Anti trust investigation gofundme : hate crime & crowdfunding

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From: The N-R-A Project <> Date: August 22, 2014 12:49:40 AM EDT To:,, Amy Moore <>,, Paypal <>, Paypal <>, Paypal <>, "" <>, Office of Minority and Women Inclusion <OMWI@SEC.GOV>,,, SEC Office of Small Business Policy <smallbusiness@SEC.GOV>,, Mike.O',,,,,,, "Pineiro, Fernando" <Fernando.Pineiro@HQ.DHS.GOV>,,,,,, Cc:,, ACLU of Ohio <>,, Your SCORE Cincinnati Counselor <>,,,,, ".CHIC RK-S1 Ogden, Leyna" <>,, Angela Isabell <>, Pam Gavin <>, Justin Laughter <>, Maria Meangru <>,, Connery Obeng <>,,, Jamie Shiverdecker <>,, Howard Weingrad <>,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

Subject: Anti-Trust investigation GoFundMe / Hate-crime & Crowdfunding Reply-To: Projectheureka LLC To the Office of Policy And Coordination, Bureau Of Competition, Federal Trade Commission, 601 New Jersey Ave., N.W., Room 7117, Washington, DC 20001. (P: 202-326-3300)

To Whom It May Concern: Hate crime-accused/suspected murderers shouldnʼt be “crowdfunded” for during ongoing investigations, because doing so leads to more murder cases alone for “crowd-funding” funds. We, hereby, seek to file for an immediate Anti-Trust / anticompetitive business practice investigation against the following U.S. tech Corporations: Paypal, KickStarter, Indigogo, but in particular GoFundMe, GoDaddy and others - who knowingly allow the use of their own crowdfunding business, internet or other form of business to illegally collect 'donations for violent militaristic Police/ SWAT team killers, white supremacist/racist, premeditating shooters of unarmed minorities. We expect the FTCʼs Bureau of Competition and the Bureau of Economics to urgently investigate and take law enforcement actions against any U.S.-based crowdfunding portal, U..S. payment system tech corporation/ business or non-profit organization which illegally collects, or allow others to use their systems/ business's names to collect funds, support for, or donate to the legal defense funds of Caucasian American killers/shooters of minorities, such as George Zimmerman, or the most recent police officer who shot and killed an unarmed minority minor in Ferguson. At least during the impending / on-going legal investigations to determine the guilt or innocence of the defendant/ shooter in such racism-involved killings, should such "crowdfunding" be prohibited. This latest very racially charged Afro-American minor shooting symptomatic of the violence that takes place in advanced genocidal states demands an independent, impartial, utmost detailed and very public international-led investigation that the St. Louis County Prosecutor's office simply cannot provide. We ask for U.S. federal, and foreign special investigators for hate- and war crimes to be urgently involved in the investigation of the recent Ferguson case and others.

Additively, we urge the FTC Bureau of Economics and other Federal agencies including the FTC Commission to take immediate actions on (Points AD): A: All online "Crowdfunding" for-profit/ or non-profit businesses, Charities / religious organizations and similar organizations should be prohibited from donating, or collecting donations to ongoing investigations on possible racism-involved homicides. Particular in such high-profile racism/ or AntiSemitic homicide cases as the Trayvon Martin case, or the latest victim of a most-likely hate crime motivated shooting, Michael Brown, involving a police officer as the hate crime suspect and murderer. A Public employee in such a legally dangerous position should have adequate insurance and sufficient legal protection, Including for such excessive violent militaristic Police/ SWAT team shooters, who should be offered no more than the regular public defenders as representation. Equally then should it otherwise be legal to “crowdfund� - on a global level - litigation against governors, states representations or other such political leaders in cases of corruption etc.

