2 E mais uma vez nos despedimos até ao próximo ano letivo. Este último número do dubocage volta a espelhar o que de muito bom se tem produzido na nossa escola, da pintura à escultura, da poesia ao comentário, das línguas estrangeiras nossas contemporâneas, como o Inglês, ao Latim, que está na origem do Português e cujo estudo se reiniciou este ano com um clube, que tem obtido bastante adesão por parte dos alunos. Neste final de período, publicamos três números do jornal: um dedicado ao desenvolvimento interdisciplinar da leitura do “Sermão de Santo António aos Peixes” (nº2); um inteiramente ocupado com trabalhos da área de Ciências (nº 3); e este, multifacetado. Resta-nos despedir-nos e agradecer à CAP, que orientou a escola ao longo do presente ano letivo. Tomará posse como diretora , na próxima 5ª feira, a professora Raquel Polainas. Desejamos-lhe, e à sua equipa, o maior sucesso, que será o sucesso de todos nós, comunidade educativa. Até breve, Alexandra Cabral ARTISET
Alexandra Cabral
Grafismo Miguel Boullosa
Bernardo Botelho
Ana Laura Girardi Ana Guadalupe Ana Paula Rosa Ana Raposo Andreia Clérigo Alexandra Rebelo Beatriz Pereira Bernardo Botelho Carina Gonçalves Inácio Carlos Pimentel Catherine Silva César Amândio Daniel Botas David Fidalgo Eric Coelho Fátima Diogo Fernando Caiado Filipa Puna Francisca Moraes Guilherme Augusto Helena Maria Inês Soares Jim Carinhas Joana Fernandes João Rosa Leonardo d’Elia Luana Salgado Madalena Gonçalves
Mafalda Guerra Margarida Gouveia Maria Eduarda Maria Emília Peres Maria Fidalgo Maria Luísa Costa Mariana Antunes Mariana Jorge Mariana Serra Marta Gaspar do Carmo Peres Martim Agostinho Miguel Bulhosa Nazaré Oliveira Pablo Mante Pedro Morais Rafael Salgueiro Rui Branco Rui Ermitão Samuel Santos Sânya Sara Silva Susana Marta Pereira Teresa Hieu Viktoriya Terletska 9º E Turmas de Artes—ensino secundário
EU, jornalista do PARLAMENTO DOS JOVENS me confesso! No ano letivo de 2021/2022, a Escola Secundária du Bocage, mais uma vez, participou ativamente no Parlamento dos Jovens, com os nossos deputados Afonso Ilhéu e Nuno Calado, mas também comigo, Rafael Salgueiro, enquanto deputado suplente, vencedor do concurso Take Over e como jornalista. Como nas outras edições, procurou-se criar um projeto de recomendação final, este ano subordinado ao tema “Fake News. O impacto da desinformação na democracia”. Foi com o desejo de que cada membro deste projeto pudesse ser um agente de mudança que a nossa escola começou a campanha eleitoral de forma dinâmica. Afinal, entravam na corrida eleitoral o máximo de listas permitidas pelo Regulamento – mais uma vez, cinco listas candidatas à Sessão Escolar -, o que revela o enorme interesse dos nossos alunos do secundário por este projeto, coordenado pela Professora Nazaré Oliveira. Além disso, contámos com várias atividades, caso de conferências com especialistas sobre o tema deste ano, uma delas, com o senhor deputado Fernando José, do PS, enviado pela Assembleia da República, e outra, com a Dra. Marta Raimundo, assessora de imprensa. Concretizámos uma venda de comida, cuja receita reverteu a favor do Clube de Educação Ambiental da nossa escola e, dinamizado pelo Clube de Debate, as listas debateram o tema Redes Sociais: Por que é que criam tanta dependência?
Com o final da campanha eleitoral, vieram as eleições para os 31 deputados à Sessão Escolar, sessão extremamente participada e da qual saiu o projeto de recomendação da nossa escola com três medidas propostas, projeto que viria a ser defendido, posteriormente, na Sessão Distrital, pelos deputados eleitos Afonso Ilhéu, Nuno Calado (efetivos) e Rafael Salgueiro (suplente), que orgulhosamente voltaram a representar -nos na Sessão Nacional realizada dias 30 e 31 de maio na Assembleia da República. Parabéns! Não se esperava outra coisa da nossa escola e dos nossos deputados! Como participante deste projeto, sinto que cresci imenso. De facto, com esta experiência, percebi que os jovens são, efetivamente, a esperança para melhorar e defender a democracia, e que o povo português reúne as condições necessárias para impulsionar o seu país e modificá-lo positivamente. Como diria Fernando Pessoa, aprendi a sonhar, a “[...] ver as formas invisíveis/ Da distância imprecisa [...]”. Aprendi tanto com este projeto que aprendi a ser um pouco como este poeta, não por ter criado inúmeros heterónimos, semi-heterónimos e pseudónimos, mas sim, por ter concretizado múltiplas tarefas: com o Parlamento dos Jovens aprendi muito mais sobre a Política, sobre a importância dos deputados, do Parlamento, da Cidadania… Consegui gerir uma campanha de marketing, fui cabeça de lista, deputado, jornalista e, por ter ganho o concurso Take Over, gestor de redes sociais da página do Parlamento dos Jovens Dificilmente poderia pedir mais. Rafael Salgueiro Cabeça de Lista (Lista A) Deputado à Sessão Escolar Deputado (suplente) à Sessão Distrital Vencedor do Concurso distrital Take Over Jornalista da nossa escola candidato ao Prémio Reportagem da edição deste ano do PARLAMENTO DOS JOVENS
Script for the English Oral Presentation Greek Mythology
Zeus was the lord of men and supreme mandatary of the gods who inhabited Mount Olympus. To obtain their good graces, the Greeks paid homage to the powerful creatures with rites, feasts and offerings. Each entity represented forces of nature or human feelings.
