南腔北调· LifeStyle
2013 年九月号 总第 340 期
吕思清 Lv Siqing
The Music in Everyday Life
The Traditionalist Revival l Singularity for All l Practical Beauty l Café A La Mode l A Dish of Black Gold
台湾不可错过的 家顶级酒店
Taiwan’s Top Five
遗产级品牌 小众品牌 限量版
让经典 再流行
THE TRADITIONALIST REVIVAL 人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
LifeStyle 1
LifeStyle 3
请关注我们的官方微博: 新浪微博 lifestyle 品味生活
Editor’s Note
The September cover is a shot of violinist Lv Siqing, by Eric Gregory Powell
Men Will Drive China’s Embrace of Classic Style
拥抱品质年代 在今年波士顿四季酒店的一次早午餐会上,我周围的男 士都穿得极为随意,美国男人对着装礼仪真是太不讲究了。 除我之外,这些人竟然都穿着人字拖、短裤和 T 恤。在中国, 老外们曾经总是看不惯当地男人糟糕的穿着打扮,不过现在 不同了,北京男人绝不会像波士顿男人一样在正式场合穿得 如此马虎。中国人在着装方面正快速向传统西方标准看齐, 和日本人一样,他们很快就会变得比西方人更加时尚。 在来中国之前,我脑海里的中国人形象皆是身着绸缎长 袍,头戴冠冕,举止高雅得体,他们讲究服装的材质、款式 和颜色与穿戴者的身份地位以及所处的场合相吻合。在我心 里,这个曾经创造了精美瓷器、灵动山水画和数不清的美丽 丝绸的国度肯定极为注重服饰礼仪。 如今中国日益发展成为一个时尚大国,而中国男人将成 为中国时尚产业下一站的领军人。年轻一代的时尚领袖开始 关注品牌背后的东西,他们不再迷恋名牌,而是更加注重品质, 让自己看上去既大方得体又不失品位。那些虽不是紧跟潮流 却能够创造经典的新晋品牌将会越来越受到年轻男士的青睐。 而时尚领域许多有影响力的人都还年轻,他们将自己的私人 裁缝介绍给父辈,一些新的裁缝店于是应时而出。 面对这一新趋势,那些认为中国人只喜欢路易威登、阿 玛尼和古琦等世界名牌的人可能会大感意外。痴迷于名牌、 炫耀式消费和摆阔的年代即将过去,中国人迎来的是一个崭 新的注重内涵的时代。人们仍将热衷于向世人展示财富,但 格调更高雅。精良的工艺和合适的搭配要比品牌本身更重要。 下次参加北京四季酒店的早午餐会,想必会和波士顿的经历 大不一样。
At a brunch in 2013 in the Four Seasons Boston, it struck me that American men really do dress badly. Aside from me, they all seemed to be in flip-flops, shorts and tee-shirts. Foreigners in China often complain about how local men dress, but these days Beijing men would know not to show up in a formal environment looking as sloppy as their Boston counterparts. Chinese are quickly mastering Western standards of dress. Like Japanese men, Chinese will probably soon look more stylish than men in the West. Prior to arriving here, I might have imagined the figure of the Mandarin, eminently refined in his full-length silk robes and hat with two round flaps. Details like material, cut, and color would relate precisely to the status and position of the wearer and the occasion. The culture that produced intricate Qianlong porcelains and Song Dynasty landscape paintings, not to mention a wealth of beautiful silks, would surely be exactly about attire. Men will be at the forefront of the next period in the development of China as a style-consuming country. The fashion leaders of the younger generation are starting to look behind logos; not only selecting items just for prestige, but trying to look good and buy quality. These young men will be increasingly drawn to a new generation of brands that promise not fashion, but aboding style. Also, many of the influencers in this category are young men; they introduce dad to their tailors. A new crop of tailor shops is springing up to meet this need. This might come as a surprise to those who believe Chinese only like recognizable high-end brands like Louis Vuitton, Armani, and Gucci. But in this new age of understatement, the days of logos, status-obsession and conspicuous consumption will soon be over. Men will seek not to show off their wealth but rather to appear tasteful and stylish. Craftsmanship and the right fit will be more important than brand name. A sense of decorum will also prevail so the Beijing Four Seasons brunch never looks like the one in Boston. If you want to see the sort of man of substance and style one might encounter in Beijing, look no further than this issue’s cover! Nels M.N. Frye 费志远 Editor-in-Chief
LifeStyle 5
速递 015 新巴洛克椅子 巴洛克风格与现代简约主义的完美结合
空间 022 酒吧餐厅中的剧影
新开业的巴黎 CAFÉ FRANÇAIS 酒吧餐厅 如同时髦又讲究的剧院
028 设计之乐
瑞典 Stylt Trampoli 工作室在品牌定位与 设计上大有誓不惊艳死不休的势头
062 设计之美始于适用 好设计美在哪儿?酒店室内设计师郑楠 告诉你答案
064 我用相机看台湾 种子音乐老板田定丰拿起相机定格原 汁原味的台湾美景
享乐 078 台湾不可错过的顶级酒店
5 家宝岛顶级酒店,神秘面纱一一为你 揭开
096 草地上的艺术大餐 坐在马奈草地上享用美食,有种说不出 的惬意
034 让经典再流行
8 个遗产级品牌引领返璞归真的清新 风潮
042 人人都爱限量版 后名牌时代的潮流
品鉴 058 音符背后的吕思清
LifeStyle 为你还原真实的小提琴家
LifeStyle 7
015 A Chair of Contrasts
Minimalist design meets Baroque fabric
064 Life Through a New Lens From pop music to photography
078 Taiwan’s Top Five Hotels you can’t miss
022 A Most Parisian Café
096 A Picnic on the Grass
A theater-style Café in Paris
An Impressionistic international club
028 Create for Wonder
Swedish Designer Stylt Trampoli
034 Reviving the Classics Traditionalist trends
042 The Individualist Era
A new taste of post-megabrand age
058 Life Beyond the Music
A violinist’s life behind the curtains
062 Practical Beauty
The rise of feminine aesthetic
Columns 112 Events 116 LifeStyle Focus 128 Fabulous
LifeStyle 9
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
刊头题字:徐高虎 国际刊号 ISSN 1003-2711 发行范围 Advertising License 广告经营许可证 Supervisory Board 主管、主办 Publishing House 编辑出版 President 社长 Publisher 出版人
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费志远 Nels Frye 彭小乐 Evan Peng 刘芯菲 Eva Liu 应 捷 Jeffrey Ying 韩 萌 Audrey Hammonds 韩丽君 Han Lijun 刘 洋 Liu Yang 李学维 Wayne Li 孙旭阳 Sun Xuyang
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12 LifeStyle
每月,LifeStyle 杂志将给您奉上来自全球的最新流行前沿资讯。 LifeStyle selects the most captivating people, places and things from around the world.
Desirables / P.14 潮地
Destinations / P.18
沈阳万达文华酒店总统套房卧室 Wanda Vista Shenyang
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An Inhabitable Egg 匆忙的都市生活是不是让你感到厌烦呢?来试试眼前这个 “躺”在河床上的遁世蛋形屋吧。不过即将在遁世蛋里呆上一年 的艺术家史蒂芬·特纳可不是来度假的,他要研究河口水生生态环 境变化模式,之后根据得到的灵感创作作品。特纳的“蛋”中生 活实验其实是一个大项目的一部分。该项目旨在研究河流微生态 系统的可持续性和循环方式。而对于避世度假的人来说,这颗外 形充满童趣又能自给自足的“蛋”实在是无可挑剔! Tired of the rush of modern society? Live in the Exbury Egg which is a bespoke wooden studio designed by artist Stephen Turner. This egg-shaped entity was created in order to fulfill a year-long visual and philosophical journey. Turner will ensconce himself inside the egg to create a range of artistic works. For everyone else the Egg will undoubtedly provide a peaceful respite from the world at large.
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A Chair of Color 意大利家具品牌莫罗索与威尼斯奢华 家饰布料鲁贝利前不久共同推出了一款新 布料,该布料是根据一种 18 世纪的织锦研 制而来。西班牙设计师帕奇希娅·奥奇拉便 用这款独特的布料设计出这把色彩绚烂的 椅子。巴洛克风格的华丽面料通过简约利落 的现代设计得到全新的诠释,相信会赢得诸 多鉴赏家的青眼。 This colorful chair designed by Patricia Urquiola uses a distinctive Rubelli fabric which was adapted from a rich 18th century brocade. The fabric was recreated by the Venetian company Rubelli and is in the Moroso collection. Indeed, the contrast of the ornate Baroque fabric and the contemporary form should delight any connoisseur of design.
LifeStyle 15
The Bird is the Word
每个人都需要一个填充玩具,而这 只鸵鸟玩具居然有一只笼子专门用来睡 觉,真是太完美了。你可知它曾是意大 利伦巴第大区阿克纳蒂别墅中的收藏品 之一。这栋别墅毗邻卡斯特拉佐,是 18 世纪伦巴第最著名,也是最重要的贵族 宅邸,因其建于 17 世纪的华丽法式景 观花园而被称为“小凡尔赛宫”。别墅 的主人格利兹奥·阿克纳蒂·维斯康蒂是 名狂热的收藏家,一度拥有达·芬奇最重 要的手稿集《大西洋古抄本》。 Everyone needs a stuffed ostrich in their life and this one is perfect, having even its own special case to rest in. It was once housed in the renowned menagerie of the Villa Arconati, Lombardy, which was perhaps the most important and well-known of aristocratic residences in the Lombardy region during the settecento. Situated in Bollate in the vicinity of Castellazzo it was nicknamed “Little Versailles” because of its ornate landscaped gardens conceived in the 17th Century French taste. The villa was inhabited by Galleazzeo Arconati Visconti, an avid collector, who at one time owned Leonardo da Vinci’s Codex Atlanticus.
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Do the Robot Dance 外形酷似奥特曼的首款人形机器人西甘身高达 8 英尺,1957 年 由意大利工程师恩格·菲奥里托博士打造,在上世纪五六十年代曾红 极一时,能够接收语言指令,还能对光线作出反应。1958 年在伦敦 奥林匹亚展览中心,西甘绕观众席行走一圈,并和一位美女一起大 秀舞步,令全场震惊。如今作为冷战时代的纪念,这款机器人荣登 佳士得拍卖行非凡展品和拍卖品之列,成为最令人震撼的珍品之一。 Cygan, a giant robot made in 1957 and a celebrity of the 1950s and 60s is one of the astonishing items in Christie’s “Out of the Ordinary” exhibition and auction. The eight-foot giant is a monumental relic of the atomic age. Created by Dr. Ing Fiorito, it was one of the most sophisticated robots of its time with an ability to accept spoken commands and respond to light rays. When presented at London’s Olympia in 1958 Cygan amazed crowds, walking around the auditorium and even showing off some dance moves.
LifeStyle 17
Wanda: A Kingdom Expands
A New Standard 与沈阳奥体中心为邻,城中精英汇聚 的人气之所,这样的沈城新潮地有没有让你 心生向往?刚刚揭幕的沈阳万达文华酒店 是万达酒店及度假村麾下东北地区首家超 五星级豪华酒店,抢眼自不必说。万达运营 管理的第二家豪华私人会所沈阳“名仕会” 也同期开业。酒店坐落于浑南新区奥体核心 地段,紧邻浑南万达广场,与高新技术产业 园亦相距不远,且信步可达沈阳奥体中心和 数家大型购物广场,是商务和休闲旅客下榻 的理想之选。豪华舒适的空间,温馨雅致的 餐厅酒廊,精彩纷呈的美味佳肴,意蕴深 厚的茶道,更有一应俱全的休闲健身设施, 让你尽享优雅住宿体验。 Neighboring the city’s Olympic Sports Center, and attracting industry elites and celebrities alike to the region, the newly-opened Wanda Vista Shenyang is a fresh, stylish destination in Shenyang in Northeast China, and the first super five-star hotel operated by Wanda Hotels & Resorts in the region. The hospitality industry giant’s second luxury private club - Club Reign - was opened on the same day. Ideally located in the heart of Hunnan New Area, the hotel offers easy access to Hunnan Wanda Plaza, Hi-tech Industrial Development Zone, the Olympic Sports Center and large shopping malls within walking distance. It features cozy and luxurious guest rooms and suites, elegant restaurants and lounges, unique and delicious local and international gourmet foods, traditional Chinese tea ceremonies and well-equipped recreation and fitness facilities. All of these conveniences make it a perfect home away from home for travelers.
18 LifeStyle
A Realm with a View 全新启幕的抚顺万达嘉华酒店是万达酒店及度假 村管理有限公司继宁德、漳州、淮安之后在中国投资 并管理的第四家使用五星级品牌“万达嘉华”的酒店 (万达麾下另有超五星级品牌“万达文华”及顶级奢 华品牌“万达瑞华”)。万达嘉华旨在为商务人士提 供“自然、舒适和高效”的居停感受。酒店拥有 280 间时尚宽敞的客房与套房,客房最小面积为 40 平米, 堪称全城之最。如入住 15 层以上,透过落地窗可欣 赏浑河两岸的旖旎风光。万达广场、大歌星、万达影 院、购物中心等休闲娱乐场所都在步行范围内。 Wanda Realm made its grand debut in Fushun as the fourth Realm hotel invested and operated by Wanda Hotels & Resorts in China. Wanda Hotels & Resorts owns a series of hotel brands including the five-star Wanda Realm, five-star-plus Wanda Vista as well as the elite luxury brand Wanda Reign. Wanda Realm Fushun is committed to providing warm, comfortable and efficient stays for business travelers with 280 chic spacious guest rooms and suites; with the city’s largest minimum size of 40 square meters each. Guests who select rooms on the 15th floor or above will be greeted with a splendid view of the Hun River with floor-to-ceiling windows in each room. With a very convenient location on the Hunnan South Road in Xinfu District on the south bank of the beautiful river, the hotel is very close to Wanda Plaza, Wanda Cinema, shopping malls and more. www.wandavista.com
LifeStyle 19
Scoop 加拿大新风景地标:冰川天空步道
Glacier Skywalk Comes to Life
加拿大落基山脉中心区域正在建造的“冰川天空步道”将成为加拿大全新风景地标,堪 称与加拿大国家公园零距离接触的全新自然观光体验。该项目将在今年秋季竣工,预计明年 5 月份开门迎客。冰川天空步道坐落于冰原大道之中,距离哥伦比亚冰原及冰川探险中心仅 几分钟路程。游客可沿着完全开放的峭壁步行抵达辛华达峡谷上方 280 米的玻璃地板观景台。 这一壮观的景点被誉为全球最独特的生态系统之一,同时也是了解生态学、地质学、冰川学 知识以及哥伦比亚冰原地区自然历史的绝佳之处。 What started as a vision to create an engaging, barrier-free National Park experience is nearly a reality in the Canadian Rockies. The Glacier Skywalk has reached a milestone in the construction process, and is on schedule to welcome visitors starting May 2014. The Glacier Skywalk, will be Canada’s newest iconic attraction. Visitors will participate in an interpretive experience along a cliff-edge walkway that leads to a glass-floored observation platform 280 meters above the Sunwapta Valley. This spectacular location is one of the most unique ecosystems in the world, and offers an ideal venue for learning about the ecology, geology, glaciology and natural history of the Columbia Icefield region.
Giorgio G 顶级干邑发售
Giorgio’s Cognac
时尚界的大腕乔治奥·古驰涉足顶级干邑领域,计划出售他创立的流行品牌 Giorgio G 旗 下的 5700 瓶顶级干邑系列。据估计,这些干邑的价值高达 1800 万美元。此次出售的干邑 系列均委托美国 AEB 咨询公司发售,其中有 3900 瓶限量版 XO。所使用的原料来自 70 多 家特级和一级葡萄园,陈年时间在 20 年到 30 年之间,且每个酒瓶上都镀有 22 克拉黄金。 Fashion scion turned Cognac producer Giorgio Gucci is selling off 5,700 bottles of his own Cognac brand, whose combined value is estimated at around $18 million. Due to be sold privately as a single lot through US firm Americas Executive Beverage Consultancy, the majority of the 3,900 bottles is represented by the Limited Edition XO, a blend drawn from more than 70 grand cru and premier cru sites with these components aged for between 20 and 30 years. Each bottle is decorated with 22 carat gold.
20 LifeStyle
开启世界各地建筑与室内设计灵感之旅。 A visual tour of practical and aesthetic buildings and interiors around the world.
Interior / P.22
Designer / P.28
巴黎 Café Français 酒吧餐厅澄蓝晴空天花板 Café Français flagship restaurant, Paris
LifeStyle 21
Café A La Mode
新开业的巴黎 Café Français 酒吧餐厅充满浓郁的现代时尚气息, 如同时髦又讲究的剧院。 A new café in Paris embodies all of French chic.
Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Beaumarly
在时尚气息浓郁的巴士底广场,Café Français 煞是惹人注目。这家旗舰餐厅是 Beaumarly 全新之作,也是个“冒险”之举。 虽然位于巴黎最瞬息万变的区域,但 Café Français 已成为这里最具代表性的现代酒 吧餐厅。从亨利四世大道延伸至圣安东尼 街,酒吧餐厅隐于马莱区后面,与巴士底歌 剧院相对,几乎占据了整个街区,算得上是 巴黎最大的餐厅之一。Beaumarly 由吉尔伯 特和蒂埃里·科斯特斯共同运营,提起他们, 人们马上想到的是他们极为时髦的科斯特 斯酒店,那里每天都聚集着来自上流社会的 时尚达人和创意人士。对于那些想找个个性 十足又不单纯是“不闷”的地方享用香槟和 羊角面包的创意达人来说,Café Français 应该能成为他们的新宠。 Café Français 的室内设计是由巴黎知 名室内设计师印迪娅·迈达维和 M/M 平面设 计工作室一起操刀完成。你很容易就能发现 空间、装修材料、家具及配饰上大小不一的 几何图案,整体设计风格在标志上体现得淋 漓尽致,并渗透到这个如同剧院一般的餐厅 的每一处地方。
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两个用餐区都为光线充足的圆形大厅, 其中放置了圆胖的皮质沙发,天花板是对称 设计的澄蓝晴空。不同的空间由大理石和水 磨石镶嵌的地板连接,墙壁镀上金色的铜 叶,并饰以黑白根大理石和黄铜,半圆形拱 门和壁凹穿插其间,传统手工艺打造的古镜 则用来增强空间的透视感。精致的家具和多 种材料的运用将原本简洁硬朗的线条软化。 典型的法国红、白以及蓝色与光影及其他色 彩交织在一起,营造出明快、清晰、和谐的 视觉冲击。 走廊也被设计成了就坐区,玻璃屋顶 下放置了黑柳条和木质家具,一派现代冬日 花园的景象,客人还能看到著名的七月柱, 而且这里直接通向酒吧(也可从广场入口进 来)。与明亮的 CAFÉ FRANÇAIS 形成鲜 明对比,酒吧散发着柔和的魅力。喜欢睡前 小酌一杯或从剧院出来后雅兴不减,来这里 再适合不过了。其棱角分明的整体设计在黄 铜柜台的映衬下得到舒缓。另外值得一提的 是,一楼的一个区域是由路易斯·本卓尼设 计的,这位著名的室内装饰设计师曾与蒂埃 里·科斯特斯合作赢得过《建筑文摘》举办 的比赛。CAFÉ FRANÇAIS 绿意盎然的露台 更是给闹市增添了一个沁人心脾的清凉处。
Café Français, the Beaumarly group’s latest new venture and flagship restaurant is located in the chic Place de la Bastille, and has become the embodiment, in this constantly changing district, of a contemporary brasserie. Café Français, tucked in behind the Marais opposite the Opera House, stretches from Boulevard Henri IV to Rue Saint-Antoine, occupying virtually the entire block and is now one of the largest restaurants in Paris. The Beaumarly Group is operated by Gilbert and Thierry Costes, known for their achingly hip Hotel Costes, the main hotel for fashionistas and creatives. This winkingly lavish new Café should be a similar draw for aesthetically inclined creative types who long for a unique but not non-stuffy place to quaff their champagnes and nibble their croissants. The interior design was entrusted to India Mahdavi and the M/M (Paris) graphic design studio which, together, gave the café a graphic density in a multi-scaled vocabulary covering the spaces, the materials, the furniture and accessories. The design is encapsulated first and foremost in the logo, but surfaces elsewhere to permeate this theatrical project entirely.
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With their chubby leather chairs the two dining rooms are reassuringly symmetrical under the bright blue sky of a light-giving rotunda, and their spaces are unified by a floor rich in marble and terrazzo marquetry. The walls, with semi-circular arches and alcoves interspersed between the different spaces, are gilded in copper leaf, and adorned with black Marquina marble and brass. Some traditionally crafted and aged mirrors are placed to reflect and enhance the perspectives. Throughout, the radical clean lines are tempered by refined furniture and rich materials. The typical French red, white and blue palette is combined with many other shades and colors. Beyond the two dining rooms, the veranda provides the final stage on the journey to the terrace and the view of the Le Génie monument. Under the glass roof, furniture made from burled walnut marquetry, wood and black wicker, reflects the spirit of the contemporary yet graphic winter garden, with its discrete passageway to the bar which can also be reached by an entrance from the square. The bar, with its subdued glamour, stands in stark contrast with the bright urban brasserie, and is the ideal spot for a nightcap, after the opera or theatre. The brass counter is a counterpoint to the overall angular design and contributes to a soothing ambiance. There is an area on the first floor designed by Louis Benzoni, the interior decorator who won a competition organized by AD Magazine in collaboration with Thierry Costes. Finally, there is the enclosed leafy terrace that affords shelter in the heart of the city.
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Swedish Designer Fun 瑞典 Stylt Trampoli 工作室在品牌定位与设计上 大有誓不惊艳死不休的势头,为设计平添一份真正的乐趣。 A multi-discplinary design firm, Stylt Trampoli brands and designs a fun time. Text: Jeffrey Ying Photos: Stylt Trampoli
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瑞典哥德堡 Stylt Trampoli 设计工作室 常常交出异想天开的室内设计作品,从 Le Pain Francais 面包店到 Le Rouge 餐厅, 无一不是奢华且充满玩味儿,大有誓不惊艳 死不休的势头。 二 十 多 年 来, 创 办 人 埃 里 克· 尼 森 将 Stylt Trampoli 打造成为设计与品牌定位兼 顾的综合设计工作室。在这里,设计不光是 分析工具那么简单。作为一个整合传播平 台,工作室懂得向客户传达整体设计观念时 整合所有视觉要素的意义所在。在他们看 来,企业品牌故事是极具价值和身份认同感 的资产,甚至是最具价值的品牌资源。有了 好故事作支撑,一个强有力的、给人真实触 感的品牌就建立了。好的故事是品牌理念形 成的基础,不仅可使品牌理念具有很强的吸 引力,并且非常清晰和准确。根据项目需要, 每个设计过程可能涉及一人或多人或集体 的努力,包括建筑师、室内设计师、艺术 家和其他专业人士。难怪 Stylt Trampoli 在 品牌定位与设计上出类拔萃,尤擅长餐厅、 潮地和酒店的设计及品牌定位。 优化定位特色,创立品牌风格,对企 业可持续性发展具有很大的推动作用。拿 Le Rouge 餐厅来说,它采用了王公帐篷的 主题,总让人想到奢华的私人游猎或是 18 世纪女子的深闺。餐厅擅于重新诠释经典意 大利餐和法国料理,营造一个有说服力的视 觉空间的初衷已经成功实现。 Le Pain Francais 面包店更为大众化, 但依然奢华,内饰采用了大量的天鹅绒、雕 塑及其他装饰品。哪怕只是买个三明治或者 法式长棍面包,这个四层楼的面包店无疑是 一次令人五感皆愉悦的美妙体验。 国内外四百多家餐厅、250 家酒店以及 各式潮地设计作品就足以让 Stylt Trampoli 工作室熠熠生辉。
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ounded by Erik Nissen Johansen, and based in Gotheberg Sweden, Stylt Trampoli is a multi-disciplinary branding and designer agency responsible for some of the more lavishly whimsical interiors out there. From French bakeries such as Le Pain Francais to a restaurant called Le Rouge, the design schemes are completely unexpected, lavish and fun. Existing for more than 20 years, Stylt Trampoli goes a few steps further than just using design as a profiling tool. As a communication agency, they also see the value of integrating overall visual themes in order to convey a cohesive whole for
the client. Stylt’s work is based on the idea that the story of the company is a valuable identity asset and the most valuable brand resource. With storytelling as its base, a powerful resource in the form of a tactile brand is created. The whole project may involve architects, interior designers, artists and other specialists. A good story becomes the foundation for clear, attractive and highly distinctive concepts. Indeed it’s no surprise that Stylt’s strengths lay in the experience, destination and hospitality industry. The commercial viability has made the concepts persistent, profitable and brand conscious. For example, Le Rouge restaurant incorporates a red tented theme that could bring to mind a luxury safari or an 18th century boudoir. Clearly the aim for a cogent visual whole has succeeded since the restaurant specializes in reinterpretations of classic French and Italian food. The Le Pain Francias bakery caters to a more democratic idea but it is lavish nonetheless. The slightly madcap look of the interior is compounded with lush textures of velvet and a multitude of sculptures and artworks. This makes the four-story restaurant a sensory experience for anyone simply wandering in to buy a baguette or sandwich. Stylt have, nationally and internationally, been involved in more than 400 restaurants, 250 hotels and a variety of destinations during their time in the business.
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别致找寻值得格外关注,特色内容专门为您料理。 Special finds deserve special attention. We serve you the main dish of each month at its best.
The Traditionalist Revival / P.34
Nexus of Niche / P.40 人人都爱限量版
Singularity for All / P.42 9 家必逛多品牌精品店
Multi-Brand Stores / P.44
SPACESHIP by Tips 多品牌精品店
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United Stock Dry Goods founder Sydney Mamane describes the values of his brand as “honesty, quality, and integrity”
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H 让经典再流行
The Traditionalist Revival Text: Nels Frye
这个八月,遗产级品牌和其他致力于传承和 弘扬传统工艺的品牌在亚洲首个国际顶级 B2B 时尚贸易展 The Hub 上找到了进入中国市场的 平台。在著名奢侈品牌占据中国市场数十年后, 新一波国外服装大潮正在涌入。这些新晋中小品 牌奉行产品品质和本地加工优先的理念,认为这 两者比广告宣传和新不新潮更重要。从英国、欧 洲大陆到美国,再到日本,这一新风潮的所有参 与者对品质狂热崇拜,身体力行可持续发展的加 工方式,致力于将现代气息融入传统工艺。 这些品牌反对投机取巧,相信选用价格低廉 的原材料就意味着降低产品品质。为此,他们坚 持选用最好的原料,自始至终严格监督控制生产 过程。而信息透明也很重要,因为现代消费者已 更加成熟,希望对服装材质和产地了解得清清楚 楚。新一代的时尚精英对品质的关注程度胜过潮 流。这些公司集中精力将一种材质的特质发挥到 极致,比如针织布、皮革或牛仔布,而不仅仅是 给产品贴上自己的商标拿去卖。 男装通常不重款式花色重质量,而这里我们 搜罗的一组遗产级品牌无一不致力为追求简约时 尚的现代都市精英阶层提供工艺精湛、款式流行 的全套服饰产品。曾将迪赛、添柏岚和 Gant 引 入亚洲市场的时装界资深人士许贤滔是 The Hub 展会的组织者之一,在他看来,新一代时尚精英 正在中国崛起。他们有智慧的头脑,只愿购买高 品质的产品。而对于那些没有足够资金实力在时 尚杂志上做广告或在每家商场开设零售店的品牌 来说,品质就是一切,名声是靠口碑传出来的。
eritage brands and others with a commitment to traditional craftsmanship found their China platform at August’s Hub in Hong Kong. Following decades of dominance by well-known luxury labels in China, the next wave of foreign apparel and accessories is arriving. These labels tend to be small and medium sized producers that prioritize durability and keeping production close to home over marketing and the fashion cycle. From the UK, the US, Japan and Europe, the members of this assembly share a fanaticism toward quality, a dedication to sustainable production, and a commitment to modernization of heritage. These are not brands that search for short cuts. They tend to believe searching for lower priced alternatives means lowering quality. Instead, they seek the very best materials and control the production process from start to finish. Transparency is also key since the more sophisticated modern consumer wants to know what he is wearing and where it came from. This is a new style elite that cares more about good products than fashion. These companies also often focus on doing one thing like knitwear, leather goods or denim very well rather than merely putting their brandname on any product that will sell. Since menswear is often less about trends and showiness than solid quality, many of the brands profiled here also focus on outfitting the new breed of stylish, conscientious male. This is a rising group in China where, in the opinion of Clarence Hui, one of the men behind the Hub who introduced brands like Diesel, Gant, and Timberland to Asian markets, consumers are very intelligent and will only spend good money when they know the value is there, which means investing in items engineered to last. For brands that may not have the ability to plaster local fashion magazines with ads and set up retail outlets in every mall, quality will have to speak for itself and information about it will have to spread via word of mouth.
Barbour 英国老牌巴伯尔自 1894 年创立以来就 一直是狩猎人、渔夫等户外工作者膜拜的品 牌,其轻便的海军蓝和橄榄绿油蜡棉夹克防 风防水又防刺,至今都是英国风的象征。巴 伯尔极受王室宠爱,持有三个王室御用状。 时尚编辑、潮人和摇滚音乐人也都对其青睐 有加,比如英国天才女歌手莉莉·艾伦、当 红女主持人艾里珊·钟等。时至今日,这个 家族企业已传承至第五代,但总部仍位于其 诞生地英格兰东北部小镇南希尔兹,很多经 典款也还是在这里生产。巴伯尔行事低调, 其暗沉格纹颜色在英国与博柏利齐名,这跟 有些贵族很高调有些贵族很低调是一个理。 Available in navy and olive green, the classic waxed cotton jacket from Barbour has been a symbol of British style since the company began in 1894. Barbour has been the jacket of choice for English hunters, fisherman, motorcyclists and other outdoorsman for over a century – treasured for its light but water, wind and thorn resistant shell – but is also favored by the Royal Family, which has awarded the brand three Royal Warrants. The brand is also favored by fashion editors, hipsters, rockers like Lily Allen and, notably, by fashionista Alexa Chung. Now in its 5th generation, the family-owned business remains in Simonside, South Shields, where many of the iconic jackets are still made.
Carré Royal 自上世纪 50 年代成立第一间工作坊, 卡雷一直专注于生产高品质的皮革产品。其 选材广泛,包括哈里斯花呢,还研制出使柔 软小牛皮更光滑并呈现古旧色的工艺。卡雷 的皮革皆来自欧洲最好的皮革厂(主要是法 国皮革厂),并采用植物鞣液。 Carré Royal has been making leathergoods since their workshop was founded in the 1950s. Their materials range from supple calf leather that develops a fine patina over time to Harris Tweed. They come from the best European, mainly French, tanneries and tanning solutions are vegetable-based.
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Bailey of Hollywood 1922 年,乔治·贝利在美国洛杉矶创立 了贝利品牌,专攻美国西海岸风格与西部牛 仔风格的帽款。如今贝利风格依旧,牢抓 美式反英雄主义的精神要髓:叛逆但魅力四 射,世故却有点调皮,可靠又总有那么一点 点腹黑。正是为像亨弗莱·鲍嘉和加里·格兰 特那样的好莱坞一线男星而打造。贝利始终 保持着创立时的两个主要产品线:强调造 型时尚好看好搭配的 Bailey of Hollywood, 主要是软呢帽、巴拿马草帽、报童帽及其 他精致头饰;以经典西部打扮为设计主轴 的 Bailey Western,着重于牛仔草帽或毛皮 毡帽,常常饰以美国本土图案。大多数帽 子仍然在宾夕法尼亚州亚当斯敦的 Bollman 帽工厂生产。 Bailey hats reek of their origins on America’s West Coast. Founded by George S. Bailey in Los Angeles back in 1922, the hats still cater to capture the spirit of the original American anti-hero: rebellious yet glamorous; sophisticated yet roguish; dependable but always possessing a hint of darkness. This was the hat of Hollywood leading men like Humphrey Bogart and Cary Grant and the choice for genuine cowboys. Hence, the two lines: “Bailey of Hollywood”, mainly fedoras, panamas, newsboy hats and other more refined headwear; and “Bailey Western”, centered on cowboy hats in straw or fur felt, often with Native American motifs. Most hats are still produced in the USA at the Bollman Hat Factory in Adamstown, Pennsylvania.
弗雷茨·希尔特尔上世纪 50 年代创建希 尔特尔男士长裤品牌时只有一个纯粹的目 标——做最好的男士长裤!多年来,希尔特 尔坚持“我们不追求做得最大,只追求做得 最好”的准则,坚持纯手工完成诸多工序。 哪怕机器再有速度和数量上的优势,若要以 牺牲品质为代价,他们肯定会选手工。每一 处微小的细节都能窥见其高端品质:特制精 密细齿金属拉链、裤裆和侧缝的缝合采用超 细针脚缝合、不需要特殊熨烫也能保持平整, 以及采用特殊缝制方法以确保每一颗纽扣牢 固固定。其选用面料出自顶尖的纺织厂,主 要集中在德国和意大利。 Hiltl focuses on one critical item of clothing the vast majority of men must wear every day: trousers. When he founded the company in the 1950s, Fritz Hiltl focused on a single goal: crafting the Ultimate Trousers. Machines are only used when they bring advantages in quality but in many cases work is still done by hand. Details frequently associated with top-end tailor include metal zippers with particularly fine teeth, over-locked crotch and side seams, eye buttonholes with cross bar tacks, buttons on long cotton stems that do not come loose and prevent the fabric from being displaced when they are closed. The fabrics come from leading weaving mills, mainly in Germany and Italy.
