2015 Edition
Month of June
Volume II - Issue IV
Benjamin Franklin High School - Division 3 South - Region 7 - Cali-Nev-Ha District
Table of Contents A Message from Our‌ Past/Future Events Member of the Month Officer of the Month Articles Banquet Award Recognition Board Contact Information
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A Message from Our… Lizelle Oreno - President “Greetings fellow Key Clubbers! Summer is here and I know it’s been incredibly hot! Please stay hydrated and cool and keep yourselves busy with fun activities as well as the service events we have for you all! This month we have also celebrated the end of the 2014-2015 term at our Division 3 North & South Banquet. We witnessed many great Key Clubbers receive awards as well as our very own former President Jeffrey Fernandez receiving the "Distinguished President" award! Congratulations Jeffrey! So once again, I hope many of you can join our events this summer, the board and I will be updating you through our social media. Stay awesome as always, and keep on howling for service!”
Aja Archuleta - Bulletin Editor “Hey Thunderpups! How have your summer vacations been so far? Hopefully full of service and fun, because this month has been packed full of great events! I know some of you have attended our local events Braille and Meals on Wheels, while some have attended our division events such as the June DCM and the D3N/D3S End of the Year Banquet. I’d just like to say thank you to all of those who have found the time to serve their club! I hope to see you all next month at our upcoming events, because they are going to be full of fun experiences and especially service! Also when attending any event, dont forget to bring a bottle of water since the weather is hot! Keep on servin’, Thunderpups!”
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Past Events Lummis Day
Meals on
June DCM
June 2015
6-7 Jewel City Ride
Braille Page 3
27 D3N/D3S Banquet
Future Events Franklin’s
80’s Reunion
July 2015
9 *Every Thursday starting from
11 Meals on
Page 4
Member of the Month June 2015
Jeffrey Fernandez The “Member of the Month” award goes to none other than Jeffrey Fernandez! As a rising senior, Jeffrey is taking advantage of all the opportunities Key Club has to offer. Despite being on vacation, he is always eager to serve the community or bond with other fellow Key Clubbers at social events. For the month of June he has been very active in the community. He attended Braille twice and attended the June DCM as well as the Division Banquet. At Braille, Jeffrey helped assort audio tapes and audio books. Basically in this event, he helped place the tapes where they belonged so they were more accessible and organized for employees to ship out to the visually impaired. Assorting hundreds of these audio tapes, Jeffrey was always friendly and enthusiastic. Similarly, he was passionate and approachable at the DCM and Division Banquet. Never shy to greet new members or create new friends, Jeffrey interacted and made the best of the events. With his positive and eager attitude, Jeffrey rightfully deserves the “Member of the Month” award! Thanks Jeffrey!
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Officer of the Month June 2015
Lizelle Oreno Our “Officer of the Month” for the month of June goes to our President, Lizelle Oreno! As a rising junior, Lizelle always makes time to serve the community and interact with other Key Clubbers. To kick the summer off, Lizelle volunteered at the Lummis Day Festival at Boyle Heights. She was a key part in making sure the event ran smoothly. She then attended Braille twice and one of the Kiwanis Meetings. At Braille, Lizelle helped assort and match the correct tape with the correct label. Finishing a whole bin per day, Lizelle was very productive and eager about serving the community. She was also very friendly and spirited amongst the other members and volunteers. She also went to the Kiwanis Meeting where she had the chance to interact with the Kiwanis members. On top of all that, she also made time to attend the DCM and the Division Banquet! With her spirited and enthusiastic attitude, she bonded and created new friendships with fellow Key Clubbers! Although social events can be difficult for some people, she took advantage of the opportunity and made the best out of it! Always finding time to serve the club and community, it is no doubt that Lizelle earns “Officer of the Month”!
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Articles “Usually every Thursday during the summer, our club volunteers at Braille
Institution. I was fortunate enough to volunteer along with three other members! When a person first arrives at Braille, they must fill out the application sheet,
however we had volunteered before and had finished that part. Next we entered a
room filled with audio tapes and audio books. These tapes are usually shipped out to the visually impaired so they can enjoy books and literature as well! It was our duty to help assort these tapes so they can be shipped out quickly. My first duty included pairing the tapes with the correct labels. Although it can be very tedious at first, once you get the hang of it, you start making a huge difference. Helping
assort these tapes makes it easier to ship out and organize them. My second task was to organize these tapes into shelves according to the labels I had just placed. We headed upstairs to the massive "library" of audio tapes and started organizing
them. With the help of other fellow Key Clubbers we were able to organize a whole bin of tapes into their corresponding slots! Overall volunteering at Braille is a
great experience, despite not helping the visually impaired directly, we know we
are helping out in the long run. I hope to return soon along with other members to volunteer at Braille Institute! It offers a great experience every time!�
Ruben Anguiano Braille Institution (6/18 & 6/25)
Page 7
Banquet Award Recognition For
Distinguished President’s Award!
As Franklin’s past
Your service and
president, you have
enthusiasm has and
definitely grown
will still be recognized
throughout your
as you continue to
term and set an
serve your club and
example for your
blaze a trail for
board and non-
other Key
board members as
Clubbers to be
to what a true Key
inspired by and
Clubber is.
follow! Page 8
Board Contact Lizelle Oreno Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s President Email:
Ruben Anguiano Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s Vice President Email:
Faith Sy Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s Secretary Email: Page 9
Information Jullie Dodon Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s Treasurer Email:
Aja Archuleta Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s Bulletin Editor Email:
Van Lau Benjamin Franklin Key Club’s Historian Email: Page 10
A Kiwanis-family member
! 3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 4668 - 317.875.8755 - US and CANADA: 1 - 800 - KIWANIS