Metallurgia Italiana
International Journal of the Italian Association for Metallurgy
n. 5 Maggio 2019 Organo ufficiale dell’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. Rivista fondata nel 1909
xiii edizione
il 31 maggio scade il termine per le iscrizioni con quote agevolate
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La Metallurgia Italiana
Metallurgia Italiana
International Journal of the Italian Association for Metallurgy
n. 5 Maggio 2019 Organo ufficiale dell’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. Rivista fondata nel 1909
International Journal of the Italian Association for Metallurgy Organo ufficiale dell’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. House organ of AIM Italian Association for Metallurgy. Rivista fondata nel 1909
n. 5 Maggio 2019
Anno 111 - ISSN 0026-0843
Direttore responsabile/Chief editor: Mario Cusolito Direttore vicario/Deputy director: Gianangelo Camona Comitato scientifico/Editorial panel: Livio Battezzati, Christian Bernhard, Massimiliano Bestetti, Wolfgang Bleck, Franco Bonollo, Bruno Buchmayr, Enrique Mariano Castrodeza, Emanuela Cerri, Lorella Ceschini, Mario Conserva, Vladislav Deev, Augusto Di Gianfrancesco, Bernd Kleimt, Carlo Mapelli, Jean Denis Mithieux, Marco Ormellese, Massimo Pellizzari, Giorgio Poli, Pedro Dolabella Portella, Barbara Previtali, Evgeny S. Prusov, Emilio Ramous, Roberto Roberti, Dieter Senk, Du Sichen, Karl-Hermann Tacke, Stefano Trasatti Segreteria di redazione/Editorial secretary: Valeria Scarano Comitato di redazione/Editorial committee: Federica Bassani, Gianangelo Camona, Mario Cusolito, Carlo Mapelli, Federico Mazzolari, Valeria Scarano Direzione e redazione/Editorial and executive office: AIM - Via F. Turati 8 - 20121 Milano tel. 02 76 02 11 32 - fax 02 76 02 05 51 -
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d'acciaio / Clean Technologies in Steelmaking The european steel technology platform’s strategic research agenda: a further step for the steel as backbone of eu resource and energy intense industry sustainability K. Peters, E. Malfa, V. Colla 5 Off-gas energy valorisation in high-performance electric arc furnaces A. Foresti, S. Santarossa, N. Monti, G. Di Zanni, C. Milo 18 Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace – the FINES2EAF project T. Echterhof, T. Willms, S. Preiß, M. Omran, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, S. Steinlechner, I. Unamuno, S. Schüler, D. Mudersbach, T. Griessacher 31
Acciai duplex / Duplex stainless steel High temperature deformation behaviour of an industrial S32760/1.4501/F55 super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) alloy N. Serban, V. D. Cojocaru, M. L. Angelescu, D. Raducanu, I. Cinca, A. N. Vintila, E. M. Cojocaru 41 Attualità industriale / Industry news Manifestazioni AIM
iSteelTemp® measuring system: an innovative technology to measure temperature in EAF optimizing the melting process edited by: C. Di Cecca, G. Foglio, M. Fusato, L. Angelini, P. Frittella, M. Tellaroli, M. Pozzer 51 Recycling of plastic Packaging in raw materials as substitute of carbon source for iron ore reduction in the steel industry edited by: F. Fulchir, M. Bottolo, S. Petriglieri, A. Furiano 56
Gestione editoriale e pubblicità Publisher and marketing office: Siderweb spa Via Don Milani, 5 - 25020 Flero (BS) tel. 030 25 400 06 - fax 030 25 400 41 - La riproduzione degli articoli e delle illustrazioni è permessa solo citando la fonte e previa autorizzazione della Direzione della rivista. Reproduction in whole or in part of articles and images is permitted only upon receipt of required permission and provided that the source is cited. Reg. Trib. Milano n. 499 del 18/9/1948. Sped. in abb. Post. - D.L.353/2003 (conv. L. 27/02/2004 n. 46) art. 1, comma 1, DCB UD Siderweb spa è iscritta al Roc con il num. 26116
Scenari / Experts' Corner Hydrogen: The Future of Green Steel Production edited by: P. Argenta, Tenova Vice President Upstream
Atti e notizie / Aim news Calendario eventi internazionali
Verbale della 76° assemblea ordinaria dei soci AIM
Relazione del Consiglio Direttivo Anno: 2018
Relazione del tesoriere sul rendiconto dell’esercizio 2018
Bilancio Culturale AIM 2018
Relazione del collegio dei revisori sul bilancio al 31/12/2018
Situazione patrimoniale al 31/12/2018
Rubrica dai Centri
AIM patrocina MaintenanceStories
Normativa 83 Comunicato stampa Gruppo Arvedi
l’editoriale La Metallurgia Italiana Cari Lettori, tutti noi che operiamo nel settore metallurgico abbiamo sviluppato negli ultimi anni una certezza: fare previsioni a lungo termine sugli andamenti del mercato è un esercizio sempre più complesso, nonché fallibile. Eppure c’è una sfida che deve essere necessariamente affrontata con una visione di ampio respiro, sostenuta da un impegno quotidiano costante: la sfida ambientale. Siamo alle porte di un decennio decisivo per contrastare il cambiamento climatico. L’Unione Europea e l’ONU hanno individuato il 2030 come termine ultimo per la riduzione delle emissioni di gas serra. Dieci anni possono sembrare un Roberto Pancaldi CEO Tenova Metals
orizzonte lungo nella siderurgia, ma non è così se si considera la natura dei processi di trasformazione richiesti. Solo investendo in tecnologie pulite con l’obiettivo di produrre acciaio verde a prezzi competitivi possiamo dare il nostro contributo per sviluppare un sistema produttivo più sostenibile a livello ambientale. Ce lo chiedono i nostri stakeholder, ma soprattutto ne percepiamo l’importanza come operatori in uno dei settori industriali con maggiore potenzialità. Per questo motivo sono onorato che l’Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia mi abbia chiesto di presiedere CLEAN TECH 4, la quarta conferenza europea sulle tecnologie pulite nell’industria siderurgica, tenutasi lo scorso 28 novembre a Bergamo, presso il Centro Congressi Giovanni XXXIII. L’iniziativa ha rappresentato un’occasione preziosa per ricercatori e specialisti del nostro settore per approfondire i recenti sviluppi tecnologici a livello internazionale in quattro aree chiave: tecnologie a basso impatto ambientale, efficienza energetica e riduzione delle emissioni di CO2, valorizzazione dei residui e riciclo dei materiali. La grande rilevanza delle tematiche affrontate durante CLEAN TECH 4 e l’elevata qualità tecnica degli interventi hanno spinto il Comitato Editoriale de La Metallurgia Italiana a dedicare il presente numero della rivista alle tecnologie pulite per la produzione di acciaio, nel quale vi verranno riproposti alcuni tra i contributi più significativi presentati alla conferenza. Vi auguro una buona lettura.
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
The european steel technology platform's strategic research agenda: a further step for the steel as backbone of EU resource and energy intense industry sustainability K. Peters, E. Malfa, V. Colla Steel has historically been central to modern economies, synonymous of growth and progress. Modern society would be impossible without steel: Europe ’s reconciliation after World War II was built on unified coal and steel industries. Today the steel sector in Europe has an annual turnover of EUR 166 billion and it is responsible for 1.3% of the European Gross Domestic Product. Moreover, steel is the essential material for a circular economy, not only for its recyclability, but because it is a material that remains available to be reintroduced into a production process in order to give birth to products or materials (permanent material). Therefore, the sector has been recognized as one of three areas, along with space and defense, where the European Commission proposes specific policy measures. In the last decades, the European steel industry has been under severe pressure, squeezed between brutal market conditions and the ever more stringent environmental regulation aiming at mitigating the climate change with the associated shift to a carbon-limited world. To face these challenges, apart from creating and maintaining a level playing field, the European steel industry has to rely on its highly skille d workforce and on its ability to deliver technological breakthroughs. The paper summaries the vision of the European Steel Technology Platform's (ESTEP) Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) to address the challenges that the steel sector faces in terms of Rese arch & Development & innovation (R&D&I) in relation to sustainable steel production. Starting from the consideration that the sector finds itself very close to the physical limits of CO2 emissions reduction from conventional steelmaking technologies, the EU steel industry has recently begun further analysis into how potentially novel solutions could achieve ‘deep’ decarbonisation, working on the following main pathways: • Carbon Direct Avoidance (CDA), which substitutes carbon with hydrogen and/or via the use of electricity • Smart Carbon Usage (SCU), which further optimises carbon -based Metallurgy and applies the circular use of waste carbon in synergy with other industrial sectors and the use of carbon storage methods to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions • Enhancing the recycling of steel and its by-products, helping to improve resource efficiency and reinforcing the creation of a circular economy. These targets are ambitious, and come at a cost, potentially of several billion euros. Thus, it is important to note that only joint initiatives with other industrial sectors, the EU institutions and the member states to support the necessarily time-consuming and expensive R&D, will foster the emergence of such breakthrough solutions. The ‘Big Scale’ initiative – i.e. the work on a joint initiative on low carbon steel – is a key component, which will be needed to accelerate carbon reduction over the entire steel value chain. This should also contribute to the creation of the coveted circular economy in Europe, gi ven the huge potential of steel.
KEYWORDS: SUSTAINABILITY – CIRCULAR ECONOMY – CARBON DIRECT AVOIDANCE – SMART CARBON USAGE INTRODUCTION: ESTEP OBJECTIVE AND MISSION The European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP [1]), funded in 2004, is a European 2020 ETP (European Technology Platform) that meets the criteria set by the European Commission. In fact ESTEP was set up in 2003 as an industry-led stakeholder forum and was recognized in 2004 as platform of steel having as one of the main objective the Ultra - Low CO2 Steelmaking - ULCOS [2]. In these 15 years, ESTEP has activated steel industry stakeholder and has been engaged in collaborative EU actions and projects on technology & innovation. In March 2018 the ESTEP, stating from original association without formal legal status, has been re-organized in a European not-for-profit association La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Klaus Peters
Secretary General European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP), Brussels, Belgium
Enrico Malfa
Tenova SpA & ESTEP WG Planet Chairman Castellanza (VA), Italy
Valentina Colla
Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna & ESTEP WG Planet Vice-Chairman Pisa, Italy
Clean technologies in steelmaking under the legal form of an international not-for-profit association established under the laws of Belgium. The objectives of the ESTEP are: • fostering European research, technology and innovation in the steel sector; • working on common European research topics and projects and provides information services and guidance to its members; • representing the common RTD interest of its members vis-àvis third parties, notably the institutions of the European Union. The ESTEP associates, that represent a significant proportion of the steel value chain (fig. 1), are organized to reinforce the ESTEP mission to engage in collaborative actions and projects on technology & innovation, which tackle EU challenges (notably on digitisation, the low-carbon future, circular economy, resource & energy efficiency, etc.) in order to create a sustainable European steel industry. The vision of what Steel is to become in the medium and long term and of how it can get there is presented in the ESTEP's Strategic Research Agenda (SRA), an extensive document that
is periodically revised and updated according to the most recent trends and results of the research in the field. The most recent version of the SRA, published in 2017 [3], covers four main pillars for steel sustainable growth: • Planet dealing with innovative technologies, including breakthroughs, which help to meet environmental requirements, promote sustainable steel production and develop Life Cycle Thinking and Life Cycle Assess-ment; • Profit ensuring profitmaking through innovation and new technologies within the production processes; • Partners responding to the demands and needs of the society by working with the partners of the steel sector for proposing innovative steel products and steel solutions in the sectors of transport, construction and infrastructure, and energy; • People attracting and securing human resources and skills in a dynamic way by optimizing the deployment of the human resources and becoming a worldwide reference for health and safety at work.
Fig. 1 – ESTEP stakeholders
THE CONTEXT OF STEEL INDUSTRY The fundamental link between steel and development has been recently manifested in the enormous increase in production capacity and output in China and on a smaller scale in other emerging markets, matching ambitious economic development goals. However steel sector is characterized by cycles: 1. Europe’s reconciliation after World War II was built on unified coal and steel industries; 6
2. the period ended with the first oil crisis in the middle of ’70 and has been followed by a low growth of almost 3 decades until Chinese economy steeped in high growth phase at the beginning of this millennium. These more recent developments have however also led to a significant global over-capacity, aggravated by a slump in demand resulting from the fall-out of the 2008 financial crisis;
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Fig. 2 – Crude steel production cycles 3. after 2012 China peaked and global steel demand is facing low growth period again; 4. today developed countries maintains low growth trend with about 200 kg of finished steel use per capita [5]. The moderate growth observed in 2016/17 has been confirmed in 2018. Hoping that the heightened level of trade tensions will abate, the Short Range Outlook of Word Steel suggests for 2018 a growth of 1.8% followed by a 0.7% in 2019 [5]. Steel demand is benefitting from the broad a favorable global econo-
mic momentum affecting both the developed and developing world at the same time. In European Union (28) the steel sector has reached an annual turnover of EUR 166 billion, accounting for 10% of global output and is responsible for 1.3% of EU GDP. The 500 production sites in EU, in which 168,9 million tons has been produced in 2017, involve about 320,000 direct employer and about 2 millions of de-pendent jobs in value chain & service sectors spread all around EU [6].
Fig. 3 – Eu crude steel output by production route Therefore steel has been recognized as one of three sectors, along with space and defense, where the Juncker European Commission proposes specific policy measures [7-8]. At the same time Europe's steel industry has been under severe pressure, squeezed between brutal market conditions and the shift
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
to a carbon-limited world. To conquer these challenges, apart from creating and maintaining a level playing field, the European steel industry has to rely on its highly skilled workforce and on its ability to deliver technological breakthroughs.
Clean technologies in steelmaking EU STEEL AND SUSTAINABILITY Drivers, trends & costs The iron and steel sector plays a key role in Europe’s energy consumption ranking second, with 18%, belongs to the Resource & Energy Intensive Industries (R&EII). The high requirement of energy in the steel sector has an economic consequence on production cost (the energy amounts to 20-25% of operating costs). Such powerful drivers, has made possible to cut consumption of the steel sector by large amounts at the end of the 20th century, such as illustrated by EUROFER in its recent study “Steel and the circular economy” [9]. Regarding environmental policy, various instruments are being introduced or under review at EU or national level. Initiatives with a significant impact for the steel industry include:
• Integrated Pollution Prevention And Control (IPPC) permits; • the Industrial Emissions Directives called (IED), which is the revision of this IPPC directive with the implementation of the BAT conclusions (Best Available Techniques) being the legal reference for permitting of installations; • the new product and waste legislation (such as the Life Cycle Assessment approach and eco-design as well as PEF, the product environmental footprint); • thematic strategies on natural resources, waste prevention and recycling; • the EU legislation on chemicals (‘REACH’); • the new Energy Efficiency Directive (EED); • Circular Economy Directive.
Fig. 4 – Environmental Protection Investments in steel in the previous decades [10]
This is the reason why there is continuous investment by steel industry for process optimization to conjugate the low OpEx with the reduction of environmental impact (fig. 4): irrespective of the source used, environmental protection investments made by the EU steel account for 5-9% of total investments in the steel industry (between € 3.6 billion and € 5.8 billion). However, environmental protection remain substantially a cost. In 2013, a study [10] estimate that cumulative costs of EU legislation on the European steel industry respect to production costs range from 7.65 to 14.18€/tonne. They represent about 3% of total costs for Electric Arc Furnaces (EAF) wire rods, 2% for Basic Oxygen Furnace (BOF) producing Hot Rolled Coils
(HRCs) and Cold Rolled Coils (CRCs). Steel as products If we look at the “steel” as product, the SRA structures the future prospects for steels and steel industry by-product in the frame of Circular Economy, according to their final application: transport, construction & buildings, energy production, storage & transport. This is the clearest way to identify what progress is required to reach the targets of our society for the years to come. In addition a more transversal and abstract view is proposed to provide a guiding light for the analysis.
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Fig. 5 – Cumulative regulatory cost in 2012 [10] First at all we have to underline that: • Steel can be produced in thousands of different qualities and can be tailor-made for many final applications. • Durability is an added value naturally afforded to steel-made products. Steel is a very long lasting material with constant performance during its use phase, allowing, for instance, bridge life spans of more than a hundred years. The majority of all the steel products ever made are still in use today. • The steel elements of articles used in many applications can often be re-used, repaired or remanufactured at the end of their normal life, when properly designed, thus increasing their total life span. • Steel elements within discarded products – such as domestic
appliances, machineries, vehicles or constructions – can easily be collected, owing to their magnetic properties, and then recovered into several steel scrap qualities, each one with its own characteristics. • Co-generated products from steelmaking processes, such as process-gases, iron oxides and ferrous slag, are successfully used in other sectors replacing natural resources. • Steel is never consumed but continuously transformed through recycling processes that do not degrade its inherent properties. Thus, it perfectly fits with the concept of “permanent material”, which is at the basis of a circular economy and goes beyond the simplistic separation between “renewable” and “non-renewable resources.
Fig. 6 – Steel made in Europe: the backbone of sustainability
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Clean technologies in steelmaking Moreover it is important to underline that the present energy system is built around steel. This has been true in the last century, it is true today and it will remain true in the future. The energy generation technologies based on renewables, due to the smaller scale with respect to traditional power plants,
are several times more material intensive, including the steel among the required materials. Therefore, steel contributes to the reduction of “indirect CO2” emission (fig. 7) both for its sector either, more in general, for EII.
Fig. 7 – Innovative use of steel saves much CO2 as is caused by the production of the steel [11].
Similar, the automotive industry stimulates lightweight construction innovations. In this contest steel is a very efficient material regarding GHG emissions while taking into account the whole life cycle, i.e. the production phase, the use phase and the end of life (the effective recycling). It is essential for the
steel industry to exploit its material expertise through material development and component design for use in mass production and, in cooperation with the transport and especially the automotive sector, to achieve further improvements or totally new solutions for vehicle concepts (fig. 8)
Fig. 8 –Innovative use of steel saves much CO2 as is caused by the production of the steel [4,11].
Steel in the circular economy There has always been a strong incentive for society to collect steel scrap, due to its sustained economic value and the ease and low costs associated with its collection. Thus, a highly developed and mature steel recycling infrastructure – and associated business models and practices – has emerged over time (fig. 9 – upper). The European steel industry recycled about 100 million tonne of scrap (comprising both pre- and post- consumer) with a steel product-recycling rate of 90% from construction, 85% from automotive, 75% from packaging. Unfortunately, the definition of recycling contained in existing European Waste legislation (particularly the definition in the Waste Framework Directive [12]) is weak. It can easily be interpreted as
“collection” or “preparation for recovery”. It should be changed to make it more adherent with the aspirations of the Circular Economy taking into consideration the following aspects; • recycling operations take place when materials reclaimed from waste are reintroduced in processes for incorporating them into new materials; • recycling operations should be clearly differentiated from any recovery operation in order to better support the application of the waste hierarchy; • any new definition should promote material-to-material recycling in which materials remain available to be reintroduced into a production process in order to give birth to products or materials (permanent material).
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Fig. 9 – Steel a permeant material [9,15]
Fig. 10 – Word BOF & EAF production forecast (billion tonnes) This can help to speed up the balance between integrated and scrap-based process routes (fig. 9 - lower). In fact at the moment as a consequence of the durability of steel products, there is not enough scrap available to completely satisfy society’s increasing demand for steel [13-14]. Driven by a growing population and increased living standards, there will always be a need to introduce new steel from virgin production and iron ore is one of the most abundant resources in the earth crust. In this scenario NAFTA and EU are most exposed to the scrap availability and prices (fig. 10). In additional to scrap, the steel production has been working on circularity since its existence as yield improvement and energy savings: cascading use of re-
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
sources, waste recycling, internal residues recovery and recycle are only some of the circular actions put into practice during the daily steel production. Process gases are used for electricity generation for industrial and domestic applications, replacing fossil fuels and natural gases. Ferrous slag is used in a range of applications (e.g. civil engineering like road construction, fertilizer and cement production etc.), saving millions of tons of natural resources annually (fig. 11). Further improvements can be foreseen if the rules on by-products will be clarified and consequently will facilitate industrial symbiosis and help create a level-playing field across the EU.
Clean technologies in steelmaking
Fig. 11 – The by-product, a “wealth of glows” [16] STEEL INDUSTRY AND CLIMATE CHANGE CHALLENGERS Due to the effort done in the last 50 years, the sector finds itself very close to the physical limits of CO2 emissions reduction from conventional steelmaking technologies (fig.12). Today, for every ton of steel pro-duced today, almost 24 GJ/ton are saved compared to 1960. That’s enough energy to drive a car 17,380 km. CO2 emissions from EU27 steel production fell by over 25% between 1990 and 2010, (from 298 Mt in 1990 to 223 Mt in 2010 – Fig.13). This was mainly due to: • a partial shift from primary to secondary steelmaking (accompanied by a contraction of output); • efficient gains and, to a lesser extent, to the decrease of specific CO2 emissions from electricity genera-tion. In parallel the well known ULCOS (Ultra Low CO2 Steelmaking
[2]) programme was launched in 2004 to tackle the challenge of the maximum increase of 2°C by 2050 compared to preindustrial levels. However, according to BCG/VDEh case studies [11] the ambitious objectives proposed in the Commission Low Carbon Roadmap for the ETS [13], to reduce of 43-48% by 2030 and 88-92% by 2050 the CO2 emissions compared to 2005 levels (fig.14), is technically and economically unachievable for the steel industry unless alternative innovative steelmaking technologies are deployed at industrial scale. To overcome this barrier, steel industry is working intensively on breakthrough solutions for further cuts in both carbon emissions and energy consumption to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions and for helping meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement [17]
Fig. 12 – Specific energy consumption in the steel sector [source: World Steel] 12
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Fig. 13 – CO2 reduction in steel sector [11]
Fig. 14 – EU Emissions Trading System (EU Ets) targets ‘Deep’ decarbonisation The EU steel industry has recently begun further analysis into how potentially novel solutions could achieve ‘deep’ decarbonisation, working on the following main pathways (Fig. 15). As already pointed out if we look at the “steel” as product, the SRA structures the future prospects for steels and steel industry by-product in the frame of Circular Economy, according to their final application: transport, construction & buildings, energy production, storage & transport. This is the clearest way to identify what progress is required to reach the targets of our society for the years to come. The Masterplan target to extend the approach to more transversal one that may be useful as it can provide a guiding light for the intersectorial view. Steel industry has long tradition to recovery and valorization of byproducts in solid (slag, dust, scale, sludge), liquid (water and oil) or gaseous streams to new feedstock but potentially also open to re use residues and by-products of other industrial sectors in the steel plant like biomass, plastics, rubber [19,20,21]. Smart Carbon Usage means making further use of existing, mainly coal-based steelmaking routes, using the CO2 generaLa Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
ted during the steel production process to produce chemical feedstock whilst employing carbon-lean or fossil free electricity. This pathway includes two promising groups: Process Integration (fur-ther development of existing processes) and Carbon Valorisation (also called Carbon Capture and Usage - CCU). Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) will form an integral part of this pathway. Carbon Direct Avoidance Develops (new) processes that would produce steel mainly from virgin iron ore and/or suitable scrap gradu-ally maximising the use of carbon-lean or fossilfree electricity and/or hydrogen. The intention is the large-scale replacement of existing, mainly coalbased metallurgy, instead using direct reduction, plasma smelting reduction or electrolysis processes for iron ores, among others. This pathway includes two groups of promising technologies: mainly hydrogen-based metallurgy, and electricity-based metallurgy. The target is a ‘deep’ decarbonisation that has in any case to take into consideration that fossil carbon is not only an energy source for the steel industry but is 13
Clean technologies in steelmaking also necessary as reducing agent in the liquid steel production pro-cesses. Alternative raw material and alternative process are
available and/or are under investigation in order to minimize the CO2 footprint (fig. 16).
