Alpha Hong Kong Annual Report 2023 香港啟發年報2023

Page 22

Table of Contents


Message from the Chairman 董事會主席的分享

Message from the Executive Director 總幹事的分享

Vision and Mission of Alpha 啟發的異象與使命

Alpha for Everyone 讓啟發觸及每個生命

2023 Highlights 2023 年度重點概覽

Church Alpha 教會啟發

Youth Alpha 少青啟發

Alpha Stories 啟發見證

Workplace Alpha 職場啟發

The Marriage and The Parenting Course 美滿婚姻及親子課程

Grassroots Alpha 基層啟發

Alpha Stories 啟發見證

Financial Report in 2023 2023 年度財政匯報

Financial Budget in 2024 2024 年度財政預算

Partner with Alpha Hong Kong 與香港啟發結伴同行

1 Alpha Hong Kong // Table of Contents
05 06 08 12 15 16 18 20 22 23 24 25
02 03 04

Message from the Chairman


Dear partners,

It is another record-breaking year for Alpha Hong Kong as the number of Alpha courses being run has reached an all time high. We are grateful for your partnership which has made this possible.

Our increasing number of contextualised products for the Chinese audience have benefited Hong Kong's local churches, schools, workplace and grassroot communities. A key focus was to reach the underprivileged families in the city. It is wonderful to witness the Gospel being shared to the less fortunate who now hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.

We have also focused on the youth who have been drawn away from Christ by the digital world. The Alpha Cantonese Teens Series (ACTS) and the soon-to-be launched Alpha Youth Series 3.0 will help us reach the next generation, conveying to them that a 2,000-year old event retains its significance today.

With much excitement, we approach the 30th anniversary of Alpha in Hong Kong. As we celebrate the anniversary this year, we hope to bring together brothers and sisters and to pass the baton to the next generation. Let's continue to pay it forward with the hope of seeing the manifestation of the Kingdom of God in our beloved city of Hong Kong.

With best wishes, Pat-Nie &Esther Woo

親愛的伙伴 :

今年啟發在香港開辦的課程數目 破了新的紀錄,我們很感恩有您們 的參與及同工讓此得以成就!

隨著更多為華人而設的影片系列 誕生,啟發已經在香港的教會、學


我們其中一個重點項目是向城中 的基層家庭傳福音。我們能與社區 內有需要的人分享從神而來的好 消息,並讓他們知道在基督裡永恆 的盼望,那是一件既奇妙又感恩的 事。

青少年也是我們重點關注的群 體,當青少年愈來愈受到電子世 界影響,他們與基督的關係也漸 漸疏離。《啟發少青系列粵語版》 ( ACTS )和即將推出的全新《啟 發青少年系列國際版》正好幫助我 們更有效地接觸新一代,讓他們知 道,一件發生在兩千年前的事,直 到今天依然具有極重大的意義。

我們即將迎來啟發在香港 30 週 年。在今年的周年慶典上,我們希 望能凝聚弟兄姊妹,將福音的棒傳 給下一代。 讓我們繼續薪火相傳, 盼望看到神的國降臨在我們所愛 的城市――香港。

Dear friends,

Since joining Alpha 3 years ago, my journey has been both exhilarating and humbling. It has been exhilarating as God has graciously done more than we could ask or imagine. It has also been humbling as many factors remain beyond our control, yet we see the Lord in the midst of it all. My response is to be on my knees, praising God for what only He can do. I thank you for your prayers, your partnership and your support to make all this possible.

In 2023, we celebrated a recordbreaking year for Alpha Hong Kong, with 27,484 people hearing the good news of Jesus through Alpha.

We are thrilled that Alpha has reached people in more contexts than ever before – grassroot families, new immigrants, homeless, prisoners, elderly, youth, and people in the workplace. We have customised our resources to better cater to the needs of people in different contexts.

Over the past few years, I am grateful to see many churches have kept their doors wide open and extended



Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023
與 吳吳純寶

Message from the Executive Director 總幹事的分享

親愛的朋友們 :

hospitality to guests, enabling them to feel belonged even before they believed.

The order of priority is no longer "believe then belong". It has shifted to "belong then believe". The sense of belonging comes first and not last.

Alpha encourages a culture of hospitality and listening that is critical in making guests feel they belong. It warms my heart to see churches demonstrating radical hospitality through Alpha and showering love on their guests through listening. This creates a sense of belonging for the guests, who become more open to exploring faith and ultimately believing in Jesus.

Because of this, thousands of people from every walk of life have experienced the transformative love of Jesus through Alpha.

In 2024, we celebrate Alpha's 30th anniversary in Hong Kong. We dream of seeing every believer and every church mobilised across the city to spread the Gospel.

The Gospel is 100% free, and so is Alpha. I am incredibly grateful for your generosity that has made this possible. Once again, thank you for the difference you are making for such a time as this.

自從三年前加入啟發,我的事奉之路 既讓我感到雀躍,同時亦讓我學習 謙卑仰望主。令人雀躍的是,我見 證到上帝以極大的恩典成就了許多 超出我們所想所求的事。與此同時, 身處在這個瞬息萬變的時代,讓我不 得不學習完全的謙卑信靠上帝 ; 感謝 神,我真實地看見神在每一件事上 切實的掌權。我唯一能回應的,就是 屈膝於祂的跟前讚美祂的一切作為, 因為唯有祂能成就這一切。在此我也 非常感謝您們的代禱、支持與同行, 讓這一切成為可能。

2023 年是香港啟發破紀錄的一年, 有 27,484 人透過啟發聽到福音。

尤其讓我感到欣慰的是,啟發比以往 接觸更多不同的群體,當中包括基層 家庭、新移民、無家者、在囚人士、 長者、青少年和職場人士。我們針 對不同群體的特性設計了新的資源, 以便配合更多不同群體獨特的需要。

在過去的幾年裡,我很高興看到許 多教會敞開大門,歡迎及款待不同 的來賓進入,讓他們在信主之前就 能在教會找到歸屬感。

現在的優先次序不再是「先相信,後 歸屬」,而是轉為「先歸屬,後相

信」。建立歸屬感成了優先,不再 是留待信主後才發生。

啟發重視款待和聆聽的文化,我們 認為,這是讓來賓在教會找到歸屬 感的重要元素。每當我見證到教會 透過啟發表現出熱情好客的精神, 並讓來賓在交流中感受到被愛與聆 聽的時候,我的內心便深受感動。 這一切,不但為來賓營造了一種歸 屬感,而且使他們更願意開放心靈 去探索信仰,繼而認識並相信主耶 穌。

正因如此,成千上萬從各方而來的 人都透過啟發,體驗了耶穌那份能 改變生命的愛。

2024 年,我們將慶祝啟發在香港 30 週年。我們夢想看到每個信徒 和每間教會都被起動,讓福音傳遍 這地。

福音是百分之百免費的,啟發亦一 樣。我非常感謝您們慷慨的擺上, 您的奉獻和支持,成就了美好的果 效。 我們再次感謝您,在這個關鍵 時刻為這城市帶來美好的改變。

With blessings, Patricia Lau


3 Alpha Hong Kong // Message from the Chairman | Message from the Executive Director

Vision and Mission of Alpha 啟發的異象與使命

What is Alpha? 啟發是甚麼?

