LifeStyle 2013

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南腔北调· LifeStyle

MAY 2013

2013 年五月号 总第 332 期


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


Defining Design l Racing through Time l Gallic Glass l The Art of Horology l Legends in Luxury l The Beijing Parade

Wang Qianyuan Rugged Style

家历史酒店 的奢华传奇

Legendary Luxury

2013 品味生活 设计大赏

THE DESIGN AWARDS 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



LifeStyle 1

Wisdom Wins the World 智 行天 下 2



LifeStyle 3

Editor’s Note

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

The May cover is a shot of actor Wang Qianyuan, by Jeff Yiu

A Simpler Style, A Simpler Life

生活无需表演 流苏,条纹,尤其是胸前和袖口难看的大标牌,这些 多余的装饰一点用处都没有,干脆去掉好了。很多人的衣 柜里塞满了 Polo 衫,各种奇奇怪怪的颜色和条纹,还有图 案怪异的运动衣。而我呢,也好不到哪里去,衣橱满满当当, 看得我眼花缭乱,头脑发晕。妻子在旁边唠叨,我还有很 多工作没做完。饶了我吧!生活已然纷繁复杂,何必每天 再为穿戴劳神费心! 但我还是希望能尽己所能看上去优雅得体。出门旅游 时,我希望 5 分钟就能收拾好行李,穿着打扮也恰到好处。 然而,并非所有繁复的设计和夸张的装饰都能让人看起来 时尚又自信,奇装异服也不会让你显得更加特别,有时反 倒让你少了些许从容。人的个性不会因为着装而改变。要 做到人穿衣服而不是衣服穿人,这就需要我们自信、坚强 而成功。 盲目追求名牌、彰显自己的身份地位、摆阔挥霍的时 代已经过去了,人们不再刻意炫耀财富,转而关注起不同 的场合着装仪容是否得体。当然,穿衣服的品味和衣服的 做工依然受到我们的重视。就拿本期封面拍摄来说吧,我 们希望捕捉到王千源简单、自由、随意的一面,但假若他 当时放松不下来,我们也就看不到他真实的一面了。幸运 的是,他很快就进入状态,自然而亲切。如同所有成功的、 聪明的人一样,他无需表演什么。



Banish the tassels on your loafers, the candy stripes on your shirt, and, most of all, the monstrous logo on your chest or sleeve. None of it is essential. Life is complicated enough. Don’t make it more difficult with a laborious outfit-selecting process every morning. Most people have closets overburdened with polos in strange shades with the wrong stripes and sport coats in patterns that don’t match. When I open my wardrobe, the scene is far too busy and it gives me a headache. My cell is always buzzing with a message, articles are past deadline and the wife is yelling. I just want relief. But I do want to look good; always if possible. When I travel, I want to be able to pack in five minutes and I want to know that I will be more-or-less accepted, not looking overdressed or underdressed anywhere. All the various designs and dramatic flourishes don’t make men look more confident or stylish. Odd clothes don’t make men more unique or creative; they just make you seem to be trying too hard. Personality should not come from what you wear. The clothes should not wear the man, but rather be a frame for a man that is strong, successful and sure of himself. The days of logos, status-obsession and conspicuous consumption are gone. Men are not trying to stick out or show off their wealth any more. They just want to look good and get on with the job. At the same time, this is still an age in which taste and quality matter. For this cover shoot, we wanted to go with clean, free and easy looks for actor Wang Qianyuan, who is nothing if not relaxed and comfortable with himself. He is not an actor that tries overly hard to excite or startle. He is genuine and not haughty. Like other truly successful and intelligent people, he doesn’t need to put on a show.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 5


026 076

速递 017 法国鳄鱼 80 周年纪念版 Polo 衫 经典纯白 T 恤上的创意

三亚鸿洲国际游艇会董事总经理梁国忠 先生的海洋情怀

030 保时捷博物馆:移动之美

088 大卫·鲍伊是……


全球第一场大卫·鲍伊个人回顾展再现 “摇滚变色龙”沉浮记

034 迷人的法式艺术水晶

特辑 042 2013LifeStyle 设计大赏 让这些最吸引眼球的酒店、餐厅、夜 店、珠宝以及幕后设计师们带你领略 设计的真正魅力!

品鉴 064 王千源的小幽默 简单、温和、小幽默的东京影帝



运动、时尚、前卫、实用,看明星车型 亮相纽约

080 中国游艇俱乐部领军人


对于毛利西奥·克拉维罗·科兹洛斯基来 说,设计绝不仅仅是审美而已

068 2013 纽约国际车展亮点车型


享乐 096 历史酒店的奢华传奇

4 家融合历史与现代的国际一流奢华酒 店续写着永恒的传奇

104 七星北京宴 在北京感受欧式宫殿餐厅


LifeStyle 7


056 Curated

017 White Power

080 At the Forefront of Luxury


Voltaire Liang’s yachting and luxury world

088 Rebel Rebel

Lacoste’s classic polo gets an anniversary update

David Bowie gets his due at the V&A



030 Racing Through Time

096 Legends in Luxury

A dramatic Porsche museum

Four historic luxury hotels celebrate the past while writing the future

034 Gallic Glass

Mauricio Clavero Kozlowski’s thoughtful design

104 The Beijing Parade

An Alhambresque restaurant in Beijing


042 Defining Design

The most impressive spaces and characters in interior design, jewelry and more

068 Columns


064 A Simple Humor

A gently humorous movie star

068 Highlights from the 2013 New York Auto Show An auto party from NYC



114 Events 118 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous

LifeStyle 9

MAY 2013

Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人

国内刊号 CN41-1046/J 国内外公开发行 4100004000361 河南省文学艺术界联合会 南腔北调杂志社 Nan Qiang Bei Diao 饶丹华 Rao Danhua 符濠 Richard Fu

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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang

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10 LifeStyle

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LifeStyle 11

12 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.14


Luminaries / P.20

积家 180 周年限量水晶座钟 The Atmos Hermès Clock, Jaeger-LeCoultre

LifeStyle 13




Cheval Noir 香港公司 RevoZport 出品的 Insignia 系列碳纤维木马不仅让这个大家熟知的 经典玩具变得现代感十足,超轻量化材质也让玩具更加便携和坚固,甚合当下注 重设计的年轻父母心意。这款木马由 RevoZport 在英国的工作室设计,有传统的 黑色碳纤和特殊的红色、蓝色碳纤可供选择,适合 2-6 周岁的儿童,零售价 1150 美元。除此之外,这家改装商还推出了与众不同的碳纤维浴缸。 A traditional toy takes a turn toward the future with the Insignia carbon-fiber rocking horse “Cheval Noir.” The label has updated this childhood classic by crafting the horse completely out of carbon fiber, making it lightweight, strong and easy to carry, perfect for the modern design-conscious parent. Cheval Noir comes in three color choices of black, red or blue and sells at USD $1,150. Based in Hong Kong, company RevoZport runs Insignia out of their studio in the UK, with other projects including a carbon-fiber bathtub and a bench made of 150 wooden pegs.

14 LifeStyle


The Atmos Hermès Clock 2013 年是瑞士著名钟表制造商积家创立 180 周年。 为此,积家联合奢侈品品牌爱马仕和圣路易玻璃工场推出 Atmos Hermès 空气钟。这款恒动空气钟犹如一颗晶莹剔透 的水晶球,球体表面布满了圆形透明小窗,整体设计复古又 前卫。钟表的机械装置就隐藏在水晶球的内部。机芯内部充 满气体,能够随着温度的变化收缩或膨胀,从而为钟表提供 动力。该款空气钟限量生产 176 台,以纪念爱马仕今年的 176 岁诞辰。 In celebration of its 180th anniversary, Jaeger-LeCoultre revived their striking Atmos clock that functions without any battery, electric current or winding needed. To recreate this astonishing piece, the Swiss timepiece manufacturer called upon the expertise of Hermès and Les Cristalleriees de SaintLouis.Beneath a honeycombed crystal sphere sits the time mechanism. The clock is securely held within a hermetically sealed capsule along with a mixture of gases that expand and contract the container depending on the temperature. The capsule, which is connected to the mainspring of the clock, in turn automatically winds the clock. Only 176 pieces will be produced to mark Hermès’ 176th anniversary.

LifeStyle 15




Vehicular Vanity 在第 42 届东京车展上首次亮相的雅马哈 Y125 Moegi 摩托车确实有让人过目不忘的特 质。与传统摩托车散发的阳刚之美不同,这台 搭载 125cc 直喷单缸引擎、采用电子燃油喷注 的概念车更像复古自行车,身形苗条优雅,重 量不到 80 公斤,并且操作简便,可谓是集低油 耗与舒适驾乘感于一身!除了日常都市代步之 用,Y125 Moegi 还非常适合作周末长途旅行。 遗憾的是,目前雅马哈还没有将这款尤物推向 市场的打算。 At the 42nd annual Tokyo Motor Show last December, Yamaha showed a stunning electricassisted bicycle, the Y125 Moegi. Powered by a fuel-injected, 125cc single-cylinder engine and weighing a claimed 176 pounds, it is designed to be an extremely easy-to-handle urban commuter. The Y125 is a design study built to navigate the confines of large future cities. Unfortunately there are currently no plans for production.

16 LifeStyle

法国鳄鱼 80 周年纪念版 Polo 衫

White Power

法国鳄鱼为庆祝品牌创立 80 周年,特 别设计了 12 款限量定制 Polo 衫。2013 年 将每月推出一款,每款限量 12 件,仅限于 该品牌“脸书”上的 F-Store 独家发售。纯 白色的 T 恤上印有法国鳄鱼的经典标志, 并运用绘画、缝制、刺绣、植绒和涂鸦等手 法绘制出创意图案,其灵感来自大名鼎鼎的 艺术总监彼得·萨维尔为该品牌设计的周年 庆标志。 To celebrate its 80th anniversary, Lacoste has created twelve limited edition custom polo kits. One kit will be released every month throughout 2013, with only twelve copies of each available to purchase exclusively on the brand’s Facebook profile. The kits are all inspired by the logo designed by legendary art director Peter Saville for the anniversary. Owners will have the chance to customize a white Lacoste polo using techniques such as painting, sewing, embroidery, flocking, and graffiti.

LifeStyle 17




Brown Gold 年份珍藏系列能为干邑爱好者们提供 绝好的品鉴记录的机会:穿越时空,体验多 样风格。卡慕年份干邑至尊系列的 9 款干 邑(1964、1970、1971、1973、1974、 1980、1988、1989 以及稀世的 Pionneau 1969)见证了非凡的祖传技艺。Pionneau 1969 来自一个世代居住在干邑小镇的公正 师家庭,对于 Pionneau 家族来说,这是 一款充满情感的干邑,卡慕于上世纪 60 年 代末接手,并延续其非凡使命。Pionneau 1969 全球限量不足 5000 瓶,每一瓶都标 有各自独特编号及酿酒师亲笔签名,凸显其 尊贵血统。 Maison Camus has an exclusive selection of nine vintage cognacs- 1964, 1970, 1971, 1973, 1974, 1980, 1988, 1989 and the exclusive Pionneau 1969 Vintage. The Pionneau 1969 Vintage is a very special expression from the House of Pionneau which Camus took over in the late 1960s. Less than 5,000 bottles were produced; each one numbered and signed by hand to guarantee authenticity, ensuring luxury for the true connoisseur.

18 LifeStyle


Good Vibrations 意大利设计师费鲁奇奥·拉比亚尼为顶级家具品牌 Fratelli Boffi 设计了一款名为“美好的颤动”的储物柜。他使用数控机 床对橡木进行精雕细刻,模拟早期电脑图像载入错误时模糊闪烁 的情形,给人以奇特的视觉错位效果。这款木柜颠覆了传统的家 具设计原则和风格,完全摒弃了被奉为经典的对称性和纯净的美 学原则,意欲借用歪曲的画面唤起一种似曾相识的亲切感和原始 质朴的情怀。 How can you make your room look disoriented and medicated? Furnish it with Ferruccio Laviani’s Good Vibrations cabinet, designed for Italian furniture brand Fratelli Boffi. The cabinet was done to look like a glitchy digital photograph but was actually carved by a CNC machine out of oak. The appeal of this extraordinary piece of furniture lies in its ability to overturn and question classical stylistic principles such as purity, cleanness and symmetry, while evoking a comforting feeling of deja-vù and a sort of primitiveness, matched by unquestionable craftsmanship.

LifeStyle 19



能否讲一讲文思品牌背后的故事及其在中 国的发展? 去年八月文思酒业在中国成立,是一 个时尚有趣的法国品牌。就时尚来说,我 们花工夫把酒瓶设计得更为出彩,以此作 为时尚宣言,同时为继承了法国葡萄酒传 统而深感自豪。文思的姊妹品牌卡慕是全 球排名第五的干邑品牌,与它有着百年合 作关系的伙伴也是我们的合作方。目前市 场上的文思酒包括三种红酒和一种白葡萄 酒,我们打算在今年夏天推出起泡酒系列。 与中国市场上其他葡萄酒相比,文思有哪些 过人之处呢? 传统葡萄酒太古板,只是在瓶身上简 单列了酿酒所用的葡萄品种、产地和酒的 年份,而文思在设计上更有趣。我们就是 想让人们感到亲近,尤其是年轻的中国消 费者。这种好玩的设计在法国葡萄酒中并 不多见,我们希望向人们展示一种理念: 社交场合也可以是轻松快乐的。这不仅意 味着酒的口味更加愉悦,也代表着一种全 新的生活方式。 怎么会想到进这一行呢? 2001 年我从美国来到中国,开了一家 广告公司,在广告圈里打拼了十几年。这 期间我对中国消费者的习惯有了深入的了 解,而对葡萄酒的热爱让我发现了潜在的 巨大商机,我下决心把更 多更好的法国葡 萄酒介绍到中国。 中国葡萄酒市场有哪些特点? 人们对传统白酒的热情正在逐渐降低, 取而代之的是对国外酒精饮料的巨大需求, 尤其是红酒和香槟。人们觉得这样更时尚, 也更能展示他们的魅力。如今无论在社交 场合还是婚礼上、家中,或其它什么地方, 中国的年轻人都爱喝葡萄酒。 作为一家年轻的公司,你们的经营理念是什 么? 我们不走寻常路。许多公司还在使用 相当过时的营销手段,比如品酒会、展览 会以及搭配美食推销术等等。我们不会用 这些方法,而是赞助音乐会、时装秀,比 如 2013 春夏上海时装周,另外就是多与明 星接触,一起享受休闲的快乐。通过所有 这些方式,我们希望走进人们的心里,成 为他们酒的明确购买目标,甚至唯一目标, 就像人们走进超市就奔向可口可乐一样。 Could you give us some background on Vince Wines and its development in China? Vince Wines is a fashionable, fun French brand which launched in China last August. In terms of fashion, we spent time designing the bottle to be outstanding and make a fashion statement. We’re also very proud of our French heritage. Our sister brand Camus is the 5th largest cognac brand in the world, and we guarantee the quality of our wine through our partners which Camus has worked with for generations. We have four wines on the market – three reds and one white, and we’ll launch a line of sparkling wines this summer.

20 LifeStyle


The Fun Side of French Wine 在创办文思酒业之前,高文思先生已在中国工作生活了十几年, 是一位资深的广告人。身为总裁的他为我们介绍了 文思的品牌故事以及未来的规划。 An entrepreneur with over ten years of experience working and living in China, Vince Kobler, CEO of VINCE Wines, left the world of advertising to run the fashionable new wine label. He opens up to LifeStyle about the brand’s background and plans for the future. Text: Audrey Hammonds Photos: VINCE

What makes your wines stand out from others on the Chinese market? We are fun – traditional wines are very serious; listing the grape, chateau and vintage on the bottle. We are all about being easy to approach, especially to young Chinese consumers, which is a characteristic rarely seen in French wines. We want to present a concept that is more fun in a social setting; represent not just the taste of the wine but a lifestyle. What made you decide to get into wines? I came to China from the US in 2001 to start an advertising business, so I’ve been in ads for over a decade in China. Through my background in advertising I picked up a lot of understanding about Chinese consumer habits, and with my love of wine, I saw an untapped opportunity to make French wine more accessible to Chinese consumers. What are some characteristics of the Chinese wine market? In China there is less and less interest

in traditional spirits like baijiu, and a huge increase in foreign alcohol consumption, especially red wine and sparkling wine. It’s more fashionable, makes a statement and shows you’re sophisticated, and young Chinese people are drinking wine in social settings, at home, at weddings etc. What is your business philosophy as a young company? We’re very disruptive. A lot of wines marketing concepts are very traditional: wine tastings, wine pairings, wine exhibitions. We don’t do any of that. We sponsor concerts, fashion shows, (including the current Shanghai Fashion Week,) hang out with celebrities and have a good time. We want to be the wine people have in mind when they go shopping – instead of looking through a list and making a spontaneous choice, we’d like them to go to the store specifically for our brand, like they would go to the supermarket looking for a Coke.

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Luminaries 过说到高级定制服装,它在中国还处于时 装业倒三角底部,市场非常小。 你的设计灵感来源是什么 ? 其实生活中灵感无处不在。但作为一 名设计师,你不能把所有设计都弄得很夸 张。热卖品之所以会热卖,主要因为最适 合普通大众,所以我们必须先设计出一些 大众货基本款式,然后才是用于媒体和服 装秀的艺术性比较强或者表现力比较夸张 的服装。

你是怎样开始学习设计的? 我在丹麦学了三年的绘画,后来意识 到油画偏向专注于自我,而我希望做能够 更切实际一些,给他人和现实生活带来改 变和活力的事情。时装设计符合我这个要 求,而且也很酷,所以不久后我重返学校 学习设计,而且在许多知名时尚公司工作 过,比如施华洛世奇,这些让我体验到了 多面的时尚业。 你的品牌理念是什么? 我的品牌是针对那些希望生活有所改 变、拥有强大内心力量的女性。做独立设 计后的第一个系列就是“生活的选择”, 鼓励大家相信自己的生活方式和内心的选 择,由内而外地散发自信和优雅的气质。 在开创品牌之前,我们就已经决定每年将 部分收入捐给慈善机构;而保护动物是非 常重要的,所以我都是选用人造材料来代 替动物皮毛。 你对中国时尚产业有什么样的看法? 时尚正在越来越深刻地影响着中国人 的生活,时尚理念也越来越大范围地传播, 中国“第一夫人”彭丽媛身着中国本土服 装出访受追捧便是一个很有力的说明。不

能谈谈接下来的作品吗? 我明年的设计概念都将围绕独立女性, 要表达三个主题:首先是主要面对白领和 商务女性的日常着装;然后是度假系列, 主要面料是色彩明亮的柔软印花面料;最 后是现代民族风的设计,会用到反映不同 国家文化特色的传统印染,如中国、日本, 尼泊尔等等。 How did you get started with design? I studied painting for three years in Denmark, but one day I realized it felt kind of meaningless; you’re focused only on yourself all the time. I wanted to do something that was applicable to other people and real life, and so I thought fashion design would be cool. Later I went back to school to study design and worked under many big companies like Swarovski, allowing me to experience many different aspects of the fashion industry. What is the philosophy of your brand? The philosophy behind the brand is to look and feel outstanding. It’s about being an empowered woman - standing your ground and believing in your Life Choices, which is the name of my first collection. Before we started the brand we also decided part of our profits would go to charity each year. And animal protection is also important; my collections never use real fur, only manmade materials.


Danle Ding: Outstanding Looks 从小受到父亲的影响,很喜欢美术的丁丹乐在丹麦求学期间如愿 进入自己钟爱的设计专业,从此踏入时装设计这一光鲜耀眼却竞争 异常残酷的行业。今年,丁丹乐以个人名字命名的品牌成为首个 跻身“哥本哈根时装周五大必看品牌”的中国品牌。 Beijing based designer Danle Ding grew up with a love of fine art, later deepening her aspiration to become a designer while studying in Denmark. This year, Danle’s self-named brand was the first Chinese brand named among Copenhagen Fashion Week’s ‘5 brands to watch.’ She chats with us about her brand and its ideals. Text: Audrey Hammonds Photos: Danle Ding

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What’s your perspective on the fashion industry in China? I think fashion is finally getting into people’s hearts here, especially since the First Lady has been seen wearing Chinese brands. Although couture in China is at the bottom of an upside down triangle, with a very small market and a lot of detailing which makes it inaccessible to most. Where does your inspiration come from? Actually inspiration can come from anywhere, but as a designer you can’t always make something extremely distinctive; you have to make some basic things that can fit everyone first. The hottest selling items are always the bigger items which fit any body type. And then we have some more unique couture pieces for the media and shows. Can you tell us more about your upcoming collections? The concepts for next year are all about strong independent women, and I have three subthemes: passion, which is about working professionals and formal wear; leisure, with florals and light sheer fabrics; and lastly a modern ethnic theme with twists on traditional prints from different cultures such as China, Japan, Nepal, etc.


Blue Blood Brandname 意大利百年皮具品牌格拉迪尼被称为“奢侈品中的贵族”。 Braccialini 市场传讯总监 Lorenzo Braccialini 先生带我们走近 这一来自佛罗伦萨的“蓝血贵族”。 Gherardini, a centuries-old Italian leather brand, is often hailed as nobility among luxury brands. Director of Marketing & Communications at Braccialini, Mr. Lorenzo Braccialini chats with us about this Florentine blue blood brand. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Braccialini

What is the relation between DaVinci’s Mona Lisa and the Gherardini family? It is said that the lady in the painting is Lisa Gherardini, who was a member of the family and wife of Francesco del Giocondo, a rich merchant in Florence. Created in 1970, Gherardini’s Lisa bag collection was a tribute to this noble and elegant lady, who was an indispensable part in the Renaissance leader’s creation of his masterpiece. And, at the recent China Fashion Week Autumn/Winter 2013, the brand put on a gorgeous show with this year’s new products, among which the Lisa bags are quite attractive.

格拉迪尼家族从一开始就专业定做箱包皮 具吗? 格拉迪尼是意大利奢侈皮具品牌鼻祖。 1885 年,伽利保多·格拉迪尼先生于佛罗 伦萨斐奥达利索街区开办了专业皮包手工 工场,并创立格拉迪尼品牌,最开始只是 给一些有钱的贵族定制皮包,他们自己会 选好样式和材质,慢慢获得当地和国内外 名流家族的厚爱,后来成为诸多意大利皮 具效仿的对象。 达·芬奇名画《蒙娜丽莎》的原型跟格拉 迪尼家族有着怎样的关系? 据说达·芬奇画里的蒙娜丽莎就是格拉 迪尼家族成员、佛罗伦萨富商弗朗西斯科· 戴尔·吉奥康多的夫人丽萨·格拉迪尼。为了 纪念丽萨·格拉迪尼,在 1970 年首次设计 了以丽萨命名的包。丽萨系列的诞生就是 为了向丽萨·格拉迪尼这位曾与文艺复兴领 袖人物达·芬奇共同创作出旷世名作《蒙娜 丽莎》的优雅女士致敬。在刚刚落幕的中 国国际时装周上,格拉迪尼 2013 发布秀 作品风采熠熠,丽萨系列也有精彩展示。 依你多年做皮包的经验,怎样才能买到好 包包? 用手去抚摸,感受皮包的质感和柔软 度,确定是不是真皮;仔细端详皮包的接 缝,看接缝是否整齐,是否平整;看纽扣、 拉锁是否牢固,开关是否利索;当然,最 重要的还是要看是否方便拿在手中。 你对中国的印象如何?格拉迪尼如何打进 中国市场? 早在 1986 年我就来过中国,那时的 中国经济相对比较落后,而今的中国令我 感慨万分呀!中国有很多发展机会,尤其 对于年轻人而言。现在很多国际时装设计 师都是追着中国的时尚在走,可见中国在 国际时尚界的地位。今年中国国际时装周 上格拉迪尼这场秀是我们专门为中国市场

打造的。未来我们计划在中国开定制 店,产品设计也会考虑加入一些中国经典 元素。 Did the Gherardini family specialize in custom-made leather handbags when it started its first workshop? Gherardini was the first luxury leather brand in Italy. In 1885, Garibaldo Gherardini opened his first workshop in Via Del Fiordaliso, Florence, specializing in leather case production for nobles; thus the brand came into being. At the very beginning, the clients would specify styles and materials, and Gherardini made bags in line with these requirments. The brand gradually gained a reputation among local notable families, then the fame spread across the country; even abroad. Later it became an example for many other Italian leather makers.

From your experience, what are the qualities of a great bag? By feeling the bag, you will know by its texture and softness whether it is leather or not; examine the seams to ensure that they are tidy and smooth; check the buttons and zippers to make sure they are secure and easy to use. Last but not least, it must be comfortable to handle. What are your impressions of China? When are you going to introduce the brand to China? I visited China in 1986, when the country was not so properous. Today it is amazing! There are quite a lot opportunities here, especially for young people. Chinese style is followed by lots of international fashion designers, which proves the country’s influence in the fashion circle. Gherardini’s show at this year’s China Fashion Week was specially designed for the Chinese market. We will open a bespoke store here in China and consider adding some Chinese elements into our products.

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Azzam: The World’s Largest Yacht 价值超过 6 亿美元的“阿扎姆”号超级游艇不久前在德国下水。这艘游艇 长 180 米,高度相当于 12 辆双层巴士,总排水量达到 14000 吨,全面超越了 俄罗斯寡头阿布拉莫维奇所拥有的“日蚀”号游艇。两台燃气轮机和两台柴油 发动机将为这艘游艇提供 94000 马力的动力,最大航速可达 30 节。有人从这 艘游艇的名字及船体的外形推测,它的主人应该是来自中东的某位富豪。 Recently a German shipyard has launched Azzam, the world’s largest private yacht, eclipsing the previous record holder, Russian oligarch Roman Abramovich‘s 533-foot Eclipse. Almost the length of two soccer fields and height of twelve double-decker buses, it measures a colossal 180 meters with a displacement of 14,000 tons. This impressive superyacht cost an estimated of US $609 million. She will travel in excess of 30 knots, powered by a combination of 2 gas turbines and 2 diesel engines with a total of 94,000 horse power. Very little is known about the owner but it’s been rumored that he or she is likely from the Middle East.


Prince de Galles Hotel Paris Reopens 永恒优雅、极具艺术装饰风格的巴黎德加勒王子酒店始建于 1928 年,乔 治五世大街的优越地理位置让其距迪奥、卡地亚等时尚品牌的门店仅咫尺之遥。 酒店以热情传统的好客之道和卓越一流的服务水准而享有盛誉,多年来曾接待 过许多达官贵人和社会名流,如丘吉尔、摇滚巨星“猫王”和“银幕妖花”玛 琳·黛德丽等。在长达两年的彻底翻修之后,巴黎德加勒王子酒店在喜达屋酒店 及度假村管理集团的运营下将于 2013 年 5 月 16 日起重迎宾客。 Built in 1928, the sophisticated Prince de Galles Hotel Paris has been one of the more discreet luxury hotels in Paris. After a two year long renovation, the hotel is set to open on May 16th, 2013, operated by Starwood Hotels and Resorts. Located on the prestigious Avenue George V, the hotel is near fashionable shops such as Dior and Cartier. Luminaries like Sir Winston Churchill, Elvis and Marlene Dietrich were all mainstays of the hotel.