B: Donating and "sponsoring" finances for the defense of hate crime/ AntiSemitic murderers in itself would be so a hate crime similar to the willful financial support of deadly terrorists. And should be legally thus prohibited or reduced significantly. Particular for the defense of criminal hate-crime suspected murderers should this possibility excluded. Equivalent "Crowdfunding" for not U.S. white supremacist-based deadly hate-crime shooter/ terrorists would - if reverse - not be as easily overlooked and would not be allowed by U.S. law. What would constitute a breach of the social agreement as well as of the non-discrimination doctrines. C: No person of legal age and confirmed eyewitness should be deny court hearing alone because of his/her income level/ poverty, legal status, marital statues, race/ethnicity, beliefs or none, nor due to existing past low-level criminal record in such homicide cases of general public interests. due to high probability of willful intended hate-crime as motivation.

D: Poor/ homeless/ low-income/ LGBT etc with no personal finances for an adequate legal representation should be equally funded with adequate, competent defense payed for by the state. It is unconstitutional to treat advantageous one tiny group of people, and disadvantageous all or the majority of people/ citizens/ the public. Donating and "sponsoring"/ financing the defense of hate crime /AntiSemitic murderers in itself would be comparable a crime similar to the willful financial support of armed violence/ terrorism. The above simile exposes the genocidal facts that nearly two times a week in the United States a caucasian police officer kills a black person, according to the most recent accounts of justifiable homicide reported to the FBI, numbers which are already falsely reduced and whitewashed in an attempt to conceal the ongoing institutional discrimination by simply just changing nomenclature and naming-conventions of violent deaths and gun incidences to conceal not only the criminal hate-crime activities of ultra rightwingers in police uniforms and high places across the U.S. But the ongoing public gun genocide being committed on young Afro-American males all across the country. According to the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund, 67 law enforcement officers have been killed in the line of duty during the first half of 2014, while every 28 hours an unarmed Black person is murdered by the Police, security officer or vigilante like George Zimmerman. Michigan is among 13 other states where the number of shooting deaths is higher than the amount of deaths caused by car accidents. With the highest Gun deaths of 14 tested states being our own state Ohio And still no-one seem to demand some of the obvious: demand federal charges being filed against the NRA and ALEC leadership for the criminal business conduct and bending of laws leading to firearms-led hate-crimes and in fact genocide. The reality of discrimination in the U.S is that it is from top-to-down prescribed, very institutional and mainly religious fundamentalist business ideology-driven: be it the Anti-LGBT and the "pro-life"-excuses abusing anti-abortion stances, both upheld mainly by conservative State governors, conservative law-makers and lobbyists against the will of majority of the American people even. Primarily in ultraconservative rich NRA-dominated areas where primitive KKK-thinking ideologues and lobbyists in the dis-

guise of governors and local leaders such as Rick Perry lightheadedly and with little intelligent investigation, but corruptly lobbied (We have your back") sign to kill the most numbers of minorities onto those death, and by sending heavily armed military forces and drones to confront armed crime and violent escaping Middle and South American minors. Such people then are via some secret PAC million dollar "donations" nominated by the wealthy, ultra right-wing NRA/ALEC and other similar sociopathic anti-multi cultural groups, secretly funding those conservative indirectly mass murdering career politicians to run for the U.S. Presidency. That there are undeniable institutionally anti-diversity if not racist agenda and discrepancy in many such race-related American gun homicide cases, suggests more than the common conservative U.S.-led institutionalization of discrimination, but more of a violent genocide attempt by some ultra rightwing organized militaristic sects and rich corporate arms-industrials. It appears as if some U.S law enforcers might even have "hunting"and killing ranking lists. We should never forget that a part of the past leadership of the police, FBI and in other high places in politics, law and business have in the past been members of one of the last still officially untouched existing racist/anti-Semitic/ ultra rightwing terrorist U.S. organization, the KKK, and, in-fact, were among those under the red hoods, in the past history of the USA. The U.S. of today where organized and very deadly racism and daily shooting of Afro-Americans is a mere daily ignored normalcy by a multi-culture hating ultra-conservative American sub-culture created by rich, corrupt white supremacists. U.S., where being "black" (what strangely includes anyone with the slightest drop of mixed"racial" blood) or poor are not only seen as aberration, but as a crime? “To protect and serve” is the job of the police forces, though in the case of a person who is "black" & unarmed, it seems that the motto is more along the lines of “always use excessive force, shoot and kill first, and never ask questions. That the direct disproportionality of excessive militaristic violence of police officers in the U.S. with taser, via choking and via gun violence by some caucasian police officers against minorities are definitely signs of organized hate-crimes or mental illness (and PTSD) and can be best compared when we look directly at how white police officers disrespect, threaten and shoot down totally unarmed minorities and people in poverty on the streets, while the police officers in the the same states, gov-

