Justice. ( 5/18/2017 2st Revision “Pitch: Justice Issue.” editors@logicmag.io;) (Justice, and the pretentious “angry religious/ rich White Man”- as Global PsyOps-Operations-gone-wrong-Conundrum)
Justice. What is “Justice”? “Justice is blind, Justice is but a word, No Justice No Peace”? Or is it “No Peace, No Justice?”; in the name of god & Justice, ‘god’ is Justice”? But if ‘god’ is Justice while ‘god’ is mere fiction, wouldn’t our whole human and societal legal understanding of Justice be mere fiction too, non-existing? Just as god, big fat old rich men’s dynasties ’oldest lies? While they feed U fiction wrapped as reality, I give your brains the human Reality cloak as a subjective perceived Fiction". Now. IF behavioral economics is correct "loss aversion" is what plagues all religions & all angry white men + all uber rich religious men, such as Trump, Putin, Netanyahu’s racist Zionist state, Islamic terrorism-sponsoring States and religious extremist billionaire Big-data clergies as Mercers, Exxon Kochs etc etc Uber-rich sociopaths with Uber-power to uber-submit or kill anyone on the planet, alike stuck in a “ludic loop” induced by opioids pills & ruthless religions-led uber-religious cronycapitalistic greed. And while they deny and lie with poisonous big-Pharma Fast-food fries, the United States is a thus not so-united a Secular nation made by people of all nations, and a religious and ethnic "sub-culture" concept of much older Cultures, as are all modern religions and cultures mere Mixes & cheap tax-free copy-cats of past violent hallucinating theocratic war-torn Kingdoms. Earth IS Diversity! Now and ever since Earth’s formation Sand corn by differing Particles: Existence itself is Diversity not monotheism nor monotony of religious monopolistic arrogance of “truth”. Close your eyes and what do you see all U violent Abraham's god-believers. U never had anything to 'take back', U fucking mentally ill pathological lying religious fanatic idiots everywhere. Not even the Sense and Sanity most of you barbaric con-artistic primitive old violent-divisive crazy old Sects-lemmings have lost since Centuries can U ever "take back", what U and all existing systems of religion and Capitalism never had to begin with: Sanity.
Now. Let’s look at some example, of the different modern-day but primitive contradicting interpretations of “Justice”: What exactly is “Justice”? Is it “Justice” that uber-profitable mega corporations and the world’s richest tax-exempted political religious fundamentalist sects/cartels refuse to pay their fair share in taxes, while they both buy politicians and law-makers to run daily perpetual tax-evading and dark money fueling charity scams, while the American and Global poverty and institutional religious extremism and religious terrorism/Nazism in politics are at the same time proportionally to increase of right-wing Corporate and religious fundamentalists’ power are increasing with violent military conflicts, with gun homicides and due to state’s led religious terrorism? http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/newsbysector/banksandfinance/9763615/Facebook-hid-440m-inCayman-Islands-tax-haven.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/20/google-ads-extremist-content-matt-brittin
Or is it Justice, or mere sinister Irony, that while we are unitedly militarily bombing the “holey” not Judeo-Christian crap out of religious extremists / Islamic terrorists -and while we are chasing millions of impoverished and starving Muslims toward Europe-, the Corporate mainstream media celebrate pedophile clergies and Bannon’s Vatican’s pope around like a rock-star, and meanwhile Trump’s administration policies are like a fictional “god’s”/ (or racist NRA billionaires’) gift to homophobic, misogynistic colluding racist religious fanatic genocidal lying Republican, KKK & other religious Nazis who are totally meschugge on opiates? Is it “Justice” that our twisted primitive ancient belief’s led Scientific Climate change denying and Human & Biological Diversity denying religious corporate big Data fake news-cartels’ cronies hijacked the USA’s nuclear government and other government just to screw over Caucasian Democrats, criminalize White Liberals and possibly justify the police induced shooting ( for “mental illness form Marijuana) of Caucasian progressives and non-Christians, as the pro-life NRA-KKK-Christian-Republicans have since eons done with so-called “minority” groups including to pacifists and Secular Atheists, is all that and more your infamous US American system of Justice ?
