March 2015

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

十大最值得期待酒店 2015 年三月号 总第 374 期

Ann Exquisite Bearing


Hotel Olympics 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

Butlers through the Years|Pulpy l Pavilion|Chapel of Ribbons|Hotel l Olympics|Dolphin Island: An Otherworldly Paradise



Best Butlers

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel MARCH 2015

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The March cover is a shot of actress Ann.

Irreplaceable Service We all inhabit service economies, so we had better be well-served. Every

interview with a hotel general manager that I’ve done leads me to believe that

bad service will never be tolerated and that service is indeed the highest calling. With every hotel trumpeting its high standard of service, its dedication to anticipating the every need of guests, and with the professionalism and uniformly

positive attitudes in all directions, one might expect business travelers to be as

服务,为了更美好的生活 身处服务型经济时代,当然要对服务精益求精。我采访 过的每位酒店总经理都会或多或少地透露这样的讯息:没人 能容忍糟糕的服务。每家酒店都在鼓吹自己的高标准服务、 行业的专业性、积极向上的态度,以及对客人需求的超前预 见,让人觉得那简直能媲美贵族的待遇。事实上,客人最终 享受的服务一点都不个性化,根本不能与往昔贵族所享受的 管家服务同日而语。 酒店是服务的集大成者。五星级酒店的常客们除了概括 总结全球各个城市的服务水准外,也总爱讨论亲历过的各种 酒店服务。当然,不是好话,就是坏话。大部分的顶级酒店 品牌都专注服务的某个方面,比如,重视常住客人的读报偏 好。每个客人的喜恶各异,但能肯定的是,更体贴、更敏锐、 更及时的服务总是更受青睐。阳光健康的性格当然让服务人 员如鱼得水,但现在酒店常规的做法是将高科技、培训和严 格执行的标准结合在一起,增强客人的体验。 在如今这个时代,及时回复电子邮件比搭配一条合适的 白色领带更重要,管家很大程度上已经被更侧重于工作需要 的私人助理所取代。可是别忘了,生活不仅仅是工作,工作 是为了更美好的生活。历经漫长的传统而生成的生活服务标 准,是很难复制的。 瑞吉,凭借忠诚度极高的员工和尖端科技的运用,振兴

well served as the barons and dukes of yore, though what they are getting may not be as personalized as what butlers and valets once provided.

The role of high-level help has largely been outsourced to hotels. Those who

frequent five-star hotels will always talk about the varying levels of service they

experience in addition to generalizing about the service levels in cities around the world. Of course there are many styles of service and service isn’t either

good or bad. Most of the best hotel brands specialize in a particular aspect of service, often making a point of doing things like remembering the newspaper preferences of repeat guests. Of course guests also have different preferences.

One thing for sure is that service that is more considerate, sensitive and that being ready to meet as many needs as possible is better. A sunny personality will

always help any service person, but the usual approach of hotels these days is to use a combination of technology, training and rigidly-enforced standards.

In this day and age, the butler or valet has largely been succeeded by the per-

sonal assistant. In an era less finicky about the proper white tie and more focused

on timely responses to emails, needs these days seem more work-oriented. But life is about more than work, and living life properly requires the right service and that flows out of a long tradition that is hard to easily replicate.

The St. Regis does an admirable job of reviving a sort of service that is

personalized and not easy to replicate with computerized records and highly

obedient staff. There’s a sense of charm and a finesse that the glossiest and most professional of hotels will never replicate.

了一种个性化的、不易被复制的服务,其“瑞吉管家”早已 蜚声国际。不过,话说回来,最聪明、最专业的酒店是绝不 会复制的。



Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5





017 佳人芳踪

062 安以轩:别致风情

法国百年皇家香氛品牌 Cire Trudon 推出了 名为“约瑟芬皇后”的香氛蜡烛

从“拼命三娘”到现在的“旅游美食家”, 安以轩都是以最好的态度工作,以最好的 姿态生活

020 马球餐厅酒吧

075 开启全新游艇之旅

拉尔夫·劳伦在纽约闹市区开设了首家马 球酒吧餐厅,向一种尊贵的运动生活方式 致敬

奢华游艇品牌贝尼蒂新任亚洲总经理莫旅 奇将可定制大型游艇带到中国,助力我们 的全新环球之旅

空间 024 缎带教堂 日本新生代建筑师中村拓志的浪漫之作

享乐 078 动感酒店


爱运动的五星客对酒店健身房总是密切关 注,究竟什么样的健身房才能够吸引他们 的目光

028 数字时代的“造纸厂” 挪威一座奇特的展馆实现了古老造纸厂在 数字时代的重现

094 浓情惬意早午餐 明媚的早春最适合与亲朋好友相约,尽情 享受阳光下的惬意早午餐

特辑 038 管家精神 从熨报纸、搭配服饰,到雪茄保养和佳酿 品鉴,LifeStyle 带你探究古往今来的管家 精神



104 海豚岛:世外新桃源 北半球还没有告别冬末春初的寒冷,南半 球正值缤纷洋溢的绚丽夏日


LifeStyle 7





017 Candle of Destiny



038 Butlers through the Years

Maison Cire Trudon launches the Josephine Candle to celebrate spring

LifeStyle takes you on a tour of the world of butlering

020 The Polo Bar

Ralph Lauren has finally opened a bar


062 Ann: Exquisite Bearing


Even at the height of success, Ann has maintained a work-life balance that leaves room for fun

024 Chapel of Ribbons

075 Smooth Sailing

A curvaceous new chapel by Hiroshi Nakamura

Luigi Adamo, General Manager of luxury yacht company Benetti, is bringing bespoke customizable mega-yachts to China

028 Pulpy Pavilion

A Norwegian pavilion revisits the notion of digital simulacra


078 Hotel Olympics 019

What are the best gyms in Beijing? LifeStyle investigates

Columns 100 WineClub 114 LifeStyle Focus 122 Fabulous



094 The Brunch Bunch

Brunch is the wave of the future

104 Dolphin Island: An Otherworldly Paradise

Dolphins, Whales, and Dinner- oh my!

LifeStyle 9

MARCH 2015

Design Art Fashion Hotels Travel

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

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10 LifeStyle

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Matjaž Tančič


摄影师 Photographer

作者 writer







Mladina 摄影记 者,后在伦敦发展事业,并



顾问有限公司 CEO 及品牌创始人。2013 年,

三维空间 (3D) 摄影 师之一。擅长 3D 摄影、


水下摄影和动画 GIF,其作品以时尚、人物


肖像、新闻及旅行摄影 见长。

Independent curator, art critic, end entrepreneur,

Matjaz is a Slovenian photographer of the

Yihai is engaged in the study of contemporary

Beijing and Ljubljana. He began his path as a

as being the executive director for the Museum

made his way abroad. Matjaž is a graduate of the

working with MOYA Art Consultants Ltd. Beijing,

younger generation, who lives and creates between

art. Having worked as a curator in Beijing as well

photojournalist for Mladina magazine, but quickly

of Contemporary Art Tianjin TEDA, as well as

London College of Fashion.

he was awarded the “international curators” art medal by the Italian Ministry of Culture in 2013.

LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14 潮地

Destinations / P.19

英国当代前卫艺术家达明安 · 赫斯特限量版蝴蝶水晶面板 Artist Damien Hirst’s limited edition crystal panels

LifeStyle 13




Special Sauce 不久前,澳大利亚麦当劳精心制作了 200 瓶限量巨无霸汉堡酱汁,其中编号为 1 的这瓶被拿到 eBay 上进行竞拍,起步价为 1 万 7 千美金。据悉,竞拍最终成交的款额将全部用来帮助全球的疾病儿童及其家庭。 McDonald’s is selling a bottle of the special sauce used on their iconic Big Mac burgers on eBay with the starting price of $17,000.

The 500 ml ‘Limited Edition Big Mac Special Sauce Bottle #1 of 200’ is being auctioned on eBay Australia with all proceeds going to charities run by the

global chain to help sick children and their families.

14 LifeStyle

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The Scent of a Drink 时尚品牌纪梵希曾推出了一个独家珍藏系列——L’Atelier de Givenchy 纪梵希工作室系列香水。该系列的七款香水各自代表了一 种造型和个性,将时装和香水完美结合,充分表达了纪梵希的品牌精髓。不久前,伦敦 Cafe Royal 酒店的调酒师 Tiziano Tasso 以 L’Atelier de Givenchy 纪梵希工作室系列的 7 款香水为灵感,精准地调制出与香水一一相呼应的鸡尾酒。每一款鸡尾酒都拥有独特的色彩和口味, 呈现同款香水独一无二的特质和魅力,呈现一场视觉、嗅觉与味觉的盛宴。 London’s Hotel Cafe Royal has created a cocktail menu dedicated to the rare and exotic ingredients French fashion house Givenchy uses in its L’Atelier de

Givenchy collection.

The exclusive drinks were created by the Hotel Cafe Royal’s resident mixologist Tiziano Tasso with each reflecting the notes of the seven fragrances found

in the L’Atelier de Givenchy collection.

16 LifeStyle


Candle of Destiny 为迎接春天破冰而来,法国百年皇家香氛品牌 Cire Trudon 推 出了名为“约瑟芬皇后”(拿破仑第一任妻子)的香氛蜡烛, 选取了让人心旷神怡的佛手柑和青柠芬芳。Cire Trudon 还不吝 赞美,特意附上小诗一首:“昏暗的曙光潜入花坛,一朵可爱 的阴影从玫瑰、茉莉,山茶花和鸢尾花身上踮脚而过。她是知 晓自然秘密的精灵,唤醒了整个花园的芬芳。” 创立于 1643 年的 Cire Trudon 以手工蜡烛制作而著称,在当时 被王公贵族和宗教人士所推崇。它不但为许多代表性教堂打造 典礼用蜡烛,还成为了法国王室御用的蜡烛匠。Cire Trudon 坚 持采用纯天然植物原料,如稻米、棕榈蜡,椰子油等,以确保 烛光澄净和对人体无害。此外,它还为历史名人制作蜡烛半身像, 包括路易十五的情人 Madame de Pompidou 和法国女文豪 Geroge Sand 等。 To celebrate spring, Maison Cire Trudon launches the Josephine

Candle with its notes of bergamot and Kaffir Lime. Named after

Napoleon’s wife, the Empress Josephine, Cire Trudon has also included a little poem to announce the candle:

“The muffled light of dawn slips through the flower beds. A fine

shadow sneaks among the roses, jasmine, camelias and irises.

With her delicate green thumb, she awakens the dazzling fragrances

of a garden with an imperial destiny.”

LifeStyle 17




Dressed Up Sweets 不仅时尚达人会对 Emilio Pucci 的 Capri 印花时装情有独钟,甜品品牌 Ladurée 的马卡龙 同样将 Capri 印花穿上了身。这款 8 枚装的礼盒 有珊瑚红和绿松石蓝两种色系,由圆筒、线条和 珠宝图案构成。 Capri 印花是 Emilio Pucci 的经典符号,从 20 世纪 50 年代就一直伴随着 Emilio Pucci 的 发展。 简装版的 Emilio Pucci 马卡龙礼盒售价 25 欧元,可以在全世界的 Ladurée 门店购买,而 30 欧元的精装版包装盒上有真正的 Pucci 印花 丝绸, 只能由巴黎、 伦敦、 米兰和纽约的门店购得。 Fashionistas aren’t the only ones wearing Pucci’s

famous Capri print this season. The motif also adorns

the new gift box from Ladurée, which contains eight macarons. Available in turquoise blue or coral pink, the pattern combines cylinders, lines and other jewellike shapes.

The gift box will be available in the standard

version (€25) or in a version covered with Pucci silk (€30).

18 LifeStyle


Hirst’s Butterfly “蝴蝶”,是英国当代前卫艺术家达明 安·赫斯特惯用的、最具识别性的素材之一。 自上世纪 80 年代末开始,蝴蝶便重复出现在 赫斯特的作品里,既是美的象征,也暗示生 命的脆弱。此次,赫斯特携手国际顶级水晶 与玻璃工艺品制造商莱俪推出一批精致的限 量版水晶面板,取名为“永恒”。该作品共 分为三个系列,分别称为“爱”、“希望” 和“美丽”。每个系列都以 12 种不同的颜色 展示一只不同的蝴蝶。长方形的水晶面板可 以以多种方式进行展示,包括安装在架子上、 框起来挂在隔墙上,或者嵌入墙体。 Historic crystal and glass manufacturer Lalique

have unveiled the results of a new collaboration

with perennially successfully artist Damien Hirst.

‘Eternal’ consists of a collection of exquisite, limited edition crystal panels. The panels are available in

three series – Love, Hope and Beauty – that each depict a different butterfly and are in twelve different color-ways. The rectangular shapes can be displayed in numerous ways including mounted on an easel;

framed and hung across a wall partition or inset into a wall.

LifeStyle 19




The Polo Bar 选择高贵的马球运动为品牌标志的拉尔夫· 劳伦具有浓厚的美国气息。无论是服装还是家具, 香水还是器皿,都迎合了中等及以上收入人群对 上层社会生活方式的向往,勾勒出一个引人入胜 的美国梦。不久前,拉尔夫·劳伦在纽约闹市区 开设了首家马球酒吧餐厅(The Polo Bar),旨 在向一种尊贵的运动生活方式致敬。 这间餐厅酒吧从经典的美国乡村俱乐部汲 取灵感,大量使用木质材料做装饰。深色的木镶 板和墙上的“旧”挂画,再搭配琥珀色的灯光, 营造出浓厚的怀旧氛围。餐厅随处可见各式与传 统马球运动相关的艺术装点,就连餐椅也是马鞍 皮革做成的。这些设计元素都明确指向了拉尔夫 ·劳伦旗下 Ralph Lauren 标志性的 Polo 衫。 餐饮方面,马球餐厅酒吧为客人提供凯撒 沙拉、烤牛肉三明治、蟹饼和杜松子马提尼等。 It’s surprising how long it took for Ralph

Lauren—arguably the ultimate lifestyle brand—to open up a restaurant/bar.

But now there is a chance for everyone to

experience the genteel WASP lifestyle at this clubby

enclave in the middle of bustling New York City. With dark wood paneling and “ancestral paintings”

lining the walls, the space is very much prestigious old Anglo-Saxon country club.

The food is similarly skewed towards the

American and masculine with offerings such as roast beef sandwiches, Caesar Salad and crab cakes. Wash it down with a brisk gin martini.

20 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 21




Snowy Oasis

阿斯彭位于美国中西部的科罗拉多州, 以滑雪场著称,是富豪名人及专业滑雪人士 的滑雪热地。现在,来阿斯彭滑雪的人们有 了一个新鲜去处。由小内尔酒店和凯歌香槟 联袂推出的快闪酒吧就位于茫茫的雪山上, 橘黄色的招牌在皑皑白雪中非常显眼,你一 定不会错过!一场速度与激情碰撞的滑行后, 让一杯香槟好好慰藉你吧! If one ever finds themselves in Aspen during “the

season,” look out on Facebook and Twitter for the

location of the pop-up Veuve Clicquot champagne and caviar bar.

Run by The Little Nell Hotel and Veuve Clicquot,

this champagne bar is an oasis for those après-ski moments.

This secret roving bar is ideally reachable by skis.

Look out for sunbursts of the signature orange on an

otherwise pristine white landscape. That’s when you know you’ve reached the party.

22 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24 室内设计

Interior / P.32

Kistefos 博物馆 Kistefos Museum

LifeStyle 23




Chapel of Ribbons 日本新生代建筑师中村拓志的浪漫之作 A curvaceous new chapel by Hiroshi Nakamura Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Hiroshi Nakamura

24 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 25



26 LifeStyle

“恋爱”,被中村拓志用来形容人与建筑的关系。他曾在《恋爱中的建筑》 一书里表明自己作品的核心价值观是“interactive”——互动,一种恋人之间的情 感交流,你喜欢对方,对方也喜欢你。所以,他认为“人会恋上建筑,建筑也会 恋上人”。房子可以变得谦逊,可以友善地与自然共存共生;椅子不仅能坐,还 能传递情感:高的、矮的、长的、短的,根据心情来挑选;墙壁可以拥有温暖的 弧度,甚至变得“含情脉脉”……不久前,中村拓志在日本广岛完成了一个以缎 带为创作灵感、由两个螺旋楼梯交错环绕的婚礼教堂。该教堂高 15.4 米,静立 在 Bella Vista Sakaigahama 度假酒店葱葱郁郁的花园中,面对着濑户内海的秀丽 景致。 一个单独的螺旋楼梯在水平方向上是不稳定的,在垂直方向上容易产生振动 的感觉,因此,通过将两个螺旋形的楼梯缠绕在一起,让这两个楼梯互相支撑以 解决不稳定的问题,同时也表明了婚姻中双方相互扶持的象征意义。楼梯以垂直 排列的刷白木板覆盖,并配备了弧形的钛锌合金扶手,以抵抗海风的侵蚀。婚礼 仪式在顶层完成,木制步道一直延伸至圣坛,亲友席位分列两旁。新人分别从不 同的楼梯出发,缓缓向上,最后在顶部结合,预示着两个生命和家庭围绕着一个 中心的旅程、结合和凝聚。宣誓环节结束后,新人可挑选其中一个楼梯走下。“就 像两个人在结为一体前要经历迂回曲折一样,两个螺旋楼梯最终在 15.4 米的顶 点无缝连接成一条缎带。”中村拓志解释说。


wo curving staircases encircle the exterior of this wedding chapel by Tokyo-based architect Hiroshi Nakamura, meeting at a rooftop platform that overlooks the Hiroshima coastline.

The Ribbon Chapel takes its name from the pair of timber-clad staircases that wind around

the exterior of the glazed wedding chapel.

The 15.4-metre-tall structure is set on a grassy hillside in the grounds of the hotel Bella Vista

Sakaigahama to take in views of the Seto Inland Sea, which borders the city of Onomichi in Hiroshima Prefecture.

The intertwining staircases, which cross paths at several points to provide support for each

other, are designed to be symbolic of the unity that matrimony brings. The stairs are clad in vertical planks of white-painted wood, and have curving titanium zinc alloy handrests to withstand erosion from the sea breeze.

“Just as two lives go through twists and turns before uniting as one, the two spirals

seamlessly connect at their 15.4-metre summit to form a single ribbon,” said Nakamura.

The body of the marriage ceremony is conducted inside the glazed chapel, where a wooden

aisle bracketed by two banks of seating leads to an altar.

Nuptials are completed on the rooftop, where the two staircases widen and connect to unite

the bride and groom who travel up separate flights. Once the vows are completed the couple can then pick one route to descend together.