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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.26 设计师

Designer / P.34

德国斯图加特保时捷博物馆 The Porsche Museum, Stuttgart

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All The Wright Angles 誉满业界的查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所在澳大利亚 倾力打造了莱特之家,这个几何感颇强的概念私宅。 A conceptually geometric family house in Australia by Charles Wright Architects Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Charles Wright Architects

莱特之家坐落于澳大利亚茂林葱郁的道格拉斯港,是莱特家 族的私人住宅。查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所倾力打造的这个几何感 颇强的概念私宅,可以媲美当年莱特兄弟发明的第一架飞机,而设 计灵感源于黄金分割定理以及斐波那契螺旋线,设计团队旨在创造 出一个神秘又不易被辨认出来的地标建筑。视觉冲突感极强的几何 化建筑形式和反差鲜明的材料给人以非同凡响的震撼和奢华的印 象,不由让人联想到戏文里某个大反派人物的巢穴。 这幢住宅俨然是个通风口,通过各种形式的空隙和洞孔最大 限度地加快了空气流动,而建筑依水池而建,非常有利于蒸发冷却 的进行,再加上能借用到当地盛行风和夏季风,这无疑大大降低了 对空调的依赖。空气从带机械通风孔的高热烟囱进入室内,即使在 无风的日子里,建筑也能自供徐徐清风。 莱特之家是一个将混凝土、钢筋和非传统的实心粘土砖相结 合的创新砖石建筑,从去往道格拉斯港的主路上便能看到,其公共 存在感是不容忽略的。该项目的落成为对现今环境下热带建筑的研 究搭建了框架,此前查尔斯·莱特建筑师事务所反复考量该设计方 案在热带地区实施的可行性。宽敞的休闲和起居间可以同时兼得, 在这里“室外空间”有了全新的含义。该建筑获得了由澳大利亚建 筑师协会颁发的远北昆士兰住宅建筑奖,并跻身全球 150 个最佳 住宅设计之列。

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ituated in the lush vegetation of Port Douglas, Australia, The Wright House was developed as a private residence for the Wright family. Designed by Charles Wright Architects, the house is also a conceptual exercise in geometries – like that of the Wright brothers’ first flying machine. Inspiration also came from classic Golden Mean as well as the Fibonacci spiral. The intention was to create an enigmatic form – an extraordinary landmark that wasn’t readily identifiable. With conflicting geometries and contrasting materials, the ultimate form is quite striking and luxurious. One is reminded of some of the lairs of vintage Bond villains. The whole house also works as an outlet for air circulation, maximizing the acceleration of movement through various openings. The entire building opens onto reflecting pools allowing for evaporative cooling; the house has also been oriented towards prevailing winds & summer breezes. This reduces the requirement for air-conditioning, as air is pulled through the house by thermal chimneys with mechanically operated vents at high levels. The house creates its own breezes even on the stillest days. The structure is an innovative combination of concrete, steel and un-conventional core-filled clay brick masonry. Hence all finishes in the project are structural finishes. The result is a building which has an undeniable public presence, visible from the main road into Port Douglas. This project set up a framework for investigations into progressive tropical architecture in a contemporary context. The work of Charles Wright is pre-occupied with possibilities available and achievable in the tropics. The idea of an outdoor room takes on a whole new meaning here, with the building providing ample leisure space as well as living space. The project was awarded the FNQ residential architecture award from the Australian Institute of Architects and was also published as one of the top 150 houses in the world.

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Racing Through Time 保时捷以其“前进中的博物馆”的理念 开拓了一条全新的道路,就连博物馆收藏的 经典车款也是为了满足它们最初的用途——移动! Whiz over to the Porsche Museum in Stuttgart to see how those round-eyed speedsters evolved over the last century and more. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Porsche

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坐落在德国斯图加特市祖文豪森区的 保时捷博物馆宛若悬浮在地面上的一块巨 石,主体部分仅依靠三处支撑,设计十分大 胆新颖,鲜明地体现了保时捷的个性、自信 以及未来。这一夺人眼球的保时捷“新名 片”出自维也纳德卢甘·梅斯尔建筑设计事 务所之手。从颇具传奇色彩的世界上第一部 (1900 年)混合动力汽车 Lohner Porsche 的轮毂到全新一代保时捷 911,5600 平米 的博物馆内陈列了八十余款保时捷经典车 型和众多与公司历史息息相关的展品。 博物馆自 2009 年 1 月 31 日起对外开 放,第一年时间里便吸引了世界各地诸多慕 名而来者。德卢甘·梅斯尔建筑设计事务所 成功地将保时捷的品牌精神和历史积淀融 进了这幢建筑,而一部部货真价实的跑车也 栩栩如生地书写了保时捷源远流长的公司 历史。 与其他很多汽车博物馆不同,保时捷 博物馆秉承“前进中的博物馆”理念,摒 弃了传统静态的展览方式和搭建主题舞台 的概念,创造出一种不断变化的展示风格, 让展品来说明一切——无需精巧的包装,一 部部跑车如同摆放在白色画廊里的一尊尊 雕塑,弱化了周围环境,观众可以真切地感 受到保时捷的世界。博物馆还选取了一个中 心区域,利用最先进的博物馆科学技术整理 并保存与“保时捷”相关的所有历史记忆及 当代知识,主要用于向来自世界各地的参观 者展示保时捷品牌的魅力和多样性。设计者 的初衷是要把观众放在中心位置,他们可依 照自己的兴趣用不同的角度和方式来解读 展品和保时捷公司的历程。为避免导向性的 营销暗示,展览将重点放在了保时捷的文化 和美学方面。 为保证展览形式的多样性和提高吸引 力,所有展品本身以及媒体设备皆能便捷地 重置,所以说“移动”的、“前进中”的博 物馆可一点都不夸张,此外参观者可选择通

y Porsche bonnets

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过保时捷产品的编年史了解公司的生产历 史,“主题岛”则提供大量保时捷赛车活动、 著名赛事以及品牌背后的无名英雄等信息。 除了展览区、档案文件库和提供最高 水平维护及保养的“透明”玻璃维修车间, 保时捷博物馆内的 Boxenstopp 和咖啡吧以 及高级餐厅 Christophorus 供应特色咖啡、 各国风味小吃和美味佳肴,此外还设有宽敞 的会议区。 博物馆就建立在祖文豪森的保时捷广 场上,这里在德国的汽车史上意义非凡。 1938 年,原来的保时捷工程技术办公室从 斯图加特市区迁移到位于祖文豪森首个新 建的保时捷生产厂。同年大众甲壳虫的试验 车型诞生于此,所有保时捷跑车的鼻祖—— 64 型 Berlin–Rome Car 也于 1939 年在此 问世。1950 年,这个有着盾牌型标志的跑 车品牌便在祖文豪森正式落户了。

The Lohner Porsche


he 5,600 square metres of exhibition space in the futuristic museum building created by Viennese architect Delugan Meissl accommodates over 80 vehicles – from the legendary wheel hub of the Lohner Porsche, the world’s first hybrid car dating from 1900, to the latest generation of the Porsche 911. In the first year after it opened on January 31, 2009, the Porsche Museum vividly evoked the appeal and diversity of Porsche marque visitors from all over the world. While the bold architecture of the building reflects Porsche’s distinctive heritage, the exhibition keeps the history of the company alive, with all the sports cars in the “Museum on Wheels” being fully functional. Unlike other automotive museums, the Porsche Museum consciously rejects the “discovery zone” approach. At the Porsche Museum, the vehicles should be able to speak for themselves. The theme is provided by the

exhibits themselves. There is a rejection of the typical exhibit. Using state-of-the-art museum techniques, the exhibition conveys a wealth of historical and contemporary knowledge about the Porsche company. Depending on their individual interests, visitors can approach the exhibits and the company’s history from a variety of perspectives. Porsche deliberately avoids marketing-led declarations in its communication with visitors, instead placing the emphasis on its cultural and aesthetic impact. All vehicle exhibits are “mobile” in a very real sense. In other words, the exhibition itself and all the media installations can easily be reconfigured and the exhibits changed, to maintain a high level of variety and appeal. A chronological tour shows the product history of the company, supplemented by special thematic areas that provide a wealth of information on such topics as Porsche’s motor sport activities,

famous races and individuals behind the brand. As well as the exhibition, the Historical Archive and the glass-fronted workshop for classic vehicles, the museum’s predominantly white interior houses a diverse range of food and beverage outlets – a Coffee Bar, Bistro and a high-end restaurant – as well as conference areas. The museum at Porsche Platz has an auspicious place in German automotive history. This was where the former Porsche engineering office relocated, from Stuttgart to Zuffenhausen Plant 1 in 1938. In that same year this was the birthplace of the model that ultimately evolved into the VW Beetle, followed in 1939 by the Type 64, the forerunner of all Porsche sports cars that was known as the “Berlin-Rome Car.” Sports cars sporting the world-famous Porsche crest have been built at Zuffenhausen since 1950.

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Gallic Glass

对于毛利西奥 · 克拉维罗 · 科兹洛斯基来说, 设计绝不仅仅是审美而已。 For Mauricio Clavero Kozlowski, design is about more than just aesthetics. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: APR

Celebrity guests included Daum GlassWestwood

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“设计最迷人之处在于它可以让我了 解他人,我可以尽我所能满足他们的需要。 我喜欢把新技术与材料和设计相结合,并 利用它们各自的优点设计出美妙的作品。” 的确,毛利西奥·克拉维罗·科兹洛斯基的生 活如同一场发现美、创造美的旅程。1972 年, 毛利西奥出生于智利首都圣地亚哥。他是在 创新环境中长大的,很喜欢表达自我。他对 设计一直有激情,在圣地亚哥学习艺术后, 2001 年搬去了巴黎。在那里,毛利西奥先 是在一家前卫设计公司任设计总监。2005 年他开设了自己的设计工作室,与都彭、施 华洛世奇、卡夏尔和伊莱克斯等知名品牌合 作。

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2010 年 4 月,他成为法国哈维兰集团 的艺术总监。这家公司旗下拥有久负盛名 的瓷器品牌哈维兰以及顶级水晶制造商香 槟区皇家水晶器皿厂和新艺术风格的玻璃 工艺代表品牌 Daum。毛利西奥从传统设 计中汲取灵感,同时大胆创新,为这三个 极具特色的法国经典品牌注入了新的活力。 法国人的生活处世艺术不仅成为毛利西奥 灵感的重要源泉,他们独特的内敛奢华生 活方式也是这些顶级品牌在定位设计理念 的准则。香槟区皇家水晶和 Daum 的精美 艺术品不仅仅是奢侈品,更是这种生活态 度和方式的延伸。 除了从法式生活乐趣中寻找灵感,毛 利西奥还从本民族的多元文化中汲取养分。 他的设计精致简洁,选用的材料常常能为 作品带来最佳的艺术效果。更难得的是, 他的每一项设计都有自己独特的色调。 毛利西奥 2013 春季系列新品的主题是 “自然”,他为风格几近固定的现代玻璃 工艺加入诸如葡萄藤和花朵这样的自然元 素,这恰好与 Daum 的历史渊源颇有相通 之处,Daum 著名的玻璃脱蜡铸造工艺便 是源于古埃及的古老技法。

auricio Clavero Kozlowski’s life has been a journey of aesthetics. In April of 2010, he became the artistic director of the Haviland Group, which is composed of Haviland, Cristallerie Royale de Champagne and the iconic Daum, famous for its Art Nouveau creations. To these three historically unique French brands, Mauricio has brought bold perspective to the brands’ identities by using their archives as inspiration. Born in 1972 in Santiago, Chile, Mauricio grew up in an environment of creativity and self-expression. For Mauricio, design has always been a passion: “What attracts me to design is the contact you have with other people and the ability it gives you to fulfill their needs. I love to combine design, materials and new technologies, which all bring together savoir-faire, transforming them into something both magical and poetic.” After studying design in Santiago, Mauricio moved to Paris in 2001. He then worked for a cutting-edge design firm, where he acted as the director of the Design Department. In 2005, he launched his own design studio, collaborating with several well-known companies, such as S.T. Dupont, Swarovski, Cacharel, and Electrolux.

Haviland Porcelain

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Cristallerie Royale de Champagne

French savoir-faire and the art of living is particularly important to Mauricio’s inspiration. The inimitable way of introspective yet luxurious living that the French practice is paramount to the design philosophy of these iconic brands. Fine crystal such as what Cristallerie Royale de Champagne and Daum produces is not merely a luxury product but an extension of a certain kind of life and its philosophical ramifications. Not only is French joie de vivre an inspiration but Mauricio also draws inspiration from his diverse origins. His creations are always tinged with simplicity

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and delicacy, and each one of the materials that he uses affords his projects the best aesthetic qualities. For every project, he uses a specific color. Indeed, for the Spring 2013 Collection, Mauricio’s chief theme was nature which is in keeping with Daum’s historic origins. Daum was most famous for producing glass in the style of “pate de verre” (glass paste), an ancient Egyptian method of casting. These featured natural motifs such as vines and flowers in the highly stylized Art Nouveau style. Daum Glass

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Structure News


National Convention and Exhibition Center, Tianjin

德国 GMP 建筑师事务所于 2013 年 2 月 赢得国家会展中心(天津)工程招标。建筑 方案由两个几乎完全相同的建设周期构成。 每期工程都包括一个中央大厅,大厅入口处 由巨大的具有金属编制感的伞状顶棚覆盖, 两侧设有 8 个展厅,一条中央轴线连接了展 厅与中央大厅。室外展厅、会议中心、酒店、 写字楼和管理机构设施让会展中心的功能愈 加完善。 所有展览空间均分布在同一个平面。 通往展厅和会议中心的中央交通干道架设在 展览和市政交通层的 9 米之上。直线形布局 使展厅既可独立使用,还可通过联合邻近的 展厅实现空间扩展。倾斜排列的屋面结构保 证了充足的采光。嵌入式庭院、开放式公共 区域以及餐厅营造出舒适轻松氛围。 German architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners won the construction bid in February for the National Convention and Exhibition Center, Tianjin. The design proposes two almost identical construction phases. They both consist of a central entrance hall roofed over by filigree canopies, 8 exhibition halls on both sides and a main central thoroughfare that connects the entrance halls with the exhibition halls. The functions of the center are rounded off with open-air exhibition space, a congress centre, hotels, offices and administration facilities. The entire exhibition space is located on one level. The central access avenue is elevated 9m above the exhibition and road level. Access to the exhibition halls and the congress centre is from here. The exhibition halls, which are arranged in a linear layout, can be used separately or combined with an adjoining hall. The shed-type roof structure of the halls ensures an abundance of natural light. With gardens, open-air areas and restaurants, the circulation areas provide a convivial atmosphere.

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河内内排国际机场 VIP 航站楼设计出炉

Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport VIP Terminal Winning Proposal 新加坡 CPG 集团最近在越南机场总公 司组织的河内内排国际机场 VIP 航站楼设计 赛中拔得头筹,其作品设计灵感来自莲花, 计划于 2014 年下半年建成。根据设计蓝图, 该 VIP 航站楼呈八角形,接待大厅、国宾休 息室位于中央,贵宾休息室和多功能室分布 在边缘。而花瓣形的屋顶仿佛表达着对抵达 或离开机场的国家元首及政要的热情迎送。 CPG Consultants recently won Hanoi’s Noi Bai International Airport VIP terminal design competition, which was organized by the

Airports Corporation of Vietnam. Expected to be completed in late 2014, the lotus flowerinspired design with its petal-shaped pavilion roof will extend a ceremonious welcome to Heads of State and dignitaries as they arrive or depart from Hanoi. The new VIP Terminal will feature an octagonal plan, with the reception hall, state lounge and president lounges forming the centerpiece while the VIP lounges and function rooms form the angled part of the perimeter.

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2013 LifeStyle 设计大赏

Defining Design / P.42

法国阿塔普拉酒店 Altapura, Val Thorens, France

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2013 LifeStyle 设计大赏


42 LifeStyle

让这些最吸引眼球的酒店、餐厅、夜店、珠宝 以及幕后设计师们带你领略设计的真正魅力! LifeStyle selects the most impressive spaces and characters in hotel and interior design, restaurant, club, jewelry and more.

Text: Audrey Hammonds, Jeffrey Ying










Hôtel Americano, New York

酷爱设计的墨西哥酒店巨头卡洛斯·高堤 耶和莫伊塞斯·米夏总是能为旗下每一家酒店 注入鲜活的灵魂,纽约阿美利加诺酒店自然 也不例外。它蕴含了两人对当代艺术和纽约 的热爱,又带来了他们的墨西哥精神——大 都会冰冷的外表下,是一颗温暖热情的拉美 心。该酒店靠近切尔西艺术博物馆、麦迪逊 广场花园和帝国大厦,附近还有时代广场和 百老汇街,客人一迈进大门便入情入景。大 理石的桌面、混凝土地板,还有用金属网包 裹起来的外墙立面,这些超酷的极简设计使 酒店和时髦的邻居们相得益彰。 卡洛斯·高堤耶和莫伊塞斯·米夏想让每 一位客人都感受到拉美独特的好客之道,但 酒店装修格调却深受日本极简风格的影响, 还添了一些温润和禅意:选用的材料都是天 然的,床架是木质的,照明是低照度的,床 上用品是日本亚麻大牌 Fog。 In the middle of Chelsea’s art gallery district, Hôtel Americano by Carlos Couturier and Moises Micha is designed to allow guests to feel like a part of the local scene from the moment they step through the door. With supercool design including minimalist marbletopped tables, concrete floors, and of course the metal mesh façade, it certainly doesn’t look out of place with its trendy neighbors. While Couturier and Micha made sure to maintain their signature Latin American warmth to make guests feel at home, the overall inspiration behind the interior décor is Japanese minimalism, with all-natural materials, beds on wooden platforms, low lighting and textiles from Japanese brand Fog.

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St. Regis Shenzhen





深圳瑞吉酒店位于深圳最高摩天大 楼——京基 100 大厦内,在酒店大堂可尽 览深圳和香港北部的壮美景致。CCD(香 港郑中设计事务所)深谙瑞吉的品牌内涵 与贵族风范,运用奢华内饰、钢梁结构和 大面积玻璃打造雍容华贵,加之京基 100 本身的惊艳造型,使深圳瑞吉酒店成为特 区又一地标性建筑。酒店高贵奢华,蓝色 带来点睛之笔,与优雅考究的织物和定制 地毯相映成趣。 Located in Shenzhen’s tallest skyscraper, the lounge of the St. Regis Shenzhen offers spectacular views of Shenzhen and northern Hong Kong. Designed by CCD, the interiors are luxurious, drawing from the dramatic architecture of the building itself, with its structural steel beams and large expanses of glass. Design is both majestic and opulent; with blue highlighting, elegant fabrics and custom carpeting throughout, the St. Regis is the perfect example of luxury.




Conrad Sanya Haitang Bay

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三亚海棠湾康莱德酒店坐落 在风景如画的“国家海岸”海棠 湾的黄金地段,酒店的别墅隐建 于僻静的热带花园中,将风光旖 旎的海棠湾美景尽收眼底。三亚 海棠湾康莱德酒店的室内设计由 CCD 操刀完成,是典型的地中海 风格的度假胜地。开放式的室内 空间与富丽堂皇的室外花园结合 在一起,确保从里到外的过渡没 有突兀感,达到自然和谐。这种 设计基于简洁的线型模式,运用 了天然石块和深色木,突出米色 的布艺和艺术品,从而加强整体 奢华而又静谧的氛围。大堂的设 计透着几分清澈与平和,与花园 和喷水池、户外泳池相连,一直 贯穿整个大堂吧,营造出强烈的 宫廷感。 This gorgeous resort sits on the golden strip of beach surrounded by lush greenery in Sanya. Designed by China’s rising star in interior design, CCD, the Sanya Conrad was modeled after a Mediterranean-style resort, combining open spaces inside with palatial gardens outside, ensuring the harmony of the space from indoors to out. The design is based on a simple line formation, using natural stones and dark wood with accents of beige fabrics and fine art emphasizing its luxurious yet peaceful feel. The main lobby was designed to be serene and transparent, connecting seamlessly with the garden and water features in the atrium and the architecture throughout and continuing into the Lobby Bar, and emphasizing its palatial feel.






Six Senses Con Dao, Vietnam





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巴黎 AW2 建筑师事务所打造的越南昆岛第 六感度假村口碑甚好获奖颇多,因其对环境保护 极为重视,除了使用大量原生态环保建筑材料 外,还力图将度假村兴建过程中的生态足迹减至 最少。酒店所在地一直作为国家公园及海岸公园 而受到严格保护,因此建筑师对各个别墅的选址 煞费苦心,尽可能地让自然免受“打扰”。 别墅均为实木结构,主要材质是回收利用的 柚木;千余块雕工精美的古木板来自越南各地, 经过设计师的创造,重新焕发出生机,整个度假 村与越南传统渔村十分相似。 Designed by Parisian firm AW2, the Six Senses Con Dao in Vietnam has won several awards for incorporating eco-friendly elements into its structure. Location had to be considered; as it was built in an area protected as a national and marine park, the architects took their time in placing each villa so that it would minimally disrupt nature; leaving the lightest possible ecological footprint. All villas are prefab timber structures, using recycled doors as both an effort to recycle and a link to the country’s heritage and craftsmanship. It was designed also to resemble a traditional Vietnamese fishing village, using over 1000 carved panels of reclaimed teak.










Twelve at Hengshan, Shanghai 上海衡山路十二号豪华精选酒店创造性 结合了所在街区的深厚历史,还透着少许的 意大利浪漫风情,其目的是在中国最时尚都 市的心脏地带开辟一方都市绿洲。意大利建 筑师马里奥·博塔用现代主义的利落线条打造 了这个住宅式酒店,使其与浪漫风情街道、 装饰派艺术风格精品店等完美结合,并且为 了不打破该地区的建筑天际线,谦卑地以“低 姿态”示人。 酒店建有一个传统中式庭院风格的花 园,潺潺流水与一个地下泳池相通,给人身 在神秘洞穴的感觉。独一无二的室内设计由 纽约双人大师组合乔治·雅布与格里恩·普歇 尔伯格一手打造,整体风格围绕着东西交融、 古今荟萃展开设计。 The design of Twelve at Hengshan is inspired by both the area’s rich history and hospitality, and by the romance of Italy. The goal of its construction was to create a haven in the metropolis of Shanghai. Italian architect Mario Botta created the residential-style hotel with contemporary lines that contrast with the romantic neighborhood streets, art deco and charming boutiques of the area, but

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with a low-rise so as not to break the overall aesthetic of the region. The hotel is built surrounding a courtyard with a Chinese-style garden with small streams which filter natural light below into an underground swimming pool, giving swimmers the feeling of being in a secret cove. The interiors, designed by design duo Yabu Pushelberg, were also made to blend East and West,


Conservatorium, Amsterdam WINNER




阿姆斯特丹音乐学院酒店的前身为荷兰 著名建筑师丹尼尔·克努特于 19 世纪末设计 的斯韦林克音乐学院,如今经过米兰设计师 皮埃尔·里梭尼的生花妙笔,这座位于阿姆斯 特丹文化中心的建筑在保留其历史文化特色 的基础上进行了翻修,成为阿姆斯特丹最无 与伦比的时尚商务酒店。 玻璃中庭、裸露的横梁,让酒店看起来 既现代又时髦。简朴的线条、华贵的织物和 低调的灰色随意点缀,散发出一种明快的腔 调。里梭尼是意大利当代最杰出的设计师之 一,他干净利落的设计让现代主义透出别致 韵味,穿过中庭的自然光令其更具美感。 Conceived by Dutch architect Daniel Knuttel and built on the site formerly occupied by the Sweenlinck Music Conservatorium, originally built at the end of the 19th century, the Conservatorium is Amsteram’s most stylish business hotel. The interiors were designed by Milan-based Piero Lissoni, who took on the task of renovating while not losing the iconic space’s history. With personal touches like the glasscovered atrium and exposed beams, the aesthetic is both modern and chic. Lissoni’s severe lines paired with graceful fabrics and bright accents make for clean contemporary design with pops of color, emphasized by the natural light streaming through the atrium.



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丽江铂尔曼度假酒店是著名设计师郑忠 及其设计事务所 CCD 的诚意之作。它让当 地纳西文化和现代主义设计相融汇,创造性 地将乡野文明的拙雅与现代设计的精致高贵 同时演绎,堪称建筑与人文结合的典范。庭 院深深、檐牙高啄、寂静的小池映着远方的 群山,这些独具匠心的设计皆来源于丽江深 厚的文化和艺术积淀。 就地取材也是丽江铂尔曼度假酒店的一 大特点:石材、床上用品、挂毯等都是“土 生土长”,可见与当地文化融合不仅仅停留 在灵感层面,它已登堂入室、入血入骨。 丽江铂尔曼度假酒店是 CCD 的骄傲之 一,它巧妙地将简约的现代主义与古老的东 方文化相结合,木雕屏风、围墙围就的院子 ……酒店刻意避免颜色的繁杂,以凸显雄伟 壮丽的背景——玉龙雪山。






Pullman Lijiang Resort and Spa Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa takes design cues from the surrounding Naxi Dongba culture in Yunnan’s beautiful Lijiang, mixing with elements of modern design. The surrounding city is rich with tradition and art, inspiring details like sprawling courtyards, wing-tipped roofs and peaceful reflection pools which reflect the mountain in the background. Local stones were used in the architecture, and locally sourced material was used to make bedclothes and tapestry, meaning the native culture is not only in the inspiration, but woven into the hotel itself. CCD prides itself on its bold modern style with an Oriental feeling; the minimalist design contrasts nicely with Chinese touches like carved wooden screens and private walled courtyards attached to each villa. Overall the hotel features few displays of color, allowing the magnificent Yulong Snow Mountain to stand out as the perfect backdrop.




Feature Designed by the Sibuet Group, Altapura in Val Thorens resort is known as The Highest Skipalace. Nordic elements abound with a plethora of plywood and stone, “antler” chandeliers, fur accents and patterns worked into the furniture. Fun touches include green carpeting on the walls, gray wool on furniture and plush “hunting trophies” and old skis and poles used as sculptures hung on the walls. Altapura has its own modern chic among the snowy summits of Europe’s best-loved ski destination. Settled among six glaciers in the magnificent Alps, the hotel balances nature and technology wonderfully, without losing sight of guests’ comfort. Mac minis are provided in each room, and the latest equipment and ski professionals are at guests’ fingertips, with direct access to slopes from the hotel’s ski room.






