How to create easy world peace, equality, and every lasting prosperity 101

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How-To Create Easy World Peace, Equality, And Every-Lasting Prosperity 101 This is just a short linear brief mathematical and human psychological excavation of the “benefits” of The Few violently dying rather than The Most of humankind. Based on the simple fact that within our now more than 7 billion heavy human Specie every-where exist a tiny uber-upper religious fundamentalist class and population fraction of sadistically unjust misogynistic, homophobic xenophobic racist violent nepotistic organized wealthy ultra-religious Neocons. Religious Nazis, quasi, at the very top of every right now existing human Society, in big business on every continent and nearly in every countries on Earth are driving violently Civilizations back-wards, setting tribes against tribes masses vs masses in for the religious rich’s utmost lucrative and evasive wars, who have so been driving our human Species and Earth since Eons and countless generations so continuously to the brink of selfdestruction we are at right now. (And Yes, North-Korea too is led by a religious fanatic big money highsociety, as is Russia etc. pp Communism-BS. Those’ religious elites just have incorporate their religious uber-crony-Capitalistic “Messiah” into their own kind of born-again Kim-Messiah-family, and like bornagain forever pseudo-Democratic leaders who are always “WINNING” just like all theocracies’ “Empire” Royal-members see themselves as the sole rightful ones who are by an imaginary god appointed for generations in their megalomaniac delusions due to generations of undeserved economic and political powers) These tiny sadistic, elite religious super wealthy corrupt sociopaths-fraction every-where run, fund and benefit the most from all wars, all religious terrorism and homicides via arms-sales, from ultrareligious right-wing pseudo-political fake news bombardments of the World public, privatized Surveillance networks run by utmost status-and gender-racists pricks, privatized Execution Corporations, Pharmaceutic, chemical & Bio WMD-trades, from polluting, poising and imprisoning a whole living World with their individual totalitarian old rich mad men’s Myth-fables wrapped in the cloaks of Democracy and in other far more fanatic crazy Jingoistic –Isms-flags , as those sociopathic religious big business elites’ biggest money-makers and too young minors’ tits-shakers. The mathematical success-prospects of the violent deaths of such a tiny barbaric sadistic uber-wealthy sociopaths-fraction might be for our entire ever-primitive violent organized human Specie more “favorable”, than the violent militarily organized gun deaths-led and violent mass starvation-caused deaths of the more than 7 Billion large human Species. Under such clear divergent of power, our predictably violent organized religious humans will do what it always do: The richest tiny sociopathic 1% will naturally try to kill off, intimidate, mass incarcerate, mislead mass deceive and thus subdue the impoverishing uninformed and mass-distracted 99% with ever more military buildups, wars and Killer-cops, with the promises of high wealth’s and prosperity for hired religious guns/ soldiers and professional Assassins, and for Mining- Gladiators ready to die for the oligarchies precious Coal, other oily-gassy fossil-fuels, and utmost deadly lies, before the poorer 99% citizens and voters everywhere begin to loudly demand their individual corrupt, criminal, fanatic Leaders’ legal Judicial executions, again since the last “successful” Guillotine-era, OR/and the 99% should full abandonment of the death penalty for the Poor World-wide, and equal full enforcements of reason-based Judicial laws independent from status, “Race”, religion, gender, nationality or any other subjective nonsenses, unlike as things are right now the case in Justice systems even in the oh-so Democracy-leader’s religious fundamentalist racist nuclear Trumpocracy nation USA. Easy solved isn’t it all the violent human problems with ever-more easy organized VIOLENCE? Isn’t it all, all yeh dear “civilized and oh-so highly evolved” Uber-religious conservative and all other People of

Earth? No it is not, sorry to burst your violent religious wars-Hope-Dope in tiny little Neo-Human-psychological pieces: For the easiest things are always the hardest and utmost complexes things to our imaginary “god-like self-imaged” degenerated barbaric violent organized human species’ leaderships everywhere. While the violently most-deadliest and hardest things to do, are always the easiest that comes into our fucked-up “evolved” organized Human minds firstly, just like primitive Ants and other insects organizing marching for wars to kill or be killed when facing even just one other different Ant or Insect. You dumb violent idiots: Except for the demands for Peace, for Scientific and Humanist Reason, and objective Facts to prevail, and the demands for equal enforcements of the rule of laws ( not subjective violent “Order”BS) and a JUST economy, there is nothing “easy” in anything above written. And only to the utmost cognitive degenerated religious fundamentalist rich genocidal sociopaths and their well-funded religious sock-puppets, religious fake news punditry and religious terrorists unleashed on the 99%, crazy religious fanatic violent ideologues all of them 1% who all have nothing to lose would the idea of killing the Few or the Many ever even be considered a solution for anything! But where greed for religious ideological “GROWTH”-Uber-Alles-profits need, instigate and beget violence, violence beget only ever more ruthless violence and growing numbers of violent DEATHS, as the mathematic logical end of all that human violence is human total extermination by our own AI’s and cyber-weapons going for World’s nuclear Arsenals, for example by the hands of a few very angry and suicidal sociopathic patriotic Soldiers with Access. Successful Evolution, my dear People of Earth, is alone the Symbioses of Everything, the mutualismbased co-existence of opposite Micro-organism even. Look into you, Humans, we are the successful result of such mutualism. Our greedy religious ideology-garbage elites though are forever detached from that Symbioses to the Nature of Everything, while they are all lost in selfish tribal greed, those same fanatic super rich The Few colluding against everyone else are dragging more and more of our Species onto the darker side of Oil and religious gun violence and joining the racist militarized military- policestates as the sole remaining means of most people’s 99$ survivals: “Protect the super-rich totalitarian cabal ,kill your own poor, pitch how-to kill your kin best”-is the game the gambling religious fundamentalist richest sociopathic everywhere on Earth play with the lives of all of us. Tax-exempted Charity HOPE + Organized Violence Are The Richest Religious Mad-Men’s CON-ways”

