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南腔北调· LifeStyle

JUNE 2013

2013 年六月号 总第 334 期



A Worldly Miss: Zou Mingyue

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

乐享 广州

A Chicer Guangzhou l Liquid Luxury l A Jacques of All Trades l Ultra Thin, Ultra Chic l High Culture Hospitality

Guangzhou Gets chicer


Artsy Accommodations

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

Editor’s Note

The June cover is a shot of Miss World Zou Mingyue, by Jeff Yiu

Every City Should Be Well-Dressed

每座城市都该穿得漂亮 每个人都可以光彩照人。细条纹套装,雅致的领带,出彩 的鞋子,这样的搭配让身材略微臃肿的男士看上去也极富魅力。 亚麻长裙,简洁的高跟鞋,精致的淡妆,即使长相平平的女孩 子也能借此装扮赢得无数欣赏的目光。如此说来,外在形象至 关重要。虽然有人认为没钱却穿着讲究的年轻人太过虚荣,但 太过朴素则会遭到忽视。穿着得体的人不仅展示出品位和积极 向上的一面,也会赢得他人的尊重,得到更多的机会。 然而,相反的例子却屡见不鲜。我们见多了画着浓妆、穿 着闪亮皮衣和超高跟鞋的漂亮女孩,也见过不少高富帅小伙子 穿着背心和带古驰标志的鞋子。因为在他们看来,既然拥有天 赐的好容貌或好身世,就无需再花费精力打理自己的服装,着 装品位再差劲也会得到青睐。 城市和人其实有着相似的地方,只不过打造良好城市形象 需要更多的资金。无论什么时候,罗马、纽约、北京和伦敦都 是无数游客心中的旅游胜地,因为它们拥有悠久的历史和众多 的名胜古迹,并是各自国家的中心城市。上海和巴黎更是名扬 四海,这两座城市在卫生和安全方面仍存在着不容忽视的问题, 但其精神和气质早已得到世人的认同。 还有一类城市,虽然地位显赫、经济发达,但是和那些更 有名、更具活力的城市相比,它们却似乎总是处在某种阴影里, 得不到应有的重视。因为它们的竞争对手,正如天生美貌又善 于打扮自己的人一样,拥有更美丽的城市形象。天津、长沙、 宁波、常州、武汉和广州正属于这类城市,无论中国人还是外 国人,一般不会把它们当做旅游目的地。这些城市的知名度尚 且不高,更别提独具特色的城市性格了。 本期乐享广州特辑或可作为我们杂志的城市专题模版。我 们希望借此推荐那些名气不大却同样非常有趣、充满活力的中 国大城市。目前它们只不过是没有穿对衣服而已。



We can all look good. An obese man can become all-powerful in a pinstriped suit, John Lobbs, and a Drake’s tie. Plain girls attract admiring glances when they wear a white linen dress, simple heels, and a sparing but precise amount of make-up. Packaging is critical. While a well-dressed poor boy might be criticized for trying to overcompensate, a shabbily dressed poor boy will just be ignored. Those who present themselves the right way show that they have taste and that they are making the effort. The result is that others respect them and more doors open. Examples of the opposite situation abound. We all know those pretty girls caked with foundation in shiny pleather skirts and overhigh heels. The handsome young rich guy in a sleeveless shirt and shoes covered in the Gucci logo is also familiar. These people think that just because they were blessed by nature, no effort or intelligence is needed. Even if badly-dressed, they may still be desired for their good looks or wealth. Cities can be similar to people, though the packaging requires a much larger investment. Tourists will always visit Rome, New York, Beijing, and London, since they have long histories and many wellknown attractions. Efforts to enhance cleanliness and safety may still be needed, but Shanghai and Paris don’t exactly need to be put on the map. They have strong brands already. People understand what these cities represent. Another type of city may be important and prosperous but find itself overlooked, perpetually standing in the shadow of its more dynamic, famous peers, the pretty types that are also well-dressed. People outside of China and even in China may not dream constantly of visiting Changsha, Ningbo, Tianjin, Changzhou, Wuhan and Guangzhou. The names of these massive cities are not likely to be known, much less their particular personalities. The feature on Guangzhou in this issue is a prototype of future LifeStyle city-focused content. We want to show the world that giant, but lesser-known, Chinese cities can also be interesting and dynamic. It is often just a case of them not having picked out the right outfits.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


042 享乐


094 住进艺术博物馆

014 童真木马

在酒店里也能欣赏博物馆珍藏级别的 艺术品


105 滩外楼,粤味浓



026 奢尚鞋履沙龙

迪拜 Level Shoe District 堪称全球最大的 奢华创意鞋履之家

030 让·马克·加迪的设计世界



特辑 038 乐享广州 广州的另一面:新晋时尚与设计之都

品鉴 066 慈善天使 邹明月:美丽阳光的世界小姐

072 奢侈的纯净 世上最纯净最奢侈的矿泉水是怎样炼成 的?



078 078 超薄超轻便

6 款顶级超薄腕表彰显夏天腕上风尚

086 十五分钟的永恒 亚洲有史以来最大型的安迪·沃霍尔回 顾展带你一窥这位波普艺术大师的来 龙去脉

LifeStyle 7



078 Ultra Thin, Ultra Chic


Slim down your watch for summer

014 A Crystal Carousel

086 15 Minutes in Shanghai

Enjoy artistic time

The largest exhibition of Warhol in Asia



026 Shoes of all Colors

094 High Culture Hospitality

Dubai’s lavish new shoe emporium

Hotels and their art collections

030 Jean-Marc Gady

105 Y2C2: Classic & Contemporary

Designer of luxury installations

Cantonese cuisine on the Bund


038 Guangzhou’s Emerging Chic


The venues, personas, and styles making Guangzhou China’s freshest hotspot.



066 A Worldly Miss


Luna Zou: a lovely Miss World

072 Liquid Luxury Extravagant waters

114 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous



LifeStyle 9

JUNE 2013

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

刊头题字:涂向东 国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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EDITORIAL DIVISION 编辑部 Editor-in-Chief 执行主编 Editorial Director 编辑总监 Editors 编辑 Assistant Editors 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑

费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang

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JACK WU 高尔夫推广学院 http://jackwugolf.com 新浪博客:blog.sina.com.cn/cnlifestyle

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10 LifeStyle

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每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.18

路易王妃镀金限量版香槟瓶 Champagne Louis Roederer’s limited edition Jeroboam design for its prestige cuvee Cristal 2002

LifeStyle 13




A Crystal Carousel

源自法国艺术、充满浪漫气质的腕表 品牌卡比奥,其创作意念来自“从艺术中享 受时间”。最新皇牌系列 La Giostra I 的创 作概念为洋溢梦幻气息的“童真木马”。不 要小觑这小小的木马,它绝非平平无奇的玩 物,而是能够带你回到纯真孩童时代的神奇 玩伴。“童真木马”系列新款手表的表壳围 着有其招牌 GP Signature 式镶嵌的立体施 华洛世奇水晶,配有高雅的真皮表带或时尚 的塑料表带;两种不同材质完美结合,让腕 上手表散发极致的炫目光辉。 Galtiscopio, a French wristwatch brand, was inspired by the concept of enjoying time artistically and created a fairytale timepiece - the latest La Giostra I series. Highlighed by a crystal rocking horse, the series effuses a dreamy childlike ambience. Although it is a small trinket, this horse is no ordinary ornament, and will surely remind the wearer of the innocence of childhood. The rim of the watch case is inlayed with GP’s signature in Swarovski crystals, and straps of both elegant leather and stylish plastic are provided. The mix and match of different materials are perfect and make the watches even more stunning. www.galtiscopio.com

14 LifeStyle


Kiton’s Charm 高贵的面料犹如奇顿的语言,这个来自意大利南部那不 勒斯的顶级男装品牌始终保持着对面料的创新与探索热忱。 和奇顿西装一样,其领带设计也是独一无二的,每条领带都 采用独特的那不勒斯七褶工艺,纯手工制作。2013 年春夏, 奇顿将不同的颜色、图案、线条巧妙融合,特别推出了斜纹 真丝和印花麻质领带系列,其中真丝面料采用英国重磅真丝, 触感更加柔软舒适,亚麻材质有着天然的质感和良好的耐热 性,完美展示了天然材质与纯手工的结合。 If anyone knows good fabric, it’s Italian company Kiton. Based out of Naples, this luxury bespoke clothing brand has been innovating and exploring the reaches of good fabric for decades. Their ties, all handcrafted in the Napoli seven fold style, are of course no exception. For their Spring/Summer 2013 collection, Kiton cleverly combines different colors, cuts and patterns to make both printed linen and striped silk ties. The silk is soft and thick grade, all imported from the UK, while the linen is light and cool, with a natural texture. The ties are an exceptional combination of the craftsman’s expert skill and the natural beauty of the fabric. www.kiton.it

LifeStyle 15




A Glorious Game 玩扑克的桌子也能成为奢侈品?设计 师 Axel Yberg 领衔的 Akke Functional Art 事务所给出了答案。他们打造的这张价格不 菲的扑克牌桌堪称世界最贵。制作该桌子 耗费 600 个工时,采用了世界各地 15 种珍 稀木材,其中包括珍稀的黑檀木和花梨木。 粗糙不平的原木设计预示着比赛变化莫测, 镶嵌于桌子中央的五颗亮钻代表道尔·布朗 森(扑克教父)五钻世界扑克经典赛,而桌 子下面是起支撑作用的描金“管道”,并有 复古爱迪生灯泡。 Designer Axel Yberg, from modern furniture design studio Akke Functional Art has created a rather expensive poker table dubbed “All in”. This exclusive poker table required 600 hours of labor to produce, and boasts a surface constructed using 15 species of exotic woods, a base which has been fabricated with gold-painted plumbing pipes, and Edison Reproduction Light Bulbs. www.akkefunctionalart.com

16 LifeStyle


Top of the Pop 顶级香槟品牌路易王妃香槟联手奢侈 品设计师菲利普·迪·梅沃为其珍品佳酿 2002 水晶年份香槟设计了限量版 3 升容量大香 槟瓶。24 克拉黄金镀就的精美网格包围着 晶莹剔透的玻璃瓶身,将香槟高贵典雅的气 质演绎得淋漓尽致。每个酒瓶镀金需要两 位金匠师傅花费 4 天时间才能完成。该设 计在今年 5 月的摩纳哥大奖赛上正式展出, 每瓶售价为 26000 美元,限量 400 瓶。 Champagne Louis Roederer has teamed up with designer Philippe di Meo to create a limited edition Jeroboam design for its prestige cuvee Cristal 2002. Limited to 400 units, each Jeroboam comprises a distinctive clear glass bottle encased in a lattice of 24-carat gold and took four days for two master goldsmiths to create. Each bottle will be priced at $26,000, and the first chance to purchase one was at the Monaco Grand Prix on May 26th. www.champagne-roederer.com

LifeStyle 17




A Shine at The Mark

好马需要配好鞍!英国殿堂级定制皮 鞋品牌约翰·罗布在纽约顶级酒店马克酒店 推出鞋履护理服务,不管是不是酒店客人, 技艺娴熟的专业人士都会将你的爱鞋打理 得光亮如新。护理套餐二选一:10 分钟的 标准上光护理和 30 分钟的高光护理。不用 纠结选哪一种,因为都只要 10 美元。 Famous London-based shoemaker John Lobb now has a deluxe shoe-shine service at the similarly posh The Mark Hotel in NYC. Guests and nonguests alike can have their fine footwear polished by the skilled shiners. There are two options available, a 10-minute standard cream shine or a 30-minute highglaze treatment. Best of all, they both cost only $10. www.themarkhotel.com

18 LifeStyle


The A-List Address 在哪里能把罗伯特·德尼罗、裘德·洛、克里 夫·欧文、让 - 保罗·贝尔蒙多、布鲁斯·威利斯这 些国际大腕一网打尽?今年戛纳电影节期间去 木桐嘉棣葡萄酒吧坐坐,包你不会失望!法国 葡萄酒家族罗斯柴尔德男爵推出的这个面海的 酒吧,位于影节宫天台,是临时性的私人会所, 包括两块宽敞的内部区域、一间美容室和两个 带露天酒吧的露台,向演员、制作人及导演开放。 木桐嘉棣多年来一直是戛纳电影节的官方合作 伙伴,两者合作碰撞出绚烂的火花。 Where does one see Robert de Niro, Jude Law, Clive Owen, Jean-Paul Belmondo, and Bruce Willis all together? At the Mouton Cadet Wine Bar, now in its third running at the Cannes Film Festival held this year from May 15th to 26th. Perched on the Festival Palace rooftop facing the sea, the Mouton Cadet Wine Bar is both a luxurious terrace apartment and a cozy venue to share secrets.

LifeStyle 19




Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts Launch New Flagship Hotel in Shanghai 香格里拉酒店集团麾下新旗舰酒店—— 静安香格里拉大酒店将于今年 6 月 29 日在 上海浦西中心商业区奢华亮相。该酒店拥有 508 间客房,设计风格现代奢华,映射了上 海这座活力四射的国际都市的摩登气质。酒 店在各个环节上都力求精致到位,从华裔顶 级设计师韩枫设计的员工制服到夏宫中餐厅 里梦幻般漂浮在空中的八十多只丝质灯笼无 一不尽讲究之能事,更有将老上海电影制作 场景与经典的美式酒吧和牛排馆风格融合在 一起的 1515 牛排馆·酒吧,这些就足以让众 多宾客翘首以盼了。 Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts’ newest flagship hotel will open in the heart of Shanghai on 29th, June. The 508-room Jing An ShangriLa in West Shanghai will envelop guests in a world of luxury and modern glamour befitting one of the world’s most exciting and influential international cities. Every detail of the hotel was meticulously considered, from the staff uniforms designed by top Chinese designer Han Feng to over 80 intricate silk lanterns that appear to float magically in the Summer Palace Chinese restaurant, and the 1515 WEST, Chophouse & Bar, where old Shanghai film making meets classic American bar and grill décor, gaining high praises all around.

20 LifeStyle

北京 JOYCE 画廊 迎来日本艺术家 Kengo Kito

Kengo Kito at JOYCE Beijing 最近日本著名艺术家 Kengo Kito 的装置作品展 《Untitled(hula-hoop)》在北京 JOYCE 画廊独家 展出,该作品色彩绚丽、趣味十足,是其 Bio Pop 系列之一。Kengo Kito1977 年出生于名古屋,自 2010 年起以柏林为工作基地,他惯用常见的工业物 料创作大型装置作品,并由此享有盛名。这次他选 取的创作素材深受日本人生活影响:呼拉圈、蕾丝、 针线、镜子等都来自日常生活。 JOYCE gallery Beijing recently exhibited talented Japanese artist Kengo Kito’s installation “Untitled (Hula-hoop),” a piece exclusive to JOYCE. A colorful and interesting piece, it is part of the artist’s collection “Bio Pop.” Born in Nagoya, Japan in 1977, Kengo currently lives and works in Berlin, and is renowned for large installations using common industrial materials. His choice of material for his works, such as hula hoops, chains, threads, mirrors, etc. is influenced by daily life in Japan.



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.22 室内设计

Interior / P.26 设计师

Designer / P.30

迪拜 Level Shoe District 堪称全球最大鞋履之家 Level Shoe District, Dubai

LifeStyle 21




Wings of the House

造型张扬的“邮票之家”根据所处自然环境的特点, 尽量趋其利而避其害,完全实现了水电的自给自足,真正做到节能环保。 A dramatically sustainable house in Australia Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Patrick Bingham Hall

22 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 23



这栋倚山靠水、有着戏剧化夸张造型 的“邮票之家”给人以艺术画廊或是博物 馆的错觉,其实是国家公园、环保机构和当 地政府合作的水生态系统工程的成果之一, 其概念性和环保性都极为超前。 由于地处澳大利亚热带旋风多发地区, 远北昆士兰的查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所因 地制宜,让其像铜墙铁壁般足以抵挡 5 级 飓风,并完全实现了自给自足:建筑内一切 功能和应用皆脱离对“网”的依赖,这样的 设计在洪水飓风来袭时能充分显现其优势。 覆盖屋顶的太阳能电池板可自行供电,此外 还配备了可承受 25 万公升水的收集、回收 和处理的系统。 查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所称他们的目 标不是简单追求一个精良的设计,而是“充 分利用外部环境提供的便利条件以及恢复 周边原生态的湿地环境”。 邮票之家不仅形似一架宇宙飞船,连 入口都设在顶楼,由一座长桥来连接。进 入室内可见大客厅里宽敞的就坐区、一间厨 房、一间餐厅和一个健身房,而卧室则位于 两翼。

24 LifeStyle


dramatic presence more reminiscent of an art gallery or museum, the Stamp House is equally advanced in its conception and sustainability. Designed by Charles Wright Architects and located in Far North Queensland (FNQ), Australia, a tropical locale that has a propensity for cyclones, the house is entirely selfsustaining. The Stamp House is also sturdy enough to withstand a Category 5 cyclone. The architects designed the building to be self-sufficient, so it functions entirely offgrid. This comes in handy when hurricanes and cyclones strike. Solar panels on the roof generate electricity, while a 250,000 litre water system lets residents take advantage of rainwater harvesting and grey-water recycling technologies. In accordance with the house’s ecological theme the architects state: “The aim was not to simply produce an engineered outcome, but to produce a building which made the most of the site’s natural amenity and reintroduce the surrounding native wetland environment.” Cast out of concrete, the house has echoes of a spaceship and appropriately the entrance is located on the uppermost floor and is accessed by crossing a long bridge over the water. Inside, a large central living room accommodates various seating areas, a kitchen, a dining room and a gym. Bedrooms are situated in the wings. The building is reflected over an engineered water ecosystem which was the result of a lengthy liaison and collaboration with the Australian government.

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A Sybarite’s Shoe Salon 既奢华又充满创意的迪拜 Level Shoe District 堪称全球最大鞋履之家,你想不喜欢都难! A lavish new shoe emporium opens in Dubai. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: James Medcraft

26 LifeStyle

在伦敦和新加坡设有工作室的室内设计事 务所 Shed 应中东地区赫赫有名的奢侈品零售 商 Chalhoub 集团的邀请设计了 Level Shoe District,这家专售高端鞋履的店铺位于世界最大的 购物娱乐场所之一——迪拜购物中心,占地 9.6 万平方英尺,堪称全球最大鞋店。鞋店的设计既 奢华又充满新奇创意,包括普拉达、古驰和路易 威登等著名奢侈品牌在内的 40 家精品店入驻其 中。 由于内部空间极为广阔,鞋店分为特色鲜明 的四个区域,每一区域都集中了多个品牌,鞋子 的摆放也一如展览的风格。四个区域分别是女鞋 区、当代区、男鞋区和时尚区,各具特色的布置、 氛围与美感带给人不同的感受。虽然四个区域的 气质各不相同,却丝毫没有突兀之感,再加上各 种配套的先进设施,顾客想不喜欢都难。

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“当代区”占据了相当大的空间,堪 称店内的“微建筑”。光亮金属面板为幽深 的空间赋予刻意而为的“重口味”,每款鞋 子都被一根闪亮的长线高高吊起,精致而美 丽。虽然室内色调偏暗,屋顶中央的绚烂珊 瑚色下垂半球却让整个空间开阔亮丽了许 多。这其实是借用专门制造游艇的技术建造 而成,场面壮观,布置得甚是精致。这一创 意也是头一次出现在零售店设计中。 从黄金市场入口处便能看见“时尚区”。 巨大的铜块和像月球表面凹凸不平的火山 坑一样的不规则大理石布满整个地板,不禁 令人想起美国设计师瓦伦·帕拉纳上世纪 70 年代为世贸大厦双子星大楼北塔顶层的“世 界之窗”饭店所做的室内设计。一块块不加 任何雕琢的大石块就像是刚从采石场搬过

28 LifeStyle

来,它们高达数米,成为五彩斑斓的鞋履墙 的极佳背景,极具设计创意。这个充满未来 感和幻想色彩的空间可谓是上万款超酷鞋 履的奢华之家。当然,这里也是举办派对的 极佳场所。 绅士们的爱好自然也不会被忽视,店 内有他们的专属天地。复古风几何图案搭配 透明玻璃幕墙板和颜色暗淡且纹理独特的 橡木材质,尽展低调奢华男人味道。这里设 有高端私人俱乐部,先生们可在 VIP 室尽情 享受惬意时光。 迪拜 Level Shoe District 还设有男士贵 宾区和女士贵宾区及一间传统修鞋铺。女 鞋区内还有一间 Vogue 咖啡馆,除了展示 Vogue 杂志,更是品尝美食的好去处。

ondon and Singapore based Interior Architects Shed were commissioned by Chalhoub Group, a luxury distributor in the Middle East since 1955, to create an entire district for the world’s leading luxury shoe brands. The result and Shed’s biggest project to date is the level Shoe District in Dubai Mall, the world’s largest shopping mall. The opulent spaces reveal a combination of creativity and luxury. The 96,000 sq. ft metropolis houses 40 handpicked designer boutiques including Prada, Gucci and Louis Vuitton. The sheer scale of the Dubai site required an ‘expo’ style approach with the creation of four distinct multi-brand areas; Women’s Designer, Contemporary, Men’s and Trend – each curated with an individual aesthetic, personality and ambience; These “pavilions” deliver a diverse but engaging set of environments which sit comfortably together and culminate in an air-conditioned shoemetropolis that shoppers will no doubt appreciate. “Contemporary” is formed as a strong anchor. It is a deliberately heavy piece of micro architecture clad in oiled metal panels in which each product is beautifully suspended on a single illuminated rod. This cavernous dark space is offset by the flamboyant coral celling dome housing some of the more precious product ranges. This huge centerpiece, an imposing yet delicately hung piece the scale of which has not been

seen before in retail, was constructed using specialist yacht-building technologies. “Trend” comes into eyeshot when approaching from the Gold Souk entrance. Lunar outcrops of marble mountains and gigantic copper nuggets burst upwards through the floor. This is reminiscent of Warren Platner’s ‘70s work for the departed Windows on the World restaurant that used to be on top of the World Trade Towers. Looking fresh from a quarry, the marble rises several meters to form backdrops for technicolor product walls. In complete contrast to the traditional surroundings, this futuristic and fantastical environment hosts the “ultracool” brands. Trend will also be the venue for parties. Men are not forgotten with a strong masculine area of their own. Geometric patterns that have been patinated are blended with a palette of crystal clear glass and grey fumed oaks. Men also have their own VIP lounge in the mold of the very best private gentlemen’s clubs. Other features within level Shoe District include male and female VIP areas, a traditional cobbler and within the overall scheme of the Women’s area, the Vogue Café which is an exclusive dining experience, part of Vogue magazine’s brand expansion within the region.

LifeStyle 29




A Jacques of All Trades 法国明星设计师让·马克·加迪的作品观赏性超强,他为诸多奢侈品品牌所进行的 创作便是最好的例证,更加难得的是他能游刃有余地游走于不同的设计领域。 Frenchman Jean-Marc Gady’s multifaceted work for luxury labels is a feast for the eyes. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Jean-Marc Gady

30 LifeStyle

作为当下法国设计界的明星人物,让· 马克·加迪已经涉足从单件物品到整体空间 的不同设计领域,包括布景设设计、产品设 计、室内设计等,诸多世界顶级品牌都跟他 有过合作,如路易威登、古驰、巴卡拉、娇兰、 酩悦香槟、戴比尔斯、迪奥、香奈儿和昆庭 等。 加迪生于 1971 年,1996 年从 L’Ecole Bleue 设计学院毕业,其职业生涯始于为“写 意空间”和 Liv’it 设计家具、灯具和餐具, 在担任路易威登艺术总监一职(2002 年至 2005 年)之前,曾多次受邀为法国家具设 计促进协会的项目进行设计。加迪在路易威 登负责店铺橱窗、大型活动及展览的设计工 作,特别是亚洲区域项目,正是在这个职位 上,他开始声名鹊起。加迪的作品创意独特, 带着梦幻和诗歌般的色彩,并擅长将法兰西 的高贵优雅与国际风尚相融合,不仅具有较 高艺术品位,在市场上也很受青睐。他的 个人首展《法国康康舞》于 2009 年在纽约 R’Pure 画廊和 Forum Diffusion 巴黎展示 厅举行。

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2005 年 加 迪 在 巴 黎 成 立 了 自 己 的 设 计工作室,并继续保持着与奢侈品品牌的 合作。最近他完成了位于巴黎蒙田大街的 蔻 依 精 品 店 的 橱 窗 设 计, 还 有 旺 多 姆 广 场 Aymes 高级珠宝店的室内设计,而且 自 2008 年起,加迪开始在母校 L’Ecole Bleue 设计学院教授设计课程。 2010 年 10 月至 2011 年 2 月,加迪名 为“花都漫游——路易威登与巴黎”的展览 在巴黎卡那瓦雷博物馆展出,近百款首次集 体亮相的古董旅行箱和拉杆箱向参观者讲 述这座传奇都会与路易威登之间的奇妙旅 程,获得了强烈的反响。

32 LifeStyle

2012 年无疑是加迪收获颇丰的一年。 他为 Perrouin(法国一家专门制造高级椅子 的公司)设计了创意椅子 Kago,出色地完 成了顶级银器奢侈品品牌昆庭新品发布会 的布景设计,还与 Craman Lagarde 合作 设计了超赞的办公桌,并继续为法国顶级香 氛品牌 Diptyque 创作。 眼下加迪与巴卡拉和万宝龙的合作互 动频繁。Perrouin 在今年 1 月巴黎家居装饰 博览会上推出的 Hug 系列产品就是出自加 迪之手,Perrouin 还将其带到了 4 月的米兰 国际家具展,展会上还展出了加迪与巴卡 拉合作完成的创意灯具 Lady Crinoline 以及 他为法国高端护肤品牌希思黎展窗设计的 Clair – obscur 装置。


leading figure in the French design scene, Jean-Marc Gady was born in 1971 and graduated from the design school L’Ecole Bleue in 1996. He has the ability to break the codes of luxury and spatial dimensions. His skills cover set design, product design, interior design and merchandising for leading brands such as Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Baccarat, Guerlain, Moet & Chandon, De Beers, Dior, Chanel, and Christofle. He started his career designing houses, lighting and decorative table objects for Ligne Roset and Liv’it. He was regularly invited to the VIA before joining Louis Vuitton where he worked from 2002 to 2005 as the

artistic director of all window displays and worldwide events, working particularly in Asia. Since 2005 Jean-Marc Gady has been developing his own studio. Blending French elegance with international style, his work was presented in his first personal exhibition, “French Cancan”, at the New York Gallery, R’Pure, and the Parisian showroom, Forum Diffusion in 2009. In 2010 Jean-Marc Gady exhibited “Voyage in Capital, Louis Vuitton & Paris” which was held at the Musée Carnavalet in Paris until February 2011 and which successfully welcomed many visitors throughout its four months.

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His work with luxury brands continues as he recently completed the window display of the Chloé boutique on Avenue Montaigne, along with the interior of Aymes, a highend jewelery store on Place Vendôme. In addition, Jean-Marc Gady has also been teaching design at L’Ecole Bleue since 2008. One could say the year 2012 was highly successful for the designer, as he presented the innovative Kago chair for Perrouin and designed the scenography for the press launch of the new collection from famed silversmiths Maison Christofle. Additionally, he created the remarkable secretaire desk in collaboration with Craman Lagarde and continued to create original pieces for luxury candle brand, Diptyque. Jean-Marc Gady is currently developing numerous projects and collaborations notably with Baccarat and Mont Blanc. In January, the designer launched his new collection for Perrouin at Maison & Objet

34 LifeStyle

called “Hug”, was shown in April at the prestigious Salone Internazionale del Mobile in Milan, alongside the “Lady Crinoline” lighting creation done in collaboration with Baccarat and new window installations, “Clair – obscur”, for Sisley, the high-end French cosmetics label.


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LifeStyle 35


Structure News

N&P 设计米兰世博会意大利馆

Studio Nemesi & Partners, Winner of the Italian Pavillion for Expo 2015

2015 年米兰世博会意大利国家馆设计竞赛结果不久前在米兰揭晓,Nemesi & Partners 的设计模型从 68 件参赛作品中脱颖而出。意大利国家馆将成为展示意大利多姿多彩的历史 文化风俗的前沿窗口,游客可以在这里体验充满魅力与激情的意式风情。 Among more than 68 entries, Studio Nemesi & Partners’ design was the one chosen for the Padiglione Italia (Italian Pavillion) for the Expo 2015. The winning project in the International Competition for the design of Padiglione Italia at Expo 2015 was announced at the Salone d’Onore of the Palazzo del Triennale in Milan. The Pavilion will be a showcase for Italy, a true flagship store of Italian excellence. But it will also be a place where visitors will be able to relive the excitement and the magic of a journey through the Italian lifestyle.

GMP 获汉堡地铁 4 号线易北河桥站设计一等奖

Elbbrücken Underground Station in Hafencity to be Designed by gmp

德国 gmp 建筑师事务所在汉堡地铁 4 号线易北河桥站设计竞赛中获得一等奖。作为易 北河桥旁的重要建筑,新地铁站将以极富当代特色的钢拱形框架结构重新诠释这种历史悠 久但仍具活力的桥梁结构。外部的屋面桁架结构浓墨重彩地强调了建筑的支承结构,十字 交叉式的框架构造强调了钢拱屋面的秩序感和稳定性。内部的玻璃吊顶构成了为站台遮风 避雨的顶棚,通透的车站设计令乘客享有开阔的视野。地铁站的通行设计简单而清晰,基 地与列车站台间复杂的高差巧妙地在建筑内部得到解决。 The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) have won first prize in the competition for the design of the Elbbrücken Underground station. In resonance to the historic Elbbrücken bridges, an impressive steel structure consisting of curved steel girders supports the new station, creating a structure which newly interprets the dynamic design principles of the historic bridges. The external roof construction underscores the visual presence of the structure; the crosswise layout of the frames results in a grid-type system and stabilises the steel arches. A glass façade suspended on the inside protects the building against the weather. The lightflooded station opens interesting vistas towards the local urban. The design is characterised by simple and clearly structured access principles. The complex difference in levels between the terrain and the platforms is cleverly dealt with inside the building.

