The Prophecy of Malachi

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3 At the Seat of Wisdom, the one to which he thus dedicated his most important Encyclical, "Fides et Ratio", the Holy Father who is described with "De Labore solis" ordained Father in the "work of the Sun", in the "day" 1.11 and rightly ordained in Prophecy with no. 111. That Encyclical was also - among all Peter – the Work of the only one who promoted Faith as "a convinced and convincing advocate of Reason". Faith - in fact - is always a personal and debatable fact, if it is not founded on the True Reason of the Holy Spirit of the Father. .

The obstacles from which to free the erroneous interpretations of the same Prophecy of St. Malachi are there and they are evident and removable, provided one has the good will to pay attention to facts and reasons and not to fideistic opinions. May the Seat of Wisdom also do this!



«The Prophecy of St. Malachi. » Page 307- page 311 of the book of Wion "LIGNUM VITAE" Liber Secundus


Cover book one


Liber secundus.


Pag. 307 Liber secundus.


Pope or antipope

reason for the motto


Its translation


(with exact numbering)

Pope or antipope

reason for his motto










My first impact with the Prophecy of Saint Malachi The most incredible/hopeless thing for a critic of this prophecy, like me, was to see it prepared - as it seems - for him, for me! It is addressed to a Roman Peter who will shepherd the flock through many tribulations, after which the "civitas" of the Vatican (the juridicalreligious structure) on the seventh hill of Rome, will be brought back to the origins of its construction... (this - strictly speaking - is the exact opposite of building) In fact, I have tried to take the CATHOLIC CREDENCE back to its origins: that is, to the word of Christ, urged on by the Last Good Pope, with his Encyclical Fides et Ratio, written by the only pope with the motto "De labore Solis” . Where the Latin word "Sol" also means "unique", it is also "the work of the only one" [pope] who, from the beginning, tried to reason! As Paul did when, together with Peter, he was prince of the apostles. But then the Ratio was banished and only fideism remained. In this work of mine, I have shepherded the flock of Christ in the many tribulations given to me by the extreme Fideism of the Holy Roman Church of Peter, and I fully recognise myself in the name of Petrus Romanus... having I six names, of which only 3 begin with consonants: the PTR of “Paolo Torquato Romano", that is first name in Romano, and so placed third in PTR... as if Romano was "One and Trine" in R... The Prophecy mottos are the 38 without their explanation and I have numbered them in black in the Italian translation on the right page. In red, instead, are the order numbers of Popes and all the antipopes (including that Innocent III who seems to be missing, but whose motto "Comes signatus" clearly accompanies him in the marking of the identical name). Does it conceal the unitary meaning of the year 38 - which is that of my birth in 1938, of me as the Petrus Romanus of prophecy - preceded by the 19 of the century, as by the unknown 19th of the middle column? Does it make sense that the 3rd column which has above it 3 lines blank (and transcendent) and then begins with the incognito Holy Father number 33, as the years of Jesus' life, in the “Good Pope” John XXIII? They say that the Malachi Prophecy is a false, but perhaps God has straightened out a crooked thing as he did with regard to the Roman Motto "Sol Invictus" which a 3rd century Pope falsified at Christmas of Jesus?

18 It seems Bossuet was telling the truth: "God writes straight on man's crooked lines!" This page 311 looks messy. It begins on the 2nd line of the three of the motto Medium corpus pilarum (mediator of the spheres) which is on the previous page and so is 1/3 transcendent and present, current in the other two which say created a Cardinal by the 4 D's. (IIII) of a Pius IIII who, in the signs, manages the spheres. Assuming they are the Celestial spheres of the Absolute divine system, average body, hinge, of his 4-D space-time, it could be both his 3axis Reference System and the one made by "Pius IIII". Where that of Pius IIII gives the I and III of the Cardinal values of Son, Father and Holy Spirit. The transcended name (put in line before and here present in the other 2), so is the Son. Axis in medietate signi, Axis medio of the sign is then here present the Father and with the name Sixtus Quintus alludes to a 65th = 1/65 in the unity of the 66th, which in gematria (number of the name) with 66 is numbering that “number”= nume RO Romano who ordered every name of pope. De rore coeli then refers back to the Holy Spirit. Forcing the reading of rore in RO, RE (the King RO) the heavenly manna of Urban VII (being him of the Urbs, which is the only Rome) concerns the Romano 7th Arch-functionary of RoSSano, which has the SS (Holy Spirit) loaded on Romano. Calabria is the extreme limit with Campania, in which Romano 7° (creator in 7 days) was the archinvestigation, to space-time system of reference for all the spheres of the creation, also that celestial one of the Pius IIII, the God RO One and Trine. This Romano is declared by the Prophecy of St. Malachi the Roman Peter to whom everything tends and as 113 must be one and triune. His Antecedent, the Son on the page of 31 tens, is called "Careful" 13, as name Gregory means "careful, watchful, discerning". If, from this page of 31 tens, such "Watchful 13" brings to the 1 of the unity of page 310... then we have that the inverse of 311 is No. 113... so the perspicacity of Peter Roman (the very one who is writing this note) suggests to me and to you that it is precisely the essence of his trine 113, that which is a DRAgo!

19 He is a D.R.A. (a God=Dio on top of Romano Amodeo), who "kicks off" with go! (to the whole world of today, in English) by doing so with the one in 31 page tens, which go to the reverse phase of 311 following, and which are directed to 113, to that final RO in the last name to be deciphered in psecutione: the RO transcended into PROsecution. At the top we had already seen how Liber secundus, page 311, led there to RO, the conjoined duo of Er and Onan (in Genesis 38): to EROnan conjoined extremes in RO, of that Tamar who has the conjoined extremes of BaratTa Mariannina name of my mother, while Judas (Giuda, in Italian, the father who fertilizes her in place of the 2 dead husbands) has the conjoined extremes of LuiGI Amodeo, my father name. It must mean something... certainly! It means: Go to the following page (go) with 2 sayings, in the resolving power of 6 lines, which I (Peter Roman) interpret as 2 in the power of 6 (exponent), and thus as 64, that Six Four=64 which has the 1st name here in Sixtus V, becomes Sixtus Quintus=65 and grows toward 66 in "Urban" 7° that - since Urbs is Rome - becomes "Romano"=66=16+13+11+1+12+13. This refers to 3 names (and be warned! there is the "Beware" 13 on p.310), so three times 64 is worth 192. Is it by chance that 192 days were the days of starvation inflicted by H.R.E. on the Roman PTR given by the writer, i.e. Paolo Torquato Romano Amodeo born in 1938? Seeing me personally involved in this prophecy, for you it may seem a pure and insignificant "desire to be a protagonist" of which I would gladly do without... But can you affirm - in perfect good faith - that the prophecy of St. Malachi has not been constructed specifically for me? Even the Gospel of Luke and his ACTS of the Apostles, were dedicated to a certain THEOPHILE of which there is no historical trace, while my surname AMODEO indicates it (I love God) in full ... and it served me to make of Matthew already publican the prophet in the service of Roman PeTeR.


Is such a thing ever possible? That is motto "Sol Invictus" Romanus, and no. 113 "Petrus Romanus" have been designed by Divine Providence as two apparently false acts, which the Lord makes true, and with them gives: the 1st the Christmas of Jesus and in the 2nd the year 38 of his return? St Matthew also wrote a forgery with Jesus' flight to Egypt, which St Luke (historical evangelist) refuted. Luke told the testimony of Mary, who 40 days after giving birth purified herself in the Temple of Jerusalem and then returned to Nazareth and stayed there. In the History of Mary and Jesus the flight to Egypt lacks! At that point God intervenes and makes Matthew's falsehood true! ELEA is transformed into Italian in such a way that by taking the numbers of the letters of the Hebrew word meaning I AM, and writing those numbers in the order of the Italian vocabulary, ELEA becomes in Italian SONO=I am... while SON is FIGLIO in Italian.

God's name ‫ אלהים‬is 600+10+5+30+1=646 in Elohim, and it is indeed true that in his right trinity he presents himself in being as 646+646+646=1938, incarnated in the year 1938. Matthew wrote that the Slaughter of the Innocents was ordered a few days after the birth of Jesus... and it was in 1938 that Hitler ordered World War II. The Führer attempted the extermination of Israel and the prophet Daniel wrote in chapter 12: “Now at that time Michael will arise, the great Prince [it is Jesus Christ] who watches over the children of your people. There will be a time of distress, such as has never been since the rise of the nations until that time; at that time your people will be saved". Israel returned once again a nation (after the attempted Holocaust). Michael the Great Prince is Jesus, risen in the Father in the 38th in which the greatest slaughter of the innocent began!

21 If Matthew falsified it by attributing it to the living Jesus then, here is that God adapted it to the Risen One in Father and Holy Spirit who came down in year 1938 introduced by the Trinity of the God Elohim= ‫= אלהים‬646. The Trinity descended as Truth on the philosopher Romano Amodeo


who re-founded the truth of =5+10+5+1= =II AM and it was also the work of that One and Only "who responded” to Wojtyla's encyclical FIDES ET RATIO, where John Paul II is that of the motto N.110 "De Labore solis"... that is but referred the pope No. 111 (for two - Pope and antipope – having the same motto “comes signatus”, friend for sign)! It is not a coincidence - but a divine sign! - that there are 38 Holy Fathers without explanation in the Wion published book on the prophecy of the Supreme Pontiffs! The Holy Roman Church put itself in the extreme, because it refused to recognise the true return of the Person of Christ, parousia occurred with his real return on one of the smallest of his brothers: in an insignificant sheep considered less than zero by Santa Romana Ecclesia! The "Civitas septicollis" [the Vatican, situated on the seventh hill of Rome] i.e. the H.R.C. (or S.R.E.), with its fideistic religious set-up, however, had no faith in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 25, in which Jesus practically said to be “truly present” in every little one of his brothers, at his return! H.R.C. believed that Romano Amodeo was not that, but only a blind blackmailer and harasser, a stalker of the Pope, with his insistent pressure to get a private audience with the Pontiff. The Fideist Church itself became at a certain point driven by instincts of such extreme hardness and intransigence that it even accepted the illness and death of Romano Amodeo. He (who had received two Apostolic Blessings for what he was doing for the Pope's FIDES ET RATIO), suddenly found himself up against a homicidal Fideism that aimed to bring down the two Towers of God: Faith and Reason, like that 2 Twin Towers of Bin Laden! His homicidal Fideism, 1100 minus 7 days after the promulgation of the Encyclical on September 14, 1998 (that is, on September 11, 2001), brought down the TWIN TOWERS of Human Pride, of New York...

22 In this way God showed - but who saw it and believed it? what Fideism had done against the Holy Paraclete Spirit, starving for 57 days the man on which He was descended: the insignificant philosopher Romano Amodeo, the only who had answered at the "make it! do so! risk it!" provoked by the endorsement of point 56 of the Encyclical Letter FIDES ET RATIO wrote 14-Sept-1998 by Pope John Paul II. (Note well: 1100 days minus 7 - between the day in which Wojtyla constructed the TWIN TOWERS of the Holy Spirit, and that in which Bin Laden put down those TWIN TOWERS - mean that the integer 7 days (of the Creation) exist and go in all the motion of eleven hundreds of days, that mean in 10 x 10 (all the divine plane 100) which is running with 10 cubed, i.e. with all the motion of volume flowing. But the smallest among the brothers of Jesus did not enjoy any credit, as it had been predicted by Isaiah, so much so that the "civitas" of the seven hills, the Vatican, saw him not in an unknown Neo-Eleatic philosopher who put himself three times in the hands of the Good Shepherd asking for welcome and H.R.E ignored him totally and put him hungry for three times: The first for 57 days in 1999, when Card Ratzinger concealed from the Pope that Romano Amodeo, whom he had Apostolically blessed on two separate occasions, had voluntarily fasted and willingly risked his health to fight against isolation put in act - and would be a paradox - by the very Pope John Paul II who had called him to help! A total isolation and marginalisation implemented without his knowledge by the Fideist church. The second time for 55 days in 2005, when Ratzinger was Pope and personally marginalised the poor philosopher ... starving the Person of Jesus Christ with him! The third time a good 80 days in 2013. In this third case, the extreme Peter, who came from the extreme part of the world, spilled the last drop - the ultimate for a Vicar of Jesus! - finishing to starve the Christ in him for twice the 40 days that Jesus had admitted for his own fast. Yet they knew that in every one of Christ's little ones who is not fed and left hungry, in him is in truth starved Jesus Christ himself! But the credit to this sheep was so much less than zero that to the Popes he was not even a sheep, but a real stalker of the Pope, that blackmailed him using the commandments of Jesus Christ!

23 This really happened! In pROsecution here is an invisible RO [mano]! and here is an extreme H.R.E. with the "extreme" Peter (the last of the Peter's, who came from the extreme side of the world, and who was the straw that broke the camel's back for the 80 days in which he actually starved Jesus himself, by starving Romano: that of his sheep who had put himself in the hands of a Pope as in those of that "Good Shepherd" whom he just did not want to accept to be!) St Malachi's prophecy describes 112 Popes and Antipopes up to the "Gloria Olivae" which is usually listed as 111. It describes them all: Popes and Antipopes! In fact it also describes the Antipope Innocent III, who seems not to be there, but is. In fact it was not Malachi who added the names of future popes he could not know. It was one who later added the names of the relevant Popes and Antipopes with explanations identifying them with the mottos, and who did so later, and was mistaken: he was mistaken and not Malachi with his prophecy. In fact the motto number 15 is "Comes signatus" and is sibylline in the word "Comes", which signifies both: "Count" (and this is the case of the Pope, belonging to a family of Counts) and "comrade", and in this case "Comes signatus" translates as "comrade having the same sign", of both: Pope Innocent III and Antipope Innocent III. Prophecies - like all truly divine messages - always have just enough transcendence to allow, in this case, the identification of two Popes with that one Motto which, through the Motto itself, is revealing it. This will be understood exactly with Holy Father number 108 since he was consecrated Father on 10.8 (Angelo Roncalli); and with Holy Father number 111 who was consecrated Father on 11.1 (Karol Wojtyla); and with number 112, "Gloria Olivae" (for the betrayal like that of Judas with a kiss, in the Garden of Olives), of Benedict XVI who had that number for two reasons: The first one: for the 112 days of fasting to which he condemned Jesus by starving the poor Christ of Romano Amodeo; the second one: for having twice violated (as Cardinal and then as Pope) point 56 of the Encyclical “Fides et Ratio”, and 56+56=112.

24 Moreover, 113 is Peter Roman (Paolo Torquato Romano, PTR Romano) in the numerical value of his six names, and it is so in a trine way: 113 as Romano Amodeo, 113 as Torquato, and 113 as Ro-An-An-Pa-To-Am, the acronym in the first two letters of his six names Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo. it is the 113 transcended as last on this page 311 of the Book of Wion. Now this Prophecy is judged to be a forgery precisely because it appeared published in this book only many centuries after St. Malachi had made it, and of whose existence no one else had given any sign until then. From 1137 (when Malachi renounced being Archbishop, to a few years before 1600) there is almost half a millennium, and it would have been easy to falsify the mottoes so that they indicated the popes now well known! However, this story of possible forgery ends on page 311 of Wion's book, and 38 mottoes still remain referring to popes named after the publication of the book, which no forger could have known! Here is the prophecy! It is limited only to these 38 holy Fathers! Where the Holy Holy Holy Father is one: God, and is worth 10+30=40 when He is One in 10 and Triune in 30, is it not true that 38 is - in 40 - all the motion made by 2 which is the First Prime number in the Unity of Father and Holy Spirit? 1938 is not the Trinity of the God Elohim which is worth in Hebrew 646? 1938 is it not perhaps 38 times the presence 1 of the only 50 advancing positively, in the 100 which starts from -50 and arrives at +50? Yes: 38 multiplied by (1+100/2) states 1938 as 44 squared, equal to 1936 which in the flow of 2 Transcendent Persons arrives at 1938. Page 311 of Wion's book seems disordered, since in all the preceding ones, including this one, in the first column the mottos are indicated, while in the second and third columns the whole prophetic act remains. Well, at a certain point in page 311 the second and third columns are occupied by the remaining part of the 38 names to be recognised. Well, doesn't the fact that the first name of the second column thus used indicates the number 19 of the 38, suggest to you that 1938 is indicated in this strange and sibylline Trinitarian way of 19 as the century and 19+19=38 as the year?


Can this Saint Communion (of the 38 Holy Fathers to be discovered) point to God?

One question is legitimate: why are the Popes, the Peters, who are substitutes for Christ, taken out at some point? One answer is indisputable: in any wedding like this, the groom's replacement is no longer needed just when the groom has returned! But it is always the case that those who have replaced the bridegroom are not willing to recognise him and humbly step aside. It happened to Jesus when he went to Jerusalem on the back of a donkey and a crowd greeted him at the Palm Sunday

26 celebration, but among them were not Caiaphas or Annas or other big "poppies" of the Sanhedrin. Jesus felt touched in the Person of His Father when he saw the Temple transformed into a place of commerce patronised by thieves, and he used the whip, overturned the benches of the money changers, but not even in the face of this act of force the Sanhedrin openly moved to welcome him. He is the arriving Bridegroom, he is the Messiah, and the friends of the Bridegroom are transformed into mortal enemies. Why should Jesus' Christian friends of the vice-bridegroom recognise and welcome just him when he returns? In fact, he came back in the same ancient way, riding a recognised donkey: Romano Amodeo! Isaiah writes: Who would have believed our revelation? To whom would the arm of the Lord be manifested? It grew like a shoot before him and like a root in dry ground. He has no appearance or beauty to attract our gaze, not splendour to delight in him. Despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows, who knows well the suffering, as one before whom one covers one's face, He was despised, and we esteemed him not. This is why pope number 112 with the motto Gloria Olivae is the traitor of Christ, the one who goes against him and - this is what is really connected to the abomination of desolation spoken of by the prophet Daniel - thinking instead of offering him an immense sign of love... not recognizing Him - a God! - in a little simple sheep! (But Who is he?) And going far away as Pope by him so... "loved"! Like Judas who in the Garden of Olives betrayed Jesus with a kiss intended to show him all the love he had for him. A Pope who renounces his role because he sees himself as old is so full of the sense of personal ability that is needed to lead the Church that he deludes himself into thinking that he is leading the Church - replacing the bridegroom - and not the bridegroom through him! Judas had done the same thing: he wanted to teach Jesus what he had to do to assert himself on the Sanhedrin: to confront him head-on.

27 Benedict XVI will take on the motto of "co-operators of truth" and Judas also intended to co-operate so that the truth would be affirmed between Jesus and the Sanhedrin. Moved by his logic of power, he would never have believed that the Sanhedrin could not reason well and serenely recognise the divine arrival of that King who came to Jerusalem on the back of a donkey! Without having before deployed all his just strength of reasoning, he who gives too much credit to the power of human Reason (of being free to reason) arrives at the paradox of wanting then to teach those who are his teachers. This is the paradoxical attitude of the Antichrist for love! This is the abomination of desolation of which the Prophet Daniel wrote, experienced by Jesus also the second time he returned on the back of a donkey. And who was looked for by Jesus - many and many times and was not recognised? Himself, Ratzinger! Ever since he was Cardinal in charge of many important commissions under the papacy of John Paul II and then when he was made pope... he in person has been the awaited Antichrist... but for love! Therefore it makes a lot of sense that with the coming of the Antichrist we are at the antechamber of the end of the Papacy. In fact, Jesus, in the gospel chapter 21 of John, predicts a Peter who as an old man will stretch out his arms and another will put on his clothes to take him where he no longer wanted to go. So Pope Francis, the extreme pope came from the other extreme of the world and who would complete the work against Christ that Benedict XVI did not want to do. So it is extremely logical that, having ordained Pope number 112 as the last one... in the Prophecy one would follow with a: In PROsecution there is an (Chi)RO a Christ XP, who is not seen neither recognised as being there, because they only see ER (the firstborn in Genesis 38) and not Onan, who took his place as Tamar's husband after him. If they realized that ER+Onan are the duo that is joined in RO, they would not read PERsecution what is PROsecution. The second coming of the Bridegroom is not acknowledged either in Tamar's royal wedding first to ER and then to ONAN. If they saw both they would see an "it is RONAN" which, since N=1+12=1+M, would refer to "it is 1 ROMAN”, joined in Genesis 38!


St Matthew predicted that Jesus would return in unknown form! St Matthew did this in Chapter 25 of his gospel, with these words: “31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory with all his angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory. 32 And all the nations will be gathered before him, and he will separate one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats, 33 and will place the sheep on his right hand and the goats on his left. 34 Then the king will say to those on his right hand, 'Come, you blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world. 35 For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, 36 naked and you clothed me, sick and you visited me, imprisoned and you came to see me. 37 Then the righteous will say to him, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food, thirsty and give you drink? 38 When did we see you a stranger and take you in, or naked and clothe you? 39 And when we saw you sick or in prison and came to visit you? 40 And the king shall answer and say unto them, Verily I say unto you, As often as you did it unto one of the least of these my brethren, you did it unto me. 41 Then he shall say to those on his left, 'Away from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 42 For I was hungry, and you gave me no food; I was thirsty, and you gave me no drink; 43 I was a stranger, and you didn't take me in, naked, and you didn't clothe me, sick and in prison, and you didn't visit me. 44 They too will say, 'Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty, or a stranger, or naked, or sick, or in prison, and did not care for you? 45 But he will answer: Verily I say unto you, As often as you have not done these things unto one of the least of these my brethren, you have not done them unto me.” At the return of Jesus - in short! - the Christ is hidden in all his little brothers! And therefore also and especially in Romano Amodeo, very mortified and for 3 times by the Holy Roman Ecclesia!


We must therefore be able to check: if XP is PeTeR Roman (in Paolo Torquato Romano); and if he, i.e. me somàRO, am really the recipient of the Prophecy of Malachi, referring Father and H.S.


The mandate and commission – a true endorsement – given by the Pope, the vice-Christ

that realized a true messiah in who - as Romano Amodeo - accepted this "provocation" for the Good of the Christ Church: 56. In short, there is a widespread distrust of global and absolute assertions, especially on the part of those who believe that truth is the result of consensus and not of the adaptation of the intellect to objective reality. It is certainly understandable that, in a world divided into many specialised fields, it becomes difficult to recognise the total and ultimate meaning of life that philosophy has traditionally sought. Nevertheless, in the light of the faith which recognises this ultimate meaning in Jesus Christ, I cannot fail to encourage philosophers, Christian or otherwise, to trust in the capacity of human reason and not to set themselves goals that are too modest in their philosophizing. The lessons of the history of this millennium, which is drawing to a close, testify to the fact that this is the way forward: we must not lose our passion for ultimate truth and our eagerness to search, combined with the boldness to discover new paths. It is faith that provokes reason to come out of all isolation and to risk willingly for all that is beautiful, good and true. Faith thus becomes a convinced and convincing advocate of reason. (Encyclical Letter "Fides et Ratio" of 14 September 1998, Feast of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross and 20th year of the Pontificate of John Paul II) It is not difficult to recognize that the great historical conflict inaugurated by Pope John Paul II is taking place in the Catholic Church against those Fideists who - in order to defend at all costs the primacy of the Faith in Christ - have supinely accepted that both

31 Science and Philosophy arrive at a judgment expressed on the world in profound contrast with the foundations of the Catholic faith. In point 46 of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio, that Pope denounced the unbearable detachment of the Christian Faith from the Truths arrived at by the scientific and philosophical worlds. The former led to the idea of Nature as an end in itself, and the latter to Nietzsche’s Nullism. In point 51 of the same Encyclical, the Pope asked the Philosophers for the courage of faith in the possibilities of human Reason, understood to be helped by the Holy Spirit of Divine Truth. And on the last page he expressly asked Mary Most Holy that "might the Seat of Wisdom be a safe harbour for all seekers of Truth". Now a serious Fideist, faced with a Peter who commits heaven to power on earth, should only wonder how the Seat of Wisdom had "certainly" done that so ..... Could it have been through a Knower? But the Knowers of the world have historically led to Nature itself and to Nullism... so the Holy Spirit of God's Truth would have responded through a poor in Spirit, a insignificant man and believed a nullity. The Sky would have replicated what He did with Jesus, going along with Isaiah's prophecy of the despised Man of Sorrows, of whom we had no esteem. Therefore, if we find one who actually tried to give an answer, who even put his life in the hands of the Pope as one of his sheep, but in return was despised and marginalized (by the new Catholic Sanhedrin of H.R.E. of the Vatican) to such an extreme degree that he even accepted the danger that he would fall ill and die (in order to eliminate and exclude him because of the total dislike and disinterest for him foretold by Isaiah...) then he may be the one who has again met as "little duck" so much contempt from his high "poppies"..., like Jesus from the Sanhedrin, and the Italian song that said: "You know the poppies are tall tall tall, but you are tiny, but you are tiny..."! Well, this happened - in the whole world - only to me. I alone have tried to bring the Pope the answer that the last 'good Pope' wanted. Only on three occasions I have handed myself over to the 'Good Shepherd', truly entrusting him with my possibility of taking food... knowing that Christ has commanded me to be His good carrier. There are the newspapers and there is the web to confirm all the antipathy of the Catholic Fideist Church, for me, foretold by Isaiah.

32 THREE NEW CATHOLIC SANHEDRIN - it's history! - even accepted that I would fall ill or starve, but I had to be kept as far away as possible from the "poppy" installed as a real pope in charge of the S.R.E. +57 days of despised fasting at the risk of death, in 1999. +55 days of fasting despised at the risk of death, in 2005 +80 days of fasting despised at the risk of death, in 2013 ----------192 days of fasting, that - equally divided by three - is the 64th of Sixtus IV Piscator minorita a Pietro minor, minor, in Ita, so minor that you don't even believe him a PTR Romano. Do you believe it? No! you also despise me... you all despise me... and so it is ME. Prophet Isaiah 53:3 "Despised and rejected by men, a man of sorrows who knows well the suffering, as one before whom one covers one's face, he was despised and held in no esteem". Yet such contempt would have no serious reason to be, as I was a very successful person from 1968 to 1975. I graduated and became an established architect; I won a public competition for a top position in an urban planning consortium comprising 80 municipalities, including Milan; I was elected as a councillor of the Milan, Pavia and Sondrio Order of Architects for four years and was on the verge of being elected President of the Order in 1973; I was a building contractor and self-employed builder; an important man who was listed in the “Monaci” Encyclopaedia of important men in Italy. Then I encountered a great love for Jesus Christ and abandoned everything to give substance to his ideas, doing it with such scrupulousness that I spent everything I had built before only for myself, and having finally to ask for my own personal and corporate bankruptcy at the Milan Court. Having gone bankrupt, because my mother had fallen ill with Alzheimer's, I totally resettled to become her carer until her death 12 years later in 2000. A person who had given great signs of authentic Christianity!


The personal curriculum of this “Ro”

I had everything to be the ideal interlocutor of the Holy Father, when by the Fides et Ratio he "provoked" the philosophers to act and gave me 2 "Apostolic Blessings" for having offered myself! Yet, Holy Roman Church treated me as one who could not be held in any esteem, and left me hungry for 192 days, in 1999, 2005 and 2013, when I placed myself "like a sheep" in the hands of that "Good Shepherd" (who was supposed to be the Pope)... they did not take care of me!