Mythological Figures:
Mythology: Mythology is the story of supernatural characters, surrounded by symbolism and venerated in the form of gods, demigods and heroes, who governed the forces of nature, commanded lightning, winds, rivers, skies and earth, sun and moon. It is the set of fables that explain the origin of myths, of mythological divinities, who held the destiny of men in their hands and ruled the world .
Greek Mythology: Greek mythology is the story of the countless immortal gods, semi-divine creatures and muses, created in ancient Greece, and which have crossed the centuries. Greek mythology emerged as an attempt to explain natural phenomena, or as a guarantee of victory in wars, good harvest, luck in love, etc. The Greek divinities were arranged in a hierarchy and their gods were very similar to man. Attitudes of jealousy, envy, spite and love were common, for the gods of Olympus behaved like human creatures. Only they were endowed with greater powers, more beauty and perfection and immune to time.
Demigods: A demigod or demigoddess is a part-human and part-divine offspring of a deity and a human, or a human or non-human creature that is accorded divine status after death, or someone who has attained the "divine spark" (spiritual enlightenment). An immortal demigod often has tutelary status and a religious cult following, while a mortal demigod is one who has fallen or died, but is popular as a legendary hero in various polytheistic religions. Figuratively, it is used to describe a person whose talents or abilities are so superlative that they appear to approach being divine. The most famous ones are Hercules or Héracles and Achilles.
Nymphs: Nymphs, in Greek mythology, are a large class of inferior female divinities. The nymphs were usually associated with fertile, growing things, such as trees, or with water. They weren’t immortal, but were extremely long-lived and were always kindly disposed to help men.
5 peninsula in southern Laconia. Centaurs are subsequently featured in Roman mythology, and were familiar figures in the medieval bestiary. They remain a staple of modern fantastic literature.
Mermaids: In Greek mythology, mermaids were often referred to as sirens. The beautiful creatures were sometimes depicted as being half bird also, but the ones that are most popular in myths were beautiful women with fish tails. As beautiful as these sirens were, they were not always the nicest creatures. Satyrs: In Greek mythology, a satyr , also known as a silenus or silenos, is a male nature spirit with ears and a tail resembling those of a horse, as well as a permanent, exaggerated erection. Early artistic representations sometimes include horselike legs, but, by the sixth century BC, they were more often represented with human legs. Comically hideous, they have mane-like hair, bestial faces, and snub noses and are always shown naked. Satyrs were characterized by their ribaldry and were known as lovers of wine, music, dancing, and women. They were companions of the god Dionysus and were believed to inhabit remote locales, such as woodlands, mountains, and pastures. They often attempted to seduce or rape nymphs and mortal women alike, usually with little success.
Centaurs: A centaur,or occasionally hippocentaur, is a creature from Greek mythology with the upper body of a human and the lower body and legs of a horse. Centaurs are thought of in many Greek myths as being as wild as untamed horses, and were said to have inhabited the region of Magnesia and Mount Pelion in Thessaly, the Foloi oak forest in Elis, and the Malean
Gorgons: A górgona é uma criatura da mitologia grega, representada como um monstro feroz, de aspeto feminino e com grandes presas. Tinha o poder de transformar todos que olhassem para ela em pedra, o que fazia com que, muitas vezes, imagens suas fossem utilizadas como uma forma de amuleto. A Górgona também vestia um cinto de serpentes entrelaçadas
Olympian Gods
Zeus: After leading the battle against Cronus, Zeus became the chief god, and ruled over the other divinities living on their divine mountain. He held dominion over the earth and sky and was the ultimate arbitrator of law and justice. He controlled the weather, using his ability to hurl thunder and lightning to enforce his reign. Zeus’s first wife was Metis, one of the Titan sisters. He later married his own sister Hera, but he had a wandering eye and a penchant for flings with any and all women. His romantic interests gave birth to numerous other gods, demi-gods, and mortal heroes on the earth . Hera: Hera ruled as queen of the gods. As the goddess of marriage and fidelity, she was one of the only Olympians to remain steadfastly faithful to her spouse. Though faithful, she was also vengeful, and tormented many of Zeus’s extramarital partners. One of these, Io, was turned into a cow, and Hera sent a gadfly to pester her Art emunceasingly. She turned Callisto into a bear and set is to hunt her. Another
6 woman, Semele, she tricked into asking Zeus to reveal his full glory before her, the sight of which killed the unfortunate mortal woman. Zeus’s tryst with Alcmene produced his son Hercules, and Hera focused her hatred on the boy. She sent snakes to poison him in the crib, arranged his twelve labors in the hopes that he would not survive, and set the Amazons on him when he visited their land.