36 LifeStyle

别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


Tan Guangzhou / P.38 住在广州

Guangzhou Gets Hospitable / P.42 设计广州

Designing Guangzhou / P.50 广州街头风尚

On the Street / P.54 他和他的城

Guangzhou Man / P.56


The Epicure in Guangzhou / P.58 天下美食美在真

Turbo-Charged Cuisine / P.60

广州国际金融中心和高 600 米的广州塔 IFC and behind the Canton Tower, tallest structure in China at 600 meters

LifeStyle 37


Tan Guangzhou Text: Nels Frye


38 LifeStyle

广州人热衷于快速成功,其中动机并 非如人们惯常所想,而是为了更快地享受生 活。如今这种想法反映在他们对轻松快乐生 活的追求上。 在过去的 30 年中,以广州为中心的珠 江三角洲经济区是推动中国经济快速稳步 发展的主要动力。广州也是一个拜金主义和 重商主义盛行的城市。这个不太好的名声加 上邻近繁华的香港,以及在五光十色的上海 和位高权重的北京的映衬下,广州常常被人 忽视,然而广州人一方面注重实际,重视商 业,另一方面也乐于享受充满情趣的生活。 随着 W、四季等高端酒店的涌现以及引人 注目的扎哈·哈迪德设计的广州歌剧院和珠 江新城的崛起,这个以工厂和小企业闻名的 城市正在成为一个迷人的时尚之都。而广州 远离政治中心,拥有更加独立的媒体和奇异 的文化风格,这些都给予了它与众不同的独 特气质。 何树青是以敢于直言而闻名的《新周 刊》的执行副总编,他说广州人走路是全国 最快的,但赚钱不是他们生活的唯一目的, 快快赚钱是为了享受生活。广州人的最高 追求既不是赚钱也不是当官,而是有钱以后 “叹”(粤语,即享受之意)时间。这“叹” 是叹早茶时的谈天说地,是到世界各地旅游 的乐趣。 “叹”来的还有广州人“不关我的事” 这种观念。他们非常懂得关心自身利益,对 国事和全球风云之外的事情漠不关心。据何 树青所言,这种观念使广州成为中国媒体业 最发达的地区,懂得如何保护市民的合法利 益,因此风气比较自由,有利于企业的发展 和城市政策的制定,也让广州成为一个美丽 舒适的城市。著名的西关和沙面岛保留了很 多历史建筑和老广州风情,还拥有全国最多 的自行车道和绿化带。 自 2010 年广州亚运会之后,广州变得 更加干净漂亮了,也更加注重依托当地发达 的制造业推动品牌创新与发展,数量众多的 创意园充分说明了这一点。这些类似北京 798 的创意园全由旧工厂改建而成。红专厂 沿用原广州罐头厂,将废弃车间改造成时 尚的创意空间,厂内机构有咖啡厅、国际 画廊和进口书店,是城中漫步的绝好去处。 TIT 国际服装创意园则把具有传统纺织工业 历史的老厂房打造为时尚设计师的家园。同 其它城市的情况一样,知名度较高的园区商 业气息更浓,游客也多,而更多真正的艺术 家反倒藏身于知名度较小的园区。 广州还有不少外侨聚居区,“巧克力 城”便是其中之一。有意思的是,广州人只 关注个人事务的特点让这个城市比中国大 多数地方都更加开放和包容。早在唐朝(公 元 618-907)时期,就有 10 万外国商人和 宗教徒在广州生活。如今有 30 万非洲人和 中东人永久居住在这里,有人甚至把广州叫 做“第三世界的首都”,何树青说。 任何住在珠江新城的人,只要看看窗 外的广州电视观光塔和密密麻麻的高楼大 厦,就会觉得这里真是比很多发达国家还要 繁华。和中国其它地方一样,广州发展速度 之快让全球艳羡。当然,发展得越快,广州 人“叹”生活的时间就越多。本期特辑就给 大家介绍那些赶着趟儿去“叹”的广州人和 各色广州酒店和餐厅。











40 LifeStyle

uangzhou people are racing to succeed, but not for the reasons you expect. They seek to enjoy, and that is showing in their city’s new interest in the more aesthetic side of life. Guangzhou is the cash-obsessed, completely commercial hub at the center of the industrial zone driving much of China’s stratospheric growth of the last three decades. It is often overlooked due to this gritty reputation and the glamour of Shanghai, power of Beijing and proximity of Hong Kong. Guangzhou is home to a deeply practical, mercantile people that also enjoy the aesthetic, sensory side of life. With an increasing number of top-tier hotels like the W and Four Seasons and show-stopping structures like Zaha Hadid’s Opera House and the spires of Zhujiang New Town, the city known for factories and small businesses is becoming an ever more stylish, fascinating destination. Its distance from the capital, independent media, and quirky local culture give it a very separate, unique voice. Guangzhou people walk much faster than anyone else in the country, according to He Shuqing, Executive Deputy Editor-in-Chief of the famously challenging New Weekly. They are not just hurrying to make money. They want to make money as quickly as possible so that they can have time to enjoy life. He

8 1-2. Guangzhou’s river banks are increasingly walkable Photo: Ken Seet 3. Colonial architecture on Shamian Island 4. The International Finance Center by Wilkinson Eyre Photo: Four Seasons Guangzhou 6. Outside of Guangzhou’s most iconic structure, Zaha Hadid’s Opera House Photo: Christian Richters 7. One of Guangzhou’s many markets Photo: Ken Seet 8. Colonial architecture on Shamian Island 9-11: Scenes of Creative Zones TIT and Redtory Photo: Huang Jihao


says the greatest goal for Guangzhou people is not to get rich or become an official but to enjoy time or tan in the local Cantonese. Tan appears in four hours of gabbing over traditional morning tea or when Guangzhou people circumnavigate the globe in tour groups. Related to tan is buguan wodeshi, which translates roughly into “I mind my own business”. Guangzhou people care deeply about their own happiness and are not bothered by much that is irrelevant to that, including broader national and global events. One result, according to He, is that the Guangzhou press is the most developed in China. They protect the interests of citizens leading to both an unfettered environment for business and progressive urban policies, which in turn make this a nicer place to visit. Historic areas like Xiguan and Shamian Island retain much of the original architecture and character. The city boasts a growing number of both biking routes and green belts that are the most evolved in the country. Guangzhou is also very green and very clean, especially since the Asia Games in 2010. Since the Games, Guangzhou has also emphasized creativity and development of brands that utilize the local manufacturing base. This manifests itself in a preponderance of creative zones, using converted factories, in the style of Beijing’s 798. Among the best places for strolling in the city are the Redtory, a former canned food factory that now houses coffee shops, galleries and bookstores and T.I.T. Creative Park, a former apparel factory that, appropriately, now hosts the workshops of fashion designers. As in any city, the already publicized zones tend to be more commercialized and tourist-directed whereas the less-known places contain more studios of genuine artists. In addition to zone for creativity, Guangzhou has areas that are home to large foreign


contingents, like the famous Chocolate City. The focus on only one’s own affairs has the interesting result of making Guangzhou a more open, welcoming place than most. As early as the Tang Dynasty (618-907 AD), Guangzhou was home to 100,000 foreigners, trading and practicing their religious faiths. Today, there are over 300,000 Africans and Middle Easterners living permanently in the city. Locals even refer to Guangzhou as the “Capital of the Third World” , says He. For anyone staying in Zhujiang New Town, a look at the TV tower and the jungle of highrises out the window suggest the city is already well ahead of the First World. Like everywhere else in China, Guangzhou is racing ahead at a pace the rest of the world can only envy. Of course, we know they are moving so fast so they have more time to tan. This feature shows the places and people involved in the race to tan.





The bar at Tian Bar is cut from a single 8-meter piece of rare, multi-coloured agate


Guangzhou Gets Hospitable Text: Nels Frye

在短短一年内,广州从几乎是酒店沙漠发展到内地最时尚奢华酒店的 新领地。在这之前的很长一段时间,广州只有白天鹅宾馆一家著名的高档 酒店(目前正在修缮中),从 1983 年白天鹅宾馆开业到 2005 年左右, 广州的酒店业可谓乏善可陈。然而,近来四季酒店、W 酒店和文华东方酒 店的开业又凸显出新的“问题”,即客人是否愿意离开酒店去广州其它地 方看一看。在酒店业中,从来都是新店胜过老店。因此,这三家酒店比它 们的竞争对手更有特色,配套设施也更完美。未来两年,随着这三个品牌 更多的酒店陆续在其它城市开业,这一格局有望被打破,但至少就目前来 说,中国最好的酒店在广州。 Guangzhou transformed from being something of a hotel desert to offering the very most stylish, luxuriant properties on the Mainland in just a year. Long home to one of China’s most distinctive hotels, the White Swan, now under renovation, not much else was notable in the city until recently. From the opening of the Swan in 1983 till around 2005, not much happened in the hospitality sphere. With the recent openings of the Four Seasons, W, and Mandarin Oriental, the question has become whether visitors will leave their hotels to see the rest of Guangzhou. Newer tends to be better in the world of hotels. All three of these are more singular and better fitted out than most others in China. Guangzhou, at the moment, has the best hotels in China. This will certainly change over the next two years, especially as these three chains open up more properties on the Mainland, but for now Guangzhou can enjoy its moment.

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White supporting beams and views of the TV tower feature throughout

Catch, the Western-style seafood restaurant by famous Hong Kong designer Steve Leung, is already a favored place for locals to make wedding proposals. “Yes” is guaranteed in this atmosphere

Outside the Cantonese restaurant, an artist’s impression Go phenomenon Nie Weiping defeating his former teacher Fujisawa Hideyuki at the China-Japan Supermatches


Palace in the Clouds Photos: Ken Seet

广州四季酒店高踞广州国际金融中心 103 层主塔楼顶部的 30 层,其高度和气势 象征着这座城市的进取雄心和全新魅力。 搭乘酒店专用高速电梯,45 秒之后就来到 位于 70 层的中庭大堂。我仿佛在一瞬间进 入了一个璀璨夺目、时尚靓丽的云上人间。 足有 30 层高的中庭敞亮壮观,自然光透过 顶部的玻璃天花板倾泻而下,周围俊男靓女 进进出出。大堂中央矗立着由澳大利亚艺术 家马修·哈丁设计的象征永恒的巨大红色钢 雕。之后我又在走廊和客房中欣赏到了画家 吴晓的水墨画、雕塑家瞿广慈的作品以及众 多其他著名艺术家的作品。正是这些出色的 艺术品为广州四季酒店赢得了声誉。此外, 黄中带绿的墙壁雅致悦目,日式“云居”餐 厅里的阿玛尼皮质沙发奢华舒适,佰鲜汇特 色餐厅的大鱼尾鲜美无比。为了给客人提供 最豪华惬意的服务,酒店可谓不遗余力。 在中国人看来,8 和 9 才是幸运数字。 如此说来,再没有比在全球第 88 家四季酒 店的第 99 层享用鸡尾酒或茶点更美妙舒心 的了。从酒吧和行政贵宾厅俯瞰广州城,非 凡景色尽收眼底。更有趣的是,还能经常看 到大雁从云朵里探出头来或伸出翅膀。酒店 拥有 344 间客房(其中包括 42 间套房), 在每个房间均能观赏到迷人景致。尤其对 于非住店客人来说,要想饱览羊城美景,四 季酒店绝对是个不容错过的好地方。既然如 此,何必花 160 块去对面珠江南岸的电视 观光塔,更何况这里还有精心调制的香槟鸡 尾酒?

广州一年到头都是温暖潮湿的亚热带 气候,四季酒店的设计师却用装饰语言将 春、夏、秋、冬的流转娓娓道来,把四季的 韵味渗透到酒店的各个角落。客房区每隔六 层就变换一个季节。与此相对,不变的是 遍布地毯、电梯门和家具上的云朵和龙的图 案。值得一提的是,酒店内部由享誉业界的 美国 HBA 设计事务所担纲设计,展示了传 统中国元素与当代最新设计理念的融合,非 常的轻松时尚。 Occupying the top third of the iconic IFC tower, the Four Seasons Guangzhou symbolizes the city’s aspirations and newfound glamour. The 45 second elevator ride to the 70th floor of the IFC Tower sweeps guests into a fantasy world of energetic light, dreamy clouds, and dashing colors. Named The Atrium for the thirty floor high chamber that rises to a glass crescendo above, the lobby lounge is the ideal platform for viewing local luminaries and ladies about to lunch. It also showcases some of the art work for which the hotel is gaining renown. Defining the lobby is a triumphant red piece Australian by sculptor Matthew Harding that symbolizes eternity, while the rooms and other public areas feature ink paintings by Wu Xiao, sculptures by Qu Guangci and other established artists. From eel-skin walls and Armani leather couches in Japanese restaurant Kumoi to giant fish tails made from mother-of-pearl at seafood restaurant Catch, no expense was spared in creating these magnanimous spaces.

Eight and nine are the luckiest numbers for Chinese. Thus, few points are more auspicious for cocktail hour or high tea than the 99th floor of this, the world’s 88th Four Seasons to open. The Executive Lounge and Tian Bar provide breathtaking panoramas of the miniature world below or, frequently, the tips of cranes peering out through the clouds. Especially for those not staying in the hotel - every single one of the 344 rooms, including 42 suites has a stunning view - the Four Seasons is an essential destination for viewing Guangzhou. Why pay 160 RMB to ascend the TV Tower, lying opposite on the south side of the river, when an artfully mixed champagne cocktail awaits at the same elevation in the Four Seasons? Guangzhou may only have one long, humid season and the same subtropical appearance throughout the year, but the Four Seasons clearly delineates spring, summer, winter and autumn in its design and artwork. Every six guest floors represents a different season, as reflected in the decor. However, the consistent feature throughout the hotel is a theme of clouds and dragons that appears on carpets, elevator doors and in furniture in the room elevator. Now a showcase work for esteemed US interior design firm Hirsch Bedner & Associates (HBA), the Four Seasons Guangzhou shows the way traditional Chinese elements can fused with the latest in contemporary design and feel playful and fashionable.





Reception is called Welcome deck at W

Rooms are comfortable, uncluttered and tech savvy


W Means Arrival Photos: W

自内地首家 W 酒店落户广州,这个城 市便从工商业中心升格为现代时尚之都。进 入酒店大堂,我仿佛来到一个充满浓浓的男 人味的狩猎俱乐部;电梯里鲜红的嘴唇和 眼睛图案让孩子们感到惊恐;璀璨的墙壁、 震撼的音乐以及活力四射的酒店员工传递 出一种国际化风范;甚至连酒吧的经理都是 来自蒙特卡洛。 虽然广州曾多次举办各项运动赛事, 摩天大楼比比皆是,也不断提升城市环境, 但没有任何事情能比 W 酒店的开业更能塑 造广州的国际化形象了。然而,广州还不够 时尚前卫。从这个意义上说,W 酒店的开 业反倒需要头脑务实、注重经商的广州人好 好适应一下。酒店经理布莱恩·赛格瑞夫说, 这实际上对酒店来说也有很大风险。不过要 是哪个广州人在 Wu 酒吧或即将开业的 Fei 酒廊呆上一晚,那他就知道自己的城市现在 真的不一样了。 W 酒店不仅仅是时尚享乐场所,还为 设计师、音乐人、艺术家提供了一个相互交 流和展示自我的平台,比如扶持本地音乐 人,大力争取同设计师品牌 Uma Wang 和 “例外”进行合作。香港知名建筑师严迅奇 为酒店设计的黑色玻璃外观时尚绚丽;著 名的雅布和普歇尔伯格公司担纲的室内设 计舒适惬意且具有强烈的现代感;高达 19 米的高照明水幕瀑布是美国水景设计公司 WET Design 的作品。这些极富创意的设计

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成为了广州人谈论的焦点。 不过 W 酒店并非到处都是光怪陆离、 令人震撼的设计与景观。酒店装饰所使用的 皮质、硅化石和金属材质都非常高档,专门 定制的装饰艺术品既时尚又颇具当地文化 韵味。个性十足的酒店大堂奢华低调、时尚 亮丽又不失轻松亲切,客人可以同朋友在此 小聚。若喜欢宁静的氛围,回客房呆着也是 不错的选择。在静谧的酒店房间里你会感到 无比的放松与平静,还有各种便利的高科技 设施,比如在浴室就能选择喜欢的音乐和电 视节目,还有最新的东陶卫浴产品。 可以肯定地说,W 酒店是广州第一家 如此富有个性与魅力的场所。从气味到声 音,全球第 44 家 W 酒店定能为你带来丰富 多彩的体验。就连那些到过世界各地,体验 过全球最新时尚的人都会惊喜不已。 The opening of the first W on the Mainland signifies that Guangzhou has graduated from industrial, commercial hub to ever-hipper, cosmopolitan metropolis. The executive lounge is a hunting club for a posse of brawny Canadian postmodernists. Neon lips and eyes in the elevators scare little children. The global zeitgeist pours from the luminous walls, aggressive beats, and energetic, vibrant attitude of the staff. The W Guangzhou bar manager is even from Monte Carlo. A city can host various athletic events, build some hyper towers, and conduct constant

The Luminous Wall: fit for a 21st Century Cathedral

The executive lounge is perfect for eccentrically stylish Guangzhou gentleman Photos: Nels Frye

beautification campaigns, but few things suggest arrival on the global scene more than the opening of a W. This is more a test for the practical, all-business Guangzhouers than the W, in a way, because the city doesn’t seem quite avant-garde enough. But then, the W is all about taking risks, according to Brian Segrave, the General Manager. A night in Wu Bar or the soon-to-open Fei ultralounge should convince locals that their city has reached the next level. The W is more than just the very hippest place to stay and party in Guangzhou. It is also a patron of local designers, artists, and musicians, a platform on which local talent can shine. They will be working with fashion designers like Uma Wang and Exception and are also promoting local DJs. The dark glass structure by Rocco Yim, comfortable but hyper-modern interiors by Yabu Pushelberg, and 19 meter high Luminous Water Wall by WETDesign are all talking points for locals.

The Living Lobby manages to be relaxed and grandiose

But the W is not a 24 hour shock to the system. Materials like skins, petrified wood, and metal are truly rarified and specially commissioned artwork matches both the chic of the hotel and the local culture. Guests can bring friends over to the exciting, eclectic, stylish living room - W lobbies are welcoming, fun and vibrant - but then escape to their rooms for some calm. The rooms are surprisingly understated and soothing with the very most convenient in high-tech including the newest toto toilets and music and TV that can be adjusted from the bath. One thing for sure is that Guangzhou has never had so much glamour and eccentricity packed into one building. From scent to sound, the 44th W in the world is a full body experience and its acolytes, the forever young cool kids who trot the globe imbibing the latest trends in all its corners, will be thrilled to enter this new property, the first of is brand on the Chinese Mainland.

Woo Bar: Guangzhou’s glitterati finally have a home





On the terrace, it’s hard to believe that this is still in the middle of a city

Ebony is the place for fine steaks, seafood and the best hamburger in town


An Understated Breakthrough Photos: MO

“不出错”通常并非最好的赞许,它 只是“不好不坏”和“因循守旧”的另一种 说法而已。设计师大多还是希望听到“大胆” 或“颇具挑战性”这样的评价,可是开创性 的设计风格总免不了招来非议。想要创新又 想讨好每一个人,这简直就是两难的选择, 结果只能是平庸之作。如此看来,鱼与熊掌 真的很难兼得。 然而著名纽约华裔建筑设计师季裕棠 为全新开业的广州文华东方酒店所做的室 内设计却得到几乎所有人的交口称赞—— 极富创意,却掩不住无与伦比的舒适惬意与 优雅宁静。他的设计重新定义了所谓现代中 国风,并将对酒店设计产生深远影响。更令 人称奇的是,这一设计绝非只是传统的承 继,反而散发出一种新颖自然的味道,势必 会影响到中国酒店的整体设计风格。从酒店 233 间客房、30 间套房以及 24 间豪华服务 式公寓到 4 家各具特色的餐厅,清新简洁 的设计中透着无处不在的中国风。设计师秉 持实用的理念,对中国元素的运用颇为讲 究。客房布局的灵感源自传统中国民居。一 条通往外面的走廊连接了各个房间,很自然 地将每间客房的私密空间与外面隔离开来。 在中国,很多建筑只能保持短短几年 的光鲜亮丽,之后就迅速衰败了。然而广 州文华东方酒店不会,它将越老越有味道。

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木质和皮质的家具以及漆器、布艺只会随着 时间的流逝愈发增添魅力,即使小小的角落 也经过精心布置。总之,酒店装饰极重品质, 所用材料无需短短几年就更换。显然这十分 契合目前盛行的可持续发展理念,但这一流 行趋势并非最重要的出发点,酒店投资方太 古地产有着更为长远的眼光。 当我坐在酒吧里,喝着香槟,眼睛却 忍不住被亚麻软垫椅子、皮沙发和精致的艺 术手册所吸引。窗外是在中国任何一个大城 市都能见到的沉闷街景——拥堵、噪音和难 看的色调。相比之下,我更喜欢酒店里宁静、 惬意、和谐的风景。 难怪客人都不想离开了。你可以邀请 当地的朋友在悦茶居共享下午茶和美味茶 点,或者在 The Loft 酒吧抽支雪茄,喝杯 鸡尾酒,还可以在文华饼店尝尝点心和有 手绘图案的巧克力。用餐选择也相当丰富, Ebony 餐厅用新鲜的有机食材烹饪出极具 创意的佳肴,是广州最好的西餐厅之一。酒 店与中国最好的购物场所之一——太古汇 购物中心相邻,除了人们熟知的奢侈品牌之 外,那里还有一些具有当地特色的品牌店, 比如设计师品牌“例外”的全新文化概念店 “方所”。 酒店里做工精致的皮质盒子、放大镜、 木质相框,甚至员工的亚麻领带都是专门定

One wouldn’t be surprised if guests hire Tony Chi to design their next home after a stay here

制,它们的色彩搭配和格调气质极具文华东 方特色,品位之高实属罕见,客人也常常艳 羡不已。有人可能会想,既然酒店拥有着一 系列的产品,为何不建立自己的品牌呢?如 今不少设计师以怪异出位博取名声,但是季 裕棠的新经典设计却优雅而低调,影响也将 更为长久。 With the opening of the Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou, designer Tony Chi creates an elegant, new definition of China Modern sure to exert a lasting influence on hotel design. “Inoffensive” barely sounds like praise. Akin to “lukewarm” and “conventional”, most designers would prefer to hear their work called “daring” or “challenging”. Some will always be offended by a groundbreaking design, while innovation that pleases all seems almost like an oxymoron and bound to be boring. To create something completely new that is in complete good taste seems near impossible. And yet with his design for the Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou, star designer New Yorkbased Tony Chi will make just about everyone feel comfortable and at peace. Surprising that far from traditionalist, his work here is very fresh and sure to influence hotel design throughout China. Never overt or gratuitous, Chinese culture seeps from the walls of all

Earth tones never looks as good as in the Oriental Club

233 rooms, 30 suites, 24 luxury serviced apartments and the four restaurants. Always serving a genuine function, Chinese design elements are deployed thoughtfully and with profound meaning. Guestroom lay-out is inspired by traditional courtyard residences, meaning the various chambers adjoin an inner corridor that flows to the outer door. The private is discreetly separately from the public even in the standard rooms. Unlike many properties in China that look good for a few years but then rapidly fade, the Guangzhou Mandarin Oriental will age well. Woods, lacquers, skins, and fabrics will get better with time and corners were not cut during construction. Passing trends are not heeded, though the emphasis on quality materials that need not be replaced every half-decade fits well with our current interest in sustainability. Owner Swire has invested with their sights set on the long-term. Sipping champagne in the Oriental Club, one might be forgiven for preferring the view in - of linen upholstered chairs, leather couches and beautiful art books - to the view out, which is of a somewhat grim cityscape, the likes of which could be found in the center of any Chinese metropolis. Out there one has to behold all the clutter, noise, and poor color matching that would never be allowed in a

Mandarin Oriental. Indeed, guests have little incentive to leave. Local friends can be invited for afternoon tea and dim sum at Taikoo Lounge, cigars and cocktails at The Loft, or pastries and handpainted chocolate at the Mandarin Cake Shop. Restaurants options abound and the creative presentation and organic produce of Ebony make it one of the best Western restaurants in town. Right next door is one of the best malls in China: Taikoo place, with flagships of all the usual luxury suspects plus some unique local players like lifestyle boutique, Fangsuo. One might wonder why the Mandarin Oriental Guangzhou lacks its own lifestyle brand with a full array of products that reflect the color scheme and style ethos of the hotel. Guests frequently covet the beautifully crafted leather boxes, magnifying glasses, wooden picture frames, porcelain, and even the linen ties of the staff - all custom made for the hotel. Good taste like this is surprisingly rare in this world. Many designers strive to startle and garner media attention, but Tony has revolutionized in a more elegant, lasting way by giving us a new classic. Uniforms are in linen and earth tones that match the color scheme of the hotel Photo: Nels Frye



能简单介绍下广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店五周 年庆典盛况吗?此次庆典为什么如此重要? 3 月 11 日,300 位宾客在广州富力丽 思卡尔顿酒店欢聚一堂,隆重庆祝酒店开 业五周年,同时也为我们所取得的辉煌成绩 喝彩,向完美演绎丽思卡尔顿传奇的一众绅 士淑女表示感谢,是他们成功地为酒店奠定 了南中国最奢华酒店的地位。我们的周年志 庆限量版丝巾也在当晚正式面世,并推出了 “完美丽思回忆”入住礼遇。五周年巨献《职 业艺术》特辑也于当晚正式公映,这部纪录 片展示了杰出的丽思卡尔顿人职业生涯里 平凡而感人的故事。

我们十分了解客人的需求,并致力于 满足他们的需求。如果客人入住时间早,而 退房时间晚,这是件好事。他们的目的不仅 仅是住宿,更渴望非同一般的体验。入住时, 一杯舒爽的欢迎茶为他们扫除疲惫烦扰;闲 暇时,可以体验舒心的水疗或在户外泳池畅 游,再到酒店的特色餐厅吃一顿大餐。客人 希望处处完美,我们的奢华设施与细致入微 的服务能让他们感觉开心舒适。五年的经验 和投入,五年不变的信念——追求完美,这 是我们一直以来的制胜法宝。


Five Years of Excellence 走过五载春秋,广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店如何在激烈的 酒店业竞争中脱颖而出?总经理罗捷思先生有什么制胜的法宝? After recently celebrating its fifth anniversary, how does The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou continue to stand out from the competition? The General Manager Mr. Andrew Rogers, a 22-year veteran of the hospitality industry, shares his secrets with us. Text: Audrey Hammonds

听说酒店还举行了五周年志庆限量版丝巾 慈善义卖活动。 庆典当晚首次面世的周年志庆限量版 丝巾是我们与南中国高级定制艺术家文妙 共同打造的。酒店以此款跨界精品与著名助 学机构“蝴蝶助学团”携手展开社区足迹活 动,将慈善义卖的收益用于山区小学助教项 目,同时我们也希望借此机会回馈社会。

作为领先的奢华酒店品牌,广州富力丽思 卡尔顿酒店是如何在竞争激烈的酒店业脱 颖而出的?

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We heard that The Ritz-Carlton also introduced a limited-edition silk scarf for charity on this special occasion. Can you give us a little more detail about that? The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou debuted a limited-edition “Fifth Anniversary Kerchief”, created on commission by famous South China designer Miuki Wen. As part of the hotel’s Community Footprints community service program, profits from the kerchief’s sale will be donated to the Butterfly Student Group, a charitable organization serving underprivileged students in China’s rural areas. It was an opportunity for us to give back to the community which has supported us so generously these past five years. What are your goals and strategies for the coming 5 years of The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, in terms of management and how do you plan to achieve them? To keep The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou’s leading position in the market is our goal; to reinforce our position as the trend setter and social center of Guangzhou, creating warm memories and refined ambience through the finest personal service, extraordinary club and suite experiences, world-class culinary excellence, relaxing spas, and luxury Residences for our guests. Being in the industry for quite some time, how would you say your perspective has changed over the years? The main requirement is knowing what our customers want; getting to know them, getting to know what they like and how we can continue to evolve and allow them to experience something they cannot get elsewhere. The foundation starts with our 700 ladies and gentlemen, who take care of the facilities and our guests; combined with great products and service excellence, which make for happy guests. If you have happy guests, they are going to create a guest business and The Ritz-Carlton brand is strengthened.

今后五年酒店的经营目标和策略是什么? 如何实现? 成为酒店业顶级奢华体验提供者,巩 固酒店在市场中的领军地位;继续保持行 业风向标与广州社交中心的地位,通过卓越 的服务、非凡的行政楼层体验、独特的餐饮 创新理念、国际顶级的烹饪、舒适放松的水 疗与健身中心以及奢华的公寓服务,为客人 打造优雅高贵的氛围和个性化的尊贵服务, 创造更多温暖难忘的回忆。 这些年来你的管理理念和风格有哪些变化? 我想说,洞悉客人需求是“必需的”。 了解客人,掌握他们的喜好并“投其所好”, 让客人享受在丽思卡尔顿才有的专属体验。 当然,这取决于酒店七百多位绅士淑女,他 们在设施的日常维护与服务方面担当着最 重要的角色。只有优秀的人才、卓越的产品、 细致的服务完美融合,才会提高客人满意 度,进而形成良性循环,丽思卡尔顿的金字 招牌也能得到巩固。

commission of a limited edition Ritz-Carlton kerchief and an indulgent “My Perfect RitzCarlton Memory” package. Simultaneously, two “The Art of the Craft” documentaries produced by the hotel premiered at the space’s periphery. Each film captures the experiences, challenges and triumphs of a Ritz-Carlton lady or gentleman both on and off the job.

Could you please tell us a little more about The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou 5th Anniversary celebration and why it is important to your hotel? On March 11, The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou hosted more than 300 guests for an extravagant evening celebrating the fifth anniversary of the hotel’s opening; celebrating the milestone we have achieved and the ladies and gentlemen who have brought the brand to life and secured its reputation as the premier luxury destination in South China. The celebrations also included the

As a leading name in luxury, how does The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou stand out among so many other luxury hotels in China’s booming hospitality business? We know what our guests want and cater to their needs. Our guests check in early, and they check out late. They come for the experience. It is not just a place to sleep. They enjoy the tea service in the lobby, the spa treatment, a swim in the outdoor pool and great dinners specially prepared by our outstanding chefs. Our guests demand excellence in every aspect – so they are enjoying the facilities and service the way we designed it. Our five-year legacy of excellence is our key to success.