Is it “Justice” that a few billionaires, international Oil, Banking and religious cartels, the corporate uberright-wing media and corporate interests rigged or better said bought the Electoral College to install a pussy grabbing lying rapist and mafia boss in bed with International Nazis and possibly Islamic extremists as the US President? Is it “Justice” when fanatic rich old religious guys collude to hijack the world’s most multicultural and secular progressive Democracies, as is ongoing right now? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/14/robert-mercer-cambridge-analytica-leave-eureferendum-brexit-campaigns https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/this-is-how-steve-bannon-sees-the-entireworld?utm_term=.aoEK1OBwdG#.jiKJLGOXv2 https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/02/technology/uber-investment-saudi-arabia.html https://wikileaks.org/google-is-not-what-it-seems/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/nov/10/facebook-fake-news-us-election-markzuckerberg-donald-trump https://www.forbes.com/sites/mattdrange/2016/09/01/why-is-this-facebook-gun-group-stillup/#5661eca17c9d http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/39499-peter-thiel-advises-the-president-while-palantir-playsshadow-cia Is it “Justice” when colluding politicians and social media’s Tech billionaires are deep in dark-moneyfilled bed with climate change denying Oil-billionaires and with Diversity-denying homophobic, while they are often pedophilic, old primitive religious fundamentalists in the Republican party, in Vatican, in Saudi Arabia, in Israel and around the old monopolistic monotheistic myths-revolving parts of Earth, Justice? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/11/facebook-women-on-web-censored-abortionpills https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/the-mercers-trump-mega-donors-back-group-that-castsdoubt-on-climate-science/2017/03/26/dc1fde86-109b-11e7-9b0dd27c98455440_story.html?utm_term=.ca11728da26c https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/mercer-bannon/ https://www.muckrock.com/news/archives/2017/mar/24/mercer-milo-tour/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/mar/25/google-youtube-advertising-extremistcontent-att-verizon https://www.thenation.com/article/alec-exposed/
Is it “Justice” when-ever megalomaniac delusional conservative ill billionaires and their corporations evade trillions on taxes and offshore heavens? Is it Justice when fanatic conservative fossil fuel, big pharmaceutic and mass surveillance and War-Tech billionaires rig, sabotage and so dominate entire world politics and even Science and nearly all the fabricated and real reasons for wars, but when the common 99% person is their chosen victim and where the common workers have to struggle to keep the religious conservative oligarchic corrupted billionaires-run government out of their purses, out of their bed-rooms and out of their vaginas? Freedom? Freedom and “Justice” for whom exactly is amongst the most relevant questions here, isn’t it? For whom, which is one of those questions which are hardly ever asked to hide the screwed-ups of the uber rich’s and the real exclusion of estimated 99% of the human population: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/26/robert-mercer-breitbart-war-on-media-stevebannon-donald-trump-nigel-farage https://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-slams-spy-agencies-for-stockpiling-vulnerabilities/ http://www.salon.com/2017/05/01/trumps-biggest-donor-wages-war-against-the-irs-billionaire-robertmercers-fighting-nearly-7-billion-in-back-taxes/ https://theintercept.com/2017/04/25/koch-industries-and-other-corporations-lobbied-for-donaldtrumps-cabinet-picks-filings-show/
http://www.salon.com/2017/04/30/koch-industries-spent-3-1-million-to-help-confirm-scott-pruitt-ashead-of-the-epa-filings-show/ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/technology/google-education-chromebooks-schools.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/01/facebook-advertising-data-insecure-teens https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/11/facebook-women-on-web-censored-abortionpills Is it zero-sum “Justice” that the privatized and Globally militarily and cyber connected NSA/GCHQ CIA 5-White?-power-alliance piled up the most vicious cyber weapons/ zero-date attacks, but then turns around to blame from Russia, China, North Korea, Syria to Timbuktu when the same cyber weapons are now kicking nearly everyone’s, but not the biggest USA IPO corporations asses? While the Global political, fake news and economic attacks led by Neocons make the International common progressive people’s markets wanna-cry? https://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-slams-spy-agencies-for-stockpiling-vulnerabilities/ https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/13/technology/google-education-chromebooks-schools.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/12/nhs-ransomware-cyber-attack-what-iswanacrypt0r-20 https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/15/wannacry-ransomware-north-korea-lazarusgroup https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2016/jul/15/how-the-internet-was-invented-1976-arpakahn-cerf And yes, “Justice” certainly is based on the fact that ultra-rich, religious right-wing #dataAnalytics FAKE social media and news companies in control of every information, digital data and poll are rigging the whole Earth into perpetual religious terrorism, Nazism and into world wars for their own pyric gains and misinterpretations of “Justice”? https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2017/may/12/wake-up-amazon-google-applefacebook-run-our-lives "robert mercer the big data billionaire waging war on mainstream media": https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/14/robert-mercer-cambridge-analytica-leaveeu-referendum-brexit-campaigns https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijackeddemocracy "Mercer was the owner of Cambridge Analytica, a firm which, as the Observer detailed last week, was spun out of a British firm with 30 years’ experience in working for governments and militaries around the world, specialising in spin “election management strategies”, “messaging and information operations” and “psychological 'psyops' operations”
“Mercer – and his daughter Rebekah – are emerging as key figures in the ascendancy of Trump and, as the Observer details today, the strategic disruption of the mainstream media. A brilliant computer scientist who did pioneering work at IBM in AI, Mercer made billions with Renaissance Technologies, a hedge-fund that specialises in automated trading. As well as financing Trump’s campaign, he encouraged Trump to take on two key advisers – Steve Bannon and Kellyanne Conway – and on Saturday the Washington Post revealed him as one of the owners of Breitbart. Bannon’s role within the Trump administration is being increasingly examined but, until now, Mercer’s connection has escaped the same sort of close scrutiny – particularly with regard to the media.. Facebook "like" he said was their most "potent weapon" https://www.theguardian.com/politics/2017/feb/26/robert-mercer-breitbart-war-on-media-stevebannon-donald-trump-nigel-farage Mercer's Renaissance Technology ( Aggregate IQ, Cambridge Analytica etc.)="Psychographic methodology on another level of ultra-right-wing sophistication"? Is it “Justice” that mega corporations as Uber have been black-mailing, bribing politicians and lawmakers successfully, globally, while the same Tech giants as Uber abuse NSA and CIA’s hacking tech to evade laws, conduct illegal experiments and surveillance on their users and customers, and via “Greyball” through which UBER possibly enabled violent terrorism as the Uber ki ller? https://www.nytimes.com/2017/04/24/technology/personal-data-firm-slice-unroll-me-backlashuber.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/apr/12/why-everyone-hates-uber-seven-stepplaybook https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2017/04/02/technology/uber-drivers-psychological-tricks.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/02/facebook-executive-advertising-datacomment https://www.cnet.com/news/microsoft-slams-spy-agencies-for-stockpiling-vulnerabilities/ Are NSA/GCHQ and CIA limitless power of cyber intrusion, mining and data thefts more the tools of Justice or rather realistic also more and more the tools of easy organized fascistic cyber-crimes and totalitarians’ injustices? https://arstechnica.com/security/2016/08/group-claims-to-hack-nsa-tied-hackers-posts-exploits-asproof/ https://motherboard.vice.com/en_us/article/hackers-hack-nsa-linked-equationgroup?utm_source=mbtwitter http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/39499-peter-thiel-advises-the-president-while-palantir-playsshadow-cia http://www.covertbookreport.com/the-nsa-cia-venture-capital-and-peter-thiel/