erned by conservatives, speak peacefully brotherly with heavy assault-rifle wielding caucasian psychopaths. Most prevalent examples being the illicitly by Fox News anchors-organized armed Tea Party "protest march", and again the assault rifles-armed and ultra conservative Caucasian "protesters" at the Bundy Ranch, of whom two later went on a shooting rampage later) There is already something amiss when by such a high minority population number as in Ferguson the police force remained in areas known for past institutional racism over 95% White. I have to remind you that there were no equivalent justified use of Police force against the crazy Caucasians armed right-wing Bundy Ranch, nor were anyone of those from the Bundy ranch that were threatening the Police and Federal agents with guns shot and killed. Unlike in mostly peaceful unarmed protests of the American Afro-Americans and other minorities for the continues unrightfully killing of their young sons and brothers by racist/ Anti-Semitic/Anti-Immigrant conservative Caucasian Police officers, which are via excessive military force and by shooting even more Blacks with the militaristic armed U.S. SWAT teams and National Guards, who are mainly concept of trigger-happy Caucasian American ultra right-wingers to begin with. There is another more deadly clear double-standard based on race/ethnicity: Over 18% of the black males killed during past seven years were under age 21, compared to less than 8.7% of whites, according to the latest FBI reports. Reports and numbers which are for many reasons still very incomplete, full of flawed data very intentionally obstructed by the NRA-and ALEC to obscure the on-going ultra conservative American silent militaristic gun genocide on the American minorities and the poor to begin with. The genocidal militarization and brown-shirting of U.S. Police forces happened so via the too cosy closeness of the private corporate U.S. WMD/ Arms industry's lobby arm, the NRA, with it's well-lobbied legislative political, corporate arm involved in/with ALEC. Gun, safety, minority rights, Constitutional rights of adequate court defense, Federal social "entitlement" for the poor and other laws were weakened to fear-mange not just in the rightwing Fox News media and locally of "Black on Black crime", and of illegal, "evil-doing" brown-skinned Hispanic immigrants ( with big calfs even) bringing Heroin bundles on their backs into the god-given greatest USA, all said and done certainly just to increase the among biggest global American business of Arms sales as well as of gun homicides ( higher bullets revenues), allow crazy white supremacist Ameri-

cans to get away, well-funded secretly by ALEC, NRA and individual rightwing millionaire,  and then use that consequentially expected result in violence increase for the further militarization and ultra rightwing whitening of U.S. police forces. Military-like violent atrocities against legal citizens and residents paid for via federal grants and corporate "donations" of armored tanks, aircrafts/drones and access to NSA-data even by some corrupt rightwing Cops and others. The TV images now from Ferguson shown around the world resemble Gaza or U.S-involved wars in Iraq, Afghanistan or elsewhere around the globe, just that it is all across the U.S. where "brown-skinned" people are recklessly shot to death. And the protesting populace shot at by some heavily armed militaristic organized gangs of PTSD-suffering mutually to violence peer-pressuring sociopaths in uniform with such a Police acting like cold-blooded soldiers disconnected off their environment, just seeking only to kill, while a part of the conservative corporate media is willful in helping support the lies of a violent black populace supposedly firing at the polices, without a single video evidence presented. Missing so far in such on TV news-drama distorted militaristic ideologyinduced group killing-frenzy are only the missingTrophy fingers and Trophy photo collections to make that comparison complete. In the cases of unlawful shootings of Afro-Americans for example, patently false, vilifying and well coordinated personal smear-attacks of the dead minority victims are, via such 'donation' funds financed, always immediately launched in the conservative corporate "news" media before the case has even been investigated by the authorities and deemed either independently or federally accurately as hate-crime. The private U.S. investigative "news" media tends to also never take an equally informed public look and it's usual blanket assumptive lucky guesses at the social, political, group association ( KKK,Tea Party, Nazi group membership?) employment and personal lives of this type of Caucasian fast-shooters, unlike the same private news media do interestingly to 98% with the dead minority victims, particular if those people and their families are members in the lower income groups and lack adequate legal representation. Might it not only be due to such abovementioned ideologic institutionalization and abuse of ethnocentricity at home, and the Corporate national proselytizing appear to others around the globe, as if a part of the arch conservatives in the U.S. are waging a religious and white supremacist war via drone bombs on its global competition abroad, while it is waging a gun and taser war disguised as "war on crime" on it's brown-skinned minorities at home? Is being "brown-skinned",