Altapura, Val Thorens, France 由西布埃集团设计的阿塔普拉酒店位于 法国瓦尔托伦度假中心,被认为是世界上海 拔最高的滑雪胜地。阿塔普拉酒店散发着浓 厚的北欧风情,采用了大量的石头和胶合板, 还有鹿角形的吊灯,皮毛也被广泛运用,墙 上的绿色毛毯和家具上的灰色羊毛织物摸起 来非常舒服,墙上还挂着狩猎战利品、古老 滑雪板和滑雪杖。 阿塔普拉酒店可谓是拥有独一无二的现 代时尚风格。这家酒店坐落在壮观的阿尔卑 斯山冰川群,将大自然和现代科技完美融合, 客人在房间内既可欣赏窗外美景,又可享受 高科技带来的便利。酒店每个房间配备了苹 果电脑和互动触摸屏,客人手指轻点屏幕即 可得到滑雪专业人士的帮助,而且房间直接 通向滑道。

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Tori Tori, Mexico City 位于墨西哥城波兰科区的托里托里餐厅 由 Rojkind Arquitectos 和 Esrawe 工作室联 袂完成,这家由老房子翻修而来的概念餐厅 堪称墨西哥城最好的日式餐馆之一。建筑立 面用手工制作的层级钢板搭建,蓝色格子框 架看起来就像常青藤盘绕于墙面,两层自承 重钢结构经数控机床和手工制作后达到设计 师想要的动感效果。 餐厅内有大片开放的空间、露台、吧台 和日式风格的小庙,家具都是经过特殊设计 的,与舒适的就餐环境完美契合。每套桌椅 都会突出各个区域的特点,与它们的氛围和 功能相呼应,给客人更多的选择。 A joint venture of Rojkind Arquitectos and Esrawe Studio, this gorgeous concept restaurant was created by renovating an old house in the Polanco area of Mexico City. The Japanese restaurant is not only notable for being one of the best sushi restaurants in the city, but also for the immense blue lattice surrounding the space. This façade is made of two self-supporting layers of steel plates cut with a CNC machine and then handcrafted to the designers’ specifications. The interiors include a lot of open spaces, terraces, a sake bar and its own temple, all aimed at highly demanding sushi lovers. Furniture was inspired and made especially for the Tori Tori and developed with the space in mind.

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Silencio, Paris 跨界设计,已成为一种时髦方式。身兼 导演、画家和音乐人的大卫·林奇以他那部充 满黑暗意味的电影《穆赫兰道》中的歌舞表 演来命名这家巴黎夜总会,超现实主义的设 计出自林奇与朋友拉帕尔·纳沃特、蒂埃里· 德雷弗斯、多梅奥、佩雷斯等人之手,他们 在迂回曲折的地下房间里成功营造了一种迷 醉销魂的奇特氛围。 这家 20 世纪 20 年代沙龙风格的夜总会 白天只对会员开放,邀请艺术家和表演人士 畅聊小酌,偶尔还有私人演奏会。午夜过后 对公共开放。夜总会还设有艺术画廊、吸烟 室、私人影院等。





Inspired by the club in American cult filmmaker David Lynch’s noir classic Mullholland Drive, the mysterious Silencio boasts surreal interiors completely designed by the director and his friends Rapaël Navot, Thierry Dreyfus and Domeau and Pérés. With all the feeling of a 1920s salon, this classic environment is a members-only club during the day, inviting artists and performers to gather and enjoy chatting, imbibing and the occasional private concert. The club also includes an art gallery, smoking room, private theater and a communal sink so that members can continue conversations without interruption. The club opens to the public after midnight.


Maison Camus, Beijing 卡慕世家酒廊是北京 CBD 中心最高端 的私人会所之一,为热爱品酒的高雅人士提 供了一个交流和享受卡慕干邑、香槟和葡萄 酒的理想场所。4 个可灵活分割的私密空间 以著名的卡慕干邑命名,分别为 Rarissimes, Borderies, Elegance 和 Masterpiece,为挑 剔的客人营造舒适尊贵的环境,侍酒师会给 客人提供选酒建议。 值得一提的是,温馨雅致的露天品酒区 能尽览北京秀丽景致。特制铁艺家具、优雅 的凉亭、大量绿色植物和鲜花与夜色里的烛 光共同编织温馨亲密的氛围,设计师的初衷 便是要在 CBD 林立的楼群里闹中取静,营 造迷人的法国浪漫气氛,让客人感受到独特 的奢享体验。





Maison Camus is a private lounge in the heart of Beijing’s Central Business District, where guests can enjoy the luxurious environment while sipping Camus’ signature cognac, champagne or wine. Four private areas were named after the brand’s cognacs, Rarissimes, Borderies, Elegance and Masterpiece, and include sommelier service to offer guests advice on their selections. The terrace provides beautiful views of Beijing, in a beautiful and warm setting. Wrought iron furniture, pergolas with plenty of plantlife, and candlelit atmosphere give a romantic French feel, making this an intimate haven amid the manic pace of city life.










Toyo Ito 2013 年普利兹克建筑奖由日本建筑师 伊东丰雄摘得,已逾古稀之年的伊东是第六 位获此殊荣的日本建筑师。普利兹克奖评委 会认为,伊东丰雄是一名“永恒建筑的缔造 者”,他的建筑作品里充满了乐观、轻盈和 喜悦,同时又具备独特性与普遍性。 伊东拒绝现代主义,他认为它们虽则优 雅,但缺乏新意,毫无生气,比如密斯·凡· 德罗的西格拉姆大厦或菲利普·约翰逊的“玻 璃房”。伊东将自己的建筑学定义为都会生 活的“着装”,这一点在现代日本人密集的 都市景观中尤为突出,都会里人们有隐私需 求却又对公共空间有渴望,伊东在两者之间 达到了完美的平衡。 Architectural maverick, Japan’s Toyo Ito was awarded the Pritzker Prize this year. According to the Pritzker Committee: “Toyo Ito is a creator of timeless buildings, who at the same time boldly charts new paths. His architecture projects an air of optimism, lightness and joy and is infused with both a sense of uniqueness and universality.” Toyo Ito is an architect who has rejected the Modernism characterized by elegant but often sterile buildings such as Mies van der Rohe’s Seagram Building or Philip Johnson’s Glass House. He has defined his style of architecture as “clothing for urban dwellers” particularly when it concerns structures built in Japanese metropolises.

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Joe Cheng 凭借在设计领域超过 20 年的打拼,郑 忠为 CCD 掌舵护航,使其成为国际酒店室 内设计业界的佼佼者。身兼董事长和总裁的 他认为最好的设计应该由建筑本身来体现或 表达,但不管怎样,高品质是关键,是凌驾 于一切设计之上的。 郑忠苛求细节,对结构和设计的所有细 节着迷不已,他的灵感经常因被所在地的历 史和文化所吸引而迸发,将建筑和艺术元素 融入酒店设计,让其更具深意。强烈的现代 主义风格与东方文化相交融是 CCD 作品最 突出的特质。 Joe Cheng, Chairman and CEO of CCD, has over 20 years of experience in interior design for international hotels, and has led the company to become a pioneer in international hotel design industry. His philosophy is that the best design should be reflected in the architecture, and high quality in both interior and exterior design is key. Taking time to involve himself in all details of construction and design, Joe is often inspired by the history or culture of the surrounding area, taking elements from architecture and art into the design of the hotels and giving it deeper meaning. CCD’s design is often characterised by a strong modern style with Oriental influences.






特立独行的安德鲁·格里玛享有“现代首 饰之父”的称号,他跳出典型珠宝首饰的形 式材质局限,以各种奇异的天然矿石、珍珠 或石英为中心,设计出一件件极具时代风韵 的精美作品,其强烈的艺术冲击力震撼了整 个英国珠宝界。即便从远处端详,也能明显 看出作品中的雕塑风格,璀璨的珠宝和黄金 上的图案雕刻时尚别致又奇特。 格里玛举办了一系列令人惊艳的原创作 品展,主题分别是大贝壳、岩石的复苏和叶 子。最著名的当属 1971 年的“关于时间” 腕表展览,每一款腕表的表镜均采用带有多 切面的半宝石,是格里玛专为著名腕表品牌 欧米伽设计的杰作。

Andrew Grima





Andrew Grima shook up British jewelry with his maverick and bold use of semi-precious stones. Once relegated to second class, semi-precious stones found their way as centerpieces in Grima’s era-defining pieces. The sculptural qualities of Grima’s designs are evident from afar, graphic sculptures of gold and large stones express a strong taste for the exotic and the chic. Grima organized a series of provocative, original exhibitions on themes of “Super Shells”, “Rock Revival” and “Leaves”. Best of all was “About Time” in 1971 for the Omega Watch Co, which had commissioned Grima to make a collection of original jeweled watches with faces of semi-precious stones.


Wallace Chan 打破陈规、充满革新精神的珠宝大师陈世 英最初是一名雕刻师,1987 年他融会浮雕、阴 雕及宝石切割技巧于一炉,始创五面倒影雕刻 法,命名为“世英切割法”。这种立体内雕和幻 象雕刻法只有透光的材料才可以显现其玄妙的 幻觉,就是这种穿越三维空间的反传统雕刻技法 为陈世英奠定了行业地位。 他还突破了珠宝设计的材料界线,花大量 时间研究坚实又轻便的金属钛,并克服钛的物 理秉性,让其代替传统珠宝设计中的黄金或白 金作为骨干。陈世英认为珠宝的重量极其重要, 特别是设计大件珠宝时。他的作品独树一帜,如 水般兼容并蓄,从中国传统题材到上世纪 50 年 代高级珠宝的华丽。 The innovative and mold-breaking jeweler Wallace Chan started his artistic career as a sculptor, before rising to international attention as a fine jewelry artist in 1987 with his now famous “Wallace Cut.” This carving style creates multiple reflections of an image in transparent materials by combining medieval cameo and intaglio techniques into three-dimensional engraving. He has also patented a technique that cuts jade into fine slices to enhance their luminosity and eschews gold and other traditional precious metals for titanium. As Chan says, weight is an extremely important component of jewelry, especially when the jewels are as bold and large as his. His one of a kind pieces incorporate everything from traditional Chinese motifs to the flamboyance of 1950s fine jewelry.

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Staying Healthy in China 如今许多在中国的外国人不得不重新 审视什么才是真正健康的生活。有时候,我 们回到原点才能重新发现健康的根本。 健康的身体是多种因素共同作用的结 果,这其中最重要的就是饮食和运动。很多 西方人认为健康的饮食就是少吃主食多吃 绿色蔬菜(叶绿素可以起到极佳的清理肠胃 的作用)和水果,适当吃些精瘦肉和富含不 饱和脂肪酸的优质脂肪,而且要饮用足量的 过滤水。 如果你正在考虑吃保健品,一定要搞 清楚它们是不是真的对身体有好处。俗话说 “人如其食”,其实那可不一定,因为身体 往往无法完全吸收吃进肚子里的东西。无论 是在中国还是西方,市面上出售的保健品中 很多都无法被人体吸收,购买这样的保健品 既浪费钱财又损害健康!如果确实需要服 用多种维生素片或天然产品,那既要保证质 量,也要确保被身体吸收利用。 运动无疑是保持身体健康的另一个重 要因素。通常力量训练或快速骑行后之会感 觉身体非常疲惫,但同时也会有身心舒畅的 感觉。这是因为多做运动不仅有益身体健 康,还能大大促进大脑内啡肽的分泌,这种 物质可以帮助人保持年轻快乐的状态。除此 之外,生活要有规律。正如中国的阴阳学说 中所提倡的那样,要注重健康,但不要太纠 结于此,以至于不能畅享生活! 如果你想健身,什么时候开始都不算 晚。采用上面所提的建议,不仅对身体健康 有好处,还能让人心里感觉愉悦。

Many expats find themselves having to reevaluate the meaning of a healthy lifestyle while in China. Sometimes we have to take it back to the first steps and rediscover the basic elements of good health. Having a healthy body is a combination of many things; however, the most important things are good diet and good exercise. Often for Westerners, a good diet means avoiding eating as much rice and bread as locals, whose bodies are better adapted to these types of foods. Instead, try to get

plenty of green vegetables (which contain chlorophyll, which is nature’s perfect cleanser for the inside of the body), fruit, a small amount of lean meats, and good fats, including Omega 3, 6 and 9. And always remember to drink plenty of (filtered) water! If you are considering taking supplements, think about whether or not they are actually useful and helpful for your health. You’ve heard the phrase “you are what you eat,” but in fact this isn’t exactly true! You often eat things your body cannot use, because it is unable to assimilate them. Many supplements on the market in the West and China are not in a form that can be digested; therefore you are wasting your money and your health! If you do use multivitamins and natural products make sure they are high quality and can be digested. Exercise is of course another important factor in your health. After pushing weights, or even riding a bike very quickly, you will probably feel tired, but also quite relaxed. This is because exercise is not only good for health, but is a great way for our bodies to produce natural endorphins. Another good thing to keep in mind is to lead a balanced life. The Chinese principle of Yin and Yang is a good way to remember: be healthy, but don’t focus so hard on being healthy that you don’t enjoy life! If you are thinking about starting a health program for the first time in China, it is never too late. By adopting some of these simple tips you are one step close to the health that you and your body truly deserve!

德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/wellness/fitness industry. If you would like any more information about staying healthy whilst living in China, feel free to contact Drew Campbell and the World Health Store (WHS) team at or visit

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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.64


Auto / P.68


Watch / P.76


Art / P.87

英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆《“华丽摇滚教父”大卫·鲍伊回顾展》 The landmark “David Bowie Is” exhibition at Victoria & Albert Museum in London





现实生活中的他,简单,温和,小幽默, 只可惜我们没法见识这位东京影帝的诙谐人生, 好在他主演的喜剧《新编辑部故事》即将热播, 那就拭目以待吧! Actor Wang Qianyuan describes himself as simple, gentle and humorous. He stars in the currently airing TV comedy “New Stories from the Editorial Board,” which lets his comic side shine through Writer/Fashion Editor: Eva Liu Photography: Jeff Yiu Make-up and hair: Zhao Zhenyu (Yinhuashishang) Fashion: Mark Bose, Shine, Haan & Frye Venue: Hotel Éclat Beijing Shoes: O’Quirey

我知道你是名副其实的“演二代”,表演天赋来自遗传? 从小跟父母在剧院长大,所以这个行当对我来说没有新奇感。其实也 谈不上天赋,可能是耳濡目染,儿时记忆中最熟悉的是化妆间的味道、剧 场的丝绒幕布、舞台前面的乐池……我经常躲在乐池里看剧,从那个角度 能看到很多演员在出场前默戏的认真状态。那个时候印象很深的是父亲这 一辈表演者对塑造角色的认真态度,从服装到道具都会亲力亲为,甚至连 衣角细节都会成为角色中的重要一分子。 听说你跟父亲一起合作过,跟他合作会不会有压力? 是的,我和父亲在电影《钢的琴》里有过难忘的合作。当时是因为资 金及拖期的问题使得原来的演员不能出演,我问父亲是否可以来帮忙,他 便答应了。那时我父亲刚刚做完手术,我是不是有些残忍,呵呵!和父亲 一起演戏不能说有压力,只是感觉跟现实生活中有所不同,生活毕竟不是 演戏嘛。我们在片场也没有太多的交流,他时常会认真地坐在一边看剧本, 他的认真令我感动。在拍摄期间,他每天都会起得很早,洗好水果、西红 柿什么的,带到现场让我的助理拿给我。那一段时间,每天如此!

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《新编辑部故事》即将热播,你在这部电视 剧里塑造了一个怎样的人物形象?生活中的 你也是这样吗?身边的朋友如何评价你? 新剧中我演的是老《编辑部的故事》 里的刘书友的儿子,胆小、怕事、拍马屁、 抠 门、 左 右 逢 源, 还 怕 老 婆, 这 样 的 男 人敢演么?呵呵!最后展现在观众面前的 “他”是一个虽然有很多缺点,但是很可爱、 很热爱生活的人,“有缺点也不妨碍我活 在这个世界上,只要我真诚、热情、努力 生活,总会有招人喜欢的一面”。现实生 活中的我,是一个很简单的男人,比较温和, 小幽默!大多数朋友觉得我是个可以信赖、 可以共事的人。 拍完这部《新编辑部故事》,你最深的感触 是什么? 郑晓龙导演很令我感动,他作为一名 老牌导演,成就响当当,还在不断学习, 敢于尝试、创新,这对我来说是一种激励。 像《新编辑部故事》如此前卫、后现代、 “重口味”的纯粹喜剧,别说他敢写出来, 我们演的时候一开始都很紧张。像我这个 岁数,也得过东京影帝,有那么一点点的 满足感,郑导不断进取、敢于创新的精神 像是给了我一针强心剂。他让我明白了人 需要不断超越自我,这样才能让生活保持 新鲜的味道。 从 2010 年获得东京国际电影节影帝到现在, 你最大的改变是什么?未来想当导演吗? 没有太多的改变,只是在得奖的那一 天那一刻给了我一个惊喜,过后又一切如 常。如果一定要说改变,那就是在影帝的 光环下,也得到了更多业内人士的关注。 我觉得做导演会让一个人不仅仅局限于演 员的思维和角度,让你有一个整体思维的 转变,可以让你看到更多不一样的东西。 将来要是有机会,我会首先尝试做喜剧类 电影。 不拍戏时,最喜欢做些什么?用什么方式放 空自己? 我平时比较喜欢运动,例如跑步和健 身,但大多时间更喜欢跟我的小女儿在一 起!她今年五岁了,聪明、活泼、可爱, 经常带给我惊喜。记得有一次我出门时, 她说:“爸爸,你辛苦了。”我顿时觉得 心里暖暖的,感觉生活真美好!想要彻底 放空自己的时候,会选择全家旅行,把更 多的时间给家庭,尤其是我的小女儿,我 很珍惜跟她在一起的每一天! 如何诠释“幸福”的含义?今年你最大的心 愿是什么? 把握现在,认真地过好每一天,做好 每一件事,认真地体会现在的每一个瞬间, 珍惜生命中存在的每一种感觉,这就是我 认为的幸福!最大的心愿就是,今年能把 父母和姐姐聚在一起好好过个新年,好好 生活一段时间,哪怕是一个月。好多年没 有过年的感觉了,很怀念小时候全家聚在 一起的热闹气氛。我会尽我最大的能力去 实现这个既简单又不简单的愿望!

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Being a second-generation actor, is acting in your genes? My father is an actor and I grew up near the theater, I am rather familiar with the trade. I don’t think I have a gift for performance, I was just influenced by what I constantly saw and heard. My most familiar memories as a child were the smell of the dressing room, velvet curtains and the orchestra pit in front of the stage. I used to watch performances from the orchestra pit, where I could see actors earnestly rehearsing their lines. What impressed me was their attitude toward acting. They would do everything themselves from choosing costumes to putting up props. In their eyes, even small details were crucial in shaping roles. I hear that you’ve acted alongside your father, was that a source of pressure for you? My father and I had an unforgettable experience in shooting the film The Piano in a Factory together. One of the actors quit because of lack of money and a delay in shooting, so I asked my father if he could come help, and he said yes. In fact he had just had an operation, so maybe it was cruel to ask him to do that. There was some pressure on me, but it felt quite different from real life. After all, life and acting are different. The two of us didn’t communicate much during shooting. He usually sat there reading the scripts carefully, which I found moving. He would also get up early every day to wash fruit to bring to the worksite and give my assistant, who would then give it to me. He did this every day during that time!

After winning the title of Best Actor of Tokyo International Film Festival at my age, I was feeling pretty satisfied with myself. But his enterprising and innovative spirit continues to inspire me to achieve more, and outdo myself in order to keep life fresh. What has been the biggest change in your life since you were named Best Actor in Tokyo in 2010? Do you have plans to direct in the future? Nothing huge has changed. It’s all the same except the moment when I was given that big surprise. But indeed there have been some small changes, I have received more attention from insiders because of my Best Actor title. Directing forces you to transform your way of thinking, breaking through the limits of acting and getting different insights into things. If there are any opportunities, I’d like to try doing comedies first. What do you enjoy doing in your spare time? How do you relax? I love exercise, such as running and going

to the gym. But most of the time I like to stay with my daughter. She is five years old, clever, lively and lovely. She always finds new ways to surprise me. I remember one day when I was about to work, she said, “Daddy, you are working hard! Thank you!” I was very touched and felt that life was really great. When I want to relax, I will travel with my family and spend time with them, especially my little girl. I cherish each moment I have with her. What’s your definition about happiness? What’s your biggest wish this year? Happiness is about grasping every moment, enjoying every second, doing your best at everything and cherishing life’s every gift! My biggest wish is to celebrate a Chinese new year with my parents and elder sister and stay with them for a period of time, even if only one month. The flavor of the festival has been fading these years, and I really miss the atmosphere of togetherness we had when I was a child. I’m going to try my best to make this simple wish come true.

“New Stories from the Editorial Board” has been running for some time, can you describe your character for us? Does he resemble you? What do your friends think of you? I play the son of Liu Shuyou, a character in the old “Stories from the Editorial Board”. The young man is timid, overcautious, stingy yet slippery. He’s also kind of a kiss-up at work and his wife wears the pants at home. In the beginning, I wasn’t sure I could take on the challenge of playing a man like this, but in the end his character really comes through to the audience. Although he has a lot of shortcomings, he is lovable and loves life with his whole heart. As he says in the show, “I have my faults. But at the same time, I am warm, sincere, and work hard, so I believe I really have something attractive”. As for me, I am simple, gentle and humorous. Most of my friends think that I am a trustworthy man to work with. What gave you the deepest impression during shooting the series? I was really impressed and inspired by the Director, Zheng Xiaolong. As a veteran in this industry, he has achieved a lot, but he is still learning, trying and innovating. The play is a bit extreme for some tastes, even our actors were nervous about such a vanguard, post-modern comedy. But he still wrote it!



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雪佛兰 Camaro Z/28

全新 XKR-S GT 版本由捷豹 ETO 定制化部门出品,是为赛车 发烧友而生。新车加入了碳纤维前分离器、可升降的后扰流板、 后扩散器等空气动力学套件,而其车身采用全铝合金结构。这款 车还采用了碳陶瓷制动系统、高度可调节的自适应阻尼器、主动 式排气系统、20 寸轻量化锻造铝合金轮毂等装备。在动力方面, 新车搭载了 5.0L V8 机械增压发动机,最大功率为 550 马力(405 千瓦),峰值扭矩 680N·米。这款车 0-96km/h 加速时间为 3.9 秒。 限量:30 台

全新雪佛兰 Camaro Z/28 是一款偏重于赛道性能的跑车,它 装有一整套空气动力学车身套件,包括前分离器、外扩的翼子板 和加长侧裙,以及后扩散器、装在后备箱盖上的扰流板和底盘护 板。Camaro Z/28 的动力来自一台 7.0 升 LS7 V8 发动机,最大输 出功率可达 500 马力,峰值扭矩 637 牛·米。与之匹配的是一款 6 速 Tremec 变速器。据试验,Z/28 的单圈成绩要比 ZL1 快 3 秒多, 车身重量比 ZL1 减轻 136 公斤。除了减重的改进外,设计师还给 Camaro Z/28 安装了 Brembo 碳陶瓷刹车盘和螺旋齿轮式限滑差速 器,通过不断调节扭矩的偏差使牵引力最大化,从而使过弯更迅速。 此外 Camaro Z/28 还有一套经过赛道调校的悬挂系统。

Jaguar XKR-S GT

The 2014 Jaguar XKR-S GT, tuned by the British company’s inhouse specialty division, ETO, was made for racing enthusiasts. It boasts a carbon fiber front splitter, aluminum under tray, and is the first Jaguar ever to be fitted with a carbon-ceramic braking system. It also features adaptive dampers, an upgraded active exhaust setup, 20-inch lightweight forged alloy wheels, and a cool paint job in a hue called polaris white with black racing stripes.The new Jag is also equipped with a 5.0L V8 supercharged engine, with maximum output of 550 HP (405-kilowatt) and peak torque of 680N•m, going from 0-96km/h in about 3.9 seconds. Production Limit: 30

68 LifeStyle

Chevrolet Camaro Z/28

The new Camaro Z/28 was a show-stopper at this year’s NY Auto show, with GM completely revamping the Z/28for emphasis on power. The new model is equipped with a much more aerodynamic body, an extended fender and extended side skirts and rear diffuser, a smaller trunk lid and chassis cover. It also features a 7L LS7 V8 engine, with maximum output of 500hp and peak torque of 637 Niu·MI, paired with 6-speed Tremec transmission. According to experiments, the Z/28 can finish a single lap more than 3 seconds faster than the ZL1, weighing 136kg less the the ZL1 as well. On top of that, designers have installed spool-valve dampers, carbonceramic Brembos, lightweight 19-inch wheels, and a limitedslip differential with helical gear set, which works by continuously adjusting torque bias for maximum traction, making cornering more responsive.

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凯迪拉克 CTS

斯巴鲁 WRX 概念车

作为 CTS 的第三代车型,新一代凯迪拉克 CTS 外形除延续 家族式的“钻石切割”设计元素,其前格栅还采用了五边形的全 新设计,前杠两侧的 LED 日间行车灯和前大灯相呼应,具有视觉 冲击力。相比老款车身长度增加了 127 毫米,轴距增加了 30 毫 米。新车内饰更加豪华,配备了最新的 CUE 系统,12.3 英寸的液 晶仪表盘科技感十足。动力方面,新一代 CTS-V 搭载了新的 3.6L V6 双涡轮增压发动机,最大输出功率为 426 马力(313kW), 峰值扭矩为 583 牛·米,传动系统匹配的是 8 速自动变速箱。该车 0-96km/h 加速时间接近 4.6 秒,极速为 274km/h。预计会在今年 秋季投产。

全新 WRX 斯巴鲁概念车具有攻击性的外观设计令人印象深 刻,尤其是大尺寸的前进气隔栅和修长的、让人联想到雕眼的前灯。 引擎盖上镶有一个大进气口,以使其内的涡轮增压发动机能够获 取足够的氧气;车侧的巨大车轮罩环抱着 20 英寸的 BBS 轮毂; 车顶线条近似于双门跑车,而车尾的黑色扩散器两侧分别安装有 两根酷劲十足的排气管。整车装涂成了亮蓝色,为形成鲜明对比, 制动钳、车位排气管的外沿以及车头的 WRX 标志被设计成了荧光 黄。动力方面,WRX 概念车搭载动力强劲的 2.0 升四缸涡轮增压 水平对置发动机和能够调节扭矩分配的左右对称全时四轮驱动系 统,最大输出功率为 300 马力。

Cadillac CTS

As the third generation of Cadillac’s CTS, the new model carries similar exterior design including diamond shaped elements, but with a new pentagonal front grille design, and LED driving lights and headlights for quite a visual impact. The new CTS has been stretched to add an extra 127mm of body length, with a 30mm longer wheelbase. On the inside the new CTS is more luxurious, with the latest CUE system, and a 12.3-inch LCD dashboard panel. Equipped with a 3.6L V6 twin turbo engine, with max output at 426 HP (313kW), peak torque of 583 Niu·MI, the car can go from 0-96km/h in about 4.6 seconds, with a top speed of 274km/h. It is expected to be available for sale this autumn.

Subaru Impreza WRX Concept

Although the WRX is a design study, it is really a preview for upcoming production cars, with a low, wide and aggressive design including a large grille and eagle-eye shaped headlights. A huge change from the current WRX which looks less than sporty, this one is painted an electric blue with neon yellow highlights on the double exhaust pipes, large brakes on the wheels, and logo on the front. The concept has a huge air intake at the front and large wheelbase, hinting at improved performance, and also features acarbon-fiber roof, which is not only a sleek design feature but also a way to reduce the car top weight and lower its center of gravity. The WRX Concept is equipped with a powerful 2L four cylinder turbocharged engine with four-wheel drive, getting a max output of 300hp.