Alpha is an opportunity to explore life's big questions together in a relaxed and friendly environment.

Alpha is typically run over 11 weeks, with each talk looking at a different question around faith that is designed to create conversation.

Alpha is run all around the globe, online and in person. It is free and everyone is welcome.

啟發透過輕鬆和友善的環境,讓人 有機會去探索生命意義。

啟發一般有 11 節, 每一節都會探 討一個基督信仰的問題, 並從而 引發討論。啟發現於世界各地以 線上及實體形式舉行。費用全免, 並歡迎任何人士參加。

Our Vision 我們的異象

Our vision is to see the evangelisation of the nations, the revitalisation of the Church and the transformation of society.

我們的異象是要看見福音廣傳、教會復 興及社會轉化。

Our Mission 我們的使命

We passionately believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore a personal relationship with Jesus, wherever they are at, for free.

Our mission is to equip and serve the Church in its mission to help people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.

我們切實相信 , 每一個人都應該有機會探索與耶穌的個 人關係 , 並且不需付費。

我們的使命是裝備和服侍教會 , 以幫助更多人探索並建 立與耶穌的關係。

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Alpha for Everyone 讓啟發觸及每個生命

Our vision is for everyone, everywhere to have the opportunity to explore faith through Alpha by 2033

我們的異象 , 是要在 2033 年 , 讓每一個人 ,

在任何地方 , 都有機會透過啟發去探索信仰

This is a key moment in history. In a world more connected than ever before, Alpha is well placed to give everyone, everywhere the opportunity to discover Jesus in a way that is respectful, relevant and rooted in community.

2033 is the 2000th anniversary of the resurrection of Jesus. As we look forward to 2033, we hope to make exploring faith as accessible as possible, so that millions more might encounter the love of God. Over the past 30 years, 33 million people around the world have experienced Alpha. By 2033, we hope that 100 million people can be reached with Alpha in every single language and culture.

Will you join us as we dream for a time when everyone in the world has the opportunity to encounter Jesus?

這是一個歷史性的關鍵時刻 。

我們身處在一個緊密相連的世界 , 啟發正好 提供機會 ,讓每一個人都能在他身處的地方 , 找到一個熟悉和被尊重的空間去認識耶穌 , 並且讓他們植根於社區 。

2033 年是耶穌基督復活的 2,000 週年 。 邁 向 2033 年之際 , 我們將竭盡所能 , 讓每一 個人都能無阻隔地探索信仰 ,並經歷神的愛 。

在過去 30 年裡 , 全球已有 3,300 萬人體驗 過啟發 。未來 ,我們的目標是在 2033 年前 , 讓全球一億人能透過為不同語言和文化群體 而設的啟發接觸到福音 。

我們夢想有一天 , 世上每一個人都有機會遇 見主 , 你願意跟我們一同實現這夢想嗎 ?

5 Alpha Hong Kong // Vision & Mission | Alpha for Everyone


2023 年度重點概覽

Celebrating your impact 感恩您帶來的影響

2023 was a record-breaking year for Alpha Hong Kong 2023 年是香港啟發刷新紀錄的一年

Thanks to your partnership, last year we saw more people than ever hearing the Gospel through Alpha. We are thankful that God is doing exceedingly beyond what we could hope or imagine.

衷心感謝您的支持,在過去一年裡,我們見證更多人透過啟發聽聞福音。 感恩上帝奇妙的作為,成就超過我們所求所想的美事。


People have experienced Alpha over the past 10 years 位來賓在過去 10 年體驗過啟發


People have heard the good news of Jesus on Alpha 位來賓透過啟發聽聞福音


Churches have run Alpha over the past 10 years 所教會舉辦過啟發

For 2023 | 2023 年


Alpha leaders were trained 位啟發領䄂參與培訓


Churches have run Alpha 所教會舉辦過啟發


Marriage and Parenting courses were run 個婚姻與親子課程


Alpha courses were run in different contexts 個不同類型的啟發


People have experienced the Marriage and Parenting Course 位來賓參加過婚姻及親子課程

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

I have witnessed God using Alpha to impact and transform the lives of people in churches, workplaces and schools over the years. This multi-lingual, easy-to-use resource is very effective in helping us reach a broken and hurting world in need of a Saviour.

多年來,我見證了神使用啟發改變和影響 教會、職場和學校。啟發這套多語言而且 簡單易用的資源,非常有效地幫助我們去 回應這個需要救主的破碎的世界。

Rev Dr Michele Bland 白蜜夏牧師博士 Senior Pastor, Union Church 佑寧堂主任牧師

Alpha, like a treasured gem, is a vital tool for the Church to spread the Gospel. It offers a firm foundation for the Church to evangelise and serves as an effective discipleship resource.

啟發是教會傳福音的核心工具,彷如「鎮 山之寶」,能讓教會建立傳福音的穩固基 礎,更是有效培訓信徒的教材。

Rev Dr Patrick Lau

劉宗銳牧師博士 Lecturer and Chaplain, Macau Bible Institute 澳門聖經學院講師及校牧

Alpha has developed many video resources tailored to the unique needs of individuals at every level of society. I'm so impressed with how people are using Alpha to make disciples of all nations, bringing many to Christ. Let's support Alpha with our financial resources and fulfill God's calling.