LifeStyle 27

28 LifeStyle

数字时代的 “ 造纸厂 ”

Pulpy Pavilion


A Norwegian pavilion visits the notion of digital simulacrua Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: A2 Architects

LifeStyle 29



作为斯堪的纳维亚半岛最大的当代雕塑公园之一,Kistefos 博物馆位 于奥斯陆以北一小时车程的 Jevnaker,这里的前身是 19 世纪的一家造纸厂。 “Pulp Press (Kistefos) 2013”(意为“纸浆压榨机”)便是其中一件永久 性作品。 来自都柏林的 A2 建筑师事务所设计了这家展馆,他们采用混凝土浇 筑技术打造了一个开放式的水泥体——长 13 米、宽 6.5 米、高 5 米。建 筑体开放的两端,一面正对曾经的造纸厂,另一面朝向河流。与其紧密 相连的是仍在使用中的船库和同为混凝土浇筑的码头,馆内光洁的水泥 地面与五十年来一直都在的水位标识完美衔接。 建筑正面有三个可旋转开合的预应力胶合板门,如摄像机镜头般嵌 入建筑体,形成了一个前厅。本就昏暗的建筑内部水泥墙又采用黑色颜 料涂刷,再将投影仪直接嵌入屋顶,使得巨幅投影画面能够更加清晰完 整地显现而不受遮挡。数字影像技术通过军队和游戏中常用的软件让大 型造纸机械重生,展示了原来造纸厂的工作画面。 创作者煞费苦心地在投射影像中用超现实虚拟形式展现了已于 1950 年退役的造纸机械,更难得的是还有机械内部的改变,不仅更换了管道 和阀门 , 还用数字模拟技术找回了缺失的部件。影像的存储也是数字化的 “纸浆”——金属硬盘。预制水泥黄铜架上的硬盘就像曾经造纸厂一包 包压榨后的木纸浆一样堆叠,写满一张再换一张。 无遮挡投射墙的另一面是一个户外阳台,像画框框住了美丽的河岸 景致。阳台不仅有表面光滑的水泥长凳可供参观者休息,跳脱出室内的 虚拟世界;更特意设计了无框架玻璃扶栏,以免影响观者视线。 坐落在河边的这座展馆还充分利用水利资源为投影仪提供了天然电 力供应,更为生活在无纸化世界的人们提了个醒:数字化的世界也是存 储于真实介质上的。遥想当年,1889 年的那家造纸厂也是在这条河边见 证了一个时代。

30 LifeStyle

‘Pulp Press (Kistefos) 2013’ is a permanent site-specific commission for Kistefos Museum -

one of Scandinavia’s largest parks of contemporary sculpture. The museum occupies the grounds of a 19th century paper mill in Jevnaker, an hour north of Oslo, Norway.

Designed by A2 Architects of Dublin, the cast concrete pavilion is an open-ended volume, 13m

in length, 6.5m in width and 5m in height with one open façade facing the former paper mill and

another facing the river. It sits at an angle to form a taut cluster with an existing boathouse and a cast concrete pier. The pavilion shares its polished concrete floor level with the pier that likewise takes its cue from the fifty-year flood level.

One arrives at the pavilion to be presented with a shuttered, camera-like front consisting of

a trio of pivoting pre-stressed plywood doors. The doors are recessed into the pavilion in order to create a sort of anteroom before entering the darkened interior. Within, the concrete walls of the pavilion are darkened with a black pigment to enable a large projected moving image of the

original press that has brought the industrial machine of the old paper mill back to life, albeit as a digital simulacrum built with software that is more typically used by the military and gaming

programmers. The projector is recessed into a pocket in the roof thickness thereby allowing for the projected work to be received onto a freestanding cast concrete wall within the pavilion.

The projected work is a hyper-realistic portrait of the machine (decommissioned in 1950) and

painstakingly remade as a virtual form. Importantly, it has even been renovated within the virtual to function once more. Pipes have been replaced, valves sourced, missing components researched by the production team for over a year and all recreated in simulacra. The projected work’s

physical presence is also inherent in the daily increasing ‘stock’ of digital sheets of paper pulp it

produces - digital files that are inspired by historic images. They accumulate in metal hard-disk units on a nest of precast concrete and brass shelves inside the pavilion, emulating the piles of

wood pulp bales that the mill once produced. As each hard disk is filled, another is required, and so the project expands forever more.

Walking around either side of the freestanding projection wall an external balcony is made

that frames a new view onto the River Rand. A frameless glass balustrade is detailed so as not to

hinder this. A cast polished concrete bench allows the public to rest and relax while re-adjusting to the real world having experienced the projected virtual world of the pavilion.

While we may live in a ‘paperless’ world, the work is keen to remind us that even digital data

is stored in a physical world. The pavilion sits along the edge of the River Rands that powers the

projected work within the pavilion with hydroelectric power- the very same river that gave rise to the original paper mill in 1889.

LifeStyle 31




Parisian Pad 巴黎金三角地区一处华丽优雅的所在 A magnificent apartment on the Avenue Pierre I de Serbie Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Gérard Faivre

32 LifeStyle

法国著名奢华私宅设计师 Gérard Faivre 宣称,巴黎丰厚的历史、

具体来说,该公寓位于一幢建于 1860 年的奥斯曼式的建筑内,


共 270 平方米,占据了整个第四层,这里还能看到美国圣三一大


教堂和女时装设计师 Léonard 的寓所。公寓的装潢同时融合了古




延续公寓的原始格调,Gérard Faivre 请工匠们修复了建筑线脚,并






与静的平衡,Gérard Faivre 重新设计了房子的私密空间。四间卧室





院的作家们常受它的启发,比如 Henri Lavedan,电影导演 Jean-Luc


Godard 还在这里成立了制片公司。

LifeStyle 33



34 LifeStyle


uxury real estate specialist Gérard Faivre declares that for him, Paris is an

inexhaustible source of inspiration. With its rich history, culture and art de

vivre, Paris gives him the opportunity to present, in each of his projects,

his unique concept of “luxurious ready to live-in apartments”.

The Avenue Pierre I de Serbie apartment is located in Paris’ Golden Triangle, the

most exclusive area of the city. This zone enjoys international recognition because

Located in a Haussmannian building built in 1860, this 270m2 apartment

occupies the entire fourth floor and enjoys a view of the American Cathedral and of couturier Léonard’s residence. The interior combines unifies the

classical with the contemporary. In that spirit, the ambience is similar to a luxury hotel suite.

To preserve the original essence of the apartment, Gérard Faivre asked

of its beautiful avenues, such as Avenue George V, Avenue Montaigne, Avenue

artistans to restore the moldings, using gold and silver foil which has

palaces and fashion boutiques that inhabit the area.

parquet flooring and marble fireplaces have been preserved.

Pierre 1er de Serbie, and Avenue des champs Elysée and for the stunning mansions, This avenue evokes a rich past as it was named in honor of King Pierre I of

reinvigorated the space. In addition the original “Point de Hongrie” wood Conscious of the balance that must exist between the living areas and

Serbia for the help he provided to France during the German invasion. Its location

those that inspire tranquility, Gerard Faivre redesigned the private spaces.

Marquis de Sers transformed a beautiful building on this avenue into a mansion,

and dressing room. In the Master bedroom, there is an “unwinding area” with

and beauty has also attracted distinguished individuals over the decades-the writers of the French Academy such as Henri Lavedan have been inspired by it and film-makers such as Jean-Luc Godard have established production companies on it.

Each of the four bedrooms has a different style and its own private bathroom

a living room, fireplace and a library, as well as an area devoted for relaxation that includes a steam bath – essential for Paris’ frantic lifestyle.

LifeStyle 35


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36 LifeStyle

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Butlers Through the Years / P.38

成都瑞吉酒店的管家服务 The St. Regis Chengdu’service

LifeStyle 37



38 LifeStyle


Butlers Through the Years 英语中的管家“butler”一词源自法语 bouteiller,意为“贵族或宫廷宴会上的 司酒官”。慢慢地,管家开始负责整个家庭的事务:熨报纸、搭配服饰、制 定行程、保养古董珍藏,充当保镖角色等。如今,管家更是要有上知天文、 下通地理的本事。急救、保安、枪支保管、雪茄与佳酿的收藏与品鉴、插花 及家居饰品的保养等,大到理财,小到擦鞋,都是现代管家的训练课程。本期, LifeStyle 带你探究古往今来的管家精神。 What is a butler? A best friend, a valet, a groom; the man who reminds you of what you would have forgotten, makes sure your clothes look fantastic, organizes your schedule, and always has a restorative beverage on hand. LifeStyle takes you on a tour through the world of butlers, from traditional to modern. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

LifeStyle 39




The Butler’s Empire

对于成熟的绅士们而言,专业管家的价值不可限量。当然,如果不能保持一切秩序井然,那么游艇、豪宅、 社交午餐又意义何在呢?一位训练有素的管家会确保你总是处于最佳的状态,最得体的礼仪,永远不会遭遇措 手不及的状况。没有社交悲剧,也没有让人头疼的日程问题,取而代之的是在管家安排下顺畅满意的生活。随 着大师级管家创办培训学院培养新一代的管家,传统管家服务的生活方式也将代代延传。LifeStyle 为你介绍国 际卓越的管家培训学校,展示它们各自的特色。 Sophisticated gentlemen know that a professional butler is priceless. What value yachts, mansions, and lunch dates with

socialites if you can’t keep it all straight? Making sure that you are always at your best in appearance, etiquette, and never caught off guard, a well-trained butler is the difference between social catastrophe and scheduling headaches and a life that

runs smoothly and satisfyingly. Traditions and rules are passed down from generation to generation, as experienced master butlers open up training schools to prepare the next generation. Here, LifeStyle presents you with the best butlering schools internationally and the dynamic personalities behind them.

40 LifeStyle


享受国王般的服务 The Butler Valet School:

S e r v i c e

学校创办人 Rick Fink,职业生涯自 1953 年为英国皇家海军当差开始。曾服务英国皇 室:包括英国女王伊丽莎白二世、 玛格丽特 公主、 查尔斯王子、 已故的戴安娜王妃以及 其他王室成员。此外他还服务过丹麦国王、 挪威皇室家族、荷兰王后、南非总统德克勒克、 乌干达总统穆塞维尼、法国总统吉斯卡尔 · 德 斯坦、 联合国秘书长科菲 · 安南和几位英国 首相。2002 年这位管家大师开办学校,将半 个世纪的职业生涯所得,亲自传授给管家学 员。 学校坐落于牛津郡郊区一片绿色宜人的 土地——迪奇利庄园,一座极具乔治亚时代 风格的宅邸。学校培训学员管理大家族的艺

f i t

f o r


K i n g

Rick Fink started his service career as a valet for the Royal Navy in 1953, and has

served the British royal family, waiting on Queen Elizabeth II, Princess Margaret,

Prince Charles, the late Princess Diana, and other family members. Fink has also

served the King of Denmark, the Norwegian royal family, the Queen of Holland, and civilians such as President de Klerk of South Africa, President Museveni of

Uganda, President Giscard d’Estaing of France, UN Secretary General Kofi Annan,

and several British Prime Ministers. In 2002, he opened up a school of his own to

personally instruct aspiring butlers and valets in the tricks of the trade, informed by his half-century of career experience.

Situated in the green and pleasant land of the Oxfordshire countryside, the Butler

Valet School is housed in Ditchley Park, a gorgeous Georgian mansion. The school trains candidates in the art of running a large household, including butler duties,

pantry duties, and dressing room duties, taught by a first-class team of experienced butlers, and led by Fink himself. As butlering booms in Asia, the Butler Valet School

has opened schools in Bangkok and Shanghai, customizing training to local cultural specifications.

术,包括管家的职责范围、餐厅餐具管理和 更衣室职责等,在 Rick Fink 亲自领导下,均 由经验一流的管家团队授课。随着管家服务 在亚洲的兴起,学校在曼谷和上海也开办了 培训学校,定制符合当地文化特点的培训内 容。

LifeStyle 41




淡淡的明星魅力 The British Butler Academy:


T o u c h

o f

凭借三十多年的管家经验,George Telford 可以说是世界 上最成功的管家之一。他的职业生涯开始于 1985 年,当时他 服务于希腊的一个贵族;之后服务于中东王室以及一些名人如 汤姆 · 汉克斯、罗宾 · 威廉姆斯和保罗 · 麦卡特尼爵士。他专注 于培训五星级酒店管家,酒店所面对的客户经常变动,这与一 般的家庭管家服务有着明显的不同之处。 学院坐落于伦敦市政厅所在地,提供管家服务培训,学员 通常来自游艇船员、管家、酒店工作人员和各种其他服务性行 业。学院在世界各地的平台可确保学生毕业后可受聘于名门望 族。 With thirty years of experience as a butler, George Telford is

among the most successful butlers in the world. Commencing his

career in 1985 in the service of one of Greece’s noblest families, he went on to work for a royal Middle Eastern family and for celebrities such as Tom Hanks, Robbie Williams, and Sir Paul McCartney. He specializes in training butlers who work at five-star hotels, whose

clients often change- which can be significantly different than working with the same family for years.

Located in London’s Guildhall Yard, the academy offers classes

in butler training, for yacht crews, housekeepers, hotel staff, and a variety of other service professions. A worldwide network ensures

that students typically receive immediate placement in prestigious posts upon graduation.

42 LifeStyle

S t a r

P o w e r

查尔斯 · 麦克弗森学院

新时代的管家 The Charles MacPherson Academy:

N e w

W o r l d

B u t l e r i n g

查尔斯 · 麦克弗森曾为加拿大最具影响 力的家族服务多年,领导监督并培训了一支 拥有三十名工作人员的家政团队,此后他全 职致力于礼仪艺术的培训。 1996 年他创立了查尔斯 · 麦克弗森学院, 学员为管家和家政经理人。该学院位于加拿 大多伦多市,是北美地区唯一的管家和家政 管理学校。学院提供各种形式的培训:接待、 酒店服务、管家、家政、酒吧招待和调酒技巧, 礼仪礼节培训等,2007 年还作为首席培训机 构为上海四季酒店进行管家培训。作为自身 职业生涯的总结,麦克弗森出版了《管家要 义》,以机智的笔调配以华丽的图片展示了 家政管理的技巧和艺术。 Charles MacPherson worked for years as Major

Domo (head of household) for one of Canada’s

most influential families, supervising a team of

hotel service, butler, housekeeping,

being inspired to teach hospitality skills fulltime.

etiquette & protocol training. In 2007,

Academy for Butlers and Household Managers in

the Four Seasons Hotel Shanghai; he

the only butler and household management school

and inspirations in The Butler Speaks,

various forms of training, ranging from hospitality,

a witty style with gorgeous illustrations.

thirty staff which he trained personally, before

barkeeping and mixology skills, and

Charles founded The Charles MacPherson

began the lead trainer of butlers for

1996. Located in Toronto, Canada, the academy is

published an account of his experiences

of its kind in North America. The academy offers

offering household management tips in

LifeStyle 43



打造天府之国 顶级管家

Chengdu’s Butler Supremo

44 LifeStyle

久负盛名的瑞吉管家来到 成都了。热情又见识广博、 具备全球化思维——成都 瑞吉酒店首席管家关飞能 满足你对顶级管家的所有 期待。关飞和他的团队是 中国酒店行业管家服务领 域的拓荒者,来到成都的 他们立足本土,致力于培 养新一代的顶级管家。 George Edward Wahalatantri, chief butler at The St. Regis Chengdu, embodies the best that butlers in China today can aspire to: cosmopolitan, passionate, knowledgeable. Together with his team, he is a trailblazer in China’s hospitality industry- and is training the next generation of butlers in Chengdu.

请讲一讲管家文化的历史和传统,以及时下对“管家”的最新定义。 过去,管家一般是负责管理一座豪宅的里里外外、方方面面,满足家庭成员的日常需要 , 特别 要负责储酒和侍酒工作。“管家”这个词来自法语“botellier”( 意为“酒瓶架”)。然而现在的管家 扮演着越来越多的角色,职能也更为广泛,更像是雇主的私人特助。 你的管家生涯是怎样开始的呢?你在中国多久了 ? 最初,我只是想接触不同类型的客人,特别是名人和高端人士。我本人很善于和不同人打交道。 我觉得每一天都是新的,每天都会见到新客人。我来中国快 8 年了。第一次到这里的时候发现中国 客人对管家文化并没有什么了解。可现如今 , 大多数客人都知道酒店里的管家服务,同时也很依赖 他们的管家 , 特别是行李打包和皮鞋护理工作,都乐于交给管家来做。 瑞吉品牌及其管家服务有何特别之处? 瑞吉的管家服务一直都是瑞吉品牌体验的标志,同时也是瑞吉酒店的传统。我们可以很自豪地 说 , 在酒店行业瑞吉开创了管家服务的先河。我们的管家接受英式传统培训,为宾客提供 24 小时全 天候服务,无时不在又毫不唐突。住客可以从我们酒店每个服务人员的态度感受到瑞吉品牌的与众 不同,从司机到工程部门工作人员,无一例外。 在中国酒店开展管家培训会遇到哪些特殊的挑战呢? 我们的培训从招聘员工时就已经开始了。我们只选择态度端正、好学上进的人,然后安排酒店 管家与受训者结成伙伴,便于他们分享自己的经验。这些都是严格训练过程的一部分。 培训管家时,我们会特别注意吸纳本土文化。纽约瑞吉的概念也许并不适合成都,所以本地化 是非常重要的一环。首先要选对人,其次还要求管家要有一定的知识储备才能提供全方位服务 , 包 括要了解四川的历史文化和旅游景点,等等。瑞吉管家要能够有问必答,还要对客人的需求有一定 的预见性,根据客人品味和喜好为其打造独特的住宿体验。 Tell us about the history of butlering, how the tradition began and how it is interpreted today.

Ancient butlers took care of mansions, and all household needs, especially wine at table and wine storage.

The name “butler” came from the French “botellier” (bottle bearer). Nowadays, the role encompasses a broad variety of tasks, a customized personal assistant.

What got you started as a butler, and how long have you been here in China?

Initially I wanted to meet the different types of guests- celebrities and high-powered people. This interest in

the human touch is my strength; every day is a new day with a new guest.

I have been in China for almost 8 years; when I first got here, there wasn’t much awareness on the part of

Chinese guests of what butlers were. Nowadays, most guests know what butlers are and rely on our services, notably packing bags and shining shoes.

What’s special about butlers and the St. Regis brand?

At The St. Regis, butlers are part of our legacy and our heritage. We can proudly say we started the butler

service in the hotel trade; the trainings that provide in St. Regis brands are unique. The St. Regis is a butler concept brand, and guests can feel the difference in attitude of staff, from the driver to the engineering staff.

Tell us about the challenges of training butlers in China.

Training our staff starts from the recruitment process; we hire people with the right attitude and a

willingness to learn. We partner new trainees with a buddy butler, to share experience; it’s all part of a rigorous training process.

We embrace the local culture in training the butler team; The St. Regis New York concept is not necessarily

suitable for Chengdu- localization is very important. Finding the right candidates with the right attitude is the

first step; butlers need to give all around service, which in this case includes knowledge of Sichuan’s history and tourist attractions. Our butlers are ready to answer any possible question- so we try to anticipate anything the guests might ask.

