November 2013

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南腔北调· LifeStyle 2013 年十一月号 总第 344 期 London’s Cigar Heritage l The Chappish Revolution l A United Aesthetic l Designer David Collins l See the World through My Frames




Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure



London Lodgings

江一燕 享受爬行慢生活


The Chappish Revolution

Jiang Yiyan Slow Down & Enjoy Life

伦敦 雪茄之旅

London’s Cigar Heritage

人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元

LifeStyle 1



LifeStyle 3



LifeStyle 5

请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活

Editor’s Note

The November cover is a shot of actress Jiang Yiyan, by Gu Zi

The New City Hoppers

生活在别处 严重的雾霾、拥挤的交通以及永无止境的现代化……这 些让北京没少受诟病,但也没能阻止北京人口规模的高速膨 胀。这是一个“想说爱你不容易”的地方,它瞬息万变,活 力十足,并且雄心勃勃。这个阳刚的城市造就了众多无坚不 摧的精英人士,却又让他们时时梦想生活在别处。像北京这 样的城市,中国有很多,强势有余,温柔不足。 过去,有福气的人能一直生活在出生地或者成长地。“人 离乡贱”、“背井离乡”这样的字眼总是带着难言的苦楚。 如今,越来越多的人能够选择自己想生活的地方。这个新兴 的移动群体常围绕着几个国际大都市来比较,像伦敦、纽约、 香港、巴黎等,每个城市各有哪些优缺点,少不了要权衡一番。 他们大部分都远离故乡,择良地而栖。 在中国,食品安全、空气质量和交通状况是人们反复考 虑的,很多人都希望孩子能在更好的环境下长大,于是他们 从省会城市迁往首都,甚至迁往国外。这对很多中国人来说 已不算什么奢望了。不少中国人想成为来去潇洒的全球公民, 尽管看起来他们的下一代才有可能实现这个愿景,但不管怎 样,只有对别处有充分了解,才能做出正确的选择。 上一期我们介绍了一个别具一格的香港,本期我们把焦 点对准了伦敦,通过英式绅士去一一探寻这座城市独特的精 神气质。不久后澳门、曼谷、大阪和波士顿也会陆续登场。 LifeStyle 力图贴近城市的脉络与肌理,展示全球著名城市的 文化积淀、处世态度及性格特征,同时也不让那些鲜为人知 的桃源之地“漏网”。随着中国人逐渐加入全球游历的行列, 当你在全世界范围内挑选栖息之地时,我们希望稍尽绵薄, 却是不可或缺的一臂之力。



Fascinating and important, Beijing can still be a hard place to like. Some love it for its energy, fast change, and ambition. But they might concurrently hate many aspects of it from super smog, to traffic, to relentless modernity. Its more elite residents are among the most powerful and wealthy people in the world. The city makes them invincible but it also seems a strangely inhospitable place to be for those with the means to be elsewhere. Beijing and many Chinese cities are perfect for the strong but not those who seek a softer life. In the past, all but the truly blessed would remain in the place where they were born or grew up. These days the number of people with ability to decide where they want to live is much greater. A common topic of small talk among this new mobile class is often a comparison of cities that inevitably centers around a limited number of globalized metropoli like London, New York, Hong Kong and Paris. The merits of each city are frequently compared and the conversation seems more than just academic. Many of these live in a place far away from where they were born and consider a move to another city realistic. For the Chinese elite, this is a pertinent issue. With food safety, air quality and traffic always on their minds, many want their children to grow up elsewhere. Many of them are accustomed to moves from provincial cities to the capital, but now the possibility, even desirability, of a partial transition abroad is more and more realistic. Many Chinese place great value on becoming sophisticated global citizens, though often this is a goal mainly realized by the second generation. For all with these aspirations, deep knowledge of these foreign territories is critical. Last month, we visited the quirkiest spots of Hong Kong, this month we look at the chaps of London, and soon we will be in Macao, Bangkok, Osaka and Boston. As Chinese join the class of globalized nomads, LifeStyle will seek to show them useful but unexpected parts of both the world’s most famous cities and some less obvious choices. We seek to be the go-to for China’s globalizing urbanists.

Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief

LifeStyle 7

NovemBER 028

速递 016 珍木启示

064 伞里有乾坤



070 人如其“镜”

让 - 马克·加迪携手法国顶级设计公司打 造珍木家具




082 伦敦,一夜贵胄

024 蛇形萨克勒画廊

9 家贵气酒店包你像阿拉伯酋长一样尽 享伦敦奢华


032 大卫·柯林斯:魔力何在? 建筑及室内设计大师身后留下了不得的 杰作,个个高档奢华美轮美奂

108 雕爷牛腩轻奢餐 中国第一家“轻奢餐”于老佛爷北京旗 舰店闪耀登场

特辑 040 绅士革命 英式绅士始终是伦敦一个不可忽视的标 志,在回归传统经典与高雅的全球革命 中,他们无疑是先锋

044 伦敦雪茄漫步 伦敦雪茄奇异之旅

品鉴 060 江一燕:享受爬行慢生活 很有文艺范儿的她,以爬行者自居, 在乎的是沿途的风景




LifeStyle 9

LifeStyle 11


082 Curated

016 Wood Stock


064 A Touch of Class on a Rainy Day

Quality umbrellas: a statement of style and taste

A unique furniture collection from designer Jean-Marc Gady

070 See the World through My Frames


What do your sunglasses say about you?

024 Armory of Art

The new Serpentine Sackler Gallery designed by Zaha Hadid


032 David Collins: Global Chic

082 London Lodgings

The late decorator who was as comfortable doing London bars as Madonna’s home

Living like a sheik in London

108 Diao Ye Sirloin Restaurant at Galeries Lafayette


China’s first “affordable luxury restaurant”

040 The Chappish Revolution

Pioneers of a return to classic style and grace

044 London’s Cigar Heritage A dreamy cigar tour in London


060 Jiang Yiyan: slower is better Life is not about speed but experiences

10 LifeStyle

044 Columns 112 Events 116 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous


Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure

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Assistant Editor 助理编辑 Chief Graphic Designer 美术总监 Assistant Graphic Designer 助理美术编辑

费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 刘 洋 Liu Yang 韩丽君 Han Lijun 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang

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12 LifeStyle

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14 LifeStyle

每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.


Desirables / P.16 潮地

Destinations / P.20

让 - 马克·加迪打造的珍木家具让人浮想联翩 A unique collection of furniture, by French designer Jean-Marc Gady

LifeStyle 15




Wood Stock 法国最炙手可热的设计师让 - 马克·加迪、 最负盛名的设计公司“皇家要塞”以及最巧夺天 工的工匠共同完成了这组个性鲜明的家具作品。 它们由珍稀木种打造,造型独特,让人浮想联翩, 在巴黎大皇宫举行的 2013 年法国(国际)巴黎 手工艺术展览会上大放异彩。该展会是一次针对 工艺品、创意产业以及奢侈品制造业的国际盛会, 本届展会主题为“启示录——巴黎 21 世纪”。 French designer Jean-Marc Gady and design firm Fort Royal have partnered to create a unique collection of furniture, all crafted by the finest French artisans. The collection was presented at the “Revelations” fair at the Grand Palais Paris. The pieces have evocative, organic shapes that are all crafted out of rare woods.

16 LifeStyle


Trunk for Trunks 法国男士奢侈品泳装品牌 Vilebrequin 每年都会用独特的、出人意料的材质打造限 量版泳裤,2013 年款泳裤上有着可爱的海 龟图案,首次采用 24 克拉金线缝制,还配 有金嘴拉绳。为了与如此独特的泳裤登对, Vilebrequin 还与法国奢华箱柜品牌 Pinel & Pinel 合作,专门订做了小牛皮防水箱,真 可谓“好马配好鞍”。 Each year Vilebrequin, the French swimsuit maker, introduces a new limited edition trunk made in an exclusive and unexpected material. For 2013, Vilebrequin invents the first swim shorts sewn with 24-carat gold thread and equipped with gold-tipped drawstrings. The shorts are patterned with charming sea turtles. In order to hold such exceptional swim shorts, Vilebrequin teamed up with the French trunkmaker Pinel & Pinel and asked it to devise a small bespoke packing case made out of calfskin and waterproofed wood.

LifeStyle 17




My Little Japanese Lamp 日本著名时装设计师三宅一生 受数学程序和折纸技术的启发,运用 可持续设计手法打造其第一个灯具作 品。这款独特的折叠灯由回收的 PET 塑料瓶制成,通过层次间的变化形成 丰富有趣的光影效果。目前折叠灯已 作为应用设计被纽约现代艺术博物馆 收藏。 Issey Miyake’s first lamp design is beautifully complex. The unique design was achieved using a mathematical program and origami techniques Miyake’s trademark. Made out of PET fibers sourced from plastic bottles the shade is organic in both material and design. The Mendori Lamp is currently featured in MoMA’s design collection “Applied Design: From Chairs to Videogames, New Acquisitions.”

18 LifeStyle


Cameraworks 苹果加徕卡,会产生什么样的反应?二者都是行 业翘楚,强强联手当然不会令人失望。苹果公司顶级 设计师兼资深副总裁乔纳森·伊夫和澳大利亚工业设 计大师马克·纽森以徕卡 M 系列相机为原型,打造耀 眼之作。这款独一无二的相机将与两位设计师的其他 个性作品一起被拍卖,所得善款将全部捐给由 U2 乐 队主唱波诺发起的对抗结核病、疟疾和艾滋病的慈善 机构 RED。 Cross two icons and what do you get? Apple’s Jonathan Ive and Australian designer Marc Newson have created this one-off Leica camera to be auctioned for charity. Apple senior vice president of industrial design Jonathan Ive and Marc Newson based their design on German brand Leica’s M series camera. The camera will be auctioned along with a selection of other unique designs by the duo to raise money to help combat tuberculosis, malaria and AIDS for U2 frontman Bono’s charity (RED).

LifeStyle 19




Lane Crawford Shanghai 著名奢侈品百货公司连卡佛上海旗舰 店前不久盛大揭幕,这是连卡佛在大中华地 区的第八家门店,也是连卡佛迄今为止最大 的门店。除了五百多个设计师品牌,国际小 众品牌和中国新起之秀的作品在此也享有 一席之地。一些内地消费者尚未熟悉的品牌 也有涉足。为庆祝旗舰店开业,连卡佛邀请 到国际知名品牌璞琪、普罗恩萨·施罗等各 特别设计一款 T 恤,通过设计表现他们眼 中的上海,T 恤售卖所得收入(扣除成本开 支港币 100 万元)将捐给联合国儿童基金 会中国办事处以改善弱势儿童的生活状况。 Lane Crawford’s newest flagship has recently opened in Shanghai as the brand’s eighth outpost in China. Aside from its 500+ designer collections, it also stocks international niche brands and up-andcoming Chinese designers. Some brands new to Mainland shoppers will also be available. To celebrate the flagship opening, Lane Crawford will be offering an exclusive range of Shanghai-themed charity t-shirts in collaboration with designers such as Proenza Schouler and Emilio Pucci with net profits going directly to UNICEF China.

20 LifeStyle

伦敦柏凯丽酒店:Opus 套房

Berkeley’s Opus

香港著名室内设计师 Andre Fu 为伦敦 柏凯丽酒店操刀设计的顶级套房 Opus 在前 不久正式面世。全新登场的 278 平米奢华 套房位于酒店四楼,是全伦敦面积最大、设 计最豪华的套房之一,可眺望海德公园与骑 士桥的景色。套房以柔和的淡绿色为基调, 糅合不同质感,如竹材、石灰岩、柔软的 布料和青铜等。所有家具都特别为该套房而 设,并于亚洲生产。 Renowned Hong Kong interior architect Andre Fu was commissioned by Maybourne Hotel Group to create a bespoke luxury space on the Berkeley hotel’s fourth floor entitled the Opus Suite. One of London’s largest and most opulent designs, the space occupies 278 sqm, with sliding glass doors merging all of its rooms together to form a cohesive whole. Fu’s first vision to be realized in Europe, the interiors have a mild ‘green tea’ color scheme and include a variety of textures such as bamboo, limestone, soft fabrics and bronze. All furniture was specifically designed for the suite and manufactured in Asia.

LifeStyle 21


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品味酒店, 让更多的人 了解高端酒店的 精致与奢华。 品味酒店, 品味经典! 关注“品味酒店”微信:


22 LifeStyle



开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.


Structure / P.24 室内设计

Interior / P.28 设计师

Designer / P.32

已故建筑及室内设计大师大卫·柯林斯的惊艳之作 Alexander McQueen Shop by David Collins

LifeStyle 23



24 LifeStyle


Armory of Art

把旧军火库变成当代艺术画廊, 建筑大师扎哈·哈迪德再次用生花妙笔“颠倒”众生。 Zaha Hadid turns a former gunpowder store into a prestigious new gallery in London. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Luke Hayes

LifeStyle 25

坐落在伦敦海德公园肯辛顿花园的非 营利性慈善机构蛇形画廊(名字源自临近的 著名景观蛇形湖)由大不列颠艺术委员会于 1970 年创建,支持者们慷慨解囊一直是其 发展的动力之一,据说戴安娜王妃生前就是 它的赞助人和座上宾。此次蛇形画廊委任在 业界享有盛誉的建筑大师扎哈·哈迪德打造 其分馆——翻新改造一处 1805 年的旧军用 火药仓库。 新分馆被命名为蛇形萨克勒画廊,以 纪念 43 年来为蛇形画廊提供最大单笔赞助 的莫蒂默博士和特里萨萨克乐基金会,同时 纽约富豪市长迈克尔·布隆伯格也是主要赞 助者。蛇形萨克勒画廊距离原来的画廊仅 几分钟路程,拥有 900 平米的空间,集合 了展厅、餐厅和社交活动场地。不难预想, 新画廊势必会成为伦敦市中心新的艺术文 化潮地。 2010 年,蛇形画廊在皇家公园招标中 脱颖而出,从而让这个国家二级文物建筑 208 年来首次投入公共使用。新建筑被打造

26 LifeStyle

成白色帐篷状,蜿蜒感性又动感十足,这是 哈迪德贯用的手法。轻巧透明的加建空间是 用当代建筑语言向历史致敬,而不是和原建 筑的新古典主义风格一争高下。新画廊是哈 迪德在伦敦市中心的首座永久性建筑,同时 它也延续了蛇形画廊与建筑师之间的关系。 早在 2000 年,哈迪德就与蛇形画廊有过合 作。新画廊周围景观设计也出自名门,由世 界知名园林景观设计师阿拉贝拉·利洛克斯 博伊德完成。 蛇形画廊自成立以来便是当代艺术 最具活力的前沿阵地之一,四十几年来为 1600 名艺术家举办了先锋展览,其中有诸 多新起之秀,也不乏国际上最负盛名的艺术 家和建筑师,如路易丝·布尔乔亚、弗兰克· 盖里、达米安·赫斯特、杰夫·昆斯、格哈德· 里希特、小野洋子、安迪·沃霍尔和艾未未等。 新分馆的开幕为这个在艺术批评界、博物馆 界和公众心中都占有一席之地的国际化艺 术组织翻开了新篇章,人们有理由期待蛇形 画廊更令人心动的艺术呈现。


he new Serpentine Sackler Gallery-designed by Zaha Hadid--gives new life to The Magazine, a former 1805 gunpowder store, located five minutes’ walk from the Serpentine Gallery on the north side of the Serpentine Bridge. With 900 square meters of new gallery, restaurant and social space, the Serpentine’s second space in Kensington Gardens will be a new cultural destination in the heart of London. The new Gallery is named after Dr Mortimer and Dame Theresa Sackler, whose Foundation has made the project possible through the largest single gift received by the Serpentine Gallery in its 43-year history. Major funding has also been awarded by Bloomberg, long term supporters of the Serpentine as well as sponsors of the opening exhibition. In 2010 the Serpentine Gallery won the tender from The Royal Parks to bring the Grade II listed building into public use for the first time in its 208-year history. The Serpentine Gallery has restored the building to an excellent standard, in partnership with The Royal Parks, renovating and extending it with designs by Zaha Hadid.

Using her signature undulating forms, Hadid transformed the symmetrical building into something organic and mobile. A light and transparent extension complements rather than competes with the neo-classical architecture of the original building. It is the Zaha Hadid Architects’ first permanent structure in central London and continues a relationship between the Gallery and the architect, which began with the inaugural Serpentine Gallery Pavilion Commission in 2000. The landscape around the new building will be designed and planted by the worldrenowned landscape artist Arabella Lennox-Boyd. The opening of the Serpentine Sackler Gallery marks a new beginning for the internationally acclaimed arts organization, which has championed new ideas in contemporary arts since it opened in 1970. The Serpentine Gallery has presented pioneering exhibitions of 1,600 artists over 43 years, from the work of emerging practitioners to the most internationally recognized artists and architects of our time such as Louise Bourgeois, Frank Gehry, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons, Gerhard Richter, Yoko Ono, Andy Warhol and Ai Weiwei.

LifeStyle 27

Interior 室内设计


A United Aesthetic

两位荷兰著名设计师联袂三位创意艺术家结成一支跨学科团队, 将纽约联合国总部大楼北代表团休息厅改造成一个舒适性与专业化并重的场所。 The United Nations’ North Delegate Lounge receives a Dutch treat. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Frank Oudeman

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1947 年,受联合国委任,美国重量级建筑师华莱士·哈里逊 作为首席建筑师和策划人,领衔一支国际设计团队兴建了位于纽 约的联合国总部大楼,其用地为美国大名鼎鼎的亿万富翁和慈善 家约翰·戴维森·洛克菲勒捐赠。除了华莱士·哈里逊(洛克菲勒家 族的私家建筑顾问),联合国各创始成员国也派出建筑师前往纽 约参与设计,其中有前苏联的尼古拉·巴索夫、法国的勒·柯布西 耶、中国的梁思成、巴西的奥斯卡·尼梅耶、英国的霍华德·罗伯逊、 美国的盖瑞特·格鲁伯和乌拉圭的朱莉奥·维拉马乔。随着联合国 总部大楼的竣工,联合国广场成为受追捧的潮地,诸多名人前去 置业,美国著名作家杜鲁门·卡波特也不例外,在非虚构小说《冷 血》大获成功后也在此购得一套房子。 六十多年飞逝而过,如今荷兰著名工业设计师赫拉·荣杰利斯、 建筑师雷姆·库哈斯联袂平面设计大师伊玛·布、艺术家加布里埃 尔·莱斯特和理论家路易斯·肖文伯格,对联合国总部北代表团休 息厅进行了翻新改造,试图打造一个舒适性与专业化并重的场所。 工作团队移除 1978 年添加的夹层,使空间重新获得了朝向 东河的视野,同时一个木质大吧台也被移走。荣杰利斯设计了球 形桌和 UN 休息室椅(由德国著名家具品牌维特拉打造),用 3 万颗瓷珠和手工纱线设计出一面精致的珠帘(由历史悠久的荷兰 皇家蒂士拉马肯陶瓷公司生产),此外她还负责色彩的焕新、家 具的挑选以及格子地毯的设计。 一些典型的斯堪的纳维亚风格设计得到保留,并保持原有艺 术展品内容,其中也包括上世纪 70 年代中国赠予的“万里长城” 大型艺术挂毯。 此次联合国大楼北代表团休息厅的翻新改造工程可谓是荷兰 政府赠给联合国的一份特殊礼物。2013 年 9 月 25 日,荷兰前女 王贝娅特丽克丝和荷兰外交大臣弗兰斯·迪莫曼斯对休息厅进行了 正式揭幕,联合国秘书长潘基文也出席了剪彩仪式。

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n 1947, the UN commissioned American architect Wallace K. Harrison to lead the international design team to create their new world headquarters on land donated by John D.Rockefeller. After commissioning Wallace K. Harrison – private architectural advisor to the Rockefeller family, architects from each of the founding nations came to New York to take part in the design of the United Nations. Among some of the architects in attendance were: N.D. Bassov [Soviet Union], Le Corbusier [France/ Switzerland], Liang Ssu-cheng [China],Oscar Niemeyer [Brazil], Howard Robertson [United Kingdom], Garrett Gruber [United States], and Julio Villamajo [Uruguay]. Upon its completion, the UN Plaza became a chic area and indeed many celebrities had apartments there including Truman Capote who bought a unit there after the success of his novel “In Cold Blood”. Now more than sixty years after the opening of the UN North Delegates’ Lounge, Hella Jongerius has redesigned the lounge in collaboration with Rem Koolhaas, Irma Boom, Gabriel Lester and Louise Schouwenberg. Their aim was to create a space of both comfort and professional informality. The team carefully edited the history of the space, retaining some of the iconic Scandinavian designs and creating a

new perspective on the works of art already on display. They removed the mezzanine that had blocked the view of the East River, restoring the open architectural space. There also used to be a large wooden bar that was also removed. Jongerius designed two new pieces of furniture for the lounge: the Sphere Table and the UN Lounge Chair, produced by Vitra. For the East Facade Jongerius designed the Knots & Beads Curtain, with handknotted yarn and 30,000 porcelain beads made from Dutch clay by Royal Tichelaar Makkum. Jongerius was also responsible for revitalizing the color palette, selecting the furniture and designing the cradle-to-cradle Grid Carpet. The artwork has remained the same, notable among them a large embroidered tapestry of The Great Wall of China that was a gift from the People’s Republic of China in the ‘70s. The renovation and redesign of the lounge is a gift from the Netherlands to the UN. The lounge was officially opened on September 25, 2013 by former Queen Máxima of the Netherlands and the Dutch Minister of Foreign Affairs, Frans Timmermans, in the presence of Ban Ki-moon, Secretary-General of the United Nations.

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David Collins:Global Chic 已故的大卫·柯林斯是难得一遇的建筑大师、室内设计才子, 不管是伦敦街头的酒吧还是麦当娜的家,他都能应付自如。 The late decorator was as comfortable doing London bars as Madonna's home. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: David Collins Studio

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Designer 设计师

London Apartment, by David Collins

The Gilbert Scott Brasserie & Bar, St.Pancras Renaissance

今年 7 月,建筑大师、室内设计才子 大卫·柯林斯因患皮肤癌去世。已故大师操 刀的顶级奢华酒店室内设计与装饰,正映射 了他的座右铭——全球奢华建筑设计。 1985 年,柯林斯伦敦工作室的成立见 证了他人生的新飞跃。不论是位于英格兰汉 普郡乡间漂亮的椴木酒店,还是布宜诺斯艾 利斯壮丽的巴勒莫酒店,情感与奇想并举正 是其工作室与众不同的亮点。在伦敦,柯林 斯的魔力可见一斑:朗廷酒店的雅迪仙鸡尾 酒酒吧,粉红塔状灯具搭配人造鳄鱼皮的内 饰;附近的科林西亚酒店去年四月份开业, 里面的巴松酒吧则透着二十世纪三十年代 意大利法西斯的奢靡享乐气息,全部是原木 色调皮革,墙面镶饰着鲨皮和镜子。 柯林斯是爱尔兰人,生于都柏林。因 其出色的设计才能,时尚界也邀约不断,他 操刀为亚历山大·麦昆设计全球精品店,去 年刚刚开业的上海和迈阿密巴尔港的精品 店也出自其手。此外工作室还为英国高端百 货公司哈罗德、顶级鞋履品牌 Jimmy Choo

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Alexander McQueen Shop Interior

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The Connaught Bar

(周仰杰)以及纽约精品百货公司波道夫· 古德曼提供创意点子。 爱尔兰传统已融入柯林斯的设计当中, 他曾如是说:“我想我的作品更多是爱尔兰 的味道。我不是英式风格的爱好者,和它完 全没有情感上的共鸣。” 不过令柯林斯声名大噪的,还是他为 伦敦梅柏恩酒店集团旗下的三家顶级酒店 设计的酒吧,凯莱德酒吧、凯莱奇酒吧和柏 凯丽酒店的蓝色酒吧,许多伦敦具影响力人 物都喜欢得不得了,把它们当做主要休憩据 点。 除了众多商业项目外,柯林斯也接受 个人的设计委托,流行天后麦当娜就是其粉 丝之一。奥斯卡影后格温妮丝·帕特洛拥有 的一个装饰艺术风格的梳妆台,正是他为伦 敦凯莱德酒店所设计的作品之一。

Alexander McQueen

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The Apartment at The Connaught

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The Wolsley


avid Collins passed away July of this year from skin cancer. The late designer responsible for some of the most luxurious hospitality interiors and motifs, liked to say that his motto was “Global luxury architecture.” From the chic little Lime Wood countryhouse hotel in Hampshire, England, to the sublime Palermitano in Buenos Aires, emotive fantasias are the specialty of his London-based firm which was founded in 1985. In London, the Artesian cocktail bar at the Langham marries pink pagoda light fixtures with purple faux-crocodile upholstery; the Bassoon bar at the nearby Corinthia, which opened last April, broadcasts 1930s Italian-Fascist decadence, all wood-tone leathers and walls paneled with shagreen and mirror. Born in Dublin, the Irishman was also a collaborator with several fashion labels including the designs for Alexander McQueen boutiques. Indeed, the Shanghai and Bal Harbour stores were only unveiled last year. The firm has also created concepts for Harrods, Jimmy Choo and the department store Bergdorf Goodman. His Irish heritage was integrated into his designs. He claims "I think my work is much more Irish. I’m not a big fan of the so-called British style. It’s got no emotional resonance with me.” His most identifiable work was done for several high-end hotel bars such as The Connaught Bar, The Claridge’s Bar and the Blue Bar at The Berkeley, all of which are owned and managed by the Maybourne Hotel Group. In addition to his commercial work, he worked on many private commissions including several for Madonna who was a great fan. Gwyneth Paltrow owns one of the Art Deco-style dressing tables he designed for London’s Connaught hotel.

