Division 4 West | The Dragon Files | Issue 2

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Table of Contents

16 3 4 22 10 24 26 14 Message from our LTG

Messages from the DLT

Past Events

District News

Upcoming Events/ division News Recong -nition

Contact Info

Contact Info

A Letter 3 From our Lieutenant Governor

Hello Dragons!

Can you BEE-live that summer is finally here? After long days sitting in school and the long hours studying for finals, school has finally came to a conclusion. But just because school is over does not mean that service is over. Bucket your seat belts dragons because there are so many events coming our way and I cannot wait to spend my hot summer days with you all. Although this is a time of relaxation, that does not mean you cannot be productive. This down-time surely does not last forever (even if we wish), so use summer to your advantage-- hang out with friends, study for the SATs, pick up a new hobby, and of course, spend some summer fun with Key Club. Of course many of want to sleep in and watch Netflix all day, but I highly encourage each and every single one of you dragons to plan out your time wisely. You would not want to lose track of the two months of vacation and suddenly enter the new school year without completing your summer assignments, right? Break the procrastination spell and fly over the lazy phase of summer break. I look forward to seeing you dragons at Officer Training Conference, Beach Boomba, as well as Division Council Meetings (DCMs) and other division events. I will see you all again soon.

“Break the procrastination spell and fly over the lazy phase of

Fired Up for Service Tina Nguyen D04W Lt. Governor

summer break.

Teryn Ngo , Summer is finally here! I am really looking forward to this summer and the fun-filled key club events coming up!! I also hope to have some more service project for the club and divisions as well! I hope everyone has a fun

Frank Le , As the school year comes to a close, this allows for members in Division 4 West to kick up the service! The most important matters to attend to are member retention during this season, and further educating officers on leading the clubs they serve! This summer, Division 4 West will be able to bring new and refreshing events, as well as preparing to attract newer audiences for the upcoming school year!

Kaitlyn Ung , Without school taking up seven hours a day, it is much easier to schedule events that everyone can attend. With all the fun and excitement that comes in this time of year, whether it be a car wash or volunteering at a soup kitchen, it is always important to serve our communities, especially in the summer!

Michelle Bui ,

School has officially ended, but that doesn't mean that your service ends here; summer is the best time to kick start those fundraisers and to show your endless support and love for these non-profit organizations. On top of all this, it is the best time to get in your hours of service and to bond with the division, so contact your club presidents as I know that each one of them all have some events of their own planned just for you this summer. Nonetheless, I know for sure that they have told you about Beach Boomba, so come out to the region's event of the summer! See you dragons there!

Alon Gary , During the summer, I’m planning on crashing many of the other schools’ events in an effort to try to know more members of each club. Due to my great participation in these events, I expect Tina to hand over the position of LTG to me by the end of July. If my plan succeeds to the end, I will be LTG by the end of August

Bridget Ton , Hey dragons!!! Just because school has ended doesn't mean we won't be able to see each other again til the fall! We have many events planned for this summer and we'll make sure all of you guys are pumped and ready for the upcoming year. Fall Rally is in 5 months so we better get that spirit going because WE WILL bring that spirit stick home! Hope to see you guys at the next event and don't forget to STAY COOL:-)

Jonathan Wong , Hello Division 4 West! Summer is finally upon us and I hope you all are making the most of it. During this season I hope that my club and I will be able to take advantage of the greater amount of time that we have without school to serve our community. Our club is working to plan more events to get everyone involved. We are also introducing the new incoming freshmen to what we do in an effort to attract more members. I hope that you all continue to be

Jordan Augsburger, This summer already started of with a bang with EHS Key Club's bake sale where we fundraised over $200 for PTP. We are all excited to continue supporting this cause this summer and helping Kiwanis with fireworks sales and 4th of July festivities. As always, we will continue to work to-

Kelton Do, Hello everyone! For this summer, my club and I will be attending numerous service events with our Kiwanis. We will also be have fundraisers such as our summer dance and bakesales!


Zeyra Ceballos , For the summer of 2015 I hope to use the time to reconnect with my board, club, and division members. I hope to hold multiple board meetings to plan out the year accordingly before the school year starts and we all become busy. I also plan to attend multiple club socials and events to keep connected with Fountain Valley key club. As well as division events and meetings to be able to grow a stronger bond and understanding of each person in my division before I become too busy with the school year.

Dennis Franco , This summer our first goal will be for everyone to be able to obtain as many hours as possible. Our school will be offering community service everyday and guaranteed activities. This summer will give us a good amount of time to plan out an excellent year for our members of Key Club.