John Smedley 英国的纺织工业久负盛名,针织服饰品 牌约翰·史沫特莱诞生于 1784 年产业革命初 期的德比郡马特洛克(至今仍在生产),两 百多年来一直坚持家族经营,工人们也是代 代服务于此,因而其针织技艺得到完整保存。 约翰·史沫特莱的美利奴羊毛、棉质以及山 羊绒毛衣在全世界范围内受到推崇,但无论 款式如何更新,始终都是浓郁的英国风。除 了必须优先考虑的设计问题,约翰·史沫特 莱还非常关注可持续性发展,比如让水尽可 能重复使用,并启用严格的处理工艺流程以 确保再生水水源清洁。 Among the most enduring British knitwear brands, John Smedley began production not long after the start of the Industrial Revolution in 1784 at Lea Mills, in Matlock, Derbyshire, where they still produce. Run by descendants of the original John Smedley, many of the workers are also from families that have been at the Lea Mills operation over several generations. John Smedley merino, cotton and cashmere sweaters are among the most desired in the world and the styles are updated in a way that is always quintessentially British. In addition to prioritizing contemporary design, sustainability is also a major focus. Water is recycled when possible and strict processes are in place to ensure water returned to sources is completely clean.
Sunspel 英国内衣制造专家绅士堡自 1860 年起 就以耐用、柔软和会呼吸的棉质产品著称, 还为英国皇室制作高品质的内衣。詹姆斯· 邦德也选择绅士堡内衣和马球衫作为其最 贴身的衣物。荣获奥斯卡最佳服装设计奖的 林迪·海明为《皇家赌场》和《大破量子危机》 选择了绅士堡的 T 恤衫和马球衫,认为 007 与这个百年品牌的合作是“品质与英国范” 的完美融合。绅士堡也从邦德电影里汲取灵 感,特别是《雷霆万钧》,其朗伊顿工厂生 产的裤子正是从肖恩·康纳利在电影中穿的 浅蓝色泳裤得到启发。 James Bond chooses Sunspel for the garments he wears closest to his skin, whether underwear or polo shirts. Another iconic British knitwear brand, Sunspel has been famed for its durable, soft, breathable cottons since 1860 when it supplied underwear to the British Empire. For Casino Royale and Quantum of Solace, Academy Award-winning costume designer Lindy Hemming chose Sunspel for polos and teeshirts, describing the union of 007 and the fashion brand as “a perfect collaboration of quality and Britishness”. Sunspel has also found inspiration in Bond films, notably Thunderball, in which Sean Connery wears pale blue trunks that served as inspiration for a pair now being produced Sunspel’s Long Eaton factory.
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Swims 现代绅士们对脚上的鞋履是最不 吝 啬 的, 从 英 国 国 宝 级 优 质 鞋 履 品 牌 Church’s、意大利高级定制手工鞋品牌圣 东尼到手工定制鞋之王约翰·罗布,无一不 是取悦自己的最佳品牌。不过要是碰上连续 阴雨天气,尤其像在中国南方,再好的鞋也 抵不过雨水的持续侵蚀。Swims 想人之所想, 推出了现代橡胶套鞋,让你的爱鞋免受恶劣 天气伤害不说,其本身还时尚有型,不影响 你的穿着搭配。如今 Swims 与约翰·罗布、 阿玛尼合作,定制生产与鞋配套的橡胶鞋套, 另外还出产防水衣服和运动鞋。 If there is one item on which modern gentleman rarely want to skimp, it must be their leather-soled, handmade shoes from brands like Church’s, Santoni, John Lobb etc. The problem is that those shoes tend to get ruined by frequent rain and precipitation is especially frequent in Southern China. Swims makes a “Modern Galosh” that slips over good shoes, protecting them from inclement weather, but remain quite stylish. Swims has now collaborated with John Lobb and Armani, producing customized galoshes sold with the shoes. They also offer a line of dress and athletic shoes in water resistant materials.
United Stock Dry Goods 迈克尔·卡瓦焦尼和西德尼·马马内在多 伦多创办的 United Stock Dry Goods 拥有 这个时代最难得的低调和诚实品质。他们的 服饰简单、耐穿、亲和力强,价格还公道, 其中牛仔、衬衫和外套都在北美周边生产。 牛仔布料是日本的色织棉布,其靛蓝染色工 艺采用的是最先进的污水处理技术,能最大 限度地减少空气污染和水污染。 United Stock Dry Goods embodies our era that prizes understatement and honest quality. Toronto-based founders Michael Cavaggioni and Sydney Mamane sought to create simple, wearable, well-constructed garments at an accessible price and the result was production of denim, shirts, and outerwear close to home in North America. The material used for the perfect raw denim is Japanese yarn-dyed cotton that relies on an indigo dyeing process that minimizes impact on air and water quality, and state of the art effluent treatment technologies.
Nexus of Niche
全球时尚焦点不停变化,亚洲首个国际顶级 B2B 时尚贸易展 The Hub 的创立愈发凸显了这一巨大转变。 Fashion’s focal point is moving in more and more ways and the creation of a highly curated event like the Hub underscores this massive transition. Text: Nels Frye
对于大大小小的时尚品牌来说,现在 没有什么比吸引和留住中国消费者更重要 的了。它们争先恐后地进入中国市场,很 多 把 亚 洲 首 个 国 际 顶 级 B2B 时 尚 贸 易 展 The Hub 作为东方探险的起点。来自欧美、 日本和亚洲其它地区的著名设计品牌加盟 香港 The Hub 展,寻求在中国内地甚至更 多地方有影响力的经销商和实力强大的投 资者。因此,The Hub 展既是全球时尚业 和潮流风尚重大变革的推动者,也是一个 风向标。 有些变革虽是全球性的,但在中国尤 为明显。从过去对名牌及奢侈品牌的痴迷, 到现在开始追求低调的个性,中国内地消 费者正从不懂时尚品味的暴发户成长为颇 具时尚眼光的达人。在内地,时尚也从单 纯的炫耀转变为注重内在的品质。与之相 比,从追捧或高档或低档的流行品牌到追 求非凡的设计和做工,爱上所谓“真正的
工艺”,欧美消费者却是经历了相当长的 一段时间。在中国人从盲目追逐奢侈品牌 到关注品牌的内在灵魂这一过程中,类似 The Hub 展上展示的这些小众时尚品牌同 样受到了关注。 近年来出现的另外一个有趣现象便是 街头风、设计和传统经典的融合。The Hub 展参展品牌就代表了这一趋势:街头服饰 寻求回归传统,而传统风格力求变得时尚。 从英国奢侈品牌巴伯尔到日本牛仔品牌 Studio D’Artisan,大牌用传统手工艺创造 出备受时尚圈赏识的新风尚,且品味愈发 高雅。无论是经典欧美品牌还是世界各地 的当代设计师,他们正将时尚引入传统街 头风。 全球时尚中心向亚洲转移是因这里的 消费者开始对时尚有成熟的判断力,并具 备相当的时尚品位。如今亚洲引领全球时 尚,亚洲的大都市个个都是时尚之都。与
此同时,在全世界范围内,将大牌等同于 时尚潮流的观念正逐渐淡化。过去中国男 人买礼物大多是送给业务合作伙伴或家人, 很少考虑自己的穿着打扮。现在不同了, 大量高档男装品牌的出现说明男士开始追 求自身衣着的品质,而不仅仅是随波逐流, 总而言之,这是一个盛况空前的时尚年代, 我们的方向是正确的。
The Hub 展创办人理查德·霍布斯和彼得·卡普罗 Richard Hobbs and Peter Caplowe, Co-founders of The Hub 作为亚洲牛仔和运动休闲服饰行业的翘楚,理查德·霍布斯和彼得·卡普罗联手创建了 Entrepot Asia 和 The Hub,管理时尚品牌公司的股权投资,并帮助企业建立在亚洲的品牌影响力。常居 香港的理查德·霍布斯有着超过 25 年为时尚品牌做外包分包以及品牌维护和发展的经验。在过去 八年里,他拥有并管理一家名为 Fortune8 的咨询公司和一个高档牛仔品牌 Real Real Genuine。他 的搭档彼得·卡普罗是日本牛仔品牌 Evisu 的执行总裁。彼得在 1994 年将该品牌推向全球,零售 额一度高达 100 万美元,并借 2002 年北京时装展打入中国市场。彼得还创办了英国服装品牌授权、 分销及零售公司 PIL,成功地将 Carhartt, Spiewak, Blundstones 和 Hard Yakka 等品牌推向市场。 Among the foremost figures in denim and sportswear in Asia, Richard Hobbs and Peter Caplowe are the co-founders of Entrepot Asia, which launched the Hub, and manages a portfolio of equity stakes in branded, fashion-related businesses and supports companies seeking to build their presence in Asia. With over 25 years in sourcing, developing and branding for fashion labels Hong Kong-based Richard Hobbs has also owned and managed consultancy firm, Fortune8, and premium denim focused brand, Real Real Genuine for the past 8 years. His partner Peter Caplowe was founder and CEO of premium Japanese denim brand, Evisu, which he made international in 1994, bringing the business to retail sales of US$100m, and launching the business in China with a 2002 Beijing fashion show. Peter founded UK fashion licensing, distribution and retail company PIL, which introduced brands like Carhartt, Spiewak, Blundstones and Hard Yakka to the market.
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othing matters more for fashion brands big and small than Chinese consumers. Now niche brands are flocking to these realms, many of them choosing Hong Kong’s the Hub as a point to launch their Eastern adventures. The delicately curated list of brands from the West, Japan and other parts of Asia come to this event seeking partnerships with influential retailers and major investors in the Mainland and beyond. The Hub both catalyzes and embodies many major changes in the global fashion industry and overall style zeitgeist. Some changes are global but seem even keener in China. From obsession with logos and luxury to an understatement and style, the Mainland consumer seems to be moving quickly from being a bit of an upstart to seeming highly sophisticated. The move is from an age of exhibition and loud logos to one of understatement with an emphasis on craftsmanship and authenticity. In the West, the love of all that is called “artisanal” and the flight from the most recognizable, mainstream labels, whether high or lowend, to brands and products that are more singular in production and design has been going on for some time. In China, the flight from luxury and conspicuous consumption to products that have soul also favors smaller brands like those showing at the Hub. Another interesting trend of the last few years is the uniting of streetwear, design and
heritage. The curation of brands at the Hub represents the trend of the last few years of streetwear becoming more classic and the classics becoming more hip. From Britain’s Barbour to Japan’s Studio D’Artisan, brands use traditional craftsmanship and style to create styles that will appeal to a global hipster class with ever more refined taste. These include traditionalist brands from Europe and the US, contemporary designers from Asia and the world, and a stylish selection of streetwear brands. Fashion’s focus has shifted to Asia, as shoppers here begin to represent the majority of sophisticated fashion consumers with taste and discretion. Asia now determines global styles and its capitals are the most stylish cities in the world, and The Hub provides all an opportunity to see the best right in their backyard. The world in which fashion and style just meant logoed handbags and other accessories is also waning. Traditionally Chinese men buy mostly gifts for business partners and family but do not spend as much on their own style, but this is changing, and the amount of excellent menswear brands will reflect a love of quality since many menswear labels are much more focused on this than they are on passing winds of style. In general, it seems like a very wholesome time to be doing fashion. The direction is positive.
Pelliano Pocketsquare
Bottica’s Kiyan Foroughi and Avid Larizadeh
Yellow Asymmetric Leather & Wood Clutch by Greece’s Georgina Skalidi
Singularity for All 新一代赶时髦的消费者或将只买定制或超级限量版产品。 The next generation of stylish consumers will only buy items that are either customized or available in super limited editions. Text: Nels Frye
在购物时发现新品着实令人兴奋,可 惜现在购物网站上的东西都千篇一律,标 签上不是开云集团就是路易威登,要么价 格贵得离谱,要么打折促销,促销手段毫 无新意。在过去的二十年里,花哨的广告 宣传一直灌输的一个观念就是,要想有身 份,就得挎名牌包,喷名牌香水。让这一 切一去不复返吧。在这个后名牌时代,时 尚精英渴望独具特色的包装来张扬与众不 同又丰富多彩的个性。因此,聪明的消费 者不会再购买满世界可以找到的东西,而 需要的是限量版,拥有精良做工、独特设 计以及引人入胜的品牌故事。 互联网快速发展拓宽了购物的渠道, 我们的购买范围不再仅仅局限于众所周知 的大牌。Bottica 是一个汇聚了众多独立设 计师品牌的时尚网站,凭借高效可靠的现 代化物流,无论是加拿大西部萨斯喀彻温 省的小城穆斯乔,还是中国青海省西宁市, 任何地方的网购者都可以打扮得和住在纽 约曼哈顿的人们一样时尚个性。只要你在 网上能找到,你就可以买得到,比如珠宝 设计师阿拉塔·福 池,他出生于日本,现在 旅居意大利佛罗伦萨,他运用韩国古老的 镀金技艺开创了一种研磨新技术。虽然缺 少资金做广告,也没有实体店,他却拥有
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自己的网店。就连意大利那不勒斯小巷中 或摩洛哥马拉喀什集市的小店都有自己的 网店,这为消费者网上购物提供了便利。 光有异域风情或者打着物以稀为贵的 招牌当然还不够。Bottica 网站的老板就有 着一双好眼力,所选择的产品在风格理念 上现代与传统并重,目前拥有全球 42 个国 家的 345 位设计师的一万多件作品。许多 产品的设计新颖而巧妙,兼具传统趣味与 当代风范。来自迪拜的设计品牌 Poupée Couture 的水晶单肩包混搭使用明亮色彩与 沉重的金属隔栅,并采用当地的传统图案 和材质,表现了当今阿拉伯世界保守力量 与自由力量严重不平衡的现实。抛开其中 的深意不说,这件作品也令人难以忘怀。 Bottica 的很多产品都是限量版的。 当然,并非所有的产品都与其产地有 着深刻的关联,很多作品就是看着时尚、 别致、新颖且品质精良。拿着希腊女设计 师乔治娜·斯卡里迪用牛皮和桦木打造的黄 色不规则手拿包去参加派对,别人很可能 会猜这又是哪位著名设计师的新作。它看 上去像是巴黎或米兰时装秀上的大牌,但 更具创意。所以说,如果只盯着那些老品牌, 就是把全世界商店里它们所有的产品一网
打尽也毫无意义。为什么要傻傻地不断为 那些一模一样的包包掏腰包呢? Bottica 的大多数物品都是经典款,设 计风格大胆,充满了当代时尚精神,而威 尔士女帽品牌 Robyn Coles 推出的象牙白 西纳梅麻布波浪羽翎礼帽则堪称其中的代 表之一,不过很难想象一个没什么品味的 人会喜欢这里。我们身处一个追求品质和 个性的时代,而网站的创建者基扬·福鲁吉 和爱维德·拉里扎德一定也是认识到了这一 点,所以网站才会洋溢着这个时代所有的 渴望,并将这些渴望融入高雅的审美趣味 和精良的工艺之中。早在马拉喀什的集市 上, 当福鲁吉被美妙至极的珠宝吸引的时 候,他就意识到产品背后的故事和精神与 设计一样对消费者存在同等重要的影响, 于是产生了一个注定要成为传奇的创意。 仅 仅 几 年 之 后,Bottica 就 荣 登《Marie Claire》和《Harper’s Bazaar》等著名时 尚杂志,并赢得卡梅隆·迪亚兹、蕾哈娜等 一众明星的青睐。尽管 Bottica 的男装品牌 已经足够诱人,但在我看来,如果策划人 运用远见卓识及能力,为顾客提供更加丰 富多彩的选择,比如增加鞋履品牌,网站 肯定会更上一层楼。
Going shopping and glimpsing new products should offer a certain rush of excitement. Tired of the succession of websites with the same generic products from the old hyper-labels under PPR, LVMH, etc. all at similar high prices or even at a discount, we all want to pass by the flashy propaganda of the last two decades telling us the only route to status is a logoed bag or scent. The post-megabrand era is here for the style elite, which needs unique items that reflect an eclectic, creative identity. Intelligent consumers won’t pay the needless markup for an item owned by thousands across the world. They expect expert work, unique design available in limited volumes and products that have an appealing, fully articulated story. A liberating joy of the internet is that we can stop buying only the brands with the scale and financing to set up on Main Street. Ventures like Boticca, combined with the efficiency and reliability of modern shipping, should let consumers from Moosejaw, Saskatchewan, to Xining, Qinghai, dress as stylishly and uniquely as those in Manhattan. If your search can find it, it can be yours. A creative designer and artisan like Japan-born, Florence-based Arata Fuchi who uses South Korean Kum-bu crafting techniques themselves might have lacked the scale needed for marketing and retailing. Online platforms then provide the same accessibility to those that wandered into some little shop in an alleyway in Naples or a Marakesh bazaar. Exoticism and rarity are not enough, of course. The curators from Boticca have the right eye too. Their selection – now over 10,000 unique pieces from 345 designers based in 42 countries worldwide – focuses on items that are both modern and traditional, both in their construction and in their conception. Many items do not shun their roots but instead find innovative, clever ways to explore their contemporary cultures. The mix of bright colors and a metal grill of the Quilted Crystal Shoulder bags by Dubai’s Poupée Couture parody the uncomfortable balance of social restraint and desire to express inherent to womanhood in the Arab world. Concurrently, it employs motifs and materials that emerge from the tradition of the region. Regardless of its meaning, the end result is a piece that makes a very memorable statement. This and many other items here are only produced in very limited numbers. Not all items have clear connections to their place of origin; many are simply chic, unexpected and of high quality. The Yellow Asymmetric Leather & Wood Clutch by Greece’s Georgina Skalidi handcrafted in cow leather and using birch would probably have most at the party guessing which of the more familiar names it bares. It looks like it comes straight from the runways of Paris or Milan, but just disruptive enough to make one question that fact. There’s really no point in being confined to the same old labels, toting the same products available in department stores throughout the planet. No need to keep paying those ridiculous mark-ups to get those identical bags.
Quilted Crystal Shoulder bags by Dubai’s Poupée Couture
Japanese Designer Arata Fuchi’s Silver kumbu ring
lvory Wave with Quill above from Robyn Coles Millinery
Noose Revolver silk tie
The majority of pieces, like the Ivory Wave with Quill above from Robyn Coles Millinery, are classic but unafraid. It’s hard to imagine consumers without a rather refined sense of style enjoying the site. Boticca captures the zeitgeist. Founders Kiyan Foroughi and Avid Larizadeh must have realized we are in a moment that prizes authenticity, uniqueness, and eclecticism and his site seizes on all of these yearnings and mixes them with a very refined appreciation for beauty and craftsmanship. The concept emerged from one of those moments bound to become the stuff of legend when Foroughi, enchanted by the truly beautiful jewelry in the bazaar of Marrakesh, realized that the story and spirit was as important as the design when customers make a purchase. In just a few years, Boticca has won over major fashion magazines like Marie Claire and Harper’s Bazaar, as well as celebrities from Cameron Diaz to Rihanna. It would be great if the curators of this platform could use their eye to expand the already attractive menswear options and expand into some clothing and possibly footwear.
家必逛 多品牌精品店
Multi-Brand Stores of the Mainland Text: Audrey Hammonds
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那么多的国外小品牌摩拳擦掌, 翘首以盼打入庞大的内地市场,可问题 是,在哪儿才有可能卖出去呢?直到 最近几年,要想在内地取得零售成功, 意味着要有一家独立店面,最好还位于 购物中心,而小一点的品牌几乎无法承 受这样的投资项目。不过,消费者变得 越来越精明,他们从迷恋大牌进入到了 注重个性的阶段。多品牌精品店网罗众 多难寻的国外小众品牌, 开始大展拳脚, 在内地知名度最高的,也许算是连卡佛 了。而专注本土设计师的品牌店也越来 越多,比如薄荷糯米葱和栋梁设 计师品牌店等。这里,我们搜罗 了京沪两地 9 家最具特色的多品 牌精品店。 The question becomes where all of these small foreign brands eagerly waiting to enter the market can possibly be sold. Up until the last few years, success at retail in the Mainland required opening a freestanding store, probably in a shopping center. This was an investment few smaller brands could make. However, the rising sophistication of consumers has meant more multi-brand fashion stores, stocking hard-to-find foreign brands. These shops represent the move from logo and status obsession to an emphasis on individuality and personal style. Lane Crawford is probably the best-known quality multi-brand boutique in the Mainland and there are a growing number of fascinating shops like B.N.C. and Dong Liang focused exclusively on local designers, but the following are some of the most distinctive Shanghai and Beijing boutiques that include international designers.
SPACESHIP by Tips SPACESHIP by Tips 位于上海南昌路 的一幢上世纪 20 年代的老洋房里,独立的 庭院给这间潮流精品店增添了几分优雅的闲 适。它是沪上颇负盛名的国际设计师品牌精 品店之一,藏有不少在中国极为难觅的品 牌,是名人明星和时尚发烧友经常光顾的地 理坐标。时装的多元化、个性化造就了它的 与众不同,也令其在业界及圈内一鸣惊人。 SPACESHIP by Tips 关注真正有才华的设计 师,拥有从克里斯托弗·凯恩、普利奈到本 土的王汁、翘翘和马玛莎等二十多个设计师 品牌,它根据设计师和客户自身来作选择, 而不是一味追求至 In 潮品。随着中国消费 者逐渐淡出大众化的品牌市场,多品牌零售 精品店开始大展拳脚,用独特的设计和内涵 吸引客户。SPACESHIP by Tips 不久将在北 京开设新店。
Opened in a renovated 1920s mansion in Shanghai, Spaceship by Tips has become one of Shanghai’s growing number of multibrand boutique luxury stores, stocking some of the most hard-to-find brands in China. Frequented by celebrities and fashion enthusiasts, they represent international culture and diversity that’s sometimes hard to find in the Mainland. Focusing on designers who show real talent, they stock everything from the popular Christopher Kane, to Preen Line, to domestic names like Uma Wang, QiaoQiao, and Masha Ma – in total over 20 local and international names. They base their choices not on what’s “in” but rather on the designers and clients themselves. As shoppers in China step away from mass market retailers, Spaceship and other boutiques step up bringing unique designs and indie spirit to clients. They hope to open a location in Beijing soon. www.spaceship-by-tips.com
S.T.A.R.S. hutong boutique shop
Joyce 亚洲最著名的时装零售商 Joyce 堪称 时装界先锋,拥有庞大的精品时装连锁店, 从阿瑟丁·阿拉亚到朱塞佩·萨诺蒂,国际时 尚大牌应有尽有,同时还包括众多崭露头角 的设计师作品,以保持品牌常新活力。 Joyce 由 业 界 传 奇 人 物 马 郭 志 清 于 1970 年一手创建,并率先将设计师品牌概 念引入亚洲。如今 Joyce 不仅在香港、台湾 和内地都设有精品店,甚至跨出时尚界,在 北京、上海、香港和巴黎开设画廊,展出不 同风格的艺术家的作品,日本艺术家鬼头健 吾便是其中之一。他善于运用常见的材料制 作出极富想象力的大型装置。最近 Joyce 还 在巴黎开设了一家集创意营销与零售店面于 一体的时尚潮店,专门售卖法国高级时装品 牌蒂埃里·穆勒。 Joyce 始终专注于东西方服饰文化的融 合,在全球范围内积极培养和扶持极具潜力 的设计人才,并与他们合作推出了一系列高 品质时装。 Perhaps Asia’s best-known luxury retailer, Joyce is a pioneer in fashion, including a massive chain of retail points in Asia and boasting brands from Alaïa to Zanotti. But while Joyce may be a huge name in luxury retail, it still retains its reputation as a pioneer by stocking not only the most original pieces by big names but also up-and-coming designers that keep the brand young and fresh. Founded by legendary businesswoman Joyce Ma in 1970, it began bringing international designer brands to Asia before anyone else. Today, it holds not only retail space abundant in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Mainland China, but has also opened art galleries in Beijing, Shanghai, Hong Kong and Paris featuring an eclectic mix of artists like Kengo Kito, a Japanese artist known for large whimsical installations, and popup shops such as a recent Mugler store in Joyce’s Paris location.
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Joyce boutique
Joyce boutique
Throughout, Joyce has maintained its commitment to nurturing and supporting talents from around the globe, bringing East and West together in its commitment to excellence, collaborating with talented creative figures worldwide to provide a tailored anthology of top fashion collections for their clients. www.joyce.com
S.T.A.R.S. 取自“丝头爱染色”的汉语 拼音首字母。何谓丝头爱染色?丝头意指油 墨从拉起的小墨刀上流下时所成绵延的细 丝,爱染色则意在绚烂多彩的时尚艺术世界。 这是一家位于北京胡同里的时尚概念店,以 挖掘当代时尚先锋著称,推荐国内外优秀设 计师品牌及纯手工制品,而且不定期举行文 化、艺术交流活动以及快闪店,旨在推动国 内外艺术家与大众的交流,让时尚与艺术更 加多彩地互动。丝头爱染色精选了法国、意 大利、瑞典、英国、美国、泰国、日本、韩 国、澳大利亚等国家的设计师品牌,包括服 装、饰品、皮包、香薰等产品。从加勒斯·普、 Klasica、申才熙到诸多中国本土设计师,其 中很多都是由丝头爱染色概念店中国独家首 发的。以“禅”为灵感主题,远离喧嚣街道 和商场,S.T.A.R.S. 的一切呈现似乎都在提 醒来客:万物皆以“心”为核。2012 年开 业的S.T.A.R.S.不久将在其他城市相继推出。 S.T.A.R.S., whose initials are based on the pinyin of the Chinese name, is a high-fashion boutique located in Beijing which prides itself in discovering pioneers in contemporary fashion and the promotion of international fashion designers, and also hosts a gallery space and pop-up stores, supporting the work of domestic and foreign artists. Brands include everything from Gareth Pugh from the UK, to the Japanese Klasica and Seoulbased designer Jehee Sheen, as well as native Chinese designers and more from France, Italy, the UK, US and Japan, many coming Beijing for the first time in this trendy centre for avant-garde fashion. Their cosy hutong shop is a great alternative from a crowded street and sterile mall, with Zen inspired themes tying everything together to remind visitors that the core of everything is the mind. S.T.A.R.S. opened in 2012 and plan to expand to other cities in the future. www.sitouairanse.com
XINLELU “新乐路”将线上线下结合在一起, 一 个 实 体 的 Showroom( 上 海 徐 汇) 及 Boutique(上海静安),还有一个在线购物 平台,三管齐下,甄选诸多新颖独特的原创 品牌,为深晓时尚之道、追求穿衣个性的中 国女性带来亚洲及全球顶级独立设计师的作 品,力量不容小觑。其目标是以价格合理的 精良创意单品填补奢侈与快时尚之间的“代 沟”。它们的团队周游世界,找寻“原创设 计、精良工艺和那么一点让人扑通的心动”。 新乐路得名于上海一条时髦的林荫小道,字 面意思为“新鲜的乐趣”,而这一点正是它 最希望带给客户的东西。 你们的客人最喜欢哪些品牌? 我们每一季都会对品牌作调整,所以从 某种意义上来说,你所看到的品牌都是最受 欢迎的。如果硬要选的话,新加坡的 Aijek 能一直推出赏心悦目的作品。但最近我对法 国高档时尚女装品牌 Markise 疯狂长草,它 将法国时尚表现得十分超脱又游刃有余。 在过去的几年里,中国消费者的品味和消费 习惯有哪些改变? 个性化的雄起。人们开始选择适合自己 风格的产品,而不盲目跟着时髦走,这点可 以从越来越多的定制化产品和小众品牌的进 入看出来。 如何看待这个行业的前景? 中国在最近十年里比较依赖国外潮流趋 势来定义自己的品味,但是未来十年,不管 是通过本土成熟的设计师还是新一代的消费 者,中国将对自我认知更自信,并逐渐参与 全球时尚的塑造。 Xinlelu comprises a boutique, showroom and an online fashion stop for those stylish women living in China who are searching for something more than the typical mainstream brands. With quaint locations hidden off of quiet lanes in the French Connection area of Shanghai, and a website that brings together top independent designers from Asia and the world, they are aiming to bridge the gap between luxury and ‘fast fashion’ with well-made innovative pieces at accessible prices. Their team personally travels all over the world and selects independent designers based on simple criteria – original designs, top quality craftsmanship and “a
little something that makes our hearts flutter.” Named after an actual street in Shanghai, the boutique’s name translates literally into “New Happiness Lane”, which is what the brand hopes their clothes will bring to customers. Here, Jillian Xin, Founder & CEO, answers our questions. What are the favorite brands for your customers? We carefully edit the brands in our portfolio every season so in some ways, the resultant selection are all our favourites. If I was pressed to choose, Singaporean label Aijek always manages to produce consistently beautiful collections and more recently, I have been coveting the entire line from new French-Shanghai label Markise, which epitomises effortless French chic. What changes have you observed in
tastes and consumer behavior in China over the last couple of years? The rise of the individual and individualisation. Buying decisions are now much more based on what suits each respective consumer rather than what trends dictate or “for face”. The growth in product customisation and the increasing number of smaller niche labels entering the market are also indicators of this. What do you predict for the future? I think for most of the last decade, China looked largely to foreign trends to define its own tastes. In the next decade, China will become more much confident in its own identity and begin to shape the global fashion narrative, whether through domestic designers coming of age or through a new generation of consumers. www.xinlelu.com
Alter, concept store in Shanghai
Alter 凹凸是一家集潮流风尚、前沿艺术、个 性设计为一体的前沿设计概念店。虽然身处 国际化程度非常高的上海,但凹凸绝对是不 可多得的。这里的东西件件是精品,包括从 埃舍尔的艺术作品中汲取灵感、由享誉盛名 的意大利建筑工作室 3Gatti 打造的室内设 计。更重要的是,它经营一种超前的时尚理 念与生活态度,并为中规中矩的上海同仁们 带来了少许的“出格”,希望提供给中国高 端时尚门店一个新的范本。凹凸始终走在潮 流前端,将诸多国际品牌首次引入中国。它 意识到中国消费者已不再迷信 Logo,开始 懂得时尚的真正内涵。拥有超过 30 个国内 外杰出设计师品牌,并在第一时间掌握客户 所需,试问凹凸怎能不是你明智的选择? Inspired by M.C. Escher’s experiments with perception and perspective, this multi-designer concept boutique space is definitely not something you come across every day. Alter is named after this precise state of mind – in the usually more conservative retail districts of Shanghai, they add a dash of the unexpected in hopes of providing a new template for highend fashion outlets in China. Introducing many international brands to China for the first time, owner Sonja Long had a vision of a cuttingedge concept of “inverted values, alternative beauties and subverted points of view.” The boutique is ahead of the trend, realizing that Chinese shoppers are no longer after logos, but are starting to realize what fashion really means. By stocking over 30 of the most talented designers locally and internationally, and keeping in touch with what their clients want, Alter assures shoppers that they’ll get the most unique choice at the end of the day. www.alterstyle.com
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Shine boutique
Shine 拥有多家分店的 Shine 是一家在香港以 及内地都备受赞誉与追崇的设计师品牌综合 店,为时尚人士搜罗全世界前卫独立设计师 品牌,带来最新最潮的时尚单品,其中包括 渡边淳弥、玛士高眼镜等。Shine 还常常与 品牌开展合作,最近就与 KTZ 共同推出了色 彩绚丽的印花手提包,当然仅在 Shine 出售。 Shine 不仅致力于为客户带来时尚前沿的衣 饰,更重要的是与个人特质相匹配的个人风 格。
With shops peppered throughout Hong Kong and Mainland China, Shine is one of the country’s best known stops for chic design by independent and avant-garde designers. Carrying products from the trendiest upand-coming brands throughout the world including Junya Watanabe, Moscot Eyewear, and more, they also feature cooperations with other brands including a recent collaboration with KTZ to create a colorful printed tote only available in Shine stores. Shine is dedicated to presenting not only the most stylish clothes but also pursuing a notion of individuality and personal style for their clients. www.shinegroup.com.hk
Triple-Major Triple-Major“药”隐于北京胡同,绝 对称得上是新锐,“潮”已经不能界定它的 服饰理念。它是服装品牌、时尚标签,也是 创意工作室。它挑战时尚创意的极限,打破 主流规则,对设计有自己的新解读,它的目 标是革新潮流文化。它把各国独立和前卫的 设计师作品以及自身品牌作品介绍到对它们 还未认识的城市,如 Anntian, Daniel Palillo, Bless, Henrik Vibskov 等多国独立设计师品 牌在被 Triple-Major 引进之前,极少在中国 出现。值得一提的是,每家店铺都是独一无 二的个性展示厅:北京店“药”以传统的中 药店为主题,把每一件衣服看成一剂能富足 心灵的精神良药,而上海店则以“墨”为概 念,探索墨与衣服的关系。Triple-Major 还 组织和策划各种展览与活动,建立设计师、 展廊、店铺和顾客之间的桥梁,其游牧商店 (即兴的短期商店)已成功在香港、上海、 洛杉矶、伦敦和米兰登陆。 你们的客人最喜欢哪些品牌? 柏林品牌 Anntian 风格非常鲜明,有色 彩绚丽的印染和有趣的形状,是客人最喜欢 的品牌之一。北京本地品牌“消化设计工作 间”也有忠实的粉丝群,它用强烈的东方审 美创造出连贯的、概念化的作品。 在过去的几年里,中国消费者的品味和消费 习惯有哪些改变? Triple Major 有自己专注的市场,所以 让我评论中国整体市场可能会有失偏颇。我 们的目标客户群一般是从事跟创意相关的工 作,喜欢微博和其他信息沟通平台,他们对 设计很敏感,也乐意与时尚门店互动。
around the world including Hong Kong, Shanghai, Los Angeles, London and Milan. We chat with Ritchie Chan, Founder. What are the favorite brands for your customers? Berlin based label Anntian which offers designs with unique, colorful prints and interesting shapes, is one of the customers’ favorite brands. Beijing based Digest Design Workshop creates cohesive, conceptual collection with a strong sense of oriental aesthetic, also has a solid fan base.
