(((((Contact: Laura Mitchell, CPS Deputy Superintendent Mitchec@cpsboe.k12.oh.us EduShyster Academy, contact tips@edushyster.com. Michelle Dillingham info@nationalhomeless.org, Cincinnati City Council candidate, Community Advocate, ORSC Commissioner, Social Worker Kennedy Heights resident Michelle Dillingham is director of education at the Homeless Coalition mhustings@nationalhomeless.org and a member of the Cincinnati Educational Justice Coalition: http://cincinnatieducationjustice.org/ http://nationalhomeless.org/ http://nationalhomeless.org/store/ https://www.facebook.com/CincinnatiEducationalJusticeCoaltion https://twitter.com/MichelleLISW Chris Wetterich @ChrisCinciBiz Journalist at the Cincinnati Business Courier covering government and politics, transportation & downtown development. cwetterich@bizjournals.com OCR@ed.gov, OCR.Cleveland@ed.gov, OCR.Chicago@ed.gov, OCR.Boston@ed.gov, OCR.NewYork@ed.gov, OCR.SanFrancisco@ed.gov, OCR.Seattle@ed.gov, OCR.Atlanta@ed.gov TO: The OCR National Headquarters is located at: U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights 400 Maryland Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20202-1100 Telephone: 1-800-421-3481 FAX: 202-453-6012; TDD: 1-800-877-8339 https://twitter.com/usedgov News and Co: Ravich and Ravich Friend on Twitter, Brave New Film, MOYO TIPs, Guardian News, The Nation, Buzz feed, etc..))) ***********************************************************
Civil Rights & Discrimination Complaints (OCR Docket # 15-15-1248 ) against CPS, Cincinnati Education Board Members/ Ohio School Boards, Ohio’s Public School’s “Private-Public” Entities, Against The Rightwing Private Corporations, And in Particular Against the GOP Political Action Committee “ALEC”, And ALEC Corporations And Due To Evidences Of The Criminally Racist old KKK Organization NRA’s illegal Influences into Ohio’s Public School System.
FIRST DRAFT By Anthony E. Complainant; (person(s) or class of persons injured by the alleged discriminatory act): Projectheureka LLC, Anthony Endres Low -income parents of various Special Education students in Cincinnati Public school district, Tri-State based teachers and parents in Cincinnati Public school districts Who are Represented here by: Anthony Endres, 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, 45213 Ohio Links to available Audio /Video evidences, and secret recordings: (Voices, names and further more was redacted to protect the Witnesses and Informers): https://www.dropbox.com/sh/arf7t5x6ubaznyc/AADrXfxY2fpzFW5LTDgD81Fa?dl=0 http://issuu.com/anthonyendres/docs Names of the institutions that committed the alleged discriminatory: Ohio’s / Tri-State’s Public School “Reformer”/ ALEC and ALEC Corporations Our local Cincinnati supervisors/ Cincinnati school boards, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers (CFT), National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET), and American Federation of Teacher (AFT)
A description of the alleged discriminatory act(s) in sufficient detail to enable OCR to understand what occurred, when it occurred, and the basis for the alleged discrimination (race, color, sex, disability, religion and national origin in particular my small business’s case): My wife and I, and in extension my small business contacted in the past 3-4 years our local Cincinnati supervisors/ Cincinnati school boards, Cincinnati Federation of Teachers (CFT), National Association of Special Education Teachers (NASET), and American Federation of Teacher (AFT) for information on the below important Public education matters, and additively in another matter about a crowd sourced and local Communities and small businessesoriented support network for low income Special education students and their families, without replies nor results. Not even to inquiries sent via Registered mails were we responded nor replied to. We even have – due to lack of experience and finances - a failed US Government Grant Application for the development and implementation of our App solutions to prove that our minorityinterests focused 2 special public education projects were locally in ALEC loyal “Ohio not supported, hindered and discriminated against. “Programs or activities that receive public ED funds in the State of Ohio must provide aids, benefits or services in a nondiscriminatory manner. Such aids, benefits or services may include, but are not limited to, admissions, recruitment, financial aid, academic programs, student treatment and services, counseling and guidance, discipline, classroom assignment, grading, vocational education, recreation, physical education, athletics, housing and employment.” These institutions/ Programs or activities that receive public ED funds in the State of Ohio did not provide aids, benefits or services in a nondiscriminatory manner!
Online complaint of alleged discriminatory act(s) “(Against race, color, national origin, sex, disability, and non-religious small business) in Ohio pubic school districts relating to ALEC corporations. The Office for Civil Rights (OCR) enforces five federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability and age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education (ED)”. “Discrimination on the bases of race, color and national origin is prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; sex discrimination is prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities, whether or not they receive federal financial assistance); and age discrimination is prohibited by the Age Discrimination Act of 1975.” 1. Violations of the prevailing laws as they govern the operation of American schools and IEP laws: Violation of Paragraph 10.471 Material Failure In Implementation of IEP The services for disabled students in Cincinnati Public school district falls significantly short due to 2., 3., 4., 5., 6., etc., Violation of Paragraph 10.472 IEP Meetings- How? See Audio evidences and documents! Violation of Paragraph 10.48 Related Services/ Support Services: IDEA requires that school districts provide children with disabilities with supportive services that will meet their educational needs as prescribed by the IEP. A school district is supposed to provide related services” but not
medical services by law. Students with Special Needs are not adequately provided. Violation of Paragraph 7.51 Surveillance Cameras: An Opendoor policy (See Audio files and Emails), or no concrete policy for and during diaper changes clearly violates of Paragraph 7.51, where as videos in IEP protects the rights and privacy of students as well as the rights of teachers against wrongful accusations and concrete long-term evidences of a severely handicapped special need student’s performance. IF surveillance cameras in classrooms, hallways, school ground and strip searches (Paragraph 7.4) etc. are permissible if justified. There are equivalent similar justifiable reasons to permit Videos in IEPs as part of the long-term evidence and confirmation tools of a special need student’s performance and special needs’ requirements and needs. Not doing so is discriminatory, since similar tools of documenting students’ performance exist, but are insufficient for non-verbal and students with severe physical disabilities. Audiovisual evidences of students with disabilities’ performance and their level of “Related services” over time is so best, fastest and most conclusive transmitted from teacher / school to the next. CPS leaders and others contacted, rejected the Videos in IEP with the arguments of privacy violations of the student’s right is invalid. That argument is strongly in conflict with and in is in violation with Paragraph 13.22 Requirement of FERPA, Family Educational Rights And Privacy Act, under which school districts are required to publish a pupil records policy even without written consent of parents! We have written consents of Parent for videos in IEP! The Privacy of students with Disabilities in our proposed, but viciously silently denied VIEP IS warranted, as long as the content and location of student’s IEP files is secured. What is not necessary the case in any via the Internet from teachers’s
homes accessed IEP btw with the known backdoors in many old applications and database systems. Unlike physical Videos in IEP conform medium for example (DVDS, SIMS Cards etc.), which my wife, a CPS public teacher, and I suggested to CPS leadership to implement and we would have funded in parts even. The given reasons of Privacy rights of the students seem to also be in reality of existing system a non-issue when it comes to Behavior Tracker Pro / Skill Tracker Pro, Michael Behrman and University of Georgia Prof Kevin M. Ayres’s projects for example and other businesses’ App based recent developments for the education system. Ergo denying our important education improvement business idea was just blunt institutional racism and business frauds by some of our local neoconservative leaders. Who possibly only denied, just to later sell other people’s ideas, as usual, as theirs for their own pyrrhic selfish big business or political gains. Violation of Paragraph 10.49 Placement Proper placements of students with disabilities is a most important aspect of the individualized educational program (IEP) ************* ******************************************************
2. Allegations of abuse of dominant organized ALEC Corporate positions. Systematical, discriminatory and illegal advantages for certain ALEC Corporations’ education products in the public (Special) education sector. http://www.alternet.org/education/koch-backed-charter-schoolfounder-makes-millions-public-education 2.A. All the above- and below-mentioned discriminations constitute additively a breach of the American, European and International