Excellence is in the Details 一直以来,个性化的服务、对细节的关 注都是丽思卡尔顿酒店集团的特点。“酒店 中的酒店”——广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店的 行政楼层也不例外。通过倾听和满足客人 未表达的需求,致力于不断提升品牌的服 务标准,其重新定义行政楼层及套房入住 体验,将私密、舒适与细腻完美结合,以 巩固丽思卡尔顿品牌对呈现卓越服务的坚 定承诺,将奢华体验提升到一个新的高度。 行政楼层及套房的客人将有专人在房 内办理入住。酒店深谙时间就是金钱的道 理,为行政楼层客人贴心安排豪华轿车服 务,免费接送宾客往来于附近指定之地, 省时方便。除此之外,每位入住宾客还拥 有烫金印制的个人专属信笺及名片。行政 酒廊还特别准备传统英式下午茶,为行政 楼层客人专享。经典三层下午茶架从司康 饼到三明治,搭配至少五款精选茶茗,打 造 从 容 惬 意 的 商 旅 体 验。 此 外 总 面 积 达 1000 平方米且可个性化命名的会议场地和 24 小时商务中心可供客人选用。 酒店行政楼层拥有 58 间行政客房和 35 间套 房,其中包括位于酒店顶层 38 楼 的丽思卡尔顿套房。个性化、舒适和体贴 入微的服务是丽思卡尔顿行政楼层的代名 词。位于 33 楼的行政酒廊专为行政楼层客 人而设,可独揽 270 度珠江美景,更有每 日五个时段精致餐饮。 对于商旅人士最关心的交通问题,广州 富力丽思卡尔顿酒店当然不会让客人失望。 酒店处于中央商务区珠江新城的核心,临

近珠江,毗邻广州新地标广东博物馆、广 州大剧院、广州图书馆和广州城市会客厅 花城广场,与广州国际会议展览中心(广 交会新馆)和广州塔隔江相望。 Personalized service and attention to detail have always been the hallmarks of The Ritz-Carlton, and surely there is no exception with The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, as it constantly elevates standards to meet and even anticipate the needs of its guests. Their recent series of additional services to Club and Suite guests are part of a corporate initiative to reinforce the brand’s unwavering commitment to service. The redefined luxury Club and Suite experience is tailored for the 21st century business guest, combining intimacy, comfort and exclusive attention to details. Club and Suite guests are warmly welcomed, escorted directly to their rooms and privately checked in to their new luxury home. When time is of the essence, Club and Suite guests can enjoy a complimentary limousine service to get to destinations within the vicinity with minimal fuss. And that’s not all - The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou has elegantly restored the art of the handwritten note. Each guest in residence enjoys elegant personalized stationery on high quality letterhead in gold lettering. Perhaps the best-kept secret of those Suite and Club guests who are ‘in the know’ is the traditional afternoon tea presented with compliments

in The Ritz-Carlton Club Lounge. Elegantly layered on a three-tiered stand complete with scones, sandwiches and at least five specially-selected teas, it is the perfect experience in an exclusive environment. In addition, a conference area of 1,000 square meters which can be personally named if needed and 24-hour business center are always ready for use. This hotel within a hotel is comprised of 58 guest rooms and 35 suites including The Ritz-Carlton Suite located on the 38th floor. A personalized concierge service is provided for the added comfort and care of every guest. A private Club Lounge on the 33rd floor serves five complimentary food and beverage presentations daily, offering Club guests a relaxing setting while enjoying the spectacular views of the Pearl River. When it comes to traffic, it will be the last thing to worry about as The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou is located in the new CBD Pearl River New City in Tianhe District, only steps away from the New Guangdong Museum, the sweeping surface planes of the Guangzhou Library and the curvaceous, Zaha Hadiddesigned Guangzhou Opera House, facing the Guangzhou International Convention and Exhibition Center and Canton Tower across the river. www.ritzcarlton.com/guangzhou Tel: 020 3813 6688






Designing Guangzhou Text: Audrey Hammonds

Guangzhou has always been known as one of China’s manufacturing meccas, but unbeknownst to some, in recent years the city has blossomed into a hub for creativity and design. LifeStyle recently had the chance to experience first hand the creative side of this ever-evolving metropolis, and we present to you Guangzhou style as seen through its most prominent designers and design spaces.

广州一直以来都是中国著名的制造 业基地,殊不知近年来这座城市已经发 展成为一个创意设计中心。LifeStyle 带 你亲身体验这座国际化大都市充满创意 的一面,就让我们通过几位著名设计师 及设计场所来一探“广州风格”。

2011 年,在广州太古汇,本地服装品 牌“例外”旗下一个以书店为主体的新型 态复合店诞生,它就是“方所”。这一独 特的文化组合形式涵盖了书店、美学生活、 衣饰设计、展览空间与咖啡,是一个让知性 与感性同时得以寄托的地方,也是一个多元 的文化与创意平台。2012 年,世界零售业 大会授予方所“年度最佳购物场所设计奖”, 认为它创造性地改变了传统的“游戏规则”。 方所以自然主义风格的店铺设计成为全中 国有自我文化趣向的人士一处绝佳的生活 方式载体。 Located in Taikoo Hui mall in Guangzhou, Fang Suo Commune is a combination bookstore, café, houseware and luxury clothing boutique under the banner of famous Guangzhou brand EXCEPTION. It is place where intellectuals, creative minds and artists can mingle, a haven amid busy city life, a multicultural creative platform. The space itself was designed by a group of renowned domestic and international designers, who were inspired by a classic European style library combined with a modern concept of space, and contains nearly 90,000 books stored in over 100 three-meter-high wooden book shelves. Fang Suo Commune won an award for Best Retail Space Design at the World Retail Congress 2012, for its creative take on the traditional “rules of the game.” Using its natural and simple design to turn tradition on its head, it is one of China’s most forward-thinking spaces and a must-visit on your next trip to Guangzhou.

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Fang Suo Commune


Muki Ma 他,屡获大奖的独立设计师,拥有自 己的服装品牌。毕业于天津美术学院,主 修时装设计,之前是广州例外服饰有限公司 主设计师。2007 年中国国际杰出时装设计 师发现计划银奖,同期被评为中国新锐设计 师,作品荣获 2008 年北京奥运会颁奖礼仪 服饰设计大奖。 2012 年马凯的系列设计代表“例外” 获邀参加当年的伦敦时装秀,期间举行了一 场别开生面的中国时装秀,不仅为“例外” 赢得了国际声誉,马凯本人也正式进入人们 的视野。 对于马凯来说,生活和自然是他最大 的灵感来源,而时尚设计是记录生活感悟和 表达对大自然的热爱的一种方式。广州拥有 珠江三角洲地区最成熟的时尚产业,设计业 发达,原材料来源丰富。在马凯看来,广州 是一个坦率而实际的城市,有着巨大的吸引 力。 “中国设计的崛起是经济实力增强的 必然结果。在国际上, ‘中国设计’极受欢迎, 为客户提供了一种与众不同的选择。中国的 经济和设计产业前景大好,但我们首先要学 会感恩,要继续努力,不断提升自我。”

Formerly Chief designer at EXCEPTION de MIXMIND, Muki Ma holds a Bachelor of Fashion Design from the Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, and is now heading his own label as an independent designer. He has won numerous awards, including the 2008 Beijing Olympic Ceremony Fashion Design and the silver medal at the China International Outstanding Fashion Designers Hunting Project.

But last year was when Ma really came into the spotlight when, on behalf of EXCEPTION, he was invited to take part in a special Chinese fashion show at 2012 London Fashion Week, helping create recognition for the brand worldwide. For Ma, fashion design is a media through which to record and express life and nature, his greatest inspirations. As the most mature fashion market in China’s Pearl River Delta with ample design and materials resources, Guangzhou was an extremely attractive option for him, and he describes the city’s style as straightforward and down to earth. “The rapid rise of Chinese design is a natural result of China’s economic strengthening,” says Ma. “In the international market [Chinese design] is icing on the cake; it gives consumers one more choice. China’s economic future and its design will be substantial, but first we have to learn to be thankful, and continue working hard to improve ourselves.”


Miuki Wen 她,中国最著名的本土设计师之一, 高级服装定制品牌“妙宴”的首席设计师、 艺术总监,从事高级女士定制礼服设计,裁 剪精湛完美,风格华贵雅致。“妙宴”钟情 于中华文化艺术,并将西方元素融入设计, 带来充满魅力的人文经典。品牌针对追求完 美生活品质的女士和男士,秉持“人穿衣并 非衣穿人”的理念,选用进口和本地高档面 料,包括日本手工蕾丝以及意大利和瑞士生 产的面料,设计出专享的尊贵华裳。 文 妙 的 设 计 受 到 了 国 内 外 的 瞩 目, 2012 年荣获“广东省十佳服装设计师”称 号,同年成为广东省服装设计师协会理事。 2013 年,她的设计作品还登上了《时尚》 和《时尚芭莎》杂志。 “广州是一个很讲求实际的城市,与 拥有众多高端定制品牌的北京和上海相比, 广州其实不是特别适合这种精致的风格,但 任何事物都有两面性。虽然还有一些困难, 但是广州几近空白的市场也为丰富提高自 己、提升作品品质提供了机会。” Miuki Wen, lead designer and Artistic Director of her self-named brand, is one of China’s best-known home grown designers, specializing in delicate, intricately detailed and exquisitely crafted women’s formal wear.

The brand emphasizes its Chinese cultural background while incorporating Western techniques and elements to bring together cultures in design. Using imported and local materials like handmade Japanese lace and textiles from Italy and Switzerland, the brand creates both couture designs and bespoke gowns for those ladies with discerning taste, and menswear as well, designed so that people wear the clothing, and not the other way around.

Miuki’s gorgeous pieces have garnered much attention: she was named one of Guangdong’s Top Ten Fashion Designers and also named Director of the Guangdong Fashion Designers Association in 2012, and this year her work has been featured in both Cosmo and Harper’s Bazaar magazine. “Guangzhou is a rather practical city,” Miuki says, “as compared to Beijing or Shanghai with their numerous tailoring and bespoke options, Guangzhou is not quite as suited for bespoke, but everything has pros and cons: although there is some difficulty, the relatively empty market has really given me a chance to strengthen myself, and richen and solidify the quality of my work.”





丁一 法国精品时尚女装品牌 Mo&Co 设计师,长居广州。 Designer at Mo&Co of Paris, based in Guangzhou.


Ding Yi 每个城市都有自己的风格和气质,请描述一 下广州风格。 广州的风格是实在和务实。 你一直都住在广州吗?是什么吸引你来这 里的? 我是上大学才来到广州的,这个城市 各方面配备齐全,适合发展事业,也适合好 好生活。 你最大的灵感来自哪里? 生活,我的过往、所见所闻和感悟成 就了我的设计。 “中国设计”越来越得到认可和欢迎,你怎 样看它的前景? 这是时代的趋势,发展的必然,对于 中国来说是挑战也是机遇。只有做好准备来

迎接这一趋势才不至于被瞬息万变的潮流 冲垮。

My biggest inspiration comes from my life; everything that I’ve seen, heard and come to realize becomes my designs.

广州从最初单一的制造中心逐渐发展成为 创意和设计中心,其制造中心的历史地位 将如何影响后续的发展?对设计师的影响 呢? 广州作为制造中心的历史地位造就了 它完善的产业链架构,并且巩固了基础产业 的根基,从而能够有力地支撑起创意产业, 为其提供强大的技术和原料支持。设计师浸 润其中,对整个行业的运作都会有更深层次 的认知,特别是商业设计师,对于如何平衡 创意和市场有着很深的指导意义。

Chinese designs are gaining more and more recognition and popularity – what do you see as the future for Chinese labels? This is the trend dictated by the times, for China this is a challenge and an opportunity. I just hope that as a people we can completely prepare for this and not let it pass us by.

你的个人风格是怎样的? 比较简约,且有趣,以寻找与人的共 鸣为出发点。有点像 Coldplay 所追寻的玩 味人生的感觉,是我一直追求和探寻的风 格。 How would you describe Guangzhou style? Gangzhou’s style is quite pragmatic. Have you always been based in Guangzhou? If not, what brought you here? I have lived in Guangzhou since college, I think this city is perfectly outfitted for development in every aspect, as well as a city in which you can live well. As a designer, where does your greatest inspiration come from?

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Guangzhou has evolved from solely focusing on manufacturing, to a center for creativity and design. How does its history of manufacturing continue to affect its evolution as a design city, and your work as a designer? Guangzhou’s history as a manufacturing center gives it a perfect framework for supply chains, and intensely strengthens the basic foundations, and provides powerful support, technology and raw materials for the creative industries. Immersed in this environment, a designer can become deeply aware of the whole process of the industry, especially how to balance the creative side with the business side. How do you describe your personal style? My personal style is quite concise and interesting, using resonance between people as a starting point. It’s a little like the band Coldplay pondering all the subtleties of life; this is the style I’m always searching for.

United Nude Top: United Nude shop in Guangzhou Right: Rem D. Koolhaas Bottom: Ultra Z Loop in off-white and black

荷兰建筑师雷姆·D·库哈斯(北京中央电视台新 址大楼设计师雷姆·库哈斯的侄子)联手英国著名鞋 履品牌其乐的第七代传人加拉哈特·克拉克推出的品 牌,融合了建筑与鞋艺。如今 United Nude 已是一 个国际品牌,吸引了设计师、建筑师、时尚和传媒 人士以及创意阶层的多方关注,在世界各地,包括 伦敦和广州都设有旗舰店。 该 品 牌 的 很 多 设 计 灵 感 都 来 自 建 筑, 风 格 简 洁、抽象、奇特。从广州的时尚达人到美国的 Lady Gaga,United Nude 吸引了来自各个国家的时尚潮 人。广州旗舰店的设计主题为“深色店铺”,店内 装饰为暗色,与摆放在亮丽的几何状展示架上的各 式各样的鞋子形成鲜明对比。 A collaboration between Dutch architect Rem D. Koolhaas (nephew of Rem Koolhaas, designer of Beijing’s reknowned CCTV Building,) and Galahad Clark, a seventh generation shoemaker, United Nude is an architecturally inspired shoe design brand. But more than that, it’s become an international collective for designers, architects, fashion and media figures and creative minds, with studios in Guangzhou and London, and stores opening all over the world. Their shoe designs are usually inspired by architecture, making for many stark, angular and conceptual designs that have fascinated clients from Guangzhou fashionistas to Lady Gaga. Their flagship store in Guangzhou was designed with a “dark shop” concept in mind, meaning that everything is in darkness except the products which are showcased in bright geometric frames.






On the Street Element,20 岁,时尚造型师 Fashion Stylist

Swing Lee,25 岁,摄影师 Photographer

54 LifeStyle

Kenny,25 岁,服装品牌 Noisy 总监 Noisy Director

Ivan,25 岁,服装买手 Clothing Buyer

还有比街拍更能原汁原味反映一个大都会的风 尚的么?透过“广州街头”这一扇窗,让我们 一窥它的文化和审美。不管复古还是前卫,精 巧还是大胆,都是属于广州的千般面孔。 Snapshots of authentic Guangzhou street fashion are like small windows into the heart of the culture. Contrasts of bold and subtle, vintage and supertrendy display both the city’s fun spirit and its continuously developing aesthetic. Photos & info provided by Eyestore

Gaga,时尚写手、造型师 Fashion Writer & Stylist

Dicky,Burnmark 乐队主唱 Burnmark Lead Singer

宝司,26 岁,时尚行业 Fashion Industry

C. Y,26 岁,品牌公关经理 Brand PR Manager





大都会总是那么的光怪陆离,让一个 人去定义一座城市难免陈词滥调或流于肤 浅。不过,每个地方似乎都有自己独特的气 质与内涵,一些特定的词总能让人第一时间 想到某个地方。在巴黎,放荡不羁的艺术家 在咖啡馆里一边抽着 Gitanes 香烟,一边闲 扯存在主义和波德莱尔,贝雷帽和黑色高领 衫是他们惯有的装扮。而说到里约热内卢, 棕色肌肤、“瘦小”的比基尼、沙滩排球以 及热情的克力欧卡舞和桑巴舞便轮番上演。 达拉斯呢,人们会不由自主地想到肥皂剧 《Dallas》里穿着西式夹克和牛仔靴的 J.R. Ewing 如何与亲人、当地商人和政客们勾心 斗角。

李艺贤已经去过 40 个国家,可他还是无法 想象在中国之外生活,因为他所经历的生活 几乎不可能在其它任何地方发生。他说,中 国现在很富有,他身边的人积累财富都是依 靠自由的政策和快速的经济增长来支撑的, 而这些是美国和其它发达国家提供不了的。 他相信用不了 5 年时间,中国经济就将超 越美国,并坦言自己这辈子所见证的发展非 常难以置信。 Metropolises are vast and diverse. Trying to select one man to define a city is to fall prey to stereotypes and cliches and to oversimplify. Yet, certain characters do seem associated with particular places, as if other terrain could not possibly birth them. Paris has its Gitanes-smoking bohemian in a beret


Guangzhou Man 作为岭南风水老师、电台嘉宾以及时尚品牌创办人, 李艺贤对广州的定义比一般人更为准确而贴切。 No man defines Guangzhou so well as Master Li, Fengshui teacher, radio personality and fashion brand founder. Text: Nels Frye Photos: Guuca

说回广州,广州有李艺贤,穿着无懈 可击的深色西服,搭配精致的口袋巾和领 带,黑色开普托鞋,每一样都来自他自己的 品牌。他开着一辆崭新的奔驰,对于风水和 全球经济都有睿智的见解。20 年前李艺贤 开始创业,为中东、非洲及其它国家的客户 生产西服等男士时尚用品,逐渐积累起可观 的财富,精明的他选择了创立自己的品牌, 通过与客户建立直接的联系获得更大利润。 从 Ferre Studio 到 Guuca,李艺贤的 品牌因优雅而享有良好口碑,与主流风尚 同步,但又不被其牵着鼻子走。他的品牌 产品出自广州周边最好的工厂,可以说向 客户展示了他自己的精英、高端生活方式。 而作为电台和电视台的嘉宾,李艺贤为广州 的年轻人详解穿戴礼仪,无疑是这一领域的 先行者。广州是个很休闲的地方,本地人穿 衣以舒适为第一准则。李艺贤常为年轻人廉 价又杂乱无章的穿衣风格而感叹,在这里人 们更关心如何赚到更多的钱,而不是让自己 看起来更加赏心悦目,但李艺贤身上却精于 两者。他的奔驰宝马豪车可以组成一个名副 其实的车队,他还拥有诸多房产,其中包括 他自行设计的一座欧式宅邸。 俗话说,不识庐山真面目,只缘身在 此山中。对于广州的认识,李艺贤不可能 面面俱到。而说到法国我行我素的文化人的 戏谑哲学,李艺贤轻笑道,在烛光下看书的 人并非浪漫,而是买不起巴黎街上的任何东 西,那里的东西太贵了,伤不起。这种人 贫穷且负债,就像现在很多的西方人一样。

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and black turtleneck, rambling on about existentialism and Baudelaire in a café. The tanned, perfectly sculpted Carioca from Rio De Janeiro wears a tiny bikini and alternates between volleyball and dancing samba on the beach. Dallas has its oil man, represented by J.R. Ewing in the TV series Dallas, wearing a Western jacket and cowboy boots while scheming against local businessmen, relatives and politicians. Guangzhou has its Master Li Yixian, wearing an impeccable dark suit, lovingly matched pocket square and tie, and black cap-toes - all from his own fashion brand - while being driven in a brand new Mercedes and making wise pronouncements on Fengshui and the global economy. Li founded his own business two decades ago, sourcing suits and other men’s fashion items for clients from the Middle East, Africa and other countries. Though profits from these endeavors were massive for many years, Li made the astute move to create his own brands, getting hold of the greater fruits that would come from direct contact with customers. His brands, first Ferre Studio, and then Guuca have built a reputation for an elegance that acknowledges key fashion trends while not becoming victim to them. Li is committed to sourcing from the very best factories around Guangzhou and giving customers a look that represents his own elite, sophisticated lifestyle. A radio and TV personality and collaborator with some of China’s top media, Li seeks to persuade Guangzhou youth to take their appearance more seriously. In this he is something of a pioneer. Guangzhou is very casual, even by Chinese standards. Locals baulk at dress codes, choosing comfort above all else. Li bemoans the disorganized, cheap way in which young men dress. This is a city in which people care far more about making more money than looking good, but Li himself is adept at both of these pursuits. He has a veritable fleet of Benzes and BMWs and numerous homes including one Europeanstyle mansion of his own design by the coast, not far from Guangzhou, and he is always ready to entertain guests and friends in most lavish fashion. Master Li is not so much an expert on Guangzhou as an embodiment of the very spirit of the city. Recalling the French bohemian bantering about philosophy, Li chuckles and says that figure reading a book by candle-light is not romantic, he just can’t afford anything outside on the streets of Paris because labor is too expensive there. That figure, like many Westerners these days, is just poor and in debt. Though he has travelled to forty countries, he could not imagine living elsewhere because his lifestyle would not be possible in any other place. Chinese now have more money than anyone, he says. America and other developed nations do not offer the freedom from regulation and fast growth needed for the kind of wealth accumulation he sees around him and he believes that China will have surpassed America in less than five years. The development he has witnessed in his lifetime is nearly unbelievable, he confesses.






The Epicure in Guangzhou Text: Teddybear


Yayuan Restaurant


Limoni at The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou 作为广州城中意菜的一颗明珠,意轩 低调安嵌在丽思卡尔顿酒店三楼,主厨卢 卡无疑是这里的指挥家,无论是进口的意大 利食材、本地有机鲜蔬还是意菜点睛之笔黑 松露,都得经过他慎密严苛的选择和调制。 落座试上几道来自主厨家乡诺尔卡的火腿、 卢卡大饼、黑松露酱系列菜式,你就会感受 到那份绝无本地化的道地意大利风味。更吸 引人的是,餐厅推出了业界流行的主厨餐 桌,卢卡将全程在客人面前现场烹制,客人 在品尝意大利佳肴的同时可以亲眼目睹这 位名厨出神入化的烹饪技艺。当然,好奇的 你想与大厨深度交流厨室机密,餐后就是最 佳时间,这是品尝意大利菜一个不可跳过的 传统。 Nestled on the 3rd floor of The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou, Limoni is a dazzling venue in which to enjoy Italian cuisine in town. Luca Pecorari, the Head Chef, is the restaurant’s

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undoubted conductor. From imported Italian ingredients like black truffle, the soul of Italian cuisine, to local fresh organic vegetables, all must be rigorously selected and prepared by the chef himself. Seat yourself comfortably and try some flavorful ham, Luca’s Pie, black truffle paste and other delicacies from the chef’s hometown Nocia, an ancient town famous for its wonderful and distinctive foods, and find yourself intoxicated by the authentic Italian flavor. Better yet, the restaurant is promoting “Chef’s Table”, a popular practice in catering in which chef Luca will cook dishes in front of the guests, giving them the opportunity to personally watch the renowned chef’s superb culinary skills. If you are curious to explore the kitchen’s secrets, then have a talk with the chef after your meal, which is an indispensable tradition when dining on Italian cuisine.

这家偏隅城中一角的餐厅甚不起眼, 狭窄的一栋临街小楼,老气陈旧的装饰环 境,防火板面餐桌,出访此地的客人无法与 坊间言称“贵价饭堂”联系起来,没有几下 板斧料不敢如此托大。点上几个皇牌招牌 菜,豉油糖煎黄花鱼、咸鱼蒸肉饼以及可菜 可汤的咸猪骨芥菜砂锅,添上一碗盐油咸蛋 饭,从菜名就知道是家里妈妈常做的小菜, 碟头精致,味道妥帖,吃得毫无约束感。人 均百五绝不便宜,可每日还是客人如鲫,估 摸着客人来吃的就是那份久违的家常口味。 Hidden in an unnoticeable corner of the city, Yayuan Restaurant is a small inconspicuous building with rather unfashionable decoration. One cannot imagine it being a “luxury dining hall” upon first visit. But there is a reason it’s so well known. Take a look at the menu and you will find that it is full of homestyle dishes just like mom used to make, served on delicate tableware. With the great combination of “fried yellow croaker with sugar and soy sauce”, “steamed minced salted fish and pork”, “pork bones and vegetable casserole” which can be a dish or a soup, and a bowl of hot delicious “claypot rice with salted egg”, a feeling of unconstraint will arise spontaneously. The business here is flourishing, though, to be honest, it is quite expensive to be charged 150 RMB at such an eatery. I think that customers are drawn by the homestyle flavor here that’s hard to find anywhere else. Add: 2nd F of rear building, No. 14, Chaotian Rd., Yuexiu District, Guangzhou


Roku Roku

要说日本料理的取胜秘诀,各店家拼的 就是新鲜食材、出色主厨以及优秀的管理团 队,而这家开业经年的日料出品一直保持平 均,坐于吧台前,喊上 Omakase,主厨就 会因应当日最优食材在你面前呈献。当然, 这里的楼面经理相当殷情和懂行,总是记得 客人上次满意的菜式,令人不禁大赞专业; 这里的食材九成日本进口,连饭后赠送的果 味雪葩都是日本来货,光是这份坚持就值 得尊敬。如果你和主厨在吧台前聊得畅快, 可能会得到一份不在菜单的拖罗茸海胆饭、 拖罗茸和日本马粪海胆铺满饭面,幸福充满 脑际。


Le Grill at Sofitel Guangzhou Sunrich 前身是日本料理的餐厅华丽变身为 法式扒房后,由屡获殊荣的法籍行政总厨 Nicolas Vienne 主理,拥有超过 12 年专业 烹饪经验的他师从世界闻名的米其林星级 大厨 Alain Ducasse 及 Joel Robuchon 餐 厅的前行政总厨 Eric Briffard,扒房最注重 的烤炉来自南美阿根廷,大费周章就为了 完美侍奉各种顶级扒类食材,包括日本和 牛和美国干式熟成牛扒都能在此觅得踪影。 Nicolas 完全将香榭丽舍扒房变成自己大展 厨艺的舞台,其食材配搭及味道组合皆有天 马行空之感,甚有创意,配合可一览繁华城 区车水马龙夜景的用餐环境,美食美景醉倒 人,末了点上一份主厨的创意甜品,让法式 扒房甜蜜延续到家。

Transformed from a Japanese-style restaurant, Le Grille is now a French-style steak house led by French Head Chef Mr. Nicolas Vienne, who boasts over 12 years of culinary experience and is a student of world-renowned Mechellin Star Chef Alain Ducasse and Joel Robuchon Restaurant’s former Executive Chef Eric Briffard. The oven, a steak house’s most important apparatus, is transported from Argentina. The reason for taking this great pain was to perfectly prepare various steaks, including Japanese wagyu and American dry-grilled steak. Nicolas has made Le Grill his magic stage, where dishes are prepared in an unrestrained and original style. One is sure to be enchanted by the gourmet food and an environment from which the bustling downtown night scene can be appreciated. After all these pleasures, don’t forget to order a Head Chef’s dessert for a sweet snack on the way home.

Authentic Japanese cuisine looks natural, tastes wonderful and uses quality ingredients. Restaurants compete with each other in details, like using fresher ingredients, having more talented chefs and more outstanding management teams. Roku Roku has been here for many years and kept a high standard. Whenever you sit at the bar and order Omakase style, the head chef will give a fantastic live demonstration of how to make sashimi, sushi, tempura etc with the day’s highest quality ingredients. The floor manager here is hospitable and professional, always remembering the guests’ preferences and their favorite dishes from last time. What a pleasant surprise for them! 90 percent of the ingredients are imported directly from Japan, even the fruit-flavored sorbet. This persistence alone deserves repect. If you have a good chat with the head chef, you can probably get the off-menu staple “rice with minced toro and sea urchin,” which is a feast for the eyes. One mouthful will be sufficient to fill your heart with happiness. Add: 1st F, Xianglong Garden, No. 175-181 of Tianhe North Rd., Tianhe District, Guangzhou

泰迪熊 聚昕文化 CEO,喜欢吃,更喜欢寻觅美食的过程, 一直在演绎“一个吃货的个人修养”文艺大片。 Teddybear, CEO of Juxin Culture Ltd. and a gourmand who loves to explore secrets of fine foods.






Turbo-Charged Cuisine 易成刚师傅是一位来自广州的创意厨师,与众不同的 美食理念让他脱颖而出。他重视感官,倡导独创性, 欣赏自然本真的美食制作方法,致力于为我们找寻失落的美味。 Turbo Yi is not only a chef but a trendsetter in cuisine and creator of original culinary concepts. He advocates originality and strives to find undiscovered flavors. He shares with us his opinion of what makes cuisine truly gourmet. Text: Han Lijun

一个真正的好厨师要做到能对多种多 样的食材进行无限组合,也能不惧挑战,不 断自我重塑、自我突破,呈献不一样的东西。 烹调应重视味蕾的享受,菜品在打动味蕾之 时最好要展现出丰富的层次感。但是任何让 人难以忘怀的美食都没有标准的味道,难以 复制的独创性才是它们最大的特点。从这个 意义上说,麦当劳绝对算不上美食。 而且,真正的美食既包含食材原本的 美妙滋味,又让人吃得方便贴心,比如用自 制的番茄酱和西班牙手工制作的番茄干做 成的最简单的披萨,却也是最好吃的披萨, 就像最原味的广州风格的烤田螺,把你一下 子带到蹲在马路边吮田螺的童年岁月。我 曾经做过一个随机调查,那些人的年龄从 8 岁到 80 岁不等。当问到记忆中最好吃的东 西是什么,所有人给出的答案都不是鲍鱼 之类的山珍海味,而是小时候妈妈做的菜。 所以,我要找回儿时的感觉,还原历史沉淀 的美食。 食客在餐厅体验美食,实际上也是在 与厨师进行互动。菜品摆放得再漂亮,食客 吃过后没留下什么印象,也算不得美食。如 何才能发挥出食材最美妙的滋味呢?我经 常去全国各地旅游,目的就是发现草根美食 和那些不为人知的美味。一种所有人都熟悉 的味道其实已经失去了意义,因为它失去了 那种难以复制的独创性。原始、自然的味道 才是最美的。比如我将菲律宾老虎蟹与潮汕 豆酱和腐皮搭配做成的菜品,不仅保留了蟹 肉鲜嫩无比的原味,配菜也吸收了蟹子的美 味。做菜如同修禅,本真是第一要义;同时 又像画画,需要经历无数次的失败和改进。 A truly good chef not only needs to be able to put together good combinations of food, but also not be afraid of a challenge; to constantly strive to better himself, reinvent himself and put out new dishes. Cooking should serve the taste buds, when the food touches your tongue you should be able to taste layers of flavor. The most unforgettable

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dishes are not those with a standard flavor; it’s those dishes with an original taste that you can’t duplicate which will be the favorites. So you can see why McDonalds can never be considered ‘gourmet.’ Moreover, good cuisine should not only retain the original flavors of the ingredients, but also give people a feeling of comfort and simplicity. For instance, using homemade tomato sauce and the best dried tomatoes from Spain to create a simple pizza will taste the best; just like mollusks originally from Guangzhou can immediately bring you back to a time when you were young, eating mollusks by the side of the road. I once did a survey of random people that I met, from ages 8 to 80. When I asked them what the most delicious thing they’ve ever eaten was, no one answered some exotic food like abalone, but rather their mom’s home cooking. So I hope to be able to retrieve this feeling, and restore the original concept of gourmet. Guests who are experiencing the cuisine in a restaurant are in fact in communication with the chef. If after eating the guest is left with no impression, this is not gourmet food. So how can one go about bringing out the original flavors in the food? To this end I regularly travel the country with the goal of finding the roots of these dishes and hidden flavors yet undiscovered. A flavor that everyone knows is uninteresting, because it has lost its uniqueness. Natural flavor is the best – for instance I combined the Philippines’ tiger crab with bean sauce and tofu from Chaoshan to make a dish in which the crab retained its sweet flavor and tenderness, while the other ingredients also absorbed its savory flavor. Cooking is almost like meditating; the origin is the most important. At the same time it’s also like painting; you have to experience countless trials and failures before succeeding.

