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Editor’s Note
The October cover is a shot of actor Wong Hei, by Ren Qingzhao @ Crosscut
Moments of Delight
喜悦的时刻 每次入住新的酒店,常会看到房间里的电视在播放酒店 品牌宣传片,而我会立刻拿起遥控器把它关掉。这些宣传片 都是一些陈词滥调,既无趣又惹人厌烦,无非就是向宾客介 绍酒店高端却毫无个性的设施罢了。的确,到处都是现代化 的舒适设施,甚至称得上豪华,问题是 缺乏美感,虽然品质 可靠,却几乎没有丝毫的情趣。 不过文华东方酒店就不同了,每次入住我都会观看文华 东方品牌电影,有时还会看好几遍。香港、东京、伦敦、纽 约等城市魔幻般美丽的景色吸引着我,瞬间将我卷入一场无 与伦比的美妙旅程。显然伊安·亨利在拍摄的时候发挥了天马 行空的想象,带领观众进入美不胜收的旅行,然而这丝毫没 有妨碍片子对品牌核心理念的表达。在文华东方“喜悦时刻” 最新版本中,有飞来飞去的仙女,有堆满苹果的泳池,还有 穿着高级定制时装的男人跳进泳池,客人们都是飘进房间里, 而不是走进去的。 当你一脚踏进文华东方酒店,仿佛真的来到了品牌电影 中神奇梦幻、斑斓轻盈的美丽世界,其中蕴含的亚洲独有的 待客理念以及对优雅精致生活的热爱愈来愈被全世界所接受。 如今文华东方酒店集团在全球 27 个国家和地区经营 45 家酒 店,并且年年都有新酒店开业,其首家酒店——香港文华东 方酒店也已走过了 50 年辉煌历程。 最新开业的上海浦东文华东方酒店满载文华东方特有的 内涵与优雅,将上述理念和追求带入这个国际大都市。喧嚣 的都市生活让许多人都渴望有一方宁静之地,文华东方恰恰 能满足人们这一愿望。这座位于黄浦江畔的可爱居停填补了 上海高端酒店的一个空白。在这里的每一次小憩都将令宾客 尽展欢颜,为他们增加继续前行的动力。
When arriving in a new hotel room, the flatscreen often displays the promotional video of the brand. I lunge for the remote to turn it off. Cliched, annoying, and aesthetically unappealing, these videos just remind guests that they are in a high-end, but generic sort of facility. All the amenities - probably even luxuries - are there but the experience will be unaesthetic, dependable but dull. The videos are just a reminder of the dry professionalism of the experience. In one hotel chain, I watch the video on every stay, sometimes repeatedly. The magical, mysterious landscapes draw in viewers, sweeping them on an incomparable journey through must-stay properties in Hong Kong, Tokyo, London, New York and other cities. Director Ian Henry clearly gave free reign to his imagination, taking viewers on an incomparable journey, but never sacrificed any of the core brand values. It’s a world of flying maidens, swimming pools filled with apples, and men who jump into swimming pools wearing bespoke suits. In “Moments of Delight at Mandarin Oriental”, guests float into their rooms, they don’t walk. That dreamy, fantastic world filled with extraordinary moments, always light, airy, but colorful, is very much the real world one enters at a Mandarin Oriental hotel. We should welcome the globalization of Asian values and love of the exquisite implied by the video. As the original Hong Kong hotel celebrates “50 Fantastic Years”, the Mandarin Oriental Hotel Group now has 45 hotels in 27 countries and more are opening every year. One of these latest outposts of civility and beauty to open, the Mandarin Oriental Pudong, Shanghai, brings this spirit to the megalopolis on the Huangpu. The endless exhilaration of life in Chinese cities demands the escape that only Mandarin Orientals can provide. This lovely new property on the banks of the river gives Shanghai the level of sophisticated indulgence it lacked till now. This respite is just a short drive and will give guests the moments of delight they need to keep going.
Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 7
速递 016 美容术士的梳妆台
享乐 076 下榻时装设计师酒店 看范思哲、拉夫·劳伦等时装界大腕如何 跨界操刀设计酒店
自制天然护肤化妆品工具为美容注入大 自然的神秘力量
094 艺术之家
在上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心感受艺 术之魅
026 长矛博物馆
100 “富春山居”的新韵味
最古老人类狩猎武器的新家成为德国舍 宁根的标志性建
刚开业的大董烤鸭店工体富春山居店 尽显世外桃源之享
034 复古化妆精品店
充满 1920 年代优雅风的布鲁塞尔德尔 博夫化妆精品店
特辑 042 私藏香港
20 个必选之地呈现旅游指南之外的香港
品鉴 060 随喜识香港 屏幕之外的王喜是香港活地图,对于 这个充满奇迹和梦幻的地方有着独到 的见解
064 爱上观念摄影 观念摄影师何春雷的艺术观
066 开着房车去旅行
6 大顶级房车品牌满足你对旅行生活的 所有想象
LifeStyle 9
094 Curated
016 The Cosmetic Alchemist
A chemist’s dressing table for DIY cosmetics
076 Designer Digs
Chic hotels with interiors by big names in fashion
026 A Show of Arms
A museum of ancient weaponry
094 A Space for Creating
034 Belgian Beauty
The Swatch Art Peace Hotel is a House of Arts
Delbov’s deco-inspired boutique
100 Artistic Atmosphere, Classic Cuisine
Da Dong’s new flagship interprets Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains
042 Hong Kong: An Exclusive Guide
A creative and personalized Hong Kong tour from Alex Daye, founder of Moustache
060 Wong Hei: The Spirit of Hong Kong
An insider’s perspective on the metropolis
064 Concept of an Image
A photographer’s artistic concept
10 LifeStyle
Travel in these luxury motorhomes
066 A Life in Motion
066 Columns 110 Events 116 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 11
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang
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12 LifeStyle
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LifeStyle 13
14 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.16
Destinations / P.20 品味之约
Luminaries / P.22
斯图尔特·韦茨曼米兰概念店 100th concept store of Stuart Weitzman, Milan
LifeStyle 15
Cosmetic Chemical 毕业于英国皇家艺术学院的劳伦·戴维 斯设计了一套在家自制天然护肤化妆品的 工具。这套工具简洁又好看,由铜、枫木、 软木和玻璃制成,平时还可以当做家居摆 设。三层蒸馏器用来萃取精油,芳香器具用 来制作面霜和香膏,带有枫木手柄的双面铜 盘可用来调制眼线膏。戴维斯为这套工具取 名为“炼金术士的梳妆台”,意图为美容注 入大自然神秘力量。 The Alchemist’s Dressing Table project by Lauren Davies features a three-tier distiller for making scented oils, a scent infuser for creating creams and balms, and a doublesided copper bat for mixing eyeliner. Crafted out of copper, maple wood, cork, and glass these elegantly designed pieces will adorn any surface.
16 LifeStyle
A Gentle Bodhisattva 时下珠宝首饰设计也刮起了简约风。 灵云翡翠最新出品的这款“静心观音”正是 中国传统元素和天然简约完美结合的代表 作品之一。设计师充分保留了翡翠原石的天 然特色,且巧妙地摒弃了传统观音挂件的 造型,将黄翡与白翡完美结合,采用浮 雕工艺将观音刻画得惟妙惟肖、栩栩 如生。其图案与原石浑然天成,在不 改变翡翠天然完整性的基础上,经 48 道工序精雕细琢而成。回归素颜风尚的 静心观音像是以最原始的方式诉说着每 一段美丽而真挚的情缘,可谓别具一格!
Minimalism is popular in design right now, and jewelry is of course no exception. The “Gentle Kwan Yin,” pendant released by Lingyun Jadeite is the perfect blend of traditional Chinese essence and minimalist design, preserving as well as possible the natural assets and characteristics of the jade. Irregularly shaped, the pendant is vividly embossed with the head of the bodhisattva Kwan Yin, carved meticulously through 48 different processes. This is a remarkable combination of yellow and white jadeites, and the elaborate motif was carefully designed, to be as close as possible to the original colors of the stone. “Gentle Kwan Yin” draws connections to the divine in an austere yet beautiful way.
LifeStyle 17
卡慕经典特醇 150 周年限量新装
Camus: 150 Golden Years
卡慕干邑世家为庆祝品牌诞生 150 周 年,在中国隆重首发两款全新奢华包装—— 卡慕经典特醇 150 周年世家纪念版和卡慕 经典特醇 150 周年世家限量版。承载家族 荣耀的城堡被手工雕刻在卡慕经典特醇 150 周年世家纪念版的酒樽上。新装礼盒以典雅 的深黑色为基调,顶部以品牌标志立体金花 封印,在打开皮礼盒的同时,也充满诗意地 开启了礼盒上隐约凸显的城堡古典柱式大 门。每瓶干邑均刻有独一无二的编号及在酒 窖时的陈年批次,限量销售 36000 瓶。卡 慕经典特醇 150 周年世家限量版礼盒仅有 3600 瓶。珍贵的实木礼盒象征橡木桶,表 面和内部的纹路则还原了卡慕家族一个特 殊酒窖的门饰,唯有被用来调配顶级醇酿的 生命之水才可以在这个被誉为“天堂一角” 的酒窖中慢慢陈酿至巅峰状态。每一套限量 版礼盒都刻有独立编号。为显尊贵非凡,另 附有一封现任总裁暨家族第五代继承人西 里尔·卡慕先生签名的卡慕城堡晚宴邀请函。 For its 150th anniversary, Camus has released luxurious new packaging for two Camus Extra Elegance 150th Anniversary Limited Editions - Camus Extra 150 year anniversary edition and Camus Extra 150 year anniversary edition exclusive release. With the sumptuous Camus castle hand-engraved on the bottle, jet black leather packaging and embossed gold seal on the top, the Camus Extra 150 year anniversary edition’s gift package is no less than gorgeous. Each of the limited 36,000 bottles of Camus Each 150 year anniversary edition is individually numbered and is carved with its batch number during cellaring. While only 3,600 bottles have been released, the exclusive bottles boast gift packages of precious wood, a symbol of the oak barrel. The gift box’s grain takes the form of an ornament on the door of the family’s special cellar, where the life water used to make top cognac ages to its prime and hailed as a “corner of heaven”. Each bottle also comes with an invitation to dinner from Cyril Camus, the present CEO and Camus’ fifth generation of leadership, to demonstrate the edition’s extraordinary quality.
18 LifeStyle
Scent of a Candle Welton London 是室内设计师约翰 - 保罗·威尔顿创建 的家居香氛品牌,经营各种豪华香薰蜡烛和香薰扩散器,此 外还拥有一个自有品牌开发部,专门生产高级订制款香水。 著名时装设计师卡尔·拉格斐的首个香薰蜡烛系列产品将于 今年 10 月上市,其芳香品质神似老牌经典香氛香奈儿,而 Welton London 已获得其代理权。 Developed by interior decorator John-Paul Welton, Welton London is a fragrance collection of deluxe scented candles and reed diffusers. There is also a private label department that is dedicated to the creation of bespoke perfumes. Indeed, in October of this year, Karl Lagerfeld will release a collection that captures the aroma of Chanel.
LifeStyle 19
Arch Support
美国高端鞋履品牌斯图尔特·韦茨曼第 100 间 概念店在米兰落户,其不同凡响的室内设计出自 素有“建筑界女魔头”之称的扎哈·哈迪德之手。 一系列金色玻璃纤维打造的座椅和展示位创造性 地连为一体,呈现出哈迪德标志性的几何波浪形 态,让这个 3000 平方英尺的空间充实且具有流动 的美感。2014 年,哈迪德将继续担纲香港、罗马 和纽约新门店的设计。 American shoe designer Stuart Weitzman has debuted the location of his 100th concept store in Milan and it was designed by none other than starchitect Zaha Hadid. With her signature undulating organic forms, the 3,000 square feet interior is a series of gold dipped fiberglass seats and modular display units. Zaha Hadid will also design five further interiors, with stores planned for Hong Kong, Rome and New York in 2014.
20 LifeStyle
Faconnable Lands in China 源自法国尼斯的国际高端知名品牌法 康娜布前不久登陆中国,在上海时尚新地标 高岛屋百货一楼奢侈品专区开设首家专卖 店。175 平米新店采用新颖的店铺陈列和设 计,全面覆盖男女装两个系列。上海旗舰店 延续了品牌的风格与精髓,将法国蔚蓝海岸 风情、顶级制衣工艺、高端现代的休闲时尚 以及精益求精的传统相结合,给中国服装市 场带来了一抹清新。 With its signature Riveria look, French brand Faconnable has opened its first store in Shanghai. The Façonnable boutique sits on the ground floor of Takashimaya, a new luxury department store that mixes tradition with innovation and is located in the Changing New Landmark area. The boutique fans out over 175 sqm, offering Façonnable’s entire range of men’s and women’s collections.
LifeStyle 21
A Key to Gold
奢游世界的中国海外旅行者如何才能享受“轻松退税,睿购全球”? 环球蓝联集团全球执行副总裁兼首席营销官库艾伦送来“一站式” 退税的金钥匙——环球蓝联卡。 How does one shop smart when traveling abroad? Arjen Kruger, global vice-president and chief marketing officer of Global Blue, tells us how to find the “golden key” with the Global Blue Card, with the most convenient one-stop tax refund services. Text: Eva Liu
能否预测一下未来中国出境旅游的趋势? 环球蓝联卡的推出会给中国游客带来哪些 利益? 中国已经连续两年成为全球购物者的 头号客源国。随着中国经济持续保持增长势 头,中国游客境外出游及消费还将延续上升 趋势。毋庸置疑,退税政策在其中扮演着推 波助澜的角色。环球蓝联卡的重磅推出是一 项具有里程碑意义的举措,将确保环球购物 者全面摆脱语言沟通不畅、对退税流程不熟 悉、行程安排紧张等退税“枷锁”,体验到 更高效的退税服务,并能节省高达 19% 的 税款。 环球蓝联未来在中国的推广计划是什么? 环球蓝联将广泛运用网络和社交媒体 平台提高中国游客对退税服务的认识,也 会加大线下媒体的传播。除了提供便捷、完 备的退税服务,我们还积极与顶级合作商户 筹划会员独享的优惠计划,使环球蓝联卡 持卡人未来能够通过环球蓝联官网、微博、 微信、APP 软件等平台获取这些信息。环 球购物者也可使用环球蓝联官方网站(www. 上的快捷退税计算器制定自 主购物计划以及了解众多国际顶级品牌的 最新资讯。 分享一下在环球蓝联集团任职的感受吧。 环球蓝联是全球最大的购物退税公司, 它的国际化(在全球 41 个国家为游客提供 服务)、与全球知名高端品牌的合作能力 以及为诸多国家消费者提供服务,这些都让 我觉得这份工作很有挑战性。我一直都很享 受这份工作,有两点体会可以跟大家分享: 要站在顾客的角度考虑问题;要敢于突破既 有经验,不断地学习,不断地提升自己。
22 LifeStyle
工作之余有哪些兴趣爱好?对未来的期望 是什么? 我非常喜欢旅游、观察世界、探索新 环境,还是一个狂热的赛车迷,我自己也会 参加比赛,还时不时打高尔夫球。身体健康 是我对未来生活唯一的期望,这也是人生中 最值得珍惜的。 What will some general trends in Chinese outbound tourism be in the future and how can Chinese customers benefit from the Global Blue Card? China has had the largest number of consumers abroad for the past two years. With its steady economic growth, China will also experience a lasting rise on outbound tourism and tax refund policy is without a doubt one of the biggest pushers behind it. The roll-out of the Global Blue Card is a landmark, which overcomes the language barrier, poor acquaintance with tax policies, tight schedules and so on. Our high effective services save customers up to 19% on taxes. How will Global Blue popularize itself in China in the future? Internet, social media platforms as well as offline adverts are being widely adopted to enhance Chinese tourists’ understanding of tax-free shopping. In addition to tax refund services, we actively co-launch benefits programs with top-end brands to further our members’ interests, and holders of the Global Blue Card will be updated on preferential policies through our official website (, weibo, wechat, apps and so on. We also have a special calculator for planning individual shopping
and the latest news on international top-end brands are also available on the website. What are some of your thoughts about working in Global Blue? Global Blue is the biggest company in the world focusing on tax-free shopping, and offers services to tourists in 41 countries while cooperating with global luxury brands, etc. All of these features were both appealing and challenging to me. I’ve been enjoying what I am doing and I would like to share two pointers: always think as if you are the customer, and always break the limits of experience to keep moving forward. What do you enjoy doing in your leisure time and what are your expectations about the future? I love exploring new environments and observing the world so I travel a lot. Meanwhile, I am a racing enthusiast and take part in some competitions. In addition, I play golf once in a while. When it comes to the future, health is what I desire most, and the most valuable thing in life.
Managing an Urban Oasis 欧洲花园餐厅位于北京中心地带,拥有令人赏 心悦目的户外花园。不妨在阳光明媚的午后来 这里品一杯鸡尾酒,抑或是享用周末早午餐, 举行婚礼或聚会活动。听听总经理马莱因·伊夫 莱莫夫的介绍吧。 One of the prime pieces of real estate in Central Beijing, The Pavillion Grill offers a wonderful outdoor space for cocktails on a sunny afternoon, brunching on the weekend or hosting a wedding or event. We talked to GM Marlen Ifraimov. Text: Nels Frye
What is your background? I was born in Russia but I later emigrated to Israel. I joined the Israeli army special forces when I was seventeen and spent three and a half years there. I still don’t understand how it happened but I entered the restaurant business, in a hotel restaurant and became the manager after just four months. That was twenty years ago and I have been running restaurants in Beijing for four years. How has the military helped you in managing restaurants? I think every man should do time in the military. It helped me a lot with discipline. Still, the way they sometimes train staff like they are in the military here in China doesn’t quite work. Managers have to explain the job to staff and be professional and expect staff to be professional. You can’t yell at them like they are in the army. What makes The Pavillion Grill special? Of course it’s the location and the garden. There are no places with this kind garden in the middle of the city. We are looking to get a jazz and blues band from the States to play on the weekends. Of course the long winters, long summers, and short springs and falls are one of the challenges we face with such a beautiful outdoor space. In the end, it is simple. We give you real meat, good fish and delicious cocktails in a beautiful environment. We provide an atmosphere and cuisine and that everyone can enjoy. Guests should also enjoy the Azerbaijani tea, perfect for digestion. Do you recommend taking the train from here to Moscow? I heard about it but never tried. One week in a train is too much, but I suppose if you go with some friends, it won’t be too boring. Russia is a very beautiful country though. You will enjoy the views.
能简单介绍下你的经历吗? 我出生在俄罗斯,后来移居以色列。17 岁时加入以色列 陆军特种部队,在军队度过了三年半的时光。之后我到一家酒 店的餐厅工作,四个月后升任经理,直到现在我都不知道这一 切是怎么发生的。不过这都是 20 年前的事了,如今我在北京 开餐厅,有 4 年了。 军旅生涯对你经营餐厅有什么帮助吗? 我认为每个男人都应该去军队锻炼锻炼,军营生活让我更 加自律,不过对员工采取军事化管理并不适宜。管理者要向员 工解释清楚工作问题,应该做到专业化,然后期望员工能专业 化。你不能像在军队中那样只知道下命令。 欧洲花园餐厅的特色是什么? 当然是它的地理位置和户外花园。在市中心很难找到这样 的户外花园。我们打算从美国请来蓝调与爵士乐队,周末的时 候为大家演出。不过虽然我们有这么漂亮的户外空间,但北京 的冬天和夏天太长,春秋又太短,这是我们面临的挑战。话说 回来,解决方法也很简单。我们提供真正的美酒佳肴和赏心悦 目的环境,人人都可以来这里享用。我们的阿塞拜疆茶值得一 试,非常有助于消化。 从北京坐火车去莫斯科好玩吗? 只听说,没试过。在火车上坐一周,实在让人受不了,要 是和几个朋友一起就不会太无聊。俄罗斯是一个非常美丽的国 家,你会喜欢她多姿多彩的风景的。
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Banyan Tree Ringha Achieves EarthCheck Silver Certified Status 香格里拉仁安悦榕庄前不久获得“地球评分”银徽认证,成为悦榕集团 第二个获此殊荣的度假村。其环保成就包括:每晚每位客人能量消耗优于最 佳实践水平 66%;2011 年温室气体排放量优于最佳实践水平 96%,每晚每 位客人仅消耗 3.6 公斤碳排放;每晚每位客人填埋垃圾量优于最佳实践水平 88%,饮用水使用量比行业标准低 30%,优于最佳实践水平近 1%。 Banyan Tree Ringha recently achieved EarthCheck Silver Certified status and became the Group’s second property to actualise this significant accomplishment. Some of its achievements include: energy consumption per guest night at 66% better than the best practice levels; emitting just 3.6kg of carbon per guest night in 2011, (which was over 96% better than the best practice); waste sent to landfill per guest night beating best practice by over 88%, and potable water consumption per guest night was better than industry average (baseline) by over 30% and better than best practice by nearly 1%.
Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon Opens 香港九龙贝尔特酒店是九龙东启德地段首家国际品牌酒店,也是追求个性的旅客探索香 港文化的最佳住宿之选。酒店集时尚、舒适与便捷于一身,客房充满纽约阁楼风格。酒店设 计凸显简约现代风,“涂鸦”墙壁和本地特色的摆设处处体现充满港式风情的贝尔特乐趣。 贝尔特酒廊设计融大堂、接待处、酒吧与咖啡厅功能于一身,堪称品牌特色。潮食街供应多 款地道本土美食,由城中著名甜品大师 Tony Wong 制作的精致甜品和蛋糕系列实在不容错过。 Pentahotel Hong Kong, Kowloon has recently opened as the first international brand hotel in the fast-emerging Kai Tak area of Kowloon East. The hotel is designed as a home for independent-minded travelers keen to discover the local culture. With the New York loft-style inspired guestrooms, the hotel’s overall design blends style with comfort and convenience. Contemporary rustic décor, and painted concrete walls laced with “graffiti,” injects Hong Kong-style “pentafun” around every corner. Pentalounge, the heart and soul of the pentahotel experience, seamlessly combines a lobby, reception area, bar and café into a single venue. Eatstreet@pentalounge offers a wide range of favourite local dishes crowned by desserts and cakes created by celebrity pastry chef of the town Tony Wong.
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开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Structure / P.26 室内设计
Interior / P.34
德国 PALÄON 研究体验中心展厅 The PALÄON designed by Holzer Kobler Architekturen
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A New Archaism 新落成的德国 PALÄON 研究体验中心, 如雕塑般立在舍宁根一处丘陵景观上,成为当地新的标志性建筑。 A glamorous new museum for ancient weaponry Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Holzer Kobler Architekturen
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德国哈尔茨地区出土的舍宁根长矛是 迄今发现的最古老的人类狩猎武器,距今大 约三十万年。为妥善安置它们,人们在发掘 地附近专门建造了 PALÄON 研究体验中心, 由瑞士霍泽尔和凯柏勒建筑事务所操刀设 计。远远望去,如雕塑般的建筑在位于煤矿 边缘的考古遗址上拔地而起,具有反光效果 的镜面表皮映照出周围的丘陵景观,成为当 地一座新的标志性建筑。PALÄON 主要用 作展览,在这里可以看到当初盛大壮观的挖 掘现场。 金属材质的建筑表面倒映出森林、草 地和白云,形似矛尖的巨大开放式切口嵌 入建筑肌体深处,如同长矛深深地刺进马的 身体。独特的建筑语言生动描摹出远古的气 息,同时抽象的表达也在形式上与附近露天 开采的矿山相呼应,达到了建筑与周围环境 的和谐统一。整栋建筑虽出自人工,却似浑 然天成,极具表现力,成为其所在地的象征。 透过窗子向外望去,视野开阔,长矛出土的 地方、开采褐煤的矿坑、近处的森林以及草 地上悠闲吃草的马儿,更是历历在目。 状如雕塑的白色展架是展厅设计最大 的特点,其形状让人联想起马的骨骼。主题 展柜都经过了放大和抽象化处理,再加上放 置其间的一些大型艺术品,赋予整个空间无 尽的活力与丰富的层次感。当然,展览的核 心是石器时代的古老木制长矛。 霍泽尔和凯柏勒建筑事务所于 2004 年 在瑞士苏黎世成立,创始人是瑞士知名建筑 师芭芭拉·霍泽尔和特里斯坦·凯柏勒。他们 承接从城市规划到建筑设计、从舞台设计到 展览策划等多种业务,成功参与了多个国际 文化项目。
he Schöningen Spears, approximately 300,000 years old, are the oldest preserved hunting weapons discovered, and they have been given a special building, the PALÄON, in Germany. Visible from far away, the sculptural building of the PALÄON now towers over this significant archeological site at the edge of a coal mine. Designed by Holzer Kobler Architekturen, the building stands as a landmark with the hilly landscape mirrored in its reflective façade. The exhibition forms the heart of the project, which presents the original excavation area in a spectacular manner. The metallic skin of the PALÄON mirrors the meadows and forests that surround it as well as the movements of the clouds in the sky passing by. Through its archaicistic form, the research and experience center becomes one with its surroundings. Sharp, large formatted cuts into the building façade offer widereaching and fascinating views to the place where the spears were discovered, the pit of the brown coal mine, the nearby forest, and the horses grazing in the meadows. The expressive openings cut into the building like spears in the skin of the horses and reflect this dynamic in the form language. The abstract cuts into the building also formally react to the neighboring traces of open-cut mining. The resulting expressive architecture mediates between the artificial and natural landscape and forms an emblem for the place. Central to the exhibition design is the sculptural white exhibition structure, whose forms vaguely resemble those of horse bones. Through enlargement and abstraction, a row of theme cabinets form a spatially activating element with views alternating with some large-format artworks. Of course the highlight of the exhibition circuit is the spears` cabinet that presents these ancient wooden spears from the Stone Age. Holzer Kobler Architekturen was formed in Zurich in 2004 by Barbara Holzer and Tristan Kobler. The studio operates internationally, covering a broad spectrum of activities from urban planning to architecture, from scenography to exhibition curatorship.
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Divine Austerity
静卧西班牙特内里费岛的圣约翰教堂,混凝土表面的粗糙手感 让人不由想到施洗圣约翰最朴实的生活,由此足以窥见建筑师本人的宗教素养。 A Spanish chapel receives the concrete touch.
Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Beautell Arquitectos
乍看之下,位于西班牙特内里费的圣 约翰教堂犹如天外飞来的怪石,静卧凡尘, 但事实上,这是西班牙比奥特尔建筑事务所 的设计师亚历山大·比奥特尔用心打造的作 品。他用极简主义风格的建筑来呼应朴素的 宗教本质,充分考虑到教堂的实用功能和精 神层面的象征意义。如果你够细心,就能从 诸多细节中发现那些朴素的教义。 由于建筑用地类似于不等边三角形, 因此教堂的形状也接近锐角三角形。比奥特 尔将稍宽那侧的高度降低,同时抬高最小锐 角的那一侧层高,讲坛便布置在这里。当人 一步步走近讲坛,视线也越来越高。洗礼池 分布于入口处,接着便是座位区,最里头的 圣坛位于两步台阶之上的平台。天光通过一 个小窗从神坛上方泻下,那种神圣感不言而 喻。 应业主简朴优雅的风格要求,建筑师 巧妙地使用简单的建筑材料和自然光,这与
施洗圣约翰对物欲铺张的反对相呼应。而混 凝土外侧的饰面材料加入了岛上特有的火 山石碎块,形成粗糙的肌理,与平滑的混凝 土形成鲜明对比。大门为钢制,上面十字形 的手柄外包钢皮,里面实为绿色环保木材。 根据建筑师的设计本意,教堂类三角 形的形态象征着教派中传统的三位一体奥 秘——圣子、圣父和圣灵,因此三角形成为 设计主旨,圣坛被放在最小锐角的一侧,三 角形的中线从入口的洗礼池开始,穿过座位 区(由从墙面伸展出来的四根独立柱构成) 到达圣坛,最后伸向外部的延长线,象征着 人从出生洗礼、成长和融入社会、到达圣坛 等一系列过程。这条中线串起了整个生命的 过程。 施洗圣约翰一生过着节制、淡泊的生 活,是苦行者、禁欲者的标志性人物。这 个教堂完全颠覆了人们对金碧辉煌、雕梁画 栋的大教堂的传统印象。这里没有水晶灯、 大理石,只有天光和灯泡、混凝土,还有虔 诚的心。
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Designed by Alejandro Beautell of Beatell Arquitectos in Spain, the Saint John Chapel is a wellspring of divine minimalism. Located in Tenerife, Islas Canarias, Spain, the building adapts to the shape of the plot and as a result of this adaptation the form is a geometric triangle. This way, the space narrows in the plan and starts to increase in height as one approaches the altar. At the entrance, there is situated a baptismal fountain. Across the space is the assembly, composed of four monolithic columns that emerge from the wall. The chancel rises on a two-step platform and is naturally lit through a small window. Considering the materials, the clients wanted an austere elegance so the simplicity of the materials and the use of resources such as natural lighting, provide the building with the desired ascetic characteristics. This is appropriate as the historical Saint John eschewed material wants and ostentation. The concrete, in contrast to the rough plaster finishes, is made of “tiroliana” (crushed volcanic stones from the island). The door is made of a steel structure hidden under sheets of the same material, with large steel handles cruciforms in front, and recycled wood panels inside. According to the architects the triangular form is defined by three vertices that in the Christian tradition symbolizes the Mystery of the Holy Trinity - one God in three persons. Each of the vertices is part of the triangle, representing the mystery of God itself: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. So the triangle becomes a leitmotif of the project. The altar is placed in the most acute angle of the triangle and its bisector constitutes the main axis of the temple. This axis will cover the various stages of the life of a Christian, beginning with baptism, then becoming a part of the assembly and finishing in the communion of the heavenly banquet. Therefore, the baptismal font, the altar, the tabernacle and the cross are aligned, as a metaphor of the line of life. The life of Saint John the Baptist, patron saint of the chapel, was an example of sobriety and austerity. John is portrayed as an ascetic figure, Jesus countered him with those who “are in royal palaces” and “wear fine clothes.”
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Belgian Beauty 布鲁塞尔德尔博夫化妆精品店再现 20 年代的优雅风格, 复古味道十足。 ‘50s cosmetic brand Delbove gets a Deco-inspired boutique. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Christophe Remy
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上世纪 50 年代,罗杰·德尔博夫在比利 时开设了一家高端美发沙龙连锁店,他的妻 子玛丽恩曾与美容界大腕海伦娜·鲁宾斯坦 夫人共事。在夫妻俩共同努力下,其业务不 断发展壮大。大约 20 年后他们开发了自己 的产品,为女性提供从头到脚的美容服务。 2011 年,德尔博夫的女儿伊莎贝拉与 吉纳和西比尔·昂森堡夫妇合作,开始专注 于扩大这一老字号化妆品品牌的影响力。他 们在布鲁塞尔市中心开设了德尔博夫精品 店,当地设计师克里斯托弗·雷米为其精心 打造的室内设计颇具上世纪 20 年代优雅风, 细节设计简约考究,氛围明快通透。雷米的 才华不仅局限于室内设计,还贯穿到整个品 牌形象。从网页设计、产品包装和礼品设计 到艺术指导,德尔博夫的艺术风格将温暖的 乳白色、金色和棕色完美融合。 精品店的墙上装饰着镶有金色线条图 案的画板,独特的饰面薄板让整体设计更 显精美华贵。货架是黄铜色,产品包装则是 复古风格的琥珀色玻璃瓶,两者相映成趣。 你可以想象一下,一位身着皮草的贵妇正在 仔细挑选心仪的物品,身穿白色工作服的店 员在柜台后调配出美妙的护肤品。看着他熟 练的手法和专注的神情,一切的喧嚣似乎都 被抛诸脑后。
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Conceived by Belgian designer Christophe Remy for heritage cosmetics brand Delbôve, this boutique in downtown Brussels is evocative of an elegant interior from the 1920s with clean but luxurious details and an airy atmosphere. In the 1950s Roger Delbôve started a chain of high-end hair salons in Belgium, eventually growing and expanding it with his wife, Marion who had worked with Helena Rubinstein Belgium. Some 20 years later, they were researching, developing and producing their own products and offering a complete beauty service for women, from head to toe. In 2011, Gina and Sybille d'Ansembourg join the Delbôves’ daugter, Isabelle, in the business and focus on expanding the reach of the Delbôve Cosmetics name. Remy's responsibilities not only extended to the interior but also to the entire brand identity. From the website to package and stationery design to art direction the entire scheme is a beautiful melding of warm creams, golds and browns. Gold stenciled Art Deco graphics adorn the panels while exotic wood veneers bring out richness. The brass shelving complements the retro-styled amber glass packaging. One can envision a woman wearing furs discreetly shopping at this space while an attendant in a white lab coat mixes concoctions behind a marble counter. The hustle and bustle of the street is forgotten as one gazes upon this apothecary.
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Structure News
HASSELL + Herzog & de Meuron Win Flinders Street Station Competition 前不久,由瑞士赫尔佐格和德梅隆 建筑事务所以及墨尔本哈塞尔设计公司 联合提交的方案获得墨尔本历史悠久的 弗林德斯大街火车站再开发项目评委的 一致青睐。设计将在保留和修复弗林德 斯大街火车站和其它历史遗产的前提下, 将车站打造成一座现代化交通枢纽。车 站还将开辟新的公共区域,包括大型公 共艺术画廊、广场、圆形剧场、市场以 及为艺术与文化节庆组织建造的永久场 所。设计方案强调火车站的公共属性, 因此补充了文化与公共功能,而非单纯 的商业功能。精致的穹顶造型屋顶可抵 御气候侵袭,并通过固定装置连为整体。 屋顶设计对墨尔本中心这一特别场所的 历史、功能和地点进行了诠释,既体现 对基地的尊敬,又不失动感,并与其环 境相呼应。新火车站对于澳大利亚土著 生活与文化来说也有着重要意义。艺术 画廊将展示来自澳大利亚和太平洋地区 的土著艺术,还将连接圣基尔达路的艺 术机构和联邦广场以及弗林德斯街上的 移民博物馆和旧的海关大楼。
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It was announced recently that the renowned Swiss-based architectural practice Herzog & de Meuron and Melbourne’s HASSELL have won the international design competition for the redevelopment of the historic Flinders Street Station in the city of Melbourne, Australia. The project will turn the station into a modern 21st century transport hub while retaining its best known heritage features and buildings. It transforms the site into a new civic precinct with a major public art gallery, a public plaza, an amphitheater, marketplace, and a permanent home for arts and cultural festival organizations. The proposal for the Flinders Street Station underscores the civic nature of a train station by complementing it with cultural and public functions rather than purely commercial activities. The weatherproof, articulated filigree vaulted roof-scape is a respectful yet dynamic interpretation and contextual response to the history, function and location of this very special place in the heart of Melbourne. The site is also an important place in indigenous life and culture. The station’s new art gallery will house indigenous art from Australia and the Pacific. The gallery will also provide a link between the arts institutions of St Kilda Road and Federation Square and the Immigration Museum and old Customs House on Flinders Street.
让·努维尔中标 中国国家美术馆新馆
Jean Nouvel to Design the New National Art Museum of China
中国国家美术馆在国内享有很高的声 誉,其新馆项目已正式交由法国著名建筑师 让·努维尔主持设计。这座位于北京奥运场 馆附近的新文化地标的设计灵感源自中国 书法笔画,建成后将荟萃展出 20 世纪的艺 术菁华。据悉,参与竞标的还有建筑界大腕 扎哈·哈迪德和弗兰克·盖里。 Renowned French architect Jean Nouvel has been selected as the official winner of the prestigious new National Art Museum of China in Beijing. The winning design is supposedly inspired by a single calligraphy brushstroke. Once complete, the 20th century art and calligraphy museum will become the centerpiece of a new cultural district at Olympic Park. Other architects in competition were Zaha Hadid and Frank Gehry.
别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
Hong Kong: A Special Guide / P.42 香港时髦酒店推荐
Where to Stay / P.50
2013 年正值香港文华东方酒店五十周年庆 An emblem of the city, the original Mandarin Oriental is celebrating its fantastic fiftieth this year
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Hong Kong
The Moustache Guide to Hong Kong 香港最具特色男装品牌店店主用私家体验告诉你如何在此撒欢。 A founder of the city’s most singular menswear label shows us where to shop, imbibe and lose ourselves. Text: Alex Daye Photos: Moustache Hong Kong
埃利斯·克鲁格和亚历克斯·达耶是香港高级定制服装店“胡子”的创始人。埃利斯的头 衔是裁缝、设计师和制图师,七年前他和亚历克斯来到香港居住。埃利斯早年学习缝制男 装,后来大部分时间都从事时装设计。这家店成立于 2007 年,起初就是荷里活道一间工 作室,此后逐渐发展成为一家高级定制服装店。 Moustache, the hippest, quirkiest, tailor shop and menswear label in Hong Kong, was founded by Ellis Kreuger and Alex Daye. Ellis, tailor, designer and pattern maker and writer Alex moved to Hong Kong almost seven years ago and started Moustache in 2007 in a second floor studio on Hollywood Road. In addition to their bespoke tailoring offerings, and ready-to-wear line, Ellis and Alex contact mean cocktails and have written the most interesting guide to their adopted city, The Moustache Guide to Hong Kong.
Photo: Karim Tabar
我们原来的服装店位于荷里活道一栋旧写字楼的二楼, 2008 年我们决定为造访顾客写一本旅行小册子,把像我们 一样不大会出现在官方旅游指南上的香港小铺都收录进来, 同时希望把这本小册子做得像我们设计的衣服一样时尚而有 创意。几年过去了,香港依旧是原来的样子。许多老 铺子还在,而且在可预见的将来依然会存在。不仅如 此,很多像“胡子”一样的年轻小店生意还很兴旺。 在我看来,它们的成功为其它许多由店主独自经营 的小店、画廊、咖啡馆和酒吧增添了信心,从而创 造出一片活力十足且趣味盎然的商业新天地。这 种氛围即使算不上亚洲第一,在中国也堪称先锋。 你看到的这篇旅游指南绝对是我们的私家体 验。我和埃利斯以及我们忠实的“游探”珊曼 莎·瑞德、亨利·坦普尔和布兰迪思·周造访了香 港每一家有特色的小铺、酒吧和餐厅,有时还 会去结识幕后主理人。 这就是香港,并非你以为的那样奢华, 它不完美,但魅力十足,偶尔引领一下时尚潮流。 纵然在这里也有这样那样的不快,甚至会觉得俗气、野蛮, 但这里始终洋溢着活力和创意,充满了无限可能。 hen we decided to write a small Hong Kong guide for visitors to our original tailor shop on the second floor of an old office building on Hollywood Road back in 2008, we wanted it to feature places that, like ours, were not necessarily on the tourist circuit, and we wanted it to have as much of a style and point of view as the clothes we were making. Almost six years on, this Hong Kong is surprisingly the same. Not only have lots of the truly old places stuck it out another year, and look to, for the foreseeable future, continue to do so, but an awful lot of the small shops the same age as Moustache are not only sticking around, but thriving. Their example, in my opinion, has inspired scores of other small, owner-run shops, galleries, cafes and bars, creating one of the most dynamic and sophisticated, certainly the most interesting, urban experiences in China, if not all of Asia. The guide you have in your hands is decidedly personal - my husband Ellis and I and our loyal scouts, Ms. Samantha Reid, Mr. Henry Temple and Ms. Brandice Chau, have visited every bar, shop and restaurant featured herein and sometimes gotten to know the personalities behind them too. This is our Hong Kong: a little less glitzy than the one you’ve read about, but still dedicated to glamour, rough around the edges, (and occasionally even edgy),and, though it is infuriating, profane and brutal, it always simmers with energy, creativity and possibility.
Hong Kong 金雀餐厅
Café de Goldfinch 金雀餐厅是香港老牌西餐厅之一,自 1962 年开业至今,这里的菜单和装饰风格 从未有过任何改变。为迎合中国人的饮食习惯,这里还备有餐巾纸和番茄酱。王家 卫的《花样年华》曾在此取景,电影中梁朝伟和张曼玉第一次约会就在这里。虽然 在美国人听来,金雀餐厅这个名字有点街边小餐馆的感觉,但仍可想象出旧日的繁 华味道。如今这里俨然成为时尚潮人的聚集地,乐趣多多。摆成小牛形状的胡椒牛 排放在烤得滋滋作响的平底煎锅里,绝对是无肉不欢的食客的大爱。素食者也会喜 欢这里的炸薯条的。 Café de Goldfinch, famous first date spot for Tony Leung and Maggie Cheung in In the Mood for Love, opened in 1962, and the menu and décor haven’t changed a bit since! One of the first restaurants to specialize in Western food for a Chinese clientele, the Goldfinch, with its paper napkins and ketchup bottles, reads a bit like a diner to American eyes, but it’s not hard to imagine the old glamour. Today it’s filled with local hipsters and is a real hoot. Carnivores will love their pepper steaks served on a sizzling cast iron skillet shaped like a cow. Vegetarians will love the potato chips. 13-15 Lan Fong Road, Causeway Bay
Visage One 每个城市蜿蜒逼仄的小巷里都藏着无穷惊喜,香港这样的国际大都会也概莫能 外,只要你有心,愿意流连驻足,那么隐于善庆街巷内的 Visage One 将成为你邂逅 的最奇妙地之一。就像童话里才会有的奇思妙想,Visage One 白天是美发店,店主 陈色能给人理发修胡,晚上摇身变成全香港最出彩的音乐聚集地。作为一名纯粹的 爵士乐发烧友,陈色能每月举办现场音乐之夜。真正热爱音乐的人不招自来,就像 是去朋友家玩音乐一样惬意。这里没有入场费,没有舞台,饮品选择也不多,老板 说如果提供太多,自己会太忙而无法尽情享受音乐。需要提醒的是,如果你为理发 而来,请早为好。 As always, be sure to wander about the alleyways connecting the two stairwells, for they are full of surprises. Our resident barber and moustache trimmer, Mr. Ben Chan, owns a most charming little one chair salon called Visage One down one such unnamed lane. The obscure location does nothing to diminish his popularity, so if it’s a haircut you’re after, be sure to call ahead. A great jazz fan, Ben also hosts live music nights once a month. 93 Hollywood Road (enter through alleyway on Shin Hing Street)
Square Street
荷里活道往西,在文武庙左转便进入了四方街,同样名为“四方街”的设计工 作室大约在街的半程位置,由两位瑞典潮哥大卫·埃里克森和亚力克斯·霍尔姆打理。 大卫是备受吹捧的手表品牌 Void Watches 的设计师,亚力克斯则打造 Gram 球鞋、 太阳镜、香水等。总之,四方街绝对是香港最佳商铺之一。 Walking west on Hollywood Road, turn left by the Man Mo Temple onto Square Street. About halfway up the block, Square Street is a design studio / retail concept run by David Ericsson and Alexis Holm, two Swedish expats: David is the designer behind the much sought after Void Watches; Alexis makes GRAM sneakers, sunglasses, perfume and anything else that he feels like making. One of the best shops in Hong Kong, hands down. 15 Square Street
Kapok 法式小店 Kapok 出售的物品不仅超酷,更是全港独一家, 有家居杂志 Apartmento、来自纽约的经典品牌 Wm.J.Mills 的 手提袋和帆布背包等。店中有一间咖啡吧,还举办艺术展览。 Kapok 可谓顾客盈门,后来不得不在近处又开了家分店。要是 你来这里都觉得没什么好买的,那以后干脆不要去逛街了。 Kapok has cornered the market on the kind of super cool stuff that no one else in Hong Kong sells: Kitsune mixes, Apartmento magazine, Wm.J.Mills totebags and rucksacks. They’ve also got a coffeebar and host art exhibitions. So popular, they’ve had to expand to a new store just down the road. If you can’t find something to buy here, you don’t deserve to call yourself a shopper. G/F. 5, St Francis Yard, Wanchai
Jaa Bar 香港到处都是酒吧、酒馆和夜店,还 有酒鬼。虽然我对醉酒的人本身没什么意 见,但是某些区域,比如兰桂坊云咸街, 却是酒鬼集中的地方。说实话,这很令人 不快。而 Jaa Bar 藏在一条巷子里,环境 很是惬意。不仅没有醉鬼(这可是一间名 符其实的酒吧),而且里面只有四张桌子, 周围的人可能都是你的朋友,所以即使有 人喝醉,你也不会觉得讨厌。 Hong Kong is a city filled with bars, pubs, nightclubs and drunk people. While I’ve got nothing against drunk people per se, when concentrated in small areas, as they tend to be here, in Lan Kwai Fong and along Wyndham Street, it can be, to be honest, difficult to enjoy oneself. Which is why Jaa Bar, located down a hidden alley, is such a pleasure. Not that there aren’t drunk people there- because yes, it’s a bar!- but with only four tables they’re all likely to be your friends. And those are the kind of drunk people I like. 1 Pak Tsz Lane, Central (next to the Green Mouse)
La Cabane A Vin La Cabane A Vin 于 5 年前开业,是香港首间售卖自然发酵葡萄酒的商店,店主 是一名法国人,可以说是上环最富法国情调的所在。店中出售天然有机葡萄酒、奶 酪和罐装食品。店里的小酒吧非常有名,是附近一带最棒的品酒场所之一。 La Cabane A Vin is the very best of the “French invasion” of Sheung Wan, La Cabane has been selling bio-dynamic wines, cheeses and fancy non-perishables for almost five years now. They’ve seen great success down the road at their bistro, one of the neighborhood’s many great watering holes. 97 Hollywood Road (Entrance on Shin Hing Street)
Hong Kong 胡子
Moustache “胡子”于 2009 年 9 月开业,位于中区和 SoHo 区西面景色 优美的鸭巴甸街上,售卖设计精致的男装休闲服,包括泡泡纱夹克、 百慕大短裤、巴厘纱衬衣、睡衣和造型奇特的印花内衣。在香港, 大多数时尚品牌都会用头批产品换取几百家购物中心里一方属于自 己的空间,而“胡子”与山顶的理发店、古董店和复印社一见如故。 这间社区商铺所在之处堪称全球最繁华、最具活力的区域。中西区 的上环其实颇具乡村韵味,古旧的梯形街道、低矮的租屋和弯曲的 小巷,居住在这里的大多是工薪阶层,他们来自四面八方,从事各 种各样的职业,有设计师、新闻记者、瑜伽教练等。在这一区域日 益成长为具有独立精神的创意中心的过程中,“胡子”也是见证者 和参与者,这正是一种乐趣呢。 Moustache opened on a quietly gentrifying stretch of Aberdeen Street directly west of Central and SoHo in September 2009, a new home for our growing bespoke tailoring house and a ready-to-wear collection of casual, weekend clothes for men: seersucker jackets, bermuda shorts, cotton voile shirts, piped pyjamas and quirky printed underwears. While most Hong Kong fashion companies will sell their firstborn for space in one of the city’s hundreds of frigid shopping malls, we immediately felt at home with the old barber shops, printing presses and antique shops at the sweaty top of our hill. Moustache is a neighborhood shop, and it is located in one of the world’s most vibrant and eclectic neighborhoods. Just west of Central Hong Kong, Sheung Wan has an almost village like charm relative to the rest of the city. With its crumbling ladder streets, low-rise tenements and hidden alleyways, the neighborhood is home both to working class Chinese and their families, a dynamic mix of expatriates-young designers, journalists, and yoga teachers. One of the pleasant surprises for us in running Moustache has been to watch, indeed to be a part of, the gentle transformation of this district into a creative hub with a decidedly independent spirit. 31 Aberdeen Street
Tai Ping Shan 先申明一下,这片隐于荷里活道后面的迷人地区一直处在瞬息万变之中, 所以你看到的这篇指南是否能派上用场不敢保证。20 世纪早期,这里发生了 灾难性瘟疫,英国殖民者将其夷为平地,之后建成了供工人阶级生活的安静 社区。在这里,酒吧和棺材铺、设计工作室和修车厂比邻而立。至少从目前 来看,太平山的复兴似乎逃过了雄心勃勃的地产投机者的“染指”,得以成 为一个舒适的、低层的惬意之所,这在以摩天大楼著称的香港还是十分难得 的。 A word of warning: this charming neighborhood tucked away behind Hollywood Road is changing at such a brisk clip, there’s no telling if this guide will be of any use at all by the time you’re reading it. The scene of a calamitous outbreak of plague in the early twentieth century, Tai Ping Shan was subsequently razed and rebuilt by the British before settling into life as a quiet working class district. The gentrification of the area is still scattered: wine bars share the streetscape with coffin builders and design studios with body shopsand not the kind that sell fruity soaps. For the time being at least, the rejuvenation of Tai Ping Shan seems to have flown under the radar of the more aggressive property speculators, leaving it a pleasant, low rise and boutique-y alternative to the ubiquitous mall-scapers Hong Kong is so famous for.
Teakha 在太平山最惬意的事情之一就是单纯地闲逛,探入各家店 铺内,好好品味这里成熟完善的咖啡文化。茶。家是一个时尚 别致的小茶室,拥有一个宜人的室外区域,供客人边呷最爱的 印度香料奶茶和泰式冰茶边欣赏路人。
The Morning Trail 尽管每次都大排长龙,太平山仍是每位来港游客的必逛之 地,他们或者背着相机在缆车里晃悠,或者汗津津地只抓紧座 位,一旦抵达便迫不及待地奔向大型购物商场,再经过无尽的 扶手电梯,上升,再上升,终于到了山顶观景台,而这里早已 人满为患,也管不了那么多了,总得拿出相机再拍点。原谅游 人会忍不住问:“就这些?没了?”当然不,与大部分旅游指 南不同,我们将竭尽全力展示别样的香港,尽管我们同样认为 去香港必去太平山。没有比一大早起来去晨练径更好的建议了, 这是一条让人愉悦的旧维多利亚长径,环香港岛顶部而建,可 由西半山顶的卢吉道进入。卢吉道有诸多漂亮的老别墅和公寓 楼,某些已完全废弃不用,来这里只能步行。碰到天朗气清的 日子,你会恍然大悟为什么这些破旧的房子仍是这世上最昂贵 的地产之一。所幸,我们无须买房也能欣赏到如此佳色。 Everyone that comes to Hong Kong goes to the Peak. They queue up for hours; they hang out of the Peak Tram with digital cameras or cling for dear life with sweaty paws to the seat in front of them. When they arrive they are immediately ushered into a giant shopping mall. After an endless series of escalators, they join the crowds atop the viewing platform where they take some more pictures. Is that, you might be forgiven for asking, all there is? While we’ll do our best in this guidebook to show you a side of Hong Kong you might not read about in other travel books, we still think a trip here must include a trip to the Peak- just not that Peak. There is no better introduction to Hong Kong than to get up early and hike up the Morning Trail, a delightful old Victorian promenade circling the top of Hong Kong Island entered via Lugard Road at the top of the Western Mid-Levels. Just inside the original city boundaries, Lugard Road is home to lots of pretty old cottages and apartment buildings, some of them completely derelict, none of them accessible except by foot. If you arrive on a clear day, though, and this will require some very good luck, it is easy to understand why this shabby real estate is still among the most expensive in the world. Happily, one needn’t buy a house to take in the views.
One of the pleasures of Tai Ping Shan is simply wandering around, poking into the shops and enjoying the area’s now welldeveloped cafe culture. Teakha, a wonderful and quite chic little tearoom, has a nice outdoor area perfect for people watching whilst sipping favorites such as Masala Chai andThai Iced Tea. 18 Tai Ping Shan Street
General Store 这里堪称香港最棒的家具店,店主谢利曾在纽约从事时装 设计,她对旧物眼光独到。货品都是 20 世纪中叶风格木质或皮 质家具陈设,弥漫着一种工厂(有时是维多利亚时期) 气息。 在五光十色的香港大都会,这家古物家具杂货店独树一帜,径 直改变了人们惯常对设计的理解。小店还会应顾客要求为其挑 选心仪的家具。有时店主还会邀请纹身艺术家来店里为感兴趣 的顾客做纹身。 Quite simply the best furniture shop in Hong Kong. The neighbors down the hill have collected a truly fascinating and very covetable collection of mid-century home furnishings in wood and leather with an industrial, sometimes Victorian vibe that has single-handedly shifted the design conversation in this all too blingy capitol of all-things-new. Also available for private commissions, glamorous New Yorker Shelly Hayashi also shrewdly hosts occasional visiting tattoo-artists. 41 Gage Street Central
Hong Kong
NoHo 区 这片安静的街区位于鸭巴甸街的西 面,从荷里活道向北延伸至歌赋街。这 里聚集了各种各样的新奇特色小店、小 餐馆、复印社和大排档。 Directly west of Aberdeen Street is a delightful neighborhood of old ladder streets running North from Hollywood Road (thus the corny name) to Gough Street, a trendy strip of quirky design shops, little restaurants, printing presses, and dai pai dongs.