being non-American, not "Christian" or just different the new being a dangerous criminal, or even the newest terror suspects by default now in conservative Caucasian American police officer's and other's eyes? Due to the continuing results of such violent racism-infused precedents that such open ethnocentric nepotism-filled corporate rightwing U.S media-run "Affluence"-defenses, criminally flawed and partisan police investigations and secret million dollar "donations" involved in the absurd institutional white supremacism and NRA/ALEC-interest-driven case of the wrongfully exonerated, premeditating minority child-killer and now known-to indeed be a white supremacist psychopath, George Zimmerman, we demand the instant and Immediate exclusion of all racist/Anti-Semitic/Anti-Immigrant or similar hate-crime-motivated murder/homicide suspects in the U.S.A from ANY form of Corporate, or private Capital funding via online "Crowdfunding”. Racist/ Antisemitic murderers should not be allowed to be "crowdfunded”for. Expensive lawyers and corporate rightwing media propaganda defenses, in such pending cases as in the Ferguson Police shooting case(s) via online companies like Paypal, Kickstarter, and Indigogo, GoFundme and the likes of, GoDaddy and others,(of which most our own green and diversity-based crowdfunding platform pre-dates). It is unconstitutional to treat advantageous one tiny group of people, and disadvantageous all or the majority of people/ citizens/ the public. Ideologically motivated, ultra rightwing organizations as well as “too big to fail” tech corporations should never be allowed to interfere and influence the outcome of pending racist murder trails with money and repeatedly pressing for the release and exoneration of racist murderers such as George Zimmerman, Amanda Knox, or various other caucasian murdering racist police officers. Allowing and promoting such crowdfunded "donations" to such racist/AntiSemitic/Anti-Immigrant or similar hate-crime-motivated killers would only constitute a criminal abuse of U.S. businesses to support illicitly ethnic genocide committed and funded by wealthy U.S. white supremacists such as the Koch Brothers, Rupert Murdoch and similar big investors into the military arms industry. In an arch conservative news media landscape run by sociopathic ultra conservative rich white self-deluding racist news an-

chors who even purposed and call for the shooting death of black "thugs" in radio and on TV, who instigate and control armed protests and who rabblerouse gun violence against minorities, immigrants, and the sitting mix-racial - for you he is merely the "Black" guy - President Obama by accusing him of being an Islamist and a reverse-racist without evidences. And only with fabricated baseless ideologic-nonsense your pathologic Munchausen neo conservative American rich pseudo-elite can unison pull out o their cognitively decaying white supremacists-wannabe derrieres conspiringly. So, should the American minorities, including LGBT and pregnant/ aborting women come fully Constitutionally legally open-carrying armed with guns and assault rifles to "protest marches" just to receive the very same equal respect, and for them to equally not get shot a, t just like the armed Tea Party protesters or as done during the rightwing "protests" at the BundyRanch? Those U.S. tech Corporations, like Paypal, KickStarter, Indigogo, "GoFundMe" , GoDaddy et all - who knowingly allow the abuse of their own crowdfunding business or internet business to illegally collect “donations” for white supremacists and racist killers should not only be boycotted, but such dubious racist/anti-Semitic/hateful donation-collection for such hate crime murder-cases should be made a criminal offense on a global level. And those tech Corporations should be indicted for criminally supporting and funding White Supremacist terrorism. IF those U.S. Corporations and the U.S legal system allow judicial defense to be crowdfunded and "donated" for the illegal defense of a caucasian extreme Tea Party member or white supremacist/ KKK member, the same will every-time have to legally apply and be made possible, equivalently by the rules of law for any minority who claim to have shot and killed such presumed caucasians American racist in a perceived threat situation of “Stand Your Ground”- self-defense. Crowdfunded "donating" for funding the defense of racist/AntiSemitic murderers still under on-going investigations should be against the laws and should be prohibited/made illegal for any company, organization, religious sects et all. Since such donation money rains for racist/Anti-Semitic/Anti-Immigrant or similar hate-crimemotivated killers only encourage to ever-more shooting evidently only. The U.S. as a whole, is again just continuing to look away when such hideous gun genocide are committed by ultraconservative caucasian U.S.