如何看待这个行业的前景? 最近几年中国一直是设计业的焦点,大 量的多品牌零售店如雨后春笋般涌现,而且 还会出现更多,整体竞争也会越来越激烈, 所以一家店的个性将显得尤为重要。 Based in Beijing, Triple-Major is one of the hippest hutong boutiques we’ve come across. Involved in several fields across the fashion industry as a retailer, fashion label and creative studio, its aim is to reinvent popular culture by challenging fashion’s creative limits, disregarding mainstream rules and creating new outlooks on design. Their stores in Beijing and Shanghai comprise multiple independent and progressive designers, bringing new names to cities where they may not otherwise be represented. TripleMajor was one of the first major players in the multi-brand store game, stocking names like Anntian, Daniel Palillo, Bless, Henrik Vibskov and many others. In addition its creative themes – the Beijing boutique was designed as a traditional Chinese pharmacy, while the Shanghai branch integrates calligraphy into its design – make it even more recognizable. Triple-Major also hosts projects and curates events with an aim to bridge gaps between designers, retailers and customers, hosting traveling stores or exhibits in different cities
What changes have you observed in tastes and consumer behavior in China over the last couple of years? Triple-Major focuses on a particular segment of the market, so it won’t be objective enough for me to comment on the consumer behavior in China as a whole. As for our targeted consumers, who often work in creative-related fields, like Weibo and other information platforms had made them more sensitive to the overall design atmosphere and engaged in more interaction with the store. What do you predict for the future? China has been the focal point as the market for the design industry in recent years. Plenty of multilabel stores have been opened this year and last year, and there are going to be a lot more up and coming. The overall competitiveness will increase, and the character/ personality of the stores will become very important. www.triple-major.com
Industrial 专营男士精品的 Industrial 身居上海潮 地,拥有诸多美国、日本和欧洲的新锐潮 牌,像加拿大单宁品牌 Naked & Famous、 香港 Manmade Neutral 以及英国鞋履品牌 Grayson。在这里还能找到世界上首屈一指 的手工雨伞品牌 Pasotti 经典的羊头柄雨伞, 此外还有包包和鞋拔等配饰。经营 Industrial 的是两个本地女孩 Sissi Cheng 和 Dinos Zhang,她们参加全球各种设计展及类似活 动,为精品店汲取灵感。Industrial 不仅代表 着经营小众、个性品牌的精品零售店的兴起, 同时也表明男士用品开始成为时尚产业主要 组成部分。 你们的客人最喜欢哪些品牌? 英产 Lewis Leathers 皮衣比较受欢迎, 它绝对是一件很好的单品,还有 The Real McCoy’s 的 A-2 马皮飞行夹克。Stevenson Overall Company 的面料非常棒,缝制方法 与现今市面上流通的服装缝制方法完全不 同,它沿用的是二战之前的老缝制方法。至 于配饰,HTC 的皮带数得着了。 在过去的几年里,中国消费者的品味和消费 习惯有哪些改变? 近十年来中国消费者的变化可粗略分为 三个阶段:无品牌认知→对主流奢侈品的品 牌认知→极为小众更强调品质的品牌。以前 大多数人对时尚的诠释是人家穿什么我就穿 什么的从众态度,即所谓的潮流。现在不同 了,大部分人都懂得寻找更适合自己的服装。 对于时尚人们有了更清晰的自我态度,人们 不再一窝蜂地追求主流奢侈品,更多是转向 有品质有文化底蕴的小众品牌和工匠品牌。 在铺天盖地的快速时装和快销品牌占据大部 分市场的今天,人们更需要喘口气。“穿” 也可以用乐活的态度去把玩。 如何看待这个行业的前景? 时尚其实是一个很笼统的概念,high fashion、vintage、American workwear、I.V.Y、 先锋时装等等这些都属于时尚的范畴。后时 尚,会呈现出更多的风格,它们会被细分, 人们接受的范围越来越广。人们会用一种玩 的态度,风格和风格之间可以混搭,不会被 一种风格束缚住。服装不仅是用来穿的,在 更深的层面是用来玩的,只要玩的好,什么 都有可能。今后会出现越来越多的逆潮流人 士,大中华的后时尚需要这些时装精玩家。
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Menswear boutique Industrial boasts chic brands amid a stylish atmosphere at their Shanghai location, hosting a cutting-edge selection of brands from the US, Japan and Europe such as Canada’s Naked & Famous denim brand, Hong Kong-based Manmade Neutral, Grayson’s footwear from the UK etc. Aside from clothing one can also find accessories such as Passotti’s classic ram’s head topped umbrellas, bags and shoehorns among other things. Run by local girls Sissi Cheng and Dinos Zhang, who take inspiration by traveling to various design events across the globe, the shop not only marks the growing number of small unique multi-brand stores, but also the rise of menswear as a major part of the fashion industry. LifeStyle chatted with Sissi and Dinos. What are the favorite brands for your customers? Britain-based brand Lewis Leathers is very popular; their leather coat is really a nice piece. The Real McCoy’s A-2 flying jacket of horsehide is also one of the hottest. Stevenson Overall Company also for its fantastic fabrics and old sewing method dating back to World War II. As for accessories, it would be the feather belt from Hollywood Trading Company. What changes have you observed in tastes and consumer behavior in China over the last couple of years? In the last decade, the changes in Chinese consumer behavior can be divided into three stages: from no brand consciousness at all, to mainstream luxury brands and then smaller high quality brands. People used to wear whatever they were told to and had no idea about fashion, but nowadays they emphasize personal style and individuality, looking for smaller unique brands which suit them better. In a fast-fashion period like today, we need to catch our breath and have fun with clothing and fashion. What do you predict for the future? Actually, fashion is a vague concept including high fashion, vintage, American workwear, I.V.Y, etc. “Post-fashion” will be further subdivided and have more styles. If people have a fun attitude towards fashion, they can mix different styles freely instead of being bound to just one. Clothing is not just something to put on, but for expressing yourself at a deeper level and having fun. I believe more and more people will go against trends in the future, which is also very necessary.
The Villa The Villa 是上海一家高端时尚生活品牌 店,致力于将全球最受欢迎和顶尖设计师的 作品带到中国,以满足对穿着讲究、寻求创 新元素以及始终走在潮流尖端的客户群体。 The Villa 打造难以忘怀的购物经历,精心甄 选培训的专业造型顾问给客人提供个性化穿 着建议。从开幕式、提比、M Missoni 到奥 图扎拉和马修·威廉姆森,The Villa 满足越 来越注重个性品味的顾客们的需求。如今, The Villa 的顾客对品牌有了更多认识,对个 人风格有着自己的见解。随着多品牌精品零 售店在中国的快速发展,The Villa 一直保持 着自身的敏锐时尚触觉,不断挖掘新卖点, 带来重重惊喜。 The Villa, a lifestyle brand cultivated in Shanghai, seeks to bring the most unique international designers to the discerning Chinese client, offering a wide range of fashion staples along with unforgettable statement pieces. The Villa also offers a team of professional stylists to assist with clients’ shopping experience, carefully trained to provide expert service to help guests achieve their best look. With brands including Opening Ceremony, TIBI, M Missoni, Altuzarra and Matthew Willamson, they cater to a more and more sophisticated crowd. The Villa’s typical client is now much more educated about brands, have a strong vision of their own personal styles and are constantly looking for something new to shop for in the quickly growing retail market of China. shopthevilla.com
幸福,是“检”来的! 时间、财富、健康,该如何排列组合?哪个是通往幸福的终南捷径?
中国家庭幸福指数揭秘:重大疾病是幸福杀手! 适逢中秋,有的家庭团圆美满,其乐融融,有的家庭落寞 孤寂,愁肠百结。去年曾火爆一时的话题再次回归公众视线—— 你幸福吗? 中国人口福利基金会等机构发布的报告显示,目前我国只 有 1/3 的家庭感到非常幸福,而健康是影响家庭幸福的重要条 件。 如今生活好了,幸福感却低了。因为我们虽然吃的越来越 好,但是运动越来越少、压力越来越大、污染越来越重,随之 而来的是疾病发病率和死亡率越来越高。据国家卫生部公布的 数据表明:现代人一生罹患重大疾病的机会高达 72.18%,不 分男女老幼贫富贵贱,都可能面临疾病威胁。
猝死、癌症等重大疾病高发,我们只能坐以待毙? 在中国,每天有 1800 多人猝死,4000 多人因癌症死亡, 7000 多人因心血管病死亡……这串数字是否足够惊心动魄? 今年 9 月 29 日是第 14 个世界心脏日。心脏健康在近十 几年极受重视的因素之一就是心源性猝死。我国每年发生心源 性猝死的人数约 60 万,且大都发生在医院外面,抢救成功率 非常低(即使在欧美最发达、医疗技术最先进的国家抢救成功 率也只有 5%),这意味着发生心源性猝死每 100 人中有 95 个最终都是抢救不回来的。 近些年猝死、癌症等重大疾病多发,商界精英、演艺明星、 高知人才英年早逝的消息频频见诸报端,很多极其注重运动和 保养的企业家依然没能逃脱病魔的纠缠。 “疾病只与时间有关”, 危及生命的疾病,也许正在看似健康的外表下默默滋生。
慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所,集全球顶尖技术于一体! 走进北京奥林匹克生态环境区,会看到一个占地 2 万平方米 的欧式建筑,这就是慈铭健康管理集团斥巨资缔造的国际化高端 医疗机构——慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所。 慈铭·奥亚是我国唯一融合了生命风险评估与管理、抗衰老和 慢性病管理、定制高端就医服务等健康管理项目的超大型医疗会 所,其会员不出国门即可享受国际上最尖端的量化系统健康养护, 独享只有国家领导才能尊享的深度体检和私人医生贴身服务。 慈铭·奥亚深度体检通过先进的 CTA、多层螺旋 CT、乳腺钼靶、 西门子实验室自动化生化免疫分析系统等高精尖设备及技术手段, 可准确预知猝死、癌症等重大疾病,并通过细胞核内的 DNA 定量 监测,预知未来 1-5 年健康状况,像中央保健局一样保证会员的 寿命在 91 岁以上。
深度体检预知未来健康状况, 猝死、癌症、慢性病可防可控!
重大疾病就像是躲在墙角阴暗处的死神,攻人不备,看似 突如其来,让人防不胜防。其实如此可怕的恶魔只需一次深度 体检就能让它暴露无遗,稍加防治便可将其轻松歼灭! 某卫生部长的话发人深思:“深度体检,能让一个国家人 民的寿命增长 20 年。”的确,普通人的平均寿命是 72 岁,而 我国部级以上干部平均寿命是 91 岁,他们长寿的第一手段就 是深度体检。每年一次的深度体检,就是要早期发现、早期诊断、 早期治疗,然后根据体检情况,进行跟踪和健康管理。 深度体检能为您做什么?一是准确了解身体现在的情况, 发现普通体检无法发现的处于萌芽状态的病灶;二是疾病易 感基因检查,从遗传学角度检查体内所携带的健康风险,预 测未来状况,从源头上做好预防,提高生命质量,延长生命 周期。
两个月前,前御泥坊董事长吴立君因猝死离开了我们,年仅 36 岁。除了这样的知名企业家,那些不知名的又有多少三十岁的 生命因疾病而就此谢幕? 日子过得真的很快,快到可以忘记惦念自己的健康。人生, 真的不如我们想像的漫长,每个人随时都可能因各种各样的疾病 而被剥夺幸福生活的权利。大好时光还未享受,人生理想还未实现, 怎能容忍被病魔缠身,甚至被夺去生命?我们应该好好去爱和关 心的人,怎敢拖到明天才去在乎和珍惜呢? 全家人的健康,是彼此的福气。什么是幸福?就是将健康作 为最重要的目标,将深度体检作为最正确的选择,让相伴一辈子 成为最简单的诉求。 为自己和爱的人定制一次深度体检吧,让幸福安全驻留,用 行动驱散一切威胁幸福的阴霾!
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4 Quick Tips on the Importance of Consistency even years is! The most important rule for success in everything we do in life therefore is consistency. 4 quick points below stress the importance of consistency:
看到身材好或是有钱的人,我们总会 不由自主地羡慕人家。当然,有时候运气 的确很重要。如果你天生一副好身材,那 你真是够幸运的;假如你出生在富裕人家, 或者碰巧想出个值几百万的好点子,那不 叫幸运叫什么? 对于大多数人来说,不管是健身还是 做事业,靠运气成功的几率少之又少,只 有努力才能取得成功。而在通常情况下, 仅仅努力还不够,日复一日年复一年坚持 不懈才是取得成功的最重要的因素。因此, 无论做任何事情,恒心与毅力是第一位的。 以下 4 点强调了坚持不懈的努力的重 要性: 相信大家都听过龟兔赛跑的故事,兔子 本来跑得很快,结果却因为骄傲自大没 有将比赛坚持到底,而乌龟坚持不懈地爬 啊爬,最终赢得了比赛,这说明速度快慢 并非成功的最大要素。
Everyone has heard the story of the tortoise and the hare: A hare is a super fast runner, but due to his arrogance fails to finish the race, allowing the slow tortoise to win. The tortoise walked his own race consistently and won. Speed is therefore not the biggest factor in success!
There is NO point in putting in 150% of your effort at the gym once, or building your company in huge amounts only 10% of the time! Results are not achieved from a big one-time effort, but slowly built over time through learning and perseverance. We also need time to rest and reflect. I personally believe in putting in 100% effort 80% of the time is a much better ratio to live by!
1 2
使出浑身解数,指望在短时间内练出一 副好身材是不可能的。成功不可能一蹴 而就,只有靠天长日久的积累和坚持不懈 的努力。因为我们也需要时间休息和思考。 我个人认为用 80% 的时间付出百分百的努 力,这才是追求成功应遵循的原则。
学习需要不断重复,要想成功就得反反 复复做同一件事。在不断的重复中,学 会如何做事,甚至可以学会如何不去做某 些事,或者为什么不做这些事情。
很多参加今年或往年维衡生挑战赛的选 手经过 12 周的锻炼都取得了惊人的成 绩,但遗憾的是他们中的有些人又恢复了 比赛之前的生活方式。我们的比赛倡导健 康积极的生活理念,宣扬坚持不懈的人生 态度,请将 12 周的健康生活方式继续下去, 因为这只不过是你今后重大人生改变的基 础而已。
eople often look at very fit or slim people or even those with a lot of money and think to themselves, “Wow, they are so lucky”! Now in some cases “luck” does play a part. If you are genetically gifted with good body shape and low body fat, then certainly you are lucky. If you are from a rich family or fell into money through a successful internet idea that sold for millions – sure you are lucky! For the rest of us, whether we are building our body or building a business – luck has a small factor in success. Hard work has everything to do with the outcome for most of us. And hard work alone is often not the most important thing – being consistent in this pursuit of success for days, months,
We learn through repetition. The importance of learning in winning our race for success is mainly forged by repetition – doing the same thing over and over again. Through the process of consistently doing something, we learn how to do things correctly and in some cases even learn how and why not to do things!
For many in the WHS Challenge this year and previous years that had amazing results after 12 weeks, it is sad that some (not all) go back to their old ways of doing things. The WHS Challenge is really about consistency and continuing this life change vs. just the 12 weeks – the 12 weeks really is just a stepping-stone to the rest of your life.
德鲁·坎贝尔是维衡生(中国首家经营进口优质天然健康环保产品的连锁店)的创始人兼首席执行官。 德鲁是澳大利亚人,在中国已经生活近 7 年,他有着 15 年健身康体产业从业经历。 Drew Campbell is the Founder & CEO of World Health Store (WHS) – China’s first premium health food store chain. Originally from Australia, Drew has lived in China for almost 7 years and has spent the last 15 years working in the health/ wellness/fitness industry. To learn more about fat loss and being consistent on this daily – follow WHS Challenge online here: www.facebook.com/whschallenge and on Weibo www.weibo.com/whschallenge.
54 LifeStyle
56 LifeStyle
品味优雅,鉴赏尊贵! Savour luxury, fashion, art, music and the minds that create it.
Profile / P.58
Watch / P.66
Auto / P.68
Art / P.72
万宝龙和宇舶表:经典传承之美 Montblanc & Hublot watch
Profile Lv Siqing always injects humor into his conversation and sometimes even into his interpretations of musical scores
The Music Everyday Life 音符背后的吕思清
很多人都以为吕思清过着跟别 人不一样的生活,其实他喜欢 最生活化的生活。LifeStyle 为 你还原真实的小提琴家。 Many think that violinist Lv Siqing leads a glamorous life, but what he truly loves is the simple moments of each day. We give you a glimpse into the musician’s life behind the curtains. Text: Eva Liu Photos: Eric Gregory Powell
58 LifeStyle
每次演奏,创新的灵感来源于什么? 创新灵感大部分来自于我的人生,我 的生活。生活中有很多东西是跟音乐相通 的,我会很好地吸收生活中所见所闻所想的 美好,然后化为音乐语言,用乐器表达出来。 当然,在诠释过程中需要多方面考虑,例如 原作家的创作理念和他所要表达的情感及 灵魂,这些是不能改变的。有时候对于一个 在听我演奏的观众而言,一个旋律便能打动 他,但是他或许不清楚,就这么一个旋律其 实有我很多的积累和付出。 听说你最近要去瑞士和美国演出。 在你看来, 如今中国艺术家在国际舞台上的地位如何? 你是何时开始赢得外国友人的尊重的? 我觉得从音乐家本身来说,在国际舞 台上的地位还是非常高的,特别是近些年 来,中国的音乐家通过自身不断的努力,在 国际舞台上大放光彩,并逐步得到外国友人 的认可和尊重。他们很惊叹,长着一副东方 面孔,闭上眼睛能够拉出那么有情感、有西 方味道的音乐,不过在面临不是自己国家的 传统和文化时,也会遭受一些质疑。所以, 想要感动和折服外国友人,你得靠超越常人 的努力,用具有超越性的艺术语言去感动听 众。现在想想,真的很不容易。我的成长过 程跟很多人不太一样,11 岁能被著名小提 琴家耶胡迪·梅纽因选到他创办的英国梅纽 因天才音乐学校学习,这也表明世人对我们
中国人的尊重。在后来的学习过程中,很多 事情也都验证了这种尊重的持久。 如果把小提琴演奏比喻成主食,那么配菜都 有哪些? 人生有很多东西是需要完美匹配的,音 乐也如此。一场最完美的演出,当然是最好 的音乐家,在最好的音乐厅,与最好的乐队, 用最好的乐器,给最懂音乐的人来演奏。举 个不恰当的例子,你在波尔多的酒窖里品刚 酿出来的红酒跟在炎热的北京喝到的红酒感 觉是完全不同的。非常完美和近乎完美有着 明显的不同。艺术家和音乐家可能都有些完 美主义倾向。我的艺术信念是“没有最好, 只有更好”。我保证我会把最好的状态和音 乐给观众。对于人生,我信奉知足者常乐。 你对红酒非常有研究,哪个国家的红酒是你 钟爱的呢?除了品红酒,也收藏红酒吗?给 我们推荐一些好酒吧。 谈不上研究,只是喜欢喝,也会收藏。 我是旧世界红酒的粉丝,所以在我的收藏 中,大多是旧世界红酒。我也不排斥新世界 红酒,偶尔也会尝试一些。所有美好的东西 或者能使你的生活变得美好的东西,必须要 付诸于情感交流。就像旧世界的酿酒概念, “葡萄酒是上天赐予人类最好的礼物之一”, 所以法国人很尊重大自然和红酒艺术,他们 在用情感做酒。
Enjoying a glass of champagne in the garden of Beijing’s Pavillion Grill
吕思清 当今国际乐坛最为活跃的 中国小提琴家之一是他的标签, 殊不知他还是一位品质生活达人。 Lv Siqing is one of the most influential Chinese violinists within the international music circle, and a man who truly enjoys a quality life.
A very intimate relationship
60 LifeStyle
葡萄是很有个性的东西,你自己认为 最好喝的酒,便是最好的,当然参考专业 人士的评分去选购会更好。除了酒本身的味 道,分享的感觉也很重要,最好的酒是要和 最好的朋友一起分享的。就像我,只有好朋 友来的时候才会打开一瓶上好的红酒,自己 一般只喝第二档的酒。我比较崇尚高性价比 的酒,性价比对于经常喝葡萄酒的人来说是 非常重要的。生活中不可能天天喝好酒。 如今是讲究品质生活的时代, 你对 “品质生活” 是如何理解的? 就一个字,要“懂”!不要只懂其表, 不懂其里。要懂自己为什么一定要用这个品 牌、喝这款酒、穿这件衣服、佩戴这款饰品、 开这款车、来这个场所……要深层次了解并 掌握你所选用的品牌的文化、历史、理念、 设计、寓意,等等。只有真正懂了,才能有 更深层的诠释。 生活中的你是什么样子?还原一下真实的生 活状态吧。 很多人都以为我肯定过着跟别人不一 样的生活,其实不然,我喜欢最生活化的生 活。无论去哪里,我最喜欢逛的是菜市场、 海鲜市场、鲜花市场。在北京也经常和太太 去菜市场买菜。我觉得生活就应该有股生活 的味道,如果没有这些细小的部分就组成不 了生活。另外,我每天练琴的时间是雷打不 动的。当我拿起琴,音乐响起的那一瞬间, 就好像闭关一样,只有我和音乐的对话。 你到过很多国家和地区,每次去一个陌生的 地方,哪些是必逛之处? 我觉得自己是个很会做旅行计划的人。 每次跟朋友、街坊一起结伴旅行,从定机票、 住酒店到行程安排基本都是我包办。到一个 新的地方我们会侧重游玩与文化艺术、历史 风土和孩子有关的景点,不过首先会去品尝 当地的美食。 你曾经在微博中说过这样一句话:我很欣赏 傅雷先生告诫他儿子傅聪的话, 先学会做人, 再做艺术家,最后再做钢琴家。对两个儿子 抱有怎样的期望? 其实我知道这句话已经三十多年了, 我父亲就非常喜欢。父亲经常说让我们学 习并不是抱着让我们成为音乐家的目的,只 是他觉得音乐给予他一生太多美好的东西, 他在音乐中得到了很多快乐和安慰。所以他 希望把这种好的东西传递给我们,引领我 们进入音乐世界。我自己不算是一个严父, 但是我的两个儿子非常尊重我。他们现在已 经开始学音乐,不过我更希望将来他们能有 正确的价值观和对待生活的责任感,这些比 事业更重要。 What is the inspiration for each of your performances? Most of the time, my inspiration comes from my life. Many things that happen in daily life are intertwined with music, so I keep all of life’s beauty in mind, trying to translate it into music and expressing it through my instrument. Of course I need to take a lot into account, like the composer’s creative concept and the emotion and soul he or she
wants to express, to which I must remain loyal. Sometimes a listener may be touched by a melody, but what the listener doesn’t know is that it is a result of much effort and persistence. I heard that you’re going to perform in Switzerland and the US. In your opinion, what position do Chinese artists have on the international stage? When do you think you began to earn respect from the western world? Chinese musicians have been enjoying a fairly high status in the world, especially in recent years. They have achieved brilliant results through hard work and have won recognition and respect from their foreign peers, who are sometimes amazed by their Oriental counterparts’ emotional and pure interpretations of Occidental music. But sometimes they are inevitably called into question for being outsiders to Western culture and tradition. So, to impress their western friends and audience, Chinese musicians have to make unusually great effort and have extremely stirring artistic power. The process is really hard. My experience was different from most others. At the age of 11, I was selected by renowned violinist Yehudi Menuhin to study at his International Menuhin Music Academy. This, I think, showed that the world has respect for Chinese musicians. And many things continued to prove this respect while I was a student there. If we say that violin performance was the “main course” in your life, then what would the side dishes be? A wonderful life consists of perfect combinations of many elements; so does a perfect performance, which requires the best musician, the best concert hall, the best band and instruments, as well as the audience who have a quick ear for music. Here is an example, though possibly not the most appropriate. To taste a glass of fresh red wine at one of Bordeaux’s cellars will be vastly different from sipping a same glass in this sweltering season in Beijing. Obviously, absolute perfection isn’t the same thing as near perfection. Artists, including musicians, have a tendency toward perfectionism. I believe there is no best, only a “better.” But I promise to give the best of myself and music to the audience. And I always appreciate what I have in my life. We’ve heard that you know a lot about wine; which country’s wine do you most prefer? Do you collect wines? I just like drinking wine, and I have some bottles in my collection. I am a fan of old world wine, which makes up a majority of my collection. But this doesn’t mean I don’t like wine from new world at all. I try some of them occasionally. It seems to me that all beautiful things, or things that help build a wonderful life, deserve your love. There is a belief in the old world that wine is one of the most precious gifts God bestows on human beings. It is because of this that the French have a great respect for the Nature and the art of wine. They make wine with their whole heart.
Grapes, too, have their personalities. The wine you love is the best for you, although of course it is useful to consult professional wine ratings. Having a great wine is a pleasure, but sharing it with friends is even better, and I often enjoy wine with good friends. Often, I’ll drink the second best wine by myself, but save the best quality bottle for sharing with friends. In addition, cost /performance ratio is important to a drinker. I prefer those of higher cost performance, because you are not likely to drink top quality wines every day. This is an era concerned with “quality;” how do you define a quality life? Having a driving idea is the key. Don’t be a superficial person. You need to understand why you drink a certain wine, wear a certain brand, drive a certain car and frequent a certain occasion, etc. A good grasp of culture, history, concept, design, meaning and so on of the brands you choose will give you a deeper understanding about quality life. Could you give us some insight into your daily life? Many think that I lead the glamorous life of a celebrity – this isn’t true. I prefer a simple lifestyle. Wherever I go, my favorite places are the local vegetable market, sea food market and flower market. Here in Beijing, I often buy vegetables with my wife from street markets. I think life without these ordinary details would not be a life at all. But of course every day, I have a fixed time to practice the violin. As soon as I pick up the instrument and the music starts, it seems as if there is nothing left in the world except the dialogue between myself and the music. You have been to many countries and regions; what are your must-sees when you get to a new place? I am quite good at making trip plans. Almost every time I plan a trip with friends, I do all of the planning, like booking tickets and hotels and making schedules. Upon reaching a new place we prefer to visit cultural, artistic and historic sights and children’s parks. But before that, we will of course sample the local cuisine. In your Weibo blog you said that you appreciate the words “learning to behave should be prior to being an artist”, which is a quote by Fu Lei, a renowned translator, to his son, Fu Cong. What are your hopes and expectations for your two sons? I learned this quote over 30 years ago, because my father liked it very much. He always said that it wasn’t his aim to cultivate musicians by sending us to learn music, but because he had enjoyed music so much that he wanted to introduce its beauty to our life. I am not a stern father but my two sons respect me very much. They are studying music now. As for their future, I hope they maintain the right values and a sense of responsibility towards life. These are more important than any specific activities in life.
Practical Beauty 好设计美在哪儿?我们惊喜地发现酒店室内设计越来越有清雅之态、 柔韧之美以及对细节的关注,这可能是女性设计师打开的新局面,她们思考独立、 注重设计功能和细节,更擅于锦上添花。郑楠正是这样一颗颇具代表性的设计新星。 What defines the beauty of design? More and more female architects and interior designers enter the Chinese market every day, bringing refreshing ideas and feminine aesthetic to the field. Grace Zheng is one of them. Text: Liu Yang
建筑及室内设计行业一直以男性设计师为 主导,你觉得将大部分女性阻挡在门外的主 要原因是什么?女性在这行有什么优势? 因为建筑及室内设计专业在中国的发 展史并不长,最初选择这一行业的多为建 筑系毕业,而理工科学生又以男生为主, 于是形成了男设计师占主导的局面,但这 只是某个阶段的映射现象。拿美国来说, 室内设计专业大多是女性,因为女性更能 够抓住室内设计的细节,这就是优势。女 性更细腻,更感性,也更有耐心。对于室 内空间设计,尤其是酒店设计,除了要抓 住空间的个性,更需要关注细节设计。女 性能将设计概念用感性的方式糅入室内设 计元素中,另外对色彩的辨别要比男性好, 这也是一种优势。 听说你很喜欢旅行、美食和美酒,这里面 什么最能激发你的设计灵感? 旅行带给我的设计灵感最多,美食和 美酒则带给我活力。每次旅行都是一次精 神 SPA,帮我放松神经、调节情绪和补充 能量。路上的景、人和事或某一天自然地 出现在我的设计中,或以一种幽默的方式 与我的灵感碰撞,特别有趣。 你在酒店设计中如何体现酒店品牌差异? 每个酒店品牌都有自己的核心竞争力, 显示出它们各自的个性特色。其实区别起 来很简单,一般可以从带给客户的感受来 考虑,比如根据酒店定位,可以从风格、 色调、材质、光线上加以区分,以体现不 同酒店品牌的差异。 你怎样看待设计作品美观与实用性之间的 矛盾? 对于酒店而言,用“美”吸引客户的 确很重要,但对我来说,实用性更为重要。 如果一个设计只是看起来漂亮,使用或运
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营中存在问题,那就不能称之为一个成功 的设计,所以要在保障酒店功能设计的前 提下,全力提升它的设计美。 你在设计领域的偶像是谁? 我对项目的关注度远远超过对设计师 的关注,自身喜欢设计清雅,并且给人惊 喜的作品,比如今年开业的北京康莱德酒 店就融合了多位设计师的设计精髓,让人 耳目一新;去年开业的上海衡山路十二号 也是不多见的精品之作,另外上海璞丽酒 店也不错,每每提起总是赞誉有加,这些 项目都非常值得学习。
迄今为止最让你满意的酒店作品是哪个? 可能我本人比较感性,虽然也做过一 些酒店项目,但最让我怀念的是上海世博 洲际酒店——并不是说其它酒店的设计不 够精妙。世博洲际不仅是 2010 年上海世博 会园区内唯一一家五星级酒店,更重要的 是在酒店室内设计和工程督导过程中遇到 了很多困难,但我们都没有退缩,反而是 突破险阻和自我,最终将设计蓝图变成了 现实,这其间,我结交到了很多老师和朋友, 他们是我生命中的宝贵财富,也希望下一 个作品可以有更大的突破。 Men have typically taken the leading roles in architecture & interior design; what advantages can female designers bring to the industry? Architecture & interior design is still developing in China, and the first people to chose this field were mostly architecture majors, the majority of whom are male, which explains the current situation. However, it’s only a matter of time until more and more brilliant female designers will arise, which is actually happening right now in the USA. When it comes to advantages, female designers are more sensitive and patient. Space designs, especially hotel designs, ask for more attention to details. Female designers are more inclined to integrate design concepts into designs in a perceptual way. Moreover, they do better with color differences. We know you are a big fan of travel, dining and vintage style. Which would you say inspires you most? Although vintage goods and different cuisines make life vibrant, travel is what inspires me the most. It’s kind of like a spiritual spa; I am totally relaxed and recharged on every trip. The scenery, people and things I
郑楠 上海 HKG 建筑设计咨询有限公司 主创设计师兼项目负责人,上海世博洲 际酒店室内设计是其作品之一。 Grace Zheng is Chief Designer and Project Captain of HKG Group. One of her most well-known projects is the Intercontinental Shanghai Expo.
encounter on the road often find themselves in my designs or bring me inspiration in a humorous way which is pretty interesting. How do you bring out the differences in hotels when designing? Actually, it’s not that difficult, since every hotel has its core concepts which we call its individuality or characteristics. Styling, colors, different materials and even lighting can bring out their differences. What are your views on balancing the practicality of design with its aesthetic quality? It is true that a design that is pleasing to the eye helps to attract people. However, I value practicality more because you can’t say something is a success if it isn’t even useful. In my opinion, aesthetics can only be achieved on the premise of function. Who is your idol in this field? Actually, I pay much more attention to designs or projects than designers. For example, the design of the Conrad Beijing
is really refreshing, perfectly blending many brilliant designers’ ideas. Twelve at Hengshan, Shanghai which opened last year is another masterpiece. Also, the designers of the Puli Hotel Shanghai did an impeccable job and received considerable acclaim. I love to study projects like these. Among all your hotel designs, which one is your favorite? So far, I would say the Intercontinental Shanghai Expo, but this doesn’t mean the others are not meticulously designed. One reason it’s my favorite is that Intercontinental Shanghai Expo was the only 5-star hotel in the expo garden (Shanghai Expo 2010), which really meant something. What’s more important, the project was struggling and we’d been through several frustrating issues with it, but the whole team showed great courage and talent in making the blueprint become reality. Thanks to that I also made many friends and teachers for which I am extremely grateful. But I believe my most satisfying design is always ahead of me, because I am always moving on.