Antitrust rules. In order to get a better sense of how alone ALEC moves Public School reform money and funds on the example of Ohio’s Public schools we are additively instantly filing the following FOIA Requests, due to high suspicions of discriminations of minorities and of low income students, and due to evidences of excessive business discriminations and Antitrust offenses not only in the ongoing Public education reform relating to the below mentioned, listed “ALEC” and other business organizations and their highly questionable business practices: I. Filing a far-reaching FOIA request in order to get a better sense of how Ohio/Cincinnati Public schools allocate and redirects tax dollars and where the private (ALEC) Corporate “donations” it receives are coming from, and are going into, in relationship to Ohio public schools’ partnerships with Pearson, PARCC, ALEC, National Petroleum Council (NPC) and other “Federal Advisory Committees” operating within the Ohio public school system, concept of Corporations and local/ State GOP political leaders), Koch Brothers’ Imperium, the National Rifles Association (NRA), AIR, and other conservatives-headed “Public-Private” Corporate Partnerships and DonorsChoose, GoFundMe and similar partnerships of Ohio’s Public school system to archconservative private Corporations etc. should be included please too) II. We demand instantly the release of ALL financial records and immediate criminal Investigations of the secretly publicly ongoing illegal religious fundamentalist “publicprivate” neoconservative political business alliances and illegal consolidations of public funds into private Corporate hands in the Ohio/ Cincinnati Public School System:
Private-public Accelerators programs in Ohio’s Public Schools, where rightwing Corporations, Fox News, NRA and Mega Churches and Religious Organizations like the Archdiocese of Cincinnati are illegally direct financially and otherwise benefitting partners influencing Ohio’s Public School education with religious discriminating tribal primitive old Biblical nonsenses, constitute a clear infringement of the separation of state and church, and of existing Antidiscrimination laws in the State of Ohio btw. Cincinnati’s Interfaith Initiatives prove by closer investigations to be a monotheistic religious frauds, excluding nearly all other non Judea-Christian and non-Abrahamic, NONreligious beliefs and academic Evolution stance illegally, while it claims only by name to be “Interfaith”. But engages in highly discriminating political support for discriminating, if not even racist GOP, ALEC and NRA’s gun laws and those institutionally discriminatory anti-social policies are harming in majority the Ohio minority populations intentionally, and are forcing the faster impoverishing minorities so into fraudulent criminally pyramid scheming mega Church Sects run like taxexempted rightwing Corporate frauds, funded by wealthy tax-evading rightwing private ALEC Corporations (See alone Cincinnati’s mega church discriminating Philanthropic endeavors with mega Corporations in Ohio), excluding Atheists, LGBTQIA and other older Native American and religious people illegally, even while they unverified claim otherwise. In fact some of my business‘s own local Cincinnati-based investigations on those religious business partners proved in parts that some select few influential arch conservative wealthy KKK supporting Corporate billionaires to be not only financial backers behind PACs like ALEC and NRA and the Tea Party, but they are behind the aliening of Mega Churches with big mega Corporate businesses with Public education and a crazy old Corporate cronyism frauds-filled GOP governing of the State of Ohio, and other US conservative States. Just like a religious fanatic
discriminating and wealthy old KKK white supremacists-led place. And such partnership excluding other non-beliefs in business and in the business of education, constitute an unlawful, in fact felonious discrimination of my Atheist minority owned online small business, by some conspiring conservative Ohio big business leaders who probably conspired even by abusing Ohio’s FBI and HLS possibly even for the past 7 years to exclude my business from the upcoming big business of “Crowd funding” public education reform, due to my Atheistic non-religious beliefs, and my scientific acknowledgment and logical admittance of Anthropogenic Climate change as ongoing fact. Latter what this rightwing ALEC Corporate billionaires’ controlled region (GE, P&G, Duke, Cincinnati Bell, et all) evidently pays the Corporate media and corrupt US Corporate pseudo Scientists to lie about and deny banally like dumb ideological Lemmings in denials of their own brains, while some of the same corrupt Neoconservative Ohio Corporate and religious fanatic Caucasian Ohio political-business leadership secretly abuse bulk surveillance to steal Intellectual Properties, enrich themselves hideously. And then turn around to deny minorities and low income Caucasians the equivalent rights and opportunity, as the wealthy corrupted loons here evidently give some racist mentally ill Caucasian “Christian”, ideological extremist fundamentalist nepotistic discriminating organizations, such as the corrupt Antitrust agreements infringing ultra conservative Climate Change denying and racist Caucasian Shooters of minorities secretly 6-figures funding ALEC loyal mega private US Corporations in this area of the USA. FYI, I hold secret audio video recordings to undeniably verify that claim in Courts by the way! And that same deeply racist Political Action committee, ALEC, is secretly heading the State of Ohio and US’s Public School “reform”, and Ohio’s Courts and US Justice system dares to look away? How mentally insane and institutional racist are some of your religious fanatic GOP Neocons, IF I might ask so
lapidary please? I can assuredly tell, show and you can even hear how truly conspiring racist and fraudulently organized some religious ideological Caucasian self proclaiming too big to fail big business leaders in Ohio really are, coming from their own mouth and faces in secret recording over the past 6 years. In Courts certainly only since they pose extreme dangers to my family evidently considering those conservative corporate leaders’ International powers and influence. III. FOIA request of the Ohio Department of Education, or any other Ohio public school reformers who are responsible for the reform of public education, for the release to the for public reevaluation of the mathematic equation on which a student’s growth /teacher’s performance is based. Not only does the allocation of resources in the ongoing “reform” of the Ohio public school system raise serious questions about whether these ALEC Corporate partnerships are actually going to improve the education of students of low-income, minorities, immigrated, LGBTQI and special needs in Ohio. There is reason to suspect the allocation constitutes abuse of public funds, as those public education funds are being abused illegally for political, business cronyism, to discriminate against minorities and immigrants in education and in business, and possibly constitutes fraud by the Ohio ALEC Legislation and associated corporations and lawmakers. Our FOIA request aims to expose the partisan political, unlawful, financial, and persons institutionally discriminating connections of those corporate ALEC legislators to the American public. Secondly: It is highly dubious to begin with that the same rather ultra rightwing “private-public” Organizations responsible for inane Stand your ground and racist self defense gun laws (ALEC Corporations, NRA, KochBros, Bush/Pearson) leading to massive growing numbers of young Afro-American males student ages getting shot/ killed by crazy white vigilantes and mentally ill White Police officer, while the same Organizations secretly fund via GoFundMe, Paypal and other
secretive donations sources racist killers to win with the media! That Military Arms/Oil-Corporate Industry<>Public Schools-BIG businessconnection fact alone brings up a whole lot of legal questions by minority parents and teachers and from my by those ALEC cronies discriminated small business, which now needs to be responded to in clear Judicially valid writing, or via the legal National and International Courts way certainly too, since I am an European citizen whom the ALEC gangs attempted to screw over as I have recorded secretly coincidentally some years ago already. And it appears a relative normal system used in this RFRA and other wise discriminating Tristate area to exclude all sort of “minorities” to the USA from equal opportunities to success. Wouldn’t you agree too? “Most people have heard of the No Child Left Behind Act, the 2001 federal policy that guides public education funding. What many people don’t know is that it was actually a reauthorization of legislation passed in 1965, when Congress and the president recognized that despite the decision of Brown vs. the Board of Education 10 years prior, poor children across America continued to languish in substandard, segregated schools. It would take federal intervention to ensure that our nation’s public schools be integrated, and that black and brown students would receive the same resources as more affluent and white children. The passage of the original Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) was civil rights legislation, and it helped to ensure that all children, regardless of income or race, had access to the resources and supports they needed to succeed. .. We have the opportunity for the ESEA reauthorization to ensure more equitable policies. For example, we should invest in sustainable school models, what we here in Cincinnati call Community Learning Centers. This is a proven best practice in which wrap-around services such as vision and dental care, mental health, nutrition, mentoring and tutoring are available to students, helping to ameliorate the effects of poverty on school performance. Our school district is committed to this model, and every student across the country should have access to sustainable schools.