American police officers and other conservative racist caucasians domestically, who then happen to be made to get away free of any consequences with their racially motivated murders due to their NRA-/ALEC- and other connections is, by no race, ethnicity, or sane person on this planet, acceptable. Particular when allowing donations for the defense of hate-crime/ ultra rightwing suspected murderers to be legal would open up the door far open for the "crowdfunding" donated defenses of any AntiSemitic killer, or for any other terror shooting suspects caught with the smoking guns still in their hands, as was and is the case in the growing numbers of hate-crime shooting cases of minorities now at hand in the U.S.A. Particular when the absurd states-based vigilante laws called Stand Your Ground laws and self-defense with a gun have to apply in a democratic Constitutional Republic even for convicted Afro-American and other minority "felons", when there are concrete valid societal and data evidences of deadly threats to minorities's lives by white supremacists in higher places, including some hate-crimes committing Caucasian police officers even. Particularly when Intellectual property disputes in regard to the property rights of a few different varieties of the online system of "Crowdfunding' are ongoing, and an Institutional racism-based discrimination suit against some of the above named U.S tech corps are still pending. Lawsuits, which will, with undeniable evidence, prove that a part of the U.S. big business world is hideously financing and profiteering from increasing ultra rightwing extremism/ rightwing gun terrorism while some of the same people are conspiring to discriminate ( including our local Ohio INS, SBA, IRS, FBI , Cincinnati Police, etc.) to disadvantage, possibly not only our, multi-culturebased small business in the past 6 years. As it now appears, alone to illegitimately advance U.S.-sponsored tech businesses, who are only utilizing the business plans and concepts they merely stole via unwarranted mass surveillance of Europe and other nation's electronic communication, from a German immigrant to the USA and from a U.S registered small business Projectheureka LLC. And particularly not to mention since, a couple local multicultural minoritybased families, ourselves included, have been continuously reporting local

heroin street dealing activities to the police and providing some solution suggestions in regards to crime control and crime reduction to our local conservative authorities.

One would think getting Heroin swiftly off of the streets and ensuring public safely/ the safety of all residents would be two of the local Police rightful duties? But the local Police authorities have only ignored those above reported deadly heroin dealing problem. As was the same done with the security-increasing suggestions from the minorities who report crimes, while more poor opioid addicts are dying on the streets. It appears so as such crimes were allow to grow just to increase the militarization of the Police forces in the "war" on drugs and to hype up the illegal ideologic Police direct collaborations with openly discriminating anti-LGBT mega churches: Pretend straight/ Reading the Bible equals Methadone/ Prescription pills/ reduced sentencing?). And certainly to militaristic continue erode civil liberties, erode due process for low-and middle class and allow crazy military-like Caucasian STASIPolice to conduct too broad general warrants involving no-knock searches, pre-conviction forfeitures and shoot - certainly mainly - minorities and the poor like "animals" in their own homes, and continue to get away with it scott-free? These prospect of the American totalitarian religious-fanatic ultraconservative police-state near-future is not an acceptable one by no minority, no poor, not by Caucasian or rich person, or world economy. And certainly by no sovereign nation with high interests in their citizens residing in the U.S.A. safety on the American soil.