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Structure News


Pedestrian and Cycle Bridge in Hamburg gmp 建筑师事务所与尼佩斯·赫尔比格工程设计事务所前不久共同获 得汉堡港口新城跨巴肯港行人自行车桥非公开设计竞赛一等奖。作为西部 巴肯桥的姊妹桥,这座行人自行车桥将连接巴肯港周围的北区与游乐休闲 岛的南区。该桥梁采用悬空无柱结构,其材质与巴肯港的主体元素如挡墙、 铁轨、起重吊和船只相融合,沿承了汉堡港和港口新城的原有桥梁之传统。 The architects von Gerkan, Marg and Partners (gmp) together with Knippers Helbig, Structural Engineers, have won first prize in the limited implementation competition for the new construction of a pedestrian and cycle bridge across the Baakenhafen basin in HafenCity, an area of Central Hamburg. The pedestrian and cycle bridge has been nicknamed the “little sister” of Baaken Bridge West and will link the northern neighbourhood around the Baakenhafen with the southern area of the games and leisure island. As a steel construction without vertical supports, the bridge fits in well with the pattern language of the dominant elements around the Baakenhafen – such as the quay wall, railway tracks, cranes and ships - and thus follows in the tradition of the existing bridges in Hamburg’s harbour and HafenCity.


SHoP Architects’ Super Tall Tower in NYC 纽约 SHoP 建筑师事务所超纤细豪华公寓楼项目 (100 个单元)最近通过了纽约市地标保护委员会的审 核批准,预计 2016 年竣工,届时 1350 英尺的公寓楼 将在高度上傲视群雄,其中包括赫赫大名的帝国大厦 和世贸中心一号大楼。 SHoP Architects’ ultra-thin, 100-unit apartment tower on W. 57th St. has now won approval from the New York City Landmarks Commission. Once complete in 2016, the 1,350-foot structure will offer luxury apartments that peer down at the Empire State Building and rise just above the One World Trade Center’s roofline.

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别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.


The Chappish Revolution / P.40 伦敦雪茄漫步

London’s Cigar Heritage / P.44

伦敦蒙特街桑特雪茄店 Sautter of Mont Street, London

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The Chappish Revolution 英式绅士始终是伦敦一个不可忽视的标志, 在回归传统经典与高雅的全球革命中,他们无疑是先锋。 Michael Attree,有着“绅士圣经”之称的英国杂志《The Chap》主编, 便是这样的先行者。 Chaps are the pioneers of a global return to classic style and grace. Michael Robinson gets the details of the movement from Michael Attree. Bounder |’boundər| noun informal, dated, chiefly Brit a dishonorable man: he is nothing but a lady-seeking bounder.

Text and Photos: Michael Robinson

40 LifeStyle

我与《The Chap》杂志的主编迈克尔·阿特雷在他 泛旧的新古典主义风格的房间里畅聊传统英国时尚、 苏荷酒吧、雪茄、帽子以及其它。 上个世纪末是传统英国定制服装的灰暗时期, Topshop 和 River Island 等高街时尚品牌席卷而来, 大型超市开始涉足服装零售,再加上租金压力和品牌 东渐等因素,传统服装业的独立零售商们举步维艰, 不得不让位给低成本的快时尚品牌和商铺。 随着英国所谓的“少男文化”和“豪女文化”的兴起, 90 年代末英国人的传统观念开始松动,他们对执政近 20 年的保守党,连带其保守的穿衣打扮都心怀憎恶, 转身投入了休闲时尚风的怀抱。 然而众所周知,时尚之所以为时尚而非经典,因 为它来得快去得也快。当所有人都在同一家店铺买同 样风格的衣服时,总有一些“颠覆分子”反行其道, 在 90 年代末的大英帝国,这意味着找回传统的绅士行 头。 当瞄准年轻人的低俗有“色”杂志开始充斥街头 报刊亭,一小撮被揶揄为“无政府主义、穿着考究的 绅士”开始反击了。1999 年,古斯塔夫·坦普尔创办了 《The Chap》杂志,旨在回归到粗花呢、礼帽、胡子 和烟斗的年代,那个盛行量体裁衣和推崇高贵举止的 年代,显然任重道远。 没有音乐做“先头兵”,比如朋克音乐带来的朋 克时尚等,它会成功吗?说这是一场斗争,恐怕言之 过轻。然而值得庆幸的是,始终都有一股忠诚强大的 力量帮它渡过艰难的时期。慢慢地,越来越多的人开 始留意类似的团体:他们让全世界范围内兴起花呢潮, 他们摒弃现代夜店风格聚会,转而用上战前的留声机 等物件。 《The Chap》创办十余年后的今天,我沿着牛津 街慢慢逛,走进诸如 Topshop, Next, River Island 之类 的旗舰店,猜猜我发现了什么?粗花呢夹克、合体的 衬衫西装、琳琅满目的领带围巾、毡帽、粗革皮鞋, 还有伞。这是《The Chap》预见的吗?肯定不是,也 不是其读者想要的。这是高街快时尚品牌对英国传统 服饰的装模作样,因为合体不是量体裁衣的得体,相

似风格的帽子仅仅是相似而已,衣服材质更非源于自 然。他们将英国传统服饰“改头换面”推出,粗花呢 被弄出诸多新面孔,一季又一季,迫使买家一直买, 一直买,而不是拥有一件真正的经典款。 但是也不需要悲观。高街时尚主要针对年轻人市 场,他们手头资金有限,一件衣服能不能穿一辈子, 对于他们来说不是一个上纲上线的严肃选择。随着中 国厂家定制服装的增长以及英国传统手工定制服装的 重生,连锁效应产生了。如今英国传统服饰市场需求 上升明显,主要来自那些即将迈入社会工作的人群。 他们追求质量上乘、独一无二,而不是高端成衣。 这只是昙花一现吗?我不这样认为。我不相信英 国传统服饰会真的消失,它之前的离席,某种程度上 只是掩埋在其对过往角色的后现代主义尴尬之下和对 近 20 年右翼统治的绝望抗争中。随着英国人对自己在 世界舞台扮演的角色更加自我宽容,他们再次拥抱自 己的传统,他们独一无二的定制剪裁、着装气势派头 和礼仪将再次熠熠生光。






Bounder |’boundər| noun informal, dated, chiefly Brit a dishonorable man: he is nothing but a lady-seeking bounder.

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spent the day in the distressed, neoclassical rooms of Michael ‘Atters’ Attree, otherwise known as ‘Bounder in Residence’ or ‘Editor at Large’ of Chap Magazine, discussing just what had happened to traditional British fashion, Soho drinking establishments, boating, cigar-smoking, hatwearing and other gentlemen’s pursuits. The final days of the last century were a sad time for traditional British menswear. The rise of high-street fashion brands, and the rental rates which they could both afford and inflate, put an end to many independent retailers; choice making way for big names and larger stores. As the independents died out, forced on by the likes of Top Shop, River Island and Next, as well as the supermarkets moving into clothing retail, individuality made way for low cost, high turnover fashion as production moved eastwards.

As well as traditional clothing being under threat, late-nineties Britain had seen a relaxation in its values through the surge of ‘lad’ and ‘ladette’ culture, confusingly abandoning past conformities in the belief that this was in some way two-fingers to the face of Conservatism - the dominant force in British politics for almost two decades - with those leaving British education during the Nineties associating English tailoring with a political party they mostly abhorred, and instead turning to the casual fashions from the House, Grunge, Madchester, and BritPop eras. But as any of us know, fashions aren’t fashion for long. When everybody you know is adorned in the same style from the same stores, the subversive begin looking for the antithesis to current thinking. In late nineties Britain, this meant looking back to the dress

迈克尔·鲁宾逊,媒体撰稿人。2001 年,尚在读大学的鲁宾逊 开始为学校的报纸杂志撰文和摄影,内容涉及学生政治运动、 艺术和文化,毕业后在曼彻斯特附近成立自己的录制工作室运 营至今。鲁宾逊偏爱一切旧事物,特别是英式绅士文化。此次 受《LifeStyle 品味生活》委托,鲁宾逊采访了英国杂志《The Chap》主编,并对伦敦梅菲尔和圣詹姆斯区历史悠久的雪茄商 做了专题报道。 Michael Robinson started out writing and photographing for his university’s newspaper and magazine back in 2001, reporting on student politics as well as art and culture. Following university, he set up a recording studio close to Manchester in the north of England that is still running today, before relocating to the depths of rural Norfolk where his business concentrated in the restoration of historic gardens. His interest in all things old world, especially that of English gentlemen’s fashion, led to a commission from this magazine to interview the people over at Chap magazine and a feature on the historic cigar merchants in London’s Mayfair and St James’s, and he has since become a regular contributor both for writing and photography.

Michael Robinson

of the traditional chap. As newspaper stands became filled with increasingly lewd magazines aimed at this youth market, a small group of anarcho dandies began the fight back. With just a small ‘nod and a wink’ to the surrealists and the great British eccentric, in 1999 Chap Magazine was founded by Gustav Temple, its aim - no small feat considering the trends of the time - a return to tailored clothing, tweed, the wearing of hats, impeccable manners, mustaches, and the smoking of pipes. To put it another way, a return to the Edwardian style synonymous with P.G. Woodhouse. Could it ever succeed? To say it was a struggle would be something of an understatement. It had no musical wave with which to rise as did the aforementioned, along with Punk and Mod fashions. It did, however, have a strong and faithful support which carried it through the harsher times. Slowly, more people began to take note with similar groups setting up the now worldwide Tweed Run, and others hosting traditional style evenings of entertainment far removed from the clubbing environment, with DJ 78 taking to two pre-war gramophones rather than the cd/mp3 decks of today. Moving on over a decade from Chap’s foundation, I have just walked along Oxford Street, London, into the flagship stores from the likes of TopShop, Next, and River Island, and what did I find? Tweed jackets, ‘tailored’ fit suits and shirts, neckwear aplenty, trilby style hats, brogue style shoes, and umbrellas. Is this what Chap Magazine foresaw? Probably not. Nor is it what their readers aim to achieve. What has resulted from such lofty ideas

is the high-street affectation of traditional British dress. ‘Tailored fit’ rather than tailored. Hats of a similar style, but not. Clothes made from oil based material, not natural. What has resulted is the high-street’s high turnover version of traditional British dress, in which various patterns of tweed are replaced season after season compelling the buyer to have the next ‘must have’ garment, rather than one garment being a classic look. But let us not be down beat. The majority of these stores are aimed at a youth market with limited funds for whom a well tailored suit, no matter that it may last a lifetime, is simply not a lifestyle choice. However, given the rise in ‘made to measure’ garments direct from Chinese factories, and a rebirth in British tailoring and weaving, there is clearly a knock-on effect. There is now a definite thirst in British retailing for traditional style garments, with those well into working age forking out for the extra quality and price of individual tailoring; ladies fashion especially going for the ‘one-off’ tailored garment rather than the high-end ‘off the peg’ label. So, will this be a flash in the pan? I think not. I don’t believe that traditional British dress ever went away, it was somewhat buried beneath a wave of postmodern embarrassment for Britain’s past, and a desperation to rebel from close on twenty years of rightwing governance. As the people of Britain become more self-forgiving of Britain’s role in the World, and its people once again embrace its traditions, so too can its unique sartorial flare flourish once more, and its ideas on style and etiquette triumph anew. Bounder. A dishonorable man? I do hope so. But there’s no doubting his dress.





Cigar Heritage Text and photos: Michael Robinson

烟管中弥漫出来,似梦幻般, 琥珀色,醇厚的、丰富成熟的味道, 迷人女子的爱抚, 盛装时更为闪耀, 你的爱人已别无所求,显然, 嘿,光着身子的美人——给我一支雪茄! ——《岛》,出自拜伦的长诗《唐璜》第二章 Divine in hookas, glorious in a pipe, When tipp’d with amber, mellow, rich, and ripe; Like other charmers, wooding the caress More dazzlingly when daring in full dress. Yet thy true lovers more admire, by far, Thy naked beauties--give me a cigar!” ——The Island, Canto II, by Lord Byron

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Sautter of Mount St. Cigar Shop

我与尼克约好在伯登大厦的院子里碰 面,这里是戴维斯街 2 号,登喜路伦敦旗 舰店的位置,曾是威斯敏斯特公爵在伦敦 的官邸。 尼克是我的导游,他是“伦敦雪茄漫 步”的创办人,他们的音频旅游资料可通 过“城市声音之旅”网站或苹果商店下载, 引领听众深入了解伦敦最好的几家雪茄店, 提供深入的行业以及地区历史介绍。 喝了点饮料,我们步入伯登大厦,快 速参观了裁缝店、水疗馆以及理发店,真 是传统英式风格的奇异搭配,但真正奇妙 的味觉享受是在雪茄房里面。空气中混合 着香料和泥土的味道,来自于第二代公爵 的酒窖内所储存的百来个左右独立的橡木 镶板储物柜。储存在这一区域的雪茄都是 私人俱乐部会员个人私藏,庭院内的酒吧 以及相关设施对所有衣着体面的客人开放。 回到地面后,再次穿过庭院,尼克给 我介绍了一位高大的西装绅士,劳伦斯·戴 维斯,蒙特街桑特雪茄店的老板,桑特雪 茄店也就是我们下一站要去的地方。 进入桑特店内,在经理马德勒·克鲁兹 招呼之前,能明显嗅到刚抽过的雪茄的浓 郁香气,好像是几个男士正在包豪斯风格 的座椅上边休息边尝试想要采购的品种。

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这与英国严格的禁烟法案极不协调,尽管 雪茄店已尽量避免触碰法律底线,但很多 情况下雪茄的价格是极其昂贵的,品尝测 试确实有其必要性。 桑特雪茄店大概是当天我们所参观的 最专业的雪茄店,所收藏的大量古巴雪茄 价格不一,从世界知名品牌高希霸到尼克 所偏爱的特立尼达。不过最让桑特与众不 同的,是其拥有众多可供的陈年雪茄。有 些是禁售的盒装版,如贝克 - 哈瓦那国王 1920,售价已达 4000 英镑;有些是放在店 内单独的雪茄盒内作为独立的样品,供雪 茄狂热爱好者辨别稀缺品种,如著名的玻 利瓦尔小皇冠 1970、丘吉尔雪茄 1999, 价格大概不高于当地饭店的一瓶红酒售价。 离开桑特雪茄店之后,前往圣·詹姆斯, 一家非常特别的雪茄店。 大卫杜夫伦敦店是这家世界品牌在瑞 士之外的第一家店,由爱德华·萨哈堪创建, 现在是他的儿子艾迪在经营。伦敦店成立 于 1980 年。店内很方便客人随意走动,对 于雪茄初学者来说不会那么心生畏惧。 进入店铺,艾迪立刻过来迎接我和尼 克,从新到的一批雪茄中给我们拿了一根, 他和宝格丽酒店爱德华的雪茄店的经理迈 克·马洛卡愉快地品尝着,并不时就味道和

Magali de le Cruz, Manager of Sautter



Davidoff London

年份交换意见。 被他俩的热情所感染,我进入巨大的 雪茄房中,盒子里摆满了数以百计的雪茄, 充斥着已然熟悉的雪茄香气,不同外形和 尺寸的雪茄摆放在货架和展示柜中。如同 行规一般,同样也有一些精选的自产品牌 雪茄,1968 年开始他们就已有雪茄生产, 2 号雪茄优点为温和的口感和均匀的燃烧, 对雪茄客来说是很棒的推荐。对东方文化 感兴趣的,可以选择大卫杜夫蛇年雪茄。 在仔细查看雪茄的时候,迈克讲述了 新近伦敦诱人的雪茄场面,在宝格丽酒店 的骑士桥酒吧,你可以边在酒吧喝一杯, 边对各种雪茄试样,从稀缺的古巴大卫杜 夫唐培里侬,到高希霸 2004 限量版。 虽然很舍不得这般奇妙友好的气氛, 但因为时间关系我们必须离开了。 参观的最后一站是丘吉尔一直光顾的 店铺,福克斯·圣·詹姆斯,应该算是世界上 最古老的雪茄商了。离开欧洲高端的大卫 杜夫世界,步行至距离圣·詹姆斯百米之外, 来到 J.J. 福克斯,这里完全是英格兰传统

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风格的回归,拥有深色镶嵌的木质前台。 雪茄店在 1878 年由罗伯特·路易斯建立, 二次世界大战之后被 J.J. 福克斯接手。 店铺由两部分组成,前半部分集中的 是吸烟用具及烟丝,后半部分容纳了一个 很大的雪茄房以及小块服务前台——有关 于丘吉尔与店铺的过往历史。楼下的博物 馆周一至周六可免费参观,内有大量店铺 历史记载,还包括世界上最古老的哈瓦那 雪茄,最厉害的展示品是 1851 年的产品。 尼克建议挑选价位和中等红酒相当的雪茄, 如波利瓦优良战士 2000 年,20 英镑;雷 蒙阿隆尼特选,20 英镑;蒙特克里斯托 3 号, 17 英镑。 除了参观雪茄店,尼克还推荐了沿途 和雪茄无关的一些店铺,钱包就这么瘪下 去了。比如: 快乐主义酒行: 酒行的老板是伦敦富有的俄罗斯人之 一。我觉得应该没有读者到过与这家规模

相当的葡萄酒行。店铺坐落于登喜路精品 店对面,分为巨大的两层,地上一层有丰 富的品种可供品尝。儿童区域为父母们提 供了方便,可轻松地品酒。 洛克公司: 沿着大卫杜夫店铺一直走,左边仍有 一些 17 世纪的建筑。第一感兴趣的就是成 立于 1676 年的洛克公司,世界上最古老的 帽子作坊。有适用各种场合的各式帽子可 供选择,并提供咨询建议,避免有任何失仪。 贝利兄弟和鲁德公司: 英国最古老的葡萄酒和烈酒商,这家 店铺从 310 年前就开始进行贸易。酒类销 售之外,该公司还可以提供投资和收藏建 议,甚至还有帮助提高品尝力的品酒课程。 雪茄晚餐 对于那些希望继续延伸雪茄之旅的人

来说,可以尝试在蒙塔古酒店的花园餐厅 享受一顿晚餐,在酒店的露台上品尝雪茄, 或在寒冷的月份去宝格丽酒店爱德华的雪 茄店,和迈克打声招呼吧。 ( 蒙塔古雪茄晚餐预定 , 爱德华的雪茄店订位

Selection at Davidoff

最后一站:苏荷 和世界上绝大部分城市一样,伦敦也 有其落后的地段,但是很少有地区像伦敦 这般,超级富豪与赤贫如此近地比邻而居。 市区和伦敦东部怀特查帕尔地区的贫富差 距是西方国家差异最大的地区之一,贫富 仅是一路之隔。 不久之前,同样的差距也存在于相邻 的梅菲尔和苏荷区:一边居住着伦敦的地 产贵族们,还有他们的俱乐部和饭店;另 一边则充斥着犯罪、酗酒和淫乱。 尽管现在苏荷区备受房地产和商业 企业追捧,后者的着眼点是其在过去令人 不安的地点及在电影、媒体和广告商眼中 80-90 年代的角色价值,不过有少数劳工阶 层已经因房租过高被迫搬离。夜色中,苏 荷仍然是少数盛行真正自由风气地区之一, 可以说是伦敦同性恋的首都了。 特定的酒吧、酒馆、俱乐部,有钱人 也无法买到入场资格,而其中一些地方甚 至特别到没人敢去冒险尝试。苏荷的很多 地方是很难深入的,甚至不为人知,正如 一些会员所追寻的俱乐部,本质是延续苏 荷的精神,而不是将伦敦的夜生活作为钱 袋售给出价更高的人。 离开位于塔维斯托克广场的酒店,我 沿街走进霍尔本(伦敦旧区之一),这里 仍保留着很多小巷和狭窄的道路,在 1666 年伦敦大火之前就是这样的布局了。几处 取水孔仍骄傲地存在着,宣告着他们来自 克里斯托弗·雷恩爵士重建的建筑复兴时代。 在柴郡奶酪酒馆喝了一品脱真正的啤 酒,距离舰队街不远,一直到 20 世纪 80 年代后期这里是新闻记者们最喜欢去的地 方。我发消息给《The Chap》的记者阿特 尔,问他在哪个地方能感受到真正的苏荷。 他迅速回复了两个字:法国。 虽然柴郡奶酪酒馆已不再是当初处于 舰队街新闻业全盛时期的那般模样,而且 白天的营业有些欺骗游客的行为,但是到 了晚上,游客散去,取而代之的是下班的 工人们或者法律界人士,似乎又是 17 世纪 酒馆的样子——燃烧的火盆,狭窄的走廊, 木质和石头的地板。 招来一辆黑色的出租车到苏荷去,目 的地即是法国房子酒馆,傍晚 6 点半那里 已经坐满了人,下班的人们加入到那些在 酒馆已经一整天的人群中去。 阿特尔提前给我的一个忠告是:永远 不要点整品脱或半品脱啤酒。法国酒馆只 供玻璃杯装啤酒,容量不大,也不小,但 只有玻璃杯。不懂这个规矩的新客人容易 被排外,有可能被赶出去。很难确定端来 的啤酒确切的容量,但看起来接近半品脱。 让我猜的话,应该在 300 毫升左右吧。 晚上 7 点的时候,酒吧里面已经是人 头拥挤,当地人似乎都互相认识,我左边 的两个男人衣着整齐,各戴着一顶毡帽。





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在 6 杯啤酒的作用下,我尝试着与旁 边的人说话,但作为外地人,陌生的面孔, 更不要说随身的相机和三脚架,暴露了我 到这里的原因,我被礼貌地回绝了。还是 做一次真诚的尝试吧。 当戴毡帽的男士向同事告别并走向门 口,我转向他的朋友,这次直接说:“抱歉, 我在做一个专题……” “嗯,我们也觉得可能是。附近有很 多你们这样的人,但经常在外面,”他用 谨慎的口气回答,一口浓重的伦敦腔。 很开心我的真诚有了回应,他是皮特, 向我介绍了苏荷的生活方式。 “这是一个真正的酒馆。真正的一群 人。大家互相认识,一两周没见到某个人 会去关心询问。” 问起皮特他怎么找到这个地方的,他 讲述了不久前一个悲伤的故事。 因为几十年前与一群不良分子交往, 他从出生地搬到了伦敦的另一个地方,不 会再有任何交集。为了自己和家人的安全, 他放弃了原来的生活方式和家庭。从搬走 后再也没见过他的儿子。 几十年前他开始在伦敦的这块地区混 生活,当时这块区域由另一团体掌控,一 直相安无事,至今保持着友谊。 “ 不 能 停 下 来 吗? 几 年 之 后 慢 慢 淡 出?”我问他。 他很惊讶地看了我一眼。 “生活所迫啊。一生下来就注定了这 样,命运会延续几代人。”

我们的谈话被一个年轻人打断,他向 皮特问好。 皮特继续讲述了一个他认识的男人最 近被仇人的孩子袭击。 “汽车从身上压过去,妈的,差点弄 死他。” 感受到他的不安,我换了话题询问苏 荷的夜生活。 “有个听现场版爵士乐的好地方,就 在明天。” “在哪里?” “没用的,他们不会让你进去。” “为什么?” “你要认识那里的每个人,或者有人 带你进去。” “你去吗?”

“是的,你想过去?” “我是很想去,但明天是我母亲的生 日。” “那可不能错过。母亲最重要,永远 不能忘掉这一点。” 坐在酒馆里又喝了一品脱的啤酒,我 意识到犯罪已经从通俗小说以及那些自我 夸耀的电影中剥离,而我们已经习以为常。 一个男人远离了妻子家庭,在他今后的若 干个年头里,仍是没有机会去认识那个他 给予生命的儿子。 回到苏荷的街头,一路向北经过无数 家酒吧和俱乐部,各自有本地的一群常客, 在门口抽烟闲聊,英国数月的夏日时光大 致就这个样子了。



I’d arranged to meet with Nic Wing in the courtyard of Bourdon House, Dunhill’s magnificent Georgian mansion at No.2 Davies Street, the heart of London’s Mayfair, and onetime London residence of the 2nd Duke of Westminster. My guide for the day, Nic Wing, is the man behind the London Cigar Walk, an audio tour available from the CitiesInSound website or Apple store, which guides the listener through London’s best cigar shops whilst giving some wonderful insight into the businesses and history of the area. Following drinks, we head into Bourdon House for a quick tour of the tailors, spa, and barber facilities, all eccentrically fitted out in traditional English style, but it’s the wonderfully scented walk-in humidor which is the real treat; the spiced and earthy scents on entering testament to what is stored within the hundred or so individual oak paneled

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lockers located in what was formally the 2nd Duke’s wine-cellar. The cigars stored in this area are the private stock of the individual members to the private club, though the courtyard bar and facilities mentioned are open to all if dressed appropriately. Back above ground we make our way once more through the courtyard where Nic introduces me to a large, well suited gentleman who he introduces as Laurence Davis, owner of Sautter of Mont Street, and coincidently where we’re headed next. On entering Sautter’s, you’ll first notice the rich aromas of freshly smoked cigars before being greeted by shop manager Magali de le Cruz, and more than likely several gentleman relaxing in Bauhaus style chairs sampling their next purchase; a scene incongruous with Britain’s strict ‘No Smoking’ legislation, though cigar shops managed to escape

inclusion to the law on grounds of a necessity to taste and test what in many cases is a very expensive purchase. Sautter’s is arguably the most dedicated of the cigar shops we will visit today, with a huge collection of Cuban cigars on offer ranging from the world famous Cohiba, to Nic’s brand of choice, Trinidad. However, what sets Sautter’s apart is the number of aged cigars which are available. Whilst some are restricted to being sold by the box, Beck - King of Havana - 1920s for the princely sum of £4000/40000RMB, many are available as single samples from a separate humidor within the shop, allowing the cigar enthusiast to sample rarities such as a 1970s Bolivar Corona Juniors or 1999 Punch Churchill’s for less than the price of a bottle of wine in a local restaurant. We leave Sautter’s and head over to St James’s to a very different type of cigar shop.

