 不愧是经典纪念品。

1960 年凯迪拉克 Riva Tritone 游艇被拍卖 1960 Riva Tritone Special Cadillac Powerboat to be Auctioned

在 世 界 著 名 拍 卖 公 司 RM 的 主 持 下,Concorso d’ Eleganza Villa d’ Estate 拍卖会前不久成功举办。此 次拍卖会最引人注目的是一艘 1960 年产凯迪拉克 Riva Tritone 游艇。价值连城的老式木质游艇由上等木材所打 造,很多明星登上过此游艇。该艇全长 8.3 米,配备了凯 迪拉克 325 马力 V8 发动机,时速高达 96 公里 / 小时。

积家与阿斯顿·马丁: 致力创新的两大传奇品牌 Aston Martin & Jaeger LeCoultre: Committed to Innovation 积家与阿斯顿·马丁两大世界顶级品牌都为各自 领域的发展立下卓越功勋,至今双方合作已近十 年,屡次实现惊人的技术创新,缔造展现两家杰 出品牌共同价值的钟表佳作。积家品牌在创立 180 周年暨阿斯顿·马丁创立百年之际,三款全 新时计横空出世,代表着时刻追求完美、齐头并 进的两家先锋企业之间的又一历史性跨越。

罗杰杜彼火热推荐最新运动腕表 Roger Dubuis Debuts New Pulsion Sports Watches 今夏火热推荐罗杰杜彼冒险家系列镂空陀飞轮腕表与玫 瑰金计时码表。该系列腕表从“冒险家”世界中汲取灵感, 勇于向常规挑战,面对艰难险阻始终游刃有余,且拥有 坚强的个性,不断超越自我的意志,并能自如掌控每一 时刻。钛金属镂空陀飞轮腕表售价约为 89.4 万元,玫瑰 金计时码售价约为 35 万元。


全键盘黑莓 Q5 手机发布 Full Keyboard BlackBerry Q5 Released 黑莓公司全新推出一款为全球特定市场打造的富有青春 魅力的黑莓 10 智能手机——黑莓 Q5。黑莓 Q5 配备实 体全键盘,不仅能给用户带来时尚、新颖、惊喜的感觉, 其每一项功能、每一项做工均是为提供流畅操作体验而 进行设计,目的就是为了帮助用户紧随时代脚步,在工 作与生活中随心探索、创作并分享。

安桥在华首推旗下耳机系列产品 Onkyo Releases First Headphones Line in China

诺基亚发布 Lumia 旗舰新品诺基亚 925 Nokia Lumia’s New Flagship Phone, Lumia 925

诺基亚宣布推出诺基亚 925,全新演绎由屡获殊 荣的旗舰产品诺基亚 920 带来的创新体验。诺 基亚 925 首次将金属材质引入 Lumia 系列智能 手机,其背壳采用聚碳酸酯材料设计,并有白色、 灰色和黑色三种颜色可供用户选择,同时用户还 可通过添加可吸附式无线充电后盖获得诺基亚丰 富的无线充电配件及服务体验。无线充电后盖单 独出售,有白色、黑色、黄色和红色可选。

全球领先的专业影音品牌安桥在上海大宁德必易园成 功召开了“2013 安桥年会”。该年会以“PLAY WITH ONKYO”为主题吸引了安桥在华的合作伙伴及沪上主流 媒体的参与。安桥以全新的品牌形象亮相,并正式对外 宣布旗下耳机系列产品首次在中国面市,新系列产品融 入其最新的“AUDIO ON THE GO”产品理念,让音乐 爱好者在路途中毫无限制地享受等同于影院般的 Hi-Fi 音 乐体验。