易成刚 广州花贝酒窖主厨,天马行空的 想象力一直贯穿于他的菜式创作,而他最 出名的事件之一是骑单车从成都到拉萨。 Turbo Yi is Head Chef of Chateau Lamothe-Cissac and a well-known restauranteur in Guangzhou whose dishes are infused with imagination. One of his great feats outside the kitchen is going from Chengdu to Lhasa by bike.




Go? 一起挣脱“毒”生活! 肾毒:肉食中的激素和农产品中的化肥农药残留及食品中

仰望夜空,我们再也看不到成片光彩熠熠的星星; 一日三餐,我们再也无法吃到纯天然无污染饭菜;

的有害添加剂,是导致肾毒的一个重要原因。一般从 30 岁开始,




内积累,损伤肾的过滤功能,造成早衰。 肠毒:肠毒多来自食物和体内代谢,在体内停留时间越长,



身边的毒猝不及防! 生活中的毒素无所不在,从环境、食物、药物、日常用品

会变得虚弱、疲倦,出现找不到原因的头痛、便秘、口气难闻、 色斑、腹胀、失眠等问题,出现严重的慢性病。 心毒:越来越快的生活节奏,导致沉重的精神压力,心灵

到二次污染,到处都隐含着各种毒害危机,一不留神就会钻进 你的身体,让健康大受伤害! 汽车、香烟、化学喷剂、垃圾的燃烧等因素,对空气造成 严重污染;室内尘埃、新房装修,甚至是干洗的衣服,都存在

上的 “毒” 在所难免。 人体健康与心情有着莫大的关联。 研究证实, 当人处于冲突、愤怒、哀伤等负面情绪中,得不到适当的纾解, 将会演变成癌细胞。

有害的化学气体;环境污染对饮用水水质造成严重影响;五谷 杂粮、蔬菜、水果等食物上的农药残留;鸡、鸭、牛、羊、猪


等牲畜家禽被长期喂食激素、抗生素;被污染的水产品;食品 中的化学添加剂……

是溺在“毒”生活里萎靡终老,还是挣脱一切毒素焕发新 生?





能的减弱,形成致病因子,损伤机体。如此 恶性循环下去,各种疾病都找上了门,于 是衰老加速,提前死亡。

和养生手段将侵犯人体的毒素彻底清除! 功能医学中心,通过毒素检测、基因检测、 免疫检测等高科技系列功能性检测和科学 抗衰老评估,为您量身定制独一无二的个

我们中了多少“毒”? 血毒:35 岁以上的人几乎都在 经受血液中代谢毒素的侵犯。血毒

性化排毒方案,由内而外 360 度排除毒 素,从细胞源头消灭疾病,增强生理功能, 使生命体征恒久保持在最佳状态。







有 70 多种疾病与血毒有直接关系。 肺毒:人体之中,肺无疑是受到 外来之毒攻击最多的器官,环境毒素 尤其是化学性毒空气,使肺癌致死率 年年高升。瘟疫也大都是针对肺而来。“非 典”、禽流感,其实都是“肺毒疫”,传 染性极强,死亡率极高,一旦传染,凶 多吉少。

62 LifeStyle

肠道水疗”,以及禅修、太极等,让您在 知名营养专家、心理专家、高级运动师及 国际私人医生团队的引领下,从身体到心灵, 全方位排除毒素。 蜕变出一个崭新的自我,您准备好了吗?





Get Your Body Ready For Summer

Quick Tips 又到了穿泳衣的季节,保持身材苗条 健康重新被提上日程。准备好迎接夏天了 吗?如果没有,现在也还不晚!教你三招, 简单又方便,一起开始行动吧! 1. 戒掉垃圾食品 想要吃得健康并不难,但如果你实在舍不 得披萨、意粉、汉堡或那些街头小吃, 就留到周末吃吧。 ★ 饮食要清淡。只选择蔬菜和瘦肉,在短短 的一两个星期后你就发现真的有很大的 改观。 朋友公司 HealthiEatz 就要开业了,经 营业务是把健康食品送货上门(目前只限 北京地区),并详细列出食物中所含的热 量和营养信息,让你吃得明明白白。当然, 饭菜的味道也不差。 ★

2. 增加有氧运动 如果你从不做有氧运动,那真的需要开始 了。有氧运动不仅有利于心脏健康,还 能帮助消耗多余的热量。 ★ 每周至少三次有氧运动。除了跑步,你还 可以尝试进行循环训练,最好是在健身 房或搏击俱乐部练练拳击或综合格斗。 这样能使身体尽快变得健美有型。 ★

3. 增加重量训练 ★ 重量训练能够促进肌肉发展,从而提高天 然代谢率。因为肌肉越多,消耗的热量 就越高。 ★ 简单地说,通过锻炼练出有型的肌肉,可 以消耗更多的热量和脂肪,甚至在不做 运动或睡觉的时候燃脂过程还将继续。 如果你能从今天做起,离这一夏的美 丽就不远了!

With swimsuit season just around the corner, it is that time of year where getting lean matters. Is your body ready for this yet? If not, it’s never too late to start! Here are 3 quick tips that you can all easily achieve, starting today. 1. Cut out junk food during the week: • It’s not that difficult to eat healthy, and if you really need to have your pizza, pasta, hamburger or street food, save it for the weekend.

• Eat clean during the week – choosing to consume only lean meats and vegetables will make a big difference which you will start to see in as little as 1-2 weeks. Launching soon through a friends business (for people in Beijing only at this stage – sorry guys!) is a company called HealthiEatz – lean health food delivered to your home or office. This company does all the calorie counting and nutrition profiling for you so you know exactly what you are eating. The meals are also supposed to taste delicious. 2. Increase your cardio: • If you’re not already doing cardio, then you should! Not only is it good for the heart but it will also help burn excess calories. • Try to fit in at least 3 cardio sessions a week. Cardio doesn’t just mean running – try circuit training or better yet sign up at the local gym/fight club for some boxing or MMA lessons! Boxing or any type of MMA will get you in shape fast! 3. Incorporate weight training into your program: • Start a weight-lifting program. Lean muscle built by weight-lifting will allow your body to increase its natural metabolic rate – the more muscle you have, the more calories you burn daily. • Simply put, by gaining this type of lean muscle, you can burn more calories and lose fat even when you are asleep or not exercising. If you start these 3 quick tips today, you will be one step closer to looking better this summer!

德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/wellness/fitness industry. Want more information about loosing fat and getting lean this summer? Follow WHS online – www.facebook.com/ worldhealthstore (English language only and need a VPN to access) or www.weibo.com/worldhealthstore (Chinese language.) *To find more about HealthiEatz you can visit their website at www.healthieatz.com

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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.66


Material Culture / P.72


Watch / P.82


Auto / P.84


Art / P.86

上海当代艺术博物馆《安迪·沃霍尔:十五分钟的永恒》展览 “Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal” exhibition at the Power Station of Art in Shanghai




Angel Charity 世界小姐选美大赛花冠带给邹明月的除了光芒, 更多的是责任和爱心。她美丽阳光、形象亲切健康, 像慈善天使般传递着无限的爱心和正能量…… A crown from the Miss World pageant brought Luna Zou not only glory but more responsibility and a bigger heart. She is beautiful, healthy, sunny and friendly, spreading love and positive energy like an angel. Writer/Fashion Editor: Eva Liu Photography: Jeff Yiu Make-up and hair: Seven (Yinhuashishang) Fashion: Joyce Venue: Sofitel Wanda Beijing

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邹明月 第 62 届世界小姐中国区总决赛季军 Luna Zou, the second runner-up of the 62nd Miss World China Pageant





当初怎么想到去参选世界小姐?在选拔赛期 间最难忘的事是什么? 之前关注世界小姐是因为喜欢张梓琳, 她在行使世界小姐职责那段时间,去世界各 地做了很多慈善活动,让我很钦佩。于是我 开始慢慢了解世界小姐选拔赛,一次偶然的 机会,经朋友推荐,我报名参加了世界小姐 东北赛区选拔赛。在参赛期间,我收获了无 比珍贵的友谊。那些日子我跟姐妹们一起生 活、培训、比赛,分享时尚资讯和各地美食。 我是地道的北京人,所以她们每次来北京, 我都是她们的小导游,带她们去南锣鼓巷和 后海,品尝地道的老北京小吃。 在获得第 62 届世界小姐中国区总决赛季军后 生活有没有什么变化? 生活还是一如既往,并没有太大变化。 唯一的改变是感觉自己的责任更加重了。世 界小姐大赛的宗旨是践行有意义的美丽,树 立杰出妇女榜样和帮助饥饿残疾儿童。虽然 比赛已经结束,但是我们每个人都会充分发 挥自身的影响力,去帮助那些需要帮助的人, 这是我们的任务,更是我们的责任。我也希 望自己将来能去世界各地做公益慈善活动, 像安吉丽娜·朱莉一样做联合国亲善大使, 去关注和帮助那些需要我们帮助的人。 为什么如此热衷于慈善公益事业? 应该是跟家庭教育有关系吧。我姥爷 和姥姥是机关干部,我从小是他们带大的, 他们时常向我灌输助人为乐的价值观。他们 极力鼓励我去参加学校和社会公益活动,每 当我完成一项公益活动,他们就和我谈论参 加活动的感想,了解我从中学到些什么,并 对我的表现给予肯定与鼓励。上大学以后, 我加入了学校的青年志愿者协会,每个月会 去敬老院、孤儿院做义工。当他们把见到你 当成他们生活中的期盼时,你会发现能帮到 他们是件非常有成就感的事情,也是自己的 幸运!

对于“美”这个词,你是如何理解的?你觉 得自己什么时候最美? 我觉得一个人内心的美才是最重要的, 心灵美是潜于内心深处的美,是不能用化妆 来表现的。古希腊柏拉图说过,心灵的优美 与身体的优美谐和一致才是“最美”的境界。 我自己嘛,应该是在认真做事儿的时候最美 吧,尤其是在认真帮助别人的时候,呵呵。 前不久看到你在微博上晒出自己的水墨虾画 作,平时喜欢画画? 最近很喜欢画画,微博上的水墨虾是 用 SketchBook 软件画的。我没有任何绘画 基础,小时候也没学过,但我父亲年轻时学 过画画,画得还不错。我想我可能遗传了父 亲绘画的天赋,并且我对色彩非常着迷,看 到那些五彩缤纷的画笔,总是忍不住拿起画 笔来构图。我其实非常喜欢中国传统文化, 平时比较喜欢研究齐白石的虾和徐悲鸿的 马。除了画画,偶尔我还会写写毛笔字,它 们可以让我瞬间放松和安静下来。 听说你还喜欢服装设计,未来想做一名拥有 自己独立品牌的服装设计师。 算是未来几年的理想吧!我和妈妈都 很喜欢漂亮的衣服,妈妈在年轻的时候就想 做一名服装设计师,但是因为家务和工作繁 忙,她未能实现这个梦想。我想替妈妈完成 这个梦想。尽管我学的不是服装设计专业, 但是凭我对色彩和绘画的执着,再利用课余 时间努力学习,我相信总有一天会实现这个 美丽的梦想。我喜欢中国古典元素和复古风 格,未来我设计的服装也将是具有中国古典 元素的复古系列。 Why did you enter the contest? What gave you the deepest impression during that time? I took part in the contest because I admire Zhang Zilin, the winner of the 57th Miss World, who traveled the world to do a lot of charity work during her term. Because of this admiration I tried to familiarize myself with the Miss World Competition. I took part in, somewhat accidentally, the qualification trials for Miss World China’s North-East Regionals because of a friend’s recommendation. During those days, I lived, trained and competed with lots of other girls. We shared fashion news and tasty food with each other and became friends. As I’m a true Beijinger, I became their tour guide after the contest. Every time they came to Beijing I would take them to Nanluo Guxiang and Houhai to taste authentic Beijing snacks. Have there been any changes in your life after you won an award at the 62nd Miss World China Pageant? There haven’t been any big changes in my life. Almost everything is the same as usual except that my responsibility has increased. The purpose of the Miss World Competition is to practice meaningful beautification, set up inspiring female role models and help hungry and disabled children. Though the competition for me is over, I will still make full use of my influence to help those in need, which is both my task and responsibility. I hope I can make a global tour for public

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benefits and charity activities in the future, like Angelina Jolie, who is a United Nations Goodwill Ambassador. Why are you enthusiastic about social welfare programs and charity work? I think it has something to do with my family education. When I was a child, I stayed with my grandpa and grandma, who were office workers. They taught me that all of us should always be glad to help others and later encouraged me to participate in campus and social welfare activities. Every time I completed a welfare program, they would talk to me about it, trying to see what I had learned from it and affirming my achievements. After I got into college I became a member of Youth Volunteers Association. Each month I would go to a Retirement Home or an Orphanage to do volunteer work. When I found that the old people and children began look forward to my coming, I felt the work was really fulfilling and I was quite lucky. What’s your understanding of beauty? When do you feel the most beautiful? I believe that inner beauty is the most important thing. Inner beauty nestles in the deepest part of our hearts and cannot be brought out with cosmetics. Plato once said that the most beautiful state is the integration of inner and outer beauty. As for me, the most beautiful time is when I work conscientiously, especially when helping others. Lately I saw a Chinese ink painting of shrimp on your Weibo, do you like painting? I began to take an interest in painting only recently. The painting of shrimp was done with the software SketchBook. I didn’t take any drawing courses when I was a little girl, and haven’t had any basic drawing foundation. However, my dad learned how to paint when he was young and he paints rather well. I think I inherited his painting talents because I am fascinated by colors. I cannot help painting whenever I see the colors and paintbrushes. Actually, I’m quite interested in traditional Chinese culture. I like studying Qi Baishi’s paintings of shrimp and Xu Beihong’s works of horses. Besides that, I write calligraphy occasionally, which is very relaxing for me. I’ve heard that you are fond of clothing design, is it your plan to be an independent designer and start your own brand? Well, it is my dream for the next few years. Both my mom and I love beautiful clothes. It was my mom’s dream when she was young to be a clothing designer, but it remained only a dream because of busy office and house work, so I want to realize it for her. Although I didn’t major in design, I believe one day I can realize this dream with my passion for colors and drawing as well as some hard work in my spare time. I prefer classic Chinese elements and retro style, so my future clothing will have a retro style with classic Chinese elements.



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A Hero for Our Time

既是帅气模特,又是青年典范,积极向上、独立、 自主的白闪闪,堪称美貌与智慧兼具的典型例证。 Independent and relentlessly positive, Otto Dekker is both a model young man and a Renaissance model. Text: Nels Frye Photo: Eric Gregory Powell

白闪闪就像你身边熟悉的某个人,但 又跟你遇见的任何一个人都不同。这个身兼 不同身份的加拿大潮男,也许最能体现当下 全球化时代的特征,他是主持人、崭露头角 的演员、顾问,也是商人和时尚人士,他周 游世界,所遇之人无一不能感受到他的魅力 与活力,他机智敏锐,能创造别人不易察觉 的各种机遇。 擅于沟通的白闪闪希望为不同国家、 不同肤色的人以及不同的想法搭建一个沟 通的桥梁。他的父亲是位成功的商人和作 家,他自己也拥有 MBA 学位,曾在宝洁公 司做品牌执行。他敏锐地察觉到加拿大某品 牌应进入中国市场,于是迅速出击深挖市场 潜力,从容应对那些不可避免的复杂问题。 白闪闪担任着几个品牌的代表,还是时尚生 活品牌 Moose Knuckles 在中国的代理,这 也让他一夜之间在时尚达人圈里闻名,并培 养了一大批客户。 但是他内心最爱的是舞台。他在电视 上的形象幽默诙谐,还为一些大型活动担任 双语主持人,比如 LifeStyle 杂志 2013 年中 国酒店大奖颁奖典礼。白闪闪还在著名电视 相亲节目《非诚勿扰》中亮过相,赢得了众 多中国粉丝的芳心,单膝跪地向女嘉宾求爱 更是让亿万观众看到他浪漫的一面,只可惜 因为“太嫩了”而被拒绝。 的确,英俊帅气的白闪闪年轻有为, 备受瞩目。随着他的触角逐渐延伸到硅谷、 好莱坞以及北京的上流社会,相信会见识到 更出色的白闪闪,一个美貌与智慧兼具的典 型例证。

James Alofs is all men just as he is no man that you have yet encountered. He may be the most appropriate figure for our globalized era. A host, budding actor, consultant, entrepreneur and fashion plate, he circles the globe, showering all who meet him with his charm and vigor, all the while engineering opportunities no one realized existed. James connects the dots, whether it is between countries, people or ideas. The son of a successful businessman and author, James holds an MBA and worked as a brand management executive at P&G. He senses when a brand from his native Canada needs to be in China and quickly makes it happen, developing the potential market and handling all the complexities that business inevitably involves. Representative and rights holder for several brands, James brought the lifestyle and fashion brand Moose Knuckles to China, locating hundreds of buyers for its products and making it a known quantity among affluent fashion shoppers overnight. But his true love is the stage. He appears on it for TV shows and as a jocular and bilingual host for major events, like the LifeStyle China Hospitality Awards Gala 2013. His performance on Fei Cheng Wu Rao (If You Are The One), the Chinese reality matchmaking show that is the second-highest rated program on Chinese television, is what endeared him most to Chinese audiences. Fans all over the county saw his romantic side after he dropped to one knee and was subsequently rejected for being too young. Indeed, it is impressive that he is so young and has made it so far. With projects involving Silicon Valley, Hollywood, and the upper echelons of Beijing society in the works, weare sure to be hearing and seeing much more of the handsome Alofs, who proves once again that beauty and brains can come in same package.




Liquid Luxury 世上最纯净最奢侈的矿泉水都来自哪里, 又是怎样炼成的呢? What makes these bottled water brands worthy of the label “luxury”? Text: Eva Liu Photos: Respective brands

1 420 Volcanic 420 矿泉水

420 来自新西兰,藏于班克斯半岛的死 火山底深处,是穿过 200 米火山岩石层源 源不断涌出的泉水。矿物质含量低,口感 略显甜,装在一款看起来很像熔岩灯(Lava Lamp)的获奖玻璃瓶里。看它每升 99 美 元的标价就知其弥足珍贵了。 420 Volcanic water is sourced from the base of the South Island’s Banks Peninsula, an extinct volcano in New Zealand and has spent its time meandering through the volcanic rock formation to arrive at the source from over 200 meters below the surface under its own pressure. 420 is best described as a ‘volcanic artesian spring water’, naturally alkaline, relatively soft and low-mineral. 420’s unique ribbed bottle evokes images of a 70’s lava lamp and has won numerous design awards and gained iconic status among collectors. Every 1 liter of 420 Volcanic water is priced at USD99.

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2 Fillico

这款经过长时间岁月的洗礼、由地下 过滤喷涌而出的日本神户天然矿泉水号称 全世界最奢侈矿泉水。它被装入了性感且奢 侈的珠宝瓶中,并用施华洛世奇水晶和黄 金点缀,贵气十足。除了瓶子惹人眼球外, 瓶盖设计也叫人惊叹,两种款式天使翅膀及 金银两种材质皇冠,与瓶身相得益彰,更显 奢华贵气。 This natural spring water comes from Kobe, Japan. Etched in gold paint and studded with Swarovski crystals, the luxury Fillico bottle makes it to the world’s most expensive list. What makes this bottle more interesting is that you can add gold wings or a gold or silver crown to the bottle top.




Material Culture

3 Bling H2O 布岭

布岭来自美国田纳西州的大云雾山,专门供应像 MTV 音乐大奖和艾美奖这样明星云集的场合。好莱坞作家兼制片 人凯文·博伊德注意到名人手中端的水也是一种身份的象征, 便创建了布岭品牌。装水的瓶子用木塞,配有施华洛世奇水 晶装饰,处处都显得与众不同。 From the Great Smokey Mountains of Tennessee, the USA, Bling H2O was created Kevin G. Boyd, Hollywood writerproducer, when he noticed that people flaunt their bottled water like it is part of their presentation. The product is strategically positioned to target the expanding super-luxury consumer market, including the MTV Video Music Awards and television’s biggest event, The Emmys. Bling H2O comes in corked, exquisitely handcrafted bottles with Swarovski Crystals, aimed at those who like a little bling.

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4 Aquadeco 雅加泉

它来自于一万八千年前最后一个冰河时代时形 成的含水层。冰流后退时留下了一个含冰的沙砾堆 积层,彼此有别的土层最终构成了一个水过滤层。 加拿大雅加泉天然泉水的瓶子如同香水瓶一般,出 自斯洛文尼亚一家有 600 年历史的玻璃生产商之手。 The aquifer which supplies Aquadeco water was created on a glacial till with a predominantly sandy silt matrix during the last ice age 18,000 years ago. When the ice retreated it created distinct layers of soil, forming a filter for water to flow through. Aquadeco says that glass is the only choice to keep its products Organic. After a worldwide search for a glass maker capable of producing this exquisite bottle, a 600 year old glassmaking company in Slovenia was commissioned.




Material Culture

5 Fine 法内

法内矿泉水的瓶子模仿了日本传统米酒瓶的样子,别致有型。 打开一瓶今天的法内,你喝到的可能是一千多年前没受到人为污染 的水。口感甜软的矿泉水取自日本富士山火山带下 600 米的含水层。 渗透过火山岩的雨水含有较高浓度硅元素,对人体健康十分有益。 Only after tens of thousands of years filtering through 600 meters of ancient volcanic rock does water attain the mineral-rich, pollutant-free purity it needs to be deemed Finé. Procured from an aquifer located deep beneath the Fuji volcanic belt, Finé has a distinctive yet subtle flavor and softness.With a presentation modeled after Japanese saké bottles, Finé offers drinking water in an unaltered state of purity.

6 OGO 奥歌

奥歌源于荷兰第尔伯格的一口天然泉 井,被称做“呼吸水”,含氧量是普通水 的 35 倍,适合运动时饮用。泉水的特性经 过一项专利氧化技术的补足,具有高而稳定 的氧含量。由瓶子形状所产生的“水透镜” 具有明显的放大作用,让你很容易读出瓶子 上的细小文字。 OGO Oxygen water comes from a natural spring water source in Tilburg, in the North Brabant region of The Netherlands. OGO calls it “The Breathing Water” because it is improved to yield an oxygen concentration that is around 35 times higher than regular water. The water is oxygenated via a patented “natural oxygenation process” at the company’s facility prior to bottling which delivers “a high oxygen concentration level and a high stability of the oxygen water”. OGO Oxygen water is instantly recognizable in its distinctively round 33cl bottle.

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7 Iskilde 艾斯克多

艾斯克多在丹麦语里的意思是“冷泉”。 这口自流泉是 2001 年在丹麦湖高地一个偏 僻的苔藓保护区发现的,水温低于 8℃。含 水层距地表 45 到 55 米深,上面覆盖着起保 护作用的相互交错的石英砂和硬粘土层。艾 斯克多矿泉水玻璃瓶设计朴素、典雅且实用。 “Iskilde” means “cold spring” in Danish. The artesian spring was discovered in 2001 in the Mossø conservation in Jutland, Denmark. The aquifer from which the spring flows lies 45-55meters below the surface and it is covered by alternating layers of quartz-sand and hard clay. With a temperature of below 8 degrees, the spring is unusually cold. Iskilde is bottled in glass designed by Jesper Mathiesen to be elegant and practical.

8 Antipodes 拓地

拓地是来自新西兰普伦蒂湾的天然矿泉 水品牌,取自地底 300 米的含水层,那里的 溶灰岩层起着天然过滤器的作用。它是一种 软性、低矿物含量、经过人工发泡的矿泉水, 口感中性。洁白的瓶子既优雅又有地方特色, 模仿了传统的新西兰雪利酒或啤酒瓶。 Antipodes is sourced from New Zealand; a place renowned for having the world’s best sparkling water. This soft, low-mineral water comes to the surface from an aquifer 300 meters below and is bottled at the source in Whakatane, NZ. It has a residency of about 50 years while filtering through a substrata of ignimbrite. The Antipodes bottle is also very distinctive, inspired by traditional New Zealand sherry or beer flagons.





C.F.Bucherer Patravi TravelTec Four X

Baselworld hall


The Best of Baselworld 2012 年瑞士钟表业可谓光彩夺目,出 口额比 2011 年增长 10.9%,超过了 1380 亿元人民币。有人预测 2013 年增长势头将 会减弱,但我对这个行业还是很有信心的, 虽然不太可能继续保持两位数的增长率,但 2013 巴塞尔国际钟表珠宝博览会上那些“锋 芒毕露”的精品已向世人预示了光明前景。 事实上,巴塞尔国际钟表展算得上是 所有真正钟表制造商最初的家,行业内重大 的决策大都在此做出,每年参展商们带着各 自的最新成果前来展示,钟表专家们从世界 各个角落汇聚于此,人们在这开始建立长久 的商业联络,志同道合的友谊也常常萌芽。 今年的巴塞尔国际钟表展设立了新的标准, 还启用了由赫尔佐格和德梅隆设计的新展 厅,参展商展示产品质量的效果得到了提 升,合理的展位结构布局以及绝妙的现场 氛围都营造出一种独特的感觉,总而言之, 巴塞尔国际钟表展让每个人都不虚此行! 在诸多参展品牌和新品中,宝齐莱、 雪铁纳和天梭都正值周年庆。总部位于卢塞 恩的宝齐莱在这次展会上推出了一系列限 量版作品:一款马利龙陀飞轮腕表和一款珠 光宝气的雅丽嘉腕表,两者都严格限量 125 枚,宝齐莱柏拉维系列 TravelTec FourX 将 推出限量 125 枚的玫瑰金款。这些都是为 了庆祝品牌诞生 125 周年而推出的 2013 惊 喜之作。雪铁纳也展示了限量版手表,其中 一款搭载了全新的机械机芯,为了庆祝品牌 诞生 125 周年雪铁纳还发布了全新的品牌 形象,新标识从品牌的发展史中汲取优秀元 素,并注入更有运动感的色彩——绿色象征

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Barack Obama’s Vulcain watch

着成功的未来。为庆祝天梭创立 160 周年, 品牌隆重打造了极具纪念意义的领航者系列 160 周年纪念限量珍藏版自动腕表,该表款 原为天梭 1953 年创立 100 周年所制。豪雅 为庆祝其卡莱拉系列诞生 50 周年,推出了 史无前例采用磁力双陀飞轮驱动的 Carrera Mikropendulums 概念手表,再次震撼了巴 塞尔国际钟表展。而百达翡丽也在筹备 175 周年庆典(2014 年),这次约有 40 款男 女表亮相,从装饰艺术汲取灵感的男士八天 动力储存 Gondolo 表款便是其中备受瞩目 的杰作。

所有新品和庆贺无不显示出参展商们对 行业未来预期持乐观态度。毋庸置疑,对于 钟表业来说,蛇年将会是辉煌的一年。当然, 无论是在中国还是其它地方,制表商都不可 避免地面临新挑战,因此在巩固既有市场的 同时,他们在印度、南美和南非开辟新市场。 另一方面,尽管目前中国市场增长缓慢,但 仍然十分重要,今年瑞士手表在中国的销售 额极有可能继续回升。瑞士雷达表全球总裁 马蒂亚斯·布瑞尚先生说:“中国是雷达表最 重要的市场,我们近几年在中国的市场份额 稳步增长,非常期待将来能有同样出色的成 绩。”萧邦联合总裁兼创意总监卡罗琳·舍费 尔女士的发言肯定了这一结论:“中国现在 无疑是我们增长最为迅猛的市场之一,将来 也会是。”窝路坚 CEO 伯纳德·弗罗莱先生 同样看好中国市场,称其将于今年 6 月在北 京开设第一家精品店,以提高窝路坚在亚洲 的品牌认知度。亨吉利世界名表中心总经理 简·芳汀女士表示:“经过 20 年快速发展后, 我们期待中国钟表市场结构短期内能继续理 顺,但从长远来看,中国市场前景无限光明, 因为中国人对手表越来越有兴趣了。” 今年的巴塞尔国际钟表展已经落幕, 面对如此丰富、精致的钟表艺术品,参观者 无不感到震撼并沉醉其中,这也让参展商们 对未来全球市场,不仅仅是中国市场,更加 充满信心。想想也不难理解,正如足球一样, 制表艺术是另一种极具传染性的激情,它正 在全世界蔓延开来。

Patek Philippe Gondolo

L.U.C Chopard

The Snake Will Be As Prosperous As The Dragon

Tag Heuer Carrera Mikropendulus

The Swiss watch industry enjoyed an exceptional year in 2012 with exports up 10.9 percent compared to 2011, at more than 138 billion RMB. While some argue that growth will weaken in 2013, I am confident about prospects for the industry. Perhaps the sector cannot continually boast two-digit increases, but during the new Baselworld show, the brands presented amazing watch designs and optimistic forecasts. Indeed, Baselworld is the original home of all true watch manufacturers. It’s the place where most of the industry’s vital decisions are made and is an opportunity for everyone involved in watchmaking to demonstrate the progress and advances they have made in the course of the year. It is also an event that brings together watchmaking professionals form every corner of the globe, a place where business relationships begin and lifelong connections – often friendships – are forged. This year Baselworld set new standards for trade shows. The architectural masterpiece by Herzog & De Meuron impressed exhibitors and visitors alike. The spectacular structure and great atmosphere among participants created a unique feeling, and was certainly worth the trip, even for those who traveled long distances. Among the brands and product launches, Carl F. Bucherer, Certina and Tissot were celebrating their anniversaries. The Lucerne based manufacturer planned a number of

surprise launches in commemoration of their 125 years of history, and at Baselworld presented a set of limited editions: the exclusive “Manero Tourbillon” and a dazzling, jeweled Alcaria piece, both strictly limited to 125 pieces, as well as the “Patravi TravelTec Four X” in a rose gold version limited to 125 pieces. Certina launched some limited edition watches as well, one equipped with a brandnew mechanical movement. To mark their 125th anniversary, they presented a new corporate image including new logo with a strong element from their history and new dynamic color. This year Tissot celebrated its 160th year by launching a contemporary “Heritage Navigator” collection. The automatic movement chronograph was first launched in 1953 for the 100th anniversary of the brand. Tag Heuer, which celebrated 50 years of the “Carrera,” launched the “Carrera Mikropendulums” with the first ever magnetic double tourbillion. Patek Philippe, which will celebrate its 175th anniversary in 2014, was presenting about 40 new models for men and women including a new complicated movement with an eight-day power reserve in the men’s Art Deco inspired “Gondolo” line.

