JetBlue - Just Alright doesn’t fly here
the Alright Brothers are
the widest seats and most
tising campaign, which
shown developing a fic-
legroom in coach of any
was released just as we
tional 1920s airline, where
US Airline.
were going to press last
their policy includes ‘ the
month, takes a stand
customer comes last’ and
against what it says is
a ‘seatbacks to kneecaps’
mediocrity in the airline
seat configuration.
Mint premium product, but as this campaign shows, the airline also has
The ads then cut to Jet-
the confidence to shout
The starting point of the
Blue staff today expressing
about high standards in
campaign is a series of
amazement that this is
fictional carriers called
how standards in the rest
“The Alright Brothers.”
of the industry took off.
The campaign ads all claim that after the Wright Brothers took aviation to new heights, the Alright Brothers brought it back down to new lows in 1920.
JetBlue of course has a
In the campaign videos,
As we mentioned in the earlier Air Italy article, not
The JetBlue campaign
all airlines do this, some-
comes as the airline re-
times thinking that they’ll
styles its Airbus A320
cannibalize business or
aircraft, and just before
first class sales. But actu-
the first A321neo comes
ally promoting economy
into service. JetBlue says
helps put a quality stamp
that these aircraft will have
across your whole brand.
Airline Marketing Monthly | September 2019
JetBlue’s latest adver-