Fig. 15 – Technological pathways to CO2 reduction in steel [21,22]
Fig. 16 – Alternative material and process for liquid steel production The European steel industry is working on a range of technologies to bring about the most sustainable out-come by 2050. Some of the new technologies are under investigation in H2020 projects while other projects are in plane as private and /or nationally R&D investment (fig. 17). The ESTEP/EUROFER targets are ambi-tious [23]. By 2034, at least four projects are planned to have been upscaled to become industrial scale demonstrators, of which at least two reach 80% CO2 reduction from steelmaking, with or without Carbon Capture and Storage. By 2050, a new low-carbon steel value-chain should be in place. The industry endeavours to have shifted from a fossilenergy-based linear industry to a low-carbon energy-based sector integrally part of the circular economy, and emitting at least 80% less CO2 compared to 1990 levels. Europe could become a leading provider of low-carbon products, services and technologies in steelmaking world-wide. The European steel industry estimates that bringing ongoing
projects up to industrial scale will require an additional financing of up to 11 billion euros in the years 2021-2034. The 2021-2027 timeframe will be a crucial preparatory phase. There are plans to initiate some of the industrial scale projects in the first years of Horizon Europe, while others will start later, following different technological pathways and timelines. Other sources of financing, including the EU ETS Innovation Fund and Important Projects of Common European Interest (IPCEIs), will support the scaling up of projects at industrial scale, both in the 2021-2027 and 2028-2034 periods. However, low-carbon technologies are not only a challenge for the steel industry. It requires fundamental transformation of energy management to maintain the competiveness of R&EII industry (i.e.EU steel electricity consumption today is ~75 TWh. If 100% will be based on H2/electricity/CCUS the consumption will grow to ~ 400-500 TWh, about 18% of current EU total consumption). In particular the Carbon Direct Avoidance route
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio requires a clear EU plane to have available renewable energy and green-H2 for all the potential users (energy-intensive industries, mobility, etc.). This should allow having a realistic and positive framework for projects up to industrial scale demonstrators and market roll-out ensuring that neither new technologies nor existing installations face competitive disadvantages within the internal market or vis-à-vis global competitors in the transition to a low-carbon industry. Thus, it is important to note that only joint initiatives with other industrial sectors, the EU institutions and the member states to support the necessarily
time-consuming and expensive R&D, will foster the emergence of such breakthrough solutions. In particular the CDA route (right side of fig. 15) that is based on gradual substitution of carbon with alternative energy sources as alternative to CO2 usage (CCU) or disposal (CCS) concepts requires a fundamental transformation of energy sector in EU (generation, supply, infrastructure, …) and a cross-sectoral approach between R&EII and energy suppliers. This is fundamental both for conventional source like NG and biogas either for renewable energy & green H2 [21].
Fig. 17 – Mapping of key innovative carbon neutral projects of the EU steel industry [source EUROFER] Figure 18 show the example for Direct Reduction Process (DRP) that in principle allows following EU CO2 reduction targets realizing a stepwise transformation process of integrated iron and steel works towards DRP- and electrical energy-based steelmaking processes. As a first step, an additional gas-based DRP has to be realized to produced high carbon DRI (HC-DRI) to be utilized in existing Blast Furnaces (BFs) to enhance productivity and to reduce coke as well as PCI in parallel. This step already reduces the carbon footprint of steel production by around 10%, as natural gas used for reduction has a certain amount of hydrogen content. With electrolysis on an industrial scale
hydrogen can further replace natural gas and so carbon carriers partly. In case of operating electrolyzers with power from renewable resources only, the overall CO2 emissions can be reduced up to 18%. The next step will be the incorporation of a melt shop to produce steel via EAF-based route. Further steps in this transformation process are principally based on the same approach as the steps before, leading to the complete change of steelmaking from the BF/BOF technology to the DRP. With the final configuration (H2-green based reduction/EAF route) the resulting reduction in CO2 emissions will be reach the 2050 EU target.
Fig. 18 – Reduction of Carbon footprint based on DRP [24] La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Clean technologies in steelmaking CONCLUSIONS Investment in the steel industry is very capital intensive and requires a long planning horizon. The European Steel Technology Platform's (ESTEP) through its Strategic Research Agenda (SRA) addresses the challenges that the steel sector faces in terms of R&D&I in relation to sustainable steel production: the most significant of our time is climate change. In this frame the European steel industry is fully committed to the mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions, to helping meet the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the EU’s target of reducing domestic CO2 emissions by 80% to 95% by 2050 compared to 1990 levels. The required breakthrough innovation investments can only be made if the EU’s Long-Term Climate Change Policy Strategy sets out the ambition to apply: 1.The right Research & Innovation framework to develop key low-carbon technologies; 2.The use of low-carbon energy at globally competitive prices for energy intensive industries, given that a huge amount of ad-
ditional carbon-lean energy - and the associated infrastructure - will be needed for the transition of the industry; 3.Effective policy measures that keep European low-carbon industrial production competitive on both internal and global markets. Synergy effects between projects, technologies and sectors will create the dynamics needed to drive low-carbon industrial production. These synergies will help build up greater skills, jobs and open up new markets, including for low-carbon steel, hydrogen, alternative fuels and feedstocks for the chemical industry, enhancing the circular economy. Moreover, to support successful investment management in the steel industry it is key that effective and reliable measures are in place that allow for the planning of long-term investments related to innovation and carbon costs, including after 2030. A policy that neutralises the costs of these challenges versus global competitors needs to be in place as soon as possible to allow for these investments in the EU.
REFERENCES [1] [2] Ultra - Low CO2 Steelmaking - ULCOS; [3] ESTEP SRA; [4] Edwin Basson, “Global steel industry: outllok, challenges and opportunities”, 5th International Steel Industry & Sector Relations Conference April 20 April 20 th , 2017 -Istanbul Istanbul [5] WSA - Word Stel in Figure 2018; 996201185b12/ World+Steel+in+Figures+2018.pdf [6] EUROFER, European Steel in Figures 2018 Edition [7] COM(2016) 381 final; [8] State of Union 2017, Industrial Policy Strategy, Making Europe’s industry stronger: Key initiatives [9] EUROFER, Steel and the circular economy, Circular%20Economy.fhtml [10] ASSESSMENT OF CUMULATIVE COST IMPACT FOR THE STEEL INDUSTRY FINAL REPORT CONTRACT NO. SI2.648823 30-CE0558235/00-06; [11] EUROFER, A Steel Roadmap for a LOw Carbon Europe 2050; [12] DIRECTIVE (EU) 2018/851 on waste; [13] J. M. Allwood, A bright future for UK steel, Univ- of Cambridge, 2016
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio [14] Accenturestategy, Steel Demand Beyond 2030 - Forecast Scenario, Presented to OECD, Sep. 207, Paris [15] EUROFER Sustainability Vision Paper, Steel, the Backbone of Sustainability in Europe. 2016; News%26Events/PublicationsLinksList/20160405%20Steel%20the%20Backbone%20of%20Sustainability%20in%20Europe.pdf [16] Aurelio Braconi, ESTEP-EUROFER WORKSHOP LEGISLATIVE CONSTRAINS AND FUTURE THREATS FOR BY-PRODUCTS AND WASTE Circular Economy Workshop Business 10 Nov, 2016 [17] DG-Research and Innovation “The Future of European Steel, April 2017” [18] Recycling of industrial and municipal waste as slag foaming agent in EAF RIMFOAM, RFSR-CT-2014-00008, from 01/07/2014 to 31/12/2017 [19] Sustainable Electric steel production GreenEAF, RFSR-CT-2009-00004, from 01/07/2009 to 30/06/2012. Project aimed at studying the possibility to replace fossil coal and natural gas with char and syngas from biomass pyrolysis [20] BIOCHAR FOR A SUSTAINABLE EAF STEEL PRODUCTION, GREENEAF2- Grant Agreement Number RFSP-CT-2014-00003m Project aimed at using char from biomass and with long term industrial trials ( [21] A. Eggert, “EUROPEAN STEEL INDUSTRY PATHWAYS TOWARDS THE SMART, LOW CARBON AND COMPETITIVE INDUSTRY OF THE FUTURE”, EU Industry Day, Brussels, 22 February 2018 [22] European Steel: The Wind of Change, Brussels Seminar, cfm?pg=events&eventcode=80BB405C-DA08-56D3-800BC46FC9A6F350 [23] EUROFER, "Towards carbon neutrality A European Partnership for Low Carbon Steel", 25 Sep. 2018 [24] P. Argenta et. others, " CONVENTIONAL STEELMAKING ROUTE BEING SUBJECT TO TRANSFOR-MATION", 8th European Oxygen Steelmaking Conference, October 2018, Taranto, Italy
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Clean technologies in steelmaking
Off-gas energy valorisation in high-performance electric arc furnaces A. Foresti, S. Santarossa, N. Monti, G. Di Zanni, C. Milo
The growing share of steel produced worldwide with EAFs is helping the industry to reduce emissions and meet the ambitious Carbon Emission Reduction Target agreed internationally. Electric Steelmakers can further improve their energy efficiency and reduce emissions by recovering the residual heat energy of their melting processes which is commonly wasted. Converting the EAF off-gas heat into power has been demonstrated to be practical and effective with the first 2.7 MW (electric power) ORC system at Elbe Stahlwerke Feralpi (Germany) operating since 2013. A similar ORC system was then installed at ORI Martin (Italy) and a third one supplied supplied in Japan. The experience of these plants led Arvedi to install a new evaporative EAF cooling system and a much larger ORC unit (7 MW net electric power) for its new investment program to render the EAF-based facilities in Cremona one of the most energy efficient steel plants in Europe. The paper describes the Arvedi project comparing it with the previous EAF heat recovery systems by Tenova and Turboden.
KEYWORDS: ENERGY EFFICIENCY – EAF - STEELMAKING - HEAT RECOVERY – OFF-GAS - STEAM GENERATION ORC - CONSTEEL® - IRECOVERY® INTRODUCTION: ENERGY EFFICIENCY IN MINI-MILLS Recycling ferrous scrap and melting it in high-performance electric furnaces is the most appropriate route to recover available iron units. It is the most energy efficient steelmaking process with minimum greenhouse gas emissions. In the 70 years after World War II the Italian steel industry grew with two different models. The first model followed the US and then Japanese models with integrated (BF-BOF) steel plants installed along the coast with ports capable of receiving ocean-going bulk carriers with imported raw materials typically coming from the Americas (iron ore from Brazil, coking coal from USA). The best and largest plant of this type in Italy is in Taranto, originally built with investment by the Italian state - owned by IRI group - to promote industrialization in the depressed southern part of the country through the production of flat hot-rolled carbon and low-alloy steel coils and plates. Taranto and other sites competed mostly with the major (BF-BOF) integrated plants in Germany, France, Benelux, Spain and Austria. The second model, recycling scrap in the EAF, was later known as the “mini-mill”. After the end of the war, private entrepreneurs, typically active in the recovery of ferrous scrap, installed small plants initially in Northern Italy, near Brescia, to produce mostly reinforcing bar for the construction industry. These steelmaking companies, often family-controlled, grew over the years, investing in new units and plant updates to increase volumes, product range and quality to cover at least half of the Italian steel market and the vast majority of long products. The traditional high costs of energy in Italy, due to the lack or 18
scarcity of indigenous fossil fuels, forced Italian mini-mill operators to concentrate their efforts on increasing the energy efficiency of their plants and processes in order to compete with steelmakers enjoying lower power costs elsewhere in Europe. The flexibility of EAF based mini-mills and the continuous improvements made possible with many smaller scale investments compared to the large scale BF–BOF integrated steel plants, have allowed Italy’s private-sector steelmakers based on scrap recycling to become important players in Europe. European plant makers have had a major role in advancing process technologies in EAF steel melting as well as in continuous casting and rolling to optimize yield, productivity and energy efficiency. The technology breakthrough of thin slab continuous casting
A. Foresti, S. Santarossa Turboden S.p.A., Italy
N. Monti, G. Di Zanni Tenova S.p.A., Italy
C. Milo
Acciaieria Arvedi S.p.A., Italy
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio with in line rolling has allowed the product range of scrapbased mini-mills to expand and include flat products. With this development, mini-mills based on EAF scrap melting in the US, in Italy and elsewhere have been able to compete with the large continuous hot strip mills typical of large BF-BOF integrated steel plants to produce carbon and low-alloy steel flats.
Arvedi cast-rolling technology was designed and patented by Giovanni Arvedi and first installed at the Acciaieria Arvedi works in Cremona in 1992 with an ISP line. The technology was further developed and in 2009 an ESP line was installed, built and automated by Primetals Technologies (formerly Siemens VAI), the world’s first truly endless strip production plant (Fig. 1).
Fig. 1 – Arvedi ESP Caster mill configuration. In only 180 meters from the mold to the down-coiler and in just 6-7 minutes from the liquid steel to the hot-rolled coil Arvedi ESP technology, linking casting and rolling directly, has taken strip production to an entirely new level. The process is unique for its fully endless strip production mode and utilization of the slab’s internal heat energy, leading to lower capital expenditure and operational costs compared to conventional linked casting and rolling plants that use gas-fired roller reheating furnaces. The history of Italian EAF mini-mills, such as Arvedi’s outlined above, explains the development of highly efficient scrap-based mini-mills in Italy and elsewhere in Europe. These plants are often considered benchmarks for electric steelmaking today. High-performance EAFs ensure high productivity, maximum yield and high energy efficiency: These optimum qualities are the result of a continuous effort to improve the process and operation practices. The logical further step to maximize energy efficiency and reduce emissions in high-performing EAFs is to recover the residual heat contained in the off-gas with continuous charging and scrap preheating, generating steam or hot water for large heat users, or finally by converting heat to power. All of these options are effective if they are safe, automatically controlled and maintain the reliability of the original EAF operation. EAF HEAT RECOVERY SYSTEMS Over the last ten years new off-gas heat recovery installations retrofitted to existing high performing EAFs havedemonstrated the feasibility of energy recovery and valorization in several plants in Europe and the Far East. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
In 2009 Tenova commissioned at the GMH steel plant in Georgsmarienhütte, Germany the first EAF off-gas heat recovery installation based on ECS (Evaporative Cooling System). The 140-t DC EAF had been installed at the site in 1996, replacing an older, dismantled BOF converter. The new saturated steam system took advantage of the previous experience gained at the site. The EAF energy recovery system, later called iRecovery®, allows the generation of saturated steam (20 t/h avg. at 13-20 bar) to be used for various tasks including ejectors for vacuum degassing (1). Other heat-only iRecovery® systems were then installed and are operating at Hyundai Steel (Korea) and at TPCO (China). After the start-up in December 2013, the first EAF off-gas energy recovery system, including conversion of heat to power with ORC (Organic Rankine Cycle), began operating at the Elbe Stahlwerke Feralpi in Riesa Germany. The iRecovery® system at ESF recovers nominally 30 t/h of steam partly converted to 2.7 MW in the Turboden ORC and partly dispatched to an adjacent neighboring tyre-making plant (2). Since 2016 a second iRecovery® system and Turboden ORC unit has been operating at the ORI Martin steel plant in Brescia, Italy, featuring a new improved Consteel® EAF. Also in this case both heat and power are produced: steam serves the municipal district heating system in winter, while the ORC typically converts heat to 1.8 MW outside the heating season (3). A third system with iRecovery® and Turboden ORC unit supplied in Japan, is scheduled to start up in 2019. A summary of the heat recovery systems with ORC supplied by Tenova and Turboden is shown below.
Clean technologies in steelmaking Tab. 1 – Heat recovery systems with ORC in EAF steelmaking.
Electric Furnace
Waste Heat Recovery System
Elbe Stahlwerke Feralpi Riesa, Germany
Tapping weight
Scrap charging
Heat exchanger
Radiation + Convection
Radiation + Convection
Heat carrier
bar g
Total steam production (nominal)
Steam flow rate to the ORC (nominal)
bar g
Gross ORC active electric power output
ORC captive consumption
Net ORC active electric power output
Steam inlet conditions ORC
ARVEDI IN STEEL Founded in 1963 with a tube mill and a steel products trading company, the Arvedi Group is today a major European steel industry with a production of about 4 million t/y of steel coils and tubes. The main facility in Cremona is the largest scrap-based steelmaking plant in Italy. It includes two electric furnaces feeding two separate thin slab casting and in-line hot rolling plants to produce thin gauge steel coils, plus downstream lines for pickling, cold rolling, galvanizing and pre-painting. Both lines with in-line casting and hot rolling represent important original innovations introduced by Arvedi. The first line, operating since 1992 called ISP (In-line Strip Production), includes a buffer coil furnace (Cremona furnace) between the high reduction mill and the finishing mill. The second line, with a capacity of 2.2 million t/y, called ESP (Endless Strip Production), has been operating since 2010. ESP technology is a further innovative step of ISP. In fact, ESP allows a continuous, endless (uninterrupted) casting and rolling 20
ORI Martin Brescia, Italy
Arvedi Cremona, Italy
process fully in-line (no intermediate buffer) for consistent high quality ultrathin steel coils (0.8 mm) of homogenous quality, with close tolerances and the very low energy use. The Arvedi ESP line in Cremona is fed by a 250-t Consteel® EAF. The combination of Consteel® EAF with continuous charging and scrap preheating plus ladle furnace refining with Arvedi ESP in-line casting and rolling allows an extremely compact layout and short process time with the best conditions for producing high volumes of quality steel flats with high yield and good energy efficiency. The patented Arvedi ESP technology has been licensed for multiple similar lines installed recently in China. Giovanni Arvedi, founder of the Arvedi Group, is recognized throughout the steelmaking world for the technological innovations he has introduced into his plants. He is also a philanthropist and the major donor for the Violin Museum recently established in Cremona. In 2015 Arvedi launched an important modernization program La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio to further optimize its processes and extend its product range and improve the energy efficiency and environmental performance of its plants in Cremona and the newly acquired plant in Trieste. This program, partly financed by the European Investment Bank with guarantees from the European Fund for Strategic Investment, involved replacing the original EAF installed in 1992 to feed the ISP line. The new basket-charged EAF includes a heat recovery system producing hot water to provide the heat necessary for the pickling lines downstream instead of a gas-fired boiler. Moreover, in order to further reduce energy consumption and the GHG emissions of the steel plant in Cremona, Arvedi decided to install a new state-of-the-art heat recovery system with power production on the 250-t Consteel® EAF feeding the ESP line. The experience of the previous plants with iRecovery® and Turboden ORC at ESF Riesa and ORI Martin Brescia, led Arvedi to choose a similar configuration with much bigger equipment, realizing the largest ever EAF off-gas energy recovery system. ARVEDI CONSTEEL® EAF HEAT RECOVERY The off-gas heat recovery system at the Arvedi 250-t Conste-
el® EAF includes the iRecovery® system for evaporative cooling, the ORC to convert steam to power, the water-cooled condenser and auxiliaries. The iRecovery® system is mainly made up of a waste heat boiler that uses the thermal energy contained in the off-gas coming from the Consteel® EAF furnace to heat the water and convert it into steam. The ORC module exploits the steam to produce electricity and returns the condensate to the boiler, thus closing the water’s thermal cycle. Since the temperature and flow-rate of the furnace fumes change continuously during the furnace tapping cycle, the design of the heat recovery system is optimized to receive fumes continuously and to send steam to ORC constantly at the same conditions of temperature and flow-rate. The waste heat boiler is designed with the aim to recover an input power from the fumes of up to 90 MWth and to produce steam up to 140 t/h. The output power of the steam to the ORC unit is controlled so as to be nearly constant with a nominal value of up to 52 t/h, equivalent to 34 MW of heat, to be converted to up to 7.0 MW electric power (Fig. 2).
Fig. 2 – Main process flow diagram of the iRecovery® system. THE IRECOVERY® SYSTEM Overview The waste heat boiler is installed in parallel to the existing quenching tower; it receives the hot fumes from the drop-outbox located downstream of the Consteel® and conveys them into the existing primary off-gas line downstream of the quenching tower (Fig.3). The waste heat boiler includes an electric modulating damper, installed on the exit side duct. Thanks to the combined control of the above-mentioned damper and the pre-existing damper located downstream of the La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
quenching tower, the waste heat boiler can operate independently from the pre-existing off-gas system, so that the old offgas cooling system can be restored should a problem occur in the iRecovery system. The operation of the iRecovery is automatic with no need for continuous supervision by the steel plant operating personnel. In case of fault, the waste heat boiler is safely switched off automatically and the boiler is disconnected from the existing off-gas system. Basically, the iRecovery® System is composed of the following units: 21
Clean technologies in steelmaking - waste heat steam generator - steam accumulation unit - auxiliary condenser - feed water unit
The iRecovery® plant is located in two areas: one, outside the EAF-Consteel building, is for the waste heat boiler; the other one, inside a new building, is for all remaining equipment. The ORC plant is placed in another adjoining building.
Fig. 3 – Waste heat boiler and quenching tower. Waste heat steam generator The waste heat boiler is made up of a natural circulation boiler which is equipped with: − 5 evaporators consisting of vertical pipe bundles; the hot fumes on impact with the pipes of the evaporator heat the water circulating inside them; − 1 steam drum consisting of a horizontal cylindrical tank installed on the top side of the boiler; the evaporators receive the water from the bottom of the drum and deliver the boiling water to it by flowing in a natural circulation way; − 1 economizer consisting of vertical pipe bundles, installed at
the outlet of the boiler downstream of the evaporators; thanks to the economizers, the temperature of the off-gas coming out of the evaporators can be further reduced; − automatic cleaning system that allows the cyclical separation of dust from the surfaces of the heat exchanger units; − dust extraction system with chain conveyors to collect and carry off the dust; − 1 electric modulating damper, installed on the duct downstream of the waste heat boiler to regulate the gas flow-rate through the boiler.
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio Tab. 2 – Waste heat boiler and quenching tower.
90 MW
Maximum continuous steam production
138 t/h
Maximum nominal off-gas flow-rate
300,000 Nm3/h
Maximum nominal off-gas inlet temperature
900 °C
Maximum nominal off-gas outlet temperature
240 °C
PS (maximum allowable pressure)
30 bar
TS (maximum allowable temperature)
236 °C
50 m3
12 m
20 m
Steam accumulation unit The steam produced by the waste heat boiler is carried to a steam accumulation unit composed of 2 horizontal cylindrical tanks. The aim of the steam accumulators is to store the thermal energy when the recovered heat is more than the heat absorbed by the ORC and to release it when the recovered heat is less than the heat required by the ORC.
On the downstream steam accumulators there is a pressure reducing valve unit the purpose of which is to reduce and fix the steam pressure before sending it to the ORC. The combined working of the steam accumulators and pressure reducing valves leads to the following advantages: − to keep the energy supplied to the ORC as stable as possible; − to reduce the heat load to the users in a gradual way in case of a sudden stoppage of the recovery system or furnace.
Fig. 4 – Steam pressure reducing control valves unit.
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Clean technologies in steelmaking Auxiliary condenser The purpose of the auxiliary condenser is to condense any excess steam into the system in order to prevent pressure rises beyond the expected limits. Thanks to the auxiliary condenser the steam cools down and changes into condensate up to 90 °C; condensate is recovered at the outlet and sent to the feed water tank. Feed water unit The feed water unit is composed of a degasser and a feed water pump unit. The degasser is a horizontal cylindrical tank the purpose of which is to eliminate the gases dissolved in the water, to store the water at a fixed temperature (105 °C) before sending it to the boiler and to collect the condensate coming back from users and automatic drains. At the top of the degasser a deaerator is installed with the aim
of heating the make-up water, removing the dissolved gases (carbon dioxide and oxygen) and preventing metallic corrosion. The feed pump unit has 3 centrifugal pumps driven by electric motors with frequency inverter; they take the water from the feed tank and transfer it to the waste heat boiler. THE ORC SYSTEM ORC overview The ORC is a Rankine Cycle using an organic heavy molecular weight fluid instead of water and steam to convert heat to power. The organic fluid allows to have a self-controlled, easy-to-run power system without superheating. This is due to the properties (saturation curve) of organic fluids, ensuring dry expansion in a turbine even without superheating. The scheme of the ORC and saturation curves of typical organic fluids are shown below (Fig.5).