Beauty through the Lens 人生大转弯,种子音乐老板田定丰放下多年的流行音乐经营, 拿起相机定格原汁原味的台湾美景。 Founder of Taiwan-based Seed Music Limited, Lancaster Tien said farewell after many years in the pop music business to record the original beauty of Taiwan through a camera. Text: Eva Liu
作为台湾著名音乐人,你是如何看待时下各 种火爆的音乐选秀节目的? 这样的平台很好,给很多年轻人提供 了追梦的机会。参赛的年轻人如果能够从 众多选手中脱颖而出,表明他们真的很有 才华,未来有可能会成为新生主力军。不 过选秀舞台只是快速成名的捷径,不代表 一个人在音乐行业就此成功了,毕竟唱歌 是一个讲究天赋和技巧的事情。走下舞台 后,用什么方式让别人认可你是一个专业 歌手,真心消费你的音乐产品?我觉得这 需要自己更多努力和更多幕后专业人士的 指点和帮助。保持良好的心态,真心爱音乐, 默默努力,不急于求成,这样或许更好。
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种子音乐挑选歌手的标准是什么?你最在 意歌手的哪些方面? 种子音乐一直在推创作型艺人,即便 歌手不会创作,我都会要求他慢慢学会创 作,创作能力对一个歌手来说非常重要。 一个有自己独特创作感觉的歌手能赋予歌 声灵魂,有灵魂的声音才能打动人。我比 较在意两点:声音的特质,声音辨识度是 不是很高;歌手的心态,能否用正确的健 康的心态来理解唱歌和未来成败。 你现在也经营和代理艺术家的艺术推广,选 择艺术家的标准又是什么呢? 我投资了一个文创公司,叫丰文创,
希望帮助台湾艺术家走出去,能有更多的 交流合 作。至于选择的标准,最重要的是 他的创作是否能打动我。我比较喜欢中国 传统文化,很多艺术家能够发现中国传统 艺术之美,将中国传统文化与现代艺术风 格完美结合。目前我们在跟台湾知名剪纸 艺术家吴耿祯合作,近年来他在国内外举 办过各种展览,曾和路易威登、香奈儿等 品牌合作。 你是如何从音乐人变身为文艺摄影作者的? 我在流行音乐行业做了 23 年,我时常 在想,如果我的人生有不同的层次,除了 音乐,还可以用什么去丰富它。通过学习 可否获得另外一种能力,让我在全新领域 找到另一种热情?于是我选择了摄影。刚 开始拿起相机,也没有一个方向,到街上 到处乱拍。直到有一天拍到一位在画纸伞 的老奶奶,她告诉我她从 60 岁才开始学画 画,为了传承即将逝去的客家文化。是她 让我明白学习新鲜事物不分年龄,传承一 种文化不分时间。我选择了摄影就会一直 做下去。先从自己的家乡台湾拍起,配上 有故事的文字,让更多的人认识台湾,爱 上台湾。 创作摄影诗集《丰台湾》给你怎样的感受? 我花了八个月时间走遍台湾,拍出超 过 1 万张照片,那时我才发现原来我 的家 乡这么美,这是以前不曾发现的。我带着 我的第一部单反相机,真正认识自己生长 的土地,找回它与我的情感连结。我没有 想过自己会成为一个真正的摄影师,摄影 是我用心灵追求人生过程的一个记录,却 留下很多我跟这块土地的亲密接触。
of voice - whether or not a singer’s voice can easily be recognized; the other is their state of mind - whether a singer can keep a healthy attitude toward singing, through successes and failures, or not. You also operate an agency for art promotion, what are your standards for selecting artists? I invested in the cultural and creative industry to set up a company called Feng’s Cultural and Creative Limited, hoping to help local Taiwanese artists go out and be seen and find cooperation opportunities. As for my standards, the most important point is I must be moved by his or her songs. I like traditional Chinese culture. Many artists also have eyes for its beauty and combine it with modern style perfectly. At present, we are doing a cooperative project with famous Taiwanese paper cutting artist Wu Gengzhen, who, has recently held exhibitions at home and abroad and cooperated with great brands, such as Louis Vuitton and Chanel. 田定丰 种子音乐创始人,曾一手捧红 张信哲、温岚、吴克群、许茹芸等“好 声音”。前不久在内地出版第一本摄影 诗集《丰台湾》,书中 101 张原汁原味 的台湾美景与 101 首情诗大获好评。 Founder of Taiwan-based Seed Music Limited, Lancaster Tien has brought many talented singers into the limelight, such as Jeff Chang, Landy Wen, Kenji Wu and Valen Hsu. Lately, he published his first collection of photographic poems - “A Beautiful Land” - in Mainland China, which includes 101 beautiful pictures of Taiwan and 101 love poems, and has received much recognition.
打造完这本环台旅行影像记录,下一站会考 虑“丰”哪里? 希望会是一个有故事的城市。无论是在 哪里,都会有许多很棒的景观和故事等待我 去发现。摄影画面呈现的是一个人的心灵透 过“视窗”看出去的画面。这个画面要展示 的情绪美丽与否,完全在于自己的心境。真 实的画面会有很多情感和情绪,这部分我可 以很好地掌控。我希望一路拍下去,一路写 下去,也希望能带给读者更多不同的视野, 从不一样的角度认识我所走过的那些地方。 As a veteran in Taiwan’s music industry, how do you view the current music talent TV show craze? They are great platforms, providing opportunities for young people to pursue their music dreams. Those who can stand out from the vast numbers of competitors prove that they are really talented and are showing promise as future innovative forces in music. But although the talent show serves as a shortcut to instant fame, it doesn’t mean that
How did you reshape yourself from a music insider to a photographer? I have been in the music industry for 23 years, always thinking that if I want to make my life more colorful, what could I do except music? Might it be that I can find a passion in a whole new field by learning a new skill? I chose photography. At first, I didn’t have an aim and just took pictures randomly on the street, until I met that old granny, who was painting a paper umbrella at the moment. She told me she learned painting at sixty in order to preserve the endangering Hakka culture. Her story made me realized that it’s never too late to learn or to spread a culture. Now that I made a choice, I would stick to it. I started by recording Taiwan, my homeland, with a camera and wrote a story for each picture. Through doing this, I hope to help more people learn about and fall in love with Taiwan.
it is the end of the way to success. Because, after all, singing requires a combination of gift and technique. How do you get yourself acknowledged as a professional singer and persuade people to buy your music products after the show is over? I think more hard work and more help from industry professionals behind the scene will be needed. It seems to me that it’s probably better to retain a positive attitude, the love of music, be patient and work hard. What are the standards for Seed Music in selecting its singers? Which qualities in singers do you pay attention to? Seed Music has produced many creative entertainers. If a singer cannot write at the beginning, I require him or her to learn. Creativity is vital, because listeners can only be moved by a singer who can endow the song with a soul and a unique creative sentiment. I myself attach the greatest importance to two points: one is the quality
How did creating the book -“A Beautiful Land” affect you? I spent eight months to travel through the whole of Taiwan and took over 10,000 pictures. Not until then did I discover the beauty of my homeland. With my first SLR, I began to truly understand the land where I grew up and rediscover my emotional link with it. Yet I’ve never thought of becoming a professional photographer. A camera is a tool for recording my pursuit of dreams and a witness of my close contact with this land as well. What’s your next photographic destination? I hope it will be an interesting city, whose wonderful scenery, history and culture are over there to be discovered. Photos represent what a person sees through the lens with the heart. Whether the representation is beautiful or not depends on the photographer’s state of mind. I can handle my emotion well in the photos. I hope to go along, bringing different views to readers and new perspectives on the places recorded through my camera.
Material Culture
The Mysterious Evolution of a Tradition 要想常胜不败,仅仅靠高品质手表 或悠久的品牌历史是不够的。 Being a historically renowned brand or selling high quality watches may not be enough to assure a brand’s success in the long term.
在当今的制表界,理论与研究成功地 结合在了一起。保持勇于创新的进取意识, 同时让传统得以传承和发扬,这是推动制表 技艺发展的强大动力之一。 万宝龙联席总裁沃尔夫·海因里希斯多 夫多年来一直强调:“每一项传统最初都是 创新的结果,一个品牌必须不断地从传统走 向创新。”当然,传统与当代观念、品牌与 创新之间并无矛盾和冲突。产品即品牌,打 造品牌则让产品更受益。1990 年,历峰集 团因其顶级男士奢侈品品牌登喜路而买下 了万宝龙。作为书写工具供应商,万宝龙原 本就与登喜路有着合作关系,彼时正面临破 产窘境。有了历峰集团的资金注入,同时凭 借自身的专攻,万宝龙在涉足皮具和腕表市 场前,获得了书写工具最大生产商的地位。 1997 年万宝龙发布了首款手表,坊间 便开始流传一个笑话:“手表是不错,就是 少了墨囊!”也就是万宝龙的拥趸会考虑
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购买它,观赏性远大于实用性,当做配饰而 已,所以当时的万宝龙手表是够不着奢侈手 表行列的,另外这些手表采用的都是黑色表 盘,也被认为是冒险之举。那个时候黑色表 盘手表仅占市场的 5%,15 年后的今天却 已主宰整个市场,甚至成为一些最负盛名的 手表制造商的收藏主流。自收购密涅瓦后, 万宝龙不断提高时计质量,其最新推出的奢 华表款无一不是制表技艺的经典之作。我相 信再过 15 年,万宝龙一定会跻身世界公认 的殿堂级制表商行列。 类似的例子不胜枚举。让 - 克劳德·比 弗时代初期的宇舶算奢侈品牌吗?非也! 但现在的它已成长为最流行、最尖端、最 时尚的品牌之一。产品本身是自己最好的代 言,营销只是锦上添花。要想常胜不败,仅 仅靠高品质产品或悠久的品牌历史是不够 的。如果没有营销天才比弗,宝铂怎会在市 场上大获全胜?
我再举另一个例子,瑞士“非凡”手 表在获得大量的资金补充后,一度成为上世 纪末最大的品牌之一,还是印度市场的第一 名,今天都去哪儿了,无人知晓。亨利慕时 出品的表外观亮丽,机芯尖端复杂,这点绝 对毋庸置疑,可为什么近年来关于罗伦斐的 讨论却多于亨利慕时?产品在某种程度上 是能为自己代言,但力度终究有限,消费者 还是难挡名牌的诱惑啊。 “为什么理查德·米勒钛金属手表比百 达翡丽金表还贵?”一位中国客户这么问 我。答案很简单,因为消费者愿意为理查德 ·米勒更高的辨识度、独创性和稀缺性买单。 如果当初米勒先生离开了理查德·米勒,百 达翡丽没了百达先生和翡丽先生,这些品牌 还能续写各自的成功吗?只有时间才能揭 晓答案。
显然,那些品牌新生军还处在刚制定 战略的起步阶段,创造产品、打造品牌连 半程都还没有走完。迄今为止,最困难的 是保持质量水准以及给予品牌成长所需要 的支持,这一点同样适用于那些历史悠久、 已经获得认可的大牌们。那么面对浩瀚的、 形形色色的品牌和产品该如何选择呢?自 己挑吧。 In the world of watchmaking, the worlds of knowledge and research come together successfully. Transmitting a heritage and perpetuating a tradition while continuing to innovate and move forward are some of the driving forces behind this fine art. “Every tradition stems from an innovation and a brand must constantly go from tradition to innovation,” was a phrase that Wolff Heinrichsdorf, co-president of Montblanc, emphasized for years. The story of the brand accredits this maxim. Of course, there is no contradiction between tradition and contemporary vision or between brand and innovation. The product is the brand and branding benefits the product. As a reminder, Montblanc was bought in 1990 by the financial company Richemont who wanted to give coherence to the activities of one of its brands, Dunhill. Montblanc, a supplier of writing instruments components for Dunhill, was on the verge of bankruptcy at the time. Armed with funds from the financial company and with its own expertise, Montblanc has become the largest manufacturer of writing instruments before embarking on the market of leather goods and the wristwatch segment. When Montblanc unveiled its first watch in 1997, the recurring joke was: “Nice watches, but where is the ink tank?” At that time, these pieces were considered accessories for the brand lovers, not luxury watches. In addition, they were adorned with black dials - an idea considered risky considering Richemont’s current company direction. In fact, black dial watches accounted for only 5% of the market at the time, making this move quite a risky
idea. Fifteen years later, the black dial models dominate the market to the point that they have become a majority in the collections of some of the most prestigious watchmakers. Nowadays Montblanc continues to expand its watchmaking expertise and to improve the quality of its timepieces, as we can see since the acquisition of Minerva by the German brand. Moreover, all the latest Montblanc luxury watches are pure examples of fine watchmaking. I am convinced that within fifteen years Montblanc will become an authentic and recognized member of the pantheon of manufacturers of high watchmaking. Similar examples are legion. Was Hublot, at the beginning of the era JC Biver, a luxury brand? Definitely not. Yet it is now one of the most popular, sophisticated and “en vogue” brands. Of course the product speaks for itself – but marketing helps. It goes without saying that it is not enough to be a historically renowned brand or sell a quality product to be assured of being a successful brand in the long term. Would the new Blancpain we know have hit such a success without the marketing genius of Biver? I’ll leave this to your judgement. Other examples establish that marketing is key. After new investments poured into the brand, Favre Leuba was one of the biggest brands during the end of the last century; the number 1 manufacturer in India for example. But who can say where these watches and investors are today? Another still is the manufacture H. Moser & Cie, which produces beautiful watches with sophisticated movements – however, conversations of the past year have focused more on Laurent Ferrier. While the products speak for themselves to a certain extent, the scope of their message is limited, and customers love their brands to be under the spotlight. How can Richard Mille sell titanium watches at a higher price than its gold models or a Patek Philippe? This question was posed to me by a Chinese client. The answer is simple: customers are willing to pay more because Richard Mille shows are easily recognizable, original and rare. But will the Richard Mille brand continue to be as successful after Mr. Mille has left the ship? Will the Patek Philippe manufacturer be able to continue its success story without Mr. Antoni Norbert Patek and Jean Adrien Philippe? Only time will tell. Obviously, the new brands are just at the beginning of defining their strategy. Creation of a product and building a brand is not even half of their journey. The hardest part, by far, is to maintain the level of quality and support the growth of the brand. So, in this vast ocean of brands and products, how does one choose? I’ll leave it to you to make your choice.
蒂埃里·理查德有着多年的钟表业从业经历,对这一行业有增无减的激情促成了 2012 年“极致生活” 的成立。极致生活在北京、上海和广州设有办公室,为独立制表师提供 360 度全方位推广平台,在 中国集营销策划、公关活动和产品分销于一体,并在瑞士设有旅行社。 After several years working in the watch industry Mr. Thierry Richard followed his passion for the fine art of watchmaking and founded A Dream’s Lifestyle (ADL) in 2012. With offices in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, ADL is a 360° promotion platform for independent watchmakers combining creative marketing, PR, events management and distribution companies in China and a travel agency in Switzerland.
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沃尔沃 XC60
宝马 i3 电动汽车
8 月 5 日正式上市的沃尔沃新款 XC60 推出了两种动力共六款 车型,起售价为 38.99 万元。该车采用了全新设计的一体式头灯, 配合精致的新式前保险杠,整体效果看起来更新潮;内饰应用来 自 V40 的全电子屏幕仪表盘;尾部排气管口还使用扁口镀铬设计。 新款 XC60 沿用现款车型的动力,搭载 2.0T 发动机和 3.0T 发动机。 自动挡车型首次提供拨片换挡进行选装。
创新宝马 i3 电动汽车前不久在纽约、伦敦和北京三地同时举 行了全球首发仪式。该车是宝马集团推出的首款量产豪华纯电动 汽车,将于明年上半年正式进入中国市场销售。宝马 i3 续驶里程 为 130-160 公里,其电动驱动系统的输出功率为 125kW/170hp, 电动机起步时可输出 250 牛米的最大扭矩,可在 3.7 秒内从 0 加 速至 60 公里 / 小时,在 7.2 秒内从 0 加速至 100 公里 / 小时,最 高车速限定为 150 公里 / 小时。
Volvo XC60
The new Volvo XC60 introduces in total six new models, with official prices starting from 389,900 RMB. The XC60 gets a totally new and trendier body design with fiercer looking headlights paired with a streamlined front bumper and integrated rectangular rear exhaust pipes; while interiors have used the V40’s completely digital crystal screen display. In terms of power, the new XC60 carries a 2.0T and 3.0T engine, and this is their first automatic model to be equipped with the Geartronic six-speed automatic transmission.
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BMW i3
BMW recently held a global launch for its new i3 electric car simultaneously in New York, London and Beijing. The model is BMW’s first all-electric series production vehicle. Tentatively dubbed the “iPad of EVs,” the i3 sets new standards with its driving range of 130-160 km and lightweight construction. With power output of 125 kW/170 hp, peak torque of 250 N-m, it can get from 0 to 100 km/h in just 7.2 seconds, and boasts a top speed of 150 km/h.
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雷克萨斯 RX270
丰田全新 RAV4
雷克萨斯 RX270 车系中的新款精英版和典雅版正式进口上市。 精英版是 RX 系列全新入门级车型,配备氙气大灯、电动前排座椅、 智能钥匙等新配置,而典雅版则在现款车型基础上作了改动,外后 视镜增配了电动折叠、防眩光和记忆功能。新款所有车型依旧搭载 2.7L 自然吸气发动机,并与 6 速自动变速器相匹配。发动机提供最 大 188 马力的动力输出以及 252 牛米的最大扭矩,百公里加速时间 为 11 秒。
新一代丰田 RAV4 于 8 月底在国内上市销售。新车采用“Keen Look”家族式前脸设计,舍弃了 RAV4 系列以往的外挂式备胎与 侧开式车门。轴距的增加、离地间隙降低、车重增重都暗示 RAV4 未来将更多地扮演城市型 SUV 的角色。内饰设计以驾驶者为中心, 配备更为年轻动感且科技化。新车推出了 2.0L 与 2.5L 两个排量共 7 款车型。全车系均可选择前轮驱动或四轮驱动的配置,四驱版车 型还配置了 HAC 上坡起步辅助及 DAC 陡坡缓降辅助系统。
Lexus’ latest RX270 Elite and Classic models recently entered the Chinese market. The Elite Edition is the latest entry level model and comes with xenon headlights, adjustable front seats and smart key entry. The Classic version adds automatic anti-dazzle and memory functions. As always, the new models include naturally aspirated 2.7L engine paired with 6-speed automatic transmission. Total power output is 188 hp with peak torque of 252 N-m. According to reports the car can get up to 100km/h in 11 seconds.
The new Toyota RAV4, which entered the Chinese market in August, has been upgraded, abandoning the spare tire and sidehinged rear door. The wheel base has been raised, reducing height, and the weight has increased, implying that the car will now be more of an urban SUV. Interior design is centered around the driver and includes upgraded technology. Its 2.0L and 2.5L engine choices make for a total of 7 models, with choice between front-wheel and four-wheel drive, with HAC uphill assist and DAC incline assist systems.
Lexus RX270
Toyota New RAV4
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全新世爵 B6 Venator 敞篷概念车
An Aviation Legacy
The Spyker B6 Venator Spyder Concept
荷兰豪华运动汽车制造商世爵以手工 打造的精美跑车而闻名。该品牌前不久在 美国加州圆石滩豪车展上发布了全新 B6 Venator 敞篷概念车。这款双门敞篷跑车轻 松融合性能、设计和品牌文化,为豪华运动 车注入了新的活力。世爵首席行政官兼设 计师维克多·穆勒将公司之前的飞机制造经 历融进此款新车之中,Venator 在拉丁语中 意为“猎人”,而世爵在 20 世纪生产制造 的歼击机也叫这个名字。B6 Venator 车身 采用碳纤维制成,车重被控制在 1400 千克 以内。V 型散热器格栅也成为品牌标志,整
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流罩上镌刻有世爵经典箴言“执著,强悍, 畅行无阻”,颇有世爵在 1903 年推出的著 名 60HP 赛车车型的感觉。尾灯的 LED 光 环令人想起现代喷气式战斗机在发动引擎 时产生的光晕。汽车内饰完全根据客户需求 量身定制,所用的材料也是最顶级的。车削 铝材和荷兰皇家皮革胡尔索夫的利塔诺系 列皮革的使用,让内饰颜色更加丰富。宽敞 的内部空间与飞机座舱相似,暴露在外的挂 轮装置源自早期飞行控制系统,这一切都暗 示着该品牌曾经的飞机制造历史。全新 B6 Venator 敞篷概念车搭载最大功率 375 马力
的 V6 发动机和 6 前速自动变速箱。预计于 2015 年初先后登陆欧洲、中东、亚太、印 度和美国等重要市场,起价约 15 万美元。 Dutch company Spyker, known for creating beautiful, meticulously hand built automobiles, recently debuted its latest Spyker B6 Venator Spyder Concept at The Quail Motorsports Gathering in California. The two-door convertible concept car offers a new alternative in the luxury sports vehicle category, effortlessly combining heritage, performance and design. Designer and Spyker CEO Victor Muller incorporated hints at the brand’s aviation legacy: the name “Venator” is Latin for “Hunter,” pointing to Spyker’s 20th century fighter aircraft of the same name. The body is crafted to be lightweight using only carbon fibre, with exteriors featuring the brand’s trademark V-shaped radiator grille, and the brand’s classic adage “Nulla tenaci invia est via,” which translates to “For the tenacious no road is impassable,” shown on the fairings. The 1903 Spyker logo alludes to the company’s old racers such as the famous 60HP, and LED rings for the taillights bring to mind the burners of a modern jet fighter. Interiors are also completely bespoke, crafted from the finest materials such as turned aluminum and leather sourced from the Litano range produced by the Royal Hulshof Dutch Tanneries in the Netherlands for a rich color palette. The interiors too hint at the brand’s aviation heritage, with an open airiness similar to an airplane cockpit, and exposed gear change mechanism inspired by early aircraft controls. With a 375-horsepower V6 engine, 6-speed automatic transmission and a weight of under 1400 kg, the Venator Spyder Concept is expected to debut in key markets including Europe, the Middle East, Asia Pacific and India, followed by the US in early 2015, with prices starting from approximately USD $150,000.
虎父虎女: 心中有猛虎,笔下自生威
The Art of the Tiger Text: Wang Jun Photos: Xu Gaohu
国画艺术是我们中华文明古国土壤中 一颗璀璨的明珠,在其漫长的发展演进中 渐次趋于对表意的崇尚与追求。意即意境、 意韵、意味,表意与表象,从总体上构成国 画与西方绘画艺术泾渭分明的分水岭。 著名画家徐高虎先生出身于农家,幼 年时饱受贫困折磨,但他生性淳朴善良, 积极乐观,数十年来,于书画一道之外,还 精研传统诗词歌赋、古典文籍,可谓博学于 中而游艺于外,俯察世象而发之笔端。其深 厚坚实的学术素养和率真洒脱的人文气质, 自然是一般画家所难以企及的。 虎女徐丽自幼受父亲的熏陶和耳濡目 染,书法和绘画水平也逐渐达到较高的境地。
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父女俩笔下的老虎或动或静,或凶猛或可爱, 风格姿态万千却各有不同。其作品创意新颖, 笔墨苍劲,技法独特难仿,已经形成自己的 个性画风并得到美术界和收藏界的认可。虎 父虎女的虎画系列《王象 400 韵》(诗、书、 画、印四维一体)获颁上海大世界基尼斯纪 录证书,至今已画至王象 1026 韵。 虎父虎女秉承“将爱心融入艺术,用 艺术激赏爱心”的艺术理念进行创作。父女 俩为感恩金华八婺大地养育之情,绘就了 《故乡情韵——诗画百桥》100 幅;为弘扬 社会和谐的理念,绘制《国荷 519》519 幅 (原文化部常务副部长高占祥诗,虎父虎女 书画印),获颁上海大世界基尼斯纪录证书,
并于 2012 年 6 月随神九上太空载誉归来; 为答谢艺术同仁的爱戴与关心,编著《行 草书精选》和《徐氏草诀》供同仁们参考, 再获上海大世界基尼斯纪录证书;为救助濒 危野生动物,与中国野生动物保护协会共同 成立“爱虎项目基金”,并启动“虎父虎女 书画世界行”,先后在北京、上海、广州、 天津及台湾、俄罗斯、印度尼西亚等地传播 艺术与爱心;向社会各界捐资捐画共计达 3000 多万元,实实在在地为公益事业尽绵 薄之力。 绳锯木断,水滴石穿。虎父虎女不断总 结经验,并以前代大师的杰作为路标,勇猛精 进,一步步向中国书画艺术的纵深境地迈进!
微风细雨 ( 徐高虎作品 )
摆脱困境 ( 徐高虎作品 )
Art 人物介绍 Profile 虎父徐高虎,笔名高虎,字吕七,号丽州墨人、仙居铺人,无党派人士。书画家、教育家、国学 家、慈善家、诗人,获得“诗书画大师”称号,擅画虎,被文化部誉为“当今虎王”。现为中国书画 学会名誉会长、中国书画名家研究会终身名誉会长、中国书画名家研究院名誉院长、中国书法美术家 协会名誉主席、中国兰亭书画院名誉院长、中国国学学会终身名誉主席等。 虎女徐丽,字俏,号丽州墨女,书画家、活动家、慈善家。幼得父训,遵循“天赋还需勤奋,作 品更重人品”之教言。现为爱虎基金活动组委会主席、中国古风堂书画社社长、中国民族艺术家协会 副会长、中国书画经营家协会副会长。被授予“当代书画艺术名人”、被评为“全国百名优秀青年书 画家”、“全国青少儿书画优秀指导教师”、“2008 中国最具社会责任感人物”等。 人民日报、中央电视台、中国文化报等诸多媒体曾先后多次报道。
虎父虎女 华夏无双 (高占祥书)
温馨 ( 徐高虎作品 )
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塘静 ( 徐高虎作品 )
A renowned painter sometimes known as the “tiger father”, Mr. Xu Gaohu was born into a rural area. Though he suffered setbacks due to poverty, he still retained a refined and kind nature, and an optimistic attitude toward life. For decades, besides immersing himself in the art of Chinese calligraphy and painting, he has also made in-depth studies of classical poetry and literature. A well-read and versatile man, he experienced all flavors of life passionately and observed the world calmly before putting his sentiment onto paper. Both his profound academic accomplishments and natural unrestrained disposition are unmatchable. Xu Li, aka the “tiger daughter”, has accordingly grown under the influence of her father, achieving impressive results in calligraphy and painting. The father and daughter pair’s repertoire includes many paintings of tigers in various styles and postures; some active, some quiet, others fierce or lively. With an original style, vigorous and forceful brushwork and unique and inimitable painting techniques, they have formed a distinctive painting style, winning them recognition in the fine art circle. They were featured in the Guinness World Records by The Great World Entertainment Center Shanghai for a tiger series they cooperated to create called 400 Portraits of Tiger King, including 400 tiger paintings, poetry, calligraphy, painting and seals. So far the series has been extended to 1026 portraits. The tiger father and daughter draw artistic inspiration from the concept that by infusing love into art, the art will generate more love. In order to express their gratitude towards their hometown, Jinhua city in Zhejiang, they created My Charming Hometown - Portraits of 100 Bridges, altogether 100 pieces with poems and paintings. Later, to promote the concept of establishing a harmonious society, they painted 519 pictures of Lotuses for the series Chinese Lotus, each with a seal and a poem by Gao Zhanxiang, former administrative vice minister of the Ministry of Culture. Again, the paintings were awarded a Guinness World Record by The Great World Entertainment Center Shanghai and even taken into space in Shenzhou 9 manned spacecraft in June, 2012. The pair have also compiled two books - Best of Running and Cursive Scripts and Xu’s Pithy Formula for Practicing Cursive Script - for those who are interested in calligraphy, winning a third Guinness award from the same institution. To save endangered animals, the two have established “Love the Tiger Fund” with China Wildlife Conservation Association and initiated the “Tiger Father and Daughter’s Painting and Calligraphy World Tour”, a project to spread an artistic spirit across Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, and Taiwan, Russia and Indonesia, etc. They have also shown their public spirit by donating money and paintings of a total of over 30 million RMB. As the old Chinese saying goes, little strokes can fell great oaks, and water can wear away a stone. This belief is personified in what the tiger father and daughter put into practice with their persistence. By making a continuous summation of their experiences and setting previous masters as a guide, they have achieved a considerable amount, and continue to probe deeper into the art of Chinese painting and calligraphy.
气壮山河 ( 徐高虎、徐丽作品 )
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有关酒店、旅行、美食及新鲜体验的 Travel, gourmet, and leisure from around
一切享乐。 the globe.
