Benjamin Franklin Newsletter April

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Benjamin Franklin High School | D3S | R7 | CNH District

THUND3RPUPS April 2014

Volume II | Issue I

Table of Contents Message from the President/Editor………………2 Farewell to Our IP Board……………………..3 & 4 Articles………………………………………….5 & 6 Member of the Month……………………………..7 Officer of the Month………………………………..8 Past/Future Events…………………………..9 & 10 Board Contact Information………………..11 & 12


Message from‌ Jeffrey Fernandez - President Hello fellow wolves! This is your president, Jeffrey Fernandez, just wanting to inform all of you of the great year of service and spirit that we would be having! We will have many and many events over this school year and also many events over the summer to keep all of you active and engaged in service and spirit. So lets go out and show everyone our amazing spirit through our hours of service that we will put in this year!

Aja Archuleta - Bulletin Editor Hey Thunderpups! My name is Aja Archuleta, and I will be your new bulletin editor! There is a lot you can expect from our newsletters, such as your amazing articles, upcoming events, beautiful photos, and much more! You can also expect many events coming up in this new term, so let’s strive towards serving with spirit!


Farewell to Jade Archuleta IP President

Mark Fernandez IP Vice President

Mark Ingcoco IP Historian 3

Our IP Board Ms. Harada Club Advisor Jenell Paraiso Bulletin Editor Elijah Trinidad Sergeant at Arms Amy Lorn Secretary 4

Articles - DCON “My name is Jenell Paraiso and I attended my very last Cali-Nev-Ha District Convention for my high school year. This year DCON was on April 11-13, 2014 which was located in Sacramento, CA. It was about a 7 hour trip to Sacramento including our bathroom stops. It honestly didn’t feel like a 7 hour trip because of all the social bonding I had with my home club, division, and our sister division D3N. Once we finally got there and saw so many key club members, I felt so happy and at home. Everyone had so much spirit, screaming their “I FEEL GOOD” cheer everywhere. I chose to be a delegate this year along with Winny Chen. Winny and I heard all the candidates’ speeches and attended the House of Delegates to finally vote for our future CNH District Board. I always look forward for the inspirational speakers that attend our convention. This year our inspirational speaker was Keith Hawkins and he was amazing! My days will always be “BETTER THAN GOOD”! The workshops I attended were quite interesting and very informative. The food is always good at DCON, I always look forward to breakfast, lunch, and dinner. My club won 1st place for nondigital poster which was created by me and Winny. The performances this year were quite outstanding. They were all so good! We have such very talented people in our District that it’s so amazing. I met a few new friends this year at convention from all the “seflies” we had to take with other key club members. Governess ball was fun but also tiring because of wearing heals all day. I was so proud of our sister division D3N because their past LTG, Jacqueline Tsang, won the position of District Governor for the 2014-2015 term. When they finally retired the board members of 2013-2014, I started tearing up because now my term as a club bulletin editor and a division news editor has finally ended. My last experience at DCON was such a bittersweet feeling. I will honestly miss Key Club and all my experiences at DCON!”


- Jenell Paraiso


Articles - Kiwanis Meeting “The Kiwanis Meeting on April 16 during Spring Break allowed us Key Clubbers to visit our fellow Kiwanis Club and to connect more with them. Getting up early was hard to do during spring break, since all we would do is sleep, but our committed members were so excited to see the Kiwanis and didn't care about waking up early. On the way there, I didn't know what to expect because it was my first Kiwanis Meeting. When I entered the room, the smell of coffee and the look of kind smiling faces surrounded me. They encouraged me and the other Key Clubbers to join in their beautiful singing. Their cheerfulness and attitude was a great way to start my day! Even though this was my first meeting, I feel like I've known these jolly people for so long! I've created such a strong bond with them and I can't wait to see them again! I recommend other Key Clubbers who haven't attended this meeting to go next time because you'll be surprised how joyful these youngsters are!�!

! - Lizelle Oreno


Member of the Month Van Lau For the month of April, the Thunder pup of the month is Van Lau! She is a freshman and is always ready for service! Van always wants to join as many events as much as possible because she loves the great feeling of helping others. During the month of April, she has attended her first Kiwanis Meeting during Spring Break. Van didn’t have to go wake up early in the morning, but she wanted to meet all of the wonderful Kiwanis. The Kiwanis lifted everyone’s spirits and Van has grown a bond with them. Although Van isn’t the cheering type, Van shows her love by coming to every meeting she can and always tries to be there for other members. Van has the want to help others and I hope her spirit will spread throughout our new term as we welcome new members. Members like her will inspire new people. She will do great things in this club till the end, and will grow to be a great leader in the future.


Officer of the Month Jeffrey Fernandez For the month of April, our officer of the month is our new president, Jeffrey Fernandez. It is his first month of a new term, and is doing really well regarding all the tasks of a president. Jeffrey was inspired to run because he has seen our old board and how much they have done for the club, and now it was his calling. In the month of April, he has been on top of things and wants to make sure all members are informed about each event we are having. He has many ideas in inspiring new members to come and join. Along with bringing the members together, he brings the new board members together. The new board is motivated by his dedication, creating a bond, and has already brought up new ideas for the club. Jeffrey is always making sure the board is communicating with each other, to not miss anything important. He has started off the new term great, and will continue to be great till the end. Jeffrey has definitely earned officer of the month.


Past Events April 2014 Date

Name of Event

Wednesday: April 2, 9, 23, 30, 2014

General Club Meetings

Saturday: April 5, 2014

Lanterman Gardening

Sunday: April 6, 2014

Walk for Kids

Friday-Sunday: April 11-13, 2014


Tuesday: April 15, 2014


Wednesday: April 16, 2014

Kiwanis Meeting

Saturday: April 26, 2014

March of Dimes


Convalescent Home


Box Tops


Free Rice


Book Donations


Can Tabs




Future Events May 2014 Date

Name of Event

Friday: May 2, 2014

Cinco de Mayo Fundraiser

Saturday: May 3, 2014

Arigato Bazaar

Sunday: May 4, 2014

Verdugo Mountain 10K

Saturday: May 24, 2014

Memorial Day Breakfast


Board Conta

Brennon Sao

Jeffrey Fernandez

Lizelle Oreno


ct Information

Ruben Anguiano

Aja Archuleta

Gabriel Tatlonghari


! ! A Kiwanis-family member ! !

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 4668 - 317.875.8755 - US and CANADA: 1 - 800 - KIWANIS

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