啟發不斷推出嶄新的影片系列來回應社會 中不同群體的獨特需要。我非常欣賞啟發 帶領人走向基督,以及協助造就門徒。讓 我們一同起來以經濟支持啟發事工,讓啟 發能有足夠資源回應神的召命。

Bridget Fong 方嘉敏 Alpha Donor 啟發捐助者

7 Alpha Hong Kong // 2023 Highlights

Church Alpha


Relentlessly serving the Church in all ways possible


11,252 adults in church setting have heard the Good News of Jesus through Alpha 位成人於教會開辦 的啟發聽聞福音

Uniting the Church through evangelism 藉著福音行動 帶來教會合一

We believe Alpha is one of the best evangelisation tools available to the Church. Our team has tirelessly introduced Alpha to churches, equipping them with best practices and supporting them to build a culture of evangelism. Last year, our team facilitated 115 workshops and trainings, with over 4,300 leaders equipped to run Alpha.

We are also committed to advance the mission of the Church. In 2023, we presented in over 36 conferences, speaking and preaching at numerous weekend services.

我們相信啟發是其中一個最佳的傳福音工具。我們的同工團 隊努力不懈地向教會介紹啟發,裝備他們開展啟發,並協助 他們建立傳福音文化。 去年,我們的團隊舉辦了 115 次啟發 工作坊和培訓,超過 4,300 位領䄂接受籌劃及開辦啟發的裝 備。

我們也致力於推動教會實踐大使命。單單在 2023 年,我們 被邀請於超過 36 場會議分享,並在多個主日崇拜中分享信 息及提倡啟發價值, 協助推動差傳。

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Hub churches fueling multiplication


We recognise that we cannot accelerate the spread of the Gospel alone. Hub Churches are influential churches that run high quality Alpha and have a kingdom vision. Over the past year, we have worked closely with 12 Hub Churches to fuel the growth of the Gospel in the city. These Hub Churches openly share their best practices and generously coach other churches in running Alpha. They also act as ambassadors to share about Alpha with their network. By sharing their knowledge and experience, Hub Churches ignite a fire in other churches, multiplying the impact.

如要繼續擴張福音的境界,我們知道單靠自己的力量並不足夠,我們 更需要與本地教會合作。 其中與核心教會 (Hub Church) 合作成了 我們重要的策略。核心教會是指一所具影響力並恆常開辦高質量啟發 的堂會,而這堂會也樂意將異象傳遞給其他教會。在過去的一年裡, 我們與 12 所核心教會緊密合作,竭力推動全港福音事工的發展。 這 些核心教會向眾多不同教會分享她們成功的經驗,並慷慨地為其他教 會提供指導與支援,她們更會在各自的網絡中分享啟發,成為啟發的 大使。透過知識和經驗的分享與傳承,核心教會燃點了眾教會的福音 火種,帶來了倍增的影響力。

Alpha has mobilised and engaged everyone in evangelistic work, bringing breakthroughs to our church. The Alpha Hong Kong team's selfless and passionate dedication inspires our coworkers to serve wholeheartedly with dedication!

啟發能夠起動眾肢體積極投入參與佈道 工作,為堂會帶來新的突破。啟發團隊 真誠熱情、毫不計較的擺上,感染著我 們的同工更願意用心地服侍!

Rev Keynes Kan Yiu Tong 簡耀堂牧師 Senior Pastor, C&MA Hebron Church 宣道會希伯崙堂主任牧師

9 Alpha Hong Kong // Church Alpha

Alpha is an effective set of tools that clearly conveys the Gospel. It is straightforward for churches to use and easy for people to understand. At Saddleback Church Hong Kong, we use Alpha for diverse contexts, including adults, workplace, youth and ladies, and this has yielded remarkable results in spreading the Gospel.

啟發是一套很清晰的福音工具, 讓教會容易運用,人也很易理 解。除了成人外,馬鞍峰香港教 會也開辦職場、青少年人和女士 的啟發課程, 所帶來的福音果效 非常顯著。

Rev Dr Stephen Lee 李志剛牧師博士

City Pastor, Saddleback Church Hong Kong


Mandarin speakers reached in their heart language 得著華語群體

When it comes to global revival, we cannot ignore the largest ethnic group in the world – the Chinese people – numbering over 1.5 billion across the globe. Some believe that the Chinese will carry the final baton for evangelism. We will witness the Gospel going from the East to the West in our generation. The Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) was birthed in response to this need.

Since its official launch in 2022, we estimate that over 350,000 people all over the world have heard the Gospel through CAFS. Since almost 1 in 7 people in Hong Kong are Mandarin native speakers, CAFS is an essential tool to reach the Mandarin-speaking community. CAFS is effective for both professionals and new immigrant families. We also launched the Cantonese-dubbed version of CAFS last year, which was very well-received in Hong Kong.

當提到全球復興異象的時候,我們不能忽視世上最多人口的族裔―― 15 億 華人群體。不少人相信華人將會承接傳福音的最後一棒,在這世代將福音 由東至西傳播。而華人啟發影片系列正為此而生。

自從 2022 年推出以來,估計全球 350,000 人透過《華人啟發影片系列》 接觸福音。在香港,每 7 個人當中約有 1 位以普通話為母語,而《華人啟 發影片系列》正是接觸普通話群體的有效工具,對於新來港專才及新移民 家庭都深具吸引力。此外,香港啟發在本年度更推出了《華人啟發影片系 列》廣東話配音版本,備受各界歡迎。

Leaders envisioned at the Alpha Regional Gathering 亞太啟發會議 領受合一異象

Alpha Regional Gathering is the most strategic regional annual event for Alpha. Held in Malaysia, the three-day conference inspires and equips strategic church leaders with the tool of Alpha. Last year, we were thrilled to have the largest ever delegation from Hong Kong, with 70 senior leaders from 30 churches, 8 NGOs and 19 denominations. 100% of the churches advanced along their journey of engagement with Alpha and 92% went on to run Alpha.

亞太啟發會議是啟發亞太區總部一年一度最具策略性的盛事。會議在馬來 西亞舉行,為期三天,以啟發作為核心工具,激勵伙伴教會的領袖,同心 領受異象。去年,香港派出有史以來以最大陣容的團體出席,共 70 位教 會領袖,他們分別來自 30 間堂會、 8 個組織和 19 個宗派 。而參與會議 的領袖所屬的教會中,有 100% 的教會加强了與我們的合作夥伴關係, 92% 的教會委身持續舉辦啟發。

10 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Surge of Alpha in the Catholic context


We believe that what unites us is infinitely greater than what divides us. We are witnessing a beautiful display of unity in Christ as Alpha sweeps through Catholic parishes, schools, and other contexts, from the youth to the marginalised, including those grappling with homelessness and addiction. In particular, we feel incredibly blessed to collaborate with the Auxiliary Bishop Joseph Ha Chi-shing and Catholic organisations to host the 2023 "Ignite" event to explore how to ignite youth's passion for Jesus. We are thrilled to share that over 95% of the participants indicated they will recommend Alpha to their community.