All the novelties and the celebrations at the show reflected the incredible optimism of the exhibitors. Without a doubt, the year of the snake will be an excellent year for the watch industry. Of course, watchmakers are facing new challenges in China and elsewhere, and are thus investing in new markets such as India, South America and South Africa while also consolidating old ones. On the other hand and despite its slowdown, the Chinese market remains essential and the sales will probably progress again this year. Mr. Matthias Breschan, CEO of Rado said: “China is Rado’s most important market. Our market share there has grown steadily in recent years and we expect the same in the future.” Mrs. Caroline Scheufele, Co-President and Artistic Director of Chopard, confirmed this feeling: “China is of course one of the fastest growing markets for us and will remain so.” At the end of the week, Mr. Bernard Fleury, CEO of Vulcain also shared this opinion: “We’re strengthening our presence in Asia and will open our first boutique in Beijing in June.” Positive forecasts were also confirmed by Managing Director of Harmony World Watch Centre Mrs. Jane Fountain, “After 20 years of rapid development, we expect that the structure of the Chinese watch market will continue to change in the short term. But this market will be fantastic over the long term because Chinese customers are becoming increasingly more interested in watches.” By the time Baselworld was over, visitors were rapt with wonder after looking at so many amazing pieces of horological art, and exhibitors were optimistic about the perspective of the market, affirming that growth will also continue globally. This is not hard to understand, as watchmaking is a passion contagious all around the world.

蒂埃里·理查德有着多年的钟表业从业经历,对这一行业有增无减的激情促成了 2012 年“极致生活” 的成立。极致生活在北京、上海和广州设有办公室,为独立制表师提供 360 度全方位推广平台, 在中国集营销策划、公关活动和产品分销于一体,并在瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland.






Ultra Thin, Ultra Chic 这些顶级超薄腕表拥有独特的含蓄优雅气质, 将品牌经典元素、美学设计灵感及高级制表工艺集于一表, 比大尺寸的厚重款腕表更适合夏天。 These super thin, super lightweight wristwatches possess a refined elegance perfect for the summer months. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Respective brands


Piaget Emperador Coussin XL Ultra-Thin Minute Repeater Watch 伯爵帝王枕型超薄自动三问表是伯爵的第一只三问表,是伯爵超薄制 表领域精湛技艺的全新证言。它奠定了所属钟表类项的双料纤薄记录:机 芯厚度仅为 4.8 毫米、表壳厚度 9.4 毫米。其内部所搭载的全新 1290P 机 芯装载了 surprise-piece 装置,以确保当指针行进至 59 分时到达最理想的 换时机制,敲槌出精准的时间音律。防水深度 30 米。 The Emperador Coussin is the world’s thinnest minute repeater movement in the caliber 1290P, and is also automatic. The 1290P contains 407 parts and is just 4.8mm thick, with a 9.4mm-thick case. The Emperador Coussin XL Ultra Thin Minute Repeater watch has no dial, and for extra precision it includes a surprise-piece device that ensures an optimal hour jump at the end of the 59th minute so as to ensure that the striking mechanism indicates the exact time to the nearest second. Water-resistant to 30 meters.

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Emporio Armani Super Slim Neutral Watch 此款腕表拥有 8 毫米的超薄表壳,并大量 采用了简洁经典的设计构思,极力推崇“简洁” 的态度,旨在表达自身简约自然、不受外界影 响的风格。腕表还采用中性色彩为主色调,表 壳材质为不锈钢,表面玻璃矿物质水晶玻璃, 精致简约的棕色真皮表带完美捕捉到本季低调 奢华的精髓。防水深度 50 米。 With an 8mm ultra thin case, and Armani’s simple design not being affected. Using a neutral color scheme, with the case made of stainless steel, a matte silver dial, and simple brown leather strap perfectly capture the understated luxury of the season. Water-resistant to 50 meters.

积家 41 毫米超薄大师系列腕表

Jaeger-LeCoultre Master Ultra Thin 41 积家 41 毫米超薄大师系列腕表配备了 43 小时动力储存,将厚度仅为 3.30 毫米的 积家 898C 型自动机芯安装于直径 41 毫米 的纤薄表壳内,厚度仅达 7.48 毫米,精致 非凡。这款腕表的简约美学亦令人赞叹:两 枚太子妃式指针运行于通透的蛋壳黄表盘 或银色太阳放射状饰纹表盘之上,令时间显 示方式尽显低调华丽。 The Master Ultra Thin 41 is only 3.3mm thick, and its automatic Jaeger-LeCoultre Calibre 898C has an impressive 43-hour power reserve. It exudes a minimalist aesthetic with two Dauphine style hands that tells time over a clear eggshell colored dial with the pink gold case, or a sunray-brushed silver dial for the steel case version.




Chopard Ultra-Thin Year of the Snake Watch 萧邦 L.U.C XP 超薄腕表将莳绘艺术推 向了极致之美。这款由秉承萧邦旷世制表工 艺大师纯手工打造的腕表,表径为 39.5 毫 米,厚度仅为 6.8 毫米,配置两个发条盒及 自动上弦机芯。如此超薄腕表拥有 65 小时 动力储存,这或许得益于偏心微转子自动上 弦技术的完美运用。此款手表还搭载 L.U.C 96.17-L 型自动上链机械机芯,配备 18K 玫 瑰金表壳及黑色鳄鱼表带。随表附赠的八角 漆艺表盒同样精美异常,表盒外观呈黑色, 内置莳绘装饰。 The latest creation by Chopard for the Chinese Year of the Snake is the L.U.C XP Urushi Snake watch. Housing the ultrathin, mechanical self-winding L.U.C Calibre 96.17-L which includes an off-centred microrotor giving it a a 65 hour power reserve, the watch is only 6.8mm thick. It showcases the Japanese art of Urushi with a hand-painted dial featuring a flowering bush, a symbol of good luck, with a golden snake coiled around it, and comes in 18K rose gold with a black alligator strap.

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Skagen Denmark Ultra Thin Watch 诗格恩腕表拥有一种植根于简约、自 然元素和时尚设计的独特设计基因。比如这 款全新超薄腕表,完美融合了自然元素和时 尚设计敏感度。超薄的表壳和轮廓、水晶玻 璃切面及精致的银色网状表带,通过轻型、 简约和量身定制的男士腕表设计展现了诗 格恩这个丹麦设计风格品牌的独有特质。 Skagen watches have their roots in simple, natural elements and stylish design. Their new ultra thin watch is a perfect blend of natural elements and modern design sensibility. With an ultra thin case and contouring aspect, crystal face and delicate silver band, their light, simple and tailored men’s watch design brings out the Danish attributes of the brand.


MasterGraff Ultra Flat Tourbillon 格拉夫新推出的超薄陀飞轮腕表采用了 全新陀飞轮驱动 Graff Calibre 4 手上炼机芯。 能够把 Graff Calibre 4 机芯打磨到 3.5 毫米 厚度,这其中凝聚了品牌专家团队逾一年的 心血。此款腕表还采用精密的滚珠轴承系统, 让陀飞轮在纤薄的表壳里也能如常运作。再 配以 7.05 毫米的表壳和格拉夫的经典琢面设 计。腕表备有玫瑰金、铂金和千足铂金镶钻 款式,配以白色、黑色或深蓝色表盘。限量 50 枚。 MasterGraff Ultra Flat Tourbillon uses a flying tourbillon which is visible through the dial; the Graff Calibre 4 which is one of the thinnest on the market. This movement measures only 3.5mm thick and is housed within a 7.05mm case, which took the brand’s expert team over a year to build. The micro movement is made possible by a system of minute ceramic ball bearings inside. Carrying the classic Graff faceted design, the watch is available in rose gold, platinum and their new highly pure platinum 1000 for the diamond models, with a white, black or dark blue dial. Limited edition of 50 pieces.



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Prior Design 打造梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 E 级 Coupe Prior Design Widebody Kit for Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe

Prior Design 全新推出一款加装了宽体套件的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 E 级 Coupe。该套件与所有 C207 车型相匹配,以 Dura-Flex 的加 强版塑料纤维打造,改装的部件包括:前保险杠、后保险杠及扩散器、 侧裙以及前引擎盖。后部宽体、后扰流板和多处细节都进行了优化 处理。经过提升后的梅赛德斯 - 奔驰 E 级 Coupe 外观更加凶猛运动, 车主还可选装定制的 LED 日间灯、排气管以及整套排气系统。这 套宽体套件的售价在 7990 欧元。 Prior Design has created a new wide body kit for the pre-facelift Mercedes-Benz E-Class Coupe. Compatible with all C207 models, it is made from Dura-Flex fiber reinforced plastic including the front bumper, rear bumper with diffuser, side skirts and a front hood addon. It also includes rear widenings, which give it a more aggressive look overall. Owners can choose custom LED day lights, exhaust pipe and exhaust system packages. This wide body kit is priced at € 7,990.

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2014 款 370Z Nismo 版本即将发售 2014 Nissan Nismo On Sale Soon

2014 款 370Z Nismo 预计于今年夏天在美国发售。该车在原 有 370Z 基础上进行了适度修改,使用代表 Nismo 的红色进行点 缀,座舱内为深灰色内饰,展现了日产的一贯风格。全车装备了 Nismo 的外观套件,包括前后扰流组件、侧裙和 19 寸锻造轮合金 轮毂,配备普利司通搏天族(POTENZA) S001 高性能轮胎。动 力仍为 3.7 升 V6 引擎,最大功率 350 马力,最大扭矩 374 牛米, 与之配合的是一部带有补油功能的 6 速手动变速箱。 The 2014 Nissan 370Z Nismo, expected to go on sale this summer in the US, includes a few modifications from the basic 370Z, including Solid Red replacing the previous Magma Red detailing and dark grey interiors. The exterior features include an extended front nose design and a fully integrated chin spoiler. The upgraded version also includes 19-inch Rays forged aluminum-alloy and Nismo Sport Brakes, and a 3.7-liter V6 engine producing 350hp and 374 Nm of torque, paired with a 6-speed manual transmission.

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宝马 3 系 GT 奢华上市

BMW 3 Series Gran Turismo

西亚特推新 Leon Cup 赛车版

The New SEAT Leon Cup Racer 大众旗下主打年轻品牌的西亚特近期发布 Leon Cup 赛车版。 全车喷涂了磨砂灰色车漆搭配橘色点缀;车身宽体、赛车轮毂、 尾翼等部位进行了彻底的赛道化改造。引擎搭载来自大众的 2.0 升涡轮增压发动机,最大功率达到 330 马力,扭矩为 350 牛米, 配备 6 速 DSG 变速箱和电控差速锁,同时还会提供更加专业的序 列式变速箱和机械式差速锁版本。DSG 版本售价为 7 万欧元,更 加极端的版本售价 9.5 万欧元。 VW’s Spanish division SEAT has recently released the new Leon Cup Racer, based on the Leon model. The exterior is matte silver with orange accents, and the body was designed for maximum aerodynamics with a track a full 40cm wider than the street model. It is powered by a 2.0-liter turbocharged engine producing 330 PS and 350 Nm of torque, linked to a 6-speed DSG dual-clutch gearbox with steering wheel-mounted shift paddles and an electronically controlled differential lock. Pricing starts at €70,000 ($91,800), with the endurance version starting from €95,000 ($124,600).

宝马 3 系 GT 是宝马继 5 系 GT 后最新推出的第二款 GT 车型, 基于 3 系长轴距平台打造,内部代号为 F34。该车最大的特点就 是行李厢采用了掀背式设计,容积达到 520L。外观方面,宝马 3 系 GT 的前脸与 3 系轿车差异不大;车尾造型是该车最主要的看点, 线条流畅颇具设计感,可电动升级的后扰流板也起到了画龙点睛 的作用。动力方面,3 系 GT 提供两种调校版本的 2.0T 涡轮增压 直列四缸发动机以及一款 3.0T 涡轮增压直列六缸发动机,对应的 名称分别为 320i、328i 和 335i。 BMW’s new 3 series GT is their second GT since the 5 series GT model; designed based on the 3 series model and including an extended wheelbase and an interior codenamed “F34.” The car’s most remarkable aspect is the large hatchback with cargo area larger than both the sedan’s and the Sport Wagon’s, offering 18.4 cu-ft of space. The hatchback door is also easily accessible even with your foot in case hands are full. Design-wise, the 3 GT is easily recognizable as a 3 Series variant from the front, but with more aerodynamic lines. BMW has made two versions, one with a 2.0-liter turbocharged four-cylinder engine with 241 hp and one carrying a 3.0-liter inline-six engine with 300 horsepower, with either six-speed manual or eight-speed automatic transmission.



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15 Minutes in Shanghai 亚洲有史以来最大型的安迪·沃霍尔回顾展在上海当代艺术博物馆开展, 四百多件沃霍尔创作的作品带你一窥这位波普艺术大师的来龙去脉。 The largest exhibition of Warhol in Asia is now on view in Shanghai. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Power Station of Art

20 世纪波普艺术大师安迪·沃霍尔曾经 说,“在未来,每个人都会出名 15 分钟。” 之后,他又说,“每个人都可能在 15 分钟 内出名。”不可否认,这个“未来”时代已 被言中,蹿红在全民娱乐的当下似乎变得越 来越容易,不过安迪·沃霍尔这位锋芒毕露 的明星艺术家,即使是在其逝世 25 年之后, 仍然是一个复杂的、经常被误解的人物。他 是导演、摄影师、摇滚乐作曲者、出版商, 也是纽约社交界有名的“交际草”,还是恋 物癖、男扮女装者。4 月底在上海当代艺术 博物馆开展的《安迪·沃霍尔:十五分钟的 永恒》是亚洲有史以来最大型的安迪·沃霍 尔回顾展,包括绘画、摄影、丝网印刷以及 雕塑等各类形式的四百余件展品,跨越沃霍 尔从 20 世纪 40 年代至 80 年代的艺术生涯。 展览按不同时期分为四个部分:人在 纽约、工厂时代、闪亮星光和人生苦短。观 众能看到《金宝汤罐》、《伊丽莎白·泰勒》、 《杰奎琳》、《玛丽莲·梦露》以及《自画像》 等经典代表作。除了展示沃霍尔在绘画和版 画方面所取得的成就,也呈现了沃霍尔电影 的经典之作《帝国大厦》,这部长八小时的 电影以纽约帝国大厦为拍摄对象,揭示了他 对年轻一代电影制作人和录像艺术家的持 续影响。 回顾展并没有常规性地停留在沃霍尔 的创作作品,而是深入其日常和社交生活, 例如沃霍尔跨越 30 年的“时间胶囊”也在 其中——他常年备着一个盒子,放置生活 中所有经手之物(信件、杂志、报纸、礼 物、相片、公司记录等),盒子满了后封 上,标注日期,然后放到库里。从 60 年代 到 1987 年他逝世时,已经有 612 个盒子, 这些资料给人们提供了一个独特的视角了 解沃霍尔的内心世界。 此次《安迪·沃霍尔:十五分钟的永恒》 展览由上海当代艺术博物馆和美国安迪·沃 霍尔美术馆联合主办,纽约梅隆为首席赞 助,所有展品都来自美国匹兹堡安迪·沃霍 尔美术馆。展览途经新加坡、香港、上海,

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8 月将巡展至北京,并于 2014 年到达东京, 总历时 27 个月。 安迪·沃霍尔美术馆馆长埃里克·夏纳说: “我们很高兴纽约梅隆让我们有机会把安迪 ·沃霍尔的生活、作品和创造天才呈现给亚 洲的城市。这些丰富的藏品再次肯定了沃霍 尔用其生活和作品所诠释的概念——声名 易逝,唯有艺术永恒。”

自拍像 Self-portrait

时间胶囊 Time Capsule

折叠屏风 Early Illustration

你是“不同的”吗? “Are You Different?”

展览现场 Exhibition space

凉鞋 Shoe Illustration

金宝汤罐 I:番茄 Campbell Soup Can

自画像 ( 亚麻布上丙烯和丝网油墨 ) Screenprinted Self-Portrait

‘Andy Warhol: 15 Minutes Eternal’ is the largest retrospective of Warhol’s artwork to travel to Asia, spanning his career from the 1940s to 1980s. The exhibition is arranged by decade and features more than 400 paintings, photographs, screen prints, drawings, and sculptures. Iconic works in the exhibition include ‘Campbell’s Soup’ (1961), ‘Silver Liz’ (1963), ‘Jackie’ (1964), ‘Silver Clouds’ (1966), ‘Marilyn Monroe’ (1967) and ‘Self-Portrait’ (1986). In addition to his renowned output as a painter and printmaker, ’15 Minutes Eternal’ includes key examples of Warhol’s films - such as ‘Empire’ (1964), his 8-hour portrait of New York’s Empire State Building - and reveals his continuing influence on younger generations of filmmakers and video artists. The exhibition also gives insights into Warhol’s life and social world through photography and examples of his ‘Time Capsules’ - a serial artwork, spanning a thirty-year period from the early 1960s to his death in 1987, that consists of 612 containers (mainly standard-sized cardboard boxes), which Warhol used to manage the bewildering quantity of material that routinely passed through his life. The exhibition, sponsored by BNY Mellon and jointly presented by Power Station of Art and The Andy Warhol Museum, chronicles the breadth of Warhol’s career and demonstrates the scope of his interests. It is planned to travel to five Asian cities over 27 months, and it’s now in Shanghai at the Power Station of Art. Following Singapore, Hong Kong and Shanghai, the exhibition will then tour to Beijing, and finally Tokyo in 2014. Eric Shiner, director of The Warhol Museum states: “We are thrilled that BNY Mellon is bringing the life, work and creative genius of Andy Warhol to cities across Asia. This remarkable and extensive collection celebrates anew someone whose life and work define the concept: fame is fleeting, art is eternal.”





清雅之意,神韵之美 涂向东的书法艺术

Tu Xiangdong: Scripted Serenity Text: Liu Yi Photos: Tu Xiangdong

涂向东先生自幼酷爱书法,坚实的楷书功底奠定了 他端庄硬朗的书风。他的行草动中有静,静中有动,虚实 变幻,明快隽秀,神韵独具,充满生机与活力,给人以清 新典雅之美感。 中国的书法在享誉世界的国粹里独领风骚,较之于 中国武术、中国医学,中国书法更能代表中国文化的内涵。 纵观书法书体之变,由篆而隶,由隶而楷,由楷而行、而 草,毋庸置疑地诠释了从汉字的线条、结体之美到汉字书 法的气势以及谋篇布局之美。 涂向东的书法正是溯源而来, 故能立身潮流,自成面目,卓然一家。 他除了练习书法,还热衷于对诗歌词赋、旅游摄影 的研究,诸多古今文化的滋养以及他本人的道德修养和人 生的历练铸就了他快乐而不平凡的书法人生。 常言说文如其人,字如其人。涂向东的书作一如他 本人的端庄儒雅,其章法更是他娴熟技法的精妙体现。身 为人民艺术网顾问、艺术家协会副会长、山西企业摄影家 协会副主席的他,不断总结经验,并以前代大师杰作为路 标,勇猛精进,一步步向中国书法的纵深境地迈进。 (作者系中国书法家协会顾问、原中国书法家协会副主席刘艺)

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人物介绍 Profile 涂向东,1963 年生于太原,祖籍四川。现为中国摄影家协会会员、 人民艺术网顾问、人民艺术家协会副会长。其书法、摄影作品被人民日 报、人民日报海外版、人民政协报、中国日报、中国文化报、人民艺术报、 中国国门时报、中国书画报、香港商报、旅游商报、红旗文稿、当代水墨、 中国改革报、中国经济导报、今日航空、品味生活等媒体多次报道。 Tu Xiangdong, whose ancestral home is Sichuan, was born in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province in 1963. He is now Vice President of People’s Artists Association, Consultant of The People Artists Net and a member of China Photographers Association. His calligraphy and photography works appeared in many media reports, such as People’s Daily, People’s Daily Overseas Edition, China Daily, Chinese Calligraphy and Painting, Hong Kong Commercial Daily, China Economic Herald and LifeStyle.

田园乐章 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )

通天碧水 万峰争俏 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )

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Even at an early age, Tu Xiangdong showed great passion for calligraphy. His expertise in kaishu (standard script) laid a solid foundation for an elegant yet powerful calligraphic style. His running-cursive script captures balance and harmony between movement and stillness, bringing a sense of freshness, vibrancy, elegance and romantic charm to his works. Among many quintessential Chinese cultures like Kungfu and Chinese medicine, I think Chinese calligraphy takes the lead. From zhuanshu (seal script), lishu (clerical script), kaishu (standard script) to xingshu (running script) and caoshu (cursive script), the art displays the beauty of the pictographic Chinese characters, as well as the interplay of the calligraphy’s impressive power and delicate arrangement. Tu Xiangdong expresses these well, which is the reason for his success. Besides calligraphy, he is also interested in poetry, traveling and photography. Rich life experiences, and cultural and moral cultivation give him a happy life in calligraphy. As the saying goes, style is the index of a man. Tu Xiangdong’s calligraphy is as elegant and refined as he himself is; its unusual composition embodying his wonderful calligraphic skills. Though he has achieved so much, he continues to temper himelf through practice. 万法一念 ( 涂向东摄影作品 )




全网航班动态 飞旅微信全覆盖 “飞旅”是北京骏景通科技有限公司 为航旅用户提供航班动态服务的数据服务 平台,其通过互联网、移动互联网,并结 合当下主流社交应用微信操作简单、服务 方式丰富、可精准定位用户等特点,建立 了微信公众账号——“飞旅”,主要为航 旅用户提供航班实时起降的动态信息查询 服务和机场咨询信息查询服务。

飞旅微信添加方法: 方法一:扫描飞旅公众号的二维码, 在打开的“飞旅”名片页面中直接添加关 注。 方法二:在微信“添加朋友”功能的“查 找微信公众账号”里搜索“飞旅”,然后 添加关注。

用户查询方法: ① 回复航班号,查询当天航班动态, 例如:CA1235。 ② 回复机场名称或城市名称, 查询机场信息。

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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.94 飨宴

Dining / P.104 人物

Profile / P.108

伦敦圣詹姆斯俱乐部酒店 St. James Hotel & Club, London




High Culture Hospitality 这些酒店拥有堪称博物馆珍藏级别的艺术品,藏品之丰富堪比艺术博物馆。 Gone are the days of hotels with mass-produced art. Stay at these four diverse properties with equally diverse art collections, with pieces ranging from Warhol to Pissarro. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels

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The Ritz-Carlton, Singapore 在新加坡邂逅让人艳羡的艺术藏品并不出 奇,但若是在酒店这样的公共场合便足以叫人 惊喜。32 层的新加坡丽思卡尔顿美年酒店由普 利策建筑奖得主凯文·罗奇设计 ,拥有 4200 件 当代艺术藏品,其中不乏安迪·沃霍尔和亨利·摩 尔的雕塑作品。客人在契胡里休息室可以一边 欣赏美国著名玻璃艺术家戴尔·契胡里炫彩夺目 的玻璃雕塑,一边悠闲地享用便餐和茶点。 It’s not unexpected to see an enviable art collection in Singapore but it is unexpected to see such a collection in such a public venue. The 32 story Ritz-Carlton, Singapore, designed by famous architect Kevin Roche, has an original collection of Warhols, Henry Moore sculptures and a lounge devoted to the well-known glass artist Dale Chihuly whose installation “Singapore Sunrise” is displayed inside the hotel. www.ritzcarlton.com

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路易斯维尔 21C 博物馆酒店

21c Museum Hotel, Louisville Kentucky 21C 博物馆酒店可谓是精品酒店和当 代艺术博物馆的完美结合,而做得最好的 要数美国肯塔基州路易斯维尔的这一家, 其以美国南方的奢华和当代艺术家作品收 藏而享有盛名。5 个建于 19 世纪的烟草仓 库和波本威士忌酒窖经翻修后成为博物馆、 酒店和餐厅,仅凭如此艺术的“出身”就 足够证明酒店的诚意。这家酒店拥有安德 里斯·塞拉诺、萨姆·泰勒·伍德、查克·克劳 斯等名家的作品,艺术爱好者们即便不入 住,也可来此欣赏名家名作。 21c Museum Hotels are combination contemporary art museums and boutique hotels with numerous locations. The best one may be the one located in Louisville, Kentucky. Taking five historic 19th century tobacco and bourbon warehouses and renovating them into a museum, hotel and restaurant, the 21c Museum Hotel clearly has art on its mind. With an emphasis on contemporary pieces by Andres Serrano, Sam Taylor-Wood, Chuck Close, and other blue-chip names, the hotel is also open to the public making it equally accessible to paying guests as well as the art-loving public. www.21cmuseumhotels.com/louisville






The Dolder Grand Zürich 瑞士因其政治中立以及在银行体系方 面享有盛名,长期以来都是艺术品收藏家 们的乐土。多尔德大酒店是折中主义风格, 一部分建筑可追溯至 19 世纪,另一部分则 建于 1964 年。酒店拥有堪称博物馆级别的 艺术品,其中大部分来自酒店大部分业权 的所有者乌尔斯·史瓦哲巴赫。在这里客人 能欣赏到村上隆、安迪·沃霍尔、萨尔瓦多· 达利以及大量 19 世纪时期的作品,如毕沙 罗描绘四季的一组画作,同时诸多的青铜 器和古董钟表也在展示之中。 Switzerland has been a haven for art collectors for a long time because of its politically neutral position as well as its esteemed position as a banking destination. The eclectic Dolder Grand Hotel - one part was built in the 19th century, and another in 1964 - also holds an eclectic but museumworthy collection of art, mainly from the collection of Urs E. Schwarzenbach. Guests can take in original pieces by artists like Takashi Murakami, Andy Warhol, Salvador Dali as well as numerous 19th century pieces such as a set of Pissarro paintings depicting the Four Seasons. There are also numerous bronzes and antique clocks on display. www.thedoldergrand.com

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St. James Hotel & Club London 圣詹姆斯俱乐部酒店作为伦敦最奢华 的酒店之一,总会让人不禁想起 19 世纪的 绅士俱乐部,更难得的是它还藏有让宾客 印象深刻的艺术珍品。这栋距皇家艺术学 院仅有几分钟步程的优雅大宅内悬挂了诸 多 20 世纪初印象派、表现主义以及立体主 义画作。追随影星、作家和外交官的脚步 踏入圣詹姆斯俱乐部酒店,你会发现自己 进入了英国上流社会的故事场景。 Redolent of 19th century gentlemen’s clubs, this discreet London luxury hotel also boasts an impressive array of art. Early 20thcentury Impressionist, Expressionist and Cubist paintings line the walls of this elegant townhouse. Indeed, the Royal Academy of Arts is just a short walk away. With an emphasis on 19th century pieces, guests may feel like they’ve just stepped into a genteel British story. www.stjamesclubandhotel.co.uk





由上海市旅游局、浙江省旅游局指导, 搜狐焦点旅游地产与亚洲房地产俱乐部联合 主办的第三届亚洲文化旅游投资论坛暨寻美 中国·旅游地产投融资峰会 4 月 19-20 日在 杭州举行。与会嘉宾包括夏岩集团董事长夏 岩、国际休闲产业协会副主席王坚、达晨文 旅投资总裁赵小兵、国务院发展研究中心研 究员刘锋博士、浙旅投资集团总经理杨文泰、 传奇旅游投资陈磊、绿维创景规划设计院院 长林峰、浙旅基石基金张伟、复星地产控股 集团副总裁康红恩等五十余位文旅投资运营 机构专业人士。 “寻美中国——走进杭州”是搜狐焦点 旅游地产年度品牌活动第一站,4 月 20 日 下午旅游地产投融资峰会与会嘉宾和搜狐焦 点旅游地产一同品鉴杭州法云安缦酒店,开 启一场低调奢华的寻美之旅。 杭州法云安缦酒店位于西湖西侧的山谷 之间,距杭州市中心 20 分钟车程,坐落在 四面环山和多座寺庙的古村落中,是国际知

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名高端酒店。沿路两旁竹林密布、草木青翠, 经过植物园和西湖内部水路,便来到天竺寺 和天竺古村落。法云安缦即坐落于天竺古村 另一侧,北高峰之麓,毗邻灵隐寺和永福寺。 此处包括周围茶园在内,占地面积共计 14 公顷。共有 47 处居所,始建于唐朝,曾为 附近茶园村民所住。 在浓荫掩映、翠竹环绕之间,经由一条 窄道前行便至法云安缦的接待总台,由此沿 一条幽径即可通往度假酒店的主干道——法 云径。法云径连接所有客房(庭院住宅)和 酒店设施。这里的住宅可追溯至百年以前, 如今以传统作法和工艺修缮一新,砖墙瓦顶, 土木结构,屋内走道和地板均为石材铺置。 法云径总长 600 米,亦通往酒店餐厅、茶室、 精品店和若水寮。法云安缦东侧有一条小溪 由南而北缓缓流经,它曾经是古村落日常生 活的聚集地,村民们在茶园辛勤劳作一天, 午后便汇集于此,沐浴更衣,闲聊畅谈。

法云安缦之侧,紧邻灵隐寺的是永福寺, 此间小径蜿蜒,苍翠欲滴,风景宜人。上至 山腰,便是韬光寺观海楼,越过群山翠谷, 远眺西湖和杭州城,湖光山色,尽收眼底。 灵顺寺位于北高峰之巅,为杭州制高点,拥 有 1600 年历史,此地烟火袅袅,香客络绎 不绝,祈求财源滚滚。 安缦酒店开创了面面俱到、奢华低调、 重隐私与服务的新酒店标准,而且酒店装潢 走的路线是毫不勉强的自然风格,酒店选址 大多是远离开发的文明,最纯净的天然环境, 或正好彰显此国最具特色人文风情之地,比 如安缦酒店集团的第一家酒店 Amanpuri 位 于泰国的普吉岛,第二家酒店 Hotel Bora Bora 位于世界上最美丽的小岛 Bora Bora, 中国第一家安缦酒店则位于颐和园。 与世界上许多其他的大型奢华酒店集团 不同的是,安缦酒店集团始终坚持走小而精 的路线,与酒店的规模相比,集团更注重每 家酒店为客人提供的服务品质。客源也主要 为金字塔尖端的小众客源。 搜狐焦点旅游地产副主编吴传超先生介 绍,搜狐焦点旅游地产把 2013 年定为“寻 美中国 2013 品质度假年”,即将推出系列 品牌活动“寻找最美海岸线”和“寻找最美 净心地”。 为集中展现中国滨海城市的居住环境, 也为积极响应国家旅游局 2013 中国海洋旅 游年定位,搜狐焦点旅游地产将联合各旅居 滨海城市政府高层、权威机构,举办以“品 质度假年·2013 寻美中国——发现最美海岸