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Jeep 全新切诺基

路虎新一代揽胜运动版的外观采用了很多柔和的线条,具有 显著的揽胜极光的设计风格,好像是全新揽胜与揽胜极光的综合 体。特别是相比普通版更加倾斜的 A 柱和车顶线条与极光极为相 似,为新车带来了更加动感的身姿。新车比普通系列豪华感得到 明显提升。动力方面,新一代揽胜运动版沿用新一代揽胜的动力 总成,包括 3.0L LR-TDV6、4.4L LR-SDV8 两款柴油发动机以及 5.0L 自然吸气和 5.0L 机械增压两款汽油发动机。新一代揽胜运动版由 于启用新的平台,车身轴距接近 3 米,但是全铝车身底盘设计使 得其重量反而比现款车型降低了 200 公斤左右,明显提升了燃油 经济性。

新一代 Jeep 切诺基有点像小型版的大切诺基,只不过更突出 了雕刻感。车头仍采用七个竖条格栅,前大灯进行了重新设计, 更突出棱角,同时进一步向轮拱部分延伸。其内饰风格与刚刚发 布的新款大切诺基比较相似,只是音响和空调系统呈现阶梯状的 面板布局。新车将匹配与国产菲翔车型相同的 1.4T 涡轮增压发动 机以及道奇 Dart GT 上的 2.4L 四缸发动机;大量采用铝合金和镁 合金材质,有效降低车身重量。而车身长度控制在 4650 毫米左右, 车身轴距达到 2703 毫米,标准五座布局。

Land Rover Range Rover Sport

The new generation Range Rover Sport adopts the Land Rover’s general design but with softer lines and a number of enhancements. Compared with the Land Rover, the soft lines bring a sleeker appearance and a more active look overall. It is laden with new technical upgrades like enhanced park assist, blind spot monitoring, and active lane departure warnings, and is a whopping 800lbs lighter than its predecessor. The Sport will come with a choice of either 3.0L supercharged V6 engine for 340hp, or a 5.0L supercharged V8 for 510hp.

70 LifeStyle

Jeep Cherokee

The latest generation of Jeep Cherokee is a smaller version of the Grand Cherokee but with a redesigned narrower front grille and without Jeep’s signature round headlights, giving it a less rugged and more streamlined look. Interiors are similar to the typical Grand Cherokee, with the speakers and AC systems arranged vertically. The new model has the same 1.4T turbo engine as the Chinese Fei Xiang model, and 2.4L four-cylinder engine like the Dodge Dart GT, and body weight has been reduced by extensive use of lightweight metals. It is a standard 5-seat layout and comes in at around 4,650mm long.

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奔驰 CLA45 AMG

奥迪 A3/S3 三厢版

全新奔驰 CLA45 AMG 的外观包围和普通 CLA 的 Sport 版本 并没有太大区别,只是在前保险杠进气口、侧裙边等位置增加了 碳纤维装饰件来获得更为性能化的视觉效果,此外还配上 19 寸的 黑色运动轮毂与耀眼的红色制动卡钳,性能感进一步得到展现。 在动力方面,跟 A45 AMG 一样,CLA45 AMG 搭载一台 2.0 升的 四缸涡轮增压发动机,最大输出功率达到 360 马力,峰值扭矩为 450 牛·米。这样的动力表现让这台 2.0T 四缸发动机成为目前全球 量产的最强动力四缸涡轮增压发动机。在 4MATIC 全时四轮驱动 系统与 7 速双离合变速器的帮助下,CLA45 AMG 百公里加速时间 预计在 4.6 秒左右,最高车速被限定在 250 千米 / 小时。

全新奥迪 S3 三厢版的前脸造型与三门版和五门版车型基本一 致,都采用了奥迪最新的家族式外观设计和风格,同时奥迪 S 运 动版车型独有的 S 家族设计元素也照例出现在 S3 上。车头部分, 复式镀铬进气格栅和镀铬装饰的两侧进气口与其他 S 家族车型相 呼应,拥有更大尺寸进气口的保险杠造型则与之前发布的 S-line 版本相一致。此外,全新设计的更大尺寸的运动化轮毂、S 车型专 属的银色装饰后视镜、尾部双边四出排气管以及底部扩散器装饰 都是它区别于普通版的地方。动力方面,该车搭载了一款全新的 2.0TFSI 发动机,该发动机最大功率达到 300 马力,最大扭矩可以 达到 380 牛·米。

An upgrade from the standard CLA, the CLA45 AMG includes features such as improved front bumper air intakes, side skirts, and an increase in carbon fiber trim for a more performance-based effect. It also comes with 19-inch wheels in black with bright red brake calipers, further emphasizing performance. The CLA45 AMG is powered by a 2L four-cylinder turbo engine, with maximum output of up to 360hp, and peak torque of 450 Niu·MI, making it the world’s most powerful four-cylinder production engine. With 4MATIC allwheel drive system with a 7-speed dual-clutch transmission, it can get from 0-100km/h in about 4.6 seconds, with a max speed of up to 250 km/h.

The new Audi S3 three door and five door versions are designed with similar front fender, using the latest designs in the Audi family, while also boasting a few sporty details from its relative the S3. In the front, a dual chrome air intake grille with chrome trim on both sides echo the larger air intakes consistent with previously released S-line versions. The boot is short, with widened wheel arches to enhance the visual effect and making it appear lower to the ground and more planted. The exhaust pipe and diffuser at the bottom both feature new design making it distinct from the current version. Equipped with a new engine, the new model’s maximum power can get up to 300hp, with maximum torque up to 380 Niu·MI.

Mercedes CLA45 AMG

Audi A3/S3 Sedan



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捷豹 F-TYPE 中国限量版

兰博基尼 50 周年纪念版 Aventador LP720-4

捷豹 F-TYPE 中国限量版采用更加跳跃的烈焰橙车身颜色,使 F-TYPE 更具视觉冲击力。这款中国限量版车型延续 F-TYPE 的整 体造型设计,借用了 C-X16 概念车的设计元素,采用 2 门 2 座软 顶敞篷设计,车身线条流畅又不乏肌肉感。内饰设计延续了外观 的橙色与黑色穿插对比的元素,采用顶级材质、经由复杂精细的 手工而成的墨黑色真皮座椅及内饰,并选择橙色进行双缝线手工 缝合。动力方面,新车搭载了先进的 5.0 升 V8 机械增压汽油发动机, 可带来 495 马力的最大输出功率,峰值扭矩 625 牛·米,最高时速 达 300 公里每小时,百公里加速仅为 4.3 秒。传动方面,新车型 仍将配备 8 速手自一体变速箱。

兰博基尼 Aventador LP720-4 是 Aventador 自推出以来的第一 部特别版车型,由锻造型复合材料(兰博基尼高科技专利技术)打 造而成的 50 周年徽章镶嵌于每台车身,徽章上配以序列编码,以 彰显每台车独一无二的身份。新车采用了类似 LP670 这样的金属 塑料双色车身搭配,车身采用一种特有的黄色;前扰流板经过重新 设计,霸气十足;侧裙使用灰黑色塑料,尾部散热格栅的开口更大; 后扰流板位置还印有 50 周年纪念版的专属标志。内饰方面,相对 于普通款变化很小,只是配色为专属的黄色。动力方面,它仍然采 用四驱系统,因为大量采用碳纤维,故车身更轻。新车最大输出功 率为 720 马力,百公里加速在 2.9 秒内,极速超过 350km/h。

The new F-Type China Limited Edition pops with a fiery orange exterior and sleek body lines for a potent visual impact. Based on Jaguar’s F-TYPE design and using elements from its C-X16 concept car, it is Jaguar’s first 2-door car in 50 years. Interior design continues the exterior color scheme with black interspersed, using only top quality black leather and double hand-stitched orange details. The F-TYPE China Limited Edition is equipped with a stateof-the-art 5.0L V8 supercharged petrol engine with a max output of 495hp and a top speed of 300 km per hour, going from 0-100 km/h in only 4.3 seconds.

Lamborghini’s first special edition for its 50th anniversary, the Aventador LP720-4 is highlighted by their special patented Forged Composite badge with the 50º logo and a serial number. The new model adapts the bi-color body of the LP670, in their most popular Giallo Maggio (May Yellow) color with transparent reflective particles inlaid to glitter in the sunlight. It also boasts a redesigned front fascia, wider front and back air intakes and the sides highlighted in a matte black. Interiors are changed only in terms of the color scheme, featuring a choice of an exclusive yellow leather to match the exterior. With output increased to 720hp, the LP720-4 is outstanding with carbon fiber monocoque, 6.5L twelve-cylinder engine and extremely fast-shifting ISR transmission. It can go from 0 to 100 km/h in only 2.9 seconds, and can reach top speeds of over 350 km/h.

Jaguar F-TYPE China Limited Edition

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Lamborghini Aventador 50th Anniversary LP720-4

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科尼赛克 Agera R 特别车款

玛莎拉蒂 Ghibli 全球首发

来自瑞典的科尼赛克品牌携两款为中国客户量身打造的 Agera R 车款参加本次上海国际车展。科尼赛克以重磅孪生车为主 题登陆上海车展,两款极速幽灵分别以蓝色和白色为主配色,颜 色互补,视觉呼应。按照车主需求,两部车各自拥有自己的名字 “圣”和“King”,并量身设计两枚个性化标志喷涂于车身侧面。 两款车在之前发布的 2013 款 Agera R 的基础上作了进一步提升, 采用全碳轮毂、刹车卡钳、电子车身稳定系统、全新排气系统, 动力提升至 1160/hp,成为全球独有的两部科尼塞克 Agera R,再 次展现出科尼赛克只关注“最狂野速度表现”的品牌唯一诉求。

全新玛莎拉蒂 Ghibli 由意大利著名设计师洛伦佐·拉曼乔蒂 操刀,新车借用了新一代总裁和 GranTurismo 的元素,但整体形 象更加犀利、时尚和动感。新车车身长度比总裁短 300 毫米,控 制在 4900 毫米,与宝马 5 系相近。尽管 Ghibli 的车身更短,但 后排腿部空间与上一代总裁相当,对于一款注重性能表现的行政 级豪华轿车而言已算得上充裕。其动力部分则同总裁共享动力, 可选 3.0L V6 及 3.8L V8 双涡轮增压发动机,前者输出功率为 287kW(385 马力 ),后者输出功率为 358kW(480 马力 ),配合 ZF 的 8AT 自动变速箱,加上运动化的操控调校。玛莎拉蒂的 3.0 升 涡轮增压 V6 柴油发动机将作为 Ghibli 的入门动力。此款新车在英 国市场的售价将低于 5 万英镑。

Koenigsegg Agera R

Sweden’s Koenigsegg brought two gorgeous custom made Agera R super sports cars to the Shanghai Auto Show this year, one in a matte powder blue and one in stunning white, each personalised in color and name for its owner. Unique from Koenigsegg’s 2013 Agera R model, these two special editions feature carbon fiber bodyworks and completely hollow carbon fiber wheels, making them exceptionally light, and with a mighty 5.0 V8 engine that boosts power up to 1160hp, these are definitely some of the world’s most impressive hypercars.

Maserati Ghibli World Premier

The new Maserati Ghibli features exterior design drawn by Lorenzo Ramaciotti, who took inspiration from the Quattroporte but added a sharpness and dynamism to the design. The new Ghibli is 300mm shorter than the Quattroporte; at 4900mm long, it is on a scale similar to that of BMW 5 series. Although the body is shorter, the interior space is equal to that of the Quattroporte and is of course designed for luxury, with Poltrona Frau leather upholstery as standard and the Bowers & Wilkins sound system in the list of options. In terms of power it equals the Quattroporte as well, with choices of a 3.0L V6 or 3.8L V8 engine for 385hp or 480 hp respectively. Prices start at under 50,000 GBP.



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Dancer of the Road Text: Eva Liu

顶级设计师杰瑞米·斯科特与梅赛德斯 - 奔驰旗下的 smart 合作,以 Smart Fortwo Electric Drive 电动车款打造出全新的 smart forjeremy 特别版车型。这位美国的时尚明 星设计师赋予了 smart fortwo 灵动的翅膀, 使其多了一份轻盈跳跃之趣,也倍显独特 个性。这部限量设计车款融合了未来感与 大胆创新,整个座舱由透明玻璃纤维制成, 透明感十足,尾翼造型融入火箭元素,第一 眼看上去更像是一部玩具车。在动力方面, Smart forjeremy 装备了一台 55 千瓦电动机, 搭载电力容量为 17.6kWh 的锂离子充电电 池,提供最高 145 公里的连续续航能力, 最高时速达 125 km/h,0–60km/h 的加速时 间仅为 4.8 秒。内饰方面则延续典雅白色和 闪亮镀铬这一主旋律搭配,杰瑞米和内饰设 计师共同探讨,为这辆如时装般华贵的小车 带来了无与伦比的时尚与奢华。 Trendy American designer Jeremy Scott recently cooperated with Smart, a mini motor brand under Mercedes Benz, to create Smart for Jeremy, a new special edition of Smart’s Fortwo Electric Drive electric car. With a giant pair of wings attached to the back, it is certainly an eye-catching model. This limited edition displays both innovation and strong

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futurism, with the cabin made of transparent fiberglass panel and the rather rocket-like style of the back end, making it look like a toy car at first sight. Smart for Jeremy is equipped with a 55Kw electromotor, which can reach a maximum speed of 125km/h in only 4.8 seconds, and 17.6kWh lithium rechargeable batteries, which can power the electric car for 145km on a single charge. Jeremy also worked on the interiors, which continue his signature mix and match style.


Smart by Zadig & Voltaire Text: Audrey Hammonds

梅赛德斯 - 奔驰旗下的超微型紧凑式电动汽车品牌 Smart 曾多 次与时尚品牌合作,“城市精灵”是其广受欢迎的一款微型代步车。 在今年的日内瓦车展上,Smart 又与法国时装品牌 Zadig&Voltaire 联手推出了限量版“城市精灵”,分普通版和敞篷版两种款型。该 车外观时尚有型,车身为黑色,饰有银色 Zadig&Voltaire 标志性图 案,还配有 LED 日行灯。后视镜的背面使用了荧光黄,让整部车 瞬间变得灵动起来。内饰在细节设计上颇具心思,座椅背面绣有大 大的黄色“smart by ZV”字样,大面积的黑色皮革不再显得单调。 在车行的售价为普通版 17100 欧元,敞篷版 20450 欧元。 Smart, the mini electric car company under Mercedes Benz, has teamed up with another fashion designer, this time Zadig & Voltaire of France, to design a limited edition version of their popular mini car the Fortwo. Available for both the coupe and cabriolet models of the car, this limited edition is set to appear in this year’s Geneva Auto Show. Finished in black with silver motif trim characteristic of Zadig & Voltaire, it is a sleek look overall highlighted by neon yellow capping the rearview mirrors for a fun effect, and features LED daytime running lights. Inside, black leather is highlighted by yellow stitching, and a large yellow embroidery detail signature reads “smart by ZV.” After the Geneva Auto Show, the Fortwo Zadig & Voltaire Edition is set to retail in dealerships for €17,100 for the coupe and €20,450 for the cabrio.






Horology as Art 制表技艺是一门精妙绝伦的艺术,是充满魔力的艺术! “Watchmaking is not only an incredible art; it is magic!” 最近的一次三亚之行,一位客户问我 为什么杂志里经常把“制表”描述为一门艺 术。当然对我来说,答案显而易见,让我感 兴趣的是他会问一个在我看来如此理所当 然的问题,以至于我回到北京后决定写篇文 章来回答他。我首先上网查了“艺术”和“艺 术家”的定义,以下是我根据找到的资料所 作的推测。 何谓艺术? 艺术是人类想象力和创造性技艺的可 视化表达和应用,比如说绘画、雕塑等。那 么艺术家呢?艺术家是借想象力、才华或技 艺而创造具有美学价值的作品的人,特别是 在美术领域。由此我很高兴地确认,钟表制 造是最美丽的艺术形式,而某些制表工匠则 是名副其实的艺术家。

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谁是艺术家? 最近有幸遇到两位才华横溢、勇于追 逐自己的想法的制表艺术家:MB&F 公司创 办人马克西米利安·布舍尔和 Arthur Oskar Stampfli 公司创办人罗兰·斯坦姆菲力。前 者已是钟表业的大腕级人物,后者则是一 颗熠熠新星。两人都曾经多年服务于大型 厂商,直至有一天对制表的热爱和追寻创 意的狂热让他们出来单干。对于钟表制造, 他们都是满怀激情、充满创意和品格谦逊的 工作狂。罗兰解释说,只要是对自己的事业 充满激情,并努力追求完美平衡的人就是艺 术家。马克西米利安则说,“制表技艺是一 门精妙绝伦的艺术,是充满魔力的艺术!” 像所有的孩子一样,他们从不约束自己的想 象力,而是天马行空任其挥洒,一切外在因 素都能成为创作的灵感。对于马克西米利安 来说,每天在 MB&F 工作都像“重获新生”,

同时对“万事皆有可能”的信念日益坚定。 MB&F 几乎成了他的自传和精神疗方。当然, 所有的艺术家都会受到同行的影响。在钟表 制造业,宝玑、乔治·丹尼尔斯等大师自不 必说,而追随大师足迹的后起之秀也大有人 在,像独立制表品牌 DeBethune 的德尼斯 ·弗莱格雷特、芬兰籍独立制表师卡利·沃蒂 莱宁以及和域的菲利克斯·鲍姆加特纳等等。 突破的艺术 当菲利克斯和马克西米利安这样的制 表艺术家们强强联手,惊世之作 ZR012 概 念腕表的诞生也就不足为奇了。ZR012 取 用转子引擎的概念,精湛的工艺使其壮大了 MB&F 让人惊叹的产品线阵容。在马克西米 利安的作品中,我最喜欢诸如月相表和“雷 霆”战机这样的作品,它们显示时间的方式 非常新颖独特,同时工艺超凡,堪称腕上艺 术品。

Left: Maximilian Busser Right: Roland Stampfli

而罗兰·斯坦姆菲力根据斐波那契系 列 创 造 了 自 己 的“1916”, 试 图 在 美 学 设计和功能显示之间找到最佳平衡点。 他一直所钟爱的现代艺术则促成了 les Roues du Temps 的问世,跟以往不同, 这次罗兰舍弃了过犹不及的奢华,玩 起了神秘与低调,手表内部复杂的机 械构造和运动被隐藏起来,不再“赤裸” 示人。 就在这篇文章完成之际,马克西 米利安和罗兰正在为即将到来的瑞士 巴塞尔钟表珠宝展(4 月 25 日至 5 月 2 日)紧锣密鼓地准备着,相信他们 都会有新的艺术作品精彩呈现,而今 年的钟表珠宝展定会出现一批天赋异禀 的制表师。同时,我那位提问题的客户现 在也懂得制表艺术的魔力,并且还能向其他 朋友解释一番了。 During a recent trip to Sanya, one of my clients asked me why magazines sometimes describe watchmaking as a fine art. Of course, the answer was obvious to me, but I realized with interest that my reasons were not as evident for him. I found this so interesting that I took the topic back to Beijing and decided to reply to him with an article. I went first to the library that we call the Internet to find the definition of ‘art’’ and ‘artist.’ This is what I have surmised based on what I found. What is Art? We define art by the expression or application of human creative skill and imagination, typically in a visual form such as painting or sculpture. Then, what is an artist?

An artist is described as a person able by virtue of imagination and talent or skill to create works of aesthetic value, especially in the fine arts. Therefore, I am pleased to confirm that horology is a most beautiful art form, and that some of its craftsmen are truly artists. Who are the Artists? Among these talented watchmakers I consider to be artists, I have recently had the chance to meet two of them who had the guts to follow their vision and create their own brand: Maximilian Büsser, founder of MB&F, and Roland Stampfli, founder of Arthur Oskar Stampfli. The former is already established as a reference in the art of horology, while the latter is an upcoming talent. Both worked for big manufacturers for years until one day

their love of watchmaking and their creativity could not “fit into the box” anymore. These two men are driven by the same passion, creativity, hard work and humility in what they do. Roland explained to me that anyone who has passion for his work and seeks perfect balance in his art is an artist. For Maximilian, “Watchmaking is not only an incredible art; it is magic!” Like children, they do not limit their imagination but instead let all elements of the environment inspire their creations. At MB&F, working independently has been a sort of rebirth for Maximilian, and a daily affirmation that everything is possible. He says, “MB&F is as much my autobiography as my psychotherapy. Of course, like any artist, their peers influence them. In the circle of the horological artist, some names such as Breguet or George Daniels are obvious. But amongst most recent inventors who follow their courage, some deserve to be sited such as Denis Flageollet (DeBethune), Kari Voutilainen or Felix Baumgartner (Urwerk), to name only a few. “ The Art When artists like Felix and Maximilian join forces in a creative project, it leads to horological masterpieces such as the ZR012, featuring a time display inspired by the rotors in a Wankel engine. This work of art really completes the already amazing collection at MB&F. Among Maximilian's creations, I will cite some favorites like “the Moonmachine” and the “HM4 Thunderbolt,” which both present new ways of reading time and offer a piece of art to wear on your wrist. On another scale, Roland Stampfli produced his model “1916” based on the Fibonacci series, trying to find the perfect balance between aesthetics and functionality. Today, his new creation “les Roues du Temps” is inspired by his passion for modern art. With this piece, he wants to present a watch without extravagance but a bit of mystery, as the complex mechanical movement is not visible. As I write this article, Maximilian Büsser and Roland Stampfli are getting ready for the upcoming Baselworld. Both will come with new pieces of art and we will probably discover new talented creative watchmakers during the fair. In the meantime, my client now understands the magic of horological art, and is proud to explain it to his friends. This is why I am confident that the fine art of watchmaking has a promising future among watch lovers.

蒂埃里·理查德有着多年的钟表业从业经历,对这一行业有增无减的激情促成了 2012 年“极致生活” 的成立。极致生活在北京、上海和广州设有办公室,为独立制表师提供 360 度全方位推广平台,在 中国集营销策划、公关活动和产品分销于一体,并在瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland.





King of the Ocean UIM 世界近海一级动力艇锦标赛(简 称 CLASS 1) 于 2013 年 3 月 27-30 日 首 度登陆中国三亚,许多三亚的市民及游客有 幸成为在中国看到此项国际顶级赛事的首 批现场观众。来自中国、英国、意大利、澳 大利亚、挪威、土耳其和阿联酋的 9 支队伍、 9 艘赛艇的 18 名选手参加了比赛。代表三 亚征战的是“三亚·鸿洲号”赛艇,由两名 拥有国际摩联超级驾照的挪威赛手——玛 丽特·斯特劳欧和佩尔·沃瑞特·尼尔森驾驶, 向世界展示了三亚的魅力与精彩。震撼场面 瞬间引爆现场观众的观赛热情,“水上速度 之王”的巅峰之战果然名不虚传。阿联酋维 多利亚队最终夺得冠军,亚军和季军得主分 别是澳大利亚维多利亚队和意大利芬迪竞 赛二队。 CLASS 1 是国际摩托艇联合会旗下的 双体动力艇的最高级别赛事。由于赛艇在海 面上的最高时速达 255 公里,因此该项赛 事被誉为最具观赏性、最震撼人心的世界顶 级海上赛事,是一项“勇敢者的运动”,并 以其极致的速度与激情、显著的商业价值而

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Visun Marina, Sanya

海南省文化广电出版体育厅厅长范晓军先生, 三亚市委常委、宣传部长孙苏女士,三亚市 人民政府副市长许振凌女士,鸿洲集团王大富 董事长,UIM 代表尼克鲁先生进行启动仪式

国际摩联 CLASS 1 赛事推广人尼克鲁先生

风靡美洲、欧洲和中东等地。CLASS 1 每年在 世界多个国家举办,至今已在二十多个国家和地 区举行过赛事。CLASS 1 中国三亚大奖赛是该 赛事 50 年来首次走进亚洲,由海南鸿洲置业集 团股份有限公司负责其全部运营。 随着世界著名游艇、发动机制造商以及世界 顶级赛车装备制造商的加入,碳纤维复合材料等 高科技材料在赛艇制造中的运用,CLASS 1 赛 艇凝聚了世界游艇制造领域最尖端的科技,成为 引领顶级游艇制造技术的先锋。此外 CLASS 1 还有着巨大的传播效应,每站 CLASS 1 赛事均 由美国国际管理集团进行全球转播,覆盖全球近 200 个国家和地区电视台,影响近 10 亿电视受 众。CLASS 1 还是一项充满贵族气息的时尚运动, 在全球每年近 10 站的分站赛上,追随该赛事的 王子、公主、富商不在少数,成为喜欢急速运动 的人们乐此不疲的话题。 The UIM Class One World Powerboat Championship was recently held in Sanya, Hainan, bringing this global race to China for the very first time. Hainan’s premier yachting, real estate and media group Visun Media Company

was responsible for the competition’s operations. Local residents and tourists were lucky enough to be the first live spectators of this world-class sea sport in China, in which eighteen players on nine teams raced nine boats from China, the UK, Italy, Australia, Norway, Turkey and the UAE. Visun also raced its own boat, the “Sanya·VISUN,” which was piloted by Marit Stromoy and Pal Virik Nilsen, a Norwegian duo who both boast Super Licences from Monaco-based Union Internationale Motonautique (UIM), the world governing body of powerboating. Living up to their reputation as “Kings of Speed on the Ocean”, the teams gave it their all, and the race was intense as soon as it started, keeping spectators on their feet. In the end, team Victory from the UAE was the winner, with team Victory Australia the runner up and team LFFendi 10 in third place. Class One is the highest level powerboat race under UIM. It is hailed as “the world’s most rugged ocean race” and “sport for the brave” since boats can get up to speeds of 255km/h. The race has long been popular in America, Europe and Middle East for its high speed, great passion and also notable business value. Every year the competition takes place at venues in different countries, so far covering over 20 countries and regions total. Now with globally renowned yacht, engine, racing motor and equipment manufacturers participating in the event, boats are becoming more and more impressive, with carbon fiber composite and other high-tech materials used in the crafting. Class One has accordingly become a great stage for the world’s most advanced yachting techniques, and a vanguard in the industry. In addition, the event is known over a greater part of the planet, with International Management Group’s broadcasts of each competition covering nearly 200 countries and regions and reaching 1 billion viewers through TV. It is a sport for nobility and speed-lovers alike, with fans including many men of wealth and royalty all keeping close tabs on the event’s 10 annual competitions.