Hotel / P.78 飨宴
Dining / P.96
WineClub / P.106
Profile / P.108
日月潭涵碧楼的 Spa The Lalu Sun Moon Lake
Taiwan’s Top Five 宝岛台湾最不可错过的 5 家顶级酒店, 神秘面纱一一为你揭开。它们或因深厚的历史文化背景 和传奇故事让人久久回味,或以精致奢华的装潢令人赞叹不绝, 但无一不专注服务细节和努力营造充满人情味的入住氛围。 We unveil five of Taiwan’s finest hotels – some are iconic for their long history, others acclaimed for exquisite luxurious décor; but all focus unwaveringly on top quality service and a human touch. Text: Liu Yang, Han Lijun Photos: Respective hotels
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日月潭云品温泉酒店 Fleur de Chine Hotel
A Franco-Chinese Palace 台北君品酒店的法文名为 Palais de Chine Hotel,意即“中华风的法国皇宫”。 的确,君品酒店强调法式奢华服务,结合 顶级美馔、典雅住宿以及贴心的一站式服 务,完美再现中法这两个东西世界历史文 化中心的魅力,因而树立了台北无可比拟 的商务酒店新标杆。两种文化碰撞出的“火 花”在这里俯首皆是,其中又以饮食最为 耀眼!法国大餐和中国饮食都在世界文化 中占据举足轻重的地位,号称“中华风的 法国皇宫”将二者优点游刃有余地发挥到 极致就不足为奇了。 自 2010 年开业迎宾以来,酒店中餐厅 颐宫提供各类中华菜系,包括精巧饮茶点 心和经典筵席名菜,饕客好评满满,并获 选两岸美食论坛十大名店殊荣。餐厅设有 6 间融合中法美学风格的私密贵宾包厢,日 享通透温暖阳光,夜拥壮丽灯火美景,是
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私人聚会的绝佳场所。顶级法式烧烤餐厅 云轩以开放式厨房向客人展现烹饪的精彩, 其顶级海鲜与碳烤牛排总是让人念念不忘, 更有窖藏的精选葡萄酒助兴。 摩登时尚与经典传承兼具的欧式主题 茶馆供应全系列顶级茗茶和精巧小食,其 充满巴黎特色的创意经典下午茶套餐不可 不尝,午晚餐时段还有无限量供应的碳烤 牛排和异国特色料理。法式古典的另一面 则在闹中取静的城市时尚酒吧里展现无遗。 酒吧位于六楼户外,供应各式创意调酒和 经典酒款,每月更换的美味汉堡与小食超 过 30 种,是旅人夜间放松休憩的好去处。 此外,君品酒店从荷兰国际管家学院 引入了管家专业培训课程,定期对严格挑 选的多位服务人员进行正统管家培训。君 品酒店的管家团队也是君品酒店最佳服务 的代名词。
君品酒店实为台北五星级商务酒店翘楚, 中法文化在此碰撞出奇妙火花,饕客更是好评如潮。 As one of the best business hotels in Taipei, Palais de Chine Hotel does an impeccable job of blending Chinese and French cultures, especially when it comes to cuisine. Like no other destination hotel, Palais de Chine Hotel is the only five-star luxury hotel in Taiwan to combine Chinese culture with French aesthetics and art in its facade and interior design. As the flagship hotel of Taiwan-based L'Hotel de Chine Group, Palais de Chine Hotel is distinctive with its Parisian theme, ornate interiors and antique pieces. Cleverly blending opulent, yet modern designs from China and Paris in a compelling cultural manner, this 5-star hotel provokes both the mind and senses. However, the most important aspect may be the hotel’s culinary efforts, as both French and Chinese cultures attach great importance to food and the customs surrounding it. Palais de Chine Hotel’s themed dining includes exquisite Chinese and Western restaurants, an elegant French-style teahouse and a bar, surprising guests with innovation on traditional flavors. La Rotisserie is famed for its best-in-town grilled steak and lobster. Delicate Cantonese fare here features seafood and dim-sum made from fresh local ingredients, for which it has received many awards. 6 spacious private rooms are offered to cater to any luxurious and elegant function with a stunning view of Taipei west. The signature grill restaurant Le Palais has open space and a show kitchen, where guests can enjoy fine dining menus with a selected wine list. Buffet breakfast and semi-buffet set menu are also served. Le Thé is a European themed tea salon, offering a selection of premier tea and Palais de Chine’s signature afternoon tea served daily. Guests can also enjoy small bites and all-day dining cuisine with chic presentation. Le Bar, an avant-garde cocktail safari and Moroccan-style tent house, is a comfy den for pre-dinner drinks or late night relaxation. Guests will be pleased by the hotel’s signature martinis, creative cocktails and a wide collection of Champagne and Whisky. Yet another renowned service the hotel provides is its butlers. Professional and strict training programs are “exported” from The International Butler Academy based the Netherlands to the hotel’s staff, who provide guests with one-stop service and respond to all guests’ requests within 24 hours. No.3,Section 1,Chengde Road,Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886 2 2181 9999
Fine Arts Meet Fine Foods 耐人寻味的是它的名字“寒舍”,一 则继承了这一源自时尚之都巴黎的酒店品 牌时尚高雅的气质,二则相当具有中国文 化气韵,颇具点睛之妙。虽然地处繁华的 中央商务区,台北寒舍艾美酒店却懂得如 何运用低调的吸引力,从容自如地游走在 时尚与人文之间,展现深邃美妙的内含。 酒店为宾客提供的不仅是旅途当中一个理 想居所,更开启了驾驭自如的探索之旅, 以创意视角探索当代台北的崭新姿态。 因此寒舍不寒,反倒让人如沐春风, 且有艺术的享受。时尚简洁的建筑风格, 室内设计精巧别致,于摩登空间中巧妙糅 合人文艺术,处处可见精心挑选的当代艺 术品,艺术的魅力在这里得到充分的释放。
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酒店以“光和影”为主轴,配合空间与环 境,将艺术品融入每一个角落,引领宾客 与艺术面对面。穿梭在酒店中,艺术往往 就在某处和你不期而遇,而这些作品背后 华丽或素朴、繁复或简约、优雅或俏皮、 严肃或幽默、会心一笑或发人深省的感受, 也将在被观看的同时延展开来,成为旅行 中一次美丽的奇遇。酒店集结了来自台湾、 内地及日本、韩国、美国、英国、比利时 的多位当代艺术家,近七百件跨界作品与 装置艺术创作,藉由艺术家的慧眼触动宾 客的感官神经,进而激发创意思维。 全球各地的艾美酒店特色早餐均出自 极富创意、思考前卫的米其林三星厨师让 乔治·冯格里奇顿之手。每天清晨的 6 款经
典新风味以及轮番上阵的 7 款大开眼界饮 品,让一天的生活都充满了浓郁的香气和 缤纷的色彩。全日餐厅“探索厨房”灵活 挥洒世界食材,无论是炉烤披萨、铁板烧 牛排还是手打拉面,都是现点现做的创意 美味,让美食成为一场华丽的视觉盛宴。 当夜幕降临,来 Quube 酒吧坐坐,沉浸在 优雅惬意的节奏里,享受微醺的氛围,欣 赏台北夜晚之美。来自意大利的调酒教父 欧内斯特·里隆勒用同一款基酒加入当季新 鲜蔬果,创造出摩登又健康的潮流饮品。 酒店周围景点包括台北故宫博物院、 四季缤纷的阳明山国家公园以及幽深古朴 的龙山寺。文艺旅人游台湾,不妨和好友 到寒舍艾美一叙。
Originating in Paris - the City of Fashion, the meaning behind Le Méridien Taipei’s Chinese name is quite interesting. The word “Hanshe”, meaning a humble house, has been used by Chinese people in the past as a self-depreciatory expression to refer to their own home. This gives the five-star hotel a sort of Chinese element, though superficially, as the heart of the style is elegant and romantically French. Located in the dynamic CBD area, the hotel has managed to retain all of its charm, while still remaining trendy, cultured, and rather low-key. Not only is it an ideal place to stay for travelers, but a wonderful starting point from which they can explore the city of Taipei. Rather than a humble living place, Le Méridien Taipei is in fact an artistic hotel, full of atmosphere, with modern minimalist architecture and ingeniously novel interior design. Nearly 700 pieces of contemporary art are integrated into the creative space of the hotel, letting the spirit of art melt into every inch of the space. “Light and Shadow” has been chosen as the theme for the selection of the works, introducing the guests to discover the beauty of art. While here, one may discover several unexpected pieces – they may be magnificent or plain, elaborate or simple, elegant or amusing, serious or humorous, laughable or thought-provoking, but whatever the style, the encounter will truly be memorable. With works by artists from Taiwan, China, Japan, Korea, the U.S., Britain and Belgium, the hotel is trying to create a unique discovery journey and a new life perspective. The hotel’s famous Signature Breakfasts and Eye Openers, created, like all the other Le Méridien hotels, by innovative and avant-garde three-star Michelin Chef JeanGeorges Vongerichten, features 6 classic
以艺术熏养美食,以美食拉动艺术! 文艺旅人游台湾,不妨邀几个好友到寒舍艾美酒店一叙。 The Le Méridien Taipei is the perfect destination for lovers of art and food, where fine artwork and gastronomy go hand in hand.
yet newly-improved dishes and 7 drinks for an enchanting start to each guest’s day. The all-day restaurant Latest Recipe serves an impressive choice of international and local flavors including pizza, sizzling steaks and handmade noodles, all made-to-order, providing diners a gorgeous gastric and visual feast. When night falls, come to the stylish and sophisticated Quube lounge to enjoy Taipei’s night scene and abandon yourself to relaxing music and great wines. Ernesto Lechthaler, an Italian master mixologist, uses only one type of base liquor to create various brand-new and healthy cocktails by adding seasonal fresh fruits and vegetables. Le Méridien Taipei is also situated in the midst of many must-see attractions, like National Palace Museum, Yangmingshan National Park and Lungshan Temple, making it the perfect destination for anyone’s trip to Taiwan. 38 Songren Road, Xinyi District, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886 2 6622 8000
Treasure of Taiwan 正如台湾海基会前董事长江丙坤所言, “在台湾所有的饭店中,最能呈现中华传 统艺术、建筑特色及美食文化的非圆山大 饭店莫属。”台北圆山大饭店由宋美龄女 士创办,始建于 1952 年,以顶级的服务接 待过无数名流、政要、巨星和传奇人物, 众多影响深远的历史事件也在这里举行发 生,见证了 60 年来时代与社会的发展印记。 1967 年还被美国《财富》杂志评为世界十 大饭店之一。 台北圆山大饭店位于基隆河畔,背靠 阳明山,居高环视四周,台北美景历历在 目。首先值得一提的是饭店优美壮观的中 国风建筑,从外观景致到内部陈设,从色 彩造型到文化气韵,无不透出浓郁的传统 中国风貌,堪称中国民族文化特色的代表。 其内部装潢陈设典雅吉祥,处处彰显中华 文化内涵。入住圆山,除了贴心的服务, 最触动人心的莫过于这雄伟壮丽、古色古 香的建筑。圆山大饭店不仅是台北最耀眼 的地标建筑,也是当代宫殿建筑的代表, 是来台湾观光的必游之地。酒店拥有 487 间客房与套房,虽风格各异,却都富含中
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国古典元素,搭配现代化设备和专业服务, 为宾客提供极致尊享体验。 饭店的几间风格迥异的主题餐厅同样 令人欲罢不能。挂有巨幅《松鹤图》的松 鹤厅拥有上百道自助餐点,精选中、西、 日式佳肴,诱惑你的味蕾。其招牌美食竟 是看上去简简单单的“圆山牛肉面”。精 心熬煮的汤头,软中带劲却入口即化的牛 肉,一碗红烧牛肉面是前海协会会长陈云 林的最爱。如今常有国内外游客专程来此 品尝“陈云林的牛肉面套餐”。在简朴素 雅的圆苑,常客不乏政商名流,风味绝佳 的地道上海点心不知牵动着多少热爱美食 的思乡人的心。根据宋美龄女士口述食谱 制作的红豆松糕闻名遐迩,更是必点佳肴。 金龙厅曾被美国运通公司会员评选为台北 最佳餐厅头名,挂炉烤鸭深受饕客喜爱。 除了国宴御厨拿手的珍馐美馔,这里还是 极佳的观景位置。门前喷水池中有一尊百 年金龙,是餐厅的精神代表。 圆山大饭店堪称台湾岛的一颗明珠, 一块瑰宝。来台湾,若不来圆山,真可谓 憾事一桩。
即使在全世界范围内,像台北圆山大饭店这样 拥有深厚历史文化积淀和多彩故事的酒店也不多见。 The Grand Hotel in Taipei is one of the few great hotels which boast not only profound history but also enticing stories. “Of all the hotels in Taiwan, The Grand Hotel best represents traditional Chinese arts, architecture and cuisine,” writes Mr. Jiang Bingkun, a former member of the Board of Directors of Straits Exchange Foundation, in an article for The Grand Hotel’s 60th anniversary. Worldwide, there are few hotels which have as many historic and cultural stories as The Grand Hotel, which was created by Ms. Soong Mei-ling in 1952. Since then, the hotel has entertained and accommodated numerous celebrities, political VIPs, superstars and legendary figures, and staged many historic events, witnessing the change of times and 60 years’ social development. In 1967, the hotel was crowned as one of the top ten hotels in the world by Fortune magazine. With Yangming Mountain at the back and facing Keelung River at the front, the Grand Hotel offers an amazing view of the city of Taipei. Much like a classical Chinesestyle palace, its majestic appearance easily makes it the most attractive landmark in the city. With both its exterior and interior being decorated with traditional Chinese colors, patterns and other details, the hotel can be
hailed as a contemporary masterpiece of national architectural culture. The only thing that can match the impressive qualities of the antique building style and decoration is the top-quality service. The hotel’s 487 guest rooms and suites, each adorned with Chinese elements but in different style, are all equipped with state-of-the-art facilities and professional services to provide guests the ultimate experience. But of course, no hotel would warrant such high praise without excellent gourmet foods, and the Grand Hotel boasts several special delicacies that one cannot find elsewhere. With paintings of pine trees and cranes (in Chinese culture, both of these images are symbols of good fortune) on the wall, Grand Garden Restaurant serves over 100 Chinese, Japanese and Western buffet dishes. However, its signature dish is the seemingly simple Yuanshan Beef Noodle, which boasts distinctively tasty broth and extremely tender beef. The noodle was a favorite of Mr. Chen Yunlin, former Chairman of Association for Relations Across the Taiwan Straits. Now many tourists from home and abroad visit the
restaurant only to taste “Chen Yunlin’s Beef Noodle Set Meal”. Yuan-Yuan, a simple and elegant dining space, features Shanghai desserts which are extremely popular among foodies. For those who have been away from home for quite a long time in particular, the desserts are a special delight. Red Bean Sand Cake, a must-taste item made according to Ms. Soong Mei-ling’s personal recipe, is particularly famous. Golden Dragon Restaurant, voted as first place out of Taipei’s best restaurants by American Express’s members, boasts fine foods cooked by state banquet chefs, with Roasted Duck in Stove as its most recommended dish. The restaurant also offers one of the best views of Taipei. The gilded dragon on the front gate fountain, which serves as the restaurant’s spiritual symbol, dates back to over a century ago. The Grand Hotel, Taipei is indeed a treasure of Taiwan, and to miss it when visiting would truly be a pity. No. 1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Road., Zhongshan District, Taipei, Taiwan Tel: 886 2 2886 8888
A Thousand Times is Far from Enough 无论是作为昔日王公贵族充满神秘色 彩的专属行馆还是今日世界顶尖水平的度 假酒店,涵碧楼这幢风云名楼注定会受到 世人的瞩目,个中传奇故事无不精彩迷人, 韵味深远。 上世纪末,一直梦想在日月潭湖畔建 一幢世界级酒店的乡林集团董事长赖正镒 以 2.7 亿台币的天价购得涵碧楼,轰动一时。 之后,又力邀业界久负盛名、对品质“毫 不妥协”的澳大利亚建筑师科瑞·希尔对其 进行改建。历时五年有余,以极简、禅风
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为建筑设计核心思想,由木头、石头、玻 璃和铁等四大建材所构成的涵碧楼终于在 2002 年 3 月 3 日,真正意义上向普罗大众 敞开了胸怀。希尔称自己的这个作品是“前 进式”的独特风格,它不会因时光的流逝 而不合时宜,相反,岁月的洗礼将更能体 现其建筑价值 。对建筑师本人来说,也许 他只是一贯地忠于自己不打折扣的建筑品 质,力创了一段建筑佳话,却也为涵碧楼 翻开其作为度假酒店的百年新辉煌。 按行业常规,涵碧楼的规模和优势条
件应该建 400 个房间,但现今的涵碧楼却 大出所望,它只有 96 间房,结果便是涵碧 楼没有不面湖的房间。不论在酒店哪个地 方,空间都是大到近乎浪费;不论你在哪 个角落做什么事情,湖光山色始终在视线 范围内——自然天成的山光水色不只是用 来欣赏,而是随时可以对话,让人心神领 会的。涵碧楼深谙度假之道,如果客人在 度假时没有充裕的休闲空间,房间小,餐厅、 游泳池等公共空间也拥挤不堪,那又如何 让客人放松乃至感动?
日月潭涵碧楼的高贵品调是低调沉稳 的,细心的你或许能在珍稀的缅甸黄金柚 木地板(包括浴室的地板)、楼梯、落地窗、 拉门等处窥见玲珑心思一二,而与湖水相 呼应、又与蓝天连成一气的泳池所用的磁 砖颜色都会让你琢磨不停,这样的例子俯 首皆是,只要你有心,阅上千遍仍无穷无 尽…… 涵碧楼没有皇族宫廷般的金碧辉煌, 来这里是为了品味放空自我的滋味,享受 “高贵的无聊”、无声胜有声的感动以及 聆听大自然与建筑物结合的光影对话。步 入酒店,五官所感皆为不同以往的新鲜感 受,全新体验让那些住遍全球奢华酒店的 人先是震撼,后是感动。轻松自然、独树 一帜的气氛,置身其中便自然产生宁静祥 和的感觉,这一切还做得不露痕迹,悄无 声息,可不就是度假酒店追求的最高境界?
日月潭是台湾第一美景,涵碧楼是台湾人 “最想入住的休闲度假酒店”,何不在此稍事居停? High atop the Taiwanese landscape, the Lalu Sun Moon Lake resort is a go-to luxury hotel for Taiwanese residents looking to be refreshed and communicate with nature.
Whether as a private residence of top politicians or the paramount resort hotel worldwide, The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake has gone through countless dramatic and fascinating legends in the last century. However, one thing never changed: The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake is always in the spotlight, drawing people’s fixed attention. Lai Zhengyi, CEO of Shining Group, dreamed of building a world-scale hotel by Sun Moon Lake when he was still a little boy, and finally it came true after he bought the century-old property at the cost of NT$270,000,000, stunning the public at the time. It then took over 5 years for awardwinning Australian architect Kerry Hill to finish the restoration and transformation of this building. On March 3, 2002, The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake was officially unveiled. Themed on minimalism and Zen, the hotel uses materials including wood, stone, glass and steel. Hill alleged that the design (Ongoing Style) of The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake would never be out of date but rather become a testimony to architectural values with time, which for all purposes has already been proved. For Hill, perhaps it was just another successful case in his career, but the opening of the resort was like opening a brand new page in architecture in the area. According to general standards of hospitality, it wouldn’t be at all surprising if The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake had 400 guest rooms; but in fact, it features only 96 thoughtfully planned rooms. As a result, every guest room
here enjoys a luxuriously large amount of space and gorgeous lake view, while public areas including restaurants and the open-air pool are roomy and comfortable. Wherever you are and whatever you are doing in the hotel, you can remain always in touch with the lake and hills – because if one can’t get away from the crowded buildings and suffocating crowds even on holiday, how would it be possible to relax and enjoy oneself? The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake is lavish in the most modest ways; one must be very attentive to discover the many luxurious features of the resort. For example, precious Myanmar teaks are generously used here, in the stairs, sliding doors, floors (even in the bathrooms), etc; while the colors of the ceramic tiles in the open-air pool were specifically designed to coordinate with the sky and lake. A thousand visits may not be enough to discover all the fabulous little details here. Don’t expect anything resplendent or extravagant in The Lalu, Sun Moon Lake – people coming here are meant to empty themselves, enjoy a “noble vacuity”, listen to the “speech” between nature and architecture, and be touched by the silence. As long as you stay at the hotel, all five of your senses will be awakened and refreshed by an experience totally different from ever before in an almost imperceptible way – after all, isn’t what resorts are meant to offer? No.142, Zhongxing Road, Shuishe Village, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan Tel: 886 49 285 6888
Discover Earth’s Natural Hot Springs 即使是酒店达人恐怕也有言不尽意的 时候,比如不知道该用怎样精准的语句来 形容日月潭云品温泉酒店的与众不同。简 而言之,这家酒店为现代极简风格,运用 简洁的几何线条营造出沉稳内敛的空间感, 同时不失优雅时尚,外加日月潭迷人的湖 光山色,度假设施一应俱全,只待君来。 作为日月潭畔的第一家五星级温泉度 假酒店,云品温泉酒店号称以云相迎、以 莲具象,奉上日月潭的季节风光,洗涤那 些来自都市的疲惫灵魂。这里的“洗涤” 自然免不了要用日月潭的天然温泉。该泉 素有“美人汤”的雅名,挖掘于台湾 9·21 地震后,为无色无味的碱性碳酸氢钠温泉, PH 值 8.6, 平 均 温 度 约 45 - 55 ℃ 之 间。 酒店围绕温泉主题兴建了诸多亲水设施, 包括亲水主题馆、烟岚风吕和 Qi Shiseido Salon and SPA。 森林芬多精、日月潭变化无穷的自然 光线透过玻璃帷幕进入亲水主题馆中,营 造出清新自然的氛围,室内分分秒秒都洋 溢着欢笑声,馆内分为温泉 SPA 区、动静
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云品温泉酒店以云相迎、以莲具象, 奉上日月潭的季节风光,洗涤那些来自都市的疲惫灵魂。 Fleur de Chine Hotel comforts exhausted souls with natural hot springs, clouds, mountains and more.
水疗区、儿童亲水区、室内泳池、日光浴 平台等五大主题区,让客人尽情享受多元 化的玩水乐趣。 “烟岚风吕”以日式风格打造温泉裸 浴场,分为男汤、女汤。客人在冷热温泉 交替中放松全身的紧绷感,得到从心灵到 身体的完整洗礼,就像徜徉在大自然中一 般,轻盈自在。每间客房内都设有天然温 泉大理石浴池,提供私密的泡汤空间,在 浸泡温泉的同时,又能远眺窗外的日月潭 风景,郁闷一“泡”而光。 Qi Shiseido Salon and SPA 则是日本 知名化妆品品牌资生堂首次进驻酒店,以 “气”之美学,结合东方经络、穴位与西 方按摩,独创“引气导流”的疗程,利用 舒适流畅的按摩手法,提供皇家级尊宠款 待,让人在天然汤泉中重拾身心灵的澄静 与自在。酒店因此斩获 2012 世界奢华酒店 奖亚洲区最佳奢华 SPA 度假酒店。
Every corner of the hotel is infused with the beautiful landscape of Sun Moon Lake, allowing guests to lie peacefully in the bosom of nature all year round, enjoying the rich changing sceneries of the area. The sweet smell of the forest and the metamorphosing colors of Sun Moon Lake filter through the glass panels of Water World, infusing an aura of pure freshness, and filling the indoors with joy and laughter in every moment. Water World is separated into 5 main theme areas: the hot spring spa area, hydrotherapy area,
children’s pool area, swimming pool and the sunbathing platform, providing guests with diverse choices of water fun. With the swaying breeze, an intoxicating fragrance emitting from the cypress water slides and the steam rising from the hot spring amalgamating in the misty air, one can immerse in the hot spring pool to relax and admire the scenery on the horizon cast by the sunset glow. The Mountain Mist Spring is separated into men’s and ladies hot spring pools, with a square-shaped pool, rounded pool and cold spring pool. There is also a marble hot spring tub offered in every guest room as an alternative for more privacy. Popular Japanese cosmetics brand Shiseido has now launched a spa service in the hotel for the first time. With the aesthetics of "Qi," a combination of Oriental meridian and acupuncture therapies, and Western massage, an original "inhalation diversion" course is created. Enjoy a royal pamper and replenish the body, mind and soul with calm and comfort in the natural hot spring. For all of these features, Fleur de Chine Hotel was honored as the 2012 “Best Luxury Spa Hotel” in Asia from 2012 World Luxury Hotel Awards. No.23, Zhongzheng Road, Sun Moon Lake, Yuchi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan Tel: 886 49 285 6788
Situated at the north peninsula of the lake, Fleur de Chine Hotel creates an aesthetic atmosphere by integrating nature and simplicity with its surroundings. As the first natural hot spring five-star resort hotel in the Sun Moon Lake National Scenic Area, Fleur de Chine Hotel is a renowned tranquil escape with a distinctive structural style, committed to comforting exhausted souls from bustling metropolises with a crystal clear spring dubbed “The Beauty Spring.” The average temperature of the spring is 45ºC-55ºC, and PH value is 8.6. To make the best use of it, the hotel launched many programs themed around the hot spring, including Water World, Mountain Mist Spring and Qi Shiseido Salon and SPA.
雾霾减寿论引发恐慌 旅居威海成国人刚需
2013 年的中国有很多关键词,“雾霾” 绝对是其中最热词之一。年初,突如其来 的雾霾天气笼罩了华北等地区,连续一周 的 PM2.5 值破纪录后,曾流行于 10 年前“非 典”时期的 N95 口罩重出江湖,热销一时。 近期据 FT 报道,一项令人震惊的研究结果 显示,中国空气污染缩短北方居民平均寿 命 5.5 年,并且会致使更多人群罹患肺癌、 心脏病和中风。“雾霾”不仅再次成为社 会热点话题,更引发了人们对居住环境的 慎重思考。 雾霾与肺癌“七年之痒”? 雾霾让人减寿 5.5 年! 肿瘤专家表示:雾霾与肺癌有着“七 年之痒”,即出现雾霾严重的年份后,相 隔七年就会出现肺癌高发期。雾霾将成为 引发肺癌的头号杀手,其危害程度远大于 吸烟。更令人瞠目结舌的是,来自麻省理 工学院、清华大学、北京大学和希伯来大 学的教授通过中国过去数十年的污染数据 研究得出:1990 年代,中国北方的空气污 染已经减少了人们合计 25 亿年的寿命。如 果这样的污染持续下去,淮河以北的居民 人均寿命会少 5.5 年。这项研究报告出版在 《美国国家科学院院刊》上,研究结论一 公布,国内一片哗然。
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雾霾天气的本质就是细粒子污染,细 粒子是可以直接到达人体的肺部,由肺泡 进入人的血液循环系统,然后首先经过肝 肾器官,然后再送遍全身,除引发呼吸道 疾病之外,还能诱发心血管疾病等一系列 疾病,同时雾霾中的二氧化硫、氮氧化物 还会造成慢性咽炎、鼻炎、中毒等症状。 据国家卫生部统计,肺癌的发病率每年仍 处上升的趋势,鼻咽癌、食道癌、直肠癌 也呈逐年攀升的势头,百姓健康状况不容 乐观。 雾霾不散引发对人居环境的重新思考 “ 北 京 是 我 年 轻 时 奋 斗 过 的 地 方, 但是现在重新回到这个城市我反而想要逃 走。”曾经在金融投资界叱咤风云的滕先 生退休之后一直从事养老相关行业,他从 来也没有停止过追求梦想的脚步,奔走在 深圳、云南、海南三地,过着旅居的悠然 生活。“也许你们年轻人感受不是很明显, 我在南方住习惯了,习惯了那边清新的空 气,怡人的风景。这次来北京,在户外就 呆了短短半个小时,呼吸道就感觉很不舒 服。”滕先生的话并不夸张,在海南三亚 有那么一群“候鸟”老年人,为了身体健 康选择了“迁徙”南方,然而如今的“候 鸟老人”大概深受北方空气“折磨”,得 在南方呆上一段时间了。 不仅仅长辈们有了“旅居”的觉悟, 如今的年轻人也开始筹划着选择一个环境 优美空气清新的城市“成家立业”。地道 的北京人彭先生像所有 80 后小青年一样为 了梦想奋斗着。近两年,因为工作的关系 他奔波于北京和威海之间。“我有着深刻 的体会,在北京我一天不洗车第二天保准 落一层土,再看看威海满大街你能找到一 辆有尘土的车么?眼看就要买房了,如果
家里人愿意的话,我计划带着我媳妇儿和 孩子来威海生活。”面对北方混浊的空气, 许多购房者出现了像彭先生一样的“购房 焦虑症”,一方面既想享受便捷的城市资源, 一方面又不愿意买了房子之后受到雾霾天 气的“侵蚀”。 逃离雾霾之城 威海养生旅游地产受追捧 山东省环保厅每月都要对山东省内 17 城市环境空气质量状况进行发布。在今年 上半年的 181 天中,威海“蓝天”最多, 达 153 天;烟台 140 天、青岛 116 天,分 列第二、三位;日照 100 天,列第四位。 由于气象、地理等因素的影响,沿海城市 更利于大气污染物的扩散,其空气质量条 件先天就较内陆城市更好,华北地区雾霾 天气频发致使滨海地区旅游养生项目迅速 升温。在搜狐焦点旅游地产主办的“2013 中国旅居名城评选”大型网络票选活动当 中,威海成为北方滨海人气城市,得到了 很多来自全国各地网友的支持。 很多人都想在海边拥有一所自己的房 子,面朝大海,春暖花开。如今,威海南
海新区渐渐走入了国人的视野,由于其巨 大的升值潜力以及良好的人居环境,在海 景房市场获得了良好的口碑。2011 年 1 月, 国务院正式批复《山东半岛蓝色经济区发 展规划》,确立了青岛西海岸、烟台东部、 潍坊滨海和威海南海四个海洋经济区。自 此,威海南海新区的发展迎来了难得的历 史机遇。南海新区具有明显的海洋性气候 特征,冬无严寒,夏无酷暑,是理想的休 闲、避暑、疗养的度假胜地。这里冬暖夏 凉,空气湿润气候宜人(年均气温在 12 摄 氏度),日照充足,空气清新,海水质量、 空气质量均达到国家一类标准。 望海·风情海岸,南海金滩千步之内, 原生黑松林松涛阵阵,淳朴的渔家风情, 满足你对于海居生活的所有奢望;宽达 42 米的楼间距,更亲密地接触大自然,让每 栋建筑既享受金色阳光又享受水系园林的 诗情画意。这个区域将养生、旅居、保健 理念渗透在房地产开发中,远离城市粉尘 污染,又配套城市资源,一度成为威海旅 居首选。
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Autumn Beauty in Western Sichuan 一直以来川西高原凭借蓝天白云、花 湖草甸和朴实热情的藏羌风情成为很多人 魂牵梦萦的理想旅行地。除了早已蜚声海外 的九寨沟、黄龙以外,这里还有一条号称“中 国人的景观大道”的 318 国道。从成都平 原到青藏高原,沿途风景惊险绝美、雄浑壮 丽,散发出深邃而迷人的韵致,妙不可语, 是自驾、骑行甚至徒步游的天堂。金秋十月 是到访川西高原的绝佳时节。经过雨季的洗 礼,天更蓝,水更清,高原植被也正值换季, 群山层林尽染,色彩斑斓,处处都是摄影爱 好者创作的天堂。成都正处于川西高原和成 都平原的交界,四通八达,自古以来就享有 “天府之国”的美誉,而美景美食和休闲惬 意的风土人情,也让它成为游客钟爱之地。 从 9 月 7 日至 10 月 20 日,成都凯宾 斯基饭店携手重庆凯宾斯基酒店与贵阳凯 宾斯基大酒店,诚邀世界各地的朋友在金秋 时节探秘川西高原。预定以上三家酒店中任 意一家连续 3 晚,即可获赠另外两家酒店 其中一家 1 晚住宿以及精美早餐。 成都凯宾斯基饭店秉承精益求精的欧洲 传统风格,为宾客提供卓越的服务和量身定制 的个性化体验。饭店位于成都南北纵向主干道 人民南路旁,距机场仅 15 分钟车程。交通如 此便利,绝对是自驾游游客最佳入住之选。
从成都出发有多条景观各异的自驾游线路: 1 往南经成(都)- 雅(安)- 乐(山)高速 可以到峨眉山、乐山; 2 往南经成(都)- 雅(安)高速接雅(安) - 西(昌)高速可以到西昌、泸沽湖; 3 往西经成(都)- 灌(都江堰)高速接都
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(江堰)- 汶(川)高速可以到汶川,再 经 213 国道去往若尔盖、九寨沟; 4 往 西 经 成( 都)- 灌( 都 江 堰) 高 速 转 303 国道可以前往卧龙大熊猫基地和四姑 娘山; 5 往南经成(都)- 雅(安)转著名的 318 国道去康定、新都桥或者到海螺沟泡温 泉,游览四川最高峰贡嘎山。 Located in the southwestern part of China, Sichuan province has long been known for rough geography and gorgeous scenery, especially the western Sichuan plateau, consisting of numerous mountain ranges forming the easternmost part of the Tibetan Plateau. It is a traveler's dream destination with unparalleled and heavenly landscapes with the unique cultures of the Tibetan and Qiang people. Expect famous tourist attractions, such as Jiuzhaigou Valley, or Valley of Nine Villages and Huanglong, meaning yellow dragon, and others. There is also a lesser known yet more interesting route - National Highway 318 (from Shanghai to Tibet), which is hailed as “China’s Landscape Avenue”. Along the road running through Chengdu Plain and stretching into the south of Tibet, there are high mountains and precipitous paths with breathtaking scenery. The route is wonderful for a driving or riding tour, even a journey on foot. The best time to take a trip on western Sichuan plateau is October, when, after the rainy season, the sky is clearer, the water is purer, and the vegetation is changing color. With a sea of multicolored trees covering the
mountains, the plateau becomes a paradise for lovers of photography. Situated on the border of western Sichuan plateau and Chengdu Plain, the city of Chengdu, known as “Nature’s Storehouse”, boasts convenient transportation, gourmet food, beautiful scenery and a leisurely lifestyle, thereby becoming an ideal starting point for the trip. From 7th September to 20th October, Kempinski Hotel Chengdu, along with Kempinski Hotel Chongqing and Kempinski Hotel Guiyang, welcomes guests from around the world to explore this magical land. By making a reservation of at least 3 consecutive days at any of the three hotels, guests can get a free night with a free breakfast at any of the other two hotels. Located beside the city’s main road, Renmin South Road, and only 15 minutes drive distant from the airport, Kempinski Hotel Chengdu is your best choice in the city. The hotel adheres to classic European style and provides constantly excellent and custom-made services. Recommended driving routes are as follows: 1 Drive south via Chengdu-Ya’an-Leshan freeway to Mount Emei and city of Leshan; 2 Drive south via Chengdu-Ya’an freeway and then Ya’an-Xichang freeway to Xichang city and Lugu Lake; 3 Drive west along Chengdu-Dujiangyan freeway and then Dujiangyan-Wenchuan freeway to Wenchuan county; then, choose National Highway 213 to go to Ruoergai county and Jiuzhaigou; 4 Drive west via Chengdu-Dujiangyan freeway and then National Highway 303 to Wolong Giant Panda Breeding Center and Mount Siguniang; 5 Drive south via Chengdu-Ya’an freeway and then National Highway 318 to Kangding, Xindu Bridge or Hailuogou (where you can enjoy hot springs) and Mount Gongga, the highest mountain in Sichuan. 成都凯宾斯基饭店 成都人民南路四段 42 号 Tel: 028 8526 9999 Fax: 028 8512 2666 E-mail: reservations.chengdu@kempinski.com www.kempinski.com/chengdu
Luncheon on the Grass Text: Eva Liu Photos: Manet Club Beijing
马奈草地国际俱乐部得名于法国印象 派大师爱德华·马奈的经典之作《草地上的 午餐》。作为京城最具规模的艺术主题俱 乐部,其私享的园林绿地达 8 万平米,更 有 2.1 万平米学院派风格建筑映衬在油画 般的景致当中。整体建筑外观由以厚重质 感见长的学院派设计师李晓光潜心打造, 室内设计则由法国著名设计师安东尼·贝叙、 迪拜专注于俱乐部设计的 DWP 设计公司、 台湾 R+B 工作室及国内独具设计品味的多 家设计工作室共同完成,颇有印象派艺术 风格。精致典雅的西式园林、红砖铺砌的 建筑外墙、圆弧形的落地玻璃窗、环绕其 间的潺潺流水,令每一次呼吸都充满了艺 术的气息。 没有比坐在马奈草地上享用美食更惬 意的了。俱乐部香汇中餐厅由香港知名主 厨冯启明亲自主理,主营新派粤菜,辅以 创新鲁菜、湘菜。主厨特别推荐青瓜鲍鱼 仔、小葱炒松阪牛肉。19 间包房以各个年 代可以影响世界的沙龙命名,各具特色。 与之相映成趣的艺术主题西餐厅氛围甚好, 与醉人斜阳、慵懒爵士的多情邂逅一定会 让你难忘。13 间园景房一水儿的新古典主 义风格,依窗遥望,绿树掩映的马奈啤酒 花园草地上,细心周到的服务生正在为尊 贵的宾客准备温馨浪漫的草地晚餐……
ith the name originating from Édouard Manet’s masterpiece Le Déjeuner sur L’herbe (Luncheon on the Grass,) Manet Meadow International Club is the leading art-themed club in Beijing, boasting 80,000 square meters of exclusive forest and grassland and a 21,000 sqm complex in Academism style, which is surrounded by beautiful oil paintinglike scenery. Li Xiaoguang, an Academism designer whose style is stately and textured, created the facade of the complex. French designer Anthony Bechu, along with dwp, a club-specializing integrated design service in Dubai, R+B design studio in Taiwan and other studios in Mainland China, completed an Impressionistic interior design. Here, art is in the air, with exquisite Western-style gardens, red brick outer wall, arc-formed glass French windows and lively running water throughout. Nothing is more pleasant and relaxing than sitting on the grass enjoying good food. With 19 themed salon halls, named after influential salons of different ages, Xiang Hui Chinese Restaurant is an ideal dining venue. Feng Qiming, the renowned head chef from Hong Kong, cooks the restaurant’s specialties in person. He specializes in new Cantonese cuisine, innovative Shandong and Hunan cuisines. Braised Young Abalone with Cucumber and Stir-fried Matsusaka Beefwith Spring Onion are his special recommendations. At the art themed Life Diary Cafe, you will encounter a memorable experience; basking in a golden sunset while listening to lazy jazz music. There are also thirteen beautiful garden view rooms, in an elegant neoclassic style. In the distance on the lush grassland, considerate young waiters are busy preparing a romantic dinner for their distinguished guests.