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你不可不知的 川蜀管家服务

Service à la Sichuan

46 LifeStyle

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48 LifeStyle

位于中国西南的四川成都是一座发展迅速且充满活力的城市。现在,成都瑞吉酒店又第一次为天府之国带来了顶级管家,让身处异乡的旅 人能有机会获得私人管家贴心周到的服务。 自约翰·雅各布·阿斯特四世 (John Jacob Astor IV) 在曼哈顿创建了第一家瑞吉酒店以来,瑞吉品牌就有了无可挑剔的私人管家服务。管家们致 力于为离家在外的住客准备一个家一样的居停之所,通过细致的服务满足客人所需,解决每个小细节上的问题。瑞吉管家服务百余年来一直是瑞 吉酒店体验的珍贵标志,也使得瑞吉酒店在全球酒店品牌中脱颖而出。成都瑞吉酒店的开业更是在中国最具活力的城市之一开创了定制化服务的 先河。 飞机在壮观的成都新机场降落,走出飞机的你来到出租车等候区,眼前便是一派熙熙攘攘的景象。拥挤喧闹的人流让这里显得格外生机勃勃, 却也有些令人生畏。入住酒店后终于可以休息一下了。首先会收到私人管家的欢迎卡,或许还配有一杯欢迎茶。呼吸着治愈系的香馨,远眺城市 天际线,这时专属私人管家已经在帮你整理行李,并熨好了褶皱的衣服。想出门时,管家也会是你的得力助手——约出租车、推荐地道本地美食、 预定参观熊猫保护区的门票……足不出户,甚至无需去到酒店大堂,这一切便都可实现。专业的个性化管家服务时刻在你身边。 百年来,瑞吉管家一直为客人提供着最无微不至的服务——熨烫西装、找一本喜欢的书、搭理鞋子、或是安排会面。在成都这样一个高速 发展的城市,管家们能做的还有更多,比如为客人提供最新鲜的本地资讯。作为城中唯一提供管家服务的酒店,瑞吉管家个个训练有素,无论商 务出行还是私人旅行,都将是住客的好帮手。 除饮品、行李打点、衣物熨烫等基本服务外,瑞吉管家还会有针对性地提供各方面建议,让客人知道成都有什么好玩的、有哪些有趣的地 方和时下最流行的夜生活及美食等等。每天早上管家都会及时告知住客本地的天气和交通状况,有需要的话还会为客人叫好出租车并详细告知司 机你的目的地。此外,有着百年传统的瑞吉管家服务还一直注重与时俱进,推出了全天候电子管家服务,随时为客人提供协助。美丽的成都正等 着你去发现,再有位可靠的管家相伴便更是美事一桩了。

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50 LifeStyle

The St. Regis Chengdu offers the first butler service in the fast-growing, dynamic cultural capital of China’s southwest. There’s no better way to visit than

with the trusted services of a personal butler.

The St. Regis brand has been associated with impeccable private butler service ever since John Jacob Astor IV founded the original St. Regis in Manhattan.

With his ambition to make the hotel a home away from home for his friends, the butler service was intended to iron out every small detail and need that guests might have- and has gone on to be a distinct part of the brand identity, something that makes St. Regis hotels stand out all across the world. The opening of The St. Regis Chengdu ushers in a new era of bespoke service in one of China’s most exciting and fast-growing cities.

As you get off the plane in Chengdu’s cavernous new airport and make your way to the taxi rank, it will be easy to feel overwhelmed. The crowds, the noise;

a huge metropolis on the move, one which has been consistently underlooked, overshadowed by coastal neighbors- there is so much exciting happening here,

but it can also feel a bit daunting. As soon as you arrive to the hotel, you’ll be able to relax. Your butler will have a welcome card waiting for you, along with perhaps a nice cup of tea; as you inhale the healing fragrance and gaze over the city skyline, your butler will be unpacking your luggage, ironing any clothes that may have gotten wrinkled on your voyage. When you’re ready to explore, he or she will be on hand with great ideas for whatever you need, finding you a

taxi, recommending the best local cuisine, arranging your visit to the Panda Reserve- all of this without the hassle of ascending to the lobby: professional and personalized service at your fingertips.

Butlers have provided an array of invaluable services to St. Regis guests for over a hundred years- from pressing suits, to getting a favorite book, ensuring

that shoes are shined, or arranging appointments. In a fast-growing city like Chengdu, though, butlers can serve a more broad range of functions- helping guests get local area knowledge of a rapidly evolving and fast-paced city. The only hotel in the city to offer the service, a St. Regis butler, with impeccable training, can help your business or personal explorations of the spicy southwestern capital.

A considerate aide anticipating your every need, from ideas of what to do and where to go, the latest and best nightlife and cuisine recommendations, tea

perfectly prepared according to the local traditions- or coffee, if you need caffeination to get going. As you begin your day, your butler can let you know the

weather and traffic conditions, helping you to hail a cab if you need- delivering directions to the driver so you know where to go. Most impressively, this 100

year old tradition is very much modern: the e-butler service is accessible via email 24 hours a day, for any needs you might have. Chengdu is waiting for you to discover her- aided by your trusted butler, of course.

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Carry On, Jeeves 现代人的生活里越来越少不了一位得力的男仆了。佣人、管家、私人助理、实习生、学徒…… 无论称谓如何,他们都具备一些相同的特质。理想男仆们能最优化安排你的会议和每次重要约见、 及时预订机票、为晚宴后宿醉的客人准备好醒酒饮料,等等。英国幽默作家佩勒姆·G·伍德豪斯爵士

在他最著名的系列小说中便塑造了一位名为吉夫斯的理想男仆。他受雇于英国上流社会贵族伯特伦· 伍斯特,凭借自己的才智一次次为主人化解难题。吉夫斯系列小说都是以伍斯特为第一人称叙述, 因为其不学无术却偏偏又喜欢咬文嚼字,导致他的叙述中经常会出现一些荒唐的比喻和引用。在作 家辈出的 20 世纪英国文学中,佩勒姆 · G · 伍德豪斯可能是很容易被忽视的一位,但他笔下的人物“吉 夫斯(Jeeves)”已经变成英语中的习惯用语,专指“理想男仆”。本期 LifeStyle 节选小说中很有 意思的段落与读者分享。 For today’s homme d’affaires, a manservant is essential. Butler, personal assistant, intern, apprentice- call

it what you will, a helper who can do everything from remembering important meetings and appointments to

buying plane tickets, preparing dinner parties to mixing restorative drinks for those hungover mornings, is de rigeur. English writer PG Wodehouse’s “Jeeves” is the quintessential literary example of a manservant who is literally a lifesaver to his employer, aristocrat Bertram Wooster- below, LifeStyle excerpts one of our favorite Jeeves novels.

“吉夫斯 ,”我说 ,“你知道我昨晚早起了一个小时,也没有好好喝茶。你也一定知道戴利娅姨妈的声音对任何人来说 都是个头疼的事儿。我都没敢想啊,你还是给我把 Fink Nottle 带来了。这回是 Fink 还是 Nottle 呢 ?” “先生 , 可你没说你想见 Fink Nottle 先生啊 ?” “是的 ,”我说,“好吧。让他进来。” “好的 , 先生。” “不过,还是先给我拿点儿你那提神的酒吧。” “好的 , 先生。” 没过一会儿,他回来了,还给我带来了那种神奇的饮料。 我想有必要先强调一下吉夫斯的提神饮料对一个宿醉的人来说是多么有用。这种饮料究竟是用什么调制而成的我也不 得而知,只听他说过里面有酱汁、生蛋黄、还有一点红辣椒,可我一直觉得不止这些。即便如此,喝一杯这种饮料真的很爽。 一秒之内也许什么都不会发生,万事万物都屏息凝神等待着。然后 , 突然间那效力就会像审判日的最后号角声一样突然 迸发。 篝火熊熊燃烧。腹部像充满了熔岩般灼烧起来。此时狂风大作 , 头疼得像有蒸汽锤砸着后脑。这期间还会有非常严重的 耳鸣现象,眼球也都跟着旋转起来,眉间刺痛难忍。 在这几乎再难忍受下去的时候,你也许都会想到打给律师安排后事了,可一切突然就变清晰。风停了。耳朵里也清净了。 鸟儿啁啾。铜管乐响起。太阳升起来了。 之后,一切都复归平静。 我饮尽这一杯 , 新生活便在我心中萌芽了。我记得虽然有时吉夫斯对着装和给人爱情建议这两件事不太靠谱,但他在谈 到抛弃旧我、获得重生时总是措辞优美。我现在就是这样:感觉倒在枕头上的自己已经脱胎换骨,成为一个更好的人了。 “Jeeves,” I said, “I had scarcely expected this of you. You are aware that I was up to an advanced hour last night. You know that I have barely had my tea. You cannot be ignorant of the effect of that hearty voice of Aunt Dahlia’s on a man with a headache. And yet you come bringing me Fink-Nottles. Is this a time for Fink or any other kind of Nottle?” “But did you not give me to understand, sir, that you wished to see Mr. Fink-Nottle to advise him on his affairs?” “True,” I said. “All right. Bung him in.” “Very good, sir.” “But before doing so, bring me one of those pick-me-ups of yours.” “Very good, sir.” And presently he returned with the vital essence. I have had occasion, I fancy, to speak before now of these pick-me-ups of Jeeves’s and their effect on a fellow who is hanging to life by a thread on the morning after. What they consist of, I couldn’t tell you. He says some kind of sauce, the yolk of a raw egg and a dash of red pepper, but nothing will convince me that the thing doesn’t go much deeper than that. Be that as it may, however, the results of swallowing one are amazing. For perhaps the split part of a second nothing happens. It is as though all Nature waited breathless. Then, suddenly, it is as if the Last Trump had sounded and Judgment Day set in with unusual severity. Bonfires burst out all in parts of the frame. The abdomen becomes heavily charged with molten lava. A great wind seems to blow through the world, and the subject is aware of something resembling a steam hammer striking the back of the head. During this phase, the ears ring loudly, the eyeballs rotate and there is a tingling about the brow. And then, just as you are feeling that you ought to ring up your lawyer and see that your affairs are in order before it is too late, the whole situation seems to clarify. The wind drops. The ears cease to ring. Birds twitter. Brass bands start playing. The sun comes up over the horizon with a jerk. And a moment later all you are conscious of is a great peace. As I drained the glass now, new life seemed to burgeon within me. I remember Jeeves, who, however much he may go off the rails at times in the matter of dress clothes and in his advice to those in love, has always had a neat turn of phrase, once speaking of someone rising on stepping-stones of his dead self to higher things. It was that way with me now. I felt that the Bertram Wooster who lay propped up against the pillows had become a better, stronger, finer Bertram.

52 LifeStyle

多次赢得艾美奖和金球奖的《唐顿庄园》 将背景设定在 1910 年代英王乔治五世在位时约 克郡的一个虚构庄园里,为全世界观众展现了传 统英式待客之道以及英国贵族家庭中独特的“楼 上楼下”式主仆关系。战前英国的阶级社会中有 主、有仆、有壮阔的田庄、有典雅的宴会,这些 都吸引着中国观众,也使得这部剧在中国有着超 过 1.6 亿的收视群体。全球化的今天是精英统治 的时代,人们更能够看懂那个人人都深谙自己位 置和言行举止的时代,更懂得什么是上层社会。 这部剧为何如此引人入胜 ? 可能是剧中上 层人物所享有的尊贵社会地位,也可能是剧中 诠释的英式主仆文化,无论如何其中不得不提 的亮点便是大管家查尔斯·卡森。作为大管家的 卡森有些冷峻但却十分忠诚而周到有礼,照顾 着唐顿庄园里的每个人,让每个人的生活变得

楼上楼下:《唐顿庄园》里的 英式主仆关系

Upstairs, Downstairs: the Downton Abbey Phenomenon

简单轻松。卡森凭借自己的幽默智慧和优雅举 止俘获了一众中国粉丝,也为广大观众展示了 传统英式管家文化的精髓。 Downton Abbey, recipient of numerous Emmy

and Golden Globe awards, has single-handedly revived appreciation of British heritage, including

the hospitality tradition of butlering. In our age

of connectivity, globalization, and meritocratic jockeying for status, something is profoundly reassuring about an age when everyone knew their

place, precisely how to act and what to say, and the true meaning of aristocracy. It’s no surprise that

more than 160 million viewers in China have tuned in to the show. The class society of pre-war Britain, with masters and servants, grand country estates and elegant banquets, and a butler always on hand to

help with whatever task is at hand, can’t help but be alluring to viewers in China.

So, what is it about this show that is so enticing?

Is it the high social status of the characters? Or the attraction of the aristocratic versus servant culture

portrayed in the show? There are many interesting aspects of the show, but there is certainly one

feature that stands out, namely Mr. Charles Carson,

the head butler. Carson is a completely loyal and caring member of the Downton Abbey estate, always

looking out for everyone’s best interest. A former burlesque performer filled with romantic passion, Carson has become classically reserved, with flawless etiquette, as a butler. The ears and eyes of a grand

house, butlers always seem to know what’s going on

before anyone else does, giving simple opinions on everyday life. With humor, intelligence and grace,

Carson has endeared a generation of Chinese viewers to hallowed history of the butler.

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影视剧中的 十佳男仆

Best Cinematic Butlers

54 LifeStyle

《告别有情天》: 詹姆斯·斯蒂文斯 James Stevens, Remains of the Day 詹姆斯·斯蒂文斯是文学作品中最聪明的忠实仆人形象之 一。他曾是英国著名侯爵的管家,后又成为美国一座贵族 豪宅的大管家。斯蒂文斯全心全意地服侍着他的主人,其 忠实无人可比;但压抑的个性又让他有太多的惧怕和顾虑。 每到动情关头,斯蒂文斯都会隐忍自己的情感,最终错失 一段与女管家之间的感情。二十年后再聚首,两人依然说 不出心中的爱意与思念。 James Stevens, a British butler that goes down in history as

one of the most wistful in literature, can be seen in the film

Remains of the Day. The film recounts the loyalty between Stevens and his former master during his years serving in the World War I era and realizing his misguided fidelity as he reconnects with his master’s head housekeeper twenty years later.

《我的高德弗里》:高德弗里 Godfrey, My Man Godfrey 在大萧条时代的 1936 年,电影《我的高德弗里》尖锐嘲讽了贵族们的无聊,同时也把平民化 的男主角高德弗里带进了一个有趣但完全颓废的中产家庭。这位毕业于名牌高校的“妙管家” 凭借自己超凡的理财能力最终使得这个家庭免于破产。 Godfrey appeared in the 1936 Great Depression era film My Man Godfrey. This film tells the story of a vagrant butler who works his way into the heart of an affluent family through his charming personality and unexpected financial skills he uses to save the families fortune.

《唐顿庄园》:查尔斯·卡森 Charles Carson, Downton Abbey 《唐顿庄园》的背景设定在 1910 年代约克郡一个虚构的庄园,故事呈现了英国上层贵族与其 仆人们在森严等级制度下的人情百态。大管家查尔斯·卡森外表严厉、内心善良,似乎少了些许 温和,但却十分忠诚地保守着唐顿庄园里不为人知的秘密。 Downton Abbey, the highly acclaimed T.V. series features the butler Mr. Carson, a character with a strict

exterior, but a kind heart. Charles Carson, with his reserved and quiet manner, can be seen roaming the corridors of Downton Abbey and organizing his staff while maintaining keeping the deepest secrets of the manor to himself.

《蝙蝠侠》:阿尔弗莱德·潘尼沃斯 Alfred Pennyworth, Batman 作为“蝙蝠侠”系列电影中的主要人物形象,忠心耿耿的老管家阿尔弗莱德不仅成就了蝙蝠侠 的炫酷造型,同时也引领着这位超级英雄走上正义的道路。 Serving as one of The Batman series’ leading characters, Alfred Pennyworth takes on the role of not only shining the extravagant Batman outfit to perfection, but also guiding the superhero on the right path, always being his go-to man for wisdom and complete discretion.

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《亚瑟》:霍布森 Hobson, Arthur and Arthur 2 著名英国演员约翰·吉尔古德在系列电影《亚 瑟》中饰演了管家霍布森,也凭这一角色获 得 1981 年的奥斯卡最佳男配角奖。电影中管 家霍布森与从小就被宠坏的富家子亚瑟产生 了一系列戏剧冲突,最终却建立起特殊的友 谊。 John Gielgud masterfully captures the spirit of the butler Hobson in the 1980’s films Arthur and

Arthur 2. Hobson plays butler to a spoiled playboy type, Dudley Moore, giving him tough love and sarcastic responses throughout the films, finally revealing a comical and unexpected friendship.

《妙探寻凶》:沃兹沃思 Wadsworth, Clue 悬疑电影《妙探寻凶》讲述了发生在一间巨 大阴森的庄园之中的谋杀事件。故事中的管 家沃兹沃思虽然没有参加这场“游戏”,但 又有谁比他更了解这座庄园呢? Who could forget Wadsworth, the outspoken British housekeeper from the murder mystery

film Clue? Although not included as a character

in the board game, the stand out character always has something up his sleeve, as he knows his way around the manor better than anyone.

《亚当斯一家》:卢尔希 Lurch, The Addams Family 由美国漫画家查尔斯·亚当斯创作的《亚当斯一 家》最早刊登在 1932 年的《纽约客》杂志上。 1963 年,被搬上电视荧屏的《亚当斯一家》中 那个科学怪人般的管家卢尔希(Lurch)让人印 象深刻。这个身高两米多的怪仆人以其独特的 语调和音乐才能赢得了无数美国观众的喜爱。 What comes to mind when you think of the 1960’s

television show The Addams Family? Perhaps, Lurch, the Frankenstein looking butler, famous for

his quote “You rang?” The immensely tall 6’9” character’s monster appearance didn’t stop him

from winning over American TV viewers’ hearts through his musical skills and kind monotone voice.

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《新鲜王子妙事多》: 杰弗里 Geoffrey, The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air 《新鲜王子妙事多》,又译为《贝莱尔的新鲜王子》, 讲述了黑人贫民区的高中生来到贝莱尔富人区的 叔叔家生活的故事。这家还有一个十分机智又有 魅力的管家杰弗里,他凭借自己的牛津教育背景 以及奥运赛跑选手的经历,来到这个美国家庭, 为大家带来欢乐与智慧。 The loveable Geoffrey serves as the charming and

witty British butler in the hit T.V. series The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. The character fled his Oxford

education and Olympic running career in England only to arrive in America and serve the Banks family, giving

them unexpected wisdom and laughter throughout the

《贝尔韦德雷先生》:贝尔韦德雷 Belvedere, Mr. Belvedere


1980 年代的情景喜剧《贝尔韦德雷先生》讲述了一位英国管家林恩·贝尔韦德雷在美 国家庭里发生的趣事。这位管家可谓欧文斯家的主心骨,片头还有他时而端茶倒水 , 时而又去攀爬冰岩和搭顺风车的画面。 Mr. Lynn Belvedere is featured in the 1980’s sitcom Mr. Belvedere as the backbone of the

Owens family. The show trails the humorous adventures of this English housekeeper working for an all American family. The opening credits to the show include images of Belvedere serving tea, ice-climbing and hitchhiking.

《本森》:本森 Benson, Benson 本森·杜波依斯是 1979 年情景喜剧《本森》中的男主角。聪明又有趣的本森从一名管 家做起,成为第一位州长的家庭事务主管,后又成为州预算主管和副州长,直至成 为入主白宫的候选人。 Benson Dubois, the main character in the 1979 sitcom Benson is a sharp and entertaining

person that begins his journey as a butler and moves his way up in the world from becoming

the first of the governor’s directors of household affairs to State Budget Director to Lieutenant Governor , even becoming a candidate for The Executive Mansion.

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Maxfield Parrish 的原版老国王科尔壁画 是纽约瑞吉酒店的标志,自此,壁画成为了 瑞吉品牌的重要元素。 巴西艺术家 Chris Buissa 受邀为成都瑞吉 酒店品酒阁特别定制了一幅壁画杰作,融合 成都古今风情的创作既引人瞩目,又与品酒 阁高雅、迷人的气氛融为一体。 Murals are an important St. Regis element

inspired by the original Maxfield Parrish Old King Cole mural.