Poseidon: When Zeus became king, he divided the universe amongst himself and his two brothers. Poseidon received dominion over the seas and waters of the world. He also held the power to produce storms, floods, and earthquakes. He was also the protector of seamen and the god of horses. His own majestic team of horses intermingled with the sea foam as they pulled his chariot through the waves. Poseidon lived with his wife Amphitrite in a magnificent palace under the sea, though he was also prone to stepping out. Amphitrite was no more forgiving than Hera, using magic herbs to turn one of Poseidon’s paramours, Scylla, into a monster with six heads and twelve feet. Demeter: Known as the “good goddess” to the people of the earth, Demeter oversaw farming, agriculture, and the fertility of the earth. Not surprisingly, as she controlled the production of food, she was very highly worshipped in the ancient world. Demeter had one daughter, Persephone, who caught the eye of Zeus’s third brother, Hades. Eventually, he abducted the girl and brought her to his gloomy palace in the underworld. Distraught, Demeter searched the entire earth for her daughter, and neglected her duties. The resulting famine consumed the world and killed so many people that Zeus eventually commanded Hades to return his prize. However, wily Hades tricked Persephone into eating pomegranate seeds from the underworld, forever tying her to the land of the dead. They struck a deal that Persephone should spend four months of each year with Hades. During those four months, Demeter is so heartbroken at the absence of Persephone that nothing can grow, leading to each year’s winter.
Athena: Athena was the daughter of Zeus and his first wife, Metis. Fearing that a son would usurp him as he had his father, Zeus swallowed Metis to prevent this. However, Metis survived, and fashioned armor for her coming child from within Zeus. Eventually, the pounding gave him a splitting headache – quite literally – for Hephaestus split Zeus’s head open with an axe. From the wound sprang Athena, fully grown and armor clad. Athena’s strength rivaled that of any of the other gods. She refused to take any lovers, remaining determinedly a virgin. She took her place on Mount Olympus as the goddess of justice, strategic warfare, wisdom, rational thought, and arts and crafts. The owl was one of her most important symbols, and she planted the first olive tree as a gift to her favorite namesake city, Athens.
Artemis: Artemis and her twin brother Apollo were the children of Zeus and his fling with the Titaness Leto. Hera threatened every land in the world with a terrible curse if they gave Leto refuge, and prolonged Leto’s labor to last an entire nine months. Yet despite all of that, the twins were born, and became important Olympians, though they were as different as night and day. Artemis was quiet, dark and solemn, the goddess of the moon, forests, archery, and the hunt. Like Athena, Artemis had no desire to marry. She was the patron goddess of feminine fertility, chastity, and childbirth, and was also heavily associated with wild animals. The bear was sacred to her.
Apollo: Artemis’s twin brother Apollo was her exact opposite, the god of the sun, light, music, prophecy, medicine, and knowledge. His oracle at Delphi was the most famous of the ancient world. Apollo won a lyre from his mischievous little brother Hermes, and the instrument became irrevocably linked to the god. Apollo was considered the most handsome of the gods. He was cheerful and bright, enjoyed singing, dancing, and drinking, and was immensely popular among both gods and mortals. He also took after his father in the chasing of mortal women, though not always with good success . The
7 river nymph Daphne had her father turn her into a laurel tree rather than succumb to his advances.
Hephaestus: Accounts differ as to the birth of Hephaestus. Some name him the son of Zeus and Hera, others say he was conceived by Hera alone in order to get back at Zeus for the birth of Athena. However, Hephaestus was horribly ugly – at least by the standards of gods and goddesses. Repulsed by his appearance, Hera hurled him from Olympus, which left him permanently lame. He learned the blacksmith’s trade, built himself a workshop, and became the god of fire, metallurgy, sculpture, and crafts, though to a lesser extent than his sister Athena. His forges produce the fire of volcanoes. Hephaestus married the unrivaled beauty, Aphrodite, the goddess of love. Zeus may have arranged the marriage to stop the Olympian gods from fighting over her. However, a popular tale says that Hephaestus trapped his mother in a specially crafted throne in anger for her treatment of him, and only agreed to release her when he was promised the hand of Aphrodite.