http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/catalog-reveals-nsa-has-back-doors-for-numerous-devicesa-940994.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/14/robert-mercer-cambridge-analytica-leave-eureferendum-brexit-campaigns Is it Justice, when in a former KKK-dominated US States and nation with some the highest annual national violent gun deaths of minorities as People of Color, LGBTQ+, Secular Atheists and immigrants and children, Trump’s new Attorney General is a former KKK who openly deny that Secular people and Liberals have the same Judicial legal rights to “Truth” and Justice? https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4643936/sen-sessions-says-secular-attorneys-may-equal-claim-truth http://www.salon.com/2017/04/18/roger-ailes-fake-news-blogs-sockpuppet/ https://www.buzzfeed.com/lesterfeder/this-is-how-steve-bannon-sees-the-entire-world https://www.washingtonpost.com/graphics/politics/mercer-bannon/ https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/03/steve-bannon-to-do-checklist-rabbi-photo
Is it justice the eyes of some brain-washed, simplistic - and some are just plain crazy - religious sadists to legally force girls and women to have unwanted babies, because they are oh-so pro-life, but the same religious unborn-“lives”-Justice-advocacy groups have no problem shooting or executing the same girl or women for violent self-induced abortion in all the religious fundamentalist countries and states where legal safe abortions and medical contraception’s have or are been made illegal ? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/11/facebook-women-on-web-censored-abortionpills https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/01/facebook-advertising-data-insecure-teens Connecting women with doctors who can provide abortion pills if they live in countries where abortion access is restricted, is evidently of existential importance for the whole human race, not just due to over-populations and a "pussy-grabbing" pathologically lying President who with his billionaire Oil and other corporate right-wing cronies is quasi legitimizing rape. “Women on Web provides life-saving information to thousands of women worldwide. Its Facebook page publishes news, scientific information and the protocols of the World Health Organization and Women on Web has answered over half a million emails with women who needed scientific, accurate information essential for their health and life.”; since Facebook intentionally “publishing” of Women on Web based on ideological discriminations from providing life-saving information to thousands of women worldwide, Facebook - illegally so - endangered the lives of thousands of women world-wide, at least for the durations Facebook has had Women on Web “unpublished” Providing legal, medical science-conform, safe abortions and other reproductive health services to women, of all classes and all ethnicities, nations or beliefs is and should be accep ted universal Women's Right and thus a Human Right by now. But it is not, due to religion in politics and religious politicians with extremists and back-wardian agendas.
But reality is: the legal right to legal abortion benefits not only the individual woman seeking abortion and a possibly brain-damaged or otherwise undesired life-long irresponsibility, but legal abortions protects also the self-interests of us penis-carrying human males. Additively the availability of legal, free and chosen use of contraception and abortions are Climate change reducing factors, where-as making abortions illegal and contraception only for the rich available can assured be designated as Global warming- ,due to over-population, social, ethnic, gender- , religious terrorism-,Fascism-, Nazism-, world war- and other -conflicts-dangers increasing factors. For the educated progressive mind the correlations of those factors are obvious, for the religious proselytized/brain-washed simplistic or self-deceiving mind abortion is murder, homosexuality and multicultural fucking unforgivable "sins", while legal guns in churches/houses of worship leading to millions of gun dead globally annually and bombing billions in perpetual wars and conflicts are certainly all a religious form of "Justice" as all the crappy scriptures of anno domino prescribe so many primitive cunning psychopathic religious assholes still who mere abuse religion to disadvantage others and grant an all-inclusive tax-free self-advantage for themselves on the pyramid scheme the never-learning lying religious oligarchs run - tax-free - fueled by Oil-god, guns & war-profits. Is it “Justice” that religious conservative Tech and other billionaires aided and enriched via well -funded fake new, Nazis, religious terrorism, divisions and gun homicides are being the moral censors and sole masters of what is “right” or what is “wrong”? Should a bunch of rich young Libertarian, religious conservative Tech hackers at Uber-Facebook/Fox News/Breitbart/Palantir, Google, Twitter etc all on Adderall and/or on opioids-pills dictate solely globally on the Internet for everyone including other small businesses Globally what is morally correct what ”amoral”, what is “Justice” and what is not so just? https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/11/facebook-women-on-web-censored-abortionpills https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/02/facebook-surveillance-tech-ethics https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/02/technology/uber-investment-saudi-arabia.html https://www.c-span.org/video/?c4643936/sen-sessions-says-secular-attorneys-may-equal-claimtruth http://www.truth-out.org/news/item/39499-peter-thiel-advises-the-president-while-palantir-playsshadow-cia http://www.covertbookreport.com/the-nsa-cia-venture-capital-and-peter-thiel/ http://www.spiegel.de/international/world/catalog-reveals-nsa-has-back-doors-for-numerous-devicesa-940994.html http://www.salon.com/2017/05/01/trumps-biggest-donor-wages-war-against-the-irs-billionaire-robertmercers-fighting-nearly-7-billion-in-back-taxes/ https://theintercept.com/2017/04/25/koch-industries-and-other-corporations-lobbied-for-donaldtrumps-cabinet-picks-filings-show/ https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/14/robert-mercer-cambridge-analytica-leaveeu-referendum-brexit-campaigns
https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/08/facebook-political-aides-campaigns-targetvoters http://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/22/technology/facebook-censorship-tool-china.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/16/facebook-facing-privacy-actions-acrosseurope-as-france-fines-firm-150k https://www.nytimes.com/2017/05/16/technology/facebook-privacy-france-netherlands.html https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/may/07/the-great-british-brexit-robbery-hijackeddemocracy
Is it Justice when ultra right wing billionaires big-data big business investment projects are “specialized in spin “election management strategies”, “messaging and information operations” and “psychological 'psyops' operations”, and Facebook "like" was their, - Mercer's Renaissance Technology ( Aggregate IQ,/ Cambridge Analytica etc.)="Psychographic methodology on another level of ultra-right-wing sophistication - most "potent weapon"?
