Why Chicago was legal not “hate-crime”-Per-say The things defined as “hate crimes” in any extremely religious fanatic, divided nation dominated by institutionalized and militarized ethnic, jingoistic, xenophobic, status-elite cronies-led religious extremist Americans-led hatred are as mysterious as the ways USA is a Democracy and actually not officially the most genocidally deadly racist fascism for brown and other poor people not just domestic but globally, even before Russian-Oil and alt-right’s fake news Dollars’s Fuhrer-elect Donald Trump: 1. The entire right-wing private US corporate media landscape ( which is 95% of US’s news ) of the USA colluded, refused to call and work with the “Black” President Obama the “President” for the past 8 years? Not a hate-crime according to USA’s utmost grandiose hate-criminals: US law-makers and GOP ALEC NRA and other similar supremacist hate-crime cartels 2. The USA still among the few nations on Earth to deny a person his White side by calling mixed-racial ,highly educated high formate male politicians and even other famous mixracial people as ONLY “the Blacks”; which is a 1-percent Blood Reinheit-doctrines only Hitler’s Nazis had. Does our “go-given greatest “ religious conservative hate-criminals led USA consider such institutionalized denials of interracial people full heritages? Nope! Not a hatecrime! And that 1%-Blood = “Black”-doctrine of the fanatic conservative part of USA is not even considerer Internationally a hate-crime regardless of its obvious Naziheritage. Not yet in UN Geneva at least, but evidently a necessary step in 2017 assure USA’s continuous denial of people full heritages/ “assimilation” as constituting US Neocons-led white supremacy led hate-crimes! 3. Fox News, CNN, Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck etc. etc, nearly all of Ohio’s private corporate BS local “news” anchors/ our self-designated local TV “Stars”, Steve Bannon, Murdoch/ Roger Ailes, Peter Thiel Facebook, Koch Brothers, Big Pharma, Oil and powerful religious cartels and countless other wealthy KKK Nazis-like private Corporate propaganda fake news fake-“Journalists” collude and spread absurd crazy misogynistic racist fake news and white washed BS crime data to justify a non existing but supposedly ongoing “white genocide” alone to loudly deny, hide and cut off the globally justified Reparations demands/Suits against the Western, Caucasian and against all modern pseudo-Democracies / oligarchic religious billionaires Kingdoms for their crimes against Humanity, centuries ongoing genocides on POC on lgbtw, on feminists, liberals, Jews and Muslim, and on children and adult with emotional, physical or cognitive disabilities/ cognitive “ Retards”. All that is what? Not a hate-crime certainly, as long as all the absurdly religious fanatic White supremacists and religious conservatives commit all the hate-crimes against others! But an educated American moralism and Justice system for white supremacistsquestioning Alien “retard” who openly call cognitively and emotionally retarded wealthy
conservatives -whom are equally as they are religious mentally ill US American humans we all experience daily,- out as “retard”, the same religious White republican US Nazis certainly would like to see declared a hate-criminal or shot like a insignificant toy in an ALEC & NRA big pharma cartels orchestrated racist religious Ohio’s gods squadspolice raid for smoking Marijuana too, while the religious fanatic xenophobes are all ignorant to the fact that a larger part of the USA in itself is the essence, and domestic and International representation of hate-crime in countless ways sadly: 4. More than 33,000 violent gun homicides/ deaths annually, more than 1,300 Americans, immigrants and tourists shot and killed by police yearly ( all “voluntary reported” to the White supremacist police’s BFFs at female DNC-election rigging Republican FBI Director “ FergusonEffect”-James Comey, FYI), where most unsolved violent gun deaths/homicides of primarily innocent minorities, teens, the poor, lgbtqchildren and adults, and people with special needs. While GOP law-makers and NRA’s billionaire guns and fake news Barons rob their greedy-blood dripping KKK hands even live on TV while salivating after ever violent dead of a minority. While the most medications-addicted rich fake news Barons on Earth act so like deranged xenophobic greedy sociopathic monsters who be-yammer every imaginary and the rather very few real committed violent reverse-hatred against a white person as in the Chicago “torture” case of a special need. All the violent gun homicides and the circles of rich monsters who get rich when more Americans kill each-other with guns? Not hate-crimes certainly! Just rich racist, ultra religious conservative White elites’ money-shitting business since centuries: Profiting of domestic injustices, mass killing of Americans and immigrants, and orchestrated domestic war-fare on brown people as Neocons’s BIG business? Not hate-crimes as long as you fund and profit off killing of more POC, lgbtq, feminists, atheists and other religious people, correct ALEC Facebook, Google, NRA GOP, largest richest religious cartels, and USA’s Police Unions leaders? 