Know now

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Know Now “To compel a HuMan to furnish contributions of Money for the Propagation of (religious) Opinions which the HuMan disbelieves…, is sinful and tyrannical” ~T. Jefferson, 1779 Freedom of religion includes freedom from religious beliefs not only via the non -Establishment of any one religious belief system. The establishment of any one imaginary tribal division based militaristic discriminating and deadly organized religion, in any modern multicultural, ethnic- and gender-Diversity filled society is in-itself anti-Democratic, infringe on the important law of Separations of Ideological, misogynistic racist old belief and the modern Democratic State, and is thus tyrannical in every possible illegal ways.

To all asinine religious conservatives, KKKK, ISIS, Al Queda, Zionists, tribal nationalists, Nazis: “Complexity is never simple As Simplicity is ever utmost complex Everything occurs as +within the Resonance of the Big Bang. The more Bangs and big Boom’s humans unleash upon each-other and on Earth The shorter the Resonance we call Existence is Peace is never simple. But Peace is ever simple to achieve As all Wars are made-up by psychopaths for religious simpletons & other violent Sociopaths But, real human Peace can be achieved when Everything is Diversity And, Diversity is everything” Religion is bull-shit. Pro-life is anti-Women. Which in itself is anti-human and anti-Democratic. You, all believers in Abraham’s utmost violent imagined 3 god-versions in particular, are just mere violent colluding lying opportunistic degenerated simpletons, at times. Because: Everything exist without a god. God is just a vicious illusion prevent everything in reality to be seen by you. For all good/god+evil are just oldest same friction of violently delusional & power-hungry but pretentious humans’ violent imaginations and hallucinations of a god just alike ‘them’. There is no imaginary god+no imaginary evils to fear nor needed, but the good+evils mainly you religious humans do. So, do put the blame on me+U. And on your irrational god-beliefs which you all abuse to loot, rape and kill each-others. Since Centuries and ongoing, as only a truly sociopathic evolved specie alone would act. Maybe you richest children of imaginary-god(s) all are mere sociopathic lying psychopaths, who just can see the genocidal levels of your mental illness/Diversity-denials? Gesundheit? Wars & Conflicts are the oldest mass distraction run by corrupt religious cronies, Christian Nazis, Islamist, Zionist etc. religious corporate Oil & war oligarchs & organized pedophilic World-rapists and super uber-rich psychos, who have a lot to hide. And would risk burning down the entire Earth so they won’t end up impeached and imprisoned like the human masses, whom they and their wealthy ancestors have imprisoned since centuries.

War is the oldest mass distraction, directly after religion/religious terrorism, fake news ant the related big business of ideology-drooling liars; politics run like an absurd Art-Of-War-religion that is. Fact is: Wealthy religious elites everywhere are meshugge! Ask yourselves and any religious BS“leader”, or any religious politician anywhere these: What does defunding Planned Parenthood has to do with anything fiscal responsible politics, when all Neocons do is defund people to incarcerate or shoot them for the consequences of poverty religious Neocons created? In any ongoing military Corporate/STASI/Fascist/religious Totalitarian system what are the exact Democratic roles and status of private media, of the police, of intelligence and religious clergies? Do they remain same as in sane Democracies or are lying racist Killer cops ( as Ray Tensing) rather receiving human rights status, millions in secret funding and GoFundM e and Facebook-churches led crowdfunding and military Hero-status after every killing of an unarmed or framed minority? Particular in Republican ALEC & NRA’s mega church governors and Senators controlled areas? When are private Corporate news media organizations, which are owned and run by 95% religious Neocons - who only spread pro Republican, pro-Christianity, Pro-White genocide- fake news BS while they ignore the genocide on which them NRA and big pharma profit from- just the same as a corrupt totalitarian religious Party/or Taliban-run “fake news”? Why is “god”/Christianity or Judeo-Christianity everywhere center stage of Republicans/conservatives’ politics as is Islam to Al Qaeda and ISIS etc. the same? Why are the hyper-religious families who are the most alike always the same ones who love to hate on each-other, condone and applaud the terroristic or militarily mass killing of each-other the most? Why are all believers always silent to their own tribe’s violent religious extremists in the minority, while the other “them” religious extremists are always worse than ours no matter what they do? Isn’t it as saying out loud “our {imaginary} violent god is more real + better than yours, and so are we. So fuck you. We are the god-greatest because we can nuke you and everyone else”? Why are the majority of violent sociopathic religious terrorists, whose crazy religious terror acts and militarily revenges affect the entire Earth security and freedoms mainly coming from within the 3 wealthiest Abraham’s religions, Islam, Judaism and Christianity? Why are violent mental illness, gun violence, incest and pedophilia, deadly big pharmaceutic or Opium addictions so connected deeply to the religious world of the big 3 of A’s and A-OK and normal? While a natural plant, Cannabis, homosexuality/+ gender-Diversity, Pacifism, Secularism, Multi-culture, Evolution, the right to Abortion and the rights not to be shot or bombed for being different/non -or of other religion in any of the religious fanatic societies, and accelerating Climate Change are denied with blind old lies by the political corporate leaders and deciders of the big 3 religions of divide but who are alike identical Tripling’s in the extreme interpretation of their old primitive imaginary beliefs.

Dumb religious people often ask why I am not religious and detest and distrust all modern -day fascistic religious nations and any hyper religious society and why I avoid lying colluding religious fanatic believers all-together, be them extreme fundamentalist Jews, Muslims, or our Christian fanatic Republican gang of religious political cronisym-rule criminals in gestalt of politicians and Oil and other uber corporate leaders. First: I don’t hate religion nor religious people. I found the first just “albern”/ absurd thing to still hold on-to, if one truly considers oneself an intelligent human being. Organized religions have always been and are just dangerous myths, particular if they obtain economic social and military super power, religion proves the most deadliest of all human deaths causes. Deadly primitive oligarchic myths of one flying rich all-mighty man-in the-sky, banal but for some still extremely lucrative and thus “values”-filled Abraham’s and other far-old cloned mythologies which also all together represent the longest, and ongoing human duration of deadly tyrannies, of fascism, Nazism and the most violent centuries of cold-blooded imaginary imperialistic monopoly godjustified oppression, enslavements and forceful militarily proselyting, criminalizing and with the same imaginary vile “god’s approval centuries of discriminations of brown-skinned people, of Women, LGBTQ, Feminists, of Pacifists, of Secular Atheists, of Academic and scientific accurate Intellectuals and scholars, and of the common poor people on the planet. Secondly: From my Secular Atheist perspective all religious adults are just dumb pretentious Bimbos, my religious-educated family included regardless of what gender, race or degrees they hold, particular on that single subject “god” they have been successfully brain-washed with since birth. That or most religious organized believers are mentally ill, or pathologically lie to themselves and society out of conformity. Since religion is still absolute uber dominant, deadly even in many places including in the USA, because in most of our human societies, in big business, in Oil business in many of our extreme religious corrupted cronies of Global leaderships and in all war-matters still today in 2017, as not only ISIS/ Islamic states/ Al Queda etc, but our wealthy religious fundamental big money-royals and corrupt oligarchs Trump’s Pence, Vatican pope I-NaziBannon’s Republican US Gov, Brexit, France’s National Nazis, Bibi’s Israeli settler hard-liners Turkey etc. pp Abraham’s religious douches-bags and fellow megalomaniacal male-ideologues are all showing so wonderfully self-verifying right now. Thirdly: Godlessness and Atheism are the default state of all Matter (and Anti-Matter.. different story), of all living beings including religious falsehoods ever-preaching religious human beings. No matter what religious so-called scholars and their children incestuous f*cking cross-dressing wealthy clergies any-where try to make-believe, all “god”, all faiths, all religious views, all scriptural and perceived “knowledge” of yaweh/god/all or the flying spaghetti monster are all just sub-culturally passed on, forcefully proselytized into and shoved down the throats of the children of the individual tribe from their day of birth. And so religion still these days is kept alive merely by perpetrated colluded high-horse lies and higher-up’s falsehood, via instructed institutional discriminations of all others not part of the religious gangs, and via religious wars and well-funded religious terrorism, which all are tools merely to increase the power and strange -grip of religion and of pathological lying dynasties of mentally ill wealthy psychopaths’ grip on every human’s rights. On Earth’s properties and on life and death of others it self, just like the violent criminal, rapist and mass murdering mad-hat god of all monotheistic big religions’ mythologies and tyrannical King’s kingdoms-story-telling of primitive past confused with reality, or even worst