How many tribulations given by H.R.E. to me who, having conquered death and given the Final Judgment ... could not be I the author of that final "miraculous fishing": it was Jesus! In 1998 in Saronno, PTR Romano had founded the NSI (New Italian School of Philosophy of Physics) in which he grazed the flock of a dozen people, at the Social Center of Via Prampolini. In it Petrus Romanus "conquered death" and gave the "Final Judgement" on the Perfection of existence created by God, drawing from Jesus and with the truths of physics. General Relativity (of Einstein) had already been announced by Jesus to Nicodemus, a scientist of his time. The two opposite beginnings told to him by Christ - of water and of the Holy Spirit - were of matter and anti-matter, general forms of the total coexistence of all mutual and simultaneous values. They - unified opposites - are the proof of the Absolute Divine Omnipotence, such that it can change nothingness into all mutual values, each relative to its opposite. The existence of the real world and of the living is therefore relative, and one can live towards death only from an already occurred resurrection from death. I.e. only if the train departed from there can it seem to go there (in the reverse view). PTR Romano could not be the one to make this miraculous catch, like that of the 153 big fish. But then "no one dared to ask him who he was since they knew it was Jesus!" Similarly, only from Jesus were victory over death and the Final Judgment expected, and everyone in the world would not have to ask him "Who Petrus Romanus he was" because they would have to know that only from Jesus could all this come. And with total Salvation as the goal... not with souls in purgatory or hell! The real world seems to fall prey to a general evil that consumes everything, only because in truth God is already bringing everything back safe and to its pure origin. There is no Divine Judgment of absolution or condemnation! If even one alone were to end up in Hell, our Creator would be neither Good nor Almighty! The Almighty One "can save everyone" and - being Good - saves them properly "from themselves"!

35 When PTR Romano learned of Pope John Paul II's Encyclical Fides et Ratio, which strongly urged all philosophers to seek that new path to Christ that he had already found, he immediately wrote a book and sent it to him. He received in return an Apostolic Blessing and nothing else. He then decided to take the initiative and called a Meeting in which he would demonstrate that true science and true philosophy did not lead to the end or to nullity but to the Kingdom of God announced by Jesus Christ! The Pontifical Academy of Sciences had to be informed, they could verify it! PTR Romano informed John Paul II and received a second Apostolic Blessing, but no appointment of members of the Holy See or scientists to participate in the conference. All of a sudden, all attempts not to be isolated seamed failed... and destroyed by the very Pope who was pushing to risk everything not to be isolated? Impossible! It was the H.R.E. that - contrasting the Pope will - put itself in an extreme position with respect to every solicitation. PTR Romano – by fasting in way extreme - tried to force the Church to go a mile with him... but It did not share neither Christ's order, and of the Pope. Then 4 priests and 460 people made a Written Petition that was sent to the Pope. In it they asked for human pity for whom had believed the Advocacy promised by the Pope to a philosopher, and who now had not the OK, but the KO of the H.R.E. that posed itself versus. There was no answers. The Meeting was made without anyone from H.R.E. or the Pontifical Academy of Sciences having deigned to take part in it. PTR Romano fasted in vain for 57 days (17 more than the 40 taken voluntarily by Christ) and then had to stop: for two years he had been feeding – he only - his demented mother, for Alzheimer. When she died in 2000, and the new Pope was elected in 2005, PTR Romano agreed with the newspaper IL CENTRO of Pescara and they gave the new Pope a letter from "the lost sheep", that fasted while waiting for the Good Shepherd who loved her. He wrote that the lost sheep "it" was Christ! John Paul II had lost sight of her when he asked for posthumous forgiveness only from Galileo Galilei and not from Galileo Jesus who had said the same things before him and who had been mistreated in Christ, through the punishments given to him. To this request of "the Lost Sheep" to the Pope who in essence asked him "Peter, do you love me?", the Peter of the Old Age did

36 not even answer. From "the Lost Sheep" a second letter was then sent, in which the poor Christ asked again: "Peter, do you love me?" and also to this Peter did not answer. There was then - as described in the last chapter of John's Gospel - the 3rd letter in which the sheep asked the Pope for the 3rd time: "Peter, do you love me?", and for the 3rd time Benedict XVI put himself versus. When 55 days of fasting were completed (15 more than Christ had inflicted on himself) PTR Romano - in agreement with the newspaper IL CENTRO - chained himself to the gate of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pescara. A poster documented that Peter denied the poor captured and defenseless Christ 3 times. The priests of the Sacred Heart, instead of helping that poor fellow, called the police, and PTR Romano was taken to his new cross, now at the Psychiatric ward of the Hospital, in ATRI (which A=1 and TRIno) where they checked... if he was sane.... When the Peter of the Old Age resigned (implementing point 18 of the aforementioned Gospel of John and another took the robes of Peter) PTR Romano went 13 days later to Rome and in the mailbox addressed only to the extreme Holy Father, the last of the Church of Rome, who came from the extreme point of the world, he mailed the petition of the 4 priests and 460 people who were still waiting for a response from the Holy See. For the 3rd time the "lost sheep" of the Holy See put itself in the hands of its Holy Father, claiming that the Pope finally had to be that Good Shepherd imposed by Jesus on his Vicar. But even he, doing worse than the others, left him fasting for 80 days, reaching the extreme, for Peter: not to do anything for he could eat! He, the one who suffered in that desert of reception voluntarily, and was so hard and ruthless that he made that "poor Christ" fast even He was so hard and ruthless that he made that "poor Christ" fast twice as long as the 40 days that Christ once inflicted on himself! At the end of the day June 13, 2013, while he was in Egypt, where he had fled to avoid other interventions that would force him into a psychiatric hospital (as had happened the time before), he found himself celebrating the Ascension of Jesus, from this land of Egypt, while he had been fasting for 33 days in the same Land of Egypt. He then understood that it was an obvious sign that he should stop, and at the end of the 33 days of torment in Egypt (and 80 in total) PTR Romano resumed eating.


All the signs are there. SEE


39 The existence of the Universe is given by the Almighty Possibility that the divine human imagination has of making the imaginary real. Having brought mankind back to triads dislocated in space-time, there exists the three-axis reference system, and it is embodied as the TRUTH descending on a central one! From the data in my own, the date of the origin of the average tern across the universe has that placed on 25 January 1938. It corresponds to the date of birth of Peter Roman described in the Prophecy of St. Malachi, and which refers, from all that I know to be true, to my person. This date is the product of 38 and 51.00033 which refer to three of the values of the golden scale given by: 33 9 42 51 93 114 237 381 618 999 1618. 38 x 51,00033 = 1938,01254 From all these arguments, if you really want to check if my subject could have been up to the task of communicating to the Holy See the new path requested to the Philosophers by Pope John Paul II, first you have to ascertain the goodness of the Path. It is similar to the Miraculous Peach announced by John at the end of his gospel. In it, a man who did not have the likeness of Christ performed by his actions the work of the Miraculous Peach that could only be performed by Jesus. Seeing it in action, no one dared to ask the man who he was because they knew he was Jesus. Scientific victory over Death and Judgment of total salvation worked by God were works expected by Jesus Christ, and they were accomplished by a man – PTR Romano - who did not have his features. Well this time it did not occur to anyone that it might be the Christ who did – through PTR Romano - the works that apparently that man (without the Jesus features) seemed to do. That he was born during an Aurora Borealis and that on that day an airplane (part of a complex of three) descended to Natal... while two of the three landed in Rio and completed the Rome-Rio Raid while in Pomerio Street Father and SS. descended on PTR Romano that was born... to you it adds nothing at all.

40 That the Golden Section of perfect relations has its name, to you adds nothing. Nor does it add anything that the hyperbolic sine=cosine 26 of God (DIO and Jahvè are 26) has in its cycle 10 its name and exists in the time of 0.1938 of unity... That he was fed for two years by a mother who begged Mary Most Holy as she nursed him, given the pain he was in from his mastitis...did not mean a milk and blood in the name and on behalf of the Queen (as happened in the feeding of Moses). That on June 4 he was dying and a little girl that night had dreamed of Our Lady telling her to warn her teacher the next day not to fear any more, and that on that same morning he died and rose again just as Jesus described in the Resurrection of Lazarus... even that for you adds nothing. Up on the net ( you find books upon books where all the conditions necessary to verify a returned Jesus on Roman PTR are documented to exist, if you look for them! But no one is impressed! How come? It is because of Isaiah's prophecy about the Man of Sorrows: "He was despised and one of whom we had no esteem". Three times the Church of Rome considered him as a zero, to be disregarded! With Jesus the Sanhedrin had no such contempt: he was feared to the point of being killed...not knowing what else they could do to get rid of him. Only when Jesus came back on PTR Romano, he did it on one of whom H.R.E highly disregarded! You also disregard the truths spoken by Jesus through Roman PTR for the same reason! This is the real difficulty that prevents you from a dispassionate judgment on the great value of the 192 days of hunger imposed by Santa Romana Ecclesia! 192 = 26 +26 +26, where 2 raised to 6, is God=26 when 2 is raised to 6. But... there is the prophet Isaiah: "he was despised and we had no esteem for him"... and you show him this contempt just as he gives you proof that you have it. You are not able to see GOD in the Character of my person, for it is there in yours as well...and you do not see it! You believe that I attribute to me what you do not see existing in you!


Since the Roman PeTeR as predicted has been there in Paolo Torquato Romano..., let us check the Prophecy in its true essence and by general and valid considerations


The essential in Prophecy

The essential lies on page 311 transcending the subject 113 of list. In the pages the prophetic event concerns always the second and third column. In the second is the name of the Pope-elect, and in the third the reasons for his motto. In this case the mottos without explanation are the 38 numbered in black, while in red there are the general numbers of the total prophesied Popes and Antipopes with 112 mottos (one less because No.15 "Comes signatus" is a single but concerning the two contemporary Popes and Antipopes with the same name of Innocent III, Pope and Antipope). In this page there seems to be confusion, since from red 76 begins the explanation to be found in the first 3 in the 3 lines, but without the explanation. The following ones have it in the second and third column that, going from the unknown N.19 to 38, forming the only of 1938, number joined by 19 with 38. Therefore, the essential in the Prophecy of Malachi is the year 1938 of the Return of Jesus in the Father and Holy Spirit Glory. (As the Roman motto "Sol Invictus" that revealed Christmas)


All this – however - no one has ever glimpsed it in this true prophecy The first known, with the unknown reason, is Gregory XIV=1+13 who with 1+13 placed 113 , here, on page 311, transcends it while including everything up to the last 113. Therefore only if we disaggregate XIIII=14 into 1+13, only then do we present the Alpha=Omega: what is placed in the beginning, as what is according to its own end. The meaning of the name Gregory of the 1st is just that of a "1st awakened by Faith", and it is the God, awakened by Faith of St. Pope John Paul II, who provoked the Holy Spirit of God with his Encyclical letter Fides et Ratio, which is the work of him "De labore solis" and which is "the work of the only" Peter who ever did it, and to which "the work of the only" Romano Amodeo tried to give an answer.

Gregory XIV

is the SS. "awakened by the faith" and is the pope number 1. There is then +13 in the middle to then get to its extremes, of 14.

Innocent IX

9 is in the middle (the pope in the middle)

Clement VIII

8 is the third pope (the last of these three)

In order they are 1398 and in the middle we have 39. Why are the two in the middle reversed in 1938? The answer is in the middle column, which starts from 19, and in the extremes of second and third, which are 1938.

In this way, dimension two of the plane 102 affects one 19, while dimension one – of unit flow 38 – is of two 19. All observers have approached this prophecy thinking about the contents, but in fact, in a printed sheet, what makes the text is in its printing. The structure of this page is very telling. From this

44 text organized in unitary groups of three, the two indications that already had the answer have been excluded, and the only one that remains to be found stands in the 38 answers still unknown, and it lies in Gregory XIIII, in the Awakening of God. XIIII is GOD=DIO=D.10, One and Trine. The unknown structure is precisely One and Trine . It is one in the three known Popes, and their names serve precisely to introduce one Father who is that Holy, Holy, Holy, the God of Heaven and King of the Universe , leading - as I am showing - to his arrival in 1938, astride an elected SomaRo. After the premise of the three Holy Fathers known in their names, and their following up to number 18, the whole thing starts over again. It stands in the second column, which has only one blank line space placed at the beginning, while the third column has three. The arrival of a special One, he who in Revelation is indicated as the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End, has precisely 19 (as the century) in the new beginning of the middle column and 38 as the end of the Holy Fathers unknown in the reason in their name. It is not by chance that the last word of the third and last column, in the third to last line, is three. The distracted reader does not see that the hyphen is missing and reads tremendus. The 1st word of the penultimate line is detached, it is medus=medo, a person of the Medi, come from Edom. If the first M of MEDO, is placed last in Christianity, it becomes properly EDOM and is the firstborn Esau, in the nickname he had, having lost the primogeniture. He became the progenitor of the Edomites who occupied Arabia and then were the Medes. But beware. The inversion in the nickname EDOM straightened from Alpha to Omega is A-MODÈ-O and - in the English language of the world - is worth just "the beginning in the way of the end", while the surname AMODEO is - in the 3-letter C.F. - MDA, which - read from the right in Hebrew - is just the name of ADAM. And AMODEO is the new ADAMO . .

45 EVA+ADAMO is already a well-oriented pair in names, going to Amodé: va a Amodè . (in Italian) Also ES-A-U - from A to U - indicates just ES=YOU ARE Roman from A to U, i.e. in everything!! Therefore the tre medo hides all the meanings of the Holy, Holy, Holy, descended in 1938 on a somaRo, a body=soma=, whose name for the reasons mentioned hides a surprising... You are

Roman Amodeo

from top to bottom

and from Alpha to Omega ! Called Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo, he has three names beginning with A and three that are in PTR the acronym for Paolo Torquato Romano, and here is the Roman Peter of Prophecy. He shepherded the flock through the many tribulations given to him by an extreme seated S.R.E. who elected Bergoglio from the other end of the world, and who came with him to the extreme by which the poor Christ (PTR Roman, who confidently himself put by himself, into the Good Shepherd hands) was kept fasting twice the 40 of hired by Christ! Where all mottos are short and concise, Roman PTR is called by name and described in Amodeo and the 5 other names. TRE MEDO, since TRE=18+16+5=39, brings the whole 39×2 to the 78=Antonio of the 2nd name, which in its 1/3 is 26=Anna, the 3rd (formerly of Jesus' grandmother whose husband Joachim=Gioacchino=78, equated Antonio). The 4th name Paolo is hidden in the lower case "pulum", which lacks only the "a" and the capital P as Prince of the Apostles. In Finis is the 113=Torquato that is in the beginning, is in P, when the triune Torquato is TOR, is in P+TOR is 1+3 in PieTRO. Torquato is in the end as in the beginning: it is: TO and TO R qua, is in TOTO, R qua i.e. qua is Roman in TOTO. 2×(TO=18+13=31) is the total 62, which is 100 -38, is the 62 that transcends 26=GOD. TOTO R qua, in Torquato=113! It is the last as well as all the first, it is A-mode-Ω !


What did you see of Malachi on Wikipedia the Free Encyclopedia 0di%20Malachia%20(il,alcuni%20antipapi)%20a%20partire%20da

47 Being in full agreement with the established thesis that the manuscript is a historical forgery, it is pointed out that here - before our eyes - we do not have a manuscript but the text printed by Wion and that it is it "that makes the text" as a Prophecy that is not so much as it is for the names of the Popes and Antipopes, as for the evaluation to be given to the mottoes, which was stated in the text only for 74 apparent Popes and Antipopes, which however are 75, including also Antipope Innocent III. ... who is there but cannot be seen. Therefore even if the manuscript is a historical forgery, it is in no way a false prophetic act the number of the 38 mottoes which are predicted, and which are devoid of their motivation, which is to be checked and verified in the future. The City of Rome in Latin is Urbs (ab “urbe” condita) while Civitas is the political-religious status of the 7th hill the Vatican. It is demolished the PAPATE. Therefore the example that refers to Rome with the word "Civitas" is very badly done: it is about the Vatican State - the seventh hill of Rome - in its legal and religious order: this will be destroyed, according to Malachi's Prophecy and not the City of Rome. What about this part of the book

which is read and translated: "In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church"? is a pure misunderstanding that profoundly alters the meaning of: "Going forth...”, that is “In prosecution. Extreme Holy Roman Church will sit", yes, opposing the Return of Christ, as the Jewish Sanhedrin once did. Wikipedia, in essence, has not understood much.


Nobody has understood much! To be clear: even the motto "Sol Invictus" Romanus had a historical connection with the cult of Mithras imported to Rome by Aurelian, along with all the priests of Semesa. It became a forgery when a third-century pope falsified that Roman saying by explaining it as assigning Jesus Christ his Christmas month and day, while it existed to celebrate the Sun God, Mithras. But then the Almighty may have made true the false attribution to Jesus made by this forger pope! Likewise, the 38 sayings printed without the motivation for the saying, are true prophecy. It is a print in connection with which the forgery attributed to the prophecy of St. Malachi may be made true by the Almighty, correcting this false, like corrected that of that Pope. The prophecy in question has the same divine function as that for which the motto of “Sol Invictus” pertains to Jesus for the reason (which belongs to creation) which, on the 3rd day from the apparent Sun decline of December 21, winter solstice (i.e. 3 days after the death-like decline of Jesus...), shows on the 25th as the resurrection of the sun of our world created by God. This was also the Natural reason of the God Mithras, and so it was observed by the pope in itself and in his natural reason, and not only in that thrown out by the faith of man Therefore is likewise valid the association to the real world of the 38 sayings designed to make one discover that the Holy, Holy, Holy Father, King of Heaven and God of the Universe had his birthtime in the year 38 and is represented by the "Communion of the 38 Holy Fathers", just as God himself is the absolute "Communion of Saints". This association with the real world and with the Sun's own 2 dynamics leads to the discovery that 38 is similar in power to the divine Father-Holy Spirit dualism, which, on the basis of a 38 for each and in power of both, gives 1,444 prime minutes as the length of a sidereal day. The solar day referred to the Sun is 144 tens, but then must be increased by one day every 4 years and another every 157.

49 The scientific motivation exists, and is that the 38 × 38 determines the work of the sun given by a day. The work of the sun was used Also to know the birth day of Jesus. It is no coincidence that the last 'Good Pope' is described in Malachi's prophecy by the motto 'De labore solis'. It will be from this Pope alone, John Paul II, that - with the Encyclical "Fides et Ratio" - the advent of the Holy Spirit of truth will be provoked. It happens in the point 56 of the Encyclical Letter, when he asked philosophers to discover the new path of a scientifically and philosophically valid truth leading to Jesus; with this, defeating the false Science and Philosophy that had come the first to believe in a Nature not created and eternally on its own, the second to the "Nullism" of Nietzsche. After the “work of the Sun” it arrives the night of the AntiChrist “Gloria Olivae”, the traitor as Judas with a kiss, in the Olive’s Garden. And... going on... here it is In Prosecution... the advent referring RO, Peter Roman, put far away by Holy Roman Church. As for Malachi, all the Good Popes started with the “Good Pope” John XXIII, and ended with the work of the only Pope "De Labore solis", a striking work that was precisely that Encyclical "Fides et Ratio", which caused the: New descent on earth of the Holy Spirit born in Elea with the Being, in Philosophy. Just as then Matthew described the Jesus Epiphany with three well-known Greats of Philosophy gone from Greece to Magna Graecia, aiming at the Stella (the name of Mount Stella, in Cilento), and was born the God of Being, so now, in the Reason, a new philosopher returned: born in the same its Cilento in 1938, and born in the same philosophy of Elea in Saronno, in 1997. The first pope, who was called 'Good Pope' by the people, became a Father on 10-8 and 108 he turned out to be, counting all the popes and antipopes since the first Pontiff whose mottoes Malachi listed. Those who have not studied this Prophecy of Malachi well believe that the list is missing an Antipope, namely the Antipope Innocent III, announced by the motto "comes signatus" which indicates: both that - in the Pope - he would have a pontiff appointed by a family of counts, and that - in the simultaneous Antipope - he would have one who would be "his companion in sign".

50 Therefore, if Pope Roncalli - the "good Pope" - has always been considered number 107 in the list, this is not true: if in the motto he is identified with motto number 107, he is Pontiff number 108 (since - I repeat for the umpteenth time - the Antipope who is believed not to have been prophesied should also be introduced). Thus, pontiff number 109 has the motto "Flos florum", Flower of Flowers, and it is precisely number 109 this "flower of flowers". In fact, 10 is the "flower" of all numbers is the number 10 which God took as the basis of his construction of the world: he made it in 7 days because he is also Trinitarian in the 10, and the 3 moves by 7 in the basic cycle 10, the father of all decimal numbers. Now also the prime numbers are "flowers." of the natural, so the 10th prime number is the "Flower of the Flower (singular)". This "flower of the flower" is the natural number 29, which, when it becomes the 29th prime number, becomes the "Flower of the flowers” (plural) in the number 109 with which it was prophesied by Malachi (considered - I repeat - ALL Popes and Antipopes). Number 110 has the motto "De mediaetate lunae". It has become an Anointed Father in the midst of two characteristic events of the Moon. But the number 110 also has - like the previous ones - a reason that relates precisely to numbers. It forms the cycle of 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 100 is the first cycle of a new evolution from one hundred to one hundred. Now the Moon, in Italian, is also about 'The One', the Trinitarian unity given by 111. The 10 has two ways of accompanying itself: to decimals and to tenths. So the 110 puts into action only one half of the two possibilities of the 111 unit. Wojtyla was ordained Father on 1-11 of 46... where Malachi ordained him as Pope No. 111 . Ratzinger became No. 112, since starved Jesus for 112 days! Francis Pope No 113 sits extreme for 3 reasons: 1st: he is the last extreme pope; 2nd: he come from the other extreme of the world; 3rd: he on 2013 starved Jesus (in his little brother Romano Amodeo, thrice No 113 by Cabala ) in an extreme way fasting Him for 80 days (de double of the 40 that Jesus voluntarily assumed as the maximum for Himself).


Malachi finalizes on the work of 1 only «Fides et Ratio». Point 46 of the Encyclical is really the work of him alone among all the Holy Fathers. To see his true loneliness among all Popes and Antipopes, let's read point 46, which calls him the only 111th pope of Malachi ordained father on l’1-11-46 . 46 . 46. The most influential radicalisations are well known and clearly visible, especially in the history of the West. It is not an exaggeration to say that a good part of modern philosophical thought has developed by progressively distancing itself from Christian Revelation, to the point of explicit opposition. In the last century, this movement reached its apogee. Some representatives of idealism sought in various ways to transform faith and its contents, even the mystery of the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ, into rationally conceivable dialectical structures. This thought has been opposed by various forms of atheistic humanism, philosophically elaborated, which have presented faith as harmful and alienating to the development of full rationality. They were not afraid to present themselves as new religions, forming the basis of projects that, on a political and social level, resulted in totalitarian systems traumatic for humanity. In the field of scientific research, a positivist mentality has imposed itself, which has not only distanced itself from every reference to the Christian vision of the world, but has also, and above all, dropped every reference to the metaphysical and moral vision. The consequence of this is that some scientists, deprived of any ethical reference, risk no longer having the person and the globality of his life at the center of their interest. Moreover, some of them, aware of the potential of technological progress, seem to give in not only to the logic of the market, but also to the temptation of a demiurgic power over nature and over the human being.

52 As a consequence of the crisis of rationalism has taken shape, finally, nihilism. As a philosophy of nothingness, it manages to exert a fascination on our contemporaries. Its followers theorize the search as an end in itself, without hope or any possibility of reaching the goal of truth. In the nihilist interpretation, existence is only an opportunity for sensations and experiences in which the ephemeral has primacy. Nihilism is at the origin of that widespread mentality according to which one should no longer make any definitive commitment, because everything is fleeting and provisional.

The Holy Father, who in point 46 then ordered "a new path" that would lead human Reason to Christ, did so and his work was that of the only Peter who called for the rationality of a Paul to flank the Faith of Peter. Therefore, it is indisputable that he who was ordained 1-11-46 Father and ordains at 46 above is certainly the one whom the printout of prophecy ordained 111. But there is a "but." If we put an order number to the Motti, (which on the printed matter does not exist, and we are punctual, and count them one after the other), then the Father ordained on 1.11 would appear to us to be by Malachi ordained No. 110. Looking at the last separate column which starts from three missing lines in the printed text, the one who is called "Pastor & nauta" would seem to be number 107 of a prophecy which until the last Holy Father, "Gloria olivæ", would count 111... The 1st in the last "Pastor & nauta" column, Angelo Roncalli, was ordained Father 10-8 in the year 444 of the 20th century, and is #108, - -44 compared to 112 and not 111. Roncalli was ordered Father 10-8-4 and should be ordered No. 108, -4° Holy Father ! Wojtyla was ordered Father 11-1 and.. should be ordered No. 111 Holy Father ! Ratzinger was ordained Father on June 29 of Sts. Peter and Paul who support the intent of the Holy Father Wojtyla that the

53 faith of Peter is supported by the Reasons of Paul. But Ratzinger will not be a good Pope to keep faith with that commitment. Ratzinger Ordained Father 29-6 , stands with 296 at No. 111 which seems to be, just as No. 2,6666... stands with 1. i.e. as one ordained Father and which is in truth characterized by duplicity, in the eternal time period of 66=Roman. For he acts according to the same duplicity as Judas at the Garden of Olives, with the Glory of true betrayal expressed however... with a kiss. Luke 22,48. Jesus said to him: "Judas, with a kiss do you betray the Son of Man?" This duplicity expressed in time 0.66 periodic he expressed it precisely against Romano and twice: 1st when as a cardinal he decided in place of John Paul II to hide from the Pope a petition of human piety presented to the Pope's humanity by 4 priests and 460 people asking for mercy for Romano; and 2nd when he then repeated it as Pope. Considering this 2.6666... referred to his appearance the Peter 111, this true 111 betrayed (Wojtyla) with 2.6666... ×111=296 leads to his ordering of 29-6 as Father and enacting the Martyrdom of Sts, Peter and Paul, drowning the Fides et Ratio. The list has In continuation i.e. In pROsecutione (and why on earth is it read “persecution”?) what is not a Peter (the last one is "Gloria olivæ") and that concludes the whole list on the printed and numbered page 311 which has the “not a Peter” 113 on the reverse. Then (later) there is exactly one invisible RO, in the word psecutione. If it is PROsecutone, do you agree that in psecutione, there is an omitted and invisible RO? You do not agree if you mean that ER (and not RO) has been omitted ... But in Genesis 38, in the Bible, Tamar's deceased relative was ER, and he was succeeded by Onan as the widow's relative. Well, ER-Onan are joined in RO, the two extreme relatives of Tamar, just as extreme is the ER that installs a new pontiff, after the 112th, taking him in that extreme part of the new world, and it was the first thing Bergoglio said at his election as

54 successor of Benedict XVI: "I am an extreme Peter from the other world". So a Peter characterized by duplicity, also gave rise to a duplicity: in fact in the successor of Benedict XVI there are two who are joined in their extremes. Whether in psecutione you introduce ER or RO, and whether you read it In pROsecutione or in pERsecutione, the extremes of the same figure of the Bridegroom of the Church are always introduced. He does so when TAMAR has the joint extremes of Barat TA MAR iannina, mother of PTR Romano (Paolo Torquato Romano Amodeo) , since she was born on June 29 when Ratzinger was ordained the priest of the Martyrdom of the Princes of the Church Peter & Paul . ER groom of Tamar and RO (extreme joint of the two husbands ER-Onan, are here always the objective presence of the Bridegroom of the Church who is divinely present! That is, he is there, but he is omitted, he is invisible, in psecutione , however he may be! In fact if it is read In pERsecutione. (point, for then there is a fine point!) it is translated that, after the first 112 popes and antipopes listed by Malachi, we proceed through a persecution that begins and affects ER, as the invisible persecuted one, who is the BRIDE of the Church ... and in that, Santa Romana Ecclesia will install an extreme pontiff come from the extreme part of the Earth: Bergoglio. If it is read In pROsecutione. (point, since then there is a fine point!) it is translated that, after the first 112 , then, continuing the list, there is a RO that is there but is made invisible, divine, omitted and it is the Place of the Church given by the Christ of God. The number 113 for this PTR Romano is sacrosanct. It is so in three different ways: 113=First Name and Last Name, Romano Amodeo, 66+47=113 in gematria. 113=5th name, final Torquato, in gematria. 113=Ro An Pa To Am the two-digit acronym for Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo. He is the donkey who publicly stated that the God=Truth, the one who had already descended at Elea, descended upon him.