Is it “Justice” when that same Trump USA is the undisputable sole nuclear power, but North Korea can’t have nukes for “self-defense”? Is it Justice when then such an uber-dominant, religious liars-led nuclear nation forces every other Democratic nation to pay-up protection-money like to the Mafia mob for some slightly possible armed terrorism and militarily invasions by evil-doing Space-Aliens presumably, as Trump is openly demanding before sounding like the BFF of the UN and NATO? Is it truly Justice when arms proliferations and nuclear proliferations are prohibited by military force to any-one else but to the NRA/arms-industry and super wealthy Neocons’ states? Is arming up crazy religious conservative males , KKK and Nazis as well as Islamists on Opioids and on their individual tribal god-drug while glorifying and enabling their violence attires as legal militia and Constitution-approved, and while all equally legally armed minorities and Secular Liberal progressives are portrayed in the media and in front of the unjust Justice systems as criminal gangs, thugs and murderers without any reasons other than colluded tribal and status-racism really Democracy and “Justice”? Is it “Justice” that a foul-mouthed multiple accused sexual harasser, pussy-grabber/ sexual predator and racist con-artistic, sociopathic psychopathic billionaire rapist is now the leader of one of the partially most banally hyper-morally, paranoid guns-and military violence-glorying and religious big business’s taxes- and Ponzi schemes running countries on Earth, after every banana republic, the middle Eastern Islamic opium-and-oil-kingdoms, and pedophiles-safe harbor Vatican with a mainstream media’s superstar pope, and a Nazi one, all with backdoors access to Bannon, etc. and thus Trump? Is it “Justice” that such corrupted religious corporate Nazi billionaires and their elitist henchmen and career-political religious cronies gone global politicians are “spin masters of facts and judicial reality, specialized psychological 'psyops' operations” who are running and ruining the USA and most of world politics, most of world’s real news media, most of world’s politics and most of the world’s Intelligence,
while they in their god-delusion and delusion of power all believe to be the good-doers and the sole masters over all human’s and the planet Earth’s future? Is it “Justice” that a few old rich mentally ill douche-bags families keep condemning to genocides and are setting the majority of the impoverished kept common humankind against each-others alone for Pyrrhic gains and so the super uber-rich religious and other royal con-artists can forever evade scrutiny and Global Reparations for their reckless colluded corruptions, for their funding of mass murders on Secular Progressives and other minority groups, for their ultra-conservative dynastic cronyism and quite frankly for that earth-shattering ethnocentric religious fanatic males’ greed-led incompetence, which have been holding back and strangling the whole Earth and our human species since Centuries now?
Is it “Justice” that ultra-conservative arrogantly ignorant religious White guys are portraying and painting themselves as the innocent victims with absurd delusions as “White genocides”, when there are neither founded data nor reality to base such claims on, but plenty of both to support generations after generations of genocides (on minorities such as brown people, feminist women, LGBTQ+ and Secular Liberals) and bombing of millions of poorer Muslims and other people around Earth into “illegal” migrants, all unjust things led mainly by religious conservative white guys, but to be particular more precise, led globally by religious conservative wealthy guys of all ethnicities and main religions, and enforced by violently opportunistic or “god”-obedient religious politicians and SS officers in the name of their individual tribal myth? Is the oldest organized falsehood “god”/religion/organized pyramid schemes of pedophiles and con-artists alike truly the kind of absurd sociopathic “Justice” a modern Mathematician and so-called Genius as Robert Mercer and his Corporate super billionaires-colleagues Koch’s Trump, Exxon, Saudi’s Vatican’s & Brexit Royals and Facebook etc. want to build their BS religious military “empire” and the future on?