5. The big city of mobsters and religious Mafia (immigrated Russian Italian, EasternEuropean and American cartels-run) Chicago and the Chicago police run secret torture prisons; homicides on minorities in Chicago and while People are in police custody for bagatelles are off the roofs; Black and minority students are perpetually shot not only in Chicago but in the whole racist religious extremist White big business governors-led Tristate ( Ohio, Indiana KY= alt-right Nazi Fuhrer Trump’s states! Exception being Bloomington Indiana alone) on their ways to schools or on US College campus, but in our STASI NSA FBI and CIA-White Uber-Intelligence-filled, and street and business surveillance cameras-filled police state USA the victims are - unlike with religious conservative or affluenza-rich connected Caucasians - fascinatingly always blamed to be the culprits of their own ongoing murdering. simply because of unusually singled-out cases a in the Chicago kidnap story, where all details and their motives are missing, nor will those Black Teen culprits be bailed-out with dark-money coming from a “secret donor”, nor will those Black teens be publicly interviewed and questioned like Stars” for psychopaths on TV, nor will they be adequately defended, and rewarded with MILLIONS of $ - unlike for White who cold-bloodedly murderer minorities or for similar offenses, as George Zimmerman and countless racist Killer-Cops are well- rewarded for, for killing unarmed Black people, unarmed lgbtw and poor White liberal people alone with a “suspicion” of something-something. Such criminal organized Cops can certainly make
up believable stories with a bag of Weed the Cops plant on a dead body, whitewash the crime reports and voila another case fabricated to justify the callous hate-crime murders of yet another unarmed minority even while the racist Cops wear body camera, choke, gang-beat, rape and shout racist insults at the dying person on Cam more than indicating clearly premeditated hate-crimes and “hunting Niggers-attitudes of militarized Steroids-addicted, religious extremist US Cops, but such organized US Killercops still always walk away with murders since centuries. Because their Tech Corporate alt-right Nazi buddies will hide the evidence dash-cam tapes ( Some hackers have previously revealed that some few obviously mentally ill emotionally sick USA’ Cops shared their kill-lists and dash-cam murder videos via the dark web and USA not-so secretive surveillance network with each-others as a form of White/ Cop-honor-killing psychopaths/Nazis trophies to encourage each-others of some sort. or the indicting scenes will be cut out /blurred for “public” consumption, too graphic for your god-given greatest American eyes I suppose in one of Earth’s most violent places? I’ve seen and investigated too many of those US police dashcam-killings of unarmed/supposedly armed minorities ( Most are retarded mis-educated/ mis-informed Black Idiots who pull their Phones on crazy trigger-happy police officers only to record the BS, instead of wearing at least one of their cameras like I do since 2006 here in this religious conservative KKK-Ville’s of Indiana and Ohio USA openly and hands-free voicecontrolled!), Cops collude then, lie and fabricate and plant gun or drugs later are all old methodologies of the KKK in police FYI) on the Net to count, and hardly any of them were in any reasonable non-racist ways justifiable, particular IF compared to the same Cops talking to military rifles armed white supremacists while the storm the house of an armed Black women and shot the poor Women with her baby live on Facebook and Facebook is still illegally witholding those and many other footages to-date to the national and International public and International Courts. Then there are White gangs and US Cops who collude to murder Black lives matter and other political activists in jail ( You can induce death in people alone by tying them up a certain way: The USA police has since the era of KKK being killing people via such suffixation /lynching. And modern USA’s militarized police were trained by Israel on that particular old sadistic form of torture and hideous assassination-technic: “I can breath”-militarized police-induced-death cases of various minorities has so far being the result of