线”为主题的大型活动。活动除了展示楼盘 卖点,还将着力展示城市风采,突显城市的 宜居环境。意欲再次引领旅居地产消费,掀 起新一波旅居地产消费新热潮。通过搜狐矩 阵资源里搜狐汽车、搜狐旅游、搜狐城市、 搜狐视频,以及台网报联动与旅游卫视、小 康杂志进行深度合作。将汇集整理滨海城市 的城市特色以及旅游度假项目代表,通过台 网报联动渠道强势推出,为城市旅游品牌的 塑造和推广、旅游度假项目的推介及营销发 挥举足轻重的作用。 寻美最美海岸线活动,将通过线上网络 评选(60%)和寻美中国最美海岸线专家评 委会评选(40%)共同选出最美海岸线城市、 最具潜力海岸线城市、最美旅游度假地产项 目、最具口碑度假酒店等,并在年底举办年 终庆典,滨海旅游城市品牌创新论坛。 以杭州法云安缦酒店为始,搜狐焦点旅 游地产寻美之旅已然开启。

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快乐悠闲 乐活生命 快乐之城 环球恐龙城是一个荷尔蒙分泌旺盛的 地方,快乐如同空气一样,弥漫在这个城 市的每个角落,很有原始生命力。那种生命 的力量如果找得到一个突破口,就会迸发 出无限的快乐能源,于是便有了世界第三、 中国首台 4D 过山车——过山龙的呼啸声; 如果找不到突破口,他自身的快乐基因也 会蜕变出华丽的乐感生活,于是成就了《美 丽新世界》炫彩华丽的爱情史诗,《恐龙人》 靓爆眼球的视觉狂乐。 这是恐龙的家园,这是迸发快乐的圣 地。在这里,笑声无处不在,笑脸随处可见。 在这里,有惊险刺激的时尚体验;在这里, 有潮流风向的狂欢激情。中华恐龙园鲁布 拉巅峰水世界的欢乐酷爽,在库克苏克大峡 谷提心吊胆地尝试各种心有余悸的游乐或

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探险项目,感受电影世界的奇妙和超强想 像力;嘻哈恐龙城快乐动物带来的新奇有 趣,中华恐龙园恐龙宝贝梦幻庄园 1 期将 于 2014 年 5 月 1 日盛大开放,带你重温孩 子们心目中五彩斑斓的童话世界,体验各种 童趣十足。

悠闲之城 以悠闲的生活态度,通过消费、透过 生活,支持环保、身心健康,这里的每个人 越来越靓丽、有活力。 环球恐龙城是爱的家园,是爱与希望 的城市。在这里,可以找到美丽,升华友谊, 发现机遇;在这里,欢乐无比幸福,身心充

满活力;在这里,让味蕾尝到神奇,梦想创 造惊喜。这是一座充满希望的地方,这里的 人们尊重生命,人和恐龙生活一起欢笑,一 起感动,爱让希望永存。 香树湾高尔夫酒店,水榭曲廊相谐成 趣、古木奇石同亭台楼阁入眼皆是景,放慢 生活的节奏,平缓自己的呼吸,减少浮躁的 行动,逐渐体验慢生活、简单生活、宁静生 活与悠闲生活的价值与趣味。维景国际大酒 店酿制舌尖最顶级的诱惑,大型海鲜自助餐 为您提供多种海鲜及二百多种中、日、西式 的国际美食百汇。尽情享受酒店的健身设施 和贴心服务,再次在名店荟萃的大卖场体验 观光和 Shopping 的自在和惬意。

2014 年, 挑 个 阳 光 满 满 的 早 上, 在 东经 120 的基准线上,登上迪诺水镇东经 120 观光塔,眺望被这条美丽经线贯穿的城 市——常州,从塔顶俯瞰龙城又是另一种 视觉感受,弥漫的雾气抹淡了璀璨的灯火, 却浓郁了心中最幽静的莲花。这样的画面将 注定出现在常州美丽的明信片上。这是生命 的家园,这是内心宁静的栖居地。在中华恐 龙馆,徜徉在恐龙时代生命巨制中,与古老 化石细语,生命感悟,审视纷杂的红尘繁琐; 在恐龙谷温泉,浸润亿万年前的暖水,身 心安宁,回归最纯净的本心;在三河三园, 穿梭在流淌千年的古航道,随波逐流,感受 古今交错神奇之旅。新北中心公园、飞龙运 动休闲公园、高铁生态公园以自然质朴为根 本,堪称时尚休闲浪漫的现代园林。最适合 在绿树浓荫的街道上无所事事地游荡,在 阳光下挥霍时光。乐活是这里的生活态度, 贴近生活本源,自然、健康、精致、乐观、 包容。

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Punjabi Restaurant Beijing Text: Audrey Hammonds Photos: Punjabi

北京本杰比印度餐厅紧邻公园式购物 中心蓝色港湾,专营极致美味的地道印度 菜肴。这里积聚了南北印度和巴基斯坦的 风味美食精华,在食客和同类餐厅中都享 有美誉,而且还是清真人士青睐之所。印 度菜肴有着悠久的历史,菜品用特有的陶 土烤炉烹制,印度香料则根据有机学研究 配制,纯天然且安全。本杰比印度餐厅保 持菜肴的地道性,对食材的新鲜度极为讲 究,并十分注重烹饪方法是否符合现代健 康理念。来自印度次大陆的厨师团队运用 最好的印度进口香料打造丰盛、天然、少 油又丝毫不减风味的异域珍馐,还提供定 制甜品、自家秘制鸡尾酒以及无限畅饮的 自助餐。二楼还经常承接派对,此外宴会 外送服务也是本杰比印度餐厅的专长之一。 餐厅老板兼经理葛瑞奇十分热忱友善, 他总是在一楼问候每一位客人,并确保客 人满意。他的工作热情感染每一位员工, 造就了一个高效又富于人情味的团队。 但是让本杰比饱受赞誉的可不仅仅是 美味佳肴和优质服务,这家餐厅广泛参与 慈善,从印度教育慈善机构 Pratham、印 度洋海啸赈灾到北京的“走!为慈善吃饭 去”、“微笑行动”,等等。本杰比印度 餐厅已经在中国拥有好几家门店,不久后 将登陆澳门。


unjabi Restaurant Beijing, located across from Solana shopping center on Lucky Street, is authentic Indian cuisine at its best. One of Beijing’s most popular venues serving North and South Indian and Pakistani fare, Punjabi is also the go-to spot for Beijingers who stick to a Halal diet. They are quick to emphasize not only the authenticity and freshness of their dishes, but also their healthy cooking methods: dishes are prepared by a team of chefs from the Indian sub-continent, using as little oil as possible with the best imported Indian spices, making for cuisine that is both hearty and full of flavor, without pretense or additives. The restaurant also boasts made to order desserts, in-house cocktails, and the very popular all-you-can-drink dinner buffet. They frequently dedicate the second floor to hosting parties, and offer outside catering service as well. Owner Gireesh is not just a distant manager; he’s dedicated and friendly, on the floor of the restaurant at all times to greet customers and check with guests to make sure they are satisfied. His enthusiasm is contagious and the staff is both warm and efficient. Delicious food is not the only reason to commend Punjabi – they also are a regular supporter of several charities, including The Pratham Movement, Haiti Rise, Beijing’s Chi Fan for Charity, Indian Tsunami Relief, Operation Smile and more. Punjabi currently has several locations open throughout China, and plans to open a new branch in Macau soon.

www.punjabichina.com Tel: 010 5867 0221

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Y2C2: Classic & Contemporary Text: Eva Liu Photos: Y2C2

VOL 餐饮集团旗下的滩外楼算得上今 年上海滩的热门餐厅之一。该集团推出过 诸如 Mr & Mrs Bund、Ultraviolet 这一类 的话题餐厅。别具一格的中餐厅滩外楼基 于纯正广东烹饪,推出现代概念粤菜,是 VOL 集团最新力作, 餐厅坐落在上海南外滩 2 号,那里曾 经是闻名远东的复兴码头。由 Kokai Studio 的意大利设计师菲利普·伽比阿尼领衔操刀, 整个空间被巧妙地描绘成一幅艺术画卷, 在古典含蓄中跳跃着现代时尚风情。餐厅 设有 148 个座位,包括 3 间半包房和 4 间 景观包房,采取不同的空间分割规划以满 足不同客人的需求。超大宽幅的全景玻璃 窗将滨江两岸天际线尽收眼底,餐厅的每 一个用餐点都能尽享壮丽江景。 在这里,拥有 20 年经验的广东厨师长 将现代概念粤菜理念演绎得淋漓尽致。现 代概念粤菜创意十足,强调古典和现代融 合与食物阴阳平衡,推崇以粤味为核心、 以时食为本、以养身为目的的用餐体验。 无论是汤鲜味美的老火靓汤还是原汁原味 时令鲜明的各色菜品,都保留了传统粤菜 精髓。考虑到现代人的口味与喜好,这家 餐厅将东西方食材巧妙混搭,在食客面前 进行桌边料理演绎及现场烹饪,为食客创 造出道道齿颊留香的粤菜料理。外滩名粹、 野菌葱爆大元贝、老虎斑等更是不可错过 的时令鲜味。


2C2 Tan Wai Lou, launched by F&B specialist VOL Group, is one of the most popular restaurants on the Bund this year. Controversial restaurants Mr & Mrs Bund, Ultraviolet, etc. are also VOL Group’s creative masterpieces. As their latest project, Y2C2 Tan Wai Lou aims to offer an efficient and personalized service with alluring Cantonese cuisine. Located on Shanghai South Bund, Y2C2 Tan Wai Lou is part of Wharf Warehouse Number 2 overlooking the Huangpu River. Designed by architect firm Kokai Studio, which is led by Filippo Gabbiani, the restaurant is filled with an elegant sense of tradition tinged with a stimulating modern sense. The dining area seats up to 148 people, with 3 semi-private rooms and 4 private rooms with view included to meet guests’ variety requirements. In addition, the

panoramic windows make sure that every dining location within the restaurant gets a fantastic view of Huangpu River’s skyline. Y2C2 bases their modern yet varied Cantonese dishes on the concept of Ying & Yang- Classic & Contemporary. The Cantonese Chef has over 20 years of experience, and takes culinary inspiration from the dual essences of Ying & Yang, adding seasonal products and transforms it into an ever-evolving cuisine based on classic Cantonese cooking techniques. Taking modern preferences and tastes into account, the restaurant does a great job of balancing Eastern and Western ingredients. Guests can chat with the cooks in the open kitchen as they are preparing dishes. Goose Liver with Marble Beef, Stir-Fried Scallop with Mushroom and Scallion, etc. are the chef’s recommendations.

5F, No.579 Waima Road, Shanghai (Wharf Warehouse No.2) Tel: 021 6339 1188

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WineClub 种满足感。 甄伟成: 在最大程度上用我的专业知 识与经验帮助顾客享受选择、搭配和品尝葡 萄酒的过程。 郭莹: 最吸引我的一点是它永远都有 一种新鲜感,充满挑战。正如音乐一样,葡 萄酒也是一种世界性语言。它让你品尝到分 享的快乐和幸福。


Three of the Top Chinese Sommeliers

张敏 上海柏悦酒店首席侍酒师。 曾就职于上海 Jean-Georges、雅 德、呼根西餐厅,通过 WSET(英 国葡萄酒及烈酒教育基金会)第三 级葡萄酒与烈酒认证。 Adrian Zhang is the Chief Sommelier of the Park Hyatt Shanghai. Adrian’s previous experience was at Jean-Georges Shanghai, Sens & Bund Shanghai, and Hugo Restaurant. The certification is Level 3 of WSET.

甄伟成 香港丽思卡尔顿酒店天龙 轩中餐厅侍酒师。曾任职香港文华 东方酒店文华厅,2009 年荣获“奔 富酒庄港澳最佳侍酒师”称号;已 通过 WSET 第二级与第三级葡萄酒 与烈酒认证,并获得法国食品协会 葡萄酒专业证书。 Benson Yan is the Tin Lung Heen Sommelier at The Ritz-Carlton Hong Kong. From 1995 to 2012 he was at the Michelin starred Man Wah Chinese Restaurant inside the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. In addition, he has been awared the title of Best Sommelier by Penfolds Wine in 2009 as well as Wine Spectator’s Best Wine List in 2011. His education includes the WSET Levels 2 and 3 and Sopexa Processional Certificate.

你是怎样成为侍酒师的?谁是你从事这行 的领路人? 张敏: 在多家法餐厅工作的经历使我 有机会结缘美食和美酒,从而激发了我对葡 萄酒的热爱,开始大量阅读有关的书籍,对 侍酒师的工作产生了浓厚的兴趣。被选择为 上海柏悦酒店的侍酒师,着实开心了很久, 柏悦酒店酒水项目是由让 - 马克 . 诺兰先生 一手创办的,正是他辛勤的努力和渊博的知 识使得我们的酒窖从品名,数量到质量上都 达到了很高的标准 。诺兰先生专业精神和 对葡萄酒的热情无时无刻不鼓舞着我。 甄伟成:我是被任命为一名侍酒师的。 之前我就很喜欢葡萄酒,看到顾客因为中意 的美酒佳肴而深感满足的样子,我也乐在其 中。可能因为这些表现被上司发现了吧。法 国食品协会的葡萄酒专家郭伟信先生以及 从法国来香港文华东方酒店工作的皮埃尔· 勒格朗德瓦先生对我的影响是最大的。 郭莹: 我家是做酒类生意的,我对酒 很熟悉。只有在遇到心仪的酒之后,你才会 真正爱上它。侍酒师得不断学习,不管是新 手还是大师。对葡萄酒的热爱是我从事这一 行最大的动力。 侍酒师最重要的职责是什么? 张敏: 倾听顾客的心声,了解他们的 需求和口味,然后推荐最适合他们的一款 酒,这中间还要运用恰当的服务技巧。这就

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郭莹 上海浦东四季酒店首席侍酒 师。曾夺得法国食品协会 2011 中 国最佳法国酒侍酒师大赛、2012 中国侍酒师大赛冠军,通过“高级 侍酒师理事会”侍酒师认证,拥有 WSET 高级证书。 Ying Guo is the Chief Sommelier of Four Seasons Hotel Pudong in Shanghai. In 2012 Ying Guo was the Champion in China National Sommelier Competition, and in 2011 the Champion at China’s Best Sommelier of French Wine by Sopexa.

要求酒窖里和酒单上酒的种类够丰富,侍酒 师本人也要具备深厚的葡萄酒知识和优秀 的鉴赏力。 甄伟成: 与顾客充分的沟通以及卓越 的服务,包括推荐合适的酒款;善于对酒窖 进行管理,培养自己的团队。 郭莹:为每一位顾客带去难忘的服务。 如何对酒吧、餐厅和宴会经理以及服务人 员进行培训? 张敏: 经理需要懂得更多关于葡萄酒 的知识,包括葡萄栽培、葡萄酒的酿制以及 葡萄酒的类型等。对于服务人员,我们每周 都要进行培训。重点培训每个人对产品介绍 的能力,目的是让他们在服务顾客时更轻松 自然。 甄伟成: 尽量使培训充满乐趣,比如 培训时间不要太长,期间只使用一种语言, 且避免使用晦涩难懂的词汇,此外还要给大 家品尝美酒的机会。 郭莹: 必须进行长期有规律的培训, 因为多数中国人对葡萄酒还比较陌生。葡萄 酒知识固然重要,但与之相关的文化和生活 方式以及如何鉴赏葡萄酒是我最想告诉我 的团队的。 工作中最大的乐趣是什么? 张敏:你为客人推荐了一款很棒的酒, 他(她)很满意,你就很开心,立即会有一

你认为自己是名副其实的葡萄酒拥趸吗, 你会致力于推荐葡萄酒,向所有愿意了解 葡萄酒的人进行慷慨介绍吗? 张敏: 葡萄酒为我打开了观察、了解 和思考这个世界的一扇门,对此我心怀感 激。当我学到或悟到什么东西的时候,我会 很自然地想要与人分享。是葡萄酒让我懂得 分享的真谛。 甄伟成: 我绝对是一个酒痴。通常人 们都认为葡萄酒不适合搭配中国菜,我却不 这么看。我想告诉每一位喜爱葡萄酒的人, 适合与否取决于如何对食物与美酒进行搭 配,当然要先与厨师进行良好的沟通。 郭莹:葡萄酒是激情、艺术与爱的化身。 任何时候你都能在其中发现值得与朋友和 所爱的人分享的东西。对于那些热爱生活、 希望享受葡萄酒带来的乐趣的人,我随时可 以帮他们推荐。 中国制造的高端葡萄酒前景如何?比如山 西怡园酒庄的酒和贺兰山美域经典系列葡 萄酒。 张敏: 中国经济的快速发展让消费者 不再盲目跟风选择进口品牌,也开始关注国 产品牌。国产葡萄酒,尤其是高档酒消费需 求越来越大。 甄伟成: 怡园酒庄和贺兰山美域都是 中国数一数二的葡萄酒品牌,但我认为前者 要略胜一筹。近几年它们出品的酒都很棒, 比如深蓝系列和庄主珍藏系列。 郭莹: 中国有适合葡萄生长的良好土 壤条件,市场前景也很广阔。但从目前来看, 我们还得耐心等待,正如好酒需要长时间陈 酿一样。 十年之后你期待自己是什么样子? 张敏: 当然是在这个岗位上做得更好 了。我很幸运能够管理这么大规模的酒窖, 十年之后我还会在这里。这里为我提供了 与葡萄酒行业最优秀的人才交流的机会, 能够与全世界的同行分享我的知识与心得。 每一瓶酒都有自己独特的味道,菜品与酒也 有无数种搭配方法。这份工作充满了变化, 让我在追求完美的路上永远不知厌倦。柏悦 很适合我。 甄伟成: 与其它高级职位相比,十年 后我更愿意成为培训师,与年轻人分享我的 经历。 郭莹: 每个侍酒师都有自己的发展目 标。至于我的目标,我先保密,十年后自然 见分晓。 这三位侍酒师真实而又充满个性,堪 称千千万万中国葡萄酒爱好者的榜样。幸运 的话,说不定有一天你会走进他们的酒店, 接受他们的服务,为他们高超的专业技能、 优雅的风度、绅士的举止以及可贵的谦逊所 折服。这的确令人十分期待。

How did you become a sommelier? Who was your primary wine mentor? Adrian: I used to work in many fine-dining French restaurants in town which enabled me to know and see great wines and food. This sparked my interest for wines. I started buying wine books and couldn’t put them down. I worked in the service team but I was always curious about the job of a sommelier. The opportunity came; the chance to be a sommelier vacancy at Park Hyatt Shanghai. Being chosen was one of my happiest days, and I feel blessed every day to have been selected. Mr. Jean-Marc Nolant is the founder of our entire beverage program here at Park Hyatt Shanghai and thanks to his tireless efforts and deep knowledge it reaches very high standards in terms of both selection and quality. It is to me one of the finest wine selections in China. I am influenced by his expertise and passion for wines on a daily basis, he is truly inspiring. Benson: By nomination. I was a wine lover and I enjoy seeing guests satisfied by a good food and wine matching, which was noticed by the people who nominated me. My mentors were Wilson Kwok (Sopexa lecture) & Pierre Legrandois (Pierre restaurant in Paris 3 Michelin stars) who worked at the Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong. Ying: My family was in an alcohol related business. I was familiar with it and my real love for it started when I met the right bottle. Sommeliers have to keep learning all the time, whether you are new or a Master. I would say passion is my primary wine mentor. What is the most important responsibility of a Sommelier? Adrian: Listen to the guests, understand their needs and tastes, get the right bottle and serve it in the right way. These are backed up by an extensive wine list, well stocked cellar and one’s understanding of wines. Benson: Full guest engagement and product & service excellence, quality control, and educating your team. Ying: Bringing an unforgettable wine and food experience to people all around the world. How do you handle the training of the property bar, restaurant and banquet managers and servers? Adrian: Managers have higher demands

for wine knowledge; we may talk about it in a more systematic way. It can be from viticulture to vinification up to the styles of wine. To the rest of the service team, we’re practicing on a weekly basis. We focus on the individual product profile in order to make them more comfortable during service. Benson: Draw the staff’s attention by making the training more interesting, e.g. offering tasting samples and reducing the training time, using understandable language and simple words. Ying: Training has to be consistent; regular. Wine is something new to most Chinese people. Of course knowledge is important but how to appreciate wine, culture and the life style behind is what I want to share with them mostly. What aspect of your position gives you the greatest satisfaction? Adrian: You choose a great bottle, see the guest satisfied and pleased to see that we found the right bottle for the guest. The satisfaction is immediate. Benson: Fully engage all the guests to enjoy the food and wine matching experience by using my professional knowledge and experience. Ying: It is so interesting that you would never get bored, and full of challenges as well. To me, wine is a world language, just like music. It is all about sharing and happiness. Do you consider yourself a true “Wine Patriot”, one dedicated to inspiring others to celebrate the art of fine wine, freely educating all who are open to becoming genuine wine professionals? Adrian: Wine makes me see, read and think, I feel grateful to the world of wine. Once I reach and learn I spontaneously want to share. That’s what wine itself teaches me every day, sharing. Benson: Absolutely. Everyone says that Chinese food doesn’t match well with wine, but I don’t think so. In my point of view, it depends on how do you do the food and wine matching by communicating with the chef. And I would like to share this message to everyone who loves wine. Ying: Wine is passion, is art, and love! Whenever you open the door, you’ll find that the best part is sharing with friends and people you love. I am open to everyone who enjoys wine and life.

What do you consider to be the future for Chinese-produced premium and super premium wines, such as Grace Vineyard and Domaine Helan Mountain? Adrian: The volume of domestic wine consumption is rising, especially fine wines thanks to China’s rapid economic growth. Chinese customers are not satisfied with only the supply of fine wines from overseas; they now show great interest in what’s happening around them and the recognition of Chinese wine. Benson: I think Grace Vineyard is better than Domaine Helan Mountain, which is also good - so they are No 1 and No 2 in China. Grace Vineyard has been making very good wine in the past few years. (Deep Blue & Chairman selection) Ying: For the moment we think China has the potential terroir, and a huge potential market. But we have to be patient as good wine speaks of time. To what position within the world of fine wine do you aspire ten years from today? Adrian: To be a more skilled sommelier for Hyatt of course. I feel lucky today to be in charge of such a prestigious wine cellar; I will still be in 10 years. Being here allows me to speak to talented people from the highest level and share knowledge and experience with my fellow sommeliers around the world. It’s constantly moving, no wines ever taste the same, and the combinations are endless. I will never get ever tired of striving for perfection. Hyatt is the right platform for me. Benson: After 10 years I would like to be a tutor rather than gaining a higher position. That way I can share my experiences with the next generation. Ying: For the professional side, every sommelier has their own icon. I want to keep it a secret at the moment. We will see in 10 years. So, there you have it, profiles and viewpoints from three of the top Chinese Sommeliers in China. They are truly each and every one a great role model for the thousands of Chinese wine lovers who will follow in their footsteps. And if you are fortunate enough one day to visit one of the restaurants where any of the three are based; and you have the opportunity to be served by one of them, know that you will long remember their professionalism, their elegantly gentle demeanor, and their humility. I know that I can’t wait to meet them all, one day.

田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand; as well as a Menands, New York office in the United States.

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Hospitality à la Française 索菲特奢华酒店集团大中华区副总裁、澳门十六浦索菲特酒店总经理莫力先生 拥有超过 25 年的酒店业从业经历,曾在澳大利亚、亚洲和中东等多个地区工作。 他向 LifeStyle 介绍了索菲特精致优雅的法式服务。 Michel Molliet, Vice President of Sofitel Greater China and General Manager of Sofitel Macau At Ponte 16, has over 25 years of hospitality experience in Asia, Australia and the Middle East. He discusses with us the finer points of French hospitality in China. Text: Audrey Hammonds

作为索菲特大中华区的领导人之一,你认 为酒店未来几年的主要发展目标是什么? 进一步拓展索菲特品牌已有的良好伙 伴关系网络,同时优化品牌资产。我们的重 点是提升酒店业绩,扩大市场份额,增强索 菲特在大中华区的品牌竞争力。 你对中国酒店业的印象如何? 国内的商务和休闲旅客量增长迅速, 住客对酒店各方面的期望在过去几年内也 显著提高。越来越高的顾客需求以及越来越 多拥有国际水准设施和多元化服务的豪华 酒店品牌入驻大中华区,促使我们不断提升 从餐饮到待客经验等各方面的服务。 在竞争激烈的亚洲酒店市场中,索菲特如 何在众多品牌中脱颖而出? 索菲特是法式优雅的象征。法国有丰 富的历史传统、极其考究的餐饮和生活艺 术。我们给客人提供了各种法式文化体验, 如法式问候、法式制服设计、法国风情的建 筑和装饰、法式佳肴和文化礼仪等。在索菲 特酒店客人能感受到所有这些充满浓郁法 国风情的待客方式。

从事酒店业可谓是莫力家族的传统,这对 你的生活和事业有什么影响? 我的家族从事酒店业已经有五代了,而 且在法国还拥有一家酒店。我父亲曾在国际 酒店工作。可能是受他们的熏陶,当我还是 小孩子的时候,我已经对酒店服务有了深厚 的了解。那时我就明白自己对这方面的业务 非常感兴趣,我的职业生涯就是这样开始的。 你的经营理念是什么? 充满热情和冲劲是成功的首要因素。 我深信客人的期望就是我们进步的动力。随 着中国商业环境的变化,我们也要调整经营 模式,为客人提供超越他们期望的高品质服 务。 As a leader of Sofitel in Greater China, what are your most important goals for the next few years? It is important to continue developing a quality network of Sofitel Hotels, while ensuring strong brand equity. A strong focus on hotel performance and market share is necessary, given the extensive competition in the luxury segment.

What are your impressions of Chinese hospitality? Chinese domestic business and leisure travellers have been growing rapidly in the region. Our Chinese hotel guests’ expectations are increasingly on the rise. There are more and more luxury hotels in China with world-class facilities and service, and the discerning Chinese travellers become more experienced and versatile, which requires the hotels to constantly raise the level of service, including food and beverage offerings and overall experience. How does Sofitel distinguish itself among so many luxury brands in the competitive Asian hospitality market? We are a symbol of French elegance in the hospitality industry. The French have a history rich in tradition, a legacy of uncompromising quality in the culinary arts and art de vivre. This French touch is demonstrated in every aspect of the hotel experience, from the French greetings, the design of the uniforms, the French flair architecture and décor, French food and rituals we demonstrate in our hotels, setting us apart from other international brands with “Art de recevoir à la française”. Hospitality is in your family – how would you say this legacy has influenced your perspective on life and career? I come from a family with a background of five generations in hospitality. In fact, my family still owns a hotel in France. My father was an international hotelier and I got a taste of hospitality from my early years. I knew then my future would be in the industry and I studied and made my career in the international hotel field. What is your management philosophy? Being passionate in what you are doing is always the key driving to success. I receive motivation from our guests’ increasing expectations, and this leads to constant improvement. It is important to stay attuned to the business environment in China, be business-oriented, and at the same time aim to exceed the guests’ expectations.

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Experience Huangshan at Howard Johnson 全新开业的黄山新华联豪生大酒店位于著名的黄山脚下,可谓占尽天下美景。 总经理黄礼文先生与 LifeStyle 分享了酒店的理想、理念与个性。 The newly-opened Howard Johnson Macrolink Plaza Hotel is located at the foot of the famously beautiful Huangshan Mountain. We chatted with General Manager Raymond Wong about the ideals, concepts and features behind the hotel. Text: Han Lijun

作为中部地区一家新开的酒店,你们的短期 目标和长期目标是什么? 由于酒店尚处于开业阶段,我们的短 期目标首先是在黄山市、安徽省以及其他城 市打响名声,为后一阶段的发展打下坚实基 础;其次,提升酒店软硬件设施,达到国际 品牌五星级酒店的标准;最后,通过系统全 面的培训打造出一支优秀团队,不断提升服 务及管理水平。长期目标是成为黄山市乃至 全国酒店行业中的一颗明珠,推动黄山市的 发展。 在酒店业竞争日趋激烈的今天,黄山新华联 豪生大酒店如何获取“江湖地位”? 如今要想在各行业中获取“江湖地位” 实在不易,但正是因为不容易才给了我们 更大的信心和动力去争取成功。都说“1+1 可以 >2”,相信豪生管理公司和新华联集 团的强强联手一定能促成酒店在激烈的竞 争中脱颖而出。 如何看待高品质的个性化服务? 在体验经济时代,越来越多的五星级 酒店开始注重个性化服务并以此作为判断 酒店是否合格及严谨的标准。 “个性化服务” 意味着酒店每位员工服务水平的提升,因此 我们要注重员工的日常培训,努力做到“1 对 1”完美个性化服务。黄山新华联豪生大 酒店倡导“贴身管家”的服务理念,让宾客 体验到宾至如归的感觉。 你的个人风格对酒店经营管理有哪些影 响? 20 年前酒店行业中流行高压式管理, 如今随着酒店行业的变革以及管理团队的 年轻化,我认为人性化管理更能适应酒店的 长远发展,同时也是酒店一步步迈入成功的 基石。一家酒店想要取得成功就必须包含以 下三个要素:宾客一如既往的支持;业主及 管理公司天衣无缝的配合;员工对企业的忠 诚度及稳定性,三者缺一不可。 给我们推荐一两道酒店餐厅的招牌菜吧。 根据传统一品锅改良而成的“徽州经 典一品锅”严选有机新鲜食材,经特殊工艺 加工至半熟,然后层层码放至锅中炖煮数小 时而成,保证了菜肴的原汁原味。石鸡是闻 名于世的黄山特产,具有清火、明目、补阴、

消炎的作用,是山珍中的瑰宝。天气日益炎 热,正是石鸡应市的旺季,“迎客高山小石 鸡”就是以此为原料精心烹饪而成。 As a new hotel in Central China, what are your short-term and long-term goals? As a new hotel, our short-term goal is to first build a good reputation in Huangshan, then across Anhui province and even the whole country, to lay a solid foundation for later development. Second, we’ll enhance the hotel’s facilities as well as the environment and customer services to reach the standard of international five-star hotels. Last but not the least, we will build a great team through systematic training and improve our management level. Our long-term strategy is to be one of the leading hotels in China’s hospitality industry and to make a contribution to the development of Huangshan city. With increasingly fierce competition, how does your hotel keep its place in hospitality industry? Today, it’s really not easy for an enterprise in any industry to become successful. But, it’s the difficuly that gives us the necessary impetus and confidence to win. We all know that sometimes when you add one to one you will get more than two. So I believe the cooperation of Howard Johnson Hotels and Macrolink Group is sure to make a difference. What do you think of high-quality individualized service? With the burgeoning economy, more and more five-star hotels have attached great importance to “individualized service” and made it part of the criteria for evaluation. Individulized service requires an enhancement of service skills of each hotel employee. Thus we’ll pay more attention to daily training in order to provide a perfect oneto-one service. Howard Johnson Macrolink Plaza Huangshan also has a Butler Service, which ensures a homelike atmosphere at the hotel. How does your personal style affect the hotel’s management? 20 years ago, high-pressure management was the norm in the hospitality industry. Now

that the industry has been revolutionized and the management is younger, I believe peopleoriented management is the foundation of success and will become the trend. The three indispensable factors to being a successful hotel are customer loyalty, cooperation between proprietor and management, and staff loyalty and stability. Could you recommend some specialties at the hotel restaurant? The famous Huizhou delicacy - “classic mixed vegetables and meat hot pot” - is an improvement on its traditional form. Local fresh organic ingredients will be half-cooked in a special way, then be placed in layers in a cauldron to stew for hours, which retains the ingredients’ original taste and flavor. Giant spiny frog is a famous Huangshan specialty, which tastes great and has a lot of medicinal value, and can be called the greatest treasure among a wealth of delicacies. Summer is the prime season of this frog, so we specially develop a dish named “mountainous frog” to entertain our guests.