In The St. Regis Chengdu, the mural, which

reflects the Brazilian artist Chris Buissa’s

interpretation of ancient and modern Chengdu, takes center stage in Decanter’s refined setting.

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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Gap dream / P.72

乙蒙的绘画作品《Everyday—秘密》 Mongolian works “Everyday- secret”

LifeStyle 61

ANN: Work Har

62 LifeStyle

d, Play


从“拼命三娘”到现在的“旅游美食家”,安以轩一直都坚持着自己的信念。 不管是从前或是现在,她都是以最好的态度在工作,以最好的姿态在生活。 From “Desperately Niang” to “Gourmet Tour,” Ann has always been consistent to her beliefs. Even at the height of success, she’s maintained a work-life balance leaving room to enjoy life. Editor:Yuki Zhang Text:Kelly Hao Photos:Matjaz Tancic Stylelist: VivianHung 场地鸣谢:成都瑞吉酒店 The St.Regis Chengdu 封面服装:墨绿色露肩礼服裙 LIN STUDIO 金色耳环 PP FROM LONG WY by fashion inlife

蛇纹真丝雷纺礼服裙 : YINGLU LIU (GIC) 黑色尖头高跟鞋:MANGANO

LifeStyle 63

白色饰水晶植绒蕾丝连衣裙:YINGLU LIU(GIC) 金色高跟鞋:MANGANO

64 LifeStyle



























格外地努力。不仅拍戏不断,而且工作中绝 不只是尽其所能,她总是出乎人们的想象, 让大家惊叹。在张纪中导演的《倚天屠龙记》 里她曾饰演经典的赵敏郡主一角。对于一向


温柔甜美的她,这个角色蛮横、为达目的不 择手段的狠劲是最大的特点却也恰恰是她最 需要征服的,而事实证明,这个“赵敏”成 功俘获了大批观众。随后的《乌龙山剿匪记》,

近段时间好像在拍一部《昙花梦》的电视剧,这是一部什么样的剧? 这部剧现在已经杀青了,它是一部带有强烈悬疑色彩的年代剧。我在剧中饰演程慈航(乔 振宇 饰)的助手杨玉琼,两人一起披荆斩棘完成各种任务。在长时间的合作中他们对彼此产生





地拍戏和工作,大家都称她为“横店公主”。 横店的气温夏天极热,冬天极寒,在那样的 环境下带病工作也就成了家常便饭,因此她 又多了另一个“拼命三娘”的称号。她珍惜 每一个得到的角色,享受着每一次的出演。

在过去的一年里,有没有让你留遗憾的事?新的一年有什么计划? 其实 2014 年对我而言应该不会有遗憾,这一年其实我过得很充实,工作和旅游也完美地 结合起来。工作上呢,3 月份我准备开拍一个时装戏。因为去年我拍过一个古装片,《昙花梦》 算年代戏,所以新的一年我就想以新的面貌呈现在观众面前,不想让他们觉得我总是一成不变, 希望可以让他们也有新年一切新气象的感觉吧。 你很喜欢特旅游,平常都怎么去平衡工作和旅游的呢? 其实以前的我并不懂得去平衡。以前的我一直以来都在不断地工作,不停地拍戏,因为我 觉得前几年应该在工作上努力,希望被更多的人认可。这两年身边一些人事变化无常,我开始 觉得其实除了工作,更重要的是享受生活。从两年前我就开始了旅游的计划。我去过夏威夷、 非洲肯尼亚、库克岛、巴厘岛和其他很多国家。我希望可以做到“努力工作,用力玩乐”,现 在这是我人生的座右铭。 你以前来过成都,你认为成都是一个适合旅游的城市吗?成都给你的感受是怎样的? 我以前来成都去过九寨沟、宽窄巷子。我在宽窄巷子里一路不停地吃着各种成都美食,辣 得满头大汗。我人生第一次吃猪脑花便是在成都,然后就爱上了。我觉得这个城市是一个很巧 妙的结合体,这里的人感觉温和,很舒服,食物却是很火爆很麻辣,不管是人文还是自然环境, 都让人会深深爱上这里。 你觉得最理想、完美的一天度假是怎样的?如果这一天的假期在成都,那你会怎么度过这天? 我一定是要睡到自然醒,非常慵懒地度过这天,不用动脑子,好好放空一天就非常完美了。 不过在成都我应该就是扎在各种美食堆里!我一定会去吃最爱的火锅、麻辣鸭头和猪脑花。当 然除了美食其实成都的景色也很不错,悠闲的下午如果选择泡一杯茶,或者和朋友闲聊度过也 一定非常开心。

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Many people’s understanding of Ann presumably starts

with the TV series “The Outsiders;” in which she played a

kind, brave, passionate girl. The show’s success brough Ann overnight fame, acting in hit dramas and costume dramas,

a new side to show us. Hengdian is very hot in summer and cold in winter; it’s easy to fall ill, but she never lets the hard working conditions stop her; she’s appreciated every moment.

Ann’s life isn’t just work through. The name of her show “the travelling foodie” is true to

playing every kind of role- from a domineering dragon Ann

her identity. A liberty-loving soul, she loves to travel the world in search of beautiful views

flexibility and the earnestness of her performance ensures that

night sky, she felt touched to her core by the beauty of nature. “In the face of nature, we meet

to an outrageous young miss to a gentle young Ann; her she’s always a big hit with her audience. She’s the number one Taiwanese idol on the mainland, having created a new world for herself here.

Even after her time in the public eye, she remains

mysterious to many. Even when filming constantly, she’s

remained an enigma; in Zhang Jizhong’s “Dragon,” she

and delicious cuisine. On the Kenyan prairie searching for lions, looking at the stars in the

our true selves. Things change, and we never know what will happen in the next second;

we must take the opportunity to enjoy every trip,” she said rapturously. At the end of each week, she travels to a different place, whether resorts like the Maldives or urban getaways in Chengdu to check out famous cuisine… whether for work or travel, whatever she does, it’s 100%. Work hard, play hard, and taste the richness of life.

Like a sunflower, Ann’s soul searches for light, and opens towards beauty. She is

played the classic role of Princess Zhao, a sharp departure

simple; a bowl of noodles on the street corner is enough to bring a smile to her face.

Princess Zhao is vicious and cruel, but Ann’s interpretation

me, this is enough.”

from her usual castings as a gentle and kind young woman; won a huge audience. In “Wulong Mountain Bandits,” she

“Sleeping in, stepping through the lane in sandals, enjoying a humble but perfect meal- for

played a female gunslinger. Known as “Princess of Hengdian”

due to her hectic filming schedule, she always seems to have

Interview with Ann Tell us about your new drama “A Dream of Orchids.”

We’ve been preparing for this show for a while now; it’s a historical drama full of

suspense. I play Cheng Chi Hong’s assistant Yang Yuqiong. After working together for 黑色镂空花朵短袖上衣、 天蓝色花朵印花廓形半裙:MO&Co.

a long time, the characters develop strong feelings for each other; but after a mission,

Yang Yuqiong gives her life to save her love. This is a very strong character, one who will sacrifice all for love.

In the past year, have you had any regrets?

In fact, 2014 was as close to perfect as I can imagine, full of work and travel. I’ll start

shooting a fashion show in March, to refresh my look after “A Dream of Orchids.” I don’t want my audience to feel I’m always the same, but to refresh myself in the New Year. You travel often, and work so much- how do you manage life/work balance?

In fact, I am not that great at balancing. In past years, I’ve worked nonstop, because I

felt I needed to establish myself; but around two years ago, I felt it was time to cut myself some slack, and started on my travels. I’ve been to Hawaii, Kenya, the Cook Islands, Bali, and many more. “Work hard, play hard” is the motto that carries me through. Have you been to Chengdu, and is it good for tourism?

I love Chengdu’s Jiuzhaigou, a traditional narrow alley. I went from one end to the

other snacking the whole way. I will always remember my first taste of pig brain in

Chengdu; I fell in love. The city’s culture is gentle and comfortable, but the style is also spicy, from conversation to the environment; the contrast is profoundly appealing. What’s your ideal day in Chengdu?

Sleeping in and waking up in sunshine, then strolling out for a leisurely meal; hotpot,

spicy duck head, pig brain, and other specialties; after that, finding a friend to share a cup of tea in one of the traditional tea gardens is a must. A relaxing day with delicious food… I can imagine it already.

68 LifeStyle

双面式廓形斗篷大衣:YINGLU LIU(GIC)

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Madura Trimul Naik’s Choultry, Side Veranda from West

Seeringham. Munduppum (four pillared) inside gateway

在 19 世纪的摄影史上,英国上校 Linnaeus Tripe (1822–1902) 凭借其对 19 世纪 50 年代印度 和缅甸的影像捕捉,始终占据着特别的地位。 2015 年 2 月 24 日至 5 月 25 日期间在纽约大都 会艺术博物馆举办的《Captain Linnaeus Tripe: Photographer of India and Burma, 1852–1860》 展览, 是 Tripe 作品的第一个重要巡回展。该展览总共 约 60 幅照片,涵盖了他 1852–1854 年在英格兰 拍摄的初期作品(Tripe 第一次去印度后返回英 格兰养病期间)、1854 年探索南印度迈索尔王国 的所得、1855 年在缅甸捕捉到的影像,以及再次 返回印度后 1857-1858 年间的作品。作为一名摄 影师,Tripe 幸运地具备了观察者的敏锐视角和 艺术家的细腻情感,这让他在当时的摄影界里独 树一帜。


A Passage to India 开启印度和缅甸殖民时期的胶片影像 Colonial India and Burma seen through the eyes of Captain Linnaeus Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

Tripe 出生在英格兰的 Devonport,1839 年 加入英国东印度公司。尽管 Tripe 以马德拉斯第 12 步兵团军官的身份被派遣到印度好几年,但他 在 1851 年返回家乡后才学会了摄影。1854 年, Tripe 返回印度,开始了对印度和缅甸全国性的 拍摄。这项自发性的影像记录后来得到了马德拉 斯辖区(英国在南印度的行政区)的认可和赞助, 于 1856 年被其指定为专用摄影师。Tripe 很快认 识到,摄影是传播他文化和异地信息的有效工具。 凭借其军队背景和实践,Tripe 懂得如何在官僚 机构——东印度公司和英国政府的主持下,开展 一个专业性的实践项目。 Tripe 经历的时代不乏大变迁。1857 年的印 度民族起义宣告了东印度公司管理印度的体制告 终,印度开始置于英国的直接统治之下。不过, Tripe 的照片里几乎找不到任何有关这次起义的 影像,因为他很大程度上远离了这场斗争;相反, 他将镜头瞄准了一些著名的建筑遗址——寺庙、 宫殿、堡垒,以及缅甸和整个马德拉斯地区的自 然地标,纪录性地向西方世界展示了这些国家的 艺术、文化和宗教。Tripe 在南印度期间一共创 作了 290 多张大幅面底片和 1,7745 张照片,其中 30 张都在展览之列。此外,一幅被分成 21 个部 分的全景图格外引人注目——这是一张对坦贾里 大佛塔外墙上铭文的特写,当时在摄影界取得了 极高声誉。 尽管印度炎热潮湿的气候对摄影化学一直是 个挑战,但 Tripe 的军队背景和便利条件帮助其 克服了困难,并取得了显著的成效。Tripe 作为 一名观察者,受过视角和技术方面的训练,其作 品审美与形式上的严谨赋予了影像自身独特的现

Amerapoora. Colossal Statue of Gautama close to the North End of the Wooden Bridge

70 LifeStyle


Pugahm Myo Carved Doorway in courtyard of Shwe Zeegong Pagoda

Tanjore Wrought-Iron gun on a Cavalier in the Fort


aptain Linnaeus Tripe (1822–1902) occupies a special place in the history of 19th-century photography for the outstanding body of

Amerapoora. Wooden Bridge

work he produced in India and Burma (now Myanmar) in the 1850s. Captain Linnaeus Tripe: Photographer of

India and Burma, 1852–1860 is the first major traveling exhibition of his work and will be on view at The

Metropolitan Museum of Art from February 24 through May 25, 2015. Tripe was a photographer with the eye

of a surveyor and the sensibilities of an artist, a telling

Rangoon Signal Pagoda

combination that sets him apart from others of the period. The exhibition of approximately 60 photographs traces

Tripe’s work from his earliest photographs made in England (1852–1854) during an extended leave from his

first deployment in India, to those created on expeditions to the southern Indian kingdom of Mysore (1854), to Burma (1855), and again to south India (1857–1858).

Originally from Devonport, England, Tripe joined

the British East India Company in 1839. Although he

spent several years in India on assignment as an officer

Madura.The Great Pagoda Jewels

Tripe worked during a time of great change; the Indian Rebellion of 1857 caused the transfer

of the 12th Madras Infantry, it wasn’t until he returned

of power from the East India Company to the British government, making India part of the

photography. When he returned to India in 1854, he

largely removed from the fighting. Instead, he made some of the first photographs of celebrated

to his hometown on leave in 1851 that he learned about photographed throughout the country and Burma, at first on his own initiative and later under the auspices of the Madras Presidency—a British administrative

subdivision covering much of southern India—when he was appointed their photographer in 1856.

Tripe quickly recognized that photography could be an

effective tool for conveying information about unknown cultures and regions. Drawing on his army background

British Empire. However, Tripe’s pictures provide little evidence of that revolt, as he remained

architectural sites—temples, palaces, and forts—as well as natural landmarks in Burma and

throughout the large south Indian province of Madras, creating pictures that cogently revealed to the West aspects of those countries’ art, culture, and religion. During his time in south India,

Tripe generated more than 290 large-format negatives, a total of 17,745 prints, 30 of which will be on display at the Met. Also featured will be a 21-part panorama recording the inscriptions on

the outer walls of the Great Pagoda at Tajore, which was hailed at the time as “a noble triumph of photography.”

With his military discipline and order, Tripe managed to achieve remarkably consistent

and training, he possessed the vision to understand how

results, despite the stifling Indian climate where heat and humidity were constant challenges

a large bureaucracy—the East India Company and the

technical ability were essential, his photographs are distinguished by their aesthetic and formal

to develop a professional practice under the auspices of British government.

to photographic chemistry. And with his training as a surveyor, where choice of viewpoint and rigor, which gives many of them a distinctly modern character.

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Gap dream 乙蒙的绘画作品是当下年轻人 在现代都市生活中的一种心灵化视觉存 在,她的作品需要人们用心去看, 去感受,去领悟…… Yi Meng’s subjects are contemporary young urbanites, filtered through her spiritual form of vision; her work attempts to help people see, to feel, to comprehend… Editor: Kelly Hao Text: Ai Hai

72 LifeStyle

有些人的存在,就是为了激活甚至刺痛,你心里藏匿的记忆,或遥 远的风景。 我不知道,乙蒙应该属于哪,或许,在被忽略的街角,在孤独的木 马上,在四重奏的琴弦上。我不知道,该如何走近她,距离远远的,无 论如何,也走不到她的心里。可是,距离却也近近的,似乎她的沉默, 允许人们用各种眼光,对她加以临摹。她说,一抬头,天空就会有一张 网,一场雨,那是笔曾经走过的,温热的痕迹。 客观地说,乙蒙是一个实际的人,但是,有时,她不完全是,她更 像一种情境,一种像张爱玲笔下,活在绣屏里的世界,一种像苏童的世 界里,活在蔓延里的童年。 她意欲蔽隐自我的同时,又用画笔,把自己打碎,拆分,拼装,塑 画出那些莫名的彷徨、沉重的背负、娇脆的执着,光荣的忧伤,甚至被 期许的逝去。乙蒙,你是一个情愿默默悲伤,在画布上胡闹的孩子吗? 她说,艺术艰难,但,总没有艰难于活着的思想。 《Every day》是乙蒙从 2012 年创作至今的主题系列。乙蒙说,画 布外的她,和画布里的人,犹如一场拉锯战式的交流。画布里的她说, “来”,便似牵住了她,抓牢了她,摄住了她,而画布外的她说,“回 来”,便似撕扯着她,分离着她,割裂着她。就在来与回来之间,是她 生命中,所有零碎的光阴,和光阴中黑暗与白昼的无情翻滚,终于,她 的感觉,知觉叠加在一起,把画布上的所有缝隙,都填满人生的梦寐。 也许,这世界需要理智与秩序,需要规则与尺度,遵从与背叛,与 画笔何干?画布,是什么?隔离还是拥抱,坚持还是背弃,她把自己的 心,取出来,放在手里,一一交付给情绪,色彩,神经质。她把自己顿 成一个墨点,然后,把自己变成各种符号。她说,为什么要说话?为了 怎样的交流?难道我的注视还不够吗?难道我的热泪盈眶是为了表达我 的悲辛吗?还是我的手舞足蹈诉说了我所有的无法企及?你们谁会赌下 最险峻的誓言,证明自己的思想从来不曾迁徙? 马克思韦尔说:“抽 象艺术的出现是一个信号,表示在这个世界上还有人的感觉存在。”乙 蒙说,我不敢和画布疏离,因为,一旦疏离,就意味着,生命需要重理 梳理,而每一次梳理,都是一次极刑。 她的话语,没有头绪。她说,画布上的每一个点,每一条线,都是 一段时间,一个事件,一个胶片……


ome people exist in order to activate those tingling memories which are

《Everyday—等待另一种讲述方式》 130x130cm 布面综合材料 2013

《Everyday—秘密》 130x130cm 布面综合材料 2013

《Everyday—施以伪装的白昼一个梦》 130x130cm 布面综合材料 2014

hidden deep within your heart.

Yi Meng is perhaps one of these; her works are modest and silent,

provoking the viewer’s complicity. Rain, sun, sky; her paintings seem to come to us through a haze, a fog, a screen.

In fact, her work bears comparison more to writers than to painters, particularly

those from Jiangnan, such as Eileen Zhang and Su Tong; she depicts a world as

vague and simple as that seen by a child, yet touched with a deep spirituality. Her painterly technique conveys deep emotions; to be broken, to be split and reassembled; much of her work is implicit, demanding attentive interpretation. Yi

Meng’s work uses the aesthetics of the South to speak the loneliness, the emptiness of the North. Art is difficult; but a life without art might be impossible.

黑胶片 30x30cm 布面油画及综合材料 2014

Her series “Every Day,” from 2012, depicts the back and forth struggle of

existence. Time rolling by, perceptions added together, visions of the past; they combine in this tantalizing work. Does the world need organization, rules and

strictures? What is the canvas and the form itself? Giving herself, taking herself back, transforming the gesture into a variety of symbols- her paintings convey

the unstable self, meandering between presence and absence. Marx famously said “The emergence of abstract art is a signal that we have become alienated from

the world.” Yi Meng, however, doesn’t wish to depict alienation; every alienation is a small death. Her words offer no clue; each point, each line on the canvas corresponds to a period of time, an event, a film…

妄想的孤独 30x30cm 布面油画及综合材料 2014

LifeStyle 73


Profile Explain to us what is special about Catherine de France.

France is a country fiercely proud of traditions;

in the field of hair salons, this is the case as well.

I trained in France and worked all over the world;

Paris, London, Budapest, Moscow… finally, I arrived in Beijing and fell in love. My staff and I

are passionate about bringing Parisian elegance to the coiffures of China’s capital.