Is it “Justice” that the same 2 old primitive human conflicts factors of approximately 2000 years ago Religious tribalism/monotheistic greed and religious politics/one mythology-sect-based religion in politics, in big business - are still the same factors now in 2017 dictating who is rich and who are poor, life and death and even nuclear war? Is it Justice if we militarily “kill them over there and everywhere” when one or a few violent religious terrorists acting in revenge and/or with religious extreme political agenda? Is it really “Justice” when one religious terrorism is always reacted to with another more organized violent form of violent religious tribalism/terrorism? Is it for the NRA, for the Republican Party, for some Jurors, law makers and judges judicial “Justice” and absolute legally just when any racist or just trigger-happy White killer-Cop on opioids and on god-drug shoot an unarmed Person of Color, minority or “illegal” Mexican-, because the Cop life was certainly in “perceived” danger due to the unarmed suspect, and always gets away with murder well-funded and well lied and the murder case obstructed for by the well-paid off alt-right agents in the right-wing corporate main stream media? https://vimeo.com/124336782
https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/video/2015/sep/01/samuel-dubose-killing-full-dashcam-video https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/post-nation/wp/2016/12/05/mistrial-declared-in-case-ofsouth-carolina-officer-who-shot-walter-scott-after-traffic-stop/ http://www.cnn.com/2015/07/29/us/video-sam-dubose-ray-tensing-chronology/index.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/10/rj-williams-shooting-stephen-mader-firedlawsuit https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/15/connecticut-teenager-shot-dead-police https://twitter.com/gabrielsherman/status/854394416991268864?ref_src=twsrc^tfw&ref_url=https%3 A%2F%2Fwww.cjr.org%2F http://www.salon.com/2017/04/18/roger-ailes-fake-news-blogs-sockpuppet/ https://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/02/technology/uber-investment-saudi-arabia.html https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2017/may/10/rj-williams-shooting-stephen-mader-firedlawsuit https://autoriteitpersoonsgegevens.nl/en/news/dpa%E2%80%99s-investigate-microsoft-windows-10 But it’s not “Justice” certainly when a White Cop refuse to shoot a minority, nor if some poor angry bastards shoot back at racist, or criminal organized KKK or religious SS Nazis-like killer-cops? It’s certainly that same group of quasi legalized minorities and progressives’ mass-killing police who now require the full human rights protection, and Justice against any suspect who attacks or “bully” the godgiven greatest infallible White Order- police must certainly be legally executed. Because the pro-life religious believers are Justice and oh-so pro-life? And big Pharma has expensive execution drugs and Opioids 100 times stronger than Heroin to sell like Warme Semmeln? It’s certainly all just our god-given greatest form of “Justice” that pharmaceutic heroin / opioids are legal, while mainly autistic young adults, Secular Progressives, Liberals, People of Color and immigrants are being framed and blamed as the criminals, the dealers, as rapists and as the “evil-doers”, and who are mass arrested or even shot for mere suspicions of Marijuana? Pills = good, Weed = evil are the simplistic Justice of sociopaths addicted to injustices as they are to opiates? https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/may/26/utah-mormons-prescription-painkiller-addiction https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/to-your-health/wp/2016/02/22/health-officials-push-fda-toadd-black-box-warnings-about-using-opioids-benzodiazepines-together/ http://www.timesofisrael.com/in-pioneering-study-israeli-researchers-target-autism-with-cannabis/ https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/world/2017/04/25/marijuana-pot-treatment-children-autismcannabis-oil/100381156/ https://twitter.com/ProPublicaIL/status/855451681001267200 http://www.thecannabist.co/2017/03/28/opioid-epidemic-manufacturers-senatormccaskill/76236/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=twitter
https://www.cnet.com/news/yahoo-cybersecurity-bob-lord-what-its-like-putting-out-the-fires/ Justice? Was it really “Justice” to impeach Bill Clinton for a BJ in the White House? What if Hillary was OK with Bill receiving the occasional BJ from some-one else? An impeachable Injustice? A bloody “sin” even, according to whom who proclaim to speak in the name of a fictitious religious tribalism dominated crony-capitalistic White and other religious rich-men’s pseudo-Democratic misconception of Justice? Now. IF I was a "President", I’d be having BJ’s, CJ's & FJ’s every week in the WH. And not only from/with my fucking wife! I’d had all the above with a lot of mutual attractive progressive Liberal celebrities and even some porn stars, IF I was a “President. Hell yeah! Which sexually active adult ever said they wouldn’t ever do similar or same? Are just pathologically impotent liars! But our Pussy-grabbing liar Trump? The whole administration should be Court-marshalled: What is far worse than a Clinton's BJ is Trump's Corporate Military-Intelligence and religious Sect billionaires-funded "Russian" fake-news and religious Nazi-Champaign-rains. That, would be Justice, nothing less!