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The Luxury of Being Yourself 新开业的首尔康莱德酒店总经理尼尔斯 - 阿恩·施罗德拥有超过 23 年的酒店业从业经历, 其中有一半时间是在希尔顿酒店集团任职。刚刚忙完开业筹备的他接受了我们的采访, 谈及这家奢华酒店的相关情况以及未来的发展目标。 Nils-Arne Schroeder, General Manager of Conrad Seoul, has over 23 years of hospitality experience, half of which has been spent with Hilton Worldwide. He recently spearheaded the Conrad’s launch as Seoul’s top new luxury hotel, and chats with us about the hotel and his goals for its future. Text: Audrey Hammonds

作为豪华酒店开业筹备方面的行家,能分享 一下你的经验吗? 在我看来,筹备酒店开业完全是“无中 生有”。除了建造现代化的高楼大厦、配备 各种豪华设施外,酒店开业前筹备工作还包 括确定经营理念、设定发展目标、招聘有相 同梦想和憧憬的人组成团队、培训员工以及 做好安全检查,等等。酒店一旦正式营业, 就一年 365 天,一天 24 小时永无停歇的时 候。保持酒店运营的生机和活力是十分吸引 人的工作,同时能让我自己活力倍添。这就 是我能在这一行工作超过 23 年,并参与多 家酒店开业筹备的原因。 在开业筹备过程中,最重要的一项任务 是要找到我们心目中的“康莱德人”。与工 厂流水线生产出来的一模一样的产品不同, 酒店的“产品”是人,他们是酒店的财富, 他们的言行举止将对顾客产生影响,因此团 队合作至关重要,只有那些热爱酒店业并且 做好充分准备的人才能成为真正的“康莱德 人”。在之前举办的一场大规模招聘会上, 我们一次就招了二百多人,这在整个韩国酒 店业都很少见。 你来韩国有一段时间了,这里的酒店业有什 么特点? 每个国家的酒店业都有自己的特点。虽 说都是亚洲人,但不同国家的人们对服务方 式的偏好不同,比如首尔人都是急脾气,凡 事都想尽快办好,对一切造成不方便的事物 深恶痛绝,这也是推动这座城市快速发展的 源动力。为此,最迅速与精准的服务便成为 韩国酒店业非常重要且必需的一项标准。 与其他地方的客人一样,韩国人也十分 热衷于高科技,特别是智能技术。举个例子, 67% 韩国手机用户拥有智能手机,这一比 例甚至高于美国、中国和英国等国家。韩国 人不管在哪里都要求能够方便地登陆电子邮 箱、脸书及 YouTube 之类的社交网站 , 有些 人还想在手机或平板电脑上看电影。我们是 韩国第一家安装基于苹果技术的智能多媒体 系统的酒店,拥有一体化的多媒体中心和苹 果电脑,客人只需按动遥控器上的按钮就能 享受到无微不至的个性化服务。正如我们所

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预料的那样,自酒店开业起这一服务就备受 欢迎,尤其受到韩国人的喜爱。 与首尔其它豪华酒店相比,康莱德酒店有何 出众之处? 首尔康莱德是一家时尚酒店,堪称“睿 智的奢华”的典范,是客人体验“真我奢华, 唯您独享”的理想之所。酒店提供个性化的 舒适服务和独具特色的环境,真正做到让 客人说了算,例如酒店提供 Aromatherapy Associates,Tara Smith 和 Shanghai Tang 三种备品,客人可在到达酒店之前或登记入 住的时候进行个性化选择。 酒店位于首尔著名的国际金融中心四塔 之一,毗邻地铁、影城和世界级购物中心, 因此酒店的另外一个特色就是集休闲、购物、 餐饮、商务和文化体验于一体。

酒店接下来有什么精彩活动吗? 我们很高兴地宣布,将于 5 月 18-26 日 举办“新加坡美食节”,届时位于酒店二层 的“激情”餐厅将成为东西方美食聚集地, 屡获殊荣的新加坡康莱德酒店金牡丹餐厅中 餐行政总厨 Ku Keung 师傅将专程飞抵首尔, 献上他的拿手好菜以及餐厅的创新菜肴。这 些精致的新加坡特色菜肴添加了当地人广泛 使用的调味料,让你在大饱口福的同时,还 能体会多元的饮食文化。 这个夏天酒店还将针对家庭出行游客推 出独一无二的儿童大礼包,到时孩子们可以 有机会体验酒店老板的生活,并有一晚免费 住宿。在孩子们尽情玩乐的时候,父母可以 选择在舒适奢华的客房休息,或是去游泳、 享受水疗。我相信首尔康莱德酒店会带给每 一个家庭成员一个难忘的夏天。

你为酒店未来几年设定的目标是什么?如何 实现这些目标呢? 过去十年,很多酒店自身并没有太大变 化,但是顾客在变。酒店也应该改变一下了, 所以在韩国就有了我们这样的新型酒店。康 莱德突出“睿智的奢华”这一核心理念,并 在酒店设施上得以体现,目的是为客人带来 无与伦比的非凡体验。我的目标是让首尔康 莱德成为商旅及休闲客人在韩国的新选择, 同时成为韩国酒店业的领头羊。 酒店生意是一种长期投资,包括修建 大楼、招聘员工以及对未来的投资。我们的 短期目标与优先发展的重点是让更多的人了 解首尔康莱德睿智奢华的待客理念和个性服 务,然后集中精力进行战略性的市场推广, 通过重点推介独具特色的康莱德入住礼包、 餐饮优惠和常客忠诚计划来吸引更多的客 人。现在客人对酒店服务质量的要求越来越 高,希望有更加独特、放松的尊享体验,我 们准备了一系列特别服务来满足顾客更多需 求。 除此之外,首尔康莱德还致力于成为新 的会展旅游目的地,为各种活动提供创意策 划方案。由于康莱德在首尔还是新面孔,酒 店针对国内外市场特别推出会议套餐,提供 各种优惠来吸引潜在客户。

As a specialist in hotel launches, could you describe some of your experience with managing the opening of luxury hotels? The value for me in opening a hotel is that it is literally making something out of nothing. To open a luxury hotel is not just to design and construct a luxurious and modern building and facilities. It also includes the process of setting the core concept and main targets of the hotel, finding and hiring team members who can share the same dream and vision as mine, training all employees and conducting safety checks, etc. Once a hotel finally opens, it runs 24/7, 365 days of the year. It is extremely attractive and dynamic for me to breathe new life into a hotel. That is why I have worked in the hotel industry for over 23 years and participated in opening many hotels as a General Manager. While managing the opening of Conrad Seoul, the most important task was hiring “The Conrad” people. Unlike manufacturing companies that produce the exact same products, a person is a product at a hotel, and that will be an asset to influence the guests’ minds. Therefore, teamwork is important and those who have passion for this great industry and are ready to be a

real “Conrad person” will join the team. We held a massive Job Fair to recruit more than 200 employees all at once, which was very exceptional in the hotel industry of Korea. You’ve been in Korea for quite some time; how does hospitality in Korea (and/or Asia) differ from other places? Each country has its own characteristics. Other than Asian customers in general, there’s a particular service style for each nationality. For example, Seoulites have a very quick temper. Everything must be done in a hurry and people cannot stand inconvenience. I believe this became a driving force which developed this rapidly growing city. Thus, prompt and accurate service is very important and a necessary part of hospitality in Korea. Similar to all modern customers, Koreans are highly interested in technology, especially in Smart technology. For instance, Smart phone users make up 67% of all mobile phone users in Korea, which is even higher than the U.S.A, China, and England, etc. Wherever they are, Koreans need to easily connect to their own e-mails, SNS like Facebook and YouTube and some may want to see their own movie saved to their cell phone or tablet PC. We are the first hotel in Korea to implement a Smart Inroom Multimedia Technology. Using Applebased technology and offering an all-in-one multimedia hub and a Mac computer, guests can enjoy this detailed personal lifestyle just by pressing a few buttons on a remote control in our hotel. This Smart In-room Technology has been greatly welcomed especially by domestic customers since the hotel’s opening, as we expected. What makes the Conrad Seoul stand out from other luxury hotels in Seoul? Conrad Seoul is a stylish hotel which exemplifies the concept of “Smart Luxury”, and we invite all guests to enjoy our characteristic experience, The Luxury of Being Yourself. Our services provide comfort to all customers as individuals, providing an environment that is unique from other hotels and puts the guest in charge. For example, Conrad Seoul features 3 choices of luxury in-room amenity sets which guests can customize before arrival or upon check in - Aromatherapy Associates, Tara Smith or Shanghai Tang. We are also unique in that we provide places to rest, shop, eat, experience culture and do business all under the same roof. Since our location is in one of the four towers in IFC Seoul, we are adjacent to a worldclass luxury shopping mall, a Cineplex theater and the subway station. What are your goals for the hotel in the coming few years? How do you plan to achieve those goals? Hotels have stayed more or less the same over the past decade, but people have not. It is time for a change, and we have unveiled a new kind of hotel that Korea has never seen. This change is highlighted by our core

value of Smart Luxury that permeates our facility for an outstanding experience. I will establish Conrad Seoul as a new destination for both leisure and business travellers in Korea, and make the hotel a leader in Korea’s hotel industry. Hotel business is a long term investment which calls for investment in a building, in people and in the future. Our short term goal and priority is to generate greater public awareness towards Conrad Seoul’s remarkable facilities and services that embody the Smart Luxury concept. We will then move to focus on strategic marketing activities to attract customers by emphasizing our unique offerings such as accommodation packages, F&B promotions and guest loyalty programs. Today’s modern and sophisticated customers demand service, experience and value that make them feel more unique, more focused, and more relaxed. For higher satisfaction and engagement of our customers, we have prepared a large range of special offers. Also, Conrad Seoul has aimed to establish itself as a new MICE destination offering innovative solutions to event organizers. As Conrad Seoul is new to Korea, we have launched an exceptional meeting package for both the domestic and overseas markets, offering various perks that provide our future customers with the amenities to hold their meetings in style.

Could you tell us about some upcoming events you are particularly excited about? For upcoming events, we are pleased to present the ‘Singapore Cuisine Festival’ promotion at Zest, which is the international buffet restaurant located on the 2nd floor, from May 18 – 26. Chef Ku Keung, Executive Chinese Chef of Golden Peony which serves refined Chinese cuisine from Conrad Centennial Singapore’s multi-award winning restaurant, will visit Conrad Seoul for this exclusive promotion. He is expected to present his signature dishes as well as Golden Peony‘s innovative menus. With exquisite dishes prepared using spices which are popular in Singapore, he will offer multi-faceted cooking culture and a feast for your senses with the culinary delights of Singapore. Also, for the upcoming summer vacation season, we are excited to offer an exclusive accommodation package called ‘Kids Hotelier package’ targeting family-based guests. This package will include an exciting program in which kids can experience a life of a hotelier as well as an overnight stay in Conrad Seoul. While kids are participating in the activity program, parents can fully enjoy their rest in a comfortable and luxurious room, swimming pool, or spa. I believe it will present unforgettable moments with Conrad Seoul to both kids and parents during their summer vacation.

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北京丽思卡尔顿酒店 宴会定制服务

Catering by The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店倾情推出宴会定制服务,为 您精心打造每场宴会,带来独一无二的完美体验。无 论是热闹非凡的公司年会、轻松温馨的朋友聚会,还 是大胆张扬的时尚派对,我们都会为您精彩呈现。组 织者无需劳心费力,酒店经验丰富的餐饮外送团队将 为您提供完美周到的服务,悉心照料一切细节,确保 您每次活动圆满举办。 酒店技艺精湛的厨师团队曾经为多家国际品牌 提供细致入微的宴会定制服务。我们致力于提供时尚 健康的经典菜肴,确保每一道菜品的新鲜、营养和美 味,为您带来感官和味觉的双重美妙感受。我们将根 据您的需求提供多元化的全方面服务,为您专属打造 倍加尊宠的个性化宴会订制服务,更加注重客人的归 属感、舒适度以及个性化的完美体验。不论是特别订 制的高端餐单还是精心打造的活动细节,我们的绅士 淑女们将确保满足客人所有表达及未表达的需求,让 每一个服务环节都成为客人离开后的美好回忆。

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北京丽思卡尔顿酒店位于 CBD 中心地 带,是华贸中心建筑群的重要组成部分。 酒店地理位置便捷,不论您的活动地点在 哪,我们都将为您提供完美周到的宴会定 制服务。融汇创新理念、丰富经验、热忱 服务及美味佳肴的北京丽思卡尔顿酒店将 彰显您独一无二的品味和独树一帜的风格。 专业的独具特色的个性化服务、无与伦比 的风尚佳肴,让北京丽思卡尔顿酒店为您 带来非同凡响的完美体验。 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing now applies its tradition of legendary service to craft a variety of outside catering services. Whether you are looking to organize a grand event or a private party in Beijing for you, your family, friends or colleagues at home, work or on holiday, our dedicated ladies and gentlemen will take great pleasure in creating personalized service that will delight you with wonderful elements of surprise. The excellent culinary team at The RitzCarlton, Beijing has extensive experience in creating imaginative canapés, buffets, dinner parties, weddings and special events for many renowned international brands, offering guests an eclectic assortment of seasonal menus, innovative cuisine and fresh takes on classic dishes. The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing is centrally situated in one of Beijing’s most thriving business areas - China Central Place. Within the heart of the city’s Central Business District, the hotel offers easy access to any place in town to meet all your needs for outside catering service. Let us help you create an unforgettable gathering.

83A Jian Guo Road, China Central Place, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5908 8973


Feng Shui at The St. Regis Beijing 人与宇宙是共存的,人体之“能量”与宇 宙之“能量”是需要交流的。在周易哲学里, 天地与我并生,万物与我合一。“能量”在宇 宙天地间回荡,“能量”在人体中聚合,人实 际上是自然生态链的一环。 周易学说中用“能量”说明在人与天地自 然环境的关系中需按照气的运动变化规律,也 就是按照自然的秩序求得与天地和自然万物合 谐,人就会达成休养生息的目的。 在周易风水哲理中,“人造建筑物”是需 要制造出引动“能量”之凝聚点,如何迎接“能 量”、吸收“能量”、聚集“能量”,就是通 过对宇宙天地之“能量”的迎合、引导和相应, 使人体之“能量”产生合谐,这就是要与宇宙 之“能量”与人体之“能量”和合的艺术。此 乃建筑物的最高意识能量,是需要建筑设计师 察觉而加以设计与建造。 就北京瑞吉酒店的案例来说,它地处北京 商业区、购物区和使馆区的中心地带,毗邻各 国使馆及各大商社,是许多旅客心中理想的下 榻饭店,这里也是最近几任美国总统访问北京 时的指定下榻饭店。 而周易风水所要求的重点之一“明堂”, 是指“能量”凝聚点的周围需环山围绕,能将 气流引进且所凝聚之处。有明堂方能“藏风聚 气”,聚集人气与财气。北京瑞吉酒店其“明堂” 设计在后方的花园景观,酒店大门能集“能量” 气场;而大门不仅供出入使用,更是一家酒店 的气势与兴衰的象征。在此举个正确的例子, 北京故宫的明堂在前,办公、休息在后,所以 进入故宫会被其气势所折服。 然而北京瑞吉酒店建筑物的“主客”刚好 颠倒,此现象却符合酒店服务业的要求,即“以 客为尊”。所以,来到北京选择入住北京瑞吉 酒店的旅客将会拥有舒适、贴心的住宿休憩体 验,恭喜了。这样,身为“主人”的经营方就 需要多点创新多费点心思,让客人获得宾至如 归的服务,辛苦了!

Mankind coexists with the universe, and the energy of our bodies must also therefore communicate with the energy of the universe. In the Book of Changes, it states that “Heaven, earth and I are born of one, and I am at one with all that exists.” Energy resounds between the earth and the universe, and is realized in the human body; man is a link in the chain of ecology. The ideology of the Book of Changes uses the concept of “energy” in the relationship between man and nature, to explain that we must make and change our rules in accordance with the movement of Qi; that is, we must follow the order of nature, find a way to be in harmony with all living things. In the philosophy of the Book of Changes, manmade structures need to attract and move the gathering points of energy. By receiving the energy of the universe, absorbing and gathering this energy while catering to the flow of nature, and by directing and corresponding with this energy, the energy of our bodies will be produced in harmony, bringing us into accordance with the universe. Thus, making these structures best realize this energy becomes the job of the architects and designers. The St. Regis Beijing is located between Beijing’s business district, shopping center and diplomatic district, neighboring both consulates and commercial areas. The hotel is the ideal destination for countless tourists, and also the appointed residence of a few American Presidents when in Beijing. Among the Feng Shui requirements in the Book of Changes, the main hall of the hotel should be a collecting point for energy, be surrounded by mountains and direct and attract the flow of Qi. Having this kind of hall, the hotel can then “avoid wind and collect Qi,” attracting guests and profits. In addition to providing entry and exit, the entrance to a hotel is also a place that gathers energy, and a symbol of the grandeur and prosperity of the hotel. But the St. Regis Beijing’s main lobby is designed in the back of the hotel by the gardens. The Forbidden City is a good example of correct placement, with the Imperial Hall facing forward and the business and leisure rooms in the back, so that upon entry visitors will be awed by its splendor. However, at the St. Regis the concept of “host vs. guest” has been turned upside down, as their philosophy is to put customers’ needs first. So those travelers who choose to stay here will have a comfortable and restful experience, but the hotel as the host will have to put a great deal of energy and time into making the guests happy.

杜顺杰,国学易数生活应用家,谋略、策划专家,成长于台湾,学习于台湾,现长居于北京。 为中国多家集团、建筑设计公司担任谋略、策划顾问及风水顾问。 Du Shunjie, Raised and educated in Taiwan, Feng Shui master Du Shunjie and has lived in Beijing for three years. His passion is for applying traditional Chinese philosophy, particularly from the Book of Changes, to modern life in a scientific way. He works withnumerous Chinese corporations as well as architecture and design companies as a strategist and consultant, helping clients maximize their potential, while understanding hidden subtleties.

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三亚文华东方酒店 儿童夏令营冲锋号吹响

Mandarin Oriental, Sanya to Host Popular MO Kid’s Summer Camp 泳池和蔚蓝的大海中尽情嬉戏。专业的户外 活动团队还为小朋友准备了令人振奋的儿童 箭术练习、充分调动儿童活泼天分的沙滩奥 林匹克游戏以及惊喜不断的趣味烹饪课程和 儿童太极,此外带小朋友参加儿童夏令营的 家长在此期间还可享受酒店特别推出的儿童 夏令营优惠套餐。

三亚文华东方酒店将于 7 月 1 日至 8 月 31 日期间为 4-12 岁的小朋友特别举办精 彩刺激的儿童夏令营,这也是酒店连续第四 年举办这样的夏令营。酒店利用国家保护级 的珊瑚海滩、充满热带风情的大型户外泳池 和迷人的热带花园为孩子们精心设计了一系 列愉快而且有教育意义的游戏和活动以及创 意手工制作。珊瑚湾浮潜、皮划艇、泳池游 戏和竹筏制作可让孩子们在景致如画的户外

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Mandarin Oriental, Sanya announced recently that it will host the popular children’s summer camp for a fourth consecutive year. From July 1st to August 31st the resort will be offering children aged 4 to 12 the chance to join the exclusive MO Kid’s Summer Camp. Taking advantage of its nationally protected coral bay, landscaped pools and gardens, the resort will provide fun-filled and educational games and activities as well as craft making classes. Activities will include snorkeling amongst corals, kayaking, pool games and raft building. Other exciting activites will be children’s archery, “Beach Olympic” games, cooking and kid’s Tai Chi classes. All the games and events are designed to entertain and broaden the horizons of the little ones who participate. Families with children participating in the camp can also enjoy special MO Kid’s Summer Camp Promotions.

5 动非凡,崭新启航

Kempinski Suzhou Marks Its 5th Anniversary 5 月 16 日,苏州金鸡湖凯宾斯基大酒 店“5 动非凡,崭新启航”五周年时尚派对 暨第二届大型户外五朔节开幕仪式在秀丽的 独墅湖畔激情落幕,逾 300 名热情洋溢的 宾客以“快乐湖畔五朔节”的名义共同庆祝 凯宾斯基在苏州走过的五年岁月。当晚一顶 600 平米的德式大帐篷点亮独墅湖畔活色生 香的景致,来自慕尼黑的酿酒师克里斯汀、 葡萄牙大厨里卡多以及从德国远道而来的 Muenchner Musikanten & Joerg Dellacher 乐队让到场的每一位宾客体验到原汁原味的 德式狂欢。凯宾斯基中国区总裁汉斯乐先生 与金鸡湖酒店集团董事长许红女士共同启动 庆典仪式,随着“红色血液”缓缓注入代表 着热情、关爱、甜蜜、环保及创新的五周年 冰雕标志,烟花四起,全场一片沸腾,大家 纷纷举起酒杯为凯宾斯基送上最美好的五周 年生日祝福。

Kempinski Suzhou opened its doors in Suzhou between the marvelous Jinji Lake and Dushu Lake in May 2008. This year, Kempinski Suzhou is commemorating the milestone of its first 5 years with a series of anniversary celebrations, dedicated to the local and international communities, in appreciation for their enormous support.The 5th anniversary celebration party, in conjunction with the opening ceremony of the second Maifest celebration, was held on May 16, 2013. Both local and international corporate guests, government officials and media along with other honored guests were invited to enjoy the impressive party in the lakeside garden, providing a great way for guests to rediscover why Kempinski Suzhou is one of the most celebrated hotels in the past five years.


American Food Festival’s Overwhelming Success at Minzu Hotel

4 月 22 日,民族饭店成功举办了“美 食每客”美食沙龙。当晚 30 位尊贵嘉宾及 媒体朋友齐聚民族饭店磨坊咖啡厅。民族饭 店此次美食“风暴”可谓相当强劲,由磨坊 咖啡厅厨师长王春东与美籍大厨保罗联袂打 造,再一次诠释了地道的美式菜品,让宾客 足不出北京就能品尝到“美国味儿”。香气 浓郁的美式烤肋排、清新健康的甜薯沙拉、 美式烩豆、纯正美国啤酒……切合活动主题 的美食滋味扑面而来,此中诱惑着实难挡。 On April 22nd, Minzu Hotel launched its returning event the “Gourmet Guest” food festival on a grand scale at the hotel’s Coffee Mill, and this time the spotlight was on American cuisine. 30 distinguished guests were invited to enjoy incredible authentic American cuisine co-prepared by Wang Chundong, the chef of Coffee Mill and American chef Paul. With alluring grilled pork ribs, healthy sweet potato salad and charra beans and so on, paired with pure American beer, all the guests enjoyed an unmatched and exclusive American-style food feast at Minzu Hotel.

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Sheraton Social Hour - A Toast Around the World 5 月 15 日,喜来登酒店及度假村 宣布其全球旗下近 430 家酒店正式推 出顶级品酒项目“喜来登乐聚时光”, 于全球喜来登酒店与度假村举办 24 小 时“全球举杯同庆”活动,香港喜来 登酒店和上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及 公寓的庆祝活动开启了亚洲庆典。乐 聚时光计划由当今首屈一指的葡萄酒 专家和品牌的全球餐饮团队开发,为 客人精心准备了顶级葡萄酒单,并于 每周举办优质品酒活动。酒店宾客和 品牌追随者被邀请参加在全新乐聚时

116 LifeStyle

光移动平台(Sheraton.com/socialhour)上 举行的虚拟庆祝活动,浏览世界各地分享的 数以百计的酒会。活动现场,上海浦东喜来 登由由酒店及公寓董事总经理麦格迪·安尼 斯先生与包括本地媒体、重要客户和 SPG 俱乐部会员在内的一百多位嘉宾共同庆祝喜 来登乐聚时光项目的推出。 Sheraton Hotels& Resorts announced the global roll-out of its signature wine program to 430 hotels around the world on May 15, 2013. From Asia to Europe to America, Sheraton Hotels & Resorts is raising a glass and betting big on its premium wine program with a global celebration. Developed by today’s premier wine experts and the brand’s global food and beverage team, Sheraton Social Hour is hosting a 24-hour “Toast Around the World” at Sheraton hotels and resorts across the globe, offering guests a specially curated menu of premium wines and weekly tasting events. Hotel guests and brand followers were invited to join the virtual celebration with the brand’s new dedicated Social Hour mobile platform, Sheraton.com/socialhour, where they can browse through hundreds of toasts shared around the world for the special occasion. The festivities kicked off in Asia with celebrations at the Sheraton Hong Kong Hotel & Towers and Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel. Magdy Anis, Managing Director of Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Pudong, together with over 100 guests including local media, key clients, SPG members celebrated the program’s roll-out at the Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel.

LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYL 苏州吴宫泛太平洋酒店: 任命约翰·贝雷斯福德先生为总经理 Pan Pacific Suzhou: Mr. John William Beresford, General Manager

昆山瑞士大酒店: 任命弗格列斯特先生为总经理 Swissôtel Kunshan: Mr. Daniel Fueglister, General Manager.

秦皇岛北戴河华贸喜来登度假酒店: 任命黄约翰先生为总经理 Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel: Mr. John Huang, General Manager

三亚亚龙湾铂尔曼度假酒店 : 任命倪可思先生为总经理 Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa: Mr. Arno Nicolussi-Moretto, General Manager

John William Beresford has been appointed Area General Manager, China of Pan Pacific Hotels Group and General Manager of Pan Pacific Suzhou. His career has taken him to Southeast Asia with Peninsula Group Hong Kong, Accor and IHG where he was Area General Manager of Liaoning Province looking after a cluster of five hotels.

Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. John Huang as the first General Manager. Sheraton Qinhuangdao Beidaihe Hotel opening on 01 July 2013. Mr. Huang is a Chinese Canadian citizen who has more than 20 years of experience in international hotels, having held senior management positions with Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts, InterContinental Hotels Group and many more. He possesses a very rich experience in the pre-opening of Hotels.

杭州凯悦酒店:任命富迈克先生为总经理 Hyatt Regency Hangzhou: Mr. Mark Foxwell, General Manager Hyatt Regency Hangzhou is pleased to announce the appointment of Mark Foxwell as its new general manager. Mark is an Australian with nearly 20 years’ experience in the hospitality industry. He graduated from Flinders University in Adelaide and commenced his career with Hyatt in 1996 at Hyatt Regency Adelaide, Australia.

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店: 任命沈蕾女士为行政财务总监 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: Ms. Lillian Shen, Director of Finance & Administration

Shanghai-Pullman Shanghai Skyway is pleased to announce the new appointment of Ms. Lillian Shen as the Director of Finance & Administration of Pullman Shanghai Skyway. Lillian Shen will be responsible for overseeing the Finance related activities including budget, forecast and cost control etc. With 20 years of experiences in the hotel industry, she will bring to Pullman her extensive finance related experiences.

金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 任命赵家征先生为人力资源总监 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: Mr. Nigel Zhao, Director of Human Resources

R e c e n t l y, H i l t o n S a n y a R e s o r t & S p a announced the appointment of Mr. Nigel Zhao as its new Director of Human Resources. Before joining this Hilton property, Nigel worked for IHG and Starwood group. He has more than 10 years experience in Food & Beverage and Human resources management.

Mr. Fueglister moves to Kunshan from Swissôtel Sydney, where he was General Manager for the last two years. He joined Swissôtel Hotels & Resorts in 2008 as General Manager of Swissôtel Le Plaza, Basel. There he put in place new initiatives and successfully achieved consistency and development in guest services, quality improvement and the overall management of the hotel.

Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa recently appointed Mr. Arno NicolussiMoretto as General Manager. Mr. Nicolussi comes from Austria and has around 30 years hotelier experience in IHG and B a n y a n Tr e e H o t e l G o u p i n r e g i o n s including Beijing, Qingdao, Shanghai, Hong Kong, Tawian, as well as in the Middle East, Austria and Southeast Asia. Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa will continue to provide its guests with classified service and memorable experience under his leadership.

湖州喜来登温泉度假酒店: 任命乔纳森先生为酒店经理 Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort: Mr. Jonathan Kuss, Hotel Manager

Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Jonathan Kuss as Hotel Manager. Australian born, Mr. Kuss has spent 28 years in the hospitality industry. Mr. Kuss worked as a professional Chef for 22 years in world famous hotels such as The Savoy in London and The Ritz Carlton in Boston.

北京 JW 万豪酒店: 任命黎菲菲女士为商务发展总监 JW Marriott Hotel Beijing: Ms. Lai Phi Phi, Director of Business Development

Ms. Lai Phi Phi has been appointed as Director of Business Development of JW Marriott Hotel Beijing. Originally from Malaysia, Ms. Lai Phi Phi brings with her a wealth of experience in hotel sales and marketing working for various international hotel chains including Hyatt and InterContinental in Malaysia and China.