Fig. 5 – Saturation curves of some organic fluids and Rankine cycle (1). The liquid organic fluid is pressurized by the pump (1 to 2), preheated in a regenerator (2 to 3), further heated and vaporized in the evaporator (3 to 4); the vapor expands in the turbine generating power, is cooled in the regenerator (5 to 6), finally returning to the liquid phase in the condenser. The ORC has become the preferred option instead of the traditional water and steam turbine Rankine Cycle at temperatures below 350 °C and/or in small thermal power systems with no dedicated operator. This is the case of EAF heat recovery systems where an intermediate heat carrier loop (saturated steam) is used to capture, buffer and convey the heat recovered from the off-gas (discontinuous and highly variable). Heat recovery ORCs Over 300 ORCs supplied by Turboden, with unit capacity between 200 kW and 15 MW, are used mostly in renewables (biomass and geothermal) but also in converting residual heat from engines or gas turbines (small combined cycle power plants) 24
and of course in energy recovery from industrial processes (i.e. cement, glass, metals). All units have the same overall configuration and although different in size share the conceptual design of the turbine and of other main components. The turbine is a high efficiency multistage axial flow machine, with integral casing and overhang shaft and rotor resting on roller bearings. It has mechanical seals and rotates at moderate speed (typically 3,000 rpm), allowing in most cases direct coupling with a 2-pole induction generator. When a typically 4-pole synchronous generator is used, especially in larger ORCs, a gear reducer is usually employed. The turbine is designed to allow access to the mechanical seals and bearings for inspection and possible replacement without emptying the organic fluid from the casing. This is done removing first the coupling between the turbine and the generator (or the gear reducer). The feed pump, used to control the ORC turbine power output, is run by variable frequency drive to adjust the flow of the orLa Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio ganic fluid depending on the low temperature heat rejected by the ORC at the condenser. Other ORC features vary depending on the type and the temperature of the heat source and of the heat sink (condenser) and on other site conditions. The heat source can be for instance geothermal water at moderate temperature, higher temperature thermal oil typically used as heat carrier from biomass combustion furnaces, condensing vapor or hot air directly. The heat sink is often a closed loop cooling water system. The cooling water temperature is as low as possible to maximize power, or at higher level, in CHP applications when there is a heat user (e.g. district heating). Air Cooled Condensers are used now more and more especially in large ORCs when space is available. The temperature range between heat source and heat sink and the ORC size typically determine the most appropriate type of working fluid among siloxanes, hydrocarbons or refrigerants and the number of stages of the high efficiency axial turbine. Heat transfer and heat exchangers play an important role in ORC. Since the Carnot efficiency is inevitably low in case of moderatetemperature heat sources typical of ORC applications, the many heat exchangers used in ORCs must work with very low Delta T and pinch points to approach as much as possible the Carnot efficiency. The ORC overall dimension varies greatly with size: from a 300 kW water cooled condenser ORC fitting in a standard 40 ft container to a 15 MW air cooled condenser ORC covering an area of 8,000 square meter. Heat recovery ORCs The ORC turbogenerator converts thermal energy to electricity with the turbine coupled to an electric generator. The Arvedi ORC is equipped with a 12 kVA, 4-pole, and 1,500 rpm synchronous generator. A gear reducer is therefore interposed for coupling to the 3,000 rpm turbine (Fig.8). The 12 kVA rating of the generator might appear oversized
considering that the guaranteed gross power output at the generator terminals is about 7 MW when the nominal thermal power of steam entering the ORC is 34.300 kW (Tab. 5). In fact the generator rating corresponds to the maximum power output of the turbine required and agreed with Arvedi at the beginning of the project. This extra capacity of the ORC and turbine allows advantage to be taken of some additional steam thermal power coming from the iRecovery® system, but is meant also allows the possibility of utilizing in the future other non-identified heat streams made available within the Arvedi plant in Cremona. In fact, the Arvedi ORC can deliver up to 10 MW gross power at the generator terminals with a thermal input of about 46,000 kW. The portion of thermal energy that is not converted to mechanical/electrical energy, aside from the thermal losses of the equipment, is transferred to the low temperature heat carrier (heat sink). At Arvedi the heat sink is a water-cooled condenser, with water circulated in cooling towers. This was preferred to Air Cooled Condenser due to space limitations and the opportunity to connect to the existing cooling water lines. In the closed loop ORC system, the organic working fluid is preheated, evaporated and slightly superheated in four “hot” heat exchangers (split system, regenerator, preheater and evaporator). The resulting organic vapor spins the turbine driving the generator while expanding, then still as hot vapor, it goes to the regenerator to heat up the cold still liquid organic fluid (internal heat transfer to increase efficiency).The organic vapor is then cooled and condenses releasing heat into the water-cooled condenser. After the condenser, the organic liquid is pumped to the pressure level required for turbine operation, then divided into two streams with the largest portion of the flow going to the internal regenerator for preheating and a small fraction going through the “split system” to capture the low temperature heat of the condensate. The flow sheet is shown below (Fig. 6).
Fig. 6 – Arvedi ORC Simplified flow sheet. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Clean technologies in steelmaking
Fig. 7 – Arvedi ORC 3D rendering.
Fig. 8 – ORC Turbine, reducer and generator. Arvedi ORC design and performance data The design and performance data of the Arvedi ORC are summarized in the following table (Tab.3).
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio Tab. 3 – ORC design and performance data.
Winter High temperature heat Winter
Dry Saturated Steam
Steam pressure at ORC inlet
16 bar g
Steam temperature at ORC inlet
204 °C
Steam flow rate at ORC inlet
51.8 t/h
Thermal power at ORC inlet
34,300 kW
Low temperature heat carrier (condenser cooling)
Working fluid
Axial flow multi stage
Electric generator
4 pole, synchronous, 3-phase, 50 Hz, 6000 V
ORC gross power output (at electrical generator terminals)
7,237 kW
6,995 kW
6,673 kW
ORC own power consumption
312 kW
324 kW
329 kW
ORC guaranteed net power output
6,925 kW
6,671 kW
6,344 kW
The table has three columns (winter, medium, summer) to show how the typical ambient conditions in the different seasons affect the temperature of the cooling water available at the condenser. The temperature of the water from the cooling towers depends on the ambient temperature and relative humidity. The average output of the ORC is somewhat lower in summer than in winter and in hot humid days compared to cooler and maybe drier nights. PROJECT SCHEDULE AND COMMISSIONING In December 2015 Arvedi accepted the proposals submitted by Tenova for the iRecovery® system and by Turboden for the ORC unit and agreed with them the scope of work, performance and main technical and economic aspects of the heat recovery project. The corresponding contracts were signed in December 2015 and at the beginning of January 2016. After a slow-down of the whole schedule, the erection activities were completed in December 2017 before the scheduled winter shutdown of the ESP steelmaking line. The first ORC parallel to the grid occurred on January 23, 2018, but in fact actual operation of the ORC started a couple of weeks later after adjustments to the iRecovery® system that allowed a more continuous flow of steam to the ORC to be achieved.
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INITIAL OPERATION RESULTS Since February 8, 2018 the heat recovery system has been running as continuously as possible following the actual operation schedule of the ESP line and the 250-t Consteel® steelmaking EAF. Actual data from operation demonstrate that the overall heat recovery system is capable of working according to design and reaching and exceeding the agreed performance. The ORC in particular has recorded 7.9 MW gross power output, well above nominal values (Tab. 4). The actual performance of the iRecovery® system and of the ORC unit during a typical sequence of heats allows one to appreciate how effectively energy is recovered from the off-gas, transferred as thermal energy to the ORC after smoothing with the steam accumulator and then converted to mechanical/electrical energy. The first chart shows a comparison between the trend of fumes thermal power and the trend of steam power; the second one shows a comparison between the trend of steam production from a waste heat boiler and the trend of steam delivery to the ORC hot module. Finally, the third chart shows the steam flow input and corresponding gross power output of the ORC for the same 10 consecutive heats on September 1, 2018.
Clean technologies in steelmaking
Fig. 9 – Thermal power during 10 consecutive EAF working cycles.
Fig.10 – Steam production during 10 consecutive EAF working cycles.
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Fig. 11 – ORC gross power during 10 consecutive EAF working cycles. These charts also show that the thermal power captured from the off-gas and sent to the ORC (about 27 MW) is lower than nominal (34 MW). This affects the ORC gross power output typically below 6 MW. The lower thermal power available during initial operation is due to the pre-existing off-gas collection system requiring some adjustments to ensure that all the Consteel® EAF offgas stream reaches the waste heat boiler (no leakage to the quench tower) and to inhibit the entrance of false air. These modifications, scheduled to be carried out as soon as possible, will increase the steam flow-rate and ensure the ORC gross power output reaches and exceeds 7 MW.
The overall performance of the initial operation is shown below, reporting data from the ORC supervision system with reference to the time interval between February 9, 2018 and September 17, 2018 (date of writing this paper). Please note that this period also includes a scheduled onemonth long summer shutdown of the complete ESP line and steelmaking EAF. The steam flow input and the generator power output recordings for the same time interval are shown in the chart (Fig.12). The graph allows one to appreciate the profile of the thermal power input to the ORC, the resulting variation of the generator output and the frequent interruptions of the steam flow.
Fig. 12 – Steam flow (red line) and ORC generator power output (blue line). La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Clean technologies in steelmaking The summary of the ORC performance during the same time interval is shown in the following table (Tab.4). Tab. 4 – ORC Initial operation performance (Feb 9, 2018 – Sep 17, 2018).
ORC INITIAL OPERATION PERFORMANCE (FEB 9, 2018 – SEP 17, 2018) ORC running hours
Peak Power (one hour average at generator terminals)
Average steam flow
Average gross Power
Total energy produced (gross)
The ORC gross peak power value at 7.9 MW demonstrates the system capability exceeding the nominal design. The average steam flow (28.5 t/h) is lower than nominal (51.8 t/h) due to the mentioned issues in the pre-existing off-gas collection system. Initial adjustments made during the summer shut-down allowed the average steam flow between Aug 18 and Sep 17 to be raised to 35.5 t/h. The joint work in progress between Arvedi, Tenova and Turboden personnel is focused on reducing the frequent interruptions and completing the agreed modifications to the off-gas collection during the next major scheduled steel shop maintenance shut down. These actions will ensure a more stable continuous operation and higher power output. CONCLUSIONS The initial operation results at the Arvedi Cremona ESP steelmaking line confirm that off-gas heat recovery and its valorization with ORC is a practical way to improve the energy efficiency of large high-performance EAFs. Eight iRecovery® systems using EAF residual heat and four ORCs converting steam to power at major electric steelmaking plants in Europe and in the Far East demonstrate that two wellproven technologies are available to steelmakers to render their operations more sustainable while reducing operating costs. The example of entrepreneurs like Arvedi who undertake inno-
vative solutions, should help other steelmakers to develop and support other inventive technologies capable of reducing the steel industry’s reliance on fossil fuels. More European steelmakers would likely be willing to invest in new technologies to reduce their emissions in line with the EU Climate Action targets after the Paris Agreement if financial support policies were available to reduce the capital cost of new emission reduction equipment. If they could count on more incentives for energy efficiency projects, EAF mini-mills could strengthen their role as lower carbon steelmakers compared to BF-BOF plants. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors dedicate this work to the memory of Jean Vallomy, a strong willed person and a true technology innovator in EAF steelmaking, who passed away last October 3rd, 2018, aged 90. Jean Vallomy worked in steel-plants for over 70 years, starting in his native Val d’Aosta, then in other melt shops in Italy, Mexico, Argentina and Venezuela. In his fifties he moved to the United States, later becoming a citizen, where he set up in Charlotte North Carolina, his own technology company and developed the innovative Consteel scrap charging and preheating system and other EAF technology innovations (4). In one of his last trips to Italy, Jean Vallomy came to Cremona in 2011 to visit the Consteel EAF and pay tribute to Mr. Arvedi.
REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4]
Schliephake, Born, Granderath, Memoli, Simmons, Heat Recovery for the EAF of Georgsmarienhütte, AISTech 2010 proceedings, Volume 1. T. Bause, F. Campana, L. Filippini, A. Foresti, N. Monti, T. Pelz, Cogeneration with ORC at Elbe-Stahlwerke Feralpi EAF Shop, Iron & Steel Technology Magazine, May 2015. N. Monti, C. Giavani, U. De Miranda, N. Gaudenzi, A New Consteel® With iRecovery®: Better Performances in Steel Production With Heat Recovery for District Heating and ORC Turbine Power Generation, Proceedings AISTech, May 2015. F. Memoli, A. Manenti, A New Era for the Continuous Scrap Charge: the Definitive Success of Consteel® Technology and Its Expansion in Europe From a Productivity and Environmental Perspective, IAS Steelmaking Conference, Rosario, November 2007. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio
Developing a new process to agglomerate secondary raw material fines for recycling in the electric arc furnace - the fines2EAF project T. Echterhof, T. Willms, S. Preiß, M. Omran, T. Fabritius, D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli, S. Steinlechner, I. Unamuno, S. Schüler, D. Mudersbach, T. Griessacher Recent years have seen a worldwide change in the environmental policy towards circular economy approaches. It is estimated that steel-making activities in Europe produce about 80 million tonnes annually of by-products and waste, equivalent to half of the European steel production, of which more than 10 million tonnes is waste for disposal. This waste of resources and land area is not sustainable and has to be decreased in the future. The Fines2EAF project aims to increase the value of steelmaking residues by internal recycling and (re)use in the form of agglomerates. The benefit of this strategy is threefold: improved utilization of residues, internal recovery of valuable materials and reduction of the amount of dumped materials. The approach followed is the development of an innovative process to produce cement-free agglomerates based on primary and secondary raw material fines, alternative binder systems and a hydraulic stamp press. In addition, a new pre-treatment process for fines based on microwave heating is investigated. The first results of the lab-scale investigation of the fines pre-treatment to reduce the amount of zinc, volatiles and alkalis are presented. Six materials from two steel plants have been tested in a laboratory microwave furnace. Also presented are first results of the agglomeration of fines using a laboratory press.
KEYWORDS: STEELMAKING – EAF – AGGLOMERATION – RECYCLING – SECONDARY RAW MATERIALS INTRODUCTION The steel industry is critical to the worldwide economy, providing the backbone for construction, transportation and manufacturing. In addition, steel has become the material of choice for a variety of consumer products, and markets for steel are expanding. Steel, already widely regarded as a high performance contemporary engineering material, is continuously being improved to meet new market demands. The production process for manufacturing steel is energyintensive and requires a large amount of natural resources. Steel production apart from steel as the main product leads also to the production of numerous by-products like slags or waste materials like dusts, sludges or scales. Additional fines are produced in the iron and steel industry and their supplying industry in general. The fines produced in steel industry include for example primary raw materials like iron ore fines or sieved undersize of alloying materials like FeSi or the sieved undersize of lime or dolomitic lime etc. and the already mentioned secondary raw materials like dusts, sludges, scales and slags. It is estimated that steelmaking activities in Europe produce annually about 80 million tonnes of by-products and waste, equivalent to half of the European steel production, of which more than 10 million tonnes is waste for disposal. This waste of resources and land area is not sustainable and has to be de-
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creased in the future. The analysis of waste for disposal shows that 80% consists of slag, dusts and sludges, which can be transformed into raw materials for other users or usable products. A direct recycling of the fines is in most cases not suitable. Therefore, agglomeration processes to produce briquettes, pellets or bricks are used to enable the handling and charging of fine materials into melting units like cupola and shaft furnaces,
T. Echterhof, T. Willms RWTH Aachen University, Germany S. Preiß MFG Metall- & Ferrolegierungsgesellschaft mbH, Germany M. Omran, T. Fabritius University of Oulu, Finland D. Mombelli, C. Mapelli Politecnico di Milano, Italy S. Steinlechner Montanuniversität Leoben, Austria I. Unamuno Sidenor Investigacion Y Desarrollo SA, Spain S. Schüler, D. Mudersbach Max Aicher Umwelt GmbH, Germany T. Griessacher Stahl- und Walzwerk Marienhütte GesmbH, Austria
Clean technologies in steelmaking submerged arc furnaces (SAF) or electric arc furnaces to use or recycle the resources available in the raw materials. A special form of agglomerates are self-reducing bricks, which are e.g. used to utilise iron ore fines in the pig iron production in cupola furnaces or to recover the metal content (Fe, Zn, Cr, Ni, Mo, etc.) of dusts and sludges. Currently the recyclability of many process by-products and residues like disintegrated ladle furnace slags, dusts or sludges is still limited by their fine particle size and/or the low quantity of the material arising at a single steel plant. Fine dust fractions from various stages of steelmaking route contain besides iron and carbon, heavy metals and hydrocarbons that are acceptable neither for landfill disposal nor for recycling back to processes without any treatment. Recent years have seen a worldwide change in the environmental policy towards integrated pollution prevention and control, taking into account all environmental media. Environmental regulations in the EU e.g. regarding slags become more and more restrictive, constricting the possible applications outside steel plants and prohibiting the landfilling. The integrated assessment of production processes under ecological, but also under technical and economic aspects requires specific methods (1, 2). THE FINES2EAF PROJECT The project aims at the increased use of low quality/low volume primary and secondary raw material fines, reducing costs of raw materials and dumping. A flexible, validated and cheap agglomeration technology, which can work “easily� inside the steel plant, still needs to be developed, validated and applied continuously. The installation of a treatment plant inside the steel shop reduces costs of transportation and also the need of special authorisation from local authorities. The basic idea of this proposal is to develop an innovative process, which can be managed directly in the steel plant, reducing the amount of plant investments and reducing also handling, storage and transportation cost and management. This project is aimed at maximising the internal recovery of secondary raw materials from steelmaking wastes, with relatively small plant modifications and investments, saving production costs and reducing at minimum the landfill disposal of waste materials. Only the development of an easy technology, to be applied directly inside the steel plant will ensure the recycling of wastes materials, strongly contributing to a zero waste steel produc-
tion. To reuse the several types of metal or slag former bearing wastes and other residues of the steel plants, they have to be mixed with binders and possibly reducing agents and transformed to be reused directly in the EAF. On the experience of previous projects (1, 3), apart from fossil carbon based reducing agents, also biogenic reducing agents like biomass or char coal can be used. Within an inter-sectoral recycling approach it can even be suitable to use e.g. SiC abrasive dusts or other materials suitable as reducing agents to recover metals like Iron or also Cr, Ni, Mo or others for alloying purposes from residues and by-products. Even low value primary raw material fines like iron ore fines, sieved undersize of alloying materials like FeSi or the sieved undersize of lime or dolomitic lime can be valuable ingredients in agglomerates flexibly tailor-made to the needs of each specific steel plant. So apart from basic self-reducing agglomerates for iron recovery also plant-specific slag former or alloying agglomerates without self-reducing characteristics are possible. The approach followed within the project is the development of a process to produce cement-free bricks on the basis of primary and secondary raw material fines (Fig. 1), alternative binder systems and a hydraulic stamp press. The bricks have to possess sufficient cold compression strength for low-abrasion handling and, for self-reducing bricks, a sufficient reduction behaviour and metallurgical performance (metal yield). To achieve these goals the fundamental understanding of the bricks, their manufacturing and their subsequent use in the EAF is necessary. Important factors for the brick itself are granulometry, morphology and chemistry of the raw materials, their interaction with slag components within the brick, their behaviour during heatup, their sinter behaviour, porosity of the brick, thermodynamics and kinetics of the processes within the brick, developing slag and metal phases etc. Therefore, defined residues from the EAF steelmaking are characterized in detail. Well-known and also custom developed methods are applied to these various materials. Regarding the EAF steelmaking process the influence of the bricks on slag (e.g. composition, viscosity etc.), metal and the processes energy and mass balance have to be investigated. In addition, the quality of slag after solidification concerning environmental behaviour and technical properties has to be analysed.
Fig. 1 – Schematic of the project approach 32
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio Another important factor in recycling raw material fines to EAF is to control the amount of volatile components in the fines. Excessive amount of volatiles causes them to enrich in EAF offgas, which can cause problems in off-gas channel or in filter baghouse. To control the amount of volatiles in raw material fines, microwave technology is employed. Microwave allows selective heating of raw material fines. Fines with high amount of zinc oxides or alkali metals will be treated with microwave heating to reduce their amount to acceptable levels. The results from the microwave treated fines will be compared to the results from removing volatile components with conventional thermal treatment. The use of hydraulic stamp presses instead of the vibration presses used in the cement-bonded brick production offers the advantage, that with this new process considerably finer material can be processed and that numerous other binder systems (e.g. organic binders) are feasible, which have no negative impact on the subsequent metallurgical process. Additionally, a plant concept based on hydraulic stamp presses will provide the opportunity to process relatively low amounts of raw materials (substantially less than 200,000 t/a) economically, due to the considerably smaller erection area needed and due to lower investment and maintenance costs than for briquette presses. Currently only vibrating presses are used for the production of brick agglomerates because of the high throughput that can be realised with this kind of presses. If a lower material throughput is sufficient, as proposed in this project, stamp presses are an innovative alternative because of the increased pressing power of stamp presses. The pressing power can be increased by factor 25 or even 500 and up to 200 N/mm² going from a typical industrial vibrating press to “low tech” or “medium tech” stamp presses, leading to substantial increases in strength of the produced bricks, reducing the need for additional binder. Both briquetting and conventional cement brick production
have limits with regard to the grain size of the raw materials. The small briquette size usually strongly restricts the upper grain size limit while cement binding strongly limits the amount of fines (< 0.2 mm) allowed in a mixture. Pelletisation on the other hand usually needs a grinding treatment of the raw materials because the particle size for pelletisation has to be significantly below the pellet size of 9-16 mm. For cement-free bricks with alternative binders it is however expected, that they can consist of very fine material (< 0.02 mm) and material with a particle size > 18 mm at the same time due to different binding agents used in combination with the new pressing technology. So the proposed technology is also the most flexible with regard to different particle sizes. For the recycling of metallic fractions in residues using self-reducing bricks, the new process offers the additional advantage, that particularly fine grained material, oxidic residue as well as reducing agent, can be processed. Because of the high surface area of the materials the reactivity and kinetics of reducing reactions are expected to be increased. Due to this, an optimised metallurgical performance even in the highly oxidising environment of a typical EAF in comparison to e.g. cement-bonded bricks or briquettes is expected. To illustrate another innovative aspect of producing bricks cement-free, Fig. 2 shows typical compositions of cement-bound and cement-free bricks. Inherent to the use of cement as a binder in the vibrating press is the high water content of the brick. The water content also cannot be reduced as it is partly needed to reach sufficient plasticity of the mixture and partly chemically bonded water. Furthermore, the cement itself is at best neutral in the EAF process but can also have a negative impact on slag composition. Cement-free bricks usually have an increased “payload” (raw material and carbon carrier) of about 23 % directly increasing press capacity. If organic binders can be used, they can even add to e.g. the reduction capacity or heating value of the agglomerate.
Fig. 2 – Typical composition of cement-bonded and cement-free bricks La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Clean technologies in steelmaking Microwave technology is also a new promising technology, which can be applied in the processing of primary and secondary raw materials. Microwave energy has the potential to heat various kinds of metal oxides contained in iron and steelmaking dusts selectively, and in a commercial context may provide savings in both time and energy. The aim of this proposal is to develop a new method by using microwave technology to process the waste generated from iron and steel making industries. The advantages of microwave heating are: an environment friendly process, an efficient and rapid heating of minerals, and a mobile concept, so the same microwave device can be used for the treatment of wastes in different plants. All in all the cement-free brick production technology developed in the project will contribute a new option for the closing of material loops within the EAF steelmaking route and at the same time provide new tailor-made high quality charge materials for iron input, slag forming or alloying elements for the EAF process. As final results, following issues are expected from the project: - treatment carried out inside the steel factory, in order to minimise expenses of transportation, also limiting the impact to the area around the steel plant, - reduction of the amount of dumped materials, - plant dimensioning proportional to steel plant productivity, avoiding needs of large material storage, - the developed treatment can be applied to all the steel factories, independent of plant dimensioning, - reducing the environmental impact and saving costs of raw materials. All these innovative aspects represent an important upgrade of the current situation where waste and by-product fines like ladle slag, secondary dusts, sludges and other steel work residues cannot be reused in EAF steelmaking because of technologies to treat and reuse these materials are not available in small scale or not economic for a common use in steel plants.