Aphrodite: Aphrodite’s marriage to Hephaestus was not to her liking, although he crafted intricate jewelry for her as an attempt to woo her affections. She preferred the wild and rough Ares. When Hephaestion learned of Aphrodite and Ares’ affair, he once again used his craftsmanship to fashion a trap. He placed an invisible web of chains around his bed and trapped Aphrodite and Ares, naked, in the midst of one of their amorous meetings. He summoned the other gods and goddesses, who joined him in mercilessly mocking the ensnared lovers. When they were finally freed, they both fled Olympus in humiliation for a short time. Aphrodite also enjoyed a number of flings with mortal humans, and is perhaps best known for promising the beautiful, already married Queen Helen to the youth Paris and thus kicking off the legendary Trojan War. Ares: Ares was the god of war, but in direct contrast to his sister, Athena. Where Athena oversaw strategy, tactics, and defensive warfare, Ares reveled in the violence and bloodshed that war produced. His aggressive nature and quick temper made him unpopular with the other Olympians, with the exception of Aphrodite, and he was equal-
ly disliked among mortals. His cult of worship was far smaller than other gods and goddesses, though he was quite admired by the war-like Spartans of southern Greece. Despite his association with war, he is often described as a coward, running back to Olympus in a sullen fury every time he received the slightest wound. Whereas Athena’s constant companion was Nike, or victory, Ares’ chosen compatriots were Enyo, Phobos, and Deimos, or strife, fear, and terror. Hermes: Hermes had a very diverse collection of skills, as the god of trade, eloquence, wealth, luck, sleep, thieves, travel, and animal-raising. He is also always characterized as mischievous. He was constantly in search of fun and entertainment. It was his thieving of Apollo’s sacred herd of cattle, when he was still only a baby, that lost him his lyre in recompense. As the messenger of the gods, Hermes ran many errands, including killing the monster Argos to release Io, rescuing Ares from his imprisonment by giants, and talking Calypso into freeing Odysseus and his men from her clutches. It was also his duty to escort souls into the underworld. Dionysus: As the god of wine, wine-making, merriment, theater, and ritual madness, Dionysus was an easy favorite among Olympians and mortals alike. Dionysus was the son of Zeus and Semele, the princess of Thrace, whom Hera tricked into asking to see Zeus in all his glory. Semele could not survive the revelation, but Zeus saved her unborn child by sewing him into his thigh. Dionysus was born from that thigh some months later and raised by the nymphs of Nysa. He was the only Olympian to be born of a mortal mother, and perhaps that was part of the reason why he spent so much time among mortal men, travelling widely and gifting them with wine.
Main Literary Works: Odyssey: The Odyssey is one of two major ancient Greek epic poems attributed to Homer. It is one of the oldest extant works of literature still widely read by modern audiences. As with the Iliad, the poem is divided into 24 books. It follows the Greek hero Odysseus, king of Ithaca, and his journey home after the Trojan War. After the war itself, which lasted ten years, his journey lasted for ten
8 additional years, during which time he encountered many perils and all his crew mates were killed. In his absence, Odysseus was assumed dead, and his wife Penelope and son Telemachus had to contend with a group of unruly suitors who were competing for Penelope's hand in marriage. The Odyssey was originally composed in Homeric Greek in around the 8th or 7th century BCE and, by the mid-6th century BCE, had become part of the Greek literary canon.
Set during the Trojan War, the ten-year siege of the city of Troy (Ilium) by a coalition of Mycenaean Greek states (Achaeans), it tells of the battles and events during the weeks of a quarrel between King Agamemnon and the warrior Achilles.
Greek Mythology influence on Western Culture: Greek mythology’s impact on modern societies cannot be understated. Modern language, industry, art and culture all demonstrate the impact of Greek mythology in today’s world. For example, most people who have no formal knowledge of Greek mythology still know that Hercules was a strongman and that Venus (the Roman version of a greek Aphrodite) is the goddess of love.
The Illiad: The Iliad sometimes referred to as the Song of Ilion or Song of Ilium) is an ancient Greek epic poem in dactylic hexameter, traditionally attributed to Homer. Usually considered to have been written down circa the 8th century BC, the Iliad is among the oldest extant works of Western literature.