55 Therefore this number 113 is so well identified, in all his having put himself out to pasture like a sheep of the flock in the midst of great tribulations, that if we do not observe better the numbers that we assign to the popes and antipopes of prophecy, and we give 112 to this precise Peter Roman who is 113 three times, then we are clearly making a mistake, of which however we do not realize. There must be a mistake, then, in the current numbering given to the popes and antipopes, who must all be there, no one excluded, if the prophecy is valid and has foreseen and counted them all. In fact it also turns out that "Gloria olivæ" is accurate as it is connected to this passage in the last of the 4 canonical gospels:

Here there is no prophet who may be fallacious, here is the very Gospel and it describes that Peter who - when old - stretched out his hands and another girded his papal robe. This was Benedict XVI beyond any doubt! This act is indicated precisely as the glory of the betrayal in the Garden of Olives, precisely as the gloria olivæ no longer of a Peter (who gave up his robe to another) but of a simple apostle who made himself just like Judas who betrayed Christ with a kiss. Benedict XVI also believed - acting with duplicity, of his own mind - to give a sign of love to Christ, giving another the task of doing what he old man no longer felt able to do. Similarly, Judas thought he had put Jesus and the Sanhedrin in touch! Not caring what the Christ wanted, he had acted duplicitously, of his own accord. If the Son of God did not want to lower himself to ask for an audience, he had made the Sanhedrin go so far as to give him as much as 30 coins in order to have a confrontation with Jesus!

56 To this real reason that makes the surrender of Benedict XVI similar to the betrayal of Judas, we add point 56, of the encyclical that was the work of the only pope with the motto "De labore solis". Point 56 provokes philosophers - whether Christian or not - to be courageous and seek "the new path" by giving the advocacy of Faith to Reason. Here on the side you can see the peremptory commitment of the Faith in favor of the philosophers who had done it. Well it is a historical fact that in the month of October 1,999 there was a written petition from 4 priests and 460 people asking the person of the pope for that pure and simple human piety, which is given by one man to another man. Well, the Church of Rome, in which Ratzinger had directive functions, made the inadmissible arbitrariness of not giving to the person of the pope that petition sent to him as to man. Thus the point, order 56 of the Encyclical, was betrayed by Ratzinger, who prevented the pope from showing the human pity that was required of him, for the philosopher (Romano Amodeo) had taken him at his word and risked, so that he, the Good Shepherd, might welcome him. In order to realize his work, he had placed himself just like the sheep that would not eat if the Good Shepherd did not help it. When Ratzinger was Pope, the petition was proposed to him again and that same philosopher put himself back in the hands of the Good Shepherd. It was useless. Romano Amodeo was not received in audience. He was not believed worthy - he and all those who had presented that petition - of a single word. A total disregard and a 2nd betrayal of point 56 of the Encyclical. 56+56=112 is the sum of the 2 betrayals of the right pope if he is ordained 112 (and not 111) by the prophecy of St. Malachi. . 57+55=112 is the sum of days of hunger experienced by the ordained 112 by Malachi as one who in truth starves Christ, keeping a sheep fast 112 Jesus himself said would happen at the return of the Son of Man.

57 Benedict XVI is a "Gloria olivæ" with every motivation even if it is the number 112 and not the number 111 that results, if you number the Popes and all the antipopes, who have been there since, none excluded. Evidently there is in the text of St. Malachi an Antipope (Innocent III) that is included, is listed, but that escapes for sibylline reasons always present in all true prophetic texts. Historians have even spotted him missing, but then they have not seen him present in the list! They have well noticed that the list of prophecy concerns Popes and Antipopes, but they have also seen that in the list there is Pope Innocent III and there is not (or rather, there does not appear to be) his corresponding (comes) antipope. Let us then objectively observe the text: He joins Innocent III also to his comes signiæ, that companion (comes) who also called himself Innocent III; he is with this companion of the sign of the name assigned, however, only to the pope, since the pope has that sign in his family. So there are both: the one and his equal, in the family of the sign companions! Whoever numbers them (which the book does not do), must give a number to each of the two: a "Comes signatus" no. 15 to the pope and a "Comes signatus" no. 16 to the antipope Innocent III. And everything so square, the popes and antipopes are all there! Having said that, and having finally managed to see even the comes signatus with the same name as Innocent III in his antipope of the same name, anyone who goes out of their way to list it and doesn't mark it down is making a serious mistake. Wikipedia has done so and so have all the observers of history, who, in order to fleece the prophecy, which lists popes and antipopes, have pointed out the omission of the antipope Innocent III.

58 Consequently, everyone has judged the list to be wrong... rather than their objective reading and evaluation of the text! It is they and it is all their mistake that bring not to see marked and not to count as a number that antipope that objectively they know is there! The Lord has rendered them incapable of seeing Innocent III, not having given them the right eyes given instead to the PTR (Paolo Torquato Romano) or Romano, who is writing this whole book, and who precisely swears to you all: "I am the “ass” (the -RO, since “somaro” in Italian is an “ass” ) on whom the Lord has descended, who entered his Jerusalem, as Zechariah foretold to us". Having put all the numbering in place, then, the striking fact emerges that the prophecy that ends with the number 113 (and not 112), ends the list precisely on page 311 of No. 113, which supports, in book two of Wion, No. 113. As already mentioned about the judgments expressed by Wikipedia for the destruction of the city of the seven hills (civitas septicollis) the civitas translated as "city" is an error. The same Wikipedia reports: In the history of ancient Rome, the Latin term civitas denoted: ֍ the legal status of Roman citizenship; ֍ the set of Roman citizens; ֍ an urban settlement not organized as an urbs (city). If it were (as claimed by Wikipedia) the destruction of the city of the seven hills, the text would state urbs septicollis and not civitas septicollis for which the destruction concerns the legal status of the Vatican, 7th hill of Rome. The reference to Apocalypse is therefore out of place, since it concerns the legal status of the Popes of the Vatican. This does not concern the antipopes, who have not existed for a long time.

59 The incomprehensible, unjustifiable error made by all lies above all in the reading: In persecutione extrema S.R.E. sedebit. What is clearly In prosecutione. extrema S.R.E. sedebit. announces an invisible Bridegroom of the Church, who has returned but incognito. Having completed the list of 112 Peter's, do we go on, in prosecutione, or do we go into persecution? What happened to the point? There is a clear incidental phrase between the 2 dots, which is why the word extrema begins with a lower case letter! However even here they are indicated in two, one invisible, the other very evident: the invisible one is the RO that is there but is omitted; the visible one is in the extreme Peter; extreme for no less than 3 motivations: 1th since he is the last, extreme Catholic Pope; 2nd since came from the other extreme of the world (as Bergoglio said of himself); and 3rd it is because at the practical act he behaved in an extreme way towards Christ: the philosopher Romano Amodeo on 26 march of 2013 confidently put himself in his hands as in those of the Bon Pastor of the gospels, asking for Pope audience. Now - while Jesus Christ voluntarily had fasted for 40 days - the Francis Pope forced this poor Christ to voluntary fasting for exactly twice those 40 Christ days, for a sacrifice that (began on March 26, 2013) finished at the end of June 13 inclusive... and not for Pope's resipiscense! Afterwards RO - S.R.E. will sit extreme (with other world pope). PTR ROmano, who will be grazing with his sheep in many tribulations; at the end of which the status of 7th hill (the Vatican) will be destructured, and the judge king of the cross (T re), mêdo (modê, A-modê-o ) will judge RO (he will elevate to vice-Chi-RO, XP) his Paul. End.

60 GOOD NOTE: Look well! be attentive! “Mul-tis” and “di-ruetur” have the hyphen of union, but “tre mèdus” and “po pulum” are 4 different words! There is no hyphen! The lowercase “pulum” is the poor crasis of the Prince of the Apostles “Paulum”, diminished by that lowercase compared to the capital P of Peter and without the "a" of the primacy... (that was “with” Peter and not of the only Peter... since God wishes Faith and Reason, “Fides et Ratio” and not only Faith without Reason, i.e. “Fides sine Ratio”). Tre Mêdo is the trinity placed on Modê (read Êdom from right, the nickname of Esau reduced (as Paulumpulum) to the lower case esù and placed after the G of Giacobbe (Jacob) in Gesù (Italian name of Jesus), just as the prince Paulum (accusative of Paulus) left without the "a" of primacy has been reduced to pulum, reduced to dust. It will be the turn of the Vatican Peter to be reduced to dust, from there to the end, passing the Jesus’ Substitute to His Paul (that of XP). This series of errors is really made by everyone and it is surprising, since the first thing one can expect after a list of popes described with a motto, is that one continues, and that one writes a "Going forward", or a "Following". And - if there has been a crasis in a word like psecutione - it refers to “prosecution” (i.e. continuation) and not to persecution, especially since there is point and a nice new period after the two word made from In psecutione. The Motivation for this general misunderstanding lies only in the fact that this text was really written by a divine hand, which played on the misunderstanding, as it happens historically in all sibylline messages. Which expressly involved - and without Wion in any way intending to do so - to create the two possibilities given by ER and RO, in the reading then made as pERsecution and which was assigned to a simple pROsecution.

61 The sibylline character of the divine message, also played on the subject and object complement. In fact, it was RO (PietRO ROmano, a Triune Entity) who certainly suffered the “pERsecution”, later clarified through the many tribulations inflicted on Peter Roman. Instead, the divine hand has guided almost everyone to see changed into persecuted the very obvious extreme persecutor, who came from the other extreme end of the world and who - at the extreme height of indifference towards a little one by a pope starves a poor Christ who put himself in his hands and does not eat voluntarily forcing him to double the voluntary fasting that Christ voluntarily chose. Now to you this may seem minor, as to the responsibility of Pope Francis, precisely because of the voluntary aspect of the sacrifice chosen by PeTeR Roman...when Paolo Torquato Romano is me, trying to force Peter to go a mile with me. Forget Jesus who said "if anyone forces you to go a mile with him, you go two miles." And to me - in the role of Petrus Romanus who forces the Pope to be the Good Shepherd, as Jesus commanded him and not Peter Roman - it happens that I receive in return not a double of the path, but of the sacrifice, which Christ also chose voluntarily. Have you ever wondered about the reason of that strange torment to which Jesus wanted to submit himself, fasting 40 days in the desert? Only Matthew, the servant of the Roman people, writes about it in his gospel, who - idealizing all the things of Jesus Christ - was then led by God to narrate about the GOD "I AM" that arose in Elea and all the other things that happened in the time of his Parousia in Romano Amodeo...! Romano Amodeo also fasted in a desert: that of the S.R.E., with respect to all the values of welcoming the poor! There was in him a poor Christ who put himself in this desert of the Church of Rome, and handed himself over to Peter. He will only eat if he does the Good Shepherd that Christ wants him to be and allows him to do so! And the "good" Pope Francis turns to the extreme side of those who do not go two miles with him miserable but inflicts on him the double torment to which Jesus submitted himself! Why doesn't this make you wonder? Because Peter Roman fasts in a desert!


Inconceivableee The most serious one concerns In psecutione. read in persecutione and without point.


errors! This is proven by what is written on Wikipedia. And no one has ever doubted that there was a serious deficiency in its reading. That there was an invisible RO!

64 Wikipedia writes: After the motto “In p[er]secuzione extrema S.R.E. sedebit”, ," when it is

And no doubt comes to him, that after all Peter now there is a sequel. We ask the google translator:

How could it have occurred to all “the solons”, the “knowit-all”, to make such a mistake and such an obvious abuse? The motivation can be seen in the judgment reported on Wikipedia: "The text contains no new prophecy and is a simple memento that, sooner or later, the sequence of popes will be destined to come to an end." No way! The sequence of popes as correct vicars of Christ ended with Gloria Olivæ No. 112 because triple traitors: 1. 112=113 -1, since he refused to give audience to One 113 (Romano Amodeo=66+47=113), him who wanted to force him to go a mile with him; 2. 112=56+56, since he betrayed twice the point 56 of the Encyclical Fides et Ratio; 3. 112=57+55, because he starved Christ for 112 days! Truly, for whoever starves one of Jesus' smallest sheep starves Jesus on his own word said in Matthew 25 from verses 31 and following.

65 I report these obligations given by Jesus:

Matthew 5.41

And if any man compel thee to go a mile, thou shalt go two miles with him.

Matthew 25.31-45

31. When the son of man comes in his glory... (omissis) 41 Then he will say to those on his left. Away from me, ye cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. 42. Because I was hungry and you did not feed me... 44. Then they too will answer: Lord, when did we ever see you hungry or thirsty or a stranger or naked or sick or in prison and did not care for you? 45. But He will answer: Verily I say unto you, As often as you did not do these things to one of the least of these my brethren, you did not do them to me. For this reasons Jesus himself abolished the Vicars of Christ. With verse 18 he dismisses the Peter, for just cause, like Article 18 of the Workers' Statute.

John 21.18

Verily, verily, I say unto thee, when thou was young, thou didst gird thyself, and go whither thou wouldst go; but when thou art old, thou shall stretch forth thy hands, and another shall gird your garment, and take thee whither thou wilt not. Bergoglio is not Peter Roman, but "another" extreme who has girded the robe of Peter and has starved twice as much that sheep coming to the extreme of imposing a voluntary sacrifice of 80 days where the Christ had taken half! Bergoglio is described in . extrema S.R.E. sedebit . in the incidental sentence that explains how, later on - while S.R.E. will install a Peter being on a collision course (with PeTeR Romano) there will be not a Peter of Rome, but precisely one who is called Romano and who is also PTR in the acronym of his three names beginning with a consonant: Paolo Torquato Romano (as Trinity), and Romano (as the Unity).

66 While Bergoglio is elected as a Peter of the extreme world, coming - as he said - from the other world. And that is: a Peter from the other world who imposed on a poor Christ twice the sacrifice that Christ imposed on himself! In fact it is contemporary history that the sheep that put itself in the hands of John Paul II and was starved by the Secretary of State Ratzinger, the work of the only philosopher who ever intended to respond to the Fides et Ratio of the pope was called and is called Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato AMODEO. Placing the first name last, the acronym PTR (in which the Fist is the Last) pertains to Paolo Torquato Romano, as – I repeat – sign of Trinity - or more simply Romano as his First put as the Last. (PIETRO, Italian, is One in Romano and Triune in the 4th, Paolo, and 5th names of himself, Pi and TORquato, become P&TRO). So it is not true what Wikipedia writes saying that: "The name itself, Petrus Romanus, may not indicate any characteristic of the pontiff and could only mean "the pope who is in Rome". In ancient times, in fact, it was good to specify the pope "of Rome" to distinguish him from possible schismatic antipopes in other parts of Europe. The events described, then, are the same as those reported in Revelation, in which the destruction of Babylon, a city precisely built on seven hills (Rev 17:9), precedes the universal judgment." This is not true, since we are dealing with the "Roman Peter, who will graze with the flock in the midst of many tribulations," due precisely to a Holy Roman Church that has taken the same extreme position taken by the Sanhedrin against its unrecognized Messiah. And that will be extreme in a Bergoglio who came from the other world. After the Messiah came with Jesus, Old Testament was concluded with Malachi as the last Jewish prophet. Similarly, in Christianity, it is St. Malachi concluding all the Vice of H.R.E., when Jesus returned in the Holy Spirit Paraclete that he had foretold. and in the manner described by the Prophet Isaiah. He was not the Jesus Christ of that time, the one of whom Isaiah described contempt and lack of esteem. That Jesus was taken very seriously by the Sanhedrin, so much so that to get him off their backs they had no choice but to have him killed. When he returned to PTR Romano, he fasted, put himself in the hands of the Church and they didn't care! It was only then that he was despised and outcast to such an extent by men, that he did everything...but was not considered in the least! Poor Christ, he counted for nothing!

67 The Jewish prophet Malachi concluded The Old Testament of the Sanhedrin. The Christian prophet Malachi concluded New Testament of the Vatican. Isaiah described the Messiah who was to come as a man of sorrows, a despised man of whom there was no esteem. Matthew described the Parousia of Jesus in every little sheep of his flock, saying that whatever they would do to her they would do to him. How the Sanhedrin resisted and had Jesus crucified... So also the second time Catholic Christians, mortified him by denying him three times: in 1999, 2005 and 2013, for 57, 55 and 80 days respectively, a total of 192... in a world where no more killing is done. These 192, divided by three, are an average mortification of 64 days, equal to 2 raised to 6, where the numbers 26 in both Hebrew and Italian cabbala are the numerical value of God in the Italian gematria of DIO. They are also in the creator of a whole year in groups of 26+26 days equal to 52 weeks. The trinity of God=Dio=26, equal to 26+26+26, in essence equals the unity of space-time given by 1.5 years. St. Malachi thus closes his book of Peter with traitor 112 who was Ratzinger, who starved Jesus Christ 57 days in 1999 (deciding him instead of the Pope in a petition addressed not to him but to the Pope: to have mercy on that Romano Amodeo who provoked by the Pope as philosopher to risk willingly - were risking his health and life for his encyclical letter "Fides et Ratio"). Another 55 days of fasting were imposed in 2005 (when Ratzinger became Pope Benedict XVI) making the total number 112 of days as the popes and antipopes 112 till him. In fact, if Benedict XVI were the Pope No 111 that everyone always read, the Antipope Innocent III would be missing, included instead in the motto "comes signatus", comrade in sign. 112 is the presence 1 of the 111, that contains: by first the 10 as the Holy spirit of Unity (being 10 the Father of all decimal numbers); by second its decimal (1, as His Only First Son), and Third His Tenfold: The Father of the Ten Units, those of The Holy Spirit of the Unity.


We also look at the printed text

The careful observation of a prophecy that is not a narrative in words but a printed text leads us to considerations pushed further, and they are these. The first letter of the second word is not a normal "p" but one that is cut by a horizontal line in its gambit.

. Therefore, if we consider divine intervention to be that which makes a forgery true, in the same way as that which made true the forgery concerning the "Sol Invictus" Romanus operated by a Holy Father of the 3rd century, with its attribution to the Christmas of Christ, here - i.e. in the case of the first verse following 112 - the return of Christ is divinely announced, certainly in a poor Christ who, if he is held in an extreme position by Santa Romana Ecclesia, suffers from the religious order of the 7th Vatican Hill the same treatment reserved then to Jesus Christ by the Jewish one of the Sanhedrin. With the only difference that - since the Holy Roman Church did not believe that a contrary act done to one of the smallest sheep of Jesus was really done to Jesus - they despised her to the point of excluding her even from the list of the smallest of the brothers of Jesus Christ, so much so that against that Poor Christ it was possible to do anything, any abuse, so much so that he was

69 similar to the man of whom they had no esteem, predicted by the Prophet Isaiah. This is the objective reading of the printed text:

And let it be just RO - Christ - who is placed after, but is totally excluded from any real sight, the RO - the XP, of Christ was totally taken out of the way by In pROsecutione, so that it is written In psecutione. If you don't give any importance to the mark on the leg of the P, you certainly can't deny that a RO was hidden ! As you have seen, all the reasoning I am doing leads to one conclusion: there is a transcendent and invisible RO who came after all the popes listed in the prophecy published by Wion. This RO is Chi-Ro, he is the Christ of God XP. He came again exactly as he came then, and just as they did not welcome the Messiah then, so - back on a humble donkey and invisible - none of his Christian "Popes" welcomed him, behaving in the same way! It is hard for the living to recognize the manifestation of true greatness in one who seems to be a ZERO, to the point that you can do anything to him and with that you feel innocent, because you believe you have not hit anyone who really matters! The Christians were under the illusion that Jesus would return for them in a way that was recognizable! But in this Real world, which is the exact opposite of God, in every sense of the word, the only way in which the Almighty can truly show his total greatness is when he truly takes on the dimension of ZERO. It is no accident that in Genesis 38 the twins were born and named in order:

→ ZERach

PeREZ ← Any × ZER0 = ZERO

Men would like to see GOD in the Satan who commands instead of in the patient God... who really serves us!!!

70 Satan tempted Jesus: “if he obeyed him it would make him Great...” But what made Jesus great was his CROSS! And he came back on an ass... and had THREE MORE CROSSES assigned to him!!! This time they were by his pope-drivers, who were waiting for the Victory over death, with the power of the act and not with the truth that proves PERFECT the "mortal design" of God... But in Malachi: "transactibus quibus..." the tribulations will end and the "poppies that are high high high" - you know that - will submit to the little duck. Like this Italian song “Papaveri e Papere” that said: One day a little duck and his father passed through a field of wheat that I don't know what to tell you. and saw some tall poppies shining in the sun... and there she was enchanted. The duck asked the father, "Father, how can you marry poppies?" "You can't marry the poppies," said Papa. Then he added, pecking at the salad: "What can you do, that's life...". "You know the poppies are tall, tall, tall, and you're tiny, and you're tiny, you know the poppies are tall, tall, tall, you were born a duck, what are you going to do about it..." Near a brook that I don't know what to say, one day a poppy looked into the water and saw a little blond duck playing...and there he was enchanted. The poppy said to his mother: "Mother, how can you marry a duck?" "You can't catch a duck," said Mama. "If you let her marry you, the whole world will never be able to say..." And one day in May, which I cannot tell you, it came to pass that everyone thought Poppy waited for the Duck in the moonlight... and then he married her. But this romance did not last long: then came the scythe that cut the grain, and a gust of wind carried the poppies aloft. So Poppy went away, leaving little duck in great confusion...


Being present and alive the PARACLETE HOLY SPIRIT only when he descended on Roman=66 and on the All=381, it happens that in Prophecy of the Holy Malachi exists the real dualistic antecedent of 2 Popes: PIO XI and PIO XII

72 I mean that there were eight Popes who were called to fulfill their function as Holy Fathers and Vicars of Christ during the advent of the Paraclete Holy Spirit who descended on the 66=Romano, equal to 16+13+11+1+12+13 (in Gematrie). They were two of whom we have to check whether or not anything entered, upon them, induced by the descent of the Holy Spirit, as it had been marked with the descent on January 25, 1938 of the two celestial means in Rio de Janeiro and in the New World, with a celestial means of the Trinity that had descended earlier in Natal... (Natale is Christmas, in Italian). With one of the three celestial means that was piloted by the Son of Providence Man (so called Mussolini), the all-powerful - so to speak - Duce of Italy Benito. So much so that Bruno MUS(solini), the son B had after him (i.e. Romano, was born after Bruno), in turn referred to the one B after him, which began with R, and would then become ONE MUSICIAN. Yes, son B, R, uno (one) MUSician... Bruno MUS that refers ROMANO MUS And in the meantime, in the sky, a beautiful aurora Borealis....


It is prophesied with Fides intrepida by St. Malachi. It is the same intrepid faith of one “solo” (similar and “unique”) in Luke 2:29-32: "Now let your servant, O Lord, go in peace...for I have seen your salvation prepared by you before all peoples!" The motto he chose of Pax Christi in Regno Christi is worthy of intrepid faith in Christ, for he not only wants it regulated by his teaching, but in the actual coming of his Kingdom.

74 And the Lord satisfies him: he will not die before he has been alive exactly Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo in all the value in gematria of his name of God: 381, like the length in cubits of Noah's Ark, like the sum of the first 16 Prime numbers; 16 in the number of 10 given by the letter R (16th in the Italian alphabet) concerning RA, RE, RI, RO and RU. RA-A-A (Trine principle in Roman Antonio Anna Amodeo); RE in the transcended ER of Genesis 38; RI in the Risen One in Iesus; RO in RO-MANO (Amon on RO, ORus); RU (In RU-Ben. Romano united BENito). 15 years of antecedent with respect to the SS=66=Roman's entry into the field is the unit of space-time; 5832 days before depend in all the 24 indicating the fullness of time in days 24 each of which has 24, of the product between the SS=Roman's 66 and the same SS increased by its only 1/3 flow. Referring to Pius XI coronation, the premise of time varies, going from 24 days to 30 indicating the entire Trinity of God resting on the 10 Father of all numbers. Pius XI is present as Peter for the exact 381 days equal to the entire Name of the Holy Spirit Paraclete. This is impressive reporting. His name PIO (in Italian, where Pius in English) is too, when the initial P is read RO and then the Italian name PIO (where IO=10, the worth of the Father of every decimal number) changes exactly XP in the Ten Roman meaning GOD. As XI is perfect, referring to Romano as to SS (Saint Spirit), as the 10, whit 1 of presence. Even 11 months, thinking of God who is the eternal subject of all things and who in months reads: ME, YES! , affirms to be 11. Two weeks affirm his dualism, as creator in 7 days; and 5 days count as the unity of time given by the half presence 10 of the whole cycle placed at the basis of everything, and therefore "divine".


Perfectly shows how the SS=66=Romano orders his election on March 2, 1939, by 1 year (between 1938 and 1939) or by 401 days that in itself mean the unitary presence 1, in the Unit of 100 and Trinity of 300. Referring the Romano’ 66, 401 – as you see in the prospect – it must exist six times (as all the labour of God) and add the unit of the time given by 10/2 When his coronation comes, to the unitary presence of time alone is added exactly the entire presence 10 of cyclic space..