北京 JW 万豪酒店: 任命王瑜女士为市场传讯部经理 JW Marriott Hotel Beijing: Ms. Cindy Wang, Communications Manager Ms. Cindy Wang has been appointed as Communications Manager of JW Marriott Hotel Beijing. Ms. Cindy Wang brings with her almost ten years of hotel marketing experience, working in various hotels in Beijing including Wangfujing Grand Hotel and The Peninsula Beijing where she was Assistant Public Relations Manager before joining JW Marriott Beijing.

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安普里奥·阿玛尼全新风尚运动腕表系列倾情上市 Emporio Armani New Sports Watches Hit the Market 安普里奥·阿玛尼全新风尚运动腕表系列于近期倾情上市。 本系列采用具有两个小表盘的精密计时机芯,并且防水级 别高达 50 米,其设计和材质的选择都堪为典范。表壳为 不锈钢(表面为抛光、磨砂或离子电镀处理),表带为橡 胶材质。红、白、蓝、黑等彩色橡胶表带以及彩色表针 正好呼应当下运动装的亮丽色调,全系列中的游艇型号 (AR6107)为限量版,全球限量发行 999 枚。

顶级厨房家电品牌嘉格纳北京旗舰展厅雍容开幕 Top Kitchen Appliance Brand Gaggenau Opens Flagship Store in Beijing

创立于 1683 年的顶级厨房家电品牌嘉格纳自进入中国后, 一直谱写着顶级厨房家电的辉煌。2013 年是嘉格纳品牌 成立 330 周年,位于国贸三期 50 层的北京旗舰展厅也于 近期盛大揭幕。整个展厅充分彰显了嘉格纳“决无妥协的 完美品质和独一无二的烹饪文化”。展厅内的每一件产品 将简洁设计和完美功能发挥到极致,其中 2013 年新品更 是运用了创新科技。

Miu Miu2013 春夏系列新款包袋发布 Miu Miu New Handbags for Spring/Summer 2013

Miu Miu2013 春夏推出的全新款式采用了 Miu Miu 经典的抛光牛皮皮革,拥有浑然天成的独 特光泽。此款包袋内里分为三层,同时外侧前 后各有一个分层,集美观与实用于一身。简约 的廓形与精细的皮革纹理,柔软的触感与粗犷 的金铜锁扣,这些似乎矛盾的特质碰撞出独特 的火花,复古与摩登在这里融为一体。

劳力士“深海挑战”展览在上海成功举办 Rolex Deepsea Challenge Exhibition Held in Shanghai 劳力士“深海挑战”展览不久前在上海完美谢幕。此次 展览讲述了人类在太平洋海域中进行的两次刷新纪录的 深海探险活动以及劳力士两款腕表的超卓表现。Rolex Deepsea Challenge 腕表下潜至海平面下 10898 米的海 底,克服了在深海探险活动中所遇到的技术难题,也由此 开启了深海探险的新篇章。这款实验型腕表防水深度可达 12000 米,是专为深海探险活动而设计和制造。


2013 年安桥 ES-FC300/FC300 耳罩式头戴耳机发布 2013 Onkyo ES-FC300/FC300 On-Ear Headphones Released

安桥为家庭影院和 Hi-Fi 聆听生产世界顶级的音响产品。 现在大家可以将这种高品质的声音随身携带,只需要一副 安桥的耳罩式头戴耳机。2013 年安桥 ES-FC300/FC300 耳罩式头戴耳机已于近期倾情上市。安桥的技术团队花费 了无数时间进行单元调试,只为从压缩或者无损格式音乐 中展现非凡的清晰、开放和自然的声音,并以实在的价格 传递最高等级的保真度。

Vertu 全新 TI 系列智能触屏手机亮相巴塞尔 Vertu Smartphone’s Latest Smartphone Ti Released at Baselworld

奢华手机领军品牌 Vertu 在今年的巴塞尔钟表展上推出全 新的 TI 系列智能手机。此款手机采用安卓操作系统,机 壳为钛金属材质,确保其硬度高、外观优雅、机身轻盈; 配搭了皮革手机套及 3.7 英寸超大蓝宝石水晶屏幕。专属 “Vertu 按键”,轻触之间用户即可得到全天 24 小时、覆 盖全球各地的专业且独到的生活协助。

诺基亚 501:炫彩风潮全新发布 Nokia Asha 501 Officially Released

5 月 9 日,诺基亚发布了全新 Asha 平台系列 第一款智能手机诺基亚 501。这款经济实惠的 智能手机拥有大胆的色彩设计、高品质的制造 工艺和创新的用户界面,让用户拥有更快、 更敏捷的体验。全新 Asha 平台专门为新一代 Asha 系列手机设计,也为开发者提供平台,帮 助其开发、发布专门基于新一代 Asha 系列产 品的应用并从中获得收益。

哈苏崭新型号相机 Lunar 瞩目登场 New Hasselblad Lunar Camera Debuts

著名相机生产商哈苏旗下传奇型号 500EL 相机曾被美国 航天员尼尔·阿姆斯特朗带上月球,拍摄史上首批月球表 面照片。该品牌近期进一步拓展产品类型,呈献集先进 科技、意大利设计与极致奢华于一身的 Lunar 系列消费 型相机。此系列相机充满怀旧气息,外型散发着 500C 的 典雅气质。Lunar 拥有五款特色手把设计,全部以最名贵、 触感最丰富的材料打造。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE Marina Rinaldi 2013 新品系列发布· 尊享葡萄酒 PARTY 成功举办 Mariana Rinaldi Celebrates New Product Line With Wine Party

4 月 13 日,意大利 Max Mara 集团旗下 著名品牌 Marina Rinaldi 于北京柏悦酒店 成功举办了“优雅意式风尚·周末葡萄酒 PARTY”活动。Marina Rinaldi 将“快乐 生活”的成衣理念融入生活,特邀品牌顶 级 VIP 体验独具优雅的意式生活风尚,一 同感受来自 Marina Rinaldi 2013 年春夏 新品系列特有的春夏激情,同时醇香迷人 的葡萄酒香弥漫在绚丽明艳的色调中。

波尔多葡萄酒行业协会揭晓了第七届“随 时随意波尔多”葡萄酒盲品结果。评审 主席李德美等 4 位中国专家对 119 家渠 道商报名的 513 款波尔多葡萄酒严格盲 品,精心甄选出 100 款最适合中国爱酒 者心意的佳酿名单,包括 82 款干红、12 款干白、2 款桃红、3 款甜白及 1 款起泡酒。

历酒弥香·卓尔首凯: SK 新品京沪深三地盛大发布 SK Networks Fine Wine International New Launches in Beijing, Shanghai and Shenzhen

第 55 届威尼斯双年展马兴文 特邀展馆活动新闻发布会成功举办 Simon Ma Holds News Conference at the 55th Venice Biennale

业内外期待已久的首凯精品酒业“历酒 弥香·卓尔首凯”新品发布活动前不久分 别于深圳、上海和北京盛大启幕。此次 新品发布会邀请到来自全球近 30 个酒庄 的代表出席,其产品均是由资深的葡萄 酒团队从上千款产品中精挑细选出的经 典佳酿。值得一提的是,大多数产品都 被全球知名奖项和权威评分机构认可。

2013 年米技北京卓展购物中心路演 活动成功举办 2013 Miji Exhibition Held at Zhuo Zhan Charter Mall 作为微晶玻璃灶具在中国市场的开拓者, 德国米技于 4 月 26 日至 5 月 3 日在北京 卓展购物中心开展了为期 8 天的营销路 演活动,为其健康厨房的环保型灶做展 示推广。活动期间,众多媒体与米技的 VIP 客户们体验了米技带来的健康美食。 米技充分展现了现代厨房的健康理念, 旨在让更多顾客与家人、亲戚和朋友一 起享受美食带来的乐趣。

法国奶酪品尝会在京举行 French Cheese Tasting Held in Beijing

5 月 6 日,由法国国家奶制品协会举办的 法国奶酪媒体品尝会在北京举行。当天 在福楼法餐厅,受邀的媒体朋友不仅品 尝到了最经典的法国奶酪,还纷纷根据 自己的喜好调制不同口味的奶酪,享受 由法国奶酪烹调出的特色菜品,体验法 国奶酪带来的浪漫滋味。从 2012 年起, 法国国家奶制品协会与法国国家农渔业 局合作开始在中国举办名为“芝士就是 力量”的推广活动。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

绿 巨 人 虫 控 PEST CONTROL

“2013 随时随意波尔多” 百款佳酿名单发布 “Simply Bordeaux 2013” Reveals Top 100 Wines List

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com

华裔艺术家马兴文近期将携其新作参加 第 55 届威尼斯双年展国际艺术展。此次 名为“墨·笔·心之西双版纳”展览将展出 6 件以“舞动的水滴”为创作主题的雕塑 作品,6 幅与国际艺术家朱利安·列侬携 手跨界创作的艺术臻品以及 6 幅象征龙 与雀完美结合体并以“龙雀”命名的自 然唯美式的国画艺术作品。

德国国家旅游局发布 2013 主题: “青年人旅游” GNTB Campaign “Youth Hotspots in Germany - Share the moment”

德国国家旅游局北京办事处 2013 年春季 新闻发布会分别在北京奥迪中心和上海 现代艺术馆举行。在发布会上,“青年 人旅游”的主题得到了充分解读,同时 也结合主题推介了全新的公关推广重点。 名为“年轻就要去德国,活力分享每一刻” 的推广活动已在 2013 年柏林国际旅游展 上正式启动,而德国国家旅游局中文网 站(www.germany.travel)和新浪微博(@ 德国国家旅游局)也都成为了针对年轻 人推广的重要渠道。

2012 年英国入境游客数量再创新高 Britain Welcomed Record Numbers of Overseas Travelers in 2012 根据英国旅游局最新调查数据显示,英 国 2012 年入境游客数量再创历史新高。 去年伦敦主办了英国历史上第三届奥运 会。这一年,英国的旅游业总体稳健增 长,其中旅游消费总额再创纪录,达 186 亿英镑,较 2011 年增长 4%。来自中国 的 游 客 达 17.9 万 人 次( 较 前 一 年 增 长 20%),中国游客消费达 3 亿英镑(增 长 25%),这意味着中国游客每次到访 平均消费 1676 英镑,几乎是所有到访游 客平均消费额的 3 倍。

2013 第六季可果美校园女生大赛 启动仪式举办 6th Kagome Miss Campus Competition Kicks Off 第六季可果美校园女生大赛启动仪式不 久前在上海华大电影会所隆重举行。本 次大赛将在上海、北京、广州、成都、 沈阳、杭州、大连、重庆共 8 个城市的 80 所高校启动。为鼓励更多大学女生投 入到“拒绝冷漠,爱心大行动”中,活 动特别设置了冠军(海外游 + 万元现金 奖励)、亚军(海外游 + 五千元现金奖励)、 季军(海外游),同时冠名赞助商可果 美也特别设立可果美番茄宝贝奖(海外 十日游),鼓励更多年轻人投入到健康 生活中去。


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海虹桥万豪酒店: 东南亚风情魅力派对 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao: Shake & Bubbles South East Asian Edition

The fourth Shake & Bubbles event of 2013 was successfully held recently at Champion’s Bar at the Shanghai Marriott Hotel Hongqiao. The associates from 13 Marriott Hotels, Marriott Rewards Members, corporate clients as well as media friends attended the party. Tel: +86 21 6237 6000 ext 6206

上海金茂君悦大酒店:云端下午茶 Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Afternoon Tea Above The Clouds

Experience a relaxing afternoon and treat yourself to the brand-new afternoon tea delights created by the dedicated culinary teams at three different restaurants and bars of Grand Hyatt Shanghai: Grand Cafe Weekend Buffet Afternoon Tea, Cloud 9 Weekend High Tea Set and Patio High Tea Set. Tel: +86 21 5049 1234 ext 8778/8779

北京华彬费尔蒙酒店 : “刃扒房”限时推出白芦笋美宴 Fairmont Hotel Beijing, The Cut Steakhouse: White Asparagus Season

Fairmont Beijing’s award-winning steakhouse The Cut is celebrating the annual white asparagus season with both classic and contemporary presentations of Europe’s beloved ‘white gold’ delicacy. Voted ‘Best Grill’ in the capital, the restaurant is paying tribute to the highlight of the foodie calendar with both a la carte and set menu options until late June 2013. Tel: +86 10 8507 3617

上海花园酒店: 山里日餐厅之水无月午餐会席 Shanghai Okura Garden Hotel: June Lunch Kaiseki

Preparing for the upcoming summer season, the renowned chefs at Japanese Restaurant Yamazato at the Shanghai Okura Garden Hotel have painstakingly prepared a seasonal set meal to bring you the flavor of early summer from June 1st - June 30th. RMB 280 per person and subject to 15% service charge. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5211

上海锦沧文华大酒店: 意大利国际美食饕餮自助餐 Shanghai JC Mandarin: June Dinner Buffet, Made In Italy

From this June to August, we invite you to embark on a culinary journey from Asia to Europe! The theme dinner buffet this June will be Italian Flare featuring Anti Past Buet, Lobster Salad, Black Truffle Risotto, Salmon Lasagne, Freshly baked Pizza, Tiramisu with Mascarpone and much more. Tel: +86 21 6279 1888 ext 5106/07

上海衡山路十二号酒店: 周末点心早午餐 Twelve at Hengshan Shanghai: Weekend Dim Sum Brunch

Come and explore Chef Fai’s newly created traditional Shanghainese and Cantonese Dim Sums and Yum Cha favorites at the Twelve Hengshan. RMB 188+15% per person for six Dim Sum courses, on Saturdays and Sundays. Tel: +86 21 3338 3888

上海大酒店及王宝和大酒店: 春季美食之旅 Shanghai Wang Bao He Co, Ltd Sister Hotels Launch Spring Food Tour

R e c e n t l y, G r a n d C e n t r a l H o t e l Shanghai and Central Hotel Shanghai of Shanghai Wang Bao He Co, Ltd. launched a “Spring Food Tour” activity. The Shanghai Restaurant and Wang Bao He 1744 Restaurant of the Central Hotel Shanghai prepare special delicacies for you this spring, including the three fresh delicacies of the Taihu Lake. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 80841

上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 手工啤酒公社 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: People’s Beer

It’s no secret that we are passionate about beer, so much that we devoted every Friday to celebrate it. Come and discover the art of craft beers! Sip cool craft beers from around the world and taste foods that match them, our team will guide you every step of the way. What better way to kick off the weekend? Tel: +86 21 6115 8888

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓: 周末花园自助烧烤 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: Feast Weekend Garden BBQ

Hotel French Executive Chef Mr. Laurent Colin and his professional team create lots of lavish cuisines to satisfy guests’ tastes. At the garden terrace, enjoy live music as well as fresh seasonal seafood and BBQ which will stimulate your tongue and make the atmosphere even more relaxed. During the promotion period Heineken beer is buy one get one free. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2240

北京 JW 万豪酒店: 大堂酒廊精品下午茶 JW Marriott Beijing: Afternoon Tea in the Lobby Lounge

A new way to enjoy afternoon tea in Asian style at Lobby Lounge: the personification of elegance, understated luxury and well being. We offer a vast selection of delicate Chinese desserts with western teas or coffees, bringing you wonderful memories of a relaxing afternoon. Tel: +86 10 5908 8995



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 北京万达索非特大饭店: 客席厨师蒂埃里·费舍尔驾临和 瑞法餐厅 Sofitel Wanda Beijing Héritage French Restaurant: Guest Chef Thierry Fischer

Heritage welcomes chef Thierr y Fischer, the laureate (3rd seat in 2009, 4th in 2010) of the Taittinger International Culinary Prize, to present a collection of Swiss delicacies with our chef de cuisine, Michael Jakovljev. Originally from Alsace in the north east of France, Chef Fischer has spent most of his career in Germany and Switzerland. Tel: +86 10 8599 6666 ext 6528

北京金融街威斯汀大酒店: Plush 大堂酒廊冰茶派对 The Westin Beijing Financial Street: Refreshing Iced Tea Party at Plush

From May until the end of June 2013, the Plush Lobby Lounge brings you a creative line of refreshing fruit flavored iced teas for the season. Flavors like lemongrass, melon, lychee, blueberry, and chrysanthemum will linger on your tongue for a healthy and delicious way to cool off this summer. Tel: +86 10 6629 7825

北京丽都维景酒店: 吃粽子,迎端午 Metropark Lido Hotel, Beijing: Dragon Boat Festival with Rice Dumpling

To celebrate the upcoming Dragon Boat Festival, we proudly present you delicious and nutritious rice dumplings. Combining exquisite packaging and beautiful contents, they are great gifts for families, friends and business associates. Tel: +86 10 6437 6688 ext 1542

北京民族饭店:四季餐厅 “夏至”未至 山里人家美食节 Beijing Minzu Hotel, Four Seasons Restaurant: “Summer Solstice” Gourmet Festival

Before the arrival of the hottest summer solstice, come taste original western Hunan cuisine at Minzu Hotel’s Four Seasons Restaurant. Tendons en Casserole and Stir-fried Pork Slices are tender and delicious, Dongjiang Lake Fish Head en Iron Pan and Healthy Indigowoad Roots with Mushrooms will definitely be a new love of Beijing’s health & wellness buffs. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163

北京国贸饭店: 东方餐厅“四川美食周” Trader’s Hotel, Beijing, The Oriental Restaurant: Sichuan Cuisine Week

Sichuan cuisine is one of the eight major cuisines in China, known for its exquisite cooking methods, variety of dishes and delicate taste. From 17 to 30 June 2013, The Oriental at Traders Hotel, Beijing will invite Guest Chef Rick Du from Shang Palace at Shangri-la, Chengdu to present the finest Sichuan dishes to Beijing diners. Tel: +86 10 6505 2277 ext 34

上海裕景大饭店: 意大利主题海鲜自助晚餐 The Eton Hotel, Shanghai: New Buffet Dinner

Reward yourself every Friday and Saturday night with delectable weekly alternating Italian and Seafood dinner buffets. Fresh local seafood along with imported Italian classics such as Arancini, among other specialties including Saltimbocca a la Romana (Veal Escalope wrapped in Parma ham with sage) and a live carving station of Whole Sea Bass Baked in Salt. Tel: +86 21 3878 9888 ext 6330

北京瑞吉酒店: 父亲节香槟早午餐 St. Regis Beijing: Father’s Day Champagne Brunch

A father’s love is always hidden deeply, expressed gently, and taught wordlessly. The St. Regis Beijing launches the “St. Regis Father’s Day Champagne Brunch” at Garden Court on Sunday, June 16th, where our chef will teach you and your father the secret of Champagne tasting, so you can toast to him and express your love for him. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688 ext 2340/2341

北京人济万怡酒店: 周日早午餐 Brunch at the Courtyard by Marriott Beijing Northeast

MoMo Café opened its Sunday Brunch on 12 May 2013. Colorful salad, fresh oysters, clams, flavorful and sumptuous hot dishes and tempting desserts are amongst the splendid buffet line. A kids corner featuring an air castle adjacent to the dining area is also available to guests. Kids can also enjoy a special buffet line featuring their favorite foods. Tel: +86 10 5907 6666

北京金融街洲际酒店: 浓情父亲节 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: The Best Father’s Day

Moms are not the only one entitled to a special day! On 16th June, Monsoon restaurant is filled with surprises for Dad, the family and you! Enjoy the freshest crab, salmon, the best quality American Grill, steaming Cantonese dim sum, traditional Chinese dishes, sashimi bar, state of the art desserts and much more! Tel: +86 10 5852 5916



Planning a romantic rendezvous or need to get out? Treat yourself and your loved one to a romantic rendezvous at THE ONE Executive Shanghai. Enjoy a relaxing, restful King-Bed Suite with the stunning night views of the city while indulging in the delectable creations by our Chef Matthias Gunder. Package Starting at RMB1250, valid from May to August, 2013 Tel: +86 21 6157 1688

上海帝盛酒店:至尊会员计划 Dorsett Shanghai: Guest Loyalty Programme

Enjoy fabulous benefits at Dorsett Shanghai by signing up with the Dorsett Preferred Guest Program. As a member you may receive exclusive privileges such as preferential rates and other fabulous perks including a free in-room mini bar, free buffet breakfast and more. Tel: +86 21 3852 2360

无锡灵山元一希尔顿逸林酒店: 庆祝“世界地球日” DoubleTree Resort by Hilton WuxiLingshan Goes Green on the Earth Day

DoubleTree Resort by Hilton WuxiLingshan celebrated Ear th Day by participating in a series of outdoor activities including planting trees to demonstrate their ecological effort. The resort’s CARE committee and voluntary team members worked together on Earth Day to grow plants on the lakeside lawn carrying out their determination to reduce gas emissions and lower carbon footprint. Tel: +86 510 8535 5860

上海希尔顿酒店:“守望相助, 心系雅安”百万捐助仪式 Hilton Shanghai: We Are Here with Ya An Donation Ceremony

Hilton Shanghai along with the hotel’s owner company Sunland China Group recently has donated RMB 1 Million for Ya An Earthquake area through Shanghai Charity Foundation for its “Reconstruction Program” including rebuilding the school, hospital, houses & etc. Tel: +86 21 6248 7777 ext 6100

上海贝尔特酒店:总经理与宾客同 享两周一次“贝尔特乐趣”单车游 Pentahotel Shanghai: General Manager’s Bi-Weekly PentafunBike Tour

Starting 17 May, Pentahotel Shanghai General Manager Marcel van Mierlo has been leading a free bi-weekly pentafunbike tour for guests seeking an intimate and fun way to explore the neighbourhood. Every other Friday, the two-hour bike ride takes guests around the scenic concession area of Changning District, with a coffee break at a café in the French Concession. Tel: +86 21 6252 1111

苏州万豪酒店:会议特惠 Suzhou Marriott Hotel: MICE Promotion

From now until August 31, 2013, plan your meeting with Suzhou Marriott Hotel and enjoy special benefits including Double Points of Marriott Rewards for organizer or 5% total revenue offset next meetings or events, free 15 minutes Shoulder Massage, 10% of daily total upgrade to next room category, and one complimentary room for every 25 paid room. Tel: +86 512 8225 8888

上海证大丽笙酒店: “Shining Star”爱心小屋传递爱心 The Radisson Blu Hotel Pudong Century Park: Charity Visit to MiFan MaMa Shining Star House

The Radisson Blu Hotel Pudong Century Park visited to the Mifan Mama Shining Star foster home on April 19, 2013 in support of blind orphans. Shining Star is a foster home that helps blind orphans get one-to-one care in a family-style environment to become independent, and provides opportunities to receive specialist education after surgery. Tel: + 86 21 5130 0000 ext 6017

上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店: “常悦您心”入住套装 The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong: “Intrigue You” Package

Let us intrigue you this summer with the perfect vacation, where joy and relaxation come together, family and friends reconnect and memories last forever. At the Ritz-Carlton Shanghai Pudong, book 2 nights and get the third free, enjoy daily buffet breakfast, and free in-room internet access. Tel: +86 21 2020 1128

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 和上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 欢迎歌手曲婉婷小姐下榻 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai Pudong: VIP Arrival

Famous singer Wanting recently attended the“Artistry on Ice 2013” Shanghai station press conference and received a warm welcome by Mr. Danthan Xu, Director of Sales & Marketing of Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999 ext 2830

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店:2013 中法文化节目巡演《音乐与文学》 Sofitel Shanghai Hotels: SinoFrench Cultural Tour MUSIQUE LITTÉRAIRE

Sofitel Shanghai Hyland and Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental staged the exquisite cultural performance Musique Littéraire recently as part of the programme’s China tour 2013. Celebrated artist Marie-Christine Barrault joined pianist Frederic Chiu and actress Huang Huan to perform in this striking event that showcased French ‘art de vivre’. Tel: +86 21 6351 5888 ext 4468


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 上海外滩华尔道夫酒店: 欢迎世界著名男高音歌唱家何塞· 卡雷拉斯先生 Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund Welcomes José Carreras

José Carreras (left), one of the world’s greatest tenors, was warmly greeted by Simeon Olle (Right), General Manager and Helen Malmgren (Middle), Director of Business Development of Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund during his visit. Tel: +86 21 2329 0440

成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店: 获得酒店行业两项大奖 Ritz-Carlton Chengdu Named China’s “Most Anticipated New Hotel”

The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu was named 2013’s “Most Anticipated Opening Hotel” this month at both the China Hotel Starlight Awards and the China MICE Golden Chair Awards. The hotlyanticipated hotel is set to open in late summer of this year. “We are thrilled to receive such prestigious recognition before we even commence operations,” said General Manager Chris Clark. Tel: +86 28 8761 0317

成都明宇豪雅饭店: 求贤若渴觅英才 Minyoun Royal Hotel, Chengdu: Career Fair

Recently the Minyoun Royal Hotel South Kehua Road Chengdu held its first largescale career fair in the grand reception hall on the third floor of the hotel. Minyoun Royal Hotel South Kehua Road General Manager Mr. Chen Wei and other leaders lead the company in warmly welcoming all job applicants at the job fair. Tel: +86 138 8050 3676

呼和浩特香格里拉大酒店: 倾情打造原生态草原游 Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot: Pristine Grassland Experience Package

Mushroom-like yurts, a clear blue sky, rolling green pastures and herds moving like white clouds on remote grasslands all make for a dreamy scene for travelers. This year, Shangri-La Hotel, Huhhot invites guests to indulge in a unique retreat with a specially created Pristine Grassland Experience Package, which includes accommodation in a Horizon Deluxe Room and Deluxe Mongolian Yurt. Tel: +86 471 332 8888

北京国航万丽酒店: “发现·爱”主题婚礼秀 Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel: “Discover LOVE” Theme Wedding Fair

T h e W e d d i n g E v e n t Te a m f r o m Renaissance Beijing Chaoyang Hotel worked together with Nicotulse Wedding Company and several media sources to create a unique and romantic wedding fair, at which couples can enjoy a romantic wedding experience and emcee show, professional bridal make-up, jewelry, wedding dresses etc. Couples can also visit hotel wedding rooms and enjoy special wedding package offers. Tel: +86 10 6468 9999

北京金台夕照会馆: 荣获“中国最佳主题酒店” Xi Zhao Temple Hotel, Beijing Wins Best Themed Hotels in China Award

Recently, XiZhao Temple Hotel was nominated for the eighth China Hotel Starlight Awards and was awarded the prize for “Best Themed Hotels of China”. The General Manager Mr. Shan Fei attended the award ceremony and accepted the prize on behalf of the hotel. Tel: +86 10 6711 9999

合肥威斯汀酒店: 携手爱琴海时尚婚典中心打造 “唯爱”春季婚礼秀 The Westin Hefei Baohe: 2013 Pure Love Wedding Show

On Sunday, 5th May, The Westin Hefei Baohe, in conjunction with Hefei’s leading wedding company hosted the city’s “Pure Love” Wedding show, preluded the peak season for wedding celebration in Hefei. This event provided the perfect platform for young couples searching for inspiring and amazing ideas to make their special day even more memorable. Tel: +86 551 6298 9346

北京国贸大酒店: 2013“爱在云端”主题婚礼秀 Shangri-La China World Summit Wing, Beijing: Bridal Fair 2013

Shangri-La’s China World Summit Wing, Beijing recently organized its second bridal fair at the city’s largest ballroom. Themed ‘Love in the Air’, this annual fair was a collaboration with wedding event planners L&G and Aijie. The ballroom was transformed into a modern space of imagination, and featured renowned wedding gown and jewelry designers as well as lucky draw prizes. Tel: +86 10 8571 6329

北京远通维景国际大酒店: 周末连住优惠 Grand Metropark Yuantong Hotel Beijing: Weekend Special

Stay two nights consecutively on Friday, Saturday or Sunday at Grand Metropark Yuantong Hotel Beijing, and enjoy a weekened special daily rate of RMB 498 for a Metropark Superior Room; or RMB 578 for a Metropark Deluxe room. Guests staying in a Deluxe room or higher category will receive welcome fruit. All rooms are equipped with free internet access. Tel: +86 10 6602 6688

首尔康莱德酒店: 独家豪华入住大礼包 Conrad Seoul: Exclusive Smart Luxury Accommodation Package

Conrad Seoul, Hilton Worldwide’s global luxury brand, announces exclusive offers so travelers can create memorable moments at the hotel, including the ‘Luxury of Being Yourself’ package, with free upgrade to the next level of room or a sumptuous breakfast and bonus points for each stay; or the ‘Luxury of Staying in’ package, with 2+ nights in a Corner Suite room and a complimentary bottle of Veuve Cliquot Rosé. Tel: +82 2 6137 7000


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Hong Kong New World: 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu. G107 (Near Madang Lu) 香港新世界大厦店:淮海中路 300 号一层 107 室 ( 靠近马当路 ) Tel: 021-6335 3739 Fax: 021-6335 3735 Contact person: Ken Zheng 郑小波

Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒

Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟

Lof: 283 Jianguo Xi Lu. Rm 1104-1105 (Near Jiashan Lu) 尚街店:建国西路 283 号 1104-1105 室 ( 靠近嘉善路 ) Tel: 021-5466 8312 Fax: 021-5466 8313 Contact person: Nina Zhuo 卓海芳

Pudong Xinmei: 999 Pudong Nan Lu.G104 (Near Babai Ban) 浦东新梅双塔大厦店:浦东南路 999 号一层 104 室 ( 靠近八佰伴 ) Tel: 021-5134 1075 Fax: 021-5134 1076 Contact person: Leon Xu 徐振童

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A Costly Spark 除了爱情,衡量钻石价值的当然是价格。“钻石之王”哈利·温斯顿在 2013 佳士得日内瓦瑰丽珠宝专场上斥资 2670 万 美元买下一颗被拍卖行标榜为“完美钻石”的 D 级无瑕梨形钻石,其成交价格创造了有史以来无色钻石的最高拍卖纪录。这 颗钻石被新主人命名为“温斯顿遗产”。让人好奇的是,谁将会是这颗钻石的佩戴者?这位幸运儿的爱情是否也如此“高价”呢? Diamonds are one of the most expensive stones in the world and it should be no surprise that Harry Winston - “King of Diamonds” - purchased a flawless D-color pear-shaped diamond for more than $26.7 million at Christie's Magnificent Jewelry Sale in Geneva. Marketed as “the perfect diamond” by the auction house, the price is a world auction record for a colorless diamond. Now renamed by its new owner as The Winston Legacy, one wonders who will be the lucky wearer of this dazzling diamond?

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

JUNE 2013

2013 年六月号 总第 334 期



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