Para/Site 艺术空间 Para/Site 艺术空间起初是一个由艺术 家经营的展览空间,这里展出的作品从艺 术的视角审视和探讨存在于当地及国内的 重要社会议题,其形式幽默且引人深思, 成为拯救商业化气息过于浓厚的香港艺术 市场的一剂良方。Para/Site 不仅仅是一个 画廊,更汇集了香港和国际当代艺术作品, 同时积极参与当地、区域和国际性的艺术 活动,成为香港不可多得的非盈利艺术团 体。 Originally an artist-run exhibition space, Para/Site offers a needed antidote to the city’s commercial art scene with exhibitions examining critical questions of local and national identity in a thought-provoking yet playful way. More a contemporary art centre than a gallery, Para/Site is fully engaged with the local, regional and international art communities, a rare specimen in Hong Kong. 4 Po Yan Street
Woo Ping Optical Company 和平眼镜开业于 1974 年,虽然几经波折,但总算笑看风云至今。用一副大瓶底 眼镜作为自己的标志,和平眼镜以丰富老式镜架和太阳镜著称,众多响当当的人物都 是其忠实顾客,像香港开心果沈殿霞、地产大亨李嘉诚和歌星陈奕迅等。 Happily, Woo Ping Optical Company, established in 1974, has been spared the wrecking ball. Just look for the sign with a giant pair of coke bottle glasses. Famous for their selection of vintage frames and sunglasses, they have lots of well-known customers like the unforgettable happy lady Shum Din Ha, tycoon Li KaShing and singer Eason Chen. 278 King’s Rd, North Point Centre, North Point
利工民织造厂有限公司 招利祠
Tsz Wan Kok 位于九龙慈云山沙田坳道的招利祠由 潮州商贾们建造,是个不那么众所周知的 寺庙,它的存在警醒世人在轮回中可能静 候的种种。招利祠隐于山中,不乏陡峭的 台阶、野趣花园庭院以及壮丽的九龙山景 致,天朗气清的时候,还能看到香港岛。 顶部花园里有若干洞穴,其通向的那处楼 梯间展示人死后受拷打虐待的景象,让人 毛骨悚然却又欲罢不能。毫无疑问,招利 祠可算是香港最奇怪的胜地之一。 Nestled up in the Kowloon hills in Tsz Wan Shan on the Shatin Pass Road is a little known temple called Tsz Wan Kok. Built by wealthy business men from the Chiu Chow area (where we make all our Moustache T-shirts) the temple is a sober reminder of what may or may not be waiting for us after we die. The temple complex is built into a mountain and is a series of very steep terraces with gardens and courtyards and magnificent views of Kowloon and on a clear day, Hong Kong Island. On the top terrace is a garden with cave-like grottoes that lead to a staircase showcasing the most gruesome vignettes of the tortures that await you in the afterlife. Rendered in ceramic with a very sadistic eye to detail, they are, to say the least, enthralling. Without a doubt, one of Hong Kong’s strangest attractions. Shatin Pass Road, Tsz Wan Shan
Lee Kung Man Knitting Factory 利工民织造厂有限公司是一家历史悠久的内衣生产及零售商,知名品牌有“秋蝉” 针织系列。该系列产品包括适合正式场合穿着的开襟羊毛衫、亨利汗衫、T 恤以及粗 坯布内衣,而且它家 logo 恐怕是全中国最漂亮的。这家香港最后的织造厂如今依然 在运营。 Lee Kung Man Knitting Factory is a very old school shop selling Cicada brand knitwear: no nonsense cardigans, henleys, T-shirts and underwear in a coarse greige fabric with possibly the best logo in all of China. Still made in what is surely the last knitting factory in Hong Kong. 111 Wing Lok Street, Sheung Wan
Mido Cafe 美都餐室于上世纪 60 年代开业,是 藏于庙街一角的一个两层餐厅,也是油麻 地经历最多沧桑的餐室。相比这一带著名 的廉价夜市,美都承载了更多香港传统和 文化。这里的红豆冰和法式吐司非常有名, 而更有名的是来自上世纪中叶的复古情 调。 Going since the 1960s, Mido is the oldest cafe in Yau Ma Tei and loads better than the tacky night markets the area is famous for. Located on the 1st and 2nd floor of a lovely old building at the corner of Temple Street, it is famous for its red bean ice drink and French toast, as well as its quirky 1960s interiors. G/F 63 Temple Street, Yau Ma Tei
Top Lodgings of the City
身在港岛,香港文华东方酒店当然是不二之选,但若想好好欣赏港岛美景, 半岛酒店当仁不让,而美丽华精品酒店则是为偏好设计的旅人们准备的。 When on the Island, the MO is the clear choice, whereas when wants a view of the Island, one must stay in the Peninsula. For something more designy, we present the new Mira Moon. Text: Audrey Hammonds and Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective Hotels
50 LifeStyle
Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong 2013 年正值香港文华东方酒店“传奇五十年” 纪念,为庆祝这一荣耀盛事,酒店全年推出了一系 列活动。建于 1963 年的文华东方酒店不仅是亚洲 奢华酒店的标杆,还与香港这座城市丝丝相融,成 为其显要标志之一。这座光鲜闪耀的摩天大楼曾是 香港的最高建筑,是外宾和本地名人富人频频光顾 的场所。酒店由利安顾问有限公司设计,外观不见 俗丽浮华,内饰大部分出自著名设计师唐·阿斯顿 之手,挑战现代酷派设计的极限,并珍藏了大量古 董古玩。酒店曾于 2006 年进行过翻新,近期又专 为开启新的辉煌五十年举办了设计竞赛,大有继续 引领潮流的势头。 Celebrating 50 years of history this year, the iconic Mandarin Oriental Hong Kong has not only defined what it means to be an Asian luxury hotel, but become somewhat of a trademark of the city itself. Built in the heart of Hong Kong in 1963, well before it had become the glittering maze of skyscrapers it is today, the hotel was the city’s tallest structure, and has always been frequented by expats, well-to-do locals, celebrities and tycoons alike. Designed and constructed by established Hong Kong architectural firm Leigh and Orange, the façade is not flashy, but interiors largely designed by Don Aston pushed the boundaries of modernistic cool, and host a large collection of antiques to boot. With its renovation in 2006 and the design competition held recently for its future 50 years, the landmark hotel will continue being a trend-setter for years to come. 5 Connaught Road, Central
The Peninsula Hong Kong 位于尖沙咀的香港半岛酒店于 1928 年 开业迎宾,1994 年进行了扩建,堪称半岛 酒店集团的旗舰之作,同时也是全球最著 名、最奢华的酒店之一,入住的政要名流 数不胜数。酒店豪华的劳斯莱斯车队也是 一道独特的风景线,一直被人们津津乐道。 The Peninsula Hong Kong located in Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong, is the flagship property of the The Peninsula Hotels group. Opened in 1928, and expanded in 1994, the hotel is one of the most famous luxury hotels in the world. It is notable for its large fleet of Rolls-Royces painted the distinctive “Peninsula green”. 22 Salisbury Road, Kowloon
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The Mira Moon Hotel by Marcel Wanders 新开业的美丽华精品酒店坐落在湾仔区(香港艺术区),提供给游 人一个别样的去处。其设计概念源自中秋民间传说嫦娥奔月,创意澎湃 的荷兰设计师马塞尔·万德斯娴熟巧妙地运用现代手法演绎中国传统文 化,通过中式古董家具、布艺及图案、定制地毯乃至墙上栩栩如生的牡 丹花彩绘,打造出奇幻瑰丽的戏剧氛围,时尚气息仍旧不减。香港 DJ Helen Ting 为这个精致愉悦的环境精心配乐,时尚设计师 Grace Choi 为酒店工作人员设计了中式艺术风格的制服。酒店还配备了专门的工作 人员发型师。 Located in the artistic Wan Chai area of Hong Kong, the new Mira Moon Hotel is a themed boutique hotel. Inspired by the Chinese fable of the maiden in the moon with only a jade rabbit for companionship, the hotel takes a witty twist on this legend and transforms it into a playful aesthetic. Designed by famous designer Marcel Wanders, the interiors are sophisticated yet lighthearted. The soundtrack is by Hong Kong DJ Helen Ting while the Chinoiserie uniforms are by fashion designer Grace Choi. There is even a dedicated staff stylist for the hairdos. 388 Jaffe Road, Wan Chai
用燃烧的激情守住爱情契约 在古今智者眼中,人的生命与两件大事息息相关——饮食、 男女,可见性与吃饭同等重要。夫妻间的相濡以沫、相敬如宾, 更离不开性的滋养。缺少性的婚姻是营养不良的,甚至是危机 四伏的。
“夫妻生活不和谐”酿幸福隐患 家庭婚姻状况问卷调查显示:中国半数家庭遭遇“婚姻亚 健康”,而婚姻亚健康的真正病根在于“夫妻生活不和谐”。 上海社科院社会学研究所曾对 500 对离婚当事人进行过离婚原 因调查,结果证实夫妻性生活不和谐已成为破坏夫妻感情、影 响婚姻稳定、阻碍家庭幸福的关键因素。
拯救婚姻亚健康 “性”福保鲜锦囊 慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所刘春先主任介绍说,只要你从此刻起, 勇于直面婚姻中的危险“性”号,积极治疗保养,婚姻亚健康完 全有“康复”的希望。慈铭·奥亚引进风靡全球的殿堂级法国皇家 “青春内雕”抗衰老健康系统,通过综合、独特的保养、修复方案, 实现夫妻双方健康“性”福梦想,维护婚姻的和谐稳定。以下是 刘主任为你准备的“性”福保鲜锦囊。 锦囊 1:抗炎特号。通过生物制菌、蛋白肽等细致入微的养护, 调节阴道菌群平衡,达到润阴、抑菌、抗炎功效,为女人私密部 位建立一道抑菌保护屏障,让女人清爽享受无“炎”的幸福。 适应症:各类阴道炎、宫颈糜烂、老年性阴道炎。
自测:您的婚姻“亚健康”了吗? 夫妻性生活例行公事,勃起不力,阴道干涩、松弛,亲密 时刻不再激情澎湃; 性欲下降,疲劳无力,彼此厌倦,甚至开始互相挑剔; 夫妻性生活被女性阴道炎、宫颈炎、男性前列腺炎等疾病 困扰。 如果有一项“对症”,说明你正在进入婚姻亚健康,危机 来临了。
锦囊 2: 子宫保养。以能量因子、细胞因子、抗菌肽、雪莲 多肽等多种修复、抗衰、抗炎物质,通过聚焦共振仪器导入,疏 通八 穴等多处穴位,通经活络,除湿驱寒暖宫,让你尽享温暖呵 护,美丽持续绽放。 适应症:疲倦、乏力、盆腔炎、月经失调、腰骶疼痛的 35 岁 以上女人。 锦囊 3: 女人私密调理。以生长多肽、荷尔蒙平衡因子、免 疫因子、抗菌肽、多种细胞生长因子、金属硫蛋白等生物制剂, 通过“爱能”手法、导入、仪器、体能训练对私密部位进行综合 调理养护,润缩阴道,效果显著。 适应症:阴道松弛干涩、卵巢功能早衰、更年期、性冷淡。 锦囊 4:男性前列腺保养。作为婚姻“性”福的主动和“主导” 方,男人的创造“性”福的能力决定着夫妻生活的质量。慈铭·奥 亚为男性朋友提供专业的男性私密保养服务即“男性前列腺保养”, 通过能量因子、细胞因子、抗菌肽、雪莲多肽等多种修复、抗衰、 抗炎物质,帮助男性朋友找回男人的自信。 适应症:前列腺炎、前列腺增生、附睾炎、腰骶疼痛。
永不失效的爱情契约 影响婚姻美满幸福的因素有方方面面,除妇科及男科疾病因 素外,身体的各种慢性病(心脑血管病、肥胖、三高)、亚健康(失 眠、焦虑、易怒)以及潜在的癌症均会影响夫妻感情。慈铭·奥亚 定期深度体检、高端健康管理是把脉婚姻健康、家庭幸福不可或 缺的上佳之选。我们愿意用专业的呵护,给予你及你的爱人最诚 挚的关爱,让你在健康愉悦的生活中,重新缔结爱人间那份彼此 灵魂与身体亲密交融的美好,守住最初的那份爱情契约。
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Fitness & Diet Change for Autumn 北京的秋天总是来去匆匆。几乎是一 夜之间,我们就从满大街短裤 T 恤的夏日 来到了夹克长裤的秋季。相比之下,澳大 利亚的秋天就要长得多了。为了顺利完成 我的健身目标以及为抵御寒冬做好充分的 准备,我稍稍调整了一下饮食和锻炼。 在饮食上,与春夏两季相比,我增加 了碳水化合物的摄入。当然,任何季节我 都不会毫无节制地大吃特吃。只是稍微多 吃一些富含碳水化合物的食物。如果你天 生就容易发胖,要想保持良好身材,就一 年四季都要注意饮食。就我个人而言,即 使在冬天,我也尽量将不健康的饮食数量 控制在两次以内,超过这个数量我就会长 胖。 在锻炼方面,为练出充满力量的肌肉, 有时我会增加哑铃的重量。不管什么季节, 按照循序渐进的原则,每个月调整一次锻 炼方式对身体都是很好的刺激。可按照下 列方法进行调整:一个月的高强度训练, 一个月的功能锻炼,再是一个月的力量训 练。虽然跑步并非我的强项,但冬天的时 候我尽量坚持每周一次户外跑步。去年冬 天我专门买了跑 步用的手套、帽子、围巾 和裤子,就算是零下 15℃也可以到外面跑 步。所有的事情都是一样的,愈困难愈值 得全力付出。 当秋天到来的时候,我还喜欢换换常 吃的营养保健品,以保持健康活力。之前, 我在训练前会吃提高身体能量的燃脂胶囊, 现在换成也可增强肌肉的传统保健品。每 次训练前我都会吃 Cobra Labs 新一代 The Curse 营养粉,蓝莓口味真的好吃,3 勺 下去就感觉肌肉充满了力量,浑身迸发着 活力。训练结束后我会喝 MP Amino-1 支 链氨基酸能量饮料,吃 All American EFX KreAlkalyn 肌酸胶囊。接下来的一两个月 我的目标是增肌和增长力量。 让我们抓住夏日的尾巴,享受这所剩 无几的温暖时光,有机会多出去走走,不
过在这个季节转换的时期,记着要坚持自 己的健身和饮食计划。
utumn seems to come and go very quickly in Beijing – much more so than in Australia where I am from. It seems we go from shorts and t-shirt weather to wearing long pants and jackets almost overnight. To keep things interesting with my personal fitness goals and to prepare my body for the “hibernation” months of winter, I change things up a bit. In terms of diet, I allow myself a little bit more carbohydrates than during the spring and summer months. I unfortunately cannot
gorge myself during the colder months or any month, but can allow just a little bit more carbs in my diet. If you are naturally not a “skinny” person, then sticking to a diet all year round is the only way to stay in shape. I still try to stick to maximum 2 cheat meals during the colder months – any more than this and I can easily put on fat! For training I sometimes go heavier in my weights to put on a little mass. Sometimes, regardless of the season, it is good to “shock” the body once a month and change it up a bit. An example of changing things up a bit could be: one month do heavy, another do functional work, another even power lifting type of exercises. As I am not naturally a “runner” I try to run in winter at least once a week outside. Last winter I purchased some special running gloves, hat, scarf and pants so could run outside even in temperatures close to -15 degrees. Like everything in life, things that are difficult are worth the sacrifice. In Autumn I also like to swap my supplements around a bit to keep things fresh and interesting. Instead of a “fat burner” for pre-workout energy I swap to a traditional pre-workout product that also helps build muscle. Currently for pre-workout I am using the new “The Curse” by Cobra labs – the blue raspberry flavor tastes great and with 3 scoops I feel amazing energy plus a tingly sensation in my muscles. For post workout I am now using the new MP Amino-1 (BCAA drink mix) as well as 2-caps of the pH exact KreAlkalyn creatine by All American EFX. My aim over the next month or two with this stack is to put on a little bit of muscle and a lot more strength. Enjoy the last remaining warm days we have, get outside when possible and remember to keep your fitness and diet goals consistent through these changing seasons!
德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/ wellness/fitness industry. To learn more about fat loss and being consistent on this daily – follow WHS Challenge online here: and on Weibo
56 LifeStyle
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品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
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香港 “Déjà Disparu” 多媒体作品展 “Déjà Disparu” exhibition at Pearl Lam Galleries, Hong Kong
The Spirit
凭着那点活泛劲和传说中的香港精神, 他能让一个个正面角色迸发出惊人的感染力。 生活中的王喜就是个香港活地图, 对于这个充满奇迹和梦幻的地方也有自己独到的见解。 Actor Wong Hei breathes life into every role he plays with sharp energy and Hong Kong spirit. A true city insider, he gives us his unique perspective on the extraordinary Asian metropolis. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Ren Qingzhao @ Crosscut Make-up: Huang Bo Hair: Perry Chan
随喜识香港 如果在香港大街上随便拦住十个人, 问他们记不记得那个打小立志成为消防员 的“骆天佑”,不说十有八九,起码有六七 个会脱口而出王喜,或是《烈火雄心》。 在香港土生土长的王喜曾多次饰演警 察等正面角色,带给观众无穷的正能量和意 想不到的惊喜。他不是所谓的高富帅,但凭 着一腔热血闯出了一片天。 “我真的很喜欢香港,这些年来最深 的感触就是要学会适应,适应不同的环境、 不同角色的转换、不同市场的需要、不同的 做事方法和规矩,等等。做艺人不仅增强了 我的适应能力,还训练了我的观察能力。为 了能让编剧笔下的平面人物变成活灵活现 的人物,我养成了善于观察的习惯,珍惜每 一次遇见,力争把每一个角色都诠释得恰到 好处。” 生活中的王喜就是个香港活地图。他 不仅对香港大街小巷的路况了如指掌,对于 畅游这个充满奇迹和梦幻的地方也有自己 独到的见解。 “我住在最繁华的旺角区,这里能感 受到香港不夜城的动力,非常适合外地人在 第一时间认识香港。如果时间充裕,又想要 一份安宁幽静,可以去大屿山看看。小时候 经常去那里露营,我们背着帐篷徒步爬到凤 凰山顶看日出,太阳升起时大家都会欢呼, 因为亲眼看到了香港最美丽的时刻。很庆 幸,今天的大屿山还保留了原始自然风景, 也留下了我很多美好的回忆。还有一个地 方,恐怕在香港旅游指南上都很难找到。 《烈 火雄心》第一部里有这样一个镜头:我扮 演的骆天佑背着生病的妈妈来到香港一个 叫做林村的地方,在一棵大榕树前抛宝牒。 只要宝牒抛上树杈,愿望就会成真。电视剧 播出后,很多人纷纷去林村,学着剧中的情
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节去抛宝牒祈福。这颗大榕树还是值得一看 的,可以感受许愿树下许愿人的虔诚和当地 的风俗。” 当聊起香港的美食,王喜就更兴奋了。 在他心中,九龙城有着让人迷恋的旧香港味 道,从街头吃到街尾,但凡能想到的好吃的 几乎都集中于此。 “近年来我渐渐开始偏好素食,九龙 尖沙咀北京道一号有家功德林素食餐厅不 错。他们给传统素食换了新装,比较融合, 比较新派。这家餐厅有一排靠窗的位置,刚 好能看到维多利亚港的夜景。每天晚上八点 钟,维多利亚港都会上演镭射灯光秀,你可 以一边吃饭,一边欣赏美轮美奂的灯光秀。” 王喜闲暇时也喜欢看书,不过最近又 多了一个新爱好,拍短片。在他微博里可以 看到他执导的短片系列《随喜遇见》之《月 宫的五颗米》,这是一部与佛教有关的短片。 “我是一个佛教徒,自从接触佛法后, 内心深处的菩提心也慢慢变大,所以我想把 我听到的不同地区跟佛教有关的一些民间 故事具体化,用简单的器材把它们拍下来, 把它们变成影像。希望能传递一些正能量, 帮到更多的人……” 曾经做过电台主持、歌手、演员的王喜, 下一步希望把这些年在工作中所学到的一 些经验和技巧融入导演这个岗位。 “我除了拍佛教短片,也会尝试去拍一 些其他有意思的片子,比如前不久我出演刘 泽源导演的话剧《恋爱世纪》,扮演一个非 常有意思的‘局外人’,并且参与执导了这 部舞台剧所发生的前因故事影像片的拍摄。 多媒体舞台剧让能力各异的操作人员都有 机会发挥,蛮好玩的,压力还小。我希望将 来能成为一个不太好看却很努力的导演。”
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top ten random Hong Kong people in the street and ask them if they remember Luo Tianyou from the TVB series “Burning Flame,” and we guarantee at least 6 will recall Wong Hei by name. A native of Hong Kong, Wong Hei primarily takes on law enforcement roles, each time managing to convey a very positive energy to viewers. Not your typical pop star idol, he maintains success with his talent and positive attitude. “I really love Hong Kong,” he says. “In the past few years, one has really had to learn to adapt to the changing environment here; roles, regulations, market demands, etc. Being an entertainer not only improves my adaptability, but also hones my ability to observe. In order to take a flat role from under the pen of a screenwriter and turn it into a vivid, dynamic character, I’ve gotten into the habit of observing things very carefully, cherishing every encounter, and trying to interpret each role in the best possible way.” Unquestionably a city insider, Wong Hei knows basically every street and alley in town. “I live in Mong Kok, one of the city’s most thriving areas,” he tells us. “You can really feel the city’s dynamism there – it’s the first place I’d recommend for first time visitors to get to know Hong Kong. If you prefer a quiet, peaceful atmosphere, and if time permits, I recommend Dayu Mountain. I often camped there when I was a little boy. We used to climb, carrying tents on our backs, to the top of Lantau Peak to see the sunrise. When the sun appeared, the city looked so beautiful that everyone would cheer. I feel that we’re so lucky that Dayu Mountain’s original natural beauty has been preserved, along with my memories there. There is another great place, which is hard to find in a Hong Kong tourist guide – in a scene in “Burning Flame,” Luo Tianyou, the role I played, carrying his sick mother on his back, arrives at Lincun village, where he tries his luck by throwing a wish card into a banyan tree. According to local customs, if you can make the card into the tree, your wish will come true. After that episode aired
a lot of people were attracted to Lincun to try their luck and pray for God’s blessing. It’s definitely worth visiting the banyan tree, to take in the pious atmosphere and observe local customs.” When the topic of Hong Kong cuisine comes up, Hei becomes more excited. In his mind, Kowloon is a place permeated with the nostalgic tastes of old Hong Kong, where all imaginable delicacies gather together and a food lover can really indulge his passion. “In recent years I’ve gradually become a vegetarian. Kung Tak Lam, a vegetarian restaurant at One Peking Road, Tsim Sha Tsui is a great choice; it takes traditional vegetarian cuisine and gives it a makeover for fantastic fusion dishes. The seats beside windows have gorgeous night views of Victoria Harbor, and the nightly light show over the harbor is a fabulous complement to the delicious food.” He likes reading in his spare time, and has recently added a new hobby - shooting short films. On his Weibo blog, fans can watch “A Beggar Boy’s Five Grains of Rice”, a Buddhist microfilm, as well as one of his short film series, “Encounter the World with Wong Hei.” “I’m a Buddhist,” he explains of the film. “My love for Buddha has been increasing ever since my first contact with the religion. So I wanted to actualize the Buddhist folk stories I’ve heard, record them and make them into film. Through doing this I hope to deliver a positive message and help more people...” Hei, who has in the past worked as a radio host, a singer and an actor, hopes to apply the experience and skill he’s acquired from his years of work to his new position as a director. “Besides the Buddhist short films, I’ve also tried my hand at other artistic forms. I was cast in Director Liu Zeyuan’s play “The End of Love Generation” in the role of an interesting ‘outsider.’ I was also involved in directing the film which explains the story of the play, which will be shown before the performance. We added multimedia elements in the play, providing opportunities for viewers to see the story from many different angles. It was a lot of fun and less pressure than my typical roles. My hope is to become a mediocre yet hard-working director in the future.”