Again one of those insidious subjective, while pretentiously objective word Justice. What is “Justice”? “Justice is blind, Justice is White religious and “Affluent in America”, and Justice is but a word or is it? Let’s look at some examples of the different modern-day’s but primitive simplistic, contradicting definitions and thus miss-interpretations of “Justice”:
Definition of justice 1 a : the maintenance or administration of what is just especially by the impartial adjustment of conflicting claims or the assignment of merited rewards or punishments meting out justice social justice b : judge a supreme court justice —used as a title Justice Marshall c : the administration of law a fugitive from justice; especially : the establishment or determination of rights according to the rules of law or equity a system of justice 2 a : the quality of being just, impartial, or fair questioned the justice of the their decision b (1) : the principle or ideal of just dealing or right action (2) : conformity to this principle or ideal : righteousness the justice of their cause c : the quality of conforming to law 3 : rightfulness or lawfulness, as of a claim or title; justness of ground or reason, conformity to truth, fact, or reason : correctness. admitted that there was much justice in these observations — T. L. Peacock
“Justice is the legal or philosophical theory by which fairness is administered.[3][4][5] The concept of justice differs in every culture. An early theory of justice was set out by the Ancient Greek philosopher Plato in his work The Republic. Advocates of divine command theory argue that justice issues from God. In the 17th century, theorists like John Locke argued for the theory of natural law. Thinkers in the social contract tradition argued that justice is derived from the mutual agreement of everyone concerned. In the 19th century, utilitarian thinkers including John Stuart Mill argued that justice is what has the best consequences. Theories of distributive justice concern what is distributed, between whom they are to be distributed, and what is the proper distribution. Egalitarians argued that justice can only exist within the coordinates of equality. John Rawls used a social contract argument to show that justice, and especially distributive justice, is a form of fairness. Property rights theorists (like Robert Nozick) take a deontological view of distributive justice and argue that property rights-based justice maximizes the overall wealth of an economic system. Theories of retributive justice are concerned with punishment for wrongdoing. Restorative justice (also sometimes called "reparative justice") is an approach to justice that focuses on restoring what is good, and necessarily focuses on the needs of victims and offenders " ("Justice" From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Justice)
“The connectivity that is the heart of globalisation can be exploited by states with hostile intent to further their aims.[…] The risks at stake are profound and represent a fundamental threat to our sovereignty.” Alex Younger, head of MI6, December, 2016 So too naturally can the connectivity of “Justice” be exploited by ultra-conservative states and ultra conservatives in the Corporate Intelligence for colluded injustices to further their ‘art-of-deception” aim for forever blood-dripping profit
growth? Our human reality of “Justice” is actually that Justice is
often to too inaccurate, too corrupt, too fallible and as willfully or accidentally too unjust as any nonprogressive, non-Democratic society - and those richest who pretend to be either or both - can reinterpret and fill with fake virtues and sect-like agenda what Justice actually means and Justice to differ totally for them as it is for others. As with the Diversity of Opinions, of business, of tribal and religious agendas, the diversity of Justice is fluid ever-changing, and not always truly Justice, but cloaked Injustice depending on the economic and political power and anti-social divisive religious “take back our..”agendas : Z.B./ For examples: Trump, the Republican party and Mercer family, with all the legal evidences against so many IF there were actually Constitutional legal “justice” still intact in the USA right now, would be court-marshalled not fired like James Comey, because no-one of the religious Uber-Neocons of Trumpism ever get indicted or Court-marshalled these days anymore for aiding the” enemy” and for treason, but Clinton’s White-house blow-job is still the crime of the century? (Confessions in regard to that: IF I was a "President", I’d be having BJ’s, CJ’s & FJ’s every week in the WH. And not only from/with my wife! Hell yeah! Which sexually active guys ever said they wouldn’t do so? Are just liars!) IF there was actual Judicial Democratic EQAUL Justice independent of status and political cloaks Uber as well as Facebook would have been by begin of June 2017 totally defunct, Uber’s and Robert Mercer’s, Koch’s and Republicans politicians, Russian, Vatican’s & Saudi Arabia’s wealth seized by USA’s and the International Courts, all of Mercer’s family and Palantir’s/ Facebook’s and Ubers’ managers, globally,
thrown into prisons for the art-of-deception abuse as “Greyball”, Zero-Days and for manipulating, bribing black-mailing law-makers and politicians and for using Intelligence cyber-hacking techniques to RIG and hijack International elections to the highest fanatic bidders over many years. IF the Mercers, Facebook or Uber was for example a Secular Black people or Chinese-run corporation, they would have all been drone-bombed by the US military by now and even Russia, China, North Korea, Syria, Israel and Iran would have applauded such. That the exact same are not being even a consideration, not even arrests of those uber-rich religious fanatic and sociopathic world-criminal billionaires who are evidently funding and are hugly profiteering off of religious extremism/ terrorism everywhere just to turn Earth into their religious tax-free dark money-shitting rich Nazis Empire evidently indicates that nation-wide in the USA alone and International Legal Judicial “Justice” vary strongly depending on a group’s financial/ status, on that individual or group’s religious association, on their ethnic/”race”, gender, sex and the amount of political clouts ( aka “Justice”) that money can buy the richest ever-colluding colluding psychopaths on Earth, Justice is evidently relative to the observer, receiver or whom same is denied, and most dependent on “culture(s)”, status, nationality, gender, nepotism, tribalism/religious extremism or progressivism, levels of racism and the levels of instructional accepted injustices and violence in any oligarchic cronycapitalistic neo-theocratic society, which nearly all societies build on ideologies & injustices due to ideologies as mono-culturalism, statism, jingoism, genderism, nepotism and religious fundamentalist empire “growth”-greed all naturally gravitate to become. Justice is kind-of important, while in most common minority- people’s Judicial representative reality Justice is BULLSHIT, bullshit that you and I barely can hope for to get, but the religious fundamentalist and cronyism affluenza-driven rich’s always pay & bribe for and nearly always evade Justice: Be it for massive tax-evasions, or for turning the Western world and Middle East into violent militaristic OILgurgling opiates over-medicated and armed religious “Empire” slaving sick assholes, or for the centuries of fanatic perverts-versions of Abraham’s beliefs’-supported pedophilia, incest, economic “fiscal” slavery, pussy-grabbing ,and raping and even genocidal religious organized/ militarized mass murders, the religious rich men/ political clergies and clerical pseudo-politicians and religious military corporate “Empires”-CEOs who all run on big OIL, big dark-Money and big Pharma. Pills alone have been more or less via globally operating ultra right-wing mega corporate FAKE real-news / religion, religious ethnocentric status-racism dominated Climate Change-Denials, Diversity-Denials, Alternative fake facts & Alternative fake Science and other lucrative make-belief’s the sole benefactors, the Dictators and deciders and Trickle down-receivers of the Injustices/terrorism/gun-homicides and wars they spread alone for profits. ” Justice”? Justice is what human’s and our human societies, our violent Abraham’s and older religions’ influenced and brain-washed rich man’s/ King’s families’ sub-“cultures” in cognitive denials have made of it and make of Justice subjectively, while they all pretend, as with that fraudulent monopolistic fictive uber dick-carrying, kid’s pussy-grabbing crony-capitalists’ favorite imaginary BFF “god”, to be Universal, unchangeable unbendable and equal. Justice is a sweet-sour old LIE, just as the illusion of American or Middle Eastern Democracy with all the crazy religious billionaire wannabe Emperors / wannabe Kings, with a uniformly hallucinated uber-White male “god” and the delusion of power & Justice through force. Violent mindless force and violent deceptions, which all greedy mentally ill rich religious humans - as Mercers, Exxon Facebook Uber-Google, KKK Republicans, Brexit, Nazis and Islamists alike are - with too
many generations of military men and opium/ opioids & god-retarded religious myths educated privileged white-& sometimes brown-skinned self-and everyone deceiving fascistic rich CON-Artists.