我們相信,使我們合一的力量比分散我們的力量更大。 這一年, 我們見證啟發合一的浪潮席捲天主教區、天主教學校和各機構團體 當中 ; 從青少年到邊緣群體,到那些無家可歸和吸毒成癮的人,啟 發在他們當中都能帶來美好的福音果效。 其中讓我們特別感到鼓 舞的是能與夏志誠輔理主教及多個天主教組織合作,在 2023 年舉 辦 Ignite 活動,探討如何燃點青少年愛主的熱忱,我們很興奮看 到有超過 95% 的受訪參加者表示他們會向身邊的群體推介啟發。

Check out this video to learn more:

如欲了解更多 , 請觀看影片 :

I had no experience in running Mandarin Alpha but to my surprise, the Chinese Alpha Film Series (CAFS) resonated well with our Mandarin-speaking community. The testimonies touched many hearts. The guests also enjoyed the open discussions and Alpha's welcoming culture. Since the launch of Alpha, we saw a steady influx of new friends joining us every week, leading to remarkable growth within our Mandarin-speaking community.

我沒有任何舉辦普通話啟發的經驗,沒想到《華人 啟發影片》讓普通話群體容易產生共鳴,加上感人 見證觸動人心。參加者亦很喜歡啟發的開放式討論 和接待文化。啟發開展後每週不斷有新朋友加入, 讓我們的普通話群體有明顯的增長。

Although I am a Catholic, I have always felt like a bird without legs as I did not attend Mass regularly and did not know anyone at church. Since joining Alpha, the Lord has encouraged me through different individuals, giving me a sense of belonging. Alpha has rekindled the fire in my heart, making me a willing instrument of the Lord. I am grateful for His immeasurable grace.

雖然我是天主教徒,但是一直像無腳的鳥兒般, 沒有固定的參與彌撒,也沒有認識教會中的弟兄 姊妹。自從參加了啟發後,主藉着不同的人支持 與鼓勵我,有一種回到家的感覺。啟發重燃我心 中的火熱,讓我願意作主的器皿,感謝主施予無 限的救恩。

Pastor, Hong Kong Baptist Church Mandarin Division 香港浸信教會普通話部牧者

Pastor Rachel Tong Rachel Tong 傳道 Stephen Chan 陳國良 Alpha Participant 啟發參加者 Alpha
Hong Kong // Church Alpha

少青啟發 Youth Alpha

Igniting youth with the love of Jesus 以主耶穌的愛點燃年青一代

Launch of Alpha Cantonese Teen Series creating a ripple effect 啟發少青系列掀起漣漪效應

Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) is an engaging video series tailored for Cantonesespeaking teenagers, exploring timeless questions about life and faith. Launched in 2022, at a time when teenagers were wrestling with loneliness and isolation post-covid, ACTS has made significant evangelistic impact in churches and schools, transforming teenagers' lives in the city. ACTS has given teens hope for their future, a place where they can be heard and a homelike community.

《啟發少青年系列》 (ACTS) 自 2022 年推出以來, 其福音影響力已擴展到眾教會及學校,為香港的青 少年帶來生命的轉化。 ACTS 是專為青少年度身 訂造的啟發影片系列,讓學生與耶穌建立關係,展 開探索人生和信仰的旅程。 回顧 ACTS 推出的期 間,青少年正受著後疫情時代的「孤單」與「隔離」 感所困擾。 ACTS 正好能為這班青少年帶來新的盼 望,提供一個像家一樣的群體,讓青少年感受到被 聆聽和接納。


Youth have heard the Gospel through Alpha 位青少年透過 啟發聽聞福音

90 Schools have run Alpha 所學校舉辦了啟發

Empowering youth pastors in a year of transition

在轉變的時代中 讓青年牧者重新得力

We recognise the pivotal role that youth pastors play in ministering to the youth. Our desire is to bless the youth pastors and see them flourish. Empowered youth pastors are not only instrumental in ministering to youth but also in fostering a sense of belonging, helping youth navigate life with resilience and hope. Because of rising emigration, 2023 was a year of change and transition for many youth pastors in Hong Kong. To strengthen and support them, last year we organised a series of events, including youth pastor gatherings, retreats, and a conference called "Energize" which we coorganised with Heart of God Church (Singapore).

面對移民潮的衝擊, 2023 年對香港青年牧者來說是 充滿轉變和挑戰的一年。香港啟發明白到青年牧者在 青少年事工中扮演著關鍵的角色,為此,我們舉辦了 一系列的活動支援他們,與他們同行,協助他們繼續 發展青年事工,這些活動包括青年牧者聚會、退修 營等。當中我們更與新加坡神之心教會合辦了名為 Energize 的青年牧者分享會,凝聚一班青年牧者為 他們打氣,彼此激勵,交流分享經驗,同心探索青年 牧養新方向!

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Alpha has surrounded me with a community with which I can freely share ideas and discover God's Word! My Alpha weekend was filled with the unforgettable presence of the Lord. I realised He loves me unconditionally. My friends and I grew in Christ together through Alpha and had an amazing experience!

啟發為我提供了一個群體,讓我可以在當中自由地分 享自己的想法並發現上帝的話語!啟發週末給了我一 個難忘的經歷,我感受到主的同在,意識到祂對我無 條件的愛。我和我的朋友們透過啟發一同在基督裡成 長,真是一次奇妙的經歷!

Alpha does not have a rigid format. The interactive group discussions spark fresh perspectives. I enjoy listening to my friends' sharing. The discussion brings me so much joy and excitement and many fruitful insights.

啟發沒有既定框架,互動的小組討論可以激發新思 維,好鍾意聽朋友的分享,好開心有趣,而且又有 得著。

Alpha has changed my life a lot. It really made me understand the importance of having a close relationship with God and a good Christian community with which I am comfortable in sharing everything. I look forward to our sessions every Friday and I am sad that our season is ending. 啟發大大改變了我的生命,讓我意識到與上 帝有親密關係的重要性,並且嚮往有一個讓 我可以分享一切的屬靈群體。 我期待著每週 五的啟發聚會,對於我們的啟發聚會即將結 束我感到非常難過。

At Alpha, I can freely ask questions, helping me explore faith and draw closer to Jesus.