Conceptual Attraction 如今人人都是摄影师,而观念摄影正在成为思想与生活的创造者。 观念摄影师、北京环球视业传媒文化有限公司董事长何春雷与 LifeStyle 聊起他钟爱的摄影, 认为艺术不仅要美,更要承担一份社会责任。 With photography ever on the rise, conceptual photographs are drawing more and more attention. He Chunlei, a conceptual photographer and chairman of Beijing Global Vision Media Culture Co., Ltd believes that art should be beautiful but also assume social responsibilities. Text: Liu Yang
随着摄影高科技的发展,图片泛滥不已,你 认为什么样的照片才是好照片? 摄影科技带来了高度便捷,可是想拍 出好点的片子反而更难了,同时摄影的功 能也逐渐发生改变,评价一张照片需要先 分分类:商业或产品摄影看的是创意和视 效,新闻纪实类比的是新闻敏感性,而生 活纪念照的拍摄目的是提供昔日生活的回 忆线索,所以真实反映当时的生活场景和 状态才是最重要的,至于上升到艺术作品 的观念摄影,就不仅仅要给人以艺术的享 受,更重要的是承担一份社会责任。很多 人也许不知道,“环保”的概念最早是由 艺术家提出来的。
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那纪实摄影和观念摄影哪个更能承担这份 责任? 这么说吧,不同的手法适用于不同的 主题,但终极目标是一致的。纪实摄影更 为具体和直观,比如说战地拍摄,它给人 的视觉冲击力不言而喻,而观念摄影相对 委婉些,涉及的主题更大更深奥,长远的 社会效益会更大,它一方面可以通过创造 一个场景来阐述作者的观点以及或批判或 赞赏的态度,另一方面就是客观表达,不 置可否,留给社会一个讨论空间,这点与 纪实摄影类似。
你偏爱什么记录主题?最不喜欢的主题是 什么?最难拍的又是什么呢? 人是群体动物,人、人与物、人与生 存空间的关系是我拍摄的第一主题。最不 喜欢的主题是不美的事物,我喜欢阳光向 上的东西。最难拍的还是观念艺术,因为 通过艺术来表达观点或情愫向来是含蓄婉 转的,你不能太直白,而且要给人以美的 感受,这个真的很难。 听说你很喜欢收藏摄影器材? 摄影是一门艺术,照相机也是一门艺 术,就如同古老而精密的制表技艺一样, 照相机里蕴含着让人痴迷的光学机械和美 学等自然规律和艺术规律,它们都深深吸 引着我,同时我也为人类的智慧而自豪。
摄影器材日新月异,带来的好处不胜枚举, 你怎么看待高科技给摄影带来的弊端? 我觉得弊端之一就是假图像的泛滥。 从成像本质上来说,数码拍摄的就是假图 像,它是数字信号的组合,连图像存储空 间都是虚拟空间,而胶片上的成像是光的 印证,是实实在在的真实图像,这是保存 档案所必需的。所以无论数码科技如何发 展,胶片都永远占有一席之地。 The development of technology has resulted in an overload of photography. What do you think defines a “good image” in the modern age? In a way, good technology means greater convenience, which in turn means that really good stuff is more obtainable. Also, the functions of photography have been broadened, so one must classify images before judging them. If it’s for advertising, creative work or visual effects the photo should be very attractive, whereas for a documentary, sensitivity and timing means more. When it comes to personal photos, the key is capturing what life was really like at that moment. As for conceptual photography, it should not only emphasize an enjoyable and inspirational experience, but also undertake social responsibilities. Actually, many people may not know that the concept of “environmental protection” was initially raised by artists. You mentioned social responsibility; would you say documentary photography or conceptual photography better embodies this concept? Let me put it this way: different themes need different approaches, but they share the same purpose. Documentaries are more
subjects. I like beautiful, positive sunny things. Conceptual photography is still the most difficult since the art is always indirect, but also has to be good-looking, which is pretty hard to capture.
specific and direct: take war pictures for example, the visual impact is very strong. However, conceptual photography may refer to a bigger and broader theme in an indirect way, which could have a long-standing influence in the future. On one hand, it could create a scene to show criticism or appreciation. On the other hand, it could just be recording things objectively, offering a platform for discussion; and at this point, it’s kind of like a documentary. What are some subjects that interest you the most, and what do you find the most difficult? People, things, living spaces and the relationships between them are my favorite
Why are you so enthusiastic about collecting photographic equipment? Photography is a kind of art, and so is camera making. Just like the old art of watchmaking, the camera is a combination of optics, machinery, aesthetics, etc. which I am quite obsessed with. It really makes me admire human intelligence. What would you say are some of the disadvantages of the rapid development of photography? In my opinion, one of the biggest disadvantages is massive “virtual images”. In essence, pictures taken by digital cameras are virtual ones, which are just series of digital combination; the same as storage space. By contrast, images on photographic film are really the impressions of light and can be collected as such. At this point, I don’t think film photography will ever be abandoned completely.
Material Culture
Life on the Road 把旅行变成生活,在生活中旅行, 其实并不难,只要挑选一辆适合自己的房车,就可以出发! Turn travel into a way of life with ease in these luxury RVs, caravans and motorhomes. Text: Eva Liu
Hobby: Sleek Exteriors, Ultimate Comfort 德国房车巨头豪彼房车集团是欧洲最 大的拖挂房车制造商。豪彼产品的每一次 创新都在不断推进“客户度假梦想”标准, 不断倡导高品质房车生活的魅力。2013 款 自行式 C 型 Premium 系列房车一经推出, 便大获房车露营爱好者的追捧。一句话,精 致外观和超高舒适度并行。 German Motorhome and Caravan company Hobby is the largest manufacturer of caravans in Europe. They are constantly pushing their standards for clients’ dream vacations, while advocating the charms of a high quality life on the road. The 2013 Premium Drive series is a camping lover’s dream, combining ultra comfortable interiors and stylish appearance.
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芬特 浪漫怀旧的代名词
Fendt: Nostalgia and Romance 芬特的各款房车都堪称经典之作,比 如 2013 款拖挂式 A 型 Saphir 系列,它们 轻便易于驾驶,并加入了行业最新技术,如 车体夹层结构设计、AKS 3400 联合制动、 烟雾警报器、移动废水箱等。不过话说回来, “芬特”一词最早代表“在行驶的过程中吐 着一团团烟雾的拖拉机”。彼时的芬特相当 于今天的马车公交,是浪漫、怀旧的代名词。 Every vehicle in Fendt’s lineup is a classic, including 2013’s Saphir caravan – lightweight and convenient, it also incorporates some of the industry’s latest technology, such as a double layered structure, AKS 3400 coupling brakes, smoke alarm and waste water tank. The original image of Fendt as a rustic tractor brings to mind a romantic image suited for life on the road.
蒂芬 高宜居度的极致奢华
Livable, Tiffin: Super Super Luxurious 蒂芬公司的经典之作是 2013 款自行式 A 型 Phaeton 房车,从附加的 110V 插头到 安装在冰箱门上的饮水机,贴心而实用的设 计增加了旅途的舒适度。房车客厅内多个座 椅的随意组合让生活显得悠闲惬意。非预存 式加热器和全底盘式的地下储物间是该车 非凡储藏实力的证明。 Tiffin’s classic 2013 Phaeton motor home was designed to be intimate, leisurely and luxurious, from the additional 110V plug to the convenient water dispenser in the refrigerator door, to the multiple seating areas in the living space. An added bonus is the tankless water heater that provides the space for an entire basement compartment.
迷你 家用所需尽在四轮之上
Mini: A House on 4 Wheels 迷你公司今年一口气推出了三款组合露营车:Mini Clubvan Camper 堪称全球尺码最小但配备最奢华的露 营车。功能齐全的厨具、遮阳伞、休闲椅、冰箱以及 可供单人卧睡的舒适空间,一切家用所需都呈现在四 轮之上的空间之中;充满越野风情的 Mini Countryman ALL4 Camp 能够前往其他 Mini 车款难以到达的地方, 其车顶上方设有一个足以容纳两人躺卧的舒适车顶 帐篷,同时车尾部分也能外架两辆越野自行车;Mini Cowley 则有外加的拖挂房车,拖挂车上方有一个太阳 能板收集电能,拖车可提供两人睡卧的空间,尾部还设 有全功能的野炊器具、水箱与冷藏箱。 Mini put out three new camping vehicles this year: the Mini Clubvan Camper, the world’s smallest luxury camping car, which includes kitchenette, sun umbrella, chairs, fridge and enough sleeping room for one; the Mini Countryman All4 Camp, which includes a safaristyle tent atop the roof and a bicycle rack on the back; and finally the teardrop shaped Mini Cowley Caravan, complete with solar battery charger, enough room for two people to sleep comfortably, a twin-burner gas stove and its own water tank and refrigerator.
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Unicat 越野房车领军者
A Cross Country Unicat: Commander Unicat 旗下房车具有全地形的越野性 能,因其采用最先进的技术、超强的安全可 靠性、宽敞的空间和极高的舒适性,一直被 富于探险精神的全球顶级富豪所钟爱,是世 界顶级越野房车品牌。顾客可以根据自己的 需求订做不同配置。 Unicat’s RVs are undoubtedly all terrain vehicles, using the latest technology and the highest safety standards. With their large capacity they have long been a favorite of travel tycoons and the top cross country RV brand worldwide. Vehicles are customized according to clients’ needs.
清风 中西合璧定制车型
Airstream: East meets West 清风是北美历史最悠久的房车制造商,产品以拖挂式 A 型房车 为主,2013 年特别针对中国相关法规和使用人群推出了一款量身定 制的 23FB 车型。清风家族标志性的椭圆形外壳设计能够大大降低 风对车辆的干扰,带来稳定感,使得 23FB 的循迹性能非常强悍, 从而明显提升牵引车在各种环境下行驶的安全系数。 Airstream is North America’s oldest RV manufacturer, providing mainly travel trailers, and for 2013 they have produced a new 23FB directed at the Chinese market. Its classic oval shape greatly reduces wind resistance, and its dependability and history make it a most reliable choice for travelers.
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Bulleta Motors 全新超跑 RF22
沃尔沃概念车 Concept Coupe
来自美国的汽车品牌 Bulleta Motors 前不久发布了全新跑车 RF22。该车由曾经执笔阿斯顿马丁 DBC 和凯迪拉克 C-Ville 概念 车的设计师萨米尔·萨迪霍夫负责设计,外观亮点突出,拥有凶 猛的车前脸、双氙气伸缩头灯以及前唇扰流;车尾配备视觉感强 烈的扩散器和中置双排气管;车顶的凹槽设计、碳陶刹车片以及 19 英寸碳纤维轮圈配米其林超级运动轮胎。RF22 搭载 3.5 升机 械增压 V6 引擎,最大功率 505 马力,峰值扭矩 555 牛米,百公 里加速 3.6 秒。
沃尔沃在前不久正式发布了全新概念车 Concept Coupe 的 全部官图、视频以及细节信息。新车采用“浮动”式进气格栅和 T 形 LED 日间行车灯,并拥有动感的车身轮廓线、时尚的车厢 以及优雅的尾部,外加全景玻璃车顶和 21 寸铝合金轮毂。内饰 则采用了高档真皮材质,同时搭配灰色木纹饰板,尽显豪华。该 车拥有现款 V8 发动机一样的实力,通过结合机械增压器和涡轮 增压,2.0 升发动机与电动机的组合将爆发最大 400 马力功率和 600 牛米扭矩。
American company Bulleta Motors recently launched its supercar the RF22. Designer Samir Sadkhov, who also planned the Aston Martin DBC and Cadillac C-Ville concepts, created a fierce front fascia with bi-xenon headlights and a front lip spoiler; and a prominent diffuser and dual exhaust system at the rear. Other attractions include the scooped roof, carbon ceramic brakes and 19-ince carbon fibre wheels with Michelin Super Sport tires. The RF22 comes with a 3.5L V6 engine, with 505 hp and peak torque of 555 N-m, going from 0-100 km/h in just 3.6 seconds.
Volvo recently released its latest Concept Coupe diagram and detailed info, featuring a new floating grille and T-shaped daytime running lights, and dynamic outline with a sculpted hood and dramatic taillamp treatment, and a set of with custom 21-inch alloy wheels. Interiors employ luxurious high quality leather and naturallyaged wood inlays. An all new V8 turbocharged and supercharged gas engine is paired with an electric motor for a total of 400 hp and 600 N-m of torque.
Bulleta Motors RF22
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Volvo Concept Coupe
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法拉利 458 Speciale
宝马全新 X5 M50d
在法兰克福车展首发亮相的法拉利 458 Speciale 在现款车型 基础上进行了改动,其中包括经过重新设计的车身颜色以及升级 过的空气动力学套件。其内饰设计与现款车型保持一致,不过搭 载的 7 挡双离合变速箱按键造型焕然一新。新车搭载了一台经过 重新调校的 4.5 升 V8 自然吸气发动机,该发动机最大功率达到 605 马力,峰值扭矩 540 牛米,百公里加速只需 3 秒。
继上一代 X5 系列推出柴油款 M 车型后,宝马为第三代 X5 系列也增加了全新成员 2014 X5 M50d。该车搭载一台 3.0 升三 涡轮增压发动机,最大功率 381 马力,峰值扭矩 740 牛米。采用 xDrive 四轮驱动系统,搭配 8 速自动变速器,百公里加速 5.3 秒。 百公里油耗 6.7 升,每公里二氧化碳排放 177 克。X5 M50d 标配 M 动态悬挂系统以及后轮空气悬挂系统,四肢大脚全部为轻量化 M 双幅 19 英寸轮圈和全季节轮胎。
Ferrari 458 Speciale
Unveiled at the Frankfurt Motor Show, the new Ferrari 458 Speciale notes a few changes to the basic model, with a dramatic blue and white stripe and a more aerodynamic design. Interiors are kept the same, but the model is equipped with a new 7 speed dual clutch transmission button and refreshed with a 4.5L V8 naturally aspirated engine with max 605 hp and 540 N-m of torque, getting it from 0-100km/h in only 3 seconds.
BMW X5 M50d
Following the previous diesel fuel models of the X5 series, BMW has now added the all new 3rd generation 2014 X5 M50d to its lineup, boasting a 3.0L tri-turbocharged engine with 381 hp and top torque of 740 N-m. Using the xDrive all-wheel drive system with 8-speed automatic transmission, it can get up to 100 km/h in 5.3 seconds. With an impressive fuel economy of 6.7L/100km, the standard model comes with 19-inch M light-alloy wheels and the new M50d dynamic suspension system.
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90 年代的香港
Hong Kong in the ‘90s 香港当代艺术家 90 年代多媒体作品群展探讨“城市空间”奥秘。 A retrospective exhibit of Hong Kong’s ‘90s Art Scene Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Pearl Lam Galleries
由 知 名 策 展 人 陈 浩 扬 策 划 的“Déjà Disparu”前不久在香港艺术门画廊落幕。 活 跃 于 上 世 纪 80 年 代 末 到 90 年 代 初 的 何兆基、鲍蔼伦、黄志恒和余伟建四位香 港艺术家呈献的新媒体作品探讨了“Déjà Disparu”概念与 90 年代艺术家的关系。 其主题源自知名文化理论家、前香港大学 比较文学系系主任阿克巴·阿巴斯所著的《香 港——文化和政治的消失》一书,展览旨在 探索人们对城市空间中物质迅速变化所产 生的麻木感以及对地域性和时间性的集体 意识。 阿巴斯将 Déjà Disparu 定义为:“对 于这种处境,那种一直以来的新奇特别的感 觉已经不在了,我们所剩下的只有一堆陈词 滥调,或者一堆从未有过的回忆。这个就好 像是目前一件事情的发生速度造成了一种 严重的不同步:过量的图片信息反而让这一 代对事情视而不见,没能力看懂所提供的内
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容,处于一种逆向的幻觉中。” 为期一个多月的群展通过摄影、雕塑 及影像装置等不同媒介反映这种超负荷的 经验。作品集体表达了一种介于想像和回归 之间的状态——好比一种既渴望逃离,却又 被困住的感受,同时又觉得所有的物体都变 得毫无生气,且在逐渐消失。 陈浩扬说:“无论现在的城市空间变 得如何同质化(这个过程目前仍在持续当 中),这些往往被忽略的艺术家的作品为我 们提供了新的见解,我们得以带着历史距离 感,以不同的方式正视记忆缺失,这一动力 源于人们渴望保留一个适于创造及生存的 空间。” 艺术门画廊总监艾尔西亚·威尔弗拉·克 雷斯表示,“这一系列的香港艺术家多媒体 作品为我们对这座城市的历史审视呈献了 绝妙解读。”
Pearl Lam Galleries recently presented a group exhibition of mostly historical artworks by Ho Siu-Kee; Ellen Pau; Sara Wong; and Vincent Yu. The exhibition title Déjà Disparu took reference from Hong Kong: Culture and the Politics of Disappearance, a seminal book on Hong Kong’s cultural politics of the 1990’s written by the renowned cultural theorist Ackbar Abbas. Curated by David Chan, the exhibition investigated our numbness towards the rapid physical changes of our urban space, and explored our collective consciousness of locality and time. Déjà Disparu is defined by Abbas as: “the feeling that what is new and unique about the situation is always already gone, and we are left holding a handful of clichés, or a cluster of memories of what has never been. It is as if the
speed of a current event is producing a radical desynchronization: the generation of more and more images to the point of saturation going together with a general regression of viewing, an inability to read what is given to view, the state of reverse hallucination.” Déjà Disparu focused on selected artists who emerged from the late 1980’s and early 1990’s. The exhibition simulated this overloaded experience through different media of photography, sculpture, and video installation. These artworks express collectively an in-between state of imagination and regression that is metaphorical of a desire to escape versus being contained and where objects become flattened and dematerialized. David Chan, curator of Déjà Disparu said, “Regardless of how homogenous the urban spaces have become (a process that is still very much happening in the present) the selection of artworks by these often overlooked individuals offers new insights into different ways of confronting amnesia with a historical distance that are largely driven by a strong desire to preserve a space for creativity and survival.” Althea Viafora-Kress, International Director of Pearl Lam Galleries said: “This examination of Hong Kong through a series of multi-media works by leading homegrown artists provides a fascinating insight into the city’s cultural history.”
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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.76 飨宴
Dining / P.100 人物
Profile / P.106
WineClub / P.108
上海浦东文华东方酒店水疗中心 At the Mandarin Oriental Pudong’s Qi Bar: Serenity Amidst the Spires
Chic Digs
当奢华酒店与时尚携手同行,华丽“跨界”的范思哲、 拉夫·劳伦等一众大牌是不是让你有一探究竟的好奇心? Fashion and hotels go hand in hand, and this selection of luxury hotels was designed by names such as Ralph Lauren and Versace. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Respective hotels
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Hotel Le Bellechasse, Paris
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巴黎高级女装界鼎鼎有名的设计师克 里斯汀·拉克鲁瓦打造的时装秀曾让巴黎出 现万人空巷的场景,那么贝勒沙塞酒店获 得赞誉无数就不足为奇了,因为除了拉克 鲁瓦,还有谁能有这样的神来之笔?贝勒 沙塞酒店的室内设计正是出自这位大师之 手。酒店位于法布格圣日耳曼大街,与巴 黎最负盛名的几个博物馆近在咫尺,奥赛 美术馆便是其中之一。而酒店内饰灵感来 源于左岸的波希米亚氛围,34 间个性客房 艺术味十足,却又温馨如家,可抚慰游人 疲惫的身心。 Who else but Christian Lacroix could design an interior like this? For the Hotel Le Bellechasse, Lacroix created a whimsical home away from home in the Faubourg St.Germain. The interiors were inspired by the Bohemian atmosphere of the Left Bank. As a result, an artistic spirit pervades the 34 unique rooms. Appropriately it’s conveniently located steps away from some of the city’s best museums, including the Musée d’Orsay.
Armani Hotel, Dubai
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全球首家阿玛尼酒店位于世界最高建 筑——光鲜亮丽的迪拜哈利法塔,这是时 尚巨子乔治·阿玛尼进军酒店业打响的头 炮,设有 160 间客房及套房、8 间餐厅和 12000 平方英尺的水疗中心,所有家具均 为阿玛尼家居定制产品。 Appropriately the Armani Hotel is in the world’s tallest building the sleek Burj Khalifa. Giorgio Armani’s slick hotel debut features 160 rooms and suites decked out with bespoke furnishings by Armani/Casa, as well as eight restaurants and a 12,000-square-foot spa.
Palazzo Versace, Queensland
世界上第一家范思哲酒店坐落在澳大利亚的黄金海岸,是多娜 泰拉·范思哲(詹尼·范思哲的胞妹)对已故品牌创办人詹尼·范思哲 的致敬之作。这个极尽奢华的海滨酒店本身就像一件出自名门的华 丽时装,浓郁的意大利风情体现出范思哲一贯的美丽、奢华和贵气。 步入这座光彩夺目的宫殿,就像走进一个文艺复兴时期的大型精美 艺术品中。200 间奢华卧房配备落地窗、私人露台和花样繁复的装饰, 从色彩缤纷的豪华家具到 4 间餐厅里用的瓷器、玻璃制品都源自范 思哲品牌。 A tribute to the late Gianni Versace by his sister Donatella, this sumptuous waterfront hotel is in signature Versace Italianate style and includes 200 lavish bedrooms with floor-to-ceiling windows, private balconies, and opulent decor. Everything on the premises is by Versace, from the colorful and extravagant furnishings to the glass and china used in the hotel’s four restaurants.
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Maison Moschino, Milan 超现实主义风格的梅森莫斯奇诺酒店 由 1840 年的新古典主义风格老火车站改建 而成,外表高贵典雅,内里则是爱丽丝梦 游仙境般的奇异国度。65 间客房和套房以 各种各样的梦境和童话故事为主题,如小 红帽、爱丽丝梦游仙境、花瓣世界、金色 时代等,从深红色晚礼服延伸而成的大床 到缓缓散落玫瑰花瓣的枝形吊灯,每个细 节都展现了创意与做梦的力量。 Lending its surrealist touch to hospitality, Italian fashion house Moschino conceived this hotel in an 1840s Neoclassical railway station. The 65 rooms and suites are full of dramatic storybook details, from beds draped in crimson ball gowns to chandeliers dripping with rose petals.
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牙买加蒙特歌湾环山酒店 及别墅度假村
Round Hills Hotel and Villas, Montego Bay 独具一格的蒙特歌湾环山酒店及别墅 度假村吸引了诸多美国游客,那还有比拉 夫·劳伦更合适的客房设计人选吗?他将酒 店“菠萝屋”36 间客房变成了优雅且带有 殖民风情的海滨天堂。白色石头地板、桃 花心木四柱床以及其他考究的家具,让人 仿佛来到了夏日亲水奢华别墅。 An exclusive resort in Jamaica, the Round Hills Hotel and Villas attracts a discreet clientele of Americans and who better than Ralph Lauren to design the rooms? He turned the 36 rooms at the resort’s Pineapple House into a haven of elegant beachside living with a colonial touch. With white stone floors, mahogany four-poster beds and plush furnishings, the place resembles a luxurious summer villa.
多米尼加托尔图加湾 蓬塔卡纳俱乐部度假村
Tortuga Bay at Puntacana Resort and Club 传说每一个来到多米尼加的人都恨不 得把头深深埋进沙里,就像扎进柔软的大 床一样欢喜。充满热带风情和时尚气息的 托尔图加湾蓬塔卡纳俱乐部度假村得天独 厚,共设 13 栋海滨大别墅,其室内设计均 出自多米尼亚裔设计师奥斯卡·德拉伦塔之 手。作为美国十大设计师之一,德拉伦塔 以设计名贵华丽的礼服著称,十分讲究工 艺质感和高贵品味。值得一提的是,他本 人还在酒店旁边置办了房产。波澜壮阔的 汪洋、16600 英亩的私家海滩、唤醒感官 愉悦的 Spa,让最讲究的高球场鉴赏家都 称赞不已的两个顶级高尔夫球场……怎么 样,大师选择的避世之所是不是让你有一 探究竟的好奇心? This luxe Caribbean getaway, comprised of 13 spacious villas, boasts tropical-chic interiors courtesy of Oscar de la Renta, a Dominican Republic native, who also owns a home nearby. Set on 16,600 private beachfront acres, the property offers a Six Senses spa and two golf courses.