SAMPLING AND CHARACTERISATION ACTIVITIES In a first step of the Fines2EAF project, an extensive inventory of materials has been created. The inventory contains residuals, which have been collected from steelmaking operations but also from suppliers and other industrial sectors. These materials have been sampled and characterized by physical and chemical methods. The characterisation includes an optical assessment and documentation by sample photos and stereomicrographies. The physical characterisation includes determination of moisture content, bulk density and true density, grain size distribution, and determination of the melting / softening behaviour by hot stage microscope. The chemical characterisation activities include elemental analysis by XRF spectroscopy, determination of carbonate amounts, specification of fractions and phases by SEM-BSE micrographies and SEM-EDS analysis, determination of weight loss and/or volatiles and phase transformations by TG-DSC analysis, phase determination by XRD analysis and for specific samples analysis for the iron oxides and metallic iron content. From the steelmaking plants materials like ladle furnace slags, spent refractories, wet and dry mill scale, dusts collected from the EAF, LF, floor, roof or combustion chamber, oxygen cutting fines, fines from EAF and LF additions as well as sludge from water treatment were included. To broaden the scope of investigated materials further, interesting materials from related or other industrial sectors have been included in the inventory. These include filter dusts from FeMnC and FeSiMn production, used shot material, iron containing residues from pigment production, grinding sludge and a molybdenum concentrate. Tab. 1 gives the chemical composition of some of these materials. Especially interesting are here materials with a high metallic iron content but also materials, which could partially replace alloying materials.
Tab. 1 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chemical composition of selected samples from other sectors (wt.%) COMPONENT 1
Fe met. 2
47.87 / 11.28 3
K 2O
1 all oxides calculated from XRF analysis; 2 analysed according to ISO 5416; 3 coarse / fine fraction were analysed separately; n.a. not analysed
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;acciaio MICROWAVE PRE-TREATMENT A new pre-treatment technology for the removal of volatile components in the fines based on microwave heating is investigated. Microwave energy is a non-ionising electromagnetic radiation with frequencies in the range of 300 MHz to 300 GHz (4, 5). Microwave heating is fundamentally different from conventional heating because microwaves take the form of electromagnetic energy and can penetrate deep into the sample. This allows sample heating to be initiated volumetrically, as opposed to conventional thermal processing, which heats the sample from the outside inward via standard heat transfer mechanisms, i.e., through convection, conduction, and radiation (6). Compared with conventional heating techniques, the main advantages of microwave heating are: non-contact heating, energy transfer rather than heat transfer, saving energy, rapid heating, material selective heating and volumetric heating (4, 6). Microwave pre-treatment is applied on the fines with high
amount of zinc oxides or alkali metals to reduce their amount to acceptable levels. The results from the microwave treated fines will in future be compared to the results from removing volatile components with conventional thermal treatment. The aim is to produce raw materials with acceptable levels suitable for agglomeration and briquette production. The requirements for the raw materials used in agglomerate production are compared to characteristics of the available raw materials. The effect of microwave heating parameters (microwave power intensity, and exposure time, etc.) on the processing of wastes is studied on laboratory scale tests. The material treated in laboratory tests will be used in the lab-scale production of bricks. Materials tested and experimental procedure Tab. 2 gives the chemical analysis of material samples from steel plants. Politecnico di Milano and University of Leoben carried out the analysis.
Tab. 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Chemical composition of steel plant samples (wt.%) COMPONENT
In this preliminary investigation a conventional multimode microwave oven was used. The microwave absorption ability of the selected samples at a microwave power intensity of 1000 W were measured. The temperature of the sample was measured using a stainless steel-sheathed, K type thermocouple. The samples were placed in a microwave transparent crucible, in
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the centre of the microwave furnace. The microwave absorption ability of samples was measured by measuring the temperature increase of the sample using a thermocouple. In order to decrease the heat loss from the surface of the samples and to ensure efficient heating, the crucibles were insulated by alumina block, as shown in Fig. 3.
Clean technologies in steelmaking
Fig. 3 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Image of the crucible insulated with alumina block. In another set of experiments, the effects of microwave heating parameters (microwave power intensity, and heating time) on the removal of zinc from the selected wastes will be studied on laboratory scale tests. A first preliminary test was conducted with the EAF dust sample. The EAF dust was well mixed with 10 wt.% graphite in an agate mortar. The mixture of the EAF dust and graphite was then heated for 10, 15 and 20 min with a microwave power of 1000 W. The vapours from the crucible
were evacuated by a pump and condensed particles were then collected by a paper filter inside a collector. At the end of the experiment, the residue remaining in the crucible was cooled to room temperature in the microwave oven (Fig. 4). Subsequently, the residue was sent for chemical analysis to determine the chemical composition and rate of zinc removal. Zinc removal (R) was calculated according to the following equation [1]:
where C0 is the initial Zn concentration and C is the Zn concentration in the solid residue.
Fig. 4 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Image of the crucible insulated with alumina block.
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione d’acciaio The chemical composition of the EAF dust sample is given in Tab. 2. The chemical composition of EAF dust demonstrated that iron and zinc were the dominant elements in EAF dust. The contents of Fe2O3 and ZnO were 43.72 and 39.76 wt.%, respectively before microwave heating. The EAF dust also contained Si, Ca, and Mn (Tab. 2). Results of microwave pre-treatment tests The temperature over time profiles at a microwave power of 1000 W are shown in Fig. 5. The tests indicate that EAF dust, combustion chamber dust and water treatment sludge are excellent microwave absorbing materials. The high microwave absorbing properties of EAF dust, combustion chamber dust and water treatment sludge can be attributed to the contents of carbon and iron oxides, which are classified as excellent microwave absorbers (4, 6). For example, when combustion
chamber dust was heated in the microwave furnace at 1000 W for 5 minutes, the temperature of the EAF combustion chamber dust reached 850°C, the temperature of the EAF dust was 630°C and the sample of water treatment sludge under the same conditions was 723°C (Fig. 5). The measured sample temperature increases with increasing microwave heating time. The temperature increased very rapidly at first and thereafter increased slowly. There are many factors influence the microwave heating such as: the mineralogical composition of the sample and the phase transformation during microwave heating (7, 8). For example, the composition of the materials changed during the microwave heating due to the reduction of the contained iron oxide and zinc ferrite to Fe. Iron oxide phase absorbs more energy from the microwaves as compared to reduced phase, which can be attributed to the initial rapid increase in the temperature (8).
Fig. 5 – Microwave heating profile of combustion chamber dust, EAF dust, and water treatment sludge The chemical composition of EAF dust after microwave heating indicated that, when the EAF dust was heated for 10 min at a microwave power of 1000 W, the zinc content was reduced by 53.49 %. Increasing the microwave heating time resulted in
increased zinc removal rates of up to 90.43 % (Fig. 6). During the microwave heating process, zinc ferrite decomposes to ZnO and FeO as follow (9):
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Clean technologies in steelmaking
Fig. 6 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Zn removal from EAF dust Subsequently, zinc oxide is reduced to elemental zinc vapour, according to equation [4] (9, 10). The reduction processes and the Boudouard mechanism (reaction [6]) produce a CO/CO2
atmosphere. Gas/solid reactions between CO and ZnO reduce the zinc oxide to zinc vapour.
[4] This reaction is a combination of the following reactions: [5] [6] In addition, the overall lead, chloride and alkaline contents in the residue were reduced. The lead content in the residue was reduced from 0.85 wt.% to 0.27 wt.%. The chloride level was reduced from 1.27 wt.% to 0.28 wt.%. The K2O concentration was significantly reduced from 0.86 wt.% to 0.08 wt.%.
AGGLOMERATION TESTS With very fine and dry FeMnC filter dust first agglomeration tests with a carbon-based binder have been conducted. Two series of agglomerates have been produced with 4 wt.% binder (series A) and without binder (series B). Fig. 7 shows the resulting agglomerates.
Fig. 7 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; FeMnC filter dust agglomerates with (top) and without (bottom) binder (4 wt.%) 38
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Tecnologie pulite per la produzione dâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;acciaio Already from Fig. 7 it can be seen that the agglomerates without binder show a number of cracks. Subsequently, a drop test was conducted by dropping the sample three times from a height of 2.5 m on the ground. This drop test let to the com-
plete destruction of the samples of series B, while the samples of series A only showed a mean weight loss of about 1.5 % as can be seen in Fig. 8.
Fig. 8 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Two samples of series A (left) and of series B (right) after the drop test
These very first agglomeration tests will be followed up by further receipt development for single material and mixed material agglomerates according to the priorities of the steel plants participating in the Fines2EAF project. The receipts will be tested for agglomeration and resulting agglomerates will undergo comprehensive testing and characterisation. CONCLUSION Within the Fines2EAF project, a comprehensive inventory of residuals from the participating steel plants but also with materials from other industrial sectors has been established. The extensive physical and chemical analysis of the materials build the basis for the further work on a new microwave pretreatment technology as well as for the development of the agglomeration process based on a stamp press. First tests of the microwave pre-treatment could already show that many of the residuals are suited for microwave heating and that it is possible to reduce the amount of zinc as well as the overall lead, chloride and alkaline content of the residues by a microwave pre-treatment. Further work in this area will investigate the energy demand and efficiency of the microwave pre-treatment in comparison to conventional methods. The process could be useful to reduce the lead, chloride and alkaline
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content to acceptable level for a further use in the EAF while producing a zinc-rich concentrate, which could be used in the Waelz kiln. The initial agglomeration tests could already show, that with a stamp press very fine materials like the tested FeMnC filter dust can be agglomerated with about 4 wt.% of binder to durable agglomerate with only 1.5 % of weight loss in drop tests. In future more receipts with materials from the steel plants as well as from other sectors, pure or as blend, according to the needs of the steel plants will be tested. The created agglomerates will be evaluated extensively, including e.g. their melting behaviour. Finally, selected recipes will be used to produce agglomerates in pilot-scale and to test the agglomerates in the industrial EAFs of the project partners. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The authors acknowledge the financial support by the European Commission. This project has received funding from the Research Fund for Coal and Steel under grant agreement No 754197. This paper reflects only the authorâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s view and the Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.
Clean technologies in steelmaking REFERENCES
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Duplex stainless steel
High temperature deformation behaviour of an industrial S32760/1.4501/F55 super duplex stainless steel (SDSS) alloy N. Serban, V. D. Cojocaru, M. L. Angelescu, D. Raducanu, I. Cinca, A. N. Vintila, E. M. Cojocaru
Super Duplex Stainless Steels (SDSS) are the best option when high mechanical resistance, associated with very good stress corrosion cracking resistance, excellent resistance to pitting and crevice corrosion and increased thermal conductivity are required. This combination of properties makes them very attractive for a number of applications in chemical and petrochemical industry, such as components for offshore oil and gas extraction installations. Unfortunately, the fabrication and processing of these alloys are more difficult than other stainless steels and under certain conditions embrittlement may occur. In order to investigate the phenomenon of cracking registered during the industrial hot forging of an F55 Super Duplex Stainless Steel, some studies were made regarding the phase composition, microstructural and mechanical properties after hot deformation in various conditions. Modern investigation techniques, such as Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), Electron Back Scattering Diffraction (EBSD), microhardness testing and fractographic analysis were used, which enabled to draw some useful conclusions concerning the influence of hot deformation on the main microstructural and mechanical characteristics of the investigated F55 Super Duplex Stainless Steel.
KEYWORDS: SUPER DUPLEX STAINLESS STEEL (SDSS) – HOT DEFORMATION – FORGING – MICROSTRUCTURE – PHASE COMPOSITION – MECHANICAL PROPERTIES INTRODUCTION With a good combination of extreme high corrosion resistance and mechanical strength, Super Duplex Stainless Steels SDSS (γ austenite + δ ferrite) are successfully used in hard exploitation conditions, in the oil, gas and nuclear industries [1-5]. Due to the high ratio of property to cost, these steels are a good alternative to other higher performance materials such as super austenitic stainless steels and Ni based alloys. However, a less beneficial aspect is the poor hot ductility of SDSS, which makes hot working to be very difficult, sometimes the duplex microstructure of SDSS causing some embrittlement in certain inadequate conditions of thermomechanical treatment, which can induce premature failure [6-8]. It was shown that SDSS exhibits a high risk for intermetallic phase precipitation (considering the high alloying elements content in these steels), with a strong impact on ductility and corrosion resistance [2-4], being reported the fact that Cr depleted zones, which are causing an important reduction in terms of corrosion and mechanical resistance and ultimately a premature failure, are generated by the precipitation of the σ phase in SDSS [9-15]. Super Duplex Stainless Steels (SDSS) alloys are characterized by high chromium - Cr = (20 … 30)%, nickel - Ni = (6 … 8)%, molybdenum - Mo = (3 … 6)% and nitrogen - N = (0.2 … 0.3)% contents. The role of Cr, Ni and Mo in SDSS alloys is to improve corrosion resistance, while the role of N is to promote structural hardening by interstitial solid solution mechanism and as a consequence to improve the mechanical properties [6-8][12]. The microstructure of SDSS alloys consists of primary La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
phases, such as δ-Fe (ferrite) and γ-Fe (austenite), usually in a mixture containing roughly 50% δ-Fe and 50% γ-Fe phases, but may also contain other secondary phases, such as: σ (CrFe) (sigma), χ (chi), Cr2N (chromium nitride), M23C6 (carbides) and γ2-Fe (secondary austenite) [16-21]. The high content of Cr, Mo, Ni and N must be completely dissolved in δ-Fe (ferrite) and γ-Fe (austenite) phases in order to promote high corrosion resistance, otherwise the formation of secondary phases and intermetallic compounds will be promoted [13-15][22-25]. The formation of σ (sigma), χ (chi), Cr2N phases assumes depletion of Cr, Mo, N from the matrix, worsening the matrix properties [19-21][26]. It was observed that mainly at temperatures below 1000°C these phases are formed [16-18][27,28].
N. Serban, V. D. Cojocaru, M. L. Angelescu, D. Raducanu
Cinca, E. M. Cojocaru - University POLITEHNICA of Bucharest, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty, Bucharest, Romania
A. N. Vintila
FORJA ROTEC Ltd., Buzau, Romania
Acciai duplex Given the existing complex interactions between the major alloying elements (Cr, Ni, Mo, N), a special care is mandatory for SDSS alloys thermomechanical processing, in order to promote the desired microstructural changes for obtaining the adequate properties and for avoiding the formation of secondary phases and intermetallic compounds with negative effects on corrosion resistance and mechanical characteristics. Therefore, studying microstructural and mechanical properties evolution of SDSS after hot deformation in various conditions is very important for preventing the formation of deleterious intermetallic phases and for improving their behaviour during industrial processing and exploitation. The easiest solution for reaching this goal seems to be the proper control of thermomechanical treatment parameters. MATERIALS AND METHODS Present study main objective is represented by the investigation of microstructural development and mechanical behaviour for an industrial S32760/1.4501/F55 Super Duplex Stainless Steel (SDSS) alloy during hot deformation (forging) at different heating temperatures. By varying the forging temperature between 1000°C and 1250°C, several microstructural states were obtained. The investigated S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS alloy originated
from an industrially forged 8.6 tons polygonal ingot with an equivalent diameter of approximately 800 mm. The industrial forging process was performed in the 1250°C – 1050°C temperatures range with 6 intermediary reheating stages, in 7 consecutive steps until a 350 mm square section bar was obtained. At the end of forging, the final forged bar was slowly cooled inside the heating furnace up to the ambient temperature. The as-forged square section bar represents the starting material for mechanical machining of some special flanges used in the petrochemical industry. From the square section forged bar, at 0.5 m from the forward end, a slice of approximately 3 cm thickness was cut (Fig. 1.a). From this slice, at 1/3 from each slice corner, 5 cm X 5 cm sampling areas were cut, in order to obtain samples for further processing by solution treating (ST) and water quenching (WQ) followed by hot deformation – forging (HDF) under laboratory conditions, with the aim of investigating the microstructural and mechanical properties changes registered (Fig. 1.b). Rectangular cross section samples, 50 mm X 10 mm X 5 mm in size, were used for further laboratory thermomechanical processing ST/WQ/HDF (Fig. 1.c). The samples forging direction (axis) was perpendicular to the forging direction (FD) of the initial square section industrially forged bar and parallel to his normal direction (ND).
Fig. 1-a. – Industrially forged bar reference frame; b. Forged bar slice showing the location of sampling area; c. Samples reference frame (FD - forging direction, ND - normal direction, TD - transverse direction, 1 - forged bar, 2 - forging anvils)
All as-prepared samples were initially solution treated (ST) at 1075°C for 15 minutes, the solution treatment temperature being selected considering the fact that at temperatures below 1000°C, secondary phases and intermetallic compounds, 42
such as σ, γ2-Fe and Cr2N, can precipitate with a high negative impact on the corrosion resistance of SDSS [16-18][27,28]. All samples were water quenched (WQ) in order to preserve the microstructure obtained at high temperature also at room La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Duplex stainless steel temperature and in order to avoid intermetallic precipitates formation [19-21][26]. After solution treatment (ST) and water quenching (WQ), the samples were hot deformed – forged (HDF) in a single blow, using a laboratory drop hammer with the dropping anvil mass of 127 kg and the dropping height of 1000 mm (1 m) and thus, a constant impact energy (striking power) was used. Also, a constant deformation degree of about 40% (0.4) for all forged samples was maintained by using 3 mm height (h = 3 mm) stroke-limiting devices. Six forging temperatures were selected: 1000°C, 1050°C, 1100°C, 1150°C, 1200°C and 1250°C, so that intermetallic compounds and secondary phases precipitation could be avoided also during hot deformation. The forging tools used for HDF operations were also heated up to 250°C before forging in order to reduce heat transfer from the hot samples to the colder tools. After hot deformation, the samples were air cooled up to ambient temperature. From all thermomechanically processed states (solution treated and water quenched – ST/WQ; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1000°C – ST/WQ/HDF1000; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1050°C – ST/WQ/HDF1050; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1100°C – ST/ WQ/HDF1100; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1150°C – ST/WQ/HDF1150; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1200°C – ST/WQ/HDF1200; solution treated, water quenched and forged at 1250°C – ST/WQ/HDF1250), samples were cut for microstructural analysis in the ND-TD plane. These samples were hot-mounted in conductive phenolic resin and metallographically grinded down from 180 to 1200 grit SiC paper, then polished with 6 μm and 1 μm polycrystalline diamond suspensions, followed by super-polishing with 0.5 μm
and 0.05 μm alumina suspensions and finally vibro-polishing with 0.02 μm colloidal silica. The microstructure was investigated using SEM-EBSD (Scanning Electron Microscopy – Electron Back Scattered Diffraction) technique, in order to observe the microstructural changes produced during thermomechanical processing. SEM-EBSD analysis was performed using a TESCAN Vega II-XMU SEM fitted with a BRUKER Quantax e-Flash EBSD detector, at 320x240 pixels resolution, 10 ms acquisition time/ pixel, 1x1 binning size and less than 1% zero solutions. All samples used for microstructural analysis were also microhardness investigated using a Wilson-Wolpert 401MVA equipment, by applying testing forces of 10 gf (HV0.01) and 100 gf (HV0.1) and a dwell time of 30 seconds. Furthermore, specimens (approx. 1.5 mm thickness) cutted from all thermomechanically processed samples were tensile loaded to fracture (using a GATAN MicroTest 2000N tensile module mounted inside the TESCAN Vega II-XMU SEM), only for investigating the fracture surfaces by means of scanning electron microscopy (TESCAN Vega II-XMU). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Various microstructural features (e.g. constituent phases, morphology, grain sizes etc.) and crystallographic data (e.g. texture components and fibres, misorientation, twinning systems etc.) can be established for the investigated samples via SEM-EBSD analysis. Usually a mixture of primary phases, of about 50% austenite and 50% ferrite, is describing the microstructure of SDSS, but secondary phases like sigma, chi, carbides, chromium nitride or secondary austenite may also be present [16-21].
Fig. 2 – SEM-EBSD pattern quality and phase distribution map for all thermomechanically processed states: a. ST/WQ; b. ST/WQ/ HDF1000; c. ST/WQ/HDF1050; d. ST/WQ/HDF1100; e. ST/WQ/HDF1150; f. ST/WQ/HDF1200; g. ST/WQ/HDF1250 La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Acciai duplex Figure 2 shows the SEM-EBSD pattern quality and composite phase distribution maps for all microstructural states. Should be noted also that all SEM-EBSD investigations for the HDF specimens were conducted in the ND-TD sample plane. For the investigated S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS, thermomechanically processed using the procedure described above, the microstructure is composed only of δ-Fe (ferrite) and γ-Fe (austenite) primary phases, in a mixture containing roughly 50% of each phase, detected secondary phases ratio being negligible (Fig. 2). The very low amount of secondary phases and intermetallic compounds being present in the alloy, is due to a proper selection of thermomechanical processing parameters, especially for the solution treatment and hot deformation temperatures, considering the fact that below 1000°C these phases can precipitate, having a high negative impact on SDSS properties. On the
other hand, the relatively small dimensions of test specimens are leading also to a rapid cooling of the steel during and after forging, avoiding this way the formation of deleterious secondary phases (especially sigma phase, which is formed during slow cooling), even though the samples were simply air cooled after HDF operations. Figure 2 shows that for all specimens the microstructure consists of a matrix phase, containing also another dispersed phase with an irregular and elongated aspect. The matrix was identified as δ-Fe phase (ferrite), indexed in the Im-3m-229 cubic system, having a lattice parameter of a = 2.86 Å, while the other phase consisting of irregular and elongated grains was identified as being γ-Fe phase (austenite), indexed in the Fm3m-225 cubic system, having a lattice parameter of a = 3.66 Å.
Fig. 3 – Inverse Pole Figures in respect to X sample axis (IPFX) images of both δ-Fe and γ-Fe phases for all thermomechanically processed states: a. ST/WQ; b. ST/WQ/HDF1000; c. ST/WQ/HDF1050; d. ST/WQ/HDF1100; e. ST/WQ/HDF1150; f. ST/WQ/HDF1200; g. ST/ WQ/HDF1250 Figure 3 shows the Inverse Pole Figures images of δ-Fe and γ-Fe phases in respect to X sample axis (IPFX), for all investigated microstructural states. It can be seen that in all cases the microstructure consists of δ-Fe phase grains acting as a matrix and elongated, dispersed γ-Fe phase grains. For the ST/WQ specimen (see Fig. 2.a and Fig. 3.a), the microstructure shows a homogeneous aspect with large irregular austenite grains (mostly elongated, but near-polygonal grains are also present) dispersed throughout the ferrite matrix, consisting also of large irregular grains. On the other hand, it can be seen that the γ-Fe grains are including extended twinned areas, with large twins detected in the ST/WQ microstructural state, being known that annealing 44
twins are easily generated in austenite during recrystallization [29, 30]. Twins may also be observed after the hot deformation / forging process (Fig. 2.b – Fig. 2.g and Fig. 3.b – Fig. 3.g), but further analyses are needed in order to distinguish mechanical twins from annealing twins and also in order to identify and characterize the twinning systems being present in the alloy. For the hot forged specimens, the microstructure consists also of a ferrite matrix containing dispersed irregular austenite grains. When forging is performed at temperatures below 1100°C (Fig. 2.b, Fig. 2.c and Fig. 3.b, Fig. 3.c), the microstructure shows a rough appearance with heavily deformed and fragmented grains (for both γ-Fe and δ-Fe), presenting a high dislocation density. The γ-Fe grains are large, comparable in size to the La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Duplex stainless steel initial undeformed ST/WQ state, showing an irregular, asymmetrical aspect, elongated along the TD sample direction. When the forging temperature is at least 1100°C, but lower than 1200°C (see Fig. 2.d, Fig. 2.e and Fig. 3.d, Fig. 3.e), grains fragmentation after hot deformation gets higher and also the dislocation density decreases. Simultaneously, dynamic recrystallization of δ-Fe (ferrite) phase starts occurring, smaller recrystallized grains surrounded by a deformed matrix being visible in the microstructure of investigated SDSS alloy. The γ-Fe (austenite) grains appearance is still irregular, elongated along the TD sample direction, but the size of the grains is getting smaller. If the hot deformation / forging temperature is increased to 1200°C, or even more to 1250°C (Fig. 2.f, Fig. 2.g and Fig. 3.f, Fig. 3.g), the microstructure is showing a finished and relatively homogeneous aspect with refined δ-Fe and γ-Fe grains
and a low dislocation density. The γ-Fe grains are small (as compared to their original size) and roughly uniformly distributed throughout the δ-Fe matrix, presenting once again an irregular appearance, but a clear tendency towards a polygonal grain shape is visible in this case, the microstructure containing a mixture of near-polygonal and elongated γ-Fe grains. Furthermore, the dynamic recrystallization process of δ-Fe phase occurs intensively, plenty small size recrystallized grains being observed within the SDSS microstructure. On the other hand, at high forging temperatures, dynamic recrystallization begins for the γ-Fe phase as well, the austenite grains showing up as a deformed matrix containing also some small recrystallized subgrains. A further solution treatment applied to the HDF material is expected to restore the initial homogeneous microstructural aspect, but with smaller refined δ-Fe and γ-Fe grains.