those USA-Israeli Police-“joint-training” ) and merely just collude to claim those minorities committed suicides as happened various times around the USA but, since the oligarchic White and incompetent idiot corporate media never really investigate anything factual, those police induced homicides on minorities are white-washed reported in 30 seconds sequences and swiftly toss aside for another paid BS advertisement story about another one of Trump’s immensenly “retarded” Hitler Nazis-imitating Tweets. IF not for the Guardian, Mother Jones, Pro-Publica, Democracy Now etc. there would be NO real-news in the USA just corporate right-wing cartels funded garbages, misinformations, religious shows, and racist xenophobic propaganda. On the so-called “balanced”- fake-news-side the corporate right-wing media’s white supremacist /religious conservative US American extremists of the highest order, murderers, are always portrayed as little White angels, who can’t harm a fly but certainly only collect massive numbers of guns and bullets just for recreational “relaxations”, and White US Cops who wear Confederate or Nazi flags and Hitler tattoo while they murder another minority male? No hate-crime, nothing but coincide and all
good white Christian boy who just showed he values his “White heritage”. Prayers and charity rains for white torturers, wife-beaters and murderers, but orchestrated and Twitter and on Facebook well-funded and massive numbers of PAID trolls- and Botssupported fake White Genocide” -outrages when some poor sick minority assholes do what White Neocons have done and do for centuries? No hate-crime but the usual US American hate for one-another which the NRA, all mayor religions most-likely, and the private news sociopaths all secretly fund to profiteer from like good little sociopathic-psychopaths of the post-truth religious fascism 2017. The USA, alone due to such excessive egomaniacal tribal, misogynistic racist greed-led conservative Caucasians and other religious sociopaths in such a hugely institutionally discriminating ultra religious conservative fake “News” media and leading International media organizations as Google and Facebook are all commiting so some of Earth’s most atrocious hate-crimes, - just like Hitler’s over -medicated violent antisemitic society’s propaganda ministerium against Jewish, LGTQ, atheists and other middle Class and poor people - just for their own financial greed. 6. USA is most assuredly leading in 2016/2017 the bully nations top 5: we have the highest numbers of psychopathic opioids-/heroin, cocaine meth and other deadly chemical drugs-addicted and most heavy armed conservative White guys on Earth, while Marijuana the poor people’s, Liberals’ and minorities’s natural Medicine is considered in USA a Schedule 1 drug where a Confederate shirt wearing US cop can blow your heads on police cam for as a Black person alone for “suspicions”. Suspicions his buddy confirm by planting drugs or gun on the dead body. But is all that in a former and ongoing fro thzt matter historically most violent cruel racist nation, USA? Nope! No hate-crime when racist Cops shoot and kill innocent blacks. White religious Killer-cops simply claim self-defense, ramble some BS story out of their Steroids abusing and criminally racist colluding asses, plant drugs and walk free as millionaires in shamble TV court cases run via fake and cognitively totally incompetent preselected, and fanatic greedy opportunistic White ultra conservative prosecutors and mere retarded hand-picked White idiots as Juries, who are all funded secretly by ALEC, NRA and Trump’s GOP for their pyrrhic games of perpetually making tons of money with fake news and correlating resulting hate-crimes = WINNING, everyone else are made the dead LOSERS! But is all that considered hate-crime by our greatest psychos-led pseudo Democracy? Mit-nichten all that is just The American way of doing business: institutional religious racism and kill, kill keep killing, just like exactly as Islamists . 7. Google denies for the longest time in it’s search engine ranking that LGBTQ Feminists and Immigrants are “good”, Google Eric Schmidt had “Audience” with the new pope, Steve Bannon allied with the dark Nazi corners of the first Nazi pope as the “voice of the pro-life movements and military-armed alt-right KKK and religious White and/or Islamic Nazis whom those ethnocentric genocidal greed-led uber-religious conservative Neocon m/billionaires elite brain-washed, who then go on shooting rampages on the most-promising children of diversity, who burn down planned Parenthood and shoot abortion Doctors and Liberal feminists politicians and RIGG the USA election