nonsense talk as some old foolish books to be representing of “god’s words Forth, and one of the main reasons why I cognitively, intellectually and based on all past human histories’ knowledge reject absurd myths as the organized Abraham’s religions as guidance of society of a whole Specie and whole Earth: An undeniably very dominating large majority of religious terrorists, mass murderers, violent Opium-addicted PTSD-suffering or/+ racist soldiers, Killer-cops and murdering White and Brown-vigilantes who just kill because they can world-wide are religious. Those kinds of psychopaths are in all hyper religious fundamentalist societies to more than 80% mainly the big fanatic followers of one organized religious belief or the other, and 99% of all those religious terrorists, be them the Islamic or Christian etc, who commit religious terroristic acts of mass murder have proven so far to have been for the longest time brain -washed by religious conservative/ fundamentalist special-interests-dominated fake-news, priests, clergies ‘ violent divisive ideologies. One reason why the far largest majority of the religious terrorists are religious educated males, religious ex- or ongoing military-/ Intelligence-members, religious Colleges/University absolvents and/or hyper-religious misogynistic religious College-fraternity order members ( and in the USA the religious extremists turn mass murdering/ mass shooting religious terrorists are themselves praying guns-& god-loving good-doing ethnic-racist or statusracist religious lunatics, who are at least middle-class, sufficiently wealthy and socially accepted enough to have unhinged Legal access to guns or wealthy NRA-members to get them arms and guns, as pre-dominantly the case in the USA for example) even. The data-driven fact that a staggering large majority of mass murders, religious terrorism and even genocides are committed by religious believers is fascinating, and should trouble anyone else not religious or who are part of the societal minority-groups” Because common but false and datalacking logic - and what religious Neocons always tried to portray as their alternative/ god “truth” – would make any simpleton believe that in any historically institutionally discriminating religious societies, religious state or religious city, ( said is valid for all religious fundamentalist and pseudo-religious ideology-fanatic Government-run-places from Vatican city to Iran, to RoyalHeilness Brexit, to Saudi Oil-Royal Arabia, Erdogan’s Neo-Islamic-state Turkey Bibi’s Israel Trump’s Christian USA, to Kim-ism in North Korea etc. pp alike) that the most vicious colluding liars, conspiring con-artistic criminals, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers would to be expected to prove to be mainly Satanists, Secular Atheists, Liberals, discriminated and “bullied” Women, LGBTQ. Muslims even, and People of Color and so on, due to those minority-groups known societal frustrations due to excessive religion-induced discrimination of their persona, gender, ethnicity, their beliefs, etc. But reality is often a far opposite and different story than the assumptions based on religious conservatives’ “common sense”. Most religious extremist mass murderers/terrorists anywhere around Earth are often members or children of the middle class, or wealthy believers of all ethnicities but mainly of the fundamentalist 3 versions of Abraham’s religions. It’s hardly ever the poor, not women nor Secular Atheists, not Pacifists, not Liberal Marijuana consumers, nor the openly LGBTQ+, who predominately commit utmost deadly violent atrocities / religious terrorism due to blind fanatic hatred some primitive old scriptures teaches them. It is not those minorities” who go on religious their “god-like” killing-sprees out personal revenge, personal relationship issues, job issues or societal frustrations.

It’s the religious fundamentalist people who horde guns as they merely adhere to a violent image of themselves they uniformly hallucinate as their ”god”, the same hyper moralist religious people who abuse opium /or big pharma’s chemical Heroin’s, Viagra and enjoy shooting to relax, those who support religiously the death penalty, who demand for racist religious Killer-cops “Humanrights” and are Pro-life of some unborn incestuous rapists’ fetuses, all that regardless of lack of scientific nor societal evidences to support either BS. The same kinds of religious fanatic families and absurd religious guys people - who religiously oppose legal abortion even in cases of rape and incest, silently condone and fund intentionally and unintended religious terrorism as their violent genocidal way to “bring people/Democracy back to god/Jesus/allah/yaweh/something-something imaginary or King here”- as they claim,- would once they completely lose their economic status, lose their religious / dynastic +/or White privileges of the various pyramid-scheming sects in society, or when those kinds of crazy religious fundamentalist/ideological believers are deadly afraid that their cozy world of cheap conformity and of ideological self-serving tribal-lies is going to end as all’s believers’ wealthy fear-driven clergies, corporate preachers and nuclear religious leaders are telling them, will easier than everyone else lose their imaginary and violent primitive BS-filled religious minds too and use their guns like every other fucking religious terrorists, callously calculating, or reckless killer-cop to write their own history in the ongoing religious conservative-lairs history-book of violent religious half-truths. Violent religious historical halftruths mixed with imaginary super-man god-beings and megalomaniacal grandiose leaders and believers actuated to nuclear power and to impoverishing, drugging, tribally dividing, shooting, bombing and scaring everyone else – again - into religious obedient and back to being an imaginary god’s lap-dogs and slaves of the religious oligarchies/ oligopoly military religious corporate empires. In each absurd psychopaths led religious oligarchy, the people are condemn to silence and complicity in forms of persistent religious pride after ever religious terrorists attack, be them the Muslim nations, Bibi’s Israel’s Jewish state or our hyper Christian RepubliKKKan crony -political big business of Trump nepotism-elites. The silence of all religious believers to their own religious extremists & terrorists is as deafening as the silence of the lambs under Hitler’s Nazism or the DDR’s STASI-system were. Neither religious conservative Jews, not the banal tribal Islamists, nor Rah-rah Uber-Christians ask themselves and their leaders who actually fund religious terrorism, neither Jews, Muslims nor Christian fundamentalists are surprise that terrorism committed by their own religious members are not seen as religious terrorism, but always when same violent terrorism is committed by the other religions. It’s as if all religious followers of all 3 the Abraham’s religions are silently saying murder and genocides are only murders and genocides when others commit it, not when either Jewish/ Islamic/or Christians individually or jointly commit same unto other people, why the out-rage is always loudest when it’s the others, the “them” who commit atrocities, mass murders, religious terrorism because every religion sees its own followers as the sole good-guys, everyone else not part of the similar pyramid sect are certainly always the bad guys, while all believers are in blind religious Ignorance of the reality of data on the numbers of by institutionalized religious fundamentalism-created conflicts, wars and perpetual revenge religious terrorism, religious back& forth-bombing leading to rise of nuclear armaments and possibly officially soon to violent world war 3, which is ongoing quasi since 9/11

People forget and miss to ask important public questions such as: Why was Anders Brevik, Dylan

Roof etc Christian terrorists/ Nazis’ Manifestos which were implicating wealthy and high officials as their thoughts-givers and supporters ignored on all instances of the news media and politics? Who are the “religious extremists” Google and Facebook are allied with as not only Julian Assange showed? Why are Google, Facebook Algorithms promoting mainly fake-news, supporting Killer-cops by Google and Facebook sometimes making racist/criminal police-involved shooting related videos and data online disappear, by the same Trump-campaign openly funding right-wing Tech, Oil & guns, religious & military cartels are instigating violent religious anti Diversity, homophobia, xenophobia, Anti-Semitism and violent religious hate-crimes? What exactly do the Nazis with whom Vatican official old German pope I’s Bannon was talking in the recorded Skype conversation to be allied with did and do exactly for Bannon, for Trump and for the religious fanatic wing of the GOP now holding nuclear absolute majority power in USA, Brexit and elsewhere? Why is mere silence in the news and in World politics about the fact that Saudi Arabia, Vatican German pope 1’s Bannon & Google’s Nazi allies, Royal-Heilness Brexit, Bibi’s illegal Settler, ultrareligious conservative Republicans, KKK ISIS and co Nazis share religious fanatics in politics, business and in government, anti-mixing of the ethnicities/ cultures and homophobia/ religious anti-Diversity, Climate change denials, Evolution-denials Science-denials and Oil-and war-profits with each-other? And thus possibly some or all super rich religious oligarchs of all fanatic fundamentalist religion might share far worst conspiracies than the generally known one s with each other even while the same political religious elites pretend to be at war with each-other, while mainly only the middle class and the poor are violently displaced, impoverished or killed? Why are all the equally to Nazis crazy “Religion of Peace”-Muslims and fanatic Islamists killing and blowing innocent people up? Instead of organizing to use their fossil-fuel wealth to bring up International Genocide and religious war-lawsuits up? What’s the purpose of killing a few American and other people in blind revenge just to have thousands or millions of more Muslims bombed in military organized religious revenge-wars? And what’s the exact purpose of Trump’s USA and allies bombing thousands or a billion Islamist suspects, what’s the purpose of mass incarcerating and creating Muslim-, Russian-, North Korean or what-ever other people X-concentration-camps around Earth? Job-creation, wealth-generation, for national “border” security, for “order”, for god+ fatherland? Why are all 3 religions the most similar in the highest places of power and wealthy and in their utmost ruthless organized religious fanatic greed and violent military extremism?

On Israel’s Bibi’s - due to Globally instigated Anti-Semitism and religious terrorism growing illegal Settler-towns into Palestinian-zones and the consequential resulting Arab-Gentrification and religious terror revenge vis-a-verse religious terror revenge attacks just this: Those Settlers are as “Legal” owners, as all Native-Americans, Mexicans etc. have the same similar sole legal hereditary inherited ownership rights to the whole American Continents as Africans would solely have to become the owners of the African continent etc. Certainly too, I’d argue on Judicial levels then. Unless we are speaking of a solely White supremacist world with open borders only for Judea-