Berry Bros. & Rudd Wine Shop

Davidoff London was the first of the World famous brand’s stores to be located outside of Switzerland, being established by Edward Sahakian and now managed by his son, Eddie. The shop is a much easier place to move around and far less intimidating to the cigar novice. The London shop was established in 1980. On entering, Nic and I are immediately greeted by Eddie who begins by offering us a cigar from a new batch which has just come in, and which he and Mike Mallorca manager of their shop located in the Bulgari Hotel - are cheerfully tasting, both giving opinion upon flavors and aging. Their enthusiasm being infectious, I head into the huge walk-in humidor replete with hundreds of cigars laid-out in their boxes and the now familiar aromatic air to the room, cigars of every shape and size filling the shelves and display cases. As well as the usual suspects, there is also a large selection of their own brand cigars which they began producing in 1968, the classic No.2 being a wonderful introduction to cigar smoking with its mild taste and even burn, or perhaps Davidoff’s Year of the Snake for those with an eastern interest. Whilst perusing the cigars, Mike tells me of the latest addition to London’s impressive cigar scene, that of the Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop located within the Bulgari Hotel, Knightsbridge, where it’s possible to enjoy a drink from the bar whilst sampling the myriad cigars on offer, including rarities such as the Cuban Davidoff Dom Peringon and Cohiba Sublimes Ltd Edition 2004.

Amid a wonderfully friendly atmosphere it is sad to leave, but press on we must. Our last stop to visit is Churchill’s old supplier, Fox of St James’s, the world’s oldest cigar merchants. Leaving Davidoff’s world of European sophistication, we walk 100m down St James’s to J.J. Fox’s, and it’s a definite return to England’s past traditions with deep honeyed panelling and wooden serving counter. The shop was begun by Robert Lewis in 1787 before being taken over by J.J. Fox following World War II. The premises are of two halves, the front half concentrating on smoking paraphernalia and loose pipe tobacco, the rear portion housing a large, walk-in humidor with a small section left of the serving counter dedicated to Churchill’s association with the shop. The museum which is located downstairs free to enter Monday to Saturday - has an astonishing collection of artifacts chronicling the shop’s history, including the world’s oldest box of Havana cigars dating from the Great Exhibition of 1851. Indeed, Nic also suggests a selection of cigars that can be had for the price of a middling bottle of house wine: Bolivar Belicosos 2000 at £20, Ramon Allones Specially Selected 2004 at £20 and Montecristo No. 3 2003 at £17. As well as the cigar stores on this well thought out tour, Nic has also included many non-cigar related points of interest along the route with which to lighten ones wallet, a small sample of which are included below.





Hedonism The brainchild of one of London’s wealthy Russian residents, I doubt any reader will have visited a wine specialist quite on this scale. Situated opposite Dunhill’s Bourdon House, the shop is split over two vast levels with an extensive range available for tasting on the ground floor. A children’s area allows for a relaxed tasting for the parents. For further information visit Locke & Co. Heading down St James’s from Davidoff, to the left there remain a number of buildings from the seventeenth century, the first of interest being that of Locke & Co., established in 1676, and the world’s oldest hatters. Every type of headwear for every type of occasion is available, with advice on hand to avoid any hat related faux-pas. BerryBros Berry Bros. & Rudd is Britain’s oldest wine and spirit merchant, having traded from the same shop for over 310 years. As well as wine sales, the company can advise on investment and storage as well as running tasting classes to help develop the palate. Cigar Dinner For those wishing to extend the cigar theme, why not head on to the Montague on the Gardens to enjoy a meal and cigar on the hotel’s terrace, or in the colder months take yourself over to the Bulgari and say hello to Mike Mallorca in Edward’s cigar lounge. Cigar dinners at the Montague can be booked direct at To reserve a table at the Edward Sahakian Cigar Shop, contact london-info@bulgarihotels. com. ...last stop, SOHO! London has always had its seedy underbelly as do most cities in the World, but there can be few places where the super-rich reside in such close proximity to the abject poor, and vice-versa. The wealth difference between the City and the East End’s Whitechappel is one of the largest in Western society; one road’s width the difference between the ‘haves and have nots’. Not too long ago, this same difference could have been placed at the boundary of neighboring London Boroughs Mayfair and Soho; one housing the London residences of the landed gentry, their clubs and restaurants, the other renowned as a cesspit of crime, drunkenness, and prostitution. Although Soho is now a much sought after location for housing and businesses, the latter trading on the associated past edginess of the location and its role in film, media and advertising in the eighties and nineties - all but a very few socially housed working-class having been forced out by high rent - come night-time, Soho remains one of the few places where a truly free ethos prevails, arguably sustained by its status as London’s gay capital. Money will not buy entrance to certain

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Alfred Dunhill of London

bars, pubs, and clubs in Soho, which are some of the most socially diverse venues one could ever wish to venture. But let us not pretend for a moment these places are the nirvana to a socialist’s wet dream. Many of the places within Soho are as difficult to get into, or to even know about, as the most sought after private members clubs in town, although in this case the reason is to preserve the very essence of the Soho experience, rather than let it be sold to the highest bidder as has become certain pockets of London’s nightlife. I leave my hotel in Tavistock Square and walk down into Holbourn, one of London’s oldest districts, and still retaining many of the warren like alleyways and narrow streets which covered London prior to the Great Fire of 1666; a few drinking holes of which still survive proudly displaying plaques to their time of rebuilding during the architectural renaissance of Sir Christopher Wren’s grand transformation. Over a pint of real ale in the Cheshire Cheese, just one such place off Fleet Street, and a former favorite of newspaper journalists centered along this stretch until the late1980s, I message Atters, Bounder in residence for Chap Magazine, to ascertain the best place in which to get a feel for the real Soho. His response is rapid, containing only two words: The French. Although the Cheshire Cheese is no longer the pub it was during the heyday of Fleet Street journalism, and something of a tourist trap during the day, it is still well

worth a visit come evening when the tourists have vacated, replaced by city workers and those in the legal professions, to gain an impression of the way a seventeenth century ale house would have looked; large open fires, narrow corridors, wooden and stone floors. Having hailed a black cab to Soho, I make my way towards the French House which is already filling at 6.30pm with those who have finished work adding to those who have been in for the day. One word of advice for which I’d been prepped by Atters: never ask for pints or halves. The French serve only glasses of beer: no big, no small. Only glasses. Any divergence from this will ‘out’ the buyer as a newcomer, and he will be liable to ejection post-haste. It’s difficult to be sure of the measurement actually served, but it looks closer to a half than a pint; probably something around 300ml if I were a betting man. By 7.00pm the bar is fully crowded with individuals and groups of locals all of whom appear to know one another, including the two dapper characters to my left; both finely suited with one sporting a trilby hat. Buoyed by a half-dozen ‘glasses’ of the house ale, I attempt conversation with a couple in near proximity, but my alien face and stench of newcomer, not to mention camera and tri-pod, betray my reasons for being here and I’m politely dismissed. Time for an honest approach.

When the Trilby wearing gent offers his leave to his colleague and makes for the door, I make a pounce for his friend, this time coming straight out with “Excuse me, I’m doing a feature...”. “Yeah, we thought you might be. Get a lot of you boys round here, but you always stand out,” he muses in a strong cockney drawl. It’s nice to note that honesty does pay off, and Peter, as he shall be known for reasons forthcoming, introduces me to Soho life. “It’s a real boozer. Real people. Everyone knows everyone else, and they care if they don’t see anyone for a week or two.” Asking Peter how he came to find this place, he tells a harrowing story of villainy from days gone by. Having fallen out with the wrong crowd decades before, he moved away from his place of birth to a new part of London where his local clique didn’t hold influence, giving up his way of life and family for the sake of his and their safety. He has not seen his son since moving away. He began venturing into this part of London several decades ago as it was under the influence of another ‘crowd’ with whom he had no trouble and began friendships which have lasted until present. “But doesn’t this stuff stop, fade out after a few years?”, I offer. He gives a startled look. “It’s for life. You’re born into it. It passes down the generations.” We’re interrupted by a young regular passing on his greetings to Peter before moving on to the next group. Peter goes on to tell a story of a man he knows who was assaulted by the children of a former rival. “Ran him over, nearly f**king killed him,” Sensing his uneasiness, I change subject and ask about Soho nightlife. “There’s a great Jazz place, it’s on tomorrow.” “Where?” “Doesn’t matter, they won’t let you in.” “How come?” “Got to know everyone, or go with someone.” “Are you going?” “Yeah, do you want to come?” “I’d love to, but it’s my mother’s birthday.” “Now that’s something you can’t miss. Mother comes first. Never forget that.” Sitting at the bar with another pint of ale, I reflect on an honesty of crime far removed from that of pulp-fiction novels and selfaggrandizing films to which we have become accustomed, and instead to that of a man separated from his wife and family whom, in the final years of his life, still has no possibility of knowing the son to which he gave life. Back on Soho’s streets, I head north past countless bars and clubs each with their own group of locals lingering amongst the doorways smoking cigarettes and chatting, all making the most of England’s summer months.




为 TA 买二十年“健康时光”

对一直无条件爱你、陪伴你的家人,你为他们做了什么? 对一直信赖你、支持你的朋友,你给予了他们什么?



佩服古人的智慧,他们发明了各种节日,让忙碌的人们可以安歇片刻, 在与长辈的对话、与亲人的团聚中体味生命的神性与温馨。虽然中国没有感 恩节,但是我们所有的传统节日都可用于表达感激之情。 感恩是付出和给予,是爱中不可缺少的一部分。而在“常回家看看”都 需用立法来约束的今天,我们不由感叹人情淡漠了。整个社会都在呼吁人们 铭记感恩,但我们在选择感恩方式的时候很迷茫。临近佳节,为至亲准备一 份什么样的礼物,能让 TA 感受到你的真诚,且让 TA 真正因此而得福?无奈 之余,我们更多地选择了物质馈赠,忽略了对方的真实所需。

如今,中国也有了自己的高端健康管理机 构——位于北京奥林匹克生态环境区内、占地两 万平方米的慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所,其不仅借鉴 了国外成熟、先进的服务体系,整合了全球著名 医疗资源,还将中央保健局为国家领导人提供的 整套健康管理模式成功复制,越来越多的人将自 己与家人的健康托付在这里。正如享有慈铭·奥亚 服务的一位亿万富豪所说,“送给父母和爱人健 康,我将多拥有他们二十年;给我的儿女留下健 康,他们能缔造更大的帝国!” 赠之所想,方为真爱。“感谢我的妻子为我 定制了慈铭·奥亚的健康管理服务,我明显感觉自 己变得更加富有活力,似乎时光为我倒退了 10 年之久。在这里的每分每秒,我都感受到前所未 有的尊重。定期该做哪些检查,每天做什么运动, 饮食起居,都有专业的营养药膳师、私人医生、 运动医学专家为我安排妥当,且所有的养护方案、 运动方案、体检方案只为我一个人定制。这里典 雅别致的环境,让我感觉和在自己私家别墅享受 休闲时光一样惬意。”某知名运动品牌企业家如 是说。

送“身份”,中西方送礼趋势 胡润研究院发布的一项报告显示,中国富豪赠送的礼物普遍为路易威登、 卡地亚、爱马仕和茅台。而在西方发达国家,将亲人和朋友的健康交给专业 的健康管理机构打理已经成为最流行的送礼消费趋势,以奢侈品等物质相赠 则被认为不够用心,因为在西方富豪们看来,健康状况和持久年轻态比身上 的名牌和递出的名片更有地位说服力。 试观海外名流界,一位年过六十却依然保持旺盛精力和青春体态的男士, 其实背后有权威的私人医生辅佐和医疗技术保障,一位已过中年却依然皮肤 光洁无痕、身姿优雅动人的女士,背后有一整套高科技抗衰老和健康养护方 案的支撑。这些服务,都是由高端健康管理机构来满足和实现的。

奉亲厚礼,莫如一路生命呵护 1188 万元的宾利轿车、2000 万美元的斐帝 星游艇、1500 万英镑的英国古堡……这些奢侈 品若以健康时光为代价,相信不会有人愿意换取。 投入一些金钱,就能够延长 20 年生命、获得高 质量生活、得到购买任何商品都得不到的喜悦, 这才是最值得的投资,因为健康是人类一生最珍 贵的奢侈品。 人生最大的哀痛是“子欲孝而亲不待,事未 成而人先衰”,我们永远都不要让这种悲剧发生。 守住家人健康,就是延长掌心的生命线、事业线、 幸福线。爱 TA,就送 TA 最珍贵的奢侈品——20 年健康时光!

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为健康生活方式欢呼 !

WHS-Celebrating 5 Years

of Lifestyle Change 维衡生为健康而来,旨在帮助人们达成健康与健身目标。当我 还是个孩子的时候,我就开始涉足这个行业了,后来我在健安喜、 百内尔和优莎娜等保健品公司任过职。维衡生成立于 2007 年,但 直到 2008 年 10 月才在北京 SOHO 尚都开了第一家零售店。从那 时到现在,我见证了保健品行业在中国的发展变化。 随着网络时代的到来,越来越多的人对健康生活有了更科学 的认识,而且高品质进口保健品也变得不再遥不可及。维衡生非常 自豪能成为外来保健品的先行者。就像咖啡店的悄然兴起,它总是 从第一家店开始,而如今在中国的一线城市咖啡店已随处可见。许 多类似于报刊亭那样的保健品小店也出现了,但维衡生仍是中国唯 一一家以实惠公道的价格提供最多种类产品的保健品店。事实上今 天我们面对的最大问题,同时也是我们的客户经常抱怨的问题就是: 为什么主打产品总是那么快就售罄了?目前我们的产品 80% 以上 为进口,保持供需平衡是我们 2013 年一直努力的目标。 对于追求健康生活方式的人们来说,维衡生不仅仅是“维生素 和蛋白质”,它倡导改变生活方式。在西方国家,“健康”远不止 身体无疾,它还意味着养成健康的生活方式,制定并坚持合理而均 衡的膳食安排,要想身心健康就得多多参与健身锻炼。中国人讲究 阴阳平衡,立身中国的维衡生不仅是提供一站式服务的健康营养店, 它更是开启健康平衡生活方式的新起点! 鉴于我们数以千计的顾客极有可能会读到这篇文章,借此感谢 各位 5 年来的鼎力支持,还有你们将健康生活方式进行到底的积极 态度!

WHS was founded with one thing in mind – to help people with their health and fitness goals. I have personally worked in the industry since I was a child, later going on to work for such health companies as GNC, Bionatural and Usana Health Sciences just to name a few. WHS was created and founded way back in 2007, but it was in October 2008 that WHS launched our first retail store in SOHO Shangdu Beijing! In that time based in China I have witnessed many changes in the health industry here. It is growing at a dramatic rate due to more people having access to quality imported health products as well as education about health thanks to the modern internet age. We are proud to have been the pioneers here with the VERY first Western health food store in China. Just as there was once the first coffee shop and now there are coffee shops on every street corner in first tier cities in China, there have been other stores launched since WHS’s first store – mostly kiosk style versions of health food stores with very limited product ranges as well as very high prices. To this day, WHS is still the only health food store in China offering such a diverse range of products at fair prices. In fact, our biggest continued problem and one that our customers complain about is running out of key selling products so frequently. As we now import over 80% of what we sell, keeping up with orders and supply is something that we are working on improving in 2013. For those that are looking for a healthy lifestyle, WHS is more than just a place that sells “vitamins and proteins;” it’s a place that encourages lifestyle change. In the West, health is more than just having a healthy body; it’s also about the mindset of living in a healthy way. Having a diet and sticking to a diet as well as exercise program is as much about mind health and developing discipline as it is about body health. As we are in China, the philosophy is about balance – or yin & yang – and WHS is more than just a retail store, it’s a place which celebrates lifestyle change and creating this balanced healthy life! To the thousands of loyal customers possibly reading this article – we thank you for the support over these five years, and your continued positive attitude in carrying this lifestyle change into the future in China!

德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/ wellness/fitness industry. To learn more about fat loss and being consistent on this daily – follow WHS Challenge online here: and on Weibo

58 LifeStyle

品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.


Profile / P.60


Material Culture / P.64 座驾

Auto / P.76


Art / P.78

Swaine Adeney Brigg: 英国顶级雨伞的代名词 A Symbol of British Class





60 LifeStyle

slower is better

Jiang Yiyan 享受爬行慢生活 Text: Eva Liu Photos: Gu Zi

这些年来,音乐和影视戏剧表演,哪一张“名 片”让你成长更快? 音乐也好,影视剧也好,都是我的兴 趣所在。要说成长最快的,应该是表演这张 “名片”吧。我想我的内心有很多个江一燕, “她们”时不时就会鼓励我去找她们,所以 我很喜欢挑战不一样的角色,不停地寻找 “她们”,不断地成长。话剧《七月与安生》 也是对自己的一次全新挑战,大家都觉得我 是安妮宝贝小说里的“七月”,但我却选择 了“安生”,因为我的内心住着安生,所以 我在话剧舞台上找到了属于安生的江一燕。 生活中的你是什么样子呢? 很随性,不喜欢被束缚,是个典型宅女。 喜欢穿着宽松棉质衣服在家和我的猫、狗一 起玩,种种花儿,看看书,发发呆,一天就 过去了。 除了唱歌和表演,你还喜欢摄影、写散文和 写歌,从什么时候开始喜欢上这些的?最喜 欢拍什么? 我从小就有写日记的习惯,加上常常 看小说,内心很向往作者那样流浪的心态, 所以爱写东西算是一种个性使然,以及受到 他们的影响。妈妈以前是公园的摄影师,每 天剩下的胶卷就会让我去拍,从小在这方面 就有所锻炼。我喜欢拍摄肖像和情感类的东 西,每次回看以前拍的照片都能想起当时的 心情,而照片上的表情对我表演会有帮助, 有时候发现某个角色的某个状态就是我摄 影作品中某个人的状态。这么多年拍了很多 照片,感触最深的还是去山区支教碰到的那 些孩子的笑容和村民朴实的表情,他们那里 物质条件那么匮乏,他们的精神世界却是如 此充裕乐观,这些笑容是我所有的摄影作品 中最有感染力的。




Profile You are a versatile artist with backgrounds in both acting and music. Which would you say gives you more motivation? I’m very interested in both music and drama , but as for what motivates me, I’d have to say it’s acting - there are various aspects of my personality, and acting encourages me to discover them; to explore what’s within. I like to be challenged with different roles, so I can keep searching and growing. Playing a role in the new drama I’m working on has been a brand-new challenge. Everyone thought that I should play July from Anne Baby’s novel July and Ansheng, which the drama is based on, but I chose Ansheng instead, because there is a girl just like Ansheng living in my heart, and I found an alter ego through her on the stage. And what kind of person are you in daily life? Personally speaking, I’m an easygoing person but I don’t like to be caged; a typical otaku (an indoorsy girl). I like to relax in loose cotton clothes. In my spare time, I like playing with my cat and dogs and taking care of my plants, reading or just daydreaming.

你的微博名字是“江小爬”,书的名字是《我 是爬行者小江》,基金会的名字也是“爬行 者”,爬或者爬行者是指一种特别的生活态 度吗? “江小爬”是我小的时候妈妈给起的 小名。我出生在江南水乡绍兴,所以注定 是一种悠闲的“慢”。很多人说这样的爬行 速度不太适合娱乐圈的节奏,但我觉得爬行 就是我的个性,我很享受这样的速度,因为 爬行的时候不会错过沿途的任何一处风景, 有更多时间让你去思考去总结。慢下来、停 下来,也许你会得到更多。出书除了想和大 家分享我的“爬行哲学”,也有一个原因 是觉得近来大银幕上的我都不是真实的我, 我希望喜欢我的影迷能够了解真实的江一 燕。这本书真实地反映了生活中的江一燕是 什么样子,也会有忧伤,有冲动,有叛逆。 我在山区支教七年,了解那里的孩子们最 需要什么,所以建立了“爬行者基金会”, 主要关注贫困儿童上学问题。我理想中的生 活状态就是,有一所自己的房子,不用太大, 但很温馨;收入够花就行,和爱我的家人待 在一起,时而出去走走。 每个人旅行都有自己的特殊意义,你觉得旅 行的意义是什么?哪些地方最让你向往? 走进大自然,寻找和发现大自然的美 和感动!我去过南非相对原始的地方,像真 正回归自然一样,和当地的土著可以打成一 片。但我更想去原始森林探险,我觉得那种 深不可测的神秘感让人有一种想去感受它 的冲动,当然也喜欢浪漫的海滩。最有民族 特色的地方正是我喜欢的。今年想去巴西, 去拍火烈鸟孵蛋。 当到达一个陌生的地方,你最想去哪里?分 享下旅行中的趣事吧。 我是一个不善于计划的人,尤其是对 旅行而言。旅行应该有一种漫无目的的心

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态,处处陌生,但处处都是景!记得在德国 拍戏那会儿,我喜欢收工后骑着自行车穿梭 于大街小巷,寻找各种惊喜。有一次,骑到 一条僻静的小路,前面越来越狭窄,有点胆 怯了,索性返回。第二天还是掩盖不下自己 的好奇心,重返旧路并一直往前,不远之处 竟是一片美丽的湖泊。这种柳暗花明又一村 的感觉才是旅行中最美好的体验。 新魔幻武侠巨制《四大名捕 2》即将上映, 有人评价你的表演“很有张力”,未来会尝 试更富挑战性的角色? 我想尝试各种具有挑战性的角色,希 望自己在表演中能够更加天马行空。生活里 我改变不了自己的个性,所以想在角色中放 弃本我。文艺小清新留给生活就好,银幕形 象还是要多变一些。我把职业当成爱好,只 做自己有兴趣的事,演有激情的角色,去尝 试不一样的人物性格。如果我做到了,我觉 得是我的工作带给我的价值。和不同的导演 和搭档合作,也会挖掘自己的潜力。今年接 了一部喜剧,我演的这个角色对我来说也是 一次很大的挑战。这部戏即将拍完,明年情 人节上映。 来年的愿望和计划是什么? 愿爱我的人和我爱的人都健康快乐! 未来一年中,我不想给自己定太多演艺计 划,希望随心所欲一些。所有的角色在我看 来是一种缘分,我会顺其自然地等属于我的 那个角色到来。去年一下拍了三部电影和一 部电视剧,所以今年给自己放个大假,用大 把的时间到外面走走,充充电。明年在摄影 方面倒是有一些计划,想举办自己的个人摄 影展,把这些年在旅途上的感悟分享给大 家,但是处女座的人总是在追求细节完美, 这个计划搞不好也会拖很久,时机成熟再和 大家聊。

Apart from singing and acting, you are fond of photography and writing songs and prose. When did you start these hobbies? What kind of pictures do you like to shoot? I’ve had the habit of keeping a diary since I was a little girl, and I read a lot. I’ve always admired writers whose work harbors a kind of rogue spirit. I was born to write, and writing is deeply rooted in my nature. My mother used to be a photographer in the park, so she’d give me some unused film that she had left every day, and starting then I began to develop a taste for photography. I like taking pictures of people and anything emotional. Every time I look back through all those pictures that I shot, I can recall all the feelings and live them all over again. This really helps with my acting - maybe the expression, the pose, the attitude in a certain picture is exactly what my character needs. Among all the pictures I’ve taken in the past few years, the most touching ones are those depicting the people living in remote mountain areas, especially the children. The smiles of these kids and the simplicity of the villagers’ expressions are so powerful. They may not be well-off, but spiritually, they are so satisfied and optimistic. Their inner world is so peaceful and full of positive energy. Their smiles in the pictures are astonishingly appealing. Your Weibo name is Jiang Xiaopa (‘Crawler’ Little Jiang), and the character ‘pa’ (crawl or climb) is also found in the title of your book and foundation. How do you interpret this word? Jiang Xiaopa (“Crawler Little Jiang”) is a nickname my mom gave me when I was a baby. I was born in Shaoshing, a typical little riverside town in southern China, so I feel like my life pace was meant to be leisurely and slow, kind of like crawling. Some may say this slow pace is not for people who want to thrive in showbiz. But frankly, the slowness of

crawling belongs to me - it’s my individuality. I really enjoy going at a pace which will ensure not missing any of the scenery along the way. This allows one more time to think, to introspect. So, for my part, slower is better, and I want to share my “crawling philosophy” with everyone through my essays. In addition, I’ve recently felt that the actress you see on the screen is not the real me. So I’m really eager to let my fans know who I really am - every aspect of my life from sadness and pain, to precipitance and rebellion. Actually we all go through the same things. As for the foundation: since I’ve been regularly volunteering as a teacher in remote mountain areas, I’ve learned what people living there are truly longing for. And after seven years of spending time together, I am witness to the fact that the children living in these places are severely in need. So the objective of the foundation is to help the underprivileged children to go to school. The ideal life for me is to own a small but cozy house, be able to be with my family for some quality time now and then, sustain an adequate income to earn my living, and travel around sometimes.

roles later. I hope my roles can be performed in a bolder way. Although I can’t change my character in real life, I like to forget my proper nature by totally devoting myself to my roles. I’m a rather literary kind of girl-next-door in reality, but my screen image can change at any time. Generally, I regard my profession as my hobby, and I just want to do things I’m interested in and act passionately in roles so that I can experience characters totally different than mine. If I can succeed in doing this, there is real value in my profession. Besides this, my potential will be continuously tapped as I cooperate with various directors and partners. This year, I participated in a comedy which is just wrapping up and will be released on Valentine’s Day next year. This role was rather challenging for me.