啟發可以主動問問題,幫助自己探索信仰, 令我同耶穌關係更親近。

Hailey Cheung 張喜兒 Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者 Cheryl Kwan 關晞悅 Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者 Joy Ou 區子悠 Alpha Youth participant 少青啟發參加者 Hillman Ho 何浚耀 Alpha Youth Participant 少青啟發參加者
13 Alpha Hong Kong // Youth Alpha

The Alpha Cantonese Teen Series (ACTS) is professionally made. It is well-paced, lively and dynamic. Its engaging content creates a space for conversations, empowering young people to develop a relationship with Jesus and start their journey of exploring life and faith.

《啟發少青系列》製作專業,節奏明快, 內容生動有趣,創造對話空間,讓青少年 與耶穌建立關係,開展探索人生和信仰的 旅程。

Most Reverend Joseph Ha Chi-Shing, OFM 夏志誠主教

Auxiliary Bishop of Catholic Diocese of Hong Kong 天主教香港教區輔理主教

ACTS is an important platform and tool for spreading the Gospel, especially catered for meeting the evangelistic needs of youth. Churches can utilise ACTS to establish youth ministries. We pray that the Lord will continue to use ACTS greatly.

ACTS 是傳福音的重要平台及工具,特 別適切年青人的福音需要,教會能運用 ACTS 建立年青人的事工,求主繼續大大 使用。

Rev Irene Suen 孫靜敏牧師 Pastor, EFCC Kong Fok Church 播道會港福堂牧者

Revitalising school evangelism 堂校攜手 福音傳播

With the launch of ACTS, we are thrilled to see a growing number of schools running Alpha, which takes place in both religious studies classes and extra-curricular activities, giving students an opportunity to explore faith in a fun and engaging way. Last year, over 125 courses were run in 90 schools, reaching approximately 3,356 students. Schools can conveniently run Alpha with readilyavailable videos and curriculum guidelines. Churches also actively partner with schools to run Alpha so that together they offer not only the lifechanging power of the Gospel, but also a lasting spiritual home to students that have accepted Jesus.

隨著《啟發少青年系列》 (ACTS) 的推出,我們興奮地 看到越來越多的學校在宗教堂及團契週會中使用啟發, 讓學生有機會以活潑和互動的方式探索信仰。 去年, 有 90 所學校舉辦了超過 125 個課程,約有 3,356 名學 生參加。 現有的影片系列、資源及課程指南大大有助 於學校推展啟發。此外,教會也積極地與學校合作開辦 啟發,這樣不僅能將福音帶給學生,讓他們經歷生命改 變,更能為信主的同學提供一個持續幫助他們成長的屬 靈大家庭。

Equipping youth for evangelism 裝備培訓青年 向朋友傳福音

The best way to evangelise to youth is through youth. Last year, we collaborated with church leaders to organise a youth camp called"Radiate" to train and equip students to evangelise to their peers in creative ways. Not only have we witnessed incredible life transformations amongst the youth, we have also witnessed how the youth have initiated Alpha on their own, introducing Jesus to their peers.

向青少年傳福音的最佳途徑是由青少年人自己傳講。去 年,我們與教會領袖合作舉辦 Radiate 青年領袖營, 培訓和裝備學生以創意的方式向朋友傳福音。我們見證 了不少青少年生命轉化,同時感恩青少年開始主動地以 不同方式,使用啟發影片向朋友介紹耶穌。

14 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023


"Even though I have a mother, I felt like an orphan. "
「 雖然我有一位母親, 但我總覺得自己似是 一個孤兒。」


Alpha Participant

"I had a strong aversion towards Christians but Alpha completely changed my perspective."
「 我以往對基督徒非常 反感, 但啟發讓我對 基督徒完全改觀。 」

Even though I have a mother, I felt like an orphan. Since I was a child, I had been tormented by a strong sense of rejection from my mother. But this completely changed after Alpha. During the Alpha prayer ministry time, the Holy Spirit powerfully touched my heart and allowed me to sense my mother's own pain and abandonment from her own mother. The love of the Father then filled me and I felt as though a stone was lifted out of my heart. I was led to deep repentance of my bitterness towards my mother. I know that God's desire is for restoration. The Holy Spirit prompted me to forgive my mother and start a new relationship with her. It is truly awe-inspiring to witness the Holy Spirit's power through Alpha.

雖然我有一位母親,但我總覺得自己似是一個孤兒。在我還小的時候,我 一直被母親的否定所困擾。但得蒙上帝的恩典,我在啟發得到很大的轉變。 當我在啟發週末接受祈禱服侍時,聖靈觸摸了我的內心,讓我能感受到母 親自己因被婆婆拋棄所承受的痛苦。天父的愛充滿了我,我感覺到心頭大 石被放下。我知道上帝希望看見復和,我為對母親的苦毒和怨恨而悔改, 聖靈促使我原諒母親,並開始與她建立新的關係。這真是上帝奇妙的作為, 見證了聖靈如何透過啟發彰顯祂的大能。

In the past, I had a strong aversion towards Christians, perceiving them as both arrogant and judgmental. However, Alpha completely changed my perspective on Christians.

The engaging and fascinating videos of Alpha captivated me, and the group discussions allowed me to discover that Christians are actually willing to accept different viewpoints. This openness encouraged me to explore faith, leading me to find Jesus and salvation.

After becoming a Christian, my wife noticed a significant change in me. I used to easily lose my temper but after accepting Christ, I gained a new perspective and found inner peace. I no longer have outbursts of anger, and my words and actions unconsciously resemble those of Jesus. My relationship with my family has become much more harmonious. I am grateful that God has transformed me and my family through Alpha.