76 His exit from the scene is totally commanded by the year 38 (of the Romano Birth), placed as a divine principle in 38 days, to which is added the exact Kabbalistic value of Romano=66 (=SS, Saint Spirit) which applies to all 114 times of the value in gematria of PTR=48 made by 14(=P)+18(=T)+16(=R)=48 added to the 66= Romano, since 48+66=114, where 48 is also GESU’ (made by 7+5+17+19). In this way, PTR Romano=114 is equal in number 114 to Gesù +Romano (to the God with the ass, upon whom He descended). Pius XII is the 260th Pope of the Catholic Church and combines in a perfect way the two valences to which GOD relies on: that of the pure numbers that have in 10 the Father of every decimal number, the pure image of the Father of everything supported through the decimal numbers and the alphabetical valence that in the Italian name DIO of God has the numerical content 26 that was already the one in the Hebrew name JHVH (Yahweh) of God. In fact 10×26=260, and the 260th, as ordinal ordains Peace (Pace, in Italian) through Pacelli, who in the design places a dove and in the motto he chose Opus Iustitiae pax, the total need for peace in justice. In the manner of the motto presented in the prophecy of St. Malachi, which is Pastor Angelicus, the pastor who pursues peace is fully confirmed, and he is angelic (bearer of good news) since he pursues it precisely in the peace of just justice, and in its absolute human need.


By being present and alive the


only when he descended upon Roman=66 and on the All=381, it happens that in the Prophecy of San Malachi exist in the end 6 members (the 7th is God) all in the right column.


79 The last column of the prophecy is to be seen as it appears on the page, and then one notices that, in the column of explanations that are still given to two popes in relation to their names, now the third column, which shows the mottoes, is the explanation in itself. Logically speaking, the mottoes themselves are the explanation. Then it appears that, before giving the 38 definitive explanations, the first three of the 38 occupy a precise role and popes already defined, but still lacking why they had those mottoes. These three are partly signs of entities transcending the why. The two last pontiffs of the middle column, lived during the Coming of the Most Holy Trinity. The first witnessed the presence of the Paraclete in his last year of papacy (Pius XI, who died in 1939); the second, Pope Pacelli, was Pope when Father and Holy Spirit had descended barely a year before and had begun to dictate the law. .

401 days in fact indicate the entire 100+300 reality of God, in the entire presence of 1. When the value of the Holy Spirit is the 66=Romano (the ass), it runs through all 6 verses and in the unitary time given by 10/2 in days, when Pacelli is elected Pope. Crowned Pope, the unitary time in 5 is added to the whole space in 10. The Holy Spirit also commands on his ascension to heaven. In fact the 66=Roman exists in the 114 times of Roman PTR and adds to the product all the birth year 38 of Roman and is the concrete demonstration of how God commands on his Peter. With these two we have not yet reached the Good Pope, which is that John XXIII

80 who was in himself Jesus' answer to the papacy when Peter, who represented it having come to an end, asked the Lord what would become of John (in relation to the papacy). Jesus answered in verse 22 "If I want him to remain to the end, what does it matter to you? You follow me!" John wrote that word had therefore spread that this disciple whom Jesus loved would not die... and then the same evangelist, in verse XXIII, explained nicely that Jesus had not spoken of death, but had simply said: "If I want him to stay until I come, what does it matter to you?". Here John XXIII is the answer given to the Church of how he would "stay", John: "as in that number 23=XXIII" of the many John popes - once Jesus would come - John XXIII. Do you not find it extraordinary that the last of the four gospels accepted as valid by the Catholic Church ends with this question addressed by Jesus to Peter and that the Evangelist is forced to repeat the exact two times of one as if addressed by the Father and the other as if expressed by the Holy Spirit of God? Don't you think it strange this whole last chapter 21, added by John when he had already basically written everything with 20? The John that has remained (in vogue), is with this chapter added in extremis and which tells of a Peter who had even stripped himself of Christ and had involved the disciples by taking them on a real fishing expedition of fish and not of men. John has also remained valid until now because with this chapter he is describing our times, of a Peter who had undressed Christ, and then another miracle was necessary, of a second "miraculous fishing", the one made by Jesus through the mouth of PTR Romano: the victory over death and the final Judgment that saves and includes as PERFECT ALREADY - in time and space - all the divine work and without man doing anything of his own so much he cannot, where God is the ONLY CREATOR. John recounted the three letters delivered to Gloria Olivae by the newspaper IL CENTRO of Pescara, in which practically PTR Romano asked Benedict XVI for those same three times: "Do you love me, Peter?". And the anti-Christ Peter would not have even deigned to answer, so great did he feel his superiority of Pontiff towards the poor lost sheep. Well, these are the last SIX-SEVEN members, of sacred history, in the Divine Comedy which is headed by St. Malachi.


82 This is the synthesis of the Church of Rome going backwards, which instead of being born dies, and it is all in the third column. Now we shall see in a more diffuse way all the reasons which make this third column like all the third columns of the Prophecy of Malachi: the explanation of the mottoes, which is inherent in the mottoes themselves. There are motivations that are not weak and meager, but strong, multiple, and of every possible and imaginable kind, for these mottos speak for themselves, and say everything. Not with the paucity of hooks that existed in all the others. When the explanation is given through this third column, there is a wealth of references that we will just have to try to see. Wikipedia once reported - or at least tried to - the motivations for mottos. Then, lately, they decided not to do it anymore because of the discord that existed in the various assumptions. Well, in this definitive version that comes from this book, there is no misunderstanding. Everything is unambiguous and speaks for itself. We will see this especially when the Prophecy has introduced that name which before had only been transcended into that RO which refers to the Christ Chi-RO, XP. Every transcendent thing is never fully so. And in fact where the RO in PROSECITION is missing, the

initial P is drawn


the cross of Aquileia indicating XP.

Against the scarcity of indications, used for the other pontiffs, to document Peter Roman 22 words are used (as all the flow 1/3 of Romano=66) and they are 23 with the Last, that FINIS, which concerns the initial column, which begins with the XXIII pontiff named John, the “Good Pope”, since over 500 years before there was already a John XXIII, but he was not a good pope, being an antipope.



The one who is 33 years away from the Beginning is precisely No. 33, who will have the 33 years of Jesus Christ as the Father of whom is born in year 1938, and it will be the Good Father who will see the advent of the Lord who came down on a donkey. On the right you see, next to the image of the pontiff number 108 of the prophecy since ordained Father in date 10-8 , also the distance from the birth of Romano Amodeo, which is 33 years, 5 months, 2 weeks and one day. As whole years, the Roncalli ordained Father accrued the whole 33 years of Jesus Christ, necessary to truly be of him as a Father bringing him into the world. As 521 (months weeks and days) it exactly transcends the 125 ordering day, week and month and pertains to Roman's natal January 25.

85 12221 days is a palindrome number given by AMODEO × GOD × D.10 +1 12221 = 47 × 26 × 10 +1 They are also the 10,001 flow of the 10,000 reality, in 22222 which is the path of 11111 moving entirely by 11111. Therefore, as you can see, Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli had to mature all these values, and live them as his acquired presence, before as a Good Father he saw the advent of the King descending on a donkey.

86 The integer value, placed in the beginning as 20 days, indicates the total displacement in line, along 10, given by the presence along the same 10 of the basic length on which the unity of God is founded. Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli came into existence exactly 25 years after the birth on November 25, 1856 of the Father of the Holy Trinity who descended upon Roman as upon a donkey. In this he represents the Fatherhood of the same fatherhood, just as Anna represented for Jesus the motherhood of his own mother, and Anna is the 3rd name of the SS descended on Romano. St. Malachi indicated it with the motto Pastor & nauta, while when Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli was elected pope he assumed the motto of Oboedientia et pax. Nothing more appropriate! In fact, the Pastor who sails in his role, carries forward the boat of the Catholic Church in the supreme sign of Obedience to Christ and Peace in all contexts. In the mark, he chose the symbol of the lion of the Maritime Republic par excellence, Venice, of which he was appointed Patriarch. True Pastor of the great Boat of the Catholic Church, for his apostolic missions in Bulgaria, Istanbul, Paris... When the reference of the Popes concerns the coming of Father and Holy Spirit on the donkey R.A. (Romano Amodeo), and the Father who must generate him has matured all 33 years of Christ's life, then it happens that the ordained Father John XXIII, is the “Good Pope”, worthy vicar of Jesus who with his 33 years of Father, is as if he

87 gave birth to him, "provoked" him as Pope John Paul II provoked the birth of the Holy Spirit of the Truth of God, with his Encyclical Fides et Ratio. To denote how the 33 years are not a fortuitous reference, when we then look at the number of days in which Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli existed as Father, and we see that they are the beautiful palindrome number of 12221. Here then we can see that it is given by the Contribution of the numerical value of the surname Amodeo (=47) multiplied by that of the 3rd name Anna (=26, which is also that of the word God in Italian and JHVH in Hebrew, for Jahvè) and multiplied again by the other form assumed in number by God, linked to the cycle 10 which makes him the true Father of all decimal numbers. To all this product must be added 1, the general value of the Unitary presence of God. The Surname represents the value of the whole of the name and is combined with the 3rd proper name in the sign of the Unity of the name and of that so 3rd corresponding to the trinity. Number 33 as unknown, compared to the total 38, has placed at the top of it an empty space of three lines, has indicated the Triune and transcendent presence of God Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Ordained Father, he gives birth to her, as a true One Father with his 33-year-old son. He is the good Pope John XXIII having already been an Antipope appointed as such in 1410, and he was not the good one of whom it was Christ himself who predicted that he would remain until he came.. In the last of the 4 gospels recognized by the Catholic Church, Peter learned from Jesus the last fate that would befall a Vicar of Christ: as an old man, the pope would lay down his arms and another would assume his robes. It does not take much effort of imagination to realize that Jesus predicted both the arrival of Benedict XVI - who resigned as an old man - and of that other one who would have finally assumed the guise of the extreme, last Peter of the prophecy of St. Malachi. Therein lies all that extrema S.R.E. sedebit of the Prophecy of St. Malachi, which reiterates the same message of the S.R.E. arrived at its extreme limit.

88 The Church of Rome is extreme also in its Peter who came from the other world, the one in its other extremity of America, but above all for the real climax of a pope who accepted that a poor Christ who had put himself in his hands, was - because of him forced to fast even twice as much as Jesus Christ fasted! Jesus had explained to Peter that the one who would take on his garment would lead him where he did not want to go. Nothing could be truer, because Simon Peter never expected in his life that the last Peter of the Catholic Church would inflict on a poor Christ who had put himself in his hands to be left fasting for DOUBLE the number of fasting days that Jesus Christ had inflicted on Himself in the desert, before starting the whole Christian story... Now in John 23 it happens that - at that point - Peter sees John behind the two of them, and - in connection with what he has just known of the future of all Peter - asks him what will become of him, and it is obvious, of him: as for the last Peter. Jesus then gives the peremptory answer to the Papacy. It appears in verse 23, of John and deals with John 23rd. John 21:21-23 21 When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, "Lord, what about him?" 22 Jesus answered him, "If I want him to stay until I come, what does it matter to you? Just follow me. 23 So the rumour spread among the brothers that the disciple would not die. But Jesus had not told him that he would not die, but, "If I want him to stay until I come, what does it matter to you?" John - as for Peter - will be the one John XXIII who will have remained until the coming of Christ. In fact he was the worthy Father, to evoke the Holy Spirit and the Son, with his 33 years as Father and those 12221 days corresponding to the combination of God 10 with Amodeo and Anna, added to the Unity of God. The Gospel of Jesus Christ is a resounding confirmation of that until I come on January 25, 1938 in comparison to which date the 12221 days were verified. Today - for you unbelieving readers, to whom all of this seems impossible due to bias - this calculation means nothing and proves nothing!

89 It will not always be so, and in the future this will be the main proof given precisely through that disciple whom Jesus loved, and with all good reasons, since it was he who gave the decisive proof of Christ's coming on January 25, 1938. God - dear readers - is in every man the creator of the whole story of this Divine Comedy of the Universe, and the souls of the characters are all souls of God. You should give to God - your true Father - what belongs to Him. Instead you judge that your soul is your own and that - God forbid - you would never, ever allow your soul to be God's! You are poor sinners, but God is God! It is of no use that Jesus Christ taught you to call him OUR FATHER, putting his very person together with yours. To you it seems even the greatest sin to presume to be God, and not because YOU are God but because HE is YOU... It is this Satanic world that makes you judge as SINCATH the maximum aspiration of every good, placed in the divine essence. To aspire to be GOD is the maximum you can hope for in terms of good and not of sin! Only you misunderstand GOD. You cannot imagine him as the BEING who gives a part of himself to your being and in this he SERVES you the most. No! You imagine yourselves as a joke of the material world, that from the universe brought out the earth, and then from it the first primordial life, born who knows for what joke of nature that from OBJECTIVE at a certain point creates in you a SUBJECTIVE VISION. Born according to you from such misery, and at the sight of the universe, you certainly believe yourselves NOTHING, and - you come to conceive in GOD ONNOPOTENT, that TOTAL capacity to be as the ABSOLUTE at the basis of all relative existence, created by simultaneous and reciprocal values that always make their unity ZERO – If you come to conceive it, you do not come to conceive instead how the different thing, between you and the Universe, is that It - as much as it can be a lot of stuff - is not the SUBJECT that sees itself and the rest, that you instead are. God is at the base of the subjective vision of the world, and from an object - however much stuff it may be - a SUBJECT never arises.

90 You are children of the SUBJECTIVE vision of a single BEING that is and that is seen. When Moses asked God his name, that is, who he was because this is a Name: the numerical content of one's existence God answered him in this way. Not with one word, but with three, these three that you see here on the side: I am WHO I AM, (the one who, is WHO). The essence of the I AM, transliterated in the same values in Italian leads to the fact that I AM is in ELEA, where the FOUNDATION of the BEING was stated, in Philosophy. Between the two I AM, one is the SUBJECT, the other is its very foundation. It is interesting to see what corresponds to the MEDIATOR between the two distinct I AM. The value is 501. Added as a flux to the plane a lay 1 and 1, it becomes the natural number 503 which is the 96th prime number. This Ordinal ORDERS it as all the motion of reality in its 4 dimensions, when it is contained in the cycle 10 that existing in itself as 10, is worth 100. I am 10 when I am 10 I am 100. But I am also 1 and Triune in this 100 and its flow is ordered by the 96th ordinal number among all prime numbers, which brings to 503 the volume dimension and to only 501 the flow of the plane with sides 1 and 1 in it. You readers - but no one yet in the world outside of me - are not accustomed to these calculations, but the world is made by numbers, as Pythagoras claimed, and God is One and Trine since 101×103=104, while 21×23=10, the base value of 104. Therefore I AM WHO I AM is worth 21+501+21=543 which when it becomes 753 - determines the year that relates the Christmas of Christ with the Mythical Christmas of Rome. Since 753 -543 =210 we can see that three times of 70 years each are needed. When the God I AM WHO I AM exists in the cycle 10 of the value 21, equal to I AM. determines in years the distance between the two Christmases.

91 I am who I am then... a Roman exists in the essence of the living being who gives it its name and who is in the face of the virtual world built on numbers and which you do not see. After all, in Genesis 25, which has the month and day of my date, the Lord explained well how Rebecca had in her womb two nations and two peoples. The manifest one was then in the renaming of Jacob (one of the two) into Israel, the transcendent and unnamed one: the Roman. There had also been before another antipope John XXIII, whom St. Malachi reports as No. 51 "Mermaid Deer", "Cervus Sirenæ" (Baldassarre Cossa, 1410-1415, who came from the Island of the Sirens, in Procida. Only Pope John XXIII, would be the good John XXIII, and called “The Good Pope”. The other, the Sirena deer, is a good subject only when it refers to its perfect anagram indicating a Campanian R. given by Sire of NA, voice: R.. "If I will that he - John - remain until I come" is therefore said in verse 23 of John since - as the correct and Good Peter, the Good Pope - he will be John XXIII and not the other, who was not a Good Pope, but Antipope. "Pastor & nauta" is just him and for a great number of very good motivations, in part combined with his entire name of Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli, which is worth 138 in Angelo Giuseppe and 74 in Roncalli, for a total 212 that exceeds 112 by 100. Roncalli's 74 value is as much as the whole antecedent of the 74 mottos to which a motivation was given. Even though there are 75 popes and antipopes, the mottos still remain 74, even when one given by Comes signatus refers back to his companion, marked with the same name as Innocent III. (Incidentally, comes means purely companion, while one who was marked as Count referred to a comites...) The 138 value of the two first names exceeds by exactly 100 (it is the 10×10 transverse plane, placed of cut and is always cut off by the pure flow of that plane) so it dictates the flow of the 38 Holy Fathers alone without explanation yet. Roncalli turns around in I call Ron (I call Ron=41, which in Ron recalls Romano, and in 41 recalls both Rom-A. and Amo R

92 which in the latter is the proper name of the Holy Spirit according to St. Thomas Aquinas, while in the 1st is what - taken out of the way by Romano - No is . It thus leads to the 10th factor, Noah, that third son of LAMèch who is L.AM , who is Luigi Amodeo, father of the trisyllable Roma-no, Father who was born on 7-7-7 just as LAMèch was alive for 777 years. The Roncalli ordained Father, immediately refers to the Father of Romano, Luigi Amodeo, born 7-7-7 and who is L.AM, where LAMèch lived 777 years. As Adam=‫=אדם‬MDA=Amodeo and his third son is SET=777, so who is alive -7-7-7 years and is one who is L.AM who is ( Luigi Amodeo and has as a valid part of three sons given by the three syllables of Ro-ma-no, only the third, which No is), so he No is when Rome is finally brought down (according to the prophecy of St. Malachi). Roman will be recognized in Noah, just as Adam - we have seen - by the transitive property, brings him to Amodeo, already almost included in Adam=to Amod. . Here, Roncalli is an "I recall all this", like an Astronaut who from heaven is "P-astor", is astro of the P=Ro(ncalli). He is a di RO astronaut, an Angel who brings , news, and that a Giù séppe (what was true in heaven) and that he was the putative father of Jesus. Put together, the Angel Giu-séppe knew that his 138 was the rightful Vicar of the one who was born 1-38, in his total name was 381 and was called Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo. Which is the secret name of God with 42 digits like the 42 of Esau and Jacob from which we get exactly Jesus proceeding as the text says, with Jacob assuming the primacy, and his is the G, and with Esau becoming lowercase, losing the "a=1" of his primacy in the third position, and placing himself after his brother's G with his lowercase esu. They look like puzzle games, but it is the same thing that in the prophecy of St. Malachi happens to Peter and Paul, two Princes of the apostles, but Peter assumes the Primacy and grudges Paulum suum, reducing it to pulum suum.

93 Divine messages are sibylline and speak and explain by enigmas. Therefore this Holy Father is ordained 108 since he is ordained Father on 810-, and - as the number 108 is given by the 4 with respect to the total 112 - so is he in the full date expressed by 10-8-4, both the Good Shepherd of Christ, Pastor, and &, nauta among the stars. The two predecessors lived the 1st only one year while Father and Holy Spirit had descended on Roman: The second began with Roman who was 1 year old. Therefore, John XXIII became Pontiff at the ideal moment in the life of someone who is 20 years old and has the Trinity of God walking with him since It is on his body like a King when he is riding a donkey. All that remains to be seen is exactly how this astronaut deals with the stars.

The moon is new when it is between the Earth and the Sun and we do not see any illuminated part of it. It does not generate an Eclipse of the Sun not being perfectly aligned. In the 20th century it will be perfectly aligned only in 1961 with respect to those who live in Rome and are Peter. To be born as a Father, to be ordained on the day before the New Moon and to be referred to a Pastor referred to a P Astro where the true Astro is RO=P means to start the new and last time of the Church of Rome. There will really be 4 Good Popes like him: 108 John XXIII pope 109 Paul VI 110 John Paul I the little light 111 John Paul II the great light, and last of the church. But 112 is the Traitor, who betrays the encyclical and starves Jesus 112 days 113 are in two: In secutione RO - S.R.E. extreme for a Peter from America.

94 The reasons why the number 108 corresponds to John XIII are not only those related to the fact that he became Father on 10-8, of 1.904, but also from the fundamental vanity that the number 108 represents as a beginning, as a principle. Are 108 all the types of atom that exist, in the scale of elements. 1+1+8=10 and 1×1×8=8, make these two values the same expression of the parallelepiped of which 1, 1 and 8 are the sides, so 10 is their length, while the volume, given not by the sum but by the product, is 8. All the ways in which the two values occur are of primary significance. When we put them in sequence one after the other and mutate them into the number 108 we have only given one of the possible images of this primacy assigned to their complex relationship. The reciprocal value of 108 is the period of 925 which adds to 800 the 1000/8. 108 is in another way of representing it, and then it is all the unity of the flow of the area of sides 10 and 10 expressed by the existing volume as 1010. The size of the speed of light is just that, for in one second it travels 103 meters over each of the three linear components of a volume, which then brings it to 3×108 meters every second. When the two quantities are presented as 10/8, then the result of 1.25 for each of the 8 volume units shows the unity of spacetime. Its reciprocal given by 8/10=0.8 reduces it to the time of the dimension of complex space given by 23. 10×8=80 shows the whole complex of reality at dimensions 40 real and 40 imaginary. The factorial of 108, equal to 1,3246418194518289744998918371218e+174, reveals all the motion of energy given by its halving equal to 6,6232090972591448724994591856092e+173 In addition to these mathematical reasons, there are those that until now had oriented all critics to judge John XXIII Pastor and sailor since in addition to being the Good Father given by the good Pope with whom he was labeled, he came to Rome at the time of his election from Venice, a maritime city par excellence.



While Malachi named him with the motto Flos florum the motto he chose was In Nomine Domini. Nothing more corresponding! In fact with the name of Paul and in the number of the VI, he did it in the name of the Lord, born on the day 25 January in which the Catholic

97 Church celebrates the Conversion to Christ of St. Paul, and in that name If wanted also the SS come in the 1st name of Romano, with the fourth that is index of the real events, as the birth of a Name and the birth of a Value. Both born in the same 25-1-38. Paul in 38 AD and Romano Antonio Anna Paulo in 38 of the twentieth century, that of the Thousand and no longer Thousand. Recognized therefore Paul VI also in the VI names of the Lord, the motto Flos Florum should be referred to Philosopher of Philosophers. In fact, Romano Amodeo - who conquered death with epistemology - will be recognized as the true and victorious philosopher of Iesus among all past and future. Today this I (Iesus) has not yet been recognized, and therefore is obscure. But when he will be... here is that the motto of St. Malachi becomes FHILOS PHILOSFORUM, and will introduce what is already there, but divinely hidden: FHILOSF = "FHI I, Saint. FHI.", "Spirit I of the Holy One". When he was still Father and Archbishop, Montini went to Milan at Christmas to visit the Church of St. Michael and St. Rita. The angel Michael who arrives (according to Daniel's prophecy also cited by Jesus in relation to the fullness of time) represents Jesus. Saint Rita, secretly represented R. and ITA, in the same way the three true secrets of FATIMA are transcended in AM-ITA-F, in the Italian Amodeo born in FELITTO, an I with two crosses, an ITTO and before El(hoim), which in AM is I AM for the whole world speaking English while with his SON is the SON. It was a double reference to Christmas, that year, in that church and there was the wonderful nativity scene made by Pietro Romano, who was 18 years old. In the parish bulletin, on the center page, were printed on the left and in color the Visit of Cardinal Montini, and on the right the Christmas of PTR Romano. He became a Father in the year 20, Montini had been a father for 18 years until the real Christmas of 1938 of Romano, and another 18 had been added to them, so he was a Father for 36 years, which is the crowning achievement of a God who is worth 10, and which, multiplying by 36, completes the whole 360 degree angle.

98 His crowning glory was his presence, that day, in that Church where PTR Romano had created a fascinating Nativity scene, with a staircase that was built with the materials of each era and that reached all the way to heaven... Eighteen-year-old PTR Romano saw a sign there for a long time, but he did not know what sign it was: it was the Flos florum, of Saint Malachi. Even its distance from the date on which the name of Paul and Romano Amodeo was born refers to a full value. In fact, when Montini was Father for 18 years, given that SIX is the flower (of what it is worth in all the verses of space, while as a verb refers to the most important thing of all, for you, that YOU ARE ...) here then 3×6 is the flower of flowers. And the greatest among the flowers of flowers accomplished by Paul VI was to have completed the entire path as a Father, in the unity of the years, which led to his real Fatherhood of being a Father of the Holy Spirit born in 1938. These precise indications, related to the distance from this date, also lead to a perfect conformation referring to the disposition of the Moon with respect to the Sun.

99 When an eclipse of the Sun occurs it is because the body of the Moon is exactly placed in the straight direction joining the Earth and the Sun. Therefore we should have precise indications referring both to the eclipses of the Sun and to the distance between the New Moon that is born on that same day and then the Full Moon Paul VI would have had exactly these astral connotations. If John XXIII had become Father the day before the New Moon, this John Baptist Enrico Antonio Maria Montini who had VI names would have been ordained Father on the day VI +VI after the New Moon of May 18.

The 10-8 Peter (John 23rd) who had introduced the New Moon the next day, would now see this New Moon on day 10+8 of month 5. The FLOWERS were the 12 days from 18-5, and he was a FLOWER even with his VI names, for a very simple reason. The Holy Spirit and the whole Trinity of God showed up in two brothers who practically twinned on June 4, 1940 when the firstborn died and was

100 immediately resurrected, so that to no one this appeared for what it was. That evening his parents conceived that 2nd son who would truly show in his body, what was unknowable in the 1st son. Both these two brothers were similar to themselves, having 6 names one and six names the other, like Montini who also had six. Starting with the 6 names, he was the flower of the two flowers given by the twins who also had 6 names. The count of the names, in their value, is also significant.... He saw his name in Paul VI. A Peter who had the name of the Prince of the Apostles and who had always been sacrificed to the only Prince Peter then authorized as the Head. Montini understood that the only right way to be Peter, was that he was a Peter named PAUL and that - in the order of all precedents - then he was in the VI in the exact sign of his own six names. In this way the Peter Paul VI also took the fourth name of Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo, who had six names too, and from the first daughter of Romano's Alter Ego, twinned with him as he was miraculously conceived on the same June 4, 1940 in which the 2nd was conceived in the womb of his mother. In this way the Peter Paul VI also took the fourth name of Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo, who had six names too, and from the first daughter of Romano's Alter Ego, twinned with him as he was miraculously conceived on the same June 4, 1940 in which the 2nd was conceived in the womb of his mother. This second to Romano, who also had names VI, was in essence equal to the nominal value of names of Montini: 426 against the 425/1 units of Montini, which were always 426. Another motivation why this pope is Flower of Flowers, is that it is placed in his being the number 109 of popes and antipopes (always having added the antipope Innocent III that seems to be absent, but is marked very well by the motto comes signatus that indicates that the companion Innocent III is marked). In this play the values assigned to numerical cycles. 10 is the main value, the Flower, being the one on which the whole creation is based through the decimal numbers, which are all produced by the cycle 10 and therefore are all its children. As such, 10 is among all the numbers, the Flower. However, all prime numbers are also fundamental. They too are the Flowers among numbers, like that fundamental nucleus of

101 theirs given by those that do not accept to be divided by other numbers, but only by themselves or by one. When we combine these two flowers (of 10 and the primes), we have that 29 is the flower of flower 10, being the 10th prime number. When we then take the ordinal 29th as the prime number, it brings us back to the natural number 109 as the ideal flower of flowers. As the meaning of 109, there is the one related to the value 100 that runs through all the 9 units of motion that the number 1 has when it moves in the 10th. The sum of 100 and 9 is actually the product of 10100 by 109, and combines them in such a way that in the indexes the two exponents add up. In the Bible the value 109 is assigned to the name Methuselah who is among all the 10 biblical progenitors, the one who lived more than all, that is 969 years. Also for this reason, 109 is flower of flowers, since the 969 years of Methuselah=109 multiplied by two lead to the year 1,938 in which God incarnated on a Donkey. In addition to these motivations, there are also those seen by normal critics, in his coat of arms in which there is a trio of lilies, which is the flower that stands out among the flowers as the sign of his immaculacy. Therefore there are many and such motivations not the least of which is the actual number in which Paul VI appears among all the Popes and only the Popes of Rome. It is the number 262, a palindrome number endowed with many meanings, especially considering that 26 is the numerical value of the word GOD in Italian and that of Yahweh, IHVH, in Hebrew. Mathematical properties of the number 262: is an even number. is a semi-prime number. is a compound number with 4 divisors: 1, 2, 131, 262. Since the sum of its divisors (excluding the number itself) is 134 less than 261, it is a defective number. is a palindrome number in the decimal number system. is part of the Pythagorean triplet (262, 17160, 17162). is an untouchable number. it is a happy number. It is a congruent number.