supposedly for Russia) for their Corporate Furher Trump. Now would our god-given greatest sociopaths of religious Abraham’s big money elites of the 3 same old myths consider to declare all that HATE-CRIME? Nope! Handful of angry dumb minorities who do similar alone are in comparisons immediately considered and declared hate-crimes by our god-given greatest nuclear pills-head-nation of religious Nazis-like American m/ billionaires. Google and Facebook denied via their secretive “predictive” Algorithms quasi racial and gender equality, as well as the Holocaust. The same alt-right NSA Tech billionaires-led corporations deny additively global minorities/ POC, migrants and Liberals their equal rights to Free Speech, Privacy and Intellectual property protections, and the facts that those US right-wing religious corporate billionaires are allying with religious extremists, White supremacists and possibly took in billions in Russian fake-news and bribery money and from ISIS secretly too? Not a reason for ANY International hate crime Investigation, it’s just good WHITE religious American boys’ big business in KKK GOP’s totalitarian god& guns-led America! Nothing to see here, Ant LOOK away: That Google, Facebook, other right-wing ALEC & NRA private Corporations are hugely profiting and grabbing International power from through same hate-crimes they foment, instigate, willfully allow to happen and profit from via fake news and much more I’m not to disclose here? Not a hate-crime, nor a crime nor offense ! Just say Heil Hitler to Google and Facebook as in Heil Facebook / Heil Google the masters of what is fake-news, bullying and what is hate-crime: Everything everyone else does, - what megalomaniacal delusional affluent (White) religious conservatives commit on daily basis since centuries-, is hate-crime. But in the rich what-ever-it-takes Liars-BARONS and other mentally ill sociopaths whitewashed world, White Neocons can never be wrong, just as Islamic terrorists funded by rich fanatic Saudis and equally crazy Jewish Land-Gewinnung/ land- thieves: After-all, all religious organized wealthy criminals and sponsors of religious murderers with an imaginary “god” on their (Whitest god-given / god-whatever) sides can’t do wrong, right?! And after-all, how can a bunch of rich self-absorbed ignorant elite of religious big business Universities-educated loonies and over-paid sociopathic agent provocateurs, the cognitively ill males and female Bimbos in the private US corporate news and all the self-righteous mindless greed-driven lying sacks of uneducated opinions-spouting, hyper- religious nepotistic idiots employed on US TV and sold to all of us as entertainment crap for deranged violent religious fanatic dumb people? News by rich totally dumb White and black religious conservative US American assholes alike various US KillerCops, who openly violently hate the poor, Brown people, middle class Jewish and ordinary Muslims. And where Atheists are even more openly hated, constitutionally institutionally ignored ( even by the idiotically cowardly mixed-racial religious “Black” TOOL, President Obama and hideously organized big business cartels discriminate against non-believers, lgbtq and others as it is the case in this violent KKK mega church millionaires-led Tri-state) And the corporate greed for rounding up Brown people and Immigrants are justified with BS reports fake news, creepy irrelevant and redundant Corporations-generated data, which are only always designed to obstruct the reality of racism, Nazism and the profitability of instigated violence for the richest Neocons, for religions and GOP in the USA. After all: HOW can any such bat-shit crazy hyper-religious old Nazi Germans or/+
Jewish- descendants concepts of opportunistic private corporate News anchors & pretense TV-Journalists who are visibly and provable on all kinds of psychopathyinducing big Pharma pills in Ohio who cite the fucking Bible more, and spout ever-more hideously fabricated FAKE advertisements on the pretentious colluded and badly fabricated good that White Cops and right-wing Corporations’ charity scams do after every KillerCops incidents, than they report any real news in details be any wrong so close to imaginative childish delusions? Not hate-crimes certainly! Just assholes in the “news” and rabble-rousers for profits and fatalistic US law-makers allowed to lie and thus so justify the discrimination, defrauding and the killing of the real majority of people ( POC, Women, lgbtq, migrants, non-religious ect.) in America. Alone for pyrrhic religious goals and for profits: Religion’s tax-free charities and religious leaders political powers rise after every hate-crime violence ( why shouldn’t crazy pathologically lying clergies of any BS religion not fund violence which makes them rich and important? Wouldn’t YOU?!) . No