Challenge in the English class: an unexpected story… Last year, I and my friends went on a boat trip. Everything was going great, until the sun disappeared and we started to hear thunders. We realized that a storm was coming in, the sea became very agitated and the boat started to flood, the waves were huge and we were all very scared. The last thing I remember was us being thrown to the sea. I woke up with a huge headache and I didn’t know where I was, I started looking for my friends and realized that I was in some kind of island in the middle of the ocean. After a few moments trying to find my friends, I finally found them and we were all reunited again. I started to panic, thinking that we were all going to die in that island. We were freaking out, but then my friend Peter calmed us down and said that we needed
I chose this subject due to my extreme interest initiated by a series of books called “Percy Jackson”, and continued by my fascination with all the myths and stories, and with thinking how people in those times could create such detailed and captivating tale to explain what they couldn’t at that time with science. And it becomes even more enchanting if we can relate and make a connection between their and our culture.
to find some food and water, therefore we started looking for what we needed. We were walking and trying to find some food, when suddenly we heard a noise, it seemed to be people talking. We were hopeful, thinking that we weren’t the only people there, so we started following the noise. After a few minutes of chasing the voices, we found a group of people sitting around a fire, talking. First we were really shocked and then relieved to see them. They took a few moments to realize that we were there, but when they saw us, they looked very surprised. After a few moments of silence, they asked us why we were there, and we said that we had a boat accident and ended up on that island. They explained they were a tribe who lived there, and that they could help us get out of there, and come back home. We were really happy and relieved. Francisca Morais e Beatriz Pereira, 8ºF
The consequences of this horrible phenomenon are: glaciers are melting and many polar bears are left without habitat, natural fires, illnesses caused by the heat and the average water level is rising.
Our World
There are a lot of problems in the world such as global warming, pollution, wars and pandemics.
Some of the steps we can take to prevent global warming from becoming worse are: using public transports since they libertate less gases to the atmosphere, stop using toxic sprays that destroy the ozone layer, install solar panels to generate electricity to reduce your consumption of external electricity supplies that might be produced through the burning of fossil fuels…
Beauties of the world There are many things in the world that manage to enchant us despite all its problems like nature, modest villages and culture diversity.
World’s problems 1.
Global warming
Global warming is when the normal temperature of Earth increases a lot and fast. This happens because of greenhouse gases, which are mostly cause by human activities. Recently this situation has got worse and has put in danger the future generations.
There are three types of pollution namely: air pollution, water pollution and land pollution. Even though they’re different they all affect the planet. Air pollution is mostly cause by the toxic gases that are liberated by fabrics and by automobiles. This can provoke a lot of breathing diseases.
The source of water pollution is the chemical substances released by ships. Furthermore, oceans are filled by plastic due to humanity.
10 Land pollution is when people throw trash on the ground instead of throwing it into the containers. And that causes an accumulation of garbage on the streets.
A war is a conflict between political groups involving hostilities of considerable duration and magnitude. Most part of the times, a war starts by an insignificant reason, however this reason quickly begins to cause a lot of destruction and suffering. The most destructive wars that had happen, were World War I and World War II. World War I happen between 1914-1918, causing around 15-22 million deaths and traumatizing countless soldiers. War World II was even more devastated than World War I. This war lasted 6 years and generated more than 80 million deaths, being mostly citizens. There are still some traces of this war due to the atomic bombs used.
Now, we are living in a pandemic called Covid-19 that began in 2020 and the virus remains active in 2022.
The pandemic has affected the whole world and has killed more than 6,000,000 people. In 2021 the population of almost all the world began to vaccinate and nowadays, in Portugal, older people have three doses while the younger ones have only two. From Covid several variants emerged, being the most worrying the variants Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta and Omicron.
To prevent this virus we must use mask, disinfect or wash hands frequently, in case of direct contact with an infected person or if you have symptoms do a test and stay at home. Currently there is a war that involve two independent countries, Russia and Ukraine. Despite Ukraine being an independent country since 1991, Russia’s president is trying to conquer it. Sadly, this has caused many material and human losses. Moreover, multiple citizens had to leave Ukraine and go to safer countries because if they stayed there it would be very dangerous.
Beauties of the world
1. Nature
Nature is one of the most beautiful things in world. The most stunning views have Nature as the principal element. Some of the most wonderful aspects of nature are the sky, mountains, flowers, oceans and waterfalls, trees, clouds and inactive volcanoes. Due to this war, countless citizens loss their house, family
members, animals, and a lot more. Nevertheless, Ukraine is receiving help by many European countries and the USA. These conflicts won’t solve anything. They will only provoke more damaged in cities and irreversible traumas in people, especially children. 4.
Over time, the world has gone through many pandemics, such as the Spanish flu in 1918 or the black plague in 1347.
Sometimes when we are nervous or anxious we just need to go to Nature and see some of these landscapes to calm down. People should value more the nature because it wont last forever. If humans keep ruining it with all their constructions, the future generations won’t be able to see how charming nature was before human’s activities.
11 tions.
People need to preserve the Nature since without it, life wouldn’t be possible. Many people don’t understand how important it is in their lives. There a lot of types of Nature for everyone’s preferences, so if someone doesn´t appreciate landscapes that involve trees or flowers, they can try and observe the oceans or the sky. 2. Modest villages
In the whole world there are countless cultures. Even though some of them have some things in common, they are all different and special in their own way. When some people are inserted in a culture different from theirs, they may experience strangeness. This probably happens due to how different those peoples’ culture is, from the others.