102 When it becomes an ordinal, it signals the natural number 1667, which corresponds to the presence 1 of 103 (representing the trinity of God) added to the 666 assigned to the apocalyptic beast. The factorial of 262, which treats it as a Creator God, determines: 2,6191645335569892463580474725161e+521. Expressed to the tenfold dimension, God's becomes 26, the whole of God. In equal value, 521 represents the 10 cycle of the total 52 weeks of a year, added to the unit of 1. In its reverse, it is the transcendent 125 that represents in 1-25 the dates of the advent of God's Holy Spirit. Among other things: 40 = Father + 54 = Son + 96 = Spirit + 61 = Holy = 251 is the value in Gematria of Father, Son and Holy Spirit, in the meantime it is January 25. Pope 262 is also Flower of Flowers due to this his real number of real ordinal number in the papacy. As such, it is worth 1667 in Prime Number and is God “THOUSAND”, followed by ROMAN=66 in tens and by the 7 days of divine creation.



The Holy Spirit=66=Romano, who descended on 25-1-1938, has been there for 40 years, i.e. as long as the whole value 10+30 of the Unity and Trinity of God, who fixed the 10 in His image and likeness as the father of all decimal numbers with which the world is then constructed (as Pythagoras claimed). The 7 years added are in the sign of all creation and the day in the real sign of its unity of presence. By virtue of this, the 14823 days of the existence of the Holy Spirit on Romano indicate that 66 exists 224 times, and then adds up to the 39 of the presence of 1 born in 1938, and that in 39 is worth the Gematria of "TRE". Having to refer 224 to Romano, 221 is the total of all his first 4 names (Romano Antonio Anna and Paolo) so the whole space 3 must be added to it. Compared to 666, its only 1/3 flow is 222, and it becomes 224 when the unit lengths of the sides of 1 and 1 day of the transverse plane are added to the pure linear flow.

105 One cannot in any way fail to see that Roman × (3 + Romano Antonio Anna Paolo) +TRE, expresses a total dependence on the descent of the SS (Saint Spirit) on Romano. The addition of the 8 days leading up to the coronation only adds them to the 39 that become the exact 47 of Amodeo. Even the exit of life is affected by the Holy Spirit =66=Romano, which maintains the same multiplication and now adds 33 days to the 39, bringing them to 72 equal to 36+36, which are all the letters that make up this extraordinary none of the Holy Spirit of God. 72, given exactly by the product of 9×8, extends the total reality given by 23, in all the 9 displacements that the unit makes as it moves through the 10 cycle. Therefore 72 is a total motion c, added to the product between the first name of the Holy Spirit and his first 4, immediately brings Pope John Paul I into Paradise after just 33 days of Papacy which for Jesus Christ were Years of Life. In the prophecy of St. Malachi he is labeled De medietate lunae, while he, having assumed the Papacy, adopted as his motto that of Umilitas. In the middle of his coat of arms there is a beautiful dividing line placed between who was the pope who adopted the mark of the Venice of which he had been the Patriarch, John XXIII, which justifies the first name he assumed as John, In the lower part the pope decided to elaborate in his own way the lower part that had been the one of the mark of Paul VI, which I show below, and which placed three lilies instead of the three stars placed instead by John Paul I. Therefore, the De mediaetate with which Malachi began to identify the successor of Flos Florum was no longer about three lilies flower of flowers, for innocence and candour, but the humility of a Peter who while he endorsed the three that was part of one image, of that one image, he drew only half. So De medietate lunae refers to half of the one (the previous one), which now no longer portrayed three

106 flowers of the Earth, but of a celestial tern, made of stars. Since the Earth and the Moon are one, and the Moon always shows the same unique face, the uniqueness of the Earth, the flower of the Earth, from time to time is the counterpart, in Heaven, and illuminated only by a star, the flower of the Moon. If you then pay attention to the Mithras in the form of a crown, it is placed in the mark of Paul VI on the cross that stands behind the shield that defends it; well we have that the Mithras of Paul VI shows 10 round and dark bodies on yellow stripes like the light of the sun that illuminates them, placed at the top and below the cross, and it also seems that it rules by standing on top, above 10 Moons. Paying attention to the same coat of arms of those who chose the motto Umilitas, here there is always the shield, but now it is that of the two popes who were there before, of which John Paul I only humbly intends to be their mediator. In fact, behind the shield there is no cross but the same two keys made by the Lord to Peter, of Heaven and Earth. Therefore John Paul I does not presume to stand as the defender of the crowned cross of Christ. On what then is the Mithras threaded? It relates totally to the two predecessors whose mediation he humbly intends. And on the God Mithras he has chosen, there are now three orders of crowned Lilies, while there were 10 Moons in the coat of arms of Paul VI, placed under the small cross at the top and above the one behind the shield. In this way, John Paul I's humility led him to be the mediator of the moon which is one but is represented by 10 moons. He will end up being just the Pope expressed by the middle age placed between the moons and the eclipses of sun and moon.

107 The human vicissitude of Albino Luciani has represented, in the penultimate of the 4 Good Popes nominated with the Good Pope John XXIII, really the very sacrifice of the Church of Christ, whose deputy of the Son, is Holy Father only for 33 days. We begin with his 33-year life. In the creation described in the Bible, he was the little light of the Son of God, attached to the Moon. After him there will be the coming of the great light, the Sun, then the Darkness and finally the transcendent presence of God.

108 All this has happened punctually and must be observed with the eyes of those who have this faith. A questa strega, i suoi 33 giorni, di lui, Vicario di Cristo, assumono tutto il senso di sé che in se stessi hanno. To this witch, his 33 days, of him, the Vicar of Christ, take on all the sense that in themselves they have. The motto De mediætate lunæ when the moon is referred to the life of Jesus Christ, is referred to The One, not to one but to that with the determinative article which makes The One God Himself in His trinity. Now if the son is 33, Father and Holy Spirit are another 33 and 33, and the Pope becomes Dad. At this point the average age of the unity of the Father is 33, and it is also that of the one given by 33+66 which - in order to arrive at the 110 of its number - must still add to 99 all the presence 1 of the God=10. When all this changes in the motion of the sun and the moon, Albino Luciani was ordained Father right in the middle of an eclipse of the Sun and one of the Moons, and as for the moon only, right in the middle between the new moon and the full moon. This is how the Flower among flowers, assumes the precise connotation of one who stands in the middle, exactly between two records: that of that John Paul I who would come after him and who would be right in the sign of Christ, with his pontificate of exactly 33 days. Pope John XXIII was born in the sign of the year 1887 in that November 25 in which the Father of the Father of Romano having the same name Torquato Amodeo di Romano had died. Albino Luciani has to become Father, now, on the 7-7 in which Romano's Father was born. It is 933 days from the birth of Romano - alias from the conversion of St. Paul on January 25, 38 A.D. - just 933 days, which indicate the entire path of the 10×10=100 plan in the 10×10×10 of the Trinity of God who relies on the cycle 10 in the image and likeness of him and who, in this plan flows

109 exactly of the 33 days in which he will be Holy Father. Who is placed between who died on November 25, Father of the Father, and becomes Father on 7-7 in which the Father was born, is in the sign of a strange mediation placed between being born as Father on the day and month of the Father's birth and who died being the Father of the Father, that Torquato Amodeo however born on January 26 and with that is the day and month after Torquato Amodeo born as the son of his son. In the middle between the two extremes, Luciani, born Father in the month and day of the Father! In short, he, as Father, is the mediator, between the extremes of a birth the day after who as his last name is Torquato and a Torquato Amodeo who died as Roncalli was born two Fathers before! Yes, because Roncalli was born 25 years later and in the same month and day as the father of the Father with the same last name. And Luciani really wants to mediate between John XXIII and Paul VI. It is a rather tangled matter that is beautifully represented by the Moon. Eclipses of the Sun and eclipses of the Moon occur when in the first case of the solar eclipse the Moon got in the way, between the Sun and the Earth, and obscured the Sun. In the other case it is the Earth and not the Moon to put itself exactly on the same line of the two extreme bodies given by the Moon and the Sun, and the Earth overshadows the Moon and hides it totally. In these two extreme positions the Moon has placed itself, that on June 30 was in the middle, while on July 16 was extreme, and it is in this way that the Moon carries out that mediation of who was rightly in the middle and then places itself at the extreme. This is exactly what is going to happen to the Popes, who before were rightly in the middle of the divine plan and are about to place themselves at the extremes. These two positions recur almost always. In fact, the new moon is the one that is totally dark since the Sun illuminates the opposite face. When from the middle position it moves to the extreme one, then the light totally illuminates its visible face and there is the full moon. It is quite infrequent that exactly the three bodies are perfectly aligned. When it happens there are also eclipses, of Sun and Moon.

110 In the case of Luciani who becomes Father exactly in the middle between the two eclipses, we are in a truly unique and highly representative situation, especially if you think that he puts himself in the middle between Torquato Amodeo who died on November 25 and John XXIII who was born on November 25. He could not in a more obvious way have been expressed by that motto of "De mediaetate lunae". His birth as a FATHER is in the midst of the two eclipses of the Sun on June 30 and the Moon on July 16, the day he is on a full moon and eclipses! This is in the sign that his Papacy is placed at that time in the existence of the Papacy when the Moon is at its peak which precedes his eclipse. The two lights with which God had illuminated the world, the lesser light and the greater light, which would be Pope John Paul I and Pope John Paul II, are about to disappear. In fact, this is what the Bible says in book 1 called Genesis and in the chapters and verses that I am about to show you.

Genesis 1:16

God made the two great lights, the greater light to regulate the day and the lesser light to regulate the night, and the stars. Another motivation for De mediætale lunæ as 110 lies in the intrinsic value of 110, a unit placed in relation not to the moon but to the one. The average age of the number 1, Christ, is 33 years which is half of the Unity constituted with Father and Holy Spirit, 33 and 33.



John Paul II was elected pope when the Holy Spirit descended on Romano PTR had reached the full value, in years, given by the 10+30 days indicating the Unity in the Trinity of God resting on the 10. The 14880 days are as much as the existence of 225 times of the 66=Romano, where 225 days are in 220 the whole cycle 10 multiplied by the flow 1/3 of the 66=Romano; to the product is added the whole time given by the 10/2. The extra six days for the installation as Pope brings the whole time of the 24 hours that existed before, to the cycle of

three numbers 10. Even the entrance into heaven, death, is totally governed by the Holy Spirit = 66=Romano, since it is multiplied by that 371.8 which is given by the area having side 13 which is multiplied by the flow 2.2, which is that of 1.1 in full displacement. The length of the two sides is 28=God (in the Italian Cabbalas and in the Hebrew Cabbalas of the name "Yahweh"), while 2,2 is 66/30, so Anna=26, third name of the Holy Spirit, and the first of Romano=66, which divides by 10x3.

113 He then has to add the time of the tenths of the Father and the Holy Spirit, divided by 10. The 67 years are the energy 66=HS present in one year of total energy motion. Karol Joseph Wojtyla's life and events are really like the work of the Sun, starting with his birth during a partial solar eclipse in the southern hemisphere of the Earth. When he became Father, it was 22 days before the solar eclipse of November 23rd. Eclipse of the Sun Eclipse of the MoonWhen he was elected Pope, it was 14 days after the solar eclipse of October 2. When he left this world, it was 6 days before the solar eclipse of April 8, 2005. In all four salient moments of his life, Earth, Moon and Sun were exactly on the same line when he was born, 6 days apart when he died; as if - to reach death on the exact day of the eclipse, all the divine and invisible work was interposed, given by a plane with 3 days in one side and 3 in the transverse one. This plane exists, but it is placed transversally to the real flow.

114 That - in reality makes it invisible. In essence, this corresponds to that "descent into Hell" that precedes every ascent to heaven. This conceived, Wojtyla ascended into heaven on the day of the eclipse. In relation to the difference from the exact day of when he was Father, the 22 days are a sign of all the flow 1/3 of the whole energy in the value 66, Kabbalistic, assignable to the Romano name of the Holy Trinity, for which he is Father, in the sign of all the flow relative to the Holy Spirit. The 14 days after the eclipse in which he was Pope, are - like the 6 after his real death - the sign of the whole plan of the work (the Fides et Ratio) implying 7 days in one side, and 7 in the other, of the transversal plan to the flow. This time, too, therefore lies in the invisible descent into Hell which precedes his entire work by 14 days. Since we are dealing with the Encyclical Fides et Ratio, published on 14-998, it is interesting to see also the astral phase

115 concerning that day. It was the day on which the Catholic Church celebrated the Holy Exaltation of the Holy Cross, and Pope John Paul II wanted to publish it on that day. It was 23 days after the solar eclipse of August 22, 1998. The number 23 is in the tens the 1st n. first, and is. in the unit, the 2nd, so it is the index unitary unification. In fact 2 elevated to 3 units in 8 the complex of the binary reality, and the index 23 (based on the cycle 10 of all decimal numbers) with 6×1023 unites every molecule. The reality 1023 is given by 10×(1066)1/3 and expresses, at the integer size 10, all the flow 1/3 of the energy at index 66, equal in gematria to the name of Romano, of the SS. The Encyclical has actually launched only one philosopher, in an attempt to give it implementation, and it was Pietro Romano. The solar eclipse of August 22 came -23 days after the exaltation of the cross suffered by Romano. Also significant are the 8 days after the September 6 Eclipse of the Moon. The Moon enters into Eclipse when it is the Earth that interposes itself between the perfect alignment between the Moon and the Sun, so much so that the Earth covers it with its shadow and subtracts the light of the Sun. 8 days are in the sign of the whole of reality, given by 4 real days and other 4 in their inverse, which are called imaginary. These are precisely those combined by the same numbers 23 that gave rise to the Encyclical. All this calculation confirms what we wanted to ascertain: The De labore solis defined in the prophecy of St. Malachi concerns precisely the Work of the Encyclical letter Fides et Ratio, in which the Holy Pope John Paul II caused precisely the descent of the Holy Spirit Paraclete on the only philosopher judged a who then really found the exaltation of his holy cross: Romano. In the prophecy, Wion's text - when it reaches page 311 of his book Lignum vitæ in its liber secundus - has the explanations given always in the right column; when, however, the explanations are too long. they also invade the middle column. The scheme, on this page, does not change and the explanation always remains on the right. After the first one in the right-hand column, which comes after three blank lines (and therefore after a transcendent Trinity) the explanation begins again with number 33 of the 38 unknowns... but

116 33 is not unknown at all, since it is Christ. And we have seen that John XXIII had been a father for 33 years when he came into the world Romano. This while his number 108, in the names, referred precisely to a man who became a Father on 10-8. Since in the number 108 the 112 (of the mottoes) -4, he was also made Father in the year 4 of the 19th century, indicated by the 19th name in the middle column, indicating the century, to which all those in the right column refer. The next pope also went along with the birth of Roman. Flor florum when we place the flower in the number 4 of the Unity and Trinity of God in years, is presented as the flower of flowers, when they are the two given by 4 years +4 years. With these number 108 and number 109 is completed what in 117 - if we refer it to the Factors of the Bible, are the names given to the first three, in the numerical value of their names: Adam=30 +SET=40 +ENOS=47 are equal exactly to 117, and this trinity is made complete, with 108 and 109. In fact De medietate lunæ appears when the King has already descended from exactly 933 days, on the donkey to enter his Jerusalem. What is this number? The Lord is worth the 1,000 given by 103. The unitary presence is given by 1, the one who has it is Romano=66, so his unitary presence is 1+66=67. Put all this into the unity of the Triune God given by the cube of 10, and with 1,000 -67 = 933 you have exactly the entire path of the 1 presence of Romano=66 that exists in God. When John Paul I, who became Father 933 days after the birth of Romano (and The King is upon him), this pope, who in his maximum plan in advancement of 100 (the 102 plan) advances in 1,000 of his good 900 concerning him, lives as Holy Father only the other 33 days drawn from that 933, of the life of the Holy Spirit Paraclete. Consequently, the De labore solis, begins to do the Father on 111-46 when the Holy Spirit Paraclete was already on earth from the 3,202 days that indicate well something! If we base ourselves on the 66=Romano it takes us exactly in the number of 48,51 periodic. Wanting to give holy numbers to the whole 48, it is the exact value of the name Jesus, while the eternal period of 51 concerns the name PAOLO. In short (3) Romano×Gesù (in Italian) in

117 Paolo's eternal time. This exists of the Paraclete Holy Spirit, who descended upon Romano, when Wojtyla was ordained Father! He was Pope when the Holy Spirit had already existed for 40 years; 8 months; 3 weeks corresponding to 14,874 days. Divided by Romano's 66 determines the number of 225,363636363636... times. This number, searched in the names of Romano, is worth 221 in Romano Antonio Anna Paolo (the reality of the first 4) which becomes 225 adding the pure 4 of the Unity and Trinity of God. The periodic 36 is given by the value 36 of all the letters present in all the names of Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo. 225 is equal exactly to the 15×15 that considers in 15+15 the sides of the area 225, and that in its length is 30, the Trinity 10+10+10 of God in the image of the 10 father of all decimal numbers. Therefore the exact days that the Holy Spirit had at the appointment of Pope John Paul II, which are a 14,874 which is not a round number, turns out instead round and how many exact times the Holy Spirit 66=Roman exists in the number of days. It is multiplied by the area of the unit reality of space-time given by 15 days, 10 plus time ½ of 10. At the death of this Pope, the Holy Spirit 66=Roman had existed for 24,539 days. So how many times 66? We calculate. 24539 : 66 = 371.803030, a number given by 3718/10 +1/330. Clearly we see that the periodic time given by 1/330 the form in which the cycle 10 of the 33 years of Christ, are placed as denominator of the unitary reality. More difficult is to understand 3718 if we do not refer it to 3800 where it exists as 3800 -82. This indicates that 80+1+1 is the whole complex of reality given by 40+40, as a flow, of the unitary area of side 1 and 1. In short, there is the linear expression of the whole volume of reality that exists in 100 quantities of 38 which

118 is the number of the unknown in the prophecy of St. Malachi. When multiplied by 100, the flow 38 is multiplied by the area having on its side the 10 which represents the God Father of all numbers. In short, when the Holy Spirit Paraclete 66=Roman exists for these 24,539 days, the Holy Father John Paul II has accomplished all his possible work. Calculations are no joke. Once again, the number that you divide by 66 and becomes this, is not a round number, but a 24,539 that has all different numbers, but also has considerable value in itself.. The total presence is 25,000 and this number indicates how many times the 461, which is the unit of Who became Father in the year 46, moves into this total presence. The 89th prime number is worth exactly 461. The ordinals, of the prime numbers, really ORDINATE. Placed unitary the 100, the presence 1 of God 10, is worth in 11 as much as 66/6, Present the 11 in the 100 moves in all of 89, and when it is an ORDINAL 89 as the 89th prime number, then it is this 461. It is the ten 10, which exists in time 1, and in the area 100 and ORDERS through the ordinals of the prime numbers. It ORDERS that the Holy Father John Paul II can leave this vale of tears, having done all the part that the Holy Spirit Paraclete ordered him to do, having existed for 24,539 days on earth. To avoid the suspicion that I am manipulating the facts I have shown you the calculation made by the computer on the distance of days that exists from the advent of the Holy Paraclete Spirit on me donkey, until the death of Pope John Paul II. Below, here is the calculation of the 3,202 that the Holy Spirit Paraclete had on me, and named Father the Wojtyla when his 66 existed for 48.515151... since 66×48,515151... = 3.202.

119 Here it shows the same value from the whole One and Trine complex, which is worth 4 times 800 and adds up to the 1 and 1-sided area flowing by 3200 All the days of John Paul II's papacy were governed by the value 66 of the Holy Spirit descending on the name Roman=66, which is multiplied by the squared value of his first letter RR, thus 16x16=256, and which is added to the value 61 of the Italian word "SANTO", which is worth 61, added to the 2 persons of God the Father and the Holy Spirit. Italian is the only perfect language in modern times, as perfect as the Hebrew language is in the Gematria of that time. In fact the three words in Italian of "PADRE"=40, "FIGLIO"=54, "SPIRITO"=96 and "SANTO=61 form, in their sum: 40+54+96+61=251, which is the presence 1 of that 10 cubed which is worth 1000 and which in its presence 1/4 is worth 250. The 16 squared, i.e. “R” squared, is worth 256 as 16x16, and it is the Unity of "PADRE, FIGLIO "E SPIRITO SANTO" were "E"=5, so that 251+5=256 are literally what in the Italian language corresponds to FATHER SON & HOLY SPIRIT. With the last Holy Father, that Great Light of the Sun is extinguished and with it the Light of the Vicars of Christ. With Wojtyla becoming Father, we have the same thing that began with Peter No. 108 who became Father on 10.8. No. 111 became Father on 1.11 (all saints), as the sun works When Wojtyla was ordained Father, Peter Roman had already been born for 8 years. 8 years is the whole complex of reality in its 4 real and 4 imaginary, with reference to the years.

120 Thus we have verified that the Holy Fathers: 108 "Pastor et nauta" was made Father on 10-8, the day before the New Moon; 109 "Flos florum", was made Father in the VI+Vi days from Eclipse of the Sun and New Moon; 110 "De mediætate lunæ" was made Father 7 days after Eclipse of the Sun and New Moon; 111 "De labore Solis" was made Father on the 11th day of All Saints. And they were called: 108 John XXIII, 109 Paul VI, 110 John Paul I, who was the Little Light of the Moon, and 11 John Paul II who was the Great Light of the Sun. There are four of them and they range from 108 who was made a priest on 10.8 to 111 who was made a Father on 11.1. These last 4 popes will be in their papacy all the useful movement of the Sun. This calculation starts from the day Pope John XIII begins his pontificate and ends with the death of Pope John Paul II. The Sun's work, given by days, measures 16,958 days of pontificate. Where it is 7 all the motion given by the 7th prime number, which is the natural number 17, and it is 1,000 all the volume of the God who makes use of the cycle 10 in his image and likeness, all creation in days concerns 17,000. The work, which lasts 7 days and in which the work is six, combines them in the product which is equal to 42. Therefore, when we have 42 days that exist in all 17,000 and occupy 42 days of presence in them, their total motion is given by the difference of 17,000 minus 42, which is equal exactly to all the days in which, beginning with the number 108 that became Father on 10.8 to the end of No. 111 that became Father on 11.1, these days of papacy concluded the whole motion of God's Creation. Excluded is number 112, "Gloria Olivae" since that was the glory of Judas' betrayal done with a Kiss given to Jesus in the Garden of Olives.



Also in the election of Ratzinger as Pope, the value 66 of the Holy Spirit descended on Romano=66, who orders everything by means of the numbers of 67, given by the entire presence 1 of 66, was respected. The number of 24556 days du commanded by the Holy Spirit 66 who acted 372 times, plus 4. The meaning of 372 lies in the plane having in its two sides the 150 which is the integer value of space-time given by 100 +100/2. To it is added the flow 72 of this plane, flow given by 8x9, that is to say by the whole complex 2 (of Father and Holy Spirit invoked at its Trinity), which advances in all the unitary motions of 9 into 10. To this product should be added all the Unity and Trinity 1+3 given also by that of the whole of space-time.

123 The extra 5 days for his coronation all added up to 4, and became the 9 of the total motion of 1 in 10. His resignation also had the SS=66=Roman as promoter. Given by the 415 times 66 acted, added to the 38 value of God's annual genesis, descended on a donkey. And here, the 415 moves all divine One and Trine reality into 400, of the 15 unit value in space-time line given by 10 plus 10/2. While St. Malachi labeled it with Gloria olivae, that of Judas' betrayal in the Garden of Olives, manifested through an apparent gesture of love similar to his kiss, Ratzinger chose the motto of Cooperatores veritatis which also befits Judas' behaviour. The Iscariot did not share Jesus' intentions of not confronting the Sanhedrin in a confrontation. He understood that the truth of the dangers they all faced from the Sanhedrin lay in the fact that the parties on the field did not cooperate to affirm the truth. It was a foregone conclusion for Judas that in an open confrontation, Jesus would make clear to the Sanhedrin members as well what he understood well: that Jesus was who the apostles believed him to be: a privileged son of God. So, when he went to the Sanhedrin to propose this meeting, he found the High Priests so willing that they offered him as much as 30 pieces of money to facilitate the meeting. Judas didn't think it was true. And when he went to the Garden of Olives and came to Jesus and kissed Him, he was triumphant! He was cooperating as best he could to ascertain the truth. When he bitterly realized that the truth that had been ascertained lay in their firm intention to kill him, besides being surprised and bitter about it Judas did not want to live anymore, having seen where his intent as a co-operator of the Truth had led him. Even the truth that Ratzinger finally ascertained, after he became Holy Father, was of the real difficulty to mature the truth among men, especially when there are insuperable prejudices that would require the use not of a discussion but of a decisive and exclusive intervention, which would eliminate the problem at the root. The Truth that Benedict XVI arrived at was that what was needed was the grit and freshness and leadership ability of someone who has it, and not what he has, which by now belongs to an old man. So he acted against himself as the High Priests had acted against Jesus.