We should impose a moratorium on federal funding for new or expanding charter schools. Charters began as incubators for innovation in public education. Unfortunately, states and the federal government have failed to adequately monitor charters, leading to millions of public dollars lost to fraud and mismanagement.” Education spending a civil rights issue http://www.cincinnati.com/story/opinion/contributors/2015/04/09/e ducation-spending-civil-rights-issue/25558015/ CPS looses 8,000 students each year since “NCLB” to charter schools. The “reform” made education so a very expensive failing matter of Districts Vs. Business/Charter where the Public School and minorities and low-income communities are the already pre-chosen looses. These Corporate ALEC investors-run “reform” is monetizing education further, rather than improving public and free academic accurate education for all Americans. Various teachers, and possibly the Cincinnati Educational Justice Coalition (Michelle Dillingham) can confirm some unlawful relationships of CPS Board Of Education members and the Accelerator/ Public schools into private Charter school transformation programs to be ongoing, where it appears CPS members are bought with promises of high positions and incomes into the public school privatization scheme,
These “transformed” public-private charter schools, in particular, escape true accountability for the millions, in tax dollars; they take from traditional public schools. The educational results in charter schools are not better than traditional public schools, and often tend to be worse, even though they a large amount of funding in private contributions. They “counsel out” students with special needs, poor, minority children, and those whose test scores might be lower than they'd like. That tax dollars are spent on PR and lobbying corrupt politicians and lawmakers and not on the children, who these
schools are allegedly created and run to serve. That alone is not a crime, but a necessary part of the privatization scheme to continue to grow enrollment and the business, which is the only way the schools can pay back the charter bondholders, which Wall Street requires. The high teacher turnover is an important feature of charters: It keeps labor costs low and profits high. Expect poor pay, long hours and poor treatment of employees. And yes, high teacher turnover harms the school learning community and the children's ability to feel connected to important role models. While the public school system in Ohio is left with teachers funding their own classrooms (public schools are facing decreasing funding year after year) and even having to feed and change the diapers of students with extensive special needs at the same time, as part of their duties as teachers, since the reform generates more money by cutting jobs and loading the extra work, responsibilities and particular legal blaming and framing onto the teachers alone. What is in violations of the rule since it is now very clear and can be proven, that the blaming and wrongfully accusing teachers is merely discriminatingly abused to fire progressive and Afro-American public school teachers ( or even with false and unverified claims of “cheating, eraser marks” incarcerate many minority teachers mainly) privatize and turn the Public schools in Ohio into those highly dubious “private-public” Charter schools. As recent successful FBI investigation of Horizon Science Academic, Core Group Inc., Charter schools and the E-rate and other conspiracies and scandals showed, the “Accelerator” programs now involving rightwing Corporation, Cincinnati Business Committee, Farmer Family Foundation pln to spend $25 million to operate new Charter schools in Ohio to the expense of Public Schools, and by discriminating against minorities and low-income hideously and implementing religious doctrines (“Pro-Life”, AntiContraception, religious ware-faring, “volunteering for free for private – religious – mega Corporations, while poor, “Free” Market Nazism’s etc) and falsehoods into the education system, while sidestepping Public School regulations, education and Antidiscrimination laws, by these crazy racist big business Neocons intentionally destroying - with impossible missions, an fraudulent “Value-added” absolutistic BS Formulas even the rich Corporate
man who first attempted the illogical nonsense, Bill Gates, threw over-board, and with very little funds to and supports for Public School teachers - the important minorities and low-income groups including US Public School system, instead of working to improve the existing educational system. Evidently ALEC and those Neoconservative dark-money investors aim to destroy and hugely capitalize immensely only from the destruction of the free legal, non-discriminating, religious nonsensefree and nominative more just Ohio Public School systems, not only in Ohio, or in the USA alone. But World-wide, via the usual fraudulent arch Conservative Caucasian billionaires-led US American mega private Corporate monopolies, since such ALEC corrupted rightwing mega US Corporations ( Pearson’s, Uber, Google, and certainly the modern rightwing US Corporate Pyramid schemes of “Privateowned- Public-funded” Charter Schools etc.) are always quickly over-valued and pushed Globally into $$ XX Billion Dollars of Globaloperating mega private “dead Unicorn” Bubbles . Economic Bubbles that are just making some corrupt super magnate investors’ rich, as happened in many sectors around the USA already. Corporate excessive wealthy - through Bubbles and by tunneling of huge Public funds by a few criminal conservative Cronies - to the expenses of the further impoverishing of a even more growing larger part of the American minority and low-income Caucasian population which those ALEC corporations drive further into poverty, drug abuse (Massive Pill-addictions leading to Heroin addictions, caused by Big Parma’s ALEC political Lobbyists), to increase in impoverished and jobless Minorities and poor commenting low level crimes, and to the same population groups getting innocent while unarmed shot by the ( White) conservative Police officers ( whom then the same arch conservative GOP ALEC NRA Fox News, Mega Churches Cartels interestingly then FUND secretly out- of jail with WIN WITH THE MEDIA 6-figures,) , and pushing so the desperate masses illegally into Mega Churches to receive “Charities” instead of Governmental Democratic legal Federal support. By religious fanatic tax-exempted organizations working with those Neoconservative racist GOP and ALEC Corporations against Minority interests in Ohio, their value for and their interests in the Academic education and
economic success of ALL of Ohioans is not only doubtful, but assured not existing. The private-public alliances of corporations, rightwing politicians and Churches have only one intent: TOTAL control over people, resources and policies of Ohio, while discriminating AfroAmericans, LGBTQIA, Progressives, Democrats and certainly Atheists and other believers even in education as the proposed absurdly Nazi-like RFRA bill in India already implies: Privately run and publicly funded religious” Charter school could then quasi “legal: official discriminate and refuse people education based on shitty RFRA laws in Ohio, too. Discriminating in business and in public life institutional and legal It’s the oldest wet dreams of your US KKK, if I might remind you legally of your US American not-so distant neoconservative past in International Human Rights Courts? I have as a German minority in Ohio very concrete evidences mind you please of many things that goes on in our Cincinnati Community, due to my secretly recorded business meetings with some of the most Climate change denying, religious fanatic and more pathologic old racists than not racist business elite members in this Conservative Ohio region. And I worked in IT Tech in Germany FYI, which means I remember vaguely some technologic ways, which some the NSA bulk collection programs created among, on how to uncover all my own evidences needed just with a Computer in any Court’s room. The allocation of resources in the ongoing Ohio Public School reform, where public tax money are redirected into those publicly funded but privately run Charter schools raises serious questions about whether this money is actually going to improve the education of low-income, immigrated, special needs students and minority students in Ohio. There is much reason to suspect the allocations constitute abuse of public funds, and possibly fraud by with the Ohio ALEC Legislation- associated Corporations.