Justice is - from the perspective of a mere observer of human greed throughout our human time -a form of societal CON-Artistry, where the real CON to the poor human masses was always more focused in upholding the illusion of social, Judicial and legal Justice: “ You TOO Can! Just believe, vote+ give us+god all your money!” But in the short time and in contracting Space of brown shirt wearing opportunistic mentally ill religious apes of all status, of all imaginary “virtues” and incomes in the ongoing religious fascism and religious Nazism, Justice is as relative possible and impossible as the Trump Administration under President KKK Indiana Mike Pence legalizing the KKK & Mercer’s Christian ISIS as new legal “militia groups” of the new Global 3 Abrahamic nuclear Oil-kingdom’s In-Justice-Department and new-World’s SS officers. Meaning, religious fools: Justice is alone what YOU+I allow to be just or unjust and what laws and loop-hole me, you and everyone allow the richest, cunning , ever-colluding fascistic growthobsessed ( as if it was their tiny dicks & minds the richest ideological greed-driven religious lunatics are all oh-so eager to grow) Corporate unjust ones to get away with In-justices while they are redefining Justice in terms of the dark-ages of totalitarian emperors and kings, an allure which still exist in our mentally ill richest religious leaders as Mercers and all the uber Neocons in the Middle East. The more even totalitarian injustices and the mental illness of the super rich’s are easily predictable, the more rich madmen’s as Mercer, Exxon and Thiel’s Facebook & Uber Google’s all-intrusive A.I. allow automated Global mass surveillance, allow for Global mass incrimination and mass incarcerations /concentrationcamping of minority groups and poor oil-rich minorities’ nations, the more NSA and CIA’s hacking-tools and Zero-date back-doors allow religious fundamentalist Neocons/Nazis everywhere to commit massive Global Intellectual Property thefts and destabilize entire Secular Democracies. Because Automation, drones and military robotics continue to allow the ever-more violently genocidal religious rich’s to loot, rob and kill anyone out of the for them safest distances, the same ways Islamic terrorists, Vatican’s KKK & Nazis, Netanyahu’s violent Zionist hard-liners all call and see all their past and ongoing generations of murdering and mutually shooting and blowing each-other’s families up “Justice” too: It is not Justice which is blind on one eye, it is the religious and the rich men who are blind on both eyes of Justice! Now dearly reader IF you are a Jewish, Islamic or Christian “leader”, a pseudo-political Brexit, US Republican politician, NRA’s law-maker, ALEC & OPEC Inc.’s governor, a Opioids-Hill Billy & “Thug”Ville- Sheriff or any other White- or other religious fanatic xenophobic ethnocentric Nationalists’ “leader” and you think you have the education or even let alone the “Intelligence” to publicly discuss me on your absurd religious belief and your obscured imaginary mis-interpretation of “Justice, white boy, come then dear religious “leader” of BS-me, let’s have an intellectual dance. Because mind-tomind is the second way I communicate, the first is still Fucking for Justice, what I wouldn’t ever consider with any misogynistic xenophobic religious conservative male, nor is war and direct violence my ways, but it is your yahweh’s/ allah’s/ god’s and your-ways- of injustice you all merely still pitifully cloak and pretend to yourselves to be “Justice”, while that same rich religious mad men’s injustice is leading to existential Climate change induced crisis and pathological con-artistic super-wealthy colluding religious Mafia-led Global religious Nazism. Again, what exactly is your exact version of “Justice” you all speak of so arrogantly delusional knownothings-like as you bullshit-artistic and fact-less religious Nazi-dim-wits speak of “OUR Virtues” dear ideological ethnocentric greed led religious and pseudo-political ideology-led BS “leaders” and religious
political Christian fanatic leaders of the USA, of Mercer’s Royal Heilness Brexit Britain and of the everinsidious source of violent militaristic Global Crisis-filled Islamic and Jewish states’ Middle East?? Maybe all this “Justice” rambling here is just a Judicial well-laid out, well-spun all around Earth already and a well-meant to all corporate/fascistic religious political miss-leaders of ours: “Go have a 9 to 12 inch Justice UP your ignorant religious asses!”, or in other words go Fuck yourselves U rich divisive religious Nazi-empire-builders, before we all flood away in your own religious-politicized private-public rich mad-men’s denials of your In-justices soon? I can tell you what real Universal Justice would actually be: “Justice” would for example be when the USA and a whole Middle East first entirely got flooded by all the H20 of the melting Poles and by Sand which moves with tornadic forces on Jupiter, then both regions get hit, no not by humans’ petty nuclear or other destructive weapons, crushed and buried under the dusts of a giant Meteor this year in 2017, inducing the extinction of the whole fucking failed violent experiment called humans. That, sounding as fiction - is the near-future followed by nuclear wars induced by suicidal religious military men-, or we find back to some honest, common-equal and transparent open all-inclusive facts-based level of political and economic communications and Justice ASAP. Because all mass extinction or mass survival, against each-other or along-side-by-side eachothers, all “Justice” or injustice, are as with many inhuman tribal human-things : “Justice” is alone as we choose