Modesty is the simplicity that a person or a city has. Nowadays most part of people live in noisy cities and practically don't have any time to rest. That's why spending some days in modest villages is so important. Sadly, the population in these villages has decreased in past years.
Sometimes when people necessitate to rest, they only need to take some days and go to these modest villages because there isn't a better place than these to rest. Old people are the ones that populate in these locations. Everyone there knows everybody and they all spend most part of their time talking and gossip around.
The affection from people that live in these communities has something special and different from the other that live in major cities. It’s natural and comes from the heart. These people are based in honesty and don’t care about money. These individuals are always happy because their perspective of life is different from others. Even with less things they feel better because it was the way they were educated. Whereas people from cities have more money feel more depressed and tired, people from small villages have less and are happier. This is the proof that money doesn’t bring happiness. 3. Culture diversity Culture diversity refers to the existence of a wide variety of cultures. It refers to inclusion of different perspectives in an organization or society. There are several types of culture manifestations that reveal this variety such as: language, food, clothing, religion and tradi-
Unfortunately, people tend to fear what they don’t know or understand, so they ended up by judging others, based on their culture. Nonetheless, just because a person doesn’t have the same culture as other, that doesn’t mean that they’re less important or capable of doing something .
Despite all discrimination, cultural diversity helps citizens respecting “ways of being” that aren’t exactly like their own. Besides, this diversity makes someone’s country a more fascinating place to live, since people from diverse cultures contribute with their knowledge, experiences, ways of thinking and doing things, … Even though everyone is different in their own way, somehow, we are all the same. Conclusion
The world is full of good and bad things. There are many problems that can be avoided by humans such as wars and global warming... Although there are these problems, the world has many qualities that give us the opportunity to live more peacefully, and so people have to learn to value them. Therefore, if people want to live longer and happier, they should start preserving the planet, while it’s still possible. Bibliography
Global Warming (nasa.gov); war | History, Causes, Types, Meaning, Examples, & Facts | Britannica; World War I - Wikipedia;World War II casualties - Wikipedia;Tracking Omicron and Other Coronavirus Variants - The New York Times (nytimes.com);Cultural diversity - Wikipedia; Cultural Diversity: Definition & Meaning | Purdue Global Luana Salgado e Maria Fidalgo
12 Concurso de fotografia no âmbito da visita de estudo de História feita ao Parque Natural do Vale do Guadiana - 10ºH e 10ºI (Humanidades) Trabalhos vencedores: Na Categoria PAISAGEM – “Pedra a pedra enche o caminho o papo”, da autoria do Pedro Morais, 10º I.
Na categoria FLORA Malmequeres”, da autoria da Ana Guadalupe, 10ºH.
Na Categoria PESSOAS “No fim, somos família”, da autoria do Pedro Morais, 10º I.
“Pedras no caminho. Guardo todas, um dia vou construir um castelo” (Fernando Pessoa), da autoria da Ana Guadalupe, 10ºH.
Menção honrosa: “A árvore da vida”, da autoria da Sara Silva, 10ºH.
Na Categoria FAUNA – “Gado no prado”, da autoria do Pedro Morais, 10º I.
Os trabalhos apresentaram-se a concurso com pseudónimo. O júri foi constituído pelas funcionárias dos Serviços Administrativos da nossa escola. Parabéns a tod@s!
Nazaré Oliveira
Clube Foto Concurso de Fotografia 2022
1º Prémio, Mariana Antunes – 7ºA – Sol
Resultados: ENINO SECUNDÁRIO 1ºPrémio, Viktoriya Terletska 11ºG – Reflexo da Arte.
2º Prémio, Helena Maria 7ºA
2º Prémio , Marta Gaspar do Carmo Peres 11°G
Natureza Viva.
Conversa entre espelhos.