And, not to mention that there are concrete evidences that parts of US/ Ohio’ s Public-Private Partnerships in Public Education “reform constitute ILLEGAL ANTITRUST, and Monopolistic control of Ohio’s Public School reform by Pearson (The Bush family), PARC, ALEC et All, with more 40% control of the Testing Market. http://www.commoncause.org/issues/more-democracyreforms/alec/whistleblower-complaint/supplemental-complaint2015/Exhibit_42_Anheuser-Busch.pdf
“AT&T told an investor that its main focus within the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been on "state legislation aimed at achieving a favorable business climate." A spokesman for BP said the company participates in ALEC "to help educate policy makers about energy and natural resource issues that affect our business." Pfizer said it continues its membership in ALEC because the company and its stakeholders "have benefited directly from the organization's model legislation," including efforts to protect drug patents and repeal a controversial physician advisory board set up by the Affordable Care Act. With statements like these in hand, progressive watchdog groups are accusing ALEC of tax fraud and requesting that the IRS crack down on the right-wing policy group. ALEC brings together about 200 state lawmakers, most of them Republicans, and a long list of wealthy corporations, trade groups and other members of the private sector to discuss public policy and draft model bills to be considered by state legislatures. In 2012, Common Cause and the Center for Media in Democracy filed a whistleblower complaint with the IRS, claiming that ALEC's activities amount to lobbying on behalf of its corporate members, and therefore ALEC is ripping off taxpayers by filing as a tax-exempt charity group. Evidence in the group's latest submission to the IRS
includes statements by 20 corporations admitting that they maintained an ALEC membership to influence legislation and gain access to lawmakers” http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/30809-wielding-new-evidencewatchdogs-push-irs-to-investigate-alec-for-tax-fraud#
The teacher’s evaluation formula/“value added” claim, based on the information listed above, is highly faulty, in a mathematical sense possibly even fraudulent, and that particularly the performance of minors’ that is factored into teacher evaluation methodology does not exist anywhere in the business world (Bill Gates was forced to abandon the same type of evaluation system to which his private business organization gave birth, due to extremely erroneous results deep employee dissatisfaction and strong decline in overall work force work-morale) thus must be reexamined and reevaluated as well, since there is strong suspicion of a fraudulent formula to discriminate against women and minority female dominated profession in the USA, illegally, while continually failing public schools, to transform them into corporate entities in the form of charter and religious schools. There are even without my investigation and secretly obtained recordings in the Ohio business world regarding ALEC and institutional discrimination and organized defrauding of a minority-owned small business and more than sufficient public evidence that Ohio’s ongoing, education reforms are full of organized business fraud, and secret business alliances along with institutional discriminations of minorities, LGBTQI, immigrants and lowincome students and teachers all across the country. Such fraudfilled Corporation-led public school reform systems, which refuse so vehemently to avoid responding to important legal, educational, and policy questions regarding it’s contradicting and undocumented instructions, the corporate dark money sources who seem unable to publicly say where Ohio’s public taxpayer funds are disappearing into the public school “reform”, nor can the “Value Added”-claim it deploys be verified as accurate in concrete, valid Academic terms.
>>> “Standardized Testing + Public Education Reform videos in Dropbox Link here
Not sure the following fits with the above As you can see and hear on the above links to audio files and legal documents above, there are a large numbers of most concrete evidences that legitimate teachers’ and parent’s Public school safety, security and privacy concerns, improvement suggestion and new important and necessary policy changes suggested to Cincinnati’s public school supervisors, principles and CPS Board members etcetera are with the utmost absurd and legally invalid excuses denied. Totally crazy denials and some of the most unbelievable excuse of pretense policies which NO ONE in the Ohio Public school leadership ever want to verify in writing! Which constitute a criminal offense: institutional discrimination, criminal endangerment and criminal, intentionally faulty instructing and misleading of Public school teachers and particular students and parents to failure. Evidently those nonsense you hear in those recording by supervisors and principles are aiding ALEC Corporate interests make Public schools fail and teachers incarcerated for following false and dangerous policies no one ever wants to very to them in written forms. Interesting recordings, no? That, is just the tip of the iceberg of how these crazy Neoconservative ALEC people are setting up teachers, minorities and special need students in Ohio to failures. Since those faulty and erroneously dangerous policy things
do not occur just in one Ohio schools FYI. Since, those are how supervisor and principles themselves are getting falsely erroneously misleading instructed by the “Reform” conducted by the religious fundamentalist and very racist ALEC Corporate cronies (Pearson et all) who are invested in public education reform just to bankrupt public education and privatize education further discriminating AfroAmericans, LGBTQAI and Atheists further anyway. Our Civil Rights suit goes thus not again one Cincinnati Public school or a shitty principle and a couple of not very smart Supervisors, or CPS, but against those conducting the “reform” with such dangerously inadequate and faulty policies or lack thereof, endangering so students, parents, teachers and the whole public school system recklessly and purposely for their pyrrhic gains: Privatizing and monopolizing Ohio’s Public Education segregating and discriminatingly. While these criminal KKK-lite elite Ohio Neocons later turn the suggestions and programs made to them and developed by teachers for Cincinnati Public schools slightly changed into by ALEC, Koch Brothers and Co. - through dark channels, very well-funded private-public PACs etc – into lucrative religious private nation-/ global wide operating big businesses/ Charter schools, It’s the interesting persistent scheme of fanatic discriminating, recklessly self-serving conservative big business leaders in this Bible-belt area, who act more like an inane Sec, rather than like sophisticated political, or academic educational leaders. The Corporate elite Neocons in the US kind of remind me, Anthony, of mere wealthy but senseless “thuggish animals”, very similar to the dumb ideological Hitler’s SSS Nazis before them, wouldn’t you agree too by now dear recipients? My wife and I even contacted Dr. Kevin Ayres (a Special Education Professor at the University of Georgia) some years ago to possibly collaborate and seek for his teams’ support in bringing the Video in IEP option to fruition. I. Those proposed Student performance videos would provide longterm visual/audio documentation of each student’s present level of
performance and progress toward mastery of their IEP goals. Due to the nature of their disabilities, many of these students have great difficulty demonstrating their skills and communicating their knowledge to others, even through the use of the alternate assessment. Visualizing their performance and academic growth via such short project video collections of students with severe special needs added to their IEP files is the most conclusive demonstration of the skills possessed by students with special needs, (especially those who are nonverbal) but also of student’s growth in less restrictive classrooms as well. II. The IEP files themselves are, due to the sensitivity of students’ privacy ONLY accessible to authorized personnel. The addition of our proposed select class/individual student project videos to the existing IEP files does not change who has access to the sensitive IEP files, be them stored within the district IEP program such as SEAS, or in locked school drawers containing progress DVDs in the cumulative files of students. The DVDs would be treated in the same confidential manner in which IEPs are treated and each DVD would contain only the named student’s videos alone. Along with providing yearly, at no cost, privacy law conforming, individual copies/reviews to student’s parents. This would be a quickly accessed, accurate record for students, schools, teachers, parents and the ongoing public school reform, which requires documentation of student growth/abilities. The rejection and denial of our proposal is not legally justified with any reason other than discrimination. IV. Video documentation also provides the students themselves with concrete information regarding their skills/knowledge and through viewing these videos with professionals and/or their parents, students would be able to see the areas where they need to continue working to improve their skills. It also provides a quick, easy record for school professionals to use when planning each student’s education and future transitions.