Ultra-religious conservativism and correlating colluded what-ever-it-takes tribal/gender-specific nationalistic bottomless organized falsehood and greed are the home and birth-place of Munchhausen complexes and particular of Munchhausen By Proxy and other societal psychopathic-sociopaths for distinguish reasons. Just like shit-for-brain Donald Trump and his equally lying racist religious Nazis broods , the Oil-rich Islamic and Banana African, Asian and American Republic theocratic states’ leaders, a part of the pedophile-Nazis run Vatican, Bibi’s ruthless reverse- anti-Semitic/racist Land-Gewinningsthieves and all other old primitive religious fanatic ideological Imperialistic “Empire-dreaming”-greedruled BS-leaders of our Earth will all soon prove to be mere severely mentally ill , genocidal sociopaths who will kill most of Earth off just to evade Reparations and punishments for their generations-enduring crimes and atrocities against Humanity and Earth. Violent trying to fight, kill and bomb those kinds of degenerated violent egomaniac “evolved” Cabals, or believing to harm the rich by killing Innocent common people in blind or organized revenge acts, is as senseless as the rich psychopathic sociopathic Uber-billionaire Cabals/ biggest investors in wars, terrorism, pollutions and Earth’s destructions are, and only always make even the best of such violent human intentions to the exact same vicious violent egomaniacal ruling religious fanatic Cabals following the previous insane ones named above.

Besides what do we mindless religious bread and impoverished dumb and busy-kept 99%, in the USA alone, want to do with mere guns, knives and clubs against mentally ill rich colluding religious extremists who are high-jacking World governments and are killing their political rivals like Julius Cesar his political enemies until his own corrupt stabbed him? Besides, what kinds of violent “success” do the individual or let alone any legally armed Militia of righteous private low-income US Citizens and Residents hope to achieve against mentally ill, corrupt colluding super-rich religious fanatic assholes, who now command remote nuclear Drones and soon command armies of killer-robot soldiers and armed robotic dogs to round Humanity up and chase like cattle’s around the Earth into refugee status while they blow up one intact civilization after another for Pyrrhic gains as fossil-fuels and imaginary god and for equally imaginary temporary national borders? When organized public or individual violence as outcry for justice by suicidal idiots are abused with the help of the propaganda News to only be beneficial for the utmost richest religious fanatic Cabals everywhere who use such violence they instigated, often enabled or even paid viciously in the first places only to further violently crack down on Human & Civil Rights, and give further more of the richest religious extremists’ most violent extremists and Assassins only more legalized “rights” to kill off the subversive poor/immigrants/minorities/Liberals/Secular Atheists/LGBTQ/ “Socialists” etc. just like religious fundamentalist Confederate-flags wearing status-and/or otherwise “racist” killer-cops in every religious fundamentalist Banana republic as Trump’s USA do? No my dear fellow Homo Sapiens, you my dear over-medicated, over-polluted, over-distracted, overgod-& goaded, gunned down, and thoughtlessly auto-functioning fellow Humanoid kinderchens: the easiest and most sound, sane thing to do and way to “kill” the rich Oligarch sociopathic high-horse societal Cabal, is what I do: Use the oldest legal forms of Socratic Questioning to ASK them degenerated nepotism-like Oil-goggling Crony-capitalistic religious cabals/ our World political Mafia members directly all the questions the falsehood preaching colluding mainstream right-wing Uber-racist private Pillsaddicted, gun stocks-invested mega church Corporate Fake news, Facebook Fox Noise “News”-media pundits pretend to ask, but never do so elaborately. Take your time to ask the richest political, corporate and religious BS leaders of yours and ours utmost elaborated questions, online, offline in signed-letters, emails with reading confirmations responses, and in person, focus on their dumb rich fuck-faces with a sophisticated “uppity” arrogant smile, while you ignore their predictable petty deflection into banal memorized story-telling in their silly excuses of responding, while you let them all know that you are plotting and planning to launch your Judicial and Legal attacks on their organized religious corruptions, organized ignorance of religious elitist criminals, rapists, pedophiles and some are even mass murders in the highest places of political and/or economic power, for their organized discriminations and instituted disadvantaging, mass incarcerating of the Non-religious , the poor and gender-& ethnicity-specific people on them rich Uber religious Nazis in national and in International Courts. And shortly after all that ( in my case years) you too will come to face the deep-rooted sociopathic-psychopathic cognitive dull and hideous racist violence-organizing mental illness deep within most of our richest uber-religious conservative leadership, and within various religious political Corporate elites around Earth, as I am doing here with our genocidal religious Trumpocracy Vatican IIwanna-be “Gods Squads” KKK-Killer cops running Bible-belt USA’s KKK & old immigrated genocidal German Nazi-Republicans heirs and KKK- as Ray Tensing- rich Ohio Cincinnati’s religious fanatic state and city leaderships: It’s not just Trump, or just most of the GOP and Islamic states leaders who are a fucking mentally ill organized violence-funding imbeciles, the reality is most of our religious supremacy and nepotistic connections-filled religious political big business “leaders” are. Just tickle their organized