surprise here at least that one of the White Nazi clergies in Chicago is openly laying more fire into the burning religious Whitey-house of violence by being allowed to put out “head-money” on ABC’s TV-program on whom he deem criminals, just like his equivalent Islamic brain-washers of violence. Just that if those particular violent religious Islamic terrorists leaders appeared on any ABC programs and spout such similar dangerous “head-money” crap, the FBI will immediately act and the MFs would be shot dead on the next street-corner by the police and no single Police cam would not be “coincidentally defect” for that exact moment. Not so the same equivalent case when an obviously deranged White KKK dude dressed up as pastor call up for more murders in Chicago. Murders for which that asinine White “pro-life” Chicago priest, who should have been arrested or at the least fully NSA-wide investigated for possible involvement in, and profiteering off of Chicago’s high homicide numbers - IF then the USA was actually a sane country of the laws, what it is clearly thus alone not - by planting head-money on brown people’s head White armed religious gangs go on killing in Chicago one must certainly suspect if one is reasonable intelligent adult and investigators. Particularly with Google’s Eric Schmidt’s and Steve Bannon’s suspicious closeness to the extremist wings of the Vatican where an old and very angry German Nazi and the second/first pontifex still reside. All of that is what? Not a hate-crime, nor even a considerable connected crime to anything. Must be good to be rich, white, religious and male: Unlimited possibilities to be a sociopathic dick! Now A few mindlessly psychopathic adolescent, poor, Black young “retards” kidnap, bully, hurt and kind-of tortured another ‘”retard” of their opposite ethnicity -a White “retard”of whom we know nothing exact leading to the corroborated crime in the video yet of except he is autistic (“retard” as I choose to call it since Autism is no stranger here) -, in what resembles what far too many nerds, - who went through USA violent BS education-system dominated by violent pyramid-shaped fascistic ethnocentric patriarchal military-like violent hyrachies of conservative wealthy sociopathic psychopaths - will tell you what many of them went through in school. From having their heads shoved in the toilet, to getting humiliated, robbed daily by school gangs and highschool kids and college and elite fraternity boys filming themselves committing violent date-rape and gang-rapping, hazing, and bullying of others just be be accepted and part of the great American “team” of opportunistic to-be-leaders. Ruthless opportunism,
taking what is others violently, via instigated and colluded conflicts and wars or alone through absurd mass deceptions/ fake-news etc. propaganda involving violence is in the US American Genetics inbreed, as is the deficitar affinity to violent religiosity here as well as in many violently socially and emotionally primitive and hyper-religious areas of Earth still. Fazit is: Many US American children are as much of violent sociopathic liars as are the wealthiest most influential adults who are put forth in front of them to be their idols: pussy grabbing racist imbecile whom Russia and a global Oil and war-Mafia bought the US Presidency, pedophile Clergies who are oh-so pro-life but killing people for smoking Marijuana, for being Brown or Godless, pro-abortion or LGBTQ must be certainly become a “god”-funded-killing for church-Dollars; Police officers who carelessly kill unarmed innocent minority teens receive big promotions and even human “rightsprotections” are loudly considered for USA’s white and other killers in police uniforms , we, (I live among you never-learning religious American idiots ergo Ia tiny part of you, you have lost: Your own lost Reason), are so the greatest in being hate-crime criminals, that all that “greatness”, goodness and god-given god-like delusions are coming out of our ears and asses we carry on our shoulders like nuclear waste pushing our brain-matter aside, preventing those fatalistic egomaniac religious idiots who lead this rotting violent rock called Earth from thinking. How could I suspect such god-loving, children-fucking, holier-than-thou religiousfanatic Oil & STASI-Tech billionaires and professionalized liars barons in all religious societies where children already lie so ruthlessly and so bluntly that their lies lead to others being murdered or committing suicides, and where police induced homicides are regularly cloaked as Black-on-Black- homicides or suicides- of such crimes on-going since Centuries? Simple: Because those religious supremacists colluded fake-news, Ferdinand-Effects/ hate-crimes against the middle class