我以往對基督徒非常反感,覺得他們既專橫又喜歡批判人,但啟發讓我對 基督徒完全改觀。

啟發的影片生動有趣,小組討論更讓我發現基督徒其實願意接納不同觀 點,讓我開放去尋求信仰,結果找到耶穌和救恩。

成為基督徒後,太太說我有很大的改變,以往我常發脾氣,但信主後自己 對事物有新看法,自己心情平和,再沒有動輒發脾氣,自己的言行舉止不 知不覺間更似耶穌,與家人的關係亦變得更融洽。感恩神透過啟發轉化我 和我的一家。

15 Alpha Hong Kong // Youth Alpha | Alpha Stories
Chan Man Keung 陳文強 Workplace Alpha Participant 職場啟發參加者

Workplace Alpha


Unleashing Gospel impact in the workplace


Raising up Gen Z leaders for missions

興起 Z 世代福音領袖

78 %

Growth of people hearing the Gospel through Workplace Alpha 職場啟發參加者人數增長

It is amazing to witness how God has sparked a movement for workplace missions through Alpha over the past few years. For this flourishing movement to continue, we must raise up the next generation of young leaders to take the baton. The Alpha mentorship programme provides an effective platform for seasoned leaders to nurture fresh graduates, inspiring them to advance God's mission in the workplace. This has resulted in a series of Gen Z workplace Alpha, with over 200 young people's lives being touched.

在過去幾年裡 , 神透過啟發興起 SPARK 職場宣教運動 , 當中的發展讓我們既感恩又驚嘆。 為了讓這場宣教運動繼續擴展開去,我們必須興起職場新生代領袖承傳使命。啟發領袖培育 計劃提供了一個有效的平台,讓經驗豐富的啟發職場領袖栽培初職信徒,激勵他們在職場中 繼續實踐使命。這促成了為職場年青人而設的 Alpha Z 的誕生,多達 200 名初職人士生命 被觸動。

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

"Sparking Conversations" sparked interest in faith

Sparking Conversations 引發信仰興趣

Sparking Conversations is a series of online engaging talks given by leading figures in the marketplace. We have been honoured to invite Ms Kathryn Shih, Mr Ray Chan, Mr Leslie Choy and Prof Frederick Ma to share their insights. These talks have sparked seekers' interest in exploring life and sowed seeds for the Gospel.

Sparking Conversations 是一系列線上講座, 由城中領袖分享職場上的真知灼見。我們很榮幸能 夠邀請到施許怡敏女士、陳展程先生、蔡志輝先生 和馬時亨教授分享他們的見解。這些講座啟發了未 信者探索生命的興趣,播下了福音的種子。

"SPARK" marketplace missions conference SPARK 啟發職場宣教特會

In June 2023, Alpha hosted the SPARK conference, a marketplace missions conference aimed at reconnecting Christians. Over 250 participants from diverse industries joined us. This conference was critical in re-gathering Christians post-pandemic and acted as a catalyst to ignite their vision and passion for the workplace.

在 2023 年 6 月,啟發舉辦了 SPARK 啟發職場宣教 特會,目的是重新連結對職場宣教有負擔的職場信 徒重啟福音工作,感謝神有超過 250 多名來自不同 行業的信徒出席了是次會議。 這次會議是疫情後首 個重新凝聚職場信徒的大型聚會,我們盼望這個會 議成為催化劑,點燃他們對職場宣教的異象與熱忱。

Even though I am not new to the workplace, I still feel confused and stressed when I join a new company. Alpha arrived at just that moment, giving me the opportunity to connect with God during a brief 1-hour lunch period amidst my hectic work schedule. My Christian colleagues have since become my trusted spiritual companions. I came to Christ through Alpha and two years later had the privilege to serve as an Alpha small group host. I hope that God will continue to use me to spread His message of grace in the workplace!

就算我不是職場新鮮人 , 初來新公司亦難免感 到迷茫及壓力 。 啟發課程正好讓我在忙碌中以 午間一小時來認識神 , 信主的職場同事也同時 是我最佳的屬靈伙伴 。 我在啟發中決志 , 亦有 幸兩年後成為啟發的組長 , 希望神繼續使用我 在職場中把神美好的恩典信息廣傳開去 !

Emmy Wong 黃子夏 Workplace Alpha Participant 職場啟發參加者

A lot of people in the workplace are enslaved by unfulfilled ambitions and unsatisfied longings. Through serving at workplace Alpha, I witnessed how our Father Lord liberates us from slavery and draws us into His love. I am so thankful that God has transformed many lives including mine through Alpha.

在職場中 , 許多人被難以實現的抱負和無法滿 足的渴望所奴役 。 透過在職場啟發的服事 , 我 見證了天父如何將我們從奴役中釋放出來 , 吸 引我們進入祂的愛 。 我非常感謝神透過啟發改 變了我以及許多人的生命 。

Jenny Yu 余子芊 Workplace Alpha Leader 職場啟發領袖

17 Alpha Hong Kong // Workplace Alpha

The Marriage and Parenting Course


4,816 People have experienced the Marriage and Parenting Course 個來賓參加婚姻 及親子課程

75 % Growth of people experiencing the Marriage and Parenting Course 婚姻及親子課程 參加人數年度增長

At Alpha, we desire to bring God into the centre of all our relationships. We especially desire to see God's transformative power in every marriage and family, because we believe that a family thrives when God leads.

在啟發,我們希望讓上帝成為我們所有關係的核心。我們相信靠著上帝的引 領,家庭能夠興旺起來。我們期待看到上帝改變的力量出現在每一個婚姻和 家庭當中。

Revitalising relationships in families and marriages


Our Alpha family life series, including the Marriage Course and the Parenting Course, provide practical tools to build stronger families. They help families to effectively navigate life stages of pre-marriage, marriage and parenthood. Last year, the family life courses showed remarkable impact across churches, workplaces and schools. We have witnessed how the courses have blessed and transformed families in Hong Kong.

啟發的家庭系列包括美滿婚姻課程和親子教育課程,為婚前、已婚和面對育 兒等不同人生階段的人士提供了建立穩固家庭基礎的工具。去年,我們見證 家庭系列在教會、職場、以致學校都帶來了影響力,讓祝福臨到更多的香港 家庭,帶來社會的改變。

Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Blessing pastors through date night experience 祝福教牧夫婦的夫婦之夜

Last year, we felt compelled to bless church leaders' marriages, recognising their tireless service to our communities. We had the honour to host our first-ever Pastors' Date Night, bringing together over 30 pastor couples for a transformative session of our Alpha Marriage course, with a specific focus on love languages. This event marked a significant milestone for us as we believe blessing the marriages of pastors will overflow to the wider community.

去年,我們渴望能祝福教會牧者的婚姻,以 答謝他們服侍社區的努力。我們有幸舉辦了 有史以來第一次教牧夫婦之夜,邀請了 30 多位牧師夫婦來,經歷了一個浪漫的約會晚 上,一同體驗美滿婚姻程課程中有關「愛之 語」的一課。 是次活動是香港啟發的一個 重要里程碑,深願我們為教牧夫婦帶來的祝 福,能繼續延展到社區當中。

For over a decade, my wife and I have wholeheartedly advocated for The Marriage Courses. As our own marriage has been blessed, we hope to strengthen the marriages of Christian leaders so that they can serve together in unity to reach more families with the Gospel.