索尼时尚防水摄像机 HDR-GWP88E 上市 Sony Waterproof Handycam HDR-GWP88 Hits the Market

索尼公司推出了时尚防水摄像机 HDR-GWP88E,直立式 单手握持的白色机身设计时尚、小巧便携,特别适合女生 使用。新品还具有防水、防尘、防震及防冻等特性,可 在多种场景下无忧拍摄,堪称出游的必备利器。GWP88E 搭载可 270 度翻转的液晶屏和最大 23.8mm 广角(搭配 0.8 倍广角附加镜),令自拍影像更轻松。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE Watch Station 中国内地首间零售店 隆重开幕 Watch Station’s First Retail Store in Mainland China: Grand Opening

Watch Station 中国内地首间零售店在北 京三里屯太古里南区隆重开幕。Watch Station 精心集合世界一流腕表品牌,新 店通过精品风格展示柜呈现出清新而现 代的美感。每家 Watch Station 商店均聘 请资深腕表配饰专家,以确保顾客了解 并掌握关于时尚潮流与产品技术等信息。

以简约优雅设计著称的德国品牌吉尔桑 德前不久在北京国贸商城一期新店举行 品牌专门店开幕活动,该集团首席执行 官亚历山德罗·克雷默内西先生也从意大 利远道而来莅临开幕活动,并同代理商 与国贸商城代表为新店剪彩,随后移师 至北京的艺术重地 798 艺术区,成功开 启 2013 秋冬时装秀。

瑞塔·奥拉揭幕比斯特购物村年度 英国设计师作品联展精品店 Rita Ora Teams up with Bicester Village to Launch British Designers' Collective

中国成为瑞士奢华酒店联盟增长最 可观市场之一 China becomes One of Swiss Deluxe Hotels most Favorable Markets

万众期待的英国设计师作品联展又在比 斯特购物村回归了。本次主打的设计师 品牌包括尼可拉斯·科克伍德、彼得·皮洛托、 普林以及约翰森·桑德斯等。英国设计师 作品联展是 Value Retail 旗下欧洲九大精 品购物村之一的比斯特购物村联手英国 时装协会的独家合作,通过专设的游击 精品店平台,销售英国新锐设计师的作 品系列。

6 月 8 日,瑞士奢华酒店联盟在瑞士驻华 大使馆举办媒体招待会,向中国游客推 介其 38 家高品质的奢华酒店。瑞士奢华 酒店联盟协会成立于 1934 年,所属酒店 共有 4500 间客房和套间, 约 9200 张床位, 约占瑞士五星级酒店接待能力的 40%, 2012 年度的营业额高达 14.1 亿瑞士法 郎。据悉,中国已成为瑞士奢华酒店联 盟增长最可观的市场之一,去年前往瑞 士的中国游客约为 70 万人。

“罗兰·加洛斯在北京”主题活动 成功举办 “Rolland Garros In Beijing” Event Held Successfully

意大利生活体验馆亮相北京 Italian Living Experience: Italy’s Creativity and Excellence

去年 6 月,第一届“罗兰·加洛斯在北京” 共吸引了 93000 名参观者。基于此项活 动获得巨大成功,法国网球协会于今年 6 月 5 日至 9 日再次来到北京世贸天阶和 中国观众共享“罗兰·加洛斯在北京”。 京城观众在此次活动的现场感受到了同 时在巴黎举行的网球赛事的气氛。

中国首个环球邮轮歌诗达·大西洋 号明年启航 Costa's First World Cruise to Sail from China in 2014 意大利歌诗达邮轮公司宣布将携手上航 旅游集团推出首条专为中国市场量身定 制的邮轮航线——“环游世界 83 天”。 歌诗达·大西洋号 2014 年 3 月将带领中 国内地游客跨越三大洋、五大洲,到访 16 个国家、23 个目的地。此次航线的推 出开创了中国邮轮行业的首次环球航线, 也践行了嘉年华集团以及歌诗达邮轮对 中国市场的承诺。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