Oligarchic colluding stupidity, trigger their “We have [pedophilic inbreed] superior Genes& Arms”-beliefs and humorously insult publicly all such the super-rich religious idiot men’s fatalistic know-nothing arrogance and what utter deadly mental illness all organized primitive MYTHS-religions/ falsehoods thus in politics and modern civilization really are, and all the Full Nazi comes violent OUT of the richest religious fundamentalist colluding criminal Neocons everywhere. Now, that’s how you really “kill” totalitarian Cabals: Humorous Transparency and Whistle-blowing is to the richest totalitarian sociopaths just like sun-shine to the fictive Vampires. While you laugh your poor 99% asses off, while wearing streaming Cameras certainly only please, and right into the dumb faces of our degenerated religious fanatic corporate big business of political Nazis’ religions’ BS-leaders with their built-in religious liars’ Munchausen complexes, and their visibly from generation to generation ever-growing Munchhausen By Proxy Syndromes. Thus - to come to an abrupt end as this Earth and most lives will in your life-time-, that, is how-to create important aspects of “World Peace and Equality. As it takes our Species’ now wandering down the un-walked paths of a whole new Peace-based Mutualistic Evolution for most of you to even understand half of what was said here in this Chapter: Such strange violently dumb greedy religious egomaniacal genocidal tribal lies-led Beings we Humans are. ” So “caring” on one side to whom we consider asa one of our owns, us the “ good guys” and so viciously organized corrupt, and organized violent to all others, to the them, are always to such conflicted jingoistic egomaniacal religious fundamentalist liars’ low-minds “the evil guys”. Humans, what a self-desolating dumb Specie we are at times. Habe fertig. P.S.: Should anyone ever promise any one of you dim religious brain-washed People of Earth easy World Peace, Equality and every-lasting prosperity for all? That person is just a fucking Con-Artistic bull-shit artistic snakes-oil selling pathological liar FYI! Just as Donald Trump and his religious Russian and International religious Oil-Cartels-Mafia gangs are mere pathologic organized ELITE liars. While I only fished some of you like the fishers of men and made you read, alone based on the psychological knowledge of the Human curiosity can be miss-guided by just a few meaningfully over-loaded meaningless Words such as in my title used here. That too is how the colluding religious Cabals and their sock-puppets mind-wash the 99% to do their violent deeds and greedy violently work against Humanity and Earth’s interests easily. I know to recognize some of those corrupt ruthless richest humans’ oldest strategies sadly too, so Pardon for using it on you all with this piece. But So must most of the Human 99% come to understand the ongoing well-colluded, and all-engulfing psychological-economic ethnic gender- manipulations and mind white-washing of our Specie, just for The Few to create some BS religious Corporate empires of ever-lasting religious conflicts and wars against the people by our richest sociopaths while most people are washed away or starve in growing Climate Change calamities. All that is done so that people, old neighbors friends and families remain too busy killing each-other and remain being afraid and distrusting of each-other, where those who can buy ever-more bigger guns, rather than becoming able to blame and hold accountable all the crazy World- leaders and criminally murderous status-racist religious Nazis’ “Law&ORDER” Assassins in police uniforms as well the biggest religious investors in everything destructions and in everything genocides-inducing for anything Judicially.

( Chapter: “Easy World Peace, Equality, And The Every-Lasting Prosperity-Myths”, By Projectheureka LLC, Anthony Endres in Cincinnati USA on 06/06/2017)

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