V. IF, by law, parents can demand what information shall be included or excluded in the IEP files of their child, they should also have the right to the placement of videos in their child’s IEP (VIEP) or cumulative file. In response to repeated questions posed by teachers, parents (with their signed agreement on a photo release), and Related Services personnel, the inclusion of photos and short videos of various therapies required by individual student IEPs, as part of their cumulative files, answers are given only verbally, not in written documentation with answers such as those quoted below: “You should not be putting any kind of videos in the files at all”, “If IEPS become public records, they can be subpoenaed in court cases”, but as can be read below, no-one has so far pointed to any concrete laws, nor given any direct, conclusive, legal and nondiscriminating answer that justifies the denial of our proposal to include video in IEPs be it in form of physical medium, such as DVD or even as part of SEAS and web/app-based.
************************************ VI. As should be well known by now: The largest groups of unarmed, innocent and unrightfully victims of shooting by police are in majority former special education students, adults with physical or mental disabilities and are mainly ethnic American “Minorities” (Blacks, Hispanics, LGBTQ, Autistic (Afro-American, Hispanic, low-income male teenagers etc.) DVDs / video treated in the same confidential manner in which IEPs are treated and each DVD contain only the named student’s videos are not endangering special ed students, nor later as adult’s privacy. But Academic Performance Videos-inIEP offer important validity and protection of special ed students and later Autistic adults. Particular does it protect from increasing Police violence and shooting of growing numbers of “Minorities” with Autistic, cognitive and other disabilities. VII. The argument of “Privacy concerns” in the ongoing phone / internet wiretapping NSA-‘s collect-it-all frenzy where even American
people’s Nudie pictures are directly collected from their private Cell phones and Google email boxes unauthorized and without warrants, rather strangely ridiculous. IF that reason was legally valid, the whole SEAS online system would be equally seen legally as posing the same large Student privacy risks, by, as is already done, making students’ written privacyprotected IEP data via the web available for authorized personals, teachers, school psychologists etc. VIII. In such crazy times when mainly Afro-American and other minority teachers are the ones getting the most wrongfully accused of cheating on students performance test, and then incarcerated for more than 20 years as happened recent in Georgia, VIDEO in IEP could be the adequate game changer, a protection and verification system of student’s performance and academic growth. And growing wrongful accusations of cheating against teachers also make the argument for the near-absolute importance and necessity of academic performance Video evidences in IEP to protect the student’s performance a very modern mandatory technologic tool. Note: Video in IEP does not infringe on the security of test environment! Video-IEP integrated pictures and short video files are for example synapses and examples of class projects a (Special Ed) student has worked on, and can for example also show and document exact liner reading and articulation progressions for students with reading and / or speech impairments. Reading and Speech impairments, which are more often the case more with low income and minority students Video in IEP, and my small business’s Shared-Edu.com Web/App, which both we have been suggesting since early 2013 officially will strengthen the academic growth of not only Special Ed students but regular students applicable to, and will additively limit the possibility of wrongful cheatings accusations against teachers, by offering audio visual reviews and verifications of a Student’s academic performance in well-regulated select few academic areas in short synapses throughout a Special Ed student’s school year(s).
Denying such important tools – which are to the benefits of the mainly low-income Special Ed, and minority students in the Ohio public school system - as the Video in IEP proposal and the SharedEdu.com application from an Interracial couple and Green and Diversity oriented small business infringes upon five federal civil rights laws that prohibit discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability and age in programs or activities that receive federal financial assistance from the Department of Education (ED). Discrimination on the bases of race, color and national origin is prohibited by Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964; sex discrimination is prohibited by Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972; discrimination on the basis of disability is prohibited by Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (Title II prohibits discrimination on the basis of disability by public entities, whether or not they receive federal financial assistance); and age discrimination is prohibited by the Age Discrimination Act of 1975. Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 and Age Discrimination (of people with Special Needs here) Act of 1975 were all apparently infringed upon by all or some of the institutions that committed the alleged discriminatory alone by those institutions and ALEC legislators and ALEC Corporations named since around 2013 are evading legal responsibility for legal public response to those important inquires and proposals in regards to individual teachers with the release agreements of the parents documenting Students’ achievement via Videos in IEP, and betterment of educational opportunities for low income and minority groups with the shared-Edu.com Website proposal. Demand Of urgent changes to the policies of Special Needs Students with Hygiene needs… Security and protections of Students with disability that can’t fend or even talk for themselves, and of teachers and caretakers of those students from wrongful sexual or other abuse accusations are
mandatory requirements to protect students, teachers and Ohio’s public schools from further unnecessary lawsuits. Which destroy countless innocent teachers lives. Those rightwing Corporate media supported “cheating/eraser marks” and other accusations and lawsuits are evidently mainly beneficial for the ALEC Corporations who hideously run privatization “reform “ scheme as well the private mass incarceration and fire arms BIG business, and many of the intertwined and connected huge Bail/ Court fine and expensive legal defense private big businesses many of the same ultra rightwing ALEC Corporate education big investors are invested in simultaneously, while ALEC Corporations and legislators personally financially self-invested, are breaching all Antitrust agreements, National and International laws. Note: IF you - Judicial and legally- can assure that these accused recipient of federal financial assistance may not retaliate against any person who has made a complaint, testified, brought up evidences, or participated in any manner in an investigation or proceeding under the laws, my small business has interviewed and knows a whole lot of Special Ed and other teachers and parents who will speak highly favorable of not just the idea of Video in IEP and Shared-Edu, but also of suspicions and evidences of unlawful discriminations in Ohio’s public education. But the teachers are now just too afraid of possible retaliation in job, and of getting fired by these ALEC Corporations and their discriminating private-public partners in the public education system. And, we all know how easy and well your corrupted Neocons command US’s rightwing extremists, armed White Militias and KKK-friendly killer Cops, thus those teachers fears appear to me certainly more than justified in a society so based on peer-pressures and the threat of violent deaths. And protecting their identities for now is important to them as it is to me. But, I am unlike most of them not your US Afro-American minority. I am a German minority, a position that allows me thankfully to involve the International Community and European media into the necessary investigations of the ongoing racist ALEC-operated Ohio public school reform frauds. And I do not fear your racist,