124 He had to find at least this: the strength to pass the hand. It seemed to him that in this way he was collaborating in bringing the truth to light. And in fact the truth came to light that Jesus himself had foretold in verse 18 of chapter 21 of John's Gospel: that he would stretch out his arms as an old man and another would clothe his garments. He did not pay much attention to the final part of the prediction: that the other would take him where he did not want to go. In short, it would have happened just as in the case of Judas, that the interlocutor, the Sanhedrin would have led him to be that traitor of Jesus that he did not intend to be. He did not pay much attention since Pope Benedict XVI never saw or recognized himself in what the Gospel of John told. That he himself would receive three questions from a lost sheep who asked him if he loved her. The three letters sent to him by the newspaper IL CENTRO in Pescara were exactly what was written in that gospel. But he - not recognizing in those three letters the three questions addressed to him by Christ, through a poor Christ - would not have paid any attention to them. That lost sheep, as he signed those letters, was not what he pretended to be! He was one who used the gospel of Christ as a tool to convince him! The Pope! The gospel of Christ and his commandments are not to be used as a fraternal correction made to those who do not misbehave. This is also fine for one who is your brother and not when you address a Pope in this way! Do you know WHO THE POPE IS? Jesus gave him the task to bind and loose on earth, and whatever he does on earth, it will also be done in heaven! Enormous is the RESPONSIBILITY assigned to the pope, to force the same heaven to keep up with his decisions! And also in this the Cooperator of the Truth showed all his duplicity, extraordinary in a Pontiff who then had the idea of being a great expert in theology. In fact, he should have known that Peter had that investiture because he answered a question asked of him ("who do you say that I am?") that he was "the Son of God". Was this really true? No - really - it was not true! He had really been born of Mary and Joseph was thought by all to be his father. Peter "overreacted", seeing in Jesus what was imaginary, Divine, and not what was real. Jesus answered him: "This, dear Peter, you did not tell yourself, but it was my Father who put it in your head. That is why you, here on earth, show that you see what is true in heaven and does not really appear so on earth.

125 This is why I implore you and entrust my Church to you: because you possess the gift that the Heavenly Father gave you, to fix on earth those truths that exist in heaven!"-. The great Theologian Ratzinger had understood the opposite! And when he found himself in front of him, as Secretary of State, a petition written by 4 priests and 460 people asking for humanity from Pope John Paul II, who - in Ratzinger's ideas was losing his way because of his old age and illness - he was careful not to bring him that Petition and did the dirty work for him: hid the letter to him and in connection with which Romano Amodeo had put himself in the hands of the Pope and demanded to be listened to him by blackmailing him with the obligations imposed on him by Jesus, decided in his place, and got the problem out of the way, behaving as a true (in his mind) Cooperator of the Truth. The truth did not belong to that lost sheep who put herself in the shoes of a poor Christ as if she were Christ! She was just someone who counted for nothing: neither him, neither the 4 priests, neither the 460 people who had signed that petition! The truth was only his one! Here, Benedict XVI found himself in the same conditions as the first Peter, but he behaved in the opposite way, because for him the Truth to be ascertained was the Real one and not the one of the imagination that leads you to believe that the hunger you accept that a poor Christ suffers, who put himself in your hands suffers is the hunger of Christ himself... as it is written in Matthew's Gospel in chapter 25, that from verse 31 going on tells how the son of man will behave at his return. Pope Benedict XVI put before his distorted ideas even to this gospel and to the Truth that was written for good and was not a debatable factor. But he, who was a Cooperator of the Truth, believed that the truth was the fruit of the reflections matured by men who sought it, cooperating as he did and so extraining it by the truths believed by their persons. Here, then, between Gloria Olivae and Cooperatores Veritatis, the Judaic betrayal of those who cooperate by seeking the truth in their own intelligence and in real facts is consolidated, whereas the Truth, instead, is never the fruit of cooperation between those who seek it and find it by their own means. The Truth exists in itself and is in the Holy Spirit of Truth who communicates itself preferably through the poor of the Spirit and not all the Wise Doctors of the Faith.

126 Who in the course of 2,000 years of cooperation have in the end managed to mutate the transcendent gospel of Christ into a sort of Galateum of Persons for Good and realistically attentive only to this world! The other? They never talk about it every more, as if they were ashamed to bring up something they don't even know what it is anymore, after 2,000 years of the Catholic Truth Cooperators. Being finished on the third column of the explanations the number one given by the Good Pope and then the other THREE that always form the Unity and Trinity of God, and having taken out of the way the small light and then the big light, in this upside-down creation comes in the end the hour of DARKNESS. Pope Benedict XVI impersonates the DARKNESS of the Catholic Church. It is also the dark hour of Jesus Christ, of the one who lives in the Garden of Olives, in the foreknowledge of the sufferings he is about to face. "Father, if it is possible, take this cup away from me... but not MY will, YOUR will be done." And God's will is that there is always a contrary Bastian who thinks that himself knows all better than everyone and reveals extreme duplicity in his Faith. For Jesus, in the Garden of Olives, that GLORY of Betrayal imposed by God on one of his souls, was what happened to Judas Iscariot. Christ apostrophized him, "With a kiss, do you betray the Son of Man?" Ratzinger operated in the exact same way, with duplicity of thought. He knew well what Jesus thought about it, but the situation was too intricate in the Church and it took one who had the vigour that he no longer recognized in himself. He had to "overcome" the human choice made of him as Peter, and act with the GLORY of his well conceived (but wrongly and only by himself) "modesty", and be as modesty as Jesus had been when he entered Jerusalem on a donkey, and the church celebrates that day by exchanging the blessed olive tree! He called himself Benedict with the very thought of the Glory of that Blessed Olive Tree in mind! He would have done - with humility - not like Jesus who assumed his task, but like the one who renounced it.

127 Benedict XVI, guided by his human logic and in search of truth with his weapons of the intelligence - and not of obedience to the Gospel of Christ - would have acted contrary to Christ, as if on the Day of Olives, Jesus had sent to the cross in Jerusalem, another! So he went against, boycotting the Fides et Ratio of his predecessor, who - for Ratzinger - in his poor old age had started writing the unsense think about FAITH AND REASON that they had to cooperate! As a convinced Fideist, human Reason, in Ratzinger way of believing - it is certain! - leads to Satan... and this has always been known in the history of the Church of Peter. And then contradiction of contradictions - the Cardinal when was set Pope used his own power in opposition to what Jesus wanted him to do: to take care of his sheep! He gave him that task three times because one day, while he was on an RA (Romano Amodeo) in Pescara, he would send him, through the newspaper IL CENTRO, those three letters of the lost sheep, with His basic question: "Peter, do you love me?" repeated three times. The Pope would then have come to such a DARKNESS of faith, as to leave fasting for another 55 days that poor creature that he had already starved for 57, in 99, arriving at the total of 112 days, so as to be finally the traitor listed at number 112, just for this suffering really imposed on Christ, having done it to one of his insignificant sheep. From what was so much DARKNESS born? From having taken total distance from God by judging that the Most High is in Heaven and we here on earth are poor sinners who must try not to end up in Hell! With all the Communions with Christ that Benedict XVI has had with Him, what has he really taken from communing with Him? NOTHING! He has remained himself; forgiven but only himself! He believes that he DID NOT really receive from Him - and to share - HIS ESSENCE as the Son of God instead. With all his Communions, Benedict XVI has married himself to Him, but in that form of a regime of SEPARATION of property which is exactly the opposite of COMMUNION. 112 "Gloria Olivae" had the glory of the 112 days in which he starved Jesus, inflicting it on a lost sheep that had surrendered itself, to him Vicar of Christ, as to that Good Shepherd that instead - in him was no more, having begun that final darkness of the Faith that would lead to the demolition of the legal and religious State of the Seventh Hill: the Vatican.

128 By starving Roman, which in its third and final syllable No is, Benedict XVI would have caused the end of Rome too, the first two syllables of Ro-mano. He became Father on June 29, 1951, in the sign of the Martyrdom of Peter and Paul celebrated that day, 5 days from the New Moon of July 4, and 8 from the 7-7 in which

Romano's Father was born. This period of 4903 days, referring to the 66 of the Holy Spirit descending on Roman=66, is given by 66 multiplied by 100 minus 26; this where 100 is the 10x10 plane given by the God who rests on the 10 of mathematics as the Father of all decimal numbers and who in the 10 is the Holy Spirit of Unity. Its tenfold value, 100, is His Father (of the Spirit of Truth). When from 100 is subtracted the 26 that signifies God, I remain a godless plane. Then 66 (the Holy Spirit) multiplied by the Godless Plan, i.e. by 100 -26=74, which subverts 47=Amodeo) leads to the palindrome 4884 where Jesus=48 (in Italian) exists x100, but is multiplied by 84, the ANTICHRIST. To arrive at being 4903, it remains only for Ono to exist in a 10=God advancing by a 10=God, i.e. by 20-1=19. It will lead to the death of Peter's Papacy, since he will put himself in the shoes predicted by Jesus Christ, in verse 18 of John's Gospel, of the "Peter of old age, who would have stretched out his arms and given another his clothes, thus going where he did not want to go". The entire period of his pontificate is also a whole time and calculated in the same way. The 4×7 product identifies the 28 days of February that are contained in the 2900 given by the 29 which is the 10th prime number and which is multiplied by all 100 days given by the 10×10 plan. In the total of 2900, the 28 move by what is given by 2900 28 and that is in those 2872 that you see verified by the calculator.

129 The entire period of the papacy, of Benedict XVI, lasted 2872 days, which - referring to the value 66 of H.S. on Romano=66 - reveals in an extraordinary way how this period is all about the life of 33 years, of Christ. For 66 must be multiplied by the sum - to the 33 years of the Son - of the value 10 of the Father of the Holy Spirit Unit 1. 66 x 43 gives 2838 days, which - in order to arrive at 2872 - must be added to the presence 1 (in the H.S) of the 33 years lived by Jesus, i.e. to 34. If we add the 2872 days of betrayal to the 16958, glorious days of the Catholic Church, of the “1+3 Good Popes” (from the election of John XXIII to the death of John Paul II) we have: 16958 +2872 = 19830, that is equal to the 10 times the 'year 1983, that of the death of R.A.'s holy, natural Father Luigi Amodeo, born in Milano on 7-7-7 of XX Century!!! "Particular Holy Year of the Holy Spirit", the 1983! Which was decreed as such by John Paul II! Multiplied by that number 10 (that God has placed in the image and likeness of his creation of the world by means of decimal numbers), as it led to the end of L.AM (who is the Father of Ro-ma-no - while LAMèch was the father of Noah -) so it would have led to the end of the Pope of Ro-ma... by having cut away the end no of Roma no. I, my Father and the Pope have been included in the same design, so that if I was born in the year 38, my Father died in 83, and the role of the Pope with Benedict XVI (the Antichrist) ceases - it dies! - when it became of 1983 tens of days since the unknown No. 33 (John XXIII) was born as my Holy Father. But at this point you have to go to that glorious and divine time characterized by chapter 26 and verse 26 of Matthews, when Jesus said this that so it is written in the gospel:

130 Matthew 26:26 Now while they were eating, Jesus took the Bread, and when he had pronounced the blessing, he broke it and gave it to the disciples, saying: “Take and eat, this is my body!”. To show you how much truth there is in Matthew and in the Italian & Hebrew Gematria, which assigns to God the value 26 both in Italian DIO and in Hebrew to the name JHVH of Yahweh, here is that in chapter 26 and verse 26 Jesus offers his body, and it all happens in the sign of God! Moreover, in chapter 24 (where Jesus speaks to the 12 children of Israel and his 12 apostles), in verses from 15 to 17 (where the average value is that of Benedict 16), here is what is written: Matthew 24:15-17 15 When therefore you see the abomination of desolation, of which Daniel the prophet spoke, standing in the holy place whoever reads understands - 16 then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains, 17 and let those who are on the terrace not go down to get their household goods, In verse 15 Jesus recalls the abomination of desolation that the prophet Daniel had spoken of being in the holy place and there is the extraordinary recommendation of "whoever reads understands!" What there is to be understood? the (Benedict) 16 advice to flee to the mountains those who are in Judea... (or those who are in the Judah’s person?). At that juncture there is no time to waste. There is only the necessity of the time to understand all that is written here, beginning with what the prophet Daniel said about it! What book will need to be consulted, since this is addressing the chapter 24? It's to be understood that there is "in the middle" the chapter 24 (so 24/2=12). There is "in its middle" the chapter 12 of the book of Daniel is involved, the one that tells what happens at the arrival of the Angel Michael, who saves his people after an assault on Israel without similar precedents...

131 And we must think about the Holocaust and the infamous Racial Laws issued also in Italy in 1938 in which the Father arrives in Italy on an ass and then - on June 4, 1940 - He who is called the Angel Michael (but is Jesus), returns on the same donkey... and the Duce orders The World Massacre of the Italian Innocents just 6 days later! We must ask ourselves what is this abomination of desolation that the prophet wrote about... and then perhaps we understand that the greatest desolation comes when one really betrays you thinking that he does so because he loves you and kisses you, in the Garden of Olives, to prove it to you. Or who resigns as Pope thinking that he does it because he loves you and wants to help you... and so he goes far away !!! (see this book on


Prophecy of Daniel and... Summary of Daniel 12: The Great Prince will come. (omissis) Question: "When will these things be accomplished?" Answer: "Between a time, times and half a time. (omissis) Now from the time when the daily sacrifice will be abolished and the abomination of desolation will be erected, there will be 1290 days. Blessed is the one who waits patiently and reaches 1335 days. It starts from the time when is abolished the daily sacrifice of a “Good Shepherd”... of a "Papa Buono", a “Good Father”, and a “New Judas” becomes the Pope! It starts from year 2005 when Benedict XVI, as pope, ceased to feed the sheep of Jesus, expressly disregarding a little sheep (Romano Amodeo): just that who had placed its food entirely in his hands, as the little sheep described by the Gospel. Here then are the numbers that are cited in the prophecy, and totally enlarged starting from days and becoming it unities in years. +1290 years is “1 time” +1335 years is “1 time” + 1 year get TIMES (plural), put in the middle, are: =2626 years. And what on earth is this 2626? We saw it earlier, in Matthew 26:26: it is the body of Christ being offered as a sacrifice! Now let's start with the year 2005 in which this Benedict 16 starved a sheep, and add to it these TIMES of the years 2626 communicated to Daniel. 2005+ 2626= 4631 A.D., the date of the end of the world, equal to all the numbers that correspond to the 1st verse of the Bible, made up of 28 letters (those of Benedict XVI's betrayal), in a total of 7 words. Since the advent of Benedict XVI, Daniel's prophecy leads to the end of the world!


... the End of the World

The Bible, in book 1. chapter 1, and verse 1 (so the unity of 111) defines everything. Above you see the 28 letters written in the 7 words that famously indicate in the number 7 the whole work of God. The total, as you see, with 4631 indicates all the time of the rotation in years, which is the unit of the rotation cycle of the Earth. It starts from all that this Sacred Book has placed in the Beginning and as a numerical value: in that of the 28 letters of the first verse, enclosed in 7 words and that you see above. 4631 years after Christ, when you take out of the way the 2005 in which the expected Antichrist showed up, with the calculation given by: 4631 minus 2005 = 2626 shows in place all the intervention of God, when it is placed in the worth of "DIO" and of the 3rd name Anna (of Peter Roman named Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato AMODEO) and when it is multiplied by the numerical value 101 of Romano's real father, which, being Luigi Amodeo, is 54+47=101. 26×101=2626 years But also 4631 is composed through the values of the Holy Spirit descended on the Romano equal 66. When to 66 we add as integer values 1 & 1 (for the two other God persons), it brings to 2 68. And it happens that 68 +7 = 4631. The 7 added to the Plan consisting of 2 (Father and Son) and 66=Holy Spirit on Romano=66, is God's creation in 7 days, which here are worth in years. The Bible allows us to find out what day the Earth will turn over in 24 hours: it is the second month, in the 17th of the month, of when Noah had 600 days.

134 Since this 600 is expressed in minutes seconds by the cycle of 10 primes, when they exist entirely in the value in gematria of the 1st and 2nd name of God (which in Romano Antonio is 144), then are 144 tens of primes (exactly those of a solar day). There are to obtain the 600 Noah years through the 1st and 2nd name of God (the 144 of Romano Antonio) existing in the tens. One ten of prime minutes are 600 seconds, and the time in which the 2nd was born as twin of Romano Antonio has been in the second month and the 17th of the month. So on February 17, 4631 AD there will be the End of the World! (but only of that world that we now know: after it’ll be all different). At this point you can well understand what Matthew wrote in chapter 24 about the words of Jesus, which were: "When therefore you see the abomination of desolation, of which the prophet Daniel spoke, to be in the holy place - let him who reads understand – 16 (Judas in Benedict 16!) then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains...". It is understood that the holy place of which he spoke was the Vatican, where the Holy Father stood. And it is understood that those who were in Judea ... were “three Judas” embodied in the “one Benedict XVI person”: He betrays 1st by resigning; 2nd by violating twice point 56 of the encyclical Fides et Ratio; and 3rd by starving Jesus for 112 days through one of his perches. And one understands that the abomination of desolation lied in the betrayal of those who truly betray you but believe instead that they are acting in that precise way only out of love. Then what is commonly understood as "your arms fall off..." happens. Your arms really do fall off when a Peter who loves you betrays you thinking that he is not doing so, or - rather - is giving you an immense sign of love! It is the love of someone who loves you and then goes away from you because he believes that another person who is better and more capable can give you more help than you can give him who loves him. It is the very abomination of desolation in a holy place of which the Prophet Daniel spoke! Then - says Jesus - there is no longer the time or the way to do anything. (The world will turn upside down in one day).



136 RA's birth relative to the lunar position shows January 25, 38 on the 9th day after the Full Moon, which is 6 days away from the New. This New Moon indicates a position where it is between the Earth and the Sun, and does not give the solar eclipse only by a slight off-axis. These 6 fewer days are similar to the 6 days of Jesus' Christmas compared to the fullness of the year: a necessary introduction. The exact reference should be made with respect to the only solar eclipse of the 20th century, which occurred on February 15, 1961 (2 days less than the exact 20 years from the birth of the 2nd, the brother, to the 1st, R.A.). The distance of 8422 days shows 127 cycles of 66 days +40. In 127 (=1/3 of 381, the worth of all the 6 Romano’s names) are the unit flow of 27=3 raised to 3, plus the area of 10 raised to 2; the sum of another 40 adds the unity and trinity of the total cycle given by the ten days plus the 30. When we place the beginning from which to count a year, adding 1 degree each day leads to the exact year in 360 days, which however belongs to the spherical system, whose constraint is 7. On the 3 dimensions of the twentieth century in Italy, the place where the general reference system was placed. In fact 8422 days indicate a model given by an area with sides

137 4200 and 4200 whose unit flow is 66/3=22. The completion from the center of the space-time reference of the unity of motion leads perfectly to that one eclipse. 42 is the 6×7, which combines the two cubic and spherical models. Now if we consider this perfectly unit time to be doubled, from the eclipse on, we should double 8422 and have 16844 days. Well 16567 days after 25 January 38, it was June 5 1983 when R.A.'s Dad died and the difference is given only by the 277 missing days indicating the perfect unitary dynamic model of an area with sides 100 & 100 whose flow 77 affects the spherical flow of the presence 1 of cycle 10, which exists for the 7 times of the spherical constraint. Since this indicates purely the unity of the dynamical system, the addition to the date of the total eclipse in Italy of the days that led to the death of R.A.'s father detracts from 8422 all the unitary motion, which instead was contained in the case that referred the eclipse to the birth of the Son. The effect on the year reversed exactly the 38 of Christmas in the 83 mortal of the Father. And the June 5 (Father's mortal day) followed exactly, of one day, the June 4, 40, which for R.A. was of death and resurrection in the twinning of him (who continued his life) and his brother, who was conceived on the same day, to be born afterward on 17-2-41: exactly 2 days after the unique and complete eclipse of the sun on 15-2-61, exactly 20 years later. As you can see, the distance between the advent of the Base System of the Cartesian reference of the Universe, embodied in RA, and the end of the presence in the Universe of the Father, is exactly equal to a 1 placed in the beginning, to which is added the nominal product of Romano=66 × 251 the worth of the Italian “Padre Figlio Spirito Santo” (Father Son Holy Spirit). Referred to the double period that is between the birth of RA and the total eclipse of the sun in Italy, the time

138 between the entry into the field of the 1st son and the exit of the Father is perfect. The double period also contains its movement, while it does not contain the subsequent one leading to the death of the Father, that is when time is pure: without more movement preparatory to the return of the Father in heaven. Deduced the unity, 16566 shows in 10000 (the unity of Reality 10 raised to 4), followed by the 13×(10/2) in hundreds, and the 66 unitary, which are the times added in three times to 300, to constitute the three years of 365 days, plus the one day every four years, to give the leap year. If you judge all this exaggerated, you only have to pause to analyze the entire period existing from the advent of the Father to that of the 2nd son (twinned in his conception on 4-6-40, and then born on 17-2-41), comparing them with the days of distance concerning their exit from the real world. Where ”c” elevated to 12 indicates in exponent the 12 hours of a day, based on the two times given by day and night, and multiply this exactly by the speed C of light (2.99792458 m/s) you get the whole value of the days that the Father had at the birth of the 2nd son. Having we the exited the scene of the Father at the exact distance from the only solar eclipse of the century (taking into account the distance from the eclipse of the 1st son), we have that the 2nd son exits the scene – and dies – only at 1014 days less than the distance travelled by the “c” of light in 2 raised 12 second.

139 Between these two perfect extremes, of initial presence and exit of the paternal cause, lies the only total eclipse in Italy of the twentieth century! In time space, the Romano’s Father is born 7-7-7 as all the curvature 7+7+7=21; its presence ¼ puts exactly in 5.25 the days due to the spherical conformation of curved space-time. We reach a full year of 365.25 days only by adjusting the orthogonal system to the spherical one, and with 360 days (as curvature degrees) +(7+7+7)/4=5.25 days (in motion of the curve’s presence) the year assumes 365.25 days. When we start from an absolute unity such as the one that introduces in the universe the central three-dimensional axis of reference of space and time - and that corresponds to the advent of a God of total mediation – then the whole reference of time becomes just that which is given by the 8422 days. We had seen it and I show again, done by 66 x 381/3 +40. Where this product in gematria is the 66 of Romano x 1/3 of 381 (=Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo) +Padre (i.e. the 1st name, multiplied by all real flow 1/3 of all his six names, +10+30, value of “Padre” - Father in Italian -, i.e. all the space-time or God 10 Unity and Trinity). It result the perfect alignment Earth - Moon - Sun, that leads to the total eclipse. If you judge all this exaggerated, you only have to pause to well analyze again the entire period existing from the advent of the Father to that of the 2nd son (twinned in his conception on 4-6-40, and then born on 17-2-41), comparing them with the days of distance concerning their death (i.e. their eclipse). Where 2 raised to 12 gets index 12 of hours of a day, based on the two times of day & night, and multiply this exactly by the speed C of light (2.99792458 m/s) you get the whole value of the days that the Father had at the birth of the 2nd son. Having exited the scene of the Father at the exact distance from the only solar eclipse of the century (taking into account the distance from the eclipse of the 1st son), we have that the 2nd son death at only 1014 days less than the distance travelled by light. This difference only indicates the

140 presence of the 1014 that exists in C×2 raised to 12 and that, consequently, moves only for the number of remaining days: 11265. If we investigate Who is or What is that exists as 1014 days, we see that it is 10 raised to 3 that moves by 7+7. 10 cubed is the God on base 10, that exists in Triune dimension, creates 7 days, and it moves them by 7. It is the Father born 7-7-7 that even now is that 14 given by 1+13... which - joined together as 113, by giving sense of area 100, to the unit – it refers to the number 113 that in Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo exists in the three relationships given by: 1st Name and surname; 2nd the last of the 5 names; and 3rd the dualistic acronym of the 6 names. Between the two extremes of Father and 2nd son, the 1st son is virtually in the middle. In fact the distance in days between the Father and him is 1116 tens of days being at dimension 10 of the Father, while the distance between the twins 1st and 2nd, is exactly 1119 days. It seems a little joke, but if we consider that 6 and 9 “seam simply” the 180° rotation of each other, the values in the tens of the father of 1st son and in the units between the two brothers – turned the 6 in 9... that is added the unity 3 of the space to 6 - are identical. In reality, on June 4, 1.940 there was really the miracle of the death and resurrection of the 1st son and the conception of the 2nd, virtually twinned. On this date there was the real Parousia of the Son Jesus Christ, who presented himself in the pure Spirit of the 1st son and in the bodily conception of the 2nd, which would represent the real bodily presence, born then on February 17, 1941, two days less than the exact 20 years of the total eclipse of February 15, 1961. In the real world, Benito Vittorio Anna Giovanni Vincenzo Amodeo - value 426 of God 400 added to GOD=DIO=26 - would have represented the return of Jesus, in his real body, while his Holy Spirit was on the 1st son, who had died and rose again in an invisible way. The 1stborn would have been the Center of the Cartesian Reference of the celestial Spheres in the real world, and no one would have noticed, given his perfect medium ship always mistaken for mediocrity. Brought to the center, he would have virtually constituted, with respect to the 2nd son, the same paternal and unitary

141 function existing between Father and Son, Cause and Effect, in which always the Cause is seen only on the basis of the Effect it produces. Upstream of the two of them, and at a size multiplied by the paternal 10, there would have been the Father, at a distance of 1116 tens from the 1st son and of all the days crossed by the light where multiplied by 2 raised to 12. They would have been defined perfectly by the names imposed on them. 101 for the Father Luigi Amodeo, which is the natural number corresponding to the 26th prime number, where 26=God, in gematria but also in nature, being the number of weeks of that half year that is the go, of a diameter of 52 when it is in come and go. 52 weeks transcends the 25 which is the time ¼ of God's 100 plan, and it is the 26 which is fixed unitarily in 25/1. It seems a minor detail, but in Genesis 25 the name JESUS in the Italian Gesù, given by those of Giacobbe (Jacob) and Esaù, taken unitarily in the G of the 2nd son and by the ESU of the 1st son, taking away the “A” of his primogeniture, are names announced the 1st in verse 25 and the 2nd in verse 26. And Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo is virtually distinct it as well for the first Tern born on the January 25th, and for the second, given by Paolo Torquato Amodeo, which is shared with Paola Amodeo (1st born of her 2nd) and Torquato Amodeo, father of his Father, both born on January 26th. Of 1856 the homonymous Grandfather, and of 1975 the 1st-born of his brother, who, being his alter ego, makes Paolo Amodeo the virtual 1st-born of the 1st. The distance between Torquato Amodeo and Paola Amodeo is very interesting. This shows how the distances between the namesake of which RA is the Grandson, and the namesake who is his granddaughter, are related precisely to the distance travelled by the speed of light, put in relation to the two extremes. When they are given by the generations: 1. Torquato Amodeo born January 26 1856 2. Luigi Amodeo born 7-7-7 3. Romano Amodeo born 25-January-1938 4. Benito Amodeo born 17-2-1941 5. Paola Amodeo born 26 January 1975

142 The speed of light, to go from the birth of January 26, 1856 to the same January 26, 1975, runs exactly for 119 years and multiplies exactly by 2 elevated to 13.8236. 13.8236 is gotten by 138/1 + 236 Where 13.8 corresponds to the 138 (value of Genesis chapter 38 as January=gennaio, in Italian of year 38 , Romano's birth) in its tenth representing the unitary time. (Note: this 138 is obtained when in the whole value 381 of the six Romano’s names, its last number becomes the first, so enacting the first rule of Jesus Christ). The 236 ten-thousandths added to 13.8 indicate the existence, in the unit time of a ten-thousandth, of the 235 which are the first three prime numbers 2, 3 and 5, that give the total motion in the given sum, when they are the first 16 prime numbers, whose sum is 381. In other words, 13,8 is unitary mass without motion, and the 0.0236 unitary time (decimal perspective of the apparent bigness removed) adds it, because 138+236=374 arrives perfectly to the plenty of 381 by adding only the pure curvature 7 of the spacetime, according the 7, the sphere tie. These 119 years between Torquato Amodeo birth and of Paola Amodeo, as an integer value, are based on 113, which is the 30th prime number indicating the totality of the space expressed in the cycle 10 of 3, when it travels moving for all the 6 verses that exist, occupying 119 in a line of years. 113, which is Trine in Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo, is the symbol of the unity of the trinity being the 111 flow of the plane with sides 1 & 1. If you add to it 1 presence which brings it in line to be worth 114, then it is worth in Gematria exactly as much as PTR Romano, and 1/114 sizes the whole life span in years, of Roman PTR, it is the unit 10,000 to divide by 114, becoming: years 87, 7192982456140350 those of the supposed life span of RA, until October 4 of St. Francis ..., in which Pope Francis will have managed to get rid of RA ... .Of course RA was also allowed to see this life in the inverse value of PTR Romano, equal to 114. 1/114 is the time of his life, equal to 0.00877192982456140350.