绿 巨 人 虫 控 PEST CONTROL

吉尔桑德北京新店暨 2013 秋冬时装 秀揭幕 Jil Sander New Beijing Store and F/W Fashion Show

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com

由著名建筑师法比奥·罗特拉设计的“意 大利生活体验馆”从 6 月 28 日起正式面 向公众开放。占地 600 平米的意大利生 活体验馆位于中国设计和时尚地标性建 筑群——751D·PARK 北京时尚设计广场 内,作为展现意大利创造力和精彩文化 的中心,其将通过产品、服务和文化活 动来推广意大利文化,涉及范围包括设 计、建筑、艺术、时尚、古董和餐饮。

bread n butter 炫彩艺术飞马展举办 bread n butter Holds Colorful Flying Horse Art Show

bread n butter 携手知名插画师 Momo 在 北京三里屯太古里南区举办了一场精彩 的 bread n butter 飞马展。展出的 bread n butter 飞马是由插画师 Momo 历时一 个月精心打造的艺术品。此次为飞马换 上新衣也象征着品牌一直具有的创新精 神,通过飞马为载体诠释 beautiful and talented。每年 bread n butter 都会与许 多具有才华的女艺术家合作进行创作。

汉莎在法兰克福和慕尼黑机场设立 新的全家游服务柜台 Lufthansa Opens New Family Counters at Frankfurt and Munich 暑假来临之际,汉莎在法兰克福和慕尼 黑两个枢纽机场设立了新的全家游服务 柜台。它的口号是“以孩子为重心”。 汉莎的两个小吉祥物 LU 和 Cosmo 站在 全家游服务柜台大门边上欢迎年轻、年 长的乘客。汉莎柜台上放有《家庭飞行员》 手册,家长们从手册中可以知道儿童游 乐场、适宜儿童用餐的餐厅和最近的观 景台及婴儿更衣室和药店所在的位置。 长途航班上的儿童可以使用飞机上的娱 乐通道“KidsFun”观看精彩好玩的电影 和音乐节目,享受汉莎打造的完美旅行 体验。



北京贝尔特酒店 荣获“最热门新进酒店奖” Pentahotel Beijing: Hurun Hot Hotel Award

上 海 东 方 佘 山 索 菲 特 大 酒 店: 2013 中法文化节目巡演《音乐与 文学》 Sofitel Shanghai Hotels: SinoFrench Cultural Tour MUSIQUE LITTÉRAIRE

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 儿童节早午餐 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: Children’s Day

苏州中茵皇冠假日酒店:暑期欢享 Crowne Plaza Suzhou: Summer Getaway

万豪国际集团上海地区酒店: 第十二届慈善高球锦标赛 Greater Shanghai Marriott Cluster Hotels: Tee Off For Charity’s 12th Consecutive Year

David Beckham, the heartthrob British football player, stayed in the presidential suite at the Hilton Nanjing on June 18th, 2013. He was warmly welcomed by hotel management and later complimented the service and local foods, saying he hopes to come back again soon. Tel: +86 25 8315 8888

Sofitel Shanghai Hyland and Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental staged the exquisite cultural performance Musique Littéraire recently as part of the programme’s China tour 2013. Celebrated artist Marie-Christine Barrault joined pianist Frederic Chiu and actress Huang Huan to perform in this striking event that showcased French ‘art de vivre’. Tel: +86 21 6351 5888 ext 4468

Get ready to set off for a summer vacation with your family at this awardwinning cruise themed hotel beside Jinji Lake. Enjoy a Deluxe Room with breakfast for up to three persons, the Outdoor Swimming Pool adjacent to the lake, 3 fun-filled Ferris Wheel Park tickets or 3 classic Canal Tour tickets, one extra bed for a child, and much more. Tel: +86 512 6761 6688

上海帝盛酒店:夏日促销计划 Dorsett Shanghai: Summer Holiday Special

Dorsett Shanghai has announced their Summer Holiday Special, which includes Best Available Rate on all room categories including suites, pay 2 nights get one free, free buffet breakfast for up to two people and free internet access for guests. Tel: +86 21 3852 2222

上海金茂君悦大酒店: 全新客房尊贵体验 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: A Sophisticated Makeover for Guestrooms