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Promotion 说西安人民大厦是古城最好的建筑, 大概西安人都不会反对,尤其在老西安人心 目中,它有着特别的神圣感。其实西安索菲 特人民大厦本身就是一个有着丰厚历史文 化底蕴的目的地。 这家顶级酒店位于古城明代城墙内的 城市中心,毗邻钟楼、鼓楼,紧邻最繁华 的商业金融黄金地带,多家知名百货公司、 超市和银行近在咫尺,周边餐馆和写字楼云 集,可谓闹中取静的居停之地,尤其适合商 旅人士。索菲特人民大厦位置优越,距离火 车站仅 15 分钟车程,距离西安咸阳国际机 场约 45 分钟车程(附近有机场大巴固定停 靠点,每 20 分钟一趟),酒店也提供机场 接送服务,是集现代精品生活与悠久历史文 化为一体的西北首家铂金五星级酒店。
An Ancient City Modernized 在古城西安,索菲特人民大厦就是一个历史文化底蕴深厚的 目的地,其法式生活艺术独具魅力。 Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square boasts a rich historic and cultural background as well as a contemporary French ‘art de vivre.’ 酒店拥有 414 间豪华客房,精美的家 具和时尚的现代装饰,别具特色的热带雨林 花洒,MyBed 索菲特概念卧具,令每一位 宾客都能感受到索菲特品牌的“法式生活艺 术”。所有公共区域全天候无线宽带上网, 让你轻松与世界沟通。索菲特会所更为高端 商务休闲人士提供 56 间精选客房及会所酒 廊,完美诠释尊贵与奢华。 索菲特人民大厦厨师团队秉承创新理 念,为宾客呈献多元化的用餐体验:雅箸西 餐厅提供地中海式自助美食,新开业的巴西
人烧烤餐厅由巴西厨师长苏泽诚意烹制原 汁原味的地道烧烤,锦鱼立日式餐厅为食客带 来精致诱人的生鱼片和铁板烧等日式料理, 乐轩华中餐厅奉上各种创意菜品和传统粤 菜。入夜后,哈瓦那酒吧提供优质葡萄酒 和雪茄,现场乐队带你沉溺于音乐的世界, 感受不一样的震撼。 Probably no one in Xian would deny that Renmin Square is the city’s best building. Especially in the eyes of the city’s natives,
the building has an almost sacred sense. Indeed, it is a great destination, boasting a rich historic and cultural background. Designed to meet China’s new five-star platinum hotel standards, the Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square is an oasis for travelers. Complementing the outstanding features of Renmin Square as an ultimate business and leisure venue, it boasts 414 spacious guestrooms, suites and apartments equipped with ultra-modern conveniences – the exclusive Sofitel’s MyBed, a rainforest shower, broadband internet access - all well placed amidst plush interiors. For the busy executive traveler requiring extra efficiency, the Club Sofitel has 56 rooms and suites with upgraded facilities, services and exclusive benefits. Recognizing the many essentials of doing business in these fast-paced times, the hotel also offers wireless internet access in all public areas. Start your exclusive culinary journey at Sofitel Xian on Renmin Square from the scrumptious buffet with Mediterranean and European specialties in Azur, our all-daydining restaurant. Enjoy the most authentic Brazilian BBQ meats prepared by Brazilian chef Luiz in Churrasco. Indulge in sashimi and sizzling teppanyaki in Japanese restaurant Koi, while the team of Chinese master chefs put together an array of creative culinary selections and Cantonese at Le Chinois. Evenings are times of leisure when guests can enjoy the finest wines and cigars against a background of exhilarating music at Habana Club. 319 Dongxin Street, Xincheng District, Xian Tel: 029 8792 8888
Yong Yi Ting – the Chinese Restaurant
Oasis on the Huangpu 现代都会的喧嚣和逼仄让人疲惫不堪, 铺天盖地的电邮和电话压得人喘不过气来, 而更让人心力交瘁的是无止境的、来自所谓 成功的压力。中国经济腾飞的背后是新生 代精英们夜以继日的不懈努力,然而张弛有 度、劳逸结合才是成功的保障,尽管时不时 “出逃”总是那么遥不可及。不过,在上海 你有了一个新选择——上海浦东文华东方 酒店,与办公室仅咫尺之遥的全新酒店堪称 闹市里的静居,让你以最快的速度远离俗世 尘嚣的羁绊。
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上海浦东文华东方酒店应需而生,设 计紧扣平和、静谧,力图帮助客人沉静心思, 化解一切压力。酒店位于全新海港城内,这 片昔日的船坞属陆家嘴金融区的延伸段,直 接连通了陆家嘴滨江绿地和毗邻酒店入口 的全新大都会游艇会(在建)。362 间宽敞 精美的客房和套房能满足商旅和休闲人士 的一切需求,210 套行政公寓则重新定义了 上海奢华水居的概念。 无论是酒吧和餐厅(6 间),还是引人 入胜的水疗中心,酒店的每个细节都倾其能
事,尽显私密、宁静和奢华理念。其公共区 域由 BUZ 担纲设计,客房设计则交给了恰 达思贝德公司。为庆祝开业,上海浦东文华 东方酒店华丽呈现其当代艺术品典藏系列, 并由国际知名的艺术前线画廊策展。酒店公 共区域及客房内共展示 4000 件原创艺术品。 值得一提的是,酒店设计从本地特色风情中 汲取了丰富灵感,用隐匿手法将黄浦江波光 粼粼的动感、城市天际线、中国雕花窗格和 梧桐下墨韵书香转化为设计元素,种种巧思 皆为营造一个触手可及的避世之所。
The lobby
与高档写字楼仅咫尺之遥的全新上海浦东文华东方酒店 堪称闹市里的静居,让你以最快的速度远离俗世尘嚣的羁绊。 Just a quick jaunt away from your office, the Mandarin Oriental Pudong offers indulgence on a level not previously available in Shanghai. The Shanghai Metropolitan Yacht Club
The Guestroom with a view of the Asia Pearl tower
The endless commotion and crowding of the city, the constant flood of emails and phone calls, and, above all, the overwhelming pressure to perform and be more successful – with stresses like these, it’s impressive that the elites of China’s megacities can keep going, day in and day out. Rejuvenating breaks are necessary but frequent vacations are not usually feasible. Fortunately, for those living in Shanghai, there is a new retreat from all of that clutter and responsibility that is just a stone’s throw away from the office. With every aspect of the design stressing serenity and calm, the Mandarin Oriental Pudong takes your mind off all of the pressures and worries. Its waterfront setting in the newly developed Harbour City is just minutes from the spires of Lujiazui, yet its environment is completely different. This is a precinct for the leisure class just minutes away from where the Shanghai Metropolitan Marine Yacht Club will soon be complete. The 362 guestrooms will suit both those on business trips and locals who need a break. For those who can’t face the inevitable emptiness of returning to a rather less luxuriant home, there are 210 luxury
residences; Shanghai’s only fully serviced riverside residences. Whether in the amenities, the six food and beverages options, or the divine spa, no expense or thoughts for the details have been spared. Every inch of the property has been thoroughly considered, whether by the management or the designers, BUZ Design Consultants for public areas and Chhada Siembieda & Associates for guestrooms. Curated by the renowned Art Front Gallery, the hotel features 4,000 original artworks displayed throughout the public spaces and guestrooms. The design is understated, though colorful, with locally inspired motifs that reference the movement of the Huangpu River waters, Shanghai’s futuristic skyline, carved Chinese window frames and the silhouettes of Shanghai’s plane trees. The colors, scents, and service are all calibrated to bring calm to frazzled guests, liberating them from the hectic world outside. 111 Pudong Road (S), Pudong, Shanghai Tel: 021 2082 9888
聚产业实力 见慈善力量 WIWO 融旅荟周年庆典华丽上演 2013 年 8 月 27 日,由搜狐焦点旅游 地产和 WIWO 融旅荟共同主办、搜狐焦点 公益基金协办的 WIWO 融旅荟“艺”周年 庆典在北京和芳苑 18 号行宫盛世启航,中 国市长协会副秘书长杨捷、中国国际公共关 系协会常务副会长兼秘书长郑砚农和北京 大学知名教授吴必虎等旅游地产行业高端 人士欢聚一堂,共享旅居愿景,见证慈善力 量,使本次庆典不仅是一次行业领袖的交 流,更是一场欢乐的盛宴。 融国粹 会君子 本次 WIWO 融旅荟一周年庆典以“艺” 之名,将国学六艺的精髓融于庆典中,凸 显 WIWO 融旅荟高端的品牌定位和深厚的 品牌内涵。整场庆典以“诗、书、礼、易、 乐、春秋”为主题,划分为六个部分:“诗” 篇重在欣赏,理事们在欣赏慈禧行宫——和 芳苑 18 号行宫古风古韵的建筑艺术的同时, 品评古董字画的诗情画意,畅谈多彩文学和 缤纷人生;“书”篇意为分享,各位理事 在轻松的氛围中聆听了主题为“台湾生活美 学”的分享,台湾著名设计师蔡洁以自身真
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实的人生经历和充满激情的励志故事深情 阐释“人为什么活着”的质朴真理,激起了 现场来宾发自肺腑的共鸣,共同重温梦想的 力量;在“对话旅居梦”环节,来自地产、 旅游等行业的意见领袖与搜狐焦点旅游地 产主编周慧兰女士以及现场来宾进行了热 烈的讨论,共同探讨泛旅游时代背景下旅居 的魅力;“礼”篇的环节为理事星光红毯秀, 各位 WIWO 融旅荟理事在红地毯上尽情展 现个人独特的魅力,尊享明星般的待遇,并 为 WIWO 融旅荟一周年庆典送上真挚的生 日祝福。 雨中秀 见真情 整场庆典引人注目的第一个小高潮是 喜悦的“乐”篇。“乐”即喜悦,在 WIWO 融旅荟迎来一周年庆典之际,为了更好地感 谢理事们在过去一年所做出的贡献和取得 的成就,WIWO 融旅荟特别为各位高端理 事量身打造专属的奖项,以凸现他们与众 不同的特质与荣耀,其中今典集团董事长 张宝全先生和中国市长协会专职副会长陶 斯亮女士分别以其杰出贡献和卓越成就荣获 WIWO 融旅荟 2012-2013 年度领军人物和 年度影响力人物大奖,其他理事也分别荣获 不同的行业认可和专属奖项。 而庆典活动的最高潮无疑是“易”篇, 也就是最温暖的公益慈善募捐环节。搜狐 焦点公益基金管委会副主任康尼女士与现 场来宾分享了需要救助的患病儿童的故事, 让来宾感动不已,尤其激起了众多已为人父 母的理事们的共鸣,大家纷纷上台进行现场 捐赠,为患有先天性心脏病的孤残儿童献上
自己的一份爱心,凸显了 WIWO 融旅荟强 烈的社会责任感。随后进行另一场公益募捐 环节——服装秀表演时,天空突然下起了大 雨,但这丝毫不能阻挡模特们充满爱心的脚 步,现场众嘉宾不约而同地起立,为在大雨 中坚持公益走秀的模特鼓掌,并感谢他们为 先天性心脏病患儿献出的火热爱心。整场庆 典以“春秋”篇收尾,众理事举杯共饮、普 荟同庆,共同欢庆 WIWO 融旅荟周年纪念, 并寄予了对未来的无限期许。 聚实力 展愿景 WIWO 融旅荟经过一年的发展,通过 自身的不懈努力得到越来越多业内同仁的 认可和支持,并不断吸收业内精英加入, 使 WIWO 融旅荟成为文化旅游地产行业的 先行者,不断推进休闲旅游产业融合创新。 伴随着休闲旅游越来越成为社会经济发展 的重要驱动力,度假养生也逐渐成为刚性需 求。在中国逐渐步入泛旅游时代的背景下, WIWO 融旅荟集聚相关行业的智库力量, 共同探讨旅游和地产行业相融合的前景,具 有更深的长远意义。在谈到 WIWO 融旅荟 的未来愿景时,搜狐焦点旅游地产主编周慧 兰女士说道,“我们将继续做文化旅游产业 的决策者平台,在文旅投融资、休闲产业开 发、度假运营、旅居城市品牌四大领域躬身 前行。我们将和各行业领先的意见领袖和组 织合作,共同夯实旅游地产行业坚实的产业 基础,我们也将继续寻找有认同感的合作伙 伴,集聚财智力量,共同推动休闲旅游产业 的融合。”
环球恐龙城万圣迷城 10 月是属于万圣的季节,今年常州环 球恐龙城万圣恐怖倾力巨制“鬼门 13 关” 邀有胆的你前来搞鬼!从 10 月 1 日至 11 月 11 日,惊悚欢乐恐龙园、迷幻温泉、爆 笑打击秀……环球恐龙城将成为一座欢乐 与恐怖、时尚与惊悚、欢笑与尖叫的万圣迷 城。
中华恐龙园: 白天欢笑 晚上尖叫 中华恐龙园,这里是史前霸主恐龙的 神秘家园,这里是充满欢乐与智慧的开心乐 园!国内首台 4D 过山车、神秘的库克苏克 大峡谷、穿越侏罗纪、通天塔、疯狂火龙钻、 水火动力……园内的许多刺激项目都深受 年轻人的喜爱。嘻哈恐龙城区内的亲子游乐 项目以及各种有趣的动物表演,一直都是家 长和小朋友的最爱。今年在万圣期间中华恐
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龙园大开群魔 Party,白天开心鬼畅游,晚 上恐怖鬼难惹。 白天,活泼可爱的小鬼巫穿梭在园里, 给糖他是天使,不给糖就捣蛋,所以去之前 最好备点糖果以“防身”。白天的鬼马精灵 巡游,滑稽的小丑们时而搞怪,时而卖萌, 时而可爱,逗得观众笑声不断。大朋友也可 以带着胆大的小朋友一起到恐龙鬼王的老 巢——鬼巢恐龙山去探险、去挑战。 夜幕降临,猛鬼开始出没,精灵们也 躲了起来。夜间的恐龙园不光能玩与白天一 样的游乐项目,还新增了许多惊险刺激的万 圣元素。开往黄泉的末班车、贩卖尸器官的 灵异集市、恐怖的恶灵狂欢巡游、未知的迷 幻魔窟、魔幻的潮圣 Party、艰难的行尸越狱、 危险丛生的鬼巢恐龙山、惊悚的 14 号研究 所等一系列惊险刺激的项目正等着大胆的 你去挑战。
旅游小贴士: ① 自己买票出游,最好买好返程票; ② 最好别穿新鞋子; ③ 泡温泉尽量自己带好泳衣; ④ 带上防晒霜,做好防晒; ⑤ 衣着以休闲方便为主,运动装最佳。
恐龙谷温泉: 秋季浸心 南瓜养生 恐龙谷温泉,被江苏省地热中心列为 “苏南第一温泉观测中心”,是长三角唯一 国家 5A 级旅游景区温泉,包括温泉主题公 园、VIP 别园、汤屋中心、会议中心、顶级 餐饮会所、温泉定食餐厅、SPA 芳疗美体 康娱、WII 电玩空间等多个项目。 万圣期间,恐龙谷温泉推出红酒池、 当归池、红花池、制首乌池等多个秋季特色 养生温泉,养颜滋润;特推的南瓜美食配以 园内的南瓜装饰,使秋季的恐龙谷更具迷幻 诱惑。
三河三园: 水贯千年 游走古今 如果能体验到一次浪漫的水上之旅, 这样的旅程可谓完美。环球恐龙城的“三 河三园”水上之旅将常州的关河、北塘河、 东支河,红梅公园、东坡公园、中华恐龙园 串联一起,成就常州最佳水上观光路线。 “两 极、四段、十八景、二十桥”的特色游历空 间,沿线粉墙黛瓦、流水人家的江南景致, 夜间流动的灯光犹如跳动的音符,在夜间的 乐章中尽情的表演。水景共享,醉人心扉。
环球恐龙城网址: 预定电话:400-616-6600 建议线路:恐龙谷温泉——“三河三园” 亲水之旅——恐龙城大剧场——中华恐龙园
恐龙城大剧场: 爆笑打击笑不停 恐龙城大剧场,因建立在自然森林的 基础上,被赋予一个很时尚的名称——“树 立方”。一场由中韩联合打造的国内首创 互动式爆笑打击秀《恐龙人》在这里上演。 会跳舞的概念车、逼真的机械恐龙、诙谐搞 笑的表演、欢乐无比的互动、震撼人心的中 国功夫、动感时尚的舞蹈,让人在爆笑与感 动之间感受到《恐龙人》不同的舞台魅力。 演出结束后,观众还可以与喜欢的帅哥、美 女演员一起合影留念。
House of Arts 上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心堪称艺术之家, 其融汇艺术家工作室和展览空间,创造出绝佳的艺术氛围。 The Swatch Art Peace Hotel is a house of art, where artists are encouraged to create freely and exhibit their works.
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和平里套房 Peace Suite
瑞庆里套房 Good Fortune Suite
上海斯沃琪和平饭店艺术中心不仅以 顶级奢华酒店著称,更因别具一格的艺术 设计荣膺 Tatler Travel Awards 2013 大胆创 意设计奖。酒店邀请世界各地才华横溢的 艺术家入住其独具特色的艺术套房,使这 幢屹立于外滩的百年建筑成为焕发勃勃生 机的艺术之家。 和平里套房 和平里套房的设计承载着深厚的历史 底蕴,英国文化和当代元素在此完美融合。 窗外是美丽的外滩江景,温暖的老榆木天 花板和屋顶营造出明亮通透的视觉空间。 浴室外部饰以榆木镶饰,仿若一个坚果壳, 而宽敞的内部则被装饰成光洁的白色。下 沉的淋浴空间在弧形的墙面上饰以龙形雕 刻,于氤氲水气中若隐若现。套房总共 190 平米,营造出充满艺术气息的入住氛围。
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木百福里套房 250 平米的木百福里套房呈现出中国艺术 与传统手工艺的独特魅力。黑白两色的巧 妙运用让套房充满了独特的韵味。色调和 材料参考了布料和纸张的黑色阴影与中国 书法之间的奇妙关联。客厅摆放着仿制传 统中式卧榻的木制家具,休闲区的墙面上 饰有精致的泰丝壁纸,描绘出一幅落英缤 纷的美景。卧室不仅拥有俯瞰黄浦江的鸟 巢状大床,还有抛光大理石特制包含柔软 靠枕的长沙发。浴室里,大面积的布料和 玻璃墙幕的结合运用既提供了充足光线又 确保了私密性。 荣盛里套房 荣盛里套房把和平饭店的往昔隐匿于 当代艺术之中。套房朝向南京路西面,柔 和的光线凸显出墙面的中性色调和地板的 深沉色泽。蛋黄色的客厅鼓励入住的宾客 自由发挥想像进行艺术创作。墙上挂有大 幅的帆布画轴,房间中央的巨大矮桌上备
有供墙面创作的各式工具。在宾客离店后, 他们的创作被精心剪裁后寄送给他们,成 为在斯沃琪和平饭店入住的特别纪念。镜 面房中的吧台是享用鸡尾酒的理想之处。 T 形浴室内包含一个图书室。椭圆形卧室则 拥有一个可俯瞰南京路的阳台。235 平米的 套房里放置了上千只工艺小羊,宾客入睡 前还可以数一数。 瑞庆里套房 瑞庆里套房总面积 87 平米,是楼下艺 术家客房的高端复刻客房。套房风格简约, 光线充足,所用材质优雅纯净。全透明浴 室拥有充足的自然光线,以灰白色瓷砖铺 就,墙面是蛋壳色的马赛克。卧室以深色 榆木天花板和地板以及白色墙面或灰色裸 露砖墙构成。所有家具皆为个性化定制, 或是真皮表面座椅,或以坚固榆木制作。 现代风格的家具营造出后工业时代特别的 居住氛围,非直射光源的运用更增强了挑 空感。
Bestowed the prestigious Tatler Travel Award for “Daring Design” in 2013, The Swatch Art Peace Hotel has long been renowned for its original and artistic interiors. By inviting talented artists from across the world to live in its luxurious artistic suites, it has truly become a shining icon of art culture on the Bund.
木百福里套房 Happiness Suite
The Peace Suite The design of this 190 square meter suite embodies the city’s colorful history by integrating Shanghai’s past and its contemporary elements. The suite is spacious, clear and bright with its ceiling and roof made from Chinese elm, and boasts an impressive view over the Bund and Huangpu River. The nutshell-like bathroom is also clad in Chinese elm, revealing a monolithic interior in glossy white. The arc-shaped wall surface within the sunken bath space is embossed with a dragon design, which is partly hidden and partly visible during bathing. The Peace Suite certainly exudes artistic sentiment to its guests. The Happiness Suite This 250 square meter suite is an exploration of Chinese arts and handicrafts. The use of white and black creates a stark yet elegant style, while other colors and materials were inspired by the delicate relation between fabric and paper, featuring large black shadows and Chinese calligraphy. The living room is decorated with wooden furniture modeled on traditional Chinese beds, with the wall of the lounge space covered with exquisite silk embroidery of oriental cherries. The sleeping area comprises an elevated bird’s nest-inspired bed in rattan, overlooking the Huangpu River, and a tailor made divan in polished marble with soft lounge pillows inside. The bathroom is hidden behind a wrapped glass wall covered in drapery, which ensures both sufficient light and necessary privacy.
荣盛里套房 Prosperity Suite
木百福里套房 Happiness Suite
The Prosperity Suite The 235 square meter Prosperity Suite mixes contemporary art with the Peace Hotel’s history. Looking over Nanjing Road to the west, the light here is subdued, giving the suite a soft feel. This has been augmented with neutral tints on the walls and dark wooden floors. The egg-yolk yellow living room is a space that generates art, with large canvas rolls hanging on the walls and a number of art utensils arranged on a large low table in the center of the room. When guests leave the hotel, their work will be cut into proper size and sent to them as a lasting memory of their stay at the Swatch Art Peace Hotel. The bar section, in a mirrored room, boasts extraordinary cocktails. The bathroom was developed on a T-shape, with an incorporated library, and the wonderful oval bedroom features a balcony overlooking Nanjing Road. As an added delight, the suite is decorated with one thousand sheep to count while drifting off to sleep. The Good Fortune Suite The 87 square meter Good Fortune Suite is a high end version of the artist residences on the floors below, designed to be a simple artist loft with lots of light and a blend of utilitarian details and materials with refinement in the clean simple detailing. A large exposed bathroom filled with natural light is finished in small off-white and eggshell white mosaic ceramic tiles, while the bedrooms boasts Chinese elm ceilings and floors with either white or exposed brick walls. All furniture is custom made and lacquered, with leather or carved solid elm seating. The contemporary furniture creates a special post-industrial ambience, and the indirect lighting enhances the mood of the design. 23 East Nanjing Road (Bund 19), Shanghai Tel: 021 2329 8500
蔚柳溪: 从身到心的舒展
Find Your Energy at Willow Stream Spa 总是在全球最美地方选址的费尔蒙酒 店及度假村拥有屡获殊荣的“蔚柳溪”水 疗中心,每个水疗中心都反映了其周围的 能量:沙漠、高山、大海或城市风光,并 提供费尔蒙独特的豪华卓越的服务,打造 焕然一新的水疗体验。从亚利桑那斯科特 斯戴尔的火红色石山到繁华大都会上海, 蔚柳溪唤起了充满能量的生活模式。 位于蜚声国际的外滩传奇酒店——费 尔蒙上海和平饭店的蔚柳溪水疗中心九月 推出全新理疗单,完美结合现代西方和传 统东方哲学,用宁静优雅的手法重新演绎 水疗理念,并与最先进的护肤产品和康体 科技相结合,帮助客人达到阴阳平衡、身 心和谐的完美境界,必将再次领导水疗行 业最新风尚,成为极致奢华享受典范。 蔚柳溪所有护理均围绕能量而设计, 并且配合使用英国芳疗协会等国际高级水 疗品牌。灵感源自和平饭店的璀璨历史及 上海过去到现在的繁华特质,护理融入历 久不衰的水疗传统、中国元素以及与上海、 与和平饭店有着千丝万缕关系的上乘技术 及产品。其护理项目包括蔚柳溪金尊护理、 岁月修护舒缓面部护理——玉石理疗及金 鱼子尊贵温泉护理疗程。商务人士也可享 用各款专为他们而设的护理,包括重获能 量按摩、时差治疗、日月按摩,还有芳香 草药瑜伽疗法和外滩背部按摩等。 蔚柳溪水疗中心面积达 1008 平米,分 设交际及静休之用的空间,其中包括设备 完善的健身中心、瑜伽房和自然采光游泳 池、宁谧的休憩区,总计十一间豪华理疗室, 其中两间是设有独立水疗、浸浴与休憩空 间的双人理疗室。 Fairmont Hotels and Resorts boasts the award-winning spas in the most beautiful places in the world. Each reflects the energy of its surroundings: the desert, the mountains, the sea, or the cityscape, and all offer Fairmont’s unique brand of luxury and outstanding service, coupled with authentic spa experiences. From the sun washed stone mountains in Scottsdale, Arizona to the vibrant city of Shanghai, Willow Stream Spas inspire living with abundant energy.
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Willow Stream Spa, at the legendary Fairmont Peace Hotel on the Bund, whose history overshadows that of any other hotel in the Far East is leading a new trend in SPAs with its most updated treatment list starting in September. Drawing on the hotel’s storied legacy as a crossing point of East and West, Willow Stream Spa embodies both modern Western and traditional Chinese philosophies in a setting equally lavish and luxurious. Ancient diagnostics and traditional Chinese healing methods are delivered with the tranquility and grace from which they have evolved and modernized to combine up to the minute skin care and well-being advances from around the world - a balance of yin and yang energy. All therapies at Willow Stream Spa are “energy inspired,” featuring prestigious international spa brands like Aromatherapy
Associates. Drawn from the glorious history of Fairmont Peace Hotel and the cosmopolitan character of Shanghai - past and present the treatments incorporate time-honored spa traditions, Chinese influences, and advanced techniques and products connecting one to the soul of Shanghai and of Fairmont Peace Hotel. The new extensive menu also offers advanced face treatments such as Willow Stream Gold Finesse, Anti - Aging Relaxing Jade Facial Therapy and the Golden Caviar Deluxe Facial. And businessmen will feel right at home with a selection of treatments designed specifically for their needs – Find Your Energy, Jet Lag Cure, Customized Barber Face Treatment – as well as a Bund Back Massage, Sun and Moon and Aroma Herbal Yoga Therapy. The 1,008 square meter spa is specially designed with spaces for socializing and quiet relaxation. It features an integrated fitness centre, a yoga studio, a sky lit indoor swimming pool, a tranquil reflexology lounge and eleven single suites which include two couples’ suites each with its own private hydrotherapy, bathing and lounging areas. 20 Nanjing Road East, Huangpu District, Shanghai Tel: 021 6138 6818
海河之滨的 心灵栖息地
A Spiritual Home in Tianjin
与中国汉字“文”的寓意一样,万达 文华酒店致力打造心灵栖息的家园。万达文 华酒店精心营造祥和温馨的氛围,环境优雅 而又不失个性,处处流露出中国文化的深厚 底蕴与艺术气息。9 月 25 日华丽启幕的天 津万达文华酒店是万达酒店及度假村管理 有限公司麾下国际超五星级酒店,也是其在 华北地区投资并管理的首家万达文华品牌 酒店。酒店的强势进驻必会为天津旅游饭店 业注入“个性、精致、愉悦”的全新奢华体验。 酒店位于天津河东区核心商圈,毗邻 海河,坐拥绝美河景,地理位置优越,交通 十分便利。酒店以始终如一、温情倍至的服 务诠释独特浓厚的东方底蕴,通过现代化设 计和世界顶级设施彰显卓尔不凡的国际风 范。其率先将独一无二的品牌特色“万达文 华天使”迎宾服务以及茶艺师精心演绎的中 华茶道“茶之旅”引入天津,同时创建一个 中西合璧、令人回味的美食天堂,包括汇聚 中华美食精髓的品珍中餐厅、囊括世界各地 美味的美食汇全日餐厅,还有呈现顶级美酒 和雪茄文化的丘吉尔红酒雪茄吧,为美食美 酒爱好者带来全新难忘的味蕾体验。 1400 平米无柱大宴会厅配备全市唯一 100 平米 LED 显示屏、顶级会议活动设施 和专业体贴的会议管家服务,以及 7 个可 灵活组合的、功能完备的多功能厅,是举办 企业年会、婚宴庆典和高端产品新闻发布会 等各类高端活动的最佳场所。酒店顶层设立 豪华的“名仕会”会所,极尽奢华的娱乐和 Spa 设施、“星河”酒吧、海河景观以及专 属电梯等带来专属的商务空间和休闲之所, 让成功名仕尽享非凡尊崇。 充满东方温情的天津万达文华酒店为 客人提供私享服务和艺术氛围,让每段旅程 都恣意舒展,尽享优雅。
As suggested by the Chinese character wen, Wanda Vista is born to be a spiritual home, offering a blissful ambience and a refined personality where the extraordinary elegance of Chinese art and culture inspire everything it does. Wanda Vista Tianjin, launched on 25 September 2013, is the first international super five-star hotel in North China both invested and operated by Wanda Hotels & Resorts Co., Ltd. It’s highly expected to bring a brand new luxury experience to Tianjin’s hospitality: individuality, delicateness and pleasure. Located at the business centre of Hedong district and adjoining the famous Haihe River, Wanda Vista Tianjin enjoys convenient transportation. The new 297-room hotel is an exquisite paradise of hospitality and oriental culture in a cosmopolitan style. Ideally designed for business and leisure, the hotel is the first one to provide an elegant oasis of
ultimate comfort with luxurious guestrooms, world-class dining options and the signature “Wanda Vista Angel” greeting services as well as the timeless tradition of “Cha Journey” to this city. Café Vista features an exquisite selection of global delicacies and ZHEN Chinese restaurant gathers specialties from all Chinese cuisines. For something a little more relaxed, the Churchill Wine & Bar is the perfect place to de-stress and unwind in the intimate ambience of its exclusive location with premier wines and cigars. Be it a meeting, a wedding or a social event; Wanda vista Tianjin is the place to go, offering a 1400sqm pillar-less Grand Ballroom with state of art technology including a 100sqm LED screen and 7 different sized function rooms with one-stop event butler services to make every occasion a great success. “Club Reign”, a private luxury club on the top two floors of Wanda Vista Tianjin, is for the elites. The private “Legend” Chinese Restaurant, “Universe” KTV, “SHUI” Spa, “Galaxy” Bar and wonderful views of Hai He River and exclusive elevators will create an intimate business environment and generate a profound sense of dignity for VIP members. Featuring rich Oriental ambience and world-class facilities, Wanda Vista Tianjin is sure to offer guests an extravagant experience of exclusive services and artistry and make every stay elegant and unforgettable.