6 Xingshikou Road, West to the Sijiqing Bridge, Haidian District, Beijing Tel: 010 8846 9888
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Puerta 20: 回到地中海
Step into the Mediterranean Text: Biying Zeng Photos: Puerta 20
走进 Puerta 20,扑面而来的地中海气 息和西班牙大使对其毫无保留的赞不绝口 已经给我们的味蕾提供一些线索。当一勺 醇厚细腻的椰子冰淇淋融化在舌尖上,地 中海的诚意就彻底地包围了我。大厨何塞· 戈麦斯告诉我,可以用一个词来形容他的 食物——诚意。他说,食物的味道不尽相同, 但你总能吃出我的诚意。的确,从食材到 菜品的其它元素都在完美演绎保留食物原 味的西班牙地域特色。 何塞对食材的要求极其严格,特定 36 个月熟成的顶级 5J 带骨火腿,精选只吃橡 树子长大的伊比利亚黑猪腿腌制,保证肥 瘦比例完美,柔韵的胭脂红下潜伏着脂瘦 交融的咸甜口感。以香草烤制的地中海式 新西兰鳌虾只选用每日从新西兰运来的最 新材料,极致新鲜确保虾肉质软嫩鲜甜。 西班牙小食经过何塞的“诚意”就愈发显 得珍贵,土豆捣成泥配合新鲜番茄颗粒, 叠加质地柔韧的鸡蛋饼,酸甜的口感顿时 喷涌而出,整个味调好似地中海上与海豚 嬉戏的“调皮”。 一道椰子冰淇淋以惊艳收场让人念念不 忘,毫无添加的细腻和融化着实让人感动, 在菠萝和芒果的铺陈下,鲜甜适中的味度娓 娓道来,满口兴奋的果香将地中海海风的清 凉与浪漫滴水不漏地带到了万里之外的北京。 Puerta 在西班牙语里的意思是“门”, 而 Puerta 20 正好对应它在工体 20 号看台 的地理位置,餐厅二楼直通到体育场主席 台。餐厅老板和大厨一众都是皇马球迷, 除开美食,餐厅还展出老板收藏的皇马球 员球衣,难怪西班牙人都说 Puerta 20 让他 们真正有回家的感觉。
t’s not hard to tell that Puerta 20 is a Spanish restaurant; its rich aromas of the Mediterranean have won the highest compliments even from the Spanish ambassador. Chef Jose Gomez, if forced to describe his cuisines with one word, says it would be “sincerity.” “My dishes may have a lot of different flavors, but you‘ll always feel the same heart within them,” he says. The ingredients in every finely-crafted food served by Puerta 20 have perfectly retained their Spanish flavors and characteristics, behind which lies the country’s heartfelt enthusiasm for cooking.
Jose is extremely strict with ingredients: the Jamòn Iberico de Bellota 5J ham is aged specifically for 36 months, handpicked Iberian black pernil pork has only been fed on the seeds of oaks to make sure fat and lean meat are in perfect proportion, and the Cigala Plancha barbecued with vanilla features the freshest ingredients from the New Zealand flown in by air every day. Examples like these are endless here. Spanish refreshments are even better after being elaborately innovated by Jose: mashed potato mixed with fresh tomato chunks is accompanied by a soft waffle and offers mouthwatering sweet-and-sour flavor. Finally, an unforgettable coconut ice cream completes the gourmet experience: your tongue will surrender to its silky-smooth and creamy touch. Savor it slowly with the cool breeze of the Mediterranean brought by mangoes and pineapples. Puerta means “gate” in Spanish, and Puerta 20 happens to be located at gate 20 of Beijing Workers Stadium, the rostrum of which can be reached directly from the second floor of Puerta 20. The owner and chefs are all big fans of Real Madrid C.F., and besides exquisite cuisine, the restaurant also showcases Real Madrid C.F. players’ classic jerseys. It’s no wonder that Spanish guests of the Puerta 20 feel just at home.
Gate 20 Beijing Workers Stadium, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 6508 2020
Autumn Flavors at Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake 杭州西子湖四季酒店外观沿袭了江南 庭院式的建筑风格,包括 78 间宽敞舒适 的 客 房 和 多 座 华 丽 雍 逸 的 别 墅, 小 桥 流 水, 曲 径 通 幽, 一 草 一 木 都 饱 含 着 浓 浓 的 江 南 韵 味。 宁 静 优 雅 的 环 境 糅 合 现 代 化 设 施 和 细 致 体 贴 的 优 质 服 务, 仿 佛 一 片世外桃源。
秋季进补时令中餐 除 了 秀 美 的 景 致, 西 子 湖 四 季 酒 店 还以美食闻名。坐落于竹林庭园之间的金 沙中餐厅融传统江南格调和现代时尚于一 体,曾连续两年被《美食与美酒》杂志评 为 Best 50 中国最佳餐厅。宾客在享受国宴级
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的珍馐美馔和尊贵服务的同时,还可将最美 的西湖景色尽收眼底。餐厅秉持正宗地道 化口味的烹饪理念,选用新鲜时令食材入 馔,以最新的烹饪手法为食客奉上极具地 域特色的健康优质菜品。 按照传统中医理论,秋季是最适宜进 补的季节,金沙厅特别推出秋季专属菜单。 开胃冷菜是鲜带子酸辣粉皮,主菜是十五 年陈皮蒸雪花牛肉饼,蒸制手法保留了牛 肉的原始香味,还有一款适合秋季润肺的 汤品金瓜干贝田鸡汤。古越蟹酿橙更是一 道地道的杭州菜,蟹肉全部采用手掰,以 保证蟹的鲜味。秋高气爽蟹正肥,餐厅选 用阳澄湖东湖极品大闸蟹,肉质膏腻鲜美。
全城最美下午茶 金桂飘香的时节,在阳光明媚的下午, 在酒店大堂酒廊点一份金桂下午茶,品尝馥 郁芬芳的桂花糕点和用当季水果调制的醇 美鸡尾酒,感受着秋季的美好与丰蕴,将沉 静慵懒的时光一寸寸刻进心田。
西湖边的尊贵 Spa 入夜之后,酒店的水疗中心将深度按 摩你的身心。这里的所有疗程均为独家创 设,加上无微不至的周到服务,为你带来极 致放松体验。秋季水疗尊享套餐包含泰式草 药暖体、芳香按摩以及泰式眼部护理。在泰 式草药包的作用下,身体得到温暖,能量得 到提升,从而促进血液循环。随后的瑞典式 按摩可帮助淋巴排毒,最后的泰式面部草药 球则帮助改善黑眼圈,令明眸再现。 江南四季皆美景,沉潜的秋季尤为动 人。就在这个秋天,来西子湖畔的四季酒店 品味一把江南独有的幽雅情怀吧。 Situated by the beautiful West Lake, Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake utilizes classical compound courtyard architecture typical of regions south of the Yangtze River. Dominated by traditional localstyle environmental design, like small streams and bridges, quiet zigzagging alleys, and luxuriant plants, the hotel boasts 78 spacious
guest rooms and a series of elegant luxury villas. It is a real hideaway with tranquil and elegant ambience, contemporary facilities and impeccable service. Nutrition-Boosting Autumn Dishes Besides the fabulous scenery, it also boasts exclusive gourmet cuisine. Jin Sha, nestled in a bamboo grove and gardens, combines ancient traditions with modern chic, and was awarded as one of Food & Wine’s Best 50 Restaurants in China for a consecutive two years. Guests will have a gorgeous view of West Lake while enjoying dishes of state banquet level and high-quality service. The restaurant aims to provide an authentic local flavor and premium healthy dishes by selecting fresh seasonal ingredients and preparing them with the latest cooking methods. According to tradition, autumn is a great season for increasing your nutrients. Jin Sha is launching a special autumn menu to tempt your taste buds, including a cool appetizer Fresh Scallops and Sour Spicy Bean Sheets, complemented by a main course of Steamed Beef Cake with Dried Orange Peel. Beef is steamed to help it retain all its original, exquisite flavor. The Double-boiled Gold Melon Soup with Conpoy and Frog Leg is a healthy, cooling broth that, according to the tenets of Chinese medicine, can nourish the
lungs. This is also the peak season for tasting the tender and delicious Yangcheng Lake crabs, dubbed the king of all crabs. Stir-fried Crab Meat with Rice Wine and Orange is a traditional Hangzhou dish, wherein all of the crab meat is broken up by hand to guarantee its freshness, allowing you to taste the subtle flavor of the meat. A Beautiful Afternoon Tea Autumn is also the season of osmanthus blossom. On a sunny afternoon, relax at the Lobby Lounge, order an osmanthus tea, and experience the flavor of autumn with the sweet osmanthus cookies and cocktails made with fresh seasonal fruits. Emperor-Style Spa by West Lake When night falls, the hotel’s exclusive Nourishing Spa Journey specially created to counter the dry season will bring you an ultimate body and spiritual experience. The relaxing package includes Thai Herbal Warming, Aromatherapy Experience Massage and Thai-style Eye Care. With the Thai Herbal Warming, the body warms, energy increases and blood circulates more quickly. Then the Swedish massage helps to detox the lymphnodes, and lastly, the Thaistyle Eye Care helps relieve black eyes and restore your eyes’ natural brightness. Each season in regions south of the Yangtze River has its own beauty, but autumn is particularly charming. Come and soak in the characteristic quiet autumn flavors at Four Seasons Hotel Hangzhou at West Lake. 5 Lingyin Road, Hangzhou Tel: 86 (571) 8829 8888
A Splendid Feast at Jing An Shangri-la
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最近刚刚开门迎宾的静安香格里拉大 酒店是香格里拉酒店集团进驻上海的第三 家酒店,位于浦西静安商业核心区的静安嘉 里中心内。这是一个汇集各方活力、演绎优 裕生活的商务休闲区,完美融合了酒店、购 物、办公和住宅等多重功能。酒店享有优越 的地理位置,毗邻上海展览中心和静安寺, 距离著名的南京路仅举步之遥。 静安香格里拉大酒店的 4 个餐厅和酒 吧均由全球知名设计公司打造,每个餐厅酒 吧都呈现出截然不同的风格,为宾客带来多 元的感官体验,其中夏宫中餐厅位于酒店三 楼,主营淮扬菜和粤菜。受中国传统水墨山 水画的启发,餐厅巧妙地划分为三个时尚空 间,其陈设、艺术品、配饰均取自传统国画 题材——孔雀,而橙色、绿色和蓝色基调加 以金黄斑点与之润饰,浑然一体,妙趣横生。 静俪苑主营点心,氛围轻松;静俪轩配有开 放式厨房,以各式煲仔为特色;静俪殿别致 高雅,适合商务正餐宴请。 位于四楼的 1515 牛排馆·酒吧巧妙地 将老上海电影制作场景与经典的美式酒吧 和牛排馆风格融合在一起。餐厅选用的各 类牛肉都是由行政总厨弗兰科从澳大利亚 牧场亲自挑选,为食客带来“牧场至餐桌” 的餐饮新概念和美食体验。 全日制餐厅“两咖啡”因其占据酒店 两层而得名。香格里拉酒店自助餐凭借“国 际美食大餐之旅”的概念而广受食客好评。 在保持并沿袭此概念的基础上,两咖啡提 供焕然一新的半自助方式。客人在列明各式 主菜的餐牌卡上勾选其喜爱的菜式,然后再 标明上菜方式,有中式不分餐和西式分餐制 供选。沿旋转楼梯而上,二楼是日式餐厅, 主要提供和风料理。客人在用餐之余,还能 欣赏花园、喷泉及 3000 平米中庭露天广场 景观。 与两咖啡两两相望的是一幢位于中庭 “城市广场”内的两层独立餐厅。竹林环绕 的玻璃餐厅是一间结合地中海菜系与葡萄 酒酒吧的概念餐厅,为宾客带来新颖别致的 感官盛宴。该餐厅由世界知名建筑师坂茂操 刀设计。 值得一提的是,酒店收集了 207 件来 自世界各地的艺术品,涵盖雕塑、画作、剪 纸、摄影、纺织艺术及专为静安香格里拉大 酒店制作的装饰物品,此外还特邀两位中国 当代艺术大师曾梵志和周春芽为酒店量身 创作了数幅艺术珍品。
The recently opened Jing An Shangrila, West Shanghai is located in the Jing An Business District, one of Shanghai’s most prestigious and fashionable business and commercial districts. The hotel is the prime focus of the Jing An Kerry Centre, a new city landmark that encapsulates a lifestyle of affluence and vibrancy and integrates hotel, retail, office and residential space. It is adjacent to the Shanghai Exhibition Centre and only steps away from the Jing An temple and the famous Nanjing Road shopping street. Among Jing An Shangri-La’s many draws is its array of restaurants and lounges, offering a melting pot of experiences that reflect Shanghai’s eclectic and cosmopolitan nature. The unique destination restaurant Summer Palace serves Southeastern Chinese cuisine with Cantonese flair. Inspired by Chinese ink paintings of poetic landscapes, a series of contemporary dining chambers each provide a different dining ambience and menu. The colorful rooms flow from the casual Pantry Chamber serving dim sum, to the Lantern Chamber with an open kitchen specializing in clay pot cooking, to the exquisite Imperial Chamber for formal dining. The 1515 WEST, Chophouse & Bar is where old Shanghai film making meets classic American bar and grill décor. Executive Chef Franco Brodini brings “ranch to table” dining to Shanghai, serving beef from hand-selected cattle raised in Australia specifically for The 1515 WEST. The main dining room features an open-grill kitchen complemented by a raw bar and The 1515 WEST bar, serving signature cocktails from a team of world-class mixologists. The hotel’s two-level Café LIANG & mezzanine adds a new twist to the gourmet international buffet dining experience Shangri-La hotels are known to offer. The café features a “tick box” menu card for main courses, integrating a buffet and table service experience. Main courses can be served family style for sharing, and al fresco dining will be available in the piazza area. A la carte Japanese cuisine will be served on the mezzanine level. Across the complex’s piazza, the attentioncatching two-level restaurant with a rooftop wine bar stands in full view from Café LIANG. This modern Mediterranean restaurant with a glass-roof building clad in bamboo is designed by the world-famous architect Shigeru Ban. The outlet offers a food and wine experience in an informal and engaging environment. In addition, Jing An Shangri-La’s art collection includes 207 pieces of work by 50 artists representing 12 countries across four continents, like sculptures, paintings, works on paper, photography, textile art and decorative objects. Masterpieces inspired by Jing An Shangri-La from Mr. Zeng Fanzhi and Mr. Zhou Chunya, two leading contemporary Chinese artists, are also among them. 1218 Middle Yan’an Road, Jing An Kerry Centre, West Nanjing Road, Shanghai Tel: 021 2203 8888
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A Gastronomic Journey through France’s Regional Cuisines 坐拥上海市中心 55000 平米花园绿地, 具有百年历史的上海瑞金洲际酒店(原上海 瑞金宾馆)秉持洲际集团“深入洞悉,知行 天下”的品牌理念,在独家呈现 20 世纪初 黄金时代老上海的雍容华贵的同时,致力于 为全球尊贵宾客提供原汁原味的旅行文化 体验。酒店一楼的法餐厅琅庐最近以全新面 貌亮相,引领沪上环游法国的美食之旅。 琅庐巧思演绎传统法国“Brasserie” (休 闲小馆)概念,欧式优雅简约的设计元素从 餐厅中精巧方格天花板、雅致纹饰大理石地 板不经意地延续到切斯特菲尔德钉扣菱形 黑色皮革沙发座以及与餐厅名“La Rue” 遥相呼应的复古街灯。法国梧桐树掩映下的 复兴中路街景由琅庐多幅落地窗透视进来, 氤氲恬静浪漫的悠闲情调。 琅庐由法籍西餐行政总厨狄明礼主理。 狄明礼自幼深受多国饮食文化熏陶,曾服 务于法国、瑞士及中国香港等多地高级餐 厅和五星级酒店,更为法国驻港领事馆担 任主厨长达两年之久。琅庐为宾客呈现法 国各大区的美食精髓,令你无需亲赴法国, 即可坐享饕餮法餐。在随季节变换的菜单 上,你会惊喜地发现寻找美味的线索正是 一次环游法国的旅程——无论是地中海区 域的优质海鲜、西南部地区闻名遐迩的诱 人鹅肝酱,抑或是诺曼底地区的招牌美味 鸭馔,均会为你带来原汁原味的传统法国 美食体验。
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狄明礼严选新鲜优质食材,搜罗法国 各区传统美味,招牌菜式包括白葡萄酒煮青 口贝、蒙巴齐亚克甜酒鹅肝冻配自制布里欧 修与 勃艮第蜗牛。当然,琅庐也不会遗漏 那些令人耳熟能详的法式经典菜品,如红酒 炖牛肉、法式洋葱汤及法国传统肉眼扒。 除了零点菜单外,琅庐餐厅正中央的厨 师料理台还可为你现场烹饪,佐以各式奶酪、 色拉及手工法式甜点,满足你挑剔的味蕾。
The first China heritage hotel by InterContinental Hotels & Resorts, InterContinental Shanghai Ruijin is situated across a 100-acre historic garden estate in the heart of Shanghai, offering a relaxing resort ambience, enhanced by InterContinental’s world-class ‘In the Know’ service. Located on the ground floor of the hotel’s Reception Building, La Rue serves authentic regional French cuisine in a traditional brasserie setting. Embracing the casually chic ambience of a local brasserie in France, the restaurant is beautifully styled with coffered ceilings, patterned marble floors and black chesterfield booth seating. Floor-to-ceiling windows look out to the heritage gardens and romantic Fuxing Road, lined with French plane trees. An open kitchen and rotisserie plus a central marble chef’s table enhance the vibrant gourmet atmosphere. La Rue is helmed by Executive Chef Dimitri Bastiani from France. The talented gourmand has worked in restaurants across France and Europe, and was Private Chef to the French Consul in Hong Kong for two years. La Rue presents ‘a journey around France’ encompassing a seasonally changing menu arranged according to region – from the finest seafood of the Mediterranean, to South-west France’s famous foie gras terrine, and duck dishes from Normandy. Specialities include Moules Mariniere (steamed mussels in white wine, garlic and parsley); Foie Gras d’Oie au Torchon (goose foie gras, jelly of Monbazillac sweet wine and homemade brioche); and Escargots de Bourgogne (snails in dry ham butter with tomato concasse). Classic French favourites such as Boeuf Bourguignon (stewed beef in red wine sauce, mushroom, bacon and grelot onion); Soupe a l’Oignon Gratinee (gratinated onion soup topped with comté cheese); and Entrecote (prime rib-eye steak with garlic and parsley butter) are also offered. All dishes are crafted according to traditional country recipes using premium ingredients for a truly authentic gourmet experience. In addition to the a la carte menu, La Rue’s rotisserie serves freshly carved premium roast meats accompanied by gourmet sauces. A marble chef’s table at the centre of the restaurant also offers a daily selection of oysters, cheeses, charcuterie, salads and homemade French desserts. 118 Ruijin Er Road, Shanghai Tel: 021 6472 5222
Promotion 喜达屋集团豪华精选品牌中国区第一 家度假酒店——三亚御海棠豪华精选度假 酒店坐落于海南省三亚市海棠湾。142 间无 敌海景客房和 18 栋豪华别墅专为寻求恬淡 静谧的宾客而设。除此之外,这里可是三亚 饕餮之旅绝佳地。不妨跟随厨师长一起体验 采购乐趣,烹饪海鲜美食,品尝世界各地珍 馐美馔,享受美丽时光。 “如果我的客人在品尝一道菜的时候 惊喜地发出一声‘Wow’,我就会感觉很 开心。这就是我作为一个厨师真正想听到的 声音。”三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店行政 总厨、资深厨师许达裕这样说道。许达裕来 自马来西亚,那里的饮食风格受中国福建和 东南亚其它国家移民的影响,汲取百家之 长,并加以融会贯通,呈现出多元化特色。 深受此种饮食文化熏陶的许达裕后来加入 喜来登酒店,在斐济、澳大利亚、新西兰、 文莱和中国等多个国家工作过,其间他不断 积累经验,发现整理不同国家的饮食文化和 餐饮特色,练就了一套独家烹饪秘籍。他还 担任过亚太经合组织第八次领导人非正式 会议的宴会筹备成员。来到三亚之后,这里 丰富的食材更是令他欢喜不已。“生活本来 就是集合了各种不同的体验,如果能将这些 体验带到我们的菜肴中,客人就可以从美食 中领略世界各地的美妙风情,获得独特的感 官享受。一道菜品呈献多重惊喜,这并不是 一件容易的事情,但我们从未停止过努力。” 许大厨如是说。 在三亚御海棠豪华精选度假酒店,美 味好菜任你选。必点菜品有海南槟榔烟烤土 鸡、海南鲜椰汁牛油果冷汤、海鲜饭、大明 虾香兰叶煨饭配花生牛油酱和烤龙虾鱿鱼 干卷配香蕉布丁饭。 As the first Luxury Collection resort in China, The Royal Begonia, A Luxury Collection Resort, Sanya features 142 luxuriously-appointed guest rooms boasting stunning ocean views and 18 private sumptuous villas. Nestled on the sparkling ivory beaches of Sanya’s Haitang Bay on the southeastern coast of Hainan Island, the resort welcomes everyone who prefers a peaceful holiday life, and at the same time, take delight in finding local gourmet foods. How Tat Jui, Executive Chef of The Royal Begonia, A Luxury Collection Resort, Sanya and a hotel veteran, comes from Malaysia, which owes its diversified cuisine to immigrants from China’s Fujian province and the countries of Southeastern and Southern Asia. Chef How, who grew up in such a pluralistic culture, took a great interest in culinary arts when he was young. Later, he became a member of Sheraton Hotels and Resorts and was sent to different countries to work, including Fiji, Australia, New Zealand, Brunei and China. He experienced, discovered and sorted out various food cultures and cuisines and, as a result, created his own cooking method. “ It is a great happiness to hear guests wow about a dish. That’s the thing that a chef really wants to hear” , said Chef How. His great culinary skills even won him the honor of becoming one of the chefs for preparing a grand banquet at the APEC’s Leader’s 8th Informal
Sanya Culinary Tours Meeting. He was especially pleased with Hainan’s abundant ingredients, vegetables and seafood after he arrived in Sanya. With a happy heart, he said, “Life is like a casserole where various experiences mingle and integrate. If we chefs can bring our life experience into our dishes, then guests can taste the beauty of different parts of the world and get a unique gourmet experience at the restaurant. Of course it’s not easy to insert all of these in a single dish, but we will never stop trying.” Recommended dishes at the resort include Hainan Pinang Flower Smoked Native Chicken, Hainan Coconut DelightAvocado Gazpacho, Seafood Paella, Pandan Leave Risotto with Cumin King Prawn and Baked Lobster Medallion Wrap in Sundried Octopus. No.78, Haitang Beilu, Haitang Bay, Sanya, Hainan Province Tel: 0898 3885 9999
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中国节 法国礼
Gallic Mooncakes at Sofitel Wanda Beijing 索菲特酒店作为全球唯一法国奢华酒店品牌,一直以来积极倡导 并引领通过艺术、美食、文学以及音乐等相关载体来推动法国文化的 传承。 无论是在繁华的国际大都市, 还是静静憩于林木葱茏的人间天堂, 每一家索菲特酒店都将设计、文化及美食之道相结合,使客人尽情沉 醉于当地的风土人情和精致的法式生活艺术。北京万达索菲特大饭店 也不例外,潜心将法式奢华风姿与中国华丽韵致完美结合,为那些在 商务或度假旅途中探寻时尚、文化、艺术与舒适感的旅行者提供至尊 体验。 “美食”是法国文化中的重头戏,也在源远流长的中国文化里熠 熠生辉,北京万达索菲特大饭店将这两种饮食文化巧妙融合,不断开 发并创新“美食”概念,让中国惯见的传统美食,如精致糕点,也“沾 染”上那么一丝法式浪漫和艺术气质。早在今年 6 月 30 日,北京万 达索菲特大饭店就全面推出 2013 中秋月饼系列,将艺术作品融入到 月饼礼盒的设计中,实现了法式优雅与中国文化的和谐链接,也为传 统月饼礼盒赋予了灵动创意。全系列包括 7 款礼盒,从旅行装到至尊装, 甄选多款口味,满足不同的馈赠需求。其中歌剧装的设计融合了法国 三位现代著名画家依夫·丹尼尔、尼古拉斯·费多伦科和安德烈 - 皮埃尔 ·阿纳尔的 6 款画作,皆以明艳色调为主,清丽色调为辅,营造出中秋 团圆的温暖与幸福感,既为炎炎仲夏带来一阵清新的视觉享受,又彰 显出法式优雅的独特品位。 自 6 月 30 日至 9 月 16 日,北京万达索菲特大饭店中秋月饼礼盒 推广将持续两个半月。索菲特月饼系列,让你感受中法合璧的中秋节。 Sofitel, as the only French luxury hotel brand in the world, is an active advocate of the French “art de vivre”, regularly showcasing art, gastronomy, literary, cultural and musical programs. Each Sofitel hotel offers a genuine experience of French luxury and the best of local culture, whether in the heart of a vibrant major city or nestled in a
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luxuriant paradise, and this is no exception with Sofitel Wanda Beijing. Fine design, gastronomy and traditions are subtly orchestrated here to offer stays that awaken all of the five senses. When it comes to celebrating gastronomy, Sofitel Wanda Beijing knows that “cuisine” is a universal language that is constantly renewed and rediscovered through local contributions. Blending French gastronomy and Chinese pastries are the added features of French romance and art de vivre. With the Chinese MidAutumn Festival approaching, Sofitel Wanda Beijing launched the Sofitel Moon Cake Collection on June 30th 2013. This collection contains 7 different kinds of boxes, featuring Chinese and Western designs and flavors. From the Voyage box to the Imperial box, select a variety of tastes to meet different gifting needs. The Opera box combines the artistically designed pieces of 3 French contemporary artists (Yvon Daniel, Nicolas Fedorenko and Andre-Pierre Arnal), blending French Elegance with Chinese traditions. Moreover, integrating French artistry into the moon cake box creates not only a cultural link between France and China, but also adds creativity to this traditional festival. The moon cake promotion will last over 2 months, from June 30th to September 16th 2013. Sofitel Wanda Beijing invites you to experience the magnificent Mid-Autumn festival. Tower C Wanda Plaza, 93 Jianguo Road, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8535 3168 010 8599 6666 ext.6805
Promotion 《周易》主要讲述的是大自然的阴阳学 说和五行学说。哲学、天文、地理、历法、 社会科学、自然科学等都离不开阴阳五行学 说的指导。 讲阴阳离不开五行之“气”、“象”的 解释,而中医学理论也是以阴阳五行学说为 基础而形成的,并贯穿于整个医疗实践的始 终。一位好的中医师从望、闻、问、切中就 可以了解患者身体的状况。 建筑风水诊断与中医诊断手法一样,从 四个方面去观察了解。望,从大环境观察小 环境,便可知道小环境受到的外界制约和影 响,诸如水源、气流、地质等。闻,听附近 的声音“杂与静”、味道“污秽与清香”。 问,问问周围邻居这个宅体以前的状况,是 做什么的?有什么人住过?切,要从地形地 物规划、符合人们需求的功能性甚至艺术造 型上作评判;如果外表凹凸不一、左右不对 称、比例不佳,或是过于新潮前卫,就艺术 造型而舍风水,就未必是好宅。 任何一块宅地表现出来的吉凶都是由大 环境与宅体的关联所决定的。只有形势完美, 宅地才会完美。每建一座城市、一栋楼房, 都应当先考察附近的山川大环境。大处着眼, 小处着手,必无后顾之忧,而后福乃大。 以人文、艺术闻名全球的艾美酒店起源 于时尚之都巴黎。台北寒舍艾美酒店以创意 生活风尚为引领,让宾客以崭新的视角透视 人文及人文视野中的世界。它地处充满活力 的中央商务区,是一处精致迷人的下榻之所, 可方便你尽情探索台北风情。雄伟壮观的台 北 101 大厦位于其西南方位。寒舍艾美酒 店以一个世界级地标为靠山。西南方位在现 今运势气场上属“家庭”属性,也就是家中 和谐与否的象征,101 大厦可以显示家庭和 乐融融的现象。东北方位在现今运势气场上 属“生息”属性,也就是修生养息的方位, 酒店大门开在东北方位,更会让其“川流不 息”。 而且酒店左侧有一栋高楼,也象征着浓 厚的文学、美学、哲学等涵养。台北寒舍艾 美酒店本身就是艺术收藏家,融合了时尚、 流行、文化韵味,置身其中便可深切感受它 的氛围,体验到它的气场。 The Book of Changes focuses mainly on the theories of Yin and Yang, and the Five Elements. Philosophy, astronomy, geography, the calendar cycles, and the social and natural sciences are concepts closely intertwined with these theories. Yin and Yang and the Five Elements doctrines also take form in Chinese medical theory; and are seen in medicinal practice in its entirety. A good doctor is able to diagnose a patient based on the Four Diagnostic Methods of Observation, Sound and Smell, Questioning and Palpation.
Feng Shui at Le Méridien Taipei
Structures, like Chinese medicine, must also use these methods: in observing, one must take in the surroundings: water sources, air flow, and geology, in order to see what influences the smaller environment of the structure. As for smell and sound, one must listen to the surrounding noise balance, and smell for cleanliness. Questioning involves asking neighbors about the situation of the previous occupants. In terms of “palpation;” when constructing a structure, whether by the topography or functionality, or even in terms of artistic form, if it seems asymmetrical or disproportionate from the outside, or has given up Feng Shui elements in favor of a modern trendy appearance, it may not make for a good residence. How a residence shows its good and bad aspects all depends on the environment and our association with the place: only if circumstances are perfect will the building itself be perfect. Anyone who constructs a city or building should consider the natural surroundings first; plan according to the big picture while taking care in the details so as to prevent future troubles and make sure the
structure is perfect. Renowned for its culture and artistry, the trendsetting Le Méridien Hotel has its roots in fashion’s capital – Paris. Le Méridien Taipei uses this creative lifestyle to bring guests a brand new viewpoint on humanity. Located in the lively Central Business District, it is a fantastic location to stay, from which one can explore the city. The world landmark Taipei 101 is to the Southwest, acting as its “mountain” or support, while its entrance faces the Northeast. According to the present horoscopes, the Southwest direction represents family; as a majestic landmark lies to the Southwest it implies that the hotel’s household or family aspects will be perfectly harmonious. The Northeast direction entails health and recovery, implying that Le Méridien Taipei will be quite prosperous. To the left of the hotel is another large building, also giving it an appearance rich in literature, aesthetics, and philosophy. Le Méridien Taipei is truly a collector of art, an incarnation of popular culture and fashion in this trendy city, drawing people in with its ambience.
杜顺杰,国学易数生活应用家,谋略、策划专家,成长于台湾,学习于台湾,现长居于北京。 为中国多家集团、建筑设计公司担任谋略、策划顾问及风水顾问。 Raised and educated in Taiwan, Feng Shui master Du Shunjie and has lived in Beijing for three years. His passion is for applying traditional Chinese philosophy, particularly from the Book of Changes, to modern life in a scientific way. He works withnumerous Chinese corporations as well as architecture and design companies as a strategist and consultant, helping clients maximize their potential, while understanding hidden subtleties.