Luxuriantly Humanist 毕业于英国伯明翰大学的梁国忠先生曾任职多家高端酒店、俱乐部 及酒店投资公司,担任过北京美洲俱乐部总经理,拥有超过 26 年的 相关行业工作经验。他现任三亚鸿洲国际游艇会董事总经理, 负责中国最有影响力的游艇会全链条式业务经营和管理。 Voltaire Liang graduated from University of Birmingham in the UK, and has over 26 years of experience in investment, hospitality and membership club industries. Previously General Manager of Beijing’s prestigious American Club, he is now Managing Director of Visun Yacht Club, China’s premier yachting and luxury society. He discusses the club’s history and future plans with LifeStyle. Text: Audrey Hammonds

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三亚鸿洲国际游艇会自成立以来发展势头可谓锐 不可当,能简单说说扩展历程吗? 鸿洲国际游艇会于 2005 年 7 月开始筹备, 2008 年正式投入运营。作为海南第一家游艇俱 乐部,它引领了整个海南省的游艇发展潮流。从 最初的 72 个泊位到现在已投入使用的 216 个泊 位,整体投资已逾 8 亿元,建成了白金五星级会 员制酒店、海南唯一的外籍游艇联检通关大厅、 海南首家游艇保税仓及游艇贸易一条街,并且与 博星、宾士域、博纳多、阿兹姆、圣汐克等二十 多个世界一流游艇品牌展开合作。 未来几年内,鸿洲国际游艇会在中国或者说亚洲 市场有哪些新举措? 鸿洲国际游艇会去年获得亚洲唯一一个摩 纳哥皇家游艇会授予的“超级游艇目的地之星” 称号,接下来鸿洲将携手意大利托斯卡纳游艇协 会共建超级游艇服务基地和完成第三期码头泊位 的建设。今年 3 月鸿洲与深圳市机场(集团) 有限公司签订合作协议,共同开发机场码头游艇 产业项目,开始了城市复制的第一步。今后鸿洲 还将寻找机会在全国范围内拓展鸿洲模式。 鸿洲在海南的度假及奢侈品文化的发展中扮演着 什么特殊的角色? 我觉得鸿洲应该算是走在时尚前沿的弄潮 儿吧,以前我们一直希望能够引领海南游艇行业 的潮流,成为海南游艇行业的风向标,现在愿望 成真了。 鸿洲国际游艇会会员有哪些共同的特质?他们的 分布有什么特点? 鸿洲国际游艇会会员一般都分布在长三角 以及东北区域,现在西南区域发展势头也不错, 总体来说,我们的会员都喜欢海,对大海怀有一 种特殊的感情。 你是如何看待中国游艇业的发展潜力的?中国游 艇市场和游艇文化的优缺点分别是什么? 我觉得目前中国的游艇业好比上世纪 七八十年代中国的汽车行业,还处于一个蓬勃发 展的阶段,当然,它的后期发展势头应该是非常 不错的。相比国外,中国的游艇文化氛围尚不够 浓厚,在国外一些游艇业发达的城市,每三个人 就有一个人拥有游艇,可能周末便和家人一起开 帆船去海上度假。而在中国现阶段,游艇还只是 富人的生活方式。 中国游艇文化有何特别之处?比如,船主通常用 游艇来做什么?游艇一般停泊在哪? 就目前来说,中国的游艇一般都用来商务接 待,也有一些是邀亲朋好友一起出去钓鱼度假。 大多数游艇都停靠在海南、青岛、深圳等沿海城 市。 你如何看待国际上对中国奢侈品和游艇文化的看 法出现改观,尤其是海南以开放的姿态举办了海 天盛筵等国际活动之后? 鸿洲国际游艇会已连续四年举办海天盛 筵——游艇、公务机及尊贵生活方式展。国外的 参展品牌越来越多,这说明国际上都非常看好中 国的奢侈品和游艇市场。据我所知,目前很多国 外品牌都将海天盛筵作为它们年度品牌营销的重 大活动之一。

Since Visun’s establishment, it has been developing rapidly in China; could you give us a quick overview of its expansion until now? Visun International Yacht Club was founded in July of 2005, and then in 2008 started formally operating. As Hainan’s first yacht club, it has lead the entire Hainan province in the yachting trend. At the beginning we had berths for 72 yachts, and now that has expanded to 216, with a total investment of 800 million RMB. We’ve also built a platinum 5-star club hotel, a customs hall for international yachts, and Hainan’s only tax-free yacht storage and trade area. Visun also works closely with more than twenty top international yacht companies like Pershing, Brunswick, Beneteau, Azimut, Sunseeker etc to promote the development of the yacht industry in China. What are your plans for the continued development in China or Asia within the next few years? In March of this year, Visun signed an agreement with Shenzhen Airport Company to take the first step toward developing a dock in Shenzhen based on the model in Hainan. Visun is currently still looking for new opportunities to expand our horizons. What is Visun’s particular role in the developing resort and luxury culture of Hainan? I think Visun is on the frontline of the trend, and always keeping ahead of the pack. We hope to lead Hainan in terms of yachting and become a pillar in the industry here. What is Visun’s member network in China like? What characteristics does the representative Visun member have? Visun Yacht Club members are largely from the Yangtze River Delta or China’s Northeast areas, while the Southeast is also developing nicely. Our members of course all have a special love of the sea. How do you view the developing yachting market in China? What are some advantages and shortcomings of the market and yachting culture here? I see the yachting industry in China as similar to the automobile industry here in the 70s or 80s – it’s in a boom phase right now, and of course its continued development will be considerable. As compared to foreign countries, China’s yachting culture is still a little lacking. In foreign yachting cities, on average every one in three people owns a yacht and will go on sailing holidays on the weekends with family; whereas in China yachting is still a lifestyle of the rich. How does yachting culture manifest itself in China? Are there any differences here, for instance what an owner would typically use his or her yacht for, where they would keep it, etc? Presently, China’s yachts are mostly used for business, to entertain guests, a few will be for family to take out and go fishing or on vacation. Most yachts in China are berthed at coastal cities like Hainan, Qingdao and Shenzhen. How do you think international perspective of China and its luxury and yachting cultures have changed, especially with so many international events such as the Hainan Rendezvous? The Visun International Yacht Club has already held the Hainan Rendez Vous for four consecutive years, exhibiting yachts, private jets and luxury lifestyle. International brands are participating more and more, proving international interest in China’s yachting and luxury industries. To my knowledge, many foreign companies see the Rendez-vous as a very important marketing event each year.




A Golden Age for Superyachts 中国游艇业呈现出一系列新的发展趋势,国际旅游岛有望迎来超级游艇时代。 With the burgeoning yachting industry in China witnessing countless new developments, we could be on the verge of an age of superyachts.

作为中国游艇消费浪潮中的新贵,超 级游艇正受到越来越多财富阶层的喜爱和 追捧,驰骋海洋的梦想在他们心中悄悄绽 放。优越的海洋环境使海南具备发展游艇产 业得天独厚的条件。2013 年 3 月 30 日至 4 月 2 日,第四届海天盛筵在三亚举行,除 了五光十色的豪华游艇展品,主办方还奉上 了世界游艇业精英的真知灼见。 这些业内顶尖人士一致认为,只有尊 重海洋,才有资格热爱海洋、享受海洋。游 艇作为一种高端生活方式,最需要精神上的 信仰和尊重。举世闻名的摩纳哥皇家游艇会 之所以拥有众多支持者,正是因为坚持“尊 重海洋、热爱海洋”的精神,持之以恒地维 护航海礼仪、保护环境、尊重航海传统和推 广最新的航海技术,以此来凝聚游艇拥有 者,推动海洋文化的发展。如今这种海洋精 神也开始在中国人心中生根发芽。正如英国 游艇码头协会亚洲代表、新加坡皇家游艇会 董事长 Y. P. Loke 所说,“亚洲尤其是中国 的游艇需求近年来开始升温,游艇产业展示 出前所未有的发展机遇。”根据预测,今后 五至十年中国富裕阶层对游艇的需求量将 超过 10 万艘。前景虽然看好,但由于行业 积淀不深、政策限制、专业人才缺乏等因素, 游艇俱乐部及整个行业的发展步伐依旧迟 缓。 三亚鸿洲国际游艇会董事总经理梁国 忠先生认为创立自己的游艇精神和文化才 能从根本上激发俱乐部的活跃度。“三亚鸿 洲国际游艇会已正式成为摩纳哥皇家游艇 俱乐部的一员,与全世界最顶尖的游艇俱乐 部共享资源,希望能够借此让中国游艇业跟 上‘La Belle Classe’精神的脚步。”来自 意大利托斯卡纳的游艇专家也认为,要满足 当前中国游艇业发展的需求,打造专业化的 超级游艇服务基地必不可少。这其中首先 要考虑的是一个专用的超级游艇码头,其 次还有便捷的手续办理、专业的技术服务、 配套生活服务、船员等专业人员的更替等。 可喜的是,三亚鸿洲国际游艇会已经与来自 意大利托斯卡纳大区的 ITYS 公司签署了关 于在三亚崖州湾建立超级游艇服务中心的 框架协议。该工程完工后,每年能为 70 至 100 艘超过 30 米长的游艇提供全套的修理、

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维护及改装服务。这样看来,离中国超级游 艇的辉煌时代不远了。 A new favorite of wealthy Chinese who are finally beginning to take an interest in ocean sports, super yachts have recently received more and more attention. China’s Hainan Island enjoys exceptional advantages in this developing industry with particularly favorable oceanic conditions. At the 4th Hainan Rendez-Vous held in seaside city Sanya from March 30th to April 2nd of this year, apart from exhibiting a variety of luxury yachts, the host invited some most prestigious prefessionals in the industry to discuss the

status quo of China’s yachting industry and give their solutions to some of its problems. They agreed that as human beings, we should respect and take care of our oceans, not just enjoy what the ocean provides. As a luxury lifestyle, yachting needs to have a system of beliefs and respect. They asserted that the reason the Monaco Yacht Club (YCM) has so many supporters is that it respects and loves the ocean, sticks to nautical etiquette, respects nautical customs, protects marine environment and promotes the latest marine technologies. What it believes and has done have won the hearts of many yachters and helped push forward marine culture. These

concepts are just beginning to show their influence in China. As Y. P. Loke, Director of The Yacht Harbour Association’s Asia Office and President of Singapore’s Royal Marine Yacht Club, said, “Over the past few years the demand for luxury yachts in Asia, especially in China, has been rising. The yachting industry in this area shows great potential.” It is predicted that the Chinese demand for yachts will exceed 100,000 in 5 to 10 years; statistics which are certainly encouraging. Problems, however, exist. A new market, policy constraints and the lack of professionals, etc. may account for the slow progress of yacht clubs and the industry as a whole. Voltaire Liang, Managing Director of Visun Royal Yacht Club, believes that establishing a Chinese yachting spirit and culture will be the only way to promote a boom in the country’s yacht clubs. “Visun Royal Yacht Club has become a member of YCM, enabling it to share information with top clubs across the world. I hope this will help Chinese yacht lovers learn more from YCM’s ‘La Belle Classe’ spirit.” He said. Two yachting experts from Tuscany held that it was essential to have a professional superyacht service center, including, most importantly, a special wharf where yachts can moor up, and speedy procedures for checking in and out, professional technical support, related services for living and appropriate replacement of crews, etc. The good news is that Visun Royal Yacht Club has recently signed an agreement with Italian company International Tuscan Yacht Services Ltd. to construct a superyacht service center in Sanya’s Yazhou Bay. The center will provide a service kit, including repairs, maintenance and remodelling, for 70 to 100 superyachts of over 30 meters long each year after completion. Perhaps the Chinese yachting industry’s golden age is not so far away.




Material Culture


Sailing the Blue Dream

约 600 年前,一个中国人先后 7 次历 时 27 年率领数万人远航直至非洲,传播王 威的同时,更带去了财富、信仰和尊重,促 成了一个大航海时代的辉煌盛世。 郑和下西洋的故事广为流传,对于海 洋的探索欲望从那时就已经在华夏民族心 里落地生根,现在这一梦想在中国人心中日 渐苏醒、成长。亚洲尤其是中国的游艇需求 逐年提高,游艇产业发展也迎来了前所未 有的机遇。根据中国船舶工业行业协会的 预测,到 2020 年中国游艇市场规模将达到 500 亿元人民币。今后五到十年,中国企业

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及富裕阶层对于游艇的需求量将超过 10 万 艘,中国尤其是沿海地区的游艇会发展将会 呈现遍地开花的态势。 三亚鸿洲国际游艇会致力于中国游艇 业的发展,为蔚蓝的梦想扬帆,引领中国游 艇发展潮流。中国游艇业的发展起步晚,游 艇文化的深入和游艇俱乐部的发展与国外 发达地区相比有一定差距。西方的游艇俱乐 部主要以大众度假为主,而目前中国则以私 人享乐为主,大部分人对于游艇这种高端生 活方式可望不可即,然而畅游海洋、追求自 己的生活方式是每个热爱生活的人应该享

有的快乐。因此,三亚鸿洲国际游艇会在努 力改善各项游艇硬件设施的同时,十分注重 在中国根植游艇文化,使其往更广、更深和 更健康的方向发展。 被业界人士称为“超级玩家”的三亚 鸿洲集团董事长王大富,始终保持着对游艇 的钟爱、对中国游艇业的执著、对中国人高 端生活方式的传播热情,而这种比信仰更为 牢固的坚守正是中国游艇业迈向辉煌的必 备品质。




uring the Ming Dynasty, a Chinese man named Zheng He made seven voyages at the request of the emperor, leading tens of thousands of his people to many countries, even as far as Africa. These travelers brought with them wealth, religion and respect, while at the same time starting a long era of sea voyages to China beginning the Middle Kingdom’s long romance with the ocean.

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In recent years, this passion has been reignited and made greater than ever with the boom in the Asian yacht market, with China showing the greatest potential. According to industry resources, by 2020 the China yacht market will be in the range of about 50 billion RMB, and demand among Chinese enterprises and individuals will reach over 100,000 yachts in the coming five to ten years. It’s predicted that the yacht trend will catch on everywhere in China, especially in the coastal areas, similar to the automobile market a few decades ago. Visun International Yacht Club, Hainan’s premier yacht club, has been committed to leading the yacht industry in China, with the goal of sailing the ‘blue dream’ shared by all people who love life. Currently, compared with many other countries who have a long yachting tradition, China’s yachting culture has just begun to blossom, and yachts are still considered toys of the rich. Therefore it may take a long time before Chinese people again come to respect and protect the ocean while enjoying its benefits. For this reason, Visun International Yacht Club attaches great importance to cultivating a healthy, deep and broad yachting culture in China while also improving the country’s yacht facilities. With a strong belief in the prosperous future of the yacht market in China, Wang Dafu, President of Visun, has long been passionate about yachting and is determined to spread the high-end Chinese lifestyle all over the world. This confidence is certainly necessary in pushing the Chinese yachting industry ever forward.


and inauguration of the new Singapore Chui Huay Lim Club building in 2011. He was also invited to hold a solo exhibition of the new series at the SOCIETE GENERALE Gallery at Alliance Française de Singapour in 2012. Born in the China’s Northeast region, Qi Hong is highly skilled in Chinese ink, oil and mural paintings and specializes in painting horses in traditional Chinese ink.

戚弘爱马懂马,这位根植于中国传统文化而成名于新加坡的画 马画家,最近携作品在北京第五届亚洲艺术博览会上大放异彩。 Painting horses is deeply rooted in Chinese culture. Renowned in China and abroad for his work, Qi Hong is now featured at the 5th Asia Art Expo.

Have you ever held a solo exhibition in China before? Thanks to the support of Nanyang Culture Gallery, my series of horse paintings have been completed and exhibited at solo shows in Singapore several times and I am honored to participate in the 5th Asia Art Expo in Beijing as one of its representative artists.

Painter of Horses Text: Liu Yang

很多人知道戚弘这个名字是在今年 1 月的北京第五届亚洲艺术博览会上,他的 《腾——天之御》以及与新加坡著名雕塑家 蔡汶家合作的水墨雕塑均得到高度赞誉。其 实代表新加坡南洋艺术馆参加此次博览会 的戚弘是典型的名声在外,其大型古典永乐 宫等壁画被日本和台湾收藏家收藏,神马系 列作品在新加坡醉花林隆重展出,其中《龙 马精神》、《一马当先》分别被印尼、马 来西亚、新加坡的收藏家珍藏。2012 年他 受邀在新加坡法国文化艺术中心展出作品, 得到各界人士的关注。这位从中国东北走向 世界的画家擅长中国水墨画、油画、壁画, 造诣极深,笔法入神。 你之前在中国办过个展吗? 没有。我的马系列作品是在新加坡南 洋艺术馆的支持下创作、展览的,几次个展 也都是在新加坡。此次我是代表新加坡南洋 艺术馆参加在北京举行的亚洲艺术博览会。 为什么作品主题以“马”居多? 我出生在农村,马对于农户来说是朋 友,是好帮手,也是家庭成员。我小时候 就非常喜欢用石子在地上描画它们的样子, 可以说马给了我最初的绘画冲动。稍大后 有次在旧书店看到一本徐悲鸿大师的画册, 他笔下的马极具力量和艺术感染力,让我深 深着迷。我与马一直有着不解之缘,在鲁迅

美术学院和中央美术学院求学时,我从诸多 画马的大师那汲取了不少养分。 在你看来,中西方绘画的差异在哪? 受中国古代哲学思想(如道家)等传 统文化的影响,中国人的审美注重心灵世 界,“绘画是心灵的观照”,绘画是抒写和 寄托主观情感的手段之一。中国画画家乐于 山水间,把自己化入宇宙万物中,他们不太 关心对象的几何比例、物理时空等,这与重 视反映客观事实的西方绘画不同,后者模 仿自然、站在自然外面,研究和描写自然, 因而一般都注重借写生来研究光线和色彩, 积累创作素材。 As a representative artist of Nanyang Culture Gallery (based in Singapore) taking part in the 5th Asia Art Expo in Beijing 2013, Qi Hong is actually a newcomer to the Chinese art field. However, his “Galloping Against the Skyline” series and the Chinese ink-horse sculptures he created in collaboration with well-known Singaporean sculptor Chua Boon Kee have already gotten him high praises. In 2000, his large-scale classical mural paintings based on the murals of the Yongle Temple in Shanxi Province were collected by Japanese and Taiwanese collectors. The series of horse paintings “Galloping Against the Skyline” were introduced and specially acquired by collectors from Indonesia, Malaysia and Singapore at the 166th anniversary celebration

It seems that horses are the most important theme of your works. Why is that? I was born into a family of farmers where horses have always been seen as a good friend, helper and part of our family; this gave me my very first impulse to draw. When I was young, I spent much of my time drawing them with stones on the ground. Later, I found an album of Master Xu Beihong’s paintings at a second-hand bookshop. The horses he paints are so powerful and lifelike that I became obsessed with them. Later I learned from many teachers who specialize in drawing horses while studying in the Shenyang Lu Xun Academy of Fine Arts and China Central Academy of Fine Arts. You could say that I have been closely tied to horses in many ways. Please give us a brief comparison of Chinese and Western drawing styles. Greatly influenced by ancient Chinese cultures and traditions, philosophy for example, Chinese people attach much importance to the psyche-the inner world; to be specific, their feelings. They infuse themselves into the nature and draw their feelings, while not much importance is placed on whether the objects in their paintings conform to reality or not. This is totally contrary to Western painters who try to observe, describe and research nature objectively. In this case, they emphasize light, color and other dimensions.






Rebel Rebel

全球第一场大卫·鲍伊个人回顾展在英国维多利亚与艾伯特博物馆盛大开幕, 大卫·鲍伊的演出服、演出视频、写歌手稿等三百余件展品再现“摇滚变色龙”沉浮记。 A grand new retrospective of David Bowie at the V&A Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Victoria & Albert Museum

David Bowie with William S.Burroughs

传奇偶像大卫·鲍伊以带领时尚的先知 先觉而被誉为“摇滚变色龙”,他不仅仅是 一位曾对乐坛起过开创性作用的伟大音乐 人,更是视觉艺术的先锋人物。早在上世纪 六七十年代,他便用一个又一个色彩浓烈的 造型引领了迷幻摇滚的潮流。由英国维多利 亚与艾伯特博物馆举办的《“华丽摇滚教父” 大卫·鲍伊回顾展》于 2013 年 3 月 23 日至 6 月 28 日在伦敦盛大举办。意大利殿堂级 时尚品牌古驰慷慨赞助了此次展览,此外著 名耳机制造商森海塞尔赞助了展览的音响 设备。 事实上,这是全球第一场为大卫·鲍伊 举行的国际性回顾展,也是首个获得“大卫 ·鲍伊档案馆”查看权限的展览。回顾展探 索了鲍伊作为音乐革新者和文化符号的创 作过程,并追溯他五十年来不断转换的个人 风格和永不停息的创作与再创作过程。 从当初还叫大卫·罗伯特·琼斯的鲍伊开 始, 到 1969 年 第 一 首 热 门 单 曲《 太 空 怪 胎》的商业成功,再到鲍伊创造的虚构形象 “汤姆少校”、1972 年太空摇滚明星的形 象 Ziggy Stardust 以及《出卖世界的男人》 中性别暧昧、梳着长长卷发、穿着丝缎长裙 的骇俗造型和《Station to Station》里的经 典形象瘦白公爵。

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三百余件展品包括手写乐谱、原版演出服、艺术家的 时尚创作品、摄影作品、电影、音乐录影带以及布景设计, 还有鲍伊的专用乐器和专辑艺术作品等等,为观众提供一 个深入的视角去探索其与广阔外界艺术环境的相互作用以 及他对世人“冲破世俗束缚,勇于自我表达”的影响。展 览还涉及他在时尚、听视觉、戏剧、艺术和电影领域与卓 越艺术家和设计师之间广泛的合作。 展览开幕当天,博物馆门前大排长龙,两个小时挪移 至贵宾接待处也一点不夸张。稍加留意便会发现,蒂尔达 ·斯温顿、斯蒂夫·斯川奇、彼得·约克以及鲍伊求学时最好 的朋友兼合作写词人杰弗里·马考麦克等都“混迹”其中 耐心地等着入场,大卫·鲍伊的魅力由此可窥一斑。 David Bowie has always been a man of fashion. Appropriately, the landmark David Bowie Is exhibition at the V&A (Victoria & Albert Museum) in London is in partnership with Gucci. And to paraphrase the man himself, Bowie was always a fusion of sound and vision so the sound experience has been provided by Sennheiser, the famous headphone manufacturer. Indeed, The V&A has been given unprecedented access to the David Bowie Archive to curate the first international retrospective of David Bowie’s extraordinary career that has melded influences as diverse as Surrealism, Brecht, cabaret, and kabuki. The exhibition is organized in a sort of linear fashion beginning with a plain David Jones of Beckenham and then goes on through 1969’s solo hit “Space Oddity” to Major Tom and other alter egos such as the alien rocker, “Ziggy Stardust”, a drag queen from “The Man Who Sold the World” and “Station to Station”’s Thin White Duke.

There are more than more than 300 objects including handwritten lyrics, original costumes, photography, set designs, album artwork and rare performance material from the past five decades. At the opening party, lines snaked down the street. People had to wait two hours to get into the VIP reception; people such as Tilda Swinton and Geoff MacCormack, Bowie’s best friend from school and sometime co-writer, waited patiently in line with everyone else such as Steve Strange and style writer Peter York.

Celebrity guests included Tilda Swinton and Vivienne Westwood






My Hands Write My Soul Text: A Nuo A Bu Photos: Niu Gengyun

古往今来,求笔问墨、翻陈出新的不 胜枚举,不变的规则却是人做到哪一个层 面,字也就写到哪一个层面,书家的思想总 隐现于其作品中。牛耕耘,名如其人,倾情 于读贴习字,经年临池不辍,其豁达洒脱的 乐天性格成就了他个性十足而又不事张扬 的艺术取向。 书法的妙理不在于笔而在于心,我手 抒我心,牛耕耘的作品彰显生活气息却不见 世俗之气,其字体势内敛而端庄,动静相顾, 精气内含,看似有意无意的闲笔,中含枯润, 不厉不激,尽汉字的自然之态,藏巧于拙, 不放任自流,也不拘束,甚而很有反拘束的 味道。耕耘有着典型的山东人性格,天然地 喜欢于方寸之间利用墨色的浓淡、结构的虚 实制造奇宕与雅正相融、疏朗与茂密共存的 气息。墨色的荡漾,在看似不规范的率意中, 却意外地营造了心灵化的美感。 “书法的背后是文化”所昭示的是文 化才能拯救书法。耕耘说,“现在,字每天 都写几个,但是看书的时间比较多。我常想, 古时候其实根本没有书法家这一说,而他 们的字却写得异乎寻常的好。这一切如果没 有深厚的文化来支撑来平衡,的确是很危险 的事。人类的许多艺术就是这样走进死胡同 的。”

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人物介绍 Profile 牛耕耘,祖籍山东,毕业于北京大学 艺术学院美术学专业(书法艺术方向)研 究生班。现为北京大学书法艺术研究所办 公室主任、北京大学历史文化资源研究所 书画研究室主任、《北大书画研究》报社 长兼总编辑、《艺术主流》杂志社长兼总 编辑。其书法作品多次参加国内外展览, 并为多家媒体所报道。 Niu Gengyun, a native of Shandong province, graduated from Peking University College of Fine Arts as a postgraduate in calligraphy direction. He is now the director of the General Office of the Institute of Calligraphy Art, and the director of the Painting Research Office of the Institute of Historical and Cultural Resources in Peking University. He is also the president and Editor-in-chief of the newspaper Painting and Calligraphy Research of Peking University and the magazine Art Mainstream. His calligraphic works have been exhibited at home and abroad, garnering many favorable reviews.





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hile Chinese calligraphy has been evolving for thousands of years since its inception, there is one aspect that never changes: calligraphy mirrors the calligrapher’s soul. Whether intentional or not, his thoughts, emotions, aspirations, qualities etc. can all be read in some way through a calligraphers works. After reading Niu Gengyun’s calligraphy, one can tell that he is an optimistic yet low-profile person. With decades of professional experience in this field, Niu Gengyun, a personal and broadminded calligrapher, has always gone about his art with utmost enthusiasm and industriousness. The works of Niu Gengyun are grounded and rooted in natural life and do not bother with sophistication. His script captures accurately the balance between movement and stillness and displays ingenuity in an outward way. Niu Gengyun’s Chinese calligraphy and paintings are very natural, elegant and comfortable and his arrangement of light and shadow, excess and absence are perfect; displaying the power and beauty of this Chinese ink art. Chinese culture will always exist within calligraphy, and that is also the reason why this art has survived this long. “I still write several characters every day, but now spend much more time on reading,” says Niu Gengyun.“I am getting to know why people in ancient times were so excellent at handwriting but nobody was called a professional calligrapher. It’s very dangerous if there is no profound culture accumulation behind it, and many kinds of artcame to a dead end in history because of this.”



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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.96 飨宴

Dining / P.104 人物

Profile / P.108

纽约凯雷红木酒店 The Carlyle, NYC






Legends in Luxury

4 家融合历史与现代的国际一流奢华酒店续写着永恒的传奇! Four historic luxury hotels celebrate the past while writing the future. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels


The Carlyle, NYC

装饰派艺术风格的纽约凯雷红木酒店 本身也是一件艺术精品,这个赫赫有名的 地标性酒店拥有不少保存完好的历史古物, 如上世纪 30 年代的电梯。事实上,在众多 熟客的坚决要求下,凯雷红木酒店从未经 历过任何大的翻修和改动,始终充满着浓 郁的奢华怀旧风情。170 间客房各成风格, 每层楼都有一个私人公寓,长久住户和客 人可以自由地“打成一片”。此外酒店还 有时髦的中国风喷漆家具。 这幢建于 1930 年的 34 层高楼比周边 建筑都要高,如果你有幸入住较高楼层, 大楼林立的都会景象会让你为之震撼,秀 丽的中央公园和东河景色会让你沉醉的。 如果哪位古怪客人要一份象排送餐进 房,客服会说他们先仔细调查一番,然后

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将展开全城搜索,尽全力找到客人想要的。 除非时逢大量物种濒临灭绝,否则不会让 客人的愿望落空。酒店提供的香槟也都放 在与酒瓶形状恰好吻合的“冰酒瓶”中。 据说伍迪·艾伦时不时会来这演奏爵士乐, 如果你是他的粉丝,可千万不要错过! An Art Deco landmark, the Carlyle still keeps several of its original features preserved such as a 1930s elevator. Many of the regular guests insist that there be no thorough renovations so there is a charmingly dated but luxurious aspect about the whole place. Each room of the 170 room hotel is unique. Indeed, almost every floor has a private apartment so that permanent residents mingle freely with guests. There are stylish touches like lacquer furniture with Chinese motifs. This high-rise from 1930 rises to 34 stories, which is taller than any neighboring structures on the Upper East Side. If you are lucky enough to get one of the higher rooms, views of the high-rises of Midtown, the Park, and the East River can be breathtaking. Once when a particularly eccentric guest ordered an Elephant Cutlet up to her room, room service said that they would look into it and began scouring the city to find the requested type of meat. It was only after a revelation that the massive animals were on the endangered list that the request could not be honored. When you order an ice bucket for champagne, the ice comes with a groove that is in the exact shape of the bottle. Famously, Woody Allen also sometimes performs jazz in the bar.