What achievements are you most proud of?

Establishing a salon that brings classic French

style to Beijing is an achievement in itself, but I’m proud to have received recognition both in

France, winning the 1st prize for entrepreneurship

Bretagne/China in 2014 (Bretagne is my home region in France), and in China, receiving the 2nd prize for best salon in Beijing as voted by the


The French Touch 不管是中国国际时装周、上海 F1 的赛场,

塔尼(我就来自法国的布列塔尼)/ 中国企业

CBD 的普通会议,或是众目睽睽下的婚礼现




女,而他们精致优雅的造型很大可能就出自 Catherine de France 法式美容美发沙龙。一说 起法国,摇曳的红酒、腰肢款摆的时装和令

未来的计划有哪些? 2014 年,我们新增了一个“颜色吧”,



们誓将优雅捍卫到底。 “头可断,发型不能乱”,




本期,Catherine de France 法式美容美发沙龙

de France”为品牌名的第一条美发产品线,


像洗发水和凝胶之类的都涵盖其中。最后同 样重磅的是,我们很快就要在伦敦开一家新

请分享一下 Catherine de France 法式美容美


发沙龙的独特之处。 法国人对自己的传统怀有极强的自豪感, 美发沙龙也不例外。我在法国受训,在全球 很多地方都工作过,比如巴黎、伦敦、布达 佩斯,莫斯科等。最后,我来到了北京,并 且爱上了北京。我们整个工作团队都热切地 希望将巴黎优雅之风带到中国的首都。

The next time you see an elegantly coiffed

man or woman around Beijing or greater China, whether during China Fashion Week, at the Shanghai F1 Grand Prix race, at a high-profile wedding, or simply in the boardrooms of Guomao,

chances are high that their elegant look was

crafted at the hair salon Catherine de France. France is well known for traditional elegance in

从业以来,最自豪的成就是什么? 把经典的法式沙龙带来北京本身是一项 成就,但我也很自豪在法国和中国都获得了 认可:Catherine de France 获得了 2014 年布列

74 LifeStyle

everything from wines to clothes to cuisine; in a

nation with no small share of amour-propre, an elegant hairstyle is a must. Lifestyle stopped by

Catherine’s Sanlitun salon for a coffee to learn what Catherine de France is all about.

Beijing expatriate population.

Tell us about how your plans for this year and the future.

In 2014, we added a color bar for the most

expert hair dyeing services, as well as adding

beauty services unique in Beijing, which use

Japanese techniques. We’re creating our first line of hair accessories- shampoo and gel and the like-

branded as Catherine de France. Last but least, we’ll be expanding to London with a new salon soon.

开启全新游艇之旅 Smooth Sailing 作为奢华游艇品牌贝尼蒂新任亚洲总经理, 意大利人莫旅奇最看重忠诚和一致性。 他将可定制大型游艇带到中国,助力我们的全新环球之旅。 Luigi Adamo, the newly appointed General Manager of international luxury yacht company Benetti, values loyalty and consistency above all else. Adamo, an Italian native, is bringing bespoke customizable mega-yachts from Italy to China, changing the way that we sail through the world. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

最初是什么让你对造船工程感兴趣的 ? 年轻时我便开始在船上工作了 , 我的激 情也是在那时被点燃的。我的家乡意大利南 部 港 市 那 不 勒 斯 有 很 多 重 要 的 海 事 工 程, 还 有 闻 名 欧 洲 的 大 学。 我 就 读 于 欧 洲 最 老 的公立大学那不勒斯费德里克二世理工学院 (PoliTecnico Federico II di Napoli), 那里的 学习经历进一步促进了我树立在航海业发展 的职业目标。 你们的游艇设计中是如何融入意大利传统 的呢 ? 众所周知,意大利的工艺技术和美学设 计闻名世界。作为意大利豪华游艇制造商阿 兹慕 - 贝尼蒂集团旗下品牌,我们致力于为 客户度身定制专属游艇。凭借意式设计、永 恒优雅和顶级制造水准,贝尼蒂能最大限度 实现客户满意度。

艇内有许多玫瑰花图案,弥漫着典雅精致的 气息,充满了女性化的柔和格调。10.8 米的 宽阔船体也使得 Illusion V 成为同类游艇中的 佼佼者。

of super and mega yachts? What makes your brand stand out?

Benetti, from the beginning, has specialized

in producing ships with the highest production standards out there-more than 200 super yachts

是什么让你对亚洲市场产生兴趣的呢 ? 你 计划怎样促进该市场的游艇销售?

in the world built in the past 20 years. Through

我来亚洲好多次了,也在这里的几个项 目中工作过一段时间。我个人非常喜欢这里 与意大利相去甚远的独特文化。亚洲游艇市 场充满无限可能 , 我喜欢挑战“未开垦”的新 市场。

the industry. From a software point of view, as an

What made you originally interested in

What can you tell us about the launch of the

studying Naval Engineering?

I started working on boats when I was

this time, we have become very experienced in Italian company we have superior Italian quality

craftsmanship. We have a creative spirit in our blood and we really listen and offer our clients top quality Italian yachts.

new Illusion V?

It’s been a great success with one of our best

really young and it’s been my passion ever

clients who fell in love with Benetti yachts.

influence of important naval architecture in the

Mingarelli, you can see elegant craftsmanship

since. Since I am from Naples, there is a lot of

在你看来,为什么贝尼蒂能够创造全球豪 华动力游艇制造商中最高的增长率?什么 让贝尼蒂脱颖而出?

city specifically at The University in Europe in

创建伊始 , 贝尼蒂就凭借其专业的造船 技术和高品质的产品在同行中出类拔萃。过 去二十年里,我们制造了两百余艘超级游艇。 时间帮助我们累积了无可匹敌的行业经验, 再加上意大利标准的质量控制和制造工艺以 及乐于倾听客户需求等软实力,还有流淌在 我们血液里的创新精神,都使得贝尼蒂能够 为客户提供最高品质的游艇产品。

and this also contributed to the realization of my

Naples. I studied at the PoliTecnico Federico II

With the amazing interior designed by Green & throughout the entire yacht with its feminine touch and rose patterns in the interior. The beam

di Napoli, the oldest public university in Europe,

of the yacht is 10.8m with a volume of 950GT,

goal of working in the naval industry.


How is Italian heritage incorporated into the design of the yachts?

As we all know, Italy is well known for its

craftsmanship and beautiful design. At Benetti,

which is actually really spacious for this type of

How do you plan on increasing sales in the

Asian market, what made you interested in

taking over the Asian market in the first place? I’ve been in Asia many times and worked on

we customize our yachts in all aspects in order

a couple of projects for Asian owners before.

能介绍一下新推出的 Illusion V 吗 ?

satisfaction for our clients.

culture here, which is very different from Italian

这是贝尼蒂和老客户完美合作的又一成 功范例。Illusion V 令人惊艳的内部设计是由 知名设计公司 Green & Mingarelli 担纲的。游

Why do you think Benetti has had the highest

to achieve the highest quality of standards and

growth rate among the world’s manufacturers

Personally, I am very intrigued by the exotic culture. In this new market there are so many

possibilities and I love the challenge of trying to develop this “untouched” market.

LifeStyle 75

76 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.78 人物

Profile / P.92 美食美客

Foodie / P.94 旅游

Travel / P.104

北京富力万丽酒店 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel

LifeStyle 77


HOTEL O 爱运动的五星客对于酒店健身房总是有着很密 切的关注,究竟什么样的健身房才能够吸引他 们的目光。本期 lifestyle 将带领大家去酒店的 健身房一探究竟。 For the athletes among us, the gym is the first place we go after checking in and putting down our bags. A great workout can be the difference between an energized day and a bland routine of meetings. This month, LifeStyle takes you ton a tour of Beijing’s best hotel gyms. Text:Yuki Zhang Kelly Hao Photos:Zhao Dan stylelist:Huang Zhen

78 LifeStyle

LYMPICS LifeStyle 79



嘉宾介绍: 姜熹,中国著名的健美比赛选手,是 《Muscle&Fitness》杂志中文版专家顾问, 美瑞克斯产品代言人,曾多次参加国内及国 际大赛均取得了较好的成绩,赢得多次冠军。 获奖经历: 2001 年北京青鸟健身俱乐部私人教练; 2004 年全国健美锦标赛 87.5kg 级冠军; 2006 年全国健美锦标赛 90kg 级亚军; 2006 年全国体育大会健美赛 90kg 级亚军; 2007 年黄金之夜健美大赛全场亚军; 2008 年世界自然健美锦标赛国际组重量级 冠军、全场冠军; 2009 年黄金之夜健美大赛全场冠军; 2010 年黄金之夜健美大赛全场冠军;


Jiang Xi: Smart Moves

作为世界级健身比赛冠军的姜熹对于健身房有一种天然的热爱, 在他的眼中,选择一个酒店的首要条件就是“健身房是不是给力”。 想要获得好身材,不单单是努力就可以达到的事情, 聪明尤其重要。 As a world-class fitness champion, Jiang Xi’s affinity for the gym comes naturally. Needless to say, when selecting hotels, the athletic facilities are the first thing on his mind. Getting in shape doesn’t just require putting in the time; an intelligent, planned approach is just as important.

当初是什么机缘使你进入这一行的? 其实最开始是自己纯粹的喜欢锻炼,有这个 兴趣。再就是青春期的时候,那时候我才十三、 四岁,第一次在电视里看到了斯瓦辛格那个身材, 特别健壮,觉得男人就应该有那样的体格,加上 自己也喜欢锻炼,自然而然地就经常去健身房锻 炼。 你曾多次参加国内及国际健美大赛,并多次取得 了优秀的成绩还拿过几次冠军。在以前的比赛中, 哪一场比赛对你来说是意义最不同 ? 我印象最深刻的有两次。一次是 2008 年的时 候第一次去美国参加国际大赛,我那次便赢得了 世界冠军。所以这次比赛对我而言是非常难忘的。 第二个就是 2014 年的阿诺德比赛,那次我虽然赢 得了亚军,但是是中国历史上最好的成绩。而这 个大赛的发起人就是施瓦辛格,我又是受他的影 响才开始健身的,并且这个比赛也是现在世界上 规模组织最大的健美比赛,所以能在这场比赛中 赢得名次让我感到非常的开心。

80 LifeStyle

阿诺的比赛中竞技水平最高的是 100 公斤以上级别,100 公斤的选手也已经有连续三年获得该赛的全场冠军,你 为什么会选择迎战这个最强级别的对手呢? 选择这个一方面是想挑战自己,也许我可以选择一 个 90 公斤的,但即使赢了这也肯定不是我想要的。另一 方面跟我的目标有关。香港健美健身总会会长陈宇光先 生曾经跟我谈到,希望能借助阿诺德比赛这个平台争夺 IFBB 职业卡,从而推动华人登上职业健美的舞台,可是 职业卡是非常难拿的,我想拿到职业卡就必须通过赢得 比赛的全场冠军才行。

What made you get so involved with the world of fitness?

In fact, I’ve loved exercising since childhood. When I was around thirteen

or fourteen, I saw Arnold Schwarzenegger on television showing off his well-

built physique and I thought to myself, I want to be like that. Since I enjoy exercising anyway, it was a no-brainer.

You’ve participated in many national and international bodybuilding

competitions, and won several championships. Of all of the competitions you’ve participated in, which one was the most meaningful?

Two competitions come to mind; in 2008, when I went to the United

States to participate and won the world championship, and the 2014 Arnold

competition; I was only runner up, but I got the highest score of any Chinese competitor. Arnold Schwarzenegger hosting the event was big for me; he was


my childhood hero, and the competition he leads is the world’s biggest.

健身房,有哪几个标准? 第一点是房屋构造和采光。格局、采光和通风比较 好的健身房,在里面锻炼健身的时候人们会舒服很多,否 则人锻炼的时候可能就不太精神,或者锻炼一会就觉得整 个人身体比较沉。第二点就是器材。器材的齐全与否和专 业度是很重要的,只有专业的和齐全的器材,才能让人锻 炼时很好程度地训练到全身各处肌肉,达到最好的效果。

The highest level of the Arnold competition is the above 100-kg body weight level; most contestants in this level are seasoned, experienced competitors. What made you choose to compete in this bracket?

Firstly, I wanted to challenge myself. I could have chosen the 90-kg

competition, but it would have felt second best to me. What’s more, it went

along with my professional goals; Mr. Chen Yaguang, head of Hong Kong’s

bodybuilding federation, and I have wanted to get the IFBB’s professional endorsement in order to promote bodybuilding here in China, but in order to

健身方法是有一套固定的计划还是因人而异的? 锻炼方法是因人而异的。这个需要通过专业水准的 教练制定。因为健身需要从技术层面上制定一套最适合 个人体质的方法,在训练的时候同样的部位和同样的动 作,训练的强度和时间是不一样的,这是因为每个人的 身体情况都不一样。 健身训练过程中,饮食是不是一个要求很严格很重要的 环节? 对,饮食必须要有规律。不能这顿吃,下顿不吃。 而且每顿摄取的食物也有要求。其中碳水化合物、蛋白质、 蔬菜是三大要素。碳水化合物主要就是我们吃的主食,比 如面包等。它是机体的主要供能物质。蛋白质主要是从牛 肉、鱼肉、鸡蛋里面摄取。最后就是蔬菜里的纤维素和维 生素。每一顿都必须保证摄取到这些。这些成分不仅对身 体锻炼很重要,在锻炼后对身体本身的恢复也很重要。

be so endorsed, you have to win a competition. What criteria make for a good gym?

The construction, lighting, and ventilation are all very important. When

we work out, we want to be as comfortable as possible, otherwise it’s hard to summon up the motivation to work out. Secondly, professional equipment is

a must. Only by using a complete set of professional equipment can people

exercise well, training muscles throughout the body and achieving the best results.

When it comes to training methods, is there one right way to do it?

Training should be individual and unique, because no two bodies are alike.

Intensity and duration of strength training should be varied according to the individual working out and their physical condition. Is a strict diet important while training?

Yes, watching one’s diet is a must. Don’t eat just anything, and make sure

to get the right balance of carbohydrates, proteins and fiber. Carbohydrates

are the main staple foods we eat, like bread; this is the main energy source for

our body. Protein- meat, fish or eggs- helps build muscle. Vegetable fiber and

健康的健身方式应该是什么样的?你觉得目前国内健身 的人们存在哪些健身误区? 最重要的是健身得有规律。不能三天打鱼两天晒网 式的健身,那样是毫无意义的。你得让健身融入到你的 生活,成为你生活的一部分,一定要有规律、有计划地 锻炼才能起作用,它是一个累积的过程。所以现在很多 人健身有一个最大的问题就是急于求成。总希望在短时 间内就达到一个很高的水平和很好的身材是不可能,这 个需要持之以恒,而且这种心态去锻炼也体会不到健身 带给你的乐趣。

vitamins makes a diet complete; each meal needs all three elements, not just for the workout, but for the post-workout recovery.

What does a healthy approach to fitness look like? What are common fitness mistakes made in China?

Most importantly, get regular exercise. Sporadic, unsustained bursts

of intensive fitness training don’t mean much; you have to make exercise become part of your life, with planned rules; fitness is a cumulative process.

Anxiety can be crippling; people want fast, immediate results, but this approach is rarely sustainable. Fitness should be a pleasurable and fun part of your life.

LifeStyle 81






WORK OUT WITH PRIVACY 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店的健身中心位于酒店 17 层,设有健身房、室内游泳池、儿童池、蒸汽室、桑拿房、按摩池和日光浴等设施。整体设计 安静低调而高雅,延续了丽思卡尔顿酒店一贯的风格。在大堂乘电梯直至顶层,面积不是很大的健身房被巧妙地分割成几个区域。椭圆机、跑步 机、自行车以及多功能力量训练组合在满足日常健身基本所需的基础上,为酒店客人提供了足够充分的选择余地。顶层的光线极佳,自然采光及 别出心裁的镜面设计使场地看起来更加舒适宽敞明亮。同样位于酒店 17 层的水疗中心与健身中心形成了完美的互补关系。无论是喜欢在器材上 大汗淋漓,还是热衷于在水波中放松身心,都可以在这里得到满足。而最重要的是,绝对私密的空间让那些不是特别爱“秀”的客人,得以更加 自在地享受这一切。 The Ritz-Carlton Beijing’s fitness center on the 17th floor includes a gym, indoor pool, children’s pool, steam room, sauna, jacuzzi, and tanning beds. Quiet,

low-key and elegant in design, it’s the perfect place to get in a workout without hassle. Take the elevator to the top floor and select the section of the gym you need: whether cardio-equipment for those who want to lose weight, or the barbells used by weightlifters, there’s a different area for your every need. Well-lit,

with a mirror design that multiplies the space, and accessible to the spa; the convenience of this facility cannot be overemphasized. Whether you want to work up a sweat, pump some iron, or have a refreshing swim, it can all be done here- with the benefits of privacy, for those self-conscious ones among us.

82 LifeStyle

Site area:160m2 Equipment: 泰诺健 Member price: 年卡 25000 元 Promotions: 目前优惠体验 3 个月 6000 元,购 买健身卡后可以使用健身房 , 游泳池 , 更衣区 配套设施 Add:北京市朝阳区华贸中心建国路甲 83 号 Tel:(10)5908 8080 专业点评 “精致小巧的空间,彰显了较好的私密性, 对于喜欢享受安静健身时间的人来说,再好 不过。” Professional review: “Tidy space, great privacy;

for those who like to exercise in peace, this could not be better.”

LifeStyle 83





如果想要获得全方位的身体各个技能的锻炼,北京富力万丽酒店的健 身房绝对是最佳的选择之一。位于酒店最高层的宽敞明亮的空间内,除了 大多数健身房必备的跑步机、椭圆机等基础器材外,专门针对肩、背、胸、腹、 腿……等各个身体部位定向训练的器械也一应俱全。健身房不仅在跑台等 设备上配置了电视,在整体的力量训练区也提供了电视方便顾客一边锻炼 一边享受。全球领先的“泰诺健”健身设备,包括新的“Kinesis”健身系统, 融合了先进“WELLNESS”理念的专业健身教练可以为前来锻炼的每位顾 客提供理想的健身计划,是京城众多健身爱好者和专业健美运动员倍加青 睐的锻炼场所之一。同时 25 米的恒温泳池,宽敞的旋流池,干蒸及湿蒸 等设施,为客人提供 舒适的享受和全身心的放松。与其他酒店游泳池不同, 这里的泳池周边都是透明玻璃设计,可以观看到室外夜景,俯瞰东三环车 水马龙的繁荣景象。

84 LifeStyle

If you want to get a workout that engages with

every single muscle, Renaissance Beijing Capital

Hotel’s gym is definitely one of the best options.

The hotel gym is located in a top-level bright and spacious room; in additional to the treadmills and elliptical machines you’ll find anywhere, there are machines to help your shoulders, back, abdomen,

legs, and other parts… not to mention a helpful and courteous staff to help you figure out how to use it all. Above the treadmills are TVs, so that you can catch the news while you burn off

the calories. All of this equipment is by industry

leader Technogym, including a new “Kinesis” fitness system that, in combination with specific recommendations of a personal trainer, can help provide a customized training program tailored

to your needs. There’s good reason that many

bodybuilders and serious professionals choose this place for their exercise. A 25-meter swimming pool, a spacious whirlpool, saunas and steam

rooms give you what you need to relax after your

workout. The swimming pool, surrounded by a transparent glass design, allows you to gaze out

at the prosperous skyline of Beijing’s East Third Ring Road.