3º Prémio, Jim Carinhas 12ºG – Red Portal
1º Prémio, Emília Peres Momento de Criação
Margarida Gouveia, Maria Luísa Costa e Martim Agostinho
carácter temporário. O edifício recentemente renovado em Campo de Ourique oferece visitas guiadas, que permitem uma fácil compreensão da maravilhosa complexidade do universo de Fernando Pessoa. A seleção dos seus pertences (entre eles mobília, cartas e fotografias) foi feita de uma forma adequada, fortalecendo a ligação entre os visitantes e o autor. Por sua vez, o Museu do Aljube conjuga num só edifício vários tipos de histórias e recordações. Aquelas que correspondem a tempos de miséria e tortura têm especial impacto nos visitantes, que se sentem horrorizados ao ouvir a guia citar testemunhos de torturas e a explicar a realidade de uma sociedade censurada, algo que para alguns parece irreal. Outros relatos associam-se ao marcante 25 de abril de 1974, sendo essa uma das divisões que enchem de orgulho aqueles que por lá passam. Em suma, estes espaços apresentam um valor inigualável, visto que conseguem trazer o passado para a atualidade, educando e relembrando aos visitantes diversos assuntos, através de exposições e atividades dinâmicas. Carina Gonçalves Inocêncio 12ºH
Casa Fernando pessoa e museu do Aljube A frequência de espaços culturais e históricos é fundamental para o desenvolvimento do ser humano e estes dois locais não desiludem quem os visita. A Casa Fernando Pessoa, inaugurada em 1993, é um local de homenagem ao falecido autor português. Localiza-se na rua Coelho da Rocha, onde Pessoa habitou (no nº16) até à sua morte em 1935. É composta por vários andares que incluem uma reconstituição do seu apartamento, uma biblioteca composta por obras colecionadas pelo próprio (consideradas «tesouro nacional» desde 2009) e uma exposição que visa a análise dos heterónimos pessoanos. Já o Museu do Aljube localiza-se na baixa de Lisboa e dedica-se à memória do combate ao regime ditatorial vivido em Portugal, em prol da liberdade e democracia. A exposição permanente do Museu foca-se na exibição de documentos e objetos que educam os visitantes para a ascensão e queda dos fascismos na Europa, fazendo uma profunda caracterização dos meios repressivos do regime ditatorial e as reações aos mesmos. Possui também outras exposições de
Teatro a dez passos de distância
No dia 7 de março, às onze horas, a turma do 9°E, da Escola Secundária Du Bocage, dirigiu--se ao cinema Charlot, acompanhada pelas professoras Teresa Hiêu e Alda Farrica, para ver a peça de teatro "ID: a tua marca na NET". A sala já estava cheia de alunos de outras escolas quando a turma chegou, e o clima geral era de receio (quando a tua professora de Português te propõe ir ver uma peça de teatro, tu dizes que sim para fazeres algo diferente, não porque realmente achas que vais gostar da peça). O clima da sala mudou rapidamente assim que a peça começou. Se havia pessoas a falar com o vizinho, pararam para se rirem, tal era a animação! Com apenas três atores e a presença de dezenas de polícias (pois este era um projeto com o apoio da PSP) os alunos viram uma peça cómica e dinâmica sobre os perigos e os cuidados que devem ter na Internet. No final, até houve fila para autógrafos! Divertida e leve, esta peça transmitiu várias mensagens importantes aos alunos, sem lhes dar tempo para respirar, entre risadas. Recolhemos alguns testemunhos dos alunos da turma sobre a peça de teatro… «A peça foi interessante e bastante bem conseguida.
Informou-nos e alertou-nos para os perigos da internet de uma forma divertida e engraçada» «Achei a peça de teatro muito interessante, passando uma mensagem muito importante para nós, espectadores, principalmente tendo em conta que somos jovens. Foi muito engraçada e divertida.» «Os atores fizeram um excelente trabalho na medida em que conseguiram falar de assuntos sérios de uma forma bem-humorada e usando muitas vezes o sarcasmo e a ironia.» «Foi divertido! Uma peça de teatro que poderia ser uma “seca”, além de trazer um assunto que é atual, muito falado tanto na escola como em casa, trouxe muitos risos a quem estava presente.» «A peça foi muito divertida e interessante. Os alunos andam cansados e acho que este espetáculo conseguiu divertir-nos e fazer com que esquecêssemos o stress do dia-a-dia.» «Eu achei a peça muito interessante e divertida. Eu pensava que ia dormir, mas acabei por rir muito.» «Conseguiu informar de maneira cómica e inovadora sobre os perigos e riscos da Internet, conseguindo, assim, cativar o público a ter cuidado!» «Para ser sincera fiquei surpreendida com a forma como os atores representaram. Foi melhor do que eu esperava. Adorei a peça de teatro!» «Achei que a peça de teatro transmitia uma mensagem muito importante para os dias de hoje, pois as redes sociais são um meio de comunicação cada vez mais difundido e de fácil acesso e é essencial usá-los com conta, peso e medida. A peça, para além de nos alertar para os perigos da internet, mostrou vários exemplos de situações que podem ocorrer como consequência do mau uso das redes sociais. Foi importante e educativo.» 9º E