有点欧洲古典范儿的艾瑟尼广场酒 店也是纽约上东区一家不可多得的高端 酒店。艾瑟尼广场酒店其实非常适合长 住,诸多国家元首和欧洲贵族以及伊丽莎 白·泰勒、戴安娜王妃等名人都曾下榻于此。 中国客人在这尤其能感受到家一般 的舒适,酒店准备了诸如人参等中国式补 品,以减轻时差对人体造成的影响,内地 及港台的报纸和茶也一并奉上。不过最具 特色的服务也许要算中式早餐的提供了, 要知道这对于只有一个餐厅的小酒店来 说是非常难能可贵的。正如艾瑟尼广场酒 店标榜的那样,让所有客人都能找到家的 感觉正是他们的使命之一。 客房的装饰精致高雅,极富品位, 而看似随意散落的地图以及镶框旧素描 画使其像极了豪华私人俱乐部。


Hôtel Plaza Athénée, NYV

A bit of old Europe on New York’s Upper East Side, the Plaza Athenee is one of New York’s most exclusive hotels. This is a hotel for long stays. Heads of States and European aristocats, celebrities like Liz Taylor and Princess Diana have all had extensive stays. Particular care is taken to make guests from China feel comfortable. They will receive a suite of Chinese traditional remedies like Ginseng shots upon arrival, meant to negate the effects of jet-lag. Tea is also provided as are Mainland, Hong Kong, and Taiwanese newspapers. Perhaps most distinctive for a small hotel with a single restaurant, there is a Chinese breakfast on offer. It’s part of the general mission of the Hôtel Plaza Athénée, which is to make all guests feel at home, and comfortable. The decor of the rooms is refined and tasteful. Maps and framed vintage sketches are strewn about much like a lavish private club.






The Astor Hotel, Tianjin 天津利顺德大饭店曾一度是这个城市 最为奢华的传奇,享有“华夏第一店”的 美誉。末代皇帝溥仪都对其青睐有加,常 来这跳舞。如今,天津利顺德大饭店昔日 的荣华风光又得以重现。 1860 年,随着《北京条约》的签订, 天津增设为对外开放的商埠,整个城市也 被划分成 9 个租界。1863 年,英国卫理公 会传教士殷森德抵达天津,并修建了利顺 德大饭店。 利顺德 152 间客房和套房均为经典维 多利亚风格和现代时尚设计的完美融合, 利顺德翼楼的客房还可饱览维多利亚花园 的美景。穆拉诺玻璃吊灯、优雅的丝绸落 地窗帘、高贵的四柱式床以及当年的房门 和墙板都充满着独特的津味风情,也更添 下榻魅力。 Stay in the hotel where China’s Last Emperor danced the night away. The Astor Hotel in Tianjin was once the most luxurious place in the city, and today it has reclaimed that crown, as part of Starwood’s Luxury Collection. It was first built by British Methodist missionary John Innocent in 1863, following the signing of the 1860 Beijing Agreement that opened Tianjin as a commercial port and divided the city into nine foreign concessions. The Astor Hotel features 152 elegantly appointed rooms and suites in both classic Victorian style and more contemporary styles. Guestrooms in the heritage Astor Wing yield gorgeous views over Victoria Park. Murano glass chandeliers, floor-length silk draperies, a four-poster canopy bed and original doors and paneling highlight the period charm of these rooms.

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花园别墅式的上海瑞金洲际酒店是洲 际酒店及度假村在大中华地区首家经典文 化遗产酒店。这个坐拥 100 英亩花园绿地 的酒店位于原法租界中心地段,最初是英 国报业巨头亨利·马立师的私人别墅花园, 他还是逸园跑狗场的所有者。 这家古典主义建筑风格的酒店设计高 贵典雅,室内装饰属于装饰派艺术风格, 收藏了不少法国家具。毛泽东和尼克松等 各国政要都曾在此下榻,使其成为上海第 一个名副其实的国宾馆。 一个世纪的时光更迭让上海瑞金洲际 酒店愈加雍容华美,尽显国际风范。经过 精细的整修,178 间客房富丽堂皇,高雅别 致,家具古香古色,还配备了高科技现代 设施。这里绝对是申城至尊居停之所。


The InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin

InterContinental Hotels & Resorts’ first heritage hotel in China, the InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin, is located across a 100acre heritage garden estate in the heart of Shanghai’s former French Concession. Revel in the glamour of Old Shanghai at the main villa which was the former residence of H. E. Morriss, a British newspaper magnate and owner of Canidrome, a greyhound racing course. This 100 acre garden compound is reminiscent of an English country house and incorporates a collection of Art Deco and French furnishings. In 1979, it became Shanghai’s first state guesthouse hosting the likes of Mao Zedong, and President Nixon. With its meticulous restoration and 178 luxurious guestrooms, the InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin is one of the most indulgent places to stay in Shanghai.



环球恐龙城, 创意旅游城

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位于常州新北区的环球恐龙城,早已成 为常州对外交流的一张闪亮的城市名片,以 “一心、二轴、十园”为规划格局,涵盖了 主题公园、旅游配套、旅游地产等功能业态, 将恐龙文化与旅游休闲、科普知识及特色文 化完美结合,打造集观光、游乐、休闲、文 化、商业、人居于一体的复合型休闲旅游城。

巅峰奇幻城 中华恐龙园,恐龙领衔的远古生命王国, 亿万年前的王者在这里复活,主宰你的想象, 并将带领你探索神秘,体验惊险,品味壮观, 享受无尽的欢乐,一起体验让人变身狂野的 梦幻乐园吧。4D 过山龙,库克苏克大峡谷, 鲁布拉巅峰水世界……带你穿越侏罗纪,领 略极致巅峰的惊险之旅。 恐龙城大剧场,享受一场酣畅淋漓的 高水准艺术歌剧,是很多人的梦想。可容纳 1600 人同时观演,全面提升环球恐龙城休 闲旅游配套生活。大型华美音乐歌舞秀《美 丽新世界》演绎了一场爱与生命的浪漫故事。 美丽祥和的万花国因丰富的资源而被邪恶的 黄金帝国入侵,邪恶力量使守护国度的生命 之树凋零。美丽、勇敢的公主依娜在同伴洛 勇的帮助下带领国民们历尽千辛万苦与敌人 斗争,最后依娜牺牲了自己,她用鲜血浇灌 的生命之树,凭借着神奇的力量,让所有人 重返美丽新世界。

三河三园亲水之旅,亲水亲自然,新妆 新时尚,采用优雅前卫的全透明观光游艇, 三河连三园,一水贯千年,以“时尚、休闲、 亲水、生态、文化”为定位,集水上观光、 商务接待、茶憩小点、文化演艺四大功能于 一体。

至尊享受城 诗意栖居城 恐龙谷温泉,被江苏省地热中心列为“苏 南第一温泉观测中心”,是华东规格最高、 品质最佳的温泉之一。地下 2009.7 米的三 叠纪生态之泉,惬意唯美的温泉公园,健体 怡心的美人汤,雅致温馨的汤屋,独享私密 的 VIP 别院,让你享受正本清源温泉体验的 同时,在都市优雅环境中独享尊享。

香树湾花园酒店,紧邻中华恐龙园的全 泰式豪华皇家园林风格商务酒店,瑞象金壁 与水榭曲廊相谐成趣、古木奇石同亭台楼阁 入眼皆景。极尽完备的会议、商务、客房、 高尔夫运动休闲配套设施,为你带来放松身 心、张扬个性的享受,领衔华东旅游商务酒 店品牌!由港中旅酒店有限公司经营、管理。 格调高雅,配套一流,是商务接待、公务活 动或旅游度假的最佳选择。其中,一楼怡景 咖啡苑西餐厅备受欢迎。这里酿制着舌尖最 顶级的诱惑,大型海鲜自助餐为您提供多种 海鲜及 200 多种中、日、西式品种的国际美 食百汇。

健康生活城 新北中心公园,时尚休闲美食,时尚、 现代、休闲、浪漫的现代园林。飞龙运动休 闲公园,引入国际上先进的城市健康运动公 园理念,建设多个室外和室内运动场馆。健 康永相伴,运动好生活。高铁生态公园,以 自然质朴为根本,一个接近自然、回归自然 的怡人生态湿地公园。

美丽绽放城 世界唯一恐龙主题游憩型商业公园—— 迪诺水镇,在未来中华恐龙园新大门外,与 恐龙跳舞的梦幻世界,复原充满童话般想象 的商业街区,120 米全球最高旋转观光塔,

一览所有风景,独具特色的恐龙主题商店, 影星云集出没造势 CGV 影院,异域格调的 全球美食,创新的科技体验馆,奇幻创意的 主题酒店,为你打造创意、梦幻的“旅游 + 商业”72 小时不夜城。 中华恐龙园恐龙宝贝梦幻庄园 1 期, 2014 年 5 月 1 日盛大开放,奇幻的梦想旅 程将要绽放,糖果色,面包香,彩虹天堂 ……这里是小朋友的嘻哈乐园,这里是大朋 友的童年奇想。温泉秘汤的极致泉境——一 品龙汤,囊括温泉主题公园、会议中心、顶 级餐饮会所、SPA 芳疗,美体康娱等项目; 泉石亭榭、花树果草成就皇家私密温泉,将 私密性围合温泉区与敞开式情景区相融组 团,是国内一流的温泉旅游和养生度假胜地。 恐龙城大剧场,爆笑打击秀《DINOMAN》, 激情四射的打击乐,震撼人心的中国功夫, 时尚潮流的韩国现代舞,精彩绝伦的特技, 将舞台剧掀起一次又一次的高潮;诙谐幽默 的恶搞,跌宕起伏的感人情节,让观众在爆 笑与感动之间感受不同于其他舞台剧的魅 力。

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寻美中国 2013 品质度假年


随着社会结构调整的不断深入,休闲经济将逐渐主导 全球经济发展,成为下一个席卷世界的经济浪潮。在这个 背景下,人们的旅游观念也发生了重大改变,越来越多的 人已经厌倦走马观花式的观光旅游,转而开始爱上休闲、 放松和娱乐为主的休闲度假,也开始在心仪的旅游城市进 行度假置业。种种迹象表明中国将全面进入休闲时代,由 “观光”向“度假”进而“旅居”的消费模式,将为中国 休闲度假产业带来庞大的驱动。 中国国家旅游局确定将 2013 年作为“中国海洋旅游 年”。2013 中国海洋旅游年的宣传口号为“体验海洋,游 览中国”、 “海洋旅游,引领未来”、 “海洋旅游,精彩无限”。 但长期以来,中国庞大的海洋旅游内需掩盖了这种海洋旅 游资源同质化、雷同化的存在,有数据显示,中国滨海旅 游的消费者几乎全是国内游客,对外国游客没吸引力。加 上最近一两年,随着各种包机航班热、廉价航线的开辟, 东南亚等地旅游价格越来越便宜,国内滨海旅游优势持续 下降,国外滨海旅游也分流了相当一大部分国内游客。要 发掘国内滨海旅游,发现“最美海岸线”,势必要提升海 洋旅游的“品质感”。

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定位品质度假,发现“最美海岸线” 什么是品质度假呢?是好的旅游地服务?好的旅游度假 环境?物美价廉的旅游地物价?……目前还没有一个明确、 统一的标准,而从互联网反馈来的信息看,度假人群对旅游 品质感的评价并不高。 而中国的沿海城市也正在向“滨海旅居城市”方向转型, 即一二线中产人群为主的度假置业者,正逐步将沿海城市作 为自己的“人生第二城”,海洋度假品质将成为他们选择目 的地的一个重要指标。

如何更好地提高度假地服务,把握消费者的消费 心理?如何将滨海城市推广出去,获得更多度假置业 者的认同?搜狐焦点旅游地产通过搜狐矩阵平台,联 合旅游卫视等合作伙伴, 策划一系列的线上线下活动, 为消费者、旅游地产运营商寻找答案。 活动包括:“2013 中国最向往旅居滨海城市排行 榜”评选暨“我的蓝色乡愁”我为故乡代言拉票秀、 “寻 找逐海旅居达人”网络征集、“爱护海洋 拒绝鱼翅” 世界小姐海洋公益行动、搜狐焦点旅居荟年度盛典暨 旅居达人颁奖晚会等。 目前,“2013 中国最向往旅居滨海城市排行榜” 评选已进入海选征集阶段,期待更多滨海城市参与这 场美景美食美居的绝色秀。 城市报名咨询:400-888-2200 转 35818 招商与商务咨询:13901361835, 18610013227,13911744882, 18610015046,15201562797 报名网址 官方微博:@ 搜狐焦点旅游地产


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The Beijing Parade Text: Eva Liu Photos: The Beijing Parade

对于喜欢殿堂式餐厅的饕客来说,京 城首家七星餐饮“北京宴”无论是在建筑、 室内设计还是艺术风格方面都可谓惊艳之 作,处处展示着独特的殿堂式风格。餐厅 的装饰更是完美体现了欧式宫廷风范,置 身其中你会有一种穿越感,仿佛彼处不是 餐厅而是豪华的中世纪宫殿。 北京宴坐落于北京靛厂路中段,总建 筑面积约 1.7 万平米,拥有 61 个不同主题 的包房和一个 800 平米的无柱宴会厅。餐 厅内随处可见主人从世界各地搜罗来的艺 术品,例如古董桌椅、挂毯、壁画、刻花镜, 其中还不乏麋鹿铜像、镜框、英文原版书 籍、锻铁材质的枝形水晶吊灯、浮雕天花 板……每个元素都体现出奢华品位和无以 伦比的精湛做工。正因有这些颇具年代感 的艺术品,整个餐厅散发出浓浓的艺术气 息和复古典雅的家居味道。 餐厅以创新的融合菜为特色,行政总 厨及其团队本着食必求真的原则,在中国 及世界各地选取特色食材,融合各大菜系 的手法和制作工艺,进行科学、营养、艺 术的搭配,使菜品在色、香、 味、形上得 到了完美的升华。北京宴的融合菜可不仅 仅是原料及调料、盘饰造型、口味和色泽 上的融合,还有更深层次理念上的融合。 特色菜可就多了去了,其中最有名的莫过 于砂窝 海参、菌王佛跳墙、北京宴烤鸭、 北京宴酱肉烤包、浓汤千岛湖鱼头……


3 Dianchang Road, Fengtai District, Beijing Tel: 010 88177777

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he Beijing Parade, the first sevenstar restaurant in the capital city, is breathtaking and unique for its Alhambresque style in architecture, interior design and decoration. Located in the middle of Dianchang Road, the restaurant has a spacious area of 17,000 square meters, including 61 private rooms of different themes and an 800-square-meter astylar banquet hall. Entering the restaurant is like stepping through space and time into a lavish European palace, adorned by art pieces collected by restauranteurs around the world. Among them you can find rarities, such as antique tables and chairs, tapestries, murals, engraved mirrors, a bronze statue of Père David’s Deer, picture frames, ancient English books, a wrought-iron crystal chandelier and relief sculptures on the ceiling, all of which boast unparalleled craftsmanship and exude a tasteful luxury. Furnished with these antique pieces, the space has an intense artistic flavour as well as a vintage elegance. The restaurant features original fusion cuisine that combines elements of different culinary traditions. Sticking to the concept that “good foods must be unrefined and organic”, the outstanding chef team selects superior quality ingredients from around the world. The dishes taste and smell fantastic, with attractive arrangements to top it off. Popular specials include the Braised Sea Cucumber with Casserole, Buddha Jumps over the Wall with Assorted Mushrooms, The Beijing Parade Roast Duck, Steamed Bun Stuffed with Braised Pork, and Braised Qiandao Lake Organic Fish Head in Soup. Of course, these fusion dishes are more than a mix and match of ingredients, spices, flavours, colors and food presentation. They are all cooked with the most innovative culinary concepts.


Agave A-Plenty Text: Nels Frye Photos: Cantina Agave

吃墨西哥菜,无需拘泥于风雅和礼仪。拉斐·艾伯拉罕米安是北 京三里屯南区龙舌兰小馆的合伙人,他总是建议食客在吃墨西哥鸡 肉卷和辣味烤鱼玉米卷或炸卷饼的时候一股脑儿把调料全放进去, 还特意推出了多种令人垂涎欲滴的混搭调料。不仅如此,餐厅还提 供七种不同风味的辣汁调味料,包括辣椒酸奶油酱、酸芒果酱和豆 瓣酱,这些都是用从墨西哥空运来的新鲜辣椒制作而成。这里的墨 西哥美食虽然看起来简单,环境和情调也不那么讲究,但新鲜多汁、 美味无穷的特色料理让一个个根本顾不上那么多。在这里,你很难 看到文雅的食客,所有人都在大吃特吃。餐厅的装饰绚丽多彩,置 身其中就仿佛来到印第安人的传统村落。除了墨西哥人,很多模特 以及从事艺术的人也十分喜爱此地。也许是拉斐的魅力,也许是他 们钟情于这里轻松诙谐的氛围和让人一醉方休的墨西哥美酒。相信 极具墨西哥特色的玛格丽塔鸡尾酒、近百种龙舌兰酒(又名特基拉酒, 被称为“墨西哥的灵魂”)以及宽敞的大阳台,就能让这里成为这 个夏天炙手可热的去处。

Mexican food is not about refinement and dining etiquette. Cantina Agave Co-Founder Raffe Ibrahamian encourages diners to experiment with different flavors, mixing, matching, and possibly just throwing everything together in one festive fajita or on top of the delectable blackened fish taco or chimichanga. He offers a range of options for these exciting mixtures. Over seven different types of salsa, all using fresh chillis flown in from Mexico, chipotle sour cream sauce and a tangy mango and bean sauce are all among the choices. With such simple, lustily delicious, far-from-neat fare, one might be surprised to find such a beautiful clientele at the new Cantina in Sanlitun Village South Area. In addition to droves of Mexicans, models and artsy types are flooding in, perhaps due to the charisma of Raffe or maybe for the relaxed, fun dining and imbibing atmosphere accentuated by the colorful decor meant to resemble traditional Mexican pueblo dwellings. Either way, the margaritas, nearly 100 types of tequila and capacious terrace are sure to make Cantina Agave a major hotspot in the summer of 2013.

3/F Sanlitun Village South, 19 Sanlitun Road, Beijing Tel: 010 6416 5212

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Big Bowl, Small Plate Text: Eva Liu Photos: Elite-Concepts 大 悟 小 感、 悠 然 一 碗, 个 中 滋 味、 小碟相伴!香港优意集团最新打造的“大 碗小碟”餐厅坐落在京城潮流之地三里屯 Village 北区,其独特的设计理念演绎得令 人叹为观止。步入餐厅之前,透过落地玻 璃墙,你便能看到像游乐园中溜溜车似的 大碗座位。大碗的造型延展成餐厅桌台, 形成相对独立的层次,围碗而坐呈现出有 趣的视觉效果。围绕开放式厨房而设的吧 台自然地将餐厅分割出另一功能区。落座 吧台的话,更可近距离欣赏厨师制作各式 面食。碗形座椅的设计方式也使本来空旷 的空间亲近感与关联性显著增强。 大碗小碟的前身为 1949 面吧,所以招 牌为牛腩面、三宝面这样的面食。若有素 食者同行,特别推荐山珍野菌素面、田园 绿素面、山珍罗汉云南红米饭,其中鲜香 亲试才知。 餐厅将现代设计风格与传统概念里餐 厅的“主角”之一——餐具巧妙融合,充 分展示了设计的风趣。这里所有瓷碗的设 计均出自台湾著名艺术家范姜明道之手, 纯白色的骨瓷,立体质感的波纹式纹理, 每一件还配有艺术家签名。用如此艺术的 瓷碗盛上一碗温润且热腾腾的面食,再配 上各种小碟的凉拌菜,包你拥有视觉和味 觉的双重享受!


esigned by Elite Concepts based in Hong Kong, new restaurant Big Bowl Small Plate (BBSP), located in Beijing’s Sanlitun Village North, takes guests on a turn for the whimsical with booths shaped to look like giant noodle bowls. With their unique design, easy curve and comparative privacy, these big bowl-shaped seating areas are fun and convenient. Of course, you can also sit at the bar, where you can closely observe the chefs preparing your food. Formerly called the 1949 Noodle Bar, which featured dishes like Beef Noodles and Three Treasures Noodles, it is no wonder that Beef Noodles, Beef Brisket and Tendon &Tripe Noodles are the specialties. For vegetarians, Wild Mushroom Noodle Soup, Seasonal Vegetables Noodle Soup and Vegetables & Mushrooms With Red Rice are not to be missed. The restaurant does an exquisite job of blending contemporary styling into its tableware, proving that fun design can be stylish too. Taiwanese artist Fang Marvin Minto designed all the ceramic bowls. Fresh ingredients and steaming noodles served in an artistic white bone china bowl are truly a feast for both eyes and stomach.

NLG-45, Sanlitun Village North, 11 Sanlitun Road, Beijing Tel: 010 64160880

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每位人民币 328 元 两位成人用餐, 随行 12 岁及以下儿童免费。 70 岁以上老年人可享受五折优惠。 * 以上价格加收 15% 服务费

更多信息及预订, 请拨打 6629 7810 或发送邮件至 F&B.BEIJING@WESTIN.COM

RMB 328 per person Children under 12 years old eat free for every 2 paying adults. Senior citizens aged 70 and above can enjoy 50% discount. * Price is subject to 15% service charge and may be subject to change.

For more information or reservations, call 6629 7810 or e-mail F&B.BEIJING@WESTIN.COM

Memorable Moments at The Westin Beijing Financial Street 北京金融街威斯汀大酒店的 7 间餐厅及酒吧不但环境宜人,氛围优 雅,且各成特色,其中现代化的国际餐厅“味餐厅”以新鲜美味、色彩 绚丽的亚洲及西方美食见长,装潢温馨舒适,浓郁的休闲家居风随处可 见。 味餐厅每周六上午 11:30 至下午 2:30 推出的家庭“周六享忆早午餐” 令人耳目一新,现场制作火锅料理、饺子、中式煎饼及烤面包等,满足 客人视觉、味觉双重享受。无限畅饮的新鲜果汁、冰沙以及精心调制的 台湾泡泡茶,让你周末精力充沛,活力无限。客人还可与开放式厨房中 的厨师轻松聊天,观看他们精心烹制各色菜肴,也可自己动手从菜品丰 盛的沙拉和水果吧选择和搭配所喜爱的活力大餐。味餐厅的活力菜单将 美味与营养巧妙结合,活力食品均选用天然食材烹制,富含有益健康的 营养成分和抗氧化成分,热量较低,不仅可补充能量,还可增强机体免 疫系统功能。 其他值得一试的特色菜品还包括新鲜科布沙拉、澳洲牛排三明治、 海南鸡饭和经典辣肉。味餐厅还因其肉骨茶而著名,这是一种正宗地道、 采用异国草药熬制而成的传统中式汤品,此外还有世界知名葡萄酒、国 际啤酒和甘美冰沙等佐餐佳品。 Committed to offering a world of unforgettable culinary experiences, the seven restaurants and lounges at The Westin Beijing Financial Street are rich in variety and ambiance and always underscored by gracious service. Among them is the informal and family-friendly Senses Signature Restaurant, where you can enjoy the fresh flavors and vibrant colors of Asian and international cuisine. Right now, Senses Signature Restaurant has specially tailored a refreshing Saturday Brunch for the whole family every Saturday from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Wake up to a sumptuous array of classic breakfast favorites while feasting your eyes and palate on live stations highlighting hot pot, dumplings, Chinese pancakes, Kaya toast and much more. You can chat with chefs in the open kitchens as they prepare dishes exactly to your liking or create your own invigorating meal from the lavish salad and fruit bar. Free-flowing fresh juices, smoothies and bubble tea start your weekend on an invigorating note. Senses Signature Restaurant also features the famous Super Foods, which are rich in beneficial nutrients and antioxidants but low in calories. These powerhouse foods supply energy and boost immune defenses. Other signature dishes on the extensive menu include a fresh Cobb salad, Australian Steak Sandwich, Hainanese Chicken Rice, and a classic Chili Concarne. Senses Signature Restaurant is also known for Bak Kut Teh, an authentic, traditional Chinese soup infused with exotic herbs. Moreover, wines of the world, an international beer selection and luscious smoothies, etc. are there to accompany your favorite dishes.