What are your wishes or plans in the following year? I wish that my loved ones will continue to be healthy and happy. As for my work, I don’t have many plans currently; this way I can follow my inclinations. In my opinion, roles are basically arranged by fate. So I’ll wait for the perfect roles to come to me, kind of just letting nature take its course. Last year, I participated in three films and one TV series, so I’ll take a long vacation this year, taking plenty of time to wander around and learn some new things. But I do have some plans involving photography - I want to hold my own photography exhibition to share my thoughts from my years of travels with guests. Though you may have to wait a while for this exhibition - I’m a Virgo and we are strict perfectionists - I’ll let you know when the time is ripe.

Each person’s journey has its particular meaning. What meaning do you find when you travel to different places? What do you think is the ideal place to travel? I think being close to nature, discovering new natural beauties and touching scenery; these are the things that bring joy to a trip. I once went to some relatively untouched places in South Africa that really brought me in touch with nature in a true sense. But actually I prefer adventuring through jungles I think that there is an unfathomable mystery in them that calls people to seek them out. Of course, I also like romantic beaches and places with distinctive historical meaning. This year, I’m excited to go to Brazil where I plan on recording the birth of flamingos. When arriving in an unfamiliar area, what types of places do you like to check out? Any fun travel stories you can share with us? Actually, I’m not very good at planning, especially for trips. I believe that when traveling, people should take on an aimless attitude. Everything is unfamiliar, but that can be a good thing; and you can record new discoveries with pictures. I still remember that when I finished working while in Germany, I liked riding a bicycle aimlessly through streets, looking for different surprises. Once, I came to a remote alley, which got narrower as you went forward. At first I was afraid to continue and decided to go back; but the following day, I was too curious, so I went back to the alley and kept going forward, when out of nowhere a beautiful lake suddenly appeared at the other side. This kind of unexpected feeling is the best experience of traveling. We’ve heard that your performance in the new movie The Four II really required flexibility and was a challenge. Do you plan on taking on more challenging roles in the future? Yes, I will play more and more challenging




A Touch of Class 在绅士们眼里,一把顶级雨伞不单单能遮风挡雨, 它还是一件不可或缺的配饰,一种身份与品位的象征。 For the modern gentleman, a quality umbrella is not only protection from the rain, but a statement of style and impeccable taste. Text: Eva Liu

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on a Rainy Day




Material Culture

弗朗西斯科·马格利亚 纯手工高端定制 Francesco Maglia: Purely Handmade

这间始创于 1853 年的意大利家族伞工坊一直为路易威登(Louis Vuitton)、爱马仕 (Hermes)、博柏利 (Burberry) 等众多奢侈品牌及高端百货提供伞具。7 个人分别负责不同 的工序,从选布到裁剪,从制作伞骨到伞布缝纫等环节。若不是对伞的超级热爱,很难想 像他们能够几十年如一日地坚持做好这一件事。近乎完美的细节那叫惊人,所有易磨处都 以伞布面料包裹,所有竹质手柄都以丝绳系住两端。 This Italian custom umbrella company has long been the go-to manufacturer for companies such as Louis Vuitton, Hermes, Burberry and other high end clients. Seven members take on different tasks, from cloth selection to cutting, to installing the ribs, to the sewing. Such devotion to a single product can only mean they truly care about their work, with meticulous detailing and gorgeous materials.

富尔顿 英国皇室御用雨具 Fulton: Her Majesty’s Raingear

作为英国皇室御用品牌,富尔顿最被 人津津乐道的要数为英国女王伊丽莎白二 世量身订做的鸟笼伞。其独有的伞形为圆拱 形,象征着伦敦圣保罗大教堂,可避免肩部 被淋湿;透明的伞面设计,可一览雨中世界。 这款鸟笼伞打破了传统雨伞的单调款式,最 大程度地把英国皇室独具一格的传统和现 代时尚融合一体。一把普通富尔顿伞价格约 为 18 英镑至 30 英镑。 As the official umbrella manufacturer of the Queen of England, Fulton is best known for its Birdcage Umbrella, used by Queen Elizabeth II. Its round shape with its likeness to St. Paul’s Cathedral, keeps shoulders dry, while the transparent design is chic and convenient. Trendy enough to make the Queen break from tradition, Fulton’s umbrellas run from about GPB 18 to 30.

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保罗·史密斯 时尚有趣的设计 Paul Smith: Chic & Whimsy

英国设计师品牌保罗·史密斯表面是绅士,内里却偷着耍坏,这是其最受人追捧之处, 也是设计师保罗·史密斯本人的英式幽默。虽不是专业伞具品牌,但因其自身的品牌魅力, 包括伞具在内的每一季产品都大受时尚绅士的青睐。 British designer Paul Smith has always charmed with his dry English humour and a bit of a roguish touch. Although it is not specifically an umbrella manufacturer, the products created by this label have a special appeal to the wayward gentleman in all of us.

福克斯 世界上最会做伞的制造商 Fox: World’s Finest Umbrellas

福克斯也许是世 界上最会做伞的制造 商,从 1868 年就开始 为人们遮风挡雨,皇室 成员、首相议员、明星 名流都是其拥趸。一把福克斯雨伞的 价格可能等于你一辈子能用的廉价伞 的总和,不过贵有贵的理由:其伞套 和伞扣是名副其实的扣环,一个大的 钢圈套着一个小小的纽扣,而非常见 的伞扣;伞架非常坚硬,狂风骤雨时 周围的伞都被吹成喇叭状,福克斯风 采依旧岿然不动;伞布了得,撑开 时砰的一声,饱满紧绷,雨点砸在 伞上的音调都比普通雨伞高。值得 一提的是,福克斯售出的伞,伞骨、 伞柄等部分使用多年后可送回伦敦 总部修理,伞布也可重新贴换。

帕索地·奥姆布雷利 意大利顶极手工伞 Pasotti Ombrelli: Italy’s Top Umbrella

帕索地顶级手工伞堪称 “伞中的贵族” , 以惊艳的设计、 选材、 装饰和伞柄为特色, 更有 “意 大利制造”标签,独特的想象力和创造力真正让它们独一无二。帕索地一直坚持在手柄处 大做文章,像骷髅头伞、雕像头伞都是人气之作。据说这个牌子是根据订制决定产量的, 每个款式都有一定的限额。每年他们只制造约 3 万把伞,在全球 55 个国家出售。 A sort of nobility among umbrellas, Pasotti’s stunning creative design and quality materials along with the “Made in Italy” label make them one of a kind. Their creative signature designed handles are typically tipped with decorations like skulls or snakes. Each style is only produced in certain quantities: about 30,000 umbrellas come out each year and are shipped to 55 countries across the globe.

Founded in 1868, Fox umbrellas have kept everyone from the Royal Family and Prime Minister to movie stars dry in the rain. The price of one Fox umbrella will be worth all the cheap umbrellas you’d have to throw away for the same sum: the clasp keeping it furled is actually fastened with a clasp and button, while the ribs are extremely solid, keeping it from inverting like inexpensive versions would. Fox umbrellas are especially taut, making the patter of raindrops particularly pleasing. Umbrella parts can also be sent in to the London headquarters for replacement.




Material Culture

Swaine Adeney Brigg 英国顶级雨伞的代名词

A Symbol of British Class 创 立 于 1750 年 的 Swaine Adeney Brigg 是英国顶级雨伞的代名词。这个牌子 的设计看似朴素,但其手工制作精美至极, 并配以山核桃木,加以金属框架,或覆盖丝 绸伞面或覆盖高品质尼龙,手柄上还镶着金 色或银色的颈圈,凸显个人品味,另外可以 在伞柄上刻上你名字的字母缩写,带给你 一种尊贵的专属感。一把顶级黑色丝绸面、 黑色鳄鱼皮手柄的伞,售价约 495 英镑; 一把尼龙面料、木质手柄的标准样式的伞, 售价约 105 英镑。 Founded in 1750, Swaine Adeney Brigg is England’s representative umbrella maker. The design is seemingly simple, but the high level of craftsmanship and quality materials such as mountain walnut handles inlaid with gold or silver and silk or nylon covers bring out the true class of the products. Handles can also be carved with the owner’s name for a personal touch. An umbrella outfitted with black silk and black alligator skin handle fetches about GPB 495, while the standard nylon with wooden handle runs around GPB 105.

阿切·亚当斯 最有范儿的雨伞

Archer Adams: An Exemplary Umbrella 阿切·亚当斯的店面位于伦敦市中心的 威斯敏斯特大街上,威斯敏斯特伞也因此得 名。纯银雨伞为手工打造,分直柄和折叠两 种款式,手柄处饰有狮子、蛇、拉布拉多犬 等 8 种银色兽首独特造型,其中一些还镶 嵌有施华洛世奇水晶。威斯敏斯特雨伞系列 造型新颖、用料高级,而且伞柄的手感很好。 Archer Adams is located on central London’s Westminster Street, hence the moniker “Westminster Gothic Umbrellas.” Pure silver handles are completely handmade in straight or collapsible styles, with head choices including a lion’s head, snake, Labrador, Swarovski crystal balls and more. Beautiful original design meets the highest quality materials to make for a perfect accessory in the rain.

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詹姆士·史密斯 一把伞用 60 年没问题

James Smith & Sons: One Umbrella, 60 Years 英国制伞老牌詹姆士·史密斯可是举世 闻名,各国绅士都把拥有詹姆士·史密斯出 品的雨伞和手杖当做一种身份的象征。一把 伞用 60 年没问题!其伞柄头的设计既保持 传统又独具匠心,手杖柄头可以和雨伞互换 使用,极具实用性又不失讲究。在这家雨伞 和手杖专营店,有超过 70 根不同英国木材 的手杖供你挑选。 James Smith & Sons is an English brand but their umbrellas and canes are known as a symbol of taste all over the world, and can withstand 60 years of use with no problems. The design is classic yet original, and the exquisite carved handles can be removed and exchanged. The shop carries over 70 different types of British woods to choose from.

博柏利 英伦绅士形象的现代标志

Burberry: Mark of a Modern Gentleman 除了服装、配饰、箱包外,博柏利的 长伞系列也备受绅士们追捧,由此也掀起一 股英伦绅士长伞的热潮。其经典款长伞系列 复辟了英伦绅士形象的现代标志。木质柄头 给人一种充满复古气息的艺术趣味感,金属 柄头却有一种贵族味道,而伞面的图案设计 更富有几何感,充满了现代气息,总的来说, 现代与复古的碰撞凸显了品质与品味亮点。

London Undercover 绅士完美造型必备品

The Ultimate Essential London Undercover 创立于 2008 年, 创始人杰米·迈尔斯通认为伞不应当只是在 需要时拿出的工具,而是时尚必不可少的一 部分。毫不起眼的雨伞经过他独特的设计, 呈现出别具一格的质感与潮味,加上伦敦多 雾多雨的天气,令雨伞成为绅士们搭配整体 造型的必备品。 London Undercover was founded in 2008 by designer Jamie Milestone with the aim to ‘turn around the umbrella and return to its rightful position as a fashion accessory.’ Taking the typical umbrella and transforming it through design into a chic accessory and the ultimate tool for a gentleman in the London fog.

Aside from clothing, accessories and bags, Burberry’s umbrellas are also quite popular, adding to the umbrella as accessory craze. The classic wooden handles are full of a vintage appeal, while metal lends the air of nobility. Paired with modern geometric designs, a classic-meets-modern element makes them stand out as the perfect addition to the tasteful man’s wardrobe.




Material Culture


See the World through My Frames 透过一副眼镜, 你可以洞悉男人的个性与生活态度。 What do your glasses say about you? Text: Eva Liu

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FLEYE 深受丹麦皇室成员青睐的福莱乐是丹 麦独家设计师品牌。FLEYE 是 Fine Looking Eye 的缩写,意为迷人的眼睛。橙色的福莱 乐“眼睑”不仅仅是一个标志,它也是品质 的象征。福莱乐眼镜每年推出四个系列,总 是以其对最新潮流的全新演绎独领风骚。福 莱乐独特的镜架来自丹麦,在精心挑选的日 本工厂中由技艺出众的工匠手工制作而成, 而独一无二的夹片则是中国制造。福莱乐以 其防过敏的高质材料,例如醋酸纤维、贝 塔钛和碳素纤维,确保眼镜绝佳的轻盈感、 耐用度和灵巧性。每一副镜架都有鼻托搭配 特别设计的钛丝,给予足够的舒适度和调节 性,尤其迎合了亚洲顾客的脸型。 FLEYE - Fine Looking Eye - is a creative Danish design company with many years of experience in design, production and sales of eyewear, enjoying quite a good reputation especially with the Danish royal family. FLEYE sets industrial trends by launching four series of products every year. Its unique frames come from Denmark and are crafted in Japan by the finest artisans. Another FLEYE characteristic is the clip-on sunglasses, which are completed in China. By using allergy-friendly and solid materials, like acetate and beta-titanium, FLEYE’s frame design achieves an exclusive lightness, durability and flexibility. FLEYE has also been awarded for their design of special nose pads, which support glasses comfortably without leaving marks behind and make the frames more adaptable to different face types, especially complementing Asian faces.

Illesteva Illesteva 来自纽约,这个由设计师丹尼 尔·西尔伯曼与 Jus Ske 共同主理的品牌凭 借自身创新设计常常令人叹为观止,像今年 推出的 Felix 和 Capri 两款夹片眼镜。除了 有最基本的保护视力功能外,它们还相当有 设计感,玳瑁镜框晶莹剔透的花纹呈现出典 雅大方的风格。 New York-based eyewear label Illesteva was founded by designers Daniel Silberman and Jus Ske. Illesteva remains focused first and foremost on pushing traditional boundaries of design by exploring fresh shapes and unexpected motifs and for this year, it’s the two new Clip-On designs “Felix” and “Capri” that stole the show. They are not only about improving eyesight but also being stylish, with notable examples being their chic patterned frames made from hawksbill.




Material Culture

Mykita/Damir Doma 德国眼镜潮牌 Mykita 和法国时尚品牌 Damir Doma 联手推出圆形复古太阳镜, 使这一时尚偶像眼镜框架再次引爆潮流。 DD01 是对红极一时前卫知识分子所戴圆形 眼镜的再现,目标是以更现代及更具标志性 的形式来表现传统。所有 Mykita 眼镜都是 纯手工的,框架采用高质量不锈钢,再覆上 金、铂或者石墨。 German eyewear label Mykita, together with French fashion brand Damir Doma, recently released this round retro sunglass collection, aiming to translate the traditional round form into something modern, creating an iconic object. All frames are traditionally handcrafted in Berlin and made from stainless steel with gold, platinum or plumbago finishing.

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Thom Browne/Dita

美 国 鬼 才 设 计 师 桑 姆· 布 朗 尼 与 加 州 高端眼镜品牌 Dita 合作的 Thom Browne Licensed with Dita 系列又推出全新系列太 阳眼镜。选用兼具摩登时尚与 19 世纪复古 气息的 TB-200 作为主角,以圆形镜片、高 档皮质风挡以及厚实的金属材质构成,此外 以桑姆·布朗尼签名式的红白蓝标志作为细 节点缀。 The gifted American designer Thom Browne has teamed up with Los Angelesbased Dita to create a collaborative sunglasses model called the TB-200. Offered in three colors, the TB-200 model boasts elements of steampunk flair with leather blinders at the sides and an industrial metal frame to which the material is fastened. The frame of course holds the label’s signature Thom Browne’s recognizable tri-color motif on the arms.

Ray-Ban 一直以来雷朋就是遮挡强光的太阳眼 镜的代名词。时至今日,那些自命不凡的 男人仍以佩戴一副雷朋太阳镜而备感自豪。 Ray-Ban Clubmaster 是雷朋标志性款式之 一,以其引以为豪的复古诱惑成为真正畅销 的单品。2013 新品设计采用铝材质,更轻质, 质地更怡人,佩戴完美贴合。前框也改变了 式样,采用扁平设计,与独创外观和装饰细 节搭配更出色。 “Ray-Ban” has been a synonym for stylish sunglasses since its inception, and style lovers inevitably seek them out year after year. The Ray-Ban Clubmaster, originally released in the 1980s, is known for retro look, classic riveted frames and timeless design. The 2013 collection uses aluminum as the main material, offering superior lightweight comfort and fit. Unlike typical sunglasses, the front frame is designed to be flat, which goes better with clothing details and makes for a unique appearance.




Material Culture

Kris Van Assche/ Linda Farrow 克里斯·万艾思新近为琳达·法罗创作了 一款圆形镜框、玳瑁质感,外加金属丝镶边 的复古款墨镜,又有型又精致。一个是在潮 流界享有崇高地位的眼镜潮牌,一个是已 经奠定专属美学风格的迪奥·桀傲创意总监, 二者合作的眼镜系列时尚与品质兼具,一直 都是男款眼镜里的热卖系列。 Artistic Director for Dior Homme Kris Van Assche, has designed a retro yet chic frame for British luxury eyewear designer, Linda Farrow. Both of them are highly acclaimed in their respective fields and their cooperative men’s eyewear always turns out to be one of the hottest items of the season. With a round shape, tortoiseshell design and metal wire edging, their latest design has once again done an impeccable job of blending high fashion and high quality.

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Police 专为充满活力、追求极致的人士设计 的“意大利警察”,品牌致力于研发和创 新,关注设计和科技元素细节,这在全新 的 Yoshi Gohara 系列中得到了体现。其亮 点在于特别的“三剑式”钢制铰链,连接 3 个不同的部位,镜腿在折叠打开时会发出独 特的咔哒声,恍如一把利剑。 Police appeals to the tastes of fashion lovers and active go-getters, with great attention spent on research and innovation. This was yet again confirmed in its new collection by Yoshi Gohara, who presented sunglasses and eyewear that reveal a special eye for design and technical details. The star of the collection is the special triple-click steel hinge which, thanks to its technology, clicks into three different positions, punctuating the movement of the temples with a unique sound.

Sheriff & Cherry 英国新锐太阳眼镜品牌 Sheriff Cherry 凭借鲜明风格及创意设计很快在时装界站 稳阵脚,再加上深受不少明星的追捧,人气 一直居高不下。在最新推出的 2013 秋冬系 列中,设计师莫罗·马沙霍朵继续大玩颜色 配置,在一副镜框上采用多达三种颜色及搭 配渐进效果,从而创作出色彩丰富、充满玩 味感的太阳眼镜。 British-based sunglasses brand Sheriff & Cherry is a combination of classic and functional vs. individual and fun. With quirky twists, bold statement designs and unusual colours, Sheriff & Cherry quickly gained a following among celebrities and the fashion industry. Reiterating classic designs with modern elegance, its 2013 fall/winter sunglasses collection designed by Mauro Massarotto offers eye-catching hues, bold prints and clean cuts, offering colorful and fun appeal.



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卡特汉姆全新 AeroSeven 概念车

宝马 X6 M Design 版

卡特汉姆全新 AeroSeven 概念车前不久正式发布。全车基 于卡特汉姆 Seven CSR 平台打造,技术沿袭了 F1 赛车的血统, 同时包括全新开发的卡特汉姆引擎管理系统、赛道适应控制系统 以及启动控制系统等。其动力系统基于福特 Duratec 的自吸引擎, 最大功率 237 马力,百公里加速可在 4 秒内完成。卡特汉姆还在 尝试其他一些动力系统,所以量产版本究竟会采用何种引擎仍是 未知数。

宝马正式发布了 X6 M Design 版,限量 100 台。该车配备 碳纤维前唇、磨砂黑格栅以及 21 英寸轻量化合金轮毂,外加碳 纤维小型后尾翼和后扰流,动感大增。为了提升运动风格,宝马 X6 M Design 配备黑红相间的皮质仪表板,与双色美利奴皮质座 椅以及钢琴黑饰条交相辉映。该车或搭载双涡轮增压 4.4 升 V8 发动机,最大功率 555 马力,极限扭矩 680 牛米,百公里加速时 间为 4.7 秒,极速限制在 250 公里 / 小时。

Recently Caterham released its newest concept the AeroSeven. Based on the Caterham Seven CSR model and carrying on F1 racing lineage, the car also includes a new Caterham engine management system, a racing adaptive control and startup system. Equipped with a Duratec self aspirating engine, it’s max output is 237hp, and can get from 0-100km/h in under 4 seconds. Currently Caterham is testing multiple engine systems so it is unknown which will be chosen.

BMW’s new X6 M Design edition is limited to 100 models, featuring a carbon fibre front grille and front and rear splitters, frosted black grilles and 21 inch alloys for an overall dynamic look. To enhance the style further, BMW added black red and blue racing stripes and black and red stitched leather interiors. Equipped with a dual turbine 4.4L V8 engine, it’s max output is 555hp with torque of 680 N-m, and can get from 0-100 km/h in 4.7 seconds, with a top speed of 250 km/h.

Caterham AeroSeven Concept Car

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BMW X6 M Design Edition

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别克新君威和君威 GS

2014 保时捷 911 Turbo 及 Turbo S 敞篷版

上海通用汽车发布了别克新君威和君威 GS,两款新车采用 新一代别克设计语言,凸显了别克新一代高档轿车的家族化特征。 其采用经典欧式豪华风格的全新棕、黑双色镶拼真皮内饰,同时 配备了博士第二代 Centerpoint 环绕音响系统。此次发布的全新 君威系列有 5 款车型,搭载 2.4L SIDI、2.0L ECO 和 1.6T3 款高 效节能动力系统。君威 GS 共推出 3 款车型,标配升功率为同级 之冠的 2.0T 发动机。

保时捷发布全新 911 Turbo 和 Turbo S 敞篷版车型。这两款 车型基本沿袭了 Coupe 版本外观设计,改为采用轻量镁材质框 架的可收起软顶。Turbo 搭载 3.8 升六缸双涡轮增压引擎,最大 功率 520 马力,而更强劲的 S 版本在使用相同引擎的情况下,被 压榨出 560 马力最大功率,从而使其在 3.1 秒内能完成 96 公里 / 小时加速,比普通版本快 0.2 秒。两款车型极速都在 314 公里 / 小时,城市百公里耗油 7.2 升左右,高速在 10 升左右。

Shanghai General Motors released its all new Regal and Regal GS models, both using its new design language to present their all new generation of household vehicles. Using classic luxurious black and brown leather details, interiors are also equipped with BOSE’s Centerpoint surround sound system. The Regal series consists of 5 models, equipped with 2.4L SIDI, 2.0L ECO and 1.6T3 energy saving systems. The Regal GS includes 3 models, boasting the same power and speed stats with a 2.0T engine.

Porsche recently released the all new 911 Turbo and Turbo S Convertible, which basically carry on the design of the Coupe, but are lighter and with retractable cloth roofs. In terms of power the Turbo carries a six-cylinder 3.8L double turbine engine, with max output of 520hp, while the S model with the same engine boasts 560hp. It can go from 0-96 km/h within 3.1 seconds, 0.2 seconds faster than the original model. The two models’ top speed is 314 km/h, with petrol use at 7.2L/km in the city and 10L/km on the highway.