extreme imbecilic dumb, heavily armed and excessively primitive violent religious fanatic and mindless ultra Neoconservative Caucasian ALEC GOP / Tea Party and their sound boxes at the hatecrimes funding Fox News, nor the fact that they control some few local corrupt Police officers and parts of Ohio’s FBI either. Since I can additively prove Ohio’s Neocon ALEC Corporations to have abused and misused their secret connections to NSA /FBI bulk surveillance and HLS/ Immigration policies and data to sabotage and disadvantage a German minority-owned new startup: Mine 49% owned, and my US American Caucasian wife’s 51% owned Projectheureka LLC alias Green-Diversity.com alias SharingBuying.com in this crazy religious fanatic/ anti-multicultural and wellfunded climate change and deadly white-washed racism in USA to exist-denials, which both are at large in this area of Ohio USA. Particular in high mega rightwing ALEC Corporate, Fox “News” and CNN’s blatantly public white supremacist/ white KKK militias’ hatecrime rabble-rousing racist “THUG” misinforming of the American conservative Caucasian people disguised as the news, and in ALEC GOP political places, illegally IF investigated Internationally FYI, not to mention. Best Regards, Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC., 3030 Mapleleaf Ave, Cincinnati, 45213 Ohio, Phone: 513-631-5459, Fax 513-631-5459, sales@projectheureka.com www.sharing-buying.com, www.shared-edu.com, www.greendiversity.com
Further Publicly Available Evidences Against “ALEC” Regarding Right-wing Politicized Public Education “Reform”, Business Discrimination & Antitrust Offenses: IF Koch Brothers, ALEC and the (Ohio ) GOP /Tea party loons repeatedly keep telling the American people government and over-regulations is the problem. Then they are actually very right, as they are far tight off their rockers. They are right; the problem is their present and dominance in the so “too big” made government, and, intelligent and public “regulations”. Or better said - the lack thereof of intelligent and public regulations /polices which the NRA ALEC GOP in nearly all areas imposed – is in-deed the problem, as well, as the following publicly available information about ALEC, and more will show:
OSU prof not a fan of privatization either: An Ohio State University professor has taken to the Chronicle of Higher Education to sarcastically praise the school's privatization push. Steven Conn, director of OSU's public-history program, suggests the school change its Latin motto from Disciplina In Civitatem, or Education for Citizenship, to Omnia Venduntur!, or Everything Is for Sale! "And by 'open for business' I mean: Make us an offer for something, and we’ll sell it to you like a pair of pants at a department-store closeout," he writes, recounting deals to only sell Coke products on campus, the parking-privatization deal with QIC Global Infrastructure that was in the news again last week after the firm hired OSO CFO Geoff Chatas, and the latest plan to privatize
Ohio State's energy infrastructure. "At OSU we’re becoming our own private-equity firm," Conn said. "We’re selling off our own assets in order to make a big profit for some private-investment company. That’s how we fulfill our land-grant mission in the 21st century – making tons of money for a bunch of Aussies." The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC): Under public pressure to sever ties from a group that opposes government action on climate change, several of the ALEC's major members in the tech sector - Google, Yelp, Microsoft, Facebook, and Yahoo - recently announced that they were joining dozens of other corporations and dropping their ALEC memberships. Google Chairman Eric Schmidt wasn’t shy about linking ALEC to climate change skeptics when he told NPR that the group is "literally lying" about the issue. The recent midterm elections, however, have blown the wind back into ALEC's sails. Republicans won control of the Senate, 11 state legislatures and three governorships. Republicans now hold the majority in 68 out of 98 partisan state legislatures, the highest number in the GOP's history. This political climate is perfect for ALEC, which is celebrating the rightward shift as "a clear mandate for limited government, free market advocates across the country." Although its operations were once veiled in secrecy, the group's purpose is now well known, and it has the Obama administration's historic plan to reduce pollution and fight climate change placed squarely in its crosshairs. ALEC Wants Congress to Dissolve the EPA Hundreds of state lawmakers, most of them Republican, are ALEC members, but nearly 98 percent of its income comes from dozens of wealthy corporations, trade groups and corporate foundations, according to the Center for Media and Democracy. ALEC brings together state lawmakers, right-wing think tanks and lobbyists for some of the world's most powerful corporations to vote on model bills to be introduced in state legislatures across the country. That's exactly what ALEC is doing this week in at a policy summit in Washington, DC, and the agenda has environmentalists up in arms. ALEC draft proposals don't stop at hampering the Obama administration's efforts to reduce the nation's carbon emissions along
with smog and dangerous air pollutants - ALEC even proposes a "model policy" to urge Congress to dump the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) altogether. "The agenda really reads like a wish list for dirty energy companies," said Aliya Haq of the Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC). Which dirty energy companies? Major fossil fuel and energy firms like Exxon Mobile, Koch Industries, Transcanda, Peabody Energy and Chevron, to name a few. Haq said that, despite the very public exodus of the tech firms from its membership over climate concerns, ALEC is "actually escalating" its attack on environmental reforms. Haq said the proposal to abolish the federal EPA and replace it with a committee of state regulators is "fairly ludicrous," but it is an indication that ALEC may becoming even more extreme. Blocking Federal Climate Change Efforts This political climate is perfect for ALEC, which is celebrating the rightward shift as "a clear mandate for limited government, free market advocates across the country." Although its operations were once veiled in secrecy, the group's purpose is now well known, and it has the Obama administration's historic plan to reduce pollution and fight climate change placed squarely in its crosshairs. ALEC Wants Congress to Dissolve the EPAâ&#x20AC;? http://truth-out.org/news/item/25321-protests-greet-lawmakerscorporate-officials-gathering-in-dallas-as-new-arm-of-alec-isannounced http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/25267-alec-agenda-guttingmedicaid-privatizing-schools-exports http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/5846-alec--americaâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s-secretpolitical-power Additively do my small business and I hold personally obtained evidences that the US Immigration process, the IRS and other US Agencies, and new concurrent small businesses are illegally manipulated and with sheer ideological incompetency sabotaged alone to unrightfully give US Corporations illegal Antitrust advantages. And there are other concrete public evidences that
influential Neoconservative elements within US IRS (Internal Tax Revenue Agency) are abusing their high position to discriminate against mainly progressive, minorities -run and /or foreigners-led (small) businesses. As opposite to the ongoing looking away when US’s multinational “too big to fail “mega Corporations engaged in the largest tax evasion schemes of our times, called Luxembourg Leaks by the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists,. Including them the Prime Minister of Luxembourg at the time JeanClaude Junker (by the way now President of the European Union), a group of investigative Journalists and employee from PricewaterhouseCooper (PwC) , U.S.’s fifth largest Corporations operating in countless countries. http://www.icij.org/project/luxembourg-leaks/explore-documentsluxembourg-leaks-database
Some of these companies are Pepsi, The Walt Disney Co., Deloitte, Earnest & Young, Koch Industries, AIG, Deutsche Bank and parts of the Canadian Government. http://www.icij.org/project/luxembourg-leaks/koch-industriesmysterious-internal-bank-switzerland This is the very same Koch Industries which funds most arch conservative and discriminating US policies and dictates the socalled rightwing ALEC policy legislators via the Dark-money of it’s conspiring rightwing member Corporations. ALEC is so more a secret sect of antitrust infringing, corrupted Neoconservative US’s mega Corporations led by self-serving sudopoliticians who funnel large public funds into buying law-makers, judges and juries and to fund the private Corporations and the Executive Corporate positions they later occupy. Same revolving door expense into the conservative leadership of the National Security Agencies with the same ALEC and other secret “privatepublic” Neoconservative US organizations’ revolving doors from government into Corporations and back:
â&#x20AC;&#x153;AT&T told an investor that its main focus within the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) has been on "state legislation aimed at achieving a favorable business climate." A spokesman for BP said the company participates in ALEC "to help educate policy makers about energy and natural resource issues that affect our business." Pfizer said it continues its membership in ALEC because the company and its stakeholders "have benefited directly from the organization's model legislation," including efforts to protect drug patents and repeal a controversial physician advisory board set up by the Affordable Care Act.