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A Dramatic Figure 身为新开业的北京怡亨酒店的总经理,柯伟松先生时髦有品位, 还是个资深鞋履控,而这家位于侨福芳草地的精品酒店同样个性十足, 精彩纷呈。这里,柯伟松与 LifeStyle 执行主编费志远对谈酒店的时尚与格调。 Beijing has never had a hotel General Manager as chic and with such a well-advanced shoe fascination as Wessel Z. Krauss of the eccentric, wonderful new Hotel Éclat Beijing at Parkview Green. LifeStyle EIC Nels Frye recently conversed with him. Text: Nels Frye Photos: Jeffrey Yiu (portrait) and Hotel Éclat

你们酒店做市场运营就是举办派对吗? 我的确想举办一场盛大的泳池派对,不 过这种宣传方式只局限于当地。我希望能够 通过网络和在线旅行社等多种渠道让所有人 知道北京怡亨酒店是全球最别具一格的豪华 酒店之一。当然,这是一项颇具挑战性的工 作。 酒店套房有优惠价吗? 套房价格都是统一的,我们不会随意定 价。北京 CBD 地区带有 8 米泳池的 350 平 米套房,哪家酒店能给客人提供如此有户外 感的私享泳池?因此,我们无需在价格上做 文章。 我知道你注意到了我穿的 Stubbs & Wooton 便鞋,请问你有几双鞋子? 四双。正式场合穿的黑色天鹅绒头骨图 案便鞋、一双出行穿的、一双纯蓝色的和一 双白色的。我最喜欢的是两双克里斯提·鲁 布托的鞋子,还有些鞋子是上海 Jack Peng 品牌的手工定制鞋。我爱鞋成癖,总共有 150 双各式各样的鞋子,其中 80% 都是黑 色的。通常情况下我只穿黑色。 时尚如何影响你们酒店呢? 如果有机会的话,我希望我的团队能 够穿上像艾卓这样品牌的服饰,我喜欢黑白 线条的设计,跟酒店的气质也相吻合。现在 人们想来点新鲜的东西,当然不是带大品牌 LOGO 的那种,不过我们的制服必须与酒店 气质和谐统一。酒店建筑设计的特别漂亮, 其中展示的艺术品也都堪称博物馆级的珍 品。尽管如此,我们在室内设计方面精益求 精,为每一家酒店确定了新的更高的标准。 但酒店的风格跟你的纯粹主义有点不同。 是的,其实我很不喜欢所谓的极简主义, 这种日本风格早就过时了;那种金碧辉煌的 装饰风格也不再受中国人欢迎。我们采用了 折中主义的风格,省去了造型繁杂的水晶大 吊灯,也没有金灿灿的天花板,却显得新颖 别致。你也去过不少酒店,可能每家只有两

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件艺术品,但我们这里每个房间都会有两到 三件。我们是全世界除欧洲外拥有达利雕塑 最多的酒店之一,而且数量还在不断增加。 酒店里随处都能发现新鲜玩意儿,客人在这 里永远不会感到无聊。 还有别的什么原因让你们比其他酒店略胜一 筹吗? 我们所有的家具都是货真价实的,包括 著名设计品牌 Minotti,Halo 和 Phillip Starck 等等。真品和赝品在质量上有很大的差别, 赝品总是很容易损坏。 而且在这里感觉空气不错。 只要呆在酒店里,你就不会呼吸外面的 空气。因为这里有三个植物繁茂的区域,包 括一道“绿色长城”,确保空气洁净、富含 新鲜氧气。酒店注重环保,是北京第一家通 过 LEED 白金认证的建筑。

You noticed my Stubbs and Wooton slippers. How many pairs do you have? Four. Black loafers in velvet with skulls for black tie occasions, safari-style ones, then plain blue ones and a white pair. Among my favorites are two pairs of Louboutins. Some of my shoes are custom made by Jack Peng in Shanghai. I love shoes and have 150 different pairs, 80% of which are black. I usually only wear black. How does fashion influence the hotel? If possible, I would like my team to wear Etro. There is a black-and-white line that I love. It goes well with the eclectic feeling of the hotel. People want something different; they want to get away from big logo brands. Our uniforms have to fit with the hotel itself. With its stunning architecture and museumquality art, we’re setting new design standards not just in China but anywhere.

With a hotel like this, your marketing could be all from parties. I did wake up and realize I wanted to do a big pool party. But of course such marketing would only be local. We want people who matter everywhere to know that Hotel Éclat Beijing is one of the most exclusive luxury design hotels in the world, through channels ranging from websites to online travel agents. The amount of marketing required is enormous. So what is the discount on these suites? These suites are just one price and we don’t play around with that. You get a 350 square meter suite with an 8-meter long swimming pool in the CBD of Beijing. Which other hotel can offer your own private pool that feels outdoors? That’s why we don’t need to change the price.

But the hotel is a bit different from your rather purist style. Yes; I am pretty over that minimalist, Japanese style that is so 2000. The Chinese are also over gold palaces. We are doing something in the middle that is very interesting but without the big chandeliers and gilded ceilings. This is eclectic, and hence the name. You go to many hotels and they have two pieces of art total. We have two or three pieces in every room. We have one of the largest sculpture collections of Dali in the world and our owner is always looking for more. There is something new to see everywhere in this hotel. You don’t ever get bored here. What else makes your hotel a cut above the rest? All the furniture is real, like Minotti, Halo, Phillip Starck etc. The quality difference is big. You know which ones are fake very quickly, because they break. You can also keep your lungs quite clean living here. If you stay inside the hotel, you have no contact with the air outside. There are three major planted areas, including green walls. This helps provide clean air and oxygen. We are a very environmentally friendly hotel and the first one in Beijing to be LEED platinumcertified.

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北京金融街洲际酒店: 无车跑步日

InterContinental Celebrates Earth Hour - Running Day 自 2007 年“地球一小时”活动在澳大 利亚悉尼首次开展以来,已迅速扩展为全球 范围内的环保行动。今年“地球一小时”的 主题是“我做绿 V 客,环保七选一”,提倡 大家“多吃菜、环保袋、不开车、自带筷、 不剩饭、爱动物说出来、走进户外不要宅”。 北京金融街洲际酒店为响应世界自然基 金会倡导的环保理念,特邀来自瑞典的知名 马拉松爱好者莱纳斯于 3 月 21 日带领金融 街社区代表、媒体朋友、酒店管理层和员工 以及热心环保的住店客人进行“2013 地球 一小时 - 无车跑步日”活动,旨在唤醒公众 对地球变暖、气候异常等环境问题的重视, 呼吁大家尽己所能从小事做起,改善环境, 保护我们赖以生存的地球。参与者在环保许 诺板上写下自己的环保宣言,并紧紧跟随莱

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纳斯的步伐,他们迸发出的青春活力和保护 地球的决心和信心感染了不少人。在整个活 动中不断有酒店客人与路人加入,为宣传环 保贡献一己之力。 此外,北京金融街洲际酒店还于 3 月 23 日晚 8:30-9:30 参与“地球一小时”熄灯 活动,同时在巨扒房及酒吧举行鸡尾酒买一 赠一促销活动,以鼓励大家支持这一环保行 动。 北京金融街洲际酒店秉持“节能环保” 的宗旨。酒店利用洲际酒店及度假村集团的 “Green Engage”系统定期将能耗数据上 传至伦敦总部进行分析,旨在及时更新酒店 的能源节约策略。在追求业绩之外,扮演好 社区成员的角色也是酒店一直以来的目标。

On March 21, InterContinental Beijing Financial Street held the event “EARTH HOUR - RUNNING DAY,” inviting famous Swiss runner Mr. Linus to act as the lead runner, showing their passion for environmental protection and the spirit of Earth Hour 2013 “uniting people to protect the planet.” On a backboard at the lobby, community representatives, media friends, hotel management and in-house guests wrote down their environmental promises and then participated in the activity, which comprised running1.6 km along Financial Street to show what an individual can do to keep the Earth green. During the process, several guests and passers-by who were inspired by the enthusiastic atmosphere and determination to preserve the planet joined the running team. On March 23rd, InterContinental Beijing Financial Street also participated in the Annual Global Warming initiative - Earth Hour, and turned off its lights from 8:30pm to 9:30pm, to promote taking action against Global Warming. During the lights-off period, guests at the hotel were also given a “buy one get one free” offer at Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar, which was to get more support for the environmental campaign.

Business objectives aside, it is also very important to InterContinental Beijing Financial Street to play a positive role in community, and conserving energy and environmental protection have been deeply involved with operations since the hotel’s opening. Through InterContinental Hotel Group’s “Green Engage” System, the hotel uploads energyconsumption data to its London headquarters for analysis, and by comparing with their hotels around the world, can learn how to improve energy consumption for a healthier planet. Live Video: Tel: 010 5852 5888

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中国北方首家建在海滩上的国际五星 级奢华城市度假酒店亮相青岛。 Hyatt Regency Qingdao unveiled as the first upscale urban resort with a beachfront location in northern China.


On The Beach 凯悦酒店集团旗下最新成员——青岛鲁商凯悦酒店于 2013 年初盛 大开幕,这是中国北方首家沙滩上的国际五星级城市度假酒店。青岛有 秀美的自然环境、迷人的海岸线、宜人的气候、美味的海鲜和享誉世界 的青岛啤酒,并于 2011 年荣获“中国十佳宜居城市”称号。 鲁商凯悦酒店位于绵延三公里的石老人海滩上,独享碧海蓝天。周 边是高端金融商务与娱乐休闲中心,毗邻国际会展中心、青岛大剧院、 石老人高尔夫球场、极地海洋世界以及著名的道教发源地崂山,且仅需 30 分钟车程即可抵达青岛流亭国际机场。 酒店拥有 439 间风格现代、舒适宽敞的客房,均可观赏迷人的山海 景致或海滩风情。20-26 层的专属嘉宾轩楼层为入住行政客房的客人提 供尊崇礼遇和私人化服务。位于 26 层的主席套房将中西合璧的设计理 念和精雕细琢的装修风格完美融合,堪称青岛最豪华的酒店套房。 凯悦旗下酒店素以创意美食享誉国际,青岛鲁商凯悦酒店沿袭了这 一独树一帜的餐饮文化,成为本地最受瞩目的美食聚集地之一。风味中 餐厅“东海 88”为宾客奉上最具特色的北方菜肴。除了葡萄酒,这里还 有近 35 个知名进口品牌啤酒和青岛啤酒可供选择,是山东省内拥有啤 酒种类最多的餐厅。开放式甜品厨房为喜爱甜食的客人奉上妙不可言的 多种选择。东海 88 私房菜以个性化的订制菜单为宾客奉上地道的精品 鲁式及粤式菜肴,用餐之余更可尽揽迷人海景和沙滩风光。 别致高雅的 咖啡厅里,户外阳光观海坐席直抵海滩,零距离全角度领略醉人美景, 而位于大堂的观海酒廊更是拥有绚丽的无敌海景。酒店还拥有专属会议 及宴会设施、浪漫的婚宴场地、专业的水疗中心以及城中顶级贵宾套房, 可满足宾客商务及休闲的一切需求。 Unveiled at the beginning of the year in the seaside city of Qingdao, Hyatt Regency Qingdao, a newcomer to the Hyatt Hotels & Resorts family, is the first five-star urban resort in northern China with such an idyllic ocean setting. Qingdao, renowned for its natural scenery, beautiful coastline, pleasant climate, delicious seafood and of course the world-famous Tsingtao beer, was crowned “China’s Most Livable City” by the China Institute of City Competitiveness in 2011. Nestled in a 3km stretch of beachfront, Hyatt Regency Qingdao provides exclusive seaside scenery. It is also close to many high-end business, commercial and entertainment centers including

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Qingdao International Exhibition Centre, Qingdao Grand Theater, Shi Lao Ren International Golf Club, Polar Ocean World and Mount Laoshan, the birthplace of Taoism. And Qingdao Liuting International Airport is just a 30-minute drive away. The hotel offers 439 spacious contemporary guestrooms all with panoramic ocean or beach views. Regency Club guests enjoy exclusive accommodation on levels 20 to 26 with premium amenities and personalised services. The hotel also boasts the city’s most opulent VIP suites including the Chairman’s Suite, whose original interior design is a combination of Chinese and Western elements. Establishing itself as the city’s premier dining destination, Hyatt Regency Qingdao will uphold the brand’s reputation for signature gourmet experiences. The Chinese restaurant, Dong Hai 88, serves authentic northern Chinese cuisine, including authentic local seafood specialties. It also offers an extensive menu of global wines, plus 35 beers from around the world along with Qingdao’s own famous brew, Tsingtao, making for the largest beer selection in Shandong province. An open dessert kitchen serves a selection of tempting sweets. Dong Hai 88 Private Dining serves the best Shandong delicacies and authentic Cantonese cuisine, and provides panoramic views of the beach and ocean. At the elegant Market Café, you can also enjoy panoramic sea views with an oceanfront dining deck. Or sitting at the Bay Lounge with unbeatable ocean views right beside you. In addition, the urban resort features great venues for meetings, events and weddings, a spa, and the most luxurious VIP suites in town. Tel: +86 532 8612 1234


Feng Shui at the Ritz-Carlton Beijing 中国传统建筑风水理论的核心,就是人类 依据大地气场之流动,创造对人类最佳的生命 之场。风水是一门意识建筑学,也就是协助生 存于天地的我们寻得与天地和谐之空间。 这个环境要山清水秀、 丰沛富饶;目之所触, 欣欣向荣,此地生命力富足。有山便有“骨”, 有水便能“活”,山水相匹,相得益彰。所以, 能称得上具“好风水”环境均讲究山水相配, 并按照一定的风水空间结构进行组合。为什么 风水宝地能成为人们修心养性、休养生息的理 想场所呢?原因在于其山水组合合理,能给人 一种幽雅舒适、心旷神怡的感觉。从这个意义 上讲,地灵人杰是有其道理的。 所以,好的风水原则是“山环水抱”—— 背有山为依靠,来旺人丁;前面有水,来旺财。 然而在高楼林立的现代都市里,山体就是“屋 群山”,即成片的房屋覆盖着我们,而北京丽 思卡尔顿酒店(华贸中心)四周环绕着屋群, 北有华贸中心楼群,南有华贸购物中心与新光 天地组成的楼群,这正是“山环水抱”的要素 之一。 但北京丽思卡尔顿酒店(华贸中心)有环 山却没有水抱,当初设计的时候,建筑师就在 酒店外明堂设计了“喷水池”作为景观,来造 水气,以补缺“水抱”之憾。乃其水抱亦喻意“财 气”,故有运营领导说,有个怪现象,“喷水池” 顺利运作的几个月,住房率颇高、宴会厅安排 满档;一旦“喷水池”无法运作,整体住房率 明显下降。此现象是巧合吗? 风水学论,“得水”之地为上等,以“藏风” 之地为次等。 北京丽思卡尔顿酒店(华贸中心)有环山, 且符合藏风纳气之要素,只是少了“得水”之要。 入住该酒店期间之洽谈、会面等商务活动会很 融洽很愉快的。

Chinese architectural Feng Shui represents the flow of humans within the structure of Nature, creating the best possible space for our lives. Feng Shui is the architecture of the conscious, that is, it provides a harmony between the space of Heaven & Earth and those who exist within this space. In this environment, nature thrives rich and plentiful, everything in sight is green, abundant, full of vigor. Mountains provide the backbone for life, water the vitality; together, they complement each other perfectly. Therefore, good Feng Shui must be able to consider the balance of mountain and water, i.e. the landscape of a space, and according to this balance, assemble a structure. Why can an area good for Feng Shui then become an ideal place for man to live, nurture and recuperate? The reason lies in the harmony of structure, which can give us a sense of comfort and serenity, helping us to forget our troubles. Therefore, the human spirit is directly tied to the spirit of the environment surrounding it. A principle of good Feng Shui is “mountains encircling water,” that is to have mountains behind for support, bringing people to you, and water ahead, bringing wealth. But in the modern metropolis, skyscrapers become “mountains” that tower over us. For instance, the RitzCarlton Beijing is surrounded by buildings: to the North is China Central Place, to the south, the China Central Place Shopping Center and ShinKong Place, which is quite in accordance with the “mountains encircling water” principle. However while the site of the Ritz-Carlton Beijing is surrounded by “mountains,” it lacks a natural water aspect, prompting the architects to install a fountain outside of the lobby to make up for this deficiency. Therefore, with water representing wealth, according to the Operations Director of the Ritz-Carlton, while the fountain was running smoothly, the number of guests reached new heights, and activities constantly took place in the ballroom. But when the fountain ceased to function, rates dropped and rooms were no longer full. Is this a coincidence? According to Feng Shui theory, having water is the most important principle, but secondly you also want to keep away from the wind. Ritz-Carlton Beijing is surrounded by “mountains” and is hidden from wind, only lacking in the water aspect. Guests who check in for business activities or meetings should be quite satisfied overall.

杜顺杰,国学易数生活应用家,谋略、策划专家,成长于台湾,学习于台湾,现长居于北京。 为中国多家集团、建筑设计公司担任谋略、策划顾问及风水顾问。 Du Shunjie, Raised and educated in Taiwan, Feng Shui master Du Shunjie and has lived in Beijing for three years. His passion is for applying traditional Chinese philosophy, particularly from the Book of Changes, to modern life in a scientific way. He works withnumerous Chinese corporations as well as architecture and design companies as a strategist and consultant, helping clients maximize their potential, while understanding hidden subtleties.

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法国鳄鱼 80 周年优雅庆生

Lacoste Hainan Rendez Vous Pool Party: 80 Years of Crocodile Chic 及试穿。派对还提供玛姆香槟以及生 日甜点,这些甜点被定制成 Polo 衫或 鳄鱼形状的饼干和巧克力,并且印有 Lacoste 标志。直至泳池派对结束, 大批宾客仍然感觉意犹未尽,随后在 美高梅度假酒店名蝶会所继续狂欢, 将欢庆气氛延续至深夜。

2013 年 3 月底,由三亚鸿洲 国际游艇会举办的第四届海南“海 天盛筵”盛大登场。今年也正值法 国鳄鱼这一传奇运动时装品牌创 立 80 周年,名人明星、各大媒体 朋友共一千多人受邀于 3 月 31 日 参加了在三亚美高梅度假酒店举 行的泳池派对。客人们在入场处的 彩色背景板前合影,紧随其后是法 国 “现场绘画”艺术家 CEET 在 巨幅画板前令人赞叹的即兴创作。 当晚 3 位特邀 DJ 带来的音乐让耳 朵大饱听觉盛宴,而泳池中一只只 漂浮的充气鳄鱼也前来助兴。在泳 池的另一边,Bikini 吧里陈列着法 国鳄鱼各式迷人泳装供客人挑选

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On March 31st 2013, legendary French fashion brand Lacoste celebrated 80 years of elegance, excellence and crocodile logos at an exclusive birthday Pool Party at Visun Royal Yacht Club’s Hainan Rendez Vous, which each spring gathers worldclass yachts and high-end luxury brands together to show the newest high-end lifestyle trends from around the Asian region and the world. Over 1000 guests including celebrities, VIPs, media and friends attended this evening event hosted at the MGM Hotel Sanya’s stunning pool complex Wet Republic. Upon arrival, guests were invited to take photos in front of the colorful backdrop, admire an artwork in progess by French live painting artist CEET, and later enjoy the sounds of three international DJs. Highlights also included floating crocodile pool toys, a bikini bar at which guests could try on Lacoste swimsuits, flutes of G.H. Mumm champagne and birthday sweets such as polo shirt and crocodile shaped cookies and chocolates. The crowd partied late into the evening at MGM Papillon nightclub.

FTA 纽约春季晚宴举办

A Spring Evening in New York City with Very Special Friends 3 月 5 日,知名品酒顾问公司田博华及 联营公司(FTA)在位于纽约曼哈顿的大都 会人寿保险大楼范德比尔特大厅举行了第 17 次 FTA 年度晚宴,共有 65 位来自酒店业、 新闻界和赞助企业的嘉宾出席。FTA 晚宴旨 在表彰酒店业杰出人物的同时,直接资助教 育,针对需要帮助的人群进行慈善捐赠活动。 晚宴为联合国儿童基金会美国基金和国际仁 人家园两个非政府组织分别捐赠 500 美元, 并揭晓 2013FTA 杰出酒店大奖。 On March 5, the 17th Annual Fred Tibbitts & Associates - A Spring Evening in New York City with Very Special Friends” - was held in Vanderbilt Suites in The MetLife Building in Manhattan. Sixty-five guests, including hospitality industry professionals, the press and sponsors, attended. The purposes of FTA dinners are to recognize hospitality excellence, provide scholarships in the name of those whom are honored, and make charitable contributions to benefit those less fortunate. 500 dollars of the dinner proceeds were donated to the U.S. Fund for UNICEF, and another 500 dollars to Habitat for Humanity International. Recipients of the 2013 FTA Hospitality Awards for Excellence were announced too.

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A Night in Uniform 3

世界顶级时装品牌迪奥男装首次走出 法国,于 4 月 25 日在北京中央美术学院美 术馆举行 2013/14 秋冬成衣系列发布秀。 一直以来迪奥男装深受中国时尚达人的热 爱,活动举办之前已大受追捧,成为本年 度迄今为止最火爆的活动。为了避免冷场, 有其它品牌甚至取消了同一天的宣传活动。 当晚迪奥男装创意总监克里斯·万艾思为喜 爱他的观众奉上了一场由黑色、深蓝和白 色交织而成的男色诱惑。本季迪奥男装带 有制服式的整齐、潇洒和利落,甚至还透 出一点点邪恶。




1. Super young, Western models were thrilled to party in Beijing. 2. The white coats were the most coveted item of the show. 3. The band this time was Hurts, a UK synthpop duo. 4. This young man decided on an outfit that suggested the scarlet cassocks cardinals of the Roman Catholic church. 5. Partying pals for life, Adam, Wang Peng and Queenie. Wang Peng shot the other photos in the piece. 6. Most un-Dior, Jeffrey Ying was wearing a vintage d'Avenza silk jaquard dinner suit.

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Dior Homme staged its first-ever fashion show outside of France on April 25 at the Central Academy of Fine Art (CAFA) in Northeastern Beijing. Long-loved by local fashionistas, this was the most eagerlyawaited event of the year up till now. Other brands even changed the timing for their events to avoid being lost in the storm around Dior. Designer Kris van Assche gave adoring audiences a line-up of black, midnight blue and white that came together for a superneat, slightly sinister, uniformed vibe.

LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYL 湖州喜来登温泉度假酒店: 任命那瑞帝先生为总经理 Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort: Mr. Claudio Nardini, General Manager

Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide has appointed Mr. Claudio Nardini as the General Manager for Sheraton Huzhou Hot Spring Resort. As an experienced hotelier with more than 40 years in the industry, Mr. Nardini, a native Italian, joined Sheraton Hotels & Resorts Worldwide Inc. after working for many hotels in Africa and the Middle East.

青岛香格里拉大酒店: 任命李春金先生为总经理 Shangri-La Hotel, Qingdao: Mr. Henry Lee, General Manager

Mr. Lee has more than 25 years of hotel management experience and has worked with Shangri-La Hotels and Resorts for more than 18 years. His assignments have included a variety of positions, including at the general manager level, at Shangri-La hotels in mainland China, Myanmar, the Philippines and Malaysia. Prior to coming to Qingdao, Mr. Lee was general manager at Esda ShangriLa, Manila.

北京天伦王朝酒店、天伦松鹤大饭店: 任命韩乔庆先生为总经理 Beijing Sunworld Dynasty Hotel and Sunworld Hotel: Mr. Joachim Heineke, General Manager

Sunrider Hotel Group announced the appointment of Mr. Joachim Heineke as the new general manager of Sunworld Dynasty Hotel Beiing and Sunworld Hotel Beijing. Mr. Heineke has more than 20 years of hospitality experience and is responsible for the success of the two Beijing hotels. Mr. Heineke has worked as General Manager for a number of leading international hotel brands including Shangri-La and Rocco Forte.

宁波万达索菲特大饭店: 任命孔坚先生为市场销售总监 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo: Mr. Bernard Kong, Director of Sales & Marketing

We are proud to announce the appointment of Bernard Kong as Director of Sales & Marketing at Sofitel Wanda Ningbo. Bernard has over 14 years of hospitality experience. He had been with Suzhou TianPing Hotel since 1999 and was promoted as Assistant Director of Sales of Suzhou Marriott Hotel in 2010 with excellent experience in driving sales through strategic planning.

上海裕景大饭店: 任命黄玉婷女士为人力资源部总监 The Eton Hotel Shanghai: Ms. Sandy Huang, Director of Human Resource

Ms. Sandy Huang has been appointed as the Director of Human Resources for The Eton Hotel Shanghai. She holds a Major in Business Administration from the Singapore Informatics College, Sandy has an extensive experience in the Training and Human Resources field gathered in her career whilst with the JC Mandarin, Four Seasons and most recently Regal International.

上海世纪皇冠假日酒店: 任命安奈哲先生为总经理 Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai: Mr. Nigel R. Edwards, General Manager

Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr. Nigel R. Edwards as General Manager of the hotel. Mr. Edwards is a veteran in managing hotels. During the past ten years, he has been working in various international hotels in the Asia-Pacific region, specifically China, Japan and New Zealand.

广州希尔顿逸林酒店: 任命克里斯先生为总经理 Doubletree by Hilton Guangzhou: Mr. Chris Roberts, General Manager

Chris Roberts has been appointed as General Manager of the 305 room Doubletree by Hilton Guangzhou. Located in the heart of the city CBD and government district of Yuexiu, Guangzhou, the hotel is scheduled to open in summer of 2013. Roberts will lead a new team in preparation for the opening of Doubletree by Hilton Guangzhou, develop the hotel’s vision and strategy, as well as oversee hotel operations.

宁波万达索菲特大饭店: 任命范斯先生为行政助理经理 Sofitel Wanda Ningbo: Mr. Guillocher Francois, Executive Assistant Manager S o f i t e l Wa n d a N i n g b o w e l c o m e s M r. Guillocher Francois as the Executive Assistant Manager. Mr. Francois, a French gentleman with nearly 30 years of experience in Executive Chef, Director of Food & Beverage, Executive Assistant Manager and Acting General Manager, starting his journey with Accor as a Chef of Pullman St Jacques.

开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店: 任命黄显星先生为市场销售总监 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya: Mr. Jack Widagdo, Director of Sales and Marketing

Jack Widagdo was recently appointed as the Director of Sales & Marketing of Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya, China’s 1st Kempinski resort. Jack comes with 14 years of experience in a range of roles within the luxury hotel industry that spanned 4 countries. Prior to his arrival, he was stationed in various places such as Thailand, Singapore, Bali and Australia.

上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店: 任命杜博思先生为行政总厨 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: Mr. Allan Dupros, Executive Chef

Shanghai-Pullman Shanghai Skyway is pleased to appoint Mr. Allan Dupros as the Executive Chef. Mr. Dupros is a French national, Hotel Professional diploma holder from the BAC Professionnel Hotellerierestauration option kitchen and BEP & CAP Hotellerie-restauration option kitchen. He brings with him over 15 years of the talent and rich experience from previous culinary positions with Accor held in French, British and China. Prior to this, he worked as the Executive Chef of Novotel Wuhan Xinhua.