Buick New Regal and Regal GS

Porsche 911 Turbo/Turbo S Convertible



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Holzer in Hong Kong 美国概念艺术家珍妮·霍尔泽在香港艺术门画廊举办首个个展《流光》, 以中文呈献文字系列及其第一个大型 LED 装置。 The legendary artist’s first solo exhibition in Hong Kong Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Pearl Lam Galleries

9 月 19 日 至 11 月 2 日, 香 港 艺 术 门 画廊举办美国女艺术家珍妮·霍尔泽的首个 个展《流光》,呈献其一系列全新及经典作 品。霍尔泽为《流光》挑选了来自《常理》、 《生活》及《生存》系列中的语句,展示在 电子展板及石凳上。 霍尔泽在艺术生涯初期创作出街头招 贴式作品《常理》,超过 250 句宣告式文 字仿效警世名言的形式,风格十分独特。 《常 理》最初刊印在海报上,上世纪 70 年代匿 名张贴在纽约不同的大厦及外墙上,这是她 的首个代表作。 本 次 展 览 的 重 点 是 霍 尔 泽 的 LED 作 品,包含超过 25 个 LED 元素。《流光》 (2013)同时是展览主题,它寄托了霍尔 泽的夙愿——在单一作品中结合了大量文 字,并且在艺术门画廊首度面世。三个系列 作品中的精选文字结合疯狂的光影与色彩, 中英文并列出现,层次分明,环环相扣,营 造出闪烁而悸动的效果,反映并鼓励展览中 的对话及交流。

78 LifeStyle

“虽然我钟情于极简主义,数十年来 我一直期待能呈现一个非理性、出人意外的 大型闪动作品。矛盾的吊诡令我欣喜,要营 造出狂野、混乱、即兴的效果,对技术而言 是极大挑战,要实现起来还是相当有难度 的。凭借多年以精准地建构 LED 标志的经 验与艺术门画廊的配合,令这个崭新的电子 旷野能顺利诞生。”霍尔泽如是形容自己的 作品。 除了 LED 作品外,霍尔泽还展出一系 列白色大理石石凳,作为她首个创作的中文 作品。大理石的作品沉实,其具纪念性或是 经典雕刻的象征,与 LED 作品形成了强烈 的戏剧对比。“金钱造就品味”、“不要太 相信专家”等精辟短语具备独特含义及影响 力,并以汉字雕刻在大理石凳上。 在过去的三十多年里,霍尔泽在多个 公共空间和国际展览上展示其尖刻的意念、 论辩与哀思,包括纽约世贸大厦 7 号楼、 德国新国会大厦、威尼斯双年展、纽约和毕 尔包的古根汉美术馆以及惠特尼美国艺术 博物馆。


merican artist Jenny Holzer will present Light Stream, a major exhibition of new and vintage work in her first solo exhibition in Hong Kong, at Pearl Lam Galleries, which opened on 18 September, 2013. For this exhibition, Holzer draws upon her text series Truisms (1977-79), Living (1980-82), and Survival (1983-85), presenting Truisms and Survival for the first time in Chinese. For Light Stream, Holzer selected phrases from Truisms, Living, and Survival to present on electronic signs and on stone benches. Truisms comprises over 250 single sentence declarations written by Holzer at the beginning of her career and crafted to resemble existing aphorisms. Originally printed on posters and anonymously pasted on buildings and walls across New York City in the 1970s, Truisms was Holzer’s first body of text. The centerpiece of the exhibition is Holzer’s largest LED gallery work to date, which comprises over 25 LED elements. Light Stream (2013), also the title of the exhibition, was born of Holzer’s long-time desire to produce a swarming mass of texts in one work, and is realized for the first time with Pearl Lam Galleries. Using selections from all three series, the result is a pulsating, flashing heap of text with statements layered and wrapped around one another in frenetic light and color. Chinese and English texts appear alongside each other, reflecting and encouraging dialogue within the exhibition. Describing the work, Jenny Holzer explains, “Though I rely on minimalist configurations, for decades I have wanted to offer a massive, irrational, unpredictable heap of glittering displays. I am happy about the paradox - what appears wild, chaotic, and spontaneous is a greater technical puzzle and a more difficult challenge to realize. Pearl Lam Galleries and years of building precisely configured LED signs have made this new electronic wilderness possible.” Alongside the LED works, Holzer will present a selection of white marble benches, which are the first works she has produced in Chinese. With their connotations of monuments or Classical sculpture, the solid and memorial form of the marble works offers a dramatic contrast to the LEDs. Short statements such as “Money creates Taste” and “Don’t place too much trust in experts,” chosen for their particular resonance and impact are carved in Chinese into the bench seats. For more than thirty years, Jenny Holzer has presented her astringent ideas, arguments, and sorrows in public places and international exhibitions, including 7 World Trade Center, the Reichstag, the Venice Biennale, the Guggenheim Museums in New York and Bilbao, and the Whitney Museum of American Art.



80 LifeStyle

有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around

一切享乐。 the globe.


Hotel / P.82 飨宴

Dining / P.106


WineClub / P.110

伦敦兰斯伯瑞瑞吉酒店 The Lanesborough London




London Lodgings

想像阿拉伯酋长一样尽享伦敦的奢华? 9 家贵气酒店个个气质不凡,内外兼修,绝对令你叹服! Want to live like a sheik in London? Stay at any of these nine properties in the city. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels

82 LifeStyle

伦敦萨沃伊饭店 The Savoy Hotel, London






The Lanesborough London 兰斯伯瑞瑞吉酒店位于景色优美的骑 士桥街区(海德公园正对面),据说是伦 敦最贵的酒店之一。1733 年圣乔治医院在 此成立,直至 19 世纪初期,医院因经年失 修而破败不堪,于是推倒重建。1844 年, 拥有 350 个床位的新医院继续运营。20 世 纪 70 年代,该医院迁往伦敦南部的杜丁, 1980 年这里便闲置下来。1991 年瑰丽酒 店入驻这里,10 年后喜达屋旗下瑞吉品牌 开始接管,兰斯伯瑞瑞吉酒店成为其在英 格兰的第一家, 也是唯一一家酒店。 2009 年, 由传奇大厨海恩斯·贝克坐镇的 Apsleys 餐 厅隆重推出,并于 2010 年获得米其林一星 荣誉。 The Lanesborough located in Knightsbridge is reputedly the most expensive hotel in London. St George's Hospital was opened in the original Lanesborough House in 1733. By the 1800s the hospital was falling into disrepair. Lanesborough House was demolished to make way for a new 350-bed facility. The new hospital was operational by 1844, serving continuously as a hospital until transferred to Tooting, south London in the 1970s, leaving the Hyde Park Corner premises vacant in 1980. Rosewood Hotels and Resorts refurbished and re-opened the building as a hotel in 1991. Ten years later the management contract passed to Starwood's St Regis operation as its first and only hotel in England. In 2009, The Lanesborough announced the launch of ‘Apsleys – a Heinz Beck Restaurant’ which won its first Michelin star in 2010.

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ME 伦敦酒店

ME London

ME 伦敦酒店是伦敦市中心最前卫的酒店之一,邻近伦敦主要剧院、精 品店、时尚热地及潮流夜店。酒店由屡获殊荣的福斯特合作伙伴设计事务所 设计,拥有 157 间客房(包括 16 间套房),配备顶级的现代化设施和无敌 景致。酒店的前身是备受欢迎的欢乐剧院,该剧院在二战期间遭轰炸被破坏, 在 20 世纪 60 年代被拆毁,最后改建成了办公大楼。新酒店位于近期翻新过 的马可尼大厦(英国广播公司原总部大楼)旁边,1922 年世界上第一个定期 播出的无线电广播娱乐节目就是从这里发出的。 Located in the heart of the action and near the city’s main theaters, exclusive boutiques, fashionable hot spots and trendy night clubs, ME London is one of the leading contemporary hotels in the center of London. Designed by the world famous architects Foster and Partners, amongst its fantastic services and facilities ME London provides 157 exquisitely designed, modern rooms, including 16 suites. The ME London used to be the popular Gaiety Theatre which suffered bomb damage during the Second World War and was torn down and turned into an office block in the 1960s. The new hotel stands next to the recently renovated Marconi House, former headquarters of the BBC, where the first radio broadcast was made in 1922.

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The Dorchester 作为英国乃至世界上最高级的酒店之一,装饰艺术风格的伦敦多切斯特酒 店因其非凡的设施、具有代表性的服务标准以及优良的就餐环境,取得了传奇 般的地位。酒店开业于 18 世纪,1930 年完成重建后于次年重新迎宾,瓦奥莱 特·阿斯特夫人特意举办盛大的庆祝派对。那时候多切斯特酒店是艺术和文学 人士频频光顾的场所,其中包括 W·萨默赛特·毛姆和中国艺术品收藏家大维德 爵士。伦敦多切斯特酒店也是其酒店集团麾下旗舰店。 The Art Deco style Dorchester is one of the most glamorous hotels in London. Originally opened in the 18th century, the present hotel was redone in 1930 and the hotel was reopened with a grand party in 1931 hosted by Lady Violet Astor. In the 1930s, the hotel was a destination for the artistic and literary set including Somerset Maugham and the Chinese art collector Sir Percival David. Today the hotel retains many of its 1930s features and also has five well-known restaurants such as the three Michelin-starred Alain Ducasse at the Dorchester. It is also the flagship property of The Dorchester group.





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The Arch London 2010 年开业的伦敦拱门酒店位于鼎鼎大名的马里波恩区(这里是国际 一线明星青睐的理想之地),与邦德街和海德公园仅举步之遥。这座设计型 精品酒店由七座乔治亚风格的排屋与两座马厩组成,是一座二级文物建筑, 有着明显的古典主义风格。设计师将现代时尚融进古典的肃穆端庄,还配上 了诸多英国艺术新秀的杰作,种种奇思妙想让其成为艺术和建筑爱好者们的 心动之所,更添下榻的优雅和艺术魅力。 Opened in 2010, The Arch London is a design hotel, offering guests a taste of elegant townhouse living with a distinctly artistic panache. Tucked into a peaceful corner of the eminent Marylebone district, The Arch London is located in an area known as the postcode of choice for international A-list celebrities. A paradise for art and architecture lovers, the hotel spans seven Grade II listed Georgian townhouses and two mews homes, situated a stone’s throw from Bond Street and Hyde Park. The hotel’s Georgian architecture creates quirky spaces that are sprinkled with hidden staircases and adorned with bespoke artworks by emerging British artists.






The Savoy Hotel 1889 年,理查德·多伊利·卡特用来自 吉尔伯特与沙利文剧院的利润修建了萨沃 伊饭店,它被誉为英国第一家豪华酒店, 最早引进电灯、电梯,大部分客房设浴室 以及不间断冷热水供应。卡特聘请了经理 恺撒·里兹和法国厨师奥古斯特·埃科菲,他 们建立了酒店服务、娱乐和餐饮前所未有 的质量标准,吸引了诸多皇室成员、富人 及食客。1930 年,萨沃伊饭店出版了闻名 于世的《萨沃伊鸡尾酒谱》,彼时美国正 在禁酒令中苦苦挣扎,果不其然,酒店的 美国酒吧变成了美国富人乐不思蜀的欢乐 之所。 The Savory was built by Richard D'Oyly Carte with profits from his Gilbert and Sullivan operas, and opened in 1889. The Savoy was the first luxury hotel in Britain, introducing electric lights throughout the building, electric lifts, bathrooms in most of the lavishly furnished rooms, constant hot and cold running water, and many other innovations. Carte hired manager César Ritz and French chef Auguste Escoffier, who established an unprecedented standard of quality in hotel service, entertainment and elegant dining, attracting royalty and other wealthy guests and diners. It is also well-known for its "The Savoy Cocktail Book" which was published in 1930 right when America was in the throes of Prohibition. As a result The Savoy Hotel became a fun destination for wealthy Americans drawn to the American Bar's innovative cocktails.

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The Ritz London Hotel 伦敦丽兹酒店也许是这世上最有名的 酒店了,它创造的新词 Ritzy 变成了豪华、 讲究的代名词。1906 年,原萨沃伊饭店(英 国第一家豪华酒店)总经理恺撒·里兹开办 了丽兹酒店,其建筑和内饰皆为路易十六 时期的法式风情,棕榈堂供应着世界上赫 赫有名的“丽兹下午茶”。英国国王爱德 华七世、卓别林、丘吉尔、戴高乐、诺埃 尔·科沃德爵士、朱迪·嘉兰、伊夫林·沃等名 流都是座上宾。 Probably the most famous hotel in the world, The Ritz London Hotel was the hotel that coined the phrase "ritzy". Opened by hotelier Cesar Ritz, the former manager of the Savoy Hotel, the hotel was opened in 1906. Conspicuously French in style, the building and interiors were designed to evoke the Louis XVI style. The Ritz's most famous facility is the Palm Court, where "Tea at the Ritz" is served. Some of its former clientele were King Edward VII, Charlie Chaplin, Sir Winston Churchill, Charles de Gaulle, Noël Coward, Judy Garland, Evelyn Waugh and Queen Elizabeth, the Queen Mother.

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Andaz Liverpool Street London 作为伦敦最早的铁路酒店之一,利物浦街安达仕酒店(原为“大东方酒 店”)位于一幢始建于 1884 年的维多利亚式红砖建筑内。酒店毗邻利物浦 车站(可通往圣潘克勒斯国际车站和所有主要机场,乘坐斯坦斯特德快线可 直通斯坦斯特德机场),能免去不少舟车劳顿之苦,因而备受商旅人士青睐。 焕然一新的利物浦街安达仕酒店充满了 21 世纪的时尚气息,267 间布置精 美的客房带给旅人无与伦比的入住体验。有趣的是,酒店内还建有两个共济 会神庙,一个是位于地下室的埃及神庙,另一个是位于一楼的希腊神庙。 One of the original London railway hotels, formerly known as the Great Eastern Hotel, the Andaz is housed in a beautiful redbrick Victorian building dating back to 1884. It was intended for business people who wanted to avoid city traffic by staying near the railway station. Now fully refurbished the hotel has been transformed into a 21st century masterpiece, with 267 beautifully appointed modern hotel rooms. Interestingly, the hotel was built with two Masonic Temples inside - an Egyptian temple in the basement and a Grecian temple on the first floor.







凯莱奇酒店可以算得上是伦敦最具皇 家贵族气质的酒店了,甚至享有“白金汉 宫附楼”的美誉。19 世纪,凯莱奇夫妇在 布鲁克街 51 号开设了一家只有一所房子的 旅店。为扩张生意,1854 年他们买下了 5 幢相连的大楼。凯莱奇酒店开始在欧洲皇 室中声名鹊起是源于法国欧仁妮皇后的下 榻,她还在此招待维多利亚女王。好莱坞 明星们也爱将凯莱奇酒店作为其在伦敦的 落脚点,已故的加里·格兰特、凯瑟琳·赫本、 奥黛丽·赫本都在其中。酒店历经多次重新 设计和改造,上世纪 20 年代的装饰艺术风 格奠定了酒店的基本格调,它已成为伦敦 一处将贵族做派进行到底的堡垒。

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The most aristocratic hotel in London, Claridge's is sometimes known affectionately as an "annex to Buckingham Palace". Originally a terraced townhouse known as Mivart's Hotel, the hotel was sold to a couple surnamed Claridge. It made its imperial reputation when French Empress Eugenie stayed there and entertained Queen Victoria at the hotel. Mostly decorated in the 1920s, the interiors have been preserved as a bastion of gentility in London.


The Connaught 1815 年, 最 初 的 凯 莱 德 酒 店 由 威 斯 敏 斯 特 公 爵的两套房子组成,当时人们称它为克伯格酒店。 1892 年,酒店主人将原有建筑物进行重建,并于 1897 年重新营业。2007 年,盖·奥利弗作为首席设 计师将凯莱德酒店又进行了重新装修,共设 88 间客 房和套房,整个工程耗资 7000 万英镑。凯莱德酒吧 风格独特,自成一体,以鸡尾酒闻名于世;克伯格酒 吧非常安静和悠闲,营造出传统而温暖的氛围。这里 的安缦 Spa 是伦敦梅费尔区完美的奢华水疗,也是 安缦集团首次在其下属酒店以外开设的度假产品。 The Connaught first opened in 1815 as the Prince of Saxe Coburg Hotel. The original building was demolished in 1892, and in 1897 the hotel was reopened. In 2007, the Connaught closed for a £70 million restoration, described as a "contemporary interpretation". Guy Oliver was the lead designer of the restoration, refurbishment and redecoration of the old hotel, completing a total of 88 rooms and suites. The hotel is well-known for its cocktail bar, the Coburg Bar, as well as a spa operated by Aman Resorts.




Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit: A Parisian in Bangkok 索菲特曼谷素坤逸酒店位于曼谷繁华 主街道素坤逸路上,与泰国备受赞誉的设 计建筑群为邻。酒店内东西方文化水乳交 融,奢华与舒适并驾齐驱,传统典雅与现 代时尚交相辉映,探索活力十足的曼谷, 展开精彩的旅程,何不自此开始? 全球知名建筑与室内设计公司 BBGBBGM 和泰国顶尖室内设计事务所通过这 座高 32 层、面积 5 万平米的豪华酒店,对 法式艺术与泰国风情的结合进行了全新的 诠释,经典创意俯首皆是:法式风格的大 堂镶嵌着传统泰式铜马赛克,稻米图案的 装饰高度风格化并贯穿其间……简约优雅 与温馨惬意相结合,处处让人感受到家一 般的自在氛围。 345 间客房和套房配备了落地窗和典 雅木地板、大理石浴室,精选欧舒丹和爱 马仕洗浴用品和舒适无比的索菲特 MyBed 寝具(客人可以自行选择枕头类型)。高 科技奢侈配置包括宽带和无线网接入、卫 星有线 LED 大屏幕智能电视、博士音响系 统等。3 间歌剧院套房和 2 间帝王套房均设 有露台,可饱览曼谷天际线景致。 再挑剔的食客也会对这里的美食赞不 绝口。全日候餐厅 Voilà! 以美食舞台为特色 主题,各式西方、亚洲和中东美食任由客 人选择。从巴黎烤肉店的佳肴到泰国人气 最高的美食,厨师们都能现场烹制。难得 的是,Voilà! 还有多达 30 种的法国美味手

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工奶酪,并提供全球 250 款酒品佐餐。极 具魅惑的甜点和下午茶同样让人大呼满足, 荟萃了马卡龙、咖啡、茶、冰果露、法式糕点、 新鲜出炉的面包等。 屋顶餐厅酒吧 L’Appart 为巴黎奥斯 曼设计风格,设有迷人的豪华酒廊、图书室、 最先进的开放式厨房和室外露台,为夜晚 的聚会更添 Club 感觉。大堂旁的 Le Bar de l’Hotel 酒吧全天候供应小食、精选葡 萄酒、特色鸡尾酒和烈酒,还有现场 DJ 表 演。 索菲特曼谷素坤逸酒店还为逃离都市 喧嚣的身心提供了一个休憩之所,位于 9 楼的康乐设施包括使用欧舒丹产品的 Le Spa 水疗中心、设备一流的全天候健身中 心以及一个景观泳池,池畔酒吧 Liquide Pool Bar 还提供创意鸡尾酒和轻食。酒店 Club Millesime(位于 31 层)的会员还能 享有个性化服务,包括会议室和会议设施 的使用、全天供应小食和酒品的休息区等。 从训练有素的会议策划团队和门房到 技艺高超的私人厨师,再加上一流的高科 技设施,酒店的每个细节都体现出服务以 人为本的理念。酒店距 BTS 轻轨和地铁仅 几步之遥,这里是活力泰国的重要商业和 娱乐中心之一,周边写字楼、商厦林立, 各式餐厅、咖啡馆琳琅满目,使馆区也在 附近,让商务人士和观光旅游者皆无从挑 剔!


Centrally located on the bustling Sukhumvit Road, the Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit embodies the East-meets-West, traditional-vs-modern culture of Bangkok. Surrounded by an array of designer buildings in Bangkok’s most prized neighborhood, the brand’s new Southeast Asia flagship hotel boasts the ultimate level of luxury, and is the perfect venue from which to explore this vibrant city. With 32 storeys, the building stands out grandly over the bustling landscape. The hotel’s architecture was based on a modern interpretation of an art deco tower and boasts a façade of limestone, concrete, stainless steel and glass, all topped by a signature crown. Completed by architectural firm BBGBBGM, the 50,000 sqm hotel brings the city a new interpretation of French luxury. Interiors are a fusion of modern French and Thai design, by Thailand’s leading interior design company PIA Interior Company Limited. The concepts are distinctly contemporary, with French art meeting Thai themes, like the French style lobby inlaid with a traditional Thai copper mosaic. Motifs of rice (the defining grain of Thai culture) are used as a highly stylized decoration throughout, with minimalist elegance combined with a warmth and ease that remind one of being at home, making the hotel both chic and comfortable. The hotel’s 345 guestrooms and suites feature floor-to-ceiling windows and timber floors, and offer the utmost in luxury, with L’Occitane and Hermès bathroom amenities and Sofitel’s signature MyBed, with a range of pillows for guests to select. State of the art technology includes broadband and wifi internet access, satellite/cable large-screen smart LED TV, Bose wave music systems and more. The 3 Opera Suites and 2 Imperial Suites offer terraces with gorgeous views of the Bangkok skyline. Discerning diners will not be disappointed here, with a fantastic selection of the most refined dining. Experience the innovative “Cuisines on Stage” concept at Voilà!, the hotel’s signature all day dining restaurant. Chefs at live cooking stations concoct everything from Parisian style rotisserie

新开业的索菲特曼谷素坤逸酒店是一座将活力十足的 现代泰国和法式生活艺术完美融合的豪华旗舰酒店。 Offering the very best in comfort and luxury, the newly opened Bangkok flagship is truly French savoir-faire at its finest.

dishes to Thai favorites while guests look on. Voilà! also boasts a collection of 30 French gourmet artisan cheeses complemented by 250 wines from all regions of France and around the world. For tempting sweets and afternoon tea, try Le Macaron, a charming patisserie which offers coffees, teas, smoothies, delicious French pastries, freshly baked bread and more; showcasing gourmet from around the world. For a captivating evening experience, try L’Appart, the rooftop bar and restaurant, whose Haussmann-style design creates ‘the ambience of a luxurious apartment owned by a wealthy Parisian man and used by his outgoing and lively nephew for decadent parties.’ The venue features a luxurious lounge, library, and open kitchen with an outdoor terrace, pairing sophisticated soirees with contemporary club culture. Le Bar de l’Hotel, next to the lobby offers allday snacking and a range of fine wines, specialty cocktails and spirits, and live DJs and performances. Escape from the bustle of the city to nurture your body and soul with Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit’s well-being options. The hotel features a dedicated wellness area on the 9th floor including Le SPA with L’Occitane, a fully-equipped fitness center as well as a gorgeous landscaped swimming pool

featuring the unique Liquide Pool Bar, offering creative cocktails and light meals. Members of the hotel’s Club Millesime, located on the 31st floor, can enjoy personalized service in the exclusive atmosphere of a private club, including meeting facilities, a boardroom, and an all-day lounge featuring snacks and wine selection. Definitive luxury meets effortless convenience with Sofitel’s Inspired Meetings concept, combining the latest technology with a drive for excellence. From a dedicated meeting planner and Concierge to a personal chef, every detail is taken care of. Located in an area well-situated both for business and leisure travelers, the Sofitel Bangkok Sukhumvit is only steps away from the BTS (skytrain) and MRT (subway), and is surrounded by high-profile offices and embassies, major businesses and entertainment venues. The area is also great for shopping and dining – with a range of restaurants and cafes featuring everything from Italian to Thai to Lebanese cuisine.

189 Sukhumvit Road Soi 13-15, Klongtoey Nua Wattana, Bangkok, Thailand Tel: +66 2 126 9999

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An Oasis in Ancient Xian 西安雅高人民大厦拥有三家风格定位不同的酒店, 休闲娱乐设施一应俱全,堪称西安市中心一片安恬的绿洲。 Three distinctively designed and fully-equipped hotels create an oasis at Accor Xian on Renmin Square. 西安,古称长安,十三个王朝曾在此 建都,是中华文明的重要发源地之一。西安 雅高人民大厦位于明代城墙内的城市中心。 这座融合了中俄建筑精华的地标性建筑承 载五十多年的辉煌历史,曾接待过多国首 脑、政要及中国政府高官。如今雅高人民大 厦包括三家风格定位不同的酒店,拥有超过 900 间客房,加上该地区最豪华的国际会展 中心、人民大剧院、多个超群的餐厅和酒吧 以及各类娱乐和休闲设施,堪称西安市中心 一片安逸恬静的绿洲。 西安索菲特人民大厦是西北地区首家 按照国际铂金五星级标准打造的酒店,拥有 414 间豪华客房,精美的家具和时尚的现代 装饰、别具特色的热带雨林花洒、MyBed 索菲特概念卧具令宾客感受到索菲特品牌 的“法式生活艺术”。所有公共区域全天候 无线宽带上网,让你轻松沟通世界。索菲特 会所更为高端商务休闲人士提供 56 间精选 客房以及会所酒廊,完美地诠释尊贵与奢 华。7 间餐厅和酒吧分布在东西两翼,为你 带来独特而丰富的美食体验。 始建于 1957 年的西安豪华美居人民大 厦,历史建筑养眼不说,庭院景致令人神迷, 华丽大堂独显尊贵。酒店拥有 202 间东方 典雅艺术风格的豪华客房,并可与索菲特人 民大厦共享休闲设施。 美居人民大厦作为西安唯一的国际四 星级酒店,性价比超高,是你理想的下榻之 所。111 间客房简洁明快,风格清新,为宾 客提供温馨的居住氛围及多种便利服务。

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Xian, formerly known as Chang’an, has been the capital of 13 dynasties and one of the birthplaces of Chinese civilization. In the heart of its walled city, the Accor Xian on Renmin Square stands as a magnificent monument to Xian’s past, with beautiful landscaped gardens and historic Russian influenced architecture, playing host to state events attended by leaders and international dignitaries. Today, it functions as Xian’s primary accommodation and convention venue with three hotels including over 900 luxurious hotel rooms, a world-class convention center and theatre and a range of excellent dining outlets. Designed to meet China’s new fivestar platinum hotel standards, Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square boasts 414 spacious guestrooms, suites and apartments

equipped with ultra-modern conveniences - Sofitel’s exclusive MyBed, a rainforest shower, broadband internet access - all well placed amidst plush interiors. For the busy executive travelers requiring extra efficiency, the Club Sofitel has 88 rooms and suites with upgraded facilities, services and exclusive benefits. With seven restaurants and bars, Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square offers alluring dining experiences. The Grand Mercure Xian on Renmin Square is housed in a low-rise heritage building built in 1957 on the sprawling grounds of Renmin Square. With a Russian style façade featuring lush gardens, the structure is a charming blend of old, classic architecture and modern, sophisticated facilities including a stunning grand lobby. Featuring 202 oriental luxury guestrooms of elegance and art, the hotel shares leisure facilities with Sofitel Xian. As the only internationally-managed fourstar hotel in Xian, Mercure Xian on Renmin Square extends superior and comfortable accommodation to travelers at reasonable rates. Elegant and cosy, it provides comprehensive deluxe facilities and services and an ideal location.