Billy Seryvuth, As summer rolls up my goal is to attend more community service events rather than socials. I am also looking forward to an increase in member count because school has ended. Im excited for us Dragons to be serving the community in the upcoming heat

Nathan Vo , Over the summer, I would like to increase Huntington Beach's club activity and performance. My board and I have been working hard in recruiting incoming freshman and spreading the word of how wonderful key club is to young middle schoolers in our area. Stirring up spirit among current key club members at HB is also a major goal that we are striving to achieve.

Brianna Song , As summer is finally here, our Key Club wants to not only further benefit the community, but have fun while doing it! The firework and pancake events are coming up and we will also have beach clean ups. Though some of us may have SAT classes and what not, let's take a break by having some fun events too!

Catherine Le , It's important to know that as members and leaders that service NEVER stops, even in the summer! During the summer I'm excited to host more socials to connect with members as well as to attend Kiwanis meetings to interact with the Kiwanians that do so much for our organization!

Cindy Nguyen, This summer I hope that we'll be able to keep our members involved in Key Club even though everyone is on break. And my goal is to build stronger bonds with all of the members by getting to know them during service events, as well as through our an inter club social that we plan to have with a few other clubs from Marina.

Jasmine Le, Although summer is the longest break we have from the school year, I definitely would not want a break from service. Not only do we have several region wide events, such as OTC, Fourth of July Pancake Breakfast, and Beach Boomba, but I am also excited to do other local service events. Hopefully, we will be able to raise more money for charity and be of service to the local community.


Elaine Dang , Mater Dei's goals for this summer is to improve on our communication as a board and solidify our club before the school year starts. We are trying to prepare ourselves for the rush that comes with club rush and fall rally.

Catherine Trinh , For me, the words "Key Club" are synonymous with "community." When you're in Key Club, the people that you meet will be some of the most genuine, helpful, and dedicated people. At the last DCM, I truly experienced the outpouring of love and support that makes Key Club such a lifechanging experience—and I probably told everyone I met that they're awesome and that I love them. It's hard not to, when you're surrounded by such a great family.

Kendall Nakai, As summer rolls up my goal is to attend more community service events rather than socials. I am also looking forward to an increase in member count because school has ended. I’m excited for us Dragons to be serving the community in the upcoming heat.

Tyler Nguyen , Even though school has ended, our service doesn't end! During the summer, we are planning to attend more service events and prepare for the new school year.

Tyra Choun, During the time period of summer we as a club would like to fundraise as much as possible through bake sales, through yard sales, and many more. We want to not only make profit for ourselves but raise as much money to go towards the preferred charities of Key Club. Also, we hope to build stronger bonds with our members and those from the same division as well.

Hector Bustos, My goals for this summer for our home club is to fundraise as much as possible for our preferred charities & find ways to increase general meeting attendance. On a more personal level, my goal for this summer is to create a strong bond with my board and our members.

Jose Sanchez, My goals this summer for summer are to improve my tech skills. I want to be able to create amazing videos and reestablish our website to help the club grow.

Share your plans and goals for the summer as well as your photos and articles with the rest of the division! Send them to D04w.cnhkc.ne@gmail.com by July 10th @ 11:59 pm Also submit your stories to be featured on the district level @ cnhkeyculb.org/news


Pediatric Traumatic Program

BakeSale During this month of May,

our club held one of its many bake sales at our local Ralph's store. The bake sale revolved around one our main charities from which we fund, PTP or Pediatric Trauma Program. At the event, baked goods were sold in order to achieve donations and sell to those who donated to the cause. The baked goods ranged from multiple flavors of cookies, budnt cakes, and cupcakes, which were made by me especially. As in an incentive for a variety of pastries to sell, we awarded members with hours to those who brought baked goods. For every dozen, one hour was given, but there was a two hour maximum. The turnout of the event was pretty successful, considering the fact that we didn't have any posters to show what our cause was. There were also many members that showed up. However, since our event could only set up on one side of the store, there seemed to be an excess number of members. This lead to many of the members sitting down with nothing much to do. Overall, I would say this event was a nice success. We were able to receive donations that totaled to be over $170, and we also raised awareness to those who didn't what PTP was.

Written By: Emily Son, Marina High School Key Club


MAY DCM The May DCM was an event

definitely worth attending. The main theme was the Eliminate project and the activities and icebreakers incorporated this in with all of the fun. There were friendly relay races between each school as well as a baby food challenge and a game to see who could identify baby photos of DLT board members. During the day I got the chance to meet new members from our division and catch up with members I haven't seen for a while. The DCM ended nicely with tea at Fusion Tea Bar for Segerstrom's fundraiser.

Written By: Andrew Ung, Edison Key Club

DUCK-A-Thon Melissa Soong, Marina Key Club

Volunteering at the annual Huntington Beach Duck-a-thon is always a fun tradition for Marina Key Club. At the Duck-athon, people purchased rubber ducks to donate money towards a great cause, and those thousands of ducks were poured into the ocean and raced to the finish line, or the shore. We were able to help find and collect the hundreds of rubber duckies that were dumped in the ocean and additionally members were able to work the booths up on the pier. While volunteering with other key clubs in our division, we also were able to enjoy the event and have a bunch of fun while attending!