Christian, but closed borders and gun & bomb deaths for the rest? But, I’m not native, nor religious, but alien. To you. What does Pussy-Grabbing /Rape-lawsuits have to do with Trump’s religious use of the MOAB Bombs now ? Vagina complex! And as public distraction from the large numbers of lawsuits against Trump, distraction from Trump’s campaign lies and GOP’s incompetent catching up to them publicly now, distractions from massive protests against the religious Nazis- allied and serving Trump admin, from impeachment-calls for GOP’s collusion with the “enemy” Russian-hacking, and so many more crimes for which Hillary Clinton and Democrats would have been officially and by unanimous decision impeached, incarcerated or even worse, executed legally by the deep state by now, if the level of obvious governmental corruption and conflict -of interests were the opposite way around as large and as known. Lying Dofus and all religious Nazis’ Potus Trump and co-religious rapist cronies just will continue to need a big hole to fill with his old junk-dump lies, as mass distractions from the lies and the Global Gleich-Schaltung via fake-news fake data and religious Nazism enabling gun and other policies, or he’ll continue to bomb the entire Earth - for god &Fatherland’s border-security, just like Brexit nationalists, Saudi royal’s Al Queda,ISIS, Bibi’s Zionist Settlers and all modern-day Hitler’s BFF’s do for arms- and oil-profits- one place after another to fill the lying gaping hole-inthe-head reflecting our very empty megalomaniac delusional nuclear-armed ideology-illogical religious leaders’ minds and certainly to fill the same colluding Global Neocons nepotistic filling money-coffers and offshore-Bank-accounts Here in the Republikkkan Trump-mega-Church Tri-state such concentration of economic, political judicial and executive power on emotional as cognitive retarded, and pathological colluding lying religious – (mainly White old ultra-religious conservative Vatican pope 1-German descendants where even the Mid-West/Southern White Democrats here are Neocons mainly) –fanatic Neocons result in coordinated institutional over-medicating, incarcerating and bankrupting and police and white vigilantes’ harming and deadly shooting of unarmed People of Color, of LGBTQ, of Secular Atheists particular ( what happens in the dark of no FBI-data) ,of Progressive White Liberals in Interracial relationships, of Black Lives Matter, Climate change and Peace - activists. Now one would think the Christian-fanaticism and religious xenophobia induced deadly AntiSemitism and Anti-Secularism of the Trump administration was reduced alone to Trump Pence Session and Bannon and alone due to those guys hatred of Islam. Until the real media actually starts to openly ask every career politicians, every law-makers, prosecutors, judges, every big business’ leaders, every religious leaders about their views on Multicultural and religious, ethnic and sexual and gender Diversity, and why Jewish leaders, Christian leaders as well as Islamic leaders everywhere are lying about Hitler’s Nazi Germany having being “Secular Atheists”, when the opposite was the Historical case as now, with Hitler having Muslim nations, Jewish Nationalists and part of Christian Vatican, old RepubliKKKan ( I got a stut-t-ter) America etc. Royal Japan on his Ayran-Oligarchy-allies- side? How come Hitler who prayed to Abraham’s god as he refers to be doing his work, -and where Hitler’s SS were also known as “gods Squads”-Kreuz-Ritter, with a Hitler Nazi-system which mass surveilled, mass fired, mass bankrupted, mass incarcerated, incriminated and criminalized, and who gassed Jewish intellectuals and the poor alike Socialists, secular Atheists and all their

declared/supposed people with “mental disorders” which religious German Nazis so fucking out of their minds high ( similar to Trump and Neocons now) on Meth of Hitler’s days certainly selfverified, - was portrayed in all 3 uber monotheistic-monopoly religions’ modern-day fake news History as a system of Secular Atheism? When the reality was the Hitler gang were just as now like the Republican Oil corporate Tea Party sprinkled with ISIS and Vatican-Bannon’s and NRA’s religious Nazis all over them like a brown-shirts-shit filled Braun Oreo? Rein-rassig / blood-purity = incestuous religious brown- shirts, again? I-gitt.

Why is there still just mere absolute colluded silence and White -washed ignorance of the religious fanatic White guys-only mainly party – GOP – and NRA’s “Gods Squads”-police in any of the former racist states with histories race riots due to history of racist police who intentionally out of hate kill minorities? Because fundamentalists as for religious Nazis they can and never do bad, no matter how worst murder many believers commit, it’s easier for the religious oligarchs everywhere to lie, deny that religious terrorism connects to all 3 big religions mutually equally as shit to their asses. Since it much more profitable to blame, terroristic or militarily bomb, and raid to shoot the “them” rather than admit that religious terrorism is the tool for economic and political power of religious extremist and opportunistic lying dick-heads and psychos in religion, in politics and in the ideological “order”-enforcement-industries

Why is there these ideological, pseudo-political and judicial absolutistic ignorance and blind-spot specific for private religious conservative US’, Israeli’ and Saudi corporations, of ALEC NRA Exons religious Oil, big Pharma guns and military funded/+ benefitting hate-crimes/ KKK-Brexit and other Nazi-vigilantes, fake-news, but the organized hyper focus on “criminal rapist, murderous immigrants”, and brown-skinned “thugs/monsters”-minorities and “godless” pacifistic Liberals as the scape-goats for everything? We brown-skinned progressive immigrants and domestic “minorities” look all like ISIS to Trump and GOP’s Homeland Security’s A.I.’s just like religious conservative Republicans all look like KKK and Hitler’s modern Trump Nazis to the same A.I’s I hope, with such a dope? Whilst the majority of gun violence victims in Asia, Africa or/and the Middle East are for Centuries mainly US American Caucasian minority there, do you mass arrest, or even legal execute some of the American Caucasians preemptively as USA’s Republicans do? Or do you conduct investigations through-out by excluding no-one as your probable suspects? The Conservative Republican states go the opposite direction of investigations according to Criminology; In Tristate for example the illegal, racist and faulty anti-social rule is: Always suspect in cases of crimes against White/Americans minorities first, never suspect Whites/Americans in cases of crimes against , in etc., or where a minority was present= so-called automatic declaring to Black-on-Black-crimes in ‘”black neighborhoods”, while in reality accurate real data on either whites-on-whites are not even documented nor collected due to guns- and falsely assumed police’s White-bloodbrotherhoods? While and when the majority of Police’s incarceration victims are People of Color, LGBTQ, Immigrants and Progressives alone for Marijuana possession, and the same groups of American

minorities’ are the largest victims of gun violence by Cops and armed vigilantes, why are mainly only religious Conservatives/ NRA cronies writing the craziest , racist gun laws into the USA reality again? Government is prohibited from choosing Winners and Losers in economy, in any Democratic sane and sound society and in front of the Laws. Now how does that sits Judicially well with Trump’s GOP making of the Coal Corporations, Fracking, Exxon, Big Pharma, the gun-,war-and surveillance industry, Trump’s BFF’s corporate and his “Russian-Hacker” ( or whatever religious fundamentalist hackers cliques) friends, and religious tax-exempted fraud- and rapist religious Charities to the great WINNNERS again? While Women, People of Color, Green Energy/Solar companies, and low income people the real victims of Climate change denied and of Republicans’ vicious discriminating anti-Democratic policies, as well as secular Progressives are all made the LOSERS? Carrere-Politicians and all religious BS-leaders who proclaim to be prolife but have no fucking remorse nor a sleep-less night when innocent adults are domestically murdered daily in ridiculous high numbers typical for sociopathic societies due to their intentional discriminating and deadly racist gun profits-fanatic laws are what? Genocidal career-Politicians and primitive backward religious BS-leaders/ criminally organized religious pedophile Mafia gang anywhere who shed out more guns, bullets, institutional racism, obvious Judicial injustices, inequity, cold-blooded impoverishing and killing of their own and other people while Oligarchic 1% become uber- super billionaires, mad Kings and even more madder nuclear drone emperors, with well-funded fake news advertisement campaigns, ISIS, Al Queda, KKK’s false-flag and real religious Nazi-terrorisms, instead of bread and free scientific accurate education are what? Fascists, Nazis or just natural born religious lying psychopathic sociopaths, as most if not all politically religious national conservative people in some ways naturally are; ruthless sociopathic psychopaths who acquire too much power/wealth alone with colluded and discriminating cronyism-dripping make-beliefs in a god/ the denials of shared human-reality and of Science?

Politicians and religious fanatic clergies who the more people are shot call for more prayers and more tax-exemption for religion and religious Corporations, while they loosen the gun laws specifically more for religious extremists/ NRA’s and KKK White Christian vigilantes and USA’ gun “tourists” on too many of big Pharma Opioids, antipsychotic but severe psychopathy-inducing cumulative effect of pills, guns & god-cocktails are called what? Why is there such an obvious Republican James Comey’s FBI’s and USA’s justice system’s ignorance /denials of NRA-paid cronies, and NRA-funded vigilantes, racist killer-cops and big pharma’s pharmaceutics Opioids-Heroin-pills, but Marijuana is abused to in public and in the religious corporate news to shift the blame automatic onto People of Color, Mexicans and Liberals with little marginal validity? Aren’t such ignorant colluded denials based on the same similar ideological illogic that Neocons everywhere always use and abuse to deny Climate Change, to deny Diversity, deny Evolution, deny