LifeStyle 117 méLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129


菲拉格慕全新推出旅行系列 Ferragamo Releases All-New Travel Series “菲拉格慕旅行系列”是菲拉格慕专为现代旅行者量身 打造的首个产品系列,它们将重新定义“奢华旅行”。 此系列采用高科技材质,结合“意大利制造”的精湛工 艺及悠久传统。印有全新“Gancino Space”独特图案 的 PVC 材质,采用极致简约的黑色或是明亮干净的鸽白 色,搭配全手工处理与皮革细节,完美展现出菲拉格慕 的品牌精髓。

酷彩 2013 春夏新品“尼斯阳光”全新上市 Le Creuset New 2013 Signature Soleil Braisers

全球知名高端厨具品牌酷彩 2013 春夏新品系列“尼斯 阳光”在北京国贸品牌形象店全新上市。新品的设计灵 感源于法国南部海岸尼斯,尼斯一带的地中海沿岸是一 片大自然赐予的纯净天气,地中海的光与影、海岸与天空, 造就了当地人超越其他欧洲人的艺术气质。酷彩厨具可 以让你在厨房和餐桌享受到“尼斯阳光”带来的那一米 灿烂阳光。

2013 年爱彼女皇杯千禧系列限量版腕表 全新呈献 Audemars Piguet Queen Elizabeth II Cup 2013 Timepiece Unveiled

普拉达 2013 春夏女装广告片华丽上演 Prada S/S 2013 Womenswear Advertising Campaign

为庆祝爱彼女皇杯创办 15 周年,瑞士高级制表厂爱 彼在 4 月推出仅发行 100 枚的 2013 年爱彼女皇杯千 禧系列限量版腕表。全新系列沿用了系列标志性的椭 圆形表壳,18K 白金表壳及表扣镶有 339 颗圆形美钻, 表盘镶有 139 颗圆形美钻,所有钻石均属内里无瑕 的 IF 净度。银色扭索饰纹表盘上印有阿拉伯数字分、 秒刻度,而罗马数字小时刻度则镶于偏心镶钻圆盘 上,配衬黑亮精刚指针及黑色手工缝制鳄鱼皮表带。

普拉达着重于表现女性复杂多样的个性,通过著名摄影 师史蒂文·梅塞的镜头,以极简的方式呈现普拉达 2013 春夏女装广告大片。花朵是永恒的主题:在伯爵缎裙装 上不断重新排列组合、手工缝制或镶嵌在外套和眼镜上。 无论是这些花朵或是这些女性,她们都散发着自信的一 面,没有半点忸怩与浮夸之态。她们自成一派,形成鲜 明的个性对比,两重性是普拉达新女性特质的灵魂所在。


KEF 极致性能 E305 家庭影院系统劲撼上市 KEF E305 High-Performance Home Theater Speaker System

英国殿堂级音响品牌 KEF 最新力作 E305 家庭影院系统劲撼上市。全 新 KEF E305 家庭影院系统传承了 KEF 经典蛋型风格,配以光泽柔和 的外壳设计,简约亦极富现代感。KEF E305 家庭影院系统有深黑、 纯白两款颜色,现代简约风格的卫星扬声器由缎纱镀铬铸铝底座所承 托,并搭配低频强劲的超低音扬声器,外形别具一格,尽显极致时尚 品味。

JVC 举办 Power Play Everio 2013 新品 发布会 JVC Holds Power Play Everio 2013 New Product Conference

JVC 中国投资有限公司近期发布了“Power Play Everio”2013 新品系列。Everio2013 年 摄像机兼具产品专业性与趣味性——高画质、 完美音质和 Wi-Fi 性能,融合了最新的趣味娱 乐功能。组成今年 Power Play Everio 产品线 的是入门级系列 GZ-E100、提升级系列 GZEX355、突出镜头设计的高端系列 GZ-E565/ EX575 以及以时尚优雅的设计凸显高端形象的 优越型号 GZ-VX855。

诺基亚 520 及诺基亚 720 全新发布 Nokia New Models 520 and 720 Released

在今年 MWC 首次亮相的两款最新 Lumia 智 能手机——诺基亚 520 和诺基亚 720 正式与 中国消费者见面了。两款新品实现了低价位与 高性能的完美结合,进一步拓展了诺基亚智能 手机产品线,让更多消费者可以享受到诺基亚 带来的创新体验。两款产品分别推出中国移 动 (TD-SCDMA) 定制版本诺基亚 520T/720T 和 中 国 联 通(WCDMA) 定 制 版 本 诺 基 亚 520/720。

森海塞尔呈献限量版 Simple Plan 话筒 Sennheiser Presents Limited Edition Simple Plan Microphone

森海塞尔在其 iPad 应用程序“Blue Stage” 的第三期中发布了一款限量版话筒:250 支别 具一格的 e 935 人声话筒。话筒头经过镀铬处 理,每支话筒都编上号码,更利用激光刻上主 唱、主音吉他、伴奏吉他、伴唱、低音乐器及 鼓手等的签名。Simple Plan 签名的限量版话 筒由德国、英国、加拿大及美国的森海塞尔网 上商店独家发售。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 哈瓦那 2013 最新春季系列倾情上市 Havaianas Spring/Summer 2013 Series Hits the Market 来自巴西的人字拖品牌哈瓦那隆重呈献 2013 最新春季系列(Instant Joy 系列、 Pac Man 系列、Slim Animals 系列)。 哈瓦那自 8 年前进军中国,便以其特别 之处——充满玩味的时尚,让大家在世 界各地都可以展现出自己独特的时尚风 格,被誉为“世界上最好的人字拖”。 时尚多变的新款及限量特别版人字拖让 你和你的美腿一年四季都走在潮流的尖 端。

法中之家沙龙带你领略创意旅行 与别样欧式风情 Maison de Voyages Paris Salon France Performance Held at Temple Hotel Beijing

4 月 11-14 日,“法中之家沙龙”在北京 东景缘酒店成功举办。此次活动法中之 家集合 20 家久负盛名的国际品牌与法国 艺术家,共同打造了一场文化和艺术气 息浓厚的沙龙。为期三天的活动通过一 系列展览、讨论、圆桌会议、研讨会、 红酒品鉴和音乐表演,让旅行者真切体 验原汁原味的异国文化,让大家领略到 了旅行的艺术与别样的欧式风情。

尊尼获加礼赞系列荣耀呈现 Johnnie Walker Tribute Series Emerges on Market 畅销全球的苏格兰威士忌品牌尊尼获加 近期于北京尊邸举办了顶级威士忌晚宴, 荣 耀 呈 现“ 礼 赞 系 列” 三 款 至 尊 威 士 忌——尊尼获加创始纪念版、尊尼获加 英皇乔治五世纪念版和尊尼获加尊酩奢 华馥郁的绝世风味。当晚二十多位社会 名流精英共襄飨宴,感受着尊尼获加家 族百年来对非凡品质与奢华体验的极致 追求。

2013 年起中国公民可在意大利 投资房地产 Starting in 2013, Chinese Citizens can Invest in Italian Real Estate 由意大利世通投资集团主办的投资意大 利房地产业高级研讨会已于近期在意大 利驻华大使馆举行,为想涉足意大利房 地产业的中国投资者分析投资机会并介 绍操作流程。作为唯一一家直接在中国 设立分公司的意大利房产咨询公司,世 通投资集团在处理中国公民在意投资房 产项目上具有丰富经验,向客户提供合 理化、个性化、经济化的方案。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control

绿 巨 人 虫 控 PEST CONTROL

北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址

意大利知名男装品牌博图 进驻北京金宝汇购物中心 Italian Designer Modesto Bertotto Comes to Beijing Jinbao Place 近期,意大利知名男装品牌博图进驻北 京金宝汇购物中心。博图多年来坚持采 用最顶级的原材料织造最优质的面料, 顶级的意大利设计资源、优质的意大利 生产资源制造出博图精致男装。博图拥 有着尊贵、现代、优雅的品牌气质和百 年传承的意大利血统,非常适合追求高 品质生活的品位人士和具有中高档消费 能力的政、经、商界之有品位精英人群。

WEEKEND MaxMara2013 春夏新 品绽放缤纷浪漫 Weekend MaxMara SS 2013: Romantic New Collections 光影交错的周末午后,印花的剪影轻划 过意大利的古旧墙壁。身着如日光般轻 柔的蕾丝裙,感受午后花园般的自由惬 意,丰盈的色彩也为海港假日增添了凉 爽与活力。近期,Max Mara 集团旗下 WEEKEND 带来其 2013 春夏新品系列, 将最动人的花园色彩带入北京双安旗舰 店,精致优雅的假日风情、明艳多姿的 时尚元素为双安商场带来了独具意式品 质的休闲情调。

“鲜活传统,如景同行” 瑞士传统文化旅游年正式启动 Swiss Launches Year of Traditional Cultural Tourism

4 月 11 日,瑞士国家旅游局在曼丽爱吉 M 会馆举行“鲜活传统,如景同行”瑞 士传统文化旅游年启动仪式。瑞士驻华 大使杜哲巍先生、瑞士国家旅游局亚太 区主任包西蒙先生、瑞士国际航空公司 中国区总经理李渊女士以及来自北京各 大媒体的近 70 名记者、多位著名旅游博 主和京城爱好旅游文化的网友共同出席 了活动。瑞士国家旅游局将联手京沪批 发商推广以瑞士为主要目的地的线路产 品,让游客在游览湖光山色的同时,能 真正体验原汁原味的瑞士传统文化。

巴黎旅游和会议促进局 中国委员会来华推介 The Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau to Promote Tourism in China 日前巴黎旅游和会议促进局中国委员会 在局长保罗·罗尔先生的带领下于北京、 上海两地举办巴黎推介会。巴黎旅游和 会议促进局为中国旅游业界人士提供了 巴黎最新的旅游信息和旅游产品建议。 据悉,2012 年巴黎接待了 2900 万游客, 其中中国游客超过百万,位居排行榜第 三位。巴黎旅游局还推出了 12 主题的全 年活动:购物、浪漫、康体和绿色、运动、 音乐、户外、沙滩、遗产、艺术,还有 美食和流光溢彩的巴黎。

北京耀莱巅峰品牌产业联盟 启动仪式举行 The Launch Ceremony of SR Pinnacle Brands’ Industry Alliance

4 月 9 日,2013 北京耀莱巅峰论坛合作 伙伴新闻发布会暨耀莱产业联盟启动仪 式在北京当代 MOMA 举行。耀莱集团副 主席兼行政总裁及执行董事郑浩江先生、 耀莱集团会展传媒部总监郭颖女士及厦 门零度尚品商贸有限公司董事长涂春荣 先生分别发表了致辞。耀莱巅峰论坛组 委会与巅峰论坛尊享展参展商合作伙伴 歌德盈香股份有限公司和品时柏开合国 际商贸北京有限公司在发布会上进行了 签约仪式。


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE北京瑞吉酒店艾斯特扒房: 纵情享受夏日露台烧烤 St. Regis Beijing, Astor Grill: Chef’s Menu on the Garden Terrace

Memorable times star t now with exclusive menus on the Garden Terrace of Astor Grill. From 6:00 to 10:30 pm, indulge in a selection of prime cuts, grilled seafood with a burst of flavors and aromas paired with one of the wines specially chosen by our sommelier. Enjoy light breeze of summer evenings at The Astor Grill. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688

杭州奥克伍德国际酒店公寓: 五月澳洲美食节 Oakwood Residence Hangzhou Australian Food Promotion

This May, enjoy cuisine from the “Land Down Under”. In conjunction with the Australian Trade Commission & Meat and Livestock Australia; The Oakleaf Buffet and Wine Bar brings you an Aussie Feast featuring the finest ingredients from Australia. Australian Guest Chef David Carew will interact with guests and will showcase his cooking skills. Tel: +86 571 8899 3131

北京港澳中心瑞士酒店: 母亲节温馨午聚 Swissotel Beijing: Warm Gathering for Mother’s Day

The best treat for your mom! SwissÔtel Beijing cordially invites you to celebrate this day at our Café Swiss with your mom. Share this special moment with her, while savoring all kinds of delicacies. This will be unforgettable memory for your loving mom. You can also book a cake for your mom. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2127

北京丽都维景酒店: 全家人的母亲节早午餐 Metropark Lido Hotel, Beijing: Mother’s Day Brunch

Make Mother’s day special for the whole family, treat them to an unforgettable dining experience at Lido. Here you can enjoy a sumptuous array of Chinese & International dishes, and free flow of soft drinks & local beer, with a special drink for mothers. It will be a unique culinary journey for you and your mum. Tel: +86 10 6437 6688 ext 1971

北京民族饭店: 一品美食,四季好味 Beijing Minzu Hotel Yi Pin Restaurant: Taste All Four Seasons

Yi Pin restaurant lets you savour the tastes of all four seasons at once with delicacies such as Roast Duck with walnut kernels, Fried Sesame Shrimp and more Chinese favorites! As spring changes into summer, we feature all these and more at our Food Festival. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163

北京金融街洲际酒店:生蚝盛宴 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: OYSTER CRAZE

Indulge in various kinds of fresh open oyster from USA, Iceland, Canada and France at InterContinental Beijing Financial Street to enhancing the lovely moment. Be enveloped by our elegant dining oasis while tasting the succulent and palatable oyster, even the most fastidious food critic would be impressed by the delicious dishes! Tel: +86 10 5852 5715

上海浦东嘉里大酒店: 嘉里健身早餐晨练营 Kerry Hotel Pudong Shanghai: The Breakfast Klub at Kerry Sports

Kerry Hotel Pudong, Shanghai has recently introduced The Breakfast Klub at Kerry Sports designed for business travellers to stay on top of their workout routines even while travelling. Starting at 6:30am on weekdays, the Breakfast Klub includes a 30-minute high-energy exercise with instructors at Kerry Sports studios, followed by a well chosen, healthy low-calorie breakfast, taken “to go” or enjoyed at the juice bar at Kerry Sports. Tel: +86 21 6169 8888 ext 6815

海神诺富特大酒店品坊咖啡厅: 周末早午餐 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, The Square Coffee Shop: Weekend Brunch

It is time to relax yourself and enjoy a good brunch at the weekend. Brazilian style skewed BBQ,Indian specialit ies, fresh Japanese sushi, Cantonese dim sum, salads and desserts, and many more dishes to savour. Every Saturday and Sunday from 6:30 am to 2:00 pm. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1823

北京北辰洲际酒店: 献给最爱的母亲 InterContinental Beijing Beichen - I Love You Mom

This Mother’s Day, invite your beloved mother to Café O2 at InterContinental Beijing Beichen and enjoy our “Mothers dine for free” deal. Accompanied by the family, moms will dine for free with a special beauty drink as a gift. The special offer is available for one mom per table and cannot be used with other promotions. Reservations are required. Tel: +86 10 8437 1345

上海新世界丽笙大酒店旋景餐厅: 母亲节周日早午餐 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch

On Sunday 12th May, bring your Mum for a sumptuous Mother’s Day brunch buffet to Epicure on 45 in Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World. Within 2 hours, your Mum will have a 360 degree view of the Shanghai city skyline 208 meters above street level whilst going through a lavish selection of food. She will leave the restaurant with an everlasting memory in her mind. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4007



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 北京凯宾斯基饭店: 母亲节丰盛早午餐 Kempinski Hotel Beijing: Mother’s Day Brunch

This Mother’s Day, treat mum to a luxurious brunch at Kranzler’s, featuring gourmet fresh seafood and live cooking stations, free flow of sparkling wine, fresh roses and a live chocolate station. Tel: +86 10 6465 3388 ext 4222

北京国贸饭店 T- 酒吧: “静享午后时光”中式下午茶 Beijing Traders Hotel, T-Bar: Chinese High Tea

From 20 May to 9 June, 2013, enjoy Chinese High Tea on a sunny afternoon with your friends at T-Bar. T-Bar provides that perfect cosy environment for relaxing and mingling after a long day. Escape from the bustling CBD to the relaxing T-Bar for a tempting High Tea, appreciating our landscaped garden through sunlight-flooded floor-to-ceiling glass wall. Tel: +86 10 6505 2277 ext 36

上海世纪皇冠假日酒店: 温馨母亲节自助晚餐 Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai: The Sweetest Day for the Sweetest Mum

This month it is Mothers Day so we are here to help you treat your mum to an extra special day. Bring Mum along to the Park Café on the 12th of May, and she can enjoy a marvelous dinner buffet, including seafood and the best dishes of international and Chinese cuisines. What’s more, mothers will enjoy our special offer of one free glass of red wine. Tel: +86 21 5190 8888 ext 8307

上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 早午餐的香槟派对 Shanghai Sofitel Sheshan Oriental: Pommery Brunch

Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental introduces its new Summer Brunch concept at Sofitel Sheshan Riviera. In partnership with Maison Vranken Pommery, Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental created an unique package which allows the customers toenjoy free access to the hotel’s man-made beaches, pools and shuttle bus if purchasing the Pommery Brunch at our Riviera-like lagoons. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext 1911

上海威斯汀大饭店: 母亲节周日早午餐 Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch at The Westin Bund Center

The Westin Bund Center Shanghai will be presenting its famous and lavish Mother’s Day Sunday Brunch on May 12th. A food extravaganza featuring melt-in-your-mouth foie gras, juicy fresh seafood, sizzling teppanyaki, tender beef carpaccio and many more delicacies prepared a la minute by chefs at various action stations will ensure that diners will be spoilt for choice. Tel: +86 21 6335 1888 ext 7505

上海花园酒店欧陆餐厅: 海鲜盛宴和自助午餐 Shanghai Okura Garden Hotel, Sazanka Teppanyaki: Seafood & Lunch Buffet

French Restaurant Continental Room and Sazanka Teppanyaki on the 33rd floor serve seafood in seasonal set meals. Come enjoy them anytime of the year. Featuring a May Day Lunch Order Buffet from April 29th through May 1st. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5211

上海金茂君悦大酒店: 云端下午茶全新体验 Grand Hyatt Shanghai Hotel, Grand Café: Afternoon Tea

Grand Hyatt Shanghai hotel invites you to three different styles of restaurants and the bar where the culinary team has carefully crafted afternoon tea. Every Saturday and Sunday at 3pm, enjoy afternoon tea with all kinds of desserts, Western and Chinese fare, including Tiramisu, New York cheesecake and Shanghainese snacks, with a fantastic panoramic view of the Bund. Tel: +86 21 50471234 ext 8778

索菲特酒店: 探索“索菲特健康美食之旅” Sofitel Luxury Hotels: Healthier Choice ‘de-light’ Menu Concept

Sofitel Luxury Hotels announces the launch of its De-Light concept in AsiaPacific offering guests a new menu of fresh and well-balanced food options. Going beyond the creation of low-calorie dishes, De-Light is a wholesome, holistic approach to healthy eating for guests. Eliminating p ro c e s s e d f o o d , e a c h c a re f u l l y portioned dish is well-balanced with the right amount of fresh ingredients from the key food groups to promote a healthy lifestyle. Tel: +86 21 6351 5888 ext 4468

金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 生蚝齐汇水之“冰源” Hilton Sanya:Oyster Tasting at .IZE Restaurant

Enjoy the taste of the sea with smooth, freshly shucked oysters imported from France, Australia and the USA. Indulge in a premium selection including: Fines de Claire, Tasmanian and Alaska. The promotion is until May 31st. Tel: +86 898 8885 8888 ext 8161

上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 母亲节共享周日早午餐 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Mother’s Day Sunday Market

Give your mom a day off with “Mother’s Day Sunday Market” in Pudong City Bistro, where each mom will receive a beautiful flower, a home-made Mother’s Day cake to take away and a chance to win prizes at lucky draw. Enjoy a lavish brunch with local and international favorites including oyster starters, caviar, and fresh seafood counter. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888



Ms. Lisa Li, Floor Supervisor of Guoman Hotel Shanghai, was recently praised for “Recognition in appreciation of honesty” by a guest who left a large amount of money in their room. Hotel GM Mr. Christian Ho and Director of Housekeeping Mr. Stanley Zhou awarded her a Cer tificate of Recognition in appreciation of her honesty. Tel: +86 21 6095 8888 ext 2006

上海外滩华尔道夫酒店:盛大开启华尔道夫水疗 Waldorf Astoria Shanghai on the Bund: Redefining Luxury Wellness

Waldorf Astoria Shanghai is proud to announce the opening of its new spa in Shanghai. The Waldorf Astoria Spa offers an international elixir of luxury experiences, delivered by a team of highly qualified and skilled therapists. It’s been designed to deliver results, so guests will emerge rejuvenated and refreshed. Tel: +86 21 6322 9988 ext 3620

外滩第一台: 荣膺“上海最佳餐厅之一”称号 Table No.1 Acclaimed as One of Shanghai’s Best Restaurants

Recently, Table No. 1 of The Waterhouse at South Bund has been acclaimed as one of Shanghai’s Best restaurants by the discerning gourmets and readers of Shangliu Tatler. Pictured here are Head Chef Christopher Pitts and Food & Beverage Manager Xavier Zeng with the entire team to celebrate the happy moment. Tel: +86 21 6080 2965

上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓 和上海福朋喜来登由由酒店: 地球一小时活动 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong: Earth Hour

三亚美高梅度假酒店: 完美演绎元首接待服务 MGM Grand Sanya: the President’s Choice

MGM Grand Sanya proved to be the president’s choice by hosting Myanmar president Mr. U Thein Sein, Peruvian president Mr. Ollanta Humala Tasso, Zambian president Mr. Michael Chilufya Sata, Finnish president Mr. Sauli Niinistö, President of the Council of the Nation of Algeria Mr. Abdelkader Bensalah, and Chairman of The State Great Hural of Mongolia Mr. Zandaakhuu Enkhbold who participated the Boao Forum for Asia Annual Conference 2013. Tel: +86 10 5811 6100

台州玉环福朋酒店:盛大揭幕 Four Points by Sheraton Taizhou, Yuhuan Grand Opening

F o u r P o i n t s b y S h e r a t o n Ta i z h o u , Yuhuan was recently unveiled, marking the Starwood Group’s official debut in Taizhou, and the first international brand hotel in the city. With a pleasant hillside location along the golden coastline, close to local attractions and the airport, and Four Points by Sheraton brings you all of its signature style and comfort. Tel: +86 576 8759 9686

By turning off non-essential lighting, using candlelight in restaurants and bars, and using in-room television messages to inform guests about Earth Hour, Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong will join millions around the world to send a powerful message about a brighter future for the planet.

昆山瑞士大酒店:活力助跑庆祝 “活力计划”推行一周年 Swissotel Kunshan Celebrates the Vitality Program One Year by Holding Virtual Run

Swissôtel Kunshan collaborated with Swissôtel Grand Shanghai to celebrate one year of the Vitality Programme with a “virtual” run. Over 40 guests and team members assembled at the Health Club on 21 March to run 56.7km on treadmills. Afterward, all of participants enjoyed dishes prepared by Chef Liu and his team from Café Swiss. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788

北京丽思卡尔顿酒店:空气净化系统进驻 The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing: Air Purification Systems

To provide a better environment for our guests living or travel in Beijing, The Ritz-Carlton, Beijing has specially installed a set of airpurification system, including extra filter devices set up to ensure all outdoor air will be filtered and absorbing dust, and using humidifiers not only to reduce dryness, but also increase the humidity to reduce dust. Tel: +86 10 5908 8951



China Tourist Hotel Star-Rating Committee has awarded The Westin Hefei Baohe the prestigious Five-Star Hotel Award in recognition for their outstanding work and meeting the criteria in accordance with the Standards of The People’s Republic of China National Star-Rating board. The Westin Hefei Baohe has also been awarded the Top 10 City-Nova Hotels of China by 8th Hotel Starlight Awards. Tel: +86 551 6298 9346

长沙万达文华酒店:2013 奢享婚典大赏华丽启幕 Wanda Vista Changsha: Wedding Fair 2013

Wanda Vista Changsha hosted a gorgeous Wedding Fair in the Grand Ballroom with media, nearly 150 professionals in wedding and fashion, and 300 new couples in attendance. The ceremony was co-hosted by Mr. Ke Dou and Ms Lu Li from Hunan Satellite TV. “Wedding Fair Wanda Vista Changsha 2013” is the largest and most luxurious Wedding Fair in the Hunan market. Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 参与“地球一小时”活动 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: Earth Hour Activities

InterContinental Shanghai Pudong participated in 2013 Earth Hour, the world’s largest public activity for the environment. Between 8:30 and 9:30 p.m., the hotel turned off or dimmed most lights, and guests were encouraged to do the same. Meanwhile, a sign board was set up in lobby for guests’ signature and commitment to show their care to global environmental change. Tel: +86 21 5835 6666 ext 3894

上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 择酒吧新律动 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: New Sound at Zpark

Sip hand crafted cocktails with panoramic views at Zpark Bar and discover a brand new sound. Kelly, the runner-up winner of the popular TV Show “SUPER DIVA” will stimulate your senses with her soulful tunes spanning a variety of genres. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888

银川凯宾斯基饭店: 业主宁夏马斯特置业有限公司荣膺 第十三届中国饭店金马奖“中国酒 店业最佳业主”称号 Ningxia Master Real Estate Co. Ltd.Wins 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award “Best Hotel Owner”

The 13th China Hotel Golden Horse Award Ceremony was held in Guangzhou Opera House. Ningxia Master Real Estate Co., Ltd., owning company of the Kempinski hotel Yinchuan, was awarded with the China Hotel Industry 2012-2013 Golden Horse Awards ‘Top One Hundred & Best Owner of China Hotel Industry’. Tel: +86 951 516 5825

马尔代夫马迪瓦鲁悦榕庄: 您的私人度假海岛 Private Island Escapade in the Maldives at Banyan Tree Madivaru

Valid from now till 30 September 2013, Banyan Tree Madivaru offers the Private Island package from USD 9,420++ per night for accommodation in six tented pool villas. The rate include full-board accommodation for up to 18 people, full board meals for two persons, dining set-up on the beach, in the villa or on the resort’s restaurant. It also includes a dedicated personal villa host for each villa, and scheduled excursions to nearby islands, marine and sea sport activities. Tel: +52 744 434 0101

上海绿地万豪酒店:羽泉组合举办 15 周年纪念新闻发布会 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan Welcomes Famous Guests

On 1st April, 2013, The famous Chinese singing group Yu Quan was greeted by Mr. Jerry Miao, General Manager of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan on its 15th anniversary celebration press conference. Tel: +86 21 2312 5280

开维·三亚海棠湾凯宾斯基酒店:成功协办 CCTV 第八届中国国 际广告艺术节暨第三届海棠湾 A8 论坛 Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay Sanya:CCTV 8th China International Advertising Art Festival & AUDI 3rd A8 Forum

Kempinski Hotel Haitang Bay was recently appointed as the host venue of CCTV 8th China International Advertising Art Festival and AUDI 3rd A8 Forum. Over 300 industry representatives from the Davos List of Foreign Capital in China attended. The followed gala dinner event was also a hit with top celebrities Wang Gang, Huo Si-yan, Guo Dong-lin, Wang Xiao-ya, Chun-ni and Ji Xiao-jun. Tel: +86 898 8865 5555


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Sybaritic Cellular 如果一部手机价值 600 万英镑,那 将是怎样的奢华光艳?英国著名奢侈品 设计师斯图亚特·休斯设计的一款纯金镶 钻 iPhone 5 堪称手机至尊当之无愧。手 机边框由玫瑰金制成,镶嵌大约 500 颗 精致白钻,钻石总重量超过 100 克拉。 机身背面用 24 克拉的纯金打造,镶有 53 颗钻石和 24 克拉黄金构成的苹果标 志。主菜单按钮同样是纯金打造,中间 簇拥着一颗 8.6 克拉的纯钻。如果想换 个款式,主菜单按钮也可以替换成一颗 7.4 克拉的粉钻。这款 iPhone 5 还配有 特别的铂金包装盒,采用霸王龙骨骼化 石作为装饰, 此外还镶有猫眼石、 彼得石、 紫龙晶、金发晶和日光石等稀有宝石。 这款 64GB 手机为限量发售,仅有两部。 What does 6,000,000 GBP get you? An iPhone 5. But this is no ordinary iPhone. It is a Stuart Hughes iPhone. The most unique mobile phone ever created with a total construction cost of £6 million. The bezel is handmade from rose gold with approx 500 individual flawless diamonds which total over 100ct.The rear section is formed using 24ct gold with the added touch of its 24ct gold Apple logo and 53 diamonds. The main navigation is made from gold which holds a single cut 8.6ct diamond. Also included (not shown in picture) is a rare 7.4ct single cut Flawless pink diamond which can replace the existing one. The chest is made from solid Platinum with polished pieces of original dinosaur bone from a T-Rex along with rare stones such as Opal, Pietersite, Charoite, Rutile Quartz, Star Sunstone. The handset is 64gb and limited edition of only 2 made.

128 LifeStyle

南腔北调· LifeStyle

MAY 2013

2013 年五月号 总第 332 期


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure


Defining Design l Racing through Time l Gallic Glass l The Art of Horology l Legends in Luxury l The Beijing Parade

Wang Qianyuan Rugged Style

家历史酒店 的奢华传奇

Legendary Luxury

2013 品味生活 设计大赏

THE DESIGN AWARDS 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元



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