Fig. 4 –Generic microhardness indentation images for: a. γ-Fe phase; b. δ-Fe phase; c. global microstructure The microhardness of austenite (γ-Fe phase) and ferrite (δFe phase) was evaluated using an indentation force of 10 gf (HV0.01), but for measuring the global microhardness an indentation force of 100 gf (HV0.1) was applied. Figure 4 displays some representative microhardness indentation images (HV0.01) for austenite / γ-Fe phase (Fig. 4.a) and ferrite / δ-Fe phase (Fig. 4.b) and also a typical image (HV0.1) obtained as a result of global microstructure testing (Fig. 4.c). For the ST/WQ
microstructural state, an average microhardness of 244 HV0.01 was obtained for austenite and an average microhardness of 271 HV0.01 for ferrite. In all HDF microstructural states, average microhardness values ranging from 262 HV0.01 up to 287 HV0.01 were obtained for austenite (γ-Fe phase), while in the case of ferrite (δ-Fe phase), average microhardness values ranging between 291 HV0.01 and 318 HV0.01 were obtained.
Fig. 5 – S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS global microhardness evolution for all thermomechanically processed states La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Acciai duplex Figure 5 is showing the S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS global microhardness evolution for all investigated thermomechanically processed states. One may observe that the minimum value for microhardness, of about 252 ± 5.2 HV0.1, was measured for the ST/WQ microstructural state, while the maximum microhardness value, of about 294 ± 4.1 HV0.1, was registered for the ST/WQ/HDF1000 microstructural state. Increasing the forging temperature is leading to a decrease in global microhardness, so that the minimum value for the HDF material, close to 266 ± 5.1 HV0.1, was obtained for the ST/WQ/HDF1200 microstructural state. It can be noticed that when the hot deformation / forging process is performed at 1250°C, a small increase in global microhardness (as compared to the hot deformation / forging performed at 1200°C) is recorded, namely from 266 ± 5.1 HV0.1 to 268 ± 4.3 HV0.1, but it should also be noted that the standard deviation of measurement is higher than this recorded increase. The observed behaviour can be explained by considering the strain hardening and also the dynamic recrystallization and
dynamic recovery mechanisms which are involved in the hot deformation / forging process of investigated S32760/1.4501/ F55 SDSS alloy, being known the fact that the work-hardening phenomenon arises mainly from the direct action of strain hardening, which is more intensive for lower forging temperatures and additionally, increasing the processing temperature favours the occurrence and progression of dynamic recrystallization and dynamic recovery mechanisms [31], as it was also shown by the experimental results presented above. Moreover, from all investigated samples, specimens were cut for being tensile loaded to fracture, only for studying the morphology of fracture surfaces by means of scanning electron microscopy, in order to establish the crystallographic character of fracture under different conditions of thermomechanical processing. SEM images of fracture surfaces for all thermomechanically processed S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS samples are given in figure 6, these observations allowing to draw some useful conclusions regarding the fracture mechanisms for the investigated alloy.
Fig. 6 – SEM fractographic investigations on S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS, in all thermomechanically processed states: a. ST/WQ; b. ST/WQ/HDF1000; c. ST/WQ/HDF1050; d. ST/WQ/HDF1100; e. ST/WQ/HDF1150; f. ST/WQ/HDF1200; g. ST/WQ/HDF1250 46
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Duplex stainless steel Analysing the SEM images presented in figure 6, one can observe that the fracture surface for the initial undeformed ST/ WQ state (Fig. 6.a) is showing a ductile aspect, with large areas where voids nucleation, growth and coalescence is clearly visible, the material exhibiting plastic deformation before fracture, this being shown by the final shear rupture with fibrous pull-outs. The fracture surfaces for the HDF SDSS are showing a ductile aspect (voids nucleation, growth and coalescence phenomena being visible), mainly when the forging temperature is between 1100°C and 1250°C (Fig. 6.d – Fig. 6.g), fibred pull-outs in the final shear rupture pointing out the presence of plastic deformation prior to the occurrence of fracture. However, when the forging temperature is lower than 1200°C, but at least 1100°C (Fig. 6.d, Fig. 6.e), brittle areas can also be observed on the fracture surface. For forging temperatures below 1100°C (Fig. 6.b, Fig. 6.c), large brittle areas are visible, the fracture surfaces showing mostly a fragile aspect; internal brittle cleavage fracture arising in the SDSS alloy due to the high strain hardening rate and low cleavage strength resulted during thermomechanical processing. These observations are consistent with the microhardness testing results presented above and also with the results of SEMEBSD analysis, which highlighted the dynamic recrystallization phenomenon beginning to occur in the δ-Fe (ferrite) phase at forging temperatures of at least 1100°C, but especially at 1200°C and above, when this phenomenon occurs intensively and microstructural refinement is highlighted also. Additionally, a more thorough analysis of the fractographic images presented in figure 6 revealed that the fracture surfaces of investigated S32760/1.4501/F55 SDSS, in all thermomechanically processed states, are also displaying some included spheroidal particles of various dimensions, with voids generated around those particles. Similar particles were reported by other researchers as well [32, 33], being identified as complex silicon, zirconium and aluminium oxide inclusionary particles originating from the deoxidization process, but a further qualitative EDS analysis is needed in order to properly establish the nature of these particles. CONCLUSIONS SEM-EBSD analysis revealed that the microstructure (for all thermomechanically processed states) is composed only of δ-Fe (ferrite) and γ-Fe (austenite) primary phases, in a mixture containing roughly 50% of each phase, detected secondary phases ratio being negligible, this highlighting the proper selection of thermomechanical processing parameters in order to avoid the precipitation of deleterious secondary phases with a high negative impact on SDSS properties. In all cases the
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microstructure consists of a matrix phase (δ-Fe phase), containing also another dispersed phase with an irregular and elongated aspect (γ-Fe phase). For the SDSS forged at temperatures below 1100°C, the microstructure shows a rough appearance with heavily deformed and fragmented grains, presenting a high dislocation density. Microstructural analysis revealed that at forging temperatures higher than 1100°C, dynamic recrystallization of δ-Fe phase starts occurring, this phenomenon being more intense as the deformation temperature increases. Also, when forging is performed at temperatures higher than 1200°C, dynamic recrystallization begins for the γ-Fe phase as well. When increasing the forging temperature, grains fragmentation after hot deformation gets higher and also the dislocation density decreases; forging at 1200°C…1250°C is leading to a finished and relatively homogeneous microstructure with refined δ-Fe and γ-Fe grains and a low dislocation density. A final solution treatment applied to the HDF material is expected to restore the initial homogeneous microstructural aspect, but with smaller refined δ-Fe and γ-Fe grains. Microhardness investigations showed that the minimum value (252 ± 5.2 HV0.1) is obtained for the ST/WQ material, while the maximum microhardness value (294 ± 4.1 HV0.1) is registered for the ST/WQ/HDF1000 microstructural state. Increasing of forging temperature leads to a decrease in global microhardness, so that the minimum value for the HDF material (266 ± 5.1 HV0.1) is obtained in the ST/WQ/HDF1200 state. Fractographic investigations are consistent with microhardness testing results and also with the results of SEM-EBSD analysis, the fracture surfaces for the HDF SDSS showing a ductile aspect mainly when the forging temperature is between 1100°C and 1250°C. However, when the forging temperature is lower than 1200°C, brittle areas can also be observed on the fracture surface. For forging temperatures below 1100°C, large brittle areas are visible, the fracture surfaces showing mostly a fragile aspect. Given the results obtained in this paper, one can say that hot deformation / forging process for investigated S32760/1.4501/ F55 SDSS alloy should be done at temperatures between 1100°C and 1250°C, preferably at the upper range values of this interval. The material should be reheated as often as necessary and cooled in still air. Forging at temperatures below 1100°C is not recommended under any circumstances. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS This work was supported by a grant of the Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research, CCCDI UEFISCDI, Project PNIII-P2-2.1-BG-2016-0367, contract no. 104 BG / 2016.
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La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Le manifestazioni AIM Clean technologies in steelmaking AIM meetings and events BULLONERIA E TRATTAMENTI TERMICI Giornata di Studio c/o Confindustria Lecco e Sondrio - Lecco, 21 maggio LEGHE DI NICHEL E SUPER LEGHE Giornata di Studio Milano, 28 maggio PROVE MECCANICHE Corso Milano, Monza, Crema 29-30 maggio, 5-6 giugno ECHT 2019 - HEAT TREATMENT & SURFACE ENGINEERING FOR AUTOMOTIVE Convegno Internazionale Bardolino (VR), 5-6-7 giugno DIFETTOSITA’ IN COLATA CONTINUA E LINGOTTI Giornata di Studio c/o TenarisDalmine - Dalmine (BG), 11 giugno METALLOGRAFIA Corso modulare Milano, 12-13 giugno Vicenza, 17-18-19 settembre RIVESTIMENTI - II MODULO - Rivestimenti spessi Placcatura e Termospruzzatura Corso Milano, 19-20 giugno MICROSCOPIA ELETTRONICA IN SCANSIONE SEM PER METALLURGISTI - II ed. Corso Milano/Lecco, 26-27 giugno LEGHE DI ALLUMINIO Corso di base Bologna, 27 giugno POLVERI E PROCESSI PER ALTE PRESTAZIONI Giornata di Studio Milano, luglio XIII GIORNATE NAZIONALI SULLA CORROSIONE E PROTEZIONE Convegno Palermo, 3-4-5 luglio DEFORMAZIONE DEI PRESSOCOLATI: CAUSE E RIMEDI Giornata di Studio Torino, 18 settembre
“ADDITIVE METALLURGY”. MATERIALI METALLICI E FABBRICAZIONE ADDITIVA Corso Milano, 18-19 settembre MASTER PROGETTAZIONE STAMPI Corso modulare Brescia, 25-26 settembre, 9-10-23-24 ottobre, 6-7-20-21 novembre, 4-5 dicembre FORGIATORI Corso itinerante 2-3-9-10 ottobre METALLURGIA PER NON METALLURGISTI Corso Milano, 15-16-22-23-29-30 ottobre METALLURGIA SICURA Corso itinerante 30 ottobre, 6-13 novembre SALDATURA DELLE LEGHE LEGGERE Giornata di Studio Milano, 31 ottobre IGIENE DELLE LEGHE DI ALLUMINIO Corso Carmagnola (TO), 5-6 novembre PROVE NON DISTRUTTIVE Corso Milano, 20-21 novembre MeMo - METALS FOR ROAD MOBILITY International Meeting Bergamo, 21-22 novembre APPLICAZIONI DEL SEM IN AMBITO INDUSTRIALE Giornata di Studio novembre RIVESTIMENTI DECORATIVI AL SERVIZIO DELL’ESTETICA DEL PRODOTTO Giornata di Studio Firenze, 28 novembre MATERIALI INNOVATIVI PER L’ADDITIVE MANUFACTURING Giornata di Studio 4 dicembre
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La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
AttualitĂ industriale iSteelTempÂŽ measuring system: an innovate technology to measure temperature in EAF optimizing the melting process edited by: C. Di Cecca, G. Foglio, M. Fusato, L. Angelini, P. Frittella, M. Tellaroli, M. Pozzer, M. Marcozzi The correct determination of steel temperature during the melting process is fundamental to reach the process targets and to optimize the resources employed. The measurement operation requires a procedure characterized by factors as accuracy, repeatability and reliability of the entire measurement chain. Several technologies are currently available and the thermocouple with thermoelectric principle is that most adopted. The current use foresees that the measurement operation is carried out by automated robot or manually. In the former case, there is the physical presence of an instrument that has a considerable size whose installation can be difficult, while in the latter there is the physical presence of an operator in an area subject to safety segregation. This work will present an innovative system for measuring the temperature of the steel installed directly on the injection system that allows a measurement with a reliable non-contacting principle that can be replicated and remotely directly on the operator's pulpit.
C. Di Cecca, G. Foglio, M. Fusato, L. Angelini, P. Frittella, M. Tellaroli Feralpi Siderurgica S.p.A.
M. Pozzer, M. Marcozzi Tenova S.p.A.
Introduction The Electric Arc Furnace (EAF) melting process is subject to ongoing development ad updates. These concern not only productivity levels and environmental impact, but also the development of systems dedicated to the measurement of process parameters. (1) The current level of automation does not allow to have a perfect knowledge of reactions within an EAF. The process fluctuation is due to factors not directly related to melting process but also to external disturbances such as fluctuations on the input raw material chemical composition and on the energy availability that make one heat different from the another. (2) Mass and energy balances are often divided into groups of interacting sub-processes in order to be able to obtain the EAF end point process analysis by means of simulations. (3â&#x20AC;&#x201C;5) In the process models the melt temperature in the EAF final step can be estimated with an error standard deviation of about 20 K. The information on individual parameters was focused La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
on some specific themes as: the instrumentation addressed to systems for the evaluation of energy losses related to the temperature of the panels, measurement of the off-gases chemical composition and flow rate (6), EAF slag analysis (7), noise measurement for the correct coverage of the arc during foaming slag and through process measurement systems. (8) All these systems allow continuous measurements on the process operation parameters but the operations regarding the end point measurement still require discrete measures in terms of temperature and chemical composition. The direct measurement of process parameters like liquid steel temperature can take several time, in particular if temperature measurement is combined to chemical composition. Some studies accounts three minutes for the the direct end point detection. This process requirement must be compatible with the operators' safety regarding the presence of segregations on the EAF pulpit and the availability of free space on the EAF platform for the installation of robotic islands. To overcome these 51
Industry news limitations this work aims to show a unique installation to be able to evaluate the temperature of the steel inside the EAF directly on the burner- oxygen injector system in order to fully reconcile the needs of safety with those of the process. The iSteelTemp® system The work started with the need of the Feralpi Lonato plant to
have a system that allows the temperature measurement of steel in the EAF without the presence of an operator near the EAF platform. In detail, the melting furnace area is subdivided into micro areas segregated by an interlocked key system, which makes the area inaccessible for the operators unless the turn off of all the power sources of the furnace and its stop Fig.1.
Fig. 1 – Particular of safety system The adoption of measurement systems by thermocouple cartridge sensor, due to the distribution of spaces on platform, does not allow an easy measurement of chemical composition and temperature without repeated manual and steady operations. From a process analysis point of view, the limited possibility to validate the temperature generates inefficiencies both from the energy point of view and from the melting process management point of view. Starting from these considerations, in collaboration with Tenova, it was decided to adopt a system that was able to measure the temperature directly on the oven by installing the iSteelTemp® system. iSteelTemp® is the TENOVA patented solution (Patent nr. 52
EP1440298-B1)(8) to measure the liquid steel temperature based on ratio-pirometry technology for EAF application. The main purpose of the system is to reduce to the minimum the use of the traditional measurement devices gathering a fast response, non-contact temperature detection through an easy system based on the pyrometer technology. Figure 2 describes the main parts of the technology. An optical pick up, connected to an optical fibre and installed on the back connection of a KT Oxygen Lance, allows temperature measure reading and transmission till the measuring device. The device is responsible of signal capturing, computer filtering, calculation software and operating utilization screen for the EAF operator usage. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Attualità industriale
Fig. 2 – iSteelTemp® System cess was easy and robust for utilization. This method also eliminates most issue relative to direct temperature comparison in EAF due to different sampling condition between physical thermocouples and iSteelTemp, like sampling depth, refractory distance, arc radiation or slag conditions. Jointly with TENOVA, instead of and absolute error target, it was chosen to compare results in terms of error bands between measured temperature and the expected shot temperature, with the smallest deadband set at 20°C after considering thermocouple and pyrometer individual errors and the expected “noise” from temperature regression. Comparison on short and long-term executed in April 2018 are reported below, while cycle execution reliability reached 93.7% over 3000 heats, where 5.2% of failed measurement was due to a known cause of insufficient time to reach the required pressure of inert gas for executing the cycle due to the very short interval between cycles. (Tab. 1)
To assure the proper reading of the real liquid steel temperature, it is important that the optic read through an open eye in the slag and that the liquid steel is not affected by oxidation reaction. To guarantee the slag opening, a proper gas injection flow is automatically activated during the measuring cycle, exploiting the Laval nozzle characteristics of the main oxygen nozzle of the KT Oxygen Lance. Inert gas is used as injected gas in order to avoid the effect of oxidizing chemical reactions on the liquid steel temperature. In FERALPI LONATO case, where no temperature or sample is taken into the EAF, but temperature is taken only after tapping into the ladle it has been necessary to recalculate temperature values knowing all necessary data like additions, times between events, energy supplied between tapping, etc. As of today some additional info is missing, like refractory conditions or manual additions, however, thanks to the constant and repeatable EAF conduction of FERALPI LONATO, coupled with comprehensiveness of available data this pro-
Tab. 1 – Analysis of error bands between temperature and expected shot temperaure COMPONENT Absolute Error Bands
Most Recent 50 Heats
Most Recent 300 Heats
Absolute Medium Error
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Industry news
Fig. 3 – Shot Temperature and Expected shot Temperature
This analysis was compared to the temperature recorded after tapping with and without iSteelTemp®. In order to evaluate this trend several precautions were taken as: • scrap buckets recipe is fixed; • the melting process steps were fixed; • the iron alloys added during tapping has always the same weight. The temperature results with and without application of iSteelTemp® are shown in Fig. 4. The results show how the tapping superheat difference with EAF temperature measurement is close to zero. The good trend is also confirmed by the
reduced variation in the upper interval of standard deviation and this is related to an optimized overall melting energy that is not used in useless steel overheating. This aspect is also enhanced by the possibility of carrying out multiple measurements during refining. The energy decrease reaches 7,1 kwh/ tLS every heat. The standard deviation lower interval reduces but the decrease is not comparable to that of the upper one and this confirm how operators have the same deviation rate in the performing heat with low superheat that those suggested by operative practice.
Fig. 4 – Statistical analysis on the benefit of iSteelTemp® adoption 54
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Attualità industriale Conclusions This work describes the results of a test period conducted at Feralpi Siderurgica, Lonato Works. The focus of the study was the installation of a highly innovative temperature measurement system. The benefits of installation have been also analysed and the following conclusions can be drawn from the results: 1. The system can be installed directly on oxygen injection system, this aspect allows the total segregation of the EAF
platform in the temperature measurement process; 2. The system is robust in a harsh environment and it have a cycle execution reliability about 93.7%; 3. The operators can perform multiple measurement during refining step and this reduce steel overheating standard deviation; 4. The reduced temperature fluctuation related to an improved melting process allowing energy savings of about 7,1 kwh/tLS.
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8]
Corbella M, Giavani C. Le Nuove Tecnologie Di Tenova Per Il Miglioramento Delle Performances Del Forno Ad Arco E Il Rispetto Dell ’ Ambiente. Metall Ital La. 2007;(febbraio):33–8. Kühn R, Geck HG, Schwerdtfeger K. Continuous Off-gas Measurement and Energy Balance in Electric Arc Steelmaking. ISIJ Int. 2005;45(11):1587–96. Logar V, Škrjanc I. Received on May 15, 2012; accepted on June 7, 2012 ). 2012;52(10):1924–6. Logar V, Dovžan D, Škrjanc I. Modeling and Validation of an Electric Arc Furnace : Part 1 , Heat and Mass Transfer. 2012;52(3):402–12. Optimised production of low C and N steel grades via the electric steelmaking route. Khan M. Yield and productivity savings using Goodfellow EFSOP TM at MacSteel , Arkansas. :79–82. Mombelli D, Mapelli C, Di Cecca C, Barella S, Gruttadauria A. Electric arc furnace slag: Study on leaching mechanisms and stabilization treatments. Metall Ital. 2016;108(10). Francesco Memoli - Volkwin Werner KÖSTER. Ep 1 440 186 b1 (12). Vol. 1. 2010. p. 1–18.
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Industry news Recycling of plastic Packaging in raw materials as substitute of carbon source for iron ore reduction in the steel industry edited by: F. Fulchir, M. Bottolo, S. Petriglieri, A. Furiano This paper describes the recycling processes adopted by COREPLA and IDEALSERVICE to create value from municipal plastic packaging in raw materials as substitute of carbon source for iron ore reduction in the steel industry. The aim of this sustainable solution is to improve the efficiency of the recycling processes for post-consumer plastic and contribute to carbon dioxide emission mitigation. Furthermore, this process provides a real answer both to the objectives of the last European Directive concerning the reduction of the impact of plastic products on the environment and to the preferred classification of the EU directive on waste management where recycling is better than energy recovery. Since 2010, COREPLA and Idealservice developed an integrated recycling system to transform municipal plastic packaging in raw material as Secondary Reducing Agent (Bluair) for blast furnace. Plastics packaging, taken from separate collections, enter into highly automated sorting plants in which are sorted all marketable streams and removed the materials that could cause problems to the end users processes. The Bluair is obtained by sorting, shredding, melting, agglomeration, size reduction and screening, homogenization and quality control according to technical standard UNI 10667-17. Both economic and environmental benefits are achieved. The economic saving could be clearly calculated by the less use of coke inside the blast furnace. The environmental benefits are referred to a fewer production of CO2 using Bluair in the place of coke. This is why the plastics has a part of hydrogen which causes the vapour stream production to advantage the reduction of CO2.
F. Fulchir, M. Bottolo Idealservice Soc. Coop, Pasian di Prato (UD) Italy
S. Petriglieri, A. Furiano COREPLA, Milano, Italy
INTRODUCTION Plastics are used in a growing number of applications and represent an essential part of our daily life. In Europe, plastics demand is continuously increasing, which implies a high dependence of the oil market as well as high price fluctuation. This extensive use leads to a huge waste streams, in fact, more than 27 million tons of plastic waste was generated in Europe in 2016. Only 31.1% is currently recycled, the remaining volumes end up in landfills or are incinerated (1). Furthermore it is estimated that between 54000 and 145,000 tonnes annually
entering into the oceans from non-landlocked EU countries (2). One of the main reasons for the low recycling rate in plastic containing materials is their heterogeneity. In particular multilayer films used also for enhancing barrier properties in the packaging industry. Due to this structure, these materials are difficult to be re-processed in an efficient way while maintaining the quality requirements. There are various alternatives for recycling plastics: mechanical, incineration coupled with energy recovery and feedstock recycling.