LGBTQ- rights and deny female rights and workers’ rights including the Neocons’ politically colluded deadly denials of natural Marijuana as the far most safest medical drug compared to big pharma’s opioids? Legal drugs, which in form on Fentanyl and others is equal to, or worse than deadly Heroin addictions. While big Pharma’s Narkan for opioid is eating up Obamacare and Trump care-not funds up like a Cancer virus in the USA. It’s a-make-big-pharma-, which made Americans, Britain’s and other populations to among the largest groups of opioids/Heroin addicts along-side “god”/Allah & Opium-addicted Middle East,richer-scheme to make big Pharma and big secret uber Corporate investors even richer by allowing big pharma to sell governments expensive and highly dangerous drugs used “revive” Opioids addicts. The same mentally ill religious gun-armed Heroin-addicts, whom big pharma and criminally neglect Doctors and - in the US, Republican ALEC & NRA’s religious BS- law-makers etc pp created. And the illegal street-pills and heroin dealers filled the rest of the corporate addiction markets, which big pharma long ago created by advertising opioids for every aches and any mood, Just mix it up with psychopharmaceutic and take as many as you want your legal Heroin from Doctor big Pharma. But legal Marijuana? O the Liberal “Mental illness” O the psychoses Cannabis causes? O the cognitive deficits and memory losses due to evil Marijuana, Republicans’ pseudo science and pathological liars on too many pills - who regularly forget all the lies they told yesterday but which can all still be heard on the Internet even while the corporate BS opinionnews “Stars” plays the Neocons’ lackeys of silent obstructing propaganda,- claim ? Are all absurd lies in comparison to the utter deadly effects of legal Opioids/Heroin mixed with too much god, guns and violent hate-crime sponsorship by NRA Corporations and fake news cronies alike? Reality of Marijuana is as with every legal schedule level 2 drug: Don’t do TOO much !; Don’t do lots of Weed and drive; Don’t mix Breeds, not with Alcohol nor with other drugs (unless you want to kill yourself?) , not too strong Marijuana breeds particular on your first few times etc. pp, or if you over-do you might get a giggle-attack or a temporary “paranoia”( nothing more than your metabolism, your brain and visuals temporarily overreacting to Cannabis OVER-dose which you merely will just munch calories, sleep and snore out of your system) , while the lesser or same amount /dosage in Opioids would assuredly kill a person instantly in comparison. But which drug is legal? The more deadly one certain, since the violent drug death of Liberals and common people are always big Neocon-profits not just for arms-sellers and war-profiteers, but for Big Pharma and the vicious colluded business based on oldest lies of old liars called religion. What IF big Pharma, religious big business cartels (ALEC, NRA, Kochs Mercers, Exxon etc. Orgs ) and Republican Neocons nearly everywhere are all-out about waging via crazy contradictive and genocidal discriminating Nazi-gun-laws, religious terrorism abused as excuses to run mass internment-camps and STASI-states, and Marijuana to go fully Sun Tzu’s syle Art-Of-War on all Liberal progressives, Secular, LGBTQ and all other minorities and on all other countries who refuse their religious military dominion? Hitler-Nazi-system tried precisely such; it created “jobs”: The SS, Hitler’s excessive militarism and Holocausts as the mass employment machine for Aryan Germans and “allies”, and the brain-washed Hitler-Youth. Trump’s GOP cronies now copy quasi Hitler to the T and continue in that same military aggressor-tradition: It’s the Bush W’s IF-you-are-not-with us-you-are-against-us scheme all over again: ‘IF you are not with us/if you don’t’ pray to our imaginary White/Muslim god, if you don’t pay high defense costs ( from terroristic Aliens from out space?) to US we’ll put terrorism-shit on you, or CIA hacking=tool-cyber hack and crash your economy, and nu-culear drone bomb you’

What are religious fundamentalist war-politics and violent religious fundamental corporations’ evoking the Sun Tsu’ Art-Of-War and Bannon, Islamists and, Peter Thiel’s religious fanatic Vatican sponsored anti-Diversity on consumers and Democracy alike called again, beside Dick-heads? Nazis + Fascists? Whereas religious big business Neocons and their pundits are openly uber proud nowadays again to be latter, and to be colluding racist Climate change and real science -denying religious fundamentalist dick-heads who fuck over far more competent and more educated minorities to pose as the grandiose White-“deciders”, just as the white and male imagined god of Abraham’s 3 fossil-fuel / Oil-Kingdom’s fairy tales. Religious Conservative political big business elites are alike the modern-day old Nazis. And the White and other people in any position of power who ignore that resembling are all on too many pain pills? Or why are supposedly evolved humans ignoring their own predictable violent tribal reality, while over-projecting that of all other similar violent tribes? The “I can’t change it”excuse, which we all have? Your ever ignorant colluded religious “Trust god”-excused BS even? Greed for conformity and cheap & easy power by doing as Trump & GOP: Just lie for money, who cares how many billions of people die, right? We’ve got ours, what -ever-it-takes with opioids and zero empathy- fuck the rest of the World, brown people, emancipated Women/all women and poor people just because we can? Cause White / religious guys are such Uber moralist and honest WINNERS? What do Ferguson-Effect and intentional blame-framing Mexicans for nearly impossible for minorities to commit crimes have all to do with the shooting death of Jo Cox, of countless unarmed minorities by racist genocidal White religious Cops even on camera who still are always set free and heavily rewarded with millions of dollars in taxpayers money, and the Global Intelligence and Global religious political community’s ignorance to the equivalences of ISIS and Al Queda, White supremacist/Christian terrorists as Anders Brevik, Roof, Bannon’s and Google not -so secretly recorded alliance business “pitch” with Vatican state & Nazis, Thiel, Koch Brothers, Mercers and even Islamic Oil-rich Saudi royals? So we allow – again- a Pussy-Grabbing lying psychopathic Oligarch to bomb country after country. But we humans with all our religious violence and violent religions are the most evolved specie? Because we can create gigantic destructions like our imaginary “god”? Sure we aren’t seeing ourselves as the most violently deranged specie of them all due to our conscious choice to organized violence and organized dominations and our choice of liars, criminals, rapists and murderers as the families of our leaders? What does for example Ohio’s religious KKK & NRA government’s reckless vilification , criminalizing, mass arrest and “gods-Squads-shooting of People Of Color, LGBTQ+ and secular Progressives alone for Marijuana has to do with Republikkkan politicians everywhere on Earth who are receiving huge political campaign contribution dark-money from big pharma and religious cartels to criminalize Weed, while Republican law-makers and big Pharma-created Opioid and gun violence epidemic was cunningly blamed on Mexican illegal immigrants and “brown-skinned thugs with huge calves”? What do private right-wing corporate religious charities have to do with the calculated criminalizing, institutional open discriminating and impoverishing of People of Color, LGBTQ,

people of Diversity and Liberals, or/+ Secular Democrats in particular in the religious Conservative US States, as Ohio, Indiana, Texas, and as most-likely ongoing in all religious nations as the Islamic nations nations, Vatican state and Israel? What do for example Ohio’s religious KKK & NRA Government’s criminalizing, mass arresting, open discriminations of minority business owners, judges by our religious state and city leaders, and “gods-Squads-police shooting of People Of Color, of LGBTQ+ and secular Progressives alone with suspicions of “GUN” or with ( my favorite colluded private religious Neocon news media involving institutional racism observed in KKK Tri-state and Ohio) unverified “the dead minority/LGBTQ/female victim of yet another Trump’s gods squad killer-cops was mentally ill/ reached for a gun”? While armed White Vigilantes & psychopathic Gods Squads-Cops , as Trump even on sniffles Steroids and on deadly doses of daily Opioids & on KKK’s racist-God-, what do they all have all to do with Republikkkan politicians secretly and openly receiving huge political campaign contribution dark-money from, and investing privately big into the Global gun Industry, privatized mass surveillance and prison-industry and into semi-private military suppliers, tax-free mega religious big-business cartels and big pharma cartel who together are forcefully drugging ever-more opioids and anti-psychotics addicts with the Bible in one hand and NRA- guns in the other while the religious totalitarian alliance threaten Liberals and non-religious addicts either with more PILLS + more believing in god or more jail for mainly progressive Marijuana patients or Liberal opioids addicts as happening right now in Ohio and through-out KKK Pence & Sessions’ Tristate as in the Islamic states? What kind of work do violently criminal racist US Killer-Cops go to work after they were merely fired for unrightfully shooting of unarmed minorities, other than for them to go under-ground and become hired security/guns for $/ hired killers or just go even more on killing-sprees out of blind hatred of minorities and immigrants just because those kinds of mentally ill White and other exCops can and certainly know exactly how to evade law enforcement, and their own former colleagues and ideological BFF’s? Since neither the police, not the FBI, nor the NSA has secret extra surveillance running on criminal ex-Cops suspected of being racist murderers for example as is the assured case with Ray Tensing and a couple of other Cops in Ohio? Once wealthy Neocons’ corporate cartels, crony politicians and the religious corporate news & Tech fake news media were able to divert the conversation away from prosecuting violent racist White supremacists, violent Anti-Semites, violent KKK and NRA as some of the biggest Nazis in America, and instead all united religions and cartels fund to put the blames unto brown -skinned thugs, illegal Mexicans “criminals, rapists and murders”, added and filled with fake/ inconclusively false crime data /E.g “Ferguson-Effect” and thus the Neocon and the main stream corporate media just never call our good Christian rapist Republican rich-boys, who commit terroristic acts against women, against LGBTQ minorities and immigrants out as criminals or as “religious terrorists” when religious KKK & Nazis as Roof or Tensing go on a killing-spree, they all so only continue to enable religious Christian and Islamic totalitarian gun-violence and religious terrorism to flourish. And the same religious Neocons profiteer from the rise in gun stocks and religious tax-free charities revenue growth. So, one could not only statistic but by following the money well-evidenced argue that religious extremism, religious terrorism division, conflicts and victimizing and falsely criminalizing “Minorities” is unique mainly only to all hyper religious

societies who do not separate the falsehood based old monopolistic big business of con-artists, religion, from politics and mayor economic Global markets, if people then wanted to Judicial and with their minds rather than with their asses act, that would be the case, no ?