143 87 years, +0.812 =(8 months, 1 week 2 days) are those between January 25, 1938 until October 4, 2,025. We have 719 after 87, in 0.00877192982456140350 because the first heat is expressed in the cycle of 10 months, while the second of 12. In fact 1.2×719 = 862.8 which exceeds by 50.8 always putting there the time placed in the beginning of 100/2, and of the total size of 8/10 of the whole complex of the realities 4+4. There is the factorial of the life of the 7th creator, Enoch, who lived 365 years, that is as many years as there are days in each. Then it happens that the factorial of 365 is 25.104 when the decimals are the 777 of the life of the grandson of Ènoch, the son of Methuselah and called LAMèch ... who is LAM, the father of Romano, Luigi Amodeo born 7-7-7, as well as LAMèch who lived 777 years. Well, Bible says that Ènoch walked twice with God. Existing in the paternal power of the 777 decimals, the factorial of the life of the 7th factor comes to the year 25 of the month 10 and the day 4 and was no more since God had taken him (verbatim words of the Bible, on October 4, 2.025). Now if this is really true, in the same factorial referring to the 365 days we will have to read day 25 of the extreme Christmas. But how can 0.104 mutate into month 1 and year 38, or 138? Just decompose 104 into 13×8 and it becomes 138 in numbers. You’ll protest, saying that I don't respect the rules.... But God imposes the rules and then he overcomes them, he does not become a slave. Haven't you noticed that 104 = 26x4 = GOD One and Triune, when 10 raised to 4 is God changed in all the reality 4 he created? 104 is Antonio +Anna equal to Joachim=Gioacchino +Anna (the human grandparents of Jesus with Italian names). When changed to 138 transcends the whole name of Romano in 381 of when Christianly, the 1st stands Last. And 183 + Anna again as the "Sweet half of Mr. Year” given by 183+183=366 days of the leap year (The Lord, which then is Trine in three 365).

144 Now I will show you how all the popes since Romano was born, have been created through integer values of the Holy Spirit descended on Romano=66 as on a donkey, on a pure vehicle. Let's start with the first pope elected when Roman was just one full year old. It is number 107, Pastor Angelicus, Pius XII.


Pius XII

I year is the whole, 401 days is the whole that exists in the area 10x10 dimension, 100+300, of the unity and Trinity of the God plane 10x10! To it as a value in the beginning only the unitary time should be added, which is the one given by the value ½ of 10 days. 7562 until the death, exactly shows Romano x PTR Romano +38 (birth-day of Romano), i.e. 66 x 114 +38. After him follows Angelo Giuseppe Roncalli.


146 When the days are 7581, one sees that he is Romano=66 multiplied by his value of 114 PTR Romano, to which must be added what is in principle the creation in 7 days (i.e. the tie of the sphere... the celestial too) in the half time given by 100/2. By referring the coronation, it adds other 7 days of curvature. The 9260 days until the “Good Pope” death, are commanded by Romano=66 x140 - i.e. x(70+70), the cycle of the sphere tie -, posed 10+10 in principle as the entire 10 cycle and its full motion. After him, Cardinal Montini of Milan was elected Pope.

Paul VI

25 years (from 1938 to 1963) is the entire presence of 100/4. The 9278 days of the Holy Spirit's presence are clearly all in the sign of Romano=66 which is multiplied by 70+70 (area of full ) and +38 (the Romano’s Year of birth in 1938). The Coronation adds 9 days and transform 38+9 in 47=Amodeo !. The 14803 days till the Montini Death are The Romano 66 x 224 + 19 (the century of the Romano Birth in 1938), where 224 is 2 plus the 222 obtained by Romano 666 (three-dimensional) in one third as all its unitary flow in the days. Now let's see how things stand for his successor, John Paul II, in conformity to the Holy Spirit existence on Romano as an ass..


John Paul I

40 full years from 38 to 78 is the Entire Unity and Trinity in 10, the only Father of every decimal number. 14823 days of life of Romano, the ass of the Holy Spirit, are given by Roman=66 multiplied by the 224 times which are 66/3 in tens plus unity in the Trinity of 3, to be added to the 1 presence of the natal year 38. The coronation has the pure premise of 39+8 days = 47=Amodeo. The reality of All the names of the Paraclete Spirit is given by the first 4 names of Romano: i.e. by Romano Antonio Anna Paolo, that in numbers are 66+78+26+51=221. To arrive to 224 with 221 it need add – as said - the presence 3 of the Trinity. Therefore to enact the election of Luciani Pope, The Holy Spirit on Romano=66 has to be so many times as the Trinity 3, and the 221 of the first 4 proper names plus the Italian gematria of Italian TRE=39= 13+13+13 ! Afterward Luciani will be Pope for Romano=66 in Half time as days, equal to all the years of Jesus! This brings the 47=Amodeo to become 9x8, that is all the motion 9 (in ten) of 2 cubed. It is also the area 10x10 less 21 equal to 7+7+7: the total presence of the Romano’s Father born 7-7-7 but cut away. To cut away the life of the Romano Father to the Holy Father, it means to carry him in the Sky, after 33 days of reign as the ideal vicarious of Whom lived 33 years. The existing situation in relation to Wojtyla is this.


You see that the years from 38 and 78 are always the 40 integers given by 10+30, while the days 14874 are the Romano= 66=multiplied by the 225 that indicate all the motion 9, unitary, of the area 5×5=25, that of the presence ¼ of 100. All 24 units as the hours of a day. The Saint Spirit only placed in the beginning the 30, for the day of the Coronation to pope. The 24539 days of the presence on the Earth of the Holy Spirit on the ass of Romano=66 is obtained by multiplying the 66 for 371,8 and adding afterwards the time of 2/10. Were 66 is the worth of the name Romano, the 371,8 is gotten by 381 (i.e. by all the name Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo = 66+78+26+51+113+47=381) less that 9.2 which carries to 371.8 and is the 2 cubed in 8 decimals, in all its run in the unity of the 10, Ideal Father of every decimal number. In other words Both, Father and Holy Spirit, exist in their Trinity as 2x2x2, and in the unity of the time 1/10 that is the Size of the Son. This divine 0.8 exist in the 10 as into the Father, and 9,2 is all their real motion. Well, this 9.2 of Divine motion exist in 381, in all the name of God equal to: 2+3+5+7+11+13+17+19+23+29+31+37+41+43+47+53=381, that is also the length of the 300+50+30+1 of the Noah’s Ark. Since everything here started from 2 cubed in decimals, to 66 x 371.8 must be added the pure beginning of 2 decimals. And now we have the Anti-Christ of Benedict XVI.


Where 66 is the Holy Spirit descended on Roman=66, the appointment of Benedict XVI also implied it, in the presence 1 of the Unity of God related with his Christ to the Antichrist, that Pope Benedict XVI represented. The quantity of 372, relating to 381 that represent the Plenty of the God’s name, is this Plenty to which is cut away all the motion in 10, corresponding to 9. 381 less 9 devitalises the God that exist in the 66 times of the worth of Romano, the ass... always preserved 4, The Unity & the Trinity of Himself. When this exactly occurs, the Anti-Christ tries to devitalize God, but the 4 Continues to exist, it still exists beyond 24552 given by 66 x 372! When his Coronation happened beyond the devitalisation of the 24552 days still exists all the motion of the trinity 3+3+3 in the unit of 10. When the Anti-Christ resigned as Pope a thunderbolt struck St Peter, causing an immense impression throughout the world, 66 of the numerical value of the donkey that carried the Holy Spirit of God is multiplied by 381+134, i.e. by 515 where 51=Paolo, the 4th name of the Reality of the donkey, which is multiplied by 10 and becomes a divine value; to which is then added the unit time, given by 1/2 of the cycle 10 with which God has identified himself. The 134 is made by 101 and is the value of Luigi Amodeo, Romano's Father. This LAMech 101 is added to the 33 of Jesus' life, given by the mediation of the 1st name Romano. And the year 38 of God's entry into space-time, on Romano's donkey, is added.

150 Also the 75 years of the existence from 1938 to 2013, of the Holy Spirit, at election of Pope Francis, is the whole value given by all the space that exists in 100 years as 3/4. The 27441 days show the 66=Romano multiplied by 66x6 and summed to 1305 that are the 1461 days of 4 years less 156=144+6+6. Where is cut away the presence of 144 (the worth of Romano Antonio, 1st & 2nd name) and the 6+6 “essential” in 66=Romano and so it remain a full time of 1461 days without the 1st and 2nd name of God and the essential 12 apostles of Jesus (or children of Israel) advancing in 6 with the Romano’s area 66x66. Bergoglio's coronation as Pope, 6 days later the election, brings the days to 27447 . So there is 144+6=150 days cut away in the 4 years, and the unit time it moves whit 1311 by 66x66x6. 1305 is also 381+381+381 (Trinity of God 381) + the 162 that is 2 x 3 raised to 4, and that is the Binary presence 81+81 in reality 200, cut away 300+300 to a couple of 381 in the time of 10/2 x381. In relation expressly to the Prophecy of St. Malachi, which is described essentially on page 311 of the Book Lignum Vitae of Wion, that points to the recognition of the number 113, present in 1311 +6x66x66, and ascertained that the number 113 concerns Romano Antonio Anna Paolo Torquato Amodeo since 2 ways: 113=Romano Amodeo= 16+13+11+1+12+13+1+11+13+4+5+13=113 113=Torquato=18+13+16+15+19+1+18+13=113 113=Ro+An+An+Pa+To+Am=113 16+13+1+12+1+12+14+1+18+13+1+11=113 ... we can check all the references to it on page 311 of the Book of Wion on which Malachi's prophecy is published, doing so line by line. Page 311 presents a multiple and diverse organisation, but it can also be read as always proceeding line by line.


PTR Romano also in line by line In this reading, we consider that also the page 311 respects the pattern of all the previous ones, and the text runs always the entire line. In this first part, we frame the H.S. descended on Romano Amodeo as the Cartesian axis in the midst of the celestial spheres ordering space and time.


These three together are the One Trine representing the interpreter, one awake and ready (Gregory) XIIII since he is the Roman 10, One and Trine. IT IS XP. The first 33, including Trinity, count the new coming of the Son of Man, defined by sayings as the 54 concerning Holy Mary, and which 54 are: "Sancta Maria, Sancta Dei Genitrix, Sancta Virgo virginum, Mater Christi, Mater Ecclesiae, Mater misericordiae, Mater divinae gratiae, Mater spei, Mater purissima, Mater castissima, Mater inviolata, Mater intemerata, Mater amabilis, Mater admirabilis, Mater boni consilii, Mater Creatoris, Mater Salvatoris, Virgo prudentissima, Virgo veneranda, Virgo praedicanda, Virgo potens, Virgo clemens, Virgo fidelis, Speculum iustitiae, Sedes sapientiae, Causa nostrae laetitiae, Vas spirituale, Vas honorabile, Vas insigne devotionis, Rosa mystica, Turris Davidica, Turris eburnea, Domus aurea, Foederis arca, Ianua coeli, Stella matutina, Salus infirmorum, Refugium peccatorum, Solacium migrantium, Consolatrix afflictorum, Auxilium Christianorum, Regina Angelorum, Regina Patriarcharum, Regina Prophetarum, Regina Apostolorum, Regina Martyrum, Regina Confessorum, Regina Virginum, Regina Sanctorum omnium, Regina sine labe originali concepta, Regina in caelum assumpta, Regina sacratissimi Rosarii, Regina familiae, Regina pacis" which (in the Number of the 54 mottos) refers the Italian name “FIGLIO”=6+9+7+10+9+13=54, i.e. Her "SON".


In this sequel, in which Pietro Romano is described on a single line, the order of the Prophecy appears distorted since it has changed to a version expressed in three columns. But this new reading does not alter the scheme of the previous pages and also accepts to read each

154 line giving it its own complete sense. In this way the whole struggle made by the only philosopher who had the courage to respond to the call of Pope John Paul II, with his encyclical signed on the day of the Holy Exaltation of the Holy Cross, is revealed.


This interpretation of the Romano Paolo of Felitto, also read page 311 as if in it a modification was not introduced at a certain point, transforming a text concerning only one pontiff per line, when it is listed on the left, into a text with three distinct columns of distinct pontiffs. This interpretation, which seems arbitrary, is instead very, very telling: About the great river of faith, Peter Roman will be a religious man, insatiable in the struggle assumed in the beautiful center of Italy, grazing his sheep in many tribulations and as glorious penance, Cross of the same Cross. RA will make GOL, will be Light of Heaven once the tribulations have passed. Surrounded by many flowers, burning like fire, Roman, in his life of good faith will devastate the present one and run, like the King Judge of the Cross, like a soldier at war in his intrepid faith, Amodeo, and Christ will judge sublime column and angelic shepherd of Christianity, His Prince of Apostles named Paul. This reading does not invalidate the other one in the least, on the contrary it fuses in unity all the 38 unknown mottos, in the announcement of the Holy Holy Holy Paraclete in the year 1938.

156 It respects all the expectations linked to the return of Christ, and the 38 unknowns that refer to the arrival of the most unknown of all: the HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD, is revealed in the sign of all those expectations. The 38 have, in the beginning, a well-known tern representing the Trinity of God through the three Popes Gregory XIII, Innocent IX and Clement VIII and which in the sequence of the three mottoes is De antiquitate urbis, Pia civitas in bello, and Crux Romulea, which concern – about the antiquity of Rome - the Romulus Cross, since the Pious Religious arrangement, of Vatican in war, with the S.R.E. that will sit extreme, far away and enemy. 38 mottos, which include the first 3, lead to the fullness of the 6×6 which is the overall plan of the work done in 6 days by God. The 37th motto without explanations (referring to the 111st motto of Malachi, and to the 112nd presence of all Popes & all Antipopes) frames the expected final coming of the Anti-Christ. Certainly you have difficulty in framing the Anti-Christ figure in Benedict XVI, but we have seen that from the 2005 of his power assumption, there will be only 2626 more years in all, those that in Matthew 26.26 tell of Jesus declaring "this is my body", but that according to the Prophecy of Daniel on the End of Time - in which a time of 1290 days must be added to times of 1335+1 that are in all 1336 - the result brings just to 2626=Jahvè Jahvè, God God. Of course, Daniel indicates them in days and from the cessation of the daily sacrifice announced in Matthew 26.26, in which Jesus offers his body. But those that are days for man refer to those that are Years for God. And they refer to what is placed In the Beginning as well as what concerns the End. And the verse of the Bible 1,1,1 is worth 4631, in its trine and unitary Beginning, and announces the date of the End starting from the Sacrifice in itself of Jesus Christ, put into the world as the right term also in the measurement of time concerning the exact Beginning and End to which it refers. Now No. 113 of the prophesied persons, has two: besides the invisible RO, there is also the one installed as Pope of the Catholic Church.


158 Also he shows that he is part of the design of the Holy Spirit. His election required the entry into action of the days of 4 years by having cut away Romano Antonio=144 and also 6+6, the “essential” in 66=Romano and equal to the 12 sons of Israel or the 12 apostles of Jesus. The coronation in 27447 days of presence of the Holy Spirit on the ass of R.A., lacks only of 6. This pontiff also participates in the Unity in the Trinity, and the unity concerns the way Jesus described it in the John Gospel, chapter 21 and verse 18. As his Trine dimension is placed that extreme opposition made by the one who performs it for the last time on behalf of all the Peter of the Catholic Church. The text that writes extrema S.R.E. sedebit is in fact translated: The last pope of Holy Roman Church will seat. And it will be extreme since the last Peter coroned, and - as he himself said - came from the Other (extreme) World; but also in reason of the extreme punishment inflicted on Christ: the 80 days in which he did fasted that Jesus who willingly had submitted himself to the maximum of 40 days of voluntary fasting in the desert.

159 That poor Christ of PTR Romano - who voluntarily surrendered also to Francis, after only 13 days from his election, as to that just Good Shepherd that God wants as his Deputy, and that fasted in a desert of help from anyone - was kept fasting by the very Deputy of the Good Shepherd, even for twice the maximum penalty that Jesus had given to himself in the desert! And it was the last straw for every possible representative of Jesus, in every time and place". I will never get tired of telling you that!: He was the extreme of the extremes of the extreme pope, he who came from the other world.... And he was indeed a pontiff of the other world and certainly not of the world of Christ, if he gave to a person who had placed himself confidently in his hands the double of the punishment that Jesus himself had freely given himself, in the analogous desert of possibilities: an Earth made arid and in which only scorpions and snakes now live. However, even in this extreme, extreme, extreme Peter. and called "another" by Jesus Christ, in the gospel of John, there was the hand of Divine Design. The Holy Spirit Paraclete on 66=Romano had descended upon this donkey, and on the day he was elected Pope he had been living on the earth for 27441 days. In the 1000 value of the Triune dimension of God (which rests on the 10 as the Father God of all decimal numbers) the 27000 is worth all the 3 raised to 3 that exists in the 10 cubed, triune times of God. Then we add up 441 days which are given by the 22 & 22 sided area, each formed by 1/3 of Romano=66, the ass of the Holy Spirit, while the whole stream of presence is 1. Therefore while Peter is elected, there is in powerful act - in the 3 cubed per thousand - the trinity of God, and in the 441 there is the area resting on Roman and his whole stream 1.


However, do not be afraid: God frees Every Soul, even the antichrist one, and of the "other" pope: The only Soul of everyone is the God Unity in Absolute. Men are accustomed to judge the bad and the good. This, however, is the fate only of characters. They are characters drawn bad and good. But those who animate them all are always single souls and all saint parts of God. Therefore, if in Benedict XVI the character of the Pope is drawn as that of the Antichrist and traitor Judas, the Soul that gives life to this melancholic and sad, sad character, is always an incorruptible, chaste and pure soul of God. The same is true of Pope Francis. Their complexity and duplicity, given by characters who blatantly implemented a double strategy - applied to sons and stepchildren, whereby only sons are to be welcomed and stepchildren are to be rejected - is not at all that used by God, who loves all his characters, even the bad ones. They are always fantastic characters and have the full merit of staging all possible darkness, which can then lead to shine the light. Any painter knows that, starting from any shade of gray, it is possible to transform it into an apparent and bright star if you put a dark and black background around it. All the characters of the divine creation are always gray. Only Jesus was drawn in such a way as to please God in everything, and a voice said so at his baptism in the waters of the Jordan. Therefore - in the Divine Comedy, which aims to bring out all the light in each one - the characters darker and gloomier that they can be in, are absolutely fundamental, putting them around him, to make him shine. PTR Romano is no exception. For a time he was Antichrist himself. He was so when admiring Jesus' plan but unable to follow it 100% - he judged it excessive, utopian and unreachable. He had dared to erect his personal inadequacy as if it were the right and correct basis for judging as impossible what really exists and works always and everywhere and is the Perfection of God.

161 Antichrist is the imperfect being who tries to set himself up as a perfect basis of judgment! The Plan of God gave way to PTR Romano to repent, as it gave it to Saul, to transform him later in St. Paul. Perfection can be judged by the imperfect being, but only if he really succeeds in denying himself and placing himself in God. When - at that point he does - he has in his baggage the knowledge of the utmost error, and that "darkness" which he finally perceived in himself as what it is, a lack of light - and nothing, really nothing in himself - finally has the real power to turn on an immense light that will never be dimmed again. One becomes like a wild horse that has been tamed and will never return to what it was before. These people, who have been so put to the test, so tempted, have been so in the sign of God's great love for the souls forced into that harsh experience. In the Our Father it was written "lead us not into temptation" and even that has been taken out of the way by a Church that can no longer perceive in unison with God's Plan. "How could God ever tempt us?" Instead, he does so every time he makes us last, defeated, abused. The help asked of God to "lead us not into temptation" lies in helping us to judge ourselves blessed in those situations. But even in the social thinking of the Catholic Church there is the anti-Christ attitude of rejecting the judgment of blessedness expressed by Jesus, and of remaining unsatisfied until one is no longer in the condition of that true blessedness declared by Jesus. It is the temptation to espouse the good in the real world and not in that of divine virtue. Man, who does God the great wrong of understanding himself to be the character and not his divine animator, in the possibility of his choosing, who he wants to be, whether a good or a bad one, would only be a fool if he chose to want to be a bad subject. Good is absolutely stronger than Evil, since evil does not even exist except in its true capacity to weaken the good that exists. Evil is similar to the darkness that exists where there is no light. It has only the power to weaken that glow, without which not even the darkness exists.

162 God rewarded Abraham for having agreed to play the part of the father who - having received an order from God to kill his son Isaac - agreed to kill him and was even about to do so. He was convinced that no evil order could come from God, and he said to himself, "Who am I to set myself up to judge the Judgment of God?" This question asked of himself by Abraham, also revealed the limitations of his character. Once we are convinced that God always asks us to do good, and we hear God seemingly ordering us to do evil, we should not set ourselves up to judge God, but our understanding of that divine order, and at this point Good Reason is crucial. To Abraham it seemed a demonic order, made by God, and he did not ask himself how he could ever understand it as such. He must have been mistaken in understanding what God had asked of him. He knew very well that he had promised to him to have children more numerous than the stars of the Universe and now God was asking him to kill the very one man who would give birth to them? It was impossible that God would not keep his promise, so it was certainly not a question of killing Isaac, but of removing him from God's presence. He had a sterile wife like Rebecca that only God could make fruitful. So God ordered that Isaac take a step backwards as the Rebecca's husband. God had already done this with Abraham himself, when he made the barren Sarai fruitful. It is possible that Abraham had not understand that at the base of his descent from Terach, there had to be TWO Divine spouses and one after the other. They would be enacted by the Father, who would make Sarai fruitful... and then by the Holy Spirit who would impregnate Rebecca. The only natural son that Abraham had had was the one begotten by the fertile Egyptian Hagar; he was Ishmael. But the Triune God, who is incomprehensible to man, would have had three distinct Faiths as a whole: one originated in the natural way that had generated Ishmael, and the other with two divine interventions, of the Father and the Holy Spirit, to bring into the world Esaù and him who would then be renamed ISRAEL.

163 ISRAEL and ISHMAEL (= ISRAELE & ISMAELE in Italian, the perfect language of God) were the human-divine dualism that would characterize one who - in the language too, unified in the world by English - would affirm unity through two indications: 1. "He is the transcendent I AM God"... from Is MA ELE 2. "He is the R.A. God"...from Is RA Ele. Which leads to the same dual reality of R.A. (Romano Antonio) in I AM or with God, "Deo" being Roman, gets the Romano I am... “Am or deo”, i.e. Romano Amodeo. So every time we feel we have received an evil divine order, let us make a proof to try to figure out what mistake we are made in understanding that Order, for GOD DOES NOT ORDER the existence of evil. The question is fundamental, since both Science arrives finally to the discouraging goal of a research aimed to itself and not to the Absolute that is upstream of the Relative..., and philosophy has its end in Nullism. If Science and Philosophy have reached these mad results, then we must ask ourselves, whys the scientists and philosophers, could do those terrible mistake. And only then we will come to understand of what malicious and lying intentions we are victims, if from a head station every train leaves, but it appears to us that our convoy runs only towards the beginning of that dead track... Only then do we come to understand that we are seeing the exact opposite of the truth. We observe the departure of our train from there in the reverse dynamic that seems to take it there again. Perhaps you ask How would God make us fall into this fundamental error, to give us the appearance of free will? He does it in a very simple way: he reverses the apparent order of time and makes us appear after what exists before. It makes the free gift that the Lord has given us and continues to give us appear as it was the repayment of a debt. And to make everyone invert the truth, he posits the simultaneous existence of values and actions that are opposed to each other and reciprocal. In fact: ACTUATING an INVERSION implements the return toward the point from which one came. INVERTING that IMPLEMENTATION always leads there.

164 Expressed in mathematics, both (+1) × (-1) and (-1) × (+1) always have the same result of implementing the vision in the negative -1 direction. And we - on this basis of God taking off us ONE APPLE - want then to HAVE EVERYTHING. As light is based on its lack, so our life towards death is based on its actual resurrection. Now if we are resurrected and it seems to us that we are going to die, and we believe that God is not helping us in the least, let us question ourselves properly. It seems to us this total IMPERFECTION of the DIVINE CREATION only because it is PERFECT...just when it seems so imperfect to us, All the imperfections we see in place, are not truly made... but ELIMINATED. Therefore if here now it seems to us that Benedict XVI was a Traitor and the same thing Pope Francis, well their betrayals are just divinely removed from the hump of their souls, and remain only "apparently made" but only by the characters and the divine work, all imaginary and the result of pure fantasy. Since the extreme behaviour of this Pope begins on the precise day of March 26, when the last time PTR Romano puts himself into the hands of his extreme Peter to be kept by him fasting twice as long as the 40 days voluntarily assumed by Christ, we see what relation there is between the days in which he is pontiff and March 26, 2,013. Since he was elected on March 13, from the 13th to the 26th there are exactly 13 days of difference, which - referring to the Earth - is the number of the 26 times 13 to arrive at exactly half of a year, in which the weeks are 52. Therefore, ¼ of the 52 weeks, are 13; whereby the creator in 7 days relates to his creature elected as Christ's vicar when elected on March 13, just another 13 days have passed. Since the forced fast of the poor Christ will last 80 days, the two extremes included, and will end on June 13, that is exactly 3 months after his election on March 13, then it is God who substitutes one Pontiff for the other, for Benedict XVI. The Other Pontiff, who truly moved (in the certainty that he had Roman that Peter would move) was that Gregory XIII (Medius corpus pilarum) who is the one who immediately precedes Gregory XIIII involved in the Prophecy of St. Malachi as the first of the 38 unknown.