Grand Hyatt Shanghai is now proud t o u n v e i l i t s e l e g a n t l y re - s t y l e d guestrooms and suites which offer understated luxurious design and hightech conveniences ensuring that the world-renowned Grand Hyatt Shanghai remains a high-flying address for business and leisure travelers. The refitted rooms complement Grand Hyatt’s superlative standards of service and stunning views over the Shanghai cityscape. Tel: +86 21 5047 1234 ext 8675

Pentahotel Beijing received a “Hurun Hot Hotel” award from Hurun Report magazine’s fourth annual The Hurun Presidential Awards held recently in Shanghai. The Hurun Hot Hotel award is presented to hotels opened in China within the past year which the Hurun Report editorial team believes will set new standards in the local hospitality industry. Tel: +86 10 6708 1188 ext 2515

To celebrate International Children’s Day and the 1st anniversary of Mifan Mama Charity Shining House, InterContinental Shanghai Pudong treated children with all their favorite sweets, a special kids menu, a moon bounce castle, drawing & painting and a cooking class so kids could have fun for a good cause to raise money for blind orphans taken care of by the MiFan Mama Charity organization. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666 ext 3894

In line with Marriott International’s ongoing Spirit to Serve the community campaign, Marriott cluster hotels in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, Kunshan, Wuxi, Ningbo, Wuhan and Changzhou joined forces for the 12th consecutive year since 2001 to raise funds for charity through the annual Greater Shanghai Charity Golf Tournament at Shanghai Bin Hai Golf Club. Tel: +86 21 5359 4969 ext 6306

成都总府皇冠假日酒店: 爱心关怀行动 Crowne Plaza Chengdu City Center: Heartfelt Wishes

The General Manager of Crowne Plaza Chengdu City Center Mr. William Hall together with Union Chairwoman Ms. Wu and Talent Resourcing Manager Angela Feng extend heartfelt wishes to staff whose families suffered during the earthquake in April 2013. A donation to these staff member was made by IHG’s (InterContinental Hotels Group) Shelter in a Storm Program. Tel: +86 28 8678 6666 ext 8878

深圳凯宾斯基酒店: 欢迎任贤齐先生下榻 Big Shots stay at Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen

Mr. Richie Jen ( Ren Xian Qi) a famous Taiwan singer stays with Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen on 29 May 2013. He participated all advertising activity of the concert will be in July. Tel: +86 755 8888 8888 ext 8009



Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts including the Swissotel Kunshan have again published their seasonal holiday rate, The Seasonal Saver, which offers guests 20% off the best available rate at one of the 31 hotels worldwide when staying two nights or more. Bookings for this special offer can be made through travel agencies or online, and is valid until 1st September 2013. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788

北京瑞吉酒店:魅惑周末大礼包 St. Regis Beijing: A Seductive Weekend

Book a captivating experience and enjoy a tailor-made leisure weekend at an exclusive rate starting from RMB1, 288. Package includes daily breakfast for two at The Garden Court, free internet, and free upgrade to Statesman Suite or Diplomat Deluxe Room. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店:荣获 “建 筑物合同能源管理关键技术研究 课题示范工程”称号 Pullman Shanghai Skyway Receives Technology Building Project Accolade

Pullman Shanghai Skyway recently received a “building new technology application demonstration project” accolade conferred by Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development of the People's Republic of China. As an official five-star hotel, Pullman Shanghai Skyway has taken great efforts on energy saving and carbon emission reduction in accordance with Accor’s Planet 21 project. Tel: +86 21 3318 9988

北京丽亭华苑酒店:焕然一新 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park: A Great New Look

Park Plaza Beijing Science Park is proud to announce the re-opening of the Lobby after a two month renovation. The Reception and Lobby Lounge have been transformed into a beautifully designed contemporary space with bold colours and unique features. We look forward to welcoming you to the hotel to experience the dramatic changes. Tel: +86 10 8235 6699

宁波万达索菲特大饭店: 索菲特戛纳电影文化节 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo: Festival De Cannes