過去十多年,我與師母致力推動美滿婚姻課程, 因為我們的夫妻關係先被祝福,亦希望信徒領袖 的婚姻關係被鞏固,更有力同心服侍,將福音分 享給更多家庭。

The Rt Revd Dr Timothy Kwok 郭志丕主教

Bishop, Hong Kong Sheng Kung Hui.Diocese of Eastern Kowloon 香港聖公會東九龍教區主教

We are extremely grateful that we could join The Parenting Course. The most impactful lesson has been to meet your child's needs, which allowed us to gain a deeper understanding of our daughter's love language. This, in turn, enables us to fill her emotional tank and express our love for her.

十分感恩我們能一起參加《親子教育課程》。最深 刻的課題是「滿足兒女的需求」,讓我們可以進一 步了解自己女兒的「愛之語」,從而可以填滿她的 「情感槽」,表達我們對她的愛。

May Wan & Martin Choi

溫綺薇及蔡邦基 Heep Yan Kindergarten Parents 協恩幼稚園家長

19 Alpha Hong Kong // The Marriage and Parenting Course

基層啟發 Grassroots Alpha

Reaching the unreached 得著未得之民

The power of customised resources for grassroots families

As an uneducated and untrained woman, can I really spread the Gospel? However, as I witness how the Alpha videos can tell the full Gospel in such an engaging and succinct way, I decided to give it a try. I ran one Alpha after another. To my surprise, after six months, hundreds of new immigrant women had heard the good news through Alpha. I now actively share the vision of Alpha with grassroots families across churches.

我從來沒有受過教育和培訓,怎能傳 福音呢 ? 但當我發覺到啟發影片以簡 單扼要的方式,就能將完整的福音傳 遞給人,我決定一試。我接著開辦了 一個又一個啟發。令我驚訝的是,在 六個月的時間裡,竟然有數百名新移 民婦女通過啟發聽到福音的好信息 ! 現在,我正積極地向多間教會及基層 家庭分享啟發的異象。

Grassroots Alpha Participant 基層啟發參加者


Since the start of the pandemic, Hong Kong's most impoverished families have suffered disproportionately. Churches have helped by providing essential social services. However, in many cases, they have lacked the right tools to evangelise to grassroots families.

Alpha has emerged as a simple yet powerful evangelistic tool that resonates with grassroots families. Many churches have mentioned that Alpha's culture of hospitality, inclusivity and authenticity is very attractive to grassroots families. Collaborating with these churches, we developed a set of resources tailored specifically for grassroots families. With these customised resources, we aim to address grassroots families' concerns and struggles so that we can engage with them more deeply.

自疫情爆發以來,香港的基層家庭遭受了沉重的打擊,許多 教會紛紛向他們伸出援手,關心他們的生活,提供社區支 援。 然而,因基層群體有其獨特生活形態及社交特性,教 會在向他們傳福音時往往會遇到不少困難。

啟發作為一個簡單而有效的福音工具,能吸引基層群體,引 發他們的共鳴。不少教會反映,啟發推崇的款待文化、接納 與真誠的價值觀,對基層群體深具吸引力。有見及此,我們 與數間伙伴教會合作,開發了一套針對基層文化特性而設計 的資源。我們的目標是要幫助教會了解基層家庭的需要和掙 扎,從而與他們建立更深層的關係。

20 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Building bridges with grassroots families


Pastor Erica Chan of Mong Kok Shuen Tao Church is a prominent figure in grassroots outreach. Over the years, her church has utilised Alpha and Alpha family life series to connect with hundreds of grassroots individuals, including women, elderly, and youth. Alpha's proven effectiveness in reaching the grassroots communities led Pastor Erica to become an ambassador of Alpha. In 2023, Pastor Erica collaborated with Evangel Seminary to launch a year-long spiritual movement titled "Bringing the Gospel to the Community." In this initiative, she taught practical evangelistic strategies to over 20 churches and actively encouraged the churches to use Alpha to engage with their local communities.

旺角宣道堂陳淑娟牧師是使用基層啟發祝福社區的代 表人物,其教會在過去數年間使用啟發及啟發家庭系 列接觸了數以百計的基層人士,包括婦女、長者及青 年人,為社區帶來美好的福音果效。在 2023 年,陳 牧師與播道神學院合作,推出一個為期一年《行在社 區的福音》屬靈運動。 在這場運動中,她向 20 多家 教會傳授了實用的福音策略,並積極鼓勵這些教會使 用啟發去得著社區。

To learn more about Pastor Chan's inspiring story, please scan this QR code.

如欲了解更多有關陳牧師的 啟發故事,請掃描此二維碼

The Alpha videos are closely aligned with the local culture so that even folks at the grassroots level can easily understand. They can share and laugh without any pressure. Hong Kong needs more churches to serve grassroots families with united hearts. I recommend Alpha to any church that I visit.

啟發的影片貼近本地文化,就算是基層的朋友 都聽得明,他們有講有笑沒有壓力。香港需要 更多教會同心服事基層家庭,因此我去到任何 一間教會都會推介啟發。

Rev Erica Chan 陳淑娟牧師

Senior Pastor, Hong Kong Christian Shuen Tao Church 旺角宣道堂堂主任

In the past, I used to be very timid and didn't have many friends. I relied solely on myself to solve problems. Surprisingly, through Alpha, I found myself really enjoying the small group discussions where I could hear the views of others. I felt supported by my small group and felt I no longer needed to hide myself.

我以往很膽小,也認識不到朋友,有事都只靠 自己解決。但在啟發中我很享受小組的時間, 可以聽到別人內心的想法,而且在小組內得到 別人的支持,讓我不用再隱藏自己。

Huang Qiu Ju 秋菊 Grassroots Alpha participant 基層啟發參加者

21 Alpha Hong Kong // Grassroots Alpha

Alpha Stories


Can idols truly help you?