Relay For Life

Teryn Ngo, Fountain Valley Key Club This was an event that took place right after a school day. Despite it being in the middle of the week, members still managed to show up and help the Relay For Life foundations, to help set up for their big event the following day. We helped set up tents and decoration for the event at the track field at Fountain Valley High School.

District News The Graphic Department Team is now accepting applications!

For more District Information check out the CNH Cyber Key at CNHKEYCLUB. ORG and while you’re there check out the District Newsletter

District Graphic Team Application




20 6 ICON June


July DCM July


25 2016

Beach Boomba


DCON April 2016

25 8




T-shirts are now only $13 Interested in being part of the Division Leadership team?

Coming soon! Stay posted for more information!

Beach Boomba and July DCM Saturday



Come and enjoy region wide fun in the sun! More information coming Soon!

Khoa Tran Marina High School Key Club

STEVEN CHUN Edison High School Key Club


Ocean View



D04W LTG– Tina Nguyen

President: Catherine LeCatherineLe4West@gmail.com

d04w.cnhkc.ltg@gmail.com Region Advisors: Mrs. Pong– Epong119@aol.com Mr. Barry– Fbarry642@gmail.com


Vice-President: Cindy Nguyen Cindynguyen4West@gmail.com Vice-President: Jasmine Le Jasminevle@yahoo.com

Fountain Valley

President: Jordan AugsburgerJaugs2@gmail.com

President: Kelton Do keltondo@gmail.com

Vice-President: Megan Undlinmeganundlin@gmail.com

Vice-President: Zeyra Ceballos Cheeriorific101@gmail.com

Vice-President: Denise Voddenisevo@gmail.com


Huntington Beach

President: Dennis FrancoDarrell_franck@yahoo.com

President: Nathan Vonathanvo1998@gmail.com

Vice-President: Billy Seryvuth S.Billy415@gmail.com

Vice-President: Brianna SongVice-President: Antoinette Nguyen

Division EA:Teryn Ngo– Terynngo@gmail.com EA:Frank Lefrvnkle.d04w@gmail.com DNE: Aileen NguyenD04w.cnhkc.ne@gmail.com Hisotrian: Kaitlyn Ung

Ocean View President: Kendalll Nakaikendallnakai@gmail.com

Vice-President: Nicholas Bautistandbaista100@student.hbuhsd.edu

Vice-President: James NguyenJdnguyen131@student.hbuhsd.edu

Saddleback President: Tyler Nguyen nguyentyler44@yahoo.com


Spirit Chair: Birdget Ton tuongvibridget@gmail.com

Spirit Chair: Alon Gary AlongGary1@gmail.com SEC: Michelle Bui m.bui3931@gmail.com DTE: Jonathan Wong JwongKeyclub@gmail.c

Mater Dei President: Elaine Dangdang.el@students.materdei.org

Vice-President: Cathy Tran tran.ca@students.materdei.org Vice-President: Catherine Trinhca.d.trinh@gmail.com

Segerstrom President: Tyra Chountyrao.ochoun@gmail.com Vice President: Hector Bustoshectorbustos9@yahoo.com Vice President: Jose Sanchez

D04W Social Media facebook.com/3116500525 Twitter.com/D04WDragons Instagram.com/D04WDragons

District Social Media facebook.com/calinevhakeyclub Instagram.com/cnh_KeyClub Twitter.com/cnhkeyclub Interest.com/cnhkeyclub Youtube.com/user/cnhkctv Cnh-keyclub.tumblr.com

Also remember to check out the CNH Cyber Key and the newsletter at Cnhkeyclub.org

27 Hey Dragons! Summer’s finally here which can mean different things for different people. Your plans could either include binge watching Netflix and catching up on loss sleep throughout the school year or it could be studying hard at SAT prep classes. Or it could be making plans to travel or going to camp for sports and other extra -curriculars. Whatever your summer is, make sure to make it a great one as well as adding in some Key Club events that are coming up! I hope to see ALL of you at the next DCM coming up July 25th and at all the other events coming up. Share your summer photos and stories with me by submitting them to D04w.cnhkc.ne@gmail.com. Thanks for reading this month’s edition of the newsletter. Remember to keep cool, wear sunscreen, and stay updated through the CNH Cyber Key as well as the Key Club International Website.

-Aileen Nguyen D04W News Editor

Have a Fabulous Summer Dragons!

Division 4 West Official Newsletter

Thanks for Reading!

For more news, visit CNHKeyClub.Org & KeyClub.org

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