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Attualità industriale The European Commission in the recent strategy for Plastics in a Circular Economy, has classified plastic recycling amongst the five priority areas in which progress need to be made towards a circular economy (3). The development of new recycling technologies of waste plastics is an important issue for industry and society because of the number of problems arising from incineration (4) and of the shortage of landfill sites (5). Feedstock recycling foresees that waste plastics are introduced into processes designed to yield chemical feedstock. This category includes, among others, the utilization of plastics in blast furnaces. Feedstock recycling can use mixed waste plastics that are not of sufficient quality or are too expensive to be sorted into separate types for mechanical recycling. In this manner, it is possible to recycle plastic materials that are not suitable for reuse through mechanical recycling. This paper describes the integrated recycling system developed by COREPLA and IDEALSERVICE to transform municipal plastic packaging in raw material as Secondary Reducing Agent (bluair) as a substitute of carbon source for iron ore reduction in the steel industry. The SRA is obtained according to the technical standard UNI 10667-17 (6). This process provides a real answer both to the objectives of the last European Directive concerning the reduction of the impact of certain plastic products on the environment and to the preferred classification of the EU directive on waste management where recycling is better than energy recovery (7). RECYCLING PROCESSES ADOPTED The recycling process adopted comprises the following steps: collection, sorting, bluair production in the recycling plant. Collection The plastic packaging, obtained by household sorting from separate collections, are collected, compressed and packed by municipalities and delivered to sorting plants. Effective participation of inhabitants is a crucial part to increase the correct sorting of the recyclable waste. In order to improve the efficiency of household sorting, a control procedure has been implemented and consists of the following steps: direct control of the material collected by the operators that pick up the material, evaluation of the material through
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
periodic waste composition analysis, customer satisfaction and direct interviews of the households, identify and implement appropriate interventions. The aim of the interventions usually is to increase the knowledge of how to sort the waste and increase the awareness of the end user about the importance of this task. This could be obtained by designing and implementing different types of information and instruments, like specific Apps, targeted to different users at the appropriate time and place. The work of Rousta et al. (8) demonstrate that is possible to improve household waste recycling behavior by using specific procedures. Sorting at the recycling plants The collected material, after quality control, enters into highly automated sorting plants in which are sorted all marketable streams. The sorting plants are composed by the several units: • Bag-breaker, allows the opening and emptying of bags containing the material without damaging the commodities. • Rotating trommel screens in order to separate the feed stream into separate streams through the holes on the bottom of the machine. • Ballistic separators: used to sort light objects like films, and heavier objects like plastic containers and bottles in relation of their weight and their shape. • Disc screen separators for sorting of both oversized and undersized fractions. • Air classifiers, in order to separate films from heavy materials. • Magnetic sorter to separate continuously ferrous metals. • Eddy current separators for non-ferrous metals separation. • Optical sorting systems (NIR). Those systems use Fourier-transform near-infrared spectroscopy for polymer type analysis and also optical colour recognition camera systems to sort the streams into colourless and coloured fractions. In order to maximise sorting performances, multiple automated sorting systems are installed in series. • Final quality control system in order to reach the end quality levels. • Presses for compaction of the materials. The marketable streams separated through the processes above mentioned are described in Tab 1:
Industry news Tab. 1 – Marketable streams (9) Commercial description
Commercial name
Mixed Coloured PET bottles
Colourless PET bottles
Light blue PET bottles
HDPE containers
Packaging film (>A3)
Plastic flexible packaging (<A3)
Mixed polyolefins MPO
Mixed Polypropylene packaging IPP/C
The residual part, arising after the sorting processes, is a mixture of polymers called Plasmix in Italy (9)(10). Plasmix is composed by highly heterogeneous materials and is delivered to energy recovery. As described above, mechanical sorting involves a number of treatments and preparation steps, this is a costly and energy-intense process. In order to encourage the collection and recycling and achieve the recovery and recycling targets set by the EU Directive on packaging waste (CE/62/94), Italian law set up CONAI system, the national packaging consortium. It is a self-funded system composed by six material consortia, one for each single type of material: steel, aluminum, paper, wood, glass, and plastic (COREPLA). All companies in the field of packaging producers and packaging users are invested with responsibility for environmental packaging management also through enrolment in CONAI system (11). Bluair production The aim of the processing plant is to provide a feedstock that meets certain specifications concerning the requested particle size for the injection in the blast furnace and in sufficient quan-
tity and quality. The specifications to be achieved, meet need particular attention with respect to moisture, chlorides and limits on the amount of heavy metals and trace metals, as these can affect the quality of the hot metal product. The bluair is produced through the following steps, according to the Italian technical standard UNI 10667-17: • Stockyard area: the sorted material is collected. • Primary shredder: large plastic parts are cut for further processing. • Magnetic sorter and eddy current separator to remove metals from the stream. • Homozeneization of the material in order to mitigate the heterogeneity of the material collected. • Densification, through a two co-rotating screws system that, thanks to the friction heat, agglomerate the material. • Grinding system to reduce the particle size of the material. • Screener system in order to select the particle size and meet the specifications required by the injection systems of the BFs. • Control system based on visual inspection, physical and chemical analysis.
Fig. 1 – Picture of Secondary Reducing Agent - (Bluair) 58
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
AttualitĂ industriale In Tab 2 are reported the requirements prescribed by the technical standard UNI 10667-17. Tab. 2 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; Specification for trace elements in waste plastics according UNI 10667-17 (9) Characteristics
Particular conditions
Net Calorific Value
UNI EN 15400
Dry sample after 4h at 105°C
â&#x2030;Ľ 30 MJ/Kg
Chlorine content (Cl)
UNI EN 15408
Dry sample after 4h at 105°C
Cadmium (Cd)
UNI EN 15411
Preparation according UNI EN 13656
â&#x2030;¤ 8 mg/Kg
Lead (Pb)
UNI EN 15411
Preparation according UNI EN 13656
â&#x2030;¤ 100 mg/Kg
Mercury (Hg)
UNI EN 15411
Preparation according UNI EN 13656
â&#x2030;¤ 0,6 mg/Kg
Mixed heterogeneous plastics content Moisture content
â&#x2030;Ľ 80 % Appendix A UNI 1067-17.
â&#x2030;¤ 10 %
Small amounts of paper included with the plastics present no problems as they are discharged as slag in the BFs (12) VALORISATION OF MUNICIPAL PLASTIC PACKAGING AS SUBSTITUTE OF CARBON SOURCE AS REDUCING AGENT FOR STEEL INDUSTRY Blast furnaces Bluair is used in some BFs as a substitute reducing agent for coke, pulverized coal and heavy oil, and injected into the blast furnace from the tuyeres with hot air using specialized injection equipment. The injected plastic is broken down to form gas that reacts with the iron ore reducing Fe2O3.
The injected materials are broken down to form CO and H2 Reactions that occurs in the 900 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 1100°C
Injection of coke or pulverized coal
Injection of plastics
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Reactions in the 600 â&#x20AC;&#x201C; 900°C zone Reactions that starts at 500°C
Waste plastics, that consists of carbon and hydrogen, generate more H2 than coal, contributing to generate lower CO2. Employing polyethylene, as example, the amount of CO2 gene-
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Currently, the steel companies inject coke or pulverized coal with hot air at the base of the blast furnace, where the particles are completely burnt, consuming oxygen and generating CO2 at temperatures that exceed 2000°C (12). Coke, pulverised coal and heavy oil are normally used as reducing agents in this process where iron ore Fe2O3 has to be reduced to Fe. The following table illustrates only the major reactions that taking place within the BF (12)(13).
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rated is lower by approximately 30% with respect to the use of coke and pulverised coal (12).
Industry news The injected materials are broken down to form CO and H2
Injection of coke or pulverized coal
Injection of plastics (polyethylene)
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Benefits The use of SRA, produced from municipal plastic packaging as substitute of carbon source for iron ore reduction in the steel industry presents the following environmental, operational and economic benefits: â&#x20AC;˘ Reduction of the amount of plastic waste landfilled; â&#x20AC;˘ Less production of CO2 due to the higher ratio of hydrogen to carbon (12); â&#x20AC;˘ LCA analysis shows that the substitution of coke in blast furnace represent the best option from the environmental point of view among the alternatives of PLASMIX management (14); â&#x20AC;˘ Lower consumption of fossil resources, in particular coke, pulverized coal and oil; â&#x20AC;˘ Decrease of energy consumption because hydrogen is a more favourable reducing agent than carbon and the regeneration of hydrogen is faster and less endothermic than carbon monoxide regeneration (13); â&#x20AC;˘ Lower Sulphur and alkalis contents than coal (13); Moreover, thanks to the reform of the EU emissions trading system (ETS) for the period after 2020, recently approved by the Council, the allowance price of EU carbon dioxide enables the steelwork which use the SRA to get remarkable economic savings coming from the market exchange of the CO2eq saved. In fact, in the short term, European carbon prices are forecast to continue rising to 25â&#x201A;Ź per ton by the end of the year, up from 18 â&#x201A;Ź per ton at the half of 2018, after reforms set to kick in next year have already seen the carbon price quadruple within 18 months to reach 10-year highs, some analysts said. Other uses Among feedstock recycling, previous studies demonstrated that waste polymers can be utilized also in EAF steelmaking processes as a slag foaming agent by blending with metallurgical coke in various proportions. In particular, the influence of polymer composition on carbon/ slag interactions (15), the combustion and structural transformations of metallurgical coke and plastic blends (16), and high - temperature interactions between slag and carbonaceous materials (17). In the last decades, the European steel market has seen the widespread adoption of electric arc furnace (EAF) steelmaking 60
technology (15). EAF uses coke to promote slag foaming due to FeO reduction by carbon and subsequent CO formation. Foaming improves the energetic and in general environmental performances of the furnace. Thus, coke also acts as carbon supply for reduction of iron ore to steel. In this framework, carbon bearing materials have been tested as coke substitute. Plastic is an interesting material due to high heating value, high carbon content and large availability. Due to low demanding application, low-grade plastic wastes such as mixed plastic from municipal packaging waste, can be used for this purpose. Thus, these materials can be introduced in the EAF with minimum pre-treatment with a higher valorisation than using just as energy source. At this scope Polynspire project1 aims to demonstrate a comprehensive set of innovative, cost-effective and sustainable solutions, aiming at improving the energy and resource efficiency of the recycling processes for post-consumer plastic containing materials. One of the three innovation pillars that will be demonstrated at the end of the project is the valorization of plastic waste as carbon source in EAF steelmaking processes. Main technical challenge consists on the optimization of pre-treatment and injection system for an efficient utilization of plastic wastes as coal substitute in the EAF sector. A fully operative injection system will be manufactured and installed in a real EAF at an industrial site, demonstrating that polyolefin and non-recyclable fractions can be valorized as a raw material in the steel industry. CONCLUSIONS This integrated recycling system to transform municipal plastic packaging in raw material as Secondary Reducing Agent (Bluair) for blast furnace presents environmental, operational and economic benefits. Furthermore, the use of SRA is an option to increase the recycling rate of plastic packaging in particular because it is possible to recycle mixed waste plastics that have not sufficient quality or are too expensive to be sorted into separate types for mechanical recycling. Development of sorting systems, and increase efficiency of the bluair production are needed for further reduction of life cycle costs. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Attualità industriale The injection in EAF steelmaking processes is a promising feedstock recycling option. 1: Polynspire project. Demonstration of Innovative Technologies towards a more Efficient and Sustainable Plastic Recycling. CESPIRE-10-2018: Efficient recycling processes for plastic contai-
ning materials. This project has received funding from European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 820665.
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La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Bergamo (Italy) 21-22 November 2019
International Meeting
metallografia 3° Modulo : Milano, 12-13 giugno 2019
Organized by
in co-ooperation with
supported by
4° Modulo : Vicenza, 17-18-19 settembre 2019
La metallografia trova applicazione primaria nella metallurgia sia nella fase di produzione dei metalli e leghe e sia nei processi come trattamenti termici, processi galvanici, fonderia, etc… e soprattutto nello “studio anomalie” meglio espresso da “failure analysis”. Il Corso è strutturato in un primo modulo propedeutico e tre successivi moduli dedicati rispettivamente a materiali ferrosi e saldatura, TT superficiali con e senza materiale d’apporto, sinterizzati e leghe di rame e infine a settembre un modulo di tre giorni relativo alle leghe leggere (alluminio, magnesio, titanio). Quest’ultimo modulo organizzato con il Centro di Studio Metalli Leggeri, prevede delle esercitazioni pratiche presso i laboratori dell’Università di Padova, sede di Vicenza. Le lezioni tenute da docenti universitari e da tecnici di provata esperienza presenteranno un “taglio” applicativo, con riferimenti alla failure analysis, relativa sia ai processi di fabbricazione sia gli impieghi e soprattutto facendo riferimenti alle norme UNI – EN – ISO – ASTM (grano austenitico, decarburazione, precipitati, inclusioni non metalliche, bandosità, etc.). Ampio spazio sarà dato alla collaborazione tra docenti e partecipanti, allo scopo di beneficiare dei momenti di discussione e confronto al termine delle singole lezioni. A chiusura del Corso, verrà organizzata la consueta e interessante visita al Laboratorio CNR ICMATE di Milano, alla quale potranno accedere coloro che abbiano espresso interesse a parteciparVi in fase di iscrizione. L’ attestato di partecipazione rilasciato dall’AIM a fine corso, per chi abbia partecipato ad almeno due moduli, rientra tra la documentazione da presentare per la domanda di certificazione come esperto di 2° Livello di Controlli Metallografici.
Il programma completo è disponibile su
Scenari Hydrogen: The Future of Green Steel Production edited by: Paolo Argenta, Tenova Vice President Upstream
Paolo Argenta is currently Executive Vice President of Tenova Metals, responsible for the Business Unit Upstream that includes direct reduction plants and melt shops for steel and other metals. He has been working in the metallurgical project business (both steel and mining) since 1995, covering different executive positions in Tenova and Danieli, not only in Italy but also in Thailand, South Africa and in the USA. He holds a Master’s degree in Mechanical Engineering, gained at the University of Genoa (Italy).
Several megatrends are driving society towards sustainable economic models. In the case of Energy Intensive Industries (EII) such as metal producing, evolving towards climate neutrality will mean major investments in new industrial processes that entail the use of alternative feedstock sources. In this scenario, Tenova Metals has been working to develop technologies able to significantly reduce energy consumption and the environmental footprint of steel production. In particular, the Upstream Business Unit of Tenova Metals is undertaking a promising path with Hydrogen production. The Hydrogen Revolution Hydrogen production from carbon-free electrical energy (green H2) is just the tip of the iceberg of the ongoing revolution in energy production and the shift from the old fuel-to-energy paradigm to the energy-to-fuel one. R&D investments in renewable energy production, tackling both global-scale La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
pollution (global warming) and local pollution, have led to the development of a suite of technologies able to lower the cost of green electrical energy. Such solutions, however, often suffer from erratic power production that doesn’t meet network demand, hence the need to store energy in many forms such as water pumping, batteries and, very conveniently, fuel. Our society is comfortable dealing with fuel transportation and usage, and fuel is the most energy-intensive and stable way to store energy. Hydrogen is an energy vector: it is a fuel that can be easily transformed into electricity and back into fuel, and it generates water when it “burns.” Thus, the “hydrogen revolution”. This has the potential to exert a dramatic impact on our sector, and we have recently seen that a growing market is developing to supply the industry with the needed materials for this energy revolution, such as Silicon Metal, Vana-
dium and special steels. Direct Reduction Plants and Hydrogen The Direct Reduction (DR) route is already a much greener way to produce steel from ore with a reduced carbon footprint compared to the integrated route. Tenova owns a company named Tenova HYL, which is based in Monterrey, Mexico, and specializes in this technology. Since its beginning in the 1950s, HYL has been working towards the development and optimization of DR, making it one of the worldwide leaders. Our greenhouse gas emissions are as low as one-third, by using Natural Gas and selectively capturing CO2. Moreover, the DR process has the ability to replace carbon as a reducing agent. In fact, we have the possibility to substitute the Natural Gas with Hydrogen to further reduce CO2, getting close to 0% CO2 emissions.
Experts’ corner
Fig. 1 – Use of hydrogen in a DR process This application is becoming a real trend, at least in Europe, and we have provided a better understanding of the tangible impact of this development on the future plans of all the major integrated steelmakers engaged in conversations with us. In particular, there are two cuttingedge pilot projects worth mentioning, which are moving their first steps into this direction: SALCOS® and HYBRIT®. SALCOS® for CO2-reduced Steel Production SALCOS® (SAlzgitter Low CO2 Steelmaking) is a revolutionary concept for a significantly CO2-reduced steel production, commonly developed by Salzgitter AG, among the leaders in innovative and sustainable steel and technology pro-
ducts, and Tenova. The aim is to undergo a stepwise transformation process of the integrated steel making route, moving from carbon-intensive steel production based on Blast-Furnaces towards a Direct Reduction and Electric Arc Furnace route, including the flexible incremental utilization of hydrogen. This concept is capable of reducing CO2 emissions up to 95% with respect to the entire steel production route. The gas used in the DR plant would be natural gas blended with H2 (produced via electrolysis using renewable energy) up to a percentage of 70% to obtain a DRI fed hot into the EAF to produce the very same quality steels Salzgitter AG is producing today.
Tenova will provide the ENERGIRON-ZRdirect reduction technology, the innovative HYL Direct Reduction Technology with integrated CO2 absorption system, jointly developed by Tenova and Danieli We signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the German steelmaker right at the beginning of April 2019, aiming at jointly applying for public funding of the SALCOS® project. We are currently involved in a further study, GrInHy2.0, with Salzgitter Group and Sunfire GmbH, which has received the support of Hydrogen Europe and the European Commission. This should lead to another step toward the first full-scale initiative to move from coal to hydrogen in the steel production.
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Fig. 2 – SALCOS® signing of Memorandum of Understanding HYBRIT®: The Swedish Challenge for Fossil-Free Steelmaking The HYBRIT® Initiative for fossil-free steelmaking was established in 2016 by
Hybrit Development AB, a Swedish joint venture between SSAB, LKAB and Vattenfall, with the aim to replace coking coal with hydrogen in order to obtain
a fossil-free steel-making process route with virtually no carbon footprint.
Fig. 3 – Hybrit Process vs Blast Furnace
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Experts’ corner In October last year, we signed with Hybrit Development AB an important contract, as they selected Tenova HYL to supply process key equipment for Direct Reduction Ironmaking. The HYBRIT® Initiative set specific tar-
get toward the construction and operation of a pilot plant with the aim to test hydrogen as reducing agent in the production of Direct Reduced Iron (DRI). The pilot-plant is designed for the purpose to develop production of DRI using
Hydrogen, a crucial process step in the future fossil-free steelmaking production route. The pilot plant will be located in Luleå, Sweden, and is expected to begin operations in 2020.
also have to be priced competitively. We strongly believe in a structured transition from coal to NG to H2. Most European steelmakers are doing their homework and testing different pilot plants. The two main approaches are CCU (still producing CO2, but capturing it and use it in different forms) and CDA (avoiding CO2 production altogether).
At Tenova we are very well positioned to take advantage of the ongoing transformation and are involved in both types of approaches. Being “in the right vein” is somehow incidental, but it is also the result of efforts made over the years, when we paid attention to issues that, at that time, were “futuristic” but now are reality.
Fig. 4 – Ternium’s 4M Direct Reduction plant Future Steps Electrification of industrial processes and heat is a core technology for reducing carbon intensity in the industry, but clearly the additional electricity used must be low-CO2. A steel industry evaluation shows that a very substantial increase in supply of such electricity will be needed to “decarburize” the sector, and this will
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Calendario degli eventi internazionali International events calendar 2019
June 5-7, Bardolino, Garda Lake, Italy, ECHT 2019 - heat treatment & surface engineering for automotive June 10-14, Nantes, France, 14th World Conference on Titanium (Ti-2019) June 13-15, Guangzhou, China, 2019 China International Metal & Metallurgy Exhibition June 23-27, Portsmouth, USA, NUMIFORM 2019: The 13th International Conference on Numerical Methods in Industrial Forming Processes June 25-29, Düsseldorf, Germany, METEC & 4th ESTAD 2019
QUOTE SOCIALI AIM 2019 (ANNO SOLARE) Benemeriti (quota minima) 1.750,00 € Sostenitori (quota minima)
750,00 €
Ordinari (solo persona)
70,00 €
25,00 €
15,00 €
La quota dà diritto di ricevere la rivista dell’Associazione, La Metallurgia Italiana (distribuita in formato digitale). Ai Soci viene riservato un prezzo speciale per la
July 21-25, Indianapolis, USA, 5th World Congress on Integrated Computational Materials Engineering (ICME 2019)
partecipazione alle manifestazioni
July 22-24, Perth, Australia, Iron Ore Conference 2019
pubblicazioni edite da AIM.
July 22-24, Osaka, Japan, BIT’s 8th Annual Worls Congress of Advanced Materials (WCAM 2019)
Per ulteriori informazioni, iscrizioni, rinnovi:
August 13-15, Toronto, Canada, 8th International Conference on Modeling and Simulation of Metallurgical Processes in Steelmaking (STEELSIM2019)
AIM, Via F. Turati 8
August 18-22, Xi’an, China, 10th Pacific Rim International Congress on Advanced Materials an Processing (PRICM10)
Tel.: 02 76021132/76397770,
September 1-5, Stockholm, Sweden, EUROMAT 2019
September 4-6, Melbourne, Australia, International Conference on Materials Science and Engineering 2019
AIM e per l’acquisto delle
20121 Milano fax: 02 76020551
September 8-11, Birmingham, UK, 2019 Liquid Metal Processing & Casting Conference September 11-13, Perth, Australia, World Gold Conference 2019 September 9-13, Seville, Spain, EUROCORR 2019 September 30 - October 2, Graz, Austria, 10th European Stainless Steel Congress, Science and Market 6th European Conference and Expo Duplex October 1-4, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11th International Rolling Conference (IRC 2019) October 29-31, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, OTC Brasil 2019 November 17-20, Seattle, USA, World Congress on High Entropy Alloys (HEA 2019)
2020 May 25-29, Seoul, South Korea, The International Molten Slags, Fluxes and Salts conference (Molten 2020)
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news Verbale della Settantaseiesima Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci AIM La 76a Assemblea Ordinaria dei soci AIM ha avuto luogo a Milano in sede, giovedì 11 aprile 2019 alle ore 12.00 in seconda convocazione, dato che la prima era andata deserta. Sono presenti 34 Soci (27 fisicamente e 7 rappresentati per delega). Al tavolo di Presidenza, oltre al Presidente ing. Federico Mazzolari, il Tesoriere, dr. Stefano Vittadini, e il Revisore dei conti, dr. Maurizio Perugini. Ordine 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
del giorno: Relazione del Consiglio Direttivo AIM sul rendiconto 2018 Relazione del Tesoriere sul rendiconto 2018 Relazione del Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti sul rendiconto 2018 Discussione delle relazioni e approvazione bilancio consuntivo 2018 e previsionale 2019 Varie ed eventuali
L’ing. Mazzolari comunica che l’Assemblea è stata convocata con avviso telematico ai Soci e, poiché si svolge in seconda convocazione, come previsto dallo Statuto, è valida qualunque sia il numero dei presenti. Si passa quindi ad esaminare i punti all’Ordine del Giorno: circa il primo punto, il Presidente legge la relazione del Consiglio Direttivo relativa alle attività svolte nel 2018; il Tesoriere illustra in seguito la relazione sul bilancio 2018 ed il previsionale 2019; infine, il dr. Perugini, in rappresentanza del Collegio dei Revisori dei Conti, legge la relativa relazione sul bilancio 2019. Dopo aver aperto e concluso la discussione, l’Assemblea approva all’unanimità il bilancio consuntivo 2018 e il bilancio previsionale 2019. Il Presidente ringrazia e saluta i Soci convenuti. L’Assemblea termina alle ore 13.00.