ALEC brings together about 200 state lawmakers, most of them Republicans, and a long list of wealthy corporations, trade groups and other members of the private sector to discuss public policy and draft model bills to be considered by state legislatures. In 2012, Common Cause and the Center for Media in Democracy filed a whistleblower complaint with the IRS, claiming that ALEC's activities amount to lobbying on behalf of its corporate members, and therefore ALEC is ripping off taxpayers by filing as a tax-exempt charity group. Common Cause announced that it was submitting a new round of evidence to the IRS showing that ALEC does not qualify as a 501(c)3 nonprofit charity because, under federal law, "no substantial part" of such a charity's activity can "be attempting to influence legislation. Corporations have the right to lobby, but it's simply wrong for large, multinational corporations to do it under the table, through ALEC, and then stick taxpayers with the bill by claiming a tax write-off for their funding. Evidence in the group's latest submission to the IRS includes statements by 20 corporations admitting that they maintained an ALEC membership to influence legislation and gain access to lawmakers, according to Common Cause. The statements are drawn from letters and emails from top corporate officials that appear to be written in response to inquiries from shareholders and Common Cause researchers concerning
ALEC's positions on climate change and other policy areas. Many of the statements point out that, while corporate members don't necessarily agree with all of ALEC's conservative policy positions, their membership has helped them advance their political goals. Some of the statements, such as one from Anheuser-Busch, are brief and vague, however, and do not directly mention lawmakers or legislation. Last year, environmental activists pressured businesses to distance themselves from ALEC because the group has alleged ties to climate change deniers and has produced model legislation aimed at blocking environmental regulations and the implementation of new federal carbon emission standards. In the wake of this call by advocacy groups, dozens of major companies including Google, Yelp, Microsoft and Facebook canceled their ALEC memberships. In March, ALEC sent letters to Common Cause, CREDO and the League of Conservation Voters threatening legal action if the groups failed to retract statements implying that ALEC denies climate change. ALEC claims that it has recognized for years that human activity has impacts on the climate. "This whistleblower supplement is unrelated to our dispute with ALEC on climate issues," Rapoport said, referring to the new evidence supplementing the 2012 complaint. "But I hope that with todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s filing, ALEC gets the message that we will not be deterred from working to expose its activities." On its website, ALEC claims that its state legislators control the model legislation process, although all ALEC members from the public and private sectors are invited to share their views on public policy at meetings and conferences. ALEC's critics, however, point out that a vast majority of the group's funding comes in the form of donations from member corporations, trade groups and corporate foundations. Lawmakers have enjoyed posh accommodations at ALEC conferences and even "scholarships" that pay for lavish travel expenses such as cigar parties and professional sports games. "Though ALEC claims that it is now a legislator-driven, bottom-up enterprise, our evidence shows that the corporations underwriting ALEC continue to drive its legislative priorities and do so to benefit their bottom lines," said Lisa Graves, executive director of the Center
for Media and Democracy. "ALEC operates for the private gain of its corporate funders like a trade group, offering them one-stop shopping for lawmakers nationwide." Since its critics began exposing its tax schemes, ALEC has made some changes on its most recent tax forms and taken responsibility for the "scholarship" fund used to pay for legislator travel, according to Common Cause. ALEC even formed its own official lobbying arm in 2013, called the Jeffersonian Project, which files separately under a different tax status. Common Cause, however, contends that this just proves ALEC has been lying to the IRS and the public for years while continuing to put "$0" on the line designating lobbying expenses when it files with the IRS. The IRS, however, has not responded to any of Common Cause's complaints, and it remains unclear if the agency has investigated ALEC or plans to in the future. An attorney for the group said that IRS policy prevents agency officials from providing those who file whistleblower complaints with status updates on any related investigations. When asked if there is reason to believe that the IRS has remained silent for political reasons because the agency has taken fire for allegedly targeting conservative nonprofits in the past, Common Cause spokesman Dale Eisman told Truthout that the group does not want to speculate on the reasons for the "apparent delay." ( source: http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/30809-wielding-new-evidencewatchdogs-push-irs-to-investigate-alec-for-tax-fraud# ) â&#x20AC;&#x153;ALEC has a new executive director, Lisa Britton Nelson, who is a former lobbyist for Visa and AOL Time Warner -- both of which have had ties to ALEC -- and also worked with Newt Gingrich and GOPAC. Several new companies also recently joined its "Private Enterprise Advisory Council": NetChoice, the National Federation of Independent Business, and K12 Inc. Speakers at ALEC's annual meeting will include Texas Governor Rick Perry, former Wall Street Journal editorial board member Stephen Moore, and Newt Gingrich. "Policy workshops" include instructions on "How to Think and Talk About Climate and Energy Issues," "Energy Exports: A Free Market Economic Stimulus to Create Jobs and Grow
the Economy," "EPA's Proposed Carbon Emissions Rulemaking — What Does it Mean to States?" and more of the increasingly frequent attempts to spin efforts to limit the anti-democratic effects of unlimited political spending by billionaires and corporations as "Silencing Opposing Views: Attacks on Free Speech and Private Charitable Giving." ALEC's "Justice Performance Project," which appears to have taken on many of the roles of the "Public Safety and Elections Task Force" that ALEC shuttered in the wake of the controversy following the death of Trayvon Martin, will discuss "efficiently engaging the publicprivate partnership with the surety bail industry." In other words, how to enrich bounty hunters. Also at this year's meeting, ALEC's task forces will consider bills to make it virtually impossible to enroll in Medicaid, expand charter schools to further bankrupt traditional public schools, expand exports of "natural gas" from fracking, and undermine the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Clean Air and Clean Water Act regulations. Draft bills to be voted on by lobbyists alongside state legislators at the coming annual meeting include: Changing Laws Providing for Public Education • The "Affordable Baccalaureate Degree Act" would enrich companies invested in online college degree programs and materials -- like Pearson (whose subsidiary Connections Education has been a prominent member of ALEC's Education Task Force), which sells the LearningStudio platform used by many universities like Arizona State University's popular and much-hyped online degree program. It would "require all pubic [sic] four-year universities to offer bachelor's degrees costing no more than $10,000, total, for four years of tuition, fees, and books. The Act would require that ten percent of all public, four-year university degrees awarded reach this price-point within four years of passage of this act." The bill instructs universities to focus on online and blended learning "to achieve this price-point." • The "Public Charter Schools Act" would expand on ALEC's preexisting "Next Generation Charter Schools Act" and enrich ALEC
members like K12, Inc., the nation's largest provider of online charter schools or cyber schools. It would allow privatelyoperated charter schools to continue taking public funds, but without public accountability. The bill would give charter schools carte blanche to operate without being "subject to the state's education statutes or any state or local rule, regulation, policy, or procedure relating to non-charter public schools within an applicable local school district..." • The related "Public Charter Schools Funding Act" restates charters' autonomy from the rule of law and democraticallyelected school boards while still giving each charter school "one hundred percent" of the state and federal education funding "calculated pursuant to the state's funding formula for school districts." Changing Laws Protecting the Environment • ALEC will consider a resolution urging the EPA to "defer adopting any redefinition of the waters of the U.S. rule." The EPA has proposed a rule to clarify protection for streams and wetlands under the Clean Water Act in order to reduce confusion, save businesses time and money, and help states protect their waters. ALEC's draft bill suggests that this redefinition "could significantly increase the cost and regulatory requirements for state and local governments and ultimate the costs for state and local residents and businesses." According to the EPA, however, the proposal doesn't expand protection to any waters that haven't historically been covered under the Clean Water Act. • Not just ALEC's "Energy, Environment, and Agriculture Task Force" will be talking about the regulation of bodies of water, however. Its "Federal Relations (Federalism) Working Group" will consider a "Draft State Constitutional 'Water is Life Amendment'" that would encourage the State to resist federal enforcement of federal regulations seeking to protect state waters. It would also make the proposed constitutional change "enforceable in the courts of this State by any taxpaying resident without fee, expense or cost-shifting to the State," although what entity would bear the cost is unclear.