IF there are fanatic religious Nazis, KKK or even ISIS and Al Queda members/followers in the police, in NSA, in CIA, FBI in International Military Intelligence who believe and ally exact alike Bannon, Thiel, Trump and the Islamic states, would the national and International Democratic political leadership know that, and what would they do if they knew ? Religious terrorism is their dominion and power-play. A reason why there is are political internal power struggle to prevent or limit the ultra-religious-right-wing ( Nunes Bannon Thiel, Exxon et all) Coup on the Intelligence community, on International military, and on Earth’ secular progressives Democracies globally. A Coup, which appears with a fanatic pathologic lying religious fanatic trigger-and religious race war-happy GOP, Brexit and other growing religious extremist European and international Govs as already successful and irreversible due to Republicans absolute recklessness and near-absolute majority. A majority the Neocons achieved due to coordinated killing and blaming of minorities& Liberals (Ferdinand-Effects), due to Russian-, Mercers-, Koch Brothers-, North Korean, and Vatican-Bannon’s hackers, and Facebook and Google “allies” promoted fake news and fake crime statistic and incrimination of minorities as their money-makers as was executed in all past McCarthyism-like totalitarian system for ruthless racist and religiously lying sick colluding sociopathic opportunists

Why is militantly politicized “god”/Christianity still at the center of everything US Republican, everything KKK, Nationalists, Nazis, and Zionists for Christ, Brexit etc. pseudo-politics and policies, as is same with Yahweh/political Judaism in Israel, militant Allah/Islam in Al Queda /ISIS / Islamic states? And why is promoting one religious fanaticism over another imaginary belief in any nuclear government seen as something cool, while the other equivalent religious extremists have to be bombed into our religious imaginary belief’s world-view and annexed into our fossil fueled military oil-corporate empire? Because religious conspiring mentally ill humans who can, do: They abuse power to eradicate everyone and everything in theirs and their hallucinogenic “gods” way, when they can and nothing really oppose them. In times of medicated opioids/Heroin addicted Earth, to not expect Nationsled resistance other than the usual low-level revenge terrorism and violent religious homicidal suicides against nuclear drone wars on one religious Ideologies and a billion people everywhere is a truly dangerous form of mental illness induced religion: Religious, and tribal Militarism-led Megalomania? GOP’s religious political conservativism-fanatic part of USA is now more openly a deeply rooted racist and genocidal religious Corporate KKK-McCarthyism & religious guns-led Nazism. What the Southern States up to Ohio have always been, while there was times of moderations after WWI up to Nixon and Reagan years. But the reality is: The years religious military oil-empires as the USA, as the Islamic and Jewish empires, of the Vatican state etc. are not involved in wars over the Centuries of their existing, can be counted with 2 to 3 hands. The violent religious Abraham’s oligarchies can never evade having to pay huge Reparations to

People of Color, to people of Diversity, to Women as to Natives and secular, or polytheistic matriarchic cultures whom they all nearly eradicated in their colluded greed for one-imaginarygod-power and word-domination. The violent totalitarian religious military-Oligarchies can only distract the masses with fake news theatres, religious terrorism, real and coordinated false-flags, and with over-paid Killer-cops and Security harassing and killing the innocents to promote their old primitive religious Nazi-World “Order”-agenda. Be them the Islamic, be them Jewish or Christian-fanatic monotheistic nations, all the religious empires and nuclear god-emperors wannabes can bulk surveil, mass arrest, mass execute, shoot, bomb and maim as many people as the ever-deranged and empty minds of all political leaders of religious believers desire, but Reparations to Earth will be paid in full and if Earth itself will have to suddenly extinguish all lives on Earth, children of Abraham’s- Reparations will be paid on way or the other for your Centuries ongoing colluded atrocities, pedophilia and tyranny There is an old forgotten theory on extremes of Humans’ Wars and Human-Peace: What exactly happens when 1 or few colluding nations, one society, one religion alone, one big business/ crime cartel, one/fewest corporations acquire all or too much political, economic, social and particular too much superior military killing power with little deadly risks for that nation, and mass surveillance and deception ( fake news etc.) STASI-prison-networks over a whole Planet? Well first two things as these declarations by the ruling Oligarchy occur: First: Any Corporate taxes going into social well-fare of poor people and minorities, immigrants, LGBT and to non-/+other religious/ Liberal people is BAD. For militarism and Wars? More! 60% more! Religious tax-free and unregulated, un-controllably dark-money filled Corporate Charities, and free-laboring – and previously fired and impoverish by the same Cartels- volunteers to “feed” all those poor due to precisely those sorts of fraudulently discriminating tax-policies and fanatic monotheistic religions politics? GOOOD business, Good politics, God-given good profits for racist, and con-artistic colluding tax-evading Neocon sociopaths. But mind you Governmental “entitlement “ for the people is “EVIL”, just let the 1- fanatic-religion propagandizing religious Government and religious Uber Corporations give some secretive religious Orgs billions of Dollars tax-free and unregulated dark-money without exact receipts and O the good we all do, for a few ruthless colluding con-artists and liars, those whom religions always harbors the most. And poverty is assuredly so to cascade and increase as do certainly consequentially Fascism, religious Nazism and the coordinated bankrupting of Liberalism, other people the “them” and modern Secular progressive Democracy. A process which has been ongoing in the USA and in the Middle East since day1, only to be interrupted by revolution wars of the People in Europe and elsewhere until 2017. Who is asking when “god” & religious KKK & Taliban-like McCarthyism-style policies makes in rain money on the most dumbest, most incompetent, most hideous, most cunning and most obvious lying conspiratorial rich religious assholes, pardon my French, who are colluding at times against all other billions of humans on Earth? The rich Neocons everywhere are. All the time out. Out of blind fear of having to really share their privileges and particular their religious and unjust inherited and since centuries looted wealth they merely rob from the people, back to the People in forms of Reparations for way-back Centuries of religious atrocities.

Religions, Politics, religious privatized right-wing Corporate Law and “Order” military, surveillance, Intelligence and the mass killing-war-machine are all big businesses of the same 100/150- wealthiest Abraham’s religions’ families on Earth. Democracy, you ask? Not so much existing really. Representative Democracy was not real Democracy to begin with. Crony-capitalistic religious fundamentalist militaristic Corporate Oligarchs’ families-led societies are even less a Democracy. Alles ist religious Schein / Everything is deception since a very long time. Since some Centuries in fact, Earth has been dominated by colluding liars:For those who in tribal sects and malesconspiracies lie about the whole Genealogy of all Humankind and Earth to attrib ute it all to, and stuff an imaginary White dick-head of a King-guy-in-the-sky over Everything, will and certainly lie about nearly everything alone for their advancements and pyrrhic victories violently so, even in our supposedly modern enlightened Western days, religious Nazism was always underlying the notso-well run illusion of creating a just Democracy/ bringing Democracy everywhere via religious wars, and religious bomb. Everywhere on Earth religious conservatives will lose their god-illusion making them all to possibly violently dangerous psychopaths. But do you think religious Trump Bannon Netanyahu Saudi or Iran would put surveillance and the FBI and cops onto all religious organizations? Nope, the chosen poor “Jewish”-like-victims of the modern ongoing Holocausts are poor Arabs, poor Muslims, People of Color, LGBTQ+, all Secular Atheists and feminist, aborting progressive and interracial loving and fucking Women and people who dare to point out or sue any pussy-grabbing, or pedophile religious politicians or clergies with deep-pocket connections.

Everything is an Illusion you+I in the Past and in this moment right Now create. The more our Reality is dictated by violent religious super rich colluding mad-men who alike the fictive “god” act like religious fanatic Nazis, Earth’s reality is as violent and as deadly as our man-made illusion “god” is us. And common as well as educated people who never doubt nor ask questions, who never ask for detailed explanations and logical and scientific accurate re asoning’s, nor doubt corrupt lying rapists in the cloak of political authorities who proclaim to act in the name of unborn babies and an imaginary almighty white-man-in-the-sky, are dooming themselves and whole already Global Warming Earth into repeating Hitler military religious Nazism and the Holocaust over and over and over again, atrocities against ever-changing chosen groups of minorities all in the names of god and fatherland/ border security/our virtues/ values/or somethingsomething/add something uber religious and your most patriotic ”greatest” well-funded Facebook and Twitter- prayers here? We bomb religious extremists and entire nations just to stuff our form of White religious extremism over it all like a bad fitting-condom on a 12 inch cock. And then we turn around and wonder why Earth goes to shit, as most so -called intelligent people are losing their minds in their Big Pharma’s pill boxes and to imaginary but for some bastards utmost lucrative -because its deadly militaristic- illusion of “god”, god-near/like and ultimate war-power. Such and other absolutistic economic and militarily superiority-longing of totally recklessly delusional religious conservative Trump’s USA and others paired with an equally crazy North Korea

and Islamic states who have nothing to lose are leading proving to be the nuclear trigger the Neocons all need to lose their last sane brain cells in nuclear blasts. Such Politics of persistent economic colluded and military provocation of foes as allies, mixed and terror attacks to push for wider wars against ideologies and thus kill countless humans in wars are neither unique to the Islamic states nor to Trump’s religious GOP-gang, but same strategy were conducted by Hitler, Mussolini, Stalin and every totalitarian state/ religious /or military oligarchies far before ISIS, Trump or North Korea were even born. The mutual nuclear threat now -a-days gives it a slightly different distorted view on Capitalism, Fascism, Communism and Nazism, while reality is they all are the big Isms called religious crony-capitalism run by totalitarian mad-men and internationally colluding criminal big business/ oil etc. cartels. Most common people are the designated chosen victims of the oldest “Purge” called religious wars, world wars. What better ways to make everyone (Blitz-Dings?) forget the Pussy-grabbing law-suits, Russian & other nation ‘hackers involvement in rigging international elections for religious Neocons, the killing of Jo Cox to elect Brexit, 33,000 gun deaths in America abused to quasi legal justify more coordinated police and white vigilantes’ killing of minorities within America, or pedophile clergies on all Abraham’s religions highest order, or that religious terrorism always contain the word “religious” first? Latter which is a fact ignored by all religious leaders, the religious FBI and by each’s absurd monotheistic societies’ god-squads police and religious lawmakers alike for what reasons? To protect the Trillion dollar tax-free dark-money-fueled religious Bond Dollars certainly, since the oldest ways of Off-shoring wealth is in religious charities, unregulated, un-monitors taxfree, and it’s all gone. While poverty and institutionalized religious extremism in government and violent law enforcers over-stepping their lines of duties increase as shooting of the police particular by former military-members are on the rise, the arms industry and all wealthy religious Nazis laugh all the ways to the Bank and willful believers into wars all doped up with Opioids/or Heroin, god and corporate patriotism on their flag-pin, Islamists alike Christians and Jews will march or fly drones like willful Lemmings into their individual deaths in wars. Because children that’s what “real men” do, wage wars, pray violent BS, and BS even more people with mere primitive violence Cro-Magnon men-like beliefs in the Art-Of-War, Art-Of-Deception and primitive old absurd beliefs of ancient barbaric human Kings called Ra/yahweh/god/allah/pharaoh etc.