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Premium Wines & Spirits Luxury Goods to Savor 奢华是一种心态,奢侈品则代表着一种生活方 式。其实从品味美酒佳酿的方式就能区分内行和新 手。所以,如果你真心喜欢品酒,何不每次都喝舒 服了,同时秀出你自己的范儿? 若干年前,不管喝白酒还是红酒,都流行一套 繁复的仪式。如今,喝酒的规矩却是喜欢喝什么就 喝什么,想怎样喝就怎样喝,想什么时候喝就什么 时候喝,无需考虑保守的品酒方法和传统推荐。最 关键是要品出风格、优雅与品位,喝出自信,体验 那份悠闲与放松,别人会仿效你喝法,去了解自己 的喜好,知道怎么样品酒才能达到一个好的境界。 下次去酒吧或餐厅的话,除了点你心仪的酒, 别忘了在其中添加些自己喜欢的配料,比如以哈瓦 那俱乐部 3 年朗姆可乐鸡尾酒配制的哈瓦那俱乐部 朗姆可乐,用绝对伏特加柠檬味、橘味白酒、新鲜 酸橙和海洋喷雾酸果蔓汁鸡尾酒调配而成的绝对柠 檬大都市,哈瓦那俱乐部 3 年朗姆酒、玫瑰酸橙汁、 糖和 6 杯薄荷枝和史威士苏打水(或纯史威士苏打 水)调制的哈瓦那俱乐部莫吉托,必发达金酒、史 威士奎宁水和新鲜酸橙配制的必发达奎宁水金酒。 因为如果不特别要求,你很可能会失望的。此外, 有许多人依据着装、举止和谈吐对你进行评判,还 会注意你点的食物和饮料,这一点在商务圈尤为明 显。你选择高档食品饮料,别人就会认为你生活的 “不错”,是一位成功人士,或者是雄心勃勃,成 功指日可待。通常来讲,那些有雄心壮志的人(包 括已经得到认可和即将得到认可的人)喜欢结交有 相同人生目标和追求的朋友。 要想让你的爱人“醉”美丽,一定要走高端路 线。你不会让自己一生最爱的人只喝廉价饮料吧? 无论在哪里,只要自己负担得起,请为她奉上最好 的美酒。依我看来,不管经济形势是好是坏,房价 是涨是跌,也不管天气情况如何,是暑热蒸人、北 风呼啸还是大雨倾盆,都可以在自己钟爱的酒吧和 餐厅里尽情享受美酒所带来的乐趣。如果你的爱人 想来杯醉人的红酒,那就给她点品质上佳的;她若 是想喝草莓代基里酒,可以给她换成哈瓦那俱乐部 或其它牌子的高端朗姆酒;要是她想喝白的,那就 保证她能喝到最好的。这些场景将成为你一生的美 好回忆。既然这样,那就好好享受吧,不仅喝好, 也要吃好。不要让任何事情影响了你对生活品质和 美丽人生的追求。 过有品质的生活,包括低调做慈善;狠狠爱你 喜欢的人;任何时候都要用最醇的美酒祝福我们的 爱。
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uxury is a state of mind. And consuming luxury is a way of life. But how one savors luxury wines & spirits separates the connoisseurs from the novices. So, if you enjoy the finest wines & spirits, why not be sure you are consuming them for maximum satisfaction; while showing others your style? There was a time when the appropriate drink combinations were strictly in vogue, whether spirits or wines, but today, the rule is most commonly drink what you like, how you like it and when you like it, regardless of conformist ways and recommendations. So, the key is to drink your luxury goods with flair, “savoir fare”, elegance and grace, as though you could never be more relaxed and at ease with your behavior; and confident of
your drink choices: Be an example for others to emulate that you know what you like and how it should best be prepared and served to maximize your adult beverage experience. The next time you are at a bar or restaurant and it’s time to order a drink, know what you’d like to enjoy, but be sure to call for the premium ingredients you prefer, such as “Havana Club Rum and Coke” with Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos Rum & Coke; “ABSOLUT Cosmopolitan” with ABSOLUT Citron, Cointreau, fresh lime & Ocean Spray Cranberry Juice Cocktail; “Havana Club Mojito” with Havana Club Anejo 3 Anos Rum, Rose’s lime juice, sugar, 6 mint sprigs & Schweppes Club Soda or Schweppes Soda Water; or a “Beefeater Gin & Tonic” with Beefeater London Dry Gin, Schweppes Tonic Water & fresh lime”; because if you don’t, you never know what you’ll be served; and chances are you’ll be disappointed. In addition, many people, especially in business will judge you not only by how you dress, your speech and your body language, but also, by the quality of your food and beverage choices. If you choose quality, premium food and beverage, others will assume you are leading “the good life”, that you are successful; and an aspirational, climbing the ladder of success. And generally speaking, aspirationals (both those who have arrived as well as those in the process of arriving) like to associate with others who share their life’s goals and ambitions for success. As for Premium Goods and romance, premiums are the only way to go. For why would you want to offer the love of your life a cheap drink? And on every occasion, buy her the most expensive wines and spirits your bank account will allow. Luxuriating in your favorite bar or restaurant with premium wines & spirits is one of the “affordable luxuries” no matter the economy, no matter the housing market, no matter the weather outside; be it steaming, freezing or pouring “cats & dogs”. If her preference is a delicious glass of red wine, spend more than you would on yourself; if she is keen on a Strawberry Daiquiri, make it Havana Club or another name brand, premium rum; and if she prefers another spirit, simply make sure she is served the very finest. These are memories to last for a lifetime, so live them in the fullest, including all that you drink and all that you eat. Let nothing detract from the quality and the beauty of the moment. Live well, include charity as a way of life; love with passion all those whom you love; and forever more and a day always toast “To Love” with Premium Goods. I am Red Owl, Over & Out.
田博华,公益创业家,非政府组织 FTA 领导人。该组织以最小的运营开支争取最大限度地帮助美国及亚太地区 需要帮助的人们,并致力于与联合国儿童基金会和国际仁人家园合作来减轻他们的困苦,此外还以直接干预和 慈善捐赠的形式帮助柬埔寨和泰国的贫困家庭和个人。目前 FTA 在美国纽约州梅纳兹、柬埔寨金边和泰国曼谷 设有办事处。 Fred Tibbitts, Jr. heads an NGO, Social Entrepreneurship, Fred Tibbitts & Associates or "FTA", keeping all expenses to a minimum and donating all profits to those less fortunate in Asia Pacific and the United States. FTA is committed to easing the suffering of those less fortunate via contributions to both UNICEF and Habitat for Humanity International. In addition, FTA does direct intervention, charity relief for individual, very poor families in Cambodia and Thailand. FTA has offices at Phnom Penh, Cambodia; and Bangkok, Thailand.
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中国二三线城市酒店业发展方兴未艾,你如何 做到让酒店在激烈的竞争中保持领先地位? 作为认可度高的国际酒店品牌,喜来 登以“温暖亲切、联系感应、共享共通”作 为酒店的核心价值,为客人营造宾至如归的 氛围。为此,优质的酒店硬件、训练有素的 员工以及超越期望的服务是酒店在激烈竞 争中保持成功的重要因素。 What in your opinion are some of the most exciting aspects of managing the pre-opening and opening of a new hotel? With different market positioning, every newly-opened hotel will face different challenges. For me, each project is a new milestone. I must start from scratch and work hard to understand the task. Although it will never be easy, I really enjoy the process. What are some of your goals for the first year at the Sheraton Shenyang South City China? Our goal is to remodel the Sheraton brand and to become a top destination for gettogethers. By making the most of our ideal fashionable venues for holding all kinds of events and providing one-stop service, we are trying to make conferences and meetings our main source of revenue during the first year.
A New Milestone 刚刚履新沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店总经理的颜福才 下决心从零做起,为客人提供全方位、高品质、专业化的 一站式服务,确保新酒店能有新气象。 Mr. Peter Gan Hock Chye, newly-appointed General Manager of the Sheraton Shenyang South City Hotel, creates a new look for the new hotel, aiming to provide all-around, high quality and professional service. Text: Han Lijun
酒店筹开过程中最令你感到兴奋的是哪些方 面? 每家新酒店都会面临不同的挑战,市 场定位也不尽相同。对我来说,每个项目都 是崭新的开始,要从零做起,付出一切努力 去重新认识项目。虽然酒店的成长不会一帆 风顺,但我很享受经历的过程。 沈阳新都绿城喜来登酒店开业第一年目标是 什么? 喜来登的定位是成为客人的聚会之所, 目标是让客人重新认识喜来登。凭借拥有举 办各种主题活动的理想场所,第一年我们将 力争把会议作为营收的主要类别,为客人打 造一站式服务。
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酒店开业有什么优惠活动吗? 开业之初,酒店将特别推出多项优惠 促销活动。每晚仅需 598 元净价即可入住 豪华客房,享受自助早餐,房间免费上网、 延迟退房至下午 4 点,喜达屋 SPG 会员可 享受双倍积分的尊崇礼遇。盛宴标帜餐厅周 末自助餐“买一赠一”优惠,客人可以品尝 到多种国际美食,更有哈根达斯冰淇淋,以 飨宾客;采悦轩中餐厅 10 人套餐 1588 元起。 你在酒店业的丰富经历对你的管理风格和理 念有何影响? 一个成功的酒店需要良好的管理团队。 所以我很重视人才的培养与发展,给他们提 供更多的成长机会,以满足集团迅速发展需 求。
Could you tell us about some upcoming events or promotions in the newly opened hotel? There are many special offers to celebrate the opening. A luxury guestroom is only RMB 598 per night to stay, with buffet breakfast, free internet, check-out at 4 p.m, and, for SPG members, the special treat of double points at check-in. At Feast Signature Restaurant, guests can get a buy one get one free offer at the weekend buffet, enjoy international cuisines, especially unlimited Haagen-Dazs ice cream. The Chinese restaurant YUE is launching a 10-person package of only RMB 1588. How has your varied experience in the hospitality industry influenced your management style or perspective? A great hotel requires a great management team. So, I have placed this particular emphasis on talent cultivation and personnel training, providing more development space for employees and the hotel too. China’s second and third tier cities are experiencing a boom in the hotel market, how do you manage to keep ahead of the competition? As a highly recognizable international hotel, Sheraton stands out with its core values “Warm, Connected, Community,” providing guests with a home away from home. Premium facilities, well-trained employees and services beyond expectation are all indispensable parts to keep ahead in a fiercely competitive industry.
Opening a New Hotel is like Raising a Baby
天津万达文华酒店开业在即,拥有超过 20 年的酒店从业经验的 陆曼德总经理与 LifeStyle 分享了酒店筹开过程中的真切感受。 Mr. Maged Louis, General Manager of the new Wanda Vista Tianjin, has over 20 years of experience in the hotel industry. He chats with LifeStyle about what it’s like to open a new luxury hotel. Text: Audrey Hammonds
作为天津即将开业的一家豪华酒店,天津万 达文华酒店与竞争对手的不同之处都有哪 些? 我们坐拥让众多竞争对手羡慕的海河 迷人景致,还拥有一个超大型的 1,400 平方 米无柱式大宴会厅和 7 个多功能厅,但真 正让酒店脱颖而出的是我们为宾客提供始 终如一、温情倍至的服务。同时酒店率先将 充满东方温情的万达文华品牌特色“万达文 华天使”迎宾服务以及茶艺师精心演绎的中 华茶道“茶之旅”等等引入天津。 你的从业经验对管理天津万达文华酒店会有 什么影响和作用? 我已经在中国住了 8 年。在这里,搬 去一个新城市就感觉像去了另一个国家,你 需要积累各地不同的经验,比如有时候你与 人沟通是得不到直接答案的,要能够听懂言 外之意。这些经验可以运用到人事管理中, 与员工更好地沟通,鼓励引导他们,提高员 工的自信心,让他们说出自己的想法。我想 年轻的一代更愿意表达自己的观点。让员工 信服并不是专断,我会经常让团队成员参与 重大决策的制定,这样他们会更有参与感, 也会在工作中用心投入更多热忱。 为顺应环保趋势,目前万达有哪些举措? 万达对环保理念的响应很积极。集团 经常向我们征询支持环保计划以及创新环 保工作形式。我们酒店内部有自己的委员 会,会定期开会讨论各项环保事宜,并以邮 件的形式告之所有成员。现在正在实施的包 括客房鼓励长住客人无须每天换洗床品以 节约水资源、酒店积极参加“地球一小时” 熄灯节能的环保活动等等。 最喜欢在哪个城市工作呢? 天津是我在中国待过的第四个城市, 就目前来说,厦门是我最喜欢的城市。它是 一个半岛,人口不算多,虽然与内陆相连, 但岛上的生活非常惬意,除了上下班高峰 期,交通也不拥堵,而且春季长达半年!
当地说英语的人很多,商务沟通方便快捷, 我在那里呆了两年半,再回到那里我也不介 意。 在新酒店筹备开业过程中,你最喜欢的是哪 个环节? 将酒店筹备开业、推向市场的过程就 像孕育新生命一样。一个新生命在你眼皮底 下出生至慢慢长大,筹开酒店的感觉是类似 的。选择酒店的家具就好比你要给婴儿房刷 颜色;消防检查有点类似于带孕妇去医院做 例行检查;酒店开业就是孩子出生;而当酒 店开始实现盈利,就是孩子学会说话了!等 一年之后再回过头来看,你会为这些成就感 到无比自豪。 The Wanda Vista Tianjin is one of the newest luxury hotels in Tianjin - what sets it apart from its competitors? One thing that many other competitors don’t have is that we are overlooking the beautiful Hai He River, as well as a 1,400 sqm pilar-free grand ballroom with large space for high-end banquet &meeting events. But what really sets us apart is our people who consistently providing hospitality from our heart. Meanwhile, the hotel introduces the signature “Wanda Vista Angel” greeting services as well as the timeless tradition of “Cha Journey”into Tianjin. How does your previous experience lend itself to the management of Wanda Vista Tianjin? I’ve been in China for eight years now. Here, moving to a different city is like moving to a different country! You have to learn from your experiences everywhere; for instance, sometimes you won’t get a straightforward answer – you have to read between the lines to understand. You use this experience to learn to manage your people, to give them confidence to voice their opinions – I think especially the younger generation is more
and more willing to speak up. My personal management style is to work in a team, this is not a dictatorship. I will always involve my team in big decisions. If people are involved in a decision they will support it and feel a part of it. How has Wanda reacted to the recent green / environmentally conscious trend? I’d say it’s reacted quite positively – Wanda as a group regularly asks us to supply our plans for supporting the environment and what kind of changes we can make in the hotel industry to support this initiative. We also have internal committees who carry on a bi-weekly or monthly meeting in the hotel to discuss what we can do to help the environment, and plan to send a weekly email to all team members on the subject. What has been your favorite city or place to work in? So far this is the fourth city I’ve lived in in China, and I would have to say that Xiamen was my favorite. It’s a small island and the population is very small. Although it’s expanding into the mainland, on the island life is very relaxed: there is no traffic except in rush hour, and spring lasts for six months! There is a lot of English spoken, and doing business is quite easy so I really enjoyed it there. I was there for 2 and a half years and I wouldn’t mind going back. What are your favorite aspects of opening and running a new luxury hotel? Opening a new hotel is like raising a baby. You see a baby grow in front of your eyes, and a hotel is the same; choosing furniture is like deciding what colors to paint the baby room, the fire inspection is like taking the mother to the hospital; when it opens it’s like the baby is born, and when the business starts picking up it’s like the baby has learned to talk! One year later you will feel so proud of all of these accomplishments.
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西方精髓 东方美韵 ——泉州万达文华酒店 泉州是我国宋朝时期最大的世界港口, 郑和下西洋五次经过泉州。而今,安踏、 361°等品牌都发源于此,四通八达的泉州 对接国际市场十分便利。泉州万达文华酒店 以“个性、精致、愉悦、豪华”的品质傲立 于泉州,尽览晋江怡人风光。 卓越睡眠,精力充沛 泉州万达文华酒店整体设计结合中式 雅致元素及现代设计风格,客房及套房配有 舒适惬意的“文华之床”及“妙梦”助眠系列, 入住即可体验无穷的美妙。浴室内设有独立 的浴缸及“热带雨林式”淋浴间;每间客房 内提供免费宽带及无线上网服务,拥有国际 卫星频道的宽屏液晶电视,紧跟时代潮流。 酒店同时配有 24 小时四季恒温室内泳池, 配以全进口健身器械的健身房,宾客在闲暇 之余可以全身心投入到健身运动当中。 独创的“万达文华之床”延续置身云 端的舒适,专注打造温暖。超柔的多层波 浪海绵,人体功能学弹簧,贴合身体曲线, 放松身体的每一寸肌肤,舒享每一个在外的 夜晚。“妙梦”助眠系列包括“眠之趣”—— 陪伴孩子入眠的可爱公仔;“眠之香”—— 带来丰富的感官体验的同时提升睡眠质量; “眠之阅”——为习惯睡前阅读的宾客提供 精品书籍;“眠之籁”——天籁之音伴随你 悠然入梦,在熟悉如家的氛围中“无乡愁, 未旅思,夜夜好梦”。
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爽味美食,齿香胃满 酒店拥有中餐、全日餐厅等,功能齐 全的宴会厅,能同时容纳 1000 位左右宾客, 是泉州承办国际性大型会议及宴会的地标 场所。其“品珍”中餐厅以粤菜为主,吸纳 当地精华,专注于原汁原味以及营养均衡的 精品菜式;配套齐全的“美食汇”全日餐厅 拥有与众不同的“24 小时环球精选”;宴
会及会议总接待面积超过 2600 平方米,其 中 1378 平方米豪华无柱大宴会厅是举办高 端宴会的首选之地。大堂酒廊的点心与小 食,精彩纷呈让人流连忘返。酒店的厨师们 将悉心探讨每一道菜肴,设计风味诱人的个 性化菜单。由顶级大厨们打造最完美的盛 宴,如艺术享受般令人回味无穷。 传统之旅,净化身心 酒店外曼妙风光随处可见,酒店内文 化气息扑面而来。泉州著名的文化名胜景 点,引领你触摸一段文化、一章历史。独一 无二的万达“茶之旅”,以闻名遐迩的中华 款客茶道,邀请顶级茶师,精选各地优良名 茶,呈现专业优美的茶艺表演,体验或清或 酽的品茗之旅,逍遥之余尽享风情人文。 酒店每间客房都配有《礼记》一书。 特聘中国国学推广大使、中央民族大学副 教授哈辉女士凭借其在国学和礼仪专业的 深厚造诣,为酒店和度假村度身编写教材、 倾力培训以及全程指导,秉承中华传统礼仪 风范,以真诚热情的风格、细致入微的关怀 营造始终如一、无与伦比的到达与离店的尊 崇体验,而温婉优雅的中国礼仪配以传统佳 节盛装汉服则为宾客呈现国色国香的愉悦 体验。 福建省泉州市丰泽区宝洲路 719 号 电话 : 0595 6829 8888
Promotion 一提到皇家婚礼,脑海中总会浮现凯 特王妃头纱浅罩,款款走下马车,一步步 走向威廉王子的甜蜜景象。北京柏悦酒店皇 家婚典以皇室经典为引,将带你进入一个充 满英式优雅感觉的婚礼殿堂。秉承量身订 做的理念,北京柏悦皇家婚典从婚礼蛋糕、 花艺设计、餐具搭配、菜单设计到桌布椅套、 婚宴赠礼等等小细节,皆为新人提供详尽的 建议与周到的服务。 皇家婚典的主题色彩简洁、淡雅,却 更能突显英伦风婚礼的简约高贵之美,让置 身其中的新人和来宾内心平静祥和,细细品 味“大日子”的幸福喜悦。如城堡般开阔的 宴会厅可容纳 60 桌的宾客,无柱式风格为 打造震撼视觉效果留下无限空间,自然的英 式花园充满三楼宴会厅,皇室马车、复古街 灯、皇家侍卫皆静候待命,最原汁原味的皇 家婚典之旅将由此开启。 行政总厨欧阳庆龙带领的厨师团队个 个身怀绝技,由他们设计的婚礼佳宴横贯中 西,从品质到创意全方位满足顾客的需求。 侍酒师李美玉以周游列国学到的美酒知识 和经验带给客人专业的葡萄酒服务和个性 化的建议,尤其是根据每对新人的个性来搭 配婚宴餐酒。英国皇家婚礼巧克力蛋糕主厨 巴瑞·科伦索携手酒店饼房主厨阴文震重现 昔日经典,帮你跨越时空界限,拥有独一无 二的婚礼甜蜜。 北京柏悦酒店还为婚宴嘉宾设置了婚 宴专员一职,婚礼当天随时待命,为新人分 劳。就是这样的精密分工使北京柏悦酒店成 为京城数一数二的婚宴标杆,让新人们真正 感受到皇家婚礼的独特之处。
It’s every little girl’s dream to have a big royal wedding; women of all ages picture Prince Charming walking down the aisle towards the blushing bride. Whether he is a real prince or not, the point is that he is your Mr. Charming. At Park Hyatt Beijing we make these sweet dreams come true. Every single detail from wedding cakes, flower design, tableware selection to chair covers, wedding gifts, etc. will be taken care of by Park Hyatt Beijing with highly-customized and thoughtful services and options. In the British-style garden on the 3rd floor, a royal carriage, vintage streetlamps, royal guards, etc. are in just the right positions, waiting for the bride and groom. Elegant hues are employed to make everyone present calm to enjoy every moment of this
皇家婚典 幸福时光
Royal Wedding at Park Hyatt Beijing sacred ceremony. The pillar-free dining hall can hold up to 60 tables, and is supported by the latest technology and communications capabilities. The chef team headed by Ouyang Qinglong is excellent at harmoniously blending Chinese traditions with Western style. The professional, creative and highlyskilled team provides a fantastic range of options based on individual requests to ensure that every wedding is unique. Li Meiyu, one of the best sommeliers in Park Hyatt Beijing, who has traveled the world to learn about and experience more wines, will handpick wines and offer professional suggestions according to every couple’s taste and personality. When it comes to the indispensable wedding cake, Barry Colenso, British pastry chef, works closely with the head pastry chef Yin Wenzhen to make every bite sweet and happy. Moreover, Park Hyatt Beijing in particular offers wedding coordinators to stand by, making sure that everything runs just perfectly. It’s the experienced and wellorganized wedding team that makes Park Hyatt Beijing one of the city’s most prestigious venues for weddings. If you are about to spend the rest of your lives together - let Park Hyatt Beijing be where it begins. 2 Jianguomenwai Street, Chaoyang District, Beijing Tel: 010 8567 1666
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卡慕世家:庆祝 150 年的馥郁芬芳
CAMUS Celebrates 150 Years of Elegance
马克·莫雷尔、干邑镇长米歇尔·古林查斯和 著名雕塑家塞尔日·曼索(卡慕干邑世家精 选系列巴卡拉水晶瓶设计师)。
6 月 21 日,来自 34 个国家的二百多 位尊贵宾客在卡慕家族城堡共襄盛举,一同 见证全球最大的仍由家族独立掌控的干邑 世家——卡慕 150 周年庆祝典礼。嘉宾们 在享用一款专为 150 周年庆典调制的鸡尾 酒之后,受邀参观了品牌五代传承的文化遗 产展,体验展示历代家族领袖风采的 5 个 互动区并赏析来自法国、中国、越南、俄罗 斯以及美国的五位青年摄影师的作品。摄影 师们用镜头诠释了不同国家对卡慕“渊远传 承”的独特解析。在城堡庄园内举办的饕餮 晚宴将庆典推向了高潮。La Ribaudière 餐 厅米其林三星厨师蒂埃里·维拉特为这个隆 重时刻精心准备了一份特别菜单。当晚出 席庄园晚宴的嘉宾包括法国前总理让 - 皮 埃尔·拉法兰、法国国家干邑管理局局长让 -
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CAMUS is the world's largest familyowned and independent cognac house. On the night of June 21st, more than 200 special guests from 34 countries gathered together at the Château du Plessis, home to the Camus family, to celebrate Camus’s 150th anniversary. After being greeted with a cocktail created especially for the anniversary, the guests entered the family’s home where they were able to browse through an exhibition of artifacts from the brand’s heritage. Throughout the park, five workshops, each in a different style, bore witness to the five successive heads of the House who helped build the Camus legend. Five budding photographers from France, China, Vietnam, Russia and USA presented their vision of what the Living Tradition of Camus meant in their country. After that, a dinner was held on the grounds of the Château. The menu was specially created for the occasion by Michelin Star chef Thierry Verrat of La Ribaudière restaurant. Among the guests there were French ex-Prime Minister Mr Jean-Pierre Raffarin, Mayor of Cognac Mr. Michel Gourinchas, President of the BNIC Mr Jean-Marc Morel and the sculptor Mr Serge Mansau, who designed the crystal decanters of the Masterpiece Collection of Cuvees.
美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部 会员养生沙龙举办 7 月 17 日,由慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所主办的“乐 活人生——美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部会员养生沙龙”盛大 开场,活动围绕如何避免和修复运动损伤展开。澳洲 南十字星健康传媒董事长、知名健康管理专家王晓斋 先生作为活动主讲嘉宾,分享了如何通过健康饮食配 合运动来养生。“多吃坚果,因为坚果是人类第一食 物链;少食多餐,一天 5 顿,上午茶和下午茶可以补 充早中餐营养的不足,让你不至于在中午和晚上暴饮 暴食;午餐后不要午睡,否则会影响胃部消化和营养 吸收。”王晓斋还在现场展示了双截棍绝活,迎得满 堂喝彩。 在悠扬的《云水禅心》乐曲声中,杨式太极拳第 六代传人王友松先生为会员表演了一套不外传的少侯 小架拳法。其拳法舒展优美、刚柔相济,一气呵成, 犹如湖中泛舟轻灵沉着兼而有之,又如长江大河,滔 滔不绝,绵延相续。3 分钟拳法示范完毕后,友松老师 又与一位嘉宾现场切磋,示范太极推手的精妙与深奥。 正脊专家齐岳军,现任中华医学研究会中医骨科 主任委员、全国脊诊整脊技术学术委员会常委。当天 齐老着中式服装登场,针对运动可能造成的损伤,讲 解了通过中医正脊修复损伤的解决之道,并介绍了如 何轻松应对办公室里的常见病。齐老现场为几位嘉宾 摸脊诊断,并一展正宗中医正脊绝活,上台嘉宾大呼 舒坦。 慈铭·奥亚国际医疗会所是国内首家高尔夫运动损 伤康复定点机构,友松老师和齐老分别就任于会所运 动医学中心和中医医学中心。在这里,会员将享受到 全方位的高品质服务。此次沙龙上通过现场扫描二维 码加入“私人医生”官方微信的美洲豹高尔夫俱乐部 会员,此后每周都会收到关于医疗与养生的实用资讯。
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FAMMM 是一个激情四射的交流平台, 旨在为中国五大首要创意行业服务:时尚, 艺术,传媒,音乐及影视。FAMMM 社区拥 有 2000 余位会员 , 包括国内外时尚编辑、 设计师、媒体、创意先锋、艺术家、模特、 影视界和演艺界人才以及 FAMMM 行业制作 和代理团队。FAMMM 这个名字源于:时尚 (Fashion)、艺术(Art)、传媒(Media)、 音乐(Music)、影视(Movie)。 FAMMM is a platform that generates emotion in five important creative industries in China: Fashion, Art, Media, Music & Movies. The FAMMM community consists of 2,000 members-comprised equally of Chinese and Western fashion editors and designers, media, trendsetters, artists, models, movie and vocal talent, as well as FAMMM industry producers and agents. We call this community FAMMM for Fashion, Art, Media, Music & Movies.
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豪门世家推出红宝瓢虫腕表 Sarcar Geneve Releases Ladybug Watch 豪门世家最新推出的红宝瓢虫腕表采用了极其珍稀的绿 色贝母做表盘,红宝石打磨制成的小小瓢虫翩然爬行于 由 35 颗绿宝石(约 0.16 克拉)和 3 颗海蓝宝石镶嵌而 成的叶络上,4 颗盈亮美钻宛若清晨的露珠,而叶络的末 端豪门世家标志性的旋转钻石系挂于此。这颗 0.35 克拉 的顶级钻石和红宝瓢虫一上一下,交相呼应。如此设计, 堪称艺术臻品。
Oris 多功能月相表 中秋献礼 Oris Multi-Function Moonphases Watch: A Mid-Autumn Gift
尊尼获加尊酩无疆之旅正酣 Johnnie Walker and Moët et Chandon Voyager Tour
尊尼获加尊酩度身打造的航海号豪华游艇 JOHN WALKER & SONS VOYAGER 自去年 9 月于上 海启程后,目前已成功穿越中国、菲律宾、越 南、泰国、新加坡、马来西亚、阿联酋、印度、 印尼、澳大利亚、韩国和日本,并将继续驶往欧 洲,最终抵达尊尼获加故乡——苏格兰。沿途各 国各界具有探索与冒险精神的精英人士受邀登船 领略 19 世纪豪华游艇与尊尼获加尊酩芳香醇厚 完美结合的尊贵优雅。
中秋来临之际,Oris 特别推出 ris Artelier 多功能月相表。 这款腕表可以清楚地展现出月亮的运行轨迹:在腕表 12 点钟位置拥有一个精致的月相视窗,完美的外型和打磨 技术下,月相以一个银色满月呈现,伴着三颗星星宁静 地出现在夜空之上。腕表还带有日期、星期及第二时区 小面盘,在透过蓝宝石水晶玻璃镜面视窗细赏其完美机 械机构的同时,会发现星宿与光阴间的深厚渊源。
巴利推出全新 Papillon 系列 Bally Debuts New Papillon Series 巴利从品牌的悠久历史底蕴及以生产松紧带起步的企业 早期发展史中汲取灵感,推出全新的 Papillon 系列,包 括三款手提袋和两款手抓包,以时尚奢华风格重新诠释 了巴利古董珍藏中 20 世纪 40 年代精致繁复的绳索花纹 皮革编织图案。极具奢华气息的手抓包采用硬壳设计并 饰有镀金包扣,其设计灵感同样源自巴利古董珍藏的经 典五金配件。
谷歌全新 Nexus 7 发布 Google Releases New Nexus 7 Tablet
谷歌前不久发布了全新 Nexus 7 平板电脑。相比上代 Nexus 7,新款 Nexus 7 几乎各项都有了很大提高:搭 载安卓 4.3 系统与 1080p(1920x1200)屏幕、Full HD 级的屏幕像素密度高达 323Pi、拥有 7.6mm 厚的机身, 比上代轻了 23g,另外还拥有较强的性价比,16G 约合 1400 元人民币;32G 269 约合 1651 元人民币;4G LTE 版本约合 2142 元人民币。
联想智能家居电脑 Q190 上市 The Lenovo IdeaCentre Q190
联想在北京正式推出了智能家居电脑 SmartQ190。 这款电脑外形小巧轻便,机身尺寸为 155mm x 192mm x 22mm (40mm 版带有光驱 ) 厚体积为 0.6L,支持 7.1 环 绕音响、5.1 杜比音效、1080p 高清输出,是小巧的家庭 影音娱乐中心,同时也支持 WiFi 互联、Zigbee 传输,配 合其他配件一起实现客厅无布线传输和功能实现。售价 仅为 3499 元。
诺基亚 1020 登陆中国 Nokia 1020 Lands in China
诺 基 亚 1020 是 首 款 4100 万 像 素 的 Windows Phone8 手机,有黑、白、黄和红 4 种颜色可供 选择。除了首次在 Windows Phone8 手机上采 用 2GB 的 RAM 系统内存外,诺基亚 1020 还包 括 4.5 英寸 AMOLED 屏幕、1.5GHz 主频双核 骁龙 S4 处理器等。
2020 万像素佳能 70D 曝光 Canon’s New 20.2 MP EOS 70D Digital Camera
作为 60D 的升级版的佳能最新产品 EOS 70D,其配置参 数已经曝光:机身比 60D 稍微大一点;采用镁铝合金; 搭载 2020 万像素 CMOS 传感器;内置 DIGIC 5+ 影像处 理器;3 英寸广视角 LCD 触摸屏;配有一块 LP-E6 电池; 配置全 19 点十字对焦系统,Dual Pixel CMOS 自动对焦 系统;ISO 最高支持 12800。佳能 70D 还拥有全高清录制、 HDR 和多重曝光等功能。
LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS... LIFESTYLE Brand FOCUS...LIFESTYLE 胡润研究院发布《2013 胡润品牌榜》 Hurun Report Announces the 2013 Hurun Brands List
利快家居品牌启动“18 周年庆” Leifheit Home Launches 18th Anniversary Celebrations
胡润研究院前不久在北京丽晶酒店发布 《2013 胡润品牌榜》。100 位来自上榜 品牌的高层代表和媒体精英出席了新闻发 布会。此次活动也是胡润百富十五周年庆 典的预热之一。胡润百富董事长兼首席调 研员胡润表示:“中国品牌价值的上升比 我原来想象的要慢,但我感觉这些企业在 品牌方面投资比以前大得多,并且有很多 创新,比如在新媒体的利用方面。”
进口家居零售品牌利快为品牌 18 周年启 动了周年庆。从今年 9 月份起,利快将 在全国 65 个城市、300 家门店启动规模 空前的 18 周年庆典活动。届时利快的老 顾客可以根据购物小票或者晒单利快产 品,赢取总额高达 4 万元的利快支票, 同时利快 18 周年庆品牌路演也将在北京、 上海、武汉、成都等大中城市集中上演。
世界邦旅行网启动“欧洲慢旅行” 分享季 ShiJieBang Website Launches “Travel Europe” Season
外滩·中央携手林肯爵士乐中心献 演外滩源夏日音乐季 JALC Brings Jazz Concert Production to the Summer Music Festival in Shanghai
“ 火 车 上 流 动 的 风 景” 世 界 邦 旅 行 网 (www.shijiebang.com)首场旅行私享 会于 8 月 3 日在北京举行,活动得到了 欧洲铁路集团、瑞士国家旅游局以及德 国联邦铁路局的大力支持。60 余位来宾 一起聆听了欧洲铁路通票挑选方法、使 用技巧,并模拟多条行程的通票挑选过 程。活动同时开启了“欧洲慢旅行”主 题分享季。活动期间,世界邦旅行网每 月将举办以欧洲文化、节日和购物等为 主题的私享会。
外滩投资集团“外滩·中央”项目(原中 央商场所在地)与林肯爵士乐中心(全 球最大的非赢利性爵士乐组织)合作推 出由音乐家多米尼克·法瑞纳奇领衔的爵 士乐五重奏,作为 2013“夏之夜”外滩 源第二届夏日音乐季的重头戏,于 7 月 25 至 27 日在外滩源的联合教堂连演 3 场。 沪上乐坛及爵士爱好者跟随艺术大师一 同领略殿堂级爵士乐的风采。
2013 中国国际沉香文化博览会 在京举办 China International Aquilaria Culture Expo Held in Beijing
宝洁全新洗护发品牌飘柔倍瑞丝正 式登陆中国 P&G Newest Rejoice Hair Product Line Officially Launches in China
2013(第二届)中国国际沉香文化博览 会在中国国际展览中心举行。中国野生 植物保护协会秘书长臧春林、文化部中 外文化交流中心副主任严振全、中国国 际展览中心集团公司总裁蔡国枫、中国 濒危物种进出口管理办公室副主任周亚 非等众多著名学者、专家、艺术大师以 及 13 国驻华使节云集此次盛会。
宝洁公司推出了全新洗护发品牌飘柔倍 瑞丝。新品发布会特邀中国明星御用造 型大师田洪禹、台湾发型教父黄国镇、 香港顶级明星发型师曾卓文、日本教父 级广告发型师植村武久、韩国学院派造 型领军人物李顺哲和国际知名艺人吴佩 慈小姐及全国百余家主流时尚媒体出席, 共同探索倍瑞丝“无界沙龙”秀发之美, 见证这个改变美发业界格局品牌的诞生!