and the poor are ongoing since Centuries you extra-ordinary ignorant, un-read, jingoistic know-nothings of religious psychopaths on far too many big Pharmaceutic pills and with a bottomless cultivated ethnocentric tribal greed as your gray-matter. Any nation which callously carelessly enabled, enact, glorifies any what-ever-it-takes monopolistic monotheistic primitive violent religion, an imaginary white King-god/ yahweh/allah, all forms of deadly utmost lucrative organized mass deceivers and criminal cartels, guns/nuclear drones violence, total violent militaristic mass surveillance / total dominations, who fund the further impoverishing of the poor, minorities, and bluntly denies Diversity as well as Evolution and Climate change bluntly like sociopaths, while it promoting selling and condoning the torture and deadly wars on all others who differ as THEIR go-getting Life-success attitude to have no matter how dumb, absurd primitive religious psychopathic pathological liar as all clergies and Gambling cartel-leaders as Trump naturally are, or most of the GOP are just to get what-ever you desire? It is nothing more but a fucking hate-crime deep within and not in anyway a Democracy, nor is anything the GOP politically and economically stands for a sign of a sane US society nor pro-Americans. The quintessence of a sociopathic society dictated by religious extremists and racist Nazis is their callous disregard of count-less in-facts decades and generations of White hate-crimes against all others -, hate-crimes which Caucasian religious conservatives organized to commit against others, while when a few retarded Black American adolescents film themselves on billionaire Nazis led
Facebook how they bully and quasi torture another retarded White? That’s a: “White Genocide Hate-crime and kill all Black people in Chicago”; certainly is not. Ask yourselves: Is what Dylann Roof etc etc etc., George Zimmerman, Ray Tensing and countless racist and annually repeatedly murderous US White Cops who are counting defense-Dollars after ever murder of innocent minorities “Hate-crime”, dear conservative White Republican America? Is what those asinine Black adolescents did a “hate-crime” against a person with special need? Undeniable Americans. But, look into the back-mirrors of your own hate-crimes: Those Chicago Afro-Americans’s hate-crime are just a mirror of American hatecrimes. Because those torturing, bullying, violent, sociopathic hate-crimes committing teens you all witness over and over again in news-reports and on the surely swelling dark money fueled GoFundMe “White Genocide”-Charity Dollars and on the death penalty demands for “hate-crimes” against greatest Whiteys -Ape, which the alt-right and GOP’s religious far-right extremists will demand. Just like the predictably barbaric White degenerated, self-endangering selfishly colluding opportunistic wild “cultivated”-also known as brainwashed- animals they and their equals the crazy Islamists are. Simply to distract from Trump’s Mafia Nazi Administration and to justify further more increase homicides on POC, on women, Lgbtq, atheists, and on other religious idiots as a Black on Black crime. One case of Black on White violence on video will be hyped and exaggerated in Chicago police wide-conspiracies, salivating of their banal “White genocide”-case, while the whole racist White conservative US clan are totally blind to the reality of many things. Including how mentally ill religious and mega corporate leaders play the human society violently against each-other while they have their biggest Investments and dark money in arms-sales, mass surveillance and mass incarceration big business; not in charity and for the good of people do religion and crazy Corporations in USA and all those absurd religious Kingdoms invest, but in victimizing, kidnapping and mass murdering people Look into the mirror USA, and all you who worship any of the old idiocy of either of the 3 religions. Look and see that the Chicago Afro-Americans’s hate-crimes are the mirror-image of religions as well as USA’s most common and usual hate-crimes: They are the violent mirror of a violent future for war-Dollars you greedy religious idiots consciously created up till now, brain-washed and fed with violent NRA funded mindnumbing religious or/+ military garbages as “entertainment”; War stories dressed up as fancy-sexy Tech movie flicks for lovers of mass genocides and mass shooting-orgies in movies and video-games, where Teens as young as 10 rape, kill and lay havoc of destructions to entire civilizations in fancy Video games daily, just to "relax" as they say, so many such violent US American Kids have been big Pharma over-medicated into sick, obedient silent/ ignorant psychotic dim unquestioning religion dumb-down violent puppies, who are polluted with lead in water and in their neighborhoods in forms of bullets before they are even 8 years old, born kept alive and existing only to fill USA’s private prisons, for criminal Fast Food Corporate chains -who serve you chemical poison as food and pretend to such good Job-creators, but are modern-days low-wage slave-owning cabals - and as Cannon-fodder for military and the violent private arms-