God is merely an easy way to social-economic power only for those richest religious Royal and Corporate clergies’ families born into shameless discriminatory wealth and (white) religious privileges no-one should have in anything Democracy. By assholes who conspire the most at the top of all the pathological liars’ pyramid-schemes called religion, politics and big business against the majority of people on Earth selfishly egomaniacal, jingoistic and via ever-genocidal tribal coups, and by playing dumb greedy conformist believing simple people of old dumb tribal primitive religious-ideological mis-beliefs against each-other. Sociopathic religious corporate leaders who chemically drug and pollute the senses and the brains out of the people, who continue to fill a whole humankind’s minds up with primitive god-garbage, rich Nazis who sell us people of the human Diversity perpetual fears and firearms to make people kill-each-others off like wild animals ripping each-others apart with guns and bombs. But legal and free abortion and Marijuana instead of deadly Opioids, guns and even deadlier god-delusions? O such “WhiteGenocide” the Secular Progressive multicultural me is suggesting, where is so much more lucrative

more our richest colluding Neocons to profit of perpetual Genocides on everyone alive, but the ir degenerated heirs. Just that Everything and nothing just don’t work that way. Neither is the assumption some absurd deranged religious Vikings-like Neocons’ youngest pseudo-“geniuses” on too many Adderall-pills have, that nuclear-bombing the shit out some distant populated area of Earth will automatic lead to strong population reduction and nuclear-Winter which will automatic counter-act accelerating Global Warming. The fallacious absurdity of such simpletons’ stupidity cloaks as religious rich-men’s nuclear Intelligence requires here no further mention. The rich might try struggle and fund to kill as many people as they want, they too can not fully escape their own excessive nuclear armaments, their own ordinary servants’ and soldiers’ revenges on them, nor can the rich evade Climate change raining down Havoc onto the entire Earth soon, god-given, god-willing/god-chosen, god-appointed and white-uber-god-like all Abraham’s richest Aryan-children might believe to be, a more violently faster-changing and eroding Earth is the consequential resonance of our own selves violent destructive minds Which both will prove more destructive to everything, the more we Humans act as organized violent barbarians, as the direct Physics-resonance to our divisive tribal human primitive monotheistic religious-ideologies-driven destructive actions and their consequences. Holding on to any verifiably inaccurate ancient primitive religious tribal BS-beliefs in politics, in Democracies and in big business particular is something for opportunistic dumb Lemmings, for the ever dysfunctional peasants-minds and violent mindless foot-soldiers of atrocious oligarchies and for religious Nazis alone. The sane being, yes even us Humans, doubt and reevaluate situations and opinions based on verifiable and scientific accurate evaluations not just because of tribal conformity/ because it appears “safer” to believe, or for cheaper pseudo-objective / subjective excuses as “our virtues/ our values” Who the fuck is “we/us/our” in a multicultural Immigrantscountry as USA annexed by violent racist religious fanatic Caucasians who nearly eradicated the Native Americans and enslave others, turned Mexicans into their slave -laborers, and have been waging religious and ideological civil wars on each-other up to this day? The history of such actions on atrocities after atrocities mirror in some exact matches the violent and unjust religious Kingdom-history of the religious fundamentalism and fossil-fuel oil dominated Middle East. But majority of religious people anywhere are either crazy or stupid, they are just conformist opportunistic liars who derived economic and social status/ or the hope there -of by joining one powerful religious sect or the other. Like workers Unions membership, but for pyramid schemes and with a similar tringle-shaped hierarchies of wealth based on tribalism, aristocratic family dynasties’ nepotism, and all the guys who lies the grandest to sell the god-story, while LGBTQ women, other- and non-believing secular Atheists are excluded, vilified as scape-goats still as was durn centuries ago, and as is the “culture” of beliefs those minority groups are discriminated in religious states and religious nations even in 2017. Makes me wonder when the uber religious Trump Admin will start burning witches by the stocks, since snakes -oil-selling religious organizations are already airing advertisement of god’s-healing water on Ohio’s religious conservative mainstream TV stations. Makes you wonder if Ohio’s hyper-religious uber RepubliKKKan lawmaking cartels will approve Trump-Care health-care only for religious pseudomedical “god-water”, or only for Christians since our uber-religious Neocons’ openly institutional discriminate people based on their skin-color, if they have a Penis, who they fuck, nationality, status and by their non-religion as in my secular Atheist case in excessively illegal institutionally

religious state” of Ohio. Religious fundamentalist Republicans prove with such reckless pushing of primitive old doctrines of sociopathic old kingdoms back into our nuclear ages only to be delusional fascistic religious fanatic, unconstitutional anti-Democratic Taliban-Evangelical tyrannical dick-heads, who are on too many bad drugs, and too much alike the worst Islamist and Hitler’s Nazis, if I may say? I do. Idiotic fanatic religious leaders and asinine colluding Neocons like to dumbly accuse secular Atheist as me of hating god and hating People. They are correct in the first: violent -less “hating” an imaginary violent human-delusional ideology/ fairytale figure is easy to do, and I do, but hating people who believe in the most abhorrent and ridiculous religious BS since centuries is hating myself, my family and friends. And that’s what religious people do hating and committing atrocities against people for an imaginary god, which their colluded deranged religious mind only created in their own mind. Religious believers mutually accuse others of being the utmost hateful and evil, but believers all do so only to avoid and distract from looking into their make-believing religious totalitarian Nazis-bags full of centuries after centuries of violent atrocities, Oil wealth and stolen properties and stolen lives. I merely smile at believers’ absurd close-mindedness since most believers come to know in debates, their minds prove as naïve and still growing as that of lying children. I chose not to believe in any god, but alone in myself, in all living beings and everything else, but I reject our childish imaginary tribal delusion and violent fabricated divider of all humans. I reject any foolish beliefs of god/yaweh/allah/Jesus/add your imaginary boyfriendhere alone because those violent fairy tales are what unites as KKK, ISIS, Al Qaeda, Hitler’s Nazis, crazy Zionists and Trump’s Neo McCarty-Republicans. While the rest of us sane beings are eternally united by Life on Earth itself. As Humans alone by being humans stock on the same miserably violently dying planet left alone with our own humanity. What unites me an d you and “them” and us is not any fucking imaginary god or shared beliefs, not the never-conclusive BS as “our virtues/our values”, not nationality, not the ever-changing culture we are so fraudulently proud of like a 4 inch cock blown up with penis-vacuum, not the human ability to self-destruct and nuclear eradicate the planet not wars, not peace unites us humans, but being alive and being humans on the sole truly habitable planet Earth is what unites us all. Everything else is of irrelevant matters including our man-made imagination which religious leaders and their flocks of greedy opportunistic followers imagine merely profitable as ours’ and Everything’s creator. The craziest, most violent militaristic religious ideologues, the snakes -oil-sellers, callous mass deceivers, money-changers, dark money providers, colluding pedophiles and cold-blooded lying psychopaths have always have their seats among the wealthiest religious oligarchs and most powerful clergies’ sects. By believing in Abraham’s or any organized monotheistic god every believers enable the ever-continuity of the most deadliest lie every told, and believers continue so to openly condone the religious oligarchies’ atrocious abuse of the fiction “god” to commit grand economic crimes, incest, rape children and women, and command armies of dumb-believers to kill each-other. And all religious believers continue so to openly or silently condone even religious terrorism and religious Nazism to bring their imaginary “god everywhere”, since the moderate believers of any violent religion, as the moderate population of any violent militaristic nation, always remain silent to the extremism of the oligarchic ideological minority out of conformity ( there’s nothing we can do, I’ve got mine who cares”) out of fears (“ I have children to feed, my job/mortgages..”) and out of greed (“can’t beat the fake god, pretend to join

them.”) Make some good tax-free cash), but no god-religion is based on honesty of fact. They are all mere absurd assumptions or out-right light. And the worst about the big religions’ leaders is they all know all religious scriptures are fables and Hollywood-like entertainment for and of pastkingdoms and kings, still all religious leaders merely lie and continue to exaggerate man -made stories of past humans as superstitious instruments of perpetual militarily killing and religious genocides alone for religions’ greed for ever-more power and ever-more holding on to violent fables as the sole acceptable “truth”, whereas their all’s foolish simplistic “truth” is called “god”. The wealthy religious leaders all might have just call their liars’ “truth”, Bull- followed by-shit, which would describe it all the most truthful. To proclaim any god as equal to anything truth” is an insult to our human intelligence and to all the people whose cultures and equally imaginary gods were burn to make room for the monotheistic Mesopotamian Zoroastrianism clones, we now have a world-dominating religions. All monotheistic religions of Abraham's are thus mere cheap copies of past multi-god/ multi-cultural melting pots and other false gods predating every one of the now existing clones of imaginary false god(s) whom Abraham’s 3 madmen families simply made up to have created us humans and everything else. So any believer who wish to discuss and educate me or anyone that any of Abraham’s versions of god represent any intellectual and academically respectable form of objective truth, are mere history-revisionists, deceiving dumbfuckers and racist know-nothing who can all go fuck themselves, or some children incestuously as they always seem to still do as the violent Abrahamic zombie god-King.