Site area: 约 2000m2 Equipment :泰诺健 Member price:年卡 18800 元 / 位, 半年卡 11500 元 / 位 Promotions:2015 年 3 月 31 日前办理年卡尊 享九折优惠 Add:北京市朝阳区东三环中路 61 号 Tel:(10) 5863 8732 专业点评 “设备配套齐全,非常适合对于锻炼要求更 高更专业的人。” Professional Review: “Professional equipment;

the best place for those who take their workouts seriously.”

LifeStyle 85

北京长安街 W 酒店


MAKING SPORTS COOL 作为京城最酷的酒店之一,W 酒店是一座以“耀动帝都”为设计主题的地标性建筑,灵感来自于“天圆地方”的古老东方哲学。因此,其 健身房也延续了酒店整体的设计风格,处处体现了“设计、时尚、音乐”三大元素的完美结合。突破传统健身房单调枯燥的色彩,W 的 FIT 以 明亮而鲜艳的颜色,碰撞出属于运动的别样乐趣。精巧而炫酷的空间中,不同图案的地板将器械区和跑步区一分为二,功能清晰直观。意大利设 计师 Antonio Citterio 设计的顶级泰诺健身器材带来的是对于激情全方位的唤醒和释放。而以巨幅青花瓷铺陈的别致泳池不仅在别处无法再现,四 周墙壁充满动感的巨幅壁画和水下音乐都带来新颖奇特的感官享受,至于池底的奥秘也只有亲自跃入水中,才能得以一探究竟。 As one of the capital’s coolest hotels, the W’s design is inspired by the hemispheric domes of ancient oriental philosophy. The eye-catching design continues

into the gym, reflecting the hotel’s brand of “design, fashion and music” very nicely. Breaking the monotony of traditional gym colors, the W is equipped with

bright and vivid hues, lifting your spirits as soon as you walk in. In the sophisticated and cool space, with different patterns on the floor, the equipment area is

divided into two zones, with a clear and intuitive design. Italian designer Antonio Citterio installed Technogym fitness equipment in order to unleash the passion

for exercise. The huge blue and white swimming pool can not be reproduced anywhere, even as the huge wall murals and underwater music bring novelty to the senses.

86 LifeStyle

Site area: 243m2 Equipment :泰诺健 Member price:年卡 28000 元 / 位, 半年卡 18000 元 / 位, Promotions:无 Add:北京市朝阳区建国门南大街 2 号 Tel:(10) 8590 1748 专业点评 “W 酒店的健身房设计非常与众不同,贴合 酒店整体风格,更适合时尚、活力的年轻人。” Professional Review: “The W hotel gym has a

very distinctive design, fits the overall style of the hotel, and is great for the fashion and vitality of young people.”

LifeStyle 87




Vibrant Sunshine

如果想要在健身的时候,跟着和煦的阳光一起跳动,丽都皇冠假日酒 店健身中心绝对是不容错过的好选择。这里拥有目前北京酒店业最大的阳 光泳池之一。长 33 米,宽 15 米,水温常年保持在 28 摄氏度以上的超大阳 光房让人还未踏入就已经感受到了无限惬意。泳池采用了目前世界最先进 的进口水处理设备,二十四小时循环过滤,臭氧消毒。泳池墙壁和顶棚采 用玻璃的独特设计无论是炎热的夏季还是寒冷的冬天,都让人尽享充沛阳 光的滋润。 当然健身房的配置也同样不容小觑。6 台跑步机、1 部自行车、1 部台 阶器、4 台多功能器械、以及十多台台固定器械及其他自由重量器械,齐全 而专业的设备在明亮开阔的空间内带来无比享受。同时配有独立的有氧操 房,伴随音乐的节奏,让人在健身塑形的同时拥有一个健康且充满活力的 一天。

88 LifeStyle

If exercising in the sunshine is what gets you

going, Crowne Plaza Lido Fitness Center is not to

be missed, with one of the largest sunlit swimming pools in any Beijing hotel. 33 meters long, 15

meters wide, with water kept at a comfortable 28

degrees Celsius, the feeling is very special indeed. It’s well kept up, too, with imported advanced

water treatment equipment on a twenty-four hour cycle of filtration and disinfectation. Swimming

surrounded by glass walls, the sky above varying

in color with the season, you will feel that you’re bathing in rays of light as well as water.

Of course, the gym itself is not to be

underestimated. 6 treadmills, an exercise bike

and a stairmaster, four multifunctional exercise devices and 10 weight machines as well as free

weights- the complete and professional equipment

gives you joy in exercise in a bright, open space. As music pours from the aerobics room, you’ll feel health kindling new life into you as the day springs with buoyant energy.

Site area: 约 2100m2 Equipment :力健 Member price:年卡 22800 元 / 位 Promotions:即日起至六月底新入会会员可以 打 7.5 折,赠送 5 张单人单次体验卡,以及一 个月的会籍和一小时私教。 Add:北京市朝阳区将台路 6 号。 Tel:(10)64373388 转 6322 专业点评 “空间明亮,阳光充沛,器材齐全。阳光泳 池不仅仅可以起到锻炼的作用,对于放松身 心也很有益处。” Professional review: “The bright and sunny space makes the swimming pool ideal not only for exercise but also relaxation.”

LifeStyle 89





PULSE OF THE CITY 位于凯宾斯基饭店公寓和写字楼地下一层和饭店 18 层两个设备齐全的健身区域,于 2013 年投入近三百万的资金进行全面的升级改造,推 出了全新的接待及干湿更衣区,更换成全套崭新的“泰诺健(Technogym)”有氧及力量器材,全新改造后的俱乐部完全展示和体现了凯宾斯基 饭店管理集团“奢华”的服务理念。饭店顶层(18 层)的阳光泳池是工作前唤醒能量和工作后消除一天疲惫的绝佳选择。地下一层的健身区域 带给客人的不单单是国际五星级饭店的服务标准和设备设施,舒适的体操房还提供专业且丰富多彩的健身操课程。而屡获殊荣的室内壁球场,则 是京城设施配备最高档的专业壁球场,为 2010 年 -2011 年中国壁球协会免费培训学员的指定地点。 The Kempinski Hotel has been a CBD landmark for ages, but feels fresh again since its 2013 overhaul, during which nearly 3 million RMB were invested to

bring everything back to new. The fitness area was affected as well, with a brand new full set of “Technogym” cardio and strength equipment, dressing room and service counter upgrades, and everything else to be in keeping with the Kempinski Hotel Management Group’s “luxury” service concept. Head to the 18th floor

for your workout; whether you’re watching the sun rise, or dusk settle, the city views will give you inspiration to push harder. The basement fitness area brings comfortable rooms of an international standard, as well as professional gymnastics and aerobics classes. The award winning indoor squash courts are another standout; from 2010 to 2011, the Chinese Squash Association trained here.

90 LifeStyle

Site area: 200m2 Equipment :泰诺健 Member price:季卡 3700 元 / 位 半年卡 5450 元 / 位 年卡 8400 元 / 位 Promotions:现购买非高峰期(周一至周五 8:00 ~ 16:00)年卡,即可获赠 10 张健美操课程体 验券。此券可在任意时间段课程使用,或与 朋友共同参与您的会员卡所含课程。 Add:北京市朝阳区亮马桥路 50 号 Tel:(10) 6465 3388 转 4198 专业点评 “健身房基础设备配置很高,壁球馆在五星 级酒店非常难得一见,是不容错过的锻炼项 目。” Professional review: “The gym equipment’s configuration is rather basic, but the squash courts are a rare treat- don’t miss this exercise program.”

LifeStyle 91



乐享童话城堡 A Resort to Remember 请介绍一下京津新城凯悦酒店的建筑风格吧。 我们酒店就像一座童话里的城堡,外 观上融合了阿拉伯和欧洲的建筑风格,内 部装潢的设计灵感则以多样化为特征。比 如,酒店中餐厅的设计灵感来自老北京老 胡同,可谓是条条小巷通雅间。 你是如何提高京津新城凯悦酒店知名度的?

京津新城凯悦酒店地处北京与 天津之间,以欧洲古典城堡的 建筑风格和优质温泉而闻名遐 迩。酒店总经理西德尼·哈迪 与 LifeStyle 聊起了酒店的设 计、工作上的挑战和中国客人 的特点。 LifeStyle visited Tianjin’s palatial Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City Resort and Spa, situated between Beijing and Tianjin, and spoke to General Manager Sidney Hardy about the challenges of managing a large resort, the evolving Chinese consumer, and about the one-ofa-kind architecture of his hotel. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

我们酒店是华北地区首家全天候会议 度假酒店,拥有宽敞的会议中心、专业高 效的服务团队和先进完善的会议及宴会设 施——这是我们吸引客人的法宝之一。同 时,酒店还推出了各式“优惠套餐”,不 仅让客人饮食无忧,还针对家庭和儿童设 计了丰富的活动。我们毕竟是一家度假型 酒店,致力于提供各种休闲放松的度假体 验。酒店不仅有温泉、保龄球馆、儿童营地、 游泳池、一流的水疗中心和大宴会厅等, 冬季的时候还开放溜冰场。 你怎么看待中国客人?他们对豪华酒店的 期望是什么? 在过去几年里,中国的酒店消费者确 实发生了很大变化。他们越来越见多识广, 变得更有主见,也更会做选择了。他们紧 跟世界潮流,变得更精明,能快速发现出 错的地方。现在,中国客人比任何时候都 清楚自己要什么,他们追求最优质的体验。 你是什么时候进入酒店行业的?是出于周 游各国的目的么? 我来自英格兰一个小小的煤矿小镇, 所以很渴望探索更广阔的世界。我搬去伦 敦后就进入了酒店行业,并且一直工作到 现在。今年是我在亚洲的第 15 年、中国的 第 7 年,来这家酒店也大概一年了。不过, 京津新城凯悦酒店对我来说是特别的,因 为我之前从没有管理过度假型酒店,而且 一直呆在繁华的都市里,因此我不得不调 整和改变了自己的生活方式。不过,这个 转变过程非常有意义。 How would you describe the style of the

architecture of the Hyatt Regency Jing Jin City?

The hotel looks like it came straight out of a

fairy tale. Its exterior features a mixture of Arabic

and European architecture, while the inside is

92 LifeStyle

characterized by diverse design inspirations.

Our Chinese restaurant is actually inspired by Beijing’s Hutongs, with many alleyways leading

up to the dining rooms, adding to the castle-type feel of the hotel.

In terms of attracting guests, how do you make this spot known?

We have a convention center, which is our main

drive for attracting guests. We have lots of packages that are all-inclusive which include a dinner, and different activities for families and children.

From a group perspective, we have a massive

conference space and are facilities can cope with larger numbers. First and foremost, though, we are a resort, with hot springs, a bowling alley, a

children’s area, a swimming pool, a top-notch spa,

big ballrooms, and even an ice skating rink in the winter. We give our guests access to all kinds of relaxing resort-style experiences.

Tell us about Chinese consumers and what they expect from a luxury hotel.

In the last couple of years, Chinese consumers

have really changed a lot, becoming more selective, assertive, and well-travelled. As

Chinese consumers become more sophisticated, they have become much more aware of what is going on in the world and more discerning and much quicker to notice if something is wrong.

They expect the best quality experience and they know what they want now more than ever.

When you first went into hospitality, was it because you wanted to live abroad?

I’m originally from a small coal-mining town

in England, and a desire to see the wider world

definitely inspired me. I moved to London and entered the hospitality industry and have been

working my way up ever since. I’ve been in Asia for 15 years, China for over 7, and in this location for about one year. Working at the Hyatt Regency Resort and Spa is different because I’ve never worked in a resort before and also somewhere

that is not in a major city. I’ve had to change my lifestyle and adjust, however the transition has been quite positive.

花城里的优雅东瀛风 Where Japan meets Canton 在酒店业竞争异常激烈的花城,广州日航酒店显然游刃有余。 这次,让总经理志田缮隆慢慢道来。 LifeStyle spoke with Hotel Nikko Guangzhou’s General Manager Yoshitaka Shida to explore how Japanese brands fare in the competitive hospitality industry in China. Editor: Jacob Dreyer

在中国目前的酒店市场中,大部分的国际酒店 品牌都来自西方国家,日航酒店是为数极少的 日本品牌。是什么让它脱颖而出的?有什么独 特风格?对日本酒店来说,中国市场如何? 日本风格的酒店通常是简单、便捷、合 理与敏锐的代名词。它源于一种制造理念, 这符合日本制造大国的身份。不追求华丽繁 复的、大而贵和酷而炫的产品,日本风格也 许不容易理解,但是客人只要身临其境,就 一定会发现它的周到和体贴。我们确信中国 市场对日本的重要意义——看看有多少访日 的中国游客就知道啦!我们会竭尽全力将日 本高品质的服务和产品带到中国。 广州酒店市场竞争极为激烈,佼佼者不胜 枚举,广州日航酒店是如何脱颖而出的? 作为华南地区首家日航品牌国际五星 级酒店,酒店会在加强员工专业培训的同 时,以“以诚待客”的理念为服务宗旨, 秉承“用心倾注,赏心悦目”的服务标准, 使广州日航酒店在设施及服务等方面不断 超越,从而使客人拥有舒适优雅的入住体 验,享受细致、贴心的日式服务。

广州日航酒店的室内装饰设计从东方 文化和现代人特有的行为方式和审美观念 出发,选取具有国际识别性和当代美感的 具象元素,进行抽象化处理,重塑后再运 用到设计中。我们从清花,秀水等概念中 选取合适元素,与东方文化的象征符号融 合,构成具有联想性的共同体。酒店从上 到下的大堂,餐厅,套房和行政酒廊,运 用清花,秀水和万字纹三种元素进行了装 饰。阳光从酒店顶部射入,落到中间电梯 垂直交通空间之中,可见度从下往上逐渐 增强,正如樱花进入始盛时节,追求时间 和空间上的浪漫温馨之境;东方文化符号 和精神的多次应用,适度地强调了酒店的 文化色彩和地域特色,使设计语汇在时间 和空间上靠拢;还可以使酒店的室内装饰 既统一,又丰富多彩。 Many international hospitality brands in China originate in Western countries; Hotel Nikko is one of the few Japanese brands operating

in China. What differentiates the Nikko from

western brands? What is the “Japanese touch” in hospitality? Is China a good market for

广州是享有“中国美食之都”美誉的城市, 谈一谈广州日航酒店在餐饮设施及服务上 的特色吧。

Japanese hotels?

从贝拉诺全天候餐厅到可外卖的日航 西饼屋,从提供顶级牛排的“日泉吧”到 可享受乐队现场表演的大堂酒廊,客人在 广州日航酒店的餐饮选择非常丰富。不过,

It comes from a manufacturing concept, because

我们最具特色的还是粤菜餐厅“桃李酒家” 和提供正宗日式料理的“弁庆”——二者 是花城老饕客们的青睐之地。

hospitality might be difficult to understand

We believe that the Japanese touch means

being simple, accessible, reasonable and sensitive. Japan is manufacturing country. It’s different

from products characterized as big, decorative, expensive or cool. The “Japanese touch” in

easily, but guests know it when they see it, how accessible and solicitous. We believe that China

is a good market for Japan- just look how many

请分享一下广州日航酒店建筑和装潢的独 特之处。

Chinese tourists visit Japan! We strive to bring Japanese quality directly to the Chinese market.

Guangzhou is a highly competitive market for hospitality, with many excellent hotels. What does the Nikko do to stand out? As t he Fi r st Ni k ko Hot el i n Gua ngdong Province, our hotel will be in strengthening the standards of training of staff, with the philosophy of "Omotenashi" as the service tenet. Adhering to the service standard of "heartfelt service, delightful experience", Hotel Nikko Guangzhou is committed to providing the guests with a comfortable and elegant staying experience and considerate and thoughtful Japanese style service. Guangzhou is well-known for its culinary traditions. What are the specialties of the Hotel Nikko Guangzhou? We feature a wide variety of dining options, from our Verano all-day dining restaurant to a cake room to grab food on the go, a bar which serves excellent steaks, and our lobby lounge with live music- but our identity as Japanese brand in Guangzhou is represented by Toh Lee, our esteemed Cantonese restaurant, and Benkay, our sushi and teppanyaki restaurant. Tell us about the hotel Nikko Guangzhouunique aspects, architecture, design, and what exciting new things you have planned. T he inter ior design concept of the Hotel Nikko Guangzhou is based on the combination of oriental culture with a contemporary touch, featuring Sakura and Swastika patterns blended into modern material as decorative elements all over the hotel. In order to provide a relaxing ambience, the hotel is nestled in a luscious 15,000 square meter flower garden; massive glass panels are featured in the lobby, ballroom foyer and in the all-day dining restaurant, allowing optimum penetration of natural sunlight combined with water features and a soothing floral aroma.

LifeStyle 93




The Brunch Bunch 告别了寒风瑟瑟的冬天,阳光明媚的早春最适合跟家人 或者好友相约,尽情享受一席阳光下的惬意早午餐。 Bid farewell to the howling winds of winter on a lovely springtime patio in the sun. Gorgeous French and Italian cuisine brings Mediterranean sunshine. Text: Kelly Hao

94 LifeStyle


Eggs Benedict

新鲜出锅的水波蛋配上英式的松饼、火腿和 荷兰式酱汁。荷兰汁是西餐的传统酱汁,新 鲜的酱汁保存环境在 37-65 度之间,最多不超 过 2 小时。如果超过这个时间,酱汁就会变稀, 不够饱满光泽。在周末的早午餐,享受这样 一份细致的美食多么满足啊。


Boston Lobster

每一只波士顿龙虾都外壳光滑,个大肉肥味鲜。不管是清蒸、冰镇、红烧、香辣都能让人大饱口福, 绝对让您能在悠闲的周末好好享受这场奢华海鲜飨宴。






墨西哥玉米卷的主要成分是玉米圆饼,它是一种由玉米制成的墨西哥扁平面饼。这种圆饼是墨 西哥玉米卷的饼皮,里面卷上美味的牛肉、黄油、鸡腿、番茄、青椒等等美味,口感丰富,色 泽诱人。

北京丽都皇冠假日酒店推出 龙虾主题周日早午餐。无限 量供应的龙虾,多种海鲜, 体味奢华的丽都特色海鲜飨 宴。更有著名奢侈品牌—— 梦香槟 (G.H.Mumm,玛姆 香槟 ),让人源源不断的享 受这份舌尖上的愉悦和心灵 的放松。 The Crowne Plaza Beijing Lido’s brunch is themed on the lobster. Unlimited lobster and a variety of other seafoods make for a delicious, briny way to recuperate from whatever you did on Friday night. The champagne on offer, G.H. Mumm, has a distinctive mouth feel, not too sweet, which makes an excellent pairing with the flavors of the ocean.

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以意大利皇冠酒区“巴罗洛”命名的餐厅,处处洋溢着意大利的 浪漫与热情。这里的早午餐融合了传统与现代菜品精髓。美食与 美酒完美结合的浪漫体验,就在唇齿之间绽放。 Barolo, the Italian wine region which gives the Ritz-Carlton’s Italian restaurant its name, brings with it romance and passion. Chef Ivan Fargnoli masterfully recreates the romantic Italian tradition of cuisine for diners in Beijing.