industry funded military police state of pussy grabbers, torturers rapists and murderers. Now IF the Chicago hate-criminal would have been Whites, the Chicago police or CIA would have possibly hired them off the ground as their newest employees for their secret torture chambers around Earth? And Facebook would have cut the hate-crime video within 30 seconds for that matter, since anti-Diversity, misogynistic and openly altright supporting racism, that’s how that fraudulent Tech Corporation co-founded by the German-American Republican Trump CIA Nazi as Peter Thiel seem to operate not just via their Algorithms but in collaborations with GOP NRA, Vatican and other rich religious Nazis, Islamists and Jewish settlers’ well-funded fake-news armies and deaththreatening Nazi & alt-right and ISIS trolls. Neo-fascism comes to America armed with a Bible in one hand, private corporations owned nuclear drone bombs in their other hand while claiming WHITE GENOCIDE and WAR on religion. While the reality of is: war as well as genocides are committed by religions run as a business and religious governmental big businesses run like religion by violent religious extremists in high positions who have kidnapped the USA and parts of Earth, just as those violent young Black Chicago clan kidnapped and torture the hopefully innocent autistic white boy, so are asinine crazy selfishly and violently lying religious conservatives everywhere are torturing all of us and the whole planet Earth. Are the violent 3 Abraham’s religions and violently armed and nuclear weapons-enforced genocidal White and religious extreme supremacy now violently enduring Centuries now to be declared a “Hate-crime”? Sadly not quit yet. But clearly either should and will be declared a severe form of hate-crime, or no-one should! ( Example IF the Chicago case is “hate-crime” we can agree on case, so should judicially G Zimmerman killing, Ray Tensing killing and any obvious religious White racists’ hate motivated violent acts against minorities must be retrospective declared hate-crimes or that case should be fucking dismiss and the USA can prepare to meet the entire POC around this planet Earth of us on the judicial battle fields called the UN Geneva courts. Where I single will take legally you down in ways you can’t yet imagine) Because the relationship and discrepancy of what White religious conservative people in the USA self-righteously Nazis-like declare to be “hate-crimes” and what is never is absolutely mere subjective white-washed Nazi-recycled elite KKK-Republican Neo- McCarthyism-garbage. But not the real interpretation of the laws or is them doing so actually in anyway on International level acceptable nor legal: It’s as if Hitler’s Nazis collude to blame the Jewish people 4 other Jews disappearance into Concentration camps, and they use the case of a few Jews who beat or killed some hateful Germans in defense to claim all Jews / US POC are hate-criminals and all of Hitler’s Germans/ US White Neocons are innocent lambs. It doesn’t work that way legally on International level. Except certainly in fanatic Nazis’ deranged white supremacist /or religious supremacists’s empty violent minds The USA is since a very long time an on-going breathing, living, walking hate-crime and institutional racism and the closest thing I am aware of to inducing a Global Fascism and Nazism again, with International religious oligarchic patriarchal “Allies”. It is thus not up to a few violent kids who commit senseless hate-crime on video on that religious
White Nazis-led Facebook to change that, but you pedantic Americans all evidently have to change. “Change thyselves, assholes!”, now that’s a “Change “ I’d gladly would have signed on rather than your general garbage “change” in Dollars, YEN or Euro Obama? Or, trust on these Americans you can all go fuck yourselves the next possibly violent 100 years through the International courts for your Centuries of domestic religious fanaticism-led colluded discriminations, frauds, physical and emotional torture and genocides on Brown people, lgbtq, atheists, feminists, POC and on the poor Whites and Liberals alone to enrich yourselves. Also known as modern religious oligarchic fascismled slavery and organized violence on the innocents, you know precisely the kind of hate-crimes those kidnappers