486 Bahao Road, Da Zhi Gu, Hedong District, Tianjin Tel: 022 2462 6888
A New Interpretation of "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" T Text: Eva Liu Photos: Lan Zhong@ Yinhuashishang Studio
“骏马奔腾”,青烟缭绕,一座远山, 一园净水,一杯清茶,一捧仙荷,一染墨 韵……走进刚开业的大董烤鸭店工体富春 山居店,犹如走进了一座世外园林。室外, 山、水、花、草、院落,疏密得当;室内, 餐具、桌椅、字画、灯光、摆饰,雅致隽永。 店面整体设计为元代风格,并以元代名画 《富春山居图》为设计理念。这里既古典 又时尚,既有元代风格又处处体现“蓝调 北京”的感觉,带给宾客的是一种聆听万 物的心态。据说大部分灵感源自大董之手, 一山一石、一花一木也都是大董带领徒弟 们一块块码放、一株株栽种而成。 在工体东门这个京城最具人气的时尚 高端餐饮聚集地,如大董般霸气的实属罕 见——占地 8000 平米,设有 27 个包房、 700 个餐位,外加一个苏格兰威士忌吧“云 顶 1919”,以及两处别致的小庭院,任你
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恣意探索这处世外桃源。 工体富春山居店吸引众多食客的不光 是宁静致远的环境,还有大董的经典创意 菜。大董的每一道菜几乎都有精彩文化解 读,都有那么一段故事。新店还提倡“不 时不食”,每个季节都会适时推出时令菜, 菜品四季变换分为“春歌、夏梦、秋韵、 冬趣”,并赋予其特别的美食寓意,此种 独树一帜的风格着实不多见。而酥不腻烤 鸭、董氏烧海参、栗子白菜等招牌菜品始 终保持着高品质、高点击率。至于餐厅的 更多迷人之处,亲身体验后你就知道了。
he renowned Yuan Dynasty painting "Dwelling in the Fuchun Mountains" depicts idyllic scenery you’d never imagine as the surroundings of a restaurant; but Da Dong’s new flagship restaurant near the Beijing Worker’s Stadium boasts such beautiful sculptures of horses, lakes, lotus, distant hills, and wisps of smoke that it certainly does the artwork justice. Inside, tableware, desks and chairs, calligraphy and paintings, even the lighting are all meticulously designed in position to create a classic yet contemporary style, aiming to create a desire to get closer to nature. It’s said that Da Dong himself came up with the whole idea, and every stone, flower and tree was carefully positioned by him and his apprentices. Considering that the new location is a prized one in this city, Da Dong’s new restaurant is quite generous in size: 8000 square meters comprise 27 private rooms, 700 seats, a Scotch whisky bar called Springbank 1919 as well as two elegant courtyards. What attracts people here is not only to the unique environment but also the creative cuisine, behind which is both cultural background and stories. Menus change with the seasons, with names like “Spring Song,” “Summer Dream,” “Autumn Melody” and “Winter Fun.” And of course if you’re looking for Da Dong’s lauded Super Lean Roast Duck or other specialties like Braised Sea Cucumber or Braised Cabbage with Chestnut in Saffron Sauce, you won’t be disappointed.
North of the East Gate of Beijing Workers Stadium, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6551 1806 /08
Alfie’s Beijing: 地道英伦味儿
Modern British Cool Text: Eva Liu Photos: Alfie’s Beijing
艺术气息浓厚的时尚新地标北京芳 草地购物中心又添新秀——品牌概念空间 Alfie’s Beijing。这是登喜路在世界各地开 设的第四家 Alfie’s,它秉承品牌一贯优雅 卓越的英伦风范,并奉行以绅士之道服务 城中绅士的待客哲学,为宾客提供着无可 挑剔的服务。 Alfie’s Beijing 由餐厅、酒廊与酒吧 组合而成,处处营造出现代英伦惬意氛围。 艺术装饰风格的玻璃窗、暗色调墙面、质 感细腻的真皮沙发和古董椅,配上光滑的 大理石地面,优雅中带着阳刚。除了宽敞 的室内空间,光线明亮的大阳台也彰显了 品牌格调。 餐厅菜单并不长,菜品由 Alfie’s 厨 师团队选用最新鲜精良的食材用心烹成, 各类缤纷创意饮品更为美食体验融入新意。 掌勺主厨菲利浦·罗宾逊是位英国绅士,不 仅深谙撩拨味蕾之道,汲取地中海烹饪精 华,也推崇“少即是多”的烹饪哲学。他 认为最简单的食材搭配不仅令食客品味出 食材各自独有的味道,亦能达到近乎完美 的平衡口感。美食与美酒通过主厨精巧打 理,与登喜路品牌文化完美融合,呈现出 不拘一格的精致。若是之前对英国菜不甚 了了,大可冲着烤牛肉配约克郡布丁、炸 鱼薯条、英式煎扇贝和鞑靼牛排去。
lfie’s Beijing, the fourth Alfie’s that Alfred Dunhill has opened across the world, is ideally located in Parkview Green, a true symbol of modern lifestyle which integrates shopping, dining and art. Adhering to the brand’s concept of masculine contemporary elegance, luxury and the essence of the British gentleman, Alfie’s Beijing offers impeccable services in the most English style. Alfie’s Beijing consists of a restaurant, a lounge and a bar. The entire interior is elegant, masculine and modern, reflected in the Art Decostyle glass windows, dark walls, and textured leather sofas and antique chairs. The glossy marble floors and marble bar are in contrast to the soft lighting, while the ‘library’ space evokes a British study filled with wood and leather. The bright light of the balcony reflects the brand’s artistic style, lush and vibrant. Alfie’s Beijing is specifically designed for discerning guests who appreciate the very best. Led by Alfred Dunhill’s impeccable service concept, all the food at lunch, afternoon tea and dinner is perfectly prepared by Alfie’s team of chefs using the freshest and finest ingredients. A wide variety of creative beverages also incorporate new ideas into the dining experience. The menu of Alfie’s Beijing is kept simple; head Chef Phillip Robinson’s cooking philosophy is “less is more,” and he knows not only what guests’ taste buds most desire but also how to incorporate the pride of Mediterranean cooking. He believes the most important thing about cooking is making the most simple and distinctive ingredients work perfectly together, letting the taste of each ingredient come through so that guests can enjoy the most balanced flavor. If you’re not familiar with British cuisine, you can’t go wrong with the Roast Beef, Fish & Chips or Steak Tartar at Alfie’s Beijing.
L1-22, No.9 Dongdaqiao Road, Parkview Green FangCaoDi, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5662 8777
LifeStyle 101
Pinotage: 闭上眼睛去南非
A Taste of South Africa Text: Biying Zeng Photos: Pinotage
三里屯新开的 Pinotage,极简原木设 计搭配轻装饰艺术风的座椅,温暖在这里 是可以名状的,无论是空气中的葡萄酒香 气,还是尝一口就再也停不下来的道地南 非美食。 风干牛肉完美诠释了黑胡椒、盐、香 草籽包覆的南非热情,充满了阳光的味道, 好似好望角的海风挑逗起你的味蕾。老饕 们赞不绝口的牛肉三角饼,裹着咖喱酱汁, 咬一口就蹦出来的葡萄干,在甜味辣味牛 肉香的烘托下让人停不下嘴。 蟹肉、鳄梨、鱼子酱盛在极致冰鲜的 整块海盐之上,汹涌而来的冰凉咸甜,一 如海浪用波涛带起海洋的生命,捧着鱼子, 你还没来得及抗拒,就已经淹没在口感之 下,海盐的后味彻底颠覆你的想像。 南非菜多长时间烤制的肉食,常搭配 一些红酒、洋葱、西红柿,让香味更加浓郁。 羊腿鲜嫩细致,搭配防风泥和菠菜的口感 温暖爽滑;牛骨髓经过 4 小时的红酒烹制 入口即化,捣碎的罗勒杂糅松露缠绵着融 化中的牛骨髓,菌菇的口感丝毫不粘腻, 甚至让人食欲大振。 五花肉和香蕉酱是奇妙却完满的组合。 烤制肉铺上一层香蕉泥,盛以金灿灿的脆 猪皮,随着风干香蕉片一起在口中喷发出 香味,冲击着你的感官,末了卷起一片红 菜羊奶酪,浓郁中透出蔬果的清爽,轻盈 跃起,层层叠叠,简单却让人沉浸。
在 Pinotage 你会忍不住闭上眼睛,只 用嘴巴和心体会主厨安伯·迪特莱弗斯用食 物和酒传达的热情。曾经师从顶级厨神戈 登·拉姆齐的安伯不仅与几个合伙人一起将 Pinotage 经营得有声有色,还把南非葡萄 酒课堂搬到了中国。酒架上 25 个不同品牌 的葡萄酒将远方的新鲜封存速递到眼前, 趣味盎然的葡萄酒培训课更倾吐了主人分 享的热情。
eijing’s stylish Sanlitun recently witnessed the opening of Pinotage, a South African-style restaurant, where minimalist wooden design is complemented perfectly by light Art Deco seating. The ambience here is warm and elegant, with the scent of wine in the air and their deliciously authentic South African cuisine. The air-dried beef, with black pepper, salt and vanilla beans, represents wonderfully the unique South African enthusiasm, with a taste full of sunshine. One bite will whisk you away to the Cape of Good Hope, where you can feel the fresh sea breeze dance across your tongue. The triangle beef pies, with spicy curry sauce and sweet raisins, have garnered great praises from veteran diners. In another great combination, crab meat, avocado and caviar are served on a whole chunk of chilled sea salt, combining icy, sweet and salty tastes which surge against each other but don’t overwhelm. With the tantalizing aroma of the dishes here, one just can’t resist the temptation. The South African cuisine also features slow-roasted meats, cooked with red wine, onions and tomatoes for a more intense flavor. The tender leg of lamb is juicy and delightful with spinach and smashed parsnip; Bovine bone marrow melts in your mouth after 4-hours of roasting with red wine, playing against the earthy mix of mashed basil and truffles, while mushrooms retain the perfect texture, not becoming sticky at all. Streaky pork and banana sauce is yet another fantastic combination: grilled pork, coated with a layer of banana sauce is placed on a slice of golden, crisp pork rind, and served with air-dried banana chips for a marvellous experience and will astound your senses. Lastly, take a slice of goat cheese with purple bok choi. The combination boasts rich, layered yet light and refreshing flavors, and despite its simplicity is deliciously intoxicating. At Pinotage, you can feel Head Chef Amber Deetlef’s enthusiasm even if you close your eyes: through smell, through taste, through the heart of the cuisine. A former student of master chef Gordon Ramsay, Amber, along with his business partners, runs Pinotage quite well, and has also introduced South African wine classes to China, as well as 25 brands of wine on the racks which express the owner’s enthusiasm for sharing culture through cuisine.
Unit 2-105, Bldg 2, Sanlitun SOHO, 8 Gongti Beilu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 5785 3538
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意大利厨师罗伯托·马斯里游历世界 26 年汲取无限灵感,在北京开了 Bantu 餐厅。 你甚至不用点菜,把胃交给罗伯托,拥有 精湛厨艺的他定会给你惊喜的。 从开胃菜开始,意大利传统火腿、招 牌沙拉、小墨鱼配芦笋,振奋的味道轻易 就让秋日闲适触手可及。 一勺温暾的紫薯鳕鱼汤,外酥里嫩的 鳕鱼片漂浮在美好的紫色之上,滴入星星 点点的香草油,阳光的味道层层叠叠,唇 喉间的柔滑勾起更多尝试的欲望。 形状可人的手工意式饺子被金针菇簇 拥着,咬一口,虾肉的鲜韧混合着薄面皮 的半融口感充盈味蕾,再配上帕玛森芝士 和戈根索拉芝士,一口吃下,唇边留下淡 淡的咸香,让人意犹未尽。 手工虾仁意粉外糯里韧,土豆汁和芝 士的香浓跃然舌尖,鲜虾的味调迅猛攀至 浓郁之上,一层一层透露出传统意式美食 的诚意,地中海小镇恍若眼前。 巧克力舒芙蕾的甜蜜与开心果冰淇 淋冰凉交融,这道甜品将巧克力的美妙演 绎到极致,微苦与冰凉的碰撞让初秋的燥 热烟消云散;一抹绿茶,仿若眼前便是弥 漫着芬芳的地中海夜色,一餐的结尾恰似 Bantu 里复古曲调渐潜渐深的撩人。
Philosophy of Food Text: Biying Zeng Photos: Bantu
在 Bantu 也能买到意大利进口食品和 酒,当然少不了奶酪制品和饼干。大厨罗 伯托对美好事物和生活的热情赋予了菜品 独特的生命力,每一段旅程、每一段回忆、 每一次顶级餐厅的经验都是他的灵感来源, 他说这就是 Bantu 的美食哲学。
nspired by 26 years of traveling around the world, Italian chef Roberto Masili has recently opened Bantu Italian Restaurant in Beijing, where guests can expect to be rescued from the banal task of ordering from the menu with haute cuisine suggestions for a picky stomach. Surprising delights begin with the appetizers: Traditional Italian Cold Cuts, Bantu’s signature Salad and tender, fresh Baby Squid served with Asparagus, with a fresh taste perfect for the incoming brisk weather of autumn. Then try the Purple Sweet Potato and Cod Fish Soup. At just the perfect temperature, with cod fillets that are crisp on the outside and soft on the inside and sweet vanilla oil, the soup has a tender yet voluptuous flavor, full of layers of taste. Another favorite is the
homemade Tortelli, surrounded by a cluster of needle mushrooms. Fresh shrimp and meltin-your-mouth wrappers are accompanied by Parmesan and Gorgonzola cheeses, for the perfect nutty salty flavor. And don’t miss the handmade shrimp spaghetti, with rich flavors of potato and cheese, followed by the fresh sweetness of the shrimp, unfolding layers of authentic traditional Italian cuisine. A perfect meal always ends with a wonderful dessert. The integration of sweet chocolate souffle and cool pistachios in the ice cream brings out the beauty of the chocolate to perfection, and with a cup of green tea, it seems as if the sweet scenes of a Mediterranean night are right before your eyes. The ambience at the end of the dinner is ideal, with classic music drifting through the air. Italian-imported foods and wines, as well as cheese and biscuits, are also sold at Bantu. Chef Roberto’s enthusiasm towards life and beautiful things seem to infuse his dishes with unique vitality and inspiration based on every trip, every memory and every work experience he has had. This, as he says, is Bantu’s philosophy of food.
202, 2/F China World View, Meilin Building, 2B Gongti Donglu, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8587 1299
LifeStyle 103
A Season for Feasting 菊香蟹正肥 Hairy Crab Season
金秋十月,气候宜人,人们醉心于绚 丽的秋色,更珍惜这月圆人团圆的良辰。 菊香蟹肥,亲朋好友围桌欢谈,再温上一 壶黄酒,无数妙处尽在不言中!在北京一 年中最美的时节,北京金融街洲际酒店季 候风餐厅推出别具一格的大闸蟹自助餐。 肥美的蟹黄搭配脂玉般的蟹肉,甘而醇, 鲜而香,黄似金,白似雪,螯封嫩玉双双满, 壳凸红脂块块香。在你大快朵颐的同时, 还可享受其他来自世界各地的顶级美食。
As Autumn approaches, China starts preparing for one of the most important times for family reunions and meeting friends: MidAutumn Festival. It’s a tradition also to enjoy crabs during this season when they are the fattest and most delicious, accompanied by Shaoxing wine and aura of chrysanthemum. Indulge your loved ones and yourself in the sweet flavor and freshness of hairy crabs this autumn season at InterContinental Beijing Financial Street. Signature dishes include rich crab roe with crab meat, an original fresh and delicious flavor. Come and have an unforgettable experience; indulge in good food and joyful atmosphere at InterContinental Beijing’s Monsoon restaurant. Tel: 010 5852 5916 / 5852 5917
和牛忙献礼 Feast on Wagyu Beef this October
日本和牛是当今世界公认的品质最优 秀的良种肉牛,在日本更是被视为国宝。 几个世纪以来,日本人从紧控制他们的和 牛基因,直到 20 世纪和牛的基因才流向世 界。如今,日本和牛在大多数国家都能进 行繁殖,这独一无二、多汁柔软、口感绝 美的牛肉已经为越来越多的人所熟悉,同 时它也富含多种人体必需的营养素。食用 日本和牛,能够帮助人体抵抗心脏病、高 血压、关节炎、忧郁症和阿尔茨海默病。 秉承日本和牛珍贵基因,澳洲昆士兰 东南部饲养的和牛隆重登陆北京金融街洲 际酒店巨扒房及酒吧。8-9 级的大理石花纹 保证了牛肉的多汁绵柔口感,现到现切的 烹饪技术保持了牛肉的新鲜品质,更有免 费水培生菜供食客现场采摘。香味四溢的 优品和牛搭配新鲜营养的水培生菜,绝对 震撼你的味蕾。 For centuries, the Japanese kept the genetic techniques of their Wagyu under tight control, not releasing them to the world until late into the 20th century. Wagyu cattle are now being bred in a number of countries and more and more people are becoming familiar with the succulent tender beef derived from this unique breed. Renowned for its rich flavours and tenderness, Wagyu beef is also a source of essential vitamins, nutrients and Omega 6, Omega 3 oils, which protect the human body from heart disease, high pressure, arthritis, depression and Alzheimer’s disease. This golden autumn, Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar at InterContinental Beijing Financial Street brings the fantastic taste of Wagyu beef to you. Upholding Japan’s standards, the beef was raised in Queensland Australia and is renowned for its rich flavours and tenderness with a Marble score ranging from 8 to 9. Indulge in the juicy tender texture of the beef paired with the freshest hydroponic lettuce. Don’t miss the chance to bring family and friends here for a delicious feast! Tel: 010 5852 5921 11 Financial Street, Xicheng District, Beijing
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Brunch Attitude at Sofitel Wanda Beijing 在世界上每一个拥有索菲特——全球 唯一的法国奢华酒店品牌的城市里,你既 可以让其才华横溢的调酒师带来一杯值得 慢慢细品的原创鸡尾酒,也可以享用一顿 简餐、一款诱人的糕点或是一场盛大的美 食之旅,感受真正的法式生活艺术。 北京万达索菲特大饭店的 VIC 国际美 食餐厅是北京最为顶级的开放式厨房餐厅, 其设计理念为“让客人巡游品味世界各地 美味,感受各地饮食时尚”,充分展现了 法国人独有的美食烹饪才能。从 2013 年 3 月 1 日起,VIC 国际美食餐厅开启全新周 日早午餐时代,四款别出心裁的主题以强 烈的色彩诱惑味蕾“踏”上美食之旅。 主题 1 可可棕情 现场调酒,特推巧克力鸡 尾酒,融化在浓浓棕色巧克力海洋里。 主题 2 有机鲜绿 精选有机食材,法式甜品 呈现清新绿色。 主题 3 金色法国 经典法餐唯美绽放,集结 20 种法国奶酪。 主题 4 魅力娇粉 粉色不是女生的专利,用 一抹艳丽点亮心情。 VIC 餐厅标志性早午餐结合传统与现 代料理,打造国际美食享受。各式海鲜、 新鲜食材、法国葡萄酒、香槟,品类繁多 的法国经典甜品以及北京之翘楚的奶酪台 将法式奢华风情淋漓演绎。在孩子们的乐 园里还有特别安排的游戏、玩具和动画片。 人民币 408* 元 – 特选软饮及鲜榨果汁; 人民币 438* 元 – 另含葡萄酒、啤酒; 人民币 498* 元 – 另含香槟。
* 价格另加收 15% 附加费;6 岁至 12 岁儿童享受 50% 优惠,小于 6 岁的儿童用 餐免费; ** 特别活动期间除外 As a global ambassador of French national heritage and an integral player in French culture, Sofitel knows that cuisine is a universal language and constantly renewed and rediscovered through local contributions. In countless cities, Sofitel’s restaurants and bars have become go-to places for original cocktails, delicious light lunches, sensational pastries, and creative fine dining with wine selected by the hotel sommelier. The innovative VIC restaurant at Sofitel Wanda Beijing brings casual dining to a higher level of creativity. The open kitchen
concept takes you on a tour of world cuisine with tastes and styles. From cuisine to ambiance, VIC restaurant has revisited its Sunday Brunch since March 1, 2013 and their four different brunches are four different new experiences. Shake & Choc – Welcome the chocolate invasion with trendy cocktails. Organic Green – Healthy and tasty, it is mother earth’s treat. French Gourmet – 20 kinds of cheeses paired with French wines. Stylish Pink – Get ready for a pink extravaganza. Every Sunday, VIC buffet puts on its show regalia. Traditional or modern cuisines, seafood, fresh products, French wines, Champagne…VIC’s open cuisine is a door to indulgence. French savoir faire is showcased with unparalleled quality and variety of breads, pastries and cheeses on offer. Children will love the dedicated area especially arranged for them: games, toys, and a DVD corner. At Sofitel Wanda Beijing, everybody finds a place to be. RMB 408* - soft drinks and juices RMB 438* - wines, beers, soft drinks and juices RMB 498* - champagne and all * Prices are subject to 15% surcharge. Children aged between 6 and 12 years old receive a 50% discount and children under 6 dine for free. ** Not including special events. Tower c Wanda Plaza - 93 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District 100022 - Beijing Tel: 010 8599 6666 ext 6521
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Profile 股向前冲的劲。在冲的过程中,大脑、手、 脚的配合就好比与其他同事、部门之间的配 合,如若配合不够默契,必定摔跤;同时也 要创新,这样才能吸引更多顾客,这就好比 在骑马和滑雪的过程中耍花式吸引眼球。 What are some of the key features of the improved Sichuan cuisine at the Kempinski Hotel Chengdu? Our new Sichuan cuisine has been improved and innovated, of course mainly based on the old dishes, so that it not only absorbs the essence of China’s eight regional cuisines but also borrows the Western style of plate-setting. This way, new Sichuan cuisine becomes more fashionable, healthier and “greener”.
Sichuan Spice with a Cantonese Twist 新派川菜如何在创新中向前冲?成都凯宾斯基饭店中厨房 厨师长张铭的玩转秘诀其实就是四个字,求同存异! Zhang Ming, Head Chef of Harmony Restaurant at Kempinski Hotel Chengdu describes how he keeps Sichuan cuisine fresh and innovative. Text: Liu Yang
成都凯宾斯基饭店新派川菜的主要特点是什 么? 我们在正宗川菜的基础上,融合了八 大菜系的主要特色,并进行改良和创新,再 结合西式的摆盘,创造出绿色、健康、时尚 的新派川菜。 身为广东人,在川菜竞争最为激烈的成都, 面对最爱吃也最讲究吃的成都人,你认为自 己的优势和劣势分别是什么? 作为一名来自广东的厨师,对广东菜 的了解自然不在话下。广东菜以爽、脆、鲜、 嫩以及原汁原味为特色,取料之广堪称全国 各大菜系之最。我来成都多年,对川菜的麻、 辣、甜、咸、酸等味型了然于胸。我总是用 挑剔的目光去选择原材料,再结合广东菜系 的一些原材料,将川菜原料做成广东菜系的 口味,将广东菜原料融入川菜的麻辣当中, 这就是我的优势。当然,很多外地人能接受 川菜的辣,受不了麻,这对我的用料选择会 有一定的影响。
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你有自己偏爱的食材吗?为什么? 我偏爱绿色有机食材。现在越来越多 的人开始注重食品安全和健康的饮食消费 理念,健康食材自然成了人们的首选,这也 是新时代的要求。 说说成都凯宾斯基饭店中餐厅的特色吧。 在我看来,成都凯宾斯基中餐厅的最 大特色就是“求同存异”。要想满足大众化 的口味,就要符合成都这个大环境的要求, 不管是传统川菜、新派川菜还是与其他菜系 的融合,“麻辣”这两个字是最基本的,而 餐厅的“特色菜品”又是必需的,所以麻辣 的“同”加上特色菜品的“异”,必能满足 客人挑剔的味蕾。 听说你很喜欢骑马和滑雪,这两个爱好跟你 的工作有没有什么相通之处? 对于我来说,骑马和滑雪就是“向前 冲”,需要大脑、手、脚、大腿、腰等部位 同时配合,这就如同我们的工作,需要有一
As a Cantonese chef, how would you weigh the pros and cons of Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan and often a center of fierce cooking rivalry? On one hand, I am definitely very familiar with Cantonese cuisine, characterized by its clear, light, crisp and fresh flavors, strictness with ingredients and adventurous palate. On the other hand, I’ve been in Chengdu for so many years that I really know how important the numbing, (a distinctively spicy taste, called “ma” in Chinese) pungent, acidic flavors are to Sichuan cuisine. I can now integrate the two cuisines freely; in fact I’ve always tried to bring Cantonese ingredients into Sichuan cuisine, which I think is one of my advantages here. However, outsiders to Chengdu welcome spicy food but may not be used to the “ma” flavor, which has had an influence on me. What’s your favorite ingredient and why? I am particularly fond of green and organic food. More and more people attach importance to health and food security now and natural ingredients consequentially take the top priority, as the new era demands. What other details about Kempinski Hotel Chengdu’s Chinese restaurant would you like to share? In my opinion, the most distinctive part about the Chinese restaurant in Kempinski Hotel Chengdu is seeking common ground. In order to meet the demands of most Sichuan people, “ma” and spicy flavors are necessary, whether you’re making new or traditional Sichuan cuisine, or blending it with other cuisines. But each dish has its individuality, so I think the “ma” flavor and spicy specialties at Kempinski Hotel Chengdu will please even the pickiest of palates. We've heard that you are a fan of horseriding and skiing. How do you draw inspiration from the two hobbies? Both horse-riding and skiing give me a rushing feeling, and require perfect cooperation between the brain, hands, legs, waist, etc, which is exactly the same with my work: we need to move all the time and good teamwork means everything! Also, innovation is another key method to attract more guests, just like a fancy performance is essential to draw people’s attention when horse-riding or skiing.