When I was young, I followed my mother in worshiping folk deities and resisted Christianity, considering it to be illusory. I thought what they preached was all false. Later on, purely because I wanted to take my son to a tutoring programme at church, I ended up going to a church where someone encouraged me to try Alpha. Surprisingly, I really enjoyed the small group discussion time where I could share my thoughts while I eat and forget about the stresses of life. I was able to share freely on Alpha what I typically would not have courage to share in other contexts. I was able to find a sense of belonging on Alpha.

I find the Alpha films very humorous and intriguing. It was completely different from what I previously thought Christianity is. I used to feel insecure, struggled financially and felt helpless whenever I encountered problems. After trying Alpha, I gained a deeper understanding of God. I felt more fulfilled internally. Even when I face unpleasant circumstances that may trigger my emotions, I now learn to pray and talk to God. I now also volunteer at my church and help with transporting and distributing supplies to grassroots families. I enjoy supporting each other at church and contributing to the society together.

年青時我跟隨母親拜民間神明,對基督教非常抗拒, 認為很虛幻,心想他們所傳的都是假的。後來為了兒 子參加補習班的緣故,去了一間教會,那裡有人邀請 我參加啟發。我很喜歡啟發的小組時間,邊吃邊分享, 可以輕鬆的傾訴,忘記生活重擔,平時沒有膽量講的, 這裡我都可以自由的分享,在啟發我找到可以信任的 群體。啟發的影片幽默風趣,內容又有意思,跟我以 往想像的基督教截然不同。從前的我沒有安全感,自 己的經濟能力又差,遇上問題時總是很徬徨,但自從 參加啟發後,認識了神,慢慢內心充實了,即使有不 順意的事引發情緒,都懂得祈禱向神傾訴。後來我更 在教會內做義工,負責搬運派發基層的物資,大家互 相幫助,一起回饋社會。

Seeing familiar faces at every Alpha session feels like coming home, overflowing with warmth and love.
每一次聚會看到熟悉的臉孔 都有如回到家的感覺 , 充滿着溫暖和愛 。

Thank God for leading me to Alpha. At Alpha, the transition from being complete strangers to gradually establishing genuine connections is a truly wondrous process. Seeing familiar faces at every Alpha session feels like coming home, overflowing with warmth and love. Alpha has also deepened my understanding of the truth of Christ and the love of Jesus.

The most unforgettable moment for me was during the Alpha weekend when my group leader and helper prayed for me. I will cherish this wonderful experience for a lifetime. The church has provided me with a sense of warmth akin to having a family. I completed the entire Alpha with a reluctance to part ways. I truly believe that Alpha can allow more people to experience God's grace and love.

感謝天主帶領我參加啟發,由彼此不認識到逐漸 建立親切的關係,這個過程十分奇妙,每一次聚 會看到熟悉的臉孔都有如回到家的感覺,充滿着 溫暖和愛。啟發更讓我認識到基督的真理以及耶 穌的慈愛。

最令我難忘的是啟發週末,組長以及副組長為我 祈禱的時候,這一份感動畢生難忘,教會令我找 到家人般的溫暖。我帶着不捨的感受完成啟發, 我相信啟發能讓更多人經歴天主的恩寵及愛。

Chris Sun 孫慶幸 Alpha participant 啟發參加者

22 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Financial Report in 2023

2023 年度財政匯報

How We Spent



Alpha Ministry Development 啟發事工

- Church 教會 28%

- Workplace 職場 9%

- University & School 14% 大專和學校


Marriage & Parenting Ministry Development 美滿婚姻及親子事工

6,206,760 HK$

How You Gave




Major Individual Donors



Other Individual Donors

7,886,200 HK$


Technology, Innovation & Marketing 科技 、 創新 、 市場營銷

12% 8% 11%

New Media & Resources 新媒體及資源

Volunteer & Donor Management 義工及捐助者管理 Administration 行政


基金會 Foundations



Church & Institutional Donors

23 Alpha Hong Kong // Alpha Stories | Financial Report in 2023

Financial Budget in 2024

2024 年度財政預算


Alpha Ministry Development 啟發事工

- Church 教會 28%

- Workplace 職場 9%

- University & School 13%



Marriage & Parenting Ministry Development 美滿婚姻及親子事工

6,300,000 HK$


Technology, Innovation & Marketing 科技、創新、市場營銷


New Media & Resources 新媒體及資源


Volunteer & Donor Management 義工及捐助者管理


Administration 行政

Alpha is a wonderful gateway to Christ. I gave to Alpha because God made it clear to me that Alpha is a platform that truly demonstrates God's love for us. Join me in supporting this amazing organisation.

啟發是通往基督的大門 。 我願意奉獻給予啟發 , 因為上帝清楚地告訴我 , 啟發是一 個真正能夠彰顯上帝的愛的地方 。 邀請您 , 同來以實際行動支持啟發事工 。

Alex Cham 湛浩然 Alpha donor 啟發捐助者

24 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

Partner with Alpha Hong Kong






Together, we can help more people discover and develop a relationship with Jesus.

我們攜手同行 , 可以讓更多 人認識主並建立屬靈之旅。

請支持我們 Please Support Us

Please join us in praying that more people will come to know Jesus - a personal and loving God - through Alpha.

我們誠心祈求主繼續使用啟發帶領更多人到祂面前 認識耶穌 作為個人救主 ,並且是滿有慈愛的主。我們同心祈求 ,願萬民得救。

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to explore the Christian faith for free. You can help make that happen by considering a gift to Alpha, so that more people are transformed by the Good News of Jesus.

我們相信 , 任何人都應該有機會在任何地方探索生命意義和基督信 仰 , 並且不需付費。為共同實現這目標 , 我們誠邀您為啟發事工奉 獻 , 讓更多人的生命因得著福音而被轉化。

Thanks to the help of countness volunteers, Alphas are run all around the world. We would love you to consider volunteering at an Alpha near you.

啟發事工能夠遍及全球 , 實有賴無數義工的參與幫助。誠邀您抽出 時間 , 在就近的啟發聚會作義工服侍。

主席 Chairman

Pat Nie Woo 吳柏年

董事 Board Members

Andrea Foo 馬露玲

Miles Toulmin

特遣牧師 Chaplain

Rev Dr John Snelgrove 施力高牧師博士

Esther Woo

Mun Shing Cheong 張曼欣

Rev Dr Peter Ho 何志滌牧師博士

Robert Tsoi

吳吳純寶 Ian Foo 符傑廉 Leo Cheung 章可銘 蔡少浩

Church Alpha


Relentlessly serving the Church in all ways possible


26 Alpha Hong Kong // Annual Report 2023

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