Cacao Marinated Duck Breast served with Duck Liver Patè and Roasted Eggplant 鸭肉皮肥肉瘦,红白相应,用可可腌渍,出色又入味;烘烤过后切成薄片,与火腿倒有 几分相似,只是更加鲜嫩。在烹制时需用 54℃低温烹饪,最后与鲜美的鹅肝酱一起食用, 本道料理中的鹅肝酱 Rougie 被誉为法国美食文化杰作,入口十分香软。



牛仔骨腌渍后烹煮 3 小时,再放入烤炉烘烤 120 分钟。精选澳洲牛肉 是西餐常见食材,先腌渍后烘烤也是常见的西餐料理方法,画龙点睛 之笔是松露,给予这道料理非常典型的意大利风味。

将贻贝放入鱼汤中慢煮,同时加入橄榄油,适时添加薏米煮至沸腾, 再加入剁碎的香菜和姜提味。鳕鱼取少许盐和胡椒均匀涂抹表面,略 煎表面,再入烤炉烘烤 10 分钟出香味即可。香浓的贻贝薏米汤汁淋浇 于软嫩的鳕鱼肉上,鲜美十足。

Barolo Red Wine Braised Short Rib, Garlic Cream, Truffle Polenta

96 LifeStyle

Roasted Cod Fish, Pearl Barley and Mussel Broth


Marble Cheese Cake

有着柔软的上层,混合了特殊的芝 士,再加上糖和其他的配料,如鸡 蛋、奶油、椰蓉和水果等,此类蛋 糕在结构上较一般蛋糕厚实,但质 地却比一般蛋糕来得绵软,口感上 亦较一般蛋糕更湿润,细腻。这是 一道让人爱不释手的甜品。




每周日,万斯阁西餐厅大厨 精心研制各种应季食色俱佳 的冬季时蔬,配与中、西各 国烹饪方式,呈现在缤纷的 自助餐台。令人垂涎的餐台 充满着美食的诱惑,新鲜、 美味和独特的烹饪手法让人 回味无穷。 Vasco’s is the Hilton’s entrant to the field, with great fusion food that can satisfy every palate. Seasonal vegetables and specialties from East and West crowd the brunch table. This family-friendly brunch is ideal for those who want to try out a wide range of different type of foods.


Beijing "healthy" Roast Duck

王府井希尔顿秦唐中餐厅的“秦唐养生北京 烤鸭”在保留传统口味的基础上,配合现代 养生学的理念加以完善,从而更适合现代人 的健康饮食需要。加入了人参、当归、枸杞 等滋补药材,营养更加均衡。而汁酱中加入 了打碎了的桂圆果肉,别具匠心。所以“养 生烤鸭”这道菜不负美名。

LifeStyle 97






Fresh Salmon 三文鱼的肉质极其嫩滑,且无鱼腥味,这也是它可以作为刺身食材的主要原因。将其切成片, 摆放在冰块之上,使其冰镇后口感更佳,再配以海鲜汁、芥末等酱料。这道菜品色彩鲜艳、开 窍通气且鲜嫩爽口。

周日惊喜不断,美味连连。 波士顿龙虾、阿拉斯加蟹腿, 关于深海的奥秘,您可以在 不同的烹饪方式间流连感 受。对于众多的海鲜爱好者 来说一定让人无食不欢。一 切尽在索菲特 VIC 国际美食 餐厅。 In the Sofitel Wanda brunch, you’ll wander from station to station, finding different wondrous culinary experiences waiting for you at each one. Boston lobster, Alaskan crab leg; the freshest and most delicious seafood is here prepared in every way imaginable. The Sofitel has made a reputation for itself in Beijing as the must-visit brunch for seafood lovers.


Strawberry Mousse Cake 慕斯蛋糕一直是颇受人们喜爱的一道甜点,它比果冻更加柔嫩入口即化,口感绵密。制作蛋糕 的草莓每天都是当天供应的新鲜草莓,因此更加提升了这款蛋糕的质感,与家人一起在早午餐 一起品味这道甜点,想必心里更加美滋滋。

98 LifeStyle


Sea Crab on Ice

蟹乃食中珍味,素有“一盘蟹,顶桌菜”的民谚。它不但味美,且营养丰富。冰镇海 蟹更是在保证了蟹的原汁原味的基础上,又能保证其肉质肥美弹滑的极致口感。




威斯汀饭店的 Bubbalicious 取名灵感源自英文“Bubble”和 “delicious”,总是应各种节日不断变换早午餐主题,持续给京城 的人们带来惊喜又好玩的体验。 The name of the Westin’s brunch tells you all you need to know: this brunch is for the champagne lovers out there, looking to continue their weekend over brunch. A champagne brunch can be a delightful experience; by the time you’re done, it’s already dinner.



烟熏三文鱼采用低温长时间进行熏制,熏烟温度大致在 21℃~ 32.2℃之间, 利用低温将烟熏的香味慢慢融入到鱼肉中,使得食物不被熏熟,弹性依然, 有一种淡淡的烟熏香味,口感极好。

豪爽霸气的巨型汉堡用料十足,优质牛肉饼配 合爽口的生菜和番茄,更有香浓芝士和鸡蛋让 汉堡的口味更佳丰富,适合全家一起享用。

Smoked Salmon

The Giant Burger

LifeStyle 99




Premium Red Wine The Breakfast of Champions 在美国广告史上,“Wheaties 麦片——冠军早餐”是最知名的广 告语或者说商标之一。Wheaties 公司的“冠军早餐”产品一直深受美

榨橄榄油。这在无形中就传达了一种新的含义——浪漫情侣的一天是 从红酒爱好者的冠军早餐开始的。

国人的喜爱,在美国畅销超过 75 年。体育明星上 Wheaties 的麦片盒




所有出现在 Wheaties 麦片盒上的运动员都会说那句著名的广告词——


每一天的开始都伴随着 Wheaties 麦片早餐和新鲜水果,还有其他的健

























100 LifeStyle


ne of the best-known expressions or product “Tag Lines” in the history of

American advertising is “Wheaties –The Breakfast of Champions.” “Wheaties”

is a very popular breakfast cereal and has been for over seventy-five years

in the United States. The Wheaties box always displays the picture of a famous athlete

and the sports figures are changed every season. Naturally, all the athletes appearing on

the Wheaties boxes agree to do media advertisements, saying they start every day with Wheaties for breakfast along with fresh fruit and other healthy choices.

But since not all of us are famous sports personalities, not everyone chooses to include

Wheaties or any other cereal for that matter, for breakfast. And this is why I propose that

the passionate wine lovers of China should have as their “Breakfast of Champions” premium red wine. Of course, I am not suggesting that premium red wine become an every morning ritual for the wine aficionados of Greater China,

but I am suggesting that on special occasions, such as anniversaries,

holidays, festivals, birthdays, and the like that the official “Breakfast

of Champions” for Greater China be one of the most pleasureful and

healthful of adult beverages, namely premium red wine.

Imagine the possibilities: prominent Chinese wine personalities could be

pictured on the front neck label of their favorite red wines with “Breakfast of Champions”

encircling their smiling face. What an endorsement. Wine shops could display these Wines

of Champions bottles with a large picture of the wine personality enjoying his premium red wine with the finest cheeses, French or Italian artisanal breads, fruits, nuts, raisins and

Extra Virgin Olive Oil. It would no doubt give new meaning for romantic couples starting their day with “The Wine Lover’s Breakfast of Champions.”

Who knows, lovers of wine might be moved to drink the whole bottle and cuddle-

in until the afternoon hours and since premium red wine in moderation is a proven aphrodisiac, the quality of the bedroom breakfast experience could reach new heights.

Of course, the more creative wine shops and groceries might even promote “Breakfast

of Champions Wine and Food Packages,” complete with all the fresh ingredients at one

attractive price, including, naturally, long stem red roses, saving the wine lovers of China extra trips to their local bread shops, fruit and specialty food suppliers and florists.

But why stop there? Enterprising hotels and bed & breakfast inns could promote

“Breakfast of Champions Premium Red Wine Weekends” with morning butler service in

bed, complete with violinists, opera singers and even four piece string quartets for those with more money to celebrate their passion for romance and wine. These same places of

lodging could include Breakfast of Champions Wine Sommeliers to present the premium red wines of choice, uncork them and serve them to the lucky lovers in heart-shaped beds with red satin sheets and mirrored ceilings.

Which reminds me, I haven’t as yet selected the premium red wine my wife and I will

be enjoying in bed come the morning, just as we now start so many mornings toasting to “Love”. But whatever my choice, with my True Love by my side, it will always be a “Breakfast of Champions.” I am Red Owl, vigilant as ever, over & out.

田博华,公益创业家,社会公益组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区需要帮助 的人们,并致力于通过直接的人道主义援助来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的 贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在泰国曼谷和柬埔寨金边设有办事处。

Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads a Social Entrepreneurship operated as an NGO, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate. FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Bangkok, Thailand; and Phnom Penh, Cambodia.

LifeStyle 101



Cool Shanshui

China’s largest municipality, Chongqing, is located at the

junction of the Jialing and Yangtze rivers, with a mountainous and watery landscape. Known as “the city of rivers” and “mountain city,” its geography is unique and rivetingly beautiful.

A well-preserved cultural heritage and a strategic geographical

location have combined to make Chongqing the focal point of

development in western China, and have helped to attract foreign capital. The Westin Chongqing, located in the iconic Liberation Square, is at the pinnacle of the city, a new hotel experience

surrounded by hills. The unique cloud ceiling on the lobby features

360-degree panoramic glass windows, providing high-altitude light which pours down along with the view of the 51 floors above.

Surrounded by two great rivers, sinuous mountains, and the bustling metropolitan hubbub of Yuzhong district, your every sense will be awakened by this brilliant atelier.

The Westin boasts 336 guest rooms, including 64 suites and 20

service apartments, each one decorated in a classic wooden style.

The balanced ratio and soft interior lighting creates an ultra modern atmosphere and comfortable space. The hotel is ready to provide

all your travel needs with its premium facilities, including the extravagant Danish-manufactured 40-inch B & O LCD TV, superb

ultimate audio-visual equipment and chic, ergonomic performing chairs perfect for work or leisure. From the 50th to the 55th floor, six elegantly stylish traditional restaurants, lounges and bakeries are

作为中国面积最大的直辖市,重庆市区坐落在长江与嘉陵江交汇处, 四面环山,江水回绕,城市傍水依山,层叠而上,既以江城著称,又以山 城扬名。悠久的文化历史和开放的地理环境使这里成为长江上游和中国西 部地区优先发展的中心城市,也是未来几年吸收外商投资规划的核心高地。 重庆解放碑威斯汀酒店身处繁华的中央商务区腹地,跃居重庆申基金融广 场 34 层至 55 层高空,栖身城市之巅,刷新山城酒店新高。独树一帜的云端 大堂,挑高 10 米,360 度全景玻璃橱窗于 51 层高空倾泻而下,环抱两江山 水风光及渝中繁华都市全景,江岸南山亦与城中楼宇遥相辉映,唤醒感官, 焕然一新的感受确保宾客在离开时的感觉比抵达时更好。 336 间客房包含 64 间套房及 20 间服务式公寓,以经典的木质风格合理 分区,辅以柔和的室内灯光,打造超现代感舒适空间。超凡卓越的配套设施, 包括 40 寸丹麦制造 B&O 奢华液晶电视,极致影音设备和符合人体工学的品 牌办公座椅,提供旅行中所需的一切,让工作与休闲完美契合。酒店为宾客 呈现缤纷非凡、独树一帜的云端盛宴——6 个时尚优雅而不失传统精髓的餐 厅、酒廊和饼屋纵横于 50 至 55 层高空,环抱 360 度两江盛景及繁华城市风光, 以完美视野及威斯汀活力焕发的时尚美食新理念,为探索美食与美景相得益 彰的现代饕客全方位刷新山城顶级餐饮新高度。酒店还拥有超过 2,700 平米 的会议和活动空间,设有一个大宴会厅和 11 间多样变化的会议场所,可举办 产品展示会、学术交流、培训会等大中型会议,及婚宴、生日宴、酒会、冷 餐会等各类聚会及宴请活动。本市唯一层高十米无柱式大宴会厅设计简约时 尚,面积 1,018 平方米,可容纳 600 人就餐或 1,000 人的接待宴会,搭配的前 厅就有 605 平方米,让人叹为观止! 值得一提的是,酒店第 54 层的无边露天透明泳池高悬于空,挑战视野极 限的同时,带来振奋灵魂的身心体验。酒店推出的健康跑计划还为客人精心 设计了两条分别为 3 公里和 5 公里探索山城慢跑路线,让你充分享受跑步乐趣。

102 LifeStyle

ready to color the hotel

guests’ extraordinary dining experience with a unique cloud-themed

feast surrounded by

360-degree panoramic view of the cityscape, aligned with


We s t i n ’s v i s i o n o f

exploring new culinary ideas in a beautiful setting. The hotel also has more than 2,700 square meters of meeting and event space, a grand ballroom, and 11 meeting spaces, suitable for any type of meeting,

from academic exchanges to product exhibitions, training sessions

and other conferences to weddings, birthday parties, cocktail parties,

and more. Boasting the only ten meter ceilinged pillarless grand ballroom, the simple and stylish design takes up an area of 1,018 square meters, and can accommodate 600 people for a dining banquet

reception or 1000 for more informal events. The lobby itself is an amazing 605 square meters.

For a true fusion of the self with nature, the hotel has an outdoor

infinity pool on the 54th floor. Challenging the limits of vision, the

space creates an exciting soul, body and mind experience. The hotel will also be launching a running trail for those who love mountains.

Add: No. 222 Xin Hua Road, Yu Zhong District, Chongqing Tel: (86)(23) 6380 6666




海鲜“巨”汇价格, 双人份尊享人民币:698 元 / 份 三人份尊享人民币:998 元 / 份 四人份尊享人民币:1288 元 / 份

Pamper Yourself with Giant Seafood Platter

( 以上价格均需加收 15% 服务费, 需 24 小时前预定 ) 详情请致电:+86 (10) 5852 5921 Giant Seafood Platter for Two @ RMB698

Giant Seafood Platter for Three @ RMB998

Giant Seafood Platter for Four @ RMB1288

北京金融街洲际酒店的“巨扒房”餐厅及酒吧一直都是牛排爱好者的天堂,专 供柔嫩多汁的碳烤澳洲安格斯 250 天谷饲牛排,还配备了超大尺寸的乳酪蛋糕和热情 肆意的现场表演,更有世界各地的鸡尾酒、葡萄酒以及雪茄助兴。然而这一次,海 鲜老饕们也有理由爱上巨扒房了。 2015 年新年伊始,海鲜“巨”汇重磅登陆巨扒房,想象过和桌子一样大的海鲜 拼盘从厨房直接端到面前吗?这一切都将在你面前完美呈现。海鲜“巨”汇精选来 自神秘深海的新鲜原材料,将肉质鲜嫩无比的南非龙虾、鲜甜美味的阿拉斯加蟹腿、 新鲜多汁的法国生蚝、纯天然无污染的挪威三文鱼、吞拿鱼以及对虾、扇贝完美组合, 配以套餐赠送的每桌一瓶酒店精选汽酒或白葡萄酒,定会给海鲜爱好者带来惊艳的 视觉冲击和不一样的味蕾享受。 Renowned as a heaven for steak lovers in Beijing, the Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar

(The entire rate above is subject to 15% service charge, all pre-orders must be received 24 hours in advance.)

For reservations or inquiries, please contact us @ +86 (10) 5852 5921 or e-mail us at steak_

Address: 11 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing Tel: +86 (10) 5852 5920 & 5921

in InterContinental Beijing Financial Street features the finest prime cuts of 250 day grain-

fed Australian Angus beef, charcoal gilled in an open kitchen. More than that, super-sized

cheese cakes, a worldwide list of selected wines, cigars and live performances are also highly recommended by anyone who has been there.

Surf joins turf this year as the Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar proudly presents the Premium

Giant Seafood Platter, featuring everything edible under the sea from lobsters, crab legs, oysters, salmon, tuna, tiger prawn and scallops. Served on custom-made giant platter, it promises to be a

delight for seafood aficionados who are looking for a real taste of the sea! Indulge in the Giant Seafood Platter with Sides PLUS a Bottle of Sparkling wine or white wine!


LifeStyle 103




Dolphin Island: An Otherworldly Paradise 北半球还没告别冬末春初的寒冷,南半球现在却正值缤纷 洋溢的绚丽夏日。背起行囊飞向海豚岛吧,全新的世外桃 源一定会带来最特别的假日体验! Tired of winter in the cold northern hemisphere? It’s summertime below the equator, so pack your bags for a gorgeous, colorful summer in this new Xanadu! Text: Yuki Zhang

104 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 105




Meeting Dolphins: A Beautiful Encounter

海豚岛的真实名字叫摩顿岛 Moreton Island, 是世界第三大沙岛,坐落在澳 大利亚布里斯班以东 30 多公里的海面上,岛上的大部分面积都是未经开发过 的国家公园。这里因野生海豚而闻名世界,加之岛的形状又酷似一头宽吻海豚, 因此又多了“海豚岛” 这个美名。而近期更因为游客随手拍下的形似野生海 豚的“Dog Creek”的照片,海豚岛上发现了“海豚湖”的消息不胫而走,岛 上的直升机观光之旅的预定量激增至原来的三倍。 天阁露玛 Tangalooma 是岛上唯一的度假村,地处海豚岛国家自然保护区, 有着得天独厚的生态环境。“Tangalooma”,是澳洲的土著语言,意为“海鱼 聚集的地方”。传说这里的海豚聪明善良,在土著原居民长矛敲打声的召唤下, 常常把大量的鱼群赶到浅滩,方便居民们不费吹灰之力地捕食,“Tangalooma” Tips: ①度假村拥有自己的游客渡船,码头位于布里斯班 Pinkenba 的霍尔特街(220 Holt Street Wharf),从 霍尔特街码头搭乘渡船到海豚岛仅需要 75 分钟的 时间。 ②海豚的皮肤看上去非常的细腻光滑,却也非常的敏 感,会因为人的触碰而变的很是紧张,所以提醒大 家千万不要羡慕嫉妒恨的去“骚扰”它们。 ① The resort has its own tourist ferry dock in Brisbane, at the 220 Holt Street Wharf. The Ferry from Holt Street Wharf to Dolphin Island takes only 75 minutes. ② Dolphin skin looks very smooth and delicate, and it is very sensitive; some dolphins get nervous when humans touch them. Be mindful of them and avoid harassing them.

也由此而得名。 傍晚的天阁露玛永远都是一个亮点,日落之后都会有一群可爱的野生海 豚汇集而来,在度假村的栈桥边等待工作人员和游客的喂食。在工作人员的指 导下为这些聪慧的精灵喂食,了解这个神秘海豚家族的每一个成员以及它们的 故事,享受与自然生灵和浩瀚大海友好共处的欢乐一刻。 Dolphin Island’s real name is Moreton island, the third largest sand island in the world.