A Spanish Food Tour 夏末秋初,为期一个月的北京民族饭店西班牙美食节汹涌来袭, 远道而来的西班牙大厨尼古拉斯与我们分享原汁原味的西班牙“味道”。 Beijing Minzu Hotel recently captured diners’ hearts and taste buds with a one-month long Spanish Food Festival just in time to welcome fall. Spanish Chef Nicolás Díaz Jogeix came all the way to China to share the original flavors of his homeland. Text: Eva Liu
always come in small portions, like “finger food” at a cocktail party, so that people can either try them as an appetizer before a meal or as dessert between two meals. Second, tapas are suitable for various occasions, they are easy to cook and can be cooked in wide varieties, and new varieties may appear at any time. Tapas can be cold or hot, and can be classified into meat tapas, seafood tapas, vegetable tapas and other kinds. One great example is a type of stuffed bread seasoned with olive oil, onions, and egg yolk – quite delicious. Many of the hot tapas are fried, for instance fried squid, fried baby-octopus, fried chicken wings, roasted shrimp, garlic shrimp and Garlic mushrooms etc. I especially recommend one which is made from octopus garnished with tomato and green peppers, loved by young and old alike.
传统西班牙菜最常用的材料有哪些?民族饭店 西班牙美食节会对原有菜品进行改良创新吗? 传统的西班牙烹饪中经常使用以橄榄 油为主的植物油和以猪油为主的动物油脂, 并使用正宗的西班牙火腿、由阿拉伯人引进 的种类繁多的水果和蔬菜以及从美洲引进 的马铃薯和番茄作为配料。这次美食节我制 作了 80 道菜品,都是西班牙传统风味美食, 没有经过任何改良,做法也是最经典的,目 的就是想把最原汁原味的西班牙美食文化 呈现给中国和来自世界各地的美食爱好者。 达帕斯被称作“西班牙饮食国粹”,为什么 如此受欢迎? 达帕斯在西班牙饮食文化中占有很重要 的位置,它不仅是一类小吃,更代表着一种 生活方式。它的份量小,相当于鸡尾酒会上 的小零食,或饭前开胃小菜,也可以是两顿正 餐之间的点心,适合各种场合;它的种类繁多, 制作简单,随时有创新花色出现。达帕斯凉 食主要是面包夹馅,各种馅料淋上橄榄油, 洒上洋葱末、蛋黄层等,十分美味。热食的 达帕斯多数是油炸的,像炸乌贼、炸小章鱼、 炸鸡翅、香烤咸酥虾、香蒜虾、蒜泥蘑菇等。 我推荐一道老少皆爱的西红柿青椒拌章鱼。 如果为一个十人以内的西班牙式时尚美食派 对配餐,你想像中的菜单是什么样子的? 很有意思的问题!首先,我觉得餐前 小吃应该有西班牙著名的雪利酒和达帕斯, 特别提醒,做达帕斯一定要有西班牙火腿; 其次,要有传统的西班牙冷汤和海鲜饭,还 可以搭配一些桑格利亚水果酒。桑格利亚酒 可以说是西班牙的国民饮料,自己在家就可 以做,其实就是以红葡萄酒为基酒,配以随 意烈酒、汽水、果汁、水果等调制的一种鸡 尾酒,清甜中带点可口的酸味。如果时间来 得及,配上蛤蜊青酱烧鳕鱼这样的主菜,再 加上万圣节鲜奶烤面包等甜点就更完美了。 为期一个月的民族饭店西班牙美食节带给你 最大的感触是什么? 在西班牙美食节期间制作传统西班牙 菜品,并和餐厅主厨王春东进行了交流, 这让我十分开心。大家对西班牙美食赞不绝 口,都很喜欢吃,我也结识了很多中国朋友。 我非常愿意为中国的厨师和客人介绍我们 家乡的美食。
What are the traditional ingredients used in cooking Spanish food? Have some innovations been made to cater to Chinese tastes for the Spanish food festival at Beijing Minzu Hotel? In traditional Spanish cuisine, olive oil is the major vegetable oil used and lard is the main animal oil used. Jamón (ham), along with various kinds of fruits and vegetables originally brought to Spain by the Arabs, and the potato and tomato imported from America are used as well. For this Spanish food festival I cooked 80 dishes, all of which are original traditional Spanish food without any changes. I didn’t make any changes in the method of cooking because I wanted to present truly original Spanish food culture to food lovers from all over the world gathering in China. A kind of Spanish cuisine called ‘Tapas’ has recently been a craze with food lovers all over the world. Why have tapas become so popular? ‘Tapas’ are a kind of Spanish snack which play an important role in Spanish catering culture. In my opinion, the reasons that tapas are so popular are as follows: First of all, they
If you had to arrange a Spanish food party for 10 people, how would you cater it? A very interesting question! Well, first I would start with tapas paired with Spain’s famous Sherry, and of course the tapas wouldn’t be right without Spanish jamón! Second, the traditional Spanish gazpacho and paella are essentials. Then, we can prepare some traditional Spanish drinks such as sangria which can be made at home. Sangria is a kind of cocktail that is made with red wine as a base mixed with ingredients like other liquors, soda, juice and fresh fruit. It tastes fresh and sweet with just the right amount of tartness. Then if time permits, prepare a main dish like Braised cod fish in green sauce with clams, and for dessert, milk toast would be perfect. What are your thoughts after hosting the Spanish food festival at Beijing Minzu Hotel? While preparing dishes for the Spanish food festival at the national hotel, I was constantly communicating with the chef, Wang Chundong. Our traditional Spanish cuisine received a lot of praise and the guests told us they loved the food. Through this experience, I’ve made a lot of Chinese friends, and I was delighted to introduce the traditional food of my hometown to the Chinese cooks and guests.
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The Art of Wine 提及“艺术”这个词,你会想到什么? 是绘画、素描、摄影、戏剧、舞蹈,抑或是 生活?事实是,每个人对艺术的定义都不 同。正因如此,许多人都将葡萄酒视为一种 艺术。如果同酿酒师交谈,他们会虔诚地告 诉你葡萄酒的酿造过程就是一门艺术。这是 为什么呢?答案就是艺术存在于任何一项 充满爱的活动里,而从葡萄种植,葡萄酒酿 造、装瓶、包装设计和推广,到葡萄酒品尝, 艺术无所不在。 艺术来源于创造美的过程、行为或活 动。对于葡萄酒来说,艺术存在于人们为酿 造美酒所付出的辛勤劳动中。在家里、酒吧
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或餐厅品尝葡萄酒时,我们总觉得那是理所 当然的,却很少想到为酿造美酒而倾尽心血 的人们。也许我们永远都不知道他们是谁, 但如果没有他们,我们无法享受到美酒带来 的快乐,更无法体会美妙的葡萄酒艺术,他 们才是真正的无名英雄。 大多数消费者都把酒瓶上的品名、图 标和图像看成一种艺术,比如茉莉杜克酒厂 的天鹅绒手套系列西拉干红、亚历山大仙境
仙粉黛干红、加州纳帕谷的雷司令桃红葡萄 酒、加州卡梅尔山谷朱利安酒庄的法国之 吻,等等,这些无一不是精致酒标设计艺术 的代表。 对那些愿意入瓶一探究竟的爱酒者来 说,酒瓶包装虽美,但瓶中美酒更醇。只 需品尝一小口,就能感受到美酒芳醇的艺术 之美。当美酒滑过舌尖,你脑海中会幻想出 种种美妙的情节,接着它会充溢整个口腔, 回味持久绵长,你渐次捕捉到各种各样、五 彩缤纷的芳香。毋庸置疑,葡萄酒是一种生 活的艺术,你懂的。
hen the word “art” is mentioned, what comes to mind? Paintings? Photographs? Drawings? Theater? Dance? Life? The truth is that art is how each of us defines it. And this being so, many would say that wine is art. Talk with any winemaker and he or she will wholeheartedly tell you that there is art in winemaking. Okay, then how is wine art? The answer is that art can be found in every labor of love; and so with wine cultivation, wine processing & winemaking, wine packaging & bottling, wine marketing and of course, wine tasting. Art is the result of a process, an activity or an event when something beautiful is created. With respect to wine, art is the result of the dedicated efforts of the many who contribute to the wine that we enjoy, whether at home or in a bar or restaurant. Most wine consumers seldom reflect on the many who have labored with heart and soul to collectively make possible the glass or bottle of wine we so often take for granted. For those who make possible our wine pleasure are most often wine’s “unsung heroes” whom we will probably never meet nor know, yet without each of their meaningful contributions to the final product, we would never know wine as art. Most consumers consider the names, graphics and pictures on many wine bottles as art, such as the famous Marilyn Monroe “Velvet Glove Collection”; Madonna; Sin Zin; Ménage a Trois; Temptation; Naked Riesling; French Kiss; Health Food; Peace-Offering; Swift Kick; and Screaming Kids, just to name but a few. Yet for those who are willing to look inside the bottle the most erotic art is not on the outside, but on the inside: One mouthful of a premium, super premium or ultra premium wine and you know there is art in wine. For when you taste the fruit, you visualize it; and when you roll the wine about your mouth and savor the aftertaste, your wine palate shows you the brilliant colors of the wine’s rainbow. Wine is art, anyway you look at it. I am Red Owl, Over & Out.
田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand.
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CIBTM 2013 在京成功举办
CIBTM Opens at the China National Convention Center 2013 中国(北京)国际商务及会奖旅 游展览会(CIBTM)前不久在中国国家会 议中心举行,再次印证会奖行业在中国的巨 大潜力。该展览由励展旅游展览集团主办, 这是一家全球领先的、专门针对旅游行业展 览及会议活动的机构,拥有超过 30 年旅游 行业组织及管理经验。据悉,今年 CIBTM 的酒店参展商比例与去年相比有了明显的 增加,且特邀买家从数量到质量都有极大的 飞跃。36 家中外参展商首次参加今年的展 会,约占主参展商总数的 44%。励展亚太 区展览总监杰奎·蒂明斯女士表示:“作为 亚洲和中国最领先的会奖展览会,CIBTM 一直致力于引领和带动整个区域的行业发 展,并借助自身和各合作伙伴的优势成为促 进整个亚洲繁荣和发展的原动力。” The China National Convention Center recently saw the staging of 2013 China Incentive, Business Travel & Meetings Exhibition (CIBTM), an event showcasing the country’s great potential in the MICE industries. CIBTM was sponsored by Reed Exhibitions, the world’s leading events organizer and an expert on tourism exhibitions with over 30 years experience. At this year’s event there was an obvious increase in the number of hotel exhibitors, demonstrating an improvement in both the quantity and quality of hosted buyers participating. Thirty-six exhibitors from home and abroad participated
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in the event for the first time, making up 44% of the total number. As Reed Exhibitions’ Asia-Pacific Exhibition Director Ms Jacqui Timmins says, “As the leading MICE expo in China and with its resource advantages, CIBTM has committed to promote the industry’s development in the region, aiming to become an engine for Asian prosperity.”
凯歌香槟经典马球赛 完美演绎社交风尚
The 2013 Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic Tianjin 9 月 7 日,凯歌香槟经典马球赛于天津 环亚国际马球会完美谢幕。酩悦轩尼诗亚 太区董事总经理贝靖康先生与众多时尚宾 客共同见证了此次凯歌香槟年度社交盛筵。 马球赛华美诠释了凯歌香槟的生活艺术与 马球情缘,两支由专业马球手组成的马球劲 旅为五百余名宾客献上了一场精彩优雅的 马球表演赛。 The Veuve Clicquot Polo Classic concluded on September 7 at Tianjin Goldin Metropolitan Polo Club. Managing director of Moet Hennessy Asia Pacific, Mark Bedingham, along with many other fashionistas, attended this annual party. The game, in which two leading professional polo teams played a wonderful exhibition match before an audience of 500 hundred people, exhibited magnificently the art of living embodied by Veuve Clicquot Ponsardin and its close connection with the sport.
FTA: 用慈善为金秋添彩
A Fall Evening in Shanghai with Very Special Friends 金 秋 之 际, 非 政 府 组 织 FTA 于上海瑞金洲际 酒店举办了第 10 届FTA上海晚宴。 来 自 酒 店 业、 新 闻界和赞助企业 的 86 位 嘉 宾 共 度了一个温暖的 美 丽 夜 晚。 晚 宴 上公布了获得保 加利亚 HRC 美食 烹饪学院奖学金的 3 名北京酒店旅游管理学 校学生名单。2013FTA 酒店杰出人物大奖也 一一揭晓,颁奖典礼定于 9 月 30 日在香港 W 酒店举行,北美方面定于 11 月在纽约林 肯中心举行。
The Tenth Annual FTA “A Fall Evening in Shanghai with Very Special Friends” at the InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin proved to be a memorable event for the 86 guests, who included professionals in hospitality industry, members of the press and the sponsors of the dinner. Scholarships for three students at the Beijing School of Tourism & Hospitality to the HRC Culinary Academy in Bulgaria were announced. What’s more, Tibbitts unveiled the recipients of the 2013 FTA Hospitality Awards for Excellence, each of whom will be presented with his or her award trophy and a scholarship in his or her name at the 2013 FTA Fall Awards Dinner, which will take place for Asia Pacific at the W Hong Kong on 30 September. For North America, the event will take place at the Lincoln Centre, in New York, on 12 November.
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"Off the Record"
由知名新闻记者张婧、阿比德·拉赫曼 和创意顾问凯特·琼斯共同创立的 Off the Record 非正式时尚沙龙于 8 月 27 日,即 亚洲首个 B2B 时尚贸易展 The Hub 举办的 前一天,在香港举行了首秀。沙龙专注于中 国奢侈品行业的发展。活动当天吸引了来自 亚洲及西方国家的众多资深时尚人士及品 牌商参加,共同探讨亚洲时尚品牌未来发展 趋势。
1 LifeStyle Editor-in-Chief Nels Frye 2 Michael Whitby-Grubb of Pentrose 3 Moderator Jing Zhang and Private V. C. White’s James Eden 4 Cool venues in Hong Kong always have interesting neighbors 5 Panelists Elizabeth Waldmann, Arnault Castel, and Jimmy Chan
Founded by journalists Jing Zhang and Abid Rahman and creative consultant Kate Jones, Off the Record is an uncensored discussion about the luxury sector in Greater China. The debut on August 27, in association with The Hub trade fair, brought Asian fashion industry veterans and brand owners from Western countries to Time & Space in Hong Kong for a talk on the future of niche brands in Asia.
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马飞仕图·北青杯 美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部邀请赛落杆 8 月 23 日,美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部迎来了第 211 期 比赛,即“马飞仕图·北青杯美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部邀请赛”。 北青传媒董事长李世恒在开球仪式现场发表重要讲话, 并预祝比赛圆满成功。美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部秘书长崔瑞 明代表俱乐部为比赛开球。经过激烈的角逐,侯波摘得 净杆冠军,刘英伟获得总杆冠军,女子优胜则由吴丽卿 收入囊中。 本次比赛由马飞仕图冠名赞助。来自法国的马飞仕 图鞋在颇有鉴赏力的行家当中甚为流行,世界各地的许 多明星名流都为之倾心,从德国前总理科尔到英国前首 相撒切尔夫人、西班牙王后索菲亚,甚至教皇都无法抗 拒其独特魅力。马飞仕图带有高尔夫情节的新款男鞋亮 相比赛现场,并受到球友的青睐。 当天的颁奖晚宴由央视著名高尔夫球解说员刘擎主 持,现场气氛相当热烈,奖品更是丰富多彩,大礼连连, 每位球员都满载而归。作为友情赞助商的三康安食农业、 熙琳珠宝、Lee Spa 和六分子纯净水,为比赛提供了大 力支持。
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Parkview Green Anniversary Gala 9 月 14 日晚, 时值一周岁生日的侨福芳草地惊艳亮相, 携馆内众多品牌举办光影绚烂的 VIP 专场狂欢派对。当晚 众多时尚潮人、品牌高层、艺术家、设计师等贵宾身着代 表自己个性色彩的盛装出席了活动。世界著名 DJ A Skillz 和 Krafty Kuts 在国内首次同台打造超级震撼的电音派对, 引爆全场气氛。 On the night of September 14, along with the many brands it contains, Parkview Green celebrated its one year anniversary. The luxurious VIP Special Gala attracted trendsetters, senior executives from renowned brands, artists and designers, who dressed to impress in their most distinctive attire. The celebration reached its climax when world-famous DJs A. Skillz and Krafty Kuts presented a collaborative electronic music performance, their first cooperation in China.
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爱彼 Jules Audemars 对表上市 Jules Audemars Synchronized Watch Hits the Market
爱彼 Jules Audemars 系列以玫瑰金打造极致魅力。独特 的新型表带搭载精致的银色表盘,中央饰以扭索饰纹。 男款和女款均搭配镶钻时标。线条简洁的表盘上仅设有 指针,以极简主义风格在纷杂色彩中脱颖而出。除了表 盘尺寸以及男表的日期显示和女表的小秒针外,几乎别 无差异,如此高的契合度更加印证了彼此的完美如一。
芙拉推出 2013 秋冬 it-bag Furla Releases A/W 2013 It-Bag
欧米茄推出超霸 ’57 同轴计时表 Omega Launches Speedmaster '57 Co-Axial Chronograph
欧 米 茄 在 2013 年 巴 塞 尔 钟 表 展 上 发 布 了 超 霸’57 同轴计时表。此表款仅有两个小表盘, 外观秉承了 1957 年第一款超霸计时表的诸多经 典设计元素,包括从表壳延伸出来的竖直表耳以 及令人联想到那款标志性计时表的独特表链。 41.5 毫米的精钢表壳与 18k 红金完美搭配,18k 金质表圈搭配哑光氮化铬测速刻度,十分醒目易 读,另外它的防水强度达到 100 米 /330 英尺。
芙拉全新 it-bag 完美融合了典雅与创意。手袋备有手提 肩背两用设计,柔软的哑色橙红皮革覆盖于光滑的纯黑 皮革之上,展现出丰富的材质层次。这是翻盖包面的创 意亮点,也勾划出整个手提袋的利落线条。顶部手柄设 计灵活,与金字塔形饰扣互相辉映。此款包包获得美国 众多社交名媛、时尚达人奥利维亚·巴勒莫的青睐,芙拉 为其打造了刻有专属铭牌的全球独一无二定制包包。
ENZO 蝴蝶系列全新亮相 Enzo All New Butterfly Series Debuts
ENZO 全新发布蝴蝶系列产品,将蝴蝶稍纵即逝的轻盈美 态定格为永恒,给人带来回归大自然的赏心悦目之感,亦 微妙捕捉女性内心对人生华美一刻的向往。ENZO 蝴蝶系 列包括多个款式的吊坠及胸针,从 ESV(ENZO Special Value)款型到碧玺类高级珠宝款型,适合不同年龄和不 同需求的女性。
诺基亚 515 中国上市 Nokia 515 Released on Chinese Market
全新金属质感 3G 手机诺基亚 515 已正式在中国上市。 此款功能机将诺基亚的出众品质与完备功能融入轻薄的 铝合金机身,为崇尚简约、时尚的人群提供了绝佳选择。 它小巧又不失精致,配备康宁第二代大猩猩防划玻璃屏 幕、500 万像素摄像头和 LED 闪光灯,双卡双待(Micro SIM 卡),拥有 Transfer 应用。
KEF 推出全新 V 系列数字电视音响系统 KEF Introduces V SERIES Digital TV Sound Systems
三星推出 Galaxy Mega 6.3 Samsung Launches New Galaxy Mega 6.3
三星推出的 Galaxy Mega 6.3 手机拥有 6.3 英 寸 720p LCD 触 控 屏, 虽 然 在 清 晰 度 上 没 有 达到 FHD 全高清级别,但整体视觉效果非常 出色。三星的各项人性化设计也在 Mega 6.3 上有所应用,Air View、Multi Windows 以及 Group Play 等功能一应俱全,电池容量也提升 至 3200mAh。Mega 6.3 在核心配置方面搭载 Exynos 5250 双核处理器(1.7GHz Cortex-A15 架构),运算速度非常理想。
KEF 宣布推出三款全新的超薄视听新品:V300 数字电视 音响系统、V700 和 V720W 数字电视 Soundbar 系统, 旨在提升电视音效表现,丰富高清电视的感官享受。KEF V 系列带有便利的“即插即用”特性,设置极其简易,使 用现有电视遥控器便可轻松控制,且安装方式灵活变通。 扬声器造型纤薄,优雅设计风格亦可与电视完美搭配。
索尼发布新型高音质摄像机 HDR-MV1 Sony New HDR-MV1 Music Camcorder 索尼前不久正式推出新型专业级音质的高清数码摄像机 HDR-MV1。新品外形轻盈、设计紧凑,120 度 X-Y 外置 麦克风有效覆盖从中心到四周的声音,支持线性 PCM 音 频格式录制功能,低噪声、高信噪比的音效立体丰富, 可媲美专业录音设备,内置唇音同步功能更可确保音画 同步的影像质量。它还搭载了 Exmor R CMOS 影像传感 器和 120 度广角卡尔蔡司镜头、内置 WiFi 及 NFC 一触 TM 功能。
LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 华斯度 2014 春夏年轻新系列发布 Vasto 2014 S/S Series Fusion Launched
捷成集团 2013 媒体见面会举办 Jebsen Group holds 2013 Media Event
华斯度 2014 春夏发布会前不久在广州 华丽开幕,发布现场以巨幕 LED 打造震 撼主题视觉效果,众多模特精彩演绎。 2014 春夏,华斯度将以“信念·突破自我” 为主题,演绎全新一季精彩之作。历经 探索淬炼,华斯度突破性针对时尚个性 精英推出品牌的年轻化系列——Fusion 新睿系列,与品牌传承的经典系列和商 务系列构成了华斯度的极致绅士装备。
9 月 18 日,大中华地区优质产品市场规 划及分销的领导企业捷成集团在北京旬 会所举办 2013 媒体见面会。集团董事总 经理海宁先生和集团董事李家祥先生亲 临现场与中国媒体朋友一起分享了捷成 的发展现状、未来在中国的布局及新投 资计划。捷成对大中华区市场充满信心, 未来将继续对包括消费品、工业、饮料 和奢侈品业务在内的四个业务单位进行 投资。
“面包黄油”举办 2013 秋冬新品 发布会 bread n butter Holds 2013 A/W Fashion Show
赞那度旅行网与玛莎拉蒂合作推出 崔健意大利之旅微电影 Zanadu and Maserati Release Cui Jian’s Italian Travel Microfilm
9 月 14 日晚,著名时尚女装品牌 bread n butter(面包黄油)在北京醉库红酒 庄 园 成 功 举 办 了 2013 年“Coat is all around”秋冬新品发布,众多明星及媒 体朋友出席。此次发布会以“简单快乐 温暖”为宗旨,为大家带来创意无限、 潮流无限的秋冬大衣新品,并完全秉承 bread n butter 的品牌理念,以无限创意 向所有到场嘉宾展现了一种最快乐温暖 的生活态度。
秉持“酒店就是目的地”理念的赞那度 精品旅行网近期携手玛莎拉蒂中国开启 了一次艺术与音乐的意大利灵感之旅。 中国摇滚教父崔健与英国音乐家 Howie B 自驾从威尼斯出发,经米兰、科莫湖、 托斯卡纳、佛罗伦萨,激发出一曲音乐、 一部艺术微电影《通往无之桥》和三部 关于艺术、音乐、生活的微型纪录片。 艺术短片 9 月 9 日起在优酷网首映,之 后微纪录片会陆续推出,两大品牌在优 酷网及赞那度网站同时开辟专题页面。
北京银泰中心再次点亮“Vogue 摩 登不夜城” Vogue Fashion's Night Out at Beijing Yintai Centre
瑞士国际航空公司连续第三次获评 “欧洲最佳商务舱” SWISS voted “Europe’s Leading Airline Business Class”
奇顿开启“全球定制巡回”北京之旅 Kiton’s Global Customization Tour Comes to Beijing
“SURGE Art 艺起”艺术节: 艺动上海 Surge Art Shanghai Launches in Style
9 月 7 日晚,全球时尚盛事“Vogue 摩登 不夜城”再次璀璨拉开帷幕,众多明星、 歌手、设计师、潮流领袖和各界名流齐 聚位于北京 CBD 核心的银泰中心,共享 时尚购物盛典。北京银泰中心作为活动 的举办地之一,其精致、时尚、优雅的 生活方式得到了广泛的认可,并将持续 进行下去。
前不久意大利顶级定制品牌奇顿携旗下 金牌裁缝西罗·帕莱斯特拉先生将那不勒 斯的传奇工艺魅力带至北京新光天地, 开启了顶级男装“全球定制巡回”北京 之旅。此次巡回之旅,奇顿展现了手工 艺术的经典元素,古典文雅且兼具现代 风范的装饰细节让奇顿男装的魅力历久 弥新。
绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control 北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址
瑞士国际航空公司在 2013 世界旅游大奖 上获得“欧洲最佳商务舱”称号,这是 其连续第三次获此殊荣。最新的年度世 界旅游大奖是由旅游业的专业人士评选 而产生。据悉,瑞航还着手进一步改善 其长航线的服务产品,并添加更多“瑞 士风格”在瑞航的旅行体验中,该项目 已在七月启动。
“SURGE Art 艺起”艺术节作为中国专 业的发掘高质量平价当代艺术品的先锋 平台,于 9 月 18 日第二次登陆上海,带 来红牛“SURGE Art 艺起”上海艺术节。 为期四天的艺术节在上海城市的“心脏” 地带静安区常德路 800 秀举办,展出了 近千件优秀当代艺术作品,所有作品销 售价格均不超过 3 万元人民币。
德国国家旅游局联手德国会议发展 局推广商务旅行 DZT and GCB to Promote German Business Travel 前不久德国国家旅游局联手德国会议发 展局在全新落成的北京奥迪展厅举行了 德国商务旅行推广活动。德国国家旅游 局北京办事处首席代表李朝晖女士和德 国会议发展局局长马蒂亚斯·舒尔茨先生 向与会的旅行社、专业协会以及相关媒 体代表介绍了德国旅游业在商务旅行方 面的相关信息和数据。在国际会议协会 2012 年发布的国家排行榜中,德国仅次 于美国位列第二。而在会奖方面,德国 未来将是亚洲地区最受欢迎的欧洲会议 举办国。
IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 雅高集团中国区:任命罗易杰先生为规范 总监和东莞区域总经理 Accor: Mr. Roberts Ejubs, Director of Hotel Solutions, Greater China and Area General Manager, Dongguan Accor, the largest international hotel operator in Asia-Pacific, announced that Roberts Ejubs has been appointed Director of Hotel Solutions, Greater China and Area GM, Dongguan. Roberts brings more than 20 years of expertise in hospitality and will be responsible for driving hotel revenues and profitability and enhancing guest services of Accor hotels, as well as developing and mentoring hotel management.