ALEC will also consider a resolution to endorse "expanded markets for LNG [liquefied natural gas] exports from the United States" and pushing for "regulatory and legislative policies designed to streamline and simplify the permitting process." The policy completely ignores the drastic environmental impacts of the hydraulic fracturing, or fracking, process often used to extract the gas. Changing Laws Providing Healthcare • The "Medicaid Anti-Crowd-Out Act" is a particularly egregious bill that would benefit private health insurance companies by prohibiting a state "from causing or allowing Medicaid enrollment or Medicaid HMO enrollment in any situation where individuals and/or dependents have availability of commercial healthcare insurance or are already enrolled in commercial healthcare insurance" (emphasis added). Jon Peacock, Research Director of Wisconsin Council on Children and Families, said of the draft bill, "It would make anyone with an offer of employer insurance ineligible for Medicaid, regardless of how poor they are and how narrow or expensive the insurance plan is. And the proposal is so poorly drafted that it would seem to make everyone ineligible for Medicaid -because everyone has 'availability of commercial healthcare insurance.' This might be the most poorly drafted, overly broad piece of legislation I've ever seen." • The "Requiring Legislative Approval for Medicaid Expansion Act" would keep state governors from being able to make the decision of whether or not to accept Medicaid expansion, instead requiring the state legislature to approve any expansion. This has been a controversial issue in many states since the passage of the Affordable Care Act. Changing Laws Protecting the Insured • The "Property Insurance Claims Act," on which both the Civil Justice and Commerce, Insurance, and Economic Development Task Forces will vote, tilts the playing field in favor of property insurance companies. It would benefit those companies that are represented by the ALEC member Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCIAA). The bill would •
restrict the time frame for the insured to bring a claim, require the insured to submit to mandatory appraisal, and cut back existing law protecting property owners in many states. PCIAA's vice president of state government relations, Joe Woods, is the private sector co-chair of the Financial Services Subcommittee of the Commerce task force, which will vote on the bill first. Changing Criminal Justice Laws â&#x20AC;˘ The "Resolution in Support of Post-Release Supervision of Offenders" expands parole, or post-release supervision, and would benefit ALEC member the American Bail Coalition, the trade group for the for-profit bail industry. ALEC already pushes bills to put for-profit bail bondsmen in the position of supervising individuals on parole or post-conviction release through its "Conditional Post-Conviction Release Act." (In fact, ALEC reapproved this bill in December 2013, after the dissolution of its "Public Safety and Elections Task Force" in 2012.) This new resolution would call for more inmates to be released with supervision, rather than on their own recognizance, thus expanding the market for private bounty hunters in states where ALEC's earlier bill has already become law. This resolution will be discussed by ALEC's "Justice Performance Project," yet another indication that it is taking on the roles of the shuttered "Public Safety and Elections Task Force." http://www.prwatch.org/news/2014/07/12549/alec-agendadallas-evisceration-medicaid-privatization-public-schoolsexpansion-gas-exports ALEC Politicians Caught Plagiarizing ALEC Bill, Drafting Error and All By Brendan Fischer, PRWatch | Report ALEC Opposes Efforts to Combat Climate Change at All Costs By Mike Ludwig, Truthout | News Analysis ALEC Fumes: Transparency Threatens Corporate Free Speech! By Brendan Fischer, PR Watch | Report
The International legality of such above described revolving doors from domestic as well as International small businesses and Minorities’ point of view who are NOT involved in such Corporate Antitrust infringing sects - considering the deep publicly known corruption of the Koch Brothers and ALEC alone ongoing in the USA is highly doubtful if adequately independently investigated, and all existing evidences are intelligently and accurately publicly reviewed. Including my secret audio video recordings of the past years in the corrupt and discriminating Antitrust infringing Neoconservatives religious-fanatic discriminating private corporate leaders led business World here in Ohio. I hold evidence to prove beyond any doubt that ALEC is a dangerous Anti-minorities acting and deciding ultra rightwing Corporate lobby group, not a charity, and clearly not as a 501(c)3 organization. Nor is ALEC any way legitimate nor adequate organization which should reside over the “reform” of US public education, over mass incarceration and racist gun-laws and corrupt data keeping responsible for the growing willful harm cause onto countless innocent minorities and low-income Whites alike by such ALEC discrimination put into National and private business policies.
There are various publicly known reasons similar to the information indicated above, to suspect excessive institutional discrimination of minority students, and an illegal, near monopolistic situation of the
businesses involved in the (Ohio) public education reform, such as Pearson, ALEC, et al. Independent of these evidences, I hold various secret audio/video recordings which proves illegal antitrust cohesion among some Ohio based corporations and other Ohio leaders to discriminate against certain minorities’ and Anthropogenic Climate change-oriented new startups in Ohio, as my collected documents and secretly made audio video recordings over the past 6 years here in Ohio will show in Courts and in the International media: Discrimination in Ohio is institutional from the million Dollars-making idiotic rightwing mega political Corporate top down to the food stamp recipient. And the ongoing privatization of everythingdiscrimination going on right now is evidently only benefitting the fraudulent conspiring, religious ideological, nepotistic ethnocentric discriminating Neoconservative private Mega Corporate leaders and big investors in Ohio only. The evidences of deep discriminations of minorities in the conservative States across the USA are undeniable and can not be lied away any more considering the public and not-so public evidences.
The above mention arguments, news reports and audio/video evidences, and more, are the main reason for this First Draft of a Civil Rights & Discrimination Complaints (OCR Docket # 15-15-1248) against CPS, Cincinnati Education Board Members/ Ohio School Boards, and Ohio’s Public School’s “Private-Public” Entities, Against The Rightwing Private ALEC Corporations named, against the RFRA State of Ohio. And in Particular against the Institutional discrimination of Ohio’s minorities, special needs & low income students, and against Public school teachers leading Mega Churches- led, partisan GOP Political Action Committee “ALEC”, and the Criminal Racist old KKK Arms dealer Organization NRA, and their illegal Influences into Ohio’s Public School System and their Antitrust
infringing manipulations of the National and international Free market, and Ohio’s public education sector solely for the advantages and most-likely personal enrichment of some select involved Ohio GOP members. Why a Statewide, National, as well as International Civil Rights Investigation on ALEC and similar GOP-led “private-public” PACS and the Corporations involved in Ohio and elsewhere USA highly URGEND!