Coinciding with the Festival De Cannes 2013, a cocktail reception celebrating the film festival was held recently at Sofitel Wanda Ningbo. More than 60 distinguished guests from media, French community and leading corporations attended the event, which featured a showcase of photos and clips that captured unforgettable moments of the past years of Festival De Cannes, followed by a cocktail reception. Tel: +86 574 2889 9888

北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店: 旅行新概念之“周末城市度假” The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street: Indulge in a Summer Weekend “Staycation”

The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street invites guests to escape from a stressful daily routine and take advantage of a weekend “Staycation” every Friday, Saturday and Sunday until 31 August 2013. The package includes breakfast for two, cash credit of RMB 1000 every night, complimentary WIFI, internet access and more. Tel: +86 10 6601 6666

天津利顺德大饭店豪华精选酒店: 荣获第六届 TTG China 旅游大奖 “北方区最佳酒店”殊荣 The Astor Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin: Voted Best Hotel in North China

At the 6th Annual TTG China Travel Awards recently in Shanghai, the Astor Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Tianjin won “The Best Hotel in North China”. With its ideal location and surrounding environment, world class facilities, service and 150 years history, the Astor Hotel is truly a one-of-a-kind luxury hotel in China. Tel: +86 22 2331 1688 ext 8918

御锦轩全套房酒店 : 上海小憩之选 Shanghai The One Executive Suites: Your Mini-Break in Shanghai

Because we know your time is precious, we make your stay even more relaxing and memorable including overnight accommodation in Superior Suite, breakfast for two and dinner for two at our Lobby Lounge. Our German Executive Chef creates for you an incredible 3 Course-Dinner Menu and our Restaurant Manager recommends you the perfect wines. Tel: +86 21 6157 1966

上海奥克伍德华庭服务公寓: 缤纷夏日大礼包 Oakwood Residence Shanghai: Colorful Summer Offers

Let Oakwood serviced apartments in Asia brighten up your summer with colorful offers. Enjoy the comforts of serviced living and savour every minute of the season with countless activities awaiting you at every location. Grab a few friends and try out the virtual canyon white water rafting at Happy Valley in Shanghai from now until August 31st 2013. Tel: +86 21 6183 0830

雅高全球酒店: 雅高忠诚客户专属优惠 Accor Hotels: The World Is On Sale For Accor’s Most Loyal Customers

Accor’s Super Sale is on again, offering discounts of up to 40% at more than 2,000 hotels around the world. To recognise and reward its most loyal guests, Le Club Accor hotels members enjoy six days’ exclusive access to the deals and an extra 10% off the rate offered to the public, for total savings of 50%! Tel: +86 21 6119 9839


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The Rarest Rug 6 月 5 日,苏富比拍卖行以 3370 万美元成交了一条克拉克镰形树叶地毯。 这条 17 世纪初的纯手工波斯地毯刷新了史上地毯拍卖记录。如此天价,难道是 传说中的魔力飞毯不成?该地毯原为美国实业家、蒙大拿州参议员克拉克的藏 品,克拉克将其捐赠给了哥伦比亚特区科克伦艺术画廊。由羊毛、棉花和丝绸 共同织造的地毯被誉为地毯编织史上最好的作品,长 8 英尺 9 英寸,宽 6 英尺 5 英寸,买家通过电话竞投购得。 Where does a $33.7 million rug come from? Persia of course, and on June 5th, Sotheby's sold an early 17th century rug known as the Clark Sickle-Leaf Carpet for $33.7 million to an anonymous telephone bidder. The rug was part of a collection bequeathed to the Corcoran Gallery of Art in Washington D.C. by William A. Clark, an industrialist and senator from Montana. The rug measures 8 feet 9 inches by 6 feet 5 inches. This has set a record for a carpet – perhaps the bidder has the drapes to match?

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

JULY 2013

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

2013 年七月号 总第 336 期



Chen Chusheng A Reflective Happiness

The A to Z of Hedonism l A View from a Shard l Black within White l The Power of 3D l Hainan’s Hospitality Heaven



The A to Z of Hedonism “印象”王潮歌

Impressions: Wang Chaoge

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



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