合肥新站利港喜来登酒店: 任命周刚先生为总经理 Sheraton Hefei Xinzhan Hotel: Mr. Matthew Zhou, General Manager
三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店和三亚海棠 湾喜来登度假酒店:任命杰克林先生为董 事总经理 The Royal Begonia Sanya and Sheraton Sanya Haitang Bay Resort: Mr. Thomas Jecklin, Managing Director Thomas is from Switzerland, he has over 25 years of working experience in hospitality industry and 18 years in Starwood. In 1996, he joined Starwood group and worked in many Starwood brand hotels like Sheraton, Westin, Four Points by Sheraton, Luxury Collection hotels in Mexico, Brazil, Paraguay, and Chile. Before moving to Sanya, he was the General Manager of Sheraton Miramar Hotel & Convention Center, Chile.
武汉光明万丽酒店: 任命龙麦克先生为总经理 Renaissance Wuhan Hotel: Mr. Michael Lunn, General Manager
Matthew comes to his new position having demonstrated significant leadership expertise in his previous roles and through his extensive work experience including Sheraton Shenyang Lido Hotel, Sheraton Xiamen Hotel, Sheraton Dameisha Resort Shenzhen, and Sheraton Shenzhen Futian Hotel.
Mr. Michael Lunn has been appointed as General Manager of the Renaissance Wuhan Hotel. An Australian citizen who first joined Marriott International in 2004, Mr. Lunn has been working in China for 7 years. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Lunn was the Resident Manager of the JW Marriott Hangzhou Hotel.
长沙运达喜来登酒店: 任命林咏顺先生为总经理 Sheraton Changsha Hotel: Mr. Wilson Lum, General Manager
金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 任命何柯林先生为营运总监 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: Mr. Colin Healy, Director of Operations
Wilson Lum hails from Malaysia, bringing with him more than 30 years of top level international hospitality industry management experience. Wilson combines an advanced business sense with an impeccable feel for delivering top quality service in every aspect of hotel management. Prior to joining Sheraton Changsha Hotel, Wilson was General Manager of Sheraton Ningbo Hotel, Four Points Changshu Hotel.
Mr. Colin Healy started his hospitality journey as a Commis Chef De Cuisine in London, and then worked in management positions at several international hospitality groups and private hotels. Prior to Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa, he worked as a resident manager in a Boutique Resort in Thailand. Mr. Colin is equipped with very visible leadership and management skills.
上海龙之梦万丽酒店: 任命董筱凌女士为市场总监 Renaissance Shanghai Zhongshan Park Hotel: Ms. Jessica Dong, Director of Marketing
合肥万达威斯汀酒店: 任命宋西蒙女士为餐饮总监 The Westin Hefei Baohe: Ms. Dolly Song, Director of Food and Beverage
Ms. Dong has over 16 years sales and management experience in hospitality industry and served for Marriott Group for almost 10 years. She previously worked for Marketing in Courtyard by Marriott Puxi Shanghai, Suzhou Marriott Hotel and JW Marriott Hotel/Marriott Executive Apartments. We wish her every success in her first role with the Renaissance Brand.
上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店: 任命 Tobias Pfister 为行政总厨 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: Mr. Tobias Pfister, Executive Chef
Of German origin, Tobias has over 18 years experience in the luxury culinary industry. In his new role, Tobias will oversee the operation of five outlets and banquets. He is committed to delivering an exclusive dining experience of the highest level, and previously worked as Executive Sous Chef at Jumeirah Burj Al Arab Dubai.
Ms. Song was born in Shanghai and started her Food & Beverage career at The Portman Shangri-la Hotel Shanghai. Over the past 17 years, Ms. Song has held executive positions in various leading International hotels giving her solid experience in F&B operations and service. Ms. Song’s Starwood journey stared in 2006 when she joined Le Royal Meridien Shanghai.
北京希尔顿酒店: 任命薄大为先生为行政总厨 Hilton Beijing: Mr. David Ball, Executive Chef
Chef Ball has 20 years experience with a series of prestigious international hotel groups. Previously he was Executive Sous Chef at the reputable Peninsula Beijing, and held positions at many other hotels in Sydney. He also gained valuable experience by the side of Superchef Marcus Wareing at the Berkeley Hotel’s Michelin starred “Petrus” restaurant in London.
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For the National Holiday Package, stay a consecutive two nights on prevailing BAR will get the third night free which can be redeemed in any of our managed hotels, in conjunction with the stay or later. Valid until 31 December 2013. Tel: +86 595 6829 8888
粤海喜来登酒店:“改变为明天 大爱有声”不插电音乐会 Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel: “Champions For Change” Charity Unplugged Concert for UNICEF 天津万达文华酒店:打造全新奢华旅居体验 Wanda Vista TIanjin: Introducing a New Standard of Hospitality
Wanda Hotels and Resorts is pleased to announce the newest addition to its rapidly growing portfolio of hotels in China, Wanda Vista Tianjin, opened on 25 September 2013. The hotel is the first Wanda Vista brand hotel to open in North China. With its reputation for exclusive service, it will set a new standard for Tianjin’s hotel industry. Tel: +86 22 2438 1676
Sheraton Guangzhou Hotel recently held a “Champions For Change” Charity unplugged concertto support UNICEF educational program in Western China region, at which Sheraton’s Bear Charity Sale was officially started. From now until the end of October, the bear will be on sale at the hotel lobby. Over 30 local media, Chamber of Commerce and hotel guests attended the event. Tel: +86 20 6668 8888
丽晶酒店集团:携手银联国际签署 全球战略合作协议 Regent Hotels & Resorts: Signs Strategic Alliance Agreement with UnionPay
西昌邛海湾柏栎度假酒店: “柏栎好声音”总决赛完美落幕 Paxton Vacances Resort Xichang Qionghai Bay: “The Voice of Paxton” Finals
天津丽思卡尔顿酒店: 演绎全新经典地标之作 The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin: To be Unveiled Soon
卡尔森瑞德酒店集团: 免费上网服务突破 2 亿小时 Carlson Rezidor: Celebrates 200 Million Hours of Free Internet for Guests
Regent Hotels & Resorts has recently signed a global strategic alliance agreement with China UnionPay. Starting today, all members of UnionPay Platinum and Diamond cards issued both domestically in China or overseas will be able to enjoy special benefits such as room, spa and F&B discounts, room upgrades, buffet breakfast for two and VIP treatments.
Anticipation is high for the unveiling of The Ritz-Carlton, Tianjin, which will open its doors in China’s fourth-largest city on October 18, 2013. The landmark hotel is located in the heart of Tianjin’s revitalized former British Concession and Central Business District and pays homage to the rich heritage as well as the vibrant modern development of this picturesque port city.
上海红塔豪华精选酒店: 总统套房,悠享体验 The Hongta Hotel, Shanghai: Indulge in the Presidential Suite
Time flies, autumn is just around the corner and The Hongta hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel, Shanghai invites you to stop your hurried footsteps and indulge yourself in our distinguished Presidential Suite, which boasts New York style and timeless elegance. A Romantic Journey package and the Presidential Suite package will be available for booking from now until December 31st. Tel: +86 21 5050 4567 ext 6370
The finals of “The Voice of Paxton” recently had a per fect ending with moving per for mances by all contestants, and interactive games for guests. Zhou Mingliang, Zhou Xingqiang and Zhulin won the first, second and third place. Congratulations to the winners, and Paxton appreciates the support and participation of every guest and looks forward to “The Voice of Paxton” next year. Tel: +86 834 888 8899
Carlson Rezidor Hotel Group’s hotels in Asia Pacific – Radisson Blu, Radisson, Park Plaza, Park Inn by Radisson and Country Inns & Suites by CarlsonSM – are celebrating 200 million hours of free Internet access over the past three years. Since 2010, the group has provided all guests with complimentary unlimited access to Internet in all its hotels as part of its service promise and guest experience.
普吉岛攀瓦角丽晶酒店: “满月之夜”住宿优惠 Regent Phuket Cape Panwa: Full Moon Nights
Regent Phuket Cape Panwa offers guests an invitation to enjoy a breathtaking view of the full moon over the sea at Cape Panwa Bay, experiencing unforgettable memories in an intimate paradise for two.“Full Moon Nights” start from THB 38,400 nett for a Suite, or THB 53,400 net for a luxurious Pool Villa. Tel: +66 76 200 800
Pamper yourself with a trip to Shanghai with getaway packages for Mid-Autumn Festival and the National Holiday. Packages include reduced rates for a Deluxe Room, including up to 2 daily breakfasts and free internet access in the room. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999
金茂三亚希尔顿大酒店: 心系“光明连接”传递正能量 Hilton Sanya Resort & Spa: Visiting Bright Connection Children Care Centre 北京怡亨酒店:艺术大厅 “The Gallery” 开幕 Hotel Éclat Beijing: “The Gallery”Art Lounge Opens
Hotel Éclat Beijing has announced the formal opening of its designer ground floor lounge, ‘The Gallery’. Offering an eclectic mix of contemporary art and designer vintage furniture to create a unique living room feel that is both inspiring and relaxing, ‘The Gallery’ is the perfect place to meet for coffee or evening drinkswhile enjoying the exquisite art collection. Tel: +86 10 8561 2888
Amano’i 度假村:落户越南 Aman Debuts in Vietnam with Amano’i
Named for the Sanskrit-derived word for ‘peace’ and no'i meaning ‘place’, and situated northeast of Ho Chi Minh City on the coast of Nui Chua National Park, the new Amano’i provides 31 guest pavilions, a number with private swimming pools, and five Aman Villas, all with magnificent views. Recreational facilities include the Aman Spa and Beach Club.
Recently, around 20 representatives from Hilton Sanya Resor t & Spa visited the Bright Connection Children Care Centre, a non-gover nment organization dedicated to help special underprivileged children in Sanya. On behalf of the hotel, the representatives donated rice and cooking oil valued at over RMB 2,000 to the care center, which will help on the daily operations of the organization. Tel: +86 898 8858 8888
洲际酒店集团: 新酒店 7 天 5 折 +4 晚免费 InterContinental Hotels Group Greater China: 7-Day Package 50% Off Plus 4 Free Nights
Set off on your own kind of leisure travel!InterContinental Hotels Group is offering the sensational Limited 7-day 50% off Offer again! From 29 October to 4 November 2013, book any participating all-new hotel in mainland Chinafor staying 2-4 nights in the following 4 months to enjoy an amazing offer of 50% off room rates! Tel: +86 21 2033 4920
大连城堡豪华精选酒店: 大型招聘会 The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel: Dalian Mass Recruitment
重庆洲际酒店:欢迎美国密西根州 州长里克·斯奈德先生 InterContinental Chongqing: Welcomes Michigan Governor Mr. Rick Snyder
上海滴水湖皇冠假日酒店: 秋游赏景特惠 Crowne Plaza Shanghai Harbour City: Autumn Escape Package
卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店:疯狂万圣节 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: Happy Halloween!
The Castle Hotel, A Luxury Collection Hotel Dalian held a Mass Recruitment at the Dalian Shell Museum; the first public event the hotel had organized. Director General of Dalian Travel Bureau; Ms Liu Chang, The Vice President from the owning company – Dalian Yifang Group and key persons from several major local corporations were invited to attend. Tel: +86 411 8656 0000
Crowne Plaza Shanghai Harbour City is offering the special Autumn Escape Package for only RMB 1399 net, including 1 night stay in Holiday Inn Express Nanhuizui’s Seaview Room and 1 night stay in Shanghai Crowne Plaza Harbour City’s Deluxe Room, with 2 buffet breakfasts, Saturday BBQ set for 2 and Sunday Afternoon Tea set for 2. Tel: +86 21 2033 9999
State of Michigan Governor Mr. Rick Snyder of the United States received a warm welcome from InterContinental Chongqing General Manager Ms. Sharon Fraser and Deputy General M a n a g e r M r. K e v i n C h e n g i n t h e hotel lobby. Later in the afternoon, Mr.Governor discussed building a strategic cooperation between Michigan and Chongqing with Mayor Huang Qifan of Chongqing. Tel: +86 23 8906 6888
Trick-or-treating, pumpkin carving, scary costumes… Halloween is one of the most fun holidays for everyone. Get in the Halloween mood when Arte Café turns into the ‘spookiest’ place on the night of October 31st. Dress up as your most gruesome character, start with a ‘bloody’ welcome drink and feast on an array of Halloween treats at the themed buffet. Tel: +86 21 3858 0888
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 大连凯宾斯基饭店店: 到水疗中心来玩雪 Kempinski Hotel Dalian: Cool Down in the Snow Room of Oasis Spa
The unique Snow Room in the male wet area of the Oasis Spa at Kempinski Hotel Dalian cools your body down in a more pleasant and healthy way after a sauna or steam bath. It is the first and the only Snow Room in China. Tel: +86 411 8259 8888
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓: 喜达屋全球销售闪电战 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: 2013 Starwood Global Sales Blitz Week 璞麗酒店:安纳塔拉水疗秋季套餐 PuLi Hotel & Spa: Anantara Spa
Anantara Spa at The PuLi Hotel and Spa introduces guests an exclusive seasonal escape throughout September, October and November 2013, with a two-hour Autumn Magic special package that promises exquisite rejuvenation. The Autumn Magic package lasts for 120 minutes and includes a Floral Foot Ritual, 60 minutes White Tea & Avocado Body Wrap and 60 minutes traditional Chinese Massage. Tel: +86 21 2216 6899
万豪国际集团:举办 2013 万豪慈 善晚宴支持姚基金 Marriott International: Charity Gala Dinner for Yao Foundation
In line with Marriott International’s ongoing ‘Spirit to Serve’ community campaign, Marriott hotels in Shanghai, Hangzhou, Suzhou, and more cities joined forces to host the 2013 Marriott Charity Black Tie Gala Dinner recently at Shanghai Marriott Hotel City Centre, and raised a net total of USD 241,000 for the Yao Foundation, Marriott International’s non-profit charity partner in China.
Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences and Four Points by Sheraton Shanghai, Pudong kicked off its 2013 Starwood Global Sales Blitz week led by Danthan Xu, Director of Sales & Marketing. During the one-week sales call, the executive management team will join with the sales team to visit customers and listen to comments and suggestions to enhance guest satisfaction. Tel: +86 21 5039 9999
上海宏泉丽笙酒店: 获 Tripadvisor2013 卓越奖 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai Hong Quan Awarded Certificate ofExcellence by TRIPADVISOR
TripAdvisor, Inc. the world’s largest travel website, awarded Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai Hong Quan as the winner of Excellence of 2013. The award is based on the reviews of millions of travelers and is awarded to a very select number of distinguished hotels. We take great pride in this recognition, and would like to share it with the world. Tel: +86 21 5355 9999
成都凯宾斯基饭店: 探寻成都文化遗产 Kempinski Hotel Chengdu: Discover the Cultural Heritage of Chengdu
宜兴万达艾美酒店: 清凉一夏—关爱出租车司机活动 Le Méridien Yixing: Staying Cool in the Summer - Caring Taxi Driver Campaign
北京金融街丽思卡尔顿酒店: “您的梦想,我们为您实现” 婚仪大赏 Ritz-Carlton Beijing Financial Street:“Your Dream, Our Pleasure”
广州花都合景喜来登度假酒店: 泳池派对 + D J 现场表演 + 烧烤早 午餐 Sheraton Guangzhou Huadu Resort: Pool Party with live DJ/ Open Bar BBQ
Kempinski Chengdu is now offering a special cultural package including two nights’ accommodation in a Deluxe room, daily buffet breakfast for two, a one-day tour at the Shu Embroidery Workshop, the Sichuan Museum and Sichuan Opera with free limousine transport and lunches. Rates start from RMB 2,888 for two nights. Tel: +86 28 8526 9999
The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial S t re e t i s p ro u d t o a n n o u n c e i t s collaboration with Beijing Mocha We d d i n g a n d P l u m a g e B r i d a l t o showcase their combined expertise alongside The Wedding Specialists of The Ritz-Carlton Beijing, Financial Street, to create and bring to life the wedding and celebration plans at the wedding fair on 11th August 2013. Tel: +86 10 6601 6666
Le Méridien Yixing recently held “Le Méridien Yixing wishes you a cool summer” caring taxi driver campaign. Hotel management participated in activities including giving taxi drivers a special car sun block, and expressed gratitude for the taxi drivers’ hard work and service in such hot weather. Tel: +86 510 8719 8888
Sheraton Guangzhou Huadu Resort hascome up with a trendy concept to connect with nature, have great summer fun and share good times with friends. Sunday 8th September, the Sheraton Huadu Resort in collaboration with Alex LLan Events has held its second Pool Party with Open Bar BBQ Brunch for guests and visitors’ enjoyment. Tel: +86 20 3695 3888
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海海神诺富特大酒店: 最美云端海鲜盛宴 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Buffet on the Top of the World
Art 50 revolving restaurant is the ideal venue to overlook the great city of Shanghai, offeringa seafood buffet and Japanese cuisine, and well designed for relaxing after a whole day’s work and enjoying cocktails and wines before or after dinner in a cosy and unique atmosphere. Try the Alaskan Snow Crab, Deep Sea Octopus, Norwegian Salmon and more. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1688
上海王宝和大酒店有限公司: 王宝和至尊蟹宴 Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd: Hairy Crab Feast 北京王府井希尔顿酒店 : 美味大闸蟹 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing: Hairy Crabs at Fizztastic Sunday Brunch
October is national hairy crab month in China. Join in the fun and celebrate this delicious time with us at our famous Fizztastic Sunday Brunch from October 13 to November 10, 2013! There is really only one season to feast on the freshly caught and roe-filled dazha xie -- the best and heaviest hairy crabs. Tel: +86 10 5812 8888 ext 8411
This Autumn, Wang Bao He once again serves up its “King Crab” feast with various dishes and dim sum for all guests domestic and international. This year, Mr. Wang Hao, executive chef of Shanghai Wang Bao He Co., Ltd hasunique innovations based on the traditional Wang Bao He crab feast, which guests can enjoy at the Grand Central Hotel Shanghai. Tel: +86 21 5353 8888
沈阳万达文华酒店: 金秋“蟹”逅 Wanda Vista Shenyang: The Exclusive Autumn Hairy Crab
上海绿地万豪酒店: “一刻馆”美食坊开业 Marriott Shanghai Luwan: Java+ Opening
上海卓美亚喜玛拉雅酒店: 中主厨秋季招牌菜 Jumeirah Himalayas Hotel Shanghai: Chef Hu’s Autumn Specialties
上海金桥红枫万豪酒店卡萨琳戈 意大利餐厅:周末美食狂欢 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Weekend Italian Buffet Lunch
昆山瑞士大酒店: 品蟹正当时 Swissotel Kunshan: Hairy Crab Season
北京中国大饭店:夏宫秋日蟹宴 China World Hotel, Beijing: Crab Feast at Summer Palace
As autumn sets in, it’s time for crab season! Besides the traditional steamed hairy crab, our dedicated chefs at ZHEN Chinese Restaurant prepare a parade of delectable crab specialties for your dining pleasure, not to be missed in this finest of seasons! Tel: +86 24 3162 8888
Eating properly in autumn will nourish your body and support health for the coming winter. Chinese regimens focus on supplying Qi in this season to strengthen lungs and liver. Master Chef Hu’s specially designed autumn signature menu highlights seasonal delicacies including boiled bamboo soup with matsutake and pigeon eggs, Braised duck with burdock, Crispy shrimp pancakes and many more. Tel: +86 21 3858 0888
Crab is in season now, and as Swissôtel Kunshan is located close to Yangcheng Lake, authentic hairy crab is a leading part of our Chinese cuisine this autumn! Our Chinese Executive Chef Jiang and his team present crab lovers with a wide range of crab delicacies to stir up the taste buds. Tel: +86 512 5788 5788
New café Java+ was recently officially opened as a lively and stylish setting convenient for an on-the-go coffee. Freshly baked pastries, cakes, deli sandwiches, tossed salads and healthy juices are only part of our extensive selection. Particularly recommended are the various dessert and cakes, made by our award winning pastry chefJohn Qi. Tel: +86 21 5318 8888
The well-loved weekday set lunch now has a slick upgrade to elevate guests’ experience at Casalingo, the signature restaurant of Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East. Your Italian gourmet journey will begin with a glass of Prosecco, and guests can then enjoythe antipasti buffet,unlimited soups of the day, homemade pizzas, and desserts which will definitely satisfy your appetite. Tel: +86 21 6036 8888 ext Casalingo
Experience the most luxurious crab feast during this special season. Chef Kenny Chen and Hou Xinqing will present a special menu featuring classic hairy crab dishes offered at Summer Palace. Diners are invited to savour the culinary delights of original and fresh crabs. Tel: +86 10 6505 2266 ext 34
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 璞麗酒店静安餐厅: 全新静安晚餐精选 PuLi Hotel and Spa, Jing’An Restaurant: Resolutely Epicurean
Jing’An launches new seasonal dinner menu, featuring locally-sourced ingredients. The 5-course menu features dishes like oysters, black seabass, big eye tuna and Ranger Valley chuck ribs. The tasting menu is available daily from 6pm to 10pm. The menu starts at RMB 488+ for five courses, wine-pairing is available at extra RMB232. Tel: +86 21 3203 9999
虹桥喜来登上海太平洋大饭店:万圣 HIGH 翻天 Sheraton Shanghai Hongqiao Hotel: Tricks, Treats and Eats
Eeek! What a treat! Halloween-themed desserts haunt Café Bistro's Sunday Brunch. Spider web carrot cake! Tombstone muffins! Wow! What tricks! Face painting, family portraits and clown performances abound for the whole family's devilish delight. Tel: +86 21 6275 8888 ext 4814
上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 法国红酒之旅 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Riviera: French Wine Week
During the Sofitel’s ‘French Wine Week’, our wine specialists organize a ‘Voyage du Vin’ through five French Provinces. Guests experience selected wines by the glass and bottle in all of Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental’s restaurants, offering a unique opportunity for Sofitel's customers to discover the French Art de Vivre that Sofitel has made itself an ardent ambassador of. Tel: +86 21 3761 8888 ext1902
北京金隅喜来登酒店班妮意大利 餐厅:世界比萨杂技冠军一展身手 Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel, Bene Restaurant: World Pizza Tossing Champion Showcase
威斯汀酒店及度假村水晶苑亚洲 餐厅:双休日点心自助盛宴 The Westin Bund Center Shanghai, EEST Restaurant: Unlimited Weekend Dim Sum Feast
Chefs from the three kitchens in EEST preparing Thai, Japanese and Chinese cuisines present signature dishes like Crispy Radish Cake with homemade X.O. Sauce, Salmon Maki, and Thai Deep-fried Chicken marinated in Thai spices. Diners will also have a selection of 100 dishes to choose from that are freshly cooked to order. Tel: +86 21 6103 5048
北京上东盛贸饭店浓咖啡西餐厅: 新加坡美食节 Traders Upper East Hotel Beijing, Café Noir: Singapore Food Festival From 9 to 23 October 2013, Café Noir of Traders Upper East Hotel, Beijing welcomes guest chefs Voon John Siong and Roslan Bin Abbas from Traders Hotel, Singapore to present authentic Singapore food at the Singapore Food Festival. The chefs will showcase Chilli Crab, Fish Head Curry, Singapore Satay, Pisang Goreng and more, prepared using fresh ingredients. Tel: +86 10 5907 8888
From 11 to 31 October 2013, Sicilian Pizza Chef Pasqualino Barbasso will be twirling and tossing pizza dough to dazzle guests at Bene Italian Restaurant of Sheraton Beijing Dongcheng Hotel. Hailing from Agrigento, Sicily, 37-year old Chef Barbasso started his career as a pizza chef at his family pizzeria and has won the World Pizza Tossing Championships twice. Tel: +86 10 5798 8995
上海龙之梦大酒店: 黄昏邂逅 Aperitivo The Longemont Shanghai: Italian Aperitivo Indulgence
Amici at The Longemont Shanghai is welcoming the autumn and winter seasons with a tempting new experience of authentic Italian indulgence. Join us for a culinary immersion into a speciallytailored selection of signature cocktails like Tequila Sunrise, Mint Fizz and Blue Fizz to enjoy with Mediterranean delicacies like goat cheese and grilled bell pepper bites, anchovies and bacon quiche. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8230
昆泰酒店嘉府中餐厅:大闸蟹盛宴 Kuntai Hotel Beijing Wangjing: Hairy Crab Delight
Come and indulge in one of the most sought-after seasonal treats in China: hairy crab is back at The Palace of Kuntai Hotel, located in Wangjing hightech business park. Special dishes are available from this month, such as Carved Steamed Crab, Lotus Steamed Crab, Typhoon shelter for hairy crab and more. Tel: +86 10 8410 6233
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How Much is that Doggy? 11 月 12 日,佳士得将在纽约举行战后及当代艺术夜场拍卖。 伴随着杰夫·昆斯橙色气球狗的华丽亮相,本场拍卖会有望成为 令人难忘的一次艺术盛会。气球狗颇具纪念意义,其表面完美无 瑕,犹如镜面,色彩华丽细腻,堪称所有现代雕塑作品中最受人 们喜爱的一件。 外形壮观的气球狗曾造访纽约大都会艺术博物馆、 威尼斯大运河以及巴黎凡尔赛宫,令所到之处蓬荜生辉。这只橙 色气球狗是昆斯“气球狗”系列作品中最早完工的一件,上世纪 90 年代后期为美国康涅狄格州格林威治的收藏大家彼得·布兰特 购得,此次预计可拍得 3500 万到 5500 万美元。 On November 12th, Christie’s Post-War and Contemporary Art Evening Sale promises to be a memorable occasion when Christie’s will offer Jeff Koons’s Balloon Dog (Orange) for sale. This monumental work, with its flawless reflective surface and glorious color, is the most beloved of all contemporary sculptures. Its spectacular form has been celebrated around the world, having graced the rooftop of New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art, Venice’s Grand Canal, and Versailles Palace outside Paris. Balloon Dog (Orange) was one of the first of the Balloon Dogs to be fabricated, and was acquired by Greenwich collector Peter Brant in the late 1990s. The estimate? $35,000,000-55,000,000.
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