to do, chose to acknowledge, choose to condone or in blind opportunistic religious tribal brain-washed ethnocentric status-racist gender ignorance just choose to perpetually ignore. Well ignored, until the numbers of injustices and collapses start to engulf us all, including the richest colluding religious asshole’ dynasties’ “big businesses” and Earth. Good luck with your erratic violent childish butt-hurt thoughts dear incestuous Republican Whiteys and all you other self-important imaginary BFF’s believers after reading this my Secular expose of “Justice:, you degenerated dim leading believers and make-believers. Since most will not intellectually evolve to comprehend what Justice really is: It’s Just what you, I and particular our more and more obviously extreme mentally ill and patently dumb religious big business political leaders of cognitive dumb-fakery and dumb-quackery reside on, shit on and decide that is “Justice”. Now. Have some “Justice”, Peace and Love with your daily dumbing-down Uber- religious right-wing oil and Tech god-corporate billionaires-sponsored fake news’s TV-show Justice and PsyOps Video-games training and brain-washing all the Anti-depressants, religious god-myths-BS- and Adderall’s-filled pompous frat-boys to be psychopathic killers for the privatized religious Corporate military and for other equally mental illness driven religious corporate terrorist organizations of bombing + killing-you-for fake god + fake “Justice”-profits.
Best, A “Justice” Monkey Projectheureka LLC in Cincinnati KKK-Republican Ohio Twitter: @projectheureka
P.S.: Apropos, should any of you banally children anal-fucking rich religious Abraham’s nonsensical violent racist religions-sucking assholes who made yourselves to World-leaders have any legally valid issues with what I’m writing or post here (how about you Mr. Billionaire Big Data Nazi “Genius” of wannabe Empire-Boy Robert Mercer, you Peter Thiel? Hey KKK Sessions what about Pence or you degenerated Mercer’s religious KKK Nazi who now head the US Justice Department you son of a KKK grand dragon? Or maybe you Vatican pope, or you Jewish Rabbi or Islamic Iman’s who are oh -so butthurt by my honest open words, you arrogant rich colluding sociopathic cunning fools who are so convinced of the strength of your own falsehood-based primitive tribal belief based on lies and injustices, have so intellectual courage and face me religious minds-to- my Secular mind, lets have an old public discourse you all knew was coming since Centuries before Earth’s and you all go down the same old roads of destructive Abyss for forgotten empires ? Come-on all yeh modern-day religious mega corporate religious and white privileges-sucking old cronies boys, show me your “intellectual” superiority so I can publicly and fully legal on Judicial level in all Courts have a few good Ecular and highly intellectual LOL back at you delusional religious frenetic, ruthlessly mass murders-profiteering colluding rich religious racist dumb-fucks, will you be so nice now in 2017 dear all you “the rich’s” you the religious “leaders” and Global “deciders” of man-made and politicized ideological Scheisse?) have your finest BS-Artists of dumb-cunning-fucking religious University elitist but rather intellectually amusing “Star” lawyers contact me, dear gentlemen-assholes. Let’s get this Judicial Global Status-warParty going, shall we then rich boys? For all it ever requires to bring by the down and fall of all unjust BSEmpires based on FAKE Justice, was always alone one single being with a resolve which forms and give birth to whole new Universes of Justice. To end your Injustices, or you all put an end to your Everything: Launch all the nuclear weapons on Earth kiddoes, lets get’s the Global Warming party really nuclear started, you know to “bring our god & our Trump & Brexit Democracy” to North-Korea and Everywhere as the greatest “Empire-builders”, and the just call all that civilized mad-men organized military big business-run PysOps-Havok, “Justice”? Justice. So. What is “Justice”? Now, your turn. YOU elitist religious conservative University educated “leaders”, you the experts, you the big Data geniuses, and you the super-duper religious Corporate “Winner”-CEO’s, as you the pedophiles-condoning Vatican Popes and other leading modern religious and pseudo-political “super-star” leaders and deceiving deciders, do tell what Justice is, will you be so kind and mind to join the Secular me alone in one universal important debate about the meaning of Justice and more delightfully existential important questions? IF you claim so arrogantly to know some imaginary or big-business-for-ever “growth- “truth”, be ready to deal with fact-based scientific and Judicial facts to rebut your old religious/ tribal cabals-fake “truth” ! Or do you conservative leaders all really lack the intellectual and emotional cognition and facts-based educational maturity to face alone one Secular Atheists who can match and humiliate any of you in thought, in knowledge of your own falsehoods-based primitive greed-led rich-men’s myths, as well as in wit and show that your perceived WHITE and/ or religious Superiority is mere your uniform delusion of and addiction to military power and to your con-artistic mis-interpretation of Justice, which your inherited mental –illness you call “god” make, so many of you poor-rich believers commit. Since generations on-going like automatic Robots built to be all-self-destructive, while they are brain-washed/programmed to believe destruction is Empire-building, which in return is “Justice”. Justice. So. What is “Justice”? Now, your turn, all yeh religious BS-“Justice”-educated simpletons!