2013 林德曼樱桃啤酒宝贝大赛 决赛举办 Miss Kriek by Lindemans Pageant Held
2013 飞利浦媒体烹饪大赛完美谢幕 Philips Concludes Media Cooking Contest
由比利时著名酒厂林德曼酒厂及北京益 精行商贸有限公司联合举办的 2013 林德 曼樱桃啤酒宝贝大赛决赛在北京富力万 丽酒店成功举办。本次大赛面向 18 岁至 28 岁的中国女孩招募林德曼樱桃啤酒在 中国的品牌代言人,目的在于推广比利 时啤酒文化。最终,来自北京工商大学 的刘艺凭借精彩的舞蹈才艺和出色的英 文表达能力夺得桂冠。
绿巨人:城市的虫害卫士 Beijing LVJUREN: Tailored & Comprehensive Pest Control 北京绿巨人生物科技有限公司是经北京 市爱卫会和疾病预防控制中心、北京市 工商局登记注册的城市害虫综合治理专 业 PCO 公司;是中国和北京有害生物防 制协会会员及资质单位。该公司拥有 A 级的服务质量标准,长期服务于高档酒 店、机场、高尔夫球场、大型商超、工厂、 医院、写字楼大厦、机关、学校、别墅 等各个行业,在服务过程中严格执行国 家有关卫生防疫的各项管理规定,使用 符合国家相关卫生标准的器械和药品。 所有员工经国家专业培训,持证上岗, 绿巨人以现代化、专业化、技术化的服 务标准为经营理念,成为 PCO 行业典范。 24 小时服务热线:010-64333385, 网址:www.bjljr.com
飞利浦前不久在上海科技馆以一场别开 生 面 的 烹 饪 互 动 体 验 暨“ 创 新 厨 电, 我是主厨”媒体烹饪大赛,为现场朋友 展示了飞利浦优质生活在厨房电器领域 的 3 款最新成果:飞利浦全自动面条机 HR2355/01、飞利浦免滤豆浆机 HD2079 和飞利浦果蔬切配器 HR1378。飞利浦优 质生活事业部大中华区总裁黄瑞仁先生 莅临现场,与来宾一同见证了这一意义 非凡的时刻。
澳大利亚中文官方旅游网站 Australia.cn 全新上线 Tourism Australia Launches New Chinese Consumer Website 澳大利亚旅游局全新中文官方旅游网站 www.australia.cn 于 8 月 12 日正式上线。 全新中文网站根据中国用户浏览及消费 习惯量身定制,整合中国主流社交媒体 及原创攻略内容,并革新性地采取适用 于所有移动阅读终端的响应式网页设计, 最大程度优化感官和使用体验。网站集 合展示、搜索、计划和分享功能,为用 户提供全方位立体化的信息和支持,旨 在进一步激发消费者赴澳旅游意愿并将 其转化为实际行动。
IFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE 洲际酒店管理集团:任命马梦凯先生为四川区域总经理 兼成都高新皇冠假日酒店总经理 InterContinental Hotels Group & Crowne Plaza Chengdu West: Mr. Michael H. Martin, Area General Manager
武汉汉口泛海喜来登酒店: 任命彭博先生为总经理 Sheraton Wuhan Hankou Hotel: Mr. Yoland Perras, General Manager
Mr. Martin, a British national, has over 21 years of management experience in the hospitality industry, joining InterContinental in 2001. Before his current position, he was Area GM of West Guangdong and GM of Crown Plaza Wing On City. He will be in charge of Pre-Opening and Operation of this new hotel.
Mr. Yoland Perras has comprehensive hotel management experience having worked in Canada, Benin, Morocco, USA, Mexico, Russia, Bulgaria, and China. Mr. Perras has 30 years experience in the Hospitality industry and held leadership roles with a number of well-known international brands such as Loews, Hilton and Swissotel.
重庆富力凯悦酒店:任命刘征先生为总经理 Hyatt Regency Chongqing: Mr. David Liu, General Manager
沈阳碧桂园玛丽蒂姆酒店:任命麦格迪先生为总经理 Maritim Hotel Shenyang: Mr. Magdy, General Manager
Mr. David Liu is our first home grown PRC national to be appointed as General Manager. He is a graduate of Xian Foreign Language University with a Bachelor of Arts in Tourism English. Upon graduation, he began his career in Hyatt Regency Xian in 1993. Prior to this appointment, he was the opening Hotel Manager for Grand Hyatt Shenyang.
Mr. Magdy joined Maritim in 2010 and has enjoyed a rich experience of 19 years in multinational brands like Marriott, Hyatt, Moevenpick, Sheraton and Hilton. His last position was General Manager at HMSM a r i t i m - E g y p t . M r. M a g d y h a s expressed his happiness at being at the head of the largest hotel in Shenyang.
福州中庚喜来登酒店: 任命曾维昌先生为总经理 Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel: Mr. Joe Tsang, General Manager
三亚亚龙湾铂尔曼度假酒店:任命林立森先生为驻店经理 Pullman Sanya Yalong Bay Resort & Spa: Mr. Morgan Lin, Resident Manager
Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc. announces the appointment of Joe Tsang as the General Manager of Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel, which opened in September, 2012. Joe brings to the role more than 25 years’ extensive management experience in the hospitality industry. Prior to this position in Sheraton Fuzhou Hotel, Joe was General Manager of Sheraton Chongqing Hotel.
Mr. Lin will be fully in charge of hotel operations. Mr. Lin comes from Xi’an and has more than 10 years hotelier experience in luxury hotel brands including Raffles, Hyatt, InterContinental, and Mandarin Oriental domestically and overseas. Mr. Lin has extraordinar y hotel management and leadership skills and is very experienced in hotel preopening and hotel operation.
上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店:任命陈铭荣先生为行政主厨 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Mr. Ringo Chen, Executive Chef
北京富力万丽酒店:任命多米尼克先生为行政总厨 Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel: Mr. Dominique Martinez, Executive Chef
Mr. Ringo Chen has over 30 years’ culinary experience. He has previously worked as Executive Chef and Executives Sous Chef in different international branded hotels including Howard Johnson, Starwood, and Accor. Prior to this appointment, Ringo Chen was Executive Chef of Howard Johnson Plaza Waigaoqiao Shanghai.
Renaissance Beijing Capital Hotel welcomes Dominique Martinez as Executive Chef. Dominique is full of experience in different cuisines as he has worked in many countries i n c l u d i n g G e r m a n y, A u s t r a l i a , Bermuda, and Thailand. Beijing is his second station in his culinary journey in China. He is a passionate and dedicated chef and will bring his creativities to the team.
118 LifeStyle méLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... LIFESTYLE LiméLight... TO BOOK SPACE ON THIS PAGE, CALL 8610 85890129
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 北京饭店莱佛士: 全新演绎中式汉堡 Raffles Beijing Hotel: Chinese Burger at Writer’s Bar
Writer’s Bar is conveniently located in Raffles Beijing Hotel that has a perfect informal all day dining classic grand hotel atmosphere. It has honors the many Chinese and Foreign literary luminaries who have been in residence at the hotel, visited or written about it over the years. Tel: +86 10 6526 3388
北京万达索菲特大饭店:VIC 国际美食餐厅之比利时美食周 Sofitel Wanda Beijing: Belguim Week at VIC Restaurant
The finer facets of Belgian cuisine are now yours to indulge in during Belguim Week at VIC, in association with Chez Leon, the world’s bestknown Brussels restaurant. “Belgians cook their food with the finesse of the French but serve it in generous German size portions!” Make sure you don’t fill yourself up until you’ve tried everything! Tel: +86 10 8599 6666 ext 652
北京王府井希尔顿酒店: 品味地中海 Hilton Beijing Wangfujing: Mediterranean Taste
Va s c o ’s a t H i l t o n Wa n g f u j i n g i s excited to announce the “Fizztastic Mediterranean Sunday Brunch” from August 4 to September 30. Mediterranean coastal cuisines are famous for the freshest seafood and warm spices. Now, you are invited to discover this festival of senses with fresh delicacies from the countries along the deep blue sea with the special brunch presented by Chef Randolph at Vasco’s. Tel: +86 10 5812 8888 ext 8411
北京金融街洲际酒店: 美食享受新起航 InterContinental Beijing Financial Street: Brand New Menu, Brand New Enjoyment
The award-winning Steak Exchange Restaurant + Bar brings you a brand new menu starting this autumn. Apart from our famous, finest Australian 250day grain-fed Angus beef, you can enjoy more delicacies from around the world to treat your taste buds. Tel: +86 10 5852 5888
北京国贸饭店: 东方餐厅推出“台湾美食周” Traders Hotel, Beijing: The Oriental Hosts Taiwan Cuisine Week
The Oriental at Traders Hotel, Beijing has invited Chef Jimmy Chen from Shangri-La's Far Eastern Plaza Hotel, Tainan to present authentic and the finest Taiwanese cuisine from 19 August to 1 September 2013.Chef Jimmy’s dishes will include An Ping Oyster Omelette, Traditional Taiwanese Steamed Pork Sandwiches, TaiwaneseStyle Deep-Fried Chicken with Basil, and more. Tel: +86 10 6505 2277 ext 34
北京北辰洲际酒店: 中秋佳节不止是传说 InterContinental Beijing Beichen: Autumn Festival; Not Just Mere Legend
北京民族饭店: 月满中秋节 心系“民族”情 Beijing Minzu Hotel: Mooncakes for Mid-Autumn Day
西安喜来登大酒店: 秋季滋补火锅自助 Sheraton Xi’an Hotel: Nourishing Hot Pot Buffet
北京港澳中心瑞士酒店: 花园派对 Swissotel Beijing: Garden Party
On this auspicious occasion when families gather to celebrate the symbolism of unity and local legends, InterContinental Beijing Beichen would like to introduce you to our prestigious Moon Cakes, baked with meticulous care and only the finest ingredients, are once again available for a limited period only and in a range of festival flavors. Tel: +86 10 8437 1427
Indulge your families and friends with our lavish hot pot at autumn, menu including your choice of different nutrition soup bases for your own hot pot, with unlimited serve of all kinds of well-selected items, seafood, seasonal vegetables, desserts, ice-cream and home-made sauces as well as free flow soft drink. Tel: +86 29 8426 1888 ext 1577
Just as the moon becomes exceptionally bright on Mid-Autumn Day, people long for a family reunion. Minzu Hotel now offers four different gift boxes of mooncakes, crisp outside and mellow delicate inside, to convey affection and greetings to your family. Packages include the Flower Fragrance Gift Box, Elegant Moon Gift Box and Autumn Moon Luxury Gift Box. Tel: +86 10 6601 4466 ext 162/163
It’s the perfect time to hold a party now! This outdoor venue - Beer Garden, located at the courtyard of the hotel, can serve up to a party of 120 guests. Al-carte is available daily and enjoy one complimentary bottle of house beer (300ml), upon ordering any main course. Open daily 4 pm until midnight. Tel: +86 10 6553 2288 ext 2161/2127
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIFE上海斯格威铂尔曼大酒店: 全新时尚月饼礼盒 Pullman Shanghai Skyway: 2013 Mooncake Gift Box
Pullman Shanghai Skyway has specially prepared two collections of moon cakes that are infused with Eastern and Western flavors like White Lotus Paste, Cream & Coconut, and Red Bean Paste,made withthe freshest ingredients that will be the perfect gift for your friends and business partners. Tel: +86 21 3318 9988 ext 7777
广州富力丽思卡尔顿酒店:中秋献礼之传统与时尚的瑰丽交融 The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou: Reinvigorate Mid-Autumn
The Ritz-Carlton, Guangzhou has once again has launched its highlyregarded Mid-Autumn Moon Cake gift boxes in celebration of the upcoming festival. Available until September 19, the sophisticated gift boxes start from RMB 208 and feature four moon cakes or six miniature moon cakes with a variety of luxurious fillings. Guests purchasing gift boxes in bulk will enjoy exclusive savings. Tel: +86 20 3813 6888
上海浦东丽思卡尔顿酒店: 大厨 Gianluca 周日午餐盛宴 The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong: Gianluca’s Sunday Lunch
The Ritz-Carlton Shanghai, Pudong is offering a special Sunday lunch treat with Chef Gianluca serving authentic Italian dishes at its newly renovated Italian restaurant, Scena. Gastronomic tantalizers feature Italian salads, cold cuts, oysters, Alaskan crab legs, as well as suckling pig, wood-fired pizzas, choice of a la minute pastas and risotto, a main course, dessert buffet, and more. Tel: +86 21 2020 1717
北京瑞吉酒店:中秋献礼 The St. Regis Beijing-Celebrate Mid-Autumn
One of the most important holidays on the Chinese lunar calendar falls on 19th September this year. On this special day, friends and family reunite to enjoy a sumptuous meal while admiring the brilliant glow of a full moon. The St. Regis Beijing takes delight in introducing its hand-made moon cakes in elegant packaging, ideal for this festive occasion. Tel: +86 10 6460 6688
上海金桥红枫万豪酒店: 万豪轩午市点心无限量任食 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Pudong East: Dum Sum All You Can Eat
All you can eat dim sum hand made by Hong Kong celebrity chef Chef Tsoi and his culinary team will satisfy even the pickiest of gourmets for only RMB 128 net per person at lunch every day at Man Ho, the signature Chinese restaurant featuring traditional Cantonese dishes with five elegant private dining rooms. Tel: +86 21 6036 8866
上海龙之梦大酒店: 全日餐厅之海南风情 The Longemont Shanghai, O2on2 Restaurant: Surf & Turf
Hainanese Chicken Rice is a dish of traditional Chinese origins most commonly associated with Hainanese, Malaysian and Singaporean ethnic cuisines. O2on2 All-Day Dining Restaurant is set to rediscover this ancient culinary delicacy with a brand new interpretation of Hainanese chicken rice served with South American jumbo prawns, combining amazing flavors from the East blended with contemporary tastes from the West. Tel: +86 21 6115 9988 ext 8220
璞麗酒店:全新静安晚餐精选 The PuLi Hotel and Spa Jing’An Restaurant: Seasonal 5-Course Tasting Menu
Jing’An launches a new seasonal dinner menu, featuring locally-sourced ingredients. The 5-course menu features dishes like oysters, black seabass, big eye tuna and Ranger Valley chuck ribs. The tasting menu is available daily from 6pm to 10pm. The menu starts at RMB 488+ for five courses, wine-pairing is available at extra RMB232. Tel: +86 21 3203 9999
上海花园饭店: 花园自制月饼 中秋传递情意 Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai: Garden Moon Cakes for MidAutumn Festival
The Okura Garden Hotel Shanghai offers delicious homemade moon cakes in extremely high quality with a luxury gift box, the perfect gift for your friends and relatives. Moon cake tickets are on sale from July 30, Actual goods available from August 27th. Tel: +86 21 6415 1111 ext 5203
上海巴黎春天新世界酒店: 欢庆中秋节 New World Shanghai Hotel: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival
New World Shanghai Hotel celebrates Mid-Autumn Festival with two signature Moon Cake selections. From now until 19th September, celebrate with your family with our Deluxe Moon Cake package which includes delectable Walnut with Red Bean Puree, Coconut, Red & White Lotus Puree, etc., along with one bottle of Luis Felipe Edwards Chilean Red Wine, priced at CNY188. Tel: +86 21 6240 8888
LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE F&B FOCUS... LIFESTYLE ... LIF 上海世纪皇冠假日酒店: 举杯邀明月,皇冠庆中秋 Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai: Celebrate MidAutumn Festival
Mid-Autumn Festival is just around the corner, and families are gathering together to enjoy the full moon while sharing traditional moon cakes. Crowne Plaza Century Park Shanghai is delighted to offer you 2 mooncake boxes– Light Moon Box, with 6 pieces, or Bright Moon Box with 8, to share with family and friends at this special time of year. Tel: +86 21 5190 8888 ext 8307
上海世茂皇家艾美酒店:SPG 俱乐部会员缤纷餐饮礼遇 Le Royal Meridien Shanghai: Exciting Dining Benefits for Starwood Preferred Guest Members
Le Royal Méridien Shanghai, part of Starwood Preferred Guest loyalty programme from Starwood Hotels & Resorts Worldwide, Inc., takes part in the global launch of “Triple Benefits” dining offers for members. From now until September 30, 2013 SPG members can enjoy three exclusive benefits whenever they dine at one of 650 participating restaurants and bars in Starwood hotels around the globe. Tel: +86 21 3318 9999
上海海神诺富特大酒店:海神精选月饼礼盒 Novotel Shanghai Atlantis: Celebrate Mid-Autumn Festival in Style
Novotel Shanghai Atlantis is delighted to present our exquisite mooncakes with the finest ingredients and classic decoration as the best gifts for your family, friends and business associates. Packages include the Classic mooncake package for RMB 168, Superior mooncake package for RMB 218, and Deluxe mooncake package for RMB 288. Tel: +86 21 5036 6666 ext 1806
上海东方佘山索菲特大酒店: 精致中秋月饼礼盒 Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental: Exquisite moon-cakes
Sofitel Shanghai Sheshan Oriental p re s e n t s a n e x q u i s i t e s e l e c t i o n of moon-cakes to celebrate the forthcoming traditional festival. With the elegant gift packing featuring a mix of Sofitel luxury element and oriental chic, all these make it a perfect option as gift for heralding the season and expressing heartfelt wishes to family and business partners. Tel: +86 21 3761 1909
上海绿地万豪酒店: 传统中秋月饼礼盒 Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan: Two Traditional Mooncake Selections
This Mid-Autumn Festival, Shanghai Marriott Hotel Luwan offers two exquisite mooncake selections, inherited from classic ingredients and collocated with traditional flavor. The mooncake gift box with Chinese red elements brings happiness to you and your family at this unique moment. Tel : +86 21 5318 8888
上海新世界丽笙大酒店: 阖家团圆,共赏明月 Radisson Blu Hotel Shanghai New World: Mid-Autumn Celebration
上海虹桥雅高美爵酒店: “轻食主义”月饼 倡导环保健康生活 Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao: Moon Cake Promotion
上海日航饭店: 海鲜自助餐“三人同行,一人免单” Hotel Nikko Shanghai: Seafood Buffet Buy 2 Get 1 Free
北京五洲皇冠假日酒店: 德国啤酒节疯狂来袭 Crowne Plaza Beijing Park view Wuzhou: Oktoberfest
The Mid-Autumn Festival falls on 19th September, and is one of the most important holidays in the Chinese calendar. Farmers celebrate the end of the summer harvesting season on this date. Traditionally on this day, Chinese family members and friends gather to admire the bright mid-autumn harvest moon and eat moon cakes under the moon together. Tel: +86 21 6359 9999 ext 4081
From now on, guests are welcome to enjoy our Seafood Buffet Promotion at Serena Café, 1st. floor. Menu features fresh seafood including shellfish, crab, sashimi and wild selection cuisine of international flavors to your taste. Our open kitchen brings guests a fresh feeling, and many more choices to integrate your taste experience here! Tel: +86 21 3211 9999
Mid autumn festival is approaching. D o n ’t f o r g e t t o b r i n g t r a d i t i o n a l mooncakes back home, whose round shape symbolizes both the fullness of the moon and family togetherness. Presented elegantly in an eco-friendly wooden box, Grand Mercure Shanghai Hongqiao moon cakes featuring selection of 3 flavors - rose red bean, Japanese tea and lotus paste. Tel: +86 21 5153 3300 ext 3711
For the 10th Anniversary in the Garden Clubhouse, Joerg, the Oktoberfest hero and the soul of the band, together with his 6 band members from Munich, will be rocking the nights again. Enjoy popular German music, international songs, typical Oktoberfest Limbo and chicken dance as well as the beer drinking competition, an authentic Munich Beer Festival right here. Tel: +86 10 6481 7031
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... LIFE重庆江北希尔顿逸林酒店: 25 年希尔顿与您同行 DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North: Celebrate Your 25 Years with HHonors
DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North launched a series campaign to celebrate Hilton’s 25th anniversary in China, including savings of up to 25% off with 3 days advanced purchase by August 31, 2013 and complete staying before December 31, 2013 (only available for those born in 1988).There will also be 2,500 HHonors bonus points awarded.
上海锦沧文华大酒店: 爱尔兰副总理参加上海市欧美 同学会交流会 Shanghai JC Mandarin Hotel Limited: Mr. Eamon Gilmore attends SORAS Forum
Mr. Eamon Gilmore, Deputy Prime Minister of Ireland attends SORAS (Shanghai Overseas Returned Scholars Association) Forum at Shanghai JC Mandarin Hotel Limited. Afterwards 100 inviting guests enjoy a cocktail party at Wine Bar & Grill, an innovative venue for small gathering. Tel: +86 21 6279 1888
Tel: +86 23 6771 6666
千岛湖喜来登度假酒店 : 秋季,带着家人去旅行 Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort: Autumn Travels
From now on at Sheraton Qiandao Lake Resort, book our “Happy family” package and enjoy more benefits, including complimentary buffet breakfast for two persons; free children’s beach toy; free upgrade to Club floor, Sheraton Club benefits; complimentary Sheraton Cinema tickets for two persons; and a complimentary breakfast and free extra bed. Tel: +86 571 6488 8888
成都高新皇冠假日酒店:开幕在即 Crowne Plaza Chengdu West: OPENING SOON!
Located in Chengdu’s Hi-Tech Industrial Development Zone, developed by New Hope Group, Crowne Plaza Chengdu West will open in 4th Quarter 2013. As the first international five-star hotel set in the industrial park, we offer 348 guest rooms, 2,500+ sqm of conference and banquet space, and three restaurants featuring food from all over the world. Tel: +86 28 8782 6666
上海帝盛酒店: 世纪公园国际音乐烟花盛典 Dorsett Shanghai: A Musical Fireworks Ceremony in Century Park
This year, the 14th Annual International Music Firework Festival will be held, and we will have the opportunity to welcome the professional firework teams from China, Mexico, the U.S.A, Australia, Malaysia and Germany. Come with your friends to enjoy the magnificence and service of Dorsett Shanghai, just opposite Century Park. Tel: +86 21 3852 2202
都喜富都酒店集团: 常州都喜富都滨湖酒店开业 Dusit Makes its Mark on China with dusitD2 FuduBinhu Hotel Changzhou
DusitFudu Hotels and Resorts, the joint venture hotel management company between Dusit Inter national and Changzhou Qiao Yu Group, announces the opening of dusitD2 FuduBinhu Hotel Changzhou in Jiangsu Province. The opening marks DusitFudu Hotels and Resorts’ first project in China, as well as the first Dusit-branded hotel to open in the People’s Republic. Tel: +86 519 8375 8888
广州希尔顿逸林酒店: 大型招聘会 Doubletree by Hilton Guangzhou: Mass Recruitment
The first DoubleTree by Hilton hotel recently held its first mass recruitment in July of 2013. In the mass recruitment, DoubleTree by Hilton Guangzhou opened around three hundred vacancies varying from Housekeeping, Food & Beverage, Front Office to Sales for application. Over 1,500 job hunters came and 125 positions were confirmed at the mass recruitment. Tel: +86 20 2833 2888
昆明洲际酒店:闪耀揭幕 InterContinental Hotels Group Marks Grand Opening of InterContinental Kunming, the First Urban Resort in Southwest China
The first urban resort in Southwest China opened in August of 2013, InterContinental Kunming is owned by Yunnan Metropolitan Construction Investment Co., Ltd. and managed by InterContinental Hotels Group. It is also the first luxury internationally branded hotel of 5-star quality to open in Kunming, the capital city of Yunnan Province. Tel: +86 871 6318 8888
成都凯宾斯基饭店: 让我们和功夫熊猫约会吧! Kempinski Hotel Chengdu: A Date with Kung Fu Panda
Kempinski Hotel Chengdu is now offering a package for RMB 2888 for two nights, including accommodation in a Deluxe room, daily buffet breakfast for two at Season’s Café, a one-day tour to Chengdu’s Panda Base and traditional Jinli Street with complimentary limousine transport and dinner of Sichuan hot pot. Tel: +86 28 8526 9999
上海大酒店: 《同在屋檐下》开播发布会 Grand Central Hotel Shanghai: TV Series “Under One Roof” Launches News Conference
Under One Roof, an upcoming family drama directed by Shen Xinghao and starring Taiwanese actress Jia Jingwen, was launched with a press conference on July 4th at the Grand Central Hotel Shanghai. At the event the drama production staff shared with the media reporters some of the interesting anecdotes during the shooting; many of the fans also attended the gala. Tel: +86 21 5396 5000
LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCUS... LIFESTYLE HOTEL FOCU... 重庆江北希尔顿逸林酒店: 关爱自闭症儿童活动 DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North: “Care forAutistic Children” Campaign
DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North recently held its “Care for Autistic Children” campaign, in whichvolunteers from the Care Committee of DoubleTree by Hilton Chongqing North went to Leyi kindergarten which enrolls autistic children between 2 and 8 years old, to bring these lovely angels care and warmth with crafts, games and snacks. Tel: +86 23 6771 6666
上海浦东喜来登由由酒店及公寓:2013 年雪碧明星篮球赛庆功酒会 Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences: Sprite Star Basketball Game Celebration Party
Starwood SPG Club joint collaborated with Coca-Cola Co. to hold its 2013 Sprite Star Basketball Game Celebration Party. As the designated sponsor hotel Sheraton Shanghai Pudong Hotel & Residences hosted many famous pop singing stars such as Jay Chou, Jiro Wang, Chun Wu, Jaycee Fang, Charles Chen and Della. Tel: +86 21 5089 9999
北京新云南皇冠假日酒店: “云尚·绽放”大型庆典 Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace: “Wonderful Yunnan” Celebration
A lavish celebration event themed “Wonderful Yunnan” was held at Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace recently. More than 400 invited guests from Tourism, MICE and the media joined the event to celebrate the 5th Anniversary of Crowne Plaza Beijing Sun Palace. In addition there was the launch of the newly opened InterContinental Kunming and Crowne Plaza Resort Xishuangbanna. Tel: +86 10 6429 8888
西昌邛海湾柏栎度假酒店: “惠通陆华 2013 路虎大会”成功举办 Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Resort Hotel Xichang: 2013 Landrover Discovery Tour
On July 27th, “2013 Landrover Discovery Tour” landed at Qionghai Bay Paxton Vacances Resort Hotel Xichang. Playing catch together on the beach, cross-country driving, playing football on the lawn, hula-hooping in the swimming pool, watching and interacting in the large show by the seaside… Landrover hosts spent an exciting weekend together in Paxton, enjoying the items specially arranged for them. Tel: +86 83 4888 8899
合肥万达威斯汀酒店: 欢迎李咏先生下榻 Westin Hefei Baohe: Welcomes Mr. Li Yong
Recently, reputed MC Stayed at The Westin Hefei Baohe. On 17th July, Hefei, Mr. Ariza Giammaria Douglas, General Manager of The Westin Hefei Baohe greeted Mr. Li Yong, reputed MC in CCTV upon arrival. Tel: +86 55 1298 9888
长沙万达文华酒店: 欢乐家庭时光 Wanda Vista Changsha: Happy Family Package
At RMB 1,588 net for a Deluxe Room, you will be able to enjoy a free upgradeto a Grand Deluxe River View Room and late check out until 4:00pm (subject to room availability), complimentary extra bed (advanced notice required), a complimentary breakfast for three at Cafe Vista perstay and more! Tel: +86 731 8800 8888
北京新世界酒店: 崇文门首间五星级酒店 10 月正式开幕 New World Beijing Hotel: Opening October 2013 as First 5-Star Hotel in Chongwenmen
New World Beijing Hotel will open in October 2013 as the first five-star hotel in Chongwenmen, one of Beijing’s fastest growing commercial areas. The hotel will have the distinction of being the closest deluxe hotel to the Temple of Heaven, and conveniently located near to Tiananmen Square, the Forbidden City and Wangfujing. Tel: +86 10 6708 2929
南京威斯汀大酒店:2013 旅游饭店 “迎亚青”烹饪大赛获殊荣 The Westin Nanjing: 2013 Asian Youth Game Tourism Hotel Culinary Competition
On July 29th, the 2013 Asian Youth G a m e To u r i s m H o t e l C u l i n a r y Competition was successfully held. Ricky Yin, the executive chef of The Westin Nanjing, had the honour of winning the Kitchen King Gold Cup, and his team won the Zijin Second Prize, as the best performance of 4 or 5-star hotels in this competition. Tel: +86 25 8556 8888
雅高集团:环保项目荣获 2013 亚太 旅游协会金奖 Accor: Going green helps Accor take home the gold at 2013 PATA Gold Awards
Accor’s two decades-long commitment to sustainable development has been recognized by regional travel industry players, as the Group earns a prestigious distinction at the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA)’s annual PATA Gold Awards, winning the 2013 PATA Gold Award for Corporate Environmental Program in recognition of PLANET 21, Accor’s sustainable development program. www.accor.com
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Hong Kong New World: 300 Huaihai Zhong Lu. G107 (Near Madang Lu) 香港新世界大厦店:淮海中路 300 号一层 107 室 ( 靠近马当路 ) Tel: 021-6335 3739 Fax: 021-6335 3735 Contact person: Ken Zheng 郑小波
Pudong Big Thumb Plaza: 199 Fang Dian Lu. G31 (Near Dingxiang Lu) 浦东大拇指店:浦东芳句路 199 弄证大大拇指广 31 号 ( 靠近丁香路 ) Tel: 021-5033 6277 Fax: 021-5033 6278 Contact person: Alan Lu 卢阳恒
Hongqiao Maxdo Building: 86 Xianxia Lu. Rm108 (Near Zunyi Lu) 虹桥万都中心店:仙霞路 86 号 108 室 ( 靠近遵义路 ) Tel: 021-5208 1978 Fax: 021-5208 1979 Contact person: James Pan 潘伟
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A Dish of Black Gold 素有“黑色黄金”美誉的鱼子酱是奢华与地位的代 名词(与鹅肝、松露一起被公认为世界三大珍馐)。严 格来说,只有鲟鱼卵才可称为鱼子酱,其中以产于俄罗 斯以南和伊朗以北的里海海域的白鲟、奥西特拉鲟、闪 光鲟三种鲟鱼的卵为最佳。1971 年伊朗国王举办了盛 大的波斯帝国建国 2500 周年庆典,当时最显赫的皇室 权贵、政界名流以及商贾巨富都应邀出席。此次盛会被 称为上世纪最烧钱的活动之一,款待之奢华令人咂舌。 产自帝国里海的“黑色黄金”被塞进鹌鹑蛋里供客人食 用,和鱼子酱绝配的香槟则选用千金难求的唐培里侬香 槟王“至尊粉红香槟 1959”。无怪乎奥逊·威尔斯称其 是 2500 年来的“派对之最”!这道号称全球最大的银 制鱼子酱菜肴,长 84 厘米,工艺精湛细腻,形如一只 栩栩如生的大鲟在水波中畅游。它将亮相佳士得 9 月份 的拍卖会,有心之人可前往一探,或许能捕捉到一丝那 场盛会的影子。
128 LifeStyle
Known as Black Gold, caviar has long been associated with luxury and status. No wonder that Beluga caviar from Russia and Iran command extremely high prices and are served at the most lavish banquets and parties. At the Shah of Iran’s “2,500 year celebration of the Persian Empire” which Orson Welles called “The Party of 25 centuries!” they served quails’ eggs stuffed with golden Imperial Caspian caviar washed down with Dom Perignon Rose 1959. And this caviar dish--the world’s largest-would fit right into that legendary party. It is 84 cm long and is molded to look like a large sturgeon riding stylized waves. This special dish will be sold by Christie’s in their upcoming September auction.
南腔北调· LifeStyle
Design Art Luxury Gourmet Travel Leisure
2013 年八月号 总第 338 期
杨澜 蓄雅如珠 Yang Lan
Woman with a Pearl
An Extravagant Excursion l House of Origami l For Bubbly Boys l Green is the New Black l The Art of the Brick
Red Carpet Hotels
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An Extravagant Excursion
人民币 40 元 CN41-1046/J 港币 50 元