165 Gregory XIII had noticed a mismatch between the motions of the Moon and those of the Sun which had led to Julius Caesar's Calendar being out of phase. He was the mediator of the times of the celestial spheres. He entrusted talented astronomers with the verification and they realized that, every 157 years, it was necessary to eliminate a day, which had never been done. Then, in about 1570, 10 days were removed from the calendar, and the accounts came back perfect. Since other periods of 157 years had passed from 1570 to 2,000, by 2,013 the phase shift had increased to such a number of days that the Orthodox, who had not followed Pope Gregory XIII in changing the liturgical calendar, celebrated all events relating to Easter and the Resurrection of Christ with that phase shift. And in Egypt, the Coptic Christians - in order not to create confusion in the East, even though they were Catholics - followed the Easter rite linked to the Orthodox liturgy. So it happened that on June 13, 2013, the Ascension of Christ was celebrated in Egypt, which in the Holy Roman Ecclesia of Rome had already been celebrated more than a dozen days earlier. When to his great surprise Romano found himself in Egypt, in Cairo, and celebrated the Ascension into Heaven of Jesus Christ, who was leaving this land of Egypt after 33 years, Roman had been in Egypt and fasting for 33 days. He understood this as a divine sign that the 33 years of sacrifice that Christ had spent in this land of Egypt were worth as much to him, poor Christ, as the 33 days of fasting in Cairo and in that Egypt where he had fled, after 47 days of fasting spent in Italy and to prevent the RELIGIOUS POWER, that his enemies would intern him again in a psychiatric hospital, because for them it was crazy to try to bring back to Christ a Pope who had not realized that he had become Antichrist. So he had been right to put himself in the hands of the Pope, as in those of the Good Shepherd! THE PAPA had moved! But not the extreme, extreme one, but the other one (the last one named before page 311, which however is with two lines present in 311 that transcends the 113 of PTR Romano) who - even changing the numbers of the days - had allowed him to be in Egypt, with Jesus ascending there, in the land of Egypt and according to the rite of the Catholic Church of the Copts... who however followed that of the Orthodox! It is true: God straightens the crooked things of Man!


Therefore, do not fear anything! No one has so much strength as to No one has so much strength as to surpass the LOVE of God for him! He straightens every crooked thing! To eliminate it all really first really makes it exist! Back to the beginning after dead We will realize that we are resurrected From now on, truly! But... we really see it backwards! This is the Truth of the Paraclete that saves you all and for real! It is brought to you by Romano Amodeo, who is only his SamarRo

This here is only the Divine Design by which all Souls will be saved!


Souls will be saved! As for Pope Francis, Jesus described him, in verse 18 of the last chapter of John's Gospel, as the deputy of the Peter of old age, who left his garments to another, after having stretched out his arms. This pope, apparently so good-natured and helpful, allowed himself to abandon to himself a lost sheep that had really only put its food in him. He has left her in the utmost contempt of those who do not even dignify those who are bleating more and more to be heard, of a pure response of courtesy. This is unheard of, charging it to a Pope. Those who thus despise those whom they believe to be worthless, really despise Jesus Christ, who is their only defender, and they find themselves having no support from those who should have taken the place of Christ. He himself said in this year 2,021 in one of his blessings in St. Peter's Square that all things done or not done to a little one are done or not done to Jesus Christ. He cannot even claim that he did not know. Every day an apology is available to him, but he - by not apologizing to this poor Christ of Romano Amodeo - does not feel he has to apologize to Christ Himself. Perhaps he thinks it is enough that he says it to himself in prayer.... No, it is not enough! Until he invokes forgiveness to this poor Christ right here who is writing this book, he doesn't really ask it to Jesus but only to those he has in his imagination. Has this Other discriminated against me as well? While in relation to the punishments given to a poor Christ by the Roman Catholic Apostolic Church, in 1999, by Ratzinger under Pope John Paul II, and then by the same one when he became pope, are published and documented in the APPENDIX, as for this EXTREME Peter of the Roman Catholic Church, I will immediately show all the videos made and put on YouTube.

168 When this happened I was present on a YouTube Channel of mine that still exists, on which I documented day by day all the phases and issues of this fast. From the title of the various videos you can do a search on the channel Romano Amodeo and you will find them all, all of them can be viewed There are about 150 videos that show how I was reduced after 80 days of hunger to which Christ was forced, through what he did to me, the most insignificant of his sheep, because of the total disesteem that exists towards me, for how it was prophesied by Isaiah, for Jesus, in the time in which he lived and in that in which he would return to each of his Christian sheep.












01) It must be someone you don't esteem either, given the general contempt of men. 02) Since 3 times Peter denied him there were 3 Peter's who did so again? 03) Did they mortify him 3 times? 04) Is he really called PTR Romano? 05) Did he put himself 3 times into the hands of Peter? 06) 6) Did he put himself 3 times in Peter's hands 07) Did he ask him 3 times if he loved him? 08) How will he destroy Civitas of the 7 Hills? 09) How did Jesus predict his return to him? 10) How is the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and the Omega? 11) How and when did he conquer death? 12) How and when was his Final Judgement? 13) In the Father, do you know the day of the End of the World? Ask it and you will see that it has happened but in spite of all this you do not believe! YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE OUT OF BLIND FAITH !!



APPENDIX Documentation of the many tribulations that were suffered by Paolo Torquato Romano.



Petition to the Pope by 4 priests and 460 people, which never received any response (because in the Vatican Cardinal Ratzinger suborned John Paul II and hid from him that a lost sheep had placed itself in his hands) To Caesar what is Caesar's! It pleases me to publish the names of all of them, because one day they will receive all the credit that is due them when, with the passage of time, it will be better understood who God's plan intended me to be: the exalted one believed by the Church or who God would have exalted, by my exaltation of the Cross of Christ.


































217 As written, this supplication to the Pope, made by four priests and signed by the 460 people I have just mentioned, remained absolutely unanswered. Certainly the Pope was not informed. His protective belt, preventing him from adhering to this request dictated by profoundly human reasons, proved to be of an unprecedented inhumanity, absolutely unworthy of the Church. These people believe that they can do their own thing in the house of God and, moreover, represent Him. On their shoulders has fallen the real responsibility for the demolition of the twin towers in New York and the consequent war on Iraq. In fact, those who prevented Fides et Ratio from reaching the goals for which it had been disseminated, demolished, as suicides and murders, the two towers of the human spirit, faith and reason, which the Seat of Wisdom had sent to mankind in response to the Holy Father's conclusion of the Encyclical, as can be read on the back cover of this little volume of documentation. Suicides because they were the first to kill their needs, which had now become unavoidable; murders because their act turned out to be a real mortal attempt on my life.



Letters sent to Santa Romana Ecclesia, to which no reply was ever given.

















Return Receipts of 12 registered letters sent to the Vatican between 25.1 and 18.10.1999. Only the first two were answered, January 31 and June 26, and they were two Apostolic Blessings. Then none of the subsequent ones, (which insistently requested the designation of a representative of the of the Church to the Convention of October 24, 1999) was worthy of any reply.






I am truly astonished, and with me, anyone who is, I won't say compassionate, but simply a decent person. There is nothing more to say: the Vatican Church wanted to condemn me to death, since I had put the fate of my life entirely in its hands. The Pope could deign to visit those who had made an attempt on his life, but he could not listen to those who had put their lives (and not the Pope's) entirely in the hands of his Church, to defend his Encyclical Fides et ratio!


A SAD STORY of the 55 days of fasting of a little sheep that entrusted itself entrusted to the Good Shepherd, who just didn't want her!

SECOND FAST OF PTR ROMANO FOR THE FIDES ET RATIO With the coming of the new pontiff, Romano Amodeo decided to return to the office, and to pick up where he had had to give up, because of his brother's refusal to take their mother into his home and his intention to have her interned in a nursing home. She didn't have to make the same mistakes she'd made before, where she'd put too much stock in who she was. This time he would have to act anonymously, presenting himself as a lost sheep who would not eat in the absence of the Good Shepherd, a fast guaranteed by the seriousness of a newspaper that would be read by the Pontiff, and that would bring the news to the Holy Father with letters. When he had been in Montesilvano he had seen how the newspaper IL CENTRO was connected with the MESSAGGERO

242 ROMANO, which was certainly read by the Pope. He had to return to Montesilvano and try to get IL CENTRO involved. He made this decision and, on October 11, 2005, he began the fast, going there and renting an apartment at 8 Via Verga in Montesilvano. He went to the newspaper IL CENTRO, in Pescara, and told them how he had fasted for 57 days in 1999 and announced to them, who were doing the job of bringing the news, that he had resumed fasting on October 11. He asked the newspaper to give them a letter to Benedict XVI, informing him of this and waiting for decisions from the Holy See. If, after a long fast, the Pontiff did not respond, were they willing to publish the news in IL CENTRO? In fact, if the Pontiff had not responded, it meant that - once again - they had not let him know that a lost sheep had put itself in his hands as the Good Shepherd from whom it could receive love and support. In this case, only the news of the fact in the newspaper could have overcome the wall placed by the Fideists around him, to prevent the dialogue that they did not want between Faith and Reason and that instead John Paul II had hoped for in his Encyclical. The head of the newspaper understood and declared himself well disposed. He would deliver his letter and vouch for the truth of his fasting, if he documented it to the newspaper with his dropping weight, measured with pharmacy scales. The agreement was made and Romano weighed himself every day and kept the receipt of his weight, always measured on the same scale. He would immediately give the newspaper his letter to the Pope. Amodeo delivered to IL CENTRO the first letter to be personally transmitted to the Pontiff. In it, he wrote that the previous Pope, John Paul II, had asked Galileo Galilei's forgiveness for the actions taken against him by the Church, and had acted admirably. However, he had failed to apologize and ask forgiveness above all from Galileo Jesus, since the former - Galileo Galilei - as his very name attested, had only replicated the contents of scientific truth that Jesus Christ had communicated to the world by delivering them to the learned Nicodemus.

243 The principle of Action and Reaction, thanks to which the Sun is seen to rotate around the Earth when the truth is that it is the Earth that does so, is according to the same relationship between the two opposing dynamics, of water and of the Holy Spirit, of which Christ had made Science aware through Nicodemus. The same Pontiff had hoped, with the Encyclical Fides et Ratio, that Faith and Reason would dialogue, and a philosopher had begun to fast already in 1999, and had done so for 57 days, in order to bring him the documentation of the truth of the Galileo Jesus. The Church had promised advocacy to those who would risk to overcome isolation and that philosopher was trying to attract the attention of the Pope by putting himself in the real condition of the lost sheep that cries out for food that it does not have if the Good Shepherd does not care for it. The real lost sheep, however, was not that of the philosopher who fasted, but that of Galileo Jesus himself, whose truths had been lost and found again only by Galileo Galilei. Now the Church had to find them too. The fasting philosopher would really have been like the lost sheep waiting for the Good Shepherd's help. The letter was signed "The lost sheep". THREE REQUESTS TO PETER: "DO YOU LOVE ME MORE THAN THESE?" Having waited unsuccessfully for fifteen days for the Pope to respond, to the first letter ROMANO gave the newspaper a second letter. Having waited another fifteen days in vain, he added a third letter, which reiterated those themes. THE DECISION TO CROSS HIMSELF IN PESCARA When it was December 4 and 54 days of fasting had already passed, without any reply having been given to IL CENTRO by the Holy Father, ROMANO announced that the only way left was to publish the news about what he would do "SPECTACULARLY" the next day: he would chain himself to the gate of the Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Pescara, covered only by a cloth around the waist of his naked body, as Jesus had been crucified.

244 A poster would have described the whole reason for that gesture, and the newspaper IL CENTRO would have devoted - as in the agreements - a page to the event, with a photograph of him on the cross, the poster and the newspaper's direct testimony of what they had done and to which the Holy Father had not responded. THE CENTER guaranteed that it would send a reporter and photographer. So, on a cold December morning, 5-10-5, Romano Amodeo first taped a camera to a pole and set it in action, checking to make sure it worked and that it framed the scene exactly. Then he went into it and undressed. She already had, under her clothes and above her panties, that cloth which had covered Jesus' hips and was now covering her own. While an icy wind was coming from the sea, not far away, she chained herself to the bars of the church gate, after having placed beside her the poster explaining the meaning of this unusual SHOW. The first curious people rushed in and asked him questions, then others, and soon there was a crowd of curious and astonished people all around, who, when they asked Romano the reason for everything, were told that it was "all written in the poster".


This is the original, placed near my crucifixion.

246 Its translation I purposely chained myself before the Sacred Heart of Jesus. I am only a poor Christ who has practically been fasting for 55 days, in Montesilvano, because I am living only of Christ, with Christ and for Christ. I live only of the Hosts of the Mass and I'll go back to heaven if the Good Shepherd won't leave the 99 strings to look for me, the lost one. The Good Shepherd is Jesus and the Pope his vicar... if he deigns and seeks those who have placed their lives in him alone. Il Centro, the Abruzzo newspaper, has been trying in vain for 55 days to get the Pope to receive me, if he does not have the time to look for me, a poor Christ who looks after his own life and not His, as Ali Agcià did when he went to see him in prison... But the Vatican doesn't answer! Those who serve the Pope believe that he must have time only for the powerful and that, thus, he must do more than the master who did not want to spend a single word with Caesar for Israel. Here I am, chained to the Sacred Heart of Jesus because the heart of the poor Christ weeps, who lives only in the body and blood of Jesus, and is even ready to die, just to bring Benedict XVI the answer, from the Seat of Wisdom, to the request to you - of power... made by Pope Wojtyla at the bottom of Fides et Ratio! Well, I am the messenger of a Madonna "who can and is the safe harbour for those who seek...", and I have much to say to Your Holiness, for the quality and salvation of life itself. I am so certain of this that I would stake my own, if it were a game (or suicide) to hand it over to the Pope! I must risk my life to save the life of others, and if they want it to perish or decay... amen! Would not the Blessed Virgin Mary also respect the Faith-Reason bond fixed by Jesus' mandate to Peter not only on earth (and ignored) but also in heaven? Would Our Lady not respond? And Lourdes? And Fatima and Medjugorjie? If so, would the poor Christ who came and was despised suffer the incuriosity of the Curia and of a Bad Shepherd who would abandon and let die the lost sheep entrusted to him? And just because he is not a Caesar but only a poor Christ... of what Christianity? If God has sent his messenger in vain, will he close the wedding gates, on 22-12-2.012, to the 5 foolish virgins, left without oil and without light? I know that the axe is already laid at the root of the trees and that there are perhaps just the 7 years of fat cows to fill the granaries.

247 The only ones who were conspicuous by their absence were the priests of that Church, as if a poor Christ who had chosen the very Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus had chosen one that did not pertain to the love of Christ and his solicitude for all poor Christians. They used the fingers of their hands not to help, but to turn the dial (the one with the telephone numbers) and to call the Police: to come and remove them from that situation, in which they could not leave the courtyard with their cars, because a man had chained himself to the gate. The policemen came. They questioned that chained man and were given the same answer: the reasons for the gesture were published in that poster next to him. The photographer from the newspaper came and took many shots, from all sides. At that point, the police told the man that he could put an end to that spectacle because the photos were there, THE CENTER would have given the news and therefore he had succeeded. Why still stand there, so cold and naked as a worm? The chained man (so to speak) let himself be freed. Can one chain one's hands? BROUGHT BY FORCE TO THE HOSPITAL IN ATRI (TERAMO) Romano thought he could go home, but the police first handed him the camera (which someone had detached from the pole) and then told him that he had to be taken to the hospital, to ascertain his health conditions. At the hospital the doctor who examined him found that he was perfectly in himself, calm, aware. Yes, like a worker who has chained himself to the gate of his factory where he doesn't get his pay... Do they take him to the hospital if he stops? "Yes, but you took your clothes off, and when that's the case we normally send everyone to the mental hospital to check their mental health status." With his bag and camera, they took him out of the province to Teramo, to the San Liberatore Hospital in Atri.

248 Once again, Romano Amodeo suffered undue violence, since an ASO (compulsory health assessment) could only be imposed on condition that a mayor had overridden his personal responsibility. Without the device issued by the first citizen of Saronno, or of Pescara, they could not force Romano to be visited. When he arrived, Romano told the doctor who received him all about what had happened and that he had had to resort to this spectacle in order to have the honour of a page in the newspaper, his photo of him in Christ-like garb, chained as if he had been crucified to the bars of the gate of that Church which he had deliberately chosen as that of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The doctor understood him and told him that he could go home. However, Amodeo had to follow her advice: he would go to the newspapers, the Pope would read about it... and then it was time for him to take the opportunity to get himself checked out! He had fasted for 55 days and could now suffer some serious health problems. Besides... it was free... Romano couldn't help but agree with her. He had done all he had to do, the ROMAN OBSERVER would have brought back his Christic show, with him chained naked and well photographed, and he listened to the wise advice and stayed. Only after having been assured that he would not be given drugs of any kind, nor would he be given any therapy - only after! - he was hospitalized of his own free will. Here is a summary of the medical record of his hospitalization, from 5-12-2.005 to 4-01-2.006. Entry diagnosis: "Delusional syndrome" Definitive diagnosis: "Episode of manic arousal in partial remission." PSYCHIATRIC HISTORY: Bronchopneumonia in '40. College graduate. Divorced. Lives alone by personal choice. Problems with his own family: death of his mother in 2000. Alcohol intake: negative. Drug use: negative. Problems with the law: negative. Nothing to note in disorders of rational activity, disorders of subjective experiences, state of consciousness, performance, psycho physiological; no sleep disturbances, nor somatic conversion disorders, or abnormal eating behaviour, nor suicide attempts.

249 Reality judgment disorders: mystical. Concomitant illnesses: in 2,002 cervical trauma from car accident. PSYCHIC EXAMINATION: Attitude toward examiner: positive. Reliability and completeness of information: good. Appearance: his age. Physical apparent condition: fair. Weight: nominal. Height: average. Face: asthmatic (minimal); hyper vigilant (mild). Psychomotor slowdown: absent. Psychomotor excitement: absent. Tremors: minimal. Uncooperative: absent. Isolated: absent. Altered ability to perform purposeful activity: absent. Suspiciousness: mild. Aggressiveness: absent. Theatrical: marked. Emotional poverty: absent. Discordance: absent. Rhythm of speech: fast. Productivity: increased. Prolixity: marked. Loss of associations: minimal. Ideas of grandeur: marked. Suicide ideas: absent. Ideas of reference: absent. Phobias: absent. Obsessive ideas: absent. Delusions: certain. Delusions of grandeur: marked. Mystical delusions: marked. Appetite: reduced. Energy level: normal. Insomnia: absent. Hallucinations: absent. Orientation disorders in time: absent. Orientation disorders in space: absent. Fixation disorders: absent. Re-enactment disorders: absent. Estimation of intelligence: average. Possibility of suicidal or violent behaviour: difficult to assess. The judgments expressed always starting from these unfair preconceived ideas have been highlighted in bold: that a subject who is pushed by the Pope to risk everything willingly in order to overcome isolation (his words on the Encyclical Fides et Ratio) is the victim of a delirious syndrome if - having tried in vain the right way with THREE letters to the Pope sent through IL CENTRO of Pescara - then agrees with the same newspaper a SHOW that will impress this world. If an actor has to play the part of Christ and denudes himself, is he perhaps then taken to the hospital because he has denuded himself? Is he a maniac? Is he horny?

250 This gesture - whatever the foolish wisdom of the world might think - was precisely the one described by John in the last chapter of his gospel: 14 This was the third time that Jesus manifested himself to the disciples, after he had risen from the dead. 15 When they had eaten, Jesus said to Simon Peter, "Simon of John, do you love me more than these?" He answered him, "Certainly, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Feed my lambs." 16 He said to him again, "Simon of John, do you love me?" He answered him, "Of course, Lord, you know that I love you." He said to him, "Shepherd my sheep." 17 He said to him for the third time, "Simon of John, do you love me?" Peter was grieved that for the third time he should say to him, "Do you love me?" and said to him, "Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you. Jesus answered him, "Shepherd my sheep. 18 Truly, truly, I say to you, when you were younger you girded your garment yourself, and went where you would; but when you are old you will stretch out your hands, and another will gird your garment and take you where you do not want to go." The three letters to Peter sent by poor Christ Romano Amodeo (who had no marked ideas of greatness, he did not believe himself to be the Christ but the meek on whom He, Christ, carried out his ideas) to Peter Benedict XVI were precisely those three questions of love which were followed by three orders to shepherd the sheep. All this had to be considered on the basis of the Gospel of Matthew, chap. 25: 31 When the Son of Man comes in his glory ...he will separate one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats ... 34 Then the king will say to those on his right hand, Come, you blessed of my Father ... 35 For I was hungry, and you gave me food ... Truly I say to you, as often as you have done these things to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you have done it to me. 41 Then he will say to those on his left: Away, away from me, you cursed ... I was hungry and you did not feed me....In truth I say to you, whenever you did not do these things to one of the least of these brothers of mine, you did not do them to me.

251 Everything would have imagined the psychologists of the San Liberatore of Atri to be witnessing the Lord's condemnation of the behaviour of the Peter, who was no longer able to see Christ in every poor Christ even when the Gospel of Matthew had clearly said it: you did it to me, every time, in truth. Verse 18, what in the Italian Constitution is the art.18 of "dismissal for just cause" is the same thing for God who LICENSES PETER, that Peter of old age who will resign precisely because he will believe himself old, forgetting that three times he had been invited to shepherd the sheep invested by love and not by ability. An enormous presumption of a Pontiff who believes that everything he binds on Earth is then bound in Heaven... and not vice versa (if he still sees the divine)! In fact, the Simon Peter who girded his own loins, as a young man, and went wherever he wanted, saw Jesus (who was in a natural and real way the son of Mary and Joseph) and glimpsed in him the SON OF GOD. At the End of Time, with Benedict XVI, God used the Romano to bring HIS three questions to him: "Simon of John, do you love me more than these?", (1st letter to the Pope) "Simon of John, do you love me?", (2nd letter to the Pope) "Simon of John, do you love me?" (3rd letter to the Pope) To the questions of the poor Christ he did not even deign to answer... because that poor Christ WAS NOT THE CHRIST (no matter what Jesus said!). On the first of the year, Romano was still in the hospital of Atri. He was discharged on January 4 and returned to Montesilvano. The first thing he did was to go to the newspaper IL CENTRO to see how they had dealt with the issue, and he had unexpected and very bad news for him: they hadn't done the story, because the page that had been reserved for him in the news was used for an unforeseen event, the collision between a police car and an important local showman..



253 . Romano Amodeo, who wanted to show off the Cross of Jesus to his advantage, saw that his page had ended up, by divine will, to a real showman. They did not keep the word they had given him, limiting themselves to describing "the fact" only as you see here on the side. No explanation of the reasons why that action had been agreed upon with the newspaper IL CENTRO. No reproduction of the poster with the reasons. As if he had been someone who suddenly lost his marbles because he wanted to see the Pope and was taken to the hospital to see if he was okay. Instead of publishing the reasons for the gesture agreed upon with IL CENTRO, they misrepresented some of the words exchanged with the police officers. If you have not read the manifesto that was there, here is the point, highlighted well:

At that point ROMANO was left with the video he had taken with the camera. He unwrapped the camera and tried to watch the film, but it wouldn't start. Then he opened the camera and discovered that the tape he had recorded it on was missing. He immediately ran to the police to get it back. They assured him that

254 they hadn't seized anything that day, otherwise there would have been a seizure order, which wasn't there. He then telephoned the photographer from IL CENTRO who had taken many of the shots, to get at least that documentation. He took the time to track them down in his archives: more than a month had passed... Three days later, the photographer revealed, bewildered - since it was the first time something like this had ever happened to him! - that all the photos of him in chains were gone. He hadn't put them in a folder! They were mixed up with the others taken that day, in the confrontation with Olivieri; but those taken of the real showman were there, those taken of him as an exhibitionist were not. Not one! In front of such facts, human reason refuses the idea that the divine has intervened... Don Luigi Carnelli had also denounced the thieves who had made the body of Christ disappear. Here now a box had disappeared, and the policemen guaranteed that they had not taken it, and many photographs mixed in with the others and only they had vanished. A sign that was prominently displayed and explained not existing. The agreements made with THE CENTER evaporated.... The page that was supposed to go to Amodeo, gone to Olivieri! ROMANO thought that God didn't want any real evidence of his show left. He hadn't wanted it already in Montesilvano many years before, also thwarting another show, of that

255 same tenor there, made under a big cross. It had happened in the distant 1.988, in the right day in which ROMANO in Milan on 28 February 88 had decided the cross of his failure, in his being the of the Lord. It was the day of San Romano Abate. Well, on that same day in Montesilvano, under the great cross that had been erected on the Collina della Vecchia (Old Hill), close to the houses, 20,000 people flocked from all over to await a great miracle that would take place in heaven, greater than Lourdes and Fatima (according to Don Diodati, vice-parish priest of the Church of S. Antonio in Montesilvano), who declared continuous visions of the Madonna and Jesus, and of a visionary named Fioritti. Well, the 20.000 people who came did not see anything, and the "toto-miracle" seemed to be won by the supporters of the failure. Among so many people, a woman died of emotion and many were forced to have their eyes treated because they had looked at the sun for a long time without any filter. How could they know that - on the day in which Saint Roman Abbot was celebrated in heaven - there was another Roman ABBA', the and the father of Christ (ABBA') on him, 500 kilometres away, who was putting himself on the cross as he would have put himself in Pescara? He would go to Milan! How many days later? Let's see if they are significant, where LV is 55 days for each Roman.... When the word Romano is worth 66 in gematria, its product by 10 presents it in God's cycle 10. Dividing it by 6 evaluates it in one verse instead of the 6 of 66. Then 660/6 = 110 is a God=10 which in the area is 100, and which in the 10 cycle of 660 (that is in 6600) moves 6490. The subtraction indicates the motion of 1/6 of Romano ×10, in his hundredfold down here .

256 If we then consider that the first cross of failure, in Milan, was traced back to that of Jesus' Mount Zion (since Romano intended to give him body), then we clearly see that the one in Montesi LVA no transcends Mount Zion precisely in the 55 days of fasting of a Roman who, in his Latin language is written LV and in his surname is the A of Amodeo. Don't be surprised: even the parish priest of Montesilvano who offered him a loaf of bread, for Destiny was called RApagnetta (where RA is the Romano Amodeo to whom he offered the bread); as well as the owner of the Bar of Saronno where he evacuated (not having a toilet at home) and was called RAGusa (Romano Amodeo Gabinetto usa, R.A. uses the toilet). In the same way now there would have been a SantoRo to show in a transcendent way to Romano - that invisible truth that would have appeared two Hundred years after his crucifixion on December 5 in Pescara, therefore on February 5 in Albania. Missionary Andrea Santoro saw the finger of a Muslim, acerbic in his faith, a young man, who entered the church and operated a revolver and thus showed the finger of the Priest acerbic in Faith for the Sacred Heart of Jesus who made the same gesture to eliminate and King A. holy RO also on A. RO. who had chained himself to the gate of his Church by standing on that Romano SomàRo. So you saw how, when Ratzinger became Pope himself, he had to face again the request of a lost sheep of the Church, which had put itself in his hands. And he disregarded it A book was sent to the Holy Father Benedict XVI, in connection with his first Encyclical on the love of God!

257 Here I give you the reference for this book, which exists on the web and is readable ro_cristo_ancora_crocefis

Now Benedict XVI is also responsible for the other one to whom he dumped his papal robes, and of whom Jesus narrated in verse 18 of John's gospel, chapter 21. Therefore, Pope Francis' misdeeds also fall on the last Pope of the Catholic Church, the traitor 113 who glorified God with the same betrayal as Judas in the Garden of Olives, who betrayed Jesus by believing he loved him.


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