319 Dongxin Street, Xincheng District, Xian Tel: 029 8792 8888




The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu: Ancient Culture, Modern Luxury 成都,自古便是丝绸之路的重要一站, 丰富的旅游资源、自然文化遗产等早已让它 蜚声国际,吸引全球旅客纷至沓来。 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店位于摩登现 代的城市中心天府广场侧,拥有 353 间设 计独特的舒适客房。房间设计灵感源自成都 传统老街院巷,将东方韵味巧妙融入摩登奢 华当中,处处透出对古典文化的敬意,同时 满足了现代旅客的需求。作为中国区首家在 行政楼层及套房全面提供贴身管家的丽思 卡尔顿酒店,行政楼层为客人打造更具个性 化的尊贵体验。客人可尊享行政楼层多重礼 遇:城际美景、礼宾服务、私密入住办理、 便捷商务设施以及每日五个时段的精致餐 饮等。 成都富力丽思卡尔顿酒店的美食体验 充满创意与期待。独具天赋的厨师、调酒师 以及侍酒师们,在四间特色餐厅和酒吧创造 出无与伦比的美味享受。丽轩中餐厅主打精 品粤菜和特色川菜;香荟全天候餐厅五个开 放式厨房荟萃环球美食:意大利、日本、中 国、东南亚;大堂吧是品味经典英式下午茶 的最佳之地;FLAIR 空中酒吧由 KCA 设计, 超大露台将成都景色尽收眼底。花样繁多的 鸡尾酒、特色亚洲小食、各式新鲜寿司和刺 身以及炫酷现场 DJ,堪称城中享受品质夜 生活的炙手之选。 丽思卡尔顿水疗由美国著名室内设计 事务所 HBA 倾力打造,拥有十间理疗室, 包括两间套房以及豪华恒温玉石床。设计师 将当地文化巧妙融入立体线条,并融合了古 代丝绸之路元素与摩登时尚元素。装饰材料

特选具有历史沉淀感的材质,如木制、金属、 大理石、与古时丝绸之路贸易中同名的绸 缎,让人仿佛置身丝绸之路。配备最新健身 器材泰诺健的健身中心、美发沙龙以及拥有 水下音乐系统的 25 米室内游泳池,让客人 在城市中央体验健身乐趣,重新焕发活力。 在这里,客人不仅能感受到丽思卡尔 顿传奇式的个性化服务,亦能体验用摩登现 代方式演绎的独具特色的成都茶文化。前 台的欢迎茶、水疗护理开始前的欢迎仪式、 客房内精致茶具搭配的七种不同茶叶以及 FLAIR 空中酒吧独具特色的茶香鸡尾酒…… 巴适的生活气息无处不在。 Chengdu sits astride the two thousand year old Silk Road and enjoys outstanding natural beauty and rich culture, attracting tourists both domestic and international in droves. Towering above Tianfu Square in the city’s cosmopolitan heart, the 353 room Ritz-Carlton Chengdu is the ninth property in China for Ritz-Carlton Hotel Company, L.L.C. and the 19th in Asia Pacific. With interior design inspired by traditional Chinese courtyard homes, oriental motifs have been skillfully blended into the contemporary luxury hotel. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu pays homage to the past, while also catering to the modern needs of its guests. Those who have reserved one of 113 Ritz-Carlton Club level rooms or 55 suites will experience China’s only dedicated Club level personal butler services during their stay. The Ritz-Carlton Club Level provides an exclusive concierge,

private check-in, and five delicious food and beverage services throughout the day within a stunning lounge boasting panoramic views of Chengdu. The Ritz-Carlton, Chengdu offers unrivaled dining experiences with the dedicated craftsmanship of Ritz-Carlton chefs, mixologists and sommeliers at its four restaurants and bars. Li Xuan Chinese Restaurant brings together the finest Cantonese dishes with local Sichuanese creations; SPICES, an all-day dining restaurant orchestrates the theatre and excitement of five open kitchens with cuisine from Italy, Japan, China and South East Asia. Designed by Hirsch Bedner Associates, The Ritz-Carlton Spa draws inspiration from Chengdu’s position along the historic Silk Road with a contemporary twist. Utilizing historically-appropriate materials that include indigenous woods, metals, marble and the trade route’s namesake silk, the designers have created spaces which combine modern luxury with local culture. The spa has ten treatment rooms including two couples’ suites and luxurious heated jade stone beds. The striking sanctuary also includes beauty salon and a Technogym-outfitted Fitness Center built around a 25-meter indoor swimming pool equipped with an underwater music system. The Lobby Lounge hosts a traditional English Afternoon Tea. The FLAIR lounge, designed by KCA International, has sweeping views of Chengdu from its outdoor terraces. Private rooms offer a sophisticated menu of classic cocktails, Asian tapas and fresh sushi. Complete with live DJs and a 360 degree fireplace, FLAIR will create a distinctive ambience that will make it the new beating heart of trendy upscale night life in the city. No. 269 Shuncheng Avenue, Qingyang District, Chengdu, Sichuan Province Tel: 028 8358 8888

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乐享人生第二城 采访对象:武女士 职业:IT 公司职员 目前居住城市:北京 异地置业城市:三亚 异地置业时间:2013 年 异地置业类型:公寓

“生活在别处”,原是法国诗人兰波的一句名言,被米兰·昆德拉引用 后迅速流行于世。“生活在别处”表达了一种生活方式的洒脱,也体现了 年轻人对于梦想的追逐。生活很多时候是平庸而无奈的,没有梦想的生活 是可怕的,但敢于追求并选择梦想中的生活更需要勇气和智慧。在这方面, 武女士无疑是幸运的,她正离自己梦想中的生活越来越近。“我们现在的 生活只能算生存,我想追求更好的生活。我希望能给孩子一个健康的身体, 给家人和朋友一种更好的生活方式。厌倦了北京的拥堵和阴霾,我只想找 回曾经的那片蓝天。”谈到未来,武女士平和而坚定地说道。 武女士出生于山东泰安,从小就住在风景宜人的泰山旅游风景区里, 从家步行到泰山只需要 10 分钟。现在她在北京已经建立了一个甜蜜的家, 并且刚刚在三亚置业。在生活中,她是一位贤妻良母,一位 2 岁男孩的母亲; 在工作中,她是一位事业有成的女性,从容而独立。这位来自山东的幸福 女人给我印象最深的是豁达的心胸和开放的心态。她乐观的态度感染了我, 她向身边的人积极传递着正能量。我想,这正是她能获得今天令人称羡的 生活的幸福密码,而此刻的生活,也正是上天馈赠给这位智慧女性的最好 礼物。 在三亚买房,给未来的生活一个希望 武女士在北京已经有了一套属于自己的房产,谈起在三亚买第二套房 的理由,她说最初是想用于投资,但最后买的时候还是基于养老自住,而 不仅是房屋的保值增值。在城市的选择上,武女士一家也是颇费周折,因 为北京房价太贵,所以武女士一家考虑的都是外地的楼盘。武女士的爱人 老家在武汉,但武汉的气候不宜常年居住,所以最终只能放弃。武女士还 很喜欢腾冲,那里的气候和环境都很宜人,但是交通不够便利,生活也相

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对单调,也不是合适的养老之地。机缘巧 合,武女士的好几个朋友都在海南买了房, 大家的反映都不错,于是武女士也将海南 列为置业的备选。经过一番认真的考察, 武女士觉得三亚在气候、环境方面都比较 合适,朋友和家人去海南度假的时候也能 有一个家,于是就有了最终的选择。 武女士的选择似乎是感性而自然的, 但是其中也有着清晰的理性考量。她首先 考虑的是健康问题。近几年来,北京的空 气污染愈发严重,武女士渐渐有了一些过 敏的症状,先是过敏性鼻炎,接着是久治 不愈的季节性过敏,今年又多了眼睛过敏 的症状。再看看身边的朋友,很多人也都 有相似的症状,这迫使武女士下定决心, 一定要选择一个环境适宜的地方居住,毕 竟挣再多的钱都比不上有一个健康的身体。 武女士说,放假的时候她不会给孩子报很 多辅导班,而是选择带孩子去三亚度过, 她希望孩子能在一个良好的环境中慢慢养 成健康的体魄。 除了健康问题外,武女士之所以选择 三亚也因为三亚是一个包容性很强的城市, 外来人口居多,这样就不会有身在异乡的 孤独感,也不需要花很多时间和精力去适 应和融入当地人既有的生活模式。武女士 的很多朋友也买了三亚的房子,三亚大多 数人也都来自五湖四海,互相更容易熟悉 和成为朋友,这样,武女士在三亚也会有 自己的生活和朋友圈子,不会有漂泊异乡 的感觉。 此外,武女士还想得更加长远。她说, 孩子成年后未必愿意和父母常住,所以将 来她会把北京的房子留给孩子,而自己去 海南养老,定期和孩子相聚。她说,分开 住能让彼此都有独立的生活空间,很多欧 美家庭都是如此,说到底还是生活习惯的 问题。 综合考虑上面这些因素,加上三亚的 房价也在可以接受的范围内,于是武女士 就成为了异地置业的旅居达人。 幸福生活是争取来的,更是选择的结果 武女士在三亚买的房子大概 100 万, 她说她所住的小区虽然房价比北京便宜很 多,但是能够享受到的环境和物业却足以 和北京上千万的小区相媲美。房子是精装 修的,所以交房第二天,武女士就在附近 家具城买了家具住了进去,小区周边的菜 市 场等配套设施十分完善,所以一入住就 感觉宾至如归,仿佛回到了自己的山东老


家一样,丝毫没有在异地度假的感觉。武女士还很快和周 围邻居熟悉起来,成为可以相约出游的伙伴。可以想象, 她未来在三亚的生活一定是多姿多彩的。至于未来,她计 划提前退休,这样就能尽早感受不一样的人生,在面朝大 海、春暖花开的房子中,享受悠闲舒适的生活。 “不管别人觉得我这样做合适不合适,是赞成还是反 对,最重要的是,我的家人意见统一,我跟我爱人的想法 是一致的。北京的人口和交通越来越拥挤,气候和环境也 都有待改善,生存压力也越来越大,这些都是我们不能改 变的现实。有的人可能愿意花五六十万买部好车,而我们 选择花一百万给自己的未来买一个希望,一个梦想中生活 的希望。每个人的想法不同,不是每个人都能接受这样的 生活模式,这是我们选择的生活方式。我们现在的生活只 能叫做生存,但是我想追求更好的生活。”武女士的眼中 满是对未来憧憬的光芒。 的确,100 万也许不能在北京买到称心的房子,很多 家庭也都具备这样的经济实力,但是你选择如何使用它, 却决定了不同的生活方式。你可以选择把 100 万用作首付, 给自己背上更多房贷负担,或是买一部好车,享受及时行 乐的生活,抑或像武女士一样,在面向大海的地方乐享人 生第二城,选择不一样的生活。有一种人生叫做选择,有 一种幸福叫做“生活在别处”,有一种生活叫做梦想。 采访最后,我问武女士,如果用一句话为你的旅居城 市代言,你想为自己的选择说点什么吗?武女士轻轻扬起 下巴,思考片刻之后,认真地说道:“再多的金钱也换不 来健康,蓝天白云与大都市之间,就看自己如何取舍。厌 倦了北京的拥堵和阴霾,我只想寻找曾经的那片蓝天。”

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Dining 氛围有讲究 锅德火锅餐厅分布于上海最顶级商圈, 四家店(淮海中路、新天地、虹梅、商城路) 结合不同空间氛围,营造出现代与复古、 摩登与传统交融的优雅情境。


hen temperatures start to dip, it’s the time to gather around cauldrons of steaming broth for a hearty hotpot meal with family or friends; a great way to warm up your body and soul. Although it may seem an uncomplicated process, good quality hot pot is anything but simple: at least that’s the conviction of the chefs at Good Hot Pot, a Hong Kong-style beef & seafood hotpot restaurant. For them, one can’t be too particular about any element of this longestablished dining process; Good Hot Pot is a serious business!


Hot Pot Perfectionist Editor: Liu Yang Photos: goodhotpot

“锅德”缘自“GOOD”这个英文单 词的谐音,意在体现尊崇品味的意思,锅 德港式海鲜肥牛火锅处处让客人感受“讲 究”二字。 食材有讲究 吃火锅以刺身作为前菜,够 fashion 吧!除了顶级蓝鳍黑鲔鱼腹做成的刺身, 还有牡丹虾的甘滑密糯,剑鱼腩的鲜甜丰 腴,赤贝海螺的弹牙口感。 一般的海鲜火锅店是从市场选购海鲜, 清洗、切配、装盘后给客人食用。但锅德 的海鲜相当讲究,选材优良,真材实料, 比如来自挪威深海水域的帝王蟹、俄罗斯 海域的红毛蟹、加拿大北太平洋深海的象 拔蚌等,每日空运抵达,力求新鲜。鼎级 牛肉和特选牛肉分别选用优质上脑部分和 脊背部分,其粉红色的肌肉组织与雪白色 的脂肪组织交相辉映,分布均匀且口感嫩 滑,涮烫后油脂汁三位一体的饱满感受让 人久久回味。 丸滑类菜品有相当一部分直接由香港 空运而来,经过专业厨师的调味加工,再 经过上百次的手工捶打,确保每颗丸子都 保留传统香港风味的弹性口感。 锅德出品的甜点可谓国际范十足,有 舒芙蕾、冰花官燕、娘惹糕、杨枝金露、 意式奶冻、台式豆花等。其中杨枝金露选 用优质泰芒与西柚,百分百纯天然制作而 成,配以植物炼奶,口感爽滑,果香四溢。

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Ingredients Even those not so familiar with sushi will enjoy the substantial sashimi appetizers: try the bluefin tuna (known as toro in Japanese), prawns, swordfish belly, and shellfish: not something you come across every day! Unlike many hotpot places who simply buy, clean and dish out average ingredients, Good Hot Pot is very strict with quality and freshness of food: king crabs from Norway, red crabs form Russia and Geoduck clams from Canada are all airlifted to Shanghai every day. When it comes to beef, high quality rib and tenderloin cuts of Prime Wagyu and Selected Beef are chosen to make sure guests will sink their teeth into only the most succulent slices. As for the various types of meat balls, most ingredients are flown in directly from Hong Kong. Mixed with the chef’s special seasoning, the meat balls are beaten thoroughly to take on the perfect bouncy consistency. Finally, complete the feast with an international series of desserts for just the right happy ending. Soufflé, Stewed Bird’s Nest with Rock Sugar, Nyonya cake, chilled mango juice with pomelo and sago, Italian gelato etc. are all served in generous proportions, and are all 100% naturally made. Service Good Hot Pot’s waiters are professionally trained to help guests how to cook different indigents to perfection, as cooking time is essential for both texture and nutrition. With one waiter per table, guests need not rush, but only patiently observe as they take in the meal.

服务有讲究 锅德为每一桌客人都配备专业的涮烫 师,用精确到分秒的方式来确保食物保留 最佳营养和美味。几乎不用亲自动手,就 可品尝到盘中美味。这是锅德最为宾客称 道的服务理念。锅德以“崇尚养生食法, 注重食材搭配”的科学料理获得了众多明 星、名流和各类食客的追捧。

Atmosphere All branches of Good Hot Pot are ideally located at top business centers in Shanghai. Chic, elegant or retro decorations are meticulously designed to go perfectly with each restaurant’s distinct surroundings.

饭鲜生西式厨房: 定制晚餐

A Bespoke Dinner at Mr. Fresh Text: Eva Liu Photos: Mr. Fresh

西餐厅也玩专属定制!北京神路街新 开的饭鲜生西式厨房主营意、法、日融合 高品质创意西餐,同时也是本来生活网的 线下体验馆。 餐厅由曾任意大利乔治·阿玛尼高级餐 厅副厨师长的郭强和前美洲俱乐部西餐厨 师长、香格里拉饭店法餐主管杨海峰联手 创办。郭师傅曾在意大利学习意餐及日餐, 先后供职于米兰阿玛尼、帕萨瑞途等餐厅, 师从诺布、坦特、洛可等名厨,还曾为希 腊总统、米兰市长、意大利驻华大使及武 官、中意商贸中心总经理等制作招待宴会; 杨师傅曾任美洲俱乐部西餐厨师长、香格 里拉饭店法餐和日餐主管,并在东田造型 旗下东田私享食客担任过行政总厨,主要 擅长法式、意式、日式铁板烧及东南亚风 格菜式。他们是饭鲜生西式厨房的创始人, 更是最佳搭档。 在饭鲜生,只能以预约形式定制套餐。 这里不提供固定套餐和单点菜品,客人需 要提前至少一天致电预约。目前有三种段 位的套餐可选:180 元、280 元和 380 元(皆 为五道式),搭配餐厅特制面包。所谓定 制套餐,是指厨师长根据每一位客人的不 同需求、爱好和个性,做出相应的细节设计, 精心定制出晚餐菜单,并精选本来生活网 的专业买手在世界各地精心发掘的优质食 材,精心为客人创造出结合意、法、日美 食精髓的独特美味。想要享受这份专属美 味,不妨来饭鲜生体验一下,特色菜品多多:

鲜鱼片沙拉、精选小金瓜汤、番茄牛尾芝 士面、墨鱼汁面、煎青柠海鲈鱼、盐扒奶 香牛里脊。


he newest restaurant on Shenlu street Beijing, Mr. Fresh is the offshoot of website, a western restaurant offering customers advance booking for their highly creative dishes which mainly blend Italian, French and Japanese cuisines. The restaurant is managed by top chefs Guo Qiang, once Sous Chef in Giorgio Armani’s main restaurant in Italy, and Yang Haifeng, who previously worked as the Western cuisine Chef at the American Club and manager of French cuisines at ShangriLa Hotel. Chef Guo, after studying Italian

and Japanese cuisine in Italy, cooked at the Armani and Pastarito restaurants among others, and studied under the famous chefs Nobu, Tante, and Rocco. He has been responsible for reception banquets for many figures arriving in China including the President of Greece, mayor of Milan, many Italian ambassadors and military attaches, and other leaders from the Sino-Italian trade center. Chef Yang has also worked as executive chef at the Cosy Cafe operated by Tony Studios, and specializes in French, Italian, Japanese teppanyaki and Southeast Asian dishes. The two star chefs are certainly fitting co-founders for this innovative new restaurant. Mr. Fresh will only accept bookings in advance – there are no fixed packages or single ordered dishes, so customers must call to make a reservation at least one day in advance. Packages range from RMB 180-380, including five courses with freshly baked bread. Each package is custom made and meticulously prepared by each chef according to the customers’ needs or requests. All ingredients are carefully selected internationally and crafted into fusion gourmet that is sure to delight even the most discerning of diners! Special Recommendations: Fresh fish salad, pumpkin soup, baked tomato and oxtail cheese pasta, Squid Ink Spaghetti, fried green lemon sea bass, milk flavor salt sirloin steak.

102-103, 3F, Ritanshang street, No.39 Shenlu street, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8569 4220

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Luxury for the Masses Text: Eva Liu Photos: Diao Ye Sirloin Restaurant

雕爷牛腩餐厅作为中国第一家“轻奢 餐”餐饮品牌,自今年五月份进驻京城后, 大受美食达人、美食专家和影视明星的热 捧。趁着这股热乎劲,雕爷牛腩京城第三 家店前不久在老佛爷闪耀登场。餐厅设计 时尚新颖,处处透出大师级别的美学理念。 既有东方文化的禅境意象,又凸现了西方 抽象主义的结构与节奏,以多元元素阐述 整个设计空间,使每个场景看起来都充满 神秘的故事性!

据说雕爷牛腩的秘方是以 500 万元向 周星驰电影《食神》中的原型——香港食 神戴龙购得。戴龙曾多次为李嘉诚、何鸿 等港澳名流提供家宴料理,担任过 1997 年 香港回归当晚的国宴行政总厨,其代表作 咖喱牛腩饭和金汤牛腩面成为无数人舌尖 上的巅峰诱惑。 雕爷牛腩老佛爷店主要推崇法式精致 与亚洲美食的混搭风格。除了神秘的牛腩 配方外,在厨具、餐具方面也颇为讲究: 切牛腩的刀,外观采用中国数百年来古法 半月刀型,而钢则是古波斯乌兹钢锭经过 千锤百炼、拥有穆罕默德纹的大马士革钢; 炖牛腩的锅,则为餐厅自创……咖啡只选 用印尼麝香猫咖啡豆也就罢了,连泡咖啡 和蒸米饭的水都是农夫山泉。店内提供的 瓶装水可不一般,无气的是斐济水(现今 美国总统奥巴马最爱),有气的则是盛棠(美 国首任总统华盛顿在萨拉托加小镇品饮而 盛赞之泉)。总之,哪怕是这里的一根牙签、 一双筷子都渗透着雕爷牛腩对美食的尊重 与理解……


iao Ye Sirloin Restaurant, labeled China’s first “affordable luxury restaurant” brand, has been gaining popularity among food connoisseurs, gourmets and movie stars alike since it entered Beijing in May this year. Due to its ever growing fan base, a new branch just opened in the new Galeries Lafayette Flagship, the French high-end department store recently reestablished in China’s capital city. The design will incorporate classy aesthetics with bold innovative motifs, fusing Eastern Buddhist themes with Western abstract art, making for a multi-elemental special design and adding a touch of mystery to its look. The secret recipe for Diao Ye Sirloin was purchased for RMB 5 million from Dai Long, star of Stephen Chow’s movie “The God of Cookery”. Dai Long has cooked for countless Hong Kong and Macau celebrities including Li Ka-shing and Stanley Ho, and was also the executive chef at the state banquet for Hong Kong’s return to the Mainland in 1997. His specialty dishes, like “curried sirloin rice” and “noodle soup with beef brisket” have become some of the most sought-after dishes in the country. The fusion of French and Asian flavors is one of Diao Ye’s defining characteristics; besides the “Cookery God’s” secret recipe, the restaurant also focuses on the knife used to cut the sirloin. Shaped in a traditional Chinese half moon style, the knife is formed from Damascus steel which has been hammered using ancient Persian techniques. In addition, the pan used for cooking the sirloin is specially crafted in the restaurant itself. As for their coffee, they use only linsang coffee beans from Indonesia, and the water for brewing coffee or cooking rice is Nongfu Spring water. Drinking water is imported favorite brand Fiji Spring water and Saratoga Springs. In a word, everything from the toothpicks to the chopsticks embody Diao Ye Sirloin Restaurant’s meticulous attention to detail and respect and understanding of delicious food.

5F, Galeries Lafayette, North Xidan Street, Xicheng District, Beijing Tel: 010 6609 0840

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Duck for the Winged Classes Text: Nels Frye Photos: Jing Yaa Tang

你也许还没有注意到,京城终于有了 以烤鸭为主打菜品的美食潮地。全新概念 餐厅京雅堂低调亮相瑜舍酒店后,下榻京 城风尚酒店的八方宾客足不出户便可尽享 北京烤鸭了。凭借素雅中流露品位的室内 设计和广受好评的本地特色美食,京雅堂 在首都餐饮界实现了一个新突破。除了精 选优质食材,这里的招牌烤鸭和其它经典 中式菜品的制作一律不用味精等谷氨酸钠 类调味料。正宗宫保鸡丁、四川担担面, 款款味美绝伦。即使是最挑剔的美食家和 传统口味的死忠拥趸都无话可说。那些第 一次来中国的外国游客也不用担心会被带 骨的鱼肉或熘猪脑之类的怪异菜品惊呆了。 世界华人餐饮界传奇人物丘德威先生 是查查月亮餐厅、客家人等著名餐厅创始 人,此次携手太古酒店打造了极具特色的 京雅堂。秉持简约低调的设计理念,可同 时容纳 155 人就餐的京雅堂巧妙融合工业 时代的现代感与传统文化的精髓,在剧院 式的设计中体现了中国现代品味。其大厅 采用黑色涂漆呈现漆器般的质感,配以紫 红和深橘色饰物,与外露的砖墙相得益彰。 灯光布置和背景音乐的选择都恰到好处地 迎合了整个餐厅的氛围。京雅堂作为丘德 威在中国内地的首作,为京城食客呈现了 一家雅致而又不失中国现代都市气息的社 交餐厅。

都说众口难调,但京雅堂能迎合不同 客人的喜好,创造了一种近乎完美的平衡。 鉴于北京的餐饮文化比夜场娱乐文化更受 关注,瑜舍酒店成功引入京雅堂替代原有 的朋克俱乐部,不过派对玩家也不用太失 望。这家主营烤鸭的概念餐厅对酒店的整 体提升还体现在其推出的一些城中最棒的 特调鸡尾酒,欧美客人真是太有口福了。 品尝烤鸭之前的餐前酒也不必局限于高价 红酒、青岛啤酒和白酒了。


t’s so understated that you might not notice that Beijing finally has a stylish haute locale, with a duck focus, right near your regular haunts in the basement of the Opposite House. That’s right. Guests at what remains the city’s hippest hotel no longer have to brave the elements to sample the local specialty, Beijing roast duck. Jing Yaa Tang represents a breakthrough for the local dining scene; tasteful, discreet design and approachable, well-made, local favorites were rarely found under this same roof. The duck and other specialties like Kung Pao Chicken and Dandan Noodles are authentic, scrumptious and use the best local ingredients and no MSG - fussy foodies and traditionalists alike will find little to gripe about. No tricky stuff like bone-filled fish or pig brains will frustrate travelers on their first trip to China.

A collaboration with London-based, jetsetting restaurateur Alan Yau, founder of Cha Cha Moon, Hakkasan and other brands, the 155-seat restaurant blends the industrial and the traditional to produce a design that is thoroughly “China Contemporary”. Understated but complex, the style of the main hall uses dark lacquer, plum and burnt orange detailing, and exposed brick. Unlike just about any other restaurant in town that serves local faire, the lighting and music are also just right. In this first Mainland China venture, Yau succeeded in creating an ambiance both tasteful and reflective of the tastes of modern Chinese urbanites. Jing Yaa Tang strikes a perfect balance in several and if any restaurant has a chance of pleasing everyone, this may be it. Opposite House made the right move replacing Punk with Jing Yaa Tang since Beijing is much more about dining than clubbing. Of course the party doesn’t end now. One other aspect of this duck restaurant elevating it far above the rest - particularly for Westerners - is the presence of some of the best original cocktails in town. Pre-duck aperitifs options need no longer be limited to over-priced red wine, Tsingtao, and baijiu.