I understand the pasts’ artificial need for an imaginary god as subjective objectified moralism /guidance and particular as the instrument of control / “Order” over the masses of the medieval ages and primitive ages or before all that. But in our modern nuclear drone bombing and cyberattacks-ages, god in politics, god connected still to the system of Capitalism in big business and in everything wars are dangerous dividers of Humankind, far more dangerous to existence as all of Earth’s nuclear bombs blowing up at once. And as dangerous as Climate change your religious colluded cartel arrogance, dear Ohio elites, denied because you are just that: fanatic religious racist colluding dick-heads, not all of you but too many “leaders” to name, but the White German Nazis anchor baby Neocon RepubliKKKans ( there’s that st -tt-ter again) in the Tristate with “Gods Squads” KKK-Killer-cops as Ray Tensing are obviously alike religious psychopaths- sects of ruthless racist pathological liars alike Trump’s religious Nazis-like administration members. Is Kim Yong-Un a dangerous mad-men? Sure he is, but so are Putin, Afghanistan’s nuclear leadership, Netanyahu, etc., and Bannon, Pence, Sessions, an Exxon CEO in US Gov, and everyone high up on the nuclear nepotism-ladder of the lying pussy-grapping, rapist and of deadly KKK, ISIS & Killer cops hatecrimes enticing-,secretly funding& profiteering Trump administration with their Nazis allies. All dangerous mad-men very much alike lil Kim Yong/Trump, and all leaders who are already armed with nuclear weapons. Who else but man-men would wish and desire to command utmost destructive power to run world war 3 and unleash nuclear weapons onto Earth’s populations, again, other than those mad-men’s mad heirs who have done so previously, and others

equivalently mad who want to certainly follow into that nuclear empire’s footstep as it is so usual in the historical grave-yards of competitions of military religious empires vs empires? But all past human empires fall on their violent arrogance, on their ignorant denials of facts and by trying to force their will on others via military violence and old mas s deception of mad-men as god /and childish ideologies as crony-Capitalism, fascism, communism, and religious Nazism. Time and changes forces them all to change and fade away, as protests fears and climate change death grabs even the oldest tyrannical fools and their children to unleash destructions. So will all our time’s tyrants eventually too, or they all swiftly find and forge fake reason and Kumbaya through China and Russia etc. as Negotiators of Peace, before their all’s mutual triggerfinger itches and circles too long and too much in face of assured mutual massive destructions. Not god, not prayers, not more wars, but Diplomacy is the real queen who can suck and fuck some sanity even into the dumbest nuclear wars-lusting, megalomaniacal religious/ideological madhatter and little tyrants who leads us since centuries. Same old genetic kind of pretentious powerdrunk boring psychopaths really everywhere: Our “mankind” and misogynistic old cronyism-ruled male leaders have ideological and greed-led blinders on; they fake resolute where they shiver in their pain-pills-drugged pants, they shiver where they should be intellectually, socially and just human accenting assured, they are violent where Peace should always prevail, they command, fund and profit of perpetual and sudden mass-killing while proclaiming to be pro-life/of peace/ social-ist and other ideological good-sounding forms of Linguistic deceptions typical for all monotheistic societies where religion is politic and politic a religion. Rather than a philosophy mere mind you, god and wars for “god” and “Vaterland” (How-to enlarge the Empire 101) become the Center of the universe which some of the richest mad ideologues create like they are the “god” of all of us to dictate people’ lives: Tyrannical religious Nazis-like No abortions-policies even by rape, incest, pedophilia etc., nor just because the Woman/girl has the Constitutional and Genetic-rights to say: “Hell no to pregnancy-now!”) and people’s lives and death ( perpetual religious wars, guns and nuclear weapon arms-race domination, death-threats and the killing of Progressives and Secular leaders, religious colluded denials of scientific and shared human reality in exchange for tribal old lies/myths/god, etc)

Where religious fanatics while and fund lying religious extremists to dominate the political and economic conversations, Nazism followed by wars/ genocides are their real mental illness driven

agenda, when the religious international wealth elite and uber corporate elites everywhere have being since over decades purposely blind to massive attempts of intimidations, death-threats and violent attacks and gun homicides on people of Diversity, and progressives Liberals alone in religious fanatic Trump bastions as Ohio, Indiana, Texas and Florida USA, as one can only assume to be the exact case in the religious nations of the Middle East and in Vatican city. If there are more than one single and up to 10% of socially and in business successful Secular Atheist, or openly non-religious LGBTQ in one or either of those other two hyper institutionally religious fundamentalist corrupt oligarchs-run regions of Earth, in these fundamentalist dick-heads dictated nuclear-days, I’d be positively surprised. There aren’t, except show-cases created to simulate “freedom” and Democracy where neither really exist, due to religious fundamentalist ideologies as politics, in everything big business and as nepotistic nuclear arms -race led tribal pogrom God and politics combined with big business are automatic mere Fascism’s blinders, mass distractions, Aristotelian theater/ fake news, while the incompetent religious Oligarchy loot all houses, rape children and profit of perpetual gun-violence and instigated wars of persistent obstructionism of and against Democracy, against Diversity, and against everything and anyone sane. Because those who actually might read this Chapter this far, out of their own free-will and curiosity might actually be the only remaining sane humans right now at the moment of your reading. Because evidently Abraham’s religious believers and our asinine “leaders” are many going bat-shit meschugga, the wealthiest are all drunk of opportunistic greed for absolute Global power unchecked and un-shared and so they dream to trick the whole Earth like then as now into world war 3: Neocons’ desired total End-Loesung always comes thru lying crazy wealthy criminal drugaddicted mad-men who have absolutely nothing to lose, since without wars they all, various religious Neocon leaders world-wide, might actually get impeached and incarcerated for the crimes against nation, people and humanity. Instead of prosecution a few corrupted World leaders, the same corrupted leaders will be mutually religiously militarily bombing the hell out of each-other’s nations and innocent people soon. History does repeat it-self all the time with the far-right kind-of mad-men in power. And right now in 2017, there are many little Hitler-like madmen in governments all around Earth. Be them Christian extremists, Jewish Zionist’, of Islamic Kingdoms’ governmental and religious big business oligarchs, too many wealthy psychopaths see themselves as appointed by their imaginary he-god to be the sole violent military-rulers of a Climate changing, dying and suicidal Earth led by chemical drugs and power/god-addicted manmen who have everything to lose, thus their risk the whole Earth. IF you read this far, know that wealthy mad-men everywhere are already launching world war 3, and it’s up to YOU the id iotic religious masses to stop them. Mass exodus from religion, religious parties and religious war corporations, simply refusal helps, so I heard. But then the most simplest things are the most hardest, while the most hardest have been given simplistic simpletons’ “truth” by religious snakes-oil-sellers and those poor bastards who believe the oldest lies for colluding dumb assess to grab power and turn the entire already changing and violent Earth into even -more artificially military violent shit. To speak reason to religious fanatic make-believers believers who believe their or others “heroic” militarily death gets the imaginary virgins or a seat on the side of an imaginary sky-king is as trying to get monkeys on the same cognitive state as a Physicists. Then again everyone and everything can theoretic learn: religious tribal primitive beliefs were taught forced up, learned and stuff down children’s throats from young ages like god’s giant imaginary

dick suffocating their thinking. While most minds strong and educated enough abandon all fables and most tribal lies for an objective reality, the shameless truth of the religion -led military organized and terroristic atrocities we humans commit, condone, allow, profiteer from out of conformity, and out of reckless sociopaths’ greed. And so it has been since Eons, the driving force of Human evolution and technological advancements are based on wars, discriminations of Women and others, colluded greed, and religious leaders particularly colluded denials of facts and reality/ religion/god-BS all religious believers condone and support by looking the other way, silently. Instead of walking away from all religious sects, and to simply tell all leaders to go fuck their deadly military job, the silently drugged+ god-ded majority always remain silent while the crazy religious leading and terroristic minority everywhere instigate wars and blows up Earth even more-so during Climate Change? Well cheers, to the brilliance in our religious world -“empires”leaderships’ organized military violence-profiteering utter idiocy in waging the mothers of all wars to end all wars. The raging pussy-grabbing rapist mad-men ever ready to unleash nuclear hell onto Earth preemptively or in pretense of “Defense” as the USA, North Korea, Iran and Pakistan should start by waging intellectual and educational “wars” on the stupidity and violent mental illness which plagues them all to such religious delusions-driven and megalomaniacal grandiose “Peace through Strength/War”-intentions leading to ever-more Wars and consequential perpetual, and unpredictable catastrophes. Adding further more pollutant gases and heat-energy into accelerating Climate change, via wars, shows our religious Human evolution hasn’t come any further since the genocidal real Noah’s family intentionally left everyone else in a past severe areal flooding’s behind. In this ongoing story of our human history’s histories of story-tellers and make-believers, it’s probably only to the dumb and to the blind, to those on too many mind-altering pills and zero Marijuana, for those who hardly ever read a book nor various newspapers articles ( cause “ too hard”) but only believe the words and BS-morals of their clergies or only receive religiousideological corporate opinion news sound-bites still yet not clear that globally Gleich-geschaltet Climate change and Diversity-denials are mere one and the same modern-day’s genocidal NoahTrump’s billionaire families of cronies’ attempt to leave everyone in America behind, and send women and others back the end of the oil- gurgling, Exxon-Google-Empire’s governmentalfree/”voluntary”-laborers-bus. Who needs human Labor, when the rich have self-driving cars, self-navigating war-drones and robot soldiers and servants, and A.I. to replace the richs’ brains? People become as disposable as it sounds, and the rich Neocons already drunk of the delusion of power, will see the majority of common people even more as disposable crap not even worth the fake tax-free charities any more, nut instead regular folks become more valuable as entertainment for the riches NRA investors to bet on how many will shoot each -other this week, and which racist careless killer-cops they want to secretly fund to their amusement to induce blind fear into minorities. Ohio’s criminally racist colluding and severely mentally ill (too many elite pills-addicts in high position in this area of the USA) ALEC NRA-profiteering religious state leaders plan to let another Ohio’ Killer cop ( Our religious fundamentalist Ohio Cincinnati’s religious conservative White-boy Ray Tensing on video murder of a supposed dealer Sam DuBose whom Officer Tensing for no reason other than cold-blooded murder-intention shot: Even though the video concretely shows that DuBose was afraid since it proved that Tensing had in that area history of excessive violent stop-and-frisk-arrest of mainly only minorities on fucking in a University-area with neighboring Cincinnati “slums”/ what Neocons call minority they impoverish