Situated about 30 kilometers east of Brisbane, Australia, most of the island’s area is

undeveloped national park reserve. The unique name comes not only from the presence of dolphins in the ocean nearby, but also due to the shape of the island, like the head of a

bottlenose dolphin. Tourists love taking photos of wild dolphins- so much so, in fact, that bookings for helicopter sightseeing tours have surged threefold.

Tangalooma is the island’s only resort, located in the Dolphin Island National Nature

Reserve, a unique ecological environment. In the aboriginal language native to the area, Tangalooma means “a place to gather fish,” and it’s easy to see why. Huge shoals of fish migrate through the area, making easy prey for dolphins and humans alike.

By evening, Tangalooma is a lovely spot; wild dolphins frolic off of the resort’s pier

waiting to be fed by staff and visitors. Feeding these clever animals under the guidance of

the helpful staff, you’ll understand the mysterious nature of these underwater mammals, reputed to be the most intelligent of all creatures besides humans. The connection you’ll

feel to the alert, aware dolphins will open your mind up to the vastness of the sea- and the world.

106 LifeStyle

LifeStyle 107




Whale Tours: Lovely Leviathans

如果你打算将前往海豚岛的假期时间安排在 6 月以后,那么恭喜你做出 了最明智的选择。 座头鲸是鲸鱼界最活跃的鲸鱼,他们喜欢翻腾,甩尾,前空翻,后空翻。 每年的 6 月到 10 月是座头鲸迁徙的季节。大批的座头鲸会从寒冷的南极海域 巡游到大堡礁。他们有的为了避寒;有的为了爱爱;更重要的是为了生宝宝。 整个迁徙的过程长达三个月,第一个月从南极前往大堡礁;第二月在大堡礁温 暖的海域交配产仔;第三月就开心的回到南极去啦。 鲸鱼迁徙的过程,必径摩顿湾。摩顿岛是澳大利亚最棒的观鲸地点之一,

Tips: ①天阁露玛度假村的观鲸游船出发点距布里斯班市 中心大约 15 分钟车程,距布里斯班机场只有约 10 分钟车程。游船上午 10 点从布里斯班出发,途径 天阁露玛度假村,中午 12 点离开度假村,然后大约 在下午三点返回,有三个小时在开阔水域上。 ②天阁露玛的观鲸船是南半球最大的观鲸游船,观鲸 船需要开到外海,比内海风浪稍大,建议带一件长 袖外套。午餐在船上享用。 ③来自天阁露玛海洋教育和保护中心的海洋生物专家 会全程为游客解说鲸鱼的生活习俗和行为特征。 ① Tangalooma Resort whale watching cruises depart from Brisbane City Center, located a short drive from Brisbane Airport. The cruise departs at 10:00AM from Brisbane, goes to the Tangalooma Resort to pick up guests, departing at 12:00, and returning at about 3:00PM- making for three hours of uninterrupted whale-watching. ② Remember that the sea breezes make everything colder; even if it feels warm in the city, be sure to bring a long-sleeved jacket. Lunch is available on board. ③ Marine biologists from the local ocean education and conservation center are available to explain the living habits and behavioral traits of the whales.

108 LifeStyle

每年的观鲸季都会从 6 月底持续到 10 月底,这是布里斯班的冬春季节,天气 十分舒适,最高温度 23-26 度,最低温度在 12 度左右。如果选择在这个时间 前往海豚湾,那你就有机会亲自去摩顿角看看这个壮观的场面。虽然无法控制 鲸鱼的心情和出勤率,但到目前为止,还没出现过看不到鲸鱼的状况。鲸鱼的 出现率高达 98% 以上。相信那些爱秀的大小鲸鱼们,一定会努力让你震撼一下。 The best time to go to Dolphin Island is after June, when the humpback whales emerge.

These frisky leviathans flip, somersault, flick their tails, and are very amusing. From

June to October, humpback whales migrate, and a lot of them go from the chilly waters

off of Antarctica to the Great Barrier Reef. The entire migration process takes up to three months; from Antarctica to the reef takes one month, the whales enjoy the warm water for one month, mating and giving birth, and then spend a month returning.

The good news is that Moreton Bay is right along the route of the whale migration.

Moreton Island is one of Australia’s best whale-watching locations; the season is from the end of June to the end of October, which is Brisbane’s winter. Don’t worry, it never gets too cold here; average temperatures are 23-26 degrees Celsius, with the minimum

temperature at around 12 degrees Celsius. so if you’re there in those precious summer months, make sure to go to look at the spectacle. Although it’s impossible to make guarantees about spotting animals who are migrating, few guests leave disappointed:

there’s a whale spotting rate of 98%.The size alone of the whales makes it a stunning spectacle.

LifeStyle 109




Food Fantasia: Dining Options On Dolphin Island

对于喜爱美食的吃货们来说,“吃”是没有地域限制的,不管去到哪里, 最不能委屈的就是自己的胃,作到吃喝玩乐全面发展,才能造就一个完美的假 期。在海豚岛,除了赏心悦目的海滩 , 还有美味十足、让人念念不忘的各色美食。 这里有地地道道的澳洲本土美食,快捷、简便之余却又是品种多彩,美 味饱腹;也有融合了川菜精髓的中华美食料理 , “麻上头,辣过瘾”当麻辣感 在舌尖上起舞,这才叫“痛”并快乐着。更有贯穿了西方文化的美味自主岩烧, 用时下最时尚 Stone Dining 岩烧的方式,将澳洲人最喜欢的 BBQ 精神发扬广大。 用经过特殊加热的岩板的内含热力来烧烤食物,配上上好的食材,将肉质的细 腻甘美发挥的淋漓精致。 Tips: ①在海豚岛你可以疯狂的运动起来,上天入地有将 近 80 多项的活动可以让你乐不思家,两轮思维车、 香蕉船、皮划艇、观光喂鱼、日落巡游、站立浆板、 沙滩排球…… ②天阁露玛 Tangalooma 是岛上唯一的度假村,除了 可以为游客提供一般中小型的住宿选择外还精心 设计了多种适合全家入住的特别大房。无论是酒 店客房、度假式套房,海滨别墅,山顶豪宅,还 是最新推出的帝博豪华套房,总有一款会是你的 “菜”。 ① Dolphin Island has a lot to do, with over 80 different activities- there are two Segways, kayaks and canoes, sightseeing, chance to feed the fish, sunset cruises, beach volleyball… ② Tangalooma is the only resort on the island; in addition to cheap and midrange lodgings, it also has accommodation options designed for a full family. Whether a hotel room, beachfront villa, hilltop mansion, or a DePaul luxury suites, whatever you’re hankering for will be there.

110 LifeStyle

闲暇的午后在咖啡小馆点上一杯热饮,细听风吹过耳的声音,在咖啡的 幽香中欣赏海岛风景,舒适惬意。亦或是在玩过了各类精彩的水上项目后,去 沉船酒吧坐坐,点上一杯充满热带风情的鸡尾酒——椰林飘香 Pina Colada, 再爽不过了。朗姆酒,椰奶和菠萝汁混合的冰霜入口即融,喝上一口真是清凉 沁心。 For foodies, there are no geographical restrictions to cuisine; wherever they go, they’ll

try the local delicacies to make their holiday complete. Dolphin Island won’t disappoint: it’s not just a pleasant beach, but a breeding ground for culinary diversity.

Needless to say, Australia’s domestic cuisine is represented, hearty and flavorful; there

are also Chinese favorites, from Sichuan’s delicious spice to the earthy flavors of Beijing. Don’t miss out on a beach barbecue, grilled on the rocks outside. Heat up the stone slab and get the grill going; with good ingredients, there’s nothing more delicious than fresh grilled meat by sunset.

A leisurely afternoon at the café with a hot drink is perfect to listen to the sound of the

wind blowing and enjoy the island scenery, as the scent of roasting coffee wafts through

the air. If the tropical vibe seizes you, try a Piña Colada- the perfect, icy mixture of coconut milk, rum, and pineapple juice.

LifeStyle 111


Entertainment News


话 剧

《乌龙山伯爵》 “半分钟一次掌声,一分钟一个笑点。”从 2010 年 12 月至今,走 遍全国近 50 个城市,上演近 500 场,场场爆满,盛况空前。该剧讲 述的是一个无工作、无房子、无车子的“三无”青年谢蟹忽然得到 巨额遗产,又阴差阳错地被误认为银行抢劫犯而被警方通缉。知情 者要么死去,要么是他的对手。他该如何实现自我救赎 ?

时间:2015.03.24-2015.03.31 地点:海淀剧院 票价:80/180/280/380/ 480/680/880/1080

一个无政府主义者 的意外死亡 《如果我不是我》 这是一部窥视 80 后真实生活的情景戏剧,一部全景式展现 残酷青春的记实戏剧。《如果,我不是我》是 2011 年文化 部首届优秀小剧场剧目获奖作品。这是一场刚刚开始,便 无奈结束的浪漫爱情;这是一个谁都不愿意得罪的人,但 最后却得罪了所有人……一场视觉和听觉的盛宴。

时间:2015.03.11-2015.04.05 地点:繁星戏剧村 2 剧场 票价:50/150/200 电话:400-610-3721

112 LifeStyle

该剧秉承了原作者达里奥·福剧作中的喜剧性、革命性和游吟风格, 并在剧中运用该剧秉承了原作者达里奥·福剧作中的喜剧性、革命 性和游吟风格。剧中运用了大量的出人意料的戏剧语言,这些可笑 的、新鲜的、感性的、尖锐的语言融入在整个戏的风格基调和表达 方式之中,从而也形成了非常强烈的戏剧效果。观众可感知的东西 也基本上融入了观众可认知和可思索的戏剧回味之中。

时间:2015.03.03-2015.03.15 地点:蜂巢剧场 票价: 50/100/150/200/380


演 出

丽莎·爱克妲“聆听内心” 世界巡回演唱会 她是瑞典的国宝级歌手,欧洲爵士女王;赢得 3 项格莱美大奖,也 是欧洲当代都会爵士的代表人物、首席爵士女声。她童稚而沙哑声 音习惯在夜晚覆盖整个欧陆。丽莎的外貌妩媚动人,歌声却有如雏 燕般稚气,令人闻之倍感怜惜。丽莎三重奏的感性演出,已然跳脱 了爵士乐的框架,听过她的歌以后就可以体会到什么是音乐无国界 了,绝对的经典音乐!

时间:2015.03.21 地点:北京中国人民大学 如论讲堂 票价:50/80/100/120/ 180/280/380/580

《胡桃夹子》 2015 林俊杰「时线·新地球」 世界巡回演唱会

舞剧取材于德国浪漫派作家霍夫曼的童话《胡桃夹子与鼠王》。 在圣诞节狂欢会上,女孩克拉拉接受了教父的礼物——一个丑陋 的胡桃夹子,克拉拉抱着礼物进入梦乡。玩偶打败老鼠国王率领 下的老鼠。胡桃夹子变成了英俊的王子,他邀请克拉拉一起漫游 雪的王国。幸福甜美的梦永远留在克拉拉的心中。

时间,不曾为谁停留、改变。音乐是照亮宇宙的光,那一夜, 我们在 JJ 的音乐光芒之中以爱串联,重新定义时间,开创全 新纪元。历经五百多个日子,横跨四大洲,巡回 25 个城市, 超过 30 万人共创时线纪录!时线之后,开启下一个 JJ 林俊杰 和我们的感动光辉十年之旅!全新、更令人期待、更加精彩 瞩目的时线:新地球演唱会,即将实现!

地点:上海梅赛德斯奔驰文化中心 时间: 2015.04.12 地点:北京万事达中心 时间:2015.05.09 票价:380/580/880

时间:2015.03.05 地点:民族文化宫大剧院 票价:80/180/280/380/ 580/680/880/1280

LifeStyle 113



2015 胡润百富至尚优品 开年盛事 Best of the Best 2015

近日,“2015 胡润百富至尚优品颁奖盛典”在上海举行。胡润百富盛情邀请的 嘉宾们,包括企业家、高级政府官员、商界领袖、社会名流、奢侈品品牌高层及媒 体精英等,衣着华服、齐聚一堂。 当天同时出炉的还有《2015 至尚优品——中国千万富豪品牌倾向报告》。该报 告是一项面向中国顶尖圈层的高端人士品牌倾向的调查,由中国各行各业的千万富 豪、顶尖人士们选出自己最为青睐的各类品牌,旨在揭示中国顶尖圈层的品牌认知、 消费习惯以及生活方式的转变与偏好。 Recently, the Hurun Report’s “Best of the Best 2015” awards ceremony was held in Shanghai.

Entrepreneurs, government officials, celebrities, and executives from media, fashion and luxury brands gathered to celebrate the winners. Released on the same day as “Best of the Best

2015- Brand Choice Report of Chinese Millionaires,” the report is a survey of high-end brands preferred by Chinese elites. Aimed at understanding luxury consumer’s patterns, preferences, and

lifestyle, surveyed millionaires selected their brand preferences, revealing the most popular top brands in China today.

114 LifeStyle


柔亮秀发 轻松把握——BEAVER 多效滋养系列 Soft hair, easy to grasp —The BEAVER multi-effect nourishment series

越来越多的女人开始注重头发的健康、管理问题,能拥有亮丽 的秀发是很多女人的梦想,然而干枯毛躁的头发会随着各种原因伴 随而来,养成良好的护发习惯是避免秀发毛躁的关键。如何避免头 发受损而变得干枯开叉毛躁、重新回归柔顺亮泽呢? BEAVER 独 家为女性打造的多效滋养系列隆重登场。洁、养、护、理四步骤, 还您一头完美亮泽的秀发。 其产品的核心成分:具有丰富的维他命原 B5 来营养发根,易 于储存及渗透至头发中,减少头发分叉;液蛋白复合物具有蛋白质 和维他命 A,补充发干流失营养,滋润发根,而天然油脂能保护头 发纤维,防止头发干燥,增加头发光泽。这些成分给予头发最基础 的修护,过锁水分子来防止水分流失,维持头发的湿润度、强润和 强韧发质。 三八妇女节来临之际,给自己的秀发最好的礼物,还在等什么 呢?立即行动吧。

LifeStyle 115


上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: “粤”心犒赏 Le Royal Meridian Shanghai: Sum of Our Knowledge

Ai Mei Chinese Restaurant at Le Royal Meridien Shanghai relaunches its lunchtime menu with a new array of perfectly packaged, à la carte and all-you-can-eat dim sum, available daily. Around 100 authentic Cantonese dishes include shrimp dumplings, carrot cream buns, turnip cakes with X.O sauce and more, presented by the Chinese Executive Chef Peter Cheung. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999 ext. 7700

深圳凯宾斯基酒店:2015 蚝 Kempinski Hotel Shenzhen: 2015 Oyster Feast 丽江和府洲际度假酒店:盛大开业以经典再造经典携摩登更领风骚 The InterContinental Lijiang: Ancient Town Resort Formally Opens

The InterContinental Lijiang Ancient Town Resort has formally opened its doors with a series of celebrations. Situated in the UNESCO World Heritage Site of Lijiang, the InterContinental Lijiang’s formal opening was attended by He Xianzhong, Chairman of LijiangYulong Tourism Co., Ltd; Geoffrey Lee, Vice President of Design & Engineering, Greater China, IHG (InterContinental Hotels Group); Constance Cheong, General Manager of the InterContinental Lijiang Ancient Town Resort, and other senior executives from IHG. Tel: + 86 088 8558 8888

巴黎春天新世界酒店: 邀您品尝燕窝美食畅享惬意草莓下午 New World Hotel Shanghai: Fresh Strawberry Extravaganza

Daily afternoon Tea will be held in the Gallery at The New World Hotel Shanghai with a variety of fine packages, including fresh strawberries, gourmet coffee, tea, and more. For just 98 RMB per person, you can indulge in an elegant and wonderful afternoon tea buffet. Strawberry tea buffet include strawberry cake, fruit tarts and shakes. Tel: +86 21 62408888

From January 1st to March 31st 2015, enjoy the juicy and fresh Scottish and Iceland Oysters at Seasons Restaurant, featuring fresh liveshell oysters, the classic Garlic Chili Barbecue Oysters and other tempting oyster dishes. Besides the delicious oyster cuisines, indulge yourself with the selection of the lavish steak, seafood and sausage from the open BBQ kitchen only at the Kempinski Shenzhen. Tel: +86 755 8888 8888

成都世纪城天堂洲际大饭店: 打造迪拜传奇之旅 Chengdu InterContinental: A Legendary Journey For You

The café brings a legendary journey for you. From now to March15,2015, you can enjoy the fabulous buffet at Café and get a chance to win a 7 day Dubai tour for 2 persons. Don’t miss this opportunity! Tel: + 86 28 8534 9999 ext. 2346

上海浦西洲际酒店: 全新怡亭海鲜饕餮自助晚餐 Intercontinental Shanghai Puxi: New Seafood Dinner Buffet launched in ECCO

For those who have a bigger appetite and a deep interest in seafood, Executive Chef Michael Rauter brings you a New Seafood Dinner Buffet. Baby Rock Lobster, King Crab, Mussels, Western Salt Baked Salmon, Salad, Western and Chinese Cuisine with invigorating desserts and Haagen-Dazs Ice Cream and much more! Promotion lasts through March. Tel: +86 21 5253 9999 ext. 6338

杭州尊蓝钱江豪华精选酒店: 当浓情蜜意遇上缤纷童年 The Azure Hotel Qiantang Hangzhou: DIY Pizza Night and Couples Night

From January 28 to April 29 every Wednesday evening The Azure Hotel Qiantang Hangzhou will have a "sweetie" couple buffet dinner which features a buffet dinner, drinks, and unlimited love. Get ready for many nights of fun in Hangzhou! Tel: +86 571 2823 7777

杭州龙井雷迪森庄园 : 唤醒味蕾,探寻美味 West Lake Longjing Hotel: Tea Tasting in Hangzhou

Wake up your taste buds and explore delicious tea at The West Lake Longjing. Most original tea is great in different seasons, but with exquisite snacks and sweet fruit your will your taste buds will full of surprises. Enjoy a the picturesque view from the Tea garden while sipping on amazing teas or even explore the SPA with a green tea oil massage. Tel: +86 571 8691 6666


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Married to Money 法国 19 世纪画家保罗·高更与塞尚、梵高合称为后印象派三杰,其 1892 年创作的这幅《你何时嫁 人》近期以 3 亿美元易主,成为了世界上最昂贵的画作。《纽约时报》称买家已确认来自卡塔尔。该 油画用色明亮,背景为热带塔西提岛景色,画中最前面的女性穿着当地的传统服装,半跪在地上。后 面女子的服饰则受到了西方社会的影响,带有高领。 该油画的卖家为瑞士收藏家鲁道夫·施特赫林,他曾在苏富比拍卖公司出任高管。此前,这幅油画 借展给巴塞尔市立美术馆逾半世纪之久。据说,由于施特赫林与博物馆意见不同,他决定出售这幅画作。 A painting by Paul Gauguin has reportedly been bought for $300m. This would make it the most expensive painting ever sold. The New York Times reports that the painting of two Tahitian women, “Nafea Faa Ipoipo?” (When Will You Marry?), is believed to have been purchased by a a Qatari buyer from a Swiss private collection. It was formally owned by Rudolf Staechelin, a former Sotheby’s executive who had lent his collection to the Kunstmuseum Basel for over 50 years until a dispute led him to pull his loan.

122 LifeStyle

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2014 年十二月号 总第 370 期


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