The Opposite House, The Village, Building 1, 11 Sanlitun Lu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6410 5230

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Wine & Dine China There Have Never Been More Options

中国已经进入了一个前所未有的美酒 美食百花齐放的时代,无论是大都会北京 还是圣城拉萨,从吃披萨喝咖啡的休闲小馆 到人头济济的美食潮地,甚至是业内最受推 崇的米其林星级餐厅,选择之广是前所未有 的。对于热衷追求高品质美食享受的人来 说,休闲咖啡厅也好,最热门的高级餐馆也 好,最好的消息莫过于只要是提供顶级美酒 的地方,都有侍酒师或酒水专家在旁协助, 甚至餐厅经理都可帮你选择一款与食物匹 配、价格适宜的完美酒品。

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日渐成熟的 Y 代人开始紧跟前辈 X 代 人的脚步,不论是无形的服务还是有形的产 品,他们都要物有所值。而对于将迎头赶上 的 Z 代人,他们中最早出生的那批也才刚 刚达到法定饮酒年龄,但是可以预料到,Z 代人将更精明,他们会要求品质更好的酒品 来搭配美食。 我相信,到 2025 年聪明的 Z 代人将名 列世界顶级侍酒师和米其林星级大厨之列。 中国已经是亚洲强国,假以时日将成世界最 强大国家之一。中国也是全球最热门的旅游 胜地,中国人境外游已经跃居世界第一,无 怪乎中国美食在世界范围内备受瞩目,诸多 世界顶级葡萄酒专家和大厨纷纷来华开店, 一时间特色小酒馆、咖啡店和以厨师及侍酒 师为依托的美食潮地如雨后春笋般涌现。 过去有钱的中国人要享用世界顶级美 食美酒,不得不去巴黎、伦敦、巴塞罗那、 摩纳哥或者日内瓦游玩一趟,但现在情况大 不同了,中国已经成为新的美酒美食旅游目 的地,东西方饮食文化在此相互交融,从小 点心到腓力牛排,样样都是最顶级。贺兰山 酒庄、怡园酒庄等出产的中国本土葡萄酒都 有非凡表现。至于拉菲庄园、红颜容庄园的 珍贵陈酿,中国的高端餐厅也有供应。如果 试着光顾身边的高级餐厅,相信一定会让你 惊喜不断,为服务人员的专业水准和其提供 的高品质产品。


s never before, wine and food enthusiasts from Beijing to Lhasa have more options as to venues from casual pizza cafes to gourmet destinations and even some of the world’s finest Michelin star restaurants. But for those who seek a quality food and beverage experience, be it a casual café or the fanciest and trendiest of hot spots, the best news is that almost no matter where you go that premium wines are served, there is now a sommelier, a wine captain or a restaurant manager to assist you find just the right wines to go with your food selections at a price that you can afford. The upwardly mobile millennial or Y generation is now aggressively joining their predecessor generation X in reaching for the best that money can buy, no matter the product or service. And soon to come will be the Z generation or post-millennial generation, the oldest of whom are just now reaching the legal drinking age in China. All predictions

are that the Z will be even more wine savvy and consistently demand even better quality wines that pair perfectly with whatever cuisine on which they choose to dine. I can see it now: In 2025 genius Z’s will become recognized as among the top Master Sommeliers and Michelin star chefs in the world. China is already the powerhouse of Asia and no doubt over time, the most powerful country in the world. China is also the top tourist destination worldwide; and the Chinese are now ranked as number one in outbound tourists. And so, it is quite easy to understand why all eyes are on the food and beverage scene in China and many of the top wine experts and culinarians are moving to China to open signature bistros, cafes and “over-the-top” chef & sommelier centered gourmet destinations. It used to be that if the well-to-do, successful Chinese wanted to wine and dine in the finest restaurants the world could

offer they had to travel to Paris, London, Barcelona, Monaco or Geneva; but fast forward to 2013 and the reality is far different. China has arrived as a wine and food destination, no matter the cuisine, for East has met West and the result is excellence in food and beverage from dim sum to fillet mignon; and China produced wines of distinction, such as Domaine Helan Mountain and Grace Vineyard to the rarest vintages of Chateau Laffite Rothschild and Chateau Haut Brion are available wherever superior dining takes place. So, if you have not visited some of the top wine and food destinations in your area, you are bound to be pleasantly surprised with the quality of the offerings and the professionalism of the staff no matter your choice of venue, be it home-grown or World renowned. I am Red Owl, Over & Out.

田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand.

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Galeries Lafayette Beijing Flagship Store Opens 时尚地标,璀璨启幕!诞生于 时尚之都巴黎的百年时尚百货“老 佛爷百货”于 10 月 18 日晚在北京 举办盛大时尚庆典,庆祝其在中国 的首家旗舰店北京老佛爷百货隆重 开幕。来自法国的时尚大使奥黛丽· 塔图作为特邀嘉宾与老佛爷集团董 事会主席菲利普·厚泽、老佛爷集团 百货公司部门执行总裁尼古拉斯·厚 泽、香港 I.T 集团主席沈嘉伟共同出 席了开幕剪彩仪式,出席庆典派对 的还有影帝郭富城、歌手余文乐、 歌 手 张 智 霖、 香 港 无 线 TVB 花 旦 周丽淇及摩登小天后熊乃瑾等。逾 1500 名嘉宾出席了本次活动,令开 幕派对成为京城最为瞩目的时尚盛 事。庆典派对之后,精彩纷呈的鸡 尾酒会、时装秀以及由果味 VC 乐队 和 DJ 们带来的激情表演更将时尚热 情极致引燃,从而将当晚气氛再次 推至高潮。 Galeries Lafayette Group and I.T Limited recently announced the opening of the first Galeries Lafayette flagship store in Beijing, which was officially inaugurated on October 18th by Mrs Ginette Moulin, Mr Philippe Houzé and Mr Nicolas Houzé; respectively Chairwoman of the Supervisory Board, Chairman of the Management Board of Galeries Lafayette Group and CEO of its Department Stores Division, along with Mr Karwai Sham, Chairman of I.T. Limited. Alongside

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them were former French Prime Minister Jean-Pierre Raffarin, French Ambassador Madam Sylvie Bermann, representatives of the Xicheng district and many stars including actor Aaron Kwok, singers Shawn Yue and Julian Cheung, Hong Kong TVB star Niki Chow, tv sweetheart Zhou Naijin, and French actress Audrey Tautou. 1500 guests attended the opening, making it a fantastic event. Afterwards a cocktail party was held featuring a fashion show and live music by DJs and VC band.

洲际集团上海地区 希望杯慈善高尔夫赛举办 9 月 18 日,第四届洲际酒店集团上海 地区希望杯慈善高尔夫赛在上海美兰湖高 尔夫俱乐部完美落幕,洲际酒店集团将此次 活动所得善款 560600 元全部捐赠给希望工 程,专门用于捐建“同洲共际”希望小学。 作为首家与希望工程正式合作的国际酒店 集团,洲际酒店集团及其在中国各地的酒店 通过各种渠道已募得善款超过 2300 万元, 在全国各地援建了 28 所希望小学。在 9 个 城市的百年职校捐资设立酒店服务班,并为 洲际酒店集团各地英才培养学院的贫困大 学生设立了助学金。

IHG Shanghai Cluster Charity Golf Day Held for Project Hope

The 4th IHG Shanghai Cluster Golf Day supporting Project Hope wrapped up successfully on September 18, 2013 at Lake Malaren Golf Club Shanghai. RMB 560,600 was raised for Project Hope to build IHG Hope Schools. As the first international hotel group that signed a cooperation agreement with China Youth Development Foundation, IHG and its hotels across China have raised over RMB 23 million. This money has been used to build 28 IHG Hope Schools, fund IHG Service Classes with BN Vocational Schools in 9 cities, and launch a scholarship programme in IHG Academy schools nationwide.

上海中信泰富 朱家角锦江酒店盛大迎宾

CITIC Pacific Zhujiajiao Jin Jiang Hotel Opens

9 月 29 日,位于朱家角古镇边的中信 泰富朱家角锦江酒店向世人揭开了面纱,这 是中信泰富地产又一颗闪耀的新星,同时也 继承了锦江国际酒店的高端品质,成为锦江 集团在上海周边地区的又一力作。酒店坐落 在美丽的大淀湖畔,由州逸酒店和度假村 集团管理,设计以院落为主题,筑岛而居, 亲近自然,让人充分享受水上生活。201 间 高雅静谧的客房及套房为客人提供舒适、放 松的住宿环境,成为朱家角休闲度假的标杆 场所。 CITIC Pacific Zhujiajiao Jin Jiang Hotel, close to the ancient town Zhujiajiao, held its grand opening on Sep. 29th, 2013 as a new member of CITIC Pacific Estate, inheriting the superior qualities of Jin Jiang Hotel. CITIC Pacific Estate has delegated Jin Jiang Hotel Group and Interstate China Hotels & Resorts to manage the hotel. Surrounded by the beauty of Da Dian Lake, Zhujiajiao, the Ancient Water Town is only minutes away, allowing guests to go back in time 1700 years to take in the beauty and culture of the “Venice” of Shanghai. Featuring 201 elegant and well-equipped guestrooms and suites, CITIC Pacific Zhujiajiao Jin Jiang Hotel offers a relaxing getaway escape with its tranquil waterways, providing a sense of well being encompassed by lush gardens, water features and soothing views.

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Warm Greetings from the Sheraton of Jiangsu

9 月 14 日至 16 日,华东十余家媒体应邀 参加了为期 3 天由无锡万达喜来登酒店、镇江 万达喜来登酒店和常州万达喜来登酒店联合举 办的江苏喜来登“温情之旅”活动,深入了解 喜来登这一为世界上 92% 商务旅客所知晓的酒 店品牌在华东及江苏地区的发展情况和喜来登 酒店“温暖亲切”的招牌服务文化。第一站由 江南水乡无锡开始,三千年历史城市镇江接棒, 而常州一行的愉悦体验则为此次活动画上完美 的句点。三家酒店使出浑身解数,将所在城市 的自然风光、人文历史和酒店卓越独特的品牌 服务穿插呈现,让媒体朋友目不暇接,惊喜重重, 单是其特色美食就叫人感慨不虚此行。总经理 们更是亲自上阵,如数家珍般向客人深入介绍 了喜来登的品牌理念以及各自酒店的特色。 Invited by Sheraton Wuxi Binhu Hotel, Sheraton Zhenjiang Hotel and Sheraton Changzhou Xinbei Hotel, guests from over ten media platforms in East China enjoyed a 3-day trip (from September 14 to 16) in Jiangsu province entitled “Warm Greeting,” during which they had the opportunity to learn more about how the renowned brand Sheraton, familiar to 92% of business travelers all over the world, is doing here. The tour started in the waterfront city Wuxi, then traveled to Zhenjiang with its three thousand years of history, and finally ended with a wonderful experience in Changzhou. The itinerary included the best landscapes, folklore and service of each city; and an impressive feast made the trip even more worthwhile. Even the general manager became a helpful guide to guests; providing detailed information about various sights.

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Champions for Change: A Charity Night in Shenzhen

9 月 28 日,深圳大梅沙喜来登度假酒店、深圳 大中华喜来登酒店联合《漫步珠三角》杂志在大中 华喜来登酒店举办联合国儿童基金会“夺冠为改变” 慈善晚会。150 名中外嘉宾应邀出席,参与由主办方 安排的各式有趣的游戏,并品尝由酒店大厨精心准备 的各国小吃。伴随着国外乐队的精彩表演,现场的无 声拍卖将气氛推入另一个高潮。由大梅沙喜来登度假 酒店及其它喜达屋酒店与度假村旗下酒店提供的住宿 和餐饮券,大芬油画村艺术家捐赠的画作,以及其他 赞助商提供的名贵耳机、珠宝、红酒等为联合国儿童 基金会募到善款 23000 元。从 1996 年至今,喜达屋 集团已经帮助联合国儿童基金会从亚太地区筹集超过 700 万美元的善款。 On September 28, Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel and Sheraton Dameisha Resort, cooperating with That’s PRD Magazine, presented Shenzhen with the 2013 UNICEF “Champions for Change” charity event to raise funds for vulnerable children. 150 guests both here and abroad were invited to experience this promising night. Interactive games, exquisite food & beverage options, live musical entertainment and a silent auction, etc. were accordingly planned. Items including accommodation & meal coupons for Sheraton, paintings from Dafen Oil Painting Village, donated jewelry, red wines and more were auctioned, and RMB 23,000 was collected. Since 1996, Starwood Hotels and Resorts Worldwide, Inc. has raised over USD7 million in Asia-Pacific areas for UNICEF to help improve the educational environment for children in underdeveloped areas.

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名士发布克里顿系列 1892 飞行陀飞轮腕表 Baume & Mercier Releases Clifton 1892 Flying Tourbillon Watch 名士表在首届亚洲高级钟表国际沙龙——表与奇迹展览 上首次发布了克里顿系列 1892 飞行陀飞轮腕表。这款腕 表珍品仅限量发售 30 枚,旨在呈现瑞士高级钟表的精粹, 并再次向世人展示名士作为当今制表业第七大历史最悠 久的品牌,在制造精准复杂腕表方面所拥有的精湛工艺。

豪利时第三代飞行大赛限量款最新上市 Oris 3rd Generation Air Racing Series Hits the Market

万宝龙特别推出达芬奇限量书写工具 Montblanc Launches da Vinci Limited Edition Pens 万宝龙达芬奇限量系列书写工具的设计灵感来源 于达芬奇的多项卓越发明。其笔杆采用双向转动 装置,这一概念来自于 500 年前达芬奇的发明, 如今在自动工程中被广泛用作“无极变速器”。 笔夹尾部的红色镀金齿轮使人们联想起这位意大 利发明家在设计中使用的木齿齿轮。以手工打造 的 750 金质镀铑笔咀上雕刻有一只由达芬奇描 绘的蝙蝠图案——达芬奇曾经通过研究蝙蝠翅膀 用以飞行器发明,笔杆正面则饰以达芬奇的手绘 机械翼造型。

瑞士航空飞行队是唯一参加美国雷诺飞行大赛的瑞士飞 行队。瑞士百年制表品牌豪利时作为其官方合作伙伴,同 时为了向飞行队表示致敬,特别设计了第三代飞行大赛 限量表。此款手表的亮点在于它的红白相间斑马纹分针, 灵感来自于飞行仪表上的速度限制指示器。黑色 DLC 涂 层的表壳搭配布质表带,外形时尚又不乏功能性。限量 生产 1000 只。

巴利发布 2014 奢华眼镜系列 Bally Launches 2014 Luxury Glasses Series

巴利携手国际眼镜集团 TWC L’AMY 隆重推出 2014 春 季系列男士及女士眼镜。新品分为正装、商务、休闲及 运动系列。醋酸酯和金属镜框以钛金属和碳纤维等顶级 材质打造,经过精心设计,带来最为舒适的佩戴感受与 优雅款式。不同造型的镜框均搭配优质偏光镜片,并可 选择多种不同色彩,包括深木色、法兰绒、太妃糖、赛 车红、玳瑁色及炭黑色等。


诺基亚 106/107/108 上市 Nokia 106/107/108 Released

诺基亚发布的 4 款新机——诺基亚 106/107/108 单卡版 及双卡版正式在中国开售。诺基亚 106 为用户提供了更 大尺寸的屏幕;诺基亚 107 提供了专业的 MP3 播放功能, 并支持双卡双待;诺基亚 108 不仅配备上述两款产品全 部功能,还专门内置了 VGA 摄像头。4 款新机均有红、白、 黑、黄、蓝五种时尚颜色可供选择。

华硕发布新一代安卓平板 Transformer Pad TF701T ASUS Launches Transformer Pad TF701T

世界最薄索尼 Win8 平板将面市 Sony Releases World's Thinnest Tablet with Windows 8

号称全球最薄的索尼 Windows 8 平板电脑 Vaio Tap 11 将于 10 月底登陆美国市场。其机身厚度 不到 10 毫米,重量低于 2 磅,配有一块 11.6 英 寸全 HD Triluminous 屏幕,搭载英特尔 Haswell 处理器,并提供包括 Core i3、Core i5 和 Core i7 在 内 的 三 款 型 号。 该 机 还 设 有 USB 3.0 和 micro HDMI 端口,存储容量则分为 128GB、 256GB 和 512GB 三种,运行 Windows 8 系统。 799 美元起售。

华硕新一代安卓平板 Transformer Pad TF701T 装备分辨 率为 2560x1600 的 10.1 英寸全高清 IPS LCD 显示屏, 机身内部装载 Nvidia Tegra 4 四核处理器,配备 USB 3.0 端口,在数据传输和充电方面得到了进一步强化。 它还支持 WiFi 视频流 Miracast 技术、有线 HDMI 连接 来播放高清 4K 视频资源,178 度可视广角,内置华硕 SonicMaster 技术的高品质扬声器。该机最先会登陆英国 市场,售价 429.99 英镑。

索尼全画幅微单 A7/A7r 正式发布 Sony Officially Releases A7 and A7R Full-Frame Cameras

索尼前不久发布了首款全画幅无反相机 A7、A7r。全画 幅 微 单 A7r 搭 载 约 3640 万 有 效 像 素 的 35 毫 米 全 画 幅 Exmor CMOS 影像传感器,并且取消了光学低通滤镜功 能。没有了低通滤镜的桎梏,这款全画幅 Exmor CMOS 影像传感器进一步提升了分辨率。全新开发的 BIONZ X 影像处理器提供了更好的影像处理、降噪锐化能力。


LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 塔思琦携手塔库恩 打造 2013 秋冬典藏系列 Thakoon 2013 A/W Line for Tasaki Jewelry

德国米技发布 Star 3 及 Q6 全系列产品 Miji Design Germany Releases Star 3 and Q6 Series

2013 秋冬,著名珠宝品牌塔思琦回归自 然。这一季,品牌在宝石与材质的选择 上突破传统,别具一格。除了经典的优 雅珍珠与璀璨钻石,更多华美的宝石与 新材质被运用到产品中。翠玉、坦桑石、 粉色碧玺、沙弗莱石、珊瑚、青金石等 珍贵宝石颜色绮丽,绚烂多姿。珍珠母贝、 珐琅等新材质厚重隽永,惊艳迷人。

德国米技发布 Star 3 全系列电磁炉具。 这是米技旗下子品牌“米技生活”推出 的第二大新品。该产品分为白色、冰蓝 色、粉红色,它代表了中国同类产品的 全新突破。其最大功率提升到了 2200 瓦, 以满足非常快速的烹饪要求,与市场同 类电磁炉产品相比,其用电量也更节约。 该产品的推出是德国米技作为节能环保、 创新科技领导者的重要展现。

澳大利亚旅游局邀吴奇隆拍片 吸引华人游客 Tourism Australia Promotes Nicky Wu filming to Attract Chinese Tourists

逸香巴罗萨专业葡萄酒课程发布会 成功举办 Ease Scent’s Barossa Wine Class Held Successfully

澳大利亚旅游局前不久在悉尼携新南威 尔士州旅游局及昆士兰州旅游局,欢迎 亚洲当红男星吴奇隆赴澳拍摄旅游宣传 片,并向他颁授“澳大利亚之友”证书。 澳旅局希望借助名人效应,吸引更多大 中华地区的游客。以记录吴奇隆澳大利 亚旅游体验的“澳大利亚奇遇记”视频 宣传片,由网络视频播放平台爱奇艺联 合澳大利亚旅游局共同发起并制作。

“礼”遇英伦,约“惠”银联 VisitBritain and UnionPay International Sign Strategic Cooperation Agreement

10 月 15 日下午,英国旅游局与银联国 际携手举办的“礼”遇英伦、约“惠” 银联战略合作签约仪式于北京嘉里大酒 店隆重举行。英国旅游局董事会主席罗 科福先生、中国银联董事长兼银联国际 董事长苏宁等嘉宾出席了签约仪式,英 国旅游局与银联国际宣布正式启动战略 合作。目前全英所有 ATM 均可接受银联 卡提取英镑现金,在英国已有数万家商 户接受银联消费。

威格 2013 秋冬新品上市 Wrangler 2013 A/W Line Hits the Market

威格推出 2013 秋冬新品——全新“牛仔 Spa”系列。其灵感源自于大海,更确切 地说是生长在富含营养海域的海藻。由 于海藻精华具有对抗脂肪团堆积的功效, 所以几百年来一直具有药用价值,现在 更成为了“牛仔 Spa”系列呵护女性双 腿的关键成分。全新系列中有 738 修身 提臀版型、772 低腰贴身窄脚版型以及 712 低腰修身窄脚版型。

“2013 巴罗萨葡萄酒学校揭牌仪式暨逸 香巴罗萨专业葡萄酒课程开课仪式”新 闻发布会前不久在北京远通维景国际大 酒店举办。巴罗萨葡萄酒行业协会首席 执行官詹姆斯·马奇、逸香世纪葡萄酒文 化传播有限公司副总经理亓闻与贵宾朋 友一同聆听了远渡重洋的巴罗萨侍酒师 带来的故事和文化,并品鉴风情万种的 巴罗萨原产佳酿。

中英签署中小企业合作谅解备忘录 UK and China Agree New Boost to SME Trade and Investment

10 月 15 日,英中贸易协会主席沙勋勋爵 与中国工业和信息化部中小企业发展促 进中心主任秦志辉签署重要的合作备忘 录,共同支持中英双向中小企业的贸易 与投资。中英双方今后 3 年间将在两国 组织一系列有针对性的会议和对接活动, 促进中英两国中小企业合作上升到一个 新的台阶。

豪门世家 2013 年巴塞尔新品鉴赏会举办 2013 “Creator of Dreams” New Watch Exhibition 豪门世家前不久在王府井澳门中心二楼 “冠亚名表城名峰会”举办 2013 年巴塞 尔新品鉴赏会。现场豪门世家总裁玛雅 女士同大家一起分享了巴塞尔新品系列。 新品以“爱”、“希望”以及“祝福” 为主题,呈现出诸多饶富深意与趣味的 无瑕之作。品牌标志性的“旋转”概念 和对于精致细节的完美诠释,再一次被 设计师们凝炼为美轮美奂的腕间艺术。

绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control 北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址

2013 秋季北京耀莱奢博会隆重举办 Royal Asscher·Beijing Sparkle Roll Luxury Brands Culture Expo 2013 Fall

10 月 10 日至 14 日,2013 秋季 Royal Asscher·璐艺雅诗北京耀莱奢华 品牌文化博览会于北京国家会议中心隆重举行。今年耀莱奢博会续写了 2012 年的盛世传奇,携“臻品耀动·尊华绝代”的主题,为京城嘉宾献上 一场集视觉、听觉、感官享受为一体的顶级奢华品牌文化盛宴。本次展 会参展商涵盖 14 个国家的 70 余个品牌,涉及 22 个产品品类,参展展品 异彩纷呈。


IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 上海大华虹桥假日酒店 : 任命金涛先生为总经理 Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao: Mr. Victor Jin, General Manager

北京新云南皇冠假日酒店: 任命石泰乐先生为总经理 Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace: Mr. Roland Steiner, General Manager

Victor Jin was recently appointed as General Manager of Holiday Inn Shanghai Hongqiao by Intercontinental Hotels Group (IHG). He will be in charge of hotel preopening and further operation management after hotel opening. The hotel plans to open in November 2013.

Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace has announced the appointment of Mr. Roland Steiner as General Manager, who will continue his post as Director of Operations, Central North China of IHG. Mr. Steiner has been working with IHG for over 30 years, commencing his career in Germany and holding key positions across IHG properties in South Africa, the US, Singapore, Malaysia and China.

北京希尔顿逸林酒店: 任命莫瑞森先生为总经理 DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing: Mr. Sandy Murray, General Manager

宜兴凯宾斯基饭店: 任命拉尔斯先生为行政助理经理 Kempinski Hotel Yixing: Mr. Lars Pursche, Executive Assistant Manager

Hilton Worldwide today announced the appointment of Mr. Sandy Murray as General Manager at DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing. Mr. Sandy Murray will be responsible for the daily management and operation of DoubleTree by Hilton Beijing. He joins Hilton Worldwide from Hilton Adelaide, Australia, where he held the position of Assistant Food and Beverage Manager.

Mr. Lars Pursche joins Kempinski Hotel Yixing as its new Executive Assistant Manager. He comes with about 12 years of experience working in some of the finest five-star hotels in Europe, where he had the opportunity to enrich his managerial skills. Lars comes from Germany, the birthplace of the Kempinski brand. This is his first posting in China.

天津帝旺凯悦酒店: 任命杜忠选先生为开业总经理 Hyatt Regency Tianjin East: Mr. Z. Du, General Manager

上海龙之梦大酒店:任命吴俊杰先生 为行政助理经理 - 市场销售部 The Longemont Shanghai: Mr. Alex Wu, Executive Assistant Manager - Sales & Marketing

Mr. Z. Du has been appointed the opening General Manager of Hyatt Regency Tianjin East. A graduate of Bowling Green State University, USA, Mr. Du commenced his career with Hyatt in 1990 with various management assignments in the Rooms Division at Hyatt Regency Hilton Head, Hyatt Regency Maui and Hyatt Regency Guam.