‘neighborhoods , and even though time-by-time-frame actually show that Tensing shadow on the DuBose car was pulling his weapon already before DuBose even moved to dodged and start his car to quickly get away, this racist fucking mentally ill religious KKK Nazis led Ohio played the fucking cunning Mistrial-card on the Judicial uneducated Afro-Americans in this asinine place with countless white officials and Juries addicted to Opioids) go in Global TV-BS criminal show-trials with to unleash their race-war riots the religious Neocons so desperately desire. Many societies whose males have killed and murdered for centuries, be it domestic or in wars, and whose religious mad-hat corrupt colluding leaders acquire near absolute military superiority over every other tribes or nations will certainly abuse that military superiority to oppress all others’ resistance. The arms/ Oil/War Inc, the mega corporate real right-wing fake news, and the religion-industry are all in the big business of mass deception, so are the security and Intelligence community in the same business of Art-Of-Deception naturally so, and in the business protecting the special interests of the religious oligarchies/royals/ empire, where most common people and brown-skinned, LGBTW, women, “non-Aryan”/ none-Muslim, non-Jew, non-Christians are seen as disposable causalities, “thugs”, monsters, LOSERS, “Lib-tards”, “Niggers” no-go-doers and zombies with big calfs from carrying Heroin who never read anything no know anything even, wasn’t it? I don’t put the blame for an eerie human world of violent organized deranged beliefs on the common religious believers, not on the dumb voters who are ever deceived to vote against their own interests and for “pro-life, god/allah/yahweh” and for-ever religious wars, I blame not the common Muslim, Jewish or Christian, but I blame all of them and all of us for our Lemmings like inaction and inability to collective thoughts when faced with oligarchic atrocities. And I certainly judicially put the blame on out atrocious oligarchies, our religious and political and corporate leaders all carry as much blames as you +me. Because you and me and them always looked away, in silent cowardly conformity, when it was only about them whom the religious Nazis were coming for, “them” Semites/Jews/Muslims, them “illegal Mexicans”, for them Black “thugs/Monsters/Niggers”, them “god-less feminists gay aborting nigger-loving Lib-tard”, until the same Nazis run out of fabricated and instigated enemies and come for you and me too, our “man”-kind hardly ever wakes up to reality of anything nor everything.

Any absurdly fanatic religious pseudo political and deeply pathological status, gender and xenophobic racist business leaderships and cartels, a partisan FBI, Intelligence, police agencies and even Google- “empire’s Legal department who always ignored and laugh off such above religious fanatic violence -drooling death-threats towards Secular, Pacifistic Liberals and against

people of Diversity in a fanatic religious Republican Nazis-led nation with a very long history of violent hate-crimes, domestic genocides and violent mentally illness with some of the world’s most pharmaceutic-addicted religious and social-economical divided people, are all actually guilty of condoning and enabling domestic guns-led genocides and religious terrorism to enlarge their own “values”/ profits. But since the most genocidal religious fanatics are colluding to rule Earth not just since pathological lying Manchurian billionaires’ cartel-puppet Trump, if you are not with us-you-will-be-shot-or-bombed is again political reality, just as in Hitler’s era in the USA, where now mind you, before it became “in” to oppose Hitler due to Holocaust and Jewi sh exodus from Europe- Hitler was an all US American Christian KKK, Republican Americans-German, British RoyalHeilness, and some dark parts of the Vatican’s deep state of those days’, Middle East’s and Japanese Kingdom’s great white religious-Dope-hope, as the mentally ill nuclear Trump is now-a days. The religious oligarchies and corporate kingdoms always love ruthless psychopaths as violent leadership in times where they need public distractions from their massive crimes against the people and planet. In that violent colluded religious fundamental dark-money filled regards, everything is unchanged since the very begin of all monotheistic religions atrocities and Kingdoms of man and imaginary god. People are dumb and the majority of us are being kept intentionally fucking dangerously dumb, alone for assholes to continue to sell religion as factual, and religious conflicts for their profits. But, then I already know that right now in the year 2017, most religious people/ religious Neoconservative tribal egomaniacs alive now will understand only “Blah Blah blah blah” and as the preachers of utter falsehood always do since Eons, they will merely plagiarize and rip of these my words of sanity and reason for their absurd egomaniacal god-sermons and for that infamous reckless religious militaristic opportunists sales-men-ships, while they hardly understand a single argument even if they’d read through all this up to here. Naturally, their all’s religious brainwashing and greed for pills- and white / religious privileges-filled conformity in times of perils works perfect in never doubting the false king of all fabricated pseudo-cultural religious ‘god’, nor the oligarchy, not the military Oil empires, nor the right-to-shoot-you-just-for-fun killer-Police is deep-ingrained and white-washed in fears and in the blood of countless since generations and ongoing. Now, Not every religious “leader” are as the others, even though I personally do not accept religious god-belief as prerequisite for political or business “leadership”, since such combinations of power are always alike totalitarianism sooner than later. Not all religious (pretending) politician is alike the rest of Neocons around that person. Not every religious believer is a callous, reckless lying misogynistic male-privileges sucking what-ever-it-takes religious douche-bag or Nazi. But in times where pathological liars/ mentally ill religious extremists in Trump’, Brexit, Bibi’s, and growing many Governments, religious militarized terrorists and terroristic militarized religious “gods Squads” Killer-cops, and when religious rich pedophiles, wealthy religious rapists, and world criminals get away with all of that including religious Corporate and Trump’s admin and others open alliances with religious terrorists and Nazis? It’s hard to say who of the religious believers abound is not just exactly like those criminals and criminal beliefs they follow, since religion as well as politics and big business alike utilize deceptions to achieve their ideological sales-men’s goals. People are people, greed and conformity are the biggest and oldest religion which are center to all organized believers on the top levels of the pyramid schemes. On the bottom level we all believers, non-believers, LGBTQ, minorities, whites, Immigrants or generational heir of “immigrants”/settlers or Natives equally are

just the victims of selfishly self-serving self-enriching criminal lying oligarchic families with some mildly to severe level of cognitive degeneration/mental issues clearly as nuclear Kim and uber nuclear Donald baby-brain modern-day Hitler alone show exceptionally well. Therefore I’d recommend: Always dare to ask and elaborate the utmost relevant and complex questions in irrelevant religious “god” matters as in all worldly political and local social, educational etc. pp matters, dear people. Never just believe. Just believing, such a cognitive numbness is for the truly dumb lambs who will always enable Nazism. The truly educated, the average working class person and the students and even teachers and professors with their brains not lost to opium, big Pharma’s Opioid/ Heroin-boxes will know to ask and demand scientific logical explanation’s and verifications, methodologies, the How’s, How much, How-so, Why, and For-whom- logics. Because every realism- and logic-based question even a curious child can ask could contain the answers to everything that you nor anyone would have thought of nor ever know without asking, questioning, listening, doubting and reading up on. Do not expect the “experts” to have all questions nor all answers. The elites having the correct questions to ask, nor them seeking answers which benefit the majority of humans and Earth has never been the case since the very first human settlers and hierarchical structures began to form, and will not be the case until humanity or everything on Earth has ended. But even that, as with everything, depends what we humans soon will come to choose: The old same ways of the greedy monotheistic monopolistic, misogynistic tribal corporate military violent force, or the pe aceful sane way of acceptance of our Diversity and putting human existence and Earth finally above our illusions we call “god”. All free-will is like this Universe build and fails around and depending on that choice uniting everything to us. The Now are interesting times. But so have the pasts, the then, and every time we banal humans drive ourselves against another World War-wall, and arrive at a “Scheide-Weg” have been, whenever and where-ever humans choose to put everyone and everything at risk alone for mere a few mad-men’s grandiosities, for mere tribal religious and economic military power/ all absurd pyrrhic “god”-wars-victories which have become our religious humans ‘most precious violent ritualized mental illness driven religious values, and are taking Earth over to become our violent tyrannical everything, again as centuries ago. In the gambles for glory/god, wealth/power filled with perpetual depletion of lives in perpetual repetitions by religious and other crazy ideological fanatics addicted to power who are driving Earth and the now into a long-forgotten past, your choice alone decides the outcome of everything, dear people. But most of us aren’t fully aware nor awaken yet to see the tiniest details of everything, while we are stuck in our own beliefs-filled universe of abstract resonances and religions-distorted human stories, lies, distortions and obscured perception of history and on everything. Everything is within begin of everything, as everything is within the end of everything: “To compel a HuMan to furnish contributions of Money for the Propagation of (religious fabricated) Opinions which the HuMan disbelieves…, is sinful and tyrannical” ~Thomas. Jefferson, 1779

(Know Now, Know Everything- Chapter XYZ, Copyrights: AOE, Projectheureka LLC)

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