No âmbito do CLUBE DE LATIM, a nossa aluna Sofia Coelho, do 7.º E, ganhou o primeiro prémio de Instalação/Escultura, nas Olimpíadas da Cultura Clássica, no qual concorreram mais de 3000 alunos. A Sofia Coelho construiu um jogo de tabuleiro denominado «O jogo de Dédalo e Ícaro no Labirinto de Minos». As Olimpíadas da Cultura Clássica são promovidas pela Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa em conjunto com a Rede de Bibliotecas Escolares e o Ministério da Educação. Tal como todos os anos, a gala aconteceu no auditório da Faculdade de Letras. A gala deste ano ocorreu no dia 8 de junho e contou com a presença do escritor Mário de Carvalho, com os professores catedráticos Arnaldo Espírito Santo, Miguel Tamen e Paula Mourão, entre outros. Durante o espetáculo existiram alguns momentos musicais, bem como algumas atividades lúdicas, em torno da antiguidade clássica. Este concurso visa promover a aprendizagem das línguas e cultura clássicas no Ensino Básico e Secundário. Na nossa escola, o CLUBE DE LATIM é da responsabilidade das professoras Ana Paula Rosa e Susana Marta Pereira. Deste modo, é com grande orgulho que damos os parabéns à nossa aluna, que foi uma das premidas neste prestigiado concurso.. Susana Marta Pereira CLUBE DE LATIM Estão de parabéns os nossos alunos do CLUBE DE LATIM pelos resultados que obtiveram no exame de Latim, certificado pela Cambridge Latin Course . Os nossos agradecimentos à Associação Clenardus e às professoras Ana Paula Rosa e Susana Pereira. CORTE MATO Corta Mato CLDE 2022 com o primeiro lugar da Letícia Magalhães do 9ºG :
Verde é a relva onde me deito, Sonhando ser o colar que te aconchega o peito De noite, negro sou o céu que te adormece De dia, o Sol que a tua pele aquece A água que te refresca, a roupa que te sente, Queria ser eu, sempre assim presente. Ser eu, na minha imaginação, Assim, tal como tu, és a minha canção Um dia irei cantar-te Porque tudo o que à minha volta existe A ti me faz lembrar
João Rosa 10.ºC
18 É suave como uma nuvem E áspero como uma pedra É felicidade e alegria É ódio e tristeza Mas a sua verdadeira essência É feita de carinho Assim, por isso, ninguém se sente sozinho Lua dos Santos 10.ºC (pseudónimo)
Ainda sinto borboletas cá dentro Não as deixo sair a voar Sei que quando abrir a minha boca voam com o vento E, tal como o nosso amor, nunca mais vão voltar Borboletas voam com o vento E que nunca sabem onde pousar Já eu não vou com o vento Pois sei que sempre te irei amar.
Pablo Mante 10.ºC
Será que isto é amor? Já nem me reconheço Agora um frio, agora um calor Esta incerteza será que mereço? Começo a não saber quem sou Frequentemente mudo o comportamento Algo em mim se alterou Meus Deus, que tormento! O que quero é perceber. Será que é bom o que dói a valer? Não! Isto em mim só faz sofrer Vou procurar este modo de vida inverter! O que é o amor? O amor é como os raios de Sol Que aquecem a fresca manhã Não é algo que aconteça de hoje para amanhã É como um instinto Que nos faz querer cuidar Com a chama no olhar Sem hesitar E sem medo de errar
Andreia Clérigo 10.ºC
19 Suspiramos por amor E sofremos com saudade Quando o amor nos toca E tudo contagia Ai! Quem sofre por amor Conhece o seu poder avassalador Amar alguém que não nos olha Sentir um amor que desilude Nos derruba e assusta Por nos deixar à deriva no mar Mas o amor renasce É uma luz de esperança Que vive à nossa volta E sempre nos alcança.
Joana Fernandes 10.ºC
Amor, Quem és tu E porque tens tanto poder? Como moves o artista E a arte de viver?
E se regressássemos Ao dia em que te conheci Aquela noite de Verão Em que sorri quando te vi
Como inspiras os sonhos Para o poeta escrever? Tornas mais belos Os olhares em que te gostas de esconder.
E se regressássemos Será que queria regressar? Voltar a viver tudo E não saber com o que contar?
Como serves de alimento Que nos motiva a crescer?
E se regressássemos Seria tudo igual? Seria um final feliz ou fora do normal?
Amor, quem contigo não se espanta, É por não te querer ver.
Mafalda Guerra 10.ºH
Será que quero mesmo saber Ou será que só estou a divagar? Será que foi bom te conhecer? Ou só és mais uma história para contar?
Aguardo-te, aqui, com saudade No meio de lágrimas e felicidade Vens e vais, não percebo Sempre que voltas, acaba-se o sossego
Nunca saberei. Sei apenas que sempre te irei lembrar Como a pessoa que te amou Até mais não dar. Chegou a hora Chegou ao fim E por agora Não vou pensar mais em ti.
Vivemos para amar Tudo gira à volta do amor Sentimento poderoso Que dá rumo à nossa vida Olhar nos olhos do amor É sentir conforto e proteção É derrubar as barreiras Que nos rodeiam Para nos abrirmos ao mundo Sem hora marcada
Olhar-te aperta-me o peito Sentir o teu cheiro sem jeito E, de repente, viste como sou Ou como era, porque tudo mudou.
Carlos Pimentel 10.ºH (pseudónimo)
Anónimo 10.ºH
Alexandra Rebelo
Filipa Puna
Maria Eduarda
Madalena Gonçalves
Samuel Santos
Inês Soares
Ana Laura Girardi
Guilherme Augusto
Daniel Botas
David Fidalgo
Fernando Caiado