宁波泛太平洋大酒店与高级服务公寓: 任命李敏女士为行政助理经理 - 市场销售 Pan Pacific Hotel/Serviced Suites Ningbo: Ms. Lucy Li, Executive Assistant Manager of Sales & Marketing

Mr. Alex Wu has been appointed Executive Assistant Manager of Sales and Marketing of The Longemont Shanghai. Alex has over 16 years of working and managing experience in the hotel industry. Prior to this appointment he was a Director of sales and marketing of Radisson Blu Hotel Pudong Century Park.

上海外滩悦榕庄: 任命周凯芳先生为酩缘中餐厅行政总厨 Banyan Tree Shanghai on the Bund, Ming Yuan Restaurant: Mr. Chau Oi Fong, Executive Chef

Ms. Lucy Li brings with her over 20 years of experience in sales and marketing in the hospitality industry. In her new position, Ms. Li will be responsible for driving the sales and marketing efforts of the hotel and suites. She will be representing and managing the overall sales, marketing and revenue strategies.

B a n y a n Tr e e S h a n g h a i o n t h e B u n d announces the appointment of Chau Oi Fong as the Chinese Executive of Ming Yuan Chinese Restaurant. A Hong Kong native, Chef Chau arrives at Banyan Tree from his previous positions as Chinese Executive Chef at the Shangri-La Hotel Xi’an and prior, a number of 5-star hotel venues going back to 1999.

上海威斯汀大饭店: 任命乔安娜女士为餐饮总监 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai: Ms. Johanna Klaasen, Director of Food & Beverage

北京万达索菲特大饭店: 任命刘建新先生为行政总厨 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Mr. Lincoln Liu, Executive Chef

Johanna Klaasen has been promoted to Director of Food & Beverage of the 570room Westin Bund Center Shanghai offering a variety of restaurants, bars and lounge. The announcement was made recently by Andreas Trauttmansdorff, General Manager of the hotel. Johanna was previously the hotel’s Assistant Director of Food & Beverage since March 2012.

Lincoln Liu, native from Beijing, brings 24 years experience in the “art of cuisine”. Lincoln Liu started his culinary career as chef in China World hotel in 1989. With an extensive experience as Executive Sous Chef at top hotels, such as Sofitel Wanda Beijing and China World Summit Wing, Chef Lincoln Liu devotes himself to creating new styles of cooking and service.

118 LifeStyle méLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129

LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海大酒店宝粤轩: 周年庆健康特惠套餐 Grand Central Hotel Shanghai, Bo Yuet Hin Restaurant: Anniversary Healthy Set Menu

北京丽亭华苑酒店 : 德国美食盛宴 Park Plaza Beijing Science Park: Café 25 celebrates the German Kitchen

上海绿地万豪酒店: 蟹因霜重金膏溢 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Hairy Crab Hamper

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店 艾美轩中餐厅:壳中珍馐 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai, Ai Mei Restaurant: SHELL OUT

Chinese restaurant Bo Yuet Hin invites you to experience a trip through Cantonese and Shanghainese cuisines. At the 4th anniversary of Grand Central Hotel Shanghai, Bo Yuet Hin offers you a Special Healthy Set Menu at RMB 300 + 15% service charge. Bo Yuet Hin always adheres to the importance of healthy cooking, low salt and less oil. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888 ext 60306

Autumn is the perfect season for Hairy Crab! This special seasonal package includes three male and three female crabs. Female crabs are 140-160g each, males are 190-210g each. RMB 688 net at Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan’s Blue Moon restaurant. Available Oct 21-Dec 20, 2013. Tel: +86 21 5318 8888

成都凯宾斯基饭店: 印象成都 Kempinski Hotel Chengdu: Impressions of Chengdu

Take a cultural tour of Chengdu with the Impressions of Chengdu package, including: three nights’ accommodation in a Deluxe room, daily buffet breakfast at Season’s Café, a tour to Chengdu Panda Base and traditional Jinli street, and the Leshan Giant Buddha with free limousine service and featuring free lunch each day. Tel: +86 28 8526 9999

From October through November, Café 25 presents the very best of the German Kitchen. Savour the hearty flavours and earthy goodness of authentic German cuisine featuring Sour Beef with Potato Dumplings, Bavarian Sausages: Kasekreiner, Bratwurst and NÜrnberger, and Knusprige Schweinshaxe (Crispy Pork Knuckle) as well as great German breads and many other traditional dishes. Tel: +86 10 8235 6699 ext 651

Hairy Crabs are the best thing about autumn in Shanghai and, as usual, we have a selection of the plumpest and most succulent crabs with preparation choices of steamed and salt-roasted. Enjoy these rare seasonal delicacies steamed, sautéed or braised to perfection, or go wild with our new crab recipes from Chef Peter, Ai Mei’s Executive Chinese Chef. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999

上海世茂佘山艾美酒店: 感恩节之夜 Le Meridien Sheshan: Thansgiving Celebration

This Thanksgiving, say “thank you” to the world! Our traditional American Thanksgiving feast features the classic turkey, free flow wines, and soft drinks, ready for you to enjoy the celebration. November 28th from 6pm to 9:30pm. Tel: +86 21 5779 9999 ext 7722

上海海神诺富特大酒店 海神宫中餐厅:“蟹”逅金秋 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis, Golden Shark Restaurant: Hairy Crab

虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店: 感恩饕餮宴 Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel: Gobble, Gobble

丽江铂尔曼度假酒店: 斩获会奖殊荣 Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa: Takes Home MICE Award

三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店 : 历史珍藏,奢华尽享——“流动 博物馆” The Royal Begonia, A Luxury Collectin Resort, Sanya: The Floating Museum Visits

Hairy crab is back in season again, and there is no better time - from September to November - to enjoy their delicate, sweet flesh and creamy roe. Enjoy Hairy Crab which is a ‘must do’ at this time of the year. RMB 99 per piece or 188 per couple. Tel: +86 21 5036 7988

Pullman Lijiang Resort & Spa recently received the prestigious award “Unique Experience of the Year” at China Travel & Meeting Industry Awards by Travel Weekly. China Travel & Meeting Industry Awards is dedicated to the recognition of outstanding enterprises of China's tourism and MICE industry. Tel: +86 88 8530 0111

Sit back, relax, invite family and friends over and let us take care of Thanksgiving for you. First a toast with free flow wine and beer, and then on to a buffet complete with the “big bird”, stuffing and all your favorite sides. Can’t choose between the pecan, pumpkin and sweet potato pies? Enjoy them all! Tel: +86 21 6275 8888 ext 4814

R e c e n t l y, 8 p re c i o u s h i s t o r i c a l collections from The Floating Museum from The Astor Hotel, Tianjin were displayed at The Royal Begonia at Sanya, with many showcases including silver dinnerware of Sun-Yat-sen, five sets of menus from the 1930s, as well as the gramophone used by China’s last emperor Puyi in a dance party. Tel: +86 898 3885 9999


LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海威斯汀大饭店帕戈意大利餐 厅:周六午市自助 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, Prego Italian Restaurant: All-You-Can-Eat Lunch

All-You-Can-Eat Lunch Every Saturday at Prego! Enjoy Prego's signature pizza, pasta and salad, order as much as you like and savor all at RMB 148 net per person including chilled juices and soft drinks. Sì, It's true value! Every Saturday from 11:30 am to 2:30 pm. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048

北京紫金丽亭酒店鸿雅阁中餐厅:七彩云南,身临其境 Park Plaza Beijing West, R.E.D. Restaurant: Yunnan Cuisine Festival

Yunnan’s cuisine is, like its many natural wonders, varied and delightful, varying from fresh seafood to spicy delicacies. Come to R.E.D. Chinese Restaurant for our Yunnan Cuisine Festival for an authentic gastronomic experience accompanied by gorgeous classic decorations, and satisfy your tongue with a feast of delicious flavors. Tel: +86 10 6813 0088

沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店 : 冬季滋补季——小米炖辽参 Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel: Nutritious Winter Treat – Sea Cucumber

Come to Yue Chinese Restaurant for the nutritious seasonal dish S e a c u c u m b e r ! Yo u c a n o rd e r 1 sea cucumber and 22 free dishes (including cold dishes, hot dishes and dim sum) for your selection from the menu. Tel: +86 24 3161 9999

北京千禧大酒店 CBD 西餐厅: 心怀感恩,悦己爱人 Grand Millennium Beijing: Show Thanks with a Traditional Feast

This November 28, treat your family to a classic Thanksgiving Day buffet featuring a mouth-watering culinary galore which includes traditional fare such as the crisp-skinned roasted turkey and other signature offerings. For a table of four and above, you will have the privilege of being personally served by our Head Chef. Tel: +86 10 8587 6888 ext 3012

上海龙之梦大酒店:璀璨女士之夜 The Longemont Shanghai: Bling Bling Ladies’ Night

The Longemont Shanghai is launching the city's newest Ladies' Night, with delicious cocktails, live band music entertainment and the Longemont’s award-winning service. Join us on Thursday nights at Lobby Lounge, the place to see and be seen! Ladies w e a r i n g p e a r l s w i l l b e o ff e re d a complimentary glass of our signature Pearl Martini. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8216

昆山瑞士大酒店瑞士咖啡厅: 正宗瑞士美食 Swissotel Kunshan: Café Swiss offers Swiss Culinary Delights

Golden autumn brings us the sweet fragrance of osmanthus and cool, brisk weather. At Café Swiss, we invite Chef Christoph Zoller from Switzerland to mesmerize you with authentic Swiss flavors. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788

北京港澳中心瑞士酒店瑞士咖啡 厅:感恩节自助晚餐盛宴 Swissotel Beijing, Café Swiss: Celebrate Thanksgiving Day With Us

On this special day – November 28th, 2013, take your family and friends to Café Swiss and enjoy a sumptuous feast with us! The package includes a Thanksgiving buffet for 2 adults and one child under 12, free flow house wine, beer and non-alcoholic beverages. Dinner from 6:00 to 9:30 pm. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2127

北京王府井希尔顿酒店: 台湾精致美食节 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing: Taiwanese Food Feast

“Small eats are the big thing in Taiwan, where the philosophy is eat often and eat well.” In cooperation with Fullon Hotel Taipei, Vasco’s at Hilton Beijing Wangfujing will present a gourmet Taiwan snack festival from November 15 to 24, 2013, including dishes such as Dan Zai noodles and the famous Guancaiban, ‘three cups chicken’ and more. Tel: +86 010 5812 8888

上海索菲特海仑宾馆: 法国葡萄酒周 Sofitel Shanghai Hyland: French Wine Week Successful

French Wine Week was held recently at Sofitel Shanghai Hyland from 23rd – 30th September, 2013 to celebrate and promote authentic French wine, Sofitel brand elements and its specific culture. During the week, guests were able to discover magnifique French wines from different brands, chateaus and times. Tel: +86 21 6351 5888



LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海花园饭店山里日餐厅:蟹料理 Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai, Yamazato Restaurant: Crab Fair

Golden Autumn is the best season for crab savoring. This season, Yamazato introduces a variety of tasty crab cuisines with our special preparations. A la Carte is 120 per person or try the special Crab Set Menu for 980/ person. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111

上海璞麗酒店:邀您尽享完美圣诞 The PuLi Hotel and Spa: The Perfect Christmas 泉州万达文华酒店:周年庆客户答谢晚宴 Wanda Vista Quanzhou: 1st Anniversary Client Appreciation Dinner

Recently, the Wanda Vista Quanzhou held its Anniversary celebration and Client Appreciation Dinner in the Grand Ballroom of the hotel. Nearly 200 guests were invited to attend. Wanda Vista Quanzhou is Wanda Hotels & Resorts’ first investment in the area, bringing Wanda’s awardwinning style of Chinese culture, luxury and excellent service to guests. Tel: +86 595 6829 8888

The PuLi Hotel and Spa invites guests to celebrate the holidays in an understated soothing festive environment, where a unique Christmas tree with a Chinese touch is on display. Executive Chef, Michael Wilson, offers a special 5-course Christmas Eve Dinner for guests’ enjoyment, and the Long Bar offers eggnog and a peaceful environment. Tel: +86 21 3203 9999

北京万豪酒店:纵享饕餮 ——城墙小馆周日自助早午餐 Marriott Beijing City Wall: Liberal Sunday Brunch at City Wall Bistro

北京华腾美居酒店: 40 周年庆祝酒会 Mercure Beijing Downtown: 40th Anniversary Party

常州万达喜来登酒店: 常州首届巴西狂欢美食节 Sheraton Changzhou XinbeiHotel: Brazil Carnaval Festival

北京北辰洲际酒店:澳洲牛肉节 InterContinental Beijing Beichen: Australian Beef Promotion

沈阳盛贸饭店香宫:超值精品套餐 Traders Hotel Shenyang, Shang Palace Restaurant: Super Value Set Menu

北京金融街洲际酒店: 比尔·韦斯利邂逅巨扒房及酒吧 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Bill Wesley Under the Spotlight

Celebrate Sunday in style with family and friends at the City Wall Bistro’s lavish Sunday Brunch. Feast on carnival of flavors from east and west, including: Par ma Ham, pan-fried Goose Liver, live Barbecue Station, and highlighting raw seafood bar with Mussel, King Prawn, Crab, scallop Snail, and King Crab. Tel: +86 10 5811 8888

Sheraton Changzhou Xinbei Hotel invites you to embark on a brand journey to Brazil! Our special guest chef George has prepared authentic Brazil BBQ full of options of exotic cuisines, Brazilian cocktails and classic desserts. Passionate samba and hot Salsa music bring a deep breath from Brazil to this refreshing and vivid experience. Tel: +86 519 8158 5119

With the launch of Traders Hotel Shenyang’s new year-end Chinese menu, Shang Palace launches this set menu. Come taste delicious dishes, healthy pairings and luxuriously simple flavors prepared and recommended by the head chef especially for you! Tel: +86 24 2341 2288 ext 6224

The flagship hotel of Mercure in Greater China, hosts a celebration party for the brand’s 40th anniversary on October 15th, 2013. Mr. Marc Cherrier, Vice President Operations of ACCOR Greater China and Mr. Hammer Geng, General Manager of Mercure Beijing Downtown, attended the celebration event. Tel: +86 10 8795 6688

Sink your teeth in to a Bindaree Angus Tomato Bush Burger, a Bindaree Sichuan Scented Australian Beef noodle soup, or 220gm Char Grilled Bindaree Angus Sirloin! Guests who enjoy this Australian Beef Promotion will also be eligible to win a fabulous round trip for two from Beijing to Sydney, Australia! Tel: +86 10 8437 1345

Accomplished acoustic pianist, singer and producer Bill Wesley comes to the Steak Exchange Restaurant+Bar at the InterContinental Beijing Financial Street this autumn, playing a range of Jazz and R&B. His lively and sentimental performance will entertain diners from 7pm to midnight nightly. Tel: +86 10 5852 5921


LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: 为乐雅会幸运会员颁奖 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Awarded Le Club Accor hotels Lucky Member

成都高新皇冠假日酒店:骑车“钱”进,加油! Crowne Plaza Chengdu West: 2013 Race Around the World “Cycling Go Go Go!”

The “Race Around the World competition” of IHG Greater China has been launched recently, For each kilometer pledged, IHG will donate USD $1 to the IHG Shelter Fund up to a maximum of USD $300,000 and Colleagues of Crowne Plaza Chengdu West pledge kilometers on Cycling Activity on September 27, 2013. Tel: +86 28 8782 6666

上海新世界丽笙大酒店: “不一样的世界”儿童画展及慈善 义拍活动 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Children’s Art Exhibition & Charity Auction

As par t of Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group’s annual Responsible Business Action Month, the Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World and Art-Mama Children’s Developing Center and Qi Xiang Autism Children’s Developing C e n t e r h e l d “ A D i ff e re n t Wo r l d ” Children’s Arts Exhibition and Charity Auction to support the Star Campaign for Children with Autism. Eleven works were auctioned raising just over RMB 12,000. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999

深圳君悦酒店:“水乡”水疗中心 荣获中国水疗颁奖礼“最具创造力 水疗”单项奖 Grand Hyatt Shenzhen: Shuixiang Spa Celebrates Recent SpaChina Award w/ Special Offer

The Shui Jade Stone Therapy offered by Shui Xiang Spa of Grand Hyatt Shenzhen, was named the “Most Creative Body Treatment of the Year” at the 2013 SpaChina Awards. To celebrate this honour, Shui Xiang Spa introduces a special promotion. During October 2013, guests can experience the Shui Jade Stone Therapy at a special price of CNY 998. Tel: +86 755 2218 7910

成都总府皇冠假日酒店:洲际酒店 集团四川、重庆区域首届慈善羽毛 球比赛助力希望工程 Crowne Plaza Chengdu City Center: IHG Hotel Group Badminton Tournament Supports Project Hope

IHG hotel group Sichuan & Chongqing cluster recently organized the IHG H o t e l G ro u p B a d m i n t o n C h a r i t y Tournament to support Project Hope. More than 50 players and hotel guests from Sichuan and Chongqing area turned out for the event. All proceeds from this year’s tournament will benefit IHG Hotel Group’s continued efforts to help Hope Schools. Tel: +86 28 8678 6666

Le Club Accor hotels member Mrs. Dong, has won a Samsung Galaxy S4 mobile phone from Accor Le Club’s campaign “Discover Hong Kong,” launched between 20 May 2013 and 30 June 2013 for booking and staying at any Accor hotels in Hong Kong. The prize hand-over took place at Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao by the hotel General Manager Mr. Mennetret. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300

上海和平饭店:最年轻爵士天才与 最年老爵士乐队相遇 Fairmont Peace Hotel Shanghai: Youngest Jazz Piano Prodigy w/ Oldest Jazz Band

Fairmont Peace Hotel welcomes the well-known talented and the youngest Jazz piano prodigy, A Bu to perform with the world famous and the oldest Jazz Band from the hotel to celebrate the launch of Abbey Road Studios and the World’s Greatest Music exhibition which will run until 22 November in the hotel lobby. Tel: +86 21 6138 6888

上海世茂皇家艾美酒店: 年终聚会预订优惠 Le Royal Méridien Shanghai: Book Your Annual Party by October 31, 2013 For Rewards!

It’s time to plan your Annual Party and get ready to convey New Year wishes to your family, friends, & colleagues. Book before Oct. 31st and get up to 10% off, triple Starwood Preferred Planner Starpoints and more. Annual Party Packages starting from RMB518/ person, with special room rates also available. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999

上海锦江汤臣洲际大酒店: 你的婚典,独特如你 InterContinental Shanghai Pudong: Word of Weddings

Whether you’re planning a traditional Chinese wedding or a western theme, our wedding specialists and different venues are here to make your wish come true. The wedding package 2014 starts from RMB 6,088 net per table. The brand-new 28 sq-m LED screen is on sale with 5 hours usage for only RMB 8,800, do not miss it! Tel: +86 21 5835 6666

上海希尔顿酒店:25 周年与您同 行;接待上海劳力士网球大师赛 Hilton Shanghai: 25th Anniversary & Rolex Masters Tournament in Asia

2013 marks a memorable year for Hilton Shanghai, as it celebrates its 25th anniversary and continues a 10-year partnership with the Tennis Masters Tournament. Hilton Shanghai scores additional honor as the official Prestige Sponsor of the Shanghai Rolex Masters for the 10th year, which will be held at the Shanghai Qi Zhong Tennis Centre in October 2013. Tel: +86 21 6248 0000



Iridium Spa specially extends to offer an Ayruvedic Autumn Spa Boost Experience, which is soothing, relieving and protective. Keep your summer glow and prepare for the winter season. It assists to radiate energy and protect your health preventing winter intrusion. RMB 799 for 55 minutes, or RMB 999 for 90 minutes. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688

神州半岛喜来登度假酒店及福朋 酒店:沙滩嘉年华·联合国儿童基 金会“点点滴滴为儿童”慈善项目 Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort: UNICEF Check Out for Children Challenge

The first Starwood complex resort in Greater China, Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula Resort and Four Points by Sheraton Shenzhou Peninsula hosted the UNICEF Check Out for Children Challenge - Shenzhou Peninsula Beach Carnival. It was a loving day as guests raised funds for the world’s most vulnerable children and fun too, as they participated in various activities and performances. Tel: +86 898 6253 8838

深圳桔钓沙莱华度假酒店:莱华酒 店及度假村之“世界清洁日”活动 Lavenna Resort Judiaosha, Shenzhen: “Clean Up the World Weekend” Event

All the staff of Lavenna Hotels & Resorts Management Company under the guidance of CEO Mr. James Ravi, visited the site of soon-to-open Lavenna Resort Judiaosha, Shenzhen recently to clean up the Nan’ao Judiaosha Beach and embrace the upcoming “Clean Up the World Weekend”. Staff pitched in by picking up garbage on the beach and in the sea. Tel: +86 755 2236 6888 ext 6869

合肥万达威斯汀酒店: 自闭症儿童公益活动 The Westin Hefei Baohe: Welcomes Autistic Children and Their Families

The Westin Hefei Baohe recently held its “Blue Ribbon Autistic Children Charity Event” in which autistic children and their families and teachers from the special care center were invited to visit hotel and attend a special cookiesmaking class and sumptuous buffet lunch for all autistic children and their families and also took them to site inspect the hotel. Tel: +86 551 6298 9346

长沙万达文华酒店:超值商旅 Wanda Vista Changsha: Bonus Plus Package

For any consecutive two night stay at Wanda Vista Changsha, add RMB 300 net/ room night and you can enjoy the following: complimentary breakfast for two at Café Vista, complimentary round trip airport transfers by hotel limousine, complimentary broadband internet access and Wi-Fi in both hotel's guest rooms and hotel's public areas, and more. Tel: +86 731 8800 8888

绿城千岛湖喜来登度假酒店 : 再获嘉奖 Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort: Awarded “Best Resort Hotel” & “Best Leisure Hotel”

Recently, Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort was awarded “Best Resort hotel” by Travel+ magazine, ”Best Leisure Hotel” by City Traveler magazine and “Best Resort hotel” by National Geographic magazine. Since hotel opened it has been awarded by various media channels, organizations and committees. Tel: +86 571 6488 8888

杭州和达希尔顿逸林酒店: “全球服务周”活动 DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East: Global Week of Service

October 6-12 is Hilton Worldwide's Global Week of Service. DoubleTree by Hilton Hangzhou East’s “Creating Traffic Safety” GWS campaign is to help directing the road, persuade people to follow the traffic rules, remind people of traffic safety. CARE is a part of DoubleTree by Hilton's cultural brand. Tel: +86 571 8989 8888

海南康乐园海航度假酒店和海南 兴隆康乐园高尔夫球会:荣获首届 “香港人最喜欢的海南旅游产品” HNA Resort, Spa & Golf Xinglong Hainan: Takes Home Hainan Tourism Awards

R e c e n t l y t h e H a i n a n To u r i s m Development Committee and Hong Kong Wen Wei Po held “The Best Hainan Tourist Products from Hong Kong” award ceremony. HNA SPA & Golf Resort Xinglong Hainan was awarded “Top 10 Favorite Chinese National Brand Hotel”, and Xinglong Springs Golf Course with “Top 10 Favorite Hainan Golf Course”. Tel: +86 898 6257 7198

上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 玩转周末,住宿特惠 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: Fantastic Weekend Room Package

Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel is integrated with a large shopping complex which allows guests to shop, walk in the park or choose from a wide variety of other choices from its convenient location. This package is RMB 1088 per night weekend stay in a Deluxe Room with daily breakfast, including one F&B coupon valued RMB 388. Tel: +86 21 6115 8888

上海兴荣温德姆至尊豪廷酒店: 现任广州富力足球队教练斯文 戈兰·埃里克森先生入住 Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Oriental Shanghai: Welcomes Mr. Sven-Goran Eriksson

Ex-England Football coach, current Guangzhou R&F Football Club coach, Mr. Sven-Goran Eriksson was recently welcomed by Wyndham Grand Plaza Royale Oriental Shanghai’s Executive Assistant Manager Jerry Zhan and director of Sales Marcus Wang upon his arrival. Tel: +86 21 5852 6666


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Grapes of Wealth 加拿大 Summerhill LCBO 酒类专营 店最近售出一瓶澳大利亚奔富酒庄出品的 2004 年卡琳娜 42 区赤霞珠红葡萄酒(限量 12 瓶中的一瓶),售价竟然高达 16.8 万美 元 ( 约合 102 万人民币 )。卡琳娜 42 区葡 萄酒只在独特的年份酿造,其选用的葡萄采 自南澳巴罗萨谷种植的葡萄树。这些葡萄树 被认为是世界上年代最久远的持续结果的 赤霞珠葡萄树。这款名为“奔富安瓿”的葡 萄酒为 750 毫升,在橡木大桶中发酵而成, 装在人工吹制的独特玻璃瓶“安瓿”中,以 提供葡萄酒理想的储存环境,而且玻璃瓶悬 挂在木柜内的特制玻璃容器中。 The Canadian State Liquor store, Summerhill LCBO, recently sold the most expensive bottle of wine at retail at $168,000. The Penfolds Limited Edition 2004 Block 42 Kalimna Cabernet Sauvignon Ampoule, from the prestigious Australian Penfolds winery, was made from hand-picked grapes from one of the oldest continuously producing Cabernet Sauvignon vineyards in the world, and fermented in oak hogshead barrels since 2004. The ampoule, containing 750 ml of red wine, was created from blown glass and housed in a cabinet made of Jarrah, a eucalyptus tree native to Western Australia. It is one of only 12 such ampoules ever made.

128 LifeStyle

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