Solution A For Ferguson: Releasing the full police dash cam and other available eyewitness videos and audios swiftly and more urgently fully uncensored to the public would have possibly prevented peaceful protests marches turning into the violent test of heavily armed "warrior" brotherhood of military police swat teams artillery that we are seeing now. But nope, the story and audio/video evi-

dences, as was done similarly for Zimmerman, has to first be for months white-washed and hyped up by the arms corporate cronies in the private news media, and a team of buddies investigating and protecting their own buddy in doubt. Why such things in the USA move more toward worsening. Solution A: Independent - foreign U.N/NATO-/International-led special investigations on U.S. police forces, FBI, CIA, NSA, NSS et all for possible conspiracies or/ and possible racist hate-crimes. Pseudo-Solution B: No International nor federal actions, leading continuous increases in police and other homicides on and by unarmed U.S. AfroAmerican minority males. In a nation of "Constitutional rights to bear arms" and stand your ground vigilante doctrines. That there is a deeply racial and institutional racist agenda and discrepancy in such American cases, suggest more than just the regular institutionalization of discrimination, but more a violent hideous genocide attempt by ultra rightwing organized militaristic sects, if the private U.S. investigative "news" media would look at the social, political, employment and personal of those kinds shooting cops alone. Solution C: LAPEL CAMS: In an era of daily quasi gun genocides in the U.S.A, Officers should not be able to turn off/on index during any incident invoving civilian. In an incident, cam should be “turned in” to an entity outside the “offending” officerʼs PD- to be examined by a neutral party. Camera(s) should be on both shoulder-level to be able to “see” and show the suspect(s) and the suspect's hands, and not the hand, or gun of the officer alone. Unlike as is it the case now is more appropriate for shooter games developers. The same Police unit /district should not generally be the ones to investigate one of their own colleagues. Due to high risks of conspiratorial camaraderie, including probable cases of organizing to "hunt" and kill rimination-nation-usa-a Solution D: Common and poor people have the same right of property protection and to their home surveillance tech for their own protection. Particularly in the presence of Police officers or perceived threats! Particular Any minority,

foreign, non-Christian and other citizen/resident and neighbors who have to deal with the aggressive violent U.S Police are by law allowed to instantly record everything for their own protection and for future evidence finding in cases of deadly police shooting for example: The police should be authorized to inform the people and assure the upholding of the public's rights to record, as well as that of crime suspects, up.

Solution E: If "crowdfunding" for racist/Anti-Semitic hate-crime murderers's defense should remain legal. Equally then should it otherwise be legal to “crowdfund” litigation against governors, against the NRA, ALEC, or other such political leaders and organizations in cases of corruption. Again: We demand the prohibition and exclusion of hate crimeaccused/-suspected murderers from“crowd-funding”, during their ongoing investigations. Because doing so leads only to more white supremacist-based murder cases alone for “crowd-funding” funds and corporate media fame, both, will consequentially lead to more copycat shooters and correlated revenge shooting. ' We created the Laws', We can change the Laws: "It would be a statement that we are above the {primitive} base level of conduct exhibited by the Killer. Would not killing them at all separate us even more from brutal nature of people who commit these awful crimes? " Neil DeGrasse Tyson.

Petition below to Barack Obama and U.S. House of Representatives and PayPal and GoFundMe and Indigogo and FTCʼs Bureau of Competition and the Bureau of Economics Subject: Forbid Crowdfunding/ Donating To Hate-crime Shooters on on Moveon Forbid Crowdfunding/ Donating To Hate-crime Shooters @moveon And on Rootsaction Forbid Crowdfunding/ Donating To Hate-crime Shooting

The whole world is watching, ladies and gentlemen. Please, confirm the reception of this email as soon as possible. Thank you kindly for your time.

Endres Family ( The N-R-A Project Projectheureka LLC Cincinnati, 45213 Ohio

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