Il Presidente Ing. Federico Mazzolari
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Relazione del Consiglio Direttivo Anno: 2018
Cari Soci ed Amici, Vi ringrazio vivamente per la Vostra partecipazione all’Assemblea dei Soci. Sono lieto di confermare che il mio primo anno alla guida dell’Associazione sia stato positivo sia dal punto di vista culturale che economico. Manifestazioni Nel 2018 l’Associazione ha organizzato 29 manifestazioni, di cui: - 12 Corsi di formazione ed aggiornamento; - 12 Giornate di Studio; - 3 Convegno Internazionali; - 1 Convegno Nazionale dedicato ai materiali metallici e processi produttivi innovativi per l’aerospazio; - 2 Convegni Nazionali, ovvero la 37° edizione del Convegno Nazionale AIM e la 26° edizione del Convegno Nazionale Trat tamenti Termici, ospitata all’interno del Convegno Internazionale ICS. Le manifestazioni sopra indicate hanno raccolto complessivamente 2050 partecipanti, dei quali il 36% non soci ed il 10% studenti (soci junior). Mi preme sottolineare l’esito particolarmente positivo del Convegno Internazionale ICS – 7th International Congress on Science & Technology in Steelmaking, che ha visto la partecipazione di ben 399 tecnici e ricercatori siderurgici. L’evento si è svolto a Venezia-Mestre dal 13 al 15 giugno. Anche il Convegno Internazionale dedicato all’oxygen steelmaking, con sede a Taranto dal 10 al 12 ottobre, ha avuto un buon riscontro in termini di adesioni: 158 partecipanti si sono incontrati. Infine, è stata accolta molto favorevolmente la 37° edizione del Convegno Nazionale AIM, ospitato dall’Università di Bologna dal 12 al 14 settembre. Soci Benemeriti Sostenitori Ordinari Senior Junior
21 68 1275 30 189
Si rileva continuità con i numeri del 2017, eccezion fatta per un incremento importante dei soci junior e una leggera diminuzione dei soci ordinari. Premi e riconoscimenti Durante la cerimonia d’apertura del 37° Convegno Nazionale, è stata consegnata la Medaglia di Titanio all’ing. Massimo Calderini, Acciai Speciali Terni, e al dott. Antonio Alunni, Fucine Umbre. Sempre in occasione del Convegno Nazionale, sono stati inoltre consegnati: - la Medaglia e Premio Aldo Daccò all’ing. Stefania Toschi; - la Medaglia e Premio Felice De Carli all’ing. Alessandra Fava; - il Premio per il dottorato intitolato al prof. Paolo Spinedi all’ing. Marialaura Tocci. Nell’ambito del 26° Convegno Nazionale Trattamenti Termici, vi è stato il conferimento del Premio Elio Gianotti all’ing. Andrea Ciuffini. La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news Centri di Studio Ritengo importante esprimere il mio personale ringraziamento ai componenti dei Centri di Studio AIM, la cui attività è fondamentale per la realizzazione e la riuscita delle nostre iniziative. I rappresentanti dell’Industria e dell’Università che animano i Comitati Tecnici AIM svolgono un lavoro di estrema importanza nel saper individuare le esigenze di informazione e formazione del settore di riferimento, verso cui mirare le iniziative culturali dell’Associazione. I Comitati Tecnici rappresentano inoltre un’opportunità unica di incontro, scambio e crescita tecnico-scientifica per gli esperti di estrazione industriale e accademica che vi partecipano. Invito pertanto le aziende associate a designare propri tecnici per la partecipazione ai Comitati Tecnici AIM. Attività editoriale Si è provveduto alla ristampa di 100 copie del Corrosione e Protezione di Bianchi e Mazza. La rivista “La Metallurgia Italiana – International Journal of the Italian Association for Metallurgy” edita da Siderweb è disponibile dallo scorso anno esclusivamente in formato digitale. I Soci hanno accesso ad un’area riservata, dove possono consultare e scaricare i numeri della rivista. La nuova formula permette una maggiore e più puntuale fruizione, soprattutto nell’ambito di realtà aziendali con un elevato numero di dipendenti. Sostegno alla ricerca e alla didattica Il Consiglio Direttivo AIM ha deciso di stanziare fondi per un ulteriore assegno di ricerca, proseguendo con l’attività di sostegno alla ricerca e all’insegnamento della Metallurgia e accogliendo la proposta del CoMet di conferire l’assegno all’Università degli Studi di Napoli. Attività 2019 Il 2019 si raffigura come un anno di attività prevalentemente ordinaria. Verranno tuttavia organizzati il Convegno europeo ECHT 2019, dedicato ai trattamenti termici e ai rivestimenti con focus sul settore automotive. L’evento si svolgerà a Bardolino nei giorni 6-8 giugno. Il mese successivo, ovvero dal 3 al 5 luglio, avrà luogo a Palermo la XIII edizione delle Giornate Nazionali sulla Corrosione e Protezione. Nella seconda metà di novembre, si svolgerà invece un meeting internazionale dedicato alle leghe per il settore automotive, MeMo, con la collaborazione di Assofond e altre associazioni di categoria. L’evento vedrà il coinvolgimento di Siderweb, che curerà una sessione sul mercato e le strategie. Per le restanti iniziative, vi invito a prendere visione dell’elenco distribuito. Conclusioni Guardando al futuro, esprimo l’auspicio che le iniziative dell’Associazione possano raggiungere un pubblico sempre più vasto, ovvero che l’attività svolta dall’Associazione possa essere di beneficio per il più ampio numero possibile di persone, aziende e enti. Per raggiungere tale obiettivo, ritengo importante consolidare e sviluppare sempre di più le sinergie e le collaborazioni con le Associazioni di settore e le consorelle estere, perché veicolino l’informazione delle nostre manifestazioni ai propri associati. Rivolgo a tutti Voi un caloroso saluto e rinnovo il ringraziamento per la Vostra partecipazione.
Il Presidente Ing. Federico Mazzolari
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Relazione del tesoriere sul rendiconto dell'esercizio 2018 Signori Soci, obiettivo di questa relazione è analizzare il risultato della gestione della Vostra Associazione nell’anno 2018 commentando le voci di bilancio più significative. Il rendiconto che vado ad analizzare chiude con un avanzo di gestione pari ad Euro 115.082, di cui Euro 84.138 afferenti la gestione istituzionale e Euro 30.944 derivanti dalla gestione commerciale. L’esercizio precedente chiudeva con un avanzo di Euro 88.823, nel contesto del quale la gestione istituzionale riportava un risultato di € 66.882, a fronte della gestione commerciale con € 19.941. STATO PATRIMONIALE ATTIVO Immobilizzazioni: Le movimentazioni dell’esercizio sono le seguenti:
Costo storico ad inizio esercizio
Fondo ammortamento ad inizio esercizio
Valore netto ad inizio esercizio
Acquisti dell'esercizio
Cessioni dell'esercizio, al netto fondo
Ammortamenti dell'esercizio
Valore netto a fine esercizio
Nel corso dell’esercizio non si sono registrati acquisti o dismissioni dei cespiti esistenti al 1/1/2018. Le movimentazioni intervenute nell’esercizio si limitano pertanto all’accantonamento delle quote di ammortamento ordinarie. Rimanenze: Nel corso dell’esercizio, si è avuta la seguente movimentazione:
Inizio esercizio
Fine esercizio
Libri e pubblicazioni
Materiale per convegni
Libretti AIM
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news II criterio utilizzato per la valutazione delle rimanenze è quello del minore tra il costo unitario di acquisizione ed il valore di mercato. Crediti verso clienti: Si tratta di crediti sia per quote di partecipazione a convegni che per acquisti di volumi e di atti dei convegni. L’importo esposto a bilancio è pari ad euro 37.008. Nel corso dell’esercizio sono stati effettuati accantonamenti al fondo rischi per € 6.258 corrispondenti a posizioni di comprovata inesigibilità;
Crediti verso clienti correnti
Fondo svalutazione crediti
Valore netto a bilancio
Titoli: Il valore nominale dei titoli in portafoglio è rimasto invariato a euro 2.403.664 non si sono verificate operazioni di investimento/ disinvestimento nell’ambito dei dossier in essere e di seguito dettagliati. La quotazione di mercato dell’intero portafoglio al 31.12.2018 è pari ad € 2.384.121 con una svalutazione media rispetto al valore di carico dello 0,81%. Nel dettaglio, le performances dei quattro investitori che gestiscono il patrimonio dell’associazione sono le seguenti:
Capitale gestito
Quotazione a inizio esercizio
Quotazione a fine esercizio
Variazione valore
CREDEM Banca prossima UBI Banca
Variazione % -1,48
Banco desio
La situazione sopra rappresentata esprime il risultato globale della gestione del patrimonio mobiliare; a livello di pura rappresentazione contabile il risultato non compare nel bilancio che vi viene sottoposto che espone solamente i risultati conseguiti per cassa e quindi, precisamente, le plusvalenze realizzate da eventuali cessioni e l’ammontare delle cedole incassate. Le cedole accreditate in conto sono passate da euro 8.451 a euro 6.989,52. Fondo liquidazione: La AIM ha in essere due polizze assicurative a garanzia delle indennità di cessazione del rapporto dei dipendenti in forza; a quella esistente fino al 2015 con INA si è assommata una stipulata con Cattolica, ove vengono versati i premi a partire dal 2016. Il saldo al 31.12.2018, pari a complessivi euro 113.882 (di cui 54.059 su Cattolica) viene di anno in anno adeguato al fondo trattamento fine rapporto maturato a favore dei dipendenti (Euro 127.593).
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Ratei attivi: Accoglie i ricavi di competenza dell’anno in corso che avranno manifestazione finanziaria nel corso dell’esercizio successivo. Risconti attivi: Accoglie i costi di competenza degli anni successivi relativi a fatture contabilizzate nell’anno in corso. STATO PATRIMONIALE PASSIVO Fornitori: Il saldo esistente a fine esercizio è pari ad euro 6.890 comprensivo delle fatture da ricevere. Nessuno dei debiti esistenti è scaduto. Debiti verso l’Erario e verso gli Enti Previdenziali: Il debito si riferisce agli importi dovuti per contributi e tributi relativi al mese di dicembre 2018 e già tutti versati nei termini di legge. Debiti verso istituti bancari: La partita in esame è sorta nel corso dell’esercizio 2016 in occasione dell’accensione del mutuo ipotecario contratto con il Banco Desio per complessivi Euro 800.000,00 della durata di 10 anni, per l’acquisto dell’ufficio di Milano. Il saldo al 31/12/2018 pari a Euro 603.552,64 rappresenta il residuo al netto delle rate pagate nell’esercizio. Fondo di riserva: Nella formulazione del bilancio 2008 era stato costituito un fondo (denominato “Fondo per manifestazioni”) nella misura di euro 160.000,00 a fronte di spese future sia per le manifestazioni del centenario della rivista (previste nel corso del 2009) sia per manifestazioni internazionali già programmate a partire dal 2010; l’accantonamento era stato reputato necessario alla luce della congiuntura allora in corso che avrebbe potuto non consentire la copertura dei costi per le future manifestazioni, peraltro già assegnate alla organizzazione di AIM che non avrebbe più potuto sottrarsi agli impegni assunti. Nel corso del 2009 il fondo è stato utilizzato per euro 67.986,25 con riferimento ai costi di competenza delle manifestazioni per il centenario della rivista. Visto l’assestamento dei conti economici che non hanno reso necessario neppure per il 2018 il ricorso a quel fondo con destinazione specifica, si è ritenuto di modificarne la denominazione e di trasformarlo in un fondo generico di salvaguardia. Il saldo residuo di euro 92.013,75 non ha subito modifiche rispetto al precedente esercizio. Ratei passivi: Si tratta di costi imputati all’esercizio in corso che avranno manifestazione finanziaria nel corso dell’esercizio successivo. CONTO ECONOMICO Manifestazioni: I ricavi totali delle manifestazioni si sono incrementati rispetto al precedente esercizio da Euro 836.350 a Euro 896.187 a (+7,17%). Il confronto tra ricavi e costi (€ 269.408) delle manifestazioni evidenzia un utile lordo di € 374.032 che, in percentuale, rappresenta un valore in tendenziale crescita rispetto agli esercizi precedenti; in particolare, l’utile lordo delle manifestazioni rappresenta le seguenti percentuali rispetto ai ricavi:
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news Anno 2018 = 58,13% Anno 2017 = 59,24% Anno 2016 = 54,42% Anno 2015 = 43,91% Anno 2014 = 47,11% Anno 2013 = 52,92% Anno 2012 = 48,3 % Anno 2011 = 50,1 % Anno 2010 = 55,6 % Anno 2009 = 47,8 % Anno 2008 = 65,8 % Anno 2007 = 55,9 % Anno 2006 = 50,9 % Proventi finanziari: Come già detto in commento alla gestione degli investimenti finanziari, la redditività espressa in bilancio è rappresentata dalle cedole incassate ed accreditate direttamente in conto corrente oltrechè dalle plusvalenze realizzate sulle dismissioni. In bilancio non viene rappresentata la variazione di quotazione intervenuta nell’esercizio sul totale degli investimenti finanziari e ciò perché, trattandosi di investimenti immobilizzati e non di capitale circolante, vengono contabilizzate solamente le espressioni finanziarie effettivamente realizzate. Conclusione: La gestione economica dell’Associazione nell’anno 2018 chiude pertanto con un avanzo di Euro 115.082 al netto delle imposte di competenza di Euro 23.150. In ottica di destinazione di detto avanzo, alla luce delle previsioni statutarie, l’ipotesi di stanziare una Riserva per l’erogazione di contributi per il sostegno ad iniziative di ricerca nell’ambito metallurgico risulta coerente con la struttura economica e finanziaria del bilancio consuntivo testè commentato nonché dei dati di budget per l’anno 2019, e sostenibile, in misura non eccedente il 16% dell’avanzo di gestione, anche in considerazione delle dinamiche finanziarie implicate dai recenti investimenti. Milano, 3 aprile 2019
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Bilancio Culturale AIM 2018 CONVEGNI INTERNAZIONALI
ICS 2018 - 7TH INTERNATIONAL CONGRESS ON SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY IN STEELMAKING organizzato congiuntamente a 26° Convegno Nazionale Trattamenti Termici 13-15 giugno 2018 - Venezia-Mestre Organizzato dall’AIM e dal CdS AIM Acciaieria PARTECIPANTI: 399
I METALLI PER L’EDILIZIA SOSTENIBILE. ACCIAIO E RAME – LA CERTIFICAZIONE DEI FABBRICATI 21 marzo 2018 - Milano Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Metalli e Tecnologie Applicative PARTECIPANTI: 26
EOSC 2018 - 8TH EUROPEAN OXYGEN STEELMAKING CONFERENCE 10-12 ottobre 2018 - Taranto Organizzato dall’AIM e dal CdS AIM Acciaieria PARTECIPANTI: 158
DEFORMAZIONE PERMANENTE: DALL’ACCIAIO AL PROCESSO 22 marzo - Piacenza Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Trattamenti Termici e Metallografia PARTECIPANTI: 55
CLEAN TECH 4 - 4th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON CLEAN TECHNOLOGIES IN THE STEEL INDUSTRY 28-29 novembre 2018 - Bergamo Organizzato dall’AIM e dai CdS AIM Acciaieria, Ambiente e Sicurezza, Lavorazioni Plastiche dei Metalli e Forgiatori PARTECIPANTI: 68
CONVEGNI NAZIONALI 26° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE TRATTAMENTI TERMICI organizzato congiuntamente a ICS 2018 13-15 giugno 2018 - Venezia-Mestre Organizzato dall’AIM e dai CdS AIM Trattamenti Termici e Metallografia e Rivestimenti e Tribologia PARTECIPANTI: 399 37° CONVEGNO NAZIONALE AIM 12-14 settembre 2018 - Bologna Organizzato dall’AIM PARTECIPANTI: 261 MATERIALI METALLICI E PROCESSI PRODUTTIVI INNOVATIVI PER L’AEROSPAZIO 19-20 luglio 2018 - Napoli Convegno organizzato dai CdS AIM Metalli Leggeri, Metallurgia Fisica e Scienza dei Materiali e Metallurgia delle Polveri PARTECIPANTI: 84
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
LA NEBULOSA CONFORMITÀ MACCHINE. TRA CONFINI e REALTÀ 24 maggio 2018 - c/o Associazione Industriale Bresciana, Brescia Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Ambiente e Sicurezza PARTECIPANTI: 84 ESTRUSI DI ALLUMINIO PER UN MERCATO GLOBALE CHE VUOLE QUALITA’, COMPETENZA E VALORE AGGIUNTO 7 giugno 2018 - Milano Giornata di Studio organizzata dai CdS AIM Metalli Leggeri e Lavorazioni Plastiche dei Metalli PARTECIPANTI: 35 PROBLEMATICHE DEI MATERIALI NEI CICLI COMBINATI TRADIZIONALI ED INNOVATIVI 28 giugno 2018 - Milano Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Materiali per l’Energia PARTECIPANTI: 39 75
Aim news TRATTAMENTI TERMICI DEGLI ACCIAI PER STAMPI A CALDO E A FREDDO PER IL SETTORE AUTOMOTIVE 11 ottobre - c/o Confindustria Canavese, Ivrea Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Trattamenti Termici e Metallografia PARTECIPANTI: 68 RISCHIO AZIENDALE E CONTRATTUALE 24 ottobre 2018 - Milano Giornata di Studio organizzata dai CdS AIM Forgiatori e Acciaieria PARTECIPANTI: 32 LA SORVEGLIANZA SANITARIA ED EPIDEMIOLOGICA NEL SETTORE METALLURGICO TRA TUTELA DEL LAVORATORE E DEL DATORE DI LAVORO 25 ottobre 2018 - c/o Associazione Industriale Bresciana, Brescia Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Ambiente e Sicurezza PARTECIPANTI: 67 OTTIMIZZAZIONE DEI TRATTAMENTI TERMOCHIMICI E DEI PROCESSI MECCANICI NELL’INDUSTRIA MECCANICA 8 novembre 2018 - c/o Gefran, Provaglio d’Iseo Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Trattamenti Termici e Metallografia PARTECIPANTI: 44 LA PRODUZIONE DI GETTI PER APPLICAZIONI STRUTTURALI. ASPETTI METALLURGICI E DI PROCESSO 9 novembre 2018 - c/o Idra, Travagliato Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Pressocolata PARTECIPANTI: 63 GLI UTENSILI DIAMANTATI 22 novembre 2018 - Vicenza Giornata di Studio organizzata dal CdS AIM Metallurgia delle Polveri PARTECIPANTI: 31 CORSI TRIBOLOGIA INDUSTRIALE – III modulo 17 gennaio 2018 - Bologna Corso organizzato dal CdS AIM Rivestimenti e Tribologia
PARTECIPANTI: 56 CORROSIONE E PROTEZIONE DEI MATERIALI METALLICI – IV modulo 17-18 gennaio 2018 - Milano Corso modulare organizzato dal CdS AIM Corrosione PARTECIPANTI: 28 TECNICHE DI ANALISI SUPERFICIALE (XPS-ESCA/AES/ TOF-SIMS): PRINCIPI BASE E APPLICAZIONI INDUSTRIALI 1-2 febbraio 2018 - Bologna Corso organizzato dall’AIM PARTECIPANTI: 54 SOLIDIFICAZIONE 28 febbraio e 1 marzo 2018 - Milano Corso di base organizzato dal CdS AIM Metallurgia Fisica e Scienza dei Materiali PARTECIPANTI: 19 SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA 8-9-15-16-22-23 marzo 2018 Corso itinerante organizzato dal CdS AIM Acciaieria PARTECIPANTI: 68 METALLURGIA DELLE POLVERI 19-20 aprile 2018 - Imola c/o Sacmi 10-11 maggio 2018 - c/o Pometon, Maerne di Martellago Scuola organizzata dal CdS AIM Metallurgia delle Polveri PARTECIPANTI: 44 METALLURGIA DI BASE PER I TRATTAMENTI TERMICI 16-17-23 maggio 2018 - Milano Corso organizzato dal CdS AIM Trattamenti Termici e Metallografia PARTECIPANTI: 51 METALLURGY SUMMER SCHOOL 2a edizione - Simulation of Phase Transformations In Metal Processing 22-25 luglio 2018 - Bertinoro Scuola organizzata da AIM/COMET PARTECIPANTI: 26 GLI ACCIAI INOSSIDABILI - 10a edizione 17-18-24-25 ottobre e 7-8-14-15 novembre 2018 - Milano
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Corso organizzato dall’AIM PARTECIPANTI: 58 RIVESTIMENTI - 1° modulo: Rivestimenti sottili: PVD, CVD e ALD 14-15 novembre 2018 - Roma Corso modulare organizzato dal CdS AIM Rivestimenti e Tribologia PARTECIPANTI: 30 FAILURE ANALYSIS 20-21-28-29 novembre 2018 Milano, Monza c/o Omeco, e Soncino c/o STL Corso organizzato dal CdS AIM Controllo e Caratterizzazione Prodotti PARTECIPANTI: 92 CREEP - Modulo di base 11-12 dicembre 2018 - Milano Corso modulare organizzato dal CdS AIM Materiali per l’Energia PARTECIPANTI: 44 VISITE TECNICHE Visita agli impianti di Acciai Speciali Terni – Terni 9 marzo – in occasione del corso SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA Visita agli impianti di Acciaierie di Calvisano (Feralpi Group) – Calvisano 15 marzo – in occasione del corso SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA
Visita agli impianti di Sacmi - Imola 19 aprile 2018 - in occasione della Scuola di METALLURGIA DELLE POLVERI Visita agli impianti di Pometon – Maerne di Martellago 10 maggio 2018 - in occasione della Scuola di METALLURGIA DELLE POLVERI Visita presso IDRA - Travagliato 9 novembre 2018 - in occasione della GdS LA PRODUZIONE DI GETTI PER APPLICAZIONI STRUTTURALI. ASPETTI METALLURGICI E DI PROCESSO Visita agli impianti Eure Inox – Peschiera Borromeo 14 novembre - in occasione del corso GLI ACCIAI INOSSIDABILI - 10a edizione Visita ai laboratori dell’Università di Roma Tre – Roma 14 novembre – in occasione del corso RIVESTIMENTI - 1° modulo: Rivestimenti sottili: PVD, CVD e ALD Visita ai laboratori di Rina Consulting-Centro Sviluppo Materiali – Roma 15 novembre – in occasione del corso RIVESTIMENTI - 1° modulo: Rivestimenti sottili: PVD, CVD e ALD Visita al laboratorio Omeco - Monza 22 novembre – in occasione del corso FAILURE ANALYSIS Visita al laboratorio STL Services & Testing Laboratories - Soncino 29 novembre – in occasione del corso FAILURE ANALYSIS PARTECIPAZIONE A FIERE
Visita agli impianti di Alfa Acciai – Brescia 16 marzo – in occasione del corso SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA Visita agli impianti di NMLK – Vallese di Oppeano 22 marzo – in occasione del corso SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA
Innova (organizzata da Siderweb) 20-22 settembre 31 BI.MU (organizzata da Ucimu) 9-13 ottobre
Visita agli impianti di A.C.P. – Cividate al Piano 23 marzo – in occasione del corso SOLIDIFICAZIONE E COLATA CONTINUA
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news Relazione del collegio dei revisori sul bilancio al 31/12/2018 Signori Soci, il Bilancio di chiusura al 31 dicembre 2018 predisposto dal Vostro Consiglio Direttivo espone i seguenti dati (arrotondati all’unità di Euro):
Valori di bilancio Attivo Stato Patrimoniale Immobilizzazioni Attivo circolante Attività Finanziarie Disponibilità liquide Ratei e risconti Totale Attivo Passivo Stato Patrimoniale Fondo Patrimoniale Risultato d’esercizio Patrimonio netto Fondi e accantonamenti Trattamento fine rapporto Debiti Ratei e risconti Totale Passivo Conto Ecocnomico Valore della Produzione Costi della Produzione Differenza Proventi ed oneri finanziari Proventi ed oneri straordinari Risultato prima delle imposte Imposte sul reddito Risultato di esercizio
2018 €
2017 €
Variazioni €
1.516.784 88.273 2.517.546 570.492 5.260 4.698.355
1.572.506 108.408 2.506.468 437.369 11.718 4.636.469
-55.722 -20.135 11.078 133.123 -6.458 61.886
3.571.570 115.082 3.686.652 103.928 127.593 710.111 70.071 4.698.355
3.482.747 88.823 3.571.570 103.728 113.925 788.609 58.637 4.636.469
88.823 26.259 115.082 200 13.668 -78.498 11.434 61.886
896.187 -756.401 139.786 -20.423 18.869 138.232 -23.150 115.082
836.350 -735.610 100.740 -15.183 20.374 105.931 -17.108 88.823
59.837 -20.791 39.046 -5.240 -1.505 32.301 -6.042 26.259
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie Possiamo confermarVi che le singole voci dello Stato Patrimoniale e de Conto Economico concordano con le risultanze della contabilità, la cui regolare tenuta a sensi di legge, è stata da noi riscontrata nel corso dell’esercizio. I Revisori ricordano che l’Associazione, come per l’anno precedente, tiene separata contabilmente l’attività istituzionale dall’attività commerciale, al fine del corretto calcolo dell’IVA e delle imposte sul reddito Ires ed Irap. In particolare si da atto che: - Sono state rispettate le norme civilistiche circa la valutazione degli elementi dell’attivo, del passivo e del conto economico; - Le immobilizzazioni materiali ed immateriali sono state sistematicamente ammortizzate in relazione alla loro utilità sociale; - Le immobilizzazioni finanziarie sono state valutate al costo e non vi sono state perdite durevoli di valore - I crediti sono valutati al valore presumibile di realizzo; - Le disponibilità liquide, depositi bancari e denaro e valori in cassa, sono espresse in base al valore numerario; - I fondi rischi sono relativo al fondo svalutazione crediti ed al fondo centenario AIM; - I ratei e risconti sono iscritti in bilancio nel rispetto della loro competenza temporale; - Il fondo trattamento di fine rapporto dei dipendenti risulta determinato in modo congruo e rappresenta quanto matu rato a tale titolo a favore dei dipendenti al netto degli eventuali anticipi corrisposti; - I debiti sono iscritti a bilancio al valore nominale. I criteri di valutazione utilizzati nella formazione del bilancio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2018 non si discostano dai medesimi utilizzati per la formazione del bilancio del precedente esercizio. La valutazione delle voci di bilancio è stata fatta ispirandosi a criteri generali di prudenza e competenza nella prospettiva della continuazione dell’attività. Nel corso dell’esercizio abbiamo vigilato sull’osservanza della legge e dello statuto e sul rispetto dei principi di corretta amministrazione. Diamo atto quanto segue: - Abbiamo partecipato all’Assemblea Ordinaria dei Soci ed alle riunioni del Consiglio Direttivo, tutte svolte nel rispetto delle norme statutarie e legislative che ne disciplinano il funzionamento; - Abbiamo ottenuto dal Consiglio Direttivo le informazioni sul generale andamento della gestione; - Abbiamo valutato e vigilato sull’adeguatezza del sistema organizzativo ed amministrativo/ contabile; - Abbiamo vigilato sull’impostazione generale data dal Consiglio Direttivo al bilancio chiuso al 31 dicembre 2018, ve rificandone la rispondenza ai fatti ed alle informazioni di cui abbiamo avuto conoscenza a seguito dell’espletamento dei nostri doveri e quindi non abbiamo osservazioni al riguardo. Signori Soci, in considerazione di quanto sopra esposto, formuliamo il nostro assenso all’approvazione del bilancio in esame, nonché della proposta del Consiglio Direttivo in merito all’imputazione dell’Avanzo di esercizio a Fondo Patrimoniale. IL COLLEGIO DEI REVISORI DEI CONTI Dott. Arrigo Berenghi Dott. Maurizio Perugini Dott.ssa Anna Giacovelli
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Aim news
AIM - Rendiconto al 31/12/2018 - BILANCIO CONSUNTIVO ANNO 2018
31 DICEMBRE 2018
31 DICEMBRE 2017
Fondo ammortamento (-)
Fondo patrimoniale
Avanzo (disavanzo) esercizio
60.544 60.544
Fondo Svalutazione Crediti
Crediti verso clienti
Fondo Daccò
Fondo di riserva
Fondo svalutazione crediti verso clienti
Macchina affrancatrice
Banche C/Mutui passivi
3.571.570 3.482.747
ENTRO 12 MESI Acconti a fornitori
31 DICEMBRE 2017
31 DICEMBRE 2018
88.823 127.593
103.928 11.914
103.728 11.714
710.110 92.014
92.014 788.609
Crediti per imposta di bollo
Crediti per acconti imposte
Fatture da ricevere
Credito Iva
Anticipi da clienti
Crediti verso Fast Credito Inail
ATTIVITA' FINANZIARIE Titoli ed investimenti assicurativi Fondo liquidazione TFR dipendenti
Debiti per carte di credito
Debiti per ritenute fiscali e contributive
Debito per iva
Debito per imposta di bollo
102.804 570.492
Creditori diversi 437.369
Debiti per imposte
23.150 51.480
Soci per quote anno successivo
RATEI E RISCONTI ATTIVI Ratei e risconti attivi
DISPONIBILITA' LIQUIDE Cassa (compresi assegni)
32.775 70.071
Ratei e risconti passivi
11.718 4.698.355
58.637 58.637
31 DICEMBRE 2017
896.187 896.187
836.350 836.350
Ricavi editoriali
Ricavi rivista
Ricavi Manifestazioni/corsi aziende
Quote abbonamento alla rivista
Quote associative
Ricavi progetto Stacast Contributi
COSTI DELLA PRODUZIONE Costi libri/materiali
756.401 9.968
735.610 16.777
Costi rivista
Costi Manifestazioni/costi corsi aziende
Costi del Personale
Ammortamenti + Accantonamenti
Spese generali
Borse di studio
acc fondo sval crediti
PROVENTI E ONERI FINANZIARI rendimento titoli, cedole e dividendi
-20.423 7.005
-15.183 8.461
plusvalenze cessione titoli
minusvalenze Interessi passivi
Abbuoni e sopravvenienze attive
Abbuoni e sopravvenienze passive
20.374 34.252 13.878
Ires sull’attività commerciale
Irap sull’attività commerciale
Irap sull’attività istituzionale
26.640 119.363
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Le Rubriche - Centri di studio Attività dei Comitati Tecnici CT MATERIALI PER L’ENERGIA (ME) (riunione del 24 gennaio 2019)
ziale potrebbero essere argomento per futuri eventi: se ne discuterà nelle prossime riunioni per definire eventuali iniziative.