in Chicago committed too?! Well, I guess the electricity of the anthropogenic accelerated changing climate you all so love to deny in your colluded liars’s syndromes for sociopathic profiteer is further faster decaying your remaining few sanity containing braincells than any Science or your imaginary gods could ever predict. Get well soon dear fellow Americans, dear people of Earth. Try to heal yourselves from your lucrative hate-crimes business. E.g. by looking inwards and taking on judicially Globally not the US Government per-say, but the NRA and the sociopathic mass-murdering biggest investors in hate-crimes within the GOP and in form of super rich Corporate religious leaders . Less violence as entertainment guns, god, Opioids, Adderall, Viagra and CocaineAlcohol-cocktails consumptions and more legal Marijuana would also bring your brains and emotional states further faster into what could be considered an evolved gear. But who am I talking to anyway? This degenerated violent mentally ill ape specie that we humans all represent has learned NIL of the same lesson every messenger in every human generation tried to teach. Neither will any of you idiots existing now in 2017 learn shit, but have to repeat the same mistakes like broken records over and over again lost in your circle of revenge to hate-crimes and hate-crimes as revenge as your imaginary idol “god” certainly did too, since he is just a by males supremacist imagined deranged White King of his time. King Yahew/allah/blah-blah-put your imaginary BFFs-name here was assuredly very much a dumb and psychotic Mensch and alike Trump a mighty fucking liar. As far too many of the absurd, but violent followers of our egomaniacal religious tribalism still just are. The Chicago “hate-crime” is the mirror-image of all religions’s as well as USA’s glorification of violence and hate crimes. Teenagers merely copy their violent idols and the idiocy of religious opportunistic successes, as that of their President-elect Trump and violent clergies who offer “head-money” in a gun-filled KKK society, where every Meth-addicted asshole believe they are the US American version of a trigger-happy lesser cognitive James Bond, with the U.S. Constitution-given license to kill the Blacks, the poor, the non-religious and the “retards” just like Hitler’s very Christian SS. Stop your whining believers, I know the oldest hate-crimes/ the stories of Abraham’s myths too. The guns and violence filled hate-crimes of dumb- and poor kept religious believers and nearly legally all-mighty religious US “gods squad” killer-cops now are the realization of hate on which all the religions of Abraham’s and correlated crony capitalistic opportunists taken to extreme are built on and derive their power and wealth from. Simpler said Hate-crimes = Religion = Crony capitalism / what-ever-it-takes-
dogmas/ organized Ignorance/Statism etc.pp Let’s face it. Religious Crony-capitalism is a hate-crime committed against all of us leading consequently to a lot of by crazy religion-enticed individuals’s hate-crimes and revenge hate-crime acts sponsored by the Neo KKK /alt-right and NRA’s NeoMcCarthy-states. Where fanatic tribalism/ religion/ ethnic imagined supremacists and uber corporate arms- and pharmaceutic heroin-fueled, mass surveillance, secret torture prisons and election rigging patriarchal misogynistic racist cronyism always make themselves to the winners and everyone else to the losers economically? Well, there people, that’s were religion-induced hate-crimes and crazy religious sadists, rapists, torturers and mass murderers are always at home. And all reason will leave such a violent home. Last part mean: this reasonable “retard” and pacifistic small biz owner in the fatalistic religious fundamentalist racists-run Ohio, not religious, looks for a new non-religious, Whites’- and other crazy religious supremacists- and deadly hate-crimes-free country and city to immigrate to. This crazy religious nonsense dictated place stink of senseless hate-crimes and of gun violence, and I am allergic to both. Since clearly, a growing part of U.S. America, Russia and the Middle East have gone nuts on fomenting and profiteering hate-crimes. While white supremacists controlled security big business and religious extremism are on the rise the Corporations-operated and religious fascism- benefiting hate-crime after hatecrimes is driving a whole Earths nutso. Why Chicago case doesn’t objectively legally constitute “hate-crime”-Per-say? The USA is a partially severely mentally ill, religious fanatic guns-glorifying, ethnic division and hate-crimes profiteering militaristic country since over 2 centuries: Those torturous Chicago-four’s hate-crime are US.
Best Regards, Anthony Endres Projectheureka LLC