Consuntivo di attività svolte
Stato dell’arte e notizie
-Il Corso sul Creep ha visto una buona partecipazione numerica, superiore a quella delle ultime precedenti edizioni. I commenti dei questionari di soddisfazione sono prevalentemente positivi, ed alcuni anche ottimi. Alcuni appunti sono stati fatti in relazione al mancato rispetto dei tempi (a causa di una sostituzione di docenti all’ultimo momento), alla scarsa interazione in aula con i docenti e al materiale/dispense consegnati, non sempre conforme a quanto mostrato in aula: questo problema è dovuto alla proprietà dei dati, e non è di facile soluzione per AIM. Per migliorare, i Coordinatori del corso pensano di inserire una lezione propedeutica introduttiva e di preparare una dispensa scritta da consegnare ai partecipanti all’atto dell’iscrizione.
-L’Italia continua a contribuire attivamente ai lavori ECCC (3° edizione), in particolare con la produzione e la caratterizzazione di tubo saldato in P92. Il nuovo focus per il GdL italiano saranno i materiali eserciti, mentre in ambito europeo l’attenzione si concentrerà sul Grado 93 tramite caratterizzazioni e studi su saldatura. -Due nuovi membri vengono accettati nel CT, provenienti entrambi dal mondo industriale.
Manifestazioni in corso di organizzazione
-A seguito della giornata sulle difettosità di colata continua, organizzata dal CT Acciaieria per giugno 2019, il CT LPM pensa di organizzare una giornata relativa ai difetti di laminazione, con tavola rotonda di confronto tra le parti. Si discute approfonditamente del concetto di difetto e della sua accettabilità in funzione dell’impiego e dei costi che servirebbero per eliminarlo, e si pensa che la GdS debba coinvolgere tutta la filiera interessata. -Si discute nuovamente della GdS dal titolo: “Nel mondo del “FARE” – l’innovazione, la ricerca e lo sviluppo sono in continua evoluzione” incentrata sulle tematiche di colata, stampaggio, estrusione, additive manufacturing. Inizialmente prevista per la primavera 2019, la GdS viene rimandata all’autunno; resta da definire la sede perché l’azienda
-La GdS “Leghe di Nickel e Superleghe”, inizialmente prevista per inizio aprile, è stata rimandata e fissata per il 28 maggio a Milano, per evitare sovrapposizioni con altre manifestazioni. Le presentazioni previste sono numerose e si cercherà di ottimizzare il tempo. L’intervento introduttivo sarà affidato al prof. Mapelli. Iniziative future -Si conferma la volontà di organizzare una GdS sui materiali per l’eolico, ma la discussione è rimandata alla prossima riunione. -I materiali per il settore aerospaLa Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
CT LAVORAZIONI PLASTICHE DEI METALLI (LPM) (riunione del 01 marzo 2019)
Iniziative future
del bresciano che avrebbe dovuto ospitarla è molto impegnata. -La giornata “Verticalizzazione e qualità: gli obiettivi di Ori Martin” (Brescia, giugno 2019) è in fase di definizione e c’è già una scaletta di interventi. -Si discute di una possibile GdS su “Lavorazioni plastiche per il ferroviario”, al momento sospesa per definire possibilità dell’acciaieria ospitante. -Altri temi discussi per possibili GdS sono relativi a “L’acciaio e i derivati”, sulle deformazioni necessarie ad ottenere reti, aghi e altri particolari; “Il processo di produzione di acciaio inox dalla fusione alla laminazione”, “Processi di deformazione in campo aerospaziale”; “Sistemi di ispezione e metodologia sulle tecniche di ispezione”; “Trafilati in acciaio al carbonio e loro applicazioni” Stato dell’arte e notizie -Si discute sulla possibilità di migliorare il coinvolgimento degli studenti del Politecnico come soci junior nelle iniziative AIM: occorre individuare i temi di maggiore interesse, eventualmente tramite un semplice questionario da fare compilare. CT PRESSOCOLATA (P) (riunione del 05 marzo 2019)
Manifestazioni in corso di organizzazione -La GdS “Le deformazioni dei getti pressocolati: cause e rimedi” (coordinatori Parona, Tatti, Scarpa) si terrà presso il CRF a Torino il 18 settembre 2019. Nel pomeriggio è prevista una visita ai laboratori CRF. Parona presenta la bozza completa del programma con i nominativi dei 81
Aim news relatori. -Il “Master Progettazione Stampi – II edizione” (coordinatori Timelli, Garlet, Citterio, Martina) è programmato tra settembre e dicembre a Brescia, suddiviso il 6 moduli. Timelli illustra la bozza del programma, che è ormai quasi definitiva. Iniziative future -Corso “Igiene delle leghe” (coordinatore Muneratti): questo corso, organizzato insieme al CT Metalli Leggeri, è arrivato alla 6° edizione, con buon successo di partecipanti; solitamente viene effettuata una visita alla fonderia che ospita l’evento. Si stanno valutando le possibili sedi e il programma dettagliato. Le date dovrebbero essere il 5/6 novembre 2019. -GdS “Zama HPDC 2020” (coordinatori Pola, Valente): la manifestazione si potrebbe tenere a marzo 2020 in una sede ancora da definire. Valente presenta una possibile scaletta degli interventi, che sarà analizzata per evitare troppe presentazioni.
Stato dell’arte e notizie
Iniziative future
-Vengono accettati due nuovi membri del comitato provenienti da aziende industriali, e viene ratificata la sostituzione di un ulteriore membro.
-Si propone una GdS su “Rivestimenti e trattamenti per il settore decorativo”. Una manifestazione simile si è tenuta nel 2007, ma oggi l’interesse per questo settore è in crescita e si decide di ripetere la manifestazione rivista ed aggiornata. I relatori dovranno coprire i diversi settori applicativi e rappresentare sia i fornitori di rivestimenti/trattamenti che gli utilizzatori finali. La data potrebbe essere a fine novembre e la sede nei dintorni di Firenze, vista la vicinanza territoriale con diverse aziende del settore moda e gioielleria. Si stabiliscono i tempi per la presentazione della scaletta iniziale e della locandina.
CENTRO RIVESTIMENTI E TRIBOLOGIA (R) (riunione del 18 aprile 2019)
Manifestazioni in corso di organizzazione -Il secondo modulo del corso Rivestimenti (“Rivestimenti spessi – placcatura e termospruzzatura)” si svolgerà presso il Politecnico di Milano il 19-20 giugno 2019, e nel pomeriggio del secondo giorno è prevista la visita ad una azienda del settore. Il coordinatore Bolelli discute di alcune criticità relative al programma che si prevede di risolvere a breve.
Stato dell’arte e notizie -Rinnovo delle cariche del comitato: le tre candidature presentate sono approvate all’unanimità: Giovanni Bolelli diventa presidente del CT Rivestimenti e Tribologia, Denis Romagnoli sarà vice-presidente e Lorenzo Montesano segretario.
AIM patrocina MaintenanceStories Padova, 6 Giugno 2019 Mancano ormai poche settimane alla 17a edizione di MaintenanceStories – Fatti di Manutenzione. La manifestazione, punto di riferimento per gli operatori della Manutenzione sul territorio nazionale, si terrà il 6 Giugno 2019 presso la Spazio Eventi di Padova Fiere. Come di consueto, al termine dei lavori un gruppo selezionato di partecipanti avrà poi la possibilità di visitare lo Stabilimento di un’eccellenza italiana quale Acciaierie Venete. La giornata, a partecipazione gratuita, vivrà di casi di successo in ambito Manutenzione provenienti dai vari settori industriali di cui il territorio Italiano è ricco; la platea, su selezione, sarà composta esclusivamente da figure tecniche provenienti dal mondo degli end user. L’evento è organizzato da A.I.MAN. – Associazione Italiana di Manutenzione e l’edizione 2019 vede il Patrocinio di Confindustria Veneto e di AIM – Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia. Relazioni confermate e ulteriori informazioni: Per informazioni e partecipazione alla giornata: a cura di: Comunicazione A.I.MAN.
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
Atti e notizie AIM – UNSIDER – Norme pubblicate e progetti in inchiesta (aggiornamento 30 Aprile 2019) NORME UNSIDER PUBBLICATE DA UNI NEL MESE DI APRILE 2019
struzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 2: Reti saldate
seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections (ISO 10893-7:2019)
UNI EN 13480-5:2019 Tubazioni industriali metalliche - Parte 5: Collaudo e prove
UNI EN ISO 15630-1:2010 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calcestruzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 1: Barre, rotoli e fili per calcestruzzo armato
EN 10283:2019 Corrosion resistant steel castings
UNI EN 1562:2019 Fonderia - Getti di ghisa malleabile UNI EN ISO 683-3:2019 Acciai per trattamento termico, acciai legati e acciai automatici - Parte 3: Acciai da cementazione UNI EN ISO 16812:2019 Industrie petrolifere, petrolchimiche e del gas naturale - Scambiatori di calore a fascio tubiero UNI EN ISO 15630-3:2019 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calcestruzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 3: Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato precompresso UNI EN ISO 15630-2:2019 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calcestruzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 2: Reti e tralicci elettrosaldati
UNI EN ISO 16812:2007 Industrie del petrolio, della petrolchimica e del gas naturale - Scambiatori di calore a fasci tubieri
ISO 2597-2:2019 Iron ores -- Determination of total iron content -- Part 2: Titrimetric methods after titanium(III) chloride reduction
EN ISO 16812:2019 Petroleum, petrochemical and natural gas industries - Shell-and-tube heat exchangers (ISO 16812:2019)
EN 1562:2019 Founding - Malleable cast irons EN 13480-5:2017/A1:2019 Metallic industrial piping - Part 5: Inspection and testing EN ISO 15630-1:2019 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 1: Reinforcing bars, rods and wire (ISO 156301:2019)
EN ISO 15630-2:2019 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 2: Welded fabric and lattice girders (ISO 156302:2019)
UNI EN 1562:2012 Fonderia - Getti di ghisa malleabile UNI EN ISO 15630-3:2010 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calcestruzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 3: Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato precompresso UNI EN ISO 15630-2:2010 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calce-
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
ISO 4701:2019 Iron ores and direct reduced iron -- Determination of size distribution by sieving
UNI EN ISO 15630-1:2019 Acciaio per calcestruzzo armato e calcestruzzo armato precompresso - Metodi di prova - Parte 1: Barre, rotoli e fili per calcestruzzo armato
UNI EN ISO 683-3:2018 Acciai per trattamento termico, acciai legati e acciai automatici - Parte 3: Acciai da cementazione
EN ISO 13520:2019 Determination of ferrite content in austenitic stainless steel castings (ISO 13520:2015)
EN ISO 15630-3:2019 Steel for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete - Test methods - Part 3: Prestressing steel (ISO 15630-3:2019) EN ISO 10893-6:2019 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 6: Radiographic testing of the weld seam of welded steel tubes for the detection of imperfections (ISO 10893-6:2019) EN ISO 10893-7:2019 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 7: Digital radiographic testing of the weld
prEN ISO 21329 rev Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Test procedures for mechanical connectors prCEN ISO/TS 12747 rev Petroleum and natural gas industries - Pipeline transportation systems - Recommended practice for pipeline life extension prEN ISO 683-3 rev Heat-treatable steels, alloy steels and freecutting steels - Part 3: Case-hardening steels prEN ISO 21809-2 rev Petroleum and natural gas industries External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 2: Single layer fusion-bonded epoxy coatings
PROGETTI UNSIDER IN INCHIESTA PREN E ISO/DIS – MAGGIO 2019 PREN – PROGETTI DI NORMA EUROPEI PREN ISO 945-1 Microstructure of cast irons - Part 1: Graphite classification by visual analysis (ISO/FDIS 945-1:2019)
Aim news EN 13480-3:2017/prA2 Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation
EN 13480-3:2017/prA3 Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation
ISO 21809-3:2016/DAmd 1 Petroleum and natural gas industries -External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems -- Part 3: Field joint coatings -Amendment 1: Introduction of mesh-backed coating systems
EN 13480-2:2017/prA7 Metallic industrial piping - Part 2: Materials EN 13480-3:2017/prA1 Metallic industrial piping - Part 3: Design and calculation prEN 10217-7 Welded steel tubes for pressure purposes - Technical delivery conditions - Part 7: Stainless steel tubes prEN ISO 19879 Metallic tube connections for fluid power and general use - Test methods for hydraulic fluid power connections (ISO/DIS 19879:2019) EN ISO 21809-3:2016/prA1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - External coatings for buried or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems - Part 3: Field joint coatings - Amendment 1 (ISO 21809-3:2016/DAmd 1:2019) EN ISO 10893-3:2011/prA1 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes - Part 3: Automated full peripheral flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/ or transverse imperfections - Amendment 1 (ISO 10893-3:2011/DAM 1:2019)
ISO/DIS 17804 Founding -- Ausferritic spheroidal graphite cast irons -- Classification ISO 10893-3:2011/DAmd 1 Non-destructive testing of steel tubes -Part 3: Automated full peripheral flux leakage testing of seamless and welded (except submerged arc-welded) ferromagnetic steel tubes for the detection of longitudinal and/ or transverse imperfections -- Amendment 1 ISO/DIS 4948 Classification of steel based on chemical composition
PROGETTI UNSIDER AL VOTO FPREN E ISO/FDIS – MAGGIO 2019 FPREN – PROGETTI DI NORMA EUROPEI FPREN 10025-2 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 2: Technical delivery conditions for non-alloy structural steels
FprEN 10025-3 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 3: Technical delivery conditions for normalized/normalized rolled weldable fine grain structural steels FprEN 10025-4 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 4: Technical delivery conditions for thermomechanical rolled weldable fine grain structural steels FprEN 10025-5 Hot rolled products of structural steels - Part 5: Technical delivery conditions for structural steels with improved atmospheric corrosion resistance
ISO/FDIS – PROGETTI DI NORMA INTERNAZIONALI ISO/FDIS 20074 Petroleum and natural gas industry -- Pipeline transportation systems -- Geological hazard risk management for onshore pipeline ISO/PRF 13679 Petroleum and natural gas industries -- Procedures for testing casing and tubing connections ISO/FDIS 6306 Chemical analysis of steel -- Order of listing elements in steel standards ISO/FDIS 4960 Steel strip, cold-reduced with a mass fraction of carbon over 0,25 %
Gruppo Arvedi: intesa commerciale con US Steel Primetals Technologies e il gruppo Arvedi forniranno a US Steel corporation - produttore di acciaio statunitense con sede a Pittsburgh, in Pennsylvania, specializzato nella produzione di acciai ad alto valore aggiunto - un impianto di colata e laminazione in continuo basati sulla tecnologia Arvedi ESP. L’entrata in funzione dell’impianto è prevista nel 2022. Le immagini video della linea ESP di Cremona e della lingottiera, sono state proiettate su un megaschermo di 70 metri di fronte a 1500 delegati della più importante associazione di metallurgia del mondo. David Burrit, Ceo di US Steel, ha definito ESP la “migliore tecnologia proveniente dall’Europa”. L’impianto avrà una capacità produttiva di 2,5mln di tonnellate di nastri d’acciaio di alta qualità e spessori ultrasottili. Il consumo e i costi energetici saranno ridotti fino al 45% rispetto ai processi convenzionali di colata e laminazione; diventerà la prima linea Arvedi ESP negli Stati Uniti e sarà la più grande mai realizzata. A cura di: Redazione La Metallurgia Italiana
La Metallurgia Italiana - n. 5 2019
LEADING PARTNER IN THE WORLD OF METALS SMS group è il vostro partner leader nel mondo dei metalli. Come un’ azienda a conduzione familiare con sede in Germania, la qualità e l‘innovazione fanno parte del nostro DNA. Veloci e flessibili, siamo in grado di sviluppare soluzioni individuali e modulari - sia che si tratti della progettazione di un nuovo impianto, di un ammodernamento, di digitalizzazione, o di servizi per l’intero ciclo di vita del vostro impianto. In stretta collaborazione con voi, vi aiutiamo a garantire il vostro successo. Diamo valore aggiunto lungo tutta la catena del valore, insieme.
Leading partner in the world of metals
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1st announcement call for papers
10th european conference on continuous casting 2020
Bari . Italy 17-19 June 2020
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c c Organised by
The 10th European Continuous Casting Conference - ECCC 2020 - will be organised by AIM, the Italian Association for Metallurgy, in Bari (Italy) on 17-19 June 2020 with focus on the status and future developments in the casting of steel. The ECCC is a unique forum for the European continuous casting community to exchange views on the status and the future development of the continuous casting process. The Conference program is abreast of the latest developments in control and automation, advanced continuous casting technologies, application of electromagnetic technologies and mechanical devices to improve the core microstructure, the lubrication issues for improving the surface qualities. Steel metallurgical issues will be addressed as well as their physical and numerical simulation. The exchange of experience in operational practice, maintenance and first results from the recently commissioned plants will integrate the program. The Conference aims at promoting the dialogue among the delegates with industrial and academic background and among the participants in former Conferences and new members of the continuous casting community.
Topics • Trends of innovation in casting technologies • New developments and advanced technologies for the casting of slabs, blooms and billets • Ladle and tundish recent metallurgical solutions for steel cleanness • Flow control, refractories and clogging • Mold lubrication and heat transfer • Product quality control: Surface quality and internal soundness • Numerical simulation and modelling (solidification, metallurgy, fluid flow, validation) • Safety and environmental aspects • Continuous casting technologies and circular economy • Operational practice and maintenance • Measurement, automation and process control • Post-processing of semi-finished products (Scarfing, machining and heat treatment) • Modernization and new implementations • Industry 4.0, machine learning and digitalisation
Call for Papers - Abstract Submission Prospective authors wishing to present papers are invited to submit, by 31 October 2019, a tentative title and an abstract of about 300 words (in English), specifying a maximum of two topics for each proposal, to the Organising Secretariat ( The abstract should provide sufficient information for a fair assessment and include the title of the paper, the author’s names and contact details (address, telephone number and e-mail address). The name of the presenting author should be underlined. A poster session might be organized as well. There are two ways to submit papers: • fill in the form on the Conference website at: • send the requested information by e-mail to:
Contacts ECCC 2020 Organising Secretariat AIM - Associazione Italiana di Metallurgia Via Filippo Turati 8, 20121 Milan - Italy Tel. +39 02 76021132 / +39 02 76397770 -